POWDER...The prices have advanced; Mile is now Bolling at $7 per keg, and Blasting at S 5. SEElA..Cloverseed ie mdre active, and there havo beep considerable receipts during the week, while the prices havg improved, sales having been made at $5,255,50 for small lots. Timothy Is dull at $2. Flaxera.al $lll bushel. Leg.A.ND STONE...Regular Bake of Huntingdon county, at $5 11 ton. SHIIEKTINGS, YARNS, d.0....The priCca have declined, and the following are now the rates: Ea; le.EtheoiTugs B:Xc. yard; Niagara 84c. POUND •YAIIN. • No. 16 Nos. 5 to 10 In clacico:p lb Nos. 11 and 12 No. 13 No. 14 N 0..... . 22 ® >:0. 17 23 e ft ... No. 18 24 Sa ... No. 19 25 t...N0.20. D0Z.12: YARN. No. 400, 7,!1 do , 12 ... Carpetell'u.its col. 28 C!) No. 500,11,107 11 0 , " whito2Bto3s 23 ® No. 000 10 (,14•" 30t044 20 (a) N 0.700 9 !wine 24 ® No.SOO liatting,No.l 17 ® No. 200 8 " No. 16 (6) No.looo S so ... Family Batting.— 18 6? - 1 Coverlet Yarn 21) ... Caulking TALLOW...The pricey kayo [Weaned lc.; rough is now 541i11{Z ot 7r, and te.ndered 10c V lb. SALT...A steady demand, and sales at previous rates; $l, 62 for No. 1, and $1 75 t 1 bbl. for extra. WHITE LEAD, LYTHARGE, Ac—White Lead Is Amu and in steady demand at $2,50 IA keg for pure oil, and dry 9'0(110 - 0 Pi., subject to the usual discount. lied head 93 9, net, and Lytharge WINDOW CILASS...Tho prices or city brands have, I. `canted and we cornet ow quotations as follows:-0x8 and 7x9,7E1 box of 50 feet, $1,60; Bxlo, $2,10 ; Bxll, Axil, 9x1.2 and 10x12, V 2,40; Bxl3, 9x13 and oxl4, $2,65; 10x15 and 10x16, $2,75. 10 'IA cent diaconnt off. Country brands 50 cents_ lower WHISKY...Tho prices for raw havo improved, some sale , having boon made during the week at 17@i17Xe.; roctitle< is steady at 200'21c. q{ gallon. ALLEGHENY CATTL IE MARKET Garr:fully Reported by Josecti Aqt/peririlendent of the Merchants' Exchange. ALLVIIIENY CITY, February 11, 1858 . The oaten of Cattle wore olowly made this week at both the Cattle Yards, but Lie' pricer' Well , well maintained. The ;quality of the eteolt offered waft nominally good. The offer ings amounted , to 1167 Iteeves, 3441 ktliap, and 2742 Hoge, of which were eold 812 Itreveg; 452 Sheep nod 505 }lnge, the balance hing mealy Rent oast. Tho following tables will exhibit the brines:— UNION Ykßag, (VIZACtrA.) BEEVES. offered. Offi.re , l by 36 'irons.° & (fond 16 J. B. Shirely 18 '1 - Moore 32 IL Merrick 34 & Anil 18 Mr.l*eenawelt 10 J. Iropkium 18 Mr. Peebles' 31 l Mayo & Oo 18' 1) M'Fitilden " 23 1 Bullock 18 0. Miller 18 11. 11. Coo 18 L. Nicholii 18 1 01asii 31 - M. Elliott 18 ... . .. 'Anderiion 17 ...... J. Kern N 60 ..... ..1 !Ave! Bro -30 J. Mllinnis 31 Nicliolaii Carr 45 J. Wald, 40 E. M'Quaide .50 Mr. Blume 18 Burtner Tipton 50 Transient (Patera 7:25 eft, red 687 138 sent cat A o. offer, I Oo.;re I ly 76 J. \Volff 50 Firousti fia:;od ... 155 11. D. Evana 400...... E. ...... 54" Eq. Calvin 100 TitnNient deal. r 961 offer r 1 225 C3 , ..1 left over and Emit ea,t rffer ed. Offered by 85 llmi.lork & 50 Wm. ROH 6 1 S Taxnea Morgan 300 IVm..Coplaud 360 ..... .Stallman & zia•attlerson 160 Jamve Itnynohli 43 JlllllO9 M'lnlyre 24 Mo.oloy & CO 169 ...... J. B. Boyd 125.......1.Paxt0n 1:393 oinred 310 1053 tuft nver and sent ca,d WM. I'.E7Ci (ALLENDEEL'H.) brf"f 9 No. offered. Offered. by A r a. sold. Pricy. • 16......1.F0ftick sent. etist. 16 %V. Thompeott 16 :t6Z:',l 11 M. Infield 11 4 IS Silaq Frank IS :167,3% 18 T TT. Seymour & r, I 8 4 51 Wood 5 .13t ...ttettt et9t. 16 ...... Smith (extra ...... 16 $1,15 14 cwt. 14 C. E. Brainard (d) 14 $1,15 petit Prot 36 C. Iltildeman 34 E. li. Youvg 66 T W. Wilder 21 I 11:Trralt 10 S. It. Chryttt 13 Thos. Bingham.... 35 J. 11. Rouen. 50 Tratittieut Ilt•alere 6472 olL•rea tSS 247 sent emt SHEEP No. offered. Offered by 401 D. W. Dumbauld 41 T Simmons 101 It. 11. M'Munn 350 J. Miller 170 It. 11. Cochran 230 11. Pennington 104 W. Crawford 154 Wm. Warreni•r . 161 S. W. France 164 W. IL Franco 90 John Thomloou.. ........ 150 C B. Christy 90 D. 170 Wood & Beall 67 B. F. Phillips 165 'rhos. Bingham 2617 Qffered 237 2380 left over and si , nt east 11008. No. offered. Offered Si, Vo. 55 1 giminritels 85 Bug', 11 .....1:. Jucice.m 14 $4,12 7 ,-,/ 3'23 ' , votd nor:gall aant emit. 137 John ITerliat (ext . ' ). 1.1i,.wt 151 G. Famiriek - twn t east. 44 lace), Phillip; (ex. qtmlit3 41 $1.50 63 IPM 244) D. D Coney aunt efts!. :iOO W. Waaliblirne 4it 1319 offered 195 1151 Feet ervit New York illarkrt NEW VOCK, February 'll—Colton has adva7.ced; 5000 lodes Hold at adv,,n,,e; uplandq and uric ms fair 12%; middling 12 140. 11,air d. clining; 11,540 bhls. cold; Staff , . , fic lower; sale at 4,030)4,15, on i Ohio Sc lower; sales a? $1.;0@4,80 Wheat Ilrm ; 1000 bu,lt Hold. Corn quiet; 8 .00 Mich cold. Prime Pork Plc lower; mien at 12,40(1, 12,50. Bacon flame 3 , A. Shoulders 0!4.0,1e4. Tallow firm. Molaqaec dull at 2t;029. Freights ou Flour to Liver -1,,01 10c nod on Grain 4'). Ntw York Stock Market. NEW VOILE, Fobrittry 11.—Emming.—Swelcs lower bnt ete,ely. Chi-.ago and It I,Mtnit, Cumberland Coal, 23; Central, 971 - ; I,nerosae Milwaukie 12; Michigan Southern, 22;!:; New York - Central, S3:%'; dalena and Chicago, : Michigan Central, 65; }trio, 26; Cleveland and Toledo, Milwanlik and AfisnlaNippi, 32; Canton Company, 22. Cincinnat I Blarket. CINCINNATI, Abru.try 11 —Flour unchanged, a moderate thinand at previonv pricer. Whialzy has advanced to and iv In good domain). flop are firm with an active de mind ; ono million pound, cold at 5 , A . and 7% fur Shunbiera and Sidov, lown. Lard hag advanced to So with cabs 4 f 700 bb!c. Money matters are omit harmed. A LOTION SALES. DAILY SALES AT No. 54 FIFTH. ST., At the new Omtaiercial Saks R,onis, No. 51, Fifth etro it, every wok day, lire held public sales of goods in all sari Ay, suited for the trade and C.lll/4111110ER, from a large stock which is constahtly r..plsai.died with fre.3ll consign. moo bi, that mitst be closed toriliwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. firy Goods and fancy comprising nearly everything ne ,, 1e.1 in the line for personal and family Ilse; table cut b‘ry ; hardware; clothing; boots and shoos; ladies ware, AT *4 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and kitchen turnitare, new and second-hand; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, &c. AT 7 , 0'01.(L1K, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical instra meats; gone; clothing; dry guide; Mote and shoes. book stationery, Ac. i ',Jll P. M. DAVIS. Auct.s CO NTINU ED SALE OF LONDON BOOKS •'—On t+ATLIP.DAir e...NING. February 13th, at 7 o'clock, will be 601 d, by catab ' e , ne, on the second floor of the New Auction No.s4Fifth street, it seloct collection I udon Books, principally front private libraries. In addition to Works not . reached on the hist two pages of pa itpltlet catalogue lit•it Saturday evening. The sale em braces flee Loudon editions of Nbandard works, and a num• her of rare, CLIVii.)II4 cud r,s.h.,rclie books in general litera ture, poetry, voyages and travels, history, biography, the fine arts, theology, etc Among than will be found Hook's Ito.nau Illstury, 4 vole. quart.); Hume and Sinollet's Eng land, 1:1 Nils; :spirit of Public Jonrn ale, 5 coin.; Toe Palrftv Correspondent' 4 ; Works of Addison, tI vols. to I calf; thililstnitlt's Works, 2 vols. full calf; Chico. Utfliihl W. I se , 2 vole.; Sterne's Work,' vid t.; Fielding's Works, 4 vole. full calf; The Wonderful Magszirie,2 vls.; Dodd th , y's Collection of Poems, 6 Yoh; Graham's United sautes, 2 vols.; McCul loch's Universal Gazetteer, volt' .; ~.....13111 ranters, LOllOOll quarto; Percy's Itelique.;; Ilint , .ry of London and its vicinity fi vols.; Artists Itepoidtury, 4 vole; COrtilllit:H of Russia and of Austrada; Views of London iii Go , intli Century; Shahs. perian Tableaux; Owen on Hebrews, 2 vols.; Loudon folio 1850; Bihlia Ifebraica's Geology of Massationsr,ttit, '2 vols. quarto; Poetical Works of Drydon, Butler and Bowler, 2 vols.; Works of Paley and Locke,3 vols.; higuldsby Legends, 2 vols.; Blue and Gold editions of the Pouts; n coplona Greek Grammer; Cambridge, 2 vols.; Pictorial flalLflours,2 v01t,., etc. The books art now open for examination, and cats logues ready. [fern P. M. DAVIttl, Aurt'r. 4 4 - 011 PRINTING.- CARDS, • BILL TIRADS, CIRCULARS!, BILLS OF LADINO, And (ivory &9(riptinti of Job Printing osocnted with nentnors and despatch by WM. G. .1011.Nivr.)?: & 03., Printers and Stationerq, 67 Wood nt fi-8 ell DER-2 bblo, rooeived and for Kilo by ft LOVERSEED. Backs just received, %,/ CaS Oomligh Nla and for Bale by [full fIeNRY li, COLLINS. 23 6 @) ..... 30 @ 31 @ 26 f1<,(a13:„,11 .L... 16 3 ls 3 1 . 1@3 . V, 81 32 1 - 3!4 . 0)-1 • 18 19 ' 18 For Nashville. 111, fine passenger steAmer Clan , N, wil • Lict-fir"..?leare for the above and all intermediate port,' nn Wr.DNESUAI, at 10 A. M. For freight or plu3.ago apply lirw - d, or to delo FLACK, 11AIiN ES. & CO., At M. Pion!' 03, is '36)314 23 2 1 / 31 /1 IS 3 1 / E.; Is 311.( ; ii lR :1 1 ,1,a)33:4 21 4 IS :3@34 sow. east 6Q 2. 1 431134 3 1 4M4 21/ 4 • 61 1 4 .15 31411%" tent east 18 naD, 3 1 , , ;• fit) ZANESVILLE. POV Pit t sburgb anti Zanesville. Ti tt..nu or FORTUNE, titittain W. RENJ— .14.1...."-'.' 41 01..1 . 1‘.. J. F.. 1. ALLI3M—WIit leAve for Ni.. above .t. 1,1 all iittenuolinto ports. ou TIIIIItSOA Doetnabor nt 4 P. Al. For fronflo. erect vor:Age !witty on booed, or to POW ELL h. Altooltl', l Firnt n 02.3 or A. O. ATLI KEW, SO Wator 75 314 gross. 50 31/, not HOW. Hoot eaHt. not Hold. 00 :@)73, For Marlette atilt Zan/cmrine. The Hicamer EMMA GRA LIAM, 0,14. NiO'. RUE A‘ae,,, Istli leuvu a,r.t he aLece and all ,atinrae.iatt, poriLi uu ,very TU ESDA Y, ut 4 o'clocti, freight or p,v,.-age apply on beArd. I jai; soil. Gross prie-; not Hon 60 4% 0.3 4 sent enet. lOWA, . %locate, Mater. avJAi T.1.i10 I, lOWA, :O ltv . o . light drought, fait cunning pnls:‘nger pOOO, ' , Loner, cl,lll lea%e tor the above and all inl.Amediate ports, on SAT- Ii ltliA V, .lie tali in,t., at 4 o l elecli ii V . for u•eigllt or 11/t11 , 30, ii SVllig Miiiitior aec.onodation , ,, llilli.',. on board, or to lIIILuI S. IleCill.EW, Ageuot, lel Cori Or Eir.t and Ferry Htrveti. 33 4 1 4 4: stmtemit. .12 4). IJIVIDGND Prodi,lent an..l .11ana lk- j' y gorN of On, Cotnlniny, for en.rting n lir id .0 over the Allilieny river, bait., thin day, duclat ou a dividend of TVi 0 lvlbt Ala A StlAnE, ou We .1.1 stuck 01 the Gunpany in v.11;l1,1 j.ll),thhlin current 1)/tuk nW.0 to IstocknOni,l, Our reprv.,lll.lilVi, Portii, Trea.11111V1". ht H!,01 . i4}1, Jwwnuuy lri t , 1.: 4, 8. ja./-11 -Tzi E: N t EKE etiN ELIE l• Illed to tin , LT,V,I.'6- BUIS:4 F..: ALito.ll/ CO.VIL'..L.i V. du:" Jr....try, ilob, Lk . p.a.i .1 Lao W. 31. IL. ‘I'I.L.LIAII6 dc. c:t.Lrik.n iu pLl.r ui pay:ll , 3la, iy 01, ni En," (Jab, Lilo Luaur. .111‘20 _nl4l'lll, \: . :v tqu Coup, u 3 'lre - 141' '24 2(4'3' ; '.1 3011-1 13 3014 35 n(oas . , hi) 24 2 ) i mciN(iNii.l.lll , lLA 11,0 DUE, • mucry 11{5 , t. AN EbElyri 'V tut' er,i..kat, :11atuLKers and Curs ut tau Company fur erectiog a Bralgu over MUu,ligattela eituiargo, in Alloonuy coun ty, will 1,11 Al at t',t, Tol 1-110 a - ,•, uu .11 ON DA V, Mauch 1856, at 3 o'clock, JULIN 11,1 A W, 11:1:1td.t3tw* Tres urer. .11 VALLi. Book, will In nputic.l at tiw IIIAWATI.LA to Lite b./L . "1.401 ill M:Ket:Vell, iur :itil , seripitous to the 011/1- Ltd pinch at nahl B , wk, on MOND A.V, tic 221 day of Feb tit irj neat, from lo A. 11. to 1111., and from S to 4 P. 11., and continue, (II uccniir-ntry,) Iruizi day to day tot s 4, days, at the same house. By Under el the ajellinliet.lioller tl ja2S:sw,Lity A. MILLAR. sent east. 1€ ft over. tit tit t Rst. DAGUERELEAN GALLERIES WALL'S PICTURE UALLERV. WM. C. WALL HAS TAKEN THE third floor et Jew,' New Building, 44,1jOiniilg the Meet rourtli etreet, toy ao ANI BRUT V Pr: AND PLIOTOCULANLIG UAL LIM ; and having Ii ttrd up the room hi a style u iota gets:wit, invites his flieuda and the c to visit his votabliohnieut. 170 $1,85 74, cwt 137 $,1,76 bead . , 14t over. llis Pa eeptiou ituons, he hat iscs licri.tatiou iu ttayitig, Iran not di .sags awr all), Lire, tut siitk Unity of laruitutu and slrpoiutwuutnunacrally; awl his Sltillt! their, are iiotereil uuuu, lately ihrungli lu hiS lhs•ralitig Rouins, the 1110.11 nkaproVnd suluLiuud ride alit] tky lights gne a facility for takilig a liuiatied lho tore, to ilia 1.1,4 possahlo liank tint hn thinks calJunt fail to ,ualic hill eistablerilniont thy' reaiot el all poraisnis ul taste. Mr. %Vall'n e.xladiellee Ins an Artut, m is guarautee to his ostrello that //OLIO Lai gund Pictured 11111 lit, permitted to InaVe his pr,Misus. ~'llt eIL9t. The public, and tho Ladies esp ial ly, arc uviteil to view his routuA, and eXarlillai apoenliond. dritEA:l2 A'F'fitAC'HON 111 Ptl 0 it AP lI are In iticd .o nail and c•samiaavi,ltim g 1 ,, as rani-n. ac to iII 3 t.iiut i41,1J toe obtainod wutlt tit Om Inonntainß B. M. CARGO & CO., Piaotogyaphers and A trabrotyptstm, NEW YORK GALLERY, WVKES' GALLERY OP ART, U. Gu MARKET STREET.-PICTURES taken at thie Gallery by a new and improved process, the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and complex ion. They are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be far tillpOdUr to Btly pictures eve. exhibited iu city. Citizen,' and strangertl are invited to call and examino 'tie large collections of specimens. tlin Gallery being en the ascend Hoer, is easy of scenes. N. B.—Pictures of Children taken in two ascends, at No. e.O Market -dreet. niNentf is C. S. " WVIES. Artist. NELSON'S illitllitO'fFPFfS. PRICES REDUCED. A LI. liftY CORNER 01? THIRD AND MARKET STREET, , Entrauce un Third Arcot. 1:1/11 Strilligerado.niing AMBROTYPES,vv,cutod In thy. ,Jogre,l aithitic beauty and porfortion, can too at autict• by ealfinc at. NE! 1.1.1, IiNoWN (3 I.LEFLY, T TREET. , i,, ,nar ;no. unw•d. Far warding and Con mission Merchant, Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, lluttor, Soods, Dried Fruit and Priluc,. generally, Corner of Market; and First streets. PI'II'.BBIJK6II, LA. HAVER 70— Fri.neid 0.11161 +y, , MI A -OW,, Sr. S. Cuthbert It Sou, Boyd ,t Ott, Swn•tritt{n.n, S. Brady, Cnsl•. M. & M. Bank. Lief m.,mdc, At Co., ih.orip W Audmiou, c o . 11177:: COMMISSION MERCHANT, ! RIVER NEWS. HA IZDY & M'GR, ENV, StAtankboat and thou erAl Ae-mt4, Corner of First nod Ferry etreete. Wssrafa: Bro.—The river is falling rapidly, with 4 foot water in the channel at dark last night. The weather iv bitter cold. and heavy bodies of ice aro floating slowly out of the Allegheny river or lodging against the piers of the bridges. Above the aqueduct mon are engaged in taking out ion and stowing it away for summer use. Navigation is entirely suspended, and it will not be a matter of surmise if both rivers are closed this morning. A number of boats are lying at the landing loaded and ready to deport the me• ne.nt navigation opens. Business at - the wharf is going ou slowly and when the river opens a perfect fleet will take their departure. Freights having been below living prices will necessarily be obliged to come up. Thu It. F. Sass, Captain Barr, cone np ycstef day as far as Cup ina, where she grounded. Her pariennora were trans ferred to the Amelia Wcod, which brought them to Wheel ing, and from there they were brought to this city by the earn. The Mes , enger is still lying agronnol at the Sisters, and is the present st6te of affairs se should imagine was iu dangerous emiditipu Lout the limning ice. (kl' et TTS ea a tr,6 ea 1171= (',.! C., 'LI -I:rownsvillo ;:rowneville \Voothvltrd, Brownsville. 1.117.ra, Jacebs,l3rownhvillo, STEAMBOATS NASHVILLE. L.or Nashville. Tht , nteafu.r QUAKER OIrY , Captni 11cDAN'ust ' iMUEL COOLET—W ill lettV 1,..r the RoAvu, not. 3,1 ; .I,tormediAto v• TUESDAY EVENING. PQr freight nr poino, apply on I, ai d. f6l For M8811171(le. The sidoudid sight dran-ht, Rtaamer PO AW,E-414 I,A N D,Capt, R. ti 4 IACNY, will leave f o r the allow P ---:-. 1.11.141 ill tor Lnedi .te po-tm oa SATURDAY, tho '2BUt in 4., at .4 W.:dock P. M. For froight of pa.4-lage apply on hoard. nor.:s CINCKNNATI. Ei'or Cincinnati and Louisville. JOHN TO:kIPKINg, 'RAY, MAHTIR. Tho 11, w, light ,iranglit Fi,moriger paolcot, TOMI'K - Nlniter, will loallo fin iibuve and I1;1 (1.V..1- 11 , 8 , 1,ty) MORNING, thy 18th 'lElBl,lst-40 o'clock A. 141 Fur (might or tori.iogo, apply on board. or hi A. U MolllllsW , Agetit, wala N. titreot. For Dien:whim and BitAV The fine pa lantger .4ea ..or ALMA, Capt. • RaaiNsos, wih kare be the ;there and all ite ter:twit:lt, ports, on HATIth DAY, at 4 lb M., For freight or passigo apply on beard, or to jut) FLACK; BARNES & Cil., Apalta. ST. LOUIS. Vor S. Louts. SVECIAL NOTICES. AT 60 . 10/ aliaicrir ST., Wilt.re eau be seen trio largeiit collection of 00;E:t EXIIIifIUED IN rill: , ort'Y 44- P. r-orri Pi...tart, of thEfilirleir,4l or I'm:114, WE WA kBA NT PIC TUR .0:). N. i 6 Fourth ,treat, and SUNBEAM ALLEM", P. 'W. car. of Ahirk..A atrt.ot n,id Dialll,l I, PRIOP:ii 'PO Ain' ALL. JAHIL's A. PE.TFZI.7IIt, JOIN rut 0051.11EAD, FOR TIM SAIL O PIC METAL AND BLOOMS, JAl5,lyl No. 27 WOOD MELT, VA ALEXANDER HUNTER, DEALICIL IN IP LOUR. GH,AIiN. BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY No, 7499 Ltharty •treet, deolLdepo E. S. WYKES, Artist PITTEBTIROn NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. W. WALLACE'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS. MARBLE MANTELS, A Large and Beautiful Stook' always on Hand And Made to Order OF PROPERTY, CON . TRAC 'IL" TOES AND OTIIEi'S, aro invited to call and exam hie Mir stock of ALA MILES. !,3 we aro pecuaded that but few pencil's iu the community mo aware of the low prices at which' we are selling. MA , TELS, A good, plain, Marble Mantel coats hut little, if any, faun than a good Wood Man tel, whilat It Ia always neat, is an ornament to a room, and (unlike a Wood Mantel) is nut liable to take fire. MONUMENTS, TA_BLETS AND GRAVE ETONES al ways. on' and. • WASHSTANDS AND FURNITURE TOPS, AND IM POSING z-TONES mudo to order by machinery. Marble rf all kinds:Bold low to tho trade. Our stock is tho largest in the West, is nimufsctur,d by machinery and will he sold at the lowest prices. W. W. WALLAOP, Noe. 819, 321 and 323 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Plaster, Cement and Grindstones. PILASTER PARIS, for Stucco Work, etc CEM ENT f r Firo Walls, ctc. (Iltl,ND STONES, all sizps and b: ut quality. for F.trtuors and :11, tdatai , i, at :I:9 Liberty to ro , r, Pittsburgh, P+. follhltu W. W. WALLACE AM.BROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTORF WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AS AT ANY FIRST CLASS ESTABLISMIENT TN THE COUNTRY, AT ARRIVAL OF AN_ ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, at El N Eat AN & N "S, I VA Fifth street, near Wood, EuTsBuRGII; PENA" A, WE WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY v v call the attentmn of our friends and cmitomers abrOad to our now stock of ()OLD AND SILVER HUNT ING. AND OPEN tAOFD WATOLIES, from $' np to - $2O. OUR STOOK OF CLOCKS is the largest and hest selected in the city, at from 75 cents to $2.0. JOVELRY—au outlines variety—such as: Ca'oon Ear Drops and Breastpins; Go'd Stone Jar Drops and Breastpins; Coral e Gold Stone ('•:oßaiC) Ear Drops and Breastpins; shirt studs, Sleeve Buttons, Chains, Seals, Keys, Pencils, Finger ft;tigi, - Ribbon Slides Buckles, Cruses. Neckoices, irmle's, etc., etc., and a variety of articles too numerous t 4 mention. SIL VER. WARE, cf hur own manufacture: Table Spoons from $15,00 to o+,oo 7.1 set , Dessert * 9,011 17,00 " Tea -6,50 " 7,00 " Salt and Mustard Spoons fr..m sl,su to $2.50" pair; Butter Knives .1,00 d Fruit ` 100 0, :.00 " And d gnu ral assortment of SILVER WARE. PLATED WARE, 'uch as Spoons, Perks, etc.; we c.tri offer the best double plated allata, which is a tilts article office man silver, at :10 c,nt less than soy house in the.city. OUR WIIOL'ESALE DEPARTMENT is Midas usual with an C IttinSiVt stock of WATCII-SfAKEI3S' TOOLS AND WATC a MATStItI AL, together with a c.ho'ce stock of Clocks and Watches, all of our own importation, which enables its to sell at New Yolk priers 'tker The highest price paid f. , r old elver and ( - alifornia gold in exchange for goods. fol3:w REITNEMAN ISIEY RAN. COAJFORTABLE two story dwelling holm,. carrot' street, Allegh •ny, will Le et. 1.1 ut e. greut,bargaiu. Apply to S. CUPIittIERT SON, tel 2 51 Market etreet. PUREE DWELLING HOUSES, TWO „ STOLLE ROOMS FOR RENT.—Two small houses in Splane's court. Also, a good dwelling with a large lot of gnaw.' iu South Pittsburgh, $5 per mon' h. f , P2 S. CUTLIBEBT it SON. 5L Market greet. TWO hundred dollars in hand, and foal hundred in two yearly payments, will Fuxin+ a dwel ling house and largo lot of ground, pleasansly situated on IVaSidugton. For rale by S. CUTHBERT & SON, fel?, 51 Market street. THE,eheape.it lot of plain black Silks ever nll red in this city, roceived this i`ay by Adams Express. C. II ANSON LOVE, (Formerly holm Brother : 3,4 fold No 7 4 Market street. FOR MEN.- Wool Undershirts and Drivvers, Winter Gloves and liniantlets, -Mufflers, &aril, and heavy Knit Sock, At low prices while the cold weather lasts. JoS.LiftNE, 77 Market street. VALENTINES I VALENTINES! Or ALL, KINDS, FOR SALE AT ;HUNT MENER'S, MASONIC HALL, FIFTH STREET ft.•2:Gt-o-o-d W INTER OLO V ES— under.hirtd mhd Dr.twere, hiufllcrd, Shaw 1i At t-e.lllced prices, at I, II I ItSll E'ELI) Nu. 83 Wu niroet. fl j ADIEs' GLu ‘'Es AND GAUNTLETS At Cush price, nt L. UIRSLIPELD & SON'S. 101 No. 83 Wood street. OVERCOATS AND RAGLANS! At Cnah pricos, nt L. iIIRSLIFEbb & SON'S, fell No. 83 Wood street. BROOM CORN —25 bales, this day, rec'd turd for ends I y HENRY II. COt.I.IN.S. r riMOTILY SEED.-15 sacks received, and for sale by [fell] HENRY H. GOLUNS. Alili.-13 pkgs. No. I received, and for R/11.1 by 11ENItY 11 COW INS. CitaRILES W. LE %I:IALDEItILLIN, - And Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON TIIE CORNER OF WYLIE rtiv F 1 II STE. E NTS. All tinniness connected with this office will lie att,nded to with promptness Conveyances of all kinds done with legal iccurocy—such nu Leeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Pr were of &c. Tio , lo to Itt b.state examined. To this members of the Bar he tonilers his ainviillo :LS COI, min decor to titke liepositioui to lid read lu rile several Colvin this sGlte , ltud tilsowlieri.. Ills Akio is 11 in 13 of the moin Pollen Stations of the city, and consrquelitly his ta. alines ill Of that kind are very de-irahlo. 11.10:13 D EMOVAL. JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, FOIL TOE BALE OF FLOUR, GRAIN, AND ALL KINDS UV PRODUCE, removed Irma 89 Water street, t, the Corner of Market and First streets, folo PITASTURGII, PA. FOR Rt . .lNT.—llwellino. ? , Ilouso No. 61 Tun -1 etstreet, $175 per year. titore Room and Cellar, No. al Market street. Store Room and Cellar, rainier of Market and Third streets. Dwelling house on Wylie street at $2OO 'sir year. Dwelling house WA Third near Market street, $2OO per yore. A country residence, 24 acres of land near the city, SOU per year. N 0.27 Duquesne street, a two shay 11:111Ht1 at ;:ti per month, free of wank tax. Two lina'a in Splane's loan near Fith street, each sti,2s per raiii:th, free of water fax. Apply to S. CUTIIBEIICT & SUN, 5.40 51 Market street. B LACK GIMPURF, LACES, And BLACK BRUSSELS LACE;+, Jr Dross and lt,ts(plo Tliaialiaga, at reduced prices JOS. 110ILNF, 77 Alurket ntrr•ot DOTATOES.--392 sacks Neshannock tatoos, arriving on tho bteanier IL F. ;•11.iri, and for Halo t , yJAS. A. FETZER, .11,10 Cornor Matta and First stret VA MEG ATE D SOAP.-25 boxes Varie gated F' , 1,41 received, and Maio cheap, by. JAMES A. FErzErt, fold Corner Market and Firer ntreetß. bbls. fresh Eggs, just ree'd and eale l.y JAMES A. FETZER, telo Corner Market and First etreetß. BIUCKWIIEAT FLOUR. 76 eackg cluifc'ti Buckwheat Flour, for nnle by JAMBS A FETZER, Corner Market and 'First streets VAMILY FLOUR.—Choiee Family Flour A: cm, be railed on, for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, felo Corner Market nnn First streets. FOR SALE—A Drug Store, located in one of the best situations in the city of Pittsburgh, for either ajohlting, retail or prescription linsine4. Purchas ers will find an advantgo of rare occur', ace. For informa tion inquire of JOHN 11AFT, Jit No. 1613, corner Sixth and Wood streets, tettPittsburgh. BURNINGFLUID AND IIAMPLIENB. A large, supply of these arthileSt constantly on baud. ?hogs Wishing a Horning Fluid, snperl.;l' and cheaper than t• 311 nine, here in the city, can at ways procure it lit JOS. FLEMING S, le9 Corner Diamond and Market street. SYRINGES. - I have just received a supply cif Mattion's celebrated 8% ringes, pronounced to be till purior 'to any others now in wo. 11,so wishing anything of this; kind should call and examino these bef.,ro prirclia9- ing ohievihore. JO:EP11 FLEMING, Corner Diamond and Market at,est. rf 111ORN'S EXTRACT OF COPALBA AND HARSA PARILLA.—Anot !ler supply of this celebratv.l Englhh retuetly,juAt roceivrcl by JAM. FIAMING, ft:9 Corner Diamr.nd uhtl Market etreot. MINERAL WATERS.—BIue Lick, Bed ford and Congress Waters constantly on hand nt JOSEY.II NLE!diNti , S, fe9 Corner 'Diamond and Market street • AYRES' WORM C ONFEC;TION , C ( )MOTION, o() NFECTION, CON • F ECTION,Co-NP N OTION,CONPR 0 TION,CONVEC T lON I C ONFECT I ON,OIO NPEOT I ON,CONVE , OPIO N. l O O N F NOT lON C 0 NFECTI ON The most pleasant, safe and offsctual Worm Remedy now In nee, Prepared and sold, wholesale and rentil, by ANGELL CAM- Ger. Wood and Sixth e:s., Pittsburgh, Pa., And sold by I)Ttlgabtfl erenergllv. is4l QII4E'S Ferrate , ' Tina. Bark and Elixir of 33ur3c, on baud and for aalo by 4140 • B. L. VAHDLEBTOOB. is 01.1 i WALL'S, F. urth sireot VALENTINES! Traveling Blau etc. AM,_;EM l4',Yl S _ PITTSBET a Z.! H THE ATRE. MISS I{ IMlllat MEM] 13oxel 50c. Privato Box, largo fai 00 Focond Tinar 15c. Privato Box, dum11...... 600 Colored Gallory 15c. Colored Thrx 25c. Singly, outs in Private nf , X, $1 0). REDUCTIoN IN PRICES Doors upon fo Pc•rformano • , u C011111.1 . 311C0 at 7 Eox office, tOr x.ao of T; t.irn from LO to 3 o'clock. Au immc•u4ory popular 11.11 Tit E ()Mtn:N . ' TI , It OF ROUEN al:LI KATE KEA EY. YRIDAY EVEN] ttitrS, I ebraary 12th,Li*.t, the perform. ante will commune , with a grata' romantic Dra,, n, entitled THE CAR L'EN VEIL OF : oa, Tllt A SSACR ! tNI. BA ;;T1101,031 pw To col:rind., with h.. nytiug Dram:\ of HATE ARN I.: : 0 THE lAK 1.14 OF K MLA Ii!IFY. ICaarm•v \ I 'f 'rho Nlitnagereh9 1:0.4 H pP. itmlike is Nfluouucitlg, t lie engage ment of MR. J -, IIN E °WEAR, ['Rimburgles favorite, who will appear next week. • FOSTER'S GAYETiES. (MASONIC HALL.) Lessee and Manager, .J. C. FOSTER. Acting and Stage Manager, A: W. YOUNG. Jose" REDUCTION IN PRICES t — lkia The Manager begs respectfully to inform the Oldie, ,that in future, the prices of Admis,ion will ho: PARQUETTE ...... . 2,5 cents. UPPER TIER 15 cents. 1 ALTERATEIS GP Tuns:—D.,..46 op e n at *6; petformance to COMIGGIICG at 7 o'clock. - • lionent and last 111.10011 , 4111, , but, 01• Mr JiMbli MA 0- DISON, uu Which occasion the c , teliratcd gymnast, MONS. MOIiUAN will appear. • • FRIDAY EVENING, February 1211, will be performed tho• celebrated Drama, in 6 part.,, entitled the SIX DEGREES CRIME—JuIio Dot - m.lly, Garry hangdou. Grand Pas Sent lii,s ELM:LY WALDISGRAVC After which Mr..IAM! ,. .S MADISON will go .through his extraordinary performanc.,i, amongst elet, ho will hav e , a large rock, trout two to three hundred mainds, broken on his brad. with sledge hammers; will Mild from three to live hundred pounds on hig t roa.t, and alluw four men to strike on it with sledge hamtn , ,rs.and other incredible feats. which 1.1111.4 t. be [well to I, believed. , T o b,, f o ll owe d b y the wonderful performance of , MONSIEUR MORGAN. To row lode with the Faroe ef WANDER iMt INSViIFG, Ticheln for sale at the etlice of the "Daily 'Onion," where seats titsy he secured The Beautiful Collection of Pa.ntinO, INCLUDING THE EASTERN SLAVE mAith - Kr, U3.P.oI'ATILA, DEATH W.' 1:l.:AD(1)Eft, and the I.inwuri CIItUAtiHi AN :LIODMI. OF BE.? UTY, Art: now on Fri,Ks htbi!ion 01 tho Ti NE ILitiO, Nu. 43 im•d Coll 0)11 rt.,' thorn. JOHN W. 311'CA !IT 1 lld BA S TO hp 1 . 4 -25/ ". 1 1 34 WILL n't"I'END '1 0 TIIE POSTING and A of till kiit.t or 1311,1,:i CONCEIiTt 4 All counoutiluzAtiohn oith of by nntil, tologrApit, or oilier• wire--directed to tIo• of lb, Mot ning Pont, will rikelve proppt attentloW ap7 _ M. WHITMORE GHO. J. IMLAY. C. H. WOLFF THOS. H. LANE. WILITMOR . E- WOLFF, DUFF & C 0.,. SION OF THE ANVIL, IMVORTELS AND DEALERS IN II A R D WA lit K. No. 5( Wood street, • TOREC D.ORH u Es HOTEL, °llly PLTNIPIRGH, PA. LLUMPIIIiE.TN, C. .1 iliql3:Ati, JOHN WitIOUT Humphreys, Hoffman & Wright, FLOUR FACIORS, kt EU AD GENERA EL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 75 NORTH WHARV ES AND 155 warn WATER ST., Ah..v€ it r;rrnot, It Ea r.; It T(I Th4nup•l.,, a co, Phiht,l,lphia. thump.. ail, Clgtrk Shur, Cr.:- a CO., Caleb Cup, a Cu, IL irrit.it. ou C:totry, ,•1111,• 11. In aw , Co•tiner ,1,1 J,u.tl. Miunn•ll,Cn4hkr .11r•reli*H nnak. •• Murrht L. ILtEnwell Cu McCutcheun - John M. rionnuily d (10., -`f Itgignol' Co., —•c. Pickett, Mathews .Co., )1,13,4%111c, 4%4. • i;hrtnwibury Piier, Mnaiqou, Ind W. 11. Laht.;:v . :, I,:ttvreric, a .tht.thitt,, Louisville, Ohio. D Cinchntti, Ohio. 14". linhncs a tJ i , Pith burgh, Py. lia.galey, C , ,q , ,ntuu novlS:tyt. PITTShURGH STEEL. tVOIIE,S., SAAC JoNEH itiO L. VD WM. % !etillLf.olsol.7 JONES, BOYD &. CO. lIVOLIPACTIII.I. - 'ttA 0%." C A . * .4 T STE o. A LSO,I SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLE:I. Corner ite.e. and First, Streets, jy2,5 PITTSBURGS, l'A Th . :MU COTTA OR STONE WA F T Eit PIP ~4 9 From two to six inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to :10 Cents p'er Foot. A1..-.N.k/Cal ESTEE. , P _ L.' 114 1 [1 For Sale Wholesale at Manufacture'. Prices by dffENEtTi COLEATC§, FORWARDING AND COIA al S S . l otd ERCIIAr T AHD WiioLzsAla IPICALIat IN CEIMESItI, ANC PRODUCE ORNERALLY No. :45 WooD STittarf, PITTROURCII/. JAN DSO/f."E!I 14 - 0.)11 Al.lOl-111EAL E , liV0413111), ffiId)iVit2REALIED & MA NI , eACTIiitMIO4 American 44a.lvanizpil, Best itefincil =ZEE (AM111101 . 4 SHEET itON nub AOUt .in the 8241 u 01 W. DEWNE:I %VIRDEe E 1, r 1 B It AT E 11 PATT RUSSIA SHEET MEL =ESE GALVANIZED CORRUGATED ILUN, I'm Roofing; SPIRES, NAILS, aml itOOP IRON. Warehouse, No. 13,1 First st., Plittaborgii. .CrirALL OR; . ERS ?GRUA LVANIZI Ng will br promptly ttlt,mlod to fq tl.o Workß. Murton Ss, Perkins, AUCTION AND COMAIISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 10 FOURTH. STREET, LOUISVILLE, KY., ULiCI L' Consigninenb3 of any and every , 10, , riptioil of Murcluuulo4o. Aug gouli snot to 11$ tur its will lie attended to ,rithout douty, uud rtunittuucu,t tm mudifttoly mad,. Taankf.ll for lit favors con tinunn.'n R V A L E4ENLIAVES HOLLAND ISITTrlt: , .— Wv Ikrt, I.'ol .V.'t] L I e ina:o1111:dory of Bieriluv.'ti liltte•rn, to N1 , ..37 W 0 0 ,4 ettr.ot—the )114e new ocmpi.l Jolts Until the prat of April, our WWI) kill be on the aerontl Boor. 1112.11 RI NJ. i• A GP:. fir CO. fp FOIt UTA III!! BEFORE YOU GO, PRACTICE wiTri THE RIFLE, AT TIIE Oltlift AL stiooTING GALLEI:v, N'). 1:36 Wol )1) ' , TREET. TETLEY. Xl,O P. E N T . The largo warehou,e, ze,w occupitel by V. it Smith Co., IN-as. 151 First and la Serail Filluire ut Met:lllWy ,al_. 149.1- . :tf ?:ea. 14P qr.] 12') Second atr=c-tg. ROTEL CAN DLES.-50 lases 12's and 18'5, nom capd:ci,sa band and for vale by ROA R. 0. it .1 11. SAW-171.111. INDIGO, Manilla, Carracca3 and Bengal.— —nuoibi. hi dfor,,, :ld for cal., by ja22 B. L. FAIINESTOCK & CO. A Leatioi,.-too b1)1s. 76 and 96 per cent ft,r side by li. A. FA filig6ToOli. a CO., ja.2o Corner of First, anti 11,,,odstrt•etq. $75() WILL bay a new frame Dwelling iioll,o of four rooms and Kitchen. Paling lu front, Bore Oven, etc. The lot his a front or 20 feet on Monterey street, Allegheny, by 110 feet deep to an alley: Terms of payment very ces2 - . The bowie is now and in good order. Bur sale by . & BON, Jan 51 Market street. R"D'WIIITE AND BLUE.-500 boxes Toilet Variegated Sdap, m=ortal colors, in lb, 3.5 lb. and !,4 lb. caltos, on hand and for sale by iall P. C & 3. S. IAWVER. DR UGS.— IBERIL4NE'S HOLLAND BITTERS. Gnm Tragncantl., Gum Aloes, Guru Arabic, CONCENTRATED LYE, Amandino, Pomades, Colognes, Toilet Article.% etc, 7 : GLYGERLNE, Juniper berries, Graphite, Agaric etc., on hand and for sale by B. L. FALINESTOCK k CO., fog Corner of Fourth and Wood atrnpta A PPLES. —lOO bbls. for sale by ILENIW EL 001441113, LESSER AND ITANAGEBES3 I=l SECOND TIER 15 Conta JIJI,I A TuitNrari,L 1 1.A1)ELp11tn. MEDICAL. ONZT O II OTTLE4 F . DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, TS REQUIRED TO CURE ANYONE A troubled with hirer ComplaintA, noises thr meet dee. perato of cassia, when the 21..COrid. te.tcle will, with scarce a single failure, restore the patient 1., health and twitor. We wish to call t, ttention of all re these facto, that the In vigorator is c.c. pounded by a ph •e , :i m who hip used it in his practice for the pest tv.mnt..y %;itli a snecest almuot credulous, and that it is entit,.l. comr,s: ct wholly of gums. Some idea of the strength of genie mei be fonmd when it is known one bottle of Lib. I hviger,:tor coirtai,9 much strong& as one hundred domes or Calomel without any of Its deleterins effects. We know there is nothing now before the American pub. lie, prepared with such skill by n i,cientific than, particularly for diseases of the 'Liver, cs Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has httaiued a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply bocauseit net on its (1 . 11 merit. To convince all by teal that it iv all its pri,riotori claim it to be, if any of our rraGra are aulforing [nail such diseases us aro described iu Dr. Sanford's advert:semi:M., we know of know remedy that will so surely cure theta as the Invigorator. The Invigorator cures Sick Headache. Take one or to e teaspoonfuls at each attack and it will soon disappear. F,l an overloaded stomach, or when food rises or ~ours, lake the Invigorator after eating, and it will not prove disagreeable or oppressive. For Heartburn, Palpitation, or Difficult Breathing, take a teaspoonful once or twice daily. For Less Of Appetite, Languor or Llstlessness, the medicine is invalu able. It will restore the appetite and make the food digi.st well Nightmare, take a teaspoonful on retiring, and the demons of dream-land will all be fairies. After eatff g hearty dinner, take a dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all oppression or fullness. 'I tilluvigorator is a Liver Rome , dy of unequaled virtue, acting sdinectly on that orgaz cur ing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Attacks, Dysentery; Piles, Worms, and all Female Obstructions, for which it teei no equal. We know there is nothing now before the American pub lic prepared with such skill by a scientific man, particular ly for diseases of the Liver, as Pr. 8 ‘nil.ird's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the word, simply beciurie it rest-Km its own merit. To convince all by trial that it is all its pr.prietors claim it to be, if any of our readers aro Buffering from such diseases as are described in Dr. Sanford's advertisement, we know of no remedy that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. There has lately boon brought to our notice a meilicine that seems to possess w , .nderfnl, curative and healing pro perties in diseases of the Liver, StMnach and Lig,estive gaps. It came to Ds with BO many testimonials in its favor .that WO have noted its effects in some of tL worst eases of continual dibility, caused by derangel liver, and in every instance the effect was to relieve or give a permanent cure, Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is what we re fer to. We always have b. en credulous about cures by pat ant medicines, but we aro convinced that thi., tuediciue, Im family use, is notoverrated by the host of recommeedstion it has. Onr adviCe is, for all troubled with Indigestion, be hility or Bowel Complaint, to get a bottle and try it; our word for it, relief will be experienced. litestarins TO TiN INVALIDS who use Dr. .an ford's Inviger. dor, for it will relieve thorn of their pains Os noon na it taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot osiai where - the Invigorator is need, for it will as surely drive them away, as daylight will banish Darkness, of this there can b uo doubt to th we who try it, for it carries conviction with every dose taken._ Another evidence is the thousands of certificates from those who use it or have been cured by it, 'Cry one bottle, it It does not benefit, then we are mistaken. PRIM( ANY DOLLAR l'Alt 80TT1.16. BANFORD & CO., Proprietors, 345 Broadway, Now 'York 'for aslo by O. L. Y SEIR, 140 Wood street, l'itt.aburgb Jal:3tudlw:2p 1 44 , ._ THE CREATES! —:, '''':.•_,, 1 1,,ciT '76' 'fil IT rErd A '.4.; P - 1 ' c. :l, • J v- itlo A r.l h -,1 H nt4 a- , tig, A El) I la it, g4i I • t., , 1 OF TILE AGE. iViRKENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discov. er . ffiinonol our common pasture We 6.1111 t, reuvaly that cnrua Every kind of Ruiner, 611051 TUE WOR S T 80MM - A DOWN TO A COMMON _ . PIMPI F. Ile has tried it in over eleven hundred cnaes, and never' filled except in two camas,. (both thundiT„hurnor.) He lms now in his possession over one hundred certificates of ito value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure is nursing core month. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimple, on the face. Two or throo bottles will clear the syqtem of biles. Two bottles aro warranted to cure the worst hankor in flit mouth or stomach. TLrw to five bottlei aro warrante,d to cure the worst of Erydipolaa. Ono to two bottles aro warranted to cure all humor in On eyea. Two bottles aro warranted to core running of the ear. and t!otchee among the hair. Four Co siz bottles are warranted to cure corrupt ANA running ulcer& One bottle will cure acidy eruption of the skin. Two orthree bottles aro wit:mut:A to cure Uie worst kind of ringworm. Two or three bottles aro warranted to cure the most das pantie case of rheumatism. Thaw to four bottles aro warranted to cure salt-Ithonm. riv, to olett bottles wilt cnro the worst chse of ecrofula. A benefit is always expuriencoil from the first bottlo, and a rerf:tt ca is warranted whelk the above quantity is tatted itoxßuitY, MASS Dcett MAP —The reputation of the r;lsdical Discovery, in curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all •who have ever tided it, that I need a ,t say anything on the subject, as the most skilful physi ci ms and the most careful Druggists in the 'country ars on t.limous in Its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do a with a full knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are no fortunately so liable. That most excruciating disease to an lifectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH ,; Is cared as If by a miracle; your own temper la restored to itln.itural sweetness, and your babe front short and fretful ,pb to calm and sweet slumber©; and the Medical Discove Or' becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband and n,msehold. In the more advanced stages of CANKER t extends to the stomach, causing DYSPEPSIA, • Medi is nothing bat canker of the atom h; then to the ntestines and KIDNE S, creating a sinking, gone feeling, and an Indifference even to t.nt cares of your family. Your stomach is RAW_ AND INFLAMED, rued distre,a ‘s you, and you can only hike kinds, and even of that your system does not 0.. t will the inrishment it contains as the scrimonous fluid of the crick •, rata it up; than your complexion loses its bloom and be. •.:.mes sallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby. the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow sin of diseases which the Medical Discovery Is pe , 7oliarly L•rapted to CURE; i'ilpliation of the heart, pain in the side, Iydah.IIPP.S of the 'pine and Hlllllll of the bad:, pain of the hip joint when you 'tire, irregularity of the bowel, and 111.90, that moot ezcru• aating of dis,Slied, the PILES. &low many thouBaUdA of p‘.or women aro out ling from Calm diJease and pining away a mbieruble life, and their unit 1 air neighbor tuna not know the CaMll3. I Witi )) your Mind that good old proverb, " An ounce of proven tion Ia better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY yon have both the preventative and the care, with this greet awl good quality, that it will cover, under any circuinstaneed. du yen any injury. Na change of diet over neceesary--eat the b. , lt you can get and eunngh of it. DIREOTIONI FOR oar—Adults one table spoonful per day— OWWren over ten pules dessert spoonful—Children from five eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appli (Abl67lt, all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on till imoNtiel twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD KENNY:I)Y Pnce $l,OO per bottle. Fur sale by Dr.GIO.U.KEIC6EK, No 14) Wood about, Pittiburgh, 8 04:(thw 13 0w m A N'S VEil LT ABLE OJAI P0U. , 11.) Will cure Coughs" Quinsy, Bronchitk A th run, Inflammation of tho Lunge, Influenza, Croup, Hoarsen 111,1, Bleeding of the Lungs, om,uouption. For sale by UKU. IL KEYBEIt, A ad • Pittabnrgh, folO:dAw J. P. PLEMIIsIti, Allegheny rlity. R 0 G Q 3 S NEW DAGUERREAN AND AMBROTYPE SKY AND SIDE-LIGLIT GAL L E Prril ATREET,NEARLYOPPt:zITL•" Tit E POST -u FYI GI Wt.. PICTURES taken in all the various styles, In e iathvr, and warranted to please, , at realanable rates. kt),. Sick or d,cemed persons takou st their rosiden,-.e. ap2olydz:w—is ~, 7 - rte. :- ,-..T:-_, , - --- - . - , , r 1 -,11 -2 - 4z77_ 4 16 7,. :; ''';. 4 -" ,-' ", . , t , ''' 1 -'-. 4 `;';:,.,„,1 w,49ic, , 1*:. :,--- - 7 9 :-. , ~.':-.4 - s', / —il , ,--:2:p i y ,f 4 .4* . . r . ~ t, 7,ZE:7'..,12A-TF-7 $- - _ : t til Igir.E: r 414.• - A ' I f 1.7 - 7,il L k, f-A: - -- S ,____,'At tii^ , ,„ i%,,:,-_1:,,,,,i,,,_ '' ... ,.---i.-.,: qz-4--' -----.4 .-- 7 -e-='-i,,,:%' ''E:5 7- iVI A_RBLE 1 MARBLE!! e.l l- 0.M.1Z a2,C.6fIRGO DAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF HONEMENTS, GRAVE STONES ! Bilnclostares, Posts, /key., &c. The public aro reap , ,crfully invited to examine our stodt Prices low, and work warranted. I)qa:Yis NO Bis LIONIITY STISUNT ARD OIL.-25 bbls. Winter-strained _ LA Bleached Lard Oil, of oar own manufacture, warrant ed equal to any iu the market, on baud, and for bale by 13. 3. 11. SAWYER, icen No- 4 7 'Woad etract. ORNE KNITTING BALLS— I . ORNE liiiITTING BALLS, Received this morning, at fe Z lIORNE'S. 7i rylarket. strelet -- FOUR INVOICES IN TWO WEE 11.1...‘' STEEL SPRING SKELETON SKIRTS. Tho fburtla tavola° of this elegant f !cm of Stirt, received by Adams Exprosa, this day. Ladles who wero diompolated in procuritm ono on Tam day Lust, can now to unpolloal ut lIORNE'f4 fn Ifarknto,,,n. ICARB. SODA.-10,000 pounds on hand, Pli and for sale by B. L. FAIIIT.E.STOWS. a 00., gazzeswroizio ,, g-g Pry,. A BLCOND Br - re's ,1 S. JAYNES S, AGENT, BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT, FOR THE SALE OF DR. D. JAYNES' FAMILY MEDICINES, JAYE ES EXPECTORANT, for Coughs, Consumption, Asthma and other Pulmonary Affection& • JAYEEs' TONIC VERMIFUGE, for Worms, Dyspepsia, Piles, General Debility, .to. JAYNES' SPECIFIC, FOR TAPE WORM. It never fails. JAYN ES CARMINATIVE BALSAM, for Bowel and Summer Complaints, °holies Cramps, Cholera, &oJAY N Eb' 1 L TERATIVE, for Scrofula; Goitre, Cancers, Diseases of the Skin and Bones , 40. JAYNES' SANATIVE PILLS, a valuable Alterative and Purgative Medicine. JAYNEn' AGUE MIXTURE, for the Cure of Fever and Ague. JAYNES' LINIMENT, OR COUNTER IRRITANT, for Sprains, Brims, ac. JAYNES' HAIR TONIC, for the Preservation, Beauty, Growth, and Restoration of the Hair. JAYNES' LIQUID HAIR DYE, also, AMERICAN HAIR DYE, (in Powder,) °soh of which will change the Hair from any other color to a beautiful Blaok. PEKLN TEA STORE, NU. ZiS F 1 TH STREET. Ja. / rp-2p - = 11300111.11AMMER Si. Duo, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AVU DEALERS IN Fish, Cheese, liqoam, Meats ) and Produce Cieuerally, N 0.4. 304 a, ea 300 North IVharvu, 1' hini and fifth doors above Race street, • I'LL 11. A ELPIIi A , AV E NOW IN bTORE, AND TO AR IL E, a lull adoortm,ut. ul Aludiorol, Cod ildh, tkU Ilan tug, whicti tL y win oft t .11n very loweat mar kit rates. P. 6.—lhoun, Sidt,, rjhuuldurn, BArruled Pork, - or other ProtJuno tg.ol , llio esdutugu, or Hold Cu CUMmiSdiou. ELEPC6 TU Jordon a Diuthor, 31cCutcheon & Colliti, htruup .t Bro., Coleman A Helton, Wm. o. emith & Co., Budd 4 Comly, Jal.l:3m-2p PHIL iDIMPEIA. JOS, F. 11AM1LTON & CO., ENGINEERS AND MACIIINIESTS, Center of Rrst arid Lib.Tly streets, Pittsbu) gh, Pa. SUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES f'or Grist LI and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establishments, „Nianufactorie:, made to order. They also. continue the manufacture ur their Celebrated Machini6ts"foola inch as Turning Latices, I run Plano' s, Bering an.l Lit illiug Alachines, Sm. Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Ptilleya, flangere, kc. talycl GO &NB SEE • GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, CORN kit Tit IRD ANI NI A BRET , TS., PITTSBURGH. r 1 1 110 SE WISH I NO TO FURNISH. THEIR _E. Heim with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most extol eite end olaliorato tibia., will find it to their intereeta to giva we a call boloto pureloodog. oldowlocro. My work 113 got up by the t...ut mechanic. 1 11,4 t Every attention ie rhea t ibt, waste ~,. o•re. Primo low. All wotli 3rlll/1 Wit ti 7?. Tli:.tl) i'ittaburtth. fulythlytu 11011 ER r 1 , 1,1-ZELL /ALMS EL 1111E6D1111 _ROB E IJA Li/ LL t CO., Wholesale Oro era, C.nuutifilt..o.. it Poi wardiug Marchanta and ti..”.1.,r3 in Produce nuil PitAatnirgt, .danufacturod, No. '251 luberty Pitt..diurgli, Pa. novltEry. E. C. Si. J. tiff. SAWYER, I=l LARD OiL, CANDLES, _ PALM, TOILET`, AND ROSIN SOAPS N. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ,- _-_ , - , - - --- - 7-_-__ : _-_ r ' •-••-- - - - _ l__. ~,_ ~-:, - t:_:., , :_z-_=•-1.--c-,----,-- . _ _ - -..---i., - , . - --- --- UOLD AND SILVER SPMCTACLES, A'l' MANU PACTUREIVS PRICES. lIYDRONIETER or weighing, spirits, the cheapest and beet articles ever brought to this city. 211 Eltiirl OM ET DRS AND B A it(INIET E RH, varyin g in price from $l3 to $3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES,: Itt SHAA I . ractecci Optician, 48 Fifth &rect. oppoaito Mahonic Dail L. C. ktuvistitteti, AT CtittNi; AT LAW AND OJNVEYANUER orric.a 1!." tartAst {)AN ItiitY w. (API I.o'l'l'l, No. 100 SMITIMICLD Strut, 0. , 1 - 110T of Fifth, PITTSBURGH, PA. in large and email quantities LOANED on Gold , i!ver, Diainoud.q, Jewelry, Geld and silver Wathus, and Linde of valuable articled, fur any length of time agreed arlt is lim.re, from 7 A.M. tb 10 P. M.' Ds:W:l3de FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER & DEALER IN 16 ?Ml' GN AN D -, OMESTIC • HARDWARE. 71 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, riTTSBURGII, PA. Tint,,nbscriber is uuw :Telling a well selected alsorb. o eat of foreign and domestic Llardwmre, all new,and will be e. ;,1 on as good teens as any other house in this city. He ....11l always keep on hand a genoral assortment of ,lAILDW A RE; CVPLLAY, CA ENTERS' TOOLS, ac., 'r which he rispectfiallyi., , , , lr., , Cho attontionof 1 : , chasers FAIINEIA'OCH. otniCii FACTORY. M. L. t a .,a t CC ES SOR Bft ELU 41 1- & former iy E. M 811 l DLO NV, 1a.,. JG Diamond alley, near Wood Pitt,burgh, Pa. I could resvecttully announce to the carriage using cutu 11.1101i y a n d public iu general, that I have, this day, pur clc,ed the I, lerest 0: my former partner, ilr. Albert, and will carry ou the bu int:Mill all its blanches at the old stand, No. 4h Diamond ~11ey. In changing the name of this old, v established ninnututuring establishment,l as sarc th , public no eltort alma be wanting on my part to de erVo the sac, high character so long enjoyed by my prede •ind r v civws. ImM:ly:is! 11. L. tahlEllllllB. Lumber. 15-0 0()0 FEET of Flooring, of supe rior.quality, for nala Low for cash. A , alress, M. b. W., .1.u.,-24" Box, No. I 97 Poet Otttr.a. DAVID H. WILLIAMS, fir 11 VI L ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR ` 4 .,_./ FOE Tu E ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for trout Elva t unions au I upwards, and fur Cleating Innlilinp„ public or by Stearn, idol Water or Furnaces. • ySAVIti PPITSBURGLE, PA. MANUFACTURERS' rNSURANO.F., AUENCI OFFICE, No. Oti WATER STILES; Pittsburgh, February 1, 1859. .NI.TICE.—The undersigned having withdrawn flow the Agency iu this city PC6IIIIIO his tormer podi iou in Philadelphia, respectfully returns his thanks to lrietels and pa runs of the office during hiiradininistra. Lion of its ullais in Pittsburgh, and earnestly hop so they will contain 5 their favors to his successor, Mr. who has been appoinrod by the parent ofilce to conduct the business in thin city. lea J. W. MAItTIEN. Manufacturers' Insurance Co. AGENCY OFFICE, NO. 90 WATER. STREET, t Pittsburgh, February let, 1838. f TILE UNDERSIGNED BEGS respectful ly to c... 11 attention to the card of Mr. J. W. MAR 'rl EN, and hopes by attention and promptness lu conduct mg the hilliness of the offic, to merit a fair proportion of Fitrollage. proUllatlONd and liberality of the MANUFACTUR ERS' INSURANCE COMPANY CF PHILADELPHIA, in ttiing lassos is weal anowu. The Directors ara business o en of the highest character,and the officers, careful,prompt , flicient in the discharge of their duties, which goaran -11,,e1 to tile community what is most desired in an Insurance Comp Ally, ciao in the conduct of business and security ie Om event of loss. EDWARD G. BELL, Agent for Manufacturers' Insurance Cowpony. 1/7YloEltb W. A. RHODES. President; CHAS. WINE, Vice President; ALF eED WEEKS, Secretary; J. W. MARTLEN, Surveyor. D I 11 It CTOR.H. W. A. Rhodos, Aaron N. Lippincott, James P. Smyth, Charles J. Field, Wilbam Neat, Charles Wise, P. Simons, J. Rhin' '0 Sank, Thomas Bell, M. Richards Male. fe2 WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WILOLESALE AND RETAIL lAquoß MERCHANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLLIY, via' WOO,l strL.4 PI I'TSBUIC.OII, PA. A w.iye en Ithtzkberry, Cherry, and Ci,gner. Nl.c , neugeheht and Ittg-titloi Whimky, of the dnlfilsr4e _ _ _ HARDWARE. „Q A AIDED PAIII‘;ESTOKa, Nlargoo. 74 WOOD Vitt4niriti, hal on haa C d. STOCK' OF HARDWARE, Avliit It ho will Hell very low far C. 1.8 1 -1. In addition to hl, linive,f and Forki, and Spoons, and a larg, ae. , .artuont of •;arponter's Tools, ho has received a large sap pl pf 7 4 nInfagu t , re and ; Tongues and Pokers; Slei r , ,, h Bells, and LisaLind,h/ r. C": 1 2'i-serving NEW TEA STORE, No. 22 Fifth street, NE:KT DOOP. TO STOCKINO FACTORY JOHN ANDREWS, (Late of tho Pekin Tea Store,) RESPE CTFUL LY INFORMS HIS friends and the public generally, that he has opernd at tee above stand, for tho sale of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS ; ALSO, COFFEE AND SUGARS, OF Tim BEST BRANDS. All atticle3 told at tho lows-s C I;ticog, and w....a.:ANtr.» To GIVE 13 .1TI9FACTION. [les & GROUrr, Importers of Brandie ffi o Gin, Win, Dealer. in flnu Old Alonongalidu Rye Whisky, Peach and Apra. Brandy; al n, RECTIFIELS AND DISTILLERS, carn , r of SMITIIPELD and FRoy - r Stret•ni, Pittsburgh. Pa. rgl YPE AGENCY.-WM. G. JOHNSTON S• CO, 57 Wood street, have the agency Mr the sale 4 Lucas & Brothers' Type, Cuts, Loads, Rules, Furnitu re C:ises, etc. gules and Leads put to order. Cash orders dll ro. mazate.onwe Vete& • CONSISTING OF JOSDPH BUDD FARMERS & MECRANICS , : - INSURANCE COIVIPANI II N. W.. CORNER. SaIOND A.N.O WALNUT hit Philadelphia.. (.., Tat. iuliuwiug statement exhibits the Lim:Lanni and toothti of the eutimany to January Ist, MSS; Pismiums received ler Liarine Risks undtermin eyl in 1857 $90,271 01 Mine olitukaus received during the year end. ing December 31, 185^ 118,165 05 Fire Premiums received during the year ending December "Ist, 1857 102,155 81 interest on 1.41)1111.1 8,,141 0d Total rccelpts for the year.. Paid Marino Luedee. t'uid Fire Expentc.3, ltottirued Yretatunis aud lie lhaurauce 64,216 68 Balttrion Culutuituiloue :2 . .2,468 08' • . --------$304,664 85 Balance remaining with Company the ASSETS of the Company are ad follows: BJ[lde and Mortgages, Ground Rents, Bank and other Stockg $212,453 00 Loned on Stocka 37,650 00 Tried Fund in ;New York 33,151 68 Deferred Payment on stock 07,500 U 0 Bills Receivable 7444 67 Oath on hand and dim from Agouti 45,000 83 Premium on POliciee recently issued, and debts ' due the Company 15E0,894 04 Thu officers and Directors, of this Institution, Taal great pleasure in laying beton, the public the above Statement, with a view of arresting their attention to the great import ance of insuring their property. 'ulna Company has tittered upon the third year of Its ex i.Zance during which period the Receipts have amounted rivlll huzalr,d, and thou.3und dollars, and -have Daid Lures (10,r cix hundred thousand dollars, which is equal in biped to character pt huliaeddrtu ihe very bust and oldest onICOS. Wo append the names of a few large and intluentlal Met` cLusute of Philadelplna,whopatroniee the Company by giving its large amount of their Insurance, and to whom are re spmtfully referred uuy gentlemen who may wish to Insure with this Company. M. Baldwin, Steam Engine Manufacturial David 8. Brown, Merchant; John 11. Brown, Merchant; Thos. Sparks, Mer ,thant; P. di L. Tuump.ion, Merchants; Faust a Winebren ner, Merchants; L. P. Beftrich, Umn Elostfo Manufacturer; Michael Bouvier,Merchant; Butcher & Bros., Merchants; .1. Van Brunt, Merchant; IVuLltogers, Coaah Maker; Cold. smith & Cu., Clothiers; E. M. Flatly & Son, Merchants; Jas. per Harding & Son ; Printers; Rice & Kelly, Plumbers; Wm. F. Fetterall ; I'. Bushong & Sono; Malone dc Taylor; John flare Powell; John L. Broome A/ Co.; William F. Hughes; itit, u ra & hosts; IL & C.' Kelly, Manufacturers; Charles L. Bute, Sugar heftier. The Ounipsay have discontinued the Ocean Marine bLMlLltelit since August Ist, 1857, cud confine theraselvaa ez rtueively to Fire and Inland insurance. THOMAS B. FLOE ENOE, Preeldent KOWAHIi H. HEIALBOLD, Secretary. JOHN THO 31 ASuN, General Superintendent. THUS. J. HUNTER, Agent, Pittsburgh, No. 90 Water street.. jultl 1):2p SAfFEI'V INSURANCE COMPANY. INCJItI'uI:ATELI BY TUE LEUISLATURE W? PENN 6YLVANIA, Iti 35. OFFICE, 3. E. CORNER ILLIED AND WALNUT ail ON VESSELS. CARCO, To all parts of the world.. INLAND aI INSURANCES ()a Honda, by Rve ir, Cans, Lakes, and Laud Carriages to all ports of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c. ABETS OF THE COMPANY. November 2, 1857. Bends, Mortgages, and Real Estate $101,350 91 Philadelphia City, and other Loans 137,011 25 S tock in Batiks, Railroads and Insurance]. 12 00 Companies Bills Receivable 220,291 95 Cash on hand 38,892 00 l:ilance in hands of Agents, Premluras on Marine Policies recently issred,on -92,730 57 other debts due the•Cempany Subscription Notes. William Martin, Jooopli H. deal, Edmund A. Solider, John C. Llavis, John R. Ponrodn, George G. Leiner, Edward Darlington, Dr. lt. Linston, Willi; in C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, I:Spencer Ileßrain, Charles Kelley, 11. Jones Brooks, Je,2ob P..„JOTIC3, Tuon. C. Henn, Vico Yreßl, lizzoty LTLDUII.II, Becrol ATESTERN INSURANCE. COMPANY, UN PITTSBUtiGII.. U iceth.o t.; D set,liclunE; F. M. Gthoox, Secretary. OFYICS Nu. 02 Water street, (Bpang /4 Co's Warehouse,) up air a, Pittiburgli. tiW ill hesureagaint all kinds ol r I itlt noel MA SIN SlllBliB. A Llorne Institution, managed, by Di2ecrora who are %cell Luowli in the counnuoitS , , end , who are det , rmintai, 6,y la eurptnesa and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the beat protection to those a 'lO desire to be Insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER. 31st, 1857 Stack Accounts, Alk,rtgage, Bills Receivable, lilliCO Irurnittue, ..... even Accounts, etuitun Notes, 13111 s Discuuuteil, t t•orgo Daralo, J. °utter, •I i Auloy, A rulrew Ackluy, N tut - lulu! .11olined, 11. M. Long, U. W. liickeltion, ouv24 INSURANCE COMPANY JAMES A. 111:11V111: 4 0N, Piealdent. U%NitY N. ATWIAJD, ¢ury. OleNlekl--No. US Water Street. WILL INEWILE AUAINST ALL KII/DS OF WIRE AND hillleB A. Ilu tclthion 1.5. nolrues, Rea, iYiltiou Minor, 4ulin At'llevitt, Wm. A. Caldwell. . Pennsylvania Insurance Compa ny, OF P I TTSBLIROH. No. jai Fowith • DIRECTORS i Javoll Painter, J. P. Tauucr, abO. W. Smith, Rudy Putt,roor4 C. A. Colton. A. J. &alba, W. B. Mr Endo, Jas. IL Dopklas, Wade liampton. I. lint 'lproul, i A. A. Carrier, Robert Patrick, A. C. 6,11p11.11t. 1 J. 11. J0u,.,, John Taggart,; floury Sproul, I Mules Votglttly, Uliartered Capital $300,000. PIRE AND MARNI: RISES TAKEN, of all descriptiona, o/Floauel: Prealdea —A. A. CARRIER. 1 Vico Preident—RODY PATTERSON. Socretar3l and Troaduror—l. DRIER SPROUL. A. A. CARRIER BRO., PITTSBURUH GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capital Itepresented t 03000000. COMPANIES UN 111G111:3T aTANDING, Chartered by rouncylrania cad other Stated. 1113 E, 1f A It! N AND LIN:4Itf3&3 TAIiEN; idir ALL DE. eItIPTIONS. • tt. 3 Let.) STILEET, k a. 7:SBUR(Ii4 PA. E < CJIILO de30.14 EL;(118-3 boxes freeh Eggs, rweived arid r er o.lle ___._&•3 1 ___ tiNNRY H. corraNs CI OAP.--f barrels country soap, for sale by V 5 ace uswar onurrig. A,T EATSFOOT 0 I L.—Neatsfoot Oil, in II quantities to suit purchasers, on hand and for aale it. C. - & J. H. SAWYER, t Ne. iS Wood strati. GREA.T CLOSING OUT SALE OF AT THE CHEAP CASEI STORE OF ItEEN APPLES.--15 bbls. choice 4p - pies recdcvd, and for ealo by .11cCANDLE:iS, MEANS t. CO., 1 la'23 Corni.r of Wood and Water street*. 11010 YE.-100 bus. Rye, for t-ale by Li, dal!, JAM.R..4 A. 1/1n21:74 'TU DAIRYMEN. 308 sackBGroind Sareoninga in tor and for sale by Jab JAS. A. 1471.7.2.1 t. 83 Water street. .L I MBROIDERIES INIARKED DOWN;--- 12,4 All who want to buy Embroidered Collars, Setts, Sleeves, Infant's Col and Waists, Ruffling, Edging and In• sorting, or anything oleo in tho lino of htubcoltlexies, mill find our Oka!, unusually low at this season. - INSUE4.NO.E. .$122,64009 ii 5,253 88 LA ARE 111111 'MAIL PHILADELP HIA. MARINE INSURANCE. DinuoTons.. James 0. Hand, Thebilnns Paulding, James Traquai r William Jr.,Eyre, J. F. Penis ton, Joshua P. Eyre, - Samuel E. Stokes, Ilunry Sloan, James B. McFarland, Thomas 0. Nand, Robert Burton, Jr., John B. Semple, Pittsburgh D. T. Morgan, " J. T. Logan, WM. MARTIN, President. lent. wtary._ P. A. LIIADEIItA, Agent, 96 Water street, Pittsburgh Diklarolta Miller, Jr., Lioorge W. Jackaon, Alex. Speer, Wm. Knight, Alexander Nitpick, Wm. H. Smith, h . . hi. 610/11KIN, Secretary. MON ON GA HE.LA OF PITTSBURGH. MARINE IMIZEM (Iwrge A. Berry ; Robert DzizeH, Thomad S . ( il9lgl FALL AND 11,'NTEIt BONS AND 'mops, J. H. BORLAND. No. 93 Market street, two doors from Flftit SIIB,BEB 68 30,638 38 loo,oclo ou o 702,785 a 7 $121,600 00 2,180 00 4,161 67 240 00 9,478 04 14,841 46 40,248 69 126,008 78 $317,641 78 • JAB. IT MlLOL*Cikaan6