•'•1 • , • _ BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL - SI: WINGABD, ATTORNWir AT LAW, PrenagragGll, PUMA. ma- Oniag, No. 69 GRANT streot, tatereen Vantth acroot, nd Diamond alloy. ap6 ES • A. LowitiE, Attorney at Law, 'jrir office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, bstivnun dudt htivld and Cherry - LT—A-Tni, Surgeon Dentist, buceessor to U. Iv-Biddle, No. 144 Smithfield street. Jur 081cohoorsfrom 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock febls:ly r .SCO'rt Dentist, Fourth street, five doors west of Market. Sir Office hours from 9 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. ht. Asally SCIIOONMAIcER, Manufacturer o 41. White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litharge, Potty, Mi. Wholesale denier. mails, Paints,Narnishes, Turpentine, &c., No. 24, Wood street, Pittsburgh. in y 22 1 - 0 SEPH FLEMING, successor .00x 3 Co., corner of Market street and the Diamond, licaps mnstautly on baud a fall assortment of DRUGS, MEI/- WINES MEDICINE CHESTS, PERFUMERY, and all art; olds pertaining to his business.. afill Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded ltat all hours. Joy W. CIIADWICK, dealer in Kentucky L. Leaf TOBACCO, RAGS and PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, Pittsburgh. 1a0.0:1) Air The highest market price, in cash, paid fur Rage. LURIA P. 2111118ELDLL. ,owes a. EIUMISS W. P. MARSHALL & Co., Importers and .'dealers in French and American PAPER HAN(h LNGEI,'No. 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Sir&o , o ay.nta for the celebrated manufactures of Messrs. Delßamrt & CM; Paris. aug7 ----- --- -- - _ DAVID CAMPBELL & SAMUEL POL LACK have associated together nmler the style of o ,BH , LL . POLLOCK, for the transaction of a general Variety and Dry Goods business, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Line Gilt Mouldings. mhl9 ?HIM' SEViLlik. ROUVIT .1. A.NDILBSON REY MER & ANDERSON, (successors to . J o aktutkimodea .t, C 0.,) wholesale dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS. SPICES, CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, Ac., No. 89 Wood street, opposite the St. Charles Hotel,. Pitts , burgh. apti J. J. atusarta A .FLNIKBINI y GILLESPIE & C 0.,., Looking lass Manufacturers, and dealers in Looking Glass Pla Plate Glass, En gravings!, combs and Fancy Goods, N 0.7 b Wood street, HUH burgh. 'On hand and made to order, Gilt Pier a.• Mantle Glasses Mahogany, Itosowood, Walnut and Gilt . 1 , , ,mes, or notild. lug, of every description. Steamboat Cabins lsocsirated and Gilt. VtOTTLERS.--J OHN OGDEN & CO. Bottlers, Jill-N0.187 First street, would respectfully inform the pub pc that they have constantly on hand a large supply of ISABBAPARILLA, MINERAL N% ATER, ALE and PORTER, of the best quality. The Attention of families is particularly directed to the fact that they bottle WAINRIGLIT'ti ALE to Ito purest state. Physicians recommend it to familie Cu account of its whole some and strengthening qualities. °caddy • J. DI. LITTLE, • MERCHANT TAILOR (Dr. Lish`i Noir ~!fLuVIIOI3 jrW. Ii:ERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED from stioer of Fifth and Wood to ...AIR STREET, In Phlßipe' new huilding—continnea to prepare Plans and Specifleationa of, and to Superintend the Erection of every description of Buildings. de2Ouly• - - APULTON, BELL AND BRASS e. FOUNDER, No. i 0 SECOND street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Is prepared to furnish to order 01117ROII, STEAMBOAT, FACTORY AND OTHER BELLS Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lbs. LIIIIME BELLS made to larder. STOP and GAUGE COCKS of all sizes, for. Steamboats. MINERAL •WATER PIMPS, COUNTER RAI LINWt, and evory variety of Wuxi . Castings finished it) the 'testes! wanner. RABBIT'S ANTIATIRITION METAL; FULTON'S PA TENT METALLIC PACKING, fur Steam Engines. LOUGH_RIDGE & MAXWFiLL, _ 61.1S101,ACTITILEAS oP Look'lag-G1 a , Frames, and Brueht, ; And Dealers in Cloohs, House Furnishing Goods, &o. sco. No. 1.216 Wood street, aboveTTSBUILGLI, Fifth, YI I I g. Macbinerßrushea math to order EDUCATIONAL Vincent's College and Seminary, UNDER THE CARE OF THE tiZNEDICTINE FATHERH, N.ar Latrobe, liVeamoreland county, Pa. IN THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE usual branches of English Education. In the SEMINARY, the Classics, Mathematics, History, Rhetorics, Philosophy, etc., and the different branches of higher erudition necessary or useful to these aspiring to Priesthood. The terms Tor. Board and Tuition aro $BO per year, to he paid semi-annually, strictly jn advance. German and French and other langnagcs, Drawing, Paint ing and Music,form no extra charges, excepting souse roww pensation for the use of instruments. Medinine, Washing, Books, Stationery, etc., form extra charges. For partici:dart:apply to the Director of the College. - The Collegiate year begins on the Ist of September, and suds on the 3d of July following. FATHER B LIMM, Director of the College. St. Francis Academy for Boys, UNDER THE CARE OF TILE FRANCISCAN BROTHERS Loretto., Cambria. County, Pa. TH I S INSTITUTION, NATURAT.LN situated for Educational purposes, affords all ho in &moments that can be desired for a Catholic Ins'itution. It is located In the most healthy and picturesque p.trtiati of the Alleghenies, distant four miles from Cresson Station, the direct mailronte between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. l'he scholastic year commencing the first Monday in September, will close the 15th of July following. . The Terms for Board, including a thorough English Scien tific Course, are $lOO per annum. The Classic and Modern Languages form an extra charge oflo per annum. Washing and use of Bedding $lO. For further particulars apply to the superior of the A ea. , demy.. References can be made to the lit: Rev. Dr. O'Counoa. ap3o:lydAw DRY GOODS Retrench Retrench!! .4 NOTHER CBASII—IN PRICES I—Be tug- determined to sell our 8 tock, though " the Thue2 are Tight," we have made a general sweep— REDUCED THE ENTIRE STOCK To still lower prices. *S Now is the time to buy when the assortment is y unbroken, and the Prices Put Duwu I Duwu 11 oet29 30S. fIORNU, 77 Market 'greet. THE LAST (MANGE IN FIGURES Bonnet Istibbyti9, worth 76 mute, at 87. 1 / 4 per yard du du do 62% at 60 du do du du 60 at 87% do do do do 37% at 25 do JOSEPH HORN E, 77 Market art:wt. 1) ICll VELVET„TRIMMINGS, AT REDUCED PRICE 3 A choioo assortment on hand and for sale at covll LIORNEIY. 77 Market street GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS— Wool, silk, Merino and heavy Cotton Under tibiae and Drawers—a free` supply received lIORNE'S, del9 7 Market-street. VINE Cents per Pound Reduction in the Price of BRADLEY'S YARNS.—Wholesale Buyers and Peddlers will be furnished with BRADLEY'S THREE-PLY KNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Five Cents per pound? by the brindle, after this date, For Cash, and Cash only. JOS. BORNE, 77 Market street, decl Agent for the Muntifeetnrer EMBROIDERIES.—Our excellent stock of French Embroideries, and the low prices at which they are marked, offers rare Inducements to ladies wishing to purchase the latest styles. JOSEPH HORN E. uovlo 77 Market treot MONEY 1 MONEY 11-PRICES MARK ED DOWN. ,p--Great reduction In the price of Embroideries. We have gone carefully over our handsome stock FRENCH-WORKED COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS, etc-, etc. And !hod the prices to snit the " Hard Times." The Ladies may rely on getting bargains at oct7/ HORNE'S; 77 Market street. FANCY BLACK DRESS SILKS. - A large sesortmeut, which we aro closing out VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. 0. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, a 9 No. 74 Market street. E WILL SELL from the present time un commonly cheap FOR CASH. Please call and eza ino oar stock. C. HANSON LOVE, oct2o Formerly Love Bros., No. 74 Market at. PRINTED FRENCH MERINOES, for 62 and 76 cents, worth $1 nod $1,25, the beat assortm,rit In the city. 0. ItALNEON LOVE, (formerly Love Brothers), No 74 Markel street_ BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILK S.- A fall assortment, very cheap. 0. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers No. 74 Iferket street EVERY Economical PurcliaBer of Dre,,6 Goods, Shawle, ?dantlea, Lc.; also Domestic and Sta ple floods, will find it to their advantage to call and exami oar New Stock rf Fall and Winter Dry Goode before porches big elsewhere. O. HANSON LOVE, fah Formerly Love ltrott, No, 74 Market at HAWLS 1 SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, S Brocha, 2c., both long and square, the. very beet in the city, and at very low priced for earth. O. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Bros., No. 74 Market street. P' and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for Jll making Btu3quem. A largo amortmeut at decti tiEO. B. WITITE A CO'ii" BONNET VELVET.—Every variety of not Vnlv,ta and r , atins, for Bale at novl3 HORNET . NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.-- 20 boxes awrtod sizes, 4's, G's arid 6's, Fporm Cravl : on hand and and for sale by --- OAP S . 1000 boxes Rosin Soap, in Ib., 21h. and 3 Ib, bars. 600 " No. 1 Palm Soaps, in lb., 2 Ib. and 31b. t... 3 600 ." Chemical Olive Soap, in lb. lumps 200 " Oleine Oxide " 250 " German 200 " Caktile 60 " Pare Palm On hand and for sale by LIM% BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOTLI Vf OVERSHOES, offered low, at "The Peplos' Store" N 0.17 Viftla street, uoar Market. DIEVENBAOLINIt 8 C. w CKO .- 200 drone tredh Smyrna. 1,10; -.. 10 mats Dam ; 500 b"td Malaga 2.411e1zi.5, just re , otive,l au.l We if REY ANDURBUN Y 4 w ood 4., uppaxab Et. Mutts BAJ A. ~~' NO. 54 ST. CLAIR SPREE B. 0. & J. u?SawY:•:% " In 335, " " B. 0. & J. !i. HAW '.,..:47.r.:• - ,2,k - ' - '• . .:•... , ;'-'7':.:•..:....iY . :4 - ;?P' , ,,i3.:ii, , ki . itiii..3:4=l.4nriAAT , ti..:4 -7 , 4, .,;,0 1-. ; , : , •,•:i , 5. -7, &'•:/.• .:. ''''' - ,•,...' , .. , A,: - ,'.t.VA&,,,,,'-''.6 , 4 . T.'7.t.t: , ..0 . .?' , `:Cik,'!;:'-':" .l ::::.•'''''''''-' 5 ; 5 :-;` - s" ,. .n. 7 :'''-''v - T .l - . .';''' .-,.- : . . -- '' . '..,.' , .. , -.:.: : ::.:i'51, , ,;:c...t' ,. ..F W. , ::' , .i:, , ;:' f:.•• - ::,•: . .;..- - -.;!: . .. , .';:',. 7...: : g:. 7 .::::...t.t . -?.A.Fr111t.;•:•;:' , ...:••::...... : ,.. .;:,.:-. , • • • • —„....,„.._,,..,..,„..._...„.. ...„............. - . GROCERS. WM. R. SKIM JOS. R. lIIINTEdi Synopsis of the President's Message w . llli. SMITH & NO. 593. [Late Smith, Hair it Hunter,] HOLES•ALE IT is herein ordered that public sales of follows tts land s 7urokfore uneffered th , State of lowa, be held Grocers and CommissiOn Merchants, No. IACiI Second and 151 Front streets, At the Laud Offico at Wage, commencing on biunday, the 7th of June, 1858, of four townships, in the counties of fe24 PITTSBURGH, PA. _ Worth and Winnebago. _ At the Lend Office at Fort Dodge, commencing ou Monday, the 14th of June, 1858, of twenty-one townships, and parts of townships, in the counties of Wright, Humbolt, Calhoun and Pocahontas. At the Land Office of Sioux City, commencing on Monday, the 7th of June, 1558, of tuenty-nine townships, and parts of townships, in the counties of POcahontas, Buena Vista Sac, Clay, lda and Cherokee. At the Land Office at Sioux City, commbuciug on Monday, the 21st of June, 1858, of forty-foar townships, and parts of townships, in the counties of Woodbury. Cherokee, O'Brien, 1) mouth, Sioux and Runcorn°. At the Land Office at Council Bluffs, commencing on %, on day, the 7th of June, 1958, of twelve townships, and parts of townships, in the counties of Carroll, Shelby, Crawford, Monona and Fremont. It is also ordered in the above mentioned Proclamation No. 503, that the vacant lands in the even-numbered Section, which remsin to the Coifed States, within six ails on each side of the undermentioned railroads, be offered at public, sale on the days and at the:placcs as follows : At this Laudollice at Fort Dodge, commencing on Moeda), the 21st of June, 185% on the "Dubuque and Paoific Rail. road." At the Laud Office at Sioux Oily, cinnuesucieg ou 'rhnrs day, the Ist of July, 1858, ou the ‘• Dubuque and Pacific Railroad," and on the w rowa Central Air Lino Railroad" itt the Laud Office at C.uncil Bluffs, commencing on OTon. day, the 14th or June, MS, on lowa Central Air Line Railroad," the "Mississippi and Missouri Railroad," and the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad." At the Land Office at Dulnique , commencing on Thursday, the let of June, 1858, on the "'Dubuque and Pacific Rail road" and the " lowa Central Air Lille Railroad," At the Land Office at Flirt Des Moines, commencing ou Monday, the )4th of June, 1858, on the "lowa Central Air Line " and the Mississippi and Middollii Rail road." At the Land Office at Chariton, commencing ou Monday, the 7th of June, 1858, on the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad." The lauds will be offered with the usual exceptions of school sections, Sc., The even-nunthered sections within six miles 011 each side of the railroads, will be offered sublect, as required by law, to a minimum of two dollars and fifty cenls per acre. The sales will be kept open until the lands are all offered, which is to be accomplished within two weeks, and no longer, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two wool; s. Preemption claimants are required to establish their claims to tip , satisfaction of the proper register and receiver, and make payment for the same, an or before the day ay tointed for the commencement of he public sales, otherwise :liar claims will be forfeited. L.COANIA.F.BS WILLIAM 61EANB 11. A. CIoFYIN 31PCANDLESS, MEANS & CO., • 111CCISHOILS 'SO VlOl h IteCANDLY- , is,f WHOLESALE GROCERS, [RUN, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, AND PITTSBURCIII MANUFAOTUILEB GF.NERALLY, Corner of Wood and Watur otrooto, DACH , a CANDLLSS WILLIAM .... A °omit iii.wlPCandless, Means & Ce., (Succcmors to Wick & .111'ettudiess,) WIIGLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitt.. burgh Niannfactnros generally, corner of Wood and Water trtiots, Pittsburgh. inyB `OIIIVAKDLNG AND CQMMISSION. ik:rtlV,.B COLLINS 'orw:arding and Commission Merchants, PROPRIATOES 04 TRH Co'Huh' Pittsburgh, rdeadvillo Eilria CANAL LINES. Nog. 114 AND 115 WATER, STREET, PITTABIIRED, PA 41110 DES, DIALGEN & CO., FORWAR , DING AND COMMISSION RiIiCIRCEI A Si TS, No. 30..aYeAldORE BT., CINOINNATJ., 0. Ljyt:o LTENRY g. COLLINS, Forghrding an , Commissien MerChaat, and wholesale dealer in FISH CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS and P4ODUCE generally, Ne 25 Wood street, Pittsburg h. ward WINES AND LIQ,LT)RS. LI. DEVLIN U. KENNEDY. EVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wino and Liquor Merchants and Rectifying Distillers, No. ' Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa. --- T_TONEGGER CO., IMPORTERS OP French and German Winee and Liquors, 011 AM P N ha., Ica., 61 Smithfield street, between Bth and 7th stn. atfisayaswi PIT7BI3IIIIOH, l'A. GLASSWARE. &LYBID B. CURLING EIORGAIr EDWARD DITHILIDGI HINNY L. 11.1NOWALT. CIURLING, ROBERTSQN & CO., Maim .) facturers of Cut, Pres.sed and Plan) Flint GLASSWARE warehouse No. 17 Wood fitreet, corner of Front, Pittsburgh ,rar All other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass, a low Market prices. aplEdly MLLE JOSECII J. MAIL LEDLIE & CLAM, Successors :to .111urvany A Ledlie, manufacturers of Out, Moulded and Plain Flint and Fancy GolOrod GLASSWARE, and dealers in all kinds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of kfatket and Water streets, Pittabiagh. 5h341,7 IAgPETS AND OIL C LOTHS. REMOVAL.—J. & H. PHILLIPS have removed to then now building, Nos. 25 and 28 ST. CLAM street, west side, between Penn street and the Bridge. J. a H. PHILLIPS, 6IA N UFACTURERS OF FLOOR, FURNITURE,OARRIA O E , TABLE, AND .TRANSPARENT OPAQUE WINDOW SHADE - 01 IL CLOTH:- pf different Colors. Also, DEALERS IN OM CLOTHS A WINDOW SHADES, Of every description. - • Dealers In INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Belting Companies, fot the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, HOSE and PACKING. LEATHER BELT ING Of gastern manufacture , a superior quality; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO FIRE-PROOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glees and Patty. HOUSE AND BlaN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, done in the best and shortest time. J. & H. PHILLIPS, idea:ly) Nod. 2u and 2 St. Clair street; Manufadtory at Phil- Ilpsville, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh CA LIPETS, OIL CLOTHS, • lIIATTII4 G, &c AT TUE Fourth street Carpet Store, & H. AITALLUNI respectfully W • invite the attention of their former custom. , s and the public generally to their present stock, just selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest, styles of Fiireioi and Home Manufacture, consisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, - Ta:postry and COLIMIOII. Ingrain: also, Breast-le, Damask. Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. . . Om CLtITLLS FROM 2 TO 24 FEET WIDE, Rugs, hints, Stair Rods, Gluten and Cocoa Matting; Yarn and Rag Carpets; Veuitian Blinds; Painted, hurt an•l Green Holland Shades. It will give EIB pleasure to show goods to all who may I. desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are dote, mined Lit offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No 87 FOURTH Street, tear Wood. W. D. M'CALLUM. O'I4CLOTH CLOTHING —of all kinds, Dia& and yellow, f •r sale at the India Rubber Doi•••t and 28 St Clair street. [deg} J. it H. PaILLII'd. nil CLOTHS FOR TELE FALL 'MAUL Wo haveun hand, and are dully receiving itdditioi thereto from our own and other manufactories, a largest:. , 3 of Floor Furniture, Carriage Trirunnug,Table Cover, Trai• • parent, Green and Buff, and all kinds Lif Oil Cloth, used 4,1 Efonsefurnisliing and other purposes. Also, Transpa• • lit Window ,Shadea,.tif dry and oil finish—gold bordered other styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. Merchants and others will find it to their advantage rii amine onr stock and prices before making their pu r,sloooo elsewhere. J. At 11. PLIILLIP 213 and 28 St. Clair sr 1,44. ivLool O L ()L.()Tits, - Of our owu tll.l iecatern iriannfacturo—all cut to suit any silo of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cloth Ware rooms, No. 26 and 28 St. Clair street. oc t:23 FURNIT URE A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at theft extensive CABIN ET and CHAIR MAI UPAC WRY, No. 54 street, a largo asaortufout of Fancy mud Plain Put oiture, which they will sell 15 per cent. lowor than enritornary rates. Terme, cash only. (dee...l7:y WOODW EL L' S FURNITURE AND CHALItS, Wholesale and Retail, embracing every style of Furniture, in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Dining Rooms, equal to any in New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prices. Every article made by hand, and warranted. Cabint-makers sup plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, on reasonable terms. Hotels and Steamboats furnished at the shortest notice. Wardrooms, Nos. 77 and 79 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 0c22 Improvement in Book Binding. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING obtained Letters Patent for Improvement in BOOK BINDING, is prepared to furnish the attachment to ito ha now in use, or to apply the same to now Books. Orders fi.t which are rismectfully solicited at WELDIN k BOWANIrS Book Bindery and Blank Book Manufactory, South-west corner of THIRD and WOOD Streets. The above improvement consists: First—Of a Metalic Spring clasping the back of the Book in such a manner ne to prevent the leaves from sagging when the Book is Maul ing in a vertical position. Second—The carriage consists of Metalio Grooves, on which are inserted Rollers, which will effectually prevent the Books from wearing or chafing in pla cing the same in its resting place . A. 11. ROWAND, patentee. MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Gum, Over and Pandas, cheap, at the People ' Shoe Store, No 17 Fifth street, near Market. 't ENS' CALF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes at DIFFENBACIIER t CO.'S, JaU No, 17 Filth etreet. HOW TO MAKE HOME HAPPY.—The time for making PRESENTS is near at hand. Make glad the heart of your wife, child or friend, by presenting them with a pair of new SHOES or GAITERS, from the well known People 'e Shoe Store. Gents'. Laidies', Boya and Children's ware of every description at PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. DIFFENBAOHER A 00., N 0.17 Fifth street, near Market. SLEIGIIING.—If you want I„) to enjoy a good sleigh ride, the first thing is to have your Toot warm, and the next to keep thorn warm, and the way to do that In to get a pair of iinffalo or Attic Overshoes at the Cheap Cash Store of JOS. H. BORLAND, te2o No. 98 Market, second door from Fifth street. FRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS I I—All the immense stock of Silks, Shawls, Marinoes, Paramat- CM, Plaids; choice styles of printed Marinoes, Poplins, Du ctile;. rich, all wool, Delaines, Embroideries, Trimmings, ilosiery, Gents' Furnishing Goods, and a large stock of Do mestic Goods, selling at the store of A. A. Mason & Co.'s, No. 2b Fifth street, at unheard of prices, as the whole stock must be immediately closed out. dell _REMOVAL. — JAMES A. FHTZER, Forwarding and Commission Morahan TOR TUR RILLS OP FLOUR, GRAIN, AND ALL RINDS OF PRODUCE, Has removed from 89 Water street, to the Corner of Market and First streets, PITTEBURGH. _LARD OIL.—We have commence.' manu facturing Lard Oil, and wdl be pleased to receive or ders for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the oleo ket. We will till barrels returned when &lilted. B. C. & J. SAWYER, • N.. 47 Wood fitre.t. DOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, 'Medi um and Crown, Straw and ltag Wrapping Paper!, for hale by W. S. IiAVF.N, Corohr iflarki4 and Second streets THERMOMETERS—Fo.r a HNebOyN & Co., Stationers, 67 Wood •Itree fIIIRRANTS.-10 casks Zant© ...) fresh—just received and for ciao, by REMER & ANDERSO", No 39 Wood six , et, Opposite St. Charles Hob DIQUE COLLARS AND SETS—In White and Colors--upbuod add morning, at • mrl3 HORNE'S, 77 Markets4reet. JMBROI D'E RE D COUARS • A MLEEVEB—Latent etyles just opened, at atria HORNE'S, 77 Market etree DLACK O.APE COLLARS—Choice styles —Very chug), at call Idarkot amt. PITTB BLI RUH, PA TIIO3. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the Gene; al Land Office.. GENERAL LAND OPPICE, Stbruary 17, 1858. Great Chance to Make Money. THE BEST &ND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION OF THE TIME S -O NLY ONE - DOLLAR PER BILARE.—Forty thousand dollars worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, r Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety r. , 411..ci:i of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou sand shares, at ono dollar per ',hare, *s follows:—Upon the payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be notified of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then - be held in the city of Philrdelphia, and the whole of the property disposed of ordistributed among them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persons as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate consists of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $2500, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at 2100 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all incum brance, and title indisputable; the other property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for a long time past kept by the sub icriber. The stock consist ing of very fine Gold and Silver [tinting Case Lever Watch es, very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, :Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond aid other Rings and Pius, Studs, Sleeve Buttons,' &e., Ac., Cold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles, Gold and Silver Thimble s, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Cristo's, Cake Baskets, Cups, Spoons, Knives, Forks, /cc., Ac. Also, French Clocks, Music Boxes, Accordeons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively assured the stock has not been pnrchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for fine Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect able persons are given no references, to those disposed to pur• chase shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress .f the sender, by return mail. Any person sending ten dollars at cue time, shall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate names if desired. 1:%,. In writing for shares, please write the name of the Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, fur a small sum, a 4 has ever before been offered to ' the public. Bend on your orders, as shares are selling rapid • ly, and it is confidently isxlesctesl the distribution will soon be made. Articles allotted to persons at a distance, will be sent te them at their expense. Agents wanted in every town and village. All com. ranuications must addressed to L. R. BROOMA.LL, J. It H. PHILLIPS DIFFENBACIIER MEMO MISCELLANEOUS. No. 50 South Seetaid ett...et, above Chesnut, Philadelphia Q., CUTIIBERT & SON, 51 Market street kyp a tteud to the dale and purchase of Real Estate, tent ing Muses, and collection of rents, insurance and repairs . negotiating loans, making bills, conveyances, deeds, bomb , etc.,writing letters stud corresponding with persons abroad. Albusinesa attended to promptly, and in strict confidence . Ii Market street, BittAairgh. Letters of inquiry must a.; ways enclose a p ;M11;4,, Htanip to pay return postage Fri H OUSES FOR RENT— By S. CUTLIBIILT & SUN, I I Mlirttet st. A comfortable two story dwelling house on Roes stre.mt,st head of Fifth—V4 per month. A two story dwelling no Duquesne street—.4lo per month. A conveniact dwelling house on began street—VM p• -r year. A three story house of nine ro•,me, on Third c treat, at $2OO per year. A dwelling house of four rooms and kitchen, with large lot of ground, uu nigh street, Mount Washington, $lOO per year. Two largo warehouses on Third street, near Market. Two small houses in Splane's Court, near Fith street, $6,25 per month. A two sjpry frame houso of four rooms, on Carson street, South Pittsburgh, at se, - per month. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc., in All, gheny city $3OO per year. A store oom on Third street—sl2s per year. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A warehonseen Market street, No. 26. A dwelling house on Wylie street—s2'oo per year. A large shop on Third street can.be had fur two years. A store and cellar „ corner Market and Third streets, eta DWELLINU HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS:— Grant street—Three three -story Inises, well arranged , each with back buildings. - Third street—A three story howl° largo and convenient . Logan street—A dwelling house of 7 rooms. Fulton street—Two three story dwelling houses. South avenue—A two story brick louse of 8 rooms, w I t large lot of ground, stable, carriage house, Ace. Robinson street—A two story brick house. Franklin street—A good house of S rooms. Carson street—A two Story house, and two lots of ground. Penn street—Three large dwelling houses. Minersvillo—A house and one acre of ground—besides many others in Allegheny, South Pittsburgh, &c. de29 S. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market street. VOR RENT.—A two-story Dwelling House (Gothic style), pleasantly situated on Mt. Washington ; contains seven rooms well arranged, carriage•lionse, stable, and spring of good, soft water, convenient. Rent, $lOO per year. Also, can be bad with the above, if desired, a Green House and FiNe Acres of Land in good state of cultivation, two acres of which aro in strawberries of choice quality; the remainder is covered with Nursery Trees of all hinds, ready for the gardener to get into a profitable business. The strawberry-plants and trees wiil be sold on accommo dating terms, and o lease of the house and grounds can be , %ad for a term of years. Apply to ja 21 8. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market street. AGREAT BARGAIN.—For sae, a com fortable two story brick Pwelling House, with two lota of ground, situato on Carson street, South Pittsburg, short distance from the Monotwahola Bridge. ,43 gnaw' Mnrirot of rIIWO LOTS, on Federalstreet, Allegheny A. city, for sale by CLITHItEkT & SON, 51 Market street. (IN TILE CONEMAUGII RIVER.—For We a Valuable farm in Westmoreland county, 2 . 1 ,4', tulles from Blairsville, on the North Western Railroad, 120 acres of choice land, 00 acres jn cultivation, a young orchard of 10 acres, 80 acres of ex:tellent timber, a now dwelling house of 6 rooms—price, t,700. Terms easy. Real estate In the city will be taken in part pay. jag? S. CUTIIBERT s SON, 91 Market street. TUENA VISTA.—For Sale.—A two story frame honse, of four rooms and kitchen, paled fence In front, a bake oven, dm. Le: 20 feet [rout on Monterey et., Buenatri Vista, oxtenslon of Allegheny city, by 110 feet deep, to an alley. S. CUTHBERT h SON, 51 Market street. OOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR RENT.- 1/ A good brick dwelling, large and convenient, 10 rooms and kitchen, wide hall, portico in front, good spring -house, stable, carriage house, etc; 24 acres of land, 8 in flue mea dow; a good tenant douse; garden and variety of fruit trel);, grape vines and small fruits; a stone wall and iron railing in front of the house; situate at about two miles from the city, and in a very pleasant loption. Apply to 8. CUTHIIERT & SON, 51 Market et. TOOK CHOICEI-PRICES LOW 1-NEW kjr WINTER 0000 d.—JOSEPH [LORNE has just Tutu, u ed from the East, where he has purchased large addithms to his already extensive stock. Trading directly with Fra,r , CL&BS DsPuitymo llouSt.s and with the MANUPACTUILEIte, f.,r CASH exclusively, he is enabled to offer the best stde, lion of Goods at the lowest possible prices. We are now opening, for doily display, the largest sm.; cheapest stock of DRESS TRIMMINGS, RICH EMBROIDERIES, WINTER WOOLEN GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Ever before exhibited in Pittsburgh. Purchasers are Diva. ed to examine the goods, and learn the prices, at de9 joS. BORNE'S, 77 Market street. ACOMFORTABLE two story dwelling house 0 Carrpll street, Alleghony, will be e,,ld at a groat bargain. Apply to S. CIIIIILIERT & SON, fol 2 Si Market street STAR CAN DLES.-2UO bxs. assorted sizes, 4's, s's and 6', Adamantine Star Candles, ou baud and for sale by it. C. ft J. 11. SAWYER, fen No. 47W00d Street. ITEATSFOOT OlL.—Neatefoot Oil, in j quantities to suit purchasers, on blind and for Bak by B. O. A J. IL SAWYER, • N 0.47 Wood street • Q: IL MOLASSES.-70 bbls. St. James E. U. Molasses, in stirs and for sale by MILLER Ac RICKETSON, Nos. TA and 2 Liberty Street Q- - WEET CIDER..—Few bbls. choice Sweet Cider, on hand and fur sale by JAMES A. FETZER, „ 4 Corner Market and }lira etreet. vroLEAF TOBACCO.—A large supply of Bown'a celebrated Fig Leaf Tobacco, receivthis day by JOS. FLEMING, mr2 Corner Diamond and Market et. V INES AND LIQUORS.—The best qual ity of Brandy, Wino, Gin. Jamaica Spirits, Old Rye Withhy, Irish and Scotch Whisky, London Porter, Brown Stoat, Olutropagne Wino, no hand and for /atoll 5 1.11,1113 S PA=Ol4 _PROW 401<_ MSEiMM RAILROADS. RAILROAD NOTICE. The Pittsb'h, Ft. Wayne & Chicago RAILROAD COMPANY, COMPANY, VTITII ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and egatputeat, and its through connections is pre, pared to transport Passengers and Sreight from PHILA. DELPL9 and P trlSßUittill to CILIOAUO, ST. LOUIS, IN DLANAPOLIS, OLN elti NAT t, and all places West and South wait, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. Tho fact tuat this ltoad tunas a direct and consolidated line between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is a sufficient guar antee that its Trains will make good tiny:, and connections with Trains on other Road. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE Pittsburgh. I erostline. Ft. Wayne. ii U.S. Mail, 5:30 A. 11. I 2:011 P. 51 9:oa P. M. Express,. 1:15 P. 51. 10:05 P.M L 5:45 A. Ti!. REACH CW.CAGO—U. S. Mau at 5:35 A. 4 Express at 2:90 P. IL REACH CINCINNATI—U. S. Mail at 9:53 P. M 4 Express 7:00 A. M. All Trains make close connections at erestline fur Colum bus, Cincinnati, ludianapolis sod St. Louis; also, at Fort Wayne with Trains on Wabash and Western Railroad foi Lafayette, Central Illinois and St. Leah, ; also, at Forest with Trains on the 51. R. & L. E. R. R. RETURNING. From Chicago.FLWayue. I Crestilua. i Ari.l'oeu'g U.,li. Mu11,....8,45 P.M. 3:30 A. M. i Express, P.M. 0.10 P. M. l i Exp, 6 ; 00 A. 2:00, P. la. I 10:05 P. M. 7:25 A5l These Trains - make close connections with Trains for Phil adelphia, Baltimore and New York. Trains from St. Louis, Indianapolis, eitodnuatl and Colum bus make clues) connactiumi at Crestline with all returning Trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains from St. Louis. Central Illi nois, Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with above Trains. At Forest, connections are made with Trains to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—Leave New Brighton for Allegheny at 7:01.) A. M.,and 12:30 V. 51. Leave Allegheny for New Brighton at 9:45 and 4:30 P. M. To accommodate way travel, Passenger Cars will be at Cached to Freight Trains; leaving Pittsbrirgli at 8:43 A. erestibla for Alliance, at 5:55 A. IL; illianra for Orestline, at 13:.:10 A. M.; and Alliance for PiHalrargio at 7:45 A.M. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUOH, and no charge fur handling. For Tickets and further information apply to A. T. JOHN SON, Agent, at tie Great Western Railroad Chime, directly on the corner, ut the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, or to Geo. Parkin PassongerStatiou, Penn Street, between Wayne and Canal; ' B. F. PATRICK, Nu. 80 Dearborn street, oppo site the Tremont House, Chicago, or to the Agents at the Stations on the line. TO COMMENCE ON MONDAY, January 2.5 th, and con- Untie until further notice. J. J. HOUSTON, Gen. Pasa'r. and Fr't. Ag't. 1). W. BUSS, Paddr. Agent, Chicago. JOS. H. MOORE, Superintendent. Two Through Trains Each Way Sundays Excepted. Wheeling, Cleveland and Chicago, by the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI lk, ST. LOUIS BY TUE PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS ,AND CINCINNATI RAIL ROAD LINE via STEUBENVILLE. - - The Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh, Colbus and Cincinnati Railroad Companies, having made an ar rangement with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, for the joint use of their track between Pittsburgh and Rochester, will run their trains from Penn Street Station daily, Sundays excepted, commencing Mon. day, March 8th,1858. CLEVELAND, WHEELING AND CINCINNATI MAIL. Leaves Pittsburgh. Steubenville.. 'Bridgport, opposite Wheeling 11:On e. M. Belleair II:20 e. et . Cohaulms +5:2 , . P. M Cincinnati 10:10 P. ta . Through to eke Uleveland '2.-.45 P. 31 . cinnati with bat Buffalo . 11:80 p. n. one change ol.cars. Chicago 8:00 e.. bi • This Train to Cleveland has 30 minutes at Alliance, for Dinner. CINCINNATI, CLEVELAND AND CHICAGO EXPRESS. 6:00 A. M. Ltrivea Pittsburgh 2:35 P. N. St enbeuville Newark Columbus ... Cincinnati ... Cleveland ... Buffalo Chicago Through to Ciu chauati without chaiige of cars. LLNG ACCOMMODATION, WHEE Leaves Pittsburgh.; 4:00 P. 111.1 Steubenville Bridgeport.. Belleuir CONNECTIONS ARE MADE BY ABOVE TRAINS,AS FOLLOWS By &00 A. sL, and LOU P. ht., At W HEELING, for Cumberland, Harper's Ferry, Baltimore and Washington City. Only at BELLEAIit, tor Cambridge, Ydnietiville, Law alto, Circleville and Wilmington. By 6830 A. lit., and 2:35 P. ht., At XENIA, for Dayton Indianapolis, Mattoon, Cairo, St. Louis and New Orleans. By 68/0 A M., and 2.95 P. M. At CINCINNATI, for Lexington, Louisville, Cairo, St. Louis and NeW Orleans. Only at BAYARD, fur Carrolton, Waynesburg, Dover and New Philadelphia. Only at HUDSON, for Cuyahoga Falls, Akron, Clinton and New Portage. By 6:00 A. it., and 2:35 P. m. At CLEVELAND, fur Erie, Buffalo Niagara Falls aud Cana da, Sandusky, Toledo, Detroit, Buffalo, and all points in the Noith.west. *Jr The 4:00 P. m. Train stc.cs at all Way -Stations on the River Division. Returning l`rains, EASTERN 11A1L, NIA STEUSW.VI.I4.E. Leaves Cincinnati 600 A. M. Arrives at Columbus 10:80 P. ki Do Steubenville 0:50 P. hi. Da Pittsburgh 8:55 P. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING MAIL. Leaves Cleveland I:00 P. td Arrives at Wellsville 6:51 P. Du Wheeling 8:46 P. a. Du Pittsburgh 8:55 P. m PITTSBURG ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Belleair 6:60 a. is. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling ... 6.15 a. a. Stops at all Stations. Arrives at Pittsburgh 1i:25 A. hi. WHEELING AND PITTSBURGH MAIL. Leaves Belleuir 11. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling... 4:43 P. Arrives at Pittsburgh 8:55 P. M. EASTERN EXPRISS, VIA STEUBENVILLE. Leaves Cincinnati 4:20 P. m. Arrives at Columbus 10:00 P. M. Du Steubenville 4:45 a. et. Do Pittsburgh. '7:50 L. M. CHICAGO, BUFFALO AND PITTSBURGH EXPRESS Leaves Cleveld'ud 10..20 P. m. Arrives at Wellsville 5:35 A. m. Du Wheeling 11:05 a. et. Do Pittsburgh 7:50 A. M. Connections are made by the Mail and Express front same points when returning, as are formed as above when going from Pittsburgh; also, with the Pennsylvania Railroad, for Harrisburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The above Trains will stop on signal of the Station Agent at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to tales up passengers going on or beyond the line of these Roads. Trains will also stop to leave passengers coming from these Roads, at any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh. Passengers desiring to go to Chicago, or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask for tickets via Cleveland. Passengers desiring to go to Clumbus, Cincinnati, etc. or any points beyond Columbus, via Steubenville, must ask , for tickets via Steubenville. Baggage checked through to all principal points, and transferred free of charge. YJED— For tickets or information, apply to GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Penn Street Station, Pittsburgh. F. R. MY ERS, General Ticket Agent, C. A P. R. Cleveland. I. HUTCHINSON, General Ticket Agent, P.,AME C. &S FARME C. 8.. it, Columbus. J SuperintendenWt C. W. it P. GLET R. It., , Cleveland. . EA rarB Superintendent P., C A C. It. It., pol inn b u . NEW WESTERN ROUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURGH, PST• WAYNE and CHICAGO, `~, ~.e r ~~~ t yß ^ ~~ M ryn..... Vr+!yv~~llhrY~~ AND CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & DAYTON RAILROADS, VIA. DRLAWAREI CUT-OFF Oa- Distance only 329 miles from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati THIS LINE is composed of Roads of the First Class, and is located through a beautiful and highly cultivated portion of the State. Direct connection is made at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, (the tracks of the 0. 11. & D. di 0. Roads, being connected, fur Louisville, St. Louie, Evansville, Cairo, Memphis, Vicksburg, Natchez,Nei Orleans. Connection made at St. Lords with the Pacific Railroad and Missouri River Packets, fur KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all pelnte Wesi. Also connects at Cincinnati with Kentucky Central R. IL, for Lexington, Danville, Frankfort and all points in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Penn street Station as follows : Thrcngh to Cincinnati with 3.30 M 0 but one change of care, Sr • riving at ti:46 P. M. '2: P. Express Passenger Train, ar 15 p riving in Crestline at 10:05 A. M., Chi. 8:00 P. M. IM. ISA.GGAUE CHECKED THROUGH.. lig Fare an Low as any other Route. Fur all information, and Through Tickets, apply at the Ticket Office, corner Monongahela House, or at Penn street station. Passengers desirous of going this route will ask for Tickets via Delaware ent.Off. J. H. MOORE, Supt. P. Ft. W. & O. R. It, DAN'I, 11.1cLA.R.EN, Supt. C. H. &D. R. R. nov26 ---- New Route via River and Railroad. 12Frig Indiaknipolis , & Cinciunati:Railroad fIONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with li„./ Terre Haute, and Terre Haute and Alton Railroads, to St. Louis and Lafayette and lizilanapolis, Now Albany and Salem, and Michigan Central Roads tor CIIIO kO , ), ROCK ISLAND, BURLINGTO and all Intemiedisto Volute. Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE, and PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg iu leas time than any other route by 14 beans and at as low ratan. The only corgi by which shipments can be made from Cia. dnnatl to the Weet, without breaking bulk. Conaignmenl a made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Chian nati; (a, W. B. CUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for commission ; no charge for drayage or et/laudation at berwrenceburg. For farther information, apply to TROAIAS RATTIGAN, (No. 116 Water street,) Agent of the Company, who 18 pre. paned to give THROUGH RECEIPTS to Indianapolis Terre Mute, Lafayette, Chicago,Peru Greencastle, Crawford& rills Charleston, Paris, atil Matecean. 11. C. LORD, Fresh/mit. JNO. F. CHEEK, Gen'i Freight Agent. mr3 UM RYE WHISKY, Old French Brandy t vo r Poss wnle, far wedicind aspoa. at _ S 'lou'al SEVE A Y A, AINS.; Tlll9 RASP MALL TILAIN leaves the Passenger thin every morning, (except Sunday,) at 8.05 o'clock, Pittabmgh thue arriving ui Philadelphia at 11:50 Tlil Iy.X.Pit.riSt3 PitAIN le4VOB the Station every evening at 9:50 o'clock. titoppiug only at. them:LßW:mg, LatrODN Johns- town, Willmoru, tiallitzin, Altoona, kc., connecting at liar rieburg with the Train direct for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia ur Baltimore at BUO o'clock, P. hi. ACCOMMODATION TRAINn JOLINSToWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except tianday,) at 3:30 P. M. stopping at all bunions, and running as far as Conelnaugh. PIAnT ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except nunday,) at lecld, A. ,L B.P.COND A(COMMODA'IIItIN TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except nunday,) at 4.20 P. M. TB I RI) ACCUMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except clanday.) at 6:20, P. M. TitAllsiS arrive In Pittsburgh as follows : Exprosa, 144 u, P.M.; Nail, 6.00 A. AL; Johnstown Accommo dation, 11:u0 A. M 4 First Turtle Crook Accommodation, A. .11., Second Acixamuudatiou, 1.2.:4u, iIL; Third Accom modauum biln, P. AL' Tr.tins fur Bunny'.ilu and Juliana, connect at thairsvile lutersacthm with mail train East, Express train West, and tho Johnstown accomodatitai train itast and Wnst. PLTlnittlittill AA 1) f.;thisql.bit.i.nli LLLIs Tti.A11,46, ti topping at all Mations uu the xittsburgit - and Councils vale ituad, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) an follows: &AIL T.B.A.L.N, 7-00 A. 51. hi.X.Yll.ll6' T.II.ALLN, Ith~TlikVl:i(l 11 &L\l [row Pittsburgh and Connellsville head, arrive at Pittsburgh, 1.1.t/0 0 A.5.1. and,al.lo P. 51. The traveling - patina Will lulu it greedy to their in terest, in going East ur West, to travel by tile reillislF , vanla nailruad, as cue accounuedatious now ollered cannot be sur passed on any Giber route. As the /toad ea bealaatall with atone, and is entirely Iran trout dust, we can proaliso Wad', speed and contort to all win..may laver tails notici with their —NARA:- 416,W To Baltimore_ 10,t/0 I Lancaster.. Tu liarrisburg, $7.4. Baggage checked to all Mations on the eaudyiv twit% ilt 1 3 1 " road, mud to PhiladelPlua,lialtimore and New York. easseugurs purchahing tickets in cure, will be charged ton cents at addition to the station rates, except from Bulbous where the Company has no Agent. NCY.l2lO.E.—in case of loss, the Company will hold them e:Wive) responsible for personal baggage only, and for au amount 1101 exceeding $lOO. N. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has boon employed to convey Paasengerd and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge nut to exceed '45 cents fur each, passunger.a.ud bag. mo tor tickets apply to J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. IL B. Passenger ntation, on Liberty and kraut streets. patronage. to Now York.— " etilludulpuits THE PENNSYLVANIA itilll,ll.OA.D. THE GREAT CENTRAL HuUTE, connecting the Atlantic Cities with W estern, North-western Lulu nuute-western States by_a continuous Railway direct. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with Daily Line of Steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers ' and at Cleve land and Sandusky with steamers to all ports on the North western Lakes; making the most btakOT, ontasiso and lisaisiii& sours by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the Griner WL)T. Rates between Philadelphia &Pittsburgh , FIRST CLASs. Boots ' Shoes, Hats and 1 Chips, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes, bales and trunks,) Drugs, (iii boxea,ancl bales) Feathers, Furs, &c. BECIONDOI SOi--Domestic Sheeting, Shirt mg and Ticking (in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &c., &c. THIRD CLASS.—Anvils, Steel, Chains (in' casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, twinnfac tured, (except Cigui a or cut,) &c.; &c. FOURTH CLASS—Coffee, Fish, Basssn, Beef and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Aftlk, Ger man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, &c., Ac. FLOCK-11,00 libh until further notice. GRAIN in carloads, 45 cts. 18 100 lbs. until further notice. CUTTON—S2 5.1 bale, not exceeding 500 lbs. weight, until farther notice. tar In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to mark packages "via .Pcniaavivan , a itatiroact.' All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Fasten: Adalers—Harris, Woriuley & Co., Memphis, Tenn.; R. F. Bass A Co., St. lambi; k. tYli.iley & Co., Evansville, Ind; Dutuesnil,Bell a Co ., and Carter & Jewett, Louisville, Ky.; It. C. Moldrum, Madison, lad ;IL W. Brown &Co and Irwin & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., geneslille, Ohio; Leech & Co, No. 54 Kilby street, Boston; Leeci4 & No. 2 Astor House, Now York; No.l Will' o atreet,und No. 8 Battery Place, New York; E. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw & Koons. Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. IL HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. IL J. LOMMAERT, Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. • .~~z, 9:d: a.. a. 6:50 P. M. 11:40 P. M. . 1:40 A. I . . A. u. . 9.60 P. M. . 6:00 A. . 4 2.:00 P. u Arrives. 6:23 P. 7.1 7:30 P. N 8:46 P. N 8:00 P. es PITTSBUMiII & CONNELLSVILLE TOR Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad is now opened for the transportation of passengers and freight to and Lout Pittsburgh and ComaeHaynie, connecting with the Penusyl vania Central. Railroad at Briutou's Station. Arraugementshave also been made with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, by which through freight to Philadelphia and Baltimore will be carried iron, points on the Pittsburgh and Comtellsville Railroad, by car loads, on favorable term, RUNNING OF TRAINS.--On and after Monday, 28tti of December, the Passenger Trains will be run daily, except Sundays, as follows: MAIL TRAIN, will leave the Passenger Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh, at 7:00 o'clock, A. Is., arriving at Conuelleville at 12:00 A M. EXPRESS PA:MUNGER TRAIN, leaving Pittsburgh at 1:20 o'clock, P. AI., and arriving at Counellsville at 8:20 P. Al. REITURNING.—EIXPP.EIIe TRAIN will leave Connell, villa at 6 o'clock, A. Al., connecting with the Blairsville Accommodation 'train, on the Pennsylvania Railroad which arrives at Pittsburgh at 11 A. M. MAIL TRAIN, leaving Council' male at :IMO P. 111., auu connects with the Briutun Accommodation Train, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, which arrives iu Pittsburgh at 6.00 P. M. Freight to and from Pittsburgh, and stations on the Pitt,- burgh and Counellsvilla Road, will be received and delivered at Baldwin Depot, opposite Duquesne Depot, on Liberty street. Bunting & Hall's Coaches for Mt. Pleasant, Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, will leave Connellsville regularly un the arrival of the trains. Mall Train connects also at West Newton with coacheP, -by the Plank Road, with - Mount Pleasant; Somerset, Berlin Saudpatch, Cumberhpid, to. Tickets can oe had from Ticket Agent at the peunsylvatib Railroad Passenger Depot. mrll3 H. BLACKSTONE. Superintendent. pOTATOES.— no bug. Ntzbannuck Petatuts; 60 do Peach Bloaaom Pototot.a ' Just reeetrtni and for stib' by JABIEB - A. IIETZXII, Jalo to Warr" str•nr. RAILROADS. aOA D . ~t A a ~. RYE FLOUR.- 16 bble fresh ground Rye Flour, Just received and tor bale by JAMES A. FETZER, 'Jaul 89 Water street. GREEN APPLES.- 20 bbla. green apples, Just receivedand for sale by uct2o J AB. A. FETZER, 89 Water etreet. !WEFT POTATOIIS.- 40 bash. Sweet Potatoes, jnet received and for sale by coal Jalt. A. Plain., 851 Water street.. APPLES.- 29 bbl. extra fine Rambo and Beßeamer, t3B" Vandiver, 100 '• Rnssett Apples, Just reed and for sale by JAS. A. PETZER, 89 Water street. FLOUR. 100 bbla. choice Extra Superfine; 60 " .‘ Superfine Flonr, Jest received and fur sale by JAMS A. WEISER, delB 89 Water street. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS.—A large stock of every description, in store and for sale by W. S. HAVEN, Corner of Market and Second streets fIIDER.-1U Barrels Sweet Cider, for sale %.,,1 by JAMES A. FETZER, dec7 89 Water street. INDIA RUBBER INKSTANDS- Another lot of those edrdight INKS, just received and for vale by W. S. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second etreota. DUFF AND FLEMING'S Book-Keeping, for sale at W. S. HAVEN'S, Stationery Warehouse, Corner Market and Second streets_ ENVELOPES. Buff, Blue and White Laid, Adhesive, Cloth Lined and Parchment Paper do.; extra thick Cream Laid do.; Legal do.; Note do.; all aizee; for sale by W. 8. 114VEN, octBo Corner Market and Second ate. ASKE'r, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, and ‘5 Fuller's Board, for sale by W. B. HAVEN, Nos. 31, 33 and 36, Corner Market and Second streets. TEAS. -30 half chests Young Hyson, Im portal, Gunpowder, Black Teas. in store and for sale JALIES PATTON, Jr., Allegheny City. WEST INDIA PRESERVES. —lO dozen ameorted, jest received and for eale by IIEYAIER ANDEB.ON, a aq Kn. Wntwl atrw t JELLIES. -50 dozen Currant, Blaekbery Orange, Quince, Peach, and Grape Jellies, for sale by RRYALER k ANDERSON, ±sB lID Wond street, opposite St. Ohar'*s Sntel D ICE,—Six tierces prime Rice, just receiv ed and for saio by MILLER. & ELOKETSON, rovl2 No 221 and 223 Liberty street. f 1 lIEESE-60boxes prime Western Reserve 1 1.1 for sale by fdall MIL IL &Ural dlt CO. ELIZABETIIAN.—A new Decorative Wall Paper, Elizabethan design,just received, and for sale by W. P. MARSIIALL & 47 Wood Strti4 ' • WALL PAPERS WALL PAPER! Cheap! —Received last week,lo,ooo rolls of Wan Paper, to roll at IVA to 20 cent° per roll. W. P. .YLL1L 9 1.3.." LL & CO, Brent. MOLASSES.- 2,5 barrels New Orleans; " Baltimore Syrup, far sale by 11121 wl. H.SMITIIdW (TOFFEE,-150 bags prime Rio, foreale by WM. & CO. INKSTANDS.—A largo variety 'for sale at wit. G. JO 4NI & deg Stationery Warehouse, b 7 Wood et. FLOUR. --25 bble. Superfine Flour receive and for male by hIcOANULEBS, MEANS & CO., teal Corner Wood and Water etreent INNAMON BARK.-400 lbs. just reu'd and for We by I&ll P. L. VA UN fibrillfglh 00. DOTASII.-10 casks on hand and for sale .1 by (W6l B. L VALLIRMOCIL RCO FRUITS for Christmas and New Year.— Beat layer Resins; choice new rio t in drnma and pa per boxes; only leic..ll lb., at HAVl"'aVii BRA BR ) I iVN LEE'S, 11 , -. tue Dignannd_ (MORN SllEJ3sl.RS.—Smith'e Patent, ar• Nia ranged for hand, horse or steam power, warrantod in every respect, and will shell from ..%d w 1.0 bushels ofcorn Per bons. Will be &Id low try • • : , PiaL T a r`. t R=. '5'2;4 • • -MEDICAL. DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PRIYABID BT Da. C. M. JACKSON,' PaaAVA, effectually cure - . -• LIVER COMPLAINT, /II DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE, CUE'> NIO OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, 'DISEASES OB THE' KIDNEYS, And an Disease; arisinglyrom a diwrdtreel Lien of tomash, Such as Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fullness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nauseau, Heartburn, Disgastfer Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructa tattoos, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Sto mach., Swimming of the Head, Flurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying posture,Dlmnees of Virdan,.,s Dots or webs before the Sight, Fever and DWI Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel•y lo'wneza of the Skin and Limbs, Pain n the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Sudden Fltudiee of Heat burn•; ' ing in the Flesh, Constant Infeginhige of and great . Deprawslon bf SPIRITS. In attributing such valuableproperties to this remedy, to rash or unwarrantable assertion is macle,:but is simply stated a fact; proven undeniably and conclusively by the estrur dinary cares, and benefits derived from its use, under the dl. rectum of ire illustrious originator, Dr. U,xdisnd,among all classes of European society, and from the immese man of testimony, from all parts of the American continent, =en mutated during the last ton years, in the hands of the pre - entproprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which the Oermau Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, is al most universal; indeed there is scarcely a family throughout the whole extent of our country in which there cannot be found among its members that peculiar sallow and Willard appearance denoting a diseased Liver, or an emaciated and suffering Dyspeptic. Then of what immense importance:to this cilia of inval: d that a certain and reliable remedy should be placed withi their reach; one in which no baneful or injurious drug eu tare into its composition; a remedy on which the patient can rely with the utmost confidence and certainty, and bo assured rota actual and tangible proofs that the article he is using really possesses the virtues attributed to it. Such a remedy as iIIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS." Thousands o dollars have been expanded in its manufaotare and diffusiou throughout all parts of this continent, and the proprietor feels the greatest satisfaction in stating that there is no state, county, or even village, where the Medicine has bean introduced, that there cannot be found numbers willing testify to its virtues. It is used constantly in the practice of a large number o the most prominent Physicians iu the country, who have also added their written testimony in evidence of its great virtues. In conclusion, then, we would respectfully ask of all those afflicted with any of the above diseases to give the Bitters a trial, and rest assured it will never be regretted. Lu proof of Inc statements above made, all are invited to read attentively the Almanac published annually by the pro prietor, for Farmers and Families, containing a great nuns ber of useful receipts, in addition to the testimony in favor of the Bitters, from the most prominent and well-known in dividuals in all parts of the Union. All Agents for the Bit ters are authorized to distribute the Almanac gratuitously. Principal Office and Manufactory, 98 Arch street, Philadel phia, Pa. For sale wholesale by Druggists in all the principal cities, and at retail by Apothecaries and Storekeepers in every town in the United States and Canada, and by B. L. PAIINESTOCK do CO. and Dr. GEO. IL Pittsbufgh. Jyl2:lydaw Of all diseases sue great, first cause springs from neglect of Nature's laws. SUFFER NOT WHEN A CURE IS GUARANTEED IN ell stages of 8111 ET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Ner von. Debility, tweeters. , (Sleets, Gravel, Dial:ales, Diseases of the Kidneys and lila der, Mercurial Rheumatism, Soso fete, Pains in the Bones and Ankles ' Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bodyor Limbs, Can core, Dropsy, Epileptic Fite; St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases arising from a derangement of the Sexual Organs, such as nervous trembling, loss of memory, loss of power, general weakness, dimness of visiese with peculiar spots appear in before the eyes, loss of eight, wakefulness dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptions upon the face, pain in the beck anti head, female irregularities and all improper discharges from both Sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease origin,,- tied, however long standing or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, and in a shorter tune than a permanent cure can be effected by any other treatieent, even after the diesame has baffled the Skill of eminent physicians and resisted ad the r means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and free from mercury or balsa , ,,. Dur ing twenty years of practice, I have mauled from the jaws of death many thousands, who, iu the last stages of the above mentioned diseases had been given up to die by the il physicians, which warrants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the Scat cause of Consumption, Scro fula and many other diseases, and should be a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever effect ed, a majority of the cases fulling into the hands of incom petent persons, who not only tail to cure the diseases but ruin the constitution, tilling the system with mercury, which,, with the disease, 'MOUNDS the sufferer into a rapid OoneuMptioia. But ehould the disease and the treatment not cause death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the children, who are born with feeble conetitutiaile, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Totter, Ulcers, ka-uptions and other alless thins of the skin, eyes, throat and inngli, entailing aisie them a brief existence of suffering and consigning them to an early grave. SELF ABUSE is another formidable enemy to health, Mr nothing else in the dread catalogue of human diseases causes SO destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thou sands of victims through a few yoarsof euldering down to au untimely grave. It desiroys the nervous system, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, cacaos mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, diequatilies • Mr marriage,society, business, and all earthly happinese and leaves e sufferer wretched in body and mind, predi; DRIV ATE DISEASES.—DR. BROWN pima to Consumption and 11 train of evils more to be _•l.. MEDICAL and SURCIICIAL Offices, dreaded than death iteell. With the fullest confidence as- Nu. 60 SMITHFIELD Street, Pitts- s etSev. sure the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse flint a permanent burgh, Pa. -ft - and speedy cure can he eilected, and with the abandonment DR. BROWN le an old citizen of Pate- e'......5.eW A of ruinous tirieceices wy patients rein be restored to robust, burgh, and has been in practice for the 1.4 . 1. 1? e tee l X-1-, vigorous health, last sweaty-five years. His bessiliess Lee Teo afflicted are cautioned against the nue of Patent bled- Been confined Madill , to Private and Ban Vi • 0 71- ernes, tor there are so' weeny ingeuioue snares in the calumets gieal Diseases. ' , s „.. • of the public prints to (seta) and rob the unwary sufferer') CITIZENS AND STRANGERS that millious have their cuustitutions ruined by the vile In need of a medical friend, should not *.• , compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous fall to fled out the sure place of relief. l " . trams vended as "Patent Medicines." I have carefully Lena- The Doctor is a regular graduate, and a.`" - \ [pied many of these called Patent Medicines and find that his experience in the treatment of a certain class of diseases nearly all of them contain Correeive Subliinute which is Ala a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtalutug permane ut sue of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly 71relief, by the nee of his remedies and following his advice poison, which instead 01 curing the disease disabled the eye- ' DR. BROWN'S REMEDIES tem for life. ; never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Diseases--all 'three-fourths of the patent nostrums now in tsar' are put Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all dkiessea up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, whodo not under- arising' from a hereditary taint, whiclunanlfeste Itself in the stand even the alphabet of the materia reedieu,and are usual. 1 form of a totter, psoriasis, and a groat many forms of cli In ly as destitute of any knowledge of the human system, bay. 1 diseases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant mg one object only in view, and that to make money regard. ,T o persons so icted, Dr. B. offers hopes of a sure a lees of consequences. speedy roooverye affl 3. IrrogularitieS and all diseases of males and females treated; • BEM-MAL WEAKNII2 .. on principles established by twenty years of practice, and 1 Dr. Brown's re - afedteff for edit alarming trouble, brorigkt etanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable mitres. ' on Cittaffbi that solitary habit of sensual gratillcetion which Medicines, with full directions, sent to any part of the the young and weak-minded often give way to,(to their own United States or Canada.% by patients communicating their destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in this symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly con- country—they are safe, and make a speedy restoration to adential. Address J. SUeIIeLEItVLLLE, D, health. Office No. 1131 Filbert street, (Old No. 109,) below Twelfth, Philadelphia. 900. II 100 me. Too. sii 100 Pos. 1(A) Ms 60c. ipi 100 the Private and Confidential Medical Advice! AT BUFFALO PRIVATE ilOspi- TA_L—Establinhed for the cure of Syphilis, Seminal Weutneaa and the Secret Infirmities of youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS A SON, titillate, N. Y. Ottlee cornerof Main anti Quay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An Instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Nuctur cal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Ac. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to twenty days,.by the use of this instrument, When need conjointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS A SON take pleasure in announcing that they have Invented a most important instrument for tho cure of the above diseases. It des been stillijected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia anti New York; it has been declared the only useful instrument over yet Invented, fur the cure of Seminal Weakness,or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. AMOS A SON, In ordor to satisfy the most skeptical CO to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that In any instance where they may prove unsatisfactary after fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the im strument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrnment will observe that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW IiEMIIDI.ES AND QUICK CURES. NEW TREATMENT. Dr. AMOS A SON may he consulted from eight o'clock h. the morning until nine at night, in every stage and syn.!, tom of the Venereal Disease, Oonorrhosa, Gleets, Secondary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Strictures v. the Urethra, etc., with inviolable uecresy. The tit:autism they adopt is the result of upward of thirty years' extensivi. and successful practice in London. The most inve.terati cases of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three days, at a mod erate expense. The cure effected without conllnemeut or hindrance from business; also, nodes and pains in the bonus and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURE WARRANTED Dr. AMOS & SON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they Lave consequently been enabled to render to their fellow-creatur• e fully testited and greatfully acknowledged by convales centpatienta and others daily arriving in town from all pelt, of the country, for the express purpose only of cousulta ;feu., while their exertions have been crowned with tni most Big nal advantages; yet from what they have exp,rieaced l inquiring into the causes of these infectious Gemplulut (from their moat simple condition to that of the most den' gorous and invetereted) they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the most horrible and mingnant terms of disease could almost always be traced to one of the fol lowing causes:—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of un skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. ANI(Lb & SON have succeeded in discovering, In the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an oquivocalcharectet as well as thoao whose premature or injudicious application might be productive of bad consequences in the hands id private individuals, In short, the laudiblo end of their re. medies is the lessening of a great mass of human misery by the atieniation, relief and prevention of those grievous al dimities that are in reality the secret foe of life, and which, while they so extremely surround us, call aloud for our skill and interference for their extermination. CODN I BBY INVALIDS. Demme in any part of the world may Le 17 tt fuU treated by forwarding a correct detail of their case, with u remittance for medicines, &e. Addreos Dr. AMOS &SON, corner Main and Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. ja23:Mtv,ly .I),ARISIAN TOOTH PASTE, prepared under the fnapervision of Dr. J OS. F Ilullihen, Surgeo Dan Us for sale by LEMIlid, n it NOTHER supply of Low & Son's superior London Toilet Hoops received to-day, by JOS. FLEMING, • • a Corner Diamond and Market Eitre.,t. rriiiOßN'S EXTRACT OF COPAIBA AND SARSAPARILL , L—Another supply of this celebrated English remedy, Jura received byFLISI3I.I.NG, le9 Corner Diamond and Market tree s. MINEBAL — VATERS.—BIue Lick, Bed ford and Congress Waters constantly on hand at JOSEPII FLENIING'S, fe9 Corner Diamond and Market street. QIME'S Ferrated Tinot. Bar th,DI Bark, an baud Laid for ;Bin by It L. 10 A FfN t:Ari.CF; • a'.:o 11-00S.—llreseed flogs, just received and for ta!o try JAMES A. 11ETZEB, delß 62 Water street DE.RFUMERY-01 descriptions and pricer', _B r can be had at JOB. SLEMING'S, tela Corner Diamond and Maxim' meet. _ 41101)1A.NOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Roae wood 6% octavo Pianos, will be rented tp private fan) lima only. Apply to JOHN 11. MELLOR, tel. 3 . 83 Wood stret.t. ENNEDY' MEDICAL DISCOVERY.— _EL 10 dozen on hand and for sale by IMI6 13.1,9AEND1370011 A YEWS OHERRY - PECTORAL AN!) 136 CLATBARTIO PIMA artra oath on hand tot talc bP (60161 B. L. WM VMOTIIi 6 (7t). i;..*lf!,i„t:7. .'.-:;1..:-.•:.•:.:.',;,.' :l ~w'k Dr. 1:1 VER B ll' ti L/VER Pat'Ls,. Were sof Use txstst, realms A/ . - They are not recon mended as Univers. Cure-alls, but simply fi what their name pw cle ports. The VERMIFUGF, I cxpelling Worms froli.‘ the human system, h.l, also been administerc.l with the most satiefactor v results to various anizna'. zubject to Worms The LIVER PILLS, fur the cure of LIVER COM - PLAINT, all BILIOUS DE RANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD ACHE, &C. Purchasers will pleas:- be particular to ask ft Dr. C. McLane's Cele - brated VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS, prepared I Vt. Y3l---ec SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pi burgh, Pa., and take- other, as there are variol:s other preparations now before the public, I ,u( porting to be Vermitlo.,,! and Liver Piit3. ~k 1 others, in corriparis:)a with Dr. McLANF' , -- ~-,forthless. The GENUINE MCLanCS Vermifuge and Liw:i- Pill 2 can now be had ot, all respectable I.)rAiti," Stores, Ello' WOOD ST., PITT:IBM:OP, PA M'IJANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LEVELi PILLS.-76 gran ou hand and for Fah: by B. L. PAHNEBTOCII ft CO. Corner Wood and Fourth Ptre: ta. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painful Ma me in afets days—he will warrant a cure. Re also it- its Piles, Gloat, Gonorrheea Stricture, Urethral Discharges, Fa male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of tie Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain In the Bhclr. and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together will, all diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a via, di. rested to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pittsbm Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to auy address, safely packed and secure from observation. Once and Private Rooms, No. 60 Smithfield sue.,t, burgh, Ps. • M.Yl'.9 Hrs. S. A. Allen's %Vol*ld's Hair • Restorer. ('1 HAIRED, BALD, or parsons with 'ILA diseases of hair, or scalp, road the following andJudgo of the articles: Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALSAIIIIIII, Ur WORLD'S HAIR DRESSING, is essential to use with the RESTORER, and is the best Hair Dressing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in cases of hair fall ing, without the Restorer. REV. H. V. DEGIN, Editor Guide to Holiness. "We can testify to its effects," Ac. PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, L. L. D., Murfreesboro', Tenn. "Notwithstanding irregular use, the falling oil of ceased, and my gray locks restored to original cnlof,"..U. REV. S. B. MORLEY, Attle.bord; litai;achnimitta. " Gas changed the "(gown of Glory," belonging to old man, to the original hue of youth," Ac. REV. H. THACHER, (60 years of age,) Pitcher, Chenango a county New York. "My hair is now restored; it le nothing like a dye," Ac. REV. D. T. WOOD. Middletown, Now York. "My own hair, and that of another of my family, has greatly thicken• od, where almost bald," Ac. REV. JAMES McILEE, New York city, recommends it, Ao REV. W. PORTEUS, Stanwich, Conn. "It has met my most sanguine expectations, Ac. REV. J. S. GRISWOLD, Washington, N. IL "It is fealty efficacious in restoring the hair," Ac. REV. G. M. SPRATT, Lowisburgh, Pennsylvania. " W can and do cheerftdly recommend it," Ac. REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Carolina. The white hair has become obviated," Ac. REV. AMOS BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. IL "We, think very highly, of your preparation," Ac. REV. B. C. SkfiTll ' Prattsburgh, N. Y. "Iwas surprised to find my hair turn as whin I was young," Ac. REV. 0 M. CLINK, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. "Ithas atop. pod my hair falling and caused a now growth." REV. A. ERLNK, Chatanque county, Now York. "I twu satisfied and recommend it." REV D. MORRIS, Cram M i ter, Nov York. "It Is tuo ties prepara'abn extant." REV. WILLIAM, CUITEB, Editor Mother's 'Magazine, Now York. "Recommends it." JIED" We might swell this list, but if not convluctd, TRY IT. We export these preparations to Europe even, and are superseding all others there as well es in the U States. It does not toil or staito. Sold by all the principal whole• :sale and retail nierc.hante in the United butted, Cuba, ur Canada. d? - DEPOT 355 BILOODI STREET, ri• •9 where address all lettere and inquirice. Aar Some dealers try to sell articles instead of tied, on which they make more profit. Write to Depot for circular, terms, and information. LI signed, Mr:. S. A. Allen written in ink. Beware of counterfeits. sign written MRS. ALLEN'S lIAIR RESTORER-A largo supply always un hand and for sale by nu vl6 B. L. I).2IIINESTOCKCo _ SAMLFAHNESTOCK, 'Wood street, Pittsburgh, firAS JUST *ECEIVED DIRECT FROM JUL FSICILAND WALDRON Si _GRIFFIN'S :Gram= CORN AND 611A1N SCITHEI 001 N EWES; PATENT AND C03131.0ti ANN MS; STEEL Traps, very anporior Drawor Locks, very supurior Gun Locks, Tinned and Enamelled Sauce Pau; Basting Spoons, Braes Candlesticks, Brass Cocks, BMUS stair aces and Bits, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, Teacea, Coil, Fifth, Tongues, Stretch and Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold at mod erato terms. apiti SKIRTS I SKIRTSI 1 .' Biahop s Skirts , Quilted Hooped Skirts; Holmes' Hooped 1311 Iris• mime? 0 ,rded Skirta; i Ladles' c...ted and and colored; a Quilted "lirl'"vh ,LTS. 00RNE'S, now supply just opened, at deg 77 Market street. I WINTER GLOVES. -3 full supply of Cloth, BIM and Merino, of vulvae at loaf HORNE% TT M &Oral .treat, T ORPEDOES. -100,000 No. 1, just receiv ed and for Bala by ftWilklßß. & ANuliaeom, SO* ISO Wwd strool, x©a' ~&. ~~~~~~ »~/~~~~ ~ \ ~, ~ ~ . « ~ ~ ~~~ »~ ~ >~~ \~ ~ d ~~ ~ ~ \%~~ I~® ~fz . . ~ \p~A~~~~\~\~~~~/ ~ _ ~zaz~w~~~ »~ ~~~ ! MEM CELEP.aAIL , i: F 4 ) ,"" 7P7.urA REEITUATIBM ltT IES NOT A DYE.