. _ -X- I . P 'V I'S UaG .11 17108. NIN Ur eosT. t'.;ior..4 7:4 , 3n111 UV JAMES P. BAttR, ri Tug rot:fn.:WEl:s CORNEIt Or ilonD AND riven BTIt.E6 - 7,1, TERMS.—Five Dollars a year, payablestrictly in advan-ce. x Dollars invariably repored if Dot paid within the year. ..Wr. Single copies. Tao tle'etre—firr -•efo t the counter if, 1103C0 and by the Nee.ei Boye. RATES OF ADS-ERTISINO. • itss mine. !Judy i Twice Once n irL 11 'A. ' ! a wfek I a week pap- Ono tu5ertien,50;........1 Two 75j .......... if , insertions—'"". Olt Three Ineertious... .; 1 00j One week. " I 1 751 Two 00' 2UU 180 100 it Three weeke...... 400 2e5 200 120 100 One mouth 500 3 115 250 1 Olt 1 Two months 700 465 50 2 5 1 - 1 Three months j it 00 001 4 10 , 3 DO, Your 0ath5.......,... ... 10 GO 6 6500 f 3 3 5 ; 45 ° Five ....... or, 735 5 501 365 f LLU Biz mon.pa 12 00 900 6OW 400 6En Ni..' ..... 16 00 10 35 900 538 0 (10 One )car _OOOl 13 35 100'1l tis 12 110 Heeding Card, six !lass or uses, pot' Refrain 10 00 One sonaro, per annum, exclusive u: the 00 Marriage nuti..e, 50 cents ;Death notices, 25 cone.. PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST .4 31.4.11310 TH WEACELLY. ON CY ONE DOLLI-h.A i?Elt YEAR, iN CLUBS OF TEN. Single Subscriptions, - - per annuli', CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Comm' r vial, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. Thin Paper being of the LARGEST size, and neatly print,: on tine white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to give bettor eatisllietlon than any paper puolished in Pittsburgh. Those who wish to take a payer fruni Pittsburgh, will rind the SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable investment. ! Address, JAMES P. HARR, sepl7 Editor end. Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. eq. P. neat. ED. A. EtEr....6. CZ Eta& 11E. -; 11 T E RR, S BOOK AND JOB OFFICE ; POST TJ I ID I INT C3aS , Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, ' TIIE undersigned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AND lIANDSONIEST STYLES OP TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING Pi is",' JOB OFFICE, invite the " ttention of Rail Road 011ie , Merchants, business 11 " 0 , nod the public generally, to Heel superior facilities fur execnting with dispatch, on reazionei,le terms, all kinds of RAIL ii:LOA M AN I L , LEG IL, AND EVERY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN 87/FANCY PRINTING 49rOcir material being nearly all now, wo can give assu rance of the meet complete satisfaction, and solicit orders for BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, • BILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, Ii((rINESS CARDS, PAPER 80. MORTUACI ES, BuND-, l'art:cular attontkot tail! ftl^l, 1.0 paid to the primie , of Posters, Prograwrnos, Ai. for Coacortti, Exhibitions e[.l Circuses. BARR tfc MYERS. EIUF FM .4.111, 31.4.3itt..L Izc , RWAR,DING COMMISSIONS. DC:ALI:II3 IN PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL . No. 111 Secorre STnera, Ptuaetuaea, PETO.:6. X r 6 11E a C it 6: Hpriager Harbaugh, Joseph E. Elder St. Louis; Pittsburgh ;'Boone & Style, It. H. Palmer, !Garret it Martin, McCandless, Means E Co., Jawed, II en t, Smite° A. Co. ‘• li. Childs A Co., " Keene, Sterling A Co., " Itagaley, Cosgrove Fi Cu., " Yard, Oilmen) A. A. Mason & Co., " Edward T. Mott, O. W. Smith, Wheeling; Weave; A Graham, e A. J. Wheeler, Banker, Ci tie o re:ti The PeopieN l'ia:3e Store. D. S. DIEFFENBAAIER & CO., Cheap Cash Dealers in all hie is of Fashionable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITEIIS 9 For Gentlemen, Lolled, Youth', and Children, No. 17 Fifths Street, near Market, ocb PITTSBURGH - , PA. J. G. PERRI 4 8 A. JO/IMOO PERRIN & JOHNSON, Preprietwe ,if Childs a Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof fe j,Cernernt noofing. • 133 rIIIRD STIte.ET. 'kRDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith- ' N._./ hilly executed, mid all our a ranted. tiOntintr, material always on nand, eiel for sale, with di- restions ter nee. vettly DAwn:s& ; , House, Sign anil Ornantents.l Painters 1311 AND GRAINERS, • 144 WOOD STREET. Dealers in White Lad and Zinc Paints. Also, OHS, Varnhdies, forty, ! Whaley: als-r. sod ['Very article used in the tend., FAMES MILLING-AR, MiJNONG A ELA PL AN INS HILL, would respectfully infirm the public d he has rebuilt Slum 1.4 file, 1111 d having enlarged e-uablishinent, and tilled it with the nlweet and west fiii impala nuichimry. is now prcore.i to furnish flooring and j planed 1,, Apr 'S, owl sAY.'ilij, ati,l roe.wu,w, duors, smell shatters, kin, $,/11111 Pitt.;;l,l7,li4h, Septenilier 7, 1657. (1 EORGE BLETCHER, %Jr MANUFACTL REP_ 0r Tita DELLInt.....Tt:o GOSSAiII ER V ENTI LAT NG: WIG, ELASTIC BAND TOUPEES, Awl every tlsscriptiou ei ORNAMENTAL HAIR for Ledie and gentlenwn. Va- 70 FOURTH eizeet, between Worst ft.,: f-iLrk..t., Pitt burgh, Pa. “.27:11 zit yie !late. _ (- e 41.; 4_l) aiti) C o. , 131 WOOD STREET, 1. _HAVE just reeeired the PALL sryLr, OF asst's Dralfil Hats; Gee Cs Suff. LIMB; I.lo)'th soft Hata; Boy fancy Caps; G ut,i; me, ; ticenall Tr „ loaepii \E stir. t tag:: Repository. ,SEPII WRITE, uee• carryics en -noV noes in his tipactokcpreno6.-600w lupus arged.,) on the Pi tteburgh arolGrccnsburn. F Turnpike, near the Two Moe nue, betWiftlil , Pittsburgh cud lr.vren , oville,:e.pectfully invites the public to inspect Lis stock et CARRIAGES, itijotithei, & c . A n d 1„ particularly piton:at gruniewen rafecl.arz, that one pricy I only is made. A Fourteen ,yOM - 3 . eXpuriouCe, uI bestows stables 'Apart. le, vl before hie patrtios the same choice culhcalwf of Our rages which, ca ninny-yearirpost it hat been particui, .14,11 department to select,'lrom the variona and nail taleute,l Eestera manefactilrers. The scie.o of his new system it. ff"` complete—the ecortonly . 4if his :erangetWatte tit, R' beet and most PASlcitu...Wo lniinotac, ore, at moderato talcsc. Unencumbered by those heavy Pi, , , which the manic tor decorating o! busi:f ass ! to noun the price of goads, (owing to large rents, JOSEPH. Vildr ' TE will eell, I au ready money only. ar ninth legs then the usual I.7ric,.e. tra,..Cartiages repaired in the host InfilrY." inayl9day Q,T. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- The undersigned has botar,ht the lease of the above mimed Stables, tu gether with a portion of the extou sive st.y.it of Horsed:ma Carriage 4 Ffk late the propert} of James Mathews, doceas ' ed. In addition to the etock beton., mentionc-d, he has also addod a number of BINS lIORSES, I.IfiGME:,4 AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly ...-top".td at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wual ht.re,t. Ao h., gives his personal atten tion to the budincan, b L. , ,ntitotan, ut the p-troaage which be has hitherto rbeciVO frcn public is JACVB GAR.DNER, I, t.eburl:,ll Livery Stables. N. 131,-A HEARS!: and sty Laiu4 l ,3r of CAURIAGF.I , . always be Vroeurt3d tor dot9 TO AGRICULTURAL. ISTS.— iv° havo on. band a H i ndia Robber TAbes for Wheat Drills They C.A1.11,0 in any criaatity at short not,lee, by. J, Ja4o 2t3 artti29 Olaf t • r s treet . r EATLIEII BELTING—A g,ood supply o f tho txat East , rn manufacture, for solo low, by J. de 11. PHILLIt'd, 20 and 28 St. CLur eitro.t FLANNELS—Red, White, Gray, Green, Yellow, Plaid, etc. Cheaper than the caeureet. HANSON LOVE, korwcrly Love brother,, .r..,_., j:CONEY FLOUNCES AND NEEDLE- Iargo :tam [wont, and very eLcao 0. IiANSON LOVE, (vrisgely Lan Linn, No. 14 Market stmt. t / 4 4- e. x:249 ti .074 ',ll -1 4 * / a 4; iftV , 1 1 ." nrin / PUBLISH ND DAILY BY JAMES P. BARB, IT CORNER OP WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE 001,JAAlifl PER ANNUM. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. r qj ( )N L. WELLS 00VEULY, PRorawroa Corner of Market Street and Market Square, HARRISBURG, PA. rillitS NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, ree,n,ly or.,ctlai by the Sietire. hi Harrisburg, pa.,baring been lomed for a term of years by the under signed, he kllcce this method of calling the attention of his friends, and the traveling community, thereto. HaValf:,' a front of Ono hundred 004 forty five, Ad on the prtncp..2l rtrret tf the city, and lift,i-two feet front on Mar ke,f Square., it cannot 13j1 to pt,..ve uttractive at well as In t The CIIANIBERS'are of tine t>l) . . , cll ventilated, and lichted withgal—a number with c.,:inecting dtx.rs.—makiug 'them very desirable fur families. The lIALLS. are warmed throughout by heaters, and every Modern improvement, is fact, has been added, that may conduce to the safety, t and happier. as of the guests, Visitors may, therefore, r•mt assiired that thu "JONES 11011:3E" has Wen made perf,:t in all its appointments— that each department ha, been plac,l la charge uf /Zips- MENCED AND COXPETENT PERmo , S--th tt in every particular th- system which has Mien adapted by the eruprietor, afford to thorn who may nir:lto It their home, as pleat a Jm pre° of emutoi las may he iihmined at any similar U 1,51111. men t iu tin ,Suao. l'o scccrc this dcmirablo cc ult, lr has bichL,lb d ttic Public and Private Parlors, Chambers, Dining Room, Ltc.. ith tiiely tit FUlttilill RE; and also art stiged within the hualtiatut, a thw Lan-a SALooN, tiV, Eit SAL ON, DILEiSINO ROO4l. 11oi ASI, I(q.1, Thu CULINARY DE. , ARDL r A., I) /N 1 iiill receive the espe.7ial attention ,l - th- Proprietor, which, he will ht a sullicien K wirautee that all lantei will Atter returiong tbaiLoi to Lin old frienill and patrotri, for the cHeron, F - 0,11114, cx.tentleti to Lira At the euviat.ii• !LAME," Ulld ttlitu to Inn fricutialtUdintrOLlS at Ell- LoLUlllha Roane,' Car, the reaoou of 1655, he rele calm ,i,oeit4 a continuance of it at the "JON iv' 11011$1.: " Jan:im WIL!.S °OVERLY. WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENN'A A VENUE 4 . THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, C A. F. BEVERIDGE SCOVF HOUSE, d:orue.r Irwin Sirec anti Uuquezuna Way, B. D. INLIRICER, (iorieriy of the " r Pa.) .11 1 E SCOTT iiOUSI IS NOW CWI 1. PLETND AND OI'EN It hi eituaLea iu a ceutral part of the city, being, ctievouieut t r all itailread Depare and r•tearnboat Landings. Uouei was built iu ibb6, wish all eieLlerLi impreve menri, and Aired up to epleedid el:Lure I.unliturt, being now—and will in every refipeet ba a brit Class 110 tel. :=TABILI.I6 at, attnelleti to ills promises. [ jelltry IL W. KANAGA. • .S. HOT Fd I® 9 s,:ppoult4v the i' - 'euria. At allroad Depot, Vi :®SEtfifiIBTGTON ilit.DT Et; 11., FORMDRLY iIt)TEL, P/T7SBURG'II, PA. JECELE, SHAENO Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE .11. corm, ul I Arid WAMINGTON 6treotn, Mdle.mtm the L'ENT RA.6 AND WESTEFiN RAILROAD DEPOT 7,, ami tuts undergone a thorough =proven:eta, remodeled ane I arlolLed isit6 mu to, uiture, ,nd 13 now 1110 moat conve nient dimel to l'ut.d.,rgm !or Truvider; by lt,ilruml. or Wedt. CUPEINE;COPYL.E 1 - 2...ES'EAIITfit A 71:T. By ELI si OWN tj, Fl :ST aE CT. The lo . • . .... l,, II icla 1,..trl n• 1 Cl/ •;y tilted 0p I h.. 01 :Wording a SlThel'A - 21 A. T.! :19 LT '21:: IN A 0 E :•.TICAL I,OC A'r 10:: umutt y folks actowling mar h...0t utu 1.1 - Ocularly iuvited tc pall. e.vrrytLiul; prtsiw ug to EAT I : , 01 SALOON 1011 rat% ct tLt. Ircotier,l the ut.tr;t,t Itt!onio. y.hitw Reqt a.rarah - Na,. 111 ;VU Li Street, PIST.SIIO.4trn, r 'ETA111;1) EALER iN LAKE ANL EASTERN 1 , 1:ill. .Frct it Pkikladelphin Gt Ba!tlmorm Oyetoro, Aud WiLL) All iu their propor ooioon. S. STEINRUCE. „p-Ldt ly Agent for tlie Y4iladelp4 u Oyster and Fish Co. „ s ANSION HOUSE, Z 3 EOIi.GIE AURENTZ, Pe.Gralr.Tol:, No. 1.1414 Liberty street, just betide the .• eusenger Depot oi the Penutylvanin Railroad, which makes It tie• uie,t convenient Louse iu the city for plisseugurdi arri• taml that road. Tha pioprietar haring, at cousiderahle nic.pona, littud up, lu sms.elLint style, the would respect fully salleit a share of public patronage.. There is attached d ti;i%tliLii: and cot: rive R AelliN YARD, admit lu riarlde accutumuJaa.,i 0 travelers arid teriaristern. His Lar•Yir and Oar will lw mrnisLed e,.;th the beat rim mark, HOTEL, corner Penn and St. hitrt,tm, PiLttbai . t . 4ll, Pa.—'The ttucivreiguod, ferule: ty " .;.; ILA La:LOU I:l,rgf, /laid cemmu ILlurk L. bald refitted it in zuaguilicvut i all,l ttArc.hrig I.) 111,11 If .111 with Lho tio u:! ant, ! ff. 1,, 11., 1 , 1. I, Riot uti , the 1114,1,1-tite. FURNIE ii RE A MILLIKEN' & CU. have on hand, ad theh citctedve CAIIINIJ.T and ellAllt MANLIFfI( adadield street, a large tece.dtha:nt of Far IQ sed Fat dture. which they will '3,1115 per seat. lowat • etd‘dant) tatty. Turn n, malt Only. Wl4 -E 'li L le L iac we i l d ' Ullitti\i'lltiu.nUbriliEU'ri ALjL kui niture, in ItOitalct)(Jll, Nialiogaity mid \Valuta. initabli• for rarlors, Uliambo, and Dining Ittaiaiii, io) in New York or Philadelphia, 'old a:I. lower pri ,, a. Every trticle'inailo by hand, and warran red. Cabintunaktir4 1 , 11;211 with any quantity of FUN Nli U itii; and elf :11) , 1 SI••;1111b0.0.' , f , llLtiNtled at tin, ~,,rte.“. Wn,ro,la, 77 and u THIRD street. Pa. EE -4 I).ds. Sweet ,; A V. h . .... A. FE rZ E 51,4,r CIILLL ,SIMA and i'FYV YEAP,'S GIP I'S ,f every dt,c;t 1 .4,..0 iu Diu ifincv Dry 14,,,1b C/111 uud c t titt3lll. C. HANaON DIVE, 4d25 I,f_lV E E14..,4, 74 Market St. VI uffieu usu, iu convenient fotut, for er.4. I.ly nu„ t 0; vrood 13()It'f FO L W 5 AN I) P.I.DS for sale 1.. y ",1 G. 'EON & CO, 57 Wo d tare et. RE. —5O bat re s inerican and French, tor , • ,- de A. 1- A iiN NSTOCK L . UR VINE tz , il,K 6PuNtiE. ltivaulu-d Cupping 6p,ng Spougu. U.,od C rriag. Spouge. JOSEPH FLE:sI li` 11'6, • 14 Corner 7.larket dtreet anti Dintho i. Gum DROPS.-300 lbs. just received and fur nale • B. L. FAtINESeuCki & CO., Wood and Fourth streets. riItIERMUM! , ,TERS--For sale by w. h. JunNsION anvil Slationer,,, 67 Wood street. Ll It ES 11 LOBSTERS.—U) dozen in ca ns, fo•r attic* by ILEY3IEII & ANDERSON 11) . .240d A LUM. -50 barrels for sale by 11 A. FAIIN ES rOeli: Co, 1,00 S (.:,)raer Wo.al and First stretAd. I ' 'll.l NOES, fur I)res9 Trimmings. A liantib , llllLA Ulinurlmeut at naluct , d rates,. at Iv, 11 / N ES'. 77 n.rli•lt It YE F 1,01: Barrels _Rye Flour, just f0,...10by 'DUKE 01,1 VP; 4 At FLEMING'S, (1 REAT SEMI-ANNUAL AND CLUsING OUT SALE OF LOOT 0.1! WS. 04 , 044, at very kw prices; . , STAR' LS, In g - reat t ariuty, vary low prices; WOOLEs: CIOJD 4 , a largo stock, at very low price,,; P.3IIES VIC immense ekch,l.t very kw At 'hi , stcro of A. A. MASON it. CO.'S, NU. i 43 Ftl•Tli STAMP, ME W ARRIVAL.- 1. 20 boxeu Orangt4; 20 do Messina 0.'1:Iona; 2 , .10 drums N..w Figs ; just recrive3 and for sale by EY3IEIt. & ANDERSON, No. 09 Wood. street, • Opposite Et.. Charles hotel. TARCiI.-- iOO bxs. Rochester Pearl Starch k.„) for stilo by I all)) HENRY 11. COLLINS. DOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, 'Medi um au.lo-c.wl., Straw" and Sag Wrapping ['alien, do by - W. S. HAVEN, I.'S COTTI,r 111',4r1,-, , t nn.{ SA , nI+IIPATKIT. 17 . 1 . OAP Pt - ! QO A P POW DE R.-50 boxes Soap Powder of our own tnanufanture, warranted Finperior to any dr,red for sale In this market., on hand a,,d for gale by - ley B C. & J. IL PAWTER. k:LOTH CR ISIT INDIA RUBBER CLOTUINU—Of the best, and Law) Deo° quality, fur sale wholesale and retail by J. & PULLLIMiI. Pitt P¢l E.TE `lB PROPKILTUR, C. UUNN rLLY JAYIES A. FETZEit, 79 Water aruet. F•tairß, a vitri- BANKS Et) 4) LIL ft 5 RN g, l S HAMM, No. d 6 1 4 .:urth Street, MIDDLE :LOOM, JONES' NE . W BIJILLINO OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock • aid°, on Wednesclav and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to November let, from 7 to 9 o'clocs; and from November let to May Ist, from 6 to 3 o'clock. Deposits received of all auras not lees than ONE and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year in June and December. Interest was declared ut the rate of six. per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855; also in Judt and December, 1856, and In June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as plincipal, and bears the same interest from the drat days of Juno and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to cull or oven to present his pass bspok. at this late, money will double In less than twelve years, making iu the aggregate Elena arm o:id-uaLs ern CENT: A TEAL Books containing the Cheater, By-Laws, Ruh, bidet's. furnished gratis, on application at Ole President—GEOßGE Al. BR F-S; VIOL PI'SSIDLN ?t. Hopewell Hepburn, John Shoee.be.,rff.., James Shidlo, N. Grattan Murpt, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert ltobb, James D Kelly, William S. Lavely, James Herdman, Hill Bnrgwin, John S Cosgreve, I. Anderson. James W. Heilman, John G. linekoten, Charles gimp, All•ort Culbertson, P A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coffin, Wolter P. Marshall, Al.nzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. NI. Pollock, M. B. Charles A. Colton.: floury 1.. Itingwalt William Douglass. John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George S. Heiden. George F. (Inner., A lemauder Tindle • James S. noon, Theobald- Umbstard William S. Haveu, George R. White, :J.,re.farp an.f. r....tur -7--CI lAS. A COLTON . , BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVEN S & oEsxtomEs, COLLECTIONS MADE_ and prompt. ) witted. LANDS selected and locate:. liapitalLit3 1 ug to make investments is the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. I my2l:lim A UHTIN LoOKIS TUK3. P. INCMIL, A USTI'S LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notes,;Bou,6, Mortgagol, and all Sw:tattk !yrllley. ?Loney Loaned on Checto. at short clat,s, with colhtr , ra! rlecnirity. NUTES AND DRAFTS 1301.1W1T AND SOLD. • Persons desiring LOMA can be accommodated on reusiooi- Ole terms, and capitalists can be furnished With good ee as L1.,3 at remunerative prices. Also, attend to the hale, Renting Leasing . of 1 Sstate. Office, No. 92 FOURTH street, above Wood. tztr. AUSTIN LOOMIY, Notary Public LIOLINIES & SONS, Bankers and Es change Brokers,and Dealers in Nutes,Drafta, Accept- Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the East ..ru and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collectiona made iu all the cities throughout the 1111j,,(1 :States. Deposits received in par funds or currentpaper, No i 7 Market street, between Third and Fourth ste. pc3o:ly pfIOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer ill Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, Cc., fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Joni; 01IN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE llaNsEn, Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Ba.:1, Static bought and sold cononis,iou. Collectblis :arefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposits. No. 67 tONNS' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street, joss REAL ESTATE AGENTS. JAMES C. RICIIEV, AEA ESTATE BROKER, No. 65 FIFTH SA:REET PITTSBCROLT. !ARMS, Bought 1101ISES, and LOTS, MILLE, C n 7! Wmr: Itt3 iicptidt.; rind Sind i LK. given to arfudividli , g kt;rimei and C.tH w-iug o f tiu•[u. Torn:- reasonable. kla:.lendevv EQ CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 1.70 Market street, for the sale and purchase of Heil r:statr, renting houses, attending to insurance and repair,, ditatuing loans on bonds, mortgages, &c.,; making. convoy. Incen, deeds, bonds, &c.; writing !utters and corresponding -partius abroad, tic. oclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate aild Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. REPLIIENCES.—Medsru. Hants, Gai - retPuu A: Cu., Robort 'Arks. Esq. Jyll:y WESTERN LANDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, dI.AL EdTATE AGENT, NO. LO WATER. STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Has for oak Lauds In Illinois, Wisconsin, MitincsoM, dichigan and 1.0W3 Or' will il , :chAngn Lands in Wisc,ensin, c., for Pittsburgh manufacturos, and alto for city prone, ty. II letters of inquiry answered gratis, Ir; addressing no , HP 0:1()VP. wollGy 01110 TOWNSHIP PROPERTY FOR ISLE.—TWENTY-zqX ACRES of lirct class Gard a Lands situated on the Allegheny and Now Brighton lacadamised road, about five miles from A deghony city— .boot ton acres cleared, bah nce good Ch.& or. Will be sold ,t, a bargain, and tuspunded bank paper taken, if applied for ,non at JAMES C. RICHEY'S. deli Real Estate Broker, No. on Fifth street. LARDEN FARM FOR SALE.—A Garden k.A.` Farm for sale, cohtaming Twenty-four Acros of First Jarden Laud, well improved, good Buildings, tine Or •-bard. excellent Water, Coal and Limestone in abundance, Ituated in Robinson tOwusbip, seven railed from the city. 'VW be sold at a great bargain. Apply to JAMES C. RICILEY, Real estate Broker, No. 65 Fifth street. II OR'ltl FAYETTE TOWNSHIP LAND 1.1 FOB. SALE.—Ono Llundred and Fifteen Acres e.“ First IjiaSS Laud, fur Vilit,at growing; elect Ninety Ace 8 cleared, 'alauce good timber; comfortable hum improvements; large uchard; excellent Water; O• al and Lituemone; Poi cystic,: terss in grace, will be sold iow and on easy ton,. A ppl3 to ..i A 'INS C. iUldl EY. deli Beal Estate :;r0k, , r,13;:i Filth street pARMS in Exchange for City Property.- 1. A farm of 350 acreti, on the 'Alie t tlieny river, neat „iitauxing,l.3o act en clear. d; dwelling house, barn and or , h.ird; coal, limestone and iron ore. Aloe, a titan of 100 icies near the above. Also, a farm ot F 3 acres on Pine .week, 4 miles from kittan hing ; m acres cleared; two houtnii, did a saw mid in good rimming order; it ti ret rite kicatiiin limouchn. 330 scree of hind at mouth of ltd Bunk creel.; .0 acres cleared and in good order. Price l,w eml [mime 1: ill he exchanged in whole or in part for city pie ty. S . CUfIIBERT & SON, nu. 10 51 Market str, et. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel hug, house, of four mums, with lot of ground:Lo feet Pent Aiinitere,y street. Allegheny city, by 11U thiep to an thy. Term s , $.101) iu hand, b,ll/I,IICe at one, two awl three yeara. 0. CLlTllltkiltf & 0)0, nov34 51 Market street. FRENT.—A large dwelling house, on ltoss street, at bead of Fifth, with immediate poseee• mai. Also. two small houses in Splane'n Court. u. CUTLIBc:Iff & SON, uov2l 51 Market street. LOR $750 will be sold a new two story Frame House, with a good lot of ground, in Allegheny i Lie lot is 20 feet froht, 01.1 :demerit) etreet, by 11U let to an alley. Terms easy. B. CUTHB ERT & SON, novl4 51 Market street. FOUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small s luta of Mild, ten miles from ST.auds• Mardian count). Va., futtr miles from R. It. Station. Lich evil and good timber. Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, from 5 to 7 years, if desirecL Mao, 700 acres of good land, 3 'ones from Cameron Ste doh, B. it Ohio It. It., for hale to suit iduchasera, at from $7 to $lO i .or acre, an.' ou easy terms. 1. 4 1, JE, REN.f.—A dwelling house on Third str(qA. itusi street, with immediate pos, IOR SALE.-A Dwelling House with a good Store ROOM. eituate on Robiution Street near Fed re', Allegheny city. Price low dud terms Cosy. 101 l 8. CUTHBEti..: Et SON. 61 Market at. _ . J( 1R SALE.—A comfortable dwellinglouse (trams) of hall and eight rooms, portico In front, with Ft lot .it ground 78 feet front on iieutn avenue, Allegheny, by 1'.20 deep to Rebecca street, with fruit and. shade trees, shrubbery, stable, ac., &c. Price $4,500. 8. OUTLIBERT dt SON, nov2 51 Market street. 1U A IEi'...9, II ,,ABANNIK's' sTOcANoruPAP:YßA„N.iiulbF:At.ckeln'uat par, either in whole or In part pay for several very desiro tile locations for country residences, ueo the city. One lot of 12 acres, one of 14, of 10 end 3 acres. For particulars call at oar office. S. CtatiliEltT dt Sr/N, 00t27 bI Market curet. F .L w and Plaid, of all grades, and at N." Ey Yellow, . ---, Rea Lo WEB. PRICEd than they can be gut fur at any other os tablienment in the city. C. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers, oc. 21 No. 24 l•tarlict street. 1110USES,.LOXS AND FARMS.—We would invite the attention of persona who wish to purchase A HOUSE, to the great variety of Houses, Farms and Build ing Lots we have - for salet . We have now on hand Lots at $lOO, entb, and at s2od, $4OO, and ap - ward3,. and on very easy terms. Some ia payments averaging fourtmn cents a day 1 Homes tnd , Lots, at from $7OO to $lO,OOO, in various locatiGns in and hdpicent the two cities. Improved `Farms at from $lO to trIOV acre. - 'Also, choice Farming'tands from 2toss 'p acre. Persons having property of any kind to dispose of, will find it to their interest to give us a call. We also, attend to the Renting of Houses, and Collection of aVats• CHTHERRT A SON, dale 11 Market (Ueda. P ITTS B URGH, EIMEI S. CUTHBERT 3 SON 51 Market 8. CUTHBERT & B.IN, • 61 I.larket street '.'-ii0ND., 3 4.1 1 . FEBRUARY 15. 1 S5B. ''ARPETS AND OIL ®TINS. & H. PHILLIPS have rounmed to lhnir itew!thug, Noa. 25 and 28 ST. shie,betwuon 21.1/I.streot and tliv B .7. 41n. finn..Lips, MAN U VACT ORERS rI Lu iR. F(.7 URIAG.t, TABLE, AND TRANH'AICENT S OPAQUE 'WINDOW SHADE' 01111 L CILOTM Of differ; nt Colors Alsa, PEA LEite IN OIL C LOT ELS WINDOW PIIA DES, Of evvry deineriptiun. Dealers in 'INDIA. RUBitErt GOODS. Of.all kinds, made tinder Goodyear's Patslit; Agents of the Becton and New York Eeltinz Companies, for the Hale of their INDIA Rill:- ISELT.ING. HOSE awl 1;1;11- 3-'l3 of Eastern manufacture, a ,uperiOr quality; aieu, Litre Leather and Rivets. Agenta for Inn OITIO YII2E-PROOF !-liNEILAI, PAINT, Dry and Mixed Paints ; Varnishes, r;ii;, Turpentine, tra,ilie'r, and Putt - y. TIOUSE AND PAINTING AINID GLAZING. in all ita ,hranchni, is lhe best and alter test tire. I tie2o:ly .1. a: 11. 1 5 1 - 111..1.1.!6, )9. :to ttid ei”.ir street; 1/11 ;1.3" ri vt,r, throi; r! A 11.P1-3,T B OIL CLOTHS, IVIATfING, AT 'PILL : - .`otartla Street Carpet Store. W U.:4112A LLU:II resputstfu l!}. titer t it.. VI their hirtiner cu/ttutu•-1, awl the public to f lute pr,,,,ttt ,ttuck, just 0011,t,1 Get• Spring tudel, ,1111,11,11 . 111,:, r ) . West Lit Puruig u Mid (loran 'luau fart Lite, I. ,-!iuc iLI part 01 Velvets lcru vela, Tapestry rtati C,1,1111011 : lit IlroMi 4, , 1111121.ik, TwillPd awl Nutt! ~tiLir CARP E't6. OIL CU./TU.:, FROM 2 TO 24 FEET ‘NIDI:, Rug., yta•r and C Mitt Vitra and 111.2; I:linds; Pniutud, Butt anti it , Vll . . CI. ttt,0 , 14 to 311 WI, • L,1P , ',14 of 1 , ,k ~ r , trtd •:11-t Any fo.nor r:,.!1, ti'' ,IdStl.•ot, mar iwlr . D.,b 11. N.1'1.).11.1,11:1. BOOKS AND ;STATIONERY. R uBERT A. LOO.NIIS, ISG,0:1,101' 1; 3TATI(iNEK AND DEALER IN PEI.I% , ,ICAL: AND NEW:PAPERE, N... 41 FP.LIJ Co- i'artuiersialp. TUE undersigned ti:tve enter,d into Co ontlur .. y le of Wm. 0. Johnston At Co. 5_1!..11i1:1.. JOI.J.N 670,N, J it., 1..11 C. JOE •• SioN. i Ittst.FQ,h, SL•ploni:.cr 5, 1857. JOLIN.iTON. Jll, Itt . C. JOILNSTON Sr. CO., TATIONEII6, Blank Book Ma,nufacturers, AJ And JOB PKINTERS., Vu 57 Wood street, betweeu Third and Fourth, 840 11 LA N K BOOBS, Buy Ledgers, Cash PuukS, C ec , Booka, Bill But is .5, itoc,ipt Jollo.:-.roo,ii CO., 57 Wdud strict. Fur by .17013ACCU AND SEGAES. MIN VV . I=l TOLiAC . OO 3 61`11 1 1 , 1 , AND ClU4its-_, PIANOJ AND MUSIC. :441 ,i 1 UPEIt3 URAND PIANO, 1 " SteiiiViaY & St us, Neu u. LULU. take picathav itt - uouncing to toe puLk,ic teat racy h vu just ree,ivetl sp did lull (.11iA 0, 't, [W laCtuty cok.v, kiee. Yoz is, which lu. exqueitte ISW, Lll,l Aild Nth 111110 ui tune, ligiltutt,e nil elesticit . :111,1e lOOU tieiteihiantrl, guilt exterior 1,1 tto ,dured lrn• F r VI AN;) slur brought to tins soy. Zhu URNALtuinru is a DOUBLE LAU it p.‘ ul :1; Suns , Vi C 1 , 1 v itii the ot.te,it pituill tools aud :i,llCaey 01 (Ouch a Ite4rtie of iltir.tletay but r.trtqy reepectiutly hien,: puolr', slit mid all, tvr.ower pur e:lll,re or nu:, 1., c. Li -1 . • LI, 1V ,. .1 ,, 11-41 - 61110[11. IL No. 0:3 klll.ll Suit for Frain wmy a 6w,, Jolt t'cLire , l a trots lot Of Nutiug Ii Clark's Piauom, • du d CE. • • 3.1. E oh 1 iAliqiu hu PA obiloNz. Th. Oldest Ebutbludt, ttt in the I/tilted sued, and the lurgt et to tist NVerld. 13etweeu 19,uuu itud of tare, tuntrutueuLs hus been tiuioaad , uud ~re uow lu use.; Tee latest tuipturetueut lu our Meleduuts, td tuts iilVlit b 6tl EL, secured to ut. by Letters l'utuut, 183.' By tuest, al tilt, sW, - 11 ra.aajes may 1 , 0 played Willi 'the lull power el the lit •trtinient, truth the et CCWllpili, "Len I is twit sad dui/Sued. Llelo.l.lLor, all Mcdo ,leutlei abide ay us will 1.A3 IllEl4lBlwd ki;t..l tilts a.t...11111,4i, 1 NIL/UT EXTRA CILIARtiE. lExtruct trum the Uom. Advert , Ber, July 27t1r] .11E•st L'ltitia tO Co., could icaliy,e n haw:Hi:LBO lurtuue dlipueittig riBtits to other in tht/ht,Ltlier, to 113 u ttlelr !WS,' Luprucetucllt , but 114 tllvy 111,1,1 t. 111 . 1 k, It u fe•actu!c• ia their iiktriltueutm, it Clio ly bo Obtai:Wil by purchuamg ut titt-tr Ittquttf.tctu.o • our oc , ,Avo 1)“ , ” C to C r our 1100-4.1011 f • •• It) tI VO CV3V .11C10,1 • ' " C to F M'l vu uct.:tve, dodo Icr,l, •• IN PIANO C. 1.11:: E'l , t., octave .Nlelut.loott, u.x.t•;L.,litt;; tro,tl t• to F $lOO 00 .7.1. N. octave 51e1e.1,•0n, - Fto E 1-10 01) Fire octave, double recd, '• " b' to F; 101 l 00 ..)i - gan Alolod,ou Our etturohett) @ v 0 oct.vo, ti stop,, our dud-A-tialf 4.11;t3, 0 1..:111,, ivtlf Seto i I revile' 300 00 ligmad for tilt , 61,11,3 of our ..,kt looit, May LW i„411,1 in all I tle prlitelpti Lidl.o n ~1 IIYSIII of tile United :•"tt.tt..•s, and tit- Cumulus. t.t.t•t. A I'ltlN .711; .r CO., i3 , 111.1!tt, :Lod -.7 Fatten tLr,or., i‘ta.Vi Yolk. cii,Aii,i,urtE tax ti 0, li , 19,t0d nor et, s:.tcou t doer titt.o.t, E'llll, 1.1 1: ftla.itift.;turor.4 A4eitt., l'ltt,t,flult. i e rfb fuLL ~,,D 4 - PARLOR GRAND PIANOS ! f A D NEIV ST YLle, SQL ARE. PIA.NOS, 01 4 .t1 !Oki LILENtS & SUNS% uu, ruff, ju-t irOla 12n!...kut 8: :5..18%1.4,314.41, We I ,ItAvillg, dueir Llu tia 1 el. g ,tuck ut I 11.9. N , hw Full .., , .ven k rEaro (ii - and I . lano .F. 14 to, v. nil ,up...! 1..13 (sal rt.,' cam.. i ii , a:sntiv ‘)no Fut( 5,.:(.11 OCLaVO Grand 1',1,,,,, Nate, ulegaid. nose wood coot. Pre 0 V:Uti tine -Nod/ l'al tar Grand noVt.n ue taVO Plano, near. •, 0 .4110 d iii poster to a 1,1 lhadd, and orcd...ying o•dy 1.110 rent Of an urdinGy square Piano. lutes stitin 6QUAIiE 0;i wil.,,Cull carved Stesea aod, LeLIS Xt% Oat, Vett, y arced De.lk awl beet work. Tao Ituauwo,lnuven octave--4Jlifford aty le. Iwo„,ltoacAcKni. curved niouldinga, yareai octave. Foqr-flosewood, plain round coruera, 9OVOLI 14 tI.IIIIIL, plain round front c.,r uer,, meven Lavea. Pour 41 1. " bit; Emu' 1i.”61. Wawa " ail of the above are of their NEW S.CALL:, Intl with full irou frames, and their new Patent Action. Thcse Itostrutnetas Imre lit.t.o tiatitheil epecisay 1.1 . the ,wit,ertterr, end wilt be wwrroitteti ti pureltLitert.. troy their reduced prix. d. JOH., LI. HELL tit, No. 8L 3t.1 - 1,1., bole Agent for ChiAtring 3.1e5t0.. Claaries Grebe, - TEACIIEtt3 OF Tli I r 0, TIOLEV,ftreA • ORGAN A.ND G::id, ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, As tizt,ek, Lain, lierEuau, French, and t 4 paubdt, thught by CHAS. GREBII, Quid. Theol. Enquire at Uie priacipal Manic Storey. [do:A:3m.° PEA(.3IIES.-50 doz. in 2 lb. cans, ju,t received awl for 3,11,6 by itif 1 L,.Ett'S celebrated Cough Syrup, a e lya never tailing cure :or Coughs, luticouca, etc., uuly ).S.. rbcmiNG-:4, i. 15 Corner Mlrkv , etne - and luutnnn.l. Yt)N LIES, of all kinds, at 0-15 C.,ruer .I.lark.ut atouot, ibuiuund. SUNDRIES. 91 sacks' Ear Corn; 76 du Buciiich-a.t. Flour ; barrt Is Superfine and Extra Fluor; i 3 du Pram) Apples (different, varieties); ,tuio and fur ,ialo by lI.UFFMAN, SI'CREERY & CO-. de2:3 114 Second street. CHERRY PECTORAL.-20 gross for sale by B. A. FAUNEoTOCK & CO., Wholesale Agents, Corner Wood and Ftr,t streets I: 4 I GG S.—Five barrels for sale by I.IJ nor2l WANRIT - It. CaLLISS LIitENCLI. BRANDY, Holland Gin, Scotch _a.: and Irish Whisky, Port, Sherry and Hadexa Wines 116.1 come tine old I.:economy Whisky, in etore and for sal; by the gallon, by 11...11VORTii„ BRO. 1r BROWNLEE, del9 GarnGr of the Diamond and Diamond a.ey. WRAPPING PAPER-400 reams Crown;. Medium, and Double Crown; Straw' Wrapping Pa per, fall count, just rec•iced and fur eale by • d:9 ;JAS. A PET • Elt, 89 Water alreot. A LCOIIOI,-20 bbls on hand, and for sale kc rdosl B L. vAmirsTooff CO. TOURNAL.S, LEDGERS, DAY-BOOKS; t, CASH BOOKS and DOCKETS, for enlo and wade to W. S. HAVEN; Corner Market and Seoond streets: ord,r, by I rn v2O IVORY BLAOK.-5 bbls. just reecived and f.r 1 , 319 by 0t.91 B. L. FAIINES rot% a CO. POTATOES. -57 barrels White Neshan sock Potatoes, arriving, per steamer LetdA, and for br tdol3! :Ittten 14'02,SBUir CO: CC= DZALAh. IN ALL 7:i Nl' OR r , L:1 WOUD .vr.t?L'ET Ism style.: u❑ I pric,s tif, IN REIMER & ANDERSON, No. 38 Wood Rtr.3t INSURANCE iIEREIANTS' INSURANCE ()OTANI, Of Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J. APCANN, Seordary. Amuant of Capital Studs paid io and Invested-4200,000 ()) Burpine 63,428 gU IUM ires Cargo Risks on the Ohio and 3.l.insissippi Rivers nen tributaries. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, ALSO, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation .tud Transportation. DIRE0201:8: Win. V. Pettit, J. C. Montgomery, John M. Putur,,s, U. J. McCann, E. F. Witmer, Betio Guinan, B.L. Woolston, John A. Marshall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Pattoreon, Elwood T. Pueey. OFPICE.RN: WILLIAM V. PET'TIT, Presides - E. F. WITMER, Vice President. D. J. MoCANN, &cretary. niania.izi is.s: In P h iladelphia': lln Phi 1 , 4,1 phaa Seiger, Lamb & Cu., I Steltunitz, Justice & Co., 'Pruitt, Bro. & Co., 13ncli, Morgan & etidfulo, A. T. Lane A . Co., Yamroy, Caldwell & Co. PITTSBUItaII tiFFIOE O. 97 WATER STREET. aa7 It W. POINDEXTER, Ai E fl. 11 A. 111 C MUTUAL INSURANCE COAPANV, OF P HILA DE LP II I A 01lice No. 70 Walnut Street. Cu1T1L5177,674—A.i.i5gr55232,09:4-BECTLITY N VE6T2I.. FIRE INSURANCE UN iilill.DNUS, Sic., in town or conntry. 3lutuai principle, combined with the .....curity 01 Stuck Capital, entitle. the Immured to share to the profit., the Company, without liability for Iti,iSetl. The :Script Certiticate. of this Company for profits ao txel vertible, at par, lute the Capital muck of the Company. CLEM TINGLEY, resident. B. M. 11.1,NOHMAN, Secretary DIELECTuRS. Diem Tingley, George M. Stroud, William H. Th.OIIIpRUIJ, Johu It. Worrell, Sartinel Iliepham, ileujaunu W. Tingley, George Vi. Carpenter, Z Lothrbp, itobert Steen, H. L. Carson, Charlet, S. Wood, Itobert Toland, itarshall Hill, Corueliue 6Wl;eLle.l.l, JIICOL.I r. Bunting, Churl,. Leland, William Muinier, Win. M. Semple, J. G. COKe IN, Agent, J34:13 Corner Third and Woou Strut Pllll4/01.4;LEEILEL FLELE LND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Cheatim . St,recc, Uppiaitu the eastern 11,u.a. 'W .- !Li, MAKE ALL KINDS OF ulthur Perputual ur tkacripttua ut rropurty ur Siorchataimo, ut remunat,lo rated Uf pf elflllllll. W:LEM P. H.L.NLi, Prosido t. M. . BAIA LAVLN Vic, PresiasL.L. elitcrlcs Llayee., A. A. Cope, nuginin, tiuorgo W. Brown, P. B. i'aVery, JU.Septi. J. Pau., U. Stun Luau, John Clayton, .1. Alu,i,argou, B. F. iii..touturotc, SocrnEary. J. U. COFILN, AgetiL, .b 4 .i) Cornor Luid. Wood aroeLA NEPTUN& INSURANCE COMPANIi, lilt N 1:. LIN 13ULLULNU 6, 414. %V .11,1 i UT STIS.E E. I lfrgtsurnzal wudor iltu linneral induruittv, Law, wart a v.;.-1.1 tlti nal ut iand,nun, privileged Lu la *nir,o,uuu. eat cc ugainbt luny or datuagu by EIRE, 11.1ii1 ii, I.:`, LA:I i/ V Pail PION and TRAN6PanIATION. t.)? 1 " iL. C. LA:Ai/ILIN, President. Li I ELL:, V. Prt t Lxtctt,tltry, 11. C Lauglalitt, L. nikarwood, C otote”t,ury, it,. 1. nLewcll , U. C. Butler, tieurgc• tticutt TITS B CLIASFEY, Agents, jel:y alike Lafayette Hull, entrunee un Wind of PITT.SBURUIi pair . 14`1.1.C6` AND AL-AiliNi SUItANCE COMPANY, 11" J :ti 't:e. us W AIARKET 6TfaUllr;•3 etT r ie Li LWA. ~ilf. A. lit.staAttr, Secrutary. _ 1 4,1-Tllth COLilinsay utsUiny eSuly I Ilearrta c.: :pv4'4,11 illug co or conutctrAl With ;Aniu, aginnat HULL AND CAsilit) uu Chu Qt.,,, and yltnatnetytyi Rivera and tributarita, au,l gbnurally. agalnat Lada and DaLuagu by tiro, Abu aguturt at Lan Dea and 11111.111 cl Navdgatton and Tranaptdruatiadt. ;Pali:died named at Una lawadt zatoh cousiuLvilt wittl n4fet:, • , J 1 parting. Hobert Galway, z..unuvl .ti'Clarkay.s. Jt/suish Y. Gazzam, M. Ls., Juaa actslJ, James Marshall, David ltichiv, James W. rialliada, uliari.e4 Arbuthlios, .Iloxaador Bradiv . .,. Jos:win:l a. Laucti, jou:, E. uherton, .'.lssuvsivki 11. Brow:: :Javid 11. liilairlDer., stsstsert 11. llartloy, William Cr../r, Juts. M.: sill. tIiTIZENS' INSURIOICE CUMPAN 1r o PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM BAGALEY pa_vUEL L. RI.I.II.BLIELL, dccrotary. ~er7('E: 94 {Fifer Yanks. at:d .tertet4 , I,: - Insures HULL AND CARGO ItISH, thu Ohio 41 Mississippi itivors uud tributaries. toured against i411:13 or Datuago Also, agaiust the of the he e. and wand Navigation t i'raosportatdou. • il.llalu aamuel James M. Ci.,upvl, • J ,M1:1044 Pal k, Jr, • Lun.kc Sl. Polauock, iTringer ilarbsagh, ! C3pt. 6anmel C. Yuuug, Julirk WEST 13isAN UH NIUTUAL INSURANCE COWAN V, LOCK HAVE CLINTON COUNTY. CaARTERED BY TEE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA ,Cash Capital $30),,00 I remium N0ter...51.4343. THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildingd, Merchandise, Furniture, &c., in t,,wn ni if au. Jim. J. Pearce,' lion. O. C. Harvey,: Chart,' A. .1 gm B. hall,lCharlea facerMckin6ou, 1. T. Abramd, li. Jackman, IW. White, Thou.mi LION. LIMIVEY, T. T. AllitihlS, Vice l'reendout. Moe. KITCHEN, 6ecretary. REVERE:YOE,. Li. Lloyd, j Dr. J Urns , . lord, 1. A. Witie ,, ' ardin.r, Juba W. Maynard, : A. Updegrail, A. Mackey, lion. n Cameron, dames Ac anitruig. k White ' rhos. Bowman DA), Fearou, Limos Q,ulggle, Vand,rbelt, lion. Win. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. tis 6TItEaT, e/TTIVIUH.Ga de I:tf J. A. LlPrElt.f, Agent. ''IIE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PLILLA_DELPtLLA. DlEscioaS--Charles W. Bancker, Thomas hart, Tobias agner, Samuel Grant, Jacob E. nnittli, Geo. W. Eicharth, lordecai D. Lowia, Adolphi E. Borie, David 6. Browne, Mei- Patterson. GRAB. N. 1 / S .IICILEB, Precedent. Cues. Ci. Rim Eta, lit..4cretary, Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limit-el, ou every iescriptlon of property, in town tend country, at rates a., lov ,-m ore consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Gaitingent Fund, ,hich, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, at mord ample protection to the aaaured. ;The Assets of the Oompaoy, on January Ist, 1801, 113 .pob iahed agrocably to an Act of AssotulAy, were as follows, via: :11ort;ago $018,1'28. t'B 3cal Estate 64,377 7h Temporary Loans 83,0c8 17 {Rocks 61,8,5 W 00 r3ash, to 84,340 81 Total $1,..412,708 knee their incorporation, a period of twenty-one yeara, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou. Baud Dollare,l oases by tire, thereby affording evidence of the apantages of insurance, as well as the ability and divolition to; meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GA.RDLNEIt COFFIN, Agent, poll Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third eta. TARRANT'S SELTZER EFFERVES CENT APERIENT—HighIy recommended by the most eunuent of the medical pr.fession, for the cure and re lief of Billions and Febrile Diseases. dick headache Indi gestion, Loss of Appetite, &c. In fact, it is I/wain:Ole In all cases where a ce,tain, gentle a Icl cooling Aperient or Furgntive is required_.bold in Pittsburgh, only at.; JOolipti BI.CmTNG'S e f v : .,1 thoi BEDFORD WATER—This day - received, fresh from the Springs, WO gallons hedfard . Water, mid for 'Fate retail and wholedale, by , • - JOBRI'II ILLEALENG, : J4O Corner A farket Ptreet and DICSIOLaI. . . 1:1 E B, l li N e bBcH4 :th,litectrettltritgyise,:tl),,,.Pxr Corner of Wood and Water atrtrota; For Sale. A OOOD DOUBLE MEDIUM HAND PH.1.119, anitable for a coaatry odhe, will be sold. Apply at the tam of the " MOraing Poit." ).,13:6td.3t w TRIS4,MOSS.-14 bble. on hand, and for 1 ,71 _ R. L V a FIN - NAV - be I{ @ VO , DOTASII.---20 casks, first sorts, for sale by 1.23 B EA IiNE..."4T(Ing CO, PPLES.tn-50 1)41s, BausetB,,f9r tale.by. Co. t r k j i:: A MA -1, - guiv-tvoti..s, Eieliink aft :a An6tiou,' To. day Anil Acmnorrow . , Decembe:. lltis ;and 1144,Frillbo..coldr 60 sBawls 60 pc's. Meal:oo:4c Paramitta% Alpaccas; Cash !,merekr, o ol.alne, !cc.; 200 011 k and Velvetr-..Slatiee,-.oatett styles; 1.00 yds Silks, Nlillinery Gondi, Enabroiderie.4,l,ae, etc., etc. Sale at 10 o'clock, A. Al. doll E. W. I.IND, Auctioneer. t eILOVES.-1000 lbs. on hand, and for Bale %,/, by GM) a. goo HAEINEZMIS 6 $268,126 3.) L. .11ouigaimi), William IA aura "Squire Staples,' Sir,' a great friend of yours, tod au original lickson man from the start; Mr. - 12 movitrus; our clergyman, Reverened Mr. Pe ; Mr. Betts, Mr. Dobson, Mr. M'Guire, Judge J_Lkice, (one of our first men, Sir,) Cap kin O'Flynn; of the &oho - burgh Guards; Mr .13oebs, Mr. --a—(l forget your name)—ali I it. Slizialims, a highly respected draper and clothing merchant of our place, Sir—not one of or folks politic ally, but we shall have him one these days, yet," (laugh and a significant nudge from Mr. Slirakins;) Mr. Schnuphauseu, ne of our adopted citizeus., and one of our o.rdesi workers, Sir—true as steel and regular election comes round ; Mr. Hodges, Sir, : “ 3 editor of kro, Sinitiihurgh Weekly Menem :/er. ' Llwr. Samuel M. Kier, John S. Dilworth Fraucie Sahara, William H. Ituyg. John Aisltor 1.1 r; :a:1 1., BARR tt MYERS, [,. , k'gmA•Butblmg-• TII,E••••ImILY • POST. MONDAY MORNING [Fr-m th 9 Kuiekorbockor for January.] MY ADVENTURES IN SMITHBURG. BY ::11N BRADBRAWE [CONTINUED i Presently I observed indications that I was sot only an object of ES ttention, but of curiosity. tees, as of porsons standing on chairs, appear -1 the three panes of glass over the door, sraringintently at every mouthfull took. When I looked, the faros suddenly ducked, out of sight. When I luokOd away, they reappeared, or was succeeded by others, staring in turn. The win dow opening ~on the street was darkeried all at onoe, and on turning round to see the reason, I surprised a crowd of urchins, piled in tiers, fiat tetnug their noses against it with intense staring, all of whom vanished as I looked. The land lord, by incautiously opening the door which led to. the kitchen, caused a sudden rustling and scAipering; and a suppressed scream, which led to the irresistible conclusion that a bevy had boon taking turns there, staring through the keyhole. Idreekfaq was hardly over, before there came a rap at the dot. r, f , I,lsroci by the announcement that some gentleman waiting to pay their respects to me. t acne I was past being astonished at anything, s, I unhesitatingly de sirod them t 3 be E hown 1,1. The door was flung open, and in bustled a ponipous-looking elderly in black broadcloth, with a huge gold watch laugling from his fob, a gold-headed cane in his hand, and a pair of gold spectacles astride his nose. Ills face was very red, but a stern de tei minatiock was written on every feature of it. A long, soloniti visaged individual, and another, short, stout, and smiling, followed. Behind thern esmo, I should think, nearly the entire popula tion of the village, of all ages, sorts, and sizes, squeezing in so as to completely fill the room, only leaving 'a respectful circle, about three feet In diameter, iu front of me ; and every one ,them eturing at me as hard as he knew how. Athiancing to the verge of this opening, the pomp ius man; with one arm extended at right suglee to hie body,.and the other thrust beneath bis coat-tails, addressed me after this fashion: "Mr. President : Honored and respected Sir : This is a proud day for Smithburgh. Unex pocted as was your coming, it is welcome—wel come to our homes, our h'arths, and our bosoms. L have we watched your gigantic career, whether in shedding your blood in your coun try's elitist`, upon the fervid plains of Mexico or ;i1 boldly guildig the helm of the Ship of .empeste that threatened me lif:atarily io ivrE , ck to , r on the shoals of a fatkorn -1.-ss abyss! But we the eye of the Amer ican Bugle was fiat:A upon you; and the result would justify our prolietiou. We knew that the—a—a—.shafts of vile calumny were aimed at your devoted head; but we knew also that they rahliled ugaiost .1:1 impenetrable shield, which .would quench them forever into the ;round. Sir, you are welcome. In the name soil on the behalf of my fellow-citizens; I tender 0 you the hospitalities of Smithburg, and the eetlom of the city, trusting you will excuse the b ‘l, with which, for lack of timely warning, we are unprovided. 1 stammered out some bewildered acknowledg nitits in reply to this harangue, apparently CO 1.6 p paitaini cm of this assemblage, who evidently expected from me a speech, in similar style, in urn. But as their orator had remarked about the box, for lack of previous warning, 1 was un provided with any speech to make. Kecuverin n .* t:',nis,lf a moment after, the pekesman blamily introduced himself as Gen eral Smith, aim then proceeded ,to introduce ills towunmen. rola, Sir, a, Deacon Jones, one of our first ,cen, and a fellow-menther of the Committee of ki,_ceptton, of watch I have the honor to he chairman. Dr. Dvi Sir, the other mem ber." The Deacon and Cr ., f‘r..'Yt• grasped my band until L tnaught the ; leave off shah lug tt. ,rwicu cltd tip wuopen his mouth, Lib in the act to speak ; tv, , ,,t were his emotions or his modesty too Enh,li for him, and the month again w ithout or •Einoe• Meanwhile, ,tte,rB brit d- passed tJf wead to be introduced ;,11 , ; han .8 in turn. My only regret, Sir." said this latter lurni eary, a lean cadaverous young man, with a %rung udur a Monongahela whiskey, "is that I h net km_ivirn ut your arrival earlier, that I might have announced it in au extra this morn- It is of no consequence," began I. MU I he luterraptiag, " you may say tt, Sir, but. I cAnuot buffer so important an _sent to p•is.3 withoiit an extra. It will come out this afternoon ; already in type ; goes to press .tt out: o'clock. deel ;re,," here brake in General Smith • r thare an't the postmaster at last. Though ,[ ve.ls about titre you was getting around. Here aid he, tl....ung the new corner by the „inn and b:adlng him up to Inr, " here is a gentle man that is bound to wind by you through thick ,:n t thin. This is Mr. Higginbotham, our post :11 Lster." " Mr. Higginb - ithani, his face beaming with ti,faction, grasped ma by both holds. "My dr it Sir, I am under,9yerlasting obligations to you. It will never biforgotten I. assure you._ A 31.1 if work for the party is wanted, I am 'the Higginbotham always was sound as a nut," r.imarked the general ; "'taint likely he'll change virgi he's gut the commission." Are you on your way to Washington, Sir ?" ':Ere interposed Deacon Jones. ••I'. Uti.l no," said 1. " Going up to Concord, perhaps, Sir 1" said 'B. luire Staples." also disclaimed this Imputation, wonder iug what the detice.l should be going to either pkce fut. , " Saw you were traveling privately like, and lA:haps wanted to avoid observaticin, otherwise we shout& have got up a celebration for you. f bought you'd prefer - to lave as just come round n 1 see you quietly in this way." Queer ideas of quite these Smithburghers have, tn ,uot I to myself—turning a town topsy-turvy mit of a regard for privacy Kuowed him! " here buret out as energetic l'ttle man, who, had ,been conversing eotto voce with Dr. Divik at my left elbow ; "Knowed him! I'd a knowed him anywhere. Why, he's just the pirture of himself right. over again, that ie, Witt out the horse, " Your Exetlleney is a younger looking man thda I expected to eee," said the Reverened Mr. Peterson ; " your onerous duties do not were upon your health, I trust? They must be op pressive." Ah ! yes," said Dr. Davis, whose plump,oily appearance testified that he took but little of hit own medicine, "brain, Sir, brain," significantly tapping the spot woere his own mental apparatus W 5.3 located. [TO BE CONCLUDED SHARP'S BEIRAGH LOADING RIFLE.—The Board appointed by the War Department to examine Sharp's breach loading pistols, similar in con struction to the breach loading 'carbineF, made a report on Saturday—the object being to ascertain how long they can be need without cleaning. After twenty-six shots with the eight And thirteen -hots with the ten inch pistol, the , uoveable or sliding breach became so foul as to wflril. with difficulty, and render a further ex periment impracticable. Ten shots were fired in a minute. FEBRUARY 18 "Boys', I never told eny on ye . ove my dog scrape, did I ?" "No, Sat, not as we know on; you've mixed up dog Bo in all your doins that we can't tell adzactly what dog serape ye mean." " Well, I mean ole Stuff Gut. Did eny on yo see 'im 7" No." "Well, ye missed a site. He wur ,a powerful dog, yo'd think 'that he•wur two or three doge, if ye seed him eat, not a oountin' ovfAis 'tail for he hadn't eny. When ho weir a pup, Dad, darn' him, tuck 'fin him to a straw cutter, jawed h'ita stern clost up tu the frame oi the cussed gulo e , tine, and loch down the nife, and tiMr lay the hole tail in the troft, like a letter,S, and here 14ii the pup youlin' like a hound, and his stern look ed like you'd busted a ripe tomatis onto it.— Well, it changed his looks, rite onto the spot where his tail orter .staid, thar growed a bunoh ova stiff, ash cultured bristles, which pinted every way like on a split broom with the roppice, cut loose, an rite in the midil ov all this fussy lookin' patch evo.har, the pintove his back bone, kivered with a gristil stuck out like onto a phi-- gin's aig, oaze.he sot unto it so much. Well, the afar looked mity Bossy and fite, any how, par-. ticulerly when he wur a etruttin' up to a big strange dog tu smell ova 'fin. It made his storm look hier thou. his sholders, pupendicular and equar ; an he hed a way ova welkin' slow and solemn like I've seed yung fellers do at camp' meetin' when approachin' ore a gal at the spring! w,th thar tumid-hoes close on, agwine sorter aide ways an mity keerful. I've seed little hogs go te rough the same motions, won in the peach or qhard an tether in the lane, when they that they wanted tu fite, and !Ruda dun it but fur the fence th wur at wen 'em. I never found oat that he wur good fur anything but to keep bred from mouldin' an meat from stain; and when be wanted to show that he was glad, as ho had ue tail to wag, he twisteds, and wagged his hole sturn as,hiliOne feet slipped about on the groom sorter like a fashunabil gal walks when she thinks sum he feller is lookin' at 'er. He wur ciallured sitljactly• like a mildewed sadil skirt, an he ker vied his years on a nowin' sort of cock, like onto a mule's when ho is skeered. He'd whiskers round his eyes, and on his bine legs; and must had a powerful activ cousince fur he wur the meanest countinenced dog I ever seed in my life. Now as to his natur, ye cud never set 'im onto eny thing yu wanted tu, and oudn'nt call 'im often any thing he got arter on his own ao cerd. He wur,fikeered all the titue,lan stud redy to run or to steal as the chances mOut be ; and Lakin' im altogether, he wur just the rite sort ov a dog to belong tu me—not worth a darn an ou ter been killed afore his eyes got open. Well, Stuff Gut, he followed me to town won day, jis Gaze I didn't want him tu; an while I wur gettin' on a head, eve steam at the dogery, he started roun town on a stealin' expedition ova his own, and like his cussed fool owner got his self inter a lust rate scrape an' skare without half tryin,' an' in less nor no time at that. T. tied gin myself a shake in the doggery, an' hear in' the whisky in me slosh, I kuow'd I hed my load aboard, so I cum ant inter the street, an'— the—fust thing I seed he cum a tarin' down the teeet fifteen times faster nor I thot he cud run, jest ebtozin' eve hisself, his years sot flat onto his neck, an:, his bristles all sot like a black pearch's top eyes shOt up fast and .tite, end he hed on a sort eve harness made outer strings, ir.rter like the set Dad wore when he acted Hoes, end he war baulin' ove an old stage lantern and hit filled with wet powder and sot e, fire. Now the sparks an the seizlin on the dust an the ratlin an the youliu an hrowlin an barkln ,n the eighty-nine ur ninety dogs eve all kinds ehat,War a ctibsin oe.e him, made seam sensashnh. 'Well-;-it—did. Whew w-w. When I seed him Without nowin me, I thot eve Dad's hornet tribulation, and felt that thar war such a thing ar a retribution at lastand then I got mad an looked round for sum one to vent rath on, an seed a long legged c uss, sorter eve the Leven geed stripe with his bat cocked before; Bitten a smll' eve a hoss-raok, a swingin hie ler,s an a t,ingla— Thinks I you'll do, of you didn't start my dog on that experdition ove hi 'n, doitu put it on eny how, so here goes. Sez I, "Master what had my dog dun to yin.; He paid no tontion, but kept on singin: I seed it wile no use tryiet to breed'a quarrel ; eo that I moat be able tu breed a fite and I jist nt him a slatherin ealami ty, rite whar his snout commenced a sprounn from atween hie eyes, with a ruff rock about the size of e goose aig. Hit fetch him ? He drapped ofen the hate rack, but hilt a squirrel-holt onto the pole with hipatiff 211 blue feet, an hung back down. I jumped hed furet through atween his belly an the pole; my writ broke his holt, an we cum to the ground a titen—me ondermost, and turned heads and tails. S the first thing I did, was to shut my jaws one to a mouthful eve his steak, in onto the place where per foot itches to go when you are in kick in instance of a fop. He fit tuitily fur the chance he had, but 1 seed he had a cross eve bar iu 'im, for he couldn't stand ticklin behind, of he moute be called tioklin at all ; far every time he got his hive legs under him, he tried his darndest to jump loose, but my bolt hilt; and we would take our rust position agin. I thot ove a. box ove matches what I bed in my pocket, so I foch the whole boxful a rake onto the gravil an stuffed 'em all a blazin inter one ove th epockete of his coat tail. Now, mind, he nowed nuthin ore these preseeclins, fur his mind wur exircized owerful atout the hurtin I wur a helpin 'im to iiehiud. I nOwo bed soon show strong signs ore watitin to go t So the fast big rore he fetch ar ter the fire reached his Nine, 1 jist let my mouth fly open—so--an he went ! his hole tale in a blaze. — Rite here, boys, I must tell you sumthin I didn't no myself, ur darn me, if I hedn't let him beat me inter a poultis, afore I'd sot hint afire-I'd a seed him darned fust. The thot slicers me yet. He had two pounds ova gun pow ier iu tether pocket,- a takin home to a shootiu match. Well, he aimed to run past a tin peddlin waggin, what was a standin in the street, with a fleet rate set ove live hoes bones atween the swifts, while the Yankee was in the doggery, a firiu up tu leave town. .list as he got clost tu the carryall, the powder entch fire, an soon after wards went off, and so did he, head fust, frog fashion,rite thru the top load care tin war. Be tit a ruunin ten foot tuther side; his coat-tail wur blowed off tu his shoulders, the trine mea or his genuses wur raped roun his neck, the tale of hi stout was loose, and up in the air thirty feet, still a thin an blazin like a kornit, his britches hung loose on the front side, I.ke onto a forked apron, while the sittin apart ove em was blowed tu kingdom cum, and so wur everything else be longin to that regin, while his back wale as black as a side ore upper leather. It rained tin buck its, and strainers, an tin cups, an pepper boxes, an pans an stage horns, all over that street fur two minits an a half. Now that explosion, an the tin war a •ratlin, made a rite peart noise, specially ove a still day; in fact, enuf tu wake - up the old hose bones au gin him the idear that he'd best leave town quick; so he laid his years back an straitened out his tail and shot. He made kindle•wood oaten the waggin agin a sin post, and betuck himself in the woods, stretched out about twenty feet long, an not mor'n three feet high on the withers, with jist about enuf harness WU 3 stickin, tu make a collar for a bell cow. Thar•wur wun cussed nutmeg Yankee broke plum up, an I'm darned glad eve it. Old Rack Back Davy, the tiors-radk,man, made fur the:river, an I follered tu the bank tu see of he hadn't drowned hieself; but no- sir.l Thar he weir, about the midil ove the river, , a swimin fur tuther bank, jist a splitiu the water wide open, an his busted britches legs a floatin atter. him. He looked over. his shoul der every teber lick like he spected tu see the' derili ! lds„Paota wus ma black a 9 pot, Septa white ring roun his eyes, an the smoke.was still •riein ft out among the stumps ore his burnt bar. His hed, boYee -in that river, was the ugliest, 60 arvieSte art.eaviegeet. site I ever seen or speot to see in this wurld, euy how. I dreams. ove It yet o'nights, an it ekeers the sweat oaten seed.it lot ove fellers a fishin an the utter bank, eo I thot.l'd help him on a leetle faster, an I hollered, "ketch the murderer, five hundred dol lars an a big hoes reward. Pie's killed an omen an nine children, an I speck a dog, an like to whipped another plum tu Beth." They jumpd inter that. canoes an tuck arter lam, openin on NUMBER 105. Sue Lovengoodlo Dog. BY S. L. OF TF.,NNESSLIB 'Rack, back Davy, rarin up behine,. You show me your f9ot, an I'D eho•:v you mine." " [tack, b Ick Davy, daddy tthot a bar, shot 'em in the eye and ever tech a bar.'