Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, October 02, 1856, Image 1
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' ' ~ • . - t _ 0 41'4 . -4.4 ' q - '4 -W 4'4 4- I"4 c '' - 414 ''' 41 /1' n " 111 7 rt 4 r• 6. , 4 el oei.t;''Alg as ! ...';7 l ‘ t r. •- 5 - .:,• 4 N s. : 4 " ; 41 'I , ~ * S '" .. f,, , ,, .I. .‘. ,- 1 '-- . -4, •• 4 . 4 , , • i ' J ' .... 't„,••,4• • ••4 44 4V4 1 , ,,, , 0f , .6ti N-0 4 .0:' ,4 l' le „., Vl,, "" ''' , '-. • '' e f .er i;,,, / ' 1% 4 ,, " 1 ".- f' v' ' , 4. -.' .*V '' f it N. ' ~ . 1 ..•-• 3:.445 . 0.041e04 , 4OZV 4: 0 rlr r /' `• ~, b lk o rt.,,_, r 4, 0 *...,'„ ,-, ' ..- :' • ... ~- . ..„1 a l ... .-.....:..,:.• ' *.. ' • _ <•.-- ....-- •.. „..,4. ..Is,-4,.. ..., • . ,- v, ~ , ~... t r • ...I 4it ,„ *,•4, 't - '' 1 ~ , r • • ' . ..- . . ...Ns. €. ..' ••• 44 ..4 • • q - • '" e . 1 'o' 4 4 4.4 1 4 .- r, , g , _ - .•4 .•' 4 4 -- ... ,. -r. ...• 44 ' .' • ...)11, - 4 s 1 1,- k , 4 ^- . . ' ' - ' T: - - ' '.•-') w.f.* • • f," . ~. .'...... ' 'et' - , • t '''oc. ' , • ...i ' J. 4,1 , • , „" 4 , , ~ ' i t t ," "et. ~i 1- ~t i t t ''2• ~ i : 41 0 ' ~.e ;', ",, ,- ,- -" ' ',. - • ' '' 'N...4 :id“.P . * 'I": •-; .. 1 • a ' • s.''' : Ste, 4 41 7 , . 4-4 •-. 44k6kZ4.?ii • , • 4 A. eti'44a l t 44• 41 t ;t , VG- 0 44-4 • •••• ' o)e , J . .,2igtf: t icll'o-fiv • i-4 , 44,1 , 20- '', 1 44, 00-41 :~;:~ w. , 4 , -A , r."t . , A. • , • , • 16211 iitliTTNiliritall MORNINii Yos pubassheeereri morning, (Sranikrys esoepta, BY OILLBUMLE Oet z soap-win quaff* OP. WOODASID Firth STW.• - - TNll.sl3.—Five Dollars a year, payable strictly In advance. Ma Whin invirtabty rednired tr is t paid within the year. B u gle cupiea, Tao Cairra—tor .we et the counter in he (Mee, and by the News Boye. THE SATIOLDAT 11101tNING POST Published from Itie same office, oa large blanket size •iiii•et. at TWO DOLLARS a yoar, Iu tikirauco. Finds copies Fisk:Gyres. WO No vapor viii be discontinued, (unless ' at Itie discre tion of the Propriotora,) until arroaregns ere paid. .&4y - No attention will be paid be any order sinless tiosom pawed la the moues. ur satistee4ory reference in this city. titiletunnectodeth the kkittadishment et the Morning Pont in coo of the argent JOB PRINTING OFFICES in the city, whom all kinds . of work is done on the ebortost notioa and mossiessonable terra, -••- - PROFESSIONAL• CARDS S:t:SIUEL C. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PlTTSllligall, NOMA liga-Ulanll lu BAKKWEINS BUILDINGS, Grant street, °pimiento tho Court Donau.) febl2ly pIIARLES W. WINGAItI), eerroa.NEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, CAR111:IA coincrr, PLICRA. pnletiNni in Huntingdon, Blair, (Boarßold and In count., y A ES A 7 Low E, Attorney at Law, otilce Ftntrtb etroot, I.et w.vu. : , _• , :inithfield nd to ahoy. donlkly lIAII L, Sars.e,m Dentist, -successor to G. W. 111.1.11 e, No. 114 6naltltfleld stroot. 110 2 0111 e, hours from 's to 1. and from 2 to 5 o'clock. feblkly JSCOTT, 'Dentist, Fourth street, five doors vest of Market. 17-)113co boors from 9 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M.. doc9lo, 011 . . BUSINESS CARDS. 011 N MUORILEAD, Who!again Grocer and Gmlualwaiou Nlerchant, for t.th• ode of YIU METAL end 131,00NLi.. mud I'It.ODUON generally. No. 27 Wmil strwt, Myra' ____ u, xturr... Piul..l. Vltt. RICSETe9e, Pitlpurgti. N111,1.4h.:11 & RICKETS° N, W holosale 0 ro- OMB, Iniportore of tII.LA.NDIE..A. WIN V.i , Awl e WARS', N... 1:2 01.. 1 IT I. con] , of Irwso niol I.owriy et, vot.s. Pitt. uursth /Tow ti .d., Ootwu Yarn, ac . vatustoolky 00 baud. /03 m..rxra , 11. cJilun. Mt .1,, ...MbMON COP AND DtTla.ll,o‘ tt 0110 I.INuA ALT. CII()BERTSU:\ & CO., :Slanll- fafxwmr+ , .i Cut, Pr0,...1 au! I '..011 Fllnt I 1.15.51 V ARK, IT Ni 4 Ft via, .;11 and Inv guripq ni•ll3ll,y -- • JAIIVi t LCI.LII 'IISLN: 2 1:1-LX. lEULIE & ULAM, Success.r , ‘ w IMulrany & ninbularturnrn of 0.1. Nl‘,ulod nod Phial anti Nancy Coiorod tiLAZ'sziW.tl:4, nut dealeOf In all kiinto of Witolow Flnnk.i. Vta , d 11. , C1... Ware .k. : 11 nt er nth:2..llly VI K. Dit..l.VO, . \ TI: V I'll • n .rs for rale a (Awn, rink IL,C ly 11, ocei vve4 y . V.Olet wel the potent ,on'oty. grono,l Mt 11. Sawa MON •od YoroiAo an I L,1(1,0 Pr-nluc -tak•nu in ezetinntzn for merclinudinn. Li. ICI, procurnd a full nernortnient of 1., nArr , tl.... war t 1.1,1c1/...:, nod insitxn Wt. of ruralaffno•n ;ni,ll 3NIMISSION 11.t)CSE.—rhe t.ul,-,!ribers N 4,.) hare oleAlor. of a U .11. , tar the alargo punka, at No. r strool, too doors 41/QV,: the N.14,1‘)/IP l hA d. WO will purchann, no.ove on 00C10.11.111.., La isle, alts niguruonts of 1 , 1. /1 7 11, 11.1 CON, eilliSSE, 0011 N, OATS, IiAItL,KY, FLAX. f. , 11:1•;11. GRASS SEEP, LIALED LLAY, &C. Aquill which we vs ill snake wirailrva. or purchale , at its.. knit noulzot nat. for • ts.svAi ASAP.) 3 (NI 31.1,N ATRXLL •. J LIR C 11,3. *7 , 11. AT NVF.LI., LEE a. CO., Wholesale Grueers, Prduct, And thotano.d . dn lilerolianta, and Stal,. In Pittablirgli Nlannteu-lnr.a. No 'I W00d.t.,....0.. 1.. t...., W.A.,. and ' , rout strwt., Pittaiwirgli. aplB JOIE, 'N.iIuTLEIt &.. c.u., Forwarding and C..stado.ioo Nlerrlo‘nt.t. :1 atom in all kinds ~)f PI rrr, 1:1. 1 10711 MI.NUMACC I : itN3, LEAD PI FE and Slt lIIT LISA D. N... 07 Yrout of-,••t l'itt.d.,rgl, ort/IM lIENIti 11. COLLINS. Forwarding and 0 .1111.1,110:1 Ni.rch.olt.. an 1 a bol.anir &Allot' in V 161.1, ell NA:I I N, nurrrin. skiet'o and 1,11.001JC.E goo:rally. No. '2:5 ‘1 . ...1 etr , ot, PittadaiNll tuarti otis 11. mk.:1,1.01.1., Whileiiale and Retail J 4.,,iiii- in NIUS ik.A I. I 14:1 1 1tX1 1 1 NN I.:, PIANOS, $11761C E.Clit.k.il. IkkJli.:3 and ..ITATIONiIIiN, No. bl W.. 1 otroto. Pitts I•orgh. }roll JOSEPH FLENIINiI, suciiessor to L. Wil r., di Go_ .durr of Nlnriod stroot and th. Diamond, 1.1. ,, p. constantly da nand N foil aomortmoot cd 1/11.01.,. MK!. ICI N NA. AI lti_ll , 'lN E ,)rIV.ST7;. I.MltFUNlr.tt.`e, and all art,. C Inn portiono.g t.. Its 111..41. 61 .. Air. Chpli:lAMl . 1 . r . 44.2t wiaous carrfully orinpoundr. l at all soy _- hour.. __ _. ....Q.,eit _ a.., Citc.ll, :i.~. " A , JOIE. , 1,110 , i. .. , 14-ILE)IIN4 BRO.L'IIEII.S. sucee , .. , r. , tm J. j 5.0.1. ., 0.. whaa.,..... nac:... , itsrs, N,.. 50 W. 0.1 du - net, Patnunr.:ll. P;vorintors of ;. , r )1 Lan.... cedebratrd V", IT. - f ago, l.ty, sau.., ac. )40 INI. CIIA.LYWIOi. Lionier in Kentu , :kc X. 1,11 T . Clil/.1);:x 1, 11.1..;:; Wad V.l.Ptia, No. 1 4 ' , 0, ..:1 n.tr, , .. 1 . L..1. ,, x ~.t..t., PirtAborzh.. np.iu I y 43 , Ti, 10t..,,... ~...rt..l ~n.m._ln nub, iß.trta.nld f a n.Ol y - ...;01,srci L. 0000. P. MAII.SEIALL & CO„ luiportnrs and I I -... dA.ndera in Fr and ntn.•ricnn VA VEIL HANG IN g, N.. m",' \Col arrot, l'ltteburgn. CorSoinagow...l for ctinandotxratot nonnahetoyno of Moos. lYnlo.orCiti3o., Paris. ng7 Ptigg.3)Ca ...... —..,.... RE1.0. 0 5:1 „. E: , i ,1 t .i. b.00. ., ,, t....;5 . .. , D 1 E w 1i hL 5: ,, 0 ., , N i, , ,,,i 5 r u r. c, i ... ,, e..5 r a. 0R ,r5 y1u t. : FKU ITS. , NUTS, n. VIC 4.5. to IN kETONANNk. . SU II iA lK nto, No. YJ Wood scxt, uppona a burg, .. ei'l N DIX, Wholesale and Itetail SA 1 1 - .11. DLR. li AItNIESS, TRUNK, VALISK and CA.P.IIKT ISAU .lIIANUV.".CTIJELY-13, No. 106 Wood stront, Paul/Lush. h• . . , 9 T ›; ANI) BOYS ' WLNTr.:I( etA ) ritisk; Al_ E —ROSENTIIAL A IlliO, Ytftla strn,t, opp,,/nt... M. havr a Loge knock of }lnn nod Dupe 4..1411.11Nki on hood, c•nnpriAlng some eourvly nvs - nod .14.g.sat sly 1.-.. Whirls they are preparud tn , Extriaral a/ am 1,.i5,...5l t.4....1. Iq ~,.. Al., 0 1004,0 001 InetnJunbin oto,R. of LiE.Nro' 'I: kLN Ltal. I NI.. 61,11 y . , . . - Lt• uton.crx 1....T1.1 L. 51 , 1VVIS ..... . • -OEOII4O •1.1,1•1 Prrr sii c Illi 1 I COACH F AC:1'01:Y —li IG id) .c tr. p l., auc....ora l, E. M Bte.olow, N' ALL ILIA mood la,, not,. W...... 1 Fort -.t. l'alatoo $ .Ol--CAllit..l Al, A, (XiAellimm, PHA ED./N6, IMPlitlll.;, , , And overt 0,., rt i .tt,,,, of I/ANC X X 1.:A1L:J.1,-S hol Mt ordor. mod Iltom , iom o l to a Waal., totaurpumat...l Mr tto a mtal ot lommu...loramt !IL 1.1.. aka! of a. n kmaltMtp And amanita) .a aostortad. li.§.. Al. ..r.o . k arm r•ro..et . Jsc 1.1.00 NNI Ali. E lt, !slan u fact 0 rer t• 1 • V. tIll.• 1,111, it , d 1,...1. Attar, Vault. 1.1 that;,.., l'o.t) A... Wl t olmoslo .1.0,10 011 m. 1...11114, V2l/1,..11 , .., Tolo ty tt . t. A.,.. N., .t. Itk.xl 41.41•1. P w ittotrAlt ..! AIIILLIKEN & CO. have .m hand, at A. t:,• it osLous.a.. CAI/INF:I' slot 01111 , 1 II A uy t,.. 1L11..t. N. oi SooLltti.a.l Ldr...t. a lat.: , nam.attatelli of FA, . naol l'1.1.: i or:. ..t.., W . ,: li 11111 111.1 ..1.!!: id Lad rota. I -A 1.1-r..r , y I.IIW cll., • ...‘, y r ..• . -. I it,. mdt atty. _ ___ T :1)1 'r'..- M'r:1..1.,1 N . ....i i;i:, M.,nongatici.l 1",:i. •irty..,..‘ ••tai, ,5;t,...d L....gm-anal) tatitrro hatfroott.la ,W-I It.- too t 0+1.11.10 iwi w 0 aw:WW•eWltteUt b. 000 to full opot .4 1A.., tS.”.I :.tat it ' In I, , ,:pormi t, fu:o.e. l l Boat UAW. is , wl MI .11 vrooL .L . fLANEIJ LUXillell, wait prtaluidoos..t, dtt..l A' the loo.oat rot,. 11dard ood I'IALLA, pioamd on on. or butt. est., c......•nri!ty on tut :d. s a,sl Nivaldtage, of every 111 , 1 i t ord-r. us_ 1t.•.1.1,1 turd Curpt.utr.ra wait dud it ill thulr :I,lvau tag- to .....‘, Win Al GI: b DA I: V ran POW tarlatan them with Ph0...1 Si :a . . ratitable fur cowry .I....Lriptiou of .....rli. FU LTON CAR AN'ORISS, FOUNI)ItY AND til'il'lllN V. SlittP, S ~ ..vpunr:T, fitllo.—Tire suFai.ril...r liavitig .1 , r.. 1 into his coil MiOilLii, recently EttlCit•ii, Ctillti, of \Va.. 1L) u...ogn n.zul Shohly str,ta, it propar..l to coo , tract f •I" ;0:1 e lallt, all otrl.•rri f..r l'aritivogor, liaggaip Post OM.•. ii'll24 • F...iglit, Platform, Gravel, Ilaml and toll oth,r tor- ipt,oo , of CAIN. ALA.. f .. U EttAM ENUIN XS of an gb,.. GEARING, RAII. iv)", Li c .. •rE NUS of all .I.....criirti•rtor, anal all other ur.ri, ri r....rt.r: . .4 t, a V ruorlry Mid 114,ilitit• Sivti. am f.cientill. Th. F • ~,...tr of the tiliT•-:••lit livpil.ftliii•Ohi a rirl pr.. . • .al Lll3ll—inii4ly Irons P...istr.rti mann (Actor r. wll . l+-••i 1 ~runrr‘.a tutur.r... l aurl .14..itt all vrilual.l.. mod em. rail, N. ..n-hi, ' aturl:-.ll'W W. \V r R rtIEEi.I. --- rtillE !LOPE COAL C011'A!;Y Imving re j_ ~,.., ~.i.id. 1,,,,tuu. in /Tar...porting coal Ili Litsil, anti, t..•ii., taiurod by the Slanufacturmte Intuit - mire C.on. 'laity, 01 eltiia..lolphia, [rah., I.l.orire to irtatiog flail tit,: ,I rc iaiy ..,..-, prrroptl) naljuntorl Lj J. Neu um .1011..4, A„u•ot of sad 0 :lustily. A D. 111.)S11NE 1 . 1 . ,, x..ut of llorw Coal Company, Cituautiati. due l'lttabil , frit. Dot,mber 27, 1656. --- BOTT LEB.St—Jollli OGDEN & Co., Bottlftru, N 0.117 First Fitrecit., would reep,ctfolly lain ni the pub is that they Sara unustaritly on hand a larger supply o. RS BAAI'A id LI.A. MINF.R.AI, %VATIC& ALB fool PORTER of thequality. 11`11.• ur...titioli of familial irr particularly directed to tic fact that t...,,y botch , W AINII.IO IIT'S ALE iu It, purest ,tilt, Pliplicial.• yew:liar...ad it to familios on uOcculut of Its Alio' nom° and4l-lititrtheilltlij 111111bitifia. 0ft,3,1•1 Neither with nor !!!!c! t..!1 - ii.y t !lilt u:11 ! ! i il.! f t‘,.....;..ti , _ --‘ ..-..,—.4:7--- • ._ (_."..-.. i.4*7 1 ' 76- ' , : ., • ...'," ' 4. ~„,_ 4 •.-•_._ - .1._ __-- . INIPOR.TANT "I() T 11() .4 1', .\ il . 1.1( cr.l) ~i..--, 1 1.1 ,11,110 ' 11111 w . , . i .ii ~..,t , r ,,,, !IT .. I .„,„ . , . , ~, ~ ... , .. „, , .... The in ot,onaln mull. -in brace the articlen, with the quaut t!.•. t lo•reo1. ~ Ito :, nro ..,, rune" •1 it, the foregoing nelnklul. ~, 0 , ~, r . .,,,,„,,. a. ~,,1 , 1 . ,,, ~„...,i, ,„ „„,„,,,, .„ ~,. ~ I. , ii .„,,. o tn. the i•ilvt, non. , oil 1., 041 t 1 10 tit/tILO , atid ront• at e Ilk 1.10 ,... ricA 1, • , :1 , 1 , cI , ~, ~. 1.. r. t ,..., ~..„, .. , ‘,. , ~. r, OW, w,ll 14 , for!. t•ilr , l. 1,,,.111 ,,, amounts mast 1.0 Nut - 1,41 , w ~ ,;.,, A , ~.„,.,,,,..1:, ~ ~,,,.i t , ,; ~ .;;• _,.;• v, A \ i s , 1.- i And f 0! 0.; nt. for .ai I, .1, a,. Th. y nboold to suluOtted st ill TILE FY E. A 1.., ,:!1 i• Mil /.tr•-•!:...!pp!....'!! A A Nix. 1 ,!.. l ' 1 ! ' Ili „ r I K 111,1 ' 1111 5 • .. I lor w 0 11,..i. I!, ri.p....• to elr.tah for the 1101,:a. of the Pittaburgii• 1 ., ~; T,,,,,,,,..5. !,1,, f , , ;,.., : 1.,•,,,,, .•,... ~- .. , ~ 1 , . Unu G•plal to ant. and nee•n - itlng to the term,. of It. adver artiel.! appertaitthir; to the !q.t.. 11411 tra.l,, 1...1 t ~•..1 !. 1,.,,.., t!--1/1,11 them:..! ...abed oetitember Id, lildn. the f o liewleg ~,(ivie, :.1. th pr.., tkoroto affixtil, there Insert the list w- art the pectione , A pr Glasses lusert...l ! - I ~1.1 i!..:, ... ~.. 11.. g t- !he .Iroo , or 6.0111 1,11,14,4.1 (.Ir,l deliverable to , 1.. Ar „...t i ci„ ~,,, ~,,,,,,,, , i „.., z;. •: If r ,• r ~ 01, 'lt, 1 .1 . !N.ton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore. . 1 ... , I , l'utslotrkh, I 1,1,111 , 1 1 . 1, Louts. Detroit, in CllOl4O. PA the ruse, .. c . 1.41. 013) 1.10,11111 or 1,44,,, ,, t h e Omit tiny of April next, or at D A VID - C ASI till E f. 1. - & SA Ml' El, POl,- mar , , '11i . 11 ,, or [lwo, ,lorloff the yuar 1557 no may be orderedo Li teli !Jaye t emn•lated thget her miner flue ..10.• ~f by the G•totel,niotter of Indian Altair's, awl Ii or will 1 ~•,, mit M, ,!, i5t,(,i,t,017, 5,r the !. - r woo 11., 1,1 I g t.,0•,,a Olio Illi'llinli. Al 110.10011 f 11011,11,1i11e1l luillitiollal .1060;ltlra of , art.,, ~,,,I 1.), 11,011,, 1,.1,,,,,, ~,, I 1i„ 0,111,f,,. :U, . ‘,l OW X 0.. kliPli 1,11 I qualitlen of good, and at the loWest 1,10111 004 Waved ',the Gilt )1• : 11I , ,00,:... _.. 1001.. 111.0iLt1 prb•os. quell other erticli-i of the 1 , 01110 cl/001, LAIL 0(11 p ‘... - Iltl'OßTEll SOF ---...--',.. ' , dill trent denettpthot,ll, may be required 5.• the seri ire of I T W A ,1 0 ENC Y—m. . ..0 , .I,A 1 1 111 1 . IN . 1.11 1111 the I odoo, Dep We,. tit .11. ring the yea 18117, duliverstile on BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, iftc. 1 ° ....11,,,,, E.,,„t,. AIZI-11t.. Land Warr:tot , 1....!t. - 0 .li-a .. ‘• • I,th !I A r•.l II ib's proponal Irk er r roptod for . Iliere 111- ~ty ,ht , th .l , o ,ld -. T n x!.. pa..l 01,1 • “ll• , l- , 1. , 011 , ., nert OW emu er t,r the !In, or elms. proposed rot,' I I„r DS ALE RI IN . Nu. 1 Joao ! l.lol4litig. I ,I! 141' 1.11i1... A.• I s w,. I Si 111, a tililo too days thereafter. c0....0e a eontraet no- Vine Old Monongahela Rye whisky, ..., e0r,1,11,1,111,tt .0, , KW il r itv..l itfrctury t.. the Comml.lont . i PliAeli AND APPLE BRANDY ; TO (.111.E Idi,l;l'.o, 1 1 1 " 1, ".. 1 t11101:1,;,111.,1,1;i1t.II,N,,,(.% ~ I.I.:,11.111,1,1,,,,AI.1:;!i rin..s,,,rmtlaii...,,itaiitlni,-:,,,t,,1,...,..,,,,,,,,,„i,:y0ift o t 1 !c a . rft !fe n e;!, , : . AL.OO: ot Ilio 4 .414.1 . .. f II okh P. Kin., ...0 1. 11,1 1 .it 1. 11,.,..1..- t . l l t Lltl (1410.111 g form. to I, eigned by two or wort, re.otiol. itEcTIFIERS AND ID ISTILLIEFLS• r y I.l o a tboA, h 40015 clail, .1. 0 1 l 1 ,,,,i1l LlO,O 1 , 1 OW 11 1 1 , 1. 1111'. ILA" ttlttThttetlo 11/11.i Lt , •'er r tilied by 0 Ullite , l COlO Mt OF SMITBFIFLD ANTI 1' IttriT STILE RTli, the undersigned, .081-OIo.A 1..) • .illideol es'idet!!!!'• 1 1- roeun. 1 F dtte• I odge 1 . 1.,1114 r 1 ! 4 en". he, 1 ..- lIITTBDUIIti 11, pA , I 1 I lorvforo hi/Wl:if certificate , ei ,le:.eot, or .4 le•r , val. 111 0 .. Wo hot city guaranty that the fIhOVP hidder, ion I,l,hiert, I E. It, ---- .l7o ll4 '—g—A.. IF.'i'i, ;ol inarleo“, who I,,trt. 11,4 0 1r0r.ly pr0.,0:/...1 0010. 0. c.if 0 t'ollllliCt ,bull lin awarded to bindle - itum.l artording 1 hereby not thed to do ao, 0,1 or 1,,,ur 1.10 0,4 of el n. O. l,,J',or.!lleirj hiregolitt: Lid Of prUpoBo.l, Will execute FORM' ARDING AND COSIMISSTi IN MERCHANT, I nest. ottnriase their claims will 14. rtlo , I tell. I ti aet and give oecurii, ho tho performance therent, no pre. FOlt THE PALS OF .,, ibi.,l in the advertisement for proposal. for 1.4, 4 ,, ~,,,„4. I aP30,11.7.1tin I J l . ll iS )4 e A e S 3 7, l l' Y '''re , ti N EU' 1 .• A udikr " 1 d t i e d September •2.2. 1 B.4`A ; and we agree to pay any and all Flour, Grain, Dried Froit, Seeds, Lard, But- !-, -- - —,--.-:„ ~,t , i , _ oolllllgtx or lan!a which the United , I tates or the Indians ter, Bacon, and Produce generally. i F a.lol Fun SALE - , 1- 1,---: :ile 8111* , eri her will . ina,..,,,frer I,y rennon of failure so to ,lo on the part of the sell his I",trin situat.vi in Baldwin Township. A Ileghe• ,011.1 bidder" (or hiddere No. S 9 'Water Street, 1 14 County, Va.. 011 We r., 1 ,l ! , • , ‘ , 11 ,, g ;1 , 1 , 1 Wi, , ,, ~ NllO to , No p o ol will be 001siderol that doe. not strictly CO rimßuivni, PA .. 1 p.,thel Chu,cli ; one not!, Dino ',id AL:, *Il.l RIO :00, , trout forin l.‘ the terms and direetions of thin adverttnement ; and REFER TO 1 Pittaborolt. 81,1,1 Farm co,ll-,,,,, , Rix! y- 4ix it,.ta A ones i1"..,' I P,i0,14 art! particnlarly requested to examine the .attiPles Francis (1 13 diey, F,e..., William Dilworth, Br, S. Cuthbert ;of shales land: ban on it n I.w 0 ator I. taut. bonze, frame Lure !...na ,• inali,ng their proposals. a Son, pot.hurgh ; 8,,,d & Ott, Ileiskell & $ wearingon S. ' and frame stable. stone epring house /11111 other out build- I GNO W. MANYPENNT, Brady. C.. , t.i‘. lel. &M. bunk. List & IloWell, Crangie &ao . it4n, Gm, appleor..t,rdi . .! ittid ',tie pencil oldw l i of rot . L t . .....21k1ttaw fin. Commissioner. .0,, w. Si der ... p „,,,, , , u. i.,,,,,,, & C,,,, „ whwing, Imysi. . fruit, ire - --- - ---------------- - -- --- ----- . -,,,,-----.,, 1 forty- acre. of clt!iii hoid in :t good ntaL , 01 ...uttivattoll ' 11 - AV. - MET BEECtiErt Si() iv E'S rchiv and the balance lit teed' y litiit.•r. Torno, i!any. For lur• TWELVE IIoURS I N A DVAAI a E OF TTY MAIL I „ Is, , v ItL 1-DRBD. a Tale of the Great Wand Swamp: War particulars enquire on the prrfiligim, y TON NASTBAN DAILIES are regularly received, by Harriet Beerher Stowe, author of " Uncle Tom's Chian." I atilfeStw JE ' 3BE 1111 U I' L ' ' • twelve hours In advance of Cho Mall, and &Peered tO stlle Vies tulorne•a, 12m0.-price $1,75. Mrs. Sto se nerds nn introduc lon to the world of letters. ~ __ NS & C'L ARK.'S PIANOS.—A fresh twofers , u 0. roll,,wlus of lien "LI tlek, Tom's Cabin" reached a sal of nearly four lain- 1 Nu.' , of N l ' 3W El AN cr3 - fc"4l the 'el, ...QM aired tbon we caplet fa re the United States; and In England limbed Factory of 'NUNN & CLARE, New A ft. ~,,,rj,,,,,,,- ' New York Daily TRIDUNE,IBc. per week. • • '. HERALD, " " its emcee,. wee even mo universal than In this count , y, York.. now receiving and on the wrap. TheY s i If ' # • It was trod and re-mid In almost every house, ftU the are all provided with the NEW SCALE,. .: I ' " TINIES, "' 1 palace to [lie cottage. On the continent tt wits trotdilated IsPlyintrodutsed by Nunn. & Clark, n bleb imparts wonder- &Fr Leave your orders for those, or any other bwterli papers. at 71 kifth street, for into rump iv ritteu language, and has beau read by all Ilia ful power and btilllancy of tone, and materially adds to the motions between the German Ocean and the Bosphorus* dunibiuty of thy Instrument. For sale by from the epankh Peninsula to Siberi. IL BLUER & BRO., roY24 RICHARD saexisos._ ritA NNERS' 01L--20 barrels - Tanners' Oil, For awn by W. L. aniaaszErrsav ca., ' No. 53 Fifth street, 1 prime article, In store and for sale by seat 3 Fifth st, opposite the Mean,. ma ;OW Aprite for Nunes & Clark. .020 NULLS'S A RIOVITOON, 5.3. GIL , • It A. VIXEN:. 11. . I .f .t; !'.1.1',F I.; 1.: A: C 0.... Loolalug Gls. Manuf...tnrers. ir) . n:n.i d. .14rg in l.ouaing (1 Ims l'lntna, Kate Glass, Ft.- graving , . ,',,lab. and Fancy Goods, liu.7 a 14'0..1 str,4, l'itt, Itrgli. Un ha,: /110 11111110 to order. Gilt Plot and liana. Glass., 14abn3in1. 11......,N0w1, Walnut and Gilt Pramea, or Mould" I nil, cd .N...ry description. Ca- til. ~inlunt Cabins Dv.r-orates l and MIL • _ . _ . ._ _ . J. & T. GROUTT ; e PRIE r' 3,j*f} - . .. + ... r. „ t. 4 , 2 F. -Z. f ' PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOT,ITAIE XIV BUSINESS CARDS F Fuß NlTuit ~ f or , .q. • I::..„____ f; .....-.:: '7.- - ... 1 'c ' _ _ -'. 7 .•. ' .7 '..' , 1 . *: t _. ti , ), . t )• 1i ! I, r '-! 7fiftl *. r. ,•', . i"i • 44'. l*i 14 !,...v4;- , L , - , -: - ==a-f-: . :-:-.,- , ..=.----,'-,:,._ . ' or, .k.ND - - RYAN'S BUILDINGS, co. 31 Fifth Street Tus subscriber, having, enlarged and fitted ❑p fn good Idyle hk \tloo FCRIITI RE NI IREROMIS, r.ARck: ANP r IL A PLE To Ilf+• fiterck, NL•I Itott. , I.i. It I,11.•' t CALL MU) EXAMINE. 11..6 .r. pn rrla.l °a Lon IIS STOCK 5.1 111' ED $50,000 Worth, EVERY 41 I, ASy U F Vii I) 1 s wen, And nrultracint: fin.• ROSEIIII,IO 11; ET FS with It' 0 A K New Styles of St:aerial: Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, dir.. All t.ll vau, t, • 1 ! Esc, IC tit le •• arm: c -.:rot:. i. tt. tclunde.i 11- ii. ILI AN, I . YOU \ F 0 R ( 1 R I'l C \ R rpov HAI 'h , TIN k: rA ; u . ; r . , 1)C... 1 y. It , u ot, lot lir; ) .., tr. ; will rellore, 10,1". iwtir I ver twml 4 11,,, „ 111,, Jwdntti KM( itC/11 ,, g• end other ertlptioy, 00, t, wtli ,tr... tat II loy tt.L. ti ttwtke ti Ittar tort gltrwt 1,1E4 1.0 y tottrt 1.l V. ha, lrwew " wtt tttg It ~3 1/1, full. ire prvfougow i.mtfaggs, •.r p•-• r.-1h1a1..1 ....rtifi•Lnir, I a./ i l .l .t . . 1.11, 1 j tag tri•-1 11:.• hair raaranrat.i •••• „at. an I '•„: •„ in any, was ...sr, to AI , .1 I plea - rat... , y„cal thr hap..l. •.I a r. . 1 (1. rub: r.„l..vrtii ,:opial scof hrii•h, aria I hi' ; •riv. ti•••• tilir..rm..l aril ruhl „ ..l in, t.ii Inv 5,111. owl y marning.. ant a tairr v• yoar,4 „It api...varrr/ Lana trea: tivait Indt tilt ra • a a t Ul/1, ati.l is nor t tit 'h. •..3 .1 r .air • it to the t.aa Is Xi I.rhir••. it aa. I.ar• air! •y, ai wt Intl" their, it, an.: that •.- • - naphili Tannin., your hrial..•rat • • .hall van hav• „ nia l I , ra.a.l of thrive t hingtv- -an ! ! skto any or t.hv hair t• ••• tra. t •••• is it 1,. I 1 , • - i• r•roarp•.a..,a w d... 1 A ntr•l•cta IL4+ Ia a ~. mar tr ' , Li • .1- '',l• .• th • Itaritory..• ~..,.Irt ... • Li•ah.r•-1. ' iv .rtia for -a .1••••-• r • ',Ai. L•ri rrtarn y •••• • •1. • hp. .1 ail.nrir t tr , 4 , y, 'll' ta• ) inn .1 P".i.! • ... The n 11.10,140.,!. a IL lir , • MA.. 11. Iv . ... II Ift 4 Kt , ' V, • • ,•1,1•••• t— •4l.ser .t. t • .•••••11 1,49 t • .• n 1 117 Mr, 4,1 ,• :•• lorty, New .rk . .444.1 • r FASF:IL It. tti. %14 ED NI NI)NV I I !N s e,fil „ r_;7' , ;4 '. ` ~i. ..i 1•:! ' 4 -1 ' -. +.,..t,- v.---1, ,• 1 . - ... , , c • -•;,.: . . Z., i ''''' - '2" - — l , . . 4•• : 2 ' t,--,,. ri.; '`. - ri - •"-' 0",:. :. ...,"';;,•---..--., , 'zistr,... -.:4-Itpia..2_ J:-::-.;-,:,.i..,-;---- E ikG. ILE 311.411 LE 11 011 It*. 1; \1) miii , r0)i,1., IC. 1,11.1 1,11 `l FOURTH STREET CARPET sTottE Vl< 114-87 lOU ktTli n h n Al. Trc 4tti•nti• 4f;4lrct., ; • ' k. .'1 l'.l I r qtanltt) itrilwWip and eremite:anti etAtr • Kat, Itut.ll:lt4 4 ::. EVltt Import...ft I • • t nod T ; • t:t ,t•tt I • / 111,1 - ot .•t: 1' %I' , • t t I tt,r, litt•Lit't 1,t1,,,c. r I; tur-IrtlNrytrtrt; VeU'LiNII rt, Ir I) iv. 1 1r tit( T ,•. ~.t. ; • .10. kvu •At{ Aut. Itldt:ti t , t- 10- ut C , oII,IKIIIW • ,r M Y.lO U M. am: LU N'-1'I:I C}:I~ C A :AB R SF,TTS, A1..1 k •-nt ,40.41 Pk, EMENE I Ans cy-±;` - =MEI 11E11 - .IZ , 4 A.- PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER '2, 1856. MISCELLANEOUS._ Proposals for Indian Goods. DLP SIVFMCNT OF Tlll TER 1011., huli lN Septemt. , SEA LEI) PROPOSALS, endorsed " Propo .l, ilitliati ill ho re.eived at (ho Ornp• of I lel au Atina.. Wn.longton City, until 10 o'clock, A. M, on I. It I ()Al, the Slit day or October next. for furoblong Goo& faith t I u,llan r, rot tllling treaty tttloaLatious vari,on Indian tril,a nod other Inalan norpcnen, as fol. Was No. 1. Noc.kinoc Blankra. pair, a.point white Mackinac blankets, to nalourr. 00 I.y 72 tn.:ll6i, and weigh M pound. .r,o, p a? , 0,00 a Idle Mackinac blanket... to tuivlaure 64 1,0 0 inrlte.a. and weigh Ii pounds pmts 2.potnt white Mackinac blankets, to 42 by :6 nialei, and xalglt ; , ! , 4 W." paint Macknochlaukt.la, to measure 30 ,fart, tours It. 10 60 inc lire, and weigh 1' 1.0131104 Ant 11.6 . 0 t 0 . 11 to Mackinac blanket", to MeaSarl• 32 A be 16 luau., and weigh pound+ pan' , ap-Otit ocarlrt Macknou t %noun, al br11.01../.. and 010. j Olll, 13.. Pail. 2. Boat Macklusc blanket., to measure bi i.% Co. IP, laas, and wob.th 6 poonds n M tektsav blaukt.ta, to men...cur .‘ incloe.a. mud yreu,;ll 11/ t.onn-1• 4 pao..;:.point gmen Nlncktusc blanket., to messes I.', and w..411S won& pito, poo Mackinnc blualtrltb lna-;cure :a by rue Inc it,. and w..ialt a pulublo 100 part o r pout I n 044,, I,tunkuty, I, mem a or. b) v 4 Inc boa. and weigh lo 1.410.14 100heir(bulb. Ilu blur Mm kau . bluttk6t, lueuunrt. 66 I.r 01 Int-116, awl weigh 16 pouu.ll. 3..0 In.ns 31...iut tit-Wm.:ola Man Markinue blaultutu, 1116..0 t awl viar,lJ 16 pOUII,I - pat, 2' ~1.4.0 G. 00.0101 1 ,1 Won 51,10bal lu. numapur , 34 by tVi loam, and weigh 6 Nolo CLAt2 '' 1 x . 1.4) Anis tnncy lul hint , .1.. Krt-,,, -.• . ti. I r.tl .1.. nay.,l list do d 1.000 do do war let do lLk a 5 N I Goa It rani., 1.10 n c•••1:••1, r 111. 4. M0k.1,41 d. I.!,tt 1. au, •16. ••-.1 ot t.. 11 .Ikatt It 6-4 4 1 I to, . • • 11. t. .40 1. Kind. thr,wel 50%u...7 oil I. 150 olun , ...E.L el.. .tote st— Isloss •Isstsssiss• ts —1 ti L :11K st.ti s-isstss Iran o , .1.. 043 , 1 Iltuwy 1..•1.4trt inc ,•' 0.11111,:. noldrsched do +l....cling do t.•• and 14.140 ; •{ , =MEM .• Cl,r.eve , nrmilltun .1 • '•• i• It, No =TIM ll= t- ••13J!.., 4..r1r.1 . r MO pa t. 1... . .d, tr k • n!te pm • Oa. A., on.l an 4 Are, II!= IM=IIII3II 4.. r ~1...+ I - . • a...* I. als•I L,+ th I.z,ilk. ”t ...kw., 7 6+4 lt.t" lb I.;tt. t.* ; ttt ottorni avari =MEI ' o • I ;•••r trpttrit nIL • • 1.. '• t otIt••1 lUttoton. Nest , t • —.• It. 1.1,11.11AU.:`1.. lAtuto, k.. 11. • pm-• It% IV 0•111.".1 Intim ; guttl 1. , • t. I,• t .1. , ett.l.t.tn 1.4,1.. tlity kittl , • .t 4, it :1 /1•11,0110 r dita1110: the rraii. • , •I 1.,1 tty O,U.ItIItS/0120( indtan A •• t,l rt• 111 ry,l to 1-o.l,ll.ooomatatt or 10=9 0 lAu) 1 • 1., “: tot.. .1.00,1 tlytn tits( ripa-clete) in t .• .• t Lt•• . ! b. fit -1 ttiv 004tt /"/{lO/4. 1. /1 • •• I '.• ,;'/•• 1/, 0.10 tnny l..ttomitt.l..tt Mt. tow • • ' • t• till/'l,tittitv•l•nt • • • t,. I • ••w.'.'l,.- I r.tittl-t1 tit, 01;. , , a! a,. ..r1 .t. I f rott• v .11 le- re.7uir...l 1.1.11 , 11 a ...stale ; ;•-• (•• A. L. pt w.-. for . ..1 h 111.. le • le moat rrlarautrair,eotie to the 11, lre,Sr le ....rite.. mart ull rreire It 1,, w e. wbo. i:,y eoun tlnr , so 1, 1 .111. i..• at, tuisholarthre and On. t. 11,11 by f .11, "' .41. 4 an rrlw..rral. They will he iliettiy ,„ , T. 41 aroi c0,i.nr.. , 1 with the sampina by au agent or agent. .0,0..1.1 lot that :' , lllll Net 1, , V M.N..' Wend.. ;• uhr Wlil In• re . ), te , i, In a hicl, ~ a go the I'M, I la. farhieh other, of th« rrtiulr.+l kind ulthut On, darn: or, II that br, not donh, tho, 1,:,1411..ti11t 1414 .i l t.ttmo. Pa y will be I. tie .10 I. 1.1 f•A nertitioi by Ow qtl •1 itz•lwk,t diem lb to ill bo rollttrtal nt the muount the hid lor ti, for how. t , l liar col:afar - 1, With two or 1110 W our. , • y mast 1.,e ~ e a tided by a litilto.l State, I . nt).l i Via' •14,6. %, icr • • • - V e • C• , 4 a.. • 4',;!" • " M IS(',I4,'LL AN FA.) LT S. 'AI I SC F., I, i . it. L. _ . _ _ . no Medals and Five IIIIii)lontas Another Great Sale of Lots and mocks, i at Rochester, Heaver county, Pa., Awarded . 4 ON SATV [WAY Til f: USTI! INSTANT, AT 10 O ' CLOCK. AR T II U R' S 1 THE undersigned will sell, to the highest Patent Air-rig' ; __ Ladders, of tlit..ll , Mho ,. named, and 111,011 1110 prtitlii- Soll-deitl l ng tin rams 01 I so, ids, ii,,,,:i.it Lot, /Ms /,,,, / irests end Arru or ground, fin-proof Yellow NV.I. i 11,1 1 : 111 asap Lot 111140, ui., it liiv Borough f RocArster. Jars. limo, Iligby ' Banter c. doily. Pa I I;• .pill ;tied soll, or lease for it term of ths A gorit of tlas tat) et .. ears. -dine idu Odd told lands, stone gum ties, beds of Ilro- NV estorn Pen us) Iva ilia f I i t iny, Inns ore. 5.... near the Borough, and convenient to oho the solo of the also, to- I ‘..t.i il. 1.,. in :LII.I rail amts. cies, at Ms lbons in I pis ti rm.. of S4l , Wlll 1,,' '', 11./1,1, 1 , ,i ill one year, ~, In Queeneware stars, No. I I two ~ . it'.. oil!, '.W,. rt•-,1 fl. ri 1.. , cont.. per annum. A liberal ttsburgh, Pi i d•.. , Lt. tea. v.. 1 I , made fir ;lionipt paymont tit the principal. wood i.t., Pi where a also kept tit I ' Ibis toll Is• i h ~duneci Iced. at tne time. fur querrlng. haul where , i in,: sal lii) lug Lid I. loannina porch of stone; fur tanking. or bud grown ins...pus at low price, with large to ; for nail', at I I ii.o. 0,... million of budding brick; for an I roll,, read) titled oir I Is, i oat Ina. ;IJI.I. )nr4lK of I:11th, for cutting down and staling strawberries and other ti lilt, Alelollgovertii salient- / hit E.., of stioi i.. 4:01 !, •4rallog. curbing and pitying, 5.1 meat of Clone, Glass and tzumanisii,, miatneo I.' the Mont.. i e 1 1 ..., ti.• 111.! 1 1,11,1 of shin landing ; also, for the imumbste • f priviii, familitsi, hotel keels.: s, att ain Imni.tfl 1•11.1 roost ry I i roction of lwdaty small tenements, furnishing all the ma ma. bards. all at mislermo limos. 1.17 ..,,,, I tot idis .01 , 1 Isis - I e•no I all of the lat.,. Jobs, isindhalf will be paid In MEADVILLE AND ERIE EXPRESS AND..,.. 1 ~ .... li, ^ IA:, 11 progrosses: Ow remaining half le le o, TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Izr ..,,, In sr Odinits. at auction prices: perfect titles, by Tins CO 1 l'A N 1: , hat ing un the I.t „1 1 ''''"'') 'I . - IN f"' '..'" ''"' hi ' A , • , , L. -, an.l mai. oi the proporty, an. dterriptions of the -1.. Jul y , om ne n , i'd ;are a•.: I"st I " - ... ' 4,41,,.1-..4.Y.-...... 'di , : amillins country, Ar., stay bo had be application. iimi from ritt.lairsl; r, I . ro - Ito din( i ; Fob L._ ,..._.„.... ,- e; 1 .• dr i ,-y ., plami, .1 rowing' and epectfications, with reference kr- M'''''• M , " " '"11- . " "i .4.t-"6"-'.• lit.", , ,I d lids,. materials, dr, , Le.. required ell 5 above , will be ea now porlectoo so, ii iirrangonnais .1. v. ili ; mini , 11.1,11 1 , . , i„,,,,,j o h ,1,, tole.. u f iy„. en,,,,,,,,y, is }4K-tp.,,it.r. rut!) isissdrim•rx or ;so Loges ;;• at.) p int di ths i. I.to ,i, i la addLtion to the mammoth Car Fnctory, Foundry, Ma '-''' Irma limit , the , *lifl ' ' " ' III" ' II ":"liII "" 2, 1 I flff' ,1 1111 I ' l-lII° ' I . chain ui,..p, :qcalli 1.111, Barrel Factory, and Fire Brick 'fac es ISA s rirdo, and at cheaper riot.. tin ;id wi•Pioa 1.1111- 1 , r ,., ~, ~-„„).,.„,,..,,,,,,,,,,,:en,,,,, nro n i ren dy in progress far 4Sg " P" , "' ' f"r ...'t pail. ib," Ivan ll ' . Lltf , "111 1 I '' , ; the srecti• nil half a dozen other large manufacturing re sat.. A c g . . - u r t ei1i.a41:41,11,0,1r5.„,n,1 ,oritil.L...u:7ort,,i,,,v7ltc`,.li;tl,l',', .d '..• ' , ,i.i..55.,...1,.. t., L. driven by steam. A magnificent Hotel, 1'" 4,, g , 1 :,:. i i ; " :,.,, n 0, f n .. i.n . ,„i ~ .) I . Li ; . thirty ;is u '' '.. ' .., ' :, t r - s l i ' , I' , : : I'lI , 1 : : , Ii" : '' : : -I f . : 1 :: :: I li , t r. i el' ' 'd4 , t i 'l:.:!'::‘:.'n'i:-.t,e'll'r'r‘leal'l'l:ri'l''7l.l (Saltea:P°Mliii-riiiitia.'"Lmen'Thb'f'4'lli't ))..1-tf , 1 i ~,rats s 1 1 1 oc. tip) ah , nt four acres of ground ~—llie stone II AVE , : C.. PUiPtCrlA'`Eli ll,i, i s. ; '1n.e.':.....1a';'1,..1-'n.'":n'ng.ntet'.l with the contemplated early comple x Ili; ;NI AS NV hll - I'Ni 3 . 3 , 1, ill; l' .14 iti':;!*; r. ,: ". , t ,i, ' ,.. 1 , I ~.., hr ., ~, ~,,,,, , ‘,.., ~ ~,,,,,,, : , ~.:, y,„:,. ::.,,,,,, ~ . ; • .iii i 1., to ii..l ...I eittspurgli itmlosid to %yawner. ni. ,, , n, „„ i r,.. „; ~. ~ n . ,„ ~,, th , , , t . .„.„ .. .i . ~,,,,,,, ~1,,,,...tic) Peva awl Stall.. attachreents, kg at.) N.I. ~.,„ ~,.„.„,, ~....,. a ~,•,,,, it ~,, ~, . , ~,,,..,.. , ~.,,, 1 • ••• 1,1 Mid I 5t.,160 ,- 11111,,Vellivti. of the public landings ‘,..„,,, ~ it, „ ~,,,, „,.. , ~‘ I , , ~,...,,,, ~ t.„ ~., r al or sa- !.l ids lids ugh t ouni it, and the locotton, tit this a tio tsvor ice win, thi .1 it ad.. .I t. \ I K... 1 NV Pi!. INI 1N (hide tl two or mor - sato:neve Cool-Yards- arils, for slopping ::,. ~ „,,,, I is: ;id , . ri tho i Mk, tt l'./ more if Collnollnll , M of ht.r./y aineJ Pitts's., all 51s) -Is. 1 s id. , • /.. i ~... -, and von It:, an Immense amount of labor fun jI IliN Vi . I.WILIS, IiASAKit ~n I: . t , ILA \GE 1 5....,t , L 'no. mo - :;Iii•Ilw ' NI TC. out;Lh I:l,,ltsit, Inuller I.l a, 1, It.tr.: Y,.t. n Z...t , , I. 1.0,‘1,1 .141. , , , 1 , 11 • 11101i.5., 1 1 1...• 1. , 11.0. refully atteu.l ,. .l t-. lat. r....t in. t. n ; , ..i.e . .. '',' , JON KW NKW 1tt.a1.14 NG. Knn Ili ,r. • , n.,. N(Yrlek; is hereby F itt o n dual all ul l '..• :Ca.. will be made t.. jhe L.,,l•lntAir, , I l'wnl, ,, 41' I. . the "nit ...Inn, 1, it Charter ..' In. o I, ,e..il .4 t , ni t INO FUND I;.k \h. t.. ty. .....nr , in alit It t .41:1 Birmingham, All'-;n.. ,, , t . $Ol7. 1 1. ~,. •. •• 11.. 1, minghani ha.ing Food. " ..,J h. 1. , ~ L',..... I. . ' :,. i.u... Diu - nltal, • w I th u Capra' dus k. 4 ',,,,, h , ) -;',.. Ih' h.“ Dollar.. s; I SU li.ANt: tl: IN:SUR-INi Is..' I • i.. lot in...ann.. I. r ,., al goof r ..• t sniper/Ps reestv.sl I ) ti 1..; ; IV 111 N": st ins Agency and I ittrilmencr • ith.s. on 'i• ;• l•ntrill &M . east o , tI . I.ltAnwevl ~..r/.11. • t/Lvt, t I T EMN & CO.—TRANSPORTATION . .L4 1.1 , ,K llnt tag tartan extenstve pr.. ...:,.,ta..oe , ti,.. ....ter. we are now prerr :I t lA. A HEAVY 111 - SINE:IS I,) PKNNSYL. .1 CAN • j ~,,.t ILA I I }WILD, Tll HoUOII TO AND FllO.ll TUB • .., n , ~.. : EnN i'iIIELJ. We .an annum our friends and all th ,„,, ~,_ , .!•-t..tne•l in net ronlv, the Penna. Canal And Itatlrued, that n ' 0,. J• J......, -...: lb. I i...,tts wet lA. Apar•Al to 1 . 111..i01 . general itutletocii..n to Shiv .,,, t, 1 , ..ur e., , .1 .1 . .11 ...•tai.....,.1.. c.f. t...t. n.,. . j.•- .1 t'Aoern and Weatern Freight. The AVOIDANCY vt.t. it., tAttel A... 1 to. otgaeots I .tV THE INCLINED PLANES ON TILE ALLWIIENY I! 0.,. 1 , :...1, t) ..u• , l ..-...- '' , . , u• ,:'.• ,'• IP. iltT,t,; i. ItAILILOAD 'will give innvased derpatch to the II t 1.. i• rad itt PK .. At. • A Itt). ! tratountamou of freight. Ite itestAt i do. . t a-I.t. ~'',., , L , ,Ir t . t r,, - 4, ...., if: I Ott, J.O PENN street, at the Canal Baeth. ~ ,ar It. : 0. , 1 r,.,.../ t ) ,,.... , ,, s,,a) ~.1: , )1 `r.i..1,.P.N 1 tuhll LLOYD A LE3ION. - 1...z..11.1, end J‘.l . lN I - LI:MIN , . 1... j N ..-...!..,01',.1 . - 11 . IER'S 'TRANSPORTATION LINE.— ..tdttas WII It Pt:ATER I , —., . 1.1,_ .1 t•ltt.l...Anng tt, WAD tof ftwilitlea fur - I 1 )1 4_4 II K l I N lE A s i.O 1.1 .4. i ~,,,,,,7 ..,,.:4,,,,,,-,‘,,,,,:r.,,...::,,,,,,.,.,,,i,,,,,„7,...,01.,,,,Er-, tint, , ~, • fit. .1" FII , F II 1+T1f..1 . . - . KT. . ~ • ate.! Atr At, 'A ••. it..ate, S._ on awn., to a DOUBLE Y11t..,i1l lIK.I,- A ..........1,..... !tr .I. Al. I 4 ...no I. : ~.• ; DA ILI LINE. elle h ,nv,..., 021 a cap/J.6ly of over 1500 tone uat t•...t..1 Atit AA tfr 1. .. . ~..,.• i . ... ,11. .. A ...lA, toi..! i. A tt., nth..... It le n) 1,..•a1. , an 1., ta,. at 1,.. ••.. A, t!tst •.A. t ' Vi e Aoenre Aar II 1 , 114., nod C 1....... , 11 1 4 , 114 ., 1 to patronise the royal e JAYNKS I ...,..41, lutio. , ,,ueota, then- P C.: ... oortung spared ou our fn. eArt L• re - til , gAneral mt,' v . 1., II lia ',Mal - ding EaSiefTS N I ).1' 0 'l ' .- - ‘ll l: ' ' ' - ' '-''" " '.- / I '. "' ' l ' " ' ' ..r .. ~ s ...., rzy F7, - L„rttt , ‘ ntl.l:protui•ltt.fr and timnutCtl. It I FR A NIITeIIELL. ~ 1, .. , .0,t... .1 ii . • .i .i/ .1, , 1,, , •'. •.1' . , ~,,..1 , f Can-A! Hattie. PO telturgh, PR. . t 11,, , N11-I' , II:AD Fur, iAlu 1 —$.)1,1100 Li_ 'r. - rir 1 1...". V., A\ L. 1.!I!I !JAM; LOTS in. tte• . i It,: A, 1 . ....I-AAA ! , : '.u'++. 1 Irp• la, to to t heeltAl .• ..• 1 . • ! tA' VA,...., Ate:Artily tlttly,ct ir •,‘ I i'l. , .A•LL.AI...i 2..1,211. 0111 .- 11.•1 1 110. 41. lie ..• 1 , i ,. . , 1 i'Vi t) entAticrther IA 111 get I. • . t . I A•tu rwto..ng iit tali". front $lO I. I- 1, •t.- 4...1 I. 1- 0. ...,1•1 x., cheap to ttettire ne.n., t IA In, t•-n.1,..‘1, 00 Incren. a! , • a tit .ont• •unis....• Li lite xo.tretlt lim • - •••i ••••• olero for 11. faith SA 1 , 1•••;•••rly ti City at A lo,ltt to ..n thsyle, 1.. A 1 , 1A.11 ~1 1 , - , 1 1, I pl camow• x:•-r j:Als.. ,I.• lOU, I : rj.,111 ;Alan to =ECM I . , 1 / 4 • , 4+', • ;••• t.tabe 4. II" 4 144 IM=ME 40 11 . . • • IN= =EM:g FOR .1. ft, • 4 L A nd; •• ; “, A .1,11 laL at. ntti..tA•k 1 , ,:+1 . +• rua.l ~• x.ll r IL K . A NI A to CA? 1. • .n•• :-.121. •: Lt.:, D I : , S() 1.1 , N "I. I NI:11'111V • , 11••%•. ...Iv, F., I.l' .t. . ••.il,.'. I.)t u t • 4 4 JOS I.A ru • 1,1. I ki I AO,llO r \ I F.\ !.• • •• 01 • I• 4 1. • - • t.. I. A •Lne' ‘k. Ikp,.'s L. it Vl' 4,(1, : - .l'k)l ‘i NI. ill F1.!..--M. 1 tt.ill ..11t111 I I t r o. • ItA.l I • 13,.t...1 s in in13,.t...0r Pomrding o 10. for en orphan Ito), mitt: he In 17 or le. 0..1-111 solo of Ohio stroo4 fourth n •• • Auld /N \ e received per • • , , t!o• Irke',,t .0 Vost.e which are In '• I, Summer wear. I . 1 • 1.. S No. 70 At. I'I'I:VINE .kNI) EXTRA SUPERFINE , . sal , ' I, • , 1 , JAS. A. V Fl) Water lat . T\\ IF 1 T.! Len.se or Rent., a large, •r, .1.0 or tno %t or). mdtable for Iron end - I .Irtitn+ 11. , -11 1,:.• pt•.: 1' :0 t r °our the efts'. AddttiArr BOX f I. 'N. -; 1011 k of Srpirlils.r. Art3o W. i Vir I . ' s' C11F..1.1t 13,ARK7,--i. ) .o7bs -- tut --. rilt)()T11 •ll•• 00 1 1 t w..• try a FLEMING 111:1/S. t,.t L0y,1....0 110 I fresh krrilal ()I: Salt Oyeiters. I I el it ,TEINiIIiC , K.'S, No. ill \ "• ", • “11 of . • .1 op o, .1,1) ror,itor Now(Wi • o t‘ .1 11“ . 11 sold to (natl. I th.• 01,1 ,A..oomblo trrnor. , ~t „ ! intl,:ort end S. StY.INItIICK, No. ill Wood street._ t..,. • ,•• ~ t. •t A T I r. t... NNI It di r t` t.t.:.. tr• ,!.. 1.4 ar `I( )4't t• , .k.t. I Mt V . ; • it I . ‘ O, 1:,1 , ttik i li ky Mr, A INt F.:•••••••• • , t•t: C,•;; ; „ , • , I.IJ ••11 \ • •: .1 I I - . . . . 1.1 . F. LICK W Al r,ll, ...,, 1,,..,.,„ .„ .II H.EmIN.. ~.', .....-.•!,••, ~,,, • " .'• 'M • ' ' ; .. . ' ' xll,ll pll.l 11,, .1,1.,.•. , I .I. . I).\ I{ISIAN TOOTH I'ATE---'1 hi-. I .0 . - I ~ , I 1,0 A: lk :.: in „ 1. 1, u, 1 , ...i. , 1• -, .c: I- I' lai , I,l\s. i , 1 : 1 , ,, ~.ii, )1.7a,a3. all ~,. , ..,, 10.1 - 2 s'ii,-11 , 1a t. d, . 11 , .. t - 1. ,-.1.1 tlk , 1 , t 'L. -.• P 1111 gs liecusfsary „„ 01 „,., .„,..„,.. „.,..„„i1,,,,,,,, th, g 1”,,. .10,1 .... ‘ .., , ~ ,„ : .'; ,i, , t,itt 111, 4 , ',WWI) on Intini At itr,sith. 1 . 111...r0d ttn.l s. ot "Ws hs -1- , 1. 1.1-' NI I's. ~ . ~- . 110WN A TETLEY'S. ..4•1 '' , Yr"t r NI - ` l ' . ' t ' 1 " 11" " 1-1--1 ''' ' 4,i ; 1 . , .\ M l''..‘ ;I S i''. FOR S.‘l,E l- 011 0 1 1 .1 _ \ " 1 .".; \‘‘l)ii.i':' , 11 WI /....3 • ' , in-: i. t•t .:.he r. l " 5,...5.• cnt oft, on ,ll{l, G. ssA-111-jr.:!ti.t.\,- Jr . ;-,, 1,..: h. It • A ...pt..... 1.1 . 1.,1 , • -. ~.. .1, I' , taws: ••1•11.0.;;;.0 t., oft, 01 ,1 ~f owl is•anty. 5..1.1 ..nty hy ' .1 ,: j.i i.....; ~ ~ . •1, . . . 1.1 , .1 .. 1 , 110 n st th.. Itolt,g MlllOl mt , ,,,,,..r,. m,I. t', ,;;;.r \NW t.l ...•1 l', .1,,..t. i ,- . .. A't 1 ..i ;'.,. h 0.1 l'ittnrttrgb , 1 , -, ', tn., „ 1I I, 1.. II A 1,1 11, 11.111V:1'1:K A (s-1., ri i 1 INIPAGNE IV ',;F:-. i 1.:..... , t:,,,c,..,, itund,..r6, V.) 11. I. oth..h; 11..1,1/ich Chanits4..w . AVO k, il . t A,'l I• I. “, ' ' I'. It, , 1..1.4 011,1 P , lll.rt sht, l'lttsbulgh. 25 '-' Douche .. '45 " I. it. No. l't / " .. ‘ V V.ll ST \LE F.u.i, PLAID SlLKS—'_'o .. :R , - mll N.,. 1;1 " . ./..'t ~..... , .., n rtici,l 61111, Jll.t r,,4,11,..1.1k1 at " - 13 - !,:nr 61111.1 " t. A\l A:I.)N A CO'S, 26 Fifth nt. i to mot. ntol 1 . ,,r fink 1., ' tiotiNTED FRENt.'ll AlEkii.slOS—jusi rIT nn3O A111.1.111'..i 11:t'10:1'-'•.`; 1 . . .T.- , 1, s..lin. 0.-ry lotnasono styles of Printoa French ItAW IV II ISK Y --7 - 1 bids. Row \1 iii-ky m'i-•invin. A. A MASON A CAI. , r o , nnio by y‘0.:..", _l. 11 , 1•E:i A I ' ll.l i I ' ll ' l \ t 1 .4 1 1. F. N: i• 11 (• II I NTzEs SoMe tine nett' Ai r- A (IK. ER EL--- ii, -t .0 , ... , 1 Ft t-15.111:011112,. Just opentsi nt A. A. MASON A CI.I.'S. _l_ lon ....1,. N., A lan, 11 1,.1 , ,,q , i, II ~, .. .11,1. - I :,i1 IA 1.1.1, , " I 1: 4 1 1,1U It —Family Floor, fresh grolitid. from .. :k61.1.1. N....! ~..n.,!,... N1:h1. , •,.., I 11, ...•.. v. hon., ....0i,,,!.0..1f , .. enl.. by 1., mot,. nh.1.1. ,, ...,.., 11 . _ ... .lAA A. WIMER, NfitYnt9' At r.,:n. Nlll.l.ltit ,t 1.1(111.71.111..N ' NOR.fII CAR.OI.I.NA 'FAR---'2.0 Wits N.,rtl. Carolina Tar in ininn tent I,l,i:sit . no:to M A 111.1: 1 1 , ..:. -r 4 EW FALL DB.E SS (1001 IS---A. A. ! , 1..k1 , 0:4 41.110 .111 ,:.,:1. 0;1 ...11.; •/... ~... 5;. , .;,1• r.,1,...; 001 50 kugem of Non (1,....1., ....nl{ Printed 1,1.1iu,. ...111 W.l o 1 Pr1111. , 11/. - I' ,, h , .. Mack Fr. hell Nl.•rinoß, 11101. A11.0 ,-, , 0..4•,.11 . ,,.. ~,...t.,, • Nov 1 . 1hi..1 Silk,. Fr,•IICL Cli ilt I.te. - IT AIR BRUS 11 H ES--.1 1 .:1T . '4,..1 ,, ..... , r1t.... 1 . 1 . 'I . I_ every unruly :, 1,1 )le, 1. , VIII! 1,,, . L,.), ,, ..7 , , ; i1 , 1 . , ‘,;,. 6,4 Corn , r Market xt. sllll Num...! RE lIN F) CAMI.IIO,I. .7?,1t II. , ; ;oat J: m,r.r db:,,,:„ },,E\llsunit i 0 DOZ. RASPBERRY SYRUP. 10 d0v....n tit.rna-t-mrry Syrup. 5 .' Piue Apple " 1.0. " I,eulou Sy, up. Just reecho:. and cliy aili! ill _ I larim_Eß k kNiiiillSoN. i do Od No. I ~ d o sob, by .1149 No. 39 AN iod et reel. , le b. l. N,,. 1 extra Lundy Soar. .4 rt. `,14 1 , 11 . CASES PitIINF , S, in pin,. 1 ~.1,, MlLLint & RIORSTSON. Li 3 due, fresh Eitrawberricia, io inittic4, iv it Itlitaberry itri t ady Jug ri..c . ii and ter snio by i 1) IIPA i RI 'S, 0 —All jobs of repairing, from itn. '3IER & ANDF.FiIoiN, I _lt. 1...tti11.; :t .• new lock, stock and barrel' 011 a rifle, to J:129 No 39 Wood etreet. i pnii,,,, n i .si inn p...110t kidfc, promptly attended to at ------, tl, 1-letei pri, W,..rks, No. 13G Woad stroot. -BROWN'S Essence of Ginger-24 dozen of 1,„ BOWN A TETLEY. this viiinabin medicine received b 3 JOii. VLBMINO, 1 1_) OCUELSEOCIifth.-5 casks In store and coruor Diarawid and Market at. j 11,,, for Nide ii 3 1an221 71 , 1410N4 BEOa. VAI LE Cal Mines at Au,tion.—Un y _•-ti: ~(A,.„„,t at 3 o'clock, P. M.. will 1..• I I ••rt ilia pt1.71/I.lk, to the high. t 1.11145,. Kelisey's ; r• . wilsse nta ve Pit tAhurch. oti the Mu ' • • :AL , Th\ are o to wtion, ha. ing 1,..• t,i hisalt orslar The di;'f this coal i. • I._ • . itre a. l". 1 cf ••swd. with two tine reins. one 1. 11, has 41..11t 4 laid. Two !dick and four !rods, Li ; tha • arii add a. arything the... splendidly to.iiro a I a irks. h.,sethar wills Nil., acrus of river t,tsuul 't .10^,51:7..VU1 node of the huat laculthir, sirs t • 0t. , •-third IL 9 mouths, and Lrlit• ro. , Tit.it, . ....0 t I , arg:ol/ 011 Ow.. unsurpassed works. }.”r vin olurm 111./S_Curawercial Brokur, 75 Fourth st.. l'ittsbursth. IE=EI mt.,• • out a .lll.l.ilttitty City, • 11.111,,tit•iittt tittithn thvy at. maktug 1. I. I pinta.4l4.,at L. .1 t., P. 11A CriKll. Port Ito, nl. (at.rolicto «mat,. Vs. O. W. Itl NN, Agrut, • litrrt - it., All,glituy, Papua. .1 Ilittlatactis k was, Phila. 1) IV . r.a.trrtitc ........ Ptittiantrgh. KOONS & lIERSTINF ;♦ f Ltl R FACTORS, a 1.11 AND licner , ll Puxiner Commission Mei,tants, A r tt a . . 1 .NastA Klass s:rs+t, I,lova !ism street, LADE I.IIIA. MIME ;J:` , k. 1. N \k - I 1 , 1 I) :•'120( V4i i ) ur Farms •• . . .• t • • • t. 4 .kl.O "I trout ti • tty. Imody to milrowl or 1.0u4.' war f.,r email turn Flied =EMI =BEE =ME Illl=ll \ _L. - RitrISIR To 'A . • !•f ',I A C • MO itr . A.t.l‘CritotwAy A Co. Pittsl.l. ‘1,,.....t C.. •• I. lt ,iuo.th A 10. - .11,11 k Lipmtt., - .J. AW. 1t..... " , ` ' " ; itny,nl..y. 11ng;f1, , ` A f',. •• .. 11 /al.l A. AA 11.,", .-,.., AU. 0(.11111.0i . 1 , ..ha A F. 01145. Cinchr .t 1 -;,A k .. - ' Morrow A. G,.ttaw, - 1J 1 . .. Chet, , eat it CO. " 41,J I"..lstitll 11, M,41,1..a1it, gout. an/. rft)li ACC( I-- 4 , ) t.,.,—.••A orl..r.s.o's" tr's arid S's Tolicers. 1• do •• %1 oro•or's old" s's do. .1... ••.1,oroa" Sr . do. r. 1.,. "JAN 11. (}rout's" s's do. .:. ,I.k. - Wo , . 11. 0 r.rat'ri" 14 scot are. I, I. "It s i..'4" fen Tobacco. 1 lo r rrl:trr's .1.,.11 do. .10 -Jou.," pound lump do. .- , , _ . to d wort' txote. , , Yantres DAAllo hall loan 1.4 gull TUE 311.. t und Cur tude `TILLER 9 IIICKETBON, ,• Ntn. anti '22:1 Liberty gtr,,et LARaF, s`COCK of Fs ESII ORP.VIN AND BLACK TRAg YttiV pt lower prima thou u sual, by JAYNES, tory, N0..18 Fifth fa. Pekin Tea S N LES AND SOAP— , k,.....,:F•tar Candles, 4'14. s'e and VI ,IO Cummon mould Caudlee; •n• Clll. tiermtw ~AT,; -0 , - g-k.;:-.547-.W.;•-lt..43,ffiaez-vm-"4,z4a..,,a„ NUMBER 306. FALL STOCK OF PIANO S. CHAR- LiaTE 131.1.111 E having Jot returned from the Eastern Cities with a large xtork Piano Portray would respostfully roll the at i Lelltinn of the MIAMI public awl othera to the splendid amortment which is now on hand and daily arriving. Among the selection an' the following new and elegant otylex: 7 Octaves, full Grand, elabenitely rarved ca4e, lyre, with new circular keys, carved sliding music desk., carved fret-work, hi. 7 Octaves, full Bementlne style, carved case, lyre, loge, Ac., with the usually opv , n eleaces at the corners tilled with beautifully carved fret-work. 7 Octaves, with pearl keys, pearl inlaid name-board, circular scale, Ar. Also, a now scale of Vy Octaves, wing the largest alto yet made. 8% Octave., with carved mouldings, finished back and front, , sliding music dusk, etc. W e; Oetaves, circular scale, moo finished all roaud. di,, GCS..., round corn ere, slldinq ur ask desk, iron Cram°, etc- Alt /gother the assortment Ia the best ever brought to this city, burial: been selected with great care as to the tone and alto to the sly le of furniture. Every Instrument will ho fully warranted, and sold at manufactelers' priers. Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewheru,as the B ttle scriber will offer greater inducements than ever before. CIIARLOTTK RIX WK, sel3 Ho. 118 Wood at., sowed door above Fifth at. j_j_ Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Domestic hard ware No. 83 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pounx.—The sub scriber hue received hit FAIL STOCK OR lIARDWARE; And In addition to his extensive nairortinent, has received a great variety of ivory-handle Mires and Ford.. German silver, plated, tea table, dessert and soup Spoon.; Itch, pie butter Knives; Shovels, Tongs and Pokers; Waiters: Twicut. Gridirons: superior Pilules awl other Carpenter Twdri; Ma chine Diouldiu:; Idahogwny Veneering; Chair sad ann. Springs; Pump Chain Miura, of which will be sold low. (seB) SAM% YAIINEhTOCK. DANTD Y CANDLISS WILLIAM 001.51.3 H. 0 comi BVCandless, ',leans & Co., (deers -sure to Wink k M'Candlesa.) WIIOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts burgh Manufactures generally, corner of Wood and Wte at treets, Pittsburgh. nirk FOR SALE— lIOUSES AND LOTS in Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cain*, Birmingham, Maio chester ; u• 1,1,11 handniont* Country Seats; also, Farms of various 8i7 , 14 and in different directions. Persona wanting lomat - hese N. Sol d do well to cell and see the register- thaw Laving property fur sale to have it rrgistered nt G. W. 11UNN'S RR A L ESTATE OFFICE. north side of Ohio Street nud lotirth doer east of the Diamond, A LLEGIL EN Y CITY. Sept. 5. PAINTING—WILLIAM CLAYTON, Or- uninotitAl and Fancy Painur, ha FOURTH street, be- swoon WO. M 1 and Smithfield streets. SlEsrAll work done in the first style of the art. eta PRICES REDUCED. Below the public will nen our list of prices. All persons will avail, no doubt, of the opportuufty, when they can save teem 10 to 00 per coot. English Traits Irving's We of Washlngton--. Saratoga . Lifo of James P. Beckwourth Helen Lincoln. r ifutnorous Poetry "•."-. War lath Hiawatha _- Robert Graham . Retribution ......... ..... -............ ............ 1 110 `• Clara. or Slave Life to Europe a. Political Ham showing shine a free ter'y . Campaign Flags—Fremont and Buchanan, lo Pictures of Col. Fremont, colored 1 1 rc plain OO •• Pictures of lames illicnanan., plainred 1 CIO " 1 00 Republican Song Books 12 Republican (.kimpaign Song Books-. ....... . 10 " Knickerbocker for September Life of Fremont, by Bigelow • nu 0 Life of Buchanan, by Horton 941 Martins of Cro' Martin, by Lever `• 11Pinember, the place where you can cave from 10 to '21.) per cont. is at LAUFFER'S LiI.IOKSTOILE. ifo. 77 Fourth street. NEW BOOKS AT DAVISON'S, 00 KARKIST STREET. Jacobi's Notes on John—Met issued. Emerson's English Traits. The Martyr of Sumatra—* Memoir of Henry Lyman. 11n.taloy's la , of Washington. The Encyclopedia of Fine Arts--Ito. London. Nletropoldann--*outriburions by Geo. 11. Alt), Antronemer Hovel. Arviae's Cyclopedia of Slotel and Religions Anecdote. f t Corms' udence of Napoleon and Josephine. Lercher's Letters to tin People ou Health. Guthrie's Gospel In Ezekiel. lrslie n Now Gook Rook. t et 0 Itlier'n Cl, arch II offory. eh - suers Soul be Nature-Bohais l.ibrrt y. nin toddle t.f Nature, Tet, ctn. u ties Manuel, Terence and Phaedra, Words and Mind of Jesus, " Full sots of Harper's Story Book, V bo J und B. , D!IA e..c. 2 . ISON, 65 Market street, near Fourth. 1856 FALL CARPETINGS. 18,56. e • A larp , impel-tor easortment of Splys tuul lino Ingrain Carpets daily receiving at Store \o. Sl3 Fifth street, at the lowest prices_ ROBINSON k ee6 All O.. Otte ---.••••• ,;'"'" DRUM & STANARD , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 170 FOURTH street, near Grant, Pittsburgh, Penna.. 111 SMO .. _. TEN BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE—Ten Lots of Groutel, Nos. 195, 19E, 197, 198, 1 9 99, atn, wl, IV/ 333 and 11t1.4 iu Cook Hassott's plan of lots, boundoli by Cook street, Cliff street and Ctiasett street, ouch lot being 11 feet front by 100 1 et deep, (except No. 198, which is 30 feet E inches wide). This property is situated In one of the imait commanding locations in the City of Pittsburgh, and being contigu.ats, would make a beautiful I..catiou for a pre vote r.wideuce. They will, however, be 101.1 separate, if to. sired. Apply t., 11LAKELY .8 RICHEY, ssli Real Patate Rrokera. . . .. .. • • , • . Oh. SALE—seven zl eres if Land, (in which . a'ratne lieu,. frano• stable,. serer falling spring. teed of gr 4 al , I !Mt : gilApe vivre )11111 it V ane.ty of thriibbory. I tite and a quarter acres ..t Inuit, on a latcli a brick houso with bole aim.... ,r,atii ;ell tr and a frame alaii. At., a Lot. n lot_ on whit li . is brick Konen with four n. m., in Waal orret. and ,:ant cellar: till nit uated in S, tel,:ii it, vine, and .rd be eold low if applied for noon, or eit:b Ito i rod. 1 i.tr a •tniall bo in handy to seine of our Hail- MOM or river, • For rt.:le—Tar , good farms, well improved, within twen ty five titors crib.. t.:ty. A:.ply to O. W. ItIJNN, a. the {teal Eatitte Atputcy and Inn:11;v,, t tt:e. mirth tilde of (Alio atrtait, fourth door ea s t of the Diamond. Allegheny city. jrde - —___ _ . ._ 1 la/Z. Fresh C 110 W-CHOW, preserved. i 1 iltiaen trettli Ginger, 1 " •• Peat:hilt, in cans. 1 " " Plums, in pull. Just roctivesiat suit% DRANO'S. 141)11i1W11)ERIES--A. A. MASON & CO. jrA will ro,eiv” 1,1 open on tho 30t11 Una cartons oplea.ll,l new I.lnbruiderirs, Cotton and Litton 61ging,I., Ace IXTRAPPING PAPER—Single, Medium and WOlo Groan Strom Wruppiug rekper—a large 1.1 j tut roculred sad Ibr vale °heap by J,\S. A. VET7.KR, F 9 'Water at F ALL CARPFAINGS ROBINSON k CO, No. 23 hrrn STAS.CT . . Are now daily readying their large etuk of Curpetinir, Oil Clot.hi, le, and aro can:Went that they can omit any one wall.le4 to purchase, either in quality, style nr prier. 104 . ._ . _-.. .. _ ALT -75 bbls. No. 1 Extra and N. 1 Salt Just roosasca and fur sal, by 11.10..E1t A itlelilliTSON. Nos. :tit mud ta Lit.rty ntreet. SUNlifliES— 10 tierce. Rico; i lu' tao.a4 Palm 5...0p; SO " Star Candice: SO " Cluvninte. For role by so4 olllll. lial R & 11UNTER. ._ BEANS-50 bushels White limns for sale I_, by lull SMOIII. !dant & lIIINTRIt. __ . . . . ...._._ -_ t'i Al AW 111 W IN ES AND g IIRANLI I ES-- x.) 40 1 . 7. 4 1 4 Spark litlK Catawba Wine, ,its. mud pts, "N. Lon raort h" brow l• 40 oases Still °Amu ba Wino, -N. Longuorth" brand. '.:5 " 1,,10a' (01 a, la " ~7 u " C.llti,V Int linuoly. In store and for ,ale by an3tl NITI.I.ER & TtiCRETSON. CAIVICETINGS AND OIL CLOTIISI! RUBINSON & CO., No. 13 Firm wraith", !lave 000 received a eomplete assortment of Fall Carpet ', n od ;hi Clothe of Ivory quality and price, (mutilating of Wilton Velvets, TapeetrY Velvets, Brussels and Tapestry Velvet/4, l lmperial and Super 3..1'1ye, Super. and Fine Ingrains, Twill'd and Plain vouitinnu, Llstlngsote, ae. Chintz, Ti-e sco, Marble and Ille patterns of OIL 0111713 4 of all qualities; and all 04x,ds usually found In Carpet Houses, mud at the lowted prima. 100, -. Fall Style Tor Bonnets. The fall style for bonnets are extremely fanci al and quit , ' charmieg. They aro still very ,mall, with the tip projecting nearly to a point , cer the forehead, and retreating nt the Sides So lecidedly as only to leave prince for (ho rich feathers and still more gorghous flowers which form the principal part of the decorations. Crowns are very. small, and are formed of puffs; an open Irttice, or tnsket-walc, shaded with falls of lace ; the cap crown is also in vogue for ratio or uncut velvet bonnets. Some very stylish hats have three or four falls of wide lace; the last covering the curtain and descending to the shoulders. Nearly all are a mixture of various kinds of straw, with chenille, velvet and lace trimmed with velvet flowers, and feathers, and the principal difference lies in the greater delica cy, 4114.1 more exquisite blending of colors. Drab and crimson are very finely contrasting colors, as are also scarlet and black, brown and green, or purple and amber, but blue and green should never be brought into conjuuotion, as some of our fashionable modistes would do well to remem ber. A very pretty hat was formed of black tulle, upon which was placed rows of black bugle lace, curving towards the center of the tip, and alternating with rows of green chenille ; the lace was embroidered with graduated straw stars, and the trimming was green and black ostrich fend ers, with a drooping cluster of crimson fuchia on ono side. Another was of drab crape, over which drooped in graceful profusion the softest, richest Brussels lace, a bird of Paradise, dotted with lose color, reggae(' gracefully on one side, while on the other a cluster of crimson velvt t blossoms, sustained the wide ends of crape. ba ttered with lace, which floated over the curtair. Still another was composed of Neapolitan fibre mixed with fine sea green, and rich, brown ethe nille ; it is impossible to convey a correetadea of this most ehariningiand reeterehe style; it was .LC IN ED MA( N ESIA-- 00 lbs.l •n store simply C trimiued with . shaded ostrich feathers out for KO, by (Kolb) FLE111 . 1 7,1 ? MOB. tipped with scarlet on the outside and-on the In- ABLE CUTLERY of all descriptions eon side, with I'c:duster-of scarlet berries, attatteMall J_ sntly on band nu.: fur war Ito _ TETLEY, featherla°ed aslant.., BLACK LgAD— l' nab, try tea.) .'11‘; Alt AND MOLASSES-- I,J itui) bLin., cypress cooperago, N. 0. Molasses; emu do oak do do; tai do St. James B. LI. Molasses; liX) Meta. [idly fair and prime N. 0. Sneer. On band and for 800 by t MILLER & RICIKETSON, *22.1 and 223 Liberty street. bbls. extra white just received and fur sale by lateal FLEMING BROS. LOi.:10 bilitb just received and for male by fau22) FLEMING BROS. SUGAR Lead.--400 lbs. just received and for sale by (au22l 'FLEMING BROS. fIASTILESOA.P.-75 boxes, a prime article, Vin store for sale by [ant!' LINT NU BROS. CLOVES. --500 lbs. just received and for Ly L...22i FLEMII NG BROS. DlO COFFEE-650 bags prime Rio Coffee AA, now landing and fur sale y __. MILLER k RICKETSON. MIME EOM ~.: _ i., ==;=M==== 90 Lents. $1 o 0 " 100 " . 1 " 70 19-> " . 90 " 00 " 111(1 gross just receive Itrurt Prr Ws by (1y2l) YLEMINA BRAY AMPEACHY LOGWOOII.--50 bblB. in ' store mud for kale by land FLEMING BROS. Entemese Works. Po. 136 Wood'gt, bbls. iri 'Store acid fa vuolitia imeg. •• • • .‘ • . - MBE ENE .. 3•;J',•;il.t -1,',,!,..-..-•y_,;;z,,,,.:./,2„ WIMP • RATES or 'AMIE_ INet BY Tilt PITtSisUROII MOIMING POST: . thricerrwir-, l ' - 4.90n itqav LIXES. I th." , ' triikla wea Week. pare, one iusertion—o.—.. Twu Jul:cations— ...... Ono week. ........... Two weeks. ...... Three wooks. One month.. Two months ~. Three months Four m0nth5........... Rite months...... Six months Nino m0nth5........... One year... .......... Sending earit. six Iln Cat 1 0 0 1711 00 a'o4 -00 9 00 00 10 1 11 00 12. Id 00 A) 00 4. or I a, par 401.1Uni. i• PI Ono squarr,Rer- num T I UllBlkM,lll OR N . ntrroirtn 2 (Frm the Chwinnedt F.tffinlror.j A Craplite Portraiture of Mack neptibli eanisin I)raw•n by a. dlawigr L. Dayton. In ISiO a distinguished northern gentleman arose in his place in the United States Senate and delivered a speech upon the compromise measures, in which be said : • "It has been aileading principle with the Whig party at the north, froui the beginning, (both in and out of Congress) to oppose the ad mission of slavery to Territories now free. But, very fortirmiely, I must say far US, a party—TM, not a party, but a sect, a political seet—has sprung up in our midst who, t eking advantage of a good principle in itself, have pushed it to ex tremes, connected it with abolition in all its pha ses, and have, I fear, done more hurt to ns and the causes of human freedom than they ever have or will do to our adversaries and their slave institutions. " That party declaims with great unction against slavery and all compromises with slaVery they deprecate, as an unworthy thing, that half and-half virtue which leads us to tolerate it for a moment, or tamper with it at all: they denounce it as weakness, cowardice, because we see the right, and yet dare not pursue it. Mr. President, I always suspect, not the motives, but the moral and mental perceptions of that class of men, who, forgetting the possible infirmities of their own little sect of one idea, bold up their principle, their single light, perhaps a farthiug candle, with which to view and-pronounce upon the opinions of mankind. The Whig party of the north have other principles - beside Freesoil, and, without depreciating this, I trust that the party _will live land flourish north and south, when Freesoilism and Abolitionism, as mere party testa, shall hare found I pus COMMON CltAvs. It has other and high prin ciples of conservatism which ultimately must regulate and control its destiny." Our readers, perhaps, will be surprised to learn that the gentleman who thus so pungently de nounced all who would make " Freesoilieny and Abolitionism," a party test, and who trusted that the Whig party would live when they hid found a " common grave," wail Wm. L. Drayton, now the Black Republican candidate for the Vice Presidency! Alas! for the prophet and the prophecy ! The Whig party is dead, and that "little sect of one idea.," whohe - "lnetitil and moral perceptions" Mr. Dayton "suspected," has taken its place at the north, find itfr Dayton I himself has become the eipatriat of its narrow. , creed and is carrying its " farthing candle." A Blast from Henry' Ward - Beecher on Dvinnts Kansas Bah The redonbtable Henry' Ward 'Beecher is ut terly disgusted with the position his Black Re publican friends - took at the lastsessiCn of Con gress in sustaining •--Putatis - Kansas Bill. The "fighting parson," in the columns of the' Inde pendrnt, thus thunders his indignation in speak ing, uf that Black Repnblicart rectuniri. ' Beer him : . "Now, if those provisos do not constitute a politi c.il ipecac for the soul of en anti-slavery man, then I muck mistake the basis of anti-slavery principle e in him.. Look at them for a moment. They ac knowledge that slavery can and does exist-in those Territories ; that slavery can be born upon that soil ; that they cap be taken from thence to interminable bondage and labor on the rice swamps and upon the Gehonas of cotton at the South. And, furthermore, that 'they may be taken to other Territories of the ' United States, thus implicitly admitting what every freedom and Constitution-loving man denies. i. ~ • that slavery can exist in the Territories under the Constitution. It effectually ignores the old, true Idoctrine, that if slavery has any existence whatever, it has it by positive slave law; and where that pri ! vete code of might does exist, every man leaps into ! life a freeman, his freeman's right being the giff of the God who gave him being. Another feature of these provisos is found in its sanction of the Fugitive Slave enactment of 1550—a code for the rendition of fugitives from slavery that is revolting to every Nor thern and Western nature." This "political ipecac" to the hero of theSitarp rifle notoriety was swallowed without flinching by any Black Republican in Congress, save Lei • ter of Ohio! All of them gulped and swallowed down that dose as if it was the most palatable thing in the world. Yet,motwithstanding that they have thus placed themselves on a record whieh Parson Beecher, their champion, declares to be of the most ultra pro-slavery character, 1 they claim to be great friends of "freedom" and cf the panting fugitive whom, with a charming 1 consistency, they had just voted to "chase down" I in the Territories lAKansas and Nebraska. "I Hove to Frame my Replies so as to get the Votes of All." Some days since, Mr.• B. F. Cook, a highly respectable resident of Staten Island, was indu ced to call upon Col. Fremont, and ascertain from the latter's own lips the truth in regard to the various reports relating to his religious opinions. After stating that he had at no time professed the Catholic religion, Colonel Fremont volunteered some remarks, which, according to the New York Commercial Advertiser, aro stated by Mr. Cook, as follows: •• Colonel Fremont—l am frequently interro gated on this subject. I [resume the delegation now waiting for me up stairs wish to interrogate me upon this point. When they do 1 shall.put the most favorable construction on the matter ihat I can. I teielr to offend none, but to secure the votes of all. Only this very morning I . have a letter from Mr:no, saying that unless I make a personal denial of Romatiism, aid that I ant or have been a Roman Catholic,.that State will be lost to the Republicans; and smother letter Mut Indiana, telling me that if I trill authorize my friends there to say I am a Roman Catholic they can secure me a large German and Irish vote. I HAVE TO FRAME MY REPLIES SO AS TO SECURE THE VOTES OF ALL ! There Is now a delegation waiting for me, whose errand, I doubt not, is the same. .It is best to say as little about the matter as possihle, cinch we must 7114111(1 0 e the thing as zaell as we con, SO AS TO GET TILE VOTES OF BOTH SIDES"' Theie is a beautiful specimen of political honesty for you on the part of the Black Repub min candidate, and also that of his leading 'artisans. llow bad the cause must be, and how inpriueiplcd its candidate," that will resort to mit wicked deception and contemptible artifs es 1 We shall see if suelt a crabbing exposure ..i.‘rs not tell powerfully upon the public mind. --- I. 1 ) lINT iIY 3T EN old ciamtzThe p le 9* orlhe rv. off ..A,;[...=';i,-.4.., , , , ~.,:7::,4.:.4i, - ;,3 ..•L, ', ~;..,.,,T.c.*l:-:;.,...':, •,•-"•,•,• _•1,•-,'.!':z.:!.;q-, • • ,-- •f; _i•:f:. %:,:t!••;!?;i•.!g-, ~- ,•-•'• ..,,a •,-.„.•-•,•••. ,•.-,.,„_;.,..•-•:54,;,•,.„,!-:-..7,,-;-•=ii.v.•..f474X4.:,..,,a •,;-• ',Y....41....,..„-,!.::-•:-•:,"/4..::::,4..R.::::-...-,,...-. :,,,.„,,,,.,,-.,,. 1 00 126 2 60 8 00 4 60 fi, 60 0 50 9 00 Itio paperj. th notfcl~ rte.