4~~'~.:; bra' t ~~~~~~ ~~ r ~.~'.. VOLUME XVI. .1()1.111l l Airii PJST. ntornan: Sunday* extxr..!.....2 • t:2 JA.sIES P. Bikilltt lye Daliar.. a payahleitrictly in advance. ty , yariably naluiroa i 1 nut paid within She year. cupiee. the counter in he aa.! I,v t h e Boy, icATES OF ADVERTISING One iurrrtiuo Two 111,ertICA1,.. Thre, I:l,ll.`rilialb One ..... Two weeks Three wicoks One month Two months Throo months Four months Niue , ur-•,U:y Ono ye,' CoA it, hi 4 ou b 001 333 7 00 4 65 9 00 b 00 10 001 665 11 06 735 60 4 Co 16 Ou 10 30 20 001 ;;;', 9 or 1t.,, put' -O.V.LIS ST FI.SASVUR .....=.:iusirr U the paper,).... Marria;ri , hetir;' , 5o ccau; ; 0110 5:11111T. , , ;,( . 1 nnv r, Pli ISBURGI - 1 SAT U RDhi POST A MAMMOTH WEEEMIY. ONLY ONE OOLIALUt VER YEAR, i CLUBS 0? TEN Single Subscriptions, - —34 per annum. CONTAINS ALL TILE CURRENT NEWS OF TIIE DAY, PoliticA, Literary, Agricultural, Commer vial, Local, Telegraphic and ni , weilaneons. This Paper being of the mmcmter smr., and neatly prints on Sue white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to give bettor eMelfaction than any paper pnulished in Pittlbrirgh. Those who wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will hind the SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable investment. ./.1.31.V.S BARR, m*l7 Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS =REM §), & VIERS' BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST F3UZS.+DZNC S, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PI'I"FSBUICTI-1. THE undersigned having made extensive .1 additions of Clio LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLES F TYPE, and improved Machinery, to tho MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite the ,toution of Rail Road Officers Merchants, business tu" • and the public generally, tv their superior facilities for ex,eenting with dispatch, ou reasonable terms, all Itintl:l of RAILROAD, MERCANTILE, LEGAL, Ali EVERY OltiEß DIA:Sall1P1ION OF PLAIN &' TANGY PRINTING 4E) - Our nadcrial being nearly all 1/ OW, WO can give WI, 11- ranco of the moat coulphete satialaction, and solicit erdeis BOOKS,_PAMPIILETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECK'S, BLANK, NOTES, BEADS, BILL ILEADS, LOLLS :LADING, CIILCULARS, it US IN ESS CARDS, l'Al'Elt DOORS, DEEDS, MORTUAGES. BONDS, &c. Particular artouti. , i lilt, 1,0 paid to the printing, Progranina,, &c. fur Concerts, Exhibitiona and Circut,ra. BARR & MYERS. LIETFEMIA.N., iiVCREI.II27.. Li. CO. R WARDING AI D COMI\IISSiON MERCHANTS, DE....A.LEItS IN PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. No. I 11l SccoND STEtki, PirTenuanti, PILYNA. It r.YnttaNcas: bpriuttor Ilarbaugh, Joseph E. Eider, St.Lonte; l'itteburgh ; Boone A W) le, Philadelphia; it. H. Palmer, .. Garret A Martin, .' McCandless, Means A Co., " James, Kent, Santee A Co. " 11. Childs & Cu., " Keene, Starling A Co., " Itagaley, Cosi;race A Cu., " Yard, Gilmore A. Co., " A. A. Mason A. Cu., " Edward T. Mott, .G. W. Smith, 11, heeling; Weave: . A Graliain, a • A. J. Wheeler, Banker, t;irein anti. loci:1y The Peopße'm .*f;oe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBA,;HER &CU., Ch(v.lf , Cash 'o,,durs ,% !di 1:111.1,1 of Fmlik:uable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, For Gentlemen, :.:wise, Youths and Children, No.• Fifth Street, near Market, PIrI'BURGII, PA UEIEE=I PERRiN & JOHNSON, Pr0f:n.1.0.4,4 IJatent Elatn. Fire and %Val LICe vac nt 133 TllllO , REET. OEWERS for IWO NG promptly and faith tully ext ct ei, .ud u: ~ta nu‘tori,d ,•/1 111.1 , 1 for Ritti ii- I iane .12dy i)A %V CLUI.EY, nottcz, sign And Ornamental Painters AND GRAINEIIB, 144 WOOD STREET. Dealers in IV bite. Lead and Zinc Paints. A!, thin, Varainin , n, Putty, IlitlOW aid every artirl.• 0.. 1 .0 11 , AMES MILLING AII,,.MONONGAIIELA kNING MILL, renpeetfully iniiirni the public that he !Mid rebuilt the tire, and having enlarged mid tilled it r. all the unwiiiiit and must wash inure, hi now priiparnd to furninli [louring and boarin, na‘vilig and rennwiniz, welli told glint:ern, urie,l, muuldiugH, box Imiklug, &c. z....epteintwer 7, 1557. Lseld Jose pt. laitc'a din.rriage neposliory. ih,w carrying On buri• ,o,ltl in 111 A ;V01,1 4 j§10110:10E,1110W lately 11',0 w•th) i'lff cf. Oil (1101:1161 , 11rg Tariut,fte, ne,r tho Two 'dile 11.1111, betarru Pltt,uurgil rei , pectluily invited the public to m,,p.-ct ntuclf of CAJtitIAGES, BUOGIES, /cc. And hr plrticularlt z,Ltlenlhu 1...47-chavrrt, that one prier Dal y'F'irtk,u li , rho bush's,' enable! him b. , pt.• I;efOrm , hie pition ,, tlto rl,lllll. choice culi..ctiou of Car rillgON which, :it, Ulan) yeara past it lags beau his particulai depatwent in r,•1‘,.t,:c0r.1 the vhriuum mud most talented Saoteru mannft,t 'rho of Lin now Hyatem ie normal} of bid supply the LOA TnnhutuCture , at Moderate , priced eitei , ,Avhberuu by th,, th.qt.;y which the Mani° how", ht 1 , 11,111 , 1 hls 1101100t1 111,011 the prier , of ont 16E1'11 V. FL ;TV. will sell. i ii r-tAly rourwy only, at 11111C11 Iris I.11:14 the %Villa! prism. *.i?...:!irringoa apeor.d to the ii 09411,1, T. CLIARLES LIVERY STABLES.— The under6igued has to ught the lease s , of the named Stables, to • - get her a ILL a p,rtion of the eatau- 1 L....L1 stock of LlorE.es dui Carriages, 1 "r . late the property of done' natliews, descried. In addition to the stuck belorednentiou , d, ho ha also added a 'lumber id FLNE HORSES, iIDGOIES AND CARRIAGES, 1 which wve formerly emplojed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he give , . his personal tiltom tiou to the business, a continuance of the patronage which be has hitherto received trcri public is solicited. JACOB GARDN ER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. h.—A HEARSE atr.i shy Lumber of CARRIAGES cab aloraj a be procured for Funerals. de29 01, SALE—A Drag Store, located in one of the best situalious iu the city of Pitt,burgh, fur either a jobbing, retail or prescription busine4. Purchas eri will nod an advautgo of rare ocean'.For informa- Goa inquire of JOHN HAFT, JR., No. 166, corner Sizth and Wood streets, Pittsburall. VESSEL HOGS.— L-t- an!r , 1., n P::' , : RV EL ivu,LiNg. 1 1 LA NNELS —lied, White, Gray, Green, \•,,how, plaid, eta. Cheaper than the caeapebt. C. HAN4ON LOVE, kormerly Love Brothera, ,10.0 No. 74 4tpri4 .4,, lACONET FLOUNCES AND NEEDLE— A , Atli COLLARS.—A lar-e assortment, and very Cheap. C. I.r.ANS)N LOVE, I, ---....,,r t,,. , Is. , e . N. -J t.t.....k 01 ett•• t • WE are now opening our second, and. by fir thechean ,,, t sto,lc of Fall and Winter Drees Goode, Shawls, &c., that ha*, ,Ner bean rdh.red in this city. tt. HANSON LOVE, F,,raierly f 0 7,, nrathem 71 3lrtrlcrt BIJ FFALO SHOES.—A splendid article of (I..nts' and hodi~•e Buffalo Uror Sl:oe2. Also, (I,‘atte calf . Ov( r at tho People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. iANEY TOPS.-20U Gothic Chimney - • - ii217T19 Tr rot y poci lIIIMEI i Ali CAN T I/LES.— 200 Las. assorted sizes, 4 s'e and tra Adamantine Star randle, on hand and for El t'e P.. C. J. 11. SAWYER, No. 47 Wood htmet. Sil AND COLLARS MADE 'lO OLD 11, AT L. LEIRSHFELD tz. pia 118 Wood street. Y=- • i , ...,., . • ~i . _.., , ~.,. ...: ... .., v „,, ~., ~. r .„--.. j . d- 7 % : 0 - Fi ,-. '-.7- 17 ; h: k I Ai , , ~.. . fr . , ~ , eiraLtni, ; ,a turns. 1 u' .1 1.11 1 •''3s 3 0 1 11( 2 00 , 50 3 50 4 JO 0 00 "il J 00 50 a 00 0 O OJ 12 03 10 00 =EMI] DIFFENBACIIEB & CO • :kr; ~ e tselo f < ; ' P'zz - -;"'• - ' , PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE " POST BUILDINGS," j_7()RNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS YER ANNUM. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS._ ➢ITSE: 9 LOUISVILLE. 44-- 'rho undornigned hag hgain taken charge of the GALT HOE: , E. Board reauCel to $2 00 per day. A. T 11aocar. °ETON. WASIIINGTOA HOUSE) COR. PENIV'A AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. C A. F. BEVERIDGE SCOW HOUSE , Corer Srwlti SE.rect. and Duqueasto Way, PITTSBUI:011, PA. D. MARKER, - - PROPIIIETOIt, (Formerly of Lli " Marker llialoo," Blairsville, Pa.) H E SOurr HOUSE is NOW 00A1.- ei.ETED AND OPEN POE DUES - Pd. It is situated iu a central part ut the city, beiug couvouieut to all Railroad lluputs auti :steamboat Lautinags. Meuse was built lu . 180 b, with all modeim improve wants, dud iltted np lb splvutlut style--the uutiro .euruitare being now—and will io every ruipoot be a first dies lintel. Fire SI : AM...ES are attached to the proorisos. Ljel.2.:y H. W. KANAGA. . S. It 0 T E 1.4 9 Dpeouite the Penna. Railroad Depot, LLAIMISBUIi.47, PA. tjel6 'A' SHINGTON CP T E , I uLtIMILY U. s. hOTEL, I'ITTSII Uit Gil, P. 4. JAMES 'aliAlifiOn, Proprietor. r 1 .1.1.1S HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE curner of Y..NN and WASIIINUTON Streets, between :mu C 1.4;.% TEAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and bud undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the most COUVo taunt hotel in Pittsburgh, ter Travelers by Railroad, East or V est. taybay CORI% UCOPILE RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. The attentiun of Merchants and others 18 directed to this a estaiiimnineut, which has Leon recently fitted up for the purpose 01 affording a riUI3SZAN -I.IAL EATINO HOUSE IN A CENTILAL LOCATION Country loilts attendipg mai Let aro particularly invited to call. Everything pertaining to an EATLNU SALOON will always he Maud, ul the tresnest the market affords. apiiiklydAw juL ANSION HOUSE, GEOROE AURENTZ, PROPRIZTOI, Vo. 3-14 Liberty street, just beside the rmseager lloput of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes It toe count convenient house in the city for passengers arri ving by that road. proprietor having, at consider' ble expedse, fitted up, In excellent style, the 31ANSI.ON 110 USE, would respect tally solicit a share ci public patronage. There is attached a splendid BTABLE and ex.teusive WAGON Y.A.R.11, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. iiib Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market C.lll adut d. febLy CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. kj Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The cindersigned,former I, et " Brown's Hotel," oaving taken this large and comma thous £lWi L, and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully iLIVILe his friends and the traveling public to give min a call. Assured, with the convenience of the Louse and his long experience is the business, n give entire sattdiaction, sad his charges moderate. tebia WM. C. CONNELLY. 63ater Depot. J C. 1it.11,1, JC. BUFFUM & CO., ManufacturerB o . Sarsaparilla, Mineral Water, Pop, Bottled Ale ant eartut; aide, Bottlers of Wainwright's col+ brated Wintertel WarehenHe, fti o. AB Market street, P/T7SIIOIIO/1, tilled and atuppod to all party al the couucry t29rte,:t notice, apl o:lydew Lippincott, Shorten fa Pearson, NO. 1 1 .4 WOOD STI:I2IkIT, til Ali Finn. M A I N U F L A , t C , Ty d lE . , R ii S t It O . F d, T L it ai UN K, T S auas, Carpet Bap, ac., keep cousttntly ou haul a 'ergs stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, wt w,fuld invite the trade to call and examine our goods be. fu.o purchasing elstwne. _ _.(,a \V E E'r ClDEat.-4 bbls. Sweet Cider, for sale by JAMES A. FETZEIt, t 1 24 89 Water street. (111RISTMAS and NEW YEAP,'S GIFTS ki of every description lu the Fancy Dry Goods line.— Please call and see them. 0. LiANath.V LOVE, d.e25 Formerly LOVE BROVIEILS, 74 Market St. _ . MUCILAGE—For office use, in convenient form, fur sale by WM. U. JOUNSTON & 00., Ilea 57 Wood street. DORT FOLIOS AND DESK PADS for sale by WA. U. JULLisISTON & 00, ueg 57 Wood street. d Villii.E.-50 Barre s American and French, A./ tbr Elsie by 11. A, FAHN ESI'OCK A 00. F INE SILK SPONlili. Bleactied Cupping sponge Bat Bathlug Spougo. Good Carriage 6pougo. JOSEVII V LEMIMPS, uuvll Corner Market atroet and Diamond. GUM D i O P 6.-300 lbs. just received and for bale iy B. L. FAUN E5.E01..3i & Cu., nov3o Corner Wood and Fourth stre et s. - - hIIEIOIONILTEILS—For sale by W. JOIINBTuN & CO., auel7 Stationera, b 7 Wood street. 14- 1 1IESII LOUSTERS.-10 dozen in cans, for seas by NEYMER & ANDEBSON, uov24 No. 39 Wood erect. A L UAI.-50 barrels for sale by B. A. PALINESTOCK & CO., Corner Wood and First atreeta. 14 1 RINGES, for Dress Trimmings. A handaeme assortment at reduced ratan, at NOHNEe. 77 Market street. .JUKE OLIVE OIL, At JOSEPH FLEMING'S, Corner Martot street and the Diamond G ftEAT SEMI-ANN UAL AND CLOSING OUT SALE. OF DRY GOODS. Filie Dress Goods, at very low prices; SHAWLS, In great variety, at very low prices; W,:.oLEN GOOD-, a largo stock, at very low prices; ta).515511C GOODS, an liniments, stuck, at very low prices : .I.t the sturu ui A. A. MASON NV. 25 FIFTH ST,i ELT, .r . ki ENV 00 A b kt o. R I s O N% A L.— ranges ; 20 du Messium 1,1310T113 (home New Figs, just received and for sale bj ItEYMEtt It ANDERSON, No. a 9 Wood street, Opposite St. Charles Hotel. QTARCII.-300 bss. Rochester Pearl Starch for ado by 1 . , u.191 LiF.,tiltY H. COLLII , IS. I RASII —For Stairs, a vari ( IL CLOTH (j otyaietyle g at fae24 J. At H. PH , ' LIPS N DIA RUBBER CLOTII.ING—Of the best, 1.1.41 alms seco ,d quality, for sale wilulesale and retail by 4• , 7 k H Pimliva 'WRAPPING PAPER-400 reams Crown, Medium, and Double Crown, Straw Wrapping Pa lull count, Just rect , i‘ed and fur sale by JA.i. A YET 'EA, SD Water creet. 4 - 11DElt.-5 bbls. Sweet Cider, for sale by cit. 4 l HkNUV TI. BUCKINIIEAT FLOUR-40 sacks prime article, for sale by .281 IIIgNRY H. COLLINS LIEMP SEED. lAJ baga for sale by B. 4. FAILNESTOCRi CO., icy Corner W.od sod Sixth streets ON lON S.-7 sacks Unions, just received and fur Bale. by - .AS. A. FETZER, 89 Water etreet. LADIES' SNOW BOOTS, Buffalo and Gum Overehoot, et tho People' shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth * , `II Fl 7 4 PO. DOTATOES.-57 barrels White Neshan nock Potatoes, Erriv',rtv, per stc.eruer 'which. and 18 • • . j 4 'TWO LOTS OF GROUND on West Corn mon, Allegheny, with a double frame dwelling house, tor ealt`, price $2400. Terms easy. B. CUTLIBEIIT Sc SON, RI Rout .t otresA CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS Enamelled and pistil finish, on different kinds of goods—all width.—wholebale and retail, by J. k LI. PLIIIdd, 8, 6.24 26 and 28,St. Clair street. COMING.—New Wall Papers, at cheap prices, to be sold by tioN W. P. MARSHALL it CO R(ILL BUTTER.-2 bbls. this day rec'd and for Ital. by IfA2:11 ITENRY H. OOLLINS. 011 E-MADE and Eastern Blankets and Flannels, a good assortment at the very lowest prices C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers No. 74 Market street. QOAP POWDER.-50 boxes Soap Powder of our own manufacture, warranted enperior to any oS for nalo In tide market, on hand and for eale by 1018 B C. A J. H. SAWYER MEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- 20 boxes assorted sifters 4's, 6's and 6's, Sperm Candles co baud and for !sale 11 B. C. A J. H SAWYER, ' 7 1'; 41 a Wardi *trot IrY & BLACKINO. - A ratge lot of this catibrutod Working ret.ived this UMW Diamond and Market deed. _ 'AZ?, *- DOLLAR SAVDINGS DA. IN ES. No. 65 liturt): 3,'rret, HIODLL ROOM, JONES' NEW BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'c:ook ; on Wednesdal, and .Satnrday evenings, from May let to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'cluca; end from November let to hay Ist, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not less than One DOUAI., and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate of six per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855: also in June and December, 1860, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate, money will double in less than twelve years, making in the aggregate RIGHT AND o:vs-nida PER CENT. A YEAR. Books containing the Charter By-Laws, Rtlia,e cud itqrs. !attune, furnished gratis, on application at the odic, Prestdent—GEOßGE , ALBREE. VICE PIIESIDTNIII. Hopewell Hepburn, Julia IL Shoenbert; , .. , r, James Biddle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D Kelly; William S. Lavely, James Herdman, hill Bnrgwin, John S Cosgrove, TRUSTIES. _ PROPRIETRESS . .. William J. Anderson. James W. Hallman, John G. Backofen, Charles Snap, Albert Culbertson, P A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor. J. Gardiner Coffin, . Walter P. Marshan, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D Charles A. Colton,l Henry L. ningwalt. William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George ii. Seldeu. George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. Hoon, Theobald Umbstaet ter, William S. Haven, George H. White, Secretary and Treasure—CHAS. A. COLTON. l BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS & DESMOIN ES, COLLECTIONS MADE and prompuj mitted. LANDS selected and locate 3. Capitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. [uly'2l:Gm G.CdTIN L 005115 TllOB. D. LOMB. AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory NotosOonds, Mortgages, and all Securities for Money. • Money Loaned on Checks at short dates, with collateral security. NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Loans can be accommodated on reaboaa t4e terms, and capitalists can ho furnished with good securi ties at remunerative prices. Also, attend to the Sale, Renting and Leasing of Real Estate. °Mee, No. W 2 FOURTH street, above Wood. V) = ,. AUSTIN Loomie, Notary Public. HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex . change Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept ances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the East ern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 87 Market street, between Third and Fourth eta. [Ja3Bkly rrIIOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer 11., Notes, Bonds, Stock's, Real Estate, &c., N 0.76 INarth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jamb J - 01IN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BENKSR, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. Stock bought and sold on commission. Collections .Irefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposits. No. 67 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. je3o REAL ESTATE AGENTS CUTUBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 kj • Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real ts tate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,; inching convey a❑ces, deeds, bonds, &c.; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, &c. oclh 11. S. 13UAKElt eal Estate and Insurance Agent, RAIMILENCKS.—Diess rs. fauna, Ciarrotbok Ss Co., Robert Parks, Eng. jyll,y 'W'ESTERN L,INDS• ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREhT, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Has for sale Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, :` , lichigan and lowa.. ile will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, AC., for eittsima gli manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me as above. aulhly I A_RINIS in Exchange for City Property.— _k_.• A farm of 351/ acres, on the Allegheny river, near nifitanning, DU acres cleared; dwelling house, barn and or chard; coal, limestone and iron ore. Also, a farm of 100 acres near the above. Also, a farm 01 83 acres on Pine creek, 4 miles from Kittanning; au acres cleared ; two houses, and a saw mid ig.goud running order; a first rate location (or business. 250iacres of laud at mouth of Red Bank creek; 40 acres cleared and in good order. Price low and terms easy. War be exchanged in whole or iu part for city pro perty. S. CUTLU3kair it SUN, novlO 61 Market street. OfN"s7so FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling House, of four rooms, with lot of ground 30 feet nowt on Monterey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to au alley. Terms, $4OO in hand, balance at one, two and three y0:1113, 8. CUTHBERT & SON, uov24 61 Market street. _FOR RENT.—Alarge dwelling house, on Ross street, at head of Fifth, with immediate pusses slim. Also. two small .10(18133 iu Splane's Court. S. cunitiEur St SUN, uov2l 81 Market streor._ hOR $750 will be sold a new two story I_ Frame louse, with a good lot of ground, in Allegheny city. lot is 20 feet front, on Monterey street, by 110 feet to an alley. Terms easy. R. CUTHBERT & SON, novl4 61 Market street. FOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lots of land, ten miles from INl9unde yule, Marshall county. Va., four miles from IL R. Station. Rich soil and good timber. -Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, !rout 6 to 7 years, if desired. Also, 700 acrev of good laud, 3 miles from Cameron Stn ;ion, B. 6i Ohio It. IL, for sale to suit purchasers, at from $7 to SIM per acre, an ? I on easy terms. S. CUTHBERT A SON. novl4 hi Market street. RENT.---A dwelling hou73 on Third street. Also, one on Ross street, with immediate pos session. S. CUTHBERT A SON, nov7 61 Market, street. S'OR SALE.—A Dwelling House with a good Store Room, situate on Robinson street near Fed ray Allegheny city. Price low and terms easy. dolt S. OUTILBERT& SON, bl rilalket et. E. - 4 10R SAL E.—A comfortable dwelling house (frame) of hall and eight rooms, portico in front, with lot of ground 78 foot front on South avenue, Allegheny, by =ti deep to Rebecca street, with trait and shade trees, shrubbery, stable, &c., &c. Price 0,500. S. CUTHBERT SON, nov2 61 Market street. IVI E F 9 t s,AB.ANNT K. S S ' TOCII, N or D PAP! I It A , wi ll h F c A takenC r r a - t par, either in whole or in part pay for several very desira hie locations for country residences, near the city. One lot of 12 acres, one of 1.4, of 10 and 3 acres. For particulars call at our office. S. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market street. ITLANNELS.- White, Yellow, Red and Plaid, of all grades, and at Lo 4V Ell PRIOEB than they can be got for at any other es tablishment in tho city. O. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers. No. 'A Slarket wee:. BANKS BELDEN SEY 11 OUR, CLEVELAND, OHIO I_l OUSES, LOTS AND FARMS.—We would invite the attention of persons who wish to purchase A tioUSE,' to the great variety of ',tondos, Farms and Build. lug Lots we have for sale. We have now on hand Lots at slta), each, and at $2OO, $4OO, and upwards, and on very rasy terms. some in pay manta averaging fourteen cents a day I Homes and Lote,at from $7OO to $lO,OOO, in various locations in and adjacent to the two cities. Improved Farms at from $lO to $5O "t 0 acre. Also, choice Farming Lauds at from $2 to $5 IA acre. Persona haying property or any kind to dispose of, will find it to their interest to give 1113 a call. We also, attend to the Renting of H 011505, and Collection of OP.M. S. CUTFIBERT & SON, 4 _BLACKBOARD CRAYONS—For sale by w. 0. JOHNSTON & CO., Stationara. Wood street QUPPLY YOURSELVES WITH SHOES 1..) now, whilst you can bay them at such low rates, a the PEOPLES 8110 E STORE. we will continuo to Bell at great• ly reduced prices for a short time longer. Small prat.. and cash returns is our motto. All kieds of Overshoes sold low feB DIBFEIiBAOIIER & CO. QTEEL PENS. Gillot's; Pratt's ; Per ry's; PEineas'• Jenny Lind; Cooper; American, Ruedca it Son's, and haven's, lust received by W. S. HAVEN, • Corner MarlpAt and Second ats FOR RENT. Tbe large warehouse, now occupied by IV. 11. Smith Co., Nce. 161 First and 122 Second streets. Enquire of PARR, McOUKDY & CO.. Noe. 149 First and 120 Second streets. crIILORIDE OF LIME.-50 casks for sale j by 1n0Y.119 1 A A. FAIINI,NTOCH & SEASONABLE GOODS. Gentlemen's under garments; embracing silk, lambs' wool, heavy merino and cotton undershirts; drawers, of the best manufacture, and sold at very r, duced rates. MORRISON'S CELEBRATED SILLRTS. A large lot of cravats, ties, pocket hdlifs., scarfs, &c., and all other articles in the line of Furnishing Goods, suitable fax the season, at nov3 HORNE'S. 77 Market street. WARRANTED TO SUELL TWENTY J3LISHERS PER HOUR 1N THE RANDS OF ONE MAN—the Corn Sheller now exhibiting at No. 61 Filth street. Now, don't be excited if you have been humbugged, but give this machine a trial, and if it is an imposition, say so; but if thoroughly satisfied that it is the best invention of the kind the age has produced, then buy territory and make - a fortune, and quit your croaking. Call and see. an2intow - tf • 110101CARB. SODA.-1000 pounds on hand jup and Or nab by B. L. BANESTOOIi A 00., eatl.2 Baneendoeu to Including Eros. iT ,: ;6 lC rg, -- , - PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MARCH 5. 1858 BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBERT A. LOOMIS, (succo..r to B. T. C )iorigatu,) STATION ER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS. No. 41 Fifth street, Pittabingh, Pa. Co -Partnership. ?THE undersigned have entered into Co lt tnordltip, the eitylo of Win. C. Johnston 9c Co. SAMUEL It. JOILNBTON,.III., WI LLIA N 1 C. 3011 S, , iit,tobor 5, 1857. b. IL JOHNSTON, JII VOL JOHNSTOLL C. JOHNSTON d: CO., QTATIoNERS, Blank Book Nia,nufacturers, k..„) auib JOH PRINTERS, Ni 57 Wothl street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsbnrgh, Pa. 8030 . _ BLANK BOOKS, Jeurnal9, Day Books, Ledgers, Cash hooks„ Invoice Books, C. eck Books, 13111 Books. Receipt Books. WO. 0. JOHNSTON it CO., 67 Wood street. For bAlu by do2ll surEite. GRAND PIANO, FtioNl TILE FACTORY OF Steinway & Scais, 14I ew York. U. KLEBEIL R tiUO. take pleasure in en• uouuciug to the pubic that they have just received a epleudid lull (IRANI) PIANO y trout the factory in Steinway & suns, New York, which for exquisite'sweetheso and volume dr tone, lightness and elasticity ut t-umi, and a moot tasteful and blo wout exterior is considered the L'INEST ever brought to this city. The unichauisru is a DOUBLE lalekinfl_NUYriuN, a pa ...land inveution of Steinway Sous , which combines with the utmost promptness and delicacy id touch a degree of durability but rarely attained. Nte respectfully invite the public, one and all, whether pur• chasers or um, to call and tee this unrivalled instrument. U. KLElinit A 8110., No. 53 Fifth street, Side Ageuts for Steinway St Sons. N. B.—Aso, just . oliViVtd a fresh lot of Nuuus Clark's •deitt Pi ifyWFULL tiIiA.ND PfAIs:OSI ' AND NEW STYLo SQUARE PIANOS, foom the Manufactrry of uIIiCti_ERLNO & SONS', .liosToN,just received trout tire mauutactory of Chick:tiring v Sons', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock of their PI ANO FultT ES : One Full di, ell (CLil , timid Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Pt ice $BOO One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price $7OO One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, neari equal in power to a lull thand, and occupying only the room of au ordinary square Piano. Price $81.113 SL UARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, seven octaves, with curved Desk and Feet work. Tao Rusewocti wren octave---Clitford style. Two Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octave. FoUr Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four " .• Four Rosewood ‘• " " " All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, said with lull iron frames, and their new Putout Action. These I.uszantents have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted W purchaser. For sale at their reduced prices. JOILB 11. MELLOR, Nc. SI Wood street, dell Sole Agent for Checkering & Sous'. 24 USI (21 U SI(.311- Laden and Beaux; 'the lied, Vo hits and Blue, 25c, Aaiun of Tharaw, with brilliant variatious—Grube, olica Our lsaby, ballad by Frank bitty tii, -26 c. "Come evir the ;cu Maiden wits Me," serenade 2,50. The Watctunau, song and chorus—iunbsllisho:i with a I.utithl and spproviat • vignette—very' popular, 'Ale. TII,,SU Pleasant Days are Gone—La Travaux, 25e. Light of aly Saut—beautiful serenade, 40c. Jenny Grey—U. 1.. Poulson, 25c. Gentle JenLy Uray—sung by Joseph Morph:, ulliui by 11. Debora, :aYc. the Prairie Flo'cor—very popular, 25a (Alai ity Mazurka—C. Splutter, 25c Vareoriana—Dedworth 25c, “Toe Continent in ultra' 5y Charles Probe. No. 1 Yankee Poodle, 50c. No. 50c. I See her bull is lay Droxins—Roster's last ballad, 25e • Mus.c Bound in a superior manner, and in vicious styles el binding, limn 451. to $3. .4.0- Music mailo. post paid. tatzvitLoTrli BLUME, Old Esuilaished Piano Depot, fe22, 118 Wood et-cot, second door above Fifth. Messrs. Charles ar. Lewis Grebe, TEACLIL,S OF ILLE PIANO,•VIOLIN, • I ORGAN AM) SINGING. ' 1 ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, German, French, and Taught by CHAS GREBE, Catal Theol. 47.3.- Enquire at the priucipil Una; Storrs. itle.243ni PIANOS AND MUSIC PARLOR GRAND PIANOS ! 1 —uvw vatriAtious— TOBACCO AND SEGARS. *IT & D. ii,INEHART, rt MANUFACTUREAS diN TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CD4ARS SELLING OFF!! $B,OOO WOitTli OF EME,LI2.OIDEII.II6I, SOLD WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, AT J. BUSH'S, N. OS Market street, PITTSBURGH, PA. r TILE GREATEST CHANCE EVER OF FEtrea) to the Ladled to buy cheap Embruideriee. Tht good,' are all freeh and now, ni l of the latest importation cousi.ting of Col lure; Sleeveti ; BAuds ; Edgings; Setts; Laces; • Trin:mingn ; Skirts; Waists; 11 ibbous and Veils; And will be sold without regard 40 COST taLIMMINGS, HOSIERY AND FANCY GOODS, './I,adies, Como One, Come All, and don't miss the place AT J. BUSEI S:, 65 Market street, bet ive , n Third and Fburth streets ~ U v~~ :~ ~_~~ NORM AL CLASS. THE- SECOND SESSION OF THE NOR MAL CLASS, at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Under the direction of A. BURTT, Principal of the Fifth Ward Public Schools, will commence On Monday Evening, February Ist. The Class will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings, and Saturday mornings of each week. Trams .$2 per Session of Sixteen Lessons. Ja2B DRAWING LESSONS, AT IRON CITY COHERCIAL COLLEGE .bar IN 'MECHANICAL, ARCHITECTURAL, y JOU N Z .eir - For further ply to Mr. F. W. JEN. RCN:, Principal of I r..n e,,,,tnorcial Coll cl4:6md.ege, Pitts. no JARD.-13 pkgs. No. 1 received, and for 2 sale by toil] [1 1:7 RY U. COLLIN_S. PPLES. —lOO bbLs. for sale by Emmy 11. (Y A fa2B liMtPEit'S MAGAZINE, For Februoxy. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, For Febrcar) HARPER'S MAGAZINE, GOOEY'S MAGAZINE, Just reca'—al at ROBERT A.1.001118', Poat Bathling, In: ACIORN.-64 sacks ear Corn for sale by dol9 Lea A. /ETU% 69 Water Weal. Reliance Mutual !insurance Co ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED DB P.ERPETUAL, MERCHAN DIsE, FURNITURE, &C., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. Office, No. 308 Walnut 'street. CAPITAL, $177,926 ...... ..ASSEIS, 0252,405 80. Invested a 4 foll,ws, viz : First Mortgage on Improved City Property, womb double toe amount i'120,200 uu Pennsylvania Railloed Co.'s 6 per cent Murfgagc Loan, $30,000 cost . 2.5,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penn'a R. It. Loan. 10.000 1.10 Pennsylvania Pailread Co.'s Stock 4,000 uu Stock of the Reliance Mutual Instil aucn Co 19,150 00 mock of County Fir, Insurance Co 1,050 Ou Scrip of buudry Ineurance Companies 475 Oo villa Receive le, business paper 52,711 bU Book Acconute, accrued interest, etc 3,330 19 Cash on baud and in Bank 16,043 20 MANUFACTURERS' INSUMNCE °Dice—No. 10 Merchants' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. CHARTER PERPETUAL—CAPITAL $500,000. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OF Fire, Marine, and !inland Itisks. WNI. A. RHODES, Pre3ldent. MIAS. WILE, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. DIELECTORH: Wm. A. Rhodes, A. S. Lippincott, James P. Smith, Chas. J. Field, William Neal, Charles Wise, John P. Simons, J. Rinaldo Sauk, _Thomas Bell, M. Richards Hackle. Judge Reath, E. D. Jones, .E,..q., Cash. C.t. hal_ k Jag. Malinger, Esq., Meairs. Robinson & Co, J:.nies Ltoward. Esq., " T. Kennedy, Jr., &Cu , C. 11. Paulson, Esq., " Wade, Hampton & Cu., J. B. Lee, Es'q., " Cunningham & Co. Pittsburgh Office, No. De Water street, feb22 EDW. G. BELL, Agent. 121) WOOD STI•Etr £ AT FIRST CO T.`4.4 IN DRAWING, -flrir For February For February 0 ,, • tt. ' ." - _• : ' INSURANCE. , 1 RE INSIJR E, 11 TLIF OF PHILADELPHIA $2,52,465 89 CLEM TINGLEY, Proddent. DLIIECTOFtS Clem Tingley, Samuel Bingham, William It. Thompson, Robert Steen, l'avid S Brown, William Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Benjamin W. Tingley, John It. Worrell, Marshall Hill, IL L. Carson, Z Lothrop, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, !Voice Johnson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, Wm. M. Semple, Pittsh',; mr3 B. M. HINCHNIAN, Secretary. J. GARDINE , COFFIN, Agent, mr3 North-east corner Third and Wood streets. r=l MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COIPANI, Of Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J. M'CANN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid iu and invested...s.2oo,ooo 00 Surplus d 3,428 $263,428 a 5 Ins tree Cargo Risks on the Ohio and lelisaissippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Also, againstthe Perils of the Sea and inland Navigation and Transportation. DIRZOTORS Wm. V. Pettit, J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pilaw.) D. J. McCann, E. F. Witmer Bane Gunton, 11. L. Woolnton , John A. Marshall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Yntsey. OPPIOLSB: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, fre„,idesit E. F. WITMER, Vice President. D. J. bIcCANN, Secretary. BSIPS1111NOBti: in Philadelphia': Liu Philadelphia, Seigor, Lamb & Co., j Steininitz, Justice & Co., Truitt, Bro. & Co., I Buck, .11orgau & Stidfole, A. T. Lane & Co., Pumroy, Caldwell & Co. PI'IVSBURGII OFFICE, NO. 97 WATER STREET. any IL W. POINDEXTEdt, Ai PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Pio. 149 Chesnut Street, Uppimite the Custom }louse. WILL MAKE 'ALL KINDS OF INSU- ItANUE, either Perpetual or Limited, ou every diicriptiou of rroporty or Merchandise, at reasouable raw, of premium ROBERT P. KING, President. H. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. MILZOTORS. Charles Hayes, E. A. Cope, E. 11 English, George W. Brews, P. B. Favery, Joseph S. Paul, C. Sheri:lan, John Clayton, S. J. Magargee, Wilor. P. BIACECHWINE, Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood streets, EPT UNE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPIIIA, lilllraiNti6, 414 WALNUT STREET. ‘frganiled ander the General insurance Law, with a Cash Ca,otal of $lOO,OOO, privileged to awn:nano W Sollt),QuU. t.. against Wee or damage by FLKE, 1111tLNE, INLAND NAVIGATION and TILAN6PUItTAI'ION. ELEEMEI Li. C. LAUGHLIN, Proaident. 111.011'D SHIELD:, V. 11,d' t. GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary DULECTOII.S 31 C Laughlin, D. sharwuod, tiS .C. bumosbury, H. M. Carlile, Shewell, 11. C.Hatler, 33 -orge Scott TITER CHAFFEY, Agouts, Office Lalayutto flail, elan:aloe on Woutl ut PITTSBUKGI.I LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE 1/V6'U/id/YOE COMPAN Y, (JOINER ON WATER AND MARKET tiTREETi+ PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, Presideuc. ALEX. Br-AnLay, Vice Preaident. P. A. ILLNxueRT, Secretary. r'i hie Company waken exerytuaarauce appertaininir,te or connected with LIFE KISKA. Slap, against nULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio a....i Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, mid MARINE KIS g: aurally. And against Loan and Damage by Yire ' and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. eulioiea iestted at the lewc , st rated Loatasten t with ealety to all parties. DIfti:GTOBJI. ' &a oort Galway, Ramie! Al'Cluritan, Joseph P. Gaonun, M. D., John ncott, Janos Alarstiall, David Ricnay, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Chambers, Robert R. Hartley, William Carr, J nu. Meiill. se.in • CITIZENS' INSURANCE COAIPAN V OF PITTSBURGH. wILLI ANI RAGALEY, President. SAMUEL L. MARSILELL, docretary. 0 FFICE : 94 Waler street, betweea Market and. Wood streets Vp Insures HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by PERM Also, against the Perils of the &a and Inland Navigatloo Bo.: Transportation. DIELSOTOLIO Niillam Bagatey, capt. Mark Staring, .;amnel Rea, Samuel M. Hier, James M. Cooper, John S. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., Francis Sellers, heat M. Pennock, William B. Hays. Springer Harbangh, John Shipton, Capt. Samuel C. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. ja22 WEST it PLAN CH. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTI CHARTERED DY THE LEGISLA.TIIHE OP PENNSYLVANIA ash Capital... ...... $300,A0 l'rerniuni N0te5...5132,343. rillllS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, &c., iu town or co uutry DIEN.CTORB lion. Jno. J. Pearced lion. G. 0. Harvey, ICharles A. Dia p er, John B. Hall, l ebarles Crist, Peter Dickinson,, I T. T. Abrams, D. K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HUN. G. 0. HARVEY, President 'I!. T. Anaanis, Vice President. THUS. KITOREN, Becretary. asFsar.NuEs: Eatnuel H. Lloyd; I .IDr. J S. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. 8 Cameron, James Atrastruig, A. White,. Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, Jame Qruggle Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Wm. Bigler, OFFICIO—NO. e. 5 FIFTH STREET', PITTSBURGH. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. ripliE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF Riitt.aWELPFLIA. Dutsmoss—Charies W. Boucher, Thomas &arc, ouios Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob 8.. Smith, Geo. W. Richards, .11oidel D. Lewis, Adolphi E. Boyle, David 8. Browne, Mor ris Patterson. Cries. N. Batioska, President. Ones. G. Mummy Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on ev3r3r description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company. have reserved a large Contingent Fund, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1854 as lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, Mortgage V. 418,128 Real Estate.. 84,577 Temporary Loans.. 83,000 Stocks d 1,38? Cash, go—.-- 61,348 fitnce their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou. sand Dollars,l oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meat with prompts e4..5. GARbilities. J. DINER COFFIN, Agent, Office, uorth-east cor. Wood and Third sta. rtIE BEST FRENCII CORSETS.— For One Dollarand Twenty-Elva Centa. JO9. 110.11.1914 'l7 WASS dresit NOW THE TIME FOat OUTING CHEAP CLOTHING. Z. L EISNER, ON T lIE CORNER of WOOD AYn FIFTH s ItHETS, lair Davis's Auction Room, is now sell itl4 out iris tilltift, Wit lit,sztit, Stuck at C )ST PRICES FOR CASH VNLY. lie will sell Imo Black Petersham Over coat that used to sell at pp) for $3,75 Fine illackt Petersham Overcoat 8,00 " 4,50 Brown )3,00 " 5,75 Raglan N iggerhead Raglan Lam n tte Pilots V hitney Dilute Benrskiu Kaquituaux Se.ti ue LC Nino Wove C2l6dillltllo Brown Cloth Black Silk Cloth Super Fiuu Drees Frock Coata " " " " ....—.... • 10,00 " 6,50 Punta, Vesta, aria Fund:thing Goods at these and proper n ratea. de23 Wheat, Rye and Corn Wanted, PZAIRL STEAM ItaxLL,, AUX(' EVEN Y CITY. 11 E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN tho aLuvo establiblau,,ut, and am proparetl l'lll4 IUGtIK T II.IU BT PKICLS IN OMNI TON '15,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT. 10,000 RYE. t 10,000 COEN. It is the itikution t the pruprietora to offer 1:1.11LA PEICIES fur any choieu lota of Whit. or Hod Wheat. They intend to wake very euperlor Family Flour, and are willing to pay a the jarevr, in the shape of.an extra price, to in duce t1111:1 to rame a choice quality of Wheat, and to bringi it to market in good order lylfulyditw it. T. KENNEDY k. BRO. r E OLDESI AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE TEA STORE In the city of Pitteburgh. Extra nue Ele veror'a Chop, the beat Green Tea importeal, being of garde growth. Atao, the finest quality of pure Oolong Tea. s ussessing a deliciona fragrance only to be found in the ge•ohne article. No apices kept, or anything that is inter...Am Mll) flavor of Teas. Customers can rely on get i ng a lore article of its own flavor: 13 , 1 S. JAYNES, 8 Fifth .treat • ATRES' *town CONFEC,TION,C o„NFNOTION, CPO NFNUTION,CON F NOTION",CONF NOPIuN,CONME • TION, CONFNO PIoN,C (INFECT 1 uN.OO NFEOTI oN,CONF NOTI.O N,CoNFNOT lON Co MOTION . '1 he most pleasant, safe and effectual Worm Remedy now in use. Prepared and euld, wholeeale and re:ail, by ANEIELL Cor. Wood and eta., Pittsburgh, Pa , Aud sold lirriwgists generally. fa2 l ca TOOK CIIOIOEI—PII.IO ES LOW I—NEW wlNTlilt uoups.--Jussvu utmtNE has just return ed iron, the Nast, whore he has purchased large additions to already extensive .tock. Trading directly with Pram' cd.s..ss I.IIPoIITING L/OUSE., and with the MArti7FACTlfliftns, for u. 1611 exclusively, ho is enabled to offer the best selection ‘,l d.s.ls a. the tows-t possible priced. ~Se aro now opening, for daily display, the largest and cheapest swot of IflthltiS num mlNtas, RICH 1a MBRUILI;Ltik:3, W 1 'l> li WtlULi GOULS. RIBBONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Au., &.e., Ever bet.,re exhibited in Pittsburgh. Purchasers are invite ed to examine the goods, and learn the priced, at JoS. HuRNE'S, 77 Market street. 111EAP BOUTS AND SHOES- Now is the time to buy BOOTS AND SIIOES AP tIitEATIA REDUCED PRICES, No 98 Alarket street, two doors from Fifth. SLEIGH BELLS, SLEIGLI BELLS We ate i lug out Our mock at Cost, AuUNTRY RESIDENC' FOR RENT.- ‘../ A good brick ti%eficu, uud c.divenlent,lo rooms ,„ sitchey wide rout, good epriug.hutiee, carriage house; etc; :44 uer,ss 01 land, 8 in tine mea• dew; a good teuaut Louse; gulden acrd v.m.,ty of fruit trees, .oape vibes and smell fiats; a AUllt, wall and boa railing )1, ~nt of the tiourne; eituat” at about two miles from the ci , Lfed in avt ry 11...61/1. ke.11.1141. Appil to CUTI.IBI,BI & duA, 51 Market at. $6OO FOB: a two story frame dwelling L.ouso awl lot of grunad .51.1 fool, by 100, fAea*. I,i k iILLIALod uti Wushingt,:s. Terms ectsy. S tJIJ riiistlitT Ac ON, 6f Market t. ()TICE TU BUTCIIKRS.—Large Meat Cutter's anti Saussgo Fitton?, of Varito4B nixes, at No btri , ,,t, Pittsburgh U. Illout6cuier), Richard Shields, W' illianr vatic' uo, 13 1 1..-kla GIMPURE LACES, And BLACKBEUSSELS LACES aud Baaque Trimmings, at reduced pricez. LARGE assortment of Men's Buffalo and Ai do Overdaues. Also, Ladies' Buffalo and Ar tic ..veitti.,s, and Clams of every size and style Just closing .s, r, utly redact d prices for cash, at JurSEPli H. BOILLANI.YI3, No. bBll.lsiket, second door from street. SL.lili,iliiiN GI, SLE!UIIING.—If you want t.• eu,oy a good sleigh ride, tee first thing is to have or Itt4 ourLa, .Litt the [matt to keep them warm, and the a..._ lu do that is to get a pair uf Hunlo or Artic overshoes a L ~ ne Gavot, Coati Store or JOS. H. 130.1iLAND, :.•'‘i is, US aarliet, eveuud door 11'0M Filth threat. ,VAIES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al- Leghefty, Wuelenuie Grocer mid Tea Doaler, and Licenued Lover Merchant. lledier in (.lover and Timothy reed, t ter. Ch, coo, Lard, Bacot', Flour, Salt, Path, &c., and Coun t, e reduce geuerall, , nov23 J AMES PATTON, JR., Federal street, Allegheny, now receiving in store the following, which he will Bell a, [L., iowe.,t cash price., 112 bhm. new crop plantatiOn Molasses; Lints. •• •• Sugar; Su lthts. Orocers nyrup ; 10 hlle. prune roll /SMUT ; 00, 11.16. '• Feathers; boxes •• Chease ; „. UU Bacon ; 4U null cheats Young ilyson, Imperial, and:genuine u Country w I[ll a general assortment of the beet am', I..rg o _st tam:4 oi kumtyUruceries to be had in the city,which sate Gtr Cash—remember, PATTON'S, tel Federal etroot, Allegheny City. a k . G U AR-- kJ tibia. Baltimore Yellow Sugar. o hhde. Leland lU bbls. ltefLued 1U " Lovering asaurterl " and for sale by J AMES PATTON, Jr., Allagli•Ju y ()Ay I'ENTION, ALLEGHENY CITY.- 6 I- tlu,..critmar would call - -your attention to his ilituCkiltlf,d bought, of late, in New 1 I•,r CAS d, which he will sell at lower prices than auy 0 et . r huu.e the two cities, for Wait Come and see the In act it, at j Aylhd i'il.TTON'd, Jig., Federal street, near the Diamond, ALLEGELENY Cite. A WORD TO TEA DRINKERS. TIIE PEKIN. TEA WXOItE •ie Fifth street, h imported into this market b01:00 uu 110Cn't grades of GREED AND BLACK TEAS, grthith Empire, deco up in all the - station, LIGLL Ci114t. , 80 ingenuity can invent. it iy u I:imary and coraftht to think thew. Proprietora of mean t ro.a anu nuteis, and private Wallies are invited to call. ETOIN PS.- 10 1.102,._n Mck.hrootu li.tettup. 10 du Eugllsh Waluut du. do Quarts Tomato do. 10 du Pinta du do. 1 °I dale by ANDtai.SUN, nor[! No 39 Wood street, Uppaditu enarles Hut“ SHY GOODS! .D.RY GOODS 11—A11 the immense stock of Silks, Shawls, Illarinoes, Paramat- MA, Plaids; choic.3 styles of printed Marinoes, , Poplins, Du c. to; rich, all cruel, Delsines ilaibroidsries, Trimmlngi 71oelery, Gents' Furnishing Goods, and a large otopic of Do! inestic Goode , selling at the store of AA. Mason . & No. 25 Fifth street , at unheard of prices, as the whole stock must b 4 immediately closed out. deli Ca AN FORD'S INVIUORATOR.- 3 gross on IJ totnd and fur side by B. L. FAEL.VBSTCCEC tr. CO., Corner or Fourth and Wood streets. D ATED APPLES•-30 sacks prime Dried Apple 4 received, and for We by McCANDLESS, MEANS A CO., Coruer of Wood and Water streets. Jags _ 4j El-)‘R. WHITE & CO., having complet ed their sonu inventory, and redu-tfi the coat price of their goods, will Bell their present stock at a further redncuou of prices. jail --- VARIEGATED SOAP.-25 boxes Varie gated soap received, and for sale cheap. by JAMES A. FETZER, - -le Center Market and Pint streets. _ RITE GREASE -t-In cans - kegs and barrels, for greasing Drays, Carts, Carriages, Omni. base, and all kinds of machinery, for sale by J HENRY IL 001.14b14 N 0.116 Wood y Y`ft ~ MISCELLANEOUS ‘OTICE. AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE OF J. 11. BOILLAND, SLEIGH BELLS, BOWN & TETLEY. No. 138 WOOD STILEET JAMES WARDIIOI, JON- 1.1011Nr.. 77 Market treat GROCERIES, THE DAILY POST. FRIDAY MORNING::: A WONDER OF THE WORLD--THE STEAHSHIP LEVIATHAN. Most persons have probably been at a loss , to imagine the motives which could have induced any one to embark in so costly an enterprise as the building of a steam , vessel of dimensions so disproportionate to those of any yet afloat, as this ship. The undertaking has been naturally attributed to the mere ambition of accomplish ing an enterprise in nautical architecture, Ishio,h shall not be outdone, From the hazards which so large a ship must run, of encountering un known rooks, even in the most frequented seas, at depths which have never yet beerseoundeci,from , the small number of ports in the world into which au large a ship eau enter when loaded, and the smaller number that can furnish a fall cargo for her, especially within the space of time which so Costly a ship could afford to wait for it to be ool lected—it has been naturally inferred that mob s, ship cannot re profitably' employed in any known branch of trade at the present time, at least with the chances of such a degree , of suc cess as can indemnity her owners for the hazards run in the execution of a work so novel in its' character, that most of it must be carried on al most wholly without any guidance from practi cal experience. But we learn from au interesting history of this enterprise, containing a detailed description of the structure of the ship, with °epic:Willits trauon, lately published in the Londomillustrd red .Tinzes, that the project was not undertaken without calculation. It is there stated that the' design of the construction of the Leviathan by, Mr. Brunnel, its principal projector, by the im possibility that any steamer hitherto built should' carry her own coal for eo long a voyage as 'film England to Australia, which, it practicable,. would obviate the necessity of deviating from the most direct course—a .d also, the loss of time consumed in taking in coal, with the ruinous ex pense thereby incurred. To enable a steamer toperform the Australian voyage, it is said to bo'ueoessary for her to hive depots of coal at St. Vincent, the Cape of Goad Hope, and the Matfritius, besides one in Atlitra ha for her return voyage.. The coal for the Auk ply of all those stations must be carried treat England by' means of a fleet olcolliersciespatched' iu advatice, and when • received on board at the' expense of a material deviation from the direct. route, it is essentially deteriorated in quality by repeated shittings. It is stated that the beet and quickest steamer hitherto constructed, vial' made the passage from England to Australia In sixty days, and obtained the prize as the fastest. steamer that had made the voyage, lost £lOOO by the operation, although she had a full cargo,' and a full complement of passengers bilith ways. it is added that other steamers have lost from £lO,OOO to £12,000 by the voyage, and that steam has ceased to be profitable in this trade, clippers having superseded them. To show the length of the voyage to Australia by several routes, and that the direct ocean , route is the shortest, the following ,statement is quoted from the report of the Eastern Steam avigation Company ; The navigable distances from Lands End to Port Philip are as follows: Via Cape of Good Hope, " Cape Horn, Giberaltar, Malta Alexandria, Aden Point de Gallo and Sing apore,inoluding transit through Egypt, Panama, including transit across the isthmus, 12,678 " In view of these facts and others, tending to show the importance of an improved system of navigation fur sustaining the intercourse with Australia, Mr. Brunnel went into a course of reasoning, to show that to prosecute successfully a system of steam navigation between England and Australia, steamers should be built capable of taking on board on their departure from Eng.• land a sufficient supply of coal for not only the onward, but for the return voyage. He assumed that a steamer to pursue a long voyage mimesis: luny with the fuel taken on board at her port of departure, should be of a tonnage nearly equal to the number of miles measuring the length of the voyage. From reasoning on this hypothesis. he came to the conclusion that a steamer to be adapted Lu the Austrauliau trade should be of a burthen not less than 20,000 or 25,000 tons. Poi. en suring the efficiency and satisfactory manage ment of so large a vessel, he suggested the ex pediency of plait/10:1g it with not less than two independent propelling powers, and as the most effective made of giving sufficient strength to a vessel of the nepeeeary length, he recommend ed the introductisn of the principle of Mr. Rob-, &rt. 6tepheneon's tubular bridge, as the only mode of giving to the structure the greatest strength wnere it is most wanted. These three principles form the nucleus of the plan of the steamsnip Leviathan. Tue design and construction of the iron hdll of this ship is due to the genius of Mr. Scott Ituleell, the design being formed on the princi ple of " the wave line of construction, " which was succeestally introduced by him in England in the building of steamers some years ago, atter many years of study and experimental labor. It la stated that the Leviathan, so far as her lines are concerned, is but a magnified copy of the Little Wave boat built by Mr. Russell several years ago. in the article from which We derive most of the foregoing facts, it is stated that the principle of the wave line of construe. tiou was brought to the notice of the British as sociation twenty-years ago, and that they then recognized the value of it. Mr. Russell subse quently demonstrated its value of building steamers upon the principle, two of which, it is said have been running for the last twelve months between New Haven and Dieppe, their average of speed in all weathers being seventeen miles an hour, and their maximum speed nineteen mile,s., Although partially introduced with success-in steam vessels in England some years ago, the writer adds, "still predujdico opposed its nitro cluction in the construction of our sailing vessels till the ,American clippers constructed on the wave line principle by Mr. McKay of f Boston triumphantly demonstrated its value." The Leviathan is so constructed as to he work ed by three independent propelling powers, the screw, the paddle engine, and the sail. Her screw propeller is 24 feet in diameter and of 36 tons weight,. it being far the largest ever egm eructed. The ahead destined to move , the screw is 160 fent in length and of 60 tons freight and this shaft is to be put in motion by horizon tal steam engines, earn of a. nominal horse power of 1,000, with tour cylinders of 84 inchee diameter cud 4 feet stroke. These are said to be the largest engines over built for Marine par passe, each being a complete separate engines capable of working independently of the other and of working together, Vita a joint poWerof 6500 horses. In addition to the crew, acting with this power in pushing the ship forward from the stern, there wilt be on each side of her an, 1:OLUellE0 paddle wheel 56 feet in diameter and weighing 185 tons—each wheel having 80 floats' 13 lett by 3—each propelled by enormous engines, butlt by .Mr. Scott. Russell on the. oscillating principle. These engines are of 1000 .nominal nurse power, with 5 oylindera or 74 tactics' diameter and 14 feet stroke, working 14 strokes a minute, and with steam in the boilers at 15 lbs, 16 strokes, giving a power by the pad dle-engines of about 5000 horses. Each pair of cylinders form a co mplete separate engine, and each of the four cy linders is so constructed as to permit instant disconnection from the other three if required .. 0,00 " 8,00 8,00 " 6,00 " 7,00 8,00 " 6,00 ..... 7,00 " 4.50 10,00 " 6,00 ...„ 5,00 " 8,00 6,0 d " 4,50 ..._lO,OO " 7,00 6,00 " 4,00 6,00 " 4,60 .. 8,00 " 6,00 10,00 " 6,00 12,00 7,00 ......15,60 " 13,00 --.16,00 " 11,00 7'''''''' ,",.'ic''-' -liYAPIPt;Kg!C7gtfAt) t*,;,•-:4,,,,-,-6,..5V,i,,,,,,T. .........;,7,4iMiir, T,,;•••"',W-C50,14.- W44,enef-P'VWit..e,,,,P.&z., ~, 1 ., • 4: , 0 ,.*.,-.04-4:4e;-' ,I :N - V 4l r''' 4ll, "..;',Z• NUMBER 121, MARCH 6,.1868 [TO BH 00HOLUDHD.] PENNSYLVANIA MAIL MESSENGERS AYPOINTIIR. —At Wornelsdorf, John H. Sell—service from railroad depot as often as required. At liim m dstown, David Baum, between that office and railroad station as often as required. At Ann yille, P. William Getz—similar service. At Fur nace, Samuel Shearer—similar service. At Sink ing Spring, Henry Heffner—similar service.— At Limestoneville, John Newland—service six times a week from Milton. At Hookstown and Georgetown, from Lmith's Ferry, David Hamil ton, six times a week. At Pittsburgh, from l'ittsbnrgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad de pot, daily except Sunday, James Verner. —C. W. Couldock and Sallie St. Clair are both playing at the Washington Theatre. 11,819 miles 12,700 •• 12,084 "