e~fip J . t 4 F F AIRS Court ol• B. fere Ilan. li. B. lif.lebire, Pic:sit:out end ; Adaias rm.; ' , :an E. Parke, ksebruary 1. I . .iao.rt met. at nine. airlock thh to air r.tio the first case tried that cf Pain', Oeyle, charge with perpetrating a -tape upon tie person ef girl, named Augusta Miller, raid a. - eh.ven residing. in Durineene boirragn. A long" ntilohe. of wituerscis•ncre czaminod, but the eciderco we could La think of is, hag i t tf... , titcony conflicting. P. 03, af=or : - .li-ektre, jury re . erne,' with a vercliei of " goilty. - Mary Schwan:ley was tried for sclii,eg liar with Gut lieense asd sentenced io par a fine of $lO ar.4l of 0;:f... of i - ,,riorair is 11 , ri b . the Lli,triet Attor ney. slot the tar C.. 91:.t C? irart. Befell; r, if W. MONDAY, POilrOary i. fin . .fliCreStitg aza! wse riod in thin Court yoster dey—that cd 7- toe.. 1:i. William 11. Brown. The writes was :o re, the %mine ot - a :Km; lu.- foci with coke, id :he ;:even hundred dollars. Fierne three years ~ Lno brought tree bat (10'.;t3 the riven and moored r .cus abort four hoat4 belong lo g to Dreicn ; .ho siimo night, Brown's boats broke loose, nrai ;lona stream, carne in con tact with Lin ;'s is its. one of which wan so bail!) damaged that it suit. and the coke with which it wi,slndon war le t. Th. - : ground of the prosceutioh is that the liner m=od oa the beats of the defendant retie detective; that ho had beer notified of the'fien . , rind had" failed to reined) the defect, and the plaintiff risks for a vet hie! on this ground. The Neu, -- -:,tai cnother cote-nu rill he fo, .rol the advertisetnnut of Hot anneuncir g the atii-eantsce shortly of the r , not the. New Ameri a cn h . . - rich is hti sn eituteinih.-tilan a for ;env to-is. t if s; rise issued. and tan fir-t .n g le ha esii .usil. bar-' n yet scion c. - Tv ..! It: ILL: 17::, , 4 the eliarksters or , the edit o ors, Gerirs re ilikarles A. Deno, 'ao antic:pato that it -tu-m fool Of S;:r-ful in. au :tier. scery itusair,able sulijed, in ~,.....o mb i c, s z si torn, eouutry bola:; c for an,: the work will he 0rt,.1 biro • -r- qviltfat :IF it ep . if.i..!: of rkai sp crater of the volume. ilse . his up with the times" ' to sale crib.' 7L:uable un,icrEto.ni that a tir - J a e ;met for the reduction of the night watch in this 'Dila ^trikea us as a rather singular novanent. It i= lots_: than two months wince twelve didttiJoril rat :ante} neje Opp - ir....z.1, an we thin!, the, were much :loaded, espeeially in the more re -171.-.LO wards. Ar all a--onto, coarsely time enough, Lai elapsed since their ppoihtm en:, to determine whether they. were lice i-ditry. We are cortnirily in fa...Tr of "retrecelimidat ,tad refo r m' In tau .- , city hot we think '.hi.' it= cnty to be by anoint,: ei the same char .+. In an this azure Floater viz. nrito:ing "I:lief:rah-h . : pi:trepan 01 ''l,lft per ni:rl:•., which sett watehasen noic, r.,ire, to till. 7.4 Near Pe.iir; LP/yr.—The city day pi:flee :mdi, their:. ; •7iearriiiins iicso.Trii_7 with. their new 'b di office. The desir; 4. a vary neat and rippren'riate on c, reprrsanting I. human eye curroundoil ty Wreeth with the nor d. " Politrena.cr." below. But wr think our La .. ce 1.1.'.7..!(0a (he design of o,i:- badge. ler it on the happril of their coats, in race rota! Cs, way know who are the gulincar tiu Ut.. Ili ice, theym- see tr. N•ii.:tyli F tuij;,,, l A . , by pi it on. their vest, where it is c by the cio ~nicer; ;n.thcf...idles wear tiPAr they c. on by all the world ; why do no= curt; follow the exemple ? Arc they piihamed ef , ! _heir calling b y t h e en,.. ;; , 7 -- Thu Oar-An - IL-lone:A .if this cieutty !net 24esterlay 112. ruing, and. main, !ha instilling appointments for the ensaing tai inter--Jahn It. Ler„7,ci. Merear-tile Lfttsllaw. ri, Tram.rrihitg Janitor at 1 2 'hit.: Notre —J. 11. Phillip . Fingitioer—Areirew Mitchell. Jail Viiatehmen —A hijah Ferguson, Pierce Brennan. Sone of Jla v.:a be seen by referanr,o to our liarrisburg corro , ponic.itto t0...t• Col. J. lloron 'Foster Its! , .'tad in Wart: a bill fvr tho incorForittion of a te Sopnto the Sons of Malta in Western Tho over b].TO jutisdiet;ott Allegheny, Armstrong, 13ea ., :0r, E Butler. I 1, Cainbrtr-. Elk, Eric. Payette, Forest, Fu • tan, Gre-.it..‘2, ii,tntingdon, JcP, - oreon, Ls 1 S u lli van , u ,. ers.e.`, Westtno:elr.-id, reaaty Ae,0,;,/tio.a 11 , 16 their annual raecting thia overring at the Third x resby terian Chnreh. Tho orneoiolly yoao :non, ithotibi not Cab to b:, the!. , , whi're they wiltat not only sound advice. but great inteliectdial tort. for ocean of thy. happiest till:It , of both the revere- d gen the:an who are aanonnert to speak, have be n Ritz yout.ig inca. Don't for„cr the Frawl.—We. notice bv zhonhilsdalpnir papers that a woo nsonei John S. Lentz hae bee , . arrested en that city for obtaiiiin;2. goods as an .Itent Bayd. Richards E Co., of this and then dispoeinit of them nnti oppropriating no proceeds to hie own The timsant obtained by Lena end for which 'Mees_os. B rt k Co. have neve received any, nonnoyill ~911. The neet.tse 'Nike held t.i.'s,o;iti rat Court. e.too, ohieth was flled for hl , arii;g, 111 , ro' in the 6etoot of Oyer nod 'l'ermincr hoz. been twined on ceount of (tin onintinned iPno of . lyilbe...nind Weise:nen, !ha priacp.:l prose:7. ..,awitorec. P. is probabl e that. the ‘ifs, 62 ' , .'"..167..:U13.1 until the no:_:' loan of Court. 72,Erem,.j,—We hope none of our note Wilo ore fi - ad of gcod must, fez-gat Jot, a enoscort of sacred is to "Iteid in th First baptist Cho-re this evening. The ladies. a- g.:Ct . I en engaged in it are among thn best C. our amatours, anal tho pr needs are to b , appl' A to ~ ot thy canoe. _ no; foil to be pr.' Fl W . , / Pg,r hyp epcciat sale of thare artiebot ilt to.loc‘ plaev. ;hie morning at 11 o'clock, on the ree.end fflr of now AtiCtit4, Fifth street. It is - particularly worth:, to .1.av)11.4 th:2, Erlezliit varieties is 000 00 from tho whita fox of thc Arctic Intion, from it n os or,lerdaY, thilt :to nn e )) at d , to.l)tful reputation, Wa.' COMMI'Z.Cd j by Ai , ielm , r, D:.ft, this ninrning, ou a elPtrgt.- condtdot. Mary's neigh bors could no; .n.l her continual voice end bad 000 duct to comedy 'tsltinh na inf.,nuation was made go ainet her. Mt , c. , twerrr.c3 in the iirroci: the ;et, ,u; Flu notioed, D. f CSY en. C , ,r iLu(:yiAentrient, it I)saz proql ptly :roux the .niffi , t This 1. , ju,t f,r. if our eiti:tens ure t , . be I,rreste,: the cf(p , ire (ti tlio sooner they Fro reJte , l - taiee authGriiy " the better. tho vtli readers to the nctiec, eoltcert, of ti Lecture bef , tre the "Yeung Man's Allegheny, by "tee, Pr?dter•t ; Ilicelt;or Ball. or. Thursday evening. Coocert. till , evening, we know well rotende.i. I 3 SC) able, She P , Sflal3: - ;1•, , co WGII E.:looted, and the pieci , , fur the °cc - 1. - ion exceedingly grand in their cha Factor, that it will be of unnenal itifercut. We hepo our rei.ci:.,r3 will not fail to give it due attention. Poteat, fillowing patents have i hear 4ratio.l :.To Jolla l. Albertson, of Allegheny, for an i‘nprvv.."ll,:nt Idante , ,e; to George ‘,Vindtier,. Alle2h any, for au tiil - tro7etrcalt it. I iirdi;:s.; to Jacob ii. Riiighar,d of 131rinini,"- ham, for an impreyernent iv.. I:lnt.ern2, Ca - ,ni11.3 at the Th ea t r e this ucenit. She ht..: the piece cc often here alt that it nzeo;isary for at , to any it that the is here, and when that fact is well L:rewn sho will be eeriain to hive a full ho , i, e. In character sbe cannot eurpriried, if equiliel. Her cogagsiipe. N ext,ntl.i . 1.(: but three nights. ilebl" - to I,ll..fotilate Aellsrgt, of grarl•' larectly preferred Felthati, who Plates that he ways cbhes9~)f ,titioll which be hod on his p train, oit Satiard.iyAi...i. The thar_ the o;Ftlic nele.ri..ti Mary Schwaroley. was vary disagreeable tray. light ; rain reingienced tailing in tno raor Sing by lice it 'hal changed to a kind of !Piety ceatioiled 10 fall until ,Teriing. s we very uopleastint to these have eut-loar I,usint.;:i . CO attend tc, cn .hey are .1 w .11 ninth which makes the wet zing 1; tbero h tt pros ordinary ca, al.' at 1 . the Mayer's m..rnir art Jf these paid their firics and one was cointnitted to jail. Pvqt . hatter at t!. igovi, and `.lllEcitniti. t, Lit Li , piece. -77„. Dlyiesne have been :lot - lied, by Sheriff Patterson, to be in gitendanee, en tI e I2th iliac . at the ex_eei riot of lfe rg Fifo and Chtrlotte Jt.aeg, to itreniVtit tirtirdr.. Esq., newly electe Aldfiran of the received his o,itarois sion ye.dor,is.; and roar didy iirialied t, perf,-,rin thy clutie.i of his office, lie will occupy the ofiiec taf - merly ailed by Alt:el:mt.:l Majyr. Teintertin:v morning, i: ;tea , ,i .i-vrn - cil by rerdo et the pri,eners in jail that yin 3: t inan ea:11:d TsAinahnl I,ing dead cell. Th 3,7 . I.efertee dier the lot Corttuer anuier, who lietu , 11 , 011 boCiy. It Bp -I•rnn ~l rlt: , h.. bn..l lali-n of intemperate habit , , nzel :til for -...graaey i when no eCul- I a , •,,,i A:J., in a debilitated condition, nail y der:a:gel The jar: returned, arc. ~1 " !row natural cduinti.." The hedy wd3 ^i-a5,1 eXi•ent.a. 011; taut %,* C. in_ Len been n euga wee' , . e _ Auleed, he ' F0.1:eto8 " itara . ' here, fur h e Las drawing good L appeal:rid inst evonie ‘ in th'e " Sager Pity," ••• The Trust' and th e Wreci: Ashere. - To ni : „ , ,,ht .1 - Tna.:ii in than pur:ular picres. A decider/ intnrcst is utarlifitted in Medical Lecture :5 Lathes hyMarl , l,le. en!! Wednesday. AdituLninien ti• lit r Lnir , ii .31-0, are creating I n3peeiall: lialattg those enfferino 7 , ‘ln nornplaint2. - .SV , Ir Pent trifle, i ee e Sutler":'. r in It' ;:i. 0 5, 1 j Cas t , v' I and atedents of this fieurhnlting it A n ni v . s4 -,, ar y next FT: , ititit evening at thereddisog ; d their Iverti-etilont in moi.at:. it trill be see.,,o, that than uller:pie; ~::, : nteTtointitent for the even. ; Ints; greatcat care j for a harry ren , oian of all. titof . • fer invarAinent ere to , bOld this i•eelling, hy D3v - Li, Li, new Auction j T5eJ! LT, Ni.. 54 Fifth :Lirtnot. - mr4,5,,, 2 5 eeetibias- lutereetitig, eTlieritneht: Li:. evening. at the Ira 1 ".:y (lillejse, Trail. Sue el- i a its is rsnieer taveranzon =iO the t Exceietor saes -40e, 1 11.113e•-‘4'.:10 Want , : tr.,a Gni .1"4 ieia I r I Than let over ,- b—ly pay a vt- it Creed:Wer:Aern Planing un Cie . ..o.arbary .tractd Durrtiontn. , • 11..5 V.:s:ceisinr :mike _ 7 `ittg , 1n inn 770 7COTL:7I • N71:111n; cf • 5.-inionulating • t oil scion, as we rTa , 11 - pa.sing uf • Collo ty, State rights alt, ,:e.st as, tit-, j call draw li • n the Annl , . hd,,, Vat, .3nrac .ltle iis:hi far ---thi-eterr. wha 5,0g5,3 io hail be ' ter , 11,)i a0,T,"3-y ono ,iffor 1;1 I • tho , rol:e..ly the . re:l•tly 11 , 1 r sin r !-; pr,.._, . in a , !7.24- I 3:roatied. The !rest a:alert:3 we en a glen Or the groat ~.ire of this mac - whin, in the The irltint:ien , ; , 5 , -.re .n,re, boautifa - lly furinc-d, .in i e.o,isnand nil;el.l higher from dealer, thin t6..3e tn: ,E 1 any t/Lner way. VOO public the trutahine in ,",ver-e-..,5, atin. , altet - - oaruei ;thine,. ~.to I,IIICI at Ntc n•,-tier oi tiraL: :tad Yanrrh t , troetn, Pitbeliurgit. d LYNCH. o.l:47oit'l[LlNE! OLYCERINE 1! • ! : O , ..YCERINE!!!! ' Ono of c li , hoof iv-ti,..!, for ,-.!1i.1.p r e,1 hendi3 11,:•:, in VOL - 21C. NV:l7rll7lte'3 !I :"..lrf.l i , ict'.. For ,ttio. Stl 5 . 0 . 113R.'3 DRIJ STORE, en:—_•er Penn An..l :' .4 s. Ciiiir Ftr,ii•o_. r...?,..i - TIIE AL. ltMANti INCI.IiIA.S , I oF TILE F. CiIiiIA.F. I , i.of the . .toritri.:ll . , within....ll‘2 iI31! 1 - ...', 3 , :1,::, Loo ::R - 2.13.., - i ?: 1 1,, ii,l.n...ry f 1 ,...!.; .t.," i , .1 0..... :11 , 1i,41 11 , 7],i, !,:lt. ...nil iitti , . rife. .0 ,:i.oi.iloo! it‘i r.i."!.: •!, Ili. Iti '3i , ii , i7nl ..ckiii , v, ~I,: si . I ! tiwir .71` ii.ty to ;0... . 1: t, !..F.rio ier.l, ttlii St ..rsi it hot th zo I eth-r,i to-t!oo! iitieSithOti 0! 7152 , ~;'5 'rill:7. buyiittio hone tir i ri , iii .' won!! they :hid. ArLi!::!i; th -e bervit,corEi to Pr:. I No. r12:771t, Oh! I.l,prietor o ftiiiwri.itt Ea', Tirrrli.l7,., for roil :Poo 1 ea, 78 o f tit, Cl ,ntac't. Thcc 11(0:1.1171ti.11 'MI n 0 1 ,,, , ,. ft.r 017701 - ten!!! to the ,-itoiroa!oli, ..h...1 vip,r! to the ryi:t.!Tro. It I a to dir.-ctiy cm thy I.i:u•-uuru, ow!. 1..urh0., hit thol,-4,.biti I i I totter there iltpolhoi, heti. nptie ill anil with eiiial! Mi . the I : 1 ~t1.,t.. It 1',..i. it 1,..t? b 3 , -r. 33 - ~.! ...-.ifb zii it Oct p ry I; I."- i_xtaiat is ac photoont to ita tiorar, il.i.i • th,...i‘e ii, i`i, ..iii, r!:1 on: , ito tin: gp-o: 7.,:...,....i . ) fur Liar:J.:too .Irlo. ~i :ni'•!: qi.-......=. - ~ uf :}i- iztawar!!!. 1 F,. s ! ... „ft, by drwggiF,t,,, , ... , 141 cloo:,11 ,; , 21: , nalli. ~ .- . ,1- . V.'llef.. 1 14r.;.1 by '..l..itiTE,T . T.iil l ~ S.;liTli, i ~-Tor,orii-u:i za an i'iiiiri. 7 rr. i 1 /i: •',." . 'W -.!'-:•:';i'. anzr ::-..; ...vri7iE; i.-it,r,..,...T.,, . f q.,-r7 , -Ao ilp , 3 A 7:-• ••,+' ",,,,,,-..'"^ , 1 i i te 7,t , ;'; . t, , , 4 .0.; 1 1 ~.iir, 4,..43...1 - ..ifili" 1 1..1101.•:.:Bt , i 1,70 i rig .LA. L __2l - 4'iS N 1 4 7, ft , i t 4 --- t NHE T CMI - :.: - E0, op \\TOO') .k_N'il VI T .' I'll. i 1„_, ' it ii.E.C. , , le,DA , llt . tl .1 , 1••tiOn 1,.,,:L. Isll,-,....., i i i , l.r ..)1' hio !-:lttrti ,- h.i...iiii L'!....0.0it ot t 3 f'zi Li i'ltli_lE. , ! t• >F. CA,SI,I OI:LY. Lth will :- , xll i.i'ilac ilitt-,1::: P. t.!.r...thazz. i'iv,!r -; t.9,,t 110..! I.t.it.-1 to soil at a' (10 it: ..,'..3,71i Fine lilio..iit Pi..t.osioitio i)vere..iot .3,410 - , l.iiii! 1 1 - -,,1ii , • I - Itar;l.,.t. '' ........ ........ CV.* - !! I iNitii;orhi.a..ll.artgiau .. ........... ~..... 6, 1 !!) .. r3111i)Zt:ill I .4 • '' !!i,0,„; -, .. " 1 , 0 btu- l'i;. - 11 , i_ur •' ,:.5 .0 1 ',3''...1.3nev ...v .•.• , - ,,„ifi !!, :,t!!I t>,ar.ilti-a 6 „ -,''','? ','. . 1 ' '; : l Ku , i3iimanz c' , ;.'ittf,t:, , Salo `' :1 ' ..41: I , • , -! , ,i3,00 ii 4.0 i j ''i.:- C.,.:ainotir, - : , ..i.iti 'i I I it• - own Cli!ii, 1,-,,i_io i!! 6 ti... ,I 1. Mack ?ills fihith 10_00 i' 7 , , IStip,: Paw Dr.!l:!Fr , ..ii , .!iai , ',. - i,m - lii ii.l . Ifi., - ,iii - .1,1 .ii• I _ „, I i I.btnt , V,v.... , , a 31,1 F,...; ~,, l i ~..; ~ ;-2..1, , -31 t:tt...3, :1:1•1 t,7, - ..i:.,r t.i•r, rut.:. :::..2 - AVSZES' VW' t):Z3.1.. 13 i., N E ii It l' 1 ..-, ..!7 . ii„,; iiNFF.Li'lliiN. CO N F i. C ii 1 ,1 5 , C 0 :'I F fl C 'I i UN , .. , i ,!: to L e, •.:' 1 ii . . C ;) N .1. , 2.: I C 'l' ! !, 13; . Co ,`; F E C, I kiN,C!, ,5 r 53 :7 I' I 0N , C ~/ N I' L', 0 'l' 1 0 N Cu C 0 N F !... ;2 T I C N F .t.:C1.1 ~ .).N . 1 'the runt pleitoaht!, e.:..4 , and l .1,Ci1i..1 W• - .1:1: 2..r:1it,13 IitINV it: 11111- , • ~-!rop•ticot and dcohl, oiihiiloal- fin Ire , sit, by ! ANGN.Li. ,iii 11..!!!!T, I C on w,i,l ond th o ..;„ Pirt , bur,tio ; 1.., I And iichi by Dru,r...ists giotierd.iiy - - I 14UTIE.R.-3 bblE. irla;11 rri l i , fir' :.1 Irry i 1 tl2 1 , 0.1 AV 'I F-331 ''!! , C 3.1 I - " r r Alt PEIt'S :),1 A 6 AZ iNE ' Fur F....b! iciry. 1 1 1,..WEY'S LADS'.ii, Fn 15,1, .iar . !.., 11,11::.'Lli':;.; 1ii..‘0. , ..?,i'':!!, 1 Cr..l l Eo'3 MAG . -kr:it:A .:;,., , 1 Jth , t roc.civta: 7l ,11031.aA1}0!llS' l!.;,iii. 13.. ,tor. ! I ' i!' Ili 45 ii i , : •ot!i!..:, - ( - _, 7 S=3 .ik 7 ._`: D':-5 MAON: ES :::t_.—f? gro.qs of i tl r- ttei, ,-e1t,..,,t :NI :,:,.1:,:',4 ju. , , , ,r!oi!,,iitt by - 1 --- .I , _.i•i.F.i.I . ING, _ arr. ry:,i.rri.t. 'PP Ilbls. it US:3O tS, Pit.;l' . by imaionse stock of Goods at A. A. MA- ! :A, SON .!..7 daily. ideuoirow will be clol.J. ar:a. V ; , roi. L' , "" etc., etc. et 10 (1(.13. V, i_yr-JD t-,!,1;:11, 1 - ILOVES.-11100 11,t1 r lci.. :slid for call? ...by (j 22) P. ; rivr.ick 1111)117S1-47.S FOR RENT— , 11 pCy UT_ITIT'2"I;I"st. • .‘ Coinfurt.zido tire a , or; rc.. - I,n.i twn story ,lw•lling inztitl.',l,o A e-onverii.L. , .: p.r A :lire:, story rot-411,, Th!rd V.i etc Near. , A lions, or L.,7:.r runniu uu,J. ground, fal Two Itirg. Third !-trLet, near 'ire coil! hi,11J,...1 , in : iyor month. t xsu Etoryf..nr yr . ..twill. trick two,- • , iir ail, city—i."..:":o per y 0..-. .A.aura 1 4,1 R Third per t d dwelling bouti,, ou Third, tre.et, uPar I A A , :wr Vivi ; t.,ase en sire ;.--*..a..`3 I , A. shop on Third ztroi.it Gad evrrt.r s.Tu; koi %ad 'Fiiird a; FANS_--I , 2iLi bushels, Small white Beaus ; Ti Cx - 4,1..!"5*4 Es 171,111 r) DCA A La: g o tuo C11)14 1 .11.11113. 11(111C1 Tho— flu -.-hiag riot! npori sr Cita , I one tit- Can pr.34:l;r: , it ju.2l, and .!ifurket 7i it E N Th„•„,„„„i", by vv . . i , 122 iurrAite,, Fug'aire eT Mt:CUT:Di - Jat...s!tf 125 arrci , uuf 137 Re. , ..-n‘..l .ItrPrtm 8.--The foil zi ; 7, L.re iicry 1“:1.1 d,.u1,1• Fr rat-' uifai Calf' Orr: • ; at th, reopl,4's Sties St'or t Flrth tr 4.4. 0 . F 'et). js E1:11 ? RD \VA PE f.l---This tie:s •reeeivet :foul Nat - n,i4 tl.r ..t):;',EP FLL.+ll57 , i, • 1..11:+y o.orr,er ev• E. 717 1 - 1!1..;. .1.1E5.-2() but:. for nal-3 by . . TAT rt..q RP - a - gpl'9 O l v 0 a NJ .L. 0 ,4 • arch to the stertiini; ra St.. Ttl37.E. Feittu-.y I.—llemon, , trancez presented by Mr. F 4.er against incroosing the tolls eb the Perrysvii.c ruse; and also from the lilts mid cif' rf Birmingham and citizens of South Pitts'co. s !, trp• Vebielo License bill. Istlr. irtvii. pro , Thled remein..7c,o.tt- from Birmingham ot import. Petitions uore i‘re-enlcil by Mr. _ruin the city o; Pittsburgh and Pine township for ehe re-charter of the Merchaut,,i and Mittlizfoeturers' Bank.. Also, by Mr. Pester. from trtm. Councils of the city of Pittsburgh, that the Stale re sume, control of thc Pittsburgh Aqueduct ; by Mr. Donahue, for a State rood in Findlay township. f avers reported with a negative reiieroMonj.i imn reiotite to et,5t.2 and relative C...iurts of Allegheny. Bills road in placo:—By Mr. Poster, on :he aqueduct; on replevin; for the t•i.:ircer of the Son , of Malta. By Mr. Irma, revs. ti.-e 16 tenants : foes. By Mr. 1121./J1.•• 1:11, for a Siote The Trout Run Mining C.J:II - heemo b 4.; vetooit the k_iovernor, tho quo?. ;hall the 'din pass, despite the veto, it was de. ;tided in the negative sixty against four. In the Senate. nothing of local importance trans. ;dreg. eDoreclreseielafil. CV 'Orr CITY. Fctlruary .—Senate.—Mr. DOC , - little prezento(i n petition from nirrety-reven citizens the Uoitod Mate;, praying that uteasaircs t Iten for the purchu.ie. the ielito.ti of Cuba, wesutiou t„ this country. Mr. Bigler introduced juret for the anti poescrvotien Of 01,, digest of otatia : tio.; alicer and toannfactoric, ,, , Ooli:ctod at the tailing, of the loot eznoils. I Mr. Cellamer introduced a Lill to alter the thee of holdin , the Dittiet Courts in Vermont. . The cons,derat;i,ii of the army hilt tv s restiM,ed. Mr. Houston or,pu. , cd it, and say, no neecosit4 for i to I'rge etanding anther. in time cf peace. Mr. llcim,zue it t 7.1,1 contrary to the theory of t, ..tar govern:l:out. i One o'clock was the hour for the coasideratieu ..d' t the Pacific: l'iliiroad hill, but Mr. liousthn teas lowed to continue b ' t unattimens consent. i,. li.te advocated the raising of Vl1111; , ::::Cra to meat all I ta,assery emergencies, say tog that they were not f mare expensive than .regular troops that were raised 1 , .:,too years .agc , ,, the es:l .- tense of which was pri-bably I symethime :: ' d i e the twenty millions not.; d e f ic it I n the I t•easury. - What 'neve they done?-killed e few In t dian wairiers. hut many women and children. See% 1 e - nnintet redente but little credit upon civilization. It i.: bettor to treat the Indians like man, and elevate , hem, :tither than to duet:ices, &tid vob, mei then hunt 1 then down like sovage beasts. De jestice, thou. 1 :.lit you will need no standing army on our from. t tiers. Mr. Wilson gave notice of an amendment to the Army ,itil. ii, tho fermi of a subsi.tkte, to the effect I that the hest-tent : tar the purpti.:c of enferciasthe I hits-- .-f the Truitesi States, and maint&inin - .7 pesos Wilti the Inchart tribou, and protecting oitn..eus on t fee routes of emigration to iTtsb, to be employed i. icily in said Territory, be authorized to esli for, and i acre ; t the. sorvienots of, volunteers n' ex - seeding 5,0f10 1 iti'all, officers '.:IA se7il7ll, to carve twel-ve months, un• Ms: , preViell dise:iarged, and appropii,scing - , deitare for the nurpeen of carrying- its provisions I itit-t cifeet. I The further con:direr:l6ou of the bill Was pest. ported itotil to-marrow. M r . Id :..“,te, moved- that the Senate take up tins t 'mil p t sating for the adattsiitto of Minnesota into the Union, saying that ha vi .mid favor the Pacitie Rotiroal Bill, but he itemght the question arowtog the Satte.tore to term a new State to take seats et.ght ro take prom:dem - to over other business. The d'acine IRailroad teen a measure in which those gentdemcn Ihero deeply interested. Mn. hitrin was attsioue to consider the Pacific T 'Railroad Bill. The Senators from Minhcaota he 1 was inclined to think, could net get -their seats be fore the passage of that measure. I Aft - . Green said there were several considsratienr , which tilustiaee.:s...iily he brought to hear iilaec the IMinnesota Bill shall he taken up. The qusstion of eepresentation wsuld deherid open quchttions nf Mot I net: et decided. All the returns oaf the •..int.u.ft were I net yet received. 'The bill would, therefore, , 9a pre- Fjudiceo icy prematurely considering it. I Mr. Crittenden thought that respect for Minnesota 1 and the two gentlemen who were selected to rezire -Isoot her on this tloor made it the primary duty of the Senate to consider the sal - joet. They had a .;:rilitt totake their ;oats and be heard on the Pacific I..it:inroad Bill. - ... . .. Mr. Sea ard wee it, favor of the Pacific Railroad I bill, but should be obliged to vote against tutting it I ug at thi: time. He believed, with Mr. Crittenden. i that the Minnesota C 039 pre,tentod a questien of Fri • I vileiie. and thosio two Senators might to be allowed I to lotto seats at the earliest day possible; that they i-:)111Ci give li!r.i it:arca:eel VC,IC in favor of the Podia 1 i :iiiroed bill; and he wits ,:trail there would not ho i rireogin eiioutris to oarry it without them. I Mr. Fitzpatrick, a member :c. the Committee- on I Territorics, objected to taking up the Minnesota b i d, 1 cot having had?-15 - ttopporturiity to read the rep:, t, : 4-, cao,roqueoce of eloknoss. I Mr. Gizin' did net want is oi,lli•-ii: ii 1,..,-.4yeen tito :We mode:lre:F. lie thought that the 1",..i.Ja;) assigned by Mr. Fitzpatrick was sufficient for postponing the I Minnesota bill. . 11.u:ie.—Mr. Stanton off:red is preamble sotling I forth that J. B. Williamson. of the city of New York, 1 :ea., on the 27th of January, duly summoned to .at i ps„ r before the Coramittee appointed to inynutigete I .iloargoa made aainst men:bora or ofdeers of the last Wti iaes gr3Vijqg gnat of the ezpenditureet of the Law, roitea and :-.-i ono C mpany to lufluenza - thepassage ell :tie tarili dill et 1i057, and concluding with a res - lii : 'ten I:irst the Speakor i,sue hi. warrant directed to :he Sergeant at Arms to take into custody said Wii him on wherever found, and bring him before the i bar of tai, house to answer far contempt of Ito iiithority. „tilt% Statien caU:•••1:1 i.• 1 1) , -• re,i'i :- leter f.;,)IU Wil diair:U., in which ha iesp :stfolly deeimed to oppmir I , oe lro its Committee ler re:l.:ails which his attorney : srivirid him were :officio:lt f.,r his net lea - , lag New Yurl-I. I The resolution was ti-doptod. )'he House then engaged in the discusdun of a bill La iLirri V tile accidental °noir-Shia in the army bill of ii:: ,_,ion, making_ an appropriation for the sup :. -ir ': tee neLi,:rial 9rtuorieti, and a bill aprropria tio,r $:',60,050 for :hat purpose was pa--ed. Mr. Boyce offered a resolution, which -.vas passed, pr.;- :ding for the appointment of a eetuat et uunittee of cares, to which it shall be referred, to enquire into ad report on the following subjects ;--A teduetibli of the ezpeores of government; the navigation laws of the Unitral States: is existing iitittes on imports, and rho expediency of a gradual repeal of all duties II imports, and a resort exclu.iively to internal t...,- 'the Elena: tesuined too onn.eidiratiou of the Print log Deiieleooy hilt in eomir.itteii, bat rose withou I notion. ...:,=.-..,- From Wat§itington. WASEiNaroN CITY, February I.—The Cabinet were i in extraordinary council this morning, having for ttni; first tine the autheatioated copy of the Lecomp ton Constitution before them. The Pre:dile:Ws spe cial message to accompany its traneuaLislor, to Con ;rose is already prepared, but may not be conatun anyted toil to-morrow. lien. Ciarkson airived here last ovor.ing, with the Lecompren Constitution, which, being addresi-eut to I the President, was immediately put in his yeast:end:in. i A piivute tattier from Gen. Calhoun wee ,:eceived i b, too Presidont, reocestirig lids Excelleuey to lay it beibro Congress. 'lt will be communi-iiite,d to that body on' ..aionday, acarimpadie‘i by a message. Quite a number of leading E.anst.s men have al l rendv arrived, who, it is raid, will de everything in 1 their power to defeat the Consvitation. 'rile "fte.nnsylvittrele. Betzsic, Patr..,4:11,7,7111-1, Fe::roary L—A triceting of the St..,',:beiddr ,, .f . the 'Pennsylvania Bank . was held i sin- afternoon whea a report of the lire:ztors was ! submitted, presenting the desperate condition of its . - , , Tair , .. Among the c , diaterals were notes of a firm. ! which President Alift,,ne'.> brother was a mamber. 1,1. sll',l',ooo, l tnly ;;; ; :I2;,000 bring diseountei 'oy the ! tii-eetmd. : Milburn., volcritoers the aksumption of this aoht . 1t0;',3 of the Ilompfield Itniiroad Company for I ' s2s , ,,L,uu are also among the collateral:, unauthorised I hr the directors- The report recommends an assign- I •,ient, and reeolutions for this purpose were post- ! posed until neat week. - - - --. -....-- Sudden Disappearance al' a Suppo..ed. Defaulter. , ii.,1.Tr....n0, Conn., February I.—John W. Soy- 1 . .1,..‘ - ar, the Secretary and Treasurer Of the Hartford Gounty. Sp.viugs Association. suddenly left town on ' Saturday, and it ir now ruporteti that a defalcation 1 ..f . SIUO,OOO or more has hs.rm discovered in his ad. counts. he money was lost in stock and othor I SP'.7o(itiSll';. Mr. Seymour was also President of 1 the Mel •:')..n tile Be air, which it is __id does, us: lose a new. 1 : -4.• 0 • ...- I '1:-..11. Itobber Arreateci, . 1 IlAaTF..ao, Conn., February I.—John =Sifter, 1 1 baggage master on (no Uatrford and Providonce Rtilroad, has been arrested icr robbing the mails. Ho confesses his guilt. i —.......--- i i 1.- - . 0 r...at ..ti 5. m.sa.s. ST. Louts, February 1.-- Uaihouri, Cato, Carr, Hen- 1 derson, and several others, arrived from Kansas yea- i rcrtlay„to mute for Washington. Those gentlemen state that the Dem.c,cratis Sta. , o, Ticke , io elected. I The Democrats have one a , ajority on joint ballot in i I the Legislature. - ilea,,;.- Verdtet. 1 , ~ ,, z.t., . .z.t'5. , February I,— ~ verdict for ,7104,1100 has i.:een oittnim , j, in the L:.:cuit Coort, against Mr. .I . :Awridend, ot ,r.reaparilla fame, in favor of tne heirs •of Polk , ' ChiPP. Dr. Townsend was bondsman for Mr. flower:l, the trustee of the estate, and the suit was instituted to re . . - ovcr :1;0,000. Prom .1. oat ix --,/ tato. S.,o;JIaTILL:.:, February 1.--Tbiz, morning J. Bstrhee ~S.. Ca.'s :dcohol works were oornod. Thom was fell itzt.nran.:,s on them, :toile Rains, proprietor of the belt :E eon, died to-dos - of serial:lEO itUTZ., . Die's= Oct{ Balla tit ate:neut. NE . ..A. - YORK, 1 --The weekly 11, - ,,nk stare moot on of $1,7 00 , 000 : in nreasii eirenl.stion. 3 • 000 ; increa'e i , f nominal iriecoa2o of unci.ra.ve $031,000. Deotrtictivt; Fire. Calc.,too, I'oliruary 1.--- fbn wr.r(ibintre of 'chomp- Co.. of lowa City. czaz il:3.treyo.il by fire on I. l ion'ilay night. Loon i:104 ; 001). .1 . 110 amount inim - rieee i, 'tot krioign. e / • is R .• • ji ziN CA7 L'orAmitlet c:f • F. it. Ii!tUNOT, Y. 1'it1.9.7%. - iN JOITN: 1. 1301 7 1.1, .301i1N S C05t1.1'....11 - 1 , 1, Cincincn.a.tt ziorkcc. CINCINNVrt, Ft .1 1 111 at 4; ,N;3.', for fat pert nf.. Gra;' onenaw.nd nr;,l,.ad n,l thin at 3tv.S4..;:raheed if; 4 , .12,,5n. Ituk r.,t‘C,00.3 ,nl.l Si m 21,1, ro aid I ,cl;eri 1:13 lot hun 15,:. rrc,r ie 1311ing, ,lns7.ly; these !n... , rt:hz :on! it IS art raining. • t;z - :c ione, has aticaucc4l: ..t inleanno t:plar.dB 1,4.4 Fivur bootaut. Whont Orin ln Lnipnria at. 1: to 13.rinn Parebneyniit f.,r Whin.• lit t. - ri ,, C?/ISI:L.NI , : qlll. 11.1•'; , .s active; Itio Lernr:Sl,l',i; Sol:th..2rn 10 , 4 a and LI.-- a foreign i.1.3u0. New not Stack i' , lc.ritet. as YO!,E, L',. ,nary hrm; atni total 71; La wad A• rankle, .1.h1.:,; ‘v Chl C , N: in, '23 fj JO .I\l SALES. SALES AT NO. 64- RIF LF At tho now 1., ;; is cv,ry d't . ; •.:;r!? Lat , S, i.; t0r1,1„,, 1.1 r,.;0,11 , ,dnd Plea:, that last ,;10,v-i AT Dj ;_;'i„;;••_1•21i. 'I•S , DA . 1 . •' .11.111" . ttatt'. , ta;pin iery; 11;:rdy.,,;••; ld 0.1;ot , A; Hatt., &e. k!tat,;. ila;(1 bed II S carp , og; 4 , -2.7411t 110:0 &a. P juwel,y; 111,Uta; ;.;11103; ClOttlittjt ; ' Air's gr,.;;h: isdAs ond statir'n ry, s. tsf , s,l P. M. DA VI;A, AucL. NTALIJA_BLE 5V0(.31( S AT ALTC"r un Tur.sl},4.l - EvEyll , ,fi, tha Ca;hUlr , telal 04 na; ;•1. • hoid ;- 40 Sh;u - ea Bankrd lv do i3or 1.1 do Arun City L'an'k. J do A;io;:,i; , ..ny tank. -: 0 dol- 7 ;f•oierit Ihiquonc, ' '•t; A'•N:l:anic...4' 11101.. J;L:'1.1) 01 PECILAi, SALE OF 11.01iES—On TUI.:- L:1 DAY 1,1!_111.:.% ' I', broltry ;It 11 1,11 • 01,111, or of Now Elt;hlll. , g, • Ice tf. , 14, a Lllrg. , aoll I lef.:Ant tAsSuttlitel3t of Eahay Lap r..r.vi i.tot.d aati in ht, Also, 12 utitr:: fhltrahr jtizt or:iv:a, with,, 0 , [lO.l 1' M. 1.....4 1 :15, Amer. r. SALE OF NORT.II AMERICAN StININO et.IM P '• 4,T 0 C Voia',..Lry 2d, at 7 - • .2.,15:42.1t, at CI. 0,11.1u-rei,l 11 Fifth :.11r04 . .111 vursualaco ildjunrun,rll ;;3* or dot- of Waterman Trtaillrei, Norli; Arti....rican shning ecampauy of Detroit, .11icifigun, whirl; 11;1 d I,yrfr , ra,-,1 fur hon..r . ,y- ILOll'. of it,s,;.:::!ut•nti. fci P. M. DAVIS, A D T lON ,~, - u, • t issoLu TioN: OF CO-PAIITN .5.111.1% 4 —The ilrtn of Viaoit, 03. 1.0.0 t, tint, been titssolved, by :a:ILI:H.1 conscrithW. it.E.TE.SS t Ler- front. Tbo bretine,, cent : nil:xi 'by thy reniatu; parineot, toadtr Lyn style seed lino of 111.R.;ittiliAD a 00. NV. DE; o • $l. - IC. 31t4Ui1i ti t'J. • CEO. F. ticel...F.A,t, Jyttaary 14, iti56—J.,16.11 • 9aa of Parg.az±,-621ip. Partnerhip iieret•*fore exi-1i i ui;- t~ ,-,u JA}l> y 11L1iiELi find C th, 1;t1.111Z, , q, 'lli, to 0 r-ipeiti e...i...t.tuttY the buyinesyoft t roc C , 11011.1 the the tr . -Cold lain may he ~ lUmni,cod where toy •itly.i te.,...itiosY, With tint za. - ai Itinloely will be trilimiat..l. b. 111 itSIPE'LL & SON, DEALliiir.; IN Ge.nts' Furnishing Gof - Jjs,(_iloalle, SHIRT N C "i"Li RERS, No. 83 IVooei. ia.reetet.. r subseriheri; 115 r,-2, , -;sea t ed. thar. H it.l . • nimieyrero tot.L tr 1,1 f . irteor ied to tiny port. titritcyivini; ITU!!! he t.t.triey Cir , J,TA fi . r leas .:3urr inene.l,...lc.,...utaing- C o `fire oh, given it.UntentOer, Imldt tin. s ytuiiv t .1:en; not all nee: ri4yry allowynects . a ata. l .s by the mutter t rby e.oinliyinnent. Sizti around thy around t to Third, 6itze around the clica, ir itny.ititety pits. .I ,. .dirtit. Front the ol.naier, 1....r,g11, of arm t. wrITI job:. hVik, Ifeinitt c , forffroa, t , :a the sio - raLtyr to the knee ', pan. any style. of:Collar, ...title to order, u, t eqh. i r ,r the etyio or pat ern. Tbiti pin is quite coin and wit vont._ t.. ;:entletneit tit a '• 11A, tied it i.l.li)vznibi, to I boatd Zsh`riS :3,.ttsty !.tylo cod or. .11 , , on hand a fali wysorceieeit of .11 opt inauu. I f.icoetr. Any orders a..dreisod ton: , toy . n_sti. ...yr.; be prettily I attended P. 8. Pie sta , s uy v,liat. they are to Le mlrippod. 1.. IIII:81It'ELL , j.:10 No. 83 '.food eel Pit-burgh, Pa. et ET YOUrt SIIOIiS YOU CAN i3UY THEI T:II 'EST. TilE Tat:: PLACE, jald :No. 17 En-ru Mama[:, • f r I ? : r e Zri ‘ . r.IY-• • • '_=FEE Al,' ECLIPSE SE,ED ORILL NP BROAD CAo - 2 SOWER is : , 11 an 50 0 i:ti.trlaetc,trner, Pirtsburgb. mint a id far exn.-,odll tiny :o.achzee of th -1.; tlh, Agriculturi,t. It Works ail ail ...I.lirtly new p: incipir and • ow. a:* kind of stool! srerie with I , rtiliz,ra at, any dc. .s.re, width, with u regularlt:, and , :ve•nn. n,: or :r,„:,,1 aced 43 kr 0/ b, and culi by a nay lurg, ,-..ongh to:lrlVe a horse. 11 , is So slogl , ..3that j worktnr.n Gan coh.qtruct it, and ata gr!e:, tb;:t ~,f5 State and Cutillty Rights or single j1.2?.:1tz. 1/4 1,1 Ard C 12211 T 0 & '0 o y 178 - 01.1f.5.A LP. AND f, I TIC S CT 151 : It (5 , 11.kr DIA.IIO:i.D ALLEY, Sear PIT 7.0 1. 13 U.!: H , PA. A.' waye :h hand, In.,:khelTy, l:herry, and ca , h.ac. rhandik,: , ' , Old IV..:neni:::kbola aril itoasrSeeti C.. • tht .; , ratity. 4 PPI,ES . :;.rr Goldun l'ipt,ito f) ' , boles Ittup::Atz. ' ApplE, - ; far sale aignmeht, .711.N1F.6 .SD•Vcr.ter F , t e Le• 4-s Ii_jiTNTISY ILES! DE.M - j ' IC:. FOR lIENT.--- 1 • t../ A ;4 , :0.1 brim .I.:‘ czniv,nl:•at, 10 room, aud whi- ball, I,...rtirn is front, 1 s t ab'::, carriaza he, see, etc; 3 acr;:a or hind, &iu floe' tuna W; n 7,05 , .1 tra.lllt hones'; 11' , order: 611 , 1 , 11,71 ty of fru:: ;crape vines and sh:Fhl fruits; a 6tone wall and icon railirq.: I en front of rise 1:0r_ , (`; NiCtlato at tal? , ;llti,wo (coos tot clty, and ill av. ty pleasant tcy . ..tn,n steal- err 4:,.1.7..i18 RT. Si Martie , et. to 4.1i.0_ 1 41550P.1 NOTES AND DRAFTS. —A n , rit.q."lo`l/" , t - ismai.ly - Ipho•n t ra, stud grultod Not , a and Drafts. f0r.:531,t0y - WM. G. JOE!NSTON k CO., ; :A stall:l,ra, 0 , 7 Wood street.. L,A.RAIE.. three story Bricl, House, " r o t street,?.n - bale. 12,±ct---slt;9o Tot rtes rta:Ou.a.cLocilicing. A 1n..11, taro parlors, :•cur chamber. and CUTILREP,T Li SON, f b.. • -51 51L0 - 15: - .1: bare t VI TALL PAPERS'. Vr r ALL PAPERS V i WALL P. ra..t.r.sr.L.A..LE, & CO. :aro preparing for irnnao”.,, Wall Paper this bprina. I Come and see, r.t et. I 1 01.,ANNELS—.Red, AVhice, Gray, •Green, PlaPl, etc. Cheaper than the eleapeat. 0. 11.A.NSON L"YrE, Formerly Lore Bre:here, in3k) N 3. 74 Viaeket qtr .:;t. 157- F lOU WANT YOUR OLOT.I.EING 1.1 5 1 DE TO ORDI.I-t, CALL AT 4'. r.,:partnr;nt of• SE ASOI•IABLI;.:PIECE GOODS on hand at CHESTER'S GOTGIC HALL, Corfler of Wood attest and Diamond alley. I • 1.•".?,, - - We Stud; to 1 , 1Pa.,:5. ! JO FOR BEFORE Vol 3 PI:A(."1'10E WITH Tail RIFLE, y. AT TILE ORIGINAL SiallOrlNo GALLERY, NO. Tr. 3f.t. WOOD STREW. Jaal; I3!)WN at. 'P. ETriaRIT, 74-1 „ OUR INVOICES IN TWO WEEKS— ; !It: STEEL SPRING SIMI:ETON S.KLRTS. Tuo fo:irrh lorolco . of thla olegant far of aict rocei'9. , d by ati.3 day. Ladies c - it0t7C..73 di.T.lpp(d.7tA proeuring day tact' ; o•u:j.pliod s,NET, ,Usat.at sAr - Ls — ts IN; . O. WGR,EIV,i Steamboat ; and. Generll C: of 1 , 45:C f.:10 FOn'y Vikvraiß Stitt fall:11 - .1. With fit et:nun - ad- Ch.' ratlru is ri,...1 , 1,11!. , u. tut eriAll, atal the : nno e and dr - t lA , lur.nnatly day yertetday, loft th, , .-•-; r.r Car of , out ttvo Dunly,— • donF•AipArwr bad u'eatiter, was ratbt•v pt r '' A :Ina" haetait urArly hnr l hue r , auariaar ' • - 4 , tt11 , 3:i : 'r• etta ~. Cap" flobirviroa ryrLn ... ~t. 1),- , looking clerlt,' rn rierr. bd,f_ p1..a5111, F,IOIF.VII-4 bound. awl da,..r thorn ninZ amt s Enutt , your rooms. " tivahurn" is, at tbr .'lturf I' otint: CHIP. Stir is Lb, regular packet and rrebias positively. 'rho T1 , 11T1 , 1 of ''Droatur " for a eto..n.d.oat euptur,i iii I, A A n unfortr.aat" oar The old " Deratic wag burrdd ittst {Walla Sbay-SiS riv A. a DI,Xe. 7r.•• , 1 , • nctori,..n.3 by haling 1.10.e.:3 f duonn John 7'4'nrill, 7wl-1 now tb- new "8t• ;boat 1.-felt:lr " L,l , Pink at Pr-vidnnt's !Aunt!. (cur miles hr!ov: Ariaphie Tn.," tup"n , psrticublre. Notaing lturartutn o trataupirrd nt tdr But Intl^ cu..; r ddrint; arid that at tr , tri , ',l The bone,bed fourd chock to Lubin,. PORT S)ri' PVT 'Yzili Rd'..; 1 3 FEr.? W.P.TXr. ZN" St.instmt lira. flaynr.l, l'r!an,,, Cleat' " TAlettY.Aph, Jueub.t. Clinvo.it, Murray, Wii.oling. " To %rshh, Wraaluund, Tantr-rrin, Jurrha. Fortuun, ltrun, (fi t uvnit, Murray, Wheollug. STEAM - - _ is E. Fo;:_. Nashville The f 11. 1 ,..• ;tt.aater C'ot•tdott CoaLE , -- for tio• alt.vro, rool all tr.b.,,D,t.i 1 4V. , port-, For fr, , b, - ,tat ..r • enr• 'Pou - pb..• , b• bpat VNI3 .. I^' I ; Odnii 1! , t,:ri1••2,1 I, r • , S;d:'L! , ..IDA Y.. 5! ,: 4 o'cic , 11 For IT0,7,!:!.• Or 111 l ;7,1;5,, 2:15,t-ng.r fur toe ai,._•71.1 ;•I'. ..,.•r•- ft.E4....1,4b.0a WI DNEIDt. I .:, a: to M Ynr 1:',1411r ur , t•b •... For Cirle.tikrizt: JOHN TV)3IPI( I•Nb3, 11.ne: co to at w. ligUt dc.URII. 00.••ngor TVI3.II' I it•ty ; .la , •tettr, will - , ..:7 . :;!.1 - 4,41.4r1X,....•. 3 1t1te above and. Interatedititt , ports, Wed ut.o.sy)?:4ollNl.Nit, tho I Stll, It' u'clarbt A ?I fre.l.;lltur pa55tv,0....0. - ;:p1) fob ,:rL. A.b 3 .; E . , 31 t. Loll '3 t`iu t•I ‘,l •ttr•- - - lildeza•oltiltxt and rt,s,v fbao'r4.•;, , n,,tr , :t..n.• - ro . l A L A , wil: b.• ' ;.ve. for tho abust , aa,l i••• tt•rtnetitati• tt por•, ttIATIJI.tO.4 1, at .1, For flt,ittlit or patt. , ...go apply „r to .02) FL.leki, ;INES I tb,L. • 7.11=. 4 4 . E: , "; . . _ irert • ..• Ka U,e.r ,.. for To )Vst -.7.: - -41•- • uut•-- - ' , b.:a:to. all 11./LC•rillCd“ir.e 1,0!.Li, 00 '1 tlbtzb: ti , Deotqrbbt•r 5t 4 I'. it'r trebgla out bctoro, o t td t : OWELL A ;11 , 1•_!.1.:V . , bri 2,r-A ntv2.3 ob. A. O. nruitEiv, w.t„, For Marl Zetilt.1:11:11.10. -rootaer .5., 5 1 o e: — .will:iflL•Vc .1t: .1 h.! ~.!, I'.._. For ft:tight Cr bta•-•s,:ge j jail S PEC lAL F.! ~, bai Id . b•dt!..t.d.tt audry to./5. f AN to: 1 - 1,412.,,E, :11 Coo, 1.111. et,11;•.11.y 1,1. or , , t river, uppolito .. G: told at. at 3 oek, P. 31. t .10115 , MON ON !IA Ildt:L A 1 ... 4 , L.I. 't. • ii 4 ',i ,lit •.•1.1,11 , ..fi Li,. 1,1 Nl', s 11: • • is coo b0:01.1.y1, 01 ..11,1.1.i.e...5 5 .0ri, 1, -- ...0.10,211;•1•••03 1, /al Stock of sold ih t.it. tat I_\ tu.• *2'l, •0,., rusry 11tiZt i ft.ooi 31.10 i ,1' .swt br.do td :or bds. toe' 00.100 1.100.... .1.1.;.• 1,0.1:s: tllO it . it I al: AND .11 1 . b 15 rt ti it A 1 30 „,- Jssl.o,3lry 112, 1 - .0:1 J Audavd. acct....to r 5 t , t,• • 1,1- Con•pany, to nor ve • 0,30/1/g )•••tr, Will 0, .st ualcs, 00. ILI - _ - .1)1Y, Lou -L, :It, 0:. 11 As 31.. an.; ;.• eif_lits, ALl.i:Ott.t.. sI, AL.tits.l K. et i, i .P.s::t.ar,h,J.e.u.23 h_v, 1a,,.. j I 0 ---- -7,-, Tr::: .snianLi ta-5,',.6 ~.I sin, ‘ 5 5 ,ca,,,u,,,, „,,t . I Al.veo,twy t ....h.:, 1.1.4..1c,,,1 Lou .:.., .411. a. t 1,-., .4.. 1-tta. ulll .:r, ''', oViLL.., HALL, ._-r:.0.,. .L....,,,,), 4.:.(14 .:. . i ... :-.,1, Viev. , ::_, I. ut 1:1 ._, 5n , ,..,..., A. .);.., (;,. liJ .li.itlJA 1, tt . 1 , 2 i LI,L: ol it ..,:i......;,;,,1,),,t,.. 1.. o p,o d . ~ •,, e:,,, 3,-,, : -,_ ~ , I • .r ~,,,to:.-. .-Sanger., ti)! izn. 5.1.....“../.... ) ..-- -:. ..-.-1 ,, -A 4..-I. - I ,x l -, r , _ of tilt, 1 -.Ltd, ...1 a JL/44.4•Zit .....L V. 1 - I tl`-!./1. , U. it '.. /alp lay v., iil :'' eutnn,ct_l [...1 'il:- :5tu•.1...1“.:... .:,. Jail , I , - D1V1DE......- , NJI •_Cti -ti:. t • ...-...1 / 4.. 14 .1.4 ..1/..4 • (..;- - 1 I -' ~.„1 t. 4 • ; :LI, 4,0411,.3 ..1,:. - •t . ~.g a in iti , ~,,,. r t '...ittg:l- ‘..3 ~, •.., La, c., -tots ~.,., ',......ait...1 t 4 Ul,l V , - •• - Qi .... 1 I i .. t.tis-11,...) AC.`-xl. IJ. .41_, 4.1.1 Li., ~.1 . :, .1 01 1., ..4.1.11... .1 ..11,ii llal idc no. ~.._, al. ._.; o ~ p .., .., - ,L, tL. ~t t . ~, - ..41./4•-. iti.....1.,... *t. Yi.Ji.Lll...ts. r, ~.: it . ....„, 6. / . . t 0..... ..... 1. , .1.11i./.. ..1 ... 14. .t. "..... 4 1. 2 a ... .4.,. it.i...Uarg'.l, ..; t. 411.1,.../ let, __ , .0.J..1.: , " . .„ . . - ---It .t.)11t2z...- i Li:. _N:-...L.,:'' I'lalti... ~, ,3 oo.'i ill, i l 1t"..--..,Y !SAKI Itt r.t : A 1 • 1 4-,.. I , .11..1.tj, ....-11, i i) Z/AL ...1/... - ,usi.i.il_t A.\ D t.i./.; o ' ' ....Pio ~_.;, . ..t.'., Al, 41,1. - 0 ..; .1... -. ~ • ...tob, ....it Lu it, I 11, Cu, .111 u. of .7 -I. 11 I . ' LIA• 113/ 1 ..'.. JO.. Af/.1,11.LE.,,..:/, e S. fua , 11,1,J i... pt,:- . ..1..t. t.., I -.Ad- la ,51i1i,..T.,.:,1.0 Oa 4114. 141 i JCL .. ill. t. ..... I,> 11 I .11..1.3 ..1.1.4 L. t. 136. COLlir 1.1.1. y , _•.:: it. /I , , .1,:- LL . _ Jti.,,, 1.1 at ~,A3 41,k -at'...',..)1 BY ulSlLsii. o Tlisl k.:U-111311....71 > - .L,',.., -, 1 1-).1. 1 *.N.G - LT _V, it it.ii;' 2-. .04 GAI.L E E. ii. , ,. AI: JA.sil:. 4 .1,5 D : , 1..5t.`..-::i2Ile 'a6,'..., 's'ilsete eats ha DLLII slse ~si- g o-t eolies'_ ~: ~.. t ~,t • i it '') , ,i ' ..'; .- 1 .i . 111 rii' if ' ir ' 1:`: 1 -ts ' 3 t` ' 1 3 3 3-ii 1 f- ~ .. ' - - '`.4 , i ia V % ',.4' it. .4 e. 11 I L1'n.j.n1i5.: , ....W....E. E:t.l.- id/ l'i,i) ‘, 1 4i 1" Li... , 21. -Va.. 1. - ' . ..I.EOII-1 Vd.".:,t111.1,. 11 1.-i'irt ..• of e1..e11e..2”- L i - t" :I •.t. , 1 - , i .t.re .o,V1:,;(.1 focal' 0.,,3 , .".,,I,Liw- 1.-....! ; ',_'. , .P.04 - 0i,03.1.1, r•.; I 1- . 2 12. I'," .1 1? li _IX : 1' .: c." I' ti lers , an ,- .2ri r *v.; ..iro. ti .“... übe .abt-i .... 1. , n •s+ui v., i . ,11 ...,,.- 1 ::::. , .. E S. W . ; i'il.. , :-„2 ,- 1.1.."... 1 IL ill. ClitG Zr & C 0., ; IF- :7,,N: ic.-grzsl, i 3 era: a'...C.1r.1 ,s4EtFoL . ,:,:II, t - 5;.7.11: - ,.:, NEW YURI: Gi.t.i . ..11.1:.E.Y. No t, - ...0..',......;,;,,„" 1 8 TJNBEA..I UALL.F.R.Y, s 7.. our. CI '4.4.rk,t e1?r , ..,,,i. rr..l D3...“.11011.0 . Fit tdb - crgt.. PI.LICES TO SUIT ALL. ~ 2:i• P.) Y grii lii:t:-4, 1 N I.3 l iri DAG 12 . ERR `,.. t5...0-: A `-.T I) :I '-..t B R.C.)Tri.."..F. i .51; 2' ACII_ , 7DI - _- L 1 1 2 1 -' 7 i Fli r 2E - iI...TE.Eisr,NEARLY opPosrr P. TLIE Poimi.u , rid 1 1 ~i,,VICTUISII3 Laken in all the carton=_ Ea.', 1. , '' . I . wacitb. - _.r, und Iv,u - raut,d t , ... pLaz-o, at 1 r-Ihro.natd , -• • - le+. s'•.„;1. S ick or d..5tY1a , ..3 cLritcr...,, te.1...,z, ..s t.u.•IC 1 -pit:... 1 up:1n..11,1.15-,-Is WITKES' GALLS €V OF ART, ItIARKET. t t9len b ; OW d . , ;ithag tho n ttarLl r rot‘„: h.trza 1 Cher tr, l e far au, Luz: • -1,, ex , .lt. t , rizenz 4111 crAt Ind ars:AL.,. 'MR ihrga rtAlr•CtlD.r.e. In - '''v train.; a.r. ;le • coat: krcvaa. N. , ;.—Pict , ras of irn ,:t1 two esec~ue. el :larket ntra t, n1,”'27:2 E S. 171" , i.I;. RT 1v ~lj LSON'S I PRICES REDUCED. tIALLEI:Y COIf.NER OF TIULE , Z . , D.: , :1_41...T1LE 81 - 11. L, `-f• 1:a . ..ran0., on 1 •.I.IIBROTITF;%',. , Ie,nIt,o in the ;zee of , trt.r.:t“; cAuty and ver,r-c•lor„ car. He accomitic,!..t, I Lotic. 'a; callinte at KNOWN GALLI:P . 7, 'Lri I 14. ST3EIIT. 0. t Trargard pf lOTC•GRAPEI,Y.—Tdrs Aria BLE , ; ut.u.2h: soon 1 . ea-2h ,n that ; ictur a t n by Ana hav, Len crt , ta,:nacad. p..rtLct Lc -- att.. . Tha,y can to had in all thou. tuti.tic II gt-2.„ , at WALL'S :.worth Kt - r , Jun Jy' ILldtr;>. [;a' :21-, 17"'" • rte ,`ll - - - _ • 11l it i3_,F, ! 7 , A 4 I?. -3 1 G 4.71 f (.*:= HAS 1 n'zAuTxrut SELECTION or 3/01-NUMENTS9G STONEO. ZEICIONULTR'3, Tha pr.bll: rz3p , vtiaals iavr i to a9T t . o ars d war:: 1.t•:.-M7,. 41-rea; f'y l r t=n, A - v ir ;• 1.7,'.• 1 . 1 r F E 1: - t NIASONIC _ _ - L. v.30:2 ,17 .1. A , the: . tt EI)UCT tON IN P 11.113 ES Ti. - • t t.., Wu:forth Dint :2 I .!0,1 . : ' • opera ai ti p ; outnc. , . .. 7 : f the etifie,tament of tha I rtij, i . C7l.l , l , Lirt Mr t; DI likt. COY NE. TEL. , :f , DAY'iII be ;,erlbta e,l rt. Drains of TrrE FHLai Si iilll ii .I,u t.bYtw Young; DanCo FMILY WALIJEGRATZ. The:Eire:ma will be re ereloti by the 1 - -re, et 11-11.1. 4 13 Ll()% —T:111 ..i Sir. ii 14V12.4 (3,TNr r, PaS Sf'ol Vi2.l.l , Ltif:tV:'- i Th.: perfir , ri ~ ,..;:i will c . rairietiCe with liai NJ:brat:al tntur;- r t 3 Dram, of 11L.A.CK 1 -- X ED T.ckt i ot for care at tho '..ice of the trios; , teheit. meah , ly NV; ',red P B t: f; '4_ 1' it tS SLBEIti.‘" • i.f.LiSE:e ‘7.11` 1 . I erii,atr .... Eie : C01'.7 'sl'. I llos • ItEi ,, ,CriLiN IN :`,1.10E- 4 r.t.ltiND ;.lit., Duury „,eat at: nat. • :0 CW0:0 le:, at 7 oftie ,, , for aale 'l' Itet,opri, frarn ”, fltat ,, -teteeut e.ntt float:en in 00100.0• - ing 0 hot they Cr" aneii_;.,,r..raeot for three r,ight3 ,iiyD„ with the F . :o., t eet e'CLIc., Hit? clay, MAT:I.I , A 5.1t0N. who ruAlte r app.- i 0 CAM EVENIN', itehrhary '2l, will te: tie - • 0.• , J,•i play in Z..teht, Co IL I, . --- MISS JULIA 'IIUItIi.LULL. ri neeire to crinchtdo trlth the t,f THE GO lIJ Nan ..., .......... itlSs Tuzz.:dr6Ll, r• ; th, tu,t „if MEDEA: ?.. will 1,, .". Ot•V: Urania, OSOrtlOWint.t. S:-' ~ A - • , l!n,g nted replete with incidrate iy pn• it, ,inn; a ,Intratization by Henry 5S:a 'be ar izreat mt ry b rtylvance Cobh, and inA NeW is r, -,I , or, entitled Tlf.t., o:. I . : . ...ATP c•l' , THE WAIL VATIT. Th." phty ;tr.: in:1,101,31t ftin vi' Mti4eurn New Y.• p• tti.:.itt, being uz:lti:ln to .11,te.1n •7:11 , tr: ply the Author • :0..: tnin .: t,-, . ' ' •[o Lltis CXCII.I- ~••• .tt• • ta,t. .05.. i ::1 play in tile Sty 1:'01. , 1:TLI ANNIVERSARY MEETINi.i. Pitt uu: - 02. Youzg LSfTS L Chris'iam Associ.tion. PtarE,tiztiv ening, Pot, I,lat. 7 C , Cloch. TN fik,YTERIAN .I,l,lres , ce to: 1:1:7 1 . C. I'. Luthertn Cluv:rl, end 11.E1 , . .15,k111:0S, Vernet:: 11111.1 xercioe., by JACtIitU.S, 1111.1.1.:L , 13V, a:‘ , / LI i{ DA lA, Annoll F..1.-rt will to: load, and the ANNUAL COLLEelli)ii wilt In ot).0 t'S ii—tcture to ;tr. flies. : . ..NNA MANSFIELD deliver th, L.:lk, of T ittoburgh rald 011 r :3 1..1 0 C10r-k,, Ttr:'• Si., Ar I.A.FAY.ETTE HAL' . •eon d are invited to at1,n..1, a „tdini.:ion 12 nirnir TO ..It. .Itl Co Ot of etz..llo.at In' mulled, the l.ccture tit, next: doy or :good .10 if. 11 , 111'. 4.,'LINCIL,:r U 6 1 43, 6 - Q. , At LAFAYI I"fri 1.. V ..,:: f the :IENEFIT OF : , pill lie may be ne.• .../. :I ,•'t cit.) Cda artird. Thom (.1.11.• to !bens own ;11, 1 Lo ~ .krie..t a -I! tny oz their dat •ily oi the city T f E i i T A It. •J., r a L.etur, the it.:ti'S CD tote- A •,I , I . II6IISLAY V .512.,(1, 4:ti, 111 EX.C1 , 1 .0, 100 0.4,11 r. Y OF tc t— tten-rolt , nt!tioeiety of Alle.zletty The iteautafill..Colieetion of ./ 2 t !, f,U1 1 1.1(.1 'II I .E EASTERN SLAVE .1.4.1LHP:T., c:-Lul. , 2 , :ru.A, DEATH. 111 LEANDE:!, lIIMEIMMI C E. Ci sr trt. t 4 L H 31 14 0,, :CO. t C,.11 d ena chain. J.Y I7 r CH, roprlL.,r. 3.1 :-4` W. 2/.I*CA ' 1 6 "=• • r , --I`-; 1 ? 11 1.5 a IA ATTEND : 1.t.) TUE Pt2STING `4 V .11,1 i nhil, l telepap'. , , •IL. r . Jrl wii, . 51)7 ) _ M. VealIMU 1.1111^.'. • ii. Feu:, E. LA aj FPV & Z.;1C.4 ! 1 _; 1 i> \.'0;57 1 2_120 v w fit>. stl vrLnuu me.r..7. 1. I 'l'l ii U, Alili, t' (..; N i IzuIWHANT, EAL AfiD jai , i.2TNL P.L lifillaPili.< a! 1 L id)! LI 4 - • , , r r : ;.„,, 0 9 4. .1.. 1r ;' G. .:f. A. E., -1. , ; ,73 \ - c ,t, , L11)21 C L l) , 1111talltfl, %Lug, I in.c• t 11.4.12, ! 1. At.7' 0 1,3 T 1112,:11,,, • 1.1 11 ,1 ‘L± L t , u. nat.,: cit • Bait, •• 'La:l/s J., 1.1,111.t ,, ,1 Jain N,l/ I‘;‘.. 13 , k)4t, ZIENLLIt..I.IC 2 I ,:•brc...,NEbur,,, I 'A'. H. , t.;,)11/ ,a)1:3, unio 1 La area - CILC/U..nt;, 1a1..1 Pitzvt Tirgi,, Pa c•)-.zt it ).".• Tl.llll A •• A -NC JON T Nu L. _BOYD 31CN;I'LLOSIGLI 31 )1N 'OY - 1) & CO. CAST STEEL. S,PB,!:.N;II:i, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL. sPRLYGS AX ES. itosi* and. F Streete, PITTSBURGH, PA. TERRA TPA Olt STONE „La From two to six inch c:.libre. PRICES from 12 to SO nent. , nE,%r Foe:. At , t 4 U—ROCEi *Pia; P. P E T-1 For PAL.e. Wholeraleßirtiartirztoterero Pricea .0.Z.1T1:42 FORWAB.DfIiG .rtNl.) T.; CI ilf4 c 7Si 1.2 ri AI RE E, 13 1 UTTE.r.f.. - 1, 5EE,13±..,;.; AND PRODLICIL GEIVERALLY. 25 Wool, • - •!..r.fte.E.Tn Pirrsr.urtf;J:. WOOD l'..ool3.lTraD WOOD, MOORHEAD.I!.- - CO., • • Poq Ali tid , 1 ,7. C :••• E D 17 5 1 -1111 7 VOQII, ! I tail tt) vtii3011 . 4.131,9Th Airtfik —AL,2o— ; Gz..;;;La CORTUP.a.V.I.TD 111.07." T., lloollng; San. E,e, NAILS, ITOOP IRON. o. 3.. IL irat. FOR GAL? ANTM:G will beproiripl..) ro W0r1;.7,. s'acro, aer[l.3,ch o4p, 41 ' Ltt- - ...e4 - , No. LT stra.2l_ r•LL - t_ A MEDIC A if, OZTifor Cari 1701,"SraiM SANPORIVS INVI 4 ARA.TO, liE0i)1RIID TO CUBE ANY ONE trot:tiled vo:t.la Live: Ctmnplaints, unit-43 tha ton dm: venire of C 343, WLETI the ..;ezen. ,- ? b ottle vikt r acarca rjugl , f2.lm-e.„ to..t,tra th , patintl'ii.-44.1th anti "deur. Wa as=ll ettcttinp flll tift- , 43 faco, that lila 111^ 01 a t'r iffspozndtll,y a ph, Moan who has need ft En hie tar,ctice for.t,t)• zits.a ilittcat cr,lluions, vital h.;:it biAng whf,lty C7lllO. Ora t.r . thy: att. - Lath of th.3.3..i gams =ay biN tanned W3IQTI. it i:n ,, Mn :939 3 303 tle of the Ins ignrator ooritalts rrn:rh .-trnn h nut, hn a. red 8 -, Fr:4,1 without =A7 ni It 9 (Inlotetie. , 74 0 33:+2C°. We know tharo in nothing: now 1, - -Aert3 531:3 As:let-kali prtlakri-,1 v tit finch tki:i by it u..lahtiticraan, particularly for dts,..a.,,ai ui tits r..-'anfora's invigorator, or lether -: 370 T lt has ,•: repot-Inn:: s,conr.l-ro no articis in the v.orld, situptsbcr.:suaa ir p•st on Its own ~ trri!. CZLIF3.C. , nt! be troll that it i.t «11 it, proprietors it to bn, it •,ny of r/azlrn.iers arc oath dierraea rui are de , rritAo. in lir. :. , antbrll's ajw.rr: .. - 3.-mbht, we know of know u-rnudy chit V.:1311.o ssa.:ely cat. them a. the Turk :orator. lolgoiathir cnr,s TAI:e on , or twe teaili.ocittful6 attaok ate!it will CK"., , Itaapneer. an ovorioaded eto:nath. or when ris,a eoc l i,o, iakv'jia Invigorator after eating, 11.11:1 it w - :11 no; prove ettsgre. - abla or opprf2e,, or. Fitt a, Palpitation, or 2 1 ,1calt t. ,1 ;i0 a IF , 1-oanfal, , nte or twi:e dally. Tor I ode , invela eblv.. It :ye! r....rtale tl,z apt Life a•tti !nate the I . 'oo digest Nigt . .ta, kr, trtln-.! .t Via.sr.Qanf‘ll tetitig„ unitg, the 1111 l all le Ater Kiting a h. dinner, take , f Inv i,./rr',:..t.or rind tt will relieve t. 9lnvi 2 a 5, r i i a Lice: Rama dy of unequaled virtt'e. ao , t,ng 41fivntly on that et gan, cut iott flysncipsia, Jona 2 tn:it:3 Forma. and all roman. , (..1.4 - Ivacthit t . ..-rich it h.... no rtoeniug, bo.t• I.±forolthu ..i.znerizial pub It(' pi tl.:l4lred MUCII Pk.:l! by nicr...tit , 7 I):lr.tieular lavict.tator, It hr.; ati.,.11,1 sacqtyl kJ n , :11,iti• tltz. u I. sirttt:;:,- 0, it rottard , . owa ~ •,,nvinu. 1!•• it be p , c.prietors c?r.ial it ;.,= be, if, 0,1. r r 2,1:!(. ait•. zinforing ,:;ucli Dr. ildvorti.buterlt, aro r-rn,(2-,, that I‘.iD s, t.13,...0 us lila ba.i latr•lyto on: I , ,Lkikifit, 11,1 tor 1 , 11, ^r.rt.!..c.t, aid !Rating pro of :la. and bigretive tant. It C , 1r120 !It rr, hat wo have a (bbilsty, ; Vet', •-,1111 • Livery aPf c: ..r gtv,, poi:els:tent curt, ' ~Sanf qd's i$ what we zo- ru . W^ akvays Iniva b: en IT4 , 4llllCiuB 40,00titerix,.., by pat. eat rnkalicin,-:, but c , :nvine,d that hi,. mo,ti, me, he.* u..so, r.uz av,ratt...-‘1 by the ha,tca rucotmoeniatitsne ariTiCO rid truilblrd with In‘li-e-s:ifai, U 4. hility fr IioWCI bottk cntr aori jar ir, I:'.ELIYINGd 10111 c: 7i. 11831• IWO Dr. y:111 r-Ite.k. adr,w. „.:,. tt 4 it LI k.rti ta can: OT. taut V. ~V 1 hiit will tit! rd them dr:v./gilt. 7111 tiani4i, c.,t.it t t4 ttt i* for 'ion:lc:l2u with ery d., ti.then. i., the titz,csai....l., from. \Vt . uc. It by it, Try cin, I. 4rB taitttittre.. rfJc7 C , NI I , OLLAA 1 . 22 80T71.1. s IN - e u ltp 6 c•). I.D E1T3411,37,, Voit 140 11:, , v24 Pittabitriji j:11:3M.11.1%.39 I CIL L't.)l 0 4 E 4113 4i 2 -*rl I ( IA r— a '‘f marrn V 22 1.311,11 i v : 1_11.• F.F.NNEDI, of ,Rox.Jury, has :iiseuv• erc:: to 01,0 ~t oar cofarnon i .:ante ref1t,..17 it:4Z coca .r,very kind of armor, P1t0,51. I'.llll WORST SCROFULA DOWN '.1 . 0 A en)M:Vi.).":4 He ha: tried it in over cicvea hr.:Art:a. cr..=.l, and never except in two ca-es, thrador. hamar.) 1L hat Oh, vain°, oil within twenty - aoica oi 'T tvO tottloa too wart - an:et! 10 C 0 . ,: a ‘trlrMltig .4.0:431111 , 3tt. to thre, hutttr9 will carp the west bind cf Phapl , l Ot3 the face. Two or Circe bottle:: will clear the eyston of biles. Two b0 4 . - ,tha ore WOLIZ.IIt.,ri to cure rho werzt canker Su tho mouth or elotneoli. nue° to tiro bottli.a ere canto,: ta cur , tSeweratkind oft Sale lta. th:, to two bottioe aro warranted to oath all Immo: to the Two bottl-4 am warranted to .titre - enanhf,s , of ;he rata and 010 among the isir. Word- six hcitlea aro wa•cnuited to core L-ofrupt and rum, lair Ono h , ottlo wilt cure truly et - untie!) or rho Two or three bc,ttl,:a are - ...afrantei to cure the woretkiud riagv, - artn. Tr:a or ttlr,3 i;Ot.Lieft Are wat. ranted to tmro the molt dell ;:o ate Co.ift of rheumatie.r.t. Three to f., - ar bottles are v. - az - ran:4 , d to .iarti Pali-Rheum: ;co to ei, bolt :e1 will cote. tie.,?tn., caoe mrotain. A I::eatlit. to always experieta.,4 iron; toe lirdt Lt/ttIO, dud a perfect re is warrau taken. ROXBURY, AlaSii. DL.II: 111,37-1,-70m ropnratinn of the kirot, hurno:, I , yo ti,.3 esM , ..bliebed by the utnmunoua voice , t 1 nil woo earn over tnOt i need not any anything on the tiubjeat, an tho Inca: aLllfial phyet ,..,.eue and the moat, cal eful Druggists in the country are uzi. 1121 praieo. 10 m a.e.uting the - Medical 1 1 1,roycry ;oar node, Ido it with a lull knowir.ist- of the ;ft - Ira:iv,' power. in reboring all, nod ccrio r f, must these In which son are nu fortunately o nano.% That most excrif , ,iating, thsease to azi aVre... - tionat 7 e 'nether, YOLRSINC.I SORE :',lolll'll, it rated ae ii by a ; yotir own temper 14 rt:ortil to end riaur hobo from .her; nod fretful nail, to fxd.to tun: el az:hora ; and the Medlcal inSa..Ye" ry tA,Cuino... , faurimiti hier-eng tr, your Luaband and houtehold.. , toe ISlOrcoo.ne:A ,•tuges of tt er.tentl:t tc; the et 'touch, cuiring - D7IBPEPS.III., uothiu., , h.: stow h; tntr, to tha ini,erinee nn:: E 0 , iinting, aono ,LAt Qiyour family . Your etcmauh s anti you cad only tale certain Lh.a II t rt . your ,iyitua not get bolt the it outs L....ins , attlittit U-ItS it AU; yourite bloom and r.4.00w ov.d yuor l, hoot day id goae. Iwor waut~a.f nournim,cmtlyeur "..,00t4h6 ih , hol kh a hobby, and the til.re‘ , id holy Uu•:•ome, r.21ar..1. Thom follou e the I. l .covery is peculiarly CURE; .;?:.ivitation of the bean', vein in the of the spine"nd :iron!' of 1:11-• pain of the I:spiv:at when you renrc, 'l..ii.•,..;ularity of tut, MLite ex.cr.e. ciF.:;ng of diee;Aaer, the PILE . How many 0:" f, so: ,“ , ,nest ore fltret - lito; from thin et3eca., .17. a i nhag, ei4.l.y ;nie-rablo lit; , , and their next floor neighbor dove rot know :he uOiSOO. I wiei, fJ lino! tae :Jo your mind thot ge.Yl th. An ounce o f is heiter than . ..1 a pound or col tha you ho- tooth the pr-_ , ...mt,tive ti.e cra, - , with this and •inality,t,at ne3V,l", iliJcvir any cire a metancee, ss. , o fon cloy irjUrY. 6 change of necor-,tty----eat you coo;4: t n'ieneugit of It. i•rne:te. , toN , roa ton fablA 1., day-- 1 Child:on over tE. , uye - edee , ..rt from tot u:ght a• 1..) IOW; ^Oa to all op otato on tht Lowrie twice " day. Vc , ;•r4 , Pa,ce II,W put by • .5-op :•••• 'Atm. p - ,. ? T0L0.004 0 .a.E3, ra„sv.)rat. ve, FOB. PilL , 1)17(7;'•1:: ii _IIR ON ILILI) 721.1):: 1 , All I-lector:llg lie-.r to Co/or, lIIS ASTONISILINLI ..A.:S.I)I:INECtjA).- '•LEi " PaPATio% l• -O•t- e to prt tiuu.e i gro , r , h no 1 - ,:dl ileAde, when ',,,eed tv,„:.prding tha dirc•c tu.rn Lich cut , : afttr lia‘ini.; iriay, and le; it it! Olt! it alth, In_ Jo] tx.enty. P.c.:novo.. at our , : all o oft, U nlit and unplo&wot.t 'Crafoot", eruptioLL. u fever ; teat frr..,nt tho re,;;; , ... it "Selo p:,..vente Ow I •tir bec,ming ctshLalthy f.,,,t1h.,z, off, nad kent.3 !a-a tia itilailORATOR AND We annex a fzw bacorrnia,atctoi.ii rtious E.SiTt 1L1.17.7011 , 12 'XI, 18.53. dace Tamed Profeanor ti. J. Liair itnoturat: itio, and haTo admitod ito liol:alaaiful effect. My hair v. its Lc...Ana:4; ; i•-• 1 1,1,,,,fut., griy, but by the .i.to 02 CI , ‘i itca• tolotive," 1t Lao rbuinin.l. Ind I lot& no Idoubt poinuluontly Eu-Sonatcr I.li. S. of t, }J,!.• (L.zll, ; oar I met rout : ndioi.n.il IYouir, 'laic Ili:Ablative, :ay hat: Lac ::n f l r the hoit yearn, sad it was very thin 011 VIE' ;:ty 11.-A I ti.uiliplined out very frrciy ; tat I kind that o 1 had caaj al: tiro ccsond eight h e i r wa..+4,atirdy ~ .I.ltrgerd it;.= ortILDI bra I is siifil Iron) dandruff Tire:huto Ima my hii.:l; cut; tr., or c:. , .11.11,1u, and hart never 1 ~,Il a uythiuslC,a. ha , : front lh. roots; and I It tuielt ie., It nor LAIL at ah. It IL :0 ,sacs iin toy - eibio July 1, IEI6 tibit I could wdoit auk. 2oart, etc., OArzirtr.,%, M!..ilrEs, Juno :4", 1:U.4. Stdtt-1 Late Prof:TT-T.:, • flair 11E1i-tom:lye. Grate A,iy it is the fp 4E4- misery tho o, L. `or I - v.:Al:lug and t:liat4ng.th.o hair. Be • taro using it, 1 wia as graly w, ,t 1.1.;,a.n of p.-.-zeoty. hair I hail now attaini-I ir.. brimanl tear. You cats roc...a:nand it to world wit:it - Jut the my ctea w is ono of the wont i:. N. ildIfF.2ll.Y. Jr. Lour, L 1134. pots. IYCr3J:—nly runams-used ...dank off tome theta I or four years eince, amd coat:maid to do co until I bei t i a n i , quito hail. I triild all tboliot.nlo_r minlicinim of ilia day, hit 1 In no ciniot. lar.:l, I Was 101 , 10e-1 so try your . I dims- licoun ~ ativeon3 ac halitiy it is wior:dara. n o vo now a fanohiar, r. ommend 112 UN'? d all m - Ha:ly M.lfictid. A. C. W1LL1.4.112, tiecond taloAeo,ll.ay 1 1214. I hiivn idled Profiioiiio: 11air I llestoratitio to drxii.ded a‘icanta;,! , ,. It iitevontt the hot: frogs cr...min e ; out, and giVal it a glum am i d sitftstiai vii-y do:Urn:Ai, no row f, - roy hairs 1 baton entirely iiitappc.red. Others of my family haw) Itone. auxin with v., to, prouoticiing it all it profitniuta tabe. - iiCfii itlf K, 3.llcbiLo a LL u.I. . ; i of year 'li efrecto very hva en Lireiy de el drintirmif frcim toy riiii.3tur'ed nay crl•voal lublc.h had i Incoma grUy. W :It. l'ltUitit_lDAL.Y..' Sold st. ?ditto:zit 112 i Tray, liar: Yo.lti and all everywhere. All kinds of Fattilly Pate.'t Mtidicine.,. tor :min on the tont pmuibla term:, at l'rrifeitioi - Wne-t's -e,1ab1;.+`ipi,,,. , z,114 Martz; fttrrat, E' lonia. i Ear onto, Trbufenal Pititeitiarzh, by ;Dr. G. U; ; n. s. CU., .11. J 2fi tho Lirtv• - zbtx,•• junt ren 7 f.i ostA • =la pp ;;Aki. A. itZISKR, 1c4.1. V 4) -