SPECIAL NOTICES. : ITENSION OF STAY. DRS. C. i M. FITCH 4• J. W. SYKES, in coutpiii. web. Wilco at No. 101 Penn street, opposlTE ST. OLAIkIiOTEL, PITTSBUROO, e TILL APRIL FIRST, 1869. Where they may he eonsulte'd daily, (Sun Jaye excnprrd,) for CONSU d.• ASTHMA, liEut4 OHITIS and ALL °THE • •ONIO AFFEOTIONd eon uected with,jor prodfionE,:•g. to I'ULXIOti ARY DISEASE. DRS. YIiES ie,zl that they canuot too earn. ently or ItNneutly athuouitili ilavalithi of the EXCEED OP DELAY IN PULMONARY DISEASE 04 , 11 4013111 a., trdlin,, , Ka to begot a delnaive toellag while tie ,Itlease ld making rapid pro -11,(1,-Ct, hllllSocif till i core 15 oaxt to tlyinpton ,01.1 ::p.ariLle. Ottice klotara---10 A. M. to 4 P. MI o ,r - ge t cousulwtEon. t.I toc-ti.hx will hr gr‘ot to the wishing to vault %. riTUll A J W. tll'Kl' stre,t, Pitt.thur, L I'. 44- A RECIPE i' itARELY EVER FA ELS tai CURE A CdLtt v•hile winter, with Its hut then ~I Colds and Covighs, in with us, uc think a remedy that will relieve such TieiL ebould be highly prize . d, and L who know the w4rtli of tkil remedy, will do as we do—pt teeit &Allay. 'fake a double dui," at Dr. &enjbrd's and it will give greater relief than any other coedi,l, , w e ever tried, hir we have rarely to repeat the dote to le, en tirely free tr4u Cough, and as [IWD tut the lunge timer time throw eft Atm collected matter, the cure is As a family medicine, ior the cure of Bowel Diseases, ..ems, Ueraugement cl the Stomach and Liver, we CALI re, t.mend it knowing! CUal: A.FT. B. THE PIFIC9IC,.IN:, 11.41) Itt , "4 111 -CILLE, U4b., Jauu,ay L, La U. if 1. jJui_hoou—hoar Sir—"We would intuits , you that we are out or Lititlid,sND's rcEits, Whlch moot with ready sale One of Our Llt4hbore 3 has 1 nos, tl..ctOrith; for borne time, kis A tiara: aPout IWO year.,) oath ,ti: in the but all ni nn avail. 11, much a dead Blau going abnnt., as anything sve .:an compare hail io ills Appeared to be an ove.)jiowing of gall. ••,,,u, we prevailed on hill, to try your Hirt: ::+, cub it. .win' to hint if It did no g )43(1, Or would IT it, provided he tocli. biz ott I or Offiing !b.• o.re-tions which ho hits did.. And te• is no , ' ettlirely cured, and has bvCOMO a well man. This ha' ;nal, d n groat silo in this n dghbortiood." Itespodtfally. EDIVARDS BROWN. .Iv,rtir,inen? MINIMEMI Pitt4l,nrgt: QFFICE OF THE FITTSIIMOTI. FT. WAY:\ 1); d CHICAG)) R.. 11. Pitt,burgh, lot, 1858. ) NOTP I I.I T. ST , `ClitiOLDEltr: —' he fling nor eit meeting of the Ctockli lien) of• the INthbuTli, er and ,}iiicago Railroad rbutpiny will he held at tie Itoome at thell,e,rd of rra , ie Oar city of l'ittMargh, ou Ttir. B DAY) Ow 30th day . 1 Nia•ch, az '2 M at Waleh tune the Report, 111, Director. and .alirere, of -lie of,erat.L.n of ,the Compa •y, Icr tie) first .•vrantean mon 'of the conmlidation Nail) he pc-rented naa read. The election for a new Mora of Direct ore be h,ld at the name place, on SV.EDN Ie IY'. 1., i et, Ea.twtaal 110111,11 r; efts N. :a. le.l ti 1 , , id. tt .;;I:hoido'3, out tae r-pi•eacti t.-1 of counties h n!ot •ill rii.toiv, h1p2C.,11 tick to mild from lints nurgti, [Jr tire oc,A-1 aptoicotion to tit t ilitftirout Sta tion : of proxi,s may b• ,it,ta.tio.l at tie G-.-heral Wilco in Pittatorgh, o. at the in New :No sireet. Stactrhatiteri tt, thre,Goimaniaq now merit•al by the coorionintim, woo may not base Louie - Ai-1 ih it eitiark, trill not he VIII I Liw 3 In any Volts at the oboe s IThe trimoi r wi I trout the Seth ih,t to tat pr o. 111,1 T :tIESSLEtt., Bocretai f. PiTTSEObia STEEL WORKS. i L NIcOULLoUGH JOIN ES, BOYD & CO I=l AN A. B. STEEL, ; SPRINGS AND AXLES. Cr - ,ijasr Rcas, and Plrst Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA • D 11 et a tt s aL O. , I=l Vivi V Eli PATENT E CiiLl l l.v.A.rrott lUS T BTWEE4'eI, PITTRRUKiII.I.P JAPIIIII U.ETZER,„ orwarding and Commission Merchant, Flour, Ureire, Baoon, Lard, Itutter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Procluon generally, Voroter of tolarliet and First streets. PirESltl RIFIR TO—Frami Bail y, Ed,., WUli.uu 1.41wm th, S. Onthhert & Sou, l'itn,b rgh; Boyd 1 Ott, Helakell Swearingen, S. Brady, Hag . M. el. 31. Bank. I,lst & Howell, Mangle & Go., George W Paxton & niy9.B--2ntr HAIIDWA LANIIIEL FAHNESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD atrbet, Pittsburgh, ha, on haud a largo STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which he will sell very low for OASI3. In addition to him Locks, Hingea, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large assortment of ,:arpenter's helms received a large sup. ply of Sausage Cuiters and Stutters. ; Shovels, Tongues and Pokers; Sleigh Bells, and Enameled Prn.erving Kettles. A RCHITECTURAL,- BARR Fs MOSER, Architects, No. 112 Smitlhfeld strN,t, . - !!ppo,ite new Poet Office, Execute Plans and Speriti,ttion, f all kinds of buildings, and superintend the ervetion of the Mr. Bina also c! nut - Inm to !wend to the measuring of !random' wore, ll'ud Mr. do Lt. to the preparation of patent papers and drawingr. mr11:1311 or 3. W. TUCKER., ATTORNEY AT LAW, ST, LOUIS, MO. OFFICE (FOP. TUE PRESENT,) NO 126 THIRD ST., NEAR CITY HOTEL, nun. J. L. Orr, Epe.,trer U. S 110-0: -0 B. prktsoutrLir-6. c.Ol. L. M. Henn. ti lion. &val. Treat,Judge U. 2. L'l,o.rict C mrt, sy. Lome J9rarg H. Litc.as C. itnv D O. D IsVel 1 m L. C. liE.PitUltra, i_T - Oft'Zl AT L4:l' A i C )NVEVANCER I & T. GROUTT Importera of Brandies, erx. Dealer. in hue Old Monongahela Kye Whialry, Peach and Applo Brandy; also, RECTIFIERS !.Ni) DISTILLERS, corner to i-',)LITLIFELD and FRONT Stroota. Pittql , cre.:. Pa \VIM/IAI CLPLVTON & CO., WED)LESALE AND RETAIL 31 P 1 RCHANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, i,lt QUO O R c,r Wool Btroot, 4 , -*- d Wtlyli on baud. Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac to ctdien, (J! ,- 1 Monoupheirt and Rectified whisky, of thu quilftr. delardoli DAVID H. WILLIAMS, ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FUR Tat: EttEarioN OF GAS WORKS, for front five tut ,or, is I upwardn, sad for llontiug Buildings, public or pricow, t.y Steam, !lot Water or Furnaces. iitlyis PITTIMURGEf, PA. c. PIANOS j-1 1 l AL TA-BARG lliV • 11 I I APINE NUNNS & CLARK PIANO, six 0.-tave of Rosewood case, but a few years in use, $l7O. octavo Rosewood case, round c0rner......... 165 eix octave Mahogany cal 125 Oi.e six octavo Maltegau, C21:0. 76 clue nix octave, small eiz^ piano 10 Fersone d.-eirowt to purt.la-o an instrument., will find it to their interest to cull at 11. KLEBER tt 11110'S, r t Music Store, No. 63 Fifth street. Light Cream Ale. valliE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY announce to their customers and the public, that ow log Vie price of Parley and Rope, and to suit the times, they ars brewing a light and delicious Savor d CREAM ALIt. which they are selling tali barrel, and have KEGS 'if TEN GALLONS each, to accommodate privets families. They have also, X ALE, at $6; XX at $7, and superior KENNET at $8 1 . 3 bbl., and smaller casks La proportion. Also, excellent PtlitTEli. AND BROWN STOUT. orders cunt to their Brewery on PITT STREET, will reoi.ive prompt atteutiou GEO. W. SMITE' a Co. GO .41. NED SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, GORN FR THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. THOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR !Emma with VENETIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui. site and elaborate finish, will find It to their interests togive the a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the Gent mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is given to the wants of custAmiers. Prices low. All work THIRDwar :ute~L Na 72 tritreet, Pittsburgh. rayB:lFia ®(,l VE OIL.— • Oil, quarts ; EU " " " pints; 10 twit, " " quarts, Jolt reed and fur sale, by REYNIEIt & ANDEELPON, rerl3 No 39 Word strcket. MAGNESlA.—Hushand's, Henry's, Mur uud Citrate., cuuetuutly au hand, at Jug. FLEMING, Curn.r Diamond and Siarket kit. 13 RE BRANDY AND WINES.-1 have t, large and very nut assortment of pure Brandy and Wins 0f every description, for medicinal purpose. Those wt.:Wing any thing in this lint, au rvi) on getting a genuine ardele, at FLEMING, Corner Diamond and Market et. p, RU SHIES.—I have on hand a large assort ,ll,rat of Liuir, Tooth, Nall and Flesh Brushes. Those aoythlug lu this should call and examine tuy stuck t.-f o parebuslug elsewhere JOS. FLEMING, rtseY (limiter Liar'loud and Market at. Those who manufacture and buy steam boilers ought to be well informed of the quality of iron which is to be used; and as it is not possible for them to condubt the preparation of the sheets them selves, they have to depend upon the assertion of the iron manufacturer—hence boiler makers should pur chase their plates from no manufacturer whose ve racity is at all questionable. The quality of iron for boilers is an object of grave importance, not only in respect to the pecuniary loss which results from boiler explosions, but of the many human lives which are sacrificed by such accidents, carrying sorrow and dismay into thousands of happy homes. Many of these explosions are caused by short, or crude, im perfect iron, which it is impossible for the boiler maker to guard against by a mere superficial inspec tion of the sheets. Even the working of the iron in the various operations in the workshop cannot be relied upon as. a sure indication of its quality ; for any iron may resist punching, shearing, bending and riveting very well, and still be unsuitable for a steam boiler. The quality of the iron must be attended to from the first stags of its manufacture; and, as a further security, we should see that the ore from which .t is toads is of a good quality. From six. teen years experience in the manufacture of steam boilers, I am well convinced that Juniata iron is the best iron in market for steam boilers. There are other very good qualities of iron manufactured in other parts of Pennsylvania, and a number of other States. Above all things, hot-blast iron ought to be excluded in these cases. Iron may be fibrous, and, when cold, very tenacious ; but the proper test exists in heating it red hot and cooling it in cold water. If it continues tenacious, it may be considered good; if not, it is bad, and unfit for boiler plate. No matter what may be the cause of its brittleness, it is not the right kind of material. Iron fur boilers must resist the influence of heat, or it is unsuitable; hot-blast iron may bo very fibrous, and oven tenacious, when testing cold, but it invariably becomes brittle on being heated and suddenly cooled. Other iron may possess the same characteristics, but, as a general rule, all wrought iron which does n it retain its fibres and tenacity after being heated and cooled, is, for the sub jest under consideration, worthless. This is a good rule by which to test boiler-plate; and if our boiler makers would only attend to and be governed by it, we should have fewer explosions for the future, in the writer's estimation. A. P. 111111 ! - :o. FL i; ~ 1 , -, val. . 1 1 4 rovth 0t7.110.1. PITTSBURGH, PA LOCAL AFFAIRS. For the Morning Poet Hollers and Boiler Iron. Country Item,. Joseph Cooper, having taken a dislike to some one living on the premises of Mr. Baker. near Webster, Westmoreland county, threateced to put him out of his house. Mr. Baker forbade Cooper to ocme about his premises, which order the latter disregarded, and on going back Baker ordered him away. Re refused to go, when Baker took a poker and drove him off. In his retreat Cooper picked up a stone and threw at Baker, -triking him above the left eye and breaking hie skull. Baker is still living, but in a critical con ,l,tion. Cooper was arrested and lodged in jail at Greenobur . Peter Congman, a wagon maker, living in Kittan, uitig, tell down last Saturda) night, and falling upon hie hands, broke both arms off above tho wrist. Mr. Noble \V (Award, says the Monongahela " Re publican," was badly injured on Monday morning of last week. Ho was driving his wagon under Oh log slide at the saw mill in East Williamsport, when his body was caught and crushel between the wagon and the timber of the slide. lie was carried home insensible, but is now sensible. A serious oollisiou occurred on the Central Ohio Railroad last Saturday evening, about ten miles west of Zanesville. A wood train running east, to which was attached two horse cars containing Irish labor ers, came in collision with a freight train going west. Eleven of the men were more or less injured, two or three fatally. One of tha engineers was se riously injured, and one of the engines entirely de molished. Scarlet lever is prevailing to a considerable extent among children at Sheloota, in Indiana county. Several oases have also made their appearance in Kittanning. Miss Butler, a young lady residing with the Sheriff of Coshocton county, Ohio, met with an aaoident a few days since. Miss B. was stepping from the porch of the jail building, and had just raised her hand to her head to adjust her bonnet, when a guu loaded with shut was discharged by a boy named Wagonner, near by, the contents entering her hand and neck. Her hand was badly lacerated, and sev eral of the shot entered her neck. The raising of her hand in all probability saved her life. She was at first supposed to be fatally injured, but is now in a fair way to recover. We learn from the Monongahela " Republican," that while Mr. Joseph B. Cortney was at work on one of the buildings of the Gibston Mills, near Belle vernun, a few days since, the scaffold gave way, pre cipitating him to the ground, fracturing hie collar bone, and otherwise injuring him. On Saturday of last week two little girls, children of Mr. Macauley, attempted to cross the ice at Mavin's Mill, near Wellsburg, Va., but when near the middle broke through. The children could not be rescued, and a Mr. Rose was nearly drowned in his efforts to rescue them. On last Saturday, a house in West Newton, the property of Mr. William Thompson, was burned to the ground. It was occupied by a man named Poi lanzo Paul, as a chair factory. The building was not insured. It contained about one hundred col lars worth of raw and manufactured material, all of which was destroyed. Iron City Commercial College, Pittsburgh, Pa.— Dr. L. F. W. Andrews, Editor of the Georgia " Citi. Zen," Macon, Ga., inserts the following notice, after accompanying his son to the North, to select an In stitution affording the best facilities for acquiring a thorough practical Business Education : " We invite the special attention: of young men contemplating commercial pursuits, to the Prospectus of the above named College, located at Pittsburgh, Pa., which will be found in our columns to-day. Froth a personal examination of the facilities of this College to impart a thorough business education to young men, and from a personal acquaintance with the Principal and several of the Professors, we are enabled to recommend the Institution to those who need the important instructions therein imparted." • of Mr. flamiltort.—Mr. Hamilton takes a benefit at the Theatre this evening, and a new and attractive bill is offered for the occasion, consisting of a new drama by William B. Hagfish, entitled '•ltosina Meadows, ur the Village Maid," in which Miss Helen tRIEltaiLlB the leading character, and Mr. Hamilton that of Jothro Baxter; "The Belle of Ire laud," with Miss Lucille as Kate O'Brien, with the song of '• Kate Kearney ;" and " Robert Macaire," with Mr. Hamilton as Jacques Strop. In the first piece Miss Helen will introduce the sung of "Home, Sweet Houle." Altogether, this is a good bill, and will attract a large audience. These stars will re main in our city for three evenings more—Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—when they will leave for Now York city, where they have an engagement. Improvements.—The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, animated by a desire to increase the comforts of passengers have erected GeV oral additional gas lamps on their passenger plat form. These lights were required, as heretofore it has been scarcely light enough to protect passengers arriving by night (rains from the thieves and swind les that infest the depots. They have also erected a new shed on the Grant street platform. This will no only temporary. Two bells have also been sus pended at the Penn and Liberty street crossings, which are rung by the watchmen when a train ap proaches. A man has also been stationed at the Federal street crossing in Allegheny with a red flag, w h loft ho waves when a train is coming. Col. F'ortley'B Lecture.—A lecture by John W. For -00.5., Esq., is announced for next Monday evening, under the direction of the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association. The same lecturer was an nounced some weeks since, but did not get here on ~ c ount of more pressing engag, merits. We hope he will not disappoint us this time. The subject which e has chosen, " American Statesmen," is a good one, ,Ind one which he is well qualified, from hie long in timacy with the great men of our country, to do jus tice to. We feel assured that he will not exhibit the partizanship manifested by a recent lecturer here, ho,'in alluding to American statesmen, mentioned only those holding his particular creed of politics. Tie workmen on Foster's New National Theatre are using their strongest exertions to hasten the work ; and under the superintendence of the Gov. urnor the work is progressing rapidly. We learn that " old man" Bailey, always a favorite in Pius hurgli, will return at the opening of this Theatre. Shad.—Mr. Reed, of the great oyster depot, prcm iscs a lot of extra fine shad this morning at twenty. five cents apiece. The shad at this season are de• lightful eating, and we promise the clear fish for an appreciating community. Cutivatencetil.—Lonitia Williams, the colored girl tabbed a few weeks since by Perry Hartman, has been rapidly recovering, and is now quite well. Yes terday she was able to walk out. Hartman will be tried at the oomiug term of Court. The Courts have not been in union for the past few days. To-morrow, however, the District and Orphans' Courts meet, and on nest Monday the March term of the Criminal Court will commence. Appointment. —James A. M'Knight, Esq., has been appointed to take charge of the Auditor's Department of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. This is an arduous position, but one which Mr. M'Knight is In every way qualified to fulfil. Hie known integrity and his accuracy will at once sat- illy every one that ho is adapted for tide office o f trust and responsibility. The principal duty of the office is an examination into the accounts of the vit. ri,,us agents on the route of the road. first Arrival of Spring Goods at Carnaghan'a, Al legheny Oity.—A very full and elegant stook of cloths, neiv style eassimeres and vestiuga, furnishing goods, tke , for men and boys' wear, are now opened, to which tb,i attention of cash buyers is invited. Terms being strictly cash, buyers may rely on the prioea being favorable, 9 Larceny. John Kinsey, a citizen of Lawrenceville, came to the city on Thursday evening, and put up at Kern's tavern on Penn street, intending to take an early train for the -west yesterday morning. He retired to bed early, after placing his pocket book, contain ing between thirty-five and forty dollars, under his pillow for safety. When he arose yesterday morn ing, he found his pocket book missing, and instead of going on his journey he was obliged to remain and hunt up the thief. Suspicion fell upon one Reuben H. Birdsall, who slept in another bed in the same room, and got up earlier than Kinsey. Kinsey made information before the Mayor, charging Birdsall with the larceny, a warrant was issued, and he was ar rested. On being searched, however, the money was not found on his person, and after a long and thor ough search for the pocket book in the hotel, it was found hidden under the stairs. How it got there was a mystery. As soon as Kinsey got his money he was satisfied, and there being no evidence by which Birdsall could be held as the thief, he was dis charged. Tin Ware.—We would advise any of our readers who wish to purchase anything in this line to call un Mr. Demmler, No. 180 Liberty street. He has long been engaged in the manufacture of tin, copper and eheet iron ware, and furnishing hardware in this city, and his goods are all of the best quality. In ad dition to this, he has facilities for selling as low as any one in town. Call and examine his stock. When do our street contractors propose cleaning Fifth street? We had hoped to see an improvement under new contracts, but we aro disappointed. We have observed the scrapers at work on Smithfield and Penn streets, and we think Fifth street is as much in need of cleansing as either of these. Western Pennsylvania Hospital.—An additional ward in this Hospital is now being prepared for the reception of patients. As the season advances, the wards will fill up. At present there are over eighty patients in the Hospital—a large number for this time of the year., We call attention to the advertisement of Kim 34 Schwartz, in another column. To those who are about commencing housekeeping, an excellent op. portunity is offered of procuring an outfit. They have for sale everything in the line of house furnish ing hardware, from a cooking stove to a pepper box. They have two establishments, one at No. 102 Smith• field street, and one at 44 Wylie street. Mayor's Office.—Mayor Weaver had a dozen com mon oases on hand yesterday morning, charged with the usual offense. Of these four were sent to the hill, five paid their fines, and three were discharged. Carnaghan, Federal street, Allegheny oily, adver tises a fine stock of new goods for mon and boy's wear. Buyers will find it to their interest to examine them, .14 Absent.---Mr. Wattlelink has been salted suddenly to Cleveland, and will be absent for several days. His pupils and others will take note. Patent.—C. H. Chamberlain, of Allegheny, has taken our letter patent for a new apparatus for mining coal. Accident.—A small child fell down a cellar way on the corner of Diamond alley and Smithfield street yesterday, and was severely injured. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA A mild and effioient purgative, pleasant to; the astm and mild in its operation. Always on hand rash, by Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, Air IF YOU ARE the probability is that the root of your suffering is In the stomach. From a weak stomach proceeds Dyspepsia, Ague, Languor, Nausea, and a legion of other tormenting diseases. Indigestion produces thin blood, and therefore destroys the strength and vlgorof the entire system. To restore the tone of the stomach, and enable it to throw off and dismiss forever all these trouble some and dangerous complaints, nothing is necessary but a persevering Ilse Of Dr. J. HOSTerrilit'S CBLEI2IRATED STOMACH Rims& A trial of their power cannot fail to prove that there is no failure In their sanative effects. We cheerfully recommend them to the public, knowing. as we du, their many excellent qualities. or Dale by druggista and dealers generally, everyuLere, 1108TETTE1t 8 8.511T11, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 68 Water and 58 Front streets. au 12-10 AUCTION SALES. DAILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH. ST., At the new Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 54, Fifth street, every week day, are held public sales of goods in all variety, suited 'for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that must he closed forthwith. AT ID O'CLOCK, A. AL, Dry Goods and fancy articles, comprising nearly every thing needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladies ware, AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and kitchen turniture, new and second-hand; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron atone Chiva ware ; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, Arc. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical instru ments; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, dm. lee B l P. 11. DAVIS, Ana.'" VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION.- On TUESDAY EVENING, March . .2:3d, 1858, a 7% o'clock, at the Commercial Saks Rooms, No. 84 ifitth street, will be sold:— 25 shares Citizens' Bank of Pittsburgh, 41 do Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh. lb do Mechanics' Bank of Pittsburgh. 40 do Allegheny Bank of Allegheny. 20 do Pitts. Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Co 0 do Northern Liberties Bridge Co. tart) P. M. LAWS, Auctioneer QIIPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT AUCTION.—un WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 'tith, at 10 o'clock., at the residenc., of Mrs. Mary Massey, No. It/ Centre avenue, will be Bold, (us she is removing,) the entire stock of Household and Kitchen lurniture,of tun latest styles and best quality, comprising Super Inclosed Itotewood What-Not; Marble Top Pier cud What-Not Tables; Carved Gothic Chair; Carved Walnut Rook Case; Mantle Mirrors; Reception Chairs; Extra Three Ply and Ingrain Carpets; Oil Cloth; Rugs and Mats; Gilt Cornices, Shades and Blinds; silver Bar Fender and Ash Pan; Fire Irons and Stands; Hat Rack; Hall Lanip;Stair Rods; Walnut Extension Table; Mahogany Sofa; Cane and Rush Feat Chairs and Rockers; China, Glum and Queenawai e; Water Cooler, Fine Walters; Engravings; Cushioned Arm 1 hairs; Fine Walnut Bedstead, with Mattresses, etc.; Marble Top Mahogany Dressing Bureau; Walnut Crib and Hair Mattress; Inclosed and Plain Washstands; Toilet and Cluuuber Sets; Wardrobe; bureaur, Spring Seat Lounge; Bedsteads; Mattresses; Papier Macho Clocks; Breakfast end E itcheu Tables; Lamps; Dining and Kitchen Furniture, Cooking Utensils; Patent Churn; Child's Buggy; Step Ladders; Stable and Garden Tools. etc. Terms at sale. (mrl9) P. M. DAVIS, Anct'r. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS BY CATA LOGIIII—On SATURDAY EVENING, Match 20th, ut 7 o'clock, will be sold, at the Commercial sales Rooms, NO. 64 Fifth street, a collection of Miscellaneous Books, em bracing a variety of interesting subjects. Among them ate —Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, 2 vole.; Works of Han nah Moore, 2 vole.; Percy's Re'blues of Ancient Romance Poetry; Baker's Livy, 2 vole.; Gillide Greeoe; Clark's Com mentary on the Now Testament; Life of Lather, illustrated; Robertson's Historical Works, 8 vols.; Grahame's Colonial Li ibtory, 2 vale.; Murray's Encyclopedia of Geography, 6 vols.; Annals of San Francisco; Youatt on the Horse; lien tick's Ancient Egypt, 2 vole.; Frost's Pictoria' World, 3 vole; Life of Wellington; Trumbull's McFerrel; Macauley's Eng land, 4 vols.; Thacher's American Military Institute; Mack emosh's Essays, Beloe's Hercdottur, Scott's Commentary, Sc. Catalogues are now ready. mrlB I'. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. H.OUSEIIOLD FURNITURE, CANARY BIRDS, ETC., AT AUCTION.—On SATURDAY Mutt - NINO, March 20th, at 10 o'clock at Dwelling Howe, No. 689 Penn street, will be sold, u general assortment ot Household and Kitchen Furniture. Two pair of superior Canary Birds, of the stuck raised by John Hunt. A num ber of fine Steel Engravings, among which are one set of Olympic Cricket Players, etc., etc. mrlB P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. FURNISHED HOTEL FOR SALE. THE RAILROAD HOTEL, AT LATROBE STATION, on the Penn sylvania Ltailroad, forty miles east of Pittsburgh, built of brick, three stories high, 96 feet front, 54 feet deep, contains 40 fine large rooms newly and completely furnish• ed, ready for immediate occupation. There is a frame stable for thirty horses, convenient out-buildings and one acre of ground attached to the premises. Price, including furniture, $12,000. One•half may remain on Bend and Mortgage. If not sold before let of April,. it will be rented at $950 per annum. Address 0. W. BARNES, mr2:lmd a. Latrobe, Pa. Safety and Economy in Light. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPHENE AND FLUID,, when you can get a cheaper and better light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Can nel Coal, produces the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleas ar.t, and safe portable light over °fined to the public, and no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gas, and quite as cheap; lamps of the most simple and easily managed construction. For sale by T. D. lc G. HODKINSON, air Beware of a counterfeit already In the market, made from Camphene, with a little Coal Oil to event it. (A27:ly REMOVAL Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad AND THE Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinna RAILROAD, ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1868, the Freight business of these roads, in the CITY OF PITTSBURGH, Will be transacted at the NEW AND COMMODIOUS DEPOT, ON PENN STREET, ABOVE WAYNE, ADJOINI3IO TEI PIIHNBYLVAISIA. CANAL. The attention of Merchants, Manufacturers,and Shippers is invited to the superior facilities afforded by these Roads, FOR SPEED, SAFETY, AND LOW RATES, And for the prompt transportation of Freights, by CONTINUOUS RAILWAY CONNECTIONS, From Pittsburgh to Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Co lumbus, Dayton, Indkumpolis,Cinclnnati, Louisville and St. Louis; and all the Western, North-western, and South-west ern States. Freight is sent to most of the above places in the same care in which it io loaded at this Depot. THRONE RECEIPTS OPT= TO ALL 111:PORTANT POMO. For further information, apply to felt JOHNIIP. GLASS, Agent 150 BBLS. Crushed, Pulverized and Coffee Sugars for 8010 by BACIALEY_ t _ 00ENRAVE A M. 200 MILS. - SYRUPS of oboioe brands, for sato by • CHAS. H. SUPER, Opposite St. Clair HoteL No. 19 Smithfield street 134111ALBY, 00801UVE & 00 Noe. 18 ikad 80 Wood etroti, COMMERCIAL. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE A EID ERC HANTS, Freak . lent w. a. WILLIA3I.S Rion Aezidan a. V. ii BRUNOT, Ist, Tres:L.7dt BNOWDE . Committee of Arbitration for .}Mirth . 6 R. BRUNOT, Vice Preeldent, J. J IiILLESPLE, JOSEPH R HUNTER SAMUEL SURIVER, AUSTIN LOOMIS psTpsßUßCill MARKET Curehilty N. eported ty JO-tEDII SNOWDEN, Superintendent Q 1 Lice Merchants' Exchange . Prmammoa, March 19, 1558. FLOUR...The market le more active, but the price° have undergone uu important change. The wales amount to 600 Ws. via :—From brat hands : 45 bble.Ellperfille, from wharf, at $3,10 ; 40 bble. from wagon at $3,82 for extra. From store: 100 bble. flue at $3,12; 160 bble.; extra family ; 25 bble. extra family ftcm white wheat at $4,76'456; 40 bbla. Lancaster extra family at $4,82. GRAlN...Market active and dm ; salea 100 bush. Barley from store at 450. ; 100 bush. Corn, shelled, from flora, at 50c ; 160 bush. from wharf at 45; 300 bush. do. hem wharf at 50c.; 200 bush. Oats from wharf at 27%©28; 250 bush. do. from wharf at 27 ; 800 bush. do. from wharf at 27c.; 700 bush. do. from wharf at 20Y,, and 100 bust'. from haute at 30c. Tp bush. FEET...SaIes 3 torts Bran from mill at 50c. V 100 Md.; 6 tons Middlings at Boc. ; 5 tons Middlings from btore at 90c.; 5000 the. Wheat Middlings from 611 t hands at 70c. POTAT.)F.S...fiales 700 bush, Noshanaccks, slightly frost ed, at 60c. V bush.; 400 bush. mixed from store on private term; 30 bush. Neshannocks from wagon at 60c.; 900 bustle Neshannocks from first hands at 40c.; 50 bush. do. mixed from store at 55c. BUCKWHEAT Flf UR—Sals 400 lbs. in 60 lb. FaAs, from store, at $1,50 100 lbw; 400 lbs. old at 75c. Ti lol IDs. APPLES...SaIes 31 bble. common and prime at $1,50@52 bbl ; 100 bble. Medium from first hands at $1,25 bbl. BEANS...SaIes 20 bush. mixed at $1 'II bush. HAY...Sales 20 bake Timothy from store at $l5 O. Ion; 7 loads from the teaks at sB@sl4 rf ton SEEDS...SaIes 66 bush. Clover Irons depot at $4,62, ;6 bush. do. frog store at $5@)0,25 ; GO I,thil, do from mire at $5.25; 16 bush. Timothy at $'2,50. SUGAR...SaIes 30 hbds. pilule NOW litinalle, from "at,oa , at 7%; 18 tibia lair, fully lair and prima N. U. at 7%, 7 . 1%, and Bc. MOLASSEii....SuIeu lOU litdel. N. U at bbla old at 34@35;15. Balth u ma , alit d quality, at 43c; tl Lbli os celulor at 40c : 23 bbln Syrup Molasers at 42c.; 26 bills !, V. at 36c. DRIED FRUEI ...t 4 alra 65 bu.ll. Aptilas at an 1 JO bosh. du. at $1,25c. bush CANDLES...SaIa `,O boxan r.t:. at loc. tb ; 4G !Inlets Mould at 1& SOAP...Sales 50 boxes Ullvo at el!,ye. TO lb.; 60 boxes 11 onto at 5c.; e,O boxes No. 1 Palm OlL...Salea 18 bb's. Lard No. 1 at 80c. V. gallou, and pay for barrels. BACCli.c...Sales 1000 the. city clued Hatn at ”.f i c.; 9000 lbs. Shoulders at 7%c. BUTTER—SaIes 4 bble. rull at 15c. 14. lb.; 11 bble. choice roll at lac. EGGS—Sales 4 bbls at 11c. '43 dozen. COFFEE...SaIes 16 bags Rio at 12c. lb. WHISKY...SaIes 10 bbla. raw at 17 1 /jc.:f gallon ; 190 bble. r ctifled, iu lota, at 16®21c. New York Market. NSW Yutt4, March 10.—Cotton; sales of 1100 bales at a de cline of the market closing heavy; uplands middling, Bold at 11 7 4 Flour dull sales of 6000 bbla. Wheat very dull and heavy. Corn quiet; sales of 22,000 bush. Bacon heavy at 84(4)9 for Hams and 6 1 / 6 @6 3 4. Beef quiet. Pork firm; sales at $1.0,40®16,60 for Mess. Tallow heavy at 68 Lard dull. Tobacco firm.' Whisky has advanced 34c; sales at 23023%. Sugar firm. Naval St,res quiet. Teas, at the sale to-day, the higher grades of green showed a decline. Freights on Cotton to Liverpool 7-34. New York Stook Market NEW YORK, March 19.—Evening.--Stocks variable. Chi cago and Rock Island 76 1 4; Illinois Central shares 95; do Bonds 94, , ,i; La Crosse and Milwankle 94; Michigan South. ern 244; N. X. Central 91%; Reading 56%; Milwankle and Mississis4ppi 3 . 15.4 i; Canton Co. 23; Erie 29; Cleveland and Toleda 46; Michigan 6's 99. Cincinnati Itaxitot CINCINNATI, March 19.—Flour rp.chanErd and dull; 1900 Ws sold at $3,60®3,70. Whisky has advanced to 1.7 c, with sales of 1500 bbls. Mesa Pork is activer, 3000 bbls fold at sls@ls,2s,closing with more buyers than sellers at thd better rate. Bulk Pork 5 1 /A73,‘ with a better demandJ Bbl'd Lard nominal at 9y 2 ; 180f4 kegs sold at tic. Cloverseed has declined to $4,25 and is dull. Groceries are unchanged awl firm. The Money Market is unchanged. There is a good demand t r exchange„pn the east and south, the prices being firmer, but unchanged. RIVER NEWS. HARDY & M'GREW, Steamboat and (len •rol Agents, Corner of Find and Ferry area». El VEIL, WEATEIES, ETo.—The river having reached the height of 16 feet is again falling, with 12 feet water in the channel. The weather is delightful, mild and balmy. The wharf is a perfect rush of business, and boats are receiving cargoes rapidly. Remember, !hose westward bound that the fleet steamer lowa, alp reof our old friend Moore is master, takes her de parture for St. Louis this evening. A better boat than the lowa does not lieat the wharf Her arrangements for com fort are complete, and passengers on her will find them selves as much at home as under their own vine and fig tree. Mr. Daniel Moore, her polite and attentive purser, will take pleasure in showing you your state-room and registering your name. Dept. RobinsoWa flue packet le again In port with a eplen• did trip of Sugar, Molanaea, York, Ce.. liar next destination will be duly noted; The Ecltpee was sold twu week ago to day to Capt. Bputts, of the H. D. Newcomb, formerly of the Niagara, f0r529,000. She is to be continued to the New Orlenna and Vicksburg trade. The river was rising yesterday at Cincinnati, with about 12 feet water in the channel to LoWeville. It was also Fwelling rapidly from Smithland down, caused by a heavy rise out of the Cumberland. Business at •he Cincinnati wharf was very lively, and there was an upward tendency en ft eights. Wabash river Is rising , with plow) , of water for all pot poses of navigation. On Monday last there weer: feet water ou Harpeth Shuttle and Cumberland river was still rising rapidly. Capt. Hicks has gold the Rata Frisbee back to Capt. ey. Capt. H. le still In command. Freights on Cotton from Memphis to New Orleans has heretofoie been $1,25. The merchants have combined and refused to pay over $l,OO. They have extended an invita tion to Capt. Smedley, of the Choctaw, and all other good t.oste, to come into the trade. A portion of the levee below Napoleon, Arkansas, has caved in, and the country Is coutpletely Inundated. The river at that point is still rising. Andy Kail, a man who has been lu the employ of the Clu cinn,ti and Louisville Mai'boat Company fur the last ten y,ara, was drowned, on Wednesday last, from off the Su period. PORT OP PITTSBURGH 12 PEST 0 INCHES WATER IN TIIII OIIANNSI. , ARRIVED. Steamer Luzerue, Jacobs, Brownsville. " Col. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth " Telegraph, Woodward, Brownsville. " Rosalie, Doyle. Wheeling. Alma, Robinson, New Orleans " James Wood, Robinson, Pt. Louts. " Marmora, Brennan, tit. Lonia. " Bay City, Miller, Louisville. " Lizzie Martin, Brown, Zanesville. " New York, Gilmore, Cincinnati. " Fulton City, Brick°ll, St. Louie " Jacob Poe, Stewart, Louisville DEPARTED. Steamer 04,1. Bayard, Nobles, Elltabotlt. " Telegraph, Woodward, Brownsville " Luzerue, Jacobs, Brownsville. " Chevolt, Murray, Wheeling. " Judge M'Clore, -, West Newton " Meteor, Drellln, Missouri river. `• Anglo Saxon, Baker, St. /.Dais. " Empire City, Vandergriff, Cincinnati. FORNEY'S DAILY "PRESS" delivered regularly, by JOHN PITTOCK, Offtee, at Hunt & Miner's. ==! ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 Liberty 4111464 Pttrabersb, Pa. • [) APER HANGINGS, FOR SPRING OF I 138 beet assortment ever brought to Pitts burgh. Prices range from 8 cents to $5. Wall Paper for Poems, Dlutig Rooms, ehambec s Entries, Chnruheo, Lodges, Plain Oak, Panel OakoWelunt, Marble,Fresco, Borders, Statues, Paintings, Testers, Ceiling, Fir Screens, Window Shades. Come and see. W. P. MARSHALL & CO., mr9 ST Wood stroct. LADIES, HAVE YOU SEEN THE RED PETTICOATT—Just opened, an invol e of the cele brated " Red Petticoat." Call and secure one soon at JOS. HORNE'S, 77 MEOWS street. CIIIEMICAL FOOD, OR COMPOUND SY RCP OF PHOSPHATES, is much used by the Medi. cal Faculty, as a nutritive tonic, admirably adapted to sup. ply the wants of elementary matter occurring in the sys tem, during the progress of Chronic Diseases, and to build up the strength of individuals waged by 'protracted ill health. In Dyspepais and Consumption, especially, it has been found particularly serviceable. This preparation is pleasant to the eye, agreeable to the taste, and grateful to the stomach. It dos not nauseate by continuous use. A large supply of this valuable medicine received this day by JOB. "game, cull *me Blainced sal Kato Boxea bi...: Private Box, Large $b Cla Second Tier '2 , Private Box, small 6 Or. Third Tier Ibr Colored Box. 26c. Single Seats to Private Box, il. i Colored Gallery ..... ....16c ISAIAH DIOKEY, 2d ALTERATIoN OF TIME, Douro open at 7 .'clock. Performanc lo commence at 7% Box office, for sale of ricket, open from 10 to 3 o'clock. ,idu v. LS Jethro Baxter.. Tu be followed by the neat Comedy, entitled P hlftk'b:CTlON Charlea Paragon.. ....... ...Mr. J. G. Hanley. Sato. . ..... Mr. liandltou I Hate O'Brien.....Miss Lucille To Lucclute with the Drama, in one act, of ROBERT MAOAIRE• Robert Macatre...Mr. Myron Jacques Strop... I' Hamilton. I Marie Mrs. Van Deering. Clementine. Saffrrd. r UERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIA TIONIm LECTURES.—JOHN K. PORNE , , Feq., Edi ot the Philadelphia 0 Pr.se," will lecture before the YOUNG MN's LIBRARY ABSOUIATIO , , and the public generally, AT LAFAYETTE HALL, On Monday Evening, March 2.2 d, 1858 8 ÜBJ EOT—" A mericau 6 t at,s inn en.- Boors open at 6% o'clock. Lecture to commence at '7% Tickets TWENTY-FIVE CENt'S, I) LIU had at the Music and Book Stores, Hotels, Library Ito ,m, Lecture Committee, and at the door. JOHN %1. KIRK VIEUXTEMPS AND THALBERGI'S ONLY CONCERT. The flint and uuly Grand Concert in which SWISMUND coujunctwu with 11EN EY V lEUXTEMYB, Will appear iu Pitthbur g h, will tette Owe eu Thursday Evening, March Willi, at ttiii CITY fl L . On ecceminn the followin g eminent artiste will eppeer, TRALBEItiI, VIEUXThMPS. M'LLE Prima Donna from the Italian Opera liuudea, and Academy of Music, New York. MISS ANNA KEMP, the Young American Ci/litrtfit, JAMES PEAJAING, the new Em2liali Tenor. Musical Director . \lad. VIEUX PH NIPB The Beautiful Collection of Pa ratings, INCLUDING THE EASTERN ;WAVE MARKET, ULEUPATItA, DEATH ( 1 1 LEAN/DLit, ekotl the fathom, CIRCASSIAN MODEL OF UE.a I.'Pl', Are now on Free Exhibition at the TONTINE !lolls E., No 93 Third etroet. Call and nee them. Jy l 7(3EO. 3011Ni:13R, Prupriet.,l _ _ . _ JOHN W. III'CARTHY, 11.4 LI POSTER' WILL ATTEND 'lu THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTIN I of all kinds of BILLS FOR CONCERTS ~.CCTURES, EXIIIIIiTiONH. a, All communications -either by luail,telegraph, or ott,,i - wide—directed to the office of the Morning lost, will roam, prompt attention DAGUERREAN GALLERIES AMBROTYPHS- IN TUE COUNTRY, AT AMUSEMENTS. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. HISS KIMBERLY Lams" AND himmuzusa J. G. HANLEY MANANDS. 4 A_DIII3SION B FAT EFIT OF MR. T HAMILTON SATURDAY EVYN.ING, March 2utb, INSB, will Le he lirrat Domiatic Drama, entitled ROSINA MEADOWS H. KINCAID, ELIAS H. IRISH, JO EPH. ALBREE, Library Rooms, E. P. DARLINGTON, March 17,'68. I car18:1,1 Lecture 00111LItt floc, A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE VicTER WARRANTED, OAN ae lIAU A LOW AS AT ANY FIRSTOLASi ESTALII.I2II.IINM W ALL'S, Y. urth to Li esat GREAT ATI:RAG/lON AT NO. 60 MARKET ST., Where can be seen the largest collection of 6it PdOfOGRAPII SPEOLKENS, EVER EXALBITED IN Ti (In( 4e27- Persons wishing Pictures of themselves or II icsr:oo, are invited to call and examine before aettiug elaewilece, as WE WARRANT PICTURES uyarlor to any that can be obtained west ot the I/luau:al t R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and brotypists, NEW YORE GALLEit. iSUNBEAM GALLERY, b. W. c0r..1 Me.rhot stre..t DiAnu.“.l, i•ir.t.hUusgt. 1•11.10118 TO 80IT ALL. ti 7 464 E s . N NEW DAUUERREAN AND AhlBRIY11( 1 1 it SKI' AND SIDE-L.9_lllT GALLERY, Yuma STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE. THE POST-')Ytrto I ea. PICTURES taken In all the veriaud etyles, In oC .tastiter, and warranted to pleaae, at roationabln rates. t3N.Sic& ar ductaand pentona taken at titan ,ip2o:lydaw-ta W YKES' GALLERY OF ART, TO. 60 MARKET STREET.-PICTURWf. taken at this liallery by a new and Improved process, K ., ing the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress aud complex -1,.. They are acknowledged by all who have examined L I,m to be far superior to any picturee ever exhibited In tins it). Citizens and strangers are invited to call and examin e his large collections of specimens. llia Gallery being on the second floor, le easy of morass. • N. B.—Pictures of Children taken In two s•iconda, at No, no Market street., or7:tfts NELSON'S AMBROTYPES. PRICES REDUCED G A LL ER Y CORNER. OF THIRD AND SIAR HET ealtralTb, Entrance on Third street Citizens and Strangers desiring -CtlattlYrYrEe, ex...aced in the biglieet degree of artiatio beauty and perfection, ,an be accommodated at abort notice by calling at NELSON'S WELL KNOWN IiALLLERY, Li I It D BTREET. ap2.1.15,:m Prices One Dollar and upward pIIOTOGRAPILS.—Theme beautiful PIC TURES, taken in the highest style of the art, colored to oil or plain, can be had singly or by the quantity, at WALL'S (lallery, Jones' Building, I?ouith Street. [turliklu, LOAN OFFICE HENRY W. CIMIOTTI, NO. 100 SMITHFIELD h't reel Nwir the corner of Fifth, PITTIBBULLEILI, PI. HONEY in large and email quantities 'LOAN ED on Gold nod Silver, Diamonds, Jewelry, Gold and silver Wathea, and aG Linde of valuable articles, for any length of time agreed +`E' Wilco tunas, from 7A. XL. to 10 I'. 3i. [ riIHE OIIEMICAL OLIVE E;IIASIVE SOAP, mannfactared by B. u. at J. 1,. tnwyer, ie• r elven the preference over all other kiedd ever uller..il tur tnunly 1/843. is advantages over other Soaps are I t Is °beeper b. nee, one pound being equal to three of Clailtlloll rosin so.,p. 2d. lialf the time need only be occupieu in washing oil this Soap is used in place of other soap. ad. Labor in washing can be nearly damensed wan, as the Mottlee aid require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear On the wash-board. 4th. Lolling the clothes is unnecessary %lieu this Soap le used, and hard or salt water answers equally ns well as BOIL bth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and otners, lind it far superior to other Soups. It speedily re in-,es grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of th,: wash-board, the following directions should be followed : 1. or the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, and dissolve in one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons Of warm water; pour In the dissolved soap, and stir thoroughly. Let tLem soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or scam, or grease spots, way require a slight rubbing, bat otherwise the elothisi will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used In place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. AST Observe our name on each bar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 4,1 Wood street, and at our works, opposite the Bound House, Fawl ey lvauia avenue. B. O. t J. Li. ISAWFBII., fogs No. FT Wood street. FOR RENT.—The Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company having vacated the Lance formerly occupied as a Ticket office, under the Morton. gahela House, corner of Smithfield and Water streets, de. sire to rent it for one year, from April Ist, 1848. The loca tion of this Mace makes it a eesirable location for any per sou desirous of having ono of the best and moat public stands In the city. Vor terms, apply to JOHN J. HOUSTON, Uen'l Pass. Agent, P, B. 69. d 0_ H. N EW GOODS—NEW GoODS. NEW GOODS—NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS—NEW OpoD2 A choice selection of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS ANL) DOMESIICS now opening at the store of A. A. MASON Zs CO., mrlB 26 Fifth street. I. CARB. SODA.-150 kegs on hand and LIP for sale by (nix 9) B. L PAIINEBTOOo do CO., WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER I Cheap! —Received last week, 10,000 rolls of Wall Paper, to sell at 12% to 90 cents per roll. MOLASSES.— xi barrels New Orleans; 2fl da " RELltimara syrup, fur sale 1...7 l 8,111T13 AL Cu. CIOFFEE.-150 bags prime Rio, for sale by T 4./ J4a WIT H. SM TH CO. INKSTANDS.—A large variety for sale at wm. G. JOisiNSTI k CO.'E, deg Stationery Warehouse, 67 Wood et GLASS. -200 boxes Bxlo Glass for sale by mrlB COLLINS. CINNAMON BARK.-400 Bra. just reed and tor aaJa by (dill B. 4 LOOM. PONE CO. (Hp.SH.-10 casks on hand and for sale 4 (0) a. L NODESEICOCI A CO. OZ3rEET=M!III E. L. WYKES, Artist Nu. 'ld Faurtb au txt. euul uiy 19. E. B. WYKEI3, Artidi W. P. MA Aal & CkL, t 4 , m 410.14 Itte-tAt MISCELLANEOUS. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOI DS. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST RE TURNED from New York and Philadelphia, feels confident that he ma OFFER INDUCEMENTS TO Pffft- OHABERB, ROTH IN STYLES, QUALITY AND PRICES, UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOUSE WEST OF THE DIOXIN- BICH FANCY DRE§B BILKS, WWI BLACK BAYADERE DRESS SILKS, RICH BLACK SILK ROBES, " PLAIN BLAOK SILKS, PRINTED BERAGES, OBOANDIE LAWNS, 2,lk3—Onallias, Drape De Fispanees, Lawns, ba. SHAWLS AND MANTLES. BRot;HE 1301tDERKD STELLA SHAWLS, PRINTED BORDERED STELLA SHAWLS, Of every Style, Color and Quality, varying in priees from Two to Fifteen Dollars. FRENCH LAUD AND IDHANTILLA MANTLES, From Thro3 to Thirty Dollars. N KEDLE WORK HANDSOME SETT COLLARS AND SLEEVES, VIERS RICH REAL FRENCH WORK COLLARS, EM BRo IDERED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, JACONET AND SWISS EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, AND FLOUNCIINGS, W BITE GOODS PIQUET CLOTH, FOR BASQUES, COLLARS AND SLEEVES, FRENCH AND ENGLISH BRILLIANTS, .100 NETTS, NAINSOOKS, MULLS, SWISS, VICTORIA LAWNS, ie., PLAIN, PLAID, STRIPED AND FIGURED. HOSIERY A FULL AND OOMPLbY Adis ORTMENT MOURNING GOODS OF EV lißif DESCRIPTION GOODS FOR BOYS' WEAR. Bieck, Blue, Wean, Drab and Olive CLOTHS. Black, Blue, Green, Drab and Olive 0 ASH Al ERETTS. Plaid, Plain and Striped 0 ASSI HEMS. T w EELS, AILRINO, N A NKINETTS, 0 A sSitkillat, ES Unto and Cotton Pant Stott's. 413., DOMEbTICS. ilia LARGEST STOCK Hi THE A B m ay of the above °code were bought of hl ANUFACITIMERSAND JOBBERS, Acid et the LARGE AUCTIONS, FOR CASH iht EveisLED tO FIELL TETEIL AT Pik ICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. Call and Ithidealise our Stock, be tore Parcheslog Elsewhere C. HANSOM LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, and Young, 0 tavvison & Love, SIGN OF filE ORIGINAL BEE-HIVE No. 74 Market Street, " ROBES, - ROBIN, " ROBES Pimiltioweis, Pa. MEDICAL. 01/1M! OND BOTTLE 0 DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, Is REQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE troubled with Liver Complaint', unleas the most dee perate of cases, when the =and bottle will, with scarce a single failure, restore the patient to health and vigor. We wish to call the attention of all to thew:osllot; that the ln• vigorator to compounded bye physician who has used it in his practice for the past twenty peen with a sue almost credulous, and that it is entirely vegetable, being composed wholly of gams. Some idea of the strength of these gums may be formed whets it Is known one bottle of the Invigorator contains as much strength as one hundred doses of Calomel without an of its deleterious effects. We know theieisniAlutig now before the American pub• Do, prepared with MCI skill by a eclentillc man, particularly far disenaee of the Liver, as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply because it rest, on its own merit. To convince all by trial Mat It la all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are Buffering from such diseases as are described in Dr. dauford's advertisement, we know of know remedy that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. The Invi t .;_, ur.,s Li:sadist:he. lake one ord.wo teaspoonfuls e' red' site it will soon disappear. For an overloaded st..tus , !:..:r when food rises or sows, takethe Invigorator .1 - ter and it will not prove disagreeable or oppressive. For Heartburn, Palpitation, or Difficult Breathing, take a tw, poonfnl once or twice daily. For Lose of Appetite, Languor or Listlessness, the medicine LS invalu able. It will restore the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on retiring, and tha demons of dream-land will all be fairies. After eating a hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all oppression or fullness. 'I as Invigorator fie Liver Remo dy of unequaled virtue, acting directly on that organ, cut tug Dyspepsia, Jaundice ' Billions Attacks, Dysentery, Riles, Worms, and all Female Obstructions, for which it has o 4 equaL We know there is nothing' I.IOW before the American pub. lie prepared with such skill by a acientille man, particular. ly for diseases of the Liver, as L r. B..nfordre Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the word, simply because it rests on its own merit. To convince all by trial that It Is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from such diseases as are described In Dr. Sanford's advertisement, 11V3 know of no remedy that will so surely cure theta en :b.,. nvigorator. There has lately beott brought to our notice a medkazte that seems to pusses" wonderful, curative and healing pro. pertiee in diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Digestive Or gans. It came to us with so many testimonials in its favor that we have noted its effects in some of the worst cues a continual dibility, caused by deranged liver, and in ovary instance the effect was to relieve or give a permanent cure, Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy Is what we re. fer to. We always have been credulous about crises by. pat, tint medicines, but we are COIINMCed that this medicine, for family use, is not overrated by the host of recommeadationa it has. Oar advice is, for all troubled with Indigestion, nw bility or Bowel Complaint, to got a bottle and try It; our word for it, relief will be experienced. 13Litiell10.9 TO rut INVALIDs who use Dr. ikuiford'a Invigor• ator, for It will relieve thew of their pains as soon as it is taken into their BtOniach. rain and misery cannot axial where the Invigorator 6 used, f‘ir It will aa nurely drive them away, as daylight will banish 11 , ,knona, of this there attlb, uo doubt to th Leo who try Ir. for It carries conviction with every dose taken. Another ev, lonce is the thousands of certificates from those who nse is or have been cured by it, Tr one bottle, ii It does not benent, then we are mistaken. PRIGS ONI ROL ....LAP. PER 130SILI. SANFORD t CO., Proprhaora, Z 345 Broadway, New York for aate by G. a KEYSER, NO Wood atreot, Pittaburgbi Jalamdaw.2p ' THE GREATEST 4.-* I ' t r t DISCOVERY r ./ OF THE AGE. MR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has disoov• ern() lu olio of uur Lomaieu pasture weeds a remedy that cares Every kind of Humor, FROM TILE WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A 001 SIMON wnm He has tried it in over I.IiC , MIL hundred cases, and never failed except In two cases, (both thunder humor.) He taw now in his possession over one hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Beaton. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore month, One to three bottles will core the worst kind of PiMpyoll 09 the face. Two or three, bottles will clear the tsystorn of biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst cankeir'in the mouth or stomach. Three to five bottlea art+ warreute.l to cure the Vroret klad of EryeVela& One to two hoiden el., warn:at...l to curs all h!tuuor eyes. Two bottles are warranted to core running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to outs, oorrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will care scaly eruption of the Wait.. Two or three bottles are we:ranted to cure? the woretkhad of ringworm. Two or three bottles are e:alai/tad to cora the moit des perste case of rhen.matism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure ,saltaheum. Five to eight bottles will care the worst CSLiC3 of eorofhLe. A bonefitLa always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken, 110...X8URY1., SUSS Dicta idenaii.,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery, In curing all kind of humors, Is au well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not say anything ou the subject, is trio most skilful physi cians and the most careful Druggists in the country are an, animons in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a frill knowledge of the curative power. in relievbigi all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are an fortunately so Liable. That most excruciating disease' to an affectionate mother, NURSING 80131 MOUTH, Is cured as it by a miracle; your own temper is restored is its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful nape to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical I/1800w' ry beoomas a fountain of blessing to your buaband and . household. In the Moro rstivillickA dttijl - !PI of (JANKE K extonde k, tho dtumuch, canning IYBPEP - SIA, which in nothing Gut canker of the atom ; then to thi Intestines and KIDNE Y 8, creating a 'linking, gone feeling, and au lu,llfferanoe cyan to the carne of your family. You: stomach is RAW AND INFLANIED, your food distresses yon, and you can only take °attain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half this nourishment it contains as the scrimonops fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be comes sallow or greenish, and your beet day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibree of your body become relaxed. Then follow train of diseases which the Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to . . CURE; Paipttation of the heart, pain in tha ethic, wutikuosa of UM opine and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and aloo, that moat azcru• elating of disease'', the PILES. How many thousands of poor womnu taro buLtaisig from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their neat door neighbor diva not know the cause. I wish to impresa oo your mind that good old proverb, •• An ounce of proven• tlon is batter than a pound of cure.' in the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that it will n over, tinder any clreume taupe*, do you any injury. Ns change of diet ever necea,ary---eat the beet you eau gel and enough of it. DIPLICITION3 YOH nar—Adalts one table spoonful per day— Children over ten yentas dessert spoonful--atildron front five to eight years, tea spoonful. as no directions can be appli• cableti to all conatitations, take cufficiont to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours truly, DOSALD E tiN Price $l,OO pet txxith, Fur eti.k. by 9T:O. H. HEYSKLI., Nu 14u 4704/11 Pittriblirch. Fu soptdew RETIRED Pill S ICIALIN (75 YEAItS OF AGE, whose sands of ills have nearly run out, discovered, while In the East In dies, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. He had heard much of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of preparations made from the East India Hemp, and the thought occurred to him that he might make a remedy tar his child. Ho studied hard and succeeded in realizing his wishes. His child Wall cured, and is now alive and well. He has since administered the wonderful remedy to thousands of sufferers In all parts of the world, and he has never failed in making them com pletely healthy and happy. Wishing to do as much good as possible, he will send to such of his afflicted fellow-beings as request it, this I ipe, with full and explicit direction for making it up, Luau successfully using it. Ile required each applicant to inclose him one shilling—three cents to be re. turned as postage on the recipe, and the remainder to be applied to the payment of this advertisement. Address, DE. 11. JAISIEB, No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J. CAUTION —I have no eondo-law authorized to send my recipe, as has been advertised [ie23:lm—is _ _ ROWM A N'S EGF.P A PLC COMPOUND 11l cure Coughs, Quinsy, Fhthha, Aisthra.s Inn ran - tartan GT tdia larinenna, Croup, Llonnsenee., Bleeding ot the Lung; Boninamption. For sale by And felOniew tin.) H. KEYSER, Pittsburgh, J. P. eLIWING. AilefeipnyrAty. DYSPEPSIA AND FITS. DR. TRACY DELORME, the great purer of CONSUMPTION, was for several years so badly afflicted by Dyspepsia that for a part of the time he was confined to his bed. Be waa eventually cured by a pre• scription tarnished by a young clairvoyant girl. This pre. acription, given by a mere child while in a state of trance, has cured everybody who has taken it, never having failed once. It is equally as mire in cases of Prises of DTSITP6II. The ingredients may be found in any drug store. I will send this valuable prescription to any person on the receipt of one stamp to pay postage. Address tat. TRACY DPLORWEI, 011.7.&? Ctraaa OS 001TIIMPtION, New York Post eflkw fe2tklm—la M AABLE! MARBLE!! 0 trodl argil C G 0 SAS A OCAUT/POL SELECTION OP MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, tec., &v. Tbe public ars reap:cif - ally leffikmi n..ml . oar stuck. Won WI, sad mak vanteg. UlaSti no &AMAMI MUM, IS L taiLLltli,