SPECIAL NOTICES. EXTENSION OF STAY. .DRS. C. M. FITCH 4- J. W. SYKES, Will continuo their °Oho at No. 101 Penn street, OPPOSITE ST. °Lida HOTEL, PITTSBUROII, PA.. TILL APRIL FIRST, 1858, Where they may be consulted daily, (Sun days exceptod,) for CONSU ASTUMA, 1311.0N 0111T11.1 aid ALL oru - 1-., , \1C ArFnortoss con nected with, or preAlril 041 , g to PULMONARY DISEASE. DES. FITOI3 .. iit:S feel that they cannot too earn estly or ‘requeutly admonish invalids of tho EXCEED ING ..2Elt OF 11L11,AV is PUIAONARY DISEASE —its 14 ptif COIII, , 0111M1 scan SO trifling a 9 to beget a delusive feeling :lett even while the di-4easo is making rapid pro. grass, lot pfitit•lit 13 , glects hienelf till a cure hi 11011 to Mace Uoters..-10A. M. to 4 P. 4zl:o No civil ge for conaultAtion. A list of (Illeoilolll.l will be .dent to those witthin. k ; to consult by letter. Attche, DRS. C. I. FITCH E J. W. SYLUZ% Venu btrc-bt, 1 ittiburglt, P.I HOOFLAND'S OhltMA.: 'SITTERS, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR NERVOUS DiAIIIATY.—J. M. Ilutstimm, Doylestown, Pa,. Juno 'ld, 18,3, says My wife has been afflicted with a uerv . ons debility since September, 1851, mince which time. I have been unable i o find any physician or medicine.th.it would horient her in the least, until on^ day I called at the store of Dr. Harvey, of this town, foi some tincture of iron, and described to him the affliction , ' of my wile ; ho then handed me a lot of papers to read, among which I found our' &scribing your German 111116 r', I immediately procured a few bottles from him, an , .l eta pleased to state that the me of the Bitters has her more good than all the medicine she hag heretofore taken. I wish you to send me a half dozen b. [(leo. Soo advertisement.. . _ For sale by 1.1..E'11iZ0.; r:' Plttabury,ll. 1 te2tilwd•al TILERE IS NOTRINO IN TUE WILOLF. LIST OF molicino cresting such a stir 5ia.,11,4 invalids as Dr. SAN FORD'S IN Vaii/itaTOliUR LIVER RENIEDY. It gives such quick I,liefas tA il,llVinCO the patient of receiving benefit almost iissaon the medicine is taken. We do not know of a single ins twice w hero it has bo,n taken without be. efit, and iu nearly ill cases u complete cure is effected by Its USN It ham acquired it. wide piyal.tt ity sha t ly because it does what it is recommend: 1 to de. it is constantly en• largiug its circle iif earv,iag he ding, on its wings, and ley t o th e h i , i rt. ld tilo-1.• HUM, ing from Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, er goucral debi;ity. fel2:ltudt rursuumin FIRE A' , I) MARINE INSURANCE CO., L, PittNbangh, Febinwry 16th, 1858. I.4bDIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Hoard of Directors of this Compony hoe-, this a:,d-cliired a dividend out of the proato of the twit nunith , , Of POUR DOLLARS per share, applicoph• to tie, reluctrou ut neck notes. fol7:ltu F. A. itIN Ell A.ILT, Secretary. OFFICI , I OF THE rmrsilunon. Fr. WAYNE it, CHICAGO It. It. CO., Pitt,hurgh, Mon ii It, 1858. NOTICE. T > STrCli HOLDERS —The first annual meeting of the sturkh Adorn of the Palsim , gh, bbrt Wayne and eihicago Railroad thmpany will be held at the Rooms of the Board of Trade in the city of Dittiiburgn, en TIJICSDAY, the IlutU day et Ma ch. a o'clock. P nt., at which tone toe itoport I tie': Dii . ectiirs and Officers, of the operati.in of the Conipa-:y, fir the first evonteen mon h. , of ihe cpre.olid ;thin. will lie pr. eout•d out rem'. Tii) otecti r at troy, Itaaatr,l of lar,ctora a ill tat )1, Id at the , Maim plait?, an \t is; , NI , ',:t.DAY, i it , bt•ttVel•tt tho hoar, 1 . 9 t ti P. !I. et.a.khuhl an i t.. 0 r.•it it-tentative, ,feanittittii stock, „ill ,11, d,1.1 tit': 'irk_ I , and from Pit tn. burgh, toz - ttm-ttecAtima : ..a 'rat ott to tuo Sta tiou Agetittt. ithmh. 10, m a 11X may ontaininl at the t.i . ..meral Oilicm to Itti titt at too offs to la Now Yora, No IStoedialder.4 of. it to, of th thr , .. , input now molt:m(1 by the ennHtititlatittit, Int hyty in, it at , o kon,oz to t 11,11 Block, will tint bo oitti . 1 , d tat env cuts et Liu-above election Th, tramm r Ittitthi wi I it.• at l front Ito 20th root. to itrox. airl I T. L. 111E.t4 . 11.E1t, Socrotarv: MONONGAHELA MUDGE, itt4Jurgii, February Stith, 1858. f 'III2 PRESIDENT ANL) MANAGERS OF THE C ;MPANY lur erect ng Bridge over the River oppoa.te Pitaiourgh, in tiro county of Alle gheny, liar; tin+ oar, ,l stared a D.vel-rl of Stx Pea CENT. on the Ca;etat Stock, whien will be pa.4l to t e ;Rockhold; era, ortneir leg iI repre,titativea, at the Toll IlonEe, on and alter the Bth of Marsh, 1458. Intl It JOHN THAW, Tye :surer. PITTSEUAtaI taIiTEL INOAUS. 3NO. L. i3OVD ISA AO .lONE.; JONES, BOYS) & CO. IL6IFUJACTUMF.,I OY C AST STEEL. SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Ross scud First Streets, jy2s PITTSBURGH, PA /BAAO JONZ, D. )13. ROGEUS & cm., tf,CITIYALCTUILER3 OF _ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CU LT I Vil.7 oit T EET LI, CORNER Ross AND FIR3T STREETS, JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Conimisston Merchant :LIZ E&LE 07 Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, (Sutter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce. generally, Corner of Plaritet and First streets. PITTSIII , 0.12111.,-P A. ligrxm 'to— Francis . G. Bail .iy, 11,3 , , William Dilworth, Sr., S. Cuthbert t Son, Bata' , Lioyd Ott, Ileiskell Swearingen, S. Brady, Casd• .71.. !'d 'Bank. List 1c [Lowell, Mangle & Co., George W 1-ra ,•!, !)r11.) Patton & Co. Marling. JOEIN MOO6Z,MIE4I, COMMISSION AIERGIUNT, PIG METAL AND BLOOMS. ja15:131 N. ;47 W 0.,! W4l PlTTmlilLatfiß : P. JAMES LlcE..i.a7Gll/LaN, M UF ACT UR ER OF AL4COI I IW ' Cologne Spirits and Fiasei Oil, Nos. 167 and 170 Second 'treet. apt() iy.124.11, IJE 1 4 'A ESTOC i IMPORTER & DEALER IN AN 0 ?OMESTIC• F 4 )REIGN HARD wAttE. Din. 74 Wood etreet, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, PA Q's Tun subderll),Nr is iww op ,, ning a well e , ,locted'++•, ett oat or foroign and dc,iu. , ,tic Ilardwur,., all r40v. , ,,:0d sold ou as good terms as any other house in this C.ty_ will always keep on hand a general fes6ortment of tIAH.DWARE. CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' T ' J ou, T which he) respt , tfullyinvitv3 tho Rttp" .xcmo r 5As. t1:11, PATINEttOC.. DWARE• Sit,A.ACEI VALuNEsTooK, No. 74 W 001) r i•itceburgh, has ouharal a largo STOCK OF HARDWARE, ho will sell very low for CASU. In addition to In Knives and Forki, and Spoons, and a largt asidrtaiont :larpontor's Took, ho hag received a large ply of Fan , a4o Calder,. and Staffers; Shovels, Tengnes and Pokers; Floigli Bella, and Enameled Preaorvlng Bottles. J. w. 'FUCKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ST. LOUIS, MO. OFFICE (F9lt TUE PRESENT,) N0.'126 THIRD ST., NEAR CITY HOTEL, Hon. J. L. Orr, p•slt. , r C. ti Ropre9entattveH. lion. L. M. limn. tt., lion. Trout. Ju.lgo U. 4. District Court, 1 Jamot 11. Luraii Sz C. , r.T. _me Rev. D. K. sl'Anally, D. D. fa2t.lni iIOLD AND SILVER SP ATACLES, AT iIIANUFACTURER'S PRICES H Y D 11,0AETEB.S or weighing spirits, the clii,q,est awl hest articles !iv! brought to this city. THEISMONIETERS AND BAROMETFIItii, varyitn; in price fruzu $3O , a rch. POCKET CONLPASSES, AND _ SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, alwayd 0:111:tud at 0. E. Practi••.:/ ()ph - el:tn. ftS MP/1 ,Brut. oprOtlito ~l,wunic (fait 1.. C. 11EPBUttfer, ATrORNEP AT L4W AND CONVEYAIWER nnto•T•l+ • - T .-- - - & T. oitouvr, importers of Brandies, t p • Gin, 'Mil, I.':. 11.31,e iLI ant , (1,1 Mufiongalf Oa 1t . i.0 I%. r bliky, Poach and Apple Brmndy: law), .REOTIFIER:i - 3:ND. 11161ILLEES, corzior of ti:,IITLIFEI,I) and FRONT titEPette. Pittebnrrth. P. Fxo Lam; E.-881) acres or choice 10W - A ,' 4 l LiAND, Sit uta e W , J , 1111.1n r ciioity, will be 4:xi - bunged for city property, by uurti BERT & SON, • 11,?4 51 Market .treet. L, - kit -- DOIL.—Wo have comnaeneed mane twAuring Lard Oil, and w II Lo pl e o..ed t o receive ur ar,,f,,r. it. We will warrant it evAl to any (II in the mur het. W, will fill barrell rcturued when desired. IL O. & J. H. SAWYER, Nn wood ATSPOOT 01.L.—Neatsbot • . in quanatini to snit purebtviere, on baud and for enle by . ' •E. C. &•• J. 11. SAWYER, flB • No'.47' Wood strea. • 'Of L SO Al 7 .—Ptfro= Palm, )5 it bar, n Nittl3 cure fur chappcd 1; -tit ' 4 ta le lua.ttitied to emitteircluvere, by J. IL SAWIRII. Western Pennsylvania Hospital. We have received the annual report of the mans• gars of the Western Pennsylvania Hospital for 1857. The report of the Superintendent states that during the last year eight-seven insane persons have been received into the Hospital, and thirty-six discharged. Of th se, twenty-three were restored, five have im proved, two wore in the same situation as when re ceived, and six died. There are now under treatment for insanity sev enty-four patients, of whom forty-eight aro males and twenty-six females. Since the passage of the act of 1855, there have been admitted ono hundred and forty-one patients, from ton counties and two cities of this State—of whom thirty-two were core tnitted by the County Courts, forty-six were sent by the authorities having the control of the poor, and• sixty three were supported by their friends. The report of the Superintendent clearly shows the ne cessity for providing more extensive accommodations for the reception and care of the numerous applicants for relief, in which the Board of Managers most heartily concur. - The rer.. - Irt of the Finance Committee, by whom the accoutds of JAI , ' Harper, E,q.. Treasurer, wore examined, sho , s that the sum of four thousand seven hundred and twenty three dollars have been expended on the Hospital buildings, and improve. nients during the last year, nearly the whole of which was applied to the construction of wards for male sod female insane-patients in the southern wing of the Hospital, and providing the requisite appa. rates and furniture. It will also ho soon that the amount received during the last year for patients was six thousand seven hundred and sixty-three dollars and fifty-four cents, while the expense of food, fuel, houses, die., was five thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine dollars and forty-five cents, thus showing that the receipts of the institution have been suf ficient to defray . all its expenses during that period, except the salaries of the Superintendent and Assis tant Physician. During the year fewer patients than usual have been received into the medical and surgical wards. The whole number under treatment during the year was two hundred and twelve. The total number of insane patients received since April 6th, 1856. is ono hundred and forty one. The districts from which they were committed are as fol lows : Allegheny county Allegheny city...... ... Beaver county Butler county Crawford county Fayette county Indiana county .. Lawrence county Pittsburgh Washington county..., Westmoreland county Armstrong county f lowa 1 Virginia... "" , T IT ES- During the yogi• many improvements have been made in the LioFpital and on the premises. A large hake Oven has been constructed, the heating ar rangements have been improved, and through the kindness of friends the patients have been supplied with more and better furniture, beds and bedding, queonsware, carpets, curtains, stands, mirrors, bird cages, pictures, &c. A library has been donated by Miss Dix, and has been increased by donations, and Sabbath exercises are regularly observed. Altogether, the institution is in a flourishing con dition, and the new year has been commenced with a fair prospect of increased facilities for relieving the MEM ted. A New Novel by Dirs. SouAlkwerrth--The The fictions of Mrs. Emma D E. 13.. Southworth, by their intense and exciting intc:sest, and their remarkably truthful delineations of chore !tor, have gained an almost unprecedented popularity. .1 -- .4ery person who is in the habit of reading- novels hne pe rused "The Lost Heiress," " The Curse of Clifton," and " The Discarded Daughter," all from the •pen of this gifted lady. There is a charm in her 'produc tions which fetters the attention and impresses the mind of the reader. The volume before us does not differ in this respect from any which have preceded it. There is a force of conception, which et iizes upon all the points of the character of an indl .vidual ; a rare and felicitous art in shading is also ec :laced, and when to this wo add the vigorous expr esai'm and brilliant coloring with which these port* mitures are exhibited, we can understand the attra otion of this work. The authoress seems impressed - with a desire to warn against evil, and to recomtnem 1 the right ; while her feminine sympathy, her lax nriant fancy, her intuitive conceptions of the w r kin gs of the heart, and her truthfulness to nature, are powerful elements in her popularity. The a'inry of "The Three Beauties" is ono of deep pathos', and absorbing interest, and, unlike too many fiot 4 .ons ttf the day, bears with it a worthy moral. ..The plot of the story is ingenious, well planned, and well executed. Some of the characters are beautiful rep rosentations—that of Imogene Summerfield especial'iy, which combines all the elements which ennoble r.tiAl exalt the female character. But wo have said m ore than is necessary concerning this work. Its auth' ,ress is widely known, and her reputation, added to the instrinsic merit of this work, must give it a wide •circulation. This work is published by T. B. Peters( )n ‘4.. Co., Philadelphia, and for sale by Hunt Sr. Mir.er, Masonic Hall, Fifth street. WM. McCEILLOUGII PITTSBIJRCiII, PA Wo briefly alluded yestr:rday to the fact that a fire had occurred on Sunday, 'which destroyed Straub's brewery, in the Fourth Ward, Allegheny. We have since learned some additicmal particular "rt.. Thebrew• cry was situated on Ohic street, nesix the Pennsylva nia Canal. It was a largo, well stocked concern; and was owned by Mr. John N. Straub. The fire origi nated in the malt kiln, and was an accident. The machinery in the building is a total loss. Four brick dwellings adjoining the brewery were also destroyed. These were owned by Mr. Strr tu b , and occupied by men who were employed in fhe brewery. The loss is estimated at $15,000, on , which there is no insur ance. Rudy Found.—YesLtr . day morning some mer, who worn working around t'ne hull of the steamboat "Ida May," lying at the fo J t of Short street, discove red in the water the body of a man. It had apparently been in the water .or some time. The body nrap se cured, and the Co rover sent for, who held an Digo:est upon it. The 'uody was ascertained to be that of John Muleurran, un Irishman, about thirtytw of age. II a had on a brown coat, black pants, shock shirt, and a red comforter. A ticket, inscribed " S. B. Clifton, Labor Ticket," was found on his per son. Ho was a man of average size, rather fleshy. It is said he, has a wife \ living in Pittsburgh. Ile has been rising since December last. A verdict of aeeidea',al drowning was returned by the jury. Y. oring Men's Bible Society.—The Board of Direc t'Jrs of the Young MoD ' s Bible Society met last week, and organized for the year 1858 by electing the fel -1 lowing officers : President—James Roth. Vice Presidents—Wm. B. Scaife, J. F. Loy. Corresponding Secretary—W. H. Kincaid. Recording Secretary—R. S. Davis. Treasurer—Ed. D. Jones. Librarian—John Culbertson. Executive Committee—Wm Floyd. E. S. Ward, W. Collingwoed, R. A. Cunningham, NI. Tindlo. FLotr.R.-75 bbls. Extra Superfine Flour, Just received and tor sale by JAMES A. FETZER, Knorked Down and Robbed . —A man who resides I mrl Corner Market and First eet,i in the Seventh Ward was on hie way home on Satur- YE FLOCIR.--20 Barrels Rye Flour, jus day night, when, on reaching the corner o' Wash- received, and for sale by 110) , ington and Wylie streets, ho was knocked down and I JAMES A. FETZEIt rolilmd of all the money he had—some $4O. The mrl Corner Market and First streets affair occurred almost at the door of an Alderm:i office. No arrests have ns yet been made. We hope the perpetrators of this outrage will be captured, as the impudence of these garroters requires a Bey ere example to check it Almost a Fire.—A bed on which a German worn an woo sleeping, in the First Ward, Allegheny, took f ire on Sunday morning about five o'clock, from a spa .rk from the grate. The woman was awakened, n rod made her escape with a few burns, and it was oi ily with the greatest difficulty that the bed was ext guished before setting the house on fire. =~- ___- \J~._ .t =MI LOCAL. AFFAIRS. Three Beauties. Brewery and Four Houses' Burned. Another Row in Allegheny.—About midnight. on S.,olrday, a party assembled at a drinking Lease , on Ohio street, in Allegheny, got into a row,. duri ing which two young men named John and Junes l in ney were cut with a knife. John was stabßolin. the left side and on the arm. James waa eut in the back, hut not much hurt. The other wound, rote 3 ved by John, may prove dangerous. The Croseing.—Mr. A. W. Foster, the Ci ty Solici tor, replied to the able argument of Mr. John H. Hampton on Saturday afternoon, in the • case of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rid lroad Com pany against the city of Pittsburgh, yesti rday morn ing, before Judges Hampton and Wili6 ems. A de cision will probably bo given in the cas to day. The stockholders of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, hold. an election at the Merchants' Exchange Rooms or the 30th of March. At that time the first annual report of the company under its pre4ent organizatis n will be read. Other business of importance will be. transacted. Commitled.—Perry Hartman, tho, negro charged with stabbing Louisa Williams with intent to kill, at the house of Mr. Norris, on Garr'. , son alley, was yesterday committed to answer the mrge, by Alder. man Donaldson. Held to Bail.—Gustavus Ebbd. w as arrested by a watchman on Friday night, and in7.l .t day made com plaint before Alderman Parkins.e., that the watch man had arrested him without .0 rinse. The officer was held to bail. A lint of valuable Bank ar Insurance Company stocks are to be Fold this ore sing, at the Commercial Sales Rof•ms, No. 54 Fifth Ft xeet, by Mr. Davis. Verdict.—ln the Court of Common Pleas yesterday a verdict in favor of the bfen dant was rendered in the small note case of Gill .ian vs. Shore. Mayor's Office.—At th e Mayor's office, yesterday Morning, there wore six common oases on hand, all of whom rierc,#.9.4,4t),,j- Po/Om/ed.— T he e ripiracy wlikh wa liced on Saturday,can m up before Alderman Lewis yesterday, bat was pry Awned for a few ,iays mere Counterfeit Jfoney.—A man Arrested for pilling named John Flarnigan, was arrested by the Mayor's police yesterday, charged on oath of a man named Richardson, with passing counterfeit money. The parties all reside in Chartiers township, and it seems that Flannigan had passed a bogus half and three quarter dollars, on Mrs. Richardson. Flannigan was brought before Mayor Weaver, and will probably be committed to-day. A good deul of counterfeit money has bean circulated in that neighborhood, and it is surmised that otherjarties are eng iged in its manu facture and sale. ''' Surety of the Peace.—A man named Samdel Paul son was bound over to keep the peace yesterday after noon by Mayor Weaver. Ho had formerly worked for Mr. W. W. - Wallace, on Liberty street, and yes terday he entered the shop and made an attack upon him. Mr. John Wallace interfered, and Paulson seized a file and struck him in the face. Fur the latter offence he was fitted ten dollars, and for the former bound over. Theatre.—At the Pittsburgh Theatre, the popular play of "Julia, or the Hanchback " will be presented tonight, with Mr. Hanley as Master Walter and Miss Kimberly as Julia. The popular comedy of " Bam• boozling" will be played—Mr. Hanley as Captain Bamboozle. Alderman Bogers committed two females from Tun nel street, who had been indulging in a little row fur Sunday amusement. The Apollo Serenaders, an Ethiopian troupe, will give a concert in our city shortly. Boy's Raglans and Sack Coats.—G ants. Frock and Sack Over coats, .Raglans &0., and a full Stock of Winter Gloves, Gauntlets, Mufflers, Scarfs and Shawls for Men and Boy's, still on hand at Carnaghan's Fed. eral Street, Allegheny. Cash Buyers will find the prices an inducement. Low's BROWN WINDSOR SOAP, COLGATE'S PALM SOAP, GLENN'S WHITE WINDSOR Soar, And a variety of Soaps, both plain and fancy, for tale at CHARLES H. SUPER'S DRUG STORE, Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets 53 14 12 2 2 8 3 ...... 3 31 .. . 1 1 3 ...... 2 .Gs -THE SUCCESS WHICH ATTENDS the um of Dn. J. Ilosnrrrit's CELIBRITED BrOMACII BITTERs evinces at once its virtues in all cases of debility and disease of the Stomach. Certificates almost without number have liven published, attesting its almost miraculous p 'wer iu renter log those painful and fearful diseases. And at this time it seems idle to do more than call attention to the great remit dy of the age, in order to awaken public attention to its ex cellence. It is the only prepartion of the kind that Is reli able in all cases, and it is therefore worthy of the consider :Aden of the afflicted. The BITTER 3 are pleasant to the mate, a greeable in their effects, and altogether valuable as a tonic r remedy for indigestion. For sale by druggiets and dealara generally, everpt het e, 110STETTER & SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietora, 58 Water and 58 Front streets f.. 20-4c] COn ....1 .I . ' -- 3T-1, - ) ...4,,,t .1...' y v : .., ;14 O E :4 R tf t — l': 3. ,?AVC.; ''' ) . AE-4 'i . ; '* c llV'" . l' ' lt , t .- :t ., "l l Z'' ' r - g •"::' ...,..-1 cn N r r, „ , , '57 '7,&. Z., e" I f a 44 _,.. E -I , ,' j t......• . --; 1 .7. , , ~,. -;;.•,, z oD. 4. - = ' I •• '• IX . ..;-4.e. 0. C ) it r ** 0 LE 4 ~',',.)?!') C . %, • .-,.., I:=Z'-:•) ' ' r - T - 1 r .'.. © r i,dr`LA ; ... 4 . ' ••K ~ k )7•1 , !' P g G.T.I ,7•”:1 . -- , LV• - , ''' ''''', ''"'i c' - ''' .-st- 'l-•<•_/ - '-'--- ' ., '" -.4 ‘ ~. -,3' ''' &., The Pittsburgh Store, MO. 64 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN T dIRD AND FOURTH., will bo opened on TUES . DAY,llarch 2d, with a splendid stock of FANCY AND .STAPLE DRY 60019, which will all be new and of the latest styles, and will be sold cheap for cash. We invite the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity to call -and examine our stock. (fe27:3t) BMW" A , CO. LINSEED OIL.-12 barrels to arrive, and for sale by [fe:27l lIENRY H. 0 )1.1.1 NS. - 1j GGS-7 bble., to arrive by R. R., and for v wile by I f,..271 I.IEN RV II .1,1" Noy RYE FLOUR,.-15-bbls. juot received and for bale by [fe27] HENRY 11. COLLINS Sattely and Economy in ILight. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPLIENE AND FLUID, when yen can get a cheaper and better light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gAs of Com Del Coal, produces the cheapest, most brilliant, stead:, , pleas ant, and safe portable light ever offered to the public, ami no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gas, and quite as cheap; lamps of the most simple and easily managed construction. For sale by T. D. &G. IiODKINSON, No. i 9 ,`,..:ruithtield street. Beware of a counterfeit already in tne market, made from Camphene, with a little Coal Oil to acent it. f fe27:l v DomEsno AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. —A good assortment always on hand, which will be ;, ild as cheap as the cheapest. 0. HANSON LOVE. Formerly Love Brothers. CitYi No. 74 Market etreet. - R I NE. WEEK LONGER.—We will sell at the following reduced prices to make room for now g,ods:--Gents' Kip Boots for $3 00 worth $3 00. -Gents' Kip Shoos for 1 6:2% - 1 75. Gente lienvy Shoes tor.. 1 37 1 ,6 " 1 50. U.ip Shoes for 1 123/ " 137 j . Boys' Heavy Shoes for ... 1 00 1 2:4 Youths' Op Shoes 57 . 11 " 1 00. Youths' Heavy Shoes 75 " Misses' Shoes 75 " h 7 I A. :" 1 00. tientk Lidice', and Children's Om Overshoes qtbd San dals CWEAP, at "Too Pouples' Shoe Store," No. 17 Fifth street, ne•nr Market. [fe27l DIFeNINBAO[fEIt & C.O. MILL FEED.- 1000 thg, Rye Middling; 1000 " Wheat " 1500 .` Wheat Shorts; 1500 Eye Bran and Shorts, just received an for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, mtl Corner Market an I First atreeta. Q WE ET ORANGES.-200 boxes Swee U Messina Oranges, Just received and for Bale by ANDERSO', No 39 Wood titr. , et, mrl Oppogito St. Chad,. !lute'. LOST OR MISLAID.—Four Lawrence County Ronde, issued to the North P estern It R. ; two of $lOOO, each, Nos. 88 and 89, and two of $5OO. each, Nos. 125 and 128. An persons ate cautioned agaiiii4 re.c. , iving the same, as payment has been E.topped. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving them at our office. S. CUTILIBERT & SON, foil 51 Market street. BEANS. -15 bbls. just recd and for sale by fe2o lIKNRY II CAHN& -FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS—Beautift styles of figured and imitation of wool, for sale Ily i ti d fo2.l J. & 11. PHILLIPS. FEDERAL STREET.—For sale, a valuable three atm y brick house on Federal street. 'lli(' hoop,• is well arranged with hall and 8 rooms, and front and back °tee Price, $3OOO. S. CUTHBERT & SON, fe24 61 Market street _._ 0 - EDUCTION IN PRICES, REDUCTION IN PRICES.— Au 000 l Dal.l+, Rich Lustre Bl'k E ilk s. NI . ..inch Mer'noes, Rich Brocade Silks, Puramattss, Faris Wool D'Lrlill'ii. De Rages, Frerch Chintzes, Fancy Prilltor and an unsurpassed selection of St dla and Nienua Brc Chu and Plaid Shawls, are now offered to the public, at th , • store of A. A. MASON & CO., 25 Fifth street. at a further r, ‘lnction on our heretofore, low prices. I fe23 DEFINES' ) SUGAR.- lb blds,..L.overing's "A" refined Sugar; 10 do do 91" do do 15 do do Crushed do 10 do do Coarse Pulv'd do Jnet re ceived and for sale by MILLER & RICEETSON, fe2o Nos. V.I and 223 Liberty street. Low's 110 NE Y SOAP, FORNEY'S DAILY "PRESS" delivered regularly, by JOHN PITTOCK Office, at Hunt & Miner's. WINDOW (IL ASS.—ZSu, boxes assorted fi i zos 0. 11. P. Swt ewer's First City Pittsburgh, Glass, 1000 bozos assorted size. s Boston or second quality Glass, In storo and landing, and lb 1.8118 by XILLER & RICEBTBON, fe2/3 N n ;, •=1 and =3 Liberty wtrPet. TIMOTHY SEED.-1 for Rs!le by lien, rIITNAM'S Improved, other fitYleg Window Shade Fixtures, for 51, fe24 7 AO. PHILLIPS. QOAPS.— low boxes Rosin Soap, init., 2 0t and 3 lb lisro: 600 " No. 1 Palm Soaps,in lb, 2lb and 3lb bars; 500 " , Chemical Olive ap; dalb ' ldmPri • .200:. 5 , :01dpi:romp - " '250 s. German' " 200 " Castile 50 " Pure Palm and for sale by felB 1%01.'1 4 BURG a BOARD OF TKADIE ADO tkl Ite If II NTS' fiILICIIA NOW.. P. It it NLyr, ,N;ri c 1 ir fiNCAVDEN. Coqvuit , Pt of Arbitrazum. for Fibruary ISAIALI DICKEY, V. P., W. NV. MATII, DAVID M'CANDLESS, JOUN FILEMINO, JAMES DAMAN: Ell. vEanc,NTs try O , GEANsr nnsF.Pis. Borussia New York Hamburg March 1 Africa . New York 1 iverrool March 3 City of Wa..ht'u...New York Liverpool March 4 Einon e City New York Havana& N.O March 4 Moses Taylor Now York Aspinwall March 5 Artgo New York flavro,&c March 6 Northern Light.... New York Aspinwall March 9 America Bogor] :lc— . Liverpool March 10 Glasgow Now York Glasgow March 13 Anglo Saxon Borthind Liverpool March 13 Europe New Ywk Liverpool March 11 Kangaroo . ..... ... New York Liverpool March 18 North star New York Bremen. &c March 20 Canada Boston, ac Liverpool March 24 .. . . . Glasgow Glasgow Now York Feb. 13 Amerlci Liverpool Boston, Sc Feb. 13 Furope Liverpool New York Feb. 20 Kangaroo I iverpool......New York Feb. 21 North America.....Fortland Liverpool Fob. 24 Calif - Oil Liverpool Boston Feb. 27 flammonia ....... —lf am burg New York March 1 I ity of Baltimore... Liverpool New York Nlarch 10 Fulton .......... ......SOU GI a Llll.llO n.New York March 10 Carefully Reported by JOE:EPLI SpowlDl Superintendent of the, Merchants' Erchcinge. PITTSIMBOLI, March 1, 1868. FLOUIt...The market le-day was grate dull. We have 110 vales to report from first bands the sales being made entirely from store-and comprising about 300 bbls. at Saturday's quotations viz superfine $4 ; extra ,$4,37©4,50, and extra family $4,873411 LW. 0 It AIN t:i-day 100 bush. pats, from depot, at 27 1 ,..; GU liu-h. Shelled Corn, from depot, at 50c, 1 V. bush ; 00 bash. Rye from store, at E.2j.le. 1.1 bushel. ASLLES—SaIes 8 tons Soda at. 3% V lb, ou time. WHISKY—SaIes 45 Wile. raw at 181 i; V gallon. 1011 ED AP P LES...SaIe FU bush. from 301, e, $12013 lmeh: EGUS...SaIe 280 :100 at 11c. V dozon, and 170 dos at LIVE FIA:ZIR...SaIii 11 bbls. at $3,38 V bbl. from store. CORN NIE Ali—Sale 20 bush, from store, at Kr.w lons, March 1.—NOnn.—“,001111 and Chicago, 94 ichigaa Cent, al 74; Erie, Cleve!and arid Toledo 57. 19.,_ Indiana s'a 85; Ohio 6s 10P.4 Erening.—St,ck , closed Chicago and Hock leland 84 1 i; Cuutherland Coal 21; Minnie(' Central bowie 95; La- Crosse and Milwaukee 103 1 %; Mich. Southern 93 1 4; N. Y. Central Erie 36 , , , : n ; Cleveland and Tolrdo 51 1 4;. MiChi gan C..ntral 731% ; V irginia B's 92 , ;:i: Missouri Ws 84. Steil ;mg exchange ilut. ~ ~ NEE Vol. h, March I.—Cotton lute advanced; 3000 baler, "hi; limn at advance of lA, Upland middling quoting at Fleur quiet; 7000 bOle. wheat very dull; Corn on. ialed; 41,000 hu.h. sold; White 60®08 Yellow, 6b @6P. Beef tlrnt Groc.iries quiet. Pork steady. BVICOEL heavy at r llama and 6l,4(cniii,f, for ehouldora Tallow firm freights on Cutitton to, Live' pool 34'0. and on Flour Ls. Cal. ...:4311rtcliattatt R3arkct. iluil and bin( declined to 3,65(p7:1,75 faliiike. Whisky firm at 17c. Provisions (active, but holders are firm Lard is easier to buy at and 1013 keg. Thu ,ales of Pork and Baum aro uu• upormni Sugar i akt.ve: 25a0 Idls. sold at Mo. Liss. , dull and nominal at 32. Exchange on tiew Orleas d, clined to pre cent. premium, and dull; on the east it is llTlChUngod, Motley is emy. Excelsior Restaurant, k - 41 , 4 No l t . 1.11 17000 Start, AU --;) Avi s' I•1ior3u1 r.G!I, PA., --- WIIOI,IISALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND EA6TERN FISH. uhdersLowd lat.juit received fr to the Emitern mar ket, adected with great care, SMELT, lIAtI UT, HADDCCE, FRESH COD FISH, EASeERN SUN FISH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FIS/I New York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, Egg ILarbor, Shen Oyatera. ' The finest eve brought to this city. Every delicacy of the sea , L 1 served up at she RESTAURANT. S. STIIINEXCII, mrl: 'aw ATTENTION FARMERS !! THE GREAT ECLIPSE.:SEED DRILL AND'BROAD CAST SOAVE& itirlOW on exhibition, at No. 56 Market stibet, Pittsburgh. Tiraj is n neWitanrc , ment and tar (accede any machine of tho kind ever offered to the agricniturkt. It works on an entirely new principle and sows any kind of solidi seeds with fertilizers at any de. sired width, with a regularity and 0VV1111034 never before at tained by seed sowels, and can be worked by a boy large enough to drive a horse. The machine is so simple that any workman can construct it, at,d at a price that will defy competition. Stuto and County Rights or tlingle machines for sato GAUNTLETS, A sploodßl toq+ortinent. now AT CO,T, At SLEIGH ROBES, TllO i 11111161160 eta•k of Silks, Shawlq, and Fine Dress Goods also a complete selection of Furnishing Goods, and a largr and varied line of Domestics, have again been reduced it price, at the store a A. A. MASON ei faS No. 25 Filth street. FOR RENT.—A desirable country resi deuce, two miles from the city. A two story dwelling house on Ross street. A two story house on D111111(3REIP street. A three story house on Third street. A thr,o story house on Wylit street. Two steal! houses in SpUnie's court. fi•S S. CUTIIIt DRY APPLES.-50 bush. Dry Apples for sale by ifeln HENRY LI. UoLLINS. EXPANSION. A lot of new Expansion Skirts. Just, peened of fn. 5 JOS. HORN R'S, 77 harlot areet. jFUGS.-5 bbls. Eggs just received and for ElAh, by McCANDLEISS, MriANS lc Co, teliti Corner Wood and Water streets. WtilTE BEAN S.-10 bags small hit beans, received and for sale by McCANDLESS. MEANS A 0)., • fo2o Corner Wo d and Water streets. Git EASE.—White Grease for Wagons, Om nibuses, Carts, Drays, Carriages, etc., in barrels and kagi. tnr 4.n.1e b, l fe..11 HENRY U. COLLINS sacks received, and 7RNitV H. erg LIN'S " to 3ID bare, " in.] lb bare, on bend B. 0. Sr, J. H. SAWYER, ti 0.47 Wood stele.. u()S3 Prtzatat. h. U. VTLLLIA3th Vice Pre.:aerkz. 1911 it DICKEY, •ld t 1:0 Lig 51',14, J YO :AIL. LIAVIS Plat TO ARRIVE PITTSBUR.OII DIARKET New York Stook Market New York Market CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, Corner Wood street and Diamond tuiey TRAVELING SHAWLS, • MUFFLEIL4 AND STIANVLS, FUR GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS, L. lIIRSIIFELD & SON'S, AIL"FRACTION: ATTRIcTiox t S 1858. CONCENTRATED LYE.-50 eases just re ceived and for sale by B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO_ fe'2l3 Corner of Fourth and Wood street. WOOD'S 11.-UR RESTORATIVE gross ou haul rind for sale by B. L. FAIINESTOCK .k. CO. fe•22 CoruQr of Fourth and Wood streets. 'l.l IT E WA X.-3 cases just rec'd and for W ,A lo by I; 1,. FAA:IESTOCIC & CO., b '2.'.1 tf..Jrner of 14 urth and Wood streets. BA ii la ' S TRICOPLIEROUS.-3 gross on h ad :If i d for sill- by I;. L. FAIINESTOCK & CO, fe.::.: C , o n , r of Fourth aud Wood streets. jUIDRECIP CARE. IRON.-150 lbs. on hand and f r F:Oe by B I . FAUN ESTOCK .4 CO., fc22 Corm- r of fourth and 19,x),1 LYON'S KATIIAIRON.-3 gross on hand and for sot, by B. L. FAUN ESTOCii fe*22. Corne: of Fourth and Wood streets. yA RN I SHES—A complete assortment jus received and for onto by 13. L FAIINESTOCII ,t CO., ; F ;;•y C6 , rnor of Wow ...1 and Fourth streets. FLOUR.-20 bbls. Fine Flour in 1: 4 1 1 I store, and for ealo by MeCANDLESS, MEANS it CO, re:Xi Corner of Wood end Water streo'a .A_TIME FOR ALL THINGS.—Now is the time to buy Shoes of every descripton 011E2IP. We are desitoul to clear out our winter stock, which com prises Gents', Ladies, Mi,ses', Youth's and Childrens' Wear. F..-member the place, " The Peoples' Shoe Store," No. 17 Fifth street, near Narket DIFFEINBACUER & CO. ENTING.-1 will attend to the renting payingof Taxe.i, and collecting of Rents. Apply to JAMES 0. RICHEY, 'P• ECM .t. -.t LAWRENCEVILLE. Three lots of ground fur sale, each 20 feet front on Butler street, by 150 deep to an alley. Price sluo e.,ch—terms easy. fe24 S CC rt;Bh:i:T Sc SON, 61 Market et BADEN.—Twu Building Lots in Baden, near the railr ad, each 50 6+et front, by 150 feet deep. Price, $OO each—fur tvtle by $. OCITIIBEItT h SON, f.,24 61 Market street. ORSE COVERS—Of India Rubber and B Oil Cloth. for vale b J. & 11. PIIILLIPS - ,(IA.TS.-200 bus. to arrive by railroad, this day. 971 d Ccr ea'a h. HENRY H. OntLlNg. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS--Glazed and Unglazed, Green and new patterns of figured cut tains a: whole:ale and retail, for sale by IV. P. NI APSEIALL & CO., r,22 87 Wend street T)ICARB. SODA.-10,000 pounds on hand, ..4 . ; I and for silo by H• L. FAHNE,STOCE & CO., f, 3 graorfos.-1. to Vlerchav Pray. `TORN. - 64 sacks ear Corn for sale by -4 I 009 JAR 4 PVT . ! RO fIIDER-2 bble. received and for eal_e_t_g ,U) faci LE: ET FL- MUM_ - HARDY & M'GREW, Steamboat and Gen eral Agents, Corner of First and Ferry streets. RESUMPTION OF NATIGATION.—Wo take great pleasure in in forming our very numerous read. nt th t,t navigation is once more resumed, and that under esr.tiuy circumstances boats can leave at almost any moment. The river was still rising rapidly last night, with 7 1 7, 2 fret v. ater in the channel, and freights were coming down rapidly. iheugh at ruinous prices There is so much tonnage in port - that boats are willing to take freights at any price. We eh old not at all be aston ished should ten or a dozen boats leave here this week. The telegraph informs us of the death of Captain Blair Summons, the Pioneer Steamboatman in the Cincinnati and Louisville trade. Capt. 9 mtnnnB was he originator of thin lino and has errntinu din it fur thelant thirty yearn. At the time of his (loath ho was Commander of the famous Jacob Strader. the most beautiful boat now afloit on the Western Waters. Among the many flue steamers loading and ready to leave for Bt. Louis, we may be Elbowed to particularize the lowa. Capt. W. A`Moore. Cant. Dan Moore, her popular Clerk,ar rived yesterday, and Capt. W. A Moore arrived this morn ing, and will book pnsaeugers to any point between her,' awl St. Louis. Call down at an early hour and secure your berths, for their was a perfect rush yesterdy. The Steamer a M. Bickel!, Capt. Coulter was caught in the ice at Buffington last Tuesday evening, and supposing that she would be cut down by the ice, she was abandoned to the steamer Ohio, as a wreck, (an article having been drawn up to that effect) she was rescued however, and towed to a safe harbor at Ravenswood. The salvage will amount to abont ssooo,—as the boat and cargo is salvaged at abont V 6,000. The body of. John Mulcarron who was drowned on or about the morning of Christmas day, from off the steamer J 13. Ford, wag found yesterday, under the ice at the bow,' of the Ida May. An inquest was held and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the facts. Ilia fatally reside in Ilartlicrah ble. For Nashville. The fine steamer QUAKER CITY, Captain c gad .. MCDANULS—CIerk, SAMUEL COOLEY—will leave for the above, and all intermediate ports, on TUESDAY EVENING. For freight or passage, apply on board. fel Thu splendid now light draught steamer PO LAND,Capt. R. (RUA:EY. will leave for the above and hatertnedi ito ports ea SATURDAY, th '9t.11 inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board. The fine passenger steamer CLIFTON, will leave for the above and all intertn. , .ll,,Le pert A. on WEDNESDAY, at 10 A. M. Fur freight or pas ago apply on board, or to dad FLACK, BARNES 8 CO, Agents. For Memphis and New -Orleanb. , The fine passenger steamer, ALMA, Capt • • ROBINSON, will leave for the above and all in • termedte.to ports, on SATURDAY, at 4 M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to Ja2l FLACK, BARNES it CO., Agoras ZANESVILLE. Fort Marlette and Zameaville. The steamer EMAIA GRAHAM, Capt. .711v:v. IROS AIRES, will leave for the above and all .!-5.5-Wzf intermediate ports on every 'TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For [might or page apply on board The light draught, fast running passenger packet lOWA, Nlooac., &Lister, will leave for the above and all intermediate ports, un sAT IMIDAY, the tith lust., at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or pesaage, having superior accamoilatiame, apply on beard, or to HARM B McGREW, Ahpar.s, fed Corner First and Ferry streets. DAGUERREAN GALLERIEb. AMBROTYPES- IN TILL COUNTRY, AT OiltEz3:l AT fRACIION Whore can be non the largest collection 0, UIB OTYP & PdOTOGRAPII are invited to call and examine before setting el-eVviielq4;lio J. tloYiette. Prnpri.t,,r GLOVES ANI) No. 83 Wood trot 61 Market et RIVER NEWS. PORT OF PITTSBURGH 3 PEET 6 INCHES WATER IN THE CHANNEL STEAMBOATS NASHVILLE. For N ashville For Nat;hvitle. MEMPHIS. ST. LOUIS. Ivor St. LOlll3. A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE I'ICTUJC:! WAB.ll.AisailD, CAN BE flan AS LOW AS AT ANY FIRST CLASS ESTABLISIIMENI WALL'S, F , urth AT. IVO. 60 MAREFLET ST., SPEODIENS, EVER EXIIIBITED IN CITY Persons wishing Pietyges of :thwnselves or &ion de WE WARRANT PICTURES R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and Ambrotyplsts, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 76 Fourth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, 8. W. cor. of Market street and Diamond, Diazburgh PRIODB TO SUIT ALL. myl9:tf.4ip WYKES' GALLERY OF ART, lith 60 MARKET STREET.—PICTURES taken at this Gallery by a new and improved process, giving the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and complex ion. They are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be far superior to any pictures eve, exhibited in this city. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and examine his large collections of specimens. His Gallery being on the second floor, is easy of access. N. 11.—Pictures of Children taken in two seconds, at No. 60 Market street. 27:tf E. 23. WiliklB, Artist. NELSON'S AMBROTTPES. PRICES REDUCED. GALLERY CORNER OF THIRD AND MARKET STR METE!, Entrance on Third street. LaiLens and Strangers desiring AMBROTYPES, executed lu the highest degree of artistic beauty and perfection, can be accommodated at short notice by calling at NELSON'S WELL KNOWN GALLERY, TIIIRD STREET. Prices One Dollar and upward. ap29:lr2d a 0 4R JE 21 NEW DAGUERREAN AND AMBROTYPL SKY AIVD SIDE -LIGHT GALLERY e ?TR STREET, NRARLY OPPOSITE Tills,' POST-OF dlUk an.. PICTURES taken in all the various styles, iu an: we ,ther, and warranted to. please, at reasonable rates. M Sick or deceased persons taken at their residence. ap2o:lyclaw-is AMBROTYPES.-A BEAUTIFUL AND DURA BLE PlOlTlRE—warranted—can be had as low a 4 at any first clans establishment in the country, at f- , 26:1w WALL'S, Fourth street. AUCTION SALES. FAILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST., At the new Commercial Sales Raome, No. 41.4, Fifth street, every week day, are held public sales of goods in all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a hag., it.,ck which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. td., Dry Goode and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut l.,ry; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes; ladles ware, AT 2 u'eLOCK, I'. M., household and kitchen furniture, new and second-hand b.,is and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware ~toves; cooking utensils; groceries, ac. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., t'aucy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical instru ments; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, E.c. LifeBl P. M. DAVIS, Auct.s VALUABLE, STOCKS AT AUCTION.- On TUESDAY EVE,NING, March 2d, 1859, a 7M e lock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 64 Filth street, will be cold:- 25 shares Citizens' Bank. 9 do Allegheny Bank. 2.0 do Pitta. Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Co fell P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. 25.000 G, GERMAN SPANISH CI ARB AT AUCTION —Oa WEDNES DAY MORNING, March 3d, at 11 o'clock, at the Commer cial Sales ROOM% No. 54 Fifth, street, will o sold, without reserve, for sccount 'whom it may ounce. Ll, twenty-five thousand fine quality Spanish and German Cigars, embra cing celebrated brands. mrl P. 11. DAVIS, Auctioneer. AVEN'S Commercial, Albatros, and Nos 1 and 2 Steel Pens. Just received and for Bale by W. B. HAVEN, fe23 Corner Market and Second etreeta. WS. HAVEN'S Octagon Inlaid and • Bono Tipped LEAD PENOLL. Just received and for tale at Nos. 31, 33, and 35 Market street. Lfe23 RYE. -50 sacks to arrive and for sale by fe2s HENRY H. COLLIN:, QWEE'r CIDER.-10 bble. choice Sweet to Cider, jast received, and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, G 25 Corner Market and First street. POD FISH.-5 drums extra No.l Cod Fish 'kJ kat received, and for bale by RICHETSON, fe2s Nos. 221. and 223 Liberty street. PIANO AT A BARGAIN.—An elegant Bo , swood, Chickering Piano, only in use three month, in perfect order in every respect, will be sold at a very great bargain. The owner is now in the West, and wishes to sell at once, and for cash. The subscriber will guarantee the Piano to be perfect, and unblemlghed. Apply to fe24 JOHN H. MELLOrt. GLOVES, GLOVES.—To enable you to feel cemf-rtable during this freezing ppoll, supply yc 'nit with a pair of good warm winter Glore_f, which can be had cheap, at fe24 T 1)L1. RUBBER BELTING.—A largo stock, all sizes, 2, 3 and 4 ply thick, at the India her Depot, 28 and 28 St. Clair etreet. Ja3o 'EAR CORN-130 sacks Ear Corn, justre calved, and for sale by JAB. Al FETZER, Ja23 Btt Water street. M order UST REDUCE THE STOCK.—In to reduce our stock before the opening of the Spring Triuts we will continue to sell at the IIXTRE.IIELY LOWe• 1CA11,13. SODA.-1000 pounds on ban' PRICES our Goods are pow marked at. 111 and tzr anis by B. L BAIDIESTOCA. a CO., dad JOB.. OTINEts 17 Pasfriat ctest, I Brit i 2 Emescsars to giGalirl Lem, PITTSBULIGH THEATRE. urr, KI.III3EILLY Lzsan AHD MANaarnssa • a. G. it%NLEY STAND MAR4GUIt. PRICES 0/ ADMISSION: Box 1., 60c. Private Box, large $8 00 Ane. , tici Tie, 25c. Private Box, small._... 500 Third 'Tier 15c. Colored Box .26c. Single St,: 4in Private Box, 4 ,a. I Colored Gallery ...... ...15c. ALTERATION -OF TIME. Doors open at 7 'clock. Performanc, to COIIIIIIOIICO at 734 BDI office, for sale of TlAet4,open from 10 to 8 o'clock. Second night of MI. J.•G HANLEY, the young Atuerl can Tragedian. TUESDAY EVEININC, tiaich 2d, 108, will be acted the play of the HUNCHBACK. Master Waltei.. J. H.:llanley. I Julia. To couclude with the petite Comedy of 13 A XI B it U Z L TN G. Capt Frank Bamboozle Mr. J. G. Hanley Emily Mre. Van Deering In rehearsal—RAG HUH ER Oa` PAIL'S, SHOEMAKER of."rouL(,USE and CROWN-PRINCE. The Beautiful Colleotion of Paintings, INCLUDINU THE EASTERN SLAVE MARKET, Co.EOPATRA, DEATH OF LEANDER, cud the faniund Are now on Fro , Exhibition at the 'WYNNE HOUSE, No 93 Third street. Call and 600 them. .1.07 GEO. SCEIIN ECK, Proprietor. BILL OSTER! IL L ATTEND '1 u THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTE , ' e of all kinds of BILLS FOB CONCERTS LECTURES., EXHIBITIONS, .1.(4 All communications tither by mail, telegraph, or other• wane—directed to the calico of the Alorning Post, will receive prompt attention ap7 CHAS. 1113L(PHICSYK, Vrtoill)EUCE IND GENERAL COMNHSSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WHARVES AND ias NORTH WATER ST., Moult; Mit3to E. S. WYKES, Artist, HuR 77 Market Street J. PHILLIPS NiVitj SEMEN I S CIROAStiLIN MODEL OF BEA UTY, JOHN W. M'CARTHY, BUbliNitbti CARDS. C. J. IlorkliArr, .t phreys, Hoffman & Wright,. LOUR FACTORS, At.ve Vine Btr,ot I=l Conrad, Thompson Co 'rliorupou, Clark .t Yout.w. doer, Price, et Caleb Cope .1 Co , ,Barcroft. &aver et C 5..., (Lonby, i , .. M. Lewis, Cashier F. and M. Bank, .Jos. a. Mitchell, Cashier Morch'a Bank :Mari, L. Hallowell &Co., McCutclieon et Collins, John M. Kennedy & Co., }Miguel & CO., Pickett, Mathews &Co., ehrewsbnry .k Price, W. H. Langley Sr Soils, Lawrence Mathias, A. U. Unlock W. iielmes & Ooagrave & Co., TERRA COTTA OH STONE A TER PIPES, From two to six inch calibre. PitICEB from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot ALSO—ROORESTER PEARL STARCH or tivia Wholesale at aanufacturers Prices by MARI' EL COLLINS, FORWARDING AND 0 iSS ON MERCHANT, AND viuuLicsAtir. DIALEII. IN Li a li7 T SiLNDE, "WISH, pitouucE OENEICALLY 20. 25 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. iJ M. A. MOORHEAD I=l OOD, 11001EMEAD & CO., MANI] td.OTORERS Or American Galvanized, Best Refined I=l=l CONlidlifiN SHEET IRON, Aud dole Agent, tor the sale of W. Riwus Woore CELBBIIATED I'AVT NON RUSSIA SHEET IRON ALSO GAIV4kIXED gIOiIRIPATED IRON, for Roofing; e 1.1.6 ES, NAILS, end HOOP IRON. Warehouse, No. 131 at., Pittsburgh Z-Z-ALL ORI•ERS FOR GALVANIZING will be prompt! at itt Li o Works. e. au26 Burton & Perkins, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. SO FOURTH STREET, LOUISVILLE, ICY., Q,OLICIT Consignments of any and every description of Merchandise. Ar• 7, goods sent to us for see. will he attended to without dc.ay, and remittances im mediately made. Toankful for pant favors we solicit a con- ti t:1111103. CHARLES 14'. IS, ALDERMAN, And Lx-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND STILEhTB. nd business connected with this office will be att. nded to with promptness Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy—such as Leeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At t”ru,,y, .be. Titles to Beat Estate examined. T. Cho members of the Bar be tenders his services as Com misdeuer to take Deposition .. . 4 to be read In the several Courts ,d this Stat.., and elsewhere. BIS office is one of the main P.iice Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities In exeentmg th,t, kind are very desirable. 040:1 y W. W. WALLACE'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS iMARSLE MANTELS:, A Large and Beautiful Stook always on Hand And Made to Order. OWNERS OF PROPERTY, CONTRAC TORS AND OTHERS, are invited to call and exam• u.o our stock of MARBLES, us we are poisuaded that but f,w tiersous iu the community are aware of the low prices :.t which we are selling .MANTELS. A good, plain, Marble M cads( ousts but little, it any, more than a good Wood Mau i., I, whilst it is always neat, is as ornament to a room, anti (umike a Wood Minitel) is not liable to take fire. MO. , iUMENTS, TABLETS AND GRAVr. STONES al w,ys on hand WASHSTANDS AND FURNITURE TOPS, AND 151- P :sILNO sTON LS mule to order by machinery. Marble of all iziuds sold low to the trade. our stuck ie thu largest in the West, is manufactured by tn,Lchitiery tupl v. ii bu cold ut the loweat prices. W. W. WALLACE, Nta. 319, 321 and 323 Liberty street, 1,12.1 m Pittsburgh Plaster, Cement and Grindstones. pLASTEtt PARIS, for Stucco Work, etc. AI CRESI',. r Cisterns, Fire Walls, etc. URIND ;N E 6, all sizes and nest quality, for Farmers and Me t Ita , ics, at :au Liberty PILLSbUrgh, Pa. W. W. WALLACE. LOOLIOL.— WO bble. 76 and 96 per eon for sale by 13. A. FALI.; , .;EtiTOCIi. et CO., Corner of First and Wood streets. $675/ WILL buy a new frame Dwelling house of four rooms and Kitchen. Paling in front, Baku Oven, .to. The lot has a front of 20 feet ou Monterey street, Allegheny, by HO feet deep to an allay. of payment very easy. The house's new and in good wt ler. Vol" sale by ti. CUTIIBERT k SON, jai bl Market street. ED, WIIITE AND BLUE.-500 boxes toilet Variegated Soap, assorted colors, in lb , 34 lb. aau y a lb. cokoa,, on hand and for Bala by B. C. .4 J. IL SAWYER I)AUKED BUTTER.-600 lbs. solid pack ud Batter, received and for sale by )4,7 JAB. D. FETZER, 89 Wood street. REMOVAL.— JAMES A. FETZEB, Forwarding and Commission Merchant FOP. VIZ PALE OP • I'Ltailt, GRAIN, AND ALL KIDS OF PRODUCE, UM removed Crew 89 Water street, to the Corner of Morison. stud First stroeti o G,lO I'IrTRBURGIL Fk SUP. 'ERB: CARB. SODA.-200 kegs New Cu/100, for ealo by B. A. FAILNEEnCII & 130. IF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHING 1 MADE TO ORDER, OALL AT OIIESTER'S A brilliant assortment of SEASONABLE PIECE GOODS CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, Corner of Wood atroet and Diamond alley. ri We Streily to Please. Ja39 on hand at TOB PRINTING}. CARD BILL HEADS, critcuLAßB, BILLS OF LADLNO, And every description of Job Printing executed with neatuesa and despatch by Val. G. JOHNSTON & CO., 1.3 Printers and Stationers. 67 Wood et. MIENS' WUOL HALF HOSE—Of a very .nperior quality &to wool, and sold Just at EtInT t,RN COST, at HORNE'S, te26 77 Market street. KENNEDY'S - MEDICAL DISCOVERY —2 groas on hand and for sale by B. L FAIINESTOCK & CO., Corner Woad an i Fourth streets LA13.1).-LA prime article of No. 1 Lard, in Irvrrele azd a a, just received and for aalo by McCANDLE6S, MEANS & CO., ie2:3 Corner of Wood and Water etreete. ALL PAPERS 1 WALL PAPERS 11 WALL PAH:UM—W. P. MARSHALL a CO. are preparing for immense sale of Wall Paper this spring. emo and see, at ts 7 Wend street. tat I IR, res, ps, lust rac s an , - Ea - j - Q ' •' . 31F F} A.. .F.MZE.R., Calmar Marti/4'6rd Pipet etrat4B Mies Kimberly Mies Turnbull JOHN WHIOLIT PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia Maysville, Ky. Madison, Ind Gallipolis, Ohio. Louisville, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pa. MIEMM MEDICAL. ONLY ONE BOTTLE -01- DR, SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, TS REQUIRED TO CU ANY ONE troubled with Liver Complaints, unless the noel doe• Aerate of emu; whon the =and bottle will, with MECO a single failure, restore the patient to health and Timm We wish to call the attention of all to these tactiy that the In vigorator is compounded by a ph} slam who has seed it in his practice for the past twenty years with a somas almost credulous, and that it is entirely vegetable, being composed wholly of game. Some idea of the strength of thou) game may be formed whoa it is known one bottle of the Invigorator =dales as much strength as one hundred doses of Calomel without any of its deleterious effects. We know there is nothing now before the American pub. tic, prepared with such skill by a solentillcman, particularly for diseases of the Liver, as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply because it rest.. on its own merit To convince all by trial that it is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from such diseases as are described in Dr. Sanford's advernsement„ we know of know remedy that will so surely cure them as ths Invigorator. Take The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take one or two teaspoonfuls et each attack and it will soon disappear. For au overloaded stomach, or when food rises or sours take the Invigorator after eating, and it will not prove dlesgreea le or oppressive. For 'Heartburn, Palpitation or It Breathing, take a tea poonful once or twice daily. For Lose of Appetite, Languor or Listlessness, the medicine is invalu able. It will restore the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all be fairies. After eating. a hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all oppression or fullness. 1 iv) Invigorator is a Liver Rama dy of unequaled virtue, acting directly on that organ, our. ing Dyspepsia, Jai:mike, Billions Attacks, Dysentery, Mee, Worms, and all Female Obstructions , for which it boa no equal. We know there is nothing now before the American pub tic prepared with such skill by a scientific man, particular. ly for diseases of the Liver, as I r.l3nford's Invigmator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the word, simply because it rata on its own merit. To convince alt by trial that it is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from such diseases as are described in Dr. Suniord's advertisement, we know of no remedy that will ao surely cure then as the Invigorator. There has lately been brought to unr notice a medicine that seems to possess wonderful, curative and healing pro• perties in diseases of the User, Stomach and Digestive Ot• guns. It came to ne with so many testimonials in its favor that Wit have noted its effects in some of the worst cases of continual dibility, caused by deranged liver, and in every instance the effect was to relieve or give a permanent cure, Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is what we re• fer to. We always have been credulous about cures by pat ent medicines, but we are convinced that thin medicine, for family use, is nut overrated by the host of recommendatioto it has. Oar advice is, for all troubled with Indigestion, ro bility or Bowel Complaint, to got a bottle and try it; our word for it, relief will be experienoed. BLEU,INGEI TO Tall who use Dr. EittiliOrtre Invigor • Kier, for it will relieve them of tilde pains as soon as it is taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is used, for it will as surely drive them away, as daylight will banish darkness, of this there can b, no doubt to th ,so who try it, for it carries conviction with every dose taken. Another evidence is the thousands of certificates from those who use it or have been cured by it, Try one bottle, h it does not benefit, then we are mistaken. Pim' oral Dou,An pm?. BOTTLE SANFORD A CO.; Proprietors, 345 Brotuilalay, New York For ealo by N. K EYSER, 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh' Jal:3mdkwe2p , THE GRE EST L • r . ll ti •• ' _ q . a ...,,_ ... t, v b .... . - : •-- „L . " D./ iRy °)- OF.THE AGE. -it i t It. KENNEDY, of Roibury, has discov• INA. nred iu onu of our common pasture weeds a remedy that crane Every kind of Humor, FROM THE WORST SOP.O.FIFLA DOWN TO A COMMON PIMPLE Flo has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor.) Ile hes now .in his possession over one hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore month. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two or three bottles will clear the system of biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker In the mouth or stomach. Three to five bottled aro warranted to cure theworat kind of Erysipelas. One to two bottled are warranted to cure all humor in the eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure ranningof the ears and blotches among tho hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to care corrupt and running ulcers. Ono bottle will care scaly eruption of the skin. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the moat des perate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure salt-Rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst cue of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the Brat bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. ROXBURY, MASB Dux Manami—The, reputation of the Medical Discovery, in curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not say anything ou the subject, as the moat skilful phyla clans and the moat careful Druggists in the country are un animous in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a full knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing moat of those diseases in which you are un fortunately so liable. That moat excruciating disease to an affectionate mother. NURSING SORE-MOUTH, Is cared as if by a miracle; your own temper is restored to its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and meet slumbers; and the Medical MEICOTO ry becomes a fountain of blessing, to your husband and household. In the more advanced stages of CAN KE R, It extends to the stomach, causing DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing but canker of the atom It; then to the intoatinaa and KIDNEYS, creating a sinking, gono feeling, and an indifference ev.n to the cares of your family. Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAKED, your food distresses you, and you can only take certain kinds, and oven of that your system does not got half this nourishment it contains as the scrimonous fluid of the canker oats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be comes sallow or greenish, and your heat day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow is train of diseases which the Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the hoart, pain in the aide, weakness of the opine and small of the back, pain of the hipjoitit when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that most oxen/. ciatiug of diseases, the PILES. • How many thousands of poor women aro Snaring from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their nett dour neighbor dues not know the (AMC. I wish to improsa oe your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce of proven• tion is better than 21pound of curt." In tho MEDICAL DISCOVEI3,Y you have both tho preventative and tho cure, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstanced, do yon any injury. Ns change of diet ever nece&ary —eat the best yon can gat and enough of it. DIIIIICTIONJ Pea I:lB2—Adults one table spoonful per day— Children over ten yeaes deeeert spooriful--Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appli. cable; to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours truly, Pike $l,OO per bottle. For 13;111, by Dr. KEYSI , 44, No 140 Wood strort, Pittsbnreh •• eepCdtvz A RIETAIRED PAIIISICIAN , - 75 YEARS OF AGE, whose sands of life have nearly run out, discovered, while in the East Iri• dies, a certain cure for Consumption,Asthma, Bronchitis, dies, a Colds, and General Debility. he rtanedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. lie bad heard much of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of preparations made froth the East India Hemp, and the thought occurred to him that he might make a remedy for his child. He studied liars and succeeded in realizing his wishes. Ma child was cared, and is now alive and well. Ile has since adminbitered the wonderful remedy to thousands of sufferers in all parts 1 the world, and he has never failed in making them com pletely healthy and happy. Wishing to do as much good da possible, he will send to such of his afflicted fellow-beings is request it, this t ipe, with full and explicit direction for making it up, an„ successfully using it. He requires each applicant to inclose him one shilling—three cents to be re turned as postage on the recipe, and the remainder to be applied to the payment of this advertisement. Address, DR. H. JAMES, Noiil9 Grand eruct, Jersey City, N. J. CeurioN—l have no souiin-law authorized to send my recipe, as has been advertised Pe73:lm—is BOW MAN'S MAT A BLE COMPOUND will curs Congb Quinsy, PI/ thittic, Asthma, Inflammation of the Lunge, _ = Inflnoriza, Croup, Hoarseness, 'Bleeding of the Lungs, Consumption. For sale by And fellblAw DYSPEPSIA. &NI) FITS. DR. TRACY DELORME, the great curer of CONSUMPTION, was f,r several years so badly afflicted by Dyspepsia that for a part of the time he was c, fanned to his bed. He was eventually cured by a pre• scription furnished by a yonna clairvoyant girl. This pro. scription, given by a mere child while to a state of trance, cured everybody who has taken it, never having failed )1.1 CS. It is equally as sure in cases of Firs as of DY.PIPSA- The ingredients may be fcund in any drug store. I will -lad this valnablo prescription to any person on the receipt LI:, one stamp to pay postage. Address DR. TRACY DRLORUP., Gazer CUliza 07 CONerAPTIoN, New York Post Office. f023:1m-18 ..-2,W ..7'..7.-s-:'.•-•••• „c.v„.----:---..., ~.4.„-c-, :.,,.:‘+1.!......4. isl _.,.04...5i•--.,:. 0 Nt ,. ... , :ii , ::,:_ft.,..„ 7.1 - ; ,•• „,, tr,.... , : • -..-- ; - .Fh.. - -,•::..• -- • :.:.:..,.....;*, 7 , s ~-,I: ~, ~,---1:;:.:-,....., .. - %4:_-:„. , ,-,-(-.-,,,,, qr . : - 7-, rj..-,•;.:,,,,-!r, , -, -.--;-------''-:-4-:-..,.': ~-)r, -x.....:4.-- .......---,...:,:........i.,!..,:.,„..i.,(34/0...,;:-11.-.:...±..:-;-.-- ! --2_ MARBLE! LE! R 6 ° Ai tißß al) c 4 i 0 D r ° 7ll Jr lIAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF Notiomysv„lißAVE STONES, ELICIOBIIIreS, Posts, &c., &c. The public are roopectftilly intriteol to examine our stock. Prices low and wok wuratod. 10/1911,AiEE3 Mg= Mtn, DONALD .SZNNE.DY Bron chltis, GEO. H. KEYSER, Pittsburgb, J. P. FLEMING. All.gbenvilt7