Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, October 01, 1856, Image 2

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_Vittsiant AP:sLj
Democratic Electoral Ticket of Pennsylvania
CII A K YU+ II BCC': ALEW. Columbia.
let Dieu - let CPO. W. NI:BINGE:B. Plalladilphia CO.
" I'l I.: RC K BUTLER, Philadt Iphis City.
sd e WA KB WA RIM AN. Philadelphia Co
dth " %Val. 11. WITTK, Philadelphia County.
sth " JOHN Mr? AI R. Mentgorurry County.
eth " JOHN 11. 'MINTON. Chester County.
7th " lIAYID LAURI'. Lehigh Conuty.
tlrh " CI i Al{l.l.:e KV:SKI:KR. Berke County.
Oth " JAME. 3 PATT Laniaaarer Co.
loi It " ISAAC SLIiN Eli. Union Ceunty
11th " FBAS. Is. IMO LIES, Sam) la 11l Co.
THOMAS °STEM' ALT. Wiounop Co.
13th " A mutt xxt I{OINOP.II, MOO roo C..
1411, RIKBTIRN WII.PER. Bradford ..:ounty
15‘11 •• GROntlli A. fit AWY`tiR P s Clinton Co.
11th " JAM ES BLACK. Peen Count,
17th .1. ULF:, Al
;111111A 1 1 . 1111111. A. Smwr,et.
J. A. J. 1111011.1 V 1 V. 1 ) rrr,„•
11 I I.!1 AM WI LE 1
.1 AM E!, r
I NC ENT Elil.l.l'S. Crxue'.l rrcn
. 21st
CAN A L 00 NI AltNtl.l,ll,
GKORGE. SCOTT, or Coils - mu* Co.
A VPITOA ocsn•t
JACOB FRY. d r.,
NUR WM , TT P 11.11.1,1
...vreie :
THOMAS S. HART, 'orwtsc.e,Trarlmtt.
AUGUSTUS HARTJE, Rcrr v I",a - .Hui
Dr. JOHN Pt)LLOCK., DrpLry Towltintr
PitlldEVUTUrri Arrolt‘tr
EDWARD THOMPSON, R' ua:vu T.itrou
novotcl444 11.aa itt. •
(.1 ,- •.orn - rtd , .Y. ht. Clo , rlc• 11.1
Thf,- will 1, mEr.ri ttk Trl E PEW).:. ,
LINE CV1111,•, :mit ALL If'll. .%Itt 1\ F Volt c. 1 . -1 11E
I.' NH - , 4NI) .\ETI7I7I .N in th •-•
Cal? Ans. woill , ,nt , ',s ot Nrt , t ---+at
14 a., at. I:at ht.,•l
FIDNVNIIk 1" 0.1 -
it r I
Extracts front Buchanan's Speeh on the
Independent Treasury BUJ.
County Commtta* , of Correspondence.
The Dern•uret to Cone C./teetitt.,..• Itt Ole St
Claarke 110,1. Thlastho, ~tolier et 11 .1,10.1 ATO
A full n N.! general al .
The rutrienl wila prat.. el.ut •• tree "
and t .rder !ulnae , . '' have oaulneti;i
regu'ar dirt.lTl , ll4t L , Clll,l•tat It I, .•t
itige. It 1,1,' n W ht
three tltn,
Democrat,. w . . 11 now go t, th. it nit ugs prei 4,1
to 4.lmin..ter 4 . - .'ern ptinl.hruont if it i per-i-ted
in. It io riot tho I.4.mocratic pnrty thrit cwt he
terrified, ..r t h..r ..1,4k yr, hy the. ••
ruffinns - aryl wh, talk al.ont
speech and free Kansas " pre} .i
red, and determined that in old .\lleghno t
free speech shall be pre , erved , and that Eitzh
speakers as Col M•Candiess shall not he insulted
while exereistug the right ..f a freeman.
Col. M'Cand!ess was raised in this county ;
known and liked 11 the great mass of the per..
ple ; is esteemed for his amiable and gentlemanly
manners, his ability as a speaker, and his goal
character as a citizen. Yet he Is insulted and
called a liar by the abolitionists who would lion
the whole country for the negroes.
We are much mistaken if these occurrences do
not make for* * Col. M'Candless hundreds of votes.
The people will not see him thus abused I y
blackguards, negroes and buys. lie has groan
gray in the service of his party, and in his so.
tivefrofessiouftl career; and it is m.t. now (hut
be can he s kneed and reviled by those who pre
fer to .send to Congress a man who pockets s',2l
a day for his services, and votes against paying
the soldiers area dollars a 710.111/1 for theirs,
Democrats, go to the meetings prepared. It
time the question was settled a M , ther abolitl.m
-ists and niggers can assail Democratic meeting:,
and insult gentlemen with safety. Democrats
are just the men to apply a quick and stern
remedy for such en insult. The abolition party
is welcotne to the limmr of being the ruffian
party, but they must try their rothauistu on some
other party than ttio Democracy.
GoINO HOVE,.—It is said that the Itlassacha
setts travelers who have been perambulating
our State and making abolition speeches are re
turning home in utter despair, Sumner has left
the State whose white people he said ought till to
be slaves. Burlingame and Wilson are still in
the State, but they sing smaller and smaller
as the meetings they address dwindle away.
They are neither of them good speakers, and
Burlingame has just one speech which he recites
on every occasion. It is all about slavery, slave-
Ikoldefii - end negroes—full of that malignant bit
terness that seeks to sever the South from the
North in order that abolitionists may obtain po
litical power over one fragment of the dismem
bered Confederacy. But Pennsylvanians are not
prepared for such wickedness yet, and Burlingame
and Wilson are preparing to depart for their
homes with eursee eu their lips at the sturdy pa
triotism of the children tit l'enn.
This abolition crusade ha, created some stir,
and has roused up the old Democratic party to
its duty. And it has illustrated the fact that it
is to the Democratic party the country looks for
safety when demagogues and renegades and
traitors stir up a wild commotion. It will prove,
too, that the yeomanry of Pennsylvania are not
to be bought with gold. The million of dollars
that the Boston man said was to be spent in
Pennsylvania must be nearly exhausted by this
, ' I
• 0 , 1,,'•
"*".# ' • .
44 , 4
4 40 , • • ,
°. . • : 4t. •
',lit will 1..• hurtlt , nu lunp r
~,~ .~
~_•~~ `
Wgscn is Tote °--The Filtshtlegh Go:ott, one I
day says that then is going to be a fusion of the
itariles . l:;rtain and sure:
that the whole thing is arranged and will be de
veloped immediately after the October election.
The very nest day you will find that same paper
vaporing about some newly discovered plot by
I which the Fillmore party is to aid and assist the
Democratic party to elect its tickets; and then
fiber:awes the'Filhnore men with all those abu
sive epithets in which its editors so much delight.
Now, these things cannot both be true. They
dirfictly contradict each other, and prove either
that the Lidzette is dealing in untruths, or e lse it
I is speaking of matters it knows nothing about.
i The latter is the most charitable conclusion.
That paper tights weakly and at random, witb..l)l
hope, without AIM, wltilOUl piinciple, Red 11111
out any idea of what turn things are yet to take
I Like Mr. Micawber, they hope something ell:
I yet turn up ;" but what it is to he is to them ar•
' yet a mystery. They will find out on the morn
lug of the sth of November.
c:r priv.i.te ()Onion is that the Fill
niore patty will nearly dissolve itself by laboring
for the benefit of the Frementers at the (tetober
election. The Southern Fillmore party will set
them all down as abolitionists after that .
When we got up the call for a meeting to aid
the sufferers by the fire of Sunday, and wint
round for signers, we had no idea of the results
so creditable to our citizens that would no speed
ily follow. The citizens met on 'Monday after
noon, and a committee of two in etch ward won
appointed to collect funds, clothing, furniture
and food for the sufferers. la a single day, yes
terday, the committee for the Second Ward col•
lected in rash 'eery nearly
. nee huraml
The committee are meet thankful to the c,t,tril-
titers for the generous and pr,mpt manner ,a
which this call upon their hutuan:ty ha, In‘en
The people who sullered I.y that lore ri.2y
of goal cheer: their fellow ciC rette Rho. 1.
nhnn.inal Ri;i 11.1 . I . orpyt them in t 6. it
111401 tune
1. ye tv , t ) o.t heard from any otl,r
mittee, but hope they wtll 1 equal!..y sucue-•
ful according to the wealth of their wards. A t.. 1
it should he done soon What ward shall we
hear from next'
E D A 7.1. AN —Something like cue wee:,
amee, we ymbtilhed a communiestu7n retlecrri:
very eel erety on the oonginot of Mr tiazzAin, in
the matter of the Steuben'ille 1tai1r0a,1:,10,..c.•1
tiQu. mid yet there i tio attempt a 16N jn, f
him his riol , tietil friend. to .leny the
or palliate the ottence nitutust the tux lin . " ei
the city and county
Unl.•r thee,. circumetanc , we feel te•un I
call Ile attentieu of the tfts pryer. t, Mr It
:ant, tot I t a,k them whether the:t Are pret ~,t
emittr,e his nets 1 , 3 , elect.og him to the S.-tt
the Stwte, where he cart
lion n~ will enxl , le 13;n1 t. , vut of hio
tion, and lei.to tl.i• at: t et 2 ucty iu rte
to pay that much in.re by µuh•'rnpuon
IVe ',sty etripimuessl:y, it %l i,;str3m
lefcn I h. .LL 1 •tit' n•!r •
61, st,i,..•ript“ , ri, th" ill. payer= 411.411' t, t.n
truar.,.e Lim l.y 1,14:.g tor brn
Fraud and Corruption
It tam. , •nl I the ,•V
u.• Lt ought hut t v illrgai
Impo•,il,lr that . .t) ~ • tat.• nat, 11 I, k -
rat trirrewLe 6. .•talilgra
not Svc r r,,tt ~trnt, 0,11 the :egal N.l(e r 11
qin 1-er cent in (Hut' 'rm..
lit.. .1 ❑u frns.l,l tray pract:No•i, •
ih4t them t, . '"•er t.k four nil '
crut II: •14.• thr-
❑ t:t.• c. ht.--t ~f I-
11, vi t. , rrr r v 2 t
r.g:st th.ti4utai
pmts 11 , ~ , r ,t ) (VP' twenty 111•-•
miquAy hqm Fq[towl I,X ,11.]
in our expectahon” that vri+l nnmh ro f
line Wiltg, tlirtAigh.)ut the State w,u6l t, •
pear f..r the oely really nati •nal and w,ll
ix , ti part 7, told f. ,r I:at:hart:in o f 0.
Key.t.,rte State. " It i” perfectly al parent tt .t
4uoh the eFoke The aeo,oint •We rec.
fro t,) Fayettc, We.t morelaul, anurget
where. ese ..1 the tne,st enr tont..ti:l4 1 n l In
rt--1 r•I It Is bela•Ted I ilstt 1111. y an• •!1;1 t
t .„n ratio Th.-7 sec ILA) t!,..r.
way thuttl con..i.teetv They me u
a:4 to all, t tt.•at rtrtigcle o w tlottw'tiy tot i
1.•t l ioo The ‘lhig , vF,'I riot throw RV , •W
their rote+ on Flllmore, \i h 0 hn..4 I C, earl
chmire of suire,p 4 , When ;n•srC 4.1
the I ni.in arc iintiangere.l liy the frantic e 1....
of lb; ❑egro party
I w I,,rk the ❑egroe' vote upon a prop,'
rtl!:1,4•41,011 $:!•p,)
unanououkly ill support Fremont
In 111n.00telltv.ett. no property qunlifientiott
reluire , l: atol the eolore.l CilltotlN 11 , 1VO rySt.'.l".•l
o survort F rem 411
Wherever the tiegroem bare a vote JQhm,y
Fremont in their candidate
The old rßalieal ab”!itiortimt , everywhere in C•e
northern Staten unanitnou.ttly support Fretto.o
lle the aholition candidate.
But Le te also the candidate et' the nortl, , ,n
Know Nothiort. It was a purely a Ku ow N th
ing Convention in New York that nomin.o,l
him; and he accepted the nomination in a kit.—
entirely satisfactory to the Converiion
There is only a few days now left in which ru
get asioissed. Do not delay a single hour to
tend to this matter. The Importance of a sing!,
vote his been proved in this county ; and let no
single vote bo lost by neglect.
Vou mutt bc fisfr , es. , c , l ten da3 s tl4.fi.T.t. thi
duction. Pay a tax and get nAsea.e.l, arnl then
exerei-e a freeman's right at the octoher elect. 'n
State Agricultural Exhibition
The rain having materially interfered with en
tries and arrangements for this exhibition, it ha ,
been decided to extend the time for making
tries and deposites of articles until Wednesday
morning at 12 o'clock, when the books will be
The buiineas office of the Society is at the
grounds, where the Committee of Arrangement,
with the Treasurer and secretary, will be found
AORICIWITRAL.—There are 1, 4 ,00,000 acres
of land in Ohio, enclosed with
fences, at a prime cost of and at
a yearly expense for repairs, etc., of $7,2,80,0twi
—of which sam it is calculated that at least one.
third, or $2,660,000, might be saved by law,
prohibiting domestic animals, and especially hogs
and sheep, from running at large.
Joan M'Sweguy, Bso.—This gentleman is one
of the most eloquent Democrats in Uhio. and in
his own State stance second to none of his age.
We are happy to see he is doing excellent service
among the Buckeyes. Can't he give no a touch
of his quality in l'ennsylvanie
JOHN VAN BUREN and Hoy. Bigler were to
speak in Mercer last evening. Van Buren con
sidered our meeting at the City Hall one of the
grandest he had seen anywhere under cover.
GEN. JOBEPH BAILY, of Perry county, late
state Treasurer. came to our city yesterday. He
is actively engaged in the great cause of the
white race party this year.
HON. WM. ALLEN, of Ohio, is expected to ad
dresa a meeting in Pittsburgh on Friday eve-
the ruirehtl4-runichg
and Western State,,
The Democracy are fully aroused and will go
on from conquering to conquer. Read the fol
lowing, and remember that it is only the patter
ing drops which precede the deluge that will
sweep faction, disunion and treitioin to the gulf
of oblivion.
An elr , tion f..r .l ~ties of the l'enee, warmly ron
tested upon p.ditiettl grounds, lately came ett in i
nmi ferry ronnty, ()hi , . It vetwilted in
thr, .kr 11.1r.11 , 1. I)cm•a•rat. I.y sixteen ntsPqi
ty. Idtst 1 . 1, an beat Meddl fifty votes in the
flttue t“wnpli.p. Demacrt.t.• gait sixty-four.
We Lave given alinee the prn nun from (Ain,
and here follow, the ..hadow of the ,:otnitty. er, ut
—the premonitory of a future triumpii lin
nois. %le tinil it in the Ottani,. Fria Tratitr, of
the 2nth itt i :
FII<ST Gt NrluAt 1.111 , )14.—We pai.li i<
below the rnsult of the late tunni,ipol eleeti..ll .11•
lon, in hilt Lite.S 1.11, 11 !rite the Alt“. .."•nut.
It xvill 1,” soon that th, 1 1 .11, - f:tee 3: o 3j. 3 , 1 at
and that tho 1001, , 4 , 1 str..nr..th
Is.or-ner, :mil the ovlart, rt. rs
there their tct !. •Ink r
r.•:311. 1. r t 3 :,
neat. Atl nail 'lv putter ~1 1!:-n.
the national men t Lire' 1C nu . . 'bustle I
he toreived a inaj-rh, I in the c.,tsti
ty of Nindis in. Where'' n-sv 5
liLOR11)1 . S VICTI I IiN
/•• i • i p p • •
utt” ♦,nom , I ow.•r "dirt.
FN9I 611 Fiitt E DAY
There. cec " roc r. - I hai vaptit, \.nc
for hard act: Ire I•reml-e (hens I.y •:1y
110 that w.• WC, 11• , ..lf•111 ni; a Vl , ..r‘ I
eta,: ..rtc...r rigar.l the tier .
r,..;.. rrillurkel 1.10
.0 L. prh•
-;iwy c
H..•• pt ..•...• !...• ..1.1.1r., 3t. , i u. nt t. r.
i I lel ..Ur ..i• aI- 1..4 heart's 4•• r.
“. r•.t..tet • i•••. 1 sp..ett-• ft...! •
Net.tere•ets. Nle•.er, In.• I.i«r” 14 . n the let ware!, nee
.1.. Ile th. %%..r t eet..l tt re, l• the - .1 tt,r
• the tue"..• l• VI, • • ••I
I! oar& (I , .snitlro• ~.t
. 1P.11.111 , 11* nu•i Fa, nit 01P
th 111 ngt
MR 1;1 I'll 1N A" I.IFR
(tu..l .tir cl•lciliVc c C •C•• c
iqtryff t. eh
has rt.
1,•• .114,..r0.
x.., /1 1 n•
to f
: 1• tl slsd
tUe t.s
rho n..i•n I tr. .I, v
— k3ir
3 g o.i LAI
1( ..•11
h.• f. a , i...n
or 14,1 0 V,
iw tbe• .1•!.•,,•1, . t,t'
They imve rrrKo:% I
rainy an•l mu•Wc, at , 2„•
(hr enuDl
,t f
1 . 1,11• i •
It ws IRrQr crow , ls wherever he g.,es, and
w,lll ,•tevlleut •heeon
In him perch Ilt.rv, cif the
ers of From , nt. !sir. Can Buren said
There are -,,nte Olf.n ta, Ire t, ;r., suii , nrt
Mr. Fr. n. Iloolhuhlt guhport4 Fretnont .
Iluni!Lug Ftentan!. tireo! Laughttr
Ole h.r hint I ;...tuvnter I John lin
kupnorts Ft.•Tilhnt. V al „ is fur
ru.l „ , t un , Engh-h fto , 1 Frenrh }must , . It
run W it) 05110 t 1,1 01 31. -t would
If y:.:4 onted
Bull would 1..: a goo I !nun to v0n,,111 If of
want 0 tatter runny of 1 . 0:, I:01111:1y, go to Lou.
.Nopo'u•on and John Bull lint when yuu wont 0
state! , rnan, tu the tllatr,turn Of Ibis eunntry
for conum.l.”
1)n Haturdny evening the l)cm"crats held
moetinr in Sharpt.i.urgb. Tiwyrai ed II 11 , 110
and put up a flag The ruffian Fremontera tired
hulleta through the Hag till they toro It to frag
ment:4 ; and then made a cowardly' and ruffianly
attempt to break up the meeting The negroet•
ne‘isted them in it. They (llied t'el
le, it liar, and a big negro awl big zdzger
whiter tiouriAled their fist:, and nei.it. ell -cat of
Profanity 411.11.1arkgii trli,tit were
never Int.re fully di-1,13.1
rrst,'l .\ iitanlwr of mr•u tvlio lil male
up their intuit, to vote for Fremont 'lave now
come out lor lim•liatiati and lirockintictre. 'they
declare that the hornier rufhAn stories about
Kaman are mill compared with the Fremont
border rutlianintu "of liharpo.iurgh. Votes
are gained.
t There will be another meeting there soon
The Lynchburg Virginian ntates that a lot of
North Carolina t hacco wan said in that city, on
I Thursday lant, at ;L:275 per cwt. This is the
highest price ever paid in that city for tobacco
The Ilemoerats of West Newton, Westmore
! land county, had a mass meeting on the 27th ult.
We learn from the Monongahela Republican, a
neutral paper, that there were between five and
six thousand persons in attendance, and that it
was ••a grand affair. -
George Brogilen, of Port Hope, C. W., shot dead
Thomas Henderson, of the same place. Hender
son, at the time he was shot, was standing on
the steamer which had just reached the landing.
He had seduced and run away with the wife of
Brogiien, and for this the latter had his revenge.
A coroner's jury in finding the cruse of the
death, appended a resolution that B. had corn
' witted the act "under great and justifiable pro-
T Tlll . Nrilln 1 irrian th.. Net..:ilvat,!in ' It the la 101'; NPW:. lt ., ditssulty th4;iiing: i Froth the Boston ,ValdrutaritanltiOnstrei •
e .,..., 4 ,
her. :dote' al,' li War Th e A11t,,,, o f 131!;. lypobl.4 :ar i dgilt.--- -- - ~.. -- - Thatalrirlin- Mantas, - ---- ' --- 11 - I"treroffii - Milra t fir;- - -WriTiady
1 .4*. 73itg eatVi
ca a•! o vei th e ,)h,1,11e , TTheletter of our Lot.d: a eci re- pondent, pub_ Th , ilsue End. I —.All Partys Satis fi ed with the Would remain under the curse of a tisagreeablel l
lished on Nlonday, contain:. the f•lb•wing, start
dk t teeth whits :rch
Peace. breath abet by using the " BalM at' a nayseradl
ling extract: Pothers" as a dentifrice would not onlyrender
We have dates from the border of the 19th,
" The almost exclusive topic of discussion, it sweet but leave
i ti a le f a ' :t l i b ' e ' n ba4 i d e s . ht
from the Ministerial ' Bureau' of Downing street the particulars of the. last days of the war in
Kansas, and circumstances attending the final
to the humblest alebousedn England, is whether and theth p e e s ra ub o j n e s et do is
the Republic of America shall stand in Ile unite treaty of peacoat Franklin. i never mention it. Pour a single drop of the'.
~..- „Illae Missourians, true to their word, marched 1
with Buchanan, or fall in its W=olololl with Fre• " 13a1m " on , your tooth-brushamtweish the tooth
night and morning. A fifty cent lAttle will last
monc—the former issue of your stroggle being The Lawrenc e, army was composed of one regiment of foot i a year.
of two mountedmen—in a, ,000
Aristocracy of Europe. I trust that your Black andmen, A Bannrirt-t, COMPLEXION tnay easilybe ar.) . -
quired by using the ‘` Balm of a Thousan d Flow
attended by four pieces of artillery. General
Republican party are not so mode-fly blind to
the merits oh their eaure as to imagine its parti- .1-I .l ei h skell h was in command. On the l:ith and
I t , t e army marched forty miles, reaching ers." It will remove tan pimples and freckles
sans exist nly in their native laud ; if so, per-
Franklin ..u three miles from Lawrence. Wben from the skin, leaving it of a soft and rosenie'bne.
Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and.
baps they may be agreeably surprised to learn
that th,-1 y may pi lily ealrulate ~ 7 4 (Willi support about four toile: Ohm Franklin, the advance
scald wasfired on by the picket guard of the wish the face night and morning.
and alliance of Franc, .Id.vrth Austria, 0/ SHAVING MADE EASY. Wet your shaving-
Frrd, ci, il WIN,. in, 11/ PrUaßill, of chum 1.,,,b,u,, I, :mrellcsi army, and one man Id led. The main brush in either warm' or cold water, opour on
_ ~,,,,. ,
~ ~,,,,,, N,,,,,/, , ,,,,
or A
, a ,„ ,.
~,,,,,,/ body was hurried up far the purpose of at tacking two or three drops of " Balm of a Thousand
rti t, ' , / ,/, ' 47,, : ,
,n ` I , ,ii.i,
~ , i' , , , 1;,
~ ,;, , n li, „,,,,,
,ii ;,,,.,
~1 1. : awr...tice , t eNenice. B P thin time it reached
Flowers," rub the beard well and wild make a
t I.rankitn, however, it was night, and the contem
el btagr Pu I m,raton and the /British a'itiarthq " beautiful lather much facilitating the operation.
- • l il ted attack was eitouned• The, encamp-
' The deep interest felt in the present great' l' P • • ' army ot shaving. Price only fifty touts. For sale by
el at Franklin, intending to make the assault
Ktruggl.. by the enen ie. of Bepublioaa Gorcro
next day, the 15th. At midnight, however, an
went, abroad, end thea. intense desire to see , or stock St Co., Fleming Bros., It. E. Sellers it Cu.,
exp;ess arrived in camp with the information
grard u xper,roeut a i-eir governineni liti.ti;y Dr. 0. H. Keyser and fl. Mner &Co Pittsburgh
1 ,,,,,,,, kent 1 ,„bi„,,,,,, t i r ,„ n „,, , e ,,,, : ; c „„i . ;g i t ,,,,,,,, that Cook, with a large force of United States and Beckhana& Mdiennan, Allegheny city.'
troops, had taken up a position in front of Law
ard the tiiwn: li ..I the foes fif ttin l'ni,t, aid
ounce for the pnrpase of protecting it from the
tit con•tituti •n, ua lir the leadership of Pie.
proposed attack. Col. Cook communicated no
oi,,t, bec.mte , ,:ten ,!ay more clearly apparent
tiee of his resolution to defend the town iu a
Their pre..ses and • , ig - ritis cannot r4ruin from
note to Gen. Heiskill, warning him of the conse-
I rving vent t., time feeling., and rpp!auding
Fr• moot t•• the echo.. because they cohi•ider hire quenees of an attack on the place. It is said
u titling in-trumb
ent t,, effect the end t hee a ve
Col. Ceok had been sent by Gov. Henry,
so long but valole wished for, the iliaiuolution i.,1 h via•+ urgently solicited by the people of
Lawrence to interpose for their protection. On
our l i.ion iml d.idruction of r•tir national power
the I`+:h Gov. Geary arrived at Franklin, and
and greatness. They know that united w.• are
:ad a consultation with the officers of the inva.-
impregnablu against all their assaults, that se
the I . oi. ~,
.. urvir
en n'.: their malice ~, ling, army. He told them that he was prepared
te; enforce the law, to arrest offenders, to crush
impotent, that under a flag of •liirtv one State.
msurrection, and suppress disorders, with the
we can defend oUrs+e;vet. against it world Meru , .
lid of the tenons placed tinder his cow-
But if ti, , f,tio.lalior.e of our government I.e
mid jarring
Tii . , ..,„,„ maw!, and that the interposition of Missourians
broken up , ender lien. Heiskill was no longer necessary.
weaken and divide us, if our now proud C.nufed
to an evidence of his ability to enforce the laws,
er ucv become- a niece loose aggregation of petty i
tie told them that he had just arrested 90 or 100
slurring States, we will be utterly at their mercy
oULIEWS, who would be properly tried by the
Renee their sympathy with the Fremont move
legal authorities. In view of these facts the
meat. A. the Ileoublitians of Amerien hail with
Governor urged the Missourians to demand, and
delight a succo•taill revolution stenin.t the aris.to
abandon their projected attempt on Lawrence.
,k. 1.,
~r For
ani , t , t5r0 ,, , ,,,.
not „,, h ,
Lien. Atchison, lien. Reid and Col. Titus ad
•‘. mpath l se, but c•mttibuie their Menus to .n. ,
trea..ed the eeting and urged compliance with
fain sty in
li a arefuctil, : a that at this mom .
the Governor's proposal. The Governor then
the tvrlnts and nro , t•west. of Fru
or..e are regard- i
,a 4
oh ,
0,,,....1.,,, ,
e 5,,,,,,„
m. thehi,ar' . withdrew from the conference to afford the
t •
,„„ it ,,, t ,„ a ~,,I ! Nals.oorians an opportunity to act among theta
lt.. utulic in ern, le Itgam , “ it,'it.; Futon, an•l dut
etutle.dy c• , ','-i buting their I ' 6 ' l " on hi , ' 'aggertion- A meeting was wgnc L i.
~,1 by ca ll ing tir o Atehi4on to the the e
~ d Chat,-
mean , -tista:n an encourage i!
ii... 0 ,0
what , ~ ,,, , ,h ,
ti , 11e-,, it.. D. were passed, dee:Lai-mg that, relying
i, ~, die ii,,,,,i„,,it roan
, ir.
,i. , , ,,,,, , , , ,
. , ...
.ie t f.. , c11L,n prom;-e•! t,. in,weitble settler,
I. ) the ~ ..vernor. they, the invading army, would
re-ovt:iig t.. lbn whew• ate dr. te.'m ted I )
I.•, ..,..1 and return to our horuerequesting
reunion., 1 , ,,,,, , • are bought up t.y. hut•dre 1., so J
~ I inverD , r to organize and distribute over the
wr are 111. roil-1 That a well known Zelll'o7ll,l , ,f !
h . , 4 , .. ris . ,tti it-I t t thota r.. entiv Sl!,taa, ,r ? , ' r ent, r a force of militia to protect the settler.
he ..,,,,,, i .. , ,,,,,,,i a re ,,, sae. , ,„ ~,,„,,- „,,,„,,, , „ fron inarsuler. and robbers—and recommend
„,, i
.. „.re hi. ell ,err
i ,
~.„. , h, ,„ , , , , ~•7 that i ~1 Titus he made commander of tii
R.n' Itr ye ~,,,, ~ca rl y H! ,„ f , r,..,„,„„, - 1.,... aof the Territery. The nissourians the:.
‘, :.'ter ~i,,,,., U. a ,. h o , ~. t ., , it ~,,,,i. he ~, ,
_, -hr up ramp and returned home, except tho-e
~,,,,,..1,,....,,,i It h , i + t. „ ,
ei .
~.„,..t eri, t, ay., in:ruled L. nettle in the Territory.
.... ri .
wh, ,, , ,,„ ~,,,_,
~,, , The ti , net2 - or one hundred men arrested by
. ~,,, i
~ i , ,
h. , rta ~,,,,,
~ , , , , ta„ ,,, r ,,,, •vvi-nn r tie.iry. belonged to the company , - 1!
1'1 ,, r• n-iik.n. i a, sr.' ~.w' e,• I ~- the pr-I,t ill
'. ' 1 11 .."eY wh' ma-de the attack on Capt. Koh
~ h• 1...
i, f, ,, , I t , , ~..,,,,,,,,,,, i , ..-t, ~ et Hickory P•dat. They were captured
• al, I ~ .c .. 0, i.l peen ,1.., . ~,,i .:..Hy,,,,.,,.., .: ii , v-alil per :Vli:.s, uppo.Ate L etonapti .,,,, on
, ,_._ _ ii
~ . tli..e retora feat Hickory Point to Lawrence_ It
... • siirr .iiti i r • r1..1 `.t a i ..r Ci De..9.,, , T1 se. n..
~ , i ,i -n so' that air e. of • , 1 art+LFYiStir I r '.
"`” i ''' at la the nttemPt to arrest them, one
een rqictutrai ~ 1 the Heput..l, t,,,,, ~w , 11,1 , i ~ r si soldier and fourteen of Ilarvey's men were
~ ,liesi
~b,, 1,,
at heart th. . tr,,,
.., . (one il, 1),,t 1 ,, be found in the Territory. Ire
~,„ !Cc ... 11 oi, , 1,, ,. ,
It wia
„la , .eft Lawrence On the acproach of Gov. Geary
. 7.•.•, a:-1 V.v. , . an -t r ette,t.. re in tuncuse 1 i *. g h the t' ''' """ol”b and went towards Nehre ,
ka Al! Lb ,rlzet in the Terri'ory now.
rn .nnrnt ~1 n• ens .rtto or mot , 1 / 4 ,-11 Mr,f:yr •r,
-- -
1,..,• c a . : ), t.• bei. the army of the (~, of , ...
( . 11;.,u tk.r).l I . r,nritattirt , n. an I t.. thu. Trur, , , , r. ,
I i erns :fr. Wad N,= , r fr'ioer e, , 1 , ,, ,” ,I, at , y
Wte . . gla i len Ills hrart• au 1 fair:: the hilf..,
.( 'hr t!,ry.. l • • I 1 , ire.l.f . all.l glzlke , laws f -
ter tili !,.e.orl 1•;bt ,-f tr., i , 1••• rly thr,i7'...• 11
FROM 01110
1 rt
ntt :•,14
• r:r
t.! t . n I b., rr•ti
1 .1: 1! 1 \T
i .t
~•n r ~'.~•r.. , .i• .'..trc,
~'kvcw:f~~- '...
•..,: .
r ,r ti
the irJrll
t:e Ott Migtsith 1 1 .011 ►rwou!
n F^rat cro or w k
"no .4 I, A•l•
1 41.
,r It
111, ~11 rte.
, 'r . .1... ,t
:rt • 1t,t,11 . 041 t then, hte t—ft
F,e,„-ro, ?kr, I alert the hun Irrrith.• I.rrlcr
!.. NI; r r NI- r. r
' • I '..'.fretltt t . a•r •L
4 , lt
It tr ort•rt: :but b• Ott.uiti a
l• hr I I ..1(1 , :nr N •to “}! IL,
AV A •c I-v
II tie ).1
Vtv!tt t V f tlt`fltltg upon IthAt I rrl 1'••.1g R . l, 1111
V ii .1 ly, •iretn gcnuale 10,.0;j1k,,!
pr nrfp'.•.+
f.‘• v , rrra ", NT.
vrn 3 p3b11 , 1,,i 1, t prr
i 1 tl
tto,l“ , t.,e of the fnli,•wmg ;,
• I h.' t.11, , ,,t :t•i!l'r
n,•11,1 r 1 top ttr,t n,ul 1J3 , 0 tagtot,•l Ft
•tt -tr tt,t.trtt.t tt
In rtmoi.m to smith h:ms,lt and positi
before (he country, Douglu , s in the i•
\h. Van hurt
lowing terms
hold upon the aholitionirt mind and heart
th , r country. t. of the mo,t powerful and inAting .le
Acript you ' And our thing from his pen
• juot now. hear
ihg upon ~11r 1..1111 , 10 relnu. , ns anti tilltivS, it .11
purr nrreet Augl 'ergs•,
The White Rove Against the Block Rove
--Negroes Moving for Fremont.
I`ht• Tlegrors of Bost. n, Ma. , snclitisetts, held a
meeting in the Twelfth street Baptist Church 0.,
the evening of August 25, rind passed the follow
ing resolutions unanimously:
•'Res,•treti, That we, the eitizensof lko
ton. will support with our voices and votes
Fremont, of California, for Pre-i.lent of th,•
united States, and WID. L. Dayton, ot w Jer
sey. for Vice President."
Massachusetts, whore they are in favor of
disfrativlrsing forotguer , , allows negroes to veto
--giving the preference to the I,l:tch color.
The negroeN of New York and Brooklyn have
also agreed vote for Fremont, by resolution
r.t public meetings. The notorious negro Fred
Douglas, who ie a Fremont, stamp orator, being,
taken to task for it, says in hi- paper ~f
"flUr r,a+.11 ,, for supporting Fremont nu,'
Immen toot dofection from the radical Almli
to,nists, as the .1 S. 5141 ,,, h 1 rd has
hare 1. -, t been before the public for three weeks
They hove been repeatedly referred to, but, u p
to this hour. no MALI 1121.411ttelOpleti to show the,r
unsoUtitille , S or I heir inconsistency wi lb Uenuine
.tholitionism. The only thing that has met us
r. privato ...re1...., in the shape of an argument.
is the on quoted and oft misapplied remark ~ f
the apostle again,t doing 'evil that good roar
come but no teas 11,18 S/1011'11 113' that marttylox
l' rem ant .tad Payton ix bang ref/ at all. on tie
rahlrary, tee thtnA that etteh Maly, at the prole'',
pin , lllrf , t.. the mry hest one to 01101 0 man WHO
his country can put his vote."
These negro organizations indicate the true
character of the Black Republican party, which
contemplates putting the blacks upon a perfect
equality with the whites, and to abolish slavery
throughout the laud, regardless or oonsequences.
The contest is rapidly becoming one of race In
the United States for political power—the Dem..
ocracy contending that the government should
be in the hands of the whites, while the Black
R. publicans oppose too proposition, and rather
favor fusion and amalgamation.
- -
The New York Tribune, the leading Fremont
organ in the United States, in September, 18,...,7.,
advised its friends to return the negro Fred. Don
glass to Congress, when a vacancy occurred in
the Monroe District.—We suppose it is arranged
that he is to be the candidate.— Can. Erni.
A great Fillmore State convention was held at
Columbus, t Mio, last week, which was addressed
I.y J. Scott Harrison, H. W. Stanberry, and
oibera A full State ticket was Lominated and
70,000 votes pledged to its support. Mr. Stau
-I,,,rry was nominated for Congress In the Frank
lin distriot, and promises to beat Samil Galloway,
black republican, if he cannot beat Sam Cox,
the democrat. Fillmore speakers are to stump
the State.
:; . „7 . 1.11
, ` 4
• 41-
f .Ir,Dlt:
•14,A! 1 1 : . r
; : ~ > F
,:,. , 1 ‘'lt- ;
hn. fry- I.
in cnnun..n ,, nrx up. n
•• ri l ,tlol exper , CI
es, hh ts Ir, .1 the
Lat• K ItIM•As Rumor•
F • {: HAwr•er,
K Niws. - On the eve of going to pree,
ye-if 11%v neternP:,n, we had a converroaion with
‘I ; Nl'Clauallan, of this county. a t•t•n u.
hr 1 wha hat just arrive , '
• r , 11. He repute that Len.'t men five ,
n f or •• tr , ,p, under o‘erlloe Geary and
t• l• at a Cr,,e1014 on Kew river, aulp)d
•n I th n t the cr,-,pm. returned I Ike fim,
f..-ty of I.ane'o men, and taking
! r•,•nrr.
Itr —1.1! Co , u Itchi Thd not come in
w'tt. fibre , .—that I.4l7rrileo WWI
r numb. rinit about
,• the L 1. trc,ps
-• • sond t : IL deserted with the
fa f. r.titrns No properly was destroy
hvr 1 er-c - pDA kii4d bud molested by
• n Liwrence, ack,rd.ug to NUC".Anation'r
im y. and he ws.. present ao-! i.O tellable.
Th.- arr.ved at ',LP' wharf about In.
f rcul n. en;: s ..n
•I.:11 - 11: state ueot, silth
hot' k,eAry ha I IL ,111- 11 :11
ea, k:1441 by the fire of
rura, , r of .11 tsr,,wn Ming
:"` MUIV.
v 'h I .-,el - 11,.t•nule, and likely to die, to
t 1.1:i• St/v.-5 troops in [Kama nr, report
1 .1 sb.vte Some of the Missourians,
\I state., design remaining in the ter
111 ^c Ye r:tilens e nrolled in the Kansas
1 who .re nut enro'led will leave—or in oth
..r words will I t Le permitted to remain in at tn-
Mr IcClanahan was a vulunteer in
th, Ii a heport c,rnpato - although a citizen of
and not J f Capt. bratiin's company.
THE I . ,! roar.' VIt.ILANex Com
m ITT fcE Dien.'.oro: —Thu Culifurnia agivices say
the \•igi'unr: C• , tntnittee it nt laut disbanded. It
op. !.)..d I,s rooms and has treuted the public
nn (.31 ..1 tt.e tuternal arrangements of
1.'3,-r where ;T br!tt its midnight assemblacc.,
• t vernwe the coL.ututional authorities of the
thuihrh rconinally disbanded, the or
,:a.ii.x.itten ...till exist... and threatens to resume
u•.urpe , l p, wer upon the return of any of the
' peri,,na, or when it is considered nec s
-01 to protect any member of the Committr.e
(;,-m violence or malicious prosecution, arising
u of nor act performed by authority of the
••. mihittee.
Two of its members have been in
-1 vied for piracy in taking possession of the
ainie, and they are to be tried in the Unt
ie srmes f'. iirt. rue organs of the Committee
arc alreq ly threatening the Federal atithoritiii.;
event Of conviction but it is likely that
e of this organization will, in their
reiien• operations, observe as prudent It caution
in coining in collision with the United States au
ihoritics as they have hitherto done. In all pro
liability, however, the decision of the jury will
save them the trouble of assembling again. Tine
action of the legal authorities should be such
hereafter that no such dangerous and revolution
ary organization will have an opportunity to rise
against the laws and put in jeopardy constitu
ttinal liberty, which we have been flattering
ourselves was permanently established under rep
resentative republican rule.
the rutnt.urgh Poet.)
The Democracy of Old Chortler'.
Wootivium, Allegheny Co , Sept. 29, 1555.
rasrs. GiUmurc and Morityomery :
Etwrons D•ar Sir: :---The Demo
crats of this neighborhood assembled at the house
of C. G. Jarett on last Saturday, and after
baying raised a splendid hickory pole, organized
the meeting by calling Stephen Woods, Esq.. to
the chair, P. Donlavy and S. M'Kown Vine I
Presidents, and A Mellen Secretary. The meet
ing was then addressed by Dr. George M'Cook,
Sr. The Dr. spoke two hours, and succeeded
in making a most happy impression upon all
parties. Ile showed up the rottenness of the
opposition politinal parties most beautifully.
Still, his speech was considered a masterly effort,
and will long be remembered by the Democrats
of old Chartiero Creek. After three hearty cheers
for Dr. M'Cook, which made tho hills and valleys
resound again, It. Biddle Roberts, Esq., took the
the stand and held the audience in breathless
silence for one hour and a half, except when in
terrupted by spontaneous bursts of applause
from the dense crowd by which ho was surround
ed. Ere long, this young man, Riddle Roberta,
will make his mark among the able Dernocrgo
of the nation. The Democratic Clubthis
place fool proud of the selection of z*.
e n
they made to address the Demoers- ' which
-y of this part
of our country on last Saturth. -
TRA,TIONP, OF LIQUORS.—A disgraceful
imposition . in connection with shipments of
brandy to
the colonies and elsewhere is stated to
be ler' 6 ,ely practised. The system is to buy up
ex":pty brandy casks bearing the brands of the
most noted cognac houses, and send them to
Hamburg, Antwerp and other places, to be filled
with inferior spirit and re-shipped to this country
in transit, whence they are transhipped on board
vessels bound to Australia, the Cape of Good
Hope, &c., where the brands of these cognac
nre in good estimation. It therefore behooves
merchants trading with the various colonies to
be careful to get their supplies from respectable
sources, and to caution their correspondents
against the receipt of any consignments on
which they may be unable to place absolute re
liance.— London Anus, 19th.
The practice alluded to above has found
imitation on this side of the Atlantic. As high
ns $B, and even $7O is paid for empty casks
bearing a well known brand, and when a suita
ble number are collected the brandy is manufac
tured from raw whisky which sells in our mar.
kets at 25,14126 cents per gallon, and then ship
ped to California and elsewhere as genuine.--
Journal of Commerce.
.egr-Al , Lane's Liver Pills, proper& by PLIMING
Bitriff., Pittsburgh, Pm.—Prom the unsolicited testituottY
continually offered from all sectlona or the country. it te lot_
possible W rest. t a conviction of the groat eirolleore of
thme PlUe in ell diseases of the Liver and iffevinli. Tim
following letter from Toronto. Canada, it one .4 the many
the proprietors hove received
TORONTO. April 'l,7th, 1854.
Messrs. Pinning Ana —Sirs. I take this opportunity of
informing you of the benefit. I have derived from ,Dr.
Sl'Lane's valuable Pills. I have for two years past been of
disted WWI a arrorr pain over the eyes, accompanied with a
nervotuneas and a sense of dizziness: a Ludwig beyond Ilso
power and skill of our physicians to relieve and rare.
ranted, as fur as I myself could Judge, by a diseased state n ,
the liver and stomach. Some of the doctors tried blooding
and cartons other remedies were tried, but all in vain, f.
the deep-rooted dist-mat, still stuck fast. At last I procured •
boa of your valuable Liter Pills from a drum:int hem. an,
feel, after taking a portion of them. Emit the disease an•
lab lal set.ation over the eyes has almost entirely left m:
rtlll clew by a‘tvisiug all those afflicted al I have he.lo
- fire th.• relfi:.Ll.• 1111,1/drie at on, 0. null SIIVO much tim•
13 , 1 vtin, with little extwilw. Walt twice, gratitu.lo and
relitaln pwirkrtwpKtfwily,
Poranunra gill 100 careful to ri.mk. for Dr. ll'Lalles
Liver /1714, inantifte - tar'.l I.y Fier:Ling Brno., of Pitt
Pit. All other layer Pat. In enniprireion. are senrtl
1..., Dr. )I'l...we'. genuine Liver nehlire.ti
Vern:l6l,re, r,.n nnu ho hod At all rogpechtliln
ti 011 G genii/no ulthoirt tl.o sioraturo of
Al.no, for gale by the sole prvprintorr,
PLEASING ritexß,
Baccetaors to .1. Kidd Ar Co
No. 60 Wool CON: , arth
Pellet, lion a Itt:lsture of the Boswell:
1 ',WM MO c rn I! y the lariP:l , iull of att.,: of.
with hrrniw or ruptrint of the bowels t.. toy xpittorthl
tt anent of Tr 11104,11 of 19,10,31111Atterrg. and to Mt every
011 , 114.41 amt .usfaction gonrantl,l iu terry ease, •rni
1441 V.",...41 or. vt. 1 act I.ry E Ps. sign 4
31ortar. Among tbo Trusses sold by tar, u. ill
Yarsh't .Eadie-al Carr Trutt;
:each Trust., very light spring;
Gone tia.ttri Trutsrs ;
Chaircra' Nunes, tangle and doubie
Gembillsal Truism, chill Ame and adults ; •
Eberle, Thptic Spnag Trutt
Dr. S. S. Fitch'[ Supp:rter Trate ;
The price of Truest wary from V2W s d 3. Hernial
of Raptured tediente can be suited by rcr,,,iiix money and
Sen • iing t he Ettellattr.• around the Lin, eluting vrhothor tho
rupture Is on the right of left std. ,th o , ozoi adapt
Dr. Datraintit Laa or /".1", Agetuat, for the cure of Protr.p
vf tb, Clieit or Abdoravh, Pile% Chronic
Lharrtmea, and any n colt nosiidepondlng ou a weak .11.1
conditlnti n; the abdominal munclea.
Dr. Ftteh's .A. , ...L•arrna/ iparcr
English Stannic Atc_forra &1t ;
&De ;
Lai nearly trap kind qf Stippoi Lee r . 0., In non. I al-en null
.57wdelrr /trar.rt of miry irtyln. L.. v, oak china.' and et wp
etbablcrcd person*.
Knt.ac .Vock - tugs, frr hrolcAu and enrlcove releet
3a.-p•asery ..1 all kinds.
,Cyrinoet af etyro randy and pattern, and In fact every
knot of nio , '“iikr.ici..l epplianer 114,1 in the trite of din..., , .
Da- f.: Lit wonlil klAte to pernone its rout of lirocoo,
cleat h 7 CAll often 1.1,11 to mitt the lotion[ by 'aril inn,
but it le lawny, better to in, ILo yationt ee l apply tho Trust
or lir., perecnally. Addrees
mt. OttO. 11. Ki:Te , ".ll. l Ie %Waal at..
Alen of tie tioltion Mortar.
•d' From a ,lember of the Renate ,yi!lt
tiINIA —1 list ...•I 1 r.;mute Sn.tr. 0 '..l..brntrgi White Cit.
nn.4l4n I.niln,n , in Illy fant;ly on variond ocensionn unit
•wtt • 1 : r it it ..ver••i,•ti t...inz0r.13 .
4 brnino., vrtins, etc.., and so ream:line:o
th, 3111 J. III:DDI-ESON.
Dr..!deLane'e ISIYIWNICD I.lver and riuranven Vernal
/11g,, also Dr. I. Recites Celeleratrd Wbite Gin...Arian Lint
extent, prepared solely under the .uperrvlele% of Dr. I. P.M,
• regular letedL-ai graduate.. and Ptt) ski,. of extensive pr.%
tire. None genuine , only no prepared ty Dr. I. Scott .ek Co.,
Bank Mare, Morgantown, Virginia.
MORGANTOWN. VA, Ewpt., 12, 1855.
TAU et to That I tiny., examined dm Recipe for
preparing Mcl.eirre's improved Vernilfuge and Improved
Live Pill. by Dr. I. Scott, who habeen in the tiara of pr‘,..
paring and wing my ori4-inal medicines in my office during
thirteen yearn, and that I believe ho Las improved
them. I make t h e above statement the tom, 1
have no interest la them whatever. C. MCLANE. V. D.
Dr. McLane's 131PROVCD Terrnifngo an.l INPROVED Liver
rills, accompanied by certificate of C. Mr Lane, for sale by
Drnggists and Merchants everywhere.
DR. tI.E3. li. liNYSER, 140 Wood st,lnside dsont
Da. J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny, near Railroad Depot,
1 4 - helm:tie Agent. • ece7 :da %vane
Mortificsatton s the instant a plaster is appli , ' , ll
most et:T4 , 4l, and vigor is given by DALLPY'S PAIN PA•
TRACTOR'S galvanic effects, and except the parts are ,1,..
composed, they will soon be restored to their natural color.
hut if so. the contagious "'aliveness will be neutralised lied
arrests.d, for niortitimition cannot proceed wherever ti
salvo be laid on, and new flesh will certainly ho genr r,ted
rendered 4iult, harmiss by rubldn; in ileofintit a quantity
PALLET'S PAIN EXTRACTOR, and after It ten samEon.
and livid spots ore visible. Even then, like the voltaic ha ,
:cry, it will oir,tly attract. dissolve, and metamorphose the
poisoning influence. At the sting of bees and mosquitoes.
the Instant it touches you the pain en."s. Tho bites 01 labia
animals also are as speedily neutralized.
None genuine without a steel-plate engraved label, with
elguaturos of
Rohl at 25 cents per box by Dr. ORO. 11. &RYSER, 140
W.,ed street, slut by hearty every dealer In ruethetnee
throughout the United St-stes. All orders or tenors for in
formation ur advice, to be addressed to C. V. CLICASNER
Ca.. New York. att2Ovive2w
in r- An Appeal to the ante t t. one of
the featured of Pulmonary Disease that it vnerally leaves
the brain undidtarhed. We therefore appeal to the intellects
of all who are predispoded to Consumption, warning thou
.vdounily, that In neglecting what they call slight colds, they
may be signing their own death-warrants. There is no en
ell, for such neglect. In Dr. ROLLERS' SYRUP OF LI V Hit.
WORT, TAR AND CAtiCNIALACRIA. they have within
remit, at all times, a positive specific. We make no reserva•
thin ur qualiticatiou of the phrase, and Yin are hacked by
men of the highest scientific attainments, whore approval
of it, if worthless, no wealth could purchase, in saying th,,t
It td es nearly infdlilde at anything in this fatiiblg 'world
1.1011 be. For particular., see pamphlet in the hands f
agents, and an advertisement On the hcsinesa page,
gar For sale, wholesale and retail, by IL E. 1341.1)1,' , a
CO, corner Wood and Second streets.
Sold alto by HENDERSON A SRO. Lawny , •
SCHWARTZ, and BECKHAM al Ninglalo — 4trc ' et; IL P
City. .SAN, Allegheny
- , Gala:davt..
kg - No F*mtly .I , ould ' .
(IER)IAN lIITTERS.—Ctor ''`' without /I°°PLANDI'
Ceraid“LLlt entirely once" .reti afflicted wth the Summer
the gr. tt is with much pleasure that I luforat yon of
.•ochta derived from tho use of your German Bit,
family. Poling the greater part of last summer,
.f son, age.' two years, was severely afflicted with the Sum
mer Ceniplaint In the won't form, for which various rotor
dies prescriled by Physicians and others ware used, but with
in avail. I tan' sent him to the country, but it proved ..1
but littb. benefit. Having a bottle of German Bitter: In the
home', I woo perseaded to try that, which, to my mannish
:mlt, entinly cured Iton. Ile continued to take the Bitter.'
souse time afterwards. and became healthy. I lance the
,treatest confident,' in the Bitters, and feel no hesitation In
saying that no family should tie without them.
Rospectinlly, yours, .101 IN W. PARK
To Dr. C. M. Jackson. Plum street, slaws Second.
See eulvertieement. •
/ay- Bateholor% Blair Dye-- Wby has no m
wieeeedi d in making a reliable Hair Dyr, except HATOBE
LOW? Because they would avoid tlei earl's, the thought, the
time, patience and labor neciasiary. by short cub - ,
would nev a reputation they cannot NC ; and by certificates
of feed chemists, and newspaper bravado, Tight their way to
notoriety. But •"industry has its reward." Witness the in
vincible reputation of BATCHELOR'S HAIR DIE, made
and told, or applied, (in nine private r00m5,)233 Broadway.
Now York.
Bold, wholesale and retail, by Dr. Gan. H. 140
/Fir Oh 1 for the al r.--100,010 cititens an.l
strangers will visit the Fah during am week, and all who
are in want of a new head dress should purchase it before
going, at 1.6.1 Woad street, where out he found a tarp Awl.
of Fall and Winter Huts and Cape of all styles and ct.lor
which we will sell cheap fur cask
N. B. A good silk hat for ra.
Don't forget.
` i~ ;
titOWE W ItURSELL, Toronto.
IrENRY DALLEY, Matmfartnror,
O. Y. CLICKENXR & Ca, thiantacturers
by them :
C.Ltetzt, N. J, March N, 1855
104 Wood dtreqp,
c_._3 p r .~'~~fT v ti
~~ t
4 '
V t{-:~
Fifth Street,
mtie rwalved and will' °lva in a rev dap s LARGE and
Of (My uuyps for tae yaNTKR TB.ADZ,
• ' wora.Lhart.
- OP --
Lltspat etyles,of . :
itzevy r4ADI BLACK, and CODIMED/SILKS. 4
It*lnitlltil utylee of
MINTED mgra - Nos, coup PAII - A3IP4TAIS,
New German and Scot ;b %
One Hundred Case. of : ~
ro irzlixas, BL AA - KEYS, QUILTS AND DIAPERS '.....i . .
Fifty Cases of " i•
A_ W I. t.
S If
Of now style, In En.", Velvets, Cloakigg Cloths and Bea
vev Cloths.
New Goode will be Anily received throughout tho,reason.
4E - ONLY ONF. PRICN. - 1411.
Prrriutoton. Soptena.r 1
A r N y Tr in y m o . 2 . l.E A,l NT L or puz:Agsz n a t pri l d
IV EIV MUSIC.- 4 . The wi' A iie that ' , AIIII mgt'.i 1 sighs t, aloe."' Wallace.
Kane StraUg." ;Mich 6 . 11,4 . These are Wallace's two!
Mat compositions- a
- ("nine metion with tits," ..
by Plirreniwg. nerenade et the Corelar, rang;
. •
- Ida Vane," song ~ , ,,,a a im , E . Chapin. f. -
~ M " in g ' +t:da. ..o.
b." T. tit mon Reed. I .'
' .oun g bria '" •Oog, or . 4 u mother dear. I cannot wear.'
- UM. Be''." solo and chorus. . • ...
:. !,•., cur' Ay circumstance." Wood.
,%berieesss.r,_ •
~,, -'" .rit in the Bush of tounmor Unto." .L P. alinielt . • ;
” v t" . d. by O. P. Morris. ..
"The world is a - fairy ring." Knight. Words by Mut " !
Cook. .
"Gaily through life wander." Briudka from Le Twin
Verdi ... • .
~. Ono heart for me." Prize flotig. -
•• Cheerful voices." Glover.
"The klanola." Punt lienriaon. ' •
"On this day of joy delicious," Quarthlts from. La ValrePtie '
airilionne. 1
"Six Mom-eat:ix d'Encarah" Gustave Satter. f:
`• Sugar Plume id.fehmied- ;'.
...Helena Polka," D. /Mewl.
"fie ahead do." Stela:bre/ ker. i
" Ranks of the Aeboleut," waltz. •
" Loving 1 think of thee," now twang fer flutter.
Just received by 011ARLortr MUM, f
oat 118 Wood 4., thol ;Ndr abovii;Enth rt. t!'
thin. II &Witt:l'li BEG. & ItiIsIWNLES, would reit
epeetfolly Invite the attention of country 'topple attendine,-1
the State Fair, to their holm Welt of ll hust„ltraugles, Ll t ,
genre. Yoreigu Fruity, end Inmily Oreiaita. such at Extra - 1
Rio (toffee. Old Gov...um-tut Java Cottle. Old Cottifiy. Elflike
Tee, Choice Young, lljtotii Ten. Gunpowder, Irr.porial omit,'
Moog. Lorering's Refitted nrigan, biro Cognac ellrandy.j .
Jamaica Rum. P.-flood Gin. Chi Port Mine. Sherry, litede ,. .:
ria, Cheat, Champahme . and Sionoupiliola Rye Whisky. All
so. a floe lot of Imported German end il tV.I.S Cigars.
The atiore toods. teget.her with a gt tweet attestrtment 0f.,3
tte,rerits, will be all extremely low ft tr cash, at the thigodip,
Tea Store, corner of the Diatu(..nd mo d plamond alley, pirto -
burgh. 1...
n I:o\ NLA
I 1 t J ar ras, anal for ante lay
El - 1 . iI.E.R. &AN DERSON, t
N,ll4.lVmxt street. Ii
900 1)0Z. PICKLES,l l conat_
oat to one gallon. 11./4 day received and ,Dr anleca
eel No. 3d Wootharreet. ss' •
X_R hand the larzerst and beet asowted stock ,lof - TRAS. '
to ise fond in the Market, all of which will be offered at thee, `
lowest priren. S. JATILtri,
ocl Pekin Ten Stole, N0.38.111(th at. 's
FRESH TEA S. -T he attention or farnilieai:".N-.f
and dealers da ratio) toy largo and rarelidly aelrctedi•:. : x '.,"
stock of PUSS GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, whidb will{ •
be said at priers' lower than usual. Call and get, , aimpleet: '
and learn priers.
eel Pekin Tea Store. No. Fifth et. •
ki nick 3 Calabria
" jra4 Iva:tied and
thr sale by 'AMMER & AND
ocl No. 341 WoWttriot.
JUJUBE PASTE-20 Boxes Orange.
ae " Lemon,
NJ. :IQ Wood street.
For •alo by
TO FARAI}IIIB.—I wish to purctuise any
cinAnttty of Rye, doliverott at my Wore None.
JAR. A. sgrziat,
ocl No. ft 9 Water Bt.
CHAIRS, wholeonlo and retail. eiuhraciug
style of Cl:multi - iris in Warw. - al. 'Mahogany end Waluntoul
Gable for parlorii, eliarnbery, null dining rooms • equal to tare
In Now York or nt hewer prices. ,
article Made Iry hand. end WllTTllravil.
i'..ldnot Maker+. inipplied with any quantity of nit
TUlf} an I Pit A I Ili., on reosonnble
li.rols mul Strandkotto fnrnietnol nt, the shortest n00t...,
161 ,- War:rooms, Noe, 17 and 79 Third ,
ang2 P i 115131311.611.
-131• T M'S 3lotithlf 1%1 ago.% ne for Orel — iier.
Iliinoilo•11 Words, a Journal candoctsd Charles
irckei A, thr welola r.
linroor'o iifontlaynlagazhie for Octol,r.
Prtet;on'n T:Atly'm NaLii , tilZino Ihr47ctobor
flallote9 Mnathly
Tho Sehoolli•Ilovr
tirabam's 111u4trated
Blackwood's livazine tor Pewomb•r
sk)o6.. IiOoKS I BoOK !
Tim Mai of the Sb tumour, by Iho ant hor of , the Wide,
Wido World.
A Illetory of the elmary oneetion from the Declaration.
of Independence to the pmeont day. by il - iritco Greely.
The Life of John C. Fremont, pamphlet edition.
The Freerimi'd Mee Rook. '2() coots
Just recskral and for sale by
act Fifth meet, opuovite the Thenfre:.
ji_ btitutiou. fig• the vure of rho stoic, situate* me . iP
Onto River, nod l'itiehurnh, Fort. Wayne and Mira_
road. tea sull.tyi west of the city, nt HAVU Err
All kind of dianiureauweeefnily treated, Add:retria' t 4 P' •
1:101., Muhl:ugh, pa.
. ,rodratd*
- BD 1 lOTOG RAPII AND Aar" ---
to the higleurt style the ha' •
ou Ftqlttit Street. lonia' slew tegictiter b had.S... , l4lfri
think of Pittaburgb, up stare, el, pi / male the
.nteitance fades. _telt tire s had o w eiur,the
_ _ _ ociaka.
FAIL AND nAs2 .' dr.csfvan TIMM '
or— ,
P" TVe
iA•N s
W 'dcb, for variety and style, la superior to any of our former
abe'aus. In connection with abr. - above, tbkf ,
have received a largensaorimcnt of
AND YEIST.S, • , •,••• I
Mnzmfacturod of the Eneet end choicest material, andrat in r
thc latest and most faaltinnuld,, etym.. _
NNW GOODS maxtivel by each Sic - enter from 41:Intie•
L 111.111$1 1 41361).ktiON
se3o Noe7o W.uutraint
.CLOSIST on ace:mitt of holiday. ,Witi• tnopen on
We needny evening, at 8 01‘ , 1c.
1856 •
• toramsoxen .
2.3.1 - uvrtrfrinal,
MVP now received a largo and cotnijel.avutecateeaallp. of
eA gnu'. v6B, 011, CLOTIIS, fav Ball I nicley,
Wilton and Tafiesery Vavete, ,
Itruseels and'Pepestryllrtteeele
intFerta,k 044- over. evi l ., ;
; ihrpe.rAtia• Fine f lgra4te4 - '
Twillttlar4 plain Veldt/aria,
- tistlngs atuf . litil-Carinsts
aiso—DrUggeting;,Yettltic-- Ittre;blatr,,
Stair Rods, Table and Mario Covers, Brualogs, &c. Aleut
Of all Arldthe, styles and qualities, vikal art other- Goode
,1 ".lallt (mad in Carpet it and alt at' the LOWEST
Ct.S• en3il
Price 15 mite.
lionacheld Word. for October. Price 16 cents.
Ali horn ty-fivo cent Nepali rwe mid at I a '411t9 entb.
The Wile of the Stutterttue—by the - author ,of "Wide, •'
Wide. World;" 1 vol.
It is N.ver too Late to Mend—a matter of fact romance;
by Chas. Ronde.
Bred: a Tale of the Croat Dlwtttal Swamp; by Eta-Harriet
Beecher Stow,
I rvinga Life of Washington: 3 ~At 3 4 2.m0.
Agency for Balm of Thousand rooms.
az-Call or send for what you want in the Book line to
H. MINER & COs •
*3O No. 22 Smithfield streak
To be wild—two four story brick rtenat, with term.
two attached, corner of Market and Mutt streets. Wu*
and gas On it,, premise',
They are admiral,' ait nat.! Wr btledlitt% pnrposea, and
will be told cheap. or traded fora fat m. Otte of the itibmrii
lionise to nt preaeut for tent, of which immediate P.S.MIkal
ran be given. Apply to BLAKELY it RICHEY,
Beal liskite Agent;
o'3o corner of Seventh MO Smltt.fis4l at,
Volt SALE—The teiXTUMES ot
.n.. 0 1 ,1
eetabli.bed triSTFIR DEPOT AND EATLNG 40 13 44
which will be geld CHAP, ft :applied fur *Kw., /An
.1 MARKET street.
DORTO MOO MOLASSES--10 (melee Icak
saterby 040) WPM itAIR &
t .. t*
.:::„; , i . : , ..
~ rN ,~.
y,.~A '.
fi ~,~ , S
; 4040 ,
K ,S
C r E Si:
~ ' ,.:'1.:-. . 1,:, , i;§1 § 14., _
. ~ ~: