VOLUME X MORNING POST. sue Sunday: excerll:: P." 7: iJAIVIR . S. 7 P. P.5.',“.", • It *Fr 7tn:T.l:l-WS!' COUNT.: wa in TIM; CSIIEET;•!, 'f itMC.—hive Dollarb is ye:4r, payable strictly in advaLc-: , . x Dollars Invariably re.a.i etl is not paid within the year. : 1 / 4 3" . .5in01..) copies. 1.7:0 CL7iTy—far , 17 the counter In MTPA. by thc Nerk P.ATE'S OF ADVI•:RTISI d. T 0; a;./n 14 T 7.11 tatty i),717- la w ee a :5 1...i ar One 1n5erti0n.......... _ Two imiertious 75. Throe inserttene ..... 1 00 1 1 t•ii One week. 1 751 I i 1.11 Two Weetc 300 200 1 e.O l 1 Oo! Three weeks 42i 265 200 1 :!;, 100 Oue month 600 335 2 501..51 50 1 5 Two months 700 465 3 501 235 250 Three mouths 10 00: 6 00. 450 300 300 Four months 110 00 6 (351 5 00' 3 35' 450 Fire months... 11 00 7 351 550 3 65; 650 Siz months 12 00 8 001 600 400 6'50 Nine month,. 11000 &) 351 800 533 0V) One year • 20 001 335 10 00 665 12 00 Sandi:4; Card, six lines or use, per annum—. ....... 10 0 1 1 One square - , per annum, exclusir, o. the pc..per.). ...... 00 Marriage notices 50 cents ; Death notice?„ 25 _ PITTSBURGH siatißm y p[ST A MI 4311110T1111 W E afult ONLY ONE DOMAN, VEAL IN CLUBS Of , TEN. Single Subscriptions, - 021 per annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF TUE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural; Gommer cial, Local, Telegraphic and Misceilatwous. This Paper being of the LARGE_: and neatly prince on fine white paper, iu large, clear type, will be found b 3 the subscriber to give better satief2ction than any paper puoliahod in- Pittsburgh. Thotie who wish to take a paper tcom Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY POST a eenr and profitable investment. Addrea.l, JAZ/LIS P. 8AR.8., sepl7 aud Proprietor BUSINESS CARDS ae.e. P. ' mum - 43 a. az & ista BOOK AND - JOL OFFICE, ' POST BUILDINGS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. r HE undersigned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLES OF TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite the Ltention of Rail Road Officers Merchants, business and the public generally, to their superior facilities for executing with dispatch, on reasonable terms; all kinds of RAIL noA , MEET.CANITILE, LEGAL, AND EVERY OTLLER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING Air Our mateyiul being nearly all new, we can give 8.4511 - 'mince of the most complete satisfaction, and solicit etch , : d BOOKS, PAMPHLET:', RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CAIWS, lIADIK CHECKS, BLANK . NOTES, LETTER lIE_4.DS, BILL HEADS, BILLS ,LADILO, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, Particubir at b , ittiub gill tdno br paid to the printiiur of Postern, Vrogbitubiaris, &c. for Cuiirorts, lishibitium an 1 BARR & SIYERS. eircunen -,cs4Eaorz a CO. AND COMMISSION MEKCHANTS, PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL Nu. 114 tiscuND 11.0YZIltiiGLH: .10a,ph t. Eider, St.Loulo; %.ioune a. Wyle, Philadelphia A. a.. Palmor, Carrot a Martin, 1-IcCandless,Mean.l& Co., " Santee & CO. " A. Childs & Co:, neoue, Sterling & Co., Bagaloy, Cuegravi. a Cu., "a Cu., A. A. Mason a Co., !Awaa r d , rd T. Mott, 0.1i 7 . Smith, 'Alieeling; Wrno r & Graham, A. J. Whrt•lor, '.ti (oc7:ly 'l72ae Peol)l:6's apriupr Pittsburgh; D. S. -DIEFFENBA:".IIER &CO •S Chop Cash Leii.kra is all kiirls of i'L,fhloaahis 04.101`6, Slidle6 ii.) GAITERS, ' For Gentlemen, Lathe., 1 mith3 and Children, No. 17 Firth Street, gear Market, ocB PIT PA .1. 0, PEaltiri S. 1. JUIINSV.S PER111?-; Proprieturet of Cllll.l. S C ..'s Patent Ellastic VII*C anti Water :'root LlCCUlellt I.Looring. 133 .1111116 ORDERS for ROW2iNU i.rumptl2-, and faith bully uzetti ult,l till our ..i,rl; a.:ll,ittt , 1. o.oollug utotorial ulwtiy.i ou I. a , :or vote, .ito rrctlone for uso. 4,12.z1y DAWES & C U 4 E , Inouse, sign and Or3nreuicattnl Path orE, AND GRAINE;.(S, 11• WOOD STREET. Dealer 9 in White bead aud Zinc Paintei. , A tac, Oils, Varuido. - 6, Pw..l), ! Wiudoo, 1.160 u ad d0tu1e..613-.4‘.1 - - - - I A),IES )111,LiN 0 NG XII EL PL NIII.L. wool.] ,p,ottully itih,rai Vaal Ito bus rebuilt diuco the Ore, atilt ,4 , 41 iu mud tilled it w tto lint unwept nod Inuit ap proved inachidery, is lloWpn•l»nred to luruitb flooring am: piahued boar 41, 9CrOVOI tlnWic,..Z and rem tYlinff....l9ol -,4 , cash Aid taunted-6.1111u dried, tracuei, utoulello4s, box tuaxiug, &c. iouth'Pitesburgb, Scptolabcr 7, 1557. kiolo lEORGE BLETCIIER, NIAF OF 5339 CLLEuIk-kTLI, GOSSAIIIEII, VENTILATING WIG ELASTIC BAND' DUPE S, told °very deßcriptiuu of 11Allt tor Lao: sod (lout:omen. 1236. 76 FOUILIII,JIre,t, Gen o o Woo !2ati Mark, , t, Pitt bArgh, Po. i4,r..„ sty. /tat'n. 1... v. 131 WOOD STREET, HAVE just received the ' fALL STYLE 02 Gent's Dres , Etats; Gent'n &oft, Flats :icft, that.; i,l3oy's Fancy CL.p . e..; 01;;Idren'H Faucy data, itithug Bits Joactin. Ci,rrin.gc itcpossitory. Joeraw noki cerryiug on bust near in his tipe.cions k now lately eulaged„)on the Pittsburgh and tiresusburg Turnpike, near the Two 'Aile ltna, betwten Pittsburgh It'd Lawrenvovillo,iospoctiully invites the public to inepect hi 3 stock of CAilitlAiiE.S, 131.1GGIEtiili,ntb.e. 01le And la. particularly intorno. g.l7l , lliinik urck.isert, prk, only La made. Fourteen years' pei.mtwe ti.o br.k...itass enabled him to place boron, his ChillCo Coll,Ctioll of Cor :lieges which, fit) many yours pactv itario h us and mostas been hia portic ehtotl uloi department to select, (Com the tal flastern manutacturers. The Akccols of hie u& ,fylite!ll if complete—the economy of his o rr.ttigements will ,npply the best and most faainounble inouw.kcturoe at moderate price's. Unencumbered by those heavy oXI4JI/6,`..f., whichon the tire manic for decorating' house)Ut goads, of toviluesti has hooped up priet (ov.-In4 large routs ' ,lOSEPII WHITE will sell, no ready money only. ut intieh leave thou the usual prices. repo.h ., l in the hest manner with dosiietch ruey 12dt At Q ,— T. CHAftLES LIVERY STABLES.— QT. The undersigned bas bought the lease ~:_.....„ ~..,, . 2 r- of the above named Stables, to- ..,:-:5ip,;.4%2i5,, , 1 4 ..._ i , ---'• other with a portion of the exten- '''.f".5...7.-.1.7..j. - ir„. r - sive stock of flurseesnd Carriages, 51:-!--......fiL.i Into the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the etock b.ifore raeutioned ho has also a Addß ed a number of FINE L1.011.9.ti5, DIJGOIES AND CRIAGES, which were formerly employed at Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives his his personal atten tion to the business, a continuance of the p.s licited. tronage which Ile has hitherto received frcu public is so' JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. 3.—A aEARSTi and any number of CARRIAGES can always be procured for Funerals. d 2, "FOR SALE—A Drug Store, located in one of the beet la in the city of Pittsburgh, for .42IthOr (daubing, reta or pr--scriptien basinest Purcbas ge of i are °courts rice. :For inform I . 'era will had on atiVatit JOLIN HAFT, J tlOll inquire of o. No. 163, corner Sixth and Wood streets, Pt.tat urcb PO lilt ESSED 110 U 6. h . Jr e ‘5l. by .a. . F _______- IJANNELS—Ited, White, Gray, Green, _ Yellow, Plead, etc. Cheaper than the cleapel3t. 0 llA..tiell:i LOVE, formerly Loco Llrothers, N:, '' , 4 kfvri• street CONL'E k LOUNGES AND NEEDLE— - CP WORK COLLABS.—A large wsortment, and very NOLA. RJ.Ii3.I3ER O.LOTHINtir--r-Of the best, 0. ILtfi&ON LOVE, and also soco quality, for age wholoeale and" — Lail by lilyWIC =as !Rt. ends J. 8 al.-Rau:Lim. PAPE:it ISO iKS, DE;:DS, mu?, ro_ktiES. [Si )N Dr, /cc .I',IrcCORD & CO Ijskrav if ontr:P _ . ; • • • . .... . . . . : . .. - . . . . . . , • . * . . . i'.". . . . . . . ) . . ...., f. , 4 •.*', * t-.. i -1 ei . 4 ': £., 1 11 1 4... S•.' - 1 6 '"q - - PUBIAIKIED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, Al THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS WELLS CO V EILLY, P ROPRIS7OR, Corler of illarket Street and Market - Spiv?, HARRISB URG, Pd. - - PHIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, ere,qed by the .ttes3re JoNES hi Harrisburg., , boen le,f-ecl for a term of yeire by the under sigri,•,i, be takes this motind of e,lling the attention of his forin-r p.,trons, friends, nod the traveling cuuminhity, thereto. Daving n,hart nr ort, /Iv/tired and forty foe feet on the princtpal street of tie city, and fifty-rwo feet front on Mar ket Square, ft : cannot to provo attractiVo no 'won no in viting iitrom2ert.. The 01iA.).113E11.6 ore of tine biZ , , well ventilated, and lighted with gas—a number with connecting dar.are—making them very desirable fur faunilieat. The HALLS aro warmed throughout by heaters, and every modern improvement, in fat, has been added, that Iney conduce t..b the Ftifety, coaufut t and happiness of the Visitors :itaa, therefore, rest assured that the "JOlsiEz bau3 i.e madoperfaaet an all its appointments that each departcaeut has been pl,c d :n charge of Ex 2.- fiatScLD erne COMPUTI:NT In every particular tli•. HyStuill which has been adopted by the Proprietor, wtil afford to thoma who may make it their home, us great a de gree of comtort as may be obtained at any similar establish ment in the State. securo hk de.uirable rep dlt, he has furnished the Priblic and Privaie L'ariorm, Chambers, Dining &C., with on- N lh IT Mir.; and also arranged within the taillatng, a lino ItAttara Sicoort, zaLooN, Dr+ , .xsa Room. lloT AND( °LI) 13.11118, ,i J. - . The CULLN IIiaItTMIAINT AND DINING li00)1 will receive taw e4peeial etteu'aou of the Proprietor, which, he ti u,t4, will be a sualcieui guarantee that all tastes will be Hited. After returning his heartfelt thanks to his uhl friends and patrons, for the i.tnerone patreuage so lung extended to Lim at the • euVLB.LY liouce," and also to ht., friends and patrons at the " 1.. /1.011131 i," Cape Inland, duff.); the .reason .4 Is;J. he re,ie ctfully solic.ts a coutinu.tuce of it at the '..10N 1,6 ja9: WELLS COVERLY. WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENN'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. 0 A. F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Coiner Irwin Sireet and Duquesne Way, PIEISEIIitOII, PA B. D. MARKER, onnerly of tLe "31arkur Dome," Blai•rsvilie, Pa.) rifls E SCOTT HOUSE IS 'NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated to u contra' part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and steamboat Landings. Thu House was built in 1850, with all modern Improve ments and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Ifmtniture being new—and will in every respect be t first class Hotel. Fine STABLES are attached to the premh•es. IJel2:y IL W. KANAGA. To S. HOTEL, Opposite the Pciaisri. RaLlroaill. Depot, iiiiiiiLSBUILG, PA. [jel6 VIASMINGTON 010 EL; FOILM.MILY U. t 3. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. J H 0 Proprietor. lIiS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE curuer ut P :NN and WASiiiMiToN Strouts, between the UL,N IRA, WILbTERN RAILROAD DEPUTY, and has undergone a thuiungh improvement, remodeled and Curni,he.,l with now furniture, and to now the Illost, conve nient lintel in Pittsbar6h, tur Travelers by Railroad, East or W,st.. nayB:ly - “N; COP LE lit ESTA ET RANT. i)1, - ELI YOUNCT, STREET. Zoe atteutwu of Nitt,-I.auts su, others is ,0,....tte,1 to tutsiu...,„ 7 e 0.4 :,o.reot, e,lll-11 Las., 1.1 6 .,1.1 eiect iy tilted MIA th/ig IN A CEATzt.AL 'I,OOAIIUN CouLtry t hin attending market are particularly Invited to ttimg pertaining to cm EATING SALOON will wood, of the irebttest the ac..:rriiet attorda. • • ibleelsior itiestaturant No,. 111 W 00.," N'treei, Puranuani, Pay WHOLESALE AND P.ETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND iIASTEitN FISH. Pkiladelphin. eet. I"=..ltimore Oyaters, And WILD udlih, all lu their proper season. 1. STEINRUCK, ly] Agent for the Philadelphed Oyster and Fish Co. • AN SION HOUSE, Ci EaRGE A U KEN TZ, tnoratrtel‘, No. 344 Liberty dtreot, Just beside the lieput of the l'enusylvanin Railroad, which makes .t too LLIUSt convenient house in the City for passengers arri. vu1. 0 4 by that road. Thy having, at considerable expense, bitted up, .t.yle, the ..N.WiSIU:t LioUSE, uouid t'utiy ,ohcit a allure or public patronage. There is attached sp[ona..d L1T1131,1,.' and extensive WAGON YARD, afford: ins a:Guinn:ed.:ion to and teamsters. .I_l4 ~.:b Bar wail vu tarnished with the best the market :.,:tor 1. T. CLAIR lIOTEL, corner Penn and St. ,treeta, Yu.—The undersigned, former •• L:rown's ..r.,vaig taken this large and comma ,Lous tiOTEL, and 'norm,: reatted it in magnificent style, Le his tram& aml the traveling public a ca ll, sdurul, with the convenience of the de nee tat Ins long experiznce in the business, &C.,. n giVt - in! Lis c!..e.i.gue niudurate. (L 11,2 WM. C. CONNELLY. FURNIruitE MILLIKE.N CO. have on hand, ea then ~zdeneLve CAL'l`iE and CliAllt HAN UFAC , 1, ilo. e-I ufithfield atreet, r. large a.murttneut of lane) [Tula Fut iture, which they will bai lb per cent. Iowa! rate:, ca td, only. dec274 Ar OOD WELL'S i'UIRNLTURE ANL v cuLt.uts, What:ewe and Retail, embracing every yle of Ent niturt . , in libbewood, 151abogally aud %Valuta, ratable fur Parlors, Chambms and Dining itomrs . , equal to co in New Yuri,. ur Pliiladelplua, and at lower pri,ed. Ever) rticle made by hand, and wurradted. Cabintsmakerth .iLii any quantity of ruiu; i.ruitr; and CliAlltS, on trans. Hum! and Steamboats furui.Med at thr ,ma - tust notice. War eroorm, NOB. 77 Sad 79 THUD.) Street, •I,:sburgh., Pa. 0t22 'I NV EET C 1 Di 4:, R. bbls. Sweet Cider, for solo by JAMES A. FETZEIt, 89 15.'it.c,r street. • CIIIRISTAIAS and NEW YEAY'S GIFTS. ‘_) uf every dencriptum ill the Fttucs Dry thunitt tt ,14, call and tute them. C. IiA.NzON LOVE, I , •triiterly LOVE ItlttiTilEtt, 74 Market St. :tt s ji ii..A.GE-1 4 'or office use, in corivenienti hat hale by W a. ii. doll.Nt•sTi.st do 00., den h 7 Wood ntrtot DORT FOLIOS ANL) 1)i .UJS for sale 1 by W.l. I. JOHN iTOS & CO, 57 Wtygl btreot terra s American and French„ T. f 4,1 e by B. d. if EINEISTOCE & CO. i 1 4 NNE SPUME. .• i3wacucki Cupping 6i. k aige Solt Bathing pogo (loud Carri,,gd iivongo GUM Dii3OPS.--300 lbs. just received and fur bale y B. L. FA lINESTOCIi 4k. CO., uuv3o Corurr Wood mud Fourth el treeto. r iIIiI4.2,IOMETEILS—For sale by W. G. JOHNSTON Sr. CO., Siatiouers. 57 Wood street, LiftESl.l. LOBSTEES.-10 dozen in cans A: for said by REIMER do ANDEUSON, uct,24 N 0.39 Wood street. „ A L LUM.-50 barrels for sale by B. A. FAIINESTOOK A• CO., uurlB Corner Wood and First streets. FRINGES, for Dress Trimmings. A handsome assurttueut at reduced ratue, at u. ItN ES' 77 "Market street. RYE FLOUR.-2O Barrels Rye Flour, jus received, and for ea!e by JAMES. d. FETZER, • • 89 Water street. DUKE OLIVE OIL, At JOSEPH. FLEMIIiG'S, V . t s l 'orerr Vlvrt-pt atr.t ecd ay. Diamond GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL AND CLUING OUT SALE OF DRY GOODS. Fine, Dress Gouda, at very low prices; SIIAWLS, in gnat variety, at very low prices; WOOLEN GOOD', a large stuck., at very low prices; DOSIESTIC aOOI , S, an immense stock, at very low pricez At ilia store, of A. A• MASON ds Iso. 28 STitkl.ET, NEW ARRIVAL.- 20 twine Oranges; 20 du 51enehat LC1.110735 200 drums N,vv Wigs, just received and for male by ANDERSON, No. 09 Wood Amer, Opposite St. Charles Hotel. bxs. Ruehebter Pearl Starch fur e.ilo by 419.1 11ENRY IL COLLINS. DOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, 'Medi um and Cruwn, Straw and Stag . Wrapping L'a fur HMO by ' S. Wrap pi -112 CP:nor M,rlc. W t nr.l Sear,nd atreata . El lANOS TO itENT.—Two elegant Rose '. • wood 614 octavo Pianos, vili bo nut:A to private' ides only. Apply to .101 IN IL MILLOR, 82 Wood 'street Isla _ . fI TL CLOTH et CR .ISll.—For Stairs, a vari - r vof trf r.4,?4 ;f fv , f • • 'Apo P ROP METRE SS PROPRIETOR ; JOSEPII FLEMING'S, Corner Niti:ket 'street t 1134 Dltstuand. BANKS. DOLLAR sAvrNGS '353 , o. 5 •: . n7tf Sirerf !AII)DLL Roord, JOI:E.B' VIEW nuILDING. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 u'olook ; aPo, on Wednesdas and Saturday eveuingl, from Kay Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clocit; and from November let to " , iay lot, from Ito 8 o'clock. Uopoilts received of all sums not less than Oita DoslMt, and a dividend of the prodts declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate of six per cent—per annum, on the first of December, Mae In Jane and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1857. Interest., if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a yea; without troubling the depositor to call or even to proses; his pass book. At this rate, money will doable in less thaa twelve years, making in the aggregate tinny AND ONE-CA.I.? PER CENT. A YEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Robe and Itez,v, lations, furnished gratis, on application at the eStee. Prealdent--GEORGE AL BRE vice PRIRIDENTS. Hopewell Hepburn, John H. tilioe.nbz. - .7:r:, James Midi°, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James II Kelly, William S. LUvely, James Hardman, Hill Bnrgwin, John S Cosgrave, TRUSTLEE. William J. Anderson. James W. Hallman, jonn G. itackofen, Charles Knap, 1 Albert Culbertson, P A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. I David Campbell. A. Al. Pollock, M. D Charles A. Colton,? Henry L. Itingwalt, William Donglass, John M. Sawyer, i Francis Felix, George ii. Selden, I George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. Hoon, Theokild Umbstactsr, t William S. Haven, George R. White, Secrearyand Treasurcr—CHAS. A. COLTON. [Ce',3 i BANK OF !OWA. A. •J. STEVENS & CO., DESMOIN ES, I ( ' COLLECTIONS MADE and prompta i mitted. LANDS selected and locate:. CapitallBts wishing to make investments in the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. (my2l:6m JIDSTEC LOOMS 51108. D. LOOMIS. ;A, USTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notesatonds, Mortgages, and all Securities for Money. Money Loaned on Checks at short thites, with collateral security. NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Loans can be accommodated on reasons blo terms, and capitalists can bilurnislied with good securi ties at remunerative prices. . Also, attend to the Side, Renting and Lousing of Real &tate. Office, No. 92 FOURTH street, above Wood . AUSTIN LOOMIS', Notary Public 'V HOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Es • change Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept ances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the East ern and Western Citiee constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current pepor, 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth eta. [ja3o:ly r VIIO.II.AS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, &c., N 0.75 t, , urth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jans NOUN - Woop t 9, —a.NKER AND LX.CIIANGE BRNEZIC, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notee. Stock bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposits. No. 67 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. je3o REAL ESTATE AGENTS JAMES C. RICHEY, ,'',EAL ESTATE BROKER, :a o. 65 FIFTH S rREET PITTSI3II PARMS, Bought HOUSES, and LOTS, sold MILLS, an 1 ..n d YURNAOL3, sown:L:Mon Warrants . Bilis, _Bonds " and • ~ Notes Negotiated. i:,pecial attention given to sub-dividing Feriae and die sing of them, Terme reaeonable. decltt:dsw CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 ky. Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting housee, attending to insurance and repairs, Jotaining loans on bonds, mortgages, Ac,; making convey wines, deeds, bonds, Ace.; writing lettere and corresponding a 'Cu parted abroad, &c. acid bought, aold and BELDEN •SE JOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. iteriatencks.—Mesers. Canna, Garretson & Co., Rolm - +. Parka. Esq. jythy 3. 1 STERN LANDS.- ALEXANDER, GARRETT, SEAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATES. OLEVEI,AND, 01110, Has for Bale Lands In Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Jiichigan and lowa. lie will ei.change Land in Wisconsin, for Pittsburgh manufactores,and also fdr city property. All letters of inquiry answerel gratis, by addressing me as above. anll:ly OHIOO F TOWNSHIP PROPERTY OR SALE.—TWENTY-SIX 2.CItES i,f tirdt clll9B d ,u Lands situated on the Allwytteay and New Brighton )Iscadamined road, about five inn es from Alleglieuy city— about tun acres cleared, bah ucu g'Ald Limner. NVill bo sold at a bargain, and suspended bank paper taken, if applied for soon at JANIES C. RICHEY'S, dell Real Estate Broker, N. 64 Fifth street GARDEN FARM FOR SALE. —A Garden Farm fur sale, containing Twenty-four Acres .f First Class Garden Land, well improved, good Buildiuga, flue Or chard, excellent Water, Coal and Limestone in abundance, situated in Robinson township, seven miles from the- city. Will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to JAM.F.6 C. RICH.EY, Real Eqato Broker, No. 65 Fifth street. VORTH FAYETTE TOWNSHIP LAND FOR .SALE.—One Hundred and Fifteen Acres of First dotes Land, for Wheat growing; about Ninety Acne cleared, ~ alance good timber; comfortable farm improvements; Lsrce Orcnard; excellent Water; Coal and Limestone; Forty-fiv.. Acres in grass, will be sold low and on easy terms. Apply JAMES C. RICHEY. Real Estate Broker, tin Filth street. ABMS in Exchange for City Property.— A. farm of 350 'acres, on the Allegheny river, near Kittanning, 130 acres cleared; dwelling house, barn and or• chard; coal, limestone and iron ore. Also, a farm of lull Acres near the above. Also, a farm of 83 acree on Pine creek, 4 miles from Kittanning; 30 acres cleared; two houses, and a saw mid in good running order ; a first rate location fur business. 250 acres of land at mouth of Red Bank creek; 40 acres cleared and ,n good order. Price low and terms Fi ill ho exchanged in whole or in part for city pro perty. S. CUTIIBERT & SON, uovlo 51 Market street. lANLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwol ling House, of fuur roorno. with lot of ground '..10 feet trout on Nfunterey street, Allogh City, by 110 deep to au alley. Terms, $4OO in hand, bras ace•at one, two and throe ears, H. CUTHBERT & SUN, nov24 51 Market street. FOR RENT.—A large dwelling house, on Ross dtroet, at head of fifth, with immediate puss:s alon. Also. two small houses in Spline's Court. 8. CUTILBERT Sc SON, 61 Market street. F"s7so will be sold a new two story Brame 1/011PAI, with a good lot of ground, in Allegheny city. The lot is 20 feet front, on Moutetay street, by 110 , ot Loan alloy. Terms easy. B. CIITLIBERT 3; SON, 51 Markel street. FOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small luta of land, ten miles trom made- Vali), Marshall county. Va, four miles from R. R. Station. Rich soil and good timber. Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, from 5 to 7 years, if desired. A 150,700 acres of good land, 3 miles from Cameron Stet tion, B. it Ohio 8.. It., for sale to suit purchasers, at from $7 to $lO imr acre, anion easy terms. 5. CUTHBERT & BON_ 51 Market street. VO - R . REN r.—A. dwelling house on Third street. Alen, ono on Rose street, with immediate pot, beistou. a. CUTIIBMIT et SON, nov7 bi Market Stiebt. FOR SALE.—A Dwelling louse with 'a good Store Room, situate on Robinson streot near Fed rah, Allegheny city. Prico low and terms easy. 101 l 8. CUTH.I3I.III.e 61 Market et_ FOR SALE:—A comfortable dwelling house (frame) of hall and. eight rooms, portico in front, with a lot of ground 78 feet front on tionth. avenue, Allegheny, by 220 deep to Rebecca street, with fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, stable, U., &c. Price $.1,500. S. CUTHBERT Ac SON, 61 Market street. MERCHA NTS' AND IHANUFACTII REM' BANK STOOK; or PAPER, will be taker, at par, either in whole or in part pay for several very dosira. blo locations for country residences, near the city. One lot of 12 acres. one of 14, of 10 and 3 area. For particulars call at our office. F. CUTHBERT & SUN, 61 Market street. F . -LANNELS .- White, Yellow, Red sad Plaid, of all grades, and at LOWER PitlaZ than they can beget for at any other ea• tabliginient hi She city. 0. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers, No. 24 qarki , t ;treat. HOUSES, LOTS Ks D FARMS.—We would , invite the attention of persons who wish to purchase A ELOHSEi the - great variety of Houses. Farms and Build ing Lots we'llave for sale. , . We have now on hand Lets et $l.OO, eadti;and at' $2OO, $4OO. and upwards, stud ozi;'.very eas y terms:. :: Bunn in paymonts averaging fourteen cents a day 1 Hotteea and Lots, lit from $7OO to $lO,OOO, in various locations in and adjacent twat° two cities. Improved Farms at Irvin $lO to $5O t#t acre., -Also, choice Fanning Lands at from 's2 to $5 acre. Persons having property of any Aind to dispose of, will Bud it to their interest to give us a call. WBIFO, etU f rrj_to 010 Renting of Houses, and Collection of MO% MUM= 80N, 1118., - kd street. PITT' PITTSBURGH ON DA Y. FEBRUARY 22. 1858 ( I A.B.PETS AND ,OIL, C .OTHS E.)IOVAL.—J. & 11. PHILLIPS have removed to their new huildiug h ,No9. 26 and 28 ST. CLAIR street, west aide,between Pent. street and the Bridge. J. if li. WEND:IVY SUADE OH. CLOTH!, Also, QALERE IN OIL CLOTHS & WINDOW SHADES, Of every description. Dealer, in INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA RUB BELTING, HOSE and PACKING. LEATHER DELT of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality; also, Lace Loather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO FIRE—PROOF PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. MOUSE AND U-;'.;IN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, , -.71e in the beat and shortest time. I deIO:Iy I 3. & H. PHILLIPS, ro N Id and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil. psville, on the Ohio river, three miles beloW Pittsburgh. AT 'HE Fs , 'ourth Street Carpet Store. • TAT D. & 11. IVI'CALLIIM respectfully 5 e invite the attention of their former customers sad the public generally to their present stock, Just selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Home Manufacture, consisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and COIIIIIIOII Ingrain: also, Bruasols, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. • OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 24 FEET WIDE, Slate, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting List, ' Yarn and Has. Carpets ; Venitian Blinds; Painted , Bufi and , 3reen Holland. Shades. • It will give us pleasure to show goods to all who may be desirous of looking er uurchasing, and we are determined to oiler inducements to any who may Mital. Ins with a call, nt the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood, uyl9:ly W. D. & 11. M'CALLIIM. R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (6uccestior to B. T. C Murgan,) PATTON ER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, TERIODIOALB riMIE undersigned have entered into Co _ P Irtnerthip, uuther the style of WEIL 04: Johnston it Co. SAMUEL R. JOIANSTON, JR., WILLIAM C. JO ETON. Pittsburgh, Septempbr 5, 1867. 8. It. JOIII , IBTON, ,1714+.' c i. 0. JOIIIVBTOYI JOLINSTOrti Br. CO., TA'll.ogt RS, Blank Book Yranafacturers, kj and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wouil street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' 4 se3u B.LANK BOOKS, s Journals, Day Books, Ledgers, Cash Books, Invoice Books, C.. ecv Books, Bill Books, Becsipt Books. WM. O. JOLINcTON & CO., 67 Wwd street. A N u 19 CTIJR ERS Ur FLOOR, FURNITURE,CARRIAGF, TABLE, AND TRANSPAI‘E. , ;T OPAQUE Of diffor.nt Colon CAZPETC, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, Ise., BOOKS AND STATIONERY AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth street, Pittsbuigh, Co-PartmierblLlP. For sale by d 029 TOBACCO AND SEGARS. 11T D. R4EI.I.ART, TOBACCO, SliakF ANI? '4.)I4AILS PIANOS ALND SUPERB GRAND PIANO, Flynt THE WACTOItY OF Steinway & Solis, News Work. take pleasorein an. to tne puli.le that they lute just r-ceived a csideuilid full till.A.Nll • 4 f hum the tatury of ntelueiny & cuud,<N.w • , ora, v.tilen tut exquisite sweetness and vututue of tone, ligutuess and etatuietty of tvucu;ntidtist tasteful and ele gant exterior is COLl.allUtell Elie EIiNINST - uitAl:L/ e .er Low...ght to this c ty. dile mechanist/1 in a DOUBLE 1 . ..5; Lai I.Nu ACE/ON, a pa ..1.1t.1.1 hilientien ut teL & duns, which C iltakeet tninniXneee and del.cacy of touch a Clo6tee of OuraUllity Out rarely attained. respectfully incite the public, one and all, wt.etner par. elaieris or no 4 to C dl add 800 this nuilvailed Instriirneat. likkinalt. 53 Filth atreet, dole Agents for Steinway & Sous. N. P.—Also, Just i eceived a trash lot of Nouns & Clark's Pianos. deal . PIAAV6I Virli FULL GRAND PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 • AND NEW STYLE 6QUAItE PIANOS, loom the Manutuctrry & tio.to2‘ - , just received from the alanutActory of Chidtering Liostoo, toe tuilov, tug detiraole and ekgaut stock of their PIANO FoRTES : t,po Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Pzice sboo One Full meven octave Grand Piano forte, elegant Home wood csme. Price. 4700 One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, uearl equal iu power to a full Wand, and occupying only the roam of an ordinary square Piano. Price Two full carved Rosewood, Louis Xath, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Trio Rosewo,d seven octavo--Cliffold style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Torso IYalnut, plain round, front corners, seven octaves. Four . 46 “ 44 . 6 3 4 n Four u Rost wood " " it " w a All of the above are of their NEW SOALE, and with full iruu frames, and their new Patent Action. These Inturuments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOH, H. A ELLuR, No. 51 Wood street, Sole Agent for Chickering & Sous'. nessrei. latia.ries a Zeivil Grebe, TEACIERS OF TUE PIANO, ORGAN AND SINGING, ! I ! ! ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, A 8 Uieok, La in, Germae, Freuch, and Spaiaish, MIAS. GREBE, Ca.ud. Theol. Enquire at the principal Musio litorea. ide24:3m-a q)U. R.•-• NORMAL CLASS. 9 - IHE SECOND SESSION OF THE NOR HI."L CLASS, at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Cud,r the direction of A. BUIITT, Principal of the Fifth Ward Public Scho Is, will commcncc On Monday Evening, February let. The Class will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings, and Sattirda3, mornings of each week. Trams $2 per Session of Sixteen Lessons. Ja2B AW ING LESSONS, T IRON CITY COIIIIERIAL COLLEGE Bey IN IMECHIANICAL, AIteIITTECTURAL, AND CRAYON DRAWING, <ea By JOH N nEft.Z e 7.7" For further information apply to Mr. P. W. JEN i{l59, Principal of Iran City Commercial College, Pitts burgh. n0c14.43md. Wheat, aye and Corn Wanted, ei 111.3 PEARL STEAME TEXLL, 3LLEGI3 EN; CITY. rip E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN .11. the above establishment, and aro prepared to PAY THE OIGIL aT MARS= PHIOV i 4 CA9a Fyn •145,040 .40SIIEL3 OF WHEAT. 10,000 f 10,000 CORN. It is cho intention cf the propriete , rs to offer 11.1V3A ?wen for any chaise lots of White or Red Wheat. They intend to make very superior Family Flour, and aro willing to pay a nremium to thefdrater, in the shape of an extra price, to in duce him to raise a choice quality of Wheat, and to ring it to market in good order. jyltelydirw Mineirait Water Depot. J. C. BUFFUMH. 8. BUBBSB 1 - C. BUFFITISI & - CO. - , Manufacturers o' cur • Sariasparilla, Mineral Water, - Pop, Bottled Ale and Porter; also, Bottlers of Waluarrigles cel.brated Wlntarbao Ale. Warehouse, No. %(4 Market street, PeTsinotr,.Ps. Orders tilled and shipped to all parts of the country h. ”tagt notice. apltklydaw WRAPPING PAPE — RIGOI . 6ara' s Crown, Medium, and Double Crown,' Straw -Wrapping Pa• per, full count, ju-t recPived and for sale by d. . JAS. A F.ET e. 9 Water street. A. LOOHOL.-20 bbls en hand, and for sale ja, by [41:16] B. Li. WINZETOOK a 00. DZALELR9 IN ALL HMI* OP No V 29 WOOD STREET 2. T. KENNEDY dt,BRO INSURANCE. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Off Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J. ➢PCANN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and invected...s2oo,ooo OU Snrpina 63,428 35 $233,423 35 Ins area Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and I ributaries. Ingiares against loss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. DIRSOTOIIB Win. V. Pettit, J. C. Montgomery, John M. Pnmroy, B. J. McCann, E. F. Witmer, Ilene B. L. Woolnton, John A. Marshall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Puny. OFFICERS: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, President. E. F. WITMER, Vice President. D. J. McOANN, Secretary. RIFERERCHS: In phip,Mphia: I . Stainmitz, Justice Q Co., Buck, Morgan A SUMIe, Pumroy, Caldwell Ec Co. NO. 97 WATER STREET. W. POINDEXTER, Ai ELIANC E in Philadelphia': Bolger, Lamb & Co., Truitt, Bro. tr. Co., A. T. Lane & Co., PITTSBURGH OFFICE, au7 IL. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA Office Edo. 70 Walnut Street CA.PITLL $lO ,1374—ABarze $232,092-81otnim IifVZSTED. j'IRE INSURANCE ON BUILDINGS, MENOLIANDL9Ei FURNITURE, Ec., In town or country. The Autual principle, combined with the security of a Stock Capital, entitles the Insured to share in the profile o. the Company, without liability for losses. The Script Certificates of this Company for profits are convertible, at par, into the Capital Stock of the Company. CLEW TINGLEY, resident. B. Id. lIINCIIMAN, Secretary. DIBECTOIIB. George 11. Stroud, John 8.. Worrell, Benjamin W. Tingley . , Z. Lothrop, EL L. Carson, Robert Toland, Cornelius Stevenson, Charles Leland, Wm. Al. Semple ' Pittsburgh. J. G. COF'F'IN,, Agent, Corner Third and Wood streets. Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, Samuel Biepham, George W. Carpenter, Robert Steen, Charles S. Wood, Marshall Rill, Jacob T. Bunting, William Musser, PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 119 Chestnut. Street, Opp Ate the Custom Mouse. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premium. ROBERT P. KING, Preaideut. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Preeident. DIILIZOTOB.B. Charles' Hayes, E. B. Cope, E. B English, George W. Brown, P. B. eavory, Joseph S. Paul, 0. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. Alagargee, E. No B. BICILBUILNE, Secretary. J. 6. 00ifitIN, Agent, JY 4 : I Y Corner Third Mid Wood streets. NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANIi, OF PHILADELPHIA, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, 414 WALNUT STREET. Organized under the General Insurance Law, wan a Cash Capital of SIOO,UOO, privileged to alumnae to puo,titi. 'n ames againat lose or damage by PL AE, MARINE, INLAND NAVIGATION and TILL.NSPO.STATION. osemetto: U. 0. LAUGULLN,Preeident. B.IOII'D SEUELDs, V. Pree't GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS H. 0. Laughlin, I). Sherwood, W. C. ototeebury, R. H. Cantle, it F. shewell, 0. C. Butler, George Scott TITE v CELLFFEY, Agents, Office Lafayette Hall, entrance uud ct PITTSBURCiII id .14 1 E. 14 - `IIELE AND MARINE 11VS A.ll , OE CU.I.IPA.N i o eoalizit o W ATEA nNll A1.a.15.11.61' eaIiENTIS EtWa..lll: iiALW b f , President. ALEX. iik.ADLEY, Vice President. F. A. RIZULIWIT, secretary. 44-This Uompany wales exeryineurance appertaining to or connected with LIN.II. it 11313.6. Also, against HULL AND oAlttiO 131111i8 on Luc vino and Ilissisaippi 'livers and tributaries, and M Alt NE ganorally. and against Loss and Damage by sire, and against Ms Pails of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. DIEIICTOIIB Bohan Galway, damnel M'Olnrkan, Joseph P. iltrv.vri, M. D., John ikon, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph d. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David a Chambers, Hobert ii. Hartley, Willimo Carr, J no. .11c All. • CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBUBAikI. WJLI.I a M RAGALEY, President. dASIIIEL L. MARBILELL, Secretary. OFFICE: 94 Water street, between Market and Wood streets ,346- Insures HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio dad Insures against Loss or Damage by HIRE. Also, against the Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation tud Transportation. DIRECTOR(' Ilium Bagaley, Samuel Bea, James 11. Cooper, James Park, Jr., Lsaao 51. Pennock, Springer liarbaugh, Capt. Samuel C. Young, John Calawell. WEST BitANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY: CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA .$300,Q00 itennium N0te5..4132,843. ash Capital VMS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, ic., in town of DIREOT 08.8 lion. Jno. J. Pearce, Hon. G. 0. Harvey,' Charles A. Maier, John B. Hall, Charles Crist, (Peter Dickinson, VI. T. Abrams, 1) K. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. 110 N. G. C. HARVEY, President T. T. An..A.reg Vice President. Thee. KITCHEN, Secretary. REFERENCES: ...,naluel U. Lloyd, I iDr. J S. Crawford, s.. A. Wmegurdner, John W. Maynard, A. Updegraff, L. A. Mackey, Ron. S Cameron, James Alinatrong, A. White, 'Thos. Bowman al), William Pearun, Jamey Quiggle, Win. Vanderbelr., lion. Win. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. 8o FIFTH BTHEET, de2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. - 1 11_11, FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE i COMPANY, OF PHlLADELPlllA taaucrons—Charlea W. Baneker, Thomas Hart, Tot)Jae Nagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob B. Smith, Geo. W. Itichards, lordecai D. Lewis, Adolphi B. Berle, David S. 13rowne, Mot• ria Patterson. Casa. N. BAsieltza, President. Cuss. 0. BtatOILEN Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on ever) description of property, In town and country, at rates as lov, as are consistent with security. . _ The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, j.lich,with their capital and premiums, safely invested, of. ord ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1851, as put.. ilsited agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, vie: alortgage $918,128 88 Real Estate 84,377 78 Temporary Loans Stocks 03211, a 0 Total $1,212,708 44t Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou sand Dollars,' oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GAItDINEII 00.1 TIN, Agent, noll Chilee, north-east cor. Wood and Third sm. NOW ES THE TIME FOR BUYING CHEA' CLOTHING. Z. L EISNER, ONTHE CORNER OF WOOD ANI3 FIFTH STREETS, late Davis's Auction Room, is now seh. lug out his entire wholesale stock at 0 iST PRICES POP. OABI.I ONLY. He will sell sine Black Petersham Over. coat that used to sell at $.i,00 for $3,76 Blue Black Petersham Overcoat .......... —.... 6,00 " 4,60 "Brown " .... ..... ... . ... 5,(X) " 6,76 Raglan Niggerhead Raglan Lambskin Blue Pilots Whitney Pilots Bearskin ilsquimanic atinett .......... Fine Wove Calsaimere.. Brown Cloth Black silk Cloth tiaper Fine Dress Atrock Coate . - is .4 is tA, It" 11 44 41 44 Pants, Vesta, and Itaral Mug (loads at mate and propor tic° rata& de23 TOURNALS, LEDGERS; DAY-BOORS, tp CASH BOORS and DOCKETS, for sale and made to order, by W. S. HAVEN, nov2o Corner Market and Sowed Urea& TVORY BLAOK.--5 bbls. just . received and for sale by ide9l Et: L.TAUNE3tOOI3. k CO. POTATOES. --57 barrels White Neshan nock Potatoes, uThing per atemmes Lehigh, emit fa. Eft [de.3] 01102 Ur, IVOSAIIST 9t 00. THE DAILY POST• MONDAY MORNING HISTORIC AL INCIDENTS CONNECTED AV IT H THE CAPTURE or FORT DUQUESNE. [CONTINUED.] While the n.lvahoed division of the army iay at the Loyal Henning, near Fort Ligonier, Ma jor Grant marched to the vicinity of Fort ;Da que:lne, where he was defeated. The folloi'ing letter, publi. , ,heil soon after in the Pennsylvania Gazette, gives the fullest account of that affair which we have seen : ANNAPOLIS, OCTOBER sth. 1728. "We are informed by a letter from Frederick County, that on Monday, the 11th of September, Maj. Grant, of the Highland regiment, marched from our camp on the waters of the Kiskimini tae, with 87 officers and 805 privates, taken from the different regiments that compose the Western Army, on an expedition against Fort Duquesne. 'The third day after their march, they ar rived within eleven miles of Fort Duquesne, and halted till three o'clock in the afternoon ; then !marched within two miles of Fort Duquesne, and left their baggage there, guarded by a captain, two subalterns, and fifty men, and marched with the rest of the troops, and arrived at eleven o'clock at night upon a hill, a quarter of a mile from the fort. Maj. Grant ~ , n t two officers and fifty men to the fort, to attack ail the Indians, &c., they should find lying out • f the fort; they saw none, nor were they challenged by the sentries. 'As they returned, they set fire to a large state house, which was put cut as soon as they left it. At break of day, Major Lewis was sent with 200 men, (ro,s, al Americans and Virginians,) to lie in ambush a mile and a half from the *rain body, on the path on which they left their baggage, imagining the French would send to attack the baggage guard and seize it. Four hundred men were posted along the hill facing the fort, to covet' the retreat of Capt. ild'Donald's company, who marched with .drums beating toward the , fort, in order to draw a party out of the fort, as Ma). Grant had some reason to believe there were not above 600 men in the fort, including Indians; but as soon as they heard the drums they sallied out in great numbers, both French and Indians, and fell 'tzpon Captain M'Donald,' and two columns that:were posted lower on the hill to receive them. The Highlanders exposed themselves without any cover,, and were shot down in great numbers, and soon forced to re treat. The Carolinians, Marylanders, and Low- , er Countrymen, concealing themselves behind trees sad the brush, made a good defence; but were overpowered by numbers, and not being supported, were obliged to follow the rest. Maj. Grant exposed himself in the thickest of the fire. and endeavored to rally his men, but all to no purpose, as they were by this time flanked on all sides. Major L-wis and hie party came up and engaged, but were soon obliged to give way, the enemy having the hill of him, and flanking him every way A number were drove into the Ohio, must of whom w-re drowned. Major Grant re treated to the baggage, where Capttiiia Bullet was posted with fifty men, and again endeavored to 1 , 1 y the flying soldiers, by entreating them in the most pathetic manner to stand by him, burnall in vain, as the enemy were close At their heels. AS soon as the enemy came up Capt. Bul let at tacked them very furiously for Borne time. but not being supported, and most of his men wie otlged give way. However, hi• tackiog them -topped the pursuit, SO as to giv• m icy an o i Forturly of escaping. The enem' f 'lowed M jor G •nt, and at last separatt d them, and C ,pt Litt Bu I.:t VHS obliged to mak Lir. He im.igtues the JI jtr inner be taken, as he was surrounded on ad sides, but the enemy would rot him and often called to him to surrender. Tt.e French gave quarter to all that would accept it " On the 14 b of Oztober, the rear division of the army advanced from Raystown, towards Loyal Banning Oa the same day a letter was written at the latter place, from which wo take the following extract : "We were attacked on Thursday, (12th,) by 1200 French and 200 Indians, beginning at 11 A. ill and continued o' P. M.., when,l had the pleasure of seeing r Ltary attend the British arms. The enemy attempted to attack us again I at night, when in return for their melodiocamu i eio, we gave them some shells from our mortars, which soon, made them retreat. The following is a list of_the killed, wounded and missing: D. Montgomery, lticuaro Ottields, Osborne, uapt. Mark Sterling, Samuel M. Hier John S. Dllworth,j Prancia Sellers, William B. Days. John Shipton, Walter Bryant, 83,96 b 17 61,889 00,, 64,846 81 .. 9,00 .. 8,00 " ...10,00 " 10,00 " 6,00 .- 5,00 " 300 .- 6,00 " -4,50 -10,00 '• 7,00 .... 0,00 " 4,00 6,00 " 4,40 '3,00 " 6,00 " 6,00 12,00 " 7,00 16,00 " 13,00 " 11,00 " 13,150 _ 1311.1 El). WOUNDED, MUSING kliglll4llderB, 1 0 0 14 Virginia Reg't 4 6 0 N. Carolina Companies U 0 - 8 Maryland, do. .? 6 11 1.. t. Penna. Reg't 4 5 12, 2d do do. 1 0 4 Lower Country Comp. • 0 0 1 Total, 12 17 81 The above letter and list from a Pennsylvania Gazette, and is the only account we have seen of the affair• On the IBth'of November, General Forbes ad vanced with the rear division of the army from L eye' Haneing, and on the 24th arrived near E',n•t Duquesne, where the incident noticed in the I,ilowing paragraphs occurred: "We received the following account of some in, ;dents which occurred on the'day ofthe taking possession of this place, by General Forbes, from an esteemed friend. to whom it was related ,to Captain Craighead, who commanded a company of Provincials on that day. '•Oa the evening -of the.-:2sth of November, 1758, General Forbes effgmped.,tvrelve miles from this plape. D aring th 6 day he had received telligence that the French comnianclatit was peeparing to' abandon Fort Duquesne: The do f-nt of General Braddock, only three years be- IJLe, was too recent to be forgotten, and of course operated as a salutary hint to General Forbes, eat to rals%an.le rashly. The intelligence, there f rr, even if br!lieved, was not to - be relied up o:., and was not communicated to the troops. "Oa the learning of the next day, the 25th of N :vember, 1758, the 'army advanced from their ea , ,anipment —the provincial troops in front, fol f,J Wed by a body of Highlanders. 'Upon tneir arrival near Fort Duquesne, they entered upon an Indian race path, upon each aide' of which .a numb& of stakes, with the bark pn,•led off, were stuck into the earth, and, upor each stake was fixed the head and kilt of a High laudsr ,wno had been killed or taken prisoner at Grant's defeat. The provincials, being front, obtained the first view cf these horrible specta cles, which it may readily be believed excited no very kindly feelings in their breasts. They passed along, .however, without any manifesta tioa of their violent wrath. But as soon as the ilighlandere camein sight of therremains of their c nritrymen, a slight buzz was heard in thornlike, which rapidly swelled and grew - louder and louder- Exasperated not only by the barbarous ourrages upon the persons of 'the' tinfortiinate fellow eoldiers who bad fallen only , a few days before, tintmaddened by. the insult whioh was oc•tiveyed by'the exhibition of their kilts, and which they well underetood, an they had long 1.,,-en nicknamed the •petticoat warriors' by the I ndii.ns, their wrath knew no bounds. rapid and violent tramping was heard, and unniediately. the whole corps, of the Highlander 4, with their'mu-kete abandoned, and brood s words drawn,passed the provincials, foam ir g with rage,:and resembling, as Coptain Craig head coarsely expressed it,'mad boars engaged in battle,' swearing iengeance and extermina tion upon the French troops who had permitted such outrages Their march was now hastenid —the whole arm, ai,ved forward after the High landers, and when they arrived somewhere about where the canal now rasees, the Fort was dis. covered to be in flames, and the last ,of the boats, with the flying Frenchmen, were seen passing down the Ohio by Smoky Island.— Great was the disappointment of the exasper ated Highlanders at the escape of the French, and their wrath subsided into a sullen and re lentless desire for vengoance."—Pcansy/vonia 'Gazetu. , (TO BEI CONTINUED.) AT La.ly Napier's late ball, the wife of the Count de Sartiges wore diamonds to the amodnt Of several thousands of dollars. The lace robes . worn by Mrs. Matthews, of Alabama, cost $BO4lO. Mrs. Glwin, of California, also were a robe!of Honiton Lie.e, 'valued, with its decorations, at $2,600. The dress worn by Lady Napier cost nearly the sane figure. -.' FEBRUARY 22 , . Yon can I. am to I;va without Yon will soon trget to weep, And f=re long ypnrbeart wljl tall you, It la well, 813 . 0 IR asleep. Prrutscaa, February 3d, ism CITAIOIBITIIIe.—A plate of butter front the cream of a joke. A small quantity of tar supposed to have been left where the Israelites pitched their tenta. The original brush need in painting the "signs of the times " Soap with which a man was washed over board. The strap which is used to sharpen the water's edge. The pencil with which Britannia ruled the wave. A portion of the yeast used in raising the wind. A dime from the moon when she gave change for the last quarter. The saucer belonging to the onp of sorrow. A fence made from the , railiog of a Sodding wife. The chair in which the sun sets. The hammer which br k- up the meeting. A buckla to tatt-n a I suArt ug stook. Eggs from a nest uf Hinges and look from toe trunk of an els- A sitPtch from a politician's views. A Gazar many people Sod as much difficulty in saying what they mean—as much perhaps, LW mottle editors find in meaning what they say. A certain witness in an assault and battery suit we once heard, mixed things up considerably, ha giving his account of tne affair. After relating how Dennis came to him and atruck him he pro ceeded. "So yer honor I just hauled off and ',biped his j.w. Just then his dog came along, and I hit him again." " Htt the dog I', "No yer honcir, bit Dennis. And then lup wid a stun and throwed it at him, and it rolled him over and over." "Threw a stone at Dennis? " No, at the dog,.yer honor. And be got tip and hit me again. "The dog ?" "No Dennis. And v d dat ho stunk his tail betwixt his legs au/ ran off." "Dennis 7" "No the dog. And when he came back at me he got me down and pounded me, yer honor. "The dok came back at you ?" "No Dennis, yer honor, and he isn't hart any at all." Who isn't hurt V "The dog, yer honor." HIS OCOUPASIOI.—A. first rate Joke took Owe quite lately in the Court room. A woman waa testifying in behalf of her Son, and swore that he had worked on a farm "ever ; since he wets born." The lawyer who cross examined her said. " You assert that your'sou haw worked on ek farm ever sitce he was born. I do." AMES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al legheny, Sliaolesale Cirocer and Tea Dealer,aud Lifeausod Liquor Merchant. Dealer to (..lover and Timothy seed; Butter, Cla.eso, 140, Bacon, Flour, Balt, Flab, do., and Gunn ery Producu geneFuil, nov2B JA.M.ES PATTON, I:Were' Street, Alleghie in now receiving in store the tobovring, which tos wW HI at Um lowesycasll price., viz 12,1 bbls. new crop pl.Latattun .s.lolasaus; 27 r tle. " Begat; 30 bins. Grocers byrup ; 10 bble. prune roll butter ; S.,h, Ibe. Yeathers; 14 Dozes " CLecao ; :A/0 Bacon liame; eo half cheats Young Elton,. Linptilia, mud gouda* Old Country . Terre, with a general senortwent of the host WI Lugeseetoce. of Fatuly tirocorioe to be had in the. ctithwhlch Li for uaie for Ch —rontetnorr, PATTON'S, tcl Pedcrel street, Allis , e • NUMBER 111. [For the NlOrning Past.l YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT NE. Try Janl 7 4;m: wow You can get along witlxmttae, ' You will Brun forget to weep, And ere long 'our heart will tell yea, It is well she Le asleep; For you know I am not bonny, And you know 1 Ili° in vdn, Thera tv , not a heart to love me, That my own can Dore again. Angela tell me I shall find biin, In,the " Wndifocovered Whose dear name 14 in. My inlet, And whoa° clasp is On tnylivat And I know he'x long been waking, With Mr pati.nt earned. broW, For my bark nporr the 'River,— Andhe moat be weary now. Dear Heaven, lam haPPY.- . • None ,vcilrmles me,,-eve bat thee, And I think I o n Bleep sweeter, If you do not weep for tne • ZIEItIORY Stand ori a : funeral metind, fr Far, far om all that love thaw; With a barren heath around, And a cypress bower above thee; • And think while th• sad wind frete, And the night in cold gloom closes, Of spring d spring's sweet violets. Of surom •r,.and gammas'e roses. Sleep when the thunders fly Across th- tossing billow; Thy canopy ihe sky, And the lonely r'eek thy ; And dream while the chill eea fans In mockery dashes o'er thee. Of the chserful hearth, and the . galst bans, Ato the kiss of her that bore thee. Watch in a deepest call maw foeman's dungeon tower. Till hope's most cheerful spell Has lost its cheering power: And sing. while the 'ailing chain On every' stiff limb freezes, Of the huntsman hurrying o'er the plain, Of the breath of the mountain breaks. Talk of thentlostrers lute, The warrior's high endeavcr, While the honied lips are mute, - - And the strong arm crushed forever Look back to the sm. met ann, From tbe' ‘ mist of "dark December; They Fay to the broken hearted one, " Tie pleasant to remember la Rumpaous. " What did , he do the lint year ?" " milked." The lawyer' evaporated.—Hanford. Courant GROCERIES. QUGAIL LI 20. bbls. Bal , imom Yellow Sugar. • 6 blab. Maud 10 bias. I..efthed • 10 " Loverlog aooorted- Rewind and for eule uy JAMES PATItd, lr nov23 . , A66gh..7 ATTEbATION, ALLEGHENY CITY.- Tho sozacriloor would cell your attention. to We bLUCH of ODOCkiItILS uought, in New York, for tlAdd., which he wid sell at iowez printa+ thaw ektr other house in the two cities, for Caen. Come end see the prices,' st PATTDC4'I3,. J 2, Federal ttrtai, near the Diamond, Ata.r.tomorr Uhf. VE,lllT.—Raisins; Currants, lan` berries, 1: Figs, Liarignrian überries, P 1111441, 01.11.41$ Wang, VoLIIOIIII, etc., Esc., for sole ac lower ugurea for Clena, by PAITUII,.Js.." Feder area, Ausuaror A WWII) TO TEA DitINK.EAS. .Kali ULU Nu. 48 If fith street, has imported mto this market tome of taxa flnaat grOos of _ . . GREER - AND BLACK; 2 1 E AS, us.nin viz toololemnal "implore, dune cti, in all ;be various Eiticy pack:J.4Ni winch Ctueme iiiii,cucuty can invent. Isis a (iliac) and conga, tto dime. them. - ervputor• of swats txxi US and hOUls, aid privace ea/wiles aro anted to all. TZ" ETCHU PS.- 10 doZrz.lludtiroom iierteltux 10 ,do EnEl Ida Walnut 25 do Quarts Tomato do. 60 do Pam do do. For gala by atilt tat AI ANDElitket,- norli 85t WOod wei eirm4 uyto :nap*, Elotal Lippincott, Snorten Peanio wow, ,toss, Dor,A4 ANUA CT UltEliti . OF JIRO KS, V&' f 0r....11,E5s arid Bonnet . Ladiei Trieseldrui kit:mks, Carpet Eks,pt ac., krep conetontly onitand a urge stock. We are prepared to do a whaleetne trill% 114 bar ing facilities to turn out good stock at reluced priced, we eriuld invite the trade to call and exemitte ,our goods be. fore putring olnewau.• rriVO LOTS OF GROUND on Wed Ooze. 1110110 Allegheny, with a double frannOdwallinghintasi for vale, price WOO. Terms easy. -.1 s. ctrassltT'S 80% 01 Mini* WWI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers