, .. 1..i.V: .. _:: , •..• , :_ - ,•:• , . ,, _. 5 . "•,.. ,, 4 • , e4':..' 1, 2 ::•, , W:•V ,, ,..4 , • • :'• tj t t 4 .4 5 1 '': ) .;.',441.4. ^v L. 4-". IRSt;.S P. k•';cti tor nailrt.tcpr,etur F d-3 T S" U.€ C ,SATTJ DAY ",101',N f S S 1y • 11 (P ;1 il::~ vac... .L,!: a. ••s„) Turuday, an.,;titacy 26i TUN PATE: OP CiENIUS A. few 'years wo met the gifted tint w,ayw•ard &linger Lincoln Fairchiid. The unfortunate and wretched, child of song was at that time traveling to the South with a 7inw to the improvement of hi:; health, iie was accompanied by hie ton, F reroar'nably bright arid bo•utifal youth of ten ur lAi--Ivo years Of age. in a conversation evith pout, we remarked the lad seoinei! tc pi - .)sees genius qnd gave piomin of distirwtiou and usefulness. With a deep and bc:).r . t-Ceit gla the unhappy hither rqillad, " fosr your iV31,13 are too true. Tha boy ha? fine parts, but i wc ,, id rather ho were nay idiot than a A an idiot he %7, - ould Le. obscure and comparativel, - happy ; as a geniis he would bn envied, hated, eccentric.c, and wretch ed. it is, to most parents, flatter Trig t; id that their erts.pring is gifted, but I wonid ratlivr secs my poor b y in iiis gra-4-3 than krkow that . he is the pOSSEF-Ser of that fatal thing called genius." A few 'weeks alter, it looking over a paper published in hew Oricsns, we saw an announcement of the death of poor Fairchild. The unfortunate and hrilliapt man diEd in misery and want in the very pi inie of life, and was, wo believe, burie.i at the ex- pence of h3o, friend aBC. Evvlc;ll-c,;111-,7 (3:eoree. D. Prentice, Fairchild was a mr - Ar: of ;an , -; c(hication and speactii Pootic endowments, ;_nit mizfortnne t-thariad him for its own, and now, far from his native hills. he Tics in an obscure ec•rner, with no band to scatter flowers upon his grave and no eye to drop a p;.ccious tear to his mems cry. Thus is it tob often with men of genies.— Proud, sensitive and - espiring, .they become 'soured and chagrined, avoid their fellows and frequently - die in want end misery. It is said that between his fortieth and sixtieth year, Sir Walter. Scott realized by the prodee tions Of his-pen at least half-a-million of mon ey.. 'Ten followed a terrible reverse, and the Qf - 15213' came, leaving- the Great Megic iaa . in debt to the amount of one hundred andthirty ti:acetic' pounds !. The gentl6 and genial old man lo.liceeld hard to relieve him self from his ereharrassieenie. Bis produc tions yielded him during six years some e-ig-n -ty tiMusand dollars e gear, but his health fail ed and atlast he 1 erished in a giantelike ef fort to satisfy his creditors. John Keats; 4 , nee eXl“tled,nntl iteeee," lived long enough to dazzle the world with his genius and then died from the effecte of poison admen atered by a heartless viperish reviewer- The fate ef Cdeitterton, the marvelous boy who periehed in his pride," —is alas too well known. Prodigally endowed, with wonderful inventive power;, a daring fancy and an tellect as brilliant as it was original and vig orous, he experienced cruel ileglect,sulfered from hunger, and fluelly in a moment of de spair, p - 21611 M by his own hand. Thus passed away one whose youthful productions have made his house immortal and whose more mature efforts would doubtless have ranked him second only to him who " first exhausted worlds and then invented new." life bieN grapher tells us that he was buried without ceremony among paupers in Shoe Lane ; his identity could with ditlic,uity be established when the fact was known. In his " Lives of the Poets," William Hewitt. says: "By one of those acts which neither science nor curiosity can excuse, the skull of Pbpe is now in' the private collection of a phre nologist 1 Tte mariner in which it was obtain' ' ed is said to have been this : on some occa sion of alteration in the church, or burial of some one in the same spot, the cefilmof Pope was disinterred, and opened to see the state of his remains ; that by a bribe to the 'sexton of the time, posession of the skull wan obtain ed for a night, and another skull returned in stead of it. I have beard that fifty pounds were pahl to manage and carry through this transaction. Be that as it may, the skull of Pope figures in a Private museum l" There's fame for you, aspiring, verse writing reader. Think of it. The skull of the author of the Essay on Criticism, and the translatOr of the Iliad of Homer is now in the private collection of a phrenologist. The skull of the companion of Bolingbroke, Halifax, Addison and Mary Montague is in a private rousenia . : . " The.palace where e god might dwell," nay, did dwell,, is now the property of a mounte bank, and vulgar eyes gaze at, and filthy hands toss about thee which was once the dome of thought, the seat of learninee - wit and poe try. Verily in this there is much to console the of the logical, polished, pungent and poetic Pope. The woes et genuis meet us at every torn. Byron, Burns. Bemans, McLe n, Poe,. and others rise up before us and their faults, suf ferings and misfortunes claim and receive our pity and our tears. Rather than endure what• Chatter ton and Keats endured—suffer what Hemans sod Shel ley suffered, And die as Burns and Byron died; woti)d it not be better -to watch flocks through life and die as died the hind who thought the world was bounded by his native hills .? TI FE 1 :VAC PION OF CC v:: E.li Thus far Congress has overlooked the great object for which it convened—legislafjon fcr the public good—and been content with lis tening- to stupid speeches onKuolsas,i.licaragea, the seizure of General Walker and the propri, lity of giving Commodore Paulding a gold medal or a brass button. Its neglect of the best interests of the country has been •and is most shameful and calls for condemnation loud and deep on the part of the pres, and the citizen. • Especially has Congress been derelict in re gard to matters in Utah. it is notorious that. m that unhappy and misgo:•erned terra' te.ry a state of at:taal rebellion emists. The authority of the Ll'aitrd States is defied, and Brigitam Young and his in:-.arie followers glory in violating public law nod hurling defiance at our, govermaent. The Proliflptitc;f: thc, tia;ted States has called the attention f tiongres3 to the mat ter; the Secretary Gl I,Var has rem-11-mended increase or our military force , : in Utah. and the ez.perienced and sagacious Cieneral Scott, has• urged the necessity et rroinpt, vigorous and decisive action. Notwithstan.dia;,., this, Congress has thua far done nothing; and if we are to judge the future by the plat. it may he inferred that steps wilJ , acton -he taken te, the hoeor and tnaititein the dignity of go7ernznent. out 6onatorl3 and Mend#:::rs of the L0 . V7e.7 house, scot to Congress to psi a wise and whtilesorne laws, spend the tinao and treasure of the nation in unprofitable eoLtro, versy. Metiers of but little public littc:wit === engage their attention : while elocstious of mo• muntoua interest to the whole country, and Indeed to nil Christendom', r•-ccite scarcely G passing thought, fro-. men whose only object Ileerss to be to oIaVEIDCI3 their own interest; lieor6- GB orators lo the rtf:wspapers of the jay. JANUATI\ The Utah difficulty must be settled, and p,eility,or the, consequence will be appalingi liebellion has raised its flag and treason has iiftcd its hand. If our repreaentativu pc:so.css either patriotism or intelligence (to say noth ing of chriatianity, which is a debateable question,) they will cease their petty squab bles, and take immediate action for the pre i•crvation of the harmony and peace of the rrquire an inereasa military force in Utah, and we will have it, if uni . servants turn their attention far it Fliort time from trifling nutters and de . votc• ti to the welfare of their masters, the v:iople. lfaitious TRINGs. ---The Boston :iiibtriarine expedition to the to recover the specie or the San l'adro, havc reached the ileliars, several hundred in rails haviniz been elitaitied.. It is proved by oCucial tiactimente that she had on board at the time of catastrophe $3,000,000, of which 'ZI,- 000,000 were in cold. 017 this large sum, till nay, mil: ) , about $-100,000 have been recovered, vaichlrero obtelocq means of a diving hell, in 41 .10 inad and sand out Lido the ship. This is the firstieuceessfal attempt ever merle to pen etrate the hail, where there is every reason to believe that the bulk of specie will be found. —A shipping merchant at New York, who has given SOWe attention to the subject, shows that steam vessels make :lir voyages from England to India is thirty days less time than vessels with The average passage of the screw steam- 14 seventy-eight ds.ya. The average passage o; tho sr.iliug v,ssels oue hundred and, eight days. The shortest passage of any sailing vessel has proved longer, by fourteen days, than the pas segQ ot...tee slowest steamer. —The San Francisco Newt mentions that two more large ships, of eighteen hundred tons, the Empress of the Seas and the Adelaide, have been chartered for Elide island, to lead guano. The Sierre. Nevada, two thousand tons, had sailed for same island. This, island is on the CiREI of Lower California, hearing about fifty miles from Ceres island. Its latitude is 28 30 N., leo. 114— :10 W. The ship Comet, a short time since, brow,-,lit a cargo of guano from this island to New lark, which has been analyzed by compe tent chemists, and pronounced quite equal to the Feruyian. --The New York Mirror Bays that a little boy, nautztd Eddie Johnston. while playing on Sun day afternoon, in an open lot in Water street, Brooklyn, was set upon by two large bull doge, who tore off both his feet, crushed his letts, and mangled biro terribly before they were: discover ed. It was found impossible to drive the dogs off until both were killed.—The . poor little fel low i s ;alit n to the hospital, but cannot survive his injuries. He has no parents living. pe.pers stato that onions grcing wild Lave been discovered in that State, tut inch and a hall in diameter, cave; ed with a thick hurl. s , ,ap-root. _y are palatabic tmd coon prefetaltle to garden onions, and, it is thought, may prove a valuable addition to the cultivated varieties. —Nice. Craft, au actress, and wife of Professor Craft, leadergef the orchestra of Bert's theatre, in St. Joseph, Missouri, died on the let lust. tram an overdose of faudannre, which she is said to have taken with intent fele de so. Shc was in the bloom of youth ani health, and performed only a few nights before with more than wonted vivacity, and it sad to think that her existence has been cc suddenly and so terribly terminated. ilt-r nativity was in London, and she belonged for a Fi!3-9011 to the St. Louis theatre. —An c. , ...chance bays .—Sumo delude.l persons are apt to convect rice paper with the ps_dp of that useful grain, which serves as a pabulum to temiblesome high caste Brahmins and mutinous Seneys. Let such be advised that the said paper inn made the pith of a plant of the bread fruit germs, brought from the western parts of China, cisicf.r to Canton ; where the trianufactu- sir of this prapsx s.nd painting give. employment to i,everal thousand hands.'' —The Captain of a MissisAppi steamer has a morning paper on board his boat, called the Bulletin. He issues it regularly, serves it to customers at stopping places, and fills it 'with news and pleasant gossip . . He is one the vet erans of liver navigation, having followed that calling for twenty-seven years. It f.; °posed especially to make the paper au organ of the river boatmen. This is similar to the Vander- started bilt steamer newspaper. —The St. Louis (Mo.) Republican says : young lady, twenty-five years of age, cf elegant accomplishment-2 and ! fascinatingqualitiesof many kinds, arrived in this city a few weeks ago, from Chilicothe, Ohio, on a visit. She had for some time been in the habit of taking small quantities of arsenic, f.:r the purpose of beautifying her cumplexiou, and on Friday last she took an over dose, fell sick, and died next day." • —The death of a young woman at Paris, em ployed in lace cleaning, in whose viscera after death notable quantities of lead were found, has given rise to an investigation as to the method employed. fit has been discovered that : soiled lace is cleaned by a prccess imported from Brus sels, and which consists in giving to the flowers a fictitious and temporary whiteness by repeatedly dnstintr them with white lead. —A correspondent of the Hartford (Conn.) Prat? mentions the ease of a man, named Ittai Curtis, of Bristol, who .for the last forty years has slept and eat his morning meal in barns in the neighborhood, declining all invitations even in the coldest weather to do other:vise, He died recently, leaving property to a considerable amount. - Baltimore a suit has been ins.titute 3 against the gss company for retailing whisky without License. it appears that the company fill the metres with whisky, in the winter, to prevent freezing, and tho party bringing the suit had to pn;• thirty oentii for it, hence the suit: —A broker of Port au Prinec, Hayti, whose name, enclosed, in a cycle, appeared epon every draft drawn upon New York or Bus ton, has absconded, leaving liabilities variously tr,tnated at from a million and a quarter, to two millions of dollars, U. S. currency. It was supposed there that he had made his way to New York. scarlet fe,er is prevailing, tip a fcarinl eaten; in Green enuuty, Peneylvania. One gen tlslantn, near Waynesboro', ha., buried six Ch dren in ten dui.; dwellin.4 of LtAniel R. Morrison, at Martin.iburF., Va 17117 destroyediby fire a few dAys ago. A oat had o.iught fire, and ninnies under a bed,ootntnuniated it to some loose paper. This was. partially c.xtinguished, but broke out afresh, and the house re, burned to the ground. mil, run BALTINIORF. AND arllk) RAILito,A.D.—The Wheeling city councils have I sent to Richmond a memorial ; the object of i. 9 to ask the Virr:inia Legislature to pass tteh enactments as shall enabte the city of 1 Wheeling to secure to it the practical benefits of . • the Western terminus of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, fled eloo to provide for the purchase by the State of stock held by the City of Wheeling iu the Baltimore and Ohio Itailroad Company, the same purchased at F;-',500,000 in bonds or certificates of debt of the Commonwealth bearing six per cent. interest. REELINC , VOL ttiorre=lpubd , .:co t ViLOPLAIitIISE It:. U. 11,j, [Ric c a h v t I)is p e tj--, - ttireeo, 'li C' Secks " in, the cf Promise--Dit;iding the Profity—Nr. Yr. liwin AItRiSRTIR(I, JF.nuary 23, 181,5. Both !louses adjourned yesterday t .111 . 6 o'clock, until kfouday afternoon, and the meal- I. , Er, !lave gsnerally gone to Pluls. , l,lphia. ttt $i bit of a tpree—leaving i,ehind only the inoral Ind religiously inclined—hot - leo, cur town is Cull enough in fi!i consoistion deserted, too, by the etThers. [titer , ffie.4_ , , who have, bc:taliaii thciaselvt9 llama iu hot Bee to it that the proper men are returned as delegat•Ja to the, 4th of March Convention It i the longeot polo, you know, that knuel:e the per.drornons and the man having the lIIOBE dele gates to back him will fasp,' , 3elor, Sealer, Mind that. Talking, of the otline,i, r;•0 dite for Flour Inspector, ::bone i met the oiLer day. He nay an unsophisticated s;!ecimen the rural districts, who imagined all he had to do was to come here, ask the Governor for the po sition, and go homo rejoicing with the sion in his pocket. Ile came ; he saw ; but ho didn't conquer. Ife. came "on his own hook," he - said—the two gentlemen who were to press his claims (Dr. B. Lind Mr. P 1 having, failed to accompany him—the cue by scarlet fever among his patients, the other from want id - inclination to egalu enter the political arena after serving one winter in Bat risburg. When he had talked awhile with the Governor, arid observed what prominent politicians backed his opponents, he became satisfied that this was "the land of promise," hut Allegheny county the place for i Israel to dwell. Our Priced did not explain, Bra took the early truth, A proposition has been introduced in both branches simultaneously to appoint two Flour llnspectors for Philadelphia. These,are the most lucrative offices in the gift of the Executive, and heretofore while the two principals pocketed idle salary, a couple of assistants have done the work. If the offices were divided up s little more, the holders would do their own work, and besides, get a very reasonable compensation for doing it. I hope the bill may pass, and that it will be so amended as to mark out distinctly the districts which it is intended Philadelphia is to be divided into—at present the only objection to the bill. There is some talk of introducing a ! similar measure for the relief of Pittsburghers; but I donbt its expediency at this time. The fees for Pittsburgh are small enough already. Mi. Wilkins presented a petition on Friday, from the iron tranufacturers in the city of Pitts• burgh, for the repeal of the tonnage tax on blooms, pigs, ore, cinders, fire clay and fire brick, Ile also read in place a bill, supplemental to the. • act exempting coal and lumber, to give effect to the prate: of the petitioners. The petition of Thomas Washington Smith. asking for a divere,e from his wife, Elizabeth G. M'Cauley, ie before the Legislature, and a bill has been read to consummate his wish, which it is understood will meet with no resistance from I her. It. Hogland and B. F. Chandler, Harrisburg ; B. F. Irwin, Cumberland county, and. J. A. In- tiorthamp;on county, are - appointed to :::;900 cherk.s.hips in the State Department. The onit , vacancy is the Chief Clerkship—salary $130, , per tnnnm. Your industrious and vigilant represonsative, Cill* John M. Irwin, has gone home for a "fow days." PAXTON. The Now •Treasttry Notes The new treasury notes just issued by Raw don, Wright, Hateh :Fc, Edson, of New earl:, are among the most p - erfeet I.ll: , :eittlells of bank note engraving exectutA in this country. As this is now a recognised department of the fine arts, some -d)f our best artists devoting much attention to it, it is worth the white., not merely of the fortunate 'possessor of such - notes, but of all who are interested in engrav ing,. to inspect the workmanship of them. Specimen proofs of the $l,OOO and 85000 I . notes are designed and executed with greet beauty. The former have the, American eagle with expanded wings for the principal vignette, with the portrait of the President of the Uni ted States on the right, and a figure of Justiee on the left. The principal device of the latter consists of two figurPs representing Agricui, ture and Manufactures ; on the left is a por trait of the Secretary of the Treasury, and on the right are the eagle and the shield contain. ing the arms of the Union, with emblems of Commerce and Peace, These notes are prin ted in Indestructible inks, (black and green,) as a protection against photographic counterfeits and alterations. The portrait of-the Secretary of the Treasury has been engraved expressly for theEe notes; and is a perfect likeness. That of the President is•the beat that we have Messrs. Rawdon &I Co., took a contract for four million of these, the balance of the silx million to be issued having been given to a Philadelphia house, and have al. ady sent to Washington a million and a half. They sent a million and a quarter More on. Friday, and the remainder by the end of a week. Our Philadelphia friends had a dig at New York the other day, because their share of the notes was finished first. but a comparison of the two sets satisfies us that the beauty of execu tion and. security against counterfeiting, in Messrs. Rrwdort & Co.'s notes, redly compen sate for the delay in the issue of them. [Prom the Newark MCrcury,Jarittary 18.] Dortwe/ly's Death.-The Charge itgaStatt the Landlord of the Sea View .1-lodoe. ibe story which seems to be passing curl ent in regard to the alleged intoxication of young Donnelly, who was recently executed at Freehold, requires some notice, particularly as it has bean made !ho canoe of complaint against• his cust9- diaus and epiritoal advisers. It is now alleged and received as a fact, that just before being led out to the gallows, be drank " four glasses of brandy," and that he passed into eternity in a state of drunkenness. He was executed st two o'clock, and during the morning took.brandy twice. He drank a bowl of coffee, zuti during the previous night, and in the morning took sev eral doses of morphine. When led out of the prison, he evidently was affected by the morphine but there was not the slightest appearance of drunkenness. In the commencement of his and dress, the effect of the. drug, and the terrible excitement of the occasion, prevented that co herency of remark which cheractarized the greater part of hie speech, When he cane to analyze the testimony given against upon the trial, fie had entire and perfect posseciotlt of himself. Hie argument was marked by its ingenuity, its logical compactness, and its metho dical arrangement, but when this was finished, it became simply a matter of utter&nc, to pro long the brief moments of life, sad thosn discon nected ejaculations were produced by the awful moment, and were not the effects of liquor or drugs. It is not true, either that he charged Smith, the proprietor of the Sea View House, with the murder. He aliuded to the evidence of the bloody foot-prints in the passage, - and to show that they could not have contributed to his conviction, he referred to the fact that he was not in that pas sage with bare feet on the fatal morning, imt that Smith, according to his own confession was. From this arises the story that he accused SMith of the murder. ONE WHO WAS Pm:sun^. BURNING CORN ItOu. Fora..—The Chicago T - bane says: "We reed to hen: that, among the wonders of the " West," the practice, in times_ of little prices and much hog, of burning bacon on the river steamers as the cheapest fuel, was not the least. Latterly, we had supposed that Western men had outgrown the necessity of what would ordinarily be criminal waste ; but a gentleman, who has just returned from a trip on the Illinois Central, telba us that, at Kankakee, only a few miles from thip, city, he found a man burning good sound corn, in the ear, in his stove. Inquiring the reason of what was to him shameful, he was told that, while Coal was worth 30 cta. per 100 lbs. at doer, unthraph ed corn was dui' at 25 etc. for the s'.= , s ;7ight. —lt has been ealettlF,ted by Pvne-,:_3:: that the wavea of the sea, tn . ?. I at the ra:e eis and a half miles a allnu.te. —Rev. Mr. Spurgoon, or ing is Paris at kst 4z0cr,r.13. V 7,2 br,ve I.2cu Yor the 3 p aCh - A. OmtADIAN A FAMILY. —W... find in the TOI'MIL3 (Mhe ::ad the 'Men.:treal cqucripl 14..0m0 firtaib3 of alaitiler action inriiiiet the Gre:o: Weztera Railroad Cutnhr.ny, to r-.q.f)ier darn-igie f-r the death of Mi. Ije7rander Grant, caustd by the terrible accidelit at the Dejardiuce bridge. The E u : tion wa:; brought by Mrs. Elizabeth, the Tv Id ; 7 the decewicd. It appears i.. evidence th Mr Grant was a Loan great iudust:y, a. 1.1 ity I.ad foresight 11 , had commencod a gardener, penhile,s, yearn a ?.e., but ho realizcA ia commence a -tore Goat, Island. at the Niagara Falia. in it he acquired a c.dud krablc amount of property, at.,..1 at the time death was makii4c. $2,f , 00 to $4,000 per auaum, in the regular course of his business. Ile left henind property worth about $23,000, ftlld debt,to the arnt,unt of $12,- 000. But •ho wets teOt Clive to mut,t, the latter, and certaininotig,gt.s being au:, his property had to be sold, leaving his, \vile and children—of whom tour were girls under sixteen yearn cd: ago —almost destitute, The jury, '.fter bell deliberation, rendered tiverdiet for rho plaitalti deewagca follorie:--For the widow, Fit; NO: tint child, 13400; second c.tild, SOO ; third $l,OOO ; fourth child, 1,200; littia elnll, $2,000. Total, $11,200. REDUCED RATES OF POSTAGE, TO AUSTRIA, VIA FRANCE,—A new , pestal convention was Con cluded between the governments of- France and Austria on the 3,.1 of September last, by which certain changes have exchanged by the way of France between the United States and At,- and tho couutrie.3 to which Aastria. The rates to be levied in the United States on and after the let of February, 1356, upon lettere addressed to the following twat:tries and places, by French mail, will be as follows, via.: Atistria and its States, and the city of Bel grade, 21 cents, the singie rate of a quarter ounce or. under, pre-payment optional, being in full to destination. Moldavia, lonian Islands, Adrianople, Serer:, Sophia, Itustchtick, Antiveri, Selo, Bourgible, Cenea, Durazzo, Enloe, L-ernies., Prevesa, Tenodos and Vuleno, 30 .vents the single rate of a quarter ounce or under, pre-payment optional, being in full to designation. Montenegro, Servia, (except, Belgrade,) and cities in Earopeen Turkey other torn those tnu ni,irEdeci tibiae or in the " tables posttwe to foreign countries," 21 cents the single rate of a quarter ounco or under, pre payment required, being in full.. .to the Austrian frontier only. Postmasters should note these changes of rates upon their tables of pnstage to foreign countries. Uox,n tit Vitsuorists.--A correspondent of the 1 Milwaukie Scntniel,, writing from Pepin, Wiscon- sin, relates the following tough yarn : I write in sober earnestness, intending what I say for the truth. The story concerning that recent discovery, as related to me by E.Lath rop, President of the riltippews. Bank, and U B. Shaver, Survoyur, runs as follows: A resident of this place was looking for a suitable spot to dig a well, on land situated about two miles from the village, and while ex amining at digging into, the ground, he found a quautityoi the precious article, specimens of which haVie been exhibited and tested. Since this time, ,further search has been made, and still mere yellow piccea found. The ground near where this fold has turned op, has generally been linderetned by our eiti - zeus to have been for a time a csnfjiing ground, or resting place, of bollis of the earlier pioneers, or missionadies, sent out, by. .the old French monarch, name was tlign bestowed upon our Lake and the old Fort, and is now the title or cognomen of I this town. More hereafter. Boons lIDNORARY DECREES.—Some fellow has been swindling people in England by sending them notices of honorary degrees being conferred on them by various colleges la the United States, and requesting about forty-two dollars for the payment of ho fiecz,s•o-y fees. These Icti d r : , were sent to persons dletiligulehe4 in law, litera ture and the 'ellen:h. There ere no present. means of aseeztainiug the eNtent of the swindle, nor the amount of money wrung out of u.t.obill,•iis gentlemen on the othereide of the Atlantic, to the tune of LS 10a. :tpiee,o. • The fraud, it is sop posed, originates in England. A similar game w:te exposed in the Philadelphia Ledger, a low years ago, practice:l by a young Mau, who was afterwards errestedlo Camden, N. J. Ho prim tined quits an extensive game till the notice broke np the - but-it:Less. Perhaps be is at work again ft is &little singular however, that in teliigalt men should tae-caught in ouch a trap. It shows that Motery is the weak side of human nature. I_IYS:CI - FAA,II , ,' U.I.I'LII; IND INDICI gz , TION, by IN'lieb all persons are 1110[13 or leem affected, can usually be cured by taking te.c,d,rata ezerehe, wholc.3m.me fe,d, and n dose of Bt, rhn.r,a's Rolland Bitters, ono before eieh meal. Caution :--Be earetul tc, as:: for 80. vc's Bitters.. Sold at tii per bottle, or els bottles for $5, by the nolo Proprietors, Benjamin Page, Jr., lz corner of Third and Smithfield Etreeta, and by Drug 2oneraliy. Peri:tined ilzenth ! 1.7.114 1 . tnd beautiful complexion, can be acquired by using tlt " Balm of a Thousand Flowers." What lady or ghntlenlat. would ramaia under the corm or a disagreeable breath, :'roan by Uethy. the " ',elm of a The :and iflor:ord" a+ would vat °thy retidt_r it eweet, but leave the t-ell while as alabaater Many pacaona do not !chow their breath Is bad, and the anbiect i 5 0) delicate their friend++ would never Mention it. B. , Fors counterfaita. lie aura each bottle is aigned FLTILIDLIE tr. CO., N. Y. Crcp.llo , —.ri Pozuctio tor beautifying the heir--highly pen:hinted, euperlor to any French article imported, and for hall the price. For dr.•:,:e leg iedical hair, it hurnojntl, giving it a fright gloe iy appeerat:ce. it Liu::: O ' d herr to czn! in thera.•,t. natural !Danner. It r;.11 - denlrnti, hair the appeeranc , ...f being irt,ll ~IternpJont4.l. Price only 2fty cents. None g.,:muiae unit - els, signed FETILIOti.E & ProptletorH of the , " Balm of r Thuusand Flower.;." and rotail agouti), tleorgo Ogden., No. 26 Wood street; R. E. Sellers a . , Co., coroc , r Woza and Socond; W. A. oppooito tfio lilo.atro; Joa,•ph !losing, cor. nor Market. Arcot and Diamond; 11'.'ats W Ketcr, corner of Libor: y and Clair; W. J. MontgonDsry, opposite moat nth:a,: Moot filalooic Mall. iroi22,:lydtrr TUERE ART!) nuNDRFDs OS REMEDIES SOLD at every Drug Stota,purporting to cure all i Pe r a,o Damnable, each advertised as the very best ever known, till we had lust-all forth in them all, lis.t there is one exception. We speak of Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, which Laurie to no recommended 43 a core for Liver Complaints, and all die oases ari.4ng from a Dioenecd Liver. The testimonials of on many of our PilySili4ll3 in its favor, Induced no to try it, and now conviction is COI tain that it is one of the greatest blessings over.given to Dyspeptics, for it, made a complete care before the first bottle was taken, and now we can eat anything eatable without trouble, while• Cofer °thing Lu the lightest food weniis tligtat, - and often tha gave pain Now what we want to o ay to all our reiders is, if Liver Com plaint or Dyspepsiii trouble yon, do not fail to try this the greatest remedy is. tho world. Jathlindkw ASTONIBIIiNfi EFl+EO'll9 O? ONE' BOTTLE, IN AN AGGILAVAI:BD OAR: OF DYBPEP3IA. • PLIIIAD7LPITIA. Marob "0 1555 , Dear Bir:—Duriag the last five years 1 have been afflict ed with Dyspe . p.r:et, is Lie most aggravated form, and bavo used, without re . .oeivir,g any benefit therefrom, every reme dy recommended for shat disease. In fist, 1 was afibetod co badly that oil many eccassions I was in :tveaf d.irger of dying front sw.6avltion, in couseqnence of the rise of matter in my throat, and all ray efforts far relief wets in vain. I r.aa at last induced, through the recommendation of sevsral of my friends, to try "noolland'a German 'Bitters," and I assure you the amount of relief I have received, from the use of only one Imttle, is astonishing, and comPeLa nto to say that I v. cald not be t,dt.boot the ifitutra for any money, as I am now, througli.their use, enjoy hog hater health than I have Imown for many plan]. Very r6spectfaiFy ELIZABETIT GAUL, To D. C. ?1. JACZEON Se , o advc.rtivment. .9Par min by nr3.1.151G BRos. 17,nd Dr. GEO. RE/SYR, Pittsbargb. jalsl2lo.tw tclo !lair A 3 e gust"—that it makes no difference how gray or red, o. runty the hair cr whiskera niay ba, nor how much they may have been injure.] by bad dyes, BATClll'llifilt'll will make thorn a beautiful and lively block or brown witliout the least injury. It will Inneer fade ur turn rusty. fihrrar.ted ade cad sold, or iapplied, (in nine privats roome r ) rt BATtjantolVd Wiz Factory, 12.13 iireadway, New York. wholay-ab. al,l r,t,11. tic Or. :Jae. B. 7 locki eay.•ct• .IE-4.`Zt: Da. EPITCH EFd PITTSBURGH. OURIZ`;'O TIM MONTH'S OF Int:CEM.BEat and JAN ILA,x:y ; DR. CALVIN M. FITCH, C:4; Le com:tittod daily at lic i{C Dl3) 101Pem3 street., CP2022112 CLAM IPYIEL, rIPTSBUIMII, PA., For all afftictiouO at trto VIP:GA.I' and LUNGS; t;15o, DYS- L'EPSLA, PL;HALII DISF.ASES,, and orfo.-7. complaint's .7.'3111.• plica-tad with proditpooing . to Pulmonary Di..toa.teo. f, from any c.OO R. FlTell t.o rt during the , ^_riod above 11:011€41., thr, 31vAntruct Vf concirld.,-,1 by . ids at,tordato, Do. J. W.:SYKES. Dn. PITOII would :izrnostly L.-31of ad tilos° rm,y ho ih loring under lecipb , at or Feat,Nl dise.l , cs of the Throat or Lone;-, or the hi:porta:we of ;;P:hig tb°l2F.elvis sintidy atiez- Lou, no it Li °My w.hen tal:,:n in r,:',..s,mable tiM5 that theca diesases can bo trnlied with nay jhst llopt‘ of aarccsa, ones tho delay of a few ViVAS will ant ta frequently render hope lemly fatal . , and CillErtVl , 3 Cirrabio3 VI. FITCH: ward , l,dis° mid that as he to I.echaor,ed deed freal - ly with h 2,.. none .1 - 02 , .:t apply who era tolc2rn rush r,ondition, the actrial ritats of their and :heir Frsbabla cmltt.m.: of recovery. CON2UITATIONS DERCONSLLY 08. BY LETTEB. fi2E11.% eardeansimtion should bt iiihice."isc.3, eiihsr FITCH or Lo. :t. W. 151 Leon street, Pia> I,72;rgis, Pn. bbl o. Bea - n 9 in stor.,:md far 1) E3h Ly Ir.c.O.t!TOLE9S, 411:-Vc;S 4171., :'; ,, t'.!' , .' 4 .::4!?. :.. . fp.~ipLii~33TC_L~^'t Fi4~~:.5~.' Y'aYn '4} '-ov`q:i y`}'T~:~: 'W_ls:+'z~+~ -.~+G: ,x+y MI. LIVEN Pti.d..S.—The i.iver Pill.; of Dr. )I'l, wf-re tint vied by hila ,xclueivaly in hiJ ~va sfficacious ever:: t'ney in all ~ 43,1(1.1 of Lire colaplhiaL :hat tbt,g faraolt3, um! attr.w.tiuLf Sly) ut.i...ntiln of the medical facnlf iuto gezief - al use. '11:-y act with. great. ~r taitty au.l re• o uhtrii..y ; tha I.atiunt at,.ty • tlispc-rsi..:7l 11:o re• to kir.r..ttil. Witn off,,t is Lifra.-otrtun •71uu9, t ft,govotly, Pie InoirthJ roevrt,•.: . ru,s rty,l r 'l7 1 - MA Lot o f 1 ) ,. ivrhap,, t! cr. b naVol a t.odd ct ;:ii!tvry 4.1 two•ctil to a for Dr. 7i.11,AN.1.'i CFA. LlVEit noluunicturoil Ly , l'a. Ti:ero aro otlior r.,,tportiug to Lo Lt ..r now Ilefor... the. pubic. Dr. ?"I"Lato. n Eiino hilrr PiEd : aloe t.oly hot at ali respect.._... drug a tun,. t,10‘.!:4, fh, lure. t i422:itOtw) FL1:741..N0 itßos. 0. 8. is 1.-1 V berms, postt:rg have ap pt.ll t'd kyll oar iol,•-t aucc.r.cciiig t..LI nn 11.. our •• I 0. M.," tic:rcf.re.. Ttiat tho samo la ad d,)no witinall our kno , , , ,leder,” a‘ni f_N - n.o.,nt, and rticct.4 with tmn. BY OILDEB. f;`,7 eit.AND CO:SalAtsii).lllt. c", 1" A 'RICH gives Ilia ErthibzEior. T 11 1 .6 INENING, z. ktionc the Ct. Ut:ir SI ri.,t nutria Briilgc Lo , s.tiare 11.auntc,11.1Qusea, With vew bt - 111 Inort‘ etartliag t:c.b.daritzl sitqn b, , l , re giNtn. WASIII ri G.T I) I'4 Til oil : 4 ; V - COR. PENN A AVENUE 4 TIILRJJ ST., A. F. BEVERIDGE URNITNIGrge supply FLUlDthc,ne AND CA MPIIENE.- la of articled cvnstarilly hand. Inas., wishing a Ilu:ning euperia anal ens apet than can be b.,1 eawahuto i 2 the chy, can elwaga procure it at JOE. Ai 1.1 s; G , 'LS Coinu Diamund nun filarkiet etavet. 1G A B.S. —.I have j u., t received another EuITS3 yt ry ;la. up,l CiV,Xr3. wiaaing nett t_d Cigars, C3ll alWa}s vro.,:r, :Lem at OisTEY BEAN TUBACCO. Another .ippiy of this ce!ebrat,d Tobacco, just re:zeivcd by Jos. VAAWINU, Comer Dia 7110 f Ili and ?,.laritut.:3-reet. USBANI)'S - 2sIA(3rI%:IESI.A.--2 gros:;• of :big exe.oll-at Maeinaiita, just r , ceived by Corner Diamond and Llezhet etreot. WOR REN'T. oczvaiei by W. LT.midi :NCH. 151 Finn cliati 122 Pecond stnatz. I:aquire PARR, .rtleCUßEci ,j,e2s:tf NUJ. 14'4 F;r:g. and 120 .9 , c: - 4.1,1 UrcLtd ENII-ANN UAL 1 SEMI-ANNUAL ! 'CLOSING OUT SATA! cLoe,ING OUT SALTS Tlle entire stook of DRY GuOD'S, tt the store of No. 25 Fifth streor, 7 o RINTED French Merinoes, all I.VoOI Piahid, Shawls, ate. A full as:rertment Don - le.stx s t . iltVglyß MI111:011. C. I-I.ANSUN LOVE.- 1 , '. - )rcr.orly hove Brotheri, ja?.s No. 74 Mark etre,A. t .E.A.NG'ES AND LEMONS.- %,,j 3 40 bcat. , 3 'Oranges; .do Lemoix, arriving and for eab , by Wood Litrtv t Private and Conlidemtiai Nedical Advice 1 AT THE BUFFALO PRIVATE lIOSPI- T for the cure of S.VPI , ifiB, Oerni ll4 l weattnesd and the &ern Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. Alltfi z dJY, Buffalo, N. 1. °Bice career of 'Saiu cud Quay strkt.ts, Cu:: bt.;.ird.) Au itOtrutn..;:::: tbc• EcaPzsionE, czot.ctrly Izat , :til bo petal,.llcutly curd lu LoM ;13tet , 1 to ttV,ll:3 nto t±:ln coni,Autly Dr_ A MAYS eZ SON iisKe ple.uure in aunouucieg !Amy :my,. in....Aar,: a 1,1104 1:1113611,11I. Ju4trilluont for the core 1.11 the abov op.:oases. It has Lo , D dubjected to :. teat by the reo,r,eu.nt.ut I.hysiciali3 iu LOBOOLt. PuiladdithiJ Knd Ne'e York; it 11:%3 Lout. .bxhued the only iustrtuLent suer yur hr tho Calle et :Scut:to:A coo disenze of the gehltal tAF,aua, c4us..ou by the - c, ,, crot of y:luth. Dr. AllaS SON, in order to Eati4fy the most sktlab.z,l to the illrf teeir iu,truihez,t, pledw,theranolvc, teat in any iintduce where they may prove tlllautitlfactOry a fair trial, the money wAI l,e refauded by retnrulu: in ttrumeut io good order. l'erszma dishing the above vleful Initium,n: that the price, with the aect:Uipanyt.if„ net:11101y acked and n-ut by express, tea dupers. NLIW 01.31tES. Dr. AMOS b SON oLay beconAalietl from e'xat u'cluck is ttlu rn.quifig until nine at night, hi +.ln , ry cit.tgu And nyulp• tom of tho VoOAtrlJ Disca,e. tiaturrLoaa, ©Err, Sacomi:ay ympunna, Eeannul imanteoce mat Strictared 0: the tJrathra, etc., with .wzresy The tre.ttmant they adopt to thu re2uit or upward of thirty years' orteusive nod mulru.3llll.lMllCrlCel in LUULItni. TM, moat iriveircr.ite 30,+ of Vnufnaal t radiated iu f•igill" or ?line au.] ea:lei oft Eliight 113141.r0 in EVA , or i..rro day,.. at a m (3! IVO nyl,M3e. lua cure elfeeta:l without confinen,,,mt ur himirmica from busitut!,a; oleo, 1111111.5 iu IL , L.n.c 1ia.1,5, effectually eranicr,tt:(l. 'JUiLI wALx.INTEu. Dr. .#I7IIOS SON 11 tiV, devoteli their attenth,n excluske ly to the, peculiar class of milatties,and the relief they havo causeq .m.tiy been etesbled to render to th•ir fellow creature 1.3 tally iv:tuned and tireatfully tieknewletiged by conv4l, ci.qt t patients and others daily err:vim:id town from ail parts of the country, for the espreoa purpo:c only o: ceuaultatioto while their exertions have be ,n crooned with the must nal advantages; yet from what they have expiitionced inquiring Into tut CaUok39 of there infectious complaints. (f: em their meat si r ple rendition to that of the mai.t dau gerami and inveterated) they have alwaye entertained the preeihitity el their prover:tier. mitt ref 11(0. al, and likewitein variably fouud that the most horrible and in.ingnant f,ruis of disease could almost alwaya he traced to one of the fol lowing canoe.; ranee, neglect, nr the ill effects of un akilfal anti improper treatment; , herefore, Dr. AMOS et liON have euecceaed in d!scovering, is the Pelectien of their remedies, a Eafo, enectual. i:nd CaUtifala wine; omitting all c,unbination of remedies which bear an equivocal claaramer, aa well es those whose premature or injudicious application might be productive of bad comequences in the toads of private individuals, In short, the laudible end of their re medies is the lessening of a great 1.1111Z3 of human mizery by the atiouiation, relief and prevention of those grievous af fictions that are in reality the secret fee of Life, and which, while they so estreratly surround us, call aloud for our skill and interference for their extermination. coo i t s'': INVAUDS. Ponmun in any part of rho world may he suceee:otuffy treated by forwarding, u correct detail of their caso, with remittance fur lue.dirnm,!, ac. Addreoa Dr. A.MOS SON, corner Main and Quay streeM, Buffalo. Dr. Y. Ja23:d.te.wly Gents' Furnising Goods, Clothiers SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, 91 1 1.11 subscribers respect-fully announce, that SHIM'S made by farm are guaranteed to at; will be forwarded to any part of the Union, on receiNing, from The partles zendiug the ordem their personal nicainire went in inches, according to :he fornmla given below. Itemeraber, the size 1111431. be carefully and nem - dab:l3 taboo, 113 all 116C.,12E6127 uliowanees era sonde by the cutter of the oitabli2hinent. First, Size around the nrclz. Seoond, size around tho wrist. Third, Biro aroand the chtet, immediately bolcw the 4rni pite. Ilmrth, From the middle of shoulder, length of arm to wrist joint. ranight of penton, from tho shoulder to the ltmet jmn. Also, any style of eollara m.ade to order, by the fluid eith er sending the style or pottorn. This plan is quito uniquo, anti will be of groat value geotlereen at a ,datiuce. who and it ilopoitible to obtain at home :Mute to satisfy them in style and fit. Also, ou hand a full aster trout of Shirts of our airoi fßoto-r. Any erticrzt addro.•lzed tdud by mail, will be wonnp• ly at ttntled P. d. Please state by what convoyanco they aro tc, shipped. L. fiIIISLIFELD bION. , Jall3 No. 83 Wood at., Fittiburgli, Pd. I_l . o FOR UTAII!!! No. I::Cartor'a tale) this be you N.O. 236 WOOD STREET, tsd 7l-1 1 \IP LOUR.--30 bbls. .riine Flour in store, and for sale by McCANDLEOS, MEANS zi CO, Cune.r of Wood raid Water streek. - QOUSES .FOE. BENT— } By S. CUT 11.13.2115: SON, 53. °-.lorket, et. 1 comfort - AI:to two etory Jwclialg borne on Ite.ts street,el heae, of Fifth —Z . I4 per toontb. A two story tilling on Du ille9lne sheet —$lC i'nonth. A ,:rin.sit,nir,t - dwelling street--;150 per A th.v. o t itori i.;,1150 ci - woo Etn , :ILI, , Jll Turd ctre<:, at A dwelling bGI1P1" of four recurs and kitchen, e itu large !at of gratin', on laoh street, Mount Wachingtca2.l,ltai Two lark,-e warelion,e on 'third F.tre , ..t, nelsr Two , nnali 11011,t,t) L :"7:l'.a.C.C'Ll Court, near Fith $6,25 per intmth. A. two story frame. hoo.la of four rooms, on CdICQU ardra, 4 21,11t.h PittlLurgil, at z. pay mouth. A large brie:; isonao rintit gatnte4, frnit Mea, etc., in gheny city—V.V..C.: per ynar. A staro ieor.l en Thir.: d:rcot—sl2s per 3 nal - . A dwel:inef tioc o oe Third street, thttr !Aerizct. A wnrolacuse cu 71 , irl,:et er,3et, A dwelling Len.:., or, IV.Tlie etreet-- - 1,e5 year,. A large chop en Third Btroei can be Lad fur cc years. A Liter,, azul ca,ticr, carne7 eirceta, etc. -LL pmons knowing themse7es indebted to viii,LTA.m CLiNN . oIiT.Y, late of the EL. Char hotel, Pittiurgli, thoile cla,Lail will them J. V. W. WELITU, of Willi:lna 0. Coat:o117. M. I. STEWART, Attorney at Lox,. riitli it 1if20.41. 3.. - I:inary 19, 19:.9.--Jtl9:lw isitm3r2r, 1 roll FEET of Flooring, of sulk. - - rlor qa^litv '."-^ '2O , 'Or co i." . .4"; cz.:. , valud.ble Alcerativa and Purgediva .17xtheirtc.. j A.,;;;;-; Curt) ef Fever and Acne. jAYNt...'6' • , ;201„:NTI:11. IRRITANT, for Sprains, 13rae.e3, Le. J.AINEz. Beauty, Growth. and Restorntion of ;It, Hair. JA VN E.-;* LIQUID ILAIL; DYE, (in Powder,) evdt of whiqh wine:l3.l:qt too flair trt,rn any ocher nlnr to a beam:tut Black. • Jr:J. =RE 5 - A.9l:2'it.B,lAt .744) TII k: LIVES Att 1> CvN EbS ~ r' 'or P.M U.)IOIEcT LLEENR , SI.9 UP TUE PIUSON L: NIENT r,)11 SALE Y'l'l•llYlNfil3Att IT.EE (Ali I'o;7:Vitali, WIFE RESTORED. NuW, Xuwnux $ Co.: Ihatiu 1.0 n dilliug your Ve4etahl.; Com pound inAhis mace moo mouths, and take photaure in , Etatinz tla.t. it Leone of the Meet e.ltisLiculry um:brines for of isao and one of the in at aaleahlo meth c:nea that I hove, I full lour hotrits of it to one of any ouli JLy wife lungs Were most deeply ailecte.l--at night ehe waataturated watt! ext . :Az—no:ULM to sit an all day—scared ly uln to walk aerme ill: , rootu, and could not COW ralt , eu tuinutea at d time In Sopteinher, !850,1 procured for tier your Compound, mid slit, Mid et aco taken.ONer one dczeti hot- , 31, tics of it. Mit it Let done for h«r Site now does ii hereon wont 6f:rubbing and. Etminx foT ou tantily. l'or rale , by G.NO. 11. Ii.EI:SEIt, Pittsburgh, ditx.7:dz.w (Zit), 1 10p.hi19.RE58 ,EBA.A.O D. D. r.c.eigit. D. 13. ;-'1 - .1 . 11 . 52./ S el) . s rEEL If VAPk;it CORIzr:T. ROBE , STREIRTI3, PITL.K6USiTEL Ff \ 'IL EN GiNEE ill) CaN TRAC Till; tit.ECIT JIIRS, for 11 - 015 rt portiere up - 4 - urds, fie3tiDg 11 vr pra,:tc, by St,,,ro, ilet or ilorna.c.,-. p A. Pi'I"I I .SIV4JUiI COACH PhCTOPS. S, (ICC LS`Oll. TO 13.10EL0 - Vi Ut),, former ' ty M 131GILLCI,V, I\ 0. 46 Dialmmil attuet, Pitt-burgh, P. I would r,. , sr-ccifully atinciti.co to the carrizige nsing com munity and yahoo in gim that I hare, thiA day, imr cht,,,ed the ititcreet of lily ibtmer p&rtue:, Mr. Albert, uml cal carry C 1 the buapesn in nll ita brouchn3 et the old st-ml, :it,. Di.imondin clmiiging miroc oi and ea well octr,bLf,h.l atamiMeini mg citablielment, core li, public no , hart hull be wtintimi - on my ic.rt to M. c;mriict.cr no 'cog cujoyi.l by my p.cin Istpi M. 1, . T .l l n.l I °LINTON & v+ l v W"OLEB.4.LE AND RETAIL -* A r T !es, R C Azi >1 9 =J. 117 D1A:4073D ALLEY, N , :ar T?c , o_ Da fir ,)et, A.ways ou 1111,d, .bit.chlorry, Coguuc. Old idottorgtti.”.llt and Itecritity! ": ~-~--- ~= _ 'i' i; AcTu ILE a c , s HYDItOM.ETEK or weiz,hiag th 3 chehptat and b e st bonn.o;e to this city. TID'.:1010N1 ETETtS AND ILA, 1:0111 ETERS, iaprico SURVEYOR'S L',OIIIPAS: 4 ES, 1:111 i/L1.1% 'S, actic.:l ;?..'reet. OriNEV AT LAW ,11 - 4,1) CONVEYANCER. 0.1. N OFFICE - itrlnirtV 0131.101"ki, rirsz [ht, C,T 11:7 of Mih, 1'147:3,;URG11, PA MUN El' in it‘n.o ancl v 1, 1 ,131 Tiantiiico LOfit.N.PID Gold ,:t1 t. 01,3 and ,S!.1::,-; all I:w.d,i tii vfilutiblo Ikt•L fur any lungin on. 4:21-001c....111,11,., fro:a 7 A. 61. t.O 10 :._=l.EL` GEOI{,GE P. IVERTZ'S Tialg Premitasu Wactory, CUittiElt 121111tD'AND ,NIAREET PITTSBURGII. rP 4 IIIOSE WISHING TO FURNISH T 1 IF IR n0u,...0 with v eNyriAN BLINDS, of . tba moatHILO and elab.srat , Luil.n, will find it to thcir intereittl Lo give 010 4 call u4(c)144,,i1ig woricia by tilt, (no; apprun;icoB.) Evvry attenti...m la want 4 Ul Cl:Ji..l:2t 10. PrE,.3 I,Lv. All tturk aarrgn N. 'CIIII{D Stry- - 1, 1111 y 8:17i3 ROBER.7 niI:LEL% JAIME E. IntEsblno I)4 °BEET D ALZELL CO., - 'Wholesale t tiro:tors, Cominio and Poi:wardin g 'titTchant.,§ and Dealcin in Produc:, and kittOburgii •Mannianture3, No. 1.,.,1 Ltberty strett, Pansburgh. Pa.. ff'.)Sets.ottliallitE 31.S.NUFACillit7.11 Or N Cologiatt Splrits and False' CAL, No.. 107 and 170 Second treet. aplo.lyd2dp LARD OIL. CANDLES, '• PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS,, A. 1!. nocatilemAiliar. JOSEPH 73 000K21111111.11;it. BlOgo, CUli 3/ISSI ON MERCIIA.NTS, ';sit, Cheese, TOittur, Meats, ant E'roticace G'enereally, 30 4, and 2 04 .N”n'lL Third and fiflie Boars above. PLULA Ji LPIII AVE NOW IN STORE, A..ND TO AR AI:7._ P.I.Vli a full u9sorte3,ltt of '.',Lickeroi, Cod kish,, tiurriug, which th. - . 3, will of ut tho eery w.tr kt.t rates. P. 6.—ltarrri, thoul.form, Barro:ed Pork, or ether t in oxchanz,...., nr xis (.11 ,ounni....3k7A. Jordon h lirutbor, Wut. v. b.mit!.... Co., jail: n--2p tiE Eal GIN E ER'S .141.A.VititifSTS, Corner of irirsi. anti Lth , rty Pittzt.-41 y.}, QUPE.RIOII STEAM ENGINES for Uriet and Saw Mille, DroV,!Zit,i 1111.11.111.4 Eit:ll`'ALitntiviAtn, :vitt.UtlitCCOri,: 4 , &C., msle tc oaf , r. Ivry utsu c,at.luttc tllo inami:*.:cture cf IL-ir ,t.ir.:ll Turning Lathes, Iron L'iaricra,B•T!t:gc..n.i.l Aleo, Wrought Irou v,ith 11,1,gen,, E;;.... 4RY GOoi-16 Itte wuncrieci ehti.4l; en:4c, » a priattal?01,1111!!, Call; rich, all 'rritaiim.,gi. Liwiery, qtla 1 etoc.T. a ol' A A.'llae.on S Fifth t r ir,4l. cty.:ll •tyout. tio Va,r ;&#I% PITE - S — EItVES. —lO do-ea und for Kii,sby itriiALLit ANDER,I3ON, N 4. IjUV IN \ 1 .7 t• the uncut:via of Ca-i; llnyacg Lo OUlt Set - END.II) STO36. u.? OViIe.C•aALF. • Taay f,akbrus.m.• all etyles, and SOLD LOW 13 - LDLICE C;TOCii. eIIESTEit'S GOTHIC II:111, Corurr Itiood etrut , .. nd 1.1,11.::Lfi 11110,Y! D Jahi PPLES 12 Ira: Pi, tins; 5.0 " 4ignmuin, JA.,a .I.'l YETitl::, Ic , IN's[:.: 3Lre-0.: it Split 8c.,..t0m t.r.attirs, rottki ‘.../ and cittillo. f.tr A YIAZY',, I" .. ; , ter S wind+ , Youti L'ye, r, 59 11.-. Jet 4; - . - ' GEN T, 'l' :E. l' , 14 A. iL.: E.; F na. IfEtiat Flf Cif .',.ILL:iI:IE j.,!:,:.E6, `IOYRUE E KT PRICE-TtiV I . ;: ZT V -11.1 V E CI:NTi.= U tt 1,1 fl:. .Ti, kublishen. MASONIC I.IALL, Etna hT11.1:151' (IN OF PRICE SINUffI.A. , 3I, (TR F.1::3 as riUG 1....._6.13' 1311:T 0 V.F 11 i,ATENT DAVID 11. P T TSB UR (. 1 , V ~ ~~_ _- ;~ 'd OLD AND SILVER SP '&OTACLES, POCKET COMP A SSES, 'ND ii.ElPll.l7lln, 11=1 100 ;3.11.1 . 1717.1ELD ;[re B. C. &u, a SAV,VIALIZT, 2 17 Wooti street, PH:salmi% AND DEALERS MORE AVE ilEisl DELIVERED.— . T 1.,.• 'fora Lleiala, Trilmuv, Abso, Phil:1400.11A 3,±.7,E, :tut! fcrn.y's Elsc&t. SONY ~•~.~ N APLTAN T ES, t;" - T v3_t ) xst.if,LlAJ -3,1.1',V1'.,:0 CONSISTING OF PIVNIN TEA. STOR!!.I, NO. 'Zig PARERS 11N S ILAN CE COMPANIf. N. W. Coi.N.Ya. S.11:;ON7 ANL WALNUT nt, follzr.;1:14 btatc•mont +, , xlll , ,itd. the, Luau, , „,, and wudl• tiou of L'llo COl:piiiiny to .3.4n:sty Preinimuu roco,viid for Lasluu Ittekr.undt,:tuill• cd in 1857 ' Marinn rea.dpra received duriag veer 1X,165 05 rec;:lv,.l during tht , I),:curabc.r Olst, 195.„ 192,653 SI, Intortzt vu Leann 8,445 C 2 ETC., Total r.:Lbipts for the yi,tr.. Prati Mizitte Paid Nina 4. 1trip.3116.24, Roturr,d Pre:hill :114 Salariou azd Ctanruisslotil; Balauco remaluing n'Ul.Cerapan, ....... The ASELTc:', of the Ccoinic.,, , ere as tonvaa:— Ilonda and Mortgana, Grountrlltmta t Ilanit and other Stocke Lased nu Stock! Trust and iLi Now tort , Deferred Payment 02 ....... Bills Recoivalalu. Cash on hand and duo from A gent 6".... .......... Premium on Policia+ recently tcautal, and deMs due the Campanv !,e,'5" , .),5C , .: 94 The ei.Mci:ro lind Direelm-i. it this inatitatium f,s: great plea_sllrEl in I.t>j ing be):1)4To Lho t;t2lqic; (13 above St; Cement, kith .i. viow et isr,iestin,i; th, it iittention to I'M: f,rtat 7:L.l.pre -1 eiie...... of Ensuring their proptrty. I:W4 Company has mitored upon Cho third ye.ir (4 its ex istunceoliiring ialth.b• period thi. Itsceipts liasm emenuted to eifild itentiriti ai, - 221i . .i; ilium:rind .7, , nurs,?..nd have, paid • ..Issue r-•^ - ::::: ;iundrjd Omai-ia.a.4 rialAtra., which is equal in I reFipszt to cliaracti•r of hUdiU , :ls to the ear; I...ist, and oldest i etilees. NV,i app.:n.o the nanr...) cf P..fow largo nod .7,lbr tfnanta r1.61 , 1,,,,iph...wh0 tgl , r.cnigotho.Coulph:.iy by giving It a tenu:lnt of tbc.ir inswanc.,, and \ whom :iro 11, sp6etintly tiny who Itlay . `.', - q t4ll to ilearard mt.h this com;-;,137, M. nal , lwin;etiintit Ilu;_iiii,').l.tanuf.iutarerl David Bro , in, Merchant: John H. Drown, Merelini. ; let-. ci:arn; • itlevellents; Pliust L Wumbren r.er, Men...barite; D. P. Th-itrieh, Cum Illni3;ic Miclinel.l3ouvier, lit,ralant; i.utriusr Merchinit; J. Pan Brunt; .M..rt. haat ; Wm. Bunn' 3; Co., Clothiers; F. M. Son, Merch ulte; Jea per IN ding Plumber: - .; F. Cot'erall ; -P. Biu,licing K Eon.;; .1; Taylor: Juba Here Powell; L. Broome & Co; William F. Hughes • Bloomy ti.islm; D. lc C. tc.elly, Mativillicture.eii; Ch./lieu L. Bute. Sugar ltrfiner. The C.impriny im - Ko Ocean ln•farlue lauunees aincei Ant;imt let, 1817, tlieui. , ,elvr:g ex clusively to The tit:.(l I r,1311,1 In,aranro. • ' I TW7_;i4B. EDIVAIIID E. ILFLSIIIO . tiocretary, JOHN T7I:IMASUN, TllOd. J. HUNT.i.:I 4 ., Agent, jalftl y:2p - No. 10 Wal,r SAFETV iNSUIi:ANCE t I ,OIPAI-.411, INCORPORA'PED BY THE I_El3 ISLITURII UP Pi-INN— : a+II,VANLA., IL+35. CSIFICE. 8. E, CORNEI2 I.IIIRD PHILAD.PI.P:II.IA. PJARINE: INSURANCE,. ON 'VESSEL-4i. ) CARGO, l To allarcs nt tho VILED.i LIT, ) • INLAND I_NeTJRANCJI:'.I On floods by'r.lvor, anti ',and C.trriast.3 to .: all v.v.:: of zlin ' 17N fls itAN 42.11 S - On Stairer.., - . Novetuv,r.rlSs7. .I.:ol2o.s,ltortgagt:3 ; :11,d Pliihdelphiti , t 7,1 ...... Stock in iitillrnatt nnil 1 _:_ ~~ -- Compaut.‘s ItoceirtiNo C:1313 ou handa of Aoontm, 00 :51.trit:o ly ,c 51;1' 5 ,730 :"..7 othor duo tho Subxrihtionl Noto2, v .: ~j h E STERN • INBIIP.A. COMPAIN Y, OF 11.1.158URC.411. ±I•L GC.C.LiVe, Socreiary. OFFICE Water etreet, fir. wag F Cu'o Warelts.stee,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will Mauro againot all Muth; A Iloniei Inotitution, managr.J . ro who. a'..o wuti known in' tho community, and dot. trained, by proarptin , t. and liberality, to maintain tit« , thiractcr roddcli thy have manzined, a 9 oltoring tho bolt prato,'.zion to itio..o who dmire to bo lusui I i~=rx'.Y:i~ ASEETS, 1557. titech Account Mortgrii.;o, licweiviii,lo . FurLittire Ace unto Proi.riinta Noica, Bills Diz,cetaittcl, Cluorgo DarEL., J. Jain; \ r Arday, Andrew Aclr.l.3y, Nathaniel Holm s, - ; D.M. Long, 0. W. !tick.ot.soa, t.or2i MONONG HELA INSURANCE COMP A.N oFroltilf:.l--ilc. 9i3 I.7:latar Strolet. WILL AGAIN;iT. 2.4.t0D8 01' AND jAIDO3 A. linlcilLion. Clecirim A. Iltrry, Wm. IL Jlrilmea, Rat Dalmill, William Rea, Thomitin S. Ciarkiii, Wilson Mille:, John .NPL'itivitt, Win. A. Caldn , ll. jaS WE 'ST RAN Ca MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAVEN CLINTON COUNTY. CUARTEREI: 1:17 Pr.7;NFirLVANI.A. o.lth. ..... I Pre 5 ti;:..1.1 ,-, ;rz...Z112343, rialS OWIPA'SY WILL It‘ISLIIIE ON LaikuLiv, lu toWn or c,..wat.ry asin Joo.,l.l.'irirclifota. G. C. 1:..: — . - L.y,leivArtcJ A. !`..Taji,,... • .I..Au I T. T. Abr.,,d, ID. K. 41, IW. V7l.li:c, Tisc,:na.4l(itc?!,,ll. MCCutcheOu Cu!.trilar: atito/1, BAUM & Conlin PELLT.,DELPIILL I J W Cr.scrturti, A. lui.4-ardner,•J3lin ' A nfr, A. 1(1.u. Clniere.l .1. man , VantltqL., 1 , , !II (4: Win. .I:igier, UrYICL—. ii.CS 1•1 r.t, 4t2l;tr .1. A. LIP.PI4III`, Agent UL.E.74 c:p.“ing or Lew,alll 1.7111 ?.4. acqden. aag,nd e,2 :hit; eit.y. lie 3 al ecp iaid r. cx.pLtrtY, Tl - 7!tti' "12.a0 ;2, e,tt , .-; 11 - . Jon of j LLl2tJet. A D ti r itlE. FAI.:"..TESTOCI(. No. 74 1 1 100.1) Plttabrzlgh,l,,, hx..zt 1ar,.",3 STOCK OF L1A.113‘.7,11t1;: .761,111.10 - . , cillnrll v.. 17 13w fur Ll li. rn , to his UU , 11 , 411"1:•4 :lu4 k.rgo ;:4,,irta“,nt Tciol6, h b rrf,iv..4l u large null. ply cf Cu:tt-rs ; 4,1:1 _ • ` 7 orwaz.P . Lna CcaiirAi.:;sion Idelehant, 1"N 1I NICE , La. .D.l.4;.L...s.vriAn .. 1 9r.1,11 ildranucl A. &,tier, John C.'DLI.V JOISTI Pource.op o.3crgo Q. I,.. , iner, Dr. 1.. M. Ilustu.n, IVilliana 0. Lirlwis, Orakt. Spenve Er. t Oharlea Ji P.i TID Tra , ola;r. 17.11'z:ear, 8yr...,„cr.., - Jr ::1111 , P. Ly. tiantuul E. 11 , ..,.rry :‘.lnnd P.obert J. Joiila B. S.niple, Pittpbul '1;11 D. T. ?orgrn, J. T. L0rn , .... " Pr.2!l.3ent. Taos. 0. H.81:r., mica Haar.t :3erretary._ P. A.. AILL'EDIA, i:Zo. 05 IValzr tr.r3ot,P:ttubargb. it. Jr., Ceo:r . ge J.....ka.at, Ater.. Specr. Alex.ao..i,r nick:l'; Wiz. F< amlth, GORDON, Etcre Lary OF PIT TS, URG-Lr. J A Mr;:i Etat; : n t 11EN.P.17 M. ATWOOD, Eq.xer..tary. It AILIZ,i E Eiarcs =MEM . . fluN. ti. C. T. T. ir17.....,14 Vie , ... ez.:3:-. 1 ,,,,; . .1:11 , 23. %I IC:I.'4N, V.,...,;r0.31y. IMPOltflig L. , DEALER IN Tap kiit,w.,.T.L; !Aft I; 14 "iv • 3a ztrzet, adivr ;Faze-TCO EMI MMME2I Flour, Cara flat Fr4ic gcr.v;raliy, N o . go I,l , l; t tz,e he."1.V.,)0c - 1 aziti Market. tIG i; I' a. 7, R. 1.• , Dllworilt, Boa, Pil;lb Irgh; isaya !lei:31101 4: NI. P.ma:, i~fU j ~i~ Vi -1 L• 3 „7„1::2,t144 . r . SS 04,-13 .5 ,-3, , 1:3 L., 11S,ESS GS :.17,635 1:4) 111,7 00 QO 14,401 c 37 4:),01).0 :1;.; ri a E Tai A li, .5/01,350 04 1'27,411 25 • 12,508 00 220,!401 05 40 100,i)00 00 70%755 37 $1:'4.1.,500 00 2,100 00 4,161 CI 210 00 9,479 04 11,941. 45 40410 50 12.,,,c33 ,;:17,041 73 I.BEVEY, 1'r1.1,1.it.. OM ii, STIC If R. P tea