x~ ~;~ r~. r-~~s;~. • --.-•••• LOCAL A 1! ;i_111... • ;,31. a garemGnt iof eve. ning [tit her ryrar , hariicter and war, en ; wartii!,) tiho is esirtaiely a tine i •: :tress, ann in her repteFentatiati of thl.l , cliar,cLf.; The. pily;stlie u al 46 - x ~r 1-10;x; without a blninish, and her acting titiii• utit. cat} ric sr. t. Valti it Li 1;)`: theca t,,,,sf,tc l th a t we Gish to ',et , hsr i;rnore the perforniant , i ; pieciaii.it a iilto char:le:el% We are nat. enough tsi CIZt . .A.!1.1CriC?...7 titagO, tee fres•lnt tarci_ig , '2.l.3 , A can t05...11 t. i••• ; int alt.. sneii I .lle eliaractAr of th li • lady and toot wa.ea trio e.s..emes it, iiiayinir to iniuge i,iro in Chet...trio - al:: th In•lievo ehri is net vhet ,oho ri,pit - eiteo. We - ••mold i•eo ••0;s: a.; Ilerniin wli ie, in the er ther.; b.). nn jarrin,i; Lei veeen her I,ei•ityawl the riaCristi,ities i , -1 her.ll,cia..o is new . poputae ea:oc.tu to rote -; th.r e7Vnicieee's, and ioe would se,3line. The ploy Cri•r,illo, tht.ne.:ll it has 1 -Von 1:11, 14:11 to the. iss:r , rl;,C. on/.rlAifziri(.7l piirceesion ef nature—oh 1 nbiurd tweititni.ntalisna, The 'nadir:zinc:tee orts is in the rerreseatatien tot a w or ldly. minded, i-:;:upleca , and lietoitien ,- rotnale, •stee;•ad in slairoe, as a loving, ;catlit'ui retaining: the fe.iiings end a.treetionit -natural to iii.trity. Fiery ono ‘.'.Co refte:tit or oliservrx • , , , retre that i t is next a toilaie for a forr.z.la te preserve, t through 'Li? eeiir:si cit... silty:tic, the PLlTity , a ; . retritit ors. e. arser hroCigaey i: the de.,:trection of tha ooblor fetilinL7:, of the toil:, and a transition to the greenest In this. then, euosi:ts the pernicious et.Te t of thin Cateiilo is rspr• - s , sated inning beloved by a c.iuled, noble winded young man, anti as being 3:thy of suoih i•ivis. She is represented, too, as 1 :oohing the grantle.st < orifito a We:.: - 10 can a/4kt 1 shot of giving no the hand of one she lowcz the hanpirie - ss of other titember,: of his fanaiiy. ? f ie f-rget- the o:llint7or. le 5110 17010511, %; ,..1 V . 14:0 i, Ch. , ll.ciat.zo his us. ailiniratihia. tIZUt any Wja2..111 of the on:d s;tiiti who,: we ice hr .. . ; 131.10 t to tto at the tho lit.ity , en.irietii: :he ninn ont oi ten lea vo Limit 1113 Ceinil:r. they ir.:!.1,-41.0Cd n I.ossessing alt the n:_ri: your.l,ll no; ;co_ of nsart of u 2.pnetes*. r c:ffirtev , rt—a. [fez ill so , i f . rsiioiscut. , ,ti .ou, the i at virtue; nut: tlion z . - sti th”.t. cur WWI 1/o of any Say, it:;; . cinlil 1125101.1 1110 , 0 te see thie lady pe.rsenato iliaraensta , iZare in 00 , ...-rdr:Z.ls ',rift: that iif her own. .14;h1.1 The Court of Oyer and T.oriniret . mei at niito •i;elrett ye.sttrday tournirtg,,nildehn idota •.•, , .ashoriiy atti.:l4"ttnir , . hrought in :Ind piarcrd in iho psi:rine:la box ; ho !dill maintained. that tr,drit (if tsav:idle anti apparentearelossns , , , s. which lie, hes lilr,i l if tr tc,l throtaghitt all thti preent-dinga ,lizelist hint, an 6i-ou r:is:lel 'uniiti appearing . upnois etieinzens.nr.-.. Our rade:ail will retro , ,mber that about' weal , . .once i. ne,. Lien for arro:lt of judgmentand a ilo•tr - trialti7,l3 :tr.. good ItistUre thiz Court by7if.t. Swiirteweider on the nstt. of :he priso , uer, and :tit. ini;ler, Deputy Diritri,t .A.iteric.cy, o rite prat of the Cht , :ntrienWealth. ttlo idivo, adicedy ziveri the qrn•oricis on. which the apt:di ce:lac wee todied.--:11‘. thief et which wits, that the it:tin:tine:it dui - not iipseificelly set fzrits the fact th., , t :Veen died 11.0:-: ihe h - ound ialliedoi by Lutz, :Ven tan prt: , 'lloz nal beee 111.1A-to,' in the. boa. J u d ge i:VCiore rcaetod, , ,,:i , e doilver tic upinittn On the tn.;, tiOn for c nee - trial i • it. wit:, nu üblo document, anti 'oci.tupiej iottio tiverlyi pa•a ,, , , ,i• • The priacoor ;i:ileac , l with at:ea:ion, tid:izigil apparently,.:..llt.: tlr. ,,, ",:n.t.::rnei - i. '1'.i...0 : , :li. , ,stenee of the erialeo ‘,,,,5,, that the ohjcedions of Inc leuroed c , aiiisel ern no .. , :di,l, n. 1 1 ,1 that the hi diet n_>.. aii full and zpocifis on tha tliSputtai pAint': , :te. th , .! 'airings:icy ~..- tilt; idt. required, :hat i hf;fc> vi. ii...t.' :a:Ole:vat objectine to vitiate the in diotaioni, and a new trial could not he granted. The Judge the. s1:0•1 the vrisr_o2cr "if ho had anything to say why sectenee of deet'h should not, LI placed xqr;on him accordia.c, to lea;," to which he 'last:err:id, r . 64,0 ti,r," , nd the Court then sentenced hint ir, Lim ,a c rid manner: " That you I-.:. ,ante. cre d .o . tt i no ua . :6 h. , :' ri , :ac float .:Bence you and ther.oe to thii pitiati , 01 ozezution, and that there - fi - •ti ho heri ; , e,l Ily (Ito heo , r timid you ire dead." -Doting this relc:on :•aec,s, iii" p , dtseriar W 33 lITITIL)VciI, exhibiting oi, eign id - oniction. II,:i v;A::: •`,:.:i toluar•ded to jail. In p 1,, ,, i rig through tile Snerill'S olllon, in.! salt to Mr. t=aro , hali, " f. litive Loco euntonced to lie hung, and yea arc tide ns,:n. I vrent :.., do it," tlios endeavoring to iireservo a :Theis: of 'oi)iirir:it to the ls.t, We think after a short inc.trcerutiotd, -,7ith tlino to reflect on his sivistion, he aetti net be so anst , ...,us to iihoit , his in. itiffernince. _ -..-.,, , s ••••.--.-- _ . ..i.::.,,!. t',4% tiV , - 1:!:•; , /....,:i e ,---0 a, Itiont.:::ty titttrt.;Ag, a young; Loan named Janes +3.lbrion, who _rich iv ii.chinini:i tr.:wads:nip, cmeii t.t, the eitl.' itfter. ;;Gt.C. , intdiejaz. , , t: hies ;,5 c - near.nl. ar—i :4tr.:tod for horse, lle '..T4,7 en •ho: -, ..13.z . t:, arid ; after riding five toilex it: it. itoineWsrd diruciitio, itti hzrso ottliohicid and 1011, r•iiiitiz - ocer an ondli, , , , i , ..eient, etzahing oed hruising CI iesicd fr.... iall:. Ts c Its: - .7:i orezze dad C.r.: and win: card - CO the road ti . ; zoo::: frititels of the iler'eilseil whir, i:n.Q , .. , the hers: : and,. becoming alai - a:ol,commeueeil a ec.,trch f.,:t hirri. dla •, , roa. found lying at the bottom of the era toinisiurtiad, guile +!C"-a . Connor A.luMar,:iOz we- info. tatit.l or ti— r..,..c., , t. it, the ~ft..- . .rrit., 6 n, pioctedo , l fr the ficezui of oreitit,r.:. aad held :in inT;riast on thr. I.e; , :iy. A.tt-or hearion the toFtiinotry the jury rot orned a vordizi of qe , ...,1d , 3,1 , 3.1 e... - .,i1t.1i. , Grrq.i , d .T.L. , i T' , .„ , ,—Yeterciey iitdic the day on which, the grour.d hog ia said to rh - olze his appear :lnca. W did. net ia,e hito, ar..l non.sCquently eannot -ia;,:r," radr .etas: tc he tier ha ; .:11yr his ~,ti od o w or no ,. Toe nun wits en; unidi aht t_,r. o'clock when IL sky :-.: b::.:.:1 , 11.2: 0v.;::.! , ...,:-: and rainuinc.i. ra all day. If he 0,, 0 , 1 -,,,,,, •....,,-,17. ::r0 to r , ti'elecis ; hr. prolishtv retarne,lde take anther ri. , : sales' :deep, sficr being frigh•terneil a: hi: torn nh..doi•e : if he dit not ni ake his ar.,ptiar aare till isii ,- ,:f ten, he ins et be r.,t, large ester 7 Who 1...D.'d iiiia ii Lifir , .'llif 2" , :' , . , i1 ,, F1--T'liZ f2,::.i..7:L1, Itndr ih.3 L , a tta atgem( id" Mi - ,.:;;_'.; , C.:! , :, S'i'. !;.::.1 a 1111:111)el - or. ~catr b vE tqle, , , Lt. nt iaoic.,,catztr,c,:lc.:.7:l :,.es.terdly !,.i.0rr,...0ti :ci, City Hull .:ii - o . :1 itill 1;f:: cazti::::;l2 , l L''.. , :::- . ..,.. :,fterr,c;,..l, and t:r . oning il'jaillg tl.lO Wt..., - ;I:. A ilinivar laiii be orgi:::. lit ono o'ctf,ett p;? ;ii day. LaHt c.:•: . ...+L.,,g, quite la. vutetior ef• V1::110ra - ,:ro prest:a/t, and ;ll;.7.y all s!"0:11‘ , d to t nijoy Ei: , ,iiisei t', vf.. This 1.1 ,- Jspitnl. lie., bcol: 61 vast ty37.par.0...t0 ms..tly GuE:weri, kpaki 71 , :, il , ..rr, a lib. cr2).p4trzaaj.:a'qii: ti-a ex.•::::::_;ed ....., it, LISi:' , 3.:.L.Hy 112 R. (10 , 11.1111 ciniet, that - vi: ulail:Tat l . - :scpy Iliad hi. - .au.ri , can bc.::: , tiatAroA.. • . ; • I,y 1:;'; ',ray a very de7.r.rving roan, ha z ai:pcinta: duparluttradent of the 11C , .17 ! , 71:1:!‘" ribUot the Allegheny liver I ,t the :unw.h. ~tr oet. Duncan Iva. , _ o: the Pittsh: , gh, Oiacinhati :tad trguir.vlll,:, "fele4,r..ph i lee, ar, is WOO qualifiLd t:) faint the re-pervicle uttg7lling to his now I (.1 wor; I .1.74 , Iit'..:!•;::q; :It rue Sales P../...tus of P. M. .51.Fiftl,5trect .............. I.n) I ............... 1 ,3 ; ........... ......... 1•') . •• I:aqk 2:i 74 A rilL! C00.: , g , 1.ng at Dig.- lunni oerf' gal ..truct lq in a hL , .r.ri - hle condi- tion. it ig city, and we now'malco the , : , usegrg,rl;),, liberally, if any gentleman will t,r , ,und pat:,r to hove it tri.ggle ord - ble. I our fricri:g Pelloc',: Live the Fr.ription it. fvr gronteci we Lave. ore Stre•at the chef Pitt...burgh, 1 For.-..d Chicegr,coming 'e thta City . 0 li Mendey tin;, the of the tender ettachczi tr, ler;Jrae;eve hr eke, when, float D o g-‘atien, anu throcio of the o N Cot:; the train threo hour.. IF v , Eil 110 yttlat . tl-..: , ,,rel that Mrs. M.•=...1c1.1"r 91 le-tUt, to :al , df, r itfarng.)ln. Laflyotto ri .terratt. that Red:, the fir.;t gloy rf pool wearbor `.:me titre and plauc, frro, and thelecguro ho a very valoitbp, On o ., • -1,710i4:1 the appaiutinent7 the, C,.unty ebintnig• i.u,ner to Munciiy wr., that. of Dr. Ba;dwin deeter filled digit cfb - cr, ;:uI;Y, ..thd Ire folly eoLupetent Lv the 1117Cb.,:ri!,0 t, rernunerat.•.c duals.:' or , ff Tl.irf.—Otticcrn Moen recur::,_ fremi"utig.r ye.iter•la;, having ire etlhtlidr ot.to umruld 3fau:ley, an alleged her,c thief. ire Cr to IFnly cgtinty. til:i:t ye.gt,,edAy ii-4 •!'g'g; , 1-1 . 1/..111 v,. 1.1.rol;e, yp. cc:;l.-y. The t.;.1.5-z , wad ;;ire., to the afTern,..n. At 'h” logien g:ce. nia;, • electe.l Cantain, to-i Hobert An C. Hui!, Liertteu gote. • LICW , uuorany itt uniferm `rolrO 11!": 1 0 , _' dull yet,l.c,rday—n;: be fore any of the ta.tgibtrate.g. the Mt iu bit, til{tettinit there vet' 214.1vir;.4.,uy .:••2?o.4.2.tinuhsto-+lm; te-nterrew. Per oeu. , t1i:14.,4 th..; ~ lty de ro et foe Ci.y , illl Le happy te, 0-I, al. We . p ore -•,:theza . :'leer the no:leer. tbi..y be f. , ...unti••nn _rand Haltby';;, ueder the rs;', Cy iteoc , , the tt01a1.!.1.1.,n)y al.!.1.1. , n)y n ;1113 ;t; Cl4,q+ 'l4 -:JI% r'lwrit v x .i. '2l t , t ba the . r a att , a'f t / V ,t a 'I fu !c vi L I . •••••• •••-•• ,•;• h 1, A. 0. ?yli'Gßill';', Corn of Firit Gtoca. Wit Q••;',3 w.;• ,1‘; v-hb i < 11 , tr !; •• • fl• ; ••,•,,•;• 1 Th w•r!;• • ‘,1)(1 t! ro.;• •••,•,! r! • qty . , t• t .7 0 ur. 1, thh,•l; •-•• •••• (4 :•• f•_r •_':;••,.;-_•• A ' rd.,. U. '. ,1 _ , 1011 rr• - r ••••1•• ; ••••••:• •=••,:-• to 1, Clllll^ Th: .1. B. with Pt..l l ,r-tvc r.ft, , ro.-ti, IronnFti withkat y 4,1 t.f h.. UT' Ly i• •.• tlEre't=.: , . , . 1 tt, Ptivt Hire r• , _;:th - c.;„ r.;.•1 F3r:tl,- f••: - A f 011,00 m••• r;h•i Lh•-• ,4 , 31;1ii t• • P..“ 4. ! Wl.lltt, r,•1:•11•1••••. , t• •• '•• • • tro.".'n ;t2 r,t‘ : Er • ta:l , lqr whh•L •11. fromthz•m, , ntb. 15 , 41; •at•,4• •• 0 , - 1:. ••• cr of nitteantltt. 'r1;•• 1 W. ilatill,o4 serf Ch , h,rtsti i'••; t,!orottid2:. The to. I,IJ , I.ft Tor 1.1••• "!-. )1 'lit The iftFiElfilie, rf 1 , 1000 31 - , -• I: ••,1 rEI ... . _.sir.}'it t;•el lid. rs.T:••-r.. LL•••• Th•• Ift• ,f • ! • or," toot 0 rotin C 4;1.1. i . Cr ice Fr: ,; bry '3‘ T 7.115 t ;7? {7: 7 1, St•••3:11,r • FU. " • ;1r,•,-;mh-41n S. IL For• 1, LiqL, ChiriL,tl It,r„ ,- ;11;•, 7lovle. th,1.11. - "W 00.11: 131.,;;-;1•••ille, '• • t.o. ttut's. , •••, " 110. D Wh0441:. I.:lntda (4, •; 1 •_• - •tr, ST f4_:‘ , "l, r T.. I '-2".=4' ler the I,:s , l,t sr:tern. , ••, -I— Ot 1! I, r t ,rpa L.a. • .3-1,, L. 17. Lo F,•IL•••• Ir , 4 .•• tra •.• I • ;I,t. OE:L. - rt. LT.:. •!...• • • • ;•••• • ,•; . • , • I •_,'cl• • ii P. M. -t • ~ t • -.. , ••>c , i t.:1•1 •••• i•.•• t -, •• , '4•1f.,•,...",:-A,•;. ;V: TINL , LD. - ••• AL. • ! L•r ht•ry - (.• • •• or 1:1811 t‘ A . ( 31C., B.GitN , ••••• . • - &or I iTC , EIN TOM 7:.. - _. ....,._.:. The ; ,t • : L'," :4! .;:-.7,Nr•_. •• r • &Alva ..••4 ; ;. - ••••1••, ; .3.10 0 -,;1"•••:(3, the - 1•••,:h •fot , ‘ , 1' , 1 A e., • , ^ ••t. i. , /0-+VC .11 t•;;:t•-•. ; ;•••'_i t.' l •;') , For:1 0 21 , hr t• • YLAIni; "e7.l' t• V IT : 7 4_:J , '1 • 1'01 - P.PI ttli.3:l3rgh. C.3pta'a, :113 !biern,,,,.;:.,Lt; ports, ot, Dor-N/3,r '3711: r 1..1. ..1." • • _ A - 3 - 333333, lor pro - t., or, , FUr frKlig;il t.i p.,;,.6si:Fipply ULt - 3 • - 3 '3 - = 1 7' ;) 1::110,311f3•., -1133...ry ; AN i'LL.C • 3I.ON. .1 „?.• c0r..33* ; ..•. ; ;y, bo b. :Id ,3t iolt-1t0n..3c, X 1 1 ," L. , vr ;:Zi lur 7. 22.1 ~:' ~ ,i,• 331131 E.,,;3.3ry,; tro,r‘ :AL 11117...APE,!.11.)11.: - S. By uid,r 3 ,Ll-1 11µn1,4 1 ,233 y, .I.,e:3.rra 0 , 13:2.23 01 ; 0 Ultal I'iLl utildel (1.1 . 11. t.t• 4 , .: , eiittultier.3, i 4)1'111v:31 3k. 'A fro:tLoa , 3,.:. 3 ar , rzr - I - 3t 3)3 , i133.1L; ...11.. - 1.1,, , Ja1.• ito.: .111„..• v.:3;,!,,.'01,1 I ' ,34i.3,3,•,; . ;%, 11;1.. :L I hta , tl aril, i;a4 - mblo. (311L)Bli, ~ 771 4 -` 4 ., .4 . \Vlere y Oall be - ,3 , 3:33a trio eoii9Cllol.l. j Al;;:s LuCli.l2ii:i ;rs 11' r 1 , rr 111 ; I:\ t In • flct,.. of 1 ,, , ca- I:L3 k. 4.. I Alt hli (1:1(1 L - L VARII-.Ari . rlC.r 1.; L( (1 1, , : „ t V.ltTer rr , ",' t 3 t.,T" D I 24_q 4 w. A 5 ' I ..' ' .Itr;q: 14 .:`lo . Cslr ' .1- r„:. I po I IV V 'l ‘ . ',I i tzT 60 :=IAI. ) ..K' 7., L ._ L . r ' ! ;1, l, i. Lo U f , 1./.1 ''t V. OUP and le al atg ft or, .1.4 , _-14 - y ; trer..!.s of twc 1 g 4 't i.s` f• - . 2 11 .1 07 F. - . t }tie i*.Ei) E i. CORNR:II. TILIRD Tel.rdstrf awl F aintoz tho of artlot , col •11. - r.0c.31..• at Lot qAIJ - • r-7. r r. ; c, .7ald -,- f OGRAPII Y.- .h.T - 11. AS Lr 11+,1: r 1, ty r,.'„ a ' • n-tci z 1"1.. - "1 _ 1.14 L r tL. 3 , , 1 , lit II I 1. 4_ :' 111111 t"i)..!l 0, LIP: - iY s.'Yi ALLI.III - 335 WOOD I'. j .31,3 cif N T tea r; ;Ito.ap,a' ? , r.a.tl y.f., Is! ,t L:2 and 0r I Nci., .1, 112., F . OLT - --, -r, Iff - i Ot, T t` , - r' r , of - I • 1 0 -7 , "J...1.: 'l - `2.12 CH- 3: - `,l .0.. t LE, Cara.. of V, : t :34,dtis E f`:-; o of t;s3 , • r 11,1 , . , • -74 tr 7 l _ ,_•_ P 7. g 1 ittL-4- AT ........... AllD mss -- • =• , =‘ , .. t,1 A.c.?!..abz!.9N: r i ..... ........t it• - • ... . ..... ; • P.t‘'l" . . • 'a com - R.t.cce r,"...;1it of Ow aC - r , ATILDA E.H.ON., z - in L. - tr.' w03.-.1 , -..rr0l ftu..lfitt ,- ;5 - 111.0.14%.. - -'onr.:l. - ,n of , t! 7.1 T. ' E . 1 .7 ED7 ,- 7.6I:tAY t, 71. with th , ia ;.!..1 - ------- - of TLITZ=.I . . Tuß:cl3llLt.. I I th , MEI - 11".. , .; alit] • • !;r - 1i..11r ;r• • f ;;{..1 r tize Eft 01 , 1 - 1,14 1` ,. .11.1 ....... !=0 Vork: c.r.e,w T _s E.) very tot . the 00. - 1.1 - ,- tight t.; porro:m this lttt, ftrun olity 1: , tb.- ! - . , p• Jo_ J.% 14ALI;) 1 hod 7.:Trita,!.. ,- T C. Actin?: -I- IV. SOUI.`7C., ;',l"-.. -1 R - F' D1; 4 3 T lON in1.2.1 . 1.ti tit public, Ohs ...... . canon. ni- ,1 % 0 - 0 ' 3'4 l " i " • at 7 o'clock. L'ight. 1,17,0thr,,- I )"I.; Cs I V.; cc.jc Yila•tt lry .1C:,?.. b.. - I14.1!`,A1 , 1) AS if py, (7,11 - 1: 7P rot, • al, thr. ..f “1),.i1y 7: Tiew. Tu.!, 11. - ` , i•f , OF Till: CITY • by Li, all •!aily '.ire}rocs 7 111 - TEEN b , d; • ,t-p4rtviri , to . -, IAII deliver L,ftnr. I,tdicA :Itr..t.larl4l, 41,4 et,. :3, 2 ()' - 2 , 1e1;-.1.:, Rth•rt:: . ;-. of t. , ..0ral •:•C., , t1f.t.t.03.1.,,k,y of t 0: fj.; .t . :1; i 2 titWO}tt • s. - ;.'IA : of , ! V HALL.i. /1•ItY t.)? I:EL:011:f r ~1011.1. r I. • 11..,:jk..ny The Beaustiful Uoliec;tiell of Pit,:siti - dg:a, N F i S LA VE I EA> .2. , 1t. t.re - C ., ' r „ , • L !T. ; ;"I.f: Y. 21 it rt. Zr r:4 - t 7•7.21 14. E -42A T - • • •. • Trqi ! (. ‘, -L • ' , ..6,1T • 10' • 111 , +S. - ',• 0 . , - • 1 1; el 50 1.1 : no3 ‘5 k;.;=. r• >,U 0 .N.l 1 - Ik.lilAkT T, ;, A. „ Ist 4 x 1 114:544 t• A 4-, ANT, R 61%, a_bo L , Is 1 la , - t. c.; .It • . Ili; ....At, 2,14.1, ~ 111, 2 , 11. Li. - , • .1 it LIU Ir_v 3 .te- of „,,,,, : - .-1•31_ 4 j1 e .,1: : :-}Z.:G11 I t - - , >v s > .1. I_, to,L. 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