SPECIAL NOTICES. EXTENSION OF STAY. DRS. C. M. FITCH 4 - J. W. SYKES, Will continue their office at rio. 191 PCIIII street, OPPOSITE T. CLAIR TIMM, PITTRIP.:1101l, PA. TILL APRIL FIRST, Where they may be consulted daily, (Sun dayu except.,,d,) t • AS'I'A \IA, 8R0r , .- CIIITIS awl ALL N iC AFFECeIoNS con nected with, or lir, PULMONARY DISRASE. 9116.1 , 114.1.1 Es te,•l that they cannot too earn. estly or , • . 1, iu• , invalid 4 of the EXCEED oi. :.ILAY - IS PULMONARY DISEASE inpt•,,c, trithu; an to beget a delusive evil while is making rapid pre le•;:leci,to o,lf till a cure i. Ilex: t, °Mee Hourr--- 10 A. M. to 4 P. rri No charge of gnoottons well 00 sent to In. tio %Visiting tip by lot ter. Addre,- DP.!-. C. 3. \V. i Penn street, Pittsburgh. Ps.. 110i/FI.AND'S I.ISItNIA.S: PATTERS, THE GRLAT REMEDY FOR NE.i.Vt...'s DEBILITY.—J. M. Ifobsozr.r . ., Doylestown, Ya...luie. 10, 18;3, sa i s wife has ben afflicted with a nervous dobithy since September, 1551, since which time I hive unable t o find any phy micas!. or medicine th WoUhl heneat h.lr in the leAst, until o:ic' day I called at the st...ro of Ur. Harvey. of this, tow u, act aurae tincture of iron, and described to him the nilhcti , ~s of my wi:e; he Ilion MO a Lt. of papers to Icel. Umuog xsiclr I fo u, i 000 Lio,eribiug your Jo:mil/ 111 tmt.. 1 immediately pn,..mr.,1 ft P.w I.otilos from low. It .:•u pleased to state taa , aae the Bitters has duo , It -r morn good than all the m,diciee sh , • ha -I hop:rotor° kohl, I Wish you to scud meat half ,los.oo ttlog. :=”4 -, advertisement. • . =MI ri t,l a• .b TIIE . ~.) troDi 39 Dr. FORD'S INVI 4 i ) ::t1 I L.ll Eli. It giN.. such (laic% r,ll t i!tt‘ p.itiout uf receivin:, 1 ,. „i t .„ m,, I."' We d•, nut know - of a iijuz'r her , it lUel brra taken without And Cl, -.4 6 A r , tuplete cure effort, iti 03'..7 t has iliCtriirod 114 WO, it eu doss it is lido 1 t.i 41., it is . coultantl - , hirgini; its circio of clrr, , on its and iul to tLc hearth sudo• an Li ver Li L Jantidino, Sr 4 , 1 debidty. f fol'2:lmdiox PITT - LIFE, A` . l) INSURANCE CO., r• Loamy 16th, IhsB. WDIVIDENJ NOTICII.•- The Itorttli of Dlrectorg of thl4 Comp my hay-, dividouti.mt of the proatl of itie le-t nitt,i, of FOUR DOLLAR., 1..t.1 Shan+, lipplic.tblo to Coo relocumi of stock notes. fol7.lru F. A. MN Ell ART, Secretary. uRFICS 1W Tar; PITTS 1 - 11It'AGii It. It. CI , Plttdiargb, Mari it Ist, 18ia. ) NOTEbE T • Sr K. - c , toI,DER, first atior.al meeting of thi• teckli Here of the Pittsburgh. id, {Slight and .'hie.:2l.si Railroad ir 'rimp tily a - ill be held at the Remits of the 13..rr I or le in the efq'itt- 11:: Tur;SDAY, tit :hit i day .11 sht ch, a 2 p 111 ,at which tto Repoi t fiit - Di.eetdr.i and Ulivi lie operation of the -y for ti; -evtoiteea nd 11 of the cutuultd..ti ii. will be pr 11111 read. The el,•t r iqn t• r s le-, Boar lof itireiitors a ill li' h. id a t t,llO 811,1 , pi trit Ve . ll‘.';N V. th • llnt i et , oetweett the 11.!!Irl o/cll t 1: 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 M. t d eseii e stock, ill r and font l'itts• burgh, fur the 1/I,IA, it . o .heat 11 1 to th tll.- tion 1. o: pioxies may b • uota , ueil the o. at b., Alice iu New York, No :_t7 d e.d. Stu .tin der., :it : IL:1 •1 1 C dill., .11 et now bf tue Cl/111,11111.1.1•/12,A 11 i 0 ty Ted e te iti :2' stud:, will be owl Lodi i.e.. cote s at the shove elect 11l 'file trait-11er wi Ifrom he :1 dli ii-t. to Ist prox, no - 1; 'f . PiTT','_-I')UtGri 6P;',EL WthLAS. ISAAC JON . Vr,l. AcCULLOU , ';II N joEs, Boyu a Co. I'u IV, D A. B. :ST EEt , S i, SPRINWS AND CCbrIICA itest mild First Stre,, , t, PL - i - f,-;BiTii.(iH, PA D. E. 13.0 C/ D. fr. '.7z; C 0 . 19.11.111E3CTURI:RE1 or r.OGEitS' IMPIWVED PATi;N: STEEL CiIIATIVATi?;i, TE '',l':l, CORNE2 1.10‘3S A.:71) FILL-vr STREET,, .D.A.M.if,'S .1. r'ETZ :ER, Forwarding and Con,:nissiwi Merchant, EIMEEEZIMI Flour, Grain, Bacon., Lard, ;tinter, Seeds, Dried Fru.t aid Produce generally, Cornor of !!.larticct anti First streets. P1TT3.1.31 .? A. Miami TO—. Francla G. Hail , William Di S. Cuthbert & Son, l'ittat , trizji; ;.S Oyd Ott, lioiAteli SYreariugca, S. Brady, C.r,a tt l'amk.. DlAngle & Co., tl. arR ,W S olereon, Dmilu l'axrati iz C.; WhAalinz. rac..•gr.tf JOHN 31i00Etil1felikO, COMMISSION Al 1.1,C T, =GI Pic ?SiETAL. re;';11 ?LOOMS. jals:lyl_ N. 27 tcrlL :13T, 1,..1.71/E!;_'; 7111:11, t.I.TGIMI4II7i;, MANUFACTURER 01 , tfri 11) h 14.1LAI_EQA , fiLtd,L 4 9 Cologne Spirtls and Veriel Oli, No 167 and 170 Second ,-treat. :,plO 1024 p S A MUEI.,F.LY'i .4 -..AlifilSTol:( IMPORTER & DEALER IN FOREIGN A ,:c '`.iii ST HA RD w E PI 7:1 Wood ntroet, between , Litactotad vAloy 1,-'ourth Pr "T -11, FA. ertlacribor le now npoting a well ntcnt of foreign and dctneAtic linrdwar , ; all now,anl will b. s. , ld on as good tormo t o any ci`t.cr aortr.c in tltid city. IL ....lwayaketl , on hand a general aa.,ortment of CIAIkI'ENTEIttS' wlticlt ho rcgpectfully t att , ati.na of , n42ti .. , _5.113 FAII...Itc,TOCCI: li : s i. •.. 13 W 4. R 1- 1 ", • FAIINESUOCK, No. 74 WOO( dtreet, Pittsburgh, ha, on hand a largo STOCK OF HARDWARF,, - which will Noll 'IOU luve for C. 45 ntl.lition to 111 .i.,eeits; (Lag .s, i uicce and Forks, and Spoons, and s lark , 43A(Ortill'illt of I;arpt•nier's Teen, helms received I.“ ge ply of 8..ai.4•• Cu tto and Staffers ; Shuvel6, 'repoes and Pukers ; and F:nauteled Pre,rvin4 fiettles. J. W. TUCKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ST. LOUIS, MO. OFFICE (Fell TUE PRESENTo NO. 126 THIRD SP., NEAR CITY Hon J. L. Orr, poker U. S u: Representutives. Hurt. L. M. liPnu tt, Ilun. S:kml.'l'reat,Judgu U.S. District Court, ST. LOUIS Jurn.9 li. Locus :t Co., E.L.v D. It. M'A natty, D D. lot.'lllm :-_ =a- ~;.,. GOLD AND SILVER SP .CTACLES, T 11 aAi UP ACTU it IL H'S PI IC S liVDROMETERS I or w , ,,1/ing tpirit•i, the clo•opk•A 4u i 1,••••3t article 3 ever brought to this city. TFIERMOMETtIit6 AND 1.1.-1.I:J.111-.:TEit,-, -varying in price from $3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, G ESE . A S, Practical Optician, 59 Fifth ,Krer.t. • oppo4Oo L. C. a.V.I.9'BUIL:!I, ATrtiaNt , lv AT. 1,.. , , , ,v AND CJNVEZYANCER 0771 , ..•E w Fti:u . _ k T. 61.1.0111"1'. Importers of Brandies, gr-r wm, s.. Dea.l. , ,i in fine Old Mondligain•ln tirmildy It ECTI VI EIV.B ,orn,tr: 111).] FRONT 0.01) FI:Ii11.-5 drum:i extra No. I Cod Fish Jl3l r,:c0,,,i, and for ,ale by V' LLEit h lIICISETSON. t t:'..ts No 3 221 and 221 Liberty ror-eet. PIANO A I' A B 'OW AIN.—An elegant ~ rz.,..ewo9l.Chickerin2 Vial, i, out v ie use three !nee th. in perf,ct order in every rev v•, will h. n,1.1 at a very great liargsin. The °Wt.: - H 11,AV in a.: , Wvst 3•1 I .1111.4 to ~en • at onee, and for cash. The ir'i•erilier will guarantee the Pieria t‘y bo perf,ct, and 11:ibilloiltc , 1 A ii.ly to f%23: b -iI -: it VIC! 1%111, —__— - GLYCERINE. — I have juq. received a large a ipply of pure Bo Oirdi til .cc nee A ha. 11 terry lot Glyo , rino Cream, superior to au) llii 0,4 Dow in 11,6 ior chap , pe , l bands, lips, etc. J , 'S. Fi,EMl!'ll, fw.43 ( I^rrer Diarnfald and '4, • 0,..., , a ,..,. ____ _ - ) d - - 1 - a E ASE.— White 6 rea,se for Wagons, Om vir nitqlfl63, Glrtd, Drays, Carriages, etc., in barr l els anti 1, ~,,g, c r .sle ti• fs.iii ffs, , vitv 11 • 11,1 iios riOD LIVER OIL, by bulk or dozen, Ito-11, on hnid }lir gale I.ky • • 11 0' , - ' "0 • - 11A WORM!, litti; .4 BROWNLEE, too Dla=l:44, Elear(-rending Occurrence--Depth of an Old Lady from Burning. A most distressing accident occurred in South Pit sburgh on Friday night, the circumstances of tc'tti,•h• as nearly as we could gather them, are as fol• I :w::—An old lady, Mrs. A{nrs Wilson, about sev eat y title years old, who resides with her son•in-law and daughter, Mr. William Stirlc and wife, in South Pittsburgh, was left in her chamber on Friday morn ing, by her daughter, who went down stairs. A few moments afterwards abs heard the most heart-rend screams from Mrs. Wilson's room, and on going up stairs, found her clothing in a blaze of fire. She immediately called a servant girl, with whose assis tance the flames ware soon extinguished. The old lady was mado,as comfortable as oircutustances ad• witted, and Dr. Dickson was sent for, who after an 0051 ination, pronounced the injuries fatal. The old lady was well cared for, but on Saturday morning in great miser•. It is pro:.uined that her clothing took fire tr,,ru tr -Ln the grade. The old lady was very rouble, and rant mile to woke any effort to extingu sl. the 11.1: We stated :omit: lam - ince, rat h er incre dulously, that Perry Hartman ,t/ittaJacon Wilkinson, who is charged with it a ttempt to cut the thro.t of the colored girl, ui,s4iili,uu war a fugitive from justice in an tlier county. We regarded this statement as one of the rumor , frequently circulated on the arrest of I..speratiri characters. But the statement has been iafirrued. District Attorney C dlier has received a letter from the Sheriff of York county, Pa., stating that an ind.ctment .S now pending against him in that county, for the murder of his sister in-law, souse time since. The authorities desired to be informed as to whether Hartman will be given up if they should send after him. We presume, of course, he will be sent back. This will nut, however, be done until the charge pei ding against him before Alder tnau Donaldson, is disposed of. lie may yet have a charge of mar ler to answer hero. The girl assault ed by him is nut yet in a condition to appear against him. She will probable be able to state her case soma day this week, when the matter will be disposed of. Be seems to he a desperate villain, and we only hope be may receive the punishment he deserves, whether it he in Allegheny or in York county, or in both. ft •• This roe was called up again in the Criminal Court on -utur lay morning, and the Attorneys being' in readiness, the case was opened by Mr. Howard, who stated that he intended to prove that one of the jury, (Abraham G , irdon,) was not competent to render judgment in a case where human life was involved. Saver.,l of the jurymen were examined and their tes timony iu substance was that at first Gordon stated that be could not give a verdict against Kelly, even before the evidence was all submitted, and if he sign ed a verdict against Kelly, he would stare him in the face fur the balance of his life. That when the rest of the jury had agreed upon a verdict he gave in, on coudition that the ether jurors would say nothing sheet who held out, or how he was convinced. Oth er witnesses were °idled to prove that two bottles of liquor were taken into the jury room each day, and drank by the jurors. Deputy District Attorney Mit ler and Thomal Howard, lisq , argued the case very alily, some new evidence was utso adduced, touch ag the intimacy of Kelly and Miss Weissman ; also in relators to the testimony of the latter. The judges took possession of the papers ia the case, and a de cision in the case will probably be given this week. It is quite likely a new trial will be granted. Yesterday morning, about two o'clock, a fire broke out in a frame tenement occupied by an Irish Gamily, in Lawrenceville. The wind was high, and before the flAules could be extinguished three frame dwelling houses, two frame school houses, and one stable were da.itroyed. Ia the latter were five horses, and the flames spread so rapidly that it was impos• sibie to remove them, and they were burned to death. with the exception of one, which ii so much injured that it will likely die. The dwelling houses wer all owned by Mr. Hugh White, occupied by Irish tie-, oinents. The stable and horses were also the prop arty of the same gentlemen. The loss is estimated at trout fur to five thousand dollars. We have heard contradictory rumors concerning insurance on the property, and cannot state definitely whether it was insured ur nut. 191=1 BOTEL :---"--- . --- _ 12=13 -3 0)1: Tweivedthiri LOCAL AFFAIRS. Anotik , r Charge The Kelly Cent Again. k+lrc In Lawrenceville Theriree.—The new local play of the "Three Fast Mec," which has attracted so much interest in other , actions of the country, filing the theatres to over flowing and affording the at in , ,st amusement, is to be produce I this evening. It will introduce to a Pitts burgh audience two young and interesting ladies— Misses Lucille and Helen, sisters, who have already taken their rank as actresses of uncommon merit.— The " Boston Journal," in speaking of them remarks: " Both these young ladies aro endowed with real tel• ent, a I led to which, they are beautiful in person, arid uxqui:iiely graceful U action., having sweet mu eical voices and prompted by a determination to es• eel in their professi in, have won universal admira tion from the Boston public." The "Three Fast Men" we Learn is a vehicle of humor well wrought up, anti ;6 a very pleasant matter with which to while away a tedious evening. Two new male actors Mr. Ham iltim an., Mr. Myron, will make their first appearance this evening, also Miss Lizzie Safford. Mayor's Office.—At the Mayor's Office, on Satur day morning, there were about a dozen common cages, all of wh , oi, with the exception of two, were dise..arged. The Mayor took Lie consideration the danger of sending two many parsons to prison while iho small pox is prevailing, nod discharged them in nreference to sending them where they would be lia ble ter contagion. This we consider a very wise and prud.mt determination on his part. There are already more than one hundred and fifty prisoners in the Jail, and the more closely human beings are packed together, the inure liable they are to contract disease. No new cases of the epidemic made their appearance on Saturday. Railroad Accident.—Toe looomoti - : e of the Wells ilk train, duo here at half past seven o'clock On Friday morning, was disabled at Baden, Ohio, but managed to got up to Economy, where it waited the arrival of the Now Brighton accommodation. This train hitched to the ‘Vellsville train, and was getting along towards the city, when on crossing the Big Sewickley bridge, au axle of one of the Wellsville cars broke, and so did the rail, throw ing the other cars of the track. One man from New York, whose name wo could not learn, was se verely injured.—Reporter. Reading.—Miss El Aso Bridges, a dramatio read r of some celebrity, announces a reading at Masonic Hall this evening. This lady played an engagement at our Theatre about two years since, and had some Admirers. See is highly spoken of by the papers of the Western cities in which she has been. The read ing this evening consists of extracts from the Bedotte papers, "Nothing to Wear" and "Hiawatha." We could have wished that Miss B. had made a better selection, as the public are heartily tired of listening ii the last two of these. However, we wish her a laige audience. Orizaba Iron {Vol Icx —This establishment has not )et resumed operations. There is a difficulty be, tween the proprietors and the operatives. The latter demand Pittsburgh prices and Pittsburgh payments --cash, while the employees are willing to give Pitts burgh pricer, but are desirous of paying their hands goods, which they will not accede to. So then at ter stands; in the meantime the operatives are out of employment. We laGpe the difficulty may be Apcedily adjusted. lier. J. G. Broton.—lt is said that this gentleman, rho was the spiritual advisor cf Charlotte Junes, i,is been quite ill ever since the execution. In ieeii he has not been able to leave his room. The lay was raw and disagreeable, and Mr.l3rown, nut •njoying very good health at the time, contracted a i.vere cold from his exposure oa the scaffold. He now recovering slowly, and it is hoped he will ore :Ling be able to resume his ministerial duties. Munroe Stewart —Yesterday being the crises in ;he disease of this young man, his conditi n was anxiously observed by those who felt interested in situ. lie was better in the morning, and in the af 'of noon a very favorable change took place and he now believed to be entirely out of danger; unless, indeed, he should take a relapse, which would proba bly be more serious than the first attack. Lary.: Funeral.—The unfortunate Joel Mohler was hurled from liar's Hotel, on Liberty street on Satur- My afternoon. The attendance we/ immense; the Sons of Malta turned out in bugzles and carriages ,m 1 proceeded to the Cemodry with the corpe. It ca,, , the largest concourse assembled on a funeral oo asion in this city, for a lung time. Litany, Time.—We refer our readers to the ad , erti., , ment of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad .11 another column, giving notice of a change of time the arrival and departure of the .trains on that r od. Two through trains each way, daily, Sunday's .mly excepted. A (iood /Masc.—We call attention to the card of A. L. Webb dc, Bro., of Bal!irnore,_ in our advertising columns. They are thorough business men, and are favorably known to the business community gene rally. We would advise any of our merchants who have business in the "Monumental City " to entrust it to them, as they can do so with an assurance of its being faithfully and promptly attimded to. City Mortality.—The City Physician reports 40 'oaths in the city during the last tn o weeks of Jan uary—twety adults and twenty children. Of these 23 were males and 17 females,; 39 white and 1 col. ored. Boy'e Raglans and Sack Coate.—Gents. Frock and Sack Over-coats, Raglans ct c., and a full Stock of Winter Gloves, Gauntlets, Mufflers, Scarfs and Shawls r Men and Boy'e, still nn hand at Carnaghan's Fed eral Street, Allegheny. Cash Buyers will find the prices an inducement. Low's BROWN WINDSOR SOAP, COLGATE'S PALM SOAP, th,F.NN'S WHITE WINDSOR SOAP, And a variety of ly th and fancy, for CHARLES H. SUPER'S DRUG STORE, Corner of Pena and SL Clair otroota. &a.. TUE SUCCESS WHICH ATTENDS the use of Da. J. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED 5T.311,11 BITTERS evinceitt on c e its virtu , , iu RI cases of deoility and disease of the Stv.mach. Ctrtificat.34 El! moat Without utnaber have been publi.hed, atte-tdng its 'Oilmen tairdcaltua p ~ver in remor leg thane painful m u d tee'' di,earier. And at thig time it scene idle to do more tle, • o f ;it. riti on to the great reme dy of the age, in urtd r t nv to d: public attention to it, ex cellence. It the 010'3 pi ~r• of the hind that i, rt li able in all Ca 13,3, and it i± xv,rthy rf the ednrader alien of the afflicted. re • 1.311TE11, are pleaiallt to the teiHte, agreeable In their r trects, and irltegether tonic or remedy fur inaige,tiou. Fur tale by druggicta awl dealers genecally, overya boo, IfuSTlifTlf &20—Icy e3l. INSP:SUff_G it :air .?. 21E, B R BRUNOT, Ist, C0m.m1.4,e, of Ar',itratzo.r3 for .Fbruary. ISAIAH DICKEY, V. I'., W. W. MAUI, DAVID M'CANDLESS JOHN FLEMING, movEmENTS OF OCEAN' STEAMERS TO SAIL. SLLIPH LEAVE FOR DAY'. Borussia.. ......... —.New York liamharg March 1 Africa . Now York Liverpool March ll City of Waht'n...New York Liverpool March 4 Empire City New York......llacona &N 0 'March 1 Moses Taylor Now Yore to; io wall ...... --March r, Arago New York Havre. Ac March 6 Northern right New York Aspinwall March l, America ..... ....—..Boi.tou, Ac.... Liverpool larch lo Glasgow New Yell' Glavgow March 13 Anglo Saxon .Portlanil Liverpool March 13 Europe New York I iverpool ...... __March 17 Kangaroo New York I iverpool March 18 North Star New York Itrocuen. Ac 11:irch 20 Canada iloston,&c Liverpool ~.),larc h 24 TO ARRIVE. SEIM LEAVE ion Glasgow Glasgow Now York.. Atneric , LiverpOoi Boston, &C iziirope Liverpool New York.. Firinthiroo 1 iverpool New York.. North America..... Portland Liverpool. Canada Liverpool 11:11111noni ...... ....Hamburg New York. ity of &Atli:non...Liverpool New York . Fulton Southampton.lew York. Gsrefully Reported by JOSEP:i SNOWDEN, Superintende,“ the Merchants' Fxchange. PITTHIIIIICIrh March 6, 1,i,.r , !! FLOUR...The none market continues steady. The to-day amount to I but 200 bids. vin.:—Frem store, a , : $l, $1,50 and $4,87 4 r the three grades. From firtt, hauls :60 bbls. extra family at $4,62%,,n1,75. 4, RAIN...Sales 108 bush. Corn from depot at 4F-c.: 100, bush. Outs, from wagon, at 26,:.; 53 hush. do. from V. t 4, n at 265. FEED...Balei 3 tons Shorts from first hauls at 5061,6 0 5; and 3 tons shipstuffs at 7001580 e. v . 100 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR...SaIes. 1150 lb , . in 50 s sag front store at $1,25 41.50 1- 7 , 100 fie,. CORN MEAl,...Salos 56 bush. at 50c. is bush. HAY...Sales from scales of 10 loads at s9@sll DRIED FRUIT—Sales 50 bush. Apples at $1,371 , ( 2 ; 50 bu-h -do. at $1,31" , .' 2 flora first bands; 15 bush. do. from store at $1,50. 6 bbla from storeat 7 tl BEANS...SaIes 12 141,11 small wide frcrn Aar., at $1,28 B‘CON...Snles 100 tbe. Should , re to the country at 7° 1450 lbs. Shoulders and Hants at 7 1 / .7 awl ~c. R. BUTTER.I.SaIes 5 bbls. plate roll at 1 0r,•.; ti boxes roLl et 16c.: 6 bids and 10 kegs parked, to ro must, at 100. 70 11 - 1 CLOVIIIISEED...SaIes 40 bush. at $5,25, from store. CHF:ESE—SaIes 25 boxes R. at 93.(5.1). lb. LlMN—Sales 30 bbls. Louisville at $1,25 bbl. EGGS...SaIes 150 dozen at 11c. it ‘lozon. FISH...Sales 600 lbs. Codfish at ; 5 Ihls. N. 1 Ma , k er •1 at $l6; 8 bbls No. 2 at $l4 ; 15 bble. No. 3, large, at $11,50: IS half hbls. No. 3, large, at $0,25 0r half bbl. 110GS...Sates 20 dressed front store, for the east, at 1,,,0L, -e,fl. WITISKY—SaIes 23 bids r,titied at 20@21c. galloa ; 2) Übla. two year old Rye at 35c., to go east. NEW Yoca. March o.—Noon—Stocka higher, 111. Cchtr d i91•••-g do toads La Croeee and Milwaukee 16%; Nino, Sontic , rn 31; N. V. Central 93, Reading 84; Canton Ca Virginia Wir 94; Miiaionri S-1 1 4: Sterling Exchange ilalena and Chicago 1.14!,ri; Mich. Central 74 1 ,-;;; Erie 34; Inn iddiree North Carolida 94; California 90. Er•rang . .—Chicago and Roe k 88; Illinuia Cen tral 90 1 4; do Bi•nds 95. La Crocau Soutt iiro .31: Now 'Cork Central a1i,14. Reading 613 , ;d,"; Galena and Chictgii 1 111 41 Miiihigan Central 74,V,, Erie 34i 1 1; Clot eland and _,ed. 53 1 4; Cleveland and liasburgh 144 d Canton C0.115 7 .,1i. NI Ow - ankle and Miadkisippi 110. • New volts. )!arch ---20 then has declined ; sides 1.5ti0 Lales; • upland fair 1•2 1 ,4: kionr firm; e5OO bbls at $t.6'01, 0 4 5.10 for southern, sn advance of 10c. Wheat firm; 8000 bush sold; there is 8 , 1110 larger export i••- ioi•y; Southern red $1.15(411,2; white $1,:30011,50. Coro eon; 11.000 bush cold. Mess Pork advanced sc; sides at 10.8016,90; prime $13,10(c410,0.5. La•• 1 firm at 95t•;;(4.:10 . "•,. emear has advanced j 4 'c, • Hearts 5 1 41M7 1 ,/,; Muscovado 507 c; Coffee quiet; Molasses firmer, sales at 110(d12.2.2. Beef buoy ant. Bacon steady. Tallow heavy at Itiy4(q)llc. CINCINNATI, Match 6.—Flour closed dull, 'without much deruani4 though the prices are In 'avor of buyers. the tales were about 1200 bbls at 51,7V@3,70 for super tine. Whisky doll at 1616. Provisions are gonsual.y held above th , views f buyers, though notMtm f cousisluenc- was done, nod the mat ket Citified quiet, but very firm. There are buyers of Mess Polk at ijils; for bulk the aver ago is at 5 1 ,4 2 (di - ii m but. 1.,: higher is asked. Suor is held 14 . j, higher, firmly. 11c. Butter doll. Cheese iu lair demand at 7 1 / ..; so'eeted and 9@lo for English dairy, and Vic fur New Yet pine apple. DY VIRTUE of an Order of the Orphans' lt 1' Court of Allegheny county, the undersigned, Adulin iKtrator of JOSEPH CRAWFORD, decew.ed, will expuou et 'abbe Bale on fiatOtday, the 27th clay of Mareh next, At 10 o'clock a. nt., at the C CRT ELCSE, in the city of Pittsburgh, all that certain Farm or Tract of Land slivate in East Doer township, Allegheny county, emisylvanni, .tud bounded by land of William and Robert Bailss, on the North; Lewis Peterson on the East; the heirs of James Hate and Bertram Murray on the Smith; and Alesanthr sl cOorahay on the West, containing TWO HUNDRED AND FIWTY•NLNE ACRES, et,ict measure; about seventy five acres cleared, on which is erected a frame dwelling barn, two salt works and other improvements. This Farm contains a large quantity of coal, which can be shipped con veniently by the Pennsylvenia Canal. Title indispu able. TEams—Ono.Third in band; o••e-third in one year, and ti,e remainder to remain during the life-time of said dece dent's widow, with interest on the unpaid purchase motley from date of sale. THOMAS DONNELLY, mr4.ltde3tw FURNISHED HOTEL ' FOR. ' SALE. THE RAILROAD 1/110TElL, AT LATROBE STATION, on the Pen,n sylvama Railroad, forty miles eo•t of Pittsburgh, bout of brick, three stories high. 96 feet front, 54 feet deep, contains 40 flue large r OMB newly and cumpletAJ fu• nish e'l, ready for immediate occupation. There is a frame stable fur thirty horses, convenient entbbuthiinge and 0„, aura of ground attached to the premises. lee, including furniture, $12,000. Une•half may remain on Bond cant Mortgage. If not sold before Ist of Apri', it will be rented ut $4150 per anruni. Address 0. W. BARNES, nu 2:lnid Latrobe, Pa. Cleveland Al, Pittsburgh Railroad, AND TUE Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD, 41v AND AFTER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1658, the Freight bn,ine.s of these roads, in the CITY ...IF PIPFSBUROU, Witt be transacted at the NE +V AND COMMODIOUS DEPOT, ON PENN STREET, ABOVE WAYNE, ADJODiING THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL. The attention of Merchimts. Manufacturers, and Shippers is invited to the superior facilities afford-td by these Reads, Feat SPEED, SAFETY, AND LOW RATES, And for the prompt transportation of Freights, by CONTINUOUS RAILWAY CONNECTIONS, From Pittsburgh to Cleveland, 'lol,lo, Detroit, Chicago, Ces. lumbue, Dayton, Indianspolis,Ciucinuati, Louisville and et. Lone,; and all the Western, Northwestern, and teuth-wes,t eru States. Freight is sent to m: at of ths ably(' places in the same ears in which it is loaded at this Depot. TUROUGLI outwits CIIVLN TO ALL /AIPORTANI POINTS. For further information, apply to . 0 ....,,-......,=.........v.--, fel.B JOAN P. GLAtIF, Agent -----------9111 E CII EMiCAL OLIVE E,IU.SIVE I. lIIRSIIFELD Sr., SON, .n.. 6 )A.P, manufacture,/ by B. C. &J. 11. sawyer, re. rieeives the preference ()vet all oilier kids ever offend for DEALER:, IN lanully use. Gents Furnishing Goods Clothiers ~,litnni,en,tri:nliolitin,g,:i....sr,24'.:i4th,,,;..:Liontnr,tre„.—olletr..lmt , i i iii o n . d. e r ni4r , , 6 , .:ti, 2-1. Ralf the :tine need co!) . be - ccupied in vastong AND 1• him this Soap is it n'd in place ~ nt. oilier Soap. 3Li. Labor In wa-iting can a nearly LI ct. , red Nt ILE, as the clothes SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, v. LI requiie little if :::.) . othilig, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-I.er.; 4tb. ....lie_ he elutes is unnecessary No. 83 Wood street. ali -II this Soap is us• d, and hard or salt water allstrers , y lIE subscribers respectfully announce, Pil 0 -.telly as well as t-cft. tql:••-•ri, Machinists, Painttra iin-Ltheri, toil v. tar tiii n: : • i, • i '.r soaps. It speedily rt.- that SHIRTS Made by tacm are gel iranteed to lit ; 1111.,em gin n,, ,Lss. t..r. f ,, nn ; • ...:. ,•' ink sod dirt from the will be forwarded to any part of the Union, on receiving hatui. leas Leg the ski:: . ' . .!, I ' , iron: chapping. from the parties sending the ordure toeir personal measure- T o avoid We labor . g c cclothes,lendthe use of meat in inches, according to the formula given below. ih-• wash•bc -rd, the !idle, -: ,' I , i 1 -i.e --h.:old be followed: Remember, the size' must be carefully and accurately F. r the washing of e•:!...t or t: ii of a fatuity, take one taken, as all necessary allowances are made by the cutter 4 pound of Soap, c tat it icio slio,i ti z,,, and Llisatvo in Late the establishment. gallon of hot water; pnt teo ckthes into a tub containing First, Size around the neck. ' ' about ton gallons of a arm aster; pour in the dis,olved Second, Size around the wrist. ft. -ap, and stir thoroughly. Let oem soak twenty to thirty Third, Size around the chest, itumedtateiy below the arm- minutes. wring out• and time in warm water once, cold pits. a -.e'er twice. A very dirty wrisn-Land, or seam, or grease Fourth, From the middle of shoulder, length of arm to ep ta, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwine the wrist Joint. clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or Fifth, Height of person, front the shoulder to the knee- Inviting. Cold water ni.,y be tinted in place of hut, requiring Pan. about double time in acialtivg. Sixth, Whether, with or without collars; if with collars, ,r2i- Observe our num. (Ai each dar. the style. Fur sale, in any qutiutity, nit our warehouse, N 0.47 Woad This plan is quite unique, and will be of great value to street, sled at our works, opitesile the Round House, Penn gentlemen at a distince, who find it Impossible to übta.n at R lvania avenue. 13. C. & J 11. SAWYER, home Shirts to satisfy them in style and fit. 1.'23 No. 47 Wood street. Also,on hand a full assortment of Shirts of our ninnU• factuer. Any orders addressed to us by mail, will be promp ly attended to. P. S. Please state by what conveyance they are to be ,shipped. . L. IIIRSIIFF.1.1) & FUN. mod No. 83 Wood street, Pitrdoirah. Pa. Low's IioNEY SOAP, NUTMEGS. -1 cask in store and for sale , by Iml2l B. L. VA HNESTOOIi a Co.. mr2 Nlitunfacturvre Proprl.•tor LS Water rrout btr.,vt, ~, ?,i . ..r . ..,1_ 12 , 1 "i.(,C, I A i d. WILLIA",i, Vice Presidents 1841.41!DIGkii-ZY, 2d Treasurer. N. LIOL.MItb. Jr.. Sup SNOWDEN JAMES GARDINER PITTSBURGH RI AItICET New York stock Market Now York Market Ctnelnnat 1 Market Orphans' Court Sate. Adm histrator cf the Estate of Joseph Crawford. der, nerd REMOVAL. „t_ 1. - - A. fit 0.4 Arrival of t 11C Europa ANI/1" ILror,, Mrd - ch t.—the steamer Europa passi-i I ere ; she arrived at Liverpool of the lbth. The i;;:-" , arrived out on the 17th. Bort P.idnerstun was granted leave to bring in a ;.;:r the ;i:nv.dronent in India, by a largo ma- Theri• 1-•1; 'tier fr ;a China, but the details Cdat i',intoti is virlo,piy in possession of the The Min',ter , w ro defeltel by 19 majority on the -e'..od re0.1i7.!!"! .. .H1 een:rirae7 murder bill. (inn ctr rem Indba is. favorable, but 111 , i11 . 1!10. , trking, h,el occurred. The 1.;e06 of Fraeee re.lueed the discount rate to-I;eretL The t,m-torrt,cn: tee s the hill to amend the law re'a.:ine: lit; d conspiracy upon an amendment ~fired by Milner Gibson, which cen sures the Ministers for not replying to Waleuski's dispatch, but professes :1 re tdiness to amend the laws upon due investigation. The vote was 215 for the Minister's and 23.1 for Gib,on's amendment. A demonstration in Hyde Park is proposed fcr Eunday, again,t the conspiracy hill. Th. 3 Atlantic Telegrai h Co. at their annual meet ing passed favorable resolutions, and additional cap ital was authorized. The trial of the directors of tne Royal British bank is in progrce , s. A French refugee, named Bernard, was arrested in London, charged with being implicated in the con spiracy. Bombay dates to the 2 l , h of January are received. The c. m :ure Fet ruchabud and Futinhur, by the Afar subjugating li..,bilatud ha will march on Lueknov,-. Outran had faire deleuted the, rebels at Alutnbugh. The continental news was of little importance. It aid that Sardinia and Belgium will both succumb t , French demands and Switzerland was also ma king cense.,,sion,. Washington City News CITY, March 6.—The Cummitiee uu Revi,luiinuary Claims, of which Mr. Cox, of Ohio, is chairman, have prepared a very interesting report, accompanied by a bill giving the lineal descendants f Ravolutionary officers the half pay for life, which wts granted them during the Revolution by several r;;soluti , ins of the. Continental Congress. It will he rsiuctubered that this half pay far life was commuted five years' full pay - . Some of this commutation was paid in C.m:inuntal ou rency, and others not a , all. Ths hill provides for the deduciiiin and cututuu ration actually One very similar to this war passed in the lluu airing thi last Jongress, but was defeated in the Senate. An effort will be made for the consideration of an. subject at the earliest practicable period. It is understood that Mr. Pratt, son.in•law Ru fns Choate, will be appointed assistant treasurer at Boiiton, in place of J. Thinner W. Board, who wa• transftrred to the rstmastership at Lowell. The Grand Jury have, un ler the law of Congress to put ish contempt of the authority of either House, found a 'roe II 1 again•it Mr. Wolcott, the recusant witness in the alleged tariff bribery case. WASHINGTON City, March 7.—A messenger has arrived !rm konsas, cringing with him the journal f the Lecompton ar,d the evidence taken before the Coumnissiic.ers to examine into the frauds in Kansas at the elections held on the 21st of Des comber and the .Ith of January. The documents quite voluminous ; and it is said that the in redue,s the legal vote at the former elec. eion to about 2.:d10, whereas ,t was heretofore stated to tic 6,7i15. 71.14. F'11.13 Fe' 13 14, ) I 2 4 . as slnrch 11 1U March lb IThe tunj Thy 11Thi the ',v., ini6ori',) , reports will, it is e upp Fubtuitt.l 110.10. weep. Col. Sumner to be Cot rt-Martialed istittearaN CITY, M itch 11.--The general Court unittual is erdere.l to ,i,eint,:e at Carlisle Barracks, .r 1 0.,. 10th inst., for the trial ul Colonel Sumner. Charges are brought under the 20th article of war, hies tar the cashiering of any commis m tile,- 'so to se. , :tl:, a challenge to duel. The Now York Ttuos correspondent nays, it is surmised in circl s that the prosecution will fail, because Sumner's note is not strictly a challenge, though it interred an intention to challenge, ii !Jamey would !olloq him out of the District; and also because .Sumner was, at the time, undergoing a sentence of Court martial, su,pending him from command, rank ;rid pay, which, it is urged, takes his conduct out ram Littler the articles of war. This is the first case .n the li,stary the G ,vornmenz where charges have t. ,:gainst an officer for duelling. VirOnla. Legi•laturc 11 , 11rH1 Legi,lature last nigh ,ted a g i to the widow of the late Comoro t.ro the id fated ts'eamer Central Ameri 'ftic r 4.., (U., but a prucL u ea• 1- . 7 (3 ;v,u in..Lnediately read convening, ❑ crttra ser,i ... , :nuiencin4 on Wednesday. The ;over,,,,- tho I:4imaturo sh:; , l continue e.aup!ettd. Funeral of Coialltiore Perry NEW M 6.—Tme ~b.equios of COLUaIo. .toro Perry, t utterw:,.o, ia.P oB ing af 'Car, to .tuo.r.A ;00 . City .0 unotls aad Chum- of C,uluterce will attend, as well r 3 facers of toe Slate, unliut, army and. navy; two hundred ttrtt:ecs witi ant as the body guard, cod the ash giLeent wail form the funeral escort. Arrival of Noliantiord Pucka NEW M a rch 7.—Mohammed Pectin, the Turkish Vice Admiral, Li among thu passengers by Lie F ;earner Europa. The male fur Europe, to leave ou Saturday next, will be deepatelltai on the steaua propllur New York, fur Glasgow. L?eparture of the 1% !agars NEW YORE, March 6.—Tne United States steam f..4ata Noi.7ara, sailed this morninG for England, to take part to the new attanipt to lay the submarine Atlantic tele g raph cable. WEAKNESS OF TUE FTUBIA.CD AND INDIGESTION.— ANOTHER REAT CUBE EFFECTED BY ECERHAV E'S li,LLAND BITTERS.—The wife of Pieter Do Witte, bving in. Holiand Town, Sheboygan county, WiSCOn s,n, ,uffsred touch from (Weakness o. the Stomach and Indigestion. She had been under a physician's care for some time, hut rho disease seemed to baffle even his skill. She purchased some HOLLAND BITTERS at our office, which hat' given tone to her stomach ; her appetite and strength are returning, and we firmly believe that this is another great cure effected by your medicine. We have sill to record many wonderful cures -ffected by this remedy, but must wait another op portunity. Out thing you can rely upon, what we hove puhliahed are from persons much respected in cur cctuniunity, and aie literally true. 4IIINTUS, Ed. Sheboygan ~.'“rawhb, , , c ia, Simbeygrin, Wis. Ccution:—Be oarettil unit for Holland tritt,,s. Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by tau solo Preprwte:s„ F.er.jainin & Co., No. 27 Wood street, between First and Second streets, and Druggists generally. tar 111% AN E'S VERN' IFUGE IN TExAs.—[leaf what the Pr•mul..le tht, '• :tar Huta. " Lab ,ay of the wou or fal effecti of ,'Lane.; red Inifuge : trett orn," CE'r, EVILLE, Te.'Z&+, l ag 22d, 1b 4. Messrs. 1 4 '12)147:y Revs tot it my duty to make the 101- I..wim; Ht...C. TUNIC .-everol of toy Mid Ir, betql IIII• well for the hut week ur two I caked at the Bu; 'llm :raft' 1 ,, get er. me Oil of Wormseed 7_11.1 other truck, lo 1 , them Mr worms. Tht ' t rwzgistrecommendod if . Lane's Verntiftsr j e, .1 by you, f tried every Verrni. _e, is or ) 1. - lowing, widiout odvantsge. 1 told 11, m it was t:ot vo.rtit while, as m:, children app -and proof agoinat them 11•• at d tO It 1.01 C.., and Microd if it done no gym! To 'twist) hint I done SO, and the t (- 1 tics Inc, b. h, r don e pie •eti that 1 out auolher 111 , tiolt. W. 15 10. , .t v Meshing. Thrte of is s.l.v 0 111.14 ms. 111 V Mt/.•i (caner, was lIENRIEMIIIII 11111111111111 I !•,,” ai 1 .1-z a Lip. t of a hat tl LI lb .Lh pp s liu did, t•.n ildoit well. No o-uht of iheu,itii dt children h \ • ut,•l ‘ ki by th e tome y 1;5, ti this exec.:ordinary L),,Ct. fail to giva it a I.[ 6• 1 •,•-- win br zareoll 10. `d' LANE'S 1:.~'I<:U V ER:2II FLUE, tuauufurtured t FLEMING BROS. • I Pitt-tairg4, l'• , Ali •:I 1•-• , ii , iug , i1 Ut cum pnritlun .lrl• Dr. WI, AtC, al.o hie culebrnte•-i Livur cat, lad,' at all re :v:lll,4_l (Ice signature ,f ,26 IN DOW GLASS, of all sizes, and Putty for ealt+ by J. & IL PHILLIAT'S, 26and 23 St. Clair Rtrret. LINSEED OIL, boiled and raw, also Var ta.hen and Turiwuttne fur r,le J. Ar. 11. PHILLIPS, 28 and 26 tit. CAir street. HARDY & M'GREW, Steamboat and Gen eral ANts, Corner of First and F-rry streets. RIVER, WEATHEEt, change in regard to river matters. Old winter huldt e•.• in its icy clitun4 Buys were skating in the Al:, ~..•, , s, and men were enguond in taking out more ice Th. , ua i continues to recede, and will, if matters continues a , they are at present much 'Unger, 130011 be lei low as Wham this ,e,Boe. The Eclipse was mu up as In_ h as but as this did not reach two-thirds the apprais•sl value, teak. , was given that she was not sold. Site is how to be soil Cu credit 01 twelve tn inths. Capt. Carroll, of the Cora Anderlon, telegraph to the St. Louis Dent , erat !lint the gorge above Cairo is fifieeii miles in length, and ao h, pee of a break ap. Tr, below were all gh t ai Sittuolay night, with no prospect of soon breaking. At Nleurphid ttio weather imAnito warm, and n filling slowly. The flue steamer QUAKER Cl ry, Captain McDADdia.s—Clerk. SAMUEL COOLIST—wiI leavo for the above, and all intermediate portri, on TUESDAY EVENING. For freight or passage, apply on board. The splendid new light draught steamer . LAND, Capt. It. URACEY, will leave for the ale we and inturmedi , te ports nu SATUItDA Y, th 2fith inst., at I o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The fine passenger steamer Chile TON, w:11 _ lease for the above and all intermediate ports, ou WEDNESDAY, at 10 A. M. For freight or page apply on boa , d, or to del6 FLACK, BARNES CO., A gotitii. For Memphis and New Orleans. The fiat, pa , senger Htea ru er ALMA, Capt. Rommos, will leave for the above and all in termediato porta, au SATURDAY, at 4 i'. li., For freight , orpaeeage apply on board, or to Jul i FLACK, BARNES. CU., AgettL.. Thu steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. M. ROR AYRES, will leave her the above and all intermediate ports on every TUESDAY, at I L.'cluck, P. M. For freight or passage apply on board The light draught, fast running pssseviger Imatpacket lOWA, quoit; Mater, will brave ter the above and all intermediate 1)01,8, Cu SAT URDAY, the 6th Met., at 4 o'clock P. M. Nor freight or paa-iage, having superiur aeo,inudathais, apply on board, or to 11AltoY & McGREW, Ages .:+, 634 Corner First and Ferry streets. DAGUERREAN GALLERiii,S AMBROT y.PE6- IN TUE COUNTRY, AT 1,1'2 W ALL'S, F urth Li RE ATIIIAC lON edOftßiAAPil are iuviLed to cull and examine bnfore dettiug eLiewh, ,•, WE WARRANT PICTURES ,uperior to any that cau b obtaiuod west of the toouhtaio, R. M. CARGO & CO., izzLlotographerei and Anaibrotypistm, NEW YORK GALLERY, WYKES' GALLERY UP ART, O. 60 MARKET STREET.-PI(.;TURE',z taken at this Gallery by a now and Unproved pro g, jug the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and couiple,l ism. They are acknowledged by all who have exam/tiled Coda to be tar superior to any pictures eve. 111/111)/Led in 0119 y. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and exani ua 919 large collections of 14/I,CI/119111.19. di, Gallery being on thr ,tvcoud floor, Is easy of access. N. H.—Pictures of Children taken in two mom's. at No. lid Market street. nay*27:tfis E. S. WYKES, Artist. ELSON'S AMBROTYPE Q t., I PRICES REDUCED. 3 :LEERY' CORNER OF THIRD AND MARKET STREETS, Entrance on Third street. Citizens E..nd Strangers desiring AMBRUTYPES, executed the highest degree of artistic beauty and perfection, can no accommodated at abort notice by calling at NELSON'S WELL KNOWN GALLERY, THIRD STREET. .'rites One Dollar and upward. ap29:ly2d 1, .111, appt, r, i•t th. stood it, n, long ing at b IMIIIII!IIII!1!111!lit:I RIVER NEWS. PORT OF PITTSBURGH! 4 FEET 9 INORES WATER IIY TILE CHANNEL STEAM BOATS NASHVILLE. For N ashvi For nashville For Nashville. 310E3IIPtifilS. ZANESVILLE. For Marlette and Zanesville ST. LOUIS. tPor St. Louis. A BEAUTIFUL AND DUBABLE W&RILANTED, CAN 13E 1191) AS LuiV AS AT ANY FIRST CLAS T A BLISITM ENT AT IWO. MAILELET ST. Wnere eau be Been the La r gest collection of SPECIMENS, EVER EXIIIBITED IN THIS CITY Ptreone whaling Pictures of therus,,lven ur fri,“.ie No. 76 Fourth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, 6. W. cor. of Market street and Diamond, PittiMurgb =l3 ROGERS' NEW DAGUERREAN AND AIIIBROTY PE SAT AND SIDE-LIGHT LLERY, irru STREET, NEAIIL Y OPPOSITE THE POST-OPS ii.CTUKEIB taken In all the various style:,, In at and warranted to please, at reasonable laws. sick or &ceased persons taken at their reeldouce. ap20:17c1.1.w-le AM BROTYPE S.—These beautiful and durable pictures on glass; in all thoir perfection and I..,veliness, singly or in groups, may be obtainedat WALL'B, .1 , nes' Building, Fourth street. [turolw A.JUTION SALES DAILY SALES AT NO. 54 FINTII ST., At the new Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 54., Fifth ,treet., every week day, are held public sales of goods iu all voriety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ciente, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. K., Cry Goode and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything It•oded in the line fur personal and family 1180' ' table cut ; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladiesdies ware, AT 2 ii"CLOCK, P. M., ii,usehold and kitchen furniture, new and second-band; t h and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; oce3; cooking utensils; groceries, &c. - AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., t*.tucy articles; watches; clucks; jewelry; musical instru- It,' ; gnus; clothing; dry goodb, boots and shoes. hot. k It..ttortery, t!rc. laeBl P. M. DAVIS, Atkt H ONDS AND STOCKS AT AUCTION.- (to TUESDAY EVENISU, March 9th, at o'clock. tt the Commercial Sales Rooms, 51 Fifth Art et wilt lie sold. b Allegheny County 6 v coot. Coupon Bonds. itlutto each. 13 shares Citizens' Bank. mr6 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. AWRENCE COUNTY BONDS AT AUC _S A t TlON.—i)n TUESDAY EVENING, March 9th, at 7 1 , k, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, Nu. 54 Flith atr,el, ‘.I be sold without reserve, for accout.t of whom it ma:, c ncrru, four Coupon Bonds County of Lawrence, $5lO each. i. ; rest at the rate of 6 per cent, payable in Philadelphia. tliT3 P. M.. DAVIS, Auctiouevr. lIEOLOGIC A L LIBRARY-012M u RN DA I . EVENING, March 11th, at 7 on the second II .r of the Counnerchd Caleb Rooms, No. 54 Filth street,iiill I o the most ccmplete and valuable collection of Tile, - 1 teal works ever t tiered at public sale in this city. Among iie et will be fmnd Chalmer's c,sthumons works, 9 ; , .jhey ne's Sermons; Pulpit Cyclopedia; Davies' Sec 111011 s, Clamming's works; Spencer's Sermons, 2 vols.; %I -I,..eeddou by Baldwin, tioldstuith's Animated Nature, 2 v , d-..; Cecil's works, 3 vole.; Patrick, Lowtb, Whitby, etc.; Cun.mentary ou the B!ble, 4 00154 Mosheim's Church Ills !“. y, Collateral Bible, 3 vols., quarto; Dwight's Theology, 4 Religions Library, 215 vols.; Evangelical Library, 15 Yids; Burnes' Noties uu New Testament, 6 vols.; Burton's Commentary, 5 vols; Encyclopedia American, 14 cads.: N lc tils , n's British Encyc (media, 12 cols.; Bancroft's History of United States, 5 vols.; Clark's Commentary on the Bible, 6 vils; Doddridge's Family Expositor; Aims's ln•roductuni to the otudy of the Bible, 2 vole.; Notes on the Parabi, sod Miracles by French, 2 vols.; Blair's Sermons. 4 yobs; Scott's Commentary on the Bible, 6 vols.; Works of William Jay, 3 voei , etc. Catwogues ar now ready, and the Books wi.l op .11 for examination on Wednesday morning. 11. IiAVIS, Auctioneer. IF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, CALL AT CHESTER'S. A brilliant assortment of SEASONABLE PIECE GOODS CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, Corner of Wood street and Diamond alley. We Study to Please. Ja3o ou hand at Salety and Economy in Light. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPHENE AND FLUID, when yon ran get a cheaper and better light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Can nel Coal, produces tbe cheapest, most brilliant, steady, plcie ai.t, and safe portable light ever effered to the public, and tu, danger of explosion; more brilliant than gas, and quite as cheap; lamps of the most simple and easily managed construction. For sale by T. D. & G HODKINSON, No. 79 Smithfield street _ . 4Ea- Beware of a counterfeit already in toe market, made from Camphene, with a little Coal Oil to scant it. fte27:ly IR ONE WEEK! FOR ONE WEEK. Still greater reductions in the price of Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes, On account of the hard times, and Also, to make room fur spring sock, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. OF J. H. BORLAND. mr6 No QS 'Market street. two doers from Fifth. p ONNET FRAMES.- 20 dozen half Wire; 20 dozen Buckram, (it the latect spring shape, received Fy Adam• Expri,c., and EIGPS.-3 bbls. fresh Eggs just received And for sale by Inir:2l HENRY IL COl3 INS. IXED AND DRY PAINTS of all colors O LIVE OIL.-150 .— L 1 2 5 .3 0 b il. aste i tS just rece i i i v? and aj_ 2. fur Ealu lit No. 26 and 28 St. Clair j Eltiretimurvit far .ale at f IA PF7TSBILTRGIHE THEATRE. =III Do,rs open .11 7 'clock. Performanc •to COMIEI6IICO at 7% b.,X office, fur solo of T,..kets t opon from 10 to 3 o'clock. Unpardieled attraction—flrat night of the Star Sinters, LOCLLLE and HELEN; and Mr T. HAMILTON. \ION DAY and TUESDAY EVENING'S, Starch Sth and 9th. 1858, will be presented for the first time in Pittsburgh, a remarkable play full of Fun,Flash and Frolic—u it and Merl roent—llauLing, Singing, Minstrelsy, etc. Organ Grinding, Banjo Piaying --all the well knows popular songs of the day —Fireworks. Bonfires, Illuminations, etc, Shaker Dances, Waiihiouable Gambling Hells, Fortune Ten , r. and Astr,logisra, concluding with a Grand Carnival and Xl,lclqlle Bail, entitled the MEN: or, THE FEMALE BLUEBEARDS, Plas,l iu bostou by the Star Sisters, eighty-seve% coosecu• tiv' nights, to clowded tkounes—csavulsed with laughter fr be•gintling to end. cl e yint (Cat, .r t- o, (The rop,) Mies Lucille. Wo . r) I tette, k the Sailor,) Mien Lucille. ,Celeliehit.e, (A sp rting Nltin,) Mimi Lucille. M..roiAsialit thing of a Witch.) Miss Helen. Petit. unarm, (The Sti eet Singer,) Mite Helen Hotter, ('l'le , Minstrel.) Vies Helen. Miit,go Jim, (floe Little Swoop,) Mire Helen. Y.LI fig A merit a Mies Helen. Jerry Blosom Mr T Hamilton. Prank Fail love (tire. appearance,) Mr. Myron. Nittris, (tarsi appearance,)..... ........ Mies Lizzie Safford. .tom tilving to the great length of the play no other piece can he performed ou tle, 141111t3 evening. ElicA NT ILE LIBRARY ASSOCIA TION LECTURES.—Rev. ARTHUR B. BRADFORD, el New Castle, will lecture I , ekre the YOUNG MU& LI BOARY ASSOCIATION, nud the public generally, On Tuesday Evening, March 9th, 1858. U Phi lozophy of Reform." Hoorn open at 6!. , ,; o'clock. Lecture to commence at 7!.4 . Tickee TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, to he had at the liuttic mid Beek Stereo, Library Ito , m, Lecture Committee, and at the deer. JOHN M. KIRKPATRICK, WM. n. KINCAID, ELIAS H. IRISH. JO•EPLI ALBREE, i.,Lrary E. P. DARLINGTON, .re; , u.rti td Lecture Cumtutteo. the Beautiful Collection of Paintings, NCLUDINU THE EASTERN SLAVE A MARKET, CLEOPATRA, DEATH LEANDER, sad the famous At,' oow ou Vie" Exhibitaon at the TONTINE 11.01.15 E, No. .:.; Third street. Call and Flet, them. E. 17 1180. SOHN ECK, Proprietor. JOHN W. 31 " CARTHY, BILL POSTER! WILL AT'T'ENDG THE POSTING I)I6TIiiBuTIN A of all kimle of i:ONCEItTo EX.II.IEPPIONtI, .olumunications either by wail, telegraph, or other th, ofilce of the Morning eoet, will reCul,c orompt tittuatiun ap7 Sloose, t,r ttiMPLIF.EY3, C. J. 110 YbIAN, JOHN WRIGHT Altimplireys, Hoffman & Wright, FLOUR, FACIORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, is N1)11T11 WL/AKVES AND 155 NOItTII WATER ST., E. Y AC-Lit Uly /9 Li-,Jp JOS r f I HORN E'S, 77 ~e ir kr.t ..tr.-.d 4 M SEMENIS I NIBERLY Lama AND BLeuerames RNLI Y STAGE MAxAU IE PRICY.; Of ADMISSION .50c. Private Box, large $8 tee 'inc. Private Box, entail 600 lbc. Colored Box 25c. ;....,., in ivivate nom, $l. I Colored Gallery 15c. ALTERATION OF TIME. J,nny Fin rh,e, (A Strong Minded GirL)....3.lise Lucille. Lovely Num:), (Au organ iirl,l Mies Lucille F, , ntale inntr,l,) Mine AT LAFAYETTE HALL, efiteABhlAN MODEL ON BEAUTY, .1) L o 11Cf, AND GENERAL lIIIMMI2III lt E TO COLlrtifi. Thoulimuu A Co., Philadelphia. Tawn,.....1.1, Clark St Yunug, , I ria, Ar. Co., ‘• • , t - I. Opt, LI: , 11 , M. Lewis, F Ittd 3t. 11.itik, •• .i $l. Matilit•il, Batik. •• )I,lris L. 11,.110 yell &Ce., i.uLt 42411111.18. J •,!1 rt. c Li & Co., “11411C1 Mille,.vbs Maysville, ,Lt,evisbury Madison, lud K. !i. Latig.uy s ovtirt, Gallipolis, Ohio. Lii‘vrete.... Ls Mail...ins, Luoisvilla, Ohio. 1) I.la.i.c's•s 00. , Ciucinuati, Ohio „t , Pittsburgh, Pa. cesgravo S 12e., COTTA OR STONE 'V A"i e dd PIPES, from two to zia inch calibre. LIZ. to 30 Ceuta per Foot. p Ait r ARCH. 4,1" Sale Wholesale at Itlanufacturern Pricem by 51 :lY a Tit" 9Y. COLLINS, FORWARDING AND C) esiIS.SION MERCHANT, ANL+ wIIOL6SAJ l DE. 11 IH HUTTILU, SE DS, FISH, :IN PAUL tik“siEICALLY WU:11) PITTSBURGH. Ljc I CIERLES LE - 01:4; ALDERMA.N 9 And Lx-Officio Justice of the Peace, FFICE ON TIIE CORNER OF WYLIE A LYI2II S'TREE'TS. s,l l , tlrl;l.ltA6 connected with this Wilco will be att uded to .to pr Wlltallvtl, Cen veynncet of all studs done with legal oracy —soca as Leeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At t., hey, Tates to itud notate examined. in, mbeie at the Bar lie ;endure his services as Com e., I,,uer to taae oepositams to be trail in the several Court, ,-1 aws state, an etoowhere. ills office is one of the main ,tatiohe el the city, and consequently his facilities in s --at, ~g - I.uro 1.016 ut tillt kind are very desirable. Lfeluily W. W. WALLACE'S . -4T MAR LE WORKS. _MARBLE MANTELS;, A argo and Beautdol Stock always o: and Made to Order. OW N EltS OF PROPERTY, CONTRAC. Tui;z are invited to call and exam I air stock of 11AtIBLEd, as we are persuaded that but 1-w I,e-round in the community are aware of the low prices t hica see are seding MA' TELS. A good, plain, Marble M.o.[el coots bat little, if any, more than a good Wood Man wtfilst it is always neat, is as armament to a room, and (a tuilte a Wood Mantel) is not liable to take lire. dONLALE..sTth, TABLETS AND GRAVE STONES al way. on hand. WAtiILSTANDSND FURNITURE TOPS, AND 1M- F.S [male to order by machinery. Marble ill i. ado sold low ,u the trade. our stock is tae largest in the West, Is manufactured by holm) and wall be auld at the lowest prices. W. W: WALLACE, Nos 3114 321 and 323 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Plaster, Cement and Grindstones. A) LA Elt PA for Stucco Work, etc. r, t r eiatera 1, Fire Walla, etc. 1.111.1 ND all aMot; and b•-at quality, for Farmers and Ile CI A 1,51,1 1j e. COL, Pdtaburgh, iv 12:1111 W. W. WALLACE. GO AND SEE GEOitGE P. WERTZ' 8 la - at Premium Blind Factory, .:7i nit calm) .to,u MARKET ,TS., PITTSBUItGII. 7 "61 Li oSE WISitING TO FURNISH 'THEIR 11„„,,, with V IiNITIAN 13L1Nliiii of the most exqui i i.• 01:A1,01 - ate tluish, will find it to their interests to give parch34ing elsewhere. My work b got up y (..tt oiectirinica (not apprentices.) Every atteutiou is ,i!v,.“ cauitarners. Prices low.. All work 7. T 111111) Street, Pittabargh. [myedyks 1 ) 013Elt.T I)ALZELL & CO., Wholesale tiro Comndtision and ForwUrdfug Slerctuiut3 and .0 Pro(lnco and Vittaburgh .]lannfactureA, No. 251 I W. -EL) eiLtZb:l76l.l, nov2s.y. B. C. Si. J. 11. SAWYER, E=l OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 17 Wood gtrcet, Pittsburgh, Pa DAVID H. WILLIAMS, ENGINEER AND. CONTRACTOR Vij rut: EItEGTION OF GAB WORKS, for from dye E.uru,ia uu.i upwards, arid for floating Buildings, public or privata, by Strain, Got Water or Furnaces. my&lyta PITTSBURGH. PAL W LLIAiII CLAYTON & CO., WIIuLEthALE AND RETAIL Liquoilt MERCIIANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, No.:r Rood street, A waya on 1.14101, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognz.c lhaudie-, Old litinoug.thelli and iloctilled Whisky, of the •i dAtllydel: F. .J. Busu.k, 6.r. US OA & GUTENDORF, N.l:. UM: UREELS OF STE,A3II BOILERS, And all kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Perin struLt, linter, Pittsburgh, Pa. [fe2s:ly ALL 131erLY ATTENDED TO. ~te""110T & TETLEY'S sHooTi N G GALLERY, No. 136 Wood street. PHILADELPHIA n Hand PITTSBURGH, PA C. GUTENDORF MEDICAL. ONLY ONE BO?I'LE -01- DR. SAN FORD'S INVIGORATOR, is REQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE troubled with Liver Oomplainta, =lees the moil des• perate of came, when the second bottle will, with scarce a single failure, re.tore the patient to health and vigor• We wish to call the attention of all to these facts, that the In vigorator is compounded by a physician who has used it in his practice for, the past twenty years with a sncoem shwa cm:talons, and that it is entirely vegetable. being composed wholly of gums. Some Idea of the strength of these gums may be formed whea it is known one bottle of the Invigorator contains as much strength as one hundred doses of Calomel without any of its deleterious effects. We know there is nothing now before the American pub tic, prepared with such skill by a scientific man, particularly for diseases of the Liver, as. Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply because It rest. on its own merit. To convince all by trial that it is all its proprietor's claim It to be, if any of our readers are suffering from such diseases as are described in Dr. Sanford's advertisement, we know of know remedy that will so surely cure them as tha Invigorator. The Invigorator cum Sick Headache. Take ono or, tw o teaspoonfuls at each attack and it will soon disappear. For an overloaded stomach, or when food rises or sours, take the Invigorator after eating, and it will not prove disagreeable or oppreas, ve. FOr Heartburn, Palpitation, or Difficult Breathing, taken tea- pounful once or twice daily. For Lose of appetite, Languor or Lostlessnees, the medicine is invalb• able. It will restore the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all be fairies. After eating a hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all oppression or fullness. Teas Invigorator is a Liver Rome dy of unequaled virtue, acting directly on that organ, cur• lug Dyspepsia, Jaurlice, Billions Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and all Female Obstructions, for which it has nu equal. Wu know there in nothing now before the American pub• lic prepared with such skill by a ecientific man, particular ly for diseases of the Liver, as r. Ss,Lford'a Invigorator, cr Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article iu the word, simply because it reatson its owu merit. To convince all by trial that it is all Its pn pristors Claim It to be, if auy of our readers are suffering from such diseases as are described in Dr. tianford's advertisement, t , know of no remedy that will so surely cure them an ti Invigorator. There has lately been brought to our notice a medicine that seems to possess wonderful, curative and healing pro potties in diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Digestive Or gans. It came to us with co many testimonials in its favor that we have noted its effects is some of the worst cases of continual dibility, caused by derange.' liver, and in every_ instance the effect was to relieve or give a permanent cure, Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is what we re fer to. We always have been credulous about cures by pat. cut medicines, but we are conmuced that this medicine, for family use, is not overrated by the host of recommtndsticn-, it has. OuVadvice is, for all troubled with Indigestion, r,• • bility or „Rowel Complaint, to get a bottle and try it; our woid for it ' relief will be experienced. I lILEASINGS TO TUE INVALIDS who use Dr. Banford's Invigor• tuor, for it will relieve them of their pains tut soon as it is taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist where. the Invigorator Is used, for it will as surely drive them sway, Its daylight will banish darli hese, of this there can uo doubt to th sie who try It, for 1 , carries conviction with every doss taboo. Another ov•oo,.0 is the thou - sands of certificates from those who use ti Or have beth cured by it. Try one bottl., it does not beskallt, then we are mistaken. PItiCI OSA DOLLAI. SANFORD ,t 00, k'ruprletors 13roadway, Now Yost itor Bale by G. FiEYSRR, I ' 4o Wood strett, Pitteburghj jal:amd.mr.2p ) THE Gi - IEATEST -:-1- *.- rp-- iv 4r 1 , L4 m . , ,,,,, 6: --..''' DISCOVERY -" 7 OF THE AGE. MR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discov er'," u, ono of our common pasture woods a retied, that cares Every kind of Rumor, FROM Tlll WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A COMMON PIMPLE Ile has tried ft In over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possemion over one hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Beaton. Two bottles are warranted to cure a mining sore month. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples 011 the faro. Two or throe bottles will clear the system of bllea. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker In the mouth or stomach. Tire to five bottles aro warranted to core the worst kiad of Erysipelas. Out: to two bottles ore worrantod to care all humor in the eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of tho ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to care corrupt and running mere. Ono bottle will cure scaly eruption of tho skin. Two or throe bottle are wa.ranted to cure the woratkind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are werranted to cure the 1110111 t del pirate case of rheumatism. ~ r t ~~ t~ Five Weight bottles will curo the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced trona the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. ROXBURY, !SAKI Dean Maner„—The reputation of the Medical Discovery, in curing all kind of hmnore, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever need It, that I need not say anything on the subject, as the most skilful physi cians and the most careful Druggists in the country are utt anithous in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I de it with u hill knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing must of those diseases in which yon ere nn fortunately so liable. That must excruciating disease to en affectionate mother. _ NURSING SORE MOUTH, Is cured as if by a miracle; your own temper is natured to ifs natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers ; and the Medical MOOTS y becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband an Li unB 01101 d. In the more advanced staged of CANKER it extends to the stomach, causing DYSPEPSIA, which La nothing but canker of 'the atom Li; then to thil inteatinue and KIDNEYS, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an indifferent. even 10 the ca.ree of your fandl). Yonr stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distress •s you, and you can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment it contains as the scrimonons fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be• comes sallow or greenish, and your beSt - day hi gone. For want of nourishment your system becomoslooee and flabby, and tho fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow • train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is 'pectillarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the aide, weakness of the epius and small of the back, pain of the hip joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that most emorn• dating of diseases, the _ PILES. [low many thousands of poor women are suffering' from the disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to impress ce your mind that gaod old proverb, "An ounce of proven. tion is better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY . . you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstancee, do you any injury. No change of diet ever LOCVd ,ary—eat the beet you can get and enough of it. Dminnons Fos uss—Adults one table spoonful per day— Children over tau yeaes dessert spoonfalChildren from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appli. cables to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours. truly, Prfco $l,OO pur bold,. Fur L... 1 4 ,0. L. K::1 SS::, N‘, NO NV .4,1 -.TO•t. et , p4 tie, RETI RUM.) PEA SiCll4.2kl 78 YEAES OF AGE, whoao sands of life have nearly run out, discovered, while in the East In -liie9, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy WllB discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, ware given up to die. lie .had heard much, of the wonderful Ce,i(OlAti tie and healing qualities of preparations made from the East India hemp, and the thought occurred to him that h, might make a remedy for his child. Ho studied hard and succeeded in realizing his wishes. His child was cured, and is now alive and well. Ile has since administered the wonderful remedy to thousands ,f sufferers in, all part . of the world, and he has never failed in making them com pletely healthy and happy. Wishing to do as much good as possible, he will send to such of his-aildicted fellow-beings 63 request it, this i ipe, with full and explicit direction for making it up, an. successfully using it. tie requires each applicant to inclose him on- chilling—three cents to be re turned as postage on the recip , .. , , and the remainder to be applied to the payment of this advertisement. Address, Lit. No. 1.9 Graini qtr.-3,t, Jersey City, N. J. CAUTION—I have no son-in-law authorized to send my rec a,, os has bt.ou advertised 1 B 0 NV Al A N'S 111.}: COMPOUND 14 - 111 cure Coughs, Quinsy, Cruup, fluarsenetts, Bleeding ut the Lungs, Cousumption. For sale by And f44:hdlt., GEO. 11. KEYSEE, Pittsburgh, .7. P. FLN`iIIIG. Allegheny(ltY. Dia SPEPSIA. 4ND FITS. Dit. TRACY DELOR4IE, the great curer of CONSUMPTION, was for several years so badly afflicted by Dyspepsia that for a part of the time he was .ntiutd to his bed. l'e was eventually cured by a pre• furnished by a yowl: clairvoyant girl. Tbis pre. ~..ription, given by a mere child while in a state of traoce, I, a cured everybody who has taken it, never having failed ~I.ce. It is equally as sure in cases of FITS as of DISPITBI4. '. tie ingredieutS may to fcnnd in any drug store I will Pt ad this valuable prescription to any person on the receipt of one stamp to pay postage Address DK. TRAOY DS:T.OIOIE, Oats'? (Tan. or C 05310311.11021, New York Peet Once. EMMI ~7 r. ~.„, 4 ..„,--4.-‘__- :',4•4,' [,, 1 1 - -k;;:•'7, 2:4„;47:1-'4.',V:1,4n r 4,, :, % •1 w 5- ktgiat'SALt-- ..-4.4!1 ;f : ' 4 2 1 K,,P 4 ...Mit -,..%.„, *:,,....„ . 4 t r .... •,: . , ... - .4 , k, ,_ , k E... ~.., .....„--,..., , ~ - , , 7,7•4' .7 ,4 ..,4 ;14,44 -,, , ,,,,f.. 1 *. --- •-' '' ~...,4,.,, Nr.O., MIBLE I M ARBLE! 1 JOITIA 011ecIIRGO DAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, &c., &c. The public rea reapectfully irattol to elillo our dock. Prima low, and work wartaintal. DrE-lALD Bronchitis, Asthma, Inflammation of the Lungs, Influenza,