s 'w BUSINESS CARDS kAbiLtiL C. WINGARD, P 4 -7 :: : ATTORNICY AT LIAM', 1 I Jar 0/71CI, No. 69 GRANT tit:cot, 1.r. , t1t000 Pc %trill otyvot 1 ' toi Diamond alley. pt, 1-A.IIES Attorney at Law, ,)111co Fourth stroot. Pittsburgh, but Wt , oll ti`l]erry MIL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to U. • W. in tele NO 14 Su ithflold stroot. - : r a ....„ Offer hours from 8 to 1 o'cloch, and front 2 to 5 c'clocli ! fabl&ly , 'l . SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five floors • - wee. of Market. ,sip-Office hours from 1) o'clock. A. M. to b o'clock P. M. dec2o:y SeIIOONMAKER, Manufacturer of • White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paiut„ Litharge, e. Wholeaa' o dealer iu Oils, Paints, Varnis Turpe u No. 2,4 °cal street, Pittsburgh. tuy^i'd JSEPII FLEXIING, iiuoce.9Bor to L. Wil og. &.Co. corner of Market ,treat and tho Diamond. hoops c r austandy on hand a full'assortinont of DRUGS, MED. I.O.i.NRS;II.RDICINE CRESTS, PERFUMERY, and all art:- 'plea pertaining to his business.. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully ccinponnded at al boors. le9:y CHADWICK, dealer iu Kentucky • Lea TOBACCO, RAJ and PAPER, NO. 149 Wood street, below Sixth, Pittsbnrgh. [up'.4l):ly .a• The highest ruark,t price, in ~..1.1,511, paid for Itr.gs. WAITIII P. A.l/11.81.1A.11. JOSEPTI R. 110011 t, -IA7 P. MARSHALL & Co., Importere and • dcalorti in French !cud American PAPER likr;G• INGS, Ni:. 87 Wood atroot, Pituthurgli. agji,—;,,,,,awkats cor the c..l..brated mann.f.,,tEni,,i of Alunirn. Dvliconri .4. Co., Parit... an ='f DAVID CAMPBELL & SAMUEL POL- LoCK have 11.1wriutr I together ur.der the style oi ettALBELL & POLLOCK, fur th, transaction ut a general Variety and Dry bowls bulineaA, and the manufacture td plain and Waved Lino (lilt Mouleinge. mhlA PHILIP Itraidth POW= 2. AI:DEMON R" NIER & ANDERSON, (successors tr. J (lit ax Ittio.l.,t di C 0.,) wh01.A.11.. , .I. , :ilerri in FOREIGN fItUITS, N UTti, S VIC ES, CONFECTION A ItY. SIX/ A ItB, .4.c., No. 89 Wood Btre , t, oppuitti tiro St. Charl,i Hotel,. i'itt bArgh.op:, J. J. 6ILLILSPIt. I J. GILLESPIE A: C 0.,., Looking lass Manufaeturer ,, , "A v. and dealers in Looking GM, PIA et, Nat.° Glees, hi, gravinga, Combo and Fancy Goods, No. id, Wood street, Pitt, burgh. On hand and !undo . to order, Gilt Pier a. Mantle Idlasse-,, Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt , nies, or Mould ing, of every description. - stotont.mt cabi Imild (lilt BOTTLERS. -JOHN OooEN & Co., UuttlerH, No. IS7 First street, would rewectfully iulorio the ram :lc, that they have constantly ,m hand a forgo MIN EItAL ‘TEIt, ALE and of the lot quality. The Attention of tamitiee Is pusticularlydirected to the fact that they bottle WAIN 1110 11 I A Lit it ltd purest •Itatx. Physicians recommend it to famili , • o.conut of jip some and atl ormtheiling oevidly J. M. 'LITTLE, MERCRAINT TAILOR (Dr. Irish'l4 - 73111711 , i n. Id. iii JW. 11MR - ft, ARC 1 1 RI , : t i 1" front 4:10mor uf Fifth and Idutnl to • A I It ST It V, ET, • In t,, prepare Spacifieutious of, and to Sill,, , rititou,l!l, ,, Err,tim, ..1 deScription of 111111,1h:1o. ilf,'P'l\ AFULTON, B ELL AND BRASS e. FOUNDER, N. 70 SEO ,(root, Ptttititurgh, t prcprtted to tip-uish to order OEIDEOET, STEAMBOAT, PAC:T(IM' V-;1) Laki. 01 all dill,. from 10 it. 1 , ‘ 0 . .t , I/1d BP•LLS modo to odor aroi IA:: , . of all sizim. tor t.toatolto..t., `MINERAL wATNit All-.1N(1, and every variety ot .13r;o:z Ca? tint, ft Ldtt .1 .Iv,t,ta manner. BABBI _ANII :trrltiTiON METAL; FULDIN'S l'A TISNT rvIETA LUC IiACKILN 4 i, (01 SI ,1111 1111661/..d. [.IIZ , !F Ou(ataiNiE & MA XNY ELI, .2.41 MA , FF , CTIIItthq ,•r Looklug-Gl:acmes, 'lir.? r ; And Dealers in Clocks, E.,use Furnlshing Gondb, Igo. 7135 9trcer, Rbove it, Pk Ma. 111112 Ns EDUCATIO_- A Vincent , N CoMege. Seinitiarev, UNDER. TUI CARE or TIM LENTAACTINR Near Latrobe, tVesiutoreland county', IN TIIE UULLEUE ARE TAl.l6lll"ilfE usual hraurh,e of Lualioil Education in the SEMINAILY, Hiotory. Ittiotorics, Philosophy, etc., and the different - branch,. ol higher erudition nee.oeetry or ripifal to (1,-, r.opirin.; to Pricattiotal. The tertal for Board and fit.) io r hoar. t•• paid ornui-mintrilly,,,uri. try in German and French and othir laneu,n,es, ra, 1- lug and Ninak,forni no extra clittrine, ex opting i.nie pontiation for the Win of instruments. Medicine, Waiiiiing, [1001:ti, :itAtiltllt. f ,t', cl)argea. For particulars apply to the Pirertor or the Cullegi.. 'The Collegiate year 1,-„inis on the lot of Sep., int , er, , a , •l ends On the Rol el hilli•a - iug FATHER. U. 13 1.134151, of tin Clolicy- St. Francis hotatietny for Boys., UNDER TUE CARE OF THE FRANCISCAN EttOTLIF Loretto, Cambria. County, Pp,. • yr 11 1 S INSTITUTION, NATURAL ~Y .L situated for Educational :01 D. duceinerits that can 1”. desired Stir a Catholic Ince 'tut. It htlocated in the . Mott healthy and picturesque pirtion ttr the Alleghenies, distant fitur miles from Cresson Sttion, the direct mail route !tut worn Philadelphia and Pittsburgh 'f lie scholastic year cuunnenLing the liret qtaltlay in Serteflll.t: - , will close the 15th of July following. • The Terurit for ltuard, including a thitt ough title Course, are SIOU per annum. The Circle and Modern Lattiginsivet 11,1,11 ,//are:: of $lO per 11111111111. Washing and use of Bedding $lO. Per further particulars apply to the sup :rit- of the k demy. References Cali be DladO to the It,. ifee. Dr. OTORNOTI. ttp3o:lyd&w DRY GOODS Retrench: Retrench!: ANOTHER CRASIi—IN PRICES 1-I,e ing determined to 3eli our d rock, though' " th , are Tight," WO have maMin general W Of, ;17 REDUCED THE ENTIRE STuOg To still lower priced. • tar Now is the thus to_boy whs. th , • as,,rtup, t imbrokou;:kud the Priced Put llewu 1 Duwu I 3'.S ROHN S. 77 Market r.tret THE LAST ORANGE FIGURE • Bonnet Itiltp.ll4, worth 78 cent~, ut 82 1 / 1 per yrkrt do do 62% at r,O d,, do do do 50 at 37% do do do do 3754 at 25 do JOSEPH HORN lc 77 Market street. Well VELVET ,TRIMMINGS, AT REDUCED t's.l A choice am,rttnout on hand and for stdo at =mit tt tt tot RS'. 77 hiarket •,1,-,..!. •-- _ GENTLEMEN'S UN DEill GrARMEN 1> -- Waal, Silk, Merino and .:envy Cotton Under Sill. and Drawers—a fresh supply roceived ~' LIORNE%3. den . ' 744aDuket tetri,-1. FIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in Price of BRADLEY'S YARNS..-151,1 ,11- Buy. r. Peddlara will be furnished with BilADWllrli KNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Fic,, Ceuta per p,a;ad, by the bundle, after this date, For Cush, BORN d, 77 Mirka i:ireet, ded Agrnt tar the Maunflir.t.a,,- EMBItOIDERIES.—Our excellent' at•IC k .1 French Embroideries, and the kw paces at v„1,, , -; they are marltod, offers rare itiducernouts to ladies to purchase the latent tl t y MONEY 1 MONEY I! ED DOWN. ,*Great re‘inction iu the price of Eull.roilr.ries Wo have gone carefully over our handsome steak YHENCII-WORKED C'iLLAItS, UNDER. SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS, etc, etc. And 11v:A the prices to suit the " Hurd Times " The Ladies muy rely on getting bargains it octTl 1.101C.11.'5. 77 `dart et FANCY BLACK - DBE SS SILKS. - Lit - g 0 94 , ortniout. Which We Itro closing Out - V MEAD FOlt CASH. C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brother,. jag Nn 74 Market etc. WE WILL SELL from the pre-cuttiine consunwily cl o •np I iti CAS 11. PL•av , O.IH and I` Funti , rly Lovt. , 11, No. 74 Markrt Ina uur sto DRINTED FRENCH MERINOES, For ; AL. Lid 7t c..otA, worth $1 +tad sl,*.n, tho twAt C,•..“ lu the city. C. 1.1.41.N50N 1.W...F., (forn,rty Lore hr0tt.., , ..) Mall No t 4 Met.rk...l ..tr , ... . R LACK ANI) FANCY - DRESS SILKS .8., A inn widortut, , Ll, eery cheap. . C. II A NEON Le3V6l, formerly Love P.:oi h, :' , 7:, 74 Vriakot afv.,t EVERY Ec:o ,, omica.l Puretower of 1)! Goode, i11aW19,111112[14,3 b.C.; niao Dotneetic and . plo Goods, v/1111113 , 1 it to their advantage Loran and kao,t, our New 'Stott ri.t all and Winter Dry Geode before purr. lug eleowluxe. 0 LiANSON LUNT. 5.1.5 Q UAW LS 1 Sit SIVLS Cherini, Brocua, Sr. , blab the rc beet lu city; and at very low lake, lip C. !i A -: 4 5)N • 71 Mar6:•l , PIQUE arid M/ ltSli 1,1,E5, Fleeced, A - BONNET V E V ET.-- Every variety of 1.-o -n6t and fo, :* 1/OV/3 1.1,)R%- NEW BEDFORD SPERM CAN - DLE boxer Simla e on band and uud fur dale by • jail - Cl OAP 10 WOO 14 lb..ap, In 1L..:: !1. and 3 lb, bu. fop" No. I Palm r.Vapa, fir Z., 2 In. and 3 It Strrjr(.lo Obeinical Oliva Soap, in lb. lump 240 ." °loin° Oxlia 150 " Garman etadlla — fr," Pure Palm Ou band and for knio Jail O. di H. SAW 1!.1... s__ M PROP _ .. .- . 20 ,mh drown frit , ticnyraek 1. ift.t." '.. 10 wan " balks; 00 b'orog Malaga hubilia, last tvoelore,i ar..l for. fide ti , , LUDYMER & ANDICEBON, . f IV Woad at, opprxt-te Lit. Obasies ilotil. I=l NO. 54 ST. ('LA IS STK 30l:P11 HORN E, 77 Mwrket etrt, -PRICES b. C. & J. Li t • " lu 3 lb. 4..,.rm " fn I>v. " GROCERS. WM. H. .. . JOB. H. UIINTER W. U. SMITH & CO., I Late Braid', Blair & Huntord WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 11:3 Second and 151 Front Streetb, PITTSBURG fl, PA ALOOL'.;, LLECH:: Jontr L. LEECII JOSEPH S. LEECH & C ) , Now. - 1-1•2 and 24 Liberty si 7eet, PITTSBURGH, PA., lea 01: , GIiOCARS, AND CONIMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN tL ➢ U VI AND BACON, TIN PLATE AND TINNERS' STOOK, AAD P iTTSBUROIII4IANUFACTI, RES. TIVALPEri & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Levee and We.eltlington Ave‘tue, WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY E.F.FsitaNt7.3.--4ogeph S. Leech tt (Jo., an.l Pittsburg:l .tirreLMut+ generally. jyll:ydaw DAVID I,I'CANDLIZ9S WILLIAM MEANS 11. A. COFFIN M'CANDLESS, MEANS &. CO., snOCESSOES SO WICK k TeCANDLE9EO WROLESILE GROCERS, DULIIIS IN IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, A.N I) PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES GENNRALLY, Corner of Wood and Water streets, fr 1 y PITTSBURGH, PA, igkGALEII, COSGRAVE &t. CO.,' Vt' r 110 E SALE G 110 CE !I , LS and 20 Wood street msbAy pprrsßuitou.: - !11LLCI.,leidl O. W. RICKITSON, Pittsburgh ILLER & RI C KET SO N , Wholesale G ro of BRANDIES, WINES and S, N. 1.71: quit 17.;, corner of Irwin and Liberty streets, Pitte ,nrgli. Iron, Naito, Cotten Yarns, Ac, constantly on hand. iy l) • • DAVID El CANDLESS 'WILLIAM MEANS U. A COMO 31 5 Cautdiess, Ilteans 61. Co., (snec.i4ors to Wick A M'Candleas,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts. burgh Manufactures generally, corner of Wood and Water trests, Pittsburgh. . ' myB FO.RWARDINii AND COAIMISSION r,4inE , llg COLLINS Forwardit44 and Commission Merchants, r2OPRIZTORS OF TILE Vof lens' Pittabarglis Meadville ta tslrla CANAL LINES. NOB. i 1 _illll 115 WATER STREET, PITTBBEFROkI, PA itiiitOrt)ES, EIHAGEN & CO., FORW:X_RD.ING AND COMMISSION 111.14RCH ANTS, No. ;Ni Slit:A/1011El ST., CINOINNATI, 0.1)y:A ENRY li. COLLINS, Forwarding and , MO wI ,l venie dealer in W 1 11, OFfEEt4i . .. RUTTER, EiEED: , aryl PRODUCE pinerally, 25 W.,M Pit;,:nvirnt, -marl WINES AND rAgu,...)-iis. M. DEVLIN 6ENNEDI AEVLI . N Wholesale Wine I muii ftOil Ruct ift ing Iliytillera, No. Sinithil trea, Pittsburgh, Pa. y R ON 11; 13. 6: CO 1 . IMPOILSCP.S 0 f Preach rund (German Wines and Idynora, CHAMP AG N E, ac., &0., 161 Emitldteld atreat, between 6th and 7th car Tritl3-ty,T.,=0 , 1 PITTNBURWI. PA GLASSWARE. CUM-air" - ICCORGSN HGBIIHS~J n. env; kiiin DITEIJODGI L. RING WALT. UR W Nl, Itt)11 RTSON & 00., Mauu ui Cot, Pi auiliquip Flint iiI,A,SSWAII,r. N. 17 Woi.”: corner of Front., Pittabnrgh All oth,i kinds of 018.91 ware and Window Glum, A. !"...ittriii.l pricer!. 1...47C.6 Z. LIDLIZ JOEMPLI f EDLIF, ULA:4I, Successors to Mulvany Ledlie, antoufacturula of Muuldvd ulid yinin Ftint aud Fancy Coitsi,l OLASSWARE, and dealora in all kiuda ut Window (Hasa, vials and Bottlua. Warn ttototo corpxr of 1-:'wkot and Water ntreets, Pittnbngli. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS & 11. PIIILLIPS halve pliieced to their new building, Nod. 26 and 28 Arcot, wear side,hetween Petar.fitroot and the Bridge, J. t. El. PIII.LI.IPS, . . 51ANUPACtURERS OF FLOUR, FE RNITURE,CARKIAU E, TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT g OPAQUE WINDOW SHADE OIL CLOTHS Of different Colo' Also, DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS & WINDOW SHADES, Of every description Dealers in INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made ander Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York. Bolting Companies, fox the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, HOSE and TACKING. LEATHER BELT ING of Eastern mannfacture, a superior quality; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO FIRE—PROOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Oil.s, Turpentine; Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AND Si'.iNPAINTING AND GLAZING, iu all its branches, done in the best and shortest time. I de2o:ly ; J. Pt H. PHILLIPS, N and. 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory et Phil ou the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburg.h. CArtRETS, OIL CLOTHS, XATTING, AT TUE Fourth Street Carpet Store, Nv- & INITALLUM respectfully 41, invite the attention of their former customers and the' public gerMr.dly to their present stock, just selected fur ;Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Homo Pdanufacture, euush,ting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask., Twilled and Plain Stair CAILFIITS. OIL CLOTHS FROM '2 TO 'A FEET WIDE, !Inge, Mate, Stair Rode, Canton and Cocoa Matting; Lie. Yarn awl Rag Carpotd; Vonitian Blinds; Painted, Buff ari (Ireon Holland Shades. • . - It will give us pleasure to show goods to all who may be desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. W. D. & 11. iII'CALLVI. IL CLOTH CLOTTING—Of all kinds, 1 41„, black and yellow, I,r sale at the India Rubber Depbt. au d 28 it Clair street. (deg(J. & 13. PIIILLI i S. 111, CLOTHS FOR TUE FALL TRADE. 4„. We have on hand, and era daily receiving additlot thereto from our own and othermanufactories, a largeszocs of floor furniture, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, TEULIE• parent, Green and Buff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, usr_rd en tionsefarni:Ming and other purposes. Also, Traimpe rat Window Shades, of dry and oil finish—gold bordered ace other styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. ivierchant.9 and others will find it to their advantage to ii amine our Hock and prices before making their pu , 'I elsewhere. 3. & li. PILLIJ.I , 5510 '2,43 and 28 St. Clair ..r. . JI I LUOR OIL (MOTE'S,— jc Of our own an.l eastern numnfacture—all tNidt.lid, and cut to snit any DiZO of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cloth Ware moms, No.:Maud 23 St. Clair street. oct2:l .1. A H. PHILLIPS. FURNITURE. AMILLIKENO. have on hand, at Si& L. tlwil -xtenewu CABINET and CHAIR MANUFAO. )HY, No. 64 rnithtield street, a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Ftu any', whicb they will soil 15 per cent. lower than custuuntry rates. Tcrma, cash' only. (dteri:y oODW ELL'S FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, Whole-ale and Retail, embracing every style or Furniture, iu Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut, dUitabk f,t Parlors, Chambers and Dining Rooms, equal to any in New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prises. Every article made by hand and warranted. Cabint-makers imp plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, on reasonalae n-rnr. lir.tels and Stranihoats furnished at the ihortest notice. Warereerns, Nos. 77 and 79 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 0c22 improvement in Bok Binding. PU UNDERSIGNED HAVING x„. obtained Letters Patent for Improvement in BOOK BINDING. is prepared to furnish the uttachment to Ito. Ma now in no,, or to apply the same to now Books. Orders for which are rewectfully solicited at WELDIN & ROWAN D'S Book Bindery and Blank Book Manufactory, Sontlew.mt corner of THEM/ and WOOD Streets. The above improvement consists: First—Of a Nh•tillic Spring clasping the back of the Book in such a moon, as Lo prpveut the leaves from sagging when the Book Is atind. lug in a vertical position. Second—The ouslots of motalic Grooves, on which are insert.] Rollers, which will odor:A:ally prevent the Books froth wearing or chidin g it p l w cho; the came iu its resting place, io2.ti I%IISS'ES' AND CHILDRENS' Gum, Ov',r - and sandas, cheap, nt oie Pooplea' Ellot) 81orr, 17 letftl/ mtreA near 31Arket. Jwcl DIFTENBACIENt h 0) ... ENS', CALF, Buffalo and Gum Ovenhow, ut DIFFIINBAOIItIi, 4 C 0 Jag No, 17 Filth Ftruct. HOW 'PO MAKE HOME HAPPY.--l'ho thee f o r making PRESENTS is near at hand. Mato glad the heart of your wife, child or friend, by pre outing them with a pair of new SIIOE,S or a AITERS, front the well known People's Shoo t loco. Gents' Laidies', ht.tys and Children's ware of every description dt PRICES (H EATIN It KIM e . DIFIVENTIMMIEIt d deli) N 0.17 Fifth street, near ,rkot. daREA'r AUCTION SALE, of Dry hoods, kA tit A. A. Mason k CON No. 25 litb Strout. $lOO4lOO Wm th or good,' at orory dounription . imcue otutely oold off it unction, and at retail at unction p, iceo. AUCTIONrIAL,F.R. EVERY DAY, thorn IA to 12 ilual 2 to 4 o'elock. Domostic amt.!, tioneetionpl rig . wybi, 01011 m, enAollnues, Botinetto. Vortings, ttiml;no, Onerke, 'i'svuodo, dfrg W , 0. liicOhitTNEW Aucti,,netr. bbLs: frimb for ado by late Oth POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, 1 . February 1, 1858. j pROPOSALS for conveying the mn,ila of the United States, from July 1, 1858, to Jue.e 30;1860, on the followiug routes in the State) of PENNSYLVANIA, will be received at the Contract Office of this department until 3, P. at., of March 31 next, to be decided by April 24 following; • 8519 Fr.na Conueantville, by Crosslngville and Edenboro' to Waterford, 30 mile-A and back; twice a week. Leave Conneautville on 'lffon'day and' Wednesday, at 7 A. tr. • Arrive at 'Waterford by 8 P. U. Leave Waterford Tuesday and Thursday at 7 A. m.; Arrive at Cenneantville by S P. la. 3520 From Hanover, by Littlenown and Monocacyville, Md., to Emmit7.abargh, 22 miles and back, three times n•week.- ' • Leave Hanover Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday, at _l' P. 514 Arrive at Emmittaburgh by 6 P. AL Leave Emmittsburgh Tuesday, Thursday and Satter . day at 4A. N. Arrive. atliauoverby 9 A.M. 3521 From Brookville, by Richarelsville,. Mary Annville; Shoffner's Corner's, Beach Ilottom,and Bear Creek's klille, to Eidgeway,3s miles and back, once a week. Leave Brookville Saturday at 7 A. m. . • Arrive at Ridgeway by 6 p. at. Leave Ridgeway Friday at 7 A. m. Arrive at Brookville ba 6 P. U. 8522 ' From Marietta, by Sil)er Spring and Uempfleld, to Lancaster,l2% miles and back,daily, except 'Sunday Leave Marietta daily, except Sunday, at 1 P.U. Arrive at Lancaster by 5 P. at. Leave Lancaster daily, except Sunday, at 8 A. al. Arrive at Marietta by 12 m. 8623 From Lancaster, by Willow Street, Rawlinsville, and Bethesda„ to McCall's Ferry, 18 miles and, back, twice a week., Leave Lancaster Monday and Thursday at 7 A. m. Arrive 'at McCalPs Ferry by 12 tr. Leave McCall's Ferry 'Monday and Thursday at 2 els. Arrive ut Lancaster by 7 P. Sr. 3524 From Lancaater, by Greenland and Sonderaburg, to Paradise, 9 miles and back, six times a week. - Leave Lancaster daily, except Sunday, at 3 P.m. - Arrive at Paradise by 6 P. m. Leave Paradisedally, except Sunday, at 7 A. M. Arrive at Lancaster by 10 A. U. From Beaver, by Parkinson and Service, to Frankfort Springs, 20 niiles and back, twice a week. Leave Beaver Tuesday • and Thursday atB A. at. • Arrive at Frankfort Springs by 4 P. U. Leave Frankfurt Springs Monday and Wednesday at . Arrive at Beaver. by 3 P. as. 8526 From Evausbargii, by. Shermanville, to Linoreille, 8 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Evansbnrgh Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 10 A. Si. Arrive at Linesville by 12 u. Leave Linesville Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 P. ri.” Arrive at Elvaueburgh by 4 e. st. 3527 From Ilellidayaburgh, by Frankstown and Canoe Creek, to Williamsbargh, 12 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Hollidayaburgh daily, except Sunday, at 2% T. 11., on arrival of western mail. Arrive at Williamsbnrgh by 64 P. Sr. Leave William.ebne gh daily, except Sunday, at 7 A. ti. Arrive at 11011Maysburgh by 11 Proposals to embrace) the Yellow Springs office ate invited. 35 From Orcutt Creek to Chemung, N. 14 4% miles and back, twice a week. Leave °mutt Creek Tuesday and Saturday at 0 A. U. Arrive at Chemung by 10% A. U. Leave Chtnunug Tuesday-and Saturday at 11 A. m. Arrive at Orcutt Creek by 1214 P. M. From Starucca to falikaansvilie, 5 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Starucci Tuesday and Saturday at 1 P. at. Arrive at Tialarmacille by 2% P. U.- Leave Tallmansville.Tnesday and Saturday at Lat Arrive at StarucCa in tithe to connect with the mail from Susquehanna Depot—say at 12 m. jO9IPII IA2IO Proposals moat be guarantied by tV.;ci responsible persons, certified to as such by a postmaster or judge of a court of record. , No pay will be marls fol . trips' not performed, and for oath of such omissions not satialactorily explained' three times the pay of the trip may be cedueted. For arriNals'ao - far hind time as to break coutieliou with depending mail., and not sufficiently excused, ono-fourth of the compensation for the trip is subject to furfeitnre. Fines will be impoetal, un lose the delinquency be ,iMisf,Utorily explained, for tieglelt ing to take the null from or into a post office; for suffering it to be injured, destroyed, rubbed, or lost: and for refusing, after demand, to convey the mail as frequently as the con tractor rune, or is ceticcitied hi running, vehicles on the route The Pea Minster General-may annul the contract ar., disobeying the post office laws or instructions of the depart ment. He may alter the schedule, and also order au in crease of service by allowing therefor,a,pio rata increase on the contract pay. Ile may also curtail. or discontinue the service in whole or in part, at pro raki tleOrsase. of pay, al lowing one niontlej extra compeusatieo on the amount of service dispensed a ith. Bids should be addree.4ed to the ‘• Second Assistant Pee master General," superscribed “Pro posals for mail service, State of For forms of proposals, de., and ether ,information, see this advertisement in pamphlet forth, and also the gen eral adiertisement of routes in the State, dated 10th Jaen- . ary, 1816, at the principal post offices. AARON V. BROWN, Postmaster General., A. A. 110 W AND, Patbnts MISCELLANEOUS. UNITED STATES MAILS. ,Great Chance to Make Money FIPLIE BEST ANo MOST CERTAIN SPECII LATION OF TILE TIMES—ONLY ONE ~,se DOLLAR PElt SHAltE.—Forty theesaud dullard worth of valuable Beal Estute, Watthes, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, white greet variety of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed el in forty thou sand shares, at one dollar per ,hare, as followei—Upon the payment of one dellai, I will !end the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will outitle bins to one share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have beep_ sold, the shareholders shall be notified of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, cud a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Philrdelphia, and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among them ; in such way as shall be determined upon by them ; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superiu tend the disposition of the property, according to the diree, Hone of the Shareholders, atid•l will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persons as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Beal Estate consists of one three story bricit dwelling bops e and lo t i valued at Vete), and two three story brick dwelling Houses and 'MG:Valued at 2100 a.ch, in the city of Ihiladelphia, clear of all incum brance, and title indisputable; the other property consists of the whole stock and fixturee of one of the, largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for a long time past kept by the subscriber. The stock couaist lug of very fine Gold and Silver Hunting Case Lever Watch es' very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lupine and other Watches, Gold Chains; Pencils', Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brooches, 'Bracelets, Diarnond and' other Ithigs . and Pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Ice., &c., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting vf Tea Sets,.Catorte Cake Baskets, Cups, Spoons, Knives, Forks, &c., 41 . ,sti,French Clocks, Music, Boxes, Accerdeons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not ono of those schemes which"are devised to en trap the uriwary,'but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, peiiiins are positively: assured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palin off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry for fate Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pur • chase shares: All orders by. Mail enclosing the money will be promptlyntionded to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress of the Sender, by return mail • Any .perion sending ten dollars at orikime, abet receive el even separate receipts. In as many•separaio names if desired. Iu writing for share pleise write the name of the Post Office, to which yogis-is' It the answer directed. This is the greatest chime - 6 'of 'getting's` lefgd amount of valuable property, fora smalisanni as has over before been Offered to tho• public. Send on your orders, as shares aro selling rapid ly, and it is confidently , expected the distribution will soon Articles allotted to persons at a distance, will bo sent in them at their expense. ixe..Agents wanted in every town and village. All cum munications must be addressed to • . _ _ L. R. BROOMALL, No. UO South Second , atreet, above Chesnut, Philadelphia CUTIII3ERT - 85 - - SON, - qilarket street attend to the sale and patellas° of 'lleaLEstatti, rent. ing lionses,'and collectidu Of rents, insuiance and repairs negotiating loans, making bills, conveyanoes,.deeds, bonds , etc., writing letterii and corresponding with persons abroad , All business attended to promptly, and in strict confidence. 51 Market street, Pittsburgh: - Letters of inquiry must al: ways enclose a postage stamp to pay return postage. (tel. OUSES FOR RENT- By S. CUTUBERP Is SON, 51 Market et. A comfortable two story dwelling house on Boss street, at head of Fifth—sl4 per mouth. - A two story dwelling on Duquesne stroot—s•lo per month. A convenient dwelling house on Logan etreet—slso year. A three story house of nine rooms, on Third street, at $2OO per year. • • A dwelling house of four rootas and kitchen, with largo lot of ground, on - High street, MoUnt Washington, $lOO per • . • year. Two large warehouses on Third streot,•near Market. Two small houses in Splane's Court, near Fith street, $6,25 per month. . A two story frame hummer four rooms, on Carson str,,,t, Booth Pittsburgh, at , $5 per month. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc, in Alio . - gheny city-r-$2OO per year. • A storeroom on Third street--$125 per y ear. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A warehouse on I..larket street, No. 25. A dwelling house on Wyliestreet—s2oo, per year. A largo shop on Third street can be had for two years. A store and. miler , corner Market and Third streets, et s a),W Essy ELLING HOUSES FOR SALE ON WI TERMS • , Grant street—Three three story houses, well arranged , w.ch with back buildings. ' Third street—A three story house, large and convenient. Logan street—A dwelling house of 7 rooms. Fulton street—Two three st , ry dwelling houses. South avenue—A two story brick house of .9 rooms, with large lot of 'ground, Shade, carriage house, , &c." . • Robinson street—A two story brick house.. Franklin strea—A good house 0r...5. rooms. Carson Street—A two story house, and two lots of ground. Penn street—Three large dwelling houses.: , s.linerevilli3A house and one acre of ground—besides inany.others in Allegheny, SontL.Pittsbnrgh, &c. de29 S. 01.1TplIERT & .SON ; 51 Market street. r'OR RENT.-A two-story Dwelling House (Gothic style), pleasantly situated on Mt. Washingto., ; contains seven rooms well arranged,larriage.house, stable, and spring of good, soft water, convonleat Bent, $lOO por year. Also, can be had 'with the above, Lf desired,. a Green House and Nice Acres of Land in good , state of cultivation, two erred of which are in 'strawberries of-choice quality; the remainder is covered with Nursery Trees of all kinds, rotdv for the gardener to get into a profitable busineed. The strawberry-plants and trees will be sold on. accommo dating terms,And atemie tif, the beau:and- gretintla eau be I, ad for a term of years. Apply to ja 21 8. OG-T.lll3llia A SON; 51 Market street • GREAT BARGAIN.—For sale, a COM fortablo two story brick Dwelling llotuia, with two Win of ground, sittuito on Oarsint.etreet, iSontb dlttaburg, abort atitanco'frora tholletribrignholit Bridge. treS Martrat it rt:7o LOTS, on Fedeal street, Allegheny city, for sale by S. MITIIIIERT & EON, • - - by 6arket street. ifIN THE , CONEMAUGH - RIVER.—For NJ, ado s Valuable li`arm in Westmoreland county, 2 Miles from Blairsville, on the Noith Western Railroad, 120 acres of choice laud, 00 acres In cultivation, a young orchard of 10 acres, 80 acres of ex spent timber, a new dwelling house of 8 rooms—price, $lOO. Terms easy. Real estate in the city will be taken in part pay. Jan B. BUTIIBERT h EON, 91 Market street. Ay VISTA.--For.Sale.;—A two story frame _house, of four rooms and kitchen, paled fence In front, sk bake oven, kc. Lot 20 foott-fronton Monterey et., in Buena . Vista, Intent:dun of Allegheny city; by 110 feet deep, to en alley. S. CU SI Market street. UTINES AND LIQUORS.--The best qual ity of Brandy, Wit" Cil:yfamalco Spirits, Old Bye Whisky, Irish and Soo telt Whit , London Porter, Brown oot, Oftatopettno Winn, on h and for Web) , RAMPS PATIVN, Jr IMO 4U11016,1 City. RAILROADS. itAlitu ° ltOAD NOTICE. Pittsb'h, 140 Wayne A; Chieggo .RAILBOAD COMPANY, ITU ITS AINSPLK ROLLING STOCK AT and equipment, and its through counectione,is pre, pared to transport Passengers and r reight from PHILA DKI.,PLA and PITTSBUthiIi to CLIICAoO, ST. LOUIS, IN DLA.N ANIL IS, CIN N ATt, 3nd all places West and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The tact that this Road tonna a direct and consolidated line between Pittsburgh and Chicligo, Li a sufficient guar antee that ita Trains will make good tune, and counectious with Trains on other ittunL PASSFSGER TRAINS LEAVE Pittsburgh. 'CI eatlil3o. I Ft. Wayne. U.S. Mail, 6:30 A..a. :3:ULI .P. 3.1 9:Us P. M. Empress, 3:15 P. M. 10:05 P.S.IL 6:45 A. M. ItEACH CiLICAtiO--U. ts. Alan ut 5:3a A. . 4 Express at 2:00 P. M. REACH CINCINNATI-t-11. S. Mail at 9:53 P. M.; E.7:1403.9 7:00 A.. AL All Trains make close COEllluCtiOlid at Crestline for Cultist bus, Cincinnati, Ladianapulis and St. Louis; also, at Fort Wayne with Trains on Walmmi and Western Railroad fur Lafayette, Central Illinois and St. Louis ; also, at Forest with Trains on the M. lt. & L. E. R. IL lIETURNLNG. i - From Chicago. I Ft.Wayue. Crestline. I Arr.Pash'g 11.. I B. Dlail,.- 8,45*r.A1. 5:30 A.M. 1•2:55 P. iii. 9.1 U P. M. Express, 5,00 A.M 2:110,I'. M. 19:05 PMI . N. 7:25 A M These Trains make close cuunectious with Trams for FLA. adelphia, Baltimore and Now York. Trains from St. Bums, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Colum bus make close connections at Crestime with all returning Trains. At Fort Wayne. Trains trout St. Louis. Ceutial 1111- 1 noes, Lafayette, and intermediate peaces, connect with she se Trains. At Forest, connections are made with Trains to anti fronrCincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. ACCOMMODATION TnAlNS—Lcave New Brighton far Allegheny at 7:00 A. 51..aud 12:30 P. M. Leave Allegheny fur New Brighton at 9:45 and 4:30 P. 31. To accommodate way travel, Puscongor Cats will be at tached. to Freight 'Trains; leaving Parma: ugh. at. 8:45 A. Al'„ Crestline for Alliance, at 6:65 A. M ; Alliance for Ciestline, at 11:30 Alli.; and Alliance fur Fatal:n:lTh at 7:45 A. M. BAGGAGE CHECKED TaitCLihi.O., end no charge far handling. For Tickets and further infurimaioa apply to A. T. JOHN SON, Agent, at the [Treat Western Railroad lace, dtrecth on the corner, at the Monongahela house, Pittsburgh, or to Geo.Parhin,PassengerStation, Penn Street, between Wayib' and Canal; B. F. PATRICE., No. SU Dearborn street, uppa site the Tremont louse, Chicago, or to the Agents at the Stations on the line. TO COMMENCE ON MONDAY, January 25th, and eon. bionic until further notice. J. J. auusToN, Gen. Ptim'r. and Fr't. Ag't. D. W: 'BOSS, Pass'r. Agent, Chicago. ja2s 308. IL MOORE, Superiutimient. ___. Two Through Trains Each 'Vila* Daily, Suadays Excepted. Wheeling, Cleveland and Chicago, by the Clevelsnit and Pittsburgh Railroad. COLUMBUS, CINCINDIATI & ST. LOUIS ➢Y THE PITTSBURGH; COLUMBUS AND CTYCLNNATI R Ali- ROAD LINE, via. STE,UBENVILL The Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad Companies, having made au ar rangement with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, for tue joint nee of their track between Pittsburgh and Rochester, will run their trains trom Penn Street Station daily, Soudays excepted, c‘anmenciug Mon day, March 8 th, 1858. EELINU AND CINCINNATI MAIL CLEVELAND, WI Li3aveB Pittsbal glt. Steubenville • 9:4 - 2 A. N. Britlgy.o . t, opposite Wheeling 11:05 A. N. Hellenic 11:20 A. N . Columbus 5:2- P. N Cincinnati 10:10 P. a Cleveland 2:45 P. N 13ullalo 11:30 P. 3.1 . Cliivago 8:00 A. N . eland bas 30 ukillutt's ut Ailianco, fur 6:00 A. N. Through to Ow giunati , with btu ono change of cars. This Traiu to Oh Dilater:" NELANT) AND CHICAGO EXPRESS CINCINNATI, CL Lens Pittsburgh 2:35 P. M. 4teubeliv,tl,. N t2.olnlntnis Through to Ciu clonati wi thoui chungo of c,irb. Buffalo ti:Ou A. 1 , 1 Chicago '2:00 P. lk LINO ACCOMMODATION, Wllla Leaves Pit tatui i;l2. 4:04) Ps 11. i teul:Lt% iilc Bridgeport.. 130lieair CONNEOTIOES ARE MADE DV A.RuVE TRAiNs, AB roL LOW 8: By WWI A. E., arid 4.00' P. At WHEELING, for Culuborlaud, Ehu - cet 'el Ferry, Batt i wore and Washington City: Only at BELLEALR, for CaniLridge, Zaneß‘dlo, Lao, auto ' Cireletille and Wilmington. By 6:00 A. 8., and 2:35 P. At XENIA, fur Dayton Indianapolis, Slatteuu, Cairo, 'Louis and New Orleans. '" By 9:00 A u , and 2:35 P.M. At CINCINNATI, for Lexington, Louisville, Cairo, St. Louis and New Orleans. Only at BAYARD, fur Carrolton, Waynesburg - , Dover and New Philadelphia - Only at HUDSON, for Cuyahoga Valk Akrou, Clint..., and New Portage. - By 6;00 A. ni., and '':3s r. xi. CLEVELAND, for Eric , Buffalo Niagara Falls and Catat da, Sandusky, Toledo, Eric, Buffalo, cud all pohth3 in the Not th.west. JfEe'• The 4:00 P. sr Train st-ps at all Way •aationa ou the River Division. . , • Returning Trains. EASTERN MAIL, VIA STEUBENVILLE. Loaves Cincinnati 6:00 A. st. Arriv.T at Columbus 10:30 r. M. Do Steubenville 5:50 P. es. Do Pittsburgh 8.55 r. m. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING MAIL. -- Loaves ..... 1:00 p. Arrives at Wellsville 6:51 P. AL Do Wheeling 8:46 P. sr. Do Pittsburgh 8:55 P. M. PITTSBURGH ACCO3iSI.ODATION. Leaves Belleair 6:00 A. M. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling.— 6:15 e. is. Stops at all Stations Arrives at Pittsburgh 11:25 A. Is. ' WHEELING AND PITTSBURGH hlAlle. Leaves Belleair 4:3•1 P. sr. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeltsg... 4:43 P. AL Arrives at Pittsburgh 8:55 P. M. EASTERN E KPRFSS, VIA STEUBENVILLE. Leaves Cincinnati 4:20 P. 3f. Arrives at Columbus 10:00 P. M. Do Steubenville 4:45 A. At. Do Pittsburgh 7.50 A. st. CHICAGO, BUFFALO AND PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Leaves Cleveland 10:20 P. M. Arrives at Wellsville 5:35 A. u. Do Wheeling 11:05 A. M. Do Pittsburgh 7:60 A. At. Connections are made by the Mail and Express from same points when returning, as are formed as above when going from Pittsburgh; also, with the Pennsylvania Railroad for Harrisburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New YorE and Boston. • Theabovo Trains will stop on signal of the Station Agent at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to takb up passengers going on or beyond the lino of these Roads. Trains will also stop to leave passengers coming from these Roads, at any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh. Passengers desiring to go to Chicago, or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask for tickets via Cleveland. Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc.,er any points beyond Columbus, via Steubenville, must ask :ickets via Steubenville. • Baggage checked through to all principal points, and transferred free of charge. ta.. For tickets or information, apply to LEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, • Penn Street Sration, Pittsburgh. F. It. MYERS, General Ticket Agent, U. & It. It, Cleveland. L A HUTCHINSON, General Ticket Agent, P., C. & C. R. It., Columbus. JAMES FARMER, Superintendent C. & P. It. IL, Cleveland. W. W. BAGLEY, Superintendent P.. C A C. It. It., Columbus NEW WESTERN ROUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE'and CHICAGO, AND CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & DAYTON RAILROADS, VIA. DELAWARE CUT-OFF M. Distance only 329 miles front Pittsburgh to C'incinnota THIS LINE is composed of Roads of the First Class, and is located through a beautiful and highly cultivated portion of the State. Direct connection is made at Ciuciunati with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, (the tracks of the C. IL & L. & C. & Roads, being connected, for Louisville, St. Louis, Evansville, Cairo, Memphis, Vicksburg, Natchez, New Orleans. Connection made at St. Loa', with the Pacific Railroad and litilseouri River Packets, ie. KANSAS AND NEDItASKA, And all points Weer. Also 'Connects at Cincinnati with Kentucky Central ft. IL, fur Lexington, Danville, Frankfort and all points in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Penn street Station as follows : Thrcagb to Cincinnati with 3:30 A. Al. 1 but one change of cats, or riving at 6:45 I'. AL ,I•press Passenger Train, ar '- ) :15 P. M. riving iu Crestline at l olM, A. 51., Cin. 6:00 P. M. ea. BAGOACIE CHECKED TIIItOUDII. - 431 ' Pare as Low as any other Route For all informatiou, and Through Tickets, apply at the Ticket Olkce, corner Monongahela louse, or at Fenn street Station. az- passengers desirous of going ilea mute will e.sk ter 'Pickets via Delaware Cut-Off. J. H. ?ACORN, Supt. P. FL W. A. 0. It. It, • DAN'L MeLAIIEN, Supt. C. U. At Lt. R. It. New Route via River and Railroad. IndianspolisA Cineinnatilßail road riONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS-with ikj Terre Haute, and ',Cerro Haute - and Alton Railroads, to St. Louie and Lafayette and Indianapolis, New Albany and "Salem, and Michigan Central Roads for CHICAGO, ROCS ISLAND, BIJRLINGTO. , ;,- and all intermediate points. , ; ; • Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE, and PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in less time than any other route by 24 hours, and at as low - rates. The only road by which shipments can be made front Cin cinnati to the Wert, without breaking bulk. Coneigatuanis made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent. at . Cincin nail; ot, W. D. CUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for commission ; no durrgo for drayage or cotaritirriers at Lcaortrzeburg.. For further Information, apply to THOMAS RITTMAN, (N 0.116 Water street,) Agent of the Company, who is Pre. pared to give VIEWCIGII ILECEIPTS to Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Lafayette, Chicago, Porn, Greencastle, Crawfurd,s villa, Charleston, Paris, and Mattoon. -• 11. O. LORD, President. JNO. P. CHEER, Gaul Freight Agent. 'rar3 lIRE RYE WHISKY, 61c1 French Biandy esd MO Port Wino, medicinal pswh ivuumi at 643, D RAILROADS. 1 58. Winter Arrangement. 185 8 ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. iBnr. PENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD S ILI VBJ ital DAIL t . 4lt AINS., Tau FAsr ALIIL TRAIN loaves the Passenger tiou every morning, (e.teept bUllthly,) at 8:06 Pittsbaigh tune arriving in Philadelphia et 11:60 TALI ILYPRJ IBAIN leaves the Station every evening at ti:6o o'clock. 6topping only at tireeueburg, Latrobe, Johns town, Willniore, Altoona, sc., connecting at liar rieourg with the 'Tram direct for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. AL. ACCOALIWDATION TiLkINB: - - - - TIIE JOIINSTJWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves dewy t oxemic Sunday,) at 0:30 o'clock, P. M. cropping at all stations, and running as far as Conemaugh. I•'IRST AUQUALMODA'LLON TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. w. V.lllth AUCOMMuDATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except suuday.) at tL2O, P. M.' lisiUlt vtnU TRAINS arrive iu Pittsburgh as tellows 1.4 e, P. d.; Mad, 5.00 A. M.; Johnstown Accommo dation, 11:00 A. M.; Firat Turtle Creek Accommodatiou, A. 31., Second Accommodation, 12:40, P. II.; Third Acmuz mtxiation, 010, 2. 31. Trams fur illairsville and ludiaua, comiect at Bheirevilo Intersection with mail tram East, Express train West, and tile Johustown accomodation train East and West. Erriblitilitill AND GUNNELLSVILLE, Stopping at all Stations ou the rittainirgh aud Gonnelbs. vine Road, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) an follows: MAIL TILAIN, 7.u0 A.lll. 4.:u1.1 P. Al: P.RAI.NS trona Pittsburgh and Counellsville Road, arrive. nt Pittsburgh, 11.04A.M. and t4:10 P. M. aryl...Thu traveliug pudic will uud it greatly to their iui tcrest, iu going East or West, to travel by the Youflay.VaLliO itailxuatl, us too accorumouatlu'uo now °tiered cannot be sin , passed uu any :.tiler routo. Ae the Amid is ballasted with stone, uud inentuoly Lew (ruin dust, 'Au can prosulso is4lotyi spend and con tort to all who nay fitvtu this Ruud with their pstionts,ge. 10 New York... ••Yhiladelptua Baggage checked to all dtattuni;o - u ttio.enundylvauia road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in cars, will be charged tot cents in addition to the litatiou rates, except frolll Buttons where the Company has no Agent. 1 , 10121t).E.—1u case of loss, the Company will:hold them selves responsible for pemenal baggage only, and for au amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Lino has bean employed to con vey_Plisseu g ers and Ba gg a g e to and from the Depot, at e char g e not to.excood :15 cents for each pajsen g er and ha g ? gage. for tickets apply to J. tiTEWAIyr, Agent, At the P. it. Passen g er Station, • on Liberty and Brunt streets. TitE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.' 4 : ef4 4 th' e a A Lt l l at lnt t j2 t ti e 8 11 1 th Wes i te o rn Ul Ntr e tr-w li ns 3c t t e in rn g and soutu-western States by - a continuous Railway direct. This Road also connects at Pittsbur g h with Daily Lose 01 steamers to all ports on the Weitern Elvers, and at Cleve land and Sandusky with steamers,to all ports on the North.. western Lakes ; makin g the moot maser, ea .PEST and ri cc etc EOM by which !!'HEIGHT can be forwarded to and Trent the UliXter W Rates between Philadelphia& Pittsburgh Yll 'l' CLAM. lickits, Shoes, Hats and) Gaps, Books, Drylloods, (in boxes, ball c.OO 111 100 lbs. and trunks,) Drugs, (in boxesond bales) Feathers burs, &c. SECOND ULASS--Doluestic 8 besting, Shirt- I nag and Ticking (in original bales), 1 Drugs (in caaka), flardwaro, Loather 75c, 100 los. rolls or boxes), Wool, and Bleep POlts, Eastward, THIRD CLAtiB.—Auvils, Steel, Chains casks), Hemp, Macon and Pork, &dual ( v . rli , (lovae or in sucks), Tobacco, tuanunic- Lured, (except Cigar, or cut,) ac., J ,1 VOURTII CL S--* Fish, Bacon, Beet i and Pork, (in casks or Loxes Eastwardo Lard and Lard Oil, Nuils,boda or f ""'" " ;Ilan Clay, Tar, Pitch, itusiu ere., J LOGlt—Si.,oo £i Ltd.. until iuittaix notice.- - dItAIN lu cur loads, .16 cts. 100 lbs. until fin flier note, , COTTON—III 3$ bale, out exceeding ilUd the. weight, uutii further notice. azr- lu shipping Goods from any point East of Blotadeu putt., be particular to mark packages "ma Penn-sip:ea/4o iiailroad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of this hoad at. Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without S:&U P. 1,1 11:10 v. . 1:40 A. 14 . B'o7 A. sj . 9 illlOl-11 Aut.:ars—Harris, Worm ley 4 Co., Ileruphis, Teut 8.. It'. Sass delh. St. Louis; N. G. O'Ltiley Evansvill lua.; Duniesuil, !Bell A Co., and Carter a Jewett., butusvili 131.; lt. C. lieltituru, Abulisun, Ind li. W. Brow u a Co., an leo in A Co., Ciucinuati; N. W. Graham & Co. ! Zunesvil, Ohm; Leech Cu., Nu. 01 litlh3 arrest, Boston; Leech rt. C, Nu. '2 Astor ii 0114,3, New York; No.l William street, and N Battery Place, New fork; hi. J. Sueeder, ftiagraw A Koons. Baltimore; it A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. LIOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOIIBAER'r, tnsl Sinwrintpudent, Altoona, Pa. t, 7.1.0 P. N . 6..1-6 P. M 9.00 r. bl PITTSBURGH 61.CONNELLSVILLE a RI IL Tai Pittsburgh and Gonneßevil's Railroad is now opens for the transportation of passengers and freight to and fr.oi Pittsburgh and Gunnellsvillo, connecting with the Penns> vania Central Railroad at Winton's Station. Arraugemeats have also been made with the 'Pennsylvania Central Railroad, by which through freight to Philadelphia. and Baltimore will be carried from points on the Pittsburgh and Couuellsville Railroad, by car loads, ou favorable term, RUNNING OF TRAINS.—On and after Moodily, Ito of October, the Passenger Trains will be run daily, except buudayd, 113 MAIL TRAIN, will leave the Posmcmger Statiou Li ,• l'euueylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh, at 7.00 u'eloa, arriving , at Celine Horn) at 1'2:00 A M. EXPRBSS PASSENGER TRAIN, leaving Pittsburgh at 4:2:1 o'clock, V. M., nnil arriving at Counellsville at B:2n Ii.ETURNINO.—EXPRE,SS 'MAIN will leave Couunll villa at 0 o'clock, A. M., connecting with the Johnstom u Accommodation Train, on the Pennsylvania Railroad \vim 1 arrives at Pittsburgh atll A. M. IILATh TRAIN, leavingiConnel'sville at '2:00 P. M.,' and -WM:Wad with the-Brinton Accommodation Train, on the Pennsylvania liailroad,'which arrives in Pittsburgh at 13.10 P. M. Mail Train connects at Connellsville with Bunting Hall's Coaches for Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, 6,, Also at West Newton' with coaches for Mount Pleasau Somerset, Berlin, Sandpatch, and Cumberland. Tickets can be iad from-Ticket, Agent at the Perinsylvan' Railroad Passenger Depot. do3o U. BLACKSTONE, SnperintAmdent. pOTATOES.- IZ3 hue. Neshannock Potatoes; 60 do Peach Blossom Potatoes, just recolved and for ease by JAMES A. FETZER, - 1) YE FLOUR.- ..UV 15 bldri. fresh ground Rye Flour, just received a for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, Janl 89 Water street. t aBEEN APPLES.--, 20 bbls. green apples, Just received and for sale by act.% JA6. 21. FETZER, 89 Water street. I,,jWEET POTATOES.- 40 bush. Sweet Potatoes, ust received and for sale by cct:27 JAIL A. PIaZIR, £l9 Water strect. APPLES.- 29 bbla extra fine Rambo and Belieflower; 08 " Vandiver; 100 " Bassett Apples, just rec'd and for Bale by dell JAS. A. VETZEII., 89 Water street _FLOUR. bbla. choice Extra Superfine; 50 " Superfine Flour, plat recelv and for axle by JAMES A. FIUME, delB 89 Water st.r.,et 1-BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS.—A larg mock of every description, iu afore and for sale by W. S. RAVEN, 04.)rpor of Markot and Second atreut,, CIDER. -1O Barrels xweet Cider, for sa: by JAMES A. FETZEIt, dec7 S Water street. INDIA RUBBER INKSTANDS- Another lot of thoee alr-tight INEB, Just received a for sale by W. 8. HAVEN, oct2o Corner Market and Second streets. DUFFAND FLEMING'S Book-Keeping for sale at W. S. HAVEN'S, Stationery Warehouse, a 22 Corner Market and Second strrete. EN VELOPES. Buff, Blue and White Laid, Adheeivo, Cloth Lined and Parchment Pap , r du.; extra thick Cream Laid do.; Legal do.; Note do.; a:I Asses; for auto by oct2o fIASKE'r, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, and Itoji Fuller's Board, for sale by W. B. 'HAVEN, Nos. 31, 33 and 35, Corner Market and Second streets. rrEAS.-30 half chests Young Hyson, _ Ounpovi&r, Black TeaB, in atoro and for e: WEST INDIA PRESERVES.-10 doze aggerted. Just received wad for gale by RHYMER eANDERSON, d.ag No. Eta woad .tee v EL LI E dozen 0 urrant,, 131a,ekbery Q,P Orange, Quince, Peach, and Grape Janes, for sale by D ICES—Six tierces prime Rice, just reeei - AA ed and for BESIO by MIL= do ItiCKETSON, rovl2 Noa. 22l and 223 Liberty atrurt. CIIEESE-60„boxes prime Western Resen e for sale by Irani was. FL SMITH k 00. yiLIZABETHAN.—A new Decorative Wt Paper, Elizabethau deeignjwit received, acid for sr. by W. P. MARSHALL h 1.30, Wr Wow, at. -.-t 9 11 - ALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! Chea —Received heat week, 10,000 rcile of Wall Paper, sell at 12' to ?0 mut+ per roll. W. P. Ma RP af. it 00.. ,pw .' 7, rui 4,44 m 25 barrels o LA SSES.— New Orizaba: 21) Baltimore. Syrup, for sale by a SMITH CO de2.l _ COFFEE.-150 bags prune. Rio, for sale 1 Ll /A . W7l. EL 6MITEI & CO INKSTANDS. —A large variety for sale vim. a. JQNNSTUN Et CO.'S, deg _Stationery Warehonee, M Wood a FLOUR uperfine Flour recevcd and for sale by McCANDLIESS, ,BEANS 2 Co., teal Corner Wood and Water streets DINNAMON BARK.-400 !be. just ree 4,„) and Car as/a by 1 , 141 U. L. VAHNIIIRVVITt 43,0() WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholesLo and retail nt the Drug Store of JOUN RAFT, JIL, Corner of Wood and Sizth atg., Pittsburgh VRCITS for Christmas and New Year.- ju Beet Layer Raisins; choice. new Figs, In drums end 1 4. per bosee, only IS-Xc.lit M., at • • ; ; ; HAWNITI.I, BRO. h BIL - AWN LEE'S, 7g19 oeo Diornerd. Fr EN NEDY' MEDICAL .DISCOVERY. AM_ 10 dozen oa hand gild for 'fail° by . 1.'106 'AI L. VA EINZ8T0(11:: Jf (Y) OTASII. -- -40 - cd - ska -on .bad - mod Toni© Si by rdrl6l LVA IltilgSTf+Cli /CO A YEWS - ..r,IIERRY PECTORAL-I • AND OATHASTIO PILLS.-20 gross each on hand for ode [acqlol Dab Reams a CU —EARE:— $la,OOTo itanimure I . Iu,OO .• IJALIMIEIter tlarnsburg, $1.45 R O. A . W. B. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second 5211 JAMES PATTON, Jr., Allegheny City REYITIER a ANDERSON at) 41+,a, i ',treat. oppodito St. Chars*, Untel 25 bbls. S TdEDIC4L• TOR 11.00FLAND'S CE EBRATED %ERMAN BITTERS, fps`- LD By Dn.. C. hf. JACKSON, PLuL6JVA, PA" Wil effll care LI V Sot CQUPIAINT, I DYecSPEtuaPSy LA. JAUNDICE, CUR - NIO OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEA OF TILE KIDNEYS, And MI DucaJts 411 3ingLfoln, a disordered Liner or teseicinA, Such as Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fullness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausoan, Heartburn, Magnet for hood, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Soar Eructs.. tations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Sto mach, Swimming of the head , Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or SuffocaUoi, sensalions when in a lying posture, Dimness of Dad or Webe before the Sight, hover and Dall Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Fel lowneas of the Skin and Limbs, Pain n the Side, Back, Meet, Luba, g oy Sudden Flushes of Heat barn. Jug in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of In attributing such valuable properties to this remedy, nu rash ur unwarrantable assertion is made,lbut 15 simply state,: a tact; proven undeniably and conclusively by the extram. dicdry cures, and betieSts derived from its use, under the di. rectum of its illustrious originator, Dr. liootland, among al. Musses of European society, and trom the immense macs id testimony, from all parts of the American continent, accu mulated during the last ten years, in the hands of the pres ent proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which Etit, German Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, is al moat universal; indeed there is scarcely a family throughout the whole extent of our country in which there cannot th. Mudd among its members that peculiar sallow and languid appearance denoting a diseased Liver, ur an emaciated and enduring Dyspeptic. 'non of what immense Importance - to this class of invallo that a certain and reliable remedy shOuld be placed witht their roach; one iu which no baneful or injurious drug en tern into its composition • a remedy on which the patient can rely with me utmost conildence and certainty, and be assured rout actual and tangible proofs that the article he ia using Wally possesses the virtues attributed to it. Such a remedy as "110011 LAND'S 8.T.T21035." Thousands 0 dollars have boon expended in its manufacture and diffusion throughout all pans of this continent, and the proprietor feels toe greatest satisfaction in stating that there is n, SLAW county, or even village, where the tsledicine has been Mtn:tinned, that there cannot be found numbers willing testify to its virtues. • it is need constantly in the practice of a large number o the most prominent Physicians in the country, who have also added their written testimony in evidence of its great YIII.IIUB. in conclusion; then, we would respectfully ask of all those afflicted with any of the above diseases to give the Bitters , a trial, and rest assured it will never be regretted. In proof of the statements above made, all are invited iv read attentively the Almanac published annually by the pro prietor, for Farmers and Families, containing a great num her of useful rewipts, in addition to the testimony in fay,. of the Bitters, troth the most prominent and well known in. ditidnals in all parts of the Union. All Agents for the Bit tars are authorized to distribute the A Inwnac gratuitously. Principal Olfice and Manufactory, Off Arch street, Philadel. phia, For sato wtiolesate by Druggists ill all the principal cities, and at rotail by Apothecaries and Storekeepers in evoi cowl, in the United titates and Canada, and by B. L. t'AIiNBSTOOR A CO. and Dr. U.EO. IL IiEYS.LB, eittabax MEM uf ull dideaaes the great, find C 1111.90 Bpringn trona neglect of Naturcr's Igwa S LTF F ftlt NOT I ®)THEN A CURE IS. GUARANTEE]) IN all staged of SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Ner vous Debility, Stricture., (Deem, gravel, Diabries, Diseases ot the Kidneys and Bladder, Ilercurial Blieumatism, Nero fula, l'aius in the Bones and Ankles,Diseases of the Lunge, Thruat,lloBo and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bodyor Limbs, Can. cars, Dropsy, Epileptic Pits, St. V ittl'B Dance, and all dieeaeen arising Irons a derangement of the Sexual Orgaus, sach us nervous trembling, loan sit memory, leas of power, general w e akn e ss, thinness et vision with peculitar spots appear in I.,store the eyes, loss of sight, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver diseased, eruptions upon the face, pain in the back and ht.ad, finnan, irregularities and all improper dischargefi from both sixes. It matters not from what canoe the disease origins mil, however lung standing or obstinate the case, recovery it certain, and in a shorter time than. a permanent cure can be effected by any other treatment, even after the disease has baffled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted all the r means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without ode:, causing nu sickness and free trout mercury or balsaltis Dux fug twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws of death many thousands, who ,'in the last stages of the mentioned diseases had been given up to die by their physicians, which warrants me in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy care. Secret diseaStfemre the greatest enemies to health, as they are the first cease of Cousumption, Scro tum and many other diseases, null should be a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely over effect ed, a majority of the cases falling into the - hands of incom petent persons, who not .ouly fail to cure the diseasen but ruin the constitution, tilling the system with mercury, which, with the disease,. hastens the sufferer into a rapid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment not cane death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the children, who are born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Totter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other affec tions of the skin, eyes, throat and lungs, entailing upon diem a brief .xistence of suffering and consigning them, to an early grave. SELF , ABUSE is another formidable enemy to health, fur nothing else in the dread catalogue of human diseases cacaos so destructive a drain [TULL -the system, drawing its thou• sands of victims through a few years of suffering down to au untimely grave. It. destroys the nervous system, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies tor marriage society, basilicas, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wretched in body and mind, predis posed to Consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the tallest confidence I as sure the unfortunate victims of Sell-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure can be etlected, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my patients can be nattered to robust, vigorous health. Toe aftlieted are cautioned against the matt Patent Moths ues, fur Ltrereoure so many ingonieuz enutree in the columns Le the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferer's that millions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds' of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nos. trams vended as "Patent Medicines." I have carefully luta. lysud many of these called Patent Medicines and find- that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate which is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the disease disables the sys tem for life. Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now in use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do not under stand even the alphabet of the materia tneAttca,and are equal ly as destitute of any knowledge of the human system, bay ing one object only in view, and that to make money regard less of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated ou principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the most refia:irkable cures. Medicines, with full directions, sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patients communicating Oar symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly con fidential. Address J. SUMIIEAVILLE, IL 8., Wilco No. 1131 lilbert street, (Old No. 1090 jyll:ly below Twelfth, Philadelphia. NEW TTLEAT&LENT. Private and Confidential Medical Advice 1 A T filE BUFFALO PRIVATE llOSPl- TAL—Establighed for the cure of Syphilis, Seminal e...aness and the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by 14..A.M08 C SON, Buffalo, N. Y. Office corner of Main and Quay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST SUIENTIFIC INVENTION. Au inetrtuuent fur the cure of Genital Debility, or Nuctul fled Emissions,.more properly known as Seminal Weaknesb, lc. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to twenty days, by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE,. Dr. AMOS A SON take pleasure in announcing that they have invented a must important instrument for the care c the above diseases. It has been subjected to a teat by th, most eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Weakness,or an tn4o.se of tins genital organs, caused by the secret habit , oi youth. • hr. AMOS A. SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptic,. as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that In any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory aft( nor trial, the money will be refunded by returning the etrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will obser‘ that the price, with the accompanying directions, secure,. packed and sent by express, is ton dollars. NEW ith,II.EILILs AND QUICK CURES. Dr. ABIOS 4 SON may be consulted from eight o'clock 1, the morning until nine at night, in every stage and syn,, tom of the Venereal Disease, Uenerrheea, °leeks, Secontha Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Strictures the Urethra, etc., with Inviolable socresy. Thetrannen. they adopt Ia the result of upward of thirty extensi, and successful practice in London. The' most invetemt cases of Venereal Diseases eradiated in. eight or nine da3, and cases of a slight nature in two or three days, at a an, orate expense. The cure effected without confinement or hindrance from busineerr, also, nodes and pains in the bon, and limbs, effectually eradicated, A (JURE WARRANTED. Dr. AMOS & SON have devoted their attention exchisite ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they let consequently been enabled to render to their teHovv.creatur. a luny testified and greatfully acknowledged by colivah. , centpatients and others daily arriving iu town from all pa] toe country, for the express ',alignmenty of consultaoto. while their exertions have been crowned with tne most tog nal advantages; yet from what they have experienced] - inquiring into the causes of these infectious complaint (from their most sic ple condition to that of the most Mtn gerous and inveterated) they have always entertained tl,• possibility at their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the most horrible and manguant form, of disease could almost always be traced to one of the to. lowing causes :-Ignorance, neglect, or the ill effects of in, skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AMths ,t SON have succeet.ed in discovering, in the selection of then remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character as well as those whose premature or injudicious applicant.. might be productive of bad consequences in the hands o r private individuals, In abort, the landible end of their to medics is the lessening of a great mans of human misery b 3 the atleniation, relief and prevention of those grievous a:- I:fictions that are in ro dity the secret fee of life, sad which, while they so extremely' surround LIS call aloud for our sk it awl interference for their extermination. 001INTRY INVALIDS, Parsons in any part of the world may be strecesdon.. heated by forwarding a correct detail of their case, with i reutittannu for medicines, 2;:e. Addrees Dr. AMOS A SUN, corner Main and Quay buffalo, N. Y. • ja2:3:ditia ly PARISIAN fur sale by A MAHER supply Luudou 'Pullet • rel' ut i de S r i t 'N U tt l eauf.e l :vl. ill PASTE, prepared ion of Dr. Il ju alliben, Burgooru D of Low & I S ." ort 3ll 's NG ' bOLfild received V....1ay, by SUPeri° .105. FLEMING, Curuor Diamond and Market atre,t r h . ) LtURN '6 EXTRACT OF COPAtBA AN I eANSAPAKILIik.—Another supply of this cOobrsii, rele,dy, Just ructiviql by JOS. FLEMING, fa, Corner Diamond and Market street. MINERAL WATERS.—BIue Lick, lied ford and C4mgre..n Waters coma:lndy an band at JUnk.:l'll FLEMING'S, d fe9 Corner Diamond and Market street Q., [M K'S serrated Tinot. Bark and Elixir c 10 , Bark, on band and for toxin by 1! 1. A 1-1 N lIPTOrg 1 n ilOGS.—Dressed Iloge , jnst received aril for sa!o by JAMES A. FETZER, *lB 89 Water sire.' PERFUMERY—Of descriptions and price:l can be bad at JOB. FLEMING'S, ten Corner Diamond and Alarket aueet. VAN . OS TO RENT—Two elegant Bose .1.: wood 654 cetera Pianos, wilt be rented to private foe, item only. Apply to JULLY 11. 11131,L0n, 1013 " . 82 Wood ntreit. CORN SfIELLERS.-64ties p a t en t, ar ranged for hand, horse or attain power, warranio4 every respect, and will anvil from SO to 40 enshels of Lin a per oar. Will be gold Low by WNW 13ialia S. OGLIAILNISI MIDICAL. Dr. .ZdeL AN T•l'.9 CtIV.IIR,ATUD V V. RMIT 1T."..G1i„ LrFER ILLS. 'Miura art Ohs Awl They are not recom mended as Univers:ll Cure-alls, but simply 1( what their name por ports. tia The VERMIFUGE ) f( ' pelling Worms fron the human system, hliis also been administeroi with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms, The LIVER PIUS ) to' the cure of LIVER COM PLAINT, all BILIOUS DE RANGEMENTS) SICK HEAD ACHE ) &C. Purchasers will pleas:: he particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane's CA-It brated VERMIFUGE 1111 d [PIER PILLS ; prepared I, v lnunti Y 3 • SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pit ts - burgh, Pa., and take nk other, as there are various :,ther preparations nov. , 11(g - ore the public, porting to Vermilthrs and Liver Pill,. ()tilers, in comparison with Dr. McLANE's, arc worthless. 'II e GENUINE McLanc's Verrnifuge and Livcr Pills can now be had at all. respectable Drug - ,to.es. 7.E.EMING BROS, wool-, ST., P ITTSBU 104/3, M'LANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVED, 4.-75 grata on hand and for Bale by B. L. FAIINESTOOS a 00. . Corner Wood and Fourth street& "PRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offices, No. 50 SMITHFIELD Street, Pitts. burgh, Pa. DR. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitts burgh, and has been in practice for the last ttoenty.five years. His business has ; been confined mostly to Private and Sur.. ; vj ,r gical Diseases. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS in need of a medical friend, should not por • • fail to find out the sure place of relief. The Doctor is 'a regular graduate, and his experience in the treatment of a certain clasp of disc, pc n is a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtaining permanent relief, by the use of his remedies and following his advt..). DR. BROWN'S REMEDIES . never fall to cure the worst form of Venereal Diseases—all Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all diseases arising from a hereditary taint, Which manifests itself in the form of a tetter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of skin diseases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant To persons so afflicted, Dr. B. offers hopes of a Sure and speedy recovery. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, brought on•otten by that solitary habit of sensual gratification a Well the young and weak-minded often give way to, (to their uwa destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in thls country—they aro safe, and make a speedy restoration to health. RIISITMATII3II Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to core this painful dis. ease in afew days—ho will warrant a cure. Ho also treats Piles, Gloat, Gonorrhea°, Stricture, Urethral Discharges, Ps male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain in the Back and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a MI6 at. rooted to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to any address, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and Privato Boodle, No. 50 Smithfield street, Pitts. burgh, Pa. my`-6 IT IS NOT A DYE. Hrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair itestorer. fIRAY lIAIRED, BALD, or portions wiih NJI diseases of hair; or scalp, read the following and judge of the articles: Mira. S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALSADIEZA, Or WORLD'S HAIR DRESSING, is essential to use with the RESTORER, and is thd' beit Hair Dressing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in cases of halo fall. ing, Ac., without the Restorer. REV. H. V: DEGAN, Editor Guide to Holiness. "We can testify to its effects," Ac. PRESIDENTJ. IL EATON, L L. D., Murfreesboro', Tenu. "Notwithstanding irregular use, the falling off of hair ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," As. REV. S. B. MORLEY, Attleboro', Massachusetts. "it has changed the " Crown of Glory," belonging to old men, to the original Imo of youth," As. REV. M. r ilt , HEß, (60yearsa of ago,) Pitcher, Chenango county York . My hair is now restored; ts nothing e a dye," etc. REV. D. T. WOOD.ldiddhitown; Now York. "Ily own hair, and that of another of my family, has greatly thicken. od, whore almost bald," Ac. REV. JAMES Nev York city, recommends it, Lc REV. W. PORTEUS, Stanwich, Corm. "It has met my most sanguine expectations, ac. REV. J. F. GRISWOLD, at ashington, N. 1.1. "It is really efficacious in restoring the hair,' Ac. REV. G. Al. SPRATT, Lewisburgh, Pennsylvania. "W can and do cheerfully recommend it," Sec. REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charlestown,South Carolina. "The white hair has become obviate," ie. REV. AMOS BLANCH.) Enjiloriden, N. H. "We think very highly.of your proMation," Ac. REV. B. C. SUITE., Prattaburgh, N. Y. "I was surprised to find my hair turn as when I was young," Ac. REV 0 M. CLINK, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. "It has step pod my hair falling and caused a new growth REV. A. PRINK, Mahal:im. county, Now kork. "1 am satisfied and recommend it." REV D. MORALS, Cross River, New York. "It is the best preparation extant." REV. WILLIAM CUTTER, Editor Bluthcr's Magazine, New York. " Recommends it." EGy- Wo might swell this list, but If not convinced, TRY IT. We export these preparations to Europe even, sad are superseding all others there as well an in the U States. Il doer not soil or stain. Sold by all the principal whole sale and retail merchants In the Jutted States, Cups, ar Canada. DEPOT 355 BROOM STREET, 111:1(., where address all letters and inquiries. kir - Some dealers try to sell articles Instead of this, on which they make more profit. Write to Depot for cirealer, terms, and information. Genuine is signed, Mrs. S. A. Allen written in ink. Beware of counterfeits. fsepaaro.d3indsw MRS. ALLEN'S HALR, RESTORER.—A largo supply always on hand and for sale by novl6_ B. L. PAHNESTOCE et CO - • - SAIL. FMINESTOCH, - No. 71 Wood street, - Pittsburgh, fl -AS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND— WALDRON Sc GRIFFIN'S . 1 6111NITINS CORN AND GRAIN SCYTHE, CORN HOES ; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; STEEL Traps, very superior Drawer Locks, very superior Gun Locks, Tinned and Enamelled Banco Pans, Basting Spoons, Brass Candlesticks, Brass Cocksjirass Stair Rods, Braces and Bite, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, Testes, Coil, Fifth, Tongues, Stretch and Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold at mod erste terms. apl3 SKIRTS! SKIRTS! l Bishop's Skirts; Quilted Hooped Skirts . ; Holmes' Hooped Skirts; Misses' 0 aded Skirts; Ladies' Corked and Quilted Skirts, white and colorel; a new supply Just opened, at JOS. HORN E'S, deg 77 ?dirket street. WINTER GLOVES.—A full supply of Cloth, Silk end Merino, of various sizos u ,= x ri. 77 Afark.t 9lncrot. grORPEDOES.-100,000 No. 1, just toooilr.. od and for 'sale by SSYIIiSS d Abp air Wood On* ta"6.2:4 isg-u. ors rk