,-,--.1.:!37 , ••,ii ,.- 4.?:-. , xt*gy. - zg ., :. :,,., : .:. :;..F. , V.*t§',g l tVi ,.4, VA.::. M '..E:FZP•O,.:4t" 7 ,1 Ce. t:t.z.t• lito - org!, ;I; 1711 ere if? c 01 , :f ¶r1•1. ,d ~e .r :L,t l An ~ if , aVt•11,.17 .1 tiV1:11! , TOl/ :Jr . 4 Lin). r F i. • ..ut thou =ME 11,1 t•plug !!. 11_,;.:1•1 e.otz“ I hvar Stirtirig tht.r, , io fat' him .th f3V1)11 11101 e than They (1.1 h-A:ven el .op Ti 03 on' vve:l Ar , 11 : :;.• If (10W rt till Mr.ty bir •, A z:d tC4th ww ti It ttiM t II! if.,:nws ttto ~c, eut'r the 118,r zr, V:10,111,4 , 14 I , nr-lictl ..t ;b..% ti>. 471,11tia •ro Lig;`,. r•azn.c•r; lIIMIM=I ifivrt. ,t,rt.:,f lo•t ir Tiu. t,rob ei lo,litfrine:, tlasbir,r: , %!1! loud, illy I, li , st :It' prow on •Ii!.! 14 I,icY: ti,u e`f ! 1 !Arl 11it t;t.riz in in t.L•a. f_lev iror, , Voi!',lth, •V. that:6 .and that Komi/ ,nd ttly dRy. rt,Lnais, Lair r nyii Dv!), r.,r•. heat nro. t ,w A Ilr : 1/. .it ‘Vit r I I,it. 1•11111111111=111 , ft, W tho 1 11(1t:Pil (ht . 0 , 1. th, of 11.,:ive.1'0 TOE SMUGGLER'S !',ALna:GE, 4 SEASIDE YARN 3 Wili!•1 :fife 3 gr(-, A tn.ti: '{ CirliTTSl' ED iti t- , .- f. , 27 - .. , m6ntl . l::, firown-v,-aE; v....a: . ci,:1 ;, 0 kate Puriv , sa, aucl f 0 .: ., a year wo:i: o r , :, It 1,-, . 114. UilLN'i ,by OX.Cri.il - 14' \711'...t 'Mil. , i i! ,, r . ost h ,, , fall.er oi.klE,s.;scil witlt tilt, coul;tty irictoba . .,:, tirocurt-“i -. .r, 4.; I,3oiraiDt.Lit 15 Ow cottqt gtnvd, and from Illn.l ..li' .l . ii W:IS ri-Plark 'ed that 10 ,, re geri,llreS -,-- e7,p load :ii-)t1; th e ! ..,I, ori , :::-“,, (1)L Ptind we.,t mare rarely to th.: c.oc.. , FA ol • Vratice. Kt:k - ,7-,i,, we n ~.h e charnL! _ ter of tit': inan tbcy tikiti 1c L at : 3 f r i.,,,, , , , the l'i.; ., :i'c ercw ' o, !ciin:l l : °, ii3•dirito(l, Rod iri,... - o •-,02 worl-A ilav,.. ‘.7Drk tv. .q , ! , idiiy io:P.Id tbal :. his qw,rrci with I ) P h w G's.ev,,r, ;Iy had:._ rt cc.Ain.:4l th:t ( ..“1 1 "_rt:;11 61'1:z.t; :ieversi tubF of ppicit3, -.11“i this lyns to he I) Jtaght allot,'! About ale from their usual letuding place, ;'lien, the sh'lre wits le reeky thau nearer home, to 11.!;ti.le, , t e iiuut :110, i , the cliff, 'wft.s„tl.t.r.ielied a stlong :;loci:; and nailfir with UDC man to wort; it.e, second a-. it general lis ,cistont in ease c,inecd, and a third quar ter of a mile of on the look out. ';'lien !he lugger rtin in :ere-as cioN,‘ as the tubs were floated conveyol by the smui27g,ters to a 3CU.14 t.ranny. there oliiyec to the pulley, and tio.,it wound up 1, , the brute of the cliff, when it ev weri? conveyed by the se liedmei) to the titird, who soon disposed of them in a convenient stockyard, to wait. till lleti fo'r. But the smugglers had "I.e:llm:it'd Nvitl , cfut their I; ;:211" as the sayiti is: The f-lcic list 'ISMS nleiely 0 sham, and in less time than served if, convoy four ti bs up to the sill o .4rcnn }teach, it shrill whistle front the sniuggder'e outpost announced !hilt darq_,er ~v; . ; _ s abroad, The smin:glers on the beach re gained their ItifzLs.c - and awaited the sale tm vent of the race to sheer oil. But it was too a t e , George Gilbert. with four or 1.1.7: inen, was running to the scene of action. glens on the high ground ere intercepteo, 7:;11 after a 'short co:ldiot v,'oi•sted, and by Brown's.order rt`ired, leaving 01_12 et theiri nurobr altot through the body on the grass, and Brown himself a prisoner, though not be-, fore he had sent a bullet through the hat of one and the of another ef his assailants. le l',"f3draggeei uif to the Preventive staion, and there detained in safe custody till tr“,sra• ing, when ho could be taket2, :,afore fi mag,is tt ate. During, that night be bitterly reprciv•h ed Gilkrtwith his treachery in turning lie baud against his former shipinates„..iia king advantage of- the knowledge ho had acquired on board the int!rd, to capture 1101. Captni He then went on to act: oid sela)01-1;:lic w it he thought that a tore foolish quarrel wit. l iled such hatreds his. For a few infant. s, Gilbert looked at him with a emi'e blended strangely with conternp', eit:: r plied. Think you, Brown. tint. , r .o y soufibbie like that woul.l 11,tvo friend .of year 6 :nit) life)or, a r. foe., or that itw ;;;:rti.9, followcAl by directio,i bullet a wrong' of.. , aileAl idiot like you, conid whio I am "f No--it ricetit , l SOIIIO.IIIIIIr In >re to do." "And that :3ontuthit:g rt,oi a,z„e , t Brown, 4..;tgcrly. " Listen, and you slia the other, • "A year or two ;t:,m I "vett deeply, oretv and truly, 9 villae girl. ~!.ye —you may smj wile—but men me can love a:; tar better thou rfopie of y3ur kind—your love may have been a playthit g for your vanity--- miue was the hope of life. Ilovod—wat= reject ed, after having been deceived—and loved on MLiii. could have borne that, Aye —I loved anov.as'a fool for my paim , .. She 1 loved might have been L. girl with eo more heart than head— a jilt— but though thus driven froui the only hop , whereby my Rout then anoined to anchor —.fly trusting love dung in my face—i forgo., that, and would have carried my secret IQ' -,ivinfrly to my, grave. anoth , -,r; aid I w;li to fu' nish mirth for my rival. We one evening I was walking out over yonter cliff her sitting by tht't of hi' see loved- _ could not love her with halt . h a d done--I heard worih of en, ya; 10-lit Ivor& I tzliall never more hear cr :•=1 th . o, world now--then I heard my nau. n aient:oued with many heartless jest by her, Jr whom I and eaared so much unrepiringly. f heard enough to tell inn that in their ;:s j was to /au mocked and sneered at Li: a false quette—to be the topic of the c: tree jests ( , an empty-headed boor. illy nioc . eras turn to gall—that night 1 t.IVOr. I - tier oatt. , have kept the first part of it wire a 3 -for .hat ;nil was Kate Furness, and the man yonrselt; aye—you—John 13r0c,. i—the p ris oner of the Coast Guard to-nig. t—thz com mitted for trial to morrow—the ransport;,,d ti there he justice in the , laud -at the ue: :ISBiZe2. And 1 uril Itep that path still VI .- ther." rttyin, he walktal out and It L his prisf ,er hiN r..tleettuns—which 'scrt, of a try I) l( ; , ,niant nature. Not that (ht.: tout hee tof Brown feared fur 1;u: tar bi z ; ‘vl i o tvixa hourly c'.7..peetiug ht.‘: csoli heriv. , ql; EL tha , :, if he W 11.3 he transported, 61; onic la: at the mercy - Of :.)11.e it sur= : ,zad be knew inough of tlt- of/hiB captor to cure that he .0. cub] all abtlis nag to baulk Liu, of reverge. ‘.S'coatttlre.l !" houtel hr? in 11:., I hear that lay iti chl :t unborn -..uffer aught at your devilish hantif come lisck, if it be Curse th(AraandLath du; t wen ty tiara hence, to take such t: ,tige ae niat, shall never forgot," These words wereheard whic:b 1.114:7:,:: r+:: intended- ,'oast gtord uilibi..ll.; the p liuur. why remelni_wv:4l 'ung .11c: we.arinl; his heart ont :g r. :and. Brown was trit,d.—h , lllE" ailty c f craug%iint , 'and firing; with inteat J hill, at two of [lie Majesty's revenue ()Tv &e., and sant:weed to death—which' w con - muted tans' portatjon beyond I s for the tern of bis natural . `l." Leal n6wsza papers of the day lied " &it affecting scene in cort,” whnu I=i 4.reyhe3jod father entreated f' . 75 -: 1 - ‘..P4 47 ' ; 4 ei Z:'l' - 4 .5:1VVY" .. , l4l, 41.-*"A.44,#P. MMOISIIIIMMIIIM*IggMtVat f t h e ,y of tht, cil . i': frilclgt , ..'nrk..t; Prison• - •" 1 ' I • i for the Pat: , of hi! or ail , l his unborp I- child. . There wag a ye. 1.1 of (.. - .Leel.ation from I the R.s,lernblet.l mob cAlt.tiide; . :l•.,.,.. misioilb.-11 . 6use 1 1 - “-;Gil..bc.rt ptisliic-f.: Out. @ whi•tili that. aluiF:ble 1 pereonage. ‘ , 7.41C.1YA'.::::: , :i it c item/»e sne.,:ir ! , ..:7; 1:e reply, And in a few nionths th,... capture of thi , Parc/ by c 1. ,?. ::ver-vUlan! I.4ilbert, who broke c,p rsr,-, , .vp'. , ; gang, ck.t.:l the slot:, t -, f' dip tri:ll and the rakes were speetlil - j . 1 Iteo. 5A7 , ,,.. i;y . ..he c,...mvi„?..y.i,.fs w if e ~,n , l n r,,,, y t hi,•,.. n : ; 41113ggii . 1:;, '.',ho, o'.-: thi , ir !P i I)e' 1,1 1( 1 ;4 - roi. - - wo;;Id oft‘in avoo.ch t1,,.- ! ir '.op ;',)0,1 that ijrown ~: aUld yet , 70111'., bi.:c1,.. - . f ,. aia to w 7 m. oath.. of 7,-hich—th:lnlts I:. - . , that:leat - n0e . .. - :- roc.r. -,3 : . - -r of ','r,... f,yisi gr,ard, v• - 1,•) orig - i nu I iy over: - :oa rt i.. - hi.. 3, wo maws. A.V ith MIO nf tht:t.: 711C11 1i!..)c.: , n ki)t a co'.. - 4 - :- Apantienee: rand Iliti9 lz.11.(-1 - v trwrythipg . thAt tr:ok Km: in Illi i1:. , --01.::: , .;7.. Bel- (,ilb er i, ~? I, _. pea :J..: have iorgott*o hip. : - Ild grod,..r.:: =SEE MEND - t 1 1 I_-. ur i lv a iiei.ir.iL," said of fur $-v_ aganici light liiat :Tory The nn-cau,s hri , CI hiS t !I ' ll' . 0.:03.1d his` n .e :noro :crribt ; r..)ugla 4 LIE _; , :i.-4 -- FINT.J.I.,:D. I ... AiVlirt 11 r li . ;; :1 :-.1 ; , %Z. i: : t ri , , ,, , t ...:- ~..'? -..-..* AA -pc Q . : 4 ' , . (,: 're •..., 5... . f S i.•- .1..", - '7,.:,- , , , ;:;,,.: aT: r , E Y e wn ip zc C. P. MoNDAY Mi %Iti.;i:;f4 rr,tkc Srntu ;gym viii; It•irr;,l:llrwit 1,.-1 , 1 littrri , b,ro,•: , t:.: !h r 4 , 11. ) Ic hlt:l2lJ 1 rou: rlt, ,tri4:tlof lEa 1 1.1:to 1_1(.11E: THU itSDA 4th. nt I() o'clor',., A e.:111• .1 ifnuirtiltisi..; , -r, Ji d 0,3 ralt i..lf . t t rit3 "tir r. 3 1.11;31.1a, P 311nsylv.tnit; the entire design of ths iaw of libel ;.; to b. - ecu peaple from ,f1?-1:King• "I",a ernairiai prosecution for libel is simply in tt.a.lol to pr,ver,i, a breach C,f the public pea, - .:a. 'PE.. 17i , 4:1011, of past LeLi,:latures he seemed hava ar,t,-,1 upon the ground tha,f, a black aye cr i'ioczly nole, is a worse pubhe :Alai:llA chargetei,and have :y“t.:it., 111,t , 1 beCaUSO It tends in LI. broach of Lilo pnblie peace, Stud iortlierly, :I. ;;:S manifost that, a man v cute' :::oon , r• light . - ,-ite:: .J. tii:st,tp . i.teablo truth , : ,, af, Told about lia, !taw a lio, :be .:!Ici English ili , „ - ;:tt - ,,ine of " the grfater tho truHi the grent,:l the libA,' ww:, held r:ood, t ? , 1:-_;56', the Lc-,a:iffis.:F.Lu.,‘ of Penn-. p..yivaiiiil. ilp.,syti Ll iaw Ivilich give: , Lilo fleftlncl eni :1 Chill',ee to pftiVe ill.i [liArgi -, , , i aslit -, . , i(itts, an ii that if it iill? ptitiFla- ed good ,n6tives and i'or . i rd eL that the wa;ice winch ,no taw pro- Lb_ - s:i.ct of 1,1 - ditication, n;itty Eii 1.1 C;:i fr‘..); zhert.l)l, , be n:0)-Litit,0 I: , it: thtte. arc 0 7 : tt:1" Sit' pS VC , to b. 7. t ttlett no ntrisen wily a man Dt , ll . ishal for a hbei which he never saw. it•Llrti knosci, anLi. thing about. and in Pen var:l:. I.Lis eau be dope. it would ,1. - w v; , ....;', if cur ft LU r;_ - . - ;cralc4 pass an act. in aigsrd Li tila publicatiou a hbels, making it pent::' ifiaiter, after notice givuu, or tir,n oo pf actwell !,nowleage uf the libel. for :10w ag(nf Who rews7) per ; o:FC. C ip_., , , Aioolier who sells F. prez;V.llQii in ':;FY t 3 know tiicic eo , t. , ..!nt,,, and 16 held rekp3ll.:;ftl_ foi. evi , : - . - 1ii.... ,•1 eon :51'n Our Ftmter, is poAEk.I ii til:;ae Tuattc , rs, aux) we suf2,gesl,ltn the proulict', riaLroclucinfr a hill ifi th Legislature, uilip 2 .l.l will 4-ernecly of our lawn upon Vi: ~ 1 ... "I 1: ---:, A_ A .",; 1'..!: Iti '1" Marry legal ditaulties arise Irmo people dolng basinea.: for othai.s. A- long 4- , an +!1:4,1033e Sllit:= hw ctitploycr, his acts err as , as tietendeT. !int when diffienti; ) as the ~ , ,n rioyor, especially if ho is dis honet leose in Els buZiness tat -, rality, en deavors to shm responAbility upon his !gent, it i a mattei of itnportance then erg who de business fo:' ntis.?i a to know what their and it is equally important for ncipals to know how Ergy are bound by ,he acts of their ile , 2llte. in legal pailanee, an agent is a person appointed to trangitet the business of anothm it is a legal prinetplc thut whenever a :atener a Dower as owth , r to do a thing Ints.seit, he may do it by the vgeo..:y or inStrUllielltniity Of another. An agent may be r-sppninted by words, by a writ, ten power to act in certain matters. or. b b,p pointment may be inferred from circumstan ca If al -IA agrees to perform certair, cla Lies for a consideration, !Jai:. per;,for4va.:l can 1.. K ., eF,lore.cci ir s . 1,-A, f he cligag. to r cr.:r Eel to itiA pri - .c..pal without i40111. , „1 era. the principal ouly eau recov.r.d tg.cs fcr the nou-peiformauce of :he tlut;c.... If person is ptici - al agent:,' r' a is Loull6 by al'. bis,-;,.i t . H which 1' ,vc- tier: to the brtf..itteF,s, but ti special : .. : , ;:tley . - !a.: . i it&l.t t! , ;11.t1 a brincipLti for way . arts abler _iced his authority. The exrect of AL agcrit'r; tbority, at, be'twe;2l.l b,t Sri . ip I and. parties, it; to tueasured the extent of usual emplo„.11.:0P ; ritatio!H °ran !agent, will biud 1.1.;e Dririci; paynieut, to an agebt. !'2 the awe paytar to a principal muuy oirlaitnAan•.;ezJ the principal is cespon: sittle, in civil for the Gr fraud of hiE, age Lot he is not criminally !table for unless cell:nand. ed to do aucl , .Cis except 17i the ./14. , e1., In Pci:nsylva? .1, the principal or owner of a avv::•.papf responsible for the crm,inai acts of ,ent. We hope thi s legal ar ,n ir , e ly altty Xn ht: LJ CSUS'Y'.`,CP.,I a G. he prompt uction of Comodoro Phaiding giveu a death blow to fillibusteringiip .ragas. Perhaps ho did Dot litera4 obey the instru(!tions oi government, for the. reason that his ir.srVuetic,a6 tyc-re gone.ral wEld not sre- %.tut that Lc coup (L'l72(2:?' Wa+i s , ry. - 116truetions were exe'ke-Jed, th- ho actedi desenrc.) cledit and praise,. Tic 'Das dons honor to the navy :did to the country; lets death tAtlv; to tillibusterinz in that perturbed spirit," who, bad usrimpier, have thotizili to : - .4.117071^,C their own fortunez and Lillld no EUilern:S fOr their OWITI 1.1111b31011, be coup& ed to scah of enter:a:ifa. The vpu;e.r.t a(lLon,:stratiGn oot petit:it the u.stioi: IO I,€. di9graot:ti iy hily iireta:ll of the wril esto,l':ueci law of natiooß, and ;Inch men will 311 1,16 10th of April 18=15 targc portion of the city of Pittsburgh was Cer,tr l oyed t,y fire. ‘.,\Tii-.) infit looks at it now can any thing m ems them of that catasttoptie. One @ 1.1017(:Vi):. ..1 - ; , ,;211.1 be;.arneinbercd, and that i 3 the generoaity of our fe'.l4w , cou . n.. tr : mert in the day of our ad; LI-sit pat; drau and sixt:y•-niue thous:Ala, three !h:tuareil and eighiy-mur dollar. --the vi!ar4ry con 4, rtibutiona & nobie-b.eartcti men and; women wt:43 aistribute.ii among thirteen hon;dred and twenty-five porsune who auffered at that Ere, io the 6 , 1L13 ci.rigity.i. le Gtil 05 to $6. , . - At for each pe r non, ca- aa average.c « yfilat - 11 ( 1 L'-'%q's -Pt' Itp t uro :/.•;2 haioisome fortutle. ;_:;l7.tith4, .711/1717, 'e4htf::: !.)11-1 t. en..i,ry 1, it , tl , c C e loov arid <.-, }fir-1 ~i'1;; 1;(''..?1 to r. , !5 ,. .1tr1 cur h puoi..fu 1 , 1 tl. A p • k:," brand v. , i 0 , 21.1ri . 111 ‘Vaillcr 10 at. üble iic,curocri", 50,,1 went. uriiver,?.ll approbation , Yuile ih, ...‘ondnot f: IValk.ex i.,, con.lf-uined in plain but rn. - . icrate iangurq.:. ; R r%lern rebuke i-3 , t,iniini: , - tered tu ti,,litniccion., P;..3.ulcllnr; :.y tile di,tin guitiiic-3d Virginiari z!. , . - the hezld of the Co, :l ;;, 2 i t i._e ~ ir, Foreign Atic,ire. W , Lshington (2;-ty is iiilfA with vi6itc.r6 fro:o ail 1..),rt:, of 111..3 Ljp..i,:r,. The iron 121,:.n .ft.,-,m Fe,;:in iranift ::Lnd the cotton plar,,c,rp f- r ~1,-,-t2 Caroiin_,_ tho far-E , ,;eing Nc:-F, Ehglaud.er and the wr,tru lir:,ll3,:i bl:Cl: V; OCA " 4 1/1 an :he bluc•eyed, far hair,.- In , likicr._ , , - If New ilamp6hir,:, 1 - ,r),i. 1.•.:uii.,- =l=l FEIr.';,IJAE.Y I tr! ; 1..”% k •-• " irici.ng daughter hGre, and ania thu ft:.6thittes of t i td tiny with c: hcartiaos6 eliar.leteristio at tlit3 American people. Napler, the rirttia I%liniater. has given a party ;Et lacti...m i. , f tilt; mal - riitge of th Prince_., ~, hide. it Wa6 ki.tr.t. , • ntitli by ail tile Washington, and in point of t - , , irran - rs, and fti,shion was prolnibly uin-qualed hy any other yet given at the Among the lions of the evening vas the poet--:1 in.2,roy with dint!: a lion of tilt vines iii Fn LJ t!?ef of 01,1 F.a , Alai:4." Thu L, of the famous herd in stril:lng r. ll.id oli g..,.f. , , y, diTi - S.: T. 'S Of , : 31 - :III.: ..., 11.1 - ii".:it,ll t , L ., ttl.,::::- IUI. - :fie i:;Otttl. !-_ , : tiltie ct B !!“:I ,, fr, tb . o;:.t , e- . cr,.; by 1r...3 ~ l iliii:mt pubiic s: - .trvi.,. 11.1 vcrth rt;11: - ., ...:,:rartlt!tciing itlig:+z.i. :!*-,..... fl. st: t .J.. ,, rn.a Strict 7-. 1-..:)!'...:J , 1Lv.), i2,!-..tierel; ~ ..;,:'',u1, ; 05 11n vivi•l'le p.- cili. - ai. :i ,. 2.1"..7 1 , r,lltt iii,i kii, ii,ictOry , lii . ifi"` L114.'1 Z,iir.l; - , is g. :ipleatil,l M,ll , _ifil - , , ,. 7.ii .. ili- , i. - - , l"."':tilli.:, illdi2 - ii''. i jU V I?,:F+-1 , 1ti;.u., 661'i :tic tabors slut h: I - I,n RDA libora; the. Bi2nator thc! ~ .i. ' .1i., , • C . i . ' , Ai. e , ..', E , , itilC: d...'liZht - ', - ; : tiC , Crn_lpfiliy I.Vlili hi•• 1 .iiiiallt. • ::it. 1 :',.•:::..-i!"_rl's - -r r.: ,-, veb - .Iz:LE r,il, - -:. .J.,tej., ;iU.: it.itrcstir.i.; .:‘ , l - ,..!ii.lit - Q0 , ..c-t-: , . (.1,...,..q 1.1.1 i; i:. r f 0 i 3 IL L 132. .1.7 tit". ht:L.i ,iOl - 1, - . . liiuc,ll To Rdvanc.r., ' 1 i:, i AV V: r'3 rt . step in ild- . 12, n;.•! 1 L. our g rn-_,Lf.iGc.ure chnpl,et. ,, or their attire, in- b't...,i • LI. no•oikialiy c , aly r.. rc , g,itt,. - iuring the. nlinci Joseph the ..:.,tirtv..,::;. uri.tter, I‘ , 4itsv,lll - % in Cie Churcb ITg,i.! - Tt , , , , fi.bd cliwr ; . , ,- _-:,•uli•trities of .I,,rillont:L.,llB EILVAi:1):: , (1 it Ut , l). I t 171 HiCid t lilt ,i(i!CZF:I:ODS arrive every yeat tf: - .a%,.:::-Cit Lire to reeeive the 1 . - tleß , iiig 01 . tbiB . k..)..11;!::, aiiia cry__ Min to LLS2UMe thi, li.ad.arship Gl' thc, Chareb, as hi ilia right. Hz, is reprectited ;.:* brendowet'. - ..- sitli goo , l intel- leetuni fac.:aitiei , , and with a fair share ni pluok York 4..,10y , is siy.:tv tz.r,r3 _,latest iti the priuwoy el2.ritlori Itr 3 , .iprerue 3 udge of Pi•: ir., ri:f . lvaitia,i2 likcly to prove vor,y warm between the frik , nds cf the rival can- ididai>_ Shfi-n4N•ion.: ant Porter I..;tir;q3e, R 9 in America?. Their are ; - r., , rdel9 iu he vicinity of Lowi:u, w! - ..r!r;: Annnwt . ro , icni aro in foil bloom abuii;lr.nt• in .Y.e , s Orl,:nr. —Lord Nal4r F,,rtAT p. z! , 9:gnifik:ent Ait ... ift6. lirit.iBl) E , nbaes,y oil the 2r:lth inst., in Lonor c,f the Inarrifi; . .7 , 7•o the Prinet , : , :i Rz..yrti horrible mnrd:fr and tratA ale Red !:I'.o . 2tie, Califurnig, opposite the T'ione__ taco course - ,4;:i2e, ll r0...u. by tbe namCof John ..::r by of tills city, niurdzlrccl a girl name.] Mary an, --71io ca_iploycd as afTcrvaat, by shoot box Itl Vitt' atilt thee. ja,g her throat. gm znbs;Q:itien.tly ewn lif:_ - • !:,y inflicting 4. 61.: - . 117. F,..•:iii.3ri stab it. Ili:, !eft brc:iss, and a fiightful mortal weur.d it. , his II.• died fin? Tht: virtqlptA m n - , , 27:_ , :cry. 'Cho b 27;*, - ,ecto.l LoAke Pill more " 414:pies'. of men," on the - %7111 of F(.17,- noxt, i 5 ya illeinteEh, of Brent variety well a 8 trc:.ll:;itcry ule na half mites a ru,-,•nte —Mrs. (icorge Taylor, !ht.- Nee y r , r 7,-„ lzhq our rc.„;..c.i , u-s rememi.; r i. ruac?ad the ftlre,., ci the celebrsLe-1 b r ou g ht jut.; , Nro.rc, to epL4 - 1 - csr Rlisther .'.cif: would go I+'itk eq husband or DV, WherUpoll s;•8 dot:if - act: that she would not 11:0 with him, speak to him, write to him, vr loci; at the Judge , Jecirled. that due alight gO , V7L r; _ Presid,d J j 1. -, [,'Tllll (Th:i ti.,,,n,::13 o.c.‘i IF.juri.l Nq:::‘,..!..gufl. I, lt . i t!' ~.;!ii Tilt; 'ltCriOt - i i. 1;1;111.1,1' 01.1 It. - . . '~t:~~tr v~pi•••••.' '110::: ...,,eut .:krlitiric;al Lizto-ri LIES= -virlii!,:,ua thic h 10,i.,!,i, ,:<•2. veu,:rnbit the cyno- Of 110(V W: g,nitli 01d tc •-,!• p.ar , kaving er.:th tor 11:a ,, ter vie blra mark P5l il i ! :W 1n liPar3 -;r: P"' , , ant r.rits rot - ~r ii _T. <. , a __ _ c'C~c_=~ sy ~~. ~'~,;,;rr.~%+.,t~.~r~ t-le with her ALA husbaL.l l.~~i t.' - . •t- L U:.l g " oarit MMI=B MEM= i !be ty••riti F.: it 4isar.itii . e.l E-r.a.iiaal.: mid liver." Ur. La:wig, editit, I , T ', ii a ificiekt.7 l , IS..Ulu:on., I.ro- Ii nouneee it - ea , ,llicino I.le•izorving, the eanfidenoi. e the public'. , I Dr. Eit:h . irt. the !elding 'Imo:2o 1...1 - , , ,iei..., of i Per.. , ,ytvonl, h.ts pres..-I;be.l it frequeistly darim: the qr..' - rile i , • ^ ' ht , ' three year, with to,rited eticez.& , , iti debliit,ited ; 111 1'le at`ire i i.t, , teB of the dige,:tireer..s.7,..uts, or of the ..-; -tem t.,.e. Tit - i - c..5t wiiii 1 ...rally. .....11 - :0b , :., 0i•.3 • Too Eitatta- , - ‘..' if r i; •,', V:i• --- F. - eth- ,• -,yl • CO! filt.:ill s I u.,,oki It my li t .:11Li V.-2,1 tht-7 , !!(•r•:: induce..? t.., tr. I it,. eiTE•at.:. ete. L oy ttT.f..i., (ir”t11,1 ,. .-.lt-,:ith the _re .!•• , Jilit ccreea.,l ce ali of .1. tiusuavic..... hai.;!t,) . ot 1 rzaly it le tieing her trit,re gt ,, ti teen es.:s-th !.t .ng e!:. ha, e ,- crs. t..1.1 , ,,n." 11 . :1••:.,"J: I-130 Car. fillto afi: f.,r . e;. ...x, , ..;:,, iTof..md . 14 c.c''' , . Sc a ' ..1 1 - :-.:4 bettle, t.: ,i:r. ut•ttit,t fttr .Z 5, hy the ,oln P'n.pf; 1t....., 11"....2,i,'....,: , ... Po.ge.. ,Ir„ .1. ~ , earner of Thin - : -.ILI Strict'.:' gner.f.'!_r, =SEM hib e t ir ...., :.L rrty in Lin 11 , 0., - ;', 4TP l',ll:l)attcr 1,:1(.".. 11 i;0 , i t And differ He u ni6r, otxow...ed to no- .li;:ide. - wore pope- Thu preprittor of the 'et L%e rit Edltf;rira :if c.si :,,r;:',.l lot!, Piry Ti1.1.f.. sre iet r aril, 'die ! ,,, ) ,, ely-1 i . i'ci- . :tiviii; hilt v;,3 vior.',ld 4 , .'..i riaL- , Otirpj::l, , being alintthr 1,1.1cii., r.n.d. :be :12zin ,: [;',l_rtl.ll .- j - + as ti: - .!iiiir, ii 4,s•ttc , o tirr.c. I .l'e f..:', - .d: eoetlJc-nt t.l - . - :: - .:,i'irlso.ii,f , .? li 7.......1.11i - i suit 'lle Editbrff of W.ii_r-t...!: - ,.. 1 pii , .. - rr tii:•. , 5 , .. , 1if.•!1'..f ., t!er !).1.1 , 1 Phil9del! - . , hio ; find . ..e 'iiiiil: the !-4:,'.q , j_ of ~liff-, : :d L ., ti- IlittlaZ - r : :illl 1_1;01: 'll att• Ow vcovrated Wi• - ! , r t-r,;,l3Try ~; Woct tNII IT IT IS Dvitit:,`2 . lClii. --A'S al. :i , ^tILICI3 , n, E:1-1, the wv , ...11 Lithographer, say,. " I LR:e I;iltero, r,tid .1t varigi!, r.n.l ae bitity." 401 i'.)111 its 10itg J "I letv, ustd. have's Roll:1110. rzyFelf, and-u Ir,lmol:ded It otherc, e jist .1:10at. i' repre , *nced." A Juna:La: - . L , ,T , et- S. Citlir Kays i 'Aind Ep,,cial re for wiliet a us - I!ion!" !In i : t!ie,l, itcp,rl,=! , ;I a n froin lilLyi edit, of tea " Af'er-°,l, : in till!, Dlttr.c! I aired LI .3 of the rp?rstff2.l-tr. of d3s . .l:!efttlP4." Franui.t o:.1; Lut.i.....tf:to!.urer of Jri,ri •i lis , .: ftet says,: kt...t, 6ut;;rs Is, the best 1 - tiocii,!...n s in i 11: - .,r, der; cod great b,a,fit from Ca,: ~ t ,triach a:0: iltdige.c- ~, fJc vittd,irli- : " S ft. -21 li,Ahtud I;turr- ICIP. :WC LbC '1!ICI une CDNstint!•ti9 , !, 1;RTI)1.], 1 ;:-.:::- - 1.7:i0-i -, 1`1.7f,•.cv il., l'c;. - f - ..zn,e_•il lln. 1,-,;iLirt:i ct,:iii..01,•:.,, c •• Vii. .. ;1 ~ , ilwu-:,,,t I wh , o - ;:iN ilitC• 1. . t.t 1 wotilii ritr. - , - :o9liti 1 1,1:..i11,.. ,, Lit" .. (:411E'd 1 :S4' *, 1, 4 ; arc,tti ...1..E1.. C..: r k . . '... r.: r « : 1 P().tikadt . i 1 / 1 ,.itirj . 1! . ...; thv 1,7_ , :-- highly pazll,lll,l ,:ula , ri-cr lu a' 111 , ..a,c1.; ;;,.. ,- ;i4l , r=':l,..• .t,2,1 a , , a r , a - !...: . : 1 11, :,,,,,. Vor ~:•,... ir... , .. r] ,, , t:arr ~i ! 2.1 , 1 ,4,!,411.4. g , rill. .., , t:vight .: ~,, rii.E,4l - v....c.1. !: .:.,:ia, ,, ,3 4- - .) , : rr,...0a i , , , , to cry, iio th, , a_at 1 - 1112.ttl!le? ii,,_,wr It co:va:c.,3 :11 , 1,1ruii al s_; • :l , :tivivir., th, Ih ,ir - ; • :1”3 ,/ilP,Irli.W . , ~' 1} , i1'...,f1r iiLaj_11,4,1,,,,1 : P:l , a , ,A) n: ,- ; y ,Is. L , ,,, t,,• n.: -. ..in ,, tif, ,,,, , La..,,,,1 •,i ~._r!••-,a1,,r. (C,,ll . gid k;rg:li. 111 , r Ta1;1;3-7'; Lll-11,;• 11 t. 111=MIM T%11.1.:10-1.i . : lIUNL ,urpvrtiNg - to cote MEE tui faith is iih, , u) nit, out 'wro ,r,,d; of 1. , r. Sauf,t:l'a Invh,;cl.N.r. h 4.4Z11., a.-i fig - LI e.,saphi.d. , .., and ail ,r a ;rd Liv.'r E=l Gra' Itvlitc;.d Q., it, that :t tb 'Lk li1 , ;2:1 Dy,i,•lo;e4, rf 4 tvatit,ll l!r• { • •:G.'.'t; 41"11.1 View r., tf".7011:1", whil, L.,:4 GC.-,iIIL: lz .',l • ,1 ui.l El= a:Tit I;i7 f,;:i t,l t y thi:J LL..$ j11:3 iu In., 1. 51.7.1 T re . ;':; . ,:;:;; STA T-TrcH W. Will i - 1.6. I 9; p:.F.:= metre_ :, 1 - 120;%!2:h; :-,T. C.71,.."0.2. fi:frfli., larriQß , Ruji_r. r!,„ IiLL L 1 IL 11.7 i Iny 1): - l; 011 Satii.Cli daily, (Sun- Cc I. r at ~ _nl,i, tiT CiI_01; A rl' e •r itrtz.tii.,;:lo3ing PitL.HOZ:ARY I..tltzt 211;.:11 EY ft?t , t tlt,t cht , y too t,lty ttr tt, tretitt-Tot2; :.1 DA.Nt2LIt. OF DELAY 1. FULAIONAItY —Lo dymptott.. often mera.:eU trictilti.;.=to 1,•6- , ,,,t a daa.live prO.• itnti t - rat.!::ut It. - tt.elf t, cunt 1., Diu, t ins ',Pie b G; ice ilcatirm-- A _ ?. ri A k !f.qt-c. Atflrt a. M ITOTT & J. SW. 191 . I'..nu street, FittBburgh, tro, ;;;; S12:01) ,;) BF WIT 1100 T C 2 1r2:11.5 filizted t 1,2. Sztxt;,,,• ,71qrig!) a rat Mzucl, 14,1;335 licnr fir--Ft i. trir.c!l 02:It 1 3 1 , Ot , rivcxl. tho 112.' your j i-lerulan Bit t,:3 In Illy Puri cg the greater puittf !Alt euinnwr, ru;ag,2 ye.gre+, I.%•ith Corapta'.,it iu Ow Ivurat form, for variCe..4 rem:, and olr , cr, but 110 4'4 - ail. 1 1/1111 but it prcv€,l !. littb: I..envut., Earing a In. - ale n: German j.l:;tb-e in - 1,,, , 1!:1 . 1f -j try time, ..1-3.11.! *bl t t 3fl ,1 - 1;•.1.,,i 1 - 11:1 LO,-,. MEM co-! do 1,,,Iral;.)?) ttrat 11:3 14,111:1"3' EhOtll,l iu;yccCf , :lly,yozi . M. dsc-Lu .m.: - ; t. Plr t::. ~..., 11, Ex. ii. ri DE it !:i Ul4 T ii: It, MEIMI 7 El l s l7 - T , . 4 ti L; .-,. ~ 1 9 ,? .. , ~ F 4 i - , - iR, A H AND P .R. (; ./.-:' (.1 0 1.7 6 1 EN :61 13 ...4 L 1 , I LEe. IDP a ao i 2~~ ^t::: r: - T do ~ ,- 2 ;42 a %I q i 01 4 n vf 1:4 9 COR. PENNA. A vENUE 4- Ti-T1i67,) sr, Vartt.SE3ls7l.;T:lfii, 13. 4) F. L;EkrEIIiDGE J;L'azl,oP.,. & I ? erlfiliari i AbcTWN ?',ND CONV,ILSI:OI-: mEac ii ANTS, fTMIET, NO. Eli 1!;1!Ilt:i 'ConFio. r ,nuient.z, of an.y aucl C,4c.1 . 5 , frAcrirtion Aoy b,.7•.t u...; fitttoldoll to wit;lca: Ltnti rclait:ancbn-im ays•diately made. T.L..atilifol !or pat fav,,n; we celjr.:t a con. tiriaor.," A. aI) IV FAIINESTOC;i. 'Sc. 74 WOur. s, _iii - .‘ttil.Mr.•, - 7,1:„..t:a.: or. A ' sTocrs 01 7 i3AiiDW.A.IZ-E, Wl:kb ha ~,, ^eii - eery 11:r ~.,1,1111dr: w 111:, KLir2., and Forkr, ctud Sp. oli , and 3 Lug , Er., l,l rtnz.t•Tit of - dri,antPr's he has roe vc , l a ply Stuffdrii Ircn;gnes and r,; and Enna-1,31,A OA:',IIILES i 4 k, .17Prirzra.n, fon:ara'ilq, , and C0..--imissiez: 0: flour, Grain, 1.31:- , 1071, Lard, Put .cr, 5:2c,L,., D:lcd Fruit Produci. goriai :At; No. Lc.: bz.t. 'Nand :Ind :./alr4et, Fla"zr, Tc.---• ty, , I`ll:h.a, 8. Outhbtr: a. Ott., Il.bisk..ll Gw,4rlilge), roady, List FDJ a. C. 0., Andor, w, L'a.r.tcn MEER! Rny c 0 gour,its , PitOVEIJ PATE -CI: i s le P:l4 EGBH AND STarr:7,77. p R. STOO,E . ..14.Z'w 0 Ft. Waync kzlcletit.:akrc, B. Stock IVkilltett 'n ex. ? , y SON, Mt:3•lc't ztrc,ct., =ME t::11)7,..• . Y.➢.P !:1 tLe - it,:p.-: c.ccai , inn, c':i 71a1 f•ath- fam *ICI , :iz-,2,[...r.,:i.nt! E)rt:fm,.c.-„iStl a: by ae;a4 the .r gen i .!.. ~.1. 1 T9, 1 116, LS' II Idi.r it awr-q, , r 4 , 4144,1, 044,11. cr'44 , N. ,i) i:,..1%.1 C.: . art11:11:1:k!!...I iitlll,ll' PAYFON, JR., 1k eaCT , 0 1 , (4' L.': I:0in. ni.tv v,-t,p z 3131.7 • EMBEICEMME , • kflu , I, tin itn.l ~fz,[l 161 gqvu 111=1:1 / i': ST, 18 SS, ..:••:, A.S"i'r_l! . . t.A., iii,)Y.- P. 7:.:1 tht:.it, 21311:=11 L • !, c(aitizlPLA in tal:e 1/ k•i.l JOUN W. PA ti 33 ale), S,cctol SEEM ':f , ;. - %..:7 ,:t.VC43t., ~'i.OFßiT{Ti:f'~d I.OI.3iSTILLE, 'ZI! Hereharl =MEE P11:7? , 111- 7 P:C1 P.l ENE :::. ~ r~`: t . ~Y: ~., =EM=SM MEL;CAt. TI'ZiI"MONv (IANNoT BE C.3:NiT st )._ ,Af laraut.-6 g. 4 Dr. I,y Dc Obi.). TllO Can tilat , 3 3 Otl - .g tuily E:11: ;Inll ht.! L-L•I P/4- I=111111211!1 =IEEE U; , •r, Itj, 7 1.1 NA,t ki• :1,41 „(c.•. p-, I 11;IIIMIIII 1111111 It= u.tly ~. r:~i::uea i., r~~jo} ~~xtcl I.) C:14,1;1::'ATKI) V Elniint:3l:, al 11 PI.M.MLNO " % ' 1 / MEE lIIEMBEIII 1.1v,r ME53l=lll MEET r•jrlT , T.ti t - . 3- i..tj tlys , , NATO,_ =ME ti - sl , ll the I,:_a ILjer, wili cz Curti 1,...11 att V;ig :1;2 Erow-17,,1:„ 70: 4 •.7,;„ 11 ?7 IDYEktriviSEHEINTS. 1•1 lilt/G.1.1, 1 Pit sunr~jt, .I,:ntlary ntti, AN ELEC.:IIO . S VrQ,l . l:l••nr, npft C-r-s of t!-,0 C.0n,i,u13: for er, , ctirj, Brifigc , over rivrr, oppo,itp l'!Lt.belrg, All , ghony our tv. L0...1.1 qt., on , I..)!•TDA Y. , gi , 3 TITAW, Trea or. Ft)lj itTii .A IN tiIVi2:II . SA P:i 111,:'t:17 ili (4 Fitt,targ.it Young Christian AESoei ': Tii•l'st -I, •.9F:renitsg, ":.,I.lt O'Clock, IN TTIfliD PIiie,BYTITJAN Luti.Fchl ~"~a9~':~ Le ii: Yvnite. tsrd EV. PE) I Nereito,7; pc ITENNEREMEM qnd A.nual v. - $ll be rr•ad::inii Ulu ANNT.TA L I.L'ECTION ilv, 1 , t , i.,1ic gcue.n.llly 1.1 ~ :Iviiol to utti•nd f7 . ...NAI'S I'D. F2l7'. T—i=eture TA t i3 - ;1 4 . ; I „NNA M ;NSF - I - ELI) will deilver jz. , ,a, mt,1•0•.! 1... I.(ue, oi P.:rt.-1111'01 and =SIM I'Vel.tzleFday, Pei+. 3, at 3 P.. , (2.t0r1i s P. !: F A "i" ETT2 HALL 11;inEt4r- - .3tetl are ralinksi,a, i s taa.le fro- to all. Incaic,rin at the 111'' be 1.901,11 - led to. Ow nexi nar.10•0:LC.04101 hour. Soineihing. T` l It, P, i_TRL E 1.0 II 1.1.? CT Lill I'..', ti "•_;a AI N N . l TM!? EVl.l;:itia at um Ni.)11T11 11A S, OF THE illDll4 CITF €, pith c.x.pttrittn , rtt. - . i!.1.111 t.trtltni; any NeVV.,H , ixy 1114 :1:1- 11/0,11 4 , 111.:tr1e ,11, 11t . s at 11, , fr to IC; n'ekcii. A 11T. Doors s 1.. - at: 7 o'ctoc!: Adtui - .llon 1 .11 7 fI.IEN (11.1N1S-1.... ono' t rice. I.lt.l:tf Q EMI-ANNI /LAI!SEMI-A Nl. , i L ir; H cu, Vitt!. uud Fur.. 3. Fit° Dre Ft ., Erra,:c.i(l,rte. :=l;l,w'g, . t•it, ; t‘tid C 1,4 VOCIR INVoi ES IN `I"Wtf:IVEIEEIS - - ;STEEL S . 1•10.N& . ."!riP,i.I.'JTON The fourth 1,r,h , ..,f thi oh. gt.thr Urn of 6,lci,t Adams E -, turco, thi. :thalu , o;tited :741:1 now bo Fop, - •") pr . ! 121 boll, • • i,•,) , 10 Yt..41,1g gun,-al fti so/1 , 1. cut cl tar •it() , •l'. (If Or , C , ' tr.v.l t!le. F.,(1•• f rv:ileir, I,r, l' A PT , ' f 4,1 :1 E;try , t, A 1;.‘“, v 12,,,TEC1:\.14 SA 1:1' IL() 0:1 1 L , Aft, at 11 t , •1 t, I,trt• r•ls :17t. Fancy Fu; I AP rn , “ ol,r Qxts:: 11/11.1 wilt, tt'l I' 51. DAN - 1: , , Au Nunn AMERICAN MININti COM.I'.I.N 'fti f , ft!tY : 4 V :. - N• techt - '11::: . y 221.. I? tho C-olloc•rc:al ;•• P!ftik atro,t. pr - ,0t0:.‘0 thijoaramtolt r Wotormati t sto.re. North A.lll , dClik of which ha flt‘Chir,:(l forf , h.,l f naL-pay !Lon: of tt-sossweDt4 P. IL DAVI?), ... - vAionevr. AL i. PAPERS! WA LL PERS ! WALL PAPI;;;'!!'--Vcv. P. MAEiSTIALL JO :0.. prz.i.ariug r Wall Paper thin •:,7 ("ARNE KNITTING BALLS -I,,,utifut col:red thrz_.2,l3 IV 001, IMITEC and ttrraug;•ti as to in EQINT Fl ORAL DYSIGN. L,:dit , 4 urn invitoi th t , ;,l ll 110FIN — E': 4 , 77 14 — ;LANK ELS—Red, White, Gray, Gfttn., etc. Cht•apar than th. C. HANSOM LOVE, Poratorly Lcyvt, Eruthera, No. 74 :Ilartzt - 3 street. G ; VOU \A NI a Near the corner of Pifth, FIVESDIJRS ?A 2 , IONEY Ltrgts nuaaahlo.e LOANED on Gold aliti bi , ,TILIOULN. iowelry, Goid t‘ut.l Wuthe-, anti Eli kiuds tkrtiolo,i, for any lougth of tiroz.: a,roc.ts Cocoon of Wood street an Dinhaohil alloy. Office hours, from A. M. tfilCi fjo/.2,1:12,,:0; al APE TO oRDEit, CA LL AT C.Fjj;;;;TEI.;•;s A hrilliaitt ~r, o rtute,,l. of st;A:'ONABLE PIECE GOODS CIIESZEP.'3 lIALL, 0~~ e'•ni_ s+t 47,i' We study to pi.3o, jO ITTAII : PEA CTI K It' TISr. I?. I AT THE 011. - 1,, 0A L SLIOOTIINt:i G AIL Lli 1' NO. 2 38 WOOD E STILLY:is ~.fIt)U.NTICY RBSI.DENOE FOR REN A son,l berg: and em, , ,nient,lO ro.ru , and .. - ;11.3 1441, portico it: front. p Mblo, carris:m boure, etc; 24 acres J 2 1211.0, ± c i 1133 MeV: , I,W; i go-100. ruzalo. - horse; g•Arti2u and vornty ai irott: tr grape v;ur and swat' crnits; o. 4tows, -.1 - all and iron rnilir,_ in lion , . of the hou.o; ,ituatn at about two mile 3 from rb , - city, aml in a Tery plc,,, , zact location. Appli to 8. iitiTAILIETI'L` 80.^t, 11 .sfarkot or. tIittOMISSORY NOTES AND DRAFTS. Ipsge variety of n isorsci y engraved, lithe,;r,i,ll. printed Not•T and Drafm. for e.isle jia) rEIYPEAG E NC Y.—WM. 0. •J N ST - 61.; CO., 57 Wo43(11 12.,ve the agor.t:y Jr.. 3 , k 1" Ty 7, ent9, Parniturf., RukH any; 11 , 415 car, to order. orders • B APP L --200 bushels of a prime J.1:11; R. C0L1.1.N6. BLACK SILKS, PAgO)( and Prlnk,: French .).I••rrin,i - z. and ihr..1 , 1.4. rdr?...rtm•-?.; in Ow city, and at ..Tri low pricy, Pleso call and nee tl,nl C. lIIiNtiON LOY:2, (Fc.rr.wrzdy Loco Brothcre.) Nv , *.t Market etn,:t. V?", 0 AortrepurtizAl MAC ILINISTS. A. We Laic on hatiti F,ample of lwila Rujbcr ft): Wil , `clt Dril6 111 , 21: CAZI fq.C•lh:lted in sny at 'bort. by 3N ne: o , 2G ri f'L. (Nair strip:. E:1.113 ;itl , IBIC,LI I NG—A f.rood, sIY.DDIy or ti,t , best 1-139v , ,:n nnutufaceiip, solo T ACE LEATiibit—Of !..31T.--erior qua f- pak by ji4lol 3 k PgILLI DIA RUBBER BE I.TING.-A at,zl:, all sirs a , '2, 3 and 4 at Rub. : , .epot, 2.3 tinj ("laic .treat. .1130 et' 4 ---,--- , "'4 ..4" 'j - FiTORMAIL Ti LIE SECOND SESSION OF THE NOR- A 1T AL CLASS, fli II?ON CITY 0011114ERCI4L COLLEGE, tho :Lirec,tivn of r. ---cr rprrrE -1,• Princip.O.ui Cue !...tf . .h Patite Schoplu. will cr. , m. - w.l.ct. On 13.c.Intlay Evening, Rollguary (70.a.G., I".J.oarlay arla Thar,day lzrw Tiwtm $2 per 2-as.sion or ors T.e3ora. ja9.B 1/A- Agit' tarro No. u LaNgan. atrr..-:. for iaio. t lvrl , l:l3-:..C-0r.:1U04.1 , 1 . 17.g. A ball, tv pa:lora. r...rir cbaanla 811 d itCheTl: e. ;OA ti.l4 MZ=M 11111120 =MEM 1,1/1!1111 lIIMEEMI unit-,, Alter p .14 501 , " :‘,lrrittti, Otid Vc.rtolfzg =MEM 710, twy, t‘:. wt . ! r.n,tizf .. ~; rs,.:c:.o (iu P.V. 1CU,,,D_.,_.1 wilt be taken i. Out the sere A. A. ALA;SON CO, Fifth stn. , t MEM - 7 :4.1,:1cvl itnp:•rbti .tptl 7i01_,111, CLOTHING BEFORE YOU GO, wm. G. JoaNsiON 00., Stationur4 ; 57 Woad Etre t J. E n. Palibi?B, Nc.4. awl 2S b.. Clair erk:-.1, J. sr. 11. PTI111.1:Pn ; • - 7 4 5i land •:?, -S : ti , vG and . C.L.11 ;Aar - - - C OiAU US AND Cilir I ;?.4" t .l r PHE 'LEVEL .- 1 -14) Ai:t> Prig BURGH RAILROAD t..):11.P A NI . ha,,ting rat.l.de ,fc with CUICA,ii) N ior jc,lnt uSo Pittql.tar, - ;t1 arvi their Trait , . I;suutity., t..CralMeir,Cing I' i TT S Bil RGIE - -- - . 1 ...--,... ; ~...7,17,- ; . , kt,iiv,--._ 4L7Z. ::::illy Lt, ; " .1 , ,,q•-•, ,, . i ,! , i,•,,.., 4 , 4", , \ . i -.!, ,; beto-'i I ~, : 4 :1, • . . Mir !!..I ,, :tailL'Lf - 5-;.3 f....,...,71^Ci .11: 1*:.::-.* 2,31. f • ,, !.., 1 y , ~i ILL ~,I r,- , ;, 1 """ 1 '' *....• • I " I (t: :5 "I Vi Il •-•, :.'it''"'lki L •"iCievelaul i ::;,6 Ch ic.ii,t o, i.j::: , -•ii - ,rid.ti 1f.... , , , ,,1, I - r. 7.. i I ' 5..49 P. M. , " 7:24 " tC , .. , ..,..,1 . . t• - • . .••, - - - . -,...3 , 4:0.', " IWc II,Ivil'••, ti:44 " i . Alt, x.:.,..1x A.,4 ,r.cl'D a - .A.-, , . St,b. Ac.3ani'!.;.•,, i " I 81 `''''' i'llt‘ 7 , 50 . P.m 711, , C;;;10 A. M ,1•12.'".5 i t . H. TO,il:i mr: thnoa;: - .li to Columbus wit'itont change or mint, 1 , .... , „1„ ,, ,.... e i r „,e , „.... iar, , ,.. ,.. 0 ., ,m,. .., i.,, r Di coo. il. l i.ailat.uP , , CillCIII!P:ti, LI 0 ..,viiie, ilaire, mint at. Lamle. TLe u:45 A. 51. iritlfl _tap. at ill 14 - .t..1,L., .ttri COltilt.e.V.3 VA P.llyard trig: t:Fil.c. on !I'm:, cat - ay....7...n 1 . 41"Fi.,,i f n .,. n 5., ..,...z.1,ji.......,1,,i,. 1.b.i, , ~,,ri ,Lll p....i11t.; Cll tacit. itt -, .li ..d. t i1 , ,i+.13 voth ~ 1- I , ‘ l.! ./... 3C. R. 1 . .. far ellYilbeZ3 Val: i o..Zsd 41..,,,, • t c1 e y e 1,,,,1. ..'!th Cluvotaiiii find '3.,,i,..i0 ii.aari. r . ..;1 t. , r Tiii..•,•, i.,-tr• it. C1i:,,,i, - ,o; and at Chicago Willa al: ritilroadq it‘a...n . , r to tb t , iscl-th. tv... - -t Al 4 o. with Lati: , tthi i.: lialii - , .:‘ , Jl , ,r t:ci-, ritrilliid , „ i.t.ilito, Z•iii , i.:Ara _Yana, titti.iG - ittfirlit. The c 4 4it A. hi. ~,,yd 2 3: - , P. M. 014,„., , 1,1, ~t,I; 1.t,ti.,,,, ~,., th,, liiv,"r Lite, 111,1 i',llll...i't. lil Witei•ling ' , filth tti, il a llie e .arr,. and (Min iistiircia , l ler Cuintizri.s.ril, rar•l•ur'•i F..".••",. 1 . -tit...1,1, . aril tiL•it,ii,pti.,u CA:, - . , „At 1;..i , air 7.7it.1: t 1 1 ,./ OCII, a I ()hip 1 . , IlarOnti fur Zam•sciNE . , Circl, , vilta, !_iii,rat.i.. r, WiililiiitiTet., i•-. The 4 P. M..Sti-i2lienvilio dtp.. - irtur.r•ii - _ti•m ..r.trly, ,'.: ill Wtly•SChLiOn... • sttiovo Trr.int. wilt stop eo FiZilt'...l at the St-' , .1011 Ai.;,Dt, at any FL.= i',Wn l' , (•tv. c :IA t'lZ,Laturt.;i: : , .7.1d .11, -, : - I.,•.it*:, to I. Up pa , non - g.,(.1 - 2 going to my pota: on or bi.i.',•• , 114'1.11 , ‘ ii ue of l!i3 ti , .:....i. 'Pradiri will .ftl, - ., s:Op L., it,'::"..11.,:i-aql;4t.iS C.g.,11111. g f:rim ttlii, liroad to any ,- Itatioil belf:t•intil.3:3l..itc.r :i.i.ii Pitt t liargh. , . 1. , ..i.14,,- .7.-14 depirip , l.o 0 to Clei. - .i1i., ,- ,1. or I••iititEci. , - 2 , ' , .n1 , Ci , • , .:.ltin t•: .a C1_1 , 11112,1, • tise a:.l' frr 7' iaei 3 t , iii. Cret•iii.".;• , " i'i" , ,,e" - gt•r3 t.10,-rillf.; Lu go L. , ColtanLza,-(_2iEcii.alfill, ”r ;.-.,. : : ,,,i 3, ~, 1 ,, ,, ,i,, b ey. .. e.. „ 1, , ,,,h ,,... ,i,zi,r,i , t,,,,ii , , , ,, f a Tie,,,,. r i, 5:„....„5,,,,:14.,.. 4.,:6-, Begs t i.i i g , e4,i,i.l.,,,e)e{tkc.:e; iiii.:r,‘,.,ittl.iiiiiNtC:,l,itt.ltiohr,inTe,„,,lki,,itt p;.. , , ,i iii , i ,, i„ ,, , p, i! ,,n tri;i:i tr ,, , r . :l t : i. .. , , , t r f , r ,t e- of hit i - • ; ; ,..... i•••r Tic4. - ,•t , awl till infortovti,.iri, , •.,^l , :t , Al 1. - .P.h."4, tteneriii tatTet .A;,. - .6i.it, ,„ 7 k:''. t , l 1- ,_ j jal . _.'ol .5 %Ii ilt.i 1'....it11.1 - .:ii , 1 - t , .., riiit,,al.• - mt. -,t ~ 14 :' 4 • 1 ...........4.... - r.t - A - - 40 .'"4•: '''.,...___' ,, '... - 7., - ..- -- - t --- 7 - , i_.,.... , ,-..., - ,1, - ... - • - •• .47.-- ,-....,.,-..... 24 ,—.. _ AGEN 1 1 , BY SPEC) A. 1.4 A PaiN T, - SALE. or OF.. D. JAI - 1 - 4. 5 aIEDICYNES, Ll. , ' 0 U.' T :.7 i;-til JAYNES' EXPECTOPANT, for Cepghn; Concamption, Asidltz3. and other Poinnioar , ASt JAYNES' TONIC VERMIFUGE, for Worma, Dyt , polta!a, Oanorat JAYNES' SPECIFIC, FOR TAPE WORM. It never BALSAM : f , w „Bowel and Summer Complainm, Ohottro. Cramps Cher:-ca, ALTERATIVE, for Sut,fola, Cancers, Di:mat:es of 'the Skin and :pc:lml, Au. JAYNES' SANATIVE PILLS, a vairmbiern.tiva and Purgative Medicine. JAYNES' AGUE MIXTIJiiE, tar tho Coco of Fever and Agac. JAYNES' EINIMENf, OR. COUNTER IRRITANT, for SpralitiP, Druseg, ac. JAYNES' HAIR TONIC, for the Prozorvation, Itesutv, Growth, and Itegtoration tho JAYNES' LIQUID H.,klti DYE, :lieu, A MEIIICAN DYE, (in Pordr.r,) ch a n ge , the Ilatr from any ~ ther color In a I) , ..auiiful BMok, 110OHJE iIiEUEIT4. C Ili MISSIONIe E CitA N T AND Dr,ALERS IN FJch,l3te,',..s-e, Flour, itleatr.., PTlMillee Generally, 2(14 06 _north Third i.z3 - 1,1 f t ilit doors Vreet, PIIILADELI'iIT A; 7.1 AVE NOW IN STORE, AND TO AR aLzc.rtrn,-tt of Llorrirtg, th,,y Till at loWatiL iOar P. .--11au,4, 1:“tr-1.1.1 4 , r r.)1,1 oc cutnizis:iEli. Litr4.mp I: 13n:., Wm. 4. Cu., atit;_ Bill'fiiLTON...t. 7 .E1741-1;141.1i1FAIIIIS aTak Prret :14,1 ztreetz, 5f.:112 gk, 'STE:I.M EN'TiFNES for Grist , r „1 N :t.) Ord 7. ft,/ 10.1 tl'e InittiUt , t'it/rr tiwit CelL brat,d T0k.,18, Bud, a ur.,iug I win , . tiro. 9 R , 21 . 0,.....7f1L1 .tirtlLlg Mach:l‘..e, Wn.u.:lll; lollt - .,3 11.:.,:Lcr1, JAS:lytl Go Alt a SEE: GOCtR.GE P. WERTZ'S Firo. pre.,-,itain allapil Factory, co 1::‘: ANI rr4 -1 110S.ettiC, TO TiIEIP. VENITIAN Iit.INDS. oC thy , titEtt ati.it elaborate lintAi, it 1:11:1 it to tlytic intrrtnitit to t.ttNe litifore iturclianing elinwlattre. sly ttol ie 11 1' lty tit° best inectianten Glut upyozont.icite..) Every a:ten:Job In e:lvett to ate want.] of Pilitntt 1 , ,w. At! ,worli wt-iitunta.t. 7:3 Tanu.):!crK.t. tebtv:gh. :21!LIFIT D .1.1 . 11 Th 1,1 1 , Ci.rannic=ici.: and Produrii N. , I,lt,ity nov,L ,::&1',16'6 W_is;k,.,'',;iji,;',,ii.V:l- M. 3:: U VAC'S lial: P.. or AaAtii'4.9l_ll , ojl, l '_ 11 7 f.v4e1 it;T and :70 L..;e,Qond alzt, LARD U. l'Ai,g, TOILET', ii ND ROSIN SOAPS Woo.: strzet,Pl,f isht:Lurgli, •-• . COLD AND STLVEIt SP . ZCTACLES, To 4 j C U ritICE2 H Y I) It 0 ai u T 1.7: it 8 wi:;hiuG npirA., the a;t:1 ever brol;;;La w this cay. ilLE1'LIONIT:TE11: 1 AND BATONIE - Irv:ltt.!, var; lttg It, pri , , from POC iiET COMPASSES, AND SiiILVEYOR'S COMPASSES,: alrin3 , 3 on h G E. SHAWS, fre.cfwaZ Op:icinn, 58 PifOt ovl.B cpv,-Lite hall 1.. C. iIEPaUIiN, AT LAN% ANT) CON Vi:YANCEI!. I N F IC,' E- 1 • s.lnlnny ta , 11101"I'3, Ui." 51f.:17/"FIRLD ,S;rfet, A IF!; RESTORED. _ PiIiNCZ , ON, Ps, 2 , 3 '67 . _ . Co.: 1 have been exilingyour Vo. , :etallo coa l f,tun , l nine months, and I , ll:7l.teitsure in seating that it ix 000 Of ycot li,vitiieg of the lol,;;71, avid vuu of the la et :,%11,41)113 times that I have. 1. e,ll fsnr I.9tiles of it to c.:2,1 cf !any 0!1! 31) wife't most ~ I,2epiy ailected—at night eh Pat.ll,lted With sli'kult.--Litit abte to ;sit up all day—p,mrc.. ;e able to ,alk the room, an,l chuld not. n.rm fl. teen Willi - Plea at s time. In .eptemiwr, 18511, 1 pro,:nr.4 foe hot your CuI:WWI/ILI Rad:lila boa since taken Over onodozrr. Lot .a of it. But what nos it not don, for her She now sioec di her own work, ,ct - übbing and te....vinr, family. ABRAM }'or sale by ttgo. li . KEYSEI-i.„ And J. P. I:LRAINci, Allechony - LP vilti - ;;TO imPoRTER 4.; DEALER IN Tr t.c, 0 ‘)11.2::.1.1 IdIAUL9 t Veloo;i __rest, boZween 33f~rste a.. 1111 C Y a