VOLUME X VI. PITTSBUILGIi . HORNING POST. Ireq-zw,l every moraing, ( Sundays exce..y.:eil BV E 2 * BARR, Tus 1tORSII•W13: CORKER OP WOOD GPM 1.11 , 111 STRUTS TERMS.—FiveDan, u year, payable strictly in advauce, x Dollars invariably required if not paid within the year. Kir Single copies, Two Cr.:fru—for sale at the counter in ha twice and by the NOWS Doys. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Thrice TeoicelOncea a week la week week. TIN LIM& D ca.!' One insertion... Twoinsertions Throe insertions...—. Ono weeh. ...... Two weeks Three _weeks One month Two months...„ Throemonths Font months Five months.-- Six mouths Niue m0nth5........... One year Sanding Card, six lin 1 00 1 70 3 00 4 00 5 00 7 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 16 00 20 00 en or le. Ono oquare, per !mut. Marriag3 notices PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A 31.43.1310TH1 ONLY OM isOLLlfit IN CLUBS or TEL Single Subscriptions, - - - 05.1 per annum. CONTAINS ALL TIIE CURRENT NEWS OP THE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Demmer cial, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the LARCI2:42 SIZEi and neatly printe on fine white paper, in large, clear typo, will be found by the subscriber to give bettor satisfaction than any paper pnclishod In Pittsburgh. Those who wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable investment. Addross, JA RI S P. BARR, Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. I=ll BaLRIR, BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST BUILDINGS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH THE undersigned having made extensive I additions of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLES P TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MOANING POST JOB OFFICE, invite the' itentien of Rail Road pfficers Merchants, business luo", and the public generally, to their superior facilities for executing with dispatch, on reasonable terms, all kinds of RAIL ROAD, MERCANTILE, LEGAL, AND EVERY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN, az FANCY PRINTING , errir Our material being nearly all new, we can give assu rance of the most complete satisfaction, and solicit orders BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, - RAIL ROAD BILLS , AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS tLADING, CIRCULARS, BUSLNESS CARDS, PAPER BOoKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, &c. ...ap• Particular attention will alb° be-paid to the printing of Posters, Programmes, &c. for Concerto, Exhibitions and Circuses. BARR & MYERS. tiIIUFFSI4A, At. , CEZECEICA r Si. a.; O. .RVIARDING AND ;COMMISSION /MERCHANTS, PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. No. 17,...1 BICOND STliSer, LlTTonuooli, PLICVA. 11.3rsr.r.ricze: Joseph E. Elder, St.Lonls ; Boone tic Wyle, Philadelphia; 11. 11. Palmer, ' Garrett Martin, Ct. McCandless, Meana k Co., " James, bent, Santee fe Co. " 11. Childs A - Co., " Gems , Sterling .k Co., 41 Bagaley, Coagravo A Co., " Yard, Gilmore do Co., " A. A. Matson h Co., r]dy..ard T. Mott, G. W. Smith, lA - heeling; tA (Awe: .t Graham, Wheeler, Honker, Vincionoti. Springer Harbeugh, Pitteburgt ; The People's shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBA.WIER & CO., Cheap Cash Dealers in all kinds of Fashionable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS , For Gent'emu, Ladles, Youths and Children, No. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, ocS PITTSBURGH, PA J. G. PINIIIIN WM. JOHNSON 8. A. JOHNSON FERJHN & JOHNSON, Proprietor, of Childs & Co.', Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof 6Cenzent, Rooting. 133 THIRD STREET. fIiRDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith tally exact i.ed, and all our work warranted. Roofing material always on hand, and lbr sale, with di rections tor nee. 1er2:19 DAWES' & CLULEY, Roasts, Sign and Ornamental Painters AND G RAINER'S, 144 WOOD STREET. Dealers in White Lead and Zinc Paints. Also, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, Mixed Paiuta, Window Ohtre, and every article used in the trade tub.2o:ly2s3 TAMES MILLINGAR, AIONONGAHELA PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt since the lire, and having enlarged his establishment, and filled it with they newest and must ap proved machinery,' is now prepared to furnish flouring and planed beans, screw( sawing and resawiag, doors, sash and shuti-cs, kiln dried, frames, umuldiucs, box making, &c. Smith Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. 1.8010 Joseph Llit,e's Carrlatigc Repository. TOSEPII WHITE, now carrying on basi ej [Less in his spacious premises, (now lately..,.='a?• enlarged,) on the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike, near the Two .Site Run, between 4. , e 1 - 2 ' Pittsburgh and Lay.renweville, respectfully invites the public to inspect his stoci, of CARRIAGE'S, BUGGIES, lc. And be particalerly inform:: gentlemen puraltasers, that one price only is made. iiourcoui years' ,;.z.periells: in the businezi enables him to place OefOre his patrons tits wise choice collection of Car riages which, no many years past it has been his particular department to select, from the various and moat talented Eastern manufam.rers. The uoceaa of We now system is complete—the economy of his arrangements will supply the best and moat fashion:llde manulcctures at moderate prices. Unencumbered by those heavy expenses, which the mania for decorating houses of business has heaped upon the price of goods, (owiug to large rents/JOSEPH WHITE will sell, on ready money only, at much less than the usual prices. •;arriugee repaired in the best manner with despatch m.ay Vida w QT. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.—r The undersigueo has bought the lease of the abuse mimed Stahltss, to kether with a Fictional the exten- HiVI.I stock of nurses:mu Carriages, late the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stook before mentioned, he has also added a number of FINE HORSE ii, BUGGIES ADD CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal atten tion to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received iron public is solicited. JACOB GARD N ER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. IL—A HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES can always bo procured for Funerals. data FOR SALE—A Drag Store, located in one of the best situations in the city of Pittsburgh, for either a jobbing, retail or prescription businest. Purchas. ere will had an advantgo of rare occumuco. For informs.. .tion inquire of JOHN HAFT, Ja y • No. 168, corner Sixth and Wood etreets, ' re° Plttsbn..eh RESSED HOGS.- Vol- hyt J'— ---- LANNELS—Red, White, Gray, Green., Yellow, Plaid, etc. Cheaper than the caeapest. C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Lotto Brothera, No, 7.1 hark *tract ONFT FLOUNCES AND NEEDLE- . 4LT A(.,`WOICK OOLLARS.--A largo alaortineat, and very Cheap. O. HANSON MAIL', I • tl r .!‘ WE are now opening our second, and by fer the cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Drew Goal!, shawls, Sc , that Lan over btl2:l elierfhl in this city. • C. J ANSON TANE, • Vora oily Lore Bratherk, 74 Mar4cot UFFALOeplendid articleof .1 Gents' and L:dioa Buffalo Over Stiocm. Aldo, Genta Calf Over s tiv ,,,F,, at the Peopled shoe Store, tiu. 17 Fifth street, near Itarkot. nov2l f Inv DANDLES.-200 bxs. assorted sizes; 4 s'. and U Adarnauttno on hand and for ! 3 1.3. C. & 4 11. SAWYER. No. 47 o d ..tr. 'pi, A C KB° C RAY N.-500 groed JUP received from the manufecturere, which we will trade at eastern prices. dOELN 3S. PERKINS & CO, Wholoado Pow Warohoooo, 12S Wood el. GALT HOUSE., LOUISVILLE. 4Z- Tho nratersigned hag again taken charge of tho GILT HOUSE. Bard reduce! to $2 00 per day. . fe2o:2tv A. THROCKIiIORTOIW. WASHINGTOA HOUSE, COR. PENIV'A AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. O. A. F. BEVERIDGE PHOPP.IETRE SS. 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 BO 4 50 5 00 5 60 6 00 8 00 10 DJ untim. 1 00 1 o 2 50 3 00 4 50 6 50 50 0 00 12 00 10 00 SCOTT HOUSE , Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the " !darker Horise," Blairsville, Pa.) THE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLItTED AND OPEN FOB, GUESTS. It is situated iu'a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and btezunbout Landings. The House was built in 1856, with all modern improve ments, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being now—and well iu every fespect be a nrot class Hotel. Fine STABLES aro attached to the premises. I jer24 U H T'E L 9 1110 TEL, FORMERLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBUIWH, PA. LST - TP43 811A1113011, Proprietor. rffilllS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE .1 corner of P :NN and WASHINGTON Streets, between tt OENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS,. and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and id now the most conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Tzavelers by Railroad, East or West. - .:.2 7. ; j'e *-, :tix. -- eeisior Restaurant, 7.---‘4, _ N o ~.:. . 11 1 WOOD Street, PITTEIBIDIGII, Pa., WfIW.LESALE AND liLETAIL DRALFIR IN LAKE AND In=!!! The undersigned has PIA received (rem the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, B,4IELT, lIALItiUT, HADDOCK, FRESLI COD FISH, EASFERN SUN FISH, SEVERAL, VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, The fluent eve. bronght to this city. Every delicacy of the sea,u served up at the EXCEL:AWL 10EB.VAURAINT. 8. STEINILUCB, 13, The attention of Merchants,.,c- . , • ""-- and others is directed to thin ' zstanitakliacul, which hits boon recently tilted up for the parpose of affording a SUBSTAN 11AL EATLNU HOUSE IN A OE_NTItAL LOOATIo2:, limitary pits attending market are particularly invited t, call. Everything pertaining to an EATINU SALOON wil; always no found, of the treshost the market affords. aplklydsw ANSION HOUSE, GEOEGE AURENTZ, VA, PROP/lir/0, No. 344 Liberty street, just beside the m.seenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Bantam!, which makes it the most convenient house to the city for passengers mr:- Ving by that road. proprietor having, at cousitlershie expense, fitted up, to erxelleut style, the ALIE6IOiN LiOUSE, would respect. will .elicit a share of public patronage. There is attacheL; a .ptchaid and extensive WAGON YARD, alfore. tug maple accommodation to travelers and teamsters. his 14.rder ainl gar wilPhliturnished with the best the mark.. febl:y MEM CLAIR iiOTEL, corner Penn and St. Ly ()lair streeie, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, fennel ly of Isrown's Hotel," „Laving taken this large cud coterne dioua EIUTEL, cud having reutted it in magnificent suit, would respectfully invite hie friends and the traveling publh to give bun a call. Assured, with the convenience of tin home and his long experience in the buistubsti, &e.,. d girt entire satisfaction, Li ad his charges moderate. fob= Wet . C . COIceIEILLY. iAMES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al legheny, Wholesale Grocer and Tea Dealer, and Licensed Liquor merchant. Dealer in Glover and Timothy teed, duster, Cluese, Lard, Bacon, Flour, bait, Fish, &a, and °Loan try Produce generally. nor 23 e j AM ES PATTON, JR., Federal street, Allegheny, now receiving in store the following, which he will sell at the lowest cash prices, via :- 123 bbls. new crop plantation Molasses; 27 hints. •• sugar; 30 bids. Grocers syrup; 10 bids. prime roll butter ; Bde lbs. " Feathers; 1:40 1.10103 " tli:10e80 nth) Bacon LitiMB • 40 half chests Young Upon, Imperial, and;genuine Uld Couutry l'eus, with a general assortment of the best ano tai gest mutt of Enmity Uruceries to be had in the eity,whieb to for sale for Cash—remember, PATTON'S, fel Federal street, Allegheny City. SUGAR.- • 20 bbls. Baltimore Yellow Sugar. o Wu/8./eland 10 bbl. liefined /0 " Lovering assorted Received and for tale by JAMES PATTON, Jr., uov:23 AliegMmy Ott9 ii TTENTION, ALLEGHENY CITY.- 1111 The subscriber would call your attention to hie dues: of IoitAILLX 011001111,11:6 bought, of late, In New York, for CAS/I, which he will sell at lower priced than any other house lu the two cities, for Wnt. Come and see the A WORD TO TEA DRINKERS. TILE PEKIN TEA STORE, Fifth street, has imported into this market some el ,ile iluest grades of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, grown in the Celestial Empire, done up in all the various i.,ucy packages which Chinese ingenuity can invent. It 10 a ,uxury and comfort to drink them. Yruprietorn of bunts and hotels, and private (muffles are invited to call. oct7 KETC.IIUPS.- 10 dozeu Mushroom Ketchup. . 10 do ELglish Waluut do. 25 do Quarts Tomato do. be do Yints do do For sale by REYMER ANDERSON, uov2l No 39 Wood Btreut, opposite St. Charles Hotel Illaeral Water Depot. J. C. BUFF , Ult 11.: S. BIIIIKER _ _ _ ti C. BUFFUM 44 CO., Manufac el 4 , Sarsaparilla, Zilinered Water, Pop, Bottled Ale ant irter; also, Bothers of 'Wainwright's celebrated Wlutorka Wa.rchonso, UFSTIY U. 001.LI1:P. DIPiENBACITErt & CO 200 lxothiu Chimney li9k7R 7.7. PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE if POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. PITTSBURGH, PA H. W. KANAGA. °ppm:Um Clio Penna.. Railroad Depot., LIARILLIBURG, PA. EASTERN .F. 1.511 1i ow Yorlr. Prince's Bay, Egg island, Egg Harbor, Shell Oysicrs, mrl:Jbw CORNIICOPILE RgSTAURANT. Br ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. GROCERIE6. JAIIII3 Ja., Federal otreet, near the Diamond, ALLEGI3E.TY 01TY No. 35 faurket street, PITTSIIBIIOII, FL. :r.irra tilled and chipped to all parta of the country ri,rte , ,t notice. aplB:lydaw Lippincott, Shorten Si. Pearson, NO. 10.1 WOOD STREET, NEAR FIFTH. I_IANUF4 CTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va- SAIL lives, Est and Bonnet Boxes, Ladies Traveling is units, Carpel. Bags, &c., keep constantly on hand a large stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hat , lug facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to call and examine our goods be fore purchasing elsewne. si. 'B. QWEET CIDER.-4 bble. Sweet Cider, for ki sale by JA31.11.1 A. FETZER, dc24 89 Water street. CffRISTMAS and NEW YEAF'S GIFTS of every delcription iu the Fancy Dr,, , Goods line.— l'leaSe cull and see them. 11ANetKi LOVE, Eld2ds Northerly LOVE BIIOTILEItS, 74 Market St. MUCILAGE—For office use, in convenient form, for tmlo by W5l. G. JOJINSTON CO., th& 57 Wood street. i3ORT FOLIOS AND DESK PADS for sale by W3l. JOHNSTON & 00, ,te9 57 Wood etroet. WRAPPING PAPER-400 reams Crown, Medium, and Double Crown, Strew Wrapping Pa. per, full count, jast received and for sale by JAB. A. bIiTLEIt, 82 Water street. tIIDER.-5 Wis. Sweet Cider, for sale by d. 19 USNRY EL COLLINS. 11111UCKWITEAT FLOUR-40 sacks prime .1) article, for sale by [ll4lBl HENRY U COLLINS. "TEMP SEED. ILL 60 bags for sato by B. A. FAIINESTOCK oc9 Oorncr Wood and thith streets \NIONS.-7 sacks Onions, just received 1,..) , and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, 113 89 Water street. y ADIES' SNOW BOOTS; - Buffalo and Gum AA Overshoes, at the Peoples' Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth trite'. r caul PTV p~ .^ Ohfi & 1160TATOES.-57 barrels White Neshaa .ll-- -uo pctittoea, earning Per stesmer neidgh t.Ed fctr 1-1,1••1 TWO LOTS OF GROUND on West Corn mon, Allegheny, with a doable frame dwelling hones, for eal,, rrice $ll.OO. Terms easy. B. CUTHBERT & SON, CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS Enamelled a•,.1 du finish, 011 diller, ktudi width —wholonale and retail, by J. ILL( .8, 213 and '23 13t.. Clair str,-,,t. ONIING.—New Wall Papers, a cheap prima, to be sold by ••• VI. /111111.11112 A 41; CO. . . BANKS. DOLLAR SAVINGS IZ'ARTEI, .No. 65 Fburth Sired, MIDDLE BOOM, JONES' NEW BUILDING. ()PEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Wednesdaa and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clocß; and from November Ist to Slay Ist, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not less than Olin DOLLAR, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate of six per cont. per annum, on the first of December, 1855: also in June and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the sane Interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate, money will double in less than twelve years, making in the aggregate EIGHT AND oNr-rise PER CENT. A YEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules end Reza lations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. President--GEORGE AL BREE. VISE PEIB/DENIB. Hopewell Hepburn, John H. Shoenber. ' zrz, James Mille, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D Kelly, William 8. Lavely, James Herdman, Hill Burgwin, John El Congrave, YEESTEES. William J. Anderson. James W: Hallman, John G. Becket:en, Charles Knap, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, • John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Cain, Walter P. Marshall. Alonzo - A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, H. D Charles A. Colton,,] Henry L. Ringwalt, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George S. Selden, George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. Hoon, Theobald Umbstaattai , William 8. Haven, George R. White, Secretaryand Treasurer—CHAS. A. COLTON. [fe3 BANK QF lOWA. J: STEVENS & CO:, DESMOINES, COLLECTIONS MADE and prompui d mitted. LANDS selected and locateL Capitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can do en through this house. Correspondence solicited. Lruya:au AUBTIN LoOLUI3 THOS. D. Lowe, A USTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notes„Bonds, Mortgagee, and all Socurinea tor Money. Money Loaned on Checks at short dates, with collatnni security. NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Loans can be accommodated on reasons ale terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good occur! Lion ut remunerative prices. Also, attend to the Sale, Renting and Leasing of Real Estate. Office, No. 92 FOURTII street, above Wood. C . ftE, AUSTIN LOU.IIII, Notary cab 23: NT HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex- IA • change Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept ances, tiold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange ou the blast ern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the Unitsu States, Deposita received in par funds or current paper, No. d 7 Market street, between Third and Fourth sm. uu30:1:, rp.IIOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and .1 Dealer in Notts, Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, o. *, ruurth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. janh OIIN WOODS, BANXER AND EXCHANGE BILNKEII, Dealer In Emehange, Connuercial and Bauk Stock bought and sold on commission. Collections ..arefully attended to. Interest paid ou Deposits. No. (37 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. . Je3U REAL ESTATE AGELNIT,L,. CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Lye 11.arket street, for the sale and purchase of Real rotate, renting housed, attending to index:sme and repairs, dbtauaing Maus on bonds, mortgages, &c,; malting convey ances, deeds, bonds, Am.; writing letters and correspond e, .sith parties abroad, ocib BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, 01110. REFYILLNC.L.9.—SIebera. Haulm, Garrotouti & Co., Iloberi Parka, En. jythy WESTERN Id IL ./4 .10 S ALEXANDER, GARAETT, ESTATE AUENT, NO. a) WATER SI'REEI, CLEVELA24.I), 01110, due 'for Bale Lundy in !,iicliignu mud lowa. lie will ...change Lanus in WlDe...ninth, au., tar viiiiiburgh manufacture,, iron M u iur city prup,n). 511 lettere of inquiry tuinVerol grati::, Lp Liatiresdiug above. aullay 3.. 4 -I ARAIS in Exchange for City Property.— A! A term of 350 LICle3, on the Aiiegheny river, near ...ittanning, Liu acres cleared; dwelling house, barn and or. cuard ; coal, limestone and iron ore. Also, a farm of 1110 noes near the above. Also, a lam of 53 am es on Pine creek, 4 miles from liittanning; Su acres cleat ed ; two 111J1113e3, red a saw Will in good running order; a first rate location fur business. 250 acres of land at mouth 01 lieu Bank creek; 4U acres cleared and in good order. Yrice low arid terms sail. V; ill ho exchanged in whole ur in part for city pro perty. S. CU'lll.llsAcl! & SON, novlo of Market street. ONLY $750 FOR A .TWO STORY Dwel ling House, of foul rooms, with lot of ground toot vui on .11ontoroy otreot, Allegheny city, by 110 (loop to au forms,. $4OO in Laud, balauco at Quo two unit throe ' 6. C111:11B1111'i' s 6U.N, uov24 bi nlarket moot. FOR RENT.—A large dwelling house, on Ross street, at head of lath, with immediate pusses• thou. Alb.). two small 'muses fu Splaue's Court. 6. CUTHBERT & 'SON, nov2l bl Market street. 14 1 0 R $750 will be sold a new two story Ynune Howse, with a good lot of giuuud, in alleglien, city. The tot id 20 toot trout, on Ilauteray street, by 110 teet to an alley. Teruel eaey. jJ I OUI. TU FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lots of land, ten miles trom 11rands “its Marshall county. Va., tour wiles drum it. li. Motion. and good timber. Price $4 to $5 per acre, ou Lime, Lima 5 to 7 years, if desired. Also, 700 acres of good laud, 3 miles from Cameron Ste wit, B. 8c Olno It. It., for sale to suit purchasers, at trum $7 *lO Or acre, and on easy terms. 'OR 11. EN f.—A dwelling houte on Third street. Also, one on Roos struot, with immediate U'OR SALE.—A Dwelling louse with a good Store Loom, situate on limbinaou LiCre,t. near Fed Atleglieny city. eflet, tow and terms easy. 101 l 8. CUTiiiikati: & & N 61 Market at. UUE, SALE.—A. comfortable dwelling house (frame) of hall and eight rooms, portico in front, with Lot of ground 78 feet trout on bouth avenue, Allegheny, by :C.40 deep to ltebecca street, with fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, stable, Ac., Ac. .erice $1,600. S. CIALLBERT A SUN, nov2 b) Market street. MERC HAN TS' AND MERCHANTS' UFAC T U BA.MI ur PAPER, will be [=lieu at iiither in whole or in part pay fur several very debira btu Locations for country residences, near the city. One lot of 12 acres. one of 14, - of 10 and 3 acres. For particulars call at our office. ii. CIAIiffERT s riON, oct47 01 Mark e t sewer_ FLANNELS.- Wilke, Yellow, Red and Plaid, of all grades, and at I,lWEit PRILIES than they can bo gut for at any other ea tablistanont in the city. U. lIA:NJU: LUYbi, formerly Love Brothers, ".:2/ No. 2.4 I.J.aret. street. U U SE S, LOTS AND FAILNIS.—Vire would invite the attention of jersons who wish to purcuusa ilutlbL, to the great variety of Hewes, Farms and Band jog Lots we have for sale. We have now on hand Lots at $1()U, each, and at $2OO, $3OO, and upwards, and on very easy terms. borne in payments averaging fourteen cents day I /louses and Lots, at Loin VW to $lO,OOO, in various locatiOnli in and adjacent tegtetowocities. Lutiroved Farms at titan $lO to $OO V titre.. Also, choice Fanning Lands at item $2 to $.5 rlt acre. Persona aying property 01 any kind to dispose of, will Audit to their interest to give ue a call. We also, attend to the Renting of Fiances, and Collection of W.ITLIDEET A rICIN, !„ , ‘.1.• I 1,4 TaLACKBOARD CRAYONS—For Ede by Ai • W: ti. JOHNSTON Lt CU., uc vl7 Wotan :in, 57 Wood btreag. 4UITLY YOURSELVES WITH SHOES now, whilst you can buy thorn at such low rates, at the STOltil. We will continuo to sell at great ly reduced prices for a short time longer. Small profit , and cash returns is our motto. All kiwis of Overshoes sold low fee DLYFE_NBAOHEiI A: 00. • ,'FEEL PENS. Gillot's; • Pratt's ; Per ry'is; PUneas" Jenny Lind; Cooper; American, anodes & Son's, and haven's, bast received by W. Li. HAVEN, oct3o Corner Ilarl , qt end Second eta VOR RENT. - A: The large vrarehonse, now occupied by W. 11. Smith & Co., Dios. L5l Filet and 122 Second sireets. Enquire of PARE, bIcCIIitOY & CO.. ja2.s:tf Nos. 149 First and 120 Second streets. irtiILORILE OF L ME.--50 casks for sale Nu by I uovl6l IL A VATINE.STOCIT & 01)., QEASONABLE GOODS. Gentlemen's under garments; embracing silk, lambs' wool, heavy merino and cotton under-shirts; drawers, of the best manufacture, and cold at very ri duced rates. MORRISON'S -OELEBRATED SHIRTS. A large lot of cravats, ties, pocket hdkfs., scarfs, kc., and all other articles in the line of Furnishing Goods imitab:e for the season, at nova • MAINE'S, 77 Market street. WARRANTED TO SIIELL TWENTY BUSHELS PER HOUR Di THE HANDS OF ONE MAN—the Corn Sheller now exhibiting ut No. 05 Fitth street. Now, don't be excited if you have been bum brtgxeii, but give this machine a trial, and if it le an imposition, say so; but if thoroughly satisfied that it is the beet in7Ltitiot, of the kind the age has produced, then buy territory anc =lre afortune, and quit your croaking . Call and see. ax2SiStr-w,tf.-_ fIOPPERAS.-1.0 bbla on hand and for sale 140 by 04151 D. I. RAIINEMCIS GO. PITTS B URG CUTHBERT do BON, 51 Market street. S. CIITHBEEP & SON bl Market street. a. CliTtitta K suN, bi Market street rEDNES DAY. MARCH 10. 1858. BOOKS AND STATIONERY OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Succesaor t B. T. C Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth atreot, Pittsbuigh, Pa. n025:1y Co-Partnership. - THE undersigned have entered into Cu . Partuerohip, under tho styls of Wm. C. Johnston it CO. SAM Er EL It. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM 0. JOE:HITON. Pittsburgh, Soptomber 6, 1867. •. . -•-- . , WZI. C. JOHNSTON CT AT lON E B,S, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. ee3r) BLANK BOOKS, Journal•. Day Book', Cash rnvoica Books, 0,,00 1 Books, Bill Books, Itecdpt Books. For sale by WSI. G. JOIINSTON .1t CO., de i 9 57 Wood street PIANOS AND MUSIC PIANOS - AT A BARGABAT. ALNUNNS & CLARK PIANO, six octavoot lloiewood cate, but a low years in nee, $l7O. one seven octavo .sOntn•VOA case, round c0rner......... 1,5 no nix octavo Mahogany Cai Und six octave Muhogan. case One six octave, small size Piano Porsous ti,troati to pur , Lase an itidtrutuout, will 11,,d it to thei, iuterebt to call tit U. KLEatElt. h. BRO'S, turti Musie Store, :No. 63 Elan !street. SUPERB GRAND PIANO, THE FACik'OltY OF Steinway SI. Song, Mew Work.. 11. 1ii,E1311.: k into. take pleasureiu an• uuitucing to the pubitc twit they have just received A epic:Mild lull PIANO, L . tan. the tactury ut steinvvay 3 sous, Aew Yolk., which ter exquisite eweettiv.e and vuluLue of tone, iigittuess end °Leath:ay ui L-uca, uud U 111,obt tutitetlll Ulid eh, W ant exterwe is CULlsduruti tee 1.1.:\ EST vitAND FLAN° ever brudght to tine e.ty. 'ill° 1110ChiAllIS111 in a DOUBLE AcTio.N, a pa unted luvouiion of Scei .way Juus, witch C..lllbillto V !tit the utinust plumptness and uel.cucy ut Luca a degiee ut duraiatity but rarely attained. ievectfuil„ invite toe public , one and all, whether par etuieere or no:, to call see ibis uhiivalled inetrurneot. u. liLI hilt s[ Rao., i'No. b 3 Filth street, bole Agents fur Steinway A Sens. N. 13.—. A. Cll,l, just eceived a tresulut. of Noma' A elark'e Piauod. deli; LL ANuS 1 rlAN'til 6/ . PARI,OIt GRAND PIANOS II AND NEvV 611:16.6 oQ,ualt.r; PIANOS, to.. till, .klauuiacury lit 6', Uv~ru.t, just iecelveu iruiu too uaauuta‘Lory of, Ctuckeriug Soi:s', Huston, the fuLlowing Lle,siraOie and elfgaut sta.:lto! their 1..1A.:‘,0 FOII.T.Eb One full seven ()Mae lirelel l'intlo Forte, with superli* carved use. r lice 4tsou One 2 , oil tleVell UCCeNe liraud Pluto) f o/ to, elegant iteffe• Weed Cebtl. Pr/.e 4700 One :NOW ritrier (humd euieu octave Piano, auar equal ia power to a lull wand, cud occupy - lug only the room Of ureduery 23:1UnVe a auu. Frice $1101) al (JAIlc riA.Ati6l Two full carved lioaouovd, Lams S.A.Vat, covet, octaves, ',Vitt' Cat ~ eil ile.k anti icon kivrii. T no I.S.O.IctIV,Ci duvOLIOCCUCC--ellih,d my le. Two tto,,..vouu, curved tuuuldiuga, dOica octavo. Four 11,1:Wi.1001.4 plata routtu Corers, cocoa octave. Taro,' 11'itiLLUA plant roan:: trout cut tier, moVou OCLLIVe, Four ~ ~" G:i Four Rue, wood " " 6 ir. " All of ttto ab.....v0 are of their NEW SCALL, awl wll.l, lull irou frames, cud thou . new Patrac Action. Thesu ltisi.r“atuhu, ti e been liaise:ad specially for the ,uhscriher, and will bt, pUrChli3Ord. or Sets et, their r“tu,:uct pries. Juil— ...,E.1.14.11i, 1-1. hi street, Agellt tos Clahlernlg S roue 2ilessrs. Ciadries &el:Nis. Grebe, lEllltti6 Ur TUE PIA N 0, , cINOING, ! ANCIENT AND IVIC/DEaMLANCUACES, 4.6 a-k, Luau, tieraLl:L, Fteuclt, and faught ' ()and 'Lilco'. .t.t{aut, ut tta, Murat. ide24.4al 'iOBAUUO AND bEGAtiB. D. RINEHART, V V 12E= TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS up.3o:ly .No 129 WOOD STREET SELLING OFF!! $B 9 OOO WORT . OF eIABROI2IOES.tEs, SOLD WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, AT J. BUSH'S, No. 85 Market street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 14 1 LIE GREATEST CLIANCE EVER OF PERED to the Ladies to buy cheap Embroideries. The goods are all fresh and new, and of the latest importation, cumioting of Cn'Alars; Sleeves; Bands; Edgings; Setts; Laces; Trimmings , Skirts; Waists, Ribbons and Veils; aad will be sold without regard TO COST tr,AL.-111INGS, HOSIERY AND FANCY GOODS, Come Oue, Como All, and don't mina the place, AT J. BUSH'S:, ONZ , . G. 5 Market street, between Third and] Fourth streets ni - P% - tt( Ito /01>ll NORMAL CLASS. THE SECOND SESSION OF THE NOR MAL GLASS. at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, - Cutler the direction of A. BURTT, Principal of the Fifth Ward Public Scholia, will commence On Monday Evening, February let. like Class will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings, en i Saturda; mornings of each week. TURIN $l, per Session of 'Sixteen Lesson,. 'az DELIWZNG LESSONS, AT IRON CITY t;olluaciAL COLLEGE, ,f 03".. IN MECHANICAL, AJICHITECTURAL, NU CRAYON DRAWING, „fm, By JOB r€ rsRZ For farther infa . thati... , 2.rdly to Ur, F. W. JEN ff.LNEI ' Principal of lr,a :Aucrcial College,Pitts burgh. novl46md. y ARD.-13 pkgs. I received, and. for salt by !mai OOLLINS. A PPLES. —lOO bbls for sale by iqfa, i3I ,, PV FT. (Kw REEF BLADDERS WAN TED.—The nigh etet price paid for Beef Bladeiera;a2 B. L. BNIL:Nr.,STOCIS. & CO'S, coup • Corner Wood and Fourth atreeta. MANGANESE. -5000 lbs. for sale by B. A. FAFINESTOOI h CO,, deal W ,- .1 ara Vtrt* ere.* OOPI'ERAS-100 bbls. for sale by '4_ .1 7 A fr pDINT BRUSIIES, assorted sizes; 300 doz on nand and for gale by -- 13. L FAILNESTOCII &MO., 14.47...k.5nn tnilntr.7 Rma - - A LLMN'S - N. AND B. LININIENT.—Ten ; Tr :at hand and for said by R L riILININEY TOPS.--100 Gothic Chimney la Tops. a various beantital patterns, for sale b ent7 • Hi EL B. wu. 0. JOHNsI.O.e. 1,9A.1.11:15 IN ALL 1:13D19 01 cj- AT FlltST COST. INSURANCE FIRE INSITR ‘;.NLE, BY THE Reliance Pilntim' ffasuramkce Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, lIERCHAN Does, FURNITTJHE, &0., IN TOWN Ott COUNTRY. Office, So. 308 Walnut street. CAPITAL, 8177,026 ASSETS, 6252,405 89. Invested as follows, viz Pint Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double toe amount $!20,200 uu Pennsylvania Rani owl Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage Loan, $30,000 cost 25,600 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penn'a it. It. Loan. 10.000.00 PennsylvaLia Railroad Co.'s Stock 4,014 OU Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insult auce Co 19,150 00 Stock of County Fire insurance Co 1,059 00 Scrip of Sundry insurance Companies 476 00 Bills Receive ale, busineat paper 52,711 00 Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc 3,330 19 Cash on hand and in Batik 16,043 20 $2.52,44 89 CLEM TINGLEY, Prebidegt, D111.2=088 Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, David S Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, U. L. Carson, Robert Toland, Y03C13 Johnson, Charles S. Wood, James S. Woodward, mr3 B. J. GAR mr3 Nerth-east cur MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE CO., Office—No. 10 Merchants' Ezchange, PHILADELPHIA. CHARTER PERPETUAL—CAPITAL 0500,000. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS DI? Fire, Marine, and Inland W 5.1. A. itiIODES, Flatulent CHAS. WIRE, Vice President. ALFRED WKEES, Secretary. 0/11E0TUY.eu Wm. A. Rhodes, A s s. Lippincott, James P. Smith, Chas. J. Field, William Neal, Charles Wiec, John P. DIMOELB, J. Rinaldo sank, Th 011.11.13 M. Itichard2 Mackin B.B.F.F.E.F.NOSS: Judge Heath, E. D. Jones, EN., Cash. Cit. liable, Jas. Millinger, Eeq., Messrs. Robinson & Co, James !toward, Esq., `• T. Kennedy, Jr., 4t Co , C. EL Patason, Eaq., " Wade, Hampton & Co., J. S. Lee, Esq., " Cunningham 4. Co. Pittsburgh Oflice, No. 98 Water street, feb22 EDW. li. BELL, Agent. iIERGIUNTS' DiSURANGE COMPAM, Of Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J..IVCA.N.N, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and inveated...s2oo,ooo lib Sarpine 63,41 Z 3o $:/.63,4'28 Ina ires Cargo Itisks on the Ohio and Mississippi hirers and iributarier Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Sea awl Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIRECTORS Wm. V. Pettit, J. 0. Montgomery, John M. Puiuroy 1). J. McCann, E. F. Witmer, Rohe (./ ninon, 13. L. Woolston, John A. Marshall, Chas. ki. W John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Posey. orzicans: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Prest6ent E. F. WITMEIt, Vwe President. D. J. MOOA.N.N, Secretary. REFILE.ItNOStI: n P hiladelphia: l in Philadelphia: deign'', Lamb A Co., 1 bt.etuunt.x., Justice Ei Co., Truitt, Bro. h Co.,hues, Alorgiiii A Atidlole, A. T. Ladle h Co., I Putaruy, Caldwell tr. Cu. PlTT,tliUliall OFFICE, O. 4#7 V. Al:liai uTith.ET. u 7 it. W. l'uliN lit.,X.T Ea., A PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Rio. 148 Cllceatut SLrect, Upp JalLe tlattaa. VVILL MAKE ALL filiNiDS OF INbli• N.A.NCE, either l'orpoLLal ur LanritoG, on b,cl:, th.criptiun of PruperLy ur anrCnaltOlzo, at it:L.-an:alba, rat. 'I of pruzulurn. 11UBEIRT P. 73.127(.1, Prealtieut. M. W. BALDW.LN, Vice Pre4i...teut. Lr....;L1 Charles Ilayee, E.. R. Cope, E. B .6 ngileh, George W. Brown, P. B. eavery, Joeeph b. Paul, C. Sherman, John Clay WII, S. J. Magargee, B. Yi ilor. R. 131aorauraur., Secretary. _ _ _ J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wuod If treatd NEPTUNE INSURANCE: COMPANY, OF PiIi.LADELPELLA, FIIANH.L.III BUILDINGS, 414 WALNUT STREET. Organized under the General Insurance Law, wnh a Cash Capital of $.100,000, privileged to increase to taUO,OOO. In sures against loss or damage by FIRE, MARINE, J.N LA.'S .0 NA VICIATIOisi and TItAINSBUILTA.I.I.OIi. oznotas: U. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. 11.1011'D SHIELDS, V. Pres . t. G 140.1.1411: SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS: 0. Laughlin, D. bharwood, D. Montgomery, W. 0. stoteabary, R. M. Oreille, Ilictiard shields, it F. Showell, 0. C. Butler, William USDot ne, ucorge Scott. TITE s 0171AFEEY, Agenta, ()Moe Lafayette Hall, entrance on Wood et. PITTSBURGH lAFE. FIRE A.ND INSURANCE COMPANY, °GREER OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, Prestdtm ALEX. 80/mint, Vico; President. 2. A. itiIiLEART, Secretary. 44-Thie Uompany maned exery Insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISES. Also, against HULL AND OARUO RLSRB on the' Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE RISKP generally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Penis of the Pea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. eulicies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to nil i.arti6s. DIREOTORB. Hobert Galway, 'Samuel M'Clurkan, Joseph P. thxzsam, M. D., John Boots, James Marshall, Davidliichey, James W. Flailman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alex.ander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David EL Chambers, Bober; U. Hartley, '4'ilßsT , R Carr, Jno. Meal]. 5e:,..5 CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMM V OF PITTSBURGH. WILL! AM BAGALZY, Proatdent. &HURL L. MARISBELT., Secretary. Or `FiCE: 94 Water end, bttween Afarket and Wood strata' .i.::&th21111ICS HULL AND CARGO ItISKEI, on the Ohio anu alississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by FIRE. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navlgatiot and Transportation. DIBIKITOLS. )apt. Mark Bterillig, Samuel Til. Kier, John B. Dilworth, Fraucts Senora, William B. Hays. John Shipton, Walter Bryant, Ja22 re illlam Bagaley, z;amuel Rea, James M. Cooper, JitaLeß Park, Jr., ..ac AL Pennock, Springer laarbaugh, Capt. Samuel C. Young, John Caldwell. WEST B id,AN CH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA Cash ...... $31:00,,,00 I Premium 1\0te.5...5132,343. THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Building!, Merchandise, Furniture, in tewu DIRZOTORS Hou. Juo. J. Pearce,' Hon. G. O. Harvey,lCharles A. Maier, John B. Hall, l Charles Crist, Peter Dickinson, I T. T. Abrams, D. K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. LION. G. C. HARVEY, President T. T. Amtaiss, Vice President. THOEL KITCHEN, Secretary. Et E. 7IBEN0118: Samuel H. Lloyd, jDr. J d. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. S Cameron, James — Armetrong, A. White, Throe. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James goiggle Vanderbelt, Hon. Win. Bigler, tis /lam STREET, PrrnintrAciu. delartf J. A. LIETERT, Agent. rraTIEFRANKLIN FIRE ..iNsuB,ANHcE COMPANY, OF FEELLADELPHIA. Mauves's—Charles W. 13ancker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner,Samuel Gran; Jacob R. imith," Coo. W. Richards,. Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolphl.E. Doris, David S. Browne, Mot. ris Patterson. Cass. pi. ,I3sucs.u., Bresident. Omas: G. BAnossm, &Cleary. -' • - • • Coutinhe to make Inenrance, perpetual or on every description of property, in town and country, at mtea as low as are consistent with security. Tho Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, Ihich, with their capital and premimes, safely invested, al. ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on'January Ist, 1851, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,123 88 Real 113tate........ 84,177 78 Temporary Loans.. 83,968 17 Stocks • 81,889 .117, Cash, 81,518 81 Total. $ 1 , 919 ,703 44isg &ace their incorporation a period of twenty-ono years, they have paid upward of One Milian Four Ilandred Thorp. sand Dollare,l oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of tho advantages of insurance, as woll as the ability una Non to meat with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFII , !. .l n;, nal Once, north-east cor. Wood and 'THE BEST FRENCH CORSETS.- For One Eadlar and Twenty-Five Cana.fat§ %TOL Eiclditil, 17 iladratt etmet. Samuel Blopham, Robert Steen, William Idneser, Benjamin W Tingley, Marshall Hill, -Z Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Wm. M. Semple, Pittob'g . HINCHMAN, secretary. DINE• COFFIN, Agent, or Third and Wood streets. MISCELLANEOUS. 6 ( Death to all Vermin 1" "COS:TAR'S" . Rat, Roach, &c., Exterminator, Put np in 20c., se, and $1 Boxes. For the Destruc tion of P ats, Mice; Ground or Field Mice, Moles, Roaches, Croton Bugs, etc. "COSTAR'S" BEI) BUG EXTERMINATOR. Put op In 25c , 50c., 76c., and $l. Bonita "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC POWDER, Put up in 250. and 50c Box. e. To Destroy Mottle, Bed Bugs, Mosquitoes. Ant ,, , Fleas, Plant Insects, Vermin ou Forela and Animals. The ah.ve are now acknowledged the Only Infallible Rmedies Known ! SS"' Torras Caiti. • .rt- No goods sent on C0M11116.91011. Wholnsole Terrain:Lade to Druggists and Deal ere ,everywhere. . . • We- "C'o.tar's" Private Clrctilar to Druggists and Deal ers sent by toad, on NT:Ratios. ecir- sold, ~ .hotesale avid Retail, at " COSTAR'S " Principal riepOt, no. 898 Broadway, Now Voris, Mid try bnuggiStS Dealers everywhere. For the People. v Preparations are eei taiu Destruction to every species of Verml• and, wherever known, are hailed as the most re markalde discoveries of the ago. As a cons,quence, the de uu ntl le becoming 'lmmense To meet this demand 'fairly, to meet also, in a I beral spirit, these generon , pursuits who fluty k. ant to tent their merits for themselves and their neighbor:—iu new places—in short, to place them within the reach of every every where. I have an ringed a scale of prices and premiums that can't tail to me, t views of all : I. On Reccipt of ONE DOLLAR. I wit 1o; ward by mail (post paid) a sufficient quantity ~f the Rat, J., oach, ctn., Exterminator to destroy all of this class of vermin that may infest your premises. it. On Receipt .of TWO DOLLARS. I will for Ward by mail (postage paid) a sufficient quantity of both the Rat, Roach, tfx., .Exterminattr oud the Electric Powder, together with the'preminm of one yeir's subscription to the United States Journal, the largest and best conducted monthly newspaper in th Unitei States. •' - On Receipt of FIVE DOLLARS. I sill ferwa,d by express (prepaying the express charges) $5 worth of Rat;Roaeh, ern:, Exterminator, the Electric Powder, and the Bed Bug Ex:4 rminator, (dile latter being a liquid, cannot be sent in the inail,) and the additionat ptemium of one yeses subscription to the United States Journal. IV. On R.toellpt. of TEN DOLLARS. The name terms will be made as made to Druggists and Dealers - .Costar's Private* Circular to Druggists and Dealers. A_DDIILSB all letters to COSTAR'S PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 368 Broadway, New York. Fes" To woe mistakes and trouble: 1. Write in a pain hand the nape of Post Office, County, a, d State. 9. Regoitor yonr letter: alai it will come at my risk 3. Pie,/ Lurk and };astern uouey prvferro. fit VelA , C sex, TILE FOLLOWING: Rats, ICAtches, Bugs, Insects, &C. 44,4 ne P tr,cr Zaye : A la, Muter oa)o Luut the various species of vermin are nitAtipylog at u rate throughout - the land. Their 113. t oeu.,eae LI teener ut neinals dread." A Yost ~.,ele, to lillaUle , writieg to " Depot, says: 'Toe 4.eunily to tIL.I - 4.1y pi,ixran wtth them, (rats, mite, dc.") AD u.et , 11014 We, o-awo nhwe otate, says: The rate posi tively gnaw tae /Mille.: ei oil ray horses wail° in the stable!' rt e,puutl nt , ,metks;illuj (the rats) ail, eve ') whert—ell the ' hero, and trader every atop 14 the 11041. • lu the noath it to still worse. A late order trine ti., Nay, yard at Mobile was for thirty p 14:: Oat f.Xte, Wnla Wi alone. .1 late t gopt, say : mew YORK, April 12, 1856. !ear S,r:—tutvitig ri great many rats around to, stable ao.l shop, 1 1L11,11611. / w‘,II.ILE3 your tint tateraunator, and Uouglit, ouo ) , .u. auu fixed it at...witting to your t:cLicAls. 111” , 11 , XL 1.11011111.1 6 1 tound over one huudrell and tiny CLeall tats. a take plea/m:0 In saying that it wi! du Lour. tu.o y. .0 at) /1 Wilt. 1 hare also tried it on steam. aua est.nea tuna that It t. the greatest thing of the ng.• J. J. UAlThititiLL, • N 0.435 10th street. Irtd.hCr, J. Lireur 2 r. hi., purchased 4 1.1_4 uur E. and luund it to Du what ua e...0rt0,0u di. to ee, a per lee. Rot destroyer. 1 here with illutt.e f.j, fur . ore at it. acc., s,r—* • • An this suhuier 1 iniNe ...sea troubled with tiltlieS and Alice. w.. 3 actually ashamed (,f the house, r lt,aches t.ru oval) a here, andl owl% know what / th.u,ci nave uoue toy L.. 11. Cline. 1 purchased a hex 01 your i...ttetui.nater one tried at, sue in eau week taws was not a Ituo-ch ur 3l..nne in tin. Neste. J °LIN B. GIVENS, No. 94 Elm 'Area. MOQRS'S SALT {4 oust', Uhio, Juue 8, 1888. :car Sir,-1. have un,d it (the Rai, itoach, ae., Exterini • tura tug,,ta, au" it is making a aau havoc among the tint tube. Yours, &e., J. Y. BECuAIi What the Press say: IVc s,.Ess, by liccu-1 experience, that "Costar's" prepare tor 'tat,,d aehee, uea 13uga, and Injects generally, are c..uiplete fu..a eAtelthlUnt.l2l. Wherever “CelittU*B" • uthitiLu.B nave been ea, d, they have never tuiled.to pe, f all ',hist', calmed tor them. Housekeepers ehotild out 1,11 to try thew.—New lei* Atlas, May 171 h. fiat, Iteach, taterminator is an infallible ~,trey or faattlent creatures. His Bed Bug I: iter Ilt111:1,0( be valued berata me..aute by every housewife who h tICCataIULI to use it. du 19 Lid Electric Powder, which ii Lt/ LAW ue> th t" sluequtt.t.ea, Moths, Flies, Fleas, and • ut every sqrt..—/iiata;mpuiis (mtl.),Sentinel. the Druygi.l3 say: J LiLuCtido_ll, (D;uggist,) New Lisbon, 0. " Your Ex trove IMELI.I3CIuty.". u. L. n. .n.'IIuINALL, (thudgdde,) New Brunawiek, N. J. We cried the Ilia, Extutnawatar, and it au tAirvl'S a goer, purpoue." CUNNINuII.a.II, (ilruggist,) Beaver Dam, Iris. "It oi,s &a, kaGul Lualator) is highly satisfactory who liw,u nisi.; IL" S Li. HILL, (Dr tiggint,) De.,r Creek : Pir..kaway county, 0. un ttut, 1-I. , ,,ucti, sc., Laleruiluator [loos all it reeopa muutlett to (; LE3ll3ldiciElt, (Druggists,) Lebanon, Pa. •• ‘vo ire pleased to sad tuat Luca 13 sold gives satislac` LIM! " 110;s3 , :, (triuggist,) L'ardington, 0. "It (the Rat, , sells like hot cakes, giving ger, el r l Eiatlitle IOU." LlllTsarall.bAr, NOW IS TIE TIME ifthi, MUTING CHEAP CLOTHIAG. Z. ,L _EISNER, ON THE CORNER or WOOD AND FIFTH Sri:EELS, late Davis's Auction Room, is now sell. 1,,,, ~u, his entire wit.3lo.>aln stoca at OJST PRIORS FOR OAthi:i. ONLY. He will Bell line Black Petersham Over coat that used to bell at 45,00 tor $3,75 Fia- !clack Petersham Overcoat • 6,00 " 4,60 •' BrownB,oo " 6,76 •• Raglan " 9,00 " 6,00 :Ni.r,gerlioad tinglau " 8,00 " 5,00 I..imb-i,tn •'lO,OO 5 " 7,00 " - 8,00 " ,00 • • •• " 7,00 " 4.60 L.I in Pilots 10,00 " 6,1)0 Yr hit.tas 1-110 ts 5,00 " 3,00 hem-,kin 6,00 "a 4,50 ,aiinitnauX — lO ,OO ' 7,00 n., , ..,u,1t 5,00 " 4,00 6,00 " 4,50 Fine Wore CasHunere 8,00 `k -6,00 31 . ..vm Cloth 10,00 u.,.6,00 hl+:ck silk Cloth 1;00 4, 1,00 buy,r Fine Dress Vrock. Coats 16,00 "13,00 •• 11400 " 11,00 10,00 M. 0,50 ;-auto,, it-I, and FuroPliha t T Goods at these and proper• ti n ratk.t. de23 Wheat, Rye and Corn Wanted, A 4 .9211:11.L ST.EAZIE BULL. - ALLEGEMNY CITY. rff E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN ti,e above establishment, and are prepared to PAI , LIICLEGaZ DISHIGT y 6; :CASH /pi' BIJSU,VIB,OF wara. , 10,00 • ' RYI:I4 ,F ' 10,(0) .." OPRN. , It is the intention ti the proprietors to oiler Luna PRIM for any Cito:436 lots or White o,r;Red Wheat. They intend to make very superior . Family-Flour, and are-willing to pay a prentiion to thefarmer in the shape'of an bxtm price, to in duce him to rake a doice . qualityof Wheat, and to hring it to market in good order. jrlfr.lyd&ur It. T. KENNEDY & BRO. Atirays , wonm. - C: -O "N • P E C;T T .N , O N 0- 0 NPROTION,CON P EOT — ION CON 1? EIOTION L IONPE oPION, 00NHE 0 T 10N,_,0 ONFROT 1 ON.OO NPROT I ON,,CONW EOTI 0 N,CONFECT CO NREOT-lON The most pleasant, safe and effectual Worm Remedy now In use. Prepared and sold, wholesale and recall, by ANGFLL a LIAsT. Cor. Wood and ax.r.h ate., Pittsburgh, Pa., And scdd tc Druggists genrrativ 11621 feOTICE. TIIE OLDEST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE TEA STORE In the city of Pittsburgh. Extra tine En ~ernr's Chop, the beat Green Ten imported, being of garde u growth. Also, the finest quality of pure Oolong Tea, 2 ossessing a delicious fragrance only to be found in the gr•itriffe article. No apices kept, or anything that 19 injnr Ala in the flavor of Teas. Customers can rely on gel lag a goiro article of to own flavor. B. 4.49. Arat AMPS, Cave, lit . June 21st, 1857 A Sth_LEY M'CREERY Ncw Yoeic, Dec. l7th, 1857. NUMBER 125. THE DAILY POST. WEDNESDAY MORNING::MARCH 10, 1858 [Fret]; the Athltato Monthly.] THE RELIEF 00-LirCENOVIT. Oh, :hat last day in tucitnow fort I tge hneta that it was the last. That the enemy's /ine3 crept cantionaly And tho end was coming fast. To yield to that foe was worse than death, And the men and we all worked on; It wns one day mure of smoke and roar, And then It would all bodone. There was ono of u 3, a corporals wife, A fair, young, gentle thing, • Wasted with fever in the siege, And her mind was wandering. She lay on the ground, In hor Etootthh And I took her bend on my knee ; "When ray father comes kerne frie the planet," shisaid, "Oh I then pleas waukon me," She slept ilke a child on her father's floor. In the flocking of wood•btne evade, When the hone-dog sprawls by the open door, And the mother's wheel is staid. It was smoke and roar and powder stench, And hopelessly waiting for death; And the soldier's wife, likes fnll•tired child, Seemed scarce to draw her breath. I sank to sleep, and I had my dream Of an English village lane And wall and garden —but ono wild scream Brought me back to the roar moin. There Jessie Brown stood listening Till a Budd• n gladness broke All over her face, and she caught my hand And drew me near as she sp,tke:-- "The Highlanders! oh! dinna ye haat The slogan far aural The McGregors I oh! I ken it %keel ; It's the grandest o' them a' "God bless thee, bonny Highlanders I We're saved I we're saved l" shoaled, And fell on her knees; and thanks to Glad Flowed forth like a full flood•tide. Along the battery-flue her cry Ilan fallen among the men, And they started back—they were than) to die, But was life no near them then? They listened for life; the rattling fire Far off, and the far off roar, Were all; and the colonel shook his head, And they turned to their guile once more But Jessie said, "The slogan's done, But dinna ye hear it noo, The campkll's are comire 1 It's no a dream, Oureuccurs hae broken through!" We heard the roar and the rattle afar, But the pipes we could not hear; So the men plied their work or hopeless wax. And knew that the end was 'near. It was not long ere it made its way— A shrilling, ceaseless souud; It was no noise from the strife afar, Or the sappers under ground. It war the pipes of the Highlanders! And now they played Acid Lang Syne; It came to our men like the voice of God, And they shouted along the line. And they wopt and shook ono another's hands, And the women sobbed to a crowd; A ad every one knelt down where ho stood, And we all thanked God aloud. That happy time; when wa welcomed them, The men put Jessie &rat; Aud the general gave her his bald, ar4 cheers Like a storm, from the soldiers burst. And the pipers' ribbons and tartans atreamatt. Marching round and round our line; And our joyful cheers were broken with tears, As tee pipes played Auld Lang Syne. The Chinese Feast of Lanterns. At the commencement 01 the Chinese year, about the end of February, the people hold their great holiday and festival of the Feist of Lan terns. The courts of law are closed, all business is stopped, and the people do nothing bat make and receive presents, and give themselves up to rejoicing. The smaller mandarins pay visits of respect to their superiors, children to their fathers, and servants CO their masters; the very poorest of the poor don the best dresses they can buy or borrow, and think of nothing but visiting each other, performing plays, telling stories, and feasting. , Eveiy house in the cities, and every boat on the canals and rivers of their vast empire, is hung about with hundreds of millions of painted lanterns, and at night the most costly and in genious,fire works are let off for the amusement of the People; indeed, the expenditure of time and money is so great, and the mirth, joy and pleasure so general, that no great national festi val in the world can be compared with the great festival of the Feast of Lanterns. Of the origin of this festival the Chinese tell several interesting stories, one of which La that— "There was once a great mandarin who had a most beautiful dauphter, and one day, as she was walking by the aide of a river, she fell In and was drowned. The afflicted father with. his family and servants ran to the river, and, that they might be better able to find the body, caused a great number of lanterns to have lights put in them. All the inhabitants of the.plaoe thronged after him with lighted torches,,and, al though they could not find the body, the man darin was 60 much pleased with the anxiety of the people to help him, that he ordered them to go the next year , with their lanterns, tuidlnake the same search, and so on each year, until it became an established custom." Another story is— " That about three thousand years ago, there lived an Emperor of China named Kio, who, al though very clever and a great hero, was given to pleasure and wickedness of all kinds; and, moreover, so extravagant with the people's money, that, out of a mere whim, ho built an immense tower of diamonds and pearls, and, all the most costly gems he could buy or steal,•tind filled a bath—large enough to hold three thou sand people—with the most expensive wine. Now, as some of his best friends even thought this was going a little too far, they tried to per suade him to become more moderate; but he did not seem to, care about their advice, and,mcre over ordered them all to be . put to death, which of °bane prevented,people from being 'tOir free with their advice for the tuture ; after whioli he became more extravagant in his wishes, for, not contented with a castle built of precious stones insttrad-of bricks, and gold and silver instead of iron .and wood, be wanted to find .out. how : to make life lOnger—he, in fact, wanted to cut .off Diath's.'head. To do this he made iriangiinents to forget 'that there were any changes of maims, either, of years, days, or nights, And commenced by bbilding a palace in which the light of day should never be seen; and, instead ciente sun, he ordered, as an improvement, a vast number of lanterns tabs hung up, and kept lighted' night and clay. "He then shut himself up with his queen, and remained 'there till the people could not bear the hardships which they had to undergodu con sequence of Kio'e extravagance, and determined to let a little daylight into the palatie, and so stormed and pulled it dOwn, sendiniKiO to get his.living by begging. As Kio had not been brough%up to that tine of businees, he aeon died of starvation ; and to preserve the memory-of t i ke tyratie4 defeat and death, and as a slight film to succeeding emperors, the people hung Mit lan terns itt.every one of their cities every year on the same day till it became a national festivity." • • V. 0,051 CORN.-3 tons first quality reo'd and for sale I y [ mr6l ILLNItY CO,IINS. "MEW PRINTS l NEW PRINTS! I . • 600 ptects New Aladdin' Prints, 5:0 plecisa Bleached Muslims, 20 bales Brown sftudins, Anl a complete and extensive stack of Domestic Goods, just opelp3d, at the mote of A. A. bLio:ON . CO, wry 25 Fifth Street. NIONS.-10 bbls. Onions for sale by mil HENRY IL comma. VOLLECTION BOOKS—Conveniently ar- IL./ ranged. with index, for accounts, and pockets for Ms and money, for rate by W 5.1. 6. JOLINKUN At 00., no , 30 Stationers. 67 Wood latXPANSlON.—Another lot of those engem .124 . rim! Expantion Skirt& Jcot °paced at 1 , 43 anti Ft ...S. 7" MarkAt stiOeS, TIMOTHY SEEI).---1.5 sacks received, and for Hal. , by tidal g 1, = .4 It VH. ormr t rata, DUTNAM'S Improved, and other styles of Window Shade FiZEILITS, fur sale by • . 1 . k EL PHILLIPS. TIMR. FOR ALL TIIINGS.—Novf is the time to buy Shoes of every description titLitair. We are &Aron' to clear out our winter stock. which cons pri.,es Gents', Ladies', Miesea', Youth's and =dream' Wear. Remember the place, "The Peoples' Shoe Store,' No. TT trtfat tttaet, tiehz Market. &El , DIPITENRAOHRiI it 00. -- • O. 27 DUQUESNE sr.KKET for relit ' fet Es 22 p a month. 13. =MOLT 4 - BOA,Nada Op*