Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, February 24, 1858, Image 1
VOLUME XVI. r'll'S 7 :2liglialt 310R;iiN 4 -: POST. JAAES P. BA nit, t , oll:tr , • ; I.,trictly in nactinct. u.vtirinl*y . t !...it; within the ye ,r t. N,-x• D.,ys RAPE:-.3 OP ADVERTISING , Once a' in 1-=' ) a Vi.eti:l IMMEMI One insertion ' ......... . Two insertioui , , Three insertion, .... 00; One week. 1 75' Two week's 3 00' Three weeks 4 00 One mouth u 00 Two mouths 7 00 Three months 0 001 Four months 10 001 Five mouths... 111 00 Six months 12 00 Nine months.— ....... 16 00 Ono year Yu 0 , 11 si= liner, or rs I=l UhiVO n the paper,) Dtic,, 50 ceu.t., ;Death notices, Ito centr, One rin,tre, p,.r annum, C , Xc' Yiurri•!F PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A iII.USAMOTEE WEEIJLLY. ONLY .ONE 'YEAR, , N CLUBS UP TEN. Single fittbscriptinrlc, - - - 411 per antattus. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF TUB DAY, Political, Literary, A g ricultural, Commer cial, Local, Tele g raphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the taunts? SIZE, and neatly prints on flue white paper, iu large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to g ive better sati4a.Aion than any paper puoliahod in Pittsburgh. 'those who wish to take a pu r er from Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY POST a Stlf , and profitable investment. Address, JAM ES P. BARR, sepl7}liter and Proprietor. • BUSINESS CARDS JA.u. P. 114.69. Ittinfa BOOK AND JOl3 OFFICE, POST 33 TJIS-..1D I13(31-S, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, 1_ 1111 undersigned 'having wade extensive additions of the LATEST .N I) HANDSOMEST STYLES OF TYPE, and improved Machihery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite t o ° t iontion of Rail Road Officers Merchants, business 100 ,and the public generally, to their superior facilities for executing with dispatch, on reaseualikr terms, all kinds of RAIL aIOAILD, MEdiCANTILE, LEGAL, AND EVERY OTllfili DESCRIPTION 01? PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING ail. -- Our material being nearly all new, we can give Of the most complete sialklactititt, and solicit cruel BOOKS, PA 111'H LETS, RAIL ROAD LULLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LIMER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS ILADINH, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOJKS, DEEDS Partlc:Jar at te ti• L will 31,, be paid to the pro tin,: of Pveters, P, ugrtimm,s, Vic. for CtalCvnb, biLluLd tth eirctOi, El EL'Le FicIAN, A' i:l2.lti: LT. ii & (Ai% I? , , , RWARDING AND Cu M. MISSION IA EitCLIA_ N I S , FLOUR AND WOOL. PRODUCE, Nu. 114 ii.OOOND 1: 1 T1,507, 0.0701:0NCHB: Juaci.h E. Ehia: ' Et.Lcalls; Pittsburgh; Boom: & Wyle, Philadelphia; Paline:, IGarret & Martin, McCaudiehi, Th.aihs & Cu.. " James, Piaui, Santee & Co. " 11. Childs F Cu., taeeoc, Sterling A Co., " tagaley, Cosgrove a co., Yard, Gilmore & A. A. Mason & Co., " Edward T. Mott, G. W. Smith, i'l heeling; S'; corer A Graham, A. J. Whoeler, Banker, Ci enema Bpthiger llarbaugl,, The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFEN BA ,HER & CO., Cheap Cash llealerb in all hued.; of FaAhionable BOOT, SIIOLS AND GAITERS, Fur GenLlemen, and Children, No. 17 Fifth Street, near rilarket, .8 1'1TTS1;111:(1!1, PA IN= PERRIN L , , JOHNSON, Pr0p00t.0...: Chi 14. t Cr,../i Patent liaa.stic. Fire a.ociCer Proof ,Cement "tooting. 133 i 11.1 It D STREET. if — VIDE RS for ROOF NU promptly and faith tully exec alai all r 4; warrantod. Roofing matorial kVA), (41.111 lor .Ir, wit!. di rf-ct.10n,1,1. nue. DAWES & ULU LEY, Ito Lose, Sign and Ornamental Paintcrs AND RA iNERS, 144 140 D .STR EE T. Dealers in Whize Lead and Zinc Paints. Also, Oilm, Varui,lio, Putty, Muted Paiut3, Window Gla,, Enid Livery article d au Lid• LI tide an is t:l y2d - I A.:\IES MI I. L L'CG ..1 Li, .NIONON( Ail El, A ey PL i t:it i liNG M 11,1, u.iuld respiiviihily hifuru the public that he hait rebuilt :aim- th , id e, cud hnvin,: ::1:11,irgol hi, Celtabliellthlelit, find tilled it am" the e !wi i ,it itlei rierit a e.p -) proved inchue lry,lBn.;'w pr o lunit,di liu• A tl:4 a , . il planad boararitiiiisi Mitwin g and re, Lv: ing, fl.m , r- , , ,/1.-• I. :lud phllltiOrßt.kf LI Ilrle I. 11,11110 , , Ilitra Idi /1,4 a, has !malting, sr. 49rafti PILIA,11,1;11, rieptelilher 7, 1)57. _ Limlo - _ G EORGE BLETeIIEy., mANUE A. e T u I, L.: OF TLS (.41./.IIItATLI, GOSSPI.AIEit VP,NTILATING £LAST GAND TOUPEES, Lad ovary dcacriptiou .);::".:AMENTAL HAIR for Ladir and tleatlernen. ii FUUI;SII at: zt, bemocn 'Wood anti 3larket,%Pittr., L.lll - 01, Pa uc7:l3' • joacpti_ V if:Av.-tit Cc:rale/44c ki.eposi tor 77. TOPZ-I'll [IOW carrying on butt tee., in 1, p,,lnia , a, (Low lat,,ly • --' ;•:•!•- taalar e ted,)em 11. e, Pit:aJut mid elr e ep a i t ur, Tarnpike, near the. Two 'file I'. , betweett Ptetaleurgil and Lawrent:aville, resta•cttuUy invited the }albite t,mapeet lets sfesile of CAlelelAell2:, c. And he pa titularly in L. , ~;;DtLtlt,t. pric: only la wade. fourteen ; ti • . ....••• tit env ft.:Lbws - a euublea hint b peace before paid ...des tie 41:10e CLKACet,t,tl.Ctioll of Car r:Aged which. ro ll,lray yce.l - 8 },:tat It boo beva 111, departnivut t 0 avdat, iront the varicsne rind moat talente., 1711.4t.0TL1 111n110110 erro. Th. -tlt . eei.4 of his new ayatem is tomplate--the nle eirat,;einerits will supply flu Itt at and inu.: tluito.ooll.lo , :1 , 1111!,'nr..- at ni.yderilt, by rxj.orto-I, wi,irh ttre irtanti. feri Ikel/ratnig 111.10‘ 31,1 1.11.4111,1,1 hoe ilt.gro.l 11:,../1, the price. 41 g 0 5 ,15, k uwilir; !01:01:., V. 111 T `•: soil! e•eti on ready money only, at much le, than the flue.' ;trite-. IleCarrhtite , t l repriced jo the beat ,weaned way 12,1ew T. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- L, The undersigned has bought the lease of the above thclued Stables, tu• gether with a portion of the exten -C 11 sive stock of Ilorro4aud late the property of James Mathews, deceased. I u additive to the stock before-rnentinui d, he tias ale° lidded a number et FINE HORSES, DUGOIES AND CARRIAGES, which were fortuerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street, Ai he gives his personal 'Mete hen to the business, a centiutiance of the putronage which he has hitherto received free public ie solicited. JACOB GARDNER, Bt. Charles Livery Stables. N. B.—A ITEARSE and auy uutubei of CARRIAGES can always he procured :or _ • FOR SALE—A Drug Store, located in one of the beat tsituntion9 is the city of Pittiburgh, for either a jobbing, rebid or pre,cription busines4. Purchas- Cri will (lad un ndruntge ..f oeeurr , uce. For ittfortua. tam inquire of JOHN HAFT, JR, No. ilk. t,rncr Sixth and Wood familia, f;.9 PitLft.orgh. I) RESSED IiOG S.— Por v FLANNELS—Red, White, Gray, Green, Yellow, Plaid, tqc. Ch-oper than the catupee.t. C LIANSON LOVE, Yorcierly Love Brothers, IN ,, 74 Merk - -- JACONET FLOUNCES IN b --- NEEOL WORK COLLAIIS.—A tarp , rtAuttment, and ve:y Oh, np. 0. LOVE, 1•71 for,.,,r'r , - WE are now opening our second, and by fir the chelipt stock of ral. I sad Winter Dreas Goods, Shawls, &C., that has ever lice a offered iLI this city ' C. !JANSON LAVE, 7,.rra , rly Tove Rroti o 74 MArto-t ~t UFFALO SIIOES.—A splendid article of 11 Gents' and Ladiea Buffalo Over Shoes. Also, Gents' Calf Over Shoes, at the Peoplo'e Shoe Store, No. 17 Filth greet, near Market. tosvt2l lIIMNEY TOPS.-200 Gothic Chimuey Tom ur ego by ASH OCILLUILL , , rrt I NiMill ; 0 1 75 I I ut) i 3 O 1 501 1 00 , 75 200 1 20 100 256 1 . 50 1 5 350 23 0 250 4 501 3 001 34 " 5 Otl i 3 351 450 5 50 1 3 601 650 6 001 4 00' 650 800 Et 30 000 8 00 10 3.5 13 30. ;, per / 10 00 &05 12 00 n tuil 10 00 GT PLEASGI; PITTSBURGH _MORTGAGES, BOND-, ll= ii KN H. V R. C-01J.TN, DIFFENBACLIER & CO - _ PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AI'PHE ei posp BuILDLN( - 43," O.)IINER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM HOTELS & RESTAURANTS JONES lIOUH,E. WELLS COITERLY, 1 ROPRISTOK. Corner of Market Street and Market Square ; HARRISBURG, PA. rgiiiis NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, recouLly ‘,reettal by the :.!casts. JONES In liarrieburg, been leaned for a term of youra by the under nigued, he taken thin method of calling the attention of bie former patrons, friends, and the traveling community, thereto. Vaving a front of oue. hundred and forty Jive feet on the ionnclphi tired of the city, and fif ty-ttoo fat front on Afar. .tiquaYe, it cannot tail to prove attractive an well.as in viting neratigiant. The CHAMBERS are of fine size, well ventilated, and lighted with gas—a number with connecting doors—making them very desirable for families. The.HALLS are warmed throughout by heaters, Bud every modern improvement, in fact, has been added, that may conduce to the safety, comfort and happiness of the gnash'. Visitors may, therefore, rest it&ured that the "JONES lit)UbE" has Leen made perfect iii all its appointmenti— that each department has been placed in charge of EXPD RIENCLD A tD Coll - PETENT PllasONß—that, lu every particular the system which has been adopted by the Proprietor, will afford to those who may make it their home, as great a de gree of contort an may be obtained at any iandlar establi6h moot iu the State. To secure thi,, desirable- re.nit, he has furnished the'Pribhc and Private Parlors, Chatnbers, Dining Room, ac., witlf: tirely NEW FURNITURE; and also arranged within the building, a line Bnarisa SALOON, IIYBTER. SALON, Danssnm Room, GOT AND ( OLD BATHS, ito. The CULINARY DE'ARTMENT AND DINING R00:11 ,vl,l receive the especial atteu•.ma of the Proprietor, which, he ti will Le a sutticient guarantee that all taates will Le suited. After returning his heartfelt thanks to his old friends and patrons, for the /2 enemas pittri• nage so long extended to hint at the I. CoVi.RLY fioUst," and also to Inn friends anti patrons at the " COLUItaIIA 'Joust," Cape island, during tho season of 1855, he renpectftilly solicits a continuance of it at the "JuNtiii " ja9: WELLS COV ERLY. SALT HOUSE, LOUISVILLE. Kt- h dcraignetl has again taken charge of the G Awr UuU'E. Board reduccd. to $2 00 per dal,. A. TIMOOktMORTON WASHINGTON SOUSE, COR. PENNA AVENUE ..t THIRD ST., WASEIINGTOZei, D. 0 F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Coruer Irwin Street aid Duquesne Way, l'A. B. D. MAIIKER, - (1 iiruie:l:, ur the ".11iirkor 'louse," Blairsville, Ps.) •I' II E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW CO.II PLL•'ThD A... 4.0 OPEN FOIL 611ES1'S. .lt is situated iu a central part ei the city, being cunveuient to all Railroad Depots anti Meambeat litualingst lionse was built in lhoti, with all modern improve mem: and fitted up m splendid style---tee entire Furniture being new—aud will in every respect bo a first class liuteL iiuu STABLES are atthclied to the premises. 1 Jellaj H. W. KANAGA. . S. HOTEL, opposite toe E.e..u.sta.. JEtitilroad Depot, tjelb ViASIIIIiNGTOA 84'T i'viiME.B.LY. PLI'TSB URUH, PA. Proprietor. 1 1 111 S 110 USE IS LOCATED ON TliE Z•Lreetn, betweLn A.\ i) I:4IiILUAD JJE..ei.ird, and Ilatin,Bkaio a tina improvement, remedniod and it,l Jib new tin taltilln, and In now the moot taallfn- Lll,ai elLtenursh, for 2rnvelere Uy Ituaroud, gnat tidy bay Q..".c3 , 1-Z.II:;LiCO.Pg RESTAIIJELAAT. YOUNti, FIFTH STREET. 'rho attention ut i'derthanLi .-•—•••• - "F;;• . *:*:•:' and others id directed to tifid"; 4 7, 0 • Lakt Levu rtoently fitted 4) t.,r tut tint - pude oi allorning a 5U1361.-A,N -:. EATING IiOUISE LIN A CENTHAL LOCATION lolLd attaining mail:et are particularly invited to Everything purtannug to an EATING SALOON will .uw , .3 e N inuuti, of the Iretthu,lt the market allbrds. . _ 4 ._,._. -, E.xcelnor lestaurant, •-•? -- -; - 4 ...•-- , 041 .N::,. 111 WOOD Strm, -_, PITTSBURG; P 1 -, WLIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LA K l'‘ AND ~_ EASTERN FISH. t.'reliiia Pludiattelphla dr, BeAtindore Oyatera, And WILD GAME, ail in their proper swoon. 8. STEINRUCK, ..p.ticaivilyj Agent for the Phillideipbai Oyster and Fish Co. fA AN SION HOUSE, GEORGE e AURENTZ, ellOrkli,TOK, No. 344 Liberty street, just beside th 11,5r110:01" Duped of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the mart CULiVolliellt h 011.90 to the city for passeugers arri•• clog t:y that road. The proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, •o ez,elieut style, the MANSION auueE, would respect tally a share at puldic patronage. There is attached hpi,id..l STABLE and extensive WAGON YAIU), afford• ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar will he furnished with the beat the market calk afford. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Chair streets, l'ittaburgh, Pa.—The undersigned t former iy ut ...kirewu's aaving taken this large and commo dous 110 TEL., and Laving refitted it iu magnificent style, ,reuld respectfully invite his frieutla and the traveling public dive him a cull. Assured, with the convenience of the aeuse and kis long experience iu toe business, c. r .a n give ihr ,atiefaetiou, uad Lan charges moderate. W5l. C. CONNELLY. Mineral Water Depot. I. C. BUFFUM H. 6. BUIU ER. C. iiUFFUIvi & CO., tylanufacturera of z. 4 7 0 tlaraaparilla, Mineral Water, Pop, Bottled Ale and Porter; also, Bottlers of Wainwright's colarated Wintart,.* tie. WLlrehouse, No. 26 Market. street, FlTTKalman, Pe I)rd. filled - and shipped to all path of the country 11 , 2 tice. apin:lythw CIDER.-4 bbis. Sweet Cider, for LI sale b JAMES A. FETZEB., 89 Water'istitet. - 11iRISTMAS and NEW YEAP.'S GIFTS %_) t•very Lleacripuon iu the Fancy Dry Oct?da emit, call and ace them. U. lIANsON LOVE, F.Aulerly LOVE ISitUIIIEIie, 74 Market St. u CILAGE—For office use, iu convenient VA, turns, fur Hal,. by W.ll. U. JOGNSTUN & CO., duo 57 Wood street- ORT FOLIOS AND DESK PADS for sale A. by W.ll. U. JOHNSTON & CO., uad) 67 Woud trout_ ellitE.-50 barre 8 American and French, far sale by N k. 13.NESTOlig (N). FINE 'SILK SPONIiE. Efuached Cupptia Suit BathtLer, 6puuge, bluod4;turi:sgt, bi.ouge utoild Corner Market area, uud Diamond. Gum DI{OPS.-3UU lbs. just received and for eale . y B. L. FAIINESTOCB. & CO., nue3U Corner Wood and Fourth streets. TIIERMOM ETERS—For sale by W. U. JOIIN,STON & CO., no% 17 Stationers, 57 Wood street. : 1 11ES1.1 LOBSTERS.-10 dozen in cans ..L . fur sala by BEYMEIi & ANDELLSON, n0r2,1 No. 39 Wood street, A LUM. -5d barrels for sale by B. A. NMI:ft:STOCK & CO., nuvld Corner Wood and First streets. FRINGES, for Dress Trimmings. A handsome assortment at reduced rates, at anvil HORNE'S' 77 Market street. RYE FLO U R.-20 Barrels Rye Flour, jus rc , ceived, and fur Bala by JAMES A. FETZER, dec7 89 Water street. a — jsURE OLIVE OIL, 24 1 - At JOSEPH FIXIIING'S, nDv2S Gornor Ifitrlret •trt4l4 and the Diamond G REAT SEMI-ANNUAL AND CLOSING OUT SALE OF DllY GOODS. Fine Dress Goods, at very low prices; SHAWLS, In great variety, at very low prices; WOOLEN GOOD, a large stock, at very low prices; DOMES FIC GOODS, an inimense stuck, at very low prices, At the store of A. A. MASON dk. CO.'S, NO. 25 FIFTH STEtF,ET, 1.44 . E1V ARRIVAL.— 20 boxes Oranges; 20 do Messina Lemons; 200 drums New Yip, just received and for sale by 11EYNIER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Opposite St. Charles Betel T QARCII.-300 bas. Rochester Pearl Starch kj fur sole t.y [ 'al9J HENRY 11. COLLINS. (AIL CLOTH CRASIL—For Stairs, a vari ot otylati at rwal 1 . h ci. Nl' 1 IPA INDIA RUBBER CLOTIIING—Of thei best, and alao New , d quality, fur mile wholesale and retail by '.O 1 At TT PTITT VMS! WRAPPING PAPER-400 reams Crown, „Medium, and Double Crown, Straw Wrapping Pa per, full count, just received and fur sale by d g JAS. A PET 'Eli, 49 Water [Urea. IDEkt.-5 bble. Sweet Cider, for sale by ''‘„/aae umuir a. (*UM. DOLLAR sA v imu.s MIDDLE ROOM, JONES' NEW 13MILDINI;i. OPEN ])AI LY, from.!:) , to 2 o ' elook; also, on Wednesiles and eaturday evenings, from May lst to November let, from 7 to 9 o'clock; and front November Ist to May let, from 6 to E o'clock. DepoAte recoiled of all sums nut less than firm Dott.ka, and a dividend onthe profits declared twice &year, in .1 ant and December. Interest was declareetat the rate of six I..er cent. per annum, on the first of December. 1855; . alai) in Juno and December, 1856, and in June mid December, b 547. Interest, if not drawn one, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears'the same interest from the first days of Juno and December, compounding twice a yoni without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate, money will double In Ibis than twelve years, making in the aggregate EIGHT AND OIVEttAII? PEE CENT. A YEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Repu tations, furnished gratis, on application at the en.e. President--GEORGE JAL B El VICE PILESIDENTS. John U. Shoeutror.TyT, N. Grattan Murphy, Isaac DI. Pennock, James D James Herdinan, John 23 Cosgrove, William J. Anderson. Jarneu W. Hallman, John G. Backofen, Charles N nap, Albert Culbertson, P A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner COMII, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D Charles A. Colton.; Henry L. Ringwa!t, William Longlass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George S. Selden, George E. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. Moon, Theobald Knibstaett..r, William S. Haven, George it. White, . 44,cretaryami Treasurer--CHAP.. A. COLTON. 114 - 41 • -- BANK OF lOWA. it. J. STEVENS & CO., DESMOINES, COLLECTIONS MADE and prompt, ; ['litter!. LANDS selected and 10C/110.1. Capitalists wishing to make investments in the Weot, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. (my2l:l3ni AUSTIN LOOMIS THOS. D. LOOM/S. A USTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notes,!Bonds, Mortgages, sod all Securities for Mousy. Money Loaned oh Checks at short dates, with collateral security. NOTES AND DRAFTS EnUGLIT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Luaus can be accommodated on reasona ble terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good securi ties ut remunerative prices. Also, attend to the Sale, Renting and Leasing of item Ketate. ghee, No. 92 FOURTH street, above Wood tS. AUSTIN LOOXIIt, Notary Public PROPRI ETRE SS V lIOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex- N• • change Brokers, and Dealers in Note:, Drafts, Accept - laces, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange ou the East era and Western Cities constantly fur sale. Collections trade in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 61 Market street, between Third and Fourth etc. Ua3o:ly - PROPRIETOR, riIiOiNIAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer iu Notes,l3orls, Stocks, Real Estate, No. 76 Cortrth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jau6 [OLIN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BENKEE, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Batas Notes. Stock bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attendedo. Interest paid on Deposits. No. 67 JONES' NEW BUTLDING, Fourth street. je3o REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CUT.EI.BERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 lo s Market street, for the sale and purchase of Resl Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repair..., A:Wining loans on bonds, mortgages, .bc,; making convey. ances, deeds, bonds, ..t.c.; writing letters and corresponding ,nth parties abroad, &c. oc l9 BELDEN SEINOUR, Iteal Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. REFYFLENCES.—Siesta, Hanna, Garreteor, Lt. , Robert earks, //-7 ItBAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STR E CLEVELAND, OHIO, Etas for sale Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, 51;011pin and lowa. Ile will eAchange Lands in Wisconsie, for i'ittsbargh manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addraenng ins as above. aull:ly ARMS in Exchange for City Property.— t, , A farm of 350 acres, on the Allegheny river, net: 5 ittanning, 130 acres cleared; dwelling house, barn aini uhard; coal, limestone and iron ore. Also, a farm of lou rtrrei near the above. Also, a farm of b 3 acres on Pion creek, 4 miles from Kittanning; 30 acres cleared ; two houses, and a saw mill in good running order; a first rate location for business. 250 acres of laud !It month of Red Bank creek; 40 acres cleared and in good order. Price low and terms way. VI ill be exchanged in whole or in part for city pro perty. S. CuII3BE:IU it. SON, novlo 51 I'larkot street. i - ANLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel t/ Hug House, of four rooms, with lot of ground YO feet h out on Monterey xtreet, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to au alley. Teruo, $4OO to band, balance at one, two and three 6. CUTHBERT 4 J Ltor.24 61 Market alt eet. F ' OR RENT.—A large dwelling house, on - 1 B.Osi street, at head of Eifth, with immediate posses. mon. Also. two small houses iu hplaue's Court. S. CUTLLBEatT .5. SON, nov2l 51 Marliet street. 'OR $750 will be sold a new two story L' Frame House, with a good lot of ground, in Allegheny sty. the lot is 20 feet front, on Monterey street, by 110 ket to au alley. Terms easy. 9 01TrITLFRT & SON, novl4 51 Market street. FOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lota of land, ten miles iron,nucln Ville Marshall county, Va., four miles from R.ll. station. Kick soil and good timber. Price to $5 per acre, on time, trete 5 to 7 years, if desired. also 700 acres of good land, 3 miles from Cameron Sta lon, B. & Ohio R. It., for sale to snit pm ch4sers, at frota to XlO I.er acre, ani on easy terms. OR REN 2.—A dwelling house on Third _L' . street. Also, one on Ross street, with immediate pos- VOR SALE.—A Dwelling louse with good Store t'oom, situate ou Itobtusou street near Fed rai, Allegheny city. Price low and terms easy. jail 8. OUTLIBEItt . 51 Market st. VOR SALE.—A comfortable dwelling house (frame) of hall and eight rooms, portico in front, with a lot of ground. 78 feet front on South avenue, Allegheny, by ':1.1.1 deep to Rebecca street, with fruit and shade treea, shrubbery, stable, &c., &c. Price $4,600. S. CUTHBERT & SON, nos 2 61 Market etreet. MERCIIANTS I AND MANUFACTU MILS' BANK STUCK, or PAPER, wiU he taken of pur, , either in whole or in part pay for several very desira blelocations for country residences, near the city. One lot of 12 acres, one of 14, of 10 and 3 acres. For particulars call at oar otlice. 8. CLITLIIIeIIiN tt 13oN, oct27 51 3.lark , -4 street. FLANNELS.- White Yellow, Red and Plaid, of all grades, and at LoWER PR ICES than they can be got fur at any other es tablishment in the city. 0. .11.4750 N LOVE, formerly Love Brothers, oct2l No. 24 market street. JOSEPII FLEMING'S, • HOUSES, LOTS AN D FARMS.—We would invite the attention of iersons who wish to purchase A uoUBF., to the great variety of Houses. Farms and Build ilig . LotsWe'hafe for sale. We have now on hand Lots of $lOO, each, and at $2OO, $4OO, and upward', and en very easy terms. home fa payments averaging fourteen cents a day I Homes and Lots, at from $7OO to $lO,OOO, in various locations in and adjacent to the two cities. lnavroved Farms at from $lO to $5O 4d acre. Also, choice Farming Lands at from $2 to $5 7 $ acre. Persons having property ol any kind to dispose of, will find it to their interest to give us a call. We also, attend to the Ranting of lionises, and Collection of amts. OtITH.BEIIT A SON, 1•17 r.l B LACKBOARD CRAYONS—For Etale by -W. G. JOHNSTON a CO., QUPPLY_ YOURSELVES WITH. SIIOES. now, whilst you can buy them at such low rates, ariihc PEOPLES SEWN STORE. We will continuo to sell at gr . "o. ly reduced prices fur a short time longer. Small profit-. and cash returns is oar motto. All triads of Overtilwel sold low 11.43 DIFFENEACLIER & 00. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. ISSN. BANKS. No. 65 Fburth Streit Hopewell Hepburn, James ShlcUe, Alexander Bradley, Robert Robb, William S. Lavely, Hill Bargwin, IM=M3 WESTERN LANDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, QTEEL PENS. Gillot's; Pratt's ; Per ry'a; Phineas'; Jenny Lind; Cooper; American, Rhodes & Son'a, and Haven's, Past received by :W. 13. HAVEN, Cornor 7%.lArket and Second Idd FOR RENT. The large warehouse, now occupied by W. H. Smith Sr. Co., Nee. 161 First and 122 Second streets. Enquire of .110:AlitllY Sr. CO.. Ja2.s.:tf Noe - . 142 Vint and 120 Second streets. CHLORIDE OF LIME.-50 casks for sale by I noYtel 1:1 .1 PA lINNATnCIi tr no, QEASONABLE GOODS. Gentlemen's under garments; embracing silk, lambs' wool, heavy merino and cotton under-shirts; drawers, of the best manufacture, and sold at very IN duced rates. 51013EtISON'S OI9LIII3ILATED SHIRTS. A large lot of cravats, ties, pocket lidkfs., scarfs, &c., and all other articles in the line of Furnishing tioods, suitable for the season, at nova LIO4tNE'B. 77 Market Street. Axj -- AAR A.NTED TO SLIELL TWENTY ]+V BUSHELS PER 110UE IN THE HANDS OF ONE "MAN—the Corn Sheller now exhibiting at No. 65 Filth street. Now, don't be excited if ;you have beet: humbugged, but give this machine a trial, and if it is an imposition, say so; but if thoroughly satisfied that it is the best invention of the kind the age has produced, then buy territory and make a fortune, and quit your croaking. Gall and see. au2ittBtcvettf OLL BUTTER. --3 Übls. fresh roll Butter Avg just received, and for Bale by 0i3.0 JAB. A. //FMB, LW Water street. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. • RO BE RT A. LO OMI S, (Sticcoanor to B. T. C. Margan,) LITLON RIC AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS 'AND NEWSPAPERS. • No. ti Fifth strut, Pitrabutitli, Po. Co -Partnership. rffiliE undersigned have entered into Co- P,Lrtnerghip, lender the 3tyle of Win. C. Johubtosi dr. Co SA:MI.IIIU, R. JOIINS'fON, JOII:tSTON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1057. ti...W31. C. JoIIN9TO/1. e: IL 4. JOHNSTON', JF W Pi. C. JOH. fki ST Md . CO, Q kJ TATIONERS, Blank Baal Manufacturers, nod ,Itll3 PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood street., between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, 13,30 BLANK BOOKS, — Jourrialr, Day Books, Ledgers, ' Call" Books, Invoice Buojts, C. eel. - llttolts, Bill'llooks, itacsipt Boot, g• WILI. G. JOHNSTON CO., 57 Wood 9tt ret. Ism PIANOS AND MUSIC. S. CUTEIBERT St SON 51 Dlarkot street. b. CIALLBERT & EON, 61 Market street Statianora_ fil Wood Fttr.... Fur eak by SUPERB GRAND PIANO; FitOM Taal FACTORY OF Steinway & Sons, New York. 11. KIABEN. & BRO. take pleasure in an• nonucing to we putnic that they have ; just received a splendid lull tiItAND.; frein the factory of Steinway & SuntOew York, which for exquisite sweetness tend volume of tone, lightness and elasticity of tench, and all:lost tasteful and ele gant vsteraor is considered the FINEST GRAND PIANO over brocght to this city. Thu rueohltnism is a DOUBLE itEcEATIAII ACTION, a pa ented intention of Steiuway Sons , which combines with the utmost promptness aid delicacy of touch a degree of durability Lot rarely attained. tYa re*ectfully invite the public, one and all, whether pur cazuere or no;, co call sad see this unrivalled instrument. LI. KLEl.tzdi & /311.0., Nei. 53 Fifth street, Selo Agents for Steinway & Sons. N. B.—A'so, just eceived u tresh lot of N nuns & Clark's Pianos. deiS • PitlftiOS • r FULL GRAND PIANOS et) PARLOR GRAND . PIANOS 11 A ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, de loom the Manufacirry of tAilOiiEltING $t SONS'. iso.ifuN,jitr. I eceivea from the manufactory of Chickering &hid', IMsrou, the foilovimig iledirabla and elegant stock of their vIANto FuliTE6 une Full cIUVOLI OCUIVO Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Pi ice pOu One Pull seven octave Uniud hallo Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price $7OO our New Parlor (Iran.' erven Qatar° Piano, near; equal iu power to a full Grand, and occupying ouly the roulu uf tak ordinary square Piano. Price BQUAIUE HANOS I T , All full carved Rosewood, Lome XLVtL , seven octavos, Wall carved Desk and lout work. T Itoduwo,d awyt , u octave---Clitfurd fitylo Two Rosewood, carved ulouhltugs, ooveu octavo Your Rosewood, pluiu rout' curlers, Seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, SeVeli octaves. Four 1,1 6 4 7 6 1 4 i .. Four Rost wood ‘• " " " 6 . 1 4, • All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with lull iron frames, and their new Putout Action. These Insi_rdnietits have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale et their reduced prices. JUli.. 11. ALELL.LIIII, No. 81 Wood street, deli Sole Agent for Cltiekering Se Sous'. USICI 81011- .1. Sudes and Beaux; Ths Bed, White and Blue, 25c. Annie of Thartsw, wan brilliant variations—Grubs, 50c. Our Baby, ballad by Frank bray:en, :Mc. "Buse over the Sea Maidvu witu Me," Beretta's, 25c. 'The Wabouniari, smug and chorus—embellished with a boauthul and approp , iat vignetre—very popular, 2.5 c. Plertsaut Days are thine—La Travialit, 25c. tight el By Soul—beautiful serenade, 411 c. Jenny Orey—ti, it. Poul,ou, due. Ona Lie Jeul.y Gray—suug by Joseph Murph)—music E. IS. Osboea, Itosaae, the Prairie Flower—vary po - Alar, Mo. Chap ity AL:zurka—u. Spiet.er, Mc. VIII - Favlalllworth 25c. - The lloutiueut in Ours"—any, and brilliant vari y Charles Gro.,e. No. 1 Yankee Doodle. 50c. No. 2 flail COlulnhin, 50c. 1 See tier Still in nay rorentiin—Fustren last ballast, 25c. M us.c Bound iu n eupu iur manner, and in va:i 'us styl s ul biudiug, flow $1 to si. .41.4 - - Music wails' p e st paid. eilAlll,:ff f 14: BUJ MG, llid linttitLished Piano llopot, - ert, second door above Fifth. Ml= Messrs. Charles & Leviirl, (6-rebe, _,,..._. TEAOllf,iB OF TUE t' - -- " F. ,: . ,_. .---- x . .. ,-;,-:-* PA A lii 0, VIOLIN, Y , r ! uRGAN AND eINGiNtI, ANCIENT - 1 -N D MODERN LANGUAGES. Ad Ula.k, La tu, liennau, Ft . euch, and spaundi, CFI AS. tilit.llE, Cand. ThooL Taught by Euquiro at the priacipLA Alchsie storee. [de24:3ln—G TOBACCO AND SEGARS. w & D. RINEHART, vV EIANDFACTOILE AND TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS SELLING OFF!! $B 9 OOO WORTH EMBROEMERIEs, SOLD WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, AT 3. BUSH'S, No. 65 Market street, ripllE GREATEST CHANCE EVER OF FEKED to the Lathes to bay cheap Buturuideries. The goods are all freah and uuw, and 01 the lateet Juipertation, connteting of Collars; Sleeves; Bands; Edgings; Setts; Laces; Trimmings; skirts; Waists; Ribbons and Veils; '1 , 0.4 will be sold without regard TO COST '2 lALtIMINGS, HOST ERY AND FANCY GOODS, ell , ,...wsches, Come One, Come All, and don't alias the place, AT J. BUSH'S:, .7-. 7 0. Coe Market strew, b:tumen Third and Fourth =II N0R32,44.1. CLASS. THE SECOND SESSION OF THE NOR- A. CLASS, at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Under the direction of A. BIURTT, Principal of the Fifth Ward Public Schools, will commence Cm Monday Evening, February Ist. The Glass will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings, and Saturda; mornings of each week. $2 per Session of Sixteen Lessons. in2S DRAW:NG LESSONS, AT IRON CITY COHERCIAL COLLEGE Ate- IN 31ECHANICAL, ARCHITECTURAL, AND CRAYON DRAWING, J:?Z By JOHN !VI ERZ ...Wr For further infoiruatian api,ly to Mr. F. W. JEN Principal of ir. a .2:ty Commercial College, Pitts burgh. I novl4:tnd. ROOM CORN —25 bales, this day, ree'd and tor sale! y [P-11 ] TIENRY EL CO LINS. T ARD.-13 pkgi. No. 1 received, and for LLA sale, by 11, 3 111 U COLLINS. _ PPLES. —lOO bble. for sak by EtteNliV ET. cou rcs -HRPE A R'S MAGAZINE,. For February GODEY'S LADY'S 80, IiAIiPER'S MGAZINE, GODETB MAGAZINE, Just received at SOBER.T A. LO,OZEIV, Post Balding, 1418 slzuss. DIALERS IN ALL RINDS OF bro. 1Z WOOD STREE:r PITTSBURGH, PA. ,ra- AT FTRST For Fobruary For F:•bruary I For February INSURANCE MANUFACTCHERS' INSURANCE 01Ace—No. 10 Merchants' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. CHARTER PERPETUAL—CAPITAL $500,000. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS OF Fire, Marine, and Inland Risks. WM. A. RHODES, President CHAS. WISE, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. DIRECTORS: Wm. A. Rhode., A. 8. Lippincott, James P. Smith, Chas. J. Field, William Neal, Charles Wise, John P. Simons, J. Rinaldo Sauk, Thomas Roll, M. Richards Muckle. REFEREROEII: Judge Heath, E. D Jones, E-q., Cash. Cit. Back, Jas. Slißinger, Esq., Messrs. Robinson J Co, James Howard. Esq., " T. Kennedy, Jr., & Co, C. H. Paulson, Esq., " Wade, Hampton &Co , J. 8. Lee, Esq., " . Cunningham 6: Co. Pittsburgh offiCO 3 No. 96 Water street, feb22 EDW. 0. BELL, Agent. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANI, Of Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, President .1). J. NITAIIN, Secretary- Amount of Capital Stock paid in and inveatod.42oo,ooo CO Surplus 63 ; 123 35 $2e3,428 35 Insn es Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and Insures against loss or damage by Fire, \ !so, against the Perils of the Sea and inland Navigation and Transportation. ninEotons: J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pumroy, D. J;McCann, E. F. Witmer, Rene (3i:idiom B. L. Woo Leon, John A. Marshall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Posoy. 01 , 710111115: wiLLTARE V. PETTIT, President. E. F. WIT.llb2l, Vice P'.e4ident' D. J. MoCANN, .Secretary. 11117 BREN ass: lln :Thiiadelphia: s tA nomitz, Justice St Co., Mor A. dwelltidtole, & Co. V.R. STREET. L O B p. u gur ck w , oyii_ W. POINDEX TE E, AI in Philadelphia: Seiger, Lamb & Co., Truitt, Bro. & Co., A. T. Lane & Co., PITTSBURGH OFFICE, au7 It RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP,',NV, OF PHILADELPHIA. Office No. 1O Walnut Street. CAPITAL $l/7,674—A38rrd $232,092-BEINRITY INVISTED. 1. 4 1 1 RE INSURANCE ON BUILDINUS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, &c., iu town ur country. • Thn Mutual principle, combined with the security of Stuck Capital, entitles the insured to share in the profile 44 the Company, without liability for losses. The Script Certificates of this Conipany fur profits ale convertible, at par, into the Capital Stock of the Company. GLEN TINGLEY, cresident. B. M. B.LNCELILA.N, Secretary. DDIZOTORS. George M. Stroud, John E. Worrell, Benjamin W. Tingley, Z. Lothrop, H. L. Carson, Hubert Tuland, Cornelius Stevenson, Charles Leland, Wm. M. Semple ' Pittsbure,ii. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood streets. Clem Tingley, William it. 'Thompson, Samuel Bisphani, George W. Carpenter, Robert Steen, Charles S. Wood, Marshall Hill, Jacob T. Bunting, William Musser, FIILLADELPII/A FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CONIPANY , No. 149 Clies.o.ut Street, upp,lite the Cuetom WILL MAKE .ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, ou over - :, deeeriptimi of Property or Merchandise, at readonable rater of premium. . _ . 11.0.1dEitT P. KING, President. ht. W. IfiAIiDWIN, Vice President. DLYIZOTUtui. Charles Hayes, E. R. Copo, E. 13 English, George W. Brown, I.Y. B. eavery, Joseph S. Paul, U. 'Sherman, John Clayton, 8. J. Magargee, E. Wdor. F. I.3l.ncEanam:, Secrew•y. _ .1. G. COFFIN, Agout, Coruor Thhd and Wood tiErClZa NEPTUNE INSIURANC COMPAN PIiILADELPIIIA, FRANKLIP.i BUILDINGS, 414 WALNUT STREET. Organized under the General Insurance Lea, with a tl.pitel of slou,Oue, privnegen to increase to Viou,ooo. lu bores against toes ur deinege by 111tE, MAAIN E, IN LAND NA VIGATION and THAN SPUBTATION. UPP/CESS: it. C. LAUGHLIN, President. SHIELDS, V. Pres't GEORGE SCOTT, secretary, DDIECITOIIB 11. U. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, W. C. Stotesbury, it. 11. Cathie, It F. Showell, U. C. Butler, George Scott. TITE & CII.AFFEY, Agent., Office Lafayette Hall, entrance on Wuoci. PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, 00101131 OF WATER AND MARKET STREETS PIT'rEIBURGEIL, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, Yresideat. ALEX. 1313.ADLEY, Viz.! president. F. A. SINEILAILT, Secretary. "ca. - Thin Company makes exery insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against HULL AND CAHUO RISKS on thu Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and `d KINi itisar t , goudrully. Aud against Losa and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. DIRECTORS Anbert Galway, danmei M'Clurkan, Joseph P. Gaziam, M. D., John Scott, James Marshall, David Itichey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Chambera, Hobert IL Hartley, William Carr, J no. Mclill. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM DAGALEY, Prce'dent. SAMUEL L. MARSKULL, Secretary. OFFICE: 94 Water street, between Markel and Wood streets A Insures BULL AND CARGO RISER, ou the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against Loss ur Damage by FTR c, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIIiSZOTORLI William Bagaley, Samuel Rea, James M. Cooper, James Park, Jr., laaac M. Pennock, Springer liarbaugh, Capt. Samuel C. Young, John Caldwell. WEST BRANCH %1 UTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CSARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OB PENNSYLVANIA (uh Capital- .$300,000 I Premium Notes-4132,343. 'HIS COMPANY WILL INSURE O.IN A. Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, &c., in town or DISECTOILB II al. Juo. J. Pearce, Lion. 0. C. ELarvey,lCharles A. Nla.;er, Jelin B. Hall, Charles Orig., !Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrams, I) K. Jackman, W. Wlthe, Thomas Kitchen. HUN. U. Cl. HARVEY, Preniclout T. T. ARELAXI3, Vice President. Tune. KITCHEN, Secretary. EY FEILLNOEB: Samuel IL Lloyd, iDr. J S. Cram ford. A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, LA. Mackey, Hon. S Cameron, James Arms ..Tong,.. A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fes run, James Quiggle Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Wm. Bigler, OFFICE—:NO. 65 FIFTH STREET, l'irrenugait.. de'2l:tl J. A. LIFFERT, A gent. All Botts of preparations are making in many quarters for all sorts of sport next summer. First, there is a party which proposes to start in April hunt lions, tigers and other wild animals in Africa. It is to be composed of gentlemen, of means and leasure in Europe and America, who delight in the sports of the tented hunting li I ground. They go out fully equipped with tents, dogs, horses and attendants. Their landing place' and headquarters will be Algiers. Of this proposal we cannot speak very approv ingly, for if any ono desires to-hunt lions and tigers they can do it to much better advantage in India where, just now there is, besides, much other entertainment. A trip to Calcutta, or bet ' ter still, perhaps, Bombay, is just aow one of the most interesting excursions imazinable, and the most desirable to those who hare the time and means to make iccomfortably. . `l'he second project is an excursion to the Me ' diterraneari in the streamer Ericsson, leaving ' New Ynelt about Ist May, and arriving about Ist August. According to the programme, will t ouch at Gibr-lter, Malta, Alexandria, Jaffa, (for Je rusalem.) Constantinople, Athens and Nap,,les, - r maining, at each place a anffi'went time to e n able the passengers to see the sights. The nut a ber of passengers is limited to 160, and the f re of each, if adults, will be $750 Other expense is of the voyage, it is calculated, will raise the I whole costtosbout $906. This will do pretty well, but any one who has the tinie and nine hundred dollarsone would TWO LOTS OF GROUND on West Coin- think, could travel more to their taste b' cacti men, Allegheny, with a donbla frame dwelling bones, n a r y conve y auces . . . for Bale, prize $3400. Terms easy. & (311IIBEET k BON,' But a still more attractive excursion Is offered lakes gum. k, to Americans, across the plains with the army to!! FVELF, FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR,ALsiCIE COMPANY, OF Pi titADELFILIA. imicaruss—Charles W. liimcker, Thomas Hart, Tobias; Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob IL Smith, Geo. W. Pdcuards„. Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph' E. Bort., David S. Browne, Mor riS Patterson. CILAb. N. Barium., eresident. GaAs. G. Barium, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on e stry description of property, in town and country, at. rates as low as nre consistent with security. Tne Company have reserved a large Contingent Fend,. hich,with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, ou January let, 18b1, as pab-- lishaJ to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: - Mortgage $918,128 68 Real Estate.. 84,377 78 Temporary Loans.. 83,986 Ira Stocks 51,889 OC Cash, ao 64,346 Total $ 1 2 1 ' 2 ,708 1 4.13., Since their incorporation a poriod of twenty-one years„ they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou.,. stand Dollars,l cfises by lire, thereby affording evidence &the , : advantages of insurance, as well as tho ability and iiislyaitbm, to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. O.A.RDLNIEB. COFFIN, Agent, Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third sta. Lippincott, Shorten & Pearson, NO. EA W 39D STREET, NEAII, FIFTH. MANUFA CT rTRERS OF TRU.N KS, 'ices, Eat and Bonnet Buss, Ladie3 Traveliug Trunks, Carpet-Bitga. -tc., keep conatattly on hand a , arge. stock. We are prepared to do a whole-ade trade, and hay ing facilities to turn out goOd stock at reduced prices, we world invite the trade to call and examine our goods be fore purchasing elsewhe. si. 'B. THE DAILY POST. WEDNESDAY \RAINING FEBRUARY 24 A striking and almost incredible example of the invocation of diabolic aid, under circum stances which betray a great degree of avarice and cruelty, hat recently occurred on the shores of the Adr tile. in the province of La Mania. A lady of some propei Iy, residing generally at Aqua Santa, in the Papal dominions, hut bor dering on the Neapolitan territory, in which alio has also property, has become possessed with the strongest conviction that in some part of her estates there is a hidden treasure of enormous value; but that all her attempts at its discovery are systematically opposed by evil spirits. Hav ing been informed by some trustworthy old woman, who bears the reputation of being a streya, or witch, that nothing can allay the spite of these hostile spirits, and lead to the discovery of the treasure except sacrificing to them a male child of good parentage and under six years of age, this treasure seeking signora has been for some mouths in quest of a child adapted for her purpose, and riot too closely guarded for her kid napping intentions. About a month ago, she cast her evil eye upon a fine little buy belonging to an English lady residing at Porto di Fermo, and skillfully watching her opportunity, con trived to entice the' child away, whilst rambling with its mother, and playing about on the sea shore. The consternation the inotner at the child's disappearance may be easily imagined. Her hus band being absent from homes at the time, she sent a young man, her son in-law, in quest of the child, and of the trea:ure seeker who had ih veigled him away. Towards the night the young man succeeded in tracing the fugitive to a soli tary house at a considerable distance, into which he endeavored to obtain admittance, but was re pulsed by the hostile demonstrations of a body of armed retainers. He then proceeded to the nsighboriug town of Arcoli, to procure the assist ance of the police, with a sufficient force of whom he returned to the solitary house, but too late to arrest the kidnappers, who had decamped with their victim. Meanwhile, the father of the child returned to his home, and having learnt the ca t,,trophe, came out likewise in hot pursuit, w hi u. , i resulted, after several days research, in t h e di ? ,:overy of the hiding place of the lady and chill, at s curate's house in the Neapolitan do minions- During this interval the lady's house of Aqua Santa, was subje oted to a judicial search, and evidence was obtained that the child was to have been sacrificed there oi2 Christmas day. An altar ',lad been prepared, with wax torches and all kinds of accessories, to Immolate the boy to Satan ! Au ambuscade was established around the dwelling in consequence of this horrible reve lation, and a party kept constantly on the watch, in ease the lady should return to her habitual residence. In theleThtillle the father, having come up with the fugitives, demanded his child from the cal ate who harbored thew ; but the priest re eorup!y, except in condition of a full I , ,rtluu to the lady. Unwilling to pass over so heinous a transaction, the infuriated father ap pealed without delay to the bishop of the diocese, Vito took IllntAtit IllettsUrizB to rescue the child, and to arrest the lady, who is now undergoing a trial fcr sereyoneria or witchcraft, and will most likely he punished accordingly. The Pope takes the greatest interest in the pr-ceedings, and is punctually informed of every point of interest developed by the examination. Ti,e child was absent from home about five days, during which time the mother nearly lost her oene,, and has Inwilly yet recovered her trAn luility She is the sister of an English gentle in ,u, who has been for many years engaged in die of rae _banking establishments of Rome. An interesting ,incident is related of General )v,lshingtou's visit to Salem (Mass ) during his second Presidential term. At that place, as at ev,ry other along his journey, he was received with the liveliest demonstrations of rejoicing. M igniticent preparations were made for his re ception at Salem. From a great distance around, ail the peoi6e came Lou v:L•lcome the Father of his Country. The Lall;t Li y were out in full l'orce, and put On their most martial airs. The soldiers of thd Revolution made their appear-. ce in large numbers to asst their old com ma 'vier. All the women and children of Salem and the region round about were collected to gether to add to the importance and grandeur of r oception. A committee of reception was appoi, fled, and one of its meinl.;ors, who chanced to be a Quaker, was selected to act as spokesman for the occasion. A great speech .t as perhaps e 7. pe.c:.ed for so great an occasion ; a long speech, es.aibiting their distinguished visitant as irn n.easurably "above all Greek, above all Roman f; pie." Well, at the appointed time, Washington r. ate up to the town, where he was thus addressed h 3 the spokesman of the reception committee : • Friend Washington, we are glad to, see thee, in the name of the people, we give thee a hearty welcome to Salem." Tlts was the entire speech of the Quakei ora tor, and Washington said it was more grateful to Lint than any with which he had been honored on his journey. Would not the speakers and writers of our day consult the wishes and interests of those for whom their efforts are designed, as well as the gi'uerally, hy a closer approximation to Quaker-like brevity, simplicity and sincerity? D. Itontgomory, lticbard Stuelcis, William Osborne, Capt. Dis,rk Sterling, Samuel M. Kier, John S. Dilworth, Francis Sellers, William B. Bays. John Sbipton, Walter Bryant, Jag 2 Shocking Superstition lu Italy A Model Reception Speech---A Hint to ➢ludern Speakers and Writers. Uses of Cork. The Scientific American of the current week has the following r'ima.rks on the ancient and modern luny of cork:—There are some substances in th , use of which we have not made much pro gres4. The Romans used it as soles to put into their shoes to keep their feet warm and dry ; ald 114 there were no high heels in those days, the ladies used it to make them appear tall. Ca miltus swam the Tibet with the aid of a cork jacket : fismirmeti need it as floats to their nets and buoys to their anchors, and Pliny tells us 0,1. it was employed as stoppers to vessels of all kinds. The old Spaniards lined the walls of their houses with cork, because it kept them worm, and prevented dampness; lastly the Egyptians manufactured coffins .of it, which, being lined with a resinous composition, pro sery their dead from decay. The method em ployed in Portugal of cutting the bark and burning the outside, is the same to-day as it was one thousand years ago: so that altogether we cannot say that we had done vary much with c,t k that has not been done before. It is quite time that we made a start and discovered some new uses and appliances for this cheap and p , nziful material. Plans of Ezeurslonists. NUMBER 113. be sent to Utah. Besides the journey in pleas ant company at a delightful season of the year, they may witness the military operations of which Salt Lake is likely to be-the theatre during the current year, and which may 'be memorable. The army will begin to move about the first of May, and detachments will keep leaving until late in June.—H. I'. Eve. Post. TIIE NEGRO RACE.-11:iyard Taylor, writing from Nubia, in Upper Egypt, says: "Those friends of the African race who point to Egypt as a proof what that race has accom plished, are wholly mistaken. The only negro features represented in Egyptian sculpture are those of9laves and captives taken in Ethiopian wars of t* Pharoahs. The temples and pyra mids throlehout Nubia, as far as the•Daref and Abyssinia, all bear the hieroglyphy of monarchs, and there is no evidence in all the valley of. the Nile that the negro race ever attained a higher degree of civilization than is at present exhibited in Congo and Ashantee." GROCERIES, AMES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al legheny, Wholesale Grocer and Tea Dealer, and Licensed Liquur Merchant. Dealer in Lauver and Timothy, teed; Butter, Cheese, Lard, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Flab, Au., and COWS try Produce generally, nos" 23 TAMES PATTON, JR., ti Federal street, Allegheny, In uow receiving in store the following, which ho will sell at the lowest cash prices, via 123 bbls. new crop plantation Molasses; bads. " Sugar; 30 bbis. Grocers Syrup; • • 10 Wile. prime roll Butter ; 80u lbs. " leathers; 120 boxes " C1.14X,71l 1.00 Bacon Llama; 40 half chests Young Lipson, Imperial, and gelatin., Old Country Celia, with a general assurteient of the Wait and largest stock of Faini.y drecurics to bu had in the city which is for sale for Cash—remember, PATTON'B, fel Federal street, 411e6liettz City. UGIAR.- 20 bbls. Baltimore Yellow Sugar. 6 taut, Lliand 10 bias. hefizied 10 " Levering tuinort&l " Receivul and fur sale by J A6IE6 PATTON, Jr, bov23 Alloghouy Oity ATTENTION, ALLEUILENY 'rho istioacribor would cull your attoution to hos bLUCIi of c'AAILLY ULLUt.alltik.S °ought, of tato, iu Now York, fur OASti, which no will doll at tower priced than any other houso in the two cities. for Ueda. Cuinu and boo the priced, at uAMkS pArvolv, Ju., Federal street, near tho Inaintul. ALLEtiLiZNY UITY. FRUlT.—Raisins, Currwits, Cranberries, Figs, If urigrtriau Cherries, Plums, Citron, Ortingoii, betuous, eke., Inc tl ite •1L luvitist ❑gures fur atria, by J A VIE:" PATTON. Je., 'N• der al street, ALLIAILItIST Car. A wotti) To TEA vaiNitEns. ILLE VMS: IN TEA dTtlitE, Nu. ..$6 Fifth street, 111L1 imported Ili [0 this coo hot 301110 01 the tiueot grades of (MBES A.ND 11 L A (11%." TEAS, grown in the Calcutta' kupiro, Iloilo up in all the f l attour, [alley //110kitg1313 WILK:11(2111,1.W iugauulty can invout. It luxury and a - aunt to drink them. Proprietors of stoical beau; and hotels, and private utuution are invited to call. ecL7 KE'rCli U PS.- 10 dozen Mushruutu litatitup. 10 du Engl.:di 'Walnut tiu. du Quarts Tumult. d.•. 10 du Pinta au do. Fur sala by ILEYMER. 4. AN DIA:VitiN, uur..44 Nu 39 Wood struut, oppo3itu lalLll . lol Uotol NOW IS TICE TIM E . 1 -1 011, MIS G CHEM' CLOTHING. Z. L EISNER, ON TUE CORNER of WOOD AND SPitEETS, lato "Davil'H Auction nown, id now bell- t." 4. out aid outiro w/tolc,alo cituck tit (.3).1.' eItIAJE.3 cOIG - , i.', , t6tl ONLY. >,.11 riuu 1.3111..± Pi:LA*4I , IW Uver- coat that used to bell at... iiue black Petersham oVeI'CO.I.I. Raglan •• tzgerhvad Raglan Lataustun .4 Elie Pilots Whitney Pilots isear,ku.i tAquimisux 6,tinett ...... tine Wove easaithere lituvm Ciotti Black bilk Cloth Super Flue Dread Frock Conta .I_,oo " 7,UU ia,oo .15,0 u " 11,00 U,50 PauLa, Ve3ts, Nud Furalthiug Lloods at cuuso auti proper- U. rates. *Tneat, nye and Corn Wanted, LS TEA nl L T iii Lit raiLL, A.LLECIIIEN Y CITY 'Tv U B SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the aboTo natablisiuout, and are nrunared to PAY has 111151111:32 LLAUSY:I' PRICY., lY UAtill roll Y.Z.,()0 BUSHELS OF WHEAT. 10,000 RICE,L 10,000 66 COBN. • It in the intention cf the proprietors to offer EST.E.I. PRICIS for any chaise lots of White or lied Whet. They intend io make very superior Family Emu:, and are willing to pay a premium to tite farmer, iu the shape of an extra price, to in enco trim to raise a choice quality el V. bent, and to bring it to market iu good order. jyls:lydlw ALCOHOL. -20 bids on hand, and fur sale by 1 dare'. B. L ati.NLIsTuCKS CO. OURNALS, LEDGERS, DAY-BOOKS, tr BOOKS and DoCtiliTS, for tale and made to urdei, by W. S. ii.S.VEN, nov2o Corner Market. and Second streets. \TORY 13.LA01L.-5 bbls. just received and iur male by kdoil B. L. FALLIE, LuCli. 6 Cu. POTAIOES. -5 7 barrels White Neshan nock Pcte6cea, arrtY:h& per Lehigh, and k r ' DOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, Medi um and Crown, Straw and 'tag Wrapping Vapora, fur dttio by W. 6. 11. la Corro.r llarkat and encovd atsrota. - - PIANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose wow,' 6 octave riauod, µil bu routed to prisato tuw l.¢a uuly. Apply Ell JuLiN 11. .51ELLua, t LI Wood litre<4. EXTRACTS FOR If LA VCR! 10 dozen Lemons. lu do Vanilla. 10 do Rose, for sale by ItEY5lEdt s AIN DELLOON, No. 30 Wood QTOCK C.110.10E1-PRICES LOW 1-NEW GUOU:s.—JOSE.•II 11_iltSE has j0 , ..t rste, edirein the rant, where he lean przellasel huge addltien, , already extensive Mock. Trading directly wan Fra UMW birurintia 11011dia anti With Cho .11-CIOrAeIOiLIMS, It,l uAr.ti exclusively, he is enabled to ,nibs she beta selexrti,ik of Goods a: the lowest poistule prices. Vie are now opening, for uaily •lisplay, the largest cheapest stock of • llit/.66 111111.2dING:,, itlell ESII3ItOIDEItIES, WVITEI.I WOULt;:i GOGD6, iIwoVES, tIO6IEICY, ac., Ever befcrii exhibited in Yittenurgn. Pureli.Leare are it, ~„I,t..i .e zwilitie the geode, and learu ale price; at LiOltNE'is, 77 Slaik:it $6OO .FOR a two story frame dwelling . 110C.613 awl lot orgrou.A f.. 0 feu by lee, i, , , etn. Ray situated ott Mt. Wleilnogtuu. Term.) easy. let; J. Cf.) rinsERT h. :"ON, of Mark, t. E. MOTICE 'YU BUTC!IERS.—Largo Meat .1,1 Cutters and rianaaga raters, of various 111.6 b, at N ii ttfta street, Yittsbrugh d-,03 moTicE, Trl.lE OLDEST AND ONLY . EXCLUSII, TE STORE In the city of Pittsburgh. Extra fine Emperor's Chop, the best Green Tea imported, being of garb u growth. Also, the nnest quality of pow Oolong Tea, possessing a delicious fragrance only to be Wino In the geninne article. No spices kept, or anything that Is it/Parlous in the flavor of Teas. Customers eau rely uu Et t I ng a pure article of its own flavor. 191 8. JAY;: 211 ti!th BICARB. SODA.--1000 pounds on hand and for sob, by B. L. PAILNESToC , a. CO., otl9 !x• • • • SHAWLS! 811 AWLS I l S I 3AWL3I! I We have. jtmt received this day u large lot ci Blanket Shawls, which we are tolling et One holier. O. ItANEON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothere. neg No. 74 Market street. APPLES. -150 Barrels Apples, various iu store, and ter sale by JAMES A. FETZELB., 1.4 Water street D R. STOCK . W ANTE D.—Pittsburgh, ILL. Ft. Wayne and Chicago It. It. Ston c wanted hi ex • change for Western lands, by S. CU 11111E1tT ,t SON, is 29 51 'Market street. C - OLLECTION BOOKS—Conveniently ar ranged. with index, for accounts, and pockets for bills and money, for sale by WM. G. JOIINSTON it CO., ' ndlio Stationed 67 WorAir4TPC4. 'XITHITE, GREASE—In cans, kegs and VW . barrels, for greasing Drays, Carts, Carriages, Omni bruin, mid all kinds of machinery, for sale by 'lBlB.l HENRY OOLLINB, 114 Wood al. tor $3,76 ti,uo " 4,60 5,00 " 5,16 ... 9,00 " 0,00 ... 8,00 " 6,104 ...lu,oo - 7,00 .... 8,00 " 5,00 7,00 " 4.50 10,00 " 13,00 1,00 " 3,00 ..... 0,00 4,50 10,00 7,00 5,00 ' 6 4,00 0,1/0 4,50 1,,0u ti 3 OU IU,Uu 0,00 EL. 'l'. 1.1:12.IN 'AL Y S JIRO .1A31E4 WARDEtOV