SPECIAL NOTICES. EXTENSION OF STAY. DRS. C. M. FITCH 4- J. W. SY KES, ofike ut Ho. 101 'Penn street, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR HOTEL, ul, PA.. TILL APRIL PIFIST, Where they may be consulted daily, (Sun days exceptoil,) for CONSU .1• " ASTHMA, IIRON• emus and ALL oraE. NIC AFFECTIONS ron• nectod with, or prodi,,,,, to PULMONARY DISEASE. DRS. FIT Y RES feel that they cannot too earn estly or equeotiv admonish invalids of the EXCEED INdi s ~ OF DELAY IN PULMONARY DISEASE syl:iptoirc, often .e-to ,Lts to beget a delusive toof satety ever: the tY,easo in making rapid pro• groat. amt Liu , pati. , lll 41,acts hi to till a core is next to • Otlice Hoora---10 A. fil. l 0 4 P. M cltarKo fia. consuitAtiAi A Ilea of qUollions %%ill soul to tOos, t, Consul us t) lottur. AtitheAl =ll 191 quoit, l'ittstmrgti, l'it. U RENT CURL ()F L St' A.-C. 0. MERBLluti MorChan t, Bap : SIMPSONVILLE. Silt //,, 4,111 y, So, 181,5 "Thu (Actin:ln Bittor4 cir geinir,sd sathafaction, and 1 herewith hand yon a 0,1 ill,. Ito of Mr. MonioN BERKLEY , roapotdablo farmor of toiti county " eILIIPSONVILICE, Fy., M rch ;t), IS3>—Decor Sit: I would in form you that I have boon aillicteil fur severs' 3olini Ith Dyspepsia, In ft vary Itggrvvatod form, for which I nit , d df aaparilla and Caritms otnor remedies, without obtaining au , relief. From the various testimonials in favor of Ilitotlan German Fitters, I was Minced to try them, and I now e with tibtutur,ti, that throuttil their ago 1 ion enjoying bA Itq health thou I have iliac to years pn.t, uud olieorfally re commend the liitters ti all afflict, t with char terriblo din RUSII..Ct .I , i • To IT 0. M..lack+on Fen tidVelli4..lllolir I: l '6r Sale Ij7, 4E'.]'. Pill bur It 11' I i i'li E /1.1.: LIST ..V ?•• T LI r aiodicitio cry twig do n A -4. , r =w .114 . : 4 A N ..FORD'S INI )0!:.11' , / LI VKR \11 , 11)Y. It piv.. our.ll quirk rt.li.l a 4 t c .4V111 , , IIW 1,13 t ?m+ll.lit talz.•Tl W • 11. A kn,,w of 3 sing awl ,11 11-3rl C pl.'t .•J r. rt , eff 1... Icy It 111,4 .1.1,111i1,11 I!• Witlk 11.1 t ,1 !/1 i.,•1111,• if Willtt it 1•4 t. l CIO. i 4 r msrt.trit h, ntrging ~i - liiirr z and loy to 11, t Lt , et. t Jaundice, rvl darnltV lit " prrr , itußtilf AN !I v. RI 0.. I N,1:12.A \t"e I itt..!.,r.11, 16 , 1 Dith, ) Ili 1/1•IN , 1 . 1 . • Ir• 1'..•11.1 • f troy' this 0.,, , 0p 1 1., of tile 1-1-L . •o' 1,111 1,•1.1.1 11, 1 . 1 111/;11iC•1111 , 10 VI , 11:••!. • S'• ••• .1 11..1•,. 1 . 017 1 tIl F. N II e41•••-1,•1;ity DiviDEND Nrrewl.: 1're.„3,.„, ,„,,, gore of tho Com if Lff) I,r or , rtn, , Grid rof.or y rioor, hi+ 411,y, dos+ited n sliN 1.114;A of TVI i) DOLLA It.; S tE, on Lilo tdd wi; (: , ,fhpittl) divid••u•lA ur, itut 11, wl bleb , A 1 ,1,. of en mmt. abbe I . llll+l, to ta,ckll-Ift, , , or tiff,. I 0,r.. fl rlfroqoff I orthwit h. LVII. It; ~1•; II 111 I Troamiror . l'ittAtour,4ll. J I.d, 1,4 • t' 11011.1,4 ..1• oickt). i 4 , 1.1 t.. tho I . IT BUIViII I.N (I .0,1:: j,*wt, , v.II • pit IA t. %%ILIA .( N 1.4 t'ict.4t,r4:k, ILLICO 1111 , 1 rll are payablt, (IW2) TI! , 1 , 1.1N1 ~ 1)N.., , t1'i11.P11 B.{.ID:IK, l . Pitt .1,3,11..1 ~1,11 r , ,., ''.411, 1.855. 1 -0-> AN 1 , ,1,P, , 11'105i to r. il ..•.it, 11 11/%4., S 11.11.1 , .11i cur; ..t . ill , ~ ...•.11., 1,3 I .1 ..r ,, cting II lin , lgo over , 11. 111.1,11lig.itki.13 nv .1- 1.p1.0.ii.. ''1: . ..-1 , ,r..:, :, 111 A11..,, , .1‘..i1y , ' , t •ty, will b. , 1,1.1 .it VI, 1 01. ,1 ..1- , -, ..ii ' , I ;ND AV, %1... hl ,, 1854. HL :1 0'c,.,..•k., P. )I_' .101.1..5i 'PHA NV, f..1:1L,11131... '1'.1 ,. 1., user PITTSctiRdM .STEP., WORKS, .iNk) L. BoVI) :ISAAC , JON F1:-' JONES, BOYD IM= Or' 6, T STEEL. ALSO, S PRI N , P ' AN I) A. B. STEEL, ANI) k.X1,1.;-; C ime and F i rat al rce ts;, I'ITTSIIIiIW , PA =ECM ro. .I.D rN& "E.• =ll3 PATLNT STEEL 0,11:21. V.ITOR TEETH, COUNER ROSH AHD FIII.BT STitEET,;, JArtn:s Forwarding and Con.mlasion Merchant Put; THEE 07 Flour, Grain, Daeon, lord, Rutter, Seel:, Dried Fruit and Pr.duet• goneraily, Corner of Plarket and First treets. Purr slit [soil. L'A. 11.1tra To—Prancig G. Bail•ly, 161/ William Dii,orth, Sr. S. Cuthbert ir ,r,.•.11; Boyd k Ott, Ifebdivil Swearingen, S. Brady, Gs:;1 ct- 11. Bank. LHt & flow, 11, ?dangle & Co., George W n(1 ,, r4.,n. I) Paxton kC , Whnwiin Inv24.'brt f JOHN 0 0 2'Z L 81 , COM MISSRIN TNI - ERC HAN T, PIC METAL AND 3LOOPAS, J,11.5:1y 1 No. 27 . PA ALEXANDER HUNT ER, VL 0 r cstr, BACON, LAW LEW AND PROD I,i 1 , ; 7 N ttf 41, L 7.f?i'F4DCK litIPOILTER ,•..7. i) ':: A LER IN Eill qt El (.4 N AN i ' 0 tvi EST I ( HARDWrketE. o. 74 1 17Vc.od street, bet vve.en nip Inon. /21.11.2 y wud Fourth street, ITT.S lir: R P A k - s• Tuieahsrr.hThr is now openinga WOll 001,1tod moat of foreign and drznestic Hardware, all new,and will to on 114 guid terms iw any other house iu this city 11. vi II always keep on hand a general assortment of ITARDW AR F., CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, he., which he rospoctfully itivite. the attention of I , Cllll6er •1111:313 S mtip EL FA IiNELt'OCFC. El A '44 D W A I?, A.I\I4JEL FAIINESTOCK, No. 74 wool 1.." street, Pittsburgh, has au halal a large STOCK. OF HARDWARE, Which 11,, will moll vory liiw zuhlition to hi wk s , wo g ., nod York Spoon.. and is hint witaiirtmotit •"firpolltA•e!11.411114. 1 ,17.11,d It 11,41‘ ply of Sittl.itg.t . Co. tor. fool Stotiot ; 'cougnes and l'okorA; and Ellittll,l.l rl2ll pro4iirvititt JOLD AND S I LV ER SP ..:CTACLES, -•;Ll.` K L ANUFAUTUttEtt'S P 11.1 C ICS H1I)ItO"IETEItS o r w e i4,4,g api; rlienv..t tiTnl bright to Clic; city. THFIRNIOMET.ERS AND 11.11to1I varying in price crow $6 to $3O POCK ET COMPASSES, • • SURVEYOR'S COMP SASE L=, o way,' ou hand at E SUA WS, Opti,iAn, 59 Fifth Breit. OppoBitl . M . l..alie Hall L. C..IIF.PIVIJKS, ATTORNEY Al LAW A!71) .JONVEVANCEI, OVFIP3 NEVI TEA STORE, No. 1.2 rift h street, JOHN ANDREWS, (Late of the Pekin Tea Store,) RESPECTFULLY INFORMS lIIS friond.4 and Ow publv. polorally. th.st ho haft opine-3 lit the above stand, for tho of - • - - GREBN:ND Eita,t.l.',llls TEAS • HNLSO, CO.FFEE AND SUCARS, THE BEST BRANDS. AU at t;cl , -, Fold ut the lowest WAI.I.!:Asru , TO 4i1 , 1. SATy.Y..I7i lON. [P.S T & T. GROUTT Importers of Brandies, . Bin Wiu, ?.::,„ 1 t.....i.\,..--'. • 0 r' - ' i' ___...., _, / ii .,_..„, 'we Praid.fits F..l{ Ist FIE= N. :3,11.,M 3M =ME :k,ilß'DiS:i Commer•. V 4r! for Fl•bruary. V. P., DAVID M'CANDLESS JAMES GARDINER. N. W MAR JOHN FLEMISH Ti SA II New York Market. NEW Vort E. February '2 I.—Cotton: sales 1500 bales at MI Kik: L ance of 1 ,, , ,; ; ; la some CRS , a the quotatioas are generally unehatweil with more buyer , than sellers. Flour is quiet; 750 a blils sold at $1.65ai4 115 for southern, ii•decline of sc. n heat firm; lindi southern red sold at $1,23; western 11,20. white Corn 'all; Piioo hush Prime Pork hits dechned 15,-; Mashy 3,4 c lower; Cahn u' u;au film. Cottle, lower. lassoed Oil unchanged. 'fallow Fr,-i:ow, 4,1 c t ,lt,n to Liver. - New York Stock Market NEW' Fel. nary '24. .Vom.--l•Pocks higher. Cum- C 4.1 204: o.ittral 971.,','; do 13‘,ndy 0.1; I and mileanikie 7d.rhigoo 311..; N. Central Penna. Coal 71 , t ; CiP.4; end 43. Cont. 0 Misnouri G's Si. Ster• ling irtirge 101 l _Stocks hrin C irrtgo 111111 Rtt It Island 81 1 4; 111 nois 0,0,1 SL 1,11, rn N. Y. (:), ntrd .8.1 i; r efit) , Coal 77; Mi higen Central Erie 3q!.c. Clevlantl Lind TLLIeLIL, I Lidimin b's SS; Milwankie and 7kliesiesind New S ork Cattle Market NEW YORE, Ft•bri , try '2l —Mr ceipin ..1 Bore, H 111:1101111t ut :ideal, 53 u. of Swine 0000. Baorias ar o a dank Letter, with , ut hue% alloy; H 2110.1 llt 71/ 7 1@ll, gouorally at TY," ay or ,ge ep unchanged. Some nominally tS to CineinAlatt 1: nrliat. CINCINNATI, February Fl—ur steady with a moderate demaintat i,T,Bsatili.9o Mr superfine. Whisky dull at 17 the demaml is limited. There testa not much done in Pro vision.; Imlders ere Urra bet It)ere are holding off. 200,000 ths Bilk Pork ,old at rrl., and 7 3 :, ter ghoul ers and Sides. Nothing has been done in other articles the market gene. rally being pt let. lins•eries are firm Mnlaascs buoyant; 1101,1..1'1 are asking Waiter pride. There is nothing new In he o v ary mat ket. A OCT lON SALES. IA Al I.Y SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST., L o v At do , uow Conc.—cod Sahli Rooing, No. 54, Filth tivet, every wool: day, are h. 4.1 public entl,,a of guods in all •drieiy, snit •d fur the nail" and eemstuilers, from a largo ciituwantly reidellished with fresh consign ueuts, that must tie el,.sed I rt twit h. AT 10 tl'Uldadli, A. M., Dry Gonda and (ancy artai.s,odinprising nearly everything needed in the line t'or prraoual and family true; table cut lery ; hard Warn; Cl”thriw,; bunts and ~ an., o :- • ; Indira Ware, AT '2 P M., tionsehoM mei kitchen in tut niture, now anti Noe:Aid-hand; I,ddintz; carpitta; elegant iron Htolll3 China ware; pltoVr•H: Ac. A'r i o'CIACti, P. M, Fancy I,r tides; wutchott; eltakti; jewelry; musical Inßtlll Mont , : guns; clotuing; dry goods; boots Enid shoes. book tam o n , kc. i seaj P. M. DAVIS. Anct.n Ulf PE RIOR PANGFORTE, 'IOEBE VOLD AND KlTtilir.N FURNITURE AT AUCTION. TFIURF DA Y . MORNING, February 25th. at 10 o'clock, at the daedliug house of Prof Thompson, (Irwin's Bow) 54 Liberty +trent, ant be wad, ono limaisome, well tuned Piano Barb . , made Dv Cltickering - , a quantity of ticaid quality tioulei,Mti and 14 itch,. Paoli use, etc, atnoug which arc ,11,1 Nlalmgany Taller, Ito to Case, Mahogany and Walnut e-edit Bureaux. Spring. Seat Sotto. Divan, What Not, Ex bu-u Wltinut and Cherry Bedsteads, Walnut and Malic,ton3 Wa.lcitan,l4,. prim: M. tren.sits Parlor and Chain r vartr-E a, Floor !Matting. Chaert, Lo; kidg Glasses, China Das, .Ll.ll 4411.•••!1,WPIrl., Eire Irona, etc., Kitchen Furuitute., If gt.rt. [1.03 P. M.. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Ei ")EREM 1' FURY SALK OF CIGARS, 131:.::\ DV, ..TC, will hn s ld on FRIDAY terbruat y 26111, at 2 O'clock, at thy , Comma. cial i'/1.104 mli,et. or ata,mat ,if whom it 11111) OM , on a IU,OOO ,a,porto,l a ail hall t+p,st_inti Cigura, linn, [cal brimilas; 4 boxes i lii wing 'Toliaccoi 3 '.l iiitiiii, Coon one. Wrilndy. 111'.:3 ii M. DAVIS, Aurtion ner . A , ELICAL BpOLiS, 1l MAGNETIC ELEC IRumAurINiNsTri,lE : l4ET,o ; -A UII.IIA V EVENING, Februm 3 2iiii, at 1 oclock, litlll. lie r..ild, at the Comnitirriiiil Salei+ i:thillle, No. 54 Fifth street, a quail ity of Medi , ill Li i Vs', uric Aluguetic Electric Ma -12.1:1110, 0 lie pair Long Fl'rl'l . l., oLiti Saw, uric pair Scales, Deutal Inatruoienti; iitc A .iloug the books will be found I dingliion's ,iiiilical Dictiiiio.ri, llosack's 1' a - tice of Medi cine, Din glison's lltinialie Phy-wiogy, Wilted Status ills ,. nottory, Pancister s Si istar :2 villa : Croinel's General Pa lo:I ogy , C siper on too Dreii-it Slid 'rent ill. London L'incet, '2. wits., P•ti is I . iiitillilletiii,Vil., Pritchiiril iili ill,iillit)i, LAW r• lice's Lectures, Jail es Bur ils heisViilCCS et.laiptitliiitilll, Dell A Stoke's 1 . 1117th:1i, 3 V..ifi. M lick iIitOSII'S Practice, Her' reir's r pinta! A hat ini ,'d vols.: liiiioril's Mist: a ions, I :ty phillii Disuse, quarto; Oisid wrd on the Teeth, Bell uo the i. 01,12,,, lial:al li A Gal nail's Mater!), Medico, etc. The books ~/,, , w ill b e . ( ,pl. ll for tiXittililllo nit or. Seta ilk) Cll. irlaing fc24 P. N. DAVI- Auctioneer. EIOUSEIIOLD AND KITCEIEN FURNI TURE AT AUCTIoN.—']n FRIDAY AFTERNOON, ebruart 26th, at '2 o'clock, al the G•mmereMl solo« Rooms cs ill he cold, a (PIMA ity of good ituality, well kept House bold hearty new, hum it family declining brltlt, keepi g Among which are. Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads], Nash and 1 . 1 tea stands, Rocking Chairs, eight day Clock, !Lair 3dattresses, parlor and chamber Car tel El, Locking ]+. ati6e", Window blinds, Fire Ira] 8, etc., a general assort ment of kitchen utensils, C uking Stove and littnres, Table and Tea rpeous, Knives and Forks, ttc. fe P. Lt. IJA V IT+. A uctio.,or. ATTEIetiTi(PA FAILIFEitS I THE URE,IT ECLIPSE SEED DRILL AND BID ),N At7:l' SOM . ' ER is tioW ua exhibition, Ai St, 56 Market street, Pittsburgh. This is a new improve. toent and by exceeds tiny machine of the kind ever offered to the airricultnnit. It works an entirely new principle end sties any kind of small surds with forthlZrn, nt any do s ied width, with a regularity and OVKIIIt'SI never before at -I,LIII by B , •Pd Sip.ot4rd, 0111 be worked by O. boy tarp, enough to drive a horse. The inarbine is so simple that an) v orkman can construct it, nt.d at a pre, that will defy 61'MA , 1/ lid County Itig'.ts for eAlr. Ja2.8:10.1 r • - • ENTING. —1 wiil uttond to the renting, paying of Taxon, and collrnilug of 'touts. Apply to 0 IiICIIEY, •1.•• t. AYRES' IVO ital CONFECTIoN ,C o::FECTIuN, C U NFECTION,CON F ECTI.ON,CONF ECTION,CONFE CTIoN CUNFEO T10N;.; uNFECT ON,CO NFEcT U N,CoNir ECTIO N ,CoNFEUT 10N Co N F N U T 1 UN . The ❑emt ple:e3tait, safe and effPrtual Worn' Remedy now PrSparsd and sold, wholsaals arid roil's!, by ANGELL A I.IAtT, Cor. Wood cud zixth Pittsburgh, Pu., And sold I v Dr 1446*. gpnPrgry Its ( ÜBAP BOOTS AND SHUE:S- th, time to Lay BOOT? AND SDOES AT UREA IC Ly REDUCED PRiCE:,, AT THE CHEAP CASH , '1‘)111e. t,F i. Fl. BORLAND, 613 (19 Markin .tr—et„ two deans ttoril FL WHITE & having complet- G Eo. ed their anntisl lily •nkwy, and re aired tan cost pric,• their go,.im, ell the it r .stilt stock at a lilt titer reduction of pri,•s. Jail VA RI E(; ATE') SO AP.-25 boxes gated Soup rea.iveil , and (Jr sale cheap, by JAMES A. FETZER, fel° Corner Market and First streets. trap SEED. - - bags for sale by B. 'i. FAIINESTOCK & CO., tee/ Orrner Wnod And Sixth strlssta 1111 U KIN HEAT FLOUR-40 sacks prime .1.. P article. for sale by f 1.2.8 1 P. EN ILY H COLLINS RY GOODS! DRY 6001/Sll—All the inuuense stock of Silks, Shawls, Madness, Paramat tas, Plaids; choice styles of printed Marinoes, Poplins, Du.- . als; rich, all wool, Delaines, Embroid-ries, Trimmings, blents' Furnishing bloods, and .1 largo stock of Do mestic Goods, soiling at the store of A. A. Mason & Co.'s, No. ISS Fifth street, at unheard of prices, as the whole stock niti,t be immediately closed out. del 4 ONIONS. -7 sacks Onion't, just received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, 6.3 89 Water street. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. 75 sacks choice Buckwheat Flour, Pa- gale by KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVER —2 gross on hand an•t for sake by L FA LINESTJOK & CO., " Corral . Wood an i Fourth streets I3UTTER.-1 barrel Ire h Roll received and for n.e.le by ii. 1.5 I Ii K.NRY i 3. CiILIJNS QWEET CIDER.-3 bbls received this day. Price 20 cents HAWOUTiI, BRO.& BROWN LEE, in the Dintnona LOV ERSEED.--25 sacks just received, and for main by 114 , 111 H ENli ILO IS TARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kep,Jnat received and for sale by .I.AI McCANDLEIkS, MEANS & CO., 023 Corner of Wood and Water htreetH. WALL PAPERS 1 WALL PAPERS ! I WALL, PAPERSIII—W. P. MARSHALL & CO. are preparing for immense sale of Wall Paper this spring. onv and sEP. at b 7 Weod street. tel GGS.-6 bbl. fresh Eggs, just reo'd and V for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, Darner histkei and Ord grate. HARDY & M'GREW, Steamboat and Gen eral Agents, Corner of First and Ferry streets. RIVER, WEATHER, Ero.—The river was swelling slowly last night, canned by the thawing ye.,terilay and day before. The ice, however, hasuotpinm 11 , ..1i to move. A pretty general and promiscuous thaw h Imai kept up for the past two dart, although the alghis eve been as cold an ever. A few boats are r ceiviug am sng which we may mention the lowa, loading fur St. 1.. , .11 a. There is uu doubt but that business will' be very lively fter the break up, which, from present appearances, will be shortly. 18:111 11 [AUK KY, 2d At Louisville, on Monday, them wee 3 1 A hot on the falls, and 8 feet In the lower Ohio. At Cincinnati on the same day there was 6% feet in the flats. and falling. On the same day the river was falling slowly at St. Lonis and the weather war very cold. On the 17th Cumberland river was Acing, with ten feet on liarpeth Shoals. Freights were plenty and prices good. Tennessee river woe also Hein rapidly, and an overflow was expected, A tioull , er of steamers were to have left Oinci tT nati for this port on Tuesday The IVlississippl river was still open at Burlinkton, lowa, last Saturday, and the ferry boat continued to make her regular trips. .IRn. "7 —Tau 27 Jan 30 .Feb. 3 .Feb. U Feb.in .Feb. Fah March 1 JAMES A. FETZER. Corner Market and First streets RIVER NEW S The Alma arrived In New Orleans on the 40th I . t PORT OF PITTS IS URG HI 3 PE T 6 IN(hES WATEII IY Till CI_ACiN ILL 1 4\7 . ARItl VEEP Steamer 1. Bayard, P,obles, Elizabeth. " TLleg - rnph, Woodward, Brownlivillo Luzerne, Jacobs. DEPARTED. Col. Bayard, Pool.lei, Elizabeth Tolograph, Woodward, Brownavtlb Lazerne, Jarobs, Brownsville. STEAMBOATS NASHVILLE. For Nashville. The flue steamer QUAKER CI CY, Captain LL,grAtit mcrwm.,3--chArk, SIMUEL COOLEY—will leave tr . for the above, and all Intermediate ports, on TUESDAY EVENING. For Height or passage, apply Cu b,ard. fel For id ashville The splendid new light draught strainer 14.1- ... k, , RALAND,Capt. ILI-1114MM', will leave for the Bl,vo ,to port,' ea SATOILLA Y, the 99th inst., at 4 o'clt.ck P. M. For froight or plumage apply on banal. u,nYS For Shwthville The flee paßsenger steamer ChliatiN, will "IS .. A lea ve for the above and all interin,hate poi tB, W I.IDN ESDA V, at 10 A. M. For freight or pculiage apply on board, or to del6 FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agent, 11111EIVIIPEEM6. For Memphis and New Orleans. The flue paisouger steamer ALMA, emit ROBINSoN, will leave fur the above and all in terinothate ports, on SATURDAY, at 4 l' M. for freight or passage apply on hoard, or to Jan FLACK, BARNES it CO., Agents. ZANESVILLE. For Marlette and Zanesville The steamer EMNIA GRAHAM, Capt. 'Son rzos AYREH, Will leave for the above and al intermediate porte on every TUESDAY, a, 4 o'clook, Y. M. For fr,ight or pa.ssage apply on board ST. LOUIS. Nor St. Louis The light draught, fait running passenger packet lOWA, IMeater, will leave fur the above and all intermediate ports, on SAT. URDAY, the 6th last., ut 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, having superior accomodations, apply on acrd, or to ITAIWY & MtalflEW, Alger] la, fel Corner First and Ferry streets. DAGUERREAN GALLERIES, A M B R 0 T YPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURE WARRANTED, CAN HE LIAD AS I_,()W AS AT ANY FIRST CLASS 13STABLIS11MENT IN TILE COUNTRY, AT WALL'S PICTURE GALLERV. Wm. C. WALL 11AS TAKEN THE third flour et Junes' New Building, adjoining t li Medeinies' Bank, Fourth street, for an AMBROTYPE AFL IiALLF:It ; and having fitted up the loom in a style unsurpassed, invites his friends and the pub he to visit his establishment. Ms Reception Room, he has no lies intim' in saying, has not its superior anywhere, for size, beauty of furniture and appoiutnietits generally; arid los operating Rooms, b. tug en the same fluor, are entered immediately through it. lu his Operating Rooms, the most improved combined side and sky lights give a facility for taking a finished Pic ture, m the least possible time, that be thinks cannot but to make his establishment the resort of all persons of taste. Mr. Wall's experience as ao Artist, is a guarantee to his isitrous that noun but good Pictures will be permitted.to leave his prentises. The public, and the Ladies espurially, are uvited to view his retrain, and examine specimens. fend iv Al' fitAC I lON AT NO. 60 MARKET ST., Where can be seen the largest collective o 111BROTYPE PHOTOGRAP SPECIMENS, EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS CITY Ponsons wishing Plotnres of thonosolves or frishils, urn incited to call aud examine before sottjug ulaewhett.,, WE WARRANT PICTURES Siliairioc to any that can be obtained west of the mountain R. M. CARGO & CO., ettolographers and Antbrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 76 Fourth street, ood SUNBEAM GALLERY, d. W. cor. of Market et.root uud Diamond, Pittnimign I'ItIOES TO oUIT ALL. my 1921-4 WYKES' GALLERY OF ART, VO. 60 MARKET STREET.-PICTURES 1, 1 taken at this Gallery by a new and improved process, tviug the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and complex ion. They are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be far superior to airy pictured even exhibited in this , coy. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and exgmina Ins large collnetions of specimens. His Gallery being on the aearnd door, is easy of access. N. IL—Pieturea of ehildreu taken In two sdcouds, at No. du Market street. iny2l:tf VriKES, Artist. NELSON'S ANBROTYPES. PRICES REDUCED GALLERY COB.N.Eit OF TLIIRD AND MARKET STRE.F.T, Eutranco on Third street Citizens and Strangers desiring AMBROTYPES, executed iu the highest degree of artistic beauty and perfection, can be Accommodated at short notice by calling at NELSON'S WELL KNOWN GALLERY, THIRD STREET. ?rice, One Dollar and upward. ap29:l3r2d ELOGEEtB 9 NEW DAGUERREAN AND AMBROTY PE SKI AND SIDE-LIGHT GALLERY, Firrii STREET, NRARLY OPPOBITE TEIN POST•OFFICg 7:It...PICTURES taken In all the various styles, In sn ,v,,ther, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates. tij.. Sick or deceased persons taken at their residence. ap2o.lydaw—ia SLEIGH BELLS, SLEIGH BELLS We are closing out our stock at cost, 1U CK II F, A o TFLOU R.-20 sacks Buck wheat Flour , o _. k justreceived and for tale by McCANDLESS, MEANS & CO., te2 Corner Wood and Water Ntreete. FLOUR. -60 hbls. choice extra superfine Flour, just received and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, t 20 Corner Market and First streets. PICKLES. -6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re cuived and for sale by JAMES A. FETZEb, le2o Cot nor Market and First streets. - I_IIOGS.--5 Dressed Hogs to arrive by Rail road, and for sale by HENRY IL COLLINS. H. :MOLASSES.-7 0 bbls. St. James 00p 8. 11. Molasses, in store and for sale C by MILLER & ItIKETSON, !!' Nos 221 and 223 Liberty street. RAPPING PAPER.-10,000 bundles Crown, Medium, Double Crown and Double Me diem, rag and straw Wrapping; Just received and for sale by JOHN M. PNRKINS & CO., fel 22 Wholesale Paper Warehouse, 128 Wood et. MANILLA PAPERS.—We are taking into store five tons of Manilla Papers, of Lantern manufacture, of every size and thickness, which we will sell JOHN M. PERKINS tic CO, Wholesale Paper Warehouse, 128 Wood at 110 t LACKBOARD CRAYON.-500 gross just received from the manufacturers, which we will sell to the trade at eastern prices. JOHN M. PERKINS t CO., Wholesale Paper Warehouse, 128 Wood et. ALARGE assortment of Men's Buffalo and Attic Overshoes. Also, Ladies' Buffalo and Ar tie Overshoes, and Gums of every size and sty le just closing out at gr atly reduced prices for cash, at JOSEPH H. BORLAND'S, fe2o No OS Market, second door from Fifth street. QLEIGIIING, SLEIGIIING.-If you want aj to enjoy a good sleigh rids, the first thing ie to have your feet warm, and the next to keep them warm, and the way to do that is to get a pair of iinffalo or Artic Overshoes at the Cheap Cash Store of JOS. H. BORLAND tear No. 98 Market, second door from Fifth sire.t. Q.ANFORD'S INVIGORATOR.-3 gross on kJ hand and for Bala by B. L. FAIINESTOCK & C t., fel3 Corner of Fonrth and Wood atreetA. HE_ BEST_ . CORSETS.-_ orOne Dollar Twent y-)1,0 liento. lb JO& 110104 77 Market street. Moone., Mater W A LL'S, F urth street E. S. WYKES, Artist SLEIGH BELL. 4, SOWN & TETLEY. NO. 136 WOOD STREET AAi i SEMENTS PITTSBURGH THEATRE. MISS KIMBERLY LLB= A.ND MANAGZRZ2 1..0 OANLEY .......... ..... MANAGER PRICT.E. OF ADMI-9.11021: 60c. Private Box, large Ss 00 Secm .25c. Private Box, small 600 Third 11 16c. Colored Box 26e. Single rr.i,le vrivate Box, . I Colored Gallery 15c. Doors .•n at ti% • 'clock. Performanc , to commence at 7 Box oflce, for sale of Ticket., opm from 10 to 8 o'clock. mmense Fn was of the great American Comedy of zqi-S E L F. 14 Oa Tnenlay evening received with every demonstration of delight, from a crowded and fashionable audience. It will be repeated this evening with Mr. JOHN E. OWENS, in his artistic, and unapproachable rendition of John Unit, in which be is acknowledged by the press of the United States to be without a rival. THURSDAY EVENING, Feb 25th, the performance will c.mmence with Mrs. Bateman'e American Comedy entitled BEL F . Mr John Unit Mrs. Mc Kimberly. I Mr Apex leavoritt , Dance by To conclude with tLe laughable Farce, in 1 ant, entitled A CONJUGAL LESSON. Mr. i , inion Lullaby Mr John Owens Mrs. Letitia Lullaby Mrs. Vau Deering. Iu rehearsal, 11,rri , uutrit lireat roma, eutitled VII)LET: OR, LIVE OF AN ACTRESS The Beautiful Collection of Paintings, IL NCLUDINCI TILE EASTERN SLAVE MARKET, CI,EOPATRA, DEATH OF L.EANDER, and the fatuous CIRCASSIAN MODEL OF BEAUTY, Aro now on Fro° Exhibition at the TONTI NE HOUSE, No e 3 Third Htreet. Call and Coe them. JOHN W. M'CARTHY, BILIFIA POSTER! UTILL ATTEND 'lO THE POSTING and DISTIIII3UTI N • of all kinds of LULLS MOlt irfONCkaM; t.ECTUIRE, Ail - communications either by mail, telegraph, or other wh,--tlirected le the ell!, et the Murning Post, will receivt prompt attention ap7 B U h CA fil_)it-t: °HAS I+l;slPM:tin, U. J. nuMIA.N, JOHN WHIOHT Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright, ,t ACTORS, PRODUCE: GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, :,,KTII W ARV AND is;, NORM WATER tiT Alwve Vint , Strret, REF }a it T t) Conrad, Th•mipsou At Co, Philadelphia. Thompson, Clark k Young, Biter, Price & Co., Caleb lope g Co., it iturcruft Beaver 43 Co , Canby, :Neville a Hughes, v... Jl. Lewis, Cashier F. and M. Bank, .10d. U. Mitchell, Cashier Mereb's Bank. " Morris L. Hallowell C 0.,& McCutchuou At Collins, RAW M. Iteunedy & Co., It itaiguei Pickett, Mathews & Co., Maysville, Ky. i-brewebury & Price, Madison, I.nd W. O. Langley Sr. SULVI, liallipolis, Ohio. Law repro Sr. Mathias, Louisville, Ohio. A I) Bullock a Co., Cincinnati, 041 W. Oulines Cu, Pittsburgh, Pa. iloagrave & Co., uuviB:lva TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER PIPES, From two to six inch calibre. PRICEIi from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot A LSO—ROOLIESTER STARCH For Sale Wholesale at Manufaeturere Prices by HENRI , ILL COLLINS, FORWARDINU AND COMNIISSIOId MERCHANT AND WHOIJCSALG [MADAM IN CIWACSE, BUTTER, SEEDS:, FISH, AND !'RODUCE UENERALLY WOOD STREEIT, PITTSBUWUU. joi .ti. F. !et:LIAM' I=l WY04 . 00, MO4llittilEAD & CO., MANI , VA.CTURERB O American Galvanized, Best Refined M=El COQ' 11HoN SHEET IRON, Aud Sok Agent this sale of W. IJEWIE2 WOoDY ELEBRATE I) I'AT'T NITA fION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. —ALtIO— d?.LVANIZFu CURRIIU Ana) IRON, fur Roofing; SE`ln ES, NAILS, nud 11UUP IRON. Arebouse, Nu. 134 First mt., Pittsburgh. .7,1-ALL Oltl Pnts FOR GALVANIZING will be promptly att naoa to at tI o Works. au2i Burton & Perkins, AUCTION AND COMML3SION MERCHANTS, Nu. 60 )URTEI aTKEET, _ ~4,0 U ISVILLE, KY., k. 4 .IOLICIT C _uusigii meut, of any and every U ,It,cripli,n of .I.lurchuntltnu. Any goals sour to 11,3 for ,o,:e will be attoudod to witliou. delay, kald remittances Inn tra,..ll6Cely 'nude. Tuaratful for past favors we solicit a con till,4llo9 no.t2m CHARLES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Lx-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE A• D rll Tll STREETS. buminieei connected with [hie oifice.will be att• nded to .tri promptniar Conveyances of ell hinds done with legal eceuracy--sucti as Leeds, Mortgagee, Bonds, Powers of !A -t, uey, ic. Titles to Heal Emilie examined. Tu the members of the Bar ho tenuors his services as Com mis .loser to take Depositiouli to be read iu the several Courts this :qat.•, an 1 els2where. His office is one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in es,,uting liniilloB,lof that kind are very desirable. ifelOtly W. W. WALLACE'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS. MARBLE MANTELS!, A Large and Beautiful Stock always on Hand And Made to Order. O\V NEII.B OF PROPERTY, CONTRAC- Tolui AND UT 1.1E,5, are invited to call and exam. me our stuck of MARBLES, as we are persuaded that but r,.w persons in the community are aware of the low prices t which we are selling MA , TELS. A good, plain, Marble Mantel costs but little, if any, more than a good Wood Man• nd, whilst it le always neat, is as ornament to a room, and (wit iSe a Wood Mantel) is not liable to take lire. MONUMENTS, TABLET'S AND GRAVE STONES al ways 00 hand WASILITANDS AND FURNITURE TOPS, AND PONES`A in: de to order by tuachiuory. Marble of all Muds sold low to the trade. 4tir stock is the largest iu the West, la manufactured by mu, binary and will be sold at the lowest prices. W. W. WALLACE, Nun. 319, 321 and 323 Liberty street, Pittabtirgh. Plaster, Cement and Grindstones. pASTER PARIS, for Stucco Work, etc. CEII EN r thsturus, Fin., Walls, etc. GRIN b'r 'N ES, all sizes uud Ls at quality, fur Farman] and Me, ch.t•oci, at 319 Lit,urty struot, Patsburgh, Pn. P.12:11u W. W. WALLACE. ALCOIIOL.-100 bbls. 76 and 96 per cent. f or 2aiu by B. A. FALINESTOCK A CO., 4...0 Corner of First and Wood streets. • $ 75 , , WILL buy a new.framtDwelling V liousu of four rooms and Kitchen. Paling in ir,rit, Bane Oven, etc. The lot has a front of 20 feet on Monterey street, Alluginiuy, by 110 feet deep to au alley. T. nale of payment vary easy. The house is new and in good or .rr. For ealo by S. CUTHBERT & SON, i ,14 61 Market street. _ REll, \Y AND BLUE.-500 boxes roilet Variegated soap, assorted colors, in lb., ao.i lb. cakes, on hand and for sale by I- II d o. h J H. PAWN'RR [JACKED BUTTER.-600 lbs. solid pack _a_ ed Butter, received uud for Bale by 1.,27 JAS. A. FETZEJA, 89 Wood greet. REMOVAL. JAMES A. FETZER Forwarding and Commission Merchant FL(UR, GRAIN, AND ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE line removed from 89 Water street, to the Corner of Market and First streets, lelo QUPERB. CARB. SODA.-200 kegs New Castle, fur sale uy B. A. FAHNEF" )CH t CO. IF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, CALL AT CHESTER'S. A l•rilliant assortment of SEASONABLE PIECE GOODS CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, Corner of Wood street and Diamond alley. We Study to Please. Js o on hi Id at I\ lAA RUBBER BELTING.—A large stock, all sizes, 2, 3 and 4 ply thick, at tho India R - her Depot, 2d and 2.8 St. Clair street. Ja3o EAR CORN-130 auks Ear Corn, justre ceived, and for oa!o by JAS. A. PETZER, ja•l3 89 Water street,. MUST REDUCE THE STOCK.—In order to reduce our stock helore the opening of the Spring Tr a d.., we will continue to 8011 at the EXTREMELY LOW PRICE,'. our Goo are now marked at. .L-2o tioRNE. 77 Morkot atry.t. DO rATOES.-392 sackß Neshannock Po tetoett, arriving on the steamer R. F. and for Bait) JAB. A. FETZER, Corner Market and First streets. CIORN .-64 sacks ear Corn for sale by dol9 k 3 A FETZER, Rfl Water et< . t t WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS—GIazed and Unglazed, Green and new patterns of figured cut tains at wholesale and retail, for sale by W. P. MARSHALL & CO., felt 2 87 Wood Street. Mr. John E. Owens .8. 0. Dubois. Alien Turnbull OHO. SOHN giCK, Proprietor PHILADELPHIA MEM POP. THE BALE OP PITTSIIVEGII. PI J.* H. PHILLIPS MEDICAL. OMEIT ONE BOTTLE -01- DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, is REQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE troubled with Liver Complaints, unless the most des. perste of cases, when the second bottle will, with scarce a single Callon; restore the patient to health and vigor. We wish to call the attention of all to these facts,— that the In vigorator is compounded by a phtsdcian who has used it in his practice for the past twenty years with a 8110013611 almost credulous, and that it is entirely vegetable, being *lmposed wholly of gums. Some idea of the strength of these gums may be formed when it is known one bottle of the Invigorator contains as much strength as one hundred doses of Calomel without any of its deleterious effects. We know there is nothing now before the American pub lic, prepared with such skill by a scientific man, particularly for diseasea of the Liver, as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attaiiied a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply because it rest on its own merit. To convince all by trial that it is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from Math diseases as are described in Dr. Sanford's advertisement, we know of know remedy that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take one or two teaspoonfuls at each attack and it will soon disappear. For an overloaded stomach, or when food rises or sows, take the Invigorator after eating, and it will not prove di agreeable or oppressive. For Heartburn, Palpitation or cult Breathing, take a tea- poonfu I once or twice daily. For Loss of Appetite, Languor or Lstiessnese, the medicine is invalu able. It will restore the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all be fairies. After eating a hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all oppression or fullness. 'I n 9 Invigorator is a Liver Reme dy of unequaled virtue, acting directly on that organ, cur ing Dyspepsia, Jams - lice ' Billions Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and all Female Obstructions, for which it has no equal. We know there is nothing now before the American pub lic prepared with such skill by a scientido man, particular ly for diseases of the Liver, as I r. B.nford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the word, simply because it resits on Its own merit. To convince all by trial that it Is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from Bucb disessee as are described in Dr. tianford'e advertisement, we know of no remedy that will so surely cure them as the I n vigorutor. There has lately beau brought to our notice a medicine that scums to possess wonderful, curative and healing pro. portico In diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Digestive Or gans. It came to us with eo many testimonials in Its favor that we have noted its effects in 801111 i of the worst cases of continual dibility, caused by 41eranged liver, and in every Instance the effect was to relieve or give a permanent cure, Dr. fianfurd's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy Is what we re fer to. We always have b,en credulous about cures by pat ent medicines, but we are convinced that this medicine, for family use, iirnot overrated by the host of recommendatleT., it has. Our advice is, for all troubled with Indigestion, bility or Bowel Complaint, to gut a bottle and try it; our word for It, relief will be experienced. 131.12161NGS TO TUE INVALIDS Iho 1140 Dr. Sanford's Invigor• star, for it will relieve theta of their pains as soon as ft 121 taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist where the Inv rotor iy used, for it will as surely drive them away, SO daylight will banish darkness, of this tilers can b na doubt to th , se who try it, for it carries conviction with every dose taken. Another evidence is the thousands of certificates from those who use it or have been cured by it, Try one bottle, ii it duos not benefit, then we are mistaken. PHIOR OSA DOLLAR PJR BOTTII BANFOILD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New York For sale by G. KEYSER, 140 Wood street, Pittsburghl jal:3mdawt2p THE GREATEST Cam' C DISCO' OF THE AGES MR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has disoov• °red luone of our common palture we..de a remedy Every kind of Humor, FROM TUE WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A COMMON PIMPLE. He bail tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two caeca, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his possession over one hundred certificates of Its value, all within twenty miles of Beaton. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore month. One to three bottles will cure thu worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two or three bottles will clear the system of biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker In the mouth or stomach. - - Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst kind of Erysipelas. One to two bottles tire warranted to cure all humor In the oyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure wrrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure acaly eruption of the sklu. Two or three bottles aro wa. ranted to cure the worst kind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cato the moat des berate case of rlie=fittstri. Three to four taatica are \van anted to cure Halt-RhUUM. Five t eight bottles will cllie the worst case of !scrofula. A beuefit ie always experienced from the 'drat bottle, and a perfect cure In warranted when the above quantity is taken. ROXBURY, MASS uses MADAM,—TIie reputation of the Medical Discovery„ in curing all kind of humors. in so well established by the anatiimons voice of all who nave ever used it, that 1 need nut say anything on the subject, us the most skilful phyel• clans and the most careful Druggists in the country are au u illlOll9 in its praise. ' in presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, 1 do it with a hill knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are an fortunately so liable. That must excruciating disease to an affectionate mother, _ NURSING SORE MOUTH, Is curod as if by a miracle; your own temper is restored to its natural sweeitnesw, and your babe from short and fretful nape to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical Discove ry becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and household. In dm morn advanced atagea of CANKER It a. t, win to tho itoutach, causing DYSPEPSIA, bleb to uutbing but et rther of atu vu II; than to the utestiuta and EIDNEYB, creating a sinking, gonu fueling, and an indliforonee avail to th.. cares of your family. Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distress-Et you, and you can only take certain Linda, and even of that your eyetein does not get half the nourishment it contains as the ecrimonons duld of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses Its bloom and be cINA miaow or greenish, and your best day is gone. FCrl want of nourishment your syatem becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Thou follow a train of diseintos which the Medical Discovery la peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the ehle, weakness of tha epine and email of the back, pain of the hip joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that moat excru ciating of dleeaaoa, the PILES. How many thousands of poor wouem ate sotlering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and thoir next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to Impress (1.-Jour mind that good old pro:orb, " Au ounce of preven tion to hotter than a pound of cure.' In tho MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the iii l e'ventative and the cure, with thin gieat and good quality, that it will never, ander any circumstances, do you any injury. Na change of diet over nec.o,,, , ,ary--....at the beat you can got and enough of it. DIIIIICTIONS von use—Adults one table spoonful per daf Children over ten years dessert speouful--(thildren from live to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appli• cable ; to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours trDulONy, ALD ILKNNKDY. Price $l,OO per bath,. Bur ludo by Dr. Oklo. es :dew No 140 Wood stre.a. Pittsburgh, Pa. A RETIRED PIIVSICIAN WI 75 YEARS OF AGE, whose sands of lira have nearly run Out, discovered, while In the East In dies, a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility The remedy wan discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. Ile had heard much of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of preparations made from the East India Hemp, and the thought occurred to him that lie might make a remedy for his child. He studied bard sed succeeded in realizing his wishes. His child was cured. and is now alive and well. Ile has since administered the wonderful remedy to thousands of sufferers in all parts of the world, and he has never failed in making them com pletely healthy and happy. Wishing to do as much good as possible, he will send to such of his afflicted fellow-belnga as request it, this t ipe, with full and explicit direction for making it up, anu successfully using it. He requires tack applicant to inclose him one shilling—three cents to be re turned as postage on the recipe, and the remainder to be applied to the payment of this advertisement. Address, DR. 11. JAMES, ,„. No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City,.N. J. Claims—nave no sou-in-law authorised to send my rec.pe, as has been advertlsed_. _ f fe2:klui—ls , B ow i A N ' VEULTiBLE COMPOUND Will cure Coughs, Quinsy, Croup, Hoarseness, Bleeding of the Lungs, Consumption. For sale by And frdO:d4w DISPEPSIA AND FITS. DR. TRACY DELORME, the great curer of CONSUMPTION, was for several years so badly shitted by Dyspepsia that for a part ,f the time he was confined to his bed. Ho was eventually cured by a pre• Fcription furnished by a young clairvoyant girl. This pre. cription, given by a mere child while in a state of trai , ce, has cured everybody who has taken it, never having failed once. It ie equally as sure iu cases of FITS al of Drartrids. The ingredients may be found in any drug store. I Rill rend this valuable pre,cription to any person on the receipt of one stamp to pay postage. Address DIL. TIIACY 1313.1. AT CURES OF CONSUMPTION. New York Post Pffice. fe23:lm-43 M A,RBLE! MARBLE!! JONA alledIRGO HAS A ISEAUTIFUL SELECTION OY MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, &c., &c. The public are respectfully lniritoci to examine our Mock, Prices low, and work warranted. Walls N 0 956 L 1131111.11 MEM. },ronchltts, Asthma, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Influenza, GEO. U. KEYSER, Pittsburgh, J. P. FLEMI2,IO Allealpsnr fifty