Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, January 30, 1858, Image 2

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ii::', UUI4 rcybU:tr: sio.-v.—CC Tr'
fv.trnii tvntl: —l'. R.
TS: the ear 179—, sop.,-,e five miles from the
phkeo ;!here I am now Writillr;. jOhr
Brown, the of a sul,stuntial y , .'catnn-far•
mei, anti the hero o, the ;ale I atn
to tVil—n fine, jovial, open-hearlutl •yetmg
ilaiL•w - was Ito thore Imudsolncellofigh
turn the . I .4Lacis ol t:iu giris within au
:Iftt.rook.tr': tick , of his f:%tlier' , snon.•vst ad
\\here but for hi. 4 r iicss eu.ititu of any td-
tied mode of life, he might. perhaps have
leading a tram - 101l ohl age. But
the life of a farmer had no chat for him
"A life of eseitement lor inc sai.lthe will
ful young man to his father's teumostranoc ;
not of vour hum-drum, stey-at , home, fire.
Fide happiness for Jacli Brovm." And, so
thinking, he .50011 halld of siam-glers,
who at that time infeited this coast, In
those days smuggling was not only more
conanon but disreputable than now.
Frasco hais. almost ciend to lair trades; by
war, those who Isonired such fripppries ii
and fts like, or such creature com
forts as Cognac, were they. stud
ied economy—to buy them i n the cheapest
market and this was in the hands of the
smue,glers, w, o at that ttino formed no ineon -
sid.trable prilpor Lisa of England's inaritnne
population Young Brown, who from his
childhood hit been use to the sea. in a short
time from tim opening fif this
by his energy and aptness for command. elic
ited worm preises from his brother siouggier,s
and was speedily elected captain of as " rakish"
a looking lugger , called the Petr./, as ever
baffled a King's cruiser Once in every week
or tv.o the P , ird brought in the :ouch covet
ed musilas and silks for the ladies, and the
Cognac, :lwirl leTds, who, how
ever much they tepreliai o smogelers
atnl - .inugglins• pshlie, ~..d not In 'least
objection to beesnis purchasers in pri ate of
the fir lower rafts than
ihry could purchaed them o f the f air
trader by law protected lcad recognized.
Among Brown's intimate companimis was
an old schoolfellow, who had joined him in
ids contraband ernh , i . =s, a man Or two or three
and tw:mty, by name George Gilbert, the on
of a gentleman in reduced circumstances, and
who, having 1/C:inl wild at college, to which by
his father, at great personal inconvenience,
he had been sent, for he was a youth of prem
ise, in expectation of then doing something
goOd for himself, had some months returned
home, and growing tired of family reproach
es, and having too much spirit to wish to live
as a pensioner on paternal good nature, had
joined the adventurers. Brown and
be were f riends, yet never were two men more
utterly dissimilar in mind and body. By the
aide of the genial Jack Brown. the quiet, sat.
urnine George Gilbert mole a poor figure--yet
there was more in bin: thou a stranger would
have suppesed—as the smugglers disnvered
Stern in feature. with a face whereon a smile
seldom beamed —and then it was a smile ruor ,
unpleasant than any frown--with nothing
xenial about it—cold as moonlight—a smile
of mingled bitterness and contempt, George
Gilbert, nevethslcss. was emphatically . the
brain of the Pdra's crew. 11.! it was who
planned for others to execute. Whenever a
cool, calculating spirit, a keen eye and in
domitable pezTeverance were required, George
Gilbert was the man who fmnishe:d them ;
whenever a dashing enterprise was to be car
ried out by a strong, nerve, a reckless heart
and aniron band, then Jack Brown was trus
ly "Jack at a pinch." Little wonder then if,
with two such men banded together in one
cause, the Petrrl soon became famous for suc
cessful cruises and hairsbritadth escapes—or
that l er STCW, who were all bound tog'- ther
is kind of part:non:hip, soon were in a way
to realize a handsoluclirclihood by their riefl.
rions practices in spitc. , of the revenue.
Now, although it is by no means my into s
thin to dose my readers with to much Etliti
mentality in these veritable chronicles, still
supioss .heutd b e issssenioL; whelevisr in
terest my story May possess, by °Milling - such
love matters as are necessary to ihn F.tory'a
Let-nu lie brief, however.
' Jack 1 7 ;7, WI; woopd won as pretty a
g . rl as eves., worst a contraband silk areas, or
:issedaSanoseme young sumggler- Kate
.'urn :s. it was like'' ie surmised at, lee time
t -lat George C i !best --though h had never
feeling of interesa when B rown
flounced his engagement to his lady love--
h 4 at one time b - esn suhor for Kate's hand.
S , arida' said that she had net treated the
ong man fairly —that, though she had up to
certain period encouraged ins addresses, the
Too - flint Brown appeared on the field she had
Clef kited Githertin il:plt!served—cur,
l,uNever harsh and iniamiible in other r•srek
mi ~ , ht have hesu the character of George Gil ,
t,5 ire loved her with all that deep--'1 had
NVC I nigh said—stern attachmsnt of which
Such natures—and such only---are capable.
Jig: t Itefore she had formally declined fits suit,
be Intl lead a steadier life, and had
if shif: would only offer hint an 01-eet in view,
that: he would go to London and there make
use of his talents to retrieve the past, and
brighten the future. Bat, no---Brown WFl`,
handsome, dashing - , young sailor, 1 100 1 •
tleorge was a man destitute of such 4s.4ntr
ges ; and, consequently. was like many a bet
ter man by many a more Icelish girl, jilted.
And s , .t, like a man, for a time he
bore the blow in silence, awl endeavored to
the best of it. True, she hart dis:eived
him, and then as coldly undeceivod Ism, and
then given hint for his pains a sneer and his
cos_ No matter z pride would enable him
to hear it, and fur it while pride (lid.
One evening, as he was alrolling 11GMCWalal
along the ell', he saw the two lovers, Brown
and his allianced, sitting among the bushes in
a loving tap-a-tile. Having no wish to ploy
the part of a ; liszt7ner, ha was turning away,
when he heard his name mentioned. lie had
been more than man if he hail not paused
a while
,Mes. - involuntary he listened ; and
soon verified in his own person the old proverb,
that " listeners hear no good of themselves ;"
for Kate just then telling Brown the issue
of pour Gilbert's unsuccessful suit, adding
thereto sundry facetious comments of her own,
which went like swords through the heart of
the proud man who hoard every word then
spoken, and never forget or forgave one—and
Jock Brown, with a horse-lau , h said, "Poor
~;. ~, ~cii 11 i 1
Devil I " till he roared again. Little thoug:ht
fickle Kate l'drness, that pleasantevening-,
of the fearful consequeaccs that would ensue•
from those foolish words of her, spoken, after
all, in merry jest, but taken hy one of the list
eners lierce revengeful earnest—little
th,nght she ho‘... - a alumina, had alienated from
her the felthful heart that had loved her fur
years. 'Little thought Brown how his coarse
laugh, in which there was not the least parti
e,e-of illur,t,s. ore, ha , .l severed a friendship that
had existed from childhood between himself
and Lis Old schre,sl fellow, Gilbert[ turningthe
f7ienil into a deadly :neinv deun ward
Nit it was so, Prom that 'hour „Uilhert hated
Va(e and Irovcr with all the intensity which
belongs to tmiporainents like his.
Still, Gilbert anti 13rovin sailed tog•ther as
heretofore, till ona day as they were cruising .
oil' Jersey, a few hasty words between the t,vo
led to a quart-Ll--idows were exchanged, and
the c,olLl)atunts 'were separated by their crew.
I>ireetly they. landed, 1., iiiiertdeuniud,d sati
fe.,tion on th , .• spot, and 11 - .. own, alter a few
well meant but vain attempts at reconciliation.
took his ground and F;eot his quondam friend
throui4h tile arm. At his own request Gil
bait was left, behind in St. Iteliera, and the
1' civil sailed home. His wound. which was a
simple flesh wound, rapidly heated, and frum
that time his connectionwith the Par;!cs
ed. But he had loria;?d his plan ulleady to
crush his-hated rival.
[TO .1 . 31 , .., CC,Y.IINUra;.I
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ing ti c 3 ^9 ninCh ft
---t11“3 , cf the W ,,, 1/ingter, eorrespon.der:ts
of tho'New York ilendo', l•ftyS that Steidniatt and
13atk . s 3re alv-rn piing to'
ell out to WenfirJl for
230,60'). They (-3riror,to po, , ition to lee
wort! , , tr‘ot; tivey :lot it type or
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Undcr the pre.ent. Incthod of the adminis
iiation of Police Lew in this city. personal
Pherty is less sacretily ~gar'th in Pittsburgh,
than it is in St. Potetsburg, One of the
most valuable and sacred of human rights is
:tirnost daily disregarded outraged in ur
midst. It is and prope=r, as well as le
gal, that the criminal, who has no respect loc,
the rights of others, should be confined, both
to prevent his farther encroachments upon
society, and to punish him for the evil he may
have already done = but the system of ~srimm
ary conviction," and coma itment to pri,:on
for every mine' glade of oiihncs, which has
el,tained aiming our magistracy of late years,
is a despotic power which it is contrary to the
tneory of our government and institutions to
entrust to the hands of a single individual.
Uurs is a land of laws, and when an individ-
nal is to be punished for a breach of these taws,
!t, should he done “1 , ..ga11y and in order." and
not according to the judgment—perhaps ca
price—of auy one man. \Ve are speaking of
a stem, and hi what we have to say we do
'riot wish any magistrate of the city, to consids.
er our remarks as Personal or invidous. In a
large city, the magisterial duty is tine of great
responsibility and he is not a good citizen who
in any manner interferes with the proper ad
ministration of justice; but there are rights
of the individual which are entilded to. respect.
Each day we see in the local columns of the
daily papers such items as " Coin witted ten
days Cot-disorderly conduct," , sent up thirty
• days for vagrancy," and the like. Now what
do these thidga mean when analyzed. We
will illustrate by ; ome •nctual occurrences
1 which have come under our own observation,
°milt ting names from motives of obvious pro;
1 priety. One night last summer a young
I countryman came down the Monongahela. as
a hand on a fiat boat. Landing - in the middle
of a warm summer niht, and being a perfect
stranger in the city, the young man wandered
along the wharf and finally lay down under
the - bridge and Went to sleep, He was found
by a police officet and arrested. He was ex
anitied bey ore a magistrate, and admitted that
ho had neither money nor employment, and
was committed to-the common jail as a vagrant,
for thirty days. His oficnce was poverty.
Another: A few Months since a sicry worthy
mechanic of the Borough of Birmingham : ---a
quiet, temperate, industrious man—came to
Dirnrold inataCt on Saturday evening, to
obtain supplies icr his family. ilia basket
.lied, he went to omnibus stand at the ear
ner of Market and Fourth streets, on his P 3,
turn home. A netv , Aoy—one of that pertina.,
race who. Prctszt their sales at all times,
and places, and under all circumstances-- ran
under:his feet as he was heading his basket to
the driver and prevented him. The youngster
would not get out of the way, untwith3tand
ing repeated fetitiests to do so, inCt the man
quietly placed his basket upon the pavement,
seized the peripatetic newsvender by the kg
and arm, and " chucked " him down upon the
sidewalk. In turning he accidentally struck
the boy's heed ogninst the vehicle. Young
America yelled as though the life s depart
ing from hint, jumped up and ran. to a magis
trate, made a complaint backed with sobs and
tears. An officers was sent lo tirrost the of
fender who placed his basket upon the omni
bus, and like a good ,Utizen proceeded to the
magistrate's office. The hey kept np his
hoWling as though he had been half killed, and
the facts were admitted as we havcstated them
Here., if there was any oileace:it' was that of
assault and battery,and it was the magistrate's
duty to lutVe held the prisoner hi answer at
court, where he would probably have been fined
:4X . cents and the costs. But thit-. obviously
legal course was not prsued. The man was
Lyn-omitted to jail for thirty clays: 9<cr "
ocly conduct.' At this limo this man Ini'd
a situation at thirty-live dollars a month
with a. family to npport, and could have
given any reasonuble amount of: bail for his
appearance to answer any charge which might
he brought ago.in;;t. him. Lie sent to the n3ag-
istrato to knew what his fine was, but there
had been no fine imposed ; he had been " com
mitted." Finally after two or three days
imprisonment, the matter was represented to
the inaghtratt in a rather different light and
the prisoner discharged upon the pap:
went of a fine of twentysavo dollars and
costs. The old French lettres d cachet."
could not have lieen more effectual iu depriv-
ing the , citizen of his personal liberty than
such a course of Proceeding as this.
These commitments for " disorderly con-
duct " are the most arbitrary. things in, the
world. The term as made to cover etizry
griole, of offence. ! We recollect to have seen a
man discharged from iinprisonznent on a hams
corpus, who had been sent over by a magic,
trate in Allegheny city foi. refusal to pay' his
u-,zicr rent. We have c ee.n slander cases, in
which the District Court alone has jurisdiction
tried, adjudged and punished before an alder.
man. W hate Seen scores of cases, where
the clial . g,e of false pretences Las been made to
collect an ordinary debt, (about which perhaps
ail extraordinary quint:., of lies had been
told,) where the defendants have been impris
oned most unjustly. We have known houses
of unfortunate and degraded women pounced
upon - in the dead hour, of the night, when
every inmate was asleep, and all arrested and
sent up from fire to thirty days aplece.for
disorderly conduct." We have known an
ignorant and drunken servant girl ejected
wit bout force from a respectable man's house,
and that man arrested and taken a nrisOrier
before a magistrate and made to pay costs in
advance before being discharged on bail,
which he tendered. We have known mis
fortune, poverty, rni.s.represtintation, aud acci
dent, as well as vice and crime, be the
cause of summary conviction end commitment
to jail. It is unfortunately the poor, the
ignorant and the improtected who suffer most
often tram this arbitrarily exercised las.giste.
vial power. Those who have money to employ
a lawyer, can at least secure the right of trial
by jury, if they ccc charged with any offence.
The upright and honest magistrate who thus
construes crime, or vice, or immorality for the
sake of bringing a within his own power of
ultimate disposal, , undoubtedly thinks he is
doing the public service, but there are certain
legal rights of personal liberyy, to the enjoy"'
meat of (which. the veriest vagrant in the lend
is. 61titlal, and that magistrate le it
id 8cc•1,1,r.:
~ ....i.V.;:c.i.;/.1,;',1', 7.. , 1.1.1. 0,,
duty wiT , o, without caustitking Ifiturialf a
(7easor (11' pr:blic victrals, crbey, , , , . and C'T.ecpt , , s
Ltie laws as be"finds ttleroiand does - not,
attempt to prevent or znak.c. Irv: to mc.,:t CL::StL,
which may be brought before him. •
4 ; L . ; i - ] L. ~ 7 It S is
furnish ffihiply to-day the proceedings
of cr rather extraordinnry case of libel insti,.
tuted against us by e?ratuable citizen of West
nioralaud county. We will shortly pay atten
tion to the rueritsof the case, sine:: it has been
brought so clkisely to our attention, and ens.
deavor to resmie Iho repdtation of is wuch in-
jtiroi hoz; from oblivit.o.l or Inerit26 contempt,
inear we are forced to personalities we shall
defend ourselves to the bitter end.
IN II CO.NCat . P:47I:3 :
Hasty legislation is aver he appreciated,
but we think that no one 'will 'ckny that tim
the present congress, is a "deliberative body-"
it has now been nearly two months in see- I
and except some joint resolutions rota
ting tcthe pay of members. passed about
ebristnias time, and tlic bill authorizing the I
issue of the new Treasury notes, we recollect:
no positive net. of legislation which has been
aceomplished. The greater portion of the ,
time has been taken up with spe, , ebes,--
apeuches- 7 -tspeeches. There are a great varlet,
ty of subjectS of urgent importance which must
soon be acted upon, and some of them demand
prompt action.. Ono of these is to take meas
ures' to repress the rebellion in Utah. if the
army is to be augmented— a necessity tvhich
exists, aslde from the diflienithis in Marmon
don), it should be done at once, for the time
for making preparations for sending reinforce
ments to oar army in Utah is already grow
ing short. It is time for Kansas speeches to
cease for a while, we have had our sill of them;
it is time for politicians to " ret‘ . rom theca
labor," in " reading each other off," or in em
barrassing the administration.; it is time that
tjong;ess gave at' last a portion of its time
l and attention to the public service. Let them
do so or the people will hold them aceouutp
AN old gentleman. who thinks our modern
system of edUcation . , somewhat erreueous,,
paid us a visit on Friday, and left a paper in
our hands of which the tallowingis a copy. The
writer shows that time is wasted in filling
young heads with the learning of Greece and
Rome, and seems to think a good practicalEngL.
lish education more desirable and useful than a
superficial acquaintance with the writings of
Virgil and Homer. Although his views will
doubtless give offence to cleating parents,
lea - rued pedagogues snd aspiring-pupils, wear.,
inclined to look upon them as sensible and
just, and therefore insert them in tit:. columns
of the Post,.
A ler: ay6 tiller; I fouhd hiyhelf in au OM:li
l'ltiitig t !2. neighb , :ring village. Jo pubdc
Coll'i.-y ,11 , :e..•4•0f this lilud, ail excellent eppori a
dity is afforded for observing our fellows and
noting their . paiolis.riti. On the occ,asiOn z,A
11).LiCA t - ), :C:.t...3.1 illiGlcittiC:t.ttly opposite. - we 17fre.
two blight lochitg girls of fourteen r.d• filli.:
years of ai i ...e. Tak , y had f.,oolfs in their .hattii,
and rfcrr., , oyi,iqtly rt . :turning from school.
A mong ;h e l l ; b oo ks ? I 01f2.-rved that eacli had A
copy of Virgil, pr4fkil lit the original langusg,.
I vorture.t to itrsitire into the nature of their
stuillt.s , , airtl was 4 - ,..tch t,rridll‘,l to hear tlrot.,
~,rnutig othor dfilicrd: licittiches, not a little 4
~ heir time wf5... gat
sumo. lfuoWleAge - e; . f the uncient titt6tti(!S. -
.2tl - ,7 1 - 11'prise (I . , ;:tt?', 1 ass «! that the hub
pinkbefore tire re prefumions,
.oiliervis , 3 their
p. , cr.2rtl-s ad tea'Aierft.-v-7cmid n o t, a llor l th e r e to
;,)ursll , ?. .5110.):1_tti11i.c.'2,.... 1c..: , 1'e.0.,.1ab1 ,-, infernal
. ,J.
. .
,Al%ile,l ft: ,ev,;
iy 3 t UI l.
i r timo and
itt!ompit.ig to tr:t.n..4lAte the graet•Tui
iii - ntonious t,;ierra and
ti.i. e.ut.:liti ri4LielienT, aril pri:siuni.og somewhat,
on m:.- g,i - tty triirEi i i ... , .lo , .'ivarieed yolrJ, I iii•!ked one
, :if i.ny youthful eoliipiiiiintis if she as .th eleeturos
of Dr. Blair. Erihe repli2 that weal n.i - v - or t. - icitld
illein---shi.:: lived t i.-..r VaL Of ton :A) g 0 in. 4
Liif . !ii.! Or :lie oilier I p... , 1i - ed, .. flow iilally pi..rii4
of , looecrli aro t..liere in i. 1 1 ,3 'Zig:Us:li lanigliagi. , . ?"
' i]ieve.), 1. thhil.i.;'was the r,.i.iswer.. I znaile :bi-:
ci±.ary corrergley, when she repli!..,;,. ~, ',1,2 1 ,..':1 1
ie.) yo.q're riWit, tot i 9 fo:i 1.1.7 . 1 g siaeo 1
.ii tidied kin,glish e' i re.iniaar, tlißt, I'veorgoiten all
abont. it. On foetlior inqiiii-y atieo ,f rtqineii th: - ..t
:h0r . ..0 little girls rrest.oil 1...; , :0 l_ii - iiiits i.lai! . y in roil
di:ring good 1., , i1ia io It; abominable Engii.sh...
aught 1 if aiy y nil friends at, e igtio
rnnt of their native toNgue,, their , h , roe , :tio edo
erit'oa ha, 11.4 'verl entirely neglecti. Tiny gre certainly abio to y_ it, to in prepare
rieA, for ;:i” , :er. 1 was .gal ii mkt:lke th
?`hey nool.i.nnt darn n u,ck or inn: button on
not boil au egg
or ,00k ov,rythiag pnrtßining
WC . ro prOft3u odly igtlorant s :o!(.1
to id, lint t,d)ort-zdgditod pr. , -nts ~ -11
avaring to and eni!iv, - drt their
were liegiuCting ttioi bey!.
krl, - )Wie,tgo, sicieli, through
!- I)v1IihI
i1011:2;lit 0;:u J.dio b:/ii a Idate? tlaa
it rnalte a pudding or hem a I.l4ndlieloilief, or
comical a rent in my pent. loons or tdoekings?
Cu.i. Lelia emo!lth iow, or bYrnlribize with
me in my misfortune, prove o ministering
angel when pain and anguish rend my brow ?
Surely not: Why, then, consume time and
waste health in acquiring :diet which ie compar
atively uselese? remain 4;noratit of the
duties which belong to borne, the pelf, - trinamie
`cr: renthira life delightful? The tyrant
Paahion [Sett, ads it, and it 19 sarotiened by a
custom more honored in the breach than tho eb
eervrnco. Beye and girls who Atould be roll
ing hoop" or "jumping rope "are ehu! up.
in close rooms end compelled to con Latin. Gram- .
mare and translate Esup's Fables, and at an age
when they should he ecquiring the rudiment., o f
a good English edneadon, we find them racking
their braind in a 3.!!..i:- a!f. mitt to rsador in intel
ligible terms the noble productions of-Virgil and
When 1 wee a boy we. were not permitted to
attempt anything beyond our capacity. We first
masterad the alphab et—thenh armed to open and
read, and, as our minds e:timnded, our otudies
wire eubrrged. Now, boys and g'xis begin rere
they should end, and alter acquiring:a superficial
knowledge of the ancient elmioic.s, must, in order
net to appear ridicel ms, go hack end study tko
!anguage in which Shalt:Toon and r.tilltou are
iamnatal. Vani tas VCliiita:tuz I Oiunia vanitas !-
LCorrclsp . ondrnce of tile Morning Po,,t.j
II AB - RIF...BURG, ‘TatilL7-7; 28 . , 185 S
Ti.ere is an insigiaifizaatly bala !. amount. cf
17Ork before the Legislature, up to this time,
POUT'Sts, ro eqimlly cm.ount tram.
acted. If the "borer's " eecupaiion isuot gcno
it is beesabii it has cot arrived. This elites I may
roullrk it this CO:112C tion 33 DC+i, rA numerous ns
in former iyeers; and those of them who are
lire only stay for a few dvii and thun loave for
a time to di j uni up business, It is rather up-hill
work, andH will bu unpiaditable
the man p4s the borer for his unhal
lowed serviem9. If a bill COrrGe, it will pass
without lin:" of that kind of levurago ; if it is
o wont ofti:l7 in the two houses, as
tninetitutrilthis Wiater. I'our oa-Idgetion of the
Loliby mcirther in the Pow a#a few dyeidnos, wan
merited and made some a than squirm.
Julgo NVilkins in place bill this mo< i-
ing i 0 3ne4rporato Oliaaba Iron Worl.ts of
Allegheny county. it rec i eircs men to take out
a hcenso 14 only one place, 1: , ; ought to ho the
case instentl ollztsvina• it. ambit - plot:a no it is
In the !louse, Mr. Iry• - in prmicntod two peti-
Cons—oho ';from cari.!titt of :be citizen - 10 of Pitts
burgh, rud anoth.ir of property hold ere: in Mad
dock's alto-y r —split - Jet rriiitming of said rdloy. Mr.
Pm:ter, is petition from the Board of Trade of
Pittsburgh' fur limiting bault tiivi.icquis to 8 per
cent, and the eoutingent fond to 10 per cent. of
the cspPlil : stock—thus ... - mstsining the bill the
Colonel 'introduced flill€s tiieea; , ,o, which I no
ticed. •
am,3 emceesF.7l , l lioueo, pcsaed
not.a . .:=t rt the Rr6G « cc- - ..z.ntoti,
rue zounty, to ae6 eiZomt yeare
b i_isning bP.Is of cro,diZ to that arnoutzt ‘,7ithoat
littimm the, o. , ,..noplitin,Lioll of each 111 , 1.
E tile bolscurzli chezc, E W&Em T.:latch ef
6 cent of - . .. 11;s zot
~S',:-..,,1..1..•;':.;'. -' 7 :::-',A
noo;ubly, and itt violation lel the public weal AllirAlh CdL Tv.ir l 0 1. 0 - ClitN-NCY 2 rth CONTPX`-
titctr;bt. Governor I'llc:tier, and therefore he YERTE,ll.—'ono of tt. , Moot 9.tlrtlib,4 ue) tzt..ta of
svar. ef:te lanssage to. di e up- 31.'L , 414.6 Verelifot I)y ,o , :Atli 3;;:t;,1., et
the act. He will have to exercise his Trumbull county, Ohio. Tee rtes yi. 4o -17; 14 ...i1Y
jitst eight in this particular often, if grouter eo.re who Lad t , i en r..tsy tick raairr rtAus, and hail ce,noutiod
is not taken. in passing bWe. Ott the question r. number of ii`asi,da , o:, h.et treat it :it out.sof Pr,
whoilior the Vf..-to 3licul , l be sustained, there was . L'apsu4 utmi. i s , Lirn,,
a unanimous vote in the affirmative upon ft Ceti', his ti; at 0 Vio- , ci Pr,,lap•
Of the y: .s and : lei L. cortotti-iee. tlict
Timre. was 't uica little Kaneos opiende this
afterooon. Au opposition men - doer from Craw
offored 411:3 subject, the pre
amble of whi,-.11 was couched in nearly the or . ..act
...rent; of Secretary - (lass' instructions to Craver-
Witlizer. Oil motion of Mr. Calhoun, they
fate referred to a speed'il committee ef three.
liere wee. howevi.'r,econsiderabl:- manotinveriug
;et thi-in etc the second reading, that loom
might spited thomselvOs in a speech, or a
iozer. perhaps- But it. failed und the vote token
did not indicate any thi, in their fever, nor any
thin::: against thoin. ' P ANT() N
number of the ilro%7n9viLle is nea,
peelni‘ra l , f
." Jevillishe talle walk
inge: r.reently took place up the Nleuon -
vietu:d.ti ttue,iiiiito.iiit , a 1)y her hti,barei,
, A3,leab " deer," giotatnetleett
t. ilc feat of vt:tlbitig OLIO h.:tilt-4.41 miles in twouty
a(u-eetiti Lcati s ; which, it 1:: the p„ceoin.
pli:e(l,l l .th , .)ugh we e,orir;ii!er that part fsrithewhat
Itnt Nlorulay rn3ruing ;pout
~.Ic,ch the " the fast Die "
track - : frOn/ h !e.tviug tt bv;ge un
pabl t g.tve bet " big
pail. n,i I,ft
--TEpt p. - ,;:o: houo or P:13, - ;:tte - C:-3.rmty w F w,
datimgoti by tiro ilst „,.•,:k.
—The tN. .I.uued Ekiu of
hati. ro,utuid work, braing scoured tile
f.:rfL i'di , :zonfi 13 , ' , fit. This yard WaS
the 11,1. Mon.algslioliL to quit Fork ouing
to t pre 4.,ureJf 1;:o tiniod," sad Iu bten Cue
t tr.-utue.
- - ie pl a ying ft t . S t . Louis
lad of ilinf,tr26.l(..:lT-1 £1 "2 lately married,
the tt ,,, :n of Cll,l,:itt View ; Mihscairi, to t rn,•id=
en f.c the tip.. , ago of 4avettly-e;ght.
Patriot enutain: - the
folkwing :—"A correspondent tn.
forots ttt: that ;lee: (Medial) Smith, of Fre:n(4A,
wr , ll known in that vicinity act a brawling Kansas
sbricker, wn> o» Vitatilcallay last brought hef , ro
ni.tgltrale charged with triple crime upon his
ciatightt,r ; „tind en testimony of his tv ifc and
uig ht er , w a s cc...omitt e d to j•til to await his tt iai
thc nest t•tiln of the et iminal court."
C 4 A.,+ tN Lt 3 UTT A• —C:; len! ta has recently been
lighied With gas. The etnet oa the natives is
thus 'scribed iii n. letter from the engineer of
this gas caret.any :.-L"The nttouishment of the
natives was, i , etleed, very great ; oven among the
_otter infortned the inquiry was, •Ctir, will you
be so kind tots tell us how. the lamp burns with
out it the lower orders, there
is a`_+ or. impresiiiiin that it could be made to blow
them all up ; that ;he Geretteor-geueral had a
key at the government house, by turning which
he could at his biltimttre blow up the whole city.
At such a critical time you may depend we did
not take the trouble to disabuse their minds of
the idea; indeed, we rather strengthened it; nor
could we get a native on any consideration even
to touch a iamp-post, for fear it should eaploile.
They are now, however, getting more familiar
with it, though the lamp ligkters are Am follow
ed by a crowd, especially when we light.up a
nett' street or district."
W.I!AT IT i* DOING , 1 , 111, Schueb.•
mac, Esq., Oho woli Lithographor, says; " I
have frequently used Bolrilavr.'s Holland hitters,
:Ind find it invariably relloved indigestion and de
11.ov. Samuel 3aber:eli. E:LjE , : " I found special z...
lief from it::us=:, fors severe headache, with which I
had long F.uworod."
J. W. Woody:ell, Esq., "I have used -I.Stor
have's Holland Bitters Myself, and recommended it
to othbrr, knov-?ittg it to I o jOct whet it ie repre
Aide-man Jonathan'.Nozly, of Lorer St. ClAir
township, says , :"ll.).4Vo derived great bonotit
to 11,3-J far 1 - 743Ar.e=-..! of the Etsll,aCh and illdi,7lE-
.3111:. 711. ttrph: r .: , tLys : " Artt:r levoral phyPicitois
ha i Bcerhave'e ITollattd 33itter, - recatwed the
pain from my heart vud side, tlriEhlr , from indigcs
The clltor of t h e Kittanning Free Prezg? says:
"After one ei tha best physicians in this place had
failed, Ficorhave's Holland Bitters cured me of the
worst form of dyspepsia."
Francis Pena, tbe only m - nun:Muer of Ole
ENttact of Co'Seo.," 6;1" . ...y0: "I know that
your 11,illsmci 33 , CM-re is one of the best 11,10tliCiria3 in
the world for a disordered stotrmch anti liver."
Di - . Ludwig, editor et the PO ; 4 7 , CT, 13aliiiiitre, p7o-
I , VII7ICe: it a medicine derer , ing, the confidence o
Ih9 putaic
Dr. Ehrhart, the leading German_ physician of
Pennsylvania h:,-'pr,:::erizood it frequentiy during the
I.7=t three ;Fear6, with inarhed sucipee, in debilitated
ita(e; of the dige,tive org,ano, Cr of the system gen
ally. -
The nanager of 131:'1 ,, u'E Vinegar Factory says:
i Wised it myself, and was theroforo induced to try
effects upon my wife, (troubloci with the great d.
bility corn:nun to nil consinaptive habit,) and
, ealy it is doing her rnori+ good than nnything
has over taltan.'"
Caution!—Be careful to ask. for L'f.arliaties liaad
Riacui. Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5,
solo Proptiat“rs, Benjamin Page, Jr., Jr. Co.,
rumor of Third and Sinithticld streets, and Druggis.ts,
(en orally.
Pevellerated 131reath.,, and
coroptexi,ol; rear. Lc acquired by ading tiro
" it-Eiu ni zi Tlt , ,u,tod Fiutor::." What lady or trnticrnai,
runaiu under th, cort:o of 11 disltgropa:lo breath,
~ 1 1(1 icy using , toe LAIR of n ThatlGalld .FICWerE" as a
would not ouly re.ulitT it nuiet, but leavo the
Ullitv no iliate...lltOr? Many pors.ona do not know their
breath is ba4 ; and toe gubjoat !Tao delicuto their friend,;
4:otlll.ll.l.TiCr mention It, Vowt,re of counterfeits, Ito sore
it; sighed I:Fatuous ,t CO., M. Y.
Woodland (.;!....corn ,, --A Pomantle for
•:,elwkifyilig the Int:kr—highly 9ttprlor to any
Yronch article: iniportt.o, taid for half the price. For
lailie& hair, it lai.s no equal, giving it a bright gioasy
ppoura:ita. It cuiiiiN• gentkinen'it hair to cull in the, za,i,i;
iaanral ittana-r. It nintaver dandruff, alwisyn the
Nair ti:o 1.-liii:frork Price only
tiny Cs‘ab. Mono genuine union signed
FbiTii.IDGE a CO.,
Prolvli , 'lora of the " Ralni-of a Thousand Flower-J."
Whoitriali, and retail ogt'!ute, heiollgo %Owl, No. 2:3 Wood
triet; corner Wool and Second; W. A.
oppoeito the 'llmitro; joaapli Fleming., cor
ner Market street and Diamond; ilreuu F. halter, corner of
cud 8 Clair; W. J. nimbloritery, opposho Pat
'aim; Dent &Miner, Muaonia lan:42:lyds..v
at every Drug Store,purpertiug to cure all disease nameable,
inch advertised as the very best ever known, till we had
lost all faith in them all, but there Is ono exception.
We speak of Dr. Seuford'a Invigorator, which came to us
ecounnended eo s cure for Liver Complaints, and all dis
eases arising, front a Diseased Liver. The testimonials of
many of our Phy-didans in its favor, induced as to try it,
ucd now conviction in certain that it is one of the greatest
loot , oings ever,r,iven to Dyopeptics, for it made a complete
urn before the first bottle. was taken, and now we can eat
anything catabis withont trouble, while befor othiug Lu
he lightest food wonlii ‘ligrit, and often the. gave pain
New what t:e want to sae to all our readers is, if Liver Corn.
phiint or Dyspepsia trouble- you, clo'not fail to try this the
i'rei4iist remedy in the world. je.l3:lmdt.,w
Will ;lick tYilce at:
11)1 Pgkia utreet,
Where they /nay be consulted daily, (Sun-
;vs excepted,) for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, EROS
t,eted with, or predhq.eaits to PULtiONARY DISEASE!.
DV.S. 1T1.V. , 11 J. - . SYKES feel that they cannot too earn
,atly or too frequently admenipli invalide of the RXCF.ED
eynaptouni often teem co trifling as to beget a iLdrtilvo
la.dieg of safety even while disease - is mating rapla pro. ITORITAL
cre , a, and the ratient =glean himself till a owe is neat to I
MAL CLASS, at the
ijr,de r the direction cf
- 1 )1
Office Elisurz--i) A. 21, to a P.
No charge fur oortsults.tion.
A list of queetiouswill be seat to thocc w!shing to cooeelt
uc b tter. Adcirers .
DitS. fl. :M. PITCH J. W. SYKES,
je.37 rent: ntreet, Pitteburgh, Po.
Ciair.2s , 2 Um Zr.;,
Cliri."s - ,11, J., Much I!, 1855
it - is-it is with innch
tvrs in my fatally.
~thearC, a tor 11511, of
niy sien,r. , i, , ,od two ye: , r.g. w w Ecvertly al:dicta:l with the tit - Jac LI
Coutplahit in tho wt‘ret Conn, for which tcarion wrno
diei prescribed by it'llyFdcian.g and ethers were used, but
with no nveil. I also bent hum to thcccuntry, but it praced
of but little , b,nellt. Ilaviroc a bottle of (Lialiall tore in
the house, I wa3 perts - aade:i to try that, which td my astc.n
ishn ant
1Z7121.1.7 Cira=l ttru. He continual to t.:lte the
come titatt afterward and be m 3 healthy. I Lava
,t• , t7entileacce in the Dittero,nr.ti faal no .hcs!tetiott
Liu fatullsbe '..71t.LC•:,!.
To L:. a M. JtA-....L.-tun
For Ita7, - 2. '4,3 i'Lln_il ..',.. , 3 Inc..-. ,:,d itr, ozo, if.. layaui,
hi- , . 1' .EL'Ut m e.iter hraul... per
.0 'LI preVaika t ;V, of Dr.
iermilrtr , , pr.pst.•d by i'ilt-turgix. This
hl,l P.m.,vi2g from her or
the Afbr rho them, hor
ba.lta taonovol:.‘t , ,ly recurir.d. satco married, rod
c.mtitonea to t-ijoy var,allorlt he:attn.
et:Lk:lin. D Vll 311 rtia ttr,d, ri,
;:;!102. ct Pittsburgh, 1a All V,rmiti , ;;(,l tr. cuir:
o:tri.m, are Ni.,:ztttle-ELi. Dr. )11,,zo's gi:mtluo Virmifago,
L;vcr Can . at ati re
that I inforritp on of
k,f your C.‘-rtuar.l.l2l.t-
121! tH:2.Mwah'.
ff- , -113 - 3.ze1..7,1.1.1- , p ibis r., 5,.1
viLif.L-rd nor r,
:wen itkiitrod ',ld dyom,
ch,.: bi,“Arfrll no,l
Ar,do aotl ,olt!, or :A.
I) F.
'7 o r: l q .1.
NEn ill'illESTllS2lifiTirt
afi..4NLI'CONOT L,SeitEt. , MUSIC,
TUBS:DAV EVBNING, P,l , runr2; w c t;INEV;
THE VI its - r VTISt
r111 , ..1 crunt 1t.3 rich o,ll' citj
,sue tht IY.ill at th"... Kuno timc, :.‘c.utrit , no:
ta5t.,,•,,...4.1,1 to :In °Wort viol! woi thy tivir
I cENT:f!—to ht. r:113.• of tllt city
[Houk: atorea.
I)4oriiopen at c;clact—to ~atatencr.,
C- 4 PT. r()LE'S LETTER&
Tho Nationai Police GazeLte
The Nat:tonal 22ice Gazette
IBUNT Z.- ~ fa A. fl rat ,
4 A F , ') NiP ITA It f.,, FIFTH . ST 11. ELT
Forst by
jr.S .it
Colll4iting f beautiful cok, 3 thr6att , of
'ma ac arrahged a 9 to emhiblt, when knitted, an
The Ladiea are invited to tee them at
julltt 7: Mute:: stre,t.
rAILANI\ELS—fIed. White, Gray, Green,
Yellow, Plaid, etc. Cheaper than the caeapee.t.
kormerl7, - Love' brethem,
ja3n" No. 74 Alathct . ahreet„
A bzilliant ashortmont ,
weedf .. .;l4.Lis:TEws QOTFIIC lIALI,
Coraor of Wood 0tr....t n.n , lDisniorl .
W. Staciy toPl.2ase.
NO. 3p, WOOD
El T
_A. 11. lIIIKrrif()P..D,
veid Lectuz2", th'a
(t Q.Lt
rYENINU, Ft-hatr,ry EXCEL:':OI:
p`div,• - sr:pilis . " OF ~ :z.;;i0R.7.1.
CENT;.;—prr, , _ , ,d... - i to h., t:,
ItEtz:ll).iNol4] POR
‘..) A r.l brick .Iwonit: t t, I?..r;: ! :ct.-;
otpl iiitelion, wide hall, poilico in front, ,:-,rod
atabit., carriago te; 2 acra of kind, 8
dow; a goal tmani. gnrd.3u and sari. ry of fruit
grape N 11 1 ,3 11E1(11 , 1'i:tali frnii.T o tton, wrtil and 1;c1.:
in front of th. , tpAtre: e.itrot;., 9t t/.. , ut two tzti:o.s. from 111-:
oily. and lil a :try Appi; t o
4113 1 :111:111:T I: 1;10N, 4",.1 ~t.
pßomissuit!,73- NOTES AND DR/ 1 ,1'T; 4, .
aud 1 , : -. 112:c.,11.;' , 4: 'Ft L - 11: for s do by
•;pki AGE ` I NT y rd.
& co., z..,7 31.w0 tino for
Lnenz & Brotbere Typo, Ont 9, rsa inrnitur.o,
Cute, tto. trv..1.1 cut to .:tier. ,:,lore 11
tql .at man', tlizt.r.utp.e rricoq.
YPP LTZ S.-- 2n b tizthe,is of a prime
...L9 quality, j rcrel4t,,l &ua f r salc , by
j t:3O MI.TANS.
red Printre,P cncL 3l.v.rinnia,nnd fib. , )bestneP , , , rtmolli
in tito city, arid ut very tzli mid
(Porimrly tare 13rotin , rq,)
I.vo ':; 6trei t.
wo hay., ou baud 140.11 Rubb:r
f,yr Wheat Drill:J.. Th c , itt ;J , 5 ferniailt.l is any rlnan tit
a', short .1, W U. rri I J,LI2-.4.
J , 12.0
N 0.3. 'Zr., and ttii Clair
E.VI.IIER BELTING—A good supply 4,f
th. Lfrbi rn mauticaflurr, Eroo 1.) , V. by
TACE I...EATIf surictriar rittstAity.
.4 nr f 3.1! ,".41 J. cz PEI L. LI Fa
T \ DIA IttiBBER BEIZPINs;.—A iltrga
steel;, alt eilt`A., 2. 3 o.rol t p;37 thkk , at inn indh. , Rub
bor.Deprq, 23 autl eltir
V on TUESDA.I" I'vbruary
rtielitat, nt the Cotani , rcialle.al , ,,Q;l3,, No. F. 4. Vil.th t,
rill 'Fold:—
•' 40 Shares Think of PiLtehnr,„ll.
10 do eitlzeue'
14 do Tana C'ty Dunk.
5 do Alli,ghPuy
20 do 13,%A.0rt) lealraueo Coalimoy.
ite:o P. ' , Si. DA VI
Gents' Furnishing C.,luods, Cloth len,
No. 83 Wodd street.
THE subscribers respectfully- announ,
that SHIRTS made by tilorn are guaranteed to itt;
will Le forwarded to any part of the laden, on receiving
the parties sending the er.d. , :rs their personal measure
ment hr inches. esx.turding to the formula given below.
Remember, the size must bti carefully and accurately
taken, as all necessary Illiowanec,, are made by the cutter of
the eftablis.hreent.
First, Size around the neck.
Second, aronnd the wrist.
Third ; Size around the cliest, immedietely bylaw tl.a
Ftnith, Front the raidato r chouider, lougth of nrm
Rj - tit, Height of person, from rboultier to the knet,
Also, any atylo of Collars made, to order, by the dent cif!
.r sending the style or pattern.
This pian is utlo unique, and Fill bo of groat value to
orntlemen at a distinct), who find. it impossible to obtain at .
home Shirt; to satisfy them in sift., and fa.
Also, on hand a full assorttomet of Shirts of our M%1311-
Planer. Any orders 11E1(11 . 033rd tons by mail, coil he promp•
iv attended to.
P. 8. Please elate by what conveyance they are to be
shipped. 1. 111R511. 1 2.M.D Le SON.,
ja3o No. 83, Wood at., Pittebargh, Pa.
/Ai 11
1 0/ 11/
fl 0 )
-- I
• A 7)12-rirf
1- g
Principal of thi: Fifth Wurrii ?DIAL: i9cL,Dik , , will cerDir- , ncei
(in Itllondity Eve:l232n - , Thcbr nary Ist.
The Clazi en illenday and Thtlrciloy
przingo Di each re, l;:.
J ~ =N'• ~____
•.-•'`.7`,..1:,:r Sri:-F:on:)fg1:,:
1 11 P2 7 71 1 f : % 4 ''' Zji A P , 11; 1 Y)
AND BCOAD GIST BOW 17.1: lOW on azi:ibitb -, 0,
N. f. 3 troat, Pi tt]bar,tl,. T.7 - aiar , i3 iialany:a•
meat and far cattn: „la 'Lint] OYEZ
ta „ wor:!,3 ca an ontinl:•, - now
and eZA7l=an;.• of gala!: as wit!, fcrtilizt..r.l at any ?...,-
alrotitaidth, wltb. rogularity ant or CULIC.7.S »s bc.•ib
tained by Et ed warlzel
r.•ona edri - io all rt , . '111::: .«a @w:l. - .li nr..t. - any
worlizrar. c-tn ror.etruct it, and al , a prfro
Stwie LI:11 Cote.;:f elp-41.1 rzfLoil".z , R
J^ Izri J. D712.7.t:...,:.
na CL'
ft : {) : ,o FE.:7T of
e1 4,1 0 4 - 1 4 , Pj PT: :1110 17-Jr
ir<Jhols E•r=l -1 1 whito
. - : ., ,' - i:".5. , :.'.•?:' , .' - ii . ;',N,'i,
P: F'.i is
gl - ay uz or d, c
t t
S. Ci. 301-f.:".STON I. -( 1, ),
,i;t..,tioll , ni, C.7.',V,:cil ni.rtfr t,
3, T.
2(., and
J. Z.:
?:%an `...~0z.
ltl7 i':2:-; c;Efl
.. ~. C
_.::~___- - - ~. _
Pi z,-,•Sras ...1.-7,T,
tii, WA Viii; AND CiiICAGo feint u..+o
andlto,Uvitur.will rug their Traills d3ily,
MOO It ; ; V. j!it.uuty
1,-,AtL. . LrA', Z. , Ai:air:. ' ..P.r.rvz.. it.r,a , r - z.
i •
.Ch.cianati Expre- , i , Pilt. , Li.rg ,, , 6 eL , .1. I.!. li t-übcarilir,lhlti A. ' • . lei)l'aMLutl.s.2:o r-...r.tinci'til:ko42 , V.:it.
Clev , laiel .t; 1 Jails
" ' "I
1 , 1 1 :45 " iWiicill'tzl2:lol , attiClovel'aztil,:;:f.:Z., " IChicago, ------
191teeltint,f o:4a -
(lincitinatiEictir, , : ~ t'.:. , 7; ....- t.: 1 ,if P I , 1 L.
r, •11l P. LI t, " 71'....2 1 t.. , 1 , 111.101i, 1:::.• A.:.s i Cirtinli ,;•;•!,0 A.3, - .
Stott. Aceolu'tit,[l.l " •4:1,,i.) .• lWol!arillo, Ca tii " i !c. .t 7:60 P.m!
The i3.:00. A. M. and f1:3.1 ,:',. M. l'riiiii , run throne- to c..l.•luutbit« v.ith:trit change of cars, rftalt:hg, i.s.ii, rt cot.n:ctioha f.,ir
Lay to Iniii,u.ipena, Citi.'inuaii, 10u.9 , -ii!e ; t:-.1,-.., un.l pft, 1..,: 1 1.,.
'ill, 6.-IF , ..... M. lft•iiii. ,t, pr , ut ail ,-..t It. t:., zol .1 c. - •,uri, or-c:it .`ilvitrJ witli. train to T.uacar..: - .v.te ttiithch for Ni.,;. , -; f , :.1.11.e....1‘.1.
Pbir, and , ':i Point , - r 1 th:a It'isil• ~-“, 11.1.:, -1, ' , lit. it- C. 7.. ..t .. . C. It. lt. for Cuyahoga Y.tlii :nut ...ah:rori. At Ciuvelircil
with Clocel..iiii h.n.11:,.h.,.1.,1..i.,;:ri: foi -1:01.,k1,. 1 /rtrt,it ....1.1.1c ,•tr.; out at Chicago with all railrea,l3 I , ..eitht.; t'... it-, Nottltt
.p.e,t Asa, with I.,titte su' e. itiniri,at7 fcr Ern:, 7 , llu.iiirk., raffle, ltiugaransilig, anti Caoada..
'rhe 6:45 A. Al. and 2:35 P. M. Tiuir.a zi, p at 1111 . eatit11,1 Oh ;' he hirer Line, and ctonnert at IVbcoling rtTzh the thiltlinero
,03,1.0a.i0 Railra:ld fur C1zp...0..criar,..)., Ilarvt,l , e, Fray, Ilaltriulre. Itila Wasiti:lgt,2.4 City. I.t 13 , ..11..air with. !la- 4.2, utral 4:! . ..iti0
lti.tirc.all for Xlil..4ville, Cfrcieville, Lar.caster, I.Vilmihi.,ton, . tc.
Th e 4 .P. - M. titen'ociirifie Ai:octal...oil:Alin , :tops at ill W.i.:.,,..i.,0,,,...
I' i.e ahavo Siete.; , rill ',lei) en :.hte at of the .It..?..ti.ah .1;,..en i - , at arty etati.. - in between Till.t.it
to titol Jtt',...;
u p p,,,.30fig,r3 :,..-plu t i. l.•.)1; - :y p , .170. as or b , y00..1 the iuP.` rlf thie it,..r..d. Tr,iiii3 -. , ,111 a!sri ~top to ii.,tru
fr VI tin.; I:ro.vi to any Etatiou hetwern Itecncat.. r ...lel Plit.hurgli.
1 t' ,, l'''flgor , " l•ll'' if i ,, g . l." g"t" el , lel•ll, Or 1- 0 - , ; 11 f 3 L'Y' , . , :i 'f , '...',1.;270 r: i Ci.. -, 10W , .. , . ?nu!! ::.S. ' ; fC.7 :r1L,;,.....,7 r::: C t Li ~ ,I.
is ai.,,n,,er5 ,I...viring, t 0 •',,-. '::2 Gja11111!.ille, ~.i '...Ci41.0:.t.:, t r i=•: - . !. lii9.. or rpon.ti 1,..•:,,,,10 cot a ;eh E: N i', :, h-,:i . li ill, l/4024. ' 0.!4 ,
Vor r fc. l ,, , ts rid ,Y4', , i7th.:;:riFre._ 4, -- -, - 11ag. ,, 1f4, cl., ul--.: ;:.1t3:1,2!: to :111 prinrul.• - ti D. , ;r. , tg, ittiti tritu.,fi.ur ,, i ft. • i•l •:',,,r . ...._
For Tii,ii.,•:“ :Old all illli;r:Li.iii ,, l l , lippiy to S . ±17.')",.:.:i: ; ~ : s I zR iN , at th , , r , c ,....,,.....,,, , ,, , , v., , , , ,,, str.,,,t, ii,.;,,,,.
If. it, .P.. - YElt. , ., titmcr.a T.ol - tot A. , :• , ut, C:e, :....e Lja:Ull
JA!L I - 1. -' FA:t'iilli zi,p-ciar,til..iit, Ci , volunl
—.., _
i`j'iA P E ••• 7E' TA S . ' ::i ...11..1.3
A VNES' ES.P.I-1(.'1011; NT, for C0ug!...5., Acthula z.utl ot..hor Pulinona:y
JAYIN.ES' TUNIC VER:'.I.IFUGE, for l9orer. Dyr , r.lp6in, Piles. Gene , r+ll
JAYNES' CARMLNA LIVE 1r1.1...5AL1, for Ituwal atol Stuntuor Compittiniz,
JA.YNEL ALTERA rivii% for 6or ,, fula, Cannra, Diezzos th,:. Skin and Vic.
JAN:NES' SANATIVE Altnrativa and Pargativo aiedicina.
JAY.N.E;-..? AGUE .MIX.TUBE, for the. Caro of Po:er and Ague.
JAYNES' LI NI,V..E'N P. OF couNTBR Ilt LtITAN I, for Llprains, Bruso:.i ;
JArx NES' HAIR TONIC, for the Prossrvation. I.iituty, Growth ' and tho
JAYN ES' ',NULL' .11.AIV E, aloe, AMERICAN HAIR .1)57.8, (in Poivilr,) on.-111 oI rhi c h 0 1 1 , 2ng ,
the fr - ),o any other color to a i.,..!,tatiful •
jr.9,m-21, 1 Eli:
ZIX: 0 51113.A3111111:it
C:ieese„ Filyar, Meats, arad
and 20G IP:arr6.
14.',.1. Aft. more Tait F.trtzi,
Pill LAWILt-211.1A,
PAVE, a full it,:iiortitivnt of Mack,-rat,
iierrtng, which .hey will eliArcir, of at the very iow, t mar
13arreie , 1 Port - , or r,tltvk
Proauco GAL, u in exciringe, ur on !.',ol.lltritiLlioll.
Junlot! I;rutlier,
btronp 8 Uro.,
Win. b. t-ini
331 i
JOS. F.I ihli .Toz S. 00..
24 N EI-3S A3l .0 C a iv; T
Curner First a7:l Libcrly zireotz t Piltsbto,y 7 :,
-0.,.11 I- 1 E RIOR S Et itii ENGINES for Grist
11124 Ewx Brewerie3,
nauuhl , 4,44 - . 11,4 tildo continue the
I::tltilaCtltre their CAA-braL4 Tool 3, such as
Tur,ivg Lathes, Iron I!!,..ttels,B(.nug
4x. !am, `Alth
4 .:441. 1 ) AilSiD SEE
GEOR. G- E P . %V Eitl! Z ' 8
illrgi nreirdazirsi niatd Factory;
El: itiliD AND MARK ET .` , TS.,
Li -
?o t , with V !,:NITLe.N . BIaNDS, th o ex•pij
eite, and olabuvt.te firtbti, wni and it to their In terorts to &v.,
we a cull `eAore puiv,ll4:Littz*, work in
by Ilia beat awb iice .Inot Y?prolAo,%) Every atteat;oh
given to Ow v.o..ate Price4Ajl work
v2.-Irrarace.i. i•lo. TIIIRD PittAb.argh. rnlyaas
17:3 C P l 4 TI) L'ZELL (JO. ; ',Viluiez , itie
1.),t1.).rs iv Prothn. nnri N.
,s:*A:yi::7 , ;fai .:i'i'd2._`.
- .
9.0.14 ,3
CcAG•tvaate f.i;:il.:irlTt!.i and 2.;; -- avz,.s. 'all,
N 03.. IG7 and 110 L; , ce,. - i - ad :ztreot
11-3. C, 5.5.
UAL - N . ; DL i.. 1;;.!,
P.A.f:141, ri:OlL-1,;'.i,,
i9o. lqttni)cargit,
:Jr c , ',gb its:- Let ntt1(.!..5
bfi.fif;itZ to t-. 5..;
.4: fliCii....lk) tiETEMi AN P 1iAP.0 . : , 717.171-;:1..',
, cry.' rl.; - 11 - 1 prici.:- frt'in i•:f. , ., , , , ,, ,, ::::;) E. 17.11.
Al 4 D
a= E.
:5 1 / 4 Fifth .S. - re
epp c...
r.3;ti‘ nic
,:, - 1.i...;ay, on Lana v, t.
L. C. E6EI??.-stl3.lN,
a , rso: , ,sk.:v _-ti - z LA. W A :n) cv,Nl,7AyAisi::!2ft,
0 F
lilo.!. , ;itA 7 , 7 •'• 4.; I fq,:t OTl.'ll,
.A'o. RC? 0 ;-:,if i'l'fri../:.:LD k"refl
0:1.1" tho cgriHr
I'It;NEYi 11t , rso nod rao - 01 EGANEb on Qold
.12d (1.1.1 and Silver IVtitheg,iir.d
All kinds of VAilli.‘l4.ariv,k , ,, I,egth of ti no ygceen
ql.nr, 7A. s]. toll) P. M. Ija2etlyria
4-7 s
E.! Co.: l 111tVe 6:4liLlg VVel, ,. .tabb , Com
pour: I in i.hto ;co - , :tbout DIIIP inunfLA ' and niwooiro iu
that it i 3 ono of 03 , mot eatisf4,:ory tOr
of iho and ono of Ow ru ra1.,;11,16
cinch tht*.t. I have. I - ,•11 to t botttos of it to coo of ::ny oth
My loifu'e inn2e were most the ;;3y affoctoil—.lc night the
!..2 , ..t.nrafna with ewue.t—notithn, to situpnll .111.y-Zecnine
able to va.ll-3 - acruoe the room, end cuuhl not new filtunn
Lifl‘ited E,pt.fMilbOr, 1858, I pro.-urc-d for her
your Compound, mni ehu ire; esllnf , taken uvur u. dozen Lot-
Ivo of it. But vibe.: ho it not done fur her: Sho now clued
..11 her own walhiug, Fe:rubbing for one
a tll3. ABRAM I.IeOUItDY.
For Ealu KLYt, , EII.,
Aatld PittL'bra gh
uiow. J. P. i'Lk2.:lll.lll. .4.11e7,12ct1y
IRE Gi t x • OMES r i l k
7 ^
eloii 7C Wood titre ti betvinell
.alit Ff.;llrtil strott,
• rifn.tctli,r is now J.:let Lt7zrirt
Leant of foreign and Lionnnt:c 'larch:7:lre, :LH new, aaawill L'
or Lia gev:l terua a tiny other itonno in thil City.
ill ,Ilwaye keep on hand a general aEsertaiLut of
i. ohich ho tfullyittvitui the attention of 1... , 0hLt.'
IGalil72. ROPS n, n ; FITI.n STaiallF,.,
I g At
TO 1 3IG LOIN . forrner-
E. f , r2. ED.; W, No. 4t;
worill x , „:::pectfully aute , cut.e LJthe 3:ll:tge sing; cbir.-
riuttity cad public; 111 ectier.:l, that I tuat, this pur
chuted of partner, :lir. t, and
cz , ...-17 ea.:bc..titite:,ll::tllit::lou.nclib int the , utabd,
Di=crui bliey. Is ci,Auging ha ban:of thirt
and co ::ell csaLHlbtartui:ctu*.tr.:: celt.tbliehaon,t, I uti
abre a- public uo efort my part to ,:e
scrre 'brott , y my. pretio
2orinsylvaDie 1115?1Tti3.1 4 .3.14,
0.7 piTTt-3Bußoli.
53 li:':.razzia ctrec.
J. I'.
norly l'atte:'.ori,;
IT. IS, I:1;1:771,1z;
I. Gri: 21,r07.0.,
C. .A.
A C. Szr...pc*n,
0.1.:,;. - tered 'Fs3OO,O 00,
=MI AND MUNI: RI (4: all dc - z:-.11:.L1c.::4
Y::-cadet:--1. A. CARRIEa.
C, ::::.:4‘.: Wou , tt..1%,1L—ti1:.;,:,
~.._._'•ice=,_.,cd, _
11 thii fin!: cl: ..-',l-.1-11 : ~, i ir (irrico rill i)o on Cho iie.c.,rl,l
,I.T• T LT, .FE D. JO3 !-i 9. 1i
.I',.;ed. for
Vsg o
tkVi: fratt.VatZtA,s4k-V,,
•' "
Pittsl,3' 11-4-KP'hti 7
j - tIT
r~T z;
=are .1 . 911.1. D. ZASLW.II:" 7 r -;"2•34-17,r,
C-Ivrattn IC,ltun,
Budd iz Comly,
i'..4.1 . ..'i1. , -11'4 ,
:t0; - 3I 'O,Al'.B
.. - , 'A
G. 3.
J... 1. I
, 1(.1 H.,1 - . l . pte.n
Ilt-,!, - ,lt. re.triLk.
'.J',..• i",,,.
1.1", NT . PA:II2, JR.. :.-. CO
LTh -
ir s ' T
N TIT. f*,, S"2"ebity,, , ', "NO_ z '.•. :ei.FT It 1,TV::::E1`,
11 , -.4 SU .- Q,.z.k...1i, Cl],
, . FARMERS & M Ei.; if il Piiiji';; 7 : -
INSU it ii NC P .f . '-( - ) liiii.'A. N -`k
N. W.COGZ;P:a .5:co::n ANT. 1 , , ,1ALN - cT ii.,::,
3 . 3 tainti7.ll;llo,^-•
Itzittriuut iotlitg.-Tint,d ,ttt
an rf tho er,!;ii:, , . y to jittm3ry
ed in 7047
roininanzi rectil",:d uarirti tt
ino recerabor
d Eithing t!to cuu.itit;
Deceakb,r ISC,7 1t) 55 85
Intoroat G t LtrioJ 8,d45 6:3
receipt,: for tho ycq:r.
Paid Mr,rins
ntitl "
rv. - Ailivicl,.; v. eh e.):npany
K6z; c,f a';
and Uroorld l.onte,tv..;
Faro.; in Ne. , . - ;
Dofor:::o4.1. t,
Cash oil alp, t
I.'ecm. B .l:alrt...7el:t!y L. 410
11110 tha CuLllpAlly
Vac, th;J kr,A4
plea am 1-fcre 1113 eao%
with a ric,: , Lticltioa ifn.pert
a;we, of p
This hag entered upon trio to d Yau of its r.s
i.Tcar.tco, dtiriDg e
to.l'ol - 44 jiffy t,:t.vo 3 34 , 1 0,
huge:lva ti,ot,s,zuz! ,qual i!,
re=p+.s,4 1 , ;•.1!4; , ,...1 to !h., very
flu - , name.; and
tls Cal -.fly lug
it Ot Old r to ltr.J
. 61.41 pefer;ni any 'lit it'll: n - I'.lo May r:1e11 to /UKITO
M. Engiu.3l.l,:aur,citti(n; Davla 6.07.." /I,
Jelln L, L'i,) , ,vr.),
chAut; T. ‘s... `ft:co - 11;1'1,m..
.7 , )erc:“„nl..i; (..11r1
11:c ' et I ilop.Nt,r, rcloint ;
J. VAL, ; ;
[1!1; .131: SOO Pr3,f !thITIA, 3 Wm.
..+) I' Jtlil!1
I fan , . 1' , 31 , • . 11; ;Um 1.. 32,,,,,ac C,;
d'l„'.l '; D. C Ch,tll.-2.
130;c, :30;.;;.r 1., in(.:
Ce.1.111 - 4.ny
JitICC 21Cr,t,at nntt o,..:roriso, to ;
11108. ...I. .1 - 11.1..2E11,
,11 , ... •
2 II I ~-,
+-.) ..Li 11
«.1, Ail ; Fla ''..::-:: 51) 72 A 1• , , i c u.,
L.:: 1.. -
INLAND ISSUi";.•,.;';:i.;;:.i
•-,•• • i,
al; Uaz•ift.
0! '
Iltnu ,-,77„
c .....
Iteceival , l,3
(241 A Cr bard
in C.: A.s,, , z.td,
ia r t)::a:.; it 5 7
othz: (lu, rnpany
I•:utc.,2 100,0013 GO
Wllliaw %art Pi, ; .),..;“;..-4 M. 1.19,t , '.,
Jim:Tit IL heal, I l'iii-urihilr.; Piiiiii.,/n,
.ii:.ihniani A. e0,..-.1,r, I ... • . _ ,
John C. lia"cil, Vi'iiiiini , . i.j., , , Jr.,
Joint It. ki - Tiro ,,, , 1 .1. f Pei , r4Lon, g
.i. L.i.iiriii,r, I iiiiiiiia P. Eyie ; X
Eliwirril b.irlingt..iiii,.i'r .••
ftl',.: !....,.‘.....
Dr. it. M. li.u.sioa, ; i
Iliqtry ~ ,t c,, ,
Willianl C. 1/1111.,,iy. i li.::it, 1, ...
li.i.tgli Ci.-ilig, i 'I ii,,,1,•,, C.
Spi•nc-iir.: , ...lcilvii,ll2, 1 iti.ii...rt. Par,
C nrl;- ICcll ,b
J::_ I
TLIV.I. C. ilArtn, ;rico
FiltltiT LY1,r,C17.:1, jr.
v 7 •
!..rt3 --r‘t;
Or.t.:0!: Na. 02. Wator;;; 1 ,-,1 1 ,,u,c) 111 ,
• -
tiilt in:mrottgair.st n111:1:1123
A I.l4:tte T1141.,,,...:rti 1):, , v. - 1.0 nit) v.,:1
Lr.‘..•.vu itt • the rnmznnruty, z:Linc.l, by
ir. , .",:rnytne:.. - .J and iib,;:rnlity, to 3.1,i r , t3'.n Inc in; r wnn.ll
:toy hay:, ;te. b :; Litd: to ulora
who desire to he
, .
\..znirtw Ach
J. LI. Long,
MON ar-iG.A IiKLA ----
0 Z PT2'TSB LY IC6`ll.
it ENP.I7 Ar.VC,JD, E. sr. t.-41-Y
-`l..Vatz.x 3tzt.,:to
INFURE AC Al` ALL 1:11-:D3 I , lisL' AND
El E ,11.1-zy
A. 11*.ic.11:?om
vn , e , . v. ifolulp,
Jlitsor !ili!1;:r,
Wm. A. (.;:•.;.*.
- WEST B ill A.
ris rr
it ...... l leuzi la ,
F" CO2tIPAZ , ;' `,-"" Y 1 L ON
ii , n.Jt.c..3.1 , ... - trct.,!1. 1 .t.4.0.
I'. _kbra.n.t.. Ja:t.".ta.tt,, 171'. nito,
T. T. Azit.e.-4.,
1 ;_ - _ ,- .3.11,,,-.1, I if)f. J ::.1. ernicf.:4l.l,
_A. A. 1ii1v.::.•;:aduzr , ..i...11:2 V. 71141..5.1.3 A. Lip+ttg7Alt;
L. A. 2k.lack - . 11.. r... i...: Cr.l-,..r...n, • Jon" „. A,, , ,,,,tr,, DE ,
a. Tif t..jt. , ,.., •
1 - ...!1ic,1. 1.: ,, w1 n D
1.1a..(),1‘ il::. ,na 1...• an,
.70.111,..,:i ti; - :.;,!s.;10, W 7.!. V.l.m.ler , lt, .11i,,., - 1 - 7,,, Bi z i,r,
C..1:i'1.t..',..—:', - 0. t , I. , ifillf '2TV.C.:.1..T; 1.11 . 1,..;c7,311..
, ..:c.:.. . 1 . A. Lli•ii.:R,'l' s .i...7,,...r.t.
DAVID H. WlT,J,likrifj,
R. Tar. E O.2"CTION fer -
I;urtp , r:,.l nu 1 npv:.2./11.4„, 11.1;i!,;;.1L- pritlitt
Ot€ te-
P. tr:0111:illti%
11 P. 7!: Ell (DANES ,
~,` Jail.Ll
.11' eiai
tio,irs ca
F. 3
•i 'Li L;t: '
4,!13, 5 E8 Ct 3
. 9,"
. i , 151 LCI
7 q..-": 4 tfl
;;~~~; :ib' ;ii
....Tuiti- - 0 , , , pi,.,:.:1,.:;-_
*. - 10 91
..12..SEYi; 09
2%.:.0,:-1.01 ilti
'.l 4 _ l 7:ir: 37
•a.. _ d,
. B.
RE, :Went
V. A. .-.i.:',.!_:1•;1RA,.,....1i.:J,.u...,.
I.l'2l,fiCA) Oa
. '2.,1 1 44 C4l
?u2 t.
2;1) CD
J,'7B u 4
i: $ 811.
<9;t;6 15J
_3 74
; , :.7117, , :::1
.J ,
~~': FS.IIj
-',. ilfSIC:1IL , 0:1, Pr,Elle.nt
A. ttorry,