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"t -,,, • "-.o'* V.4,o2o:_ d etn 4 , ,ii,. -, y ,s t-- - -, ,,:', A ir . r ..4 4 - - k , -•.• , 0- - , .„re ~1 t...•-•r, t - , - 1.- .', - ' •• •lz •'' - • , 4. - ,N- •I 1 ,- -7. •-,r,ri7.4,144;.,: , ..,41 45 4 ; ;.-0,.4 . 4 v,,,,-...5.4, , ..F`J:.*-,--; l 4 ,ke - ,-.71 # 1 te - ..";: #- - r,,tl' , ,i'••• .`..%,' , .""*.,.,..1 -t . ' - - - Vrjul,4,(., 4 ,.., 1 / 4 4.% ~.4,- : ;.4 . ,, r , 80 , 143,••,, otoo , - 11w:o l io: , s •-, .. , ,,y1 --i'we'ci DP,' ..,‘ 0.- #'4 4 '''. WA- 40:'' • 1.-'t `' Zo' •r^: - " ' —.' ' - • '. ' " ' 1 / 4 c- k ` i .A)'!: l P 4 4 4 / ‘ 6 "trt 4 :r. 34- 6 4 '10 6 " 1 ' 11 ' 10 .;; 4 ' 4 4-' s ' : ' '''' 41 4ti t4r.: -;-: •, - 2/0 Ff . ".: 4. :0' - '.." '.,'.i . -' '-'• -' ' .-, '', 'i. . • ' ': ' ' ,"- '. . s t &If * A,`; ' 4l / 4 ! 4 .' e * Z ,.. r k l k.I.II•UAlif0'.4111; 1 . I ' . : ' r g I .' t °: tin"- ' ' ...,`,`".' 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' A 4, . - ' r rf,t - • , • 'tir 4l 44 e, tor**"4 4s l 'At'lk*.l4, l " ' • N,V , gr . th WitVe 'f 4 Aett?Pl 44 6'46 4 " ' '41r4t,4044 44.1.' 4 :44 e r e' .4'art.4 . 7,...!.. i -11: ' ,... !' ; ';' - .: , .,1*. -, -.',f..i , ,, ENE And Wngetta, Since the foretwing derllrlitiol2 WA., 111.11. (onxily adopted by our et - Nita:resort, In Nat Laud Convention., an adverse political 14.11 d religions test boo been secretly or• a party claiming to be exeluoirely American. it ' proper that the American thow/crary should clearly define o:itefielations thereto, and declare its determined opposition secret political societies, by whatever name they may 6‘11.A. - lboootrod, That the foundation of this union of States b0r .... .. , . fug been lexam aid In, and its prelpertry. expansion and pro-end. ... - 7 :.-111011t ple in free governntent b u n, LL;matters of religious eorirarrnment, and no respect of 1,,r- Ewan rolirArd to rank or {doer of birth; no party ran juMly :;betingmed notional, tanwtitutiorwl or in accordanc e war principloa, which bases at. ~ scluoire orgonirat • upon .ratlgintra opinion, nod ace idental birtb-piare db,l apolitical crusade in the /1 , 1,1 , 01.111 renter . . and m file United Melonor Am-orb-rt. again.: Cal 11.011....e1 fOre.l,. . 4born, by the ;.aot hiraory or the furore roapocts or the cone: r), nor in u ir.. , 11 'A rho. .lar I/ I.t •youn,6o):, ale.l 'condom .114 d. Fpee nliarl) den.. ..,iz-,: - ;,itl 4 ElSheil,be A ineliarn .ystett. of ;member g., Slot we mil; rate nate, renewed energy of 1.,,, c l- ciicoamtiorrll rtmlaratior m ~t ...npou the aget..,al ,f •fidrierri n -Livery, Lind co. tewerrrd rightmd in, m Si..— n tit,. iig 1. That I' 01 4 1...4 hie. ne i , V run , kr the er.rmlie ro • 4ntortor , on:It or control the id me,ti.• inatitutiote 4 the .aerer a l Stab • awl that .a I. Soden 'tr- the en.le and pr..; r Judger. of set. thing appertainin g to tifi•i. Own spat r. • d prOirsidig.i lir tfin Odort , tl.•di : thin„ a.. effete. of the .1.. }done L. or • 111. :•• t 1 ,, rfi . • oteme..on e ..; mirrnry. , lake 'Tient •tep.. in relat•-ri therero. ae. .linl Lad I•L I r!..• 000: nit and d ; gerona in.. , lo;! .orb efforts have an ifin ndne t.; hies pann e . of the 1 ..0, - mill rodatb: r sl3: ,116 11011 1. rum. airy of the finin; and n odal m.t totr. o.ll atenani,.l b, any friend,. of r ; Instltations. tint tiro L4Llrt.pking pr.iptaliti i m revere. and era. Intended to arobrarn the %iliac subject of alavery agitatorrn in grew and then-6 me. Dontoorati, party of the o, standing ea thin notional idadfurtn, w abide hr awl wit, to a faithful a/Locution of the arts ;he '...nipr oni er ...,lioascm+, Settled by the realgreas of into •' the Cot for rr- Claiming fugitives trout to-mice or baton" included: we. ir•e. act being arsigloefl to early out an etpr esa prrirmir m of the 7 4.ij 'Cl9Dditntion, cannot, with tblelity theri to, be repealed, or to to to limiter / or imindr its. ftii 3. That the ljewocratie party wri rest all attempt.. at aring,„in (longreas or out of it, the agitation of the slavery l under whatever ideate. , or row, the attempt may In. e. 3. That the Drommrati, parti will farllifully abid e by e n d ttpiteld ttof prinetplea laid down in the lien turky And Tit , guile resointion. of 1799. awl in the rer.ort. of Mr. libulwou to tit. Virginia Legislature, in 1: . a.. That IL adopts tie... pt, erlPlw so rotunituti 0/14. or the rpm , . • finintinfin de r of its ufial ertaal an rei..1,••1 e.,ry 111 their •h. ruato weaning, and 111.11,..L1.1. • -~~. -, „ ,;~~-, ~ pn'TsBCTRGH POsT. WE - DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM Adopted at the Cincinnati Nation al Convention. That the American Democracy place their trust to the intelligence, the patriotism, and the distaimlnating Justice of the American people. .12tivined, That we regard this as a distinctive feature of our political creed. Which we are proud to maintain before the world, as the great moral element in a form of goveru ment springing from and hold up by the popular will; and we contrast it with the creed and practice of Federalism, un der whatever name or form, which seeks to polity the will of the constituent, and which conceives no imposture toe monstrous for the popular credulity. Besoloed, therrfure, That entertaining those views, the Democratic party of thia Union, through their delegates as sembled in a general Convention, coming together in a spirit of concord, of devotion to the doctrine. and faith of a Inv rUprOataltatiVO goVerlilnatlt, and appealing to their follow citizens for the rectitude of their Intentions, renew and re assort before tho American people the declarations of prin ciples avowed by them nitro on turner occuaiona iu generui CouVantlon, they have premented their candidate fur popular 1. That the Federal Government Is one of limited power, derived eolely from the Constitution ; and the grants of pow erinade therein ought to be etrictly construed by all the de partments and agents of the Government; and that It is in expedient and dangerona m exer.ave dt.ut , tini vonatttotlonul powers. - 4. That the Conatittil doe , not rattler upon the Geueni. 00V1W111.1,121 1-/t.••1" 4/ commence and earry on It general tryst, 91 ad 111/1•1.01'e1111/11111. 7 hat the Goa:glint:on &eat not nooft.r authority upon th • h.. 1..... Goer, um, nc, ilito,rij indirectly. th indiums the andd..,l :L. t•duizu.i.d h.r 1,,a1 and In. tome illli•r.P/11,114, or nt her 5t...111. purpoalce, nor ~ .111•1 sorb itialutaptinn Ind j wit or expedient 4. That justex nun sound le .liey turbid the Federal 110, eihtneut 110 11 .01i1 of toduatry to the dol 711.15 t of ft.l .ff n.h the int. - real of one portion to ch. J 111) •.1 1111 1 1 1f1, I , L•rfl•tn of 0111 - • •1111111 •41 , 0111alry; that every 41,1 Ik.•I - y I.o‘ll .. 1 •11 t•f the country 11/1111 rigLt I • maul 14.11111./ milltiiity of riglite and privileges, and to iu,.rpletr all 111111.4 e 1,11134,1/01.1.4 per,. 11111.1 proper. tj 1 1 1014./.. V 1 10.11:11 a.44,:tv.uun. t'•`T!..•t it i- the dui, of .. ,',yLranch of the Gavel nun nt '•• pray tier the tin eg rigid economy hi ...due; int' out j. 1•1•1••• ftlT.lll, and that uo lucre raven., o ught to bl • al ,- ed than le I , pH - et in defray the ueehaiaary eypent.e. eI the 00Yekrtingint. and far tho4.,, , taddal, but :ertain ry tin. irdi of the pliblir debt. II That the pioera - als Of the puldii lamb ought t., 1., an• crettly applied - In the unihinal opoditied it. thi• -did that we are 0pp,.....1 I.' wit low f o . tflprneeita : . `1 I, .1111', j../ . 1..1011•.y an.l ' , mean:tut 1./. the C....diurnal ~• 1 14./ 0)160.1 IV., u., p.••••••(- 1., 1 / a ll, 11 11411,1til 1•••••11.. that e, b.4:event...li nu111.11 1 .•11., .•1•P• ./1 •1• Ad!) . 1•••••11/111N to the heat 11 /101,1/4 , • the • "unit dun t. ow • 1.116:1 C 41.1 mot . lite., an I 1•1,/ - 1•••• •.1 •...•1,•le. /11. ••/11. 1113- teal h. pia , . tie• ini-tee.- of le. - .lair. »dr ia the r d ..f . :' , 1411.61 811,11 ;KIN f'l. h.' 1114 r 1,1 1.. r•f- •thal t•—• 11 1, 111•• 1,1•1 le4a.. in thi• dn.) till oilier huntietal. 6.1• 1., 11 •',al ~ 1,11, v i'E/ 1.1.11 t ht h. ft fft . IVO thf' 1.14,11•11j/01111.'n1 f . •of ti••ei ::.• • .•0111ry. tog rd.d,rrtif,l eatidhl mad pro. Lllll.l of All is., to,. their safet a and hi di all bleat.. a. a. That 6.- wpparai of 11,, mo, . y of lb.. G.,-rni n nt ftym IALL/.11/g /11/4,111.//1, 1 / l intlll.-n4at.le bir enfoti the !Luca, of tn.- trio, nni. 11./.1 [6O right', -4 /1, 9 Thdl i• 41.• :.! 1 b. lA6II/, tr, t lii. i-- Lam, 1 all, eat i.ixbiliPil vet, poi. ,to a bi- to .1,1.01.4. der ,14.. LaoLs andreiliamitinilitioti amply t,, 111, the inforest.o, t.. ,u-p, of bill tn. nt, nrr;he t la , . third- of tho iota ni4.l 11•.ost IL , [ l lll- , .1.11AL1S un,tl tae . .llia:-!:11 , [1: [0 - 11, 1[ P . . 1" "811 ntinuto4l thi•rt.on. and whi , b bits weal tin" Arwrii,ol ti tii. ii •i no nod ti mom. :LI dorm, ci.% at,,h a Li, I 11/[• :'ll,l*, //ILI trta a oorriii.l4,,, Qyz ll . ll .lgononol tutornal Inapt nvoments. ;lk.• 111.-ral .•[lllk/ ,11,1 by .1/.0,110E1 111 : [A. floclarntnan Inlopotalonoo. ,m -I o.inot "'nod in ii,,. C.41-.1, evn..h mak., ' , ars hind rty he ,gy j", the approsoo.l of ev-ry rtwrn prlG.p..n. <1a..(1. loath, :aid eev,.ry attempt n. alit - vivo, Elio pri at to.ootain., nozl thol , rbmrne I 11 nu 414 t la, :Li., and 11,40 nur statute A' d that mat tii nr ifitt wet ly w sA. oial pant. aniniai:lrtit exclaiiirtov tlatory ittrita 12. W / I • tHelit) riiti irle. Nor th &AIM, ::1•• Reanlv,i. Isll/1 11111/1 v.. the c.-operolion of all ark. tha , u, the imnit.r..urrt niipttin t 7 it!! ..t • tioiiii! 1,1111, !iiit• :1• • itNille.? iLINVIrTV, ••••1; C1,.l .0 tit., 11(1•1 tri0. 4 .0.1 ail I rl "41'0 / 11, 1111, i4M . and '0 hoe , Vloo 1.1/r1..er....., 1, / . 111 / 111 / 1 yt,yl / 1, 041 Cu civil u at oh.) .1)- P.:1.4, -4 ho .ILlO4textl 14% I 1.•,, 1 /111 • , r ritbtxl3•lag 1.4 i.l !!. • 41"1,t1 •.t i,.. I . ii .ntr 3 ia it. delvtr.rrill rin. cif the ••n-.1NT), Y(.81:,..0 NT N., I . I.ACCAIf IN ST tre AN,. TERI: ‘ , l( IN rot 01,111 I ,1110. A. Tile rending of thin renolutimi v oiterropirwl f. r tin., by trerocodonm nmiprelontil.lappl.rune. 1. That 11th, won tlie bleu. of t 0110r01114.11 1 , " ronflrtrtbd bi the berre...ratic 0 Whiz purr,- m tumid Cunt on ti.,4--rittified rerrpl. Lilo ries ie., 1852, aud applied to the .o,..izrom. 'for, if, lo IRl.t 3. Thou try chi• wr lf.nm appitrat.on ilia Imm, spyinrlplt• to ihr or Terrn.n P.n, Mid le. Ili, MISSi 0 :tat.., nail, or it ti.old .1 meedw kler. they otox -itie tights ol MI Ile. Simon pre•errort -tb• or:uiti I the roortituri 11.4,UtalU e 41 ila the and oxiinnemi. thu. lueured m I!. II ilat.,t Cap,iclt v of endleciy irearae and harm...try. ever) foam, American i•iutte. that to, be ellaititutwi or twirled, with a reiattilitinn form or if , ,dt•ii, That we 11r^ rigida of th.. 'entitle t all the Tomtoriee, including KAL0...9 and Nstadetka, tom, through tie. I. ,;ally end fair!) ex prett,inl will of A itiej•trit no•ttutl wheriev.•r the 1.11:111kOr of their In titii•itanht liintitio, it. to form .1 rffilS , II 111 iffri, with or e out [ll.lllfoilir nlnvf:ro, amt to. admithsl into the futon SOI anof 1n.11.3 l' , lllAllt N jun (i.e otlirr StAto.i fin , t."y. That tit view of the onditton of In p u Ittr thy. r 11.1 II .11.1. i and the ihingeriiter .1 deticien ot . Le. I tot,: agittition. • ornitined will, the at eitfor,•• • 1,1 Anil right •I kir rot r r it,rt .iiir own lend, • a 1,1.0 awl net it. tidied wich ini ettioitii 111.1, 1. 1:01,..f. :Alf,' f•I rititittru. ILA Tl,.' part I opt, I. nil it,. • and Intiri.i.y 11,.. tlo• Ott /I. !Mt.,. 11. • .11•1 Ir t 1114,1 W.. I r I„ ream.] All ttttt ti And . - t , I 11, 1.1 I I,i it: of Ow fot. Ili, • cf., no ••1 tic., non,. i.oil 1.3 vie Inca and e.otetatti, adite. - ence to !hone priot•iiiiiiiis of the l Alllell Are broad fOlolll,ll and tortit, enough to caul, nnie and Ili I hion as l watt, the litdou it. 11 (I 1w Voion it h.•, in tine r o i l 11/0.010(.1Of I flo ellon<losi :tool rtrlrl,lll,ol lof till, r'llt rind Irl— WfOnaiVn fn.of 'That noire 1110 of:off:1a. f'ffilliff.l.-.1 With Ow foreign poIICV of 110, dna; y A 111.41 are inferior to no ..10 tnestic Atlionlivii Lt,•v., '111.• lime 11.,ionie for ill" pi, r or the rino.l Sl4l Line iloffils..l‘..of froosseas 101,1/ft fr• ti trod.' through the wor ln: ld, nud e by 101(11.1 01.141.1 A: off• the nide of their On v04.1111.l 011! ir Y. !lcauftsaf, Th. our Vof raph!..ai :Vol pe filtif,ll loon:I:oh Soft!, rn on.nen to other State., tit thin ' , mitten, no Ittnii than t intereet of our ciiinnieri e Anil the •i.o. nl .1 our L'Offn ing (lower requires that we should it•dd anred tht o pkiti involved in the Monroe doctrine. (lode hearing andr o, iiti port admit id nit niiiie,nntruction tie) should b e npphni with mi ( e.nditiz rigida) 3. That the great highwan itt hieh mon,. An pail ad the ...Jew tt the , i'ititten /WM{ WI/fled Irtirrrly lillorf.l.l in an hart marked cut for a free co mmunication In. twee the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, constitutes ono of the most important tultievements realized by the spirit modern timer and the unconotterahle energy of our peeph. That result should toe sectired by a Lundy and efficient eSof tiOn of the control which we hare the right to claim near it, and no power, on earth should he suifereti to impede or clog its prilgresn by any interference with the relations it may suit our policy to etitahltith between our government and the govetioncuts of the States within whose domintons it Jr.. We tali, Under uo circumstance, surrender our p 11110,11.- 1111.. e iq an nikllo.llllool of all quotations arising out of 4 Red -lea/. That in view Al' so commanding an interest the people of the t.ottod sta... cannot but sympathize with the effortit who h are being made by the peole of Central A M.' n fa, '•aerate that portion of the Con p tinent which envera the paw., erring the Totem:wink Tztlimns. Joweieeo. That the Donne-rode party reertgnize thegreat impot fence, in it political and ettmittercial of Cl a 4 . 0 "le'-`ilr e ttmalunicatiou, by Military and postal th r"tittit out ioirn torrifory, lit i ttirritill the Atlantic and P.it•ifte tititett e of thin Union. and that it in the duty of the .Federal Go,ertitnent u.trXerrir., prvinittly, all ita runstitti niinal power fir the attainment of that ohjeet. DREW. DREW. DREW a Tale of the fir , ,lt Di.,mai Swamp: by ilarriet if...rater Stowe. anther of Unt.le Tom's Cahill The contents are MR fullona of volame 1: The Mistr.- a .. of Cav Clayton ; The Clay- MD F 4 Inlly and Fister Acne; Th em e;on Family Ilarry and hi 4 WM- Ti.p Dilemma; Consultat I , ld T i it; The Death: The Prep....olo[l : Tip. L OV,ra ; Explanations; Torn Gordo n ; Aunt * .`Zesbitt's Lofts; Mr. Jekly's Ilpinlonn; M .1, , t;„}: en rk J 1111,1; Aired; The Conspirators; Summer Talk us Cavern.), TIC )1 Preparatiomt; The W...rnhsppern The fump-Mi.,tefra The contents a the second volume can he awn at W. A. GILDEZNIENNEY 4 0+)..8 BOLIKISTORE, Ylfth atrenL oppotfite the Theatre. esl3 FIGI3-100 boxes„fresh Fi for sale by g?. & ANDERSON, No. 88 Wood anat. lu MEE • • 'A . - .0- i . •O' . •a"• • ' • .., 1 , J' . ... . N EIV SPRING GOOIJS--N o 74 Mark,. inreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. The sulswrilven4 have Just i— t:eine! and are 001,9' opening their first art - Iva! or SPII. I \: i ClOllll6, to whh h they wish to call the parts"liat attenti .1, of their customers and the poblir generally. 11a natter our. solve., that we hall, lit,Vor been able to onor so haods.,e,e and drenrable a nisei: as tt ~ p rea. nt. lur bit ICrtel til 'tarn DF.PA RTMK.NT cntain. all the now styles., and novelties of the newton— J . :atm rnh ItLuck and k;olored Moirantei n o ~like; " " Jasper. Client, and cltriood Plain, Strlped and Plant lg.: I: " 1 winted Sill Flounced a, /lea: " " ellsPl I " " barege " " " Islw n ri .. Al., 'l'neolea, linregod. (lindlaer Lee llrl. Ar. ellAlVlsa AN// IaSTI.f, : .. : one ", :,u1 aro! .51,intle lb.,ii• .1 •r0, , ,,1n• I Nall ni. :10 00, , i .11 let. 0: Crap. easlau"re. :lb Ils.. t•Ilk. lips 4., Nl,,intnii.,,,,. l'han Lill, La, n, Ac., ,Ike ~ rif , iM 11 i ZLIP) W1.^1..4 A In.L. s tait44 11 UttNINI; AND 'f:N I - II !NO I,t IMP:ST[OF. (1 , 1,1". A Lin,/ Pal,l ,nil, 1, • ~ u, n 11r, q 1 „ ,1 ,t . 411 nll,l ',1.,. I.«, ~ /ull4l/1111 we , hns, lat h: eft.., Lit,. 74 Mark..t ettroet, gh • •• Trtinno Almanac for Iftb 7d. 12 Portraits of Colonel "Proinont, diff,..v aa t ajz oa " James tt.whanan, ltoptibl Soo ester. Maps 4 1lowlen; [ha Fri. and Slave Stataa. Yankee Nr,linna far Septend..-r . • 10 •• iirkhanVa 5 1aRazine Pa- Saplatnta.r. The a1,,,0• just r,011,1 and for og.tiv en g an a vora, .4 20 Ix, cool than elnowilo e r I:ornumb ar the plane In at LA CFI/I.:ICS 111 a IK ST/ dt E , augl9 7"." Fourth PItENII K row./VIII all eytuptow. Heal be. Persons using Are never Itablt• sucosi rot, HATIIARION Iviii(mrs PH KM I \1 H ATII A Iti LiN Is the newt valuable tr. qulaition to the toilet. retaining the Hair in any reptire.l iorni Fur sale by Dr. tilcAi. 11. RES'SEit and It. K. SELLER.- A (A)., at 2it cents per bottle. [NS. FISH I NI.; ankle LE, RI FI,ES. and 1/eitta nsii,ents, 11 hi. Panda, sue I nted Cutlery ail . 11 striptions,. 1 fr sale. at the 011010 ENTI.II• PRISE Wt/ItES, !No. 16d Weal str e et, by au31.1 BOWN fi TETI,EI . UNFURL THE GLORIOUS BANNER,— A Patriotic Song; words by E .1. Allen. on the 11 Crahil. of IA pr....c.0.,. or o II) the Duquesne Greys, to the Chicago Light littard. to.i.. ...so posed and reapectfully dedicated to Capt. John R. IV} roan. by henry Itleber. Price'2l., cents. The above Jest published and ft, male Et) ELEBNit 5U..., /9/ No, Z. 3 Fifth street. poit SALE.—llouse and lot No. 143 See ': ~t,d street, will he h“1,1 low. It is a well furnished three story brick house, near the centre of business. 0.11 soon for this bargain. THOS. WOODS, Real Estate Agent, 75 Fourth eta 14 1 11li 41- .kt . F14 . Y.11.4. f`,.ty/..,a.,.. . .... 11.,11 lt N.l. V. Jr 111 '. sTrr \ rtek• Pr-tute,' . ...... lON *V PATIi... o 'NI. Sov'Ecnd T' 11 . A. A CAI:1:11:1i 1.21-7 Wk;STE , R . N _l , N ; :ni: R . %. k \ t '., , i:w l i p t A Ny l lklkaknolN„ Ntici ..I.,Vj. Will /IMO, ir‘ari”l all 1,211,!... of k • All lorrses will Is. Irk nail) trWro-t. , 1 vo I A Home I:imitation. ro.rair e . rl I , V :), .. „ . Li,..,1 in Lb.. c . .kltifoliii.ly, and .11.. ,kr ! k I lion .. rouipi..em Ou.l 111,..reitt ) . to 1.01,1,k1ik rho •, tr•l •1 r str . I. they hare .. ,1 411111,1. ;1.,. °Mill,: 11. , I. or o r.... t. fir e who itelli. to be Insured. I.l3l.Ytykkik.s-11. 51111er. Jr.. l' W Itichetsn, .1 • . I. N. lloluit, Jr., W. 11. Sardli. I'. 114 u—s. rreor . li, 1, ' Andrew A.•/: Icy, Jium, I.4.orar.vi r ¢,• Wo.,age Nar.se, la o .. '.. Aulev, A lexan.i, NIIIIII Is. Tl..n , 4 lithe, NO. 0 :1 Water or revs, (V% tirehonse ..1 Soving el Co-. up ntnirs.) l'auburgli. u0v24.13 .. COMMONII'EALTH INSUItANCE CO. If AR lIISEUR(,, PE NA. Chartered Capital. - - - 3300,000, log_ Insure, Buildings ns.l other Property rhino. Derange by Fire: also, ilgaitist Perils of theS.l.l, 1450, 111 1 / I .lot Navigation and TVIVIINrk.OI,atIkkII 0ryie55,.._241.41/N el 31EllirN Presidotit. BENJ. l'Aith A, VICO 4r. ni 1r ot S. S. CAlilll/..8. S:t•vci tr 3 . A. A. CA 11.111E1L, .tirt•nt, Fourth mud Srelthfield j )01:Um pIAN() l'i)li $1 1) ( 1 .-- One .Nlaie.gany I'iano Forte. sui ~ , 1 41,0, f., One sin , K•liti t. l Iali..K•ll.V P . i j,, k .r.... . . ........ it O •... Otte SIX or In Vt. 1t0..., .k.rtl l'illk, i .. ..Vlek. N., It 111,n)kir frame. One tive octave NJ ali..ga For eel« 1,, Fry !'101... Clll 41. ITE 41.1' 11 PI, seg4 iii W.ssl Kt_ -., kkkkki kik.. Mk .1.• Firth ,q. B LANK ETS, BLANK ETS.--A . A. 111 A SI)N IJP & Cr). o,rau 0, - :,l1) nri... ..1 . Hoe trade to or - ' , t J'at, _ pares of titer} . I r. , riotr. di of SWlter :111t1 A linkriV.Lll Maul,. t.. VALUABLE LOT OF UROU bi I) FOR just 1 er,iv.d. compri,ll 11.4 T0 ., 1b-vi .Swing: luirth I;lauls , t4: SALE—Sittutie in &Berta ay City, haring 70 ft front limy Merkirmw an the canal, by:l7o feet deep on one aide to Washington et.. r ;1,7; all '' . 4 ' l Er ,',"' h : emir toaeketn. and 170 feet on the other; adjoining P r operty of William ' '" ""r " ''' .A . 114 min. L will Le afered sr a strew kolVatire +o'24 Bissell, Jr. Thitl ilroperty is well ethiated fore private rest- deuce and will ille add ate easy term'. The Dwelling Bauer DowDEß'll BLUE A superior article contain coven roam and two lath. , .2.. Jtuit received and for sale by au27 B. CUTHBERT & BON, 61 Market lik I 1 Jeff OR SALE.—THREE SCHOLARSHIPS ua Dun 'e College will be dispcieed of by application to Ulu Counting Room of the Daily Morning Post- l OWA LA auINDS--481-.)Aci•es of choice Land, 'taw, iu Ida conuty, lowa, for sale at a bargain. au27 CUTiII3KRT it SON, Al Market et. INSEED OIL--500 gallons Lingeed Oil j for naJe by J. SCHOONNIAKER, - ViLESH DATES -20 luattigjustr.(and for tlale b nu2s y ANY WEN d ANTILREION, No. :3.9 Wood stroot. COCOA NUTS-400u 10 arrive and an2sby Hal Malt a ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood atrot,t. HOUSE TO LET 'Two Pranklin Story MUCK DWELLING LIODSR, situated on street, opposite the aLlth Presbyterian Church '088031150U given immediately. Itnquire at the house , „ r ot MILLER k Itiefirrso, Noe. 221 and =1 Liberty street. 01 . '64114 4*-' - INVEN George Trott>, - OH - 13Flobe, or Cup, for Steam Engines---Patented 3lareh s , and County Fair, THR PERLIO.-4 have Ode day dinit* , l of my Inte rnet in "O. Trott's Improved Oil Globe or Cup for Steam Engines" to MOSES B. EATON. who now ban the entire control of the Patent JAMES CRISWELL. Pittsburgh, April 11r19541, Trott'd Patent. 011 0101,01 are 1 1141111.1faCtUrVd for mo by Remora...T. ti ii. Job., Phila., Milos Greenwood, Eart., 0M- M:until, and Mawr.. A. McKenna, Pittsborgh, a 1.., ore also ant.horizod to sell moot. Orders for the ail/ I, promptly attend/xi to. Shop Rights aro olTurisil for toile on rtiosounhle tern, to Railroad Oo's., Stonnt Engine Runde's, Brun Foundsr,, nod others in any part of the Rattail Staten. - NOSES F. EATON, 139 First Btroot, Vittzburgli. PEAELL STEAM 11114 ALI6,IIICNIT, itryan, tienueily S CO., VI t•,11. Pittstkiirs t h, Aug '22. 191.6 ) F Exvois. Hsu —Sir: We feel pleaAnre iu know! dug our entire natidlartion, after a trial of ni, i t t t A.. no half yearn, with Trot's 'Stela Oil Globe Cop. It I never yet linen repaired. Vsry resp'y yours, Ilia AN, KENNEDI s 0 ROCHlllninzt (P, ,•pt I. N. P F. , / —Dor StrTrk.tt'x l'at.u/t I.b, attaPhod to our bogiue /4 a perfect arruiqp,re. arid, Judgment, is riot likely Maui Lo l e 111/1111,...1 Ynura, reapoctfully, 61 Gli A 1/110111:./. PrnIWCROH NOVELTY Woo KS, A.4”M MR %I. P. EtTnx.—Sir. ---Trn!t's Pat,iit (al 0101,, Ct has been in et. on the ong . .ne in slur Works fir ill,/ I, {lin year. It Itati i.cadrrequiretl any repairs, and hors E».•ti nutise hatlaractu.n. I'unro, trill/, Llvls4lsrON, o,PEI.AND ATTLitzJit, N. J. :11,41J20 ED Kung W.. 16 • MOSEN F. EATON, 6,w1. P,T W.. )1,1Y,..j UT( r. the Patent Oil Ulobe y,wu gnat tt, nod h,ve no doubt we stud bo pleased with it. Do you propose to furnish us the 0101 . or sell us a Shop Right to manufacture for our basin°. Young Roaper T. C. SIMONTON A CO. I.LIF-noViiD OIL CGP.—We have boeu shown by Mr. ~ B. Eaton. of Pirtaborglk, nn unproved Oil Cop, for Swam gualnes, brawntod by (ion. Trott, which h. 1.31 J LicLly spoken of whore, er II 1, by 1 , 1 - 14eLlOil to, 11. ILA etsmo.% and ntimpl/cy triatingoit3L-Lkl are Appal-out Al a glut„..•, nail all! ondonbtodly uwet n Inrge demand It can Lo •b -tano,d of 51.81 - n. Onidwell rtgoll G•r Ilit, (Ai to and North Falb si 177.11,, ,, , tht .4( Li.] —boat 5.r. ; htlito r/41,1 1,11. of 111 rrigt . n knl Clap; azd elm pur6.1.1) they ore the L. lIAT , Ylrr used to +coot. for theyr ill to a gloat oil nak. I arod moan expert.. I rt,Nintuvild Ilium to all R. R Contl•4 //lea to 10.1111.1 calmly thernseht, thie Inoue.. Slid (L.') mill say no ti1.n1.1,11.,4 AS, Jr, & I It It, C. , C:1,1111,, ill, 011 , U:00'1, Augu,t 4EI, I,the Mr. .W &Alm —Sit Wo Lax,. las,/ Mr Cilt,c;., Tr, B our Eutuno nit up for tklmult uue year, nml litu! .t 4u. b ebtalee ant”otact,... the: ;1,1 ft; , KW,I, all the St.-kni I 11'.• Im‘t. I.lb to it• pri -, bisbtlity. 4.1 , 1 , . 1,01 bt• ...11, tuella HA or! .airs W e ucNl.ll* A lb. runt PITT I April 141 A, Mn.Al F F.Arort--Sir Mr. thisirui• Tret‘ Pah of Web.," have been In aso nu the Eugiore iu ,dir Work. three or four years punt, and hart performed T.. nitinrxet. that WO 110 W apply thorn to all the Engines vre make. two yeare past we have ishahiloneif the one Of k.)r.t I.er k of ()II Globes. ILeapectfally, yonre, M. Y. Earox, Date Sir,—Having used Trott'e. Patent (hl 61..14," almost all the steam engines furntebed the last y , •nr, and tuumuch ne they appear to have glvon entire eatmt.a•te,n our cunt mere, we have no hesitation in reo.esunendie g a. a g•. 41 article, and touch preferable on ace,uot of Lb, eiruphelL) of wrytrxictiou, to the old fssidoned ..111 any uth.•r of which wu have any knowledge. Very respectfully young, Thio cer!ifles that the Oil Cup patetittsi by Mt TrAr, h in in,- on our road for two yours past. We find it t. On e. vow .al and durable Oil Cop, arid ran I no such. lib I. W. I Kitt l'orrtuan of Pittsburgh Shop of Penns 0,4,1r..1 Nove:ulk.: zsrlh , ISA. To Y klarott, Haut, 'rho cvfliting that st, Larr had m u.k. the pat..,,, a.ld by N101. , 1 V. ttattm, .d Pitt vr .1..• m v , ry mu. o .uj..rl..r than,; ' t 14, bar. , rat - un..t A LieltliD ,AMA: Tmanirts - Ohio Tool Cl , l/ 41.81 en l l/111111.111, Ohio, ltio.mir-r ISSS. • Kirk etllot'n Grate liar—Patented March, 1855, Roquiree muct lee. ruutal, and will Ina at lean fire time.... long m Use old bur. hIOSES Y. XATteN, Agent for l'aitemthea, Lll Flngt ,t. " • - DRY GOODS BOOKS. Lth, of Col. Frtllloll .folin,oot '• Jam, Boctutoan --by It N. , f - ton 100 •• ~h -n Morgoo•- Urnhum Lost of the Forootors, ff et..ry tho tlid Yn. mnia Yruutier—b ) John h:otoo Conti,' Youths of Jth:sll- -by Itor h: VV. Jones. VII•torla or the Wurld Ovorno.no—by C Choonbro. Worstorn Border Lifo--Lby Fanny is on tor 4/0 &Hooker's Life of leromont. Upham's •• " WEE L.,: it. , .110 1 II 1 Nior., f { , k . S.l ‘• A!: i IN. P , rt t LlC:(nr LVLIsi RN. f, &NAP t 1% Al.r: Pm:sumo; Apel Y. k W. M. FABIMi. 8 0.) Xiagiur ;:u.:d• 4..f . .tmua,J 11 ot 111 1.1. A 41.0 IZ tl. ‘IiiNE And 1 U.":.,• L. F Perilei id art.l I /.1...1 uon.isal M r,i•• 411 partae.r. A. A. CA4tftlF:li ti Fire atria ?1n • rlrir 1,1.111,114 h't • •' Glrnrlll Pare au.l tl a, n 0r 11 11, 1 11,e ( o I'llll. 111:1 / .1 11.+. .1! . ti'tllll,ll//o. inl6l/ ra tire o f or (ruin In 11 e . • • COlOlllO/. wrn b I 11.11rn totet pn ny, ;:'' 1 / a:tl/11,1/01) II l I.ttla net. Itut.. tt t re tt It rit It I! ! It' I/ \ •r % L I ,j Ptllllll3,ll.llL3llft IntmorniAt CITIZENN' INst I{.INCE comi , ANI oF ‘%r1.1.1t SANltliil. I. .N 1.11.-11 • 041— lush 111 1.1..1's It t Itc ti t. t,t,. tint' Nlttnitstdpid tril.4.! 4, tti.:Atootc tt.t.ntn,..l,tPlKE. nizintott tint F'orti• t•t c1.,t,t1 Nnt . 44l 1,11 and l'lntldittd Lnl 14 Witham Ilagnky, C 4.14 Nl,r k :qt., !mg intm, M t:,,,T, 1., ',I, It• I li !\ I, r, i"101110.1 RI,. 1 ‘V •ill , ll/I lilt ... Imo, 1...b.•rt Dmilni., Jr, , .1 .; :, D 11,131,t,1ith, .) , h.—tolink,r, 11,,.:t0r Itr) op t, Si'lil:wo It. I bll h. Alia! :.'hilltOil. illeemii l'CONst 1,1.4.144 INSUIt.INCIE CO , I I'll"i':,IWItill! Corti rr /11 Pots., it nuttl . 4 0.1(11fIel t t SI reef q;ri.l , ;() CAPITAL. $300,01111. 00, I Pr tit.; t)lnt, I N,o );111101 1 1111. i 1 • 1 , 1111. i 1411,11 , r I 4rior r A. J J 24 Wood street. THE ALLIANCE INSURANCE CO., PIIII,IOEI,IIIIA. . INIXIYPUBATC.I) ST THia LCOIJI-ATITE Y. OF 1 . A , V1 , 1,04. 11:4. i s 5) G_____--_ CHARTER Pe.RPETEA 1,- r. 4 PIT 1 i. FzuOMo.HNLY ROUTE WITH THE EE DAIIX TRAINS &M , ee No. 59 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. • Fltosl PITTaLtURC:II 'I'D CINCINNATI PR/ vILEG ED 1.")11 Fneb: .5 .vo NA If i NA" 1.) .W - I,' A \, . STATICSIENT AULIIOriZ..I Cliplilll AMOllilt Capital paid up ..... Surplus Amu Li, 1,,w,•n CONSIST! 'ill “1° Bondx mid M.rtgag, .011 uu i :104•1, `.l Rl.l u.. 1 1,41 - I%lll' . • ..... .T2../Pok, j ) 111.411 Nob., In•luing S;1 Jr. ord. , Intarnet. Uwh lin hand nod /41 I Ilt• band, Ag, at, Hill. Itwolvidd LITTLE MIAMI RAILROADS, VIA L'IiILSTLI...NE ANt) COLUAIIitiS. "Zu,71.4 In 1=,(,, iCkOrt Route from l'itttiburylt to Ctnetnnati. cioirxx.ruyoi with U. 8. Line Steamers. l' ,, m_don and IJ-tniz4,n Itaiin•ld, (Ono rind NlidniFirdpn , ItailnaL, and 14r4h Rom, Conollll oo l'olun/loin and N , 11::‘, .1(1/ th.• 11ayt,,, / , and and 114;',4n1.. 'l' tl nOIN if e4IICiIIIIIII.I, N. C., Mll/. 1 11111 1 SC 1 11 111, lila; acapo:im. ,t Vu, ~atol,. an d \ ~ to 11. i bd]. !InhAnapnleA, I.,lnyntto, 111; ; rlnnwrinJ, with J Nl,d‘P.l4 l' n• T... 1 1., Nao•ton liodroaci, 110. u. 3lan 1 . 11.,, 1 , 1 Hlll • • r:!1 • .:11y 1 11,i I/1 .1 1 1 ,•11•.1 1,111.1 ' ,41 41111,•zr On. , an d vaarninatton tio• t' t.v. 1111 •••, 1 111.- 4 • L., •oth., ho,- raw,. ra ,. Ile 1,1.1,11. C1•111;.,1... /.1•••1, -,11••• 1.•,,1411 k.o„. 19 nl! r.allcs ran only la. wan-1 , ' on- - do. :14.1aRn Kazin/Ito. „,, ~,..,, " • • • . ; ... twin,: bln,rtnn, id.eoral • t 1,. ,1 1, .• t . .• ; „ ,• rt.to!. at..! in roli lona 0.t1,4 jp,"•l c , nintiied to °via • “na. P. NI. 111.. r 1 / 1 1 n, 1..). 1 . Wt.n. W. G. 11.11), W 11) P I I tke plcll.Sl.-1.• II IZI! BPlajel.l.ll II .I'J iLI irc.• grit V. ..Ei h Hetve (La i• •[..h u,. „l. ._ . ItLilf.ll.H.NI:ll-:. •• .. •••,,, , Tint ',II 1).•1.1. . .., I 1 71:.11\'n. 11.1 C1 , 1.1311;1'8 AND 1 I \ I 'i N NATI. • I.'t, , TI;A IN i• .1‘• n 1 °,1, •1••11 4 .M AI ~ . il l', (.4 kA. .'.i I.A W. 11. I:tair. (tint .4 Itlitic It It Y., t . Is At • MI . I at HAIM, PIIII,t lie, 3, k, , ,.• ~ r - ! 0,4 / . 1 , 11 , . rt•Ml.r1,1••• • \ villa. (Mo MlLati. 1 ... 1 1/rMIIII., 1,1.. 1. in .. AVIII. 11.0 , 1 , 1, 4 '• , 41 ~, i ~, 4 . 4 ~,,.! 4 , :„ , 4 4 I , cningt.a. itini I in.tai.atit.l.4, vitt law rencchitr,:ii ItA•utc. Tin. , Trittit itcrit•-• mi I Mt MIIIM! "III• hour ittct kitty Itnitt., in ticia. J 0,., Ilailanq, N 1' 11. H. Itstlturr.. N \ . li , ~. I , f .„,„ ~,,,i ., , . • k•• , ../.4,- 01 Eh , ! , ,,,I. NM/ f/ .•1 1 , !. , IIIIIMM I.iiMe. . : , :l . . • Nr. TY,IN Icitt. , ,, l'ili , a , itrgi i at 7..ki ~. 1... k A.' M. 1 ,, r Tina Company 1•11,,Ni ilk). IN.- I. It ; • I . !: • I, 1,, ,..•.... , c-vot.6 ano furnaurt,: M.A , ‘INE I VVl'hl A `. , 'i .•,, 1 , carat• and frt.:chi . I NLAN b I N. - . , 01: A:NCr. • ,, i ,••• ,•,.. :,, ”" .. ''''"u`' 1. , . .. , IY ~. ( " 1 ...s :1 , l'll , lll/1.311. Turn. (.0,,..,, .„,,,,is , ~, , , ....4.. .„ „, .4, ~.„,,,,..,„. .... TIIIIM, TRAIN 1,,.. P11.1.•.!mrg.11 at •'• ... ItAk P 31. for Cro,olit,, c../111111.110. Xcitot, Ct. - in/Anti, !anus, ill, St. LAtialy, • t....rm,. a.a . v ci tier r••• , t. nta . I. .I . • II ii 1•" r AA I. I , E A •••iit .1. ,in vt, ai tti••l I natttlikil•ai., VII/ /./ISI mucebargti Itoittc. N. „, it .). ...,..... 1 . , ~.,,,,, ~. • 'flVta I .IL),"f it A INS. 11.1 COLL 3 1 / 1 1:S, DA I"I'UN, i 3 2 ' I AND INDlAN.tituti,.. C)E3,AWARE: 2tii•TuAL ; PIM? TLAIN 1t4 ,,, •ei Plll•rarlirgh nt 3:,P1 (2'. 1 ...7k A• 31. tot SAFETY I NSI: (i:1 \t' E (,'()ill PAN V, ' • c , ` . :`,!7l`;„ ( : - '''." l ''''' x. '"''.'' '''''''''' ''''''' \ • ,111,.d :II I ..,,1. l'Au.., If.runel,:lle,. /.Y'EA'R.. E. I, tit N 1 , ./: TIIIIID AN! , WALNUT :• , 17 , , ' '''''''''. I ''''' "''-'" 1,1 '.'• ,,,,, . 7...11 •.'clu , .!‘. A. 31. for , Ora, In., l'olaini.t, N, ni•t, laa.:, t,,s, iittitailol.,it, f,,,,,j,,,,,. PtillracSelpltln. , T-.1:1. Until,. 11711-1:1106. St 1.. tu t ,... lsaint. Es - ant:tail.. Sc trui- l' t A lii X !•• I.`:, 111 .% Nt2l•••.' -i, I ••••••••• i-t. ‘ iti c•. Fic' ...r, 'kitiki. 'l%, AP 1 walr•el P.I.I,1 0 11(,11 :II ~ cl . ‘ :01,.' 1 . .. Al; f,., t ,, nil i , t/ - ••• ,•! I 1••• ‘v ~ ! 1, 1 el • •/:allm, (1, 41 , Illi•II • V I I• 1•11., b.. 1.,_. 11141+MIlpMIA, 1.3 1 / 1 1 I' 11 . 1,4,A:,!• 4N,1 , A %NCI, , A 11l /••jl , _ la• itit ar 1. l'catt . A. • y.•-,• liv,i, y.,..,.;....,:.Q Lou,, l:II.1,,, Evititvillc k.'.. I.akce ci iatici tni . 1 .... , -• 1 , . ••;, pit:it ! :I, I , I•••l. 11.- -.NAL., .1,,,,, it. - 1., ', s i,t C...i....L•int, ttini ~,. Lu ace iliac NIL).: INS! It AMA': ,IN 411111'11 i• 01 /.6, -iti , •rn'lt 1 ...., i • . , tIl ../111MCI ~,i i3. ....4.,,,, 1.. dim.; 11 ,, t),.., A. 0.r1.(1,4, . dtgA•k I.rirm., /I/ hand -~I 1•• • • rtti” ••••1.•1, mtrl ~1!...r .111, the . . • N—t... =MEI „.i J•41:3 1: P. Ur .•: R , ;., ,N..•••• • r. Chou 10. K, , H Jo .. ..•6 J. ig 1 . . Ft. rTI ;E:.,lsAl*. M., 2.!, 181,6, the Trninn I' A M 114 !IRA. A.:' .1. ~ n .•., !!!!!! 1•••,e1 will rm. an -11.. w. 7,........! 11 A, , ..•••• 1., l'lttelollYo.. 11A .li.11AA!!1:. M4IIINE INSIII4IIIE. , Ti,.. of Ow , ths. Itiel 1,1,1,y/rani/I RtlilOHll lett,. l't:c. l .lsr4l!nt :inn! A 11 ah.l 7.;1!! A Al nn.larou P. M H 1;f: ItliN., , 1.-....• 1 , 1/ , ‘/I. e PIA 7 1,!.! A 11. nod !! no A Ai . : ,.,,„I tin, p M IflNl'F.tt:7l . llEll' lINI 11.1.11'f: (1)111'1 'i -- , . ~,.‘ ~, ch.„1.1..1 nt In - nu A. 11..:!! f• . n.J.1.1 9:711! 1! lie. 11,e her.. %,th 01, ..:, ,. ..•1 T !,....d.• 1(.4111,nd I,i OP 11.111/LAIIII7.IJPIII,Ik. 1 ..... !wort! lin - T..{..1n, 1'11i.,,,, S: 1....1114, and the Nora, ofILHTtlt rlki , T!' it.- •rli 4,114 , i•I T.,,, •7 r , ~,,,,,, k,,,,, , .... Lana, 1%,141 . , 0 , ,•. It , ' ... 31 ! A 3 .1. u l .lll, by ~ ,,,g CiJartrred l'otisllal. 6.511t),t)01). ! 13 C1.V ., ... , .. ) ut!: a i,. 1, C 1, ,....” At +lO u:: t[ nearnici o : Fißk, .11e.-111/ J \ ti .i.l;_, JVi. 1..1! IR .1.3. , / '4; r.4?; , •.N . I ...",', r .,, T .J ., .• 11n.,r• . , t 1 ,0, il .. u 1.1“:..1. A A It!!!N ' tin..nut. nrni Alt.. N•n - 111-wn.n. u in. ul.ll t.._ F. tfkr, ugh u 0.! ulimx UK' tiOlh. " \•., T [.l ii IL 7u I APc.roll S. I,lprm Kn (lobo. r. Or:11. :I. $ 111 • , a ....; ~• : i'l.ufbut 0. 1.1.114 7 2. =Mr 71 / =MEE i' r .•- 1 ; t; Li 1 , 1V14.:, 1?1 , 2 I) Gott.,Eicl.`.h T I !‘EICIN PUTTIiiI l(1.11, I=MIII 41yr-TI.I. C0un.4.1 • . rr. 1..1 111 1.1 I ' • I=l Rotwrt Unhcky, tia:tm. I ‘l.lll/,Lnzi, /w 1 11..111, %I 10. -• • Jam,. 11 . II 10 1 / 1 411. •01. %I • I.: P. I: ri Jn. %I 1 , 431.1 /I 1 /1../ tu.r. IViIIII.I trr. II llntilt.). .1:11. A. A• ( ARH Elt 1111.0. '• • yi ZU,111.4 . ; CA..11111 111 Ill:CTt.101. I t•,.. ip • ; %%. r, 45 4 1 I, ~,•11411. ON And Alter 1..1N Y !Jolt there will be TIIREE 1)All, Tlt A INS beta ern PITI'S111; Rd II And VII IL A DEL I'[ll A . TI E MORN INC: MAIL 'PICA IN Reams Pithiburim ladeliet, in AL f:3O A. M. THE PAST LINE Jew:os Pitt%burgh for Philadelphia at T;11... NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN leaved Plth/burgh fur /1.1,111 Nt. IV P. N. ALAI ;(NVILLE ACCONIIIODATION TRAIN leave% Pitt. lair/th daily; except ,Il /II lay, DJ P. BRINTON'S Al l'n; \I 11, 'DATION TRAIN Rare. Pittdhurrh deny at kA. M., 3,30 P. rid as far eel To id Itrldge. 1910 00,1 r Line, r,,a2.11,1 at Pit to burgh with the Rallro.l% t o And Iron, 1..1%. No.: Alton, lia/ena and I tra,,,, II I , Prinkt.ort. Lexington and Loulntillo, Hy.: Ter,. Ilaute 1,,,,t,,y td t o And / Ind.; Day., to: springtield, Ik llrb,nt n i nr, Sandm,dY, Coltunbn%, Marsllluti and Woo,,tor, Ohi o: eland , wit!: the gismo Packet //oats from and to Ndw ire and CINCINNATI. TII in; II TICKETS can be, had to or from either of li:r above places. Our further partienlar., ere handbills at the dirf,rent starting point... Padleileurn frortrtlie ll't will raid thin lb,. P11113,108t and moat expedition% route to Philadelphia, Pahl ! more, New York, or Roston. .1. EnflllN, Agent, Passenger Unes, PittsbEurgn. 'MO& MOORE, FUELING UM. I awl& yps4Paassegas JAM, Miglediphi, , w ., f• • ME= ,~ x . ISMIMI $2100128 00 10,14., 14 ! OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA AND 4:—..1,5.5t Is El=lll , IS ?r1 .1 II , VI 0041, . \1 / I I • NI I: I :r1 MIN MMBIkMIM $l , l ;,, F.a nll Thr, Turk. 11 , 1 mo tkpply Ist 10{0, /” I. ..‘ 11111,,1,..nier , • I 01A/0 111111 13rzta1,)11.1.z11a itaiirontit tt A . 1,1 St . E. ; llt tISTE,'T I , 141' ICE ESI It( )I:TX ro • • VC I I I 1 I ELA / ttllttrter Arttl tt.l.trtut .... tr, .4t/tt it. tt. ctittutt..u• tAtt• vin I nthstnapokti. -tt T Intivt,tattt I...tlptturglt Clrytttlttlttl i Tr-titt, It.•;,itt•tt tt•lttitti am! (.11,4Lkv. 1 ct t•lAstd •$l,. a IT\ ty-lour twuret, t., trttrtyto.• vt, titturn • • Irm oPltt.httr t th At 7.. M th ‘l 01.1 N 1,11. by else CoUllOrti .t6•l. , uu:l ! lo •n p,111.4 1" •• 1,11, 3:0 1 0 A. M. ttat! t 4- , to 11. I, : th, oft., 411/101 140.,11g1,1 “ s..util of A illtlnce, statl , ltt, oil the 11.11,.. MIME MIMI F'. 1 1 1r.ti..i . .•“ 3 1; J. DL'lt A ND. Sort r!rr , l.Atod. nos 22 ~, ~ At ,iiik:) . /;,, pott.i.oro,. TWO I'ASSR.,VGER TILAINS RUN DAILY on Ite ono, Oil 10 AN I) Ili ISSI SS I l'Pl RA 11,110 A I) ''''''''' tr"W DUBUQUE To CAIRO /RD • BIWA') G.U*GE. CHICAGO TO AIRO. I This Rec d , in conuortion with Truinn of tho Ohio and larigix Mvuoinstl.l,l R. IL and Chicago and Galena Railroad, for.. (.11, u. 1.1 drat and only continuous R. IL rout. faun 1 RAILIIO4 D. CHICAGO TO ST. LOUIS, • CHICAGO Do CAIRO, /•I r 7Shi 'RUIi T , =• sT I (iris, I ) lftf:C7' . CIIICAGO TO DUBUQUE. . n., ..lit ~...„. o . ,,hin, „,,, ~.„,,,,,,..,,,, i : ,,,, , , ,, i.,,, Trninn leave Chicuc o u us fi.lllows: !„ , , ~,. , ~ ,,I . , 1 , ,, , ,, Tw , , u ouits IN AlO It, A. M. , 1011 Uhf I'. .M.--4.1T. LOOTS ADO CAIDO EXPltr,t. l'unnugorn for St. Louin by thin truin take the cars of thy ' \ t' c:. ~ I .' , 1 N 1 tall Irli. ii , .ll'S. 11 . .., ~.. , m .,„ . .... „,,,, „, ;,..,,„, „. 1 „,,,, 1 , 0u 1..., u ~,,,,... a.,.. yt.,..n..,/ MI.. IL it. nt Sandural, and urn carried direct 1,, ••••00,•..;.,1 .• r . 10,1 ..4t(v. 0 hit b , ••• , r 4,11 • na, h• 11., i..,• 01:..1,:,..... ~ _ i . , ru. I sti. •l, 01 1 0110 fnil.l. .•, ~, s ..., . ~• •. ' ~~ l'A ltHllH . • l', . rr . Exi./ 1:I a.,,,t, 1 . .1 . . •• if:••rf.rr.il .:111 i..r I,qm I.y flf. I 4.1 1i..11 rl 1.. If•ftf of.-. 1 ff.-. ft /PI ' lbw and 11,1.411.111 Ito I tII s:,, • /I '. rll , l/S. St/ill ,1• ht If ff• .In.! mllllB,ll-.1 1,1,14. 1 OS, ff .1 for aft if . r.gl Is .ff I , II<EN Si 1.1,1 V In it,11141.11l:111, 40.1 sl, •IA e11i111111.1.. X.,. and Int) 1f.... 1M IL. VIM Coluulbon. la and noun mod I,t‘v rf•ff, f•lfurff It , :to Cat, (Itr 1., :AI lAttus tIII Thitt WI; II TICh ETS tit, 1111,,,, ta1t ,, tt luny Lt.. pt. , 1114.11 ‘./ A T 11, lin, it h• 111.14. it •il kiii Tit Let Agent. SlAtiolll, A ilt.,h.•ny I 'it, , . 1 1 NI 4V.1 k mu.t II 1: (~ 11111'2 111..A5 it. A tr , nt. TIIE I'ENNSI'I,I JINJA l?AllJit()A1)6 Tllrt/t1 CENTII A L 10111 Th., -,111,10, die 1t 14 I r.. 1,1 ,(P.' I. .1 I 4 , I. 41.4 1./11 /I,ly .11,4 t u , P11,41.1i/gl l 7..tturt rt , tt , ull 1,..11,\'.,,,1. ,,,' rlll ita, tr,.• r•trr, ~• 111..1 ,1110 1: It Fll.lll ..11. I.e. :/ir 1% Itrtleitbel” ern PI( Ikili,l3rgla. I,ty th, Sr. , t tt ttit.l t.• ; l• 11, 1,4,-. Lt.- 141.. 1 , 1 100 11111(ft 1111., it, Kt. ...... ) t ISO Att.; tiPt 114 :111, FOURTH t Ft•lt 1.1,4 mut Lard 410 rtitt , p.•l I ,, trr, I. /le- 11, .1 , 11 , p01 t . tt•• , . , :• 11 -,, us any 1,11,1 /..,tot ~1 I•e• :••p. I llaal rood " t it., Itt ~ t thin 1t. , t1,1 ‘t, 1.,. 1,,,, rtirt.1 Mum' t.l. 1,/tr.v/HT Pslter, ;I. Itlllholt, Sets% Vol Ir, E. J I t• 1 I.lJllB.lvipilM; N1 , 1,..111e 8 hot.ties, 11/,lt, loft, .; Frtutt "II 114, I`.llt-.1.1.141, lag - Ulan S Weis, 114'1111i:1n, .1. S. Ilu,ahrad. 1....tm.,11‘., Ks.; It 111t•ItIttoo, 1114 n. 151.1, hit .4 MI Lou.. ?th, j hinclivil F , ittinvill«, 111.11.ttin. 11. fI.WSTON, G«Lit , rvil Freight II J. 1.,(1)111A Sap. rittfitzt.lntit ..... Aii,..;:i.h. PENNSYLVANIA RALROAD. itWLINE Summer Arrangement—Change or flour , ONLY ROUT'S WITII THREE DAILY TRAINS FROM PITTSPURGH TO DAYTON A%D DIASAPOLIS. ii) 0. • 1..10. 1.• i•'.l 1.1./ /1) ill FM • (. /1.4111 . .:C.1 .1“liy 111 \[..m .h l'iekhbitrgh Nalc.Jo. .N..sv =CO •. ..r tr 1,1 I 1.04.• 101 i.% Tir.kot Aze•ta rivlornl 4•t Ageli t. . -'"j LEI ELAND AND PITTSBURGIi it I LROA 1), tfiLali,,plin t .t:twrlt ,:tht•l.z 11 1. , !• rt r W• !!••1.11;•. ••• , n 1 the N..• ••••1.1 $) th.tn 111. A. .•. - I I ,t, .ti WWI :/,t jo , •.1.• A6l . s IA .11 , 1.13\.'r: 1 $l6 il , l I. , I' 16 14 1 .1 Si.ll7,ti. 1.1, N ;CI 16 1.11 r::.. : , I ..1 r IJ 4 •nt. . It. " ....I 1.., t... 11 I.dzand krvi and 1.1 . ..cag0. are t.Nnegnd nee :hell teltete. at the ;!... ut 11 . 41 n,, 14 the nory,r. =MEIN F I. k • =ME MEE =SEIM =BM. ..t .1- r. 'it -t A• 7, 11*;7 1111112=IIIM Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago RAILROAD. iMgO4IIIM SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS, as follows: ',ayes Ihttaburgh for Crestline at IL•00 A. M., 7:20 A. M. itud 3 P. M. heaves Criatline fur Pittsburgh at 5:00 A. M., TX* P. M., and 12.50 P. AL These Trains make e loseronuortions at CR ESTLINE with Trains fur WLIi3IBUS, DAY'T'ON, CINCINNATI, lIRLLE. FONTAINE, INDIANAPoLIS, CHICAGO, SAINT LO(118, and all points uu roads extending West and South-weal through 01110, INDIANA and ILLINOIS. TRAINS FROM PITTSBURGH connect at Mansfield with Trains C.lOO, Ton Sandusky, Maustleld and Newark Road, fur Cl.ll- S andusky, and SANDUSKY. Connections are made 01 Alhanre With Maine, an Cleveland and Pittsburgh Road, 7,r CLEVELAND, CHICAUU, DUNKIRK and BUFFALO. Passengers leaving Pittsburgh, at 3 P.. 11. for Sandusky, Toted.. and Chicago, have the Benet:t of a night's rent, at Mansfield ur Cleveland, and arrive in Chit...go early next evening. Trains East from Crestline make clots , onnections with Trail., on Pennsylvania Central Railroad fur PLIILA DEL VII A. BA LTIMoIiE And NEW TURK. TIIIiOUG II TlCKg' are sold tO C.)lumbus, Dayton, CM- Loinoville, St. Lade, Indianapolis, Bellofuntsine. Chicago, Ruck Island, town City, Duulletli, ?dile ankle. (Ayr% spring:field, Ili.. Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and the prin. ..ipal cities in the West. al Thiongh tickets mer thin line may be had at all 4 . the 10,,,es tor Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore an d oil,. pluompos ACCOMODATION TRAIN Bores new. Hi amen for Pittsburgh at 7, A. M. and 1 ii , P. M. Leaves Pittsburgh for New Brighton, at 1.% A. Al. and P. M. Set , r rickets and Wither information /Ipply - tO A. T. Jo/INsON, at the corner office, under the Alonongatiela /bal.., or at the Federal street •ation, to GEO. PARKIN, i.et Agent. JOHN ItELLY, Passeng-er Agent J. IL MoOktli, Great A merican and U. 8. Express and Mali Route. 73 MILES OF DISTANCE SAVED, AND TWO OHAFIGIU OP COWS AND Ilhathlai AVOID/ID. -""• AIR LINE LIOUTE DirTWEinif CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS, VIA CHICAGO, AUTON AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, Formerly Chicago and Misalasippl. C9leAOO TO ST. LOUIS in 15 , 4 hours. Trains awes the Illinois, Crtirral Depot., foot of Water strut-- It. Louis tray Express daily : Sundays excepted, 7:15 A. M St. Luis Night Express daily, Saturdays excepted, 9,:1n P. M. St. Louis Freight and Emigrant daily, Sundaye excepted, T.c.10 A. M. liteggcv ducked thrntegh Lord. Trains run direct through to Altura, (2.511 nailer,,) without elmu ti ro of ears ur baggage and connect with the Company's splettual steamers WiNC:fiESTER and REINDEER, running 111 est:lns/re connection with Passen•pr Trains front Alton to St. mile,.,) without Landing. Them, treats, for Con retionco and olopolCo, are unsitrlstesed Ott the 1 Wr,.tero rfaterS, hong titled up with Baths and epariens W littortillig to passengers the opportunity of ilig the dust unavoidable to summer railroad trii,6ll,, amt rt.:wiling St. Louts refreshed from the etrects of a ride. host To KANSAS and NEBRASKA this Ia the moat direct route, and iruiseitgera destined for Bloomington. Spring in hi, Jacksonville, Naples, and all points on the Mts. noun. Fisnwe , CUlLll*.flttild knit Terattlilikir Mora, Will log,• ire important raring in diiitauce, being ileVoilty-tW, per, to St. Liao,, llarty-neveii rillted le. to 11100alingtoli, and fifty-eight wiles has to Spring - held, than by any otiirr route. Through Tickets over this route inn be procured at the venous ItailmaJ Ticket ONE,. in New York, Boston, Phiiii deiplua„ Ballluitire, Allaiuy, Buffalo, & c., and at all Through Ticket Gificos throughout the States, and La Chicago at the Company's Gthee, Nu. -iii Dearborn struet, qua/site the Tr.. count llouse---m a l at the Repot of the Mimi. Central !tail. read, foot of Water street. Respousible 'Luggage Moll will always be at Lao Depots of i the v.itione Routh; going Into Chicago, to (leek Bagg age through to any point desired on the line. IL P. MORGAN, Jr Superintendent. H. J. D. SCHERM_II.Huits, I sepT --- General NEW AND DI - Passenger Agent. ---- DIRECT ROUTE., .sillifill firdigg!liga iirlial. I FROM PITTSBURGH TO Cs,/ u m has , Indianapolis, Oldest 's, Cincinnati, Terre Dante, Kock Island, Louisville, Vincennes, lowa City, St. Louis, Evansville, Dubuque, Dayton, Cairo, Galeria, 'L Xeuut, Memphis, Pe oria,itz...lllle, Vicksburg, Peru, I Neaark, New °ileum AND ?Hi PRINCIPAL CITIEC IN IRA WIWI' &N , IT,. the D BOCTE, l'ltt9l. No. I — Bricks. .---itOrie. Steubenville& Indiana Railroad ! : 3—Seasoned yellow., pine timber 111,L•11 . now c successful oiunleted sod in I w cessful operatic. Is ee. etrubenvill;• mud Newark, Ohio. 4—...'essoned yellow.; t.:0011illaug Railroad t. 11,1 sic:tut/aim facilities, this runs , piln. lumber. orlet, to tee irate', a do of COlLLfurt UtiriVailed by all) li Oak cut hard- Road running West from Pittsburgh. , w; oil timber. fl—Sensoned white-. , pine nether end. !limo's, 7—Linty and hair. 9—i; rare' :lid sand. Im—Tin. I I --I roil. iron spikes and nail-, SA VA I, .ISyLum . IC's,. N.. fi—ileirdeure lO Ito- =EOM On and aftor Nlt/N V Fall Arrangement. AY, Novenapnr at. ob a DAILY LINE of Phenol and swift' running Ittrauttra. conduand..l ty oni,rionoad and act , mcaudallug t.flitvrn, will Ira, o Fn., l•targh ~ , ery thy at L 1'..11. V.:, 1 . 1: 1 I C.. ..... ... ..... . .............. Capi..,i. tivt'D.,,,t. FAIRY ql' EMS ... ..... . ............. .l C ltaNe. 41— Paaarugnrs ;deep ..n la/ard. And rea4 . l, Styli twn el :le .it cl, k [he 1..14.114 lii,nlag—etlutleCtlitg wail thr 1 , 11,1 Class N. I—Clothing. Tr . “. a: 7.13 A. NI.. a...king .1.1,1. cona,ct ion , all Tz....., 2-11nt•.1.‘ndd..In.,. i I nil the alone clti,,-010 . 1,1 .4.41i11i1it.e. n wlllfurtn.L.l , • - • • Toe% and amid/o - •au and nails. , lligh I .a ,t,.. ll Pait/IM. Vi !, OM. -,. ...,,.s.dia.g .9,-/dft,dicy %/niLds.t irdtvi by rod/road. 3—Provisiona 1 gin.s. ! 4.—firocern•s. I I,,—F 1,.. Ike- Fore as cheap as by any other itailroud route. For Thruu g li dnd Lsrdd Tickets, and further Intorniation, l: ) —Comber. ingu,re of JOIIN J. 1101.1:STuN, ; 6—firml, kr. 14 —Proven Nn, 115 Water stre,t, Pittsburgh. i 7—Tobacen. I 15-- Firewood. GBO. 1%. FULTON, Superintendent- I I B—Chandlery. 1 16- -Charcoal. WASDINGTON. D C. L M . :VENNI% (loner:A.l Agent. uovl3 ----------- Class Nll. I—Bricks. !C.l'as No. 12.--4_lreel. ILLINOIS Ck.:NTRAL ItAILIIOAD, . .2.--sth., 1:1 Pig Iron. : I —Yeflow-pine tie , 14—Piles. atingiMarl. I bet. glass. 16 --painta, nil., and 4 I',.holltr..u.pineluni-1 16— Ship . chandle 6—White pine.: 17-11ardware.' y, sprove, juniper' 16—stationery,- an d cypr•tar 114 --Pirewood. • Ore.,. '..}l-11,ty and straw. 7—Lime and hair. 1:- -Proverb:r. --ti td-Charroal. 9—Sand and gravol.l V.—Bolting parking, 11 --1 ron. iron nails,' and spikes. ! and taw. _. _ 1p U N 11 7!) 14 1:; CARItYING TUB Great United States nail and Express .1 M. and 4 . 10 P. M.—Dtata;KT! A3lll GALENA'h:a.PRIZ't •, e, at liutila.th !opp.aita Ihtbutpu9 with a DIADV 1.1“.•of :Steam Patiote l'aul mad the Upwr Trains leave Cairo fur Chicago and Dubuque at 7:30 A.. 11 nod 7.v0 I'. NI. nt.ers from the na.st and placos on Lb.llo river, , Geoms, los N. t.,,ns, v. aave It.i mile. of tudtous and 11, c..r!-lin %, .n 1 '14411,4 1 trout Cairo toGm:.,,Gm:.,, and :tern e iu r.r:,.•. 71 ittiVollco the river ntute, by [akin,: Ile ['lass No. I —ltricka. l'ENsAt`..ll...A.lereg. No. 14-- Fite. .2.—Sten... 1.-,- I's' ,e iia,zl, 3 --I el 1.. a -pine title' ate. her. 4—Yellow-pinc le- "clod, el. 'tor. Ism ', 17-- tlatila.try. ' ber. I -Searioerv. :.. — llard-w,..1 tin. IP—Firewood. herein.] Ituntier V— Tiny. I.—lt hi to pi n...m u i-, 21- Provender. toddis.l..)pr,, '22-4 haroral. tillibt.r a Inc, . '2 l Bel ti nt , ,, pack iis In-r. 7 hose, dice. —Limn. I 21 —Copper and ..or li—rockle shells position nail - 1 I —lron. i nen nails, I 26-- Iron castings. and spikes. i 12 —Steel. The schedtPe will etate the timy within which art'cl.• will be required to be :id i, ore,/ ; and where the Print, 4 chuglute In nut ussel, the perioh, stated 211 it for delivero lutist be copied it, the bids. All the article. which may I, contract •J for niuvt be deli verml at such place or placoe in cludlng drayage and oirtate to the place nicer, used with ir the navy-yard., rospectively, fur which the offer In made, a, may U, directed by the conantanding odic, thereof; and all other thing, belog equal, preference will te invert to Anse,) ...LI ruanrietetnr, No article will tin received after the ex plratlon of the period specified in the schedules for the, eons p pletion of deliverion, unless (pedalo. authortted by the de eirtment. It is to he presided in the contract, an Ito be dietinctir triderstoel by the bidders, that the amount and runnier ..1 articles enumerated In ctn.+. headed "miscellaneous" ar ..p... ifiod no the r..onatle quantity which may be required. t., well as to fix data for determining the lowest t,.:1, bur the oontrte . tor in Ic furnish more or lees of the said en tirnerato I d Griot, and in surh ipototif,o. anti of tro•li tire,. ii• yl e ,:, r. :to 0r e.1.11. roan:lord half ruing,. suchilierease. 4, \ \ ell' • 11l • toVOCeed 14 / I , third ea the quantities stated, tat..t r g000li,•14. • o: thnorgh the poet oftio, shall he deemed eudicient no nee ) "hitting the C. cal year noting llnth lei inCilli: fin , ' ule:ther the quantitsee required be more oreen IhAti able:. st All the wires shall remain the tome. All the articles under the contract 011101 he of the b.•st quality, delivenal in good order, free of all nod en.•ry eleirgi er eXlieneie, ineleillreilletil o and f subject to the innineneiti, ae,ur. Neeiillt, ::: the said navy.yard, and be in all re •pret ...did's:tory to the commandant thereof. Ittchlery tree ref, red Id the yard for plans, specidcations, or sample., soot 1. further doe•ription of the articles. Contracture tor des.- h., .1,1 •• Inletellan,no, - Wl:a de net reeicle near the Oa,. where the artirl. a ore to be d e livered• wi'l fe rn . .1nnn ,. .1 n. n pla Line iLe nea in rt. t he he -yarir prOpunli , an ag , at at the City ur prinCipla d ..(d.divery. who may be caned tsp.., to deliver articles math nit delay when the,- shstll be roquirol Approved sureties in the full amount of the eootrart Ir.ll I, r , ,uir..l, Intel twenty our ...entail, es addition:ll pieeliril, detilict,l frous each payment until the contntot shall hey,. 1..e.0 conspleled ur cancelled, tiniest, Otlieririne uuntiorr4enl by l be dep :rinient. (nit clannen honied - miscolluneoua,' to he .t. Veered in, 11 , fil:red illirtio it then:teal year, the ts eitty per rear.retuilied illay. at the d,...,,tin.n or the I. •muistulattt, be pie,, IsarterlY eu Um firat of January. April, July and Gut oh, r, o lien the deliverle4 have been satisfactory, the La lanee (eighty percent,' will he paid by the respeCtite envy ageoh within thirty dart after the ptesentatloll of bills, In tripli cate, duly vouched and approved No part of the per rectum resertnil is to be paid until all the rejected erlirlies offered under the contract ,win 1,,,,, been rem°, ti from the yard, unless specially hill by the department It will to- atipulauel In the ton tract that irdefault all ill ler wade by the part!, 01 the hest pat t in doh •enng al/ or oat of Iho articles mehlieued, of rho quality and at the thee, and places above provided, then, and In that case. the sant parties will forfeit and pay to the unitedStates.as liquidated &heap. a sum of money equal to twice the amount ..f the ---55m50n51a5,...„................ t h e priou one agnsed upon as the mice to he paid for M RS. S. A. ALLEi'S WORLD ' S IIAII: the article,. In enle of the actual delivery thereot, ,'Lich liquidated damages may be recovered from titre to time as RESTI/ItICR..—Au unrailiug restorer and preserver of the hair and sight. It in cut a dye! 'l'ho hair and Winn. 11,1 accrue. Tile sureties mast sign the contract, and liner responsibil kers, however ray, are restored to and preserved in their oriorial life colori By its rase, wig.. .poet,,,...fid g „.. y • ty certiCed to by a navy agent, collector, district arterury , o r someother pertion natiafitctorily known to th e bureau , hairs, will soon becom e ration . The Restorer nerd with ha l ve i' t.h? power bsp o r f i ' d" ti n ritou ili h n e g e' t.l.w n". .7on t t that toner,, L i i vi " l. l L Ur n t ea l ''' . e s s ha e l r l the Z ylohnisamunt, net only cleanses the hair, but inclines 1 , 1 it to curl, giving it is soft., glossy arid natural appearance. daniage to the government. iti case Congress 'bail not have The Restorer will strengthen and preserve the sight, and ' mode'ufficient appropriations for the artiL:es nauced, or fr remove and provent dizriness, hnolactse, scurf, dandrutT, scald - hteel, or aLsiereption of the skin, and all unnatura , the c'mPleti " °f. tbe work, "thn.t- e , I for, and on whi , h this , advertisement i. based, and shall also /Jaen the power to is, re.r . t . initions of the bead. It tan certain ettre for catarr . retitle ur diminish the quantities named in the clatcws tow in the Load. S.. dd hy J.lll. FI,ENIING , Dr a w 8 ., , I headed " mellano Me "in the rchedulo twenty five per o niy•,:4 roe. of the Diamond and Market st. ; Persons a hose offer.. shall be accepted will be .otiti-Li I, i letter through th e ist oilier, which r e tire gull 14, ,14/111 i II AN I) SI'RF.:ET ()WELLIN G I IOI_7SE . ~,,d .r....,t: and if they do daysr Into contractthe lied I) rr, N„ 1-...: Hand :street, Containing a hell, two l supp'iu., specified within fifteen y (rem ite• date of 'luta, endues. , fining.routn, kitchen and five chamhors, well ar. ! fusu the bunetu of the err. Inns or their bid. a cetth - ttet nudged fur comfort and eelarenietlee. Price $3OOO. ii. CLITIIIIERT & SON, will be Mule With rows sillier pursue or persona and the auwantors of and, ..kLuitn ig bidder will beheld restanseil.h. mrl9 Real E.dato Agents, f.l Market st. for ell delinquencilen,. i., A .. l , lr ,s eT il e i ra . r u it , lllll. , le. in eon et... C m -nifty edit this advent..., nitESS 000DS---We nili open in thenest e Lou of the bureau tie rejected. ‘,few days mere that. luu cases and MiCkageg of the Those only wlit u sse l offers tarp be accepted will be notified, 1. west and richest styles of PALL DR El_•.'.; GOODS. and contracts will be ready fur ex..catien Is, stein thereaftet A. A. MA 2___ iSON A CO. 25 Fifth rat sts may 1., prantje.hie. lill2i 5q ,23- law4u, RENCIIMERINOS--.500 pa. French ale- Fria.. , .. Just received; for sale to the trade at a Sandi a.l - A. MASON a 00, 21 rem arbet. =NM ',Mi. Olin', Dn tiqUe. St. Paul. and 14 ',inc., 1.3 lin, ',in., ' , III IS' 1011 1 at an, U. it P. and C. h P. inPittithorgli, and 'lid o,:arid Railroad in Chicngo. It. a 31ASON Jo{ Superintun't. PITTSBUII6II & CONIVELLSVILLE aativiiwj}4m RAILROAD. FURTH Ea OPEN INO OF THE RA °WAY TO CiILFFEY'S STATION, FVH TRA VEL # THAnnliultrATlON. Commencing Monday, 11th Aug., .11456. aft, Altmthty, tho 11th iunt ., the Panannger and rwglit TPI.II. will run Rum Connelleville to Gurley'. She non — ` whet: with Bunting it nail's Ciutilies fur Station. PAS St LEAVE' Uniontown by Bunting it I . l aJnicoaches at 0 A. M. Coauslisvillo by I'. A U. K. It. care at 9 A. M. tbatley's Station by Ouffey'aiwaschee at 11 A. AL Irwin's Station by P. Railroad car. at 12.45 A. M. And arrive at Pittsburgh at 2 P. M. RETURNING--PASSENCIERS. LXAVE Pittsburgh at 2.601'. M. Irwin's Station .1 P. St. i/afley's Stati o n 2.15 P. M. t`oniirlisvill e 7 P. M., and arrive at UtlhaataWo saint I..l:(ll.lSnisx WILL BE VoItWARDEL) AT LoW 11A1 laaw eau Connelleville and Pittsburgh. 9 are (rain Union b am t, Pitt5burgh.._........... V 2.75 .1, Cot/n.14,111° to Vilbatairgh ............. 2,00 d , o 51 Newton to Pitt5burgh...........-1.115 .1 Gulf.%) 's ...... . ......... I,off rs 0111 nml this the plialsantrat and elleapou row P 11•1.,./1 U1.41(011'11, Couuttilsvilitt Ac., to Pittsburgh,. IL t P R C. . R., Count:1111s Ole. 7th, A ocast.BLACKSTONE 1826—.1 p l.' Fal I -_-- all Arrangement.-______ ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD ...,... a in. ,.., 2 ..,, , ,..,..„. 5., .._ , ..„.,.. i .,, 5 ,....„...„ SltorteatllTOETitt tonll Points on the Allegheny River. PASSENIiIIR:I. TAKE NOTICE.-I . h, train. will start Iron CA It:+t)N strt...i, lllNt,tul orTaylor street, as heretofore. T IV( , DA ILT TRA 108 leave Pit tAborgh an (oli o w n : , tf. , rytirry b.:-yr,ss, at $ o'clock. A. NI., for KITTANNING. (AAA:ION, FRANKLiN, RED-BANK. HRADYS liDlio AlAli•)NlNti, REISIERBl3liittl, BROOKVILLE, and all poilitm North. letteratt4.9 Aeconlnuldation leaves at SAO, P. 51., stopping at all wity.tintiona. Fare to Kittanning, $1,93. Nlehlioo, ....._sl 75larion ....................... 11...,1-itniik ..................... .2 25,Rvinierstotirg .......... Curloville ......................2 75 Roodsburg ............ I Brwly's Bend .................2 25 Illahoilitig ...... ... Kelleraburg ... .............. .2 lgi Terns :: ....Zo . itot II il•b.-tin .....................2 75 Alochani,roburg 3 1w Slmotitaulitlo ..............._a 26 Brookville I 7., PnAserigers will please procure their Tickets at the Depot ou Carron street. s<22 A. J. HOPPER, Supetinteodent. nntnn............ B LOOMS— A/0 tone Lake Champlain; _lOO tons Juniata. vanca. For sale by [aul4] Jaff2i 110081131.A.D. 010 IMEMri PMII THREE TRAINS DAILY ( EXCEPT SUNDAY.) s: ~,;', PROPOSALS. NAVY DEPAR,ALVST• SEllerretat of Yard< and Dorle.c. September 19, 195 g. ALED PROPOSALS for el.eb class gepit. ratel Th e ndorsed ° Proposals for Class So. (:emu the ela.;) forur,y.yarti at on( the yard,) will b e i.eeep s e4 at this Mike until noun the 25th October next, fur fur nishing and delivering at the several navyyards named the materials and Setlelenembrar e d In the following classes. and which are particniurly deeerang in printed seltedules, which will he furnished upon application, and sent by inattf ravaged, to persons deolnng to offer to contract farld riil all the classes named therein, by t h e ccaunutudeosts of the several navy-yards, for the chimes for the. yards tinder their comand, or by the navy-agent nearest fludeto, or by the bureau, for any or all the he yards. In ease bidden; t conimaudants or nay send them schedules by mall, It willbe noceasary, In or y - agents d to er to insure their triusentission, that they should enclose n. their application postage stamps, its the law requires pos it age to be prepaid. Bidders are hereby cautioned and particularly notified that, their offers mud be in the form hereinafter proserlhed, and be mailed iu time to reach their destination hofine theiline expires for receiving them b., will be masiderai which dad! be received after the pi-ciod stated, and no oliPturther will be made .f , ,r fautires of the moil. To. guard against offers being opened before the Innft ale itotattul, bidders are requested to endorse on th e envelope above the address, and draw a lino under the endorsement. thus: "Proposals for Class No. (none thethe .Virmsfrard al (name the yard)" To the Chad of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Wash ington. D. C. 1 FORM OF' OFFEIL ( 17,e dal: the ei11 ., r.) 1 "I, i'here inse,t tire num.:o ~(' (name the boon,) In the State of (noise Pr , Slall,l hereby offer bi furnish, under your ad vertisement dated 'doh. ef utlrrrtisrmrnl,l and snltieet le all the roquiretuenta of the saute, and or the printei.l Kit/ dale to whidt It refeN, all the articles enibt need la clam Nn. (RCIM-e U. f1a.1,1 for the nary -yard at ((mi. : fi, ?h.: d,) to. fcording to mid , ichednlP. viz: (it.re past" IJ , I (4, prinird class ront the selAolulr, and oppoide, red, arlicle-set the Jolt, and carry old the “111 0, 101, in the col u , nns fur Ch•Liar.l 'OW crufs, and /,o1 op Ilse a / 7 9 , galr.antmtnl of lite hid for th, ebt.u,) amount ing to (her, aril' the amount in words.) I propel. as my agent, (herr num• the spent, if one is n, ip4ind Ity the gchts. I WA.) for the supply under the clear, : , mite c-ila-e„ela, by a non-nrident uf the place of delivery; and should my offer be accepted, I renui.t the contract may be , prepared and sent to the navy-ageut at (name Iler agentyj for signatures and certificate. FOll3l OF UUARANTIiF... The undersigned kenriene guaranne",; of (name the (men) and &ate of (name the Slain.) and (name of second gadron tont, d't) hereby undertake the abuse -named (name .the bid der or badders.) will. if bin [or their . ' offer as above he ar cepted, enter into contract with the United Etateil vlthiu teen days after the date of moth',,, through the post.olftce, the acceptance of his for their] offers before of Witness, tur ereeemt,d.,.,. I certify that the above named (e i gna wer ULM.' the gtitremten, era known to me to be goat and responsible guarantors in thin cane. To Lo i - filo/we. j Higtleal I,y tbo dixtrict wig, climtrialt la tt?. lectair, nacy-ag-nt, oranne per e,” known to the b onloy. en ureau to POILTSAIt t1:711, N. H. Clans No. 1- 2-- B t ri ne.c. No. l l-Iren and nails ks 3—Yell,,w.pine , bor. n ts,ft nd 4-- m Ysllow-p e lum- glass. bor. Itt—Ship chandlery. 3 —0,,,k plank. ware. 17—liard plc. atoll 1.3--Stationery. Apr i 11111 NT. I WOO. red Nriltft 23 1 Hay. 7 —Lime. h--Cement. end.T. 22 —Charcoal. tt--6 ravel nod sand. j 2n-1 roe casting& BOSTON. thus No. 12--Stoel. In--Points, oils, and glans. dandle-y. I. —fiord war, ery. Al—:lay and straw. 21— Pros ender. 22- - ( lharroal. 23 --Packing. 25—Iron casting,. (.12.5 Nu. I—Brick, tI, I,r. 4-- YelL , w-piut. I un, b.—Oak and haul- ; wood timber and' lumber. s —White-pi Hr. ; spruin, filuiper, ; nod cypress tini ber and hirober.! '—Lnue cud hair. 8 --Ceinetit. n—Gravel and sand. 1 1—.Ivai, iron spikes, / nod nails. NEW YORK. Clots No. I—Brirk 2--Stone. Class No. la—Ship chandlery. 2 17— Hardware. —l(e llow.pine. IS—Stationery.) s —Hardwood. • 2o—flay and* straw. 6—White-pine, 21—Provender. spruce. lc. 22 —Charcoat . 7-I,itme, hair, ac. 23 -Itelting,. prwk 8--CmetiL iug, Lose. kr. 9--Gravel and nand. , - 24 -Iron-work and 11—Iron, iron spikes castings. and ruins. 23 -31achinery and 12 , —Steel. tools. '.. 14--Files. tool s. col 15--Paiute, oils, and! durtors. - glass. I '..--Diving-taill. PILI LA 1./ Clan No.l2—Nted. 14— oil, awl In--Ship Oland'"".‘ 1 7- - Ilai.krure • 1 , - -, Srati.nery. --Huy and Atr . 21- I . rovtntlvr in _ir!g and Lose.. _ y. NORFOLK. . ilia , ' No. I—Bricks. ',Cl'im No. 14— Fite -3. • 2-Btutio. 3--Yellow•pine. I 5-- hunts, oils, sal 6--illark wa Inn I i gim. liounlft. ' 17— Thirdwa.r.... - . 1 1 9-78—C6- - - - 1 91 ; ei l ummhi n de . "": ::: : i l l n x " p . i ken, • ''. . :11-17HI R ,41::: •; rc.: : tH i '' n :44.° 1,• ::: ti erY'li. n :: 71 1 1 1 .1 : " ... 1 i - - and nail, lug. 12--Steel. Were the bidder to sign his ton 1' _ —_____ AN T (..'mpFARN,, 0.,„ „f i N. L . Lai Llit c pE nia llkiSlJl3ANC i Dmicross--Charlee W.'hancker, Means Tian, Tobia4 iVegner, .. 4 . ,,, 1ei UrKa. ACUt. &Platt. Cial. W. hietnald4: Morley:lD. Loins, Adoiphi le. Bone, let. 8. Browne, More re( Patterson. cam, N. iisoctrit, Preen/mu. ! Cum, (1. fturetrza, Sneretniy. Continuo to mono Maumee+. perpetual or liniltral. on every? description of property in town and country, at rates an kw' aware consistent with security. w ho (...ite it upany have reserved a lariro COntingont Fowl, hich, wh d.hoir capital and premiums, safely invested, of- for d ample proteetiou to the itsoured. The Amon( of the 041:11,44y, on January Mt, 1.854, as pule: timbal agreeably to an act of Ain:moldy, awe an follow% en 71 RMortgage ------- ................. : ................ g11P7,1•,..1i (.8 eal ketate-..... ........... . ..... —. .......... .. 84.X7 78 ? 'Temporary Lomas. ..................... - ............. . 83.103 17 Stooks.—....- ..... .......- ......................... 1 ..... 61,8159 Oa / Cash, an -.. . - ... 44,348 li.i -....__________ Sturl their mcutlx , ratiurt, a perlOd ur 4..ty-...., yrurec.: thee hay., ••n.1,1 upward of Pim Million roLir,ilithdri..l ThoO. ow:1 Imllant, I.saaa by,tim, thereby ulliudittieevidrurO of tip,: sdrnn tame of imunno..-F, KB 'volt NA the ability awl thspwition 5 to meet with prompthom MI IbibiiltiPx. J. GAR DINER e COFFIN, Agobt. ":. up2.l OtEco, north...oast oar.•• {t al aml 'Thudsta. L • THE UINITED STATES -tam • .iNsuV }LANCE. ANN CITY AND TREUT 4 . :O MEANY.' , PUILA- i ..- DIMPLII4.--ChartNted April 26p,, 1.-460. Charter Potyetual...i - CAPITAL. $250.000. ' . •- - ,)'• 0111 , -o Soutlt-east corner 01 VAIN a d Cl.tenhat etre•ls. i Phllmielphia. urPicacits OB TIIE DOME DOA RIA Al - PrimAnxtruiA. L .l: i Dli-ii.701.. . Ri , pheri It. erwst..ral Paul E. thitlclard, ti klaw. .4 W. l'horupwon. utru.p.• .Ip.un, .14 . 11 y• .1114. i IV. 111,41..3 Gay, ....l• H ull y. .4,./, 1.. Plot,u .•., Jrili/V1 I.o,..r.Ltrus, Wt/hum AL rb.hrtri, Willi:L.l ArelCe.P. . • . 1 ' , ./..1.--.el,..[J4 v g. i. Ci ussf-r.l. 15r Presid. ,,, t—Alui•rog.s W. Thunu.,..n. .11exii.4.1 Emointr—Pituianym-J—umea 11. Wilma., 11. A.' ••' ~- . • AtiAaky (At yt— 8.. 11. Mowry, 11. L. OE4). R. AEA...OLD, Agout. . . . mArli:y hie. 7 4..roctrtis stroot, Pittsburgh. 1 BANKERS AND 13ROKERS.. 11OLIELES & SONS, Bankers and Ex- • , itrokers,dad Axle Notes,llxatte.doept telver and Beek Notes. Exchange ontbje klaat era and Icastnn, Cities .nlitantly fur Bale. " Collectiou e inado in all the citiev throughout the United Flaws. Deposita receive! in 67 Mark par (eddy or current ptper. Market etnait between Third and 'Fourth tic. tjaacely fa E. ARNOLD & CO., Bankers and Ex ‘_A • cluthge Broker, Poitiers in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Right and Time Giraffe, Ac. Collcctinie carefully at tended to, and proenda remitted to any - part of the UMW). litoeke bought and sold on commission. b No. 74 ur Fturth street,street,nnextd oor to the Bank or Mite- Vx _ rp11.0,41,$ WOODS, Co' i makeruial- Broker,.an Dimler In Nut.q; Ikauts, dt.,oo,,Jtemi hi, 715 tl Fourth Ertredt, Itittsblirph, Pa. jart6 , . • MANSION 110 USE, Eolla L' A LIRENTZ, I •ftop;:terwt, No. 144 Liberry ittrert, j::“ in•tride the Paaaeinter 1401. , 4 of thu Priinoyl main which tuakee it ving Itli. T11.5.4t l'oViio .1.6 nt 1 3t. in the city !..V liaartoitners arri by t ba r. , .ad. The g•roprivi.4 having, at ,onarierable aa,fitted up, czci Ilcnt lc, tic , AIANSIii'r w•ail4 reopect fully ...licit a Ala, or patron,,,.. a A 1.4.4.: and ex4rnair-1 ItO neeonurbulat i.ll It , I rarrler, ! Lard, .tini wili bat turarthe i l with the left trial Oct can aironi. trb.Ly QT. cr—trit mitt St. cher nen, former- I) Brawn:a has rt.: tatn.- 0 ID, , ti.PTRI., /inn hal aig nit la inagnitatent aiYl'. rn • and crnnmo would reiipectftll) invite to giro !nal a call. Ar.alirt-4. wit, wee at (hoh house anti Ins long expericuce In the twno i. • n stair. tumefaction, atm: Grtu 1,4.22 11 Al. ei)NNELLY. Gth9n 1 NTENT HOUSE, corner of Liber ty and Omit iitreetil, near the. 141.4. JAW ftti Prupiletor. r ON F(18 WON'T DO! --They never (lid do ire re than give temporary relief and they never will. li e. li. Eutaw they don': touch the cause o:'S he diremso. The canna , of alt agile and bilious alinualeve i. the atniooptierie entiott.itliatental or Matit-ia. Neutralize this pohron-by aottan al antidote, arat tall..levaase by It nimappaars 41 ~zire. iiiirgie.34 anti Ague Cure ri thin Antidote to arils, and rnorwver it ~ ported et.111.1.1k11.10. rho eertilicate of the emlobr tted fin mite J. R. Chi!tea, of Nvw York, to na, eth,t, le 4/41.1tesi to et ry bottle; there fin, If It dear no goon it rot du at. harm rtini than ha• nail Pftlutniil,. Anaraele, or any t.wic In 4 . 1.3at••11,-”, a, tletr utte to rllilloll z so tile and hrintaa on DUDA/ Amu , . Whirl/ never "t n pe..4013 to lot well I.n . a (uncle In—m , .nt. .113 tlinatrutiun of truth, 1 ann. , z twine extruct6 fi tun n I, 'ter juat receired Min Ph) airiun Ci/CORGE.TOII N . , Ohio. 'Dinh 17,11,1b4"3. j ts . A. ImODP-3, P.3.1..--1),,0r :,ir: Your., ~1 241 hint, to at 1 Ilotto!. Tim Cur.) ani.od bur feat ',or atol the clicliculty ID s.:• . t , ilir, mtiy um , to try It wad gredtly I/$.11,00,1 rttot. the i (1.0. [hut $. r0t0...l !id i0..51 :/.1r5 1 .100..51 .....,S,I, 5y5,,,,,,,,w1i, ! I In favorle ithfl t he public. a+ bri ~ lirtirr tiii r. wing Quinine nt ll w : I l'ewaAae Elea the 1 eae,ly they need to ..,sslpt• taring Quontio. -ontalbr.l the sirtr- a....1f: r!..., tßqu-dy, I:0,ml ! 1.0 :4..inoil.'n Tonic. wiiithl invariac !oral: on ni.;sl, but it clid not cur.. It, arl lt would °lien in'- Lut.0.111.111,140.v...1 vigor. Th. Dlof Ci r./M*144( . 0 r , i&c.....i , ,e your ht„ a, ii I oth! lin/wide it test coclniiarirun ladweou 1.. It 004 your eonti. Thr forlowihg fn flu io-oilt : . t Three permit. took :.our Cure, all of which were C-0/ 1 )08 of ipecl idian lii ternilt ten t Fry,. of luau.) wi-eka •Itandiug. 'flioy had tried QT l lllll.s`, and other remcclir). ~,,,,t,i,many ,us,mig a chat, bat it was (as is all sunk ca.eslalowly il . OOl , i rig; them nut, and raylii4 il, hot/Motion ..f oilier itibl.rere- r. rrr 1 / 10- 1.k114.41. I did ancedroil in i &cline a radical (Ure of i All 1.1.,., of therm CD/Sea withyour :remedy , nod they kayo 0.4 bad a chill Share. ILi all thr,...i of [hoer :area the ntlith:d -. l'unit, had been tided. and would, as brforr rtahal, break the i I lull, bud after a period or two. had clapeard it would redurn. ‘.. 1 (bink-tbrro will lio nu clinically now in giNing to your Cu,v:ultai;i- ground or any other I, Illedy now la 1:11,0 herr, .9c, dc. WILLIAM Itt I 'fi N Eft, L. li. it, i IVU ES' 1? EV ER arid AO I: V, el; it Or ANTLEArI'E TO Al AL 1A , %1L the only harrntrail littnedy in e1i51140, , . la equally .), main ea a PRAY RN TIVE as a CURE. Tuku it wbrn you feel the chills coming on, nwlyclu will nay.," ~"ba it ri mingle one. JAJI.E.S A. Itliol/F1.9, Proprietor, Provbience, ft 1. Par k b ___ ro . ..tie by ggiata generally. Jell K. DRAVO, Dealer in Fine TEAN and rtn ire 13 ROC:ERIE& veer - rem, Pur, Spicer, Wooden Warn, &c., &c. Noe S 2 Market meet wl I Thaw.' OR SALR-6U ACRES OF LAND, on the F site of the :Alio river. twvint 2 .-o tte lade n bo o .. ; nod fta n Ho g it ninety arrts ..thablr ft, wo g purp•men, Thiel ralrlatAle prnot”rtv will be .old at low mt.., it called• fo r *ow , n" uire Tlif11! Fot tb qt. TEA Ii N 2 ASA Els ET FTILEET. ri 1 (.) 1 SEND El' PROPEIiTY FOR w. 1 5.41.1, mannitiront Th”, ``l, , . Ire k. a." 1 ."1 to utt.qc Inr tuaguttn lit HI 1.., eon 11 t• t Outil and tors. e y Lut. Le ..1•1 rery he.,, Apply to BLAKELY 111:11•:1-, 3' 21 I.Nntnt itrokerr: 1..)4'1CE.-Lilde Stiwkholders ~1 the New .1.1 Costly trot Darlt.n.rto' r:ntirrad CoLaNalV ore notified that int In.thtlltt-o t t tie •,t t.I Poi ntr, lt.• t.n;ce ,t 1 Olt Tray , tto Urn 1&h 'day Septernbt•t utter. rod a like sun, • y euxty Jaya thereafter Itutd Nrlrolr• •ttutsrriptlutr totd. 'fly order of lb., Gaud Di n t tor. tr - itM. D WU.3./A.M s 1 Mani MT% Uttiss,cortuw Wird mid Wood. . . ~...,_.,..,.., _,,7.1::::::---'jcn--1. -.•- • -' ,-.-,,-...5..;;;;:-:;:-.-._ -.----,-.-:•-ci.'?_-.4.;,:.-e.-,0.1i? ~.-:. -..,i,':i-.4.:',.--. ".4A-4. ... ,.-. ' - . 2?.7 .::4 ,-- :' , ..4r , :';'q ' ,, •* - ""i;,0.-.' l: 1:f'.,i..e.;: : :‘;'''.`,...-...,e...-;', ~.„ - =4-• M=2 10 0 STPON.E,1 NT OF. ' ....... • ‘. SA LE_ Og - .1. --- -4111.- - .II) .‘•• -ft . , hg 1:1 li A NZAt. YEILEITI) I IT,,—Notio e la borebyAlryn that byillreation the gtoaiden ot!the UniteCitateS, WaageWaageatoa, of the Delaware Trust Janda lu KhzakuS Territory, eulvertisect to commence on the 20th of October next at Fort Leavenworth, is postr polvgb-nnto • MON DAY, TUE 1 Yr u 'BA V op ,NQVEN BER NEXT, atagn'tVtline irtat enh tlicilica artirea4di lbe salt) will corn rhAti h it( bo Ctoiducted aid contfronal In an respect* ac provided by the original proclamation of the lath of Annul 13'3; OnJer of itie Frechinut. ago. W. MANYPENNT, • Cionindpidonew of Indian Atana. Deparinfrrif lidel;br, paled ear a r I . 6epietubor Alai, 1866. ratPubito Sale of Delaware Trait Lathhi hi the Territory of Mathes. . UX .P RR 001, , A 111 A T I OW. ! ily T.L'E.S7I/..Lri! OF IRA:, faN'A r rea...VTA TRY , 1 N Pottle - ince, of law, I, l' DAN to,ot PLEDGE, Preividen? I of the Unitod.ittates otituntieti, 010 Iteriet&tieclaro sad,. noakr, known theta public sate. will he Iseki.at Port La ~tor.worth, in OM Terrherr"of Eraislis. cornmeturing,PSVMOnda)- the 20th dayof October next, for the il l sysvarTifreneh of that; lands and town, lets, held in twat ¢ t v United Plates imif••' the benefit of theltelMeurt; tribal , - Indians, as Me ek e Sim thaututurtnerittuntahtawmiltipatromprleibg the molt?, ern potion of the lands teats!, l a y the . said Delaware flatboat: ~ In full nasfuresaid. ti, silt: " South qf Me !wan lineeTirt coat of thesixth prinuipa/ nrcridianf Townships seven, cipla, nine, and WIl, of range nineteen' Townships seven, Idol , !, nine, and ten, of rao r ,o twooty. TOWlllibipA cream, eight, nine, and ten. miaow, t wentyoue Township; eight, nice and ten, of range twenty-two. Townships nine and ten, of range tweiit.l4lfr•4.. A Ino, the stay yed hawks in the town 01 JACIi di s o mated, from No. 1 to No. 1 . 21, inclusive, slituricri lN in teeti.o • strips Nos. 9 and Ills:malt, of range iI east, abike-nrentlnerb a' cording to the plat of said town of ,teeksonepp on m e i, the office of the surveyor general of the Territories of liner i sus and Nebraska, to which reference; is made. Also, the auryeyed Mocks in the towit of DELAWARE, tni milled. from Nd. I to No. 91. inclusive, Situated in townshit4 No. 9 south, Of rouge - .:2 east, above mentioned, areal ding t. , ,i the plat ~r said town of Delaware on NM in 'Jr, mike of rola sot veyongetieral, and re to which tefenCe in mole. I Also, the surveyed bloke Ito dm town of 11A:tit/VI 1.LF.,54 called, from No I to No. 91, inclusive, trammed nithin tOWD-; snips Nos. 8 turd 9 sonth , of range 19, alrore - mentiontsi, ac, ra cm ding to the plat of said town on Me in the eitire et did sMI surveyor genel, and trsrbith reference is made. 4 Also, the -surveyed blocks In the town of I.,"A'r /AVILLF an, called, from No. 1 to No. 16, includes, situated In townl ship No. 9 south, of range No, .T 2 rata, shove-mentioned, ac cording bottle pat of said town•of faftartleCon tile in thd mil, of the said surveyor•geuirral e umd to whkh reference it! . modes dud also the iota In tho sevend Mechem surveyed aid laic out in LEAVEN WOhTLI CITY, so called, situate in tersushiy - No." 8" isruth, of range 2.l"edit above taunt/tined, according k the p/at of maid town of Leavenworth Chip man's in tbe officri 0 irf ( orence the raid surveyor-general of said Terraotigt, and to whirl ' r ishereby made.' &ail above-mentioned lands, town - lots e and blocks ItrlvlniL been cif:Waffled Ind endued by oi manissinners duly appuluteg for that purpose senordiag, te law, alts V.lllfithin 210 Will, upon the stone mitstutively will be the minimum at whist the same will inn offered for sale. • t The terms.ef sale will ho cash, and upon'pnyment beim*. made, reempts in duplicate will be moth, thenel,, e, an t , el which will be delivered to the purchaser. Patents will flubAosllCLltly he granted fot-theltnas 40 tail chased in ac,erdanc e with the laws it, forru regulating. It. tame thereof. 5 The offering of the above lames and mart lots and hlockri will I.e commenced en Ott,' day appointed, and will proceetg is the order in whieb t....bey are civet 'iced withal! eenteuienti despatch mail the wh• le 'hail have been offered and thts, sales thus chreed.;• • It offereAll purche-sos not paid for on the day of sale will he d on the following day at the tisk of tho defaultinti purchaser. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, thitt 14th day of August, A. U. 19fal. lett A N IiLLN YIEIIOE. Ily the lb-esident: GEORGE W. RANT/TX:NT, C. , inmbialonef ..f Tnn Affairs. Nisra.—The u Ls published la eactt - t. papers unl) :Ls are oltitaneal loy note Is ii..sert it. :1‘ arl2o:lastioct..-.Od&W ..r.NSUE.n.NUE MOTELS. MEDICAL. Fresh Frn it Chocolate, iffila [.a2.31 EKES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers