SPECIAL NOTICES. EXTENSION ON STAY. DRS. C. M. FITCH 4- J. W. SYKES Igo. 191 Penn aaLreot, oPi . ,,sITE ST. CLAJE. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, TILL APRIL FIRST, 1555, Where they may Le consulted daily, (Sun days excoptedo for C0.N:41 ASTHMA, OHMS And ALL unit.: N IC AFFECrIONS con uociod with, or g to 12U I,M 0 N AIL IC DISSASE. fiRS feel that thoy cannot too earn B.tlY iequently alatoni.h utval ids .4 the EXCEED. IN L.Ell OF DELAY IN PULMONARY DISEASE tlyt11140:11,3 often St ,•151 no sntlln4 !IJI to beget n delusive tooling ./ ...tot', even undo tlir• di -.4150 . 15 111:1Iiillg Vapid pro• gross, and lin 11 01110 ly uecl 4, Office. Ilouro---10 A. M. to 4 P. M A Ili will 1 , 1 snot r!lone wishing CO CutoU It uN L. lel tor Addles, D. C. M. FITCH k J. W. 6YRE:i, hit 1',11.1 Pitt burgh, ors GIiEAT CURE OF I)1*,:•El.. , ; G MER. 61.1 1N merchant, hays.— EIMPSONVILLN, SLell.3 C.01111:3 , Ky., March :10, 1855 Tie tiermau Bitters ivy general tiatigfantion, and I herewith hand you a cortilic.ite . Mr. Meatus hEaSLEY, respectable farmer o tme c.mal ty EIitbSONVILLL, KY., „rch 33. 1855.—Dear Sir: I would in form you that I hay,. Lou unlit:Led f u r several )ears with Dyipepsii, in a very figgrovatvd form, for which I u3cd ,ar ,,apartha and cariund oilier remedied, without' obtaining any relief. From the various te.,titrionialn in favor of llooflani German Bittern, I woo indlued to try them, and I now nice with pleasure, that thrungu heir tbie I am enjoying better health thin I hall., dune lo ye;r3 pa,t, and cheerfully commend the BUters in all afflicted with that terra Itesp,cdfully, yours, To 1 r. C. M. Jacli.ion :7,0e advertisement fur :.Jll, fc1.2.1%db., htt tu I, 4ar THERE IS TUE WHOLE LIST t* medicine cruating Huci, sta- .41 /I Val/18 al Dr. Sa:sl - INVIGUILATO: LIVE!: REIEDY. It gis, such quick - t , F ihe patiect of reeeivicc ban99t alruu4t rl.l 60,1 t!;•.! 111 0 :11C:i, ii taken We LI, in.l! kuow of is 81114 t• Let Olt, and in nearl . % ali old 3 a , niiplote cur, iv effect ,1 Itv UNe. t:r;9 p 0 . ,, becoiew it dues what it Ja di, it is Carialtilltl3 ita circle .1 ft - i.-11.1,, c.tt r itt4 I,oling on and !uy to the lii•-trt, 01 t lug (foul Livcr Cotuitlaiut, Jam:lda:o, Dyspejei,, t r,-u-r al fel'LlattlAw I'JT itu RO I LI F FIRE A , 17 MARINI, I N SURANCI: CO., Pittsburai, Fi , htu..ty 16th, 1818. DIVIDEND NOTICE.- Tito ito.trd t:f Directhrs to 1412. this Comp Loy hove, th., lechired a dividend out of tile prollt4 of the in•t ,ix month,. of POUR DOLLARS pet share, applicalle to tno I .11V - LlO - 1 1 , 1 stock foree. L317:1111 DIVIDE.?N D NOTIOE. I[l,l Mau. gurs of the Coinp,ny L,r ,•r chug a lir id ,e over ti,, Allegheny river, have, thi-i In), declared it dividend of TWO DOLLARS A SLIAitE, on the crock of the Company In which divideudq are on le, wl.ich is payable in current bank able faille, to stnekit.ihieri, or choir k.g.o repremontativem iorthvvith. WM. Treasurer. Pittsburgh, January let, 18,..11. _ . alcv;.—T 1 N TIIE if Britelql paw- y„ the PUTzI BURGH. AND EMI , : ,tl ALlt.ll. t Jaa ry, 1&58, wal be 1110.) a. toe •• 1 11., A. LI. WILLIAMS A: I'r. t .). 1 oi.r • 10 OA oof 1 , 1,4[110:it, made in 11,11., • .1 , ') [PIP [ll4ll r clone and True. 01 , ' 0 ri 110, LII O Coup,-us are payable, MIMI iNtiAIIELA • Pitt, i! .• AN ELECTIoN re-....cht, Managers and i'flr core of the Company f,r erecting n Bridge over the Mouongatiola river, opposite ..1:(..-barga, in Allegheny eon, ty, will be 11,1.1 at Ow , I.J.NDAY, March Int, 1855, at 3 o'clock, P. M. JOHN THAW, fel:ltdb3tw* Treat, u rer. MONONLiAIII , ,LA BANK—NOTIA2&— Book; will be cp... 1 ic.1 at tqc 11:A wAnt Itou. , K, in we birou g h ut Nlclileespori,bn , tJi”wriptioni to the Capi tal Stock of said Bank, on M•IND IV, We 22.1 day of Feb ruary nort, front 10 A. M. t-, 11. M., •ind from '2 to 4 P. M., and continue, (it trio day t..) day for six day s. at,the oo,no hours. By Uri-i• ~.; the Corunthioionera .1 a:28:3 aaittv A. MILLAR. PITTSFURGII STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JON'F. ,I JNO. WM. :%IcCULLOIJC:I JONES, BOYD CO➢ SPRING, PLOW Ai`.;i) B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES Corner Koss and First Streets, PITTSEUR if, PA D. B. 1i0.3.6.P. 171. B. 9 Cy" IS S &L. C ESA.NUFACTURICRS 010 ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR. TEETH, CORNER ROBB AND FIRST STREETS', JAMES F'ETZER, :Forwarding and Conanission Merchant, El= Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, flutter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produc:gonerally, Corner of ntarti.et rind First atroets PITTStiI I:till. PA ROTE Franciti U. Bail T, F 4, , William Dilworth, Sr., S. Cuthbert & Sot., l'itt*b Ott, Retaken Sweit.ringen, S. Brady. . ,t •1 Ct uk. List k ]angle & Co., CL. , ,r44•-• W • ttxt,u moV,2r.tf JO IN 0 0 it HUE A ED, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TILE: UP PIC METAL AND sLooms, jals:lyl N. 27 Wtr3D ATLiUtr, PuzaEnl E. P. AL EX,A.NbE a 11UN'r ER, DZALE.r. IN F LOU R. El ftE, A_ if N BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, AND PR.ODUCE GENERALLY 499 Ltherty etrcet, I ,, ,l&dane P'T`TS JAM IESi MciLiligUG MANUFACTURER Ot` AliCol4loll 49 Cologne nnti Fusel OH, Nus. IGi and 170 Second Street. _aplo:lyd 2 , 3 p A.31111: 1 ; Li' A N ESTOC K IMPORTER & DEALER IN ItitatElGN ANi) - OIviESTIC HARDWpatE. 7.1 Wood street, between. Diamond alloy mod Fourth street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ,um' TiEssubscribor upening a well selectee assort. moat of foreign and domestic Hardware, all now,and will tA sold on as good Isms rs airy othor ilOlll.lO in this city. Ili v, ill always koop on hand a ;;:aural assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, &c., T. wßicb ho rsopoctfuliyi•vites th, attention of 1, e.chasere = SAIII3 EL F A 1 U:LoTOCE. 11A 7 ADWARE. SAMUEL FAIINESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD dtrk , et, Pittsburgh, ha, vo Laud a largo STOCK 01? HARDWARE, Which he will sell very kw for C , IS:I. In addition to Lir Locks, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and d large assortment of Carpenter's Tools, lie has received a largo 4.0 ply of Sausage Cti:terH and Sniffers ; bliovels, Tongues and Pokers; Sleigh' hells, and Enameled l'n,erving Kettles. _. . ---:- - - .., V ---:- ----------------/-17-7 .-,---------7 2 - , -- __> l --- ....-:_,!--_ .7 GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, ? k yr ; MANUFACTURER'S 'PRICES HYDROMETERS or weighing spirits, the cheapest and boot articles ever brought to this city. 1 TH.EIO.IOMETERS AND 8A.8a.V.,11,71'ER,t, Nacying in price from Vile $3O each. POCKET CONIPASSES, AND S)gRVEYOR'S COMPASSES,' alway 4 on hand at G. E MAWS, Opticiln, 5S Fifa Sre.l. opperiite Masouic Halt L. C. ilEPLithati, &T :ORNICY AT L.P.:211' AND C9N VETANOF,:i OFTiC \7•7! , . L, .7.Y.PZ.2111:1t. 'NEW TEA STORE, No. 32 NMI' street, NEXT DYJEL To DALT'S SIoeS!NO VAOTORT. JOHN ANDREWS , (Late of the Pekin Tea Store,) lIDESPECTFULLY INFORMS HIS friends and the publi , t genet - Ally, that he has °lmed at the above Eland, fur the 6a1 ,, of GREEN AND MAACK TEAS; ALSO, COFFEE AND SUGARS, CO TIIE BEST BRANDS. All articles told at the lowest C I.Sil.prices, and WAIII , ANTI I) TO GIVE BATI:IP (16 & T. GROUTT, Importers of Brandies. Gill, Win, &c. Dealers in flue Old Monongahela Rye !Will cky, Peach and Apple Brandy; also RECTIFIERS AND DII3TLGLEBS, corner of SAIITIIFELD and FRONT :strects, Pittsburgh, Pa. ISERK LEI' Ml= A. AIN 5.ltT, Fcrrr.tary PI'PT9T3 ITP.G 11, PA MEM LOCAL AFFAIRS xtensfve Ilenl of Stolen GOO4B tin Thursday, Robert Finley and his son John, re siding in the Fifth Ward, and Joseph Gordon, of the Ninth Ward, wore arrested on suspicion of having stolen goods in their possession. Search warrants i,„ cre issued, and the house of Finley being searched, qoito a number of articles were found in the house, eonsisting of fine coats, vests, shawls, jewelry, Jr.,c. Yogterday a portion of the goods were identified by Mts. Henry 13. Foster, of Lawrenceville. Sht states that the articles, consisting mostly of wearing ap hod been packed away in trunks, and stored in a house near the one in which they lived, and that they had boon taken away a some time last November, sinoe which time they had not been heard of. She states that the value of the articles lost approaches to eight or nine hundred dollars. As yet only about three hundred dollars' worth has been recovered. A second search was instituted yesterday, and the premises of the father of Gordon, a boy only seven teen years of ago, were searched ; here they found. secreted in a flour barrel, a quantity of jewelry, a Plush vest, a gentleman's shawl several caps and a net of furs. The furs have not yet been identified; 'he vest and shawl were aeerrteit,ed to be the prop erty of E lieh k Antes, en t'ae o , 0 , “ and Wood str_e:-. F. art , e.os ,coro tautct. fr.oi their store in Jana Iry 1. ,, • A ti- B .t :,rol same other articles of weorin,..; o f p tre, valued at fifty dol lars, have been i - ientified as the property of Thomas S. Blair, E.g. A pink velvet bonnet was ascertained to he the property of O'Connor, on Smithfield street. She if , a milliner, and the bonnet was taken from her shop on the 24th of Doeembrr. Mr. J. B. Craig, a jeweller on Fifth ~ t ruet, recognized the jewelry as part of the contents of a show mice stolen from him on the 31st of December; some of the clothing had a lso been taken from his hall. The amount lost by hire seas about two hundred dollars, but he has not yet recovered half of it. There was Wen found at one of these places a number of keys of all sizes, and file formed into the shape of a knife. Altogether, there are tire informations against the party. The boys will probably be sent to the House of Refuge, as neither of thorn are seventeen. Turley will stand a chance of going to the Penitentiary. This is the most extensive haul of stolen goods that has been made f , r a ye.lr, and t 1,3 May .o and his police de serve great credit for the mai,ntr in which the affair was managed. FliE NEW A\l tßit'l7 , CYCI,PEI,II. by U AnpL t,n & , NtW i..rk ; limit tt.bu h. Volume lst, Iteviged Fittion. We have before us, by itindn.;ss of the publishers, a proof sheet. ~ f the Recited Elition, correcting an error whodi, :is we remarked in a previ• us notice was tuatter t utotnent, received a large share of attention. The fir tt edition of the present volume, though gotten up with great care, was more an exhibit of the work, in size, mechanical execution, plan of treat ment, &-c., sell( to the editors throughout the Union for review, so that if any error arose they could make the needed covi ection in the Revised Edittc,n intended for subscriber The public not being fully aware of these facts, vie .ved the matter in a ditTeront light. Tao Messrs. Appleton's letter, regrettiug the this. take, and ir=stil lag tbe correction, w htch we have pro viitu.ly published, and of which we have tangible s:ale:ice in the proof . ..sheet before in, will be sufficient to , :ttieCy the most skeptical that the work will in point of accuracy be fully up to the terms of the prospectus. Without further preface, we give the correction : " ALLEGHENY CITY—An important manufacturing city in the vicinity of Pittsburgh, on the right bank of the Allegheny ricer, at ti- e junction of this river and the Monongahela. It has, with other towns, sprung up from the overflowings of Pittsburgh, and now contains 120 manufacturing establishments of various kinds. For details, see PITTSBURGH." We are glad to find that the work has already, in this city and vicinity, a largo list of subscribers. Those gentlemen who need a good Cyclopedia con give their names to Messrs. Hunt & Miner, or those who cannot conveniently call will be visited by Mr. Duffy. Wa6hinytort'B Birthday.—Monday will be the 22d `of February, the birthday of the illustrious 'Washing ton, and as yet we have heard of no preparations fur celebrating the day in this city. It seems to us that this day should be celebrated in an appropriate man ner. Our country neighbors have already taken the field. At Blaravillegia company called the Bigler Blues, intend parading in that place. By the way, this is a fine military Company, numbering about ono hundred muskets. They have offered their ser vices to the Government to ease of a war with Brig ham Young. In many other towns the " work of preparation " heard, and we thing that a move should ho made hero for the purpose of showing our respect to the memory of the "lather of our country." The Illairsrille Recm . d.—This paper, the publica. tion of which has been suspended for a short time, conies to us again, under new auspices. The publi eation of this sheet has been assumed by Mr. James F. Campbell, who was once foreman of the "Post," and more recently of Steubenville, Ohio. Ile is e gentlemen well qualified to publish a good paper ; and we hope, under his management, the " Record" may be well sustained, and prove a paying invest. meet to its energetic proprietor. We know Mr. Campbell will do all in his power CO make it a paper worthy of the patronage of the Democracy of In diana county, A Lecture at Last.—After several disappointments by lecturers, we are at length to be favored by a lec ture tonight. George D. Prentice, of the Louisville "Journal," will lecture this evening at Lafayette Hail, under the auspices of the Young Man's Mercan tile Library AB9 ciation. The following despatch was received from him yesterday: RAVENNA, Friday, February 19. Lecture Committee :—Shall be in Pittsburgh to night, and lecture Saturday night. _ _ Collision.—On Thursday the sleigh of Dr. Burgher, with the horse birched to a post, was standing on Wylie street, near Chatham, when a horse drawing alter him a light wagon, owned by J. P. Tanner, E: q., came down Wylie street at a break-neck speed, and ran into the sleigh. The sleigh was nearly de stroyed, and the harness turn off the horse; which. rather surprised at the sudden interruption, started and ran up Wylie street, Mr. Tanner's horse continu ing in that direction, leaving the wagon behind. Both horses were secured without any one being injured. Edinburgh Review.—We have boen favored by Messrs. Hunt 44 Miner, Masonic Hall, with the Janu ary number of the Edinburgh Review. This is the first number of a now volume, and contains a num ber of very able articles, prominent amongst which are, " Prospects of the Indian Empire," an article which will be read with great interest at this junc ture; a review of Mr. Coventry Patmore's poem of "The Angel of the House," and a spicy notice of "Tom Brown's School Days." Messrs. Hunt St Minor are agents for all the British Reviews; also Black wood's Magazine. Fire.—Ors Tuesday night, about one o'clock, a fire was discovered in the Cerriago Manufactory of Mr. Pinney, in Kittanning; and before it was extinguish d, the entire building, and two others adjoining, was destroyed. Mr. Gordon, who had a shop in one of the buildings lost some $5OO. The citizens reached the spot as soon as possible, formed a " water line " and extinguished the fire with bucltet's full of water. The entire loss is about $3,500 ; ao insurance. F:sadish.—Ou last Monday night an iron bar was :firmly secured between the cross ties on the Central Onir. Railroad, with the evident design of throwing a train of the track. Fortunately, the bar was broken off and thrown off the track by the force of the loco mo!ive. A man who was recently discharged from the service of the Company is suspected of having placed the obstruction on the track, but no positive evidence appearing, he has not been arrested. Duncan's Penmanship.— Any of our business friends desiring ornamental writing, eard snaking, diplomas filled, leg 1 instruments filled in and deco rated with German text, can have nll such work promptly and neatly executed on application to Mr. Duncan, at Duff's College, where specimens of his work, executed with &pen, can at all times be seen. Call also and examine the improvements of his pupils —tho best test of the teacher's ability. A gentleman, who had been imbibing rather freely, wcut into the hotel of Leopold Sabi, on Third street, and began amusing himself by breaking glasses and •ther moveables which came in his way. The land lord not relishing,dhe merriment of the gentleman at is expense, had him arrested immediately. He was committed to prison in default of a ties imposed by the magistrate. A Call.—We understand that a meeting of the members of the Central Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday evening, when the RIV. Dr. Ja- Nibus, of Allegheny City, was invited to assume the pastoral duties over that congregation. It is likely the call will be accepted. . Supposed rthepoilce.—Our country exchanges !rum Wellsville, Buller, Beaver and New Brighton, all eiintain accounts of a shock of an earthquake or i-imethinei eimilnr , on Friday the 13th inst. A me tiorie light was also seen, about the same time. Coop Ounvicted.—Coup was yesterday conri ted of abducting a witne,s, and committed to jail to await his sentence. Another charge is pending against him for subornation of perjury. Held to Rail.-0o Thursday, Alderman held man named Lewis: iu threo hundred dollars bail, charged by a girl in Lawrence ille with being the father of ah tiiegitimato child. Yesterday morning there were only two cnsesibe fore the Mayor. One was committed ; the other paid his fine William Dougherty was committed to jail, for ten dam yesterday, by Mayor Wearsr in default of a fine of five dollars unposed- upon him fur beating his wife. Appointtocot.—Loui , i Luckbard, of Johnstown,was appointed Notary Public, and Peter Matterson of the ~me piece Settler of Weights and Measurers for that District. The residents of,.East Liberty intend to apply for a charter as an incorporated borough, in a short time. After tho first of March the tax on drays and other vehicles will be increased two per cent. GrE - 01:-GE D. PRENTICE ~-~~ Fayette County Railroad.—The Board of Directors of this road are about to hold a meeting for the par pose of deciding whether they will continue their exertions to obtain a sufficient amount of stock, or whether those who have already subscribed shall be released. They say that as yet the amount of stock subscribed will not warrant them in taking more ac tive measures for the organization of the company. Hollidaysburg Bank.—The Board of Commission ers of the new Bank about to be lobated at Holli daysburg, have made upplioation to the Lngislature to reduce the capital eto•k to $50,000. They think if they can •ffectibis, that thuy can have the whole amount of stock subscribed within die limits of their own county. Pittsburgh Theatre.—Last night, Mr. John E. Owens, who has always bee❑ a favurite in Pittsburgh, mmenced an engagement here. He is decidedly the beet comedian now traveling. His delineation of the ludicrous character of Solon Shingle was re ceived with roars of laughter. This evening ho re peats the character, also that of Paul Pry. We hopo to see a better house than last night. 81ightually Tight.—On Wednesday a young man appeared before Alderman: Bell and stated that he wishod to make an information against a bar keepe r in the neighberh,ed for highway robbery. Ho had been itplulging seine, and, not having the where withal to pay for his drinks. the bar keeper kept his beaver for security. The Alderman thought ha was scarcely in a fit condition to take an oath, and ad vised him to call at some future time and make the information. Do not forget that George D. Prentice, of the Louisville "Journal," lectures for the Library Asso ciation to-night, at Lafayette Hall, on American Politic . Wo do hope that when the Lecture Com mittee announce a good lectunrer, they will receive sufficient encouragement to present others of the same kind. Boy's Raglans and Sack Coato.—Gents. Frock and Sack Overcoats, Raglans .tc., and a full Stook of Winter Gloves, Gauntlets, Mufflers, Scarfs and Shawls for Men and Boy's, still on hand at Carnaghan's Fed eral Street, Allegheny. Cash Buyers will find the ?rises an inducement. The Greatest invention of thcf Age---The Excelsior Shingle M111.•-Who Wants to Get Rich I Everybody / Then let everybody pay a visit to the Great Western Planing Mills, on the corner of Marbury street and Duquesne way, and see the Excelsior Mill make sixty perfectly-formed shingles in one minute. But -- )'e would advise anybody wishing to secure the aol ns of rapidly accumulating a fortune, to call we are disposing of Shop, Township, Coun ty, F.:tat a Territorial rights almost as fast as we can draw 1) eds. We have, as yet, some val uable rights ,-))- o—therefore, ye who would at some future roll ,i• carriages, had better call soon. We do not ask any one has thoroughly examined the rni; , dorstands the principles upon whien it i strutted The best evidence we can give of the great value of this machine, is the work it performs. The shingles made by it are more perfectly and beautifully formed, and command a much higher price from dealers than those made in any other way. The public are respectfully invitA to call and see the machine in operation at the above named ploco. The Proprietori can always be found at the St. Nicholas Hotel, corner of Grant and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. JENKINS, UTT LYNCH GLYCERINE! GLYCERINE!! GLYCERINE:II GLYCERINE!!!! One of the boat articles for chapped hands now in vcguo. Warranted a sure cure. For sale at SUPER'S DRUG STORE, Corner Penn to:d St. Chair etrea•e TUE SUCCESS WHICH ATTENDS the use of I a . CELEBRATED BITTERS evinces at oucelts virtues iu al cases of debility and disease of the ie.tomactt. Certificates almost without number have been published, attestlinz its almost miraculous p , Wer in rt.ruor tog those painful and fearful diseases. And at this time it ',ems idle to do more than call attention to the great reme iy of the age, in order to awoken public attention to its ex cellence. It ie the only preparation of the kind that is n•li tble In all eases, and it is thurefoie worthy of the c2nsider. ion of the afflicted. The BITTERt are pleasant to the taste , asreeable in their effects, and altogether valuable CO a tonic or remedy for indigestion. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere I.IOSTETTER A SMITH; Manufacturers and Proprietors, f 20-Ic] 0 A.K. LEATHER BELTING.-1623 Let of 3,5, 6, 9 and 12 inches wtcle,jn.t received by J. /4 H. PHILLIPS, fel 8 26 and 28 Sc, Clair street. LACE, LEATHER—Another lot of a supe rior quality, jast received by J. & 11. PHILLIPS. OIL CLOTH TABLE COVEBS.--50 doz. assorted sizes of a enporior quality on hand, at 26 a ,a 28 'St. Clair Atreet [telS] J. & 11. PHILLIPS. rpRANSPARENT GREEN OIL CLuTil _AL —A. large stock of all widths, for gate by lelB J. & IL PRILLT =S. 000 1,13 S India RubLer • Packing,mix- ed and plain, far sale by TOOT BALLS—Justreceived another lot of assorted sizes, at the India Robber Depot, of • J. & fI MILLIE& felB 26 and It. 1 e r etre CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market et .eet, vj. attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate, rent ~g and collection of rents, insurance and r,pairs . le-gotisting loans, making bills, conveyan;es, deeds, bonds' , C., writing letters and correspundiug with persons abroad. II bnuinesi attended to promptly, and in strict conf deuce Nlaiket street, Pittsburgh. Letters of inquiry must al ~ i ya enclose a p)stage stamp to pay return postage. Lfel- HOUSES FOR RENT- By S. CUTHBERT ft SON, 61 Market at. A comfortable two story dwelling house on Ross street,at head of Fifth—sl4 per month. A two story dwelling on Duquesne street—slo per month. A nniveniset dwelling house on Logaa street—V:so per year. A three dory holm of nine rooms, on Third •t eet, at i., - 200 per year. A dwelling house of four rooms and kitchen, with large lot of ground, on High street, Mount Washington, $lOO per year. Two large warehouses on Third street, near Market. Two small houses in Eplane's Court, near Fith street, per month. A two story frame house of four rooms, on Carson stre t, ilouth Pittsburgh, at $5 per month. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc , in Alle gheny city—s3oo per year. A store 001:11 on Third street—sl2s per sear. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A warehouse on Market street, No. '25. A dwelling house on Wylie street—s2oo per year. A large shop on Third street can be had for two years. A store and cellar, corner Market and Third streets, a te fIOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR RENT.- ..) A good brick dwelling, large and convenient, 10 rooms .uul kitchen, wide hall, portico in front, good spring house, stable, carriage house, etc; 24 acres of land, 8 in flue moa dow; a good tenant house; garden and Vari,ty of fruit trees, grape vines and small fruits; a stone wall and Lou railing in front of the house; situate at about two miles from the city, and in a very pleasant location. Appl , to a3O B. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market se. ONIONS. -7 sacks Onions, just received and fur sale by JAS. A. FETZER, ft 3 89 Water streq. Nif UST I DUGN, THE STOCK.—In order _a_ to reduce our utock before the opening of the Spring Trudy, we will continue to sell at the EXTIVE..IIhILY LOW Nucs our Goo le are now marked at. 1.20 .708. MR:sig. 77 kfartrat at,eot. CLOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received IQ and for Rnlo by (frill HENRY' II 001,LT UCKWHEAT FLOUR. 75 sacks choice Buckwheat Flour, for sale by JAMES A. FETZER. felo Corner Market and First streets. ARIEG ATE D SOAP.-25 boxes Varie gated eo m , received, and f..r sale cheap. by JAMES A. FETZER, Corner Market and First streets. LTEMP SEED, 50 bags for sale by B. 4. FAIINESTOCK & CO., der') Corner Wood and Sixth .itr... , te 0 . E. - EASE.—White Grease for Wagons, Om nibuses, Carts, Drays, Carriages, etc., in barrels and kp g q. fir sale t• 1 . 141 lISNBY H coujr,:s DUCKWIIEAT FLOUR-40 sacks prime P article. for .ale by 110281 HENRY U 001.1,Iris 'TURN.-64 sacks ear Corn for sale by ./ &lc) JAA A VIISIPZEtR. AS) Ws.h•r gtreAt POTATOES. -392 sacks Neshannock Po tatoes, arriving on the steamer It. F. :ass, and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, Mielo Corner Market and First etre, ts. DRIED APPLES.-30 sacks prime Dried Apples received and fur sale by IVIcCANDIJESS, MEANS & CO., Ja23 Corner of Wood and Water streets. OLL BUTTER.-3 bbls. fresh roll Butter Just r•ceired, and for sale by yin JAA k FETZER. 80 Weter strait. MILL FEED.-308 eneks Mill Feed, for for Bale by JA.S.IES A. RisTZE,II., GEO. R. WHITE & CO., having complet ei their annual inventory, and redu-ed the cost price of their goods, will ::(311 their predent stock - at a further reduction of prices. Jail ATTRACTION: 1958. ATTRACTION 3t The immense stock of Silks, Shawls, and Fine Dress Goods, also a complete selection of Furnishing Goods, and a large and varied line of Domestics, have again been reduced in price, at the store of A. A. MASON CO., fag No. 25 Filth fitraet. RENT F OR- ---A desirable country resi dence, two miles from the city. A two story dwelling house on Rosa street. A two story house on Duquesne street. A three story house on Third street. - A three story house on Wylie street. Two small houses in Us court. fed, & () ===E= TRADE A HALO 'allt.C;: ii1.17.011A 1." Is t, JOIIN FLENIINO, ru. v ris; F OCEA s E nat Efts 13131P8 L:AVE FOR DAIS. Canada laiaten ac......Liverpbol Feb 10 Cahawl.a... ....... —Sew Y0rk...... Havana and N. 0-... Feb. 12 Atlantic New. York Liverpool Feb. 13 Eilieburg N e w York Olaagow . Feb. 13 Arabia New Y0rk....-Liverpool Feb. 17 City of Halt iniore.New York Liverpool Feb. 18 3tar of the Yv'et...New York Aspinwall Feb. 20 Niagara -lloaton Liverpool Feb. 24 Indian Portland Liverpool Feb. 27 Bornedia New York Hamburg March 1 City of Witalieu...New York Liverpool. March 4 Northern Light New York Aspinwall March 9 Indian Liverpool Portland.. ity of.Baltiinore..Liverpool New York Niagara Liverpool 11.,t.n Baltic Liverpool New York Arago Havre New York City of Wa - then—l iverpool New York.... Anglo Saxon...—. Liverpool Portland, &c Glaegow Glaegow New York.... Liammoni+ Per Steamer Baltic.) LITERPOOL, February 2—Saks of cotton for three days, amounted t,, 18.000 baler includais 3000 bales to specula tors, and 1000 bales for tx.port The market closed quiet, but Mtn. i.v.ta an advancing tendency. Ad V ICVA from t, chet.ter are nn favorable; holders demand an advance. Breadstun lire very du 1, :Ind quotations nominal. Pro• viHninm er ry dull The London m nry m aket in slightly easier; console 93:7Q to 951,1 for MOW y and arrount. Rich dab ion, Spence & Co. quote flour very dull ; quota , ions nominal ; holders am presming on the mar net ; Western Canal 2 . 240213 s ; Philadelphia and Baltimore 123,@2:in 6d; Ohio 250427 m Wheat very dull • quotations nominal ; red nini 9d@69 ; Irhi lieaTs dd. Corn quiet, but btearly ; mixed yellow 11..5ai34 ; white easier, prices unchanged, ai 345. hint quiet and steady. Pork dull. Bacon quirt, quo ta: ionm bandy maintained Lard quiet at 475. Tallow un hanged. • LuNDON, rebruary •2..-13 rt-a 19111119 are declitiing. Wheat' 3 dull and declined 21. Sur is ;to yuut. Cuff e is dull, t..ittt but lit tl ertiu:ry pricey Ire weuk Tea is slow of told the prices att. , Unaltered. lu Tallow there 19 but iittio elm .ire and the pritikvi aro weak.. Pig Iron on the Clyde cloa. d steady at tid(664s. Spirits of Turpentine Is firm at ti 6.4. Tin had itovanced. American srcurities aver age business without quot,tble change. ifscrtc, February I.—Ciittou closed 1 franc beter ; the sales of four days to 5.100 bales Orleans 91%. Now Yoao, February* 10.—Noon—St..cks higher. Chicago and Rock Island S,; Cumberland Cod 19A; Lit Crosse and Milwaukie 26 1 , 4 '; N. V. Central 57 , ,;; Pennsylvania Coal 73; lip ad,tig 63. Canton Umunany 25.; Missouri 6's 833; Virginia 6'. 91. i-islet. and Chicago 93';,4; Erie 32; Cleveland and Pitts: burgh 13, Michigan ti't 95; t.anformit 7'a Evrning—lhe crock to irket closed firm. Chicago and Its ck island 80! , :i; l.a Cris., snit Milwaukio 11; 11ilichigitu southern 2 N. V. C-ntral Pi nusytvania Coal 73, "til after he perfectly an tioa,:ing 62; u;tiona and Chicog, , 9.P. , :i; Michigan Central 73 , :i; Eno 32: Cicvidand and Toledo 4774. Clovol and Yittn I urgh 16;4; Milwaukie and Miscas9ippi 37!4::, Canto❑ Com palo. 24; Vii giniu ti'a A; o on: 6's 8.1%. Tom:, Felornary 19.--Cotton closed firm, the sales eainting to 20(0 bales. Flour firm; sales 12,000 bbla at ofaMl,os for Uoutiu n, au advatice of 15c. Wheat Is very h. Coru is very li,m; 2:,000 bus. Prime cork bas de !led 25 , , quoting nt $ 3,25(0114. Whisky has declined lc, Jtiag or 'I he auct,en auks of Teas today, .343bn:th an advance of 10 la cent. over the last sales. Coffee . . en•se,l firm. Sur era Imoyau ; Orlea(di fair goofing at Turpertiou um closed firm. and ii(ltlill buoy ant. alCe , id quiet. Prolght, on Cotton to Liverpool 5.3'2.d. i(11Coll (JOSH' heavy; barna 8;l-gre48 , .., - 4c, inhouldere 6%@t1 3 /0. (3rai Ir; igh!e to Li ,erpool bruM. CINCINN.4II, February 19.-I'lour unchanged with a fair I.duand though under the twilit-trice of the foreign now the ttel,tti at the cbtatt woo %%culler, Whisky declined to 18c lull 11..ge dull at Ggittic, and 450 light told at $5,85; the e...etptd were small. eruv6i.,lio dull and lower. Mesa York - . tas inclined to $l5, and 1 ) , lb. Lard is offered freely nt a d cline of without finding buyers; the market in all closed very nasettled, and prices %yea() nomi nal. Groceries are active; Molasses are held at 30c. Sugar scarce ind booant Coffe firm an:. active. Motley easy; t:ie rates of Exchange are innaltel Bk.LIIINILL., February l9.—Provisions are leas buoyant and 11,a1 , 111 ? :eli. Lard: sales sa) bbls for &lively in April, ut Oc; or the spot loglo4. Mess Pork $l7; Bulk Beats 7E4 for suouidurs; Sc ., La- sides. Bacon ©Sc7. , /6 for shout and .U: for shied. DAILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST., At the new Commercial Bales Booms, No. 54, Fifth street, every week day, are held public sales of gouda in all variety, suited fur the trade aud.censumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that most be dosed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M.., my Goods and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoos; ladies ware, Sc. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and kitchen furniture, new and second-hand; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; s , ,oves; cooking utensils; grucerie6. AT 7 P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clucks; jewelry; musical instru ments; guns; clutuing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, Ac. seS I P. 11. °Avis, Auct.e BOOKS, BOOKS.—On SATURDAY EVEN I 1 G, February 20th,*at 6 1 /, o'clock, will be sold a, the Commercial hales Rooms, Ao. 54 lifth Street, a caul k-no rf Boots, embracing a variety of standard a, d m - ce7l.lne. , us publicati us on pteasmg and Mb resting subjects. Anaung [hum are—Anna', of Sall Francisco, illustrated; :cot t e COM MOL to ry, 2 vol.; Constitutional History; VI orbs it Addison, 6 vole; E tinondsou's H.lOll. Sermons; Ty ire Universal History, 2 vale; Livy'e liistory of Rome, 2 v ls; Thacker's Military Journal; Pictorial View of all Itch gions; Rollin's Ancient lilst .ry, 2 vole; Robertson's Ameri ca, 2 vols . , murphy's Tacitus; Coleritßa's Works; Gibbons' Rowe, 6 vole; Macauley's t_ngland, 4 vole; Brooks'Gazetteer; li, laud's England, 2 vole; Aicholsou's Mechanics' Compete ion; Scott's Life of :Napoleon; Father and unsithan; Smollet's Works, 2 vole; Works of Xsnophotk Oriental and Sacred 130.,k of Knowledge, etc. Catalogues are now ready. tul9 P. M DAVIS, Auctioneer. J. & H. PHILLIPS VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION.- Ou TUESDAY EVEN INti, February 23,1,1868,a 7.X o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Room, No. 64 Filth street, will be sold:- 30 Shares Bank of Pittsburgh. 20 do M. .k M. Bank of Pittsburgh. b do Mechanics' Bank. 10 do Citizens' Bank. 10 do Iron City Bank. 21 do Allegheny Bank. fel9 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. CHARLES Vi .LE ti ALDERMAN , And Lx-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE A ' , l) All business connected with this elilce will be att. nded to with promptness. Convoyancea of all kinds done with legal accuracy—o.ch an Leeds, Mortgages, Build; Newera of At torney, to. Titles to heat Estate examiuKt. To the members of the Bur he temier# his services as Corn. into totter to take veposition'ii to be read lu the several Courts this Ntate, out elsewhere. His office is one of the main Police 6.tat ions of the city, and consequently his facilities in xecuting business of that kind are very desirable. ifeloay sTEA3I MAR LE WORKS. MARBLE MANTELS!, A Large and Beautiful Stook always on Hand OWNERS OF PROPERTY, CONTRAC TORS AND OTLIEI,S, aro itivit..A to Cai and °sum raf our stock of MARBLES, as we are pe.suaded that but f•iv persons in the community are aware of the low prices ~t which we are selling MANTELS, A good, plain, Marble :slautel costs but little, if any, more Chad a good Wood Man• tel, whilst it is always neat, is as ornament to a room, and (unlike a Wood lliant , i) is not liable to take lire. )lOQL'MENTS, TABLETS AND GRAVE STONES al ways on hand. WASHSTANDS AND FURNITUI3,II TOPS, AND I'ISINO :TONES m3de to order by machinery. Marble if kindi Hold low to the trade. tJur 3tock. 13 the largera in the I,Ve9t, Is manufactured by machihery eel wal be told at the lowest prices. F)LASTER PARIS, for Stucco Wdrk, etc. CEMENT, fcr CisteruH, Fire Walls, etc, GRIND :TONES, all sizes and best quality, fur Farmers and Me cbauics, at 319 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, N. W. W. WALLACE... lIE SEASON ADVANCES, AND CUES- Vat has determined not to be caught with & large stock to carry over He has, therefore, determined to cies./ sit the balance of his stock of Gentlemen's and Boys' %Vin t r Clothing, at the smallest po=s , ble margin above cost. is the time to obtain bargains.. The stock enliEraces everything usually found in a brat-c ass city Clothkrig and :%lelehritit Tailoring establishment. CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, Ccr.'Wood street and Diamond A 116% _We study to please. a LARD.—A prime article of No. I.larcl 3 filit barrels and kegs, just received and for aale by McCANDLESS, 311.1115,1 CO., 1a23 Corner of Wood, and Wa - tfir btreetq. WALL PAPERS - WALL PAPERS 1 I WALL PAVERSIII—W. P. MARSHALL & CO. art , preparing for immense sale of Wall Paper this spring. err° aryl et S' Ward meet. fel 1858 , U tds:ket 4. - I \- 1 ...) lA. Presidt.r/L W. IL WILLIAMS Praid<r.ft. IBAIAFI 1310115:Y, •21 Prersetr N. 2,0L3165, J EN= i 0 -, EFh fNOIVI)EN .f A Jro February. ISAIALI DICKEY,'. P., DAVID WCANDLEBS, JAMES GARDINER, IV. M Ift ) , stIL TO ARRIVE LEAVE POE REM Ilamblir_ Foreign Marne te New York Stock Market. e w York Market. Cincinnati Zia.rUct Baltimore in arket l'i_ OCT I.ON SALES W. W. WALLACE'S And Made to Order W. W. WALLACE, . Nos. 319, 321 and 323 Liberty Ht re° t. Pittsburgh Plaster, Cement and Grindstones. Vl GGS sale 6 by A. bbl P. fresh Eggs, just reo'd and for JAMES FETZER, f, IO Cilrini , r Market . and First etreetn. jAMPBLACK, Ass'd.-30 bbls. on hand Itud for sale by B. L. FAIINEBTOOK lc Cu, kl 3 Corner of Fourth and Wood streets. TIME FOR ALL TIIINGS.--Now is ,: the Limo to buy Shoes of every descripton CHEAP. we are desirong to elver ont onr winter stock, which com prises Gents', Ladies', Misses', Youth's and Childrente Wear. kemember the place, "The Peoples' Shoe Store," No. 17 Fifth street, near 31arket. fel3 , DIPPENBACIIER & CO. CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES- Now i tho time to buy Bt.)OTS AND 9110E8 AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE OP J. B. BORLAND, Leif No. 98 Market street, two 6xes from iIAb. RIVER NEWS. HARDY & M'GREW, Steamboat and Gen eral Agents, Cotner. of First and Ferry streets. Rivas, Wu"Ess. Era—The river remains as it was. The Allegheny is closed with ice above the aqueduct, and the Monongahela has also been clu=ed. Charles Boplay, owner of tts earner White Bluff, has brought snit in the United Stablign4rrict Court at St. Louts against Hercules O'Connor, owner the steamer George A Ibree, for $lB.OOO damages ca,,aed by the collision between the boats, and the sinking f the former, cansln her to be a total loss. The decision will be made known in a day or two. The Memphis Eagle, of the 12th, 1111 , 4 the following item : " Yesterday Rome flatboatmen arrived at the wharf of this city, having in charge a couple of trunks found floating in the river, between this place and New Madrid. They are suppesed to belong to passengers of the steamer Crossm,n, and iu one of the trunks are letters addressed to James A. Donuals, St. Lt311',4, Mo Marked on the other trunk is the name of '- M. WOO,ll, New Orleans." Both trunks contain a considerable amount of clothing." The New Madrid Times, of the 12th, also says:—. There was tuand in the 51i.sissippi river, at Rndley's Point, Now Madrid county, on the 7th day of February, and supposed to have been loAt off the steamer Col Crossman, which horn ed at New Madrid, the body of a man an which was found !.ume valuable papers and money, from which it was itscer tamen that his name is John 8. Moore, of Tippula county, Slissouri. PORT OF PITTSBURGH 3 PSI? 6 INGE:ES W.illat IN THIS OHANNISL. Jan. 27 27 Jan. N) .Feb. 3 Neb. 9 .Nub. 10 A_RRIV ED steamer Col. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. `• Telegraph, Woodward, Brownsville " Luzern°, Jacobs, Brownsville DEPARTED. 1 1 1 ° ) ...Feb. Niarch I " Col. Bayard, Peobles, Elizabeth. " Telegraph, Woodward, Brownsville " Luzern, Jacobs, Brownsville. STEAMBOATS For Nashville. The fine steamer QUAKER GUY, Captain MCDAISIBLS—OIerk, SAMUEL COOLEY—will leave for the above, and all Intermediate porte, on TUESDAY EVENING. ?or freight or passage, apply on board. f• 1 For Nashville. The eplendid new light draught ateuruer PO rkM:pg LAN D, Capt. R. IiRACE.Y, will leave forthe above and intormedi .to porta 13L1 SATURDAY, lb 39th inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. Fur freight or pa.94age apply ou board. . For Nashville. The flue passenger steamer CLIFTON, will leave for the above and all intermediate ports, - , 4-5 , --24-v..-4m on WEDNESDAY, at 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on boa-d, or to dell FLACK , BARNES & CO Agents. . _ For Cincinnati and Louisville. JUAN TOMPKINS, RAY, MUTSU. The new, light draught passenger packet, JOLIN TOMPKINS, Ray, Master, will leave for the above and intermediate ports, TIIIS (Vied. oesday) MORNING, the 18th inst., at 10 o'clock A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to A. 0 MoGREW, Agent, No. 86 Water street For Memphis and New Orleans. The flue paQsenger ateaper ALMA, Capt. ROBIaeoN, will leave for the above and all in tormedtate porta, on SATURDAY, at 4 P. M., For freight or paaaage apply on board, or to Ja2.l FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agent, For Pittsburgh and Zanesville. The Fitt:am er FORTUNE, Captain W. RENG-- Clerk, J F. J ALtasott—will leave for the above and all intermediate ports, on THURSDAY, December s7tb, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight and passage apply on board, or to POWELL dr MOODY, YR First St., or A. 0 M'GREW, 8d Water street. For Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. Mos. non AYREG4 will leave for the above cud all intermediate porta on every TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage apply on board lOWA 1100B.E, Matter. The light draught, fast running passenger packet lOWA, Moons, blaster, will leave for the above and all intermediate ports, on SAT URDAY, the oth lust., at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, having superior accetuodatious, apply on board, or to liAltuY A SIcGIIEW, Ag011:8, le4 Corner First and Ferry streets. DAGUERREAN GALLERIES. AMBROT YPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURE, WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AS AT ANY FIRST CLAS3 ESTABLISHMENT THE COUNTRY, AT lel2 WA.LL , S, B nrlL street. WALL'S PICTURE GALLERY. M. C. WALL HAS TAKEN THE third floor of Jones' New Building, adjoining thy Mechanics' Bank, Fourth street, for an AMBIWT Y Pk; AND YELUTOGRAPIIIO GALLEBY; and having fitted up the room in a style unsurpassed, invites his friends and the pub lic to visit his establishment. Lis Reception Room, he has no hesitation in saying, has not its superior anywhere, for size, beauty of furniture and appointments generally; and his Operating Rooms, Ming ou the same floor, are entered immediately through it. lu his Operating Rooms the most improved combined sale and sky lights givea facility for taking a finished Pic ture, in the least possible time, that he thinks cannot fail to make his establishment the resort of all persons of taste. Mr. Wall's experience as au Artist, is a guarantee to his patrons that none but good Pictures will be permitted to leave his premises. The public, and the Ladles especially, are uvited to , view his rooms, and examine tipeCIILIOLUEL fekl w 6-1-EciT ATTRACIION /IT NO. 60 MARKET ST., Where can be seen the largest collection of ititiMOTYN PdOfO6RAPII SPECIMENS, EVER EXHIBITED IN TIIIB CITY 4 ail,- Persons wishing Pictures of themselves or friends, are invited to cull end examine before setting elsewhere, as WE WARRANT PICTURES Su porior to any that can be obtained west of the mountalne R. M. CARGO & CO., Pliotographers and A nabrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 76 Fourth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, S. W. car. of Market etre-et and Diamond, Pittsburgh PRIORS TO BIIITALL. myl9:tf4p WYKES' GALLERY OF ART, NTO. 60 MARKET STREET.-PICTURES I taken at this Gallery by a new and improved process, giving the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and complex -1.41. They are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be far superior to any pictures eves exhibited in this city. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and examine his large collections of specimens. ills Gallery being on the second floor, is easy of access. N. B.—Pictures of Children taken in two a3conds, at No of llarket atreot. -A 27:tf is NELSON'S AMBROTYPES, PRICES REDUCED. G &LLERY CORNER OF THIRD AND MARKET STREETS, Entrance on Third street. citizens and Strangers desiring ANIBROTYPES, executed to the highest degree of artistic beauty and perfection, can t.. 1 accommodated at short notice by calling at NELSON'S WELL KNOWN GALLERY, THIRD STREET. Prices One Dollar and upward. ap29:ly2d ROGERS' NEW DAGUERREAN AND AMBRO'I'YPE SKY AND SIDIC-LIG LIT GALL .E It V ft 1 r STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE: THE POST-OF/Kik 93., lIICTUR.ES taken In all the varfoaa styles, In as; we...ther, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates. ta_. Sick or deceased persons taken at their re , ndenee ap2o:lydaw-is LARD OIL—We have commencel manu facturing Lard Oil, and w II be plea-ed to receive or eel, for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar .ket. We will till barrels returned when desired. Et. O. h J. H. SAWYER, le' 8 No. 47 Wood .ItrAut, EATSFOOT OIL.--Neatsfoot Oil, in J.l quantities to suit purchasers, on hand and for sale by B. O.G J. U. SAWYEU, No. 47 Wood street. .DEIRE PALM OIL SOAP.—Pure Palm Soap, only 15 cents a bar, a sure cure for chapped hands, for sale in quantities to snit purchasers, by felB B. C. .4 J. 11. SAWYER. COAPS.- 1.000 boxes Rosin Soap, ini n ib, 2 lb and 3 lb bore , , 600 " No 1 Palm Soaps, in lb, 2lb and 3tb bars; 500 " Chemical Olive Soap, in lb lamp. 200 " °Wine Oxide " - 250 " German 200 " Castile 50 " Pure Palm and for sale by felB QOAP POWDER.-50 boxes Soap Powder ky of our own manufacture, warranted euparior to any offered for sale In thfs market; on hand and for sale - by flB B. C. 1c J. H. SAWYER MEW BEDFORD' •SPERM I CANDLES.— IA 20 boxes, assorted Blies, 4's, Pa and We, Sperm Candles on band mid for sale by B. C. & J. H. SAWyER,. fol No. 47 Wood street. CANDLES.-200 .bis. assorted sizes, 4's, 6's and S's Adamliatine Star Candles, on bandan4 for sale by B. C. & J. H. SAWYER, felB No. 47 Wood street. IiOTEL CANDLES.-50 bcxes 12's and IB'e, Hotel Candles, ut hand and for sale by au mi. B.IIAWYER. NASHVILLE. CINCINNATI. MEIIP~fS. ZANESVILLE. ST. LOUIS. Nor St. Louis. E. S. WYEES, Artist E. 8. WYKES, Artist " to 3lb bars; " In 1 lb bars, on hand B. 0.. t J. H. SAWYER, No. 47 Wood street. AM U SEMENI S. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. MISS KIMBERLY LZSGII 'AND MANAGYILLEB J. lI.C.NLEY STAGE at eiAtikit PRICKS OP A.Dmisstori: 60c. Private! Box, large $8 00 16c. Private : Box, 5ma11...... 6de Color, d u.n ry 15c. Oolored, Box 25c. ngle oats in Private 165 x, 00. Doors ~1•,., 'clock. Perfurmaric to coaunßace at 9 Box of for sale of Ticket 1, open from 10 to 3 o'clock. Second night of the popular Comedian, ing- Mr. JOHN K OWENS, Who will appear this evening in two of his great imperaan ations, viz: PAUL PLY and SOLON SHINGLE,. SATURDAY EVENING, February2oth, the performance will commence with the favorite Comedy, in 3 acts, entitled PAUL PRY. Paul Pry Grand Dance by Tu cuucludn with THE PEOPLE'S LAWYER •• UR, VS HO :-TOLE MY BARREL cIE? APPLE SARSE." Sulun Shingle, the Yen ke Fa! wer ..... Hr. John E. Owens MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIA- TluiN LECTURES.—tit ()ROE D. PHENTICF, Esq., E.ut., of the "Lo-imvi Ile .70tH rill," will Lecture before the You:‘u Void' Liaxeur ASSOCIATIO and the public generally, AT LAFAYETTE BALL, On Saturday Evening, February 20th. SUBJECT-- The pro:uLt tiVFCCI and tendeacioi of American Politics. Doors open at t3l,j o'clock. Lecture to commence at 7,k4 Ticke,s TWENTY-FIVE CEN IS, to be had at the Music and Book Stores, Library Ito .m, Lecture Committee, and at the door. JOHN M. KIRKPATRICK, WM. H. KINCAID, ELIAS H. IRISH, SO - EFH ALBREE, Library Rooms, E. P. DARLINGTON, Feb. IS, 1855. f lel7:td Lecture Commute-. :,ECTURES ON CHEMISTRY —The course of lfYy Lac, urea on Chemistry in the Westtra University of Pennsylvania, by PROF. MACLEAN, will commence on FRIDAY A fer FIR.NOUN, February 19th at 4 o'clock. The Lectures will be Illustrated by numerous experiments. La dies and Lientlemen, as well as the regular students of the University, who are dedrous of pursuing this sludy, can procare tickets for the course at a moderate charge, by ap plicarlun to Prof. 112.0Le.&:i or Dr. McLAKEN, Principal of the Faculty. The introductory T aetare will be delivered at the Quiver city liaddings at the time t.bove stated, and will be free. The ritizene generally are invited to attend. folo:tit—n WILLIAM BAK EWE% The Beautiful Collection of Paintings, INCLUDING THE EASTERN SLAVE NI RKET, OLEI )1' ITR I , EATII OF LEANDER, end the hlllloUri OIROASSI A N OF BEAUTY, .are uow ou Froe Exhibit len nt the TONTINE HOUSE, No. 93 Third J trot:a. Cull eui r”.e clear iSOILN ECK, Proprietor JOHN W. AUCARTHAr, • BILL "'OSTER!. mrILL ATTEND 'lO THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTINI of all kinds of DILLS FOR CONCERTS ,r;CTURES, EXHIBITIONS, Att. MI communications either by mall, telegraph, or other vii,--directed to the :Ace of the Morning Post, will receive prompt attention! ap7 li oiNi;,66 UAI-WS C¢.l4. 11024PHREYS, C. J. HOFFNAN, JOHN WRIGHT Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright, FLOUR FACTORS , PRaDUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 76 NORTH WHARVES AND 155 NORTH WATER sr., Al ye Vlue Street, ltEle ER To Conrad, Thowl.on & Co, Thompson, Clark & Youog, titer, Price & Co., Caleb Cope 8 Co , Barcrott Carer d Co , Canby, AeViliu .t Hughes, h. M. Lawn, Cashier X . and M . Bank, Jus.ii. Cashier Morelf Bauk Nloiris L. Hallowell & Co McCutcheon k Col lips, John M. isouuedy & , Itaiguel & Cu., Pickett, Mathews &CO., hrownliury & Price, W. 1.1. Laughly eons, Lawrence & Mathias, A. I) Bullock k Cu., W. Holmes , Bagaley, Cusgrave & Co., novia:l3, TERRA COTTA Oil STONE WATT IL PIPES , From two to 81X inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 80 Cents per Foot. aLso—htxalEsTEit PEARL STARCH P' or Sale Wholesale at Manufacturers by IHIENRIC EL COLLINS, FORWARDING AND C. l olVirafilES . l . ON MERCHANT, AND %MOT A , A DEALISH. IN CULEESE, BUTTER, SEEDED AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. NO. 25 WOOD BTREUT, PITTNIIIILOH orrWras WWI.) M. -... MOOrtil G. 1. eroutenz WOOD, 3.100615171.:A1LD Si. CO., Md. 1117 e • 12 : IF American Galvanized, Best Relined CIE= COMAIoN SHEET IRON, And Sole Agent .or the ittle of W. DSWEAS WOODS' C EL EBitATED P4T'T fION RUSSIA SHEET IRON, -41/.30- LVANIZYD OORRUO.S.TED IRON, fur Roofing; SPIR NI3, NAILS, and HOOP IRON. Warehouse, No. 134 First st., Pittsburgh. "'A Lt. '338 FOSUALVANPIANO will be promptly str,odoci to at ti lc Works. on Si, Perkins, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 30..80 FOURTH STREET, LOUISVILLE, EY., SOLICIT Consignments of any and every ditscription of alerchandiso. Any goods stint to us for a,..0 will be attended to without delay, and remittances im in. , diately made. Thankful for past favors wo solicit a con uanc.e. otopk.acci EMOV AL. IL IHERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS.— Wt have reto,ved the mannfaz.tory of Bu3rhave's Holland Waters, to N 0.27 Wood west—the bonze now occupied by joh., Moorhead, Esq. Until the tlre:. of April, our office will ho 0.. tho second I iik24 I IPCNJ PAGE, Ja. dr. CO. A LOOIIOL.--100 bbls. 76 and 96 per cent rA. for Bale by B. A. FALINKSTOCK a CO., j,20 Corner of First and Waod etreeta.. -, ,,,750 WILL buy a new frame Dwelling Rum.° of four roume and Kitchen. Paling In front, Bane Oven, otc. The lot tots a front of 20 feet on Nl,,nterey street, Alle g heny, by 110 feet deep to an alley. T,rins of payment very easy. The house is new and in good unier. Iler sale by S. CUTI3BENT & SON, 1:14 51 Market street. RED, WIIIT.E r AND BLUE.--500 boxes Toilet Variegated Soap, assorted colors, in lb., .54 lb. COO >f l lb. cakes, on band and for sale by P. a.IJ. U. AVVRIL BURNING FLUID AND CIAMPIIENE.- A huge supply of those articles constantly on hand. within.: a Burning Flaid,_nuperlir and cheaper than coo e,so,here in the city, can always procure It at JOS. FLEMING'S, L 9 Corner Diamond and Market street. 4,a Y RI NGES.—I have just received a supply Mattsou's celebrated tinges, pronounced to busil y:, lor to toly others now in U5O. ..thoes wishing anything ~t LtlPi kind should call and saatnine these before purchas ing elsewhere. Comer Diamond and Market street. DA.CKED BUTTER.-600 lbs., solid pack rd flatter, received and tot sale by JAB. a. Ftrzga, 89 Wood erect. T, R EM°V—A JAMES A. FETZE.b. Forwarding and Commission Merchant FOR THE BALI OP I , LOUR, GRAIN, AND ALL KI.ND3 OY PRODUCE Has removed from 841 Water street, to the Ceruer of Market and Piro& streets, (010 P777M3DRaII. P QUPERB. CARB. SO I A.-200 kegs New Castle, for sale by 0rr214 B. A. FAIINEE7)CIi h CO. F YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHING SIADE TO ORDER, CALL AT CHESTER'S. A brilliant aiim)rtment of SEASONABLERILOit GOODS on haul at CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, Corner of Wood street and Diamond alley. SCS ,--- We Study to Please. J ckio DrA RUBBER BE LTING.—A large stock, all sizes, 2, 3 and 4 ply thick, at the India Rub ber Depot, 24 and 28 St. Clair street. Jsa) .1. & IL PHILLIPS. EAR CORN-130 sacks Ear Corn, justre calved., and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, i ll2B • 80 Water etreot. 1.) El) PREEINTATE.-150 pounds for F.alo by B. A. FAHNEATOCK Corner of Pirst snd Wood 'stream. BLACK (IMPURE LACES, And BLACK BRUSSELS LACES, For Dreo , , and Brogue Trimmings, a reduced prices. frlo JOB. lUORDit.97 Martrotltroal. HONEY BEAN TOBACCO.— Another supply of this celebrated Tobacco, Just received by JOB. ILEMING, Garner Biel - cord and Market meet QHOES, SHOES, SHOES.—Ladies' Misses' 10 and Cadre& Cialtas, Shoes, GILM3, etc., cheap, at t h e N. 17. ;fifth street. ',Par market 110PICARB. SODA.--10,000 pounds on hand, e t fld far age by D. Y I,BTOOII B 00., axmonse to Auslaig Woe. Mr. John OINCIMI MidS Turnbull PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia Maysville Ky. .Nitulison Ind Uhio. Louisville, Uhl°. Cluciuuati, Uhlu Pittsburgh, Pa. MEDICAL. ONLY ONE .130TTLE -0 - DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, IS REQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE troubled with Liver Complaints, =less the most des. perate of cases, when the second bottle will, with sane a single failure, restore the patient to health and vigor. We wish to call the attention of all to theeo facts, that the In vigorator is compounded by a phi ski= who has need it to his practice for the past twenty years with a success almost crednious, and that It is entirely vegetable, being composed wholly of gams. Some idea of the strength of these grime may be formed whoa it is known on, bottle of the Invigorator omataios Pn much htrenglb as one hundred doses of Oalomol without any of its deleterious effects. We know there is nothing now before the American pub. lie, prepared with such skill by a scientific man, particular', for diseases of the Liver, a. Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attaked a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply became it rest on its own merit., To convince all by tr;al that it is all its proprietors chum it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from such diseases as are described in Dr. Sanford's advertisement, Ise know of know remedy that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take one or two ten.spoonfuisbat each attack and it will soon disappear. Bar an overloaded stomach, or when food rises or sours, taketho Invigorator after eating, and it will not prove disagreeable or oppress] vs. For Heartburn, Palpitation or Difficult Breathing, taken tea poonfol once or twice daily. For Loss of Appetite, Languor or L stiessticss, the medicine is invalu able. It will restore the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all be fairies. After eating a hearty dinner, take a doss of Invigorator and it will relieve all oppression or fullness. 'lr. Invigorator is a Liver Remo dy of unequaled virtue, acting directly on that organ, Our. ing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Billions Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, and all Female Obstructions, for which It has tai equal. We know there is nothing now before the American pub lic prepared with such skill by a acientidc man, particular. ly for diseases of the Liver, as ir. Aaford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the word, simply because it rests on its own merit. To convince all by trial that it is all Its proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from such diseases as are described In Pr. Sanford's advertisement, we know of no remedy that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. Then, bee lately been brought to our notice a medicine that seems to possess w,,nderfnl, curative and healing pro pertied in diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Digestive Or gans. It came to us with ,o many testimoniale in its favor that we have noted its effects is come of the worst cues of continual ddidity, caused by derange.; liver, and in every instance the effect was to relieve or give a permanent cure, Du. Banford'd Lsv igorator, or Liver Remedy is what we re , fer to. We always have b•, en credulous about ouree by pat ent medicines, but we are COliN laced that this medicine, for family use, is not overrated by the host of recommendatini : , .t has. Our adv , ce is, fur all troubled with Indigeetion, L . , bility or Bowel Complaint, to got a bottle and try it; our word for it, relief will be experienced. Butssmos TO THE TN - VALUES who nee Dr. Sanford's Invigor ator, for it will relieve them of their pins es soon es it ill taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator 1.1 usei, for it will as rarely drive them away, as daylight will banish darkness, of this there can to 1 no doubt to th use whe try it, for it carries conviction with every dose taken. Another evidence is the thousands of certificates from those who tree it or have been cured by it, Try one bottle, it it doea:not benefit, then we are mistaken. PUOB UNZ DOLIAR PIE 80111.1 iii&NFC.IID & 00., Proprietors, 816 ilroodway, New York Fur sale by G. KEYSER, 140 Wood eitrett, Pittsburgh) jal:3trultw.3p THE GREATEST ' - ILO COVE OF THE AGEa MR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, hue disoov• ered lu ouo of our common pasture woods a reined, thavouroo Every kind of Rumor, YRO'll THE WORST iiOhOFULA DOWN TO d COMMON PIMPLE Hu has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor.) He bee now in his possession over one hundred certificates_ of its value, all within twentyirailea of Beaton. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore month. one to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimpled on the face. Two or three bottles will clear the system of biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the mouth or stomach. Three to live bottles are warranted to cure the worst Wad or Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor In the eyes. Two bottles are warranted to care I - tinning of tllO 43811 and blotches among the hair, Four to six bottles urn warrantal to mare corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure ucely eruption of the akin. Two or three bottles are vva.ranted to oure the worstklnd of ringworm. Two or three betties are warranted to cure the moot doe perate case of rherrn.ati l u t . Three to four buLdes are warranted to cure salt-Rheum. Five to eight bottles Will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted whoa the above quantity is taken. ROXBURY, MASS Dun Mmes,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery, in curing all kind of humors, La co well established by the 011atliMOUS voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not nay anything on the subject, as the most skilful physi clans and the moat careful Druggists In the country are un annuous in its pralae. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a tall knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing most of these diseases In which you are an fortunately SO liable. That must excruciating disease to an affectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, Is cured ro If by a miracle; your own tamper 13 restored la its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers; and the Medical DiITOTII. ry becomes a fountain of bleasing to your . husband and Lo,sahold. In the more advanced atag,ca of CAN KER. ortonde to tin. atomnch, canqiug DYSPEP - SIA, which is nothing but cankor of tho tom b; then to the iliteathwa and KIDNEYS, creating a sinking, gone fooling, and an indifference s eran to the cares of your family. Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, our food distress e you, and yon can only take certain kinds, and even of that your systole does not get half tha nourishment it contains as the scrim ono us fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and he• comes sallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your E!yote,ui becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow train of diseases which the Medical Dl .covert' is peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the side, woaknoss of the Emilie and small of tho back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and aba, that most aura. Mating of diseases, the PILES. 'flow many thousands of poor women are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to impress your mind that good old proverb, Au ounce of proven• tem is better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with thin great toad good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances, do you any injury. N s change of diet ever ne,.....4..ary—eat the boot you can gat and enough of it. DIREOTION, nit IM—Adults one. table spoonful per day— Children over ten yeaes &siert spoonful—ettildren from flys t eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appli cable. to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on tb. twice a day. Yours truly, . _ DONALD KENNEDY. .6Prict. $1:69 par eor by Dr. (IEO. 11. KEYSER, N. - . 140 Wood .trc,t, Pittabargh, Pa, eiro~F:d~+.v PL) 0 W N'S VE6IET iBLE COMPOUND „LP cur. Brmachttl, Asthma, Inflammation of the. Lange, 'lnfluenza, Cretin, ihrasencas, Bleeding of the Lungs, Connumption. Fur sale by And r.,10.d/io; Mi. fl. KEYBEIt, Pittsburgh, J P. PLEMINn. Alleirhpuvolity _ 11* ' '-' 7'47t""t"''-':4c.-V- e 7'•-- --- 4- ,- N" rr: I tt:!' _ r:ert- r - - ."Vi4ll-14 •it_.. tz 'l-1,-;::::."' ::::- rr,, ,ty"---:-.4 ~-,'44-t 't."47,1n 1.^..-ru.: .. 5 , 'r.t. ; '-'-,- ), 1 . .. 2 - dp, €,,-, «...:,- !....... 0 , -,.1 , , 7 • ts. , P i K -A- '''.f.-- - - c - 7, :e..1., t-t 7 - • 4• . g.C:,,:7 - ' ,''' e5c:P- 3 1:;4 4 ..,,ett.. -'l' -' -' '; - 1 ....,_ 4, ~ , i . .. Mti R BLE ! M ARBI E I di —il *' C.l 0 iff .70 J - - ~ R G 0 HAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Punts, &c. The public are respectfully invltvi to examine our stock . Prims low, and work warrantod. hriEkris NI) 2:45 i.litgl+TY STRERT DR UGS.—. 7 IXERIIAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. Gina Tragacantb, Gum Aloes, Gum Arabic, CONOENTRAT,ED LYE, Anidualna, Pomades, CologneaT, - .Ges Articled, eta, OLYOER;NE, Juniper 11. rrlts, Graphite, Agaric etc., on hand and fbr gala by B. L. YAIINESPOOK. .t 00., la 2 ("Gran , of iicurtb and Word strati& 0 RANGES AND LEMONS.- ROO boxes Oranges; 200 do Lemons, Jost received and for sale by nEYIIEII Fr ANDSaEON, No. R 9 Wood street f WO hundred dollars in hand, and four _IL hundred in two yearly paymente, will secure a direl ling house and large lot of ground, ph:wean:ly Intrusted on Mt. Washington. For sale by b. CUTHREIt'I! .1 SON, fel2 51 Market street. ORNE KNITTING BALLS-- ORNT3 KNITTINO BALLS, Received this morning, at FOUR ININICE - S IN TWO WEEKS-- STEEL SPRING SItELETON SKIRTS. The fourth invoice of this elegant (Jun of Skirt, received by Adman Express, this day. Ladies wt o were dippointed in; procuring one on Toe& dakiaas, can now be ispylled at RNS% 77 Nub* wlfrelk EIECOIiD SUPPLY PP HORNE'S. 77 Market Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers