BUSINESS CARDS sAIIIIEL C. WI.NGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW" Virrsiltmart, Rom*. 02710 E, No. 89 GRANT stmt, netwoon Kcttt6strcied. 0.1 Diamond nlley. apB A filE S A. LOWfi IL. Attorney - at Law, office Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smithfield and Cherry alley. AilL, Surgeon Demise; successor to G. W. Biddle, No. 144 Smithfield ritreot. &Sr • Odiro hours from Bto 1 o'clock, and from to 6o'clock. SCUrr, Dentist, Fourth street, five' doors . west of Market. Jar Office hours from 9 o'clock A. hi. to 6 o'clock r. to. doc2,o:y . SCIIOONMAKER, Manufacturer of White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litharge, Putty, W holesa to dealer iu Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Turpe •• ac., No. 24, Wood street, Pittsburgh. my 22 JOSEPII FLEMING, successor tc;L. Wil cox At Co., corner of Market street and the Diammcy keops constantly on hand a full assortment of DRUGS, MED ICINES, MEDICINE CHESTS, PERFUMERY, and all arti cles pertaining to his husiness.. Siar-Physicians' Proscriptions carefully compounded at all hours. IW. CHADWICK, der.ler in Kent:wkv • Leaf TOBACCO, RAGi. and PAPER, No. 14,9 street, below Sixth, .IXit - The lifg,lic•it market price, In taah, pod for Itati•i. WALTER P. hIikSLIALL ICSE.III dt. WP. MARSHALL importors and a dealers iu Pronch and Atnoricen PAPER, BANC INGS, No. 87 Wood streci, lrirSo'o aprae for ay. celobrated mancihetule of sie,3id. DeliCCrart & Co., Paris. tine DAVID CAMPBELL it SAMUEL POL LOCK togother tno »tylo rf CAMBELL DoLLOCK, for toe traiontrti , n of a K,nerai Variety find Dry Or, linsiuotas, and the mannfactury lain and Waved Lino Gilt Mouldiuga. nilll9 ['ULM ILEIXIII, fIOISFir J. ANDEA:3O:I R")IER & ANDERSON, (sucepssors to JOS'UI haiiii , .: Al . co.). v,'ltoltsiiitle dealers in:FOREIGN YRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, &c., No. 39 Wood ittrei.t, oppoiiit the St. Charles Iltitel, Pitt: burgh. np2 MMICI T •J. G.1.1.1A.:6P1E 8..• C0.,-, Looking :lass Manufacturers, .1 . and dealers in Looking 013 . 39 `5, Plato Glass. En gravings, Combs and Fancy gods, No.7v Wood street, Pitts- Oa hand and made to order, Pier a Mantle tfabogany, Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt P: ones, or Mould ing, of every description. Shiatuboat Cabins I .ocnrated and Gilt. D OT'rLE.B.S.--JonN OGDuN S: Co., Bottlers, N 0.187 First Street, would respectfully inform the put,- lic that they have constantly cal hand a Loge tini - Tly SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL vrEtt, ALT: and PORTER, of the hest quality. The Attention of ['auntie, i, I,a ticularly dir..rtrd to the fact that they bottle IVAINRIGIFF , ALE in 11 - purevt ,tate. Physicians recommend it to fauuli, on accoubt of its whole some and gtr-nptlirning qualities. • J. TYR. RATTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR (Dr. Irish's No.; JW. KERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED from puler of Fifth and Wood to AI It T E T , • In Phillips' usur building—continues to prelNre Plan, am: Specideations of, and to Superintend the Erection of eee-:} description of Buildings. ,le7kr a P. REYMER, - I-A • GAS FITTER, STEAM FITTER, AND PLUMBER. Ala°, manufactures to order TUBULAR BEDr , TPIAIS, Prisons,&c., at N 0.04 T;IIRD STREET, tip3o:ly between Wissl end Nlarket, l'.s. A P U LTON, BELL AND BRAS; POUNDER, No. i 0 SEIJON Li et; eel, Pittsburgh, Is prepared to furnish to ie. - le: - CHURCH, FACT. , ItY s Eli 14,1.1 01 all EdZer3, from 10 to 10 000 ''•- CLIME BELLS made to order. STill' •:•el s tit r; of all isiLes. f , r Stieseibusts. MINERAL. NV/VIER PUNIPS, Cur and every variety of Brass Castillo ths meitesi wanner. BABBIT'S ANTI ATTiterioN ME 1,, I.;ll:rtrN% , .'A TENT M MALM - P AUK NG, for Stout louolummE MAXWELL, 2.41 DIANUFACTURERd OF Looking-Glasses, Picture torrtin,q, Rua Brushes; And'Dealers in (nooks, souse Furnishing Goods, Ato. Tao. 1518 Wood alrect, above. Fitt PIT ['SUMO] H, Machine Briinhoß rend, t,, y EDUCA.T A. 1,. Xr'lncetiat's College and Seminary, tinned: idle CARa oP rur: PATnr.:ll , 4, • rear Latrobe, Weisluoaeland IN TIIE COLLEGE A itl; T A likAl err i usual brunches of Enzlirdi Li, the SEMINARY, the Chu-tics, twr.r•tnntics, Ilktrd v ltlintrorics, Philosophy, (de., and the Cent btlklik liiither erudition trecort,try ur earful Is. lit s' 11Spiring to Priesthood. The terms for Board arid Tuition are 3'o per fear, to la pald semi-annually, strictly In tuft:suet , German and Farrell rind ottnr lau4nrizos, Dru,vi int. rain: lug and nusic,forn) ti ostra char,ice, ex.epti rig st)111c fl . nit peusation for the uric of instruments. Medicine, Washing, Doolts, .3tatitql,r), etc., form cu... charges. For particulars apply to - the Director of the Colly,,y. The Collegiate year begins on the Ist ui ptembtr, sun ends ou the 3d of July full.), nig. FATILF.II G. 13 UMM, Director of the Colietai. St. Francis Acadt - tmy for ICop , ;, UNDER THE CARE OF TLIK FRANCIBCAN BROTLIER, . Loretto, Cambria County, Pa. 111 S INSTITUTION, NATURALLY situated fcit nueetional purposes, affords all the le dureineuts that eau be desired Mr a Catholic lustitujon. It is located in the most healthy and picturesque portit,h ~f the Alleghenies, distant four miles from Creson Station. the direct mail route between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. richolwitiC year commencing the first Monday in Septemeei, will clisie the 15th of July following. . The Temp fur Board, including a thorough EngliAl 6cion titic Court:lo7"am $lOO per annum. The Claasic and Modern Languages form an extra ctu,rge 0f.51.0 per annum. 4. Washing and nee of B.4lding $lO. For further portico lava apply to tho enrrior rd the Act'. decoy. References-can be made to the Rt. Rey. Pr. VeoNNou. ap3o:lyd&u, Improvement in Book Binding. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING obtained Letters l'atont for Improvement in noon BINDING, is prepared to furui6ll the attachment to Ito kg unw in use, or to apply the same to new Books. Order. km which are respectfully solicited at WELDIN & ItOWAND't Book Bindery and Blank Book Mauttftwtory, corner of THIRD and WOOD 6t.ects. The above improvement Ck11.5i903: First—of a Metall,. Spring clasping the back of the Book iu such a manner al , W prevent the leaves from sagging wh , 6 the Book is rAtld fog in• a vertical position. Second—The carriage consists of Metall° Grooves, on which are inserted ltollers ' which will effectually prevent the Books from wearing or chafing lu pla cing the same in its resting place. Jo2:tf A. IL AUWAND, Paientc*. PATENT CANDLE STICKS, A Oheap mid Excellent article For Kitchen and Chamber Use. CALL AND. SEE THEM AT THE IRON CITV /3TORWaud Tin Warellowie of T. J. CRAIG A 00, V'rod witu-st THE LAST CHANGE IN. FIGURES.— Bonnet Rhthouth worth 75 cents. al 62!4 per yard. do do do 62 . at 50 do do do do 60 at 37.4 do do do do 37% at 2.5 do JOSEPH HORNE, 77 Market strta:3- WE WILL SELL from the present time on -commonly cheap FOE CASH. Nome All and aim.. Ine our stock. C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly bore liroe.. No. 74 Markot at. MISSEIY AND UHILDRENS' Gum, Over and nandels, cheap, at the Store, No. 17 Filth street, near Market. Jag DIF,ENBACLIER S O.L, Retrench! Retrench!! ANOTHER CRASII—JN PRICES: --Be lug determined tp,ltgh ^ the Time - ere Tight," we have made a general swtn.•p— REDUCED THE ENTIRE HT 'CI To still lower prices. AlGr Now tin , to buy .rli n tht. ,rtm n 1 t- t unbroken, and tbn Prie'o Pot Down Dow DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE (IN EASY TERMS:- Omni. streak—Three three story hondel, ae l orra,go.l . each with back buildings. Third dtroot—A throe FAO , y house, large and ' , WI , ' I i Logan atrost—A dwolling house of 7 rooidd. Fulton struat —Two throe story dwolling lionsod South avenue—A tw... story brick hone., of R h largo lot of ground. stable, carriage bowie, ac &Minion atroet—A two story hilrit hone- Franklin stroet—A good house of S rooms. Careen etrat.d—A two story tows, and two lots ..1 Porn atroet—Three largo dwelling hooded. Alluordvitio—A Matsu mud one acre of ground—M.6dd, many others in Allegheny, South Pittohnrirti, Are. de2if S. CUTLIBEIIiT A. SON, 51 Market et .e-t. NEW BEDFORD SPERM — CANDLES.- 10 boxes snorted dozes , Ce, s's and G'a, Sperm Candles on band and and for sale by Jail B. 0. A J IL SAWYER. TlbiE.-200 barrels fresh Lime, for sale by dr23 OOLLINS. - as - SOAPS.-- • 1000 boxes Koski Soap, in U. Ito and 3U , hors. 500 " No. 1 Palm done.,, in lb, 2lh and Blb Imrs 500 " Clienthal Olive soap , ie !tnpfi. DJ 0 " Jloino Oxide 210 " Orman DlO " Castile fA " Pare Palm ot hand and fur ealt• by Jul NEW CROP.- 200 drams fresh Pmyrna Figs; 10 mats Dates 500 boxes Malaga Robins, RIO r6ceived and for tale by ItEYdER & ANbERSoN, 39 Wood at., apposiP. St. Charles Hotel FANCYBLACK DRESS SILKS. -- A large assortment, which we are closing out VER Y CHEAP FOR CABLI. C. RANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, 159 No. 74 Market street. rvIENS' CALF, Buffalo and Guth Overshoes at DIFFENBACIaIt CO.'S, a 9 No, 17 Fereet. 11, YE FLOUR.- 15 bble. fresh ground Rye Flour Just received an fur sale by JAIIES A. FETZER, ' janl 89 Water street. UVOTABII.-1.0 eas on hand and for salo by [(1016.1 ka B. L MAIINEBTOOK & 00. NO. 54 S.T. CLAIR STREIti EIZIMMI JCS. 11 , iltN E, 77 NI. 4.0 " in 3lb . born " I " J SAW FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. ALIVII TES COLLINS Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PIiOMIXTOII3 07 THII Pittsburgh, Meadville Ei Erl. , CANAL LINES. Nos. 114 Amn 115 INVCER STIT.ET, PITTSBURGE, PA LIZ*BO3,I 7 S, HAGEN & Co., 11,WARDING AND COMMISSION 6ii:EtCiIANT~, No. 30 BN - 0 , 04011E ST., CINOINItiATI, o.(jy2P ENR" , LLIN; - ; : ll : is,„is Forwarding and i t ,hoi BUTTER, 5E1:01 . 3 and PRODUCE gvuerally, No. '2 6 Wood iitrt,t, Pitt4burgl.. iffiart GILOGERS Sag ii T I'ELR& ti' 0 1 Lat. , ith, 7Alair & liutavr,, HOLES AL E I.l'vocers and Commission ilereitants, No. sc—,i,d anti 5 I From Streetk, IMIIMOI EP ' S, LEIc,CII V )., s : o 1 3 a glr.. a 2-14 74'..,0)-45rty •eiet, PITTSBURGH, C. 7.4 E E ITT fi US 11N D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALEIth IN FLOUR. AND BACON, TIN PLATE AND TiNNEKS' A.\D PITTSBURGH MAINUFACTL & u).. 6ENERAL•CU\IMiS BI UN FORWARDING AIERGIIANTS, Levee mud Washington Ave:Luc, WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY ii.E.FERANc,.-8.—J.B:1,11 .1. Co, al , . Pittsburgh Avrchaut,,Keue,,ilY j 3 DAVID W..C.5.ND1..E.,,S ,11.1.1A51 CoFFIIi 111,EA.NS Si. CO., "EC , T. - SOlte I'2 '4l; e :ef`ANDLI:es,I GILOCERS, DEALERS I. IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, PITT.-13UNULl FACTURES GENERALLY, eoruer of Wood and Water erreet.B, 11 COSGRAVE CO., 0S A G Is and 20 Wood street 11.1.TAH yntAn.., 0. F. 11.10611 - t -03, Pittgbi;rol 1111JLEK 1-Iit7,IsILTSON, Whole:4:11e Wu- Ii •t0,.,11.1.6rt,rr, PIES, WINES and BEGmts, 171, Liborty qtr,etn. ~, "; , rwistantly . WILLI M dEANS 1 , A COYVIN 4Lanelliess, Means & Co., % ,•;:,, , ,,,, Wick WCanaless,) \i/V i 1., ESA LE G 13.0QE it,S, and DealerP. in 'Et I', A t ri , 'N YARNS, and Pitts. tirol (~ruer Woo,: and Water trots. clyB WINES x.L ill lAQ,U iftS N . 11. F.ENYe. , I' DE\ L:N & N.ENNEI)Y, \'‘.."llole6a,lo \Vinc Rot t InNtfficr , , ;:uit hti 1.,t1,:q1r,71t. I y H ONEOOER ~: , - n '-f I=l terciaeLt . an r mEtn nem_ L no.*, t' it A \I P A t, N Itr n., 161 Smithfield street, between 6th and 7th stß 11,11:3 - .1y14v,1 rirrs.vr - R,m, PA GLASSWA . RE 1!IIIM111:12 M K 14; & 0, r.t.c its or `►~7'Afee'm Featresfilit•aatia Gteas.q • „ A I L L I N 1_)()W GLASS Extne, l l.l),,w i. ::-Th•,:_:tll.l:nitat ion er..wil tind it;11.3 Flasksl. Pickle and Pro , crvi• Jars: Wino Portiao - Itottlssi 1, Li,,,lithiu4 Insulators. etecottd, between Wood and Market, l'A., But a short .iLit.:lnco from tho Stoatliboui I.n.tlin.,z, and t:kan ti. 11,d1,du, Cliarka 2L - .ltl City Ilotols. &L•ae. ; 1:!,“11.1: rmoi.•;s ir.:+itty L. RIMWALT. 0 - I.lliLlNt_3, ROBER'F,':;ON. & CO., Matu %_.." Dicturor.9,lCni,Ples.l.ltu ,,l Ploan Flint GLASSWARE, Ntll,3l‘ollHo No. 17 Wo. - 1,,1 ~nier of Front. Pittsburgh. • kIHT-i All oth,r kinds of Cilaiswarr and Window Glass, at 11art.,1 apt 1:ill y . .... EDLIE & U LAM, Succoors to Mulvany h 4 F. I,,dide, manufacturers ~f Cut, Moulded and Eiut'a , ,d Edney Culured LAeSWARE, and dealer, in ad kinds of Whubes , Glass, Fla4s, Vials. and Bottles. W are- Itooss uorner of I`.f2 , liet. rnd Water streas, Pittebugh. mlOl.-dly cii r REAT NICTION SALE, of Dry GOO.iS, at A. A. - Nl:Nen dr. No. 25 Filth street. 00 worth of 'de of overy description wil, In iedde diatoly ,old off at anction, and at retail at auction pric.e. AUCTION EYFIItY DAY, From 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 o'clock. Donioßtie G., fhaltekralang (Iw - dB, Clothe, Caaiitur,res, Satinett4, Veatings, Flan Chockg, Tweeds. .1011116, &C.. &C. W. (1. McCARTNEY, A.uctioneor. ELIZABETIIAN.—A new Decorative Wall lenigu, Just ro.s;rive;], and for Salt W. P 'MARSHALL Et CO., 37 Wa , ..-! t . A PPLES.- bbla. extra Roatho Roigeflower, tiB" Vandiver; " Ilmisett Amami, Just rec'd and for solo by JAB. A. FETZER, Eifi Water street. F LOUR. I.A) bbl a. choice Extra Superfinq 50 " •` Superfine Flour, just 1-6cAttved awl for sale by !AMIN FETZER, &IA gl) 'Muter street GASKET, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, and Fuller's Board, (or Bale I.y W S. HAVEN, Nos. 31. 33 and 35, Market and S,UtSN A'l'r,and all places NVe,,t and South we3t, with a great dem,a reg - uktrity and expedition. The fact that [fah, Road term, a direct and conaulidated line between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is 'a aufficient guar antee that its Trama will make good ' time, and connection, with Trains ou other itoad. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE, s Pittaburgli. Gat IFt Wayne. U. S. Mail, SZO A. I. I 2:00 P.M Express, 2:15 P. A. 10:05 P.M I 5:45 A. 51 &PAGEL CaICAGO—U. h. Man at 5:35 A. Id„ Ex rem , at 2:00 I'. 51. • • H.U. it6ACINOINNATI-1.1. 6. Mail at 9:53 1'..11; Exprt.s., 7:00 S..IL - - All Trikine make dole cunnoctioue at Creotlino for Colon, bus, Cincinnati, Indiainwoles and St. Louis; also ac Fort Wayne with 'Trains ou 14 atuish andWestet ltailnewi Lafayett,, Central Illinois and St. Louis; also, at Forest with Trains on the M. IL L. E. It IL itSLNU. From Chicago. i Ft. Wayuo. Crestline. I Arr.Pttstig U.,S. Mu11,....8,45 P.M.5:3n A. Al. 12:5 F A . Sl. 9.10 P. M. Express, 0,00 A.M I '2:00 P. 51. 10:05 P. M. I 7:25 A M These Trains make close el,uectiond with Trains fur Phil.. adelphia, Baltimore and New lurk. . Trains front St. LOUIS, 11411/1111\plgil, Ci nein nab and Colum bus make close connections at Crestime with ail returning Trams. At Fort Wayne. Trams from St. Louie, 1.:OLItC111 LW. uois, Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with above Trains. At,Forect, connections are made with Trains to and from Cincinnati, Spyingtield and Dayton. ACCOMMODATION TliAlliS--Leave Now Brighton f.r Allegheny at iitill A. 51.. and 12:.:24 P. M. Leave Allegheny for New Brighton at 9:45 and 4:30 P. M. To accommodate way travel, Paces:l.6er Cars will be at tackled co Freight Trains; leaving Pittsburgh at 8:45 A. M.: erasable for Alliance, at 5:55 A. M.; AWance for erasable, at e2:30 A. M.; and Alliance for Pitts4urgb at 7:45 A.M. BADUAGFI CHECKED TliEtt.r..7l;Li, cod no charge fur handling. Fur Tickets and further iliformniion apply to A. T. Jilt I N• SON, Agent, at the Great Western ltailroad Office, dirivtly on the corner, at the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, id to Geo. Parkin, Passe tigeretatien, Penn Street, between 1A sync and Canal; 13. F. pA'ritiuK, No. till Dearborn etriiet, mime Rita the Tremont Home:, t2llicago, er to the Agouti, ai !lie Stallone on the line. Ti) COMMENCE ON MONDAY, January 25:11, and con done until farther notice. J. J. HOUSTON. Gen. Pass'r. and Fr't. D. W. iIoSS, Agent, Chicago. JOS. lt. M131.)11.3.. iu pun 1.1 tell• lent. PITTSBURGH it, CONMILLSV ILLE RAIL THE PiitKl.tirgh Itailr,u! in 11.,. ..iit fur the trunspertation ~111 Pittmburgh and Cdattioi,la% ~, L int•rtin With 01 POllll -..y vauia Central Itaitrued at L;cit/1,,n". ..atom. .. . .. . - Arrangements Imre:1s:: ti -,ii ntaiie with 11, Potuo , ylvatiiii Central Railroad, by w iich thr,e,;h Itcutlit to l'hilieieireiii andßaltihuire will la , 'Art ied 1 - ,,,. liiints all the Pit t.Sl‘“' 4'l ,Ull Culal , l iliV I h,• KAtitlrati. 1.1, C3I - 103,11. I‘ll LiVill,ll , l.• ta•l 1., RI:INN - IN:4 Cpl'' •riAIN:7'.--(-111 and attcr nundai, .d of October, the rit,:eni.ior 'Praiutl will be run d k.O , , Y... - ;. , Sundayd, tie followii: . . S J.. FA (IN 14STOCIFE k VHA • STEUri3EITIVILLE ii,AiLßOA..iib RAILROAD COMPANY, MALL 'PRA 13., will leave the i•ltation of Pennsylvania Railroad, at Ehttsburgh, at 7.00 o'clock, A. Id., arriving at Connellaville at 1•2:o0 A M. EXPRESS PAS6ENLiEtt idtAlN, icaving Pittsburgh id 4:20 o'clock, P. M., and striving at Beltsville at. i'. RETURN IN(j.—II:XPRES,i TRAIN will leave Connell.- \ON at 6 o'clock, A. M., connecting with the Johnstown Accommodation Train, on the Pe MIA) WI. it l i arrives at Pittsburgh atll A. M. MAIL TRAIN, leaviugj Connel sville at '2:119 P. M., and Colluectd Kith the liriuton Accimiimodation Train, on the Peunsylvaniu goilruud, which arriv,, in Pittsburgh ut d:10 P. M. Mall Train connects at Connellsville with Bunting t. Hall's Coaches for Uniontown, Frostburg, Cumberland, ,t.•. Also ut West Newton with couenes fur Nl,lllll. Somerset, Berlin, Sandpateli, and Cumberland Tickets can he had Iron. 'ticket Agent at LII Pt. Railroad Passenger Dep. distiO FI. BLACISSTCO: Ft. So perintett den •. NEW WESTERN itIOUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURGH. FT. WAYNE and CHICAGo 0, .4 AND CINCINNATI, LIAM.ILTON & FDA YTON RA I LROA DS VIA. DELAWARE CUT-OFF. Distance only 32) railez frwn Pia:burg/I lo Cincinnati TIIIS LINE is compdted of Roads of the First Class, and is located through a beautiful and highly cultivated portion of she State. Direct connection is made at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, (the tracks of the C. 11. A D. & D. A A IttAda, being connected, for Louisville, Evansville, Memphis, Natchez, Connection made at St. Louis with the Pacific Rail: and SidLiouri River Packets, for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all I.s.dut• Wes:. Also connects at Cincinnati with Kentucky Central R. R., for Lexington, Danville, Frankfort and all points in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Penn street Station as fol;owR : ugh to Cincinnati with 3:30 2_ , m o one change of can, ar riving at 6:45 P. M. Express Passenger Train, ar : 15 72 P • .0 • riving in Crestline ut lt.cob A. M., Cid. 6:00 P. M. • WS. BAGGAGE CHECKED TQItOUGf3.• Fare as Low as EL1.117 other Route. For all information and Through Tickets, apply at the Ticket Office, corner Monongahela House, or at Peun street Station. Pss3engers desirous of going this route will ask Li TlCiletfl via Delaware Out-Off. J. IL MOORE, Supt. P. Ft. W. & C. R. It, DAN'L IicLABEN, Supt. - C. IL &D. R. it. tiov2o IIHE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERA.SIVE S').AP, manufactured by B. 0. & J. J. Sawyer, re receives the preference over all other kinds ever offered f family use. Its advantages over other soaps Is cleaner to use, ono pound being equal to three of common rosin' Soap. 21. Half the time need only be occupied in washing when this Soap is used in place of other Soap. ad. Latta in washing can be nearly d spensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. L'oiling the clothes is unnecessary wh.m this Soap is need, and hard or sab water answers equally as well as soft. btb. Printers, Machinists, Pioutsrs and others, find It fa_• aup.•rior to other Soaps. It speedily re .moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin suit, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the rise of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, and dissolve in one gallon of ho, l water; put the clothes into a tub containing itbout ten gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Scrip, and stir thoroughly. Let tl cut soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out. and rinse in wiami water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrisAarid, or meant, or greast spits, may reqiiire a Slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. 54e" Observe our name or en..'h bar. For sale, in nuy gultitity, at our rrarnhonse, No. 47 Wo .1 street, and at our works, npiiv9l:o the Bound deuce, Peon .ilvarria avenue. B. C. it J ii. SAWYER. No. 47 wo, - .4 tiMBROIDERIES.—ctur excellent stock of French Embroideries. and the low prices at whicl. they aro marked, offers rare imincemeott to ittdieL4 wl4tioit to purchdae the ilfte,it POTATOES.- 120 bra. Neshann,c); Potat , ..a; 60 do Peach illoaamu Putat...s, jilt and for ea e by JASIES A. lit ETZEIt, telD 42 !frol.tor IVOR RENT.—A two-story ,4)wellina ou , e l A _ (Gothic style), pleasantly situated on Mt. Washington ; contains seven rooms well 3fratig , d, carriage hone.. H t,0,1,, and spring of good, soft water, convenient. lt , nt, $.11.10 per year. Also, can be had with the above, if derixed, a Or, en Clouse and Five Acres of Laud in good state of cultivation. two acres of which are in strawberries of choice quality; the remainder is covered with Nursery Trees of all kiits, reads for the gardener io get into a profitable I,ll,liLletti. The strawherry-plants and trees will be sold on accommo dating terms, and a lease of the 110000 and grounds can be tad for a term of years. Apply to a 21 S. OLTILIBEItT A SqN, 51 Market streot. DUFFAND FLEMING'S Barak-Keeping, for Halo at W. S. iIAVEN'S. 'Stationery Warehonse, .233 Corner Market and Second strautß. ON THE CONEMAIIGII RIVER.—For Bale a Valurille Farm in Westmoreland county, 21 miles from Blairsville, on the North Western Railroad, 120 acres of choice land, g 0 acres In cultivation, a young orchard of 10 acres, 30 acres of ex:client timber, a new dwelling house of 6 rooms—price, $7OO. Terms easy. Real estate in the city will be taken in part pay. Ja27 Bt CITTII BERT .t SON, 51 Market street. el OFF-- ly _ EE.4150 bags priTne Rio, for sale I) WM. IT. ' , MTH & CO. UXTF,R.-3 bbls. fresh roll, for sale by halt) W. EL atima D DJ. --. PEN SYLVANIA CENTRA_L RAILE,OAD FAiST loaves the Passeidier lion over . ) morning, (except eunilay,) at 81J5 o'clock, PittnL .. oh arriving in Philadelphia at 11:50 P.M. THE EA..i'..t.Lics TIiALN Maven ttie Station every evening at, o'clock. Stopping only arti re.usburg, Latrobe, ohm,- town, Withnore, tiulli.tzlu, AltoZma, commuting at liar riablirg with the Trani clircct for Baltimore, and arriving iu Kuladelpiliaiy - Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. TILE JOIINSToWN ACCOMAIODATION TRAIN le Oitnii . daily (except Suuday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. 111. 7 topping at all stations, and running as far an Conemangh. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN tar TurLie C:eek hedge PNI.I1 7 (313 daily, (ex..,ept Sunday,) at iik4o, A. M. SECOND ACCOM.MoDATIuN TRAIN tar Turtle elttuk, Leaven daily, (except Sunday,) at 4 10 P. M. THIRD ACCOIIIMODAII.ON TRAIN for Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except sunday.) at 11:20, P. M. ii.ETUItNINtiI TRAINS arrive in Pitt..4blargit as iullov.3 : Ezigree.,, 1:40, P. M.; Mail, 0.00 A. Oh. Jolinatuwu ACCUMIMI, dation, 11:00 A. M.; First Turtle Creek Accommodation, A. 01.. Second Accommodation, 12:40, P. M ; Third Accom modation, 0:10, P. M. Trains for Illairsvillo and Indiana, connect itt luteraection with mail train East, Express train %Vent, and the Johnstown at:nowt:dation train East and Went. Et 0 .4 . SC. Laula, Vicksburg, New Orleans. JC):. 4 EPH ❑ORNF 77 Mirt‘t EAIt,3IOADS Winter .a.rrait,;ekneart ON AND AFTER NIONOA JAN. 18-rn EVEA 19 AIEL 'V EL' it 11.. '1? S AC'COM:Au]) ATI ON 1' EA iN PITTSBURGH AND CONNBLLSVILLE TRA ENS, Stopping at all Stations on the eitisburgli and Connell. villa Road, leave daillr, (Sunday except,d,) us follow.: MAIL TRAIN, 7.01) A. M. EXPRESS TRAIN, .4.20 I'. M. RETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and ..'onnellsville Ruud, arrive at Pittsburgh, 11.001 A. M. cud thlo P. M. EM.. The traveling public will bud it greatly to their iii ierest, in going East ur West, to travel by the Penney-veins .i.ailroad, as the accommodations now odured cannot Le im passe(' on any other route. As the Road is ballasted with stone, and to entirely tree trout dust, we can promise saisty, .peed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with (heir patronage. $lB,OO To Baltimore 10,00 I " I..aucusier To Harrisburg, $7.45. To Now York... '* llaggage checked to all Stations uu the Pennsyl ‘ vania Rail road, and to Philadelphia, HaUnwire and New York. Pasiuougers putchasing tickets in care, will be charged ton Litz in addition to the Station rates, except front St ttioilm where the Company has no Agent. • NOTICE.—In case of luso, the Company will hold thee, selves responsible for personal baggage only, and her uu linonot ne! exceetling $lOO. N. 13.—The Excelabir ounaillits Line how been employed to :.envoy Passengers and Baggage to atilt [rein the Depot, •iL a liarz,e not to exceed coffin fur each pa,unger and b 0 ,4- ....a,.;e. For tichenii apply to J. STErvAnT, Agora, At the P. it. It. Passenger titatiou, Liberty and siraut scr6etzt. TILE IiENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TLIEGIi.EAT CENT. !CAL htiUT the A tlau tic Ct t wit is Wezt ern, Nurtluwt•Et r ru and math-vroNtturti Suswi by a c•uttitt , turn. Rttilt.t di n This Hood alio anuiccty st Pittsburgh with Dotty hoo• b. sill ports on the Western Rivers. and At Ai:,l ttIDILINIiy With iteatniws to sit ports the :lac 11.04 alt.OiT. C!11, i i'iL12,.:..K.11 , t1,Tt;k3 winch t. 1,1 , frmt3 thn li FiRAT \VEY:. itattes between Phi 1,‘:i.,.-3,,h13 CLAL:-5 —l3ootn, witi I tit ttc.t. c„, :cad it I/ CLASS--DtAnt•-itic SL., : . 111rt at,l Oct .. ,a 1,1). Drugs (in Cadlil";, ardwm tt,L.., ht•[ (in t• 100 Ir, rt,l(s or 1...t5.a1), Wucl, ceuJ ill,l .Cc. 11111i.I.) Stt•e(, t.,lt tint, On cabl:l4), Littrap, Bacon and I'; , t a. ,ttito.l 00, ' (loon or in mrii4), 'rot,rro, tuaa cured, Ocx.c.ctpt, taga, or cut, m cc. FOU ULAz , ti—C,lrcto, Lt., on, (ic-nt I and Pork, (ut caii'as or Li . Lard and Lard oil, luau Clay, Tar, Pitch, Roinn, j LOUR --$1 ,00 LW. until fur th,t u' - 1c:• RAI:\ in ear cta. tip. , it r!laf tl,: C, bAlv, D.A./ Cut or now, 4411,7' litrutlh front y , 41 i'1111” .I. particular to !nark 1.14 - 1 ,, L ;e6 "ma Rc.ilroad." All Clouds cuuaigued to Lite Agelltd at Philadt‘lpina ur Pitt . stdurcll, Hal b, turv.arklad RXl3h7 AfiLiTl6-11lltri9, W.:Mill* a co., 'qouipoiii, 'Ft it. F. toys It Cu., ak Luis Ll'ltiley a Co., Evanilvnii, Ind.; Duruesuil, Bell A tin., and Cart or, ac Jewett, , Hy.; It. C. Muldrum, Madison, Ind ; IL W. Brown h Cu., and Irwin & Co.. Cincinnati; N. W. Graham & Co., Zaiiiooiiis, iThiu; [much & Co., No. 51 Flinty street, LI tenni ; littiton A co., No. 1: Astor lluuss, New York; No. I IVil Ilion street, and ltis. S liar-sr) Plass, Now York, E. J ,snseditr. Magraw A KOOLIB. D. A. zitewart, Li. 11. LiiilJbTiiii; General Frst.itit Agttnt. Li. J. LOSiaAERT, uityl Snlisrinteudent, Altousa, Pa. STEA `tl+, RS 18 b 7 Chicago, idilwankie and Lake Superior Line. Pleasure Route t© Lake Superior. SPLENDID STEAMER LADY ELGIN IN CONNEC TION WITH PITTSBURGH, PORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. Steamer LADY ELGIN, rbe& bl 4 •4 f E. 11. TOMPKINS, Commander. . ' LEAVES CHICAUO, ! LEAVES MILWAIIKIII. Kona, .July 13.1.Mouday dui) . 1;3. Saturday" ' '"). 'z" 'i•urd:l 3 • Thursday • Aug. 6.1 Thursday Aug. 6. Tuesday . •• 18. Tuesday Monday " 31. 'euday Sat urduySept. 12. •••larprilay 6,•pt.. 12. 6:,L LI rday.....— .......... " llti. Saturday LEAVES MACECINNC ' LEAVES 6CPERIOR, I( ETElin:if, , Tuesday July 11.'‘Vedueaday. July 15 Sunday " 26. Monday. .Friday kug. 7. Saturday Aug 8 Wednesday " 16. Thura4y TAsday ..... .. 1. Weduesday s„ Sunday 13.IMonday " I: Sunday " 27. Monday Steamer LADY ELGIN will connect at Superior with the 'warner JAMES CARSON, for Middlotowe, On Leah, 0[1.4, to, Wahhegan and Fund du Lsc, affording tweengers amid flaw to view the beautiful scenery of the ,At. Luuis ricer, with its many romantic and fascinating Islands. The LADY ELGIN also connects with steamers for Bit. chanan, Burlington, Encampment Island, Beaver Bay, Sax on, Hiawatha and Grand Portage, all flourishing towns on the north shore of Minnesota. r. N. 11.—After October Ist, the EILOTN will conform to the same order of time as nearly as weather will permit. For further information apply at the Ticket Offices of th‘ , Pittsburgh, Fort Wl,yne and Chicago Railway Company, where Tickets can be obtained to tinpurior City and all inter mediate points on the Lakes. A. T. SPEND :R .4 CO., Agents, Ivl4l Foot of State street. Chicago, LA IVERPOOL PHILADELPHIA AN ll NEW YORK SCREW STEAMSHIP LrNE. The eplemlidßteamehipe forming the above Line will sail from From Yew Ysrk as follows: CITY OF BALTInORE Capt i.eia.h lan. 7. KANJAII.OO '• :Jeffrey Feb. I th. CITY OF WASIIINGTON.. " Wylie 'Deer fotL CITY OF 11AETIMOR.:_',..... " Lettob, ..... And every alternate Thursday. From Lire.. 7 0 ,1 Every alternate Wednesday. Rae From New York , --Cabin $75. 'Third Class SIO Ftzre from Liverpool—Cabin $lO5, $B5, and $75. Ildr.l Maga $46. RETURN TICIEfITS a7ailahle f“r Si! Months Steamer of the Line. Cabin, sl.4o—Third caw, go eUrdOad nikout proceeding to Europe. or wishiag w aeml r their friends from the old country, can purelowe Tichrt, .7an obtain all information by applying to J. G. Dale, 1;, or ad way, N. Y. SABEL& CORM, 177 Bmedway, New York, JOHN THOMPSON, 410 Liberty et., PltUburgh Passage Cortifinettes by First-C.llm Sailing l'an,kots, between Now York and Liverpool. Also, Sight Drafts gold by the apl4 MONEY ! MONEY !! --PRICES MARK ED DuWN. 47. - Great reduction in the price of Embroideries. We have gone carefully over our handsome sr.,. is FRENCII-WORRED UNDEIt SLEEVES, • MUSLIS; BANDS, eto And Ii tcd the prices to suit the " Hard Times." The Ladies may rely ou getting haririins at oct27 .BORN 77 MArket Ptre(•: ORINTED FRENCH .ME RI NOES, for 62 Q end 70 rents, worth and .1,25, the beet assortment in the city. Q. IiA.Ni,UN LOVE, (f racerly Love Brothers), (h'7 No 74 Bis.rkei strfet. CHIMNEY TOPS.-1 , 10 Gothic Chimney Topa, or vq.riou., txtautiful I.att•-rna, for !ale by OIL CLOTII CLO I'lllNO—Of all kinds, black and ytolow, ,r a ~It, at the India,r ant '2i St 1t704.1t. ideSi J. a H. PIILLLI S. TEST INDIA PRESERVES.-10 dozen assorted, just received and fur sale by REYMER d ANDERSON, No. AA rtra-e EL LI ES.-50 dozen Ourrant, .Blaekbery elo ()range, Quhace, Peach. and Grape for HAle by RHYMER Sc ANDEILSON, RG Woo4l etrek, upposit. St. Chars w eViei MANGANESE. -5000 Ws. for salo by B. A. VALLISUTOCIii . A Cu., do3l (Warr of Wood sod lint Wiwi MEDICAIi. MEDICP ri. • - G -,,..---,:"]'. .- - v -:t i < J •l'Oß I.I.OOFLA.NIPS CE.LEBRAT.EI , •:, ~. I -. .. -g• .6, --,,..,-; 7_l 1: . 2...1 . S. . .: •, 4 " e...32,1Z;1D BY Da. C. M. JACIiSON, Pamin'a, Pe.. C E 7 .,EitRATED - - Will effectually cure • LIVE.: CJAIPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE, CUB,. 'iv% F .-: - r % i If T - ' U ti ,.. NIC OR 1 , 41.111V0U8 DEBLLITY, DISEASES A ,E,A, .1. ll_' ' ' G 1:4 ÜB' THE fiLDNEYS, Ana •z! Du- 2eiringfram. a disordered Liter or to.sicisit, kn D • Otteh LET"En PALLS. ~,,,,,,,,' : : it°,...,T 17 4irL a iteelhe . , Lb.,..,, ife c art itit i t lt,ti j lt gian Stonze r h i , ,ood, Ware air aka Bays". 707.1 , 01:-#.,!....7:.2.;.7.= ot T i1....a No. Fullness or weight in the Stomach, ______ dour Eructs. [attune, sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stu. They are n• ot recom mnch, Swimming of the Iliad, Hurried and Difficult U Breatiung, Flutterin4 at Lilo Heart, Choking or Suffocating mended _as niversz,l sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of 1,14,m Dots or Webs before the sight, Fever and Dull Pal. , ''''' in the Head, Deficiency el Perspiration, Yel lOWnes it of the Skin and Limbs, Pain n Cure-ails but simply kr the Side, Back, Chest, Limes, se. 11 • - • Sudden Flushes of ileac burn- ‘vriat their name pur ing in the Plash, Constant inniginings of Evil, and • Via great Depr,...ion of ..- IPrt'S BEILITO. ,-....-.,1 in attributing each valuable properties to this remedy, no i n rush or unwarrantable azsettioll 13 mane, but is simply stated e N 7 ERMIFUGE ) f( ~ a i.Ar, pre, , :or 1.. , 1d. uitibly ~ . .s..M cozcluev,iy by the exti ear-• • `e' . dmary cures, and eel:lents derived nom ate use, under the di. expe l ling Worms roll ...-.,.::. of !fa illustrious originator, Dr. Hoof:hind, among ell t ~,,...el em....p..,... - .n society, and from the immense macs of , te,.ouen. area al, par:9 of the American continent, aeon. t :le human system ) hi. a.,..,a , . a duri,g the last ton years, in the Minds of the prime e..: I..“rprietdr. the prevalence of diseased to which the 1 ' 1 Clorm.o hitter, Lire udapted., it is with sorrow Weeny it, ia al- also been administere,l ~..„;..„,,„„...,. indeed there is scarcely a family throughout . . . d t,....,,1e oxt,et el ~:ir country ilt which there cannot be ~, th th _ . (~,.........,„ its numbers that peculiar sallow and languid - s '' • e most satisfactory ~.., pr..‘ruizre denoting a diseased Myer, or an emaciated and onaering Dyspg,tic. • tL - Suits to various ismuna, • :.1. , a of what inineiu.i unportauLe7to this Gianni invalid : -, l_lbj set to Worm{ . ~, . , ~ ........t. :. Ler , ain and reliable remedy should be placed withi - -- - s , m• - .;,..11 ...,ach; one in which no baneful or injurious drug en- ter, ill,. IL3 at,at i .,3:teeu ; a remedy on whicu the patient can • . ety wan 0,3 tialwat CulltilloitCy and certainty, and be assured The LIVER • PILLS. lor • . :rum actual and moots that the article ho is using . i ~,,-, s really pdia,uts tne :in, s attribtted to it. Such a remedy I. as "livii.ilio&N.l.P6 Li i.:ll...vLa_N 11.1.2 - TElts." Thonaancle o Lle cure of LIVEII Co M I,,ilate have been expended in its rnanutactore and diffusion tbroil g h“Lit all parte or tins continent, and Clio proprietor 1, ',., tie.- i t,r,al,dt .ql,lactiuti lu a rating that there is no P LAINT ) all BILIOUS E rD :, i.:77 . ..... t. state, Wow.), or even village, whore the :..ledicine has been iotri.ciureti, that there cannot be found numbers willing t;33Lify CO lta Virtues. RANGEMENTS 3, SICK HEAD it is used constantly in the practice of a large number o. the alUist, prominent Physicians in the country, who have . me. added their written testimony in evidence of its great A & CIIE, C. , ..