lowed Mr. Rarey to mount hits without offering the least resistance. With this the exhibitisn terminated, and the t ucen and her . sdusti:, u.; visitors, by whom i; was cvi . neesed w ith In ism.; evident tokens of inlet eat and wsmier, too k their departure. It ought td hat Sir Richard Airey, Lord Alfred l'og.", and of whom Mr II sommunc.:ol.l hise3dc, vot. aro understood to deelare that there i asthma; in the treatment in Inc smallest degree painful or improper toward the M rac.sul jeered to it, or wilich would db. lid the susceptibilities of a by stander sensitively alive to anything, part Adis in the least of cruelty to a dumb animal. Tncv also nsiert that it con s ists of no trickery- of an . ) description, nor of the use of any drug or nee worm or other similar influence whatever. Mr. Itarey's theory is that hitherto 1111 treatment of this noble animal—at least in the prellminaiy stages of breaking, eto.—has proceeded on ideas of his nature altogether erronerms and cruel, and been invariably charactetized by untiere:-- sary violence, which has provoked the display of resistance and other kindred qualities on his part, and so the evil has been perpetuated. The principle on which Mr. Rarey goes, on the other hand, is one of extreme kiudaess and ten lermss toward the animal, the object being to convince him that man is his nataral master and friend, and to elicit his confidence and kindly reg:irsi.s. Mr. R. appeals to what he calla '.the intellect sad affections of the horse," and state's that this the secret of all his success. lie is a sligic'y made man, about thirty years of age, the , :_rl of a stock fanner and breeder of horses, who lived in Franklin county, in the State of Ohio, WA is himself ...engaged in a Si ilar occupation place called Groveport, about ten miles from Columbus, the capital of that . State. From boyhood he is stated to have exhibited an intense fondness for horses and tt remarkable aptitud„ , for breaking and training them after the old fashion, until he discovered this more humans system of treatment, which he has since pracL tined with the greatest success in his nat.v.. State. The subjects on which he his cperaie have been in many cases horses reclaimed in in perfectly wild condition from the .orielican prairies, and in the couce of his expetaema to has had one arm and Inl logs b: opts.. Ile I- se companied to this u• - .;u.,t.y by Mr. R A • h nough, a gentleman • long ft:ln ling an I ro speotability as a tnerchat and lartteur bra , of horses iu the ei'y of Torouto, letters of recommen 1:1!iun t., v t from Sir E lwund Held, Goverwir-G'nPral Cauada, “ud Lieutenant-General Eyre, Ceram:older in Chief of for..e.: , in We believe that Sir Thehapl L r Alfred Paget havebeen r,quest , 2d tf, 1111 d I report upon the system rf trAttot 01 adbpted by Mr. Raley in the intel;:,t i,f the governmeut. HE PITTSBURGH POST. Altl.lilS F. ILARtz. ;.(iltor 57rai.r." P iT T Chi THURSDAY MOOING PARTY SPIRIT. This is a theme upon which volumes tiav been written, yet in the progre,;e of n like our own it continually presents itself in new pha es. The zeal for that which is right, the honest regard for truth and honor, and ;I:e welfare of the nation as one great whole, is patriotism, but when seltishneF•s eS hands rind Strengthens by rm aus of the principle of fis- sociation and forms a corrupt desire for place and power iu the individual ins: dangerous element. It is not zeal for the views, opiniuus and ?ueasure:, if ta certain party—it is not a concern fin• the general credit and prosperity, hut it ip a per version of all the right tendencies of a correct social principle to a selfish purpose. and is a dangerous political element. The interest ~1 the individual —lw: .shish per4onal hecante strangely wrapped up in the e haracti of the mass, and a few bad men of talent and influence of position, may ruin while tir y i!de the destinies of a people. Bad principle., if 4upported by the multitude,assume for the time the appearance of right. great political parties, patriotism and the love for truth and right are sometimes sadly modified by person al selfishness and the desire to gain position and wealth. The minds of those ambitious to lead, lose sight of the veneral weal, and -he come enthralled by influences which prevent them from seeing the truth. They are subor dinate to selfish interests. Freedom of thought and expression of opinion, comprehensive en ergy and clear strong vision of the field of ac tion, are not to be looked for in the man who enters the ranks of party for his own self-ag grandizement, and not for the general good. Hear what Washington, iu his farewell ad dress, says upon this subject : " The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it. It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administra tion. It agitates the &immunity with ill founded jealousies and false alarms ; kindles the animosity of one part agains another ; foments occasional riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corrup tion, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself, through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another." Again : "'Phis spirit," he says, " unfortunately is unseperable from our nature, having its root in the strongest pas sions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled or repressed; but in those of a popular form, it is seen in its greatest weakness. and is truly their worst enemy." Was the Father of his Country a prophet ? Did he forsee the aspect of the na tion as it exists in our day ? It is not necess ary for us to dwell upon the evils of party spirit as it is seen in politics at the present time. They are of such a character ag to be known and read by all, and those who love their country indeed and in truth, cannot but be alarmed at the tendencies of sectional bit terness. It is leading the country to the brink of ruin. In the words of another, `• Evil passions are let loose ; false tongues vibrate : words full of poison fly as arrows ; pens dip, „pectin gall strike like angry serpents teeth; the press becomes an internal machine,' scatter , ing in all directions coals of juniper, ffraneshot and death. No character is sacred —no prin- ciple is safe." , The fAxed, and as we behove, corroci plin‘ pies which have swelled the ranks of ocratic Party are disregard for milior issues. It is right that the public good should be dis regarded, arid all the important interents of this great nat on be swallowed up in the , bitter warfare upon a single question --that of admission of Kan- as "f Must the nation sut ler that the pride of nien may be swollen by sui:.cessiin an issue to which !indite .wport-410 has been given "f Is the -grea' national paily of the country which has ever sustained it hi the hour of trial,isbout to relax that discipline which is essential to its very existence? The l)emociatic pa•fity has triumphed over all oppo sition, by holding fast to the cardinal princi ples of its faith, and we do not believe that it will now permit sellish or sectional interests to interfere with its great general aim---the greatest possible good to the greatest number. Let those who occupy the Senate Chamber and the II alls of Legislation be guided by the counsels of Washington, which he has left as a rich legacy to the nation. Would that his example and his counsels were more prized by the people who delight to honor his name, but who seem to have forgotten his precepts. --The Philadelphians are about to try the Steriu Fire Engine experiment again. Kansas has appeared to completely absorb public alien ion, and leave its larger neighbor, Nebraska, without notice. A file of newspa , pere from that region occasionally brings to oil , r vision the names - and doings of those who were lately eland with u-;. The Omaha before 11 , - . contains at length au able opinion of .1 inlgeSainuel W. Black, which settled some very important points in 'Nebraska jurispru dence, and gave great satisfaction generally. lie has• made a hit as judge, but, has fairly knocked down when he gave the inhabitants a taste of mettle his as a lect met cis well as ou the stump. The Dakota City 11 tald ,of the 27th of January. contains a correspondence trot)) Omaha in which the following occurs : I It. •• Ibor..t.lF !Lie , hede, tool -top- toward:, tbe I.,rotanent p3rry 'fhe meettng w.l - • •t,t th t e • a tictpate I. Jud?..e Kul3 . 1 ,•„ -1•;:t 1. a- -tt . “I by 1111111..rtills :I Co - Judge ;r , 9 chant:B.4s ttf c.•turtutb, tto. ro-t iutiou•3, atter 11 long prop- t 1 t• y ttoch, o , p , trted a -ttrles of re•t•totutiontt of fit t t..1••,,z ;tit: 'l , • -tuati ittat•ocrn, and deeltrit.g it . b • toe i l dfori.l of it.e Delno‘trati.• 1 arty of co• territory, bu•l endorsing \icsyir. Douglass, and Ittettotrd , on, and, by insinuation, re f 1 •clinz on the :teltultdstratittu resolution -I, olio 0 ulan the one Joel .rtug the pEktform, were opi•t•3ed by 11r. Twit, of your county, on the ground th• - ,t it Wag nteez tug to organize the p i of ern Irt-e any oi its leaders. He tLade all eloquent =peed,. lie Writ 1.)11CW tl it..111:11., V. II •-p fat', of th; la•-••lutiontt, urg-i 1110.,.1 p;.- • 7,1.1.• 0t.p,:t.,1 far t•`• c• wartit.. - , 30, ac ue left. the Nit - .uti cries froca parts tall of tae ,:rowbart),• f.,1 Judge 111.,:l.n (oti acc,unt of being:One ••t the futile: ‘ry, afdl therer,ii, ought tint to tnizt iLi t.f the , lay,) the .Juigo cisme :orw,c.l. '1,11,i-spoke :II t the o-i tlu t by Mr. TuA. 110 , ,pt!etla tral, Irumor u-, ;In LI-. carried ••!1'1.! 7. , 17.ve A: a -turnii or b?, Ilkalti in =MEI \; Lr;.: k~:." R. U. Fleeson Esq., of the Dispatch, iNho has been for some months under medical treatment in Philadelphia, has returned home much improved in health. A vrry importantprinciple to railroad com panics, as well as to the whole travelling public, was ruled by Judge Woodward, of the Supreme Court of this State, in the long con tested suit of O'Brien and the Philadelphia, Wilmingtou and Baltimore Railroad Company. The suit was brought for damages for personal injuries sustained hi. the plaintiff while cross ing in a two horse wagon the track of the railroad. Tlm case says the Philadelphia was prosecuted and defended by sev eral of our ablest counsel, and the trial occu. pi d three or tour days, resulting in in, verdict for thi lifeudants, every point being elabo% nick n,csed. ,l'idge Woodward charged io •-mbstantially as follows :—" Ist. about to cross a railrold track, FEBRUAI:Y 1 thi I 1 - 1.1 a ll .; .roil wool look in hoth at,i.l n tit tore That it li, plant iti cant ;lbw. tl in !he . 4 lightest de- 1 I).•Ct olt!l' a suuEile t ,, tH a,:c . ..1:11 1 ,I , l , :st!ort, hi could not. recover, tilttemgh' the ra.lruad company 'spry ,u,ooh,:i. to hot u tl2, n~ ,u.~,.i,i ! 1 1111 0)ffir11611 pr-vat that nitlroad colupan,t , s .ire Ii) I,p re:-p,11 , 101e un pienee, iroul ()I ti.t.ll lespectiNe roads, 14 he the: - th , y were negligent in :Litt:tiding to t11,,r dutit-s not, nieded the check whirl; IVoodward. n his ruling, has g,iv , it it leriitolure, t h,, tendency of the de et:6(ms of courts and verdicts of juries have ell heen u, the -,viong direction. Instead of in k,• private travel careful in cross- lug" the trarl- of railroads. the disposition to cou , liier the railroad company always in the wrong, and the individual always the victim, awarding him promptly full, and sometimes exemplary damages, has tend d to make them reckless of the damages that may ensue to the railroad conuipany's properly, and the lives of their pass ngers and employees. If courts and juries had set out in the first establish ment of railroads with the rririciple of holding private travel liable for damages to railroN companies and their passengers, the number of accidents would no doubt have been greatly lessened. The tendency has been not only to make individuals criminally careless, but has even opened the door to the walicious and knavish, to put, comparatively, valueless property, in the shape of horse flesh and cats tie, in the way of danger, that a good round price might be obtained, and perhaps some private pique and alicious purpose gratified The Wilmington Railroad Company has acted wisely iu resisting this wrong, and Judge Woodward has done himself signal credit in righting it. It is stated that the Senate Committee o n Territories will report against the admission of Oregon, as a State at this time, on the ground that the "Territory has not sufficient population, that no urgent necessity exists Tor her humediqte admission, and that her citizens do not desire it. Thd War L.Ll,trt , 2l-..: tt.dAlv,; dc,patoin s from L'iu , . Iv in o,inimitot f the expedition for the i-xjr_ir 1,,0u he Colorado river of the We-t. The parry art iv. , l at the mouth of ti.e (3-iorado after au unuttrllly long voyage from Sail Francisco. The small steamer brought In in Philadelphia was, atter great labor, put together and launched CAI the 30:h Deeemb,,r, admirably ii.n , wering the purpose f.•r which it was intended. Lieut Ives rmud the ci ir:s of the rivi.rtlefec tiv-, hit he gathered the material for their car n, trout tile mouth of Colorado to Fut t Yuma Tne Jiver is very crooked and,full of f17.,.1 and ,ai , d !dire ; the channel chant:- : .11. t t'i.- Oct! , pilots cannot avoid „unc.ngth , boats aground. It v;as suppr revi , r cbStitOteS to naviga- II 111Jk.1. (in Monday NIT._ Birdsall was confirmed by the Senao , a, , naval officer of New York, and Mr. Jewett as Marshal or the Northern Dis trict It is thought all the other New York al,pointinent;: will tie confirmed. a11ho7;2;11 there is some talk about Itynders. Mr. S - ward In ved to take otl the injunction Of FP crecy (ruin the debate on the confirmation of District Attorney Sedgwirk, but it was op. posed on the ground that the only object to be gained, was the publication of some Buncombe speeche, whrh \I r. SewFird had made. The jurymen in Philadelphia must be a hungry set, and 'resolved that when they feed at the public expense, to feed on the best the market affords. The amount of bills present ed to the controller for meals furnished for one month to the jurors in attendance upen , the Court of Quarter Sessions, was $5lO. The number of meals furnished at the public expense to jurors,; officers, witnesses, &c., du ring the recent trial of ,Thos. Washington Smith, for murder, was 601., which at fifty cents each, cost $300;50. In the case of Gal lagher in which the jury remained a week de• liberating upon a verdict, the coot of meals was $133. EBIIASKA I,ur. 1.) it 111U=113111 inpqrt ant Railroad Derision Oregoll Lieut. ivtli nod his Expedition ew York Appoint int oft: Meals for Jurymen The citizens of Wheeling, are kicking up a The following letter from Artemus Ward, ono dust aLout the high price of gas, in that city, Of the .05r e-c::n.:rL!'1, , '.77_11,(1 of die present and have called a meeting at which they pro- day, is yul-,lialo Ci.lClllEl9.ti Engul pose to pledge themselves to each other, to dis- Ile write', lr,tu Why Ait:g, Va. continue to use gas after the 28th of February, unless tkpirprice is reduced flow $3 to $2 per thousand - feet. The Tunes says that " there is no sense nor reason in making the people eul .uniz nt ' , UI 't sox the I'' three dollars for what costs the company just seventeen cents." We think the Times must be under the mark in regard to ,he cost, The Pittsburgh Gas Company voluntarily re duced their price from $3 to $2, but by their charter their dividends are limited to 10 per cent,•the earnings beyond this being set apart for exteusioiA It is obviously public policy that gas should be furnished at the smallest possible cost to the consumer. A daily, or we should rather say a nightly, necessity. is not a l roper subject for speculation. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh furnish gas at $2. In Wheel ing and Cleveland it is $3. In London, Eng-, land it is $1 ,75. If 'Abe Gas Companies in Wheeling and Cleveland are out of debt, there is no reason why the cost of gas in those cities should be greater than in our own. The Bedless and Hnngi y At the St. Louis Watch House last week, three hundred and eighty persons were accom modated with beds, and six hundred and ten were supplied with food. In our own city the admirable al rangements of Guardians of the Poor prevent that any shad suffer want, and at the same time prevent imposition, n f tb f,,lbwing suspended Indiana b - ink:.are teleetned by the Auditor of the State:— A 4riculturkl Bank, Bink of Perrysville, Orange Bank, Bank of Albion, Bank of the SThuth Bend, Bank of the Capitol, Bank of Rockport, New York and Virginia State Stook Bank, Wayne B (Richmeld,)Wayne Bauk (Logansport,) tit pit ; Wabro:h Vallu Rink, Traders' Bank (N RI 92 cents ; Bank of T. Wadsw 11,1 k (Ja-pur,) I,i 91 cents; Bank of Alban), 13.i.k of North Arnvi,oa(Clinton,) Eat ,:1,14,z,),) Bank, State Stock 13 ink (Nlarion,) at 90 cents; Bank of Aztlea, nt 81; ; Bank of Bridge port, at 88; LI :rk 'f Areirica, Bank of Ccn v;l:e, at ; Lk Cißank of Indiana P,iu.) at ; North,ri:, Ir Brun Bank, at 83; L :ore{ Bank, ; Athr c B c.k, at 80; Still- Bank of Inltana, at 09 TnE feeling in favor of the pardon of Mun roe Stewart is wide spread and honest. We have never known a sympathy so spontane ously and earnestly expressed as is now in favor of the unfortunate man. Gov. Packer should pardon him _at once. p put t, i.t. tts, tbe):•e w,,uld be a p 4 lii,ooll 011 t). tioArly E 4111,1 to ux t Ti (jr jklrS, :It New .41V Rutc r .V;(4' . = " enlpzz:t DEEM - , m! ,t I'IR, Ifle.a that t t Fthi uarY 2.1858 rm h ,!,• y, chi - at himeA be - I I (IA he II -,01 .1. vi:•e;l the clannish l'T.'nd with Thames —A Minp.li4 Celia.) p l i t r cav~c of th•' hard titre" with thetn, the fully . 4,00ti,000 wrth of cotton, which naturally meek , a ialk-t the city, is yet tett:lucid in tie han.l-t cf the pl siatcr , t, awt,iting an appreeigtien in —Ac...)r 1 ng to t ;: gcncral survey 14ely made i •,.0,1 country cents now vx i..tlng in Fra...0:., , hcre 20,312, at which 311 are 1 ft. , 12th and 18th vuturios, 80-1 of the ,1-1, a ar..l 15. h, pada 311 I of the 16th. The 0 he,..*. f .More than 2500 of th:rtn huve drnwhridg-,,=. turr. is and crenelated b ittieuu.nt- n; i I to For t; Morin Post.' The Frew.h tpollaticn claims, which origina tod prior to the [late of the Convention with Franc.:- of S.‘pte:ll%,Lr 30, 1800,—and were bar ter of I,y our tjov.2rnment to France, for great pocorliAry etap,i aerations, —Rre th;B übject vnry ririny Itvorable elatoor report- en male by the most talented afinitteo of each lieu t‘, - which another h b.• v beta uale..l try tn , lion. Mr. Crittenden. W,tn red rd t; the nu.r of thPelairns, the r t 11.) ttud, volumnious re- , blO they coufesseilly (11,1 not Rt RT,y time exi,t, since the whole euljiat is ell:Ally set out and fully established by ti:e most prominent men of that day, and more particularly, by the f. dlowing brief and indispu table authority, viz: The Secretary of State, Mr. M.,.1150u, in :tti official communication, dated F. bruary f;th 1801, (see vol. 5 Senate Documents 1 Se•st iu 19'1i ougress, page 81)5) : "The claims from chic l France was released W.•re admitted by France, and the release wa. , , 1.7 ti l ' UL , :ble. iilzrat uu in a correspondent , d the United Stated from certain claims on them And h,. C n tizu:iou of the United aates pro —"Nor shall p-ist'e property be taken for public use without je.st cowpensation." On these two puints hang all the facts and the liw in the curse—there are iuqurniouniable bir rit•rs to aoy CUlECruveisy. C. H. J. The Way Justice is Administered in iir kansas—A Man Whipped to Death with a Eland-saw: A correspondent writing from Little Rock tin der date c.f the LOthrelates the following; On Tuesday, the sth of Janntry, 1858, at Reid's bridge, a most inharnau act was perpe trated. About the let of January, some $15,00 were stolen from the widow Reid, at the bridge. A negro woman was whippped severely to force a confession that she had some knowledge of the money. Under the torture she stated teat a Mr. Cobb in the vicinity, had got the money, hut not till the question had boon often asked, if Cobb had not gut the money ? • Eliza Goad, the hroiher of widow Reid, and Martin Bell, her sou-in law, went to Cobb's resi deuce, took him to the bridge, then sent round the neighborhood and i galhered a number of a,-ociates, took Cobb, stripped him, and tied him noroe , log, and whipped him with a hand saw. - \f!er wttippiug huh, they started to his brother, in Prairie ,taluty, twelve miles distant ; stepped after going tight miles, and whipped liqn again, then returned to the bridge. At that ti.t.e outnher who took part in whipping o.olounto.d fifteen. Etch one agreed to givo. T.‘111.11",' Coe hank-saw. Good said he knew the ianr, aid told them to go ahead, ~f on.; viol:hi pay :di -y f :rced C ,hi' to lrink whiskey —c hipped hint Tuesday, Wedosday and I _.ttr-d Tt,- it, tinder s.tnie sort of m.lck t. hot to j :t1 at this place. Dr \V'rr , be c!dled at the jail to see Cal h, and found him perfectly black from his head to his feet, with large g,l t , es iu several party of his body. The Doc , or said Cobb could not live. Ha lingered iu y,rett agony several days, and died about the 15to in-t. Cobh begged the inhuman monsters vintprilt.g him, to shout him and end his misery--not torture him to death. Cobb's dying declaration was taken, and it appears from circum etanc.ls on the exatnitiatioq that he was innocent, as he steadily averred white living. He has left a widow and four childelo. Eleven of the murderer; have been arrested, and four have made their escape. A preacher is one that has made his crape. Six have been admitted to hail under bon Is Of two ..end four thousand dollars, as acesscriee, and five are detained in jail for murder in the first degree [New York &Fres:. lii I, i , " 1 am going to the Post-office, Bob, shall 1 inquire for you 7" "Well, yes, if you have a mind to; but I don't think you'll find me there." tidittlan Money. VAt ZOIS THIN S were as den4Cy 71 SS" , :t• I ,rlil 11„ irn tritt-urrr o " The uilr•gel crime tar- , Frond frr•m the haek, t the kw, 41,i withcut. the kuow NV 11 , J steak an iQ thicker than water," was miter Letter from ft Side Showman Gents--:ltut t. your WA:, W.iLtt u~honit p t t• • I. • to• - • it 11.. t it: I, the culumz 01 ; .ut -.how. it nox the t•ock , otl tr. , e 1 et h er , b ,- ,WS in u s my wax WOikiln iLe t_tt . all. the paper s sets my wax work.: up cep want the etliter , to cum to my ,how F-ee a- the flours oi may, but i Dont want them to r..41e a free hos to doh. the editors iu pitislwrg are the sneakmest cu see I ever see. they C.tint. too tie Snow in krowds and then ask Inc ten Sent. a line for puffs they .aid made a 1{..)17 or D;stubenec abowt it trey would ill joie g,ve my witx works perfeck Het the edit rof the j.mrtv , 19.9.0 he would Tip over thy ~pcl c..tt 1:.1 double quick time, if i 'Slowed around him abowt hi prises. i put up to their Est , r4inns long Enouga & left in Disgust. new which papers is the spe,tful iu your city. i rhail get my b.art., , ls printed at your offie—i want you to under:tan that, but i rom=t keep the other papers in good utner now mr Ed tel me francly without no deeeptit,n for die •ception of all kin is ido despise. Also get up a excitement in.the Plane Deeler sinie i last wrote you ive Added a C.iugeroo two my collecksion of Living Wild Beasts. it would make you larf to eee the little cuss jump and squeal. if you say anything abowt my show please state my snakes is under perfeck subjeeAuti yours ti u!y, A. WARD p. e.—my s» tv-tk- I.IIJ to beet. Will/FUER AREE!TED.-- Of? Monday evening, otll3er McHenry, of Washington City, arrvettd W. Fleming, alias W. F. No ,, ,ua, at that Mac;•. on suspicion of bein , 4 tha murderer of H F. Robertson, of Winene.iter, Tennes,ee, about Christmas. Subseqw,Lt iolormation induces the belief that the same person followed Gen. Cal houn and his party fr to K:Lna , 3 with nefarious designs. He has been committed f..,r further examination, or uuti! the riception of iuferma -Lion from Tennessee. Col. Carpenter, of Chica go, has been retaioNl by Goo. Calhoun to assi-c in the prosecution SUFFOCATION IN A •MINII —.T. Edward Barnes, Superintendent ~f the. Lillie Sebuyllitll Naviga tion and Railroad G.itnp,n), , thd Duncan Weir, Mine A¢rat; were :,utfocltc , l in .1 Mint' a short distance trout T.Lmiqu , i, o M9nd,ay aftern , on, by the gas. Their bJ itcs were takcn out the same evening Boerhaves Holland Bitters See what the dealers, men who will sell anything in their line, and who ore not interested in the med icine more titan any other, li,ty : We think highly of y..ur article, and expect to ha.C'e a large sale. P New York. The demand is greatly itierea:iii4. T. \V. DY,'PT Sox, Philadelphia. Most modieines require time* to introduce them; yours sells at the start.. III,FFNIAN S, :v1, , RWITZ., Philadelphia. It is steadily gaining ground. Da. P. F. Alihmt, Peoria, 111. The demand is iocro•oing. CASPAR', Baltimore The lot will soon In sold—send more. wm. TB,,m PSON, Hiceville, East Tennessee. We are out—end another tiit at once. 1). M. Jt A. J. TUCKER, Fulton, We have not a medicine that sells so readily. BARCLAY Bays., Chicago, 111. Ecerhave's Holland Bitters meets with a large sale, and it always has given good satisfaction. Louis WA [MICR, Chicago, 111. We have been selling Bmrhave's Holland Bitten for some months; and, although, when first intro duced, vim did u urge sale, being unaquainted with the ar:icle, :44,1 we tound the public determined to have it, and to meet the, demari 1 we have been obliged to purchase tor ' Cot e th , in we ever have of auy other paii, tioidicine whidiiver. Every day brings new test:Aim., s t is , 2111 . ry in reuidv ilig the vartim4 it ea mended, and in offering . it ..tir customers, we ou ro with more waft donee ut ,Ls VLCLLI,4 dim , ' to tniii , t preparations of the kind. t4ALE Bail Halts, Druggists, IS4 Rand ilpti street, ChLefign, lit wteril-4 rl7 Caution durst u! t 1:<-1{ tar 11,1 , rh.ive's /.10(taad future. Soil at $1 per botile,•or six bottles for by the dole Propriutars, lithj.amn 1' e, Jr., No. 27 Wood street, between e'irst itacl Second strews, and Druggists generally. EXTENSION O STAY. IRS. C. M. FITCH 4 .1. W. SYKES, 1.4 v.i a a Willc.,,utluuo weir oil:oat. No. 191 Penn ntreei OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR m-ru, PITT6BURti l'A. TILL PR 1 L 111 S a", 11 Where they may be c,,:is,Oted daily, (Sul d.,yB excepted,) fur CONs'd , . A litNl A, CLIVIS and ALL orll ;,..; I , l , l•:t'r i• Cet.t •:un nected with, or prod n ,vo• Lee_ Alt D E. FITCfI Yn. ES fool that they ranout tno eqrn e,itly or requutitly lw oiohiuvnlideof the EXCEED INd L DXLAI IN PULMONARY DISEASE symptom, often •+eem sw triftin,; :in to !icget a delu•nv feeling 0: saiet - , eVell while the di ivase le lip.king rapid prn• gre,s, and toe patient neglects hilt - melt till a cure i,i omit to impossible. Mike Hours---1O A. N. to 4 P. M. No charge, for A list of quonions will be :tout to cis by . letter. Atb lteea 4-4 - GREAT et: U. NIERSII Morclutut, Bap • 8111PMONVILLC, it t y, Ky., March 30, 1833 The •German Bitters eiv grmeral satisfaction, an I I herewith hand you a cert ilk .to o: Mr. M tiros Be.REILI v. Is respectable farmer of this ehunty." KIIIPSONVILLE, Ky., March 3o.36.—Dear Sir: I would in form yon that I have An afflicted fa r set 61 a' years with Dyspepsia, in a very aggrevated form, for wliich I used .mr saparilla and various other remedies, without obtaining any relief From the various testimonials in favor of liooflaroPs German Bitters, I was induced to try them, ni.d I now slit e with pleasure, that through their use I tun eii,j.iyiug better health than I havu done fo ye ire pa-t, and cheerfully re commend the Bitters to all afflictel with that terri.de To Dr. C. M. Jackson advertisement. - Jur ;a 1 o by k 3 LIR.) i a. HE, Pittsburgh. fel.2*.wds • 4`Jil" — THERE IS NOTOINO 'LIIE WHOLE LIST OF medicine creating such R idr Ellloll4 invalids as Dr. SAN FORD'S INVIGORATOR OR LIVER REMEDY. It give, such quick relief as to convince the patient of receivinz benefit almost a' Boon as the medicine is taken. We do not know of a single instance r.• here it has been taken without beeefit, and in nearly all cases a comph.te cure is effected Its use. It has acquired its wide pocilarity Rim; 1) became: it does what it is recommended to du. It is conatant!3 en larging its circle of friends, cart - ) lag healing on its wings, and ioy to the hearts of those suffering from Licer Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, 07 general debility. 1 - .ol2:laid& w Forwarding and Con..missiod Merchant POIL THS E&LE OP Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit mad Product. generally, Corner of Lip-riser. and First streets. PITTSI3I , aGLI, VA. Ettaln. To—Francis G. Bail DiiWok th, Sr., S. Cuthbert & Son, Pitt•Ab irgn; .3oyd s Ott, Heiskell Swearingen, 8. Brady, elks! , . & M. Bank. List & Howell. Mangle & Co., George W Anderson, 1..)..m1,) Paxton & Co. Wheal , r, s. 1111.2.,.-20tf JOHN 3100E2itilEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, PIC METAL AND BLOOMS, No. 27 WOOD rITRZET, PIiT4I.ILT.9II. Po FLOUM. BACON, LAW LARD (pm, AID PR 21 1; h , 14 dauc PirrSEURGii- STEiI IVOiik:, ISAAC JONE:. JONES, Writ) ,‘ CO SPRING, PLOW AND B. sTEEI:, EMELEZCIII ED. B. 14 ERS MANUFACTURERS o EtOG RR& IMPROVED PAT EN T STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, Cologne Spirits and .Fusel 011 9 Noe. 167 and NO Second `treat. aplOLlyedp • c?. 11In, c..kby' tiie 2 186.: .> DRS. O. M. Fact' h J. W. SVIiES, IPI Veuti stroot, l'AlNGurgh, Respcctfnlly yours, .Nl , )wros B ERK L E JAMES .1. PETZER, AI,EXANDE IUNTER, D Elt IN ..runt, `!!'"74Rr. .INO. L. B.i11.) /ANT FACT 6117. he, r C AST S SPRINGS AND AXLES Corner Roes and F tret Streetz. PITTSI I 3I: i W3II, PA CORNER ROSS &ND FIRST STREETS J AMES Mc I. AUGEI ILff N MANUFACTURER OF ALCOHOI ltn Wolat,4day, Fehrtotry 3d, 1868. st Christi-tu-t tag I th,• Its, J. t,ant=•b, bootor W C EV t.N SON, formerly Al!tgltrity City, Pa., to Ni.l F.)l.tlA tlanght, ,, r of Thomas Ford, t ey., of Shelby cornty, Ky. th- 18th iant4ut,. at she ro , i!eret• or t,.,• 1.1 , I, Inkoth,, bv Rev. 11.,bry Krr &111. 51,1, E K. WRITE, cfthie city, to nr. C , ltt NEL I LH. 6 11 ULL, kL - A L.. 11,1" t 1,t,141.z1.i2i . 1 . V!. sL,N r,N 5 . : , • tt..o !Aoki with rll.llll,lit t 'a I. 14, t ren, Ilea , was v Livor Ptlln , prep:lt - DJ l•) Ftetnl, ithd nays that with taw L il.e Iv4E'ectu,ll, cnn d. Stfppa9 , •,/. die Weil-es. G. 3 es , at irr.vithirity ff th , bawo , , stns t, ,110,,tttl • pg1.01.1.n , c. iu to • ,Luntt i r lifio cause, tttt I ;hat YYSPEP;;; A. Tho,e who Ore tar,,tvil wit:: f ab,.ve onutrir - atil Lna• ruet ivizhrt:d that 11.11 !brit nati,cht, !he I err, ;1,1 fur itz,. rr remedy ever elli Jim, to the public-is Dr ted rl' Ile Try iminey ton,:cd ti . 11.1 s tistac tory 431" - t••• will be CIA Feral to Its t 1.1 ILA:JUL/C(110 LI 1 , , h. ' t i ii rgh, I Thor . 1.14 purporting t .lo I iver Pill 9, now hot r.• thr. rul,'.lc. Dr. M . Lag, , , i g , 11'11/le Lir r Pidt, alno nip crlctiratod Veruk dug,. ca. 0, , z Lad at ill rem ia,t,i1,1.• drug A.. (DV ;lout ://, no tit!, tun.. of [2:31 (f'.i2iwlhw) FI..EMI NU Eli. 'S. NEW ADVERTISEMEN FS. REMOVAL Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad, AN L 1' 11 11 Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD, lAN AND AFTER FRII AY, FEBRUARY tuff 19th, 1359, the Fr ight hu,ne s ut the•e road n, is the CITY OF PlTTSBUiitili, Vt 111 be trausecttd nt the AND COMNI(II , PCs DEP,)f, UN PENN STREET, ABOVE Y.AY, Tla attention of Morchabts. Alaul.fact!trers,and Shipper' Is in vittsi to the superior fnilities afford. ti by the,' R teis. "FOR SPELL!, SAVEri, AND LOW RATE:, And for the pr , nipt trsns: °natio° of Fre:ghttt, I) CONTINUtifit3 itAIL et_lN NECTIONd, _ . Vrorn Pittsburgh to Cleveland, Tnlndo, Detroit, Chicago, C. , idubus, Dayturi, Indianapolie.Cancinvati, Loniivilie and ,t. ilia; and all the Western, :North wnsti so, an 111.11-IV(`. Suat,A. Freight is sent to nn at of tin. vd vt , place, iv the -awe cars in which it is Laidnd at Lill, 1 ,, 1x •t. ItiCEIP:a 0 VZ:i TO IMPohIANT PANT, For further information, upri3 to 510 2 Agout IRON SAFE::, LAST L. 1;:' iN I CIL NSEI, ETC., AT UCTI :I.li!' A t , 'E ERSOON, lennotry Elth, at 2o'clock, of the Ciehni,r coil Soles Reorus,No 54 Fifth st , rot, •OiL Le sold, 2 second-hand Iron dohs; 2476 the Cast Steel, assorted sizes; fl boxes 1U.1.12. and 12x14 N indow Glesw; 5 dozen double arid mingle nit Axes; 2 " bench liatchou , ; 20 kegs 104 Juni.itA Seals; 3ri dozvu Corn o O liegs Epsom :tau.; -1 boxes superior Chewllig 'Tobacco; 2U half bbl., quarts., H Nod Rita MU. 1 Mackote . : " Lake iill; 100 bundles Crown, Double Crown 01 d tow' St. ow Paper. etc. I'. 16, Audi RA NDIES AT AUC'llo;.\;—On FIUDA AF I' Febrd-uy IJ.h, nt o o, k, et :II Co_i met Rooms, No 54 5 itth sir ill be 4.1 d, clliirtcr nod eighth cork:. B. tie ,13; 15 eases, one doz. bottles co lt , B.uutly. 19 I'. Ni ISAVI.6, Aoctieu,o r. LARD 01 L.—We have commence 1 lllLlLill farturing, Lard ail , aid wll he plea t :eceive for it. Ke will wild - mitt it equ,,l to any 'al in the tiler Let. 14e will fill Carrels rauru,l B. C. A J. 11. A.BW Yli it, NEATS.., POOT OIL.—N eatzfo.iL Oil, in quail titioL to suit purc'eL4,4, 00 uarid an 1 iur mtir t y 1.1. C. & J. H. SA'w- . 1 . ..11, frIS tie 17 4'4.-1 a , rta-t. DU RE PALM OIL SOAP.—PulesPal,n Soap, uuly lo cents a La., a slue cure ItT chili p,al hull 14, for dale is quantitiva to ,iuit pal chasers, by Geld Li. C. .t; J.ll. ;•.I..WY ER. QUAPS. Diou boxes ftoil :oap, it: lb, 2lb ;1 1,1 Its I, 1 -1.: • No I !'•tl'rl Stluil4, to PCI rn 1.1 •' CheI:IIILAA ✓➢lt,, 111 r.. 1 ..• .• tieruia, 2tiu Cmtl lb I use IL k .1 P. ;•'.I Vlr V I.: QUA l'uNV S t',,w(!or (.11r 11111,1011 LLrit.l..l nIl I 1 rr. r ulbmi 1“I -"tie In thi, Mal ;•••L, Bia),PORD 2t , Mt1,41. , 11, 4 4 ;I - , 0 . aII.I 'LI MI lor en'. C. a 1. 11. C.. 't 11 'CA II CA SDLF/6.-2.0 Rs prte,i 4s, Sruu4 in d..m snt •47 . , • ALI AO. Chi h:MuJumJ HAlt, t Y.. t J. tc. •.4 _ - H o LEL CAN L)1,11:-.--511 1) . sus 12 ' S Hotel Cttipl:ali, vi 1,16 • I c vu ViT 00 LEN GUOLM. 1 . 51;ket.., V i , ,, t;ralte, li, tuck.. 'c Also, Pritit.A..liui:" 111141.11 M, L lah I 1 Hosumm, t•!.• AK. LEATHER, BELTING.-16.:3 w 3,6, 6, 9 and I.*J w.dt!, jw - L rec , ,,J by J. A IL L I ;9', fl ;,; '2'; ittnl f‘tr-.1. ACE LEATIIEiI —ALottier lot of a sups ja dor qtbslity,j vet r,c,ircu by t:IS J. Jr :.• cLoTti TABLE COVEitt) —6O di. z ,nor“.a Aro, of a suporio , quatay 11. t, :, at clair etr ct [ftlSi J. a: 1.1. PLLI TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL CLuili 11. —A largo eat cz al all a aby rolS .1. a. 11. I I' • P .k . 5000 LB__ _ ni.X od cud p:;tai, f,r s :10 by P.lB J. & H - - 1 00 I BA E. Lti-- .J U tsl E re.a.ived another '.)t of A: surf .1 eiu•?, at the 11141`11-1111,Uer Doi 0., IA J fr. 11 1'1111.1.1'e: 4 , f..P:i :6 %utl :S 8 , .. I,vt ,2.1-P.-t. CU'I'HBEhT ,1 SON, 51 Market tft.eet, 0. attend t the sale and pun base of L. al Estate, tent tug IL 111,11, and collection of rents, mei ranee and repair,: negotiating loans, making bills, couveyun:es, d Aids, bonds etc., writing letters and corresp,Ltirig wish persona abroad Ail busiutss attended to promptly, and in strict confidence; Oi Market street, Pittsburgh. Letters ut fna: - . u. s enclose a p 'stage stamp to pay rein DAY & MARTIN'S BLACKING. urge lot of this celebrated Blacking received [ld duty, by J. , . FIAMINt.f. loth Curter Diamond anti Market street. SLEIGH. BELLS, SLEIGiII BELLS We are clueing out our atook at cost, fell NO. 136 WOOD STREIET. F UR GLQATES AND GAUNTLETS Sleigh huge, Including every variety 4.1 df.ll,lOUlO. 10 RYE FLOUR.-3U sucks just received au_ for bale by lfelTj El PlZs II'! 11. COLLIN:i. ORY APPLES.-50 bush. Dry Apples t ' ,. -- )r sale by [fell . ] HENRY 11. CoLLIN-i. 1 1 4 GliS-L-3 hble., this day, received and tbr i - '.. Bile by ' tel 7 Ei it'Nu ~ U f',“ II N - CLOSING OUT SALE.— Nearly MO Cases and Packages a • Every defcriptien of DRY 6e.W6 eel ling ut Very low prices, at the store of 2ifii Fifth titre. t. TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT. 11_ Anther supply of this valuable r, r ier Corner Drum ,r1:1 ; Market t• LrOt. t. HAIR DYES.—Batchelor's, Christadorks's Wca3d3' and Weer' , s Hair ',oyes on hind and fur Aal y Jfl6 fold Corner Inarnond ;,:rd t rr t.,. PERFUMER Y—Of descriptions and prices can be had at FI,EnIIN,, fold Cana r Dlaen,nd and M..rto .t t. ~~.t ~;~:_.,~,~,,r:ui ANOTHER supply of Low S. Son's Superior L .ndon soaps receiv , .4l to.tbr, by JOS. fell Corner Diamond and Market t_ 1_) URE Wines and Liquors t arefully selected _ for medicinal porposea, coLtdottly on hand at JOE, C o rner Mark,,. street and Diaus.t,l. tele. pARISIA.N TOOTH PASTE, prepared under the silp , rvi.,.ion of Dr. lin aiben, Surgeou ti.t, for Hole tri 30. 4 . F. re' r Din •loryl end Market. street. EXPANSION: A lot of now Expansion Skirta. Just open .d 5 JOS. 110it51 , ..'6, 77 Murk. t. street TLIE BEST FRENCH CORSETS.- For Lou Dollar and Twenty-Fite Cents. 5,15 JOS. 11011.. N:.:, 77 Market street _ BUTTER. -1 barrel fresh Roll received and for 5..10 by tfbl.s] LIENRY IL COLLINS. SEED.-15 sacks received, and for sale by ifel.sl lIENItY IL COLLINS. PITTSBURO r A Q . AN FORD'S INVII3O RA TOR.-3 gross on LI nand and fur sale by B. L FAUNESTOCK f. 13 Corner of Fourth and Wovd Faroc-t.i. 1 0MATOES, in Cans 10 cans just recd Lud for sale by (la2B] 1115 N ELY H. GOLLINS. MARRIED a n t trying t!y Latle•H PZ.NNGYLVAICA CAN. u . }{ (!. .1 A V.'s p L. 1.1,1,5,..ti LOVE (F,T111 , 113 r. I sr, t SLEIGH 13046'N . TETLEY. FUR LADLES' ANL) GENT'S Traveling Blanke ten, Chnuillo [carfa, Cashmere '•lutllet MEN'S FURNISUING GOODS, AT L. HIRSHFELD & A. A. MA Z4UN 1!EZM11M1 FOR THE SALE JAYNES' EXPECTORANT, for Coughs, Consumption, Asthma and other Pulmonary Affections. JAYNES' TONIC VERM.LFUGE, fur Wurms, Dyspepsia, Piles, General Debility, &c. JAYNES' SPECIFIC, FOR 'TAPE WORM. It 'Lever fails. JAYNES' CARMIN A JIVE BALSAM, fur Bowel and Summer Complaints, Chulics, Cramps, Choler+, ; JAYNES' AL i ERA riv E, for Scr.,tula, Goitre, Cancers, Diseases of the Skin and Benea, &o. JAYNES' SA...NA JIVE PILLS, a valuable Alterative and Purgative Medicine. JAYNES' AGUE MIXTURE, tor the Cure of Fever and Ague. JAYNES' LIN iMEN 1, OR COUNTER IRRITANT, for Sprains, Bruses, &c. JAYNEs' HAIR TONIC, ter the Preservation, Beauty, Growth, and Restoration of the Hair. JAYNES' LIQUID LIALi. DYE, also, AMERICAN HAIR DYE, (in Powder,) each of which will ohan the ila.r frow any other color to a beautiful Black. PEKIN TEA. STOKE, NO. as FIFTH bTREET. j / m-- r A. ki. BOuKLIA3IIIEII. noolimaintat & iG4 Dc;, CUAIMISSION MERCHANTS, ibleatig ) and Produce Generally, 111 u.: : una 206 Nc,rth. Waarres, I Innt and fifth doors Mimi Race. strset, P LULA DELPIII A, HAVE NOW i STORE, AND TO AR a full assurtmont of Mackerel, Cod kish, and la g , which they wdi dispose of at the very lowest mar ket • P. S.-11ams, Sides, Shoulders, Barreled Pork, or other Produce talit..o in exchange, or sold on commission. at./Bit TO Jordon it.. Brother, otruup it Bru., o. onn:h et Co., Jul 1!3n1-7.p JUS. F. 1-1.-11- 6 1.1LTON & CO., IEN GANE CRS AND MACHINISTS, Li - ner lea - st and Lam.rty streets, Pittabuigh, Pa. ..,,IUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and ca .v Milk Breweries Printing Establishments, iianutictortes, made to order. They also continue the manufacture ut their Celebrut.d Machinists"fooli, such as It/ruing Lathes, Iron Plauels,l3,,rzug and nulling Machines, &e. Aide, ruught Iron nhaittog , with Pulleys, Hangers, :it% .4c. jaB:lyd GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S Fir.. 4 Premium Blind Factory, ;LB EtilllD AND PrITSBUBUti. , IIOE WislilNki To FURNISH THEIR flon,e with VENITLAN BLINDS, of the must esqui- Awl will hod it to their interests to give lie a call E /Of., purchasing elsewhere. My ‘vort iH gut up by :lie beet mechanics toot appreaticei.) Every attontiouis to Lb, wontri of customers. Prices luw. All work ...ti..kutt.o. No. 7. TlilltU kzert, Pittsburgh. (cayStlyis Ek.11.7 11._ LL.. Jd N , R'l E. 1115X.S.LINLI o . l3lik'r DALZELL & CO., kVhoicsale UOLIIIffidSIOLI and Iforwa, ding Merchant , and L Prudilee uud eittenargh Manufactures, No. '251 L sir t'a nor: y. _ _ 113. C.. J. HE SAITVER, LARD ui L, A N DLES, PALM, 'CHILLI', No .i 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa B=Mlll ul OLD AND SILVEIi. SP ITTACLES, Zi ACTURE S k'!tlCl S HYDROMETERS or ,Tinty, the chuatitlit ami beat artici , y w. et Co this city. TiIL.RMIJXI hITIC.LiS AND BAROM.ETERS, va:',ii•;.; !i - um ft, $3O each. U:tVEI Olt' COMPASSES,; Lsnl Xll (1. 11 81.1.i‘% 'S. f' . .-actical Optician, 58 hAftli &reet. mo-si upp.mito Itn.onic Hall AT - • KNI: LAW AND CuNVEYANCER ntsqnsug."4. IF le.-ote 0 A 7 . , ; OFFICE— HENiiII SAIIIIOTTI, .N.) leo 5311T1f. , fALD Strr,t, JI L L\ r, latia an,i ania,l quattuura LOANED on Bold tati , LillAti and nano. - V. ~ - . 11,10.a 01 ~..,11.01.• lor any 01 Lime ar,rt,e4l tar Ir, A. id. tf, 10 P. id. .- MU Eii FA iiNESTOCti IMPuIiT &f,,.4)EALEE, IN ORElixii,t IN - 0.141 4 ,8TiC HARDWARE. No. 71 Wood ut.rcot, betvrecu Otamont ) alloy and Fourth street, PITTSBURG.II; ttubscriber is uow opening a well dVit•Vted wort( of foreign and ournestic Hardware, altnaw,aud ts sold ou ca , good t,,rrus as auy other houae ill this city. He a ill always keep ou hood a general assortment of C , CAItPENTEII6' TOOLS, tco., wuicl, he resliectrully tavites the attention of 1_ -cluasors tuh'.ittS SAAIII.EIL FAHN.LIttrOCS.. PITTSBURGH CO/CH FACTORf. M. 14: STEPI-lENS, s l TO BICIELOW CO., former ly yl lillir:LAJW, Lea. 46 iJounoud alley, uoar WuOd Pitt-burgh, Pa. would real eetaully.anuounee to tha carnage a usiug com wnuitp puld , c in genera;, that I have, dila day, pur ci,a4ed tie: tetertet fvlLll,l' partner, Mr. Albert, and wt II curry or the be turd_; in all ILtibrauche.4 at the old ataud, .fle.3v D1a11.011 , 1..11,y. iu charging the name 01 thin old, and eataldlahed caanulacturtug eatabliahment, I tut our: tat I,IILIIC uo eiTurt boll be wanting en my part to de tsorto the aurae Ugh character to 'oug enjoyed lay my prede rac- re Wad L etuh.ly:is , , M. L. tc.I.E.PHL.No. I V OC)0 FE ET of Flooring, of supe nor quality, for solo low for cvd. 9 A !d l,lb:lth—?alp• i pivlL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR .J FOR. VAR ERECTION O OAS WORKS, tor from tivc I.urners au.i upwards, and for Heating Buildings, public 01 yri;ntn, 0,01013 M, hot Water or Furnaces. PITTriItURCIFi, PA. ILAN ~ .F.AUTUttEIs6' INBURAINCE UFFIVE, AO.F./YOY OFFICE., NO. 9n IVANEte BTBEET, 1 ittsburgh, February 1, 1855. NLTICE.—The undersigned having withdrawn from the Agency in this cai ti resume his fernier position in lhiladelphia, respectfully returns hia thanks to iii mends mud isixons of the utlice during his udnuinistru 'Lion of its allstrs lu Pittsburgh, and earnestly hops they o ill ce.uttnn- their lavers to his successor, Mr. E.G BELL, who has Loon appointed by the parent office to conduct the business in ttu, city le3 illanufacturers' Insurance Cu. _,I,E.NCY OFFICE, NO. 86 WATER STItEET, t Pittsburgh, flub:nary Ist, 1838 TIIE UNDERSIGNED BEGS respectful ly t00..1i attention to toe card of Mr. J W. MAR and hopes by atttution .sud protuptuess in conduct- lag the business ot the to merit a fair prtpurtiou I p itruna t it. The promptness and liberality of the MANUFAC. I. ERS' -1111.AN0E COMPANY OF PIIILADELPH. A in si•ttiing : , ifisesi is well anewn. The Directors sr.) tILS). ,o as ul the highest character, and the officers, careful rempt and in the discharge of their duties, whicn ens. - ai r [eel to the community what is most desired in an 1118hr:tort Curupany, care in the conduct of business and security is the event ot lusts. EDWARD G. BELL, Agent fur Manufacturers' Insarapce Company. Oviterata—W. A. kttioDaS. President; CHAS. WISE, v:ce President; .ED tit ERRS, Secretary ; J. W. 3.1A.8.T1EN, Surveyor. DIftpCTOU.B. W. A. It.botlev, aaruu 8. Lippincott., James P. Smytt , JI..:1:1V.! J. Fietd, Witham Neal, Charles Whs., John P. Simons, J. }Lima o Sank, Thomas Bell, 51. Ittchsrds Micale. te2 Undvrellirt. WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., 141(CLU . Olt MERCHANI'S, street, I'l T I'SB GI Et, PA. , 44- AI Yr aya un !laud, dilackUerrs, Cherry, ibncl Cogrvi4 Meuuugauela and tnAdilnal 15 buOay, of the exitlapie No. 74 Woo Pittaburgli, ou . inc.iti a largt3 STOOK OF 11ARDWARE, will 8.,11 v,ry Idw for lu addition to bit Luce, llugm, ii.ulooo 4,1,1 iurk 1, Lund 61,001.1, and a irlr,t,f ,rilll , r/L .Airp,uter'e ioo o, 110 Lae reciA:vw a largo dui ply id 521,11.1.4 f CUtti . l. , and Stufford ; :31.1ovein, Tongues and Poli*rs; tint's, and tuarueled Prr•st•rving huttliA. *4:43 Fin h street, J 0 H. f,; • (Late of the Pekin Tea Store,) IitESPECTFULLY INFORMS LIIS friend.. alai the public generally, that he has opened a tie abuse stand, for the •lale or GREEN AND BL(CK TEAS 5 ALSO, COFFEE AND SUGARS, t,t , FILE BEST BRANDS. .01,.1 at the lowv4t C %S.lli , ricee, and wUr.ANTLD To GIVE SATI , ,FACTION. [fey J& T. GROUTT, Importers of Brandies, o Gin, Win, Ac. Dealers in fine Old llonongah'eli, lip: Whisky, Peach and Apple Brandy; also, HECTIFLEIIf± AND DISTILLEIth, corner 01 8311TLIFELD and FRONT !.trects, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1' yPE AGEN C Y.-WM. G. JOHNSTON CO ., 5 7 Wood etruet, have the agency for the Salt rt Lucas k Brothers' Typo, Cute, Leads, Buie; Furnitur. Cases, etc. Rules and Leads cut to order. Cush order], Ali d e.l nuearabeiterrere' . 1620 S J A V N=4l; S AGENT, BY: T SP.gCIAL APPOINTMENT, OF OR. O. JAWNEW a..ND DEALEIIth IN 111cCntcheon & Collins, Coleman it. Kelton, Budd 6 Comly, I=l .ND ROSIN SOAPS - _-~%~ r- ~- rocKEr COMPASSES, AND .1,1 ,•I 'f R t 1 PA Lumber. M. ti. W., Box. No. 197 Pest Office DAVID H. WILLIAMS, WIIULEia.ALE AND RErAIL No. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, HA kDIVA E. INEW TEA STORE, SEX' T DWE: TD DALStI SiuCSISO VAOTOhT ANDREWS, CONSISTING OF FARMERS 6 bIECIIINICS. INSURANCE COMPAM , N. W. CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STI Philadelphia. Liz following mtatetnent exhibite the Ludlum and L..e .• Lion of the Company to January I,lt, 1968: PrOILLICIIIIti received for :sauna lit c v uudtermiu ed in 1867 $99,1:71 Marine recuiumd received during the seat. end ing December 31, 185" 118,1E5 era Fire eremizirues received during the year ending December ;ilia, 1b67 1920.65 Ititoreat on LOllll3 8,445 Total receipts for the year. Paid Marine Losses Paid Fire •• Expenses, Returned Premiums and Re insurance... Salarioa and Commissions • PimAJmitnits. Balance remaining with Company. The ASSETS of the Comp Any are !id follows: Bonds and 31ortgagai, Ground tt , uts, Bank and other Stocks .• $212,15: au Loned on Stocks Trust Fund in New York 33,151 ea Deterred Payment on Stock 97000 uo Bilis Receivable. 74,104 Li; Cast, on hand and duo from ..... . ..... 45,0U0 wt Premium on Policies recently iStillud, and debts due the Oorupany The oftlctrs and Directors, 'of this Inetitntio pleasure in laying beicre ttin publio the above 11, wan a view 01 ar,esting their attention Loth° gr: a /n ) once of Insuring their property. This Company has entered upon the thir sear o , istence during whidi period the Receipts to eiohihundred and fifty thousand dollars, no aye Losses over stx hundred thousand dollars, wh cu i t (qu a , ti , respect to character st business to the very be at and oldest offices. We append the names of a few large and influential 11 , r chants of Philadelphiu,who patronise the Company by giving it a largo amount of their Insurance, and to whom are re tlpecttuily referred any gentlemen who may wish to Laaure with this Company. M. Baldwin, Steam Engine Manufacturer; David 8. RI no. u, Merchant; John H. itrowdf Merchant; Thos. Sparks, :..aL i• chant; T. & L. Thompson, Merchants; Faust & Winebren• ner, Merchants ; D. P. Doitrich, Gum Elastic Alanulacturei; Michael Bouvier, Merchant; Butcher & Bros., Merchants; J. Van Brunt, Merchant; Wm. Rogers, Coach Matter; Geld. smith A Co., Clothiers; L. M. Suety & Son, Merchants; per Harding A Son, Printertr, ltice et Kelly, Plumbers; Fotterall ; P. Bad:lung & Sons; Malone & Taylor; John Hare Powell; John L. Broome & Co.; William F. linglics; Bloom & Davis; D. & C. Kelly, Manufacturers; Charles L. Bute, Sugar Befiner. ea. The Company have discontinued the Ocean Marine business since August let, 1857, and confine themselves NX elusively to ' , ire duet inland insurance. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President. EDWARD R. HELSIBULD, Secrbtary. JOHN THOMASoN, General Superintendent. THOS. J. 11.1.124TER, Agent, Pittsburgh, No. 00 Water street. Jal9.ly:lp DEILAWAILE MOTUAIL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, INOJRPORATED BY . THE LEGISLATURE OB PENN- OFFICE, S. K CORNER 2IIIRD AND IFAL4V7IT SZ3 ON V p;d6E LB.} CARGO, To all parts of the world. FREIti On Goods, by Itlver, Canals, Lako3, and Land Currtapm to Bonds, Mortgaki., and Real Estate 5101,350 94 Philadelphia Ciy, uLd other Luaus 137,011 25 stuck iu B‘mlie,, , Railroads and inskrauce l 12,008 00 Companies 8R1.4 lixceivable 220,291 95 , Comzt ‘...0 Laud 38,894 00 Balance in hadoll of Agents, PI-email. dh Misrule Policies recently issted,ou 92,730 57 other del3td due the (.33:utpituy.... ..... u1335(3.3 ii, t ion N 3344 Withal❑ Martln, Jo9rph U. Seal, Lcimunti A. bonder, John C. Davie, John E. Penrod°, George G. Leipor, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Iluaton, William C. Luda•lg, Hugh Craig, Spencer Mellvaln, Charles Holley, H. Jotes Brooke, Jacob P.LJones., Taos. 0. HAM, Vice Yreal • HILIIIT LILLTII3II, Secreta W ESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PITTSBUItCtiI. GEORGE DA .Jll4 reiiimut; F. M. GORDON, Secretary. 07race No. 92 Water street, (Spring dr. Co's Warehouse,) stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kinds of anu A Home Institution, managed by DiAirt, , rs who are unit known in the community, and who aro der, I rained, b) promptness and liberality, to maintain the •Liararter'whicn they hays'assmurd, as otlering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER 31nt, 1857 Stock Accounts, Mortgage, Bills Receivable, (Vice Furniture, Open Accounts, Cash, Premium Notes., Bills Discounted, George Dania, J. wt .. Liar, JlllllO.l \l, Anloy, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Hanle; D. M. Long, 0. W. itiCR.KBOI.I, nov24 INSURANCE COMPANY JAMES A. HUTCHISON, President HENRY M. ATWOOD, Secretary. OFFICH.--No. 98 Water Street. %FILL INSURE AGAINST ALL BT US OF FIRE ANS/ J. W. MAIiTI.L.'N. James A. Ilutchison. George A. Berry, W tn. B. Llohnes, Robert Dalzell, William ltea, Thomas 6. Clarke, Wilson Miller, John M'Devitt,. Wm. A. Caldwell. ?ennsylvania Insurance Company, OF PITTSBURGH. . ...... -No. 63 Fourth street. DIRECTO.3B: J. P. Tannei', Geo. W. 2aLit.h, 1. A. lotton. A. J. Jones, Jan. A. Hopkins, 11%.,t1e linniptou. A. A. Corner, lioL,ert . Patrick, J. FL Jonel, John Tagr rt.. e. • Cll'd Jticcb Painter Italy Patteraoo W. 1. Grit :;pron., A. C. St.ulpmon, Geary Sproul, Cliartered Capital FIRE AND SIARLNE HIS TA .IEN, kledcr:l"ol,6 OPPI B President—A. A. CA5.E.11.23.. Vice President—B.ol)Y de3o Secretary and Treasurer—l. A. A. CARRIER ,t„ 11Rt,.. PITTSBURGH GENERAL INSURANCE AGEICCIL Capital Reprezentod, $3,0 0 0 t fi 00. COMPANIES OF 1110IIE , T Chartered by Pennsylvania and other States. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE RUE.e. TAKEN, OF A!.!. DESCRIPTIONS. No. 03 FOURTH STREET, k. CAARiIa. .n 778.13172 011, FA'. q OL¢Rvllll.. I 'dea 6 ly i OAP.-4 barrels country soap, for sale by nova' PIC% 4 V ii OCLIAPO+ GREEN APPLES.-15 bbls. choico Ap ph.t. rLc,ive , d, and for Palo by McCANDLESS, MEANS dr CO., Corrint cr Wcod and Water slier e• RYE. -100 bus. Rye, for sale by 4619 JAMES A. PE - 7 v s fro DAIRYMEN. 308 sacks Ground. Screenings in store and for eale by kid JAS. A. FETZER.. 89 Water strut. MBROIDERIES MARKED DOW:;,-- U AU who want to buy Embroidered Collars, f otz , , -,ieoves, infant's Caps afid Waists, Ruffling, Edging nod le• sirting, or anything else iu tho line of Embroideries, ii find our priced unusually low at this season. A COMFORTABLE two story dwelling house 6 Carroll street, Allegheny, will Len great bargain. Apply to 5. CI.I3IIBEhT A S 11312 51. Market ntr. et Gll2' BUFFALO, CALF AND CLO'III OVEIthIIOES, offered low, at "The Pet pl.,' 6tore," N 0.17 Filth street, near Market. .fel3 DIFFILNBACIIER .t C. rrIIREE DWELLING lIOUSES: 'E)Vo .1 STOLtE ROOMS FOR KENT.—Two small I.loflfleN ill Splane's court. Alw, a good dwelling with a 14:ge lo: of ground in south l'.tt,Lurgh, $3 p..r morph. f 14 - S. CUTIII3I , IaT 8 6:IN, 51 Marl rt str.•. t 1, AKING 60DA.-200 kegei in tuft!, a1.,1 for side by Pal fl YALtNiCETWE. A Tv .4 I Li U EvjC E:: liN &SU RAN 44113,4*.'7 $122,610 .. 1,6,253 88 hYLVANIA, 35 PHILA DE LPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. INLAND INSURANCES 7 :01 parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCEIi 0i Niei . phandiee generally. On Stoeetl, Dwelling Rouses, &c. AS;YETS OP THE CO MPAIVP November 2,13 a. =EDE/ James C. land, Theophilus Paladins, James Traquair, William Eyre, - J. F. Penisten, Joshua P. Eyte, Samuel B. :ticks% Henry Sloan, James B. 24 , ilarliumt, Thomas C. Rand, Robert Burton, Jr, John B. gemple, Pittsburgh D. T. Morgan, ,4 J. T. Logan, 46 Rai. MATtIaN, President. ant. P. A. ,MADEIRA, Agent, 95 Water street, Pittsburgh Dinacross IL Miller, Jr., George W. J”ckson, Alex. Speer, Wm. Knight, Alexander Wm. IL Smith, B. m. GORDON. Secretary MONONGAHELA OF PITTSBURGH. MARINE RISES DMICTOBS 54,218 68 32 2 468 38 sBo4,bd i t a .$113,8 CI on 30,5 ~, 100,000 00 709,783 37 $121,600 2,160 9.) 4,161 61 240 0•t 9,478 6 14,841 4c, 40,246 tr) 126,603 ;3 $317,641 73 *UOO,OOO. JAE. .; 7 Mir 4. r +*r t