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''' .'•! • , • - !•7 e -t - V. , . , •.' -,‘ .• . , It -: • ' F . , • • f..1.4,:....,„tit, ~,..: ...:-:';•-, .L. -.,*:: . 7 , Y 4,,,,;; ; ,, ,- .. ~,, # - t -...- , ,•,' • ~ 1 q 1 :). • , , r - „„ f`; l • ' ' z•-• ‘t.4 - --.4 41* - 41.14-: 4 • 1 , • k ; 4 ' l el ..*A4,5.. F,•.y ~~~~:~ •t• • . a. . Mr. Fillmore here proclaims himself the Amer ... validate, and talepta4ll~4: -7-13 tithi llit' obligations of that party without "disguise or equivocation." In the Secret. Lodge of Know 7Palii3gis- he has sworn he. will neither vote for nor appoint a Roman Catholic to office. If elect e4—l%ff lAatigorated president of the United States, he would „n b o e recioigtnicpwe t e e d , I to a, s a w q e . a a r ivi th . r a a t ti li on e would require • to any office or public trust under the Cnited States.” I ask, under such circumsces, which oath would he keep, d which oa t t an h would be violate an Are the old line Whigs prepared to endorse Fill more, thus presented for their suffrages by him self? I know no difference between an individ ual joining the order, and giving his vote to sus tain its candidate, except that the latter course is more effective in carrying out the tenets of that party. The friends of Mr. Fillmore have assailed Mr. Buchanan for his Ostend communication, with out admitting or denying the soundness of the doctrine therein contained. I would remark that the correspondence of Mr. Everett, as Secretary of State under Fillmore after the death cf Mr. Webster, relative to Cuba, is more offensive, and ought to be more obnoxious to the criticism of conservative men than the Ostend Letter: an l it should be remembered that the diplomatic man ifesto was issued under the immediate supervi sion of Arr. Fillmore and his Cabinet. Mr. Everett is probably the best educated Statesman now living, be is an erudite scholar and a sound Patriot. When in Congress, he took a higher ground in favor of the South on the subject of slavery, than any Northern Statesman bad ever done before, or has ever done since. One thing is certain, any opinion upon Interim. tional Law promulgated by him, is entitled respect. Mr. Buchanan has been in public life upwards of forty year., he has filled the highest offices which his own State could confer upon him. He has occupied the highest seat in the Cabinet during a most eventful cp., h ; and he 11 r [-rice represented his country at the Courts of the two first Nations in Europe. Ills private character stands without blot or blemish and beyond rebuke or reproach and it is a high _ euingildm upon his public life. that the " Letter" is the only act which is designated by his opponents as the ground of attack. There are many tild Line Whigs who are at tached to their cognomen, and dislike changing it—this,l is an over-scrupulous nicety. They most change their came—they must ree.goi4e the title of an American, Know Nothing, Repub Heart, or a Democrat If they refuse to elect either of these tisnes. they must retire from all participation in public affairs. floe. Seward is reported to have said during the present session of Congress, in caueu, that he cared nothing, for names, but that he looked to principles alone. The remark showed he had a clear head and a sound judgment, and was worthy of a bettor cause. Time will not permit me to digcu a at largs, the question of the Territories , I hold that the Territory ceded to a by Mexico was pureha- , I by common treasure The fifteen slave States contributed their portion of the fund as well its the then fifteen free States Territory shoui.l stand on the game footing as admitted State and the right of the people t , hold slaves or it. t. as they please, in the Territory ought to be eeln - mensurste with the rights of the people as 1L..., exist in the thirty-one States. There can he just ground for any discrimination between two cases New Territory io .4iirely not !nor,. sacred than the old thirteen States, or the pi.. sent thirty-one States. The will of a maj irity prevails in the cases last enemerated, and C.. , mate orthodox principle should prevail in lb. , newly acquired Territory. What is the doctrine of the Wilmot provis., It is the sixteen free States declaring to rifle, 11 slave States—yam, are part owners of this Terri- , tory : you have shed your bloc.] and expended your treasure in acquiring it, but you shall have no share in its enjoyment or profits. Strip it of its trappings, and it amounts to this : there ore thirty-one stockholders in a corporation, an 1 sixteen say to fifteen, it is true you are part owners and have contributed to the ptrrehase of our common property, but y ou shall have no share in the enjoyment of its privileges or the receipts of its profits. Such a doctrine is sub-• versive of every principle of justice andequality. and cannot he sustained. I am not the advocate of opinions that are new to the Whig party of Pennsylvania. At a Wli' meeting held in September, lttfifl, at the Chinee Museum, in Philadelphia. I offered a resolution congratulating the nation upon the restorat,, , ti of peace and quietude to the country by the 1.., sage of the Compromise Art- of that year It was unanimously adopted, an-I I then laid d 'en the same principles which I am now endeavoring In November, 1830, the great Union meeting was held at the same place, and over which Join, Sergeant presided. Among others, I again ell forced the same principles. At a later perio I, during the session of thu Legislature of this Siete in 1851, a pare Whig meeting was called to re quest the repeal of the Act of the Legislature of 1847, which closed the public jails of this Com monwealth against the custody of Fugitive Slaves. At that meeting Samuel Breck, second to no man in the country. in intelligence and pa. triotism, presided. 1 again promulgated the same doctrine and they were again endorsed by. the Whig party assembled on that occasion. These are some of the reasons why I invoke every old line Whig in Pennsylvania to smie, t Mr. Buchanan. The triumph of the Democrat w party in Pennsylvania, in Octobber next, would place his election beyond doubt. It would r,• move the last glimmering hope of the oppositi,,n, restore peace and quietude to the country, litel for one generation at least, put at rest the pry,- ent agitation on the question of slavery. The old line Whigs of Pennsylvania possess the pone!. to accomplish this great result: the responsibili ty rests upon them, and I have no doubt I rat that the draft which is made upon their patriot ism will be promptly accepted, and that the great Keystone State will once more come to the re , cue, and do no she has done heretofore, put down all sectional feeling, aud at the ballot-box give a vote which will strike terror to the enemies of the Constitution and our glorious Union, whigh have so long been the pride and admiration of every friend of civil and religious liberty throughout the world. MASS MEETINGS OF THE DEMOCRATS OF PENNSYLVANIA. • 6 ThOULI4O/1 must and ■hall be preserved." Tax DENOCILACT OP PENNSTLVAN/A, and NII others in lavor of preserving the UlllOll of the Staten, now tieriously endan gered by a sectional organization, led and controlled by t he open enemlee of the Federal Constitution, and conducted upon the alarming idea of repudiating nearly oneball of the States of this Union, are respectfully notified that AI ASS MEETINGS will he held at the following times and places, of the friends of JAN Ee BUCHANAN for l're ident, and JOHN C. BEIV;iiINHILttIE for VIC!. President: At ERIE, Erie C.ont), on W EDN F.SDA Y, the 27th day ,1 August, 1566. At PITTSBURGH, Allegheny County, ou WEDNESDAY. the 10th of September. 15511. At BELLEFONTE, Centre County, on WEDNESDAY, the 2,lth of September. At II k !U7, (the Capital of the State,) on W ED. N ESDAY, the let of October. And at PIIILADELPH lA, on tbo rth of Peptembor,lBf,a, bilng the Annivereary of the Adoption of the Conatituli,dl of the United Statee Eminent Democrats, from our 05U 1111.1 ulhw Steles, will be present at all these tneetitiv, to address their fellow citizens. By order of the DEMOCRATIC f ,, TACILC CENTRAL COM THE CAMPAIGN POST It is three months yet to the Presidential else Lion. We will furnish the WIPAIy to club, of ten or more dating that time for the low privy of THTETY CENTS each. Three dollars will pay for len papers for the time. Now, how can any good Democrat or friend of the Union do service in the rause better than by raising ten dollars and sending for thirty-fear Posts for use among his neighbors? The Poet is"enlisted for the war," and will contain in its ample columns a larger amount of political intelligence than any other campaign paper west of the mountains The campaign from about the middle of August to the election will be a warm one. Great issues are involved. Gloat efforts will he made; and the Democracy is preparing for one of its most resolved and vigorous efforts. Let our friends send the money for ten, twenty, forty or a hundred Campaign Pasta and they will thus let their neigh bore understand all about it Oar , club lists are very large already. A lit tle exertion will donble it again. . Cash in ad- , " F , .0,0•01_ e•Ni r••' ' . • • it • N•• . ••• != • " h •' • .• / 3 4l li , I 1 I I 1 4 • I WEDNESI3.O MORNTIVG JAMES BUC,HANAN, FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, Democratic Electoral Ticket of Pennsylvania air IIkSS MEETING OF THE DEVOCRICI Borou!b of Manchester, ON SATURDAY EVEN ING, AC6. 16.ni SPEECH EA will be ilelivereti by Ilea. Jutlgo SIIALEIL E. b. JUAtu. Key. FRANCIB FELIX. and Litherw The PITTSIIL KU II OLIO.: CLUB will wine Co MI oN I." COME ALL .. MANY DEMIICHAT. A NlEEriso of the friends of Buchanan, itri,k inrayr, and the Constitution, will lie held On Wedne , day evening next, the 13th, at 7i o'el, , rl, I'. M., ou the lot adjoining Rea's Tavern. Folio street, Sixth Ward, to form a Buchanan and lireekinridee Chili. lion r , , and oth, addre!+s the tneettn; The charge that the Iferocsmtie party is in fa :or ‘ , l - the extensteu of slavery, is a falsehood The charge that the present administration, er the Democracy, are trying to plant slavery in Kansas, is ft falsehood. The charge that the Democracy truth Kan , 4ks to I,e a slave State, is a falsehood. The charge that the agents of the governmen and the United States troops in Kansas favor, the prn•slavery men against the free state men is a falsehood. It is true thatpopular xoverriyoty has abolish, I slavery in all the Middle and Eastern States sinec the declaration of our Independence. It is true that before political abulitionisin turlied the country the people of Virginia au I Kentucky were pl•eparing to abolish slavery: an I it is true that since then all efforts in that di rection have ceased. EMEI3 It is true that the abolitionists have done the slaves far more harm than good, and so said Webster It is true that the interests and welfare of twenty-four million white people in this country are of far more consequence than the condition of three million black 3. It is time that the so•called " IDipnblicans" devote all their sympathies and energies to the cause of the negrues, and leave the care of the interests of the white people entirely to the Democracy. It is true that John C. Fremont is the nomi nee of a Know Nothing Convention that a:ism hied at New York. It is true his supporters are now trying to inveigle the naturalized citizens into the support of that nominee by false pretences and bribery. It is true that Fremont is also the nominee of a sectional abolition party whose success would inevitably destroy the Union. It is true that a large portion of the support ers of Fremont are in favor of a dissolution of the Union, and are circulating and signing pe titions to that effect, and declaring their infa- mous design in their speeches. Tt i= true that many speeches bare lately been made both in and out of Congress the obvious and undoubted design of which was to create a hitter and incurable animosity between the North and the South, and render disunion a more cer tain event It is true that Fremont is a candidate in only sixteen States of the Union, while Mr. Bud:mania is the candidate of thirty-one States. It is true that John C. Fremont is the most selfish and grasping land monopolist in the United States. It is true that he is charged with speculating with government funds and credit, and appropria ting government proprerty to his own use, and that the charge is not and cannot be refuted. It is true that as a military officer he was ar rested and tried on charges of mutiny and diso bedience of prderti, - andfotind.guilty and diamisa- .. ed from the service. MMM FOR PRESIDENT, OF PENNSYLVANIA. OF KENTUCKY ELECTORS AT LARGE: CHARLES R. BUCKALEW, Columbia. WILSON M'CANDEESS, Allegheny. 1.1 District: 0110. W. N KRIM) ER, Phila.', Ink is Co. P/ ERG& BUTLER. Philathlphla City. 3,1 .• EDWARD WARTIAN, Philadelphia C. 4th " WM. li. WITTE, Philadelplua Count). Ith " JOHN 110 N Al It, Montgomery County . oth " JOLIN 11. BRINTON, Chester County . 7th " DAVID LAURI% Lehigh County. Rth " CHARLES KESSLER, Berk,. County. 4th " JAMES PATTERSON. Lancaster Co. 10th " ' ISAAC SLENK ER, Union County. 1I th ERAS. W. HUGHRS, Schuylkill Co. •:!th " THOMAS osTEilli.cuT. Wyoming Co. 13th • ABRAHAM EDINGER, Monroe Co 14th RKUBEN WILBER. Bradford County 15th " 0111174,111 A. CRAWFORD, Clinton Co 16th " JAMES BLACK. Petry County. 17th " HENRI' J. STAIILR. Adano,c.o. loth " .101 IN D. RODDY. Somerset Co. 19th " JACOB TURN EV, Weatmoroland Co. .20th " .1. A. J. BUCHANAN, ()root,. 011. 21st • • WILLI All WILK I NS. A Ilegheny Co. ”2.1 .11 MES G. CAMPBELL, Butler Co. .23.1 THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, Bearer 0, 2.lth " JOHN KEATLEY, Clarion (1,. VINCENT PHELPS, Crawford County DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET I=l GEORGE SCOTT, o► CbLIIMLIU CA ITIMIXIIOIOI JACOB FRY, Jr., Nloyrciouent Co PURVEYOK .+ENLIULL JOHN ROK'F., or FIi. , OIISLIN en. DEMOCRATIC MEETING! I=l •r 14 lir PAST SEVEN 01"1.A,K. IN PRE MARKET HOUSE FALSEHOODS AND TRUTHS The charge that Mr. Buchanati'm election won' favor the introduction of slavery into lianga:, i a pelf-evident fal.ehood. The charge that Mr lia , hanan did injustice to Henry Clay, 19 a falsehood, and i. proven ,11 , 11 by Mr. Clay's own Pon. The charge that Mr. Buchanan ever favele , the ieduction of wages, has been proven a bun deed time , a bilge calumny awl a lie The t.tory that John Itreckintidge w en gaged in the Defence of Slott. Ward, is a fa.•r The charge that Mr. Buchanan favors 611ihu.9 tering. is u falsehood tine half the stories that come from lian.its about murders, robberies, , are falsehoods The report that the free state settlers in Kan sas have been driveu out of the territory by the disturbances there, is a well known faisehoo 1 Such are some of the falsehoods that are mouthed over by the Black Republican oratuis, and printed in their papers. Those who write and utter them must know they are falsehood-i. Let us turn now to a chapter of truths. It is true that the Black Republicans are op posed to the principle of popular sovereignty. It is true that that principle lice at the founda tion of ail free government. It means simply that the people rule themselves. It is true that the Democrats are now and ever were in favor of popular sovereignty. It is true that the Democratic party has hal the control of our federal government nearly al the time for more than half a century, and during that time no nation eviiir advanced so rapidly in all the elements of national greatness and rru~ perity, and no nation was ever more free and happy. It is true that during that Democratic role freedom has constantly gained upon slavery, both in territory and population, until now the free States have a majority of two in the Senate of the United States, and a majority of airy ;Iv • in the House of Representatives. It is true that slavery has thus no power to be aggressive even if it had the will. , I ‘l L 4e, .4 01. " MESE BEISE ESE (lite days in the Senate, he introduced a bill that Would have done va-t injury to the laboring classes of the State be misrepre.ented, and that he tried to be re-elected and signally failed. It Is true that after forty years of distinguiph eti public service, no true charge whotevCr can be br,ught against-the }lon JamestucliOnatiZ It NiIGUSTI 3 true that while a member of the Senate, for a lew days, John C. Fremont waylaid and befit at the door of the Senate Chamber, a Sena - for twrnty years older and much smaller than himself, and that too " for words spoken in de- hate It is true that James Buchanan never ran as a candid ito for any office yet without tieing elected. It is true that he is now gaining strength every day, and Fremont losing. It is true, in our ' , pinion, that a white man is as gou 1 as a negro. Irm.So"lllllhelin'T, Opinion of 13. N. White, iLdltor of the Gazette. Itio.relt ql'a, 1 m5l. Mr. White, who once said the slava law woe "mor ally 0:d." shows great pleasure to find it "legally binding." Ile has the public printing, and keeps an eye n Washington. Like the victim in this case. he is a good Methodist; hot the government might sell ail the Methodist preachers in creation, and Mr. White would he happy, so long as he gets govern ment rash. Wonder if the above description would not suit the Deacon as well to-day as it did fi ve yeirs ago ? Ile can talk and rant and shriek for " Liberty," as if he were himself the very em bodiment of all that is humanity and philan thropic The want of a little "government cash, - finds him calling lustily for the "great army of freedom,"—political tricksters like him self—to join him in putting down the " very Democracy. - Perhaps the " Liberty" of thrusting his hand into [tide Sam's pocket, and drawing thence a generous supply of govern ment cash," would quit his " shriek. '• for free dom and make him quite happy. Money NV6I Ls wonders among the freebooters of the Maripo-a estate. Tut: Ga:rtr, again reports the infamous !le that Mr. Buchanan would reduce the wages labor. The New York Tribun, not long ago ,1e nounced it as n falsehood. and said that NI • Buchanan never said anything of the kind. A:.l the Tribun, urged its satelite4 to drop it as a story that would do injury. But the New er know• very little of his Pitt,liurgh follow. t if he Huai,ifn will gine up 'wort an tI is ployment as that i,f lying There was I robably never a rip ruhlishc.l State , e uttt r't del raved in that respect as the one we refer t•, :lee what Mr , . SAII. , ,iIPIIII said of its editor Here is an instance of Republican ',slur : "In Mr. Buehnnan's letter re•pengove to the one of the Syrarnse Den,eratto C.llv , •nto. the Ab-I tin papers (slays the New Haven Re v oil,o : : hare I, te rt •011.1teil the u,ril ,•uikerrao 1:1 ' • tritcal , tiet.,; will hail the reunion tea1'3111 6 .. , 1' the (-det " retween the word ' while' and 'n no try they invert the ‘v..rd 1.. give the loin., bectiunal interpulatoin ' If there ran be anythit meaner than ' , mill an act, it ban vet to he illavtrair I in the miserable tactic, which govern the u pp.qiiti, in this campaign. Such thing., are beneath ;Le cuuntenance hen..rablo men." SPEEVH or Mn 1018Dll.L —We publish t<. day the tpet.ch of Mr. Randall before the Dein,wratir Convention at Cbambersbarr. fin the I ;th irl‘ , t. It i, tqlrf, but earnest and 81.1 e. an .I appeals to all 01 , / line Whig% to rnme tt r to the re•cue of the country agisust the sectional nitric nttstie success would slestroy it Mr Haulm!: .s we:; known in tin. , State m nue r.f . the n 1 r-t lawyer - 9. In it. He Whig of the natiow.l and C•ollett fOrWarl to take ',let itt rtt ~r duty 11.4criot 11;t !q.t.-L:IE n-hip, nghington ~• , i nry. to r.”11-.Lg lug on Saturday rt et , m , nun': 14,44(.7. AT1•11, VI J. Irr Secretary. A iltirhanan and Itrek-Linr.; , irc Club was formed. of which l'homaa M. fart- , 1' wam twlected PretMleut. t lur in formant mate, that many old line Whigs hate pined the Cln ), . and will wmk during the elllnidlign with 11 !lenity good will. We expret to hear gond tidings frrni little Hickory. Gnv. POLLOCK --It is •toted, nn appareney good authority, that James Pollock, Governor this State, has taken the stump for Fillmore and Donelsan. We wait for further informatieo. Meantime, has not Judge McLean in effect deci ded that the laws of Kansas are valid' When we get more light, that will be an interesting ortoion Some of thove lawn are tli,itrace to the Ige IN the New flacupgliire llowo. of Itepresentn tives retointiy, n inenilier gravely introduce ! tI f4.ll,wing rvs-bithm "Hrsdrrrt. Tlutt the bill nsingu singbounty ..n foxes, be referred Indic following c•witntltee F()X (loan+ of laugh ter.] The re.nlution we , rejecte,l THE Fremont Fla q adopt. thr Sew York . Lf..— •Ibts f:‘ , -clion..l that in this State there are bui twrntc f..iit. papers , nplwrting Buchanan. Hu. day , ap , we narnc.l l .hirlp Jour in Wr.thrn mmylvAnin nine -mpporting him. We ove names nil I...sillies. In Eastern l'eLtoylvanm there are about twice to , many more Ti : Premium Lit of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society fur the at Pittsburgh, are ready fur Jintrihuuou, ami can bo had gratix at the implement stores of Wardrop, No 17 :,th , t - e, and at Collins, No. 129 Wood street. " FILP.MONT helped to form the Constitution of California," say the Republioans. Now, the truth is Fremont was not a member of the ('on vention that formed that Constitution at all, and had nothing to do with it. Lle was attending to hiq land and cattle plan der. The following advertillrement has been raked up by some industrious searcher among old news papers, from a file of a New York city paper : CoL. FitialuNT'H NONDESCRIPT. OR IVOOLLT HORSE, •SI 111 exhibited for n few dd . ) nat the eoreor of Ittxul. and Refute street, pros low to him aepartura for w.•tne to ill", exhauxl..l all her Ingenuity it/ t Jr In of 01141 ASTONISHING ANINIAL n.• tromrly complex, thwio up of tho El aw , ha lt !. Doer. /furs., 11,1141, 011.4 and Shexp. ts of the full size of the 'lariat , . ~k , TILE. lIAUMCUES UP A DEER, TILE TAIL 0/ AY ELLPIIA NT, a line purled wool of rut:term hair eoLrq .k to EA MILS N(.B TTVEI.VI aE FIFTEEN FEET 111011 Not uralists sod trapprt s oenun.l Unit it WWI 11./Or kn• , wu previon. w oi.dpw,,, e ry. it j. nq clookodly NATURE'n LOT" Mid the richoot eperlmon prof: revolved from Califon.. To In- xoen every day thin week. Admittance 25 cente. ()Whirr. half-price. The above "complex" animal somehow seems to bear a wonderful resemblance to Mr. Fre mont himself. Certainly, of all persons aver captured for the Presidential race, he is "Na ture's Last," and " the richest specimen ever received from California," or any other countrP —Day Book. SUITZR UNION Winos.—The Roston Adveritser, a staunch Whig paper, gives the following senai ble reasons why the Union Whigs cannot con= sizentiy countenance Black Republicanism: " It is a sufficient objection to a union of the. Whigs with the Republican party, as organized by the Philadelphia Convention, that they have adopted a platform of fundamental principles which necessarily excludes from it the people of half the States of the Union, and have therefore laid the foundation on which can be erected no other structure than one designed for purposes of disunion and civil war. The establishment of a political party aiming at a supreme control of the affairs of the Union which is founded on the basis of an exclusion from it of the people of half the States, we hold to be entirely inconsist ent with any design of maintaining the Union in its integrity, and with that respect for the equal rights of the ,states FNi,h Is essential to its preservation." The London papers give a summary of the re port of the Crimean - imp/by. At" ChWee: . It ganpunto tp an epulpation ,or the ofFicersiiapti-1 gated. 'rhe [n•m,•crst•+ ‘.i" The Woolly florae COL. FREMONT ME= -,Styr pegs are quoting, with surprise the statement that a large number of, life preservers on hoard the Northern Indiana:we're 'tendered useless from having been perforated by pins.. This is a fact, and the same has beep true in the case of every steamer on the lakes, since theAurning of the Erie. Captain Titus infarms 1M :that those of the nearly rill Bo rtitned by the igno &nee and eareleisness'iff the liftifliassengers on board, and we have frequently heardTrom steam boat people that nothing is more common than to find that the inflated life-preservers In the state:- rooms have been cried as pincushions. One trip of the steamer carrying them is generally suffi cient to complete the destruction of the greater portion of all on board, as one pin-hole in each will render it unserviceable.—Buffalo Express. QUAL' FICATIONR or CANDIDATE.—Whet tine lady Fremont has," say& the -New -York Tribune. "How nimble he climbed the Rocky mountains," says the New York Times.. " What a splended woolly horse he sent me," says Bar num. " What a rich gold mine he owns," says' the New York Herald. " What a nice young man he is," says Harriet Beecher Stowe. •' But what has he done for his country?" says the Mill inquisitive rank and file. That's what they haven't found out yet.—.T. C. Telegraph. A MYRIAD or Fuss.r-The Dove, during her trip down the Kentucky riverlast week, when near Marion, Ky., was invaded by a cloud of flies, which literally covered the boat all over. They are the species known as the lake tly, with their bodies and wings about an inch in They covered the boiler deck to the depth of a font or more. The cabin was filled, and they had to be swept to the guard and then shovel ed overboard.—Lonutville Cquner• 44" A Lady of our acquaintance, Mr., POW- No. Ili Stan um ntrwt, New I"..rk, NMI 1.1 .4 .1AN1 NI Ii vpr complaint Mr a long time, and alter trying man) rouve dim *Eav airined to try Pr. WLANICS CELRIMAT LI VER PILLS, prepfttrJ by //truing of Pathborgli. She did and ray. that with uur box Ow Kan stoppage of the ttleneen, restivenens, and general irregularity if the howele, are all them... ,oigiitit tiug lit the name tans`. nn la aka that dreadful ~urtze, et.et.tin. The a b , t are nit It ally el ma)l etit•eit that thn uree all thouutelailiee e• 01 the liver, and for Ile cert.,- It n the beet Tana ily ever If. rent to the public in lir 1,1,3- lane eeedirated Lived rills Tr) theta The inotley re• fuel d ii iot satinfxrt..iy. .111 1.. czkruDtl to auk LA Jr ArLone'l 1.. iirtnnutorturiol in) Eli nun g ~1 I LI re iron gh, l'w. All other Liter lain, m compartiort, are wets le h•en Dr. M'L.,ke'll grouter I.lvor Paid, alms hot oidebrai, It •ittn lane lie hail at all rnyinital , le drug mote, geuill lit. at the signature of ,FLliltillN 0 lilt, A lit. • lot mile Ivy line aide pleprltioira, liric.r.top.rx to .1. Kiti,t h Co., Mn.nn~ ire , 60 Wood Street. sales ri Fourth. Attl - W hat a Dr ugglAt Say *-.4/s. I. liwrr .4 C..: gnat it, ,441 , 11ng It...Lew:n' to Ihe LIIL. r.,-y ..I ..ttr In. )1 e ILIA ••t LS. UAIII u,t Li I .1, un 4ttn,..1,(1.•111a, t. .m IL, tut 1.41t4) 4,1 h.. env 1144 41.111.11 ni r• iso livt, In le,111.) t, I. C•a1A,v111..46C , I al, I•, 11..41 11,411 b L.-41/4) 41. ti in-rI tHy reentnnternt tbe 1mpt4,444i 11114 tot htwor 0ttn.141 , ) aLtll43 , .•tt t CFI AI.PANT. prug,,,L urn. Ya Dr N. rarao - rn 1.1v,r Pille sad 4.1 ir • lir I :‘,lt Ceiebrateil Wbllo ein a ....i nn Lo 11,“, rk I I under tho soperrim..o of lir A !14A11 , 11, 114 AiCll, RI, sod Pliyakisin 611... r 1.1. 11. • lone gi-nnitie, only RS prepared by Ur. I. Sort ILsot iiiingaiii.oarit, Virginia. Fitull TUE FOUNTAIN !MAD, 11101101.7tTOWN, VA, Thi.t a f c.rtifv, Tha k t I have eseinthea the 11,v , p , f-r preparing McLane'. Improved Vervallu#ye Laver ND. by Dr. I. Scott, w ho tow been in the habil ,•1 Luring and tieing my original medicinal In my of lie Lim the font t hirt.on year', and that I Lettere he haelipm--,,• dirt. I male the sham stetement the more Winitito) , a. I hare no irtloroat to dram whatever. C. MeLAiligl,ll Pr MclArir'll rirriondi Vern:drug* and turaDVitu turrriuptutled by certYtests Of C t .)lcloine..far e-Lir I 1 , ,.$ pat. and Met , iaut. ongrywiml , ` Pe OW. 11. K ETS1:11, 140 1411C.lernle 4g4t t. Pa .1 P VLF:1417.01, oar Reltrnad Ag-wat Mortigleation, the heannt a plastor In mvphe.l :La %iger la given by IiALLEI - F, PAO: I.\ Tit kt.Tl.l; tt , gal %anic i-tlacts..ol esorpt tho parte ara .1% •-•%taial they will wa.ti 1w rrabwatt their ttatnral L. 41 t , 341.8g1.411 ut•utrrilr.4.l t! tt, f.tr taort int-canal cannot procatat artvarnyt, v uu. /1.14.1 //cu nrwii etli ~ [ llldllly In gAft.ral t , .1 K . < VittAl I N APAIT, , , it 1:PTI A-N I \ IA n 4,1,1.41131... harulteds by rulrbaby ItYttAbLIY 'lu''‘ t LA PAIN K.ATIZACITOII.3I I 'it., ,t tot ..!1. Ata. ate viAthie. Oa, "a,. , r,. it tt t!I du.. it , " dia,As••• %rid 1:4.-tatt..1.16 , ••• ! .n. itlfln-r,a AI Dr4"i t end tit•ry nib s • it [Await, pon W (sin Intr. *wallas taw, t0.r...-4 g,lloloo altittptit a steel plAt , ony,race4 ‘i 844u:tour,. or ITRNAS D A LIAM 111Anutleturisr C. V. CLICK k 00..,744 an n fiartarerw sod •r 2.5 renurp, in.% 11 pr. Qat:: 11. EMAIL /A. W.• . 4 30. A. • by LAILLstY, r-V•rir LltAlei - mot, IL,. thr ..,LOLLALt the tnitoi ttuttos. Atl older, or /04.4 re 1.4, 0 COI' Walk. or sat vir.v„ to..t Iw allriresserl w C. V. CLICK&\ I.I a Co York. naAkdeArtir ifiermum ettte - r!...erititt,t.• on Itelph (Ate.. troM.A.,). Pr. f.T. Y. JaCbol--Re ar Sir • Th.. Int - tore are to itrrtit wand bore. In 4 4 t he. nsouty .01.1 by )10.0ey Bat 1.4", your ngtittr: the tw , other MOT'. .41 more of theta than any other tutrfleitio I find thou ore mooh 11•11-11 by ••0 , 1. amount favor pat inae to rebuild their broken cuti.t.lto. thins. I hare u during }he twat SDITLIDCW, in my on n I %Tully, four bottlak They worn rerommentiod to me flog N neighbor, at a tionembert InTaystotti Wog moat deltatitatod t..ln the efforts ne'n eater htlinuoi Corer. They gave mo u n Villi.hl.• DWI reobdiet.l a torso vigor vigor to toy whole systrio. In out of the Solitntither number, of my falter I rigid toy el - pettaco of OW tool effert. of the Rig,ra. 11 , 1114 , 0 tone they hove, bud a large saie, omi hare now bromic It, rarrheirte this rtrinlty. I I roild July that I feel groat !downiee in t ilting con this teetininny of the r4tio and .11.,0as ..1 S.,ut i.l, 1•• 11. tteltsiw tth I ly; y eirtn , ItALl'll ore orW,m.•a l ion 1.10 by FLEMING PROIR. and Dr. GEO. IT. I: F.Y.AF.I:, trburgh mitt/x.4w Or. Honor to whom Honor Is Due I .-I , :topiy polling we despi.e.. and flattering uedacw of inticleartliat never hare nr nercs of time to tip community fell,— tost 'But when anew a ohm d rat rinsing tumuli frinti lie• Lowest stage. of anlnaso, and then lienelitting his neigliNec and friend., and tinnily a whole ennntlnlty, through rip•ticy or an at tide that ho accidentally dinotiverod, eon. hreed to believe in him, and give him the Lest ih,tiee the iihed initnocuiina place that Lair columns Coll Ail Su, h. reader..l4.lll.r. kiennedyfttnill !melt . tsitlte origin oi Lis ,dedeal Diaccilier; 1 The Inuit ileoperate hunter, or (trite erect attsekii of Rhennuttliou or 'Neuralgia, are cured !iio he shot - Wet apace or title by this accidental, yet moat important, Discovery of Ille;lConnedy. 4.4" See king sarertnement In another column. e.,14 v.ll.4esulo and mall at LH. ti ROll6 L 11. IS 11Y916,11, 140 tVOOIi Inn.et,sign of thtildeal mortar, a n d al J. P. FL nil NO'S, Allaglnlay . Oa- Thouanndle of Children Die atutimily the Croup, and yet two or three .h Meo of Dr 11.,,,ra' I.iv. r wart. Tar nod ClartelPlAgua will destr,y the table tuenthraue I 1 nned 11 thin (fiscal., give free tau age t., the brunth, uud thoroughly relieve This listreaniug complaint. McAllen , . think or this! It ip equally efficacious iu all pultu..ilar) dieter:Laos. See pamphlet, LliSO 11.1111 , rtitleMe111 10 0710101 410101 $ For nalf, wb.lenule and rotail, by R. IL 8/41.1.Y.R8 A nor Wood nod Second aroma. 2k..1.1 ELI. by It KgPRIttION & TRO., Liberty street; IL r ACIIICART7, and NMCKIIAM & Mcii_KNN.A.N, Allnghottv Vitt'. au9liamlu 1114 - Vl' h y avt II you Suffer, WHVf RELIEFCAN I: E wl EASILY OBTA yon a Sorb Throat. Quinsy, Bronchitis, Croup. Stiff Joints, Fm.t II tem. nor., Sprains. or PaiDein any part of SOM . Xritelul You ov, be rslisved at UTICA , by using thp must beautiful ~1 II I.llllusents, thu Whitt Cigaigian Liniment," prepuel I, y 1., 60,17 T, ul morgantovfn,Uff.,.. and for Hale cheap, wholesale and mt./till by 1)F. ICENFIIM 140 Wocal ntroot, atol JAB. I'. FL Mit NII, near R. R. Depot., Alloglieny. Sea ad. vectissmont iu another column of ul.47's paper. [nruktun al-Stockings and Hosiery for Wlnfer.-- If you don't want your !not pinched-with bad and abort Stockings, you will take uur advice and go to O. Damt's, coo Der of Market alley and Fifth attest, and buy some of those elegant tine Stocking., that make your feet feel also and comfortable. Ditit also Inakes 115111 eelle every variety of doolery that you can invfioniat•whollwale nRd rag!. Remember the place, corner (If 74Idiiat ,alby and Fifth .tota HatebeloPs Hair Dye--Fifteen medals and diplomas, eighty Uil and applicabirms of the inimitable, attest the public appreciation._ Brox!, black hair. as true to notary , as nature'et self, is. produced. instantly, without q chance of failing, or ittjury to skid oittotir. ilfade and or applied, (in Mop pyirato Gtontill+af pArpgalzurti,l"qm Broadway, New York. • Sold, Wholesale and retail, by Dr. Geo. U. Retain, up Wood etreut. an9t.lw.law nt ~U- •-• th? A P S IIr 3 IIII E /tjg OAS OO~IPASS beer, nt_in da ateue °,fr d”dared a Dividend of rive per Rent - out:of the pro& e of the lan six months, on the CapitaL'gtock• or th'. Qoppanyi witpuyh, eble the swak oe holdera or t m h p eir i&ged tepreseiftatlvWfm: at M of the Coany. -JAMES ALQ/LitiSTV, Tfemufer, Office of Plttaborgh Gaa . G l o., JuistM,4Bs6—{bagi • D01,1,4R • tiallfiliS _No.' 06 fOffitTft 1T STRUT—A/NW SBW 4- 14 :Ra - r•Deimaita must be madoirfth ttlialluatitidlout 3,2„," In order to draw ipiewat from &Old. 114NDino. AMNIA' 1111X04 )3,„ IXIC4' Salgtgaerr. tgad Bo} Lad*.lizast p l ip,_,4 - fay, at FoltataUtteat Nta. Cleo beforhra. M. bribe day of shipment-- tisPensitgo7tortbettnoS I ris • . , - ' • • auD dsw a , • ASO' • , :1r ESSE LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COM PAN Y, OCIRNER OF WATER AND MARKET STRiETS ZTXv. **. kg.A.itoulno O.LWAY, P4eident. ?Dm* cretgrv, ..47`frt p.1:1 v. him Oonsoly mitfve ex iniqanagipr to ~.COMectutwitWier4tlS4. Te Atte, 4tatiStririllOLTPAND EGO RISKS the Omar and )11s ppi Rivera and tributaries , and MARINE RISKS generalist. And agliagetnes and Damage by Fire. and against the Perils of the'gea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Polities issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. 7 . D)Rtoao Rt. • - i • " Robert Galway, Samuel M'Clurkan, J,,seph P. Litcazatn, M. D. Johnlinott, J tame. Marshall. David Richey, James W. Hailmaa, Char lee Arbuthnot, T Junepli S. Leech, John' Pullerton, • = Mansfield B. Brown, David 11. Chambers, Chrlatlan Zug, :,••• Jas,B. McGill. feblh EUREKA INSURANCE'COMPA# •. • OF'. PITTSIWRGEL , '"! • JOHN 11. SIICENIIERCEII, Preandentg RURFIWP ITINNRY, Reef-entry. 4 C. W. ItATCIIIII.OIt, beneral Agent. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDSf u 1 MARINE AND FIRE RISKS. Mil= J. IL Shoonberger, G. W. Calm, C. W. Batchelor. W. K. Nirolek, lasad M. Peunock, I'. B. Updike, W. W. Marina, ..- K. D. Cochntv, IC. T. Leech, Jr, John A. eanghey, George S. Belden, S. S. Bryan, David krCandleas. ' 4r4- All Losses sustained by parties insured tinder policies insnist by this Company will Is- liberally adjusted and prompt ly paid at its OPYICE. No. 90 WATER. STREET. I.ly 11 WESTERN INSU CF, COMPANY, !Truism; B.— U RUltttj atI.SI E, i resident; F. M. Go N, Secretary. Will Insure against all kinds olri iks. ; ;lot NI Alt I NE. All losses Is-111 atifut.tisl an I ,o , ', TO) otttl. A flew lnstitution, usaultipid D ye o are eel] kriovht In • the comindulty, • and who tiro %fise.rmthed. Ie PremPtuess and iiimrtALLy, to 4ustutalo4l. ,r.L. ler %lilt rb they Lave aasusioci v ilwatfaring ihnlAst prom itt in to [hi 'e ho desire to be Insured. Azgatops-11. hillier, Jr., C. W. ?Jamison A:A$...O , dur, N. MIA*Jr., W. IL Smith, C. Ibmaen,..ooMAtiii39;4'ackt , n, Anirew Arkley, Jame. Lippincott, Proem) DegditJujus., SI .Alley; Alexander Nlmick, Thouuts Scott. W °lnce, No. 92 Water street., (Warehouse of Spung Co., up staira,) Yittalitirgh. noraily A. A. OA HILLSII2 A. A. CARRIER & DRO., No. 63 Fourth affects, Pittsburgh, sitate Mutant Fire and Marine Ingure.oe Co., of 11Aft1:18111.11t0. CAPITAL, 13514000. Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of PIIILADY.I.I.IITA. CAPITAL, 11300,000. Insurance Co. of the Valley of Virginia WINCHESTER, VA. CAPITAL, $300,000. Commonwealth Insurance Company, lIAR RISISWW. CAPITAL, $300,000. ' Connectleut 'Mutual Life Inintretnee Co., IiARTFOIti. ('AYITAI, ANC) A55AT5,33,154,41.111. Pennsylvania I near enee Co.orPITTSI3UROII. '.4 t TA it N.,, .5, 18514 $i 29,0)12 49. WK. F. Jonvfmw, Pr.,ittrut..,.....A. A. Cemar.B., Socreittry .I,l4:thr.ely PEKIN TEA STORE, No. 38 FIFTH FTREET, ONE MB, BAST OF TILE F.XCLIANOK BANK, Pit t burgh, P. GREEN & BLACK TEAS dirt-et from f o r Importers for OAHU. The stock eoltAilta of oil tlao difTerrnt flosors and grader of Tr 4 brought to tho Anoerhon market, and BOLD ITHOLF.SALE AND RETAIL At Till VERY LOWEST CASH PRIOESI PACKED TEAS, PUT UP IN SIETAJAC PALE• AGES, oxprsenly for Um trod°. TKAS OP ALL 3RADEN, BY TIER HALF CHEST. CIAFEE, 6UtIAR. COCOA awl CIIOODLATE of tbe . nzsi BHA OS, Mr soli, serlettee In tho hnsLoess in o sort, guarantee that r rosy artielosold will be Its rOptrseti test. 4 AGENT. is ArtvirrrxErr, 1510 11ft 8.414,e, Dil. J VNICS I AtILY AIKIHUINKS. S. JAYNES. NI !abut Jono Al, tS:AI,--(f OLD ECLIPSE, FREIGHT LINE. iii_4IAYNSM!IN Tr lIIS LINE IS NOW PREPARED to bring 11 411 kinds of freight frr.ol Sew York, in three days, oc $1.111 . 0100 tai., oni fn•ul Madelphto in 40 boor* at $1 lob th, ITS QIV EN FOR TINE IT II A WRITTEN U A ILANTRE. IS. pavor packa,orA or small Lu.ullra rocwir«.l. 1: AO gpiwit" =LI POE 41{Ela wr LIN WC' C. fl A I,LEN. A geol. No. '2 Amt, flour°. New Vork. J. J. Mr tingw..4llo.4qua, 1 , 1,04 • Yea rtirao, et form -BARSOLL, Agr/11. j. 2-4 lm-3,urnal ci p. C4 Fourth tlt SAMC b.; I. FA N ESTOCK , IMPORTER & DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWA.. No. 83 Wood atreet, between Dienno'nd alloy and Pourth streT'e, Fir airr tar, rA &a-Tux subscriber is now upaktilllg avcU selected 46 14Jr1- mous of farg.irn and domestic Hardware, all new, and will sold on nil good tons+ as any other hones iu this city. llr wall Oi4FIL keep un ham, a general assortment of II Alt 1)11 ARE. CUTLERY. CARPENTKILW TOOLS, &c_, F. "hwin Cite uuruti,•u o 1 purchabets SAMUEL NAH NESTileb— JAMES COLLINS & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PROPRIETORS Or ?IR Collins' Pittsburgh, Meadville & Erie CANAL LINES. Nos. 114 API 15 WATER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA RHODES, HAGEN Si. CO., FORWARDINO AND COMMISSION MERCU A NTS. Nn. f() Sy(' kNIORK ST., CINCINNATI, 1). jp , l:“ PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JONES, CAST STEEL. A LSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner 'nous and First Streets, PITTSBURAIII, PA ETIZEMI D. B. ROGERS & CO., MAN OF ACTI' HERS OF ROtiliftS' INtPROVED PATHNT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST STREETS, ALEX. HUNTER, DEALtat IN FLOUR. GRAIN. BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY No. 299 Liberty street, dec taloc POTHIMA JAMES BLAKELY, EHOPEANAGENT AND CONVEYANCER, PITP.Iltil HOU froki_ Iltuowugore brought from tho old country to Pitts burgh, nod motleys romittod to Europe, Capra W. H. riNtiTli W. W. R. ItUNTFiIt SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER WHOLESALE GROCERS, 122 Second and 11. Front st., 'vitt..bur g h. Pa. WILLIAtti ALLEN, CHILSOII ETTRIVA,CES I .. ~,Wrought Iron Tubing,. AND FITTING GENEIIA,LLY, For Warming and Ventilating Buildings. -air W. & A. - will contract for Warming and Ventilating by Steam or Hot Water} Pipes or Chlfliou's Nuruace, Church ., Sohoole, 4 lloapitalic Factorios, Dwellings, Court Homes, or liotola, No. 25 Ai 4 R KELT STREW. Pittabrlgh7 .app gOOKII, late or Ituraphreye, Hoffman& Koons, Phila D. W. I Itaeriza. Late of ritt4burgti. KOONS & HEKSITIE, FLOUR FACTORS, AND General Produce Commission Melzhnt4, 4.7 Nora if/tames and %t Mnl.4 , Mow Race street, Ilan= TO Ragaloy,Woodward & Cn,. Phll.lßryao, Kauriedy klAt. Pittett. Gorrott;Mortin & Co. • "k Wnruortb &.Co. " %V0.,1 & Oliver, "Brll & Liggett, St Iter, Prieo &Co. “ J. &W. Res, Caleht: ,t co, • " flagaleY.(kagrive & Co. t;cotiinr & Co. " WallA J . 11,14 1 0.0 4 Co. Cincinnati. FOSitia Baal* Olnclatasti. -- ,l opyly vus a TV 40.0 a CheDOWlikillAC- ". # o l4 l f.r,jUitli add POtgliiti3ivliferchimatagaliand4.' atalAidaimatal-- . j; and PrLLS-sgross js: i rectgervid TT - aud for wile by (1/23) Fliamr BUIL a . 4. , ' Vag "; Rusetia aloe.-it is a Boston reraedy _ of thirty years' standin, and As recommeaded • by physicians. It . is squire autripeedy curs( fer buttes, pileiti, boibi, con 4, feloio, chilblains, land . d t cadiares St - ererilrin I ) .forlreirer sores, uhers, itch scalOettd,letthf aah,,l*lons, sore 41P ple'ii recaramendpi by urseig) whitlows, sties - 0- festers, itep bit eiS spier stings , fr ozen bulbs,' si4grheuff, - scary, sore' li,f4 Oftfielred lips, acme' nose, warts and flesh wounds,ilt is a most valua ble remedy and cure, which ca be testified to by thousands who have used it in the city. of Bostoa i and vicinity for the last thitty years. - Mlii in "- stance will this Salve -do An, injagig, or into ere. -withiiliiiiaivii--prestilitroile. — it he made f om the purest materials, from a_reeeipe, brought osi Rassia--oi articles growing in that coupti.= and the propxielora - haveMlara Elvin e q, elisati*:' clergymen,. phybitans, sea e9ti6tibm, 2 'fttles. tind others who have used it thetriselreth.and !seem f Lzrourtbitlirlitherte9renaTilruitiritre is tit in large t tin bezip, ,I!tataßed i coliffirrA cover wi - a picture ea horse and disabled soldier, w 'eh i picture is also engravedon the, wrapper. P ee, 25 cents a box. Bedding & Co4 - -proprietors. For sale by B. A-. Pahuesteak.l6 co-is:nem' , ing-liroa., B. K. Selfers.ii... - 00f;l:fr'r.*:41. - /LiCeyEZer "lint" H. - Miner & Co., Pittsburgh ; Beckham ikhani & IFSennan; Allegheny city.' - -.---- -Have You . a. Rupture Writhe 8€4 ° A., 1 would most respectfully invite the attention of these 10 flirted with hernia or rupture of the bowels to my splendid sem tment of Trusses of various Daturas, andio snit eltery r age, applied and satisfaction guarantied in everycsael Ismy oiliae No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., sign:of the Golden Mortar. Among the Trusses sold by me will be reed Marsh': Radical Care Trutt; French 'Anuses, very light spring; Cum Elastic Tranes ; . • 4 Clrildrene Moises, single and double; " ilinbuical Truism, chadreats' and adults; ./Eberies .13/iptie Spring' Truss; Dr. & Filch', Supporter Trust; The price of Trusses vary from $2 to S3O • Hernial or Ruptured pal:lento can be salted by remitting money and sending the measnre - srmind the hips,l4o . 44s3„Whi4ei the rupture is on the right of left side. I also fire aellatidag .Dr. Etunning's Lace or Bedy.Bruite, therann ot Ai` sae U teri, Weakness of the Chest or Abdomen, Rileo:diWc Diarrtuna, and any weaknesackmending on a steak and debili tated condition of the abdominal muscles. Dr. Fitch's Abdominal &Inhaler ; English Bleatie Abdominal Belts; Silk Elastic Brits; And nearly every kind of Supporter nal to use. I also sell 91mader Braces of every style, tot Weak chesied azufitoop. shoaldered persons. Marla Stocking:, for broken and varicose Telma Surpensmy Bandage:, of all kinds. Syringes of every variety and pattern, and in fact every kind of mechanical appliance cured in the cure of disease. DR. KEYSER would state to persons in want of Biacee or Truesos had he can otteu tend to suit the patient by writing, but It he always better to are the patient and apply the Truss or Brace p#reanally, Address Jul() titaly THE ALLIANCE INSURANCE-CO. CHARTER, PERPETUAL-CAPITAL $BOO,OOO. Office No. &9 Walnut St., Philadelphia. PRIVILEGED FOR FIRE AND ..If2LEIS INSURANCE OTATJULEBT. Authorized Capital.-- $300,000. Amount of Capital paid up ... .$4 0 , 600 00 .......................... ...... 40,140 18 Total /Wats bailie for loam CONSISTING OP Bonds and Mortgage" on uninemnbered Real lEstate, and Stocks' of peer valtte.. .... Bonds =a Block Rotes, bearing Rl 2 , ceA t, interest_ —. . ... .. . . 28,196 06 I:keete on hand . and fn tine * hate& of 26,114 38 Bills Receivable $ 260 , 888 38 TRUSTEES. James BM, EM., Benj. B. Myrick, rag, J. H. Mt:Colley, ENI4., • P. Wyckoff, Wm. R. Oray, 8a4..R. Austin, . P. h 1 MOR LOWY, Presi nt. J Mottels TROMPsoN Sec'y. P. M. Moriarty, rag laras4 Dakhla, keg., WM. Smith, MK., Geo-if Calladay, Esq., Wria.4..T.-White, &q, J. S. Haltrich,,Esq., This is to certify, that L Itaxecritically, and by apeman! examination of the books, Capital, assets and seenritsea of the Alliance Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, muesli gated the standing and rasponsibility of said Institutiot, and I do find, and am entirely clear in my convictions, that said Dtrtipany has a good unimpaired Capital in Mortgagee ioduceiehared Real P.state, worth double the =MAW fa wbkh the aline is mortgaged. My hivestigations have been rigorous and searching, and are, sellable BENJAMIN eunstN. I talus pietisme in raying that I have been acg6rfnten with Benjamin 11.4u:et:In for several yeals.Atet have enth r confidence to bet integrity, especityeand indornald mace 1111 i reliance upon his statements or tagal-Vtifag.. MILL &RD VIM...UURE. ROYERENC Wm. EL 114. i., sew. ~f-e 'tG"H. 3lyrlok & C 45. ?Ws. kliatnar, giants Chao. Jarildna, Sr. Wm. Bowers, Ron. Harr y -11aldwin, gyre Hon. Jos. N.Y . etaukl4. 7 N. U. IL thithern, Hai* H. llturrtn,-Ilatfalb: Thia Company effects VIRE. INSURANOE u btakilAV goodo and furniture; MARINE INSURANCE on ten 114.,• cargo and freight; INLAND' INSUR&NOS , on-goods lk . ) rivers, lakes, canals or railroads, 'on as accommodating terms no any other responsible cane. ' • .tITIZENS' - ItibIUItANCESOMPOY OP P'itriatloBo - SAMUEL L MARSEIDLL, *slows,.l" ,OFFICE; 94 Water stsse‘bstelsoor .116DissioisELSEkd .—lnsures HULL AND CAR 9 0 ,1111386; the `Ohio . sod Mississippi Risme assisifbuissias. Insures against Leas or Damage WI/MIL . Also, against the Perna of the lisis soiralsuld Navigation and Transportation. DIRROTORS. I , _ ,_ William Ragaley, Capt . MRlt norl4lB. Jantee M. Cooper, Samuel M. Aler, Samuel Rea, Wllllaii(AtghaM,, Robert Dunlap, Jr,. John T. - Dilworth,, lento ..11.. Pohnoe.k, .FtarkinSelitira, ''. . S. Harbangh, J. Schoonmakar, Waiter Bryant, William B. Hap. John Shipton. New .l•1'. ACP:N COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE CO. HARRISBURG, PENNA. Chartered Capital, - - - 11.300,000. nvg,_ insures Buildusgs and other Property against Lou of Damage by Fire; also, against Perils of the sea, Ihland Navigation and Transportation. Orricrns—SlMON CAMERON, Prhsident. BENJ. PARSE, Vice President R. S. CARRIER, Seer ataxy. Agent, Fourth and Antithtlelst. (lealkdm A. A. CARRIER, SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE, 8. B. CORNER TIMED AND WALNUT STS., [11 4 1 3M4'. /P 1 14 1 1‘• .or MARIN! INSUtabIOSS onh , eariall, Otago, Freight ti ell pate of the world.. INLAND INSURANCES ON GOODS, by Aiwa,. Canals Laken and Land CletringeN t_li_4 l l . VarWefthaljnkti: VI RR"INSURANCE - ON' .ECHANDIZR generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, ke. ' 'As* of ati aimpanklireamber 611 i , 18515 '. - ' Honda. Mortgagee and ReatEetate...,. ....... :-.......5101,M 6 .1 Philadelphia City, and other Loins 845,210 ($ Stock in Banks, kadroad and i lneurance c0'5”..,.. /MOP / 6 Dino reoeimiLle4.4.:. '-' k ; - - - . - 188,440'07 Onsh on hand 2/:1,87.8 O 1 Balances, In hand) of Agents, Premiums on Ma rius Policies recently tamed, and other debt duo the Company, - , .. lIII,ELItg-gb duhscrlptlon Notes ~ 100,0t10•00 EIKE= DIRECTORS. James 0. Hand, ' Theoptditut Paulding, , jamos Byre,, Jr.,William Byre, Joshua L. Prise, Juc Samuel Ft. Stokas, Henry Sloan, James 5. McFarland, Charles Schaffer, Bohan Burton, John , B. Sample, Pittsburgh D. T. Morgan, J. T. Logan, " WDL MAItTOI, President. Tort. C. lthm, Vice Preeddent, li mar Luatum, Secretary. P. A. MAMMA, Agaht, .1a19:ly No. 96 Water street, Pittsburgh. William Martin, Joseph EL Seal, Edmund A. Bonder, John C. Davis, John It. Penrose, George G. Lelpor, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Mug Sou, William C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Speneor 111cIlvaIn, Charles Kelley, IL Jones Brooke, J. O. J 12411121011, MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMFY , OF FIIII4I.IIALTIVA. CHARTER venzavatt.-mtenitn it ins STAYS 07 esamenvmus. Chattered Capital, SISQQ.aIIe. PIRS, YARP4.7I AND /Amon) 22L1116WORT4TION , AA HON a. IAPPINOOTT, President. CLAM ROHM, Secretery. OlfOltOß YOTINO, Tressaalr. DigiaTQlN6 Aaron g. Lippincott, 'Mem B. Thomas, MattloßiliUttlgbam, William Neel, Nicholas O. Taylor, Alfred Weeks, Orrin Charles .I.lfelds, ' "John4xo. P. Smyth. • ms Oconmay hts .baou oripattad aCesh Val& ,tal i mid the Directors have determined tesdaptthebushiess to as available reeonrces. To otnerve prudence htecnadnee lag Its Oars, lathe prompt edimtment of losses. Pittsburgh MOO, NO. 76 Water street. 'l. NEWTON JONES aein j;. RXI4I 4rIL The followlbg rrallanown and responsible Arms in pia* ht /fit;/ UnvOifißtorited auferenne to them, with regard to thh statatl and soundness of the Idanufactureet Oom=ce -A Men/ Wilsob, Ohilds.A Co., George It /bath.* Co, Hampton A Camp l 4 Jones, Tiernan A Clo., H. Midi # 00. idd3ll - I.4NCE CO, PITTSBURGH. PITICLATTS Priht. Corner 0: , , P 0 W 1 4 'Lad Sznithitsla Streets, 4111 / 4 ):1 CAP IT AI. 130,) 000. and other Property mildest Dna or t ..; nl • bY Fr, and the.rerSe of the Bea and Inland Nat - 1- tlon and Tramp mo m , - _,DIRSCSOBS. 14 3-• t • • - Elody-Pilterson, . 1 49? 10* 110 ri - MlStritoet Jut R.Tanner, Oest HAT* ' I. OrSe ge erStool, Wade Ritaptorre,-419Eitist ft. r/ssas, H. Ankei- - 32 L 977101183. Preddessi . . Woe Ansit - ae . n7- -.BODY PATUBSON. ilseirand rovae.:-A. A. CASSIE& Jabs Parfin DR. GEO. If. KEYSER, 140 Wood irt., Sign of the Golden Mortar. OF PHILADELPHIA. -LIMB TEAVYR,•At. o. 841Wiger *IAA, ' itsgh , DEL/114%011E MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE. FIRE RISKS. n ...., ~ ~. -~ , ..„, . . . . •-.,- ...-. ~-.1.: -,,..,:...,i.,,-.,L,:;.:..-',1',...!...,--•,-..:1•...: giumwagfig. giann ACRES 'OF imp , COATI and IRON 4RWLANbfs otThied pet on tour octane Air tinrtrinty , int our or ' ?hie Land to heax/IS-greberad,-aad Mown beaky Settle Carlon rkpir, lit Peron coenty.,-re ibottthe 4ater can be `floated Cat and,,brougbeithmatket. , - it mania an mats vfrig of _ oodn'4lo4ita Under a large portion of-the land. •, LThitettiged . ..EA ;le 111% r10.„40., • -ebttldenitell t ddrt;lod the soil le good Lodged watered. inmyer4sia.VaiitithtV&.6 t ` blphich t. ,ritto a liZet of.zelltaidg ffideldkli" 101 l Wbe r be:4l,ke good End Omen, WM, allele in neiiieldet of 6 I " 3 W C be one *CUR* bug lermibgetregione or 'll* isda_ body, and will be 'old at a • bargain the purchaser. of • ' roculkelreati *Unmet. • - TES COTTA OR STONE WATE lie • PIPES. Prete two to six -inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to. 80 Coati per-Foot. 41.80L-10XimiTtra PEARL STARCH For SSA* W))obisalet at,. ,, - 'by MEOW 0:101RAIni NODWAR DING , AND , - , Commission stnnC#AntT, ' AND WHOIARALA DMA "ND ' CilirdiSE, %BUTTER, Sidianti 11 - 0 0 11, : AND PRODUCE GENERALEY.i, No. 25 Wooly. Braswr, L leis • • ' _ 11),1111111) • -'ll hours'Stlyll24. Min EMILY, eldeit'dinagldir 11149r'Wea...N.UAnint . elautlers unnlnlan, Allegheny tonntt: NEW ADVERTISNOAN skip-If - you wish to Iniy sidSithe ISMS tiansaiNlSAPSlblilta,l3.oo 'ilia es can tit,b l ^eigiti for-theistiiey in we city, . ;1110110A.lr'7t.il 1 / 4 ;4 eats _I64I.WOSiI ..t. Giapa...awarpawiegio wear a NEAT and Goon ,11..iirdePoihould' eat at-lickl64 WOOD at, and pant lase what they flay vtant in.lhat.:Dqe.. • . , maa, gcLiaiwoolort. -, Summer ArratgeMemit.', ALLEGIMIY. VALLEY ROLROAD ilhortest:andfilinidacestßoutit:to-kal!foints on the Alleghassylalt4i's.. pABBRBORRS, T 1 india NOTIOR — Tha - ,:5411 - start frontARSON sheet, Instead of Taylat-stnsmet fore. TWO DAILY = .leave AlM .leave ld 'fa 4 1 -- Afornhg Puma, at 8 o'clock, -A. Bt, for K.l 0, .CLARION, - FRANKUN,' MID-BANK, BRADY'S -BEND, BLABONING, BROOKVILLIt,?-iind all points North. Amiga Alotontraottation leaves at fc4s, P. stopping at all wapetatlone. - rare to Kittanning, 414715„: Zr !Milieux-- 47 751 Clarion.. .............c,sa 25 Rod-Bank ....„.„ 225 Reimersi4..- .. .4,2 60 Ctir1ari11e....„.......... ...... 275 Beedstoug..-. .......a3 00 Brady's Bend 2 25 Motioning. ........4„.. 1 75 Kellersburg 2 00 Teaus.--...-.--- 7 4,4. , 2 26 Bethlehem-- • 2 .: 21 liechanicsburspii....ki it 00 Shannondole .....:.......- S.. 26 Brookville . .4 ... 346 . . Passenpra wUI please procure their tickets at tbil:00/Ce s corne 3 rof Wayne and Penn atrueta. - A. J. HOPPA% *M anl .= Wit. OTIM - 7-TOSPORTSMEIV AND WU .. ' R@ B+-,siv TIMMS SMITH lie" idnipleidrid.rettere .Patant for. his newly invented- BALliihr Ems beEtniclotla- Bote Nireerraktiow , aihsrs it for tole to the Politic. 'The ball pans spiral cavity, which gives it a tidaiy motion Iturmons accuirmy of flight, longer rouge and greater *Wirt ordiem. Am the/Lon, othm•balLuver invented. A iiiik be: elan at VAN Al TEPLATS,Ita; DB WOOD Street.' , , persona wiehing State or Territory Itightsvniti Motive .tfient-byasilhig - on - Wlit - TBAKAWAtt4:EscP, Grant *eat, gem's. BOWN & - TErtasit, - of TRo.um Amiso, 25 Irwin Arse; Pittsburgh , Penns. . ~ . . auLtlt.• GIC " TA , SMITH. UT - ANTED SeveutyAre Coar:-1 1 113#4.9, fora new work - at Sow-Mill Bud, ;14 . iiilL _ . l7olicntY- Steady work and good wages - given for ohe,"y4r:ljuutuSep tember Ist- Apply in Temperunceville,lxi. . . -eon-cid/51,15 .... WGILVRAY-45";;AIPPLIPI. $260,838 18 EACHER . WA.N'rED-' A litale,l_epter. to flake charge of a Countylen 'VlrenKi'%4P pnou3te most be competent to teach OM lan:lveigen and Maier branches of klathetuathat. Addresa,:ikk refet:non" . ... caq LOCH BOX, No.l6.9 , Pitniburgh Poet . Office. . VITANTED Three energepie 11, good *Witt's:, who are ur)ll4g . to fitlrat. .wagea. .No . but a - pod cu n_B ag ,44„ . Apply at N 0.1.8 WYLIE street, bet! fir ee4 pf And 8 o'lock, A. N. _ .. E.ADABLE k;,Str*lut . • szasax—yoriali 6,1 1T.,,144Ta-a;:40401241M/th add attest.: - • • • -' - Saratoga: a We Orl7B7—a IlatninOa of intertcoutaorder Joao ealuaa, uontrai - naa ; by the anthor_a! Iptist4the Famiy." Vartitiiitf Cro Martin:ll taiattecLawm -43taru,_ or_ Elara-Life In En:vs; treattlatel" ~ t ealtkrthe !;:fernuet. - - • • -• Llabilel Vane—hia Fortuna and Frtabdi. - Linda ; or..tho Young .Pilot -of the Belle Ceiobit*Ars. Catalina Lee lientz. ' • The Wandorar; by the author of The WittaltriouL!'. Ile/Pees' Moats, e;Eledejeo. tea fit 110 041111111119 611.25 L 11tt&iines sold at _l6iteitta.4o,lo, 01111SPEOOK AND" . NVISEA. P Nal MlPOnir " •I • ' aMU 400, Is2r 80W4144-4 .InROPERTY . near the OAN_Atlosavja. • -worogrertbrubirMelMerO*o4 'twin ikriettiurd Rev ,T, the:iraiiiabie es= 'ftiiisokN4ponidsjing of" tg4 24 feet 'Midland $lOO 'fettling, On ykickuiTectoctsft stokylistekßoildimsk at present emeigitiled,aadwsatniptistall stores. ng tolool,de etroargbdain • vshiabittpropertyiandwthichmitlipemell. • • Apply to _ BLOWN .1:1110B.117 , WM ' Ctinter_setenth and Bmlthlleld ate • -IrVESIRARLE 'PROPERTY FOR: SAE, giniMble fora &may reiddeace, luarinkrtielintei of Land, well calUvated Le IsiggelargleiLatid-smod-Orthank • two olotntironlrOolto laud aberrant ;►wen of 6od water a' gable And 'other ontlinildhavy :011 to tam order.' lowoodlido Possessklo 11.•thodregt,innteiniaiktonts healthy and pleasant, in ab out-the =MIAS nfifilianotourg. It would' be' profltabletonell:ont of ttldialtdMir, very dminible ford. a family homeettn Taps" easy. as 01.1=111111T k sop No 6 lllnritigita t - - - BIRMINGLIAM PROPER'rY.Foi,SaIe, Brick House on Centre etreet, talittnitnn- , 4420 feet front by 120 feetdeep—it vetry sieeirable proper% - Apply to N iILAKBLY nul3 Coiner . Seventh and, Bmltbaidd NNOTICE.—Mrs. SARAtt leave to stutoenee that her ' SCOW/ will -te-opett on MONDAY, Aturnat 18ih, lust; at her realtkonee,- EMI at. Nfo.42,.£ighth Ward. Tbe'coor aoofs brace SPELLING.ItEADING, wuraNd, GRAILMANGDOGRAPIIY, (with the use of dlotes;) 810,LOGYAnd BOTANY. also, PIANO. MDSIO;(widt*IIOIIC PRIMO by Mr . " BOWER , of this city, a well Itnowe-Tegeligtr„: . • TOMB TIM QUARTER: • LA Class, including foregoing branchea,....... 2d te 3d it l{ auttl Piano Music extra,. PROPOSALS ' INVITED. The Co*ffie -- „cmere of mi eg h epy 00puty having , Ili Tu tifdePlehion *Keating . and Venial:llw two erf . the Court Agents %Abe Public Buildings, would invite Prop (or mg* Competent parsons areinvited to furnish pliant leibddatft. of cost. Proposals will be received wsu, filONDAT,,Abeint 18th, at IA o'clock . " , "By Lerfier nf %, ] g am AY, 5 4 au.i.st. - • JAS- f l4 4 l 4unti•Oleik. c• :- . =AMOUNTS. OF.-IMS TIM E S; byig,* . o. Poetry of the Ifiagilili lituguitga .72. ~„, ~, 11epublican Campaign Songster- 42 cenik: -: ;,... ! • Pamphlet edition of the Lila of PrOMMIJ .. _ Bigelow's Life of Fremont; (large ell life publiabW,L , Baratoga—stitory of llig . . Price AU.. . '''' - ' Braithwaite& BettollecttlimA46 41 i 01 4 1 .- ` 1 i ' V • Forselet "' W y , A. G I LDwityBNNAILAk CO; 1, anlfi Fifth st.,4Positelbe.Sbeasue A HOMESTEAD FOR ROI 1011.. WORTS OP PARRIS AND rt W Wl. .t , =., 4 M the biold,Begto of CuiPepper County 144 to bouihi amengs l lo,2olo Embecribers, on a rfth b September MK ) for the benefit of Port lio l.fexuala Academy. _Pp t i m oNtyvrot. RACK, one-half down; the on the delivery of the Deed. Every ' subscribe. icur - 1 - Bulkling Lot or a Farm , ranging in value trum . glote on These Farms end Lets are sold so elleawitv.„induce settls meets. a adificient number Wing t emermgfiubuttwas• Be the value of which will pomp:hum ,r pr At.peirpat fines price now mated. Ample security wlikbagivemfuriltefidtht ful performance of contract" auttpromisett, *Fr More Agents -aro walktedvent o.* Adieghengg obtain mbscribers, to whom Ute'inest liberal izalise, will be given. Some Agents write-that they ate Pie a month- ?fil'Wl. Part icu.lane, SubecriptionA, Agthapp, Ac., apply to . Jr« RAUD,- - Port Royal. Caroline county, Its: , '' Or to O. W. Bunn, Agent. Ohio street, Alleging's, its. . is„ anikdkw . . - ., $617,848 IC , . -1601.1.4 SAV-PburlNGSth ' HANK, ISJIC. No. 65 arrst,, xtoom, amigo' NEW uurimav,‘ TS NOW OPEN dai1y.fr50n.,9,t0.2444; alja anrsonsagyinautiNthAtifter_ October, biebutte; hoot 7 to llonocaL,Smillmatilio rodnit bialusive, from - tt to Et Obis*, • - Ittr readied of all Minis n 4-404 elynONM and a dividend of She. ptcdlla dueling twic e ,. ana I**lper. ifts(vst was declared et the .4%...1,7 mt, per uniira, on the drat or llenembs• • ": ad - Boob amsatutp.A the Cherrer• iwa. istiplia,landebeitgoinsi on* ake ai m IVlV4eat f.PO I TAII " irePtaniV "'"Ur2f:Oirailbacjiberger, - . 10 ras Whil% , .; William P. Johnston, • James W. Hallman, Tboobon„„ .lAntistmaen, ir; Almander Bradley _ Link wmipm - Phillfpe, , William John G. linalitlitn, . apilin nerdisiw. , , l'ar= J.h. . 4 . l Eirkpatrkki ' 11 Robed' Clio illiain B. Laveli; ~. Pas. • • 44444 J0hn 1 :7 lreb rel.' Alms° A. Carder. ' walla. r. auithatL Jciliii & 08118ir ."58, Wilson Miller. , Cameo A,. vow . , A. Vollock, .• . $1- . Ndringlou, lTranclit Mix, ~ . c Henry 1. . Itingualt„ . l. • nobereltalk . 4'. Gunge .V:tillimarts '' Jaineis,Bl4oB). -.- ~" Aimed &1100.14 S. &Ida e.. , Wu= 8. Harm ' 4;0418' Unilla. , Bearbriyandllwintret,-4311AwLES A. enTolC[arazir , ' NEW GoctiS,-.- illapTittklk ha* pm; recelied 'No-pow fdldj , ..DeliBxwou.rii niblil 81084184 *IA *own Malin; etiiicW Tufo* 40 Datillidic 1 8508 of every lesetSlo 4 . Watt artitbeicaa4 si ficcii,Ann • —• • - 100 boies ~,, ,-- ,;_~.. ~. ke -V' '. ',jeatkag '''lo4l4llW .01),ELgek. Fi for RRYILU ANnauw,Nt, No. 39 Wood street, ~.. ,~~ ~:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers