Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, October 03, 1856, Image 1
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V.,.. 41 1 ..00* 0. +x „ rtb"4, - Seit" 4. 1 , 7 e, .4 it t''' ' ' t .V!r, ' d .1"bli 'l.'r - -* ',.• ,1= ~ , ,, .;),I m. ” --t.tlt--'c, • . • ' , • " - .0 , if. ~, 4 • ;- .. ---- :442.,t,..., ‘ 1t;iie.-:•t i .. _,,,%-v or „ * .,,,fi r f t • ~„. c e .4-0,40- , A Ve-v ,-..,.- • , .., .. 1 , • .;, , , ,,, e ~., •,. . .11 C. , •,.._ • ~... . ,- a i - to te , -•• .S• , a 1.. ~,, ~ V TA , ' t . :7, - $03 13 a4r,4 1 3 3 ,•te•trf.4.5741•4-,t f" 't• t• 'l4. .' el , .e'k V 0 t• 4-fir,,,,4 . ' :.. 4 • i • ''' . i f, ~ '1 .1 t- • if 4, '' r " . .44,f 4 4 , Aktitr . :t, - 0 ..c.:'4 l .e'l 4 ' 164. " 'f r 1 iffr•;it ,' r- r --1 . ~rv A. I . •r , t f..*,, , .v s'' ~ v0 t .0.60.2 .t. ,* ~.... , 4,,t) 1 t,' ,c.. 0 „:4.„.4.1 - ..:, "',,, 1,t,,,, - ..." .:' , ,..,1" ~,,,-,. ''',.., -A1 . ,. X.,. - ,•'.... .4.4 ''',,. , 04g I ffi l P4 °4 L. : 2 L* *7 {V 4' ' W th / 7 1 17 4 - 47* . VOrr rt .r.S A 2 6 "" . 4 t i l a 4' 4 ' 41 , -'..' 7 ; t °' ' .). 1 ff.' ' , .°:; tfL e: : :. '. ,C ',Z O-.. ./ %I ,' 1 ..:' , 1 ~, . t ifkri z ,',4l OZ. i s 4. 4 ,4 C.' ,'I'UN44,-111:tiliZtpt4r# • r . 471: 4 ' l %l 7t 0 ' tie ' q ''," t4± k , 1‘ 11 . '". 4 7 I PA\ .j. 0'; tr_.. ' - -I 4 t=-'415, 4;L :d Tea 2f. 'Vitt) vo „..4. 0 . ... '• i . - •• ,"I .'. I % 4 " '• 4 0. ) ' • ..) . _. „. , ~,,, ..2 ). ...,, ,., .. 4, ........ fr, , .... ..., 4) Vic.` 4. ,- - --) ''- ',...„.. .11 e', ~• . L .., ~, I * .... ~. A.. ...1, 2 ...-•• - ..", ..,'‘ 1.. , , ~.i.et s . 4' • 1 "''' I e ""r '' , ' - '''• `...".": - ~r .;0 Ai Of, 40 :* . fia: i ktF4":4 0 0 " 1 0 WO- • 5 .44.• 0•• •V • i ' er • • r .* ekk>s-'rh.e; " = 4‘•; ,- ,,,, , 1w'% 1,4 4 • # t-V, - Ail 7E, =4. , 4 1 0.04 '1° 4 4 r iA 4 qt*ftwll. - rw, 4 l'eloye. 44. t 11.• 11111111111111 PITTSBURGH HORNING POST. - - _ Peva, poblo nu/ every morning: •• ye =egged, BV dILL9IONG & MONT G 9 111 BILY OU Tln NOWLII-WII8? 002X11 OP WOODIND Yin% SLUM, - - TERMS.—Rive Dollars a— year, parble strictly in advance. Dollars Invartably'reqnhial lf.tuit paid within the year. 44- Suigle copies, Tarckevrea—for aain at the counter In be i lace, and by the Neika iklya THE SATURDAY MORNING POST . . Published from the same Oleo, on a large blanket lila 62100 t, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Single copies Ems Crams. Oir No paper will be discontinued, (unless at the dlscro• Len of the PreprietoZ until ti)au all tu m . - rarsoa ora are Pets the money , or satisfactory lefere ur rice Ws Cit unless y. ,Connected with the Establishment of the Morning Post its 000 01 the largap JOB PIOENTII4O 0/1110E8 in the city, where all kinds oftwork Is dons on the shortest notice, end most reasonable terms. PROFESSION AL CARDS. SAMUEL C. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, eirrentiton, Vair 0111 Co in BAKEWELL'S BUILDINGS, Grant street, ,nearly opposite the Court flonee.) febUly CLUALES W. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, CAMURIA COUNTS, even . trf)...Alan pm - tiers In Tiuutlngdun, Blair, Clearfield arid In diana C0U.41.1,0. fob TAMES A. LOIVRIE, Attorney at Law, tit onice Fourth tltrettt. rat.burgh, betweenmoithfield and Cherry Id ley.. decllfly j_l- AIIL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. w. 10.141 e, No. 14$ Sulithaeld street. howls from 8 to 1 o'clock, end from 9. to 6 o'clock.. fe1.15.1y 6COTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five ity . am,t M Market rAii- (taco boors from 9 o'clock A. M. to 9 o'clock P. M. doday BUSINESS CARDS. moORITR , VI), Wholesale Grocer and e./ tk Mc retuvut., for tho ode of PIO erAL and I.II,OUMS, ttLik‘i 113.0.1.W0M gruoraily, No. I Wood eft, atoll wtt.u.ive tuccrrs , , N, l'ittabursh. I LL E & lUCI ETSUN, Wlade-Aale Gro- INI. rots. 11.4.orters of BRNN DIES. NVISES Kud 803A1t.5, Noe. 172 tint 1:4.,,ra0r of Irwin and Liberty 6trootki, Pitt. bor4h. I tot.. Sun“, Cotton Tarim. , orusetuutl) ou baud. J Itt.l IttLiknr, ka. 110¢2XT503. 1..1)1‘ Au° I I_ RIMIVIALT. ICIiLI \t ivmEitTsus Co., Itlanu- VV f0n;;u:..r.•,1 Plain Vial/ UI.A.I4:MVAILK, wurrbor.., l;,t.fut o fl'lttoattirgh. art. and M 10,1 0 ,1 ()Una, at Ittiv Mat Is. I it. t. mit rlttily _ . _ • LLDLI LEDLIE UL.OI, ulvany 1..0,;11.., mrtnllfitrt °rem Cti!: and PIAII3 Paw 1.14 i haltry (:).•lorr.l 01,AS , N1 Ai: r tt In 1111 ,al. Il•st Wart , ,Ilur L.( NlArkot en.l Weter ncroot, Pit .1..11, : h. 1.113:dly F • R. 1)1:1 dealer 1.V. , .1/UCF... oilers ler a chafes stdek of f/ItoC111.111,:S. selected for (auntySivots every variety or.. I the purest q a.dit) , ground at Ins litl.lll Mai.. Ali°. Dried Fruits. Furoien nod Odatootie Produc tak.li in CIi..ILAIIE.A.• for merchandise. F U. D. has produrod a tall sasurtniont of Landreth 's war ranted 0 A RDE`i SEEDS. and Writes CM:, attention of all to l.t,roAUAl in rural allturs. riONIMISSION li )iiSE.—The suLizriliers haveop.metied a lions- for abovepurposo, at No. l 7 Smithtiobl street„ tour doers a. a the Monongahela !louse. We will purchase. or receive o- Nvlotossion, far sale. con signments of Fla/UR, BAC-UN. CIiKESX„ COLLN, OATS, It/It:LEV, FLAX SEKD. teltA3. SL6O. 11ALED 11AY, alum which we will make what:, 0, or purchase at the best market rata for cash. ALAI & JoUS ATWELL L. J LAL CHAS- ATWELL. AT LL, LEE £ CO., Wholesale Grocers, Praha. , and Coat 4116.1,113 Merchants, and dealers in YlltAlt. , 111)(t1 Mani factures, No. I Wood street, between Water and Front Pittsburgh. JOIN W. Bu rLE a a, Co., Forwarding and Ilmehants, dealers in all kinds of FTTTS BUR. \NI:FAUNAL/IS, !Atli PIPE and SIIN ET LEAD, No. 1e Franc street. Pittsottrgh. T_TE , ..cfy IL. COLLINS, Forwarding and Commission MerCLULIAL, and wholesale dealer In CIIENSK, I.IUTILIt, SEEDS and PII.ODLICIL ganorally, No. 25 Wood etroet, ltianburfl.. mart TotEc li. MELLUR, Wholesale and Retail EI dealer In MUSICAL INSTItUNINNTS, PIANOS. MUSIC 13C110. 1 L IttnAS, and STATIONNIIIi, No. 31 Wood street, Pitts burgh. Wil- JOSEPH FLE)I.IN(3, successor to L cx A. x, c.rnnr of Market atco , :t and the Diamond. coos u.:, •n§ haa.i n CM; amortment losn. F'Ettl , li.lllfllY, mud ell rru rles parnoning to Ido4 Qr . I.'l:yl4n:sand' Prencripi.,m advfully compounded st hours. ,e 94 .101111 - - FLIDILIte. Bittit 11 EILS, successors to J. vrt ... . .41.• DRUOUISTS, No 60 Woo.l stroot, I•ropro.t..r, of Dr 11*L41.1...11 c.,lobratoa Verna. ,t. JAIO T N. Cll.l I ) ICK, dealer in Kentucky Lx.tf 1 , 11 %CCU, H..t.ir •' l'A Hilt, No. 1..1:1 Hwd ritn.ly Oh- lk• .mil price, lu CAktit, 1.41.1 for '4' ‘,11.11. . ..... JONEYII dVsitiS NAT r A u r ,r x te n rs and Ng, ~ 1 itz., t. Pttuburgh. the odol.rated aus.nuLts.tures of Delirourt aug7 - - . - - PHILIP LET. . SORZZI J. AXDiIeON. ItE Y MER & AN UERSON, (successors .Al ./ ACo wholu.ittle dealer+ in FOREIGN Ncr.s, 141.10E5, M.,TION ART, Eitai AILS, No. 39 Wiiokl the St- Cl/arias }Jowl, Ott,- burgh. A TINDLF„ Wholesale and Retail SAD /1, lIANSYa`I.'TRUY 6 . V AL.ItiP. sod CARPET BAti 11.A.NUFACTLIII.E.It, N. hid Wood scrawl., Pittsburgh. Jyy MEN AND 1.0-I'B'—NiiiNl.-EE. CaitlllNi; —ROSENTHAL & HRH, Fifth atreatt, opptwite MA 11011 . 8. have a etr.d . .e. mark of Men and Dope CIA/THINU 110[11e entirely new and elegant sty which they are prepared to furnieh at the lowest meth prtc.e. Alen. a tar,: and i11211.10,18b1e stock of GENTS' ctiltN de IMIIN° 0011100111kr-I3tdly - EL Bit:LW, 11,6T1N WrZTLES 01[015.1 e 1.111 2, PITTSBUILGII UUAUU FACTORY-111(7.- A MIICCeII4.IIk tt, K. :11 Ihgelow, N' An Da tooll 1 in-• , • rar stret-t, Plttoburgh--CARItI iqf 11'71 INF. ItUtii;lES, anti every deorriptiou of FAN: 1 V Ic LEO built to order, and thoshed lu a ro,nor 1.. t d....ixil.eloaance of BK:1, .11,1 durability of materials. A vrork KAI ruling' f vg - JSt,IIOONMAK ER, Manufacturer ~f . f. 7..0, Paint, Litharit, Putt. A. th.ab, in 011 s. Paints, Varutolom, 'nuns:lnn. otr,, , t. Pittsburgh. mt•-.• . _ A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at ‘.a.telour ,, CABINET and CHAIR MAN l:YAC :.i,,thtiel.lNtreet, a large asavrtructit of Yritley SIM uh,..b Ut.y will deli 15 per Gent. lows than ..o: ) T , rtn4. TAMF.S. , )lELLINGER, Muaongahela Pia via,: w rofipurh.tu . .iy inform his ends. and the `WI to o Ctit.a.bll4llll.it , li. ill 1101 V In full opera lt Ike 1, proparod to turmoil Boat Cabins, and fits all on!, • ..r PLANED LUMBER, with promptness, and at 11..srd flank, plans) un one or both sides, cousuintly on hand. ti. sh. 1.t.,...rs and 'Mouldings, of every description, tussle to Lade'. Y$ it . 1 lel, and Cornices would find It to their advais• ta_. , v • Liu: as he roe now furnish them with sin" ivory IhrACripti oll of work. "LIU Lit )N CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND ha M IN E 2 , 111 W, SANnossr, OttioThe subecriber havinz n' .. I into tile UeNV Works, recently erected, corner 4.! r. and streets, Is prepared to con 1.1 I CIA,Ut..k. all orders for Passenger, Baggage, 11. m, Vreight, Platform, Gravel, nand and all err -r ,I•o.ms of CA it'd. ,"1" KA M ENGINES of all sires, GEARING, RATI, it.tk SliB of all descriptions, and all other work ams-rtat, to n Foundry nod NlNCitille Shirr. or OW ditlvltillt departments are scientific . fn. t .•nl 111...-11104t.1y Crum Eastern uninufactories— m h., th.,ll4CiVes informed nod adopt all valuable mal 1, .; MT, •••:11,1ti. ytu W. W. WETIIEKELL. 1.1 110 FE COAL COMPANY having re x (--iii"y ne , t with lowa. in tranaportlng coal to Cincin nati, it.sured by the latinfacturCrlC Insurance Com pany, of Fililadelphia, take pleasure lu stating that their claims e promptly adjusted In J. Newton Jones, Agent of said C-mipany. D. BUSILNELL, Ai,,-nt of Hope Coal Company, Cincinnati.. Pittabn r 41), December 27, 181 A. dec OTTLERS.—JonN OGDEN & C c o i , Bottlers, 1 , 7 Sirlit. stomt, would respectfully inT";rni the pub ic that 1,--) have constantly on hand a large supply of BARBA P A RI LLA., MINERAL WATER., ALE and PORTER., of the beat quality. The lit'• 'aim, of familiew in particularly directed to the fact that t,e-v bottle WAINRIGIIT'S ALE in Its purest state. Physic's,— r;s.mturneud it td families on account of its whole some and srrengtheuing qualltles. oceitkly J. I. e. IINAIIIIII. 3 . Looking Glaso Manufacturera, and dealers in Woking Masa Plaice, Plato Mane, En gracinget , Lo,lnle and Fancy Goods, No. 'Di Wood !street, Pitt. lmrgh ru i and made to ord., G:lt Nor and Mantle Mahngant, itoaewood, Wainnt and Gilt Frames, or Mould ing, of et,•3l deacription. Azar St.,lmboat Cabins Decorated mad Gilt. J. & T. GROUTT DEALERS IN Fine Ohl Monongahela Rye Whisky PEACII AND APPLE BRANDY ; RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS CuIL , AD , OP SMITHPINLD AND norm PITTSBURG H. PA. jAllitS A• FETZER, FORWARDING AND DMOLISSION MERCHANT FOR THE SALE OF Flour, Grain, Dried Fruit, Seeds, Lard, But ter, Bacon, and Produce generally. No. 59 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA,. Anita SO Francis '1 Bailey, Ban., W tlliam Dilworth. Cuthbert a Son, l'it:shurgh ; Boyd & Ott, lielskell k Swearingen, S. Brady, Co-I, hi. &N. Bank, not & llowell, Crangle a Geo. W. A elorson, Donlon, Paxton a Co., Wbeelitnr 2B lI_ARILIET BEECHER StoWE'S NEW Nil' 'Elk a Tale of the Oreat Dismal Swamp; by Jinni , ' Ile•erher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin." Two volumes, l'ltnn.—price $1.75. Irs. St,. - 'e needs no int redne , ion to the world of letters. her' . mein Tom's Cabin" retwhed a sal •of nearly four hun dred thou , . d copies in the United States; and in England its oumefin was even more universal than in this county. It was re.-1 and ',read In almost every house, from the palace to , Le eiatage. On the continent It woo tratuilated Into every written language, and ban been yowl by all the nations between the German Ocean and the Bosphorus— front the Spanish Peninsula to Siberia. For Salo by W. A. aILDIESSENNEY k CO., mite Fifth it., opposite the Theatre. - J~F ~ 0 .1, 1 - , „t , I ~ ~ ~ . n , •,' ^ • „,• _ • ...+?.* 'it • • 44, I DIPORTERS 01 BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &e. k. • N**, Icitt'er At% I'4lltru* PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," OORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME XIV BUSINESS CARDS F ir it N .— I 1 1 U It E '. j - '- - 7.57'"-- ----.-.-.4;.: 1': - .„1:74 te‘--_'lL.'J, ._ P 1'... ' = .; / 1 , At ' . —,,,...,_,,- E „,.-::.-- :o. ,-r-_ = ...— ... ,..,,,.... : :..- .... , „,, RYAN'S BUILDINGS, ' No, 31 Fifth Street TILE subscriber, haring enlarged and fitted ill good xtylo hie PACIOUS FURNITURE \N . \REROOIIS, LARGE AS I'Al (AAI,R A001710:0 To his stock, and now Invites his friends and t 6,• put.' t. CALL AND EXAMINE Ikfon) purchaning olsowhem. 1118 STOCK 1:4 WELL ASSOIITED Amovuting t., al.rnt $50,000 Worth, Coususling of EVERY CLASS OF (loop:3 Nt, And euxbrneing wry.. very Rite ROSEWOt)D Covend inl FTP110111,94:11t,TIO. OAK Ciltt3lßEß SETTS, groat Vltrit . ty ..1 40W Styles of Maroons, Bodstoods, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &c., &c. All of which at W 11 , IX isrtaelo warranted w glee .aLl.wfa,L.., •-I monoy refunded. 11. H. RYAN. m 339 I . ;•.• 7;1 Fall. •-t. tar = I)ESERVE CICEDIT FOR YOUR l)1Si'0 ERI. P ROP. WOOD'S lIAIR ItESToItATIIIi t. , no doubt. ii moot wonderful dna - Liver) of Liam min of 1.•. will r..wtorei. permanently. gray hair to itt. orukotial .•.t. co•ed tht• head of the bald wttlt a moat luxurolut Kt , . l, MILIOVV none all dandruff and Itching. rare oil to l l. r. and other eutatnynot troptiofta Mold haul..l• • It 11,111 cure. ne If by magic, to-. sun. how-bolo., make the hair anti, glossy and wit , • tool prin.wr - r.• plot pertectle, and the hair from t., ext,ent.. The following le from a distilittltielled un.141-rer ..f nee u , ea kid prole/Anon: ST. Professor 0. J. IThot—hear tri.olielt.. l . I this certificate. Atter lams 1.1.1 fur . tone, and log tried all the hair resterati..a ett.nt, and liar:nil nn Lnt h In any, I was, itUlucvd. op bearing of your., h. gi•-. it It I planed inroulf to tbm hands of s nod had my heed rub) ed with a good IWO brn.h, and the v.• then ap pliorrand well rubbed in, till the erslp was aglow. Thi.. 1 repeated every morning, and In Mr..• weeks the yewug heir .ppeered and grew rapidly from An pod last till the pre...ut time, and is now think. httek sod strong—weft end idea -dot to the touch: whei hotnrv, it wu harm and ones, little there was of it, and that was &rapt...rm.; 1,, rapidly. I Pont nee your Ilishirativ. st.dut te n I. ow, .I ahall soon hale goo.l and t crot fha r. N had read of the. [11111,^3.---.1.141 who has not t Lotlmrn nut hill:-rt. , any ew.r where any pervon'. hair war ir tour ..t,, of the day: ashl It rout:) . give. m.• pleairor rivuce. I liatv four „,h, „, and it ulread) ..4.1.ze Territory. The here know tts 11.,"•• iii.• Territory, L. nearly .u. ,d ary made for it. 1 0 11 rre.lit fir ) our d..., v, for on-, return you my I I Ole t, ,Irbi it I.xx mt.. Sr I ,1 - 14101 y 134.1 aro of oi • r sr.) su.h rusult. Vow., hart, y, J In IN ti. ltrm of )fundlli Drriptiet., St l'ad • l•r l• nr a,.4 t ... • M 1... n• 11:ann Is a 1r..," wan .•1 • • Item- i,, n l ti, It EST , 11, ot • , ..11i•ct lin. W, ti lett'.i 1•• it,••,• iti tiff. Anil a ettoot ant tart.!.';.. 5 t.. it: t• t in/. le , /u:tr .nbled mlit, !• tt lair, wlitlt rata Li,•• t.tt,11,4 1.• • • It -ami It. , other artirte With isi,lll,r.r. i,or •• • prudlt. Your% ltnlls, .1 h Sold at 114 ItlArl , et curet, it %Item." way, Nei! it.ra, nal all Pr t,,,41.00 • tint erlit•t•• All il• of Vl:m.ly Patent Itlttluartea ad' sale on the 1,4‘ tertutt, at l`tvfo.ta.tr tettaltlialintetil, Itl Misrkri •At Art. SL Lots.. per omit, whole:ale alai at Pitra Intrul, by Di (1 11. li EY SKIS, IL A. SELLI:ES (..%)., Kn all the rgust. .132 rode EDMUND WILKINS IY ';.., - 1. 4 %. P ,. ..24, ' 4 , k e-, e , 4 , 4 _, 471.4-...er ~... ,z- -- -g, ,4 fe f i',4_,- ___,,-- --- .. 2 . - , , ...0 lc, ~ ;. - 4,... , .- e....w.--4-,. a .„4„.__....,..._...„ ~.. . 1:4 - 0 „ :. 11 ', r ---,,, • :r.,,, iv ~._ t t ,„.. ~..- f14,„ - r 7 .-p4-1,.-:-,5_,5.0500., , ...„. 1 . ~ ..t.,,... _ , ii - . 7_ .---- -..„-- - .73... EAGLE MARAII.E -HEAD OF 1V1xol), ()N ;•"1". nud at the I.ltt•Lyr,:i. a.uta..rts, I ~..•a;l.. and her Ta1,1,.1-. 4. t .•“ ery , y. 1.-ia 11.4 tit ••111, tituneilLsl 1.1.11, , an 1 ffrwm ty. pr TI Thi...1•11,0,.. I. • • .'r to yrwro. twonty-thr.w. o %% f hi, h hwy.. $n which 1 dwnu x sultltnent ruferwbre, 1 wrIT) and furnish toy work In Toy Ln, wt rewAututhlo FOURTH STREET cARTET sTat.: W. D. N. H. 111cC4LLIT 31, Ihrb7 fOUKTLI STR N. ?Eli: WW)1):15.-1} Tar attention of purchasers %/1 r.,port f .11 Invited t, alr present Stock. "elected for SE ttINU SALES. onitntin Bost finality Velvets. I littzUsh and Tapestry In- Brussels and Tapestry. rains. Orrailis and Stair Brussels, Super. Medolut and low Rstra and Super. 3 I'ly. lograh.s. Debt Imported ltxtra Twilled and and Stair Carirets; Floor Oil Cloths, from 2 to 24 feet wid.•, vori-no vidities and prices; Table Oil Cloths; Fie nrls and gmboased Piano and Table Covers. Can:on and Cor ANL co;; Hearth hugs;Duar ; I: • In. Ids!. I(nd ',ref Dutch Carpets; Venetian Nit: tr; WWI 1 .1, rY ,1, r 11.1 2 , Shades, Grn and Buff 11.;11:111.1, 1.1 kcd of na.l. dos ee will le. offered at sale nt vary .11...d.t :at, tat 70 We are also preparol to furnish li.litillMlT ,, Vr CA.IIPET Neither with my eye nor my Leith 1 IMPORTANT TO TIIOSE AFVLIcTED WITH BAD:74(111T —Port. • ring timiti i arming from impair-oil i.otonit Lawn , or other caufies, would do well to ail it 11. 0I I I'Itk.TICA OPTICLAN, tin y un.y n Ir tip,. 6pectai lex scientifically stileptcil t. the JI, T IV.%NT: , TILE EVE. Addrees, 241 Fifth street., opposite A. A. NI,. ICS, P S.—Teleisoopna, I%licruackii.s, Theirmoniatt rs. and , tory article appertaining to OW Optil 1041 Mode, kept /MCI I.•petr.,i on 010 petIll(1.8. Air Glasses inserted In old Frainee. Any article not apprtivecl of. exchanged ft, 1 to perm d..47,1y DAVIDCAMPBELL & SAMUEL Pot, LOCK have exam - late , ' together ittl-r the int) lc of CANIDELL k POLLOCK . for the Iranian tent rt N tient" Variety and Dry tha..dto husineiis, and the wnnuia plat.. mud Waved Line (lilt 11111 qe LA Land lOWA AGENCY—M. MCLAUGHLIN, Lat. and Real Kende Agent. Land Warrant.B 1...ntr.1; Pr, perty ['ought and .old; Tax.. paid a nd collected. ?C 0113,, Nu. I Jun.' Building, DUBUQUE. .:1y PTO TIIE CREDITORS or !LOG I! D. KIND. Before a proper distribution of the funds. is the hands of the assignee of ((ugh D. King, Son no MOP. It Is Itetlstoli ry that those having claims 11130U1 , 1 present thew to Wer e the ntidersigiesi, sustained by tnillitnont eVntonee. Persons, therefore. holding certificates of deposit, or other Vidence of IndOntedtieSS, who have not already presented ONO, ore hereby notified to do so, on or before the 12th day of slay next, otherwise their claims will be relented. TROSIAS WOONN ELL, J. S. 1111...kr Y. Auchinrs r. FARM FOR SALE—The subscriber will sell his Farm situated In Baldwin Township, Alleghe ny County. "Pa., on the mad leading from Wilson'to Mill to Bethel Church; one mile from said Mill and six miles titan said Farm c.tota•mt et:Ay-tit and e halt tt , rea of clinics laud: basun it a twont.try frame Monte, haute o.trit and frame stable, stone spring house So other o lugs, three npple orchat , lie 1113,1 1.4: orchardf select treat, five Dever springll of good raid water, about forty-five acres of clear land in a good state of cultivation and the balance in heavy umber. Terror easy. For fur ther p , a rticaltirs enquire On the premise , . sulgult. JESS?: 11'11171,1,Y. NUNNS & CLARK'S PIANOS—A fresh stock of NEW PIANOS, from the cola brated Factory of NUNNS & CLARK, New all provided r'' vid i ed vin with gnod on the way. They the NEW St:ALE,' ; I stn lately Introduced by tilll3lll.t. Clark_ which imparts wonder fulpro power and brilliancy of tons, and meitorially adds' to the durability of the instrument. For sale by U. KLEBER &BRO., _` 4 llt" e;' 4 "4-` • ,•0 1 7.r -• • • d • '. " ts. 4 `". ' ) 4 t - - •t_ • 'l l . t. .t 4 It "kr O='5NN DIPARTICINT / OF rt. OF T 1 ITrRIOR. Ut, hte,“ ) . ‘ptoinber 2.3, 1R56. ) QYALED PROPOSALS, eudorsecl " Prop , - k? !MIA for linlmn (;00.i., - will in ro.eived nt the Wile,. A' likinto )111111,1, WAniiiiiirtou City, mild la o'clork. A. M. on FRIDAY. an , :11.4 day of octolwr next, fi.r fornhattng Goods fire the Indinn Deintrtin,nt fulfilling treaty ntipniation , with various Indian triton mod other lintinn purpora., ful lows • IMO palms 7 point white )lackinar blankets, I measure f4l by 72 inelies and weigh S peirels 3,540 poles white Mackinac blankets, to 410.513r0 51 by and weigh pounds 1,500 pairs '2 point white Niarkinar blankets, to measure 42 by 50 Int bet, and roich 10 y pounds 1.500 pairs 1 , ,point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 301 be LU inebes, and wei4li pounds 1.500 pal, 1 point wh to !tickinac blankets, to measure 32 1-y 411 niches, and weigh i pounds boo pain, a-pui at searlet Markinte , blauket4, megogu, Lc 72 incl.,. unit soot2:1• ponnd. 500 Pair. , nt saw i t Nteektear blankets, to nirasnre 51 b..dl iie•hen. uud weigh ti r ein.l4 ltsi 1,0 t. gi 001/ Ntsckinse blankets. to measure u/3 ,4 in.-he-, and a nigh ln pounds •200 put ,:poirit green Markinar I,lnrtketx. in titenintre I, 72 It?•••11,-, and wench ft pounds pa.n+ .. , zpoint green Mackinac blankets. to measure 1, is, null welsh ri p , n min 1.0 pairs :Ile, point Indigo blue Markin., blankets, 1,11 mcii- PlirP I.n by 54 Inches, and weigh 1,1 pounds 1154 porn tieuttitella blue !Piaci:lilac blankets, to m: asnm 1;1; I.y 84 Inches, and weigh 10 pounds !owl pain. 8-p.•lnt (lett tinella blue Nlarkinar blankets, to measure tit, by 04 Inches. and weigh 10 pounds 1101 pall, .pout 11eutiurila bine Mncknmr blanket.., b. lloea.K4l , 54 I.y 1 . .13 1411101. 40t1 weigh 11 pounds loth. .3. a arkl” law lokt Lint ntl do gr,ll .1.. LO%\ -rgica do •,. grny IM 1,14,44 ,4 . .1 .4 vvil Ilea 414 du 'd 4/.. 414. twur Iv( 11,, d • el , 14 •to N. 3 !My (Aox/r. 1 4 , 10 ponn.lm vror4t44l Tarn, f 1 , 4.1 , 0 1... 140. Ilag r .10 NinAiln , I 041‘).1 414 1 4 1. It AM, 1 , 4 , d., wJ ootlon ,1. , 14 ,41 u u ;Y4411.4.41t1LiM 1110. 41 tbr". : 44.4 emlWirll,l silk .1 ;•.• r 1.4 or 44v., .4.41 ga&rt4riog 11 , • . 10 0, 44 .11, haloik• 4,1,14 f. .r.. 14 )1, 4 /1 4 (1 4 a.. 41 0. lit, Nl , rl ono au, I 1.J.m0 .I„ 1,1.4.1r11 1 ing uhilt d.. .1.. 1 ....ron .trio • I.SOI/ ,1.. 1,1‘,4 .Innaos 1..M111 .1 i , •ll. , tottle , .tu I.d 14t luug 1 rl do heist o. 11.1 , 0 , 1 .1 • ...,01113.1• 1; .., .1. • phud hroyvy attirt 4•113.4.5t1C ur.1.4010144...1 rl.l 4.1-4 rlo &hooting, 41.4 10.000 '4O 4 . 11P 4 h.. 50.11,1,a1.1,, c1.,0'11 Gorki, yal , I 4VITI LI, road .1...05. 3140• Da m herd Chloe. vormiltirod I 31/40 .1. , A di. , r1.. - nr , ‘l. , '1 try, brown rllllng taluo, /,.nn do coma: mtutre 1 YOU Itatinel rdarta &Mk) call., .10 :WU l.Ktnda lands, w hite tool 1,141 , , da. ,, rto 1 1.1,4) .44 ~. ruby ntoi Mu, do I \ .R No. Ca MTh etr,..<4., 8010 Agents for Nunoo & Clark. .. - "V , 1.v .-• , -43" ,; -4`. 4 • .4 • • . • - -••- • • vl 4 <-1 ' ,', PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1856 MISCELLANEOUS Propoxal• for Indian Goods Ctrs, No. 1. 314cAinne CLAM \.~. MIME alti , (1.1!.1411,,, f ,0 11.ni, • r. ,4 ; 0 • 44 :.11:1/ rdi n:f and Axel. 1044414:11 14.4()i, L4:14, L 4/ 4.• 4 ..intr . 6.111.0 MIZE! lEEE A.. 1,1, rye 1,,t41. ~.u,:.. 1,1 .1 1.1/•h thro 1 i rlr gr.*. di , gi •••i. wi 44.41 30 .1., gr cLlrl In; In.. It' . I t / :Alt) dr.0 , 11: 1,1111 N, lU AIM 12 int hew In Ir t nu•r*, In ~ 1. lo ' .411 q. 7 («.d. to leugtit R do J., n • r•t•••• •tos file 4 ura7ll. • ,„ 1, uotl urls 7 P atttl 'Ark 1. .10 irttei, ,lump k•tttwl +kw: t I.ll,.l,lfrvin.z pat/s .1, .1. .. .1. tit, ,•nro. I • rt,tltr • .: • ;Ix., Ir.on 4., to I:o •I o,—. 1 ,, I, to itortip , l .• I rp.lo or.lltittry nit.• 111111 riurs Cr.'s So. 6. le I n-5 o north west go.sot, raot luck •••••:: ‘i • p, :,.awn luck. eal4 1%.;•...r.l- 4 at Y•ola, • htt•Ph.' -1/. C.:•rhinall. Pet t,lt, ur 'lli. a okay d moce•pl od 1.1,6 ; a ••i the !. , 1 .1 k ",•,, lo la tun... Pr L.ll the I at day of . •APn l .• I. or at gnrh tint. .1 tow-, daring th'• Fur •.•1 o..•ty ~ 1 , 1 -1.41 by the (2,/nnuissioto•r if Indian Al ht v At1..l to r••; ni, g.n.atet or lean pun. t i ro ..f , h • 41 n, 1,•4 114111 , 11 thtm that aioralett a, the ahavo 1,110,11:1, %1.. nu! "then, of the P.llO dB,. I , IIE ,•f n .ilaereltt .It-w - ripttoo, that tatty be ne«,le4l, at the haveot fa ma. e.• t (M.A. ..1 1 fr. t immure:tore .of the iesfulrealilLY lind of 1... but as neat of the samtplea rtgatosts arui cloths oats foteign faterna. it 0 ill Ise n.`centssf Y. prop .sent: a thattetittc a rtado o I sailor of these picas., a t that u tutt.h. th, ,, -hull ha• forwortital W thi/utlirt-, at wt tat rIY ttult , an prat -, i... 1.15. ta. It brio , tor guns will len rs.tulruel to 1,1111.11 n sump ‘ r Aseiie• kind and .fu *May proposes to for Male and Ilt...lrtutrttntalt reserve.* Ilir 'mitt of au,rplittg sash bid r hula a-. aro Itottetaal tr• lu• tut+a advantagsons to the In duals, rottutth.rtatr uervir-tathlt,inaltiltut. Se. Tim matt to 1, Ittrltiuloal meet In all resissas confot ni Iw. and he , u 1,. the ..emp f es. which may be seen at stu .iititphu Amer:can ntanulactm and gull, n „r te tuiniKl, 4 l and ........... They will to' rigidly lei .eiegt.s l awl ...ittpur , l with the samples by an 'went or a grat twpoitth I t hat ptirotow. It as nay be unequal thortet.• are pat; male , will be rejoeted: in which rune rho cos. taw Wt- will forrii-.11 others of the required kin.. rr .mslie e. three. days; or, if that,,ke not done, u tll istrrhased nl his eipenplc. l'hyrnOnl will Is , male fo. theruof, certified by the agent jtncats a warted to inspect thou, t,out, will he iequirr.l in the amount of the bid for the fait rivet frermancs of Itoe contract. with two or more sure. t,ea. w I.lx.c' htllll , irlif y must ha certlfiest by u United States ltatrr. t The pt , .1...5a1s must mobracc the artier , ", with the quanti• trete thereof, as they are art anged In the foregoing schellul... wah Ow I wit e+ 111111 i, cal to Mull In dollars and routs at which itme turmsled, oral 11111011111. must Is: carried out fc.,....11 up fir',.'it piss. Th. y be tuba/Med with 11,411;11g " I [or wed leeteby propriso forniah for the service of the , I Ittlialt Dopartiluint, to the r•rms of its adver t...emetic theret..r, dates! :+lltertiber 13, Dia', the fallowing articles, at th , prices thereto :here insert the list ar- L....twig to he ctn., or clauses proposed for,ldelivernble ill ti... city ..f N••w V,rk, Philadelphia , lialtunors. 1 . 1 . t.b0r,,1i. Cincinnati, St. iomie. Detroit, ka - Chicago, its the et.,,e we) bed on or before the first do" of April next, or at i t ch time or LI during the year 1157 as may he onlered 1.0 tr. rotinamsr.oe r of I iethem Affairs; and I for evil mnit form.f.. salt, prices, such additional quantities of kin , k airl qualitlea of Rooth., and at the lowest mau ket. prices, such other articles of the Barns class, but orn dith•r•tit an may be required for the service of the Dithan Depart aunt during the year 1157, duliverablo ns it , u stattal. Arttl it this propetsal lro accepted. for, [here In .. - - ..ert the tintolstr of the class ur climatal proposed for,) I [or wet will, within Dal day x thereafter. ext,ute n con U -act or , and give rity. satisfactory to the Coturnitisi. titer of Indian Affairs, for the faithful pert rmance of the totrue." Each t.rotsatal most also actutrupauled by a guarantee, in the follow ins form, to ho signed by two or more mistrust• Wer pereone, whose emtlicieney must be cortilled by a United States Judge or district attorney We hereby gtutranty that the above bidder, or blddora,] If a contract 'OOlll lie awardwl to him. tbein,j according to his [or their) foregoing bid or proposes , will execnte a con tra,: and give seCUrity !Or the performance theriad, no pre cribed ill the tuivert,senient for proposal, fur Indian goods. dated ttoptember 23,1650: and we' agree to pity arty and all dttotagas or losses which the United `tutee or the Indians ma) suffer by reason of failure no to du on the part of the raid bidder" [or bidders.) No proposal will be considered that does not strictly eon ! 1,111 to the Lerma and directions of this advertisement ; an d •• ' • ' .- ' rooted to er......eine the samples .te waking their propoettle. 0 EO. IT. "SIAN Y PENNY, Commistitother. =MCI TWELVE 11 0 URS IN ADVANCE OF THE MAIL! - TILE EASTERN DAILIES are rennlarlY received, twel, honrs in nilviinre of the Mail, and dithered to sub scribers at the following rate.: Philadelphia LEDGER, lor. per week. New Yurk Duly TR I RUN E, ltic. per week. " HERALD, " TIMES, " " la' Leave piny orders fur thug., other raltent papers, at 71 Flftli street, tar inyl4 JY 29 TANNERS' 01 L-2.0 b ß a i rre en .l A § Rl T E a 3 p.pe RAI :7OI SI I, thld valusblv medico... received 1,3 0 E. • BROWN 'S EssencJ. of O inger—lA dozen prime artu:k, store and far mile bt 1J FLEMING, aeao MILLER itICKETSEM. 026 corner Dlomo,col and garket et. MISCELLANEOUS. 'INV° Medals and File Diplomas A R 'r Il t' R ' S Patent All .Tight i.: r i5,„ . .. , 51 i :" , 7: ; 1°- : . :4:7: 74 7 ...... , ,, ''4 :. ra•ii.,, , ,a1 , 11g tin inn. nllki tin-proof Yellow Warr ~ . - -- ~ ..A . ..../. .: ' ; i' Jiff,. Henry llizby i.‘ .1 ' , ..:; -,.>'''',a dj I I th. , Agent 4 this city and .'" ~ ',, , ,C" .. . '. ....t. , -A., ~., •. "".. ". Western 1'..” tray', luti a for ~, ,r A % , ~,,,..:,. . L t the tale of the al,ve art, if: 2. - ...., cies, at his China said ~ , a.f.,, , ,, o _ i/X, . 1t , :..4..„.., Qu.nswareawre, No. V./2 F. , i ,7 . .,, , ,?//, ;:.. .....r.,' . z „.,...q ~ ,, , ,,,.1.t.. Pittabn rglt, l'a.. ;TA.: -,,--.. - =q , ..ti where la also 1“.1,rt. dint ',7-; - ',..-- . ,r ,r, i ...P_„ 7 :,- , ,t and greon Klass jar.. at a ..: „, 4 ~ '"1,...rF.-1.....11, low parr, with largo top, , -,:.--- -'• -• 4 , ~...'lr.i o g4?„'.l ~,, no 4 eorks, ready a ttod bee !waling strawberries and other frllitli. Alit, La gt,nenti tvs.Tl ment of China, lila.ss and tlumnswarr, adapted t, , 11, wants of i rival. Wallin., hotel 1,....pe:11, slink boats and eon , . ry merchants. all at to let at. prin., . - - MEADVILLE AND ERIE EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. TIIIS COMPANY, having m the of 1 July coturriencod carrying tlio U. S.. Mail from Pittsburgh to Era+. thrill . ..li Rut - r,- -7 , 7 ,4 — _„ for. Mere..r. Meadville , and Watt , ford, bay" now r,,ortect4 , l suet. arraugequont_l rel will enable , el., at In carry liann i utigUrs or Intekll,;kin to any put' oii the r.aiu• less time• than the same min VII, 111 11.1 , psi 1011 , 1 ,. .1 on OIL, noel, and nt cheaper fart, 'Mee within. h.. t.•gaga postage or lormard irmiikLUlVl inns thin city will r n A vet 1. 1 all time , In 1.. .1111 01101114 0 1i1 at a I. ('lair .11.1.3 Glatt rte, nth Pa_ throagb from Ihttaliurgil in. thirty-two nr:a-:t _ . H AVING RCil A :•El> the itrerest TiIt)MAS Wlill.lril A 1...10t 1100 Oral a May, ill :rant Irt•e, work, in nil bin/I.lle, at th 1..01 Water tot ert. 11 ra I oar. in Ilit• bnunraa, I who lay, a' nit!, thin( rikiic 1% it, ttwini rKi, May '2‘. IS6. \0( I kI it .1 \ 1. •II t. ltattgrg.. Prole! Nettut et. k bought poet eutd end enriiinny Lc. 14,4 • 7 lAau ti, IXT ()TICE hereby tha: an . 1„ 1 %hill 1., 1. WA: I I a k YI_ P NP 6ASK. 1.- i• .• yuriottu,oolu, ht. Suo nig I—ii• a I in i ulit, urnii eN.,.1 t. 1.1 k re lin INSUIrtAN(.I.:! IN-' tit.“ I leturatoew t.I- es r• •ni -.! .0 -A.7 .• • LV/lii 41.111 , 4 rot-rive.' tly 11 1. \ i.,.e Agnucr And 11,1,1640 t,, e, on I.e rt .I I ,, urtli 4,4 , 4 .13. st ..1 the DI e A • • 1 'll 1,7 F OR ',••:A1,1,--.1. 1, :7i 01.1 the %%Pet .I.le the Kneel Gm.. 11,;., rl,lt. 4.1,r0 Ire( twl bro. awl ext. Gay All. 5.• .h.ptli wire") ti ;tr.. •1. prothhere .100 ^tegril,t • hr... l'eelitt.g • tel. ..... • • t• tilt- h....A • .1. Imnd ,r.. 1 ••!.•• letitteel• ei.suet: n:.y'.:n...,: ustt, .1• e.' 111... el utel 4 - tre tir0 ..... title prtirerty net ,h.ii••••• .1 !I.—, the e. ;, 'Atli he eflerust at l's L•lit the plenave-n. .111 . the 50et...1 11.1 J of Sertet3ber Twit ee t terd pr,Torty. refer... t. hie) h rthil'Ett and JOU.II YLE!'I I N' t, Ea.;• '.• s••• • • Wm ply•TEli. sutd PEK 1 N S.101;11, A ". din. 3. FIFTII STILEET TKAS—A ."1•1 just rccrtvu d d.roct frmu I„vl• I. rotall.st tur.33 wnh , ..t ;., Ix 4.1.4 P. #.o4 t II I lept.rtr, , 4 r.. t IL Is Peter VI• 1,1 .• ./Z. , P i Jr . at..l tt Z:t. I Cm. 5.% LE - 1", , r• ,Ity. tz Lit 4,1,41 , i•tui /I: NTELP -A t•• Jt.•,‘ •.:.1.• • • i . I. tit. \ `... • ...I. . 1141. _ DissoLLTioN l'.llll i' under 11.. 11; ..f J, I. 1 ., LA Tbe of • .. • I. . .1.11 1 41,i4 4 LA 1.11.1 14 1.. .4 4,,.. The undenignetl hav , • f-rhoNI partnotatop. inator the thin .t . \ , „ 0.0,.•. • I MANI'FACTI' III \I: ti, • . 1 . , in arlat-1/ firm g -neral t atttoor• •l' r n t Cll, at Ihttatiargn, , 1 i t . io It.n...e•ph of Kitat Itanni/Phait• •:•• ' • t ..lA‘l KS I,ALIGIII,II`, al, '• •tilil I 41, 1:•• al • . and fitly eight emits t A rita: t.:11.• ••1 •11 rtnotehip. • •:n.toon.: th• Aniftint, 16& 6 , and to tarthainte ••:. 16,1- Pilt.bw - A - 15. AnnAt - 1 .4 1 ()1; S.ILE—A Si'l,ENl ) ll ) Cl)1'N'11:1 'EAT..IIII.IIIni IV • 1.,111 1..• .1 • .. 11 rlnlit 1i..•u,n,r1.01t.: . • ••i WM cvl !mt . .•‘‘ -• .I,n. t•.r , r • ..trin. ~j.. 1 111,1 i .Y.Lr.)*1.1.•.: t.......kr , It plena:,. n ~... I !!....f. A g...... 1 1 Itr!.. .to!) In.,•••• ii. , 1,4 , • LI. t . • • ,1.. Q ..t ~ A 411,111 Krlywn Boll*. It. \l+.• I. .4-1 Al., screr...! l'hrzn, I tn. , inr ....i.. 3! , ! ,n, , 1..! borne. .4,1.1) 1. G W lit `:N. n!.rti. , n .•1,...,..-..,!. ni. , .r e....t .4 Ow D1A!.......1. Anl.n. , ..) NOTICE—TOSI'OIII.-Nll-.N •. \ 1 , Ii I VI . EKS —Mr 411.))1.k.... ,M i 1 ii t, „ , . ~„,. I . . l'Ktrtnt 1.! hix n•.vvi 11,111 i I. 11% Li. I '. .. 1 ' It, t 1 I. ;re-nrtio., meow. fors il 1..1 KAI. t. It 1.• !... , !' In. A.. en -mt.n1,n0in)..1.1,1. gintio it 3 t .t.,.: , ....... .11,•int.ten, , f 111,41.t.1ut,., mug! !nit! ~.• ,n• II ... ti.nt. Gni. !my othrr ball ~..! i t 0.•......1 t .... , iIUIV:c A TETI.lic'S. N,. 1.:.;” WI K 11) itr. , .c l'er , , , lni v. islitug /AIM, , .r,, , ,,1.p,, li..nt.t!! !!..ny n' Ow. I.y oillin,n 1 , 1. WM li A 1,1...‘11 . ..1.1 , , 1....., ..i:/it .0 Messrs. ItOWN A TEILKY. 1;r 1.11,1.,1,:z , MITIL N. Irwin .tnt.r. l'atsburgb, Pew's. 3E113 tuctl• T IlnS. :iNi ITi 1.. C()CO A. NUTS--300) (:,,,,i Nuts ~,_, 1 . , .4, °a ...1 for Male by Illti‘..Nliill. A A \ Min, U. ' !!,•, ./t1 Vt ..t •.•1. • t - . v., Awarded Ak•rr, Di•_ • . u Lelll ,, fli , .111,1. recet uud for ank I.) HEY N I Eli I Eh. I\. F.....! FIGS—:000 drums f is h F igs jut 4 I •i2(..11 (at ,and for sale by 11E111 EH A AN I/ . V. 2,4 zi1t ,, N, 01'2 No It ,1 . 1 3 , 4 - rill )0111 Bitt:til I ES—A I:Lrge ,arplv ,f the to.n fingltsh notnufacturo.l 1u ok.lt t 0. 4 F1.0,' I .0.1 ... T -.0.. .0 i se' Corn , r 11.0100 rt. tool I:, 0n,t.1 (-- i . 0 :\; t, . 1 3.}. SS W Al EH —l)t,v.on ( ' „11_. \% Ater Joel r,„, ,r,,i and lor oile/tr .I,IS I LI. Nit aws. ‘...-. 4 a''lCo: oe AI r M lo au.. L .0 and Ino.i i u LIE LIC‘C W ATER can lq , had at ,lt ).* 1.1 YLKNI I Nbra, ‘I) 13.0 ~:a11..” or bora el. Corner 0l .t , ',o .. 1 ..toeet and the Drum. ,11. -- i 1) A RI SIA.N .r(\(..) '111)q.-:".i-i--h-i—tz , - .x ,- ei 1 t-it article el kenll‘..llltl, r,....n.in. n,1•11 I. ;1.,• ;I ..... 10, t .. log -op. Ho, L e m ,, , er Cr 1.,....,,,1. , .n . . - r 1 o i • .i. • • log 1... Mu, stren4rboorn..' Ili, Cum:. •'." l I"'r , .'"" ' " br ...itli. l'reparol .”,1 , , (' i, I ~,, \ y l, J. 1., ,: ..1 '.l i ...1 M it t t S t: . s ' S k I}(} k l trio ; I :8 1 ; :. e1 :\, ../ :.', r. , )13" 1.. II - . I ~ .:.. till, I.eauty. :told only by J.,. 11 . ~ !‘l nel o.rner Marl, t st .1101 1'.,.. , ,. - _ r 1 1 1 ANIPAGNE WINE- - kJ In l,o'b,'to Ilealmek Cbainpugno IN no•, .1 10 . .'"I 1-.:1 v.i, " 1. K. N... 15 . , - ..4 .... NI II No 171 " '' lo •• Star bran.l •'•• I II 1,,J1 - 0 and fir sale IN an3o M11,1.1.1l 0 v.l( ‘;11' , ..: _. ItAW fIyRISKY-7:v) I dds. Raw \\ ,•••: ), Y [or sal° ',Kona) MILLER A It Pl. ri. - :s Al A li C /0 1 1:1 1 L it N I :: 13 Inn , MairkeTol, " n,,, on. I.- 1.0 l ii bble. " " - :If Mao. N0.•2 mo.li am )10. too • 1. •• In antra, and for sale by, suao mll.l.int .i:. itrcßrrsw; NUKTII CAROLIN A TAI{,---:21 1 hilt+ NOI'Lll Carolina Tar In store and for sal E e by attso MILLR a P,I , 'II (•"ISON NEW !'ALL lIILE S S t.; 00 I)tii_ A . A. )I ASON A 00 will open. on the '3d o: Sopteso bor. s• , sal pad:al:est of New 00.41., round tang - Vrintod Detain., All Wind Trani,'( Dlaolem, Mark French lerlutni, I.llru•k Alpo. as. Cold Paramattaa. New (laid ,ilk.., French Chtutwoo. ,:',O TIA.A.IR BRUSHES—A large assertmelit .1' ocery variety and stylo, to sult purcltsvor , ,e. Jot , . 1-4./.1• 1 : .. . . ~, sol Corn , r Marl.. , ..• .., I ~.., REFIN El) CAMPLIOR.--500 1111. .11101 re• veived and for tails I,y [ati!: VI l: ,, It; 1; h 1,.,. 1 0 DOZ. ItASPE I3ItRY Y lit: I'. 1 IU .I,rseu Strawberry Syrup. Co " Pine Apple " &V " Lemon Syrup. Just rocelvotl and for saIeKEY by MEll A .01,1 , .P.511N, N., 30 \X,...1 or root. r 29 5 CASES PRI . 11':S, in Jar ,, . eb do . , truth Strawtwrric., iu 10 Blackberry Braudy .loct f t,y N 0. 30 Wuo.l ,trr,t • .• .1' • r ti.•• ..J.:*,:•• • J I MISCELLANEOUS Another Urcat Sale of Lots and Blocks:, at liochenter, Deaver county, Pa., ON iAll . ll DA 1 I'll lt't I.:Til INOTANT, AT 10 O'CLOCK. rill i E undersigned will sell, to the highest I. Iteltlt 0, . A Ole Alo Above namod. nod th, prenti- , :At., e so' / r ut/tiro/ tni... Mo /t. fltrots And Arr., , ••f gl - toind, stall te.seral,,V, A.,. , tl: Ow Mo . 404 , f Evt'lezter, I:eater comity. 1 . 3 /I , will alsototll, or leave for r term d i' • yeArs• =on ni11,1!.. :L..al lands. -t toe qua:rte., t.tAttli of ill • ,lity, Iron ore. Av.. near II:0 llorottgh, and ..ouveni , at to Y . ca, 11. 11,1 . 1 1 . ...1 Milro.l.l. . , 1.• 1. t-t,t, .., .`dde . - i'l be 'y t1...A1, !;;; its one year, ~ rt, La 1 1 I t -.ear, ,k.l!. ii.:...,, , at 1 ; 1.1.4 ..•11i. 1.. r snl...um. A 1 1 .,n1 .' ,i...tulon . in Is- in. 1.1 1. ft r tettalitl telyeeltt of the pi tac•onl- ia1..•,11„ n.. ii•isti. :Li iili . .1•111 1• Intl, for totamult/.. haul - ....i 14, 1,1,., 1.,. 11,..k1..nL1.1 1.,..r. li Of .1..0i, ftlr rutlotz, or 1 fll2 - n.. 0.1 1 ,,, ali.l :.1,11,. ..n.. ini11. , ... , ! !tailttlog 1•11,k ; for tete,ll, 1 • i' .., . Cilhic Va,.1.. Ili I lint,. t, noting down and 1111.1.,‘ V.,, iLr.....1... hi.l . lor arutl).4, corona: and p, ing n.oUu oni,:n!..al yards td Oh, bushes; also, fart the irOol.....ilite erPotint; of t•At•lity mad; tenelnoat, furniAlltag all the ma- 1 i.rnin, And later. Plrrenreen, Ootobsr 2, 3 556. s,a as, nn.: all of tile 51.10 e pt., our-half will be pail in i ra , h, .. 1.,.,. v.,. ittogrettsee, O a t reat oattag latlf In Int., Business continues to be dull. 'DM late rains, I.:roundel er teaflirt.,A., ttt :11,11..1. 1414, : 1.011 . 00. (Ale.. b) i although copious, hav'e not sir elTed tho river more woo ant I'd.. 111..., for .tery it., gold. dlAte Kn.! male , At' the property, and de•eriptions of the t than three or four inclics, the ground being unn nemitat,tl I . iiiiiitt t ~&,., ntay Iv had ter appbeatiou. I wally dry, having absorbed most of what fell. The :-.or-to.y., pltlnh, draw lag. and sportfntitruf, Willa ref,r , ql , . t... Ltbot. a:uteri:dn. a. tttc- regotred a. 0wn.... Will tar nx - I hurry and bustle attending the present exhibition of iotnie.i ~.1 the 1511.... of Ow Gootittitt), in Finchentne. 1,, ..11 ,,, ,, ,, ~,,,,,,.„„„„ e ,„ Fr , ;,.,,,.; Foun d r y, Ala ; ilin. snot, ~...,,, Stall. Barri I Fnetory, and rim. Drink - lac- the manufacturng and mechanical densrtments, and i.. , -.. at Rn, sin - . to ran.e.ltot is or , already in progretes f.., 1 ~,....„;,,, of ;;,,, ;; ~,,,,,, ~,,,, 1 ,, rr0 , ;;;;;; , u f tw th r tn, ~.. ; a very creditable display of Pittsburgh industry and a,,:a.shas•nt. , . 1,. l 4,,,.., 1.3 Anon. A wagligicPut lint.,, . ingenuity is being made. The jobbing business has ~, it,.. s.o , t.,,, it nr the :ailroltd depot and otet.Alte!at ! !!at.lloy.tt Il!r. t V ..•1ntn... ,, ..... 1 6 O l s.. r , / te!`”H!.l-tmect I'd , 11l so nobibited a little more animaticu, while OUT rail :,...,..i...,. - nr. t.t Ito •aolvtfa,l.! Fte.tr, E.ein., TIT roads me almost ovetburtliened with the amount of •-• ... tt .! , , :1 ,.a1..att four lees of ground,--d itUne , .., .... ,r. - n.. is Ltd,: itod • goods in transitu for the approaching fall busirwss. it.n., ithi.,...5.,,, , ,,, ,, .al, the etott , mpluted early corattle- 1 The market for Bread, uffs i , active, olr considerin g :it,, ....1,,, .:i! 1,0;(11 loatr.o h to RH:as,', r. it the , ..Iy 1,1., an.: 1.0 HrWne:O al. , the lightness of the supplies and the poor resources • ~1 ai,., • N'. 11 , •.•i , •• 1 ,, •• !11. , n!..!1 li! public 1.1.1 lotto . wh i ch •,; , ~, I , ~,, • , „ ; ; ; ; • t•annu, ,;; !, we command at pre-ient for an increase of our or mote tAtt too, Ottnl;Vtatitl. r‘a slitnonia supplies. In Provisions there is litii.. or nu change win at., a ty..nt,..A.n, of iit , tu tt, , es , • ~aut of Int.. - for , in pri,eF, and the market is inactive. NI T. C. Co n'l,l). , ;done: continucg scarce. The banks are discount ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1;71,,ITIelOW V:1 LI: A MA - . t.•al .Nlines :it Auoti , tri.— l ) 11 ing but a small proportion of the amount offered t.c rtz.zt. wt 3 w . .lwck. . and I .e 6c although the rates outside are unchanged, Inc .!soe n , -b. Mo difficulty in etreetingrales shims a decided strin4cmy w k • t . .• u :13 •1.1.:1-1.1. too iu !!.•• PI, Tll, Oil, in our Money Mar s tet. ,ont te , Ote• , ton , •••n" The New York Erceing Amt of Tuesday ssys: „; k ktp..lf.•ur o' The market for sterling exehange eery unsettled, Ir two., . 3,2 .‘• thlut: Lk' , " u3rk , nntntn' , "l'l' and a general decline of One eighth of ono per cent. I .4 r r...t.4 lorwt .11 has been submitted •to, and we 11.113 informed some I It. tit 1, r part of the specie intended for slipment to roirrow has been withdrawn. Sales of bankers bills on En-land have born made at 10.91alit9i and 109?. and •- tt t tnn..•rc,al r F•olitti Pin , "re 4 • at the highest / quotation the market is very nary. _ THAN SPO RTAT lON Commercial bills are offering at 10919108;, with but ; f e w buyer.. There bas been enure pressure prv-par.ql A:, I A A;AN,L ! bills, bot the market would not take th..m, and the it t 'AP. T.. AND 1'1:'01 114 f. EA,I• of ~. a n ' h., . conseirience, as we ore told, has been a limitatitn I 'i 1!; [O. P.-ona ( and tbitt ?1,, t h e stilt me.nt. though all the California bars , , t•• • ~ I, r to S111;`• f ..1 The AVi 01 1).1.N C E are wanted o r France—hut unless bills are sold they , tiit. ,!!': TUN ALIA:fin:NV I cannot be shipped. Therefore the absence of a brisk !' F 1 I. % I.:Ztr A D .11; 'xi:mused despatch to tt.le , demand for exchange has olte , lred the outward flow •t • 1:1t, r ..rkst rho Cunal Ita.o i of gold. Francs are firm at 5,161a.5,15 for bankers' & LE:SION. slaty bit's. We d.) not obaerve the first sppearance El l ,' Tit.l N TATIONION r..— , ~r O. any scarcity in the supply of money. The de • • ••1 . • • i'• mand is a-tire, though not pressing, and the supply • . I , A - ;;:.c .is easy, [burgh not in excess. Leans on call arc 115 ` 4 " making, with a moderate liberality, that prevents any pack. Confidence in the future is also strong. , "" r Sanguine views precut!. EllSineSS is everywhere ta. to, 0, Eantrl 'e active, and has a healthy tune about it, which he ! speaks a favorable construction. There arc none of nu Y :: : .2,111 leo thethosei) which usually precede a storm. A.O ;1.1,:Yel In t Tba croaker.; are few. The market for stocks do .• was. t totAa, ./ • 170..4 , e. , 3 afternoon considerably, and this ..•!••lik wornieg opened with a heavy f4eling, but gradually impro - od, so that at the close there was a strong EM UN A CO - PAILY =ME ‘ jot C. 2, t i The paytnerts through the Clearing Muse on' .t, atity. i, Teordny were $1:3.504,518 19, and balances to $.1,- "'"•'• A• ttb""Y• 492.774 reveapte at the Custom loose were • .0 •..3-,•1•41en .Itt Laseritte,zh. $134,67:, 90, and the total in treasury s4t 3,000 30 Otr S ERSTINE, Jt• —including $75,000 transfer to Boston. The pay ment,s 0rejk.17,3r5 94, including $60,000 Califor- F A.)CTO nia draft!. Balance on hand $13,611,733 91. The I . AND I bank staternent shows a loss of $1,397,465 in specie, . . t;tienil (01111Ti1; . Mtlfl Mei ..liantS, a diciinuticm of loans of $723,230, a decrease, in the circulation of $05,130, and a withdrawal of $2,205,- Pittl...t.DE 261 in the net deposits. The , pecie in honk avera ges' $10,.73,220—but the orcrage will again riga 113- .11,140 I) h rc. the next statement, though a large portion of the re -I.isda.tt. cei is from California, perhaps one hair, may he rtotte.t ..5.,-race • shipped this week to Liverpool. In forming a judt, , - tor bank statement, we have to recollect that Itauk of the Itepuhlic. and the Artisans Bark ad ded to their tot week $llO,OOO, which i 3 a ft. UKe\.JU) LAUTH. .14 .It.- A "" =EOM \\T I t . 111 , I .k..-!-1--I,l...ur.,Farini, E=EM=I i•I•I'• I "•\• 11:1 \ re,•,.•i30•1 )•• 0 I • •• ••••• 0.• • :• c 1N.•1,•,•.1t,....c1..rre '..1) L I 1. , \ Nn . City. AV,rlForaCk ‘l,l _ 1i I'd( ). h,_. -._,1y.1 11,s. VLI r ,•• I • • F I•ENI 10:ZOS. • . I'weN'i Arriv:tl of sail (03 pliers. i t ••• , 1 ., , l :,I ‘...1r.1.:`, ti.LTK'S, No. 111 ..\..., L 11 4.) %‘• .1 ..,• :.,..1. r. ....t1 tit.. dt1....1..i.. ..r., — ;z.- --, ..1,- ,-,•,- :, ~ ! 1.,. -o• —1 L,,, ~,,nv ,i,,, , ,-.. ti - , , ,\ , 1 ii- ~•,' 0,,-., - , . t, .;,,Is ,•-,,opt , i ..,....., N-,,,i1 r, ~...: , •..v. 5.4 —...t 1 •... ;.u4I ~i .. tvt.trlostit 1 , ....dd I , ( nt.ti 1...., .•.t..t...tt: 1 h.or Ltd..... 11... 1i1...1 r.... , ....5thit . td.rtns. .1.1. t .... t.. 1, .. It.. ;4 , . \ ll.i flu , 1.. t.. t - Lemon, ~ . titu,.....t.. I . •_. Yo. 111 11.....1.1 tittort. . .. lIIIVN 11111. :.:11,0T, ;:t.ol all Ihings nece,sa.r.y 1 • : t),.•,. , ; ..0-t. , ‘ , .. ~-t,,uo, ~,,i,;,,,,i,0. 11 „ N\ .t. TIT LE T". , . _ 4, 4 1 41 'i 1..\ )1 ENt.;l:\ J.: FOR S.\-.1.,E - -01,0 ll' , --,,,.- - .i ;•---.. la 1 .;•. t,11,1,11 OW E. li:11 . ,:, 14,11 ..i M 0.,. ...I .: 1 I i'l: !111 'II 0. I ‘ 4s . T‘ .•4I i . 1:01 , 1 - vh . ' , i,, .\ ii iliii, ii.kiLITI . KE A CO., S' •.1111 P', - ArAlf• litt,l , trrx. OA r., I. tt , t and : , hurt st^.. l'of 01.1,01 I V .F. \V ....i. i.ll F.\ I,l_, I'L.A.(I) SI 1... K S---21.) J.- :.,• ~... Irv,' V.A.,: ....I,tt.. 014 r .eri , ,l At 1 ". .'. All 1 . .. , 'S A 1'1C5.....; I , irtlt At. ) ti. 4 NTEI) Fit.F,Ni..ll YLI.11()A:)/S--.)11,t re . ~,,, ..1111.• % i:, h.c...b.t1,44 ..111. , .. Fr int•••I Frw , ril 11•1;1 In Att-';', .1 A 1 ; _ . l IAll:i'.• \CH CIIINTZES---. . -1,i,.b of Fret.. I: Chat. , ... 10.1 opt:ll , i At A A. :MA:. St CO:. Fi.ni..it- -1..001iv Flour. try , ll groom.) from ,o, Ti to-U. r,••1 ,- -1 Awl 1., .Ml.. is . t0r!,.1 1 , A PRri.El' 1 , L.. Wrter ~.t --..." -- .. - r ri 11i.k 1 :CO ,tsi "'or. , • A r1,1..r.11'.." Is •'\\,•..•.r., " 41, .1.. ••1 .; :1 •• 111 /1.11 I Mk • i n .• I: A It dl half pound 1,14 , Just t itucl ALIO np LL1•;11. ICK %MON, :t I,lr , ri y i 1 3 iln pt• Lin T.- ,I.lttl . e. Ntt.. 3., Fifth tit (SA N 1/LES .1N1 1 1().\ l' -- :0,,,, • I , u . :1 [1 .'4,—. 4 r, /, Ma ,+/ 1, ,1.11 flu K.: , 1 CarltHre: 1.... , ,I,t i' tt‘ , .; rrtll3 I I :•.”ii• : ' In t a . ~... 1 ..1,•, !.,:.,03 : - ',.r 311 Y . • ...." .11.1 11. r 11.01 I.y ) 1.:1'.‘ Nr. of repairing, from LA.• mot 1.1,1" MI It rifle, to loutung, n rivet le a pocket kitife, promptly attracted to at the En \u. 1& , Wood etroet. • ROWN & TETLN.Y. _ ,-, --:! - in inugte , ..4 Mid thu .-. u t IMINIIIIIIII „eta..i; .. e.r.4 I,• k ending Sep MZEin MIME ; I.••railb-ot I te the fond fur I :"(r.: J. , w.. Lear of ar.e dbposicii.n Lae - "'^" - Le aLI..; rumodati.;ll afforded to dealers. On the _t , ` „ ;;; • ..,atrary, the hooka exhibit a fair and liberal =EMI 1-1; • ~/..1 1 fm:3l.< qt. =EMS ~..,. Lti. \TRY .17,A1(,ir: ..t , To2k - of -- vnt-d G. 1.,. ... .0 U ELACK TEAS -1 -,- ~,, o , oiVed mai for sale at Intl , la in. 11.13.1 11•Utt.1, II JAYNES. Nitt.i.Ett d 1110ER'NON efq3 - - 0G1LE.1.•61. UCtiKE.--5 LE in t,tore and ..I.lLs for side by itur22l FLEMING BROS. <~ ~ s _.. ..~L~'Ml'Jr __.-.._ d"`i~"[~~~w:. Sls'MJv.'_i<- f--~3':'wS`. :.". ..u... - -.. COMMERCIA PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE AND ➢IIi.RCHANT3• RA:CHANGE, Pr+sid:r: W. n. WTLLIAMS. Picr • President. J W. HAILMA J. M. COOPER, lat. Preazurer. N. lIOL.M.ES. .Iz. fotreio , y. IL M. RIDDLE. Suprrild,r4mt. E. T. NOM - 5 A.M. In. (L•nonif?.... rhilralion for Cidober. J. W. TIATLIIIS, V. P. J. W BUTLER. D WILLIA'3IS, fael;ug favur vf a ri,a ~,, The follow:11z is a statement of the business at the • p IuvATE DIS,EASES---DR. BROWN, No. learing 1b use for the week : Stint ineld street, between Third and Fourth c,7 triek ending S `2.' . routs. ilvvores his entire 3titenttett to an 4.1111 re Peen- trif •• 11 1 ••.I•iers 15, tl'•• • t, t‘tittr. ,, l to l,siersed Dim:reel. and slien painful ads-dons, ass 4 1.4 , 01,711 i on by :rapt ink int. yet:toful indulgent* , std nitres. Sy! hills. syl.l,,liiir Liu Eir ions, 61.1,: • rtkos„ *I lett. :Stricture rethrul Discharces, lIIIT rarity of the Wood, with all &scenes the \• , .5.. - r . +:; , srsoin. Ulan Sex,rbutic Eroptiotla, T e tt,. Ringworm. Mercurial Diseases, 6 :nal w'Saknese, ;moot wary, Pilca, Rheumatism, Female tokness,Monthly Sni•l`T..ikalli, Diseases of the Joints, Vietula in. Ann Nervous Atiections. Paine in the Pack and Loins, liritiBon of the itiadder end Kidneys, succerwfully treated. Cure guaranteed. Tau 1.1:0 years' practice (ten to this city) enables Dr. Brown to assurances of a speedy cure to all who may COMB 1:111- der hit care. OtSce and Private Donvaltation•Roome 60 Srolthfileld at. betvie.,n Tliira and Fourth streeta. , 11 7 0 7 Charger , moderato (nov&daarly IV ERPOOL AN D PHILADELPHIA STE. AMISH IP LIN E• vphunlidi new Steamship C:TY BALTIMORE, Capt. Lrxrcit, will sail from Philadelphia on the 41 .14 41 6'„7 7th August and 16. th September—from Layer •,s,l Aux 4.. KANO %POO from Liverpool. 3011 '".... :.r1Y 11th September—from Philadelphia, 21st August and ri,•,-oser. CITY OF I.l,tisCilhn'f FR. from Liverpool 13th August—from Philadelphia, 4th Sopteniber. Peoni PA.6adelnhin. From Literpred- • nod Ca: and s7o. Snare., situ. Steerage .............$4O. Parin,,• ts t., end fr—m Liverpool I.y the abilVY Line of Steamships, no by VIRST-CLANS SAILING PACKETS, c.oi pie,. ei• On uppUcution to 6 %Dbl. CoIITIS. 177 liroadaay, New York. J, TiIoMPIOEV. 410 Liberty at., Pittsteiruh. I , re tt, les •,.:••n,a 35 , •,0 Lnu J., j , • I, r I 1 ril t I 1.:, I'll t N DI.; I: La).1..1z , Ot• ,1 0 ‘ .t. Is'i,iik: _I.. f'••,_.,l 1, VW • ' • •• , •! , fle-1: •,., ',nil', 1.',1: - weft „,i,n•ieuee. wiLI - I grent e-userefttlVe man , . .r-en , € , ••••,, ..1 111. , ...... V .., ...,1,14..reti very 'reit 1,,t .:, • "I "I fa eff'c'i”anC''''''''' ,pry cOrcontinue...,.v. `•.,.. .-.1 ittan and discount •• . - . '•- -. " • •-'- M I lato-it i,,p , ,, ,, i rwv,., er, whi:h weigh t.t a p(morl, end vi;'. . ;t , • I the dew .nd fir iorrLF ie r• , ..tiv v.. There is a ; • 1 . I f Am, btl., ! .1.... , Di. not no Parthina firrOWtk The intivot ve. is: business doing. and ti.e tuoney exchanges he i I'L'''"lv , "• '', It' I." at iht` l'lnlottni,---. Wmts, teg+tbtr with 1 a gent, .1 a ...n.n !ay.-of of t 7 niso anti !tido , * of every doderfyffou ! , reen the city and th;- it.terior arc very active. Some II aud et.: naw nd %I • •••••.•:twi-nt f ru •r:lirtil ii.trtimets i Ca bl,t •cy. MAX ...) .1: TRri vv. li,. I• . =IRE Lh..110.1 cot mueb. The unt make: is eery ,tea ly, at 6 V 4 per cent. n .e is piing te dr-t class rnoroantile acceptances, 40 - tt and long ..1-t , s,and 10 to 12 f^r 'snood class and sin le natrc A: Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the stork market continued languid. There is very little disposition ~pecan.., and coat of the fancies have 'a downward t.srlency. Reading Railroad, Naviga t•n preferred and City (i'a each show a falling off of the n,..1 . 15et dull—soßt in all only reach ing about $15.000 in loans, and some 14.0 , share:. Anent the forwoc are $7OOO Schuylkill Navigation d's at 71.1; r2)100 City Ct. $2llOO do. do. new, and $2OllO Camden and Amboy bonds at A•o.. T.g the ',utter are 323 Reading Razirsail, tip:. 1.00 Pcina. d0..40• 100 Catawi, , , , a do. l'.lj; 17: EMUS ,rri , f Anal niall, and 200 Schuylkill Navhsation I preferred at'!:,j. The moue.; market is abuticiantly s•ktplied, and the street rates are a tribe :ewer. Relearn from the Laltimere Son of Wednesday that ini.ney e•intinued easy. There woo a fair =nun: f business done at the stuck board en tile I , revions d ir, bat the leading stock. B. U. B. 'R., at the eh,se F bowc,l a farther decline of z, though , pcning I per cent. better than the price of tl:o prv . ious day: it sales of that stock amounted to about 1000 The Cincinnati Commercial of WedlieFdaY demand for money is moderate, and the market (7" uirt grit easy, at Hitil 2 for initmionlile piper. Rates id Exchange have ruled at prem. for Eastern. during the week, and A prem. for Sauth. ern during the week. elo.ing dull for the former and drm ter the hither. Molasses again afvuneeil today Ct. nil, iad le ftriu—stock very ligl t_ Red Wheat is Mtn at $1,1., aod Whit") at with light receipts ;that An upwardtendency in prices.'• A31.1F..-...tittlos C. tons Pear* month,. w Lich 1,- the ruling Tote. Sale 10 canks imported Soda at p coquina! at 10 yd.ot., caolt and time. BACON ..Tior ta.trl,t is nook p, o tly supplted and Lb ride.' limited. The ern.id-az the vast we--k amts tisrows. cu :—Thursday 1000 IlitOtthie, , 01 40c ,11)1,1wtu11,4,C.; titlicer sugar cut bums at 1 all at 11 irty days. ''natty ,11,Cth) the. 1ig...Y*44 for sh..old rt. and 11,4.111 , ?. Gl' hams, rash; 11,000 lbs. should ers and hates at 0 1 ,a,`9 1 .4 and 11!,:it.., thirty days. Saturday -2(0. Ms. shoulders at 5c.1,., cash. Jlamlay 7 19.000 Tha. at it 1. r sit. alders, for aides and 11 1 .4 for lawns, 60 days. There were eo. Its I.n Tuesday and Wetlttettlay. GI .There to but S poor supply , in inarket, and we I:.tro cc note: paid packed we quote nominal at Ile. Swn. , tit‘f• . , m. at i A i rOltUA N's t'OUGII SYRUP has en , au, , itici? AND Teos...tve . ( 1 110te no factory prices New I.6.yightbu and Flll letup, Bucks( s, amnion, $1.t.X.V1.75; gi.0.,;,...,..u.,,,,,n.,,,5,..,,,,v,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,,,.,,,,:,,vg,,,,,,,,..,,„T04,1;01,1,1: ~xtr. it.. SI,S2 ; extra hit 6e 'tub, 2il and hoops, s7,...tfifq-8,14; INFIX ktNr. , t, ,tc._ &,. ~. t Tao o[lo fait to procure a heal . i• .a.niou sizes from 26,50 ili.wu to $4;15 ; keelera SB i 7si3is 3 ; Compounded and for sale, wholesale and retail by half lasidirls $4511. . I JOON HAFT. Jr., . Ft.... Osrber of W.asl and Sixth ida., P ittahargh- CAMAY-2 AND SOA P.... The late advance In the pries of l d rtiiig -- giNV — ll - 00 E. by the author of the c.,:thak.. mill promits. tt 0 quoto Dippod at 12%c.: Mon at . 1 “Wiee, Wide World," and - quackery"—THE .I.IIILS 13 ! . ,.'r.• "" i': , " ( - I ' l ' ll ' B 25c" I+. lb. C " nuuwl 11 " ° " i° SuaP OF THE BIIATESIUC; 1 vol.--$1.2.5. For sale by ...:,-.; Palm 5 , 4 ur.5 , 4c.; Sawyer's Toilet aud Castile 10c. IS lb. JOILN S. laingals‘, CHMESE...The supply hi fair hnt not lame, there is a gtod son • • 0.5 Market at.. near Fourth at. d.dodod : sale. gli od Written, Riaerre at loc. . AVERS! PILLS.-1 0 gross in store,and for 1,...u.KY...2.410,) bbl a, et V. /A bkl. .at.. kir (gel ro, rttmr , :t irib:, hi:111D FRI: IT -.1 w e is hut ; Mlle , ill markot of either V -- 170 1 73 It-1.0 00 bbls. Palmetto Extra Vitally Apo., or TearfiZi: . we qnote the former at $1,25r91,37, and IL for AMA by . . Atitra- al) NTERA CKLIo ' t I,l‘t i t.ir at rik 1 3,50 li bushel. oolAti 299 Mem attOttL. . it it EBILICK ... Sales .17.000-atlIS tot& $.1040r itiotunon to 0 I' L) Phan MEN Phould examine extra. page 9:4 of theurgh Directecy. settlt , 7.! =ME NUMBER 307. F. R. DRIINOT T. LI. - - - ' -- .1.-:.fi•if.;, ! :'.1 . !,i,, - f:". RATES OF ADVERTISiNG BY THE PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. TEN LINEA. DaiIy lle, wa..k. pax,. One Insertion 'fwo taiertions. Three toped:lona Una week. Two weeks...._ ... Tbreo One mirth Two months. Three maths Fair inentia-r”--- Fire . niontlw... Six Rine morales OW , year ,Sauding Card, six lin 300 200 400 266 500 .335 1 oo 4 8.5 9 00 , 6.00 10 00 G 60i 11 00 7 301 12 00 8 00! 1000 40 35 20 00 IS 35 e.. 4 or leas, per Ono . eqtlare, per MTh /1111 demagittor iackesel, No.S, • ,i4 . 61 . 14V); Ilettingt 450,50. White Sake !kali bbl., atul 45,6E4:4 half bbl: Troarr,so4l3s3 o-1 6. lAA., and $5445,2.5 IS half Mts. Coltish Shin. lb. BLOC ...Thorn is no change in prices; the Balm for the Rtseh amount to 2519 bids. which is lees than the previous • m - 3,25 for fillporfmr, $3,73 tee ext.., •ti 17 for extra lainity. Priduy : 443 bblx, in lots from store, at $.3,,,,i(di53,215 lot superfino; $3.73 for extra. and $7 for ex. :re family ; sale fitafinis. suporfine from mill at st. Mar day : 247 In Mee from store at ;tin for superfine; $6,72 r .stra, and 17 fur mint family. Monday: 78 bids. extra from depot at $7,00; 3.10 idols. In lots from store at for superfine; $0.75 for axtra and $7 for eXira family. iv: 170 Ltda. from first hands, part to arrive, at $3,23 . - •r extra; 500 bids. from atom In lota, at $6,25456.50 fur 813- N. , roite; $6.75 for extrp and $7 for extra family. Wednesday: ihni. from dhmt and wagon at 50 for extra and $1.1.70 for extra family; 445 bbla. In lots from Ater° at $0,25@5i3,37 for niperfinn; $0,50@56,75 for extra and $7 fur extra Welly. GRAIN...The market it active and prises firm for all kinds; Wheat Is wiling nt $1,22g1.26 for good qualities. Rio: sales 1470 bushels at 60@0le. from first hands; Me., to ar rive, and 04;a. from store. Corn sales light; 100 linsbols In the ear were sold at the depot at 60e. Oats; sales 1000 bush- els nt 22q111. 1 c. froM first hands, and 35 1 /e. from store. a male of 40 bushels was made on Friday from wagon at bat subsequently AM bushels were soli at the canal at $,1,2:4' 1,2 d. ItOCERIES...Stignr: sales& bled. fully hair at 9%c., cash; It bh.ls. :Mr at 55;,:ic., four months: 10 lihda good fair at $9.00, on time; 4 Wads. common at 1-34 e., on t.me. Molasses formal; sale.. 59 Lids. in ooh at COQ- 'c , rasa, and 12 bbls. do. at 623 : 1c. cash. Coffee : 'alto 50 lag. Ho at .134 e., on time. In advanced and is now selling at-53.A. 6c. HAY-There is not much twining Is; sales aro made at the scales at $14.512. It. ten. LARD...SuIes 100 kegs No. 1 et 14e., mush. LEATlll:ll...iitamly, Yeah a fair demand, at ur quotations: lit .1 punish Sole, 50 lb 2442.8 30482 l'pper I e ale!, la dozen Plies: lo .s3fat.4s 246656 ....... . 32434 31KTALS Piz lead at 714. four montlat. Bar Lead ..t to city tr.ula f 2,12 - E . sack, and to retail trade at $2.25. fdieet Clapper Brass 20(g.20. tin, I, $11,25 box., n.-. 1 1 X at $12,25. 16 bbla. at $lB,BO, short time. (.11.9...ne market for Lard Oil is firm, and tales of No. 1 have brew Lunde at 0.1405 e. la gallon. Linsoad. Oil nominal at sl.l3:3small sale %as made at $1,05. IWliilll-.Bteaely sales at $4,50 for Blasting, and t 6,26 for Cite. • I' I G L,...8a1es 600 tons '-`American Furnace' at ; sx,ld to the drew Western," which is equal to $ • SALT-There is a steady demand, with sales at previous rat en-fl 62 fur No.l, and $1,75 for extra.. S Flaxseed is steady at . 4 .1,65@31,e9 - f bushel. TALLOW -.There , has recently been an advance of lc. 'f and sales are made at 93,4®10 for rendered, and 7e. for rough. tr5:llOW GLASS...Nice , " firm at the following ratesi-- rAS and lit, $2,60; Bxlo, 9.3,50; 3x12 to Mat, 94; 9x13 to 1(x14, f 4.25; 0110, 10/.15 and 10x1 . 6, $5, subject'to discount of 101 l coal for cash. Country brands fdielp.box less. WRITE LEAD, LYTBARGE, ke.—There Ins a steady de. wand at V.',Le I) keg in oil ; dry White Lead Be. @M. Red U. 4 V,.;:449C...pi M., subject to discount. Lytbarge 834. R'IiLSIiY... Pales 280 bbla raw nt 82 1 .4(4133.; 80; bbls. do at 3311 c., and 160 1•I1a. Mfoqte, lA,Atiter y. fn Allegheny Live SLOCk. tionr r masn 29, 1856 8F.11VF.2....thmt 200 Beeves were offered, antl - sold at 3(gf 4, gni., for gie el medium to prime, and 2 1 ,1A'eXe. for in t'er for to medium. The market is doll and prices tend down. ward. • SITEEP—The offer:4;Y amounted to over GOO head, bat a . mall naluvalt nf which was taken by the butchers at 2y,@ awls: the rest were ghippeal rant. $7. 15..:,- 5,M,11,5 }U.; I ter and heal ware. e. his A.:J. STOCK. OF ILAP.DW ARE; And in ad•lit,,n to big eXte•niVP OfpOrtlireltt. Lax rPrelif 4l Treat V.L/i.:IC of .very-handle Knives and ForkP. Berman 11,r, p , qt , te,. table..lf. , eert and soup Spoons; flab_ pie and visitor Sbov , l4. Tonga arpl AVnit , :rst patent e.:1p,•,10r Planes and other Carprnter Tools; Ma . chi , . Niaeldiag: r•taboTany V. , ueerintz ; Chair and f 4 ott ; Pump Clain Fixturce, which will be ..,la (~a) F ARN EITOCK. .---- P41.1D lz C.ANalt.,.., t111.1.1..t11 NIRLIIS ........ -..P. A COFFIN. 14,Ca1dless, Means SI. CO., • (Sorr7 - ...0r• to Wick .I...ll:itnudloss , ) WFIOLESAI,F, GIiOCEII3, and Dealers in I ICON, NAILS, I/LASS, coriN)N l'A ft:x - 1 4 , and Pitts. . 11,411 lhoutucturra generally, ouroer of Woo/ Ar.ll Walar tn.. , •. l'itt:ddlrult. To vX. 11 -1 011 SALE TIOUSES AND LOTS in . i 191t41,.1,411 aod. Alle,louy Ottioa. II rtutugliam., Tdan • • t.,31 1 - -. ~,C,ll, hatol.dtun C.olutry S.-ate.; idea,„l.4rAul of ....rion. xi,• and In olfterout diractiong. Porxotti rnotirlit t.. , tot, clone oould do Nail to colt, end xee the reitEder—thoao :I.{Vi Mr 1,: op, ly for ...le t•, to", It Tog Edered at 0. F. 1,1i.X. IN'S KCAL FeSTAT Y. OFFICE. north e o vidf 01 iaetreet idol to - .rth door root of :i.e triatootl, ALLEOIIEIi I! CITY. Sept. 5. 1q1 , 6. PATINO—WILLIAMC LATT6N,'6- .L I N Iptruontal and Valley l'alpti r, 107 POUSTO street, be- • 1,3"1,1'1Vu ,1 and Smithln4l,lstroets. A:I {TOOL done in the ftr..t style of the art._!Hi Al q. DLL :TICLI.TRIA.TicaT Dlil: &ST AN ARD, ATTORNEYS AT LArr, No. 171. 1 YOU . .. all Cri•vt, arm. Grant, Pittburgb, • _ 1 E advcrti,:ements have been IF ' i.;roar ebtapnesis of Vies, and purf•tb,-,, Whether oil this be true or t.,ti •1 , L)IN . t.lll tine Or 110 voneh fur, al. VISE , ;(f:F• 11 sa , fiatlll,Y PLlC.iitgb TEA:i are CIA , Sailing 1.933"1.,1' mnitinz from tnirry-tLrrelrut a t• •• 4 , 0•••••••• r. co••r..111.-11! 1) , 43 1,13 or, tArt.luing as good and Your 2 T..ns et 92 111.1119F.T Tit r •.0.1.•10 "ity. 1%3 01E00, itrthert.ber, 4 . 2 )1 A RR. ET or Nu. I NAMOND nrlr se:!: F. It. ODAYO. WALL PAPE-It WAREIIOOSE• •.V. P. .11.kit.SIIALL CO.. 77 , 11 , 011.TER:i AND DEAVERS. WOOD of rect. I,,oreen gourth street and Übem Wirer, Tilly be found an extensive aniortmont of every de- Script iuu • .1 PAPER HANGINGS, fur .Parl.ors. Dining Room', and Cbanther 4 . 1 A WI N . r•wtw sa ADES In great variety, ai the 10 , Apt pr to country deniers. sell; W. P. MARSHALL A CD. Q.CAR I"S AN r) TIES.--We have now.on ► hatO a tin. rolurtment of Scarfs Awl Ties of the Icitcst and mt..t fulltlonabip style.. R 025 THE R RIC H 22 Brand Etreet, in off-rtd for lade at a low Fmk* and on easy term. For partieniar...l.l.l to . CITLIBUIT Marta g-ltrA. —w ' 4o 't'' l "``' *4 . l4 'k '74 t ; 1 ; 1 : - • 1 60 200 60 160 4 60 6 00 6.60 00 8 00, 10 00 6 anw 100. 1 26 2 66 8 00 4 60 6 60 610 9 00 SA F A IN tor in Itcrei4n ard Domertic l'itzablirgli, Peuuu...,-Ttio sub. L 1118SII7VLD L KAN•. 1 , :o. %Wood egret : ~ , i+~~w~ . : .