Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, August 13, 1856, Image 1
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' • • • ' I. t / ,•., 1 - - L -,,,, - . •,•• ~,,, . :4 0, w.• • !:I ~ t i ii...l l , .--..cii• p 4 ~ \f7 }~~ • " lAy = C k • t 00, • ' ''*l:lrl44-4e ?' e . • =MN r •=' 1;f • ' t.' • '' '‘ ~ , k;,4i. , , - 4 , . • A .'::! t c , rhifiliGit6lll:4liofiliiliii PO jrii' I:W.I4IOAS .do IFION.FIGORWW O ; .‘ , col ras oroaritiner mum or 'roan Mu'arid Dollars e - yek,aiaYeteletqcgrAtidreiom. 611 Dollars tufariablyteriteut4qcot pitgFs4da wIB Yea.r• se- Single copies; Two for sale at the counter to the Office, and by4lttilte THE SATURDAY MOHIii.LNG PU$ PDblished frvul Mill Asalaarge kannket iip t sheet, at 11490 WHAM tryeiki, in adirpact, Siggift .4fr No pepok - ifflkjet ilesconttow4 (unless et the dbiaolo t u m or the Pee 00 21 1 4 )Nci4 1 4 , r4344 1 43 11 .0 1 1=Pal ettatiOn he, yea- tealWelterelakieCcao, *deg 1 41. 1 0.*//40 , or sot y referstactithir Jay. o Q uipated with the itetatimaithiali'" " taA Ybirt le one of the lergeet JOB P Lkie ta Offritere /ALMA" a m urk' la 6 0 ' 0 160 0 r"' .40Wei --__ • _ • ' ••PROFESSIOA AL, ,Q I ..: DS. . 0: „ 1 . 1., lb,: " ik Olikk•l4t 4 i f, - 4 5, - 4 t—filei II PL;ITIA Aiii - Office in B WELL ' S In!l2lrifNi3S, , %Irani stre.t, (neatlj w... t 4 the Oiran Hotae4 . fobrlly imam. W. WIN GARD, , , oforTaliNsg. Letw, }tif t • t t rumfib uka, emvitut4kawixxt Emu alattAistrittticmt.ti in iltuatinglion, Blair Clearfield and In. diens counties I.ly. Wag 7 7CtitiWtlf.,' T ztfoiney at I.4tw J , office Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smithfield mid Cherry . „ N't •irmbr .. A .« Attorney and Counsellor I! at Law, isifine .CorMW.,Of Fifth .iscalfiratitlitreota, Piths ' .1631117 QA.M P. ROSS,. A.ttoTney .at Law, No - .1b9 1....3 1 Fourth stret, Pittsburgh, fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson's Linarplitabar' - ' — '"''' Jo . rioATRICK ItPKENNA, Alderman of,T rd ji Ward, odic° cornet or Grant and itifitit - rfttey(farm rly • caerapied by'Alderman Lealej whore ea btu; .pectai,ng to the Wilco of Alderman and Jordco,the V A ":}31 5 18, l a n 4 4" Smithflol LDlll.lllst"- d "3°t. r to Jsairimicv bourn from 8 to 1 o' c A4tFkO n Ft 3t9-6 ' ici q" L lotaray. soorr, Defidet, Faith eprpe, five d..ra u a. von of Market. 4 1S cr $36 hours from 9 o'clock A. hi. to 6 o'clock P. bt JOIIN MOORKE.AD; Wholesale Grocer! U Commieslon' Slerchant, for two dale of PIO METAL nd mog§ , aLPI MANE:A isaaFakvin tt(s±ar Wow pittabtaigh ap trialiata Wikata, Plulada-dj- kr . WW• l agfa r ik , Albn • h' t g unElt RreigiTsoN,--WElDlesale tr - corstitnPorWlll4ll.ll.6,l4ll#l3oB:and SEGA 1724upt1% corn e r 'oflard Libeit - v 4treete„l to ting Iron, Nada, Ckdlon Yarua,ko , constantly on SIMIAN 6011111.*.N. =wake DITEIBIDGJI .... L ILINVICALT CICIRUNG, ROBERTSON & CO. Matiu ki lacquers of Out, Pressed and Plato net GLISSWIL E, warehouse No. 11 Wood street, corner of Yront, Pitt/berth All other kinds of Glazaware and Window bleu et low Market prlroo . JULES Z. LEM-ft . ..1061VEI r. 01.41.11. T EDLLE; & Sawasson - to Mulvatiy &lfinufata,urens of Cut, lioulded and Nein Mat and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and daalars in II Kinds Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware hounaoorneruf Market sod Watir twists, Pittsburgh. nattldly REMOVAL -0. IHNISEN, Ititraufactunor of esery satiety of VIALS, BOTTLES and WIRT GLASS; black Porter, Wine and Claris Bottles; Demtlo sad Carboy, also, Mai (Eats is essry variety Ilisseho Nos. 101 Soo4ati and 133 Firet street, Pittsburgh. mh2f R. DRAVO, Dianiond, Pittebargh, sOsaler . in masy.ltv PRODUCE, offers for sale eoo.oe stock of OnpertjtleS, selectsd.•for family am Sisk:mot every satiety aad the purest, *malty, gonad at his ste4na ?ants. Also, Dried Pratt.. foreign and Domestic Produce taken in exchange for merchandise.. P.M. D. hat p. I a full assortment of Landrettes ranted GARDEN SU and invites the attention coati - tereats,' in rural affairs CIOMMISSIO : 0 USE. —',l` he. aubscri hare opened a House for the purpose, at No. 7 1314 - OeL, war door shows the Moomairalwila Ho WO will purchase, or receive on commisciari, fur !a !! !. slooriia of FLOUR, litAOON, CHIME, IDORN/Oa "BARLitY, FLAX. PLED, 31ta89 -Sgleil BALED MY, &t -own which we will make advaaces, or purchase at the !skit market rates for lash. [uov6J a1..0E0 A 00.! T,INGLISH & RICHARDSON, F ormtaitli ng _12,1 ant Cuir.inissiuu ILuctuults sod wholesale &oar . s 11.1 FlBll, BACON and OIL, and PRODUCE gruesally. War— house formerly Wrriplea by Borbriiitis k luglirato. No 115 Water sad LW First struet., Pittsburgh, 1450' ATIYCIA. . J. 123 ...... an Lca ATWELL, LEE & IVllolesale OTOCerB, P11.411N, and Comlohooou llorchaou., and a--dor6 l'ittatatagh Mauutacturoo, No. 6 Woad suaoc, Lotwvean 11 Atiq and Front stroow. PO :..Imriell TOIIN W. 13 uTLEit & Cu., F0rX14,113113g quid Camatinion 51.erchAntsclnaJors to sIJ alnd. BURGH . MANUFACTURE:S, LEAD I'l IT and SHElli LEAD, No. 67 Front f:reet. PittaburaL. :eV> - FT Y ENR 11. COLLIN s, Unit sl..rchAnt, t.n.l &ale: au nElt, nur - rrn. eis D od rte LLe,n amorally, Nt 25 Woad str,rst, Pitutlynrah Ward WELLTAY I CAIIR / CO., i William Calf, iitt-V 0 the Aim of J. Parker & C ,)!male G Na+ ORM Slid deakra to f0r.,.711, WiNR.I nod BILANTIKS, ilkl MonottgaJada ow WHISKY, No aZi Counnert-41 Itov, Liberty et colt. Ptitsburgb Wr) JOSEPII FLEMING, successor to L. Wil coxd & co. corner of Mal ket street sad the Diamond. hews otrostmatil Mudd a full assortment of DR:JOS, ME IT MED PEUFUNIEIS Y. and .11 and oleo pertaining to lila business . EtW Physicians' Presmiptdons =eh:l4 ,ccutpaawiti at 41 ULEMING BROTHERS, successors to 4. Kidd & , wholesale DRUGGISTS, No.oo Wood Wool. Intriburgh. -Proprlstori of Dr. I.l'Lsoo's °eh:brawl Vero* fags, Liver Nils, Ito. ialo MARSHALL, aueeeseor to EL Lee, ty WOOL DEALIZR nud OWNIISMoti Nu. 1.1,4 Liberty stroet, Pittsburgh Referenct—H' NrClintmk h Bros, Kramer d litahl, Nur phy, Tiernan Brown &Kit ii.petrulc Pittsburgh, May 74, IF2b W. CIIADWICii, dealer in Kentucky RAO, 1 - Vati b.lcos Plttvburgt. 40-11ae h 1411.4 ruark,4 prim, dr. caalA, load fur 'taws I/ALYEA) .. . WiIiSTIALL . ....... . • - - WP. MARSHALL &Co., Emi.rters and dtalors 11l rsotazh awl At , I'AIEII /NCo. No 37 Wood stroot, l'ittsbor4o. au agent% fortaroolobral.: ;Lanni:actor. of Moaroa, Doliconrt !k Co., Paris. T. C. itiORCAN, 11.6k9eller and Sta. B tioner. Has alvrarg on hand a gonidai aagortnaan; !iiiircellaniains and Nang hooka; Printing, Pragyiiiii..l eap &c., iiiholeisal and N.,. 1,4 Wood grin i, heinti Firth least alde, l'ittatinrgh far WANTED—Raga and Tarinars' &rape. aplh.ly Jl.l'N 11. 1.E1.1.0 lt, Wholesale and Iteta il tfl seakx In MUSICAL. INAIR U ENT'S, PIA NOS, MUSIC, 8(41001. BOOKS 1.4.1 d STATIONERY, No 81 Waal strati, killExuet.— jitnl I_IIEYMER 8: ANDERSON, (suoce,sora to lzhAo. & ,11.1...rn in FOR NHUITS. NUTS, rl7Cb9, CONIEInk/N A RY, HUOAHa Q. No. 39 Woad Wert, upi....idato the : 4 t burgh. Ap2 _,_,.. ATINDLE, Wholesale and Retail SAD . DLE, ILLILNES.'s, TRUNK. V•L18I and CARDIFF AU IifiLNUFAOTURILE, Nu. We Wood attest, Pittabtirgh. fly yNTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood etraet, third door below Virgo. alley.—DOWN Ik.TET EY would call the attention of Sporting' 13i011 to theitankpo ,asaortment of GUNS, RIFLES and lIKVOLVING PISIKILIi, the largest mod beat eelooted 'neck ever opened In thid now. ,yet, together with a general wreortmunt. of Hardware, Clltie ry, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of which we offer ut tilt, lowest possible priced to cash purchasers, or for goat Hy ,proved paper. _marl ,3 NORTH-WESTERN POLICE AGENCY, No. S 9 Washington iarset, corn.l of Low born, CIII CABO:ILLINOIS. ALIAS PTICILEKTON D. D. eoLages PINKETITON .9 Cu newt° their entire attthtion transaction of a general detective POLICE BUSINESS IL the Stele of Illinois, Wiwunstn, Slicing/in and Inettane. QTOVES.—No. 124 Wood atteet, above 4,3 Flitti.—We beg leave to call the Trade to our Mock of &area, Hollow Ware and Castings in general. flaying perfect ed every thing in our line, we can safely say that we cannot be surpassed In finish, fitting, and smoothness, by anylu the trade. Merchants will find It to their advantage to call le,- fore buying elsewhere. fel4 GRAFF, REISMYER, t GAART• ATCELES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. JOUR M. ROLIERTS is now selling off his large and choice stook of fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goode at a very small advance on first cost, preparatory to enlarging his Store Room and the poretrase df an entire new stock for the spring trade. Personadairking 9R.EA,T DARCIAINS Elm* gel itatly,tia at WA& determination to close out hie present stock with out regard to forgoer picas. Don't forget the pIace—ROBERTS', 16 MIT( street, uaar kiarket. feb6 L MEN AND B' ' . WINTER CLOTIIINt . —ROSENTHAL & BRO, Illtn Street, opposite Ma r,oo's, have a large dock of Blau and Boys' .CLAITEING on bind, comprising some outtrely new and *gent styles, arblolt they ate prepattni to thrntsh at the lowest castmetr A v. Also, a large and fasiiimable stock of WANTS' IiTIHNIEHIIKG eoops . 4434ny it. MornOW meians y... arnlina..... --Annan sLIMIT. pI'INTSOURGII COA. I OII FIV.OTORY—BIO ELOW4 CO.,.iMCCOSSOiI to E. M. lots, No. 48 Dia mond alley, ne4r WoatL etrcet t Plttsbrtr —OARWA ti O , E, COACHEt3, PLIARTOW.DDODUE , a onely di.., tie.4l of PANOY' VEHICLES ' Sat to urder, and . flubbed in a manner anamrparaxi for beauty of design, elegance of finish, 4 skill of workmanshlifend darabillty of materials_ Ivn or ~. Aft work tirrantnd i won ) E NTIMPRISE WORKS, No. 136 'Wood at., third dour below Virgin elley.—BOWN St TETLEY would call We attention of Sporting men to anent linninnt as• aortment of GUNS, lIIPLEB and itEvoLvma PiaroLa, the larvist and boat selected stock ever opened In this mar ket, too - them With a general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS and MENG TACKLA all of which we offer at the lowest poseible prices to cash pnrclaasere, or for good approved paper. F4418 .1.1168. L TOUNG B. YOUNG & CO., No. 3R Smithfield T . nowt, opposite City llotot, manufacture& of °LEI t NET FURNITURE and CHAIR& a every description. Ma toads and workmanattip warranted, and sold in reduce., • prices. Care taken ID poking for land and water carriage. wairal J 7 77SCEMONMAKER, Mandacturer ft" • WWl* Lead, Bed Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litlierp, Patty, ka , Wholeasle dealer In 011 e, Paiute, Varnlebee,'llarpentlia, JUL, lio:42ll.Woortistmet;Tittsbure , mv22 -1-3fteu DRo.s.ooops. UMICED,TereII r-41**4y. tbin etbk‘u-4=- w beingyfroted at 25 to 30 1; 1 6 , !... , - - - VI N U, , lii £ 00, No. 26 Pith it. • Jae- L L MOE . • 1:9 - .110.‘..t..4.. • - • IV .. ...r • • 44. r.**r• , • • • •' R J . . , "Z i : l - DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FI VF; DOLLARS PER ANNUM VQLniE• XIV. I MPORTANT TO TIIOST 4XFLACTED -wrptis bAD sreTpri.44inknififtffering tromtad Sight, arising. from impaired vision, conslituthmel decay, old ago, Or other twat , would 110 well to Ca ll upon Dr. 0 SILAW, PItACTIOAL OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon getting Spsottialas-sciontifically adapted to the YOST WANTS OF TUN SLX . E. Address, de Birth street, opposite A. A. Sistson'a PittstPrOl m • P Microacopee, Thermometers, and every *mete appettathint to the Optician trade, kept awl repaired on the penises. /fig' Glasses meerted lc old Ramer. $_ Any article cot approved ot, exchanged free of sr penes. dec7:ly NEW COACH AND CARRIAGE ...LNFAC TORY.—JOHNSTON, BROTHERS & CO., corner of Relies= and. Belmont strems, Allegheny City, would respect fully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, ILA HOMILY.% ROCKAWAYS, PUOGIES, SLEIGHS and CEA. 11E0THilti all:their radona styles of finish and proportidt. AG mho will be exeinted with atria regard to dory lifC 'aridteattfy at Antall. Repairs will also ho Wended to otettninititiiiimatable terms. Using In all their work the bast .liitstarn Shafts, Pam, and Wheel staff, they feel cm-in dent that latch° favor. them with their patronage, will he 'periebtliaatlcHisl on trier of their new wit. Pittettanittirere requeetsid to give us a call, before per oct&ly AMILLIKEN. & CO. have on hand, at . their extensive CAM NET and CHAIR ANU YAG 'FURY, Ito 64 Smithfield Street, a largo assortment of Fobry and Plats Furniture, which they will sell 16 per rout lower than customary rates. Terms, ,ash only [doer :y CI BARNETT, I °ESHOEitAND LA A:II BLACKS 4S SrfT . fl.' ES has erect.l a new and commodious Brick Shop on CHERRY ALLEY. between Third and FOW th streets., where he 1. prepared to do all cork to his lino with the utmost promptittak Wising had long experience le the business. he respectfully solicits the pativresge of his uld muttooteneed the public generally. AMOS MILLI - N(IER, Monmahela ning NM, imand rmpertfollf inthrm htlfiloadi anti the the bablic.thst his new establtshment Is now In fall opera. tion, and that he I, prepared to furnish Boat Galan., &MI nll all orders for PLAN - ED LI3.IIIIER, with promptness, and at the lowest rams Board and Plank, planed on ona or boil alder, constantly on band Sash, Doors and Mouldings, of °stay dasesipidun, made W order. :1111.0 1 4 1 4rittuaOntvieutere Wald flud it to that, stlow, Uwe to }tire him e cell, pa to, cep now Welsh them with Planed Stuff, suitable for evert deactiption of Nvork. FULTON OAR WORKS, "FOUNDRY AND MACIIIWE SHOP, Branicarr, Onto.—The subscriber hissio&ractriod Onto iri mean Mating, rierral, erecostk.corner of Water, .IPDoticrugh and Moldy streets, is yawed to coo tract for and emirate all order' for Psalieriger, Baggage, Poet-Office, House t, Platform, Gravel, Gaud and all other descriptions of Also, fur STEAM ENClllitid of all die, 01LARING, RA IL atILD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other work appertainmg to a Foundry and Machine Shop. The Foremen of the different departments tole scientific and practical mitt—mealy Stun Hastern manufactories-- who keep thecasolres informed and a4opt a/Leah:able mod o lmproratae tr. aug21.16 W. W. WETLIAIIIILL THE HOPE.COAL COMPANY having re oddly met with laws In transporting cod to Ouc, testi, being thieved by the Alanotecturere Iytutancs Cut mm of Philadelphia, take pleasure In stating that their claims were promptly adjusted by J Newton Jones. Agent of mdd Company D. BURIN ELI, Agent of trope Coal Company. PittAargh, December 47, I 1i6.5 dead REVOLVERS! 12E LVERS 11--Unst re coked, by /a.preaa, direct from the manufacturer", a epienotol assort mvut of Oates ILSPILATINU P 1,5101,8, lour, lire and Ms loch barrels, all of width we will sell for rash at as low pnoes as they can ho bought In the , city sf New Y Irk Per e.rte going to Australia and California mill brut that thry au du better by purchasing thew PtirapilgO ot haute, than it, esti among strangers—m We glee perscmr a dukuce t.. it at.y of the ab...ve Mauls telore leering the city, and in au O 3 a fan are ire refund the roomy BOTTLERS.—J _ 0N OGDEN & Co., Bottlerfi Ail 11 No IC' Fu - at street, trowel respectfully inform the put.- IL thal. the) bare constantly on Wuxi • Ism suppll SAMAPAJULLA, 1111,EILAL WATili, ALIT mad l'Olret.it thabcattinallty TLe'attmtion of fon:llea b. particularly dire tM w tb fnB that tkuzi tntßla W I\Hl.l lir LE tti ,t• moliciatia recoconuitEllfis of n. 411.. M 4 / 08 . 1,1 Mr etelraMla t 9/t/LIP: ea . . J GILLIM.PII3 & 01, (Ammo Maimfactut •Iv wad &aim la Looluli g tAwis Kw, Plat , i! t &rings, Gumbo sad faulLy •u ex.t L On Lana and made to order, italt Pu•r a. 4.1 hboltir Mato 1045. Roeswood. Walnut ..n.l tint Fre.no. Ing, a ovary doing - 10nm - • 4kir fittliatintt CRWCZ Doc.rstrii =0 Olaf 1.. 14 M A. SWILER, Wholesale arid Retail 131.1.a7 Praha in. Yucaipa% Riling a}} Stoves, Till, IWO and litsttekoepeee'liketlecarv, ?Innen iftsittue. stet Fats, Sheet Iron, Wk. Rivets, Isc., kr 'trust, tomtits Busliltic's hated !SARK' ABU Rte J WRITS, VENITIAN M N CT 1,- has 7iCpllllllll his health so as to rosins, his aid business, and Tuts opened /Ma lILLND MANITPACTORT nt 05 Fifth street, near t h e Past Office, between Wood stod hunk:lMM, whore he/Ms nu assortment of BLINDS, trianood plain and fancy Worsted .nd sqk Trimmings Is puepartol to ti!: any under w hl. Wit, on the moot rt.nacttMe terms ii!. work is WAJTILII2,I 1.•.) t(lt e .11/5161 - tion, refunded. Old Blinds rmo.trud Pie... t ore nuna tett, e. Le can t l.e beat In WOr klunusLii. t / Y._ • B SHOP E• M EfL ,• I I A NT TA I LOU, Mil-4 I:ellinnes. 11+01:111 t t,e very Weevil pal-,e1, , ,, hertevtft/rt be•r,e esp. Legs len, V,44. • ~utvnirtnve thv levnot v• 1e.r,1 e .r,1 Alf 11.1nli nuelo AL, .11 , 4. , 41.4 . 0 with 444.14t1,.. 6,3 t, I II f Okutu tpttir u afititifit, rived War. ictscp; ,t, tmanoti Ito u 1 oi ,00t a r ias of V.1.:61 I N I'. Lki.Sl CA.CYfiIS. a. o to. o will wale t order t C 1,.,, foot u.ofvs, upou te e seuelte tettnl bwrieut bt alwapt warratitell, 1 u.Nrl6 tt W 0 0 I)Vr ELI, y iIdkiNFtURE ANf CLLA I and tetra!, ell .1)!.• .A turnitarr, la R06.5 ,- "nl, Nialergiiii) in I W11.:Ii t/1 NU I. pa r lbra, cbabiliat a, aiel .Ih/big I ‘,..1011 chi 041 Et. .1 , V t., Nei. i•irir or lowec prwr t' . . l 01) article bailie by band, abii wan autai C:itluat asiwiliiid Neal. au, iirumilatty .4 I L I; AN; land CIIAITA. bu r•il..butible tr,mi .FILL2tCIe L rotrwa - sc.! • Et • .; ' r••• , r • . (ONV L. * • * -t• • • 4 ., . • ; 2 ; '' ; 4 . • 4 , 14, r. ti t hk h~ ~~?w;`t , • . . .. . . ~ - . , . * . . . .. . . , ~ • ; • ' ' ' / e a 1 . ) 1:11. , .1 , ..$ it . . ‘1 . , s . . r 4 , • .. . . -• e- 1 6 ~.. • - . t. . . . . . . B.Tsyt!TEss CARDS Neither leittt my eye nor my faith' 1011 r trifle." MOWN A TETLEY, 1M Wood strwt, httsboril, 11.4Alatid tart abed at the et, greet bubo , o e jr- drurvome, Nod :7 and 7V 'fbitd kanwt. ati4 Prralltt4/11, l'A - ^ J. & T. GROUTT 113= BRANDIES, GIN, &c. DEALERS IN Vint, Old Illonougallela Rye Whisky, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; A.l-40 RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS euRIMB 0? SEIT/IPIP.LI) AND FROST STREET) PITTRBURGII, PA. CA'MPBETC - ii SAMUEL POL LOCK have associated together under the style 01 CAMPBELL & POLLoCK, for the trunaact •1I 14 geueral Variety and Dry GaAs businss, and Gm inauelacture of plath and NVaved Line Gilt Mouldings. WAIIES AND JEWELRY.—JOHN M. imggins ii; Y 11.711 street, Is 110PrI* • moire NEW STIR 4 K of Gold and Silver Fauna 1.41 ° ,4. " 1. At. 100, la.pine and Vertical WATCHES, Ih open and hunt Ing aeon, ol the moat celebrate.' English nut Swiss menu lecture Also, Gold Guard Vest and Yob Males, Seals, Rey., Miniature Cases., Bracelet •, Gold Pena and Caees, Pen Ik, TfNlttspielin, heavy phtio Set and Seal Finger Rings. Far-Rings, Cult* Pito% St ndr, Sleeve Lolo, 41.111 and Silver Specuide. Silver and Plated Spoons, Finhos and Fork., Jet, Coral and Panty Guy Also, a large emelt ot the beat BRAM CLOCKS at all prices The above mock has been perch...l direct from the Ibt.t ern manufactories, and select...l with great rare for the retail trade, and will hoanld at a small advance ,g 1 asst Watches, Clocks and Moretti rerairedi Gliding and tin graving executed 1n the beat manner, and Silver Ware and Jewelry made to order. JOAN M. ROBERTS, spit' Fifth street, next door to tdarket. DALY'-S. ;.s_fr 0 OKI N G FACTORY. C. DALY corner of Market alleyend Fifth street, finds it necosettry to contradict a ;Vold that be gained currency, 4,410.4#1~0ff bullkl.*, lib:never had ouch tuteitMli. tufarittlithe public that be still coutimwi to srottf2lidß, ( liS l arri; P44WEEB, And allAtindsof HOSINItY, ttit hie setabiliMue Die Fac tory Is near RyaWl edilding, On riefir etrea Pen at all times to the hopection of tile public. Ile has, bold.* the work of his own tnanufaCtfire, brought to the city the largest aseortmentni4oodeln his line ever brought to this city, which ate warrantedto be of the best quality, yd will be sad al the most reaaonable prim' He boa but one Rake Room, et the corner of Market alley and Fifth street. C. DALY, mhlb Corner Market alley and Fifth at NEW INTELLIGENcE OFFIOE—If you want to. have help," and anYWYtlant, or n o n pptoypppm.wlat. ti wrguto.wok °MUM Legal Amu:manta and Copying done with neatnesa and tch. {Walt) JOSEF% W. LOWKIL VORSII4',S LINIMENT—The best Lini -L clout now in use kg sprams, bruises, Ar ,12 doz. just received by JOB. FLEMING, ap2i, corner Diamond and Slsrket et. PIG METAL-190 tons good quality, cold bleat, just received per steamer Irene, and for sale by qp.9.9 I' M. DAVIS., corner Wood and Fittb Sta. GREASE—Bayes' celebrated Grease for Drays, Corte, Buggies, Railroad .Carei . to COLLINS.n cane, kegs and Lids., for sale by [4,201 lIENRY IL CO C OAL WO,P.K.S, VOl - I S4LE.-,--Sixty three Etertuf-of - Unit tAtli 250 of Goal attached, and an the provcrnents thereon In successful operation. Said Farm in situated on the Noitouahela riser, 3q miles above PHU burgh, 0,14 Is kap - Idled Irttlt a Perm House, Barn, Tenant Ifoueos, Oh cbsxd *art/ad, and excellent harbor. The vein ier tktl Eta feet thick, ant; cannot berarpassed 1 4 T way. For further particulars apply tp NIOHOLNIN & PAYNE, Jelttf Np. 245 Liberty street. WALKER'S D INDEL IBLE 48.-1 - have just received a lar g o supply of the atelinktp4Jgelible Inkorlth or without the prepare ttoa ft.XsITITS•4 I III the beldink now in Tu. In ell =as tho inonStiltabilseftmded whore it doee IlJt please JOB. FLIA:UN 0, 4 45 Watticoiad alley and Market at . - •••• • PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1856 BUSINESS CAIDS. GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET! E W SCAL &LEBER & BRO., have Just recelvixt. a onail lot of PIANOS • provide with their NEW SCALE Thin Is their latent, and undoubtedly the MOST BI- rrirr i ll PORTANV improvement an yet made to the Plano Forte. The POWER of the instrument In almost DOUBLED thereby; and in point of volume, evenness and brilliancy of tone, they surpssa anything en yet produced in the shape of a Piano. They possess all the advuntagee of the Orand Pianos, with out any of its dbadvanninges. We now challenge comparison with the instrrimente of any other maker In this country, confident that every unlnansed Judge of the article =ID at once admit their superiority. The public Is respectfully in vited to call and examine these superb instruments. 11. &LEBER & BRO., Sole agents for Ennui & 'Darks' Pianos For Western Pennsylvania. • No. 59 Fifth attest, nextdoorto klasonicilall. P. S.-Bplendid assortment of the above shortli Ski:tested ! for the spring Tradt.t. aps FEW SpRING STOCK OF CHICKERING & SONS PIANO FORTES. JOILN H. MELLOR bag PPINJust received seven more o crucKEßnai a. SONS' PIANO FORTES, and com pleted the Stock selected for Spring Sales, of Tarial-ErrY* new and splendid Instruments, of every vartoty end manufactured by the Messrs. Mckerings, (Boston,) from the plalnest SIX OCTAVE to the moat splendidly finished Seven Octave Snits's.. Plano Fortes, ss well as their import) and halmitablo ,Orand and Parlor Grand Pianos. EVERY PIANO potent In thia lot hi of their NEW SCALE, pith their PATENT IRON FRAMES, and PATKiT ACTION, and are not cnly warranted to the pureldnuir by the tuatinflictiirers, but by Mee aqwwiber, to be In all respects as perfect u Instruments .h be made, both In regard to Material and Wyrltmanahip. PRICES INVARIABLY THE SAME as in Radon, at tea Manufatfory. JOHN IL IWELLOR, Ny, al Wood istrret, between Diamond alley and Fourth .treat. Agent for Chleketing t Sou., fur Pittilbarirh and Western Penna. ntb2h NE'SUPPLY OF PIANO FORTES. CILAR.LCYTTE BLUME bas fwt it calved a further supply of Rapt, Davis A Co. ' s Piano., with patent suspensLin bridge . t and coutimaition bearings, and with repeat- ' lug Grand Action. As a proof of the superiority of these Plana, is the foi l...ring extract of a report at the late " Mechanic's Weir" at Boston, in competition with the celebrated maker, Jonas Chichering, who tom Pi-redden& of the Association •• The .Mawrichosotts Charitable Itischanic's Association award this diploma, with a Silver Nedra, to 'ballet, ))61•111 Co., toe tile belt Wand Nano Rorie contributed to the-EXhi baton of AM. JONAH CIIICK %RING, hest. • (Who had also one of his beet Oran& on exhibition in competition with Messrs. iL D. a Co.) The Committee, k ProfeworsOeurge J. Webb, U. K. Ctiteur, John las" eal,) Oro( th& Brmtd . txmo„., It. issidiser fill, *timid, NV and Sven .fanci"d; a rititil listrnment, and best on tee/ob.-but." These Mao are made with Hill Iron hams. circulaz modes aiding deedc. etc, And ars made to stand in any attune. in addition to the abuse, the oubwriber has receitrd P 1413.1 Erato Deuntgwrdteek nines, Hamburg; d W Lehi t On., Lawton, and other good caskets, at prices from 1426 to PAW CILASLOTTS BLllkilk, Jell 11. Wood Street, N. 11. Old Pianos utasn to sachem at their ball embus Another baraice of the celebrated tlembezib Motor Ink. petted In 1101,1111 weeks. ro-r- ITRTit STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. & U. A1c.C4.1.1.1L1M, 4:re( FOORTII STREET, NEAR WOOD.lial Tio attentam of purchasers is nem:nail:My invited to oar present Stock. salocted for EipROG BALMS. ludwilad- - 1 R..a queuty vo.mc... English, sad Tapestry Ise• Bruseebtand Tapattryi . Oath& . Cr rd and Stair lirneeets, Soper taedittm sad Egar Extra and Sow. 3 Pil. Priced remakes. Beet Imported Extra Twilled and Dazaaak; Flail and Start C.lnete , Mau tlil Clothe. tram 2 to 24 feet wale, variant qualities and prices: Table Ott Cloths; /renal, Printoll and amt.:teed Plana and Table Covers; Canton sad Cans Mat • tuba . Hearth Bow , Dot Mats; fitetr Bode; Lim, Bag end Down i..lLrpets, To I:Jude, sat every v•rtety cd Wtn• 1..* .41.4 e..., iiroeu sod Duff Itoll.isd, kc., A< , all 0.11 a Weil . ti I 6> ofitkrod at ore at vet y moctentte mt.. liiir W.. ..r• bin. prwiuml 1... furnala iIAILRINOTON".3 tHrY.T LININU talM MANSFIELD SEMINARY Allegheny foamy Normal School. stout four mar/ from thr city, nrar the junction athl Plisrth Ro.tria R M KERR, A. M., Supriltiowleat, MRAM. A rail, Prtucipal Soualnal y V It Al•I'11.111:1MAN, A M., Pra. LAtiatmom. f ILE uud,mutu..l, Suprriuueudeut, *lli St. F-uall - .4. .awl Reliwl fur lusetusii, DA TAMIL DAV art , Itth of April Del r,f troth imotted eattnbor Fehatleo clue Wort to the famtly vl the ..laperiotebdeut Uorl tkardtag con be oLtato...t the and • klait frvoi $2 to PPP ./24.. TEK3IS-1: gust ter a If, AD% AMIE . Etuarsitha. L.dKlna and Light ipu Tutu.. .._. .$ Cu to 10 Oh twit Ltaudle deatt - thg u, 1...1mre ha tesching. nu .•nto, N.,r caul tkluK.l It •up time, tud outlaw, 10 rkski. to the rhube grnsme 1...14nre le al be delivered each Tenn, crpon the Art of ionehing • Par turtle i Infersitathat eadirse ap2 U M CUR, PitteLargh. HOLT'S PATENT HAND STAMP.—The sutoicsiber, ...pail P 8 this " lIAND r I A Sly MVP ANY," of float:on, %Isms, Is nos, preporoil to :hr to the puhlti. Storni, srhkh. for all prod:Susi porlivors, ...iirruaamini any th• knot heratoloro 00441.1 trio putilti .r Roils oois, itosties, itteissobosits. to I 111.0 I.r atAsniotri thotr tam., Lti vriuting their ems. InlMh., wnri UI ‘ietratililv men tilt 104 their arid Is. 116.1 1T1.A11..} 111 the ~..roctiti• y oosite o torirkiri. Cluthirq. I. 1,1 , to 111.1 tire thhis rho, Otitrup le ...Ilk , . ass) fitter th the turisLot, and obJortrirsti rosatinably urgwt sisstruit °Shoo. Illtl liturt otiore4 1. Ilia. 1.01.10. a bl.l. lort4 aro satabikalkott 4.1.11 11111tPla I.t it I. offere , l ft,ralsoni tnn.lltatf the u.oal •.at .4 oltit•I. naut• riruple to It.. unet/ tn.., It I. hats I f yot ..tit ~ trier '3.1. 11 L. 0../11 (,1,1p.14Ct, COollet 1.1.01 /110 d, 1111•1 1/10. 1311(iAlb • ooklog The proprtatun rely upon the lut, t n•t. tnertta .4 lift fut Its gruers.l awhyptivu, 4 , 1114 t'lllilldellt that It. . ittd ...11. .11 talleta, 1.41 n a faitnral.le in Ile public are lib Wend Its cull sad moo thy .ai ,u and i , . • nrit.l) 01 styles of electrutype thee. veil rot any Style or pattern. and the .lies ritu I: ~ yovi 01 the lovot material and work MO:Mi I. EATt)bi„, Agent, 1 , :" Inv Viral .trod, Pittelnire , N - ENTI 4 WA NTKI) immediately to tau Taft% 1.. r the a1..,t .., 10 a ti.an a I therm! co/immesh/II vlll be paid. I h-r.by certify that YttosKH E It A11)N, P.iteteragh to the duly it pie.inted Solt, Alt,.ltt th.l t , - l'etteLt linad t•lttltiV . Ito' the Stat.. rf (^."1 4 14, U. City yf I'hllntlelphia,)&u.l Oa. I. - the thgthi.e. of Aehtta.tals,ltambhll, tdsthoothg,l7tAttnittem . wht leitete.h, 1,, the State ~f YR...CO[IIN HAND STAMP COMPAKT, BOOM", Mweus Hy their Agent, W WILLARD. Pit . tstrurgh i Nay 11., POO. tr1_18) LOCO SEMINARY.i.iII.ITV ' E - TifitiXET The Trruitees of Locust Grove Moberopol Seminary vivo notice to the Mends Of the institution, that the Rev. Wauss II 11,4.14. having been compelled by protracted I health, t o tealget 114 cliallo ew ilactir of the same, they bore been so fortunate as to secure the valuable services of the Rev Uronot T. filDtal, of New York. for the earn , pool iron, and who enteim at =cal own_ the discharge el Ala do• ties. Pro= thewirry - 111011 nod Nattering commendations a Milt they hare had of Mr. Roots, they have tio doubt of hi. Tinniest tirtiess fur the work commltted fo 'him, and that they believe that under his inatiagement the Seminary can. Lot fall to procure a large share of public favor and support. Persons having riaughtere or wards to educate are partic ularly desired Ito acquaint themselves aRh the advantages winch this lost tution affords, both as respects Its beautiful 0.1 salubrins nosiiiou r two and a half miles from the city, and the facilities Vt. the ifiiirou4ll and refined education ',resented In its efficient corp. of isatvuctors. Circulars may be obtained on applkietlen to the Rector, or either of the Trustees .. .. .. Fittsburgh, April 29th, ISA& Ram 11. 9EIuINILIMOZII, GLORMX t. W MITI, WILLIAM F. JOn MOTO?1, OLIPLR W. Balms, TILLODOIZ B. L.TMAT4, Ow. S. SMLDIN. 4030-mal I MIXIMF I =elk!. rrHE CEYLON STRAW HAT—The atten- A. Lion of the public b requested to our el/artily new 01) le of STB.A. h ATS, Just secoteed froln the Importer combining the many qualities which have been so long wanted to make the Straw Qat suitable In every way ai a Summer Hat. It is the only Spaw jot whicili the rain or damp weather will no &Jail, either in the brim or crown, being to braided as toprovent the ticasibilfty of It in any way. I offer this entirely new style, called the CEYLQN .14 , 4 bithecing it to be the Straw Hat' iat pill , Kite the is , entire aatisfaction. CHARLES 11. PAIDILSOWISWorefst., mySO rielt clear frotk the corner of Fourth. WORTHY' OF A Tur Bdsjab-4ie taw dteelling iwisymZ t etshbed, two stories, arranged with hail, two parlors, dining loom and kitchen, three chand bnts , cellar, bath room, /ca.,' hy dim t 4poitkrard, stable.' Who Intliaitettcht o'2o feof6n Oa ttol etreerAtrityeY Z*l 1 0 0 feet deeP Led lie street. Price re,4OP. Term jp,biejed i Mierdef in ono and taro years 61.6644 6 40ti, 61 ?dulcet et. ITRIGHT'S PREMIUM XATHA.RION cools the head, and removes all symptom! of Heal Ar P e erl)° l.;e B r ril4 llsl.B l e WRI Vltti efirB"Wa4ll4l ., • IVRTO 8 HAMADION It the moat ralnatda actandfion. to tha tolleknatalnlng tba Dab' invany form: For tale by Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER and R. E. SELLERS A 00,.. et 2b cents per bottle. sue° _ , ALARGE BRICK) OUSE plessamtly situ ated in Allegheny city, with lot of ground 30 feet front on Bank lane, try 160 feet deep to al5 foot alley. The house Is well built and finished In modern style; portico in front, hall, two pap dining room, kitchen, t chambers, cellar, hydrant, emd gravel yard, shade and trait ire", shrubbery,4l complete order, for sale by rayll S. , ItT A SON. 5/ Market M. ENGLISH CAAPETINGS.—R OI3 IN SON CO., No. 23 Fifth Intent, have now passing though , the New Fot ri Ces l itra; Rouse a large Invoke of English 1 , elves" and 'RFliSpell 0ire.+41401. 1 041 4 receive isiew s, aun De Plasma to nW r fP_PF Wbn may with tle - beftof IMpm•Wilod Min hnterUPN•haelltla Stock of Brussels, 3 - Flys Ingrain's Stan : Nrlnnarf.i/Obtha, no., as assortmeut unsurpassed in.th4l 7:441:120, jairestin - iXet aPV - • r . - ' evi DMIEZI +4. 6 ‘ THE subscriber, haring enlarged and fitted up In good style Ws SPACIOUS FURNIRRE WAREIIOOIIS, LARGE AND FALE1.4.494e ADDITIONS To his stock, and now lowitas Ws Wends and the pub& CALL AND EVLINKNN Before parchaatng elsewhere. 018 STOOK IS WELL ASSORTED, comasting EVERY CLASS OF GOODS And emtdactng soma very . ftne ROSEWOOD PABLO SETTS, Covered with French *atelle. OAK CHAMBER SETTS, New Styles of Ihueaus, -Bilditeadli, Chairs, All of ts-hich he offers by retail. at WHOLESALE PRICES U. Rvery article warranted to iiitte satisfaction, or the money refunded Ei. H. RYAN, m3''39 No. 31 Fifth Moat JAMES A. FETZER, YOH W A.RDING AND U MI SION 117.P.OLLA NT won Tat SiLl OT Flour, Grain, Dried Frnit, Seeds, Lard, But t.-r, !Loon, and Procityagetterally . No. 89 Vrateor iiitireoty PrrNBUROII, 1.• Francis 0 Ball,y, Eq.. Wltllaw Dil•catb, Br , R Cuthbert a Ikon, Mubarak'. kintA , l (ca., Hciskorll k daraartusrn, ti Brady, ORakL )L K 4l 11.1 , er 41, uzigle W. AndereCxn, Doubu. atton k Wln'ellair Lin' 2r., PEKIN TEA STORE, NO. a@ FIFTH IiTUSET. FREW TgAii-1 choice lot !root Oman and Ble:k Trvi, lora recrined direct from the importers, vrbe,h @ill be ford et WOW, and ruWL &I Wk.* lower than nanaL toy% Two Medals and rive Diplomas A RTHUR Li_ Patent tietblinallng tin cans Ito-proof Tenant Jars Henry 11401 he Arica al this city Western Preinsgivanti t be sale ut the above cies at bis China Qta:ll.lllWare stare, tic Woof Pittsburgh arkero Is aegis kept 4,10 green alaaa Jars price. anti Lug asst eras, r..vlJ tu to ate - asst....reels ...rt !slant ..f s+ _ . ants or prtral, of keepers. ole.sal ,• sad warden ell at ab,sierste pH , I. I: - _ RANK VAN CORDER lIAS RE34OVEI) ;s 1f AIt&ET ratted, uwu lr opt—slie t his 1.1 enter', and Is urnlF prepared to ropply his ClISt. killolll .41.1 d the public . generally alth anything thr) n..erl in the wily of trimmings., 4trihroldepcs, kihhoos, (Slo,re, 11.enery Fancy O , iS tazierally. Air itentetabor the No., 74 Market et spT2t.'fro tJ - DiVIDEND.--Citizelis' Inx‘trance Compa a y..—The President and litreetars this C..nipany ha.e this day declared • send.ractual dividend of six dollar, p.•r share, cocci the lkpit 1 Enxt. Flee dollnn in rush. pay able to the Stockhoidets or theft legal reprosentathes. and an. defier credited to their suck on nod after tit. 2:11 lost 8.011.11i1r L. NI ARSIIJKLI., gert Jon. 17th, ItI,SIL WE HAVE FOR SALE, at the Office* of the MORNING POST, • large quantity or our TYPE. Meictittaite tad other, walling tali at article can etalariro impplyby minas areal. fabil 4; 4 ITATE andernignett Commit IJ toe, appointed to aolitilt snbacrlpttotia, to 'acorn ilia holding Vi the Stan, Bair at Pittahtugti, hartiliy anthoriet J ACOII 61,0,48E11, ono or their COMM/fife, to ooll.t the same. Mr I.IIAJSBER will can on vibe:Wien daring Ow poi-sang month N U. MURPHY, N. 1101,h1Mit.. JOIIN B. COSolltitir. WILLIAM M. lABRBiI, JACOB 6LOBS EIt. jedt Malin W.'. NEW BOOKS.—Just ro;nved, and it is hardly necessary to repast again v• the that they Are sold from TEN TO TWENTY PER CENT LOWER than elsewhere. Tour of Madame Rachel In the C cited States—vh.e Sparrogrus Papers-90 rents . Gornto Miseries of Human Llfe.-.70c The States and Territories of the theat West—V./2. The 'tonsil Papers; by Itroughlun—ixl, Tax:wish:mu Letters-41A. salad for tho Piazza Tales ; by Melettle-900. Vagabond Life ip Magna...Quo. • Scalp Hooters; by Oapt. Mayne Reid—tl,l2 White Chief; " •' e 1,12. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour: by Frank Forester—St:lS lirothrr Jonathan for ith July—Lie Pictorial Clipper...6r, YliLkeij Node. liarpor'e Magazine ftir July, (third supply,-20c. Peterson's Magazine for July, (second supply)-17c. Graham's Magazine for Jul'' ( second snppiy)-20c. Oodore Lady'. Stooklbr July—SOc. Leslie's N. Y. Jouttull-415c. Ballou'a Magazine-10e. Remember, the place to get Magazine* is at LAUFWER'S .BOOKSTORE, No. TT Fourth greet. A GREAT BARGAIN I—For sale, a corn fortable Brick DWELLINI2I HOBSR, No. 69 Front at., two Lots of Gyoun4, each 20.(eet (rout eo deep. The noose Is large and convenient; a good oellar, with cemented floor; a hall, two parlorsolintorromn, and kitchen on first dory; with awjh.htaise and large pantry—three-chambers, store room and I?ath room On the second storf, and flee room on third stoiy. Tire-proof slate roof, gas fixtures and pipes on first and second story. Large yard, with s ;Tn. naked e % 4C. The l*Welpterkte east ow hade e thim the mice nakeT rot the whole prop.rty. Price szooa— orio-fourtla fn fund; renminda at one, two and three 3TM - a B. CLPFLIWIRT 4 :ON, Je26 Real Estate Agents, Al Market et. B ACON -2 casks for sale b. f4/0 : •XES OPANGES w .arrive tmd for gale byHEYbuo. A AssiDERSON", Jyll No. 39 Wood Urea. 2- 0 BOXES LEMONS to arrive this day and for pale by REYKER & ANAKR.Stm, b/7No:&& Wood streut. UNG HYSON TEA-10 ohests — lnesi Chop Young liyaon Tee, at 15c. and $1 itt lb., ri ved by N. R. MAYO, myl.o . 62 MArket and 1 Diamoud. FLOWER VASES-20 pair Terra Coda Vamp for wile by (13,12) MIRY H. COLUNS FIFTLf STREET PROPERTY— A Lot of Ground Oil 711111-Strhed, oppoeft Ills Cathedral, on which itere tad a Watt Tiro , Bibry Brick Building, suitable for offices. Appix tit 1,je28 1 ) =Mit_ 11ff:Kro--4000.mhowdr, Isfidisdirr eritfirs, : T ABiZzr,laic-so tibis,justrt,_ Atia „ILA for oOkby • UM) 11,14111N0 BROS. • ,^. "' - MISCELLANEOUS RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Firth Street. 12E= Janatalttug to iibout $50,000 Werth, MEDIUM, and LOST -PRICED Awl • great earkety of Sofas, Book Oases,. 84., &e Awarded REMOVAL. OLD TYPE METAL .1 • '4l PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. AT THE BUFFALO VEYERI AN ITOSPL CAL—Hatatilishod for the elms of Sy-011M+, Serum,' Weak. 114.4 and the Infirmities of Youth sod Mart:Tay h% Dr. AMOS A. SON, 4urrAw, Now Yak--Ufhett, curnur Lain and Quay ntreets. (up stairs.) A MOST PCTENVFIC INVENTION. An luetrament for the ctirt.ot ce , erat, Debility, lmiptcn, Incontinence, or Nocturnal Etnissioue. This Instrument has been used with the most happy effeet In the practice of the most ominen t physicians and surgeon, In the British empire, Prance and Germany. I o iced, so re maricablo were the carte, that the late Sin AHEILEt" It as the "Harbinger of Life The use of this sill! tally sustain the high encomium. YOUNG 'KEN TARR PARTICULAR Millet: - - - Dr. ASIOS A SON are the only Physicians in the state who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons,Liiii don. graduates of one of the most eminent Colleges in tile United States, take pleasure In announcing that they have inveurn,t a most important instinment for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a teat by the moat eminent physiciazia in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New Vortt ; it has been declared to be the only useful instrunu•nt o',•i et disourered for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, arising free, the sot:tat, habits at self-Indulgence which destroy both hod) pt.] mind, unfitting man either for marriage or society. Dr. AMOS A SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their Instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after slim trial, the nioney will be refunded by returning the Sortie. ment in good order. Persons wishing the snore useful Instrument will observe that the priers, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent broxpressi, is ten dollars. NEW' REMEDY AND QUICE CURES For the Venereal .fliseasea, and all private curnplalnts, glests, strictutsa,aaminal weakness, pains in the Ldna, affec bona of the-kiduitys, diseases of doe head, throat, nose and skin, and all thus, dreitd fill afflictions arid/4t from n scorn habit of youth, which produce constitutional debility. fen tiers marriegt• 11E11, - Alsible, unit in the end tleetl,ll Loth icily ,and mind I=l fir. AMOS Ai SON bate devoted their attention exile ,ity to floe peculiar class ;if maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabl-il to render to their fellow ci ialui testihed cud tri morally /vim itriculgted by —in:al:ea-of patients and others daily furl - ring in toun from all parts of the country, for the express purpose only of Consultative, while their ...quoins Lave been crow 4.• d with the most signal advantages; yet from whet the) hale experienced In iriauiriag into the Cslitisx of these odeet o oiniplaints , from their mont simple iiondition ti. that of the most clangorous and invatermedi they have always eat, tamed the poaeltality of their prevention and removal, and likewise invariably band that the most horrible .nil malig nant forms of disease could almost always be traced to one of the following causes.—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill of facts of unekllful and improper treatment; therefore lir. AMOS ,t SON have succeeded In discovering, in the selec tion of their remedies, a safe, effectual and cautions course , omitting all combination of rinned.as which bear an equivo cal character, se well as those whose premature or injudi cious apqpiicution might be productive of had consequences ha the hands of private individuals. In 'hint, the /amiable cud of the remedy is the lessening of a grand mass of lot man misery by the alleviation, collet and prevention those ailerons afflictions that are in reality the tier_ret foe of life, and which, while they to extatudvely surround us, nall aloud for our skill anti Interference for their extermination BEWARE OF IMPOSITION Dr. A3lOB d SON hare fora lung series of yews been en gaged in en eitensire practice In the treatment of them den mete complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicist.. who, regardless of the tannts and envy of the hypocritical and mock modest, have had the confidence, th. ongh the me dium of the public pram, to direst attention to those nom - - moue cede, from which no grade of tiociely Is free. In select ing this department of practice they have been amply warded by the great stwress that has attended tneir efforts In the treatment a these cases, which ere so generally con fided to the unqualified and ignorant empti ws. alio, with their pirated putricaticne iIi.IIIELIN foreign names and mile., and pretended virtue. of their pstsnt nostrunte, ha - it lit !titled melee. talory those wno hare Ivan Induced to pis., faith in their preteumi.,,,.. TO PATIRtiTS ABROAD Dr. AMOS a SON hero made arrangen.aute whereby packagea ran be forwarded 3ith and dvopatell to auy part of the world. Addrea br AMU: , 3 Soti. nor of Slain and quay meets, (up stair.,) Buffalo. N Y y 6 4 FOR tl-3 lbs. of superior Young Ilvson Tea fur Owl ,t V R. DRAVV:I, .1e:17 No 1 Diattauild T HE CU ST ) EABLISH FI ED TEA OUSE 81111 mountains its reputation for YIN•E TEAS 1 I grade. of Y H end litu.k.,n,tantly on Laud, and n '".ll(Tchpelta Qounn Chop. tinum( Te 4 In market; 1U " Morava V 11)9un , 4U Extra/) , dung,. Ut lougtal, uktra thoror . .So . n,c . Lung, v e q, ll ,o u ,4 la ti u.. so r.,x„ AU r 4 44.4, —4.13 41, irna tun.. amamaja asUataa. Ira the my ➢ R DRATO, Nt.q. 82 Market at and 1 I/femm:l c l' .ECT.itib - filg,T PROPERTY - 10 LE r j 1 A ;negnino.nt 're,. Itr,k tion.v Iso int nn of April nest Ithqut, 1 BLOOMY A RICHEY. le:21 ('..root Seventh and SlXlhalfitlid eta ' WE OFFER FOR ___ SALE .A.ROUT FOWL arrr..•4 prtmr lata. I , at the .1,1 Irmallinvt,ga It• ~.I Lwwtdolly 0ta.t...1, with h we would ,•,n tb .n.,,at t o t ., 1 .. .41 pa,..1,...,,, II 11 , 011 , 4 the prett.i.t haat... 1..1 mat, ...ehlrs..y at...and th. .tt., Itlld will he R.llvl too =l4 1:11u, 1V0a1.a,.;. :,,. 75, I'Diarth -I LT Ut.;SES FOR SALE---All deserit.,!Lei ~i, 1._1., Woods i'llutyti Laud It.raptat. atba..)/ al ail ail j a -ratla to all who call at N. 71. Ft7IIII4TH ..tr,,t It jot with Iloasa oat a si.vulation, call au 111,011:, Wt lOUS . , F orals rts,,t LISLE. 100 barrels fre:,ll received and 1,1 - emote by ;felt) ; LIENRY c ,- )r.LiNs 4,2 uo A k AND MOLASSES— ,...) 'LW b 1.15., cyl.o.sit it• Vt-1 N.O .1101.1tt5...; uOO • ottl IA) t It‘t James ; 100 tullt len ,ml elmd for by 1111.1 Elt iticKrrs,iN i.. 16 221 a.n.t ?. - ..t8 'Aberl s' ourvvt ISll—Nllickerel in whnle and half hhl:-. F •• •• •• •- S:Lln't.oa F'.. wlo by I yol4l r() I.F.T -- A o,rum ,, ii a 'I w, T lINI 1‘111:I I I II .t . t4. •11 , t le I I/yak:110 ytroot ooto Ito. ...I‘l.l. Pr tut tot. Chtit. i y.t ...u,ttoottotolt Pr. to, •1: 0 • /• 'II- •I • Nt11.1.1:1; .1 I; =1 and szti httl,l 1 .21 FRF.SII FRUITS ; IA ri or :4118 •• do Pinc .Apple•a du L. do St+ agbern. d.• Ou nJo Cb.•rnea d , _L. n du hL kboMew do do d.. Ihokledwrnead,. • Jo Jo, . w•l , erri.•e • d•• pewee and l'lutu, w ln.ltlve ur can. Nltlt A ASDA.I : r.•N . 11.12'1 No NV.,.1 ni n. t, oppowir ci et,u - tr, 11.•tcl Double Bank Melodeons 114 - KLEBETA' & BRO. hni`e ju,t rweive.l Li_ • 1.••• lot nf CAIIII A 111' GENVES the Iglltal rim r. DI, :1•• Uarl.Al I A 4i...111.h N. 1 . 4', N. id. 14.4.1 A •.r. th. idyl,' with nii.l .1. hi& 14 , 3,11. AI., liA \ K With two row. nl kort no l I , llllolog' 11i`r, n111 0 1..1 n. (lot room. c10g... Arad tortelati hdylo '11(m a vett *ailor .. orthdr. both in fori ;lure, anal ar row. (11111) ht h rata rho iittottlion of porclouhathra and lb., paitatir lit trono t ral it Mt Cartlmrt ii ni d RnJ tu,.l: the tirNt ml his innv-Lemeo, up,ll . 111.“ i Pis 1 AL, 00,111 11 . .1 Li K LLALKIt , 1 • •tr,..t (I.INI)LES ANI I SOAP - _ tlandloa, 4 , 14. aryl 65i . do Cotakuion 2f+ do tin German hoop, 10 do I L., N 4.. 1 extra family store atia her sale b) jol MILLER R RICKFTS)N. • 30 WAR. No. I Dry : , 11.1i Ilet 4.111f.1.6 , 8. No 1 J,:at received guy (or kilo by MILLER k ILlCK.kaL+4..ti, .15 3 221 and . /.2.31.11i0ety st TNSETRANCE! INSURANCE' Adorn for 111811THtleu for onforal good rullablo Itnioranr, eumpardei, rrcelsed by iIEO. IV. ur hill Real Eater, Agency had Intgflgence . Office, on tho north al ,R of Ohio etroot, fourth door east of the Diamond, ALLEGHENY CITY Jo 7 C OFFEE. -15 6? b d age pri t me Rio Coff a r ; 40 do. Old Goy. Java dn. in store and for sale by MILLER & RIORY/1 4 30N, Jo-19 No- 221 and. 223 lAbsortyr street AUGUST MAGAZINES- 7 .Goday, Graham, Peterdon, Arthur's, and Yankee Notions .for Angnsi, Just m>dead by ii. T C. MORUAI4, J • 1.4 • 41 yt th street. T EMONS-20 boxes this day received and JL,4 for fale by REY M k DEMO:, if 22 No. 39 Wood street. - 1 000 GALLONS - LINSEED OIL, for gale by J. 9011001.01k$M, •Jyyli PA • Wool et. Itret—lo tierces fur sale by )LAIR k LiIiNTF.II CREAM TARTAR-1500 lbs. just received and tut Bale by flan! :FLAMING BROS. $4Ol FOR TWO CHOICE BUILD NG tuo.ving a large front ou two streets, by 363 feet detp, pleasantly situated on sit. Washington, will be sold on easy mum. 1 2 . CUTHBERT h ON )017 Weal %h ate Apnts, 61 Market et. CANARY SEED-5 bbls. on hand and for nalo by LIY 7 J FLEMING FiROS. RIFLES, GUNS, PISTOLS, Gun Furni ture rind Accoutrements, always on hand. DOWN A TETLEY, 136 Wood et.. julo Sign of the Golden Cia. VINEST FIFTY CENT YOUNG IIYSON TPA I'S THE CITY can be had at jylS DRAVO'S. 62 Market WINDOW GLASS-- -- 150 boxes arab °WS I 30 •• 10x14 " " 10112 atom and for aye by • v 7 • • • • a.llrcivrsciN. InHOW . I 4 I"g ESSENCE "J,W,G4 filligt.24 dozen of this voluble sine reasic' JOS. FLEMING: )79 Corner Diamond and Market it. ~, ..-~..._ -~...,.nrrt+0-~....nc> >.rev+uSrz::nva+..~..~_.....:--..,......^rrn ,~c5h~;...~.w.K4 NUMBER 264. MISCELLANEOUS ALL CITY 1'13.0 PERT —A Lot of Ground on Lsoodi street, thaw door, imm redemi street. 22 feet front by lOU feet deep to au idles, en which are the following improvements. viz •a Brick bwelling House, well initialed and admirably arran, d, '2b l / 4 feet by to, containing two parlors, dining room udd kitchen on the drat floor; three ruolian sow,' and cue over the dining. i tom, uith a finished attic—cellar under the whole house— hark yard paved—hake oxen in the cellar—hydrant and gat .on the premlaes. 0 iii be exchanged fir a ?arm. Apply to Y 29 BLAKELY AL RICHLY FOE SALE---20 Acres of Land; a good situation for acountry store; about twenty miles from the city, in a thrivir g neighborhood., and no storo .noar. Four Houses—two Brick, two Yrame-113 Allegheny City, '.tie Frame situated OD the Diamond, occupied us a grocery and provibion store, and for the husiness four vacant iota. Iv ANTI:Lc—A 01 RL to do housework for a small family to Atieglietiy City. Situations wanted for Mon and Boys. A T•pl) m Gilt). W. BUN N, at his Beal Estate Agoncy and I oteltignuce °dice, on the north aide of Uhlo street, fourth doer salt of the Diamond, Allegheny City. IYB WILK I NSBURO PROPKRT ! FO R SALE--A deetirable location for ta country Lome. r;ait area of land of choice quality, pleasantly situated near tie Itatlroad depot, Wilkinaburg; is all under good fence, end has en excellent spriuu of never falling emir,. It will be sold at a bargain, as the owner is unable to put Mt pruventeuta uu eo choice a property, sad' has determined to go West. Pace $l,O 0 Ter ms gist) in baud remainder . in one, tun and three years. CitTEUMR4 & SON, Si tlarket VALUABLE FIFTH WARD PROPERTY V IN MARKET VERY LOW—T - wo 875p:ny - Brit:k neaseC On l'nnn street, each occupied as braibess hone. and rentaug v cll and le the very best portion of the Fifth Ward. Also, a corner 3 story Hrick..liouse, occu pied te+ a rebinet store and dwellingg,, and a 2'. story Bei, k Dwelling House in the rear. Also, three 'Business Houses and five Dwelling Ilousea on the corner of two pai...lc ,o mots la the Filth Ward Apply to ' . _ - • • . _ JO O 'BLAKELY s rucurY. COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT FOR Sai.E. !VILE undersigned (with a view (If rernov tog to another house in the immediate vicinity, offers (c s.i;e the 1101'9E AND isif in-which he now residre, unlisted ou Mount Waehingten, oil the brew a Coal um. p s ,L, the lower part ~f the city. The lot is 125 feet Croat ..15u feet deep, and LIB gr.% nig on it a large 1.1111111,1 of - fruit trees and shrubbery, consisting of apples, peaches, herrik A, apricots, cututotn, gueuetarrries, raspier: ill.. Rapes, Se. The house is So fret front, 9 font halt, and i:,11 fret deep, with kitchen and cellar. Thera. are 3 rooms, ugh bath room and finished garret. The house is built in mod ern style, neatlyainted and papered throughout; the do ma windows and washboards of front rooms and hall are grairual. There is a good stable, sufficiently large for two bones and carriage A well of good water, a cistern, and all necessary outhouses. The lot is enclosed by a paling fence ft feet high. The location is one.,of the most beautiful and healthful in Western Pennsylvania. Possession given immediately. Terata liberal 1Y23 OE. SALE—Seven acres of Land, on which F - is a frardelmose; frame "atibld, neer failing spring, Mau of grafted fruit, grape vines and a variety of shrtibmtry. One and a quarter acres of land, on whictris a brick house with tour rooms, a good cellar and a frame abort ' Also, a town lot, on which Is a brick 12,ause with four rooms, flubbed garret and good cellar,Vl sitnated in So ciakleyvtlle ' and will be gold low if applied for soon, or would traded for a small farm handy to some of our Kafi r...As Cr rivers MME3MMIE= apply to O. W. BUNN, a, the Real Estate Agency and i Intelligrunt- Office. north side of Ohio street, fourth door east of the Diamond, Allegheny city. j 3.26 ATALCABLE CITY PiIaTERTY FOR ' S LE.—The undersigns , offers fir sale on farorable • terms a largo number or Building Lots in the Thud and Eighth Wards of the city. The lots front on Pennsylvania Avenue, Wutanu, korlses, Locnet, Marla Tkkroy and Bluff ' streets, are but a few infantas walk from the Court House, . sod will be , sold very cheap. Persons desirrrifte of sesmring a convenient and hetitt.y I-cation fgr a name_ or wishing to purchase for steads . time. it. o part of the city which will continue steadily to improve will find It to their othoctege to call upon the rin dersigned CHRISTOPHER MAGI; attArner at LAIR. mr29.tf No. 104 Fifth street. ' , lorefte and Dispatch copy and ch. Past.) - - VALU ABLE Coal Mines at Auction.—On the 20th day of Ac q .,—ust next, at 3 o'clock, 1' M., will be sold on the premixes, to the highest bidder, Kelsey's ex • tarot r.. 1 2, miler obove Pittsburgh, on the Mo. • tegigahela river These works are now In opeiation„ having the roads ail to the finest order. The dip of the cool is ncht Toe. , Arc arras of yeah with two fine reins, one , :rem 8 ta 10 feet, the other about 4 feet Two brick and flair trams, house.; the cars and everything on these splendidly . PI Vat laud of superior quality, and to rode of the beet lauding on 0., lit, f..rtn---.n, thud onadaird to D menthol. and one r Ir rI In H f cost 'TALI t bargain hue those nesurpt6ifisi wre ho t tiler partici, i inqutre of TllO5 Wo Ccturriarcial 75 Fourth st, Piti3titash. E ACRES of firs-rate land, three in belune in prime timber, sltnoe In a very geeavent ?a-avirro. alumt two mile, fmta Allegheny city with iar t , att on ti.e Neu BtiQlduu and Allegheny inank P.•-td NCiii easy tonna My , 8. CLITIIBERT te. 80N, Real Estate Agenta, 61 Ilarket at. A TIIItEE STORY BRICK HOUSE FOR 1511,7 00 —eantain3 8 rooms, bath room and cellar. Torras, ritio eel [rand, balaticc In throe yearly payment/ A teir, atm) brick howls of 5 rooms, etoee-room, Ai, for I ,701.1. Alm \ a dwelling-hams of 8 rtxrtres. ibiljoinina tLa l'crtne---.8500 en lotted; balancerAlliti 2 and e cars—Mr.:etc at the corn, of Franklin and - Mash cots. J 322 S CUTiI D6ltTk SOS, 51 Market. et. ALUABLE FAkM FOR SALE, in a healthy and plii.atant ltieutiun,lo enilef from the the Pert Plonk amres,l6o cleared and in about b.O acre! of good meadow land. an orchard f pere biearing tree-it, and god timber on the nitimproTed The.° la a frame house of B rooms on the ground, , t,fintain of manta:: water at the door, a new I , nun . I.‘ a and .Inor Innlinn , . A ',ply te . ) ;;E tOIN' A.- -V413 ar, ,ieniiEro.; an Agent to a poi , E \ I 110 , preparml et.at: in allotli ten And will MtOnti In the Intyill_ of stite,i,ma;an g conr,- 11,, in) 1,,,0n iLIVILI4 business In that State, An•l soil! 11.11, to lor of c•tillug on LB. Will re...-Ice eery 117291 BLANKLY .t itICHEY. N 11ANI), balance in one, two and t,i)--fly•-/ nee, ye... 1 .1, mill t.tly a good ISt ILI/15i; LOT of :4 Set front by 130 , leap, Sittlattld near the Ont.e' Doper, At- I. ght-u) (.711y—pt5u tl;5. This property Is welt worth at :,:rll CUTILIBtIIT .1. SON, te2s Real Hisao. Astents. 51 Itlarlmt at. - INSEED OIL— ItIUU gallons Linseed Oil C,e,l•6v J Ish• 91 W.. 1 street. TOB A CO) 40 box.ra t.'d and We To' ace,. 1, , .to •• old" - Jone." - Jag. 11. Orntsi'e ' .Ph Wm. II Grant's" tie an.l K S IL'a" h's To bacc , , .1 do. ' Aehtnn'." Ws AlO. b kl.l. pollti.l lamp • canra k 4O dwarf I..oxtuu Ydukee D.Axtle lulfiwuu,l I ump Toburrn Jost ttwvlved au:l for sate by 1111,LER,t RIC'KETSON, any Noe. 221 and =3 Liberty ptrect ;500 Pieees Cancoes, Berages, De Laines t.t cents, worth 25 teats, at ;Ow &111 i..A.u• A A. MASON CO. aut r LANE, Allegheny City.—We llnye a Ilona, and Lot on I.la.at Lau, lying between :AMU ntleet atid the tiler The I,t ie 18 feat wide by ti (et t decp, atilt a neat two story Brick Dwelling Itoula, cent:lin ,: SIN Pa., hydi ant w LI, yard, and other ..at-henties. told very low It wntilti tie erehanged for a city I t. Apply 10 tJ) 30 .l ItLAS,ELY k HICIIEY. xl RS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR unfailing restores and preserver • I the hair and staid. It is not a dye I The ht.ir and whis kers, howerer gray, are restored to and proaersed in that( cloud hie color I By its unc. wigs, spectacles and gray hatrr. kill tifJOU hectares extinct. The Restbrer with 711..bal.aruutu, nut Lady cleanaes the hair, but inclines it curl. airing It a soft, glossy and natural appearance. 1 he Restorer will etreciill hen and preserve the eight, and remove cud prevent dizziness, headache, scarf, dandruff, scald-heed, or alkyereption of the ekln, rind all unnatera perepirandud vt tuo head. It le e certain cure tbr catacr in the head. Sold by J.IS. FLEMING, Druggist, niv2.4 cor. of mu Diamond and Market et, COLT HAS LEFT lIIS BRIDAL GIFT.- One of the last things done by Col. Colt previous to gutting married, was to have his DIPROVED ItISTOI.. fin ished and brought Into market. It possums' ue advan tare evar the old patent We nee ha‘vs on hand a supply of these really tasteful weapons, and would be plumed to show them to our friends. duns. Nitott, .Rifies, Revolver* Ammunition, etc . Ec DOWN Tel:t o EY, Jyt , • co. 21Erwoo8 street: FOR A VE.,--; A , very 'desirable- Cdahtry ReAidunc9, oqutainlug StiAcm, locautUOY,lgituated the Othittfir, andlidjoinlng tho town of Drayer—well tm proved, with 11 good - Cottage linutA and' otter bundbigs— forest shrubbery, &c. I,IPMAS WOODs, Je23 76' Podith strwi. MAGAZINES FOR JULY- Ilarpet'elLagazi; a fur July. ChAltl'a . Grututma " " Lalou's " PnertotS, " illustrated London Novo. The Straggle for Life, or Claude and thc Skeleton B. T. C. !lIORGAN{ I a2i.) 4l Fifth. tit met NIAND"CROSS-CIJT SAWS ; &rase and Corn' Scythe ; Auvila, Salience And Vises; Pump Chain and Fixtures; Ray and id.strm'e Forks. Together with a !arse and vxtensire assortment of Ilardwarujua rccetrecl and r sale loss, at No. 843 Wond street, between Diamond alley and Fourth !street, Pittsburgh. FAILNESTOOK stp TTNPURL :E GLORIOUS BANNER- A Patriotic an troreaby H J. Allen WI - Min or. the occomon of a presentation of a stand of coloro, by the lhaquestor Orem to tho Chicnipi Light li nerd 'kiosk carp prier( non reppecthilh dedicated to Copt Jobri B. Wyman tit ilenry Metier . Price 25 coati The above 3turt published - end tot ode hi VAPN3-4,411•Gb TIPROWN'S Eskine#'. 9ittgifit 2ll 24 jul this valuable medicine received JOS. FLEMING. corner Diamond and Market st.ity * , r or . ••••". 4.4 ==M=MMI SITES tpF Anti di r dSiltiV BY THE PITTSBERQH 2404$1;VCP9ST mil uxLs. , D,,,12,./ ' ThTii,,TFALf. o4Pkly lo ..._.i ' ''ak " l '' W46.l w 444 Otto Insertion 50 ' 0 Two insertions ... ,' 1 -- . 11 •,, 50 3 Thies Ineeritorm , I 'oo'. . ....i. : ... 1. .. 1.. lop One week. . . . . I 75'. ‘ T., weeke...... .. 1 0 yl,i 2WI 1.50. .1:IXI . .. ;- n Three 'weeks.... . , i N. , ' 2 551, ,, ,; • 012 , i2A . . ,' lO O 25 One month.... ..1 5 001 a 56 xO9 cie . 1 Taro monthe 7 , 4. 446 360 - 2 . 34 ' c 250 Three months. ..... ..... V Qll 5 Vii 4 401. a O O • ~ a5O Fou mot.:. - . .... ... 10 , .1, , 1 tr, i 5 001 .3 36.. 460 vivo mouth.. ... iit 7,1! - 331 1 . : ste '3 Os'. -6 50 'Aix m0ntha.........1 12 00: B'ool 6 01. 400 ' , 660 Nfilt months ... .. lb 1411 11l 341 8004 3 6 re 00 One . year . ......,.,. 26 .',1 , , I?. .X.l 11 00 615 1.2 00 Standing 1!41•11, 4.14 liver or I •••n,i,r, ,n0m...... ..... .... 1.0 00 CEANCIIIMI: , . ' I. 1 1)80 equarr, per unn Marriage natit, PITTSBURGH POST. WEDNESDAY MORNING SPEECH OF --" „ - HON. JOSIAH RANDALL, Before the Democratic State Convention, HELD AT CRAMBERSBURG, Al G, 6th, 1858 In obedience to the request of the Demprati c State Convention of Pennsylvania., I , claa. the attention of my fellow-citizens for a sitort,..time. I am aware that I have received this ,conitesy because I have heretofore been a member of the old line Whig party In 1824-6, the Democratic and Whig Po;ties w.-re separated by no question of principles, but ware divided upon the question, Nrdetlier,(lo3. Jackson was entitled to be elected President of the United States. In the progress of time, during the thirty years of the existence of the Whig party, several important principles ,were presented, and the two parties became distinct and independent of each other upon questions of public policy. These were: , 1. The renewal of the charter of the sulk of the United States. 2. The Sub-Treasury. 3. The diStributica of the proceeds of.,the public land.. 4. The Tariff. , _ A "Natinnal Bark'' wee abandoued„by.,the Democratic, under the veto of Gen. Jackenti ire 1E32, and by the Wit'g F arty in 1844. " The Sub-Trea , nry," the cardinal measure of Mr Van Buren, was opposed by the Whig. Party, has fought itself into public favor, and noone now wirbes to disturb it. "The disposition of the proceeds of thepublio '.ands" has been superceded by the debt. created by the Mexican war. . " The Tariff" no longer remains after.ettner , political or geographical question; the last Con gress exhibited the spectacle of the "State Aights " men of the South .and..the,Aepublican Abolitionists of the North, united•agaiust keen sylvaniewwithont distinction of party, ,to rednee the Tariff below its present Standard.... . If there remain any practical disPutable prin ciple, which constitutes an issue lketween,„the Democratic and the old Whig parties,l do, not know it. W. 0. LEsLrE. No. 45 Fifth street The Whig party has perforated its duty, -and has had its day. It has been prostrat4 by...the organization of the American party,, or ..zhe Know Nothing Order. They and . not ;km 010 Ante Whigs have been the Execntionext. 4 b 9 have renounced their old cognomen, lait l3 4 9 ide their old prieniplee, and substituted int 6, Ettr piece a new name and a new creed never heretofore recognized by Clay, Webster, Sergeant.or the noble compeers. ~ - I know there are many intelligent and-patriotic men who cherish tbc hope that tbe,Wlaig party can again be resuenitated, but the hope . is delu sive, and it To pernicious because it deprives the country of a large portion of intellect and worth, which ought to he brought into public service. In the history of our Republic, no party broken down het ever yet been re organized. The fate of the Federal and Anti-Masonic parties estab- lishee this fact. There ie not at this time &Whig member of the popular branch of Congress e'ected by a Whig vote. There is not.a member of the Legislature of Prrin.yltottlia elected by a Whig vote. There is notro member of the.Conn cils of the city of Phil arblphia elected by a Whig vote. For the bat two :years, with but two ex- ceptiona, wherever the -,.uttered members of the Whig party have met in couacil„they have, felt their position, and have, therefore, wisely, ab stained from forming a ticket to be voted fer,,nt the se...rest- tt--tt a-esr-birs and', Massachu setts they rallied at the calla; nna the remit Was paucity of panthers and t f,-at. But, teak, what good would be de‘icred from ti.keireuergani ;talon and triumph of the old Whig: partyl do not want a National Bank. They &mot..de sire the repeal of the Sub Tree,mry.,, Thcmtstet ardent friends of the Tariff do not aak..far,Ale re-establishment of the high Tariff of 1828,i or even of 1842 ; but all they ask that. the. Tariff shall stand where it was placed in 1846 by the casting vote of the Vice President:Sir. Dallas. All the old issues have been settled, and as; a natural censeoact-t-^. new parties haie sprstng up, and new i:ave Seen formed. .11:reorder of Know Nothings have violated the letterrand spirit of the VlArticle of the Censtitution.cri e the United -States, which declares that ".IV''ci regierktua test shag ever be required as a QuedUicaion to anti ()Tees or Public Trust under the "fatted States;" they have established secret .eoeieties, secret o - iths and obligations. With these principles the Whig party in its-days of .dower and numerical strength had nu sympathy nor affiliation, and there is no part of the Union where the' Whigs were more inflexible in oppo,iipg these political heresies than in the Slate of Pennsylvania In 1845. when t.‘, Whig narty !met in the City of Philadelphia. n the defeat of Mr. Clay, the daty oo n , r1 4 . - ; the meeting and eat- Cog forth their principles was committed to me. T held in my band et that tneetinz the charter of Rhode Island, granted to Roger Williams., which contains the, broadest and most comprehensive declaration of religious LIBERII asp r.Q.nALizr ever yet penned. I read its eloquent and ener getic platform, and said, " This is the doctrine of the Whig party," and pciming to the th e Roman "Gatlinlit Church - Atl i : 4ll6lM, burnt during the tilisgritceful riots' of .1844, and which lay within a few yards of th e placo of meeting, I, added, "Thy-s. is. its, drema , ttitrfryl Thera is nut nholt nor eetiter in'tire' Vast fegion egr,oonetcy which doe- not CA old--line Whita.tithoAre willing to etanellY -the_COnatitn lion and the Union. lint t heir nurbeidenistrength is far exceeded by their :patiotism,- talents; 41ild public spirit. This in the towir en which I have been attached, and I feel the deepest interest in the course they shall pursue. The Republican party in sectional, and its sue cess must, in my jitdginent, lead to a severance of the Union. I .to not believe that the-vest masa of that party anticiTmt« this resat 'hitt If it should he consummated, rtheiT regret wiil i iienb equivalent the thurninl injury therebyiin , EIMEIZIM flicted open tki c, epolivio. I itlipet' to' every old li•teh.tr ia ti}f Union to wit.. A l -he calamity. The Soat , . ee- not ~nd will net-flit:duiit in the Union unless their rights are giudiinteicl, ic to them. If we were in ihe Famb-bituationi - w would demand our rights in tones' as and mandatory as those which are no* :nSed by' our Southern brethren. is this great evil to he avoided? I itti- ewer, by the election of Me. Bttehrinett. Steti - vote given to him is a cheek to the progress of t. .e Republican party. I knew there are &ail Whigs who approve of the sdrainiatratioiff.Of Millard Fillmore, and are willing to trust 'biro ogain. Every 'tote given to Mr. Fillmore 'in= creases the danger uf .ticces. of Mr. Fre mont. • Every v.,te given to 'M Dichancm po- tentially seals the fnte of Mr. Fremnnt But Mil/ard Fit/morn in 18 , 18: • 6 • 9 11P.I; ' 5 ; rap Tr M M aid 'Fillmord'of .tiVrti' he sras'elecre Vice President in l •ihe' became; do Acting President in 1850,—aud when„ he vms l ..gy. candidata for re 114 , ruir 10 . ,,T1 by the Con vention in Baitini..re.io 18f.2. he prefeated tote a Whig—mbhiug 111 , .re,n ,, ti11114 ieee. The ; 4 :144v American party at that lime W rP in P 1 t '4" at" ( proclaimed principles in terms far less, eltderr , .. , tinnable than thus , now ar ,, wed by the Nothing party But Mr. FiHmnre then )14d neither part nor led with them. he stood upon: the ground - nee. pi d by Clai. IVetnter and Ser. pant. What is b nnw? He tins been initialed inze the Order ~I , i ugzA, taken upturn himself its o math- and 0 Lg.:69n-, sad,49 sr a time When nie file M, re rreeenting Lis claims to be elected President of the •tlrilted= StAteß. He hue since become the ca dida4e al* accepted *the . nmithin ion' of the Arnto lean or' ~e Nothing National CmveentiOn: tn. a cot' ce,pritience between the 0 der ur 'United Amer-- t ma of tkr. Prat" of 'N,u , Yor+- rifZd'r t e date of July 25 h, 1856, they say : B„,th from sum pt t otboigl acts,.and 4, 07 4 : the assurances and views expressed by you On many occasions, a , -131ving, sentinteritilinc reference to these seljo:te, of them of so nivieh seeming importance, :1,:" estabirsbtuent of tbee, principles, as the fundamental roles -at , our Government, they believe cssental.,fer....its tranquility, and a contifined'pr.fgress" in'th"c de velopement of all its greatr els." • Mr. Fillmore in his anse'er. dated Poo' July; 4859; aceiniestek in th!Ei 6f.at - ment and re , "Sly position before the country is well knowm:- admittiog neither of disguise nor e quivoca tion. I am the candidate of the American party. _ - - f‘.7 -'- , - 7, • ,,, '-; , , , :. , %.' • np 2600 atittl ,•• r• . • CI; ILDIV, ::::AlJq . ll6', 13