VOLUME XVI. F:iII'SBURCA 119 7 ANDII; POST. .;!r . cri.qzsol!.f. Im•ry - anrryin7 l Stc.day: rxr.ept , d J S P. 13 A btii, TElLNlti..—Ficti Dollar., invitrintily nig:lire.] if ilia within the piar :al" — Single Two he Orlce inol hp tho Ito; RATES 01 , A 1) V E T 1 Tint a tve-1 - a week. Ono ....... • 50 Two iuttertioue 75 Three insertionfi 1 00 One w,e,k. 1 70 Two q 000 3 00 Throo weeks 4 GO One mouth 5 00 Two mouths 101. Threo mouth A 00, Four M0uth5...........10 00' Five ....... 11 00 months 1Z 01• I, 1a..) m 00511.3 16 00 Ouo yo.a. 20 0:1 Sumliny, 01. rd, six lima or Iv CaANUZ2.LLS 0110 grzare, per eXC c~•aCy.D Marritigo PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A M WEEZILIf. ONLY ONE DOLLLI IN CLUBS OF TEN. Single Subscriptions', - - ti 2 per annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF TILE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Ow:inner clal, LOcal, Telegraphic and liliecellaneoui.. This Paper being of the L.II6EST SIZE, and neatly print, on fine white paper, in large, Oval type, will be found by the subscriber to gi+e better sati4 , ,tion than any paper imulislied in , Pittsburgh. Zitose who wish to take a paper from Pitteburnh, will find tho SATURDAY POl:tT n cafe and profitable investment. Address, JAMES P. BARR, sep . l7 Editor and Proprietor. I BUSINESS CARDS. r. tam. lIS 11 Ea 11 ttz TIT FE las , BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST BUILDINGS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBUILGIL THE undersigned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AN 1, LIANDSWIEST STYLES OF TYPE, and improved :Auctouery, to the MORNING POST Jolt OFFICE, incite the iteution of Rail Road Officers Merchants, buciocee , U .r - L , and the public generally, to their superior faLilitien fur executing with dispatch, on reasonable terms, all kinds of RAIL EIOAD, 31EIICATITTILE, LEGAL, AND EVERY OTHER DESCRIMoti OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING material tieing nearly all lleW, we LI give easu rallee at the uwnt CUllipleie so iziactiou, and solicit oriel BOORS, PAMPIILETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS:AND CARDS, BANK CRECK!z, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, BILL IIEADS, BILLS LADIINII, CIRCULAR: 7, , BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER 130,:1i5, DEEDS, MURTGAiI F: S, 13 , ONIH, 44"..'PiirtiCtilla Attu ut i , / I Wil I 31.) 'c p ai d print i:.4 of p o ,t v ", p ro gramoo,, &c. Cir./ LEM F ' C ;2; . I , '.:RWARDI&G AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, D A.LERS PRODUCE, FLOUR No. 111- :STILasT. 1'11(16r, St.i.oni3; Pitt3hur:r.ll; Garrut s Martin, K. 11. Phlluel., Mciiitudlets, `Dane is Co., " U. Chi P.agaley, Cu4.k.;rAs ., - " uilrooro a:. Cu., 6C A. A. 31.1inou " fSdw,ird T. Mott, G. W. Smith, VV heeling; 6.J. Whe.f.ler, Banker, Cinclunati The People''; Shae Store. D. S. DIEI4 I FEI.NIBA. , AI.ER &CO., Cheap Cash boaters in all kiuiiv of Fashionable BOOTN, SI1011;S AND GAITERS, , For Gentlemen, Lath Children, No. 11 Fifth Street, near Market, ocS PITTSBURGH, PA S=l El= PERRIN & JOHNSON, Pr.pnetursul Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof yCerrie.n.t. Rooting. 133 .`:3IILEET. (ORDERS for ROOFIN Ur promptly and faith lly exec' •,el, ond ill , Jur work a I,rrant,i. Rooting rnatuial alweye uu baud, itoi for p:110, with di r-ctione tor one. ao12:ly DA WES & (.;1.4 ULEY, Hoare, Sign and Orr:arn¢rical Paanlerti AND GRAINERS, 144 WOOD STREET. Dealers in White Lead and Zinc Paints. Also,Putty, Misoil Puinte, 'Window Class, mat every a: title the ado m l yid JAMES MILLING 31.01`;ONGA1iELA tfi PLiNINU ill L. ro T ectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt since the lire, and havin g enlarged his t-imbliehtnent, and ailed it with the id,wioit and most ay pr,,viiilduachiuery, is nine prepared to I ' lllllmb IL,vri mh and Nitealitt aid rosawin g , doors, sash and Udin druid, box. makin g , ac. uuth Pittsburgh, Se o timil,r 7, 1657. Iselo GEORGE BLETCHER, MANUFACTUI: 02 SLIZ OELZIIIiATED GOSSAMER VENTILATING WIG, ELASTIC BAHD TOUPEE'S, Andlevery ciederiptiou of Ia:NAMENTAL FLAIR fur Laclie and Gentivmen. 106. 76 Fouli:ru ntruct, lu•tv.E.,n Wood awl Market, Pitt? burgh, PA. oc7:ly Jcseph iticpazitory. wulfE, now cr.rryiug pj CIC . 4t3 in bib SpaCiolin p;cminen,ihow iateiy etilargi.e.l,) on the Patel , urg h and citetroibilrs.; Turnpike, near the Two !file Run, betweuia Niteiburgh sod invites the public tutnnpc.ethin ntindt. LES, sc. And he ptrticuliixly for pureiiitztrn, that one pricc only in time,. iteurteeti )oart - ,' •.. . y. - .1. lit CIL , buniLleL.i onab!ua blur :• place before bi± petcoan ;le . ,tllllt2 Cilt.iCo collutAiun ut Ruin) yrio,-, past it ban been hie particuliii d.3prArtniout w tire variotni and most talenteo Enatero 111:1,11!, , o rt r,. t.0,1:00 ul illd Row nystem is Rumplett—th.• nupply do bog and m0.11,,t,,,,,t , k• 11:43tiOrlite , priCen thiellClllllLerol by 44 .1, , e•Lit-41,jai Chu mince lur docurutiwz ll+m heaped upon the price of. (ONM.; u, urge roL,t,„I , I; 4 EPH WHITE. will aell on ready money only, at ninth leas than the EI:i1141 ct„Carriageii repaired in the bent with : , ' , 0.41.ate.. mayl'idtw Q.T. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.-- The undersigned his bought the lease of the above 11111111 . 11 5t411.403, to- _.,..:1 ' : 4, r.k. "igether with ti portion of the exteu- ' , ; 4 .1 , - - ~,,,---" 7.,- A ..l Hive stock el Horses aril Carriages, ' , lr' W. - late the property of James Mathews, deceased. lu addition to the stock before-mentioned, ho has also added a LIII tuber of FINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables io Tuird, below Wood street. As he gives his personal site, 800 to the business, a continuance of the patronage which ho has hitherto received iron public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. B.—A HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES can always be procured for Funerals. dal) - COE , SALE—A Drug Store, located in one ..L' of the best situations iu the city of Pittsburgh, for either a jabbing, retail or proscription busines4. Purchas ers will find an advilut4e of rare occurr:LlCO. For informa tion inquire o fJOHN HAFT, J R., .. -- : Sixth and Wood streets, Sitniturzh. DRESSED llou 6,____ For ale 1.. i. No. 166, FLANNELS—Ited, White, Gray, 'reen, Yellow, etc. Ch, alter anal tlw cueupebt. C RANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, No. 1l ttiva vittAnt . FLOUNC - il;6 AND NEEDLE W,MK COLLARI4.—A large. tmont, and very cheap. C. HANSON LOVE, 021 rr-• Pre-, v. 're V, .._.. - , wE are now opening our seam( , an. y ttr the theapeat stock of Fall and Wiuter t;rvss (loads, fihavids, ac., that has ever Isl' otteroid in t city C. itANO: his N LiiVP., Formerly Love Ilrothvri 74 Market at. UFFALO SHOES.—A splendid article ur Gentle and L olios Buffalo Ovor Slum. Also, (1,-nts' Calf 'lvor Sho , r, ttt the People's Shoo Store, No. 17 Filth tan-at, uenr MArln't. uov2l DlFFEraftf:llElt & CO. CI i 1 31NE YTO PS.---200 Gothic Chimney Tops, tor rats by fikiNßY f7.OOWJXB. t Cho tn in, Will pap 7' i 00 1 '25 1 50 3 0) S 3.,' 1 50 2 00 210 3 50 4 50 5 00 5 DO 1 000 8 00 10 00 r. ut.r.u•• '1 0') 1 5 2 50 3 00 4 50 6 50 e 50 0 00 12 00 1000 J JJ (Jo 6 00 6 61) 7 3, 8 00 10 30, 13 :3 per the paper,) Lctioc2, 2,5 centh EM!IE=I BARR k AND WOOL. Kent, S3l, Co Sterling Co., 1-IKNTIV CALLINA _ - . 4 -:. .r. -, • %:; '-• . ';;. , :.,. . .-- -- ---..:t i;:t .:+: ' • , t. 1 - : •,,, 1 i ,_ ii .-: • Ai' , . _ ;1 , '4.: . 11 0 t . • d . . . 'lnt ...... PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD Ai! ,D FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM HOTELS & RESTAURANTS, JONES 11l )T>E. WELLS COVERLI, Pitopalla, Corner of Markct Street and Market Syria re, HARRISBURG, PA. THIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, ree , ❑ ly me rod by the !lessrs JON LS iu Harrisburg, Pa., having been les,ed for a term of years by the under signed, he takes this method of calling the attention of his former patious, friends, and the traveling community, there: Having a fro; of one hundred awl furl yfive feet on the p,,hcpul etreet If the city, and fifty-two feet front on Mar /.e: ;41,,are, it eau not toll to prove attractive as well as in citing to Strangers. The CIIA3IBERS lire of luo size, well ventillited, and 14:littql with gas—it number with GOilneztiug doers—nrakiut; them very tit:sit - Ishii, for faimilios, The HALLS aro warmed throughout by heaters, and every modern improvement, in faet, has been added, that. may euuduce to the safety, comfort and happiness of the guests. Visitors may, therefore, rest assured that the "JONES 11 , JUsE" hew be., made perfect in all its appointments-- that each department has been placed in charge of EXP.. ELLENCED AND COMPETENT PERBONB--tilg, itt every particular thi system which has been adophsi by the Proprietor, will afford to those who may make it their home, as great a de gree of comfort as may be obtained at any similar establish ment in the State. To secure thin desirable result, ho has furnished the Public au.l Privaie Pio - tors, Chatibers, Dining Hewn, with mi tirdy NEIN FURNITURE; and also arranged within the building, a tine 8.A1111511. SALOON, olis ICO SAL , :ON, nokINl, llor AND ( OLD BATLID, The CULINARY DEYA_RTILENT AND will receive the especial attention of the Proprietor, which, lie ti est., will lie a Blitlielait gutipitl tee that all tastes will be suited. After returning his heartfelt thantts to his old friends and patrout, for the generous patronage so lung extended to hint at the MtLi: ilifthiii," uud alsu to his friends find patrons ut the ilidffiE,' Cape Island, during the season 01 155.5, ho respectfully solicits a continuance of it ut the "JUN 1101J84.1." .tact, GALT i4OUSE, LOUISVILLE. 4.43- Tho undersigned has again taken charge , f the GAUL' 1101 J SE. Board reduce! to V 2 00 per day. fe2.o:2w A. 'l' 'MOCK. 31 DEMON. HOUSE, COR. PENNA A VENUE 4- THIRD ST., SHIPiGTON, D. C A. F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Irwin Street and Duquesne Wall, PITTSBUItt.4I.I, PA. B. 1). M (eurnierly of the "alurl er Howie," Btuireville , Pu.) Li E SCOTT iIUUSE IS NOW co PLETt.II AND I...ll'kiN Fort eaLatitlfd 111 a central part of the city, being convenient to all Itinirld uopota and zteamboat Landinge. 'run lieuen was built iu lend, with all modern improsie wenn, null fitted up iu kylemini style—the entire Furniture Itutug new—and will in every respect be a drat class Lionel. Flue e i'ditLES urn attached to the premines. H. W. KANAGA. U. El T IA Upposiate the Penou. Itealroa.ct Depot, 11.Ali.H.LjBLRO, PA. (felt, S G FoRMERLY U.S. ROTEL, uieG 11, PA. BHA - 1111011, Preprietor. f PLIAS 1 lOU SE IS LOCA'I'EII ON TILE 11,111 P and Strueni, between i A., DEPOTb, arid us i.O t r••.IC II thin ul4';11 nupreivetuenr, remodeled and taut.:...111 now furniture, and is now its must CJIIV, 11,111 _iota to Pittabuigh, ttir Travelers by Itailroad, East tli' WO4l. raytnly IiCESTAURANT. EY LLI YOUNU, Firril 6TREET. The .ttnutiuu of 2eLerchant,,,,-. and othera io directed to this euttu.reauleat, wnich has bee u reeetizly fitted .Pd, up ter the purple, ui aitordiug a 811LiSIA.C.- 1 LeL EAliNea UUUuI IN A eLit.rii.A.L. LOOATION ..,•.aultry tulka attamaing mai keg are particularly invited to E‘e!ytning portainiug to an EATINU SALOON will tuv,3,11,c luaus, of the iresaelt the market atlordc. aplAr yilhx 'Excelsior itestatirant, IVo,. 111 WOO.O Street, PITI'BIIIIIIG 11, PA., I,I 7 II.OLESALE AND P.ETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND FISLI. P ilathelphia ds, Baltimore, Oysteris, Auk: WILL tiAAIE, all ru their proper eoaeon. S. BLUM:LUCE, j Agent for the Philadolphai Oywter and Flab 03. 1 , 141 ANSION 110 USE, UEORU AIIRENTZ ' jut 1..0. 344. Liberty ntruet, just buaide the ranee ..,er Ve l Jet 01 the Pea onylvauia li.uitruad, which make, It 100 wont culivetueut huuee la the city tar pasaungerd arn• that roau. The prtiprietiir Lailag, lit couaiderablu expeuee, fitted up, lc erceilent style, the MANUlthti HUUS is , would respect lull} vohcit thorn 01 public patronage. :Ebert, IS attached bZ.AI.I.LE and extensive 11 , Aiiinsi. YAItD, afford acctiannudntiou to travelers and teauisters. Ilie .girder and Bin - will be lurnished with the beat the market IIEM! CLAIR lIOTEI, corner Penn and • St. kjl Clair streets, i4ttsburgh, ea.—The undersigned, termer " Brown's tieivi," ativing taken this large and comruo unsis fiOTEL, and having, refitted it in magnificent s tyle, recpecttully Invite his friends and the traveling public aim a call. Assured, with the convenience of tin and his long ezperieuce in trie birsiness, n give ct lire oatiarr.ctio,,, dad his charges moderato, WM. C. CONNI , Ira y. itainerai mates Depot. J. O. BUFFUA 11. z. BUFtIU It. _II B UFF UM & 00., Manufacturers of Ey. . 63reaparilla, Mineral Pop, Bottled Ale ant Porter; ulco , Bottlers of Wan/ celZrated Wlntcrtw Ale. .Warcliouee, PJo. 36 Market dtreet, Prrrsantou, FA ,rd, re filled cod alLipp.d to all parts oh Ono country uoiace. aid 6: Iyclhvi, WEET bblB. Sweet Cider, for bale by JAMES A. I.'ETZEIs., d.•:! 89 Water atreet. rf_IIIRISTMAS and NEW YEATI'S GIFTS every de6criptiou iu tht, Fancy Dry Goode Due.— call and eon them. C. 1.14-Nuthti LOVE, (1.2.5 F .riuurly LOVE BItOTHERS, 74 Market St. NIUCILAUE—For office use, in convenient form, fur els], by Wai. Li. JOHNSTON Ac CO., no) fa Wood etroa. aOM FOLIOS AND DESK PADS for sale by WM. U. JoliN iTUN .k.• CO, ot b 7 Wood btroot a 11 barre B:llnerican and French, kJ for alkIN by U. A. t AtINESTOOK 00. F INE SILK SPONGE. loathed Cupping Sponge, Suit Bathing sponge. Gotal Carriage Sponge C.) At JOSE 911 F LEMI WS, uovl4 - Corner Market street and Diamond. GUAI DAUPS.-300 lbs. just received and fur sale : y B. L. FAIINESTOCK. & CO., nov39 Center Wood and Fourth streets. - -- TII.ERMOMETERS — For sale by W. G. JOUNBTO:sI & CO., novl7 Stationers. b 7 Wood street. _ U'RESII LOBS : IERS.-10 dozen in cans, for sale by REYMER & ANDERSON,: uov24 No. 39 Wood street.' A LUM. -,50 barrels for sale by , 13. A. FALINESTOCE & CO,;. novlB Corner Wood and First streets. FRINGES, for Dress Trimmings. 4, A handsome assortment at reduced rates, at ~ novll It' tit ES' . 77 Market street!: RYE FUJI; it.-20 Barrels Rye Flour, j 4 gt received, and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, 89 Water street]: dea OLIVE OIL, At JOSEPH FLILMING'Sj v2S Cow,, iitreet and the Diamond, G REAT skau-AN N UAL AND CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRY GOO/,q Fiuo Drees Goods, at very low prices; SUAWLS, In great variety, at very low Pricis; W•JOLEN GOOD 4, a large stock, at very low prices; DOMES 110 GOODS, au immense steak, at very low prices At the store of A. A. MASON it CO.'S, RO. 25 FIFTH STREE NEVI ARRIVAL— 1 20 boxes Oranges; 20 do fdessina Lemons; a 200 drums New figs, just received and for sale . by EEYMEI(. Sr. ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, jal9 Opposite St. Charles liote4. .C i ll TARCII.-300 Las. Rochester Pearl Stai:Ch A,..7 for sale by ( n. 191 HENRY IL COLLINiI. - ()AIL CLOTH. CRASII.—For Stairs, a v4ri IL" ety of stifion at fse24 f IPA NDI A BBE R LOTIIING—Of the b(st, ja and adv. c..co Al quality, fcr sale wholesale and retail by 0.4) 7 A TT r 1 777 7A17:1 WRAPPING PAPER 4OO reams Crown; aud Double Crown, Straw Wrapping Pa+ per, toll count, just recoived and for sale by d U JAS. A Ph"r 'Fa. till Water et mot. CI I)ER..___s'.bbl B . Sweet Cider, for sale by dea EMMY H. 001.1J118. D6DLL4II. 3AE INGS BANN, OPEN DAILY, fr,,rn 9 to 2 ; on Wednesdal roil Saturday eveninLs, from 51.4.3: I,t to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'cloca; and from lloveml...r Ist to slay let, front 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not lees than ON: DOLLAR, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year. in Juno and December. Interest was declared at the rate of six. per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855: aloe in June and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, Is placed to the. credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the saint intere , d from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book'. At this rate, money will double in less thou twelvy years, making in the aggregate EIGHT AND eta-HALL, PER CENT. A TEAR. • .. . Books containing the Charter, By-Lowe, and P..e•j:.. tattoos, furnished gratis, on application at the oilic•••.). Prestdent—GEOßGE ALBRN VlOl3 PILCSIDRNTS. Hopewell Hepburn, John 11. Shoeuktgor, James Shidlo, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D. Kelly, William S. Lavely, James Herdniati, Hill Burgwin, John S Cosgrav, , , TaUSTIMEI. WELLS COVERLY J... A riOLLECTIONS MADE and prompt, ; mitted. LANDS selected and locate :. CapiudiAs wishing to make investments in the West, can de su through this house. Correspondence solicited. (my '2l:tn MISTIN LOOMIS TLIOS. D. LOOMIS. A USTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notes,:Bonds, Mortgages, and all Securities for Money. Money Loaned on Checks at short dates, with collateral Peruons desiring Loans can be accommodated on reasons tie terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good securi ties at remunerative prices. Also, attend to the Sale, Renting cud Leasing of Real Office, No. 92 FOURTH street, above W .od 1,4 t... AUSTIN LOOMIF, Notary Publi— Tz HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex • change Brokers, and Dealers iu Mutes, Drafts, Accept ances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the ern and Western Cities constantly for sale... Collections made in all the cities throughout the linin; :Rates. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 517 Market street, between Third and Fourth ate. PR OPHIETRE S 8 PIZOPRIETOFf, LIOM.AS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and A. Dealer in Notes, Ronde, Stocks, Real Estate, ac., No. "b if.earth street, Pittsburgh, Pa JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCUANGE BItNERII, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. Stock bought and sold on CUlllalitldiOU. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposits. No. 67 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. jen REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CU'PIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 • Market street, for tun sale and purchase of Real nitate, renting houses, attuuding to imairance and repair,, lltttining loans on bonds, morigsges, &e,; making convey , . ..:mea, deeds, bonds, &c.; writing !otters and correspomling . , ` , Aid.' parties abroad, &c. "elk • Real Estate and basnrance Agent, CLEVELAND, 'OHIO. RtisraNcad.—Messrs. Ihinnu., C3itcret6,3/ & Co. , itob, P.irks, LEAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATEE. STRELT, CLEVELAND, 01110, llas for sale Lands in Illinois, Wiaconsin, Micinciota i 'ilictligan and-lowa. le will °rich:lnge Linde in Wit:lC.oll4in, for eittsburglii manufacturce, end also for city pri•pci ty. letters of inquiry answere'l gratin, by addressing nic 6'/0 , 715. an11:13, LIARMS in Exchange fur City Property. - AL A farm of 350 acres, on the Allegheny river, lit.fir hairmanizig, 130 acres cleared; dwelling house, earn and or caard ; coal, limestone 111111 iron ore. Also, a farm of 100 acres near the above. Also, a farm of b 3 acres on Pine creek, 4 miles from Kittanning; 30 acres cleared ; two ionises, and a saw mill in goucb running order ; a first rate location Mr business. 250 acres of land at mouth of lied Bank creek; 40 acres cleared and in good order. Price low and terms easy. Will be exchanged in whole or in part for city pro perty. S. CIUTKBEKT & nON, uovlo Lil Markel street. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling 'louse, of four rooms, with lot of ground 'a feet float on Monterey etrect. Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an alley. Terms, $4OO in hand, balance at one, two and three years, tl. CUTlll3lllltr ,t NUN, nov24 51 Market tweet. FOR RENT.—A large dwelling house, on it 08.5 street, at head of Filth, with immediate posse., 14100. Also. two small louses in Splane's Court, 6. CUTHBERT a SON, nov2l 51 Market street. 1 4 1 0B,;750 will be sold a new two story Frame HOUSE, with a good lot of ground, in Allegheny city. The lot is 20 feet front, ou Monterey street, by 110 feet to an alley. Terms easy. I.I I OUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lots of land, ten miles from M ,unds yule, Marshall county, Va., four miles from R. R. Station. Rich soil and good timber. Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, from 5 to 7 years, if desired. Also, 700 acres of good land, 3 miles from Cameron Sul ion, B. & Ohio R. R., for sale to suit purchasers, at from $7 to $lO I.er acre, and on easy terms, UR KEN r.—A dwelling house on Third street. Also, one on Roes street, with immediate pc,s- VOR SALE.—A Dwelling Douse with a good Store Room; situate un Robinson street near Fed ral, Allegheny city. Price low and terms easy. fall S. °WILBER.: dr. S iN, 61 Nlarket at. 'UDR SALE.—A comfortable dwelling house (frame) of hall and eight rooms, portico in front, with a lot of ground 78 feet front on South avenue, Allegheny, by 120 deep to Rebecca street, with fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, stable, Ac., Sic. Price 0,600. MERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTU RERS' BANK STOCK, or PAYER, will be taken at par, either in whole or in part pay for several very &aim ule locations for country residences, near the city. One lot of 12 acres. one of 14, of 10 and 3 acres. For particulars call at our office. S. CUTHBERT it SON, oct27 SI Market street. pf,ANNELS.- White, Yellow, Red and Plaid, of all gradeg, imd at .OWES PRICES than they can be g,d fur at any other es tablishment in the city. C. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers, oet2l No. 24 Market stre.t. ROUSES, LOTS AND EARMS.—We would invite the attention of 1 mewls who wish to purchas, A tialii4E, to the great variety of 110USOi. Farms and Build tug Lots we have for sale. We have now on hand Lots at $lOO, each, and at $2OO, $4OO, and upwards, and on Very asy terms. Some in payments averaging fourteen cents a day 1 Rouses and Lots, at from s7ou to $lO,OOO, in various locations Maud adjacent to the two cities. IMproved Farms at from $lO to $5O "A acre. Also, choice Farming Lauds at irons $2 to $5 "A uer°. Persons having property of any kind to dispose of, will find it to their interest to give us a call. We also, attend to the Routing of IlouseN, and Collection of 0114. • S. trUTILBRIST A SON, 1.15 t 5 PITTSBITRGH, 'n-lURSDAY. FEBRUARY 25. 1558. BANKS u .Trrel NtIDI/LB ROOM, NEW BUILDING William J. Anderson. James W. Hallman, John G. liackofen, Charles Keep, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter F. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D. Charles A. Colton, ! Henry L. Ringwalt, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George 8. Seldea, George F. Gillmure, Alexander Tiudle. James S. Boon, Meanld Umbstaet to, William 8. Raven, George 11. White, Secretary and Treasure - --CITAS. A. COLToN. BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS & CO., NOTES AND DRIFTS BnLIGHT AND SOLD BELDEN SEYMOUR, ViTESTERIq LANDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, B LACKBOARD CRAYONS—For sale by W. G. JOHNSTON it CO., lir , [l' Sentionara. 57 W 6.141 k.tr..t QUPPLY YOURSELVES Wi SHOES now, whilst you cau buy them at such low rates, at the PEOPLES SHOE STORE. We will continuo to sell at great ly reduced priced fur a short time longer. Small profit- and cash returns is our motto. All ki,.li9 .f Overshoe sold low fed ENBACILER .1: CO. QTEEL PENS. Gilloes; Pratt's ; Per o ry'd; Phineas'; Jenny Lind; Cooper; American Itttodes & Son's, and Haven's, just received by W. S. LEAVEN, oct3o Oorner larket and Second ats FOR RENT.- The large warehouse, now occupied by W. 11. Smith 8 Co., Neu 151 First and 122 Second streets. Enquire of 51cf)UP.DY Ja2s:tf Noe. 14g First and 120 Second strata. CLILORIDE OF LIML.-50 casks for sale bv I novifil R VAIINSFA'Tneff k O. SEASONABLE GOODS. Gentlemen's under garments; embracing Bilk, lambs' wool, heavy merino and,cotton under-shirts; drawers, of the best manufacture, and Bold at very rN duced rates. MORRISON'S CELEBRATED SIIIR.TS. A large lot of cravats, ties, pocket hdlfs., scarfs, &c., and all other articles in the ine of Furnishing Goods suitable for the season, at nov3 EDIRNE'S. 77 Market street. WARRAWA NTED TO &TELL TWENTY BUSHELS PEII HOUR IN THE HANDS OP ONE MAN—the Corn Sheller Now exhibitin g at No. 85 Filth street. Now, don't be excited if you have been humbugged, but give this machine a trial, and if it is an imposition, say so; but irthoronghly satiified that it is the best inventiee of the kind the' age has produced, then buy territory and make a fortune, and quit your croaking. Call and see. an2B!Stnw:tf OLL ROTTER.-3 bbls. fresh roll Butter At just received, and fo- by o b o JAB. a.. /NEM, 80 Water street. ►3OOKS AND STATIONERY. D ()BERT A. LOOMIS, (SucceilHor Co D. T . C M orga n.) $f AVON AND DEALER TN BOOKS, I'ERIODICA Ld AND EWBl' A PERS i Fifth iitrvi.t, 91 - 111 E undersigned hive f3nterod into Co- PArtuer3hip, und , r tikv.Ayle of Wm. C. Johriston & Co. SAMUEL R. JOLIN6TON, JS., WILLIAM C. J011:1STON. PitlAburgh, SeptPulLer 6,1867. U. a. JNINFITON, JR WM. C. JuilliSTOK C. JOHNSTON & CO., QTATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, kJ and JOII PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, s::IO B LANK BOOKS, Journals, Day Books, Ledgers, Cash Books, Invoice Books, C. eel: Books, Bill Books, Receipt Books. UM. G. JOHNSTON ik 57 Wood street. SUPERB GRAND PJSNO, Fltai.ll TUE FACTORY OF Steinway i 4, Sops, New !fork. KLEBE': a take pleasure in an• emoting in we pubic that they have just 114, 0 ,7,7„r : ',V ' reeLtved a splendid lull BRAND PIANO, 7 - . 7, ic nu the notory of Steinway & Sens, N ew ork, which tor exquisite t3WW.5411.1:16 Mid volume of ume, lightness mid e iItSL ICI Cy of touch, and a 'oust tasteful and isle g.,ut extent,' is considered the YLNe,ST URAND PIANO bruaght to this c.ty. The mechanism is a DOUBLE !LE:RAU:NO AuTioN, a pa euted invention of Steittway w Sous , which c.imbiries with the utmost promptness and tielicacy of touch a degree of durability but rarely attained. tt respmttuit) invite the putijui, our and all, whether put'- , , i0.11:1 - d or not, to call uut }willed instrument. U. & liEu., No. 63 Fifth street, Sole Agents for Steinway a Sous. N. 8.--A so, j not eceived a fresh lot of Nouns & Clark's ham. dolt 8. CUTHBERT Jr. SON, bl Market street. 8. CIITEWERT & SON EA Market street. 8. OUTLIBEILT et SON, 451 Market street 8. CUTHBERT Ar. SON, 61 Market street ci:o-Partiners4ip. Nur sale by PIANOS AND MUSIC PIA.NOS: . FULL tilt.N AD PIANOS I ret-N PARLOR G RAND PIANOS 11 AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, thou' the 31.111111, of WiletialtlNU & SUNS', 13u-,TUN, jUnt leceiv,au man the tuauulactory of Chickering & Busturi, the follewtug dosiralne unu elegaut stuck of Luca - PIA.No Foli.TE:3:— utio Futl eeceu octave virand nu) Forte, with superbly carved cove. Price ('u, Full never octave Grand Piauu Forte, elogaut Ruse woud case. Prue $7OO true cw tut Uraud cloven ,ictave Piano, near, equal ie power to a lull (intact, and occupying only the ruota (11 tin ordinary square Piano. PrICO s6ob sqUARE PIANtJ6I Two full carved Rosewood, Lotus Xlllth, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet weak. Two Rosewood swven octave--eldford style. Two itosowthal. carved ntouldiugs, seven octave. Your Itogrevuod, plaid round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain toned front corners, seven octaves. Four " Four Rosewood " a " All of the above are of these NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their now Patent Action. Those Ins:rumours have boon finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JUILN IL .WELLOR, No. la Wood street, • dell Sole Agent for Chickering & Suns'. usiei Beaux; Th. - hod, VV Into Blue, 25c. A ~1 Thataw, wita Leiiliuut vat latious—Grobe, 50c. Our Only, ballad by Frauk .. braytou, 35c. "Corte ver the Sea Maslen watt Me," wren ode, 25c. T 1,3 141th...a Luau, aong and chui ue—eulboll6l,cal with a It,.:uti WI 1111(1 ap,..rop. tat vignette—very popular, 250. Pluaaaut LJya arm Guuo La TrtlV ILtta, Ligilt of My Soul —beautiful /male, Aile. J.muy Gri.y—U. IL Poulmu, . t, I 01,11:_y iirity—amig by ftiaepliMurphy—atunc Ly F. U. ouboru, liobadu, iho Prairie Flower—very popular, 2.5 e.