CARDS BUSINESS SAML C. WINGARD, ATTORNILY AT LAWS Or los, No. ei 1 , , ~ ud llkamond ONV IF A.311-.6 . „ Attorue , wilco Foluat ntr.O., Pit I,q.irgh, Chtrry ,t:,l AU L, ouccesso , li. lii hiic, N 0.14: :frlithfirld toril ; from ;:bd fr:m . ful)ls:l3' _ I:ol,rth street, Idv.2 we it of NlArket thilea hourA fro ' doctia:y SCILOON )labufacturer el j White Lead, Red Lrlvi, Zinc, Paint, Lithargv, Putt Wholes . .vo dealer in Oils, Palms, V eau i 411,, Turpentin, &e., No. 24, nod street, PittAlmr:di. it- J 05.61 ) suttees/30r to L. W Fry Col lt Co., corner of Market street and the Diamon,l. keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DR 0(16, MEl' ICINES, MEDICINE PERFUMERY, and all arts- ales pertaining to his business . Sir 211,ysiclans' Prescriptions caretnily i.ouipsinmlosi at an hours. y W . cif A_DWICK., dealer in Kentucky ;Aont TOBACCO, liAdb and PAPkit, No. 149 Wood street. below Britt), Pittsburgh. dap J:ly bighoat utarbet prtoe, to mod, paid for Rug,' 111.1.221 P. lIIRSIALL JOS6PIi n. Ludiax3 WP. MARSHALL & Co., Importers and • tluKle.ra iu French and American PAPER liAlv.t.i. GNUS, No, ts 7 Wood street, Pittsburgh. _. reAce rigznts tar the celebrated diduelactule3e: .I/Ls,ld. ildaßoom% /c Co., Earls.. antr - OAINfPBELL & SAMUEL P(rl,- A./ LOOK have sociatud togther under the style ,d Ga.IIBELL a POLLOCK., fur the transaction of a general 'Varioty and Dry Goods business, and the manufacture id lain and Waved Line Gilt Mouldings. Taus RITESA. REY NI ER & ANDERSON, (succeßsorB to Josh kta Rhoden h C 0.,) wholesale doulora iu FOREIGN nums, NUTS, SPICES, CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, Ae., No. 89 Wood street, opposita tho St. Charles Hotel, Pities hargb. i. S. 1113.1391.18 ZINriBIN y J. GILLESPIE & CO„ Lookitu s lass Manufacturer ....and dealers in Looking Glass Pi, Plato Qinso, gravinge, Combs and fancy ttoods, No. 7r , Wood btroct, Pitt._ burgh. iltmn, s : On hand and . made to order, Gilt Plitt a. Mutat,' Mahogany, Itosowood, Walnut and Gilt Ft ,[llO2, or Mould. In& of eTury description. 4 Bteatuboat Cabins : ocorated aud Gilt 80111...bi11n.--001111 OLDEN & CO., Bottlers, N 0.187 Flint street, would roopoctfully littoral the pub- Uzi that they. hale conotautly hand a large supply of SARSAPARILLA, lIINE.RAL •A %TER, ALE end PORTER, of the best quality. The Attention of Limnos I . particularly directed to the fact that they bottle WAINRIGII.I - ALE in Ito purest state. Physicians recommend it to familk. .yo account of its whole some emd strengthening qualities. oct..lo:ly A. LITTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR (Dr. Irish's Now e . , M•7811tia01. yw. KEti,R, ARCIIITEtg, RE 10VED V from somier of Filth a t nil gi; "ti ~IITR In Phillips' nee. laulding—contine t prepare Han, and Specifications of, and to Superintend tujitlLProlita of ,:vury 'description of Buildings. v PULTON, BELL AND 88. A FOUNDER, No. i 0 dECoND street, Pittsburgh, P-1, • red to furnish to order , t s , 819kAMBOAT, FACT , , ET AND OTHER DEL; ~, 0 . 1 all sizes, from 10 to 10,0110 lbs. • CHINE DELLIS' made to order. STOP and L: of 'all sizes, far Steamboats. MINEHAL NVATER L'UMPS, EAILINuo, and every variety of Brass Lli`Alcd II the uost, , ,,t manner. ' BABBIT'S ANTI ATTRITION M'ETAL: bLILTON's PA TENT METALLIC PACEINII, tar ;steam li.u,tines. ;ity•12.:1,7 L OUGHRIDGE & MAXWELL, ISANUFACTCT.SI:H OF Looking-oiaaseo, PL '.ure Frani,a, nitti Brustv_s And Dealers in Clooke, Moue Furnishing Goods, Ao. 1%F. , Wood street, mbov. VII76BUILO IM. Machine Ercigni, Itr,skin to or•lt•r EDUCATIO, , Vincent's College and'' UNDER THE GAYA!. Or Pith aflsel/lUTIS Near Lntrolie, Weemnreland • , •ty N T.LIE COLLEGE A U.E, L'HE n,.nal br,IIOI, of Eni,ll,o In the 1.4 MIN A V.the Cia,-;14. , •, Rhetoric.,, • higher erudition 11,(1.,,11 - y or Prleatlxxi. The term.] for board and ruitiou, paid erad-annually, strictly iu advsinc , German and French an i uths r ing and 31.rigic,form no extra Chlligt rt,,,,1111 peneatiou for tb. use of iestrumnini. hledicine, itu, :.•••ttione.y, 0. charges. For particular., apply t• - • Director The•tte year '•• th- let of is,p,•-n. • • . ends on th,:iti July r•• 11.• St. Francis h,cadecay aoD UNDER TILE CARE OE THE BROTH Loretto, Cambria County, Pa. u. 1 s INS'FITUTION, NATURA' ~1 situated for Educational puipueen,iilTords lid; 1., ducenonts that ..sin be &mired Inc a Eatholle St le located in the mod healthy and picturesque pi.rtioo the Alleglieuies, four from Cresson Statiou, the direct mail route between Pulladalphinand Pi t,tii b n b. The scholuatic ;our counuenciug the tlret Mooday in tAeldimilier, will clone the Ifithuf July itolluwkig. The Terms fur Board, Including a thorough Eimilen title Course, are $lOO per ahuuni. The Massie and Modern liangulmoa form an ertrd eh ,g of $lO per annum. Waistline; and one of Bedding $lO. For further particulars apply to the ottperlur 01 the• AC!”- decay. ' " liefereutits eau tw tutttit, W ttw ILt. 110 V. Itr. ar,3o:lyd& w DRY GOODS Retrench! Retrignell!! ANOTHER CRASH-IN PRICES ! ing determined h) act] our stuck!, though `• ri . aro Tight," we bravo wade a general nwoop--- REDUCED TUE ENTIRE ST,,,(IR Tu Estill lower winos. *a- Now is the tam to Lay when tho atisorttm, t 1.. )•,, unbroken ; and the Prices Put Down! Down!! oct29 a JO S. tIORND, 77 Market itt. , .- r PHE LAST C lIAN CI E I N FIG ll RE --.- ..a. Bonnet Itihtßota,, worth 75 cents, at 9 pvr po ! do do ,li, 62 1 A at 50 .i. do do do 50 ut 375 y do , do do do 37% at 25 do JUBEPLI HoRN 1., 77 Market street. R lCii VELVET_TItIMMIN GS, AT ItEDII0E1) P1:1 r..S A choice assortment on band and for sale at tio•11 BOliN EP', 77 Martn.,t rtr. , , GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS- Wool, Eilk, Merino and ,leavy Cotton Under and Drawers—a fresh supply received del9 7 Market sire t. FIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in the PriceofBRADLEY'S YARNS.—Wholesale Buyer• Peddlare will be furullhed with BRADLEY'S THREE r KNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Five Cents per p. by the bundle, alter tide date, Fur Cash, nod 01811 out). JO.. HORNE, 77 Thu ket 6V - est, decl Arent for the Ilan n fact,' EINIBROIDERIES.-4)nr excellent stock .1 French Embroideries, (44 the low price 4 ut u they are marked, offers rare (tau:omen ta t ladlett to purchase the latest styles. _ . MONEY ! MONEY It -PRICES NIAli - ED DOWN. ..Wir Great rednction in the price of Embroideries. Wahave gone carefully over our handsome ato, I. FIIENCII-WORKED COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS, etc ' .•t. And fie d the prices to suit the " Hard Times" The Ladies may rely on getting bargains at oct27 ' MILNE'S, 77 Market !ITU,- FANCY BLACK DRESS SILKS -- ; large aesortment, which wo are closing out V 011EAP FOR OASI.I. 0. HANSON LOVG, Formerly Love Brother-. Jag No. 74 Market eltr, WE WILL SELL from ttio present time 7) com - ruotay cheap FUR IIA6II l'icaae cull itn,, no our stock. C. HAN: , ):: Formerly Love 10,,,, 2 74 Murk , t PRINTED FRENCH. MERINOES, 10. and 76 cents, worth $1 and $1.,h5, the beet In the city. C. LIANtioN LOVH, (formerly L'Jit fsrotu•.:• Ni, 74 !dart.: • BLACK .AND FANCY DII.ES A full 81.961"trie11 , , very chtap. EVERY E3otaumical Purei,azer ui t 0,1710 0 , , At; . ple t;oods,wBl find It to tloAr wivwctur,t• :ucall and ra our New t'tocit rt Fllll fled tritutt7 bef o re on Inc Ise , toze. N. ' ON tv.ln s( i a H ! i Ali; !- oz•i, Cher ki v•ct,,. • d thv I all 1 at 1: I y • :1 13MR=M DIQU r , P.d RSEllveu, lur wak , u- . ,„ ~,,I._•e BONNET VELI ::T.--L very variety . Ja net inmeri4i, SlUua, VcdceW and b.L.c., :u:K/11, novl3 ut:; . • NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDI,I- ; 20 loxes a '2ort,cl And : J l,‘•rui on hand and and for auto by Jell • SOAPS.- - 1000 boxua Resin .uap, in iL 2 lb. and 4 Ib, 1, 500 " Nu. 1 Palm i•loaps, ill lb., 2 lb. ull .j ler7, " Chemical Olive Maw, in lb. lumps 200 ' Ulolnu Oitie • 250 " Gelman 210 " Castile " Pure Palm Uu baud and fur Bale Jai N EV( ORO P.— _ • '2OO drcaue tr, , titk titurr.:a It;gs: 10 meta " Or.loo i, . b°° bczt' hialagil Reblims, }n+:lt,tr.7l;<,: , .. 1 fur We 7 11111TE11fII A ANDEII.BOI% Zii W et, Oppettle EL (hide Ltvb: cw. 4 sd. ~~ ~ -1. 1, cor',-; NO. 54 ST. CLAIR STREI. MITE 11~~=~~~' ~f.~G.~llllr L .OT ) FATHE:; .1 N.. 0.• JOSEPH 'HOW , : E. 77 !O'erhet ntr, r .^:•• 74 N1,r!....;; 14. C. It J. U. n W " to 3lb ~: tt • In 1 " El A -V 1 IL ll 4, .1 ~„ ...? - ,,. : ' , ; - ?. , . , , , .., if.r,.; . : 2 . 11 *4..:?';'.%,:;'. , '. , ': . •:,, , ,,:' . A ,. .' ':'''' '''.,'; '-, ; ',,fi": , P . Zi.'.i.F,.'.. -- .r.',A:'4''!.';'i.' , X , .., :.!..:0;:.4-:.4 : -.':' , :.-7:.‘.. , ; ; :":.; .',;:•,:-.•.,1::".'•...-,,'''':.....,....'..-.. GROCERS. Wit. H. SMITH. JOS. R HUNTER WW - 1 . 111. SMITE! /34 CO., 1.1.5t0 Spaßb,tdo,ir 7k Huntard HOLES ALE tracers aid Commission Merchants, 1.`.2:3 Second ond 151 Front Streets, PII7SP,UIiaII, PA = El=! 1:1,LC1,L13 LLccil JOSEPH S. LEECH. C )., 'cos. '2:42 arid 21 Liberty at •eet, PITTSBURUII, PA.. GittICERS, AN!) COIWIISSION mEmitANTs, DEA.1,1:111- IN FLO kt AND BACON, TI N PLATE AND TINNFAtS' STOOK, Ant) PITTS LI t , ItIANUFACTCRES• EdIAEL.PIAI tr. CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Levee land Washington Ave :LUC, k i AN DOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY R.FaxiisNcE,i-30,3vph s. L.uch A CO, an , Pittsburg., klerchatit generally. jythyd&v: AVID teCANDI.II33 wILLIAH HE&Nti I M'CAIViDELESS, MEANS Fa. CO., if CCOMSORM TG MOE. I M'CIANDI-6614] WROLESALE GROCERS, D.E.A.LX.En NAILs, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, AND YITTSBUBA)II MANUFACTURES GENERALLY Como; of Wood and Water Btreeta, BAGALIEV, COSGRAVE CO., WROLES ALE GROG q,S IN and 20 Wood street . ausGy PITTSBURGH 'GILLIAM MILLC.II, Phi * Dhl 0. W. 100Ern.100, Pittsburgh ILLER RICKETSON, Wholesale Gro -1 VAL cer34ltupc.rtern of BRANDIES, WINES and SEGARS, Yore. 17" h .lnd i 74, wruer of Irwin and Liberty streets, Pitts .rirgh. Iron, Nan, Qotton Yarns, &c , constantly on band. jr2o DAVID l CAADIASS WILLLSAI 3IFANB El. A COM!, M'CaiuUesS, Means & Co., (Successors to Wick & M'Candless,) .M/1 - 10LESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts. burgh 7,lanufactures, generally, corner of Wood and Water treets, l'lttsburgh. rays FOE,WARDINGRAI* COI 111411 ES COLLINS. • tigitta and Commission Merchants, TEL riitsburicrit;nie.adnge Erla • CANAL LINE Nos. 1 AND 1.1.5 STILRET, PITT.W4OII.9II,PA. ItactOMES, 2.irGYAN .51. CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION I,II.E.ELCIIALiTS• Nu. ;l0 SYCAMORE XT.., CINOINIiATI. 0., j'24. _ . ESEN LI COLLINS, Forwarding and ILE ..111,1,1110AL, MIA wtaLdesale dealer la FISH, II UTIER, Sl^.l LP,S Mid PRODUCE geueraliy. No. 15 Woo.! PI, 1,:11. ',art WINES AND LIQ,CI.)iiS .. E'Lni AICNNYDY. 72:, -- 1, 2_y E V IJIN £ IC.ENNI'I DI, Wholesale Wine a-3.1 Ll.lta.r 1,1.1 - c:quints and ltectifying Distillen., No. .3 .......nlitilt1:11 .f,trtL,t, l'atll.3lrgl3, Pa. ai,ll:ly ‘, N 17, ki i; E; E. ,i - ... CO ,nd:man Wines and Giquora, I i 1 rvl (.4 N 141 , ae.lit E %ree f ~ between 6th pfftd ith I . IT N.M . 1:3;11, PA GLASSWARE ALL I,i ......... . 1.. 11.11 . 01Wi.....T. j ri P. it, CO., MAlM fa,•ll7rf-1-11,1 IDIII, and Plain Fiint GLASSWARE, N.. , 17 W 0 9,4 n ct. corner of Frout, itittmb , tr.,th. .1.;1 ~! , 1,9 , 5ttr ., . nod Viitylol., G at w • ;4 . ...... .... ....... Tit AM. 1; ',ILI t;LAIvI, SuccesBors to Mu lv ny q~ u. ,; utuulltctnrcm of Cut, Moulded uu.l ir ued Vgl:e) Colored GLA ARE, and dvai era in all V, i Pia,ke, tills and Ilottli A. NV are c..,ruec and Water atreeta, "..1.14ty CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. R El' , l° , l /d A t, l' i.hcq j r biniiidinig' n,\l,ol;.L2lB Pll B lld 41 8 La 'l l i ne OLA II nLi 0,4, W,tit ,ido, between Pen c. streot and tia Bridge. 1. ; 11. Pl-111.1.1P5, M NUFACTUILEItSUF FLOOD, FU RNITURE, CA ILI LI AO E, TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT A OPAQUE 'WINDOW SETA DE OIL CLOTELI Of differwit Colors. Alto t DEA Ldtat.ti IN OIL CLOTHS /t WINDOW SHADES, Of every description. Dealers iu INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all Mudd, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents 01 the Boston and New York Belting Companies, fm the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, IIOSE and PACKING. LATHER BELT INti of Extern manufacture, a superior quality ; also, Lace L.....ather and Rivets. Agents for the 01110 FIRE-PRoOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AND 61:1N PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, done in the best and shortest time. Ide20:1y1 J. & 11. PHILLIPS, 6.-.,re 0.2 E and 2 St. Glair street; Manufact.,ry at Phil ';lpsville, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CAR ,PETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, Ito., AT TUN i2otartita Street Carpet- Store. WD. & li. AI'CALLUM. respectfully . invite the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stock, just selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles ut Foreign and Homo Manufacture, consisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain; also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 24 FEET. WIDE, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets; Venitian Blinds; Painted, Butt and Green Holland Shades. It will give us pleasure to show goods to all who may M. ,ffnirens of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. en 19:1 W. D. & H. M'CALLUM. (:)IL CLOTH CLOTHING—Of all kinds, black and yellow, fir sale at the India Rubber Depot and 28 Et Clair street. [deg] J. & 11. PIIILLI t 8. O. _ IL CLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRAI)h. N.," We have on hand, and are daily receiving additioi thereto from our own and other manufactories, a large a - 2.-s of Floor Furniture, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, • parent, Green and lluff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, used Llousefurritthing and other purposes. Also, Trans, Window Shades, of dry am; oil finish—gold bordered a.. other styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. l',lerchatits and others will find It to their advantage amine our stock and prices before malting their par: /USN , J. IL MILLI , sell) 28 and 28 St. Clair 1 .00 —. OYL CLOT/1S Of our own an 1 eastern manufacturi , —au R idtb, cut to nit any else of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cl,th Wore rooms, No. 2t3 and 28 St. Clair street. oct23 FURNIT LIRE M.ILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at theli .-xtenslce CABINET and CHAIR 51ANUFAC, TORY, No. 6,1 mithtiold street, a large assortment of Fancy Ind Plain Put itnri., which they will sell 15 per cent. lower than cruitomkry rates. Terms, cash only. [doc27:y WOODWELL'S FURNITURE AND v y CHAIRS, Wholesale and Retail, embracing every sqle uf Fut uitnr , , in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut, callable fur Parlors, Chambers and Dining Rooms, equal to any in N-w York or and at lower prices. Every article mole by baud, and warranted. Cabint.makers sup ;lied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, on MA.: foram Hotel.: and Stt. araboata furnished at the -hottest uc_iio. Wartz , --C.IIC-R, Non. 77 and 7% THIRD Street, t nburizh, Pa. 0c22 improvement in Book Binding. g , CIE UNDERSIGNED lIAVING obtamed. Letters Patent for improvement to BOOK eNDING Is prepared to furnish the attachment to 80, ks , or to apply the same to new Books. Orders for • or , . re.m:ctfully solicited at WELDIN A ROWAND'S ihud ,, ry and Blank Book Manufactory, South.w.,,t ,r 1 at TUIRD and WOOD Steeets. TL.. :sbore improvement consists: First—Of :sl,.ialb claaping tIM back of the Book iu sock a manna prevent the bAvet from sagging when the Book . 14 vertical po.4itioa. Second—The carriage COlifiNta Groove-.. t.o. wb trh Fvre Iti9ortod wtuck pruvont Bookr• fvnn wearing .1' chafing In plir : , lie dame in It?. rneting A L T ISS A'S:l) CHILDRENS' Gum, Over yl . and Sintiel , , cheap, Nt the tWplee' Shoe Store, No. 17 Fah ,treet, ne.r 'Marl-Jet .ENS' CALF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes ILL At DIFFENBACHER 4k CO.'S, No, 17 FA .t-cat. TO - 6 MAKE 110 ME lIAPPY.—The Rua for waking PRESENTS Ia near at band. Make glad the heart of year wife, child or friend, by pi esentina thew - with a pairof new SIIOES or GAITERS, frora the well known People's Shoe Store. •Gentie Laidies', I`.)ys and Cbildre%'s ware of every description at PRICES L. P. CATLY REDUCED. DIFFENBACHER it CO., dela N 0.17 Fifth street, near .e.rkot. (BEAT AUCTION SALE, of Dry Goods, et A. A..lidasoo A Co's, No. 25 Fifth street. $lOO,OOO worth of goods of every_ description wit, t,ti imme diately sold oft - At auction, and at retail at auction prices. AUCTION rIALES EVERY DAY, Prom 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 , :clocl Domestic Goode, Ilcmaeltoeping Goods, Cloths, Camiiinerea, Battnetta, Veedngs, Flasnel9, .Chocks. Tweeds, J ouu, &c. - • • • , dtaa • ' ' W. G. -EdcOARTNEY; Attu Conoer, Trgit. any Jalo - '4 - f'. , !qP11 , z.!1', , ... , :.1?,.: , .;.-.. , M32=ISI PITTSlll3lttell, P. EWBO J. it H. PHILLIPS ?,OWAND, Pntent:, DIFITNEACHEIL rt C.) fresh roll, for sale by w. U.eISITB m ~ .;-:,,.,..r,, , :',„:,t ' ,:t;!e1r$ istaminixwwNetwitaxsiwomionswomes MISCELLANEOUS. UNITED STATES MAILS. POST OEFICR DRPARTMENT, t Fubruary 1, 1868. j pROPOSALS for conveying the mails of the United States, from July 1,188, t. Ju e 30,19t5., on the fall„wiuG routes in the State of PENN,SYLV ANI A, will Le gm:elver] at the Contract Office or this department nutil 3, P. u, of March 31 next, to be decided by April 21 following ; 8519 Sr .lit Couileatitville, by Cresffugville and .11,101.11.0 t.. to Waterford, 30 mica and back, twice a week. Leave C uneautville on Monday and Wednesday, at . 7 A. Arrive at Wederford by 8 P. M Leave Waterford Tuaiday and Thursday at 7 A. M.: Arrive at Canneautvillo by 8 P. et. 3520 From Ilanever, by Littlestown and Monocacyville, Md., to Einnut.sburgh, 22 miles and back, three tlniei a week. Leave Hanover TueSday, Thureday and Saturday, at 1 P. m.; Arrive at EMU& tt , burgh by tl P. N. Leave Eimmittsburgli Tuesday, Thuretley and Satur day at 4 e. i. Arrive ht Hanover by 9 an From Brookville. by ltichardsville, Mary Annville, Shaffuer'sCorner's, bottom, and Bear Creek's Mills, to Itidgeway,3s miles and back, once a week. Leave Brookville Saturday ut7 A. at. Arrive at Ridgeway by 6 P. AL Leave Ridgeway Friday at 7 Arrive at Brookville by 6 P. M. 8522 From Marietta, by Sitter Spring and Ilempfleld, to Lancaster,l23J miles and back,datly, except Sunday Leave Marietta daily, except Sunday, at 1 P. at. Arrive at Lancaster by 5 P. at. Leave Lancaster daily, except Sunday, at 8 A. at. Arrive at Marietta by 12 m. 3523 From Lancaster, by Willow Street, Rawlins villa, and Bethesda, to McCall's Ferry. 18 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Lancaster Monday and Thursday at 7 A. M. Arrive at McCall's Ferry by 12 m. Leave McCall's Ferry Monday anti Thursday at 2 P.m. Arrirs at Lancaster by 7 P. M. 3524 From Lancaster, by Greenland and Sonderaburg, to Paradise, 9 miles and back, six times a week. . _ Leave Lancaster daily, except Sunday, at 8 P. m. Arrive at Par idiee by 6 P. m. Leave Paradise daily, except Sunday, at 7 A. M. Arrive at Lancaster by 10 A. kl. 3.525 From Beaver, by Partinnon and Service, to Frankfort Springs, '2O mile, and back, twice a week. . Leave Beaver Tuesday and Thureday at 8 .1 6 . m. Arrive at Frankfort e. pings by 3 P. El. Leave Frankfort Springs Monday and Wednesday at S A. _ Arrive at Beaver by 3 P. Is. 8628 From Evausbrirgh, Shermanville, to Linenillo, 8 miles anti back, tliree times a week. Leave Evansbnrgh Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 10 A.ll. Arrive at Lineeville by 12 H. Leave_Linesvillo Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 P. N. Arrive at Evausburgh by 4 P. M. 3527 From Hollidayeburgh, by Frankstown and Canoe Creek, to Williamsburgh, 12 miles and back, six times a week.. Leave 11011idaysburgh daily,. leapt Sunday, at 2 , ,4 P. m., on arrival (4 western mail. Arrive at Widianisburgn by 13% P. 11. Leave Wiliiamsbu th daly, except Sunday, at 7 A. NI. Arrive at itollioaysbnrult by 11 A. X. Propo,Ms to end race the Y:dlL,w Springs odic., are invited. 3525 From Orcutt Creek to Chemung, N. Y., 4% miles and back, twice a week. Leave Oicutt Creek Tuesday and Saturday at 9 A m. Arrive at Chemung by 10,6 A. m. Leave Chemung Tuesday and Saturday at 11 A. m. Arrive at Orcutt Creek by 12% 8829 From Starucca to Pallmansville, 5 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Starucca Tuesday and Saturday at 1 P. it. Arrive at TailmanseLle by 2 , /, P. kt. Leave Tallmansville Tuesday and Saturday at 10;4 . A.BI Arrive at Starucca in time to connect with the mail from Susquehanna Depot—say at 12 M. NOTES. „Propwalte must be guarantied by two responsible persons, rtified to as such by a postmaster or judge of a court of record. No pay will be made for trips not performed, and for each of such omission, not natiniactoriey explained three times the pay of the trip may bee eeducted. For arrivals so tar be hind time as to break c inflexion with depending mail;. and not sufficiently excused, one-fourth of the compensation for the trip is subject to forfeiture. Fines will be imposed, un less the delinquency - be satisfy tardy explained, for negli ct tog to take the mail from or into a post Lidice; fur suit,ring it to be injured, destroyed, rubbed, or last: and for refusing, after demand, to cuovey the mail as frequently as the con tractor rune. or is concerned in running, vehicles on the route. The Postmaster ileueral may annul the contra-1 f disobeying the post office lawn or instructicus of the depart ment. Lie may alter the schedule, and also order an in crease of service by allowing therefor apro rata increase on the contract pay. tie may ,elso curtail or discontinue the service in whole ot in part, at pro rata decreaee of pay, al lowing one mouth's extra corniesunAtioo on the amount of service, dispensed . wits. Fide should be addressed to the '• Second Asnintatit master General,” supere.cribed Pro posals for mail service, State of— —." For forms of proposals, ire., emit other information, nee this advertisement in pamphlet form, and also the gen oral advertisement of routes in the state, dated 10th Janu ary, 1856, at the principal post ofllcon. AAlteibe V. "MOWN, Postmaster denote!. Great Chance to Make Money. TUE BEST Nl4 MOST CERTAIN SPE,CI7- 1. LATION OF TUE Tim Es—ON L ONE LL A.E P Elt ARE—FortyM tho,lnaud dollars worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Were, with a great variety of Nancy and entitle Goods:, to be disposed of in forty thou sand shares, at one dollar per chore, as follows:—Upon the payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered 1,- ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be notified of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Philadelphia, and the whele et the property disposed ed or distributed emong them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them; each Shareitoid er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be, ',elected by the Shareholders ut said meeting, to conduct or sever 71- tend the disposition of the property, according to the direr,- LiOlth of the Shareholders, and 1 will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persons us the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate conelete of ono three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $21)00, and two throe story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at 2:00 exh, in the city ut I. hiltidelphia, clear of all hem in brance, and title indisputable; the other property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the eity of Philadelphia, now, sod for a long time past kept by the subscriber..subscriber..The stock consist ing of very fine Gold and Silver limiting Case Lever 'Web h es very fate Gold and Silver Patent Lever;Lepine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Ring., Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pius, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, &e. &c., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cope, Spoons, Knives, Forks, &c., &c. Also,Erench Clocks, Music Boxes,Accordeons, and d great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en. trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively essarecl the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for fine Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect able persons aro given as references, to: those disposed to per chase shores. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress ,f the sender, by return mail. Auy person seeding ten dollars at one time, shall receive eleven separate receiptie in as many separate names if desired. In writing for shares, please write the name of the Post lace, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a small sum, as has ever bolero been offered to the public. Send on your orders, as shares are selling rapid ly, and it is confidently expected the distribution will soon be made. Articles allotted to persons at a distance, will be sent to them at their expense. ra Agents wanted iu every town and village. All com munications must be addressed to L. R. BROOMALL, No. 110 South Second street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market street 104, attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate, relit . ing Houses, and collection of rents, insurance and repairs negotiating loans, making bills, conveyances, deeds, bonds , etc., writing letters and.corresponding with persons abroad , All business attended to promptly, and in strict confidence. 51 Market street, Pittsburgh. Letters of inquiry must a 1 ways enclose a postage stamp to pay return postage. Ve HOUSES FOR RENT— By S. CUTHBERT & SON, 5] Market et. A comfortable two story dwelling house on Ross s'reet,st head of Fifth—V.4 per month. A two story dwelling on Duquesne street—slo per moot h. A convenient dwelling house on Logan stelsM—slso per year. A three story house of nine rooms, on Third sty esd, at $2OO per year. A dwelling house of four rooms and kitchen, with large lot of ground, on High street, Mount Washington, $lOO per year. Two large warehouses on Third street, near Market. Two small houses in Splane's Court, near Fith street, $8,25 per month. A two story frame house of fbur rooms, on Carson str' t, South Pittsburgh. at $5 per month. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc , is Ai,- gheny city—s3oo per year. A store Loom on Third street—sl2s per year. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A warehouse on Market street, No. 25. A dwelling house on Wylie street—s2oo per year . . A large shop on Third street can belted for two years. A store and cellar earner Market end Third streets. e DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS:— Grant street—Three three story houses, well arranged , each with back buildings. Third street—A three story bense, large sod convenient. Logan street—A dwelling house of 7 rooms. Fulton street—Two three story dwelling houses. South avenue—A two story:brick house of 8 rooms, 'large lot of ground, stable, carriage house, &c. Robinson street—A two story brick house. Franklin street—A good house of 8 rooms. Carson street—A two story house, and two lots of ground. Penn street—Three large dwelling houses. Minersville—A house and one acre of ground—te-ilea many others in Allegheny, South Pittsburgh !Ice. de2o S. CUTHBERT SON, 51 Market street. - ,VOR RENT.—A two-story Dwelling Howe 1: (Gothic style), pleasantly situated on Mt. Washingt,.., ; contains seven rooms well arranged, carrisgeshouse. staid», and spring of good, soft water, convenient. Rent, i,loa per year. .Also, can be had with the above, if desired, a Of , en HOll5O and Five Acres of Land in good state of cultic:A.4i, two acres of which aro in strawberries of choice quality; the remainder is covered with Nursery Trees of all kinds, reads for the gardener io get into a profitable bneineis. The strawberry-plants-and trees will ha sold on BCCOMMO sIat tng terms, and a lasso of the horse and grounds ran he lead for a term of years. Apply to Jo 21 9. GOTEIGERT & SON, 51 Market street. A..OREA'r ISAIWAIN.—For sale, a com fortable two ?rtory brick bwolling liou o, vrlth two lota of ground, Minato on Caron street, South ilttzbur short distant-, from tho Monongahela Bridge. des P. CTUTITUt!Ft?B .ON. .15!flif O ' of TWO LOTS, on Federal street, Allegheny city, for Bale by 8. CUM:BERT SON, do& 51 Market etre: , .. - ON THE CONEMAUGH. RIVER.—For sale a Valuable Form in Westmoreland county, 2 1 miles from Blairsville, on the North Western Railroad, 120 acres of choice land, 00 acres in cultivation, a young orchard of 10 acres, BO acres of ex ollent timber, a new dwelling house of 8 rooms—price, $7O. Terms may. Real estate Lti the city will be taken in part pay. Ja.27 0 OUTIIBRRT a BON, M. Market street. .BUENA.VISTA.—For Sale.—A two story. [ r amp holm, of fair rooms and kitchen, paled fence to front, a bake oven, &c. Lot 'A) feet front on Monterey at., in Baena Vida, extenelon of Allegheny city, by lie feet deep, to an alloy. S. CUTHBERT .t SON, k I . deot 6l Market street. , ~--------, I 1 INES AND:LIQUORS.—The best Tull - ity of Brandy, Wlnlamaica Spirits, Old Rye VA:da t. y, Irish end= Scotch Whisky, Lomion-Porter,lirearn gloat, Champagne Wine, an hand and for sale by L AMES PATTON, J,r wag MO= Cl*, AILROADS. 111.1111LROAD NOTHC . The Pittsb'h, Ft, Viayne & Chicago Ai L u ti t.! t) I" N 4, Wl'fli LES A;NIPLI L ktOLLINti and ,qu!puteut, and it, uectionno:, pro . pored to trauiport mud ,relg,UL irotu k iIIL.I - CalitiAiiio, LOUth, IN DIAN A POLizi, CI NUi NN A; aud all pl:Atud t 5 eht auu :South west, with a great unit uxiieilith-iti• Thu fact tent this ttun.l ti,uis a threct laud coubuhdtr.teil line biitweeu Pittsburgh 4,4',"i*,. !.. ' , ''. V . .-.., -••.,'Fl-7T..,,,:...;; •••i,.:: ~_ , ....-L10,:-,"..:,..1,4::. Dr. I'd INT CELF:BitATED VE R F MITER PLIALS,`. Ig'srssatitim bactl Wirle-0--esaar.-me They are not recom mended as Univers: Cure-alls, but simply t. -their name ir” \+' hat :lorts, The V ERMIFUGE 5 gelling Worms fro: the human system, also been administere:. with the most satisfactorl rcsults to various anima! s subject to Worms, The LIVER PILLS, it'o! the cure of LIVER CONI PLAINT) all BILIOUS PE 7!...,,NGEMENTS3 SICK HEAD ACHE, &C. Purchasers will pleas , particular to ask fc.' Dr. C. McLane's Cek- 1)r died VERMIFUGE ant: LF,'F.R preparcu"c . ; oLF, PROPRIETOR.S, 1 ) 1 ; • - blIrc;112 •Pa and take n other, as there are I/al-lu.- preparations before the public, pilling toVermi and Liver Pin,. others ) in compariscl: with Dr. McLANE's, 2,T C: -v-vorthiesc:. The GENUINF, McLanc's 7 r Pills can now be had 4t respectable Drug { ~~ 4, i• A.V.4. .;07 %at' PITTRP Tr. no ft P.l Ni'LANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVE] PILLS.-75 grow on hand and for ealu by B. L. FAIINESTOCH & CO. Corner Wood and Fourth street& ---•- - JJRIVATE DISEASES.-DR. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offices, No. 50 smpraFf rf Street, Pitts burgh, Pa. DR. BROWN Is an old citizen of Pitts burgh, and has been in practice for the 4 ~,„.11;4 -"A '''.1 last twenty-fire years. His business has crt, been confined mostly to Private and Sur- 9 . / gical Divemes. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS "aft -, , in need of a medical friend, should not - fall to find out the sure place of relief. . . The Doctor is a regular graduate, and his experience in the treatment of a ceitainclass of difleastei is a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtaintng perrnsnent relief, by the use of his remedies and following his [OF i DR. BROWN'S REMEDIES never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Diseases—all Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, All dik.nses arising from ahereditary taint, which manifests itself in the form of a tetter psoriasis, and a great many forms of skin diseases, the origin of which the patient is entirely igm rent To persons so afflicted, Dr. B. offers hopoa of a sure anti speedy reoarecry. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble broughton otten by that military habit of sensual gratification iv hirl the young and weak-minded often give way to,(to theh owe destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in this country—they aro wife, and make a speedy restoration to health. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this paiufn. dis• ease in afew days—he will warrant a care. Ile also trt:Ats Gleet, Gonorrheea, Stricture, Urethral Discharge.„ Fe male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases o: tha Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain in the Beek and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together witAl diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a rm.:, dt, rested to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent tc, at.y address, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and Private Rooms, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pun. burgh, Pa. mr.:6 Mrs. S. I. Allen's World's Hair Restorer. lIAIRED, BALD, or persons with NJ diseases of hair, or scalp, read the following and judge of the articles: Mra. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBA.LSAMIUJI3I, Or WORLD'S HAIR DRESSING, is essential to use wits the RESTORER, and is the beat Hair Dressing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in cam of hair fel,' ing, Ac., without the Restorer. REV. H. V. DEGAN, Editor Guide to Holiness. "We can testify to its effects," At. PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, L. L. D., Murfreesboro', Tenn. "Notwithstanding irregular use, the failing off of heir ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," die. REV. S. B. MORLEY, Attleboro', Massachusetts. "it has changed the "Crown of Glory," belonging to old men, to the original hue of youth, itc. REV. M. THACILER, (60 years of ago,) Pitcher, Chonango county New York. "My hair is now restored; it to nothing like a dye," /cc. REV. D. T. WOOD. Middletown, New York. "My own hair, and that of another of my family, has greatly thicken. ell, where almost bald," ac. REV. DAMPS McKEE, New York city, recommends it, &a REV. W. PORTED/3, Stanwich, Conn. "It has met my most sanguine expectations, Ice. REV. J. F. GRISWOLD, lb ashington, N. H. "It is really efficacious in restoring the hair," &c. REV. G. M. SPRATT, Lowisburgh, Pennsylvania. "W can and do cheerfully recommend it," &c. REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Carolina. "The white hair has become obviated," ac. REV. AMOS BLAINCIIARD, Meriden, N. 11. "We think very highly of your preparation," AC. REV. B. C. SMITII, Prattaburgh, N. Y. "'was surprised to find my hair turn as wthn I was young," Az. REV C M. CLINK, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. "It has clop ped my hair falling and caused a new growth" REV. A. KLINK, Chatanque county, New York. "I ant satisfied and recommend it." REV D. MORRIS, Cross River, New York. "It is the best preparation extant." REV. WILLIAM °EIMER, Editor Mother's Magazine, NOR York. "Recommends it." /Er. We might escell this list, but if not convinced, TRY IT. We export those preparations to Europe evell, and are superseding all others there ea well as tho U It doer not toil or main. Bold by all tho principal whole• eels and retail merchants in the Linited Stated, Cubs, 00 Canada. DEPOT 355 BROOME STREET, rel. where address all lettars and inquiries. Some dealers try to sell articles instead of this, which they make more profit. Write to Depot for circular, terms, and information. Genuine i 5 signed, 2 , 173.. V. A. Allen written in ink. beware of counterfeits. isep3:e-cod3mdaar 2) 1 1 R large b supply L t a I N w ' a S y a 11 0 n A h l u ß n d and ltE for ; r e u ° l R e by E R novl6 B. L. FAHNESTOCK. A CO SAML. FAIINESTOCK No, 14 Wood street, Pittsburgh, -ETAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND— WALDRON Sc. GRIFFIN'S :Giammin CORN AND GRAIN SCYTHE, CORN HOBS; PATEN. T AND conmoN ANVILS; STBEL Traps, very superior. Drawer Locks, very superior Gun Locks, Tinned and Enamelled Sauce Puns, Basting SpoonA, Brass Candlesticks, Braga Cocks, Brass Stair Bode, Braces and Bits, Measuring Tapea, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, Towed, Coil, lifth, Tongued, Stretch and Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold at mod. crate terms. split SKIRTS! SKIRTS! Bishop's Skirts; Quilted }looped Skirts; Holmes' Hooped Skirts; Misses' 0 , rdod Skirts; Ladies' Corked and Quilted Skirts, white and cokre.l; a new guppy just opened. at Jos. deg 11.1arket street. WINTER GLOVES.—A full supply of Cloth, silk and Merino, of various sizes, at low pri• HORNE'S, 77 Nfw-ket *tract. rVORPEDOES.- 100 , 00 0 No. 1, just receiv ed. and for Bale by • , filiMikai A eauntasoN, Boat Nte. NV** one@ MEDICAL RELEtfIhLiZLE3II IT 18 NOT A HD' E. =aim