BUSINESS CARDS SAMUEL U. \‘' INOARD, A TTORN bt'L' AT LAW, Prissauilea, PENZIa. Wrangel, No. t3A NNT IStrevqt, between Fourth street apti nd nicanond alloy tmht", A.• LO%\ Attorney at Law, • 3ffict, Fourth street, i'itt.totrgh• betwk , cv , tßnithfleld nod ellerry decllay AfiL Surgeur, Dentist, successor to G. • li' Biddle, No. 144 Stuttlinuld btreot. 44-0111c.c hours from bto 1 o'clock, and from to b o'clock.. rolds:ly - %. , ;(2(fari, Dentist, Fourth street, five dooro arif • west of 47.57- Odic. hours from Y o'clock A. la. to b o'clock t'. a. doc2):3: SCiIoOisTmAKER, Manufacturer of tit ° White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litharge,Putty, &a. Wholesa.e dealer in Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine, Nu. 24, ii tad street, ',Pittsburgh. mr.l2 JOSEPII FLEMING, successorto L. Wil cox A, Co., corner of Market street and the Diamond, beeps constautiy on hand a full assortment of DRUGS, MED ICINES, MEDICINE CHESTS, PERFUMERY, and all arti nlcg pertaining to his baiduesa.. :-••• Physicians' Prescrlptions carefully compounded at all hours. y W. CHADWICK, dealer in Kentucky !:;tif TOBACCO, RAGS and PAPER, No. 140 Wood street. below Sixth, Pittsburgh. tap2o:ly 43 :- The highest market price, iu cash, paid for Rags. `TAIT.C.F.P.II3I.II.I3IIALL JOSIPIi R. 3.113011L3 WP. MARSHALL & Cu., Imparters and o dealers in French and American PAPER BANG INGS.;.",:,. 87 Wood, agmite for the cel •brated maniMietnrem of Delicour a Co., I.Mriii OAII.- 3 1.1ELL & SAMUEL PUL- J hntie Witiociated together rit.iler the sty le POLLI Mi . , for Gat, transaction of a getiend Vatiiet • and Dry Goods Inisineitt, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Line Gilt Mouldiugit. . ..... REY NI DL' ILSON , (successors t t , tt C. , . I bolott.tle dealer. iu FOREIGN N UT,, SPICES, C 4 r; EerioN scom - 18, No. ;it) W0t.,1 —I, eapArrle the St. Charles liotel, l)rlrgh. apt riNKUN 4. _ .... / GILLESPII. It C.. Lc.ukirig lass Mminfiveturcq, 01 nth] tlt,ler , 11.1 Plate Glace, EL gravings, ClontbA -1,..K15, N 0. 7, Wood stroet, Pitt - burgh. On Ithuil and Llllltit nechogany,nrvi Gilt 2, wee, t.r big, of rvory de:icriptiou. :far Etc:ttnbottt. Onbins B OTTLERS. --JOHN t)ODEN & CO., Bottlers, .tio.l - .7 First Hirf,f,t, ',oil) I F- o +l , CffililY th' - ' pnb- AC that thry h 3,, COLISIantI2. ••u itainl a nage oupply et AILS APARILLA, MINEIiAL 'ITER, ALE mud POLLTEP., of the 'oat quality. The n:t,mtion of faulthoe is pit arularii directed a ;flo fact that they bottle WAINIUGII.I. '- ALE in its purest i•tat. Phpician, r,,ommond it mccuuut of its why f - forme and .thrui lzatities. :LITTLE, iVIERCHANr TAILOR (Dr. Tri,h`. 2:11 --- W. KET-iA, ARC 11 I T REMO V El ,DLIA. , %.i,,th -:1 I r. ft El; In Phillip , ' priTarc Bpeilf.eatiolis of, unl to 6tiporiut,ild tt, Errct tot, of Buildings A '"UrfON, BELL AND BRAS : EC!. ,N ,slrvot. Pitt tureh. Y: Is prepared to fur utsa t ord, 011IIRCIi1, STE.I7IIIOAT, FACT. iit 1 - AND O'Clir,,lt Of all sizes, 6.,m b) of ii.ll : I, AI ~ tots of tirt,q DIII F, t ! and eery . 4... F U°.T'o`•' TENT \TINA t.t,tu 1" (AiIIRILAZE & MAX\VELI Look.:ll.g-Glasses, Pletu;, Brunhea %nl Dos,lers in (flock E, House ; 117: Pio. 126 1/5loot! street, above 111211.0 mh3:l Brn9he6 nr. E DUCATIO:\ AL Vincent's C,otiege and Setuinar unwur. TRH ARR OF THE. Bnri , l)l 'Tr 7E: F ATRER Nonr Latrobe, Wean - toreland coolny, Ti N 11E; COLLF:GL ‘‘._RE TAUGHT T of Education. in the , 3E3IINAit to, Ittleturics, Philosophy,utc., and the different branch. .1 hither..r unefa! th Lit' ?Lip id Th,• teritid for hoard and TuitirJr, ac: Si' per )car, h. pill sr.:IA-aunt:nal), en - kitty iu advaute. Glerrnuu and French and otbt lag and 1U:ilk:Jur:II U. extra chargiat,,i-eptitig , trim • penaation tor the ude iniitruntettLi NR.dicine, 1 t. , charges. For particular, apply to the liirect,ir of the The Collegiate year loins tui the Int of Sant-rube , isudd un thc 2d .1 .luly FAT 11111). ochir of the St. F i saucD , . .-Icalleany for Eb(D;• UNDEft THE LiAil,: U 1 IDE intA.-.CISCAN LittOTli Loretto, Catinrta Coltitty, Pa. rEN LI 1 INSIIIUIIUN, NATUIIA' Etil/C,1101131 pllrptl.J ,. .l,llnurdb that eau h, desired Lir Catholic las' ;to too 1110 located in LW. 111011 healthy and picturestitia ptirtittu the Alleguellitti. lour th. —.. dir, • Ct taunt rout. , I.3utWouti Dietsburith. Th. Cn lwieati ',cot C01L1111.:...4fig the first Moitii.iy is Septcuiliii , will close the loth of July ioliou la it. Tu71113.. lor BOArEl,lll,lllthll,4 a thoi - iiitgii L 11,411311 Wit: Course, itroiiiioo pet minutia. The Classic and Moderit / Jrl.l nu extra ( . 100 - '6' of $lO per Washing and usti For hullo, particular , i apply decoy. litehirtiticio , cat. 1 , • MAW' i the Dr. O'CusiN DRY GOODS. Retrench! Retrench II ANOTHER CRASH-IN PRICES llt - lug detimuited to sell our stock, though " the are Tight," we have made a general sweep— RED THE ENTIIIN To hull lower loiceo. 4 :Now t the tinv. , 7 - o h , ty rilHo Lb.. 11 , Hoctao2at unbroken, and the Prio , 9 Pot Down! lboxillt 0ct271 . I '3. 11. /ILN IS, 77 Harket et ' , et. THE LAS]: Ull ANGE IN . FIGURE-i.— ti,,u,t di'ddoLH, wo , !II 75 Lob H, ;,t ti 1,4 . ; io, 2 ,,..r.1. do do ou 62 . V ., at 50 do do do dho (A; at 37% do do do :ia 37% at 2.5 do JOSEPH EWIIN L. ()eta° 77 Market street. R ICII VELVET TRIMMINGS, AT REDUCED Plt I r: A choice tHaorLblent t , E) hand find fur sae at null EltlitNlZ'n", 77 Mkirkut ,tt,-, GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARNIENT - . wo,A, Silk, Nlerino and .envy Cotton Under and Drawers—a fresh supply roceirc•ii • . HORNE'S, delP 7 Mark's, idrcot VIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in Ch.. Price of BRADLEY'S 1' AP, and Peddiars will lei BRADLEY'S THREE-PLY ICNITTINti rt I iocuction of five Cents per pound by the bnndk, alter tiiis date, For Cash, and Cush 01 ,1 1' /UN E, 77 nal ket nn oct, docl Agent for the Nlarintsetcr., EMBRAJIDEIiiIES.—Uur excellent ti tuck id French Ernhrovinrirs. ,iud the low pric-4 xt whlci they are n.arae,l, ~Bern rare inducetnt•nto tr, lvdier wirshin, to Inirch..2.• MONEY" ! MONEY !! -PRICES MARK MD7I). N. 44 Great reduction , 11 the price of Entbroiderie, We harp gone 4.,refulty over our hauileome .t• eft EN C W ißat ED CAtLI.A KS, UN, NC SLEEVES, • MUSLIN BANDS, etr pre . And I c.,1 the prlcol to ',lit the Hard Timem" The Ladies may racy on potting bartfatin at ' octtn HORN h'S. 77 !Market ittiopt FANCY BLACK DRESS SILKS. large a,. n tin nt v lntel we are cluing oat V CHEAP Ftitt C. ,-41 Wyk, Formerly Lore Brother. Jag • N 0.74 Market etre. I WE MEL SELLirom the pret.ent Lime U. wunw a i ly etio,ip •ft c,ll I oe uur tdo , d, tler2o 113RIN'IlCD FiteNCII MElt! ~) b_ nud lo ctd.d.4, Worth f,l ,1C CIMINEMEIII In Lhe city DI.AcK AN{) FAN , ' Y A t .rtment, c u.•, t y C. L,) EVERY E,.oliotnit•al Puree/I,6er of Dr,: Goods, rib tee-!... ',nit-, ac.. ate.) Domeetic .ad pie Goode, will ttn.l it their n4vantage to Gail and ex:lfni our New tate:art val. and Winter Dry Go...initiator° purckia log eleewhure C HANSON LINK, vle the - nre , - a v- Market e , Sll AWLS I SHAW LS I—Wool, Chenille. both long rad equare, the re y beet in the i at T,ry Ira price. fie eatiti. C I k s - lAN E. formerly LOce Bron. N., 't ANricrl PIQUE atid )IAIiSEI LLE:,•;, Fleeced, A 1 annartn,••at at - LIONN ET V E V ET.-- 1 - ;v...ry variety of 11 net unit,:nal, Vvlv, to aiLd Natm, lug enl• Est NEW . BEDFORD SPERM CAN DI,Es . 20 box.i..:mrt....d , az—, .5'3 and Vs, on hand and and for tale by 1.1, U.. 1 J. li. OA P S . -- 10430 Gov,' Robin Soap, in lb.. 2 In.and 3 as b .rn bOO No. i Palm gaps, in lb., 2 lb. a/A 3 to i fitiO " eht.Micol ulic.. Soap, in Ili lump. (it,rmau • 200 e' Castile fs2 `' Pure Palm On hand and for bale by B. O. J. 6Atc t Mt. NEW CROP.— --- - al) drums lieeli emyrt..s Fli„--.; 10 wits " Wes; 5150 boxes NisiEkga RAisine, Just ttosised arld.Ler ~Al(' LI REVUES a AdiDElleoJts, a Wood it., opposite et. Mules Hotel ~:orazil and Gilt NO. CS CI,A11? S7NEI IMEME mid •JA CC, Good. 13111= JtmEPEI 77 Market str,,t LJ‘E LINII=MII 1 0 •, 'fart•: ,rnieriy Wye firifip EM=l " in 3lb lu 1 " GROCERS WM. H. SMITH JOB. R. HUNTER Will. U. SMITH al. CO.. Late Smith, Mair 14. thinterd WHOLES ALE Grocers and Commission Merchants, O. 143 Second and 151 Front Street*, fe:24 PITTSBURG 11, PA Joan L. Lezou_ MAI.COLId JOSEPH S. LEECH Si C )., iF•®s. 2.D2 and 241-4 Ltiberty st PITTSBURG PA., EYWOLE 8./- LE. GING CIL RS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR AND BACON, TIN PLATE AND TINNERS' STOCK, A s PITTSBURGH lIILANUFACTIL RES• 3IPALPIN & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Levee and Washington Ave sue t WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY' s. Leh SE CO., an Pittsburg , Merchauts y 1.1:y DAVID WOANDLIIS9 1 , 1 MEANS 1.1. A. COFFIN M'CANDLESS, MEANS SI. CO., iitTeESSOP.9 TO WICK k IeCANDLBS9, WHOLENILE GROCERS, DEALER& IN IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, AEU PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES GENERALLY, Crn,r ut W0,,41 arid Water atreetn, BAGALEA, COSGRAV & CO., Wll 0 S A.E GR. C iS and 90 Wood street 71.4LL151 MILLZp.. . .... W. RICE.ITHON, PiMburgi. IIICKETSON, Wholesale Girt,- put_ serti4ll , ll,,,rt,rs ~f RAN DI ES, WINES and SEGARF.. 172 and 174, cortior of Irwin and Liberty eltreots, Pitttr urgl, Cliattcas , constantly on hand 2y20 DAVID CANDLES ,, WILLIAM MEANS fl COl7ll. aVer2a.ndless, Means & Co., (succ.or. to Wick M'Candlese,) WHOLESALE G ROC ERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, (L', cITON YARNS, and Pitte. burgh Manufactures generai:), ...,rner o f Wovd and Water trouts, Pittsunrgh. myS, FORWAIAvia AND COMMISSION F q:43I.LkItS 1. - on6arding, add Commission Merchant'-,'..9 OF TRA ollivea` T.'lll.siburgiit Meadville a.. 1.11,16. or\ NAL LINES. SQn. ; ,5 WATER STREET, PITTSSEREE, P gt3NOMES, HAGEN &. Co., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION PI HULCE' A NTS, 0 SVOAMORP, sT.. CINOINNATI. ('‘.ILI.INS, Forwarding and 1;. And wtiolegalo dealer iu FIZt nu. ,ta , l I'it.)DUCE szelelrAlty, 04rV .vVI 4E:3 D i ft), ) LtS U. D r, LAN et h.ENNEDY, Wholesale \Vine Ldquor Merchant , arid Rectifying 11,Liiiiirtt, N,.. liti-ld PiLLsbrirgii, PiL and.] y 0 N 6i. ER ti CO IMPOI:Teft" , or k'rencia And E.;.erninik Wines nasti Liquors, eIIAM P AoN E, 161 Smithfield nreot, between 6th and. ITT7SRUNGII, PA GLASSWARE MORO ;71)W4.111 - . ¶•1713![1.3,, 116iilt7 L. ItlNGts ALT URLIN ROBEF.:USON £ CO., I‘lanu k—/ Plain Pint ULASSWAR f', at ,1.10 , 1ce No. 17 Lir : c.d. estrtvt, corner of Front. PittAborgi , . kkir . Al! Alt, kiz,l4 •,! tire and Window 0 . 12"4, At t 1 ,7s!as •• . .... ...... JOSLPLI J. 171../.la. f F.:1) E Successors M ulv .I._A Le-(111,, lutAtirord of Cut, Moulded and Plni,l 'Pint PKncy Colored GLAS: 4 WARE, and dvairrs in ;3.1u.1s cf It tansy Vu1.14 and le,. War - corner of and @rtes ,tret.L9, Pittsbug - I raLt...ll. fIARPETS AND OIL C..OTIIS EMOVAL.—J. & U. PLI.ILLIPS hay° qty removed to their new bedding, Nos. 26 and L. OLAIR street, west side, between Pent. street anti the Li. ehm, J. ffi. H. I.IIIILLIPS, NIANUFACTURERS OF FLUOR, FURNITUILE,OARRI AO T A.111,E, ANU TILANSPLRENT OPAQU 14: VitIVIIROW SHADE 011 E., CLOTE.I. Of difft,roelt Colorn. 91.50, DEALBUS IN OIL CLOTHS k WINDOW SHADES Of every description. Dealers In INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, rusk under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Belting Companies, fos the sale of their INDIA RU BER BELTING, TIOSE and PACKING. LEATHER BEL r• ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents fur the OHIO FIRE-N0.) 41 F IkiIiNERAL PAINT. Dry and tiltaed Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, Brustiee, Glans and Putty. ROUSE AN Li ill—lN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches. Ic in the beet and shortest time. I de2o:l y , J. S. H. PHILLIPS', 2b and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil on the Ohio river, three suites below Pitbiburgli. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, &c., AT TUE ; . Yourtli Street Carpet Store. D. & 11. INVCALLU NI respectfully • invite the attention of their former' customers and the public generally to their present stock, just selected fur Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles ut Foreign and Home Manufacture, consisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussois, Damask. Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 21 FEET WIDE, ;tugs, Mats, Stair Ruda, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets; Venitian Blinds; Painted, Bl' and Green Holland Shades. It will give us pleasure to show goods to all who may be •l•Sir131:113 of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to ~ifer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. Vs. U. & IL M'CALLUM. OIL CLOTH. cLorraiNo—Of all kinds, black and yellow, f r sale at the India itebi. e Depot and . 28 Sr Clair street. ide9l J. &H. PHI LLI. S. (111 J CLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRADE.. WO have on hand, and are daily receiving adilitao thereto from our own and other manufactories, a large s: Floor Furniture, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, T • oarent, Green and Butt, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, Reel . I 110 - USOfllrLthiliLig and other purposes. Also. Trans,aia .11 Window Shacks, of dry and oil finish—gold bordered at.' other styles, and W'ndow shade Trimmings. Merchants and others will hind it to their advantag" ea urine our stuck and prices before making their par r ever , elsewhere. J. A U. , , 60.0 2t3 and 28 St. Clair 5 , r. 1 - 4 'LOUR OLL CLOTHS,- Of our own an I en.9terri manufacture—all sahlthß. (lad cut to suit any size of rooms or halls--at the Oil Cloth Ware rooms, No. 86 and 23 St. Clair street. octZ3 FURNITURE A MILLIKEN it CO. have on hand, at thou stensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFAC n tI, mai:Meld 'Arcot, a large assortment of Fancy Fu t iture, which they will Bell 16 per cent. lower war) rates Terms, cash only. klecTity %IT u NV ELL'S FURNITURE AND 211 s Wholesale and Retail, embracing every fl , of Fte utture, in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut, .adatd, On rarlure, Chambers and Dining ROOIPB, equal to i,. \on York or Philadelphia, and at lower priees. Every ..'urlo a!ao ti) hand, and warranted. Cabint-makers 13111 r my quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIItS, on ceaitotiai.le term,. lintels and Steamboats furnished at the iburtoll nOtiLe. Waterooms, Nos. 77 and 79 THIRD Street, l'!it.sburcli. Pa. 0c22 Improvement. in Rook Wilding. 'THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING A obtained Lettere Patent for Improvement in BOOK DING in prepared to furnish the tutorial!, nt to 13ix ke iu tine, Or to apply the same to DOW Books. Orders for ••• limb are reaportfully solicited at WELDIN h ROW AN D'S look Bindery and Blank Book Manufactory, South-wing iirber of THIRD and WOOD Stre.eite. The atxtve improvement COEIEiStS: First—Of a \lignite Spring, clasping the back of tile Book in such a maim, an to prevent the leaves from sagging when the Book is ',taint ing in a vertical position. Second—The carriage conen.ts 01 Metalie Grooves, on which are inserted Rollers, which will effectually prevent the Books from wearing or chafing in pla ning the Plain in its resting place. A_ IL ROWAND, !, : c 9ISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Gum, Over and Sandels, cheap, at the Peoples' Shoo Store, N 17 Filth i.tret. t„, near Market. jail DIFVENBACHifit & CO MEt‘i S' CALF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes of DIFVENBAOLIER & No, 17 Fifth street. OW TO MAKE HOME HAPPY.—The time for making PRESENTS is near at hand. Make glad the heart of your wife, child or friend, by presenting them with a pnir of new SHOES or GAITERS, front the well known Poople'n Shoe Store. Genie' [Aldine' ' Boys and Ctrildret.'n are of every description at PRICES GREA PLY REDUCED DIFFENBAOHER & CO , deli/ Nu.l7 Fifth street, near elar'.- et, irlitEA'r AUCTION SALE, of Dry ‘_.A at A. A.. Ninsuu & Co's. No. 25 Fifth street. $lOO,OOO wu tL of guude of every description ine dlately sold off at auction, anti at retail at auction pric-s. AUCTIAYN ISALEt EVERY DAY, From 10 to 12 and 2to 4 o'cl, k. Domestic Goods, flotuvekeeping Goods, Clothe, Casaiii.eres, &dinette, Ilicdngs, Flannels, Pdcalitta, Mocks, Tv.eeda, !eau, ac., *c de di W. G. 81LoGARTNEY, Auctioneer. IrrT" fru&fot sale I ale W. H. SMITH a co, pROPOSALS for conveying the mails of ' r'' "-- - rho Li, , , it ud Sitatea. from July 1, ISii 3, hi Ju e 30; 1860, KAI Lit (.;.,.;, (.;UIPANY, SE V ik.: Itli 16: AI. 114 t." Li' Cis .411. AN7 $ . on the following routes in the State of P th e E SYLY ANIA; ~ will be received at the Contract tulle, o ft, d,,p,, r t, Eo ent, 4 W ITII lI,S .I..MPLI-.. ii.,OLLI.N CI bTtiCK. 'rut - . FAS!: Oa AIL TRAIN leaves the Pa.SBeLigel tion until 3, P. M., 't . March 31 next, to he decided by April 24 seal ~.iiiit,,,lturut, aliil iia l .iriiiit".i. L,tiltut,i7.l.luus,ts pre every OlOrtlillg, tt,S.COpt Ounday,) at 8:05 o'clock, Pittsbt... - gh following: pared t„ trathrport Pasactigurn aral atreigtit truth i'LIILA Lial l e jl i t aj t rt i vt i D , g ,6 th d !'ll i ti L lui ta ltfi N tis e. r:t e,,, lth ,.. . 0 .P w ...1 i 3 . 119 Or tin Conneautvilte, by Crostingeille and Edenboro' DELPIA and rirn,isii,iii a w k.;1ii1i.A. ,, ), ST• Lull's, IN to Waterford, 30 miles aud back, twice a week. DI.A 11 A 1'0L1.6, Cl N Cl. , N e e :XAI., and all piiic.o 0. ant and smart at 9:5u o'clock. Stopping ouly at tires usbUrg, Latrobe, Johns- Leave CsJineautville on Monday and Wednesday, at weat, with a great dgr of regularity iced expialition. on every evening Wan, Willinure,tialtiLLin, Altoona, Ac., connecting at Dar 7s. m I The tact that this ittteal lorius a direct. mist counulidated nntaug with the 'train direct tor Baltimore, and arriving in Arrive at Waterford by BP. M. line hetWitula Yittshargit ant Cluitaau, is a sulticieut guar- l'ut-latiettAua or Baltimore at Lou o'clock, P. M. Le•ive Waterford Tuesday and Thursday at 7A. Mil i autee that its Trains will ;mike good tune, and couuectioun ACcA)II.S.I(JIJATIAIN TRAINS: Arrive at Cenneantl,llo by 8 P. M. with Iraine on ether ituaii. THE JOUNSTUWN AUCLIMAILiDATIUN TRAIN leaves 3520 From flatterer, by Litt:Lt.:town and Nlonocacyville, PASSENGER, I'EAINs LIiAVE daily (except Sunday,) at 3:30 ~ o'clock, P.M. Stopping at Md., to Emmit.sburgh, 22 nines and back, three i.,,t,burgi„ . or,„Lua , ,F L w a) ,,,. all nt.authis, and running as tar wit llonemaugh. tones a week. USs Mai O:30 A.:.,. 2:00 ~.m I 9;0 , p . m . , , FIEST ACLIUMAIioDATTON TL' , AIN to Turtle Creek Leave Hanover Tuesday, Thnreday and Saturday, at ~ 1 . Express, 2:15 i'. M. lums P.M I t1:40 A . M • bridge leaves daily, (except Sturciay,) at 10:40, A. M. 1P m ; itEALILL lltblCAlio--11. S. Mau at 6.1.L0 A. M.; Express SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Arrive at Emmittnburgh by 6 P. U. at 2:00 P. Si. , U 1 1 1 1: 0 1,N A t J . m., T li. ; Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. M. leave Emmittsburgli Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day tit 4A. 01. ittl.Aell CL.,,CIaIiiN.ATI—U. S. Mail at 9:53 P. M.; Express TLILBJ) AIVOMMODATION TILIIIN for Turtle Creek, 7;00 A. 5L it.41V1,1, daily, (except Sunday.) at 6:20, I'. M. Arrive .t Hanover by 9 n. u. AL. ll;4 4 t B T7ir r t i l v e e C in re Pittsburgh ekAmoth 3521 From Brookvil'e, by Itichartinville, lilary iinny'ille, tia .B :oi T t Shaffner's Corner's, Reach Pottom, and Bear Creek's bus, Cincinnati Intliatrapolin and St. LOUIS; also at Fort Ex4) lo ea, 4445 , P. 514 J' , Wl, 1.00 A. M.; Johnstown AcCouliti, All Trains make came ceuni.ctious at Creatnue for Colum- ' 'War ue aqui Trains Olt rL71.11.1 i° 11 11 07, li:7J, ?Cilia, to Ridg,eiviwy. 35 miles and back, once a week. , „ ~ . d - - lni it Finest with A. 01., second AcCuattLlUChatloll, 12:40, P. m ; 'l:tord accrual- Lafayette, Uoutrualti..3.d .11. ~t. Louis , ti .t, t Leave Brookville Saturday ot 7 A. it. '.', abash and VI , eateru iLiAroad tor lituttatautt, O.oJ, ii. iSil.. Tninitt oil the M. E. A. L. E. 11. 11. Arrive at Ridgeway by t 3 P. M. ltillTUll.2.l.:sini. iralua ta r . ratursville and Indiana, connect at Blairsvile Leave Itidgeway Friday :it 7A. U. with •• From Chicago. I it,Wayne. I Cresthue. I Arr.l'unti"g Intel - nov - 31cm math train _East, Exoress train We.t, am/ Arrive at Brookville to 6 P. IL U. S. si.ii,... it. 4,...,,,,. ' ~,,,, ..,. m. 1 1 .2„...1 p, id . I 910 P. ,m . tile JOhastuWLl aCCuiriOdatiULl truth hush arid West. 3522 Frian Marietta, by SiPer spring and i'etaptieid. to E.,,r,„,,,, lid . t.i ,, 1 .2,..,)0. P. M. 1,.),0.5 P. m . 7: . 2 5 A m P.LTISISCEUII. All) CON NELLS'i I.LLE r.ti.AL:Nz., bancaster,l2% miles and back.baily, except Sunday , 1 1. t,,,., , r 1 MIMI 1.11/1.1i. - O bar ..:,11,, ,, 011 , - , Or , V•itik TV , 111 1 . 6 Mr rail- clopping at all Stations ton the Pittsbuigli aud COLtutiala- LeaVo Marietta daily, except Sunday, at i P. M. adelpma, Baltimore and New York. tills itoad, ieave daily, (Sunday excepted,) ad follows": Arrive at Lancaster by Li P. M. trains iritat St. Leal:, I iiiltanapolia, Cincinnati and Colon, AlAli t i XIIA.IN, 7.00 A. la. heave Limeastor daily, except Sunday, at S A. v.. bud nu t... close cuithectious at tireStOLLO with all retaining w.X.Praliin 'lli.alN, 4.21) p.m. Arrive at Marietta by 12 st. 'Trains. At Fort it ay ue, 'Trams trues St. Louis, Central Illi- ILETIOU.A.LN xi TRAINS tram Pittsburgh and :lonuelleville 8523 From Lancaster, by Willow Street, ltawlins villa, and ems, Ltillty , tto, cad tolormediate places, connect with above 'toad, arrive at Pittsburgh, 1.1.00eA. M. and . 6:lo P. IL Bethesda. to McGall's Ferry. 18 miles and back, Trams. At Purest, curmectionn are made with Triune to and Lac. The traveling public will laud it greatly to 'noir in twice a week. from Cincinnati, Sprnigneld and Dayton. Wrest, in going East or West, to travel by tea Peunnyi Valli. knave Lancaster Monday and Thursday at 7 A. M. ACCJ.I.I.SIUDAt:IO,i r.,,AlNS—Cdeave Now Brighton tic autcroatl, as the accommodations now uttered cannot be nur• Arrive at McCall's Ferry by 12 m. Allegheny' at 7•O11 aXL aud 1•J:30 P 11. Leave all. , glo,ny iol ,, iod '''' any ether route. As in. road is baths -god it oh Leave McCall's Ferry Monday' mai Thursday at 2ft hi. for =1 • S. • • M. stsoac, aud is entirely free from dust, we can premise nalety, Now bri , hton at 9:15 and 4:0., .'. . . 6 Arrive at Lanuister by 7P. H. Tu accommodate way travel, l'ira.isaiger Cars will be at speed cud comfort to all who may laVOr this !Wad with men 3524 From Lancaster, by Greenland and Soudershurg, to Incited to Frei " • • PT b• 1 t 8 , 4 e A 1.1 - Patronage. gni. trains, leaNitig, .ts Mg , a . ... ~ —Hi/1E: l'aratiisti. Smiles and back, six dines a week. trentline for Alhaace, at 5:55 A. M 4 Alliance tor tOientlow, co New Turk $14,011 1 'llu Baltimore... Leave I.anCie.ter dad), except Sunday, at 3 P. m. "Philadelphia ut er.3o A. 1114 and t‘litahCa for Pl=burgh at. 7:46 A. M. 10,00 I " La.ucaster Arrive at Paradise by 6 P. U. itA.GUALIII Clll.leit.Ell rilltiiiiilli, 403 no charge fur To ILirrisburg, $7.4:4. brave Paradise daily, except Sunday, at 7 A. ii. handling. Baggage checked to all Stitt:Una on the Peuusytvium , iiiiii- Arrive at Tancaster by 10 A. M.• ~ , j.., ~,.. F ,., r , r , c , ; „, aud fur 0 „ .,,,. ~,,f,„,,,,,,L 1, ,,, ~,, , ply t o A. T. .1 °LIN_ road, milli to Plalaile44ola, 0a...40TV and New York. 2525 From Beaver, by Parkinson and Service, to Frankfort ~. ,_ . •. _ sow, Agent, lit the ta , Lai 14 este.a .ttoi;ruud Jr Le, directly Passengers purchasing tickets in cars, will be cnargtal Leh Springs, 20 milos and back, twice a week. oil the Wilier, at the M01.0. , 11,0ki10i , A Yonne, Pittsburgh, or to cents in addition to the Station rated, oicei , t liroin :action. , Laura ihnYer 'Pinitlay and Ti , or:day at 8 A. M. Out, Parkin, L'assengerStation, Penn Street, between NVtiyue I Where the Company has no Agent. Arrive at Frankfort Springs by 3P. m. and Clllllll, IL F. PATRICia, Nu. tio Dearboru street, upitu Noriut . ,.—ln sire of loss, toe Company Will hold than, Leaea Frankfurt Springs Monday and Wednesday at site the Tre ut louse, Chicago, cc to the Agents at tut selves respousrale for personal baggage only ; and tut an El L. U. Stations on the Buy. amount uu. exoneding slou. Art Iva at Beay.'r by 3P. U. 'ft/ COMMENUk ON MoN DAY, J.unary '2sth, and con N. B.—ills Excelsior omnibus Line has LOOP, empli , •,, cal to 35211 Front Evansburgh, by Shertatinville, to Linteiville, S tint!" until further notice. convey Passengers and Baggage to and [runt the belga, at a miles and back, three times a week. J. J. Hou siro N, ,J,,,,,.11,, , ,-. an d Fr't. Ag•t. charge not to exceed 2.5 coitus tor each passenger WA bag- Leave Evanslaugh Monday, Wednesday and Friday, D. 11". tiOzis, Pass•r. Agent, Chicago. gage. at 10 A. M. Arrive at Linesville by 12 m. _ ... _ _ 1,26 ,it Di, Li. Mt t. 11111;, Superintendent. For tickets apply to J. STEWART, Aglow., At the P. it. IL Passenger siati,,,r, Leave Linesvillo Monday, We luesday and Friday at Two -........-1 1 Trains Each 'Way drlll OL Liberty and Uncut ,SLit.lllA. 2. P. m. a JAI ki tub . _ . , Arrive at. EV.lllslialgh by 4P. M. flatly, SuA4dayB E4ce.ptod. TilE PENNSIILVAINIA RAILRUA.I). 3527 From liollidaysburgh, by Fratikstown imii C , imi•,..",-...t-i--",.....,.." 4 - TUE L13.11.AT LENTIL-AL ilu ET E, connecting Creek, to Williumnbargh, 12 miles and kick, ;ixl c : times a Werth'. W heeling, Cleveland and Chicago, by the Cleveland the Atlantic Cities with NV sateen, N it'll, w estern Leave Hollidaysburgh daily, t xcept Putichiy, at 2% . P. ! and I ' ittsbury h liailroad. 31.1,1 Z,J111.1.-15 I.tOrl/ Staten by ii contintiona li.iniw a, direct. m., on arrival i ( western mall. I This Build aou connect, at Pluntiurgh 111111 Daily line of Arrive at Wiiharieditugh by 6% P. X. tteatticrs to all ports on the Vi Calera Elvers, and at Cleat, bailee Willintanhu .t,it ila , iy, except. Sunday, at 7A. if. COLUMBUS, ClNCini N.5..T1 iSi.. 51. Liirt , lE , Itiral and :militantly with steamers to all pens on the .norti... Arrive at 11011 i iilynburgh by 11 A. M. ut Tail iseetterit Ltahci; l a uar,ing the aunt mats,, LW/API:Sr PAM A ,Lik HAW IS by which ritEIGHT can be forwarded Li) anti Proposals to !till'. race the Y-!Ion Springs office are PITTSBC.RG I, , , 01.. U.llll C. .3 AND CI.V (.'1 _V ..V ATI R. all- '''.. tLi .t invited. 5.'0 AD LI-V I: Ina Sr EL7IE.NV 11.1, E. trues 1110 GILIA.T Wr.b.r• 3528 From Orcntt Creek to i,Theittu mg, N. Y., 4% taxies and .The—Kato* be txv cext Plilliatic !pills dr. Pl itltalb ea r gh. C 1 I The Cleveland 111.1,1 l'it'er urgh and Pittsburgh, o lil/1 MS IrlliaT CLASS.—Bouts, Shoed, lints and back, twice a week. aud Cincinnati Railroad Cutpanito, havlug made art ,r• Leave Orctitt Creek Tivisday mid Saturday at 1 1 A. it Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes, bales ' 90c. 10 „ 11 ,,. rannement with the l'itishergh. Etat Ni ay ue and Chicago Arrive at Chemung by 10% A. U.and trunks,) Brow), on boxes,and bales) '"' Railroad Lump:lcy, , fur tasjutut use uf their track bet seen Leave Chettoing 1 des: Ley and Soiurilay at 11 A. H. • • Feathers Fan 'A•c. Plttsburc in and Ilia Beebe, , NVID lUM thell ;vat LIB from Penn . , , ,), o Arrive at Orcutt Creek by 12% e. N. , ` ~ , ~ ~r 611.Gu1aDC.,../AsS--Domeatic Sheeting, Shirt/ Street :station thin), .D..l3katlyg til."Cepten, COLumoucaig _awl. 2622 From Starnoca to falltuatinville, 5 miles aud Lich, tug and Ticking (la original bales), day, March Silt, 1000. twice Li week. Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Liiiather (in 76c. it 100 ros. Leave Starucci Tuesday and Saturday at IP. M. CLEVELAND, WUEELINti AND CINCINNATI MAIL. rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Yalta, i Arrive at Tallincns'•Lle 1 v 2% P. M. Leaves Pittsburgh.' Arrives. Eastward, Ac., ice. liiiare Tallmansville Tiles:lay aul Saturday at 101.i . ', A.ll i Steutwin Wu 9;42. A. IL THIRD ULASS.—Anvils, Sfoel, Chains (in i Arrive at Starucca iri time to connect with the mail i,Bridgpint, opposite casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted 1 4151. . 4 1(y) i ,.. „.,. from Susquehanna Depot--say at 12 ii. .- 11:05 A. bi, (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, nuinufao- NOTES. 6:00 A. M. LV e k i rin 4 Oar 11:20 A. M cured, (except Cigar s or cut,) Ac., Ac. .1 Proposals must be guarantied by two responsible persons, Columbus . 5:2i , e. M . POtiltTli Ul.,Ab6--3olfee, Fish, bacon, Beef certified to as such b, a pontunister or judge of a coals La" Cincinnati . " 10:10 r. to and Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastwardo p" ~ ..„ , ..', • record. Through to Cin .101 l'ihn't 2:45 PNI Lard and Lard 011, Nails, Soda Ash, Uer- le",, ' ~' j " No pay will be made for trips not performed, and for each cinuati with 11111 nullalo 11:70 r. am man Clay, Tar, Pia itC, &nun, Ac., Ac. j of such omissions not aatistaotority explained three tuntic one change of care ,:lii ago haba A. Ai . FLUini—sl,oo ti bbl. until turtner notice. the pay of the trip may Liu ceducted. For arrivals so far la-GRAIN In cur lievis, 45 aid. CI 100 Lbs. until further taitice. Thin " 30tul a A " • Train to Cleveland has mite atßianca, for hind time so to break c inflexion with deptinffing mails, and 01,F.11TON —V2 bale, not excoeding 1500 la. weight, UMW Dinner. not sufficiently exended, one-fourth of the compensative Mr farther notice. the trip is subject to forMiture Filles will be impused, un• CINCINNATI, CLEVELAND AND CHICAGO EXPRESS- ,T ' In shipping lirdirls from any point East of Pililale, less the delinquency li. , sa iafaetordy explained. for neglect. i. Leaves Pittsburgh Arrives. phia, lit, particular to male packages "ma /11411.11/11.11ill, tug to take the mail brunt or into a peat' thee; for suffering steubenville 5:50 P. it. Railroad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of this 14,a, it to be likitired, destroyed, r Lied, or lead: and for refusing, 2.3 5 P ill Newark 11:-10e, m, at Puilarielphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without titter demand, to COW vy the mail us frequently art Cue Con- a . ~5 Cititumbus 1:40 A. M detialatiou. tractor inns. or in coo-ernes 111 running. vehtles on the :HI. MILO(' 8:1,7 A. Al. fiirdlkllS AiiiiiTr6-411i1TtS, WUrrirtilly 4 , 111., Ideuiphia, Tenn., route The Posimitster General may alumni the contract for Through to Che Cleveland 9,a0 P. is. It. F. Bask A Co., St. Louis; P. &Stifle) dr. Co., Evan/Gila, disobeying the poet , Moe !awn or inatructmns et the depart- cinuati witli u u . Buffalo 6:00 e. U. Ind; Dianiesuil, Bell 4 Co., and Carter A Jewett, Lowsv.i It., 1110111. HO may alter the ncliedule, and all' order an in change of cars. ..." " Ithag,o 2300 1., m, lay; R. C. Meidrtuu, Madison, Ind; H. IV. Bra:, udi C,,., anti crease of see tea. by SliOlV,lng 1, therefor apre rata in, relo 071 AContinile. the . IV IiEE Lil NG ...CihiM ".1 oti lON, , Irwin iii. 00., Cincinnati; N. W. Urultam & CO. ' Z1.111k , 60,111t, the contract pay. ale ion.: 0100 atirtail or .1 Ohio; Leech A Co., No. 54 liilby istraut, Boston; Leech A Co., service DJ whole or In part, at prn rata decrease of pai , al• Leaves Pittaburgli. Arrives. No. 2 Astor House, New York; Nu. 1 William street, and Ni.. lowine 0110 mouth's extra compensatio i on the 111110titta ui 14 , 016.111 s 623 P• m- 8 Battery Place, Now York; E. J. Sounder, Plulaileiploa - SerV,Pl , 111.1peilrssi Wit i Pi 1. , 1111,111,i he litidro,lßOd t+ tit, 4,00 p i 1 41 1•att,,,t,,-.,,ii , . , 70 ' Pi k• Megrim & Room]. Baltimore; U. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. "Second Annintant I, is masterteemral," super , crihist • Pro• '. -"..." . Bridgeport. 8:40 e. M. H. U. 110118TO,N, poailit for null ~ e rvii, • . State iif For forms of prapai.alii. A. , -1..1 tatter tutorinatich. its. , CaNNEDTIONS AltE. MADE 111" . f' , .Vii TRAINS, AS FOLLOWS: H. J. LOMbAtiii., this advertisem , ni in pamphlet form, and fliel,l the gen- myl Saperintendent, Altouiii, I ... oral advert:semen: if rout, In thd stn,, .:alt's" 10th Jam, cry, 1856, at th , prlaciiin! po , mikes. AAitiiN V BlioWN, PITTSBURGH & colixELLsviLLL p.,.,,,„enr.„.w.„,,, ..10.48YEl 63,3 PirrBBURGII, I PITTSBURGH J. k H. PHILLIPS R.AILROADS. UNITED STATES MAILS. 1 nti Aa,atioAdtto NOTACiE. 185 s. Winter Arrangement. ra 9 Ift o ‘Vayne 6; Chiten,,ao ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. 18m. POST 05. FICII DEPARTMENT, - . - ' 1 1 1 h e rittsb'n PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD February 1, 1858. • 1 ---- MISCELLANEOUS By 6:00 A. M., ,tal 4k' e. v., At Vs HEELING, for Curl:berth:l , h liar; ors Ferry, Balthuore and Washington City. Only at BELLEAIR, for Camp ridge, Zama, tile, Lumaster, _.... . _. Circleville and Wilmington_ By MOO A. XL and 2:35 is hih, .Great 4_,1 / 2 12TUN ' t 14 ' 3 / 2 1 -ke Monel - • ,' At XENIA, fur Dayton Ineranapolis, Mattson, Coin', St. 9 -1 11 F, BEST AND MOS l' CERTAIN SPEC CI- Louis and New Orleans. LATIoN OF THE TIMES—ONLI ONE -.-• , By 6:00 AAt and 235 P. 01. DOLLAR PER 81L1RE.—Forty thousand dollars h'-'-'s , At CINCINNATI, for Lexington, Louisville, Cairo, St. Lo Louis "' * . r and New Whams worth of valualde Pea! Estate, Watches, Jewelry, 1.-:. e:--1. ' ' Silver and Silver Plated Warm with a great variety X 3- 8. :r-r-'-r-S Only at BAYARD, for Carrolton, Waynesburg, Dover and of Fancy and Step. Uvula; to de disposed of in forty G••,1- New Philadelphia Sala' Shares, at one dollar pet share, ~,1 fid I,ws , upon the only at HUDSON, Mr Cuyahoga Sells, Akron, Clinton and payitient of one dollar, I Win viii' the payer a number , a re- New Portage. ceipt, which will entitle Min to one share in Chu above suds By 6:00 A. M.. nod 2,35 P. M. At CI EVELAN Li, for Erie, Buffalo, Niagara Falls find CM a die. property. When the shares shall hare been sold, the shareholders shall le• :eddied of the fact, by mail, or flit 'ugh die. Sandusky, relih', Detroit, Chicago, and all poo In in the Nor th.west. the newspapers, and and a g if tho Shareholder, shat' then be held art the city - of Philplelphia, and the whole cd ~1- : The 4:00 Y. m. Train st pi at all Wu' {jiver Division. the property disposed ot ,•r distributed among them: in suc h . way as shall be determined upon by theta; each Sharehoto- illeiturning Trains, Cr [than 14. 01,1t10,1 t o our r.te, a COralnittaU 14 1.0 s`el•-airk , EASTERN M. 11 L, hi k ST Eli BEN VI LL . St by the Shareholders at said roasting. , 0 Conduct or sup, m ri I areve--; Cincinnati 6:00 a. N; tell,l the (BSI). ,iition or the property, according to the cird - Arri see Ai Cul unil46. 1030 c. ; • . dons of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver Its-I,p - Do Smuts ev ,li„ 5:50 r. X. putty to such perF,ll or persons as the Shareholdei a ,d..) Do Pittsburgh 5:55 e. 3. appoint to receive the Caine. The Real Estate consihts of one three story ' , rick levelling house+ end lot, valued at Ssisoh, PITTSBURG 0 AN D W 1.1 PI. LiNG MAIL, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued Leaves Cievi bunt lalo e. re at 2;ou e 'eh, in the city or I,;radelphia, clear of all 111Cdllt- Arrives at WeilsYille .... thsl P. M. brauce, and title mudhii,ULalde ; the ther property consist; Do Whoeling Sulti P. Y. of the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest VS AM!, Pi 1 Ittsburgh. 5:55 P. M and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for PlTTsßtililill ACCuMMODATION. a long time pest kept by :he subscriber. The stock con Ist-, Leaves Belleair. . 0:00 A. Y. lug of very fine Gold and Silver 'hinting Case Lever Watch- Do Bridgeport, t ppoeite Wheeling ... 0.15 A. la so, very fine Gold and tiriver Patent Lever, Lepine anti ~:her Stops at all star ens Vs - retches, Geld Chaim, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Arrives at Pittsburgh Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and i'ius, WHEELING AND PITTsBURCHI MALI, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, &e., &c., Gold, Silver and Steel late ` Leavea Bellcair 4:3-i e. hi. Lades, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Do Bridgepm t. op; unite WM el leg... 4:43 C. M. Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cups, Arrives at Pitasburgh 8:65 Y. N. Spoons, Knives, Forks, &c., &c. Also, French Clocks, MUiliC, Boxes, Accordeous, and a crcat ',rad v.,t other uf,,,,1,,, Ti,, EASTERN I', 'a pat. 88, VI A rTEUIs EN VI I.L E. above is not one of those tiChethes which are defined to or, Leaves Ciumnuaii 4:20 e. M. trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire Arrives at Colundm, 10:0o e. At. property belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively . Do Steuteu , Hi e 4:45 A. td. llSSnred the stock has noPbeem purchased for the purpose, or Do Pittsburgh 7.50 A. M. deception, and to prim MI Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, CHICAGO, BUFFALO AND PITISBORGH EX2I,ESS. for nee Gold, nonesuch will be distributed, the most respect Leaves Cleveland 10:20 e. sr. able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pur Arrives at Wellsville 5:35 A. sr. chase shares. All orders by Alnil enclulinz the money, will . Do sA heeling 11:05 A. LI. be promptly attended to, and receipts for warded to the ad- Do Pittsburgh 7:50 A. Cl dress rf the sender, by return mail. Any person sending Connections are made by the Mail and Express from same ten dollars at one time, shall receive ,deVen separate !Weill/11, going in whenreturning,when points a`. are f orme d as a b use in as many senarate names it deleted- from Pittsburgh; also, with the Pennsylvania Railroa I for tCsi.ln writing fur shares. please write the name or the llarrisburLancaster, Baltimore, Philauelphia, New York Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is and Bosh/ri g : the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable The above Trains will stop on signal cf the Station Agent property, for a small sum, as has over before been offered to at any Station between Pitisburgli and Rochester, to take the public, tend on your orders, as shares are selling pid up passengers going on or beyond the fine of these Roads. ly, aud it is confidently expected the distribution will ra soon be made. Trains will also st..p to leave pas, , engere, C. miug from limes' Roads at any Station between hoc held, r and Pittsburgh. Articles allotted to persons at a listnoce, will be sou:h r , ~ ' , assetigers desiring to go to Chi. age, or points beyond them at their empenso. Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask for tickets via Cleveland. VIL., Agents wautel in every town and village. All rem Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or m uuicatione must be addressed to ' any points beyond Columbus, via Steubenville, must ask for L. R. BROOMALL, tickets via Steuts oville. Nu. 50 South Second street, above Chesnut. Baggage checked tnrough to alt principal points, and Philadelphia. _ transferred free of e Margo. ' ta... For tickets or information, apply to e EORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Penn Street S:atiom Pittsburgh. F. it. MYERS, General Ticket Agent, C. & P. It. It , Cleveland. I A HUTCHINSON, General Ticket Agent, P., C & C. It. K., Columbus. JAMES FARMER, Superintendent C. & P. R. Ha C.evolaud. W. W. BAGLEY, turtil Su,eriutendeut P.. U & C. R. R., Columbus - - NEW WESTER.3I ROUTE, jr2B:ly CU'rIIBERT & SON, 51 Market street k.,7 6 attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate, trot lug Houses, and collection of route, insurance end repair,. negotiacimr, loans, making hue, conveyances, deeds, bonds, etc., writing letters and corresponding with persons abroad All business attended to promptly, and in strict confidence 51 6lw het street, Pittsburgh. 1 °tiers of inquiry moo al: ways enclose a p 'stage stamp to pay rutllr6 postage. 110.1- - ROUSES FOR RENT— By S. curin-:ar A SON, 51 Market et. A comfortable two wory dwelling house on floss s!reet,at hood of Frith—V.4 per month. A two story dwelling cu Duquesne street--$lO per month. A convenient dwelling house on Logan street—slso per year. A three story Louse of uiuu rooms, on Third • Greet, at $2OO per year. A dwelling house of four rooms and kitchen, with large lot of ground, on High street, Mount Washington, $lO5 per year. Two large warehouses ou Third street., near Market. Two small houses in Splane's Court, near Fith street, $6,25 per month. A two story Dame lions, of four rooms, on Carson street, South Pittsburgh, at $5 per month. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc , hi AL',- ' glaeny city—s3oo per year. A store i eon/ on Third street—sl2s per tear. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A warehouse ou Market street, No. 2a. A dwelling house on Wylie street—s'Ao per year. A large ehop on Third xtreet can be had for two years A store and cellar . corner Market and Third streets, rtt DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS : Grant street—Three three story 1.10111308, well arriulg , ..l, each with back buildings. - Third street—A three story house large and cony , Logan street—A dwelling house of i rooms. Fulton street—Two three at iry dwelling houses. South avenue—A two story brick house of 8 rooms, •+itlt largo lot of ground, stable, carriage house, Ac. Robinson street—A two story brick house. Franklin street—A good house of 8 roomy. Carson street--A two story house, and two lots of gn med. Penn street—Three large dwelling houses. Minersville--A house and one acre of ground—besidss many others in Allegheny, South Pittiburgh. Ac. de29 y. CUTUBERT fi SON, 51 Market street. _ _ _ F OR RENT.—A two-story Dwelling llou , e (G ot hic style), pleasantly situated on tit. Wash i eton ; contains seven rooms 's ell arranged, carriagelmitße stablo, and spring, of good, soft water, convenient. Rent, $lOO per i year. Also, can be had a ith the above, if desired, a Green House and Foe Acres. of Land in good state of cultivation two acres of which are in strawberries of choice quality; the remainder is covered with Nursery Trees of all kinds, re,dv tor the gardener to get into a profitable bri9inesi. The strawl.erry-plants and trees will he sold on accointoo• dating terms, and a lease .e 1 the house and grounds ran Is, had or a term of years. Apply to ja 21 S. CU i GBERT A SON, 51 Market street. A GILE AT BARGAIN.—For sale, a com fortable two story brick Dwelling Rouse, with two lots of ground, citnate on Carson street, South Pittsburg, short dtstance from the Ilioncsrgakela 'Bridge. dsA Et. eITPEUR/egi t Moi-trr.tat ?TWO LOTS, on Federal street, Allegheny city, for sale by S. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market street. ON THE CONEMAUGII sale a Valuable Farm in Westmoreland county. 234 miles from Blairsville, on the North Western Railroad, 125 acres of choice land, 90 acres in cultivation, a young orchard of 10 acres, 30 acres of ex:eilent timber, a new dwelling house of 6 rooms—price, $7OO. Terms easy. Real estate In the city will be taken In part pay. ja27 8. CNITTIBERT & SON, 51 Market street. DE N A VISTA.—For Sale.—A two story frame horuse, of font. rooms and kitchen, paled fence in front, a bake oven, &c. Lot 21 feet front on Monterey et., in Buena Vista, extenelon of Allegheny city, by 110 feet deep, to an alloy. S. OUTIIBERT & SON, deot 51 Market street. WINES AND LIA4UORS.—The best qual ity of Brandy, Winn, Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Old Rye Whisky, WI and Sootcb Whisky, London Porter, Brown moat. Obainvigne Wtrio, on nand and for sale by JAMES PATIVN, Jr„ oral Agathes7 TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE nod ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBU RO 11, FT. WAY N E and CHICAGO AND CINCINN ATI, LIASELToN UAVTUNRAILIROADB, VIA. DELAWARE CUT-OFF Distanze only 3'29 milm from l'ittsburgh to ancinnati Tills LINE is composed of Roads of the First Class, and in located through a beautiful and highly cultivated portico of the State. Direct connection is mad, at Cif cu.nati with the Ohio awl Missifoippi Railroad, ttlin tracks of tne C. 11. di D. di 0 It Roads, being connected, for Evansville, Memphis, Natchez, St. Louis, Cairo, Vicksburg, New Orleans. Connection ❑made at St. Lowy with the Pacific Raisroad and Miiaouri River Packeta, for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all points Wes . Also contr-cts at Cincinnati with Krntucky Control it. ft, for Luzington, Danville, Frankfort and all points in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Penn street Station tin follows: Thr ,ugh to Cincinnati with Lut our change of cars, ar v. , •••." • . .1.V.1. • riving at ti:4s P. M. G.m.prtss Passenger Train. ar 2: 15 • - 1 - p riviug iu erestline at 1.0:0b A. M., emu. Sent) P. M. tr r fc. BAGGAGE Oil ECK ED T1.100Ut.311.. Fare as Lovr A, any other Route. For all inforruatio , and Thi Tickets, apply at the Ticket office, comer I‘l,inonitaliela House, or at Penn etre"t Station. Car Pim:engem doairana of going this route will agli. for 'Pieketa via Delaware Cut-Olf. J. H. IdllJl3hl, Supt. P. Ft. W. 2V. C. R. P., McLAI,E.N. Sup:. C El. hr I) P. R. nov26 New , Route via River and Railroad. a- 4 WWig_ Indiallopolis4 , Cincinnati Railroad CONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with Terre Haute, and i acre Panto and Alton ttailr - ads, to St. Louis and Lafayette and Indianapolis, Now Albany and falem. and Michigan C-ntral Roads tor CHIC Wit, ROCK ISLAND, BURLINGTON, and all intermediate points. Through Freight Train to INDIAN POLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFATITTE, and PERU Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in less The o than any other route by '24 hours, and at low rates. The only road by which shipment , can be made from Cin cinnati to the West, without breaking bulk. Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Cincin nati; ot, W. B. PUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for Commission ; ' no charge for drayage or commission at Lawrenceburg. For farther information, apply to THOMAS it ATTIGAN, pN0.115 Water etreet,) Agent of the Company, who is pre aied to give 'maw:m RECEIPTS to Indianapoli• Terre Haute, Lafayette, Chicago, Penn, Greencastle, Crt:wfords ville, Charleston, Paris, and Mattoon. H. C. LORD, President. Gen'l Freight Agent. mrS .7140. F. CHEEK, - - _DORE RYE WHISKY, Old French Brandy a and Port Wine, for medicinal pr=auswa. RAILROAD. - 3 ia Al. A L Triz Pittsburgh and Comtellsville Railroad le now •,potte• for the transportation of passengers and freight to and i wig Pittsburgh :And COULluililVille, Connecting with the Penn , yl canto Central Railroad at Brink:ll'e Station. • Arrangements have also boat, made with the Peureilylvauiu I.:antral Railroad, by which through freight to L'ittladeiliem and Baltimore will be carried from points on the llttalm and Uonuellaville Railroad, by car I ada, on favorable tot Jib RUN N 'NO Oli"rliAnd.—Ou and alter atr. of October, the l'ai.iiiieriger Trains will bi run do!L! , , ex , op' Sunchlya, da follows: 111,11 i, TRAtil:, will leave the l'a.Na. ngor Bt.ntoal e;ta. l'eanylvauia Railroad, at l'ittslito izlit at 7:00 Ft boos i.O the arriving at Wnuoilsvih ut 12:au A Al. EX1'111.18.9 PASSE:NiI+ it TItA TN, leaving A 4:20 o'clock, P. AL_ aud arriving at Cunnel.sville at 1.,;.20 . ItETUIINING.—EA:i'ItES - TRAIN will Lave CI, an :hi rills at 6 o'clock, A. M., ellltn(ctiug with the Johusuoil. Accommodation Traiu, ou the Pennsylvania Itailroail vv iii, i arrive., at Pitteburgh atll A. M. MAIL TRAIN, le-ving,i2imuul'Bville at 2:00 P. 51, omnucte with the ltrinton Accommodation Train, Fetmaylvarmillailread, which arrives In Phial:nigh ai Mail Train connects at Connellsyillo with Bunting & Hall's Coached for Uumktowu, Frdstburg, Cumberland, Also at West Newton with coaches for Mount Platte:tut Somerset, Berlin, Sandpatch, and Cumberland Tickets can be had from Ticket Agent at the Penuaylr.tuil Railroad Passenger Depot. de3o 11. BLACKSTONE, Superintender t. MEE pOTATOEs.- 120 bus. Noshannock Potatoes; 60 eesch 131,eisum Potat.s, just and for sa'e by JAANS A. FETZER, talo us '67 str,r e t, RYE FLOUR.- 16 frealt ground Rye Flour, Just received anti for sale by JAMS :a: A. FltrZ,Ell. jarfl 89 Water street. GREEN APPLE.- 20 bbls. greet. apples, Just received and for eale by oct2o JAB. A. FhT'Lkat, 89 Water street. QWEET POTATOES.- 4-U bush. dsmet Potatoes, just received and for sale by ,c:27 JAS. A. WISTSKII. 89 Water street. APPLES.— 29 bbls. extra flue Rambo and Belieflower, 88 " Vandiver, 180 '• Bassett Apples, Just reed and for sale hy JAS. A. VIi:TZPIR, 89 Water Street. F LOUR. 100 bbls. choice Extra Superfine; 50 " " Superfine Flour, just received and for Bale by JAMAS A. planar., delB 50 Water street. . _ BLANK ACUUUNT BOOKS.—A large stock of every description, in store and for sale I.y W. S. RAVEN, oct2B Corner of Market and Second /street+ CIDER. -10 Barrels sweet Cider, for 3ao . by JANIES A.F.ETZEr., dec7 81) Water etr..,. j NDI A RUBBLE. INKSTANDS " Anuthor lot of those air-tight 1N K 5, Just recelt,l:su for sale by W. 8. HAVE:i. acnid Cs.rn.r Market and S.NCOild 14tre*ta. DuFFAND FLEMING'S Book-Keeping for &do at W. S. HAVEN'S, Stationary Warehonee, 1828 Corner Marker no d Second fit3ol.l•l. VELOPES. Buff, Blue and %% Li tc Laid, Adhesive, Cloth Lined and Parchment Pi/pc, do.; extra thick Cream Laid do.; Legal do.; Note do.: all sizes • for sale by W. S. octllo Corner Market and Second et., GASKET, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, and Fuller's Board, tor sale by W S. HAVEN, Nos. 31, 33 and 35, Corner Market and second streets. r LAS.-3i half chests Young Hyson, lm periled, Gunpowder, Black Teas, in store and (See - wsl , JAMES PATTON, Jr., Allegheny City. WEST INDIA PRESERVES. —lO dozen assortad, Jug roceived and for sale by REYSIER ANDERSON, d. 9 Nn. an Wonri t ELLIES.-5O dozen Currant, Blackbery Orange, Quince, Peach, and Grape Jollies, for Bale by R.EYSIER et ANDERSON, ioR R 9 W, opwaite (lheml- , 1 Hord Rio,E.—Six tierces prime Rice, just recei ed and for eale by MILLER A RICKETSON, envl2. Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street.. LlEESE—kio„boxes prime Western Reerve iJ for cab. by i3e2l! WM. P 1111144 dc• ELIZABETHAN. -A new Decorative IA all Paper, Elizabethan deolgo,inet received, kind for sab. P 'MARSHALL t CO., \V ALL PAPER! WA LL PAPER!Chem.' —Received lac. week, I',ooo rolls of t, 6 , 41 at 12% to 70 cents per r ,11. W P. 51 dt- (It 1.1 C 0..& OLAS SES.— I®l 2.5 barrels New Orleans; 4 20 " Baltimore liyrop, for 9nle by de2l W 'O. e 111.1 it a. co. CIOFFEE.-1 5 0 bags prime Rio, fur isale by fav2 WSL IL -MITH & CO. INKSTANDS. ---A large variety for ale at wm. O. Jo.tfivstruzi & moo deg tntionery Warehouse, 57 W t . .FLOUR. -25 bbLs. Superfine Flour received a:A for sale by MccJANDLESS, MEANS & CO., fe2o Corner Wood and Water strve:s CIINNANION BARK.-400 lbs. just ree'd and fat' *ale hv IL L. VAHNIPTI o'lB AL 0 _ _ WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslae and retail at the Drug h tore of JOLLY HAFf, dn2A3l Corner of Wooa and Sixth at,, l'ittaburgh VRUITS for Christmas and New Year.— A: Best Layer Rahrinat 'choice new Figs, In drum! and pa per bozos, only 18%0. 'p to., at ELAWnfitTli, BRO. A BR YWN LE E'S, IZENNEDY' MEDICAL DISCOVERY. 10 dozen on hand and for sale by torle B. L. WIN ILYSOCE Is Of- D _ OTASIO casks' on hand'and for sale ll. by ;del 6] B. L VAILNISTOCK & CO - - AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL AND Ca.TRARTIC PILL.B.-11 grow eactron hand for sale by Luoviej B. L. 1/2111EBB1OOR • 00. • , - OCTIIOOFLAND'S , : J I3 A I DEL T S, P6HYAnILD ye Da. 0. M. T Ot II 4IILAD .' a l Will effectually cure DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICis, SIC utt N.Kll‘ , ol;:i DhLULITY, DISEASES OF Tit ILLDNEYS, And all District 4.7 . 1.1:::.:/jro2:. a thEClrdrrell Liter GT tassel, Such ac Ckinstipec hen, Inward Piles; liens, Acidity oul3l° 1 the , W Disg tr uc otQ t thin f at.h e bris ' 'uod, tat F lo al n i st n , e rin c ian 'r vVoh.,,rttri'Llat:thtteehr6eni:rgt:saa:t lithhLetristrooLlfrrnthseuet:S.-to-taus mach, Swimming ut the head, hurried and Difficult Breathing, aeneictioaa W i ti lL e c it rul it a ly tug posture, Dinmeaa of Nisi , cm,..2 Dots or Webs belure the sight, Fever and Dail Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Limbs, Pain n the Side, Baca, Chest, Luniss, Emlden lelualato of Ileat burn ing in the Flesh, Constant p-ror, , inings of iszli, and great Deprertun of CIP I 11/T.O. :tttribating !dun valuable properties to tuts remeuj. rain or. an Wai rantabk assertion 12 Matte, tint i 5 simply prawn unsisonafly sti by tn., oat: denary cures, Man Utalealld din, Veal LrOiil /IA ua,, UnAliA on. atl .e..t:..ti of Its illmstriona originator, Dr. ilooliand, among all at I..uiraptlan had LCUILL i 0 Luria, Iruin of the American continent, cc to midi Led LIU: ing the net fen y tons, in the Landis ut the pare. Oct proprietor. 'cue uruculunca ut ditleaSeB to which GILL , lien-not Bitten, are adapted, it as with borrow we any It, ie 'U nmet uniFerdal, there is scarcely a Manly throughout the Miele e.l.Lelit at or country in which there cannot bb nmed unions its uattuib.rn that peculiar talk-. 0 and langus.l appearc„,:, denoting a diseased hoer, or an emaciated and mattering ilySpeptac. luau ut what luilabliee Lapor..a.ut;e%tt thts nia93 ut invalid that a certain said tellable remedy should be placed ..vital their reach: one in which uu baneful or ituurioue drug en ter* into its compuestion; a remedy on which the patient can rely with the utinudt confident, and certainty ; and be assured trout actual cant tougiele proute that the article he i 9 using really pt.i6USIJOS ale sirtaus altribUted. to it. such a reined) as ‘• Thottaanda 0 dullain nave been expended in its manufacture end diffusion throughout all parts of tl.;, continent, and the proprietor ['eels Lab earitaCtion In dialing that there is to. I dtaLte, county ; or even village, a here the Medicine has been introduced, that thine CANCIIA be found aailiberb willing Leatily tU it 9. vu t iles. It Id 1.1.1,3„1 CutviLailtiy la tile practice 01 a large rinn.ber u the most prominent Physnciana in the country, who have also added teen written testimony in evidence ut Ito great Vl:lnud. In tuntainnon, then, us. ~cold respectfully oak ul all these ALLll..tetl with any to tee above die to give the Ihtturd a trial, said rent hist:scud it will never be regretted. iu prout of the statenient?. made, all LIST invited to ;end attentively the 21.1asto,ho publicised annually by the pro. printer, ter hirmura and a iinll ells , Culitaliang a great aunt aer of morel recetptc, in aeon:nal to the testimony in favor of the Llttere, trusis tat a. at prominent and well itturwu in .sivainalh in ail purtd ..I no I. utt,a. All Agent 3 :Or the tilt tare are autborved to by:nbiirr alb Licence gratulLassly. Nita; tacit street, Philadel• Ph la, lor male Wiluienaie tsy in all to prUsciptot cities, .tad at retail by a.i....anebacioe, and ...31Jralteei.oi'd in every town la the United Stater , an s;:asewnss, and by . Cl., F2`..tis::, 43V:tell CU. and Dr. GEO. 11. flEYsit, Pittsunigh. a OA D. WE ED 'CAL Of all diseases the great. tir.t cause le,s digs hum neglect ut Nature's laws. eu iv_ Id.. lit - it 4) i ‘ l ll A übitr: UUARAIVI'LED Iti all ,tags,: LtillEAzEzi, Sett-Abuse, Net .uus Lt inlay, tta.cttute, tileets, Gravel, Diabries, Diseases ei the iituideys and lit:alder, Mercurial ltheumatism. Seco l'alLL4 ILL the Duns and Ankles, DiSl.advel of the Lungs, inrutit„ Nese am. nye:, I.cers upon the Body or Limbs, Can • Ord, Dropsy, Epileptic Pits, 6t. Vita's Dance, had all diseases treat a deraugelneut of the Sexual Organs, such as dervism tremulnig, iuss ut memory, loss ot power, general srealtheits, titumesa ui with peculiar spots appearing tiefore the eyes, loss uf s.ght, wakefulness, dyspe• era, liver efuptieus upon the fate, pain in the back and head, female irregularities and all improper discharges frem both sexes. It matters cot trout what cause the disease origina ted, uuwever lung standing or obstinate the case, rccouery ta tertain, and lh a shorter tune Chat a permanent cure eau be eifeeted by any other treatment, even after the disease had bathed the skill of eminent physicians and resisted ail the r means or cure. The medicines aareNteasaut without odor, causing no sickness and 11 - 00 trout mercury or balsam. Dm - mg yews of pr4Ctik,s, I have rescued trout the jeIVM of death many -thousands, who, in the lasi stages tit .above mentioned diseases had t...eit given 111, to die by thet physicians, which warrants me is promising to the ufilichal„ who may place themselves antler my care, a perfect aim most speedy eule. Secret diseases are the greatest etunmes to health, as they are the drat cause or Consumption, Serie dila and many other diseases, and should be a terror to the unman family. Au a permanent care is scarcely ever elect ed, a majority of the cases falling into the bandit of Menne peteut person,, who not only tail to cure the diseases but ruin the constitution, Itlnug the system with inercii . ry widen, with the disease, hastens the sitherer into a rapid Consumption, llu:should die zreattnewt not cause death pi,thly, and the victim marries, the disease is entailed , upon the children, who are burn with feeble constitutions, Anil the current et life corrupted by 3 virus which betrays itselt no Set Willa, 'fetter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other eller dons tit the skin, eyes, throat and tunes. out:tiling upon I them a brief tzistonce of aifferiiig and consigning them to an early gravo. bed./ AilliitiE is another forruidaule emery to health, to nothing else ILL the dread catalogue of hurt au diseases causes :e titisLtuctitie a ilium upon the system, drawing its thou -ands of victann through a li e yenrsel tottering dot+, u ro an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system, rapidly wa,•,s away the uuergles 01 lite, causes mental derangement, ~teients the proper uurelopment W tee system, iltsqualit•s .or marriage, society, basil:est , , and ht.i , pllletle, 1005, tut tutu -rec Wl'' la Lull; 1 1,,i Ina nil, predte CutiHti,ooi.i..ti train k t L. more to be than te-Ittti Ith the tallest (~ L ithlt•nce 1 a., sure the uttlurtU:Jate Vict.l.ll9 ,-t bust , tout a permanent sou speedy cure c.ln be umistiit i •arid with the , abandonment it t iiwous 1,4,14.,,t, patml,t, CAL Fr 1,1t,re,1 Cu ~.bus:., Toe alllictea are cat t t•eied the Leo of Patttnt ter there ate L A, 1/1.4,5y snarl's in the C 4 ,1111111., /1 the public prints to catch alit tail the unwary riia,,rers that millions have ineir at•L.titittionn ruined by the vile .Jiltpulll.lB al quack doctors, ut. the equally poisonous ,CIIIIIS 's Patent ?i,ti/eint N. " I hart- cat eltilly mail) of these called Plihent .)Itslictnes and bud that :.early all of them coutinu Cul rot•ive DUGliumts, 'lllllll to iuu v 1 tee strongest vol.:int:mum at mercury :Ind a deedly pulawa, which iLleavad Ut tirdtlbio9 tau ay k, Celli for lite Three-fourth; of the p-Lont boutrlll:3,l new In use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant p,rsoniS, witodo nut under stand even the alpuabet or the ntwerzu n.e..dtca, and are equal ly as destitute of any iinowleclgti cur human system, has lug oce object uuly ih view, and that to niche money regard. less of consequences. i i regularities And all killiethW3 c , f males and females trcatbd uu pruaciples established by twenty )Cars v 1 practice, and sanctioned by thousands tit the roost remarkable cureu. Aledicniss, .14th Lull UireCtloLin, nvilt to any part of the timbal zdat-a ur Catttias, by oat tents coniumutcating thou yuiptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly con .deutial. Address J. bIiMiIiEIiVILLE, M. D., entice No. 1 Pilhert street, (Old No. 109,) below Twelitai, Philadelphia. TIIZATNEEIgT, Private and Z;ofit:ential Idedica.l Advice 'l' 13 PRI VAT E L—Lstablislied Mr the clue of Nyphilie, beuuulil eilint,9A and tile areret Intrna:de3 of Youth and Maturity, ,y Dr. A. 1106 s SON, buffalo, N °dice corner of Stain 41.1 Quay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST iiialkiNTlElO INVENTION. An initiumout for the cure of Genital Debility, or Emissions, more property known as Seminal Weaknesv, cc. Can be permanently cured in Guru Miami to twenty ia ) .t, by Go our of thin lleit11111,:bl, when used COLJUI,IItIy wits YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAIt NOTICE. Dr. AMOS g OLIN take pleasure in announcieg that they nave invented al - RUA linpvl taut instrument for the cure o the above diieddea. It Liao been subjected to a test by th. ,uost eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia aliu New York; it has oeen declare...l the only metal instrument ever yet invented, for the Lure of timunnal Weaknotes,or unt2, ...incase of the genital organs, caused by the secret Imbin el youth. Id. AMOS SON, tu order to satisfy the meet ekeptica. Is to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves thu. lu any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory tut, lair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the in• itrit Loma in good order. b-rams wishing the above useful Instrument will oheerv• cat the price, with the accompanying directions, securtd; packed and sent by ekmesa, is ten dollars. NEW 111.M.Elaks AND QUICK. CURES. Dr. A:110S di 64.)N may be consulted from eight o'clock Ir the morning until nine nt night, in ever) stage and syrup torn of the Venereal Disen.e, tionorrhma, (Meets, SeContlar) myrnptoalB, 'Sulpha/ Weedine.., linuotenc. and Stricture., c the Urethra, etc., with lbviolable itecresy. The Ideal...rev they adopt is the reduit ut upwirru of thirty years' extendivt *no succeardni ',tactic,' in Lomiou The most inveter,t.. ewes of Venereal Dt.ert.e, eradiated tit eight ur nine drys, and caner of a slight nature in two or three days, at a moo- C1,..1.1 expense. he Caret) effected wiliout count:lenient or niudrance from husin,s; aieo, nosed and pallid in the bunt. and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CUltel WAIIRANTED. Dr. AMOS k SUN bass:devoted their attention excited V, iy to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have conseticuutly bean enabled to render to their iellow-creature is fully tsstatied and greatfully acknowledged by couvides cutups(' •uts and tithes daily arriving in town from all psi t• o: the country. fur the espy ts purpose only 0. consults \ft.!, while their eiersious have bout crowned with the rusHt a g ual adsantagss; yet from what they have expel - lei:iced' • inquiring Into toe cat:s,m of these infectious complains from their moat si pie cusiitiou to that of the must S .11 gerons and inveterated) they have always entertained thi• possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the most horrible and aiiingnunt icrias of disease could almost Ll , O traced to out, of the hissing causes :—lgncrauce, neglect. or the ill effects of and improper treatment: iherefere, Dr. AMuu SON have success ed in discovering. in the selection of 'lieu remedies, is safe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting, all cimitanation of remedies which bear an equivocal cheracter . as well use those who, premature or injudicious appiicalloi, alight be productiv, of bail consequences in the hand, ol private iudividuals. Li short, •he lautlible end of thou ilietlieb is the lesseniog ofa great MUM of human misery • I,- at1.4*.i.013, rebel stud prevsution of those grieve,' 3- diz I ions that are in re lily the of life, w title they to eztiemi-ly al..USfor our ~g:II and Intel (erect, for their esterruinatiou COUNIIIY INVALIDS. Persons in any part at the world may be succe,sfol:, heated by forwaiding a correct oetif.t al their case, s.ith -• I:itttunce fur niedscuies, Address Dr. A.110.S .su • . I . 3i .111 - 1 sod Qnm) street • canal, N. V. psinulAuls TA.KKANT'S EN Another tally of this value ble ihedVtire Just reC , lv L,l by .14 111 Carrier Diamond anil Market street. - 11 AIR Y S w ' a l t i ch r or' h r byes tin d ista i d f ora' or . s, pM Elt --0 f descriptions and prices, cat lie hail at I , I,IIMINta s, Corner Diamond and suet a ) A lit' JIA 'i'UUTII PASTE, prepared under the supervision 0: Dr. III:11111ms. :• , cirgeou tett, for sale by .10e. EL . Z.MI:“.3, ANUTLIER supply of Low & Sun's superiu: London Toile: soaps received toeiss. by JUS. f• 11 Cora ,. _ ind aod Market street EXTRACT F AND SAESAPAltlLtiA.—anottier 'supply sit this celebralad :mulish remedy, Just received by SOS. FLEMING, ft-9 Corner D:ani•nl and Market street- MINERAL WATERS.--Blue Lick, Bed turd and Cougrees iVnters eoutoatitly on hand at JO r EVII FLEMING'S, t a g C4ruer ' , tit:pond and Market stroet. Ferrated Tinet. Bark and Elixir ci kj Bart., on hand lend HOGS.—Dressed Hoge, jnet received and for elate , by JAYIES A. YETZER, Wev.y ri!ORPEDOES.-100,000 No ed and for el& ty VERMIFUOI INtre et Qua basil iftQw..,-r-z-"..1.41:.^...2, ed 6 Lac* AC They arc not recoty mended as Univers. Cure-alls, but simply f( hat their name pu: The VERMIFT_TGF, Y. Welling Worms froi human system, 1,0 been administers with the most satisfactor alts to various animal :inject to Worms The LIVER PILIS, 101 r:l2 cure of LIVER COM FLAINT 7 all BILIOUS DE NGEMENTS3 SICK HEAD HE y &C. Purchasers will pleas( particular to ask f , ,; C. NicLarie's 'td \':kMLUCE ivr~,. 3'r:,, /'LANE'S VERMIFIIGE AND LIVEIi PILLS.—IS gross on band and for sale by B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO. Corner Wood and Fourth streets. 11DRIVATE DISEASES.-DR. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offices, No. 50 SMITHFIELD Street, Pitta.. burgh, Pa. DB. BROWN is an old citi=en of Pitts burgh, and hue been in practice for the bust twenty-five years- His business has I.:rye