SPECIAL NOTICES. EXTENSION OF STAY. DRS. C. M. FITCH 4 J. W. SYKES, Will continue their office at rio. 191 Penn street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, .P.l. TILL APRIL FIRST, 1858, Whore they may be consulted daily, (Sun excepted,) for CUNSU , ASTHMA, 13P.t):.• CUITIS and ALL OTLtE . oNIC AFFECTIONS ,-,,n -noctocl with, or prolis o ,.r g to PULMONARY DISE.ASE. DRS. : 't reel that they CaCIIIA to, earn• cstly or a - equeutly admotikh involhhi the EXCE ED IN 6 Elt OF DELAY IN PULMONARY DISEAS —its symptoms often seem so trilling . as to beget a delusive tooling o :.Jot ,•vm) while flit , 4114eAso is making rupid pro• gro6s, and 'ho pal too I nogirt, Inwrnlf PIL a cure is next to °Mee 11 ou re--- 0 A. M. to 4 P. DI rh•,rc I;.r ,1 .411:v111011H will 100 mutt to tho,o• wishing to consult b. luttvr. AdaroßH Dit6. C. NI. lAl'Oll d J. W.liEB, 191 Penn stre-Pt, Pitthburi4h, Pa 1100FLAND% , 0 KRM AN BITTERS, TILE GREAT REMEDY FUR NEo ,l!'s DERILITY.—J. M. Liu:Aim:zit, Doylestown, Ya.. J u n o 15.,3, bays My wife has be,, afflicted with a nervous debility since September, 1651, since which time I have been unable t o find any physician or medicine tb d world bellOtit her in the licit, until one day I called at the st,,re et Dr. llarvey, of this town, fro eons,, tincture of iron, and described to him the afflictions of my wile; he then handed the a let of papers to road, 101n,r1g which I found one describing your German bitters, I immediately procured a few Lottles from him, mid am pleased to state that the use of the Litters has (long , her more good than all the medicine she has heretofore 1 wish you to send me a half dozen bottles. adverti.iernent. For sale. ENG tla4,q,.,nd Dr. tit:). [I. FL Pittabunal ZZ".• THERE IS NOT:IING IN TIIE WIIOLE LIST OF in,• , lki:a.2ert,:ttng such a stir .1111 0,7 iucati d n us Dr. SA ti -10(11C.) S INVIGORAT(ht all LI VER RE'SIHDY. It gives bitch relief 33 :•. C .11,331.. the p3tioat of roi berv , At 34 d. ,•m CI, issot know of ti it has Levu Litien without herulit, and di •:+ 3 complete cure is elf,:ted by its MM. It ha. , IN, I, lio,ciliti ity it does what it is ereolidoil to do. It Ia COEIStall tly t• 11- largiu its cir( : Inr.ola, very, lug heitling on it, and ioy to the hearts iit tho., yn quid nig from Liver Gotriplai it, [ PIT f' 4 ltU Itti 1.1 FACE As; It MARINE 1 N 51; RANCE CO „ Pittsburi:h, F-brltry 16th, 1858. j Dl 5' DEN t) N iT LC E. -Tue Ro4til of Dir,etorl of thisp.luyDualth day, ttoekt,il mit of tt, profit, ot UV, In t .IX 111 of Foutt DOLL kll.l l or all tro, Atrphc.,:plo to tiro re lilr; ot nut's. 6o17:1111 F. A. ICIN Eli *ltT. t4ocr-tary OFFICE OF TEI piTTsEui:au, Fr. WAYNE ,t R R. Co.. ( Pit t M h l,t, 18N. NOTIQN 1' / cittr.,l/ EA, —The lirt/t t/e/Ited mar tiny Of the 't...c1,11 lclore of the ( tzud ulr o ad ill Ice hold it Cie RO/99/1 ui the Itoor I ~; (•• .1i LOLLof I'OL.-bur r :l,, ',I TURSDAr, • Guth cloy et . !/.1/t eh, at 2 o'ele/ k, p 31 , 111 - .VIIICII 11111 , toe Lt/port 1 1 hr Ur. orr.ne and 1)111,1,, ut 1 ilt• n,pr•rati,u ot the (_'oattat.). fur th.• Ii rot rt•voatt•ett toot, It, of tit, con-olia stion t.• r ”•• Or' .1 an t read. The ttlouti ii 1.. r a now liokr lerecters will le/ h• Id at 't he name on WEL , NK: , DAY, the 3111, i et., let the ttoo rt .19 k. M. me/ 6 P. M. IttmMors, :tfl! r•mrt•motcot,.t... ormotios holding stook, . ill rrt 0.v.. H111.(0,1 voce tick to to owl from l'ltte, burgh, Mr Ow ft, oP t to tit.• thit•rmit Si t tiuu , :1411 ' 1 ht• Mn}' 0,,T1011t.d :a III" a , ltera' PI I t 'int! 411, ut ut t.:1•• Suw Yior::. ‘Viri +r•-••t, it thr., now thetmky tiot %.• roll vet th-ir will IP it 1,, •l ei. I I 111 tim above elt.,lt,m tt ‘VI !p! ! from the _pith iit t. to 141 prix i mrl T tivcr,tltr c. ern' 1W PITTSBUItti 11, (. veins, Feb. 26th, IK,s. j Ci.g> AIA per,L1h11,14111...; linproVetll4,llt or uity tV..rrants - iMauct pn vums to January Ist, 185 E. ur has inf.:. flannel nt any loud th, city duo at that dale, rut lanalg, are herobv nto ilk,' 111 111 . 041,1 a them nt thin Olik!• tor wcaminatiln and ieui,trr. lieucel,,rward HAIG, who, pr..sontv,l will I)'• ,•i! LeX• podilloti,h,, Inc. 1111 MI „psi I-' tllo uity wal bo t•ii Ellt• 1.111.111 , ti lI e, ne• e,, , • icf•ll, e• ICIeIII heel/ thee eitlleellllt IN fined Icy I s, .1. c, H [UM, 11EN It Y LA'.IIIEICI', City Cuctrnll, r Oflict , 11,0 el, ,' A , 1 r- P. 11. mr2.3* M ,, NONLIAIIELA I;itIDGE, FArn.iry 2iith, 1858. 'NMI THE \ S b. ,r rt ttg llnlgr tviir the 111.inong I'iuivitir,;ll, in tlio enmity .if A glit.ny, hay , tit. day, d a...aril a Diviili.iiil i!Esir. till till , Canit:,.. Stud{, nil ht. 141 tttt 11.11 i • ca.:4, or their Lag relire- , elitittive4, at the roll on mil attar tin.. Ath tit nirl PITTSIAJUGii STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JON JNO. L. BOYD WM. McCULLOUG❑ JONES, BOY !D & CO. I=l CAST STE IE A LSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. 13. STEEL, SPRINGS ANL) AXLES. Corner Ross and First Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA D. B. BODED 11. Et OG. ats MANUFACTURERS OF ROUE RS' IM PROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, IBELAO lONCf CORNER Ross AND FIRST STRBEITS, PITTSBURGH. P. 9 JAMES .4. PETZER, Forwarding and Coptraission Merchant„ Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lar'd, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produeo generally, Corner of PIL mr tic t and First streets. PITTEIIi•RGLI, PA. 11EfEki 'O—FranciA O. ,y„ , Dilworth, Sr., S. Cuthbert h. San, Pitt , th n-gb; Boyd & Ott, riei4l(eii Swearingen, S. M. Bank. 11, anzlo k Co, 00.)ri;k, D. , nld Paxton Wtiew.l'n cc. JO UN MOORtiaP,ALD, COMIC, SSION MERCHANT, TOR Till SALA 07 PIG METAL APED BLOOMS, JaUdy 1 270. `,L 7 WOOD HTREST, PlTTirtiia.lll P' .1AL:111EA rvIciLAIEJGiBLLEV, ...q._ .NUFACT URE OF ALCOHOL, C,olo,guells and Fusel OH, Nos. 167 and 170 Second street. 2 i)l.olVd2lip S A MIT t-T, F SNESTOCK IMPORTER DEALER IN FOREIGN AND `OM.ESTI( HARD W ARE. ,No. 74 Wood street, b¢tween Damon alley and E'ourtli street, PITTSBURGH, Pd. 4317- Ms subscriber is now opening a well selected wiser. went of foreign and dmuestic Hardware, all now,and will b• efdd on as good terms us any other house in this city. ;I. ill always keep on hand a general assortment of t{ARDWARE, CUTLERY. CARPENTERS' TOOLS, &c, T which ho 1,,1111.1`t hilly i cites the attention of 1 ! *Thaw 11 SAMUEL FAIINE,[4'OCIi EIAjiWAVA • FAIINESTOCK., No. 74 Wool' art,t, Pittmur g h, 113, 4.qi Icrud a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which ho will soil vary low Fir CAST. In addition to hi Locka, 11111p,i, Ktliv,4 and I , ork-i, and Spoona, and a taint al,i , titnrient. of :.:arpentar'a Took. he has rood rod It large au ply o Fanaazi , Cu and titutforH Shovek, TungUrS and Poi:bra; Sleigh lA9le, and Euautled :1: 0 Praaarving Kottlea. .1. W. TUCKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ST. LOUIS, MO. omcE ( F,)it THE PRESENT,) NO. 126 THIRD ST , NEAR CITY HOTEL, jr „,. J . L. Orr, : 4 1 U. e11.,,, Ittprosontittives. qttl •IloD. L. M. K••il,, 11.,ii. 6,intl. Trent, J titli,ro U. N. District 0,,nr1, T. I . o tn. iti. I& CO ja:uol 11. I, —llO ,, D. D. t o . I) IL )-l'A 1,1.,i , St I) feloalm ommaz GOLD AND LVER SP .CTACLES, A MEAN UPNCTURER 9 S PRICES. HYDROMETERS tho che.,ymst ami 10r , 1.4i, to this city. T 1 EI. ETERS .4ND BARON' ETER in.; iu prico from $6 to VIO owl]. POCKET COMPASStS, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, CtiWay, •Pli hilil , l lit G. E. SHAW'S, Oplicio.n, 58 FVOt &ref/. oppaglte Masonic Hall L. C. iIEGPESUR.fi, AYvolt , ;E:y AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER 01 , 71 , 71 wiry HEP6BIIIO7. T. GRUUTI, Importers of Brat - KIR:11, . tliu, Will, &c. D..alcr, in fin.. Old Mouongaholn Whisky, Pe.tch and A ppl.. Brandy; also, ItECTI ERS fiN D DISTILLERS, corner ,Jt S 11111re:1,D and FRONT fitreetp. Pittat , tro•h. X(NIANGEL-88U acres of choice lOW A LAND, HRttal e In Wentiburg comity, will be exchanged for city property, by S. CUTHBERT it 51 Market t r ret. 0 kTS.-200 bus. to arrive by railroad, this day, sod for salo by EMILY B. OOLLLNS. "VS. pia w ql:k: Tli AW, 1 r, a u tr IS • _ -'--- ,____ j . , RP Vocerth atraA. LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Tonnage Tax The following i, copy of the petition presented by Mr. Wilkins in the Senate yesterday, in favor of a repeal of tho tonnage tax on the Pennsylvania Rail road. It was signed by all our steamboat men, with few exceptions : To the Honorable the Senate and House of Repro son tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: The undersigned, captains and owners of steamboats, running from the port of Pittsburgh, on the Western rivers, respectfully represent to the Legislature that their business is languishing, a majority of their kills laid up for want of remunerating freights, and their officers and crows disbanded and thrown out of employment, while their accustomed trade is diverted into other and cheaper channels, viz: to the Eastern cities, by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, add by the way of Now Orleans. The decline of their trade commenced with the opening of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to Par hersburgb, and for many mouths past there has boon an average of sixty-five steamboats laid up in the pert of Pittsburgh for want of business, and suffering a greater deterioration in value than it fully em ployed, though the Ohiu t'ver has been constantly in good navigable condition. Those boats wear out in tire years; the cost ,of the sixty•tive,) is ne teleti sr, en hundred thou sand dollars, and the ruttier s.f their unemployed crews is two thousand two hundred and seventy-five men. Tho expense of running them—for wages, fuel, provisions, she..--eXelV,liS one million five hun dred ill' usand dollars per year, which is chiefly ex• 'sonde(' it: this Commonwealth for its own products. In the struggle to retain the trade on the Pennsyl vania route, the rate of freight from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, (a distance of five hundred miles,) has been reduced to two dollar?, per ton, while the ton nage tax, imposed by the Commonwealth on all freight passing over the Pennsylyauia Railroad, amounts to nearly eta' half this sum. At equal rates the Pennsylvania route enjoys a de cided preference with shippers, but when the markets are not unduly excited, a difference in the cost of transportation, no matter how small, decides the route. With two hundred tulles longer river navigation, and n tonnage tax of nearly OLIO dollar per ton against U 9, it is not pm , ible to maintain the busineaß on the (WO river and Pennsylvania Railroad route. Your poiiiiotiers would lied immediate relief by a reduction of the rates of freight over the Pennsylva nia Railroad, and to this end they pray your honor able bodies for the repeal of the Tonnage tax. II r. J. G. Hanley. This gentleman, who is, hereafter, to act as stage manager at the Theatre, matle his first aiddearance before a Pittsburgh audience on Monday evening, in the character of Ingomar, the Barbarian. He made n very far ,•able impression on the audience, and we think he will soon bee, rue ft ftvorite. He is certainly :he best leading man we have had on our boards since the time of Brelsforil. Mr. 11. is an excellent reader, and though hn has not the commanding figure requisite for a viigediar, mill he makes up in great for this by a LIP carriage and fault lo,s chip. rtwerd on the stage. Od Monday reit- Lin!: Ili , voice woo not rue p iwerful as we could hive wished bait we are infJritied th it this is not a con ,d 1 dob-ci, but is the efficiit or our atimos : .4,., U's hope to notice an impro -Eli tin this In comedy, Mr. Hanley. is godd ; the character of Pkimper, in " Cool as a Curtin her," was admira bly tendered. !le was warmly applauded by the audieneit, and we believe, front the enthusiasm mani fested, he has indite " a decided hit." As a stage manager, Mr. 11. gives promise of exec ling, and under his management we hope to see the Pittsburgh Theatre receive the patronage which an earnest de sire to give to the people good, wh ilettitue amuse went is itescrving iif. Surety ;,f the. Peary.—We alluded briefly yesterday to the binding over of a mall named Samuel Paulson, on an information preferred by William W. Wallace, for surety of the peace. The circumstances of the affair are as follows: Paulson, who had formerly been in the employ of Mr. Wallace, in his shop 09 Liberty street, came to the shop on Monday, and created a row by interfering with the hands at work. Mr. John Wallace threatened to make him leave the Premises, which Paulson swore he could not do. He went away, and returned shortly afterwards, very tnueh intoxicated. lie recommenced his disorderly behavior, when Mr. W. W. Wallace came in ; Os -eo'ng him, Paulson picked up a file and attempted to throw iV at him. Mr. Wallace secured P8111:3'11 and held him until he was arre,ted by an officer. lie was taken before Mayor Weaver, who committed him to jail for thirty days and bound him over to keep the peace. Theatre.—A good authence was in attendance at (he Theatre last evening, and the play of the " Hunchback " was well put upon the stage. Mr. Hanley won golden opinions as Master Walter, and Miss Kimberly played Julia well. This evening the bill consists of Sh:altgpeare's tragedy Of Romeo and Juliet, with Mr. Hanley as Romeo and Miss Kimberly as Juliet, and a new farce called "A. S. S." To- morrow evening Miss Turnbull takes a benefit. Misses Helen and Lucille Weston are underlined, and will appear next week. That Duck--11 seems that a cowhiding affair has grown oat of the recent sham duel. The gentleman who had been imposed npon so grossly, sought out his antagonist on Monday, and attempted to strike him with a raw hide, but was prevented from doing so by an ()Meer. We understand, however, that the steamboat captain retracted the obnoxious words which gave rise to the meeting, but did not deny having boon a party in the deception practiced in the duel. Lurceny.---On Monday evening, a young man was observed lurking around the door of Messrs. Browr. 16 Co.'s store, on Federal street, Allegheny. He was seen to pisl up a pair of boots and run, but upon being-pursued, he dropped his booty. This, however, would not answer he was captured and taken before Mayor Stuckrath, but Mr. Brown declined prosecu Ling, and he was discharged on promise of amend ment. Ho is a German, and seemed to be quite pen itent. Snap Judgment.—Mayor Stuckrath, of Allegheny, held a man named Murphy to bail in the sum of two hundred dollars for larceny, committed under the fol lowing circumstances A man named Coolmayer lived in a house belonging to Murphy, but was not very punctual in paying the rent. Murphy went t,, the house, and finding there a snot gun, carried it off, without giving due notice to the owner. Cool mayer, not relishing this summary manner of collect ing debts, prosecuted Murphy for larceny. roken Up.—For some time the Allegheny river above tae Aqueduct, has been closed ; yesterday of ternoon we beard a great ringing of bells, and, on making our way to the river, found that the ice hart given way, and that the steamboatmen were rejoicing ever it. The steamers in the Allegheny are obligee to hug the shore very close to avoid the drift ice, which was cc ming down in huge cakes last night. Plank Road Election.—On Monday, the stock holders of the Birmingham and Elizabeth Plank Road Company met in Birmingham, and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, R. A. Bausman ; Managers : J. Wilson, David Kenn° dy, .J. C. Dalzell, W. Symms, 0. 11. Ormsby; Treas • uror, J. J. Willock. Sale of Stocks.—The following stocks were sold last evening at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 5.1, Fifth street, by P. M. Davis, Auctioneer : 27 shares Citizens' Bank . $5l 25 YO " Mer. and Man Bank 50 75 U " A 1 leglieny Bank 23 75 •• Moncinimlola Bridga Company...-. 25 00 20 •• Pittabli Life, Fire and Ins. Co 15 50 Rout.—On Monday Light, a row, originating in an over indulgence in lager, occurred at a saloon on Smithfield street, near the corner of Fifth. Two men, one of them named M'Donald, were badly beaten. Three young men were arrested, charged with being parties in the affray, but as the evidence against them was not conclusive, they were dis charged. Ymzny Jleu'n Chrinti , ,n A.Rociation.—Tho anni• vermry meeting of this Society will be held in Dr. Pressly's Church tomorrow evening. No admittance fee will be charged, hut a collection will be taken up for the benefit of the Association. Several interest ing addresses may be expected. Death of an Editor.—Jacob Frick, Esq., one of the editors and proyrietors of the " Miltonian," Milton, Northumberland county, and a member of the Key stone Editorial Uuion, died on Friday evening last. rho deceased was n son of the late tien. Henry Frick, and was thirty-four years of age. The Co fl T 19. —ln the Distriet and Common Pleas Courts, yesterday, nothing of public interest. was UP. In the Common Pleas a efi,(l of damages for gods delivered in bad order was being tried. In the Din trict Court, Aaron Floyd and John Y. Miaugblin Son for a breach of contract. Railroad Crossing. —No decision was made ;)y the District Judges yestuday, in he case of the injunc tion asked fur by the. Pittsburga, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company against the city. An opinion from the Court timy be expected at an early • - - New Tria/.—We neglected to notice yesterday that a new trial had been granted to William Steinberg, who has been in jail for some time on a charge of lar ceny. Ile will probably be acquitted the next time as now evidence will bo adduced. Another Concert.-- Professor Wamelink intends giving a second concert next week, with the assist ance of his pupils. The proceeds will be for the benefit of Passavant's Infirmary. We wish him a full house. DiHordedll.—Mark M'Uraw was sent to jail for five days, yesterday morning, by Alderman Lewis, far being drunk and disorderly at a lager beer house on Smithfield street. Munroe giewart.—This unfortunate man is now in the county jail, ill of the small pox. He is under the care of Dr. Baldwin, physician at thetjail, and is quite sick. Should this loathsome disease spread in the prison, the result may be terrible in tho extreme'. Mayor's Onice.—Yesterday there wore eight corn won cases at the Mayor's. Threo were discharged unconditionally, coo paid his fine, and four were Committed to jail. Meeting of the Firemen's Asnoelation. A special meeting of the members of this Associa tion was held on Monday evening at Neptune Hall. The meeting was organized by calling Mr. Daniel M'Curdy to the chair, the President being absent. The object of the meeting was the consideration of the new Constitution. The report of the Com mittee was read, but as less than two-thirds of the members were present, action on the report was de ferred until the next locating. It was moved that the Constitution and By-Laws, as read, ho printed, but after sumo dit,eu , sion, this motion was defeated. It was thought it would be better that they should be amended and arl-pted before the expense of print ing is incurred. The Secretary announced that the cards centiiining the details of the fire alarm system will be ready to, distribution in a short time. By this system the city is divided into four districts, ..s fellows : First Dis trict, Fifth and Ninth wards: Second District, Fir•it and Fourth wards ; Third District, Second and Thir I wards; Fourth District: Sixth, Seventh and Eighth wards. When an alarm of fire occurs, one tap of tho 1,11 of any company will be the signal for On FirF , I), trict, two for the Second, three for the Third. an , !%. for the Fourth. The meeting thin adjourned Gynitinetic Association.—A meeting of the metal bars of the Pittsburgh Polytechnic Associatiun v, : ts held at their room on Monday evening for the pur pose of taking measures for obtaining a charter. Ia furtherance of this Abject, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to arrange the prelimi naries to that end : William Owens, A. W. Gazzatn, Frank Dravo, G. P. Miller and George P. Coat. We understand the Association intends building a gym nasium complete in every respect, provided they ran obtain a charter. We hope they may, as the object is a very praiseworthy ono. Dull.—Nothing worthy of recording transpired et the Aldermen's offices yesterday ; ek erytbing was ex ceedingly quiet. In our rounds we f,und items " few and far between." Committed for Whipping 11i8 wan was committed to jail yesterday for fifteen days, by Al, Berman Rodgers, charged with beating hi. wi'e. Served him right. Appointment.—Adam Montgomery has hee o ap pointed postmaster st Industry; Beaver, instead cC Jacob Russel, deceased. Boy's Raglans and Sack Coat:v.—Gents. Frock and Sack Over coats, Raglans ,te., and a full Stnek Winter Gloves, Gauntlets, Mufflers, Scarfs nal Shawls for Men and Boy's, still nn hand at Carnaghan's Pea eral Street, Allegheny. Cash Buyers will find th,3 prices an inducement. Low's BROWN WINDSOR SOAP, COLOATE'S PALM SOAP, GLENN'S WHITE WINDSOR o A , And a variety of Soaps, both plain and fan v, fur CHARLES 11. SUPER'S DRUG STORE. Corner of Penn and St. Clair etre,it Car TIIE SUCCESS WHICH ATTENDA the n.te dn. .1 110STETTER',3 CELsBILATED Sromk,a Barge., evil. 0, at once its virtne4 in ad rases of deoility and . dirwain nl tle• Stomach. Certificatos all/lost without m a sher 11n,.i livrti published, atteAt lug its ahnost niiraculims ndwer .12 r em., ing those painful and fetufai dia,sea. And at this t. 20 it - seems idle t.. 11 d nerve than cull at'untion to the great. I. no dy of the age, ia order to awaken pnbllr atr.nt ion to Ir. ex cellence. It is the Duly prenarAtion •.1 the kind that it , reli able In all cases, and it is thorni.re worthy of the rou.Aidel - :tam of the afflicted. The lIITTEIti are pleasant to th,. agreeable in their eff, wts, and altogether valuable 101 oinedy for indizobtion. or sale by druggiata and dealers genorally, evoryw e lIOSTEITER SMITH.. Manufacturer° and Proprietc 58 Water and 58 Front °Lre,t° • :4 '' ...:\ • ' ' 0 r... 0 '''. " '! " ..- T/ n ' T " ). :'” 4- c., ~ ',,,, — ,A;' - h....•=4 :1 .I'7 r>''.(''',..-- ,T.:•*`...''''6'. ',l.' . ''''. •" 14 . IL., r ,..2. -,' W......a',. .:-7-",- ,e-. 6: i ----` ,-; '• ~',Y ~(ai , `Et:. Esil FT4 , ':.. I' '‘ --4 ;.4 '- _,.. E" ..,. - :,. ,,tri t""'' \ •;!-/ , g < 1 '- ' • `'::*•;") I r ilieA ' C ., P 0 ,, - .417 .'• , ...l . 14 JV 4-. - 1'( '',i - 4 • 'iv: - -c• ~ . , i o, „ ....,..-, , i• ~ .t • ..... 2 ,- T , N ,,,„( ..-- ~,---,-,'. 1 -1 1 (, 4 S ' , 7 - c *. ;-''''''L , ' '• . i ' '' ! k 2l ,j'''Ati:),_ •...' ,: 7 i ll ',--, '.•••••-:,•-•-•., , -I ;:tY., -,. .- 7 5_, ; *‘„, : 1 / 4 .Z"-- -- ,,,- < . - . 7. : , ---Vz,: - '* -- -= "k,..r:. t , 1 ,r,.='‘,.. " "*l .---. '.4''-`.. --14 ,•=-.- ~..!- ,--;k .-- .2 : 4.:,-, --,-...-,,;.,+ 7 -T .- :.,\,,,,,,,,,„•,‘22, ' "--._ , -•-•• = ;4 FORNEY'S DAILY "PRESS" delivered regularly, by JOHN PITTOCK, Office, at Hunt & Miner's The Pittsburgh Store, N 0.64 MARKET STREET, BETWEET7 TtunD AND FOURTH, will be opened ~1 11 TUE'- DAY, March 21, with a splendid stock of 'FANCY AND STAPLE DRY ODOM', which will all ho new and of the latest styles, and will be sold cheap for ash. We invito the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity to c.%11 and examine our stock. (1.-27:3t) SMITH > CO. IJIN' SEED OIL.-12 barrels to arrive. anl for sale by [fe27] H. C3.LLINS. 1:4 1 0 G S-7 bbls., to arrive by R . R. and for ‘ll B4le by ff.2:7 1 SIE ,, V q Clo)b,T TNA Safety and Economy in Light. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAI\IPIIENE AND FLUID, when you can get a cheaper and better light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gmitt Can nel Coal, produces the cheapest, moat brilliant, stead}, ant, and safe portable light ever offered to the publi •, an ; un danger of explosion ; more brilliant than gas, and quit, as cheap; lamps of the most simple and enaily mariagr.i construction. For sale by T. O. &0. 1100 K I NSW:, No. 79 :mithfield street ./Jc- Beware of a counterfeit already in toe market. made Camphene, with a little Coal oil in scent it. I te27.• OMESTI7 Ty. _JSTIC AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. —A goof assortment always on hand, which Will to sold as cheap as the cheapest. C. HANSON LOVE. Formerly Love Brothers. f 527 Nn. 7.1 Market street. ONE WEEK LONGER—We will sell the following reduced prices to make room for new g,)118 —Heats' Kip Boots for S:1 00 worth $ll :Oa Gents' Kip Shoes fe 1 '• 1 75. Gents' Heavy Shoes tor.. 1 37 " 1 50. Bays' Kip Shoes for 1 144 " I :i7!4. Boys' Heavy Shoes for ... 1 00 1 :30. Youths' Kip ShoesF7 - " 1 00. Youths' Heavy Shoes O 7l Misses' hoes 75 " " 1 00 (lents , Ladies', and Otildren's Gum Overshoes and S.iie dale CHEAP, at e The Pe pies' Sh 43 Store," No. 17 Filth street, near Market. [fe2.7 DI FF EN BAC fl ER ,11. RYE FLOUR.-20 Barrels Rye Flour, just received, nod fur sale by JAMES A. FETZER, rurl Corner Market and First etc-rte. MILL FEED.— moo thi lire Nliddling; ouou Wheat. •' Ir,oo 'a Wheat. Shorts; 1500 " Rye Br as and Shorts, just received tool Gar sale by JAMES A. FETZER. tutl. Corner Market an 1 First rests. :4,1 1 WEET ORANGES.—•_'OO boxea Sweet Messina Oranges, list received and for eak by REVMER R ANDERSO No 39 Wood street, inn Opposite St. Charles 110M1. - LOST OR MISL AI D.—Four Lawrence County to the North ti extern It R. Co; two of $lOOO, each, Net. 88 and 89, arid two of Saw, each, Not. 125 and 128. All persons are cautioned against receiving the same, as payment has been stepped. The finder will be suitably reisarded on leaving than at our office. S. CUTL' B ERT & SON, fe27 51 Market street FURNITURE OIL CLOTlP—Beaut , ful styles of figured and imitation of wool, for a. de by fe24 J. & IL PHILLIPS. FEDERAL STREET.--For sale, a valuable three etot y brick house on Federal att.-et. 1 he hoose i• well arranged v rth hall and 8 rooms, and front and back office. Price, $3OOO. S. OUTULIERT r't SON, fe24 51 Market =treat . R EDUCTION IN PRICES, REDUCTION IN PRICES All Wool Plaids, Rich Iturtiti 131'k Silk a. French Merinees, Rich Brocade Silks, Paramattam, lane Wool D'L',nes. De Rages, French Chintzes, Fancy Prints, and an unsurpassed selection of Stella and Nienna Brocha and Plaid Shawls, are now offered to the public, at the store of A. A. MASON & CO., 25 Fifth street, at a further reduction on 01:1 • r heretofore, low prices. fe23 REFINED SUGAR.-- 15 bbls. Lovnning'e "A" refined Sugar; 10 do do ''11" do du 15 do do Crushed do 10 do do Coats, Pulv'd do Jest re. ceived and for sale by MILLER Ai RICE - ET: I ON, fe2o EN(3.. 221 and 223 Liberty street. TIMOTHY SEED.-15 sacks received, and for cuale• by ffelhl PRNICY It COI UTNAM'S Improved, and other styles of Window Shade Fixtures, for sale by ' 4 J. & H. Kind IPS. ATIME FOR ALL THINGS.—No - w iN the time to buy Shoes of every descript on We are desirong to clear out our winter stock, which com prises Gents', Ladies', Misses', Youth's and Children& Wear. Remember the place, "The Peoples' Shoe Store," No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. LC) lIONE 1 SO A I DISYRNBAOLIES 0 CO. ('.( .) M ti.i i , :. R,C I A 1,. PI TT ,;• t•.UA3£t3 Vir TRAD ti; A. D 1.:14.:„77ANW5• LeXCIIANGW. ........ I=il 5. t , 10: GNOT, h,t lIMEMIEII III!=Z , SN9WDIo; Febreurry Is4ll l l El% V. p., \V I. N 411:, DAVID NreANDLKss, 1.1.!,•%10,41. .1% NI F.„S GAHM N Mit '6 , ,n1;!,• 9=IIIIIN=I3 EERIE ,i111':; ; .AV,. • Fok pers. Itortoeda . . . .. N.Av Yo: k. ....lifinit.nr , March 1 Atf km ........ ......Nef• i ark Liverpool March 3 CO of 'A .f.dd'h _':.•w i•.,;1- 1 irerp,ol. March 4 Eillt) , (:I,Y ';1.1,{? V 0rh...... dlavaila &N. di.....March 4 Ai„„, 1 a yl. ~. ...., ~,.. Yon l. A , : in wall ..... ...... March 5 Arag.. Now York ......11Avro, &c March 9 Norther u I ight NVW Surf' I. , pinwfill March 9 A MUCira lh,t,•lN, i"C.... 1 iverpool March 10 lideigou , :ow Y , frl tilaff ed o, March 13 Angle Si,,a Portland 1 ivorpool \larch 13 Europe N f vi' Yof 1 , I ivcrpoof ' , larch 17 liaagaieo .. . Ni.w Y o rk Liverp oo l March 18 North Pia, New Y01k......1tr0m0n. &c March Si Canada BtiMitql, Sca I iverpool March '24 Tot A It I: 1 V E SHIPS LEAVE FOlt. ',Ali, ( i itlHgOW .. . li I 4s4oNV Now York Feb. IA A 711., 2t - .... . ....... . I.i V.,11,4 , i I{Oht,tl, Ac Pet , . IA F 0r0p0........ ....... Lis t , l pool. New York Fob. 20 Kangaroo. .... ...... i iverpo,4 ..... .New York Feb. 21 North Alu ,, rics.....P. , rtland I iverpool Fob. 24 Canada Li' toll , 001....... Boit ton Fob. 27 Ilarnm,,ni , ....... ...II ,tuburg Now York.. ....... —March 1 l ity of Iffitimore..Livt'rpt.x.,l New York March 10 Fulton S utl,tuni.t ,, ll.Nety York March 10 New York Stock Piarket hw YoRK, March 2.--Noon. St' lower and Icce , ractive.. Chingo and SW, it erlarid Coal 21; tlliuoie n o 99% ; d„ v La and Milwaukee Ili Mich rzeirthern :111: atria Coal, 76 1 ,.:,; N. Y. Central 9:1 1 :; 11e,ding nrr Milw a k 29; Cant o , company 24';( v : Mivv,mri tin 84; Galena and Chit-age, 9:1%; hin;au Cr re ri:! Flr 2.47: Cleveland mid 'rah I. a!: Jam! and l'irt-hdh.gll 17 1 ,4„: Cal:frma 7'5 5,. Stei ng X ..1,11,,z e ,illll at 1014(.7,1,t), Ere,i,j.—St..cks firm., Chicago un.l Rcek Island Sti; ri.ind Coal 2,1!-1.,': Michigan Southern 32X; N. V. C. 11- 92!,6; Gal: an.i diiicago 93; Clev.‘lad and Toledo ('irvel:o and I'ith.our.4ll 19; Milvi.itOie and Mississippi 39; Conan C,rupany 13',1 921'.6 . ; Nlissouri 84. Stocks WOro tit rougi, ;titer the Beard. Nt'a M.trct '2.—Cottou 6.w advanced; 3000 Isa Hold; firm at ad•aixeut jy, Uldand 10hht;i0g(10.0tthc ut 12, 1 ,4.. Flour firm; stioo bbls sol I. %Vhrat fit 10; huib. llotti ha, d.,110, tao.ll Hold; it hue and y,li,Lave 11,11110 A 10, 11, I titer quetlntf at hhobtqc I- , ttgar Ireavy. quirt M low him at :it , ti:rat. It hi'on - and :14.•rthict, , , Lard etoody 11,1 111, 111 101 Z.. Itil t Vl' 11,t,v, at P.:0318. Pig boot $27 , 4 $:27.:10 111101q1112011. l'obucco 6g..17e. Taltuv. Cincinnati In arkat CIS , IN:NATI, Nl4,ch iu the niarki•t it !tihi,ky 1i firm at 17c, with 1.1r..+ wadi, gad: buyera Bain Pia . . 2 and lat it i, hold higher. Ylrso ,s .1 11 11 $,;,; •,011 tads for .111ty and .1.110,1,•1iv,•ry :.atd uuchaug..Ll and atiatdy at 9 1 / 2 and (I La [III 0011 g. FURNISHED HOTEL FOR SALE. T HI Lit° AID OTEL, AT LAT RO:_iE Sl'A't lON, on the Penn -11.111.A f./rtl ezi , ,t of Pittshur e to, l•uirt of drdle, three ,tolire bietli, M; feet flout, 54 toot deem, e o.tdi 0, 40 !Ito. I:erge r-orni newly and completely furtush ra, I, 3ly for indm 80ite There is te Iruwo thirty I ,, tt - buildings sod one m grdood sti.ei 10,1 t the premiees. p r i ce , i nc l u di ng mmture, me had may remain on Bond amid NlOl - I I i not sold helm,. tot of Apri', it will be rented st te:ol p m r annum. W. BARN Latrobe, Pa. EEMOV AL Ckqelaud & Pittsburgh Railroad, A .N Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati Et A EL H. 0 .1 IID , CIIN AND AFTER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY NJ, 1.):1,, t Irvight haiin 0,-, roads, in the OFPiTrefiujuiu Will L. , I r d .it C.t ,, i ti; , DEPOT', ON FEN: , ; v, AY, E, tJ' TNU.iY T!S 11tIt•V. \L•r tostitB Mi,lllllllCVlivrn,all4l is inVit,i tt the ti by Cho., ttuatts, t, AND LOW R.ATE:', And in pt tnin,„torta don of Fro.glity, by C oU:, LWA V GiNNECTiOM. rgh t.. I'ol •eu, Detroit. Chi - 1 Ifnitm., n, cilia L. iv , : n 1141,11 til•• Y7,, , tPrn, North tc.,tern, 011 I :‘,,,11-we,t -urn s tvight toHer. t to me st of the fib_ct, places la the same rate i❑ it t.l .ad , tl at thi4 Depot. ==l - - For ti t . th, fo ruuuiou, 31 - .1,:y to f,- s JO LIN I'. CLASS, Agent Excelsior :Restaurant, 1 WOOD Str 7 i, , t, 1'1175011m - 3.1, Fix , WiiOI.IESALF; A,VD :I.LTA IL DEALER IN A.i': ll AND C.ASTELiN 1:16H The undf-rshztit,tl has .jti-t. ro, iv, d fr at ti,” Ex,t e r, mar k,t, n. itwh..l with great carp, Si ELT, II ALI LIE. 11,11/Ix:CH, FRESH . COD FISH, EASPNIRN SUN FISH, VABIETIES OF LAKE Nell! York Prince's Bay, Egg island, Egg Harbor, Shell Oysters. Too finest. eve. brought to thin city. Every delicacy of the emou nerved up at the EXCELSIOR. Itb. S l'A URANT. I:d.tw S. STE INEUCK, GAUNTLETS, GLOVES AN L? StITTS, A si k did ARsortuartit cow aching AT COAT, At C LIEST ER'S Lilt; 11_u 1, _1 . 44 Corner V, oil ntree: and Diamond alley SLEIGH 1-IOBE, TRAVELINti Mlir?!.Elt. AND 61.1 AWL, iiLoVEi AND u.kuNTLI..:Ts, AT L. IHRSIIFEL di.' SON'S. No. S 3 Wu3,l ntrecl ItICH SILKS AT VERY LOW PRICES LICE BHA WLS AT VERY boW PRICES. FINE DRESS :30'..WS AT Y 1,9 W RI 7ES, IVOOLEN GOLDS AT VERY Lu%% DJAIESTIC OOODi , VERY LOW PRICES. At the More of A. A MA. - .,J.N A CO., nir2 Fifth street. 13UCKEYE HOTEL FOR RENT.—That large and convenient hotel situate the corner Maier and Ferry Streeta, for one, two, or three }ears. Ap• ply to S. CnnitsEatT 6 SON, Mr!, Market street. FOR RENT.--A pleasant reside:ice in Alle gheny City, Nlttlat, OLI I:011DMrs eight thouv, hyill ant in the yard, f,rail. vine., st tale tr. 111Ine - diaLe p,4m.Plion C.:15 to heat a year. Ap ply t, CUT lib' , Act a :UN, sued hi M ket A 0001) DwELLENG lia g o (.f grolin , l, In :tomb I. to r foam iii' .144,1lungalield Bri(l4-. Foti nt 1,; in•r 6l_ Li If S: 14,.N, fir 2 SI fist sift dt.rret. L(20110i...—D10 obis. iti affil 9ei per cent. ,tie by liN R. Co., jsl,!l Cosner i , i First and Wood strut,. I* WILL buy a new frame Dwelling !iv, 11,b," ,4 lour I') .I,t ill trout, Ituty. ,It ea, -LG. rh. t r , trout Of 20 feet on .11is,t,,r,y rut i iv lest drop to au atu.y. Penns of pa) tu-tit v.v y ti , sitsf in new and ty g 0,1 Clint.k FIT tail., I.) 60S, j tl 51. Marko,. etemft. Ei3LUt.,—boo Lusts I sus us 11,23 t: “ntt tbr onto by h,ll , 7 tJ QATITyvq I)ACKE') BU'll'Ell.-60;) lbs. solid pack ed Butter, r,ceive.l and ~%10 by JAS. A. Flit Zrat , t 9 Wecd 14tiret. _REMOVAL-- JAMES A. FET Eh • Forwarding and Commission Merchant EAU: OF FLUU}t, °BAIN, A::1) ALL ! , .1:.1),; i)F It um 89 Water Hlrcet, to the Corner of i'tarket nistt streeta, J'i iil7tlG 11. P 4 1-WEBER BELTING.—A large 311 and 4 ply im'k, ;it the ludo' Rut, for epos, and .S ter. Clair ntrt.-et j. 0.0 EAR CIIRN-110 Backs Ear Corn, justre ceiv,d, ant f r na4e by JAS. A. FETZER, pa:; 89 Watihr street. 31UST REDUCE THE STUCK.—In order W reduce our stock ta,ore the opening of the Spring we will continuo t.. cell at the EXTREMELY LOW FRICES onr G00.'1% are now marked st do9o !; DOttti A. lkisrl-at Jr YOU WANT ' t L, CLOTHING MAD?'. A brilliant tia,ortn , 2.t PIECE GOODS GOTHIC MALL, ,f d Rai Diamond alloy. Ja3o on hand at Air We Study to QPONGES —A larg, ztssortment of fine Spo.,ges C•Jr.Stan Ely uu non lin Jo& FLEMING, rnr2 Corner blau,, d nod Market it. I UJUBE PASTE —A large supply of fresh O Jujub, Paste rec,i,ed by J. nt,E \TIZ , II.I, mr2 Corner Diamond and Marlia Bt. USBAND'S iIIAGNESIA.—A fresh sup ply oi this most excell nt pur;.,ostive received by JOS. FLEM• NO, Corner Diimcmd and Marko Ht. ADER.-3 bble received tide 'day Pric. lA cents LELWORTII, BRO. t BROWNLEE, in tile ildamond. 113 A 1A Li DICK IV. 2' .CEA N ST 14.1 A NALS =IIItIIMM2III 11. PHILLIPS v:!t, CALL AT CUE.•_,TEIt'S. RIVER NEWS. HARDY & ➢'GREW, Steamboat and Gen eral Agents, Corner of First and Ferry streets. RIVER, WE/MIER, 1110.—Thr river was nearly at a stand last night, with 7 feet 9 inches in the channel. The weather was very cold, but basin tet neve, theless was pretty brisk. About uoou yesterday the i both rivers brok. , , and was ruouing out very freel. , a high up the break ex tended wo could not learn. The Rowena left yesterday on a trial trip. She went down about five rniles wt n ass stopped by the ice and returned. She carried lint iii.e hui dyed pounds of steam, and, having no freight on t o rd, had but little dip. but still she worked beautifully. Alf. %Williamson, who Cold her wheel on the trip, says she heloiles very w 11. Capt. Dreier has reason to bs pr..uil of his beautiful craft. The Denmark raised steam yesterday and came army.] to a berth at the landing. Capt. Welsh bail sold half the W. A Dve. to Capt. kin, of Ve, ay, and one-quarter of the rornionii,i half to Capt. Frank ltobinson, of Warsaw, Ky. She will be 01Leed in the Cincinnati and Kentucky river trade. John Pritchard, the second mate of the David White, kill ed a dock passenger of the name of Dolan or ou the trip from New Uric ino to Louisville, by tofu a¢ him to the deck with a billet of wood At Cincinnati, Thursday morning, the clwrdlow tried t., swallow a huge lump of ice. It took her iu t.,•• the startroard aide, making a 1..,'•3 ab •ut six niches q.juare. 7he Lout shipmd four feet water. The lied Chief, while making 4 trip froin Bayou thol. mew to New Orleans'. dropped her ntarboard goo user board, together with 100 bales of cott,o. The Vinci - ones Gaz-tte, of Thor-day, says . The sVabash was stationary yesterday, with water too scant the hms for navigation. The foit,Wing hoate air riv, Wm Knox, Umpire, City of Cairo, Statesman, Wm. II :,elson, Kate Sarchot and the Shelby." Tne IL W. Adams, bound for Shreveport, who ~or tho mouth of Cone river, broke her larboard shaft. The total cargo of the Sunbeam, sunk iu the Pierre, to 852 bales of cotton, of NN Well 369 balee ,euk w!th the wreck to thirty-five feet water. T. e Henry A. Jon and Ohio No. 2, for Marietta, left en Saturday afternoon both with good trio, and each thawin.; OA feet water. The Jones took fire a mile below Augusta, while running up Augusta Chute and wan horned to the water's edge. Capt. Knight will no doubt charter another boat to take the piano of the Jones in the trade until h.• shall purchase or build another vessel. It has been Mu. mated that the Captain would make an effort to tetrulte.se the • wallow. PORT OF PITTSBURGII 7 FEET 9 IN(NIES WATER IN THE CHANNEL STEAM BOAT 6. NASHVILLE. For Nashville. The line steamer QUAKER Captain NieDANIVLS—CIerk, SAMUEL COOLEY—WiIt leave for the above, and all ibterueslbite TUESDAY EVENING. For freight or passage, apply on board f. I For ft .filiville A • The splendid new light draught fltealner " L'i.ND Ca pt. It. Oaken' will leave for the above tN P - • • - and interniedi ‘te ports en SATURD A , 28th lust., at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply ou board. tiov24'. For NashvUle. atea theleaTvheefotiare passenger on WEDNESDAY, at 10 A. NI. For freight or passage apply on boa-d, or to dela FLACK, BARNES & , iO., .Agehie. IFIEMPEBIS For Memphis and New Orleong. Tlin flue paisonger AuaTuer ALMA, Uspt lioninsoti, will leave for the above and all I, teratudiate ports, on SATURDAY, at 4 1 )4 far freight or passage apply on board, or to ja2o FLAUK, BARNES s; CL., Ago•uts. ZANESVILLE. For Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. M. - "ROE AIRES, Will leave for the above and all - ' ,424-t - — '..interinediato ports ou every TUE,DAY . , at o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage apply on board. [ ia6 ST. LOUIS. Vor St. Louln lOWA 'Litmus, Master. The light draught, fast running passenger IMiglpacket lOWA, 'uooitz, Master, will letiv, the above and all intermediate ports, en ei UItDAY, We Pith inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. For lreight or passage, having superior acemmudati..l,, apply ou board, or to . HARDY dr SIcGIIW , Aycu H, le-i Corner First and Ferry tltru,.l DAGUERREAN GALLEE,III,Z) AMBROTIPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DLBAB:.E PICTUIi 1 WARRANTED, CAN RE HAD AS LiJW AS AT ANY nitsT CLASi F,STAI34I.•7•ILMENT IN THE COUNTRY, AT GREAT ATTRACTION AT NO. 60 MARKET ST., Whore can be seen the largest collection o AllilitOTlPE 1 / 4 16 PdOfOGRAPII SPECIMENS, EVNE EXHIBITED IN Tills cITY 4- 7 Z -• Persons wishing Pictures of themselves or frioothi, are invited to call and examine before setting elsewhoro, An WE WARRANT PICTURES st.perier to any that can be obtained west of the mountain,. R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and Antbrotypi st NTENV YORK GALLERY, No. 76 Fourth street, ood SUNBEAM GALLERY, 8. W. cor of Market street and Diamond, PiOnourgn Jaunt:a-4p PRICES TO Sth." 2 ALL. %VYKES' 'GALLERY OF ART, TO. 60 MARK.. 4 %I' STREET.-PICTUIU taken at this Utah rY by a uew and improved pr0c.....,,, giving the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and compl,•l - They are acknowledg, d by all who have examm , d them to be far superior to any ;detures eve. exhibited in theft city. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and exam,u.e his large collections of specimens, His Gallery being on the second li oor, is easy of access. N. 13.- —Pictures of Children taken xtil two 81, C 012,1 . 4 . at h dO Market street tuy27 , t ifs E. S. WY.K_ES, :taw_ AIIBROTVPES. PRICES REDUCED. GALLERY CORNER OF THIRD AND MARK ET nit t: Entrance on Third etreet. Citizens and Strangers desiring AMBROTYPES, smecut,d is the highest degree of artistic beauty and perfection, an be accommodated at short notice by calling at NELSON'S WELL KNOWN GALLERY, THIRD STREET. F rices One 'Dollar and upward. 5p.2.9:1y-2,1 ROGERS' NEW DAOUERREAN AND AMBROTYPE :KT AND SIDE LIGHT Gr A 1:1 FTEI STREET, OPPIibITE THE I'l)6T-tit. il,lt / na.. PICTURES taken iu the vtirtous styles, In we Cher, and warranted to ue, at reasonabie rates. te. nick or d,coan,d per,„Th, residalo.e. ap2o:lydaw-is 4 mait oT yp E6 ._ A iIEAL 7 TIFUL AND DU ILA BLE PlCTURE—warrannsi be hrd i''W a at any first claw I..eittibt iBlllll ell In at . f026:1w WALL'S., n Yourto stn.,- AUCTION SALES. DAILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH 61- • At the now Commercial Sales No. 54, street, every week day, are held public sales of goods w e ll ..ariety, suited for the trade and conatnners, froth ;1 lei, t O 'tuck which is constantly replenished with fresh consign• meats, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. 111., Dry Goods and fancy articles, comprising nearly everythim.: needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut. ry; hardware; clothing; boots and bliovs; ladle ware, ice AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and kitchen furniture, new and bec,ml-hand; 'a.da and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone Chinn wart' ; itoves; cooking utensils; gr'iceries, ac. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., fancy articles; watches; clucks; jewelry; music, instru ments; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. L.ok stationery, Ztc. IseB I Y. M. DAVIn, Auct.s 25.()00 GERMAN AT ,u T L S O E: N t DAY MORNI.S9, March 3d, at H o'clock, at the Commer c,al Sales lioomi,..No. 54 Fif,h strea, will o sukt, without reserve, for account **hum it may coucei u, twenty-li e thousand fine quality Spanish and German Lligarii, embra cing celebrated brands. mrl P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. • FAVEN'S Commercial, Albatros, and Nos 1 and 2 Steel Pens. Just received and fur side by W. B. I.I.A.VEN, Corner Market and Second streets. lAT S. HAVEN'S Octagon Inlaid and • Bone Tipped LEAD PENCIL. Just received and for nale of Nes.3l, 33, and 35 Market street. i.fe23 RYE. -50 sacks to arrive and for sale by fe2s lIENkY 11. CUL! QWEET CIDER.--10 bbls. choice Sweet Cider, just received, and for sale by JAMES A. FETZES;, fe2s Corner Market and First ,tree[. CIOD drums extra N 9. 1 Cod Fish kat received, and for ealo by MILLER & iLICILETEON, f,25 Nos. 1.'"21 and 2.' t 3 Liberty aireet. TJIANO AT A BARGAIN .—An elegant Ro . owood,Chickering Piano,only in Aso throe inenth, in perfect order in every respect, Will IN sold ata eery great bargain. The owner is non in the Wee t, and wishes oat Ili once, and for cash. The subscribes will gutraute,3 the Piano to be perfect, and unblemished. Apply to fe24 .1C 11.1 N H. 511:1,1Ail GLOVES, GLOVES.-10 enable you to feel comf•rtable during this li •eezing spell, supph- YIL "self with a pair of good warm wiuter Gloves, which can be had cheap, at fe2.l 77 Market street. QIIPERB. CARB. 200 kegs New Castle, for ask by I oral BAK &BENIN. * 00. WALL'S, F, urth street E. S. WYKES, Artist AM USEMENTS. PI 1171CSBET tIGH THE AT RE. IRRa KIMBERLY LEM= AHD MANAGTREELEI J (3. HANLEY .STAGE MANA.IIR PHIC3S OP ADMIBSION: 60c. Private Box, tarp- ....$8 Og P , •• - • 25c. Private Box, 5ma11...... 6oe 16c. Colored Box 25c. in Private Box, 1. Colored Gallery 15c. ALTERATION Oli TIME. oi ,o at 7 'clock. Performano, to commence at 7IA Box Lace, for rale of Tlcketri,opon from 10 to 3 o'clock. Third uight of the young Au•ericnn Tragedian, MR. J. Q HANLEY W ) DNESDAY EVENING, March 3d, 1858, will be acted rd)Ley earn a Tragr-dy of ROME.) AND JULIET .......MrSome J. 0 Hanley. Juliet Miss Kimberly To conclude with (firm time here,) the new Farce, entitled A. 8. 8. Diogenes Hunter Mr. H. A. Weaver Th• wanßgewent taken great pleasure In announcing t hat. nn eugaw,,uent ham been made, for a few nights, with the beautiful fitl.l wonderfully talented MI tSES LUCILLE AND 11,t1LEN WESTON, %-t It, . enang, went in Boston for the past season, attracted the hirge,t noniLer of cr.miled houses ever drawn by any smut in that city. Ane .v play written expressly for them, entiths! Tb!E THREE FA S' . MEN, was played by them in that city. for ceventeen consecutive weeks, to overflowing now in active preparation, and will be speedi ly pr , node A len, in rehearsal, the FEMALE 40 TILIEVES. IV ANT .:!—Ten to tlfte en young ladies for the Ballet in the above new plays Apply at the stage Door, for the Stage Manager, between the hours e f ill a M. and 11 , M. The Beautiful Collection of Paintings, NCLUDINU THE EASTERN SLAVE MARKET, CI,EuPATRA, DEATh O 1 LEANDER, and tin, ininous CIRCASSIAN MODEL OF BEAUTY, An , ipox en - Free Exhibition at the TONT' N E HOUSE, No U. Third etreet.. Call awl Elef' thorn. J!, GEO. SOHN ECE, Proprietor. JOHN W. M'CARTHY, BILL POSTER! mil L L ArrEND lo THE POSTING and bISI4III3UTIN', of all kinds of CONtiEttl%s All eummunicatious rithor by mail, telograph, or otl.r -wt,,,,--directi-ci to tho otilce of the „Aluribing Post, will rocJlic prumla attrution UhiNtiAbb CAE.D6. [3I.IMPLILI.EYS, C. J. HOFFMAN, JOHN WIIIOUT iliamphreys, Hoffman & Wright, Fl,O U 1 FACTORS, PROD UC AND GENERA L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7u NoRTII WHARVES AND 155 NORTH. WATER ST., A I .vt. Vine Street, IiEFER To Goorild, Tlioiiipson it Co., Philadelphia. 'fliotupson, Clark & Young, " :Liter, Price & Co., Cak Li Cope & Co., " liariTuft, Beaver & Co , " Gin by, Seville a Hughes, " is. NI. Lewis, Cashier F. and M. Bank, " .f..s il. Mitchell, Cashier March's Bank. " - NlOl ria L. Hallowell &Co., .. McLutcLosin & Collins, " John M. neuoeily & CO., " ii•tianel a Cu, " Pickett, Mathews &Co., Maysville, Ky. shrewsliary & Price, Madison, Ind W. Li. Langley & :Bunn, Gallipolis, Ohio. Lai, relive & Mathias, Louisville, Ohio. A. D Bullock a. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio W. (Limed A Cu., Pittsburgh, Pa. Baguley, Oosgrave & Co., • " novla:1)* TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER PIPES, From two to six inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot. A LSO—ItOCUESTER PEARL STARCH For Salo Milioletale at rdanufacturere Prices by ENRI' EL COLLINS, FuItWARDINU AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, tND W 1101.1iSALL DEAMI. IN cDICESIC, BUTTER., SECEDE:, FISH., AND PRODUCE GENERALLY 25 WOOD STIIMBT, PITTSBURGH. Ij, wud, MOOR/MAU U. F. m'ouvall - 5 2 0j00D, MOOfftlilEAD Si. CO., MAN it eACT VEERS UP American tiahanized, Best Refined IM=EI COMMON SHEET IRON, Aud Sole Agent .or the sale of W. Moms Waops' CgLEBRATED VATI MITA fION RUSSIA SHEET IRON, -ALSO- _ ALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON, for Roofing; SPIh ES, NAILS, wad HOOP IRON. Worchouoc, No. 134 First st., Pittsburgh. BALL OltlEllil FOR GALVANIZING will be promptly attsroled to at tl o Works. au:26 Burton & Perkins, AUCTION AND CO q MERCHANTS, NO. 50 FOURTH LOULWILLE, KY., Consignments of any and every rleAcriptimi of Mercuuudixa. A goOds sent to us tor ,do will be attended to without duay, and remittances tin :oodiately made. Tuankful for past favors we solicit a con tiun..uce. nov4d3m CHARLES Vt. ILEWIS;ALDERMAIV, And Lx-Officio Justice of the Peace, 0 I , ' UN THE CORNER OF WYLIE `.1.) FIFTLI STREETS. Ail busines, cminegted with thia Mlles will he atti udod to ti ith promptilesi. veyauces of all kiuda done with legal accurvcy—stich ao LEC(IB, Mortgagee, Bowls, Powers of at torney, etc. Titled to Beal tistate examined. To the members of the Bar he tenaura his services as Com ~uls,iouer to take vepositiou . 6 to be read in the several Courts i.l [hie 6tatc`, and CititAVLltlr4l. Rio slice is one of the main 6tatimics the city, ituil consequently his facilities in evecutmg I.lldllll,Adul that kind are very desirable. lfelb:ly W. W. WALLACE'S MARBLE WORKS. LIVIARBLE MANTELS,, A Large and Beautiful Stock always on Hand And Made to Order OWNERS 01' PROPERTY, CONTRAC TORS AND OTIIEaB, are invited to call and exam. ti.o our stock ot MAUBLES, as we are peisuaded that but fi.w persons in the coniumuity are aware of the low prices loch we are selling .NIAsTELs, A good, plain , Marble costs but latle, if tiny, more than a good W0..1.1 Man -1.1, whilst it is aiwaye neat, is as ornament to a room, and (unlike a Wood Mantel) is not liable to take are. MONUMENT.A, TABLET 6 AND ()RAVE BTUNES al ways on baud WASOSTANDS AND FURNITURE TOPS, AND ni p: n•_. , INO cTON F.:4 !Wide to order by machinery. Marble of as kinds eold low To the trade. Ntock hi Lhe argtvit in the West, is manufactured by i.,v,lnuory and will be meld at the lowest priced. W. W. WALLACE, Nos. 319, 321 and 32.3 Liberty street, Pitteliurgh. Plaster, Cement and Grindstones. pLASTER PARIS, for Stucco Work, etc. CEO ENT, for llisfornd, Flu, Walls, etc. UIt1Vl)- rN t:" , , all siz,s and tddt quality, for Farmord dud Me ut 319 131,-rty strodt, Patsburgh, PA. • LAID W. W. WALLACE. GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, ~.. 0/111 . 1 Elt 1111.1t1) AND MA LULEA! ,T 6., PITTBI3I.IItUII. riIIIOSE WIS!IING TO FURNISII THEIR • ii.u. with VENITIAN 13LLNDS, of the most sign'. ~,„' elaborate finish, will thui it to their interests to give „,. ,„ ,ii c efore purchasing elsewhere. ,Ily work is got up • , ~.i,, h., t ruechun ica lout apprentices.) Every attention is t , .1 91 t. th,, vents of cwitoruers. Prices low. All work ''" •ante, - 2. Na 71. TiSIEJJ street, Pittsburgh. (ruyB:lyis J.AXLS S. 811.11ADIG 1.'11 ' 1" O 1E1132 DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Conituisdion and Forwarding Merchants and alerd ILI - '2'educo and Fittebargh Manufactures, No. '251 L Liberty qtr. ea.. Pittsburgh, ea. nor.4s:y. B . C.. & J. IL SAWYER, LARD OIL, CANS_ p FILM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS IV 0. 4 . 7 Wood tract., Pittsburgh, Pa DAVID h.. WiId...TAM, ti I VIL ENGINEEII:. AND .°°N rl.l t 4ClDll 1.) g ull Tab; EREcr i oN . GAB WORKS. for trout flve tr.un,r, an , luuwardd, and for •'-."-o,lg public or priNatV, t y 6Ltuuu, aot Water or .144 u rnaces ' ,aptfits PITTSBURGIS. ?C. WILLIAM CLAY', • 1 1' • WILOLES,ALE A-ND RETAIL CIBIANTS; A U 0 It E NO. 37 Di_ 13.10 ND ALLEY, Near Wood atioet, WRG 11, PA. i Wbieky, of the PI T TSI. vt.4.-iraudi!:%ol.-o m o o n na b n a g n a t e g i la ta. k .i be d ririyoc,t2:l7Y, uud Coguac dsthydel: - - F. J. BOSEIA, C. GOTENDORF. IFIUSEMA GUICENDOtUF, WAND ACHIM:NS OF STEAM BOIL LE Itn , And all lands of Sheet In. sn woek• nPenu btreat, near Water) Pittabnrgt, Pa. ALL ORDEP PRIMPTET ATTENDED 1 1' L.Te2s:ly sizes 0. IL P. Swearer's First City Eh WINDOW GLASS.-2500 bo: Kes assorted sbrogis, G la. Id. 1000 boxes assorted sizes Boston or second i lualltY Glass, in store and landing, and fortee by LLI4IB. 4 Ithak 128 C* 111 1 Nos. 1191 and 20 Mari tY Ana. Miss Julia Turnbull PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL. -01- DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, ISREQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE troubled with Liver Complaints, unless the most dos perate of cases, when the secqui bottle will, with scarce a single failure, restore the patient to health and vigor. We wish to call the attention of all to these facto, that the In vigorator in compounded by a physician who has Died it In his practice for the past twenty years with a mimosa almost credulous, and that it is entirely vegetable, being composed wholly of gums. Some idea of the strength of these gams may be formed when it is known one bottle of the Invigorator contains as much etrength as one hundred doses of Calomel without any of Its deleterious effects. We know there is nothing now before the American pub tic, prepared with such skill by a scientific man, particularly for diseases of the Liver, as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy, It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the world, tdmply because it rest on its own merit. To convince all by trial that it is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are Buffering from such diseases as are described in Dr. Hanford's advertisement, we know of know remedy that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take one or two teaspoonfuls at each attack and it will soon disappear. Fes au overloaded stomach, or when food rises or sours, take the Invigorator after eating, and it will not prove disagreeable or oppressive. For Heartburn, Palpitation, or Difficult Breathing, take a tea poonful once or twice dully. For Loss of Appetite, Languor or Listleasness, the medicine is invalu- able. It will restore the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on retiring, and the demons of dreamland wilb all be fairies. After eating a hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all oppression or fullness. I les Invigorator is a Liver Reme dy of unequaled virtue, acting directly on that organ, cur ing Dyspepsia, Jannllce, Billions Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and all Female Obstructions, for which it hue no equaL We know there is nothing now before the American pub lic prepared with such skill by a scientific man, particular. ly for diseases of the Liver, as r. Bsnford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the word, simply because it rests on Its own merit. To convince all by trial that it Is all its prcprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are oulterLng from such diseases as are described in Dr. eanfurd's advertisement. w. - 1 know of no remedy that will so surely cure thorn ac :ho Invigorator. There has lately been brought to our notice a medicine that seems to pi.seaiss wonderful, curative and healing pro perties in diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Digestive Or It came to no with so many testimonials in Its favor that we have noted its effects in some of the worst caeca of continual dibility, caused by deranged liver, and in every instance the effect V 721.4 to relieve or giro a permanent cure, Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is what wo re fer to. We always have been creduleneabout cures by pot ent medicines, but we aro convinced that this medicine, for family use, is not overrated by the host of recommendatiom it has. Our advice is, for all troubled with Indigestion. Vo • bility or Bowel Complaint, to got a bottle and try it; our word for it, relief will be experienced. BLESSINOB TO VIE INVALID 3 who use Dr. Sanford's Invigor ator, for it will rdleve them of their pains as soon as it Is taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is used, for it will as surely drive them away, as daylight will banish darkness, of this there can b no doubt to th se who try it, for it carries conviction with every dose taken. Another evidence is the thousands of certificates from those who use it or have been cured by it, Try one bottle, il it does not benefit, thou we are mistaken. PRial ON.II DOLLMI Pill BOTTLU BANFORD k CO„ Proprietors, 346 Broaklwtiy, New York for sal© by G. H. KEYSER, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Jal:3indsw:2p THE GREATEST 11:1 DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. MR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discov• erect in ono of our common pasture weds a remedy that cures Every kind of Humor, FROM THE WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A COMMON PIMPLE. He has tried it in over 'eleven hundred case; and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor.) Ho has now in his possession over one hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore month. One to three bottled will cure the worst kind of Pimpled on the face. Two or three bottles will clear the system of biles. Two bottled are warranted to cure the worst canker to the mouth or stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all hamorinthe eyes. Two bottles are warranted to care running of the ears and blotches among the' hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of tha skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worstkind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the moat des perato case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure ealt•Rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst =SO of OClOftall. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity Is taken. ROXDURY, MABB Dean .112.13A31, —The reputation of the Medical Discovery, in curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have over need it, that I need not say anything on the subject, as the most skilful phyal clans and the moat careful Druggists in the country are un- animous in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it - with a lull knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are on fortunately so liable. Shat most excruciating disease to an affectionate mother. NURSING SORE MOUTH, Is cured as if by a miracle; your own temper Is reetored la its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical DIBOOTO ry lie,oomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and household. In the more advanced stages of CANKER it extends to the stomach, causing DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing but canter of the stem h ; then to the intestines and KIDNEYS, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and au indifference even tO tht cares of your family. Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, you food diatreas-ei you, and you can only take certain Itindm, and even of that your aystetu does not get half ths 1,0 arts h meu t it contains as the sc rinitono US fluid of the canket eats it up; then your complexion low Ile bloom and be• comes mallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nournihment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to _ _ CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain hi the aide, weakneas of tho spine and email of the hook, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowele, and also, that most elem• elating of diseases, the _ PILES. How many thousands of pour women are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does nut know the cause. I wish to imprimis oe your mind that g.id old proverb, " Au ounce of preven tion is better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances, do you any injury. No change of diet ever nece&ary--eat the best you can get and enough of it. DISIIOTIONS FOR uss—Adulth one table spoonful per day— Children over ton yeses dessert spoonful—Children from lien to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appli cable, to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours truly, Prico $l,OO per bottlo. For Bale by Dr. UEO. 11. KEYSER, No 140 Moo! PittAbnrut, sep4:dbw A itETAItEW , PHISaCIAN 75 YEAKS Ok" AGE, whose sande of 4;3 have nearly run out, discovered, while in tile East Ig. dies, a certain cure fur Consumption. Asthtua,direitchitia. Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, wee given up to din, lie had heard much of the , wonderftil restorative and healing qualities of preparations made from the East India Hemp, and the thought occurred to him that he might make a remedy for his child. He studied and succeeded in realizing his wishes. His child was cured, and is now / Alive and well. Ho has since administered the wonderfulCinedy to thousands of sufferers in all parts of the world,And he has never failed in making them corn pletely healthy and happy. Wishing to do as much good as possible, he will send to such of his afflicted fellow-beings M request it, this t ipe, with full and explicit direction for making it up, an. successfully using it. He requires each applicant to incluse him one shilling—three cents to be re turned as postage on the recipe, and the remainder to be applied to the payment of tide advertisement. Address, Dlt. 11. JAMES, No. 19 Gram! street, Jersey City, N. J. CA.UTION—I have no d0:110-1UW authorized to send my recites, ILI has been rulvertbied ite23:lm—is B .0 W MAN'S vw.yr:TißLE coup-uuND Will cur© Plittilsir, Asthma, Inflammation ur ilia Lung% luilueuza, ❑oars,neaa, Bleeding of the Lunge, Consumption. For solo by And H. KEYSER., Pittsburgh, J. P. FUMING. Allegheny7ity ft SPEPSIA. 4ND FITS. DR. TRACY DELORME, the great curer of CONSUMPTION, was fer several years so badly afflicted by Dyspepsia that fur a part of the time he wail c.,Mlned to his bel. fie was eventually cured by a pm. acription furnished by a youn z clairvoyant girl. This pre. dcription, given by a mere child while in a state of tra , Ca, has cured everybody who has taken it, never having failed once. It is equally as sure In cases of Firs at of DYBPIPSIA. The ingredients may be found in any drug stem. I will gezd this valuable prescription to any person on the receipt of ono stamp to pay postage. Addrem feMlm—. - r.• _ 0 • ' 41 , b ttki-4-•.:7 M ARBLE! MARBLE! I JOllla iliVedlißGO lIAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OP MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures Posts, &c. law, a The public n d are reap ed: writ waina4llylcd. invited to examine air stock. , ?rime ha* - so. us MI=STY BUM. DONALD KENNEDY ltroucilitbs, DR. TRACY DDLORME, Gazer COREP. OF CONSUMPTION, NVW York Post Oftko