VOL LIME X VI. Moa.',ol POST. , JA FIS UAL:Ii, cc.l;Tee;73 0 'Ve 01. kNI , y. , n, . itrictly iu advance. Dollars invariably required it not p•tid within the yen:. Single copies, Tv L. , L2,•N - v•L-•-fia s,Ld• it the counter in he ornce a5,l by the try. d BATES uF ADSWERTitiI.NO. TEN 1.1:2.1',• Two;,' Ow win awrf., a nie.P.kl turrk. I '51./•vr• _ _ Ono insertion 50 Two insertions 75 , 7L - Throe insertions I 1 00 I 0 0 One week. I 1 70, ht, Two weeks 3 Oal 2 01l 100 1 00 1 7e , Turco weeks 4 UO , 205 206 125 1 00 Ono month I 500 3n5 250 150 1 Twci months 7 00 45S a&o 235 250 Three mouths eOO 000 456 3 011 300 Four month' lu 001 663 500 3 3(1 450 Five months 11 01)! 735 5 5(1 365 EL 50 Si: months 12 001 800 600 400 650 Nine months_ ..... 16':161 10 500 5 3•5 460 One ye .v 2e 00i lel 10 00 665 12 00 Sandi 1 , lard, six li 'l•Aq, per 'Let [lntik 10 00 tlein ['LI:ASCU/1: One equar, , . r exclusive o dos paper,) 21 00 50 ci :its ; Basta notices. 25 cent, pITISBURGH IiSAIIIURDAy POST A MAMMOTH Votrib'ElfiLl". OALY OM DOLL' IA YEAR, IN CLUBS 01 ZEN. Single Subscriptions, - - f..1%5 per annum. CONTAINS ALL TIIE CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, Politicd, Literary, Agricultural, Comnier vial, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the LekletU.L^eT sus, and neatly printo on fine white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to give better satisla , :tiou than any paper puolished in Pittsburgh. Those who wish to take a paper trans Pittsburgh, will tiub the SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable iuvcstwent. Address, JAMES P. BARR, sepr Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. MEESE iit A.IIR ct 'Y E BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST 13TJIMADII\TC1 - S, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, I'I'I"ESI3URG - 1 I THE undersigned having made extensive _L additiln/M 'Ji the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLE b"PYPE, and impruvcd Machinery, to; he MORNING POET JOP OFFICE, invite ta , " :teLrtion of Rail Road Officers Iderchann , , I siueo rh'", and the public generally, to their 6111 . Wriur laCiiitleo fur executing with dispatch, on reasonable terms, all kind of RAIL 110 AID, RI R ANTILE, AND :EVER; OTHER DES:GB.11'1:10N OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING mat,ri,tl bolug nearly all new, we cuu give ma t-1111W of the west eumplow flat./61+LcUurt, and solicit ortleis BOOK.S, PAMPIILETB, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK. CIIECKS, BLANK NOTES, • LETTER 'LEADS, BILL IIEADS, BILLS ' LADING, CIRCULARS, - BUSINESS CARDS, PAPEit Bo fKs, DEEDS, Akii- Particular at tea ti. .ti :ill also be raid to the printing nt . Posters, Programa, &c. for Concerts, Exhibitions and BARR fc MYERS. air 02 a if. SL Co. ...AWARDING AND EH ET FFM , COMMISSION Dr.:ALI:R.9 111 PRODUCE, FLOUR KND WOOL. ti o. 1 11.4 c .`ir:COND ti"..ILNET, P1TT66013013, PLNNE. 6 LrLaaNcr.e.: 11pringor Harbangh, Jt,n, , ,, u C. Elder:Sl:Louis; I'lM:burgh; Wyle, Philadelphia k Martin, Jainge, Coot, Salad, .t CO. ' IL IL Palm , 3r, hiceaudless, aUtl k et,., U. Childs & Co., .. Es,he, Sterliug ,t Co., " Bagaley, Congract et Cu., " Yard, Gihuure .1. Cu., IL. A. A110:011 6 C , /.. " `. l .card T. MOLL, " G. W. Small, Whe,;ling; sti, ~,r ',.L. Gratutra, " A. J. Nti 11,,10r, PI lil/ ki . r, 6 ,11sC:IIIIA; I. inci:ly The Peopke:F. Store. D. S. DIEFFENBAAIER &CO., Cheap Cini I,eiiiieris in all hinds of Fasnionabla BOOT - • SHOES AM) GAITEILS, L 9 For Giintlemeu, Youths and Children, No. 17 Fifth Street, nettr Market, MEI= • PEFLiUN Ur, JOIINSON, Prom iet , rti of Child:, A. CO:t1 Faust It Fire. and WfLier Proof 11..0 133 STRELT. ,;T - g ltiit)F . I NU promptly and faith ' lu n y k warramot. vifiuq material at' , .l.)ti and ha Hato, with di ,mta, for Ihro. • • DAB & C IT LE 'I, ilottet, Sign O. Or aaanc atria Pal utera AND GRAINERS, 144 WOOD STREET. Dealers in IN [lite Lead and Zinu Paints. paha% W 11 1 ,10,4 Gla66, find article nied in tilt truth A3IES iq LI,I MoNoNGAIIir,LA ey L (NG :\ 11 ki r,spectiully nalorm the public that he Las rtiLICV the llre , wid hattu4 enlarged Inn and tilled it tvitit the iisw,st and most np (,rorrd /I.Letlillery, it uuw prepared to tarnish flooring awl plane .I par..s, wit,; and res.o.ving, doors, sash and Shutters, kiln d, trstnes, mouldings, box making, ,tc. Serth Pittsburgh, cut,mber 7, 1657. Itn.lo J o ne p i 4 What= ' s Carrlitg* Iteposit.ory. ctinying en bus:- ~.„ i ll h i s , ;1 ,,,,i 0 n4 „reu0,.4,, t unµ lately on the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Tux nidke, near the Two iliie itun, lietweer, Pittsburgh and Lawrenoit - ille, respectfully invites the public iusieiaii his stodh of BUGGIES, And particularly luform.i grutlemen ;tat:haw:, that one price only is made. Fourteen yeara' o.iiparicnce in the business enables him tc tea, nefere Ilk patrons the Came choice collection of Cat 5-11101, 40 many years past it has been his pardculin 'dui', ne•nt to select, from the carious and moat talented luanulact,rer , The 'access 01 his new system is compl,te—lhe economy of hie arrangements will supply th• beat and moi;t ra,hiOnabie manniactures at moderate price, o Uneacumb-a-ed by ;none 11c-n.Vy ,Ilw4Sll/, which the manr , for tecOrating ice heapnii upon the prici. of ia4 t'i large rents, .10SEPII WHITE Will 6 , 311, mehey ual y, et much less than the usual prices. tr,.. l 2arriageA rt.pinrol in the best I:winner with denpatcl Zany 12d, Vl9 CAI RL,ES LIVERY STABLES.- Li The huder,,,,,i rota bought the lease of the ahot.e named Stable!, to 'l h ,. , N. Icle a p/r1.1,1 ot the extett liories lua Cir rii.gec, 1.11, lII` prOlOrt.3 .1 , 1111, addition to the :.tut it Leo., oluentiose d , he ha., also added a norther ut 5 SIN ILUItShS, Blito4 LES .a.:‘,L) CARRIAGES, , , ',eta , formerly eut,ploeo at hit Livery Stables ILL I Third, helue: Wood stleet. As be give,' his twrsuhal atteu }doh to the busiu,s, a , 4•Titilinu:lco 111 the pAtrollikge which t w ha, hitherto received tr,ii public i, .4,Lietted. JACOIt GARDNER, SLCharlee Liver) Staidly& N. 11.—A HEARSE a.hd any numbs of CAIittIAGES crai alionsys be procured tor Fuuerale. de2s CO it SALE—A Drug Store, located in one of the beet situatious iu the city at Pitt-,burgh, for either a jobbiug„ retail or pretcriptiou bueities4. Purchas ers will tiud uu advautge of rare occurr , lice. For itform, lien . ualuire of JOHN HAFT, Ja., No. 101, corner Sixth and Wood streets, • fro Pittste,col 1 - FIR ESSE D HUG; S.-- j "_, Vni. cniv I.e HENRY Ti. oin I '7“ , .. V ',ANN ELS —Red, White, Gray, Green, . r fellow, 1.1.,i i. ,LC. Chealek than the eneapeA. C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Lave BrotherB, ' is.: -. ...J - No. 74 Mart , atr/a.t AC'ONFT FLOUNCES AND NEEDLE— 'RE ELILLAILS.—A lurgo assortment, nun very C. HANSON LOVE, r 9! e vi OS•rlvp• - W aru now opening our second, and by !kr Lbe.:lok./k , kk!kt k,toelc of Fall and Wiuterllre...936ooklek. Elkawle, , that low ever been olTrrod in tit, city. C. 11./iNieON LOVE, F..rlll.kriv Ilrothenk. 74 Mark .t rt. BUFFALO SHOES.—A splendid article of G,sts' and Buti.Lin Over !...hocek. A1,. 0 Gents' 6,11 over Sher., at the Prople't Shoe Stun:, Ni.k 17 Fifth street, near Market. • 110-21 111101 N EY Tdf r .S.-200 Gothic Chimney i 'r,.... .-...1. s.> ;114 , 1 , " '.. ~,• . 1 • , _ Q. - TAit CAN DI, ES.— 200 teas. as , ,orteci r izes, Ly 4 , 4 Cia and ti's Adamanflio6tar e andlo , , on baud and for wi' ,,, IT B. C. & J. 11. SAWYER, Gala No 47 Wood Ltr.-.-t. ___ SIII ta AND COLLAII.6 To ORDER, AT L. LIIRSLIFELD & SON'S, No. 88 Wood meet. MIMI! morauAG ES, BOND, MERCMANTS, ::.'.-:i3. '~'r A i ~.~~~ DIFFP:BACITEit PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT TUN "POST iirik,DINGS.. - I(ittNl?_,R OF WOOD AND FIFTH. STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS JONES 110i1J-E. WELLS C V EEL Y, Pliorairroa, Corner of Market Street and Market Square, HARRISBURG, PA. `rreillS NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, ral::u ly eructed ..I.)NLS to Llarrieburg, baring na a tout 1,1 teal: by the outlet sigard, he fakes this method of c.illing OW attention' of his tomer pautale, IrlCLldet, thi•rel3. llartug a front of one hundred, an forty Jive feet on the prune pal Itreet f the city, and fifty-two feet front on Afar ke:Niuure„, it cuLtuot tail Lu pruve attractive as Well as in viting L., strangers. are of flue size, well ventilated, and lidded with gas—a number with connecting doors—making them very desirable fur families. The BALLS are warmed throughout by heaters, and every modern improvement, lu fact, has been added, that may couiluce to the safety, cotufm t and happiness of the gmmts. - . . Vo:ttors may, therefore, rest mound that the ••JONEn LioUSE" has bee, made perfect in all its appointments— that each department has bun plac,il in charge of EXPre EIENCED AND COMPETENT PEasuris--that hi every particular the system which has been adopted by the Proprietor, will anord to those who may m%lie it their home, as great a de• tree of comlort as 111,13 be obtained at any similar establish ment in the Suite. 're secure tine de:di:Wile re .1:11, he has farn l Ahed the Public ittul Private Parlors, Chainlwra, Dining Room, &c, with en uty NEW I , l.lll.Nl'I'UltE; and (lieu arranged within the building, a titio SALAwN, UYWIEII. SAL ON, DaLsbING linT AND ( OLD BATffel, The CU LIN AltY DE eARTMEN r AND DINING 800111 will reuiVe the especial attou . .loU of the Proprietor, which, he to u.ki, will be a sufficient guarantee that all tastes will be suited. After returning his heartfelt thiutias to his old frienda and patrons, for the generous iiatrenage suiting extended to Mal at the et,VtRLI "'oust," and also to his freqrtisaud patrons at the t,oLutatua flutist," 011ie Island, during the .aeon of 1h55, he respectfully solicits a continuance of it at the ".102sEit Jnit: GALT HOUSE, LOUISVILLE. A - 0- Iho undersigned Lau again Taken charge at the GA LT Gaud reduced to $2 00 per day. A. T ROC 111ORT N WASHINGTON kiOUSE, COR. P Elsii sl' A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., W ASHINGTON, D. C A. F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street and Duquein• Way, PITTSBUILiiii, PA. B. D. MARKER, - (Fortnerly ut tllu "Marker house," Blairsville, Pa.) 1.1. E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COI‘I PLETED AND OPEN EVIL flUEziTn. It is situated u a central part of the city, being convenient to all itadroad Depots and rsieanibuat Lauding, The House was built iu Itlao, with all modern linprove merits, and Ailed up in splendid style—the entire Ehruituri being new—and will in every respect be a first class lintel. Fine nTABLE6 are attached to chu premises. L . jel2iy H. W. KANAGA L T ifai F r V; 14 5 cippozitii the Patina, Railroad Depot, LlARlA.l6l3tiltli, PA. pelf, WAStilkl'iGTON ELOTIE kuitsur..aLv U. 6. ii.UTEL, PITTSBURGII, JAII.ES 611.A8 NUN', Proprietor. HOUSE IS LOCATED ON TIIE corner of J. and WA6I/1.,.6 61.ruutd, V. 6.6 ft: ItA I LIS.UAD DErlaS, and has uaerg,t, thut lILIprOS'CLUeLIt, remodeled arm tut di-twu 511th 50w furniture, and is 11UW the must COLIVO- Illullt to I'aztburg,l3., tor f.ravelerb by fiallroad, or Nienc. thytkly itES'EAktURANT. LI - ELI YOUNG, FIFTH 6THEET. The attention or :derchauta and °there in directed to this which has txcu ret.emly rated .; up ter the purpose of aftuiduig a billibiAN EATtlitr I.loLJdri IN A CiesintAL LOCAT attending mai bet are particularly invited to can. my Laing I,i - wining to an „EATING 6A.LUON will alwayv be tound, at tho Ireitheet the-market affords. ng..a:13.15. I~ASSIGN 11 0 USE, GEORGE AURENTZ, m 344 Liberty' street, Joel beside lieput oi the l'euusylvauin It:dirt:au, which waken It Oa, nw,o couveinsut house in the city for passehgers arri• clog I 3 that roau. The proprietor (laving, at cousidernble expense, fitted up, IL ,zuelieut style, the MANSION HOUSL, would respect. tulli sJhat e l public patronage. There Is attached si.leual and ertei.ive anon: iag a g e ii , r:sultuudatear to travelers and teamsters. Ilk Lard.: and liar will Hs turuished with the best the :market -an it:LW) "1. CLAIR LUIEL, ~ i.)rner Penn and St. Utakr rnire,t4, l'atetaul undersigned, turuter o, n s dote."' saving Latch this large and conlincr dim:A iitfl 00, sea,: retitled it in tuaguiticeut style, wyr.id :este ‘..:::ll)iuvi,, Ins trice: q and the traveling public to giNe convenience of the houst 4Leil 1,6 10115 ecl erteu Lr in tilt El give eutu c. 611t/nt, thou, sad hie charges trainerilLe. OUNNEILY • Prlliazrzail 5 aleAr ti;;epot. J. C. ii. b. 131.11-tti3lb.. C. But , Fum & co., ,ta.Ltufacturerki oi tv . Sornaporilia, Aineral Water, op, bottled Ale obi Porter; also, Bottlers of Waluenighes celsbratod Whitene r Ale. Warehouse, No. 28 Diarket street, PITTSBURGH, oaten, filled and ehipped to all parts of the country ocrtent notice. apl6:lyclow .QWEET CII)ER.-4 bbis. Sweet Cider, for . sale by JAMES A. FE'rZiEft, .dll 89 water street. eIIiIi,ISTMAS and NEW YEAP„'S GIFTb of every description in the fancy Dry Clouds lino.— call and nee them. C. LIANsON LOVE, di.J5 Funned) LOVE BitOTllElis, 74 Market St. I LAGrE—Fur office use, iu convenient fur in, fur dale , by W:,l. U. JOU/NZ.: PUN LT CO., acs 67 Wood street fl_ _ OILT FOLIOS AN D DK. ES PADS for sale by VV6.I JUII.S6TUN & Cu, th. 667 W0..xl btreet. • barre sAmerican and French, tor .6b• t.‘ H. A. FAILNK6TOCK CO. LINE SILK. SPOINUE. iittql,ited Cupping 6puuge. 11,ott Battatig z.puage. Guud Carnage 6pougt Corner Market street and Diamond. IUM DitO PS.-300 lbs. just received and kA for Billy FAnsEsrotai & nor3U Curtur Wit...d and Fourth streets. T HEIOIOIILTERS—For sale by JouNsTuN rz CO., uocl7 Stationers. 57 Wood street. I.4 I BISLILOBSTE - RS.-10 dozen in cans, 12 fur aids by REYMER & ANDERSON, N 0.39 Wood street. A LUM. -50 barrels for sale by a. A. FAUNESTOCK & CO., . euslB Corner Wood and First streets. . _ FiltIE,S, for Dress Trimmings. A handsome assortment at reduced rntuH, ut uovll 11 , )1:IN id' 77 Market street, puRE OLIVE OIL, At JOSEPH FLEMING'S, tf:.: 5tr. , 4 , .. i1d the Diamond GREAT SENII-AN N CAL AND CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRY GOODS: Fine Dress Goods, at very low prices; SHAWLS, in great variety, at very low prices; IS.)OLEN GOOD', a large Wok, at very low prices; UOIIESZ IC GOODS, an immense stock, at very low prices, At the store of A. A. DIA - SON & CO.'S, NO. 25 FIFTH STbEET, Ili ENV ARRIVAL. ::k.) boxes oranges; du Messina Lemons; 'Zoo drums New Figs, just received and for sale by REYMEH k ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, jal9 Opposite St. Charles Hotel. U 1 ARC 11.-300 bxs. Rochester Pearl Starch tur 131 , 61 e by 'al9 . ) HENRY H. COLLINS. - CLOTH. CRASII.—Fer Stairs, a vari _ et" r./ n tvlc, ,it I A. 24 1 . & A. PIT • t.Trg T,VDIA RUBBER CLO'l'irlNG—Of the best, and al, soca d quality, for Kale wbelegale sud retail by d. 9 a If rgIT,I !pa WRAPPING PAPER-400 reams Crown, Medium, and Double Crown, Straw Wrapping Pa. por, full count, just received and for safe by deg JAS. A ENT 'ER, 89 Watur reet. bbls. Sweet Cider, for sale by J kh: tiNNtiV H. 11Q UC HEAT FLOUR-40 sacks prime article, for hale by fHENRY 11 COLLINS HEMP SEED, bo bagstfor sale by B. it. FAHNESTOCII dc CO., 2 C—rner Wird and Sixth straritit ` A NIONS.-7 sacks Onion 4, just received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, fi 89 Water street. - - ADIES' SNOW BOOTS, Buffalo and Gum LA Overshoes, at the P.-11^.0 Sb Store, No. 17 Fifth "'"' ,4 A O IIFI I A IUTATOES.-4..; turrels Whit() Neshan nock Potatoes, arriving per steamer Lehign slid for by 1(143) tiJi t. 4, XI LVAilitlaY 6 00. ,i-i- If. DOLLAR $ 11.4 S 111 :%; , OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock; tike, on Wedueda‘ and Satnrday eveninirft, from May 1.4 to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'cloctr.; and from :,:ovenliet Ist to 'lay Ist, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sumS not less than o..!re and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in Jul:, and December. Interest was declared at the rate of r, r cent. per annum, on the first of December. 1855; ohm in June and December, 1856, and iu June and December,lBs7. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor ad principal, and bears the salmi interest from the first days of June and December, cbmponuding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate, money will double in ii2Bs than twelve years, making in the aggregate EIGHT AND ONE-Ukl.P PER CENT. A TEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-I,e.wa, lialuA and P.r..;; lations, turniehed gratis, on application at. the (,fiic- President--GEORGE AL URI:LE. VICE. PREGILDEZiTh. John 11. Sh , N. Grattan Murphy, Isaac M. Pennock, James D James Ilerdman, John 8 Coagrave, Hopexell Hepburn, James Bbidle, Alexander Bradley, Robert Robb, William S. Lovely, Hill Burgwin, William J. Anderson. James W. Hallman, John 0. Backoftn, Charles Kum), Albert Culbertson, P A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John 11..MeIliir, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. .Marsliali, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. b Charl4 A. Colton„ Henry L. Itingtvalt, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer. Francis Felix George B. Belden, George F. Gilimore, Alexander Tiudle. James B. Room Theotald Ombstaetter William S. Haven, George It. White, B.mretaryatui Treasurer—CHAS. A. COLTON 1 BANK OF UOWA. A. J. STEVEN S & CO., DESMOINE3, COLLECTIONS MADE and prompt. ; mittud. LANDS se;ected and locate:. Capitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can do no through this house. Correspondence solicited. [lo,2l:tian WELLS COVEELY AUSTIN LOOll.lB 11109. D. LOOMIO. AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory NoteN.Bonds, Mortgages, and all Securities for Money. Money Loaned on Checks at short dates, with collateral security. NOTES AND DRAFTS 1301.113111: AND SOLD. Persons desiring LOIII/8 can be I.ecummudated on reaeuoa bin terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good secuzi ties at remunerative prices. Also, attend to the dale, Kenting and Leasing of Leai Estate. Office, No. 92 Foultut street, above Wood, OA_ AUSTIN LOOMIF, Notary Public. NHOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ea . change Brokers, and Dealers in Neter, Drafts, Accept. CaUCUS, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the East- I aim and Western Cities constantly for sale. PROPRIETRESS Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds„ur current peper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and kkiurtli sta. Da3O:ly PROPRIETOR, rrIIOM.AS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Real Estht,-, tic., Nu. 7 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jaus [OLIN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCIIANGE ej Mumma, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notea. Stock bought and sold on couunissran. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid ou Deposits. No. JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. jeoo REAL ESTATE AGENT-'. CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, Nu. 5! LJ. Market street, for the sale and purchase of Ito hstate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repa,c , , „,utaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,; making nun ve) vices, deeds, bonds, &c 4 writing lettere and ,:ori pooling with parties abroad, &e. BELDEN SEV 1.1 0 Utt, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. • REFAILENCES.—ItesArs. Hamm, Gurretsw, a. itobor Parks, Esq. JylLy WESTERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, E.EAL ESTATE AGENT, NU. oU WATEE 6.111E1.1, OLEN ELAND, 01110, Ells for sale Laud in Illinois, VlLLltrßutt., Michigan and lowa. lie will einnange Laud" in Wiscnuele, fur Pittsburgh mannlactures i and aloe ler city pruperty. All letters of inquiry answered gratin, by tiddresemg me an above. unfitly FARMS Exchange for City Property.— A • farm of 3eo acres, on tile Allegmeny river, near is lamming, 1.30 acres clearid; threlLiug house, barn a...i or chard; coal, limestone and iron ore. Also, a num w 100 acres near the above. Also, a farm of 83 acres uu l'im. creek, 4 miles from liitianuiug; 30 acres ch :mod ; ten buns and a saw mill in good running order; a first rate location fur business. 25U acres of laud at mouth ul lted Bank meek; 4U acres cleared and g..tid order. Price low mid terms cagy. Will be exchanged in whole ur :u part for city 1.1, perty. 8. CUTlLtinlir s 8024, nuvlo 51 Marti.: str,i. O N" $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling I.l.luse, of lour ruotus, with lot of grullirl SO le/ t IL out on Llutitt.rey ti trout, Allegheny city, 110 cl.:ek, to so alley. Terms, $4OO in baud, i.,..lauce at one, two awl Lure.. Yrfni. 0. CUTUBEIII a ;VS, nor 2-1 01 Market hut, t. FOR REN T.—A large dwelling house, on Hose street, at head ca Fifth, with immediate pints,, siou. Alsu. two small houses to Splaue's Court, ucor2i UOR $7,50 will be sold a new two story 12 Frame LIMDIO, with a good lot of pouud, to Allsgheuy coy, I'he lot is 20 teet trout, ou Mutitoray street, oy 115 fest to au alley. 'Terms easy. 9. CUTHBERT & SON, uovl4 hi ..ttirliet street. FOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lots of laud, ten miles !ruin Al uds uLle, Marshall comity, Va., four tulles Low it. R. iiClitlOL. 1::1:1.1 soil and good thuta.r. Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, trues 5 to 7 years, if desired. Also, 700 acres of good land, u miles from Camer , ,n Ste Lion, B. is Ohio It. it., lur bale to cult purchu c ors, at how $7 to $lO I er acre, and uneasy terms. B. CUTHBERT e SON. novl4 51 Market street. 11UR REN I'.—A dwelling house on Third street. Also, 01113 on Ross street, with hutued.ate pus desdltal. 5. CUTLIBER SUN, nov7 5L Market s tree c UDR SALE.—A. Dwelling House with a _L . good Store :Loom, situate ou Rubursue stre_ t near Feet ral, Allegheny City. Price low aria tenni easy. tall B. CUTHBERT & 51 Market .0. 1: 1 013, SALE.—A comfortable dwelling house (Ironic) of hall and eight worms, portico iu front, wan „rot of grouud 75 lest trout on rleutu avenue, Alleghen, by Z2O deep to Rebecca street, with fruit and shade tree;,, shrubbery, stable, &c., &c. Price $5,500. S. CUTHBERT & SON, nov2 51 Market street. JOSE, Pli FLEMING'S, FACTU ME I, II,9 ti LIN 6 /1 n AN IS E ' S ' TOCK, AND .i, A N I; a t: par, either in whole ur in part pay fur severil very &sir. ult,lucations for country rosideucee, near the city. onelot of 1 acres, one of 14, of 10 and 3 acres. Fur pat tictilart, call at our office. S. CUTHBERT s 60N, oct27 61 Minket struet. PITTS B RG 11, W 14] DIN ES ).A BANKS No. 65 Fb.urth Stree,t IDDLE ROOM, JONES ' NEW BUILDING CUTUBERT e SUN, 5l )larket t FLAN N ELS.- White, Yellow, Red and Plaid, of all grade:4, and at L.AVEI.3. PRICES than they can be gut fur at any other eF, tablierituerit in the city. O. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers. oct2l No. 24 41ror 4:ot trroL OUSES, LOTS AND FARMS.—We would invite the attention of persons who wish to A to the great variety'of House:, farms and Build log Lote we have for sale. We have new ou hand Lots at $lOO, each, and at $lOO, $4OO. and upwards, ani on very easy terms. home id payments averaging fourteen cents a day I Homes and Lots, at hem $7OO to $lO,OOO, in variom , locations in and adjacent to the two cities. Improved Farms at trom $lO to $lO acre. Also, choice Farming Lands at trom $2 to $5 acre. Persons having property w any kind to dispose of, will dud it to their interest to give us a call. We also, attend to the Renting of lionset, and Collection of r.I.PrUBERT h FrI_IN, 4•15 BLACKBOARD CRAYONS—For sale by G. JOHN:STUN ic CO., nr.vl7 Rtr...t•t. IUPPLY YOURSELVES Will SHOES kJ now, whilst you can buy them at such low rate... it the PEOPLES SliOE FORE. We will continuo to sell at crest ly reduced prices for a short time Luger. Small profit- and cash returns is our motto. All kiwis cf Overshoe. sold low fee DIIVENRACIIEII a co. QTEEL PENS. Gil 1003; Pratt's ; Per ry's; IthineaJ; Jenny Lind; Cooper; America❑ ithodes & Bon's, and Haven't', just received by W. S. HAVEN, oct3o G - irner dark.t and Second etg FOR RENT.- The large warehouse, now occupied by W. H. Smith' & Co., Nca. 151 First and 122 Second streets. Enquire of PAI3.E., 11ut.:MA.0Y & CO.. ja2.s:tf Nos. 149 First and 120 Second streets. _ CHLORIDE OF L1N.111.-50 casks for sal. be InnolF R A. VAECC K:+T('-eli A C.:r QEASONABLE GOODS. Gentlemen's under garments; embracing silk, lambs' wool, heavy merino and cotton under-shirts; drawers, of the best manufacture, and sold at very r duced rates. MCBRIBON'S CELEBRATED 811LEITN. A large 1.. t ut cravats, ties, pocket hdkle., scarfs, &c., and all other articles in the line of Furnishing Goods, suitable Lit the BE-113011, at I.II)ItNE'S. 77 Market 'tr.-et WARRANTED TO SHELL TWENTY BUSHELS PER HOUR IN THE HANDS OF ONh MAN—the Corn Sheller now exhibiting ar No. 65 FI,U street. Now, don't be excited if you have been humbugged, but give this machine a trial, and if it is an imposition, so; but if thoroughly satisfied that it is the best invcrition of the kind the age has produced, then buy territory and make a fortune, and quit your croaking. Call and see. ati%L.SC:lvrtf ICAODA.-1000 pounds uri han and for sale 14 a L FAIINESTC,O 03112 emcosoOzo to Finable 6x a. BOOKS AND - .3TATIONERY. RobEE.T LOOMIS, (.SUCCr gHI ;I' to R. T. C Motioa,) CATION AN I) DEALER IN 1:001c;•, WIC Aa.tA AND N EWSPAPEP.S Nu. 4.. Filth struet, Patalaugh, Pa Co-Fartnership. rpliE - :,riteriAl into Co il. P.irt 1101,1iip, unikr th- r tyl. , of Wnt. C.Johuritoti &Co n.t.M UM. It JOHNSTON, WILLIANI C. JOU ,51',../N. lamburgh, S , pt- 310,1 o, 1357 S. IL :611.ieT0t1, JN WM. C. JoIINIITODI vvra. C. JOHNSTON & CO., (.1 TAT lON ERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, uud JUTS paLNTERs. No. 57 Wood street, botwoi.in Third dud Fourth, Pittsburgh, scat) BLANK BOOKS, Journal . , Day Book-i, Cash Books, luvoico Books., C. one Books, Bill Books. Ituc,ipt Books. Whi. G. Jull.NnTuN & CO., 57 Wood area.. izur by ,3-29 PIANU AND MUSIC S it AND PI AN 0, TilE FACTORY OF Stelatvay s suns, ni esv York. Li. 0110. take Measuretn an. 111,,, La tat. !fie) lava net rt.caved spl..tubli Ind GRAND I.I.A.NtJ, - :aCL , ,ry o 1 Mtuuway S anus, New IMrK, whit', for s‘veutnoss and volume ut tout., uo tterss uml 1.•.UC:1, and a taunl tasteful and elm .t.ato r is cottsiderod the I.IISAN I/ 1.'1.1N0 .or brungbi. to 1.11. CA). lilt: fllueilatileaa to n DUI) BLAK 14.11::62L1.1-• ai At; 1:10 pa waled LUI cu tutu ill Sled .icily' .1 Solis , wh,rh outni,K,,n v ah Ll.w utmost, promptness and Vit-lraCy ill touLll a dcgiuo ill thirabillLy but rarely attained. at t. respuctiud:, invtie Lb one and all, witethor pur ..a.,-rs or to Call ,Lail ntn tuft nl. tlVailtla Nu. 63 Fittli street., Agouts for Ott inway ...V. Sous. 13.--N so. just ,ssaiv..d n tiesn lot ul Nunn:, Li Clark's dOl.B P 1 . 1 u 6 I • RULL IIKAND I'iANUSI PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 1! NEW SIALE SQUARE PIANOS, I.,vm um .11.aUalak'tiry ol dOi..\ lkonv,,jUst. teLs.ilea troll ,liauutaL.tovy uf COickerfug too 1.,11_,V1u4 do,ivable and el gout stock of their 1 . 1 A vue Fu4 otr.,,en ocu.ce Gra:;Ll Plano Fort,, with duper bly cur Ved s.nar. I', a r e $OOll One F.ul ele,t,ll lilloo F trio, elegant 1.1.0311- Wood Gone. Prl. e. $7OO Our ....ell: Poi lor Grut.l ICs r el./ IJCUIVO Plauo, near , equal iu power to a 11111 kica,l, load occupying only the roolu at au oftliu,aly eitplare Piano. Price $OOO i'IANO6I iwe lull carved ItosIJWIJUII, Lucia XI De you octaves, wits hat vtd Liceli nua lcet a. , rk. Teo liosewthA n. veu uctave—Clitfol d style. carrel utoillititigel, seven octavo. Yu.; r l aseouud, plino ronicl c.dnorci, seven octavo. Thy,: Withal; plain rovind front Corners, eoVou Octaves. to . ja lt,s,woud " All of the alioVe are al Choir NEW SCALE, mud with tali and trip! r Lew t ut Action. rh.tra 1.05.n...1111.111L4 lIAVO bc.o 0ri.161a,11 specially fur tile hub,cilJer, tlud wall CO %Vasrfraliteti to stile 1.1. [bete retillt,ti pricey. Jolt., IL ..aELL.Jit, NV UOl street, Loa i thole .1 fur Chiclierteg S thous'. B li e2s•a l ad L; Bo l aux ; .. \ 1 1 1.1 '. l: Lti C te l .;l.l Blue, ::Sc. .4L,u.e Ilia,aa Varlltl.loll3—li rube, ate. our k,31.y, 0:1111.1 ray erauti -•rayt.,n, 250. "•k.uu.e tiINIL./ Mu," evreaale, 25c. 1.• ee rt II et .06 /Lllll chorus—e.:.l,lll.,L.,l wit h a .111 , 1 . ppr4l V.h.7.1r tae—Very I.A•plilttr. 2.5 c. flete , inr bays Me Travn,ut, 26e. I 40,1. ui ,y amt —beauulal nereu.ule, J. o o,s—Li. B. l'ut.l.un, 25 - . ee Ie• , el.. .y .2; by J,,pit -tau,te by 1,. al. „, i ,4:1:t• poptilar, 1.1 I() -mak s—U. Jpii,Ler Vat v 1,11.-1/,1 u. ” Tnt Cu. t JUL, y Nu. I'2 Hail Columbia,l u lier ✓ ta wy i.r.-.lllS—Foater's last ballad, 'se. u.s.c I.Suund In u -upe.n.;r tattuuer, nut' m Va.:1,118 eityltil bmalLg, ti ow yl to ;;3. Cy- AILISaI pocIL paid. Old Eti.::.b.izlied Piauu t,'22 116 NYot.:(l tit)," above Alessr,4. i;itlaries .. Zete7t. Grebe, u T - piAso, :A NU LNG, ! '; 1 1, AidelENT MODERN LAPdCUACES, Al UI I'IUL/di, And bp.v.3 ish, Crud. Theol. M:MM w,ht. by I.Lq'dry tzo rip St,re3. Id.,'24:11111-0 TOBA.CCO AND ECIIAii,S. A IU . &D. .RIN.EiIART, TOBACCO, .77 , NUFF AND tIuIARS SELLING OFF!! ss 9 ooo WORTH OF 1-',ll3lilOliar=Eltlai, SOLD WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, AT J. I:US:I'S, No. 65 Si a act street, riliiE GREATEST CLIANCE EVER OF FEItEII to tho Ladies to buy cite.,p Embroideries. The ,nails are all fresh and new, and of tin , latest Importation, c)wivting. of Collard; Sloovus ; BAuds ; Edging,' °t ; LAces Trimmiugm ; wait.,; Itibbona And Vffik ; ..a will be sold witli.itit regard TO COST TIOSIERY AND FANCY GOODS, Come One, Come An, and don't mlaß the place, AT S. HUSH'S:, 'Z • Market s'r+et, h•tmetn Third and . Pturth streets 0,1 Uri ‘r iwa irallir - ::___ d - ,i 'v t: /,rE. NORINAL CLASS. TTHE SECOND SESSION - OF TILE NOR MAL CLASS. at ihe IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Under Lte direction . BU TT, Pnuelpal of the F Gard Srl - 1,01 , :. will commence kini Monday Evening, February The Class will mnet on Momlar and Thursday eceainga, arm Satirday mornings of each weok. .$2 par Session of 6ixte,n Loisoni T-siu l' 23 DRAWING LESSONS, AT IRON CITY COIIIIERCIAL COLLEGE, J - IN MECHANICAL, ARCHITECTURAL, By JO Pi :; F..r firther , piy to Mr. F. W. JEN- Prnicipnl of !r n C ,, nanurcial College, Pitts btu.l. novl4:4uni. BROOM CORN —25 bale=, this day, rec'd and for sale y [fel I] HENRY H. CO LINS. ARD.-13 pkgs. No. 1 received, and for 4) 5,t1- by I fell] LEENRS H. COLI INS. A PPLES. —lOO bbLs. for sale by 11 VNIIV IT. Civil MP. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, • For February G ,. )DEY'S LADY'S BOt_lK, H ARP ER'S XI 2kO•AZIN GODEY'S MAGAZINE, Ju,t received at ROBERT A. LOONlifr, Poet Building, tan 41 1111: 5=41 t • _ r 'A MARCH 3. ISSB aud vAri,tious— I=l 1 . 2; IVt101) ,TI El PITTSBURGH, PA A'r FIRST CO:•:T.-Et4 VON DRAWING, For February For FqprniLry For February INSURANCE MINEWTHERS' i\SERINCE CO,, Ogice—No. 10 Merchants' Ezchange, ; PHILADELPHIA. CHARTER PERPETUAL-CA! ICAL 8500,000 WILL INSURE AGAIN,T ALL RINDS OF Fire, Marine, and Rutland Risks. W\l. A stIIODES, Preeiderit CHAS. WP , E, Vice Promident. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. Wni. A. Rhodes, A. S. LIN& coil., Jawed P. Smith, Chas. J. Field, William Neal, Charles Rise, John I'. Simone, J. Rinaldo Sauk, Thomas Bell, M. Richards Muchh. 133=1 Judge Heath, E. I) Jones, Elq., Cash. Cit. Back, Jas. Mlllinger, Esq., Messrs. Robinson & Co, James Howard, Esq., " T. Kennedy., Jr., it Co, C. H. Paulson, Esq , . Wade, Hampton 4. Co , J. S. Leo, Esq., " Cunningham & Co. Pittsburgh Office, No. A 6 Water street, fe b . ... 2 EDW. G. HELL, Agent. lIERCEIANTS' COMPANI, Of Philadelphia. wm.. V. PETTIT, Pre.ri,kizt D. J. ItI'OANN, Secretary. Amuuut of Capital stock paid in and invoated....VUO,ooo CO) Surplus 63,428 3o lua irrs Cargo Blake ou the Ohio and Ilississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against lons or damage by F:re, Also, against the Perils or the :ea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIRECTORS Win. V. Pettit, J. 0. Montgomery, John U. Pumroy, D. J. M.ceatm, E. F. Witmer Rene °ninon, B. L. Woolston, John A. Marshall, Chas. B. Wright. John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Posey. OFFIOERS: WIJ4IAM V. PETTIT, President. E. F. WITHER., Ytce President. D. J. McCANN, Secretary. UMFEUJINOES: In Phi/adelphia':/n Phil delphia: lieiger, Lamb & Co., I titeiumitz, Justice .t Co., • Truitt, Bro. & Co., Buck, Morgans Stidfole, A. T. Lane & Co. Ptuuroy, Caldwell et Co. PITTSBURGEe OFFICE, NO. 97 WATER BTREET. au7 R. W. POINDEXTER, A 1 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Clietouut Street, Upp)Site the Custom' WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Lainted, ou description of Property or 3lerchariMee, at reasonable rates of premium. . . ROBERT P. KING, Preeideut.. bL W. BALDWIN, Vice President. Charles Ilayes, E. 8.. Cope, E. B English, George W. Brown, P. B. Eavery, Joseph S. Paul, O. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. Magargee, E. %Viler. B'. Buomeouris, Secretary. _ J. 6. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood street.. NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PIIILADELPLIIA, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 414 WALNUT STREET. organized under the General Insurance Lau, with v Ca-I: Utpital of $1.00,000, privileged to increase co I;soo,Uuu. In sures against toss or damage by FLUE,ARLINE, IN LA I\ b NAVIGATION and TRANSPUitTATION. utrintao: 1.1. C. LAUGIILIN, President. RIGIPII n .111.117', 4. l'rcs nCuTT, necrotary DIREGTOhS 11. C. Laughlin, D. nharwuod, W. C. Stotesbury, It. 1,1. Carule, It F. thew ell, 0. C. Butler, Jorger Scott . TITE k CIiAk'FEY, Agents, Whet, Lafayutto Llall, outrank:, on 14 utaf nt PITTSBURGH. L.ll +'. FIRE AND MARINE /NAV URAECE C C/XPAN Y, 0011.NER OF WATER tINDAttIiIET 6111113Tiii PI7PI'SI3UILGFI, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, ?mildew.. kir-Ael.ct, Vice Prealuent. O. A. RINELLAIII, Secretary. 4 - This Itompuriy melee exeryiiiiiarittice taytiertci Cr euunected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against HULL AND UAllt.+o itiSKS on the Ono. And Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and 11A0.1NE RISKS 60aerally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against Off , Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates4ousistent with safety to all parties. DIRECTORS. Robert Galway, damns h hu, .. Joseph P. Gazzam, lf. D., John Soo - ' • , icl7 Nu. 136 WOOD STREET. Janaeli Marshall, David Won , r-t (30UNTRY RESILENCE FOR RENT.— Jauws W. Hallman, Charles. A .:Aan.litiot, l!. . Alexander, llradley, Joseph ; SAlileth, ~ 4 A goo.; brie, d A ellin ' 1,r. , au I c mvenient, 10 rooms John Fullerton, N. F. I,lart; nd kitchen, u Lie hail, p .1,,.... io ,runt ; good spriug.house, David 11. Chambers. I.b,orrti.. , tllcirtley, atabil, carriag, hOuse, ate;,4•.....t.res of land, 8 in flue mea William Carr, Jib), 1:1,-,1111. de .:2,5 , tl- ' on'tenant house; garden and v,tri,ty of fruit trees, - - - - -- '. P. "soften titit,, .1 stn., wall and hot railing CITIZENS' INSURANCE COIIIPANI In 1 , A L :y r aved i the imoi-; pio.tsaut situ,t loca. at Ithol lt Appl. two MileB frOM the n very tion. to OF PITTSBURGH. ,4.:1) ti. CliTillialiT 4 . 80N,61 Marliet st. WILLIAM I;AGALEY, President. FUR a two story frame dwelling :3.6.3fCE.L. L. MA.IIBIIEILL, Secretary. t,s ''' 600 . b ~..,„ ~ , lot La ground 60 feet by 100, pleas. :,..•,..t , F/CE : 04 Wan' street, between {-trke.[ an.,, , , lyr,oot strmi.: ,i. , ~ 11. kl .• I JII AL Walitlngt'ui. Terms easy. aV-luoures HULL AND CARGO hisaH, on tb,, Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. E rf BUTCHERS.—Large Meat insures against Loss or' Damage y PIRE. eut.Lerei 3.1 Sausage Fillers, of various sizes, at No. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland is.iiivigtttlut -47 VIII.II Pittaburgh. and Transportation. ono4 JA-11.88 WA ILDROP BLACK 61,\IPURE LACES, And BLACK 81-c.U,SSELS LACES, DIRBIOTOM Wiiliem ilagaley, Samuel Rea, :amen M. Cooper, James Park, Jr., Itiaac M. Pennock, springer I.l.arbangh, 6111121101 C. Yuung, John Caldwell. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAV.E.d . CLIA TON COUNT' I:IARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVAAIA Cash Capital $300,A0 I Premium N0te5...513'2,34..i. THIS . COMPANY WILL INSURE UN Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, &c., in town of 11.)n. J no. J. Pearce, I lien. G. C. Elarvey,i Charles A. B.Hull, Otrarleb Grist, Peter 'T. Abrams, 11l K. Jackmau W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. C. LIAAVEY, President. T. T. Amnia, Vice President. Taos. KITCHEN, secretary. HEYEEENCEB Samuel H. Lloyd, fDr. J S. Crawtorti, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Uptlegrad, L. A. Mackey, lion. S Cameron, James Ai nistririg, A White, Thus. Bowman IJ.D, 6illmm Fraron, • JttmuwQuiggle, Wm. Vanderbelt, Wm. Bigler, uFF.I.CE--NO. 65 FIFTH STREET, i'ITTBEURGLI. de2i:tf J. A. LII"PEILT, Agent. 4 1 1_IE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PLULABELPAIA. Lintrarona—Charles W. Bancker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Brant, Jacob H. Smith, Geo. W. Itichard,s \iordocai D. Lewis, Adolphi E. Berle, David S. Browne, illur• rtc Patterson. Cam'. N. Bezicass, President. Cues. G. Bettaxim, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, ou ev cry d.•ecription of property, in town and country, at rates as low us are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, hich, with their capital and preminas, safely Invested, ai rd ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January lot, 1851, as pub- Idled agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz 'Nlortgage $918,128 eh :Leal Estate 04,17 7 7 l'omporary Loans_ istuclis 2aeh, /ic dince their incorporation, a period of twenty-one y,,ars, t!....y have paid upward of Oue Xlilliou Four Hundred Thou. a«ud Dollara,l oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and diHpositton to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GAIADL.NEIR COFFIN, Agent, Office, north-east cur. lA uod and Third El Lippincott, Shorten & Pearson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR FIFTH. M U P E A t e T E and .R . TRUNKS, , Ladies T, v T . a ng :units, Carpet Begs. Ac., keep coust,ntly ou hand a 'ergo stock.. We aro prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hay. iug facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we wJuld invite the trade to call and examine our goods bo fare purchasing elsewne. et 'B, +TWO LOTS OF GROUND on West Com mon, Allegheny, with a double frame dwelling house, fur sale, price $2.400. Terms easy. CIITOSERT a SON, 61 NI ..1r es• •( CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS Enamelled and plain finish, on different kinds of goods—all widths—wholesale and retail, by J. .5c 11. PIIILLI~ 8, P. 24 2d and 28 St. Clair street. CIONIING.—New Wall Papers, at cheap '4„..) prices, to be sold by fe22 W. P. MARSHALL St CO PHE BEST FRENCH CORSETST— For One Dollar and Twenty-lice Cenci. D OLL BUTTER.-2 bbls. this day reed and for sale by 1 . 1'4401 HENRY H. 0 , 4, r.l -H 0 ME-M A D E and Eastern Blankets and Flannels, a good assortment at . he very lowest prices C. 11.01 SON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, fe24 No. 74 Market street. SOAP POWDER.-50 boxes Soap Powder of our owu manufacture, warranted superior to any offered for sale In this market, on hand and for sale by • BC.& J . SAWYER. NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- 20 boxes assorted inzes., i's s's and 6's, perin C.+lnlks on hand and for ode by C :.. C. a J. II W I ER, Lab Ilia oil Wood Woos. §..t,3,441 JS D. Montgomery, ktichurd Strielde, William Oaborue, Liyt. Mar.q. j Samuel M. it Mr John S. Dilworth, 4r:lLL:it - 3 Sellers, William B. flay., John nhiptou, Walter Bryant, 64,34 d 81 $1,2r1,708 44 JO'g AORNK TT Yartret MISCELLANEOUS NOW IN THE TIME FOX Mill% CHEAP CLOTHING. Z. L EISNER, ON THE: CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH SPR.FETi, late Davis's suction Room, is now lug out hid entire whuledale dtucli at 01ST PRICES FOR CASII ONLY. Ile will sell Fine Black Petersham Over- coat that used to mull at Fine Black Petersham Overcoat 8,00 " 4,60 " Brown 8,00 . 4 5,76 " .• Raglan 9,00 " 6,00 Niggerhead Raglan " ..•........ ..... . 8,00 " 6,00 Lambskin , - 10,00 " 7,00 , 8,00 " 5,00 - 7,00 " 4.50 Blue Pilots 10,00 " 6,00 Whitney Pilots 6,00 " 8,00 Bearskin 6,00 " 4,50 Rsquiinaux 10,00 " 700 eatluott 6,00 " 4,00 8,00 " 4,50 blue Wove Cassimere - 8,00 " 6,00 Brown Cloth 10,00 " 600 Black Silk Cloth 12,00 " 7,00 Super Fine Dress Frock Coats 15,60 " 13,00 " . .' .. ...... ...... ...... -.15,00 " 11,00 10,00 " 6,50 Pants, Vests, and Furniihing Gixis'at these and proper ti ci rates. de23 Wheat, nye and Corn Wanted, P, STEAI MILL, ALLEGIIFINY CITY. rip Li k.; SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the alwvr estabhrihment. And are prepared to FAY THE 11101115 T Mat:ht.? PRICES IN CASH TOE "lb,Utltl 13USIIEL6 RYF. 10,000 " COHN. it id the intention LI the proprietors to offer SETHI. MICAS for any choose lots of White or lied Wheat. They intend to no.ko very superior Family Flour, and are willing to pay a premium to !/M anner, in the Whops of an extra price, to In. doc, him to ralst , 11 choice quality of Wheat, and to bring it to !market in good order . ipls iv t. w it. I'. KENNEDY tr. BR). NOTICE. E OLDESI AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE TEA STORE In the city of Pittsburgh. Nana nee e rror's Chop, the beat Green Tea imported, being 01 p,r,10 o growth. Also, the finest quality of pure Ouiung Tvi‘ ,ussessing a delicious fragrance only to be found 1;. the go article. No spices kept, or anything that Is tutor .me in the flavor of Teas. Customers can rely on get I aq n t are article of its own flavor. 241 Fifth +truAt GYRES' 'WORM c U N B E I, I 0 N , C ONFEOTLON, Cu NFECTIO'N,CON BECTION,CONN ECTION,CONBE C TION, CONFE 0 TION,C U N F NOT I ON,OO NPEOT 1 NCONW HOT'. 0 N,CONNEOT I ON 00 N ON 'rhe moot pleasant, safe and effectual Worm Remedy now In nee. Prepartal and suld, wholesale and retail, by ANGELL At LIArT, Cor. Woodiand Sixth sta., Pittstrargh, Pa-, A u,i , gvner.iiv Ja2l CIIOICE!—PRICES LOW !—NEW 1,3 ~ viyrEnt GutiDS.—JOSEPIti HORNE has just return :r th“ rtwt, Wilt', in, has purchased large additions to OXI,II-11,, ',tuck. Trading directly with FIRST lan' 111 .oulE., and with the Men UP AOTIIRLBe, for I>, 6e is enabled to offer the beet eelectiun , •1 Ii •ods a UP- po.sibic prices. ttic a-. uow ning, for daily display, the largest and ch..-4,.est stock of I.oRESS I MMINGS, itlCll EM BROIDEIa IF: NTEIt WOOLsN GOODS. itlitßONS, GLOVES, ILOSIERY, b. tar bob,rt , exhibit,' in l'ittshitrgh. Purchasers are invit. ,xamiu, the gooth, and learn the prices, at tiultNE2B, 77 Market street. CIIF,AP BOUTS AND SHOES the time to buy BOOTS AND SIIOES T cii:EATLI: RI - :DUCED PRICE:4, AT TUE CHEAP CASH STORE OF J. H. BORLAPiDt V 8 Marko; stroot, two doors from Fifth L2LEIGH BELLS, 6LEIGLI BELLS, Sl,Elld 11 BELLS. aru LloAurg out our uruck at Cost, & TETLEY. S. cuTRLERT dc EON, 51 Market t k Lire„ and triauniage, at reduced prices. LARGE assortment of Men's Buffalo and Artie Over hues. Aleu, !Althea' Buffalo and Ar t.,: and Umae of every sizAs and style just closing y reduced prices fur Cash, at JuSEPLI IL BORLAND'S, t•-• 20 Nu CS M-irket, becond dour from Fifth street. L EIG 111 N , SLEW' iiING.—If you want a 3 tu etioy n goes] sleigh ride, tee - first thing is to have ur o:et warta, ~ud the next to keep them warm, and the to do tii•it id to g,et a pair of ftuffalo or Artic Overshoes a,. :00 Chomp Unbil Store el JOd. FL BORLAND, No 98 Nlurtet, second door trom Fifth street. GROCERIES. I'A.ITOiN", Jr., Federal street, Al t" legheny, Wholeaale limner and Tea Dealer, and Lleenaed L.,our Alerehaut- iu 1, rer and Timothy treed; het ter, Ch, ese, Lard, hacm, Flour, 'salt, Fish, 2tc., and Coun t y erutlueu generull, nor 23 J AXES l'Arl'ON, Ja., • Fed,rat street, Allegheny, recuiviug emu the following, which he will Bell lowemt 1'2,3 obis. now crop plantation Molasses; '27 i.hde. " " Sugar; 313 (thin. Groconl syrup; Lu bblb. prime roll nutter ; 11.). IDS. '• Feathers, 140 buses " Ohc vu; HALLS 4u nail chest. young Llyson, Imperial, aadZ i genuinu old Cutuar) v. ,th a general assortment of the best and st,ark, ut Fami,ytinx.ries to be Kadin the city,which Is is, sale tut Cash—remember, YATTON'B, 1,1 Federal street, Allegheny City. SUGAR.- 1:1.1 Ladd. lidl.ilaore Yellow Sugar. 5 111.00:. 10 0013. Relined 10 " Lovering assorted is t d and ft,r ts,le uy JAMES PATTON, Jr., Allegheny City A I'ENTIGN, ALLEGHENY CITY. - would call your attoution to hie sr , ? chic Y OttttttEltilti bought, of lato, iu New k'.,: n, tur CAA:tit, which he Whl deli at tower pricosthan any other house to the two cities, fur Ceelf. Come and see the 1 ,1(3at 0.A.:111i6 PATTUN'6, JS., Federal ,troot, near the Diamond, AILIMEIIaY CIT Y. A WORD TO TEA DRINKERS. TUE PEKIN TEA STORE, di Fifth street, Imported tuto thin market sumo of th,111....nt graded of CELTS AND BLACK TEAS, grown in the . C,ilLatial Empire, dune up in all the various tai y packa,;es which:Aimee.° ingenuity can invent. It is a luxury and comlo,t io drink them. Proprietors of steani- Lo.as anti hotels, and private Laidlien are invited to call. t;I(;HUYS.- lU .- durt-n Muelirtxuu Ketchup 10 do Eui;Leh Widuut du. 25 du Quarts Tomato do. 5u do Pints du F: ,r by 1i.F.Y311113. fr. ANDEIISON, bovi \u 36 Wood street, opposite St. Charles Hot e l lAEA GOODS! DRY GOODS 11—All the • immense stock of dilka, Shawls, Itlarinoes, Paramat-_, tas, Plaids; elude, stylci of printed Marinoes, Poplins, 'M eals; rich, all wool, Detains, Embroideries, Trimmings, 110eier), Ciente' Furnishing lic.ods, and a largo stock of Do mcetic selling at the store of A. A. Mason A Co.'s: No '2 . 6 Fifth street, at unheard of prices, as the whole etock must be innuediately cloned out. dela AN FORD'S IN VDJORATOR.-3 gross on 1 1 / 4 ) band anA f r eels by B. L FALINESTUCH Sc •1 Corner of Fourth and Wood streets. DRIEDPLES.-30 sacks prime Drie Apples recolvod. and fur sale by AP McCANDLES6, MEANS & 00., Corner of Wood and Water streets. GEO. It. WHITE & CO., having complet ed annu inveutory,and redu - ed the coat price oY their goods, will ,ell their pi esent stock at a further reduction of pri•ce. Jail V, ' RIEUATED SOAP.-25 boxes yarie gated Soap received, and fir sale cheap. by JAMES A. FETZER, 1.40 Coiner Market and Find atreeta. My HITE GREASE—In cans, kegs and barrels, for greasing Drays, Carts, Carriages, Omni• buses, and all hinds of machinery, for sale by • lal9l LOWLY H. OULLIN4 ria lb Wood itt. NUMBER 119 THE DAILY POST• WEDNESDAY MORNING::::MARCH 8, 1858 LFrom the New York braid.] Judge Hem eon Successor. A good many names are mentioned for the succession io the Judgeship in Pennsylvania, rendered vacant by the death of Judge Kane. The most prominent amongst these are Messrs. Dallas, Sherwood, Brewster, Cadwalader, Shep herd, Wharton and Kelly. In any ease the se lection is likely to prove satisfactory, as the President has declared that he will nominate no one who is not a leading member of the bar. There are strong reasons for believing that Mr. Dallas will be offered the vacant seat. Las re gards personal qualification no man is more fitted for it—his legal attainments, his long experience in his profession, his well known integrity of character and his polished and amiable manners, all pointing him out as the most suitable succes sor for the able magistrate who lately presided in the District Court. From this to the Supreme Court the step will be an easy and natural one, and we will venture to say that no Judge has given more satisfaction than Mr. Dallas will be likely to do in both capacities. A man of such enlarged views and so distinguished as a states man and politician cannot tail to bring to the bench an amount of knowledge, experience and tact which are vainly to be looked for in the base of any ordinary trained lawyer. Doubts have been expressed as to the probability of Mr. Dallas accepting the vacant Judgeship. We see no reasonable grounds for anticipating a refusal on his part. His fortune is small—he is ad vanced in years—but his desire to render himself useful to his country is as strong as ever. There is no post that could be offered him which will so fully reconcile this laudable ambition with the ease and independence to which his long and use ful career entitles him, as this seat upon the bench of his native State. A VirginlanN Experience In New York... Singular infatuation. Mr. J. Franklin Langley, a resident of Nor folk, Virginia, forty years of age, arrived in the city a few days ago from California, and stopped at the Astor House. Last Monday night he felt in with two abandoned young females, Emma Howard and Mary Morris. He treated them to supper and drinks, and afterwards accompanied them to a noted thieving den in the rear of No. 21 Elm street, kept by Wm 11 - Ciward. Mr. Langley 'leveted his special attention to the girl Emma. He was lavish of his funds, giving away ten dollar bills as freely as so many dimes. Seeing that they had struck upon such a liberal customer, the two girls, the pi oprietor of the place and his wife, were not backward in bleed ing their victim. In two or three days he be (Came so infatuated with Emma that he proposed to marry her, and take her South with him. Upon her assenting to his proposition, he imme diately purchased a wedding ring, a pair of ear rings, bracelets and other jewelry, and pre sented them to her. To supply the deficiency in her wardrobe he purchased for her four new silk dresses, a bonnet, shawl, and all other needed but less expensive wearing apparel, with an ele gant traveling trunk to pack them in. Mr. Langley obtained a hack and jumped in it with his female companion, it being, as he supposed, the commencement of their journey for the South. They made a halt at Jersey City, where they stopped at the American Hotel. Here, ac cording to the girl's statement, the " silly old fool insisted on having a clergyman called," and the marriage ceremony performed at once. She tried to put him , ff till they got to Philadelphia, but he would not listen to any postponement. Indignant at his pertinacity and. obstinacy, she forthwith parted with him and came back to New York, taking her baggage with her. The mar velous infatuation of the Virginian was notctired by the sudden withdrawal of the object of his ,ill - ections. In pursuit of her he went back to No. 21 Elm street, and there remained till his money was all gone, and then be gave the pro prietor of the den his gold watch and chain to pawn to raise more money. The proprietor pawned the watch and chain, pocketed the money he obtained on them, and kicked the owner out of doors. Langley applied at the Police Head quarters for redress, saying that he had been ewindled first and last out of $lOOO. Deputy ' Superintendent Carpenter deputed officers Eider, ' King, Drycian, Easel' and Eustace to ferret out the parties and arrest them. The officers, on Saturday, took into custody William Howard, the girl Emma, Mary Morris, and her man Jack Russell. About $7O in Virginia money was re covered from an Exchange office kept by a man named St. John, in Chatham street, which Emma had deposited there for safe-keeping. Out of the proceeds of the same, Howard had purchased a new cairpet, a bureau, a set of chairs, and other furniture. The recovered property was handed over to the Police Property Clerk, and the $7O in money restored to Mr. Langley. The prisoners were all taken to Jefferson Market Police Court, and committed for examination. CuE3IIOAL CHANGES oF IRON.—Some valuable experiments have recently been made, with a view to ascertain the chemical changes which pig iron undergoes during it conversion into wrought iron by puddling. It appears, from these ex periments, that, in the puddling furnace, the first action is exercised upon the eilioium, the amount of which decreases progressively within the first hour and a half, after which it remains cmstant during the rest of the operation, and then appears to be reduced to the minimum du ring the reheating and rolling of the paddled bars. During the first hour there does not ap pear to be any decarbonization of the iron, but, on the contrary, the amount of carbon is increas ed to the extent of twenty-one per cent. of the original amount at the end of this time. In the next portion, representing the period at which the metal enters into the state called the buil, the amount of carbon begins to diminish and continues to do so until,!at the time:it is removed from the furnace, it is only about thirty tour per cent. of the original amount, and twenty-six per cent. of the maximum amount. It beeme, therefore, that it is during the boil tlfat the greater portion of the carbon is eliminated, and this is apparent during the operation from the swelling up of the metal and the appearance of blue jets of 'flame issuing from it, this flame be ing produced by the combustion of the carbonic oxide disengaged from the metal. RUMORED RESION.kTION OF TEE POPE.—A ru mor has been afloat the last few days in Paris o f au anticipated change in the temporal govern ment of Rome, which will create surprise in the wind of every people in Europe. Some talk of the approaching abdication of the Pope as a cer tain thing, and already Las Feiner Ventura been spoken of as his successor The nomination of tne latter to a Cardinalate, in preparation for this event, has frequently been annul:lElEod. As general of the powerful Order of Ignatius, Fa ther Veatura's position would enable him to ac cept the Papal Crown without probation.— Court Journal As the telegraphic reports say, " this lacks confirmation." In other words we don't be- lieve it. FREEZING ON LAKE MIOII:GAN.—On Sunday morning last the lake was frozen over out as far as the eye could reach—no water being visible. Saturday night was by no means as cold as we have had previously. The formation of the Ice was probably owing to the stiffness of the waters aad to the fact that an easterly wind had driven ail the floating ice to the shore. It is a phenom -,inom that is seldom witnessed. *A large yawl mounted on runners and drawn by six horses, made this port from Waukegan yesterday. It was filled with a jolly company, who were on a novel sleigh ride. The star spangled banner waved gracefully from the stern of the craft. After partaking of a repast at the Harding House the company started back, apparently in excel lent spirits —Kenosha Tribune, Feb. 18. OS EMILY Risiso.—Ooe of our contempora. ries disposes of this virtue as follows: -" We have watched (he says) those fellows who are the early risers, and as a general•thing they are the first chaps who go to the groceries of a morn ing. It is all moonshine about the smartest and greatest menbeing the early risers. It might have been so in old times, but nowadays when you see a chap moving about very early you may be certain he is after a drink."