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Pr. 741, -444,4t4 P'‘ Z. t 'I , 4 - )-04 . 0 = • „ '46',l*-- =iv • 4. ,4 :Y i4`44- #.0 4 44 - 4 4.% ik1"" - • 014 f -a i 4 1 4 Vf4i1, t , o**4 f ". ,J, , . g -44iiiiiiiiriffiit: THURSDAY MORNING " TUE FLAG OF OUR UNION FoREVER FOR PRESMENT. JAMES BUC H ANAN, POE VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, Democratic Electoral Ticket of Pennsylvania ELF.CTWIS AT LARGE: 011 A hi ES It. BUCK ALM. Columbia. WILSON MTANDLESS, lot District: tlEit W. N Kltl NO KR, l'ltlltult I plan 1,10, 3d " PIERCE BUTLER, Philoth lithts City. • " EDWARD W A LITMAN, Philatielphin Co 41t, W.)l. It. WITTE, I ) llllati.tlphln Con utY• nth " JOHN MeN AIR, Montgomery County. Cth " JOHN 11. BKINToN,CtuAt.n . County. 7th " DA VLI) LAURI% Lthlgb County. Sth It CHARLES KESSLER, Iti.ticm County. 9th " JAMES PATTERSON. (.11.1101.11101 . Co. 10th " ISAAC SLEN KKK, Union County. 11th FRAU. utionße, som)iwi Co. 13th 0 THOMAS OSTER H AUT. WI online. Co 111th tt ABRAHAM EDINGER, Monroe Co 14th t - RM.:BEN WILBER, Ilnulford Count) lbth -U WWI K A CKA W FORT), Clinton 16th J A 'III , IS 111.0 K . l'..rry County 17th " ❑ KNI I 1" .1 STAHLE, Athunft Sth .1011 N I). 1101/1,1. t'o. loth JAC, ot TI"I. NEV. W....tre0r..),..1 tloth tt .1. A.l Itl'ell ANA N. Gonna" C., • •• WILLIAM WILKINS. tt.. O. CAMPititl.l.. But:, C. .22,1 Til.l`l.l.S I'l - s!..17•011i AN, 11,0, C. .IrlllN K KATLET. Clarion C. • V I NCKNT ALPS, CllPoulord Owl s. I - - DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET CAnd. C,1111.3.101 , 11 , : GEORGE SICOTT, 0,1.1.1011/A A bin .M 1 r.:4 L JACOB FRY, Jr., MuNT , ) ,,, usut C OZNEKAt JOHN ItOWE, or FILANYLIII 111. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET TWS.Si TT FIMT DISTI. - 7 WILSON WC ANDLESS, CUSLIKESS.--Tir 1:NI 1 .41XA5.1 , 1) DISTRICI JAMES A. GIBBON, PIN. T .r3SHIP fL~.AT HOPEWELL HEPBURN, CriT THOMAS S. HART. (XLIKNA T0.14g1111 . AUGUSTUS HARTJE, 11.1.a114. TairNssn,r SAMUEL JONES, C4r, L. B. PATTERSON, SitsruN T,R7VIIII, SAMUEL SMITH, Aua.uttxxv Dr. JOHN POLLOCK., FlNui-ty Tv.33151P FaOSZCVTISni slq• 4,11 MATTHEW I. STEW ART, A.l.l.2wirrur t ROBERT B. GUTHRIE.. 1.0.1x,x EDW AILD THOMPSON, Wns.,N. TOWARD III'CORKLE, 1.,,1 ,*, HENRY RELTZHOOVER, y JOHN JOHNSTON, 1 , ‘" ,,,, T S OA.. • Reading Matter on Ev er. Page. MK1 , 11•IN": , ..r 1•111 , id:M.',..keY..•• I LINE .1,1 .11 t. wit.. V of 1 11. SIGN INI C.,NSTITI:TI..N t t. • all. l/ • 1,11. .4 - 454 WEDNF..,O . {t Noltlk-ST‘ •%% 4414.34 V4IDA.I EN'S , i, ()cwt." . r... 61% I( 41.1..1' A. Burke. Es i.. wai By order '.)f the C.-mtnitte* DAVID rA MPBKI.L, E:tract• tram Bnchanan'• lipeell on Ilse Independent Treasury BUJ. - THAT COUNTRY IS MOST PROSPEROUS Vi MILE LA !FIR COMMANDS THEORY-ITV:ST REWARD '•FROM M 5 ,''UL I RESPECT THE LAtIOIII NO '1 LABOR IS THE POCNDATIoN uP THE WY.ALTII oP EVERY C 4 lIINTE V. AND TILE FREE LA RORER:. OF THE NORTH DESERVE RESPECT Volt 'PH Pill PIIOIIITY IND INTRI.I.it; F. SCE HEAVEN 1 , 011101 , THAT I F'lloll.l , DO THEM Wlik NO I" County Committee of Correspondence. The Druee'retie I'onot, Committee ortll me.* at It. rt Charles Hotel, Thure.loy, retca.e, al II e'. I , N , A fall and general olitenJaze. ie tle.ore T.AVIt cAMPIth.t.I, Outponrlng of the Democracy at 'lstria- Edt Pt , ,t • huvo hal a Kl-n one outpouring of the betn, , c,raey to day. Anlo and eloquent Fpeeche. , were male be ex.l.tengtor Anal, of Ohio, and the Hon John 1, D a w.g,., of Pennsylvania. Ex Governor Smith, of V,rpinia, to now athireseing a large meeting in the C,•art House. 11. Less than two weeks remain for organization and preparation for the great battle to be fought on the I lth day o f I k.tohei , upon the result of which such momentous consequences depend. Freemen of Pennsylvania—friends of our Na tional Union—patriots, Democrats--are you all ready ? Are you fully organized in every pre• cinct, ward, borough and township in the county" Have you seen that every Democrat has been assessed, and that his taxes are paid ? Have you taken measures to bring out every voter nu the day of the election" There is no time to he lost. Let every man go to work, and leave no honorable means untried to recurs the success of the State and county ticket Fail not in the zealous performance of a great ~ lute to our party, our country, and to humanity. There is nut a single moment to spare. Every where an scrupulous and unprincipled faction is mating unheard of exertions to defeat the Demo,: ttic State ticket in October. Let us show them hi, a t we are prepared for the struggle— that we realize the vast importance of the issues involved in the contest, and especially the importance of a great Democratic triumph in October. Hurrah ' We have caught our opponent.; tell ing the truth for once. It must be recorded as a remakable curiosity. The Fremont new-pa pers all declare positively that Fillmore has not a ghost of a chance of an election. The Fill more papers with equal confidence declare that Fremont has not a shadow of a chance of being elected. There ; have we not caught them tell ing the truth for once—both of them. They are both opposed to the Democracy ; and yet they are forced to the self evident conclusion that the Democracy is going to triumph most glo riously. We do not say they designed thus to tell the truth. That can hardly be assumed of the abo litionists at least. But it is with the fact alons that we deal ; and that foot is that, by our op ponents own showing, neither Fillmore nor Fre mont has "a ghost of a chance of an election." We are much gratified by the large accessions constantly made to the subscription list of the Batutday Post. Until the close of the present campaign we shall continue to devote its columns printpally to political matter, but immediately after the conclusion of the contest it will again resume its former tone, and while advocating Democratic principles, will contain a large amount of interesting literary matter, as well as 'neWa, market reports, and all other desirable ftlntures of a first rate family newspaper. , 4, 4 , C ~. , e 3.4,4 4.44. r • ~, - - - , ' 4 ~.- ' 1.. - ' ',..''O . • 0 , • . - - A. 1'; • , „,yr wig 4,•• ' y 4 d • • **Or • • .1f .• -tt , ji; • • . • OCTOBER IMF PKNNSYISANIA (IF KENTUCKY I=l n* ,, tall I , !late It• 0%0 PHCPI.IIr,Ii burg. 11,1,,bt, Are You All Ready • BOTH TELL THE TUUTH The Saturday Poet ;wan Nlia ... . k , I „ 0 , 1 • ' '1,174e4i , ti. ''' 3, . • 1,44.1 .StHiETTHII lIJONVMH,T.4I SEE THE PIGA) H KS. n the Allegheny and Butler distriut Samuel A. rurvinneer was nominated for Congress in 854 by his Otty..,s,g acoeptill the nomination Now, when ha aceeptad s that nomination the pay of a Congre4nan*as eight dollars per day and mileage. *it hail beep thiipay for many years the pay with which Bowie of the greatest men our country had .been satisfied to serve the people year after year. The people had not I proposed any increase of pay ; nor had any such thing as an increase of the pay been thought necessary ur proper by the people. We say then, that by accepting the nomination for Congress j in 1854 Mr. Purviance made a solemn runtnirt with his constituents to serve them for the term to the best of his ability and judgment in C,in• grece for $h per day. The people elected him. Ills part of the contract then remained to be performed. Ile went to Washington and took if subordinate part in those profitless discussions, designed 4.,r election purposes, that extended the session to nine months. Mr. Purviance hod contracted to serve for $S per day. In violation of his contract be was instrumental with others in getting up a bill, and voting for it, by which he receives trrenfy.one dollars a day for the time usually occupied by a whole term of a Congress A part of this enormous pay—this downright swindle—he has already pocketed. The rest he will get on the 3d of March next. Ile contract od to work . for eight dollars a day. But having the power for the time, be charged, voted for it, and receives a day. Now Samuel A. Purviance is a lawyer. Sup. pose a client should put a bend for a thou,and dollars into his hands for collection, on a con traet that be should receive $5O for his serriceA. Mr Purviance collects the money. and having it in his hands and power, pockets sl&ti of it, and offers his client the rest. The breach of con tract would be no more culpable and gross in that case than in the ease of the $2l a day -r tr And yet that is the man who asks the hard working and honest yeomanry of Butler and ' Allegheny eountie! , to elect into to Congress again 1 this Near:"does not deny that he voted for that 101 l lie cannot. The record proves :t, and he admits it. Twenty one dollars n day of the peep) .'K money, Mr Purviatiiin demands for very inditler ent service., and he votes it int.. his own pori.et. Very few of his constituents can get per 14) fia harder work Sot they are asked to I..iy their public servant ten titnen no much for t e like n gentleman nt W.,tch,tigt.in cr winter.. Jamee A thkion is 16e I , etr n didoto for o.ll4gre-mt tt 411:411e: Ile pledge- hintaolt to cote for the tepeal of t at zi2.l a Jay »vrtnlie tie 1416 be nutit)(.4l st!th the old pay . nod all who know both of the didatc' fully aware that Cul equally c•ocupeteut• and more than equally . : ua fled to antoharge all the Itaie, of the oftwe l'eopls of Allegheny people of Butler. nri ynu to support a contract hrvalter and n torn claims $2l a day for service . or for one w h i ‘atisfled with the old ezt.ahlintscd wages In privet( addairs nil would decide ens wsy X l l. , should there I,c,a difference in pot.lw Why s hall swindling and corruption Lc an.lote nonce. in pnlitter " Ac eiannple 'Mr r V1(1111 - 0 W.lll:ti hal e a m..rt -aluatarg alert "11 .• trnu,l n I pa),li...ercnct c.rri:Nlen hArf. Nit. ...II I ui<.mtr,.u. end n•na when the pt., rt•lliedy in thPil 0•13 1140 i• thoy .474 k L.4:1 t•: , •!:en 11 - i'y ~,.I 0... i 41, (~ fi:lit)ilPtr I .o , i , To ..,-et rur ng . aim I t r t,. vt, trr .-131 rt•pl I her, her .`ro t 4.i Th.- verbge their aillnagi - a .1! !, oath J•-a 1 , $1 1 1 1,1.1 .1 114- I, 111/ ••• ses-1.1 tti4l it alit-W.O , I ltirt ougreto Thru, ILLA Icr tho 1.1; 11 • r l'orvianco voted far, ruck u..•mbri ~. • nei•r fte,,Otst lunktug ,n ?1.; . titi4 tutti lho intleve mufti') ttia,l tht xutn Or 2.0 1 1 . 0 Ter,. 05tii...0.1 ~z. 4 ttro (1,•11,4Nd (1 , 11 , 1'. tl.t. wap.r. • Pi , 111): •ur be ttlfil f•P rvier Tiht• urn 0,111 , 1010 the Nvrthwestere , rudrvad iv 1 , , Samo time would e , u n For I It•V+.ll month , sarTice Of 2"6 Cvngre,ft men - _Bli Common mea - - Difrn•non in lnvor of Great e.uutry ELICAGGI:IiO 1:11 145 , 1 AND 1450 Rr ir.ve I , elow of U. f II rsee tirrck•Y in the New Yori, •! that tilcetry'et tlatatt . ttoa.tlng, Ott- )etti .h..e• Ltimtotg, 'tryl utterly tittwttrthy tf Cr, In I- , lien Scott vrn4 hip c,..ndi.lmte military nmn, he Kne the foremuel man of II ago. Ile had grown gray in the ..erv,er ..r roan. r-y, 1:1111 had I.li grat it Ink tht• 1,1 forty years gal!arit sorrice a n and an aeccmplit•bed General Now the c...” date of Greeley is a clobtered Lient rot. twenty-one day legtalator- a dittbaueeit peculat .—a bankrupt millionaire, and a sectional ao• litionißt. Vet Greeley bloviates about hi,4 chnio of succesti just as idiotically as tbi , rosolt sbor. he aid about Gen. Scott in InfilL tin the or S , ..i.tember, I weeic+ before the ‘44 tion--Greeley wrote in the Tribant as fnllnw From Maine to lowa, from Buffalo to New Orlcans, the rally for Scott in rpontantions anti unieor,il. The change within a fortnight can hardly be realicu I except by those who are In the constant receipt or advice: from all parts of the country; and every. where, eh the Scott ranks are formed, our friend) , ..re aqiinishod at their strength. Here is Connecticut at our elbow, which the Pierce men have hoped to carry, eel where they will Mill make an earnmit fight. but in which they will I.e beaten (if we ors not growly deed Ccl) an they have not 11..11111 since 104(1. Tn, n. OPSCL , hue been debatable, but not a Scott man in tin length uud breadth has longer a doubt of it. Bela ware went againht ae two years ago, but it will now give Scott a larger majority than it ever gave to env candidate for Prerment. In Maryland the Whig have boon tickling their adrilrlllll-iOB with a pre-set ball a ;toren old fogies, and for every line of them we odd ut inlet it hundred to Scutt's inajoiiij. And so New Sot k has been talked of as it doillitiol State. which in 'beer humbug. Unless Peonhy I onldoes ell expectations New York will Bite i i !urgent majority fir :newt of any State in the I noin. But it in nut only in the natural Whig :quit,' lot thin chimp is manifested— if the present tido nweiipii on Pierce will hardly get votes. Friends of (lenerul Scott, we know whereit wo affirm what we assure you that all goon well. lVa are nu prophet, and cannot say what the future has in store, but to-day the pcchtlyi_ of success i„ nil nu our side, and every indication portends an tit or -vhelming triumph for " Old Chippewa" We all know the result: Scott got hut ft or States in the Union, out of thirty one, and but forty-two electoral votes out of two hundred and ninety-eta, and rfol the worst beaten man that ever run for the Presidency of the united States; yet Greeley, but six weeks before the election, predicted his success by an overwhel. ming vote. His prophecies respecting Fremont's election are just as well founded in truth, and no better, sod ; four years hence, will go into the same category. We all know, further, that Scott was a Candi date in thirty-one States, while the cow-boy abo litionist is a candidate in only sixteen States. B r ag away, ye boobies. JAMES MiLLS, ESQ., formerly one of the edit ors of this paper, and now editor of the Pioneer and Democrat, at st. Paul, Minnesota, gave us a call this week. He thinks Minnesota is about the finest country in the world. He has been very successful there, and has an excellent repu tation as an editor. SEE interesting reading matter on first page every day -#letrttnrettrt• or-11-11.e - tiett4ell • pr.*. t o he •*yig Illiefalan Fairly lillstuolod , k,l before the. A uterletitt People—What the I.lrilleh Expect by the Election of Fremont. _- The Loudon Lerly,r,, a liberal Englloll piper, i Extract from the Speech uJ lion. Horatio Seymour, of late date, makeg the raihtwiltg highly imP ) r - 1 at South Market Hall, Chicago, September CA, 1856 tent revelation It says ~ We know that the Abolitionism of the Gar- I THE NEBRASKA BILL. risolls and men of that stamp has been fostered Bat a peculiar complaint is made. Lt is said and excited by the Abolitionist incendiaries of that the Nebraska bill is an outrage. which must llreat Britain. who wonll have. sacrificed the be resisted. and that great wrongs are done no- Arno icon Republic rather than net carry their der its provisions. Let us look into this. The.. own dogmas in their own way. The latest news principle of the 1011, and the manner in which it from the United States induces us hi suppose that is enforced, are two distinct things. We will the external intrigues which have found their I examine them separately. accomplices in the Union are not entirely with- Tbose who are trying to form a sectional par . out prospect of .ocee . is. Already the politieiona .ty found their hopes upon ditlereitees of opinions I of England and Europe are reckoning that the I. it tn o ng D e mocrats with regard to territorial ItUes- Atuerieati people will elect an anti•slavery Preei- • t i, m i, an I they, expect to draw ,oine tutu their dent, who will send around the !, real of discoid, 1 organitattou who differ from them in ninety nine as the burning branch itoi.l to 1 e sent to roc , . 1 ,,, ii ii..1.,.eac,,e they may p „ sillytigree upon one. I the clans of Scotland.. It is ti no that the repeal of the Nliesouri Compri,- Now, read what the Leti,l,ll Clirro,-,/,f, an raise iir.ts condemned I y many. iegretted by others, and approved by a third class Many 1 Ettglis'i Tory paper, s.tys in .1 Int,. LtDul.er! deemed it. repeal RS a great wrong; others t I.!' .• .110 ,11,111i , 1 be sorry to i•er. ilr. Paoli:maw gieited it as in. xpedietit ; and ...tilers again 1 0- elected, lieettu.ti he is tii favor ‘.l proservior the iieve that the only way to dispose of agitating otin.•xiiitts in•-tittiticols a, thi y e xits. , ""'/,',"' i t i t e r •C,ei.s, ilaritterou t , the peace of our coon. , Nulty ~, :r. .' ,, ,1 ,., T 1 , 1.7:` I , 11 ., si'l'ty o!y for r.ii try, woeto ledge thon to the disposal of the coul ropeau to-tomb:A g.ori ruttiet.l if th, pr-g,.. It:unities particularly concerned. I believe that " :v. ' s p irit 01 t.t° ' l '''''' cr "'S 0f the L " ited there are few who wish for the restoration of the Si Staters is allowed t " ''," e ` * '" .! E ." 1 "! Fr", 1",.“ and M, ,ru is,ori Cprenuse. it has been the singular he rst bow to t h e ti , par.iii..ti ~:. tilt , t 0.101! fortune of this :tot of ermgress to have been de- Slates is titleeted. - not/need at the North and the South at the time In cent ice Lion with the alt.ive. reed what Wen- ,_,f it, adoption, to the period of its existence, dell Phillips, the great Ititton Aliatlitionist, ..eiy•F and to have treated a political convulsion by its repeal. in a late speech : Tilt Tao TtlitieNALS—coNußESS AND THE PEOPLE. "There is merit in the Republican party. It There are two tribunals to which Territorial is this : it is the tirst seetianal party ever i.rgani 0 „.. quer.,ll.,ns may be referred--the general govern. zed in this C 1.1.1 11 tI y .. tent and the people of the Territories. Many not national, it .ii, seri svirtl It it the North ttr . rayed against ti e snub,. - . f lie it the North and at the South hold that die g e n. eral government has jurisdiction, and is bound to tirs.t crack in the iceberg is visible; you will Vet exercise it That it is a duty which cannot he Lear it go with a crack through the centre. - avoided 'Chose at 1.11..• South contend that they have a right to go into the Territories with Sla• very,l and that Congress should pass laws for its protection, while tho-e at the North u rge th a t it should forbid its intniduction. While these two ,'!asses agree upon the tribunal, they have also b e en alike .itssensfiel with its action. Miler Itontoetal , prefer 11. rc ferenee to the popular tri biin.il They b e lieve it to be most in accold attee with the genius and spirit of our iustilu- Meeting To-Night The DelnuerAey o f .Illegheny e..unty will meet thi evenir.; at Wilkinq 11311, an will he a.bbe , - , ed by V :;token. G,ll II It Fo-ter. .1 IVe-tnicrel3id, 11.11,1 G. a 11a 10/ II tintingd , •ka county - able and et , - hampi gb , rl,4 yen., y the 11014olt .‘I the :qate, Mr •tan-1- ou.liy for •ti d a. , one "f the 11,3-1 fini-he-1 pt,werful or the pre4ent Ally. 8,1,-1 1 4 F u lly Au -ct:o 1 0 high and ht-ly pr-ouptmg- , ,-f ,iuty 64.1 !..!ltrit , IL• 1 . 1 Fo”ter :11:1 I :ere well the l)euwcnu•} I,k litteatial ntruittvrs ttr "tit- Itt't tittqn t rre..te•l with n turn ~1 th• I A NOTIIE.IR 1% 4 HU.• Nle—tr•. I,: 1 , , I I ,il...:nettor, , 11 The rciorr t rh,,i w i. hftvr t,l .11 -h fr,.h.11..,t N,r t . r.,r tt,,E 111,14, 1 1:y If I . '“t thoi,le h. h.,:( noel it, h) !Ire We see f•rephre , l I • we. - 1 , ILc +him:tier iee of the I the ...Ilercre 11 1 , 1 . 1 W01..1) W.ill he•LIE • ) 13==l1M1 MAWS t VIL'NiTION t... 1 1.1 tt rro Dcint.t - ntlic Xig. • tk,,uiv.l by i.. !... rl. ~•l t 1 c PAU r. IMMIENZI Dral IS •111. IL. •I•Ptil. 1'(11I \ It.\!\ T 114 16,1 , 111 I "1. • ,•• SI Sk• for u.. 4% t, r r . t ittierltet , 10 ,4 I .ft an who,” "I , bh. ^ 1h II oxpr,...ter••• ti .! v. , ~ .r M• I vid • r L0..11 Eh , , •:,:11/1 . • 11.1 .: anty Lr rt ,:p.•t I I, I i..- ,Lill 11.1.*, I. .1 `!r taa. aata'a ,:aaa I,a, aa,aa. t . -.at I t i nu 1, rut'. n.. I. OW In i‘ana!— a- . hanyth, an I I • . • I I , "' I.I4'KEI , lilt k •~1 ' it .u•r r. Ul:i ..~ t , I I ill' ffn rnnj •ray pic-. , pt • p iitt. :• c f,n,i,ktv. n.t .1 . „)t• that F c•ii. 1 I.FA eriely 11, I . ntl , l her ht.! !lint •I n get the e,•1111:1 tisirl Lb.: I, ItoThrre r. .1 ,•t3.• lion It • I I. I •!-, •1, swr?• nit t I,,trty fri 41..1 is So 1. r th. , r faith af 1• , +fly that 11,10 Vr , ro no Iks 1.1. y, men pre far the it , nllrmrn tongt,glir.l all , l pr(duce %. , 1111 !“.1 the 't -hirt utlyll,:og that 1., ,, krl ilke a wine cant. They kiosk out the pluck to tell :4.. , ier. rote n lan 1 011" lu.ororoot. however. Tne l'eter. , hurgh Ind Noe.. hn• ttn full ing Last Wetinedsy ('AssitiA M Clay slink, Huntingdon, under a banner repre-ienting ern planters ru the liarkgronml, while the !fit • ground was rrprelmnted I.) shaver at work, srd a lusty nigger, wish h,. ringer, pointing tow.tr.i the planters, with there word. , noteritied beneath him: 'WE WILL StHOWE lo(' This is almost an drneut On per as which is thus def.eribeit by the t'ineintoo't 11A 1.1:e of the leading features in the pror,• siou " on Frithiy his, at . —on elle wagon vis the l'ineiiinati Platform. supporting the ho , i) t•I it111:11:11, , the Miter luting attentle•i by 11 white i.l.tve'" Tottesuo Aitttitms This iudividnnl was het: terslity sentonotol by Judizo t. 1011 Wi 1 iu be Pm ill:Misr) . oattun o vnII ire ftoiml in our regular Law Report A gel,thittan who wan present, inform us that .11olg,t Parker, wh 'II proncitneing the sm o en e,., ~„ phrase ...tint you be tAlr.ro of t o n ermnty, and thence," pn I tto the them , ' and Ite.utatell and stome , l almost inipresse,l to .• to the gallows, - instead to th n tertiary." reutaked, after but teturn t jail, that he thought l'arltor :n.timltsl to ! him to the Stater. it for hr, • over —Ol7l , bUCHANAN AlMk: —ln a recent account of a visit to Lancast •r, written by a gentlemen in high position,. he says I saw Roman in I.sn • caster who was not his devoted friend. 1 . 0.1 would be surprised to learn the large number who voluntarily tell you of his numerous wets of kindness to them, or their parents, relative, • or neighbors. Jlio old elionte are universally attached to him, and nutuy speak of gratuitous professional services in fighting the battle• of the poor.•' Missoutti.—Haneock Jackeon, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, is elected 91 majority, over Newland, Know Nothing, wt was reported eloctpnl. majority over ing, for Governor, about 6,000, and over Benton about 20,000.— Bugle. MARTIN Farquhar Tapper has written a poem called " The Opium Trade, - so true to its pur pose that Punch, ere reading three verses, feii fast asleep! " NiOTWER, this book tells about the angry waves of the ocean," Now, what makes the ocean get angry?" "Because it has been croaaed so often, my son." FOREIGNERS ATTENTION !—Know Nothings dis guised as Black Republicans are marshalling their foroes - tagainst you! Now is the time to ook to your rights! Vote while you can. - - I>` .o 7 =MN ~ t 1 iol.) kiirpht .1[1.) =MEI 111111•1 lIMIEI I Nt • MEE =MI= I=l 1 , 16 , • • \ • . .1 11., W ,Lire In It Win t • + t" 0.;. LET REPUBLICANS BEAU t lit I• Lk! , Tit titt.N.kl. too: .1) WIT. They believe it, decisions wtil be limiest, intel bgent wi-e. "A- they will lie 'node by those .i c eply In n right anew best their own wont., nt..l mud by those who can be iti t!itenced bv it. e inoiderittions tare those which will odeonie the weibire of the tnicisty in which ore • h I their hop,— stud their fortune , . hhev , hilt the uiliabitants of the Territories Ric (titer tittle "ern want-, with deepsr 'trri•st, g...ra ,roft. ,- 11113. ill 1 r theniselvt•s, thou Ra•l nigny ifleiskitlng under the intiornces of powi , n rind prejudice, plunder sod 1,11.n. , u re That the ekerC,r , e of ittriediCtion t.r gen,rai govvri.idettl in,ty .'arty it, by it T.ll,•nti tor and i.i femur powers. I agreed b„.,, ' 6., prefer Territ , rtoi tribunals. The Jf ri.iernit.eut lin, been adopted, mod I Lelir.e there to N .1,p , ..0101.10n the pot t s ,j; it ~f Drtn,ertill to have it fairly tenit•ol, iii.l It io Cielaßllded with Jus.tiee that there sli•4111 fen int.-H . ..11.11re with Ito u,e11.41 from any lusr• te, I tI , luk 1 . 1:01 I V. Lu.E to XIII. YOLIY H. .AL V.trf• hY t , 114,11ATI , ti Ttyi TERXITOII/t" Thr ~ ,,1 .) r ) • h. , pro into rrzonte territorle , and I"i:tinter th, her , lpt.iiiri of frontier life. r. , r)i• , •f their p,,litical Ls ilntug I they fl„ -c than ' ‘11,3 - will you withlo , lrl ornt tl.oiii tiht „ you ilorunrol for cournels — ` Th, , y e: •+ , - et; f. ,, rorr tuent hie( •"'t lift thift .•r sue other - •ttr i IVlty not n. 11 There t• nor ootinty in the 31.00, h w , I 1 n,. l rrxiSt I the Itct fLtri inteeirrencr , 1.1 itn 9.11 ,thing town UT/1y tly then n.l, tur ‘b,•U49:1.1 Away with ‘tff •r • h• »1. , :et •ritz.) - liLot. r, I ,t.• i . •i ) rrit••r:,, oteC„,•,l hia•t.. her t t . )oir Pretrial to WI if la •I them t-1,1 In nlr v n 1 =EMI= MEM =EMI • ,414 111,i', Rill• It '•1 lIIIIIIMMEEI 4,11 V: 1.00. It t• .1 1,41 . +ll,l , lt , titr tO , ; with nu. .•114 1,10,g tier in 1. ‘ ,1.1 t,. wijl ll ,,• I r f ck•Entok,.. ~e the nglit qu I Lnt wr I.nce co .".1 Art• In.llll 11. it (Itl I kw, r. ~,„ •,. r rut. L‘W. , tTlk , k}l , Tll t vvr AHi I=l it 1). grnt,) ) l.ng t., at ti)at 1 : )Lie) 1,7 the re.‘llLo whleh yr beiieve 1 , 1111 hvrt pro ~tote 111- rrearerit) t,f Trrrlt.r.e..) The Las, ot ~h4)rn:l n ,sl,l 4 ,10,4).ht th our cLuntry .- w g nri):ltnht ••q: I I .Ip. turn. Erwo,nt- p! tram w); 1.111,11t1i1 J,,11 I. •:•1,1! Till' Cl,-11 “I the \'•rt'. vyt-J,• , 1 that of 4 . 1)11 ,, , , ..1 11.:•hun; , l ei.•e,r of :ucreo,e IL, 1. a.., al, .” Itl ni the r .Iti c.f itr real e,t ttr, thrt-r!ol i 0141 • ! In ,1 in 'fa' to vi tit • p01.11.,..1 104f. , r la the r, !t ; ~,e . mo..tt tt.,•". thu- 1.4.1 3: • , L 1 o` , . PO of too I , st •rtte r opllin• f nn er , it greeter thiin that ot Cie sit Nrw State", I. Irgg thito gi l d ti, rg.le iniN art , far helots that of ' l. , w, tt 'rho T 1 • $llll ~,, 1041 e. NO ,1110 rat) f t• rtn.l not to Gr gatigtied why rr Cdr re-ell will lie. The annual ('teens ot population or the North oCer that of the will eipli tear Fire itirre times till population le ~tired to entitle Is State to adtuit,ion into the I Mon. while the South, under the influence climate, productions atel treJtitutione. is impry. Pertly Fettled, and its smaller numbers arc 101 l thinly ,Ol , tttered 0 vrr its extended territories THE TI CL%S.F.9 01 , iINiS TtIR NORTII THE OTHRII n r THE soLTII Ilut it is charged flirt the doctrine of sill government is ttet earried out in K 912948. If it is not, let ne unite and see that It is fahly forret.' There nerd be no) dilleretice atnvng us 'limn that point. Ilia I warn yell against f,!, reports We have had more rumors ,r war. tad iwOolltiis of the movements of armed men in Kan... 'Territory, than attended the war in the Crimea, where one hundred lives were saerifie• Two elat , ses of a g itators have ColiCiltlC,l in their efforts to create these false views. One lit :lit. Nrirth to produce the impre , sion that II vectiouul piety e ua be I.line•l to re s ist the South, while c.rtaitt CallititlAteN for office in 'AI t•• magnify their services in the South The Nio - and intl3llllllVor, tit co of the jourhsls of both classes ,re.tgut.tl to stir tip violence passion. are republished with obvious and thus the most offensive sentiments ate constantly kept before the different communit:es they wish to iuzititte and excite. lux t.‘c IT est NH r It. KANmAp4itrt t I , Yon PoLIVI- I=l There are strong proofs that the earit ttlettbt about Kanoes are made up to order ..ho 1111‘1118 importance 18 attached to proceedings in that Territory. The impression is created that it ta l e I influence, in a great degree, the balance of power between the States. tlregon, WfqWalston anti Minnesota Territories, will all of theta make free States. They are entitled to admission whoo ever they make application, by virtue of their population and their older organization. Ne braska contains more people than Kansas. It confidence can he placed in the report of the Congressional Committee in regard to the Terri torial elections, the number of votes do not indi este 211,ttOtJ people. Slaves will not he taken there, for they are moving now from the cheaper and more desirable lauds of the State lying in the same latitude, to the more profitable labor of the extreme South. Kansas was selected as a scene for agitation out of a.-1 the T`77:::;;; 1 es or ganized under the same laws, because its geo grar„hieal position made it most formable for the purpose. - ()thin . Territories were let alone, and have flourished under the principle of non intervention. But from the outset. Kansas was selected as the scene of excitement by polities] meddlers. Its present condition proves the wi— dow o f the let alone polipy of the Democratic party. From the first, the iciest exciting ad dresses have been mode by credulous clergymen, the most embittered statements put forth by in fluential papers, and the most foul-mouthed speeches have disgraced the National Capital, with regard to it. When these appliances have produced the natural results of bitterness, ha tred, and bloodshed the authors of evil held them as proofs that the best principles of governMent are wrong because political, meddlers have -for the time defeated their benign influence. The men who preach and practice meddling in morals, .. '' y T66 4 lT o rcilit'llinTiti-e - re4pensibl4Ter SAMUEL 1 4 9, - iii - rirQviyeic ---- 4 the wrongs in K•lll6ilti, not those who always cp- 9 : IMPORTER DEAIER IN pose interference. Neither Missiouri nor Mass- DRY.. G-00.11S1 achusetts have learned pragmatical doctrines ! FOREIGN AN-I) 1)(_)AI ESTIC • 1 from the Democratic party. HARD W AftE. A. A. A.I . A.SON S‘ COe tr No. 83 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth eeeee PI PT SBU ROff, PA IQ" Tux anbscriber le now opening a well selectee * tie* went of foreign and domestic Hanlware. all usw.and will be sold on es good terns as any other house in this city. Ile will always keep on hand a general assortment of EIARDWAIIE, eirrLERY, CA ItPENTEILY' TOOLS, &c., To which he retwtfully invites the anent:fount purchasers SAMUEL FAIINESTOOK. Prom filo Boston iaturiikiEverklng Gaettar.) A PBEIWILED BREATH.—Whet lady or gentle• would remain under the curse of a disagreeable breath skies by using the " Balm of a Thos.nutsti Flowers" as a dentifrice would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white as alabaster? Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it. Pour a single drop of the " Balm " on your tooth-brush and wash the tooth night and morning. A fifty cent bottle will last a year. A BE,Avrant COMPLaX_ION moy easily be ac quired by using the Balm of a Thousand Flow ers." It will remove tan pimples and freckles from the skin, leaving it of a soft and roseate hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and wash the face night and morning. SHAVINO Mane EA9Y.—Wet yonr shaving brush in either warm or cold water, pour on two or three drops of " Balm of a Thousand Flowers," rub the beard well and it will make a beautiful lather much facilitating the operation of shaving. Price only fifty cents. For sale by Fetridge & Co., 'proprieters; and B. A. }labile stock &.Co., Fleming Bros., IL. E. Sellers & Co., Dr. G. B. Keyser and 11. Miner & Co., Pittsburgh and Beckham & McKennan, Allegheny city. *4-11I'Le.nes Liver Pills, prepared by FLEMING fItUE, Pittsburgh, P.-- From the unsolicited testimony •entinmAly offered from all sections of the country, it is lin. arnsible to resift a conviction of the great excellence of near Pills in all diseases of the Liver and Stomach. The °Bowing letter from Toronto, Canada, to one of the ninny lie proprietors have received: Totumro, April 27th, 1854. ifm.tcr. liros I take this opportunity of informing you of the benefits I have derived from Dr. !!'lane's valuable Pills. I have for two years past been of with a Felten, pain over the eyes, accompanied with a nervousnem and a mime of diudness; a malady beyond the power end skill of our physicians to relieve and cure, emoted, as for as I myself could judge, by a diseased state of the livrr and stomach. Some of the doctors tried bleeding, Lad various other remedies were tried, but all in Yalu, for i.e, deep-rooted disease still stuck fast At last I procured a lam of your valuable Liver Pals from a druggist herr, and f•el, after taking a portion of them, that the disease and .Ainfol emeration over the op.s has almost entirely left me. I wit lac by advising all those of bete4l as I have been, to proctor tie• valuable ntediciue at eons, and save much tine. Isott, with Itttle eipcnne. With sincere gratitude uml owl t, I erlist.lll l ours, respectfully, OltOltiON W. RUSSELL, Toronto. Purchasers will be careful to tusk for Dr. )1" Lane's ',it 6rufril !Ares manufactured by Fleming Bros., of Pitts. burgh, Pa All other Liver Pills, in comparison, are worth. ices. Dr /d*Leine's genuine Liver Pills., also his celebrated ernau,ge, can ram be had at 111 respoctable drag MAW, tone genuine ttittetUt the signature of tiLKAIINO 1111.0$. Also, for sale by the sole proprietcr, I;'LIiNING Successors to J. Kidd 00., No. 80 Wood street. corner of Fourth wz: 'law HaVe VDU a Itupture of the Bowels I would meet reepoctrully invite the attention of theme id. de led man hernia or rupture of the bowels to my splendid • intent i,ll Tresses of varionapaterna. and to gat ever) age. enplud sod matmaaetieti gnarl:natal . 1.11 erery case, at tf. • ai,. streelH t.'rtatatriih. Pa, sign of the • Mortar Attieug the Trusses sold 11 me wall found Atrrdr', Ow, Truss Trusys, Ivry /Vll spring ff/MM=Ell radlrry..? Trysts , ., ttair:.. and double; f'nyhdn-a/ 7' - o, tr:l4nm? and adapt; 40-tr.o bcus; S S ra.d. 1, S.pp.rut Trutt ; Th.• y.ry of Trnaara vary fr,w $2 to $3O. ileruLil or Rupt u red 1-nn-Utdl rnu 13 . 15,..:1.4 tottattiag money and 'ending the rn.e.aure 141,W1•111 U., 4:0.k 4.11.1411 X whether IL, nyd -11 the right of left ode. I Coo aril and adapt 1, HO , 11,03(11 fur or Body Bruer, for the care of Pr.dap cu. l tr. WrNalme-ss •4 Ow Chcat nl, Ahdometk, 100 a, t 0,.,, bllt a. and any weal uyala depending on a weak and detail tal,e.l • on htt,..o of the abdominal maadrai. .aurfaverr ; Vvt.,: A/4.3.4:w D 4 11117IIZEIEB A o.t n..nrl, cv.•ry ktud ,sf r‘upporler now In ftr , ....r0 of wow, •tyle, 1 , 4 Wen,b.ctiestmi and sit, t 1 MIME b••• 1, t•-r 'Li*, roxf.ty and latter 74, end In f:trt •' us—.l 11 W.• . It, E 4 .11. MEM= 6 h.. -nrt ' , end to .nit thl.lutlent I.v yr, IL•rs..• • 1,11 rr ••• :40 *4 , 4 VPI/ thv Tr', t• w Ur Nl:Lar,'. 1.1,rr Mn. eud 111PROTED lag, In. Dr I :trot Criolirettod %CUM C 1... salsa mot. greheve.l auttet the tolpel - vLabat of Dr. I. SAlti • r.o:iar .11.dinal gradual, • 71.1 1'hy111,1.11.1 of extensive; ran tioe None genuine, only as prepared by Dr. I. Sentt a Cu. Bank Plar, Illograntow a, Virginia. YEWA Ifltlol Vitt VOUNTAIN lIKAD I }IOIIAWITOWX, Vs., Sept. 12, 18:4 1.1 1. , , ritry, That I have exasninod the Hedl. ho • ,AI La,,,. ' . I u,pro v d V amanita and I tr, U 9re 111 I nt.i Merdimite eralry , olol , ... (lEk) II K. Pre lilt, 140 Wood st, Wholesale Aget•t Ds J. P LX.1111 , 1(1, AlleZ,osaY, 4100 x Itanroo,l , l ,, nrer, it t!, .t.. t o• IqVr+. 154,...r0C /18- Mort [neat tom, the 'mama a plaster is apple,: in't cram , n. vigor t. 1;0,11 by DaLLEV'S PAIN effects, and except the I...trti are .1.• t ) wilt evon I!.e met..l,-d to their Dined a nt ' i 1 60, 1"1,11.1011 lnllnuuo Will to neutralized ar d itrrmded, for nrortinratsuu tanuet proceed wherever t salve bs told on, and new flesh will certainly ho t rritorat"l it , itON VELIM INSPVTS, REPTILES AND PLANTF, i. totate,,,d gad, harinams by robbing in instantly a . Eli:mm . o, IiALLEI"S PAIN EXTItAITOR, and after it has au awl.. amt its id spots are risible. Even thrn, ltto the •oltalc tar - tory, it will directly attract, dia,oire, and metamorphose the poi:wiling Wilim. , . At tho sting of bees nod cattaoltot,,, tht instant it touches pop the pain owls. Tho likes of rabbi •nlnials also are as vordlly ueutmlistaL None vault., without a stoat-plate erigratod label, v lib slguature.a of tar 1. - .,ken and VW' toDein IFL.4afs, of an Made. KY' }:}t st.st. t. , p0t.... In er.all of Kr.. e peire..t.oeuj Add' , w- hAS: , NIi. 14U at., t.. tv P./ et of Ow (101.14.13 11..rtAr se- Veto.. a Member of the Senate of 1.1 • I A I la Ma. 11. •tan IA:1101 1 01 10 44) tt.ruily varkrus ,ocalinnot •~1l iOr 1 .1114.4. 14..1, I 1 rII s d.ir , rnkgtk amady In 1,51,11 1., I•g mos, el. Lint rt rs,,,mmond d %lnt , 1 , 4 J. iIUDDL.n...tsN ,•••I 11:b. by far I St ,4t, rho has boon In the huhlt of 1.r.• m• I my °rig - turd iu ay aRSca done: y, , two, hlld that C Lotion he Imo Itripr nJ ru I rtmkollw ItlpuTt , ttett.m.t 11,, more wining! ,•• In them urh.tever. C. MCLA,N K, M. h M, 1.11114 , 4 13111 , 0.°911 , otnd r/dPIOVLD Liar! 115... I by crrtilleate of C. McLann, for .1.. by trzißr DALLET, Manufftcturer, C. V. CLICEM Eli & CO., litnnufactnrert. Sold at 26 cents per box by Dr. OHO. 11. fltlY&Elt, 110 Wood street, and by nearly every dealer In medicine. Lb about the United &taros. All orders or tatters for lo bo-fustian or advice, to be addressed to C. V. CLICIIIIN FFi A 00.. New York. se2lkfleslte 4i - An Appeal to the Intellect--It is one, f the features of Pulmonary Disease that it generally lens, e the brain undisturbed. We therefore appeal to the intellects If all uho are predisposed to Consumption, warning them ..leaktily, that in neglecting what they roll alight coldJ, the y may be signing their own deatlewarranui. There is nu ex cafe for such neglect. In Dr. R(kill:11.8' SYRUP OF LIT Rit• WORT, TAR AND CANCIIALAI/UA. they havo within reach, at all times • a paritior specific. We make no reeerva• man or qualification of the phrase, and we are backed ly melt uf the laghest scientinc attainments, whose approval of it, if worthloes, no afraith could purchase, in saying that it is na nearly Infallible se anything In this falliblo world can be. For particulars, see pamphlet in the hands of ageuta, sod an advertisement on the brainest page. • For sale, wholesale and retell, by It. S. bELLEhs CO, corner Wood and Second streets. Sold also by HlikiDlißSON b HRO. , Liberty street; IL I' SCIEWARI - 4 and RhCttIIAM 2 tiIeKENNAN, Allegheny Oil v. Isola:chat a /Or No Family should bo without 1100FLAND'S ()ERMAN RITTIllth.--Childreu afflicted wth the Suiwnor Ciempiniut entirely cured by thorn : eamtma. N. J., Starch 14, 1855 Dear Sir—lt Is with much pleasure that I inform you of the great benefits derived from the use of your Garman Ilit tery In my family. During the greater part of last summer, my sou, aged two yearn, was severely *filleted with the Sum mer Complaint In the word form, for which varloqs thine dim prescribed by Phys.4.4,ps un4 others were used, but with uo avail. I also sent bun to the country, but It peeved of but little benefit. Having a bottle of Geromn Bitters in the honer, I was persuaded to try that, which, to my astoni+h• meat, entirely cured him. He condoned to take the Bitters some time afterwards, and became healthy. I have the grnnient cunlldeww :II the Bitters, and feel no hesitation In saying that no family should be without v :36l:iN N. PARIS. Plum Meet, above Elecoud Real:witslly, your., To Dr. (3. M. Jackie's. Sue ativertimement . . Par sale by FLRMING BROS. and Dr. 080. U. KEYSER, Pittaburgli. seal-lwdor 44- Batehelor's Dal/ Dye... Why has no one aturecd, d in making a relistile Ilair Dye, except BATCIIE• 1.011? Because thew/mild avoid the cares, the thought, the time, patience and labor necessary. Others, by abort cuts, would art a reputation they cannot ; and by certificates of feed chemista, and newspaper bravado, fight their way tN notoriety. lint industry has its reward." wi,tueo th e I n • vincinie reputation of BATQUELOR'S HAUL DYE, made and sold, of applied, (In nine private rooms,) 233 Broadway, New York. wikolcoolo and retail, : by Dr. G. U. Rirasa, 140, Wood maws. en9o;llrd►w Sir - Fail ion littioduce on galqi&!, Augnert 30,155 our,PALL STYLES OP MLA HAT& Call and sac them. 4 good flat for 8.3.00. .11,5 q MO GAN • CO, 184 Wood 61. W. DCWL7.B WOOD WOOD, MOORHEAD & CO., MANTIrACTFORREI oa American Galvanized, Best Refined COMMON SHEET IRON, Awl Solo Agont for thn snlo of W. Dalrm WoooB' CELEBRATED AT'T IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. —A LAO GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON, for Roofing SPIKES, NAILS, and 1100 P IRON Warehouse, No. 134 First it., Pittsburgh. WALL. OFWEILS FQIIOALVANIZING will be , promptly stymied to at the Worke. stl26 TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER PIPES. From two to Biz inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot. A LSO-ROCII ESTER PEARL ST ARCH For Sale Wholesale at Manufacturers Prices by HENRY H. COLLINS, • FORWARDMG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ANT WrIOUSA.I.7. IMAM CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH, AND PRODUCE. GENERALLY. No. 26 Wool) STREET, PITTSBUROU. LJ.IG KENSINGTON - IRON WORKS, UKNILY LL"Y I) LLOYD & BLACK, NIANUFACtrftEltii OF BAH, SHEET, IItIOP & ANW.P. IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES. A 1.,, FLAY' BAR PUNCHED R.A I LAO All Sir War el uuxe, N . $J WATKIL xtroot, between W 0.41 ,41 Market. au 26,1u1 R. M. HUNTER, (+nry•:nrna TO cma & 1TC119 . 1%) Receiving, Forw•atrcling, Commis don Merchant STEAMBOAT AGENT 51 1101111ERCI1L STREET, Jynt JA!,. JAMES COLLINS & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants PROPRIETORS OF 70! Collins' Pittsburgh, Meadville & Erie CANAL LINES. Nos. 114 AND 115 WATER STREET, PITTSEUROB, RHODES, HAGEN 4 CO., FORWARDIN(A AND OOMMISSION No. 30 SYcAmoaE MT., CINCINNATI, 0.[3329 J AMES BLAKELY, PE.AN AGENT AND CONVEYANCER Corner of Seventh and Smithfield streets rirrsutraciii. Passenr.r. brunight haul tho nIEI country to Villa burgh, nod motwv.remlttivi li Eurtp.... 2 FALL FASHION, A & co.; 181 Wood street, WILL INTRODI:CE oN SAT, RDAY, Auguat 3vth. the FALL STYLE OF 1 , hEFA 11 A FS. the We.. AO,l S4,:t HtklA /111. i C.l/1 PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ISAAC J07, 144 .1E5 1 _11) A VV 1, SPRING, I'l.l /NS . AND A. B. STEEL, ,SPRINGS -17 , ;1 1 AXLES. Corner Ross aud Ftrat Street*, HAI IL, PA JY IS Jflta D. R. ROGERS & CO., LI NU F&CTIOOI.R11 uF Roi 1 FRS' lAI PRoVEU PATENT • STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, CORN KR ROSS INu FIRST STUEETS, IC ❑. .S3IIT-Ii SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER WHOLESALE GROCEII 121 Second and lit Front st., DR. E. D. HAVES , CELEISKATED ULU OINTMENT .INU 11l MOR SIRUP, FOIL ScIiOFULA. SALT 1:116:1274. ERYS!PELAS, SCALIJ LIKA I) , Carioers. Comcorous llumnrr. Itarhersi 11,11, 'torus. 31.•rcurial and Fever Sres, 11,ers, Ring. Worts, Nem& is (IN-afuelo •,-.losq-1 by Itumorn or Soros iu 111temontimu, liver Cumpla Le, t, bronehitis, lulls lc nottioa iu iii Thruut. Lougs, 13,k or Side-, 6027.tiaw,p. Sold generally thr.•ughout 0, Unit,-;', Rinses told Canal•w Ll taugg,ts mod ..In.n/ics;arttns. Agents aullt,i w all parts of ties Union. HASA 4 1ik.511. Proprietors, Lawrence, Mn.ss Dr. GIGO. 1.1.. liKVSlrat, No 140 W... 1 stroot, Whot,wala and 11,1..11 Ag.-nt fur l'itt•Mumli. lloware of r. rounterfMt article in t h e market eta led tie tihmui no ACinl Ulu tmeht,'• put up by CM.. U. Kent. Lein r.:l y • FIRST ARRIVAL CAF FALL DRY GOOT,g, AT C. II ANSON, LOVE'S, (dION os ass ORIOISRIARIt ntvg,) NO. 74 MAItKET P.ITTiROCr Ar f, PA. The sribeerlber has Just returned r• - „,htti the ‘..astern haring purchased the largest mud tient cnir,pleteamortnwat of dress goods, shawls, Woos, cloaks e run. j,1,• tag goods, mottruing goods, needle w , , r k , 1,0,,i,„ry rid doss, arid 11 lot 'assortment rf all kinds of domestic and evely other article waxily kept its a tint , C b„,,, d r y goo d. As many of the alts:re articles was bought ur ten and at the large auction r Ales during Toot week, we aro ...Nod to etrut a g 01).11 ..n v articles at less than the e .et of importation. WS , would ',gads/L.lrd to hare the pietism ti of showing our stock SI) I.IIC C./140114,r11 and the public genet:Li ly. ae we think It would be to the adrantarge of all to call and examine for themsates before purchasing elsewhere. C 'JANSON LOVE. (Formerly Young, Stovouson S Love. and Love Broth. No. 74 Market armor, between Fourth and the Diamond. aypii P 1 taiburgh, H. EMIL" Y. C. ?M SICK Act OYSTERS, , WHOLESALE S RETAIL. - Woir4 F LAKE FISH, SEA FISH, NEW JERSEY VEGETABLES FRUITS: KINIBLE, AIIESSICK & CO., corner of HAND aud LIBERTY atrertn, here noir added to their nese esudilishaaent, the SPACIOUS SALOU.S end CF..t.LAI:Ii No. 3 Masonic Hall, I.'tfth street, And are better prepared than over, at their two-rohl es!fth liniment, to ~trry on an extetodve They Lave a partner r,aident In PhHadtlphla, uho the ',pot and I,lwaya reinly to command the bet artguli.,, in their 11,1 , , to Fllpply customers. We mill naW be daily rreeiving OYSTERS, ftenhAnd rolt, In the ahelt and man; I , ISII of all neecriptinna, melt to, fak.. Trout, White Fiah and Salmon from the Lakes: Black Tana, Ittek lid, and Schuylkill Oafish, trom Phtladelfdda 1.11.1 Baltimore. New Jeraey SWEET POTATOES and MELONS of the cluo.,at quality. (Infers alao for anything In our lige prototty attended to. Cull at Walnut LIaU Restaurant, mAsoNry ILILL, satli And ourner of Hand and Liberty stn. OYS ap TER OYSTERS RECEIVED DAI Fatiat riALTIMOREind NORFOLK. Va. Solt 4 l Gallon or Can, or Half Can Sold qtthy lowest 'rate. slip. No. d 3 MARKET street, basement Fhila Shoe Store. 111127:31:11 OMIN s CO. CORNUCOPIA RESI'IIIJ-RM By Eta YOUNG, Firm TREP,T. The atteutint of Iderdnints-and others directed to this entabllslun ut, which hiss been recently fitted up for the porpoise of affording. a SUB STANTIAL EATING 110CSE IN A CENTILAL I.OCATIOv. Country folks attending market are particularly invited to cull. Everything pertaining Fa an NAMNG SALOON cill always be found, of the freaiseat the market affords. 1 ni OVRESII BALTIMORE OY STEMS jol t received at the well known IiI:S'PAUD A N J. SrEINRUCK, No. 01 WOOD street, 4 ? whorp AILTITE DKLICACIF.4 to Tursz, NliCiN can be had, served tip nntne most approved style, FRE" . ......1 if9ll always 'nand- OYSTERS received daily fro l li als the principal Oyster depots In the country. Dealer, will be supplied at Eastern . prices. Don't forget 111 W'ZiOD street. ee2l 8. STEINILUOK. LINSEED OIL—A constant supply of Lin need Oil on band and for sale by J. SCHOONMAKtit, ee29 l 4 Wood street. ._.• ,•!.;s=:-,., ~:-. . - ::,:::4;','4.1.*.,.'41., IM=9l 4. • ^. 47 , 4 . ; t.• IMMEM .4XO. BLACK St. Louis, Mt. ...... T. ItACI LN MERCHANTS, I=l3l AST ST 111-; E L prrTaptmGll, I•.i. Jt.S. 11UNTI3P. W. W. IdAta.. Pittsburgh, Pa. A SURE AND SPEEDT CURE DEPOT E=MIM .•.[•4*- • 47 c•••:' , 1•1• '7l,' - f•` 2 ; 4 l.;;lW` • • e• - •,;.• • , . 4 " „•• TWG Etftk Street. Hate received and will open to a few days a woe sus 's: SPLENDID STOCK Of MIT 000D$ for 'the FALL AND ICINTIM TRADE, Oonedethig of mdrilban 150 CASES AND PACKAGES I=ll=l SILKS DRESS VrOODS, 11=11=1 EMBROIDERIES. Elegant styles of" • f RICH PLAID, BROCADE, ON BITADRD, EMMA 1 HEAVY PLAIN BLACK, and COLORED RECK& . 4 •1 Btantlful styles of ..;1 PRINTED ATOOSBELIN Da LADIES, 'WOOL TEATS! ti, PRISM MEMOS, COL'D PARAMETTAS, 3 BLACK ALPACAS AND BOMBAZINES New German and Scotch One Ansatred Cases of li HOUSEKEEPING GOODS '3 LINEN !MEETINGS, DAMASK TABLk LINENS. 4 TOWELINGE, BLANKETS, QUILTS AND DIAPERS v q Fifty Cases of 4 tONG AND SQUANN WOOLLEN PLAID AND PLAIN 1 ANDEMILLA SHAWLS! A FIVE HUNDRED CASES! DOMESTIC D R Y GINGHAM% ENGLISH MADDER PRINTS, MIMEO CHECKS, TICKING% Yl EELS, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLIN& 2000 •CLOAKS, TALE & MANTILLAS, Of low stylo, In Silks, Velvets, Cloaking Clothe and Bea I, r Cloths. Now Goode will be daily received throughout the souse. irroNLy ONE PRICE.-Telt A. A. MASON & CO. Prrrstraaan, September 6, 18f03.—Im • ^ DIED • At noon, Wednesday, October 1, SOPHIE. It., dattgiter - of the Rev. John F. and Mary B. McLaren, aged nineteen years, The funeral will take place from the residence of her father, on Sae dusky street, Allegheny, thle, ThEreday at g ternoon, at two o'clock. The friends of the family ern lu- g riled to attend. On Friday, September 27, at half past 1 o'clock P. M., J. R. MYERS, In the 37th year of hie age.—Cincinizati Enquirer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Os THE ALLIMILERY B. AND B. CLUB WILL .:- meet on Thursday °caning, the Ed' hut., all% o'clock, at Excelalor Hall, corner of Federal and Lama Messrs. It Biddle Rolm* C. Magee, and others, ban, 'ant- ;:t tented to address the meeting. The Allegheny Wee Cab will also be 'present. (0031 fle. DEMOCRATIC MEETING IN MANCHESTER ON . 711113, 'IMUESDAT EVIOGNG, at 7 tirfock, at the !Avery Stahbe of A. McMurray. Cal. McCandless, Judp Shannon and 'John Roth. win address the meeting. This E. Third Ward Glee Club will be In iittaudance. ; :061 ' 11::?; WARD OF TB.ADX—TUN RUILTLARA lr OICTiiL Mewing of the Awwwistioo will be hold on Shea at 23 o'clock P. M. IL M. MIME. Seep • TILE 6LLL.11082 AND DONBLSON CLUB iPiLL. meet et American Hall, corner of Fourth sad &tab- t . field streets, on Thursday evening, October 24. 002 8. DOBBOW_ THE Jtutges of the Sista dEtriculturel Itchihttrers are requested to uset it the President's Tent, on th* grounds, at 10 o'clock tins 311POKLIG. oc2 GEORG E - - - BLETCHER---MANUFAOTU HER of the celebrated GOSSAMER. V&a1111;11.21SO WIU, Elastic Rand Toupets, and every description or Orna mental Hair for Ladies and Gentlemen, Te. loath street, between Wood end Market, Pittsburgh, Pa. octly MADAME TOURNIAIRE'S GREAT FREltell CIRCIErS Every day daring the Fait, AT TIFF. FAIR GROUNDS, At tan o'clock, A. M., and two o'clock. P. M. And at "ith e • AMERICAN HOTEL YARD, :livery night during tha week. Doors oven at T e , ,,;a c , c k ; performance to commence at 734. Sir Adadimion twenty nye mats. , • ors V. J. SMITTI. Equestrions. DISSOLUTION:—Tho Partir.mr",hi p hereto=' fore existing between the mintentte pm, under the • ,n, le nf J. W. Butler Al Cin, la thk de„lttilV .. c a ire d by mutual elneent. Eltber of the members or d 41 , b ,, /km .„ ~„,,•,. thorizett to ten the [UMW of the fu*' .a the settlement of it§ busitost J. W. BUTLER, W. T POWELL Pittsburgh, October Nrik. The undersigned, =OAP ,g from the eummingdoo bunt "'"o.wmtld oarnootly " c(47 mend lan meeennorn to Ms old frierida and mintomern t CO er) way worthy Moir confidence: W. T. POW mt.ws‘ BLOODY /IL P ° W tf 'iL & Y.OODY—SCOCESSOTIS 'TO J. W. liirr...Er. & CO., Fa - yarding and Comnikaion MereilA nt•• D•e . ter In Lead Pipe, Shed and Bar Lead, Na. 97, Pitt areet„ E . ,ttsbnrgh, Pa. ea FILE ANUFAOTORY—No. 453 Penn. Str•ot. 'ides of all thmeriptions toads to order.. Par t CUL , ' 'Attention is dirrcted to the fact that my reset flea. c 00 ed by nearly all the principal nwchanica of the city. Lea , e your owlets. Files recut. 1. ENGLAND, elglindrltiv No. 133 Penn litreet. BOOKS AT FAI PRICEB— a Tate of the Greta Dismal Stramp, by ifra. har met Boeolow Stowe, price, SI,CO. Thu Tails of the Saimaa..., by the author of the Wide, Wile World, price, SI.IO. Captive Yamaha of Judah; a Story with a moral, by Rer. Seamus W. Jones, price, $l,OO. Victoria, or the World Overcome, by Caroline Cbssabor% price, $l,OO. Saratoga. a Tale of 1787, price, 1110. Fashionably, Life, by Mary If. %oaten% price 00 cants. Robert Graham. a Sequel to .Litula," by MM. Carolina Lee Houtz, price, 90 cents. Western Nader Life, or what Fanny Ranter saw ltd heard in Kansas and Missouri, price, 93 cents. Capp Fires of the Rod Men, by J. It. Orton, price, $l,lO. VUmhond. Lift In Marko, by Gabriel Perry, price, 90 rants. Moby Dick or The Whale, by Borman Mad price, $t,29. humorous Poetry of the English Language, price, $t,35. • Ingoideby Legends, 4 voltam., price. $2,23. MAGAZINES. Putnam for Oct°bin. " " 'Household Words for October, Graham Peterson n Ballot' Ladle's V. Journal Gu. October AU new public:aka:to rocetrol as soon at puhlhhed, 'fix sale at fair prices, at LALIFFEWS BOOKSTOII,4' . oc2 77 Fourth street. C ALOOTE SALE OF BOOKS.--OtTA Saturday availing, Oct. 4th at 7 o'clock, at the cunt newelal sales rooms, corner of Wood uud Fifth sta., will bis cold, a large collection of valuable book,, among which are 1 splouilid Family Mlles, Dick's Works .9 vole; Cruitteinge Minor Works, 3 rots; 'knees kledl'ations: Quills& atm ; Ancient tristory, 4 yew; gps. oe il a F a i r y. t Queen; Works of Tam; ChinordWrit lug ; Minn? Oregon; Bynea Pocket Companion: Fagot's Bunyan; twieell'a Let tors; flints to Anglers; Elton'e Closed, Poeta, 9 yob': Po etical Works of Mrs flemsna. Wordiovorth, Montgomery, I Cowper, Ityron, Thompson, Pollock, Ilawltt, Cook, Laaldon. .to ,de Cetalogtow are now reedy. P. M. DAVIS, ° oc2 duct. AII4)E STOOK OF JENVELAY, Watch .ll4 08 , km., at Auction.--On nun/4w and Friday one- i in" October Id and 3d, at 7 o'cloek, at the comrruircial galls rooms corner of Wood Mel erects, will be sold, with- i out reserve, a large and eptelidid itasutment of Jos - airy, da,° among which aro gold, silver and plated hunting and Cdtedt fared watches. gold amino, breastVna, rat dropaln&eat wisa rlety of oirs, quality and style. 'Cameo, me sac Mid goldt et-ne phut, cameo, tatwiscand - goldbracelets, gold pert, I pendia, gold:lockets, shirt studs, au raw, watch 10" 4 pearl and card mum, pert lei, pen knives, dc. A net DAVIS. A 4“, F YASHIONS V— FAQ', 1 , I _IL 1..410',1 Gazette of fa 514,04, flr Octabo4 a . f - . t._ tinicktatoclter Idnitalatt, gIT Qc tote r, 10 canba 4 -4-- it If yint want to lava wont!' call ar mad t r ., ..., w. A. %UM*" War 6 , , x.fit: the a m it oc2 mitre. DitiCLES ASSOFaZII4. Y - -;;- ......-"` P ono plat to, o n e galtcot,J.MA - - ' 4 r .ado b . pato .tal au or y r. - • Aft:a ,ANDRICSON, .N., 39 Woo 4 street : P EPP ER RAA LPF-200 doz. quarts and Pints, JU4trke4lNW. xcibrilila by REINER' & ANDEMS, Ili, 39 Wood street. STEV:_IOO tone-lie. I Anthracite, °I " % P r " for foundry purpoees, fur We by JOEEN HOORLIKAD. 1 1 . ., T YSBETRGR WATER CURL.-illis In- t..;„ .)„.. dative, for the cure of the , eick,i, situated on the thew After, and Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago ; tuird, ten sulks - west albs city , of ttArint..La nano.% ad kind cit.:Unease successfully treattal. AddroatlYrJklawa, '3 1304„Pittebingh, Ps. ocltlitde • DITOTOG --- RA - Pli AM) A3IIIROTYPES. • ht the highest style of the Art, may he load at Wall's. on Fourth street, Jou& new buildings, ceerty Mesa* the Bank of Pittsburgh, up stairs. Emden the shadow sm the substance fades. ocl4td SALE—TheIt FIXTURES of an old ststablished - OYSTER DEPOT AND EATIAO HOME. Which %rat be sold - CHEAP, if applied lb? soon. A a mig t at al HAREET street To FARItERS.—I wish to purchabe any quantity of Hyti, , dellvitred at toy Ware Houma' JAIL A. FETZER, aol N. He Water et .s. ... ~..y:._._ . EEM=ZM EMBROIDERIES, • WHITE GOODS. GOODS, 1 , - F ~.~ 3 ~ ~ .•,. , ,;.-,.;. , ..:::,..f,f.; . :;,.i'-.:-:?A - :, .:W.','-',.:'.. ~~~^' 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers