BUSINESB CARDS SAMUEL 0.. WINGARD, ATTE/RAINY AT LAIN, 4fiirbiriCr, Nu. tic: GRANT tv , ,Verotn t'.., xtrE4 - ur.l3 .1. I,u Atti.alle3 at Law, el Atm, kuurtli PIS nigh, but woo,and Oherry &I y. Aocl1:13 7urk,reuri Detitieit, sueueseur itidaw, Nu. 14-I oNut.htivid estruot. Nkrir Jib, hours from nto 1 lock, mud iroru to 5 ts'cl,c reblody k Dentin, fourth street, fin© tiouri ~J wear et tioorn , nun o 0,1,4 D. N. to t o'ctoci: t• niectltq tiSCItOONMAKER, Nlan ufa,cturer ui - . \N ult.(' Lead, lit-Li Lca, ~.i1,..., L..11.,L, Litharge, Puu), a.. "I ilUioB,l o L'...aler ui Oil, rwi,L., aruinhen, rti.rpiiatil. , , k.c..., Ao. 2.4, , t oc..i ztTlltt, PitidLtir,4ti. iuy..:l J uSEPti FLEMINU, successor to L. corner of Market ,truct and tLe Diwnoc , l I) u Land a lull aaaarttaent ul DRUGS, MED t.z., L1):!_'1 E ri UMEItY, and ail L.r • clet perttunatg to la:maw , . adr hourt 1 IV. (iliADWIA_;i‘., denici in iilait.LlCS..4 1.• it Ati: , and P.Sl'l-;} , c, No. TIP atree,.. Lelow 6,1.11 r, l'nt , t , nrwl, /2(4 -- The higho, t I,Ahl for !el W & Cu., importers anu dutlere In 1.1,1,11 3:11 .111.11.1 - ICial iN ViC,..l vot, i'lLtetnir.;li 4tir6, alauw—Clll.l,3Bo: Delic:oar, et Cu., Paris. nuv7 ijo,yii) t2.IIPIiELL ,' , i. 7,2t)ILE:L POL- Luca i_.‘, [l,3l.C.latud LJgt•LII , I" kit..l, , f t n r ,ty, t " titilthititi. iii, YOLLOUFt, WI ter trttLinit tioll 01 ft general Varioty and Dr) 64.'011 bllmillu!,i, .111 d ti. 11.1411UitiCtUrt3 01 plain arid Waved Lane litlt ]iould;tlgm. LL1111.9 El \)ER & ANDERSON, (sueeedsors to I_ll,l Joesioia Ithude4 k C 0.,) wholesale dealers in FuitElut4 intuirs, N [ITS, SPICES, CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, Ac., tio. S 9 Weed sere t, opposite the St. Charles Hotel, Patio J. J. ki.111..1',.P1r. y J. GILL,ES2.II. Looklt., 13.33 :sl.Lunta,turort el • and dualers to in.poliing 1.11:1.33 VI.. 3, r'13 , ..3613.33, gravinga, and iNdicy th.odti, Woo! 3t13-3(.. 19ti trargia. On nand and wade to oi,kr, (jut Ii!LW, :ahogany, itobovo,d, and .me', or ,tyloul I tag, uI otory descripuoL 44111'"StOtunbont Cauton w 1.4 BOrrLEitti.—Joit, 06.1)/.1 , Co., Bottlele, nrst rvet, rcmpcctitody Laturra the pule tic that they have .t) •11 nand M tat g. a upply ut 821-NOAPAitILLA, iThlt, ALL and iftdhiht., Of the ' . 6st quality. The "tentun. 1 . 1 pa, ocularly directed to do DNA that they truttle v, ALE in its purest ;:t1.0.,. Physician. re.cuLn,,,... ~Li ulna 4.1.11)1, - SOME , and •.,, ,ut.iruly, JrL LITTLE., MERCHANT LOR NO. .54 St. ci.4.11c (D?. Irish'. N ii..01,41.A1., JW. KEii.R, AIICEIII E T, .REMOVEI.) frOLLI 1,1 FIILn ELLOI ‘.l n..) to A I ft E E T, In t..,, p,prilfo Plum and dpeclnuo.E,,,um Uf, ,rlkl ,lic. kAcCtIOL. ut °Vet) dr..Cripti,m ut ttudoin o zb. doz" Iv° A ''uLroN, i; 1 .1. AND BRAS t; N. 70.,vL etrcrt, ViCtsuit.r6l., In pi,porod to tUrLtllb to or.iur Otivitcti, d"t . t, FACT , , RY r.:l , kiLLI 1.1! 111, , ,, II 10 I , LQ.I.P.J [Us Lunde to older. nft)t' Lt; JAUGE CJCES of nll 31.7. LA. r Steamboat, MINE,AL WAlkat iUMPS, CuUTEa RAILiS,;=, and every variety of Ca.tinloi fiutnttcd i 0 [tit , 1,-acv,t MUlsro.l. BAISEIVE AN1,,.%.:111.1T1UN LlE'f AL , ?A TENT 11ETALLIC to: ,moil Ktiz.vn. OUG A URIDGE & MXW ELL, 11.41 SIANUFACTUFLEEK JP Looking-Gla.asea, e, ',urc Frames, and Brusl,.. a And Dealers in Clocks, E nee l'urnishing Goode, &c. ll+l6 Wood street, above etfth, 'dechiue iTramitT, made TA or.lor EIJUGATIO.N Vincent's College r,eettirlars,, OLIDLLIL TEE CASE OF TI31? r: v.!" I Sear Latrobe, 'Westaorelantt cou.tkcy, ra. I N TILE COLLEUL t TILE Usua: uf •lu the 'E\ NAa Y, the Chee4l,, .e.themi.,tlcn, ill I ter:— itheture.,,, , r . ti.e !titre! eli Drtiticheo • hither ertefiti....t! t -, r Is r , t6.,ac :1,141.111.1S 1.. PrieJthovd. Tilt% WM.' , U,•• 13 , 1r11 aua TuitU.o w tau yet y ,to or paid Ncitrti-iitinn,illy wti Genii ri rcn Fr and .)I.unc, Filyatilori ort L • NiedICIMP, charges. ! For particalurs apro.y to rLe uirt , cter of the Culiegc.. The 001.1tgi , -Lt; r I—.; Lo pt,to. •1. ends on We. Sd a July 1u11.... B 1.11 , 1.11, r•rto ol• Onlle,gt, Ll,l toLL, ....7:11,:i116. Oral oxtre, COW!, St. Francis Academy tor Boys, UNDER I'HE CAltis OP l'llr. tr.A.,eISCAIi LIOTIIER ti.oretuo, Cambria County, 'en.. T, S INST IT UTION, NAT URA.' 4;1 :„11. situated for Educatiouni {purposes, allurds all Lim IL ducerueuts that can i, des'. d a Catholic Ins , itutiou. It is Incited ILI the mutt healthy add picturesque p a - toto di ilia Alleglteuiea, distant lour aides bow Cres4tuu ce atiun, the direct mail route between Philadelphia and Pißdburgu. ochomatic year coodruenciug the drat .11clday in September, Will close the lbth of July following. The Term, fur ISvard.,l6 , :iudilq; a th,rol.l4t t ncltah Sash. title Coure,, are 1100 annum. The Clanelc and sLop , r annual. Wasnius and use di beldiu- s ad. I For further particahlrli apply to the sdpdri, the A •a• dewy. Refarenc., it, Kt. i;o:. Lr. \Ye , / , NVIL. all3o. l 4,1&, DRY GOODS Retrench ! Retrench! A 0 T LIE CRASH-IN PRIG'S 1-Bu lug dotonuihed ttl soil our stock. though " the Tiro , tire Tight,". IVO hive n..lat, o gehoral swoch -ItE:LUC 1 . 11. L L.NTI Do atilt 1 , - IWOL pricos. lki'.Now Pi thu [nue t., !nay wheu the ttsnortatent h. ~•t anbruker., oud the tqloo,, i. , :t. Ddv..! lbe.en:l uct29 .1 1, :1 .11N PI, 77 INl.uket scree! . fr ii.E L:i6 . l (2iIANGE 12' FlUliii.E:7):. !A Bonnet It!'•bdni, wart, 76 cente, at ti..! inn ?tad. do .1. , d,, 02!4' itt 50 .44. , do db ..I. to at 373 i du do do du 37ki od. 26 du ' JUnt',N.l !hilt:NZ, 7 Mnrket street 1011 VELVET .T.lini.miNus, AT REDUCED Pit.t..r.' — A chcdc,[...yrtrnant au nand anti for dale at DO , 77 Nlar:,.t iIHENTLEMEN'm C.N DER GAI-01.Elki TS- wo,A, I,lut. Nirriu• and eavy Cotton Under Shirt. tutu LITLIMerII.--.1 I I •.11/ to,Ccl VOl 11011NE'9, de/Si 7 Market street. FIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in' — t4e Price of 13 iiA LA.nrB 1A iiN B. ti 7 heleaalt BuYera Leal ddlara will te, furaue,l with 13 tiADl,it'i 'ii Tun'EE-1•LI al F isiNLl'rlNli YAlt:..B at n reduction of Fivt Cents per pound, by the lickiiiii., altar tnia date, For Ca.,h, and emb ouly. Jo-. HUKN r.., 77 liarltet au eet. d..-1 A.renr ftr the N1,t,,1,Ctr,r," E)lfitt(llilittlES.—Our excellent stuck of /reach Einbruidenee Nod the iuw prioN at : toe) No, [narked, offer. mee uhittcotooote W ladieti cllulau the lutoet et) lee.. NEY 1 MONEY 11-PRICES MARK ED DoW S. &sr Great reduction in the price el Ernbroidorkra. We halo , goon CAl , lllily carer our InunLnotnis etock kkilCtl-Woitii ED C , iLLAR, UN Lot:it SLEEVES, MUsLIN BANDS, etn, etc • And r^.l the price l to lint tho ' , Hard Tunes" The Ladles may rely on hp wag I,:trLmau b at ocal Hutt:\ E".l. 77 Market street. VA — NW — BLACK. DRESS SILKS. large assortment, which we are clus.ng out Visi'.l lard. AY 1: \lli (.1.9611. C. fIAN: 4 O.). LOV lrcirruerly Love Brothers, No. 74 Market ett,et ,x4r, z, L 4 L, , S r r a tti e F p , n n a d ituu , no oar stook- C. lIAINFON Lunt';, ocal Formerly Lo - N.,. 74 Mark,t. PLtINTED lii.ENCII MEitiNOES, for Lind 74 cuiat4, WQrai 4.1 Liaid $1,2, the twit ate.41,_10,11" ILL the city. BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS. A full sAr.ortment, v,ry C. IlAtibtfl.: DAP., ture. , 24 - * 1..0ve Brother, Nr . 4 7114,1,, EVERY E:owumical Purottasjr of t)re -I (loud+, Sii , - aril, Mar.:;,... &c.; Mao Duayt.stle nod 1- t: pin Goode, will nad It to their advantage to call and exano `our New utock rl Fall and Winter Dry Lioode before purcbaE lag danwLieru. C HAN • , ,N LOVE., ...I 6 P.r01t...-1. I . , e.• lir , ra .. v_. -4' Mg rkot e•.. , IIAWLS I SIIAWLS I--Wool, I.lita-Int he., both long slid square, the Te.y the City, m i d at r i g- ) Inw wax, caStl. C. HA UN L. V I.:, lurint./rly t.inu Brun, No. 74 Market •:r. ••t. PIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for making 14...,p-9. A trnt ut at I B ONNET 1' EL\ E,T.— Every I,arioty nut Vet vete and batm., tur nt 11.0113 BEDFORD spERM CANDLE,S. INboxpa oit.orted b's , kod Six•rui Czu, as on wind and and fur scilu QOAPS.• 1000 1)0=3 Rosin Soap, in ID., 2 lb. and 3 lb, b-ra 600 " No.l Palm soaps, in th.,2 /b. and b Ara. 600 ." Chemical Olive Soap, in ID. lamps, 200 " Gleine Oxide Lt 260 " German VAG " Castile 60 " Pure Palm On hand and for bale by GUM. - BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOIII ovEßzlitl, 9, t,lferod low, at "Tba Score" No 17 Fifth street, near MarlDq. Wl,l DINFENBACHIiIt NJ W C ROP.-- 2:00 drumg fresh Srujrnu Figs • 10 mate " Datrii; - - No baud Zdalags Bribing, Just itot.ltte4 autilixt fiLYALEIL 41 ANDliaBo_ I .Pr • -.' Lb tioctd st,osixtdhs Bt. Cilmies ELOW.t: 11=111 =MEE vz.tl n chni JOSEPH HOENE,. 77 Market atrect. C. LIAN&O:g LuVE, (turuivrly Lcve iirothers), :‘0 7. Markri , P , b II wsriTp ► (-,.1 !J. 0. & J. U. mAINVI In 3 !IL Qum. " In 11A. " 11. C. & J. r. e&With EUXS - gitS Vv 114; - & co., Late Smith, Malt A iluntr,,r,i WHOLES ALE Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. Ib3 Second Mitt 151'Front-Streets, Plavreiwitc, P I=l C E ANS & . , CO. . it , CCSittORS 7J `& ICI & heCkNDLE. bl E R HOLsilE GROCERS, DEALERI IH IRON, NAILS, °LABS, COTTON YARN: AN 0 "PITTSI3VIIOII MANIJFA.O7I:IRFS ALLY, Corn or of Wood . and Watnr ntroont ,•••DLn:B 'WILLIAM ! . .+EAN4 H A Orrin ' W4 aistliess, & Co., 4.4...15 N. 'A ,A tiolic,,,) in 'l - 4/ I G 10A: E Kb, and DealersV y iitu.N,N.A.t4s,rlL4s,P.rtiON NAILS'S, and Pitta- burgh Manutactitrer gt;nerally, corner of Wood and Water Pittaburgh. tnyB Fol‘.Vi A iiii‘s - 1 IN D,6OiYiAILSSIoN COLLINS ...oryi - A riling anti , ComPaission Merchant.:,, knit ilittellEtariZil, Meadville A. Er!! CANAL LINES. AIID,IIS. I 4:IITEE 'STREET, PI7TSBURGII, PA 1.411101)16 , ..1, HAGEN & CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION ttlEftUilAriTy., .-{‘) ;-,A - C, A hin SY. nl'., CINCINNATI, (1.1. C , At, 11(74IPH621rti, 1. ll , • AN, JOHN WRItifIT Humphreys, liotirtaJ e & Wright, F ,( ~"10 its, lt'ibi4ill) C Ell) Q.E E RAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 11 V. I I. 11: VEs AN ATER ST., b,re Vaal . Sticet, EFE it Ti Con Pl4l, T Orli ISA /11 1 . 11 k. rI a ivang, biter, Price tAtinb Cope di Cu , Barcroft,'Beaver CanLy,l , ,eville n ling.ben, E. M. Lewin, Caabier N ti M. Bunk, Cashier t 1 rcb'a Bank Ntotris IL Balkuiell &CA., NlcCutcbeon & Collute, John Al. At.Llll , l} ik Cu., Itaittnel Mathew, bbrowsbnr3 Pace, W Lawrence a A. I/ 11,1 loctt Uo., W Arne, A Isagaiey, LumArraw . e ti n e. 1)• MtlIEM!!! JOSEPH S, LEii,Cll & G Nos. 2-12 and 2-4.1 Liberty st Pll"f6iiiiitUti, PA 1141•17K491,12,&,,,1dE , RC fe .S, AND C,VAINIYIC.N MERCIIAN F f, Q➢ U R AND BAUON, TLN PLATE ANL) TINNEite aTOCK, A PITTSBURG 11 A Ai Üb'Ac:Tl R It; CO., 0 .E.', ti 111 A I, COM M. I :,-,, :. - 3 1o N FOR WARDING MERCHANTS, rtitti ih'n..§l,lngton Ave Inc, oi A:r DUI f 'r; OrrY,'KANSAS TE!;.l.l.l'llittY Lt,....ciz. h 00., Jo, • I'itt.9l,ur L.t I gin:A:1111y. • Ivit itiA IL O.)L LI NS, F,rl ,- , - ax4-iiit, 1 4 ,!•; t MI, _.1.11'.L. F.. t.it No. +5 ‘VLNE. - 3 ....d) i, 1.4 LI ) 1:?,...i M ;. DEVLIN A".. KENNEDY, IVholesale Wine \LI 11 , -ctifying ini.t .11.1.1 -I_l, U iii .E,' ti u ,C o.i El=l Firenze - 1i Goiman lA, Ines anti CLI A u 4, ,to., & 0., 161 6131W:dial& street, between 6th and 7th a Li., who lytitor PtPrimr Rem, PA GL4SS.WAIIE lt.roni u U.18141'04 DlTiat .. ....... ..... L. V.INGWALT UAL 1 2 , 1 U . , ROBERTSON `& CO., Manu kj ft.:MI - UV of CU, ['warted and Plain Flint GLASSWAtt} , ,, arw.uizie i O. lq AVOUd RtretA. eernet ..f Front, htisuurgi, All other kinda ui Gla,v.ere eat:. Window tttaaa, at low 31ar Let prteca ayl Lilly LEDLIE UL M, Successors to Muicany Ledue, inauulactureri of Cut, Moulded and P11,;11 Nunt and Fancy Colored ULAL.I.SIVAIt.rI, and dealias in all _ltule of Windou Wass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware honeerorner of `-`,:oket and Water etztOts, =MaLy - - - LIARPEI I B AND OIL CLOTHS ittEMOVAL.—t). ft. H. PHILLIPS have removed to thou Low building, Nuo '26 and '2B 5T DLAIR street, wont aide, botwoon Pew_ ntroot era tho Bridge. J. Et 11. PHILLIPS, SLA,NUFACTURERS OE' FLOUR, TB NiT BRE, CA RE iA ti TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT tt OPAQUE WINDOW UIA )EOIL CLOTH: Of ditterKA Colors 11N oIL CLO'fLI. , it Wl:,Du‘li Dealers in Laid.... B.Ubßhit al all kinds, ma:, • Ur•oayear's Patent; Agenta 01 the Boston land New 'ldris. belting Compauius, iol the sale of their INDIA RUB BELTINti, BOSE and LEATLIDIt IND 01 Eastern iriuulas.ture, a superior quality; also, La, Leather and Itivids. Agents far the 0111) FIItE-PH.OOI 'LINEItAL PAIN 1. Dry .411 .".lined Paints, Varnishes, itils,qurperitine, Brushes, Class and Putty. 11.0Ufsli; AND • PAl:•'l'iNU AND ULAZING, to all its branches, dtallt, it the Lost and shortest tune. d.elofly I . J. Ft H. PraDDlPti, • N 53.26 and 1 St. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil. upscale. on the Ohio riyur, three wiles below Pittsburgh. AUPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTIAQ, &0., AT TLlk EFourth street Carpet Store. W D. dr, 11. INITALLIIM respectfully ill • invite attention of their former custonicrii rod the publo_ gt n •r dly to their prereut afocki, just stileen r Spring malem, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign HuLno.jawitactairei eounnonug in part ul Velvets ettd Tapestry and Ountmou Ingrain: also, lirtheula. Jamask. '1 , a.1.11..al and Plana ztalr CARPETS. Fau.ll 2 TO 24 FEET WIDE, tngs, Mats, Stair'Rods; 'Canton and Conna Matting; j.. 1.4, Yarn and Rag Carper. Vt. 1.111.1411 La 111,14, PllrLabll, Bell anti eel.; tlotiauJ 61tatius. a will give ne pleasure to stow goode to all who Luz.) be lustrous of looking ur purchasing, and we are deterndu.si to dor inducements to any who way favor ua with a call, at Lie old No. 87 itJUIiTH. Street, near Wood. ruyl.9:ly W. U. & H. 9ITALLU)I. (11L CLOTII (~•Lo rtilNu—Of all kindB, V blw k and yellow, -r bah) at the Ind, a Rubber 1./. pot ..1.1 '2B et Choi street. 'deg, J. it Li. PIIILLI i S. eLu'THS FOR THE FALL 'fRADL. Nur We have ou hand. and arid daily receiving additica d :nereto [rum our own and other manufactories, a large sn.•-x ~1 kiwi Furniture, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, Tim, • arent, Green and Butt, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, used .or :iouseltiruishiug and oilier pnrposea. Also, Transpai dai Window 6bades, of day ann nil bordered styles, and Waniow shade Trimmings. •nernhaute and oth, s will tind it to their advantage t ImiElo our atouli and prices wra whorl .1. A 11. PHILLIP , ,e l 0 _- 28 and 28 St. (Mar.( te.rrt. 1i.0t.).E. OIL CIAJTII, kir our awn an 1 eastern umuutauture—all mldtbo ; nod u, sou auy due 01 rooms ur itulle--attlw (111Clutil Warr run, NO. 211 arid n St eitur etreol.. J. & IL PHILLIPS. FURNITURE NIILLIKEN CO. have on hand, at _A L . ; L thril CAD] N ET 111/.1 CLIAI It 11ANUFAC . , itY, No. street, n large 1 1. 1 1 1 .01 - 1.11101:1 Of Fithey .lILi Plaiu Ful ,it.u.re, which they will bell 15 per cent. r eu6turnary rates. Terms, moth only. [(1,,c27.1 tar u 01.) E LL'S FURNITUPE AND V V CHAIRS, Wholosule and Retail , endiraililg ev,•ry yle of Furniture, to Rosewood, Mahogany al,' Waluui, lintable fur Parton+, Chatnhora and Dining Itoon ...,•-qual iii-14tiwYoik or Philadelphia, and at lower priced. y ..rte.le wade by hand, and warranted. Cahiut - u,al:er, sup plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and ClIA111:+, Honda and 4tteautxxits farni.ihed nt the Nom:77 and 79 TOIRD Btri et, shortest ViedOwtyns, pitodiurith. Pa. Improvement it Book Binding. rEil HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING obtEdion :Legere Patent for Improvement in BOOS tilN DING isprepared to furnish the - attachment to Bo ke Li, W in use, or to apply Cho same to new Books. (lidera for which ort respectfully solicited at WELDIN litikV AND'S Book bindery and Blank &AA Manufactory, South-west corner of . TIIIItD and itiCitiD Streets. TM- shove improvement consists: Fire[—Of Metalic 2pring clasping the hack of Alla Book lu Ruch a manner as to prove on the leaves from sagging when the Book i, iu a vertical position. Second—The Carriage , tisists of Metallc Grooves, on which are inserted Rollers 'tit will effectually prevent the Books from wearing or chair, in pla cing the Mine in its resting place. - 'eta -A. ff. - P_OWAFAID, F L tee ISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Gum, Over and Pandels, cheap, at the P I 'eh 17 FAL street._ pear m , r ,,L 00 P Shoe P I,,re, No. - , • tonePP.NBACIIIia tOO M EN& CALF,Buffalo and Gum Overshoes bIiWENBACIIRR do is I'6 Na 17 Fiftu street. a r S.--5 Dressed to arrive by road, 1:1124 for Wm Itty a t. 1. T mans: Synopsis of the President's 11‘mage 1117NTET. MEE= el'7l'SßUltilli, PA I' kiILADELPIII6. Phlladulphia. Madison, Gallipoli,. obi, Ciucithiati, Ohio Pitchburgh, Pa. I=l i ELLA NEOtlb ti 93. herein ordered that public 6ales ul 1, lauds h ranf,re an.liered U CLt' of loge, be huld n. follows At the Land (Ohre at 04z9 , .:, c mwnuclug ou manday, th, ith at Jane, IbiPs, of leer toe in,hlpe, In Inn counties of Worth and it At the Lind 011 ice et Fart Lie,fge,C ClUleGlC'.llg uu Monday, the 14th of June, 1859, ut ty.enty-one townships, and parts 01 township 4, iu the CvllLklit,i of IVright, iluuabolt, Calhoun and Pocahontas At the Lett of Sioux Otiy, crentneuelug on Miiidar, the 7th of Jun.:, 1,51 , is t cent . ) aloe tUWII.IIII[ , -, and pact, of townships, in the L. uu.le. ut PecaLan.has, Buena Vista sac, Clsc, Ida and Chet ol,-r. At the Laud Vtil oat Ai.!ox CL:y. ;tom r encing on SI !nday. the 'clst 01 ,Itt lie, leue, . t lurt)-tear t wusuips,aud parts t !wnsides. to :he court Cherokee, O'Brien, IL I : mouth, LULICUIII,- At the Land i dice ut ('..triXtt iiil/11 . S.C.Oromencing on • or, drt), lb° 7th of June, lea., et 111,, • U tWAUbtlii.b, and part. of townships, to thu couut - es of Carroll, :,11oltoy, )raviturd, Mumma and F rcm int. It is also orderestm the above mentioned Proclamation 'Au 6413, that the e,.w1.1 Into!, ILI ,lir• ter-11-litirith , Trd tioll.l which remit. to the t um," han r ix int! sen euc'a cc:e of the nudernientioned ra‘trAti!s, Le MY -red at I)AM,, exile on the days and at the places as : At toe Land ualcu at hl rt Dustge,cumwouctug uu , the hat of June, IS5c., uu !he " hubuque cud Pacttie ltall road." At the Land Ottico at SYnux Lily , coutruentl..g ea 'I hurt day, the lax of July, ou the •• Inibuqte and Pacific aaßruad,' and on the nwa Ceuta. An L haitroud." At the late! °dice at C anti/ Li tiff cuntruenciug Olt slun day, the 14th e' Jun , lh&S .•a we • I.:a, Central Air Line ,atlroau. ' tat Mi,-i, e 31:m.0w 1 Railroad," and the • Burlington and :Ilia-ant aadruad." At the Laud utlik:e o.DEV/up., :w111,4 , 11 ThUra lay, the kt 01 Juan, aS. un it,' Datuque end knit ruau " anti the •• luau Central AU' Lire - Litiaroao." Althe I iftlecni 1 , 1,rt D .11 :a,t. commencing on Niondo i , tuc Itt of nue, Utl mama Mr Lim it,tiruad ' And the Minsiteippi Rud MASS,I.IrI [MM." At tor , Land ~ i lire at Charib•a, commencing Cu Monday. tta, 7th of J ot:o, IbsB, on thr •• Buriington and Mis9ouri 1..,111, ad." . . Ihe land,: will ha effered with tee canal exception of Cale C. 101", &C tven-nunrwreal nnitlra.,; ranee' Ott each Side of the relit-ads, I cat out, erl, UN required by law, to a mlallauW of two &Aar . : umd fifty cents per acre. The sales will be- IL. ht of - u uuttl Lae burly are all offered, whictt he atter phshed within two weeks, and nu longer, mad nu private eutry ut any ut the liitgin will be adnutted until alter the expitauuu ut the twu wee, s. s're-etuptiou eh/townie are rtqui ed to establish then cluatus to th eatialuction of ihe prop, register and receiver, uud muse payment for the `hale, on 0, before the day ap pointer/for the Co , 7lllLchGegionl of the public SUMS, otherwise th :r claims will be 1;,1 A. H P;N I.hiC , S, Cinntniesztmer (II the Urn,al Llrul IHANE.D.O. LAND I PFI 1:. ... 4 '..tbfzaury 17. I"i,b. Great &Await/cc to 11:.1te Money Tor: 13ES't AND MOST CEILI'MiI4 SPEC I:- LA'rioN (IF THE TIMES-----oNL‘ ONE DoLLAIt PER SIIIRE —Forty sand dollars i, - ;.t`}3 4 worth of valuable Real Estate, Watched, Jewelry, 't- 4 sk Silver and Silver Ware, with a great variety d:eris.s7i.-1 of Etaeiy and etapie (Jousts, to tie disposed ot in forty thou sand /Mar, s ;It dollar per -hart, :55 follows: 12,11011, the payment. ,-t iine durhsl, I will send the payer a numbered ro. ceipt, which will euialle hitii to ei-are in the above undi vided property. Whim the littar, shall been sold, the sharehulderd ”hall be punned of the tact, by wail, nor through the newspapers, and a meming of the eliareholders shall ti-e:. Su hell in the city of l'ailrdelphits, and the whole el the property ,I2soueed ui or db.zi muted among them; in sucli 2-2 y an Shall be ilecerss.mial num by them; each 811.areLlelli or shall be entitled to our VOL., s Coailuittee to be detected by the Shareholders at said meeting, lit 2..eg1 - dict or superiti tsnd the dispesiitioit of the property, iscpurding the, direc tions of the ishareholdcrs, and 1 Will then deliver the pro perty to ouch person or masons us the Shareholders Ilia) appoint to rectos e the SAW, The Real .Estate consists of os, three stet y brisk dwellutg Goode and lot, valued ut $.2500, and two these :tory brick ilwelliur, lea:Lies and lute values at 2:OU ti.ell, to the coy -I • htladelphia, clear of all iumins brauce, mid title urdtspuushiu ; toe then property COUSitite of the It tilde Cock oud liztures the If...:gasst Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city oh Phtlndelpistll, now, and fm ping time pay: kepi by iii.• subscriber. ['inc stock COLIMISt ing of very flue Bold and :silver Quoting Case Lever Watch t•-., very Phis end Silt Of Patent Lever. Lepiue and other AtetleS, aid, beats, Lc/Clete!, Ear Elilts, tiradw-hee. Biwa-lets. Diaimidd ad.: 22ther Rings and Pius, Studs, Sleeve hattond, he., A.. 2., Geld, Silver ass.J Steel Spec- Gehl 011,1 SI; 50: re:11111102, Silver and Silver Putted Ware, ,Stow[ of T.-22 Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cups, ei-doild, Shp, ou, ~CL s, Sit au. Al6O, French Clucks, Manic Lloy's, Ace-Sri - Mond. alit a oth e r goods. The above in out oue It ,Uq 1...;L10S w ia:CLI are CIOVISOII i,e, en trap Ike LIIIWAL), last Is ale; will 1,, a fair sale or the ...nth, property - kilainr - tu.: to the srillsetn her, ;Jet, s Are pLOOTIVeI) aseuroil Chi iittiCa Lisa rial L: tr VALI; lIASed t,or the purpose u. deceptii a, and to pans of , Cs' •.,ille,rl Chit nod Plated Jewelry, fur tit, Iher , l, non.. Snell IV: , I be nil 1e . ., ll', most respiall able verso,. si•• f eivieLo•CA ; to bolas lII3pLIDCI :LI fur Cetsse Shill - el. A e i,l \la,. ••te•;.e1III;I the indney v,-111 be promptly atteirl Lt, rata re ... , .pt., lan ',earth to the ad dress ,r deieter. by eel at 11 :111. rely luii2l as sendiug tea dullard .21 Li iie, shall ri.eti!..e-Lew-su separate receipts in as malty deuisrate II a a..l, minus:, 'or shared, {dead,' midi the halite of the Pof 01b , e, to wish you w r,h the answer directed. This is the greatest '11,1:, 4. el „clung gt• amouut of valuable pio p o - sv, liir shin. as hits -.Fur liebire twee offered to t pubs, .r se, ,uyourdors, as shares are selling rapid , diet '1 ..-1 distributiou will :don be made. A rtlelf , 6.1.-Cti [4l •a. -mu.. (11.'111 tit their r pt• 134. )216.Ar;outo every t.ce.o 'cud 1111.1. E In hti , t i Li, 1. I. tsitok_AlALL. Lti 1:11BERT & SUN, L,L Market st •ee t 0. att ., „,i to, the ,„:„ art Ta.ri base of Sent tutu; to tent . log Ii ore, and ca[1.411,1 Intnlranir and 1.,4,,1iaL111,:1,,a7.8, Making ii t.:C, ilerrinng ,surf cot I cello I.diu- ' with per,: ..o abroad pncapDy, an d in strk cOnLitlt•LLC , LI llur but L lart+t, Pit taburgh. F ,Llerd of inquiry must all .eye nod." s p _ n ay retorts pilotage. Lidi• I{(iliSES FOR RENT-- By S. CU l'tll3 A comfortable two a ory dwelling house tm 1:cso herd of Fifth—sl4 p.r month d two story eiweillug on Duquesne street—slo per mouth. zoriyettis , .t dwelling Bowe on Logli , l eltrorL---SISO per year. A three $:200 per par. A dwelling Bona- ut iota rilotar end kitchen, with large lot of gruatui, uu High etreot, !donut `Xi:Abington, $lOO per year Two large , werehunoes ~ 1 / Third street, uenr Marker. Two small Malawi In court, near Nith street, Molll ht. A two Eder: - 1ia1,14.1)9118 , of four rooms, on 03 , 71 an street, South Pittebu,,,di at $i par mouth. A large brick house cntb•giaroita, fruit trees etc , hr 5.11 es gheuy city—s3,o per year. A store ioom on Third street—sl2s per tent A .]welling house un Third router, near Market. warehonee on Market street, No. 2.0. A dwuniu h r, house on W, lie etre t—s2.oo par }ear. A large shop Third striiet can be had for two pen re. 'll, of LllllO 1 , )./tile, o❑ Third .treat, at A .b.re and if liarMpotrr , t ond 'Third atraPt•. ate -I)WELL.I.ING 11OUSES k'Oli SALE ON EASY TElLms: grant atreet—Three three story bongs% well arranged , each with bads dill e T,9 Third stroot—A three story he use, large and convenient Logan street—A deteliiog house of 7 rooms. Fulton street—Two throe ry houses. South avenno—Y. two story brick leatia of tl nurse, v; large lot of ground, stable, c,airiaa,e house, 4e Itobircion street—A two etory httk boose. Franklin 9tr,et—A good louse of 8 rooms. Carson street—A two story hoot., and two lot of ground. Penn street—Thrse large f Ore:linz :111lierdV11.1.,—A home and one itc. , of groan:!—li-.sides tazny others in A 11.-gbeny, :-outh Pittsburgh. Arc. de29 m. CUTHBERT k. SIIN • 51 Marker strew. FOR RENT.-1 two-story Dwelling House (Gallic style), pleasant:3' elf oared on Mt. Wasliln...toi , contains seven MAIM W, II arranged, ^arriage house statito, and spring of good, soft crater, convenieuf. ',tent, $lOO pia y year. Also, cnn be told stith the alkivo, if desired, a iltresa Boate and (flxe Acre, of I, , tud in ,4 , 0 d state of cultivatiob, two acre, of which are in strawberries of choice quality ; the temc.imiel ie c:rereti with Nurlery 'trace of all kinds, re .d , for the garklouec 1..) got into a prmittitile businesH. The strawi.erry-,,lan tree; rill be sold on riccomm, (Wing Mims, and a ICaao of the hoses cud grounds can be ad •or th term of yome Apply to In 21 tf. eu ! EIHF itT k iz 51 Market kti•Get., 61;.F,A E-t jAI N. --For sale, a corn - ~l. 1) nt , ,ry brick House , with tw,., t lath o f groni, C.ar,,rl citr.Qt, South Pittabrirg, lbort d static, fi..:n tt, 4' ln 'Bridge. CEMEIII rywo LUTE, uti Federal street, Allegheny city, fvr .etk by B. CCITLIB t..ltT Av. 3U::, ON THE CONEAIAUGI.I. RIVER.—Fo , sale a VeMade farm in Westmoreland county, 2 . 1 A 1 Ilea from Blatravilte, ou the N.d.th Western Railroad, 12, acres of casks land, RI eel eu ii. zddltivatiou, a young orchard of 10 acres, 30 acres a ex •.. lex. tlmuer a new dwelling house of 6 redms—price, s;;,u. lerata way. Ideal estate In !lenity will be taken In part pay. Ja27 B. CUT BRI T ' a BUY, 51 Market etrert. BUENA VISTA.—For Sale.—A two story frame ti ma, of fmr r ,ums aud kitchen, paled lenc, in front., a bake oven, h.c. Lut 20 feat fronton Monterey It., In Baum Vista, ext,eslon of _Allegheny city, by 110 feet deep, to an alley. 6. CUTHBERT A SON, dec4 51 Market street. COCiIiTRY RES[DENCE FOR RENT.... - A g.OO brick dvelling, Pug, and cor.venient, 10 room, cud kitchen, wide ball portico in trota, good eprizg-bonee. etablo, carriage house, etc; 21 i‘cr...3 of land, S in fine c)-a dow; a goat tenant Ronne; zatdon and earl .ty of fruit tr,“., grap, clans and :anal' irnit4; a stone wall and LoL. rallln l[ In trout of 11., Loam; eituato at about two tailed from the city. and fu a very pleamant Appl to ia3o S. CUTHBERT SUN, 51 Slarizot ht. QTOCIi CHOICE-PRICES LOW 1-NEW 13 WINTER GOODS.—.IOSUP7I HORNE ha., just returt ed from the Fa24t, where he hav purchased large additiohn to hie already eatensive stock. Tr:eling directly with Frsst - CLAaa I.I3PotsTINCI 11011g6 , and with the MANUFACTURCas, L'r C Atilt eacinelvoly. enabled to offer the haul Bele, Goods er the towe-t p.A.Ahle prices. We are now op , uutc,', for 4 , 14 di:Tilly, the largest r.. 1,1 cheapest stock of DRESS Titt.MmlNGt;,_ RIC II EM D RI F. 6, WINTER \VOGL v N GOODS RIBBONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Ev-r bef. rn exhibited in 'Pittsburgh. Purchasers nn- Ipvit• exismizie the tr , s.iils, arid learn the prlo,s, ut COMFORTABLE two story dwellibg bowl, Carr,' ststtet., Adlegh , d3y, will b, 8, Id at grt-at barvau. Apply to S. CUT .I.I.BERT & SON, 1012 - 'tt:t•lt.Ft At,' -0! Q TAR CANDLES.— '2OU Las. assorted 4's, 5.-v and Adarnantiu Star rundle , , on baud and for sale by B. 0. 6i J. 11. SAWYER, fcl.B No. 47 » ood street. NEATSFOOT OlL.—Neatgbot Oil, in quantities to suit purchnssra, on nand and for We by 13. C. 4 J. H. SAWYER, felB Nn 47 Wood street 0.11. ISIOLASS — ES.-7U bbls. St. James a 9 11. XlolatiEc-3, in N et . o ). re nt a Ll u lL d Eann to d r a= aa ti lo ile b .ibeK y rterysßotxrt., t fe2o Q,,,, WE E T CIDER.—Few bbls. choice Sweet, 0.,, Cider, on hand and for Bale by JAMES A FETZER, - terl2 12 ,, ru0r ?Ilarkrt end Firtt Ktree,t, VIG LEAF TOBACCO —A large supply 2: of Bown'a celebrated Fig Leaf Tobacco. received this day by : - 308. FLEMING, mr2 Corner Diamond Ind Market WINES AND LIQUORS.—The beat qual ity of Brandy , Wi ns , Gin, Jamaica iipitita, Old Rye i Whisky, Isiah and Sootth inisky, London Pallor, Brown liitont,-.Chsmiagno Winn, on baarcand falai° bj - gaar>EaFATPON i acitts Anduaqr Citri Milill=Elll 61 Market 8 trbut 77 SlarL.,-t stztvt ft'AILROADS. 111.4,111,11t0Affi) riiOTICTE. The Pittsb'h, ayne & Chlogo kdlLriU ALI COMPANY, VV . 11:11 IIS AMPLE ROLLING sructi equipment, and lie CilruUgli Counbctiouldn pre; pared (.0 treuepurt Vrteseugurn aria s rclgllt from PlilLA. DELPIA and L. elitlAttO, 6T. LOUI6, 1 / I A.N;AeOLIz. , , 12,1.:1G1NN anti alt platwa West and tleuth west, with a groat degree of regularity , and expedition. The tact that this Road Loans a tnreut and cousulidated line between tlttaburgh and ClaicaLgu, IS a 6utheleut guar auto, that its Traatia Nut waac good (11110, and CWlLluCtlOtan with rraitO on other ttn..a. FISAINIS Planburgit. QiastUuo. I Ft. Wayu, MAU., b:Zu .e.AI ; Y. !1. Expreas, .4:15 P. 10:u.5 Y.AI I b. 46 11.E.ACEI ciuueoo—u. tl. Mau 5t 6:3.) A. AL, Expr...., at 1t.. - 00 P. M. CI—NOINNATI—U. d. Ofatl nt 0;03 P. M.; Vapruan 7:0O A. M. . All Trains make close connections at Crestline for Colon, bun, Lluminnatt, Indianapolis and st. Louis; also, al Fort Wayne with Trams on ere.own mai Western itatiroau tor Lafayette, Central illiuois and St. Cottle ; alsoy at Forest with Trains on the M. R. a L. E. E. B. fIETUILNENti. FTUILI e111.4.fu. I Ft. Wayne. Crestlitin. 1 Art.etteb'g U. t. Thu' ki,.4 . 6 i-.M. 15.331 A. M. 1i......6 P. Si. I 1.10 P.. 11 ExPree., t ,ial A. 31 MdO P. M. 10:05 P..}.1. ?:.5 A A lheao Trains make (A.M.) en/Attentions in Ith Trams tar Phil adelphia, Baltimore and New York. Trains from St. Louie, Indianapolis, Cin4inaati and Luluni bud make close connections at Urestiine with all returning Trains. At fort nay LIV, luau.o trout at. Lotus...it/4U di //13- awn, Lafayette, and intermediate ptaces, connect WILLI above Trams. At Forest, CutaII.CUULO are uteidt alai Train's to auu from LaLLCIIIIIIIII, springneld and Dayton. ACOLKII.IIOIfAII.U.‘ A:nal:as—Las/we New Brighton tin' Allegheny' at 7:no A. 31.,ane 1a:30 P. Si. Leave Allegheny for New Brighton at 8:45 and .1,30 P. M. To accommodate way travel, Passenger Care will be at Cached to Freight Tranta; leaving Pittsburgh at 8:45 A. M 4 Crustline fur Alliance, at Mbn A. A 1...; Alliance for Cl...cline, at 0:30 A. 1114 and Alliance fur Pittsburgh at 7:45 A. ill. lIA.GtiAGE 0111:Wild, TIILIC3I9Ei., end no charge for handling. For Tickets and further tufurmsnon apply to A. T. JOLIN SUN, Agent, at the li rent Western Railroad °thee, directly on the corner, at the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, or to lieu. Parkin, Peeiengerototnal, Penn Street, between Wayne and Canal; 11. F. PATitlf.M., NJ. at/ oath - Vora street, oppo- site the Tremont House, Chicago, or to the Agents at the Stations ou the line. , . _ . . CUMS.I.h.o.C.Is UN MONDAY, January 'loth, and c.u• tinun uutil to.rther uouco. J. J. 1101.1.STON, Oua. and Net. A gq... D. W. tsotzS, Chien6o Ja I JO z.. U. _NIL.:OItE... 6upermt,:unieut. Two Through Train Cacti 'Way suotlays Ex t. -god. Wheeling, Cleveland and Chicago, by the Cie, nil and t'sitaburyh liailruad COLUBIOUL, CIIIiCLIVNATI & ST. LOUIS THS PITTSBURGH, COLL',IIBUS AND CI VCLU-Y ATI AAIL ROAD LINE v; SI'CUBEVVLLLt. The Cleve Lind awl ht 44,,urg,h cud eittaburgiu CoLumbue nud lAucluuati turancul COLLipollicm, having made au ar raugerueut uith the l'itrebut gh. Yuit u)ue amt L.:lmagu Itauread 4,otupau), lOC 01 Ltit Ir trkuk betty Cell Att burgh cud Mallenlet, will run their trains Born Penn Street StaLau u tie! , y 4.Uda)ei eaCninetl, commeucing Man arty, March 541,16511. EELINO AND CINUINNLTI MAIL. CLNVELAND, V. I L 133 Steub..nvfie, Brulgp n c, ..pposito lA . ben.ing 11:056. M. Be!leair 11:206. 23 . CA' Jlumbui fc2u P. Li .:Incp.tuura 10.102. ra levelawl 2:i.5 P. al . satlaio 11:20 P. tt . jilt avo 6:00 A. 111. Through to Cm ctuutal with bu one change of cars 1 8:Ou TLie Trans to Cleveland has 30 minutes at Alliance, for CINCINNATI, CLEVEi,6ND L.Nri OIIICAGO EXPItEBS. Lt ayes Nita burg!) enbenville 2:35 P. 11. iuttac , Through to Orr , , fleveland cinnuti withou Buffalo chuuge of cam ;Elude WHEELING ACCOM2tIODATIQN, L^ , v, I'ittAbur,o., Art IVe. Well/P.lllr 61;1 r. 4:00 p 7:36 P. • • I Limigepurt 8.4 b P. ... ........ ............. o.uu OUARECTIU9S ASE MADE LIT ABLATE TRAINS,AS FOLLOWS: By ai &tr., and 400 P. a., At W lIEELINIa, for Lo berutud, Ilarrer's Ferry. Baltimore and Vl'ashingtcu City. Only at BELLaAI It, tor Cambridge, ZaidesvUla, Lauctdster, Circleville and By 6:00 A. M., aim 2.3.. P. id.. At XENIA, for Layton Indianapolis, Mattoon, Can..), St. Louis and New Orleaus. By ti:00 A idand 2 35 P M. At CINCINNATI, for Lostogt.e, isi,Msvtlle, Cairo, St. idulls and New Orl:atis. Only at BAYARD, for Carruiton, Waynesburg, Dover and New Philadelphia Only at 12 31100 N, for Cuyahoga Pali:, Akron, Clinton dud New Portage. By 6:00 A M., end 2:35 P. At CI EV for r.r.e Buff.lo, Niagara Pall; and C. is da, oaudwiLy, toledo, Detroit, Chicago, and all points In the Noi th.d est. &r The 4:00 P. u Train st-ps at all Way.tltatious on the I . 4 .l.4etwArn g Trains. Enstk.,,N 414., SLEUiIaN VILLE. Leaves Cincinnati. ....... ............. . 6:00 A. st. Arrives at Columbus 10:50 P. Li Do Steubenville 5.50 e. M. Do Pittsburgh 8.55 P. if. PITTSBURGH AND WIInELING MAIL, Leaves Cleveland LOU P. M. 4.rrives at Wellsville 15.01 P. M. Lo Wheeling Bil 6 P. M. Do Pittsburgh 8:55 P. M. PITTSBURGH ACOOMMOD.ATION. Leaves Belleair 6:10) A. Si. Do Bridgeport, cpposite Wheeling.... 0:15 A. M. Stops at all Stations. Arrives at Pittsburgh 11:25 A. WHEELING AND PITTSBURGH MAIL. lielleair 4:3 r P. M. Do Beilgeport, opposite IVbeelug... 4:43 P. it. Arrives at Pittsburg... ..... 8.05 P. EASTERN E STELIbEN:I,Z,Z. Leaves Cincinnati 4:20 P. in. Arrived at Columbus . 10.0. P. Do SteubenN ill. 4:45 A. Si. Pittsburgh. 7.150 A. M. BUFFALu aND PITTSBURGH EX2RESS. Leaves Cleveland 10:20 P. M. Arrives at Wellsville 6:35 Do Wheeling 11:05 A. Si. Do Pittsburgh 7:50 A. Connections are made by the Mail and Express from Barad I)(A:ire when returning, as are formed ai above when going Pittsburgn; a 5..., with the Pezinsylvania Itailrodi for Harrisburg, Lancaster, Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York ati.i Boston. The above Trains will stop on signal of tile Station Agont at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to take up painengerd going on or beyond the line of these Ronda. Trains will also step to leave passengers coming from these et any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh. Passengers desiring to go to Chicago, or manta beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask tor tickets via Cleveland. Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any points b,yund Colembus, via Steubeuville, must ask for tickets via ritenb ovine. Baggage checked torough to all principal points, and transferred free of charge. 'Cra..For tickets or intoimation, apply to L DAVIE PAltlilA, Ticket Agent, Penn Street o ation, Pittsburgh. F. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent, C. & ?. H. It, Cleveland. 1. A HUTCHINSON, General Tiei s lot Agent, P., 0. Si. C. R. R., Columbus. JAMES FARMER, Superintendent LI. Lt P. R. IL, Cieveland. W. W. BAGLEY, mrBi Superintendent I'., 0 & C. IL It., Column.: NEW WESTERN ROUTE, TO CINCI.NNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS v 1.9. PITTSBURGH, FT. W,4.-Yii& end CHICAGu, N D CIN CI N N ATI, HAMILTON lc DAYTON RAI LBO A De, VIA. DELAWARE OUTAZIFF Disiancx way 32,) mitts Jiur4 P‘tqt.urgh to Cincinna THIS LINE is composed of Roads of C.Lic First Clam, and is located through a beautiful and highly cultivated portion of the State. Direct connection le made at Cincinnati with the Ohio and llienideipai Railroad, (the tracks of the C. IL h D. & 0. Roads, being connected, for Evansville, Memphis, Natchez, At. Louis, Cairo, Victaburg, New Ociez.ns. Connection made at 81. Louls kaieti the Pacific 11•..0t0c., and Missouri River Packets, for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all points Wes.. Also connects at Cinchanuti with Kentucky Central It. It., f,or Lexington. Danville, YrauLfort and all point: in Central lieutticky. Trains leave Penn area &Adel] (113 follows fliv. Cincinnati to Cin.inati with 3:30 M• 'but cue change of cars, co riving at dAtio Y. 51. Passenger Train, fir . 1• 15 p riving In Crtatline 10:115 4w• • 1. 1 v A.. M.., Cin. 1:00P...1.1 tn. BAGGAGE CHECKED Tit ROUti H. 'lt Faro ais Low as any other Route. For all informatiou, sa.til Through Tickets, apply at the Ticket Office, corner itionouga!zele. liocue, ur at Penn street itation. 44" Peusengerii de iron A gulug this rcuta will Tickots via L-I»warn Cnt-OIL J H. MOORE, Supt. P. Ft. W. & C. R. R, DAN'L hicl,Aß.l-'N, Supt. C. H. & It R. R. novai New Route via River and Railroad. Indianopoils`& Cincinnati Railroad CONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with Terre Haute, and c,,rre Pante end Alton Railrrada, to St. Louie and Lafayette and ludianapohe, New Albany and faleta, and Michigan Cintral Roads for CHIC WO, SOOll ISLAND, BUILLINOTO.•, and all intermedi a t e points. Through Freight Train to INDIAN APOLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE, and PERU. Freight parried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in less time than any other route by 24 hours, and at as low rates. The only road by which shipments can be made from Cin cinnati to the West, without breaking hulk. Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Gincin• nazi; ca, W. B. PUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for commission; no Mary for drayage or ansunivnan at lawrenzebtriv. For further information, apply to THOMAS Ra.rimoiN, (No. lib Water street,) Agent of the Company, who is pro. owed to give THROUGH nouns to, indianapolb, Terre Haute r Lafayette, Mileage, .GreencesUe, Crawford,. villa, übarleaton, Paris, and Mattoon.- , - - H. 0. WU, President JNO. arsztt,. own Freight Agent mr3 pultE RYE WHISKY,. Old French Brsn4y tea r Yuri W3btak tit T^.Al,4,,alipumul RAILROADS. 1888. Winter Arrangement. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. le, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD IE V E 11AFiLi.IX A' it AI II , YABI.MALL TRAIN leaves the Panenzer tion every morning, ies.cent onuday,) ut 8315 o'clock, Pletanu.VA time arriving in Philadelphia at thou r.td. 11.1.ratLno 11‘.9.1.11 loaves tun acatton every eveniug nc Mopping only at hireensourg,Latrobe,,lolkne• town, Wainioro, Aiwouts OGc. , coulaucting at ilar rislalrg wan tno train direct for Baltimore, and arriving in railakielp/uu or Baltimore at Ltio o'clock, P. M. AUtludiAluDATivii TRAINS: Tlll JOHNoi'AV N ALA.;uII..M.U.LATILL.I TRAIN leavi,i don) t.t , cupt oUutluy,) ztopping ut au yrattous, una tunuati, tut Lai tut CulLeUtuusit. P . 11461 ACUo.ll.2l.oitaillYo4 .kurtle. Creel: linage leaven unity, kor..o,lpt Sunday',) at /U:4O, A. M. Tii.A.LN tor Turtle Creek, Leavoii datlY , to pi oauclay,rat 4.ltV P. N. Ti,Alls4 for Turtle Creek, leaven Unity, te.P.Cupt zutAltay.) ui 0:4.u, I. t. 0.2, /UAL , . a/Tani/A rittabto tom tolluisa : Exprori,, l:- uu, P. Al.; attul, o.UU A. AL, JOLUSI.I.AVL4 ACcuturo, .t..t.tti ..U.C11.0 %.,inett Awinuaudatiom WOO, ceconcl Accommodation, k'. Al 4 Third Acamk o,,,oatiou, e. 'fraLun tor liuuravtua and iuthatta, ta.uueut at Baur:iv/1u luwraecuuu Wll.ll utau lralu J,aa L, Meccas claw V 1,41, 41.11 , 1 Wa Juttustowu act-a — laudation train haat awl %cat. t'i..C.tanultua aa IL/Ali\ 6, all 0:41LIDLI.1 ull ILLHUtirgit aucl GOLkuoLls- Yinc - rwmLL , rwvo daisy , ,DLILLU-sy I:sl.Covio--11,1 ua WA°us: altaL .uu A. 0.1.. 1:121,113-4, 4.41.1 U rit..9.l_No trutil eitleibUrgli mad ,20tulullavillv AA...a, nrnao ma riciauurgh, 11.W/A. tuid.mo Law i 4 glean) W ttitir lu :A LaaaL ur 1au,1141/ Ltic LU.2.11.11/(111 1 az Lilo ...l.xnuLutnatlauLks Liu% uti.113.1 kALLILkuI. Uo vlll 01.01.1 ul.l &Ely utile!' rot, bun UnatiSSLoU Wllb ouLunly troo U . 'Lau 1.11.18 t, we iiL nalotjr, Vulliturt 141 nil Mi Liu Limy tavur title /14ILI WALL LLItAA put/ AA/ ;.NuIV •• to tiairresuarg, liaggiage caockuu to all Slationn un Clio Penuey Lydia. aftd road, oou Lu euflodiaidun, liiialaiore and New Y orii. Yeaeoutarn h/LllClablll6 /L 1 care, will tie a/forged tea oadlifua to Cue tltntluu roved, ...taco froui aLdLIULib IteZb tau thiulpany hue au Agent. Av./. Ildf.—ku aneo of toad, tue Gonaliiiay will fluid Mau, wired tenpuuuDte uu fiereunwl baggage only, and fur no 411.1,,1111G lilt oitoutoluag .61.celawr unanibus lane has c:mon empkyed rtissollgtlrla aLL4 liaggagu to ta1441 u - ..au Lilo Lit Tut; a% u ulutZ6o uut W niWol Lb couLe ler each paaisougur ea,,,t Gnu .9+6, tick.ota apply to J. BTEWAJIT, Agent, At tho P. 1L It. Yeatouttgcr .L.l oil iatwrZY and laraut. ntnwta nit; PENNS Via VANI.II RAILLiWith. U.c.2%i41.4..L hut., It, Lu.alaut.Lllll4, the tallintlCUltlbs with 11 edtc/ ,s, \.JI teLor oVUL.S., ue Ger II W.V.'S Oya COLII.IIIIIOIIs itwlw 1.13 Lkirbc,. .1:11Lrl it.Uttd laidull.ltletd PiLteourgli atut V t LI attain...3re to ell potty un the Woe at , CleV,• lUM.I nud beiLitilleliy with ettainere to all porta on the tNurtli• esEurn Lalue,', making the must DLELIOT, OttitaPEST tibtl by winch t'it.tlUiri Can he tore:aided to and 'Lulu Lhe ÜBJL&T W LOT. ttatee between YhlladelphlaF, Plttoburl;:, Boots &lifts, tints and tiaps, books, Dry tiots,(iu boxes, bales [41.1e. DX+ Una. auu cruu.ss,) Drugs, tiu bezes,und bales) l'oaittore, r urn, sc. 3.6(.;UADULAS,.I--Docuesric &wed ug, t , ru, lr lug auu .12ickuig urtguial :.ales), Drags (In mats), thirdware. Ln.. X er tiu 11 100 NI roils or boxes), Wool, ani rens, I 13:ttatvinril, Sc., 4c. C.4llz.,.—Auvills, ata,l, ()halos (WI 9:42 A. M. casks), Wimp, bacon and York., Milted t s , log Lb , (10080 or in flacks), Tobacco, natuukto turnd, (except aor mat.,) !P.c., do. j FOURTH t.:LAoS--Uolfen, liacou, Boot and. York, on calks or boxon Mun.ward,) ooc. - 41 100 IDs. Lard and .bard IN adr,ooda Unr torn Uiay, Tar, rdcki, /Wain, &c. /Whin-4400 1 0 001. until iurtimr notice, tiltAlO. lu car luuthc, 4b eta. 1 11)0 IDa, until furthor W.A.! et . etnal.)ki ti hale, not emcnediug ow IDi. vinnott, anti. further notice. atupping Ciooda from any point mat of Philadol plnr, Du partacular to murk packages via rennotuanw itatiroaa." QJt tioods cunsigued Cu Me Agents ul tnbi 110m81 at YLULLitielphia or Putauargil, will bo fo.rwarded without do Lou ...a o'oo P . 11 40 P. M. . 1..10 A. M 8.1.17 A. M. 9 :)9 P. M. . 0:00.. At. . 2:00 P. m. l'alatint Adult's—Harris, Wornhey A Co., Xlerupnia, Tenn., eam 6 Cu" SL LOUIS; r. itnoy a Co, EVMLItiFIIII3, Ind.; Boutennh,Bell Co., and Carter a Jewett, Louisville, Ay.; it. C. Melanin, Aladutun, ; U. W. Brown a Co., atm awn., 4 Cu., Cincinnati; N. W. Uranihn a Co. ' Zatneaville, thuu; Leech ct Co., Nu. c-1, Bitty c trent ; Balton, kronen & Au. Antor bossy New York; No.l Witham street, and No. 3 Battery ilAce, New - York; B. J. aneeder, kluladeiptua; Alagraw a KOOll4. Baltnuore; U. A. Ccewart, Bittanurgn . H. li. auubl'uN, licneral Freight Agent. U. J. Lo.k.usAlavr, aly t .21 , t.00aa, Va. PITTSBUILGH 4Y CONNELLSVILLE lEt. AIL Tint Pittstargh and Conneitsville Railroad is now for the transportation of passengers sad freight to uni i'ittshargh and ConanHaynie, connecting with the l'euusyl vania Central Railroad at linnton's Station. Arrangements have also been made with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, by which through freight to Philadelphia and Baltimore will be carried from points on the Pittsburgh and Connethivtlle Railroad, by car loads, on favorable terms. RUNNING OF TRAINS.—On and alter Monday, ut December, tile Passenger Trams will be run daily, except Sundays, as follows: MAIL TRAL,I, will leave the Passenger sLatiou of ear Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh, at 7.00 o'clock, A. ti., arriving at Counellsville at 12:00 A M. k'AnBNNUER TRAIN, leaving Pittsburgh at 4:20 o'clock, P. M., and arriving at onuellsville at 8:201'. M. RETURNLNG.—E.XPRES. 7 111..A.LN will leave Connor'n v - in nt 8 o'clock, A. M., connecting with the Blairsville AcCuilltuodation Tan, On the Pennsylvania Railroad which arrives at Pittsburgli'atll L. 1. MAIL TRAIN, leaving Conner oviik at f 4.00 P. IL, and connects with the Brutton Accommodation Train, all tne i'emasylvama Railroad, which arrives in Pittsburgh at 6.01) P. M. Freight to and from Pittsburgh, and stations on the Pate, burgh two Coanellsville Road, .111 be received and delivered at Baldwin Depot, opposite Duquesne DepoL on Liberty Street. Bunting & Hall's Coaches for 114. Pleautnt, Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, will leave Connellsville r,gularl) on the arrival of the trains. Mall Train connects also at West Newton with coaches. by the Plank itoad, with Mount Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin, nandpatch, Cumberland, Ac Tickets can no had from Ticket Agent at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Depot. twin M. BLACKSTON E. S uperinten den t. Joseph Wllltele Carriage .Repositors, JOSEPH WHITE, now carrying on bust- ness in his spacious premises, (now lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh and Greensburg :;x' , .- Turnpiite, near the Two ,file Run, between ' Pittsburgh aLd letwreueeville, respectfully invites the public inspect his stoCk of CARP.I.AGES, BUGGIES, As. And he particularly intoirm, gentlemen pitrChattri that one price only in 'mule. Yourteeu years' ozpreleue..-.1 tr. MO tiunitteils enables itha to pit,:z before his patrons the same choice oeil«;tion of Clt , riages which, so many years past it has been his particular department to select, from the Various and most talented Ekt4; - .,e:11 manufacturers. The 31200688 of - his new system is 'flf his arrangements will supply the bast and most fashionablial rcatiti t in.:hir•fs nt moderate prima. Unencumbered by those heavy Meal, witith t.ta CV , nid for decorating houses of business has heaped uponthe price of goods, (owing to largo rents, JOSEPH WHITE will sell, nn ready money only, at much ess than the usual prices. gSN.Carriages repaired in the best manner with clenatch uasuLl.lau pOTA.TOE - 120 br bus. Nes .annock -.aces; 60 do Peach Bloasom Potatoos Just receist,l, end for sae by JAMEY. A. 'FETZER, RYE FLOUR.- lb bbls. fresh ground Rye Motu, Just resived and for ealr by Jaul GREEN APPLES.- 20 bbla. green apples, Jnet received and for sale by .ct2o JAn. A. Fr.TZE.B., 89 Water street. WEET POTATOES. - 1 4 , 4U bush. Sweet Potatoes, just resolved :red fcw talc t I; APPLES.- 29 bble. extra fine Rambo and Belleflower, 68 Vandiver; Rnasett Apples, just rec'd and for sale by J.4.p. A. lIETZER, 89 Water street. FLOUR. 100 bbis. choice Extra Superfine, Superfine Flour ' Just receis-.4 • and for sale by JAMES a. FETZER, Efifii Water street BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS.—A large stock of every desciiptiott, in store la - ad for sale by W. B. HAVEN, Corner of Market and Second streets CIDER. -10 Barrels Sweet Cider, for sale by 1,131E3 A BEITZEII, dec7 89 Water street. - E N DIA RUBBER INKSTANDS— t‘zaz.43.;•Ioc of those air-tight INKS, jest received tin 4 fur sale i* 01 t 6) DUFF AND FLEIIINO'S Book-Jieepi4g, for aale at W. S. littVh3N'S, Stationery Warehouse, 1.2.9 Corner Market and second street.. EN V ELOPES. Buff, Blue and White Laid, Adhesive, Cloth Lined and Parchment Pape; do.; extra thick Cream Laid do.; Legal do.; Note do.; ail sites; for sale by W. S. II kVEN, oct3o Corner Market and B‘..r.ond ate. LIASKE'F, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, and Fuller's Board, for sale by W S. RAVEN, Boa. 31, 33 and 35, Cornea . ?darter and Second 9 tre rrEA — S.---SO half ohost3 Young ilyson, im peci.l, eanpowder, Black Teas, in store and for sale JAMES -PA rToN, :Jr., Allegheny City. IATEST INDIA PRESERVES. —lO thaw" noteu3rted, Just receive - A and fOr tale by EitYIIER ANDER4.jri, 4.9 bpt. 110 WA..I str, t U.E.LLIEB.-5U dozen Ourrant, Blaek.bery Change, Quince, Peach, and Grape Jellies, tar sale by SRYPLISti dc ANDRE:W:4. 3.18 89 Wool etrve,r, opposite St. Char).* lintal' 114 ICE.—Six tierces prime Rice, just receiv ed find for gale by MILLI% RICHEITON, peril Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street. Cl ELEESE-60 boxes prime Western Reset ye Ext isle by 1de44111 WM. FL B.illTtl * CO. EL] Z ABETELAN.—A new: Decorative W Paper, Elirabettian deeign,just received, and for Bale by W. P. MARSHALL a CO., . 47 Wood 9 Prcoe: ULOUR.-25 bble. Superfine Flour received and for sale by NKIAtNOL/188, &MANS & CO" te2o Comex Wood and Water streets. L'RUITS for Christmas and New _Year.— Beat. Layer Itaiaina; choice paw ffige, in drum!, and pa per boxes, only 183' ` c_.lib., at nAiVoIITH,I3.IIO. k 8B TWNLEE'S, oinvarnei. PORN SIIELL.ERS.—Smitiee Patent, -fir ranged for otuld, home or &team power, warranted In every gilo.o4ell from so to 40 titediela of earn per hove. Will be sold low b,y tan wean R. oMiliflni $.130J0 lu .I.;altaLuura . au,ul.) I " LAL1C4411.4: aOA D . 7 - • Neshannock Potatt JASIES A. FETZER, 89 Water atreet. JAE. A_ PN:TZEIL, 89 Watar itrcot. lEMSI MEDICAL DuCTOR HOOFLAND'S . CELEBRATED GEPABLBIAN BITTERS, cr Da. O. M. JACHBON, PuniD'a, Lin Will effectually curs L.LIMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA JAUN.DICIII, UMW. NIO Olt rizavoue, DEBILITY, DiBEASSS OP TILE ITIDNSYS, sissa all Dials.s tsi-itsiislfre74a dif:, , re-gif Ii cn c 'v:Q.IW% Such rs Oonstips• tlau, Inward Piles, %Mines; or Blood to the Haul, Acidity of the Stomach, 14auseau, Heartburn, Disgust ler Food, tallness or weight in the Stonisch, Sour Eructs. (salons, Sinking, ur Fluttering at the Pit of the Sts' mach, Swiinaung of the Head, Hurried .and Dlfllenit Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Surfecatlr.g sensations when in a lying poster,, Dimness of, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Never and Dull Pain - In the Head, Deficiency Of Perspiration, Yell lowness of the Skin and Limbs, amain u the Side, Back, Cheat, Lambs, do, Sudden flushes or Beat .In the Flesh, Constant innksinfongs of Kvil, and great Deprecwon cf 5 P I ft I t e. ire tittribtitinis annh i'd..idableiiropfirtdos to :fin oia,fs, rash or unwarrantable assertion is unade„but is simply stated a tact; proven undeniably and conclusively hy the 0 v trauy• dinAry cures, and benefits derived from its use, under the. :If. recthm of Its illustrious originator,Dr. Iloollaird, among el! C124.33a Is'nropean society, and rom the inuminse mass et testimony, from all parts of the American connuent, ne,i uardated during the last ten years, in the Winds of the pro., cut proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which tie German linters are adapted, it is with sorrow wa say it, is al most universal, indeed there is scarcely a family throughout the whole errant of our country in which there cannot 0, found among its urs . nitfera that peculiar ;allow and lnnytial appearance deputing a diseased Liver, or an emaciated and tattering Dyspeptic. Then 01 who: unmans° importance to teas class of meal a that a certain and reliable-remedy should be placed with! their reach; one In which nu baneful or injurious drug ea tem into Its composition; a remedy on which the patient cue rely with the utmost muifidence and certainty, and be assured rum actual and tangible proofs that the article he is using Nally possesses the virtue attributed CO It. Stich a remedy se "11001L.A.ND'S GERMAN BITTERS." Thousands en dollars have been expended in its manufacture and diffusion throughout all parts of this continent, and the proprietor feels the greatest satisfaction in stating that there is tie state, county, or even village, where the Medicine has beer introClused, that there cannot be found numbers willing testify to its virtues. It is used constantly in the p: acuce of a large number the most prominent Physicians In the country, Ade., also added their written testiniuny in evidence of its gro.if virtues. lu conclusion, thou, we would reo;,o_vainlly ask or all those afflicted with any of the above thseie,es Bitters a trial, and rest assured it will never be re,:retteo. Ln grout ut toe statements above 113. d %, .111 are Invited read attentively the illutanac published annually by the pzu. pnetor, for lartners and Numila's, containing a great nut: bar of useful receipts, in addition e, the testimony in fey,. of the' hitters, from the wool prominent end well known in dividmils in all parts of the Union. All Agents for the Bit ters are authorized to distribute the Alumnae gratuitously, Principal ',Mice and .Yhinufactory,9B Arch street, Philadel. phut, Pa. Fur sate v. Lulea:lle by Druggists in all trio praicipol and at retail by Apothecanes and Storeteopors di ovary town in the United States and Canada, and by B. L ESTOCK & CO. and Dr. a. ;Le:Vs:L.li, j —.Lyda, l't Lt tt.L. ittetlittt, E, , t Lug l;0111 u.giai of Natare'd U ii NOT 2 WHEN A k2UI-Lt: IS Li IiAItAYIEED 11` all el-ages tit oea,:dier DILEA.sISS, Scat-Abuse, elei • veils th.l.nlify, atra.tures, uleetq I.sraVel, Diebries, Diseases of the hid/keys and hisedet, Mercurial ltheumstum, ecru him, Pains in the and Alikttl, In-leaSeti ill the Lungs, fnroat, N, 1c anu hive, tdl, ern upon the boueor Core, .I.ireps;, Epileptic r tw, sr. Wan all discuss: arinmg Lroat a d,iaagetilen: of the Serval tirgene, such es nervous Inelltury, tit pie. er, general atbaktl,s,, tlllllllO. it With pa'llilar epota appear Lame [lie 03 ea, lung of oigb I , Wal,tl.llhat3B, dydpe i aal, liver diseaaee, eruptions upon Lin tow, pain in the Duck and twee, Minnie lit'ugulartuen and all improper Meet:target, feem both !else. IL matters not from Waal, t:3l.lee the disease IluWeTer lung IlLandlitg or °net/nate the case, TeCuIAT,II I, .;ertoire, sad in a snorter Lane [Lana peCLUAineLL CU 1e can 1.0 effected by any otter Great - Meat, even alt r the dine/lac has baffled the skill of eminent phytecians and rcsieted a,l - the I Ltietinel of cure. The medicines are pleasant without udur, causing nu eickness and tree [thin mercury or balsam. Lau> tug twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the Jawe of death many thuuramle who, in the iliLligo•9 of the mentioned&seance dud been given up to die by Clots peysiciaus, which warrants me ia promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and must speedy cure. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to health, its they are the first cause of Consumption, tale and many other diseadea, and should be a terror to the unman family. As a permanent cure in scarcely ever er,c,;l - a majority of the Ca.lea Lolling Into the hands of Inca:!, - potent person', who not only Soil to curs the diete'ee bit ruin the constitution, tilling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a rabid Oureitimption. But ehould the disease and the treatment not cause death speedily, and the victim marries, the ditease is entailed upon the children, who are born with leoLie constitutiaLS, and the current in life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Bcrofula, Tatter, Ulcers, Eruptious and other effete nuns of the skin, eyes, throat and lunge, entailing upon them a brief t..ustence of suffering and consigning them to an early grave, boLl, ABUSE is another formidable enihny to health. fes , 'mit thg 'lee in the dread catalogue of humeri dittoes,. canine. ,lertrUctiVe a than.: upon the 83 tit.,M, drawing its Lilo.- ,sudd of victims through a few years of Hullerlug down to nu unumety grave. It deszroys the nervous system, rapidly WaStea /1151.13 the energies of hie, scabies Mental derangement, prevents the pi riper lieVHaTiat , La et the cyatom, disquallne e . .or marriage society, buariee.i, and ail earthly Nappies,, anti leaves the entterer wretched in body and mind, preMs peered to Consumption and a train of evils 410.7 U to be dreaded thou death 'teen. With the fullest cuarldent. I as sure the unfortunate victims ul ;Sell-Abuse that a permanent and speedy curs Can be effected, end with the abandonment al ruinous practices alp patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. Tee afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Medi cines, for there are so many ingenious unfired in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that atillems have their constitution ruined by the vile compounds id quack doctors, in the equally poisoueus ll:fe u-mum vended us "Patent Medicines" 1 leave carefully ans. tyeed many of these called Patent Medicines and rind that lletitiy all of them contain corrosive Sublimate, which is one of the strungeet preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead et curing the disease disables the eye tern for life. Three-Martha of the patent nostrums now In use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do not under stand even the alphabet ut the inuterut ntedtca, and are equal ly ad destitute of any knowledge of toe human dydtetu, hav ing one object only in view, and that to make money regard. lens of COIIiknaIIbLICOO. Irregularities and all diseases of milled and females treated un princapied etnablistiect by twenty yeara ni practice, and aanctiuned by thouaaude el the must remarkable cures. Niediclues, pith lull directioud, dent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Butanes., correspondence etrictty con udential. Address d. sI;MALNIIiVILI,c:, A. 1)., Vince Nu. 11.31 igilbert street, vita %o. Jy1.1:15 Lau.' NEW Private and Coandential Medical Advice 1 T" BUFFALO PRIVATE 110SPI TAL—EAtAlished for the cure of Syphilis, Seminal weaanesa and the Secret luurnuttue of Youth had Maturity, by Dr. AMOS a SON, Budalo, N. Y. Ut.hm corner of Maid land quay etreeta, (up stairs.) A MOST 601k,:siTIFIO INVENTION. An instrument fur the cure of Genital Debility, or Ncctur. oaf Eruiseions, more properly known ea beininal Weakness, &c. Can Do permanently cured iu titan fifteen to twenty days, by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. YOliNt; VARA: PAhTICULAit NOTICE. Dr. AliiIDS At SON take pi...4r,, in et:pouncing that they have invented a most unixataut lustrtutent for the cure of the above diseasos. It flea been subjected to a teat by the must eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only ileum' instruruen: ever yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Weakness,or any .11sease of the genital organ; canned by the secret habit,. DI youth. Dr. AMOS A SON, to order to tia,tisfy the moat skeptke., as to the merits of their instrument, piedge theruselvee that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory idlee fair trial, the money will be reloaded by returning the is etrument in good order. Persons Wishing the above useful instrument will obser•e that the price, with the accompanying directions, securel) packed and sent by exprees, is ten dollars. NEW it.K.SIe.DI.E.eI ANL/ QUICri. CURES. D s r. AMOS A 611 h may be consulted trom eight o'clock the morning until tone at eight, in every stage and eV WI, tom al the Volterra' Disease, uenurrhoea, tileets, Secon - dai zinup'torns, Benunal Weakness, Impotence and otrictures the Urethra, etc., with kvioiablu seeresy. The treatment they adopt is Dm result 01 upward of thirty years' exteusiv. And successful practice in Loudon. Tim west inveterst. cases el Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine d..)13. and cases of a atignx nature in two or three days, at a mod erate expense. The core effeetul without cuunneruent or hindrance from businesir, also, nodes and pains in the bones and limbs, effectually eradicated. A QUlt6 IVAhHANTED Dr. 4.2.44. - i8 EON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class°, !Do relief they. Lave consequently been enabled to reader tp timoi crcatur, ei tally testined and greattully acknowledg.4 coilvelt centpatients and others daily arriving in toss El hem ell el the country. for the express purpose only o , Coltaalta , , while their exertions have be ,u crowned with tee most sib nal aellautages; yet (ruin what they have taperiesiced - inquiring into the Cank:b,l of th.ese infect:ous complaint i (from their moot Eli , pie rendition to that or the must dm gerous and inveterated) they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal. and likewise In variably found that the most horrible and mangnaut terms of disease could almost always be traced to one of the me lowing causes:—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of ut.- skilful abd improper treatment; therefore, Dr. A.!.1.J6 F. SON have succeeeed In discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautions course • otnit.,ll4, ail ..s.itubbiatiou of remedzes which hear an equivocal ' character, es well es those Fhose premature or Wad/dons application might be productive cif ba.i csr,seitieuees an the Munk private individuals, in short, the !audible end of their re ilieditt4 id the lessening of a great mass of human misery by the alleviation, relief and prevention of those grievous ell til‘;tione that ere in re lity the secret fee of life, and which, while they so extremely surround us, call aloud for one skill and interference for their extermination. 001314 at 1C INV ALIDI3. Persona In any part ut the world way be auccve,i,C.; treated by forwarding a L'urrect detail of their c: co, cite, remittance for meclicinem, Ea. Addrees Dr. ABIOS ^r Ilain and Qnay Banal°, N. Y. tv PASTE, prepared pARISIAN TUOTII under the aupercLiou of Dr. flulltheu, eurgeou tut., for sale by Jus. FLEAII:4I, ANOTHER supply of Low & tSOU'Bsupelior Loudon Toilet received today, ty JOS. FLEMING, fele Corner DiaiNund and Market *trot C. r HORN'S EXTRACT OF' COPAIRA AND 2L„ 82.118AFAII1L...A.—Anottior supply of this ctiebr:cto ugliYh refuctlY,Jciat received by JUN. FLEMING, fe9 Comex Dasmond and I,arLet came:L. WAiERB.--liino Lick, BAi ford and Congre waters conazantly on hand at JU3k.FIL i• LEM AG'S, fel) Corntr illawoud and Market btr.vt. QE'S Ferrated Tinos. Bark and Elixir o: Bark, en hand and far ale by •alp 1 4 111 003.—Dressed Bogs, jnst received and for sale by JA PETZEP, 89 Wane rtrt-t. pEREUMERY—Of descriptions and prices, can be had at JOS. FLEMINOPS, fold Corner Diamond end Marko' arre, t. DIANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose wood O octave Pial.lo3, mall be rented to private taw Like only. Apply to _ JOHN H. MELLOR, fs:l3 Si Wood ntr. t. E• LL‘t &EDI' bIEDIOAL DISCOVERY • lost:Nal on band and fur ; ,=ale by rallo BILE1111143T:).01:. APER'S CHERRY PECTORAL La) CATHARTIC PILLS. Alvan' each on hand for sale b$ [itante B. la 1411/11116TOCIK 8 t. 43. D 5 . A '01,4 CELL:II,AI Y 1 V E s n ; thy* gr tale 'I2.MS A.„ They are not recoil -, - nceded as Lp„ Cure-all 3, but simply what their Trim , orts • ne VialoliEUGE p e W(4-7-L,-0 ru human system, II 0 been administer ith the most satisfacto; sults to various anima'. , • 01ect to Worms the LIVER PILLS ) sf d:c cure of LIVER COM - f - LAINT ) all BILIOUS DE - NGEMENTS ) SICK HEAD LE, &C. / C. ) iNi( Lan, 7 . ,itt( i vzr.,‘,:mrFuc;.7. ;IC7 1.0 L ' 111 . . C ANTES, fis c,~~ ::"~'~ • r err-MO.:tat liq can now be had A respectable 1 )- •:r ria LA4slkl6 V ERMIEUGE AND LIN' E Jul PILLS.-76 gross on band and for ,alo by B. L. FARNEoTOCK t. Corner Wood and Fourth .treo3. 01-tIVATE DISEASES.-Dlt. MEDICAL end SURGICAL Offices, u. 5U SMITHFIELD Street, Pitta burgh, Pa. DR. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitts- burgh, and has been in practice for the het twenty-five years- IDs business has been confined mostly to Private and Sur. 5 ..4 ., gical Diseases.l 7 /,,, CITIZENS AND STRANGERS In need of a medical friend, should not fail to and out the-sure place of relict. .r The Doctor is a regular graduate, and I. t his experience in the treatment of a certain claas of discs is a eure guarantee to the sufferers cf ehh.lntag pertmie,z.l relief, by the use of his remedies and following his advice. DR. BROWN'S REIIIEDIES never fall to cure the worst form of Venereal Diseases—all Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all diseases arising from a hereditary taint, whichmanlfesta itself in the form of a tatter, psoriasis, and a great many forma of skin diseases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant To persona so afflicted, Dr. B. offers hopes of a sure and speedy recovery. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, broc„bi on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratification w6•ch the young and weak•minaed often give way to, (to their o.cn destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in Cali country—they are safe, and make a speedy reatoratioi health. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painful ills. case in alma days—he will c'errant s core. He also tr -1.1 Piles, Gleet, Gonorrhma, Stricture, Urethral Dischargzs„ male Weakness; Monthly Scippreasiorua; Diseases of LliD Joints Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain to the Built and Kidneye, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a els, d. rected to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to r.,2y address, safely packed and'secitre from bbservatio . a. 'Office and Private Rooms, No. 50 Smithfield street, burgh, P. - Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer. i f2RAY ILAIB,ED, BALD, or persons with kA diseases of hair, or scahi, read the following end jaws et the articles: Dire. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALSAIIIVra, Or WORLD'S HAIR DRESSING, to essential to use with the RESTORER, and is the twat Hair Dressing tor old or young extant, being often efficacious in emus of huh fail. lag, Au ' without the Eeatorer. REV. H. V. DEGAN, Editor Guide to Holiness. "We can testify to its effects," An. PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, L. L D., Murfr.weiboro', Tenn. "Notwithstanding irregular use, the tailing off of hair ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," An REV. S. B. MORLEY, Attleboro', M. P.sPhusetta. ".t has changed the " (town of Glory," belonging to old men, to the original hue of youth," Ac. REV. M. TEACHER, (60years of age,) Pitcher, Chevango county New York. "My hair Is now restored, it is nothing like a dye," &a. REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown, New York_ "My own hair, and that of another of my family, has greatly thicken. ed, where almost bald," 4,1. REV. JAMES McKEE, New York city, recommends It, As REV. W. PORTERS, Stanwich, Conn. "it has mot my moat sanguine expectations, Ex. REV. J. F. GRlSWDLD,aahington N. H. "It is really efficacious in restoring the hair," le. aEv. 0. AL SPRATT, Lewisbnrgh, Pennsylvania. " W can and do cheerfully recommend it," &c. @EV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Carolina. "The white hair has become obviated," &c. @EV. AMOS bhaNDLIALA very highly of your preparation' hiZ. REV. B. 0. SMITH, Prattabnrgh, N. Y. " I was atirptind to Had my hair turn as wian I was young," &c. @EV 0 DI. CLLN if, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. "It ha.. top pied my hair trilling and caused a new growth." @EV. A. FRLNIC., Cbatatique county, New York. •'I am !Wailed andreconunend it." @EV D. MORRIS, Croaa River, Now York. "It I the l,e.i preparation extant." REV. WILLIAM CIIITER, Editor Mother's Magazine, Now York. "Recommends it." gir We might swell this list, bat If not Tit Y IT. We export these preparations to Europe over, aud ire superseding all others there as a - ell as in the r..! It &a not tml or dial;l2. Bold by all the principal whole• wale and retell nierrhanta fa the ,nited States. a. re Canada. DEPOT 855 8500.151 STREET, rd. whero address all letters and inquzlea. - Some dealers try to sell articles instead of thL, on which they make more profit. Write to Depot for circolar, C,(111S, and information. Genuine is signed, Atm S. A. A Lffn written in ink. Beware of counterfeits. fekipg:e.o.d.iiiit,-; MRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORER.--A large supply always on band and fc,r Sal() by auvl6 B. L. BALINESTOOK A CO No. fl Wood street, Pittsburgh, HAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND WALDRON & Ghti s aztcuras CORN AND GRAIN SCYTIk, CORN HOES ; PATENT AND COMMON AN ViLel; STE& Traps, very superior Drawer Locks, very sup, rfo,. Gan Lochs, Tinned and Ennamelled Sauce Par" 13:::411.1g Spoons, Brats Candlesticks, Bras Cocks, Brass 'Stair It ~'.r, Bits, Measuring Tape!, Superior Waiters, Curl y ComLa, Traces, Coil, Tlfth, Tongues, Stretch and Breast Ctsine ' with a variety of other goods, all of which will to sold at rod -rate terms. cpl,4 Lzp.r4 - e:•rt A 1) SKIRTS 1 SKIRTS!! Bishop's Skirts; Quilted Hooped Skirts; Holmes' Hooped Skirts; atlases' 0 ,rtird Skirts. Ladies' Corked end Quilted Skirts, white and coloro I ; a new supply Just opened, at JOS. LI ,, BNE'S, del) . 77 Mark. t street. WINTER GLOVES.—A la!). supply o f cloth, Silk and 31ariuo, of VaTiCT.3 lista. at low prii liDIINL"8, ripOREEDOES.-100,Wu o• Jubt receiv• IL ad and for ad. by & A NI/up:Km, werSb NG. ad ma, 4 wisok F.DICA ILIVPR Purchasers will p1e.x.,:7 particular to ask C.; I'' . , , I)rttv..r ,---, . ..._. ~ -'1'.........,_ ' ~.." - a i'..~.~tiiic'.~ ,)ice. , •-• vytr;, Dyer Pi rhe czr , : , , , w !NE vi(' Lal-r:',. TZTTYO" Na BRO'S SEMINAL WEAKNESS RHEUMATISM IT 1113 NOT A DICE. SAIL. FAHNESTOCK, . i. , 1 '7 `'.73