VOLUME XVI. 1 1 11"i'S',.;tilt(;-H 3/011AUNG POST. V4b 7 ished every morning, ‘. Sunday a. excepted JA.A.ES P. BAUM, ==l TEll.sl6,—Ylvo lk. , ll3rii a yi•nr, payhiloqtrietly in ntlynno , ittTurinhly .itlitf•li if not paid within the year. copies, Two CENTS—fin . FAN , nt the counter in ho 1 . 101 by the News RATES OF ADVERTISING I ! Twice TEN LI:1113. , Day. la week a tomk Ono Insertion— 50 Twoinsertions 75 Three insertions 1 00 Ono week. 1 75 Two \seek. 3 00 Throo weeks 4 00 One month 5 00 Two months 7 00 Three mouths - 9 00; Four months 10 00 1 Five months... U 00 Six months n 00 Nine months s 16 00 One year 20 001 Banding Card, nix linos or le- El= One squar , , per annum, (C.XCinfliVe :tharitlgo LIOtiCUM , 60 cents ; Des PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A ItIAMMOTEI WEEKLY. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, IN CLUBS OF TIIN. Single Subscripttons, - - ea per annum. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF TIIII DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Cormier dial, Local, 'llelcgraphie and Miscellaneous. This - Paper being of the LMIGEST su.r., and neatly print(' on fine white paper, in .large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to give better satisfaction than any paper puolished in Pittsburgh. 'those who wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY POST a safe. , and profitable investment. Address, JAMBS P. BARK, sepl7 Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS iAs. P. EASE. ED. A. MYERF IC al RIR fiRYIERESI- BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, POST BUILDINGS, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PYITSBUI,Z,GH. THE undersigned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AND II A N DSONI EST STYLES OF TYPE, and improved Mai. hinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite t l -' ,tention of Rail Road Officers Merchants, business IlwA, and the public generally, to their supe,rior facilities fur executing with dispatch, on reasonalde termsoll kinds of RAIL ROAD, • - MERCANTILE, LEGAL, AND EVERY OTIIER DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING Our inatkrial bring nearly all now, wo can gi V(3 :Hll - of tha most compk•to satisfaction, and solicit ordrrs for BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, RAIL RO.AD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LETTER. HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, A.. l'artloular alt , Lition will also be paid to the printing Of POsterB, Progrannuos, ac. for Concerts, Exhibitions and Circnsm.. BARR & MYERS. 1111UFFItlEtt,N, IFCCEHEIERIf As. CO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. No.' 11.4 4ecoiio STREDT, P 1 TS111J:0311, P.grafe. REPEEZNCRE: Springer flartam;ll, IJoseph E. Elder, St.Lonis; littsb.argh;jl3oune k Wyle, , Philadelphia ; B. R. Palmer, " Garret A Martin, McCatollei,Meana A Co., " James, Kent; Santee A Co. " IL Childs 14: Co., " Keene, Sterling k Co., " Ilagaloy, Coegrave k Co., " Yard, Gilmore k Co., " A. A. Mason A Co., " Edward T. Mott, G. W. Smith,, Wheeling ; Weaver k Graham, A. J. Wheeler. Banker, Cincinnati. foc7:ly The ‘ People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBAi :HER &CO., Chopp Cash Dealers hi aii 'Ki,.(l:s of Fashiomsblo BOOT 6, SHOES AND GAITERS, For Gel/Genial, Ladie3, Yontha and Children, No. 17 Fifth $ tre el , hear ll:Lark:et, oc§ PITTSBURGH, PA BEE= PERRM 4Sz, JOHNSON, Proptietorsot Chid & Co.'s Patent Elastic, IFire and Water Proof Leenient Rooting. 133 STREET. (`ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully ext,cuted, and all our work Warranted. lioAluguntierial always oahand, Lind for tale, with di mellow for Ile Wy DAW kl & C,ULEY, 410uset Sign. and Or_namental PalraLcrz AND GIi.AINETS, "144 WOOD STREET. Dealers in .White Lead and Zinc Paints. AlE1), Oils, Varnished, Putty, Mixed Paiute., Window Glass, and every urtichi used in the trrdo intf2Uily2d JAMES AIONONGAIIELA PLANING MILL, v.*:ml.l rvvect fully inform tho public that Ito Ilan rebuilt 61111 Ca tilU tire, ,tad having enlarged hin entablinlinamt, and tilled it with the tt-,v,!nt and most ap proved machinery, in n9w pr,lpared to farainh flooring and planed boards, nerewl FIANV I :; aid ram cwiug, doors j occult and nhutters, kilu dried, frames, Moulditr4s, box making, &c. South Pittsburgh, Soptember 7, 1557. knob° G EORGE BLETCIIER, MAN UF ACTU RE I=l GOSSAMER VENTILATING WIG - ELASTIC BAND TOUPEES, A ad eNery doncriptiou of WrINAMENTAL HAIR for Ladii . aid Geutlerneil. 1114,15 P013.1i11.1 street, but wtan Wood and Market, Pith. burgh, Pa. oc7:ly 4, rilc Fall Style Hats. __ COILD & CO., 6, , ,ct . t, .,4., 131 WOOD :_qItHET, lIL justAN received the '' FALL STYLI; OF Unnt's Drew Hats; Geut'a Soft Irate; Buy's Solt 'Hats; Buy's Fancy Caps ;- Cllllo.con's Fancy fiats; Lai Itidiug Hata octil:tf Joseph White's tiarriage Repository. rosEPii now carrying on bug noes in'his spacious pteclin com, ( 00w - enlarged,) on the rittelbUr g il and U reentiburg Tnrupiko, [mar the Two Rile Run, between Pittsburgh and Lawrouyeville, respectfully invites the public to inspect his stock of CARRIAGES, ritillGlLEi.ii,dx. And he particularly inform , gm:Alm:lca purchaxers, that one price only Is made. Fourteen years' experience in the business enables him to pisisi before his patrons the same choice collection of Car which, co many years pact it bay been his particular department to i,elect, item the various and most talented Eastern manufacturers. The iueei of hie new system ii complete—the economy of his •m*angtiments will supply the besl and meat fashionable mann:iv:tures at moderate prices Unencumbered by these 11211`TY.OXIielie-H, which the veva, fur decorating Lump. s et business has heaped upon the prie, of goeds, (owing to large rents, V; II IT r, will cc on ready money only, at much loss than the nsnut prices. tali... Carriages repaired in the beat manner with ,li.epato tasytidos. QTQT. .CHARLES LIVERY STABLES. . The undersigned has toin,ht the Ifthe Yi ,• of the above unwed Stshies. gether witha portion of the o . xteu- Oyu steel: of Horses ano Carnagen,A -1- late the property of JILJIP'S Mathews, deceased. In utblith to the stock beforirmentiourd, he has also added a number ME HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, J— which were formerly employed lit his Livery Stabh. Third, below Wood street. As he giver: his personal i ton. lion to the businen, a continuance of the patronage lid he Lisa hitherto received frmi public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St.Cliarles Livery Stables. N. B.—AJOBARSE and any number of CARRIAGES ca always be aiocared for Funeral,. de29 TO AGRICULTURAL MACHINISTS.-- We have on hand a - sarople of India Rubber Tubed I QTARCII.-300 bxs. Rochester Pearl Starch for Wheat Drills They can be furnished .in any quantity at short uotico, J. & H. PIMA./ PS, kJ ter wile HENRY IL COLLINS. ja3o NO4. 2tl and 28 Bt. Clair street. I -- ---- I TIOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, Medi- L EXPIIERSELTING—A good supply of ) ju um and Crown, Straw and Rag Wrapping Papers,. 1 tbo best Eastern mannfactara, fur sale low, by fur sale by W. S. HAVEN, J. 4: It. PRIMA. hi, I i*IS Colmar Marko and Soeond I. tronth :Nog. 26 and 28 St.. Clan• stre(* . Q - 0 A P POWDER.-50 boxes Soap . Puwder ILI , • of our , wn, manufacture, warranted superior to 'any .ff ,, n. , 1 fur salo lu this market, on baud and fur sale by fa B. C. .t J. 11. SAWYER. FLANNELS—Red, White, Gray, Greei.. Yellow, Plaid, etc. o Cheaper tha N the cheapest. 11.0;90. LVE, Formerly Love, Brothers, •.r: .meet ftIL CLOTH CRASH.--For Stairs, a vari ts ns stvtcs at im1 , 14 I. fr ri. PTV LIPS ----- 11ACONET FLOUNCES AN]) NEEDLE— -= " - . _ _____ 0 wOItR 001,1.AltS,—A largo a Not talent, and very INDIA RUBBER 0 LOTLIING—Of the best, clical'i. C. LIANBON LOVE, ii and also deco ,d quality, fur wilt) wiluinisale and rotsdl by Jolt/ torraorly Lora Bros., N 0.74 Market Area. &A J. 6U. PHLUALPIL _ Onc , .. a! ft: lit'ldy tur/k. I paptr . 200 2 65 3,5 4 65 6 00 6 65 7 35 8 00 10 35 13 3 •6 per I 00 3 2,uU .3 UU 4 UU 6 50 U 50 U 00 12 U 0 10 00 6 (611 400 800 035 10 00 665 num the paper,) h hOtiet,3, liD & CO , • • A I 1 t . • , . • •, "-1 7.! 5. 4. 4 _ r 4 - /sod. PUBLISHED DAILY lOTELS & RESTAURANTS JONES LIOM-)E. WELLS COVEWLY, PnoPluorort Corner of Lra-kd Str,rt and Market Square, lI::RRISIIL'RG, P. 4. pins NEW AND ELEGANT HOTEL, reeen:ly orryted by the Messrs JONES iu Harrisburg, hav:rm been lea.ed for a term of years by the under !.t. takes this method of calling the attention of hie former pahomi, friends, end the traveling community, thereto. itav lug a front of one hundred and f , :y.fire feet on the principal street of the city, and fifty-Iwo fret front on Mar ko( &pare, it cannot NI to prove attractive as well 149 in viting to straimerA. The CHAMBERS are of line size, well ventilated, and lichted with gas—it number with connecting d , )ors—making them very desirable fur families, • Thu HALLS are warmed throughout by-heaters, and every moderu improvement, ia faet. haws been added, that may conduce to the wifely, comfort and happiness of the guests. Visitors may, therefore, rest wist,r,d that the ".TONEs LIOU.3E" has heea made perket in all its appointments— that each department has been placed in charge of ExpE IILENCED AND COMPETENT PERAO‘O—tilia iU every particular the system which has been adopted by the Proprietor, will afford to thud° who may make it their home, as great a de gree of comfort as may be obtained at any similar establish ment in the State. To secure thin desirable re , ulche has futnished the Public and Private Parluni, Chatubortri.Dining Room, 4e., with en• tirely NEW FURNITURE; and also arranged within the building, a tine RARDEIC SALON, UI iEli SALoUN, DILEbSINU ROOM, lIoT AND I OLD RATBS, The CULINARY DEPARTNIENT AND DINING ROOM will receive the especial aiteuoron of the Proprietor, which, he ti nits, will Lai a sufficient guarantee that all fasten will be runited. After returning his heartfelt thanks to his old friends and patrons, for the i,Lieroll9 patronage no lung extended to him at the "Covtatts Ilousc," and also to his friends and patrons at the "COLUMBIA 1.10176 E," Cape Island, during the season of 1E55, he re-ipectrully solicits a continuance or it at the "JONlli5 1101.1 SE " • j n 9: 1 m WASHINGTOA HOUSE, COR. PENN'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, 1). C A. P. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Corner irtvin Street and Duquenne Way, PPL"I'SBUItOII, PA B. D. 'MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (L rmurly of the Marker ilouee," IMe.irdville, Pa.) TH E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR OUESTzt. It is aitnuted iu central part of the city, tiding convenient to all Railroad Depots and 6teatulioat Landings. The House was built iu 185 U, with all modern irnprovo.. meets, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every respect be a first - class hotel. Fine STABLES are attached to the premises. 1 del24y H. W. KANAGA. U a S. 11 OT 2.1 IA 9 Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, HARRI6ISUR.o, PA. Lien Eii GTON 3.T d T af, , Fuitmulux U. 8. HOTEL, PET TSB URG 11, PA. JAMES SHANNON, e • - Proprietor. THIS. HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of P- NN and WAriIIINOTON Streets, betwoen the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and hos undergone a thorough IllifiriA,lllol.it, remodeled and furntsheo with new furniture, 3114 is now 010 most LNIVC. is PittßitirgM, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West. roySfly CORN ZUCOPEE RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. The attention of Merchants - atid others in directed to thin ."ntat , !lnfialeht, ,vllich hos been r,contly fitted up h.r tin purpo,o Gi atlordinl; a SUB3TAN TIAL EaTINO•VIOUSE IN A C.E:\ T:tAL LOCATION C)na,try faits market ore particularly invited ; , ;v.-rything pertaining to i n s EATING SALOON wi 1 uPwayn Le found, of the ironhent the ut.h - 'set affords. I f Excelsior "Restaurant .YO,- 111 frofw Street, ' PATTSIIURGiI, PA Waoi,_UALE AND ETA'', DEALER IN LAKE AND EASTERN t'ISH Freth er., 6 nitlinore Oystc ra t And WILD (LAME, all in their proper OCANOLI. STEiNEUCK, up4:dt ‘c . lyl Agent tor the Pitila,telphat Opiter and Fish Co. 70-AN'SIO N ou., L No W . 3 USE, A GEORGE 4URENTZ, ritorink:T4-1 I tairty strctit„ Just iroaanougor Linput of the Pentniyiviatin Railroad, which nitiltea It tlio ino.it con vonit•ut Ilul/MC In tlici city Mr inisvongers arri ving oy that road. Too inoprieter having, of conshluroblo expense, fitttol up, to of, ollent ;1!,1o, the 1.1.01i6E, would respect fatly Hhare of public p.itlonit4o. There is rittkrbeil Et sploudid and extensive WAGON YAM), afford. to trovolers and tontustors. flue Lordir end Bur will be furnishof with the best the merited cot, iiiiorth ca'f. CLAIR 110 TEL, ourner Penn and St. Cl' Clair roreebi, Pittsburgh, Cli.—The undersigued,former iy et •• Lirown's Liotei." ,saving taken this large uiid coaume retitled it in magnificent style, weal rcspeolluily invite ilk triende nod the traveling public lure a cad. Alklll - 12-li, with the couvenie,nce of the /tic long er,perii rl. iit Lllt , Illkinesi3, n give oatire satisiMtiou, ond his charge,. moderate. 1.1.1•211 W:‘ , l C. CONNELLY. FURNifORE A MILLIKEN c UU. have on hand, at e CAI 1N it nd CHAIR MANUFAC, lUiiY., No. al mithtielit et: art, a lartre ttnnortifiellt of Fancy sad Plain Fut ,itrtro, which they will cell 15 per cent. lower than 2:etteueiry rates. cteli eti!y. [dec27:y OODAV ELL'S FURNITURE AND v ca.A.T RS, Wholeaide and Retail, embracing every ylo of Fin niture, in Rosewood, :kfalliiginay cud Walnut, auttable for Parlors, Cliatubota and Dining Itoorus, equal ti any in New Fork or Philadelphia, alai at lower Every article Inane by hand, and warranted. Cabiut-makers enp plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and LaIAIRS, on itititonahlo terms. Hotels and Fteaniboata furniabed at the shortest uotit.e, Wareroonis, Nos. 77 and 7P THIRD Street, Pittaburnti, Pa:\ oc'22 WEET [Ads. Sweet Cider, for ).„) .sak by J AMI A. FETZER, d0:24 b 9 Wca,r street. ('IIIRISTMAS and NEW YEAF'S GIFTS of every ilenription lu the Fancy Dr/ Goode line.— L'11:113l, call and 13,1 them. C. lIANSON ' dd2s F:•rinelly LOVE BROTHERS, 74 Market St. _:IUC I LAGE—For office use, in convenient ; to, fk, mst.. W JOIINS VON & CO., deg 57 Wood etreet.. DORT FOLIOS AND DESK PADS for sale ji by Wal. G. JOUN , TON & CO, dog 57 Wood street. batre s American and French, A, If for Rah , by B. A. FAIINESTOOK & 00. FINE SILK. SPONGE. Bteacheci Cupping Sponge Soft Bathing Spougu. Gouti Carriage Sponge. JOSEPH. FLEmasq's., Corner Market street and Diamond. GUM DROPS.---300 lbs. just received and for salo I y 13. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO., fiov.3o Curlier Wood aWourth streets. rilfillilblOMETEßS—Forsale by W. G. JOHNSTON & CO.,J uovi7 Stationers. 67 Wood street. IIESII LOBSTERS.-10 dozen in cans, : for sail& by ItEYMER k ANDMSON, nov24 No. 39 Woctd street. ALUM. -50 barrels for sale by li, A. FAIINESTOCK Ir. CO., novlB Corner Wood rind First streets. • _ _I 4 I RINGES, for Dress Trimmings. A litv!eunie it4::ortment at reduced rates, at 119%11 lot; N ES' 77 Market street RYE F LOU R.- —2O Barrels Rye Flour, jos . recciv,d, and for Hall) by JAMES A. FETZER, 89 Water street. ()LIVE OIL, JOSEI'II FLEMING'S, 11,r n e r tricot atroot nnhtht. Diamond AT SEMI-ANNUAL AND CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRY GOODS 1)1. very low pricey; SHAWLS, in great. variety, at very low prices; GOOD:', a large stack, at very low prices; PORES ne GOODS, an immense stock, at very low prices, At the store of A. A. MASON R. CO.'S, NO. 25 FIRTH STREET, MEW ARRIVAL.- 20 boxes Oranges; 20 do Messina ie'lllollFl 200 drums N.,w Figs. just received awl for sale by REIMER A; ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, Opposite St. Charles Hotel. BY JAMES P. BAlta, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS ; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUAL, DOLLAR SAVINGS BANE, No. 65 Ilyurth area, MIDDLE ROOM, JONES' NEW BUILDING. (IPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock; akin, en Weelnesdo: and Saturday evenings, from May let to November let, from 7 to 9 o'cloca; and from November Ist to May let, from 6 to 8 o'clock. .Dopodts received of all sums not less thou ONE Dom e.s., and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year 'in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate of six. per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855; also in June and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to' the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the fire days of Juno and December, compounding twice a year Without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book.. At this rate, money will double in lese.. than twelve years, making in the aggregate LIGHT AND ONE-RAI:0 PER CENT. A YEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Roles and. J:rti• lotions, furnished gratis, on application at the ones. PreOdent.-GEORGE AL BYO; TICE TELSIDENT3. llopawell'll,pbarn, John 11. Shoeubeirc.f„ James Shidle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D. Kelly, William 8. Lovely, James I.lordinau, llijl Birrgwin, John S. Coegrave, TRUSTEES. William J. Andemon. ,' Janice W. Hainan, John (3. Backoloe, Charles Kemp, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A; 'Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. . A. M. Pollock, M. D. Charles A. Colton,' Henry L. Itingwalt, , William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Fells., George S. &Men, George F.:Glllmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. peon, • Theotald Umbstaetter, William S. Haven, George R. White, Swre.tc.rynnA? Treasurer—CLlAß. A. COLTON. lfe:l BANK OF BOW A. A. J. STEVENS & CO., DESMOINES, J' ) ' • COLLECTIONS MADE and prompt. ; mated.: LANDS selected and locate h (,apitalists wishing to make investments iu the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. [my2l:6ta WELLS COVERLY AUSTIN LOOMIS THOS. D. LOOMI.II. AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notes,?Bonds, Mortgages, and all Securities for Money. Money Loaned on Checks at short dates, with collateral security. PROPRIETRESS NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Persons desiring loans can be accommodated on reason:, Me terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good securi ties at remunerative prices. Also, attend to the Sale, Renting and Leasing of i',.enl Estate. Office, No. 92 FOURTH. street, above Wood AUSTIN LOOMI., Notary Public LIOLMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex change Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept ances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Efot 9rn and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections rands in all the cities throughout the United :lentos. Deposits received is par funds or current paper, No. 57 Market street, between Third and Fourth sta. ljaatay r4IIIOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and IL Dealer in Notes, Bonds. Stocks, Real Estate, he., N 0.75 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. janf, OIIN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BkNar.u., Dealer in Exchange, Commercial and Baok Notes. Stock bought and sold on commission. Collection , : ,arefully attended to. Interest paid on Depclits. No. 67 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. je43o REAL ESTATE AGENTS. JAMES C. RICHEY, tLEAL ESTATE BROKER.: -9 Warranta bought, Bind, sold Bonds!! and anti locat,d. Note 3 - 'Negotlatod.: Elpecial attention 0 - vim to sob-dividing Fanna and di , -,- )osing of them. Terms reasonable. declfi:claw CUTIIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, Nu. 51 Market street, for the sale and purciaiso of Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and .)litaluing luaus on bonds, mortgagee, iitc,; making c onve y. vices, detain, bonds, &c.; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, &c. onlB Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Reear.ENcEs.—MesEirs. HaTIII3 Garretson Robert Parke, Esq. 411:y WESTERN LANDS. REAL ESTATE AG ENT, NO. 50 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OLLIA 11119 for sale Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Viichigau and lowa. 11e will exchange, Lands in Wisconsin. tc., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. ,all letters of inquiry anewerei gratis, by addressing me us above. anll•ly OHIO TOWNSHIP PROPERTY FOR SALE.—TWENTY-SIX ACRES of first .class Gard en Lands, situated on the Allegheny and Now Brighton %lacadamised road, about five miles from Allegheny city— tbont ten acres cleared, bale use good timber. Will be sold at a bargain, and suspended bank paper taken, if applied for rlOOll at JAMES C. RICIIE.Y'S, deli Real Estate Broker, No. 65 Fifth street. LI ... ARDEN FARM FOR SALE.—A Garden 1 1 / 4 jl Farm for sale, containing Twenty-four Acres of First Glass Garden Land, well improved, good Buildings, fine Or excellout Water, Coal And Limestone in abundance, situated iu Robinson township, seven miles from the city. Will be sold ut n great bargain. Apply to JANIES C. RICHEY, dell Real Estate Broker, No. 65 Fifth street. VORTII FAYETTE TOWNSHIP LAND „1 FOR 8A LE.—On, Hundred and Fifteen Acrsa 01 Firet Class Laud, Mr Wheat growing; about Ninety Acr, a cleared, balance good timber; comfortable farm improvemeUts ; large Orchard; excellent Water; Coal and Limestone; Forty-live Acres iu grasi, will be sold low and on_ easy_ terms._ Apply to JAMES C. RICHEY. Real Estate Broker, 65 Fifth street. FARMS in Exchange for City Property.— A fariu of 350 acres, on the Allegheny river, near Kittanning, 13i.1 acres cleared; dwelling house, barn and or. chard; coal, Limestone and iron ore. Also, a farm of 100 acres near the above. Also, a farm of 83 acres ou Pine ,:roek, 4 miles from Kittanning; 30 acres cleared ; two houses, and a saw mill in good running order ;.a fir 4 rate location for business. 250 acres of land at mouth of Red Bank crook; 10 acres cleared and in good order. Price low and terms easy. II ill be exchanged in whole or in part for city pro perty. S. CUTHBERT & SON, novlo 81 Market street. 0"Y5750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling House, of four rooms, with lot of ground 20 foot trout on Slouterey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to au Terms, $4OO in hand, balance at one, two and three years. S. CUTILBEIt'2 k SON, novl3 51 Market street. FOR REN T.—A large dwelling house, on Ross street, at head of Fifth, with immediate posses. diol2. Also. two small houses in Splano's Court. S. CUTHBERT & SON, nov2l 51 Market street. BANKS se o. 65 FIFTII S ritEET PITTSBUIIOII Bought and Hold AQIIPEP, LOTS, BELDEIV SEYMOUR, CLEVELAND, 01110 ALEXANDER GARRETT, F"s7so will be sold a new two story Frame Clouse, with a good lot of ground, iu Allegheny city. The lot is 20 foot front, on Monteray street, by 110 foot to an alloy. Terms easy. E. CUTHBERT & SON, novl4 51 Market street; L'OUR TO FIVE DOLLARS PER ACRE for several small lots of land, ton miles from 151,unc10. vide, Marshall county, Va., four miles from 11. R. Statiou. Rich soil and good timber. Price $4 to $5 per acre, on time, from 5 to 7 years, if desired. Also, 700 acres of good laud, 3 miles from Cameron Sta. Sc Ohio R. It., for sale to snit purchasers, at from $7 to $lO ker acre, an I on easy terms. S. CUTHBERT Sc SON. 51. Market street. MEM FOR REN I.—A dwelling house on Third street. Also, ono on Ross Ftreet, with immediate pea session. S. CUTLIBEILT & SON, nov7 GI Market street.. 1: 1 01 - 1, SALE.—A Dwelling House with a g• good btoro Room, situate on Robinson street near Fed rat, Allegheny city. Price low and terms cagy. S. CLITLIBERA' & SuN, 51 Market st. - VOR SAL E.—A comfortable dwelling house 1: (frame) of hall and eight rooms, portico iu trout, with a lot of ground 78 feet front on South avenue, Allegheny, by 2110 deep to Rebecca street, with fruit and shade trees, shrubbery, stable, kc., itc. Price $4,500. E. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market street. MERCHANTS' AND MANUFACTU RERS' BANK STOOK, or PAPER, will be taken at p.ir ' either in' whole or in part pay fur several very desira blo locations for country residences, near the city. One lot of 12 acres, one of 14, of 10 and 3 acres. Fur particulars call at our office. S. CUTHBERT & SON, ocra— 51 Market street. White, Yellow, "Iced and Plaid, of all grades, and at LOWER PRICES than thoy can be gut for at any other es tabliannient in the city. 0. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers, No. 23 Market street. JILLOU SES, LOTS A.ND FAR MS.—We would invite the attention of persons who wish to purchase A 1101JS1:, to the great variety of Homes, Farms and Build. lug Lots we have for sale. We haVo now on hand Lots at $lOO, each, and at $2OO, $4OO, and upwards, and on very easy terms. Some in payments averaging fourteen cents,a day ! • llowea and Lots at from $7OO to $lO,OOO, in various locations in and adJacerneto the two cities. Improved Farms at from $lO to gso IA acre. Also, choice Farming Lands at from $2 to $5 'p acre. Persons having property of any kind td dispose of, will find it : to their interest to give us a call. We also, attend to'the Renting of 'Houses, and Collection of Rqats. . 8. MUM= & SON, Esl6 61 Iderket street. PITTSBURGH, FRI DA V, FEBRIT ALRY 12. '1658 I? U RN AC F:±, cmrnaalor, nARPETS AND OIL C L.Oll-IS. EMOVA .y IT. PHILLIPS have I retrocrd to their new bnilditig, N. 20 and 2S ST. :;LAIR ;trent, wost side, between Vent str, , et and thelipridge. J. a Lt. prilt.i;l.Ps, MANUFACTURERS OP FLOOR. FURMTU RE, OAItRIAG TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT a OPAQUE WINDOW gi A 'll 4 lE 0 M CLOT;11:- Also. LEIS IN OIL CLOTHS Ai WINDOW SHADES, Of every descripth;n. Dealers in INDT& RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, ninde ander Goodyear's Pent;at Agents the Boston and New York Belting; Companies, for the sale .)f their INDIA It (M -EER BELTING, HOSE and PACKING', LEATHER BELT. of Eastern mannfecture, a stipeti/ , r quality; also, Lace Loather and Rivets. Agents for the 01110 FIRE—PROOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixea Paints, Varnishes, MI, Turpentine, Brushes, Ulie and Putty. HOUSE AND efiGN PAINTING AND GLAZING, 'ln all its brarwhes, in the best and shortest time.' de2o:ly .1. S 11. PHILLIPS, Nis. 26 and 2 St. Clair ' , freer; Manufactory at Phil ,ipsville, on the Ohio river, three milet...bolow Pittsburgh. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, &c., AT THE • IFottrtag Street Caribet Store. 1,7 - D. & 11. II'CALLU rI respectfully invite tilt , attention of their. .former enatomers end the public generally to their present tuck, just selected rur Spring sales, embracing the very latent styles of Foreign a nd Home Main:facture, emtsiAin,i tu Part 01 Volyetit and Itcussels, Tapestry and CUtilllloll Ingrain: also, lirrisieln, Damask, Twilled and Stair CAI: rl.lr.s. OIL CLOTHS FR OM '2 TO '2,1 BEET WIDE, Rug a, Mats, Stair Buds, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Tarn and Rag Carpets; Venitian Bliudg; Painted, Butt mal Green Holland Shadtet. It tvili give on plea:inv. to chow goods'So all wit() may be desiroms of looking or pur , dinnin 3Liti WO are detortoined to otter inducements to nay NV ho may favor tie with a cull, at the old stand, No. Si FOURTH St n.et, near Wood. -ttyl9:lv W D. &- 11. WCALLUM. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. - -------- ROBERT A. LOOMIS, i . :31-1CC1,3 , ,Ur to S.T. C 11u741.t0d zTATIONEII. AND DEALER IN WOKS, PERICIDICAU; AND N No. 41 Fifth Hmet., Dittebul gh. no s:ly Co-Partuterslllo. TILE undersigned have entered into Co m Paralerdhip, nu, kr the , itylo of Win. C. ,Johtlton Co' 6A Xi UEI, JOLIN6TON. JR., • NV Ltd A M C. .10.12..:15DJN. Pittsburgh, `&ll,t,uther 5, 1657. S. R. JOHNSTON, JR WM. C. JOELNBTOM c. 'rota; a C.p., QTATIONERS, Blauk Book Manufa,eturers, LI and JOB PRINTEM, Nu. 57 Wood , iitreet, between Third and Fourth, P11[81;1140,, Pa. 0:30 BLANK BOOKS, Junrilal4, Day Books, Lodgers, Caelt Books. lIIVUieu kooks, C. , relz Books, Bill 80,.1u.4- Rect4ilt Books. 4) JOHN:A:ON & CO., 57 Wood street For .310 by de29 w TOBACCO AND SEGA KS. & Ii,INEILART, e ALOD DAALtUS IN ALL KINDSOW TOBACCO, Si‘;:IIFIT AND CIGARS. 800:1 y No. 129 WOOD STREET PIANO 6 AND MUSIC. SUPERB littAND PIANO, IJ lituM TUE FACTORY OJ Steltrway Pie 'York. 11. liLEBEii take pleasure in au- Ltuttuaiug to Cita pabtic that they hove just ru.teiveLl a spleuuiu lull WIAND trout the tactury ut ,teinway h cone, ZieW York, which tor exquisite swi,atileas and yt.Ztkirao I igh tIICES =LI OIEISIICtt.y of t ttiaul anti- elo -gunt--extt3rftunrCuif-firli3ilarlue ever brought to this c•ty. autichaniniz is a DOUBLE 1tErk . ..3.12.1Nti ACTION, a Ito coital ilia - tuition of Oteioway c , which coot Lines rat, Chu utluoot prOit,plliosB all I delicacy of touch a ,legr.te of ourability but rarely Ito respectfully it, cite the vublic, two and all, wuttuer put cuosers or 0-_u, to call acd see this loir, vatted luStrl/111OLit. • Nu. hi kitur r.treet, bole Ai, tutu fur it hung. just received a fresh let of Nt11111.3 it Clark's Photos. DRINCE t UU.'S 1MP.1.-wVED PAihAT ME' tIDEUNS. The Oldest Establish nt iu the UUlteil ter net iu tne World. Between 19,18.10 and 11,01./J iii these instruments has teen finished, and 43 •-• toe now iu use. The latest 11111/COVinnellt in our .Nlellkienlltl, is the DI V LDED SWEL,Li, secured to us by Letters thiten t, May, 1853. By utc iuo of this swell Soto faaayes LLlll3' be May ed with the full power of the lustrunomi, wage tier accomputintent is dolt. and gabiitted. tietieitltei, all 3Ielo• goons made by us will be tarnished with this aLtactiment, EXTILA M.L;_1613.a. PRINCT t CO., could realize a ilatlatanUa fortune by disposing of rights to uther maorliUCtilrer3 to 11.al tOcir LloW improvement, but aa they pretor to make it a biature in their instriiinetth+, it can only no obtained by purchasing one of their in.inalicture." Tito styli., and prices am IN PORTAISLihI Carir. . tour octave' i'deuideuu, extending from C to 0 445 Ott Four and-a-half octave - CtoF .. ..... : is) ut: Five octavo Aleloduon, -' " Fo, c 75 00 livo octave, dooto teed, u " Fto I 130 00 IN PIANO CASE: Five octave 31eIckleuri, extending from F to F $lOO 00 six octave Altiodtou, " Ito F 140 00 Five octave ' ,il,,uOte reed, 4 • •• Ito t; 160 00 Jrgau Melodeun (tor churches) tire octavo, 6 stow, one aud-u-nalf octave peaab, bar sets u reeds 330 I.:0 Agents for too 6:610 of our roLliOleuas rimy be TOULId In all till , principal cities add towns of The United statue, and the J. A JE A Oil., Bothilo, and SI Fulton street, New York. CtlAiii BLUAIE, llb Wood street, 83CL,11.1 dour above Pitch, deli ~luurtfaotn ore A^,oat, l'ittsourgh. g FUL eft R if“;6i l L OA NA:ND XOS , Aga PA! 01-1 UIiAND PIANOS !! Ar - ND NEW STYLI SQUAItE PIANOS, ..,cm,„ root. at. .A.tootoActrry of tAticEtwasu & SONS', Isesleti, just, received froth the wanufsetory el Clackering s; Sous', flume'', the foilowiug cktlirablo 1001 olegeot stuck of Weir PIAN9 litillTES : One lull seven r,ctere Grand Phiuo Porte, - with superbly curved cuae. Price One Full M.,‘"(31.1 ~CIALVO tiraud Piano Forte, elegant Roe , wood case. Pr nu $7OO Oue New Parlor Grand noven octavo Piano, iicarl equal jo Power to u lull Wand, rind occupying only the room ui un ordinary equate Paulo. kra, $OOO 6QUALLE i'lArSu: , I Two full carved liolletVuull, Loills 11Vt11, seven UCUIVOS, with curved Desk uud Eva turk. Two lithioW,,,d o. ven uctaVe—ClitiOrd 0110. TWOR.S ,, WOO , I,,CaVicd mouldings, seven octave. FOUr l liOSoViUud, FitliLl round Curl/krill, ~c ll.4Ve. Thr(l3 Walnut, plain ruuud. trout UeLaVel. Foul u 6, 64 66 " viii ` Four ItostAvood " All of the above ar,c of thud' NEW SCALE, end with full Iron frames, and their Liula PatoUL ACtitn, These Instruuledtls 'nave been finished specially fur the subscriber, cud eill be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduc e d IC. a. ELLOR, bi Wood street, deli Sale Agent for Chickeriug k Suns', Messrs. Ciaarles iLesvis Grebe, TEACIIERS OF THE ' 73 - PIANO, VAOILIN, ' oitaAN AND 81NU_ING., ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, As weer:, Lain, German, French, laud Spat.,n, Taught by CLIAS. GREBE, U 3111.1. Theol. .3a.Euquiro at the principal .`,lu,h3 Ptores..`'. [tle:l4.3ln-o VRESII PEACHES. -50 doz. in 2 lb. cans, _g: juit received and for sato by • ItEYMEILffi ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street. *vg ILLEI{'S celebrated Cough Syrup, a never Latin.: care ;or Coughs, Itillnenet, etc., only de l 5 Corner Mart:tt ltr,ot and Diamond. SPONGES, of all kinds, at JOS. FUMING'S, (1,315 , ruer Market ateeat and Diamond. SUNDRIES. 91 sacks Ear Corn; 75 do Euckwh gat F10 , ,r; barrels Superfine and Extra Flour; 73 do Prime Apples (different varieties); In store and for sale by 111.11 , F31AN, 31'Cl.tEEItY l CO., 114 second street. CHERRY PECTORAL. —2O gross for sale by B. A. FAUN EdTOCK. & CO., Wholesale Agents, Cerner Wood and First streets EGG S.—Five barrels fur sale by Elora llENltir Li. COLLINS- IiRANDY, Holland Gin, Sputa!, -12 and Irish Whisky, Port, Sherry and Madeira. Wines, also seme.tine old I::,conorny Whisky, in store and for sale by the gallon, by IIAWORTII, BROWNLEE', deli) g.-nor of the lb mon.' and Ottmond alloy WRAPPING PAPER-400 reams Crown, Medium, and Double Crown, Straw Wrapping Pa per, full count, j o rc- sateived and for ate by d , 9 J AS, A ,FET Water alma A LCOLIOL.-20 bble on hand, and for sale by 4,10151 li. 1,. VAES;IESTIIeg .1c CO. :JOURNALS, LEDGERS, DAY-BOOKS, ty CASH BOOK'S and DOCKETS, for Halo and nada to , order, by . W. S. HAVEN, nos2o Corner Market and Second strung. jVOR Y BLAOK.--5 bbls. just received and for sale by 1d,91 B. L. FAIINES UOCK. tr. CO. DOTATOES.-57 'barrels White Neshan-! L nook Potatoes, arriving per steamer Lobigh, and for by Aue?ta.3, 35..0a5ua1. a CO. INSURANCE IiEIICRANTS' INSURAIVti COMPAiNY, Of Philadelphia. WM. \'. PETTIT, Presiden . D. J. IWCANN, 7S,'cr , f.arv. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and inveHted...s2oo,ooo 00 Surpina Ins iren Cargo Rinks (frit the Ohio and Mississippi itiVuni i4Ed lliblltarieß. Insures against loss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the iica and Inland Navigation And Transportation. DISZOTORS: Wm. V. Pettit, . J. C. ...I.outgoinery, John M. Puturoy, D. J. McCann, RT. Witmer Rene B. L. Woolaton, John A. 1.41.ar1a11 - , Chm. 13.. Wright, John J. Pattmon, Elwood T. Pricey. • oPFICISB.8: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, President. E. P. WITMER, Vice President. D. J. McCANN, Secretary. azYXRENOks: lln Philadelphia: Bteinmitz, J udtice s Co., I Buck, Morgan 4 Stidfule, Puturoy,CaldwellACo. In Philadelphia': Suigor, Lamb A Co., Truitt, Bro. & Co., A. T. Lone & Co., PITTEURGII OFFICE, NO. 97' WATER 6'fREET 11. W. POINDEXTER, Ai REILRANCIE ivIUTUAL INSURANCE COAIPANV OF PHILADELPHIA °Mee No. 70 Walnut. Street CAPITAL SI.77,674—ASnTS $'132,092.--SLCURITY INV raf . FIRE INSURANCE UN BUILDINGS, CILMS DISE, F Intig IT gtc., an town The Mutual principle, combined with the deturity Mock Capital, entitled the Insured to share iu the prefUs the Company, without liability for 11.).,[11,1. The Script Certificates of this Company for prolita aro convertible, at par, iota the Capital Stuck of the Company. CLEM TLVAILEY, . resideot. B. M. UetiCIIMAN, Mx;imary. DIRSCIORS. George M. Stroud, John it. Worrell, nonjannu W. 'fingt.,y, Z. Luthrop, 1.1. L. Carson, Robert rotund, Cerneline Stuveneou, Charlee Letaud, Wm. M. Semple, Pittsburg) J. G. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third and Wood etreet, Clem Tingley, Thompson, Samuel iieorNe W. Carpenter, Robert Steen, Charles S. Wood, Marshall Hill, Jacob T. Bunting, William Musser, PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Cl/can - um Surect, t)pp ct. , , tua, WILI, i4141.1i1i ALL KIND. OF INbU- LtAiNCE, either rerputual ur Ltuorud, Cu every tl,seriptiou or Vroperty or Murclutllifa., re.lSuLtitldi. , ratfe of premium. RuBIiT KiNti, M. W. BALWA.I..,i, DiRRUTOItb. Charles tiny k. Cop:, IS English, UeOrgt, W. lh OWI/ Y. IJ. Siwery, .1,64_1th s. eau', C. Sherman, Jvhu Cla; . Lou, S. J. Mag•irgou t E. Y; ilor. 13‘..ecauintsE., Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agenr, J)4:13 , UOuuerilararwl.%V NEPTUNE INS (IRAN C PAN , OF. PHILADELPHIA, FILANIS lAN BULLLINUS, 414 WALN UT STILEE'r Organized under the tienopil lust/raw., Law, 0 ttu ts C,-11 C %pita' 01iluu,uUU, privileged to ini.rathe iu mare. agaiugt loss or datn..ge MAitti\ LA 1.) NAYIIiATION and TEAN•okuv.TATioN. Uk C. LA LIGIILIN, Preaidbut, fiIELIM, V. Pre's' t 6001'1.', Sec:it:nu y DIRECTOR. 7 11. U. Laughlin, D. LL M. Cariil,:, R. F. nnuviell, 0. C. Butlur, George Scutt. • 1:11'1; s ULLAFPEY, Ageute, Office Lafayette flail, eutrauce uu Wood :IL PI`I"rSBURGII 14 -1 113tE AND 31- 7 ,1{12 , 1E 111.8 UityLNUE GUJIPAA Y, C.O.Liii - tit OF WATER iiND Itt iiTESAIT6 • EITTISECURGII., PA. tiALWAY, President b'. A. liaNr;iiiwr, iwiurr.v.co apportainiug to o: couuected wkto LIFE against LULL A-NJ OA 111SI1S on the Olie., and tributaries, an d goirerally. Awl against Luso arid Duari.ge 1...%) fire, and agnmuat Ltau t:1 - 11b ut this Sea and Inland N.:vi t iation and Tralthpurtatv,ll. Yohcios issued at the lowest rate. consistent with safety to sir parties. DIRECTO/Lb Robert Ualway, • aauluel Al'Olurkan, Juleph P. ilazzam, M. D., John Atutt, James Alaiehall, David ltichey, J emus W. Hallman, Uharles Arbutnuet, Alexander Bradley, lo_tepli 0. Leech, John Fullerton, Mansfield B. Brown, David H. Chamhera, Hubert Lt. Hartley, William Uarr, J un. Mc UITIZEI‘IB' IisISURANCi.; CUMIkNV OF PITTSBUItIiIi. WILLIAM BAG ALL; President. 3.1:511.111L L. :11.A.R313ELL, Scut:tar). Fll(,'E: 9.4 Water street, between ..l.tarket and Wont :tree.; Insures HULL AND CARGO kISNS, uu the Ohio lON of i and tribuinrice. la:sures against Loss or Damage t..)RI:: Al.w, against the Perils ul the ilea and inland :Navigation .•:d Transportatics. IDIILIICTORti Bagmoy, ituaql Roa, .awes R. Cooper,John 8. Dilworth, • James Park, Jr., Francis Sellers, ~ .;alto M. Pennock. William 13. liays. Springer Elarbaugh, John Ship on, Capt. Sainusl C. Young, Walter "tryout, John Caldwell. j,i2.:2 WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK LEAVEN, CI. IA TON COUNT .1 a El= = ME lIM I Cash Capital $3l.rO,'AU I 1- reincean Nuie.5...5132,343. Tills COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildiugd, Iletclutudibe, N urnittue, tc., iu tuwu ur o,uutry Dlar.cTOu.d: Bon. no. J. Pearce, I Bah. G. C. liar yey , I Charks A. Maj,r, Jam B. Ball,'Charlet' CriAt. Peter JAL:kin:sou, T. I'. AhraEna, ill. Jackman, IW. White, 'Thomas liitcheu. LION. U. i. lIAItVEV, President T. T. ALEVNItI, Vice Presidout. Taos. Krrour.N, tieerotury. ILE PERENOEb: 6amunl U. Lloyd, I I Dr. J S. Crawford, ~. A. Winegarduer,i Jaw W. Maynard, A. Updeg,ruff, L. A. Mackay,Lion. S Cameron, Jamea Aimstrung, -1. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William baron, lamina Quigglo,Wm. Vandorbolt, Lion. Wm. Biglor, OFFIC.E—O. ID FIFI'LI STREET, PITTSLIGHGLI. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. .11.li FRANKLIN FIRE IN`SURANCE COMPANY, OF PIIILADELI'iIiA. Initscruits—Charles W. Boucher, Themaa Hart, Tobias 4. agner, Sarnia,' Grant, Jacob It. Smith, Goo. W. Itich,acia, ':' , ordecai D. Lewis, Adelphi E. Bono, David S. Browne, Mor n 3 Patterson. Cals. N. BANCLia, President. Onin. G. Bercaxa, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and Pountry, at rates as low are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a largo Contingent fund, ..„'hich,witLi their capital and premiums, safely Invested, al ford ample protection to the assured. The. Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1851, L.s pal- ILlied agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Sloitgage •y916,Lt8 68 Mal Estate • Temporary 1.00[1.LL.9.. Stocks... Cash, ao Since their incorporation, period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of ne Million Four Hundred Thou sand Dollarsj oases by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meat with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDENER COFFIN, Agent, Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third etc. 'TARRANT'S SELTZER. EFFERVES CENT APERIENT—HighIy recommended by the Trust eminent of.the medical profeieu, for the Cure and re lief of Billions and Febrile DiSealSed, Sick Headache, Indi ,gcstion, Loss of Appetite, &c. In fact., it i 4 invaluable in eel cases where a certain. gentle and cooling Aparient or Purgative is required. sold in Pittsburgh, only at. JtkIEPII 'NG'S n om . ; - r --r' Vat... 7 at art t rttnaa-,tan! BEDFORD WATER—This day - received, fresh from the Spriags, 500 gallous Bedford Water, and for Pale retail and whoksalo, by JOSEPH FLEMING, jaT3 Corn.r Market etrbet and tiamuul. _ DE AN S.-4 bbls. Beans in store, and for sale by McCaND LES, MEANS & CU:, jatZ Corner of Wood and Water e.treeto. _____ For Sale. AGOOD DOUBLE MEDIU,NI lIAND PRESS, suitable for a country otfiee, will be sold. Apply at the office of the "31orning You." BARR 47 MYER: 4 , ial3:l3blA,3tw P 0,4 Buildinz,. TRISH MOSS.-10 bbls. on hand, and for tale by i len liN!Ctql - 1 , 01:. tr. Ci). DOT-ASII.-20 casks, first sorts, fur sale by lytlo ??, co. S.-50 bbla. Russets, for salo by }L tIMITE? CO rifitlE immense stock of (loads at A. A. MA IL, SD & CO.'S, is now selling plat Anctio.!, daily. To day and to-morrow, December 11th and will be sold. :00 'Shawls- 60 pea. Morinoes; Paramettas; Alpacca4; Cavh iueres; DeLains, &c.; 200 Silk and Velvet Bonnets, latest styles; 1100 yds Silks, Millinery Goods, Embroideries, Laces, etc., etc. Salo at 10 o'clock, A. M. don E. W. LYND. Anctionekr. NAVES. -1000 148. on hand, and for sale by (1122) 8. k. PAIINEBTOOK t 00. V2.33,4:1S rpuE SECOND SESSION OF TIIE NOR MAL CLASS, at the IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Uudar tho dirtaltion of A. BIT RTT, Principal of the Fifth Ward Public Schools, will continence On Monday Evening, February let. Thu Claus will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings, an Saturday mornings (death week. !• MAMA $2 per Session of Sixteen Lessons. 1,.28 IT IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Ait EIJUA NICAL, ARCHITECTURAL, For turf Ito. lilt', :reply to Mr, F. W. JEN -1; INS, Indust of Clty Commercial College, Pitts burgh. novl4Amd. oN TilE CORNER Or WOOD ¢ND FIFTH Sin:LE:ELS, late thivis's Auction Room, is now sell ilk elitist, Wilille3lllo stock at OiST PRICES FOR CASH ONLY. Re will sell Fine Black Petersham Over, coat that used to soil at... Fla" Black L'utoratatai 0 wurcu Brown Itaglau 4ztrholid Ragkn Lanth-t •' 11110: I'ilJtB 151iithty El= 8(111ilti I.IX SYCIII . Vine Wove Cwisimere Brown Cloth Black Silk Cloth Sulicr Fin° Drees Frock Coats '• .` —lO,OO " 6,60 Fault-thin , ti,ada at these and prcipor del,l3 t! rat.t. C;i3 9 ()op WORTH SOLI WIT ['off REGARD TO COST, AT 1). Muuti, , otuory, lilt:Lard ziiimldn, uhOurut, rrillE GREATEST C'EIANCE EVER OF ." FElira) to the L:ldied to buy cheap Embroideries. The goods arexll fresh and tlew, and of Lho latest Importation, ool.ilting of •11V4 will fre sold without regard TO COST 'Wllent, tliLye Corn Wanted, ALLEGLI •;NY . CITY. gri 11 E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN ihe ~hove establishment, and are prepared to L)apc. Mark 6terlfilg, Samuel M. It is the intcutieu t.f the proprietors to offer CULLA Paden day chuise lots of White or hod Wheat. They intend to wake very superior Family Flour, and are willing to pay a 1 9 the farmer, iu the shape of an extra price, to in duce Elm to raise a choice quality of Wheat, and to bring it t. market in good order jytn:lyd&vi raineral Water Depot. J. U. ......... U. S. BURNER. U. BITEFUAI & CO., Manufacturers of e 6arsapartha, Mineral Water Pon, Bottled. Ale and sorter; Bot !ors of WHinwright's Wintertna , A.le. Ware hu tine, P' ,J 77 78 8.3,986 17 61,99 00 04,346 01 $1,::12,708 44c. MISCELLANEOUS. t h lOW NORMAL CLASS. DRAW cNG LESSONS, AND CRAYON DRAWLNG, By JOUN R NOW riS TH 2] TIME BUYING CHEW CLOTHING. Z. L EISNER, SELIANG OFF!! OP EMBROIDERIES, Na. 65 Market street, PITTSBURGH, 19A. CkAiur3; Sleor,s Iltudu; EclKings IMMM!I Trimmings ; Skirts; Waists Ribbons and Veils; HOSIERY AND FANCY GOODS, ~.f. r ,„1,- * ll too, Como Olio, Como All, and don't miss the place AT J. EFIUSEPS, arm 4.315 Mark...! strut, ird and .Fburth struts 5T:L1.E3.141 WILL, PAY TRY PRIOLd IN OASII YOB '20,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT. 10,000 CORN. No. N 36 norket, street, • Prnsaincau, P ~ , : ,•-e [!lied am! Whipped to all .partd of the couuty r 0 , 61 ,lutace. apied/INV ''.... Lloyd & Co.'s Transportation Line, (SUCCESSORS TO LEMoN & C 0.,) 'LE UNDER.SiIi N ED having made extenaiveipreparationD TII iNiNn, are [tow prepared to do a HEATY Gusr by PENNSYLVANIA CANAL - AND RAILROAD, It tough to and from the Eastern Cities. Wo can aware our friends and all those disposed to par the Pennsylvania (Lund and Railroad, that no pains will be spared to insure a speedy and safe transit of all 40.11 iutrusted to our charge. The AVOIDANCE OF TOE INCLINED PLANES In the Allegheny Mountain, will give ItteRZASIDDESPATCII the trausinuisieu of freight. Au experience of eight years in the Transportation business, justifies us in promishri , the public every tacility by our Line that can be Possibly °eerie.. inir office is on PENN STREET, AT THE CANAL BASIN. 0 LLOYD .fc CO ADIES' AND MISSES' WOOL 110005 gd of evory color and siLa, Juat opaued at a.:40 IfOR.NE'S. 77 Market street. US BAND'S CAL. MAGNESIA.-5 gross heed and for sale by B. L. FALINESTOCIC & CO. gIEN TLEAIEN 'S TRAVELING SIIAW LS. I_A A few of good quality and of handsome colors ' re Cult ed tor bale, diem), at HORNES', ['Crib 77 Alarkut street. HOUSEKEEPER'S, ATTENTION. Stoves, Itodwate, Hollowware and Table Cutlery Tiu and Copperwarn; Toya, ac., for sale at deco:lt KIM & SWAItTZ, Rd Smithfield et. UJUBE PASTE-300 lbs. in store and for cif ,aio by B. L. FALINESTOCK tr. CO., nur:3o Corner Wood an : Yonrth streets. AGNIFICE.N'r Bayatiare Dress Silks, As fainted Menus's, blow' de Loins, Valoncias, .c. A splendid u34oittlieut of Shawls, Scarfs, Cloaks, Tal Lot,. ac., mid the cheapest arid best assorted stock of Do tie lard Staple Dry (foods in the city. C. LIANSON LOVE, Ae9 formerly Love Bros., No. 74 Market street.t.-' EDUCED PRICES, REDUCED PRICES Rich Saxony Plaid; 37 . 14 worth 75 cants. All wool F Merinoes 6S " 00 " ParaMatlltB 25 Rich tlg'd•Delained 33 " 61,1 j , Printed Moue. 110 Lainod 10 worth 31 cents, aud au up3nrpa , B.l display of Silks, Shawld, Sill: Bonnets and corredpoiehugly low rattan, at the store of t1,1:3 A. A. MAN & CO., 1.:5 Fifth street. A REGIMENT OF ACTIVE, ENERGETIC I.G.IiiINESS LIEN . . Meu of ..uergy antil small moans, Oct of employment, this is your 1.211101 , • to .I.la, Cr.ll acct. I?iftly 8 trout. JURK PAL3I OIL SOAP.-=Pure Palm Ssap, way 15 cams a bar, a sure cure fur chapped has fur gal! iu in quantities to 8113 purchasers, by B. C..t J. El. SAWYER. Q 1 -ANN UAL I &Oil-ANNUAL 11 linnar.dleled Bargains in Rich, Plain and Saucy Fine Drees Goods; Sine Embroideries; Shawls, all grades; Domestic Goods; At tho ?Semi-Anutial and Closing, Out Bale, at the store of A. A. MASON it CO., No. 35 Fifth strect oriOOKiNG STOVES AND TIN WARE-- J Hens° Furniture, Hardware, Brom and Copper Kettles, Bra,, Copper and Galvanized Iron Coal Boxes; Hollow war t s, hrittaunia To., Sets, Table Cutlery, Bird Cage; Squirrel thica_ei, etc. Al lauds or Job Work made to order In the moot Satisfactory manner, by . . KIM & SCHWARTZ, Noe. 44 Wylie, and 102 Smithfield streets faMa9 -.., TAMES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al e, legheny, Wholeaa . le Grocer and Tea Dealer and Lic,einied Liquor Merchant. Dealer in Weyer and Timothy Peed; Butter, Chime, Lard, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Ptah, &0., and Coun- try Produce general h „ noviS AMES PATTON JR. Federal street, Allegheny, le now receiving in atOro the following, which he will sell at Cho lowest cash prices, viz:— . 123 bbls. now crop pluatattmi Molasses; 21" hhd.s. " " Sugar; 30 bble. Orocera syrup; 10 bbls. pilule roll Butter ; boo the. " Feathers; 120 boxes " Cheese; i.. 00 Bacon llama; 40 half cheats Young Ilyson, Imperial, and genuine Old Country leas, with a general aasortn.,ent of the beat and . largest meet. of Fauthytiroceries to be had in the city which ' in for sale for Cash—remember PATTON'S, fel Fedoral street, Allegheny Oity $5,00 for $3,75 0,00 " 4,50 8,00 " 5,75 9,00 " 6,00 8,00 " 5,00 10,00 " 7,00 . 8,00 " 6,00 . 7,00 " 4'50 .10,00 " 6,00 5,00 " 8,00 6,00 " 4,60 -10,00 '• 7,00 6,00 " 4,00 6,00 " 4,50 .... 8,00 " 6,00 .10 3 00 " 0,00 .12,00 " 7,00 15,00 " 13,00 15,00 " 11,00 ,viy- AT FIRST COST.-`&V,. Lt. T. EFINNEIDY 8110. _;~, rs NUMBER 103. GROCERIES. AMES PATTON, Ja., FEIDEIIAL STitEET, ALLEI.IIIENY is now receiving a larger stock of GRUOIDGES, FRUITS, Etc, Etc.,whine he oilers to ash at the lowest 0•911 Padua. 3 hhds. of Lovertn,es syrup; 35 bbls. Grocers N. Y. Golden syrup, at 4304 40 " neatened Sugars; 140 bugs prime Rio, Oaf Cos'. Java and Laguayra Coffee; 110 boxes, ne,e crop, M. it. iiuuoh and Layer Raisins ; 10 ceaka Currants, new crop; 10 bbls. Cranberries; 21/ boxes Figs, Citron, and Orange Peel; 4 bbls. Jweet Malaga Oranges; 15 boxes Lemons; • 1 Lila. Dried Unnorian Cherries; 4 cases Sardines, best brands; 10 boxes Malaga ihunes; 4 boxes Olive Oil, pints and quarts ; 90 eatrons Prunes, Palley Chnstmas Boxes; 4 drums Sultana Raisins; 5000 Imported Cigars, - Jenny Washington," "Bachauan's," "Columbia," "LaLovely," "Opera." CO boxes +visa:Led Tobacco--Grant'.:, Webster, old; 100 bags assorted Nos. Shot, Pe reunion Caps, Powder, Lead, Fumy S.,ap, Sperm, Wax and Star Candles, Cheese, Rice, Fish, Mince Meat, ()yaw: , Preserved Fruits, Pickled Salmon, Lobsters, Etc. delb SU GA.R.— bble. Baltimore Yellow Saw. 6 hlls. Inland 10 Ms. Refined 10 Lovering Lseot Led •• Received and for sale 3 by JAMES PATTON, Jr„ uov23 Allegheny Oaf AT N TION, ALLEGIIENY Off Y.— The subscriber would call your attention to his stece. of . FAMILY UttutIEREES bought, of late, in New York, for CASH., which he will Bell at lower priced than any other house iu the two cities, for Casu. Come anti 800 the pricee, at JANIES PATTON'S, JR., Federal street, near the Diamond, ALLEGHENY CITY. VIRE, FIRE, FIRE CRACK FRS.—You can have, them at New Yolk pricer, at JAillaS PATTON'S, Ja., federal street, ALLEGIIENT Currants, Cranberries; Figs, Hungarian Cherries, Plums, Citron, Oranges, peuion.s, gc., Ac., for sale at lowest figures for Casa, by JAMES PATTON, 3a., b'eder ti street, ALLEUHICNT A IVOII.II TO TEA DRINK.ERS. TEA /No. Filth street, has Imported into this market soma of the finest grades of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, gr.wo in the Celestial Panpire, done up In all the various tincy packages which Chines. ingenuity can invent. It is a luxury and conlloil to drink them. Proprietors of steam boats laud hotels, awl private twailiea are invited to cull. oct7 • IiETCIIUP3.- 10 &am Mushroom lieteluip. 10 do Eughah Wsinut do. 2d do Quark Tomato do. 60 do Pints do do. Fur oak by ktEYMER & ANDERSON, nov2l Nu 89 Wood street, opposite St. Uharles Hutu' NOTICE. r E 0 LDEiI I ; , AND STOREZ)II IYE X CL U . SIVE In the city of Pittsburgh. Extra flue Emperor's Chop, the beet Green Tea imported, being of garde a growth. Also, the finest quality of puts Oolong Tea, possessing a delicious fragrance only to be found thegmiuule article. No spices kept, or anything that be l'alor;;Ais In the flavor of Teas. Customers can rely on get i lag a pure article of its own flavor. JAYNES. 88 fifth 'trim, 'Lippincott, Shorten Zs Pearson, NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR FIFTH. F E .A „ C a T n U a It it E o. R . S t T i lt ,adi tr e N a K T S dive yt ; a Funks, Carpet bags, Sc., keep constantly on hand a 'argil We are prepared to.do u wholpoale trade, and hay mg facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to call and examine our goods ha fore purchasing elsowils. at \S. I VIVO LOTS OF GROUND on West Com mon, Allegheny, with a double frame dwalllno halms, I.)r Bale, price $.2400. Terms easy. CORN SilELLEßS.—Sunth'e Patent, ar • rouged for hand, horse or steam power, warrantee iu every respect, and will Wien from 30 to 44J bwileela of corn per hour. Will be sold luw by uov3o lIENILY IL COLLINS. • r fIIUItPEDOI.IB.-100,000 No. 1, just receiv edand for bale by REYHER & ANDERSON, uov3s No. 39 Wood street. Si lilliT6 1 SlilitTS 1 1 - i BiaLop'd Skirts; . Quilted Hooped Skirts; Holmes' Hooped Skirts; .11isses' Girded Skirts; Lahore Corked aud. Quilted Skirts, Nights and colored; a uswsuppty just op sued, at JOS. 110.B.N.E'S, iit:9 . 1 77 Market street. CINNAMON lbt just foo'd and fur sato 1.,y [deYl B. L. FAIINESTIAIKA CU. WINTER brLOVES.—A full supply of Cloth, bilk. and Merino, of various sizes, at low lad- ISORNE'4, 77 Market street. QTOOK (lIIOICEI---PRIOES LOW !-NEW WINTER GUODS.—=JOSEI3/1 HORNE has just return ed front the East, where he has purchased large additions t, hie already extensive,tock, Trading directly with Frau? CL O, LUP011.11:10 1100dEd ualt . l . with the MANUFACTURERS, for CAdU exclusively, he is enabled to offer the-berit selection of Goods at the 10W0et possible prices. Wo aro now opening, for' daily display, the largest and cheapest stock of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EM.BROIDIIitI ES, WINTER, WOOLEN GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, iIOSIEItY, io n ao., Ever befure exhibited iu rittapargh. Purehasera are Bildt ed to examine the goody, cud learn the prices, at del ,JoS. BORNE'S, 77 Market street. $6OO FOR a two story frame dwelling 11011E10 and lot of gronod 60 feet byloo,pleaa• aatly situated on -Mt. Washington. Terms easy. fen S. 1,1141111}1111` & tiON, 61. Market t. 2iOTICE TO BUTOIIEIS.—Large Meat Cutters and Sausage Fillers, of various sizes, it Nu. 47 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. dec4 SHAWLS 1 SUAVLS I I SHAWL:3IIi Wo havo Jut received thin day a largo lot of lilankt4 Shawls, which we aresolling at Ono Dollar. U. lIANSON LOVE, • Formerly Love Brothers, Dog No. 74 Market street BLACKBOARD CRAYONS—For sale by W. G. JOITNSTUN & 00., Stationtra, 57 Wood Fdreet. . A PP ES.-150 Barrels Apples, various in titorc, and for sale by JAMF.3 A. FETZER, 80 Water street QTEEL PENS. Gillot's; Pratt's ; Per k) ry'd; ; Jenny hind; Cooper; American, Rhodes St Son's, and floven'a, {net roceived W. by b. EfAVJAN, (lima :‘farliat un.l.9dcond rti. AIR BEDS, Pillows, Cushions, Lifo Pre servara, and lied Pam, for aala by J. & PIIILLIPS, •. '2AI and :la :it. Clair atreet JAEATIIER BELTINU—Of all sizes, ilia tr,st urtielu iu Inurlcet, for salu .4. Lby • L PELILLIPe. QEASO.NABLE UUODS, Gentlemen's under garruents; etubraclug silk, lambs' wool, heavy merino and cotton nuder•star ; tinware, of am best Minitufacturo, and sold at very r. firmed rates. MORRISON'S CELEBRATED SHIRTS. A large lot of cravats, ties, pocket hdkis., scarfs, &.'.,fiud an other articled to the line of tem Geodi suitable fox the season, at nov3 IdaliN WS, 77 Market street. WARRA.NTED. TO SHELL TWENTY BUSHELS PER ROUR IN TOE 'LINOS OF ONII MAN—the Corn Sheller 110 W lug at No. 6$ Filth street. Now, don't be excited' if you have been humbugged, but give this machine a trial, and if ibis an imposition, say so; bat if thoroughly Katisilai that it fettle hest Invention of the kind the ago has produced, then buy territory and make a fortune, said quit your croaking. Call and sea. stv2ri.nravv.ti EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING. 10 dozen Lemuna. 10 do Vanilla. 10 do Hose, fur wile by REAMER k ANDLIILL'W.`I, No. 10 Wood at., tipgo,lts St. Charles Hotel. BUFFALO SHOES.—A splendid artiole of louts' uud Ladies Buff.rto Over :.hoes. Also, Gents' Call Over liltooo, at the VeQpio's store, No. 1.7 Fifth street, Lear Market. uov2l CIIININEY TOPS.---200 Uothio Chimney Tops, for !sale by fiRNItY IL CuLLIN6. E aro now opening our second, and by 1r if far the cheapest stock of Fell eud Winter Dress Goods, Shawls, &c., that has over been offered in this city. C. A NSoN LOVE, liavfnetly Love lirothers. 7 , 1 litarket st. UPPLY• YOURSELVES WITH SHOES now, whilst you can buy them at such low rata; at tha n PEOPLES SHOE srottE. - Wu will continuo to sell at grastt. ly reduced priced far a short time longer. Small profits and cash rutin-us is oar motto. All kiods of thatshoes sold low, fed 011a.IINBa.011 Mt H 00. S. CUTHBERT & SOY, 61 Market street JAMLI3 NVARDROP DIEPPENBACIIER CO