13trSINESS CARDS tT o: i4_ , ATTMINFLTii AT LAW, air Onion, NO. fiH aItANT ttreet, Dzamewl alley. • • •, • •• • Lav, • Rib,_,t,Loruc a, y , Fourth et, l'actdburgh, betwwn Z-4:4011100. and Ultijrit _ : detl.l:ly L+ufgs.;ir, I)enti , ,t, sueuesßor to U. Buldle, No. 144 ' oMcc bourn from rt to 1 o'clock, from 2 to t ei.duck. foulb:ly Deutirit, Fourtl street, rive doors . wastiof llfnrk t Ul. co bourn from 0 o'c,, - ;e:: A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. .1,3c20:y :. - -,'OtiOONMAKER, Manufacturer of U • White Lead, Rod Lead, ZII/C, Point, Litha's., Peaty, dr.v. Wholpa o'dhaler Varnifihea.Ttlrpeutm , , &c., No. '2.4, ood etroot, Pittabnugh. OSEPII FLatINCI, buodesor to L. IV Et coz .1 CO., CoruOr of Mark,t.strt•et and titi , Diatuot.(l. Seopa 004.A/tally op halal a lull amortaleut of SILL; WINES:ME:DIM CUESTS, PERFU.IIEBS, au,: all anti. 'Jlea ;:Mauling to hta bnaineas.. 413 r Phyaictau3 l';.c.tcs iptiont cart.fully ,outpouthicAt at all W. taiADWICR, Teaier iD Keutueli . ) TOBACCO, RAW) autl PAYtat. ' 11', Plttsburgi.. imp:Y.l:ly .4i6 , The highest mark, , t prn iL cash, I'aid 1.,1 hag, L JOIZI lent, W P. MARSIIALL Cu., Importer!, anti V IF ticench and Auieneau. P4PL.It LlANU iNbit4.'r.fo.-871 Wood - street, Pittsburgh. Alkili••Se ;""ii itanAtßior IL.: eel et,rikl.i uotu4il.:turun ~t e. Delicout , &Co., Parid. ..ug7 CAMPBELL Lt SAMUEL PUI, LOCE. have sane ut d tog , Allur ULde r the style CA..II.IE.LiL !or Lige traunacti..o of a o Joiler.ti Variety Dry and the cnauufacture plain and Waled Luie Utlt .I.limigings. 111111 fN./.1.11' LLia74.o - ' abrautx J. A.Nl4li.b(Jji Ev ER oc A&DERSON, (buceessurs to LL hnudea t C 0.,) wholesale cleiklero iuTUREIGN riturrB, N UTh, SPICES, CONFECTION:II:V, SUGARS, ac., No. 39 Wood street, oppott:.4 the:, eq. Chart:, Ifotel, Pitts -7/SEittlN J J. GILLESPIE A: C 0.,., Lwitiug tats Maauftteterm . aniLdaalere In Looking tllais Plate Glam. I. gravinga, Comhe'aud FancyßAB, No. 7, Wood 6trtket, Pitt+. burgh. On , hand sad Mad& to °visit, Gilt Pier a. 'Mantle hiri/ic., 51ahugany, Rosewood, WalunttaudOiLt li. .7.1,, or Mont.,- twig, CI every 111 , 4Clipilou .It Steamboat Calorie wru tod nElti . 001 r L ERS. —J OLIN OGDEN ds Co., Buttlurs, N 0.157 Firer street, ,:;•1 :c,pecnu!ly tutorm the purr Go that the) hare con...tautly .0 baud a large surlily of SARSAPARILLA, 74iNEit AL ITER., ALE and PORTER, of the hest quality. .-The attention' of famitidu hi pet tlCUlarly directed to the (act that they bottle WAINILRIIII . 4 AV in ita pnre3t etatt. Physlciatet recommend it to Melillo ou account of Ir. yawl-- some and atrontithening AL'' 'LITTLE; MERCHANT TAILOR pL.I.IR STREET, (Dr. izinti'a Luaiii;ulle4). T W. K - ERR, ARCIIITECT, REMOVED trout Qr.nor nt Fitch and Wood to . A 1 11 - 3 Tlt E, T, Lu cwt., otolding-r-nouttnuel iitopar, Phiar. aLd Bltociffeattonv of, and to Superinti,ndiho flrm.uuti of mvc ) dAs'ulp:ion of linthhuges. ds - f24:e.1 ) • A , uLT():\;, E AND 1, FOUNDEIt, No. 70 ;_..1.Lt3 urea, Pit te.burgh. L, prt-pruNl to faruith to'order caftlijOli, RTFAithDAT,..FA.OItiIIY AND o'llllllc. BELLS, . Of all alz0:1, Ir 10. W 1.0.01/0 100. Oil LAE BELLS rondo ;- , T , )1' Li A IJGE COCK of all steambolts. MINEHAL WATER. PUMPS, COUNTER RALLINtit, and every vmrioty 1j) - 1 1 -de i 0 the ne.trtrit manner. 13ABBIT'9 ANTI. ATTRITIoN AI ETA I. ; FULTON'S PA. TENT META LUC PACE for Erigiut.s. 1np2.3:17 L 0 UGLIRIDG E & MAXWELL, BitaiLIFACTIIRLILii or Loolliag-Glaagen, ',lire Frain r®, and Brutal - P.c.& I .• And Ddalots in Clocks, 116nso Furnishing Goods, &o. , ao. Av. Flo. 1546 Wood 'street, above Fifth, v. -M. chine Brnef.oi . Eciado to sr:T.I(T EDUCA.TIO2, L:114 ViiicestallPs.Coliege neat; Seivain:uzy, UNDF.R. TEE CAR): OF TRE RENCDICIiNt) F.llllEna, Near Latrobe, "Nestnozelaliti cous:ty, N TLTE COLLEGE • ARE . TilE I.. , '"uanui.biauch.6.••di in the z•lEMIN.A1:1", the Chit sicL, :utbeiuutico, ithutorten, !-101100, , pliy, ate., auil the tillie: , eThuet,,e ui higher ertatiti.a are,oumry ti..o•olul Pr , athwd. The ter ma for Board thud I Llll.lob e, year. to te paid nuud•annuully, strictly wad vane e4orman and bleach an I ,tii•r ••.at, 0, lug . and Mutocoural rfoirg, pt,: t ;eodi poodantuu for the use ul ihotluuieutn. ziat:•••ler: el:•argea. For purticalaro apply to the inre,B.r of %he The Collegiate year Liegitu, un the let of Supternber, 004 made. au the ZRI of Jule foitu•••iug • . ZA.T.E.C.1.1 a, B . 41:- , erlor.of the fit. : Fiaacts Academy for Boys, UNDEnt CAIU Pi. 5.44, EttA4I6CAN Caaibria . County, f II rs . NA'II7IIA , J.,1 1 ditutito.l for Ildntatiunal purposes, arlottis fni duceruonto:that tali bo. do. , 3ited fora iitholic IL /.3- ioC3tud iu Chu frioat healthy and picturesque pittlf.a of th'e ZtliOglierks; ,iistartt cunt aides frum Crendutt h . ..atiuu, the direct uidilruute betwu , eu Plniadelpitia and Yit ebnrgh. 1 tin dchularAle )ear pommel:NMl; dui; Muuday!iu Sept,io r, will cloaqtliqof July l folio wing. The'rfoiirYL z fo'r lioarltioctailing a flu:iron:11 Et.dish u• ci.tc-Cithrso,iare;too !per' . Mllllllll. Cinß4ic kin , l Nliiduru :t.O ot $lO per 1.11.111U1L1. Wwaliiu,t ,end Lle.o ut Lte4titug slu. For turtber ptiruculartt tt, ttui, tiur tsf decoy. • ltelbreacen ....tit, 1,, t,, the tit. ti,-%. Dr. o'Cur,N :100: DRY GOOD' ErtetreLach: Etetrencli I -ALNO'rEEFIR PRICES 1 --/to fug determiutti to eull our (Lough ^ the rh, • aro Tight," We have made t, gaubt,,t REDUCED THE ENTIRE SToCli To still lower ',fie...3 Akfir Now 1, the uuy tli , n:.,! -- triyyytyt re y anbrokeu, dad the Pric, Pat bowl,' li,e;;,! 00t'..4) JS. 77 Mllarket stre,,t. Prim LAST' CIIANUE IN FltililtE;: ituu u bt Itv.t.us, w orth 74 ,Nr.ut,..l,ut. is.:!,; r,er v.srd do' do do 62 1 ,4 -at a do do dt. do 60 at 37% du do a, Jo 37 .c,i at 26 du J 06E t' II HORN E., 77 . 3.1.4ket street. Kea VELVET TRIMMINGS, AT REDUCED PL L choine arrii,rttneill ou Lana and for Nile at brovil krottrti 67- 0 , 77 Irlartrat G :--- ENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARIIIENTS Wool, Morino arid , teavy Cotton Under Shirts and Drawors.-•-a trinb supply p , 11013.N.L'S, • del9. " • ' • '7' Market street. ViyE Centel per Pound Reduction in the ..k!` )Priou or 'BRA firthY'S Buyer' atl l'oddiars will t, furtrialred witttLigiAttlia"S YAlt:‘,: , at a reduction of live Cents per pound, by the bundle, after tots lute, or and Cash only. Ju5..11,011.1 , 11,, 77.11arket street; dpcl . .Agent for the Mao afactspp• ESIBIiOIDERIES.-Our excellent stock of French Embreiderten, and the lop,: 1,F1c.-4 ac v h,LL they Are marked, offers rare !with:aliments W ladles wiptvoF to purchaso at.; latent En) I, ONILY 1. MONEY 11—PRICES MARK ED DOWN. iar Great reduction in the price of Embroideries. .We , tutve guuu direfully over our hathisome strwit of FItENCLLWORKED COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS, etc., etc. And flted the prices VJ emit the Llard Times." The Ladies imsy rely ou getting bargains at cct27 :LORNE'S, 77 Market street. FANCY BLACK DRESS SILKS. A large assortment, which wa ore clotting out VERY HEAP FOR CASH. C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, d e g Nu. 74 Market street. E WILL SELL from the present time un commonly cheap FOR CA:ill. Pl,,as. t , cull and exam the our stock. 0. LIANSOIi LOVE, ocr2o Formerly Love 8r04., No. 74 lurket PRINTED FRENCH ItIE RI NOES, for 62, and i 8 cA.Lits, worth $1 awl $1,15. the beet azaw-tui..l,t in Ulu city. LIANSUN Llyvys, .(formerly &we Wothers), No Ts .Y.s.rkol amt. BLACK AND FANCY A (ull Ass:lrtatent, very chtap.. 03.. 11 , 49.4)!1 LOVE, fornierl.4 - 3.le.re Broth,:r. '! tie, he rtr.:•ert EV Elt EJ Gomi cal Pure h &ler of Dretie , siarniod, itc.; into Do;uo9tic and r3t4. yl Uooth, will 11,01 it Lc, their wivuutage to and exarni our Now 6tocit ri Kati end Whiter Dry ()owls before purrirte tag elNawhero. 0 artNSON LOVE, 10.15 ['or oleo+, Lnve Brum., No. 74 Marks! at. QIIAWIS 1 ..11.ANV LS I—Wool, Chenille, Brochn, Ace-, both long end aqua.ro, the co, y boat in the and et •,ry low prlco3 for !IG. • SqN LOVE, formerly Lvvo 11con., ?•70.71 3tri tiovEt .DlQUE—ltilLtAlitiEliALEs, Flecce'l, 1r 2.wdedig A jar,,. AAA,rtmout at vt , .I7TM 4 00'S BONNtfrE I, V ET.— Every variety of Biya 7 net material, balm, Velvets and tsating, for eak at novla HORNE'S. NEW=BEOPORD SPERM CANDLES.- ..,19rtrd n!1 , 1 . perrii eit, on hand and and 1,1 n.ilu by Jan 0:A P S :- 10110 bones Rasta rung, iu 12,.. 2 lb.im,l h lb, boo " No. 1 Palm !,(,,tp,, 2 lb. Emil 3 !b. a. boo " Chemical Olive "...lay, in 14. lamp& .". Olono Oxide , t. 25 " German 200 " Castile b 0 Pura Palm Uu baud acid for sale by Jail GUM. 13UFFALO, C.ILLE .AD N CL6 - tibial: - dieted low, ° at "The Store,' No 17 Fifth stre.t, near Market. fel3 DIFFENBACH.Eu S c • .MEW CROP,— • ;. vi •2DO drnffs trwtcsa:yrria Figs; 10 mats " hates; NO busted hialngs Raisins, Just rbossivod bud tor bi L'sl idarninEt A ANDZEIPON, :Thli l ß(Pd 113 , 0 P1Meita 8 L Ctudull , , , Prrissoiten, Hot,. 1881111611 PlYM:tuatiu, PA m 1 3:ly 1 t: - , form ^_us Ji.P.iEPLI HOU:: E. 77 Itlarket Ft rt Itl - J , bb S 11 0. Ai J.' 11 rAWY in 3 it -J s " Wl2. L. O. .1. 5. GROCERS WM 11. SMITH JOS. R. HUNTE W 11.1 . H. SWiliTill & Late Smith, Mair k Hunter,] Xl3 HOLES ALEIt herein ordered that public sales of as followa Grocers and Commission Merchants,lands Ivreto,bre un , drered in th St..to of loam, be held .'So. 11413 Sccond and 151 Front Streeter:, At the Land Office at o:age, commencing on Monday, the fod4 PITTSBURGH., PA. 7th of June, 1853, of four townships, in the counties of Forth and v. innebago. At the Land Office at Furl Dodge, commencing on Monday, a * L ' e " 1 " the 14th of June, 1858, of ta enty-ono townships, and parts of townships, in the counties of Wright, Humbolt, Calhoun and Pocahontas. At the Lail 011ie. of ..Stou_r City, commencing on Monday, the 7th of June, 1158, of t-a entymine township., and parts of towinhips, in the. coumie, of Pecaliount.s, Buena Vista Sac, Clay, Ida and Clan okra, At the Land Mike at Sioux City, conic , - ncing on s.l.)uday, the 21st of June, 1819, of forty-tour t wuships, and parts townships, in the counties of Woodbury. Cherokee, , lyulonth, :env and buncome. At the Land ',Alice at Linincti Bluffs, commencing on ' or - day, the 7th of June. 1818, of [wet% e townships, and part, of townships, in the Coll udca of Carroll, Shelby, Crawford, Monona nod Fremont. It is also ordered in the above mentioned Proclamation No. 893, that the vacant lanes In the even-numbered s ection, which terrain to the l'aioal mules wi /tin ,is miles on erica tide of the undermentioned railroads, be offered at pubie Salo on the days and at the,placts as foll o ws At the Land Office it C Kr! Dodge, commenti..g on Monday, the Slat of June, 185'., on he Dubuque and Pacific Rail road." =M! DAM SVOINDLES3 1010CANDLESS, MEAreiS & CO., 5W0Z99011.8 TO T.lOl. O Pi' CANDLT.33,I WHOLESALE GROCERS, DEALEStI lli IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS /41) 'PITTS/JUROR MANUFAOTIIRES GONI/RALLY Goraor of Wood titid Water atteetd, DA4II, E WILLIAM ,SPANS It. L COPPI II 1111'Ca.ndless, Means St. Co., (Sucuzsors to Wick & APCanillesa,) WIIOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in LUON, NA ILs, CiLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts burgh Manufactures generally, corner of Wood and Water trouts, l'ittslAirgh. myS FoRWARDINU AN .1) • COMMISSION JAMES COLLINS and Commission Merchants, ratIPP-1117010 ON TIL2 k.;0111Yall' Pit burgh, Meadville et le,rto CANAL LINES. NOR. .114 AND 115 WATER lITREET, PITTBDUREIR, PA itIIONNES, HAGEN & CO., E'ORNARDINO AND COMMISSION IaI.IIIIVCIIANTS, No. 30 SVOMiloill: ST., CINCINNATI ? 0.1 jy29 thus. I iLISPHEETS, C. J. nor AN, JOHN WRIGHT Humphreys, llolfau t St, Wright, FLOUR PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7 7 1 011TII WHARVES AND 135 NoRTLL WATER Al.ve Vine Strori, REFER TO Conrad, Thompson & Co, Philadelphia. Thompson, Clark & Young, Sins, Price & Co., Caleb Cope & Co., Barcroft, Beaver & CO , Canby, Neville k Hughes, • E. M. Lewis, Cashier F, ac d M. Bank, Jon. G. Mitchell, Cashier M rch's Bank. " Morrie L. Hallowell &Co., McCutcheou & John M. lienuedy & Co., Raignel & Co., Pickett, Mathews &Co., Maysville, Hy. tihrowsbury & Price, Madison, lud W. IL Langley &none, uhio. Lawrence & Mathias, Louisville, ohlo. A. 13 Bullock S• Co., Cincinnati, Oh .o W. Holmes & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bagaley, Cosgrove & nov18:1y", !MEE= [==3:ll JOSEPH S. LEECH Sr, C ) , Nos. 242 and 444 Liberty it .eet, PITTSBURGH, PA., SilLI.,lB G R CI, AND COMMISSION MERCUANTS, DEALEILI IN FLOUR AND BACON, TIN PLATE AND TLNNKIIS' STOCK, AND PITTSBURGH tIIANUFACTtRES rikIALPIIN & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCII.iNTS, Levee and Waeltington Ave ante, )VIANDi)!rE CAT `:•, KANSAS Ittrzroz;:icta.—Joat l ,h P.. Lech a., Pittabmarla •1er ,. 11/Lnf Iy.l.l.yd&v, ~ivki 11. S, Forwarding, and t2,..,,,!.1,i, Licitilet ill !Ind generally, No. t'Ltt,Unrgil. WINES AND LIQUiRS ht. Dr,Vlll' DEVLIN St KENNEDY, Wholesale Wino and Leo°, Me.rthents and Rectifying Distillers, 2;.,. o.: omithtield areet, Yitteburgh, Pa. ap.kly ONEGUER & CO., IMPOIVICES 01 irrencli azt.d. German leVtuec and Lieinuro, UIiAM PAO N k, ao., au., 161 bmithtield street, between 6th and 7th tuas.li d.tr.; GLASSWARE kt. 763 1 ,11. cuauric, atouue.i 11.00n111(11. ZuW...111.13 DITEI:7/.01. 11INTIY L. IaNGWAIT. ,(lURLING, ROBERTSON & CO., Maim fActurers of Cot, Premed and Plain Flint GLASSWARE, warolionso No. 17 Wood street., cornor of Front, Pittsburgh. . Ail othc: kinds of Gla,waro and Window Glass, at Low Market pric,a. apll:dly Ili=3 y EDLIE Ss ULAM, Successors to Mulvany ti Ledlie, tuanufacturura of Cut, Moulded and Plain Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and deal.rs iu all kinds of Window Glass, Filial:a, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of Uli.o'ket and Water streets, Pittatingli. miadly CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS EMOVAL.—J. & 11. PHILLIPS ohave AA ) removed to their new building, Nos. 26 and ST. OLAIR street, west side, between POOL street and the Bridge. J. it. IL PHILLIPS, AIANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR, FUR N ITURE, CARRIAU E, TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT A - OPAQUE WINDOW SEIADIE OIL CLOTH: Oi differ,mt Colors Also, DkALEItS Lls: OIL CLOTHS & WINDUW 01 every description Dealers in INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made cinder Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, HOSE and PACKING. LEATHER BELT INO of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO FIRE—PROOF IV...NI:MAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AN IJN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, done In the best and shortest time. ide2lbly J. & IL PHILLIPS, 6 ...4`;re Nas. 26 and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory trt dpEville, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CAS.PETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, Eze., AT TUE 'ourth Street Carpet Store. WD. & 11. IWCALLUISI respectfully o invite the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stuck, just selected ior Spring embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Home Manufacture, eonsisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and COMMOII Ingrain: also, Brussels, Oamask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL C;LOTIIS FROM 2 TO 24 FEET WIDE, gaii, - ;s, Mats, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting List, Yarn and Rag Carpets ; Venitian Blinds; Painted, BJ] and Lireen Holland Shades. It will give us pleasure to show goods to all who may be desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to otter inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at trio old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. myl9ly W. D. & H. NITALLUM. (AIL CLUTII CLOTHING—Of all kinds, black and yellow, f sale at the India Rubber Depot and 28 8t Clair street. Ida) J. 41k R. PIIILLII' S. OIL CLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRADE. We have on hand, and era daily receiving additeuor thereto from our own and other manufactories, a large si.ecs .1 Floor Furniture, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, Tran f • parent, Green and Buff, and all kinds of OH Cloth, used Liousefnruishing and other purposes. Also, Transpa: eal Window Shadca, of dry and oil finish—gold bordered end .ther styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. Merchants and others will find it to their advantage I. ex. ',mine our stock and prices before making their pur.fteeuses elsewhere. a J. a U. PHILLIP:, self) 243 and 22 St. Clair se ieet. 2.:LUOR Uli OLOTIIB,- Of our own and eastern manufacture—all widths, and cut to snit any size of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cloth Ware 5 ., mud, 26 and 'ZS Bt.. Clair street. J. a H. PHILLIPS. FURNIT URE AiLLIAKEN & CO. have on hand, at a thell extensive CABINET and OLLASH MANUFAC iOItY, No. (let .mithflold street, a large assortment of Fancy ud PL.s.i.n Fm ~ituro, which they will sell 15 por cent. lower than customary rates. Terms, cash only. idc.e27:y OODWELL'S FURNITUREA_N D Vif • JT CHAIRS, Wholesale and Retail, ombrating ev, ry style of lenrnitnrc, in Roats.KKl, 'Mahogany an I Walnut, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Dining Room ~ equal to any in New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prit, c, Every article milli, by hand, and warranted. Cabint-n,oheri sup plied with any quantity of FURNITURE; and CHAIRS, on reasonable terms. Hotels and Sttainboato furnlelied at the shortest notlite. Waresootas, Noe. 77 and 79 THIRD Street, Pittsbnrch , Pa. Improvement in 'Book Binding. HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING obtained Letters Patent for Improvemei.t in BOOK BINDINO, Is prepared to furnish the attachmebt to Bo• km now iu use, or to apply the same to new Books. Orders for which are reepectfully solicited at WELDIN ROWAND'S Book Bindery and Blank Book Manufactory, South-w,Rt corner of TIDED and WOOD Streets. Thu above improvement consists: First--Of a Metallo Spring clasping:the back of the Book in such a manner us to prevent the leaves from sagging when the Book pi stand ing iu a vertical position. Second—The oarriage consists of Mutate, Grooves, on which are inserted Rollers, work will effectually prevent tho Books from wearing or cludii. In pla cing the same in its resting place. le2:tf A. EL ROWAND. .ontee. MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Gum, Over end Sundute, cheap, at thd Peoples' Shoe Stare, No, 17 - Path etreet, tear Market. jag ENS' CALF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes at DIRWENBA.Onitirk £0:8, J ag, No, .17 Fifth 'treat.- - _ OUS.-5 Dresaed it to tarrive by Rail road, and 63r gab by MMIf U. COLLINS. Synopsis of the President's Message pirrus Buitun, PA i'11111“ILDELPIIIA JO9/Pll ~1110 DIRDINBACHEIt h CO MISCELLANEOUS NO. 593. At the Land Office at Sil)“.2 City, cummentit.g on 'I hurt, day, the let of July, 18.i8, ou the "Dubuone and Pacific Railroad,' and on the wa Central Air Line Railroad!' At the Land Office at Cuncil Bluff:, commencing on Mon- day, the 14th o Jun, , 1858, on the Town Central Air Line hailroad," the " otdis!p e l and Missouri Railroad," and the ••Burlingt ou and Mi-souri River Railroad." At the Land *Alice at Dubuque cnninenciug on Thursday, the Ist of June, ittutS, on the Dubuque and road" and the •' le, a Central Air Line Railroad." At the Laud 011ke at Fort Des MAWS', commencing ou Monday, the 14th ut June, 1658, on the "lowa Central Mr Line It-ilroad and the ..21.ississippl and Missouri Rail road." At the Land Utlice at Chariton, commencing on Monday. the 7th of June, 1858, ou the •• Burlington and Missouri River tiaitroad." The lauds will be offered with the usual exceptions of school sections, &c , The even-numbered sections within six miles on each side of the wilt be If, ed submet, as required by law, to a minimum of two dollars and fifty cents per acre. The sales will be kept open until tne lands are all offered, which is to be accomplished within two weeks, and no longer, and no private entry of any 01 the lands will be admitted until inter the expiration of the too wee: s. Pre-emption claimants are requi ed to establish their claims to th. satisfaction of the proper register and receiver, and make payment for the canto, on or before the day ap. pointed for the commencemnt of the public saes, otherwise their claims will be forfeited. T EMS. A. LIEN DRIC S, Commissioner (t the Gene, al Land (dice UFNEII4.I. LAND OFFICE, .February 17,1918. I ,Great Chance to Make Money. 1111 E BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION OF THE TIMES—ONLY ONE .r.,. ) DOLLAR PER SHARE—Forty the.isand dollars Ct. ,- -1 ,-, - , . worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, iii-a Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety r-"s of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou sand shares, at one dollar per ,hare, as followst—Upon the payment of one dollar, 1 will send the payer a numbered rr ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be notified of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held' in toe city of Philadelphia., and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders ut said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persons us the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate consists of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $2500, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots sulued at 2100 each, in the city of l'hiladelphia, clear of all incum brauce, and title Indisputable; tht other property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for a long time past kept by the subscriber. The stock MALI: ing of very tine Gold and Silver limiting Case Lever Watch es, very fine. Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lupine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Itings and Pius, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, &e., Atc., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cups,. Spoons, Enivea, Forks, tic., &c. Also, French ()locks, Music Boxes, Accordeons, mai a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to tile subscriber, persons are positively assured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for tine Gold, none such will be distributed, the moat respect able persons are given as references, to those disposed to per chase shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will he promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress .4 the sender, by return mail. Any person Betiding ten dollars at one time, shall recce ve eleven separate receipts. in as many separate named ii desired. . In writinr- ' for shares, please will° aid name of the Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting, a large amount of valuable property, fur a small sum, as has ever before been offered to the public. send on your orders, as shares are selling rapid ly, and it is coufidently expected the distribution will soon be myth,. Articloa top:At:aid at a &atm/co, will be :+-at to thum at their expense,. Agents wanted in every town W.V.! village. All corn rutuacaiiiii, moat be atitireiaseil to L. IL 11110031. ALL, No 50 Louth P.,cutid street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia .„Q, CUTHBERT & SUN, 51 Market street attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate, lent ing Elonsea, and collection of rents, inanranco and repairs negotiating loa', making bills, conveyances, deeds, bonds etc., writing letters arid c4riesp,tiding with perilous abroad All business attended to promptly, and in strict confidence 51 Market street, Pittsburgn. Letters of inquiry most al 'bays enclose a p 'stage sunup to pay rottuar postage. Lfel. , TIOUSES FOR RENT— . By S. CBTHBs.wr a Sorg, 51 Slarket at. A comfortable two tl'ory dwelling house en !loss atre,t,itt head of Fifth—st 4 per month. A two story dwelling on Duquenne street—slo per mouth. A convenient dwelling how° on Loganstreet—slso per. yeA three story house of nine rooms, tio Third .treet, at $2OO per year. A dwelling Louie of four mount and kitchen, with large lot of ground, on High street, Mount Wanhington, $lOO per year Two largo wart-Luna:is on Third street, near Market. Two small houses In :p:two•H Court, near kith street, $8,25 per wouth. A two story frame house of four rooms, on Caren street, south Pittsburgh, at $5 per mouth. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc , in Alle gheny city—S3oo per year. A store loom on Third street-4125 per ear. A dwelling house on Third street ; near Market. A warehouse on Market street, No. 25. A dwelling hone, on Wylie etreet—s2oo per year. A large shop on Third street cdn be had for two yeare. A ',tore and corner Market and Third etreetei. etr DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS.- Grant street—Three three story houses, well arranged , each with back buildings. Third street—A three story house, largt.l Logan street—A dwelling house of 7 rooms. Fulton street—Two three et, Ty dwelling houses. South avenue —A two story brick house ofd rooms, a lt h large lot of ground, stable. carriage house, &c . Robinson street—A two story IA Lk house. Franklin strict—A good house of 8 rooms. Carson street—A two story house, and two lots of ground. Penn street—Three large dwelling houses. Alinersville—A house and one acre of ground—besides many others in Allegheny, South Pittsburgh, &c. del:9 S. CUTUREPT & SON, 51 Market sti eet. qoR RENT.—A two-story Dwelling House 1 (Gothic style), pleasantly situated on Mt. Washington ; contains seven rooms well arranged, carriage.house. dtable, and spring of good, soft water, convenient. Itent, $lOO per year. Also, can be had with the above, if desired, a Green House and Five Acres of Land in good state of cultivation, two acres of which are in strawberries of choice qual.ty ; the remainder is covered with Nursery Trees of all kinds, ready for the gardener io get into a profitable business. The strawberry-plants and trees will be sold on accommo dating terms, and a lease of the hou,e and grounds can be Lad for a term of years. Apply to Ja 21 S. OUTIIBKRT it SON, 61 Market street. AGREAT BARU AIN.—For gale, a com fortable twu try brick Dwelling House ' with tw, , lots of ground, altuu.to Cardoll street, South Pittsburg, short d! Lance from the Mouvugabela Bridge. Pi Cirri; P!. ,t TWO LOTS, on Federal street, Allegheny city, for sale by B. CUTHBERT & BUN, deb 61 Market street. ()414THE CONEM..kUGH RIVER.-Fw. Bale a Valuable Farm in Westmoreland county, TIA' miles from Blairsville, on the North Western Railroad, 12t, acres of choice land, 90 onrush cultivation, a young orchard of. 10 acres ' 30 acres of ex.milent timber, a new dwelling house of 6 rooms—price, $7OO. Terms easy. Real estate in the city will lie taken in part pay. ja27 S. CIIT , IBERT a SON, 51 UENA VISTA.—For Sale.—A two story frame house, of four rooms and kitchen, paled fence In front, a bake oven, kc. Lot 20 feet front on Monterey et., in Buena Vista, exteneion of Allegheny city, by 110 feet deep, to nn alley. S. CUTHBERT k EON, dna. 51 Market street. COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR RENT.- Nikj A good brick &selling, largeand cenvenient,lo rooms and kitchen, wide hall, portico In front, good spring-house, stable, carriage house, etc; '2,4 acres of land, Sin fine me a. dow; a good tenant house; garden and vari9ty of fruit tree 3, grape vines and small fruits; a stone wall and iron railing in front of the house; situate at about two miles from the city, and in a very pleasant location. Appl; to la3o S. CUTHBERT & 50N.,51 Market et. QTOCK CLIOICE!-PRICESLOINTI=XEW WINTER GOODS.—JOSEPII BORNE hasjwit rota, ed from the East, whore he has purchased large additiooo to his already extensive stock. Trailing directly with Fra,r CLABS hiPORTING I OUSE; and with the MANIITACTUIILaii, CASH exclusively - , he is enabl,d to offer the best et lectich of Goods at the lowe-t poisilde prices. We are now op , ming, for daily display, t 1 A. iarg cheapest stock of DRESS TRI.M34INGS, EM RO I DE:IIES, WINTER WOOLEN GOODS RIBBONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY. Ever before exhibited in Pittsburgh. Purchasers are invit ed to examine the goods, and learn the prices, at de9 JOS. :LORNE'S, 77 Market sti•ec-t._ A. COM FORTA BLE two story dwelling honed • Carroll street, Allech-ny, will be s..ld at r. grsat bargain. Apply to a. CUIII.IIIIII2IT L - SON, fet2 51 Market street TAlt. CANDLES.--200 bxs. assorted bize6, S Ctl, 6 - sand 6's Adamantine star Candles, on hand and for sale by B. C. & J. U. SAWYER, fel6 No. 47 Wood street. TVEATSFOOT 0 I L.—lsleatsfoot Oil, in IA quantities to suit pnrcta.riera, on nand and for Bale by E. C. d J. U. SAWYER, fell No 47 Wood-street. H. MOLASSES.-70 bbls. St. James o s S. H. Molasses, in store and for sale by MLLES do RIOKETSON, foal Nos. 721 and 223 Liberty street EBT CIDER QWEE:I bbls. choice Sweet Cider, on hand and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, eqrner MnrkPt find Find .treot. FIG LEAF TOBACCO.—A large supply of Down's celebrated Fig Leaf Tobacco, received this day by JOS. FLEMING, nir2 Corner Diamond and Market et. WINES AND LIQUORS.—The best qual ity of Brandy , Wine, Gin, Janadca Bpirita, Old Bye Whlaky, Isiah and Boot& Whisky, London Porter, Brown Stout, Okuunpagno Wino, on hand and for sale by ltd r.TALIEB PATTON, Jr &MOM/ at. . itAftLEI.O.AD The Pittk) , l4 Way - fie - 4 Chicago RAILROAD COMPANY, IArITII ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK mud equipmnt : and it. through connections is pre; pared t‘.l transport Pa,itugera and freight from P/L.I.LA DELPIA and PLTT3I3UIAiII to CilliJiuo, ST. LOLIIS, DIANA PULLS, CINCINN ATi, and ail places West and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The fact tout this lload tonna a direct and consolidated lino between eittetturgh and Chicago, is a sufficient guar. autee that its Traiin will make good time, and connections with Trains on other i:ot.M PASSENUEit TE..IINB LEAV Pat.iburg4. Ci isttino. I Pt. Welyu: U. S. ....... A. At. 2:00 P.M i 0:05 P. 11. Ex.pre/3, 1:15 P. M. 10:05 P.Mi t 5:15 A. 11. ttt b :3;., - A. .; Exproa., at 2:00 P. IL • . -• lit AUI.I 01.NOLN.ti —U. S. stall at 9:53 P. IL; Elprues :00 A. 51. - . AU Trains make close connections at Crestline. fur Colum bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Louis; also, at t Wayne witti Trains on Wabash and Western Railroad Lafayette, Central Illinois and nt. Louis ; also, at Ifer,:dt wltn Trains on the Al. lt. a L. E. R. R. SET URN IN G. From Chicago. I N't.Wayue. f Crestline. I Arr.Pttsb'g U S. Nlati„... 8,4 e P.M. 5:30 A. 31. P. M.. I 9.10 P. M. Hxpress, r,OOA.:d I 2:th) . P. 31. 10:03 P. 31. 7:1:5 A5l These Trains make ehme connections with Trains for Phil. adelphia, Baltimore and New Fork. Trains from St. Louti, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Colum bus make close conin-ctlenti at Crestune with all returning Trams. At Fort t'r a} us, Trains from Si. Louis, %/antral Illi nois, Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with above Trains. At Forest, C,AtIIeCLIOLI are mad, with Trains to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. ACCOMHOOATIoN T,A1N13%-1.,w..ve New Brighton for Allegheny at 7:00 a. 31.,and 1.:430 P. M. Leave Allegheny for New nrightou at ¢.15 Rua 4:3-1.: P. :1. To accommodate way travel, Pmreng-,a- Cars will be at tattled to Freight Trains; leaving Pittsburgh at 8:4o A. M.; Crestline for Alliance, at 5:55 A. M.; Alliance for Crestline, at fr.3o A. M.; and Alliance for Pittsburgh at 7:45 A. M. BAGGAGE. 01.1.1101i.ELD Taßoueb. - , and no charge for handling. Fur Tickets and further information apply to A. T. JOHN SON, Agent, at the Oreat Western Railroad Office, directly on the corner, at the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, or to Geo. Parkin, Pv-ssengerStatiou ' Penn Street, between Wayne and Canal; B'. F. PATRICK, No. SC Dearborn street, oppo site the Tremont !louse, Chicago, or to the Agents at the Stations on the line. TO COMILENCE ON MONDAY, Jaunery '2th, and con tune until further uutice. J. J. HOUSTON, Gen. and Fr'L Ag't 1). W. BOSS, Agent, Chicago. JOS. Fl. 24.031tE, 6nperint,noent. Two Through Train Each Way Daily, Sundays Ext. w,itod. Wheeling, Cleveland and Chicago, by the Ole, •.nd and Pittsburgh Railroad. COLUMBUS, OINCIIIIN4.TI .Sr.. ST. LOUIS 131 THE PITTSBURG&, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI JLLIL ROAD LINE via STAUBENTILLE. The Cleveland and Pit'sburgh and Pittsburgh, Columbna and Cincinnati Railroad Companies, having made an ar rangement with the Pittsburgh, Foit Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, for theJonat nee of their track between Pitt , burgh and Rochester, will run their trains from Penn Street Station daily, Sundays excepted, commencing Mon nay, March Bth, 1888. CLEVELAND, Wl Leaves Pittsbui gh 6:00 A. M. Through to Cin cinnati with but one change of cars This Train to Clo Dilutor. CINCINNATI, CI, leaves Pittsburgh 2:35 P. M. Through to Cin cinnati without change of can 3. Wl' EE Leuven Pittsburgh.' 4:00 Y• M• CONNECTIONS ACE MADE BY ABOVE TRAINS,AS FOLLOWS: By 6:00 A. IL, and 4 00 P. E., At W LIEELIN (3, fur Cumberland, iliu-per's Ferry, Baltimore and Washington City. Only at BELLEAU:. tor Cambridge, 7.anesx ill., Lancaster, Circleville and Wilmin,ton. By 6:00 A. E., and 1t.:35 P. hi. At XENIA, fur Dayton Imilariaptdi, att.un, Cairo, St. Lents and New Orleans. By &00 a ss., arid 225 P. N. At CINCINNATI, for Lexington, Louisville, Cairo, St. Louis and New Orleans. Only at BAYARD, fur Carrolton, Waynesburg, Dover and New Philadelphia Only at lIUDSUN, for Cuyahoga Balls, Akron, Clinton and New Portage. By 6:00 A. M., and 2:35 P. E. At CI EVELAND, for Erie, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Cam,. du, Sandrishy, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, and all points in the Noitbuest. G The 4:00 P. ea. Train stops at all Wu:, -Stations en the ilistr Division. Returning, Trains, EASTERN MAIL, VIA STEUBENVILLE. Leaves Cincinnati 6:OU A.. Arrives at Columbus 10:30 P. M. Do Steubenville 5:50 P. M. Do Pittsburgh 8:55 r. e. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING MAIL. Leaves Cteveland 1:00 P. al. Arrives at Wellsville 6:51 P. et. Do Wheeling 8:46 P. IL Do Pittsburgh 8:55 P. M. PITTisBUROII ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Belleair 6:00 4. u. Du Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling.... 6:15 A. u. Stops at all Stations Arrives at Pittsburgh 11:25 4. u. WHEELING AND PITTSBURGH MAIL. Leaves Belleair 4:3J P. M. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling... 4:43 P. IL Arrives at Pittsburgh 8:66 P. 11. EASTERN E XPRP SS, VIA. STEUBENVILLE. Leaves Cincinnati 4:20 P. M. Arrives at Columbus 10:0J p. et. Do Stenbetn ills 1:45 A. st Do Pittsburgh 7:60 a. y. CHICAGO, BUFFALO AND PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Leaves Cleveland 10:20 P. 11. Arrives at Wellsville 6:35 A, m. Do Wheeling 11:06 4.. AL • Do Pittsburgh 7:50 A. M. Connections ore made by the Mail and Express from dame points when returning, as are formed as above when going from Pittsburgh; also, with the Pennsylvania Railroad for Harrisburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The above Trains will stop on signal of the Station Agent at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to take up passengers going on or beyond the lino of these Roads. Trains will also stop to leave passengers coming from these Roads, at any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh. Passengers desiring to go to Chitram or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask for tickets via Cleveland. Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any points beyond Columbus, Steubenville, must ask fur tickets via Steubenville. Baggage checked through to all principal points, and transferred free of charge. tka. For tickets or iufoematiou, apply to bEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Penn Street Sration, Pittsburgh. F. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent, C. & P. R. R., Cleveland. I. A HUTCLUNSON, General Ticket Agent, I'., C. X. C. R. IL, Collin:buil. JAMES FARMER, Superintendent 0. X P. R. It., Cleveland. W. W. BAGLEY, mrB I Superintendent P., 0 & C. R. IL, Columbus. NEW WESTERN ROUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE and CHICAGO, AND CINCINNATI, HAMILTON A DAYTON RAILROADS, ta- Distance only 323 mite front Pittsburgh to ancinnats HIS LINE is composed of Roads of,,the First Class, and is located through a beautifue and highly cultivated portion of the State. Direct connection is made at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, (tho trucks of the C. fi. it D. & 0. It M. Roads, being connected, for Louisville, St. Louis, Evansville, Cairo, Memphis, Vicksburg, Natchez, New Orleans. Connection made at St. Louis with the Pacific Railroad and Missouri River Packets, for arket street KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all points Wes,. Also connects at Cincinnati with Kentucky Central It. ft., for Lexington, Danville, Frankfort and all points in Central Kentucky. 'Crain leave Penn street Station as tollowe ; 11l Thrctigh to Cincinnati with 3:30 ,/'% M 9 but one change of cam, ar riving at 6:41a P. NI. Express Passenger Train, ar .2 : 1 5 p . riving in Crestline at Itt:Of. • J A. M., Cul. 8:00 P. 181 im BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Fare as Low az any other Route. For kill information, and Through Tickets, apply at tho Ticket Office, corner Monongahela House, or at Pena street Station. - - 43 - Psasengcrs desirous of going this route will ask - for Tickets via Delaware Cut-Off. J. H. MOORE, Supt. P. Ft. W. & 0. R. R. DAN'L McLAEEN, Supt. C. 11. § D R. R. .no 2.6 New Route via River and Railroad Cincinnati Railroad PONIVECTLNG AT INDIANAPOLIS with viLi Terre Gaut; and Ycrro Dante and Alton Railroads, to St. Louis and Lafayette and Indianapolis, New Albany and Salem, and Michigan Ccutral Roads for CHIC kW), ROCIT, ISLAND, BURLLNGTO ;, and all intermediate points. Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE, and PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in lees time than any other route by 24 hours, and at ac low rates. The only road by which shipments can be made from Cin cinnati to the West, without breaking bulk: Consignments made to .1. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Cincin nati; ot,•W. B. rUTTI.NO, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for commission; no thane for drayage or commission at Lawrenceburg. For further information, apply to THOMAS RATTIGAN, (N 0.116 Water street,) Agent of the Company, who is pre paled to give CIISOUGN I=CIPT3 to Indianapolis, Terns Haute, Lafayette, Chicago, Peru, Greencastle, Orawl'orde. vine, Charleston, Paris, and Mattom 11,0. LORD, President.. JNO: F. CHEER, Gall Freight Agent. Ina pia RYE WHISKY, Old French Brandy van ead Art Who, tor median' pmvaloy at RAILROADS. ELINO AND CINCINNATI MAIL At'rivos. St oubenville 9:42 A. Britigpwt, opposite Whee,ing 11:06 A. LA. Belleair 11:20 A. in Columbus 6:2 , P. M . 10:10 P. ai "levelund 2:10 P. ni Lionel° 11:10 P. of Chicago 8:00 A. of eland has 80 minutes at Alliance, for VELAND AND 0/110AGO EXPRESS Steubenville 5:50 P. 14. Newark 11:40 P. M. Columbus L4O A. M. '3incinuati B:u7 A. M. Cleveland 9.50 P. M. Buffalo 8:00 A. M. Jhlcago 2:00 P. M. LING ACC0311101)1110N, Wellsville.... teuben villo Bridgeport... Belleuir .~ :~. ~~_• VII. DELAWARE OUT-OFF 't.:: ~~.aSS~ RAMAQADS. Winter Arrangement. 1858 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. 18. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD ti LE V E RD Allt le AATS. Tits i.-I,lr 3.LA11, TRAIN leaven the Passenger tion every morning, Lexcupt Sunday,) at 8:115 o'clock, Pittabn.zh Ulna arriving in Philadelphia lit i1t.50 P.M. TZTE F.X.PItESO haunt the Station every evening at Iteo o'clock. Stopping only at Ureensburg, Latrobe, Jame. town, Willmore, utuutzin Altoona, ac., connecting at liar risburg with toe Irani direct for tialtimore, and arriving in philadelpkia or Baitunurti at LOO o'clock, P. M. ALAJUMAIuDATioN Tit : TILE JOILNSINAVN Aid`WALMODATIAJN TRAIN leaven daily (except ounday,) at 3.6 u o'clock, P. M. stopping at LW,moons, mitt running as tar as eunarnaugh. ALAAJAIAIUDA.CIA.LA FB.Alci for Turtle °reel: Bridge lattVal (except Sunday,) ai 10:40, A. AL SELAtNii ACCAJAIIIuDALUON MAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves dully, (except Sunday,) at 4.24.1 P. M. 1111111.1 edtki.ILMUDA.V.W.N TB AIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily , (except muddy,) at te2.o, P. M. I'ILAINS arrive in Pittsburgh as follows : iSpreas, la.>, P. ai.; Amu, o.lltl A. Al, Johnstown Accoinmo dativa, I.l:tai A. O 4 First Fame Cruet Accommodation, emu, A. at., abC.:aia Accommodation, 12:4U, P. AL, .I.4ara Acetate Laudation, tr.lo, P. AL 'trains tor timiraville and Indiana, connect at thairsvila intercectton %rub mati train sant, Express train Wear, and the Johnstown accomodahuo train Bast and West. A.VL IJOAi P.,F11.1.b TItAIN stopping at all Stations on the ~itusew.ga and Connell& vale Mudd, leave dally, kßouttay excepted,) ns [anew,: MAIL TB-AIN, 7.00 A. M. 4.TU P. Al. 'TIiAI.tS from Pittsburgh and ...;enuellaville Road, arrive at Pittsburg[, 1140,A. Al. and d:10 P. Al. • Lim traveling pamic will nun it greatly C. their iu tereet, in gulag seat er IL est, to travel by the Penusy.vania ouuread, as um acconmoslauorus new tittered cannot tie hut - pa.stat on ally tamer watt. Ay Inc nowt ta rmii.itrca WiLtt attn., and is taltatay Into trout dust, we can promise cadet), .peed add comfort to ail who may laver this Await with their pattuiltsga. —1 1 A11.1:: To New Turk $1.5,00 To Baltimore •• Pruladelptua 10,00 I Lancaster. To liarrisuurg, Baggage checked to till !Ramona on the Peunsylvatua Bad road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore timid Sew lurk. Passengers porchasing tickets in cars, will be charged ton mats in addition to tho Station tante, except from buttons warn the Company has no Agent. .SUTDJ.S.-1u case et loan, um Company will hold them selves roaputaatatl for kairnoual baggage ' only, and for au anomut uuL exceeding *ltlo. a. ti.—The Escalator Omnibus Line has hoes employed to convey par.:long - era and Baggage to and nom the Depot, at a cniuge not to exceed 2.e cenus for each passenger and bag. g 66.. ticknto Apply to J. BT.EIWART, Ageut, At the P. ti. ii. Puma/Igor ocauou, ou Liberty and uraut ativeeta. TUE PENNSYLVANIA 111.6 01U ictl jaw ALiantic Cities with West • auu 01.4.1L11-Naateru 6Latea by a con Liuutga 11 This Road also connects at Pittsburgh a . Steamers to all ports on the Wes land and Sandusky with steamers to all per western Lakes; making the must mace: liIiLIAILLE ROUTS by which FitEIOIIT can be from the GREAT WSIST. ilate• beLvreen PhUndo:lollll.ft] FIEST CLASS.— Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes, bales and trunks,) Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Pars, .ar.c. SECOND CLASS—Domestic Shooting, Suit t, tug and Ticking (in original Lades), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. Leather (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and rooep Pelts, Eastward, dm., Esc. Tall KU OLASl3.—Anvils, Steel, Chains (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or an sacks), Tobacco, manufac tured, (except Cigaus or cut,) &c, etc. FOURTH CLASS--Cotfee, Bacon, Beal and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, Ger man Clay, Tar, Patch, Bolen, ac., 4c. , FLolll3—s4ot.l bbl. until farthernotice. GRAIN ha car loads, 4b cta. r 4 10u lbs. until further notice CaYPTUN—S.2 . 0 bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, maw further notice. -In snipping Goode from any point East of Philadee ?bin, bu particular to mark packageJ "taa Periraytuane.. .Altaiiroad." Al! Goods consigned to the Agents of this Rom: a; Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without tie tea FILJUGIIT AGEtTs---litu-nB, Wormley & Co., Memphis, Teun., R. F. haus it Co., at Louts; r. e. u'ltiley & Co., Evansville, Ind.; Lumemil, 801 l & Co., and Carter 4 Jewett, Louisville, liy.; R. C. Meldrum, Madison, lud H. W. Brown & Co., ono Irwin & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Co, No. 64 Kilby street, Boston; Leech & Co., No. 2 Astor louse, New York; No.l William utreet, and No. 8 Battery Place, New York; .J. Bueeder, Phßridelphia, Magraw & Koons. Baltiniore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. 11UOSTUN, General Freight Agent. H. J. LUMBABIia, myl Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. . 6:23 P. DI. 7:311 P. DI 8'46 P. DI. .. 9.00 P. 111. PITTSBURGH it, CONNELLSVILLE it AILL Tax Pit tabargfl'and Oontudieville Railroad is now opens.. for the transportation of passengers and freight to and from Pittsburgh and Connell/wine, connecting with the Peunnyl, vaunt Central Railroad at Brinton's Station. Arrangements have also been made with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, by which through freight to Philadelphia and Baltimore will be carried from points on the Pittsburgh and Connellaville Railroad, by car loads, on favorable terms. RUNNING OF TRAINd.—On and after Monday, 28th of December; the Passenger Trains will be run daily, except Sundays, as follows: MAIL Ti AIN,. will leave the Passenger Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh, at 7:00 o'clock, A. arriving at Connellsvillo at 12:00 A. M. .EXI'ItESS i'AdSPANGER Tit-A_1:1, leaving Pittsburgh a 4:20 o'clock, P. 114., and arriving at CuuneHaynie at B:2U P. M ' " RETURNEsII3.—EIPIIESS TRAIN will leave Councils villa at 6 o'clock, A. M., connecting with the Blairsville Accommodation Train, on the Pennsylvania Railroad which arrives at Pittsburgh at 11 a ht. MAIL TitAIN, leaving Counel sville at 2:00 P. hi., and connects with the Briuton Accommodation Train, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, which arrives in Pittsburgh at 6.00 P. M. Freight to and from Pittsburgh, and stations on the Pitts burgh and Conanlhivillo Road, a ill be received and delivered at, Baldwin Depot, opposite Duquesne Depot, on Liberty street. Bunting .fr. Hall's Coaches fur &IL Plemant, Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, will leave Connelisville rcgularly on the arrival of the trains. Mail Train connects also at West Newton with coaches, by the Plank goad, with Mount Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin, Sandpatch, Cumberland, &c Tickets can no had froneTicket Agent at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Depot. mrlB H. BLACKSTONE, Superintendent. " Joseph Wilts's Carriage Repository. f OSEPiI MUTE, now carrying on busi' ness in his spacious premises, (now lately enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike, near the Run,-between Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, respectfully invites the public to inspect his stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &c. And be particularly informs gentlemen purchasers, that ono price only is made. Fourteen years' experience in the business enables him to place before his patrons the same choice collection of Car riages which, so many years past it has been his particular department to select, trom the various and most talented Eastern manufacturers. The success of his new system is complete—the economy of his arrangements will supply the best and must fashionable manufactures at moderate prices. Unencumbered by those heavyexpenses, which the inaitio for decorating houses of business hart heaped upon the price of goads, (owing to large rents, JOSEPH WHITE will sell, en ready money only, at much less than the usual prices. ice` Carriages repaired in the best manner with despatch stay 122dA W pOTATOES.- 120 butt Neshannock Potatoes; 60 do Peach Blossom Potatoes, Just received and for caSc by JAMBS A. itITZER, lsdfi ito F 7 atm. street. 1,1) , YE FLOUR.- 1.5 bbls. fresh ground Rye Flour, Just received and for Bale by JAMES A. FETZER, janl 89 Water street. GREEN . APPLES.- 20 Ms. green apples, just received and for sale by oct2o JAe. A. FETZER, 89 Water street. WEET POTATOES.- t 0 bush. Sweet Potatoes, just received and for sale by c eta J. A. verzsa, 99 Water tame: APPLES.- 29 bble. extra tine Rambo and Belleflower, 88 •' Vandiver; 100 '• Rumen Applea, just rec'd and for sale by dell JAB. A. FETINIEL, 89 Water street. FLOUR. 100 bbis. choice Extra Superfine; 50 " " Superfine Flour, Just received and for sale by JA3LEB A. FETZEB., delB 89 Water street .13LANK ACCOUNT BOOKS.—A large stock of every description, in store and for sale by W.& HAVEN, Corner of Market and Second streets CIDER.-10 Barrels Sweet Cider, for sale by JAMPii A. FETZER, dec7 89 Water street. INDIA RUBBER INKSTANDS-. Another lot of those air , tight INKS, lust received and for tale by DUFF AND FLEMING'S Book-Keeping for sale at W. ,HAVEN'S, fitationery7ru - ehonee 1928 Corner Market and Second streets. ENVELOPES.— Buff', Blue and White Laid, Adhesive, Cloth Lined and Paraitneut Pape! do.; extra thick Cream Laid do.; Legal do.; Note do.; al; Aces; for sale by W. B. H 0ct.30 Corner Market . and Sdcond eta. (1 A SKE T, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, and 4JII Fuller's Board, for sale by W B. HAVEN, Noe. 81, 33 and 85, Corner Market and Soccnd !streets. EAS.-30 half chests Young Hyson, Im perial. Gunpowder, Black Tess, in store and for gale JAMES PATTON, Jr., Allegheny City. MTEST INDIA PRESERVES. —lO dozen assorted, Jan received and for sale by ANDERFON, 11..4 Nn. Word qtr.. t TELLIES. -50 dozen Currant, Black be ry Orange, Quilcza, Peach,_and Orniii Jellies, for sale by REYhIER A ANDERSON, Wood street, opposite Si etusriLs 11) I.CE.—Six tierces prime - Rice, just receiv ed and for sale by & RICKETSON, r•ovl2 Nca. 221 and 273 Liberty street. CEESE-60 A boxes prime Western Reserve for tale by . WM a CO. ELIZABETHAN. --A new Decorative Wall Paper, Elizabethan design, nst received, and for sale by W. P. MARSHALL & CO., Woo.! Sir•wt FLOUP,2S bbla. Sarierfine Flour received and for mile by llota&NDLEnct, EllaNt3 & CO, let) Comer Wood and. Water street'. }OMITS for Chrigtnuis and Now Year.— jc Beat La.yer Rai-dm; choiceHaaßYga, in &tuna and pa per boxes, only 18-Xic.tb., at aewnwra, BRO. BR )WNLBB'S., i. 444, ('TORN. SHEL ERS„ - -Smities Patent, ar v4,,/ ranged for hand, bores or steam power, warranted in every respect, _and will shell froze 80 to to:Lehols of corn per hoar . il7 Ulb? . netd low by CAN - • - EMMY FL 90LI1LI8{ - s Lit /11). Id Eh, counectiLg • orth-viesteru uthviq kurez L. ILL, LI t ill at Clay.- ta ou the. North , Car-API:ST tu...1 orWarded to nut! ittsburgh. 900.'0 100 Ibe 764 V 100 Tob. 115c.!1i 100 Cm. 50c.11 100 Ma At 0 A . W. 8. 11AVF.N Ocanfr Mark at and Sueond atreats MEDICAL DOCTOR HOOF.LAND'S CELEBRATED GARMAN BIT TIER% si Da 0. td. JAOBSON, PEIMD'A, SA, Will effectually cure LlVellt Will DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE, 013110. NIO OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES dud all OF THE KIDNEYS, Diseases arizinettiom a clisorrkreil Mover eemeseA, Such ea Cionstipa. Lion, Inward Pile; fullness, or Blood to the lead, Acidity of the Stomach, Netaleau, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, fullness or weight in the Stomach, Soar Eructa- Laden's., Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Sto mach, Swimming of the Head, Harried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision,_„ Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever end Dull Palo in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Ye! lowness of the Skin and Limbs. Path the side, Back, Chect, Limbs, Sudden Flushes of Heat brute,. tug in the Flash, Constant linVoinge of Evil, and • great Depreesion of BPlBir 8. In attributing such valuable properties to this remedy, fi e reoli mity.e.rranta hie assertion is made, but simply stated a fact; proven undeniably and conclusively by the natraor• dinary cures, and benefits derived from its use, under the di• rectlon of its illustrious originator, Dr. Hoollend, among all classes of European society, and from the immense macs et testimony, from all parts of the American continent, accu• mulcted during the last ten years, in the hands of the pros. eat proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which the German Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, la al most universal; indeed there is scarcely a family through;; of the whole extent of our country in which there cannot be towed among its members that peculiar sallow and /solemn; appearance denoting a diseased Liver, or an emaciated and suffering Dyspeptic. Then of what immense importance - to this class of inval a that a certain and reliable remedy should be placed with! their reach; ono in which no baneful or injurious drug eu tors into its composition • a remedy on which the patient can rely with the utmost confidence and certainty, and be aainired rom actual and tangible proofs that the article he is using featly possesses the virtues attributed to it. Such ii Rene.* as "HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS." Thousand: dollars have been expended in its manufacture and diffusion throughout all parts of this continent, and the proprietor feels the greatest satisfaction in stating that there is ne state, county, or even village, where the Medicine has bean Introduced, that there cannot be Maud numbers willing testify to its virtues. It is used constantly lu the practice of a large number J. the most prominent Physicians in the country, who ha ve also added their written testimony in evidence of its great Virtues. In conclusion, then, we would respectfully ask oi all those afflicted with any of the above diseases to give the Bitters a trial, and rest ensured it will never be re,gretted. In proof of the statements above made, all are Invited to read attentively the Almanac published annually by the prte prietor, for Farmers and Families, containing _a great unto oar of useful receipts, in addition to the testimony in favor of the Bitters, from the most prominent and well kiler. dividnals in all parts of . the Union. All Agent: for the Bit. tors are authorized to distribute the Almanac gratuitously. Principal Office and Manufactory, O 8 Arch Street, Philadel phis, Pa. For sale wholesale by Druggists in ell the principal cities, and at retail by Apothecaries and Storekeepers' in every town in the Uaited States and Canada, and by B. L. eAIIISESTOCE. tCO end Dr. KEYSER., Pittsburgh. Jyl'.:lyd6ly Of all diseases tun great, tint causo Spring - a trom neglect of Nature's laws EJFFIER, NOT 1 y \ T IIEN A CURE IS GUARANTEED IN all stages of SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Nei vous Debility, Strictures, Meets °ravel, Die.bries, Diseases of the iiidneys and Bladder, leercurial Rheumatism, Scro. tuia, tains in toe Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Boiler Limbs, Can cers, Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all dish , ses arising from a il,rarigenteut of the Sexual Organs, such ea nervous tremblina, iUUd 0: memory, loss of power, general weakness, dimness of visieu with peculiar spots appear in before the eyes, loss of sigh,, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptions upon the face, pain in thy back and head, female irregularism3 and all improper discharges from Lott; sexes. It matters sot from what cause the disease origins, fed, however long litandint, or obstinate the case, recovery 0 certain, and in a shorter tree than ti permanent cure can L. effected by any other treatment, even after the disease has bullied the skill of eminent physicians and resisted all the r means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and tree Irons mercury or balm, Du:- ing twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws of death many thousands, who, in the last stages of the abovo mentioned diseases had boon given up to the Lis physicians, which warrants me in promismg the afflicted, who may place themselves undo my care, a perfect and most speedy care. Secret diseases are, the gamest enemies to health, as they are the first cause of Consumption, min and many other diseases, and should boa terror to the human faintly. As a permanent cure Is scarcely ever sheet ed, a majority of the cases falling into the hands of incorm potent persons, who not only fail to care the diseases but ruin the constitution fillitig the system with mercury, which, with the disuse, hastens the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment not asuso death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the children, who ere horn with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Tetter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other rale:, tions of the skin, ekes, throat and lungs, entailing. them a brief existence of suffering and conslgnin•^, thorn to an early grave. IS.E.LI ABUSE is another fort-- , idttble enemy to health, foe nothing else iu the dread uatalogue of human diseases causes so destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thou. sands of victims through a few years of sulk ring down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for marriage, society, business, aud all earthly happiness, and leaves the &Worm. wretched in body and mind, predis• posed to Consumption and a train of evils more to he dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence I as. sore the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. Tao afflicted are cautiot4 azaium the use of Patent Medi cines, for there ; , ,re co many ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that millions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nos trums vended as "Patent Medicines." I have carefully ana lysed many of these called Patent Medicines and Mid that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Bot/limato, which is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deudly poison, which instead of curing the disease disables the sys tom for life. • Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now in use are put ap by unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do not under stand even the alphabet of the materia medica, and are equal ly as destitute of any knowledge of the human system, hav ing one object only in view, and that to make moneyregard less of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of males and temales treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. Medicines, with full directions, sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly con tideutial. Address J. SUMALEILVILLE., 111. D., 0111ce No. 1131 Filbert street, (Old No. 109,) below Twelfth, Philadelphia. ghtliiivtit...!;4 - .0144i4 v4l Private and Confidential Medical Advice 1 Al THE BUFFALO PRIVATE lIOSPI TAI,--Entabashexi for the cure of Syphilis, Seminal Weakness and the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS k SON, &ado, N. Y. Office corner of Main end Quay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST SOIENTIFIO INVENTION Au instrument for the cure of lieuital Debility, or Nuctur ual Emissions, more properly known as herainal Weakness, &c. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to tw,uty days, by the 1130 of this instrument, when need conjointly with medicines. YOUNG 111FN TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS & SON take pleasure In announcing that they have invented a must impertant instrument for the cure oh the above diseases. It hoe been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris, Pnitedelphia and New York; it has been declared the only maul instrument over yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Weekness,or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. AMOS & EON, in order to satisfy the moat skeptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any Instance where they may prove unsatisfactory aft., fair trial, the money will be refunded by retaining the it atrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will obsorvi that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by express, is teu dollars. NEW RI:MEI/lEs ANTI quicui OUSE. Dr. AMOS A SON may be consulted from eight o'clock h the morning until nine et night, in every stage and sy nip Win of the Venereal Disease, Uonorrlota, Ulcers, S'ecohu,,r) Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Strictures ei the Urethra, etc., with inviolable secrecy, The treatmem they adopt is the result of upward of thin) , yeard extensive and mucceashil practice in London. The most inveterate canes of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine d s, and crises of a slight nature iu two or three days, at a mod erate expense. The cure effected without confinement or hindrance from businestr, also, nodes and pains in the bouts and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURE WARRANTED Dr. AMOS tr. SON have devoted their attention excluot e ly to this peculiar claes of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellow-creature e fully testified and greatfully acknowledged by convalss centpatients and others daily arriving in tov. n from all pa, to of the country, for the express purpose only o. cons altat.tus while their exertions have bum crowned with the most nal advantages; yet from what they have experienced, inquiring into the'causes of these infectious complaint i (from their most simple condition to that of the most dan gerous and haveterated) they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise in. variably found that the rust horrible and mangnant forms of disease could almost always be traced to one of the lot towing causes :—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of un skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. ASIOS SON have imcceeued in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivocal chewer t or. ea well as those whose premature or injudicious application might be prodactivi of bail consequences in the hands of private individuals. Id abort, the landible end of their re medies' is the lessening of a great masa of human misery by the atleniation, relief and prevention of those grievous Lu ll/camas that are in re.ility the secret foe 01 life, and which, while they so extremely surround us, call aloud for our skill and interference for their extermination COUNTRY INVALIDS. persona in any part of tho wand luny Lo emcc,e2sfully treated by forwarding a corroct dotaa of their case, with 2. remittance for modicir.m, Addrees Dr. AMOS .".UN, .11,1 Lao, Buffalo. N. Y. !; PARISIAN TOOTH. PASTE, prepared under the suplxvition of Dr. Itulliheu, curgrou ma, for sale by J. 16. iILEMIM}, ANOTHER supply of Low & son's superior le - _,Leion Toilet tibape ncoiced to,ley, by JOS. Fel. fel6 Comer Illawoutl Ilezket atre, UORN'S EXTRACT OF COPAIBA AN li SA99APARILIA.—Another supply of this celebrs_e,t I:nglish remedy, Just received by Jos. FLEMING, fe9 Corner Dtatnand and Market street. MINERM S.— AL WATERS Lick, Bud ford and Congrs Waters constantly on baud at JOSELU FLEMING'S, fe9 Corner Diamond and Market street. 'ME'S Ferrated Tint. Bark and Elixir of Ay Bark, on hand and for sale by ten R R Toe T...; UOGS.—Dressed Hogs, jnet received and tar ealle by JAMES A. Iit.F.V.R.II, 8g Wetar DEEFUMERY—Of --- descriptions and prices, can be had at JOS. FLEMING% feli Corner Diamond and Market atrect. 19IA.NOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose wood 83,4 octave Pianos, will be rented to private tam Wee only. Apply to JOHN IL AtELLOII, lel3 82 Wood etre‘-t. KEN NEDY' MEDICAL DISCOVER 1.1 10 dozen on hand and for tale by tta7lo : B. L. VAIINESTOCE 8 C. ) AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL A D CATHARTIC DILLS.-2A gross each on hand fez ,ale Ds Eva 49 13.111,fillibIlliTOCK di GO. _ , MEDICAL D r. I 4 tia CELET3I: ‘7:21; V F.l R M I LIVE . E , , pp . .1 INAns mime bast' SPwevreurolottotera es' age They are not recoc, mended as Unive'n Cure-alls, but simply what thdr p r)rt s. The VERMIFITCP O 12Xpelting Worms frc '-he human system, 11. llso been administer ith the most satisfactc, results to various anim.,,:s object to Worms The LIVER PILLS ) :t the cure of LIVER COM - PLAINT, all 'BILIOUS DE- R ANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD \LHE, &C. Purchasers will pI— t.LL t),2 particular to ask f Dr. C. McLane's CH br.ited \%L R 4rFur isl ,IY „ 1- , 1 -1 a ILLS, oft: t - ).1.14... . _ 1 VIA ) 1 - 'IZ.OFRIT.TOP.S,, I 'H. 1.) , .11-gh, Pa., and as there are vayi, . _ i).reparatioLL, z L ,c fort; the t 7 ' T . ;lo.i.ritY to re 4, erml!ii l er D ili). h t:rs in corn par 't) WOrthICSS. Th GErquiNalvir Laiß:s t!rialifuge. and I. i; r ?Oh CA.J.I now he had respectable i)r‘,;l_7 r I~i ~i I~~J. Cr B"ii 0 ' PITTSI:I.I',.t.:(, 'LANE'S VEI-011FUGE AND LIVE] , PILLS.-75 goes on hand and for eale I.y B. L. -- FAIINESTOCII kreo. Cornor Wood and Fourth streot3. DIUVATE DISEASES.- DR. BROWN't? A. MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offices, , No. 50 SMITELFIET,D Street, Pitta .1.1,--V • burgh, Pa.' ~ ~7 , --,. , „,rODR. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitta c. ' ;` . burgh, and has been in practice for the 47, 4 7 7 l: l --• - last twenty-fine years. Ms business has ,; . „ been confined mostly to Private and Sur..%l,''.; ' gical Diseases. . i . , . ~,, CITIZENS AND STRANGERS .. '-, 711 , - 171 ,, In need of a medical friend, should not .*,,,,,. - ii , te fail to find out the mire place of relief. 5 4 : \.. - ;.;..,......e The Doctor is it regular graduate, and ,:.,... . his experience in the treatment of a certain class of 11/Bostic , ' is a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtalntng perman,ul relief, by the use of his remedies and following his acivic. DR. BROWN'S EEMRDIES never fall to care the want form of Venereal Diseases--all Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all disee,+e4 arising from a hereditary taint, whichmanlfests itself in ti.o form of a tatter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of riki.4 diseanos, tho origin of which the patient le entirely ignor To persons so afflicted, Dr. D. offers hopes of a sure nu-. 1 speedy recovery. SEKINAL WEAKNESS Dr. Drown's remedies for this alarming trouble, ['roc,: ht on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratification wl tho young and weak-minced often give way to, (to their, se destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in tiov cou alth.n—thoy are safe, and make a speedy restoration hetry RHEURATIBIL Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to Cr.TO thia painful (lb• ease in a few days—he will warrant a care. lie also tr...te Piles, (}lest, Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Urethral Discharged, male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain in the B.ti ,and lildneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all ilisvotes of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a yes, rested to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, ritidburzt., Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to t.h t address, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and Private Rooms, No. 60 Sculthileld street, PP.!, burgh, Pa. IT IS NOT A DYE. Mrs. S. I. Allen's World's Hair Restorer. ciRAY HAIRED, BALD, or persona with k_K diseases of hair, or scalp, read the following and jndg., of the articles: Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALSADIU.III,, Or WORLD'S HAIR DRESSING, is eezential to use with the RESTORER, and is the beat Hair Dressing for old or young extant, being often efficacious ill cases of hal, fall ing, ac., without the Restorer. REV. H. V. DEGAN, Editor Guide to Holiness. "We can testify to its effects," PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, L. L. D., Murfreesboro', Tenn. "Notwithstanding irregular use the telling off of hair ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," Sic REV. S. 11. 'MORLEY, Attleboro', Massachusetts. '6 t has changed the "(town of Glory," belonging to old men, to the original hue of youth," ac. REV. M. THOlll.ll' , (60 years of age;) Pitcher, Chenango county Now York. "My hair is now restored, It is nothing like a dye," &c. REV. D. T. WOOD,ffilddlatown, New York. "My own hair, and that of another of my family, has greatly thicken. ed, where almost bald," Ice. REV. JAMES McKEE, New York city, recommends it, ae REV. W. rowrEus, Stanwich, Conn. "It has met my most sanguine ezpectations, Etc. REV. J. F. GRLSWOLD, ashingt?n, N. H. "It is really efficacious in restoring the hair,' ELEV. G. M. SPRATS', Lewiaburgh, Pennsylvania. " W can and do cheerfully recommend it," tic. REV. J. I'. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Carolina. " The white hair has become obviated," .4c. REV. AMOS BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. H. "We think very highly of your preparation," ac. REV. B. C. SMITH, Prattaburgh, N. Y. " I was surpilael to find my hair turn as when I was young," ac. BEV C M. CLINK, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. 6 ' It has btop• ped my hair tailing and caused a now gtoWth." REV. A. FRINK, Chatanque county, New York. " I am as Hailed and recommend it." BEV D. MORRIS, Croas River, Now York. "it is the best preparation extant." BEV. WILLIAM CHL:TER, Editor Mothtr's Magazine, New York. "Recommends it." air We migljtawoll this list, but if not convinced, TR IT. We export these preparations to Europe even, and 311:1 superseding all others there as well 133 in th, U States. It dces not sou or stain. Bold by all the principal whale. sale and retail merchants in the Coped states, ez Canada. DEPOT 355 BROOM STREET, J. •, where address all letters and inquiries. 80tue dealers try to sell articles imitiiad which they make more profit. Write to Ifipot for ciri. forme, and information. Genuine u signed, .Ifrt. t. Urn ritten in ink. Beware of counterfeits. ileirßS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTURER.-- I. large supply always on band and (or sale by novl6 . B. L. b".ii.INESTOCK C SAML, FAIINESTOCii, No. 14 Wood street, Plttsborg42, LT AS JUST RECEIVED . DIREcf FROM 11 I ENGLAND WALDBOrvi GRIFFIN' :GENUINE CORN AND. GRAIN SCYTHE, CORN HOES; PATEiNT AN D COMMON ANVILS; STEEL T r aps, very superior Drawer Locks, vary superior Oua Locks, Tinned and Enflamelied Sauce Pans, Boating SpOOrle, Brass Candlesticks, Brass Cocks, Brass Stair Rod,, Braces ut.d Bitr, Measuring Tapes, Superior Welters, Curry Comba, Teaces, Coil, 1/Ifth, Tongues, Strotchand Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will Pe hold at mod erate terms. aplB SKIRTS ! SKIRTS 1 ! Bishop's Skirts; Quilted looped Skirts; Holmes' Lleopod Skirts; Misses' U:rded Skirts; Ladies' Corked end Quilted Skirts, white and coloro 1; a new supply just opened, at JOS. IN E'S, 77 Marks t street. WINTER GLOVES.—A full supply of Cloth, Silk and Merino, of Tutu Boa, at low prll BORNE'S, TS N.. 1 •f street. PrORPEDOES.-100,00U No. 1, just receiv ed and for ago by ANDRES:Hi, Na. 69 Wged AM* =IJ•