BUSINESS CARDS SAMUEL C. Wi.NUAtti , . ATTOILNEV 4.0 . 091 , 10 E, No. 09 (I RANT Ptmot, nd Diamond alley. 1 A ALE: , A. LO\ViilE, Attorney at I.v:, 6treet, Pitt,Aolll'4ll. ikaWC , '4l 'll.d &lorry alley Li AUL, Surgeon .Deurist, titteeFtior t W. Biddle. No. 144 Smithfield stro(4. s--Joar Office hours from Sto 1 o'clock. and from '2 t. 0 t., ft bls:ly SCOTT. Deutist, Fourth street, five d . west of Market. 40 - 0131ce tioprl from 9 o'clock A. doc2o:y y SCHOOMIAKER, ManutUoturer Q.) • White Load, Rod Load, Zinc, Paint., Lith, , I n &e. Vi'holasa•e dealer iu 011 n, Paints, V. 00d atreot, Pittsburgh. JOSEPII FLEMING, successor to L. 1% il u cox. h Co., corner of !thirliut. street and ih. Dm:, .n.l koep.4 couetantly on hand a full a.4sortnielit . ' 10114E,13, MEDICINE WIEST6, PEItI , IISIEILY, aml Art. cles pertaining to his businees.. 41.13" - Phyaicians' Proacripti6na carefully cfani,u T W. deader in Is: ; Leaf TOBACCO, RAtIS at.,l PAPER, N' 14P WP atroet, below e ixtb, ritrmburg . t,_ .1 Krii" The market !men, m P-4413n, 'paid fppi WP. INIARSIIALL & Co., Impurwrs an.. dealer, in French and Anterioin i'A PER Ni S 7 Wool street, Pittsburgh. eThr-5,• ;I' , for t ed .aanatsc.i.urii, if Delioonn tic Co.. Prtri. anw7 DACTID CAMPBELL A: SAMUEL LOCK have aNßOCtitud tOgvalvr I.lj,,dur 01, •• OAMBELL & POLIACK : for tte• tratiLiarti,LnLi ttL•nera Variety and Dry Goods Illvtineria, and tbe nt,tu , u luau, o plain and 'Waved Line Gilt 'Mouldings. rutLIIL P /CLIP P.E17.111:h. liA , lttarr J. AN REYNJER & ANDERSON, (suc.ce,..r , Joshua Ithodea wholesale dealers% Fittt.Elu FRUITS ' NUTS, SPICE., i.'EGTIONA RV, SUO ItS, ,t, No. 39 NVot,l strews, the St. Ch3r - h-t• !1t4 , 1, !hit burgh. J. GILLESPIE A !qauafactuc ,, eJ . and dealers in Looking (.11:,s Pia 1, Pia!, graVjugg, 0010,4 au.l Fancy 1.3“0d,, No. 7 , 45'0.1 qtr. ,t. Pitt' burgh. On hand and made to “rdet, ilt Pior Mahogany, Walnut and Gilt NI. 11! ing, of every devcription. 4.4l«stminni..iiitOnbiuhand „. t i BOTTLERS.---JouN OGDEN di, CIL, No. 157 Firit strixit, woul I rev... 111,11 y ;wino, oli tic that they har'e conidantly n hand a hlrgl - SAR.SAPARILIA, MINERAL ITER, ALE to eil PORTER of the beat quality. The Attention of families in particalai fact that they bottle WAIN RIO li - ALE iu it. i,,uoitt Physicians recommend it to Camille in t0..-..unt some anti strongtltpiting gmaiti re J. M. LITTLE, MgRCFIANT TAILOR (Dr. Irish's Vo. JW. KERB, ARCHITECT, RENIOVE from Foul, - of Yifth Itryl W , N3€l to ...AIR STR is iYr. lii 11.. a itailainit—coutirii),) to pr.t.,[t- Specitioatioun of, ttud to zkoperinteud Er-, ..t description of Buildings. el P. RE YMER, k-T• GAS FITTER, STEAM VITTER, AND PLUMBER. Also, oration tunes to .wder TUBULAR Hospitals, Priwms, Nd. E ap3lkly between Wood and Mark,. Pitt,' A rt 7 ETON, ELL AN I) I 3 It A A vo.uNDER, Nu 70 SEVON -d Is prepared to furnish order cni uneu, STI9ASII - 10AT, FACT , IRY Or all from 10 to I, CHIME BEL Cl' till for St...tnk,i, MINEUAL WATER ; eud uvory variety uI llru,n Cuetiugn .) iti 11.• BABBErS ANTIATTRITION micrAL: TENTmETA.inorAckm,f,st.a.K,. ,,, LOUGIIRIDGE & 51AXWELL, MANU' ACTLTP.6I4.s Looking-Glusses, Viet ure m e.n Brushes And Dealers in MOAB. HOUI3O tiOt, 1110. 1311 sAf 04.;11 nt.elkluo 8ru.411, , , m. 1, EDUCATIW Ai Vlncenn3 Collaege sand Senasinix-i IM:=IE11111 Near Latrobe, I,Vesinorelattel count), IN TUE COLT,EGE ARE TAt:l;ilr USIIIII ittttltlt t f th In the SIE:NII:NE A Ei V ithetorke, higher erudition E •-c Priesthoutd The terms for LEE,Erd and Tuitiun or paid near-aunually, strict') in advance German and trench and Eitia r language,. Drawi log and Mtniic,ferni no extra chargiB,t 81•01,8,..4011, I peneation for the use Of instruliente. )fedicine, 6tatiot.acy.. charges. Per particular, apidi to the lEirectE of 'lle C-iE The Collegiate your begins 1 , 0 the let ; • ends - on the 3d of Jttly lollou init. FATLIKR 1 4. nip. , tugh.l t“. ry ur Uc. In St. Fraucpg Academy for IftoyN, UNDER THE CARE OF THE FRAIICI6CAN lik!II Loretto, Cambria County, Pa. fl I S iNs - riTuTioN, NATI II.; I.L .it,;:t4.,i Jul, 0,1,111, that bt desired I +I - a Cal t:•d•r li 3 i.vt•• It In abed to the ni•tr•l Healthy and pi pi t —in: ,rl. • the .111thIlIeIl tee, natant four mile trout 11,,5-tr '/ • direct ta th l h e t weeu Philadelphia nod j.,10 bnrc BChOtalitiC year counnencing the first Muerlay iu Sepienr• will clone the 10th of July followiug. The Thrius for hoard, including a thorough Eti4lis'. iiri trifle Course, itre $lOO per annum. The Chronic 111111 Modern Language:: form Att exit. ••I• of $l.O per annum. Washing and use of liedrling $lO. For further particulars apply to the superim m decoy. lieferenres ran Bo Math- II- the lit. •v. v. _ap:3o:lydltiu Improvement in Book E UNDERSIONED HAVING obtained Lettere "N.L.•111 I Itn pn.v BINDING is prepared h ti.rnialt the attachment to fe.. 6v now in use, or to.apply the ran,— to new fn,ks. which aro respectfully solicited a: WgL,DIN k tOW Ntel Book Bindery and Blank lbw': Manufactory, t , ..tutli-...5( corner of TELIKD and WOOD tit reent. The above improvement consist, First —.if a Spring clasping thu back of tau Book in 81161 ate inner to prevent the loaves from saggin , wb ii the Bieik is stand ing in a vertical position. Second —Thu carriage eonsi?to :deistic Grooves, on which are inserted effectually prevent the Books from wearing or chiding it. dug the same in its mating place. Jaltf A. 11. !,..OW PATENT CANDLE STICKS, A Cheap and Excellent article For Kitchen and Chaniber CALL AND SEE THEM AT TIIE 11;u:\ CITY BTOlitt all.: Tin Warehouse of T. .1. UtLA i i h C . 0 1 .1 9 THE LAST CHANGE IN FiGt.'ill Bouvet lit , .4Attt, wurth 75 et•ntti, at 6.t!,..., it, yard do (1., du 62;1, at 50 ,10 do do du 50 at 373/ 2 " W. do do do 37 1 A," at 25 du .10.$ EP 11 BO ftN F. 77 flarlol 4trevt. WE ILL SELL troLu pre.w.:fit Tipp , , 1 1, corn my cheap Nvli UA-AI.I 11' ,Li. I rie our s tock Form,rl • 14 uct2o • MISSES' AND CIIII,DRENS' Gum, Ovt , r. ato zi.ndos, cheap, ttt the rt—plo,' ;-1 N 17 Filth ntreet, clear Markt:, la DiFvENßAciirci, Retrench! fitetrench!! ANOTHER CRASII--IN 1)1{1('F;-,! - ing determined t. eell our st.,ck, tlr, h• if,. T h „.., are Tight," we have Math . 11 14c•neral sweep-- REDUCED THE .ENTIRE Tu still luwor'pricus. .*Now id the time to boy when t unbroken, and the Priced Put DOW OCt29 .10S. HORN E, 77 A•tri,,, DWELLING lIOUSES FOR UN EASY TEI atroet—Tbroo throo story hooves, cVeil erring-d each with back buildings. Third street—A throe et, y 1101141, • • • i i•i t street—A dwelling h.)nqo of i roorn.t. Fulton street—Two three it .ry dwelline youth Itvenut.--A two story brick Innen) of N r rrrirrm, rib Irirv, lot of ground, stable, c.trriage house, Rtc Itohiuson street--A tar, story brick bonne Franklin street—A good Irene. et S rootlet. Carson strait—A tear,. ,dot y into e, and lw.' lol '' ' street—Titres large .Iwei Ion; heaves. Minot - while—A honer and one tier' of gr•Air,Ll-•• —Ade. many others iu Allegheny, South Pit t,horgh, tie'29 !". (Joni RERT :40N, 51 Nlarket pet NEWBEDFoI2.I) SPERM CANC)I,ES.- CI Loxes aliorted 4'., s'. nod I , l,••rii. I. on hand and and for sale by IME.---210 larrek treAl Lime, I‘,r , 4sle 14 dwzt ft (qtl.t.lNe. S 0 A P ti. 11, ••! It, • 1., I• , rq fM " No. 1 Pane qeiti,, e. It, , 17, • 50.1 •• (I,llli. :Li lIL 'IAtU•• Piii • ❑I 'I II n; 1 ,4 i `• 2, - ) '• 111.3 L 200 " bU " Pure Pain ciu liana and fur &alt. by jail _ NEW CROP.- 200 drums fresh Sinyitet Figs; 10 ratite ; 600 boxes Malaga Raisins, ~,„i sale by REYMEI{ r, A.NDEIts, IN. 0 , 17 39 Wcaid 13L, (411101 iii, Charles FANCY BLACK DRESS SILKS.- largo tmortment, which we al(' OHEAV FOR CASII. C. lIANSO Formerly Love Snit]. Ja9 Nu. 74 Market Mt.,..44. M.ESS' CALF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes at - I.)IFFENsannEn flg No. 17 Fifth street RYE FLOUR.- - - 16 bble fresh ground Ry. Flour, Ju find tor Bale by JAMES A. FETZER, Ant 89 Water etreeL pr by ASIT-10 casks on hand and fur wile [don) Ff L YAHtiILSTOOK 1 00. i'Pr-i*JUI:C:: SEMIMIII MEE= lIEEEEI ill= DEEM MIMI E=MI B. U. 1 J. 11. SAW , / I. lt. t,,. 11 1 CD. " It C N J. li . ,A FOP.W Ali DLNq AND COMMissio.N . f . 4 1 ' l - 'lt': .• ;', i 0 E., g,, I.' 7, - , :.-.., Vorwardinp; Ith:.l coilinlis ion .:,fiefilla.lit:,, t•St tubgir;;E., E.ria kJ A i I • 1 , r y, I ‘1 Alt I N(, ?':I C011',1! ;t1 Ifitt C 1.1 ,44; \ li. 4j: ;.sall LIL 11 , 2. 1,.+ 2 21, 22 , 1 , 2 2 2 22 •;, 2, 2 J., 1212 2' 1 - 1 2,1 2'2 - 12.12. - 211,2 1-'2,1 , 1./1 2 10 E 2.2, ".4 , 1.0'!..• I PI; G _-,iOtERS i.nt• .L! 5 11) L E ivrocers and t• 1 ;i0lilliSSe011 Mercini . o 1,4•4 ec. octal anti 151 s,'ront P.‘ J 0 S d .1., Aos. ;uati 24-1 . 71..ibettly .4. PIT I'S itti .4 ie AN' Nils‘s-,10 ! L U'F., T: r A.i n IPS f 3. unnANu F(11. - . Vii A til)lN (i A.1.1: . :•::i L.O 11 \,.N "I',':), i Levee Rad 4i'aeikiuf{loen Art' YAN II( rrh: EIMIIIII! MEE IN= 4,NDILESS. ME XS L WROLEsALE -GROCERS, II VILE IN IRON, GLASS.COTTON A Li PITTBU GFI Al AN 1. Corut.r LA WA,,A ,Lnd W ittLr 13,r,AH tsC; ,'OSG &I N 1) 2 S E G Ps and '2O Wood street . ! rboN, .; V ILL' tiVhOle,:llo t-t 'A 31,i ... A . Ca tAr V\ll.\:l , ] 1) 1,1t4,1T :\` , V 11,,),, ',....,1)6Lwrf , 13 61)13T =ME ti 1., A ;-S W A E k ise; (n ) hrt AV rt: I AV 0.1,7 •tA 'l'l"!',=i,U Rai 1;, 1 thc `1,1.1! ~tl. C 1 ,2„ 'l,ll fin. I. 1,, °•' , I •-• ur N• 17 W• N 1,1• t , 1 1 L. lIIIMM=CI ei REIT ,f [sr, I; at A. A. '11.1..,,1 Fii , h tart—t .1100,1:ttti ccn t ,I , Neriptt"lc liatei.••l‘l .ttr :t . tiCtth ,turl .oucti AUCTION -ALF.. h EN - 1 7 , , 1Y I) Froth 10 12 :c,.1 2 ,:t , It 4" V,stingq, M 11,1,10, Checks, '1 "'•. Jean, • k W. (7. Mcr AIM; A uNi1.11,4 c FLIZABETII N APP '2.9 blrh. extra dn.. iirtrolrrr attri it rh•tiourrrr; rr`r Vruirver, ItirmAr-rtt Just rc i .11 , I fur N. r.l.•t y JAP. Werrr rr• r: +LOI R. ' dl!{ urf,n, 1 . 101.1 r. Rrl.l for nah tJy , !I t.; 2 1v1.15 1 d\-SIK.F.T. Binders, Straw. Bonnet, Itn, 3r - Fffii• E f.r ' Wr. I 1 .4V EN 1, r trkv.t ,tre, AyE, w.L101):- 'ini) 1,1 , 1; fir sale by • "I A-• • VOTiCr F \.',.N11 , :i;.S AND NIILLEI , ,: -, • w ;h it .4, t - 1.111/ _ tsarra.:l;.•.i 1:..•,•. 2... T!1 47 E. tt •=l , :li A ; r I !non - z•lta,• 11era , e Alliilol% HOPI alp' Caji4l,•u% r• it.,...11,..44•11 1.. • it.1'21 . .;8 voi.;•;ATLY EDUCIII 1 3 1 r k. 'lll.lli. h. C . . _ g -lll} I b, r , tt i e b y •- - - —•- LITTTER.- • t-, se. prime r.. 1.1, received for olkit• t , v it s : it C.') I.LI Ng_ iP OPP \S.-- lo un hand and fur sale men; B EEF Vi TED.—The high eont prim paid f‘,l- &el Lilatht..iit. at 11 L. CO'S, Curyer pvidt.. IAT IN l) LIQUORS.—The beAt qual ity of Brandy, Wine, lilt, J,,,nati.k.t Spirits, Old Rye Whitky. lriali tnd ;:e.,A.A. ii WhOty, Loudon iiort,r, Brown Chatup.i ou baud anti tur Rah, by • JAAILS PATTON, Jr. INIMEEMI w Spriut, ofllrr art A A V 13 iLOW L ~~-~LwN ~~t ~.~.. ~il 1 ,IJ I : I Z•kiaroh , l4t.ns eth.6 illy. uh:l- 1: , •,,1 of ~1.1 cti lit'dit a~~ , .•F nini !2tt-e1 ,t•Lit tu I, I. 21:( , "M A LI., .1. , t IL; ect. nuucu Ohs ntin!. :Cll/1 , is lit H 1 :S h 00' lIMME F . I: JANUARY TS BURGII BA 1- la E r i , -9. • -' 3 1 =----'•-- " 7 - 2 7 T± 4 llV: 7 -7v =4,-, P'f" - .I,l_ _ A•f:z:l7 1.% I) 1174 CP 7. -- ---" - --- • 4 us•-•-;:-.;..---------T-T ,---:-----. PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS A:\ D CINCINNATI RAILROAD LINE , LI VI: t‘ co d ,•L. , ..N.l C,:' Ott, THE, CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURG 11 RAILROAD COMPAN Y,AND TUE PIT I'S ,1.011“ ,; •ci , ;. , .. 111 ug Ina t. 4eutent with the UUR./ 11. FT. WA \ r; I , I,AILLO)AD C , ,MPA , N, for tho J let of their and Re flan -0- e xee,.t. ai totlowN ouumencing 31UN irA V, January .sth, ISSS: LEA V r., ti to A. NI I t, ElbonVlll , , 949 , •leveland tall sVheeling, ricinnati3 49 Accurdtain I • 4.,0 •• Th, 1900 A m , ru thromrit I'aytou, • utii,Lit.p , • II a:l. - • 7C. I rhu 6:45 A. N. Trot rt. [a :it ad rt „.t,,.,0 r , anti ~ , ,nneeh, at ,yard wlth train on Tuae.orawa.i branch tu: paint., ru te it R ,ad. At !i ten:: toe C R. is. 11e.9....414 wit), C.lo:eland au.. 7 , 1 ,1 0 llailpiaT I detr on.l ilt ; ta J til.• • wei,t Alao, - with Lak, fm El le, lluukirit, ' t.,:aunr,i The 6:45 A. M. and 2..35 P. M. Tau::.; atop at al riati n , o:. Fir r ' a. 4 04-4,1 a, \V L,, itnitimore I and Onio Railroad for CuinTertami, flarcerla Ferry, d a , t•mr,-, Waßhlnenn City. At Wdleair with the Cent: al :dtio ivlruad eir• Lealtit:lter, Wltlltiu,lt. 41, 'rite 4 N. ST ,11 Aue4lnnl a4tti , n id! IV ay e catt PITUELNINti iron. arriNe in glt, 101 l 'I hat lasting at 1,4 f ,) through wt h 411 train Oil ,Satllr las t th 1,41 s to g',, au nil Rah; Hl,:ny • tin.g 01 10 P. 91. ng t in. tr.,ti tit ti no A Ni. orri,e, itt Pittatur,4ll at 8:50 I'. M ~.1 op a -;;;1.11 1,11.• St3Lioll Agent, at any Station 1 , 0[1,V.,.il Pin.4l,lrol and up . p to, -n4 the lin. .it t a4o, :Coy, c from thia tie ans, 4,1 tag kvt4.ll flit. argh. Passeng , :s to Cht •. , tro. • r bey,,L; I Chic via Cinv fria.! , ./IA - . Jar riarta tot C;c - L,Lu•,.l llit,f..tiger, n r b-v .4 , 11• via . II • m. - . 1111i;,_,114 1,, 11 1,14; 1 1 .1111/1, 1 t..lllftf,-I I cti Lry of chnr,r- For add nn r. , •1‘ , ..: r A LAN.: ac , )th_ , on F 1.11 - En:i, t C.& P. 1:. . nal. .1 4 . q r,b PAK t:l,v• land I. A. 11.1:11:IIIA:tys, n r . 1•..,. II +,7LEY, Sniwrint, C. li. , dun.Lo The Pittsb'h, Ft, Wayine & Chief4go MMMNI RAILROAD CoMPANY, WITH ITS A)11'1.1:. RuLLING STocK and r•quipt.ll.•:lt, ,,, l it- "- - • - •• , t•tilatCrit•.••.t. pArod to triLn,purt Wid Ii r.•::.:11t. au(kJ. • DELP' A mitt •, DIA.NAPULIm, A I Ha.., a, ~t att•l :••atn wool., with a gloat d Thu fatit tl:tit thin liq.:+•! :.Ittl lino between picuAgiri.w /, • ItllLt , that ito Trair, wt]l 111111., um.', with Trains CLI : I'A9sl4;:Aini: TRAIN. 7. ',•l . I F , 11' U. 8. A. •,t)k., P.M 8.1.) Elprue.,s, r. lo:u& P.M I 01.11CAL;k!—U. 11,1 A. ::1.; Et: P. M. lILLACLI NA'l I-U '4..1;1 1.P.53 P. M..; Exl r.. 7:0(.` A. M. AU Train. Un, Cincinnati, Indiat,aralls and St. Leann ; aka, af r,dt ViuyLin with .. ..rain , atb.l.4n and IV Lafayette, Central I i Zit. I.olli ; at Fore,tv , Tftline un the .!1. It. A L. E. ft. it. itET UItNING. 1 Prow Chicau. 1 H Wayil,. CrcrAltao. I Air Pa-- ,. .1,4 ...q U.S. ma,....8.45 i , . 1 A '.l. s::iu . . 12.: 5P.,. I 14.1 h, P 1i I.lxpre4., . ,UU A.NI :!:U,J 1 ..1 .P. M. 1 , :uO 1' M. i - :•..:5 .1 1: These Trains nnino Cv,II,CLIUL. with Tr.iins nod ew Trains frutu Lunn, I.l,lll.lllWptalS, [a, Ca; 1E1)- 1,18 Milk:, CIL , e LlaillelAll.ll.l at Ure:.l,o Wltu 13.1 i I t LIU It 13,2. TValltfl. At Fort W frern Lalayettii, alel Li; terineni,iie Oct With a),ve Trains. At retest, Co,:lertiutim are 111.10 with Tra LES t. s,el from Cincinnati, Sprinctield and ten. . li t A I 1 , !.:1 at 7ait) 1.....110 t' I !New I..irighwu It 8.-t:, nud 3.3, P. n. ace,in. , ..,lia, way travel. Par.,,,Lscl nrurd t.: h•aviri! ei A. 1:4 tiLtd ellEer,ED t Ler A J.'' , Agellt, 1 . .1 tilt, ~ 1r...111. ‘Sr CA. 13 k/111,., ..1 . , cu the corner. tit It, l':tt,l,to./,h. • tt .t.:d ; It. F. t‘. ~It••••• t, nits the Trtituorit LO tin'.l , •litt tit •be titAtions On tho 'l , ) CO.ll 51E \C tip.n , until 1111-01, J. J. D. V, tit tl. N. I , •!Ip• rut . PiTTSßUittai NNELLSt ILLE El ARE kr . • . ; I'it[st • a I ~•• V.l/1.4 Cailx:ll I. •.• Arrangenamtalia , ,- al,, malt. with 1•1•.• stills L'a•al.ral sch 1., aii.l Baltimore svill ta•. - art :••.i and C. Ilm.ll4ville I 1V k , t RUNNING I)/ • I Arvr, :he T ;•• ♦ ‘1.1.11, 1 , , . 1 to 118v1:. it n'_:l v. e , , ;i1;,1 at. 6 A. M., c,,,tioe:ll, , ;vith .1011 , 18 i. Traiu, the i arrive» 555 L',l.ll mil A M. )1 AS Til.l!N. “I'• •I . 51 ,•: (.1.1'1.1. , :t.i WI!!! the •11t..1t A 01/ ti , • Itrt, •• iu ,'A tr.,l Tridu POl - 111 , CtS istllllw : ll4,W, 1:1,1,11!t.W11. F. . ALIO pit Wt , tit Nt..fon .•,”1• . t,-1 1..; eint Tickets can t, tl.l 11,111 Ng , pi. D IMMO= ?•:1 a-, S CIS‘2INNA - 11, Lot VIA PITT6BUI - ;611.1*1'. WAVNE - •=7.7,- 22 :t A \ CINCIN NAT!, II A Nl, I,T. AYToN RA 1 ',RUA EMEMINEI er k _ Chi/urine only :1'29 ot r IS LINE ooulpo , ,ed eei It;a , t,+of the Fiint Class, nod tl,l - 0:C cultivated portion ui eh, 5Wt..• C.lllloCtilW ie 111 Vie at GlllCltalall With tit , , 110 MiadisAppi Railroad, (the (raclil ot toe U. II A [3. k U. A Roads, beiug connected. foi It vanavitlr, Natchez, Connoction made At St. tim and MiHnouri River Pacaum, for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all points NV Ce 3 . A 1.,, coati its alt. Cmci u/ptti with Kentucky Central R. li , for Luxinooli, F riL 11 and all points in C e ninil CuKeritinky. Trains leave Penn B,rect 1011Uwe : • Thr ugh to Cincinnati with 3:3!) ~ „ t one change of cars, ar ) riving at 6:45 I'. M. ---)• lo ' ) %. 1 . ri,i , Jr ... 1.1 , ,i P3,...11ger Tr!li li. Ur ' " , ul Cr,m'liut- ”t, , .'t,. =•• • I . Al. 1 . 6 - ' . A. NI.. Ulf, li:ilid I' NI. ea. BAGGAGE CLIEGKED Tfillt. rl.' , ] 11. -- EA Fare as Low us any other Route. Fur all infornuttion, and Tlu apt.iy at: LL. Ti, ita Uilicu, cursor Monougaltqt lions°, or at Fowl t!truttt :'ttation. Pssseuwsrs desirous of going this route will 1.1.1 z for 1':,21.10ts via Delaware Cut-Off. J. 11. MiIORE, Supt. P. Ft. W. Sc 0. R. 1 DAN'L SIcL&REN, Sup,.. C. LI. s U. x. R. r LIE CIIEMICAL OLIVE Elt.SI V 1-, SOAP, manufacture-I 1, 13 C. az .1 rc rot:elven the preference over all ullaor kinds vvvr f family 11136. Its advantages over other 'out, are:-I,t It Is c' ta, to use, one pound being equal ti ti .neeof r•—io Haif the time need nn!) ocZnpiet in ,as l ons when this Soap is tne d in place of oilier Soap. 3.1. 1,..b in washing can be nearly d spenstsi with. as the wid require little if any ral-la ihu. .v I llsir weCo on the wash-board 4th. he cloth,,, t, uuurces,u:y when this Soap in used and hard or sal: water ati , w , r equally as well as suit. 5:1,. i.t .rn and others, find it far sup .rise to •ther Soaps. It speedily moves grease, tar, paint, printers ink and dirt from thr hands, leaving the ,Lin suit, tool free from chapping. To avoid the labor it! rubbing the clothes, and th.. wash-board. the following it ,r- ions hon Id be furowf•il • Fur the washing of eight or ten of .. family, take .•111. pound of Soap, cat it into ty 11, 0 s, and ve in one gallon of hot water; put to. t i thca a tub about ten of tt are oatei ; putie in the dies lv•-.1 S.a.p, and stir thorunglik. Lit tl eill soak t,tetity to thituy tnitutes, wring out. and rt;, w...ta wetter oucr, 0,141 water twice. A very dirty wriat•and..,r seam. of g, ease Is, May req.! IL i a ling. I,ut other, int: t e e clothes will curie out clean anti while, without rutting it builit ' Cold water may ll`lej hot, iequtrtn.; about double time in seakir 84' Observe our name vu t For Bale, in any cinautity, at uar ww, hung-, No 4' Wk, Arewt, and at our tvorka, the K 111111 , 1/ Ivania aveuno. H. C. . 1 4 .1 11. S kWYEIit, EMBROIDERIES.- --Our excellent stock oi French Embroideries, ,0 , 1 tly !•,w pre a: tt,c) are marked, offr,rp, ran u, u, purchase Ow (aired at, ' . . Po - 120 1NL.11.10,4 t s 60 do l'e,ebPl' , I rztltniT., And for ea o by - 1;0;1 FOR RENT.— A two-st Jry Dwelling, Ilou;c (Ciuthic ISAhillfle ,,, ll • NeVell rOOTII.I W(4l nzr ..:z•d. CZ" • .‘ 4 , • u!".1•1•• .ui ,priug of good, Hutt water, cbuvt•uieu ) oor. Also, can be had aid] tha aiiiivii, r el. a (;r. - en !louse and FiNr - Acres of L in 2, ,o I nitiestion. two Acres of which are, an st, .twierries , holes pciiity; toe remaindei is covered wtili Nar;cry t rca - s at ail kinds, re id , for the gardener io get I , r.ifit,ble ' i lei• strawhafry-plants ireq, Will li , sold eu aciionothie. :magi terms, and a lease of the lions , .4n)crirl4 eau he l -. 1" a term ,1 years. Apply bi ja '2l S. CCU llBElia k S) . Si Thirket street. _ _ _ DUFF AND FLE:!:II.I , ;(i'S Book-lieLpin;z, for Bale at W. S. II Ar4N'S, Stationery Warelou.-o, 1428 Corner Market e u I Son:.ud etre.. WTIIE 60.NEMAUGH. REVEL - Z.—For sale a Valtutbl- Farm In a-elami county, tli,6 miles from Blairsville, on the North Western Railroad, Itiu acres of choice land, 90 acres in cultivation, a young orhard 410 acres, 30 acres of ex ardloni timorr new dwelling bouso of 0 rooms—price. $7OO Terms .usi. .t I ,state in the city will be taiteu in part pay jail B. CUT!' BERT COFFEE. -150 bags prime !iio, fur by ja.,2 vii it •%I I c• BUTTER. -3 1 IreH:t for B,e ;)y w .I.thmiTu V 5 A S l' k.:', EC ;-1 E N v 1 ,- , L E, s±, 1.1{..41. 6 from ' arrive at. Pittsburgh, 11.001 A. N. nr.d tit ati Lssy Thu trtiveliog pw•lac wcl nun I. Oa 1, •• rost., iLI golug East Hr rSG, to trE:VVI l'aihr,y kaairetid, as tin ai , ...coratmoatutt...lsit . kl he itray nwto. .land Is Loa, 1111 , 1 is aintirel . i, Croo trout we CW.I int• ept,ti atilt comtt , :t. to ad sat,.r ii“vy hava.a non.i wiL k r . At. J To ..... . " ii. , .11t , ..... •• „ To I.l,rin.loata;, ehoriaravit, all as, ,tl.6..Vdt matt, and to l'hitai letploa. thiltineare t .4 h.. 1"1..4,1g.•1, In s , 111 t'-'ll , l ILI :-1.0 r ••.t.t . 0i.1 It a hen. the Co:nptlat) has a. n r at t!I., §, n o respi,nnildt , mrl.l I, I:um - NIL IF a etcooLiarig $ll.l. 11, , 11r vl,iur 1 , 11ln:1411 Li 111.• 1.1.1 i•IIII , ! • • it .11v,y mad n- laze! how :b ii, , taair,to 25 1 . ,11!, 1 , •1 - 1,, 1 , . pit ~‘ , N:w Brig, L,y 'ars urth 5 - { 1. MEE EIMMEMII IY , . E :::. 7 :, ; , Ai..' &?3'"a 1., CLT OF a 1 'at ir _l4 to Coaci)ina: Cain), Vtckliburg, Now Orle4r. iilliMe=ll , :•(.;I'll 77 M•trs, Et, ~t, A A1t.,1 . um 5-20 r.ri. IWU) Whocl'g 12:1,1..m1U;e,.;and,a6,, t: A ,1 71&) P-111 cuau,r,v vl • are, ru..l.;;Tig dirvec colity.c! I •u, Car.. sad !., nat l'ittnbur,ll A. M. Uti d L.,11 ;.a).O I r N .1 Pelll,-) :‘ c . ,11,1.111 ‘‘aat 1.11,11 t . if IL , Valid .ne ; "; • ' . •••••.. , • • ti. Osoolol UC .a . ;lll.orie. itro e ; Ca ILb cUwy,atlua ; 1u vdy o. wwhichthe ilo • a Lluost .. II .4410 ; I.ty, and bo 6..3,:tr0d 4 4 .4 ;lot ono tail,i,;lbit pru lb 1.11/1i (LW ho io witag Wilk I. Arrattgement s poilsossos ti4o vain e Ult./W[ll4,cl to it. baCti a retuedy • co "11001+LAND'o Thouoaude o 124 AND AFTER NIO.NPAR, JAN. 16T4 lullar6 Lace i ' EI ' cINSYLVANIA CENTRAL RA iLI;c.L I Lareughout al/ p rte of thli cualitioUt, dud the prupri,.t...l - the,a. to statiai; that there is cc stat , , cuuuty, 2,13,11Ci1t0 4a.9 hula L. 4:11/1Derm • i'..AlLtiAJAlib MEE Tall: FAST MAIL TRAIIi ovor) morning. (4 I:,•1.; ,) 111 tic luck. P.t ztrrivlcr, 1,1:,) irtAA:`, tt,:it , .;i :1 i.,-+.s.lo'c;r, tola 1, at urv4. A.ituull.k, ace., co, 111,•..t..,,, tr wall (I, frailn "4 ,1, 1 , 114:53 f.l' I, AC2,;kr.:. si DA I iauj o ,xct•pt fit ...of .1 Y. pp:r. -Ltt e /t. , L41-s, 1.11. AL-N vi;; A. 1. nE1..),1N ACCWIOI. T 1621 lurtle Lenvcs doily , (except ..t 4'_'V P. 'WIRD TKAIN ''u: tie k. ...vcd daily , (~.x.copt b.:4:0, P. iUAINI arnreiu Pitd,durgh tistdd,k, ExpreS,l, 1.:45, P. M.; Mall, J.JU A. M., Job LISRAPIi c,.:1,111 da,tloll, linAl A. firat Turtle A. M., Second Acct.nnuludi,tdoll, P. ; Amos 'natation, 6:10, P. M. Tr.imi for Btairdvillii and Indiana, I., , LILIVet at 1i.Ca1f , •., 1.. i ~.4 itj 14 1 Ito V -,,,,,,,- N fit s 4 ? tritersection with mini train Ennt, Exi re-is train Wt,t, ~.,.. 1 P. 2.) _si..• _kw • the Johinitown liccolnotiation train Icttet Arni 'A ,it. I ‘ ' . i . ti iii-._N; A Cli liE ES liiiiAli..AlN., I.E.E.D 12‘i PreTststatuil A2l:j I;tI..s:NEI.L:_ , VI.I.I.t; I,t A : N s. .hi , A ~, of tIit,CIKT I)l.36eihEz, ti, • :-Aliub, kier i!,topping at nil ti - atiuna on the r'ltteiburgit ft,..1 1'0t..: ,, ..,..= i ', . , , - , u, I, 1.-udg.y, c.L1'1,1...1 un, U 1,218, UI2.IVVI DitlidiieS, Dlll.l. , adtli i'lll, ltuud, lehie• datly; (tuuday exce i ,t,l,) Z. iMit.W, . MAIL TRAIN, 7.00 A. H. . ,l ::.e E,,liiey6 Awl Itiati&r, Sty rCutial ituetimutibut, Su', EXPRESS TRAI:N, -1.:i0 l'. M. i luo h i'ihthi .a ti Lion, awl Ankles, Ihnettieb of the.LuuB:t, .r tit kt,tm apply tho z, Ur., 1: L 2 44 S AN IA la 1 i,qt - =IN At! RI ttittr- t itttrlN I ard sv I I -,cart 1.1...16: —1 • kg, lei t: IMES Fk3/0.1.0ry, t• rB. El 1 .1.; , 1. , •0 6at.tAvard, J rani") ltata i• VOUKTIt Cl,. - !•• e. 4.1 Pork, (it. •..1" h ~••- •!.. Lava I- r 111:411 Clay, leir, h, 6.5%, 14,1 towl uotio a , in car 1A.. , toy. l.11:11 o I` , /f . ruN—.V).l9, Lat.. t 0)... Le... 0.1.111.: further tiotic,. I n h hji, p i, g in tin vuv 1.11,1 Idi be pactie.dat to wara Rar . Erodu . ... AllA, eels ..t ;1 at no :41 : ITS—li6! L , . i .1k,..0tr, i,4..1, Lt Ow.,(4,4tinat ; N. W I): It., No, -1; N. Aztur =31•11 bt+l tut ..W :i.• l•ti,i Magnw I STEA - 0 E RS IS 5 7 Chicago, Milwa.akie Supc:io: L Pleasure Route to take Superi(r. SPLENDID STEAMER L...1.D IN IN CONNED TION WITH PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RANA:OAD. Steamer LADY ELGIN, 11 I , J i 1 . 111 • dor. a.rda: . I I, Tuesday.. ()Ada urit,2; Mot~dny... %tu r rhurecia,• 1 lut ur lay - ',Cur to, L?.AVE.S M IeSINAC, July 14 SuudAy Fri lay tag. 7 " lA. fumdxy - " , opt. 1. Wedniiiiiiny Sunday " IY. Monday.... Ship lay l• Mouda.t..... Steamer LADY ELGIN will CUE/110CA xt bu per I. LetllllOr JAMES CA lISLIN, for Mid Iletow.i. Uu Le tit, t - Wialibegan and Font In Lau, alloriling 1i:14,40144 ,r, nun , to view the beautiful scenery of the rt. Louis with ita mauy romantic and lificinatiuv. , 'the LADY ELGIN also couuncts with sus-truer, in, t' nbanau, Burlington, Encampment [eland, Esavur Bar,„- u n, Hiawatha and. Grand P.a-tag's, nil ticturishing, towns :Its north shorn of 'Minnesota. N; tl.—After October Ist, tile ELGIN will coculu - in t• l•• 1:17:1, order of tune H 9 heady a, weather will Visit. Fur lerther information apply of the Ticket otr i ,.F. l'ut.bur4h, rt W.iyhe and Chicago Rai lway Cohue,h, whore Tick,qs u , br. obJ,ini- eperior . t) .1:1d iiii mediate point, en the Lake.. - A. T. , I'ENC . ! , %.01 of (ho a l 11,. IVERPOUL Pill1.A1)F:LPIIIA A NEW . . - ;FtES. S C E: AV S W. A ttl 11 11 P 1.1 'if.. tpiwylid Liu, will 311. i as follows: CITY Of BALTE r, , • itch RAN 1....... . .... '• CITY or SW:Asti " .... to CT ll' EA PIT' And every alternate Thursday. Fran L t Every alternate %Wednesday. From Sem Eiwk—Cahin f.. F Ire. from Liverpool —Cabin slotS, Ow $46. EI.:TURN TICKETS Available fir Six • Steamer of the LI ue. • Cabin, 1•t.1401.151i1.t.11t roctitalin i t• to - pe,, thrk months front the o bi conutty. can ptirclokao irk obtain all luf.rmat.l.l, by apply on. to I way, N. Y. BABEL a CtikTrb, ; • O r JOHN Ti1..),•11':-uN i , ti U Libt , rty tt ' • N4'W mud Liv-t ptm , l. Ala, .• a „'„ , mbuytt. .' 1 , o. l. \ .[ E n r Y , i ,, lONE‘ 4/ 01 Att - Great reduction in the prier ,1 We have gore carefully over ear -t ItENC:I-WORKED CINDER SLEEVES. MUSLIN BAN tr?, eta , t,- And 1.1, , 1 the prices to suit the iLrr , l Times ^ The Ladies may rely on getting taratains at oct27 EiCt r.': 14'1.k. 77 VrarL'.et DRINTED VRENCII. MERINOE'S, i"4.r me; it Aral .1.1,2.. th e Lcet ~p,trort,, , hr the city. fIANe.,\ litrr (f ,, ,tre•rly Love Troth -r), , ro 74 Marker ,trr..t. 1.21 CHIMNEY . F 4 )PS. -100 Uothi(! Chinult-y T v,tri ,n 4 to ,, Antif al t•for . . , 114: r‘-r1 HV 1.7 ()blu k and yellow, IL C LOTII CU) T II I NG —Of all kinds; f )1-a tlo at VI , . 11.1. a It übl,vr Gl,or .1 0 9, J. 3 .1. Pm •74. :VEST INDIA. PRESEIIVES.-10 dozen amorted, just rooelved abd for sal,- by REY''.Eli A ANDEIi,N. ,9 ! FILLIES —5l) dozen t_irrrint, - 14:02,K; ory Orung,, Qll/9C , aud Grip , AtieE, r -d• Ely. ag :r•., K J r oprawito Nt. OhprL , ANGAN ES E .-5000 lb s . f o r s a l e by B. A I; A ELN k 5 . 120011 @ CU., Al* Ocrupr o 1 WC,:)' and Vim etvm:: as Constip.a. [ion, Inward Plies, Bibod to the Lio.d, .I. ,. idity of the Stomach, I . l. ,, artbatal, DiSZTI4I. ler Food, tha I new .)r weight ID ihrSi L tn,wh, Son, E rne t t ,,, Lat-00. Zia;,:tig, kg l'it:tl4o log 01 rat , t the St[, a.,th or Ltiebs before the Sight, Baca: and Dull Pair, I in the head, Donchncy of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Pam n the Side, Back, Chedt, Limbs, ac, Sudden Flo.Eies of float barn- Con;taut imaginings of Scull, and *rest Depreszior. or srlatrs. snch valuable properties c„. this re‘ar , .:), e., t, Won,,brat nittit'itiatAy and conclusively by the et:J.:a:tr.- % and derived front its uL.u, ander ti origillell.or, Dr. Ltoudand, ainuL t : . Itaatupt_aa B,,ttety, and from the Immense raw, Iron, pal.a ui me American COntil.telit, lat;L :eat yttar.i . , in the hands of the ,et 1. the lift:yak:n.3 of &incases to which the are L11121p1.,1, it is with sorrow weary it, is al. ~e,ve:e,.l, indeed [twit, In scarcely al:witty throughodt erte =MEM of ou Lout:tr!, ill which theft, cannot to . uat ye.ailiar sallow and i4sr.itiid vz an wmaczated end in liScd y L!Lir.l.Jr; i, 0 11.1.10Ly ot its I, .31 n.i ;•. tt , , ..",34,1.1,0 it 9.i11 nen,: iet..,r,tt, I. 'A.:Jr:dent.; ti.i.RlVe tun ic, all c iucurd 1, r,.1:1.11‘ , .1) 11,, Ai /ill:I-W.1 , U is:111 1 / a tiy by' 131 t• VI:30/111 * z, conr.nin:ng nun, LA:5[11,3.3 ILL LiVUI wt.:1141.11G And unit no u ' l, , ILL!! Ittin :LI 3/1 parts pt the Lime,. All Agont_3 jr! the itiL I -t. , A1f11.1131./64.; I Irl • . ,i .17-7 h ; , TE ‘.!‘ , •.,• r. , , , upt•rt.rtte,t.ticrit., 15 5 . 01 ..nth. Lir. st,EiS, in order to satisfy tile meat skeptise Sept. I- ut to we merits of their instrument, pledge thetuselven this is ally 1ai,1111,0 v; airs' they may prove unsatisfactory alt, trial, the money will be refunded by returning the e. 1 strumeist in good ord , r. •-• ei•rs,xis wiehirig the above Isistrument will observe rl;.. ;hat tnr acceinp.suytug dire:3lone, sv,turei: •'• • pas-lied and sent I,y 7.•yrcdd, la tell dollars. NEW RE:drill Fits . QUICK 4 I. Ah•JS .1 011. N may be cos.-tined from eight o'clock r. 2.• th• murc.iriv, 515705 tltttc. as .fight, ut eVe,.• . ) dt...cga cud dy toils 4,f it•trt iP t ed.a,f-. It , rl.qt ,hats, (fleets, Seconilar: and Stricture, .• L , ret tire, :tr., V, it ft it.Vl tut' le secrecy. The Li eal.ll..elt. Lac) adopt is the team tof upwuro of thirty years' exteunisr mart sac , eadhlt I possess. ii• I.u:. don. The most Incite. ..:. of Verse - eel Diseases er.idiated iu eight or nine d iys. eases ot a slight nature in two or three day., at a w ...• era,. al..ease. The 1,1/1, eller:to-1 without Ccalltiacractitt • r !Arid ,once also !laded ttbd paiva In the bun ,, . -301 ffectnally eradicated. A UllitN WA T‘c A SON have,:uvoted the .r at tei.ition exeMii‘c I y to thl, slier of r. - lief they 15.5% cocceq. en thy been em.ided to render to th , •ir allow creansl truly testmed and rreatfully iickmuwl,l,4,l by outwit {,.toast., and others daily arriving in tow n [rum all p the , ountry, for tle express pti, pose only u C .hdalta. tvh•ht their - exertionn have be ni crowned with She [noel , t.t rut! van taw ; yet Ictsiu what they have c3.;arltrCed I itaitt.r!tg into al, ['Oder! Ut thede ILift-ctrOrla COutplailit .ttls their :oust ai I i.le ccdichtatil EIJ that of the moat dais 4tcr . tint shed ill , eteratetl) the) have Ell.Wayb eaLiffttilndd th• p 01 their prise-talon and rentui al and INLesvi it fuiind that the iimst horrible and ma opriant 1 , rd inseenesciiiild almost illways be tiacaf to one of tie 1., izu. rars,, neglect, nr the ill ellehtn sit Ii• -1, ~.1 rind treatment; qiert.,lort:, Or. A ' , E L , have -nera-si in t'de selection of r a Attic, cfrectila;,lital •atitiUlll Course; tralittill•„; all •,. 1 itariuLl of rt...te , lita a hitch hear an etritliV,,Cal thoracic, Is,. U1u... , :Oct, i•reittatur.• ur irtjudadeun ayolical ies, . got tae proinetiv ui Lao courequences at tile Laud, . cleats. individuals. 1u W.ort, tho red of their re. ~ ea is the lessening i t a g:eat ataas of human misery I :he nth-niation, relief and prevention of thud:, grievous u. there it are in re .lity :he secret Le of life, and whicl, il-• t hey extrerudy sa, - iound n., emit aloud fur our lotusC r,uci• lur their clflrmination COLIN f VALID& • o so) par. of w, may or sic .. t• 1 .2,' fur Idatchrtg "11,1 1. ,to 'tt• • .t ,• tto De A 130: - eel a. atol "tr. - t t ertsi , fir.:: ':dam e Si LIVES, STOVES, ` •.nt, a.•. 1 7tuttd. Ins.' eidseeriad by a , -el 11 u , L.Ste, mast is:ol4,qt), and arnana.,, ...: .3.! Lisa 11 , 11 City SitlVe Wart•but,.• J. Ult. A .l.ri CO., nr. W•tdc , d• lil.rt dl Monday tt•if . 'Fitarrylar -PRICE-; l ki,l% E I )1E:Ii. A-N L. `IIEDIi.:A UUFL \ LYS CELEfillAl JAuh,oN, clicctuAtly cure DYnerli•SlA JAUNDICE, Oat: D1.914A13128 si-a; u ~,Ilzgrdered such ..4nd a 1,"/ .1 . • Ir. ;IS 1., _J... 11; !'t :il! to: r - r, , iPorS ILL / cowl, ... 3: Cu: al , . 1 l'r. ritreourgil t.l cl,ll ,j , 1111,r 1.,1/1 .se 4,..! by en, Upon the Buttyor Lambe, CALI to, at. dial's ru, &Ai oh LlNLii,:rl 1:0,a) 1,1 the ,Sexual organn, nue', tie tuo4 of roWC , r, gcuerai I,olaliat : +.gbr, walienthr,s,llVor .11-'l, - , pun 1./ earl, and head, Jill trupr, , ,,r die,i,o.rgets ;1,11 L.Oth ci.o. a. 4. VW Want. C103:11: LLiv,oe eur,ou,e ~ I, ~1 C-11,11`, l'l,lllCl - y ra J;.;,(...11i, 3,1 111 a shelter ten, t.e ill 3 i,elll,3llcilL CULI .31 , In. , I 1 , ) , ..tly et LI, I I 031113, anei lt.e 3.3,1,:e 1...111,31 li3 ; I ptI)113,111, andreateteni ta.l r ••‘, .4 ;ere. Thelll,lleili ,, art , p,etttailt wititont odor, ..t1„; 1 . .• NIA t.. 0 frets! thereury La' 1311r13411. 3!) ye-1, of ,'.., I I,3vc i3.3cU13.1 built the jaws 0 U 3,0,11 a 003 tiluu3aude), who. IL the Itiat rltage3 of 1 Ml.• , 113•-33,1 b. 311 goreeCo 01 , by tient 13, LI Lich Xi urn,t.., 1/n1111 , 0,i : 1i,, to ths• tit. 111 '.:1,3•3 111,1r1 Illy Caro, J yet spa rO, t . tli c. ;"• , •ert , clieeaJud are time grimiest 011,1113 , 3 3.111:, tt,y are Lilt' [I:31 0,11611111,,C1un, •0... 10.411:, u , t, r d:,e,..,211, and Aicalld ben terror to 211 , 10210'1. Ai e perhtnuont cure in Kr:Aro:sly ever 1,03'., •- t. ease.; h.; ling 111 W the 11..1,18 of ier,uL he hat out} 1311 it, Cl-113J ti'3l.3t, Lc i the 3yetviu with nier,or . .„ .7, to C.. 11 111 e laluitel.l.2 tilts 611i.f,rt.r intl. 3 11y lla.~i ~1~ l5U•1I zItA caurc 4.1:1,Lb Li lt) VI: 11 L••;ray ..l'il'3,l I til4‘ . . I,tlt,:r ono,- . , , I u of I— :II a mere to Co o i 1 t •:otlii,teLACT. 1:..50 Lilac a parinaneat al;audorinleat to robuttt, vin bc. 1 . .L.• .gain.,[ tile ~ ••..1 0 4 J 111.1 . 11) 1/1,2, , _.1110 '1,1,3 ILI tile C , lllttall 1.1.•• ' 1,1 it/1, , to ratCh lad n unwary -atterers .tt 111.1 r cvu tutu rutt,l hy the Viie ..u t „unJn ,r quark th.Wl.l,ls, uady potteahant floe '• 1 have CUrefUllyilllb.- iy,etlynany ut these callea Pate ba1t.11.1c , 4 and tile! that ~ early al et them contant Cu. Se tulnunate, ultult Id of the SLl'Ullgeeit ntercury awl Is deadly is trtatead et ,urittg tun dimenne diaablea the eye- tow tor lift. 1,: lit ne: tut. put u: ,Jrui tied ituu.iguku /la p r!SOLLIS, xiwdu (10: uu.: