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' • .., : • ," 4 .4 4 '..' • .• .. • •• . • 3 ~. -- ,_I ~.. j... , I 1 "....7 ... 7 ~7 '' ' . 4 I : •: - .... I ..: i ..., ~. 2 . , .fr.f ii[ 4t . , V . fr : :„. ' .., , 4 ;.• ~ 2, .. , ~ ,,1:r ...i..., ~.,, , , , , . .0 , , ..1.14 , , • .. 4 . 4 ,4. i • .4, ,al t _ .s . -•• • - - , ' - ‘-' - . ' ;.. -. ' • , I . '"'" 1 .0..,. 4,4 474,. - 4 . ' l7 :et, •?-,...•- '' o • - . 4- ' ' © ' 1,-.4.9 irs4 t p, 1 ,v,4ceiZt.r-1.054 44u.v• 4 ,141 4,4 *1: • , ;, •- •t• 43.1 _ tf 44%, '•,...., ~c ....,:ii: 4.e.*.i - 4 It + . I P TTSB Tatial A 115004 POST. 44444ti t iherr toirirfs (sto2dayi t6iptasl 134 tWiIitOILE 4 * MONTGOMERY, OR' rite tanliworsist , 'obtxxli oF WOOD AND Ml - 11 MIES& inn bidlaissa year, payable strictly In advance. Eli )altars invariably required It not paid within the year. Ai- Single copies, Ten) Otete—tor fate at tho counter in the Office, and by the liginaltora, . ORR SATURDAY MORNING POST Pnbliahed from the same onion, on a large blanket size sheet, at TWO44OLLARB ylear, - In advance.' Single copies, Fivegrarps . ,. ailf , No Proprietors iirill e discontinued, (unless at the discre tion of the) until all arrearages are paid. Wir 'No attention will be pafd to any order unless Baum anted by-the money, or satisfactory reference In thir nty. Jar Connected with the Establishment of dm Morning Post le one of the largest JOB PRINTING OFFICES in the city, where all kinds of work is done on the shortest notice, and mind reasonable tome_ PROFESSIONAL CARDS S AMUEL WItdARI), ArrottNEitii LAW,. Aar- Office in BAKEWELL'S BUILDINGS, Grant Atr,,t . (nearly opposite the Conn ILnifte.) funlinly CHARLES W. WINUARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . . • Ea:Nall/la, oskaitis coosrr, cuss. IlflitAlsoqractioaa in tibtalngdon, Blair, Clearfield and In diana counties. fob 12:1y. P3 AMES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, wilco Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Exeithfield and Cherry alloy. docllay T Olf NTON7A - TEorney --' and - toun e- - or t" at Law, orbee corner of Fifth and Crant streets, Pitts burgh, y QAM P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 100 Fourth strut, Pittsburgh, fourth door below Mr. Rudy Patterson's Livery Staisks.c., - Jef PATRICK M'KENNA; Alderman of Third want, office corner of Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occupied by Alderman Levvial where all business pertaining to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will he promptly attended to. fobl:Sm 111- AHL, Surgeon Dentist, successor W. Biddle. No. 144 Smithfield atroot. hours from 8 to I o'clock, and from 2 tot, o'clock. feblfiel y T SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors . wee of Market. sir Oftva hours from M. to 5 o'clec,k P. M. dec2(l.l BUSINESS CARDS JOIIN MOORIIEAD, Wlic.desale, Grocer and amtalsd:ou Merchant, for the sale of PIG METAL and E1L13051 . 9, and PRODUCT. gc s norally, , No. 2.7 Wood street. Pittsburgh. — WILLIMd an-an — , Philadx W., 11.1C6rItloN, Pittsburgh. MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Gro cers, Importers ct BRAN - DIES, 11 - 1:411.4 and SEGAII2, Nos, 172 and 174, corner ~It Irwin and Liberty etre.4a, Phi, burgh. Iron, Naha, Oott.h Pares, ir, oonsthzitly ~,u hand. 1920 A.LTBILD IL ,LS.11:141 fluitkiJOi kiJIJERT,ON. LDWIBD DITHRLIniS L CURLING}, ROBEltl'tioN 3rlanu fa,turors of ent. Preftorl and Fiat! warehotote No. 1: W.,nl a tro.t, c‘.l at, of I . ll.l4lburish. ' Sgt. Alt baler kinds of Glassware and Wind,w al low Market prier*. ttril .1 . 11 J A. 117.111 V. Lent-re :,,rll J LEDLIE Ss CLAM, )11ilvally k Ltdita, manilla:lll,er+ of ('nt, Monide..l and 1.14 iliut and Fancy (Ado:xi tILA-SSWAItt, mad dealt , t ln ~dl kind. of Window tilstaa, Flaaka, flail 80tt1,,, Wan, house corner of Market and Water otreat, Pit tabnrgh nikaully REI I 4OI I A L.— C. 111 Si:N,.)latiutit.cturer cf every variety ut VIALS, lUYITLES and VAIN 11011' GLASS; black Putter, Win, and f'hu.:l Bottlea; Demijohn. end Oarloys• ale,, Flint ClLtmt, in ) voriety. 11 . rh.owe Non. 104 See and and I.t Fist ,erect, Pit t.dairgli. FR. DICAVO, Diuntouti, Pittsburg,D, de,der is OdUNTE.I . PIt.IL tlCB,‘dl,l - .3 for cal u a stock of GROCERIES. aulecdtal far fa , u, y : every variety and the purest quality, grnitud at Las swain UHL!. Also, Dried Fruit.. Foreign and 'Donie,,,Lic Prod., taken in exchange for luerchnildiae. F. It. D. has prtnrurrd a fall aavortniunt or Landreth', am ranted DARDEN SEEDS, and in nde:, the attention of all IL forested in rural affair,. _loll It COMMISSION ' HOl .“11,ser11,rr , have opened a flom.e for the litn.ve purp..6e, at N.. V." Eutithfield street, four dodr,. al pure the )t0n,,,a11.14 We will purtlia,o, or reeeice 'signments of FLOUR, It AP)N, EESh:. i'OEN. 01'YQ, BARLEY, FLAX SEED, BRANS SEED. n11.).:1 , npuu which we will make a.tennrey, or put - . ha., at th.• lint market rates for [novf.; ALOE,' A C.) W. B. C.NtiLISII 1 hit IL J I I:4, 111 ENGLISH & awt BACON an:l OIL. and 1k 110U.90 formerly oreuitl”.l by Barbi - I.li, .t Inch: am, S.. Water and 1541 Fie.t street. l'lti,ibure . n. : ATWELL . I J LEG t Xll 11,1 LI. ATIVELL, LEE & IVlkuLmitle Groct•r-, Produc. tiat.i f!.. , : 211111441 .11 Ni4:1,11 . 1.Li•. PULtburgh Manufa. tut., No. h ,trut-t, b uovn and Front eitroeta, Pittelitugh. apt • J(i.)iiN W. BUTLER ri) , F..rwarding and cat !tier:l aw.. deal,. iu nll kirrit ,f BURGH MANUFACTIIIIES, LEID nod : 4 11EI:1' LEAD, No. tl7 Fr.nt strettt. l'ittnburgh HENRY 11. etILI.I NS, Forwarding aiwi ci.,tarta...ton 01IXESE, BIYTTEIt. 51IFItiI nod Pll•tftllC'E N 25 Wood nireet, Ptttnlnartzlt. o a ,r; WILLIAM CARR & ri r., I \V illuutl I:ttrf. late of th.• firm 1.1 .1 Dark, .5 I ultolennle MSS 1.11 dualern to Fot 15' I N Ea: ktid !11MANI/11 0 ,z', 1 Monongahela nod 11, W HISS V, No. J.J Cotm.,ari"l Rua', Liberty 1;4,4, Pitlntturgh. Ind'y JOSE PH ELEMI NO, surcessar to L. WCtl wt Co., earner of )(nrket ntreut and inn Lotato,u.t. keeps constantly hand ,t full annortment ttf MEI. ICINES, MEDICINE t'llEt , Tt't I•EHFLh ELL, al.,' all .11 clan pertaining t.. htn Ltustut.nn l'hyniciatue Drunt..rti,D.:as carufully cotuttouadet.l at .tti hours. JOHN P . ..... ..... .. Wwuaax FL.tli *.• VLENIING IItUI'IIF:RS, sit,!vest.lors to ;I Kidd s 1.0 1,1( ("o Woorl Pateburizh. l•roprft:I•oll of Dr. 51 'lure, culcbrate.l (ugh, LI ver Pills, T L. MARSH ALL., su,!ce.t,,,r r.J 117 WOOL DEALER and C1i111113.5.)62,11 EltUlld>., No, 13.) Liberty strost. Pert-+burgh. fl A tfrrcnce—W . Wrirnt.l 6 Itro4 , 1 7 .nthier it"hlo. phy, Tioru h Go., Brcown Pittabonzb, Mt) . "2-1, dealer 1a h.eutuck 1. L.( TIIbACLU, RAuz eud I•AvEit, 11 0 W„ S tyeet. b.low Pitt 1.10, fir The highmt kot prt,u, 11,1211:11 F. .41.11 ALL . . . . . ...J 141P11 R. Hun 01, W P. MARSHA LL Inlpirten, an.l vir . .te,drrn iu Frisn, - h and PAPER 1111.. , [Nue, No. N 7 Wool ntr.‘et., air&Jlr agorit, fur the ietebretr.i IliNnufAct urbe of Delicoort & Cu., l'arie. B T . C. NICItGAN, Bookseller and Honer. Han alwa3n on hand a gen-ral unnortun nt I &bow \lif...nlisro-on.n and Wails 11,,,,k.n; Printing. I'o.l .1.1 Cap Paper, A,.. and zetaa. No. HA 11... A au t, below F toth z tad: P tnl.ut g Is. Igir WANTED-- !tag. ..11,1 Timm, a' S. raid. apls.ly OH N 11. MELLOI{, NVtiolvsale sr,7l Redatl J th,aler In MUSICAL INSTItUMENTs. PIA Nijs,',. , ,jUPli Befit/01. BOOKS liLitt STATItiNEII.Y, t,.. 61 nit. ‘. Pittsburgh. jatll D EY)IEtt & ANDERSON, (sUc , !es-w, t,. 11„ , Joshua Rhode. it 0rt..1 wh01t.. , 61e iikult,,Sti Y ti,Eit FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, .. - 1(.9 , 11 , 11Cr1t.....5. Alt V. SVGA lis. No. 39 Wood street, optionn.9 the St Chntlei, IL.rd. Pitt, burgh. ATIN DLE, NVlwiesale and :SA D . DUE. HARNESS, TRUNK. VALISE. and CA !dill DA(.4 SLA_NUFACTUILER, No. 196 W 09,1 ear,-,4, Piet builrh. J.4291Y yKYjIiTTEXPIUSE \V u P.N.S, Nu. BC, 1V,K,,1 street., third door eliot i Virgin 1111.• —BiAVN Tl:i would ;all the uflotandi of Sport mg men to thr it assortment of OUNtt, 11181.8, 4 and ItEVOLVINO PISPJI the largest and Issit nrloctr,l stock ever ~.prqn6l in [IA nt, ket, L.:gotta,r with it s..noral of !Lulu ry, 'in. Id.. all .ri,i h Wt . .13 - V, du tin lien[possible pi s.os •:asti ylf I•,r . proved paper. alert , , poLB:li ACif..,Nl2 , .\'0.89 Washington meet, eon!, I l i-arb..l n, CH I OAOO. ILLINOIS. LLL4IS PINILLBTON . T.. 13 Urn , • PIN KEKTON site toot atn•ittint, transaction of a foneral•tietecto, POLICE iiI3?INE. the States of Illi n W 140C/bill], Ms, lil t ;au anti Indiana STOVES.—No. 124 Wogd street, Fifth.—Wo beg leave to call the Tra•le to our at , .-I Stoves, Hollow Ware and Cantings in general. lies my pas I.• ed every thing in our lino, we can safely say that we cani,c be surpassed in nnisb, ntung, and smoothness, by tiny 11/ trade. Merchants will find it to their ad' ailing, is. call lore buying elsewhere. fall GRAFI, HIiIBMT ER. A ti I , WATCHES, CLOCKS AND KLIt . AT GREATLY REDUCE:I) PR le Na JOHN M. ItOBERTS in now selling off hi, a, I choice stock of line Watches, Clocks, Jeaelry and Goods at a very small advance on first s enlarging hLs Store Room and the pwchaae Ilea stock for the spring trod., Pereoun denultig UItBAT BARLIAINS should rnil it in hie determination to clono out Lin pronout “1111 out regard to (orator priews. - Don't forget th” placg--Kt)IIFIITS', 16 Fll7ll or .Market. ATEN AND BON'' WINTER CLOTHING —ROSENTHAL .t BRO., Pittlt street, opposite Me ant's, pare a large stuck of Alen and Boys' CIAITII I ti uu hand, contprietug stone entirely now and °legato 51% los, which they are prepared to turtosh at the lowest cash per. Also, a large and fashionable stock of OENTS' FT RN Isl I I \ GOODS. derlti.dly B. UIO!LOW If LATIN L. STLVLNEI 01:011 , it DITTSBURCiII COACH FACTORY—EiIt;• ELow & cu)., succes.ws to E. M. No. a^ mood alley, near Wood street, Pittsbargh—CAlllCAMP,, COAHES, PHAETONS, BUGGIES, and every de. 141,,,m of FANCY VEHICLES built to order, and 6idsbe.l: oi manner u nsurpassed for lmauty of design, elegance of fini,ll, skill of workmanship and durability of materials. kok_ All work vrarrantod. I ENTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 W0.,1 at., third door below Virgin alley.--BOWN would .11 the attention of Sporting men to their large it— eon:wilt of GUNS, RIFLES And REVOLVING Pis:l'i tile largest and best selected stock ever opened in thin air het, together with a general assortment of HARDWA Is E. CUTLERY, TOOLS and PISRING TACKLE, all of whitill ae offer at the lowest possible prices to rash purcbasenf, Pr tor good approved paper. marl+ JOHN EL TOUNO SHUN. B. SOONG FRANCIS L. TOC.Sti. rr B. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield • etreet. opposite City Mier, mittifacturtar of CAR!. NET FURNITURE and Mat KS, .it ei •Iy description. Ma. tamale and workmanship warranted, and sold at redneed prices. Cate taken in peaking for land and water carriaer ant3l SCHOONMAKER, Manufaoturer ~1 J. White Lead, Red bead, Zinc. Pettit, Lithnrge, ktr whotesaie defiler In t tits, Paiute, Veruishist, turpftn de.. N 0.24 Wood street, Pittsburgh. to so. FINE DRESS GOODS REDUCED Every description of flue Dress Goods now being offered at •.:5 to "..tiler cent. lon than usual prices. ROI A. A. MASON it 00, No. 26 Bitch et. coi7,; - Z t - t• t ' , , . A .r . 2_=MMI ii : itthuqti PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS " Norther with my eye nur my faith will I trifle." • -....- T.." ''''" —.;:,"." - ,, - , ..7 _ __,..._ :3 .....•• ..." . ....._fi - „...,,, 1. - :3' ...... .:,....-.,- IF'ORTA NT TO THOSE AFFLICTED wait Lsu SJJU UT --Persons suftering from had Sight, atialiik 'Mint constithtionirl decay, old age, or other cause*. until,' do well to call upon Ito. 0. K. SHAW, PRACTICAL Ok•TlelAN, where they may rely upon gottmg Sp.:lac:es ectontifically hilaptid to the JUST WANTS OF THE EVE. Address, 26 Fifth street, opposite A A Mason'e Pittsburgh. P. S.—Tel...opm, blicroueopeA, Therincanetere, and every article appertaruiug to the ,'tA mu Irado, IT. , •pt and ruptured on the peernlmen. VA?" tilmsesea iuserted lu old Frames AnN article uot ~pprovod of, exclookgrxi flue of et doc7,ly N EW (20.1C11 AND CARRIAGE FAC LIL.I4:3 k , corm); ot Rol:era and Lielniout ,treat. Allep,lien) )uhf reepoci theirdully u,furtn friend, and the ',Odic generally, that the) have t4l the tuarailit,ture of C.utiti.viES, ItA HvCCII ES, I;o42li_kM A PS, gUiltilEa, ,LFlluiLi and CIIA iu all their vitrioua styli, of fluteh nod proportion, All .irilera will he executed with strict regard to dura hint) . and brainy ad Jiha,. Rep.,d will also he attoutlod to 111 Ole must ruackaltiblO Using la all their work the t.ent. Kiaterii ..haft, Polea. nod When they feel conk dent that all who trtvor then] with their pitronagn, will la perfortl3 satisfied on trial of then new Work I'adal:H . ld arc it,utated to give use call, before par rhaetti4 i•lsewhere rrt I y A M ILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at clour tens, r CABIN lir and L11.A.111 n N.. street, a large aqvortinent of Yancl and l'lnto kora:tit,. wlurh 1.11, Wilt Pell lb per tent lower than eladolliar) fates 'Eofilin. idev2l'.y ( - 111ARLES BA It N I IoRsE SIIIOER AND ki oroutod a Lieu' and I. nntahou, oh.,{,l'Ill:111tY A 1.1.}:1 . Cu., - ht . propaio.l .1. all uork in In, line null, the laomputudo. [lasing had lung expo:lance 11, h.. )1.• md/ota the puuvnnge ci his all add M. - puL'ltr gala 1,11) A 11.:S .111:1.1.1\I; EP., :Monongahela Pla ty !ling would Coapoutlolly inform he. frivudn and th, 1.111,11 s that hie to•iv is nnW in full op,qa lien, and that In., prepared to nirniah Boni Cabins. and 511 all unto:, h.r PLANED with promptness, and al the laws: fair+, 30,1 oue c.r muntlntl) 1.12.:1. ,abh, Dvvr, mud ..11,41.1h, o, t.v.ty mach t. and CA.ri,..L.toi., would nwi it to their adieu, PL.,, to ore him a ialL nn lr can now furnish thorn wilt 1 r over) , ,Loicrlpt,,ti 01 w.. 1-1, 14 - I ULTuN CAR WORKS, FoI'NDRY AND 31.tilliN 51101', was, u 01.../ t llo• in,: t0,,l to hoi to, 11 ork9. reteutly 14 Water, WlTroologis and Sltoltly Atl ddt, It I,l,.pored to coo 11,4 for on 4,vallto oil onlerb Ito hteoeu er, }luggage, Hon. , I rot4l,t, lira, g I, and t Alld. Al.—. to: ,TE c'tl etll aft., OEAItINU. CA: , TINti, I anti all other w fl t.,..thirs xwo ,h,q• • Th , t'nr , ,11.•11 ,Ittlott tpt ttro tutrseitittalo fr.n Ettit.trlt 1.1 End A. 1,4 L. t.,,pE , emcut.. jnnt:tl I W. 55 WMI II Eit ELI. liUl'E COxll, (:`O3II'.'INY having ry ,roll) to Citaco. 11,...,1 11 Ow v.tt.), of I'll.l/v1..11.10, W... 1.1.-,Ppoo it. ntattltv. hut 0..11 d... 111/.. t.t..t.ti.tly Et.1)..-1...) 1., 15... wt.... Jolt., Att•pt of ,nld I,Olll$,ALy IP 111 . ,11N1P.1.1., 1,1.1 of t'n,clottnlt Ittu,at ;di. ine_ccenntdn. ) E 0E V its ERS ut.t 1 I.y Exprcee. t :inns t.t- nentelentill et, • gplend. I ...nett+ . .„.7ft.7'tLt‘ ttl Ger' F.ItE ATI No P I, F. 'I.?. fly, end 'Ol tn. It bet taste, ell ;it; n . t.tch u. edit to.ll tnr t :nee ,•• they •t•tt Lle . tlty Yrk ! •r r~• Au.II Alta an luaw dltil,. 111. t the) .;• t•ei tor loy :11,1r at 11.411.. P ts ~,,, ~. t:, . mhovr. 1%.0..13 1...• ~;N, Kt:4l N t Tt:TI.EY, BWA' LE —AMIN r'l ntrt•et. ts:-Nt I rt, 1.,t :N. tIN• it. that Mott tbe It ,— at.l n ..ttpt.;‘ . NI; !. e.I;AL I .11.. E. I . l)itl'i.l; ~ 1 the Issta 41.%111) .1 1.11111., 1, 1.1:N111:L111 tf:l tti hot tllnt they 1..1110 Ii Al \ !, •II ! I.r h.y..l,nun gc% ..... It I.• ut t tet ittstl nt.retttdtt:t•ttiNt: tlttAtt,ta T .1 611.1.1-:: , 1 . 1V 9Ni,l,l,lite ft, el I . ! At ;.” Coo! " Kati Vt., g, s 7 .1% Vu laind and niad. t i•itPr . . it hi r lit I- AI. ..11.0. tool 1..1; run, - r 51.,.. the, t , l ev, I ir•+,71.0,” 4 it— osr MT/ I II r v y A. SV 11, \ Het, i . Ils VIII 1./ /*/ /,/ / lE., 11/ I intowkrept•lN' Li ..ad /1,../ .. /1111t/1 e F Jiw 1,.111e/ , emd ti. .t• t.. N 41/ .1 . i.144,1///eilt, &1e111 , .! e 11A1'.10 , 111;kt - , tkliatttint J WHITE, VE.:•ETIAS IND :QIN FALI'I:- RIR, hrtn 1 , ..1111 eh r , ,1111 , }l. • •Iri 14/1.1.C14. aft hftn , rpfttft-I bin BLI NI. MA] 12 t),'J cel. Dent the P.Ait e, bet s‘ nen An.l h,.. e0 t in lutr . n 111,1ND: 4 Irino.e..l I.lBio nud tancv 11*.rit , and Trann.”,e el, 1.1,1 ••1/.1/liU , &If "t in 111 Ills 011 1 11.04 rill/will/0 1 1S 101114. His 1111 t In uotruDtv.l t ta... Old Minch reporr , l tam a CAI!. •AA LI, can't be twat iti ,I11)7 BF. 51.101 3 E, MLR. IIANT • dtr,A, t Vcry 1/1 , C1.4i p..t•:. ro, wills ggsr n.elsl a bk. Is W I sht.a• tin H.. , t ivg,y. n tar I, F.Sri I,'A :1%1 R 1 . 5. s %111 thr .r Lennie. pigA purf,t tit ..14,t). V. , . /1,...,1 ita .510 11 Ast I. \‘' E FPRNI'I'II{E ANL/ I'll A 1 an.l ,tll , . 1 Iltruiturp. in 11(...w...0i 11.1..g;in , an. I \% 1.. , 4 I. or pnrlotr. Ktool t... 1. V k. or Phdadelphia. all , l ni I pi: •rz ..111 , 11/1•••1 Iro'lIl•u1.;ar . l 0,11. 47,y , Pt E: . :k 1. 1 1:1 , E nu.i CI kl , •1 1,; .1...1. .1 .1 11. tr:.( 11,14, Lk - WA1VT4.11... !CIA, 7: dud lv * hill ti ..1 J. & T. C111.01"1"1' =SEEM BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c. I , EAI Eits IN Fin.. Old .Ilotiongallaela Rye. Whlelky, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS ettIINF.R r PFl' I PA D A VIP CA 11 , 1;F:1,1, SA)11 , El. )1,- lat,.. •1 t rli ettL A.NIPBELI. tip t• t , .11 • I o ,t .1••rn: uu.l Irr 4,—d,, 1,11.)11,N, tip InKnlttaeltlrt of plain and N a. vd I.lt, hilt )L nddu,. wLly WAmDi:tl:l}l;.iSci6..,ksN . 1 1 E', I, N ll ‘ . I, N K Potent 1. h-i • Lew.. aud ertJ. - .d \ .. pt nu•l hunt asoe. , of 111.81 vviellrall.ti 113:1111i1 (1110111 1,1. tlll, Alnu. liol.l I 81111 Fob Ch... \lll,atm , l'A.,,,i. Br el. t tiuld Prue nuel • rit, ,tnt Auld Inttl itltttra• 1 , :t•i•tp111S, tlat• Ititrhe. end I'm,. Stud, :I••lnt.te. •/.I tdd Ntentat Intr. Silt. r n 1 :ritudtt, tit , * at err J.,. eta atnl Yatn ht. Alto, tthridt of :Lc boat lIISAI Ile a rtt ,rlll.lr. r-. 'flan altryn ,ttrck hat Irnt n pnn hard din.% trnnt the nothutanttadr, and Aeh , itli ;•retit. ,ttrt• 1.4 tin , nt/til ttatlth nurl utll I , r ntrlrl at 11 • mall rtti••• ~a M dirties, ill, sad Jewelry reproved, ()Odin,' and I-u ai in the Ive.t manner, and :ill,l Mare sod daweity made to ord., .1t ill /ItERTS, npli Filth ota,N . l. Lext to Market. DLI"S A S'IOCRI FACTOItY. —C. L/A emu, of Market alley and Fifth -trier, finds it 1,...et45t to iontradict a trial that has ',tuned PAK) . Ilinthe was sellin f oft to q uit Minnie... fie never bad sts intentlon. lie IblorWS the public that he still ioutalues apply . . . :+l!..KIli 'MIS, Sit I teat, DRAW K 1 And all Lind,. vt lIUi,ISIt Y, ut his estabhultaient. Ilia Fa. - tar) le new Ryan's Raiidiug, vu efreet---,lwo nt all tuner to the inupeetion ,d the lean!, 1,11.1,-. the w.e!, ho, tt.n manohicture, brought to tie I! y it.. ilirgrlt (.1001115 ire las line tour brought oholn are warranted to he of the tart and self, i.e acid at Ike lineal reasynithle prneeu Ile !inn Int ,lit rein, ti.,111, at the ~oner of Market idle) mid l ull, C. DALY. nllO5 C..o . ssur Nl.s.rket alloy awl }'tits st. ENC E OFFICE-4f you N want to hare tiu.l employ snout, t.uy or 5.11 I.ls.ppurty, gilt at LOWEIE's , INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, N.. It Fifth estruet, near Clark. t legal lot,nrnente and copying done with Ile/Onest and deepatch. JOSEPH W. LoW 111 E. 1 1 URS11 A'S LINIMENT--The best Liui nulnt now in aft, I'm sprit! in in non, Jae] vccire.i by JuS. FLEMISH. npdz corner Diamond and Market et. p L- hi META-190 tons guud quality, cold tisia, jut received ion ateatuer Irene, and fur bale 1.) ap . 2.9 Y. M. DAVIS, corner Wotal aud Fifth fits.. IRE A SE— Bayes' celebrated Grease for I.j Drays, Carta, Hugon,. 'railroad Cars, kc., iu cane, 6e,rl, and bbla, for sale h) jap'.l9l HENRY U. COLL 1 1 ,1: • ,. ( - IUAL WOltliS FUIi SALE.--Sixty three• lJ acrias of land. with 2ral of (Ned attached, and all the IEO ovenierits there,. m 511030-mtul op,ratmn Said Fatal situated nil the ?ha l ~, enhehl river, 34 auks unite Pat, b a y-sa, and is sup p lied With a liana 1-10. e Barn, 'Bewail 11,ases, hada., d, aailrvad, sad mu exceihrut harbor The I,lrl yr f t thick,etutl ell.l.lllitt L. eurluur«. fu qt , “!it y. For turthe.r prirtscu!nrel uppls tv NICHOLSON k PA No '~'ts Liberty gtroa - --- WALKER'S UNEQUALLED INDEL IBLE INK.—I have just received a huge supply this celebrated Indelible LA, with or without the reapers, non. It is offered au the beet ink now in nee. In all au, the money will be refunded where It does not please. JOS. FLEMING, ap2s wow Diamond alloy and Slarket • - - ~~~ BUSINESS CARDS GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET! I TEW SCAL E—II. KLEBER S: BRO., 11 ho , e Jact received a email lot of NUNN'S 8c CL ARIES' PIANOS, provided with their NEW neALE. This is their latest, and undoubtedly the mows ; • concoct improvement as yet mode to the Piano Forte. The POWER of tbo instrument is almost DOUBLED thereby; and in pow of volume, oVetirietiN and brilliancy of tone, they out pada anything as yet produced In the shape of a Piano. They laisseas all the advaunwes of the Oraud Pianos, with out any of its ,iininiventa.ges We now challenge comparison u oh the last/ Untenht ;d any other maker in this country, intident that every minimised Judge of the article will at uuce admit their superiority. The public is respectfully in. rated t.i call and examine those superb instruments. 11. K LEBER 8 BRO., Sole agents for Norms & "larks' Pianos For Western Pennsylvania. No. 53 Fifth street, next door to Masonic Hall. P. S.—Splendid assortment of the shies shortly expected for the Spring Trade. apb NEW SPRING STOCK OF CHICKERING & SONS PIANO FORTES. 'MBAAJOHN H. MELLOIt hoe ~.....„.. Just received seven more of ' • -". -,:' , n': , CHICKERLNO ,t SONS' - PIANO FORTES, and cony t ' .. I i plated the Stock, selected for Spring Sales, of TIITRTY•FIVE te,v and splendid Instruments, of every variety nod style, manufactured by the Messm Chickerings, clioston,) from the plainest SIX oCTA WE t.,, the moat splendidly finished Seven Octave Square Plano Fortes, as well as their superb and inimitable Wand and Parka tizand Plan, El ERY PT 'NO FORTE in this lot to of their NEW S&'ALE, with their PATENT IRON FRAMES and PATENT ACTION, and ate r. - d IZI ly warranted to the purchaser by the mannfacturers, but by the subscriber, to be In all respects as perfect as instruments can be made, hdli in regard to Material and Workmanship. PRICES:INVARIABLY THE :LAME ith m Bost.n, at t.t M•aufactory. . . JOHN 11. MELLOR. No. 81 Wood street, betwami Diamond alley and Fourth street. Agent for Cl ickering & Sons. Boston, for Pittsburgh and W,stern Penne. NEW SUPvLY OF PIANO FORTE& CHARLOTTE BLUME h. Just lot a 1111' /bar 6upidy ~ f flatlet, Ilan, tt Co Nam,. with pAtclat suspension bridge • and coropueutinn hearing., and with repeat -1.),,tre2 At llotl As a proof of the superiority of these Man.*, la the rol l:wing extract of a report at the late Mechanic's Fair" at Roston, in competition with the celebrated maker, Jonas Chickeraig, who wee President of the Aaaociation : ~ l'he Charitable MET banic'm Aasodation ..111..r1 chin diploma, with a 2iihier Jledul. to Haile[, Davis & Co.. tur the 1 ,4 ilrand Piar., Forte coutritruteil to the &chl - I ro3 JONAS Prent." , N h had elan one of his boot Grand, on exhibition in .i,rntiviition with Messrs. H. D d Co Ounmittee,,,Pruleasi.,rs Georg, J Weld,. II K. Oliver, I.anue, et, say of the Grand . " in tune, It la power lot, nu.itid, lull sod melt I..l.ittUt.l a tapltal Instrument, 8..0 on oxrioAtio. These 4 . 1.41/10, are made with lull ir,u frame, circular eliding etc., and are made t" stand in any clln/att lu addition to th, above, the subbcriher has rewire 1,0, trom itautugoadtea S lilacs, lia.mbarF; .4 W. Ledd 5 12 , 1. il„,stou, and otber gwd makers, plc. true .... • . N. 1 Old I'Lanod taken in eSil image at !heir full value. .la,thi•r Inv Ace ~f tha celebrated llaruburo Piano. td C. FOURTII STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. & H. McCALLUM, AW-S 7 FvUHTI3 STIttET, NEAR WuUD.-fa Tat attention of pity, haat re le fa.ria's.ttattly invited to Our venal, rnw A. nelei 1,4 for nI'IIINt.I 9e4.1.1 , :d. including— Bert .tnalits le:vent. and Topietry and 'r.l•.wtry. aralaa. tn. tolk and Stair llraaetle • I qupot. Medi= and L.Av and Raper 3 Pit Priced lap attic Reid I aq..l tOi K.lt I n nod Latuotek , dlull mod ,tair a teas; 4tior Clothe, from 2. to 24 feet wide, natio. ai,u.•e and lo Lads ilii Clothe,. Its cools Priatei tuld and 'Lade Cvers; Canton unit Cocoa Met . Ils.ath tvivaa Loos , 81.11 , List, lta? and Is 0110.15, sorry Christ) at BO Holland, tr., la.. all of w h ich .; .•f.•rJ glint lair rite% sit - NY, is 4 Pi, propekre,l to lut Ultib ueH.RI re•r LI I MANSFIELD SEMINARY Allegheny County Normal School, t.o.r cay, rifar :he junciv•ro Phi 11 11 M K ERR. A NI ://4/1/r/t/tvolelit, M A KERB, 1.1 It M • I'll El t N, A \I, I.moviii-ozra County '.3upertut.., , lctic, aril r.•.gwu All N..rrtml i..r i sae Ii , o TI . Lt Itah April P.q.thr I botL ses.c. are rt Dllllo4l' (*.utak. t nn la-ertl in the tatellt It.. ,tti (he'd I••.erdiGl can be •ettented 111 the reltt e re nut tit .nil), at tit at y 1 It. Itt weak. •ittat ter. el fU eeelts. IN Alt A:all: I-algthr 1.t...1tt PAO 0. Ttatturt, tr.nn fe U 0 f , Ito tat Tent her, ea !ut,. deutaith e t It. teeter." Jur tenthlnet, . au ealct tht N I:hal t•leltot.i at eat roue, an ..•htluue lu week, . t. the I • fQhtts tes ni• 11 , ertal welt Teem, tit-et the Art =l=l H oLVS PATENT II A ST A )1 P.—The tb: : •r th. lINtANK ILAN A NIL. 0011' A N 1 k.l 13 non prepri.,l 1.• t.• I. whwlt for all pr.. (I. nl I.llllk , Sl,l • • ikl-112, 4/1i • •! the kind ...t1..r..1 1,01,11. F 11%.worn, Sle.nnitmultP. 1. .• n no 1,1, t•toulinnA Moir Id , rory. 111 a4g,1•10 1. I n xr.l •ffilll., •L 411 1 1.. 1.).,1.11KA I/1 r.llhl X/ 01 til 1 ,, 11111,• , M4ll, inntl.4/g 1• tl,.ng S. 11, ',rill.. 11.1111, RI, .411, 111 tin- And i• t, ~. :• .t nw,nl.l ,It4e, I.• • I. I ;;,•I otte,tl t.. pahli., x 1.1.. h facts are a5ta1.,:;e1..,.: it sts iifts-r—sl I rists....t so". I h., 11 , 1iAl Alt .hf _ I Is. tit . zuul.lc w Ite st Ls, I. n, It..I•1. .1.1 It ti.; s I, rtt: .J inora proptlet.irs rely tilkln the intrindie tiletits ti., .41..1. titst it , eel rayerlority ..vci sii , othere, wtll . •.•.' I , a faCtlralsir Introductiou he f•nhhe are thelte.l to .all and sue the ..petation and • ..• al :of y Pt yhtl elffeirot y the's. If 1.., a ee.,l ,the style pixt•.l li. unl the fitea ell. t. of the heat mtterml still arorkmanettli. N1t1 4 F.....i EATuN. Azeut, N.. 13. Flna etrert, . I.—A.; ENT!' WANTED numohntely t rAn rails jr. thr 1•14.,..' t. , /k 111,1141 eaumimiou will I hereby .I.i - iffy thus NIOFES F EATON, of Pittnt,o,h. .I.ly apjaaillo! Sao Ilia • , alt at •• 1 maul lra.l `ztatiq." bn ttio Penne)) INKUIa, ."I,:t•pt ita• Cif ) of Plalad••llatin.• Ika the ColUMl4lllla. And .1. 11,0 I, lIN HAND 'STAMP Cour4st, 11. , sroy eyUs rAg,Lt, W WILLA tat rslairFlL May 12, 16—ti k m 1 1%. 1 L OCUT GROVE FEMALE SEMINARI. Trumtr,x 1,,,,nt 0rly" Epkcypnl Sonuudo mane t, The ft irmie vl the 11/1/Mll,lOll. that the hrc ILIIINI 11 1 'i...th6t. hacluK been 011111, , lied prtnnict,al 1i..1111, rerslgp lON .•llllrge un Kortor of the sate, [lac) safortmoth t• t,• to, lilt' anhothlo et•raleca ol the Li-v N VW Yolk, for the 'sauce pa.••• 1 and alio ,tat••taa at ~ 1 1,-111,11 the kliecharge of bin do t 0.,. Frt.m the yen' high and flattering aaoartru,olattotab th, have taa.i of Mr. Itataa, they hare no doubt ..f lor 1,111 11,,...es f.. 1 like work cotainitto.l to boo, atol that tho, bola aal that ttuder hle rastaa4tanent thu Sa•totoary car, hut to procure a large share of public favor and stitip••rt ,son, , hating daughter* or wards to Morale are tote uls,ly desired Ito s4quaint thou.:lre/4.41th its advantages Lien this instltutiou anord‘, both as re , 11,,13 its beautiful soil salubritis it,,,eition, two and X t ill miler nom the city, ,1 a 1.,. the lacrlittes for the thorough and relined education 1.;,•-••tited in its efficient carpe at instructors. trculare may be, obtained on application to the Rector, or either of the Trustees. . . .1.1it5 H. SiI,ENII.II , XiER Rliuea EN= 041.1 i r IIE CEYLON STRAW lIAT---The atten of the WAIL is I eqlll.lsted to our entirely new STK All' FIATS, just received fri.ini the imp in ~,inlauing the many qualities which have barn I.u: m.O to make the Straw Hat sultalle in every wn) ae a Summar lint It in th, , nly Straw Hot which the rain or damp weather n..t affect, either in the brim or crown, being so braided ae toil - oyellt the poe.ibtlity of It in any way I ener tbte entirely new style. called the CEYLON lIAT. I,llellol, it to Le. the Straw llnt that will pre the weer, entire sernefaction. CHARLES 11. I'AULSON, 70 WO.l lit., •- - • - • - myZU next deor from the corner of Fourth. WORTHY OF :1 TTEN T lON :—FOR !low dwelling house poet finished. 151,11:11, arranged with halt, two parlors, dining rein and kitchen, three chambers, good cellar, lath room, h, . a hy drant In thu card, and good stable. Thu lot baba front of 211 tees on Carrot ell rot, Allegheny city, by lob font deep to Lod he street. Price E 1,400 Terms-4300 in hand. :veal oder In one and two years. tl. CUTIIIIERT A: .9.0 N, ay.la 51 Market at. WRIGHT'S PREMIUM KATHARION cools the head, and removes all symptoms of Head ache. Persons using WRIGHT'S KATHARION Are never liable to sun-stroke. WRIGHT'S PREJIIUJI HATHAFtION Is the most valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining the Hair in any required form. For sale by Dr. GEO. H. gEYSER and R. E. SELLERS & (XL. at '26 cents per bottle. angle ALARUE BRICK HOUSE plemantlysitu stod in Allegheny city. with lot of ground 30 feet I/ .41 ton Bunk lane, by 150 feet deep toe 15 toot alley The is well built and finished in modern style: portico i n r,ont. hall, two parlors, dining room, kitchen. 7 chambers, cellar, hydrant, paved and gravel yard, shade and trim treed. shrubbery, Ac.,all in complete order, for sale by 1311M1 S. CUTLIBF.IIT SOS. 51 Market it. ENki LISH CA RPETINGS.—ROBINSON e CO., No. 23 Fifth street, have now passing through the New York Custom House a large Invoice of English Velvets and Tapenptry Brussels Oarpetting, which we *Mall receive in a few days, and be pleased to show to any who may wish the beet of Imported Goods. We have also now in Stock of Brttssela, 3 Plys Ingrain's Stair Carpets, Oil Cloths, &u., an assortment unsurpassed to thie market, end all at lowest prio!Ni./0 12 , • ..••• 11.,. A • • . • •%. 4,, 4, „, , „ • • - • • •%-••,-"-: •4I ••• ".1 .4 , "; PIM= PITTSBURGH, WEDNEq)_,AY, AUGUST 20. 1856. CHARLOTTE BLUAIE 11b nt IN= Fitt.tburgh, April 29th, 1968 OEURUE it. WHITt, OLIVER W. BARN'S, OLO S. BELDIS. ' I. • c • • t • + . t." . ." Ma= • ; 01. =Si 7 ve., :••, 4 - • ~x~~~ MISCELLANEOUS k t FURNITURE: ervii,77:S:7---!.-:ti.,(6 I._ 7-j :..;:y4lll '"; . li s a" i , • :_. :,•-•,''..: 5 ',/....,..: '''',' .74g41;•••:-..,,,,_,,,,„...,,77if-- --'-',;-,-,..---. IL .. '-: , ''; '',...it:1,, • -',_75'.:575. _ - ___" - --._-___l- .----7 -''''--- .1 -4::::::-L-.Z =''?' r RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Fifth Street THE subscriber, hating enlarged and fitted up In good btyla his SPACIOUS FURNITURE IYAREROOIIS, LARGE AND VALUABLE APLAITIONS To his stock, and now Invitee, hie, friends irlid the public to OALL AND EXAMXNE Before provheafrig eleeccher. 1118 STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED, kuluraiting to aLKAit $50,000 Worth, Consisting of EVERY CLASS OF GOODS &ten, MEDIUM, and And embracing name very dna ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, Covered with French bagatelle. OAK CHAMBER SETTS, And a great variety of New Styles of Bureau, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &0., &c. All of wtdch he offers I.y retail, at WIIOLEIBALE PRICE?. ea_ Every article warranted to giro satisfaction, or the nniuey refunded. H. R. RYAN, No. 31 Fifth street EDMUND WILKINS, EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. HEAD OF WOOD, ON LIBRRTY SREET, and at the Cemetery Gate, Pittsburgh Pa. aleiiiiinent,, Burial Vaults. Tombstiinea. „Mantel Pieta, enire and tier Table Topa, aVaishatainni, to On hand and nada to order, of.e,ery variety, Mantels, fencing. tett, yr.aineutal and plain, which Ie durable, and need, no at trim, $2 per tuft duving limn engaged priori, ally in this husinwe thir ty ).11,, twenty-three ,it which have bean in this ,rit e I deem a inifft, - ieut referenre, I will make new deshr.e, fiirriladi any work in my line at reasonable pike*. Jo-i'd p. JAMES A. FETZER, FURWARDIEG AND OUMMfERION MERCHANT FOE THE SALi.uP Flour, Grain, Dried Fruit, Seeds, Lard, But ter, Bacon, and Produce genetally. No. S 9 Water Street, PITTSBUR(4II, PA. to 41 Railer, F.sq.. N zilistn , it Sil. Pittsi.untli, Boyd A Oct. Hend,ll A SNPILIIng,n..+., 8t0...1 , ,, Cash. M. & M List & CrAngl., A U.,. Anderson. Paxton A Co., WhL , ellow [m3-2, PEKIN TEA STOEE, NO. 3S FIFTH STREET ?It Ertl! TR.A.S —A choice lot Ireeh titveti nml 111.1 'lees, Just received direct from the importers, IA bulb will be 0 . 0 1.1 v.M..lesale and retsul, at prices lower titan usual. Two Medals and Five Diplomas Awarded A R T uit Patrol Alf Z , Cii-.1"..4.1ing tut cent fire peat( Yellow Jars. Henry the the AA ut of thin tit: latatera Pouttsylvani the sale .tt the alt., .I.s. at Ito China wut.nnwet, stem, Waat ft, Pittsburg! a byre in also kapt and t.:t..ott glans lan ttl.. 0, With licrg and 0 - 101, ready title Btrawltern, t • htuarnt t 9, urn. i7ln..e and qurr ttnwnta, adapt.-. 1 1.. the .note of i.rtvate tauttitta. kssits.ta, steam ats and . l untry_ssio, La kit.. all at nealerate we. 1 , 17 ,tut REMOVAL. PRANK VAN ijoRDER 11A REMOVED to No 7 , , MARKET nutted, Lewd, oppt.aite a. 11/4 old 0111141..141 101 in n prepared t., nuppit ha, clod. the polthe generally with anything they TINE In the , ruy Irtimmugs, Embroideries, klibLona, tiloves, Ilusiery and Vanity Chards tra• - Ranietnber the No., 7B Market at _ Insurance Cwilpa ny.—The President and Dim t,tra of this Company ha e tills day declared a semi-annual dividend of sir dollars per share, upon the Capital mock. FiNedollarfilt,..atth, pay to the Stitekholders or Omar legal tetaresentatlvea, and one dollar cre,tited to their stork on and after the inst. SAMUEL L. MARSIIELL. Sect. Juno 17th, t,lSiftw OLD TYPE METAL. WE HAVE FOR SALE, at the Office of the MORNING POST, a large quantity of OLD v Nikwhinieta sad others wanting such an article can ~;.4 a large supplyby c luny .con. fehO cI'rATE FAIR.—The undersigned Commit -17 tee, app. - aimed ti solicit subscriptions, to secure the I h ads no of the 3 tat, Fair at Pittsburgh. hereby authorise J.tt1,)13 UL, SSER, ono of their Committee, to re, lea t the sam.• Mr GLOSSER call on s,hscribers doling the I.teeent mouth. N U MURPHY. l•• tl LXI E 3., JOHN 3. COStilt , iVE. WILLIASI M. II ERr 11. JACOB OLOSS EII, Je2l (omstio.ree. NEW BOOKS.—Just received, and it is hardly nocessare to repeat again to the public. that tory are 1.8.1 front TEN To TWENTY PER CENT. LeW ER rlutll rise. ban' 'nail - of Madame Bach's' In the United Stat.:is-Iw,, 105. 3parrowgrass Papers-90 cents. Comic )liseries of Human Life-79k. The States and Territories of the Groat West-81.12. The !Mosby Papers: by Brougham-9n, 'fangletown Lottery—sl,l2 Salad for the Social—sl,la. Piazza Tales; by Meleille--90, Vagabond Lite In Nleitico--talc. Scalp Hunters; by Obpt. Mayne Reid—sl,l2. White Chief; $1,12. Sit. Sponge's Sporting Tour; 1,1 Frank loreeter—sl,3s. Brother Jonathan for 4th July-12c. Pictorial Clipper—tic. Val bee Notions-4:a Harper], Slagazine fur July. (third supply)-20c. Peterson's Magazine for July, (second supply)-17c. tiraliarn'a Magazine for July. (second supp ly' ( -21.1c. Oodey's Ladi's Book fur July-20c. Leslie's N. 1 Journal-18c. Halloo's Magazdne-10c. Remember, the place to get Minrazines is at LAUF FEB'S BOtASTuktE, Je2B NO 57 Fourth street. AGREAT BARGAIN!—For sale, a com fortable Brick DWELLING HOUSE, No. Mt Front et., wittr Lots of tirotiod, each Ai feet front by 90 deep. The House is large and convenient; is good cellar, with cemented floor; a Mill, two parlors, dining-room, and kitchen on first sorry; with a wasb-house and large pantry—three chambers, stein room and bath room on the around story, and Ave rixtuis on third story. Fire-proof slate roof, gas fixtures and pipes on first and second story. Large yard. With shade tines, grape vine* Ac. The improvements alone cost more than the price Wilhiai fur the whole property. PI h. $5OOO - tOtitt In hand; remainder at one, two mud Hires years S. CUTHBERT A: SON, Je2ti Real Estate Agents, 51 118H:et at. BACON -2 casks for sale by Jy24 HENRY H. CI'LLINS. ..)I) BOXES ORANGES to arrive and fur sale by REV3IER .t ANDERSON, jyri No. 39 Wood street 20 BOXES LEMONS to arrive this day and fur sale by ItEYSIER & ANDERSON, JYI 7 YOUNG lIYSON TEA—id chests tine;t. Ring Chop Young Ilysoo Teas, at 75c. and 1,118 lb., re. calved by F. It DRAT°, mylo 82 Market and 1 Diamond. F LOWER VASES-20 pair Terra Cotta Vases for sale b‘r jyIS) lIISNItY ll COLLINS . FIFTH STREET PROPERTY—A Lot of Ground on Fifth street, :optioshe the Oathedral, bu nnich is are . n.,1 a neat Tiro Story. Brick Building, imitable for offices. Apply to Lie2B] BLAB-ELY ?c. HicßEy. WHEAT -5000 bushels of prime Wheat wanted by SYRINGKR ARBAttOn. 17 'arr Liberty wits. T AMP-BLACK-50 bbls. just receive. and 4.4 for sale by Uall rumba nos. ": ~' 1 7 P t tft„;; '- • " =IBM PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. AT THE BUFFALO YENERIAN lIOSTI. TA L--Eitablishrd t•Tthe ccoa of 5yt.1.11.0, Senunal 'Weatimosa and the Infirntiiie. of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS & SON, BUFFALO, New York—DJ:lice, corner of Main and Quay 'motto, iop emirs ) An instrument fur the cure of general Debility, Impotence, Incootin,nce, or Nocturnal Enaissiora. Thin iuttrument has been used with the most happy effect in the practice of the most eminent physicians and surgenno in the British empire, France and Germany. I o re- markaLle were the cures, that the late " Sra ASHLEY" baited it as the "Harbinger of Life." The use of thin will tally sustain the high encomium. *YOUNG .:EN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE- Dr. AMOS ,t SON are the 0u1,3 Physicians iu the State who are members 1.1 the Royal College of S.argeons,London. Irradiates of one of the moat eminent Colleges in the Utlitbfl :ital.., take pleasure in announcing that they have invents' a reset Important instrument for the wee of the above diseases. It has been bubjected tea lent by the moot eminent physhians in London, Paris, Philadelphia and New Yo - k.; it has been declared to be the only nostril instrument ever et discovered for the cnre of Seminal Weakness, or any disease at the genital organs, arising from the solitary habits of self Indulgence which destroy both hotly and mind, unfitting man either for marriage or society. Dr. AMOS k SON, In order to satisfy the mostskeptical as to the wentts of their inatrument, pledge themselves that is any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the Inetni meut In good order. Persons wishing the move useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by expreas, is tan dollars. NEW REMEDY AND QUICK CURES For the Venereal Diseases and all private complaints, gleets, strictures, seminal weakness. pains in the loins, affec tions of the kidnap, diseases of the bead, throat, nose and skin, and all threw dreadful afflictions arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional debility, ren ders marriage impossible, and in the end destroys both body nod mind. Dr. AMOS k SON have devoted their attention recto sic ely to ti-is feculixr class of maladies, and the relief tie y have copse meetly been enabled to render to their fellow cr•taturoe is fully testified and gratefully nano, ledgcd I.y couvalrarmit patients and others daily arrivin, in town from all parts of ti,. country, for the ex price purpose only of consultatiori, while their exertions have heeu crowned with the most signal Esdve.ritu,r...o; yet from what they Lave experienced iu inquiring into the causes of then, infectious complaints (from their most dimple couditem to that of the molt dangerous and inveterated) they have always enter tained the pnwilbility •,f their prevention and removal, and likewise invariably Intend that the most horrible and malice nest forms of disease could almost always be traced to one of the following anus neglect, .•r the ill of teas of unskilful and improper treatment; therefore Pr. ANIOS s SON have succeeded in discovering, iu the Bela non of their remedies, a safe, effectual and cautions ,nurse omitting all combination of remedies which hear an ,-yutco cal so well as those whose premature or ujudr duns application might be productive of bad consequenc., in the hands of private individuals. In short, the lamtnbie t•cid of the remedy is the lessening of a grand mane of hu man misery by the alleviation, relief and prevention of those grievous afflictions that are in reality the secret for of life, and which, while they so extensively surround us, call aloud for our skill and interference tar their extermination LOW-PRICED Dr. A 31,4 S ar SON have for a long series of years bean en gaged In an en tengve practice In the treatment of these deli cate mmplatuts, and are the only legally qualified Yhymcia.ns who, regardless of the taunts and easy of the hypocritical and muck modest, have had the confidence, th ough the me dium of the public press, to direct attention to those enor mous evils, from which no grade of society is free. Ida select, mg this department of practice they have been amply re warded by the great success that has attended their efforts' in the treatment of these cases, whisk are so generally con-. tided to the umpalifies.l and ignorant erupiries, who, with their pirated publications MSillue fOreign IMMes and tith-e, and pretended virtues of their patent nostrums, have in flicted cerium injury ,m those who have been induced to place faith In their pretensions—Medical Revlon- Dr AMOS A SON have wade arrangements whereby package:, can be forwarded with serre.y and despatch to any part of . the world. Addr' Dr AMC . * A EloS. corner of Main and Quay tr..eta, up stalrf,l Antral°, N. Y Je3ollamly DOCTORGEHROOMFALBNIIiT'STECRESLEBRATED -LIVER COMPLAINT, DT,PIPSIA JAUNDICE, CIIIIO A. 14 an a - I.SiTV frony e l disnrdrrca Lito., or Stomoc ,, Stch loaning the heed , /tinned and Losib,tili. Bre:Atha:Lg. Flutt,rueg at the heart, elndeittix or ziniticating 5.11.1t1,11, when in a Ip ing pratore, Dimness ..f V 1141,11, %N et. txf,ire the Stgest. Freer and Unll Pain In the 11,4.1. lienciency Peerpiration, vel lownese at the Skin and Limhe, Pant in the Side, Deck, Cheat, I.,irnta, 5. , ..1.1en Iflumhes of Ilea burn. tug In the Flesh, Constant I rnaonihga of Keil, and great Depreshion of S P I It I lA attributing much valuable properties to this remedy, no ' rash or unwarrantable assertion in made, but is simply stated a tact ; proven undeniably and concltpuerly by the °straw- i ,hoary cures, and benefits derived from its use, under the di. rection of Its illustrious originator, Dr, lioothand, among nil ,lasses of European society. and front the immense ma,e, of testimony. from al, parts of the American continent, ae , 1.1- ululated during the last um years, in the hands of the pee- la proprietor. The prevalence ,•1 dlsoases to which the tiernisii Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow We ray it. Is .1. most naive: ant. ndeed ta:ttrerly a family throughout the whole extant of otu - country in win, h there cannot i among Its al mbers that pe.. uliar t and bingo,/ app,lrume oeuoting a diseased Liver, or on anm. listed and satf,riug Dy speptic. Then of what immense important, t., this class of invalids that a ref.a.lll and tellable remedy should he pli.u_eo within their reach; one in which no baneful or injurious drug en- tels into Its , ' , .1111 ,4 .t1t1011 . a rowed; on which the patient can el, with the utiinwt confidence and certainty. and he assured trot actual and tangible proofs that the article he is using • 'rally peeresses the vir.ues a • it Ihtlted to It reni,lrr ••lititiFLAND'L; GERMAN BIrFERS ' Thousand, Y, ,t,iliars have been expended iu its manufacture Mid ditfu,l 'a lir, uglowit all pars of thin continent. and the t , i•Ttlet.,i laYl• the greatest satisfaction IL elating toot air, I. 1,, , state, county,, ever, village, o lwre the M,,b , no , has been introductal, that there can,. -t b., band numbers mina: testify to its virtues. It i• ustantly ti, the practice of n large numb, 4; Iho ninit pr , anment Physicians in the 00111, try, wh,, have al,,e added their written testainuy in evidence of its 41Gal sit tiles. In then, Mt' i5 . ..u1 , 1 rest., tinily a,-k of ; a. 5 those atillCte.l with any of the above diseases to glee the BILE,* a Mal, and rest assured it will IteVer Le regretted In pr“of of the eaten/phut an, Isl.le, all HI: . IO teal attentively the Almanac published annually by the pr, ikrltltni. for Fattltort, and Foruilira. containing a great num- her of useful rcelpts, 111 addition to the testimony in fav,r of the Iliac,. hum the most prominent and well lin, , wn in- viduals in all ports ~1' th, Union. All Agents for the Bit- ! ters urn authorized to diitrthnte the Almanac gratuitously. Principal Mice and Manufactory, Uti Arch street, Phlladel- ' phis, Pa. , fit sale wholesale by Druggists in all the principal cities, and at retail by Apothecaries and StorekeepArs in every tom in the Baited States and Canada, and lry. EZEITIM np2Wn,—,W_ FLESiING BROS. end Dr. GEO. 11. KEYSER, Pittsburgh, AHOMESTEAD FOR 810 !--i±z3lo.ooo WORTH OF FARMS AND BUILDING IAYPS fu tile Gold Region of Culpepper County, Virginia, to ice amongst 10,200 subscribers,on the 17th of September, Lr the ben,fit of Poi t Female Aeadoniv. Subscrlo- Ilorit ONLY TEN DOLLARS EACH, one-half clown. the I. st on the delivery of the Deed. Every sulwriher will ,4.,•t a Building Li•t or a Farm, ranging in value from 510 to Thee,. Farme and Lots are told so cheap to induce settle- MOD to. a tomb, [wing reserved, the inflien, iti the "War of which will COniponinite lot the apparent lou prier now naked. Ample eixurity will be given tor Lilo lactic lul pert,yrruanc,: of 0141tracta and promises. Mnre Agents are wanted. not of Alie4heny city. ti. Obtain subacribers. to whom the mom liberal India - et - nabtn will be given. Some Agents nil.. that Oil .1' are- fa.° a mouth. For toll par tbialarii, apply tic E. BAUDER. Port Royal. Caroline rott.ty. Va. Or to U. W. Bunn, .1 gSu 1, Ohio etrort. Joseph White's Carriage Reposhlory. IUSEPII WHITE. now carrying on bust- : 7 tl unto in his spacious premises, (now lately , - atilarged,)oo the Pittsburgh and Hreenshurg Turnpike, near the Two Mile Run, between tolonrgh nod Lawrenceville, renpiXithilly iliriten the public to 'inspect his stock of CARR LADES, BUGGIES, le. And he particularly informs Kentleruou purchasers, that. one privy only is made. Fourteen yearn' ernorience In the business enables him to place before hie patron, the /Mime choice (ilk:root] of Our riages which, +0 many yearn past it has been his partienbu department to select, from the carious and mist talented Eastern manufacturers The •ur,rewe of his new srstern is complete--the economy of Ind annngemente will supply the hest and most fashionable manuntctures at moderate price, Unencumbered by those 1..1 . 3,1.i-ruses, which the /mina/ for decorating houses 01 bunnies, has heaped open the price of goods, (owing to large rents. I JOSEPH WHITE will on ready money only, at much less than the usual price,. Carriages repaired in the best manner with despatch midi:ll*w S[GAR AND MOLASSES— *2IO bbls., cypress ccoperage. N Mol.ses; OW do oak do do; re" do St. James S. 11. 31olasesei; lOU blade fully lair and prime N. 0 Sugar. On band and for sale by MILLER k RICKETSON, 3016. =I and Liberty street. HOUSE TO LET A commodious 'l'w, , Story BRICK lo WEL LI NG 'LOUSE. situated ranklin street, opposite the 5.1.7.. th Prosbyternut Chord, Posseasion given immediately. Enquire at the honor, us of MILLER At RICKETSON. jell Nos. 221 and Liberty street. o ANDLES AND SOAP -50 boxes Star Candles, l's, s's and 6's ; 153 do C.nnmon mould Candles; 25 do t.in. German Soap; 15 do do No. I do 100 do No. I extra family Soar. In store and for sale by irlt; MILLER k RICKETSON. FIERRINU -30 bids. No. 1 Dry Salt herring; 20 bf tibia. No. 1 Just received and for sale by MILLER & TLICKETSON. 153 and 'M Liberty COFFEE. -150 bags prime Rio Coffee; 60 do. extra do do. 40 do. Old Goo. Java do. In atom and for .lo by MILLER & RICE liITSON. je-12 .No. 221 and 2'23 Liberty street NOTlCE.—Application will be made to the next Legislature for the charter of "The A Ilegben Dank," with a capital of FUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, sulkkiet.to the proeistone of the banking law. , Cornmisaionera :—H. Hepburn, H. Bagley, J. H. Pennock, R. B. Roberta, Peter Petersn, James Patton, Jams Park" Jr and others. irml 2a,1888. apaegumera 1 ,„ 17,,k ' • A SMO!?I' SCIE,ZTI VIC INVENTION Na ARE OF IMPOSITION PRZYSRLD by DR. C. M. JACKSON, PTIIIAD'A, Will vitrellitaly cure _ _ NE OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, as Cousti pa ti,u. Inward Piles, Fu2ll,s,"r Blood to the !lead. A. laity of the Slome h, Nausean, Item thurn, Disgust for wei;eht in the Stomach. Nont Erocts, or Rect.,' Ing at the Pi! of the zstk-e Sing EIMMEMEM= /1 1 ./()/it NUMBER 270. MISCELLANEOUS. ALLEG TIEN Y CITY PROPERTY—A Lot of Ground on Lacock street , throe doors from Federal street, 22 feet front by 100 feet deep to en alley, on which are the following improvements, vise a Brick Dwelling Iluu.N.well finished arid aditanibly arranged. 20% feet by 42, crontaining two parlors, dining room and kitchen on the first flre three minas above and one over the dining lth It finished attic—cellar under the whole house— back yard paved—bake Been in the cellar—hydrant am! gas on the premised. Will be exchanged fora Farm. Apply to jyd ELAN ELY A RICKEY. FOR SALE-20 Acres of Land; a good situation for a country store; about twenty miles from too city, fu a thrivirg ningbnerhood, and no store near. Four (louses—two Brick, two Frame—in Allegheny City; one Frame hitlllittsfi on this diamond, occupied as a grocery and provision store, and for the I.w-tufts four , vacout lots. ANTED—L to do housework for a small ftmlly in Allegheny City. Eittuatioft wanted for:3Ln. and Boys. Apply to GEO. W. BONN, at his Baal Estate Agency and Intelligence Ogire, on the north side of Ohlo street, fourth it,por owit of the thamentl. AllogbOlY City. IY3 --- ILKINSBURCr PROPERTY!-FOR OR SALR.—A dLuirable location for a country ' Lome. Four acres of ludo( choice qtuility, pleasantly situated near tie Railroad depot, Wilkinsburg; le all under good }hum, cud has an excellent spring of never failing water. it will be eold at a bargain, as the owner is unable to put im provements on so choice a property, and hes determined to go West. Price $l,O 0. Terms $lOO In band, remainder In one, two and three years. 8. CUTHBERT & SON, lye 51 Market at. VALUABLE FIFTH WARD PROPERTY IN MARKET VERY LOW—Two 3 story Brick Houses on Penn street, each occupied as business houses and dwellings, renting well and ir. the vary best portion of the F!tth Ward. Also, a corner 3 story Brick House, occu pied as a cabinet store and dwelling, and a 2 story Brick Dwelling House in the rear. Also, three Business Houses and live Dwelling Houses on the corner of two public ntreet, lo the Fifth Ward. Apply to 15 30 BLAKELY k COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 'THE undersigned (with a view of reinov _l_ tug to another house in the immediate vicinity,' offers 1, sale the HOUSE AND LOT in which he now resides, situated on )'aunt Washington, ou the brow of Ccial Hill, opposite the lower part of the city. The lot is 111! feet front 11.101 35ai fret deep. and has growing on it a large number of fruit trees and shrubbery, consisting of apples, peaches, plums, cherries, apricots, currants. gce.aeberriex , raspberries. grapes, A,. The Mame is .4.) feet trout, 6 feet ball, and te, deep. with kitchen and cellar. There are 8 rooms, with bath room and finished garret. The house Is built in mod ern style. neatly painted and paneled throughout; the doors windows and wasbboards of frost rooms and hall are grained. 'f hero is It good stable, sutFicamtly large for two horses and A well of good water. a cistern, and all necessary ou[Louses., The lot is enclosed by a paling fence 6 feet high. T lie locution is one of the most beautiful and healthful in Western Pennsylvania. Possession given immediately. Torras 3y23 FOR SALE--Seren acres of Land, an which is a frame house, frame stable, never failing spring, Lest of grafted fruit, grape vines Linda varlotyof shrubbery. wit and a quarter acres of land, on which Is a brick house with four rooms, a good cellar and n frame sbop. Mao, a town lot, on which 18 a brick house with four rworus, finished garret sad good cellar, all situated in Se. wick's - rifle, and will be sold low if applied for soon, or would be traded fur a mall farm handy to some of our Lit roads or ricers. Fur Sale—Three good farms, well Improved, within twen ty live miles of the city. Apply to O. W. BUNN, al the Real Estate Agency and I nteiligoncc Office, north side of Ohio street, fourth door east of the Diamond. Allegheny city. )r26 ALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR • SALL—The undersigned offers Gr sale on favorable terms a large number of Building Lote In the Third and Eighth Wards of the city. The lots front on Pennsylvania Avenue, Watson, Forbes, Locust, Maria Vickroy and Bluff are but a few minutes walk from the Court House, and will ha sold very cheap. Peraoris desirous of aecuringn oanvenient and healthy location for a homa, or wishing to purchase for specula tion, in a fart of t h r rits which will continue steadily to improve will find It to their advantage to call upon the un der.ngurd. Cii It ISTOPILER )LADE e, Attorney at Law. iny297tf So. 104 Fifth street. I Gazette and Plapatch copy and ch.. Pint.] VALUABLE Coal Alines at Auction.—On the •Loth day of August next, at 3 o'clock, P. 11., will 1., odd on the premises. to the highest bidder, Kelsey's ex. rellent Coal Mines, 20 males above Pittaburoh, on ;he Mo. noncaliela river. These work+ are now in operation, having the ro'ol" all in the finest order. The dip of the. coal is ~,1,t.. Tit,/re are SP4 acres of coal, with two fine veins. ono ti to l 0 Get, tb" other about 4 feet. Two brick and four trope houses; the airs and everything on these splendidly io.proted works, together with 1b 1 ,4 acres of river bottom cool of superior quality. and 60 rods of the best landing on thy Terim---Cmo ttird cash, one-third in 9 months, and ono thi, din 18 months. If you waut a bargain bur these unsurpassed works. furtl,r particulars inquire of TITO& WOODS, Commercial Broker, J 3 25 75 Fourth tot-, Pittsburgh. - EINE ACRES of first-rate land, three in cnitilation, balance lu prime timber, situate In a very pi 'cant location, about two milt% from Allegheny city, with a laro3 trout on the New Brighton and Allegheny Plank Komi, will be sold on easy terms by B. CUTHBERT & SON, Real Estau ALOntat, 51 Market A THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE FOR el,7oo—Contains 8 rooms, bath room and pillar. Terms, $5O In hand, balance in three yearly payment* A three stdiy brick house of 5 rooms- stme-room : ko, for $1.700. Also, a dwelling-home of 8: rooms, adjoining the above. $1.700 Terms--$5OO In hand: balance In 1, Z and a yearn—eituaLe at the corner of Franklin and Elm streets. = S. CUTE:BERT k SON, 51 Market nt. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, in a healthy and pleasant location,lo miles from the city, Diu the Perrysville Plank Road; '..115 acres, 160 clewed and in cultivation, about 60 aciea of g ood meadow land, an ca chat d of 6 acres bearing trees, and pod timber on the unimproved land Thew is a frame house of 6 rooms on the ground, ith a fine fountain of running water at the door, a new frame horn, and other buildings. Apply to. - 8. CUTHBERT lc 80N, 51 Market TUIVA.—We are sending an Agent to a pox.- ti., of lowa, who will to preparial to start in about ten dae-i, and will attend to the paying of races, making caller- Jec. Any person having husineas in that State, the fai-or of calling on us, will receive every inf. , rinalion.ii( 29l BLAKXLY k. RICHEY. SUIN HAND, balance in one, two and three years, will hay a good BUILDING LOT of Yi fret it ont by 130 deep, situated near the Outer Depot, Al le limy City—price 5175. TMu property is well worth at- Adieu. C CUTHBERT & SON, Real Estate Agents, 51 Idarkeiat. T INTSEED OIL— 1000 gallons Linseed G:1 L Ivraid,by 7.9CHOONM AA( ER, TOBACCO— S() boxes "Anderson's" O's and B.'s Totncco• 1.) do Welis . er's o 1.1" s•s do. 5 do. -.lours" . o's do. 0 do, "Jas. 11. firarit's' .00 do. '• Will. 11. Grant's" O's and b's. 10 do. " H S It's' O's Tobacco. 3 do. 'Ashlon'ii" 5' do. d "Jones' pcui.l lump do. 6 cases (40dicarf boxes) Yankee Doodle half pound lump Tobacco. Just rexived and for sale by SIELLER h RICILETSON, au6 No.. 221 and 223 Liberty street. _ 00 Pieces Ca!icoes, Berages, De Laines at 12 , , 6 cents, worth 25 cents, nt Yho Somi-An- MEM VAST LANE, Allegheny City.—We hare fine sale it !rouse and Lo i on hien' Lane, lying between Math et .eet and the river. The Let is 18 feet wide by 6 fmt de, p. with s neat tw , , story Brick Dwelling ilmase, contain ing six resmis hydrant in the yard, and other ouishousea. It Win trc very hm. It would la, exchanged for n city ,t. Appl) to i BLAKELY a RICHEY'. RS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR nxeTotthin.—An unfailing restore' and preserver of the hair and might. It is not a dye! The hair and whis ker,. however gray., aro Tempered t. 9 and preserved in their thtual lite color! By its use. wigs, apochicles and gray halm will soon become extinct. The Restorer as, LI with the Zylobalsrtmum, not only cleanses the hair, bat inclines it to curl, giving It a soft. glore-y and nattirlit appearance. The hemtorer will strengthen and preserve the eight, and remove and prevent dizziness, headache, scurf, dandruff, scald-head, or anertnottuti of the skin, and all uomaturei per.pinttions of the head It is a cettein cure for eaten in ti r e 11,14. Sold by JOS. FLEMING, Druggist, ow'. of the Diamond. and Harked et. VOR SALE'. A very desirable Country u•utaining 63 Acres, beautifully situated on ibeiihto River, and a‘ljoitiln,g the town of Beaver—well Im with a good Cottage Bowie and othor buildings— Wrest shrubbery, THOMAS W 001). 7h Fourth street UNFC'RL THE GLORIOUS BANNER— A Patriotic Sour; words b K J. Allen. Writb non th of a presentation of a stand of colors, by the Ibrvit no Greys, to the Chicago Light Guard. Music corn po,d and respectfully dedicated to Capt. John If, Wyman, by Henry Maher. Price '2.5 cents. The above just published and for sale by IT. ICLMIER d BRO., j 3 1 No, 513 Fifth street. fIOLT HAS LEFT HIS BRIDAL GIFT.- Ono of the last things done by Col. Colt preerions to getting married, was to bare his IMPROVED PISTOL fin ishing end brought Into market. It possesses many advan• togas over the old patent. We now have on band a supply of these really tasteful weapon, and would be ,pleased to show them to our friends. Gunn, Pistols, Rinses, Revolvers, Ammunition. &e., AT_ BOWN & TETLEY, ;o' s N 0.138 Wood street. AT AG AZIN.S FOB, JULY 31agazi e for July. Godere Graham's " 13aEon's " Peterson's " Illustrated London News. The Struggle for Life, or Claude and the Skeleton Ilorseamo. 11. T. C. 51011G.A.N, e2O 41 Fifth street MILL O AN])ra vy andCCROorn.,SS-thCUT SAWS r" -- Iletlows and Vices ; • Primp:Chain anti Eixturesi Hay and Minnie Forks. Together with a large and extensive assortment of Hardieirejust received and for sale low, at No. 83 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street, Pittsburgh. &OWL FATMESTOOK. ap29 BROWN'S Essence of Ginger-24 dozen of tills valuable medicine receivedy J9B. 11.8KiNG 4 i 9 25 corner Diganonitand* Market at. c l I t is, 4e . z - r• ~ ~4i ". ItiTertt4DVEWll' BY THE PITTBBEBQHTSTBRrii44 rex infra. !Ddily,friM 6, l 7 SW OM:CaI A wa.-,a -week ' wieorc. One ....... Two insertions Three Insertions One week. Two weeks Three wenke...._....... One Twit months Three months Your months Vine months... Six months Nine m0nth5:.:....... ttrancting Card, stx li One square, par af4u . , Marl inee'nutte« I'lTTSiti 11,6 POST. WEDNESDAY MORNING: A. Brief Skate . 14 of the Career of a Stater. Was Born ON THE 23n DAY OF APRIL, 1791, , AT STONY RITTER., - - Oa the Eastern slope of the Alleghenies; In 1805 He entered Dickinson 0011ege. , He grad•zqt;,..i with Distinguished Honor. In 1809 ne lean* ; He commenced the 'study of law, and was ad mitted to , the Bar, N0vember.17,1812,,,, ma career in the' i PROFESSION WAS L SERIES OP SUCCESSIV4iTBIO/611111.' . •In IESIA Itle;madil a poweifnl opeeolin'favor of; a , kg VIGOROUS PROSECUTION OP TUE WAR MIR GREAT =MAIN, And volnoteorad, AS A COMMON SOLDIER In the"ranka'of ' Where he declared, •That: the 'invading enemy must be driven from our shores," And proclaimed himself in favor of" THE RIGHTS OF THE NATURALIZED CITIZEN, And opposed to the PROSCRIPTION OF FOREIGNERS. October 1815 He was again elected to the Legislature. In 1820 • FIE W. LS FLEOTED TO G)NOILESS. He was re-elected for Firs successive terms He immortalized himself by bis eloquence, orb! made the world acknowledge him to be A FTAT 1 , 19N1 AN. In 1822 He spoke in favor of Military Appropriations ; Against the Bankrupt Bill ; in support of the Tariff ; and proclaimed himself' opposed to sic- TIONALISM, and a Representative neither of the East, nor of tho West, nor of the North, dor of the South, BOTroa THE Tr 40147 0017FT.ST., =I In - 1824 " ' He spoke in favor of the Niagara anffereminahe war of 1812, and for the Presidency prorio*med himself emphatically for Andrew Taellsoi:72-' - ' In 1826 • W. 0. LESLIE, No. 45 Fifth street. The Independence of the South Aaterican &atm In "1826 He declared in Congress that Spain should cede to no Government but the IJuited.States.. And made a triumphant speech in au . pport of Pensions for RevolvtionarY Soldieriat In 1828 He took a strong position in He made his profound speech on the impeach ment of Judge Peck, and vindicated the rights of the Public Press. Iu 1821 lie voluntarily retired from Congress. In 1882 President Jackson appointed him MINISTER TO RUSSIA, Where he enceeeded in making a most important Commercial Treaty. In 1888 He was elected to • TILE UNITED STATES SENATE. In 1534 lie took his seat, and in his masterly speech on French Reprisals, declared that we must not only assert our rights, but maintain them. In 1.835-6 Ile attacked Incendiary Publications. He be came, at the same time, the exponent of the national syeipathy for TEXAN INDEPENDENO.E. He plead in behalf of the sufferers by the-great I fire, in New York ; indorsed the policy of the great Jackson in respect to onr relations with France; advocated the admission into the Unicin of Michigan and 'Arkansas ; and declared himself TO BE A STATES RIOHTS MAN! l In 1837 Ile took bold ground in favor of the Expunging Resolutions of Col. Benton, declaring Andre* Jackson to be the Savior of the Liberties of—our country. . He took strong ground in SEPPoRT OF TUE SUR-TREASCRT DILL. - An.l, in his speech upon our Relations Aid& Mexico uttered that sentenie which will be as immortal as our history: "MILLIONS TO DEFEND OLYR RIGIITS;13IIT NOT A CENT FOR TRIBLTIT." In 183 S He was the foremost defender of Pre-emption Rights against the tyranny of Landed Monopolists. • lu 1839 He delivered his great speech on the Independent Treasury. In 1840 His celebrated —7 . 0 7 to Clay an Archer on the Fiscal Bank Question. In 1841 .7M=tll He delivered his noted argument in the M'Leod's Case, on International Law. In 1842 lie pronounced his thorough statesmanlike opinion on the Veto Power- . in 1843 He seconded the conduct of Daniel Webster in the He took peremptory ground in favor of our settle ments on the:Pacific ; for the Territorial growth of Oregon, and for:the Annexation of Texas. Is 1845 By the advice of Andrew Jackson, President Polk appointed him. SECRETARY OE STATE. ME=MI 1121=1 While in' this unpin-taut position, he settled the OREGON DOUSDLILY Conducted the negotiations which resulted in ACQUISITION AND CONQUEST OF CALIFORIciA;' and, in his negotiations with England, declared that naturalized American citizens were entitled to the same protection as native born citizens; protected the PATRIOTS OP THE IBIS!) REVOLUTION IN 1838; And left the State Department filled with the Where by his consummate ability, his diploMatic tact and his sagacious foresight, he laid the foundation for the settlement of all our diiticul- lle returei from Europe, and win welcomed By a Grateful Nation, • With the heartfelt applause which his career abroad had merited. In June, IES 6 The unanirpow voice of REPRESENTATIVES PROM EVERY COUNTY IN TUE The Confident of the Sage of the Ifermitnge ; As the Candidate of the Democracy for the Presidency of the United States. On the 4th of March, 1E457, HE WILL BE INAUGURATED PRESIDENT. Finally, His Political is but a counterpart of his PI IvateLife THE /POI. OF HIS HOME, . THE ORNAMENT OF HIS HELIGIOH, THE PROTECTOR OP THE FRI - 851)1AI: AIV THE CHOICE OF THE NAVOI44! • , - • :';: _: MEM 2 001 6b t' 6 UU 8 4.1* 3 C , 60 ' 10 " 1 1 12 00 16 06 16 un e 3 or l 7 35 ( lu 35 18 3.5 .q per it Pt tha paperj.. Fmm the Lancaater lertelligene;ecl JAMES BUCHANAN THE AMEHICANIAHME44.L. October 1814.. • _ He was elected a membe; of the pENASYLVA2iIi LtOr§IiTIFILZ, ,Dariug: Oise , TEN YEARS IN CO'N'ORESS, - - He analyzedtbe Judibiary'Sgstent;s . 1 1 And spoke, n favor of TLIE. ISLAND OF CUBA., In 1830 ASHBURTON AND WEBSTER TREATY. In 1814 THE WAR WITH MEXICO; Led to the • highest evidence of his wisdom. In 1849 He retires to private life. In 1853 President Pierce appointed him MINISTER TO ENGLAND, ties with England In April 1866 UNITED Fre.rEs Upon a Platform a., BROAD AS THE CONSTITUTION AS NATIONAL AB THE UNION, selected JAMES BUCHANAN, The Farmer-Boy of Franklin, THIS .STATESIMN, Whose public services make ap the iu which his Christian virtues, Hie Every-Day Benevolence, und,hls Neighborhood Charities, Have made him OSZ. I - Or'. /*Pg. I AO J. IV 1-26 AUGUST 20 ?.1;i °cl...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers