VOLUME XVI. PrffSBURGH MORNING POST. r••• • —! r,o4yanrl „wry morning, i Sandayi fztert•l ;cl. - JAMES P. BARR., oonNFI , co. WOOD AND VIPTEi STFFE7, liayableßtrietly in ailvan.o. itiviibinbly not paid within fill• Se . " reos—lirt It cnntiblr hi and by tl;.. RATES ADVNRTISING ~,1 71, 2'h rice I thter TV' /.• j a curl:wo I pap, EIMEIZEI noom u n...._ Two inset - 0011E4_ Three msertiens One ...... Two v, eeks... Three weeks Ono month Two months Three months Your months Five m0nth5....... months........Niz Ring months..... 04 1 60 2 63 2 00, 335 2 60; 405 3 501 6 00; 4 50; 661' 5(01 735 6 DOI 600 6 001 10 35 6 001 13 30 10 00 or I per Autmn.. 111) ri 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 l 0 00 .:0 00 (h f4andinK Card, FOX t i.t PLEASURN Lo fig 101 re, per till BUM,i%rOf the to Marrittec ooticc, Ott ceot. ; Death notiooo. 23 cont. PITTSBUIiIi SATURDAY POST ill RI WEEKLY. OMAT ONE !;:011.4Ag... VEIL YEAR, .11`; eti7i3 OF ' TEN Single Su - inscriptions, V.B per annum. CONTAINS ALL TnE,CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, Politic.,l, Literary, Agricultural, boranier cial, Local, Telegraphic and Mincellaneons. Thin Paper being of the LARCIE4T acne, and neatly print: , on flue white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the ontineriber to give better satißfaetien than any papr printighed in Fittnburgh. , Those who wish to tal:e n paper from Pittsbrirg.h, will nod the SATURDAY n .ale and profitable investment. fiIES P. BARE, kditor and Proprii-tnr Aorlre BUSINESS CARDS e!l!EMIE! It & YEWS' EOOK AND JOB OFFICE, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, P1'1"I'S131J1t0 1 I THE undersigned having made extensive .t.L/1,10...“ .1 the LATEST A N!) A Nt):AomEsT sTy.i.Es V l'E, and hatireved hi !wry, 10 the MORN I NO It tS.I t/k FICE, iovito 0.. .teotion of Rail Road 0111, ..t Liox - PlmutA, buqine, and lb.r public generally, to tlwir imperiitr fu. i6tir ra for ore., r r.oonabbi I=ll9 KARL Ito Ate, A d 2 CtNTE , IL IL A , AND EVERY oTnEtt DEsciumoN oF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING Our Ellaterod bring tictarly all vow, wo can givo 11.4,10- rank, 771“, t, COMplore e:alielitolion, lilld solicit ,111.1011 IIoOK Lhi ILAIL RLP A D BILLS AND CARDS, BANE CIIEC BLANK NUT ES, tf 11.1. S ,I,ADlria. CHU - 4J LAlt:.+, Rl= 80. iKY , DEEDS iiit , Lit/ paid to .t ,• C..ticvEtfi, xlett,ill..« 3,1 C VC:n , 'CiitallEElti & CO I , ,IRWARDING AND COMMIS[ON MEIi,UIIANTS, fkh LKI:f4 Ui PRODUCE, r LOUR, AN D WOOL No. I 14 Ns , sTRIMT, PrrTmLICIIIOII, FINN i.EFaRLNOOH: Ep r in g , Jusoph E. Elder, ; it. U. Pairwia, 'Garret a Martin, MaCanilleas,Muailit k Cu., .• .111,1111 Santt - o A Co. 11. Childs a Co., " i"eane, Sterling k Co., " lltagaloy, Cuagrave a Co., " turd, Gilnture A. A. A. 'titia" Y Co., " Edward 'l'. Mutt, G. W. Smith., Wheeling; Weaver h Oratianit, A. 3. Wheeler, The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBMAIER &CO., o.lll)..ialorN kiwis of Faßitionablo ROTS, SHOES IND GAITERS, F it (h.ntivnwn, Ludic a , I",nilis and Children, No. 17 Flftli Street, near Market, PITTSLUMIII, PA =III= PERHEN & JOHNSON, Popp( td ei Patella fillain te Vire and Water i 3 roof LCeineni. Roofing. 133 till rtli I,TIMET. R f)li: RS for ROO INt, promptly and faith ev, all warrant,l. fok,fing material “1‘1,3,1 t , 13 hand, and fur eale, with df r-el inlnf for For2:ly DA W ES & CIAULEY, Unmet., Si g n iv. lid Ornaknens al Painters AND GILUNEI'IB, 144 WOOD STREET'. Dealers in White Lead and Zinc Paints. Akr 1, lid.", Putty, .11 fixed Paintn, Window Gloss, and evnry orticti• 111-. in Tile . I r:Vio nill2o:ly2il ANIES MI t,LI AIkiNO2 , I6:LIELA ro,,pectiolly inform the public that lin hue rebuilt dei ". the urv, aid having o nlarp,f his e4tAbliSlllllttllt, laid 1111 , 1 it 0 tie the ii“ Wait (tied must up pr„ved lIIIW prollari'll to turn it. flooring mitt pinot•tl Loar,n. u owl ,fan in;;; 311,1 r tie stud eh .1( tt - re, 1.:111/ fraule4, uteuellogH, ben eetlimg, Ace. :Heptember 7, 1'67 [Hell) G KOIICIF BLEI'OIIER, MANUFAUTI.3II CO' Thu I'I2IEOI.ATED GOSSA MER 1' EN T I EATING WIG, ELASTIC BAUD TOUPEES, Aud overt tietscriptuAl 01 ORNAAENTAL LIAM for Lathe arid lientleinet , 76 FOURTH street, beLxceezi Wood and Market, Mtn Pb.l oc7:ly .1 eiaclift W it eri a Ill* erlit.ge ILepooltory. 1T II ITN, row en. r) illg On bonn y;Ll,. 1" hip , . preniin , , (now lately e - 14 the Two iln betwin . b.n . aL 4 git tod the public t. ,, .np, 4 bin nt.wl, of °Alta Ai:ISM, lit:G(llA7tl, Scc. And he 11 TN that one price c.ine. 11. thi hint saute / - 41•, -Hi many year hits 1/.1, In, part:Cl - 11AI h. :wt.'s, Irian the l,11.1011(fid Gc rti :..irci .•I Itl,, name nynturn in ••• 4 Will supply the hcnt em i l nn , . tit.: n...mid° insiall n...un, kr fit moderate prices. !s. In 11• ,, Which 11, 71 . 1,17/ia ..J 11,‘,11009,11 Wu price fit r. , nt will soli, cr , ready nion..y , Intich OEI.II Ihe nsm.l Irene. mpat!...l in it... Is.RL nun nn. !”,th .I,parch uy 2Att ST. CLIARLF.; . ; LIVERY STABLES.— The undersigned has lealtzt.t the Hate, of the above 11111111va ; 4 130.;101, ; get her with a port too of tie rive stock of Ilan'tati ,l Carriage, lab , the property of James Mathews, dereased. In addition to the atgCk before-mentioned, to, has also added a another of FINE HORSES, IiUGOI ES AND CARICIAOES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables iu Third, below Wood street. Ac he gives his pet-8.1,a, atleu tiot, to tie , business, a continuance of the patronage which he iilll3 hitherto received ire imblic ydicited. JACOB St. Charles Livery Stables. B.—A IJEAILSE and WO' number ul CARR I AUNTS ,;an / V•7IY I he , Procured tor ioncruls.de 29 . _ . . - - - FOIL SALE—A Drug Store, Ineated in one of the be-t situations it, the city of Pittsburith, for el - ther u joobing, retail or prescription businesi. Purchas er, nod t o t ad va loge of rare occarn rico. For inftunia. two 'wool, of JOIIN LIAM No. 1114, roruer Sixth and Wood streets, Pi i tadoavvh. 1 - 11tESSED jr Var....11a I', FLAN N ELS—Red, White, Gray, Green. Yolow, Cheaper tha u the eaettp , A. C HANSON LOVE:, Ferluerly Love Brothers, No. 14 Marl: str..t fo3o - - u AcoN Fi.ouNcEs AN I) NEEDLE WORK. C 01.1,21 bare , " n-isurtment, and very C. IHAN:4ON LOVE, .1 , TA "yfv.V .t Opero. • • • ---- . WE are no w opening our second, an • y far the chomiest stock of Fall and Winter Dress floods, Bliftwl , 4, Ac , that, has o'er b,.en otl,rea in thic city C. 11,1_NSoN LiivF, c0r,,, , q15 , 1,,,v,. Brotber4. 7.1 NI ark IA at. BUFFALO SIIOES.—A splendid article oi' . Oen& and L.-diva Buffalo Over illoaa. Alan, Gents' Calf Over Shoe", at the People's Slue Store, No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. e0v2.1 DIFPENBACIIIMt CO. CIIIMNEY IOPS.--- 2.(JU M liothie Chimney Too, kw min by UMS' LI» CIOILLIM It: i:4lilax•st.l : T',...„.:-...;..;•.,.b/titiit-/ - 'iliix:s.t ..... 55 1 (RI 7 1 '2.6 1 0,.) I,t) 1 2 35 2 50 t 3 i 3 01 0. 4 3 5 0 0 0 3 tit, 5 50 4 00 ti 5 35 5 00 tif, 12 00 tO 00 ,11111:'1'17 .1111:5., 141)ND,, rixogliN U. OrILLINP PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR,, AT THE « POST BUILDINGS," CIORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM HOTELS & RESTAURANTS JONES HOUE. WELLS 0 0 VERL Y, PHOPRIgTOR, Corner of Jfarket Street and Market Square, HARRISBURG, PA. 'THIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, ree..ll, ly erected by the Slesere. JONES in Harriliburg, having been based fora term of years by the under siguii, lie takes this method of calling the attention of his fort. , patrol., friends, and the traveling comattibity, thereto. Having a front (if one hundred and fortyfiue feel on the prznetpal rtred of Cue city, and fifty-two feel front on Afar• ket Square, it cannot tuil to prove attractive tie well as in viting to Hit:urgers. The CHAMBERS are of fine size, well ventilated, and lighted withga.s—a number with connecting doors--making them very denirublo fur familia:, The LULLS are warmed throughout by heaters, and every modern improvement, la fact, has been added, that may conduce to the eafety,- comfort and happiness of the guests. Visitors may, therefore, rest assured that the " JONES HOUSE" ha been made perfect in all its appointments— that each department hue been placed iu charge of EXPE RIENCED AND COMPETENT PERSONS—that ID every particular the system which has been adopted by the Proprietor, will afford to those who may make it their home, as great a de gree of comfort as may be obtained at any sim ilar ustablieh moat iu the State. To secure this desirable result, he has furnished the Public and Private Parlors, Chambers, Dining Room, ac., with on• tirely NEW FURNITURE; and also arranged within the building, a tine Bums. SALOON, 01s1Elt SALOON, iffiEssiNti ROOM, Hot AND CoLD BATHS, &O. The CULINARY DEPARTMENT AND DINING ROOM will receive the especial attention of the Proprietor, which, ho tru•tn, will be a sufficient guarantee that all tastes will be snitou, Alter rant ning his heartfelt thantts to his old friends and pittr. eel, for the generous patronage so long extended to him at 01.3 •• CoVERLY HOUSE," and also to hie friends and patrons at tA.• cotutrins lionsr," Cape Island, daring the season ei 1 .‘,i55, he respectltilly solicits a coutinurnce of It. at the •'.I tINEft HOUSE" yea: COVEItLY. G-ALT HOUSE, LOUISVILLE. Thy, undersigned has again taken charge of the GAI3 UOUSE. Board reduce, to $2 OU per day. A. T HROOK.IIIOIITO N. WASHINGTON HOUSE, CUR. PENN'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASDINC=TON, D. C A. F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Curlier Irwin Street a nd Duquetn• Way, VITTSBURaII, Pn Is. I. AIARKE Forlitol ly uf tin "Marker 110.3," Blairsville, Fa.) if:U E scurf lIUUSE 15 NOW COM pLETED AND till'EN FOR GIJESTS. It is situated in a cantral part ut the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and steamboat Landings. The House was built in 11166, with all modern Improve ments, and titled up in spleludid style--the entire Furniture being, new—and will in every respect be a first C 1.4411 Hotel. Fin „ STABLES are attached to the premises. Ijel24y H. W. KANAGA C. S. HOTEL, Opp...osito Eke Penna. Railroad Depot, I.l.Alll{lBl3Ultli, PA. S (1.4 'l' 0r T 1E F'tiRSILRIS U. S. HOTEL, P 171'S Ule 6, 1 PA. 3AIiE3 riftNOii, Proprietor. rt 1 111:-; ROUSE IS LOCATED ON THE 11/ i'l,fll , lll/1d betwoon A., (II :\ IL AI. AN D VI EziTEUN EA I LUOA Dll EN:an, and i:drl WPdt., 1 1 / 1 1A,VelIllai tomodeled itutl liII lii..iieat .1111 Ile. 111111101 re, Cilia Is IlloW /11 l'arml.orglr. tor Travolord by Railroad, Ewa ttlyt-Sly 05;4JMNIUCOPLE RESTAURANT BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STRUT. The attention of Merchants and others is directed to this irt4 ,tlll , llnitliitsllL, which 1 / 1 1,8 Liam recently fittedj im the purpose of allording a iIUttSrA.N -'il AL. EitTilVti iii/USE IN A C.ENTGAL LOCATiGN y attending market are particularly invited to etil. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALt.k/N will be tumid, ut the trnenivit the market tiftords. Excelsior Restaurant, q . ' 4 ‘? No,. 111 WOOD Street, PITTBIII7IIOII, PA., ViIioI.ESAI.F, AND 'AETAII. LEALtat IN LAKE AND EABTEILN FISH. Prerii Philadelphia 6c , Baltimore Oyatera, Ana WILL LIA.S.LE, all in their proper 6688011. B. STEINII.IIOIi, I Agent for the l'hiladelphai Oyster and Fish Co. ANSIUN 110 USE, UEORGE AURENTZ, _LVA. re.orLiErer., No. Liberty strout, just beanie the Depot of the Pehusylvauia Railroad, which makes It the moot COL VeLtiOLlt h.,uao m the city for yusnengers arri• ving by beat road. Tile proprietor having, ut 4 t,ol:ll3ititirtible expense, fitted up, lit eicolldlit style, the AlAthilinsi 11.0 USE, would respect billy soh, it a share el public patronage. There is attached n vit./ita S'L`ABLE and extensive WAUON YARD, afford leg to travelers and teamsters. 1118 L,rtlerVA liar will be furnished with the best the market anord. fobl:y (.IT. CLAIR I_IOTEL, corner Penn and St. ntreeta, Pittzburgt, uudersiguud, lumen drewn's taken this large and comma- C. 011 A aid refitted it in magnificent style, mild respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public 111111 a call. Assured, with the Coll9olliolllli of the 3Uill and his long experience iu the business, n give satire estitilifflttiOLl, Had his charges moderato. inbYL WM. 0. OONNELLY. Mineral Water Depot. u. BURKER. BUFFUAI & CO., Manufacturers of U riarsaparilla, Mineral NVater , Pop, Bottled Ale aul Porter; alms, Buttlore of Walawriglt'a c,elubrAted Wintarte. L. , A arehouse, No. *0 Al arkeL •treet, PITTEBUBOLL, Ps A), dere tilled and ehli)ped to all parte or the country li.vt.e..t notice. apl6:lydrw QWEET CIDER.--d bbls. Sweet Cider, for 1„7 891.1 l,y JAMES A. FETZER., 89 Water street. fiIIRISTMAS and NEW YEAS2S GIFTS a every deseriptien iu the Fancy Dry Honda line.— l'ueee• call and not, [tern. 0. LIANsON - LOVE, de2s Fut-wetly LOVE. BROTHERS, 74 Market St. MUCILAGE—For office use, in convenient fort., tor Halo by W.ll. 11. JOUNSTON & CO., .67 Wood street. DORT FOLIOS AND DESK" PADS for sale _ bY W. 51. U. JuIiNSTON & CO, deD fir Wood street. O(,filth.--50 burro s American and French, for ,‘elo I.S H. A. All WiT(lO k Co. " 4 11 N SILK. SPONUE. Bleached Cupping Sponge. Soft Bachiug Sponge. Cool Car ri,.gq Sponge JUST PLI FLEMING'S, Corner Market ntrent and Diamond. t4Lf.M. DROPS.-300 lbs. just received and B. L. Fa UNESTOCK a Co., ‘-fl 1111 V Al Od, a Wood and Fourth strt,t.e. T ERNi 0 111 E'rE RS—For sale by W. JOIINSTON dir CO., uovt7 Statiortere, b 7 Wood titroot. LjRESII LOBSTERS.—IO dozen in cans, 1' for sh. by ItEY:TER ar. ANDEHSON, A L U barrels for sale by IL A. FAII.Nk:STOCIti k 01 novlB Corner Wood and Find atro..ta. FRINGES, for Dress Trimmings. A liantbiotno as_laortmelat nt reduced rates, at RYE FLOUR.--2A Barrels Rye Flour, jus , receivod, and fir slily by JAMES A. FETZER, 89 Water strt,ot. Jec7 puRE OLIVE OIL, At JOSEPH FLEM Imre, nov2s o,4,rnnr Martrot ftrelet and OP DiAIDOTI.I GEN itEAT SII-ANNUAL AND CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRY GOODS Flu. Urene tioodq, at very low priceB; SHAWLS, In great variety, at very low prices; WOOLEN 1.3001.)s, a large stock, at very low prices; DOMESTIC 0001,5, an immense stock, at very low prices, At the store of A. A. MASON & NO. 25 FIRTH STli NET, NKW ARRIVAL.— .20 boxes Oranges; 20 do Messina Lemons; 200 drums Now Figs, Just received and for sale by REYMER. & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Opposite St. Charles Hotel. STAMII.-300 bxs. Rochester Pearl Starch for sale Ly [ +O9J HENRY 11. COLLINS. ()AIL CLOTH CRASH.—For Stairs, a vari ljr sty at styles et re(44 J. i H LIDA N DIA RUBBER CLOTIIING—Of the best, and also taro ,d quality, for sale wholesale and retail by 1 I R Durll !PP WRAPPING PAPER-400 reams Crown, Medium, and Double Crown, Straw !Wrapping Pa per, full count, Just received end for tulle by JAS. A sm.' Ell, 89 Water street. if 111 )1 , 7,1t.---5' ibis. Sweet Cider, for sale by 1 6 .0 deb ILliblEY EL DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, MIDDLE ROOM, TONES' NEW BUILLONO. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Wednegrial and Saturday evenings, from May 1 , ,t to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'cloca; and from November Ist to Any let, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not less than Osa Down, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in J aue and December. Interest was declared at the rate of six. per cent, per annum, on the first of December, 1855: ale. In June and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of Jun. and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this t ate, money will double In less than twelve years, making in the aggregate RIGHT AND ONE,RALP PER WINS. A TEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Rego , . lotions, furnished gratis, on application at the office. Preoldent.-GEORGE ALBELIA VICE PRESIDENTS. John H. Shoenberger. N. Grattan Murphy, Isaac M. Pennock, James D. Kelly, James Herdman, John B Cosgrove, Pft OPRII:TRE MS PROPRI ETOR, No. 39 Wood street HOB N ES', 77 Market Htreet. BANKS. No, 65 "firth Strut, Hopewell Hepburn, James Biddle, Alexander Bradley, Robert Robb, William 8. Lavely, Hill Burgwin, I=lllo3 William J. Anderson. James W. Hallman, John G. Backofen, Charles K nap, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John If. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D. Charles A. Colton,] Henry L. Ringwalt, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George S. Soldea, George F. Gillmoro, Alexander Tindle. James S. Floon, Theotadd UmbstaetUr William S. Haven, George R. White, Secretary and Treasurer--CHAS. A. COLTON. I BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS & CO., DEISMOINES, COLLECTIONS MADE and prompb.. ) witted. LANDS Belected and located. CapitaliAte wishing to make investments in the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. imy2l:6ro AUSTIN LOOMIS THOS. D. LOOMIS. AUSTIN LOOMIS & Dealers in Promissory NotesOonds, Mortgages, and all Securities for Money. Money Loaned on Checks at short dates, with collateral security. NOTES AND DRAFTS BnucinT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Loans can be accommodated ou relevant ble terms, and capitalists can be fnruished with good ties at remunerative prices. Alentttoud to the Sole, Renting ittni 1.-enziing of Haul Eatate. Office, No. 92 FOURTH street, above W,.od ti AUSTIN LOW/T.IF, Notary Public 110LMES & SONS, Bankers and Eli • change Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept ances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the East ern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections trade in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth sts. tjafiCi:ly THOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Doilds, Stocks, Real Estate, .iic., No. 76 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jiiii6 JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE Bamutt, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Sauk Nutt's. Stock bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposita. No. t 7 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. Jolt REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Lye . Market street, fur the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, .ditainiug loans ou bonds, tuortgages, Ac,; making convoy tmces, deeds, bonds, &c 4 writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, ke. ocl6 BELDEN SEYMOUR, Lteal Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO ItePsnstioks.—Messrs. Hanna, Oarretsou & Co_, Robert Parks, Esq. Jyl.l.:y VIESTERN LANDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, LEA L ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Has for sale Lands In Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, ichigktu and lowa. He will exchange. Lands iu Wisconsin, kc., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also fur city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me as above. anThly FARMS in Exchange for City Property.— A farm of 350 acres, on the Allegheny river, near hntauning, 130 acres cleared; dwelling house, barn and or chard; coal, limestone and iron ore. Also, a farm of 100 acres near the above. Also, a farm of 83 acres on Pine creek, 4 miles from Kittanning; 30 acres cleared; two houses, and a saw mill in good running order ; a Suit rate location for business. 250 acres of land ut month of Red Bank meek; 40 acres cleared and In good order. Price low and terms may. Will be exchanged in whole orb part for city pro perty. S. CUTHBERT & SON, uovlo 01 Market street. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwol- H 01.1130, of four rooms, with lot of ground 20 feet, b .gut on Monterey street. Allegheny city, by 110 deep to au alley. Terme, $4OO In hand, balance at one, two and three years, S. OUTILBERT a SON, nov24 61 Market street. FOR RENT.—A large dwelling house, on Ross street, at head of Fifth, with illittletilittO pOSHtli- MOD. All3O. two small horses in Splane's Court. B. cuTuaEur & SON, nov2l 51 Market street. 'OR $750 will be sold a new two story Frame House, with a good lot of ground, in Allegheny city. The lot is 20 feet front, uu Mouteray street, by 110 out to an alley. Terms easy. 8. 1:JUTLIB1 R.T A SON, uovl4 51 Market street. FOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lots of land, ten miles from Mounds ville, Marshall comity, Va., four miles from R. IL Station. Rich soil and good timber. Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, from 5 to 7 years, if desired. Also, 700 acres of good land, 3 miles from Cameron Sta iion, B. h Ohio IL IL, for sale to suit purchasers, at from $7 to $lO jeer acre, and on easy terms. S. CUTHBERT k SON. novl4 61 Market street. FOR REN I'.—A dwelling house on Third street. Aldo, ono on Ross street, with immediate pus- FUR SALE.—A Dwelling House with a A: good Store Room, situate ou Robinson street near Fed ai, Allegheny city. Price low and terms easy. 8. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market st. VOR SALE—A comfortable dwelling house (frame) of ball and eight rooms, portico in front, with tot of ground 7S beet front on South avenue, Allegheny, by =0 deep Co Rebecca street, with fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, stable, &c., &c. Price $4,500. S. OUTIIBERT & SON, nov2 61 Market street. MERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTU RERS' BANK STOCK, or PAPER, will he taken at par, either in whole or in part pay for several very desire.. Ole locations for countr.y residences, near the city. One lot of 12 acres, one of 14, alO and 3 acres. For particulars call at oar office oct27 FLANNELS.— White, Yellow, Red and Plaid, or all grader, and at L , AVEII. PRICES than they can be got for at any other es tablinement in the city. 0. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers, net2l No. 24 Market atreet_ 11.0 USES, LOTS AND FARMS.—We would invite the attentiou of persons who wish to purchase uoUSE, to the great variety of Houses, Farms and Build lug Lots we have for sale. We have now on hand Lots at $lOO, each, and at $2OO, $4OO, and upwardv , and on very easy terms. Some iu payments averaging fourteen cents a day 1 Houses and Lots, at from $7OO to $lO,OOO, iu various locations in and adjacent to the two cities. Improved Farms at from $lO to $5O acre. Also, choice Fanning Lands at num s'2. to $.5.'0 acre. Persons having property of any kiwi to dispose of, will Bud it to their interest to give ns a call. We also, attend to the Renting of Rouses, and Collection of matt 8. (70THBRIIT 3 SON, 411, a, NS,.-Irrof .BLACKBOARD CRAYONS—For - sale by W. a. JOHNSTON lc co., novl7 Stationers. 67 Wood Rtr.ot QUITLY YOURSELVES WITH SHOES LI now, whilst you can buy them at such low rates, at the PEOPLES SHOE STORE. We will continuo to sell at great. ly reduced priced fur a short time longer. Small profit- and cash returns is our motto. All kiwis of Overshoes sold low. fso DIPFENBAOHER k CO. QTEEL PENS. Gillot's; Pratt's ; Per k, ry's; Phineas'; Jenny Lind; Cooper; American, Etudes A Son's, and Haven's, just received by W. S. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second fide FOR RENT. The large warehouse, now occupied by W. H. Smith & Co., Noa. 151 First and 122 Second streets. Enquire of PAE.R, McOURDY /c CO-. Noa. 1417 Virat and 120 Second streetc CHLORIDE OF LIME.-50 casks for sale Innvl6l 13 FAltNi*Vl'elf I CO. QBASONABLE GOODS. Gentlemen's under garments; embracing silk, lambs' 'wool, heavy merino and cotton nuder-shirts; drawers, of the best manufacture, and sold at very r &iced rates. bIORRISON'S CELEBRATED SHIRTS. A large lot of oravats, ties, pocket hdkfs., scarfs, Ac., and all other articles in the line of Furnishing Goods, suitable for the season, at nova HORNE'S. 77 Market street. WARRANTED TO SHELL TWENTY BUSHELS PER HOUR IN THE HANDS OF ONE MAN—the Corn Sheller now exhibiting at No. 65 Flab street. Now, don't be excited if you have been humbugged, but give this machine a trial, and if it is an imposition, say so; but if thoroughly satisfied that it is the best invention of the kind the age has produced, then buy territory and make a fortune, and quit your croaking. Call and see. miVekt,nantf ROLL BUTTER.-3 bbb3. fresh roll Butter just received, end for Bale" by ea. 411. lIMS. 19 water stases. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1858 R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Succeasur to B. T. C Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOORS, PERIODICALS _ . _ THE undersigned have entered -into co- P.rtrianAlir, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston &Co SAMIINIL R. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM C. JOH.ISTON. Pittsburgh, Septombor 6, 1.857. 8. H. JOHNSTON, JR WM. 0. JOHNBTOM W tn.. C. JOHNSTON & CO, STATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. se3o _WANK BOOKS, Journals, Day Books, Ledgers, Cash Books, Invoice Books, Cook Books, Bill Books, Receipt Books. WM. G. JOHNSTON & CO., 57 Wood street. SUPERB GRAND PIANO, FROM THE FACTORY OF Steinway Sr. Sons, New York. KLEBEII. & BRO. take pleasure in an• nonucing to tae public that they have pet received a splendid full GRAND PIANO, ;, r from the factory of Steinway & Sons, New York, which for exquisite sweetness and volume of tone, lightness and elasticity of touch, and a moot tasteful and ele. gant exterior is considered the FINEST GRAND PIANO ever brought to this city. The mechanism is a DOUBLE liß eEATING ACTION, a pa ented invoutiOn of Steinway & Sous, which combines with the utmost promptness and delicacy of touch a degree of durability but rarely attained. We respectfully invite the public, one and all, whether pur chasers or not, to call and see this unrivalled instrument. H. K LEBER & BRO., No. 53 Fifth street, Sole Agents for Steinway & Sons. just eceived a fresh lot of Manus & Clark's delk S. OUTUBEBT & SON, 61 Market street S. CUTHBERT a SON, 51 Mirka RU' ±C. BOOKS AND STATIONERY . _ AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Pifth atrvet, Pittsburgh, Pa. Co-Pal tnendplp. For ealo by de29 PIANOS AND MUSIC PIANOS! PariNFULL ("RAND PIANOS! PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, loom the Menutectrry of OlilefiElaNti & SONS', Boston, just received from the manufactory of Chickering done', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock of their PIANO FORTES one Full eeven octave brand Piano Forte,' with superbly rail vd case. Pr ice SSW.) Ono Full seven octavo Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood CilBo. Price 4700 (Inc New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, neatly equal in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the roues of an ordinary square Piano. Price $OOO SQUARE. PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVtli, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two ItostivitiJd seven octave--Clitford style. Two Rosewood. carved thouldiugs, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octavo. Threw Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four I{4. ..Lb Four Rosewood " " 1334 All of the above are of then NEW 80AL.E, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. fliesu Instruments have been finished specially for the subncriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JORn 'IIiIELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, deli Solo Agent fur Cluckering 41c Sons'. MUSICI MUSIC— H Belles and Beaux; The fled, White and Blue, 25c. Annie of Tharaw, with brilliant variatious—Grobe, 50c. our Baby, ballad by Frank Drayton, 25c. "Come over the Sea 51aideu wait Me," serenade, 25c. The taint:Milan, sung and chorus—embellished with a lutiodiful and appropriat vignette—very popular, 25c. 'Toone Pleasant Days are Gone—La Troviata, 2.5 c. Light et My Soul—beautiful serenade, 40c. Jenny Grey—G. R. Poulton, 250. Gentle Jenny dray—sung by Joseph Murph) —music by F. 11. Oxeoro, Rosalie, the Prairie Flower—very popular, 'Jae Charity Mazurka—C. Spinner, 25c. Vareeviatiu—Dodworth 25c. Tile Continent as ours' by Charles Grohe. No. 1 Yankee Doodle, 50c. No. 2 Rail Columbia, I See tier still in my Breams—Foster's last ballad, 25e Mime Bound in a superior manner, and iu various stylcit of binding, from $1 to $l. 4-12- Music mailed post-paid. CHARLOTTE BLITNIE, ,Old Established Piano Depot, fe22 118 Wood bt - eet, second door above Fifth. Illessrm. Charles Si, Lervl4 Grebe, TEACHERS OF THE PIANO, VIOLIN , . ORGAN AND SINGING. I • I ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, As Greek, Latin, German, French, and Spanish, Taught by CHAS. GREBE, Quid. Theol. .1:51 - Enquire at the principal Music Stores. (do2-1.3m • —utisv and brilliant vari TOBACCO AND SEGARS. & D. RINEHART, V, • kIINUFA CT U 113115 AND TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS p30:1 y No. 129 WOOD STREET SELLING OFF!! $B,OOO WORTH OF EMBROIDERIES, SOLD WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, AT J. BUSH'S, No. 65 narket street., THE() GREATEST RANCE EVER OF FERED to the Ladies to buy cheap Embroideries. The goods are all fresh and now, and of the latest importation, coulditing of Collars; Slooves; Bands; Edgings; Setts; Laces; Trimmings; Skirts; Waists; Ribbons and Veils; And will be sold without regard TO COST TitIPIMINGS, HOSIERY AND VANOY GOODS, VlSS.Ladies, Como One, Come All, and don't tnlxa the place, AT J. BETSIIIS:, ijNa. 05 Markel street, between Third and Finirth streets 6 0V ~,-~ ~~~~~ NORMAL CLASS. TIDE SECOND SESSION OF THE NOR- A. MAL CLASS, at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Under the direction of A. BURTT, Principal of the Fifth Ward Public Schools, will commence On Ilion - day Evening, February let. The Class will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings, and Saturday mornings of each week ......... .$2 per Session of Sixteen Lessons. 1101 DRAWING LESSONS, AT IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE SO - IN MECHANICAL, ARCHITECTURAL, AND CRAYON DRAWING, Jar By JOHN SIER,Z. SW- For fnrther information apply to Mr, P. W. JEN KINS, Principal of Iron City Commercial College, Pitts burgh. [ novl4Amd. BROOM CORN.-25 bales, this day, rec'd and for sale I y [fell] HENRY H. CO,LINS. T ARD.-13 pkgs. No. 1 received, and for Rah by LIMEY H OOLLINS. APPLES. —lOO bbls. for sale by 1.2$ HUNRY H. (OLJ INA - HARPER'S MAGAZINE, For February GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, HARPER'S MACIAZINE, GODErS ItIAGA7INE, isst received at ROBERT A. LOOMS', Poet Banding, '4l mired. PITTSBURGH. PA. /gr. AT FIRST COST.-E. For February For February For February INSURANCE. MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE CO, Office—No. 10 Merchants' Exchange,) PHILADELPHIA. CHARTER PERPETUAL—CAPITAL 6500,000. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OF Fire, Marine, and Inland Risks. WH. A. RHODES, President CHAS. WISE, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. DIREOTOas Wm. A. Rhodes, A. S. Lippincott, James T. Smith, Chas. J. Field, William Neal, Charles Wise, John P. Simons, 3. Rinaldo Sank, Thomas Bell, M. Richards Mucklo. P.EFER-I ti 05s: Judge Heath. E. D. Jones, Esq., Cash. Cit. Bask, Jas. Millinger, Esq., Messrs. Robinson A Co , James Howard, Esq., " T. Kennedy, Jr., ACo , 0. 11. Paulson, Esq., " Wade, Hampton &Co , J. B. Leo, Esq., " Cunningham k Co. Pittsburgh Office, No. 06 Water street, 101322 EDW. G. BELL, Agent. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, President ...... ...D. J. APCANN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and investod...s2oo,ooo 00 Surplus 68,428 35 $263,428 fib In ffires Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures againsfloss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and inland Navigation and Transportation. DIHNOTORB: Win. Y. Pettit, J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pnmroy, D. J. McCann, E. F. , Witmer, Rene Gnißon, B. L. Woolston, John A. Marshall, Chu. B. Wright. John J. Pattereon, Elwood T. Pitney. OlP1011118: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, President. E. F. WITMER, Vice President. D. J. MCCANN, Secretary. BirlalN(1118: In Philadelphia': l in Philadelphia:: &Igor, Lamb & Co., Stelnatitz, Justice .t Co., Truitt, Bro. & Co.,Buck, Morgan & Stidfole, A. T. Lane Co, Pu.mroy, Caldwell & Co. PITTSBURGH OFFICE, L. 97 WATER STREET. au7 R. W. POINDEXTER, A, RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 'OF PHILADELPHIA. Office No. 70 Walnut Street CAPITAL $177,674:68ET8 $232,092-Bkol.lll/TY INVIISTED. 'IRE INSURANCE ON BUILDINGS, MERCIIANDISE, FURNITURE, &c., lu cow, ur country. The Mutual principle, combined with the security of a Stock Capital, entitles the Insured to share in the profits of the Company, without liability for losses. The Script Certificates of this Company for profits are convertible, at par, into the Capital Stock of the Compaq. CLEM TINGLEY, vresident. . • B. M. HINCHMAN, Secretary. DI :MOTORS. George H. Stroud, John it. Worrell, Benjamin W. Tingley, Z. Lothrop, H. L. Carson, Hobert Tolarid, Cornelius Stevenson, Charles Leland, Win. M. Semple, Pittsburgh J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood Streets. Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, Samuel Biapham, George W. Carpenter, Robert Steen, Charles S. Wood, Marshall Hill, Jacob T. Bunting, Willient Musser, PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Ulteartut Street, Opp DElite the Custom Lives, WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU - ItANOE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, et reasonable rated 01 prelllllll6ll, ROBERT P. KING, Prwideut. AI. W. BALDWIN, Vice Presideut Charles Cayes, E. IL. Cope, N. 11 English, George W. Browu, I'. B. Savory, Joseph S. Panl, U. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. Magurgee, E. Wilor. F. BiaeILIIIIILNK, &ICI -Wary. J. G. COFFIN, Agout, Coruer Third and Wood at.reeta NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 414 WALNUT STREET. Organized under the General Insurance Law, with a Cush Capital of $lOO,OOO, privileged to increase to $500,000. In sures against loss or damage by FIRE, MARINE, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. OPPIOXICS: If. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. BIGHT SHIELDS, V. Pres't GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary. Drumm 11. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, W. 0. Stoteabury, R. hl. Cackle, It. F. Shewell, 0. C. Butler, George Scott. TUE k CLIAFFEY, Agente, el:y Office Lafayette Hall, entrance on Wood et PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, CORNER OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS. PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President. Amu. BRADLEY, Vice President. F. A. RINEHART, Secretary. 44-This Company makes eery insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RIMS. Also, against If ULL AND CARGO RISKS on the Ohio said Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINIC RlBliB g.morally. And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Ords of the Bea and. inland Navigation and Transportation. - Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to l parties. DIB.SCTORB. Robert Galway, Runnel WOlurkan, Joseph P. GazLiam, M. D., John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. liallutan, Oheu - les Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, David H. Chambers, William Carr. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. WILLL9II BAGA.LRY, President. SAMUEL L. MARSHELL, Secretary. OFFICE: 04 Water street, be teeen Market and Wood strati Ad- Insures HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and tributaries. Insures against Loss or Damage by PIKE. Also,against the Perils of the Pea and Inland Navigation and l'tuiportation. DlllllO4Ol{R William &grainy, uapt. Mark Bterling, Samuel Bea, Samuel M. Kier, James M. Cooper, John 8. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., Francis Sellers, Isaac M. Pennock, William B. Hays. Springer Harbangb, John Shipton, Capt. Samuel C. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell. J a 22. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CSARTERED BY TUB LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA Lsh Capital $300,000 Premium Nate5...4132,343. THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON A. Buildings, Meretiundise, Furnituru, Ace., fu tuwu ur c.uutry. DIJSZOTOB.B: 1,1 oti J uo. J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, 1 Charles A. Din jer, J .nu B. Hall, Charles Oriel,Peter Dickinson, I T. T. Abrams, D K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. LIARVEY, President T. T. denims, Vice President. laua. KixOtiss, Secretary. kt.E /ZBXNolaki: Samuel H. Lloyd, I IDr. J S. Crawford, A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Hon. 8 Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman DJI), William Fearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Win. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. FIFTH BTB.RET PITTBBIMGH. detl:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. riIHE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANY, OP PHILADEIXBIA. Diazawas—Charies W. Bancker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. Richards., Mordecai D.' Lewis, Adolphi E. Rorie, David S. Browne, Mor ris Patterson. OR&S. N. Beacutia, President. Cate. G. Beßona, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, .:hichovitlithefa• capital end premiums, safely invested, af• ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1861, as. pats Wired agreeably to an Act of Amenably, were es follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 88 Real Estate 84,877 78 Temporary Loans- 83,968 170 Stocks 61,889 00 Clash, Lc.. 64,340 81,, 41,212,708 44u Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Then. sand Dollare,l oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantaged, of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDEN - RR COFFIN, Agent, Office, northeset cor. Wood and Third MB. lApphicott, Shorten & Pearson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR FIPTH. MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va lices, Eat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladies Traveling 'Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c., keep constantly on hand a urge :stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to turn out good stock at , reduced prices, we would invite the trade to mill and examine our goods be,. fore purchasing elsewhe. 81 'B. TWO LOTS OF GROUND on West Com, mon Allegheny, with a double frame dwe ll ing house, for sale, price $2400. Terms easy. 8. CUTHBERT A SON, 19 01 Market skeet. THE DAILY POST. FRIDAY MORNING it 19 IthOW ton yearn mince I was proceeding from London to Glasgow, to attend a meeting there of the Ilighland Agricultural Society:; and by some stupid oversight of my own, or mistake of the railwaY duthoritiss, found myself sent off the main line, and rapidly approaching Liver pool, before I discovered the error. lt was late and dark, and I have a particular objection to any ' unnecessary degree of discomfort ; there fore, as there would still he time enough fer me to reach Glasgow before the opening of the meet ing, if I took a forenoon train the next day from Liverpool, I resolved to profit by the accident, to visit an old acquaintance of mine who resided in one of the suburbs of the city, and from.whom I had frequently received, and as often been obliged to decline, a warmly hospitable invita- tion. I knew his house was not large, and his estab lishment I presumed to be on a strictly bachelor scale ; but having lived a good deal about the world for many years, I can accommodate my self with ease to any circumstances into which I find myself thrown; and I own that I thought more of the pleasure of seeing, and conversing with my old friend, than of the slight disturbance which my unexpected arrival might cause in his honsehold. On arriving at the station, there fore, I engaged a fly, and set. out at once for Dr. Blackburn's house 'The way was long, and dark, and dreary "—it' Miss Rosie will forgive me a parody on her favorite poet—we rattled through innumerable eti eets, and wandered along a devious course in a wilderness of "semi detached dwellings" and " suburban villas," which seemed to have no end. At length we reached a small substantial house, standing somewhat back from the high road in a garden, which was surrounded by a high brick wall ; and on sending in my card, Dr. Blackburn at once appeared at the entrance door, with a hearty greeting, and a warm invitation to me to enter. The first few minutes were occupied by my ex planation of the circumstances which led to my unexpected intrusion; and it was not till my portmanteau was deposited in the hall, and the Hyman had driven away, that Dr. Blackburn's old servant wag able, after sundry mysterious winks and nudges, to attract his master's atten tion, and draw him to one side. After a few words spoken in a low tone, Black burn turned to me with a laugh, in which, how ever, there was a shade of embarrassment. Why, Brunton," he said, "here is Stevens re minding me, with a face of horror, that there is positively not a vacant corner in the house. There is a trial for poisoning, of great profea- D. Montgomery, Richard Shields, William Osborne, N. P. Hart, Robert H. Hartley, Jno. hleiill AN UNCOMFORTABLE NIGHT. sional interest, guing ou at the assizes, and !l— and , whom you must remember, are stay ing with me to attend it, and they occupy the only two spare rooms which the house con tains' —I interrupted him by saying that it was of no consequence, I would spend the even ing with him, and return to the railway hotel fOr the night. " Impossible," he exclaimed. " You ;tre fully two miles from the station ; and how could you convey your impedementa : 2 We are far beyond the region of perpetual cabs here. No, no; we shall manage a shake-down for you; though I shall nut be able to make you as com fortable as I should like to see a friend whom I Li,ve so long wished to have under my roof." A few instructions in a stage-aside to Ste vens—in which I heard the words "camp-bed," a large tub," and "laboratory "—and Black burn turned, and ushered me into the large, low, but comfortable and well lighted dining room, where his two guests were still sitting at the table. A portion of the well cooked' dinner was soon heated and set before me, and we sat con versing on many subjects of interest to us all, till a late hour. When we rose to separate for the night, Blackburn recommenced a series of apologies for the rough lodging he was obliged o give me, which I with difficulty cut short by assuring him of my indifference on the subject. He then took a lantern from the servant, and opening a side door, led the way across a paved yard surrounded by outhouses, and through a small shrubbery beyond, to a detached building; which, from having been sn apple room or some dependency of the garden, tie had converted into a laboratory or museum Ho unlocked the door with a key he carried in his hand, and we en tcred &loot] sized room, the walls of which were hung all round with curtains of green stuff, con cealing shelves loaded with various chemical preparations and studies in anatomy and natural history. Blackburn was a retired physician of consider able local celebrity; but being in independent circumstances, he lead for some time relinquish ed the duties of his profession and devoted him self to the sciences that are more immediately in connection with it. Chemistry and anatomy had led him on to mineralogy and geology ; and entering warmly into the controversy excited in the scientific world about that time by the ap pearance of a very remarkable work on the last named science, he had been devoting his leisure for some months before the time I am now speaking of, to the composition of a pamphlet to bs entitled, Comparative Anatomy in the Paleozic Ages, which was to give the world some ideas of his own on the subject. It was thus he account ed to me for various uncouth forms, models in miniature of the gigantic plesioranri or ptero- dactyles of geology, which dangled from the ceiling and cast grotesque shadows on the white washed upper part of the walls. A large table had been hastily cleared to receive my dressing' apparatus; and Blackburn handled with some thing of regretful tenderness a number of human skulls, collected to furnish evidence in support of some theory regarding the origin of the va rieties in the human race, which had been die• respectfully cast by Stevens, in the course of his hospitable preparations for my comfort, into a corner of the room, where they lay grinning upon a heap of other bones, both fossil and re cent, which were awaiting the collector's leisure to be classified and arranged in order on the shelves. We fell into conversation on the sub jects suggested by these evidences of my friend's favnirite studies, and some time elapsed before he lel, me for the night, promising to send his ser vant to call me at an early hour in the morning. Bye-and-bye, however, the atmosphere of the room became rather oppressive ; the fire, heaped up by hospitable hands, gradually drew 'rum the boue4 and other animal products in the surround ing shelves, odors which were neither pleasant nor healthful ; and remembering that I bad not d,:(.1/ a window in my first survey of the room, I rose to look for it. Under the green curtains, on the side opposite to my bed, 1 discovered two square windows, such as are often seen in eta hire, opening outwardly from the top, and kept from slipping by a curved bar of iron cut into notches. I opened one of these to its utmost stretch, and, after looking for a minutes at the brilliant sky of a frosty autumn night, closed the curtain again, and betook myself to the camp•bed. I locked the door as soon as my friend retired; and then made a fresh examination of the some what singular apartment which had been hastily prepared for my reception ; and in order to make what I am going to relate more intelligible, I will describe the room as it then appeared to me. It was nearly square, and, as I have said before, of considerable size. One of the sides was formed by the high brick wall of which I have spoken as surrounding my friend's house ; and from this wall, which may have been about fif teen feet high, the roof sloped gradually, till, at the opposite side of the apartment, the space be tween the roof and the floor was not more than nine feet. The room was not celled, but the rafters and beams were whitewashed, as well as the space left at each end between the green cur tains which covered the walls all round, and came close to the roof, where it was lowest, and the gradually increasing height of the walls. The door was in the centre of one end of the room; opposite to it was a large open chimney, with a , raised slab of stone supporting dogs for burning wood, on which was now heaped a brightly glow ing pile. At one side of this cheerful fireplace stood a large tin bath full of water, and on the other, a small camp-bed was spread with the freshest and whitest of linen. My portmanteau,• and the table spread with my dressing appara tus, occupied a third corner; and the fourth contained the heap of bones and skulls already , mentioned. A large leather-covered armchair, and an old fashioned spider legged table before the fire, completed the furniture. After making my preparations for the night, the fire looked so temptingly cheerful, that, my mind being occu- pied with the anbjects we had tilectissettluring the evening, I could not resist seating myself in the arm-chair, and indulging in a little half. drowsy meditation.. FEBRUARY 26 I l a y f o r genie Jima watching the wildly gro tesque forms assumed by the shadows of the an tediluvian monsters I mentioned as dangling from the rafters, while the embers flashed and grew dull, and again brightened into a transient blaze; and sleep was gradually stealing over me, when I was startled by a slight sound, as though some thing had fallen from one of the shelves. I raised my head and looked around,• but could see nothing; and my eyes were closing again, when suddenly it appeared to me as though a hideous face were painted on the very spot at which I was looking. It was visible but for a moment, and then.vanished. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head, and even felt my pulse to try and detect' some symptoms of incipient fever; big except that I plead guilty to one bounding throb, there was no sign of any abnormal stato of the circu lation, and I was trying to fancy that I hi►d been gazing at the skulls in the corner, and transferred the image of ono of them to the next object on which I fixed my eyes, when the appearance re turned in the same spot. This time there could be no mistake ; I clearly saw the flashing eyes, the glittering teeth, the frightful grin of a demoniac countenance. A bright blaze shot from the dying embers, and in a second the vision disappeared. I own that now a cold sweat burst out from every pore. Either I was seized with sudden insanity, or I was the victim of some supernatural delusion. I lay for a few minutes a prey to the horrible sensations of one struggling with the night-Mare. I would have given the world to have risen, and endeav ored to discover some natural cause for the frightful appearance ; but my good fortune, or, let me say more reverently, the watchful mercy of a kind Providence, kept me still. I could almost hear the beating of my heart in the profound silence. Gradually the light faded, the embers crackled more faintly, the shadows dickered and disappeared in the general gloom; but still I lay motionless, my eyes riveted on the spot so full of mystery. I should think that at least a quarter of an hour passed in this man uer. Joe B is unquestionably the haneomest married man in Cincinnati. Joe sports a wife, besides other oreatpre com forts. Well, ho and his wife. Harry ,John , and George , and their wives all boarded at the same hom,e. A day or two ago, while they were at table, luxuriating upon the detached portions of a boiled turkey, which had been stuffed with oysters, the conversation turn ed on Christian names, when Mrs. Harry con tended that she could name more listinguished men who had borne the name of Harry, than any gentleman could of his own name ; and con cluded by offering a gold pencil as a wager against a suitable equivalent should she win. The trial commenced, Mrs. Harry , start • ed off with "Harry of the West," adding a dozen others. George now gathered up Geo. Washing ton, the four Georges of England, Lord George Franks, Sze. "Now, Mr. John , what have you to say ?" said the charming Mrs Harry. "Oh ? I can give you a hundred— the two Adams, Lord John Russel—John Tyler,—John, John, bring me some water." "Stop, stop, you can't win. Mr. Joseph , now your turn comes," continued s the juicy little gamester. Now, if ever a bashful man lived, it is my friend Joe—he dared not look up. lie had been racking his brain for an answer, but to no purpose, and in despair he made one grand effort, and raising his head replied : "My dear madam, I have lost. I cannot now think of any very distinguished man who ever bore the name of JosePh except the gentleman we road about in the Sacred Scriptures, he who was such a favorite with Mrs Potiphar, but I will not offer him, for I think he.waa the fool I ever did hear of." "Hero is the penoil,"said Mrs. Harry, tossing it over to him, as she cud the other ladies scud out of the room. AMES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al— legheny, Wholesale firmer und Tea Dealer, and Licensed Liquor Merchant. Dealer in Clover and Timothy teed; Ilutter, Cht eae, Lard, Bacon, Flonr, Salt, Fish, de., and Conn try Produce generally. uov23 JAMES PATTON; JR., liederal etreet, Allegheny, le now receiving in store the following, which he will dell at the loweat cash pricer, vie .- 123 bbla. new crop plantatton Molasses; 27 Wide. " Sugar; 60 bbls. Grocers h}rup ; 10 tibia prime roll butter ; 800 the. " e'ulthere, I'M oozed Cheede ; ..011 Bacon Hawn; 40 half cheats Young tlyaon, Impel, tat, tindigauutue Old Country 'rem, with u geucral alaurtu,utitof the beat and largeat litoett of Fatuity liruceries to be had in the city,which is tor gale for Cash—retnembor, PATTON'd, tel Federal atreot, A110g,4249 WY. SUGAR.- IJ 24.1 bbla. Baltimore Yellow Surr. hhde. lelaud to bbla, itulltoxl 10 " Loverito; aqeko Lod " ILecoiv,d aud for 11010 by JAMES PATTON, Jr., Gov = AllagUeny City ATTEN'IION, ALLEGIIENY CIT Y.- The subscriber would call your attention to hi 81.0Cli ut FAXIILY LiituCEHIES bought, of late, in New Turk, for CASH, which hu wiii sell et sower price. than any ocher house lu the two cities, for Ceou. Come and sea the prices, at JAMES I'ATTON'S, Federal street, boar the Diamond, ALLY.OIIOI Y CITY. _FR U I'l'.—Raisins, Currants, Cranbo rri Nigh, Liuuganuu Cliurrieu, Citron, Oraugco, Dom..,us. ac., A., fur salt, fit luwvat figured for Cents, by J AAt IATION, Jl., strect, ALLECIIIENT A WORD TO TEA DRINKERS. TILE PEKIN TEA olOnn, Is.. a virtik ntt eet, 141.> itLipot lt.si tutu title umirket nom; of the liu6mt wade. a GREEN AND BLACK TEAJ, grown lu the Celestial thupire, done rip in all din vnrloun tnucy pactingun which Utunenu iugunuity can Invent. It in n luxury and con/Rot to drink them. i•tupriatora 01 email, b0..1..” and hotels, laud privaLu iniuilir.s are invited to call. uct7 E' 10 1 U PS.- 10 dost:n Mumbruutd lieutup. 1U du Engiudi Walnut du Quarto Tomato do. bu du L'Luta du do. Fut' iLIIII Ly ANbLitiON, Z 4, 19 Wood bt.fdt, uppusdu ot. uttarled Hotel NOW IS THE TIME FOIL BUYING CHEAP CLOTHING. 0N 'I'IIE CORNER or WOOD AND FIFTH s vicEurs, lato 1..1.1.vidd A ULCIOrt Doom, id uow tit 11. lug wit Ills eutird wtiolddale stock at U RiT 1"1:11JES FUlt. OABI.I. ONLY. Ho will dell }.llln 131....ic I'dtdrslutui Civta • twat that used to cull at $5,00 lot $3,71, Blue Black Petorallara tiverco.it ti,tAl " •41-.0.• " Drowu b,01.1 " 6,70 - Itaglau " 11,04.1 •• tl,ou Niggdrhead Raglan " • 8,00 •• OAd., Liali)111.11k " il;00 " 7,00 " " .. .... Bluo Pilotd lutuey Pilots 13,,arciltsa Ethquimaux fr,uo " 4,00 0,00 " 4,60 Fine Wove Cassituoro 6,U0 .. 6UU BroWU Olutli 1460 `"6 .. ,01.6 6614 k calk Cloth 1:,00 ".1,,00 Sopor Fine Drees Frock Coats 6 1,, , ,..) .• 1;3,00 •4 ~, " " 15,60 " 11,1x1 " " LU,IA)7II . ‘ 8,6 u ?mita, Vt....ta, and LourulAllig t1.....u1t at Lac:, , u.l propor ll u rates . de,'.. Wheat, aye and Corn Wanted, rip U E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the talon eatabliahment, aud are prepared to a it ie the intention tf the proprietors to offer saaltdoeMol3 for any claw lute of White or fkql Wheat. They intend to make very superior Itareily Mora, and are willing to pay a twqrnium 4 the farmer, in the shape of an extra price, to in duce him to raiao a choice quality of Wheat, and to tiring it to market in good order. Jylfel.ydkw 13. T. ERNNEDY A DIZA. 11'E'SNOW BOOTS, Buffalo and Gum Chrerahoes, at the Poppies' Shoa Store, No. 17 Fifth I W 1 DIFFRNP.IICLIIKII & CO. MILL FEED.-2000 lbs. Middlings, for Bala by JAMES A. FETZtII.. fo3 89 Water groat. NUMBER Ho. [TO BE ooticLinor.ri.l How Joe won the Pencil. GROCERIES. Z... L EISNER, PEARL STEAM. WILL, ei 4 GEGn %NY OITY. PAT SELS 1111:111,EST 81.111.0er PalC73 IN CLASH ?Oa 25,000 BUSHELS OB WIIELAT. .. 8,00 6,1)0 .. 7,00 " 4 6u -10,00 •' 0,00 - 6,00 " 3,00 0,00 •• 4,50 " 7,00