• OILS...Lard Oil is improving, and is firm at 80e. Mr No. 1. Linseed Oithrur.advaumi, smolt sales boing_raade, at We. gallon, for cash, par fonds. PIG M.ETAL...Wo have no Rabe; to quote; the market b Dmninal at former rates. ATOF.S..;Nehannocks have advanced ; solcs of prime were made from the wharf at 65@iiqc.; Redd 3TdAc ; Peach 50c_? POWDER—The prom have advanced; liiltc is no, sidling at $7 per keg . , and Bhuiting at $5. SEEDS—There is a better supply I, the mart et of Clover said, and the prices have undergone a deciiiie; some sales have been made at s7,SOgel.S7 7 i), bushel ; holders are however asking $5, but no sales have been mod.• at that figure. Tim othy is dull at $3. Flaxseed is steady at $1 ? bushel. SAND STONE...Regular sales of lluntingdou ciionty, a' $ 9 ton. SIIKEETINGS, YARNS. ko.. Tee mice, hive and the following are now the rates: Eiole eheetiugH B , ;!ie IS yard ; Niagara SdAc. POUND TARN. 1!` 0. 1 4 ; . . 1 O. 17 NOi. to to It! clusivo Its. No, 11 told 12 No. 18 No 1.1 ;;:i a, .so. Is .1 o. 19 25 ti nee.ro v 188. No. iot. , , . d,•,....... 12 e.. ... Carvett.lll'n.a ., co;. 2 8 (, , ; ion, I. do.t ..... 11 (a. .. - white tlSt Ila 2.1 66 !0 IN . " :, .it . ~t.t. 20 (a) i. 0 700 9 or ... wine 21 iii., :‘,, ~ a o ... ... . 8 (e. ... rittti n ff,. No.l 17 (O 5.., oti 0 ta .. " No. 2 16 ii , No.looo 8 ca. ... i 1.. won.) Batting ... 18 cc. Coverlet Yarn....., 29 et. . C'ttolkina 18 (itl TAL.1,01% —The vela. , Lave tot vaneil It.; runglt 1 i noliirgr at 7c.. and rendered 10c 11 It',. SALT...A steady demand. and sales at previous rates; , 82 fur No. 1, and $1 75 to 10.1. for extra. WHITE LEAD, LYTIIAItOE. fec—White Lead is flan and in steady demand at $2.50 7 1 keg for pure oil, and dry cents la lh.oinbject to Um usual discount fled L e ad 0, net, and Lythargo 8 1 c. WINDOW GLA pricer of city brands have ad vanced and we correct quotations as follows told 71 9 , box of 5" fool. Sxlo, $2,15 ; Bxll. Axil. Psi and 10x12, $2,40; 9x13 , 9x13 .and oxl4, $2.65; 10x15 and 10x16, $2,75. 10 1.1 cent dl.count off. Country brand, SO cents lower WHISKY—Tim prices have improved, under ad Vl[P3 from Cincinnati; we have no sales on which to pre(' care tb , price of raw, but quote mrtniu al at Pik 0709 c.; rectifit , tl steady at '...0422c. ltl A LEG EN V CAT'I'L.J PI A teLK.I4II% (1,, Reprrbei • K ;"..• rt., DEN, cry perintende nt 3fr,;10.7i ETCh WWl' ALLI.:,/IIFSY CITY, Fvbrnary 18, 1858 Thou , wog kl fair mint of 141.2 rings at the yard 4 cv,oh, hot Ihk• 111.1111,1 d V..N11.1 11:,1: 1,4.11 t•WIr11 , 1 1111 d Ihrr•• 1/1 , 1 1k k•II di•tr tdlol.l 111 till. 1 ect.ipt“ per railrad, Ferrra! fkirl-1 14 1 , 11,11112; all 1, - 11 1/11 tlo• grotlnds after the nothing np c.f our Thu trunils r reported to nu at hoth art.:y moo:lts.] to 574 :1594 F.hoop and '2315 Ilogs, the rah s aggrei,atirof It.. ron, 709 Sheep nod 811, !logs. Sonlo of tt,,. lern ,t•Ef. quality, the arsrago boin‘r bettor 1111111 usual. 'lb.. scalc..i were !mob. slcavly, hat for twit'', 014:1110,1 wc-11. a -loot , 1 ob.; than brut week'(. The following tai los rxhihir the Y,Tms, (VEkcP's 111 !AI. 1 1.1 Frl!. 117 1.. 11yriti, it In-.. 22 I II Huff 15 NI. 111 11. 20 Y. Croy A., • . IS V. Whic• ri-r 15......3. A IllifT,ll 1M..... .1.. II IS A 1 11111m -14 Wm. 11,1 ..... . Lloyd x NI( 111- . 15 "I' li•lv3 1 . 2...... iiossrt 24 15101 1'.:0.111111 (',lr,) 25 Markt, Co 14 1 B. Nixon :15 I. Ault LU 'crAtisiimt 445 off, 1* I 343 8,.i t t•ast 0(10 A. Cl/ rt “TIJ 110 I, 1..1'4 85 W. l>”) . ,1 90 Pot or I . ..... 100 Tnu,•6 ut =IBM 985 tart d 210 775 loft re, Bold by .'d'l:,•lry & Nloooev at 4 11 15.0 in 5111 till ht Ity ,t k Co, and Fent cast by thorn 4 1 )ii 200 ikii,;bt I.y I:ey Whale! S. Silwer, It. be Font east - at 4:,1,y" 70 sold by J. Campbell a 1 486 IT, red ilnd Wr. PENN s f AP.D..(ALLYNDI:II'3.) I I.ct Ofrred sr .1 1 No offered 16 lulins Vn: [ter 16 Smith 19 Genre England 18 A Etiar 25 A. P. Phi ..... 19 C. Barker 13...... A. NV. Gill , et 39 C. Haldeman 4: 30 'o.‘r,lial C,nrsen 13 Tulin Situ man= 14 11. F. 911 larneB Turner - 20 I 11outoomrrp 30 ~ ..hunea R. NS - Intern In 51 W. B. )1( m ri6on 36 John A rlie4 rot 18 Ilubler 36 TranHitut deal'; H.... 429 offered 190 239 left over and veil ea,t o . lfr.red by n.. srva No. offen d 355 .... -E. Buel 100 W. Crawford 150 G. Dooahnw 173 W. Scattergood 239 R Curhid 171 B. C. YOOIIIRIN 70 J. G. Stauley 21 .... -Mal Shal Coin Hit 70 Aaron Key-or 97 Tamed Burl. ...... 220 S. B. Renuedy 300 W. B.l'altd , c , 11)0. latuoi It. Jacks , . L . J23 Junction ttnoliluou... K32.5....-JIICII-1] II WliAlbl 2C4 offered 40.9 2110 soot eagt Qffered. o,lTered by 187 Georg. , 20 E. Jac:I:Bon 10 Patri M'Grewly SS W. A4 , t.t.s 106 W. C. Menlo 114 ...... A. P. Phillips "1 Juu. Cutroo (e:c. qual. ) 22i; J. tlilcitrist 117 Marshal Courson & I' 172 Younitor tello W. R.lst 162 1 B. Jitclt , ...m (extra) 112 lorutthati n,. d.. .t (.8,4 14211 fferny 3.41 140 ti vent clef Cincinnati X ttrUet CI9CIVN STI, February 18.—Flonr is in co-d d. HC,11 , 1: fl m; 1900 Labia sold at 35(da00. Whnky inlvaneed 14 , .1; in good (Ito - ud. Hoge $,;02.16,50; II all. I! uvimiuns übenerl active with more bii)nrit then sell. pi, and 1,500 000 ISt of Bnlk IThould , r, cold ar Or. and 50 lino lb, :sides nt 7 058, and conic Lard 'at 9? hot it le-00111,) dull en biryerg withdrew intl sellere b hilltl-1 to r 4 : 1 11%', PI twing, Bulk 4Tent and Lard in the market at the quotationg. Mies Pocksls; not trICCh dolt, .711olases 2SC. ;sugar 6@h% and ilotire, rale:4 of 300 itlels Money abun dant and racy. Bi.iness is very lois': in all ileFttinuents. The rates of exbarir are New York Market. NrAV Ymit:, February 15.—Colton 111 CI n 2000 bales R,tia at a decline of ;„g i middling 11%; Orleans 111. Floor buoyant; 12,000 bush sold. 11 boat tirou 10,000 b u sh Bold. Cult butiyunt; 14.0 0 bush sold oktliC.Miti for yellow. Prime Pork $13.75 110)00 firm; Hams z•llonlders1:).( i . Butter al.ivs. Linseed stead v. Tallow tli m. Freights of Flour to Liverpool Is 101,t1d. Mohrs es Moody at 2S(iil29e. CoflOe; sales at auction of 4000 laws at If l /,@1'23,4, the average about 10 , Ac buoyant. New York Stock ffistrizet. New YoRE, Fi.bruary I.4.—En-ning.—Stccks higher. Chi coß.and Rock Island M/:),.1: Illiuoia Central iifi!4; La eri.B,9 and Milwaniti., 11; Mich. b.utberti 2 N. Y. t 804; Poliamylvitula Card 73; litading 62; Galena and Chirago Frio 31; Clevoirtaii art Tokdo Milwaukie and `d hyiesippl 3i ii: Cart Coinit‘nY REMOVAL. Cleveland & ,Pittsburgh Railroad ANNII E Pittsburgh, Columbus S T , Cineinna It A I L Et 0 A D, ONAND AFTER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY nib ; 185 j, the Frei g ht road H, in the CITY uF PITTSDUROLI, he tritniiiictiql nt the _ NEW AND ODAMODI"Iiri DEPOT, ON PENN ETRLET, ADOVE WAVr E, Tht attobtion of Murcldatta 31sumf . tctur , r3, and ;.+liippers it invited to the Hup,rier G.cilitics kdrurd, d by thee FOR BPEEL), sAFErv, AND LOW RATES, And far the prompt trl:333 , ,,urtid ion of Freight - 4, by CONTINUOUS .tAILWAY CONNECTIoNS, Yruni Pitt.Murgli to Cleveland, Tot do, Detroit, Chicago, Cu. tumbuc, Dayton, ludianapoli.i,Cmcinuati, Loui , ville and 6t. Louis; and all tho Western, Northwestern, Lind ,South-we.t ern States. Freight is cent to most of the alepre places iu the same Cara la which it io loaded at this Dep9t. Tattouoa ReCLIPTS CEVE:m To ALL iMPOrtTAN: PUIN7B. For further information, api; v to JOHN I'. GLASS, Agent. - - CHARLES W. LEVI U, ALDERMAN, - And £,x-Officio Justee of the Peace, OFFICE ON 1:11:01 CO ItNER OF IVY LIE A‘o FiEnt All bus!uosis coritiectcd with will be att , nded to with , prompwes3 C, , tivo)*LlCl, 01 1111 kll.l, Coil' with legal accuracy—each L' l,l -gi 3 10r;g , b4e. , , l'uweh of At torney, dcc. Tithe to Real To the members of the Ibir he i,ol er , hi; no, Yivvy a 5 COW. tuts donor to takii iiivo.iitiori'd W be read in the F—verai Court, of this Saito, an-1 alii,wber, 1113 °aka 0110 err the main Stations of the city, awl couNequently hi, la.:Lilies in O cecutiug bulineBs of thit kini aro very LARD. -A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels nal kepi, just received and for Kau by • McCANDLESS, MEANS .l: CO., Oerner of Wood-and Water etreote. 28 a 29 20 a 21 0-, 'I 'A '29 3(m, 1 1 , :10 - 63N 304;; 3 ;1 2(tO. et•ut e•art e:LA :5 1 .4 1.2 nt ut.l 3(al I 1 :1(rt,3 3, 4 :1(a).3:".1 A',o. Fold. '4/ice pint ea,t. 1I Fr , left or. 11 I) 3 1 ,4 . pyoss. MEM ]fi 3% 13 I(w4 lb 4 =EI 11111EIM 1:4 3 1 :: 11 3.('.4 II 2 3 ,<Q39 : ', 4:0 :02, 30 $3,4 11 141•.(1 sc.4lt. 4-44 st. o or '01,40, Sollt east. 111 , 1 S 3.75 head 150 V 176 ,6 sPrtt east. gross F , •iit oast. " I,9llhrnd Id ,att. .4 } :„ 19 4!, M'' 3fli4 t- , •111. east. ..,k) 43' MEM ADJUINFIII TUC PIINNSYI.V.INIA CANAL. BV ItIGRA,PII. FROM IV ASWAGTON. Report of the Committee on Tera•itories. It ienvors the Admission of Kansas under like Leo,rupton Constitution. REPORT OF THE MINORITY. SPEECHES IN THE HOUSE ON MARYLAND CONTESTED ELECTION, KANSAS, &a. PENNSYLVANI 4, LEG lISL,4,TURE. More Disturbances in Kansas ANOTHER FIRE IN NEW YORK, doC. r THIriTY-FIFTH CONGRESS FIRST EL,SION VesterdaVa Proceedings. r:Na'rl Mr. Green, 0. Missouri, from the Committee on Territories, reported the bill for the admission ot Kinsas, submitting n lcng report which was mot Mr. Douglas, of Illinois, and Mr. Collamer, of Ver mont, also submitted minority reports, which were_ t4ecerally ordered to be printed. Mr. Green gave notice that be should call up the tuautr at an early day. The consideration of the army bill was then re seined. Th, fourth section of the original bill was struck out; y elm 24, nays 23. Mr. Wilou's amendment that the reduction ut tho end of two years shall not operate on any officer in commission at the date of the approval of the act, was adopted. Mr. Iverson contended that the bill reported by the Military Committee was more accordant with the views of the administration than Mr. Johnson's. Volunteer were always more expensive and lees re l'able than regulars. Ile instanced the company at Tenno-see volunteers at Cott) Gordo that ran at tho first shut. The Tennessee. Senator's argument seemed to defend polygamy. It the Tennessee volunteers cat-rtain,,d similar opinions, he would be the last man to send them to Utah; instead of whipping tho Mormons, they would be more likely to join them, pOt lally it Lathan Young gave them half a dozen wives apiece. r anilin's motion that in no caHa shall 0:0 force thi , act coniinia , in seriii , e , .ver two yours. WaS ogreaa !ci A ~1 the en Laptirative motile ul the a,ficr,tt Flll).3titulen ra,ur2,l, the S oii ate being thinly ot•ruded. Jel:w•un raid he did not justify polygamy, but droll a comparison showing the inenitsis ttmey of enternining au agent. (.1 . the Turkish gov erowent, which legalized polygamy, and :it the Hime time eontitouLed polygamy in Utah. Ile also de fended the Tennessee volunteers. Mr. Sewi.rd explained the views he.exprossed on the bill, which had been criticised. Mr. Brown said it the volunteers sent to the Utah war would' follow Brigham, they would not fight unless forced. The Senate adjourned. MOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 11. Winter Davis, of Maryland, made a personal ex. planation, reading extracts ffom the speech of his colleague, Mr. Bowie, containing strong language against tho American party for their conduct during the Baltimore election, saying, while looking toward Mr. Davis, "You, sir, will hare a day of reckoning; I will put you under udy loot ; you shah not live an hour," etc. Mr. Davis wished to know whether his colleague applied that language to him. Mr. Bowie replied that when he thus epoko he per sonified the American party, and did not mean to apply them personally to Mr. Davis, but to the party w struck down the Democracy of Baltimore by force and bloodshed. He repeated that a day of reckoning would certainly come when there would box war of the people against such wrongs. He did Dot say how tar Mr. Davis counselled such wrongs, but it' he did he should take the responsibility. Ile had not any personal unkindness towards his col• league, and felt grieved to think that ho had wounded his feelings. He would tell the II use and the ita- tion that he believed in his utmost soul that such lincw Nohingism would lead to bloodshed and to revolution, and ho would coucsel those trampled upon to re6ii41.1300. Mr. Davis replied, that as to the opinions of his c,lleague touching the Ainer;ean party, the Ilouae was not the appropriate place for the-diEcusslon. He roe merely to inquire whether the !anguao applied all, to himself; his colleague's re,pense was sa.l-t .cyry. Th [louse wtnt into Committee of the Whole on tho Indi.n Appropriation bill. Mr. Shorter, of Alabama, epoko on the Kansas .11oFtiun. He said that all the S , mthern. States were now united on the Georgia platform, and Pledged to resist, even to the dissolution of the Union, this re fusal of Congress to admit Kansas because of the ex sten,.e of slavery there. He cared not whether this was a constitutional or a revolutionary right of the South ; he was prepared to defend it. lie contended th at the Lccompton Constitution was legally adopted ; it was Republican in form, and Congress has not the power to r,mand Kansas to her territoTial condition, ,he beiog an independent sovereignl State, by the consent of Congress. He expressed surprise that Mr. Douglas had abandoned the princip'es of the Nebraska bill, fleeing before the first gun was fired; tel like a Barthian throwing his poisoned arrows behind him. He did not went the votes of Mr. Douglas and his followers ;:,;f they did not reflect Northern opinion, the sooner the South knew this the better. Ho contended that it was never designed to make Kansas a slave State. Five Governors sent there were all Free Soilers, including the traitor Walker. It had been said that the admission of Kansas would light the flames of civil war; if so, let it come; let the fires rise even Heaven high. But he thought the refusal to admit her would rather en gender civil war; referring the question back to the maple would inevitably invite this result. The South cannot remain in the Union except on an equality with the North; in such circumstances the South °mere would not be a brave and gallant p epic; but were captives chaiued to the victorious car of the N'orth, he could rather be a vas,al of Old than 'New England. He said that the word " compromise " wag ffensive to him ; he would make it a penal of fence ior a Southerner to use it; it was suggestive in his mind of surrender, a base submission ; it sounded. se the language of M'Duffie, like the bugle blast of a r.d.ber band. Mr. Shorter continued in a Siinilar “rain, closing with the remark that the religion of Plymeuth Rock is intolerance, bigotry and fanati cism. Northern clergymen violated the seventh tilinandnaent a ter evening lectures, and when their rinse was exposed, they were courted and feted by ho fair sox. Mr. Zalliceffer made a personal explanation in eforenco to Mr. Hatch's FpocA yesterday. lie said ir.; Mr. Llat;dl had seen; proper to indulge in per ,onat remarks prejudicial to him and other members, Anti had also read rcrtain obligations purporting to ,long to ;ha American party. Mr. 7AlicotTer Ras member of that party. These obligations differed in letter and spirit from those he took. in Tennessee. Mr. Batch had denounced the obligations so treason able and unconstitutional. In doing so he had ;oral a falsehood, with which be now branded him, and fool; the retponsibility. Mr. Batch was not present. Mr. Tompkins made a speech in oppmdtion to the Loco:Lipton C,ns'itution. Ile would not inquire ;.vhether it met the sanction of the people. Time was oboe he would feel justified in voting fi.r the admit' , ion of a slave State south of 36:30 ; that was before tie repeal of the Missouri Compromise. That repeal muoved all national obligations, leaving him free to cute as conscience dictated. Mr. Clemens argued the legality of the Lecompton Constitution, contending that it was not necessary to submit it to the approval of the people. The Presi dent bad performed his duty fearlessly and man. ;ully. Mr. Burroughs got the floor, when the House ad• 'ourneed. From I,Velshington WASHINGTON CITY, February IS.—The report made to day by Mr. Green, from the Senate Committee on territories, recites at length the events in Kansas, and assorts that the majority of the people may ,imply, as in ancient days, in mass meeting, make Cm Constitution ; they may elect representatives to make one for them, or elect representatives to draft one to be submitted for approval or rejection. The last method has been the most approved during the past few years, though formerly the second method was very generally resorted to. The calling of a Convention, as ii\--khis case, was corceded to have been strictly legal, an lso the election of delegates. not logical to infer hat the Convention was ',gaily elected and clothed with authority to make a Constitution, which can no more‘e interfered with by Governor, Judge or Legislature, either to increase or litnini.h its power, or alter, modify or nullify its acts, than the people could be interfered with had they assembled no ~tame instead of representatives? In conclusion, the Committee says that the Abolitionists in Kansas have thus far sought power by methods un known to law and by violence, not through the peaceful agency of the ballot box. Claiming to give a majority of the voters of the territory, and there fore able to elect a Legislature and Convention, they ask Congress to wrongfully do for them what they may at legal times and legal places rightfully do for themselvk ; that is, to change or abolish their Con. Con stitution, and, in casi Congress refuse to comply with their constitutional demands, they threaten to afflict the country with an attempt at bloodshed and 1",volotion: Unless Congress will do for them what t icy assert they ore anxious not to do for themselves, ut which they wilfully refuse to do, they threaten to plague tie country into civil war. This conduct i so exceedingly unreasonable as to force the con y ,ttion upon the mind that they are conscious of be g a powerless minority and only expect to be able to compass their unwarrantable ends by departing A in the general way of peace and quiet. If year Ofiumittee are not greatly mistaken those reckless men misjudge the American people, anewill be rew quired to seek for peaceful methods for the redress of all their greivancem, wtv.ther they be real or aginary. The bill reoites that the people of Kansas framed for themselves a Constitnticn end Statetriverntheilt, republican in form ; and the Convention:held at Le,, compton has, in their nameand behalf, naked Con. grees to admit her. There it is declared that Kansas, should be admitted into the Union on an equal foot- Mg with the original States in all respects whatever. The bill prescribes boundaries, and contains the usa al regulations relative to and grants of public lands as in the case of Minnesota, lytiri_gives Kansas for the present, one representative in the Rouse of Represen tatives. . Mr. Douglas' in his report, dissents from the vie ws of the majority for reasons, among others, that no satisfactory evidence exis's that the Constitution framed by the Leeompton Convention is the act and deed of the people of Kansas, or embodies their wilL Ho shows that the Convention wag not clothed with competent power to establish a Constitution without the assent of Congress, which has been expressly with. held in this case; hence the Convention only had such power as the Territorial Convention could rigl.t• fully confer. and no More, which Was to form a Con stitution and send it to Congress as a memorial for admission which could be accepted or rejected, a. , cording as it embodied the papulsr will. Thdt all the proceedings of the Convention should have been held in strict obedience to the authority of the Teri tor government, white in fact it was declared to be o force, and take effect, in defiance of the authority of the Territorial government, as well as without the consent of Congress ;, that the only lawful election held on the adoption of the Constitution was that of the 4th of January last, which was in obedience to the law framed by the Territorial Legislature established by Congress, with full legislative power on all right. ful subject within the Territory. Messrs. Collamer and Wade, in submitting their views, say that the territorial government of Kansas was never organized as provided in the original act ; that is by its own people—but was usurped by a foreign force, conquered and subdued by arms, and a minority installed in power, which has ever since been sustained by the general government, instead of being examined into and corrected. This has boon done to establish and perpetuate slavery. The Le compton Constitution is the result of these proceed ings, and is contrary to the will of a great majority of the people legally expressed, and for Congress in its discretion to consummate this protracted atrocity, especially for such a purpose, is a violation of the fundamental principles of republican government, and can produce no permanent peace or satisfaction to the people of the Territory. In the late territorial election, they have reclaimed their rights, and the territorial government is, for the first time, now moving peaceably in its legitimate sphere to prom ised freedom. lhe Lecomptun Constitution and its adoption was concocted and executed to supercede the triumph of justice; to admit it by Congress is but to give success to fraud and encouragement to iniquity, and to turn over that people not to an elec tion fairly and legally conducted, but to such State officers and legislators as Calhoun shall hereafter proclaim, and on such contingency as he shall deter mine; and his long, mysterious and inexcusable in decision and'reserve, but encourages expectations in both parties, one of which is certainly doomed to disappointment. Gen. Calhoun, in his published defence, says that he has written to Denver to procure the sworn state ments of judges, respecting the controverted Dela ware Crossing precinct, and have them taken under such circumstances as will secure a free and unbiassed exhibition of the facts by sworn statements so ,pro cured, and he shall be governed by the facts in 'give in g the certificates of election to members of the Leg islature from Leavenworth county, even if it shall, as it probably will, place the government of Kansas in the hands of his enemies. No one will rogret it more, yet he shall honestly discharge his duty. Jack Henderson, Clerk of the Surveyor General of Kansas, and Mr. Marshall, the pro slavery Goys ernor elect of Kansas, have both arrived in this city. Mr. Winston has been appointed United States Marshal for Kansas. He is the same person who, some time ago, was appointed Indian Agent of the :lam territory, but was removed. [ Special 'Despatch to the Morning Poet.) PENNSYLVANIA LEGISL A TURE HARRISBURG H ; February 18.—Senate.—The fol ltwing bill was road in place by Mr. Gezzam : Fur the relief of Dr. Hays. House.—The following petitions were presented By Mr. Irwin : from sundry liquor dealers for a change in the liquor laws. By Mr. Donahoo ; for the divorce of David Gordon from his wife. By Mr. M'Donald : to impose a dog tax for the support of the schools. A remonstrance was presented by Mr. Irwin, signed by twenty-six citizens of Allegheny, against the law relative to streets; also a remonstrance against the Valley Church road. Also, by Mr. Foe ter, against a special tax in Birmingham ; and by Mr. Vueghtly, against the removal cf the Allegheny Bank. The following bills were reported as committed. To amend the fifty-first seotion of the Bank Law; to remove the Allegheny Bank; to allow juries to vide coeta The following passed a second reading and was recommitted to the Judiciary Committeee : An act to prevent crossing bridges without paying toll. The bill to repeal the Collateral Inheritance tax .las slightly amended in Committee of the Whole, ,kind, having passed finally, will go to the Senate. 4..ater from Kansas. ST. Louis, February 18.—The Kichapoo corms -I,..udont of the Republican says that on the night of .he 6th, a party, headed by Chas. Lenhart, burned the , Alice of Mr. Boyd, a lawyer, and Mr. Davis, a phy mann, which destroyed all their property. Boyd, D vie, Kelly, Laughlin, Lynch and many others have god to Missouri. Much excitement existed. The Committee of Investigation on the election frauds nave been discharged. Report says that Denver has I , lsued a requisition upon the Governors of three States for the capture of the person of Henderson. rho Logislatare has adjourned to the 13th. Denver .ailed to approve of. the Constitutional Convention bill. Parties of armed men aro moving about In the vicinity of Fort Scott. From New York. NEW FORK, February I.S.—gos. 5G and 5S Maiden were, destroyed by fire last night. The first was occupied by Windlo d Co., house furnishers, and k:barles Atirenfield, China ware. Windle's loss is 3100,000, which is fully insured. Ahrenfield's loss is $120,000; insured for $lOO,OOO. No. 58 was also occupied by Fleet as a Clothing store; his stock was nearly all saved. No. 23 Liberty street was also de• troyed; it was occupied by Edward Ken, importer ,f fancy goods; loss $40,000; fully insured. John Brower, an eminent merchant, committed quieide this morning. The general supposition is that the Baltic has been ' , Azad by the Brown's at Liverpool. She did not leave an her regular day. A UUTION SALES AI.LY SALES AT N 0.54 FIFTH ST., ir At the uow 00MIllerei;11 SAII , B 114•0111 , 1 ; No. 54, lzift.ll dreet, every week day, are hold public 9/1.103 of goods in all •.triety, suited for the trade and Co , lll4llsrs. fries a tat tt.. t•cl: which is constantly replenished with (.0154;11 - Wats, that mutt be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. 51., • .ty (Mods and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything in the line for personal and family use; table cod ; hardware; clothing; bouts and 911 , 11" , ; ladies wine, AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. 51., Household and kitchen turniture y new end second-Imnd • hods and bedding; carpets: elegant iron stone Cbi oft warn stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, Ac. AT 7 if CIAWK, P. M., Palmy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical lustre remits: guns; clotting; dry goods; loots and shoes . book s t atitmery, 18e 8 1 P. 51. DAVI . 1, Auct.s IRON SAFES, CAST STEEL, WINDOW GLASS, NAILS, ETC., AT AUCTION.—On FRIDAY Ak TERNOON, tobruary 19th, at 2 o'clock, at the Cumnier. wal Sales Rooms,No. 54 Fifth shoot, will be sold, 2 second-hand Iron Safes; 2476 the Cast Steel, assorted sizes; 9 boxes 10x12 and 12x14 Window Glaos; 5 dozen double and elude nit Axe,,; 2 " beech Hatchets; 20 kegs 10d Juniata Nails; 36 dozen Corn Broome; 9 kegs Epsom Salts; 4 boxes !superior Chewing Tobacccr, 20 half bbls, quarters and kits Nu. 1 Mackerel; 9 " Lake Fish; Wu bundles Crown, Double Crown sod new Straw Paper, etc. [lOlB . l P. M. DAVIS, Anct'r. BRANDIES AT AUCTION—On FRIDAY II AFTERNOON, February 10th, at 3 o'clock, at the C.,.aktiercial Wee Rooms, No 51 Fifth street, will be sold, 7 . quarter and eighth casks Brandy; 15 cases, one doz. bottles each. Brandy. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. W. AV. WALLACE'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS. MARBLE MANTELS:, A Large and Beantifal stock always on Hand And Made to Order. OWNERS OF PROPERTY, CONTRAC. TORS AND OTHERS, are invited to call and exam ine oar stock of MARBLES, as we are pmenaded that but few persons in the community are aware of the low prices at which we are selling 51A , :TELS. A good. plain, MarMe Mantel costs but little, If any, more than a good Wood whilst it is always neat, is as ornament to a room, and (unlike a Wood Mantel) is not liable to take fire. MONUMENTS, TABLETS AND GRAVE STONES al ways on hand. WASUSTANDS AND FURNITURE TOPS, AND IM POSING :-...TONES made to order by machinery. Marble of all kinds sold low to the trade. Onr stock is the largest in the West, is manufactured by machinery and will be sold at the lowest prices. W.. W. WALLACE, Nos. 319, 321 and 323 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Plaster, Cement and Grindstones. PLASTER PARIS, for Stucco Work, etc. CFALENT, 1. r Ci,toeus, Fire Walls, etc. GRIND STONHS, all Bliss and beat quality, for Farmeis and Mc chauica, at 319 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fel2:lm W. W W (1.,LA.C11. R 11 G S . BIERHAVE'S HOLLAND HITTERS. , . THE SEASON ADVANCES,--AND CUES-'1 Gum Tragacsnth, Gum Aloes, Ohm Aratio, • A TER has determined not to be' caught with a large 1 C 0 NCEN T R A T ED' LYE .9 stock to carry over He has, therefore, determined to close ' out the balance of his stockof Gentlemen's and - Bays' win- Amandine, Pomades, Colnes Toilet Articles, etc., ter Clothing, at the •smallest PoSaible, margin above cost. i . GLYCERI'N'II; Now is the limo to obtain bargains. The stock embraces ' Juniper lis.,rries, Graphite, Again etc., on hand and for sale everything usually found In a first-class city Clothing mid by . . B. L. PAHNESTOCE C 0.,& Merchant Tailoring establishment. fe2. Corn-r of Fouritfand Wood strettr. . - CHESTER'S rOCYPHIO HALL, or. WpOd - streetnnd.Diamond Alley. • Sir We study to please. - ' . ia 2l 'T' CtRANGES AND LEMONS.— NJ , 2.00 bozos Dryings; 200 do Lemons, Jest recoivadand for sale by OMATOES, in Cans-10 cans just reed ' • ENYISNIL ANDERSON, and for ado by 1,4281 HANBY H._OOLLINB. foe No. 88 Wood drool. RI 7 v` tR, NEWS. HARDY & III'GREW; Steamboat and Gen eral Agents, Corner of First and Ferry streets'. RIVER, WESTllldil. Erc.—The river remains as it was. The Allegheny is closed with Ice above :the aqueduct, and the Monongahela has also been closed. The weather still re mains very cold, thawing very little in the enn daring the de ; and f•(,-diug up tight nt night In regard to business, small emu, ity of freight rinds it way daily to the boats at the wharf, all of which in coveted by open po icy of in sufauc.e. We learn Opt a new indepemient line of daily packets In in contemplation, to commence with the opening of the spring tra,.e. As. soon ue the Loats are settled upon we thall give a further report. The Melon ge, (apt. Adams, sunk a few days ago at the month of Whit- tin r. This is the third White river packet raider commn.d , I C-pt. Adatus that has bunk within the [q.t. I we mouthy The Louincill o,urz- r, of Op, 16Ui itlat., has the jullutving IBM= rk, liver v ,lowly Gdling yteterday, with three bat six inches waver on the fall•, aod five and a halt feet in the canal, by the mark." :• The new freight b.rat.. C. W. Sentbart, for St. Louis nd Glasgow, went over the falls yesterday, on her way to St. I,olllel. She was senor the guidance of rink Varble." PORT OF PITTSBURGH ARRIVED. Steamer Col. Bayard, Peel)lee, Elizabeth. " Taegraph, Woodward, Brownsville Luzerue, Jacubd, Brownsville DEPARTED. " Col. Bayard. Peebles, Elizabeth. " Telegraph, Woodward, Brow43ville " Lnzerne, Jacobs, Brownsville. STEAMBOATS NASHVILLE. For Nashville The flno steamer QUAKER CITY, Captain MCDANIALS—CIerk, SAMUEL COOLEY—will leave re" -- for the above, and all intermediate ports, on TUESDAY EVENING; For freight or passage, apply on b,ard. fot For .insikvllle The splendid n. , -cv light draught steamer PO LAN D, Capt. It. ‘.4 RAC FY, Will leavt , for the libavt, and intoruledi to ports op :SATURDAY, th '2Bth inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. Fur freight or passage apply on board, For No.shville. 'Ma fine paaa,alger etearner CLIFTON, will L k -F ..„. ,..411cince far tho ahave awl all intormodlato ports, Wt DNESD.k Y, at 10 A. M. For Friiiglit or pasintge apply on board, or to 'lot 6 FLACK, BARNES & CO., Agents. CIENCIAINATI. For Cincinnati and Louisville. JMIN TOMPKIN:4. The new, light draught passenger packet, TOM PRINS. Ray, Master, will leave fo • • the litwet, aol tatwrmediate ports, T (Wea• uesday) MCALNING, the 18th iust., at lb o'clock A. M. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to A. U McGIi,ENV, Agent, No. 86 Water street. 31 runlP anis . For Itiewiphis and. New Orlenna. It T on ii i ' N ' , f 1 90 n Iv e I :lit e i n eA g v er e ;‘ t , ' r a t m he er ab A ov L e M an A d ' ali " in: . , tormodiato ports, on SATURDAY, at 4 P. M., For freight or pas.sago apply ou board, or to ja:, ) FLACK, lIAILNES & 00., Agents. ZANESVILLE. For Pittoburgh and Zanesville -The steiuner FORTUNE, Captain W. 8.81 , 10- 4,„5.,.... Clerk, J. F.J AntisuN—Will leave for the above and all intermediate ports, un THURSDAY, December lite, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Fur freight and passage apply on board, or to POWELL & MOODY, 97 First St, or A. 0 M'O!tEW, 89 Water street. For 'Jartette and Zartesiville. The steamer EMMA ()HALLAM, Capt. MON. aon Antes, will leave for the above and all inteitnediato ports ou every TUESDAY, at o'clock, P. M. For froight or paßsago apply on board ST. LOUIS. O'er St. Louis lOWA 11cuRE, 9 . 14.= I er. The light draught, fast nanui4 paaseuger packet lOWA, Mater ; "will leave for the above and all intermediate ports, on SAT URDAY, iho WI inst., at 4 o'clock P. M. For ;reigtit or pas am.., hsving superior accomoilittious, apply ou board, ur to liAlt McGIiEW, Agents . , to Corner First and Ferry streets. SIECIAL NOTICES. PITr.3BUILI3I.I LIFB, FIRE 21` . D MARINE, INSURANCE CO., El'ittaburda, Foluuary Litt, ISSS. P4r, 1)1V1 DENU NUT Eu.tr,l of ldr,:ctold ur thin CuLavtuy /111V0, this day,tlecland a uividouduut tile p.otlte 01 the 10.4 81X ulOUtte, 01 FOUR LA/MAILS per applicabl, to Ulu rolucciou ul atuck notes. Co 17.1,0 F. A. ItIN Ell titT, z.,ecrbtary. mviDe.m.) NuTLCE.-111.: rresideut awl ALUM, gars of the Company, for erecting a Bch! ,e over the Allegheny rive,liaVe; this day, dentareda dividend of TWO DOLLARS A StiA ILE, on the old dtock of the Company in which dividends are ma le, which is payable iu current bank tib:e lauds, to stockholders, or their leg,tl representatives forthwith. ILOSE11111:11, rreasurer. Pittsburgh, 3 anuary 18t, 18. A. j SA—CI Atyriuz.-TLLE INT.'elltFotT COUPON'S OF 111 F, Beads of I.nwreece Conuty, tatted to the I'ITT/3 btu atilt AND Elt.lNt ItIAbROAD 001 PAN V. due JILIUry, lasB, will be paid at the utile, of W.ll. II WiLLIAXLB eittaburgli, Ttl4 bnange in plu:e ut pa) ab ut, i 3 111311 v iu eon tetyten ut the fah ure of Inc Ohio Late Insur ance and Tlllit Oonipahy, iN,•Vir Vora, where tile Coupons ot, payuLde, .1025 I 3? 01tUEit. U 'NI PI 00 I ;SIONERS MoNONtIATIELA BaIDUE, } • Pittsburgh, J. '29th, 1853. y AN ELECTION Our Yrusident, Managers and 0111. ass of the Company fur erecting a Midge over the 31unongattela river, opposite Yittsburge, in Allegheny coun ty, will be Mid at too fon-iiotho, ou .MJN DA V, March let, 1853,.at 3 o'clock, Y. M. JoLIN THAW, - fol:ltMi3two 'Tremaror. E 1.. ... . - ., al. ENONU AliE LA V ALLEY BAN li—NUTlvh. Book, will LKI opened at toe 111 A WA T liA fIOU 3E, ill we borough at Mcßotsp,rt, tor. übscriptions to the Capi- MI stuck of said Bank, on AloN 0 IY, toe 22J day of Yoh ruiry next, from 10 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 4 P. .11., iliia Ci...11L1L1110 7 (II Ilt-C,Ahry,) from day to day for six dos, Cl the saran I.lotlro. By older ii the ColallliSefluilera J , 33.35VittrW A. MLLLAII. DAGUERE,EAN GALLERIES AM B ROT YPES- A, BE UfiFUL AND DURABLE Pllallitig \VARN.ANTHL), GAN iF 11. All AS LiiNV AS AT ANY FHIST CLAS?. ESTABLISHMENT IS TUE COI.I2,TRY, AT WALL'S PICTURE GALLERY. WAI. C. WALL HAS TAKEN THE third door el Jones' New Building, adjoining the vchanici' limit:, Fourth sicvet, for an AMIttiIITYPE AND NIOTOtIItA , and hao. ;fig litts•d up the room in a tit) unsurpassed, incites his b fends and the pule Ito to Visit his Ili, Reeuption 'Mom, lie has no lit, lotion iu saying, has not tts superior anywhere, tor size, beauty of furniture and appointment] generally_; and ILIA noollati, hciug 0.1 the door, are etered ithlosili.itsly ;through it. • in his Operating Itoonhs, the most improved combined side and sky lights, give it acuity for taking a finished Pin ; ore, ha the I,o,Hlhio tiltic, that he thinks cannot fail to leis establishment the resort of all persons of taste. Mr. Wsll's experience as an Artist, is a guarantee to his p , itruns that none but good Pictures will ho permitted to bac.; his premises. '1 Lis public, and tile Lollies; especially, are nriteli to view his ruoim:. and ...Xantiae tip , canvas. feb.lw URl4_;..iT ATTRACAON 4T NO. 60 311fitlitET ST., Where can be goon the largest collection of PdOfMIAMI SPECIMENS, EVER EXHIBITED . ,, T.II THIS CITY Persouv wiehiug Pictures of thomseh63 ~r frieude, ere it-d tO call and examine befure setting elenwhere, as WE WARRANT PICTURES Bat-rior to any that can be obtained weat.,f the mountains. R. M. CARGO&CO., t'hotogrziphers and Ainbrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 76 Fourth street, and SITNBEAII4 GALLERY, d. W. con of Market street and Diemen,. Pittabrirgh PRICES TO SUIT ALL. myl9ttf-8p WYKES' GALLERY OF ART, T NT O. 60 MARKET STREET.-PICTURES taken at this Gallery by a new and improved process, giving the natural color of the hair, pyre, dress aud complex iiiii. Utley are acknowledged by all who have examined them to bu uir superior to any pictures eve, exhibited in this city. Citizens and strangers are invited to call aud examine his large collections of specimens. His Gallery being on the socond flour, is easy of access. N. B.—Pictures of Children taken In two s‘iconds, at No. 60 .7 , larket street. uly27:tfis NELSON'S JIB ,OT YPES. PRICES REDUCED. GALLERY CORNER OF TURD AND MARKET STRESITE, Entrance on Third atroet. Citizens and Strangers desiring AMBROTYPEB, executed lu the highest degree of artistic beauty and perfection, can be accommodated at short notice by calling at NEI4OI'4'S WELL KNOWN GALLEr.v, THIE.D STREET. P. ices One Dollar and nrward. ap29:1y24 Y, MANTRA W ALL'S, urth street E. S. NV YIIES, Artist E. S. WIKES, Artist. AM U SEMEN 1 S. PITTSBURGH THE tTRE. MISS KIMBERLY LESSEE AND iJitiAGIGEBB J. G. HANLEY STAGE MANAGED PLUMB 07 n Dmi,loN : Boxes 50c. Privst,. 115 x, largo $5 00 Saeond Tier 15e I. ~ , 1 , ...., small__ 500 Colored Gallery 15c. G kc-. d 130 z. 250. Single Seats in Prival , ;...z, $1 00. Doors opeu at OA 'clock P.' tur :Lai,: .0 cotatoonce at 7 Box office, fur sale of Ticket u ft. out le to 3 o'clock. The Manageress takes great pler.iiro in announcing an ergagement for a limited number of 11 ighti with the popu lar Comedian, Mr. JOEL': E. OWENS, who will appear this evening. FRIDAY EVENING, February 19th, the performance will commence with the interesting Drama, in 2 acts, entitled Ta E PEJP LE'S LAWYER: "CR, ti HO FTOLE MY BARREL OF APPLE HARi , E." Solonwu Shingle, the Yanke Farmer Mr. John E. Owena. Grand Dance by To be followed by tho laughat le Farce, entitled THE WANDERING MINSTREL. Jem Boggs, with Comic Song of Peter Gray Johu Owene To conclude with the exciting Comedy, entitled TOODLES. - 430 Timothy Toodles Mr. John Owens MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIA INA TION LECTURES.--OFORGE D. PRENTICE, Esq., Editor of the "Louisville Journal," will Lecture before tho YOUNG Melib' LIBRARY AasontemoN, and the public generally, AT LAFAYETTE BALL, On Saturday Evening, February 20th. SUBJECT—"The present aspects and tendencies o f American Politics. Doors open at OA o'clock : Lecture to commence at 7 !'".2 Tickets TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, to be had at the Music and Book Stores, Library Ito_im, Lecture Committee, and at JOHN M. KIRK I'ATRION the door WM. 11. KINCAID, ELIAS 11. IRISH, JO PII ALBRER, Library Rooms, I E. P. DARLINGTON, Feb. 16,1858. J fel7:td Lectors Comin'ttee 0= LECTURES ON CHEMISTRY —The course of Lectures oirChemistry In the Western University el Pennsylvania, by PROF. MACLEAN, will commence on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, February 19th at 4 o'clock. The Lectures will be illustrated by nttuferuus experiments. La dies and Gentlemen, as well as the regular students or the University, who are delimits of pursuing this study, can procure tmkets for the course at a moderate charge, by ap plication to Prof. Msoi_EAN or Dr. McLAar.N, Principal of the Faculty. The Introductory T ectnre will he delivered at the Univer sity Buildings at the time above stated, and will be free. The citizens generally are invited to attend. fals:6tn WILLIAM BAKEWELL, Secretary. The Beautiful Collection of Paintings, INCLUDING THE EASTERN SLAVE MARKET, CLEOPATRA, DEATH OF LEANDER, and the famous CIRCASSIAN MODEL OF BEAUTY, Are now on Free Exhibition at the TONTINE HOUSE, No. 93 Third street. Call and see them. Jyl7 CEO. SOH:, ECK, Proprietor. JOHN W. IVI"CARTHY, 'LILL POSTERI WILL ATTEND 10 THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTIN'i of all kinds of BILLS FOR CONCERTS ~.ECTUREtt, EXIIIBITIoNS, Au. All counnanicatleus either by mail, nb.graph, or other wise—directed to the office of the Morning Pont, will reeviv prompt attention ao7 BU bi/N hbb CLUB. 1-11.1NLPHILEY8, C. J. HOTFMA.N, JOHN WRIGHT Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright, FLOUR FACTORS, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 5 NORTH WHARVES AND 155 NORTH WATER ST., Above Vine Street, REFER TO Conrad, Thompson & Co., - Philadelphia. Thompson, Clark & Young, Biter, Price & Co., Caleb Cope & Co., Barcrott, Beaver & Co., Canby, Neville & Hughes, E. M. Lewis, Cashier F. and M. Bank, Jos. Id. Mitchell, Cashier March's Bank. " Morris L. Hallowell & Co., McCutcheon & Collins, John M. Kennedy & Baiguel & Co., Pickett, Mathews &Co., Maysville, Ky. Shrewsbury & Price, Madison, Ind W. H. Langley & Sous, GallipoLia, Ohio. Lawrence & Mathias, Louisville, Ohio. A. D. Bullock & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio W. Holmes & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bagaley, Cosgrave & Co., aov 18:1y. TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER, PIPES , From two to six inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot. ALSO-ROCLIESTER PEARL STARCH il'or Sale Wholesale at ftlannfacturert. Prices by COLLINS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. AND WHOLDR ATq DEALER IN CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS., FISH, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY NO. 25 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH- Uo W. OBWIDSB WOOD ad. K. MOORHILLD WOOD, MOORHEAD & CO., memo FACTITIZERS OF American Galvanized, Best Refined COME COIVINION SHEET IRON, And Sole Agent ,or the 0E L E 'A'C'T MITA fION -ALSO GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON, for Roofing; BPLK ES, NAILS, and lIOOP IRON. arehoume, No. 134 First. at., Pittsburgh. Ear-ALL ORI.ERS FOR GALVANIZING will be prompt') att.luclod to at tl o Works. an 26 Burton & Perkins, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 80 FOURTH STREET, ° SOLICIT Consignments of any and every 1,7 description of Merchandise. Any goods BOLA to us lur s.de will be attended to Oithunt delay, and remittances im mediately made. Tnankful for past favors we solicit a con t.:am:rice. ninvt3ta REAIOVAL. BlEttilAVE'S HOLLAND 111'.CTERS.— We have renLved the manufactory of Bterhave's Holland lt,tters, to N 0.27 Wood street—the house now occupied by John Moorhead, Esq. Until the first of April, our office will be on the second ia2.11 lIENJ. PAGE, Jre. A CO. A LCOIIOL.-100 bbls. 76 and 96 per cent for dale by B. A. FAIINBti'n , CK A CO., Corner ut First and Wood streets 7ce . WILL buy a new frame Dwelling N-F House of four rooms and Kitchen. Paling i : front, Bare Oven, eto. The lot has a front of *2O feet on )I,uterey street, Allegheny, by 110 feet doep to an alley. T role of payment very easy. The howl's is new and is good ,r ter. For sale by S. CUTHBEUT & SON, 51 Market street. I) ED, WHITE AND BLUE.-500 boxes Jty Toilet Variegated ,Seap, assorted colors, iu lb , lb. lb. caked, on band and for sale by H.O. le J. If. PANVVItit BURNING FLUID AND CAMPHENE.— A large supply of these articles constantly on hand. owe wishing a Burning Fluid, superior and cheaper than c.:a be had elsewhere in the city, can always procure it at JOS. FLEMING'S, a 9 Corner Diamond and Market street. QYRINGES.—I have just received a supply kJ of Mattson's celebrated 9, ringea, pronounced to be su perior to any others now in use. Those wishing anything of this kind should call and examine these before purchas ing elsewhere. - JOsEPII FLEMING, te9 Corner Diamond and Market street.' RACKED BUTTER.-600 lbs. solid pack ed Butter, received and for sale by is 27 JAS. A. FETZER, 89 Wood street. REMOVAL. - JAMES A. FETZETA Forwarding and Commission Merchan FOR THE SALE OP FLOUR, GRAIN, AND ALL KIND 3 OF PRODUCE, Has removed from 89 Water Street, to the Corner of Market and First streets, felo PITTNEWRGII. PA io UPERB. CARB. SODA.-200 kegs New Castle, for sale by IF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHING MADE, TO ORDER, CALL AT CURSTERT. A brilliant assortment of SEASONABLEpIECE GOODS CILEHLEWS GOTHIC HALL, Corner of Woad street and Diamond allay. /tar We Study to Please. ja3o \ DIA RUBBER BELTING.--A larg stock, all sizes, 2, 3 and 4 ply thick, at the India Rot ber Depot, 21d and 28 St. Clair street. IEN) on It Ind at VAR CORN-130 sacks Ear Corn, justro calved, and fur wale by JAS. A. YETZER, DED PRECIPITATE.-150 pounds for _Lk sale by B. A. FAILNEBTOCK eel 4 of Vint and Word Edreo•R • BLACK GLIIPURE LACES, = • RUSSELS LACES Far. Dress and Pasqua Trimmings, at rodneed prices. 11.0NEY BEAN TOBACCO. Anothe] supply of this celebrated Tobaccii, Just received by JOE. FLEMING, . Gomm. THamcmd and Market street QHOES, SHOES, SHOES.—T SAies' Misses' 10 and 13hildrease Gaits, Shoes, Guts, etc., cheap, at the PcapleStMNtora, No. LT VOL seer market. • ~flies Turnbull PHILADELPHIA RIEEMZI sale of W. Dswicae WOODS' BRAT El) RUSSIA SHEET IRON, B. A. ITALINEF'ICK A CO J. a 11. PHILLIPS 80 Water street 3n HORN T! Markot troot S. JAYN E S, AGENT, BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT, FOR THE SALE OF DR. D. JAYNES , FAMILY MEDICINES, JAYNES' EXPECTORANT, for Coughs, Consumption, Asthma and other Pulmonary Affections. JAYNES' TONIC VERMIFUGE, for Worms, Dyspepsia, Piles, General Debility, ito. JAYNES' SPECIFIC, FOR TAPE WORM. It never fails. JAYNES' CARMINATIVE BALSAM, for Bowel and Summer Complaints, Cholies Cramps, Choler*, iko JAYNES' ALTERATIVE, for Scrofula, Goitre, Cancers, Diseases of the Skin and Bones, JAYN,ES' SANATIVE PILLS, a valuable Alterative and Purgative Medicine. JAYNES' AGUE MIXTURE, for the Cure of Fever and Ague. JAYNES' LINIMENT, OR COUNTER IRRITANT, for Sprains, Bruses, 4to. JAYNES' HAIR TONIC, for the Preservation, Beauty, Growth, and Restoration of the Hair. JAYNES' LIQUID HAIR DYE, also, AMERICAN HAIR DYE, (in Powder,) each of which will change the Hair from any other color to a beautiful Black. ja9:im-2p PEKIN TEA STORE, NO. 38 FIFTH STREET. BOOKHAISHER JOSEPH BODE. BOOKHAMMER & BEDIIO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Fish, Cheese, Flour, Meats, and Produce Generally, Nia.:4o4 and 206 North Wharves, Third and fifth doors above Rate street, PH I LA 'OELPII I A, BLAVE NOW IN STORE, AND TO AR RIVE, a full tiof 1101 LETICIA at Mackerel, Cod Huh, and Iteriing, which they wdi disputa, uf at .he very loweat mar ket rates. P. C.—Hams, Sides, blloultiora, Barreled Pork, or other Produce tak.n iu exchange, or e.dd on commission. OrECEEI Jordou & Brother, btroup & Bro., Wm. L.. tmith & Co., jullSm-2p JOS. F. HAMILTON & CO., ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Corner of First and Liberty streets, Pittetnt gh, Pa. SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist anti Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establishments, uunufactoriet., &c., made to order. They also continue the uutunfacture of their Celebrated Machinists' Tools, such as Turning Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring and Willing Machines, Au. Also, Wrought truu Shalting, with Pulleys, !dangers, Ac. JaB:lyd GO AdITD SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S Virst Premium Blind Enctery, -CORN ER THIRD AND MARKET STS . ., PITTSBURGH. TrHOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR Huuse with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call helare purclee,im; e:rie,. here. My work is got up by the best mea:mica i oet ama entices.) Every attention is ~iveu to the wants ei ~,tomer,. Prices low. All work warranted. No. Ili Tilt PA) stre-t. Pittsburgh. [myiklybs HOBERT DALZF.LL. /AIMS Y. BRIADING ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale °rulers, COLUIIIitISIULI and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and-Pittsbuigh Manufactures, No. 251 Liberty erect, Pittsburgh, Pa. noV.4s:y. B. C. & J. U. SAWYER, LA RD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILE r, No. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. HYDROMETERS or weighing spirits, the cheapest and best articles over brought to this city. THERMOMETERS AND BAROMETERS, varying in price from $6 to $36 each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES,: always uo Laud at G. E. SHAW'S, Practical Optician, 68 Fifth Arad. se2:: opposite Masonic L. C. I-LUX BURN, AT , :t/ ,1.r4 1;1 •i• AT LAW AND (.;,)NVNYANCEIt LOAN OFFICE- H.EfikLIC W. CLIILIOTTI, No. 100 SMITHFIELD Street, Neat the cortMt of Fifth, PITTSBURGLI, PA \LINEY In large and small quantities LOANED on Gold za,ver, Diamonds, Jewelry, bold and Silver Wathes, and nli kinds of valuable articles, for any length of time agreed (it,- ()ince hours, from 79.M.t010 P. M. Litatklyde S A 2r/ETEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER & DEALER IN FoREIG.N AND TOIESTIC HARD W ARE . illo. 71. Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, PITTSBURGH, P A. 4:4- Tan tinbacriber is now opening a well selected 81 14Ort. went of lbreign and domestic Hardware, all new,and will be sold on as good terms a 8 any other house in this city. lie will always keep on hand a general assortment of ARDWILItE., OUTLEItIi , CARPENTERS' TOOLS, hie., T which he respectfully ii: vu the attention of 1, -chasert nh26 311 i EL EARN Et t'OCK. PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. M. L. sTEPI - lENS. ‘; U CC ESSOB, TO BEUELOW & CO., tbrmer- L 7 ly N. lti BI.UELOW, Diamond alley, near Wood siroet, Pittsburgh, Ye. would respectfully announce to the carriage using com munity and public iu geneiat, that 1 have, this day, put ci-ied the interest_ of niy Milner partner, ih lu lr. Albert, and wilt carry on the Mess in all its branches at the old stand, 411 Diamond alley. In changing the name of this and so well established manufacturing establishment,l U. SUi o tar public no effort shad he wanting on wy part to de !titre the same nigh character so long enjoyed by my prede. rim,ors and associate,. kuntelyna M. L ST./MIENS. Lumber. 150 000 FEET of Flooring; of supe rior, quality, tor sale low for mill. M. B. W, .18:1m-2414} 46 Box, No. 197 Poet Ogles. DAVID H. WILLIAMS, (lIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR tV FOR TLIE EItECTION OF GAB WILMS, for trout five eu,uers an.! upwards, and for Heating Ltuildiugs, public or prnate t by bleaut, not Water or Fnruacm .304:lyte PITTSBURGH.. PA. NlAiitiFACTUEElts' INbUItANCE OFFICE, AGENCY OFECE, No. 96 WATEA STREET, 1 ittehurgb, February 1, 1&O. cr NOTICE.—The undersigned having withdrawn if from the Agency in this city to resume his tormer porition in Philadelphia, respectfully returns his thanks to all mends and pa runs of the taco during ilia ailmmistra two of its affairs in Pittsburgh, and earnestly hops they will continue their favon3 to his successor, Mr. E. G BELL, who has been appointed by the parent ale° to conduct the business in this city. fed J. W. MAItTIEN. illanufacturers , Insurance Co. AUENCY OFFICE, NO. OG WATER STBEET, Pittsburgh. February Ist, 1848. I rnliE UNDERSIGNED BEGS respectful ly to call attention to the card of Mr. J W. MAR TI and hopes by attention ono promptness in conduct ing tie business of the orrice, to .merit a fair proportion Ld patronage. Tne promptness and liberality of the MANUFA.O C. I, iNigiltANOE COMPANY OF PIiILABELPII A. iu 1. Wing losses is well KLIOWLI. The Dirmturs are LSISLIIted tAi the hignest character, and the °dicers, carefu.,r rompt and indent in the discharge et their duties, which cuaran• tees to the community what is most desired in an Insurance Company, care in the conduct of business and security is the event of loss. EDWAS.D G. BELL, Agent for Manufacturers' Insurance Company. Ovvictus—W. A. ItIiUDZS. President; CIJAS. WISE, vice President; ALP of NEES, Secretary,; J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. DIRECTORS. W. A. Rhodes, Aaron 5. Lippincott, James P. Smyth Charles J. Field, William Neal, Charles Wise, John P. eimon.,, J. Bina!, o Sank, Thomas Bell, M. Richards Micßle. fe2 WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ttiy- Aiways on baud, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac brandies, Old Monongahela and -Rotated Whisky, of the bett panty. dalthlyde HARDWARE• LAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, No. 74 WOO ik.3 arse; Pittsburgh, ha., on hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which ho will sell very low for CASH. In addition to his Locks, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large assortment of Carpenter's Tools, he has received a large sup ply of Sausage Cutters and Stuffers ; Shovels, Tongues and Pokers; Sleigh Bells, and Enameled Praterving Kettles. NEW TEA STORE, No. 22 Fifth street, NriT DOOR. TO DALY'S . STOCKING FACTORY JOHN ANDREWS , (Late of the Peki4 Tea Store,) ES PE CTFUL LY-' INFORMS HIS frieuds and the public generally, that he has opened at the above stand, for the sale of - GREEN AND BLACK. TEAS ; ALSO, CO.FFEE AND SUGARS., OP THE BEST BILAIsiDS. All aTtieles sold at the lowest C t,911 prices, and wartairtriD co GM rtez • u& T. GROUTT, Imporfers of Brandies, . Gin, Win, &c. Dealers In tlr.! ,, e Old Monongahela Bye.Whisky, Peach and Apple Brandy t'also. DECTHIERB AND DISTILLEItS, corner of SMITIIYELD and PRONT Streets, Pittsburgh, pa. -- TYPE AGENCY.—WM. G. - 4 1 :011N ST ON A. a CO., In wood street, have the agency .`or the sale ot lateen-t Brothers . Type, One, Leads, Rules, retrmitnre Came, etn. Billea and Leads out to order. Cash ordati l till• at pion. r ah CONSISTING OF McCutchoon dr. Collins, Coleman a Kelton, Rudd do Comly, PHL;MAI)SI2I:IA AND ROSIN SOAPS INSURANCE, FARMERS & MECHANICS" INSURANCE COMPANY , N. W. CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT B'ft Plktlndeliphla Tar. following statement exhibits the buidneas and condi LIULI of the Company to January Ist, 1858 : Premiums received for Marino Maks undtermin ed in 1557 ..... $99,271 01 Marine r remiums received during the year end. tug December 31, 185" 118,166 05 Fire Yrerniums received during the year ending December 31st, 1857.. 192,555 85 Interest on Loans 8,445 62 . ......63 ,$1.=,840 00 65,253 88 Total receipts for the year Paid Marine Losses. Paid FlrO Expensed, Returned Premiums and Re insurance 54,216 58 Salaries and Commissions 3° ,4+58 35 Balance remaining with Company The ASSETS of the Company are as fo11ows:- 13onds and Nlorigages, tiround Rents, Bank and other Stocks 421'2,450 00 Lotted un Stocks 37,650 00 Trust Fund in New York 33,151 56 Do(erred Payment ou Stock - 97.700 00 Bills Receivable 74,404 67 Cash on hand and duo from Agents....... ....... 45,000 83 Premium on Policies recently issmA and debts duo the Company U,M4.4 9, The officers and Directors, of this Institutioi lee _reaa pleasure in laying betere the public the above .to men., with a view of arresting their attention totho greu, .Th.TT.e.- ance of insuring their property. ',this Company has entered upon the third year of its ex• istance ' dming whkh period the R .. Receipts "aye .counted to eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars ' 11,1 ...eve paid Leases over six hundred thousand dollars, wh,ci , it equal In rOpect to character of business to the very beet and oldest offices. We append the names of a few largo and influential Med , chants of Philadelphia,who patronise the Company by giving it a large amount of their Insurance, and to whom are ro• spectfully referred any gentlemen who may wish to Insure with this Company. M. Baldwin, Steam Engine Manufacturer; David S. Brown, Merchant; John IL Brown, Merchant; Thos. Sparks, Mer chant; T. it L. Tnompaon, Merchants; Faust t Winebren ner Merchants ; D. P. Deitrich, Bum Elastic Manufacturer, Bouvier, Merchant; Butcher & Bros., Merchants; J. Van Brunt, Aenhaut ; Wut. Rogers, Coach Maker; Gold smith t Co., Clothiers; w. M. Seely a Son, Merchants; •Jea. per Harding t Son, Printers; Rice Plumbers; Wm. V. Fetterall ; P. Ble,bortg t Sone ; Malone t Taylor; John Dare Powell; John L. Broome 4 Co.; William F. Hughes; Ploom 4 Davis; 1). t C. Kelly, Manufacturers; Charles L. Bute, Sugar Refiner. ta.. The Company have discontinued the Ocean Marine business since August let, 1857, and confine themselves ex clusively to Fire and Inland Insurance. THOMAS 11. .b`LOItENOE, President. kDWARD R. EIELMBULD, Secretary. JOHN 'IIIO.IIAStiN, General Superintendent. TllOB. J. HUNTER, Agent, Pittsburgh, No. 90 Water Street. Jal9 lyetp DIELAIV ABBE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. INOuRPOUATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENN SYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE, S. E. CORNER I . IIIRD AND WALNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. UN VESSELS.} °ARGO, To all parts of the world FREIGHT, INLAND INSURANOES _ - - uu Lloodn, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriages t all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Sc. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 2, 1867. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate 8101,350 94 Philadelphia City, aid other Loans 137,011 25 Stock in Banks, Railroads and Insurance } 12,508 00 Companies Bills Receivable 220,291 95 limb on hand 38,899 60 Balance in hands of Ageuts, Premiums on Marine Policies recently issred,on 92,730 57 other debts due the Company rsubscription Notes 400,000 00 annToP.e. James 0. Hand, Tlieophilue Paulding, James Traquair, William Eyre, Sr., J. P. Peniaton, Joshua P. Eyre, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James'li. McFarland, Thomna C. !iamb Robert Burton, John B. Semple, Pitteburgh D. T. Morgan, J. T. Logan, 61 WM. MARTIN, Pregddent. fent. William .t.lartin, Jonoph H. Seal, Ulmund A. Boudur, John 0. Davin, John R. Penrose, iteorgo O. Leipor, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Huston, William C. Ludwig, 'high Craig, dponcer Nativeln, Charles Kelley, El. Jones Brooks, Jacob P.,Junes, i'doo. 0. HAND, Vic. Prost LIHNILT LYLIIIIIIII, Socrotai W ESTERN INSURAM.;r4 COMPANY, OF' YITTSBUR(III. I,lh, ~,adont; Y. M. Gcaeost, Secretary. ovrios No. 52 Water street, (Spang k Co's Warehouse,) op st.iirs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all hinds of ttt .tie, rLARINE RISES. A flume Institution, managed by Ili, o“rh who are well Intewn in the community, and who are det , imined, by pi nuptuess and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, us enuring the best protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER 3.18t,1857 Accouuts,.. M ,rtgage, llilln Receivable,. Utfico Foruiture,. (pm Accouuts,.. Premium Notes,. BOts Discountod, George Darele, J. , ti,Lier t Anley, A udrew Ackley, Nathaniel Ilohn 1). M. I,oug, C. W. ttictretoun, Ttev2.l MONObi GAHELA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. JAMES A. HUTCELIFON, Prbaldent EN la M. ATWOOD, SN:rutury. OFFICE—No. 98 Water Street. V I 1.1. INSURE AGAINST ALL HINDS OF WIRE AND MARINE RISES. t. 21 A. I.l.utcl.ll.tum •. u. Llulawn, Thomas 6. Clarke, John Vilevitt, Vi al. A. Caidv,,tll. Wlllan :11111er, Vetinsylvauia jusurance Company, OF PITTSBURGH. ....._No. 63 Fourth strut. PIRECTOttIi: J. P. Tanner, Goo. W. Smith, A. Lulli.', A. J. Jones, J. 11. Hopkins, Wadu Hampton A. A.tarner, Robert Patrick, J. 11. Jones, . John Taggart,; :.:Ch's I'uo,tlAtty,• J uc.l eitai t t-r SOLI s, Lay, I. Gri, !Nary Sproul, Chartered Capital 5300,000. FIRE AND MARIN F. dmerit,tions ort, Plealtlont—A. A. Vico Prciddeut—RODY So rotary and Trvamiror—i. . : - A. A. CAMELIEIt. 81. PITTSBURGEI GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capital Iteprenented, .13,o(,o,uoo. compANIEs OF 111011.E..3: z..TANDLNG, Chartered by Pennsylvania tud other &AWL TIRE, meraNE AND LIFE EI6IIB TAKEN, OF ALL DEIiCEIPTIONS. No. 63 V'OURTii STEZET, L. L. CIAIStiIIY.- 1 .1777'313/TROH, Yl. C• R! Ca.l de3o4 y (SOAP.-4 barrels couribry soap, for sale by 1 1 / 4 " toe tisNliv tz ort.usa GREEN APPLES.-15 bbla. choice Ap ples received, and for sale by IicCANDI.t.nIS., 51FIANS At CO„ Corner of Wood and Watet stxenta RYE. -100 bus. Rye, for s4le by dole JA SA A vETnzu DAIIIYMEN. 3UB sacks Ground Foreoniuga iu 6%414 and for rah) by jab JAS. A. FETZtaI., 69 Wutor street. LNAIBROIDERIES NIA_RKBD DOWN.- LA All who want to buy Embroidered Collars, Setts, dees,o, Infant's Capa and Waists, Haithug, Edging and In ,erting, or anything else In the lino of Embroideries, will find our prices unusually low a; thin etason. JA& BORNE, TI 3ladtotatreet A. COMFORTABLE two story dwelling houses Carroll eta uer, Allegtway, will be sad at a great bargain. Apply to d. CUTFItIhItT t SON, ful2 ;A Market street. CIUM, BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOTH OVEllzitil , ,,S, offered low, at ‘• The Peoples' non t-tore," fie. 17 Pilth ntr ct, Lteer Market. Grl3 DIPPENBACLIEII h CO. PUREE I) WELLINCi UOUSES, TWO STORE ROOMS Xult It.ENT.—Two small houses In Sulam?. court. Alto, a goad daelitug with a large lot of ground iu .south Pittsburgh. $.5 per month. S. cuTiusk:::T a SUN. 51 Market street DM.ING SODA.-200 kegs in s tore, and AN for nib by L jell B. FAMSMOK Ai 00. $8 . 54,563 85 ....$113,868 68 30,5311 703,765 37 1 P. A. MADEIRA, Agent, Ph Water street, Pittsburgh $121,500 00 2,160 00 4,161 87 240 00 0,478 04 14,841 46 40,24859 125,003 78 $317,641 78 DIRIOTOP.B R. Miller, Jr., George W. Jack2on, Alex. peer, Wm. Knight., Alexander Nhxdok, Wm. IL Smith, H. M. GORDON. Secretary DEMME Uvorge A. Reny, Robert - Dalzell,
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