Z. , ' q:f 3 :• . ? n , 'V.4 '..." ,, ,:i'::;;; : p.:4.el '-'.'4.'..,:ci.4.'.:,,,,,:1ik:,•,-„,7*.-:, ==!= BUSINESS CARDS AmuEL C. WINGARD, ATTORNIGY LAW' Porratsou, Pkran. Omcs, No. (39 GRANT sweet, between Fnr.... - th strut nd Diamond alloy. apet LCIVIRLE, Attorney at Law, u. once Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between ninitlifield d and 04erri a/10. eellay -.6.111/,'Surgeon Dentist, successor to Or. . W. Biddle, N 0.144 Smithfield street. ~yp•Ofice'hpnre from S to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock. • Tebls:ly r SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors 'nit of Market. ri:Mob boom from 9 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M. dec.":9. • T • SCIIOONMAKER, Manufacturer of White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litharge, Putty, lee; Wholesale dealer in Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine, An., N 0.24, wood. street, Pittsburgh. my 22 1 OSEPII FLEAIiNii, successor to L. t, cox ,k Co., corner of Market street and the Diamond, keeps constantly on hand a full aasortment of DItUGB, MRI - 101NE8, BIEDICINE CREETS, PERFUMERY, and all ord.. Gies pertaining table ivainees.. air Phyeaciarve Prescriptions carefully compounded atky all ours. et I W. 011ADWICK, dealer in Kentucky i,eaf TOBACCO, RAUB and PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, Pittsburgh. a 4 P" ;The highest market price, lu cash, paid fur Rags. !Ma:Ma D. SiARSUALL JOSEPH S. WP. MARSHALL & Co., Importers and • dealers in French and American PAPER JIANG. WOO, No. 87 Wood street, Pittsburgh. o agsuts for the culelq ated manufactures of hicsars. Dellcourt Jr. Co., Paris, aug7 riAVID CAMPBELL & SAMUEL POL- jj LOCK have associated together under the style of 1 CAMBELL A POLLOCIii, for the transaction of a general Variety and Dry Goods business, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Line Gilt Mouldings. mhl9 PLELLIP REEKED. 110111111 J. ANDERSON EYMER & ANDERSON, (successors to IA Joshua Rhodea Sc C 0.,) wholesale dealers in FOREIGN REMITS, NUTS, SPICES, CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, Ac., No. 89 Wood street, opposite the St. Charles hotel, Pitaw burgh. ap2 J. J. GILLESPIE A. 17NRIIIN E. I. J. GILLESPIE C 0.,., Looking lass Manufacturers, it./ and dealers in Looking Glass Pla :a, Plato Glass, En gravings, Combs and Fancy Goods, N....7u Wood street, Pitts burgh. On hand and made to order, Gilt Pier au., Mantle Glasses, Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt Fl ..mes, or Meald. lug, of .sivery description. .88r titoinaboat Cabins :‘,...,:oratsd and Gilt. 110 t OTTLERS.--T - GUN OGDEN & Co., Bottlers, No. 187 First stroot, would respectfully inform the pub• io that they have eoubtantly n band a largo supply of BLUSAPARILLA, tSJNEItAL tTEIt, ALE and PORTER, of the beet quality. The attention of families is particularly directed to the factthat they bottle WAINILIGHT'. ALE in its purest state. Physicians recommend it to familir so acconut of its whole some and strengthening qualities. oct:10:ly J. 51. LITTLE:, MERCK ANT TAILOR' NO. 54 S 7. rbAll? STREPT, (Dr. Noe , li. , dAliukt..l IBbURIIII W. KE - R - R, ARCHITECT, REMOVE from cprner of Fifth and Wood to A I B. T it 1111 , 2 T, fu Phillip' new unildiug—coutinnes to prepare Pluto and Specifications of, and to Superintend the Eru..7tion of et, ry dagariptlon of Buildings. de20:19. A FULTON, BELL AND BRASS „Me FOUNDER, No. 70 SECJND street, Plttslmrgh, to prepared to furnish to 0rd.... , r CHURCH, STE 01151110 AT, rACTOILI AND OfIIER 11F11,;o9, Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lbs. CHIME BELLS made to order. STOP and GAUGE COOK'S of all sizes, fur Steamboats. MINEBAL WATER PUZIPS, COUNTELs and every variety of Brass Castings finished i 0 the u,,stost manner. •BAIiBIT'S ANTIATTRITIGN METAL; FULTON'S PA TENT METALLIC PACKING, fur dream thlion.g. ittp23:l3- JOUGHRIDGE & MAXWELL, OLANZPAcionrao OP L00ki31ig.31.&611C15, - .axe F rain ez e and Brustt,ay find Dealers in Cloaks, Rouse Furnishing Goode, &c. filo. 1%6 Wood street, above ielftt, PITTBP.URGiI, e. Bruelies made to order. EDUCATION AL Vincent's College and Seminary, UNDER THE CARE Or THE BENEDICTINE FATHERS, Near Latrobe, Wcontoroland county, Pa. IN COLLEUF, ARE TAUUEIT TilE TEMA branches of English Education. In the SEMENARY, the ClLLEliieti, Mathematica, History, Rheturica, Philoauphy, etc., and the different branches of higher erudition necessary or useful to these aspiring to Priesthood. The terms for Board and Tuition are $BO per year, I he paid semi-annually, strictly in advance. (1,31111,111 and French and utht r languages, Drawing. I'M t• ing and Anaric,form no extra charge ti,excepting 601110 revoke peuaation for the nse of instruments. - Medicine, Washing, Hooke, Stationery, etc., form extra charges. For particulars apply to the Director of the College. • The Collegiate year begins on the lot of September, and ends on the 3d of July following. FATHER ti. B 17151111, Director of the College. St. Francis Academy for Boys, UNDER THE CRP. 1-; OF THE FRANCISCAN BROTH - YRS Loretto, Cambria County, Pa. r 111 I S INSTITUTION, NATURAF situated for Educational purposes, affords ail in 4:ilneements that can he desired for a Catholic InsUtuzion. It is located In the most healthy and picturesque portion el the Alleghenies, distant four miles from Cresson Station, the direct mail route between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The scholastic year commencing the first Monday in September, will cloco the 15th of July following. The Terms ter Beard, including a thorough English 6ciem. tlfic Course, are $lOO per annum. The Classic and Modern Languages form au extra charge of $lO per annum. Washing and use of Bedding $lO. For further particulars apply to the superior of the ACLI! demy. ' References can be melt. to the Rt. Rev. Dr. O'Corntos. up3o:lydAw Retrench ! Retrench !! ANOTHER CRASH—IN PRICES I—Be ing determined to sell our stock, though " the Ti:ne are Tight," we have made a general sweep— REDUCED TILE ENTIRE ,STOOK To still lower prices. • *W. Now is the time to boy when the msortrneut isy unbroken, end the Prices Put Down I Down! I oct29 JOB. 1.1011.N11, 77 Merket street. rrHE LAST (MANGE IN FIGURES.- A lioatlot worth 71. cants, aL 6234 [oar yard. (to do do 62% at 50 ,to do do do 50 at sr% do do do do 5734 at 25 do JOSEPH HORNE, 77 Market street. RICH. VELVET„TIUMMINGS, AT REDUCED l'fil:;.E9 A choice assortment on hand and for sale at n.orll 1101111E5', 77 Market Lnroet. GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS- Woo), Silk, Morino and aleavy Outten Under Shirts and Drawers--u fresh supply received s: LIORNE'S, del9 7 Market street. FIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in the 1: Price of BRADLFIVS YARNS.—Wholesale Bnyur., od Peddlers will b.e furnieheil with BRADIaiY'S THREE-PLY IiNITTINO YARNS at a reduction of Five Coate per porn', by the bundle, after this date, For Cash, and Cash only. JOe. BORNE, 77 Nlarket etreet, Agent for the Maimaxtur, --EMBROIDERIES.-Our excellent stock of French 'Embroideries, and the low prices at who.-1 they aro mulled, offers rare inducements to ladles widluu,. to purchase the latest styles. JOSEPH HORNE. 77 Market area MONEY I MONEY I --PRICES RK ED DOWN. Arse-Great reduction in the price of hiuhroulerio.. We have gone carefully over our handsome stock oi FRENCH-WORKED CULLA ktS, UNDER SLEEVES, eta BANDS, etc And Bed the pricey to suit the "Han' Times!' The lollies may rely ou getting bargains at octal HORNE'S. 77 Market atr t. FA.NCY - BLACK DRESS SILKS. - A !Argo asmortment, which we are closing ont 011EAP FOR CASH. C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, a 9 N 0.74 Market strop:. E WILL SELL from the present time fin commonly cheap Fog OASII. Please call and 1110 onr stock. C. lIANtioN LOVE, oct2o Formerly Love Itroa., No. 74 Market DRINVED FRENCH MERINOES, fur 62 and 7& centa, worth $1 and $1,25, the beet. araortammt In the city. O. HASSON LOVE, (formerly Love Brothers), No 74 Mar Lei an-rt. BLACK AND FANCN DRESS SILKS A ion kki6ortzuent, vary cheap. 0, HANNON LOD k, forroorly Love bratitzr? Nr... 74 MArtet IaCVERY Eaonoatical Purchaser of Drea• 114 Goode, Shawk, Mantles, Ac., also Domeetle and di.. pie Goods, will find it to their advantage to call and azadd oar New Stock rf Vail and White' Dry Goods before prirch-..!. lag elsewhere. 0. HANSON LOVE, i v f.r.ve ftrop., Nn 74 Nbirtrot 4: HAW LS I SH AW LS I Wool, Chenille, Broctoi, tic. , both loig Nud equaro, the. ye. y lAA!. In 11,, GILL :old at very eiuty. C. !I A : 4 4 E, wryly 1.4,va, No. 4 Market PIQUE and M AItSEILLES, Fleeced, for Makar, Balgnos. A largo 119.1UTEMot. t dasl GEO. H W 111 7 .! C BONNET V E V ET.—Every variety el net materiel, ;iilks, Velvets and duties, for sale o. jEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLEN— -20 boxed ivaorted 4'.1, Cs and e'e, Sperm C mi hand and and for sato by _fall S 0 A 1' S . 1000 boxes Roam Soap, In lb., 2 lb. and 3 lb, bs 600 " No. 1 Palm Soaps, In lb., 2 lb. and SB. c.ard ,V 1 ,5 4 .0 " Chemical Olive Soap, in ID. lumps 200 " Olelnu Oxide • . 250 " German Castile 60 " Pure Palm On hand and for sale by "MEW CROP.- - dratuil fresh Smyrna Figs; 10 !ante " _ Thatau, GOO bates Mahn had tbodirt4 td.,d likkr sac V Rirnt, m ANDERSON, Wood Gt, GoosDA St. 01=lee Ho t •-• : - - - = B r . • z•-• DRY GOODS B. O. & J. IL SAIY1":.:( " In 8 lb. br.rti. " tnl lb. " B. C. Is J. H. SAVIYHt_ GROCERS. WM. H. SMITH JOS. R. HUNTER W 11. U. 81311T111 Si. CO.. Late Smith, Hair & -W R 0 L .E 5.. A L E grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 1!32 Second and 151 Front Streets, fe24 PITTSBURGH, PA. MAlooini Lzcou .JoaN L. Luca Josna JOSEPH S, LEECH & C )., Nos. 242 and . 244 Liberty si • PITTSBURGH, PA., BM/01ZZ SdifftE 6116 CL RS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR. AND BACON, ' TIN PLATE AND TINNEItS' STOOK, A.. , 4D PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES. MIIAILPIN a. CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Levee and Wa,alkington Avcaue, WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY B.rardismiza.—Joseph B. Leech & Co., an t Pittsburgh Merchants generally. iythydkic DAVID II'OANDLYSS WILLIAM MEANO. 11. A. COFFIN lIIMANDLESS, MEANS 48i. CO., 6IIOCiSSOI3B TO WILE a fit'amtinsaa,] WHOLESALE GROCERS, DEALLII.S IP IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, AND PITTBBLIE.GII lIANIIYAIITUNEB GENVGALLY, Corner of Wood aod Wator stresta, PITTSBURGH, PA. 11:6AGALIEY, COSGRAVE & WHOLESALE GROCERS, is and 20 Wood street. my6:ly PITTSBURGH - _ m.u.Ani !Myra, Phi ludii O. W. ItIOKETSON, Pittsburgh MILLER' & RICI(ETSON, Wholes ale . Gra Va cers,litaporters of BRANDIES, WINES an d BEGARS, Nos. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty streets, Pitts. burgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, Ac, constantly on hand. iY2O __ DAVID Et CANDIX4B WILLIAM =ANS H. A 001111 ItllCandless, Pileans Sr. Co., (Successors to Wick & Weandless,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts. burgh Manufactures generally, corner of Wood and Water treats, Pittsburgh. uayS FoitWARDINti AND CoMMISSIuN JAIIIES COLWS enTwarding and Commission Merchants, PItOPILIWZOILS OP 21111 COIIIII2 I PittibUrght Dleadville CL idivie CANAL LINES. Nos. 114 Alio 115 WIT/113 STRZUT, PirraDußFßl, PA 11110 DES, 111/4GENT A. CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION nEacnANTS, No. 30 Evomlioßs , BT,, CINOIN24ATI, O. [jr.l.9 FTENRY 11. CIOLLINS, Forwarding and C,,nuniesion Merchant, and wholeeale dealer in FISH, 011.Ch56:, BUTTNR, SEEDS and PRODUCE generally, No. 16 Wood etreet, Plttohnrgh. mart; WINES AND I,IQ,UJR,S EL DEVLIN EL EENNELY. FEVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Merchants and Rectifying Distillers, No. 63 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pe. ap3:l), TIONEGGER & CO., ILIPORTEjI.B OW Irrestell elati ta,iiranau Wines and Liquors, oaeureGNil, rt,:o., 161 Smithfield street, between ilth and 7th sig. sihozlydaw) PIT7SBURGII. PA GLASSWARE. 4LYll.iit. B. etiii.Litti BaoauAri EDWARD Di.T.tiall).4ii "Bli - R1 L. RENO:Y.SLT. imiUttLING, ILOBEKTSON & CO., Mauu '4, facturers of Cnt, Premed ^ud Plain Flint GLASSWARE, .earehouse Nu. 1.7 Wood srreet, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. air All other kinds of Glassware and Window Glass, At low Market prices. sp.ll:dly AMa3 G. LLDLIII JeSSPII J. ITLLM, I_,AEDLIE & ULAM, Successors to Mulvany d Lodlie, resunfacturere of Out, Moulded and Plain Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers in all kinds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials awl Bottles. Ware• house corner of It...eoket and Water streets, Pittsbugh. 7..hadly - lARPETS AND OIL CuOTHS EMOVAL.—J. & PHILLIPS have xtu removed to their ❑ow funding, Nee. 28 a.nd 28 ST. C LAI it etre43t, went Akio, between Ponr. greet and the Bridge. J. a. H. PHILLIPS, tdANUFACITURIDIS OF FLOOR, FUENITURE,CARMAGE , TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT ,t OPAQUE WINDOW SHADE OIL CILOTIII. Also, DEALERS IN O L CLOV crip IS tion. WINDOW SHADES, O lL every IS Dealers In INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Bolting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTLNG, HOSE And PACEDIG. LEATHER BELT ING of Eastem manufacture, a superior quality ; also, Lace Leather and Ri mes g for the OHIO IfIRP—PROOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND !GLAZING, in all its branches, done in the best and shortest time. I de2o:ly J. & H. PHILLIPS, 19.iiare N ys. 213 and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil ^Rville, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, ac., AT THE Fourth Street Carpet Store. IV 1). & H. IXI'OALLUM. respectfully vV o invite the attention of their former custom•rs and the public generally to their present stock, just selecu•d for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Rome Manufacture, eousisthag in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 21 FEET WIDE, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets; Vonitlan Blinds; Painted, Buff and Green Holland Shades. It will give us pleasure to show goods to all who may be desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. m•19:1 W. D. h ii. M'CALLU9J. _ IL CLOTH CLOTHING—Of all kinds, 'Ur black and yellow, fir sale at the India Rubber Depot and 28 8t Clair street. [deg] J. ft H. PHILLIPS. fijilL CLOTHS FOIL THE FALL TRADt. ky We have on hand, and are daily receiving additiom thereto from our own and other manufactories, a large suic , i of Floor Furniture, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, Trao• • parent, Green and Buff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, used nousefurnisking and other purposes. Also, Transpaitlli Window Shades, of dry and oil finish—gold bordered am ther styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. ilerchante and others will find it to their afiantage to ci mine our stack and prices before PHIL L making Li. their pan:tme: J. it IT 20 and 28 St. Clair ei VIA)0B. L CLOTHS,- Of our own and eastern manufacture—all widths, and cut to snit any sine of rooms or halls—at the 011 Cloth NVare rooms._ 26 and 28 St. Clair street .l. H. PIIILLIPB. ocv23 FURNIT URE. A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at .LIL o then ..xteusive CABINET and CHAIR MAMMA& TORY, No. 61 -rnithileld street, a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Fa, Aare, which they will sell 16 per cent. lower than customary mites. Terms, cash only. [doc47:y WOODWELL'S FURNITURE AN D CHAIRS, Wholesale and Retail, embracing every style of Furniture, in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Dining Rooms, equal to any in New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prices. Every article made by hand, and warranted. Cabint makers sup plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, on resionable terms. Hotels and Steamboats furnished at the shortest notice. Wardrooms, Nos. 77 and 79 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 0c22 improvement in Book Binding. TIHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING obtained Lettere Patent for Improvement in BOOK BINDING, is prepared to furnish the attachment to 80.. ks num' in nse, or to apply the same to new Books. Orden log Winch arerespectfully solicited at WBLDIN & ROWAN b'S Book Bindery and Blank Book Manufactory, South n corner of MAD and WOOD Streets. The above improvement constant: Ittrat—of a ltletAl. , Spring clasping the back of the Book in such a utatibet as to prevent the leaves from sagging when the Beek le st.aud lug iu a vertical position. Second—The carriage c e‘te i,h, el stets.Uc aroove.a, on which are inserted Boilers, which will effectually prevent the Books frani wearing or chafing le pla cing the same In its resting place. Je2:tf A. hi. ItOWAND, Detentes ASSES' AND CHILDR,ENS' Gum, Over and Sandets, cheap, et the Pooploa' Shoo Store, No. 17 Pah street, near Market. MENS' CALF, Buffal;iand Gum Overshoe at DIFFENBACHER & 0028, all No, 17 Fifth street. 11. O W TO MAKE HOME HAPPY.—The time for making PRESENTS Is near at hand. Make glad the heart of your wife, child or friend, by presenting them with a pair of new SHOES or GAITERS, from the well known PeepWe Shoe Store. Gents'. Laidled, Boys and Children's ware of every description at PRICES RE,ATLY REDUCED. • DIFFENBACIIER a. CO., del N 0.17 Fifth street, near ',Dirket. CIREAT AUCTION SALE, of Dry Goods, Aji at A. A. Mason & Co , s, No. 25 Fifth street. $lOO,OOO worth-of comb" of every description wit, he imme diately solduff at auction, and at retail at auction pricea. \ ..ivannain AUOMN 8 1..F.5 lilliEßY DAY, From lftto 12 and 2 to 4 o'cloCk. DornesticOoods, hoe L g Goods, Clothe, Carsimeres, &aims, Vattings, Muslin, Checks, Tweeds, Joan, &a, &a ;lea W. G. ticOADYNDY. Auctioneer. . 1,1 ITEIC-3 bbla. fresh rely for sale iv IfJai W. U. aroma a w. Of (11ffer8nt Colors DIFFENBAOILER MEIZEZ MISCELLANEOUS eNITED STATES MAILS. PGST OFlrle,le DEPARTMENT, February 1, 1858. • pROPOSA LS for conveying thd mails of Ina Hutted States, from July 1, 1858, to in e 30,1880, un the following routes in tho State of PENNSYLVANIA, will be ruceivedat the Contract Office of this department until 3, P. m.. of March 31 next, to be decided by April 24 following ; 3619 Cr on CounaltutviLe, by Crossingville and Edonboro' to Waterford, 30 miles and back, twice a week.: Leave eunueautville on Monday and Wednesday, at 7 A. Arrive at Waterford by 6 P. II Leave Waterford Tuesday and Thursday at 7 A. 1.1.: Arrive at Conneantville by 8 P. at. 8520 From Hanover, by ittlestown and Motiocacyville, Md., to Ennitmbu L rgh, mileand back, three times a week. Leave Hanover Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 P.M; Arrive at Emmittsburgh by 6 P. M. Leave Emmitteburgh Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 4 A. M. Arrive at Hanover by 9 A.M. 8521 From BraokviVe, by itieleirdaville, Mary Annvillv, Shaffner'a Corner's, .eh Bottom, and Bear Creek'' Mills, to Ridgeway, 35 miles and hack, once a vied,. Leave Brookville Saturday at 7_ re M. Arrive at Ridgeway by 6 Leave Ridgeway Friday at 7 A. St. Arrive at Brookville by 0 P. E 522 From Marietta, by Bihar Spring and ilemptiold, to Lantaator,LllA miles and back,daily, except Sunday Leave Marietta daily, except 'cluaday, at 1 P. M. Arrive at Lancaster by 5 r. M. Leave Lancast r daily, except Sunday, at 6 A. M. Arrive at Marietta by 12 at. ma From Lanter, by Willow Stret, Ravrlins villa, and Bethesda, cas to Ferry e , 18 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Lancaster Monday and Thureday at 7 A. M. Arrive at McCall'a Ferry by 12 M. Leave McCall's Ferry Monday and Thursday at 2 P.M. Arrive et Lancaster by 7 P. M. 3525 From Lancaster, by Greenland and Senderaburg, to Paradise, 9 miles and back, eta times a week. Leave Lancaster daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M. Arrive at Paradise by 6P. M. • Leave Paradise daily, except Sunday, at 7 A. M. Arrive at Lancaster by 10 A. M. 8526 From Beaver, by Parkinson and Service, to Frankforl Springs, 20 miles end back, twice a week. Leave Beaver Tuesday and TI nroday at 8 A. M. Arrive at Frankfort Springs by 3 p. u. Leave Frankfurt Springs Monday and Wednesday ct 8 A. tt. Arrive at Beaver by. 3 P. M. 8626 From Evansburgh, by Shermanville, to Lloesville, 8 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Elvansburgh Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 10 A. M. Arrive at ldnesville by 12 M. Leave Linetiville Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 P. M. Arrive at Rvansburgh by 4 P. m. 8527 From Hollidayaburgh, by Fraukstowu and Canoe Creek, to Williamoburgh, 12 miles and back, nix times a week. Leave Hollidaysburgh daily,. xcept Sunday, at 234 P. ?L, on arrival western mail. Arrive at Williamebnrgh by 8% P. M. 4.,eaVe Williamsbu gli dally, except Sunday, at 7 A. M. Arrive at liellimysburgh by 11 A. M. I'ropoeals to ientrace the Fella w Springs Mike are nvit ed. 3628 From Orcutt Creek to Chaim:tug, N. 17., 43.4 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Orcntt Creek Tuesday and Saturday at Si A. M. Arrive ut elacmung by 103.4 A. m. Leave etiolating Tuesday and Saturday at 11 A. M. Arrive at Occult Creek by 1234 P. M. in From Starucca to Cadminsville, 5 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Starucca Tuesday and Saturday at 1 P. M. Arrive at Tallinausvide by 214 P. M. Leave Tallmansville Tuesday arid Saturday at le' Arrive at Starucca. in time to.ceinnect with the mail from Susquelainea Depot—say at 12 M. NOTES. . Proposals must he guarantied by two responsible portions, certified to as such by a postmaster or Judge of a comt of record. No pay will be made for tripe not performed, and for each of such omissions not Ratisiactorily explained - three times the psy of the trip may be deducted. For arrivals so far be hind time as to break connexion with depending mails, and not eniffleiently excused, one-fourth of the compensation for the trip is subject to forfeiture. Fines will be imposed, on. lees the delinquency be satisfactorily explained, for neglect ing to take the mail from or into a post office; for buttering it to be injured, destroyed, robbed, or lost: and for retnising, after demand, to convey the mail an frequently as the ceu• tractor runs, or in concerned in running, vehicles on the route The Pail master General may annul the contract L•r disobeying the post afice laws or iustru:th - no of the depart ment.. Ile may alter the schedule, and oleo order an in crease of service by allowing therefor a pro rata increase on the contract pay. Ile may also curtail or discontinue the service iu whole or iu part, at pro rata decrease of pay, al lowing one month's extra compensation ow the amount of service dispensed witn. Bids should he addressed to the " Second Assistant Pos.master General," superscribed n Pro posale fur mail service, State of —." For feriae of proposals, ko., and other information, see this advertisement in pamphlet form, and also the gen eral advertisement of routes in the :tutu, dated 10th Janu ary, ISfiG, at the principal post offices. AARON V. BROWN, Postmaster General. Great Chance to [Make Money. THE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPEC U LATION OF THE TIMES—ONLY ONE , DOLLAR PER SliAßE.—Forty thossaud dollars s worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, ;.;•-.:• Silver and Silvis - Plated Ware, with quest variety of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou. Salta sharce, nt one dollar per share, as follows pea t he payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbs. , d re coipt, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, tie shareholders shall be notined of the fact, by mail, or [brutish the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Phiirdelphia, and the wilt of the property disposed of or distributed among them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them; each ghar eliold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be lslected by the Shareholders at slid meeting, to conduct or s.ll,eriu tend the disposition of the property, according to the dire, - tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persons as the Shareholders any appoint to receive the saint,. The ReAl Estate consists of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at s2fs.lo, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at 2100 etph, in the city of l'hiladelphia, clear of . all Menu:- bronco, and title indisputable; the ether property consists of the whole stock and ecitures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and b •r a long time past kept by the subscriber. The stock consist ing of very line Gold and Silver limiting Case Lever Watch es, very fine Guld and Silver Patent Lever, Lepine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear hinge, Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pine, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, de., &c., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles, Gold end Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cups, Spoons, Knives, Forks, &c., Ac. Also, French Clocks, Music Boxes, Accordeons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the - unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively assured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for flee Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pur chase shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money n ill be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress the sender, by return mail. Any person secidiug - ten dollars at one time, shall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate names if desired. ta„..ln writing for shares, please write the name of ti o Post Office, to which yon wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, fur a small sum, i.e has ever before been offered to the public. Send un your orders, as shares are selling rapid ly, and it is confidently expected the distribution a ill son be made. Articles allotted to persons at a distance, will be sent to them at their expense. V),.. Agents wanted in every town and village. All coin. munications must be addressed to L. R. BROOMALI, No. SU South Second street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia Q k CUTIIBERT & SON, 51 Market street Na attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estatu,.rebt . ing !louses, and collection of rents, insurance and repaii negotiating loans, making bills, conveyances, deeds, bends , etc., writing letters and corresponding with persons abroad , All business attended to promptly, and In strict couddence• 51 Market street, Pittsburgh. Letters of inquiry menu all ways enclose a p ,stage stamp to pay return postage (Jul. 110IISES FOR RENT- By S. CIITFIIInItT et SON, 51 Market at. A comfortable two story dwelling home on lime tyreq,at heed of Fifth—sl•l re.r mouth. A two etory dwelling ou Duquesne street—slo per month. A convenient dwelling house on Logan street-415U per year. A three story house of nine rooms,- on Third ~tseet, et $2OO per year. A dwelling house of four rooms and kitchen, with large lot of ground, on High street, Mount Washington, $lOO p e r year. Two large war' ehouses on Third street, near Market. Two small houses in Sp'are's Court, near Pith street, $8,25 per month. A two story frame house of four rooms, on Carbon etc t, South Pittsburgh, at srt per mouth. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc., in All, gheuy city—s3bo per year. A store loom ou Third street—p2s per >ear. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A warehouse on Market at reel.. No. 2. A dwelling home on Wylie etre:A—V.on per year. A large shop on Third street can be had for two years. A store and cellar . corner Market and Third streets, etc DWELLINU HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS:— Grant street—Three thret, story houses, well oft , each with back buildings. Third street—A three story house ' large and C 4 / 1 .1.10111,: t Logan street—A dwelling !loose of 7 reruns. Fulton street—Two three et ry dwelling houses. South avenue—A two story Irmk hour. of 8 rooms, h large lot of ground, stable, carriage house, ac. Robinson street—A two story brick house. Franklin street—A good house of 8 roams. Carson street—A two story house, and two lots of ground. Penn street—Three large dwelling houses. Minersville—A house and one acre of grunnd—be4tes many others in Allegheny, South Pittsburgh, &c. de29 S. CUTLER MIN .t SON, 51 Market stre.d j'OR RENT. --A two-story Dwelling Hou,e (Gothic style), pkasautly situated on Mt.Vi'esidnotoo , contains seven rooms well arranged, carriage -house, staid,.., and spring of good, soft water, eoureuieot. Rent, $lO,, par year. Also, can be had with the shove, If desired, a (fr, en House and Five Acres of Land In good Mate of rtlitiTati,,,, two acre, of which are in strawberries of choice qual.ty ; the remainder is covered with Nursery Tans of all kluds, ready for the gardener to get into a profitable busineLs The strawberry-plants and trees will be sold ou aecommo. dating terms, and a lease of fhb house and grounds rao ire had for a term of years. Apply to ja 21 S. CUTIIBEItT A SON, 51 Market street A. GREAT BARGAIN.—For sale, & col:I -to:table two awry brick Ltwo 1101:1843 with t4O lota of ground, situate ou Canon street, South g, abort dlstauco from the Monongahela Eridge. TWO LOTS, on Federal street, Allegheny city, for sale by S. CICITILBERT dt B aN, ® N THE CONEMAUGII RIVER.—For !sale a Valuable farm in Westmoreland county, 2% Miles from Blairsville, on the North Westorn Railroad, 12u item of choice land, DO acres in CtatiValiDll, a young orchard of 10 scree, 80 acres of ex xllent timber, a new dwelling holm of 6 rooms—price, $7OO. Terms may. Real estate in the city will be taken in part pay. ja27 8. curl] BERT 1r SON, 61 Market street. UENA. VISTA.—For Sale.—A two story frame house, of four rooms and kitchen, paled knee In front, a bake oven, igc. Lot 0 feet front on Monterey at., in- Baena -Vista, - extension of Allegheny city, by 110 feet deep, to an alley. • B. MIME= & - ,SON, leo4 51 Market etreet. 1 INES AND LIQUOR:S.—The best qual ity of Broady, Wino, Ina, Jamaica Spirits, Old Bye Whisky, Isith and Saab W London Porter, Brown Btottt, Olutnampatt Wino, 03 113341 and for sole by PLUMS EhiStii, COMM ' ceb. ItAILIROPAIID NOTNCIE. 185 8. Winter Arrangement. 1858 --- The ii)ittslk, Vt. %%Toylike &-- Chicago ON AND AnER MONDAY, JAN. 18ru. PENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD -- 5...-- -------,--,----..,-,--:. ,--' P.Mte - a , ,- - --, - . ---- - P-- , 4 1 *- na -....w- ,, 1 , ~:A i7- f .,-Fnnfr,. RAILROAD COMPANY, SEVEIiI oAllll,alk' kRAIINS., WITII ItS AMPLE lI,OLLINO STOCK Taw NAST Atilt, TRAIN leaves the Passuni;er tion I , 1 cud eapiipment, and its through coualettious,is pre, i every morning, (except Sunday,) at 13:05 o'clock, Pittabmgh pared to transport Pusstugera and frau:tat trout PUMA. twit., arriving, in Philadelphia at 11:50 P.M. IThI,PIA and Pli i'slillitall to (AliCia.), is i. LOUIS, IN- a 041? s-eisps . s iitela leaven Me Station every evening DIANAPOLIo, Ci..-:,2INNAT:, awl all piaci. t:' , , at and south t Vial) o clock. stopping only Laura:instil:mg, Latrobe,Johno• V. OA, with a great iiii4reo 01 rogulatity Kati ripe dition town, Wilhuore, tiabokin, Altoona, &k, connecting at liar- The fact. tuat this Road turani a area and coosolid acid lerourg with the Tram direct for Baltimore, and arriving in hue between rlt.L.,bUr t .'h and Chicago, 10 a nullitieut guar- Ilnlaielphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. DI. [ antee that its Trains it ill 'these good tine, aoil connection. ACLICIIMODATION TRAINS: with Trains on other load. TUJi JOLINSToWN ACCthilaltiLATiON TRAIN leaves OAS:All:ill LP. fit kINS Lioi il. (Lamy (except sunuily,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. rtopping at Pittsburgh. Cis:alai.. i rL. SI ay, uo ail stations, and rianuing as fai as Conemaugh. I IU. S. Mail, . Ea3o A. ,a. 2.00 P.M : 0.0., P. M. PlitliT ACCOOMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek , 2:15 PM. lu.oe, P.ll I 0.43 A. m Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. I It Express CT! CLLICAGO—U. s. Man at 3.3 u A. hl.; Expr.s. SECOeiL ACIJUDLUODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, j2:00 P. 5L Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. fl. ut REACII CINCINNAIII—L. S. Hail at 8.63 P. M., Express TIIIRD AUCOALIIODAPWN TRAIN for Turtle Creek, 7:00 A. M. leaves daily, (except sunday.) at 6:2% P. M. Trains make clean cord...Aiello at Clostliae fur Celina ......sithi.slads XiiALNS arrive n' Pittsburgh t 1.3 follows: All bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis cud rd. Louis; also at Dort - 61, Pr005 1: 4,4 i P.. 11 .1 Alan, 5.00 A. M. Johnstown Ace:ammo - Way nu with Prams on ‘c abash and iVuiteru au:trots' w i t h d.....da, 1.1.33 A. AL, kust. turtle Creek Accorumodation,&so, Lafayette, Central Illinois and St. Lents ; ahio, at Forest iA. cl., Betclad Ai.commodalion, 12:40, F. 11.; Third Accom- Trains on the M.ll. a L. E. B. R. it 15T IJ ILNIN C 1 From Clncazo. lFt 'O, ay ue. CI tisae,. I Arr.Pitsb'g U. S. Mail,— 5,43 I'. M. 1 3.i..0 .1.. d. 12:, 5 e°.:.;. I 9.10 P. M I Express, ,00 "-XI I see V. 51. 10:0„, P. M I 7r..t5 A M T11131:0 'lsrania make close “diaioctima v. , ,th II rause tar Viol- Laudation, till), 1-. Al. o d n ludoma, connect at Blairsvtle i tu n e t lu dec hus tk) to u w ' r h aev niall tanud tlin utio n n s trat l''.l:L .Kaat r° an u d tx reat. We and PiPTSßolltill Axil CONNI , Ii.I,BVIL.aI TRAINS, T o r t:p s in fo g r a ii t itu ull rd s v ci l ta l las " the edtahurgh and Con, lialtituure and Nc V. Fork. vile Iliad,, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: fraius Lulu St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cie Alt)a (11111 LOl ULU- MAIL /ILA IS, 1.00 A. M.. hos mike Cleve -t at I Lofillk. t all 1, turtling BAPB , Bss IItAIN, 4.30 P.M. Trains. At Feel w dyne. nat.... Rini Si. i,ltld, - • Lain) 111,- 1.-ruitMlstl TII.AINs from Pittsburgh and 3ounellsville nuts, Lafayi Lte, and itaeltuedtate piaci..., i oe-i.. t. N, ail aboya Itoat, arrive at Pittaburgh, ILONA. M. anti -- 13:10 P. M. Trains. At Forest, conue.ctieus are livid, %.,:la frcins to and GFr lb.e traveling pcilihe brill mud it greatly to their in from Cincinnati, Springfield and Layton. teierit, in going Emit tir Wer.., , • to travel by the Pennsy ivaaia ACCOMMIJDATIoN faAl.Ns--Liove Neu Brighton for wiolrood, as we accommodations now offered =mot be sax. Allegheny at 7:00 o. Nl.,itul Lial)o P. M. Leave Allegheny passed uu any ether route. As the Road is hallooed with fur New Brighton at 0:15 and 1j1,) P. ii. stone, and a entirely hue Irma dust, we can promise safety, To accommodate way travel. Pas:ranger Coro will be at speed and comfort to all who may favor this ISOS.II with their tached to Freight' rams, leaving Pittsburg)' at 3.4.3 a. M., Patronage. PiRE : Crostini:" for Alliance, at 5.55 A. 11.; Alll, :pc. :....- C.,..thuo, .L.O :40W York sl.B,util To Baitur,ore. at 6:30 A. 114 and Alliance fur Pittsburgh at 7:43 A. M. - Plitlatitliana 10,00 I " Lancaster BACRIAtiII CHECKED Tilltilf.l:3l2, aud no Llittrze lt.r Tu if arrisourg, $7..45. handling. Baggage checked to all Stations on the reunsylvania flail For Tickets and farther Infort_tati,vz t.. , 4 ,1:, L. A. T. it road, cud to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. SON, Agent, at the limit Western Railroad oilfte, ".e, e..ify Passong.rs purchasing tickets in cars, will be charged Lou on the corner, at the Monongahela flodi , . Pittsburghoi to ,tents in addition to the station rates, except from Stations Ono. Parkin,PassengurStatiou, Pena Street, between Wayne where the Company has no Agent. and Canal; B. F. PATRICIi, Nu. ef) Dearborn street, oppo- NoTiell.—lu 0080 of IOdS, MO Company will hold them site the Tremont fluidse, Chicago, or In the Agents at the selves respunaillia for persorud baggage only, and for au scationo un the hue. amount no, , - ..ileedilig 410.. TO CO:DWI:INCE ON MONDAY, January llzith, ea... 1 con- N. 11.--The Dircelaior - Onnilbea Line his howl employed to tnme until further notice. convey' Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a .1. J. uou6roN, th u t'f..LA r and Fr't. AO. chat' •e Rot to exceed 25 cents for each pNsuinger and bag. U. W. BUSS, Pus., 1. Agent, libictigu. I gage. i c i,. 11, mijoitE, :inpornit,noeut. For tickets apply to J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. IL. R. Passenger Station, on Liberty and Uraut streets. EICM=ISUMIE=9 61 market 9tr.._q 1ii1+11,5:1.::'.77,. TFIT7ATIS-7. 4 MF1RP:71 . T ., :- 1 14 - .,„: ....„,.....:.,„,,,„ ....., .._ . _ IL ROADS Two Through Trains gate v. Suvidayl4 Eaceptod. Wheeling, Cleveland and Chicago, by the Cleve Lind and _Pittsburgh Raaroad. COLUBIBUS, ClNClrtirtiaTl a T. LOUIS la lia; PiTTSBURGii, ULUJIBUS AND CI ~ CINNATI RAIL ROAD LINE vi.l STEUBENVILLE. The Cleveland and rittdburgh and Pittsburgh. Columbus and IjiliCiLlllati imilroad COLO pautt,4, having made au ar rangement with the Pittsburgh. Foil, Wayne and Chicago Railroad Clumped*, to ti.e joint usu el' their track het:teen Pittsburgh and Ruchester, will run their trains tram Penn Street Station daily. saudaye u/cupted, commencing Mon day, March Bth, ISbS. OLEVELAND, WLIEELINU AND etNCI.NN MAI 1. Leaves Pittsbui gh. &via. liNillo Bridgport, 4pposit , Wh...e.ing 1105 1. it. 13,11eair 11 :'2O .... DI . Colnn..bus . in - p. 0 incianati I0:10 e. ai Through to i..:iu . loceland 2:45 P. ni cinnati with btu I.3utialo 11:30 P. it one change of curs. t.;hiciliec. 8.00 .... AI This Train to Cleveland ha. 3 CO jolt rates at Alliance, lot Dinner. CINCINNATI, 01.101F.LAND . 4 . ND CIIICAGO P.XPP.R9i; 1.,, , i504 Pittsburgh 2:35 P. M. 6:00 A. lil. tenbenyUle. Newark.... Culumbun `in Junta , CIev,IAL,J Through to Can ciftuati withou t change of cars.- all Lag() !::1111 F. A LINO A CCO:O. 7.4.UDATION, wul Pittaba gh. , 4:00 P. M. .Wci Briagnpal COMMOTIONS AIM MADE BV ABOVE, T RA INS,AS FOLLOWS: By thou A. M., and 4.00 P. M., At WUEELINCi, for utuaberlaud, llar,;er's Ferry, Ilaltimuiu and Washington City. only at BELLE,ALR, for Cambridge, ZAtieavdle, Lao. actor, Oirclevillo aud Wilmington. By 13:00 A. M., and 2:35 P. M., At xn.i.A, for Dayton Indianapolis, Matteson, Cairo, Ft Louis and New Orleans. By 6:00 A u., aud 2 - 90 P. Si. At CINCINNATI, for Loxingron, Louisville, Cairo, Bt Louis and New Uri-ans. Only at BAYARD, fur Carrolton, Waynoiburg, DON , r and New Philadelphia Only at HUDSON, for Cuyalp - ga Yalll, A kr6n, Clinton and New Portage. By 6:00 A Si., and 2:35 P. M. At Cl EVNLAN D, for Erie, ItulTAln, Nir.g,nr.l F di- ~.1 Ca , •.- da, Fanchist:y, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, aud all poi:As in the Notth.west. . 1 11 e• The 4:00 P. a Train st pa at ail Wa.. - tati.ait ~ r) Ow Iliwr Divia.on. . ... Rettarniikg 'fraiais, EASTERN MAIL, `IA St'EUBI.,:: VILLE. Loaves Cincinnati 6:60 A. m. dirrives at Coluiuhu, 10:00 p. 51. Do Steubenville 5:50 P. U. Do Pittsburgh 8,55 e. m. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING M AIL. Leaves Ciovi-land 1:00 P. M. Arrives at Wellsville 6.51 P. It. Do Wheeling 8:46 P. is. Do Pittsburgh. • 6:55 P. M. PITTSBURGH ACeuMMODATiON. Leaves Belleuir 6:00 A. it. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling.... 6:15 ..A. M. Stops at all Stations Arrives at Pittsburgh 11:25 A. m. WHEELING AND PITTSBURGH MAIL. Leaves Bellenir 4!3 IP. m. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling... 4:43 P. m. Arrives at Pittaburtrh 8:55 P. Al. EASTERN E PRISS, VI AST EU BEN VI t LE. Leaves Dine ,n wi;i 4:20 P. : , t. Arrives at Columbus 10:00 P. 51. Do Steuboul Me , 4:45 A. m. Do Pittsburgh 1.50 A. M. oaloAGo, BUFFALO AND PITTSBURGH EXPRESS Leaves Clevelandlo:2o P. AI. Arrives at Wellsville ..5:35 A. M. Du Wheuliu,, 11:05 A. M. Do Pittsburgh 7:5u A. m. Connections are wade by the Mail ar.d Express from same points when returning, in aro formed al above when going from Pittsburgh; also, with tho Pennsylvania Railroad for Harrisburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Now York and Boston. The above Tries will stop on signal of the Station Agent at any Station between Pittsbtsgh and Rochester. to take up passengers going on or beyond the line of those Phials. Trams will aim at: p to leave passengers coming, from ihere Roads, at any Station between Itocheste•r and Pittsburgh. Pas,engors desiring to go to Clihugu, or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask for tickets via Cleveland. Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any points beyond Columbus, via Steubenville, must ask our tickets via /Rent) , Mine. Baggage checked (Trough to all principal points, ai.d transferred free of charge. *32...F0r tickets or into; matiou, apply to GEORGE PARKLN, Ticket Agent, Penn Street s:ation,Pituhurgh. F. it. MYERS, • General Ticket Agent, u. L-. R. It , Cleveland. 1 A HUTCHINSON, General Ticket Agent, P., C S C. R. it., Cohn.; bus. JAMES FA ILMILIt, Puperluteudent C. & P. lt. ii., C,evelaild. W. IV. BAGLEY, mitt Superintendent C. OnlenWnH NIEVOT WESTEraile ROUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUR: VIA PITTSBURGH, Ff. WAYNE and CUICAth), AND CINCINNATI, HAMILTON DAYTON ItAI IdtOAlid VIA. DELAWAILE CUT•OVF t 39,. llishz)v-e 1-a.t.iburgh THIS LINE is ,:oliipt.sed. of Reads of the First Claw, and is throiu'i a beautiful and highly cialtivr.ted portion of Iho state. Direct connection made mi. Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, (the tracks ,f too C. 11. & U. Ai 0. L Roads, being connected, for Louisville, Evansvillo, Memphis, Natchez, Vicksburg, New Orleans.. Corwoctiou wade at 61_ I.Juis with the Pacific Rail and Missouri River Paciivt,t, for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all pelute Wes'. Alms counecta at Cincinnati wits Kentucky Central P. R_, for Lusa:ll4ton, Danville, Fiunkfoi and all points iu Central Kentucky. Trains leave Nun street Station a. 4 fulleiva Thr,ugh Citteiiit,..P. win 37:5) IVI ° b ut one change ill cary, , ) filing at ti:4s P. M. Expreaa Passenger Train, a .2 : 15 riving in Cr stlinc at 10:0 A. M., Cin. 8:00 P. M BAGOAUE CHECKED TILROUG 11. itA Fare se hour as any other ttoate For all inlerrnatioa, and Threnzh Ticketa, apply at th T i c k et off ice, cerrie , 11.011.1 e, or at tin ntrc, cation. 4W . padStit.gera m,t; fc Picket:l vim Delaware Cut-v.-1 .1 H. Mt k;111-; eni.t. P Pt. W. .t U. It R, liA N'l hL.I.AI UN Hurt. U 1.1 t !.; it ft New Route via River and Railroad illdialopollsv. gb.- eiONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with 41,..„/ Terre Haute, and rro Dante end Alton Railr: ode, to St. Louis and Lllfhyette a,..d I ndhomeoli , ... New Alb An y. and Saban, and Michigan C. atral Reads I,r CHIC 4 3 ,1 , F.Mff. ISLAND, ouitLiNur , ) , , and all intermediate points. Throtigh Freight Train to INDIAN _POETS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE, and 1q.8.0. Freight carried from Cincinnati Utica,g iu lesa Th e than any other route by 24 b , and at al low rates. , The only road by which shipments can be made from Cin [ cinnati to the Weet, without breaking bulk. Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent as Cincin nati; of., W. B. ciIITTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for commis . don; no acne for drayage or aqua:tett:on at Lawrenceburg. For further information, apply . to THOMAS BATTIG AN, (Na 115 Water street,) Agent of the Company, who is pre pared to give fasonon nstanyytt to Indianapolis, Terre Halite; Lafayette, Chicago,Fern, Greencastle, Crawfords ville, Charleston, Paris, an Mattoon. , , H. C. LORD, Pret.ident. JNO. F. CHEWS, Gong Freight Agent. mr3 iliiiltiftYi*BiSKY, Old French Brsady o adi Port Wine, far r,..l4zinsl,inriva RAILROADS. 1M1=1233 iltd PEN.NSYLVANIA BAILROID. THE GREAT CENTRAL HO UTE, connecting the Atlan tic Cities with Western, NortMweetern two couto-w esteru States bpa continuous Railway direct. Pius Huad also connects at Pittsburgh with Daily Line tit OL.:l4l.llUrii to nil ports on the Western ltivers, and at Cloy, laud and Sandusky with steamers to all ports on the North western Lakes; making the Most DIRECT, 0113.LPEST and re -hi: sours. by which FREIGHT can be forwarded to and from the ITICEAT WEST. /Late' between Philadelphia es. P FIRST CLASS.—Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Books, Dry Goods,(in boxes, bales , and trunks,) Drugs, flu boxes,and bales) Feathers, Pure, &c. SECOND CLASS—Domestic Sheeting, Shirt ing and Ticking (in original bales), I Drugs (in co.lta), Hardware, Leather(in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &c.„ &c. THIRD GLASS.—Anvils, Steel, Chains (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, mantilac tared, (exceptCigata or cut,) Ac., &c. GLASS—Coifee, Fish, Bacon, Beef I and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, Ger man Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, &c, Ac. FLOUR-41,00 bbL until further notice, GRAIN In car loads, 45 cts. 100 the, until further notice. COTTON—Sa yl bale, not excseding 500 lbs. weight, until further notice. Aril- In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to mark packages "via Pennsylvania &Mirada." Al! Goods consigned to toe Agents of this itotto at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. FE-MOUT Wormley A CO., Memphis, Tenn, It. F. Sato s Co. ' St. Louis; P.O. & Co., Evansville, hid.; Dnmesnil, Bell & Co., and Carter & Jewett, Louisville, Ky.; R. C. Meldrum, Madison, Ind; H. W. Brown &Co., anti Irwin & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zanesville, Ohio • Leech & Co., No. 54 Kilby street, Boston Leech & Co., Nu. Astor House, New York; No.l William Boston; and No. S Battery Place, New York; E. J. Sneeder, Philadelphia; Magraw & Koons. Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. FL H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. IL J. LODIBAERT, Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. MEM 11:40 r. . A. I M . 9 i.O P. M 6.11 P. i. 71..1) P. aa. .5.40 e . M 0:00 P. M PIrISBURGH & CONNELLSVILLE R A. IIL Tat Pittsburgh and Cenueltsville Railroad is now °pone, for the transportation of passengers and freight to and from Pittsburgh and Counelleville, connecting with the Penusyl vania.Central Railroad at Brinton's Station. Arrangements have also been made with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, by which through freight to Piffled.,lphe. sal Baltimore will be carried front points on the Pittsburgh and Cenuelliwille Railroad, by car loud; on favorable term:,. RUNNING UN and after Monday, stl, of October, the Passenger Trains will be ran dully, e.Y.CUpt Butlayu, as follows: 'BAIL TRAII'4, will leave the Passenger Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh, at 7:00 o'clock, A. M., arriving at Connellsville at 12:00 A M. EXPRESS eA63ENGE.II TRAIN, leaving Pittsburgh 4:20 o'clock, P. M., and arriving at Connellsville at 8:20 t'. M. RETURNING.-11X.P1tES6 TRAIN will leave Counelh , tills at 6 o'clock, A. M., connecting with the Johnstown Accommodation Train, on the Pennsylvania Railroad which arni, es at Pittsburgh atll A. M. yIAIL TItAIN, leaviugj Connal: twine at 2:00 I'. M., and connects with the Briutou Accommodation Train, ou i'eumylvauis Railroad, which arrives in Pittsburgh at 0:15 P. M. Mall Train connects at Connellsville with Bunting & Coaches fur Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, Also at West Newton with coaches fur Mount Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin, Saudpatch, and Cumberland. Tickets can be had from Ticket Agent at the Pennaylvani Railroad l'uaeenger Depot. do3o 13. BLACE„STON'E, Superintendent. POTATOES.- 120 bus. Neshaunock Potatoes; 69 do Peach Blossom Potatoes, Just recoirod and for sti,o by JA.1.1118 A. FETZER, 58'aster at....ct. RYE FLOUR.- 15 bide. fresh ground Rye Flour, just received an for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, janl 8S) Water street. GREEN APPLES.- 20 bldg. green apples, just received and fur sale by 0ct9.0 J..1:3. A. FETZER, 89 Water street. TWEET POTATOES.- 40 bush. Sweet PoLatoeojnet received and for sale cc'47 JAS. A. VETZER. 60 W6lter area. A PPLES.- 29 bids. extra fine Rambo and Belleflower; 68 " Vandiver; lon " Rl:matt Apples, Just recd and for aale by JAB. A. bItTZNIR, 89 Water Street. FLOUR. 100 bble. choice Extra Superfine, 60 " " Superfine Flour ' Just received and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, cielB 89 Water street BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS.—A large stock of every description, iu store and for ante by W. 8. HAVEN, oct'2B Corner of Market and Second stre.u. CIDER.-10 Barrels Sweet Cider, for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, dee 89 Water streAt. INDIA RUBBER INKSTANDS- Another lot of those air-tight INKS, Jost received azld for , 4.1 b) by W. S. HAVEN. Corner Market and Sk..cond DUFF AND FLEMINCi'S Beek-Keeping, for sale at W. S. HAVEN'S, Stationery Warehomn, I a'2B •=. Corner Market and Second etreeta. EN V ELOPiS. Buil; Blue and White Laid, Adhesive, Cloth Lined and Parchment Papei du.; extra thick Cream Laid do.; Legal do.; Note du.; all nizen; for sale by W. S. H 1 3 7 EN, ect3o Corner Market and Second ete. GASIiET, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, and Faliven Board, for nalu by W. B. HAVEN, NO9. 31, 33 and 33, Corner Market and Second streets. rrEAS.-30 half chests Young Ilyson, Im ps: Gunpowder, Black Teas, in store and for Bole JAMES PATTON, Jr., Allegheny City. AN , EST naaort I N J D t IA R recedElEafli;VESßaleb.y-10 dozen RHYMER .4 ANDERHON, N. 6 Wnorl et”. t TELLIES.-50 dozen Currant, Blackbery cui Orange, Quince, Peach, and Grope Jollies, for sale by REYbiER k ANDERSON, 1,59 Wood street, oppoeito Bt.Oliaxi,4 {IAA ICE.—Six tierces prime Rice, just receiv ed and rca gala by HILLER do RICKETSON, noll2 Nue, 221 and WS Liberty stmt. CIIIEESE--40 boxes prime Western Reserve 1,1 for sale by Id , all Wlll. 11. SMITH AI 00. .ELIZABETHAN.—A new Decorative WI Eliv,bettian design,jumi received, and fur ea VI P. DIARSLIALL A. CO., V74a4 ALL PAPERI WALL PAPER! Chea —Rocelvod last ceek, 10,000 sods of Wall Paper, r it at 12}.4 to 20 conta per rob. . ty P. MARE LA LL CO • " ap , • OLA.SI S ba rNuw Orleans; Eialtlmore Syrup, rur sal,' by WM. H. e!tilTli a G€ inOF.FEE J„ -2 JNKSTANDS.--A large variety for sale war G. JONNSTUN deg Stationery Warnhonne, 67 Wood et.' LOUR.--25 bble. Superfine Flour received and for sale by Mc:CAM/LESS, M.ZANS at CO., Corner Wood and Water streets :eIINNAMON BARK.---400 lbth just rec'd one: frs by [deaf B. L. VA ILsaterOJEC hOn WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholesloo and retail at the Drug store of JOHN HAFT, TR., Corner of Wood and Sixth Pittaburgb 14 -I RIIITS for Christmas and New Year.— Beat Layer Raisins; choice new Figs, in drams and pa per bones, only 18%c. SIID., at flAWnaTil, BRO. di BR IiVNLIsIET, ge tits tjfanipz,l EN NEDY' MEDICAL DISCOVERY. 10 dozen on hand and for rale by • nsvl6 B. L. VAEINESTCIOK 44 00 POTASH.-10 casks on hand and for sale A by 14.16? R. L renassrocx A (ft YER'S -CHERRY :.•PECTORAL ,AND CATHARTIC PILLI3.--20 gran each an hand for sale (WHO IL Ea. PA 00. :' : '?tF.''W'.-1, - .1 . c js :...:'...•,'5:'...;:t'.?::.,:i.::,:?;::.:';q::.:•.,i:::,:, Ittaburgh. 90c. ¶ 100 IN!' 750.. p 100 CU 65❑. V. ICIO thu bOc. if 100 !Ds Eti 0 A D . -150 bags prim) Rio, fur Bale 1 WIL IL 61'0T}{ & co .. 2 . MEDICAL DOCTOR HOOFJAND'S CELEBRATED GMBIII AIN BIT TRAM, Pdi1£.1.10.7) DI Do. 0. Id. JACKSON, IltnitAda, Will effectually cure LIYGIt COMPLAINT, BY,SPEPSIA JAUNDICE, Cliit NIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES OP TUB KIDNEYS, Arid all Diseases arisinotivrims a disordered Idrur or tostarh, Such aaoonstipa. Son, Inward Pike, tallness, or Blood to the Read, Acidity of the Stoccurch, Noncan, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour &unto 6,inr.-ing, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Sto mach, Swimming of the Head, flurried and Difflonit Breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or Suffocating remations when in a lying posture, Dimness of visi.) E ,, i ,„ Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Limbs. Thin it the Side, Back, Cheat, Ac., - Sudden Flushes of Heat burn. trig in the Flash, Constant - DnitOnings of Evil, and great Depression of fiPultla a. lu attrilmung such fiiintiblopfokartiu' reah.Ndy, its rash or unwarrantable assertion is made, but is simply stated a fact; proven undeniably and conclusively by the extras: • Binary cares, and benefits derived from its nee- cad s : the at. ruction of its °rig/Tier, I.n. Howland; among ail classes of Ettroir societyr, and from the hnntense mass of testimony, from all parts of the American continent, accu mulated during the last ten years, in the hands of the pres ent proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which Las German Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, is al most universal; indeed there is scarcely a family throughoL the whole extent of our country in which there re,rrit b. found among its members that rtt•or,liar saiiii-to and (Wagtail appearance denoting a diseased Liver, or an emaciated and suffering Dyspeptic. Then of what immense treportance . to this class of invalid that a certain and reliable remedy should be placed withi their reach; one in winch no bantial ur injurious dreg 431,- tern into its composition ; q remedy on 15111 ch the patient can rely with the Wariest confidence and certainty, and be assured rom actual and tangible proofs that the article he is rising tautly possesses the virtina attributed to it. Such a remedy as "HOOFLANDS GEBALAN mirriath." Thousands 0 dollars have Leon expended in its manufacture and diffusion throughout all parts of this continent, and the proprietor feels tie greatest satisfaction in suiting that there is no state, county, or even village, where the Siedicine has been Introduced, that there cannot be found numbers willing testify to its virtues. It is mod constantly in the orr.ctli,s oi y i,,dge number o. the in. "Tr, the country, who have also'added their tilittisl testimony in evidence of its great virtues. In conclusion, then, we would respectfully ask of all those afflicted with any of the above diseases to give Bitters a trial, and rest assured it will L1i,V,14 . Le 114,retteit. In proof of the statementa above mad!.s . nil are invited to , read atterifiveTy the Abllatitic published annually by t ho pm. prietor, for Farmers and Families,.centand.- great or of [lizard tt/GSIOS.s. i.e..... - ti to 11, rvatai lr ay in favor of the Bitters, truni the most prominent and well shown in dividuals in all parts of the Union. All Agents for the Bit ters are authorized to distribute the Alman" , gratuitously. Principal office and alanulactory,9o Arch street, Philadel. phia, Pa. For sale wholesale by Druggists W. all the principal and at retail by Apothecarive and Storekeepers in nor)" tow in the United States and Canada, and by B. L. SAH.NESTOCE. dt CO. wad Dr. CEO. H. KEYSEB, Pittsburgh. Ut all lithuaBes tilt 3 grunt, tirit. cauau bpriuga trom ataghwt of Naturtia lawn T. +`l l l NOT WIIRN A UURE IS GUARANTEED IN ell stages of tiztfil.ET DiSEAnEn, Self-Abuse, Ner vous Dhbility, ntriccure., ( - Sleets Gravel, lliabries, Diseases of the liidueys and Bladder, Mercuriale lthuumatiatu, Scro fula, Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs,• Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Beeler Limbs, Clan• sets, Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and all diseases arising from a derangement of the &anal Organs, such as uervous trembling, loss of memory, loss of power, general weakness, dimness of vision with peculiar spots appear in before the eyes, loss of sight, wakefulness dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptions upon the face, pain in thei back and head, tomato irregularities and all improper discharges Errm both It matters not num what cause the disease origins- tea, nowever tong standing or obstinate the cane, reArocry is certain, and iu a shorter tune than a permanent cure can be. effected by any other treatment, even atter the disease Las baffled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted ad the r means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and tree from mercury or balsam. Dar• Lug twenty years of practice, 1 have rescued from the jaws of death many thousande, who, in the lust stages of the above mentioned di had been given up to die by their physicians, which warrants um is promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to health, us they are the first cane° of consuraption, Scro fula and many other diseases, and should be a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever effect. ed, a majority of the cases failing into the hands of incom petent persons, who not only tail to cure the diseases but ruin the constitution, filling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. lint should the disease and the treatment not cause death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the children, who are born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Totter, leen+, Eruptions and other affec tions of the akin, eyes, throat and longs, entailing upon chum a brief existence of suffering and consigning them to • en early grave. bed.il? .eLISIJSEI is another formidable enemy to health, for nothing else in the dread catalogne of human diseases causes SO destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thou sands of victims through a few yearaof suffering down to au ' untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system, rapidly I wastes away the energies el life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, tlisqualities kir marriage, society, busmess, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wretched in body and mind, predis• posed to Consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than deism itself. With the fullest confidence I as sure the unfortunate victims of bell-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. Toe of are cautioned against the use of Patent Medi cines, for there are so many ingenious snares in the colonies of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that millions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nos trums vended as "Patent Medicines." 1 nave carefully ana lysed many of these called Patent Medicines and mad that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate which is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the disease disables the sys tem for life. Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now in use are, put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, who donot under stand even the alphabet of the matericromediect, and are equal ly as destitute of any knowledge of the human system, hav ing one object only in view, and that to make moneyregard leas of consequences. irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most remarkable cures. Medicines, with full directions, sent to any part of the United buttes or Canadas, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly con fidential. Address J. SUM\i Et , V I.LLE, M. D., • Wilco No. 1131 Filbert street, (Old No. 100) below Twelfth, Philadelphia. BILIAT TILLATIAtLERiTs Private and Confidential Medical Advice ! AT TIIE BUFFALO PRIVATE llOSPl- TAL—Edtablighad for the cure of Syphilis, ;Seminal iv t.tituess and the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, uy Dr. A. 1.1.013 SUN, buffalo, N. Y. 011 Ice corner of Main mud Quay streets, (up stairs.) A Mee"! SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debility, or Nl:Mil ani Eimesions, more properly known as Seminal Cau De permanently cured iu from fifteen to twenty days, by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medichaea. YOUNG KEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS St BON take pleasure in announcing that they have invented a most impertmit instrument fur the cure c. the above diseases. it has been subjected to a test by th, moat eminent physicians he London. Paris, Philadelphia anu Now York; it has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented, for the cure of Penland Weakuess,or an disease of the genital organs, sauced by the secret habit: ol youth. Dr. AMOS A SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptic,. as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves Lbw in any instance whore they may prove unsatisfactory eke, fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the ih• etrument in good order. Perseus wishing the above useful Instrument will oLser, that the price, with the accompanying directions, mx:urd, packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW IthALDII.:S ANL) QUICK CURES. Dr. AMOS a SUN may be consulted from eight o'clock the morning until nine at Light, m every stage anti syrai tom of the Venereal Disease, tionorrlaaa, (Meets, Secondary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Stricture., e, the Urethra, etc., with inviolable secrecy. The treatknen. they adopt is the result of upward of thirty year.' extensp., ana succewilul practice in London. The must inveterm. caste of Venereal Disease. eradiated in eight or nine day, and canes of a alight nature in two or three days, at a mee orate expense. Thu cure effected without confinement e hindrance from brisinesr„ also, notice and pains in the boa, and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURE WARRANTED. Dr. AMOd & SUN have devoted their utteution ly to this peculiar elms of maladies, and the relief the, consequently been enabled to render to their lellow create, a fully testified and greattully acknowledged by con val., ceutpatients and others daily arriving in too u. from at pin t o{ the oeutitry, for the express purpose only el cuuselta. while their exertions have been crowned with tun most d:k, nal advantages; yet from what they have experienced I - inquiring into the causes of these intentions complaint (from their must aiz pie condition to that of the must d.. 1. gerons and inveterated) they have always entertained lb possibility of their prevention and removal, and lillewise in variably found that the most horrible and manguant tutu - fit disease could almost always be traced to one el the ie. lowing e.auses :—lgnoralice, neglect, or the ill effects ut skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AllOs SUN have succeened in discovering, in the selection et then remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautious course; omit tin:, e.. combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character as well as those whose premature or injudicious applicatie,. might be productive of bad consequences in the hands private individuals. In short, the laudible end of their nautilus is the lessening of a great /111138 of human misery bti the atleulation, relief and prevention of those grievous al. diatoms that are en re .11ty the secret foe ol life, and whicL, while they so extremely surround us, call aloud for on, sk... and interference fur their extermination. COUNTRY INVALIDII. Perrieus in any part ut Chu wold may Le en.,,,,tr0: treated by forwarding, a correct detail ut their caee, is tb remittance for medicine.; Addrecs Dr. and Cluny buffalo. N. V. lu.saia.4 peitis.LAN preparei ander the enpervbion of Dr. HaWhen, Forgeou 1.) umt, for .3.,1.3 by Jug. A NOTHER supply of Low & Son's superio Toiler Itoapd recolvcd k,d , ty, by JOS. FLEMING, Cornbr !Manama undtliet utre , t y. f'l6 3 1101iN'6 EXTE:ACT OE CU PAIBA A 'N SAliSAPiltlLLit.—Anotilor supply of 0113 bugllsb remedy, Just received by JO S. FLEMING, rod Corner Diamond and Market street. MINERAL WATERS.—BIue Lick, Be, ford and Congress Waters constantly on band at J0.1:1•11. fe9 Comer DiaLnond and Market street caIMR'S Forratod Tinot. 1,7 Bark, on hand and for €43 Cby N''.:.F.Tcfr LTOGS.—Dressed Hoge, jnst received and for rain by JAMES A. FETZER, Watfr. tirr,t DERFUMERY-01: descriptions and prices, can be had at JUS. FLEIIING'S, tela Corms Diamond and Market egret. /13IANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose wood 6% octavo Pianos, will be rented to privet, tutu• plea only. Apply to JOHN IL MELLOR, fel3 ; - 82 Wood strett. (TORN- SUE I , L RitS.--Sulith's Patent, a iluf ranged for hand, horse or steam power, warrai, i ovary respect, and will shell trom ;JO to 40 bushels ui coru per bony. Will be sold low by to R ti. 001.161t414 - , 2,t• 1-1 • Dr. C A :`;1 CELEBRATED VERKEIF - U - €}l IUt , VER . 'Pm , 07 tises t=sl"eirept-ra,s They are not recom mended as 3: 11 :.. nivers. • Cure-alls, but simply r what their name pu! ports. The VERmiFUGE, pelling Wozms fro :he human system, h. 'k ao been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The LIVER PILLS ) tur the cure of LIVER COM PLAINT, all BILIOUS DE :: INGEMENTS, SICK HEM? ACh E, &c.l Purchasers will please t)%_: particular to ask r r. C. McLane's C(lc- ', -- ,1 - atc-cl 1,1 \7ER PILL,F 3 pl'e.rar;:i 'c t.;LE PROPItIEI'OI.S. I)ar t - di P a., and takt. • ether. as tht,-,re are vaft , !',:_i , the( pceparations T.i:-.::.-. I)efore the public, i,1:7 and Liver Pitt,. ..,t t ()tilers, in COM with Dr. T'VICLANE'S, a:e ye t - f)-/- th ( The C 3 ENTiTNE Mel .:Int Vermifu qe and T • Pinta can iIOW be had at all respectable Dr ug `'"""L:LIMI:17.11\70. 0 7 N'LANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVE PILL. 9.-75 grow on band and for sale by B. L. FAHNESTOCH a 00. Corner Wood and Fourth streets IRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offices, . r. 2.7.?. No. 60 BRIMFIELD Street, Pitta- Af, ,4 '- '?., burgh, Pa. .„- -- '. - 4 .:" -- r- ,- -. - : .- DR. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitts- klj, - ;:;^. o .A'a burgh, and has been in practice for the _.s 7 .rir- - -,i . ...1e.'.... last twenty-five years. Ills business has been confined mostly to Private and San ! j ' f - Lr4',.2cs it. .7 b . , --Ci -' i gical Diseases. ~ , ,k, ~ ,, r, , -10:.e onazENs AND STRANGERS ,:, , VV .. 41. i .- -/.. ., in need of a medical friend, should not •-;"'-' - i :4 4 fail to find out the sure place of relief.:: -1 ' -- it : t 4r - The Doctor is a regular graduate, and ' • . his experience hi the treatment of a certain class of diseases is a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtaining permanent relief, by the nse DR. BROWN'S REME of his remedies and foDll;S llwing his titiV",‘ - 4. . . - never fail to cure the worst form of 'Venereal DISCEI9OI;--all Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all die, sus arising front a hereditary taint, which manifests itself iu tie form of a Letter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of skin diseases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignc I ant To persons so afflicted, Dr. B. offers hopes of a enre and speedy reocrrary. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, bri. on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratification v. hich the young and weak-minded often give way to, (to their e wa destruction,) are the only reliable. remedies known in this country—they are safe, and make a speedy reatbratk n to health. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painful • ease in afcto days—he will warrant a care. Go also treats Piles, (fleet, Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Urethral Discharge., be male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of tho Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain in the and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a us, rooted to DP.. BROWN, No. 50 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will be Immediately answered. Medicine sent to ,tly address, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and Private Rooms, No. 50 Smithfield street, P!tte. burgh, Pa. mylis Mrs. S. A. Alleles World's Hair Restorer. CIRAY HAIRED, BALD, or persons with Vt diseasea of hair, or scalp, read the following and judge of the articles: firs. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOISA.LSADIUDI, Or WORLD'S HAIR DRESSING, is essential to use with the RESTORER, and is the best Hair Dressing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in cases of hal: fall. lug, &c., without the Restorer. REV. IL. V. DEGAN, Editor Guide to Holiness. "We can testify to its effects," &c. PRESIDENT J. IL EATON, L L. D., Murfreesboro', Tenn. " Notwithstanding irregular use, the falling off of hair ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," &c. REV, S. B. BIORLEY, Attleboro', idaisachusetta. "it h..a changed the "Crown of Glory," belonging to old men, to the original hue of youth," &c. REV. H. TILAOILER, (60years of age,) Pitcher, Cheoango county New York. "My hair is now restored; it is nothing like a dye," &c. REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown, Now York. "My own hair, and that of another of my family', has greatly tbicken• ed, whore almost bald," drc. REV. JAMES McKEE, Now York city, recommends it, ,to REV. W. PORTEUS, Stanwich, Conn. "It has met my most sanguine expectations Jtc. REV. J. P. GILLSWOLJJ, si ashiagton, N. 11. "It in really efficacious in restoring the ham," ,tc. REV. 0. M. SPRATT, Lewhiburgh, Pcnasylyania. "W can and do cheerfully recommend it," kc. REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Carolina. "The white hair has become obviated," ..tc. REV. AMOS BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. 11. "We think very highly of your preparation," ice. REV. B. 0. SMITH, Prattsburgh, N. Y. " I was surprised to find my hair turn as wh, n I was young," 4c. REV. 0 CLINK, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. "It has stop ped my hair tolling and caused a new goy. ch." REV. A. PRINK, Cbatauque county, New "l o am satisfied and recommend it." REV D. MORRIS, Crewe River, Now York. .4 It is the beet preparation extent." REV. WILLIAM CUTTER, Editor Lother'.3 Magazine, New York. "Recommends it." Jaar We might swell this ILt, Lut II to:t ~,vincod, TRY IT. We export these preparations to finropo end are superseding all others there as well ea in the U States. It does not soli or stain. Seld by all the principal whole• sale and retail merchants In the Onited sitaLeh, Uribt, or Canada. DEPOT a 5 BROOM. STREET, where address all htters and ingnirieJ. tar - Some dealers try to sell articles instead cf chi ; on Which thoy make more profit. Write to Devot for circular, t( rais, and information. Goal:tine is eligat-41, .!!r.s.. 42.412 en, written in ink. Beware of couterfeits. la‘l4.3..o,,tiZnltiaw S ALLEN'S 11A1B, RESTOREE.—A 311. 1 large B. L. PALINESTuCR is CO novl6 supply alamys on hand awl (ore ale by - S AML. FAHNESTOCK, 1-1 Wood street, Pittfiburgit, HAS JUST RECEIVED DIRT:(iT FROM E.suIaND— WALDRON & G :ammo: T • L-• CO RI All) 611111 N ••1 71 CORN HOES; PATENT AN D COIIMON ANVILS; SUFI L Traps, very superior Drawer Locks, v.. ry superior Gun Locks, Tinned and Enuamelled Sauce Pans, Basting Spoons, Brass Candlesticks, Brass Cocks, Brass Stair Roth., Braces and Bits, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, Teams, Coil, Fifth, Tongues, Stretch and Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold at mod. crate terms. aplft _ _ arii an SKIRTS! SKIRTS! 1 Bishop's Skirts; Quilted Hooped Skirts; Holmes' Hooped Skirts; Misses' C,rded Skirts; Ladies' Corked and Quilted Skirts, white and cokre.l; a uew supply just opened, at JOS. 1101.3.NE'S, d:•9 77 Market street. WINTER GLOVES.—A full supply of Cloth, Silk and Merino, of itarl,,tui uikLa, at low prl• BORNE'S, 17 Market straq. rvORPEDOES.-100,000 No. 1, just reoeiv- I. od and for sale by Wald= ANDEILI9" 1110. IP Weed Ilia* 1 aolli NTEDICA VERMIFUGE Ml= PITTEI' 47 ;:".•:' , I rIT Ct RHEIESIATIISII. IT IS NOT A