LOCA I. AFFAIRS More D. vetopemehtslo the lildnetpplng The eid,lenc ,- : P. Ink George Shaw, now confined In the county jail, awaiting the trial for conspiracy and kidnapping, is growing stronger daily. It seems that he has been boasting of his success in abducting Farris. We give below an extract from a letter re ceived by a gentleman of this city from a brother in Tuscutiabia, Alabama, in relation to Shaw : " I suppose you remernuer Goons W. Farris, y or old acquaintance, the bricklayer: well. he is n..w "salted" down on his "mnasa's" He is a negro, and was born and raised hero. Six years ago ho left tore, ran away, and w on t N or th. ILL, mas ter, whose name is l{ tan, nevor took the pains to capture him, and ho rno n until I , :t i..ummer, when a bricklayer in Piit , burgh by the name of Shaw.who belonged tr4his If .oc, :Ind is in Pi , tshorgh now, I supp,•!'n, m there and " spotted" him for dotee [ion. Wh,n fie (Farris) started for St. Louis last sn rata Gr. Shaw was in his glory, Gar that wri , all he wanted He sat down and wrote to Raglan Tic then came out here. and Raglan not being at home, he and a slave bunter named Bill Julian, started away from hero oPthe 31 day of Janunry; for Jaffe , son City, Missouri, and brought him back hand guff ed to this pines, on the 231, just being gone twenty days. I saw him (Farris) around the streets pretty often ; they have not done anything with him as yet. I spoke to him two or three times, but never let on who I was. "Shaw has Bono to Pittsburgh to get his wife, and bring her away from what ho calls an abolition hole. for I saw him stand up at a corner in this town and tell the people that there was not a person in Pitts_ burgh that was not en abolitionist, tut himself (Shaw) and his wife. I have nothing more to say about him, and hero given all the particulars as far as I have learned them about the transaction." Country !tenni The Lewistown " Gazette," of the 11th instant. contains the particulars of the dreadful death of a lady of that place, which occurred on the Sunder previous. That paper says: "An alarm of fire was raised nn Sunday ereniPg,nau,nd by the appearance of flames in the srennd ,tni-7 et a hemso next door to the Red Lion Dote', eemoied by Major Daniel Eisenbeiseras a dwelling. The romn was oecupied by Mrs. Eisenheiso. who had the , her locked, being engaged in reading the Bible at the time of the acci dent. On bevs•ing it open, a fearful right was pre sented, Mrs. E 's dress having caught Dam a fluid lamp, which she wee Citing over to wet !he wick, a custom trio much in vogue with those who use there lamps. The top being probably loose, the burning fluid ran en her dress, in a moment enveloping the upper part of her body in a sheet of flame. In efforts to extingnish the fire. Major and Alexander Eisenboiso had their hands severely. burned, nor did they and others succeed until she was Fn severely burnt as to render a recovery almost hopeless. Sev eral physicians wore in attendance, wlio rendered ! . 111 the aid that science and skill could suggest, but after lingering until about four o'clock on Monday morn ing, her sufferings were terminated by death." Mr. John Barclay, of Greensburg, mot with quite a serious accident on MendAv nven;rit of last week, in the following manner: Mr. B. is a brakesman on a freight train and on his way East, was sitting be tween two cars,, with his legs hanging down. Thn oars wore suddenly jostled tigether, mingling one of his legs in a shocking manner. lie was eonveyed to his residence, sad his wounds properly cared for. The Governer has conferred the office of Sealer of Weights ternl Measures f.,r Narks county, unen George K. Boyer, F, , q ,of Reading. Mr. Tinyer was strongly recommended. end we express the unani mous feelings of all parties in saving, that the ap pointment is jediejon , , , tell-deserved and popular. To say mere is unneoe , so.r", as the offieer is too well known and esteemc I , o rolaire eneetniuras at our hands On Sa•ul , itv lat.t a young man named Elder ha,: one nfhi- arm , e-rilo'y mashed at Irwin's Station, while in the f coupling care. Ilorriblr Occurrence. A few days are, at the In-.!nfarnrien called n Deposit Furnace., z;riia.cd :n : , earh Ilaryver town ship, Dauphin county. a , errible ae-iiont occnrro It appears that whi'a -overh p--se , :< were about the Furnace, the hut met-,1 came 1....11.H11, ant its torrent.: so uncrpeeteilly ihat were , literally showered over with the Flu' I lire, immediately sot ting their clothes en fire us-I turning thorn in a dreadfol and :nner. Sante of the nail v tunate men junic.Pii iateelie canal, and others into tho water tub ;'hut this proved all unavailinr —they were so dreadfully burn-d that no hntuan help c save them. Jahn Bolcr, David Lendis, Cti. Mori av, :and a man called Dss di Jahn, have since died from 'heir wounds, whiltt Moos Walt, anather the in jured, can hardly survi hi. iniuries —C/ivani, Court of Quarter Seestowt. In thie Court, 7....-43; , ia;, a in tip n for a new' trial was made to the ca -a of Mr. , . Eliza liardiner, cur.- vieted of procuring as hloTtion, but wing to the al, nice of the. prin• , ip the argument iv postponed u3iii —o. L2l efleei the fourth - .:410n Is in Me_r , The case of the CJIAII.I )n;r!- - 1.1.! - 1 v. , . .I.the Coop, 1. tahornation of perjury. was c.,11e,i, bU(tbe dofendan. Dot appearing, a proce,s i-,-/ed to bring bite Court. Ho is under bonds in the sum of one thou • and dollars. In the case of Gcorgc Ldviver, who has bean tit for Demo seven months, a ,olle pros( qui was en tired. He was charged with stealing. but the evi ience wag not very conclusive, and the prosecutor ::ut being present, the pric,nor Trap discharged. District Court.—Before Hon. Mosel H am pt on . Vicaterday morning the j ,ry is the case of John F. j'Atterson against James Robinson, reported by us lot week, returned a vcrdice for the defendant. This was an action of ejectment for torty-six. acres of land situated in Franklin - township. Jno. D. Mahan, counsel for plaintiff, and Edwin 11. Stoics and Join 11. - Hampton for defense. Thq Court was cc - andel remainder of the day it trying the case of the Ibtt-jet- , .11 and Steubenville 11 eilroad Comp any 11:119iTtf , Fri-tocis Schneider, corn. 'anned on Tuesday. No verdict had been rendered at the time of adjaurninant. Fatal Accident —A in in n.nned. Cratty, who lived uner.,Whitestown. SVF.P OT: hi, way to PittsburL•h, with a load of mirkoting, en Nir,:ilay, when, within about two miles. of Zoliouople, ba , Hove over on embenh moot, the wagon up , et, tie r intents falling upon him and causing his death by siJihettinu. An inquest w is hold on the body, and ;he 7errlirw rendered was Chit "Cyril.; Cratty cam., ;t hie dasth by sufraea tien umler Cho bag 3 of hit had, after the onncii-sior of the fall, in eenaequen.se -f intoxication." He was not-addicted to intemorrAnce, but had been indulg lug in ardent Qpiriu , quite freely on , hat day. Horse Killed.-0 , 1 Tees ley afternoon a young 51 +man named William L,T1,9.,4 on was leading a horse mmohad to a wagon up the Ceol Hill road, when a :-lad coming down the hill so frightened the horse as to make him jump over the hank, which is very F' AO: The horse was so much injured as to be en tirely useless, and he was immediately killed , by a how from a sledge hammer. Mr. Congdon keeps a e ore on Mount W, , ,Alingfen, and lost some whisky end a few barrels of flour (the two great necessaries or life) by the...accident. Complimentary Concert.—We are informed that /I rumber of the friends of Mrs. Morton, who was so enthusiastically received at the concert in the First U iptist Church a few weeks since, propose giving her complimentary donoort during the ensuing week. The lady is a charming vocalist, and we doubt no; 3 occasion will be one of enjoyment to all the lovers of superior music. Bitters.—We desire to ;Erect the attention of our riders to the card of Benjamin Page, Jr., & Co., iT :knether column. It will be perceived that they have removed their office fur the sale of "Holland Bit le-e" to N. 27 Wood street, whore they will be 1 -12py to receive their old customers and as many is w one= as choose to call. Surety of the Peace.—William Smith, of infernal inhine notoriety, was hound over to keep the peace Mayor Weaver, vestorday, on hathsof John Farrel. Furrel is the p.m) , who made information against when the infernal machine was deposited in t‘• shop. Ice —The dealers An this a r. joie are busily engaged .ayina in a t r next summer. It . is taken ft r.O the Allegheny, and look, very clean; some o cakes are from is to el:4lv inches in thickness, Returned.—Req. - 5 C. Flef.oll, of the " Dispatch, has bi-en r e me time, q uit i-, has returned,. inut•h unprnve , l in health an Attention is directed to tno adv , , , rtiatiniciat cf Canin e:An, (Allegheny). A futi stock of meter (11 ,, V0j, ti. antlets,.&e. 0 ter-coats and Raglans fir Men and ~y'r3 on hand, and offered at .veryAew rate 3 to 1, users. In Allegheny yesterday there was nothiniz trat pred worthy of record. Three Min(lre"? Zquar,..ats at:el/di:lg the .I.re-a City C dmeroial College at Pittsburgh, Pa. This institu t,an is now enjayteg a popularity and patronan tat ald,ve any institution of tee kind in the United State.. I , has won its way to its present eminence by the en erz,tic action on the part of its managers, and the t,.oployment of twelve teachers in the various depart toot,v, of superior qualifications, exclusively. Pour i.,.rce halls arc now occupied by the School; yet more rooms are to be fitted up, and additional teach. er-, employed to supply the demand of the many that et,ply hero for a thorough preparation for active 13,1- e,, , d.5, at the 11 i,ine , s Mio's College. For further ,rmatin see a ivcrt 'sem or adirr,s F. W. Jet ki.,6 Principal, Pittshurg'l, Pa. • 1140 nalfirili4 and Sark (7,,,ifB.—Gents, F roc k and Sa.slc Over coats, HAY' :r.= . a full Stock ~f ‘V,oter Gloves', Gauntlet=, MAlll7r , , Se3rfs and Shaw s ion e nd Boy's, still • , n haid 'at Carnaghan's Fe 1 .-Jul Street, Allegheny. elsh Blyore will find ti e ~rie.s an inducemoat. LYCERINE! GLYCERINE ! ! • GLYCERINE!!! GLYCERINE!!!! One of the best articles for chapped hands now in vogue. Warranted a euro curo. For sato at SUPER'S DRUG STORE, Corm!. Penn and Bt. Olair drool& Pittsburgh Retail 3.l.e.rket.. I.nbliA3 this morning our regular weekly re -1),,r f family marketing, carefully eorre3teil: OUR FAMILY MARKETING Ia I St , ..tk, tirqt cut, tD .• •• =ecolui " 10 ® 12c. 8 ("ca 9 10 ® 11 (4, 10 8 () 0 10 ® 12 8 ® ® 401 , 30 ® 40 each 40 ® 50 V , Lb 9 ® 10 10 ® 12 12 (3) 12% 12 ® 12% . 4r 7 i2 81 ) (*) (10 5 each 96. v ® 40 • 1 75 1411, 1 2 I_ls (n) 87% IA pair 40 (ai 0 5 `7O pair 2,5 (4) 4 it) atria); ;-,,) Co) 40 ' (ri) 3.5 2 , (cis •30 11 ® 12 12 ® 12 1 % 10 a 12 9 (i) 12 S Gil 111 K raj 10 " ...... . 5 (ni 1.0 2 ® 3 •• 2 3 •• 3 4 1 ® 2 cach ................ ........... 10 Rt. 15 2 ® 4 11..gwirt 10 ® 123.4 . 8 10 10 @ 15 10 (4 15 ~... 10 ® 12 ..... 9 iq 10 ® 12 ® 11 " • V!tl , ( 1141,4. • Q•l•krtor F , • t. o Most -M i tiff ' Ll vor f Liver, Fish. F-0111,, " Sticker Ard, Leaf, it n ler,l I)nions. NemlC-CI: •• Turnip (331ery, fleets, CArrots. Parselll4 llnrsoradish ['limplons, • 'alaslps,, Cranb.•rrie+. \chit, Brans, Hominy, Apple llntrer, Ipplss, 'f half !welt p rs .,,l Peaches, *:6l quart Apples, Butter, '• Print • 71, , Itre.—The Pioneer and Patriot was pleyed tdia small horse lust evening. This is a drama of the sen sstion school, a line of plays never popular hero.— The personation of Jocko, by Mr Slevin is deserving Hof praise. He is a young actor of promise To-night MN. Helen Muzzy takes a be•:efit and we hope to see a full house. The bill is one to suit our tastes.— It consisteof the German play of the "Rubbers", in which Mr. flurry Lengdon personates "Charles `De M ,nr," then an address on Free Masonry by Mrs. Muzzy; to be followed by a favorite dance by Miss Turnbull; then a farewell address by Mrs. Muzzy ; to conclude with the " Pioneer Patriot." Hero is a variety of entertainment to suit any tastes. Go every one, and assist in giving this lady a bumper at part The Denny T, ial.—The Court of Oyer and Termi ner met yesterday morning, and after a charge hear ing against the prisoner by Judge Nl'Cluro, the case vtay given to the jury. At a late hour last evening they had not agreed. We think they will have some difficulty in agreoing,. tens rumored yesterday of ternoun that th.t jury et ,od equally divided. Six of :he jury are of the jury that acquitted Richards. 1?,,0f 7! of Mr. Johnson.—Mr. Goo, IV. Johnson not h ive ae lar,re an ea/lien-0 last evaninz as wi s antieinoted, though it was a paying benefit. TI e "Widow's Victim," "Ragged Nan" and "Boots at the , wan," were played. Mr. Johnson will leave i r is for the pr.-sent, and return with Gov. Foster when Ile opens his new house. A bay, about fifteen year 4 of age, W 139 sent to the Ilouse of RefiagP, yo=tortlay, by the Mayor, at his own request. lie stated that he had been thrown up on the world by his father and mother, and had no place to go to. Escaped.—Two priebners escaped from the elation county jail on last Monday nizht, and have not since been heard of. The jail is said to be in a very bad condition. 21/,,yor 7 R 11110113,5 R is very dull at Present, resterd , y morning Mayor Weaver had three cenatn - .n eage4; two of them were committed—one paid his flue and was discharged. Thr Horticultural Society hold a maetipg yester .l,lY. The only business of importance they trans .cted wag the selection of a list of peaches for this part of the country. /IsAuyiti,,g.—Tha Fort Pitt Glass Works, owned by "ites..rs. Curling, Robertsan & Cc., will resume opera tions on Monday next. ill'Auley, who has been eon- I:led to his house by serious illness for scme weeks, s about again, but not entirely well yet. The Grentest Invention of the Age—The Excel*&or filti.ngle A:M.—Who Wants to Get. Rich Everybody Then lot everybody pay a visit to the Great Western Pi ln i ng Milk, on the corner of irbury street and D,,11 , 1_ -11C ‘ " V ly, and see tiro P:i.•aki Mill make i! ty formed shingles in one ;ululate. But +a wou.ii anyholy wishing to secure the of rapidly accumulating, a fortune, to call ire are disposing of Shi..p, Town,3hip, Coun ilorritorial rights almost as fast as we is. We have, as yet, some va1.,.- .,.-- htiretore, ye who would at carriages, had better ty, +.3. 3ln ir., .1 rghts )WC future roll 'lll Clan We 3a not a:k any one ha' thortmgh!y examined the .n.i derstands the principles upon which it is eon- saucte 1 The best evidence we can give of the great value of this machine, is the work it performs. The shingles made by it are more perfectly and beautifully formed, and command a much higher price from .dealers than those male in any other way. The public are respectfu'ly invitc , l to call and see :he machine in operation at the abrive named place. rile Proprietors can always he found at the St. iCieholos Hotel, corner of ;!rant and Fourth 3 trouts, Pittsburgh JENKINa !ITT t LYNCH N) ii"..:N•'O,VN \SU/ ••••. - I.licii can ex ceed in HpoeiiitleSa of cur, and certainty of ufitJet, that Whiel b.O itn^ 'O , IA f . lOlOlll 111 DR, .1. 11' , FITETTER'S Thrt,ns. To all the s • tl.s•,i thc Stomach which Ire 0 n niorb:d nature, tho BITTE"e! hive effected most r,maritable cur«s when many allwr remedies have fell ]. Him ireds of Portificates have been given by those who have thoroughly tested its efficacy, all of which coroborete its efricioicy when it is administered according to the direc tions on the bottle. Sane of the worst cases of Dyspepsia, Diarrhea and Costiveness have been permanently cured, by the !ISO of the 131TrEns. For sale by druggigt.4 and deal.ra generally, everywhere, and by L'-.)STETTER 'Manufacturers and L4oprietora, E 13-Icl W. W. WALLACE'S STEAM MARP.I.E . WORKS. MARBLE MANTELS!, -I Large and Boant:fal Stock always on Hand And blade to Order OWNERS OF PROPERTY, CONTRAC TORS AND ITU EnS, are invited to call and exam onr eG ck of MARDLES, As we are pe snarled that but f persons iu the community are aware of the low prices t we are Soling MA - TELS. A good, plain, Marble cos - is hut little, If any, more than a good Wood Man tel, whil,L it is always neat, is as ornament to a room, and Rmlihe /i Wood Mant ir not liable DI take fire. MWIUMENTS, TABLETS AND GRAVE STONES al ways on hand. WAQIIST ANDS AND FURNITURE TOPS, AND IM POSING :TUNES made to order by machinery. Marble of all k nd-t sold low to -the trade Our stock is the largest in the West. Is rasucifsrtured by mrchlnery and wdl be sold et the lowest prices. W. W. WALLACE, •Nos. 319, 321 and 323 Liberty street, 1,121 m Pittsburgh. Plaster, Cement and Grindstones. pLASTER PARIS, for Stucco Work, etc. CEM.eNT, f_r Ci.turas, Fire Walk, etc GRIND z•rtIN ES, all Rizoa and bet quality, tic Farmers and cliauici, at 319 Litwrty street, Patubur,4 } l, W. W. I'VA . _ . SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by tile Audit°. 1 of Pitt township, until THURSDAY, trie day of Polirnary next, for the tilling up the hollow gl'o anti, 01 that part or th. tisw road Ideated on Ewalt creel, iii towrusbin, and grading the came to a rice of not over de4ria, try thirty three feet wide, from the Pensylvania h tido id, where it CI 008,9 ENVitit Woe t, and continued along that Area in a straight line to the rising ground iu the vat, a short distance beyond the hew township road called vt•rgq.'m stre.t. For lumber particulars, apply to either of the Auditors, or to the Township Clerk, ALEI... BRACE...V.:- H.11,i; Esq., at the township office, near Mineriville. WM. HERON, JOSEPH. COLT . ART, .lan. 9. '5&---jal4io - a wow Auditors. Fitt town hi Jul; PRIN TING.- CAIiDS, DILL LIEADS, IRCULATIS, BiLLS OF LADING, Aul dt.,wriptlon of Job enutiug executed %vial u ,- „iurns Lind dt . .%•tit,...h i,v WM. a JOHNSTON It C)., Print..rs nod Stationers, .57 Wood nt. ATTRA,CTION: 1 ?SS. ATTR ACTION I I The hand u e Stock uf 3itka, ~huu le, and DO Dress Goode, al— , nay lute eclrctien ~ f Furnishing Goaqte, and a largo amt varied line of I) , ,nn.44tic/t, hay reduced In at the stet, if A. A. MASON & CO, frOi N o. 2.5 fob .ntr“t. igiolt RR N T.— A. de.irable eauntry resi fl dance , two miles trout the city. A two story 1w•-Iling }voile on Itos street. A two story house on Dllllo,no Strout, A three story to OISe on Third Strsct. A three story tintHe un Wyli, stre,t Two mid , house,' ai Spluroos court. 1, 4 CUTIIII TPAMILY FLOUR —Choice Family Flour that rt,li.(l on, for sale by • __ WALL PAPERS ! WALL PAPERS 11 WALL PAPELI.BIII—W. P. MAit.SUALL it • CO. are preparing for immense sale of Wall Paper this spring. owe se" el tit Ward Ore.& fe bbis. fresh Eggs, just reu'd and y Cyr bah, by p a JAIIES A. FETZER, °lsmer Market awl First itretsts. ''"tit after he perfectly 114- 1858. 51 Mr.rket tit JAS. A. FETZF.R. Corn , tnr Market rs First stroeta BY TELEGRAPH. Congressional Proceedings. PENNSYLV INIA LEGISLATURE. Munroe St eivag.l to by raroos,,ed IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON REPORT OF THE SENATF,' COMMITTEE ON TERRITORIES. Steamboat Ear)lost° o—Fifteen Lives Lost DISASTROUS FIRE IN NEW YORK. ARRIVAL OF COM. PAULDING, &c., &0., &e THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION Yesterday's Proceedings SENATE Mr. Poster's resolution, calling on the President for further information in reference to the case of Philo S. Shelton and Aria Island, was adopted. Mr. Chandler presented resolutions from the Michigan Legislature in opposition to the admission of any mere slave States, and against the Lecompton Constitution. Mr. Houston's (Texas) resolution, presented yes terday, instructing the Committee on Foreign Rela tions to inquire into the expediency of our Govern ment establmbing a protectorate over Central Ameri , Ca and Mexico, was called up. Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, thiiught this extra ordinary proposition was calculated to foster a spirit of fillibusterism, and disgrace us in the eyes of the civilized world. Mr. Houston denied that it was a preposition to extend our dominions, but that, it was simply to benefit our neighbors. He was opposed to .fillibus tering, but thought the subject urthy of considera tion, especially as other powers had designs on Cen tral America. Mr. Mason objected to the reference, because the Central American States would, possibly, regard such reference as an indignity. Although weak, they were sovereign independent States, with whom have treaties, and therefore should be regarded as political equals. Ile doubted the policy of establish leg a protectorate anywhere. Mr. Hale moved an amendment that, whereas, a State colonial dependence is not calculated to illus• trate the theory or practice of popular sovereignty and perfect freedom, therefore the committee is in strutted to inquire with regard to Canada, and other Mash possessions on the American conti nent. Mr. Toombs advocated the resolution, and said the time for action was not far 444u:it, and it had better be considered now. Mr. Mason moved to I ty the resolution on the ta ttle, which was agreed to. The Army bill was resumed, when Mr. Johnson, c f Tennessee, submitted a substitute which Mr. Wilson accepted instead of his own, providing for four thou s Ind volunteers to serve only during the , present troubles. Mr. Johnson said he offered the amendment be cause he believed it reflected the views of the admin istration. The bill reported by the Military Commit !Ps did not represent the wishes of the administra tion, which had not asked for a permanent increase of the standing army. He urged the importance a reduction of the goveruthont expenditures. Con zress holdS the purse strings, and the dominant party ore held responsible for the expenditures. He re• (erred to polygamy in New York :ity than at Se't [lke, the difference being that it was tolerated in the 'Ater by religious belief, but it is in the former a iolation of the moral sense of the community. Mr. Chandler moved to strike out the: fourth sec tion of the original bill, which proposes a change in he method of promotions. Messrs. Seward and Wilson fAvered the motion, and Mr. Pugh and Iverson opposed it. The Senate then adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE'S The House passed a resolution in roiation to the Maryland contested election case, declaring it inex pedient to grant the prayer of Mr. Brooks, the con testant, far a special committee to take testimony. The House went into committee on the waole on he Indian appropriation bill. Mr. Atkins made a speech favoring the admission N..in.as under the Lecowpton Constitution. Mr. L vejoy argued that the c,namt was not between he iNm.th and Suuth, but between freedom and sla •e.ry, between the principles Of Liberty and Daspht ,in Ile said that the President and Jesuit Chief justice were endeavoring to naturalize slavery and core calling on the Democracy to temple this demon n the foul and impious averment that certain human rings are property ; it was rank and foul treason igainst God and his :.nointed. The House adjourned. [ Sptchtl Uespatch t, the Morning Pust.i PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE HARl:mut:no, February 17.—.8enate.—Nothing of teal importance transpired in the Senate to-day. The following bills wore reportedas committed : Relative to Allegheny Institute ; relative to public Weigh Scales in Allegherq,; and relative to Allegbo ey Commons. Me. 'Wilkins offered a resolution in favor of admit tug Kansas under the Lecomption Constitution, with :fliver to alter it immediately, which was referred to the Kansas Committea. The resolutions relative to Repudiation were refor cd a to committee consisting of Messrs. tiazzarn; WA .ins and Shaeffer. The Senate spend much of the Sostion ti.-day de dting the biil respecting the disability of witnees Hou.e.—The following. bills were reported as corn •Ilitted:—Requiring stock security for notes under ; for a change of venuo in the Anderson M:11 The following bills were road in place :—By Mr. Foster, relative to Plank Roads ; by Mr. Irwin, rel itive: to Hilldale Cemetry ; relative to attachments against boats. By Mr. Lovette, to appoint a measur er of boulders in Philadelphia and Allegheny coun ties. By Mr. Scott, to reduce the Flouf In.=pector's fees. The bill compelling the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad to build a wall from the first and second piers :of their bridge to the aqueduct, was passed as amended. A motion was made by Mr. Voeghtly to reconsid or the vote on church taxation, which was postponed for the present. The bill to incorporate the Supreme Grand Conr oil of the Independent Order of Sons of Malta of Western Pennsylvania, and the supplement to the Act incorporating the Iron City Bank, have been signed by the Governor. The bill providing fur the election of Supervisors in Indiana township, has also been signed by the Governor. It is probable that the Governor will sign a pardon for Munroe Stewart. From Washington. WASHINGTON 'CITY, February 17. Copt. Gardiner has been appointed to the command.bf the steamship Colorado, now fitting out at Norfolk as flag ship of the home squadron. Commodore Jones is lying dangerously ill near Washington. Au official statement shows that the effective forces of the Navy embraces sixty-two vessels of all kinds. The House Kansas Committee met to-night. Mr. Morrill offered a resolution summoning Messrs. Walker, Calhoun, Stanton and Henderson for exami nation, and requiring them to bring all the documents in this possession bearing upon the subject matter of the investigation. To this it was - objected that the official documents being obtained from the executive department, oral testimony might not bo necessary. This resolution, with four or five others looking towards an examination of all matters covered by the resolution under which the committee was ap pointed, was tabled by eight against seven. The Committee passed Mr. Adrian's resolution in structing the chairman to procure from the State Department the registry and census of th evoters in I Kansas, with the amendment offered by Mr. Stew' phens, in accordance with the law. The Committee then adjourned until Wednesday next in order, mean time, to procure the documents called for. A majority lof the Senate Committee on Territo ries have prepared an elaborate report, and the bill which accompanies it. It is similar to those hereto fore presented on such occasions, and admits Kansas into the Union under the Lecompton Constitution. ISOMIUMIOII by the Governor of New ALBANY, February 17.—The Governor has made a nomination for Auditor, io place of Wm. Brenton, the present incumbent. On moti .n the nomination was referred to a Committee with instructions to re port in favor of throwing out the nomination this session. Destructive Fire at Springfield, Ohio SPRINGFIELD, Ohio, February 17.—A fire occurred last night, which destroyed the 'Western Public School building. Loss $10,000; insured for $5,000. Another fire destroyed a large stable valued at $7OO, on which there was no insurance. Both are sup posed to have been the work of an i ncendiary. Another Steamboat Explooton...rifteen WlLutriuron, N. C., February 17.—Intelligence has been received that the boilers of the steamboat Magnolia, bound to Fayetteville, exploded while at Whitehall. Fifteen or twenty persons were killed; only a few of the bodiee.have been reoovered. Lives Lost Fire lu N=cv York. NEW l'ottK. Feint/ ry. 17-9 o'ololc, P. M —Sturea 21, 23 and 25 :troor, now on fire and will probably be totally destroyed. Thoy were o,.•cuiod ny C. Ahrenfoldth tt Co. ; W. Wattore d; Co. Ray Stata BO?T' , N. Friar 17.—A meetin•it r.t . the creditors of the 8., ' Sta e Bill t, repre,:entin4 $BOO,OOO, was held t fo , lowiNg rzentletnen were ap potr.ted re, , et %or, :—C.V tilt tat Applet F. B. Croun. 11:1:fhi I -r el VVit‘ n: f•. Arrlial of Com. Paulding. NEW 'VOA, FobruAry I7.—Tho United :Rates steam frignte is C• Paulding. is below at anchor r n the h,r. IIIII=IIII!! fißt3; , : lIMIE:REMI "orr. , :ft r • r Mouary. !SALMI DICKEY, V. P., W. W. MAI3i, DAVID NEC ANDLESS JOU>: FLEMING, JAMES GARDINER. MOVE 'l7. ENTS OCEAti STEAIIIERS EINEM SHIP LEAVE PoR DAYS. Canada 13.e.ttm de Liverp,tl Feb 10 Cult tWLS 'ow Y0rk......11:173ffit and N. t ) Feb. 12 Atlantic New York I iverpool Feb. 13 Igalinburg New 'Wel , ths.siz.o.y. Feb. A A raker New Yotk Liverpool Feb. 17 City a ltoltimore.New York Liverpool Felt. 18 Cr ,a - the Wo-t.New York I.9ittriccall Feb. 2tt Niagara ilteltou Liverpool Feb. 24 Indian Poi t land Liverpool Fob. 27 Ica-ns,ist 'caw 1'..rk......11Arnt or , March 1 City .tt Wamlttlo...Nt.w Y.tt 1 Liverp ••0 March 1 Northern Light... Vow York Aepirrwall Marsh It TO. A R 11 I V N I Indian ity of ...... New V a k.... Nltwartt.., ........ . vorlio,d lI astir.. New Fi rk... A rag. . II ,yr , i k.... City i.l W ....Sew Vortt... vi.irp v i Portlim I, itrdfl r.f. II until iii 1"I' k; 21 AkE 141'1 Report,i ( , y rd eittle-nr nr I'll iFIiV - nn, Fehrnary 17, 1618 Iddq. extra tout first hands at F r ~n , stole Ilan• .ialt - s four lip 3e5 1,11 4. at $4 K1p , 441.1, $4.41'01,4 37 for extra, and ,31,f32', : :0.1,75 fur extra family. 11;t11N...5.210ti 3 , 11 bush. ; 100 bush I )It+ from tir+C 113,,a, at 30e. bush. DRIED FIII11T...:• 4 alcl lUU bath Apples at $1,26'0 lmb. EUGS...St , ca 150 doi. at 11c. :111.1S , 'S 4 1,1,15. at $l6 caah. Rio '4OOO ILA. aul Hams at S and 9 1 .;,-. a lb. S al.-s 2t)b, 5,..4 W. R. at 416,.:."0,ti CINCINNATI, February —Floor greatly; "lAN bbla aold !or all:al - t1l:a and i.N,N1.'0n714 fir choice to ox ra hi, .1,1vann..,1 ta 1,.. •.vier an active demand. trtc firm r 1it•'.,e1 , 1.2.". .119 opened 111.1. - c ettlei, I cic, a I kr,_!-• hilccint,-. 11 , ,W• Ott 'Change. The sal, of th i lk P or k raa•/, it .2,1110,,,011 c.f p amok and nowar.la, in -11.1.1 tht.. a lot r. , xl tit -101. !Wit -trot, I.nii vilh and cariona I . dot. , at f r ;I% f , Harm anti 7 Vril7 7 ,; tor Sil. ~ NI c c., V, in no Iv , demand at $ . 15,5a. lad holel. , r ioa., is .tira ni t 91,fi 0; h e ld at lOC at 0.... .Slltt.u . and l'off.a. firm. llama,. F of all L". 114 7 1 1 ii iVc. 'll,,,nay in Rhin, 'lint and ao: .•I, .4 I!, ! t -, cent prominm art' firm, aad Now 0, lean- 1 0.(0/.1 1 ,1 11.1 ncarre _fie:: York mock Market re l .roary Exchange dn.!. cr , rhs are 10 koa.i Rock lal tnd 81; o'lll - II .n.l C„,l 21; Illinoia O.IA al tnil.(:: d, II •nda M,ch S •lii. 1 n N V. C,arral .55 , 4 Readina. and 3 - : • 17a.lena and • 10caz0,143 1 .'„ ',117: 1 t Ccotral and I-10 (~, l alot and nt.tbut...:.l 17. !tbawy ea:q at 4(_ . 5 coLt on call. S:“cks not 1 wt r. Chicago wt.] K ok Island I r-tt mal 13 , 11tb ji;. ':rt,eat , tmtl Milwaulkltt I‘.o Nlicltißqu Suit :n It -ad g 33 1 %; an. , Chi,: , t ;1,.•11 .:r7 I, itlrm acid Tu ;mkt, -16,5;;, ip, 3'44: ettMuu Comp my m New York Market lIMMIIIMIE '11 , 4 (.I , llr , 111.. t; ^...1 g'IN : lit t tt.11“.1.i • 1.1 lint :1/.1.4 I/1110 I NV I • bil•••11 .1 , 111 II f!I W , 11!• - • d $1,1•@1,:l. l:orn WIIII•• l better, 111, at 6 - friirilt: ,011 w WHiky • a• I .lc !.•to•r; t• 4 at 9 , ,,y , a,1 11.da..!st - ,1 firm. Fr-ights firmer !wt. imwtiv,. New i ors Cattle Market NEW YORK, February 17 —The r.ceip.i of Bevy s unteant t 27110; Sh,f:p 6 WI; harp 7%•'a)[ 3 :I e,r. Age S't:;: the others nctianged ; tt itve [1 gm ,t3l nt titatb. A_LTUTION. SALES ;).I.ILY 'SALES AC NO. 54 Fil' Sr., At tar new iJorn , nerclitl Sates 11.•0nc , , every 41. c salon of guiids in c.l curter for the trarl, and ci.u.ittiniws. from a hinge which is consuitntly replenished tc tth fruch inu,t ii•rthwith. AT 1U Wt.:Li:ilia . , A. 51, 'dry (I/016 Nucy 1 , .. rt1c! comprising ueNly everything ?I,,cird in the line for per:Rica', nod family use; table out cry ; hardware; clothing; boots and ware, AT e Household and kitchen himitnre, new and second-hand; twcl.l,l3g; carpets; elegant iron stone• China wart•; .)i o yes; cooking utensils; AT 7 o'Cli4 3E, P. AI , Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jeweirc ; musical instru locut); guns; ciothni4; dry good); boot) and shoes. book qtatictiery, so. . tic!) P )V MODEL NOTARY ENGINE, :'s.T AUC ii —in 111 UR -DAY VV LSI:Cu, 1 , , bruar, 180,, 8 cI,A. At OW Gunun,r N., 54 le,fLu ••• t. 'h.: • • 110 111111 r- t:ry , DA V IS, Auct,n,,r. DDS -JUL T LuN &6, DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. —The 11,1 a t,f Moututet hm, thH day, by mutual e. ,, i9ebt—W. lIEWEe.s ‘VOOD, tli.Jr,froln. The i1116111,n1 will be co.ltiauel by tlw. rem Cmg pat fliers, r Ike Htylo firm ct M )00.11E:0 u CU. DEWr...E'S \V OD, M !It EA 1) k. Pittsburgh, Janua,c 14, I.nb',.—J Dissolutiozi Par4.alership. T LIE Partnership heret.,ibre existing be two.en JANIE JA 4E6 C RIC HEY, id the Real Estate Ag , hry Itusine, is hereby dissnieea elle undersigned wit cemtanue the buJine9,l at No 65 Viftl street, where the hooks of the old lirai may be found, and whore the une , ttled basinem, with th.i.tirai of Blakely & Ejehey, wi., Le transacted. 'Bel I. '7 RICHEY. CHARLES 41. LE VA I.), ALDERMAN And Ex-Officio Justlce of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE A I.IFTLE STILE-Ad All businpB3 couHectrd wlth rind ollicu will he att=nded to with promptio C, C-nyeytLecel of all kiwis Joan with legal accuracy--rhich as Leeds, .I.lorrgagt, Itoul4, Puwurs of st toruey, &c. Titles to It al i.:state exihroued. To the members of the Bar he ten his sorvioris 149 Com mie 'inner to take Deposit:on% to be read In , he several Count,' of this State, and eiti ,where. liie (Alice is one of the multi Peace Stations of the-city, and conseginaltly hie taciltties iu executing fusiiiess of th km] are Very desirable. Lfelikly AVILES' WOklaii CONFECTI')N , C UNFECT . ION, NFECTION,CON F ECTIoN, CON E CTIUN, Wl' F. CTIUN,C U N F N c T lON.O ONFECT I oN,CION FECT I O.7f,CoNF N C T U N ,CoNFECT N CO N T I . The 111 .f daf " , % Ili !Dt act' iCetae. !?, 11l Use. tOptirr.d and and re :di, by A : , ;(1, liArT, Co , -. Wood and oixtli Pitt.lburiz.s, DO ,0!.! TTENTAIY4 FAR:11E161! THE GREAT ECLIPSE SEED DRILL AND BROAD ze,0,71.i1i is how ou exhibition, .7iiarket t treat, PittaburgU. 'Phis ~- t v i•nprove uent a n d far e - c , any tuachiue of tit" ever often" t,, ur, t w, , rks oft au ml.ir. ly new princip.e au suave any kind of wbtU fertiliz r, at arty de• s width, with .t re,401,, , ty au." ~veto en uever bel,re at ,i, by s-ed an I can tie works." by o b , arge t rove a ker.., • in •i) silll , that any 01,1 C.ILL Colp.1111::1 it, and at a made that will defy competition. 6t ate and County ILIW “r alndlv my2iiinee fur j. i.:81113 J t oirRAA tU•opri,,,r ENTIN4,,-i will attend to the renting, of T,kxot, and collecting of Mute. .4 pill) to JAM iCP C RICHEY, LA RD.—A prime article or No. 1 Lard, in b irrels just received and for &ale by McCANDLES, MEANS & Co., 1a2.1 C,r.ter uf tis ood cud Wtter '•')l.l . Y GOODS : DR i GOODS !!—All the .1 -...0„. PICTURES taken in all the vsrlons style., in l, _ immen.ne st.cli. of Silks, Shawls, Mat i uo.-I, Paramat. . • v th.- and warranted to pluses, at r-•• , I..Me rah ' , l iniids; C:1 .i..a...ty las .:( przotod Mari:l°es, Poplins, Dn- t '..........,' ' s ". , .; , ''''', ' .;,±1,... Sick Or uvet".l . ll , , F.r."2 , ,E, t , .:.: , u at their rvnith , n, , Me; rich, all w., :I, D. dii,i, Embroid-rie , , Trimmings. ap2o.lydzw-ls Lto-fiery, tients' ilurundung liouli, ,f 1.1,1 Ivrg, ?lock of D,,_ ____ irestic Good, telling at the store of A A. Mason & Co.'s, . No. 2.:": Fifth street. at onboard of prices. as tli whole stock R II G S . must be immethatety cm,: out. .1.1.1 BGIRIIANE'i. HOLLAND BITTERS. r HE SEASON . ADVANCES, AN 1 1 ('TIES- Gum Tragacanti., Gum Aloes, Gum Amt,i, , , TER has d , termin , d not t: be .canght with a large CONCENTRATED LYE stock to carry over Ile has, therefore / determined to clew.: out the balance of his stock of Gentlemen's and Boys' Win- A.mandine, Pomades, Colognes, Toilet Articles, etc., t-r Clothing, at the sandiest rose...late margin above - cost. a GLYCERINE, Now is the time to obtain bar-tins. Thu stock embraces Juniper B.:Tries, Graphite, Agaric etc., on hand and for tal, everything usually found in a ' first-class city Clothing and by . B. L. If A lIN liSTOCK A 00.. Mmchant Tailoring establishment. f,-.2 Onr - r3 , r a Nimrth end weed serest,. CIELESTEXS 0:;TIII..71 HALL,_ Cor. Wood street and Diamond Alley. lIITE GREASE—In cans, kegs and , to pbase. ja2l W barrels, for greasing Dray; Carts, Carriages, Otani- For Drcsas and Basque Trimmings, at reduced prices. buses, and all kinds of machinery, for Sale by f.,10 108 . HOIIN:c.-ly Market .ti...at ialilli HENRY U. COL' INS. No 23 Wend vt , We Ft lid ORANGES AND LEMONS.— 200 boxes Oradges • 200 do Lemons, just received and for sale by • I_loGS.—Dressed Hogs, just received and fed IiEYMER g ANDERSON, No. 29 Wood street. des for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, Were/ etrest. Jib 1 -...4. ... ...< 131111ZME is :if DICKEY. Yn. 3311 2.7 .1 t.. 1 '27 .3 nn. 30 Nub. 3 b 1 ... 1 1) 10 I darc,ll 1 MEM BEIM TA) tduili. do. from store at 'lltl Lns crrliu d RIVER NEWS HARDY & M'UREW, Stvamloa: and I; , m eral A,:euts, Corner of Firs! and Ferri Itivna, WEATIIER, ETC.—The ri.,a was still falling e, ry Slowly last' night. The bnn Rimro 'l , ll :ill (la), au.1,W1,•11 its rays p...uotrateil the Firhw. no-Ii.•1 ra,,mly Last night it again turned cold. There ii ~f the ricer rh , ing sulli:iently for the resumption 4,1 t 4, 4 until we 1.,' a warm rain. There is hut doing at the wharf, as lint few boats are r..c. it • A hyt,mg th.• tonal• r may be nwutio,od the lowa, w,. , he I. a4l wit 4 the hr-t rise. 13= ITEEM 4 P.P.I \ IJ Bayard. Petddt.4, • (I Ti lo.rapti. 11..o.‘dwal .1, nr‘,wt:svrl' Luzcrite, DEPARTED. •• Col. Bayard, P°ele,, 'IIZhIrc LL 110. " Telegraph. Woodward, Brov,utmll •' Luzern°. Jacobs, Browner-We. STEAM BOAT NAkSILIVILLE For Nashville The tine steamer QUAKER CITY, Captain Mcamitets—Clerk, ;;ANIITEL CooLer—wid leave for the above. and till intermediate ports, ou TUESDAY EVENING. For freight or passage, apply on beard. it For NI ashville The splendid light ,trangbc steamer po. LAND, Capt. It. thtACEY, ail I kayo f"r tho ak ice and intermodi , te porte ou SATUI:DAY, to, 20th inet., at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board. For Nashville The fine passenger ate, nor • - •!,IF leave for the above and all intortnodi 0, ports n I,VLDNEIe.DAY, at 10 A. M.. For freight or passage apply on boa 0, or to oalo FLACK, BARNES di CO., Agent'.. CINCINNATN. Pot Cincinnati and Louisville. JOHN TOMPKINS, RAY, Tito now, light draught pasiii.iier .' , • . !, ,,, P1 , ft'. 14 )11:`: TOM! E. NS, IbLy, Ma tar, will t;.r abovo and intermadiate port, 1' ITS (IV , .1- notiday) MORNING. th thtli inst. at 10 o'clock A. M For froi,tlt or posrle, oil board, or to A Lt McURi,W. A ,tcd, t. No. riti Watar MEMPIUIS For Memphis and New Orltalie. The fine paiaclager A L ll A . 110114:184,3, wifi IcAve t the above nue nu in teriue.ll4lC. ~ u z.k I e11A57, At 4 l• For fright .)rpaßsuge apply ou board, or to )uLI FLACK.. IJAHNE3 A A.gouCa. ZkuNESVILLE. For Pittsburgh and Zanesville. 110 stormier FORTUN cy Captain W. lterio— Clerk, J. F. J leave lur then bore and all iiitermeiliate ports, on 'I"LIUItdDAI, L'ecember /7tb, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight and passage apply on board, or to POW ELL it. First it., or A. 11 M'GREW, Sb Water street. For Marlette and Zztnesvillt. The 6teamer EMMA (4 K All t ROE AYP-ES, t.tll leave thu t,bove• and ull -:-. llitot mediate ports t/I1 t:Vvr) IL iAt', at , iclock, P. M. For freight or paHaage apply o❑ board ST. LOUIIS. Voir St. Louts 'rho li, g ;ht draught, raft running i$ packet 10 r. w;11 I,lve Chu above and all Plterlll,Thitt, purtH, au S.ll ;WAY, .h, 64,011 A., at 4 o'cluck P. ear lr , •ignt or paer.a,,,e, h tviug• a,varh.r ly Mei.i I; ENV, A. 7-11.1, fc4 Carat Fir it Si'ECIAL NOTIGE. Li LIFE, FIRS IN.s..IiKANC:i; Cu., f - irittsbur„h, FrLl usry 18th, Inotl. ) :::"DI 5 :DEN D Ara tine Couipsuy this du), d-ciiir,l A C.1%/d.illi 0; We profit, ui the IS I. /IS to Uutll,, 0 00111 - 0 1 App11C:1.14 . 2. to tad I ul /7-1.11.1F.L8. IR I. ,iii_retary. -,••• DIVID&ND our . 1,1 7 )/ gene of the Curnpauy, tor et ecting iegheay river, have, thib day, declaredx till .•1 V. ibbAhai A SibAatil, on toe 011 stock 01 the ....11C11 divider:ale are no le, which le payable 111 Ourront lrAti tolituelii.,.ividerJ, or their I--Sal repreStl , a(AV,.. iurthwah.• neasurer. .?:tuiburgh, January LA, 18,b. AN E. 4 LE,'" iito kilt; Bud ut Las , VCO:iet , eut.M.j. i to the. Vl'f rzo— mad A.A rsiAI.R.JAU Ut' IN du: wat t,o pool a— tat, otlico WILLI.% \LS 1., •IL baLgu, ,a,trigo ui pay tuou (Oa ad In ,LI 31 1 /000.:/0 m CII 1311 u101)1 /0 I. It , V.!Y1) 1 1 - . .CC: U Id N:w WLIOro 0. , ..1 . 1) . 143 4, . ay.:Z. I •• TH. N.: , ..1 it:RS ..110NoNo.A116LA ittsbatT,it, J,:nuary AN ELECTION !Jr lout, Alanagoid car. of the Company fur erecting a tiritlge uv. r 1.1,. - 11,,,egatola river, oppusti, rutraburg.,,io Lou,- wilt be hold at tin) fou-iionae, on .OJA DA f, March IbUn, at 3 u'c.tek, P. 11. JOIIN rti.A feltltMlStw* Tre .510.NvNuAla6LA Books Act!! be opened at tue 111.11 VA eht . A ii JUor.. toe borough of Ilulieeaport, for outmeriptiona to tn. Cap - tat mock of mid Bank, on MONO I.Y, toe 22,1 day of et, ru try next, from 10 A. M. to 12, M., and from G to 1 P. .tue continua, (it necosary,) trout day to day tor arx day,, At the same hoar& By Order tit the C , ,muusoiunere .1.26:3w,.141w A. MILLLAR.. DAGUERREAN GALLERIES A L MBROT YPES- A BEAUTIFUL ANU DURABLE PICTURE WARRANTED, CAN ISE LIAD AS LJ%V AS AT ANY liaST CLAS E..-3ZABLISUMENT PT TUE COUNTRY, AT WALL'S PICTURE GALLERY. vv -m. C. di WALL 11AS TAKEN THE thinf floor oa Jones' New Binlniug, ,eljoiniii4 tile Uiiciiuics' Bank, ' , earth street, tut an AJllittOl'k UALLE,itY; itud haring Hated up the room in u style IltlBlllTtleSed, invitsn hin friends and the yuir he to visit bin istatilishineut. aim lti.ceptiou Hamm, he has nu hes , tation in saying, ha.. a.,t ate nuperiur anya here, tar MIZe, beauty of furnituie Liao tptadutments generally; and MI Operating Manias,, bit, e uu the Balllo dour, are entered immediately through iu his Operating Room', the must unprua cd combines and sky 'iglus give a tacility for taking a finished lure, in the least possible time, that lie thinks cannot Cul to tu.die his establishment the resort of all persons of Late. Mr. Wall's experience as au Artist, is a guarantee to hi ; strolls that none but good Pictures will lie permitted to leave his premises. The public, and the Ladies especially, are uvited to view ttiz rooms, and examine specimens. feZel w RE A A IlliAU I lON AT IJO. 60 MARKET ST., Where can be seen the largest collection of PdOfO6IIAPIT SPECIMENS, EVEII EXHISITID IN Tilts CITY.] P.orsong Making Pictures of theineelv,3 or flieudi, ere invited t,O call and examine nal.a . t, Jatti•tg ola,wtwr.4, 4.1 WE }WARRANT PICTURES perior to any that can be obtained west of the mountain R. lII...CARGO Si, CO., • enotographers and Ambrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 76 Fourth litreet, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, S. W. cor. of Market street and Diamond, Pitt:Margo i'll.loEB TO SUIT ALL rayl.9..tf-:.p WYKES' GALLERY Or ART, 'kj - 0. 60 MARKET STREET.-PICTURE:, taken at this Gallery liy a iew and improved prui , sa, ;iv iug the natural color of the Fair , ey , r, dress and complv . , on. They are acknowdodg l / 4 .d 'by all who have extunine , l low to be far superior to any pie tuf e eve. exhibited in CLi sty. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and examir lIS large collectiouc of apecimemi. iliy Clattery Mdu ir; o n •oemd door, is easy of access. N. B.—Pictures of Children taken In twos :,c cod,, 10 Sdarket street. myntf E S. WYKES, trtiat. ELSOIV'S P.RICES REDUCED. LLERY CORiiKR OF 'nuRD MAE-K.I7T extt Eh; Entrance on Third street . Citizens and Strangers desiring AMBROTY7Hz.i, thc, hiuheet deitree of artistic beauty and perfection, can to accommodated at short notice by callim; at NELSON'S WELL KNOWN GALLERY, THIRD STREET. ap29:1r2,1 Prices Chau rk,Uur and upward B.OGE a S' NEW DAGUERREAN AND AMIIFtOTYPI; SKY AND SIDE-LIGETT G A HJ L E R t . FILTH STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST-OFPICt \ °ORE, Mater WALL'S, F ttrtit street K. F. W YKES, ArtJ AA';' , EMENIS PETTSBUttGH THE %IMF. ns I.Mlj-.,V BEE= !Tivak . Rox,:o. 1 Hma!l Colpr-U tr iu erivae l o Buz, $1 00. !•,•ck l'orMrloaue .o corumme , at 7 ar T kot •,,p,n from 10 to 3 o'clock. twil tit of Nit? H N Ilnd last ttp penr . c. I Mr. LANCID , N, who ha•+ kindly Vol outocr,d ii serel:ol, nu 4 will appear in the greet play of it3DAY E. ENING, ebruary 18th, will be perform w•• tAL ital.:, pia) fr...ro the ti , raia , , ©titled slurry Lungdon. Dubois. I Amdia.... Mrs. Vau Doering Ito, ti t , NI 0 , a- 'Cho which, itvinark.4. original and E•elected, upon the inhj .ci he lira EIELILN MUZZY. 1,1,..•• I.y To be f.d . e.w , el 1.) a F.,weil .•kailr.Fll, written by and de d !.. r • • • fri nth, ti7HS. VUZZY .Irl lie 'API p •tt , wIP • e.• to •re ,•11....,q• NT I I : b y ,R A q ~f •, .• will Lec,nre lef , ro the )1 Kse' I 113t.ARY kS , OC.A — .O Lib pub te,enerally, AT LAFAYE7'TE HALL, On Saturday Evening, February 20th. •I —" , o t *CAA ti - 11 !Of:cies t,f :.C.171 Pin tit's. lo A A I l l! , la At In k L.:cur" to Collin...llN. ht vs ENT) . L'i V « I'EN LS, to to - 1110 Mt 010 MLHIC Ali I It „ k I thrdr, Oa, Connaltte,, and a t ch.: Lino J• , 11.:`; EIP.EZ:IATRICR, W‘l. 11. KINCAID, ELIAS IL. kIPII ALLIREE, 1.1 ord r) P. DARLINGTON, lti, 1,17 LI Lecture Comm tluo. '.hi'l't/it KS t.):: CU M. :11. ISTit Y —The course of Lt - rms 7 I.t•-e urea r chemistry itt the West. ru University (it Penesylveriei. by 1•It M Ai'l.M; A ‘r, will commence 011 V:. I! A t A Frt.:lo:,),)N, Fe . hrthtry litth at 4 o'clock. The 1,•er . . - .lel illu , trate.l t,y numerous extittri , uents 'ix the regular students of the are tio•iroui u; prinming thoi 'rutty, can ; Gar the ;our, at a modulate charge. by au t o i'rot .%I‘r; tes ~r Dr. MA:LARK:I, Principal of the l'i.o lac, ;13e1 at the Univer ej lir, ,t ;he And will be frce , I( k 1 . • LI., Srri olary. The Beautiful of Pa stings, \ V-TERN SLAVE C Er,l• EANDLI., .J I le, 1,6 KoDEL ui BEAUTY, the. TONI N E HOUSE, No 43 Third 4tr. NOV th,m. J yl7 r•CLIN ECK, Proprietor. _ _ Oil N w ILL ATTEND 1 o THE POSTING V tt,i DtSIIIIBUTP kid of 1,5 Ftili. ,;,):,,k..:4Ri*:,. uTuizia:6, 11.111. •I t.,,legrltph, or otlit.x• . • W. r.0.1? - • ekt.t ilLiti 'll C .1 fIW FMAY, J 011:4 WRIGHT iitimphins; ilotfauth 6; Wright, t R ' AUIOIiS, N IL COM '1'1!SSIOil PitiERCHANTS, A.\ i 55 NOIII WATr.R. S'f., gt. Lb C MEI= '1 ilt 1.. 01: 112 IBM r 611.1 , .•1 Latiti MIMICIIII= Pickett, 111.1itit , wt, lt vAnt+lll II i y .Y :~L:L L Ill.v l 1i ti:::.. L:. MillEl2lllll =Er Etifo, COTTA OR STONE ia;. 9' 24 PIP ES 9 I.ILII incla calibre :run_ , u .3u Cents per Font. I ) [ e Al i 1 ARCH sac • A f iluic..sette at :rixt.aufaciturcra PrLuee, by 411 it; ItUk di. COLLINS, FORWAitDING AND c.:; 0 MISSIG Aft E.RCI4AFIT, NI , VitiOLE.4l.l, - : t - 1, i 3 U . ! • , . - 5 1. 4 ` IS 11.10 b, ..LLSE.BALLY. 1V:2 , :,1.: C1TT81.117.11.13a, St , ..... F. lI'CLLS.4I VY 431) , , tiovt2m E UV A L.— Lii.F.l:llA%'E'S HOLLAND BITTERS.— have -Erin. veil u.e 111A:it - au:tory of kkerhave's IlollaAd 13,itore, to N0.:2,7 Woo.: acre,[—the h./We IltrA occupied by .11..Nloorboi.d, rn q. Uat:i the Emit of April, our office will be oe the second I 1.2 I BL J. PAGE. JR- k Co. A LC0110i,• —lOO bbls. 76 and 9E:i per cent. 4 ca. fur by A. FAHN LbT,Cli a CO., j c.a.) Curuer Lt First. end Weod strec•te. 51 WILL buy a new ?rime Dwelling !..r runnil and Kitchen. Paling a;:, Ovots, to. flat hit 11.1 a trout of 20 feet on tert-y Htre-et, A 1 -early, by 110 feet deop to an alley. T. t,bei ot paytuont vwry easy. Thu house la nevi and 1a good wie by • SUN, -14 61 Marko; street. Ell, WUITE AND BLUE.-500 boxes toilet vane g ..-yi uonp, ansorted colors, in lb., 3/ 2 ' ano ,4„, lb. cakes, en hand and for sale by .O O. a J. H. eIAWyKR EtNING FLUID AND CAMPIIENE.- 13 A Jar v. 'uppl ~f there al ticlua wuntantly uti nand. wiritiniii a liu ,uveriur and cheaper than i ..._. -tio:t3 can always procure it at .lUD. rLLutNffa. and MeriLet 4 I . have just. received a supply ~1 V..;;.,,t's S nag's, [honsurics•l ••Ii) 11/ -O. it, 8. wishing anythinz '.l- ailid swath] call and vzsalitto three teftru purt,hai- FLE3lltitit, t Cttru , r Diatnot,tl and :11caket street ti I( ED BUTTEII.--600 lbs. solid pack & Hutted, rthetved and for talc, by A .7; d. F IZr.li, 89 Wood street REMOV A Forwarding and 1-LoU'a, 6P.AIN, AND ALL is( ,D 8 Ov PRODUC2 Ilits rumor- from 89 Water 8 trevt, to thy ()rimer of Market and First streets, . PirrPorxim F , UPERB. CAltB. SODA.-200 kegs New :agttc, tor EAle Dy F A 1.1"/Llt , " X:!Kb C 4 1' YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHING TJ ORDER, CALL AT 011E8TEIVE A LT Mimic As,tortrziont of BF'ASONABLE:PIECE GOODS • CHESTER'S EDYPEHO HALL, Corner nf Wood street an/ Diamond alley. lou tinkut nt ti-g - Wt. _turfy to Plt..t., 'POUR INVOICES IN TWO WEEKS— / .DIA RUBBER BELTING.—A Large 1 r STEELE.:NUM; SnELETON SKIRTS. 1 cn.cl:, all ti-.--, '..., 3 and 4 ply thick, at the Italia Rubyl The fourth invoice Of :his elejout I,rincit Ekirt, received by 1,,, Et-pot, .ti and 21 St. Clair street. . Adams Expecte, this day. j. 0.) J. 1. H. PHILLIPS. , Ladict who were di...sp v .4ntcd in procuring one on itm - , day hurt, can now be "a-ppli , .l at HORNE'S,.; i.- • , .4 4,1 . .- • .-- . Ll AR CORN-130 sacks Ear Corn. justre -3:4 c;co , l. mud for i - .•Li.f.) by JAS. A. FETZER., ja - 23 • 89 Water street. tit D PRECIPITATE.-150 pounds for ' r 4 204, , B. A. FAHNETA) &Cf , 13 3: l w !PT 111 Fir.t and Wood etroo•A B LACK GI)IPUItE LACES, And MACH BRUSSELS LACES, _ INERA.L IVATERS.—BIue Lick, Bed ford and Congre-.8 Wwers constantly on hand at JOSEPII FLEMING'S, "Orner Diamond and Market street. ONEY BEAN TOBACCO. Another - 2 " supply of this celebrated Tolytccn, just received by Ferrated Tinct. Bark and Elixir 01 JOB. P.LEM.LNG, Bark, on hand and br. sale by Oonaer Diamond mad Market streeS I D. L. PALIMMBIOCH a CIO LE4SER AND 51.A.NAGLI, =MEI k I :,COND T Eit 15 Coats lliya Turtibull I.i ER. P A TRlfq lIII=I Pii:LADELPHIA OZZIE 1712/12151 I utLio. L ,, ,amvllle, Ciuctnuati, Uhiu i'gteburgti, Pa. L JAM M$ A. FETZER, Commis. ion Merchant, IMMEMES MEDICAL. OBILT ONE 1:10711%E —0 F DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, TS REQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE Lr , 4wled with Liver Complaints, nnleas the moat des. Irate of casta, when the mond bottle Will, with - mates a eaugle failure, re.ttort, ate patient to health and vigor. We ,nti to call the attention of all to these facts, that the In ,lonipoorithal by a ph% ItiCinn who has need it in het practice Ittr rile post,twouty years with a success almost credulous, ttutl hat it ta'antirely vegetable, being composed Some idea lti the cdretigth of theft., gums may tie farmed whoi, it is thv invigorator contains as meet, -trung. l ll • hioalted doses of Calomel without any oi deieteil„c, We know ihetu is i.i.thing tow h , fgre the American pub lic, prepared' with such "kill by a edentific man, particularly for diso,es 01 the Livur, a, hr. i.lauford'e Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has i.trai ea a reputation second to no ether article in the world, simply becanee it rest on its OWL% vierit. To cenvinc, all b; ti al that it id all its proprietors clad'. it to be, if any of 'or readoto are suffering from each diseases as are deocrilool kt Dr. Saliford'a edvertoternent, ins know of know remedy that will so surely care them as . the Invigorator. The Invigorator curea Sick Headache lake Quo or two teaspoouluis at each attack and it will soon disappear. For on overloaded stomach. or whet. food rititel or soars, take the !nylgorator after eating, arid it will not prove disagreeable or oppress, vo. For Ileartbm n, Palpitation. or Difficult 13:rathing,'Mkua tot puentu I once or [tate daily. For Lose o. pp.tite, Languor or 1. stleusuesl, th= medicine Is invalu able. It will restoiv the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare. take a teal,poffiltni on retiring, and the demons of dream-laud will alt he nudes. Attar eating • Malty dinner, take a dot of Ir,vico; a:or mad it will relieve all oppreasion er Mimosa 'I u 3 In ,morator is a Liver Items. of unequaled virtue, aCtILIC directly on that organ, car in.., sisspsia„lanii u, Billions Attacks, Dysentery, Pulps, Worms, and all Female tllotructions, fur which It has no equal. knew there iti nothing r.ovi before tha American puhi Lc prepared with such skill by a scientinc man, partioulat iy for of the Liver, as 5 invigorator, or Liver itetnedy. It has attained a rolintation second to nu “ther article in the '..or el, simply boranete it rest. on 'MORI) merit. To concise, all by trial that it la all its Droprietors claim it to be. if Mt F of ;To reader, are suffering from each not or.. drys r1b,.l io Dr 6kntord'o atlarrtiaement, w. know of no remedy that will no, surely cure them se the Invigorator. There has lately been brirughl to our n.7.ticn a inadkaue Ihnt seems to I, , onsona w Lid , rl,ll, cmatier, and healing pro• rertie , s in -oiseacoa of the Lit,-r, :, , tornach and Digestive Or gans. it cacao to na with ~, many b.- , illianala m its favor that we tlaVc Li ted Ks liectS Li come the worst CBBO3 at continual ,blulits, caned 1,, ,le,ang., liver, and in every ir,tance the eft ct Ws, to r, iisve or give a permanent cure, Dr. Sanford's le s;gerator, or Liver Itomedy hi what we re h r to. We ILiwayo hurt, b- en credulous about cures by pat ant medicines, but, we ire Om. inc,ql lhat thi- moulcioe, foc f.wtly use,ieLint overrated by the hait of recomnyindationa t has. Our adv•co is, Er all troubled with Indigestion, Do , bit tly or 80w , .1 int a bottle and try It; our wool for it, reLef will bo importenced, ,ILE.t..drigs To Tint IN - v..kuir, v. ho Citse Dr. Panford's Invisor• ti,r. for IL aill r ifrce them of thrir paint. a soon 53 It Is to their Mt.olilt... b. P.a. non misery cannot exist tbs. 1. , usod,t. , r it will as surely drive them ‘Mylight durlinons, of this tuere can b ali mut to th Ina tr} i,, for it carries conviction with y tak , rn r ovideileit is the thousands or from those ho air, it or have been cared by 11., T: ..ne bottle, n does Out benefit, then we are mistaken. RICB oar. Dou.s.a Pill fIOITLI. SANFORD & CO., Proprierora, an Broadway, New York Sor aala.by O. 0. KEY8!..1.3., 140 Wood street, Mat:mink, Jal:3mdavr.2p it : " • • i 0•i) ~ A A r ~. :..., 5 r '.-: r.,..4 ,;, ~.! ( ---.4.b _,.. ,- lg rd w e . j o ii . R 1:: % ;3 ' . l A T Tr a y 9 %I L, vt,4'il Li OF THE AGE. ki a. of Roxbury, has discov ,ruti I,ISMIe Wa.j3 ak comedy. th.ii Avery Ithad of aamor, riz.o , 1 Tll EOf tiLA DOWN TO A (2051110 N 1"2,1 'LI , ULH tried it h. ovor s•iovon hundrod o&-raa, and never tU. (both timeukr humor.) Ho hews P0 , P , a . 4 . 00U ..wer orw hundred oerttlicates of it. v 1.., all ~,cluu tweut% mike 01 ii , kitt.ll U boten:4 are w‘trrut.,t,d to cure a r.nreing sore month. ).•• t., bor eh, ix o.i curd Cm. , worst kind of Pimplae I . or Cur. 1,“..tic.1 will ekiir the !!y , tolll or bllbe. Lxtlry :v ‘varrLarit,a Cu:tit : W. wo;At cank9r In W.+ ca• 1:h SlWlLliteti. to E. warv•iated to onro thb worst kiwi of I,:rysiptAlo cano all humor t. two bottle NALleo are 'warranted to cure nuar.l ug eS the ears and hi n , hoa,unong the hair. r to are warranted to cnrii oorrupt and )I.lt , cure Orly eruption of tho skin. Two or ioottiol tiro wn.ra,wd to CIIZ.I the worzt kind o: nog:worm: Two or three N.ttles thrb warretutod CC; cure Gte moet dem CaBC of rheumatism: three to four hottle.4 are WArittrlL,l t. , TICO galteßhennk. mite to ei4nt bootee will cure worst oas t , of scrofula. 1- .,notit is HI 0 tre esperieuced from the first bottle, and !,, rfe,t curt, le War 1 - 413. Led when toe above queutlty is taken. 'Aft )11.t.t,m,—Tar rtpriration of the Medical Discovery, in ;;Inc. ot w•-11 eatablishud by the n,, teheeeA ye ee of all who have over used it, that I need hot -ay euythiu the ,titjeet, 'CI the, most skilful phyla ciun, end the meet carent! Drultgii,t3 In the country are tin. MY in its praise. in pr..,i,uting the Medic:ll Mac:over . ? to yOur notice, S do it a lull kuowle , lge of the curv.tivo power. In reliovfni; gad curing mot of th,t, In which you are CIL fortinqtAy eo habit , That mont t...r.cruciating dueese to ao affectionate mother NURSING SORE 'MOUTH, rirecuvd RA lf by miracle: i'Jar own tamper to restored Os itn natund sweetness, and your babe from abort and fretful nwds to calm and Mo.: slumbers, and the ~,lodical Msoore ra boom a fountain of bleaaing to your husband and lions-hold. In the tuoro advanced staw9 of CINKEIL it e,t.tuutis to tho szornach, canning DYSPEPSIA, witch IA nothing hot cankv: of the atom b i theu to the inToatinom and KIDNEYS, creating a sinking, gone fetning, !I (1 an ftitlitrerollollloV6l4 40 Ott cut nitall3. Sour 9 tomach RA IV AND INFLAMED, yrnr tool ou take certain rrd4. Ltlld ova of that your ['pitiful dose not tet half the ur rurishineut ikeon tains ry., tor.- '4:r:1111411:M0 0 fluid of the canker ants it hp; then your ,Ynirrioxrton lOSNB its bloom 'and be come,. saliow or ,tr,enot, orld your tre- , t day is gone. For want of nourishment your -yet.on becou.les loose and flabby, arl ttlj fibres of your hotly become relaxtyl. Th e n follows train of diserine. whirtr tho llolioal LlL4covery is peculiarly adapted to CURE; P•elpltation the heart, pain in the side, weakness of the dpi ar and small of the b..±, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, irregularity of Inc nx.rels, and also, that most excru ciating of disetutes, the _ _ PILES flow many thonsands'or poor women aro suffering from this diqt)ritte and pining away a miserable life, and their next dour neip,hbor d9es nut know the CA11341. I wish to impress ue your mind that old prwierb, "An mince of proven tion is butter than £ of cure." in the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with thin grunt and guodquality,tilat it will ❑ever, under any cLrcumatanoed. do yen any injury. Isla change of diet ever nt-ceti.,n.ry —oat, the beet you am got and enough of it. DIRYJTION - 1 , 02 c. z—Adcit. on. taliWilpoonful por day— iren over tm yet:pi th.Ait•-t from Ily,l to eight yeare, tea ayo,atui. tie direction', can be app ,able to all. constituti. [Ake aufllcietit to operate on tto , tx, , ,vrli twice a day. yours truly, Price .111.00 per 1,4 or !3 1„ b y )r. UtO. H. KEYSER., 1.,...) ',V.,: Piatiburgh, %hrs. B OW MA N'S VEG ABLH COMPoidiD I',M=l C.%1104, Quinsy, Brouchitle, Asthma, InflAmmatiou of the Lillis, luttuurati, licArsentp.n, 111,.e.11tig t 1 the Lung Ck..dumptvA.l. • For l,y CiE4). H. KEYSER, And Pataburgb, f•• 10 J ei.e.,ilNo, sliectieny"Atl• •-• -,-,:.‘-- : -----, -'-',-.-"-,,-n."--%"3P•t;,,,V.:\r I .4 ., ,V, , , __. - ...., 4..."",:;),.:,;:„.:;.,:,-C,L .., V, ii.:":? - c!iv, - • , - --_ .:.-P...!'gi.2.-....-_,.4.- .-::::-.44..t.t...,-?:•.:•-:, ". • 7.v., ~,--.., A- - --.,_,.._•,..,,, ./.:-.4.:....74.•:,.,- -.7.„,:r„. 0 1, , - - ,. ., , •-•,„ e a y., • 4 1 ;7440 . ..., 41;?f7" 1._,...,,-...,-.7r- 14 .1.: , .ti-14 ,•:. t. - 4-..- - -- $-r . -‘:• , e , :i. cvr i-, -- f :-. i .r, i -- « - t. - - , .??7 , ..;! . .,,..7 "I . - - - .-:•,;:ry'r.r . -,. I. ,;-.,--7-.,-,.,:: ..,.,-.) : .;4.•-• ", L.— •_'', 2 .f- ~, , A u--, - :_- 4 ,-_z----. 2i, ,,,, _ , , ,,,.,-,,, ~. - . ~.-;:-.. •-- - ,-- •*-- ~,4 „ ,..,.._ • ...--.-1-- ~,,,...... ' -- JCOi il .. 1- 0 ~ 1 1,7 7 C c-1 RG 0 Ei O LEAUTIIL L SELECTION Or gOiIUMEN"; b, GaAVE STONES, ncaos;ares, Sce., tv,c. public reaninrr i !. 1115 it , 311 t eitiMine our stook law, and work wai•raL!,..7l. , T WO hundred dollari in hand, and four liin olrit.l in two yFia:lv tn plyents, will sc...oaro a dwe% 1 n g hou.,.... i ffi I,r g , lot of ,round, 1.1 , .696 ly oitaatA oo Mt Wamtilbgt,x, I,r . -alu by tl. CUM kERT et. bON, fol 2 51 .Ittrtet stroot. ()RNE KNITTING BALLS- OILNE BALL] asceivtAl this moruthg, SODA.-IU,OOO ..pounds on hand, and for ade by 3. L a CO., ta. V". miry Pros. THORN'S EXTRACT OF CUPAIBA AND SABSA PAW LL. s.—Auotner itipply of this celebrated English reinetly,j , va recciv• dby JOS FLEXING, fe9 G,rner Diamond and Market street. RoXLIU FLY, NABS DONALD H_ENI,IEDY 1.1 tEitTir RTIVRRT. iIORN VS, 77 Marta street.