.36 VOLUME XVL ..,,TT,'S'iitiii4iN iii(iil,NlNiii Pe9STe Jl, Surid,Ays except.nl JAM. P. BAllitt 14001) Pkr:Lt e.TV.10:28, e. Dullara a y oar, payablagtrictly in advance c Dottara variably rageirod it not paid within the year. - pc - Single copies, Two Cnird—for ,tla at the counter in g , 4141, and by the 1.3 Op). RATES 'OF ADVERTISING Tsai urt re. D Thrice Twice On ce " aalweti. One insertion-- Two insertions_ Three mseroone One week Two weeks Thaw weeks One month Two months.. Three months Boar mouths eivu months . moutha Nine mcaths One ywr card, sir lin One square, per an trim. exclu,lve of the paper,) 2E 00 XlerriaA, ccuts ; Doeth notices, canto. PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST .4 31.1313101111 WEEKLIY. WILY ONE DOLLAR. PER YEAR, IN CLUBS 03 TEN. Single Subscripacum, - 02 per annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OP TILE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Cominer dal, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the wail:Met slzh, and neatly prince on fine white paper, in large, clear type, will be found Ly the subscriber to give better satisfaction than any paper pnolished in Pittsburgh. 'those who wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable investment. Address, JAMES P. BARB, sepl7 Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS e. ED. A. HMO; A. It Et A. YERS) • BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST ST_TIMODISJCaS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. THE undersigned having made extensive I additions of tha LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLES TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite th° ,teution of Rail Road Officers Merchants, business LU‘'.., out the public generally, to their superior facilities fur exectitiqg with dispatch, on reasonable terms, all kind, of RAIL tir, OAID , MERCANTILE, LEGAL, AND EVERY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING 4hir Our inat,rial tieing nearly all HOW, VVIJ can giro Li rance of the most coufploti, satisfaction, and solicit ordaie for BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS ILA_DING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, tdORTGAtIES, BOND Ake attentlou will also be paid to the printing Podters, Programmes, 4 - e. for Concerts, Exhibitions and CU:cases. BARR & MYERS. HUFFMAN,. M'C'ItEEPZI7 & CO. I.)B.WARDING AND COMMISSION 'aIERCIIANTS, DiLkLEIREI PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. No. 114 IiLcOND STLIsS2, PL413111111011, PEINNA. BEFEEENCEB: Springer ilarbangh, . Joseph E. Elder ' St.Lonle; Plttsbui ; Boone & Wyle, Philadelphia; it. H. Palmer, " Garret & Martin, McCandless, Means & Co, James, Kent, Santee & Co. " I.E. Childs & Co., " tteene , Sterling & Co., " Bagaley, Cosgrave & Co., " Yard, Gilmore & A. A. Mason & Co., " Edward T. Mott, G. W. Smith, Wheeling; Weaver & Graham, A. J. Wheeler, Banker, The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENB/C'HER &CO., Cheap Cash Dealora in all Linda of Faahioaablo BOOT!' , SHOES AND GAITERS, For Gz,utleuwn, I yliea, 1 - yatha and Children, No. 17 Flan. Street, near Market, ocB PITTSBURGH, PA. I=l PEE & JOHNSON, . Prom lut0:13 of Childn & Co.'s st cut iLlastie Ir'iro and Water Proof Cemtnt Roofing. 133 THIRD STREYT. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully oxect_tf..d, and all oLI 7 ,“r:: warranted. o Rooting material always oo Land, and for sale, with di xi?ctieng for use. sep2.fly JOS. F. ziartuLTont & Co, ENGINEERS AID' MACHINISTS, Corner of First and LLG , rty ;erects, Pit.telno gh., Pa. SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Saw Mills, Breweries Printim; Establishments, Manufactories &c., made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Celebrat,d Machinists' Tools, such as Turning Lathes, Iron Planets, Bor:ng and Drilling-Machines, to. Mao, Wrought Iran Shaitiag, with Pulleys, Hungers, &c. &c. PIS:Iyd ROIIEII2 111011PBON JOBN TIIOMPFON JOHN TEEIOREPSON & CO., HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS ANI) GILATNERS, NO. 135 Third stye, t. SIGN PAINT ING executed with 'ie.:teen and de-pa•cu. Mixed Paints, - Ole Turpentine, Varnieh, Jap.iu and English Patent Dry erg, Montaigne nick, a ye. y linperior article, Philu det and Pittsburgh White head always on hand and for salt,. We are prepared ind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the ehortect notice, as we have a MIII w ,ich grinds by strain Painters will sale money ..)r gut tie..; their colors ground with us. tuar.s:ly r ...., _ -,.___. , ..,.J GOLD AND SILVER SP .CTACLES, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES• HYDROMETERS or weighing spirits, the cheapest and best articles ever brought to this city. TIIEIOIO,II :TERE, AND DAM.)3IETEILI - i, var . , i 11.! iD from zd Lo $3O ouch. POLLET 6URVEVOR' alwaya on hfiu,l S COMPASSES, G. SHAW'S, Cipticiqn, f. 3 Fifth &rect. opposite hlay.:uic klaIL Depot. ' J. C. BUFFUM Lt. S. SURREIt. C. BUFFUti tilo.nufaeturtrs of U • 17 , ardaparilln. ?viiut.rl.l Pop, Buttlet! Ale aid Sort-r; AIK), Ltottler3 01 'N'ironw vants.7tc., Ala. War..lollf!f., No. %.48 istrtei, PLerhiavata, Orden nite4 t el cuni.try i2c,rt , rf: notice. plGaydt is B. C. Si, J. kit. SAVY'ffER, 12.i:,11/A,AUFL:hu av LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, 'rot LEI', AND 110. - 31 N SOAPS N.l. 47 1,1106t9 bti , 2 :'[tt•bnrgh, A. L. WEBB & BRO. Vl ,, rwmura fn P.I.PF.It 4 10 4 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Atir.Nfl VIE SALE OF DUPONT'S POWDER AND SAFETY FOSE, corik.r Pratt and 001V.Illerce streets, BALTIMORE, U Roceie,.3 on Co an d nsignmult wake ad kind& theof West,rn:ranee, vances reon. 13.73.PERENOE. tiro. W. Smith & Co., W H. Smith A Co , H Garrard, Minor S. Hick bt.801.1. F. J. BIIBEIA, BUSILA & GUTE.INEDORF, IdANUFAVI:fiIEiIE OF STEAM BOILERS, Awl Alt k h idi of Sheet iron Work. Pella •.-..trt-t,t, nor Wuc...r, Pittsburgh, ka. t - 464.4. Ounaga Paokurza Anuou to. ffeSkli iF , V;' '7,S7 ~" ~` w. ~~ -• r~~ ~ 1 60 ^ 00 250 8 60 4 501 o 001 5 501 0 00 fi 00 10 00 111 arn • 2 00 2 65 3 36 4 6.. 6 00 6 60 735 8 00 10 35 13 35 a 00 4 50 5 50 0 50 00 15 00 10 00 COMPASSES, AND ..C. G UTENDORP, • • : - TWIT( • At* :40 PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE " POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. WASHINGTOI% HOUSE, COR. PENIV'A AVENUE 4 THIRD WASHINGTON, D. C. A. F. BEVERIUGE PROPILIETILEBB. SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, PA B. 1). MARKEIt, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of tho " Marker klU11130." Blairsville, Pa rir HE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM- A PLETEL ANL OPEN FOR GUESTS. It Is situated in a cential part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depote anli-Steamboat Landings. •. ! .• . The House was built in 18456, with all modern improve. meats, and fitted up in splendid style—tiro entire Itmuiture being new—and will in every respoct be a first chits UoteL Fine STABLES are attached to the promises. 1.J0124y H. W. KANAGA U 0 So HOTEL, Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. (Jel6 ASIIIINGTON HOTEL, FORMERLY U. P. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor. rpHIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of P.,NN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD D.E.POTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most Conve nient Hotel iu Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. rayB:ly • Excelsior Restaurant, No. 111 WOOD Street, -11Ai• Pirranuaan, WiLOLESALE &ND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND M=EM The undersigned has Just rebetved frtm the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, HALIeDT, HADDOCK, FRESH. COD FISH, EASFERN SON FISH, SEVERAL VARIETLSS OF LANE FISH, New York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, Egg; ilarbor, Shell Oysters. The finest eve: brought to this city. Every delicacy of tho soneivu Derced up at .he EXCELSIOR RESTAURANT. S. STEINRUCK, ma:claw CORNUCOPILE RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FLE'TEI STREET. The attention of Merchants ~^ •1— 7 - -ftgis. and others is directed to this .11111, establishment, which has been recently fitted:j up for the purpose ci affording a SIIIISEAN- • 'VIAL CATIVO /LOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION Couutry folks attending market are particularly invited to call. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always be found, of the freshest the market Words. ap29lyd.iivir • MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, PROPILISTOS, No. 344 Liberty street, Just beside the Pat.tiong(Li- Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most convenient honae In the city for passengers arrl ring by that road. Arlie proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, to excellent style, the ALINSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit ft share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing atuplo accommodation to travelers and Maunders. His Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can afford. febl:y QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigued,lormer iy of "Brown's Hotel," caving taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnincent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the business, /co.,' u give entire sati3faction, sad his charges moderate. feb22 WM. C. CONNELLY. GROCERIES. I AMES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al to legiaeny, Wholesale Grocer andTe&Dealer, and Liceneed Liquor _Merchant. Dealer in l..luver and Timothy reed; Butter, Cheese, Lard, Bacon, Flour, Bait, Fish, &c., and Cuun try Produce generally, n0v2.3 t p.M.E.S PAT ON, Ja., Federal street, Allegheny, Is now receiving in store the following, which he will sell at the lowest cash prices, viz :- 123 bbls. new crop plantation Molasses; 27 bhds. " " Sugar; bbls. Grocers Syrup; 10 Ma. prime roll butter ; 80. llm. Feathers; 120 boxes " Cheese ; 100 bacon llama; 40 half chests Young Hyeon, Imperial, andlgenuine old Country - teas, with a general a.ssortinent of the best and largest elect of Family Unx:eries to be had in the eity,which Is for sale for Cash—remember, PATTON'S, tel Federal street, Allegheny City. SUGAR.— :zo bide Baltimore Yellow Baler. 5 hhcla.lsland 10 bbla. Relined 10 " Lovering assorted " RoomyLd and for sale by J AMBES PATTON, Jr, nov.'.Y A 1034 0 ,312 ), OIL), ArrENTION, ALLEGHENY CITY.- ZED subscriber would call your attention to his stucti of EAULLY Uttota'atiES bought, of late, in New York, for CASH, which he will sell at lower prices than any other house in the two cities, fur Cull. Come and see the prices, at JAIIES PATTON'd, JR., Federal street, near the Diamond, dt-an ALLEM EIENY CITY. A WUED 'l2O TEA TKE PEKIN TEA STORE, 36 Fifth btreet, has imported into this market some of the finest grades of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, 4rowil in the Celestial Empire, dune up in all the various t4ncy packages which Chinese ingenuity can invent. It is a uxury and condo. tto drink them. Proprietors of steam ooacs and hotels, and private 'amities are Invited to call. oit7 K .- ETCH U PS 10 dozen Mushroom Ketchup. 10 do EL I ;Leh Wahmt do. 25 do Quarts Tomato do. 60 do Pinta do do. For sale by B.EYAIER, k ANDERSON, nuv3.l No 39 Wood street, opposite St. Charles Hotel Wheat, Rye and Corn Wanted, AT SU STENAPtiI A LLEG LI EINY CITY. .111 E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN tho above efitilblialanant, and are prepared to a PLY T ILLIIELT PELICLII IN 0,L411 TOIL . 15,000 BUSLIELS OF WHEAT. 10,000 R.YE.,# 10,000 CORN. It is the intention cf the proprietors to oiler Z IRA ramie fur any choiso lets of White or Red Wheat. They intend to make very superior Family Flour, and are willing to pay a ortmiuni to the farmer, in the shape of an extra price, to in. luco him to raise a choice quality of Wheat, and to bringi it Liarket iu good order. J:, A. T. KENNEDY & BRO. Lippincott . , Shorten & Piarson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR ,Irra.. mANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va licem, Eat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladies Traveling ul ludo, Carpet Bags, Scc.,lteep constantly'On hand a 'ergo cock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hay. aig facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices ' we would invite the trade to call and examine our goods be f..re purchasing elaewne. ta 'B. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- The undersigned has bought the lease_ of the above named Stables to gather with a portion of the eiten. sive stock of nom% and Carriages, late too property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, he has also added a unmber of VINE HORSES, BUCiOLES AND.OARItIAGES, illak were formerky employed at his Livery Stables in below Woos street. As he gives his personal atten t'...o to the business, a continuance of the patronage which .10 has hitherto received frcn public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stables. A. B.—A any number of CARRIAGES can always I,- in ,0-..Atri-ti lot bUllOtalb. (1629 ITEEL PENS. Gillot's; 'Pratt's ; ry's; Jonny Lind; Cooper; American, 'triodes G. Sou'd, and Eis,on's, just received by W. 8. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second sts EET CIDER.-4 Ibis. Sweet Cider, for ►J sato by JA3IEB A. FETZER, 89 Wator area. i fiIIRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS ki of overy deacriptiuu in the Fancy Dry Goods lino.— Pl,.a_so call and ere them. C. HANSON LOVE, - d,4_5 Fvunerly LOVE BROTHERS, 74 Mar ,- et St. OPPEE,AS.-10 bbls on hand and for sale 1 by G. VA FlNF'ili , leg k M. 7IIEESE.-500 boxes prime, for sale by X.) 04 HENRY H. OOLLINR R ESSED HOGS.-14 Dressed Hoge lot 9ala by [Jail HENRY th.COLLINS. Q TARCIL-200 has Rochester Pearl Starch for gale by 1dt231 lIENILY H. COLLINS. "0 - ORT FOLIOS AND DESK PADS for sale jj. by WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO, EC Weed street. GEO. R. WHITE & CO. having complgt ed their annual inventory, and redn^ed the cost price ,their goods, will E ell their p.w.ent stock at a further reduction of prices. Jell ITAVIEGATED SOAP.-25 boxes Varie gated Soap , ioneive4l, and for sale - cheap. by • JAMES A IRTZER, fele Canter Zdarkatand Find streets, SIT INTED.-304 bus. good Dri=lits, V, by ait &MB A. gal Owner &skit and VIM Wats. ',t;,:_q , q*!*:lE4iq.l-T4'.• 1 . , .:' --.'".".,;7::•.':,,*: .':.1 1- • BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBER.T A. LOOMIS, (Successor to B. T. 0. Morgan,) BTAIONER•AND DEALER IN •BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth stroot, Pittsburgh, Pa. Co-Partnewohlp. rr HE undersigned have entered into CO- Partnership, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston di Co. SAMUEL R. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM G. JOHLISTON. Pittsburgh, September 6, 1857. 8. H. JOHNSTON, JR WM. 0. JOHNSTOM.. WH. O. JOHNSTON & CO., QTATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, 14,) and JOB paINTEIta, No. 57 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, Journals, Bay Books, Ledger s 2 Caen Books, Invoice Books, o,_eck Books, Bill Books, Receipt Books. Wed. G, JOHNBTON di CO., 57 Wood street. For sale by d 029 PIANOS AND MUSIC. SUPERB GRAND PIANO, F 1 OSI THEIFAOTORY OF Steinway & Sons, New York. H. KLETtEII A EEO. take pleasure in an nouncing to the public that they have just 4. , ;;;Fr.i!PT':.* received a splendid full GRAND PIANO, ; from the factory of Steinway it Sous, New • York, which for exquisite sweetness and volume of tone, lightness and elasticity of tench, nude moat tasteful and ele gant exterior is considered the FINEST ()RAND PIANO ever brought to this city. The mechanism is a DOUBLE ItEt'EATING ACTION, a patented invention of Steinway te Sons., which combines with the utmost promptness and delicacy of touch a degree of durability but rarely attained. We respectfully invite the public, one and all, whether pur chasers or not, to call and see this unrivalled instrument. H. KLEBali. A BitO., No. 53 Fifth Street, Sole Agents for Steinway it Sons. N. B.—Also, Just ecoived a Creah lot of Nunns A Clark's Pianos. •• dnia • .7,-- PIANOS! E: RULI! GRAND PIANOS! PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, ut. loom the Manufactrry of UIIICKERINO & SONS', liumTON, just received from the manufactory of Cbickering & Sons', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock of their PIANO FORTES : One Fall seven octavo Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price *WU Ono Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price 4700 One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, uearh equal in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price $6OO iSQUARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octavo—Clifford style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four • " " u « u 61,4 44 Four Rosewood " 41 44 1;1 1 411 of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOIE 11. MELLOR, No. 81. Wood street, dell Bole Agent for Chickeriug & Sons'. Messrs. Charles S. iLevulis Grebe, TEACIELCRS OF THE PIANO, VIOLIN, 4 14 0' , 7 1- `, I t • ORGAN AND SINGING, T ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, As Week, Latin, German, French, and Spanish, Taught by 011 AS. GESBE, Cand. Theo'. e&• Enquire at the principal Music Stores. 1de2.4..3m-o TOBACCO AND SEGA RS. IXT &D. RINEHART, VV • TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS SELLING OFF 1! $B,OOO WORTH OF EM ROADERIES, SOLD WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, AT J. BUSH'S, No. 65 Market street, THE GREATEST CHANCE EVER OF BESET to the Ladies'to buy cheap Embroideries. The goods are all fresh and new, and of the toted importation, consisting of Collars; Sleeves; Bands; Edgings; Setts; Laces; Trimmings , Skirts; Waists, Ribbons and Veils; and will be sold without regard TO COST 9110.331NG5, HOSIERY AND FANCY GOODS, SW- AT FIRST COSTMEG Come One, Come MI, and don't min the place A.T J. IBUSEIPS'„ Na. *5 Market :fret; -Netween Third andiFburth streets \,~~ NORMAL CILASS. ripITF, SECOND SESSION OF THE NOR MALA. CLASS, at the IRON CM' COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Under the direction of _ . ..A. BURTT, Principal of the Fifth Ward Public Schools, will commence On Monday Evening, Febittary lat. The Class will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings, and Saturday mornings of each week. Traits.— ....... „ft,Aper Session of Sixteen Lessons. ja2B . . DRAWING LESSONS, AT IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, .043. IN MECHANICAL, ARCHITECTURAL, r; AND CRAYON_ DRAWING, 4Eif By JOHN For farther information apply to Mr. F. W. JEN KIN 8, Principal of hen' City Commercial College, Pittk burgh. novltamd. pkgs:No. I received, and for AA sale, by (toil] HENRY IL COLLINS. - VINE FLOUR.-20 bbls. - Fine Flour in store, and for eale by MeCA NDLESS ' MEANS & CO., few &mixer of Wood and Water streets. , 1 1 OVEN SHIRT - BOSOMS—A first-rate article, 'all ready for' rise'. A IStriety of styles ro ved at I WWI HORNE'S, 77 Market street. I'prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kegs, Just received and for sale by • MoCANDLESS, MEANS CO., Corner of Wood and-Water streets. ILOSING OUT...—Women's Leggings,Wool J Stcckings, Gloves, Mitts, Comforts, Undershirts and Drawers, and every other article in the line of WOOLEN GOODS for men, women and children, will' be closed out very cheap during the cold spell. • JOS. HORNE. - felD 77 Market street. URlllT.—Raisins, Currants, Cranberries, 1: Figs, Hungarian Cherries, Plums, Citron. Oranges, Demons, am, Ac., for sale at lowest figures for CAE; by JAMES PATTON, Ja., Federal attest, ALL/MR=IT 0111 r. - MUCILAGE—For office use, in convenient farm,,ic . rip Nvea. Q. JOHNSTON & CO., degortw.F.4 $60N.. 1 ! FOR a. two story frame dwelling house and lot 01 grOund 60 feet. by 100, pleas. ntly situateil on Mt. Washington. Terris eaay. Id; . - S CUTHBERT & 80N,61,61arket t. OTICE TO BIITCHERS.-1.17t Meat (hitt* and ,Bausage Fillers, Of Varieu I. a t N o . 47 Fifth ft teeet, Pittsburgh. _' 1114 - APPLEEL-50 liash. E MU F A FL for AI lab by Etalri EM szaw PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY. MARCH 19. 1858 MANIRACTOILBAS AND 1:=1 No. 129 WOOD STREET PITTSBURGH, PA: 17AM'il,W A RDTIOP 44+ - 4, 4 4x BANKS. DOLLAR SAVINGS BAINU, 10. 135 Iturth Street, MIDDLE ROOM, JONES ' NEW BEILDINO. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to '2 o'clock ; also, ou Wednesiis% and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'cloca; and from November lst to , Hay Ist, from d to 8 o'clock. - Deposits received of all sums not less than Ovi and a dividend of the prodta declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate of six per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855: also in June and December, 1858, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the earns interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a your without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this iate, money will double in lees than twelve years, making in the aggregate EIGHT AND orfs-uats PER CENT. A TEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regle lotions, furnished gratis, on application at the oilice. Preside nt-.GEORGIG AL BR cir, • VICE PILIEIDENTS. libpewell Hepburn, John 11. Shoenbarger, James Shidle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robt, James D Kelly, William S. Lavoly, James Herdman, Kill Burgw ia, John S Coeigrays, .1111:15TRES. William .1. Aadei sou. J1.11:11b5 W. Elaihnan, John U. isackofee, Charles linap, Albert Culbert...sue, P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coale, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, : Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D Charles A. Colton, i bleary L. itiugwatt, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix,'.., ~_ George it . Belden, George F. Gillmore; S. '. Alexander Tindle. James 8. Hoon, ,- . '. Thuolltild Unite:welt v! William S. Haven, : lieorge B. White, Secretary and Treasurer—CHAS. A. COLTON. BANK. OF lOWA. li. J. STEVENS & DESMOIN " COLLECTIONS MADE and prompt. ; .s. mitted. LANDS selected and locate.,. Capitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. trar2.l.:tine AUSTIN LOODSIB.., rib... 1). Lui)l , ll.l. AUSTIN L00M.16 & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notee,..l3ends, nurtgilgee, cud all ieer.ritius cur Money. Mozoy Lt....eued on Checks at short dates, with L....Hamra! security. NUT ES AND DRAF.i.'S kittwiliT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Lanus can bo accommodated ou reasoes hie terms, and camtalista can be furnished with good seem, ties at reniutherative prices.; Also, attend to the Salo, Routing and of Uteri estate. Udice, No. hl FOURTH. 61,Ai0t, above Wood. tka.. AUSTIN LUUNIII, Ndtary Public. HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex change Brokers, andl:pealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept nacos, Gold, Silva' and Bauk,Notes. Exchange on the I:ast ern and \Veaturn Cities constantly fur sale. CA:llleaious wade in all the cities throughout the United Btates. Deposits received in tour funds or current paper, No. eT Siarketstreet, between Third and Fourth its. tja3D:ly -- rtrII.OMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and ji. Dealer in Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, tc., No. 7a bourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa„, Junb • OUN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE t,P Batiks, Dealer in Exelauge, Commercial and Bank N o tea. Stock bought and sold un commission. carefully attended tu. Interest paid on Depudits. No. Ci JONES' NEW BUILDING, Feurtb tweet. je3o REAL ESTATE A.GENT6 CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market ntrtot, for the sale and intrchasu of Real Estate, renting lieutO'is, attending to insurance and ropiar,, obtaining luaus on bonds, mortgages, lic,; making convoy. auces, dead; bond; &c.; writing lettero oud correopondiug with parties abroad, etc. uctS .BE.LDEIsI SE V rvi OUR, Real Estate azid:;liisurance Age it t, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Unianb., Garr..tsou I. , ...Jbeit parka, Esq. yllri VIT.ESTZRN LANDS. ALEXANDER GAIUtETT, REAL ESTATE, AciENT, \U. 1,0 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, 01110, Has for sale Laude in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Miculgau and lowa. tie will o.,cbauge Lauds in WlACUlibill, Ac., for inttahmgh manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of inquiry an ed gratis, by addressing me as above. VARNIS in Exchange for City Property.— A., ' A farm of 150 ucrea, on the Allegheny river, uear a.ittanning, 130 acres cleared; dwelling house, barn and or chard; coal, Mut:stone and iron ore. Also, a rano of too acres near the above. Alto, a tam 01 e 3 acres on rive creek, 4 miles from Kittanning; 10 acres cleared ; two houses, and a saw mill in good running order ; a first rate location fur business. 210 acres of laud at mouth of Lied Bank creek; 40 acrea cleared and in good order. Price low and terms easy. yi ill be exchanged ni whole or in part fur city pro perty. d. CUTHBERT k ouN, novlo bl Market street. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STOR.Y Dwel lies iietato, of tour rooms, with lot of ground zu feet fi.ut ou Monterey street, AllegLieuy city, by 110 deep to an alloy. Terms, $4OO in baud, [warier) at one, two tutu three y ears, S. CUTHBERT at Suiv, nov24 01 Market street. FOE. liENT.—Alarge dwelling house, un Ross street, nt ttetui et 1 , 1101, watt tunnedistu posses. SIOD• Aldo. two small 'lol.lB lion" Lo. ROSE, (Druggist,) Cardington, 0. "It (the Bat, It .aeh, Exterminator) sells like hot cakea E giting gen.. et - el Bala:he...lon." LiEO. 11. ILEYSER, Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. FAHNEaTOCE. SI CO., No. 60 Wood, and Corner of Fourth it., Pittsburgh, Pa. ❑irs:lmd►w NOW LS TIIIIE TIME VOA GUYING CHEAP CLOTHING. Z. L EISNER, ON THE CORNER of WOOD AND FIFTH r titIETS, late Davis's Auction Room, LB now gOU -11.14 oat oils satire wholesale stock at 01ST PRIORS FOR CASH ONLY. He will sail Flue Black Petersham Over- coat that used to call at... black Puterhham Overcoat " Brown " Raglan Niggtrhead Raglan 8,00 " 5,00 7,00 66 4 . 50 10,00 64 6,00 6,00 " 8,00 4, " „.... 10, ,00 58 00 6, 7,00 5,00 64 4,00 6,00 66 405 a ... 00. .......... 600 12,00 " 7,00 " 13,00 " 11,00 ...... ...10,00 " 6,50 'rants, Vrat,, dud truratthlog tiooda at ttumo and propor-. [Lc ratez. deVa blue Nlots \Vhitoey tleankiu ...... ESlilliMaux Sattuucc Fine WDVO Casafmera ilrovru Oloth filAck silk Cloth Soper Flue Dress Frock Coate .. . UA.M ES MILLINGAR., MONONGAHELA PL&NINOiMILL, would respectfully - Inform the public tL tt hu has rebuilt since the lire; and having enlarged hbi e-italdialment, and filled it with the newest and most ap• Sinn ed miiehinery; le now prepared to furnish floating and planed boards scrawl sawing and resawiisg, doom,sash and Matters, Min dried,. frames, mouldings , box maltig, Pittsburgh, flePtember 7,1857. (stile - CHARLES W. LEI4IS 1 ALDERMAN, And r,z4)lllcio Justice of the Peace, • OFFICE. ON TUE CORNER OF WYLIE D SIBIU STREWS. All busilielai couuected with this office will be attilided to with promptness Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy—such as Leeds, Mortgagee, Bonds, Powers of At torney, flfc. Titles to heal Estate examined. To the members of the Bar he tender' his serviceS as Com mfa,toner to take Depositions tef be read in the several Courts of this Eltate, and elsswhere. His office is one of the mein Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in thst kind are very desirable. [fellkly e x.Altiug businc..gs o HOUSES FOR RENT' BY B CUTHBERT A. 801 g, 51 Market street. .1 two et.ry dwelling bongo =Miller street, containing 8 rooms--rnt $2OO per year. A two story house of 6 rooms, wash-house and large lot of ground, fruit trees, etc., on Ewalt street, Lawrenceville—rely. stBo. A two story frame house of 8 rooms, largo garden. grate vines, stable and car riage house, on Pasture lane, Allegheny—slso per )ear. A comtortaLle dwe'llng 01:1 Carson street, &mat Pittaturgh— slso per ) ear. The Buckeye Hotel, corner of Ferry and Water streets, will be hazed for 1,2, or 8 years. A dwelling house on Wylie atreet—s2oo per year. Two warehouses on Third street. narB; UR.ESH LOBSTERS.-10 dozen in sane, A: for sala by • 111tHER t ANDERSON, n Na SI Wood street. VARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS Enamelled and plain finish, -- on different kinds of iroods-r-all widthk—wholesale and retsil, by J. & H. PHILLION . . 913 snd 28 lit.-Clair Pipet. ATS.-200 bulk to aerial railroad this dah sad fat We by S. %%LILL ISM '. S ~~ ~~ 5_ v;C~l~ to x. ~~ .: ~.. —~.~ ~ ~~! 'C'OSTAR'S" . No. 936 18th strOot. Oen, ILL. J one, 21st, 1857. 34./13N B. GIVENS, No. 01 Elm•street. 9,00 " 0,00 .- 8,00 " 6,09 -...... ..... .10,00 " 7,00 •., i 1,,,,,,t.,,,,-,-.1,-0 -, Y 'S -..,-;,-,1,,,,,',=;:-7-'-'41,---• Z-',";-- - T v xvi..z.,,,q.,:r;422.'",c-ns ' ..)iri1i'a.A.,`4,41V,j7.2;..,,r4:Vi1----r'4l:, '77a ''''':";-:.'*-1-; 1...,*C:',3Cri1A'44.:N-Ne,..,:-Z. it t 6l:)i- ,1, .. , !' .. r.5.5,, 3 ---,---;:;.*:?4,,wv*,-,,, wi 1 1ii ,,,,,,, A , 7 , ': , ,, - -?:..t,•4r.-rt- ,a: ' - , ---',..-,1-,-g....,,-,L, i . : - .. - ..!...f_..;. , ..- s.- - - - -- ,i',_,..4;4:.-?- , •.: - Thi , ..-. ..3.w:1:: -]:::.±f::',-..:. NUMBER 133 THE DAILY POST. The Courier of -Wednesday morning says:— Mr. " Crabb, the prison guard wbo was so dangerously stabbed by ,the oonviot Hall, was much better yesterday, having obttd.ced could erablf3 relief, and slept soundly. Dr; Williams informed us . last evening that there was a marked improvement in his case, and that ho hat; san guine hopes of hie repo ery. He is still is the prison hospital, it being thought moat, prudent not to remove him to his residence- fora few days. - " The convict Hall remains about as we last reported. The ball cannot be found, and he complains of much pain in his head, but is per fectly sensible, and even converses readily. " In reference to our remarks upon the conduct of the officers of the penitentiary, in the man agement of the :matter, the Alton Desso•rat, of Wednesday evening, says:— We desire to assure the Democrat and public' generally, that everything was done that could be done consistently with the preservation of the prison discipline. It should be kept in view that the penitentiary now contains about six hundred convicts, and that the internal structure of the prison being intended to accomodate a much smaller number, is unfavorable to the very strict discipline which is necessary to restrain so large a body of criminals. -It shottld be remembered that one of the conditions made by the despera do, Hall, was that the turnkey, Crabb, should be put in a close carriage with him, similarly dressed, and enveloped in cloaks precisely alike ; that he (Hall) should be furnished with a revolv er loaded by himself, and driven Into the country to such a point as he should designate, and that in the event of any attempt .being made to in tercept or kill him, he would assuredly kill Crabb, a threat that his subsequent course indicates he would undoubtedly have- , executed to the very letter. It would certainly seem, under these circumstances, that a compliance with these con ditione, with a view of risking a chanoe'ehot at him after he was out which might not instantly kill him, would have been almost certain death to Crabb—a revolver certainly being in the hands of a desperate man, a more deadly weapon than a knife, We are also credibly informed that Mr. Buckmaster having been told by the prisoner on Monday morning, that his intention was to have got hini into the position in which he had Crabb, he (Mr. Buekmaster,) instantly volunteered to change places with Crabb, and to satisfy the convict that he was unarmed, and indeed with out other clothing than his shirt and pantaloons. This proposition, however, Hall was shrewd enough to reject, he having at that time got Mr. Crabb in a position he desired, and doubtless preferred to occupy the cell in company with a man already-weak and faint from loss of blood and previous wounds, to au encounter with Col. Buckmaster, whose nerve he had often seen tried on other occasions. We are quite sure that but few men, if any, in this or any other community, would have been willing to have made as great a personal sacrifice as this offer of Col. Buokmait• ter'S might have involved for the sake of saving the life of another. .p.. • • II 1 )p.. - .1 I II A good story is told about Prof. Panooast, of Jefferson Medical College. A short time since, a wealthy lady, who had an only eon, called in Prcrf. P. -The latter, it should be remembered, rarely visits patients, but receives them in his office. On this occasion, however, Prof P. com plied with the request, and was duly ushered into the presence of the wealthy Mrs. Smith, After the usual compliments, Mrs. Smith opened the following conversation : "I wish to consult you, Doctor, concerning my only son—George, you know." " Oh 1 yes, madam," said the professor, " but he is surely not sick " Why, sir, there are no acute symptoms, but for about a month past he has been afflicted with somnambulism, and we fear that =email ten dency ie corrected, the most serious consequences may arise." • " Ah, indeed I you say he has iwalked in hie Bleep for about a month past V' "Yes, sir." "And never did previous to that?" "No, sir." The Doctor mused. "Of what does your fam ily consist, madam 1" he at length asked. "Myself and my son, the two kitchen ser vants, and Celeste, the chambermaid, who came last month." Just at that moment the last named person entered. She was a plump, rosy lipped Frenott girl who waited upon Mrs. Smith. When she had left the room, Mrs. Smith remarked— " That is my new chambermaid, Doctor—in teresting girl, is she not ?" "Yes, madam, particularly so. I think you said she had been with you about a month, did you not?" Yes, air." "And George has been walking in his sleep about his month, also ?" " Yes, sir." "Then, madame," said the Dootor, rising and taking his hat, "allow me to assure that any ap - prehensions for your sop's health will be entirely superfluous. As long as that young woman's room is accessible to George, I fancy his 'som nambulant habits will oo,ntinue.And, madam," continued the dootor, " under the circumstances, I really don't wonder at it." PRUNES. 10 cases Bordeax. Prunes, In glass jars ; 25 kegs Cooking Prunes just reed and ter eats & ANDERSON, No. fi9 Wood street, Opposite St...Charles' Hotel. FOREIGN FRUITS! REDUCTION -IN PRIOIIB, - AT THE PAGODA TEA STODII We are now selllng.Tnrkey Currants at Sc 'f French and Zante Currants, at, I.oe aud leo .p et, New Valencia lialsinslor cooking, at 12 1 ,0 VIDA. New' Malaga '• at 15c lb. New Smyrnallgs 12% and ibe New Garman Prunes at 12* " lb. ,Algo, - Citrom Lemon and orange Peels,'Spiets, etc. Raisins, t.,nrrants, Figs and Primo), whole sale at the low est nawket price. HA WORTH, DUG. at 811,0 PINDER, wadi . Corner Diamond and Diamond aileY. j LACK CRAPE COLLARS—Choice styles 13 —very cheAR at =l3 • TIORNVii. T 7 "Market street. $6,00 for $3,75 6,00 " 4,60 " 6,76 FR- RENTr—A .desirable country mei ammo, two miles from the city. A two story dwelling home on Ross street, ,:4. twp story house on-Davesne street • 6 three story 'hotise on Third street. A thrt*story house on Wylie street, Two Btlia4 /101:1P44 in Splazia'i court Sao S °Mart VGGS.-5 bbls. Eggs just received and for sale by MeCA NDLErB, Ifi&ANB & CO., teal , Corner Wood and Water stmts. BLANK BOOKS.— LEDGERS, JOURNAL:. OARS iClijiiis, . • DAY BOORB. - ... . , INVOICE BOOEd, And all kinds of Blank ttwka with, or without, printed hot:Wings, on hand or made to order 'at abort notice, and la the beet manner, by . WU- O. JOHNSTON a CO., Blank Book Manufacturers, anti Printers and atationerai 57 Wood inner. 1 . ARD OIL—We have •eenimeneed mum jj Lecturing Lard Oil, and wll be ploa-Ard to metre ol den, (or it. We will warrant it equal egaal to any nil fa Els mar ket. We will till barrels returned when daidred • B. C. Lt J. H. SAWYER, to , 8 ' ' - Wood shraot THERMOMETERS—For sale by W. G. JOHNSTON A CO., novl7 Stationers. 67 Wood street. CIIRRANTS.-10 casks Zantn Currants', fresh Just received and for sale, 6y REYMER A ANDERSON . •'• No 89 Wood stnviit, rla . , . upposlto St. Charles Hotal, liiQUECOLLARS AND SETS-1n White ' and Cotort.-4vened IL I% morning. at mrla MANE'd, 77 Market Etreat. IN AND A .QUARTER •CENTB PER IJ YARD—One Bala Crash, juit received, by ter9 - O. HANSON' LOVE, T 4 Market street. CONIING.—New Wall Papers, at cheap pricea§ to be sold by fat w r Yavirrikrl et on WOOLLEY'S SALVE for saki wholeslaa And. retail at-the Drog tWo of JOHN HAFT,, JIL, Ooroer of Mott sod Sixth sts2; Pittsburgh. DirENS I WOOL HALF'HOSE---Of a very superior quality flue wool, and sold but at Ewa. WIN. 000, .fst fig...-atreest. VOW S 4 Lv—A Drag Store, located' in one ;of the best situations t th 4 At, of Vittatungtt, Lr either ajobbing,retail or prescription toulnea4. Purchaa ors tin find an idiantgo of Tare-OCCIIIIN DOC i ref IlliQUOin Lion inquire of JOHN HAW,. Ja, No. 105, corner Witt-and Wticid sired% iW 110111,10, The Alton Tragedy. ki Market at