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SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE PenAlvania State Agricultural Society. • I SECOND DAY—WEDNESDAY• Yesterday was the firer day for visitors at the Fair, and promised rather better than the alternate tor rents and drizzle of Tuesday ; still the keen air aid blustering wind prevented the attendance of many, and shortened the stay of those who were present. The entry book was kept open up to 12 o'clock, M., during which time a considerable number of exhibi tors availed themselves of the opportunity offered. Thus far the weather has been of the worst Possible dascription for an open air exhibition, yet notwith standing it is equal to its predecessors in nearly everything, and the attendance yesterday was folly up to tho expectations of the most sanguine. In stook—horses, cattle, sheep and swine—the exhibi. Eton is superior to anything that has gone before. ARTIST:4' HALL. Presents a somewhat beggarly array of vacant panels. It was enlarged to accommodate the heroes of the pencil and the brush, bat from some cause or other (we understand a missapprehension) they name op missing. Only one or two of our leading painters are represented, and they by a meagre por traits or fancy sketch, which scarcely afford a relief to the dreary waste. Of ambrotypes there is a larger collection, and are of a very superior character. The daguerreotypes are poor and few in number. In penmanship of all kinds---ornamental, plain, and drawing—there is a fine display from the rival houses of York and Lancaster—yclept " Duff's" and the " Iron City," Commercial Colleges. VANNING MILL J. J. Noss, of Beaver, has on exhibition an admi rable Fanning Mill that attracts considerable atten tion. It will supernal° all others now in use, roe the fact that it is better adapted for the purposes intended, and much easier managed. hotates S Co., Wood street, hare on exhibition sentry fine collection of double refined Cast Steel Brost Axes, Atlse, hatchets, Se. These gentlemen are noted for the superiority their manufactured ar ticles have attained over other articles of the same .description. The specimens they hare on exhibition We certainly the finest and best finished we hare ever seen, and have attracted much attention. To vitreous in need of too thing in thra tioe of business vre would say call and ,viimitie their stock. Their warehouse is No. 13 'Wood street. CAILPFNT,I,'S PIu)TRACTuIt Ma. Jun CARPENTAII, an ingenious ani.l skillful rintter of this city, hits invented what lie styles a Mathecnatical Protractor, to aid the tailoring frater nity in malting garments ac-curding to the '• eternrl fitness pj things." It is constructed on 9triotli mathematical principles. lie claims for it that it is simple in its application, 'naked; ae variatin the different forms, and places the nll th ew begiontors to in a short time on en equality with the old and expe rieneed '• crool," It is exhibited in Mechanic's EAU P a.yU CV:PI.I:S. 'We notice a large and choice variety of soar and Candles in the ball dedicated to Pittsbu J. H. aen w u factures, placed on exhibition hy 11. C. A. . T ip, of this city. These gentlemen we believe hare always ts.lten the premium when they announce the d themselves c o uipetit.rs, and from appearances present exposition of the Stale Soctoiy gill be called upon to adil another honor to their already extend`-•I list. Their variety embraces • Barbers' Sosp, Pure Palm do., Honey do.. Transparent liar and !tall do. Variegated Whits ficd and flue do., Castile do. Statuary of do.. Sign do., White do., Settled Chemical White do., Chemical Olive Yellow do., 01 ein Oxide, or Berman dog.. No. 1 Palm do.. hosiD Labor Saving do.. Rua do., Soap Powder. Ale,' Mould Candles, Sperm do., Adamantine Star do Coach do., Dipt do., Hotel tin., and Lard Oil. .song the articles particularly worthy of att.! , e..ian eras a patent W.hing Machine. exhibited 1 y b e pier al Clortoa. of I eaver, PA-, the ineentore. which they have lately received a patent. The na proven:tents are valuable, erubraciog n coutionitt:fel of the common washboard and a ',trolling ram hioe The machine very simple, and is MA likely to get •ont of order; it of permanent end substantial c.di• estruction, and comet cheap. We invite all persons interested tir,lll and examine for themeOlves. Mr. Suart.sit alto exhibits a Hay and Straw Cut. ter manufactured by him at Beaver. This improve meat in of great value to tarinero, and large number. bare been sold in this vicinity, which have g L iN u nirersal satinfaction. They have taken a number of orerniutne at different Fairs in this and other Rat*, Mr. Set:MAR announces that all who have parc h., led any a bin machiner, and, after a year's tr i a l, if it of biel/Li to what they are represented, to re. fund the a 'oneY• • Tho same exhibits a Churn, which operates on both the 0t0t0,,t,h,...je and friction principles. If wears to be considered a. judge, it le the greatest improvement yet offered. Wo noticed the ,—tbibitore receiving a number v °niers for each of the above. lIICKOVA PATEN' PORTABLE CIDER AND WINE MILL. This Mill, exhibited by Mr. H. CALRISS, is 11 de cided improvement on the old one. A patent sear obtained for the Mill, November 10, the coand it in. bt already in operation in D ourly all parts of try. We subjoin a few of the improvements which the inventor [ WWI' , for it: The cylinders are altra , st twice the length of the old ones, and all, including the top cylinder, made of iron. The beim of the pre , s is east iron Instead of wood. Mr. Hickok as sures us that it will make more eider than any o ther press, in a given time, {aid wish much less labor expense. With all the advantages resulting from the pOB,CASiIIII and use of such a machine, no farmer should do without it. tt..,"e notice onr friend DALT, the proprietor of the irietagi stocking manufactory, on Fifth street, bed .lulu: tarp collection of articles in his line on en• hibi,ion, math 4.a muffles comforts, winter shirts, drawers, »oats, 4t.s, Mr. Daly boo been en long en• gaged in business in this city that it would be neer . ...IC, to advise our z.midos to &imp blur a call. SINOER'S PATENT nEWING Mr. it. F.TRAW has on exhibition his wed! isnosst tie , ing lilachine. It is certainly the greatest Isher toying inventS,n on record. It performs the same 11.111..111. or work that dozen ;wrong could do in tire Cause time, and with the most Unerring accuracy, and the most perfect satisfaction. Mr. Straw was ths• first to introduce this machine ium Pittsburgh ran , and holds the patent right for this eounty. It be seen at his store, No. Market street, where moy ardor's for the machine, that may be sent, will be oromptiy attended to. ADD TUBE VIALS. J W•t.t.sc.v., of 708 Penn street, hll2 quite di.play of the above-natned gluswaru articles on exl“bition. Heretofore our physiCASlld all 4 druggists diuve been compelled to send east in order to procure them, but they are now manufactured in Pittsburgh if not superior to anything that can be had from abroad. lie also displays a large russortment of tiny vials, need in the practice of homeopathists, -which are manufactured of tube glue, and ore much stronger than those moulded, DENTISTRY. & Fraser, surgeon-dentiste, of Huntingdon, have a collection of articles in this line which hornet attention from their neat mechanical appoar enc.) and high finish. They have, among the rest, a Set of porcelain teeth, that appear to be perfect; also, F.D:sa) of mechanism for the roof of the n mouth, tilled ea "c44lnrator," which is said to be a salmi kohie remedy for these who are so unfortunate 10 to e a defective palate. 'PO e ntire collection is `worthy of inspection 'by those inte.reste4 sych mat- 'it six. A iiiprzit haves large assortment ,on whist' deservedly attract attention and adini iration. Although we have before allude:3. to this long teatAblished firth, we must sav at great praise is due 'la them for the perfection to which ttiey Out, bro u g ht 'dick balapeSS in this city. The reputation of Atie 'Arm is too well known, and too well establishedr and to be ItOred by those why profess to produce superio 'nose improved artioles ; and we think all who have .asset with those gentlemen witl boar us out in the 'assertion that they are always ahead of the foremost vs; all agrioultural implements. I * ' 4 i t • ' "4 MEE H. V. SMITH'S GREAT Wr.STKO; eiHri sflftl , llTt. ; 14. B. Vmvoonms.—This. gentleman, who was the The inventor of this valuable machine, and the first to ever successfully establish a fnir uu his own ! , Ba.. iir exhibits some „i tsoenty neriount. and which we heretofore noticed, at '•Bowl ; senior member . of the firm of 11. L. Smith .1 Co , or Philadelphia, is present with several of his m achines, ' intgatil4rtof-enll'UrNhVautnhlCngs:7- suited in size to either hand or horse power. The aloe exhibits his celoitra.ted .fast 't pr a re g i e n s g . n ' t l a r illo V rt patent bears date September 2616, 16511. We con- h." This horse has taken a number of premiums. and been s uccessful in various trials of eider -this machine so much superior to any others ' sefßlei'biiitns the n n different S b te' n y t' l3 6 e n r n se d i e n nt C o ßp red ada w . e believe,iie also ever exhibited in this city, in point of merit, practi ealiMllity, and in its ability to perform all contended i for all purposes, called " Sleepy Davy." Mr. V.hn.s corn- , adden more to the interest of the different fairs, in the by its proprietors, that we deem any thing th i, i iii ssia t rity, than any man who has entered for this mandatory as unnecessary. The manufacturers are e ' ' prepared to fill all orders entrusted them with de spatch. They use good material, and employ good , Mr. JANIES WABItIIOI` has also a great number of I agricultural implements on exhibition. We have mechanics, not space to enumerate them all, but among other 1 things we noticed a grain mill,broadcast sower, cider MOW Int.mi e l ie fanningmill, i to ill, corn and colt crusher, and corn B. Ball exhibits a machine, of which ho is the in- 1 shelter. iimi e wnettiehrinaliipirto:cillite:, tasheneaafritypeorrfieioction as ventor, manufactured by Ball, Aultman ‘t.. 'Co., of i possild. T e. Canton, Ohio. Although hut lately patented, it has I the farmer. Mr. Wardrop deserves much praTs n er '' f n ai g r his enterprise in bringing so ninny useful implements before the public, and We hope his efforts may metwith unparalleled success, and has taken the i y- be premium over all others with which it has come in ; properly apprecinted. _ I competition. It possesses some valuable improve- DENNY'S C. , 11N PI ANTY.I: manta which we have not time to notice--such as the ' Among the ngricultuml implements on exhibition, adjustment of the cutter bar to tbe frame with a i lattenti on tney I ' n i f m anislyfl,vrann,,i B . Cor l n i l is 'lan ter richly merits the hinge, or universal joint, by which :aeons the knife t iB made to accommodate itself to any tines en :airtime. 1 de: tined, as it is. ler.Meet aPtshtethreettit'iiinregm'neenetdsed:' The machine is not likely to clog or choke in wet 1 speedy and effectual planting. At a trial l of the 'mr:l -1 chine, reeently mode, it sons found to do the labor of grass, and is also divested of any side draft, which has been a greet objection to machines heretofore I fi is v ten men, 'part7.lC:Lrilitit'iteo3.ha the td 'Pl'aenntlittit'''sn. otitthheasPlnalltrie; used. The driving of the knife is connected with a int rii.- to recommend it to farmers. ' lachet, by which means the motian is stopped when I them , machine is backed. As will hr remembered, the ; among the many fine animals on exhibition, we nr:ticed n splendid mare which was entered by2il machine in question took the premium at the trial of I JeltS 34.011‘,01. ef It e llsoille. Washington county: an r d mowers in this county the past season. which took the premiums at different Fairs in Wash. , inglen and Fayette counties, and in s e veral sveral Faire in Jost Anasie .t. Sops.—These gentlemen exbildt the western part of Virginia. It is well p r oportioned. and withal gentle animal: sees a new, useful and valuable invention for the wanu• tirie.trial;sl-ethaieicieltratsdatibarotack. It attracted e:01 facture of folly: , for wheels. The ii.ventim combines , , iiniiii we tillointtlret;7,linnbia Su,ll7o,:esa some valuable additions to t Ili , ' Ilralll Il ~1 1,1-il.e•:. toffy c..lnpete vi . i th ' any By an ingenious contrivance it. the lippitalll , . e! Go 1 aril geneial beatify. floc colt, also ;fired by `h ero tack, has been entered to eoutpete for the premium. cutters, the work is left more uniform than is possi• ble to be done by hand. The machines lire client , 1 and the great amount of labor faced by its use, and 1 the superior trimmer in is hieh it executes its worlv entitles it to consideration. KEUBLE h. Co., of Vermont, among tho oldest and most extensive importers of 11160 Sheol 1n the 11 4 1 Status, exhibit twenty fine d re n c h Meru s. ,beep of different ages and ee -I 11/ess. have been lately i,oported direct ft, the tbo 11 tb..bs in They are W , T -ty nu cxranin.c.,), and lbs exhibitors are entitled to credit. tide is a recent dt,,vvry revelution in the uce 1.1 TO , i. 1! g nctic r,i. P:1.1 r purpnect where a,/ entire rti.l • • 3 I, .1 erntutn. The ~rdln:try it n. 10,a re , 41, 1 " : ;ALA We notice n number epevimens of idain and o.d gated Galvanized Iron di,playel Meedat Me,ers. \l'.., u 'Mnoungan A t.',, ".1 :1 Arr . ,. a by ther.+e zonthquell nt tendency to corrode. n• ho• ',rot t .l ! complete tmoe. I f any rettaima• t.,,t certiticatos of the fiat ar.,l who hare made tit,. ugh trial and t xi .1,1000!, fin gulcallited Iv 'lie 1.4,1. 11rtir:13 •!. bat th'.lunrys. te;rgrial.ll Ire, , c. , I.rt ditr,cerk-i We .lIN OA It C." at: VIII: genticuttit Ittlltte tluiv it tt t c ‘att.tt. , ti•e of the c,.tripetuig., artl;..e., t. .L Fair. I:. I\ ha, ,I1,11.:11:,r, ;•ca Mr. Tn. vA , A6S tpccnuen uf i.te . en ue • Le eit•c;le•i In •10, t.:..1 Link ho cltar , ‘ 11,1 att.' tl,itt•tivr esocuted llr i. Aveetruer.. ::r reptrj on tht r c tl, , 1:1“r. the f:rt.t 1.1 r.• .n :r Jr. 4'.irr the : re Ohs ralrl.urgt Vnerrdly Ihnt Pia!t. ire•rn,a, te 3 rt.o.f:ug. atc,.l xe‘ • Orklllarl.lllol. IT, I • 1.•!11 , • IS I, 3 Arn•.l,l 1,‘,1 tl. of •Into. %Oa, r.,• $.: 'J..' vr, tIon:. Mr \ der,,,L.l that fcc!. r. 12 It a seltl,m the I•,lupllr..ty And •t t • the u-e .1.1., it u .• ,i• the ...•rkluz rtttitle Uttl, xtt.: t..t ran, . peed,? nr.d n• • t a to perform thln cebi , •la in atOn ttautlttnery, the wh,•;‘, homy; rtni•rtt,•e, •, t three by t' , ..or trot. F.r r f,.rtn4 r chord should h3vo "net ut ih :1-• • • [rig but u.Aulnol r"ml.arc,i ( . Iccupying but litlk , FI/11/ Wvlgii,..7 .1r 1.. SUU TKAlrldf, it run 11;wuyo I with .tight repair.. may Ivo LtOimv Mr. At cx..l.k: his Slate route, so oo:o , 1 r • safety from fire, A 0,1: rr Oka at l'arTy'r QuArrm.s, I.rerb tt Last country. Mr. given enure this de,crli•tn•n ,rx io :1.1 rirt %(.r inconteFub:e Mr. S. KENNItr, ex; 1‘ or CllC.clren.: carr• engnge.l to ~l,e mauur~ ter Turkiph Sent , f ,uee.4l adtlol,4 A4i 4.• 0 11.'0 1.411411tne.,.., rlre , e, near Alloghany ity, elil pr,•,;‘ , • i.rm.it t,., THY. 1;‘,1.1 Yerterday thY owe your, wn• v6t.'111.‘.1 ispleudia .If 0131 11,1.', 3111/1,.. end were examined thY.lo!gy, in tho f,dltming urder v u o'elock ; loodd M;ire, ter ati o . rk. at I I I. draught Stallion... at I 11. ben,y ,irto..,iht • and Margie, at 12; quirk draw:lit ryt M.; and quirk draught Gyldlugy and M.irk • P.M. The following is tbo prograisrne I I Friday i At In o'clock, :1 year old colts . at I•t. , I year old Colt,. at 1 I . in:, i..lititit i at I U Horses and miit...he i 1.1• •• . Horse. , and Mare,: At i i . M., i•eido.,_ or farm: at It holdings or Mat , • • • ••r - 1 Geldings or Mares far hat no - •; 111 .1 1 . , I , O.:. •• • • for saddle or harness. et.IJ•,,. • `i :',1(11, II:. e,;•111r1p., On Friday morning iit la •••• 1.. en, fort .gn 1:Ai• •••• di, et••ng '6,•i+ i:.t•l to ny iii.i.,••ni.ng • and thorough bred hots, at 11. .1 it• s• •••• .1 V, . 1 . • . 8.,:t• 1••••• ti Pre• dent. Vice Preset , rt., Peter Aenard, at 12, burse•shoeing will eomincitee in the (' •tir.e. , ('bar's. cam., WO, 11. Irein.lind Henry Wendri , h. After 1 oPcloelf, l'. M., Ow dodge nit; ire •n• 3:' :",,,.•:.kry. Lir. o. 11. P. Wei knurl, The meeting stock they may truth 1 • exatnitti,. Cer• I 1, •'. •.: it ar tir.t rd•liessed by a (Urinan Fl.l n'Aer, in a 1 ory charge of iion,e3 for eXhilOtion si ;I: 1 , , .-ii,ll. l•• , I. t ..!• ~,,,!1' •:.•1•1 aide m anner, lifter which Major !dell sere,i the foregoing regulatior,. a- t•• tlll.l. ir. I ..r I. c. hen.) wi.o. loudly call fer, an I ill. •thitearenee on th e C are w ill b e ...ken to hitt e cart el i-• ettlf lAtll it .!;11,1 0., rrcetOul Wlltl tremendous apptausr. Ile proper hour. Every afternr•hn at 1 • ',loci, :1 c eoar e ' A .ni t es,c.•l the budiel.cemat, appropriate, and wilt he appropriated for the trial aM I st eel ••` the el .loran! inliress. The Birmingham Glee Club and trotters, reckon; and pacers alternately , e o • •••••••• Ift,i s Band entertained the meeting with their most using the track one half hour. very eAl•ilot rot exeeller.t mus i c, and sweetest songs of the campaign. 00111-Sl3fltOCk will be expected to have 1•1. at 00..•• - . Alm: . which the ineeting adjourned with three cheers ready to join in the cavalcade at the appointed hour. ' f••r Ituehauen hod 'Once ior idgo. ....• • e- e Mit. W. E. Sit.VEriioa hiOi a fine as.ortmont ..' lipto of the best ary goods stores we knew of is Ctinchuiinaerityl‘La„rtiCou.n„W.ltit'isieereta"riel:tvio i•l,o'ikbensvic•s.it::, that o f .k. NicTighe's , corner of Grant end Fifth marble top centre tables, end other furniture, ot reil.l streets, nhere the ladies. can fir d every thing in the rust wood, richly carved, and covered with Frinch , fancy dry g.,,,,i. line, from the low priced up to the silk. Tito designs were really beitutiftth.and the ex , ears finest q uality. Here can I.e found the largest ecutinn of 0 e highest order. We think ,rhere lire , stack of ladies' cloak., taltna s and mantillas in the few, here or elsewhere. who ran carol Mr. '.i.evention . in the production ~f tho.c. things which pertains Is city, together with all ,arts nf nlanketti, flannel., sml his business.' liotnefaie goods--in fact this store may truly be called - • I the model dry goods store of Pittsburgh : and OUT • word for it. Mel ighe is just the man to tell at prices 1 which cannot fail to plea.. the most fartidious• FINE BLOODED S'roC FAY KT . !' E TII E 011,11:ND. Li KN. Joan S. ()OF., of Tippecanoe, Fayette county, , . a gentleman who has contributed more to the ito. ; prorement of the breed of cattle thou any man A,,,,Fj the many strangers now In the cit• perhaps ip the world, exhibits eighteen head ..f , ~y be sum who wish tu purchase chimp Liry GO.. abort horned Durhams, of different 5ir...9. col,s• ogys ~,„ , ,h we id ,ay dt.„.t. fail to call at A and 201-N. The Ooneral obtained his si ~•k tnisi• ; no nu' uuu ‘ -- ' nally IU khiladelobia, from fnianloi. KCII,r. V:ii.. ' TdcTighe's. corner of tirant and Fifth streets, where and a portion froui Mr. Dennis lielly, either of V. h ,, i11 the best and cheapest stock of Fancy and Staple are knowu to be the foremost I:squirters and dr.4..rs Dry Goods; Ladies' Cloaks. Tallith , and Nlantillps in fitio Stock in the I" oiled States. Wu ~ , ,,,t,, ~, largo upon the quality and tine constitutional appear It, Pittsburgh can by fund. Just call and es . .anutp sacs of the General's stoch, but are cowpony,' to the lwautiful display of Cloeke. on MeTighe's win. defer any further notice at present, being folly per- d ,ws, and yea will be forced p. say like many others, `raped 1.4.1 i.:. the character of the gentleman owl , Ise that he keept the bet nod ehenT,,, ho the o ,: ty. high position coAcct.led to his stock, will entitle 'hi in to-favorable notNo rmope p ra ~...orthy und..r• A,...,/,,r rwtrogy.—A hickory pole wan Cut down taking cable ecer co . omMollC.ed than that m 1.34,0,04 ~,n isst sundav night, in Findlay township, near and stook breeding. Persons would do well to rail. and they will find the General gentlemanly ..d John Mc. • Sall'i reUUenc,!) 7,111.. is what wa call. the obliging, and his stock all a.=port,,,i. t meanest species of cowardly warfare. , rata N. the hthographer, ha= set oral b aa ultha .m.,gos exhibitii.. ,XVe . believe Mr. S. ,antmt 1, excelled to ti.is very useful nrt, and his. .peg itnens were universally admired at the Fair y. ter lay. 110 was than first to introduce and ontabl,h a littmizraphic establishment in this city, rind we hope his merits will he appreciated and rewarded. _ .„ Ainng the many beautiful thing . 4 that docuntte Meininn. ,* Ilal!, the opee , tnerm f inn ;raining ell:tited r•A CI . desert e 1.11 f y R7C E111.,1, 1. onyinvr ive 1110'0 ever •111 f..r lienuty or de•ig, an t . se ,et. tt. live, • A Cluley nrr i•..th tk Int In. 3.1 14-yrt.rlPy r 31114 blob in their liu.ure,,. The beautiful opeeimen, exhilitte, by Theta will materiallyluerea,e theirstreet . lavoineiiti Al Their entli.l,henent t• W I . order , left there a pritnisitly atter. led to. 11.110 , 1:: 4 AN U ek,LT, 70.dh , n NUJunkin, of W a .h.n sn fisrm, -olt, 1 . 111 , 1 n -plr ext 3, I ,:• a !rl.-the Itetrm.l ftt”el, lift.. 11 this k, the 1,, t•rt.;..,'. Ektly zr-urd. heh'zhe • t!.e 1,1 4 1 . n the .-nuhtey, and ,•1 rho t a ie-f 5-la, —llr , •.! t!, n, •elte.l European at,., s• 7.er,44.1.• Olt rtnallrottlor, • r • Nh.lon , in. .1 cntitlud to an.l u. ei prramm. !utzl,rr • At 4 , : . 1 I , ~ I"ttn t. , rf .11.(•. 111,. t , tv 9 ourklng the 11:seAlnavrk MorgAn .1,., A b. ~e OM , riliTIP sMr „•, lb', St to Wv cartr, ,, t ftt:tt vi tl ,ct! rVirorly I re•ant the lean) valual.le St z.l I !!!-..1 MrM .111111,:al,A, p..•ntv, he n;; nrell na! •.1 A •,' A!• awarded v j tvn ,uto, nn ! tits' L.• n. th, •ogh•hrr.: ft, k NI re •. , "` NI- • . IA. " -• .An even', I • •.i . f•ro• •1, or•••;.n lt-•••1 it. •i• n nl s•• • 13 1! - N.• ~. .~ r. I' ~ 1 I, , , ,r • 1 =lllll ; \t i "." 1,., 31:. They wet,. air ol•• • Hill I .I , e aril ell ar, , ,1r0 :} o • .r “1.. i 1.,..ry JAV 41./ 11, ..‘lll 11n4 1.0 rt-I t be to ol ,'v if . h e•-•.r!,,,,, . .. I, tO.O .11 i - rrn.cy 1,11. 11,1 131 11111 of i Iwk .h MEI yi\y, \k.\ 11 , 14 i' EINEM INIMEI=I . ~ .n~~r • ha r :,r 1 In . n.l. a. ~ .. \l~ =ME p. ~•1 11 .-1. lEEE A A •!••• "• •' 1 •1••• t , ii! l 7 L l wr I . ct the ktn i 1.311.17 g eleml.tee =ME =RIM n 0•1 Pre art , f sr m,r ,alll 113 v fir! of the 1.4 . ,:t Prod wheat. ve leg C.. 11,1111011113 Rll,l‘ be , ` Main' lift nt• 111,4;11, LawnpiLtelll2,l 1.7 ,1••r.1;,.:. me, 1 Nl.l. a!:,. me t.ll. :1131.19 turer. Pri.? ,N 4 CARRIMoKO A I rnt.gro,eLt , Itnve I eFued the would ie well to 11. 11, II , ', I .ett vlth the M. , ,tcr nt 11 toile ow, :• I,lllllte I .11 er• 'I% I l,ept li .•1111'11.1:11... We j u the es , . 1 _Q4• • .41 ' • 4 6 • No 1r . ~.,- :..~.,., t`• 'vim .. •.~ Y , . 4 . , . a VNEZIM r*- _ ._. Iron City Comercial Coneys.—Thla flourishing TH E- . r ...._ et 1 . ATEST - Isit',A fti. and highly useful institution is now in vigorous 4. working condition. It is situated on the corner or • 'BY TELEgRAPII. • • Fifth and Smithfield streets, opposite the Custom From AVaattington Ott e . House and Post Office, and occupies the two upper WAsntaoros, October I.—Altorney General Cush- stories of the entire building- log's opinien has been asked an to whether the al- The rooms are spacious and of the most pleasant. 'edged French defaulters, recently arrested in New i wholesome and attractive kind. The furniture is l'er h k, v crin he reclaimed under the extradition treaty ! I wit t convenient and properly adapted to the uses of the , e s-5,0 1.'1 0i n ) extra compensation were paid today to student. The professional department is full and the per diem employees of the House of Represents- I complete, and elands as high as that of any similar lives. un the subjecL eldThehave annual salaried "idea reasury rs whos e epar ex tment tra is ollege in the country , withh, written T D C This y. institution, which, by its large patronage, has , done and is still doing so much for the education of i Movements of the President. its%tudents, in all that pertains to commercial eau- i PIIIIADELVIIIA, October I.—President Pierce pas sedcation. was founded by the enterprise and persever hllr‘l'iultlmh olr'heitioa‘NieelPwbr ork Tuesdaynccrim afternoo n , pu.niedb g P oi'll F iance of its worthy President, Mr. P. W. Jenkins, ' fr.. t. , . adelphia curnmittee that met him. at Wilmington. whose integrity and energy have made him a mitt- ' The Baltimore city guards mine as far us this city tatiun w, riliy the aspirations of the most ambitius, with the President, and returned home last night. The professor of Accounts, 'Book-keeping nail ' I , l t e tairrlcivekdc,tantr I,,it'het,w.seYis,irhkerset h it: , wri';,lecc,k,,lleendd o s n topr i, stopped Arithmetic is Mr. J. J. Ilitchcock, who, as an Av. I number of C. S. offieials and private citizens. Ile eouutaut. is certainly pr-cetuinent. , proceeded to Boston this morning via Springfield. 'rho Business IReturer, is Mr. John Fleming, now of the Pi ttsba rgli, Fort Way no and Chicago Rail read, a gentietnan well known and eminently quali fied for his duty. Professor of Phonography-- Mr. Henry Williams. Assistant instructors in Boot. -keeping are M. S. Ross Ilidincs all Mr. James Ilr,iwu. The professors of Penmanship arc unsurpassed in their irt. They are Mr. A. Cowley and Mr. W. P Cooper. Itev. D. Bacon is the lecturer on Mathematics, and is particularly altlc in this department. James 11. lloplsins. Esq., lectures on Commercial Law, at stated periods, to the whole College. Our city was never more fortunate in the meat , of practical education than DOW, and parents and 0.0.. e who have the control of their Own education .Imuld avail themeeltes of the advantages so rare, which are now within their reach. D,lssorrati, —At Wilkins , Hall to rilght ho Detnoriawy of l'itt•borgli and Allegheny City ill Le addremted by W. A. Stokes,' I'"t'! ,1 ..... and tlon. of Ilunt,nglon .(only. Let Ihrre be a large torn oul to hear .f 1110 1,001 er,eakers iTI the -late, awl the principle.. .f the party ,li...o+•cd In an honest tt , e. 2,1 the it.tesit:en -I,•er roa•ler , U the turd et l'u/r ~",:.,..tourer. in an,tber o.,lntno ‘.l t• - .•. parr. Mr. 1:oglan,1 ha, a specimen a. It 'largo 1".le un exhibli,u at :he Fa r It will tn••• t iiely ;aka a pre '"ln -m. weather 1. , r th.• put days hi.. been favoreMe to the r,vertaen Ilth“ugh the effect I.f the la:e ramp n-t hen It-ft tnu,-b in thy! There war twelve incite. water in the I hen ~u,.. V . tied Iti•t oventog tit dusk \ -.<l,trcal•rr 911 h, on Market etrcet, Lc.twcol Furth and l',llll. an (r.I (",,;`,l :ler. c.ntalpltig a vari.ty ci, , tl:tng. The Gn.ier will be 111.erv,.1, reveariod ha lens it , Q t'ltscintsatl, StAtt. of 01.10, th, r !MESE •ta:l (..1 wr.l r. r...0.a'.'1 lIM=II2 . !, I rCan: 1.17 r• W ,i vo Sir i I 0 V/ ) 0 Fn t.f1r...1 a r•t•I MEMO n w.tb tL. teal •1 vVt's MEM= 1:=111111ii . ~~ . a.. y A Ohl for I ht. "Oat =ME 1/.7-%% My wlli yoci Suffer, +46, F.%,,L ..ta -11,^ • - =ME =MIN l!Milligl .1 5. • .4 - ~,• • M gHtilt r, t•t an ritor kil2k• anal tl.”•lery fur NV t.•t lb . ! , I. aLat al , . a : n!,„ uc nor r•t•a-I.:t,:a. 11, nlyo I ..!1. ,o:oyYrwt) oi that you cut t urnttot.. R.metaber the plan., wrunr of klarket alloy and Plflb 1) I 'l' S 111' it i 1 ii 'l' 11 E A 'l' E . mild l,-TrAt MAnAg. .1 1,4 r. J t.S l• I T NE TI: I I It \'l r ; .•ti...1 f t *.• .:K N - 1 , it !'.l*.lT- VAI:TY ttY '.!';111. , • 4. 1' 4 4, =EI! ORIMMI . ,• • n 1.: -I f~.~.,i tl..- 1 ISEIESIME 1 ~.•1 a~ ~~~ t.. rl ''l.-. I I. • P '! N 711•':: r 1" , ..• 1.1 tk, • Is w I =IIM h r • 144. TIIC K• 1, h:‘ ,0 It , 011.• 1 . • f • :• ••( CAW !).1 2 NI lIII,I‘ I). II ••t:I I I,etttv...l, the A I. 1./01,,, yoRT 1 - 1.1 F; In .I,k. It the N , it••• mi.ny m.;l Al.pow itiyA• Nkkz,,f 1,0 Ty ilv,lit ilo• I air *4 — to • p 7: tpu-s o ,o• 1.. Olt TIVO ONLY! 11{ANKLIN HALL INCIIELL'S I)KOLLERIES! CALIFORNIA I,KETCHEF, 40 CHAR kC - 11•71IS!' WELISESD.‘Y EVENING, OCIFIIIErt 4a— Change el I r oratwoo rnrh t•v. -Go Cummonrlug kt 7 lock r,o'r 01IN IV. Nl'C,livrlll, lin.l. l'os - reu ;Intl tft DISTRIPUTUR, Wilt latt . toi to it.. Puotsug II Ila Pik I ,Luting 01 xll klmin of BILLS VOR CONCERTS, LECTURES, EX WRIT lONS AC. All coinnoooc.Atlotot--,010, cool tolograplL Or 1/111 , 1 - Winl—directod to the Ake of the Mu: ill rt4 . l ivy prompt uttentlon. IlLt lIIRSII FEL') & SON II kr C Mt. ZIA 1.0 TIMM FALL AND WINTER ASSORTMENT MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Which, for variety and et) le. I, ~pet.., r to an) ..1 •MI to• W. r stocks Incame.; ti",, with It) Kt.,. v. tit.) have ro , e , ‘ ~.I at lot We t,,,lllrwitt "I BUSINESS AND OVEILCOATS, AND V II Srl' • Nlanufacturtal of the f,nesl no.l ,11.. r. vas material, and cut in the latest and toaAt i5.,10, 100.11..ty1e, Ste NEW ClOODel re‘vd.reti 11 earn amer mein E.,,,,1.,.. 1,. lit St 0 SoN, ne..o NO. To Wood street. V I SITERS TO TI I E sT A I E FAIR, read 'ha. it A wourn. a KO. 0 BROWNLEE., would r, 1 Fli,tfully invite the :Immune of loottry. people I,ttrgAilq.: .a_,.vh7r_______ ht. ~ ANT., lii.ACK TEAS.—We the Slot, Fair, to their large stock et N 1 utes, Brandies. Li ,plat s, itonign PI-lilts, and Family t3r..,cerie . s, sorb as Extra , . on 111.11 the Isrgest and la of afosorted stock of TEAS it t o Cog", 01,1 Government jay'', l ole;, , 1.:4 sorb 11100 k to 63 found In the Market, all of which will be oftrod Al the TIM, utnacc Voting 1.1),n Te..,s, Guapowder, 1ai1 . ..a last: NIS lowest prices. S.. 4 AYNIZ, o xdoug. twv-rinea Refined ..urtfs. Pure Clogne. I,ram.y, ...., L ..1 ._..._ Pekin Tett Store. N 0.38 Path at. Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, Old Poi t Wino.. Sh , e , t:ry. ‘ Ma V RESII"T E A S. —l' h e i a . t r t , e e n n li d o c ia sr o of f u l y am .l i e l e i t e4 de rby, Claret, Champaigue And Slonomothela l.ye o hts,.y. Ay „Thea one lot of I diported her and I lavautt Ctgarv. j: and dellierli to celled to my ~1,,,. ootig, together with a general assortment of stock of PURE (MESH AND SLAM TEAS.S.3,AwyNhichEa,will i; ,,,.,,,,.. will t ,„ „„td ex tr,mely low for crib, at the Yagoda he sold ttt prlc.es lower than =AI. Call and get samples Tea Store, coruer of the Dimrond mad Diamond alley, Pitts. and learn prices. ocl ocl Pekin Tea Store,No. 38 rictla st ------ ---7------------L CILOY ES AND (I AUN ILEI S of every de 1L..1i seriptiun at L. lIIRSLIFELI) Ar. SQN , 'S., pep No. 70 'Wood slier t f io, COFFEE — 4 200 bags Rio ; Java; for sale Yp2t , • SMITH. SIAM it HUNTER • I V` - 4-ff t m : • 4e;A! -0 fffIINAI ' - • • •-• , • . ~sc Protest ant Eplmoopal Convention. Oct. I.—The Protestant P.p. i soopal Cons ention assembled this morning in SL Luke's church. Bishop Doane preached an eloquent ser mon. ComintiniOn was administered by the presid. in g Bishop, Brownell of Connecticut. The Rev. Dr. n of New York was elent of the Creighto House of Deputies, and the Rev.ected Dr. HowePresid of Penna. Sectrotary. The President. SPRINOVIEI.O. Mose., Oct. 1.--The President reach ed here at one o'clock. Ile was received at the depot by a crowd of citizens and welcomed by Ma eer- yor Stevens. A brief reply was made. the crowd ch ing alternately for Pierce and Fremont. lie will proceed to Nashua via Worcester. lie remains in Nszihua to-night. ---- Fresnont Mass Meeting. MA i to Conti', Pa., October I.—A large Republi can meeting was held here last evening, crowding the court house in every part_ Enthusiastic speeches were made by ExAdovernor Roeder and W. J. Patter a - son, of Missouri. The Lehigh &limier, hitherto neutral paper, published at Allentown, comes out this morning for Fremont and Dayton. Items from, tiorton. Down's, liciolier 1.--The President has declined the invitation of his Demiscratie friends to visit this city during his present journey. The Republicans and Americans of the Fourth Con gressional Disiriet have jointly nominated Lewis 11. i Cairns for re ft:cetion. nion Con, cation. (1.•101161 . I.—The l'ulun Con.. ventien tahich 112111tuaLled here yesterday nominated a county ticket and appointed conferees for the choice if a Con greesio nis i ticket. A resolution td support the Union state ticket Wes else adopted. The or hole county WO! reprebented. From lialttruore. 1111.vtuons, t , etober I. - There wore eleven deaths from y, How fever at Charleston on Saturday and Son- Jay. The Secretary of the Treasury hey cartored to pus chase the hail of tho Cliy Hall lot for the purpose o ereeno4 a I'mtoOlec. l'ultrat State• Frigate galled. Nrw Yout... , eteher I.- The United States !team !rlital. Watt.tk, sailed Olio morning from the I..yrer I..iy •t•re•til. ItoleaAe arrived to day frum Peatn• Explosion of a Locomotive. k lvtol.er 1.--A loeomotice explodoil m rml% at %Le Bolt. n depot • on the Northers% Crn:rsi ki'ling the fireman, Bernard Ilol ton The engine was thrown thirty feet from the • Wreck of the Ship Britannia. I' t.),.1 I A despatch tram 11Alif.1 states tbe Capt. Marshall, wha t wrecked • 1:1tb ult.. bear l'sqo I..rotun. 'he Amer Iran• •• at the Clifton ilottsle.' n.•t.d , er I The American.. end Kapubli Any,. rt••U,Ru'itiLlyd Mr. Burlingame for C.m The l tatted SiMlc• flepoaltorles• 11' “..t.d.er 1. The amount In the I,i,..e..e..T.utiert to draft, on the 22d ult., w F.IIIng of the Anlh. ,N 1 r 6. t 1 '• le, I. -The rtea•ner AciS Ca w:111 nearly a milhon in pperie. Southern Mails. t 1 The S•oithi.ro ~f 3,hingt..o . AUCTION SALES BCGUI AND IiAItOUCIIE AT AUC -rho; _ ut 11 L.• 1.0 a W.^ ~ o d i.e.-4.1 at, tt • 14,6v.tt tio. wti h Wing top I • AI DAVIS., A uct ionrvr. .1 V IN Cll 1.. t. Penn etree k 1 k•r140; TtII R.IsIIAT ovrtilt,,,, I id.“.rit*l',” :"r A ttn "" l. 4 l : 111 P. Ai. DAVIS, Auer. ALE X• H UN N TER 86; DNA LE , 1 N GRAIN , I V' 14 0 13 It • BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, IA:, 11 rno/P('CR GENERALL i No. 1191.0 Liberty PISINBU9C I4 .._ _ r 1 l',ll. A1.1310...1-1,::4,N ,t CO., v_i N... 7I N , xvl, niRI Vol' RTII ,tr.. IIOOT )4 AN I) SIiOES, " ,1 V 0 R VII. I. A N I, WI YT V. It W I: ) II -I II 1....4 v., t.,?,1140111..nd maternttl. t tratt,;nt ntgttilatr itk anti arr. \ % C . • - t ••r t -t.ll. tt t tt• t tattni-rtnual, Laan , a, Mar,. in .tad at. cut to matile in tlat Luttt‘i , \NT I AMISSI.I.IALLEN , U OF (7 , 1111. SON FURNACES. rout Iron Tubing, ANI) FITTING GENERALLY, For \Notating and Ventilating Buildings. sir Nv A A will contract tor Warming and Veritaatillg 1 . ul 11 , 4 N‘ ate',F l ac Ae iva, S4' C t -l i 4 r o n t, Roue Y lessel t uta , Jost,. or Hotels. No. 2b MAlLlila STiatf. 10ttT, --•- - - 1, 1 N E 11°T l. SALE.—TIio sub ,sttsrs fcr -sale the large Es,nr nor) . B.lilding on se• I 11, ..1 att4 Third streets, knOWn • t irrlta.... The CITY IstUTISL nenni.iew unt- 0( tine .41 1.40‘. , n0 In the city. and has ever been popular with s s rtN, IS n1.,11.111. itt w en,aiellt repair, and onrush-le of .sosnoslissic lan Th. subacriber, In ad st son to the I toted ,rod the lest on which It wands, will Wee dictssn- if t it° EU it]ITC It Kof the establLahruent. It Iv en et. anent state of preservation, bring in use tint tw vssare. as dil! les sold at a bargain. This is a rare tisane si atniali n shs, or I...nice uro. , hing to tun into the Itotel hue osves nushe n prontssisic suseetisonst std they would do we ~sve the osattes their attention. The terme—part ll a ols. Ow balance 111 oneoneand four )cuirs. Apply prioona on 1011,., 11 EN ItY City lintel, Isittllarrgli, Pa. ..:,,, ....._ . _._ _ NENV FALL srocK 0K56) CIIIC - K ER. INtrA VI ANK 4 .- Jolly 11. muumu., ~, • ....1 woou ~ri-m, between Diamond Mk) fti . , 1 ! ,9 ..t. 31 : 4.7., ; : nailF,mrtli ,D.aa, . imw rt•C‘iving Mwa no a • 1 , • i 1.,,11 St.. - k of pi,,,u /Wirt. Irani tlas isle- , • 1 br,,b.,1 titskilkientf I,:f Of CIIICK R1F41 . 541 & t'A IN S , rk,,,t,,, t,1,,,, 01 Ali tilt. 4)106 inaibtls4e4lll'...l by 11,0,,, v i. ; F u ll urrib , l, l'Ar loi nnatt.l;ol.l Squarc NANO F01i.TF.. , , in richly ott v..,1 an,11•1:00 00.1 . 1. l• olk• 05.. --Nkuo.re Pin... , s'26o, $275, s29a, $360, $376, $O4l, $1'...., slstl, $4:5, Sala, Grande mail Parlor Granda ei,a). $,•,!, j, .'+a, s‘oo mad sloii.,. sott , _ - - i 'lll EA P PIANOS.—Una Ilusewood 6 Oe • N_,; tii, viwiiii, with Colvntutia colobnilud - . 0 ,•... .b•Onn Atto,looebt 42,/,,,,-....",:-;:.-i:::, 0, 0/11 5,i1.4,0. 1,001 XIV 111 styt, ..Pies - , ; , ,1.117, 0. rd And 000,114 , d ail roil t1....534/U ' 1 One Imillogritty ti oct,4Vo. Ipso nom•WOOlt 0 ta:Mve mailers ra5e...... thio A goo. Hocond.llmiti Maludeun, ortave, Ourbart's nutke, $ ow. .114; 44.1 11. KLKI9III For twau by DIANOS AND MELODEONS.—Anew lot of and O. ..ctuvo pialu • PIANOM, And and 5 octavo )lILUUItON S. Just recolved.‘ i I 4 JoIIN 11. MELLOR. No. 81 Wood et. FALL CARPETINGS. 1856. LtOBINFON & CO., co. 25 terra Franc, Have 110 W received a large and complete assortment of CA l '•C.e. CLOTHS, c., for Full trade, consisting of 'Wilton and Tapestry 'Velv d ets, itrtcomlb and Tapestry Brussels . Imperial and euper. 3 Eqpt. - Super. and Flue Ingrains, Twilled Ali plata Veuitlans , -1./stings and Rap Carpet.. A i.,m--Pruggetlng, Fettin, Cocoa Olatting. Rugs, NW*, tam Bode, Tulle amIDORI Plano Covers cu, Bin s dings, &c., c. L Alm, V OIL m of all widths, styles and qualities, an ' d all otherOWlll9l Alm,,, c found ku Carpet Houses, and all at the L` "BIC ES. sal) ve 1856. - - - Iron City Commercial Cot OE vFrEaN PENNSYLVANIA. An Institution for the 812611109 1 1 1 Sinn , CIIARTERED—APRIL 1555. Located at Pittsburgh, opposite the Post Office tg a larger patrosiage than any similar [ll t ,O tt tion q f th any l'hlN )I.A NSII I P, 1.:11111ACINO ALL KINDS of Tlln.ineas and 1-Ad m, writing: iid•o, Flunrighing. I,etterint; and snmstur, of every conceiva nide type. taught in the writ thorough and ocientlfic man ner. Messrs. C.,Tkor ate: (lowlry, are not surpassed as pen' • nen. and drew the Graf Prenihnint on penmanship at the , last State Fairs inOhio and Niichirun. I AitITIIIIIMC, 4 4 , —. As appliedby the heat Men... Milo IL - inking 1101112 d, cornprl ; sing all 01)1JNTING 11OPSE CALCULATIOIL'A. FACULTY: LefigliltES • I. I 111 ; 1 . 0 11 CO CK. ' Daily on llook.Keeping; the Cunagyn, LAM, and ellet.lll9 A Nem Mctiexl of 71,..Mag•8eet,..i,,,inp,^ Pr,. 01 CommerLe; Pilot nee and ll:inking: I . 6litiCal Economy, . Accounts, llook.K,eping, and Arithmetic. ; O e tectiou C.anaerfeit rlintlUV , mud usher sultleots having .11./11,N PLININ(I, vractieul relatiens b, active InSiirteSen 4 '1 . 1.: tAlr , , Ac... Author ut the National Syslem !! !t. A:-roping,” Lootti,r .. Ull Binnintnkl, Its etldturnyl Anil I.lo.lgetl. ,IL ...I.li r.. p in g. Vidl (•;minielal.,l emine... ..... .. ..... —436 00 • Imes WILLIAM:A, , S,I1::011 rc. ,daiut... . . 500 Professor of Arithmetic, ttook.keeping and Phonography. ' 1te.,r.1. nrr week, can hi. iLiiAit.iid iur.. •••••••••.—........ 2. 50 S. f lan 11A,M148 are! JAS. 1111-ll'N, ; n;V - dial.-nt. ttre 1.4 ..11,:-..1 esti it tar Steamboat Book. Assoeiste Prole... rant Itiailolecninu,. livel.itie., A r.tlinietic or Diploma. A. COWLEY atel W. P. C•flOPY.l{. • S'lllik:NT.3 f I'l an and Ornamental l'eumaushrp, and L. a- can ~,,,h, st any thar,..—ino n.,,,,,ti,,,,krevi,,,, a t &m i re_ tress ou Mercantile Correspondence. i line enlitnlte.l, usual I ;null; of cool . . from six to twelve J A MI A A illtr,l,YN, ! v.,..1. M.0.-ISW Profe , mor of Penmanship. B. BAG 'S, of Niathernatles. and Lei•turer on Political Ecotioni:i JAMES H. tiOl'filNi", Rail., l'ittatinrult liar, Lecturer on Commercial Law JAMES W. KENNEDY, s olk Note lieNiew," I,liturer on C.Aiir , it, Alt W cred, and Fpurions it.iiik Niiics, BOARD OF TRUSTEES. lila Exc'y Gorr . J. Pollock, lllon. R. M. Col. Wilson M'Candless, I Falniost.4. Esq., Col. William Hopkins, iespL CansplsMl. JUILN HARPER, of the Pittsburgh I3suk, President of fh Board of y. W. JENKINS DUFFS MT N' V\TILF COI i'CF J ESTABLISHED 11 154.0-CIIARTER PERPETVAL. Jar NE/141.1:, 4000 Students have finished their ceinto .r. of 44 ar.;:e octavo ta,— . rrya cial education this institution; the only relitrble one to th' d'e Itooktinetping, (Ilarper's edition, Ice. this part of the country. The superiority of its colleriete course can t,o beet learned frcm its new pamphlet fir , •11 tr , ,n bale by all the booksellers. COMAIERC IA 1 L PITTSBURGH BOARD OF THAUF. A A MERCHANTS' ENCIIA\UI%• President. W W I I. LI A NIS. vier Prmdentt. J W. II k I I..NIAN. J. M. COL1111:11, 14. Treavorrr. N. 11001E1 2 , Jo. Sivreary. 11. M. 11.11/1/I.E. .Ss4+erinferuient. R. T. NoltTllA , . l . la. Ar.4l,2ti.n . I', J. W. IiAII.MAN, T. I'. J. W. F. R. 11T11.'NA'T. 1). II WI Ll.l A T. 11. t.ll'l/1.61.: VITTSUUIWIJ m.n.ll..KicTs 0)1101 0? HE 1),01.1 MORNOW N, Pot,r, Wedne.l:+y, INAH ; I —Sales Eoll•bla. fr,nit depot and wagon at $5,50 11l extra &Lai 0,70 for ex ra fasoili; bl.la.lot ~ a Ix , n. +1", $6;2b0456.31 for i1,ja1055,76 for 09111 and $7 for extra fan fly. GILA IN ...Sal , . 345 I.tralt. Oata at a2,..,{1.53:, and wharf. MOLASSE.s...SaIeo 12 bldg. In oak et 62. 1 ? road, ARLES...SaIes 10 :asks linporhal Sala at 3'.,r; hat, ...a . Pll3 METAL...SaIto biA) .• American Furnace' . al $32053.1; sold to the " Great Western," whivh is cgoisi to $32,500v5311.1pu tore. New Y ork Market. Slier loan, Getolser orn it firm a ith an twain len ;.• tloncy, salsa lodes; Middling Orh.tris 1.1; ..; 1- Uplands 1.2 , -; fair Upland. 12‘ t . Flom dull. ;al, lv sss 11 hoots. Wheat declining, aisles tut 1100 hash at a.( Ln and 51,4:4,h5 1 , 1 . 0 fur 1',11,1.14,1i11g C I rti ram ash.. ly 28.000 Geld, Pork . 1011. th•ef an. firm. Lard onh.t. SM`,CA 1... OM. 5.500 hags lii , at auction at S ; i• firm. Mats""' steady. lta..on attiet. 'Stow on. Ohio at 11,,i(d.20. Laid oil stead ry. Pig Iron n tirni brucc., tan demand and thin. Talton 1. roster. Slacks generally higher ; and Urns. Kock Railroad 01 Michigan Southern 0j; N. V. Central 8144; eleveland and iod.• .. ~,. . -.-......- Philadeliwb in hll.l:rlcet. PmunclPlll.N.,o,toWT l.—Fl•mr market i,t weal: ,Ao :.: iel, Barer; gh1t.x . ...V.) bbin r.uperfi to , at ita,7s,and 10 10.1. ,•.......... $6,87 ; demand liatinal tl.r supply o' vity retail ttade.. l ',....t7 (a,',..,,M) for rum on. to fancy I.canda. It)-ttour An', $3.76. Cora-mealittnited ; t al. 110 bbl. Isenna. at ,': •. 7.7. `Wheat . mush sat, and prices bartly 111311.1 ..ii.4: Ella. , 500,3 lS l $14.24/ . )1.:;13 tor n p rm. , Sonlla rn Allti retalta. red, sad $1,6001,t1:t fur whit.. Ito in I.llr D•. ...l .4:111131 101/01$ /1.176(,_010. ('urn ;4,14 al dontand and tdt.a.t.!.. .. 111 1.... 4000 bnahula Fool it..atia,rn yellow 4atn7oilti, nll.Ol. OCa; in tdoro. Unto totter; tkialco . 2.6,000 latshelt , now alio ..14 at 30440. Clorernood itlenty and dull; .tioa 20 ) 1 , ... ,1 . 4 ' . ,... at $7 it 64 [Lt. Tiutotitydull. Whialcy letter: 5111,111 Nal.. in 1.4.11 a at 11%040, and 111111 s at :17. --- Neil York Cattle Illarket• Nta YORK, t h - tol.wr I.—Th.. %tater:tags of Roar warn 4800 bend; tint prints geuernilyttnnter nt Sheep 12,:tni were 1•11 - et tttl : let nu wen eel t e 1n were a trillo Qbettiter. :20Ai :twine gale rn nrus Na M Fifth Ptrent, . . Li" Elver Dieu, Notice --hl LAND BITTY,IIS have proven the tent r,dnnhle nonlit in.• to traveler. In use. It will prevent the runny isuplenssua effects attending a change of Water — it relievrs, etowly, lad surely, the most dish easing form of diarrhten.. no I by gradually regulating the horn ohs, will restore the system to perfect order. Fever nod Ague, Chronic awl Nervous Debility, Drl epnia Indigestion and Lleadache, yisitt speedily to thls preperotiou. Ceirrionl--Onsrd against purl:l/slang na inkit.tl... To prevent imposition, b' careful tor licerisve's 1.1,41,00: Bitten , a„, gold tta per bottle, or six bottle. for tg, by tt, pro vectors, BENJAMIN 'PAO It, Ja. A CO., M11.11Uft.,1:1:-.11.Z Pharmaceutists and Chondata, Pittaburgb , Pa.; 11. E. :ski.- Mg kr CO-, corner of aooond mod Wood streoth; D"gadata ac•JI:1 100 BOXES NEW hi A LAGA. RAISINS, w arrive, aud for wale by REYMER h ANDEREON, N.. :.s+. Wore 3 al 200 DOZ. Asso PICK Lgti, fr wale uin pint w on. gallon. thiA rccetv , ti “+til [r,. REIVER ANDEtSON, Ncuuti powrt itICO MOLASSES -10 casks for ode by (era) 1 S AIR titilcirds. -" , „-- r 4 1 . S , 1 ,O . • ' , Stated Lectures by eminent Clergymen or dila city. NOF TH.F. fI'rUTION. T., furnigh the toot in,atri for arnuiriug a THOROUGH RUSIN iiiSS EDUCATION, in the iiiiiirtent lima and at the le tat eXpelige, compr ising' BiNA-KarPtSil , lii-JURLE ENTRY', tm applic,l tt, Merelumniging, Ptak litemnbostnlg, inclmimp nil the impt•renrrtatt j with man. v.du thin onditiona; mm' that these whogad tutte at this itieLittition are fully competent ilianAge tim e Looks of any ',Menet. c0m1.., CEASE i :395 sTu DV:NTS entering, from thn city alcno, within ono ).-tr. tho many from the country. UI It kit"fitiNS. own:. ~r eirculore containing fall iufar iaLii.,i, ...nt ~f dart''. m .-r ~-~ ~,.. , ~. - , ;;~ _'n` T'. w..3 - EN.KrNe, (•ity Pitthburgh. P. nealth and Strength must Inevi. tahly Follow Its Use. 30E YE'S HOLLAND BITTERS TUE CELEBRATED HOLLAND 1:•M 4 ' • DYSPEPSIA , DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIN' ER COM.PLAINT, NS' OAK N ESS OF ANY RIND, FEVER AND AGUE. A N I) the vitrlothl affeetanns eonsequentupon vyr. :Inch nalli t linestion , : Iltmrtburn; Low of Appettin Ikvottdotwy. -ti 1111011 and ,131aennu oil N. Tllnwink...tic and Neurnlgic ffec tinu:. it 1.3 irlAttne,., ettr pr..ved hi g hly l t onencint, nn .1 in oth. o:iontt. , l 0 derid...l Nature hurts no new eueuty ta v.•llthet, NAM thin delight ful tonic in Ow -yrtens. It. otl• - ti :611: almost umgitali yet :he car , l aralervat. It rommuntratea fte SioleUt ,heek to the system, but by creed on iss vital energy to limited at, ilia, Clitlbitti It to, throw off the coos,, and Wits thoroughly eradieettes the dons... Mott its medicinal virtnee ore •fu universally acinsow.t- . • - •elued. and particularly L. witrre it_haa bocome so popes e , .r e ffintily if "-licit,, that it is sold by nutuy of the grocers I:is e• II as. ell the drtinbists. It would Wall ueedlcoa to ...;., in. i her evi,letiev. yet a, there at o ‘loolitleet some who foe, t: i• .1 untoy advertised remedies, and still stiffer from Dvapepaia in one of Ir.' , of its dreadful !orals, wo subjoin the h•lios log eertifica,. the atithentivi'y of which cannot to .1011114.4. canlille aa they .1. how persena so well known, v; HAT lT 1S 1.01:.(1 Ftfil TIlf: SICK. win. ted•ft• hfifte, Es,' • t I.- well Limo nlithogniph e r ,sa y st - I hate Crequenti) n,: ,l It•eflteee's Holland !Bite's, end filet it invarial.:s rvl:e. v .: i a ,iig, A ti,a, a nd d o bilit.y,"" diet, Silnittvl ItAto,•h. Aare: ••I fettle' sprehil a rom its n,•• f. a , v,.. 1. , 4 ~13.ria.. with which rbad re l ief f •r• .I..'' .1. ‘1". Woods,ll, q., say v: "I have used firerhavo'sUo l• &,q. , laud Bitters ni , v!t. e:;I r,o,....iitivnflvtl it to °them - know in g it to Iry jt,t what It ',O repri •Vlitotra. " Aiii.delletit.ni ii••••`.y,••1 toter tit Chili, says: "I hayed. 1 iv NI great benefit (1 ous ;to coo for weakness of the stomach atol i}aligeatuax." JAttsea M. Murphy says: " After several physicians had feilcil, it. ei iieceA 1101100,1 Bitters removed the pain from coy heart nun frith., ariaine from intinteetion." The sifter of tn.. Eitt.anultr4 Frea Prims says : ..After one efthe 1--1 f.'• • ' •••, fo tliof plitee hail tidied, Brerhaves I l fdi••••• i i. • f ~ - .:„.••1 f oe o f tbe leorvit form of dygpepola:' I ra....ig r'...., ,rsly Istaussfa,turer of the "n, Igigal k.bi• tract ta . C.d. e.. tia}s , “ I know that cur Malan.] 'Bitters lot ~ne.d. the Lest tnedicinE4A in the werid for a diierdenat ..t.•szt, -1, ..t 11t,f... ' I,r. i.coung.e...i.or , It Pt re...brine .10,erviug disco nfidence of the public. Dr. Kl.rbart. the lending fierstran physician of ['trunk-, ,luring the hut three year, with line p,.....ribetl It cif:ineptly ms rhed seiceess, in debilitated stows •,:f the digestive organs, Of of the :system generally. The nutuager of italless'A Vinegar ' , Artery says . .. I nand Lt mysef, fold was therefore tufleissi to try its affect upon ar c wife, (uoutiled with tie, -;:eat debility commou to all of a onsumptive held%) mut nafily it is d i ving h e r ii,,,,,.e good then anything she ties ever tOk 011 . " NOTICE! Whoever aspects to find in this a beverage will be disap pointed, but to the Melt, vitak and low spisiri te ngula d. i t so:n will proF agreteful aromatictio cordial, possessed of r ail properties. CAUTTON I Tho auvasst popularity of thla delightthl Aroma litis Induced many imitations. whirh the public. should guard ou d against pm chasng. Bo not 'reminded to buy anything else until y have given Boort:ram:a Rolland Bittern a tact iris.]. Ono bao tle will convince you how infinitely anpocior it is to eli thee imitations. gar Sold at $1 per bottle. or air Trot ties for $5, by the to proprietors, 111. NJ AMIN Pailß, Jo, a 00-. Manninchtring Pharmeoentiats and'-elndniste, car. Smithfield ami Third atnots, Pittburgh. GENEEAI AGENTS. i .4 PbnIVICITIIIiG. T. W. Dyett b. Soma 132. N. 2d !street. New \ York, Barnes Pont, 304 Broadway, corr.er tenon..De Bad nue. d more, engine Brothers!, Gay street and Av Cincinnati, John D. Park. Chicano. Barclay Crothers, 11l S. Water at. St. Lonia. Barnard. Adams it Co. N.Orleans. J. } Wright k. Co. sny22 SCOTCH TRAVELING SIIANVLS.—Jue recetwd, a large and dodo, bucgorto.nt of above, at 11111$11FELD & SAYS. .02.5 Ntt. stced stmt. , 4, 7- -,44,077="44.1/4:4:674` ...- .-- c•f:-':;:i'".:•'•.gf ".:;l'l.,tf'l', - -• ..- : •- ' ''''••,-...-,..,,- ...• .• ,~ ~; ~~;~- rr, `.", ~ , 4 1 , 60 oc243•dlea [5. ~'~ ~} i. 9. .. ~. ~~7
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