Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, August 12, 1856, Image 1
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Single copies, Piss Class. air No paper will be discontinued, Coulees at the Macre. Lion of the Proprietors,) until all arreareges are paid. ARP tin attention will be paid to any order anieed painied by the money, or eatiafactory reference tn . this qty. Ocumectal with the Establishment . of the Morning Poet-is mend the largest Joe PIUNTTIVI OFFICES In the city, where all kinds of work le done on the shorteet notice, andmeatt ressonablitterins. '' PROFESSIONAL CARDS e sAJm:mL a WINGAIM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PITTBHURCLII, PENNA. tit-Office in BAKEWELL'S BUILDINGS, Orant street, (nwtroPPoGite oouroloive.) Fotrvkly CHARLES W. WINO-ARO, ATPORNRY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, • 0112/11.1. COUNIT e MINA. ArgallfrtilletkeefillT6llllllo - 011, Blair, Cloartield and In diana counties. febUltly. s JAES 'A: "LOW HIE, Attorney at Law, t," M office Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between ianithileld and Mercy alley: ' decllay BARTON, J. Attorney and Counsellor at Law r eillos corner of Fifth and Grant streets, Pitts burgh. y Q.Alef P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 rotirth Otret, Pittaburgh, fourth do r below Mr. Andy Pattttracrtes Livery Stable. je2S 15,A.`PRICK M'KENNA, Alderman oTElia jrf ftard, Wilco corner of Oroot and Fifth &roam (formerly occirtdedlry Alderman Lewis,) whore all briefness pertaiolop to - me office of Alderman awl Jrundoe of the Peace Will ho promptly attended to. febl:3m AilL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to G}. V . W. Biddle, No. 144 Smith!laid street. Wolllco hours from 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to b o'clock. feblfuly J SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors ..ost of Market. rs;r• Office hours from 9 o'clock A. M. to 9 o'clock P. M. ate. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN MOOR HEAD, Wholesale Grocer and "00anlaelon Meregant, for the sale of PIG METAL and BLOOMS, and PRODUOB generally, No. 27 Wood street, Piusfiergli. AP2I stariast intimracineos, Pitta ,I Not: & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grl)- 'dots, Importers of ItaitNDIES, WIN ES and SENARE, Noa: 72 and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty streets, Pitts burgh. Iran, Naßq Ootton Yarns, Lc , cenetinitly on band. 13'20 Aum.en B. 011111.1 No EtMARMON. EDA MU> Dr/EMMY efEl.ll7 L RINCRAI.T. CURLING, ROBERTSON & CO., Mann factiveraoreut, Prometi and Plain Flint OLASSWAILF, warebmiselfb. IT Wood areal, corner of Front, rittel,urgli. other actilas or atuswao., and WAllidoW Ulnas, at low Market prirott. awl Uttly J LIM IL 1.21)112 .10111511 J. (11.814 y EDLIE 65 (MANI, Successors to blulvatiy & Letitia, meaufaccurere of Cot, Moulded and Pain Nut and Panay Colored OLAM.SWARE, and dealer In all triode of Window Glenn, Flasks, Vials and Bitting". Wiwis home corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh. tatiaxlky' 1.)0 EMOVA.L.—C. lIIMSEN, -Manufacturer j..Li of every variety of VIALS, BOTTLES and WINDOW GLASS; black Porter, Wino and Claret Buttles; DomiJoßne and Carboys; also, Flint Ohms in every variety. Warehouse Nos.lol Second and 133 Met Arcot, Pittsburgh. inh29 F. DR....4.lWbiamoad, Pittsburgh, dealer jr: s in COUNTRY PRODUOII, offer& for sole a choke stock of GROCERIES, selected for family use. Spices of every variety and the purest quality, ground at his Steam Milk Also, Dried Fruits. Foreign and Domestic Produce taken In exchange fur merchandise. D . F. R. D. has procured a full assortment of Latoireth's war ranted OAILDRS RREDS, and invitee the attenuon of all fo toreatad in rural affair,. .janl I ___—_ 001SIMISSION HOUSE.—TIio subscribers IL/ hare opened a IlorLee for the Rhein purpose, at No. 11 Smithfield street, tour doors above the Mourmgahela Ilona& Wa will purchase, or receive on commoalon, for sale, con. airuents of FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, CORN, OATS, FLAX SEED, GRASS SEED. BALED RAY, ar , upon silfieb tee will make &drone., or purchase at the beet market rates for eaah. [nova) ALOEG k 00. R. IL Clat.llll, 2. PJCII2RDSo2I J I 1127.t2T2. ENGLISiI & RICHARDSON, Furwarding Acid CoMMlaiii.in Merrhante and irlioluerAle daub,' /II FISII, BACON and OIL, and I'ILODUri.: gi•nerally. War houseformerly occupied by Iturtiridge it. N 0... on, N... Ile Water and 150 First street. Pittsburgh, 1,63 10Lni ATWeLL a J. LEE El L. ATWELL, LEE & CO., Wholesale (iroceri, Produce owl Couunionon aferrhants, sod donlort Pittsburgh Slanafactures, No. a lloodntroot, Letwoon Wolor anal Front RUMS, Pittsburgh. Bole • rOLIN W. BUTLER & CO., Forwarding and Commission Morrbunts,lool, IA Is all Li 0,1,1 of PITTS DUREN MANUFACTURES, LEAD PIPE and SHEET LEAD, No. G 7 Front stroot, Pittaburgla. saliA ENRY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and Cummixaion Merchant, and wholesale dealor is FISH, ointesa, BUTTKR, KREDS and PRODUCE; generally, 25 Wood street. Pittsburgh. mar 6 WLLLIA - M UARR & CO., (Willitun Carr, late of the firm of .1. Parker elt C 0..) wholesale GILL , ORBS and dealers in Fureigu WIN k"....9 and 1111ANDIPS, Monongahela nod Itealfied 3•S Commercial Row, Ldberty street, Pittshurgh. ni6.y JOSEPH' FLEMING, successor to L. Wil t, cox & corp., Market street and the Diamond, keeps constantly ou hand a full asaortuo.nt of DK UtiS, NIED- N PK . ItFU NI Eli and all arii• clm pertaining to his Mishima ir Physicians' Preseriplions rarefully compounded at all hoar. JOHN rum ......... ...... ... COCHRAN 71411LN1.! FLENIING 11 ItOTII E RS, suroclssors W J. Kidd A Co., wholesale Dittßiii CS. N. 60 Wo. - 01 strut, Pittsburgh. Proprietor" 14 Dr. All,ana's , elebratect Variul fuga, Liver NEN kr. Job I L. AI A ItSll.l. L, success"r to H. , . WOOL DEALER. and CONIMISSION MERCHANT, No. 189 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. lirCilotock.A tiros, Kramer A liaLui, Mu, phy, Tiernan k Co., Brown A liirktuitrick. Pittaburub, May J 4, I W. CLEADWICK, dealer in Kentucky Leaf TORMAY), /LAOS and PAPER, No. 140 Wood acyeed., below Sixth, Plidsbartrh. f apttkly Sr . The market pare, io rash, paid for Rugs. Wattes. P. 1111.1.113i1ALL -weevil I.IIIOLLEA. Ajir P. MARSHALL & Iznpirters and v v in French and American PA I'MR It A !at; , N&S, No. bl Wrtud e tr.!, Pittsburgh. gap -Sole agenta for the colabrahal tuannracturaa ur Mango,. Dalicourt & Cu., Paris. 147 BT. C. MOIWAN, Bookseller and Ma . boner. Has al ways on haul! a goners! Afisortalent A School, Misoollauenitt and Blank Bolts; Printmg, Post so o f Clap Paper, Sc., wholesale and retail, No. 104 Vi . uoil are., befog Pieth (east side) Pittsburgh. WANTED—gags and Tanners' Scrape. aplG:ly JOHN MELLOR, NVltolosale and Retail ealer In MUSICAL INSTILLTAI NNT3 , PI A Nibi, CSI r., SCIICa)I. BOOKS and STATIONXIIX, No. Si Wow.,! streot, Pittsburgh. /sail PHILP 6rTYIII nwirivr . J el+ I•Cx.losi. EYAIER & ANDERSON, (i4llCeessors to 11 Jmlmx Rhodes A C. 1.,) wholootte dealer. lu Vt witY.lON FRUITS, NUTS, b PICKS, I:NiNFEGTIONAILY, SUGARS, . No. 39 Wood street, opposit. Charlre aut.'. Pict. burgh. atp.2 iAiTINDLE, Whateaala and lietail SA D . PLR, HARNESS, TRUNK, VALISE muil CARPET U MANUFACTURER, No. lOU Wood sart.4., Pittsburg:h. ir 2 SitY FEYAICIERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood street, third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TUT. would tall the ruination of Sporting mon to their large assortment of GUNS, itIYLII 4 i sod REVOLVING PISTGI.s, the largest Rua best selected steel: ever opened In this mar ket, together with a general naaortment of Hardware, Ontle ry, Tools and Fishing Tod:10,141 of *Lich we offer at Ow lowest possible prices to each purrhasera, ur fur good ate proved paper. iniu-18 N0R1.41-W ESTE ILN POLICE A , No. Mr Washington street, corner of Dearborn, Clli oloo, ILLINOIS. llmpßkrox D. B. RODOCRI. PINE.TON k 00. devote thew entire attention to the transaction of w general detective POLICE BUSINE6S to the States of Illinois, IVisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. EthltEdtl O:I!OVES.—No. 124 IVood street, above Fifthe—We beg leave to call the Trade to our ethck titevea, EfoHow Ware and Clastinge in general. Having pert, • ed every thing in WU line, we can safely say that we coon be etupentsed in hob& fitting, and sruootheess, by any In the trade. Machtuds will lied it to their advantage to call be fore buying elsewhere. fell GRAFF, REIRMYER. & GRAFF. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY iIgbUCED PRICES. JOHN M. }WORSTS le now selling off his Large and choice stock of tine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goode at a very email guivance on tint cost, preparatory to enlarging his Stern Room and the purchase of as enthe new stock for the spring trade. Persons desiring GRPAT BARGAINS should call early, its it Is hts determination to close out Ms present stock with out regard to former prices. Don't forget the pIace—ROBERTS', IS FIFTH street, near Market. febn MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING —ROSENTHAL k BRO., Fifth street, opposite Ma son's, have a largo stock of Mon and Boys' ("LOWING on hand, comprising ennui entirely new and elegant style 4, which they are prepared t, fondsh at the lowest rush prices. 6lso, a largo and tashionable stock of GENTS' FUBNIBRINC/ GOODS. dnr.l3:dly N. 13/1313.0W NA&SZN L prritYVIII atoraß ALM' T. PITTSBURGHCOACH FACTORY—BM &Low & co, successort to E. M. Ingelcor, No. 48 Dia mond-alley, near Wood evict, Pitteburgh--CARRIAODzi, COACHES, PHAETONS, DUGOIES, and ovary deacriptvn of FANCY 'VEHICLES built to order, and finished in manner unsurpaufed for - beauty of design, elegance of [Minh, Ail' of workmanship and durability of materiale. All work warranted- ENTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 Wood et, third door below Virgin alley.—SOWN k TETLEY would call the attention of Sperling mon to their large as wirtioent of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOLS, the largest and best selected stock ever opened in tills mar ket. together with a general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS and FISIITNO TACELF., all of which we offer at the lowest poaniblo prices to cash purchasers, or fur good approved paper. martg JOHN H. YOUNG.-- ... . ......... H. YOUNG SRANCILEI L YOUNG. Fr B. YOUNG & UO. No. 38 Smithfield _L. street, opposite City Hotel, mannfacturaw of CABI NET FURNITURE and MAIM, of Hilary description. Ma terials and workmanship warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Care taken in packing for land and water carriage ang3l SCHOONMAKER, Manufacturer of J . mita Lead, Red Lend, Zinc, Paint , Lithsrgo, Putty. Ag. Wholesale dealer in Oils, Paints, Varnitties, Turpenti N 0.24 Wood street. Pittsburgh. nijett FINE DRESS GOODS REDUCED—Every desaiption it 1111, DM./ Goode now being offered nt 26 VD 30percent. I , ca Mtn uguil prioes. lap - A.xisoar 00, No. 25 nth At. =MS • 4,, „ • , r ,•07 ••• t , A.* : ,!• t r c - t„v4. , ‘7: . VittbutO PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS "Neither with my rye nor my faith will I trifle." IMPORTANT TO THOSE AFFLICTED IVITII BAU SlWlT.—Persons suffering from Inul arising from. Immdrerf vision; coiuttitfitiOnsd decay, old age, or other spasm, would do well to call upon Ur. IL X.:MAW, PRACTICAL trPTICIA.N, where they may rely upon elottitiF Spectacles scientifically adapted to the JUST WANTS UP TUE BYII. Address, 28 Fifth street, opposite A. A. MoNln'., Pitte6nrgb, P. S.—Telescopes, Mierneeopen, Tlsertnnmeters, and esery article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired on the peembsee. Inserted In old Frames. Any article nut approved at, exchanged free of or der7 . .ly EW COACh AND CA ItItIAUE ItitIYNIERS corner al tibeccs and Belmont streets. A lharlieny ihty, w,n I i respect illy inform their friends and the public pilentlly. that they have wintnoneed ufactoro of CA11.1(1 All ES, ItA lUCIIES, IIOCK AW AI S, Bair) I KS, FI. Klir US and A• IMS, in all their various styles of Millet and proportion. 1101,.. All orders will he executed with strict regard to thirs t:Oar and beauty of finish. )(etudes will ales, be attended to an the meat reasonable lemur Using in all their work the hest Klutern Shafts, Poles, and it - hoid stuff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will he perfectly satisfied un trial of their new work. • Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before pair• chasing elsewhere. octer I y AAIILLIKEY & CO. have on hand, at • their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFAC- Tuft V. No. tint Smithfield street, a large assortment of Fancy s.nd Plain Furniture, which they will sell la law cent. lower than customary rates. 'Corms, cash only. idee27,y CILIAItLES I.IARNET'I, lloksz SUQER AND BLACKSMITH, ILM erected a new and mammal/one Brick Shop on CHERRY AI.,LEY, l.,tween Third and Fourth streets, where he is prepared to do all work 111 his line w ith the utmost promptitude. having had long experience in the business, be respeofully solicits the patronage Cl his old Cusnmvrs , 1.1 tie piddle generally. j n'2l I AME 411 S LNG Eit, 111,1nongatt J ela -, L Mug Mill, WOlllll respectfully inform his friends rand the the public that his new establishment Is now In fell opera. Mau, and that he is prepared to furutah Boat Cables, and tall all orders for PLANED LUMBER, with promptness, and at the lowest rates. hoard and Plank, planod on one or both shim, ronntantly on hand. Saah, Doors and Nl,,uldings, of every dear:lEl6,n, made to .rder. ga,„ Duildols and Carpenters would find it to their advan tage to give hlin a call, as he can new furnish them with illanai Stuff. suitable for ever}' doecripliou of Not k. ULTON CA tt IVORKS, FOUNDRY AND mActim? stop, SANIAISEY, 01110.—The eta.. )I,rr lia,ing moved into his uew IVorks, reread,' erected. cornet 01 Waier, DFLionough aad "%tinkly 'insets, Is prepared to con nrazt for and execute all orders (or Passenepfr, Itupgnt e, Fluule Freight Platform, ("navel, Hand and all otter d..cription" of CARFL Also, for F-1 of all size", at:AILING, RAIL. ROAD CASTINLIS of all description", and all other work appertaining to a Foundry and Nla.chaue Shop. TIN Foremen of the different department. are sciontifit and practical tuau—mostly f;-om Eastern manufactories— sl.tm keep themselves inhumed and adopt all valuable nu..b ritelmprovomenta [angi'al:4l] W. W. WEIIiERKLI.. 1 1 HE HOPE COAL COMPANY having re. ceutly met with beam in transpnrting eon] to uatl, being i.urod by the blanularturen' luguraure µany, of Pbtladelphla, take pleasure it, stating that tiu•ir Jaime were promptly aylitteted by .1 Agent of said tSompany Lt BUS/IN ELI., Agent of Iloilo C.al Company, Cluctunati Pittsburgh, Dec - ember 27, lllfsh. idns ]) EVOLVERS! REVoLVERS!!—Just re . L calved, by Express. thres t nom ..6 man rilwturers, • splendid ansort ta• nt..l c.n.T . .s REPEATING PltiguLS, five and at Inch barrel.. all of which we will sell for meth at an low .ca• as 11,y oton I. bought tit lite ray of N«w Y.alit ,0112) gott; to Artstralis and Cailiol WA will nod [tint Ita•, , ••ta laq ter tt) purcitastag Chair elutpa,:c at I 1111«. t:.11 atrauttars--aa Ur Kiva 1.0551, 111411 1 1 . I. :IS at. v of [lto at., baft.rn Itatring clip, and m ,aa , 14 a Whit, wa rotund Ills money ' IIOWN A TETLEY, Sept 136 str«ei, Eutal.erei, B OTTLERS. --JottN O Hauler,, a: Co. Hauler,, IS7 First street, 1, ttul:ilespectitrily tt,L.I/t1 IL !Mir le that they Lave constati:l) 1.011 Laud a Istee suipit ••1 EA RI?AI'AIIILLA„ Al ERA l. WATER, ALE and I•I:RTER, of dm Lest quality. 11. , arteobon of fd16.11.41 6 pfkrtictikrty d‘r.cted the fi,t that they6uttle wAimtherin , Ai.Y. m r!. •6t.• i~l~ywlt lane roonzmout/ IL L. 6.loLikat uu nic.m..1,4 Iln w b..lt nme and stromg-thomv,. glutlit..n ne-COF I♦ J. on,LEs,pll; & Cat, Man, %im0tf4,11,,,,. and dealero a, Plnt, gl inp, C.,wbs sud N.. •-, loGrgh on Island mild wady tz.orekr. (hit P., and ?laude 11 altos-any. 14 tsewo, ‘Vniti tit and (”1, 1.31114, tug, of tAr,•ry iis7 - 2.talunboat 14er.ornted and Gilt MA. SWILEH , Win,lHNtle and ICet.ai I • Denier in I'itruncevi,llllllkn..., I/,,r, nod li, , unekeepara' !lard. Ttutterm' Mmrtstnev n/141 'no Pint+, Sheet Iron, Winn Itiveo4, .t,• ,t, , 21 North S. , -4/41 //beet, /Vppi,ii, 1/111 . 111y([ 1i14.1 - 1,) 1/ AItItIYIL 11 KU dep29riLtra JWHITE, % . ENCTIAN lil.l x u MANUIt•ACTL"- . tax, 1.. recovered his health so an rviniasis lan old laishieas and has opeiesl l,ue 111,1\I; MAN els fifth etrssit, near the rant • lietseeti Wood nail :Snag where lie has 111.1 lii , irtl/li . i/t .41;1,1NliN, teal, plain .ishl fancy Wi.r.ftrvii 1111 , 1 :" . 111K Tnmwni a. an,l en to fill any tier at hits Ilns. oh the 1.., riiidde term! this le.vrli arratAte4 ta sive satisfail oviaa o.• Li y &S. (11.1 Blind., rritalrotl rive him a all, MO beat iu wttrkoam,liti•. ly BstioPE, m$:Ii1 . 11 A VT '!'bird 81 riwt, neat Lhq.l. 1:1111.11 tittlitk;tt! I. Mt.vt3ry 10 , 8.1 1,01.... t, 1.. Itetr, 1A re I.,Artk n , .n4nl W Wt . .an Ial• 1.1 !,rein ~1 Itt.itt elt - t Itt l,' 1.. , ., , 1. , tittti t•tittt . n. will. gut ~lllt.ttit•tittt it ,1 Ih uluttyr Loot..n on hand a large tootort wont 1.. t. ta At) La \ CAaSIME/L1 , 4. , , rrlIF. a.... It It u 111 nttkt.• to order L. 1.11. ,hort••a uot t,•, upon ronotto , •l, tornot. OA_ A la,rl:•rt lit al way.. warrantod. ntolfrif - _ 0() DWELL'S FURNITURE AND 11 cii Al ItS, IA !wt.-Rale and rotAtil, I . lllbrarniz at) le Ipf fut - oltut 111 nll.l 11' tiltiut. Int 4414 , lor parlor, clutala-r, and dlottia fin 41154. •..) la St,. 1'.,11c or I . 6ii2l.ii•ipill, And at kwer ri , •1) . Yrt i. t. [awl, 1.3 baud, 1/.1 arrulit,.l. t 40,11.4 Maiirrh Kupplit,; N, II tiny gnnn tilr ,r I FU ILSI TL/ It F. nn.l CII A I 11,4,1% awl ytramt.,wtn lur 111,11 ell at the It4f/El{,l a g ).- Vitowoots., N011...17 awl 7:111.'4 nua I'l rTi , .llllOlll, PA J. Sz. T. (atOU'l"l' BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c. DEA E RS IN Fine Old Monongahela Rye Whhilty, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS CORNER OF SLITLIFIgLD AND FRONT STREKTS PITTSPURG PA. DAVID CAMI'IiELL & SAMUEL Pot- LOCK have assoclabsl together under the ni)le ot ANIPLIELL A POLLOCK, for the tratinartidu of a general Variety and Dry Goods balling... 4, and the manufacture of plain and Wavedisne Gilt Ilion!dings. nihlll WATCH ES AN I) J ELR Y. ---JoH N M. ItuItERTS, No. Id PI rill lot eel, is now opetung an satire NEW S'IN./Cli of ((old and Silver Patent Leto, Anchor, Lennie and Vertical WATCHES, in open and bunt lag Ca..., Oh the mint Crleirrati,l Eligl.ll and Satan Matta Inctar, Also, Gold Guard. Vest and Fob Chaitu, Seals, Keys, Miniature Cases, Btarelets, Gold Pens and Cases, Pen ribs, Tsadhpir kr, heavy plain Set atel Seal Fingel Einga, Itreustpins, Ear-kink's, Child Pins, :studs, Sleeve. Loops, Dell and Silver Spectacles. Salver and Plated t , t.ons, Knives and Forks, Jet. Coral and Fatty Goods. Also, a large atoek .1 the heat BRASS CIAKJES at all prices. The above stock has been purchased direct from the Past ern manufarturnst, BARI selected mth great Carr for the tetwl trade, and will be sold at a small advance on coat. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired; Gilding and En graving executed in the bent titan art, and Sil Vet . Ware and Jewelry made to order. JOHN 11. I{OI:IF.RTS, apl7 Fifth street, neat door to Market. DALY'S STOCKINU FACTORY. -C. DALY corner of Mat ket alley and Filth street, finds it ueceaeary to contradict a report that has gained currency, that he was nulling off to quit husirosts. Lie never had such intention. Ile Informs the public that he atill continues to supply STOCKINGS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS And all kinds of HOSIRRY, at his establishment in Fac tory is Dear Ryan's Building, on FIFTH street--opeu at all times to the inspection of the public. Ile hoe, beside, the work of his owls manufacture, brought to the city the largest assortment of Goods iu his line ever brought to this city, which are warranted to be of the beat qualityi and will be sold at the most nsaeouable prices. lie has but one dales Room, at the corner of Market alley and Filth street C. DALY, Corner Market alley and Fifth et NEW INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—If you waut to have " help," find employment, buy or sell property, roll at LOWRIE'S INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. Li Fifth street, near Market street_ Legal Documents and Copying done with neatness and despatch. [talent' JOSEPH W. WWIIIB. rtORSTIA'S LINIMENT—The best Lini ment nuw in use for sprains, bruises, itr., 12 doe. just reuelved bq JOS. FLEMING, apt& corner Diamond and Market rt. METAL-190 tons good quality, cold blast, Just received per steamer Irene, and fur sale by spiN P. M. DAVIS, comer Wood and Fume.. tIREAtig--Bayes' ‘elebrated Grease for DrsY., Carta, Bugging, Railroad ears, &c., in cans Legs and bbla, fur sal. Ly lati2Sl HENRY IL UOLLINF. COAL WORKS FOR SALE.—Sixty three acres of land, with 2:4 of Omtl attached, and All the im provements thereon in oractosifni operation. Said Farm IS situated an the MonotigaLelii river, 34 mitre above Pitts burgh, and is supplied With a Farm lionim, Barn, Tenaio 'Houses, Orchard, Railroad, And an excellent harbor. The vein of Coal le five feet thick, and cannot be enriatibood In quality. For farther particulars apply to NICHOLSON & PAYNE, J012.1.r No. ZIA Liberty street. A Lit: WALKER'S UNEQUALLED INDEI, IBLE have Just received a large supply oi this celebrated Indelible Ink, with or without the prepare. j,kuL It illoffered - ea the best ink now in nae. In all cues Abe money will be refunded where It does net please. JOS. FLEMING, 411115 corner Diamond alley and Market et. ` l kko: 4.„0, MINS BUSINESS CARDS MISCELLANEOUS. GREATEST IMPROVEMENT - YET! FUR NEW SC AL E—II. KLEBER & BRO., NITURE! just received n 14111itii kJ of 011 INS & CLARKS' PIANOS, provided with their NEW SCALE. This ts their latest, and undotibteilly the MONT TM. IVRTAST improvement at. yet made to the Piano Forte. The POWER ,4 the Midi-anima is almost DOLIFILED thereby; and in point of volume, erenness and brilliancy of tone, they .. surpass anything as yet produced in the shape of a Piano. They 1.1.,Cfal all the advantages of the 14aud Nana., with- Out any of its flisadvltlitttgeS. We now challenge comparison with the instruments of any other touter in thls country, confident that every unbiassed Judge of the article will at once admit their superiority. 'rho peblic.iii_relipectfully M ilted 10 call and these superb instruments. El. KbEHER Sole agents fur Nouns ,t ',Narks' Pianos THE subscriber, having enlarged and fitted For Western Pennsylvania, No. 53 Fifth Street, next do, to Masonic Mal. op is good style his P. S.—Splendid n.emirtment of the above shortly exp , cted for the Spring Trade. 4'5 SPACIOUS FURNITURE WAREROOMS, NEW SPRLNG STOCK OF CHICKERING & SONS ; LARGE A.VD V.ALI'ABLE ADPITIONS PIANO - FORTES. To his stock, and now invites his friends and the public to "NMI.IOIIN If. MELLOR has Just received seven !bore o 011 RIK P.RINO S SONS' Before purchasing shiswhals• PIANO FORTES, and com pleted the /Weak, selected for Spring Sales, of TIIIRTY•FIVE new mud splendid Instrunants, of ovary variety and style, manufactured by the Mossrs.Chlckurings (lloston,) hem the plainest SIX th.'TA Eto the most splendidly Seven Octave Square Piano Fortes, as well as their superb and inimitable Oran,' and Parlor (Saud Pianos. EVERY HAM) FORTE in this lot is of their NEW SCA LE, pith their PATENT I (LON FRAMES, and PATENT ACTIoN, and are Lot ..niy warranted to the purrhaaer by the manufacturers, but by the subscriber, to be in all renia•cts as perfect as Instruments aan be made,.; both In regard to Material and Workmanship. PRICK. IN ARI A It 1.1" TUE NAME as in Boston, at the Manufactory. . , JOHN IT, AIELL4IIt, Na RI Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth street. Agent for Cbiukering A Sons, Itieton, for Pittsburgh and Wet. n: Penns. m 129 NEW SUPPLY OF PIANO FORTES. ell Ait t Ain K BLUME hos just ye- nised a Turilir supple of Mallet, Davi+ & : , ? . T . 777177,77 , : c. e .'n Inanos, with patent stisT.usion hedge . G w I anol ,ortipteltinn hearings. and with rdwar- i in, G, - and Aai.u. An n pronf It the emperionty or three riaw.g, is the fol k aura extract of a report at the late .• Slechnoir's Fair" at (Lston, in competition awh the celebrated maker, Jou. Chi. kering, a ho ona Pr. ddeul,d thii The Massachusetts Charitnlile Mechanic's Assodation aloaril thin diploma, Wall a .Vilrer ,14111.1 I. to Lfallet., Davis & Co., for the twsf (hand hen., Forte contrilinte.i to the &slit -1.1r1.41 of I nina. J INAB CLUCK CI LING, ?rent." ‘ llll., 1,0,1 also ~f bin hest ilrantin on exhibition lu competition with Nleners. It. n. A Co The 1.4.nunit4....11 . r..fee,.rab1a...rga .1. Weld, 11 FC Johe Lang., ote ./ wy uf the Grand •• In 14 .0, II Is fames. rum:hi, full and troll halal - wed; a capital luttfurnuut, 11/14 I hrse uu ca 11114 it Then , uswie with full iron trams, circular a-ale, sliding desk, etc., and aro usti.le to stand in any cliusato. Its addition to Ihr abure, tlso inthscriber has received Pianos front Burn} ardiets A Wore , . Hamburg; A W lodd A 8 , 011011, and other good tuckers, at wires front to{ I.oou. Cll A It LOTTE BLUM 1 118 Wood street., N. ti. Old Pistiloe taten in exchange at their full Mini. A n.dher in v e elka..ted liartiburgtrilanots to ex• pe41.41 its eeveral wes,l4s. C. B. r() URTII STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. b. U. McCALLIUM. 4Ar-S7 FoURTII STREET, NRAR Tut: eatiantlon of tolrctskre y roeportfolly iornod to our present :•to. k, *elm Lod los kik LKS. quality Crl vrts. Kilk,hak and Toplaktl y Te•n-ory, gl slog. C4enlll3 and latafr lirosorin, Zioper. Efrlinm awl Low Extra and r+ripor ply hi r ,,f fugrafne. E•xt 1nt1...rt.-4 Extra Twklhal and Ilaruank , Hall and Star od Ctrt4., Irma 7 to wale., rat - tont y..114:na and in ..v. Int Cl..the, h0t...1t Print... 4 runt lan, cat! Table (.',A.,11; l'n.tot. and Cocoa Mat. Mat,, elan Rod.; Lot, !Lao au,' 1,.:. t. Netict:a.a ~,, 11 ith rtes . , ‘a/ lot) Wist n tAnt.l.-a. Cirt, 411.1 ff..11ma.1.1. . a.. ct , •I 1.1 . 14,11 ttl :.4t at aalt at v. I 10.• r n It WI- no• prepan+l turubth 11A1LICINGTON'S 111AASFIELD Stnlll%4ltl" “ AND Allegheny County Normal School. mil, r nrn I!, iy, near (lit junef rt.r. of 040 NOl , l, Alown and Washlryton II %I K A NI 11 11, II A h KKK. 1.ni..11.ml lIEV II NI i•FIEII,1 \ i 4, I*, linzli.vPs ('011110) nt/1.1,1rit111.1.1.1. 4111 I. Pt11..13.1 1.11 y‘to wry :•• A lima,' If ran laat. 1 In 11.. faintly a ,npernii...l..ta. Inutfolina rau la...btaintmi ur tl ~Naar. and tn. wit> .at Inni t.. IA a 1..1 .1 11/ n"• IN Alit 1 1,12 t Far no TlOliwit, tr..w . lo txr 10rr....r :opttttt, I.• pit pat,l,.r tettirlking, -t t r..: tL, Nttrittal 1,1.1nt not tinvt, anti tAtaittlittr ttt It, tL, t ttf ,t-ttutl ql/Art,r Lv I °run u tu. Valli Term, upon thn F..r turth, in I; lluntwn Addr.us 11 U LT'S I'A 'I . EN . I . ANDS ANI I'. ---Tl)e ANI 1 ." 7' '," 7X1 r 1t .": r . " 11 N 1 1.! priiritr• ,Camp 1.4 wIl prat. berirl purl. 41,3 .•I t 1,4 k Itrt. I 4.4 t - 14 lu. 1411•14 .t Itallrt4l.l.. 4l•••rYkreA, I'll., I I.tvlt. 1 . 1 , 1 , ..1 , q4.0 lk th. 11,, ~,.I, I, r rirrirr, all Nl.44xoptil• 11.411 I. I -tlni” 11.-11 atol !Nth Y ~ •111111/ i.tl,u h.. 1.4 mtLaz 1.4, 1.,;..41!1. A. Is ltil v ..I.lsei i I, :h,•nrtiket, n , .1 I , %1 r r• kln•t the pul , io, m!ii ,. /A t, are oot:kLlishetl—n sto. 1-1 111-.41,1 , 1 1,m1...1 ..Fle-ltfilr 111 , naval rfwt 001., 121 utlett 11... IC , . inl.l. . It $• 13.1 :.• et.irr .1 tea 1D51.10,61.07.5. It.- pr.prletur. r.h upt thx Intr . llo.lc merits itn c , •ll,ttl ndoptinn. rorlll.l..itt that nod eilv-rs,lty nil “rherx, wilt ••• 11 r:o.nrithl,lr:tnxincl ion. public art run no I nye the op.rathnt and it .pl . h t.:•.r) pt. Ie ro• J.. 0nv..1 pal lel 11. and thr 411.•• . . I t , 1, Ilu I ',it Mitten:ll and n,n kinansliip. F. EATON. Agent, I3P First .d.reet., l'ittabore.l , I. N 11 —Ai. ENTS WA NTEI , immediately t, 11011,20 fur 1111 . 1• , 1111 1 .111 n lilwrid ill 14. paid. I it.q..•l.y certa) that )1061"::4 F. EATON" of l'otsbnr,l 1••,, In di, tiNn.IIIL.I Ao•ut ror th.• K.).• of —ll.plep l'atertl nand Matop' for the State el l'ennov (oxtvpt th.• Oty ‘ , l I'hihuhdlohla..lal4ll :tin,. 1,, thv (!..otiovn .Imlonbuln, Trumbull, Nlovlnnosig,Golloul'anna and Jot:. Dem, the Stub. I.f Ohio. =lll=lEffll Hy their Agettt. W. WI lA-4 RD. Pittsburgh, Nluy tY, 18.56. (my Ito LOCUS'I' GILOVE FEMALE SEMINAItY, The Trunteee it! I...cuat if rove Rpierepal aemistary else aals , E.. the, friende of the ttuitutson. that the lb,. tl4 It Chankr., hat log hoer ctaist.lled by protracted boalth, h.rttelutl his charge to li,tor of the name. Ow) hae beam so fortunate as t0..4:11, the valuable serval., of Eh* ,r Roy. Un-asK T. KIDVA, of New York, for the wake VaMi. 15,1, WI. ruler.; at WI, 111.11 the discharge e,l Idn in tro. From the very high nut' Ilawkwing comrurielatttam a h irlr they hare halo( Mr. 'Ohm. they have no doubt of elcillOnt fitness for the work committed to him, and that the) toil tens, that °odor his management the Seminary can not tel to procure a large Aare or ',owe favor end aupport. Pel neon 1111V1114 dnugLtrn or hor d e to educate are pontk -1111%1 ly 11.1,0 Ito hrllllltillt then,PelVeli with t tie advantages %%halt tilts Inslfflition affords, boll as respectr Its lwautthd and nal ohms position, two and a heir mileA from the ea) ; and a 1,,, the farilltiem for Om thormay,ll awl iolinedwltteation pr , s,lited lis its efficient corps of instructors. Circulars may be obtained on application to the Reefer, el either of the 'trust ie s. l'ill.tblrrgh, April '2904,1866. .1011,4 11. SHOESHIERH ER, 11.1tol k. Wertz, %Vii..unli V. JOHNSTON, OLIVER W. MANNER, E=EM32 ripa4oval 1 nal% I arch). THE CEYLON STRAW HAT—The . atton x tion of the public in requested to uur entirely new et) le of STRAW juat rewelv.l from the Importer vunilaulng the many genialea which have been no long wanted to make the Straw lint imitable in every way 10 a Slimmer Hat It is the only Straw Hat whirb the rain or damp weather will mgt affect, either in the brim or bring no braided as to prevent the p,,salhility of IL in any way. I otter On. entirely nem my le, Calif.(' the CEYLON HAT, believing it to in the Straw ❑at tbat will give the wearer entire natixfaction CII AXLES 11. PAULSON, 73 Wni.ll tly3o [text d.ror from the corner of Fourth. WORTHY OF ATTENTIONI-FOR BALE—A new threlling'house Just finished, two stories, arranged with hall, twu parlors, dining room and kitchen, three chamfers, gad cellar, bath room, kr.; a hy drant in the yard, amigo...l amble. The lot harm front of 21) Icet on Carrel street, Allegheny city, by 100 foot deep to Led lie street. Price $1,400. Terms-113M in hand, remainder In one and two years. B. CUTHBERT A SON ap2S 61 Market et. WHIL7III"S PREMIUM KATIJARION cools tlao head, and removed all symptoms of Head- Persons using WRIGHT'S PC A TII A RION Mo never liable to stm-struke. WRIGHT'S PRESIIU/11 KATHARION Is the most valuable acquisition to the toilet, retaining the Hair in any requirml form. For sale by Dr. GEO. It. KEysvat and R. R. SRLLERS k 00.. at 2t5 cents per bottle. angla ALARGE BRICK lIOUSE pleasantlysitu attul in Allegheny city, with lot of ground 30 feet I rent on Bank lane, by 150 feet deep to al5 foot alley. The bonsr is well built and finished in modern style; portico in front, hall, two parlors, dining room, kitchen, 7 chambers, cellar, hydrant, paVINI and gravel yard, shade and trait trees, shrubbery, kc., all In complete order, for sale by myS CIITIIIIRAT & SON. 51 Market a. E"LIS11 CARPETINGS.-ROBINSON dr. CO., Nu. Fifth street, have now passing through the New York Coetom House a large Invoice of English Velvets and Tapeaptry Brussels Carpet:nig, which we shall receive in a few days, awl be pleased to gibow,lo any who. may wish the best of Imported Goode. WO have also now lo Stock of Brusseht, 8 Plfs Ingrain's Stair Carpets, Cloths, &c., an astsbrtment unsurpassed in this market, and all at lowest prices. - • 441 ME= -~:. -< =~ :~ PITTSBURGH, TCESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1856. It M K Katt, l'lttAtirtrtt DIZICIEII ; r kT, RYAN'S R,UILDINGS, No. 81 Fifth Street. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED, Amounting to about $5,0,000 Worth, Coneisting of EVERY CLASS OF GOODS MF.DRJM, and And embracing 00111 e very fine HOSEW(OD PARLOR SETTS, roverwl with FrAnch bagatetl. OAK CHAMBER •SETTS, Ands tarot variety df New Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cages, &a, &c. All of which he ani.lll by retail. at WHULEHALE PRICES. Mg_ Every amide warranb.,l to give eathillaction, , the money refunded. U. H. UT A ti, my 39 • No. Al Fifth stro..t. EDMUND WILKINS, EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. lIE A D OF WOOD, ON LI BRRTY SREET ,LA, at at tho C•msruttety tiatt, Plttato" 0. Pa 51 , 001.1111.11 d, Mnrial rhl.l/13., TOCIARIt.AOPIII, M.iiGrl rs,M, ( . 81 ire and Pier Table Tele., Waahatalala. le. lin hand arid 111.1 g to tVd.r..J ..err rarietr, Slaraele. fearing f.,r l'eme• i•ry ornamental land plain, whirl. la datable, and in 1,1.011%7. al now i 3 in per f-oi • flaring teen enraged prn ti, all) in 0,11 bUSinelaii ilnr• trrenr.. twent, trite, °I h leave 1.,11 In id,. cit inn n alinlcient reference. I will make new ilealaini. and itAttaleli ally 14 , l io IL) 141.. c, at t41nt.11.111614 11,1. ;d Iy JAMES A. rerzien, FORWARDING AND C031.511.1610N MERCLI ANT Fl. It THE SALE or Flour, drain, Drird Fruit, tieuria,-Lar.4, ter, and Prodnee generally. No. 49 Water Street, PITTS ttlattl 11, Franc . 0 'lmlay. Km, 0 dhotis. Dilworth. sr., :4. (•“11,14.; ,4 , 1/, I.otalwrgin lI v I A 00. ,w,41 II ady. Ca.li NI. A%I attut, lA.! A .st I'nuiyl, A , W 1%1% t.al A C.., 1% ta, PEKIN TEA STONE lli 33=i= FR NMI! TM 1, , —A choir. , lot fre.h 1 ireen BIT , 1. Teas, i•t re...lend dire, t hem the S. 1...1t-nate And retail. at prkta lower tint °aunt torttO Tnn lledalpi and Five Diplotaiapr Awarded. ARTIIUH reaent A Ir-Ti it,entilig tin mak tiro piss( Yellow W. Jar,. Henry Rigby the Agora of this ray, Western Penii-ylvania i ii. tale of Ili. ai,,tat at MS Chian Queettawarr W,aal nt.. Patkaugh. I 10 to Ning. kept th nit {alias Jar. at price, a uh larg sods,.. ke, rvady II thal 1.1 I 1,, I; „wan •• Apto, I. u 41.1.4 I. • d • ii,•l Ilutr)tll.nj. 1: LI I 12 1:31() I' II RANK VAN 11.‘SI:EN1()VEI) N.. 7' NIA ft K twatE.l, 1.1- ro.t. and 18 now prnyou-nd to tb.• .111.11 e gnnerally iknytionv lb. I n.ool n - ny I' rimming -6, Enthronlorirn, 11.1./bonn. o to l Foln-y llikoin Grin ittinartnaper the Nn., C 9 `llnrirel tisurati,e l',otipa -I_,/ --The lirttmitittnt 1111.1 Dirt, tut, ttl" thi4 na.., thin tiny &dup.' n i normal d itni,-0,1. , 1 tit% tittilttitt itt r .parr, tarn thn etquirti Fire tittlir. in pa, able to Out Murk bultittrit ilitur lend r, vt urtettlatt tut,. tut' tu Lute dollar erittitri lit, tintir Atin anti tilt, trio tf.tti ittett. NA \IORI. It. NIA Iti•111.3.1. ttt. .11111(` 17th, I SIMI. OLD TYPE METAL. \ATE HAVE FOR SALE, at the thrive of the NIoRNI NG POST, a largo quantity of OLD Marbi!tints arid others wanting such un article can get It large nimplyby riling n.ll. foldt [ ` 7 PATE FA IR, —The undersigned Coinin it las., appointed to nelicit solancripti,o, to se, iire hohlito; 01 Oar State Fair at Pittsburgh, hereby net herise JlCols OLoSSER, one of I 11.•11 , outuottec, to e.dh.t the sa, , Dlr. tII.OSSER will call .ait sttb..•rtbern eluting the ploaent mouth N. G. MURPII la, N 'loot .11.11 N S. CoSillt. /YE. 11'1 NI. 114:14'11, JAColl 111.11S:1E11, Je2ltr hot mall., NEW BOOK S.--Just re,•eiveni, and it is hardly tteeteetary to tepee: again to the poidtp , that iney are sold from TEN TO TWENTY PER CENT DOVER tlint elsewhere. Tom of mivisns. Rachel iu the United Staten—prior :at. Sparrowgrasn Papers—Mt COON. COMIC Miseri. of Homan Life-7nr The Staten and Territories of the Ureat West—i.l.l2. The Buntilty Papers; lay Ilroughtite-..11.k. TallgletllWlll letters--$1,1 . 4 Salad for the Socia.l—sl,l2. Piazza Wen; by Melons—lnk.. Vagabond I.ife an Mexico—iitte Scalp II outer,; lay Capt. Mayne Reid—s.l,l7. W Mu. Chief; • •• Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour; by Frank Yor.der—ltl,3S. Brother Jonathan far 4th July-17•. Pictorial Clipper—Sc. Yet kt , e Notions-0.. Ilarper's Magazine for July, (third supplyl-20e. Peterson'. Magazine for July, (second iiappiyi-17c. Graham's Nltigualne far July. tseeond supply)—tor. Godey's Lady's Book for July-2k. I.4stlie'n N. 1. Journal—it, Ration's Nlagazine—ltte Remember, lbe plats+ to get Magazinen in nt LAUFER'S IltailiStpultp.. Je2S No 77 FIII/rth atieet. AGREAT BARGAIN:—Fur sale, a e,on rortable Brick DWELLING HOUSE, No. Mt Front with two Lots of Ground, each 20 feet front by 0) deep. Tho House la large and colt vertient a Iva.] cellar. wall cemented an,; it hall, two IP/11 . 10,, dining•rootn, and kitchen on first story; with a wash-house mid large pantry—three a hanthers, store room and bath room ou the second story, alld live n.lllBOll third story. Fire-proof slate roof. Km fixtures and pipes ou lirst and second awry. Large yard, with shade trees, rape linos, ha. Tho ituprovotortits ,done rant more than the price asked for the whole property. Pries Vasst...._ ote.rfourt h iu hand; remainder at one, two and thief. yearn. S. CUTHBERT k SON, Je26 Real Fatale Agents, 61 Mat lintnt. BACON-2 casks for sale by J 14 HENRY 11. CCI.LiNS. 2(1 BOXES ORANGES to arrive and fir sale by itEYNIER & A NDEILSoN, Jyl7 N 0.39 Wood street. GUBOXES LEMONS to arrive this clay and fur Bale by KEYMER A ANDERSON, iY I7 No. no Wood inreet. No HYSON TEA-10 cheats finest YKing Chop Young noon Tea, at 750. and Id lb., re- Ct•lVed by N. IL MAYO, mylo • 82 Market and I Diamond. FLOWER VASES-20 pair Terra Cotta Vases for rule by (Jyl2) HENRY U. COLLUVA IF TII STREET PROPERTY =a Lot of Ground on Fifth street, oppomite the Cathedral, o n which le ere . t.ni a neat Two Story Brick Building, suitable for offices. Apply to [Je%j BLAK.SLY k RICHEY. IF — AT-5000 bushels of prime Wheat wanted by sparNeelta UARBOrtift, -.- 296 Liberty street T AMP-KACK-50 bble. just re*yed and Es's') .UghIUIY4I,P3. • .t • I%r - . 4. e. " • •,•-• • •t " ` 4, l• • • ;•-•• . i•k o : . e „NI,. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. A T THE BUFFALO VENERIANHOSPI. TAL—EstabliAl.l for t)10 ro¢e of Spphilnn, :+eniinal and fill , I ntirinitief of Youth and Maturity, by Pr. AMOS A SOS, lir ' , FAL°, New York—Office, c.a.nor of Main arid ()nay totrFrtn, maim.) An instrument for thecure,4 zenerni Lhddlily, Impotence. Incontinence, or Nocturnal Rullagionx. This holt runtent has been used with the mo,il happy effect 111 the practice of the moat eminent phymlciantt and surgeons In the liritleh empire, France and Uermarly. In hod, so re markable were the cures, that the Into ••sta ASHLEY" hailed It as the " Harbinger of Life." The use of this will rally sustain the high encomium. YOUNO A; MN TARN PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS k SON are the tally Physicians in the State who are members of the !loyal College a Surg,.me, I,smilon, graduates or one of the must eminent Colleges in the United States, take pleasure in announcing that they have inreubd a most important Maimnent for the cure of the. ab,,ri. dia.rises. It hat been subjected ton Wel by diet...met ph) skit. , tli London. Paris. Philadelphia and New Yogic it has been dechkre.l In to the only useful Inatruntent c.rer lot dnwovered for the cure of Seminal SV,mknean, or any iletease if the genital organs, arising front the solitary habits .tf self-indulge/Ire which ii,ttoy both body and mind, unfitting man oilier for marriage or society. Dr. A hi, IS h ii,IN. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as It. the Metals of their instrument, pledge thenoadres that in any where I hey 111 AV prose IllnatlefaLter) utter n fair trial, the Homey will la , refunded by returning the Tustru. meat in good order. Persona wishing tin abet , useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by exprenn, is ten • N/INV REMEDY AND QUICK R SCIIES For the Venereal Diseases, and all prleuto complaints, gleets, strictures, seminal weakness, pains in the loins, offer- Mats of the ki.lneyoi, di/W.104m of the head, throat, nose and thin. and all those dreadful aflliet ions arising from a secret habit of youth, which produce constitutional debility, ren ders marriage impoissible, and in the end destroys both body and mind. _ .. • . Dr. AMOS & aIN have devoted their attention exclu sively to this prieullar class of maladies, and the relief they have ronwsthently been enabled to render to their frlluw creatures is fully terrified and grab-11'1/y acknowledged by ,a•nralsscerd patients and others daily arriving in ton u from all parts of the country, for the express partsau• „sly 4/1 consultation. %hit.• their exertions hare loan crowned with the Mind. signal advantages; yet from what they have le,pelielleell In inquiring into the Van., .4 - there Infections complaints (from their most simple Clllldition to that of the dangerinus and in videraleilf they have always lqitei • tamed the possibility of their prevention and removal, and ltkewl«• invariably f,•ued that the most horrible and malig nant form, of dins,,' could almost Aiwa)s la• traced to one .11 the following t WU. a :—lguuraticv, neglect, Or the itl el. is of minkitint and improper treatment: therefore lir. AMOS di SON have sm•nrsied in discovering. in the taint their remedies, a Mali', effectual awl rautious coins, omitting all combination of renitslios which bear no equiv.- eliarneter, as will lie those whom premature or appliratiop might In' productive or had CMIS4-111,11,1 ru ihe lianilm of prlvnt‘lndividuivis. In short, the laudable and of the remedy is the lessening of a gland Wain of lut man by \h.• alleviation. relief and prevention of tkrie grievous afflictions that are in reality the snort b.o e f ;Ili-, and whh 1,, n lnh• wi rxl.msively surround us, call N. and for our skill and iut•erfert.nr, ter their estormlnation. lit:WA till .11, LOW-MICED Dr. AM MIS & St l hail° hir n ion,: «ern. of rears been NI -4714,41 in an no toi.ira Kart., in the treatment 4,r them> and are the only legally who. regaulletei of the Istunta sulii envy of the hypileritiral win mock irnalivit, have hail the confulance, ough tlie tut ihurn of the public firms, to direct attention to thorie etior :mina oils, front which ito grail., of riociety in free. In Oda department of practice the, amply i e . Burled by the great /mecum that has attended their attorta in the treatment of theme ratiea, thick are MI generally Con fliii+l to the noun/di11...a and iirnniant empiric*, who • with their pirated pnLlicstiotu 11,11/111t• biraign 11“.101-11 anti tUb-u, slid pretended virtneo of their pateot mat funk Lure Wriol.lll injury on Dome who have been indar:••l to lila,• both in their pre tetaaninti--..lfeihrail kern,. . . In. ANIU9 k f•ltiN bus.. mad., rmag.- ou to when pew k ufrfq. with 411.1 to .11y part of Lilo world. Adtiranto Dr A Nltl4 A SON, ranter .f Main matt ()any trr.otA up INillato, N. jr . IIYITLINI I y 4 FUR H. of !ulterior Young IlyPun P- , Tra Ear Oar Dvilar, at F. R. DltAVirt-, N. I laamatal. 'I I IIE OLD ESTABLISHED TEA HOUSE Null maintain, jr. rrtaltailan f.tr .IN TIL: AN All fs t...km of II mai t•qattatttl3 an hall, .111 11.1 . r tva,rll/g I 0 chtt.rttlteen Chop. tirt.,t Tea 01 metrkrt ; II) • no int.. 1. 113.. 40 Kitt, o 1 0 1 ...1:: 4 , . Fungtal, ca ft flay, , Cl,ll GU •• 0,.0rt.4 11,V,11. ..1 Will, 11 u et, ttOIII may A1..1r in I: Noo. F Ntsrltet at. Itia.l I D1A111%.1.1. N!I I STIcKET Di LET. 1...1 1 noo tt1tt...,1 Tw.. Sl , .ry k 11.41. a. 0.144 :111 lltvla • 41,1 0 t. of 111. AK NIA A twr Sostl,ll. et.,l 7.,,i111at,.1.1 ()V11.:It FUR SAI.E.II:I)UT VeliT Y ..I In, ton I K.;tt .ttli.l.l Kt tt stt.all t , t., ' ,1:J...., It 1. •,I tlt- 1...i1..11 , to-a.leirrew 11/ 1.• , will IK. j•-t Forth it - Y„' . ..1 . :,.,,„'',(),,','“,5.',`,,L,E, - . -- ,A., l ,`,,Ld,eiscr,i,"-. 1 „;:i: i.. all tt h.- ( - all at N,. 7... 1 , 01:1ITII .c.,6 , t. If yt, uita. A 114.116.... a •:,‘ ultti ..... .. all in '1 lI.'IAS thtn)lt, , ;', 1 1...2.3 7:, i,atrtli etr,et. 1 - I I )IE. - ItH i harrds fre-.11 rvovivesd and f , ,r ' IA ..1” by :.frlu: HENRY II l'ill,I.IN:I. 1 QUtAll. AND MCil..AS.cli. , .;-- , Ly MIMI 10. .1.. 10./ .14 I+l IL 1 , 011011.1 r. .1114 1.... and N 1 1 114 , 4 r. 11 11 11..4 .01 hi, axle I.) 4111. t00. 1,El( 11.11211.11'1,4.1?.1, F lM.l—,ilit,.kerio, in and halt' 11 hit.. :Nil T 16.111 F , .rwil M !!,-111 :!!, Is I , IV —ll ,I,lcltt. ht• ;I.tt/ 1, I. " „ 1.11,513 41,1 1, 1 ft 1' II Flt I , ITS Inatchry in tx.tl:, or (1111%. o 410 1 . 110. A opio.l .10 F.,rnntterri.”, 11. .10 .1., Itlin•k herrn.. 110 I. tJ I !ht. kl,•l•orri. .1., tin,l., iti•an,l 1 1 1niii. in 1,1(1,, nr enns. F .•r +al, Iv RS NI Fl.l A NI , F,11.: 1 11 1 . 1 .11 11 11 11;4,1 Donnie Bank ;Melodeons. H LEREU .1: I have just receire,l 1 . ..>1. th.• w . ig.. ..ivt.n.., .. fm . t0ry.1.4t..11.441 A N.....lhnitt N 1 ~• .11.1.1,.....a. 4. : th.0ty..44, 44,..111,zr, will. pat....1...n.1,1 , 0n . ..11. LI.. du do. 110 l'inn., al3le. with 11..1it.1 , 444.41... nod .4 , 0.1. .5m . ..11. Alw, >I'L};\IIID DoC1111.1•: BANK 51h:IA/Dt'3,N, WlOl d bey+ and nmpliny otop, finiehe I tn the aldat elegant and 10.04.11 103 la 1111,1 or a very Inipot no t,•1.. 1.301 ni rale and Inn nun, .01.1 a.. romp., Onllv sae ilia ut teni h• 11 ..r pun halo t • and t lie 1311,11, 111 neneral to it Mt Gas that( ins, nte.l and mad.. the lin.t M. lodentia and Inn not, untentv are I,,dhed ulkal IV. 0,d...10 otbor !nab For Wt. by KI. Ell , Jolo No. 53 Fifth *ln.-t CANIQES AN!) SOAP— tasot stns Candle, 4. 1..5 ant ; Common na 31111 Candb s; Ca t rinau la .13 do No. I dd 100 I. N., 1 extra family Soar air, and V. bale by join 5111.1K1t A RICKETrION. IJ El( r ll. l ,l l. N b r ln (l s3. 1 Dry Salt Ilerrltw; ht 1.1.•5. No. I '• .10,1 1,4,1,41 and for oak by 5111.1. ER A h ICK ETSON, Jya =I nnJ ::".;:t Liberty at. RANCE! I N:-)1: , RANCE! fdr neTrrld good 1,14011.. e• olnpaines, roverved IQ. GEO. IV. DUNN. at his Beal Estatr agency Had lutrlligrura 11111,, en the north aide of 01 1 13 otreet, fourth door iatot a,f the Dlnmotal, A 1.1.5101.1 EN CITY je7 I bags prime Itiii Coffee; k_,)dn. extra do 11.1 40 .13. old 03.. Jaya L, .dare and for gale by MILLER A. RICK }:TSIIN, NO. 221 and •.V.21 Liberty at rant. AVG UST MAGAZIN ES —o.ley, Graham, l'on•ro0n, A rthur',, nl Yankee N0n.... L.r An.n.: I. jilra rural, d by R. T C. 5101105 N, 4] 111 h ntreet. LEMONS— 1 11 oxes this day received and for tale by REIMER A. ANDERSON, Na. MI Wood 'street. .000 1. ,,,, i A h. L by LONS LINSEED OIL, tor .1. s(nooN NI AK ER, j)*Lti 91 Wood mt. RICE. -111 tierces for 'ale by Jr:6 SMITH. ?IA IR & HUNTER. ('I REAM TARTAR—moo Ihs. just received ‘..,/ Kul for sale by I .1e12 , 1 F LEM INa BICE oS. .. $ 40( 1 FUli. TWO CLIOIOE BUILDING f lob, living a large front on Iwo Mart., by '1C,.1 feet deep, ploasantlymitunted on Mt. Wa.,,1th,,,,,,,,, n. ill In ill on va..y tai nt. S. CUTHBERT N. SON, .pll7 [Heal Eel data Agent's, 51 Market at. CIA NARY SEED-5 bbls. on hand and for by iir7l F LEM I NG BM /S. D DUNS, PISTOLS. (inn Furni tor,. and Acaddrements, alwaya on hand. BOWS h TETLEY, 1:16 Wood ed., j0:10 Sign. of the Golden Olen. 1.1 1 N EST FIFTY CENT YOUNU lIYSON TEA IN THE CITY can be had nt jylB DRAW'S— F 2 ylßrkot st. WINDOW GLASS -150 boxes Bxlo Glass; 30 10104 2 • 10x1 In store and for ask by _JY7 MILLER & RICK SON 10tROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GIN 6ER—:4 doyen of Oda valuable Medicine received by JOS. FLEMING; . ''' , litirnor Diamond and Market at =2= A 'AIoST 4.IINNZINIC IN%ENTIUN A CURE WARRANTED CAI:11A1(1": , UP:NI 1\1.: )Ir1,$1111:oN: ~n:~ ..-%.,-- ..,K., .. . MISCELLANEOUS. ALLEUIIN.:N .CITY PROPERTY —A Lot of &hound on Laiinck Famed, three doors from Fedora; street, 22 feet front by 100 feet deep to en alley, on which are the following improvements, viz: a Brick Dwelling 'lours, well finished and admirably arranged.,:hd.4 feet by Bi, containing two parlors, dialngiroom hod kitchen on the find three rooms above And one over the dining room, u ith a finished attic—rellur tinder the whole house— buck yard pared—hake oven in the ceLlar—Lydrant and gee on the premixes_ Will be exchanged for a Perm. Apply to iY2O BLAKELY & RICHEY. VOR SALE-20 Acres of Land; a good 1: sittmtion for country store: about twenty miles from use city, in a - thriving neighborhood, and , no attire near. Four Mantes—two Bork, two Frame—in Allegheny City; one Frame nitllated on the Diamond, occupied as a grocery and proriuloa store, and for the business four vacant iota. W A NT If D—A OHL to do liansowork fora small family In Allcrbeny City. Sltnatibos wantedlbt Men and Days. Amply to OHO. W. BC NN. at tiia Heal Kstate Agency and inich;gence Othre, ob the north side of Ohio street, fourth door ...rd of the Diamond, Allegheny City. .IYs WILKINSI3IiII PROPERTY -r— FOit SA I.K—A e , sirable location for a country home. Four acre!. 14 hued of choice quality, pleasantly situated near the s.srsgei dept , windeamrs; to all under good fence, mei has an excellent spring of never failing water. It will be sc,bl at a bargain, as the owner Is unable to put im provements on e° choice a property, and has determined to go Weet. prieo o. Tenns i',400 in hand, remainder In one, two and three years. A. CUTHBERT & SON, .0,20 Ed Starlow at. VALUABLE FIFTEI WARDPROPERTY IN MARKET VERY LOW—Two 3 story Brick them" on Penn Orient, each occupied as business houses and dwellings, renting well and in the very best portion of the Filth Ward. Also, a corner 3 story Brick House, occui pied tot a rabinet store and dwelling, and a 2 story Mar 11 - selling Home in the rear. Also, three Business Houses and five Dwelling. Houses on the corner of two public streets in the Fifth Ward. Apply to .0 30 BLAKELY COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT FOE SALE. TIIE undersigned (with a view of remov eg to another hone In the Immediate viclnity,l offers iln sala the IfOLTSF. AND LOT in which Do now resides, hitinited on M.mnt Washington, on the brow of Coal Hill, ,pponite the lower part of the city. The lot is 125 feet front and :Li) feet deep, and has growing on It It large nuinher of trait trees and alirubbery,• consisting of apples, peaches, plum+, cherries, apricots, entrants, wosoberrias, raspberries, gropes, kc . The Inoue. In .411 trot trout, t; feet hall, and taet dell, with kitchen and cellar. There an• sr, runs, with 6 4 , I. thaished-garret. Thu huitas is built in mod . Is et yle, neatly painted and papered thronghnut: the tart wind,. a and washboards of fr.mt rooms and hall are grained. There le a gond amble, sufficiently large for two ionise and carriage. A well of good water, a cistern, and all necessary„ outhouses. The ha in enclosed by a paling fence 6 feet high. The location Is one of that most beautiful and healthful in Western Pen wry vania. Ponseenion given immediately. 'farina liberal. e • W. O. I.}2.3LTE, No. 45 Fifth street. F OR SAL 1>;--Seven acres of : Lend on icth is a hams hearse, frame stable, neeer . fidliog eprine,' teat M grafted fruit,grape vines and a varlet/0f ahrnbOry. Irtl allartorranrefi of laud, on cvhichliabrgir. littmea wit h r.rotaiiii,,agood cellar and a (rade sbap. '- Also, a town lot, on which to s brick bonen With four rooms, tinithed garret and graid cellar, all •situsted in Esi wkkleyville, and will be sold low if applied for soon, or would be traded for a small ham handy to some of our Rail roads or rivers. For Sale—Throe good farm.% well improved, within twen ty live miles of the city. Apply to fl. tC. DUNN, at the Real Estate Agency and I mettle:max. Office, north side of Ohio street, fourth dour rt.!, of the Diamond, Allegheny city. 1Y26 ALUABLE JIT PROPERTY FOR HALF—The undersigned oilers for male on favorable terms is large autuber of linikiltlg Leta in the Third and Eighth Words of the city. The lots front on Pennsylvania A t.-nor. Watson. Forts.. lie-ant, Maria Vickroy and Bittlf t , treete, are hut a t'w minutes walk from the Court House, end will be sal very cheap. Persons desirous of sectiring a convenient and healthy I..cation for a home, or wishing to purchase for specula tion. to a part of the City Whlrti will continue steadily to onprure will find 11 10 their IItiVaIIIAJZO to cull upon the nu dettogned. Cif RISTtYPII Eit MAO EN, A tturnet at Law. itt3:t.ett tit.. lilt Fifth street. lltwette and Dispatch copy and ch. Poet.) VA LI: A BLE Cal Minna at Auction.—On tbe day of Antrunt next, at 3 o'chtek. P. M., will Le Kohl on the 'demon,. y the highwit bidder, kiel.noy'a ra c Chid Miner, 33 tulles rho, Putrhnrirla, on the die. nointallolo river. There work., err now in ..perati..n, baring the road, all it: the !inert order. The dip of. the CPO in. •I'lwt , Ain a41.,j nerve ..Icoal., with 1.11r4 13114, yeion,olo, .•:n c LhIU fl the other aliont 4 feet Terre brick nod tour aloe le ; the cm,. utr.l r,,r rt h lug oo there ntrielitttrily itL.!.l.•• • .1 • r oil h Nil acres of river bti..M / Nolen ior quality, and 01) rod" of the beat landing on Ilse :ire, al•—• Mr' ILIA 011.411. iu 9 months. and one 111.1.1 In ia I I •.1, want A bargain 'Ala dna , unaurpaased works. F., fin Ilwr pArti , ulnrs itepltra. ~ 1 Woo Commercial Broker, 3 hoarth et, rittablitgb. FIN E ACRES t.f first-rate land, three in rulti ration, I,,lanee in prime timber, situate in a very Ids .us:rt I ocation, about two mile+ front Allegheny city, with a lan, front on the New Itrigliton nail Allegheny Plnuk Road, will he sold on easy terms by a , ; 6Tutti BRICK HOUSE FOR a 91,7 0 0 —Contaitka Y rooms, bath room mid cellar. Terme, Sao in band, balance In three yearly payments A three story brick house orfi rooms, stuirrroom, far i 1,700. Also, a duelling,-h o use or ii rooms, adjoining the bore, $1:700 Terms—s.6oo in lizard; balance in I, 2 and 3 3 ttnrx--saltttlO at the (\triter or Franklin 4.1 Blm .tv 0 , 44. CLIT11111:11T & iinrst. 51 Market at. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, in a healthy 111111 pleavant lacation,lo milon from thn city, on the I'rrr3 die Plank Ito.ad; 20:. novo, 100 cleared and in cltivation. al.int 411 or run of goo,l meadow land, an ord•Lara ..1 Il near, looniag trees, and g.aul thither on the unimproved is a frail. 11.111111. of 6 rtionta on the ground, si VIII a fine fountain of running water :it the door, a new tine barn, and oilier latildingii. Apply to. J) ❑ S. Cll . ll.lllllHl' et SON, 51 Mkrkot I A. --We are sending an Agent to a prir- I /to,, t".l wltn ttii I iae 1t,D.4111,1 Lt. plant in atulot t II .• ito•I v.lll at ten.] tin , 1.,. tll4 k.f ilkla tog c 011.,. Il• A, Any in.rson Inn iug bu+lntvo In that SIMI.. tie.l 1.11 , lai.or a calling ou aa, will rlrtiViit , OVery infi•rnlntl,kll. Y. 29 Iti..4ltHLY 11. RICH Ml' i r I N i 1:N U, halaner in one, two and -.'•-"k" yvary, will buys good IW I Lill NU 1..1rf nt I U.td do p, situated liras the Outer Depot., Al leglwtty City—pri , 0 id :5. l'hig property is well worth st IN SE K I) 011.--111(11 gallons Linseed Oil JU I.y J. SC llt I IN (I AK En, 24 Wooti street. 40 I.exes "Anderson'," s's and S's I o do. •• lid. el old" s'. do. -Jones' . s's do. do. -Jits. 11. (irant'A" do. do. m 11. ti runt's" Se and a's. P. It A IL's" Lb Tobacco. - Ashton's" ti s dal do. - .lnnen - I.,unJ luugr do. 5 rases Oodwarf boxes) Yankee D.:alb...half ',onto! lump Tobacco. rwrivoil nod fs sods by MILLER it RICRETSON, Woos Not. 2:21 and •.222 Liberty at - rivet. 00 Pieces Calicoes, Ilerages, L:tines at 12 1 -,; rents, worth 25 souls, at ;the Semi An neal ol A. A. MASON Co. and 2c, Fifth street. 1 AST LANE Allegheny City.—We have for sale a Roma, and Lot on lad Lane, lylog between Main street and the river. The Lot is IS feet welsh) u, feet deep, with a rat two ernry Brick Inielling IL mss, ron lain log sin 1,01111; Irydrnut 111 the yard, and other out-house.. n wdl IM 'old very low. It would be exchanged for n city lot. Apply to 1.1Y 5 01 II LA K ELY a RICH EY. IVE RS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S FrA I R lIRSTORER.—An unfailing restore. and preserver • t hail and night. It is not a dye: The hair and whis kers, however gray, are restored to and preserved in their 1,1 It. in:LI life color! By its use, wigs, spectacles and gr . ... 0 r will soon become extinct. Th e ite.d.wer nee d with tire Zylobalearnum, not only cleanses the hair, but inclines cull, giving it a molt, glossy and natural appearance. The Restorer will strengthen and preserve the sight, and ernore and prevent dizziness, headache, scurf, dandruff, arabl.bead, or angeruption of the skin, and all uunatnra erste rations of the head. It is a certain core for catarr in the bead. RAJ by JIMS. FT,EITNG, Druggist, myth cur. of tilt Diamond and Market et. CIOLT HAS LEFT lIIS BRIDAL GIFT.- ...I the last things dune by Col. Colt previous to vetting married. ions to have WI IMPROVED PISTOL fin inhed and brought into market. It possesses many advan tags over the old patent. We now have on band a supply of thew really tasteful weapons, and would be pleased to show them to our friends. duns, Pistols, Rifles, Revolvers, Ammunition. .tc, &c. DOWN & TETLEY, iY S N 0.158 Wood street. FOR SALE very desirable Country Ileeidence, containing 63 Acres, telautifully situated on tua Ohh , River, and adjoining the town of Bearer=urell tin. la °red, with a good Cottage Ilowle and other buildings-- tor.st el rubbery, ac. THOMAS WOODB, je2:l 75 Fourth street. AOAZINES FOR JULY- Ilarper'R Magazi e for July. " intham's " Boltons " illustrated London New.. The Struggle fur Life, or Claude and the Skeleton Horseman. B. T. C. MORGAN, 1020 41 Fifth *arra. NIILL AN!) CROSS-CUT SAWS ; Gruen and Corn Scythe; Anvils. Bellow. awl Viree; Pump Chain and Fla turtle; May and Manure Forka. Together with a largo and extennivo aasortmout of 11ardware,Junt reta4red and 1, r sole low, at io. a 3 Wokal street, betwtali Diamond alley and Fourth street, Pitteburgh. SAM'L. FAIINESTQCK. ap29 UNFURL THE GLORIOUS BANNER-- A Patriotic Swig: wards IT E. J. Allen. Written lalf tlm occasion of proeentation or a stand of colont, by tlo Duquesne ()rep, to the Chicago Light Guard. Single cone Islam! and restss•tfully dedicated to Capt. John A, Wyman, 1..) Henry lileber. Prit, 9t, cents. The above jolt published and for sale Lt ELEBER j y 1 No, 63 filth etreei. lop RQWlsi'S Eseenoe of Ginger--2A dozen of this valuable metliciA . ,e re?ce.i . mlll,_ , _. j _ JIM NU corner - plain utiltand ThßsG ' 424 • *.: : ECM= NUMBER 263. S. CUTHBERT .4 SON, Real Estate Agents, 51 'Market at. C. CUTIIIIERT & SON 11.1 HAM.. A trt-uts. 51 11 arkot est. . , •43.:44:41t. 4,„ • .1 • RITES OF, itDVERTJSING BY UTE PrilSttillbar moxtign i d v 94 _ .........,...,, 'TEN drum. / Da 7 - iß k 'lArAiiiciDncta 3 y. i a tocckla toecki eek --- ~,, . • One insertion.-- Two insertions Three insertions Com week. Two week Tree week 5. . ......... Cine month_ Two=MO. Three months. Four mouths Kee months._ . ....... 81a mouths Nine months One year ble:Wing Card, nix lin One ermare, per arroti . 51ullage-nottco4 PlTTsßumat 13ost-- TUESDAY MORNING SPEECH ON JOHN TAN BuREN, AT NEW YORK The Cincinnati Platform Iterviiiared.= Jahn Van Buren said •• It becomes my duty, then, as well as-that of your own, to inquire whether there is anything in the proceedings of that Convention that calls:, upon one who has from childhood belonged.to• the Democratic party to depart front that partja and now enter into some other organization. Sts r.• te,T i from seeing any reason to do this, all the convictions of my judgment, all the eentimentsdrf my heart, all the reflections I have been ableAtits: give the subject, satisfy me that it is the highest: duty of every New York Democrat sui,port the nomination of Buchanan and Breelt,•we'l inridge. (Applause.) I am.. aware that - settle gentlemen with whom I formerly acted- , —a- few; as I trust—see the matter in a different light. Like myself they form their own convictions, as they have a right to do, and act upon them.' They seem to suppose that some new rule has been laid down, or some new principle avowed upon the subject of slavery which calls upon them to quit the Democratic party. I see 130.131113 h, thing. Entertaining similar sentiments, intiormi!! - respects, with themselves, I yet see nothing in the proceedings of the Cincinnati. Convention that calls upon me to quit the partrtn have been horn and reared. (Applause.), lam toll, that in boning at the resolution's ot.tbat_ Convention, they have been able to discover .that they pledge the Democratic party organization to the extension of slavery to free territory. I have read those resolutions carefully, and with what little intelligence I have been able to apply to . them I can find no such thing in them. I offer I A reward, now, to any of these highly intelligent Republican gentlemen to point me—not, to ,in outrage in Kansas, not to a scuffle in Was..bille r -, ton, not to an improper speech or improper newspaper article—but to a line or sentence itn • , the Cincinnati resolutions which - sdvaeates, encourages the extension . of slavery to free ter ritory. (Applause,) The resolutions of .in._ , Cincinnati Convention may well be divided., I two classes : First, those which expresamisi),* • ion upon what is past, and second, thoatioll.,,, lay down rules for the government ofakelk*llliitit, istration that is to come . in: and the party..Antn is to support that administration for the,futxtre.' Yon will all readily see that where the'C i tititterti' . tion speaks of the first, they speak, fe0.134 ; ,;.... selves, and express their own opt**. Vat' illustrate what I mean, Etna.. not Mending ..to express any opinion on it, the Conyention unani mously endorsed the administrifien'ofPFesident Pierce. They had a right so to-endorse it, and he will receive that endorsement:as the judgment of intelligent, able, patriotic expressed, very likely, after mature reflection. But when the Convention come to speak of the future, they, then lay down rules for the government of: the ; administration, and tbey lay down rules,BYr the government of the patty. 'While I am .aware that it is entirely possible for a man to support_ the ticket and oppose the resolutions of the convention ; while I know that it is practicab'e to support the ticket and split on the platform, (laughter.) I am one of those who believe that if a man in good faith disagrees to a principle of importance laid down by the Convention, he. ought not in good fAith support, the candidate presented by the Convention. (Cheers of "good, good," and applause.) I believe that principles are of more importance than the candidates. I believe that the party should be homogeneous. I believe that the man who enters tin association, secretly or openly, intending to violate the bond that holds them together, is a traitor to the or. ganization of which he is a member: I would never support a party unless I approved all the important principles that were presentedin the party conventions. What, then, are the resoln ti.l3B of this Cincinnati Convention? I would Ind undertake, of course, to detain you by a minute recital of all these resolutions, and ex plaining each of them, but I must call your at tention to ono or two, which I think are of pars mount importance. I allude, in the first place, to those resolutions which advert to the subject of slavery. I understand them to propose that hereafter, in the organization of Territories as.. well as in the legislation of Congress, the whole subject of slavery should be withdrawn from Congressional action. I understand them tahold that it is not proper to make slavery the subject of national and political discussion, and I un- derstand them to say, as they said honestly in:, 18.12, and reiterate now, that "we will resist 'he agitation of the slavery question, in or out of Cungress, under whatever color or pretext t list agitation may he had." (Applause.) Ti hese resolutions I cordially subscribe. I reLtard them as a covenant made by the members of the party, North, South, East and itigjti 4,13 which they should adhere as one of the in6lderit3,.o. to membership in the Democratic party. I re-• a' Bard them as the platform laid down in 1852 by both the great political parties of the coun try. I understand that as thee- platform upon which I took my position at Tammany MU, at the time at which it was laid down at the first meeting of the Democracy to ratify the nomina tion of President Pierce. I announced then that I believed the State of New York would stand upon it. She did stand upon it, and the - people of the whole country, with insignificant exceptions, stood upon it. It was a platform Of pence—it was a platforth of affection and love— it WAS a platform of mutual respect and honor, it was a platform of the tonstitution essential to the preservation of this Union. I should he glad to know what eVi'e any Democrat of th'e State of New York, who stood upon this_plat form in 1852, has for not standing upon it now. (Applause.) The only practical 'application of this platform to the present day is in regard to the Territory of Kansas Ido net propose to - detain you by discussing Kansas. I attach stitati ; - •, iooportauce to the other countries of the. world-,„:,..-< I attach some importance to the white PeitEßCet our country. (Applause.) la regard to Kansas, I think proper to Bay that while I greatly disapprove the repeal orthe prohibition of slavery in that Territory, yet, es . a constitutional act, Congress had a rightto re- pent it, if they chose to do so. They had' the power to do it. There were not one hundred people in the Territory when it was done. They threw open the settlement of the great Torrito viem of Kansas and Nebraska, and there are now come 40,000 or 50,000 people there, invited un- der a eonstitutional ant, to exercise the right of self government. The people mho are there are the people that are to determine the destinies or that State. They have the right to do it under the Kansas act, perhaps. Again, a law has been introduced by Senator Douglas which vides for the election of members to a corivaa [ion to determine whether Kansas Shall come into this confederacy and form a State cimatitu tion, or not, and if they determine that she shall it then provides that they shall form a State Constitution. The election is to be held in No vember. The bill is drawn up with extraordi nary care. l i t abolishes all those laws whpili btiva been the subject of so much declamation in this State. It abolishes all the baths that are re- qtyired to support the fugitive slave law of Kan sas, and it abolishes all the special qualifications in regard to voters. It abolishes not only all these things, but it abolishes all the laws that interfere with the freedom of the prees, tied prohibits the Kansas Legislature from re-enaet- tug them. It provides also that the people who have been driven oat of the territory; if any such there shall be, shall, on their return and - - proof of the fact, be allowed to vote. : The bill " i provides for the appointment of commissioners,' whose duty it shall be to ascertain the vote. I say that the bill is a just and reasosable one. No man who is in favor of the pacifieatibu of - Kamm would be opposed to it, and the great ob jpotion urged against it is, that it would mks' h:ausas a slsveholding State. For one , moment I williconsider that lineation: ' Yr u are well aware that, , aliii tuitional publioit is given to my remarks when A , speak in' thin co lfalontial way; (langhter,jit i§ tirtitens that I should say' what - irobld not injnie .10' '- Buchanan at tfierSouth,inl what whtild'not in fare him at the Nortlitr- and; therefore, tre present state of the subject, 1 donut Ileent" it'_ accessary, to Consider the queition whether "it would make a slave or, free State. But I say this, that ifLit would 'hake/la - slave State, 'the ;:'.',;i'...;_',: , •:::*-1 .- t "..j'2.N.,,'.. - ....',..'...PYi'.!ei.-',..,..;'.i:;(.''.. r ~ aT'k s I oil' V 26 260 J 3 60 4 60 6 60 -8-60 9 00 12'00 10 a AUGUST 11 ~~'~=