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' " ' ''' • ' " ''''q- "" #"': -.. ~.•/,- 4 ,1, - '4l /o-0e". 7 .7.• r„. ~.R , 1-...2'., - ;;.,.. ~ - • '..- '‘'ct• 41 •----- Li- - Aro - .. - . : ~.1, 1-1 It' "- • .'s '•' - - ... . • ~r ~, --"" • . - -, .. 2:1 1 1 1. 11— 4.5,11..5e 4 • ,- f,"„-f , t , , ,1744 „. rg'! 4 +l-7 , ' 1044 e t ,s, ti".ll 4, 4 + " s.br. , I ig NW " ' iitY.6444,!; V- -4 . 0 • - e 4 `. 7 141.4..." "45 • - 4444. -4C ' ' • 6*.k 4.61 * , _ Vg- 4.: • , g, io • t MEIN .k_ Ely Viitsbargil pst.' MONDAY MORNING - _ FOR PRESIDENT , JAMES BUCHANAN, OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR VICE PRESIDENT, iouN C. BRECKINRIDGE, OF K ENTUCK Y Democratic Electoral Ticket of Pennsylvania. ELECTORS AT LARGE: CHARLES R. BUCK ALEW, Columbia. WILSON M'CANDLESS, Allegheny. Ist District: (LEO. W. NEBINGER, Philadelphia Co. 2,1 " PIERCE BUTLER, Planck Iphia City. ad " EDWARD W A RTMAN, Philadelphia Co. 4th " WM. H. WITTP., Philadelphia County. sth " JOHN McN Al R. Montgomery County. 6th 11 JOHN H. 13HINTON. Cheater County. 7th " DAVID LAUB Y. Lehigh County. Bth " OH ARLES KESSLER, Berke County 11th " JAMES PATTERSON. Lancaster Co 10th " ISAAC SLENK ER, Union County. 11th " FRAS. W. 1113014E5. Sr:buy:lBdt Co. 12th THOMAS OSTER II AuT. Wyoming Co. 113th " ABRAHAM EDINGER, Monroe Co 14th REUBEN WILBER, BraciftA County. 15th OFAHOE A. CRAIVFORI), Cltn ton co. lt3th .• JAMES BLACK, Perry County. lith HENRY .1. STABLE, Ad... Co. IFlth " RHIN D. RODDY, Soinereet Ibtb " JACoil TURN EY. Wet moreland Co. 70th J A. J. BUCHANA.N, Greene Co. 21st WILLIAM WI 1,61 NS. Allughouy Co 7.211 " JAMES G CAMPBELL, Butler Co. 23c1 " THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, Bauer 24th JaTIN KEATLEY, Clarion 15th •• VINCENT PHELPS, Craw fot .1 County 'MOCRATIC STATE TICKET CA:111. COM MIS,ION CR GEORGE SCOTT, • , F Ctt-sica VOIT , 1,741:1, L JACOB FRY, Jr., Moriroomrsor Co ,111111 , .iKAL JOHN ROW K, ( MASS MEETINGS DEMOCRATS OF PENNSYLVANIA ed " That:nit/II tonal and shall be preser• -.JACRY,N TR.! DEM 4 - Ft I'l SN,LN and all uthern fas•.: of p-esorrtng t is. Unt ttt t,l ,ttttt tt. tit.“ oettott3l3 tt tun gere I lot a et. n.. 1.1 ml hv Upon enema , f Ili; I C.•1,11I1111 , 1i. Mid t•Plttill.'l..l ..1',11.1.15, f ,;11•1141.10: .•1.,..hx11 I the State, ttf Otte Um-rt. any t,l•o;tittil) it 4111,1 thtt; MElll'lNi* Rill i~ boll at In Ittlltwttig tam." nut' of the fnet,ti,t c-tf .1 't A \ Pitt 1.1-515. mt. I JOHN C tll Fl\i.i Di./.I tt. At ERTL Ent t tolots.. 0 WETtN SS, 'tit tat f August. 1556 - • At PiTTSIOIIOII. Alleihrnp C ,tmty. Qti WEDNESDAY the iiith of Septectiber.lt,f,e, At l EELLKFO\Td.. Cult, C unt , • 11 NV I.:UNE:3I I AV. t I 21th of I,4lpirtuto•r At H • ftRISI3I . II , ), t Apt tel StAt.... ~n WI I .;I;,Ftft kV, thA let Ort.,t.r An lat HII. ADYLPHI A, n the 17th .1 ,-i.t..tut.et the Ant;, ...rears A the Adoptiou .1 the 1„',,,t,r61 nit .1 01 the I.; ailed zt..tt,,, wail rdnlnnot Democrats, from our own and •,than Stairs, be re.sont at all tires. medage, to oddrual rhea fell. + cidd•ons. cadet of th, DEMOCRATIC Sr t TT. CENTRAL THE CAMPAIGN POST It ts three months set to the rime Lion. NV, will iurni•h the 11,,',!ei P-zt to clot of ten or more dui ing that time for the low prire of Ttilßry CKSTS ea ,b d , !lar? will I,By for ten papers for the time New, how C•tti any good Democrat or friend of tha I" n;..n do t•ervtce in the c911,e Letter Limn I , y rowing ten dolinrs and sendlng f e r tLirty-t. , ttr for u e among hie meighbor- The P.,et th. war, - and contain in Itr amid , • column.- a Itrv , r !1111.,11i1 political intelligence than an} (Alter campaign paper we,t of The eurripk gn f n.fri about wv nii.l to ti.e e;eeli•.n wail i.e h are invoke.l. (heat eth.m• will he ma le - I.)etriocrazy it, prPpar.ur f • - an- of re.olved raid vig etLo t Let eur friend, the money (..r tweuty, forty or a humlre•l C'ampagyn /'.../..sauJ they will mu.;lot th,•n Deivh tors nudeistAnd all a l, w t it Our c.:ut., Lae are very large already. A i r. .1 Ode it avain . A. 411 in ni THE CURRENTEI ARV. WITH TA We have not ,ine particle iif iloutit that the cause cif Buchanan and the Union to Rattling strength every day in this country. A great many of the German voters, who were staggered by the sudden conversi..o of their newspapers, have now become thoroughly aroused. and are doing more to Make the truth known, and to ganise effectually than ever hefore They h a ve become fully aware of the r..rruld intiurnrev that aimed to buy their vote- for the chtidtdroe of a Know Nothing . convention Every , 1“). brings us fresh evidence that they will I e foot, ] this year on the -tie of the bem•n racy. SFe have been in t.evet al part.t,t the ,ntibts within ten daps, an,l can n whcl c find tlic changes and detecti,tls that ,ur ragging nect. prate al 1. 1)1.11 stand fit m, otre full of 2r,11 itud bpF tiur pui.lir 1111,t11,W are well and fully attrudod. and never bof„re mr.re otylitisia,uu ed The .tone oraoy L.roii,og for the eontest awl gallantly w.:l it Le !ought We depend on nothing but sober truth and sound argument: and the people ;5 easily undorstand the:whole 911b . j..0. There are but three questions to be answered iu the No vember election. Slhall the principle of popular sovereignty he maintained" Shall the Union be preserved " tihall the presidency be bought with money " The tir-t two the peq.le will answer in the affirmative the last in the negative. The indication, now Hint surely and unequivocally to such aLkhive.rs will g I , nger •,up Freninnt > n.,tes porters refuse tu huy thew Wirifeisit and those who think they hundenn i ely will find they are badly sold We will het a shilling that there are protni,, , , ry notes of John e Fremont in this eity. rr what the New Y.rk ba,h, eaye of their value. Here it ie " MAttli•v4l , STo , 6 NOT NE,uTlAßLK.—:Another of Chose everlasting notes ot J. C. Fremont's, for $l, - ,'lto or $l,RtlO, was hawked about Wall and other streets, yesterday, to be duiposed of et most any prioe, but no takers. .* t pheation was made, we understand, to Messrs. nuell,tlreeley, Raymond, and others, all ['mutts to the ~,148e, but not to the note, who politely declined —out ol tunic. ho. Bennett never will get his house at this rate.' INETTALILE Al+.l'lll , ll - 1".-All attempt is made to frighten the Philadelphians into the support of the abolition and disunion candidate 1.3 , threatening to take all the western trade to New York, where the woolly horse finds more irup port Some one pretendlug to write from t'u• lumbus, Ohio, Lad ix letter published in the Jour nal, of this city, and then the Philadelphia Tuner republishes it, arid expresses great alarm. Was ever gru.s an absurdity attempted ? A few fanatical abolitionists imagine they can raise up and tear down cities with a few puerile letters!' \Vhot next ' --- THE EXAMINED. AND REVIEW There are tw,, lieluucratu: papers in Wash ington county Lea ,we of the above titles: and they are among the beet papers in the State. They are hard tit work for Buck and I3reck,' and Nye cannot but admire the ahility and intelligence they display in their editorials and selections No cause can fail with such earnest and judicious advocates. AN011162 plan to absorb the Americans has been proposed by the Black Republicans. But it is promptly rejected. Sam is resolved not to be ewallowed by Sambo. Sambo's mottth waters fur Sam, but the latter spurns him andt6 offers. • 4* , 1 , j •' • - ' r • ! • ••• , . Never before in,.tbe history of the Democratic i party did such perfect harmony exist in its ranks. Private feuds are laid aside for the pre lent, and all Democrats and' all Democratic pa pers unite cordially foil the common and great purpose of crushing down a vast conspiracy against the Union, the Constitution and the very existence of the republic. At such a time Dern- ocrats know no duty but to serve the cause et' their country. This vast Massachusetts conspi racy must be exploded this year, and will be. Her money, her abolition orators, her disunion efforts and her boasts of power will all fail and be forever condemned by the yeomanry of the republic. And it is not Democrats alone that join in that stern condemnation. Old line Whigs by thousands join us in our good and patriotic cause. Thirty-three newspapers in Western Penn sylvania alone are earnestly at work in our cause: yet a lying Black Republican paper, the New York Herald, says thete are only twenty-four papers in Pennsylvania supporting Buchanan. We add their names below, and will soon give the names of the Democratic papers in Eastern and central Pennsylvania VOUST 10. Erie County—Erie Observer, and a German pa per. Crawford County—Crawford Democrat, Penn Sylvania Sentinel. Mercer County—Western Press. Lawrence County—Lawrence Journal. Beaver C•mnty---Beaver Star. Washington County— Review, Examiner. and a campaign paper Greene County—Waynesburg Messenger. Fayette County —Genius of Liberty, Sentinel. Westmoreland County—Argue, Republican, Democrat. Allegheny County—Post, Daily and Weekly Union, Daily and Weekly, Allegheny Democrat Republicans, tdaily,j new German daily. Somerset County—Visitor. Cambria County—Echo, Democrat and Senti nel. Armstrong County—Democrat. Jefferson County—Jeffersonian Clarion County-- Dem.,crat. 1 et:amp , County—Spectator. Elk County --Reporter Warren County--Ledger. Potter Cutiniy —Pioneer and tfem , crat Clearfield Ceuttiy- --Republican. Butler County—llerald. Some of them at least are unpurthasable The great mass of them are true, and will remain so. Money and a lie cannot buy them. 8e11,,b1 one example in the following affidavit Whence comes the money that is so profusely lavished in buying German papers There will he more affidavits:nut soon showing that in some instance• the offer- of money have been spurned. Three th,usand dollar, *ll9 offered for a German paper at Etwon end refused The Know Nothing. and Republican. think the I;ertnar , are mere cattle and can be bought and sold in the market }et the same bribers prate about Free Kansa. 14.1.,i tree negrnes " Here 19 the affidavit I=l 4 '‘tru , , HARMONY AND NEWSPAPERS ARE GERMANS BOUGHT! Si;-J o Pennayiransa, Sorthompron County. to • Personally appeared before the subscriber, n Justice of the Peace in and for void county, Jo, o h c o t e , e d i t o r th e fadeitenderit Democrat. a German newspaper, published in the borough of Easton. in said county, who being duly sworn according ti law, dual ma his solemn oath declare and say, that on or about the midddle of July lot, Henry W. Lowry. a brother of Major Gen Grove P. Lowry. of Kansas, having first colic deponent aside, proceeded to in q uire if he was p i op e i e tor an d h a d sole eontroi of the paper of which he wan the editor That Upon this dep • nen' answering in the affirmation, a::1 after some i con‘ersation had passed upon the prospects for nese of tine several candidates for the Prest ict - y. the stud Henry \t Lowry, further sa• that he was auth-rifed by certain persons t oay to hint that if he. the stud deponent would ”ut :101 faithfully support l'ol. Fremont he said deponent would remove three thousand I••' tars. Tnat they had the money ready. anti all they wanti was for him to pledge his honor th he s. support t 'ol. Fremont and the trediey -b oo b( l. e p ai d d . io n to him, in cash, b e fore be sli.mbl L, ic• i nired to take 11.11) ntoul. That up t tti, I, p. cent repty.o,; that he would not .t. , the conversation 'Ton that c,utuort en d e d on I they s eparated, ) Ned this deponent further with that the at ...le mud foregoing is substantialiy all that passed LiVet, bite and the anti Fleury IL. Lowry ui rela u to that sub j ect Jest sit t ~ I .K Sattl - ,re and subscribed August 4th, , me, lion E W yr . .l P CII/CASSIAN SL4VE THArVI ple eorrerponaent of n London paper may. quit-nal number of t'irraioAian slave loafer. an now in the Turkish capital, charge , ' with u„• disi,o-al of the numerous parcel,. of Cireasmi:in girls that have been for mane lime pouring into that market. Perceiving that when the 11118,11341, hall have re.nerupied the costa of the ('aucnFa- thi• traffic in white slaver will he ever. the t it dealer. have redoubled their etT(irte ever sin...e the Cl.aumetivemout of the ptaef. toe fen, sett, to intr.tduce Mtn ?urkei the peatmtt pott•:. nittulter of wunten. while the opportunity of doing so lasted. They have been vo Fuseestd . o:. notwithstanding the prohilutinn of the trade Ity the l'trte, and the prevenett of tt. , many Briti-tt ship- in the Itlat k Sea, that never, perhaps, at nn{• Fortner period, wit. white human ile-h cheap fiF roi th:n rwanent. There it all absoho, gitit w (Le market, mud dt.a:Cr' t throw away their goods., owing to the etten, , the. supply, which in mrtny hni , Lie u I,v .tvion under the BritNll thug. " grhol middling v“; wm th,.ught vviy utletrp Ht 11110, but at ILI !.attlC c) , tv f , ,r I CINCINNATI ENktUalle.ll.. I the very exchange paper , we w,.t now is the Cincinnati Enquirer It is a larve double sheet paper handsomely printed, and edited with admirable ability. The best evidence of its usefulness and firmness in the Democratic cause is the fierce assaults made upon it by the opposition presses of Cincinnati and elsewhere It is the subject of about as constant attack ni the pittsburgh loot. We like positive qualities, and a decided dissenter and the Enquirer has them iw good proportion. It presents, ton, every viderwe or prosperity. It is a faithful sentinel on one of the watch towers of the Republic, and we hope it will ever prosper I'II.I3IORK PAPER IN A I.O:UHF:NY ('oral fir-t number of the National American a Fillmore and limnenion paper, appeared yester• day It iii to be edited and published by a com mittee of the Fillmore and Iloneb•'ou Club, and will appear semi-weekly, and be furnished to eingle .i,ubseribers during the campaign at fifty cents per copy, maul to cl,i 4 bs at a lower rate . In this 188110 it convicts the Commercial Journal of " a deliberately concocted falsehood," and we presume will, if it takes the trouble, convict the editor of that sheet of an equally glaring one twice a week until the campaign is over After the fifth of November next the Journal will become more truthful ? We hope so. The Fillmore More In Eastern Ohio .4 correspondent of the Wheeling Intelltyrnrer, writing from Cambridge, Ohio, under date of August I, thus speaks of the FillFnore move in that part of the State. He says: " The Fillmore party, in the counties forming this C o ngressional district, in very strong and united: much more so, in fart, than I had expected to find them, being wrongly informed, as I was, by the 11 . - publicans. The district is composed of Belmont, Monroe, Noble and bluernsey. The party will poll 2000 votes in Belmont, 1500 in Monroe, and propor tionally in Noble and Guernsey. The organization is active throughout the State, and Mr. Fillmore will poll from 75,000 to 100,000 votes. In this t'ongres storml district the Fillmore party have nominated their candidate for Congress, their selection being John M. Bushfield, Esq,, of this pines," By request we re-publish this morning the opinions of Jefferson in relation to to a dissolu tion of the Union and sectional parties. WE wish our friends at °auto% Phiol Would inform as when Col. Jellle takes the stump for Fremont. woo At , • • :di! 4 4., #0 "'• 1 a `' .14:701r1"4 14114(.4 • ••• e ""',2 ' 4;T 11;f 1 ; 7 .- •• • ; " „, • , '• „ r, , . f .n'd4 t y>~++ ~ b j3•R ^-~ As the contest fcr the Presidency pi ogre-sea the quiet looker-on see. many rimmiing things; which the players of the great game, owing to their active and absorbing occupation do.not see in so striking a light. Some of these queer cir curost.nce. I propose rapidly to review The Know Nothing and Black Repoldican Con ventiot,, with a rare and beautiful unanimity, chose Col. Fremont for their candidate—he lie• ing thus made the exponent of pure Americanism on the one hand, and of Anti-Slavery sentiment on the ottier —bearing in hiaditlieult. path to pow er, tLe red flag of the exclusive K and the black and traitorous ensign of Harrison and Seward. No wonder he toils, and totters, anti eweata. Every one knows that Americanism, as con strued in the Know Nothing lodges, means oppo sition tii foreigners and fiireign influence of every soil, generally and especially the exclusion of Catholic , from public office—to this last article of their faith they are firmly bound, and solemn ly sworn. Consistency would require that the candidate of these sworn brothers should nut be a Catholic—or so it seems to us—yet we are il.- survd, by a gentleman, intimate in the family of Cul. Brant, of St. Louis, I the brother iu law of Col. Fremont, I and a frequent guest at Ms house, where Col. Fremont is also a guest for days and weeks together,—that Col. F. is a con stant worshipper at ayatholic Church, and that a Catholic prelate is his spiritual adviser li' aides this, it is not denied that his father wa- Catholic, --that his sister is a Catholic, and that he was married by a Catholic clergyman. No stranger evidence of any fact will ever be needed, even in e jutlistal trial thlit ha , Iteen furnished and (tan be furni.tted that Co'. ['to mont is a Catholic .\ ad yet he is the ratolidato for President of a party whese , worn ptirp.ote it is to keep lath lir'- .111 power Let no l'atholie suppo-e that we hook upon 1 \I F's religion as a reproach to him. r fl 4 a g- a reason why he should not be elected Pre.i.le , d Nothing could he further from or sentiment. , And let every Roman l'athnlir wh, fee! , ann. y. 1 or alarmed at the Id o4fe , r \me t in i. Lo , p o t away his apprehension - for does In , nu( .0e 11.,v hollow and insincere are the vows and oaths of those who would disfraneht.e hi ' Doe. he not see that the party that has keen slatted chii• ly on prejudice against the ratliolie ;reed. h stultified ikself by taking up for the Preeident , office, one Fen .Coder and olhofit,ont.it• yet a o deeply enjoy the anticipati "t . the " nentm , and despatch with willed. C o l Freto.)tit thrust from his presence 1.11.4 Know Nothing At,,, litiun supporteri, shoul. I Rcrcklit place him ta the Presidential .'hair. M.. , t s-,ureilly and tiny Pollock rann.it he Fremont'. coon., Lora. 'knottier feature of the ramtetlin et. seit,„l:l io be made soi is the an i meaner tar free soil friend. sae liroeks caner he attacked Gi,h I11141111v•I Mall. who I% 1/ , 4111 . 111. i , Si 111..y)(1.•11fy deesn, after being de:tten, tie red n„ 6t it due! Weld and knit n -•iudd and nut liking t.I v4J I, I fwad he 1. n cewitrl far t t,o, 111 ., mule 1 4 ..”1.1 tight n lII , ' h•• IV. rife:sl ,s. I i4lint Ct.IJI - Igl 4 , her • I4vn hr w—ul 1 11.. t hvht rimed an I It 11(1g:title t. v.ittar , y a her., •i tight, hr fltVloV the ltirn N w we , :tre r e Lt. knew hether he t':un:ll not t..l:r:-.sw b.- t t whelre P.urhngntne w, JI have ford,: : rana:ln than New 1 , rl., tia:l 1 i:co far nlvng, bbd we .!..n t ell.: et err I •.::: But we would 1 . 6. e t:. :he . her. the tentahie 11111 n Srtmnrr .rb But b w •101`• \I; 8U1.11,10.1.1t 110 . 0. , eS ; hrm -ay. lie i. le - 11- v 1.. r even wht•rerf the til••• s+Verlll,l7 . l,•i tth.• : : • 1, -, •.1 n Le e‘ee l• .E, ; ;Nt a loig, r-idt hrr,l ipfllt a. , nrc I• , •( I I . fnml ~! un, it- 4 .t , t1 \lv' It • 11 , 1,1 r,4 , ,t.1 , 4 01,0 IT•IA ibtirg . e . till! lin Lam hn•l •itty ,••! ?t••itt 1••' , .•11, t rt , I t 1•, ••• 1.. r ,:; tLi. ‘l , li• ••• 1,11111/rIl In though fritrrn , itt , f ,rll want tk.r ,tlt. 1 11. re, I/ tr I, ICr t,n of a Prof••••or. Ir It hr.r I 1, .• 1.-mr,rfts! k • 121 , 1 in 11,4' S , 011:0 . r \I r rt, a haired rnith a )114D 1301 ,, tl , th gr. k s ' 111.1 I i.,1„ . •., nti.l tint w! in.-.- I I, bin, th,t h, ! r -p L. !hag tt y arr.otc. qr. t n.l Ih,m IV . n, ut.t,n 1 , . \ )••!•... •, gr•ti).l). , ke It the :n eht r.-tdet , 1 that per 1.1111 tire. K9d a r , re nn l l'"1"nr 1 - ,,r Mr Pair hatlltt) , au i• 111,1 • f nn .I , tlll.l drturan•.r 11011 ~o4ch •11 it Joe , ttut !iittAt!! 4 ,, !h.' It , th,t ti/.• plbl.loS (01Ce hi•Li • I Om( their ..Pl , llotl, !!• pr—TN.l. I.rt 1..• Opt , 110 \ \IF“I. \\ 1% II 1 211 , 11 , 111 ft“t4v 1 I I •ir t;. it) C o mr“,reo l l Jour na! Let the 4 , 01,1 pole wlnc Ile truet the wither 4 ..1 ur etttell,kte , t w,ll 1 tinwrwq Br, 6, , wev,r, 1 , 1 01.1 tip, ,titaktat tlieroln enntwiled a, ft In:; br , ,r I , lq Itr nit that a party U II hp ' , ILu OMYYII , IIICIy by Iln poill,••t! or pr,,,.110e- r it !Mil toi• ti , 6,1,, Ilk•t t•et•it ntty 1,0.1 w tnitich t, ndr rt11(ligl . 111 iLr ,411:v•Ilit - 161 lii• C1,111.1'. Ile are willing that ear I,ellf...ratre their .1 it rt,ilhl lion, 7 ~r 11. , 11.111 .11..11 111. ,bierther f rhart,r, r: burin fide c.sts.orsher le city and cuunty sul,ertpti,n, art.l u r•ps.,l, ute. suhsrrirtznn We ,hail not irhiturt• fur public purpomen )hto tuts math, hut gro3Nly ineow.imteht with tho i.”,tion or rementative, that uo man who .taud- in It Nh.,111.1 be'hotue a eand . olate. 'llll he nue l ..e , and h, be Th, county specially re q uire, t whether it has them fir you- ; not, faithful, true and unselfish representative, at Har/1.-bUrg. The railroad in ter,' d are now interwoven will, the private revenues every Allier,, (Jur city and I . .plifilV are now pay ink) interest ou one +e,l l',lltoti.ll.m.i.. which way b.• tie procure „ , ~ 1 others or not, to 't ie ileiiee and purity which green oni foto], ci air iie i'lider these cir , ulustatiees let it lie ''aretully inquired liy the members of toirsiluutitig Vtbo•lbto all Who way seek their le ,. .?Iolm•11.1/11,11 t ,, for 13,s of the people `4/tIEI4I in II per :11.111.11dt, r , ref rOrcto these great interesp , . Have those who originated there priiiecis, the faith of Whore ttnutre Ihe I II) 1111t1 county per involved in the payment it iitteroes /h.-next/vex 111.0,1.1 Up to the Wink id tile, t , ‘113 lure, and vindiptted their o,wu sincerity :Ind dui 0 , , rce t e dness iy performing :heir owo obligations, id, the faith of which these railroad ''harlot- here ht tot procured, and these debts created • These comptinie , , whose ' w ere . / w ,,, , with those of ey i•ii bait, bore lo peal to the SLAW logIA/itUrr lor curb equitable rei i et and remedies, toe may touch the 1 --„. et yuiliidal or tion for the recovery of ea ch, for instance, as the retell,' b . , the or right to insist upon a cash inetalinent en those soli seriptions. Will it he piilitic iir proper, when tiii t is no scarcity of unsuspected material. to i„ either House of Assembly, any person who may be interested in the repeal of stk . !, jil,l legi 4 lellon, by which the subscriptions may be affected awl Ili„‘ may be released from their I aptiefll, ailhougu 1,, their means the Charters and City and Hood, may have been procured. We are all of us uu,etl,,v like men our obligations, through the City Cottrell, and County Commissioners, and scouting dishonest ble immunity: and shall it be tolerated that any stockholder cc sub,Qriher, who ),,) gritty of -cii..i/i by denying the untidily of his tulieoription or the force of his signature, which hes been ackuow 'edged by hundreds under like eireauletanees, shall be clothed with authority to shelter hinisell from Just responsibility which other, have honorably' nekniiii lodged and discharged ? It is not known precisely oho may tie candidates, nor is it intended to drag the names o f eac h d m '', quent subscribers before the public unless they them selves court publicity, by seeking power which may be used for their own benefit. But on e mag i c t ),,,„ puny, ,the Steubenville.) whose eoupous to the amount of $63,000 annually the taxpayers of this city an d county are now paying out of their own pockets, return $200,000 of individual subscriptions unpaid, after fire years, for which suits are now brought. Would it be wise to send to Harrisburg , tie defendant or defendants in any “t these suits • " 7 ' a a " ' " MAE For the Pitteburstb Moron r, THE CAMPAIGN Vet %ottle thr 'bet 11-1.1 r•,d,•l ” . 1 S!•1 ' • VI ly 14001) FAITIi _• v 3e .'.R {~. JEFFERSON'S OPINIONS OF THE Mlssol - 111 COMPROMISE FROM CONTEMPORANIEOUS , LET -1 TENS. On the 13th of April, 10020, he wrote to Wil- ham Short: The old schism of federal and republican threatened nothing, because it existed id every State and united them together by the fraternal i,nt of party. hut the coincidence of a marked principle, moral and political, with a geographi cal line, once conceived, 1 feared, would never to ore I.E• obliterated from the mind: that it would be recurring on every occasion, and re newing irritations. until it would kindle such mutual and mortal hatred as to render separa tion preferable to eternal discord. I have been among the most sanguine in believing that our Union would he of long duration. I now doubt it much, and see that event at no great distance, and the direct consequence of this question : not by the line which has been so confidently count ed off—the laws of nature control thliv--but by the Potomac, the Ohio, and Missouri, or more proha • lily the Mississippi upwards to our northern boundary. My only comfort and confidence that I shall not live to see this; and 1 envy not the present generation the glory of throwing away the fruits of their father's sacrifices of lire and fortune, and of rendering desperate the ex periment which wai , to decide ultimately WilPtlll - 1 . 111E01 i- capable ofself-government. This trea--on against human hope will signalize heir epoch future hi-Lary. as the counterpart the 1110,101 their predeceJe.lra Mr. ~1 lino, witmll,or of Congreqs, .uldre,u4ed Jetten.,ii H lettcr, which drew from him the following reurakuble reply Mos] 1 , ej I April 22, I w2il .• I thatik S.W. dear, `it% for the ropy you have loam -o kind to send me of the letter to your conatituents on the Niirrouri question. It it a p et feet ,u-aiti.:at.,„ii to thew - I had for a long little ceased to read oew-• paper,. or pay attention to any public affairs, ~onfolent they were in gaud handy, and content to t, a parrenger in our bark to the shore from who'll I am not far distant. But this mouten. tau.. q uestion, like P. tire-bell in the night, awa kenial and filled me with terror I considered it , I.i mice the knell of the Union. It is hushed, indeed, Fur the moment but Oil, is a reprieve 0 0 l c, not a final , entvii..t, A geographical lute. ooincoling with a marked principle, moral and p.1,1,.. a 1, an e e eoneeivetl and held up to the an ntc 1,,,,.,,,,i, of men, will never be obliterated and ot et y now irritation will !mirk it deeper an I deeper I can any, with conscious truth, tint there is no man un earth who would !serif'. e in .re than I w mil I to relieve na from this boavy reproach, in any prat-total - de way. The ces, , om d that kind of property i for it is so misname-i i ~ A iatgatelle which, would not cause me a aet ., .1.1 thought, if, it, that war, a genet al alllaliCliollioa at: i - o p.II , IOIIWe woill.i be edeeted , and grailli , ti' v. Mid with due • a,raises, I think it might be Lot to It la, we have the welf by the tau , , tod can neither hold hint nor sandy let him g. , .J,i-tie.l. IF in one wale and -spit-preservation m the othet I It . -ite thin:; I slit certain, that a t to• i•a ,, ~ze ~:' Ike -.lse f 1 .. in one State t• an t:,er tc...1111 tn.k , s ,late of n human hruo wt, NclitivUT it, qo their ror a ,:rt-Ater ,urface mide them it.l.ltcl.l tutu propi.rtioLla ily facilitate ~.,ronn.brnent a their emancipation, by 01,, the burtben otl n greitter number of coal An al..tinence, too, from this act of power, w old remove the jealousy excited by the untl., I I.ktotr. , l ~ ,rut.reas to regulate the condition , I .iescriptions of men composing n Tilts certainly ie the exclusive right f .he State. nothing in the Constitution hi t...lien from them, and given to the tieneral G..n r , Congre , o, for CTRMTIIe. V. 11.,i the non freemen of Connecticut shall t (reonen or th-it they %ball not emigrate to • • I rogret that I ard net t • die .n the th,t o ~f thern , el%ep I .••• I'll ion ..f I 1.• w.••••,u1n• srif w•••Ternir!o 11 - Ippltlt, their e itotry 1 , thrrwr '.y thr 111.1Wite 3.trl prk.,d •n•- I'd •r-4 4 .•••4• - . :,,•• I I- th • I • vr . "11.41 t•.• wort. :•Yrr ,• If they would 1•11 natlsly weigh th e y • %1V•1:. rrlnoldr • ••1r • r!!•••••,-.1 “?.' m 01 . 111 , I l nu - i • I 'l' f"ri . the.l.trretnlti . Ir., /-11,1,1 r z r !• -tet .1, I,: 111 a- it 11,-,talwr ios re'euU'l thrrateniur !ho quest iLoi i put • 38,1 •!,• ..r ere -T. rlsinp. Agnin nutter whit • lk One, (.1 ! :• hoe! tyll::e WA^ ^ 4l the It vr,rdli , ql. .• • 4 11 I in. y I.y .let.•ktwittor 01,r .:;.1 h, vilth them the 1 u ti,, • (I . ‘ , • becallno the fell) •vai it . .4 one eitaln to 11,11o•r. no Inure titan tilr l 1 a ono •••., intry to an „ Cher, !lever 1,141,t , n .1111 a. • r tine human being wit. would not he i<it without it In ketl, if thete ai.y morality in the, t ue.tion, it on the n il., -i Ie ; 1.. y al•reireo..d ti.ot.l ...or 11 lira •kn rftite., their w I he increaiiieil am the burden of their future lighteto• Lr bringing a greater nutal.er of t.lioulkler ler it. However, it ',ruled to throw lost H i t tho rye. of the people, an•l to Intintieik... thrk,!: while I. the k..otror . -io.- 15 gave a geograpliteo iiielionilerating to the I' itoniai• anil tll t 'hitt. throwing fourteen :ii , intr4 t•• the North An F. , t. ‘,•l 1111 to the 1 - •• oitla uu,l 11'rot \1:• :to l• ly a •011•41,11 f win the intittorttt it n ire\ nitenee, r f rlf I inizre-ii llrr ..„, iiiit !h. 1 '.011 . 4 1. ; t11it . ':1 arriigitr the right 111I' 0 , 11,11t:“Jii f the If, st tte.. ut•ii•itily Inv, flit 1.1'. , 0t1.'y trill, do con 111:... .1 14: Coe I tilt • h',ll io• tips( rkl krreitirn . which u'white , ',mill ”f the l'“toinve un l Ihe 0,41 t., ii.t t f..rtu'i 'Also oat; 't it lir.; Itt• wr,tr ltecenibt r 2tl, 1.alla)alli. •11 ,th u•• thitig. are gotsig w.' ll Th.' I '''. -••t f lilii•rty, :lever witliiint 111. i (Mi t t from Nlts&tutiri ist flow r.,timr , • I+4; I WO] 3,` IVu I/111. .14110 I, t'r all utile, II t- mt n mural .im•stiott. (slit .Pll4. Illerl•ly ultject 1Y Itt rat g t •..;, t •ai Jti It,r the hithitse ul the l'rt atul it muse will Ito kept up until tlott itn the 112olof Janunry, 1!•21, he Wrote to John \.faro our anxiety in .•itarter ar,-; all colleen tinted 11l title tpletittUll, n'hnl bee the holy alit :ince In and out of Congresis mean" And this, liy "the bye, in Litt the [lathe of the case; it 1. only the 'Joe mint Ittehard Roe of the eject mew The real question Ito soot in the 811110. tliiileted with thin UP fortunate population is, are •davoi- to be pre,ented with freedom and a .lancer VOr if t'ou! , ress has the power to n. oilote the condition itf the inlmiiitants of the Sts , ,, within the runts:', It will be hilt another that power to declare that all shall );e free Are we then to see again Athenian and I. Intl/Milan eoule lerneiec " TU wage another I't•luloor+~ottn war t., settle the Li— t x eo ilia it lOr in that' lII.' tof , III of merely a et tie war That rew:tms to be seen : hilt not, I hope, ttn.l rue. t.4ut.ely they wall pants) .tv,ll,lc, ,Itt Hiatt Li. g;•1 oat tit the way.' ;4; the ;i•t of .IHattia.ry, alluding to the edit ration Or the sons of irgittitt at the North, la' •• I I 1111kily , if our youths she t Harvard i now La , , learning the len.oouo of anti.Nti,isourialii-iu I Icmnc imi, lot a gentleman littely'from . Prine,. t,n t,hl me lie •aw there a li•it of the student, at !Wire, nll , l that more than half Were Theme sill return home, Do doubt, deeply Ituri ., —. , ed with the sacred principles of our holy alliatil.V of I . II , triCtILIIII4I.Ii 11l It. I . :111 of r'ebruary, 1s:21, he wrote : 11, Cfear, do not sett the speck in our ho- II) which is to burst oil lotus a tornado sooner o r later The line• of division lately marked Le iween lilferent porti,o•- of our confederacy, it u, h as will 111 vet-, I fear, he obliterated Vier the storm had passed over, he wrote, N.I; 4.atayette : ; hi the eclipse of federalism with to, though not its extinction, iw leaders got up the Missouri ;luestion, under the false front of lessening the mem'ure of slavery, but with the real view of produeing a geographical division of parties, whieh might ensure them the next rre,ident The People of the North went Idindbad e d into, the snare, following their leaders for a while with a Zeal truly Inaral and laudable, until they I,eanie semailde that they were injuring instead aiding the real interests of tile slave, that they bad been used merely av tools for ele c ti on _ erring purposes; and that trick of hypocrisy then fell an US it bad been got up." Such were the opinions of Thomas Jefferson upon the Missouri compromise line. Vet Black Republican. , are claiming now to be followers of , Jefferson. Are suoh men ignorant or dishonest" A court martial has been had on the mutineers ! of the Tipperary militia. Four were sentenced to death, and two more are handed over for trial n)• the civil power. REIM MEMIIN= P I 'P T S' B I' It (I II Reddiny'l Ru.vlia, Salve.—lt, is a Boston remedy 4 . r, 1.114 - "E,', FIRE AND MARI NE of thirty: T years'tr.taniling, afiu is recommended , by physteians. Wit Is it sure iii 1 speedy core for .I.V.l'l'/CA SCE (;(0/P.I.V )", ~. 1 bIIVI9, piles. bolts; corns, feLobs, ehliblains, and old ibre4l;if ever kind . ; forever sores, ulcers, 0013....NER, OF „ WATER ANI NI A ILIUM STREWS Tim L cuat. P . 8e4 :7 0. 1 )13. ' Ai. u. Ti ti , i, /; : i l 4Z 2 T, ries ":. idont. )tak, Licalii head, nettle sore nip -pies. recomulenided by Barges,) whitlows, sties, soMo,Coisoeuy thak,s eXors iron:want:6 Appertainliig to festers. flea bltes, spider sting frdien limbs, oro sernsi with LIVE RISKS salt r h eum. scurvy, sore and erne* lips, sore Ai:, agun,,t 111:1,1. AND CA 1t.1 , / RISKS on the 111,,,, ms.l MthiNsippt Riverflealli trthillarlen, hod MARINE ItthhS no ' e, warty and flesh wounds, it is aniost value generull) I,le remedy and cure, which can be testified to by And ltiC ,, lo , t Lo. sad konag , . by Fir , end against tier thnu , nu,i4 who have used it in the city of Boston Porn, ,o Ow :. , on ith.l I t.itthd :thyleolleit mei Trnvortatioti. and vicinity for the last thirty years. In no in- Potietea i.nnsi at the loweot rat. corms - tont with safety to all until,,. 1 stance will this Salve .lo an injury, or interfere with physician's prescriptions. It is made front the purest materials, from a receipe brought from Rnssia—of articles growing in that country--i and the proprietors have letters frinn all 011issefi, clergymen, physicians, sea captains, nurses,. and others who have used it themselves, and' recOld mend it to others. Redding's Aussie Salve isput in large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with a picture of a horse and a disabled soldier, which picture is also engraved on the wrapper. Price, 25 cents a box. Redding & Co., proprietors.. For sale by B. A. Fahnestock & Co., FleM ing Bros., R. E. Sellers & Co., Dr. G. H. Keyser and H. Miner & Co., Pittsburgh ; Beckham & Nl'Kenn au, Allegheny city. DlREcTorts. Ilolwrt Galway, Samm.l %I'Clmkan, J... 1,11 I'. tinJ.Zlllll. . Sc,,tt, J woos MKraftil I, Dur James W. Iladmat, eltal 1. V ilattittwt, .1...1,11 S Julia Fullertou, Jlnuntinld 11. Itruwu, David 11. Chmill,vre, Christ Mu %mg. Wlllinm Carr, 1.1..A....rt 11. I.lm - tley, J.. D. lacti ill. fehl9 EUREKA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PI I'TSBLI ROIL • JOIIN H. SLIORNI3I.:IttiLIt, I'reeid,•nt. 1101iEltT PINNKV, tiectetnry. C. W. BATCH alonoral Agont. WILL INSI'RK AGAINST AI,L KINDS J H. Shor.bre gor, C. IS. HatcheloY, boo M. Pro tiork, W. W. Marue, It. T. Inier.ll. Jr. lirwitge S. 61,111V11, DXVlClllorni 41 All laionsiiiir.oaiireil 1r) parlor, 11111111.1 laid, / 1.114 by , rill l.e Lborally 2LIIJUStO , III[I.I pr•r•lpr ly pant N WATER. STREET. py WESTERN INSURA COMPANY, Ergruntraeri • I M. eloanorr, Secretory . Will mean. 114,0115 t oil kinds of rl.k 1. ' ,'At.l\ M. All Losses will te• liberally wij st4te4 an I • iprir 1..1. A Ilion , I net ilittion, lunrlalt l irj U • . 1 k nee n enuunnuity, and who are 4:1 , 1 oc:Icol. protuntnew. 111141 litiornirty, L , rurontain th •lyr aIL [boy have arentimod, SD offoring thy host pro' • .1 to ti, •• wttodeaire to be inaured. Dlnitetolta---R. Miller, Jr.. 0. W. Rirketicon, .1 I. tier, M. Holmes, Jr., W. 11. Knuth, C. Thula., George W..i i n. Andrew Ackley, intnow Lippincott. George ykwde, I, a • ' I Auley. Alexander Nicole:, Thocow. Seott. W 0111.,„ No. ir2 Water AtiOrt, OVrlrehollf. of Spann & Co, up staira,) Illteburgh. novV:ly Tua..lii rizn,oN A. A. CARRIER 9 M. CASBJER A. A. CABELIER & BRO., No. 63 Fbu tfreets, A U N 'l' S State Wattled Fire and Marine Ineurane Co., 4! itAItitiHIURII 021 P/TA L, 1C150,000. Girard Fire and Marine Ineuranre Co, PHILADELPHIA c9P/T.4/., $300,000. Insurance Co. of the Valley of Virginia WINCH %A. CA PI TA!, 5:300,000. Commonwealth In•uranee Company, HAP. th,Buttn. $300,000. Connecticut In tit cal Life 111•ItrElllet Co. /IA c.l l' AI.A Vl AN:4TX 52,154,449 Penn•yllvants Insurance Co., of PITTSECI.I.,H t'A I'l r.ll, .4 .Nl , .1 ,St:r 1,, $1'251,t1 , 4•4 4 U. LPr y . • A A etxx.ir.* Swritqlsi y .1... 11,41.r1y PEKIN TEA STO}i GREEN & BLACK TEAS Purrlot.,4l 1, 4 u CASLI. •iot ~.11.mt.te ,tll th,• ~stlolcrtt slt,l cratiet , of 3 t 1,41.1t4ht to tho A 41.4 1111,1 PALL W ESAU , : A NI. EFT 111. 1 rar V E I . I. 1V E .- II P 111 L. E PACKED TEAS, PET EP IN AIEIALIC PACE. AUES. xt.r.,.•i) I. tit, TEAS 01' ALL BY Tll6 HALF CHEST. II IFF . .. 4 12.1 A IC, ciItmArLATE „r , h , .U. 1 ,1••• fur sal, 1,154 1.41.111,68 a lur, suaraLL... is 111 1 ,, rtpri....111...1 Ali ENT. A F. I,IC , \ rAllll.l' NIF:I , II.INES S. .1 A Y Eti. RE I (.I IT 1,1 NE. - 4itiAfg wa , .7 4 11 §@rfil _ . . rrillS LIN E\V N' P "". "4 ,1 " " " ."ilu mod.. FM!111=I!11 sAMUEL FAUN EsTock, INIMITER DEALER IN FOREIGN AN!) DOM ESTI( HARDWARE. No. .3 Vood siren', betwerts Inamood alley and Foorth street, aa- lIC 141/bmgcritt, srt tt.)m. 1.4-1 , 14 a.", it mast 1.4,0 L MIA IA •••1 nix% % •L. ..•. a gviker3lll.4MX ttu••nt te,qw. Mail) •i,“i•-nr Imo FIIINE:Tt 43E. I=l JAMES COLLINS & C 0 .4 Forwardi%; aLd Commission Merchant, II ANI, I i 5 'WA •LIRkIKT, PITTSBURGH, PA • RIIODUS, If 4GEN 1h CO, VI ) RWARDINti A\ 001)11:,S11)N MARINE ANI) FIIIF, RISKS. o. :44 FT HI STREET, oNE D". EXcIIANGE BANK PtlN6nrgh, .01 Ph .1.1 htel— 11=Ell =MEM IM=I e Iv. I=l fllflnamnnrmm.nvn,Umfl •r ',3;t11.•r appi, I=l '4 Ito -.1. • ....I 13= Collins' Pittsburgh, illeadville eIL Erie 11E,ItCHANTS, tl , l : ‘Nlttlil "tr., I9?4411. (I j , PITTSBIIUiII STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JONES, IST Si' EEL PLoW AND A. B. STEEL ‘NI) Vorurr Ho.. and First Street., l'A D. H. It (.; ER S X ('O ANI ri HERS OF WIC Kits 131 PROV Ei• PA.IF,N7 STEEL HILTIVATOR TEETH, CioRNER R.L.MS ANI. FIRST STREETS, I'. ALEX. HUNTER, IMMO FLOUR. GRAIN., BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, A 1) PR 1)/) CR GENF:A' Liberty street, do 1,4 p... vtrrlinuitait. JAMES BLAKELY, I'OPEIN %ENT 111)CONIEIMB, Corner of Sev•rith tnd Smith6el! Vreas, VlTT:qtuttuti. rbusotigorn frkati t 6.• uld rilllllLry to Pitt. mon,ye i viaitt44l (0 Romp•. !no,:a W li. SMITH, ....W. W 1111 it MAIR & HUNTER WHOLESALE UltOCElt Kecond and kit Front st„ I g Mi El El EJ II M 9 mANuFAi-ruKERs CH I SON F It N A (7, s; li'l'ouir2l ;von 'Tubing, A N Fl 7' 'l' N GENE R. 4 /. Y, Par W arming and Vent ila thug Buildings. thr $ A. will Lontrea t for W.ll/illg and Venttlatii, by Stearn or lint Water, Piva.o Chilaidfs Furnare,Church aa, Schols, Hospitals, Fato! irs. Court Jail, or N o M A It h li' PT it Pittsburgh. aylti J no. K. KOWIII, hate of flu:14:111.1s, ii,dwa“ IX 04/LIS, Philn LIM= KOONS HERSTIN FLOUR FACTditS, AND Gene) al Produce Commission Mei ,:hanis, 47 North Wham,..au.( IVltter .'rrrf beit,W st•rna, =ME IGti.nh v. Wol.d ward & Bo no, K....0.11s A C•• Pitts'h ((Loren. MartinA Co. W ilma" h Co. " W.. 1 k illtver, 8.•11 A Liggett, Slit,. I ri,, k Co, •• & W. lieu, Ca ~b g Cu. fnwaley. emigrate A Truitt, orother & " Watt A WilSol3, J. b. Lehner &Co. Cincinnati. Fc.,dick & Ponlds, Cincinnati A. A. P,illock A Co Morrow & Gelber •• Tweed & Sibley, J. S. Chenowetb A Co. " And Pituibnrgh and Philadelphia Merchants genotally. Jaldalkpctltn _ RIGHT'S PILL and fur solo by ( gross , just reoeived YS I ) Nil BROS. Sir' Have 'Von a Rupture of the Bowels! —1 worMI most respeetfnlly invite the attention of these af thrted e ith hernia or rupture of the bowels to my splendid [motet Trueste of various patterns, and to suit every , avid ied nod guarantied in every ease, at my Mace, N... 140 W... 1 street, Pittsburgh, Pa, sign of the ; toiler Am. ing oho Trueses sold by me will be I.,tin G. W. Ca., VV. N. Nuni T. 14. H. D. John A. Cung hey H. Hrynn, .11arA's Radieal Purr Trust; Preheh Trues, r-Iry sprmi ; 11:0,1 Priaslic Truaes ; ('hildrens' nuszes, sinnle awl liP4bil 1 na/111.i Truaror, children.? and adults; Eliptic Sprins; Taus; Dr. S. S. dch's Supporter Truss ; The price of Tresses vary from $2 to $3O. Hernial liiiptored patients can he soited by remitting money and sending the ronaenre evened the hips, stating whether the rupture loon the right of left ride. I olio sell and adapt lir. Ban nine's Lace or Body Brat"; for the cure of PrObli, 41,, Uteri, Weakness of the Chest or Abdomen, Piles, Chronic Diary himi, sod any weak nesadepending an o weak and dehtli trued condition of the abdominal muscles. Dr. l'itch's Abdominal .Supporter ; glaric Abdominal Iklts ; Elkodtc Bells And nearly every kind of Supporter now la use. I also tell Shoulder Broca of every style, for weak cheated and stoop shouldered yt,rw. glad, Stockings, for broken and varicose veins. „Susp,,of Bantlooor, wf all kinds. Sgrov2 of erery oari.ty and pattern, and in fact OrfiTY k mechanical appliance need in the cure of disease. bk. KEY:IF:ft weld stare t., persons In want of Braces or Tro,oos that he can ,•ft,t, send to out the patient by writing, I. ,r .hr or. I.rtt. r i• , the patent and apply the Tools .r Addrese 101 t LIEU. H. KEYSER., 140 Wood et., Sign of the Go!don Mortar THE ALLIANCE INSURANCE CO., OF PHILADELPHIA. LI" 113 LEGI.LASCAX OF PF-NN , TLVAI , OA, 1634 CHARTER PNRPETUAL- CAPITAL $300,000. Other No 59 Walnut St., Philadelphia. •;:! L , , , F ‘.O FOR FIHE AND MA RIPE 1...V.517.11.4-Nllf ,TATESIENT. All thr,r;re,l Capital 5300,000, GO, ext , : tA I paid up Total Asnrt_• little for losawi CaNSISTING OF r 1,1,1 and 11,,rtgague ou unincumbered Heal Lstatr, end Stuelc3 of pur value $182,600 00 4.101 nt,,k Votes, bearing 81x per cent, mlereet 28,196 Ot Cab QA lr.wi ouJlu the hands of Agent5....._..26,744 18 bill, F;:rvirnlk 14,390 00 P lorlatty. Esq., Wm. W coihwa, lit .1 P White, Et.i. .1 - Esq.. J ‘ll,llkl, Thi+ n L. ,rtity. that I have critically, and by a per,* axat , ohati.4l ~t the capital, aaiwt., and ■ecurltaea th.. A; h.n:e In.urme. C. , nipany. of Philadelphia, IMO. th.• stand:off uh.l rovonsibility of said Institution I .•, Lod. I .•utirel v clear it, my roavic.goas. that ..( . ..top.4l:y M.... no 1111 in Morigng, I,“uml•criql double the ammo ha. II I 1,.1411.1110 it niorigliged. My investigations My n fl .1 .0 , MIA ,k,11,!.1 /Ig, all.' itre,i 01 n'.l, I tnkr 01..asuAr in fniying that I have hevn wah 11..a,naln If An. , t:n f ~il,leu 1,1 1,, ,t101,1,1' 4blllty, and wot In I, it 191., h vtni.•mt•rtti or legal MILLA.RL 1,114.4'011E. If. firm r H. H. Myrick h Co. Phila. 11141.-r. 1%11, Jetikiud, Jr. ME= =1:1111111 Y. i 6,1. 11. Audio, Buffalo. - :%•::::::”ty • • FIRE INSCSANCE on buildings, I ARINE INSURANCE oa ti...vb. • 11.1 : LAND INNUIL.I.NCE goof i: 11 :• • : I • . tnu. .pi %Al ocoorwoodati • I ‘11.1: • lb i tatiCe. LUKE 'IAAFF Ageu/. ; Ni.. Nt Wotor street. Sittobu .. ol, CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. ‘l, - I LLI AM ItAGA4Y, Pr dent. II 1 NIVEL L. !SI A 1(81iFILL, I) Pit'A • : , J 4 Niele,en Itfurkel and Wont drab LOLL AND ceauu RISKS, on the Ohl, M Iributatice. 1.0 i.. 4 m t ;ftlant Lone or Dallifige Ly FLR A 14. , . l'on6 of tho Inland Navigation and Tralisp..rtativii. 11M3= ley, JA.tiws sutural Men., f)“l,lap. Jr., M Ih•r,u,xll, I I ktt 1.14t41., lir3 hut, COMMOAWEALTH INSURANCE CO. twit R s (- G , PENNA. Chart.. red Capital, - - 41300,000. ty_ I usn I timidln es and of her Prx.perty against Loam t by Ml,7t/111t Portia of tla Sea, Ititand Tranap.ria HON CAMERON, President. PEN.). PARKS, Vico President s. S. CARRIER, Seer shay. t A CA RR, ER, Agent, Fourth and Smithfield. ijelteni DEL.tWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, ~ F FICE, F. R. CoRNER THIRD AND WALNUT STS., Philadelphia. ea- MARINE INSURANCES on Ye4sk.lB, Dirgo, Freight, to parts of the world. IN LAND IN'SURANCES OR GOODS, by Rivera, Carnal•. slos :its] Lana Carrlves, to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCE ON MERUHANDIZE generally. Us 11..tisea, Ac. Assets f the (Innpany Not.o.mber 6a, VMS. ll“adx, NlArtgagee mid Real Ee3svie 4101,0 W iki Philadelphia City, rind other Loans 88,210: rio ,t..ck to Itanke, hatiro.' and !insurance Co's 23,060 10 1:111, r”...1N able 188,440 Pi :0,1 en head ,„. 103,g26 I.ri italanees In bands of Agents, Prentinnet on %I rmo PoHewe recently tialUgNi, and other debts doe the Ll.luipany l•lnbewription Notes.. Wllll.im Martin Juieph It Sc I.:dmut.l A SAAlder C Dann, JoLon It. 1.•nfir,.45, tievrge 0. Leipvr, fldwfirti Darlington, Jr. R. M. INsto;.. - , 111Uian~ C.. I.ll.lWig, II ti .411 ("nag, James PA.. - nal R. titokes, Henry Sloan, Jaya. B. McFarland, Charles Schaffer, Robert Burton, Johu B. P L bOa , Pittsburgh F, 7. Morgan, I T. Logan, `Nal. Prnaident. C. BAND, Vice President. I VARY LTISIURN, SA,rettlry., P. A. m....w0u,u., A.gont, jaPcly P. Waters treet, Fittabursh. Speneel Mules Kelley, II Jon. Brooke, J U. JoLotion, =MEM V IA I FACTI RERS' INSURANCE COPT, OF PHILADELPHIA. 111hTEII rtIirETUAL--+IRANTID 115 TUt STAT C..I22NNOTI.V.LITTi. l'harttrkd Capital, eaoo,ooo. PI le F. .t(.l /IVE A ND I.V4AND TRANSPORTATION A Alt..M IAPPINCOTT. Ereehltmt. ORRIV ROGERS, Secfetary. GEORGE YOUNO Treasurer . ritt.bUrgil, Pa A.r., !,. Upplor,qt, CV - .lllaut R. Thomas, ma 11... offi.oLh.m. Vellum Neal, on holam U. Ta3l.a. Alfred Weeks, irrin Itwi,srs, Charles J. Fields, J.•su I" ratilone, James P.' Smyth. 4.4—Ttils Company has been organized with &Cub Capi tal, sad ths ltiieutors hare dotertnined to adapt the business to its at sash!, resources. TO a.lit.o - VO prudence In conduct iea its affairs, with a protripl adjustment of lows*, '' ' Pittsburgh Ode's, No. ;ti Water straet. 3. NEWTON JONES, Agent, RRPBRERCER, The fullowiLg well known tod rsstrpoosiblo firma In Pitts burgh haves ethorized referee. , to them, with Nord to the oabiltty and s.tuudosss of the Altutufacturers' Insorance Cowpwuy. Bremer & Rohm, Wilson, Childs & Co., George P Smith & C Ltampton & Campbtql, Jou., Tierean & Co., LI. Childs & Co. Lale of Pittsburg4 PI %%S1 LVANIA INSURANCE CO. t PITTBBURGEI. Cornet o Four, 1 and Smithfield 8 AI-rib:RIM CAPITAL, $300,000. I wo,. Bufiding, %ad other Property against Lose or o, • • by F,. o. and th- i'ordd of thoSoa and Inland Nay,- grd ,b 0 1411.1 Tr 4119 p rtLICIOII. PLIILADK PIIIA . . 4eorg e W illr I. Grier BpreJl, A. J. Jonee, ft. WeVt=aisa - UOl 7 w-ON MNM2 MlM!!ElE!2=====;=o MEE= James filll, Pg., Beni B. Myrick, EFq , J H. McColiey, Egg., P. Wyckoff, Merl., Wm. H. (Irby, Ruh Boni. 11. Austin, Psi. I' M. tic )1(1 ARTY, ?maiden ECTIBEIM !Jou lbstry lialtlwin, Sy EIELIE DIRECTORS. Capt. Mark Sterling Banana' M. Kier, William Hingham, John S. Dilworth, Francis Sellers, J. Schoonmaker, William B. Hays. (Mx= Jithn Shipton DIRECTORS., James 0. Eland, Theophillse Paulding, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr. Joshua L Pricy MARINE INSURANCE. FIRE RISKS. EEC= Di RECTORS. H‘.l3 . Pattarsou, Jacob Painter, W. 31:Clintock, Jae. P.Tanuar, W S. Haven, D. E. Raz*, Wade Elacaptop, D. M. Long., J 14. 3coei; aR. 4 34161141. OFFICERS. ]'rra.lraf. llou. WU. F. JOHNSTON. PralAtg•nt ..... RODY PATTHRSON, Seeyand Treaa..—A. A. OARHIER. y P-4, 44 A HAR E ; ca 1800 ACRES OF- T ~ Jac.' O RE LAND tc.mBE:p4II29,O ilfdvd j able retire!, or in ozehruige for =properly InAlibeitiik* comity. Thii Land ie hearily.thnbored,un4 ileoraum,uloatiptirithe Cladon titer. in Forest rowdy, edtherctliejtnaheziniti bet Boated ant and brought to market.' ! Jr contains an hiLIiVEN FOOT VIIN dr' GOOD GOAL U.d.; a large portion of 'Onion& ; Iron Ore tind In abundance upon It; and !banal 15 gtotaltdlo ll ltil A itATLROAD ' sunned:wow it, and, - will no 'an' bt4iirlbnitt;*Nan.- . part of • line of tallroluln fecon , New The soil br good and. geueardis 1ay51,404 , gun thatanialof a - region ttuat will noon to un!ot,thttbeldstluttling ,Icitaf or tho state. Tbo 1800 acres Ile together In a indyounternkbe aolduraf , :bargain. to thellurchaser..,,Rngith•het, VTIOMAS. WOOD' Re•LXll_ nub .. - .Ateietargumumigiv.- - two OAS 0011Pa1t 1, DrirIOEXIX—,_Th bi 4 .19g{ili d the PITTSBURGH 4111 S COMPAN Y ro; . declared a Idvidead -of Me ,per - Ceat,but of theproslug the teat aixmoutha, on the Capital Stock of the ClesoPM, payable to Stockholders or their legit tiprtteetitatlitioi -,-7 r with, at the Office of the Company. •-- - ' , ef.. -- : , -z".• - .I.A.blEn bI..CIBRINPri Teessigei 1 office of Pittsburgh Oise 4.?4,iitoy 14, 03.56 , L4 018 j - I, (r - 7. DOLLAR DLVINGD 'BANK —No. 66 Boum( 11,...) , " SHIM —JORRID..ILEW BUILDING,--Depostts must bó made with thittaitAtutieh.Dt the meth ofAuntie in order to dydv Yntdetirt fib's! July let. Jai) CI - -A.COLTON Wear, NOTIOEMYSHIPPEIRS: , --- On and aner4lo..2tb,, Julia of Lading must be handed hi at the Federal attoot fita, t ion before ; o'clock-P. AL of the day of thlPMent,--'Ol4O - Ise, the Company will not pay charges, or.in.any,manner ble rtiponstble for their collaeWn. 1: If. MOORA IY7 AitiPerbatelPt,.. NEW ADTERTISEMMS. DOLLAR SAVINGS Na. 65 /bur& Streit, ' NunnLit ROOM, JONES' NEW . Is NOW OPEN daily from, U. to g stso, on Wednesday and Saturday eyenhigsf.fnlnt pug pe.. uctoher, Inclusive, from 7 to 9 trctocii atiitalifbri;llroWker. to April, inclusive, from 6 to 8 o'clock. - • • Deposits remised of all sums not less--thaP:0 1 1,,, n ,M 0 14 3 , ro awl a dividend of the pllts declared. kikleasi jeer , in. 31 10,„ ,_ !\ and December. Interest was declared at tins retei.ofuhr cent. per annum, on ,Gie fleet of PeccaullOrt ll9ss V 6l, 9" l the 64 of 'Tune, 1858. Books contain i n gO l e.,c449r,_s l3 Yillik l B4laltoalabSlP ittHerfiktinikdiergiiitia cm' aPpooliuma Prarident.-.4IEORGEAMM3334 PM simmers. John.ll. Shoentiergeri, Charier raw . „ ' N. Grattan htirtfdiy, ;- Theoballilimbstaettlit;,;.,;.; Isaac M. Puma* William J: Anderson.. - TIMIS% , John G. Backofen, James Herdmart, Hill Burgwin J 'lmes Albert Culbertson, John H....E.trkpatrick,, Robert Chester, SAavely, , J. Gardiner Coffin, John D. 31'Cord, Alonzo A. Carrier, Walter P. Marshll); John Cosgrave, Wilson Minim " Charles A. Colton, . A. hf.!Pollcake EFran. G. c Edriugton, Haag . • is Bea, Rolm. Slab, George F. Gllhnore, JAW% James S. HOOD, ' George S. Seldwi„ William S. Slaves, Alexander Ttridle. , Secretaryand 7'reastam.--CHARIES d.'00404. [ruddy Hopewell Hepburn, George EL White, William I. Johnston, JAMS, W.liallman, Alexander Bradley, William Phillips, GREEK FARM IN ALLREIBLENY VAL LEY AT ArCTION.—On TIMItSDAY eveningeit4 21st, at o'clock, at the Merchant' litreluunteiliourtbst., will be sold 119 acres of tne well known Greer - Firm-in Plum township, situate on the Allegheny river about ten mike from the city by the. Allegheny Valley Itiliroad. 41dS desirable propetty I.e Nos. 1 and 3 in the sub-diriator(of the Farm of the late David Greer, dec'd, and allotted.i'f ley Greer, Pao-, who Is determined to sell. Lot No. r ises 104 acres and 4t perebet bounded by land° of. Caleb Lee, J. Holton and others, and hsit a few rods [roil Halton Station Dopot. Lot No 3 comprises 64 wires &SW 19 pefelt*, bounded by lands of Peter Bright arid others, and on It situated the celebrated never-ailing Sig Spring" of eta water. and capable of supplying over The above are beauttftdly situated, coinmandirig.sPleAdia views of Allegheny river sceuery, and offering line sites for con utry homes. Mr. Sand. Greer will shoe the property to any wishing to view it previous to sale. Tritars—One-fourth cash one-fourth In two years,ll6% on death of the widow, an d balance in six years, with.lnte est semi-annually P. 91. DAMS; stall Auctioneer(' $210,698 00 40,140 TS r 40,836 16 ,250 836 lb 25 HOUStB FOR SALEI—A neat two story Huuae on Carroll street for $l4OO. As.goed Hondo of four rooms on Mt. Washington, with -IgVt. of, Ground, for $lO3O. A House in Manchester for Brick Douse on Marion street, $l5OO. A latsoftrickafonse. on Front street, $5OOO. Two Houses and Lots 10. ?Oath. Pittsburgh at $lOOO each. A two story Mouse in Mariebieter $3OOO. A uew Cottage HOMO of Bee roomit, on me %nth itigton, for $2OOO. Three houses at oornetocFiankilii-azult Kim streets, $l7OO each. Two Briok Hammon Pride Street. Two Brick Houses OH WO Canal, Allegheny City. -A Pismo House an Realms street, $O5O. A House oulloblninititreer s with good Store Room. $l2OO. A Have story Houss'on Ohio street. Three Brick Houses ou Walnut street, Allegheny. A Brick House, No. 80 Liberty street. Two Mimi 0 a41)IF" rub street, $l2OO ear For Houses, Lots or ' tiarms. call at our office.. ' null S. CUTHBERT k , SON, 51 Mistket STEW GOODS--A. A. MASON 4 CO. hdva II Just received 800 cases and packages Delalnes, Prints, [lenched and Drown ]loslina, Checka.pwaeds, Gingham sod Domestic Goods of every description, which will ha sold at Seed-Am:lgal prim 1 . CA SE FRENCH PRUNES just ree'd for sale by MYHRE & ANDERSON an 11 i No. 39 wood .treat. 1 10 5-400 boxes fresh Figs for int.lel.; B.EYME.II & ANDERSON;_anII N 0,39 Wood street:_ FINE CONFECTIONARY -2 bbk. Sugar Almonds: 50 lbs. Cinnamon Strings ; 50 lba. Burnt Almonds: 50 lb.. Crean, " Just received and for mkt by ANDEBS6V nun No 39 Wood wept . 0 BOXES J11.7118E pAspEius9grted 9a• r`vurs, Just .colved and for Well REM= & ANDERSON..., sell No. 99 Wood Street. jROUT -20 bbls. and 12 hf. bbls.,just from Lake Superior, and for sale by SPRINGER' ILLEMATIGH, aull NO. 295.14beity atraet: CODFJSH-6000 lbs.-in store and for sale by au] 1 SPRINGER' RARBAI3QH. HOPS ---G bales first sorts Hops irk store sad for lode by local] SPRINGER MARBAUGED. AUG. DEUX JXO. MA'AM DRUM & STANARD, Arromm AT No. 170 FOURTH street, near Grant, PittsbUf • GUNS, PISTOLS, AND SPORTING APPlitratt t es.—We will pay strict attention to the manufacture ol tirst class Rifles, with the latest improvement*. • Repairing if all kinds ot Fire-Arms, Swords, Surgical and Dental instruments and Measures, Ac.. Ac. t • Also on hand, a large assortment of buck loading , and common Guns and Rifles, of our own and foreign manufasti ture, warrants] equal to any in the market. A 11 kinds of Surveyors' Instruments furnished to order, at manufacturers' prices. Gun+, Pildols or Rifles hired by the month, week, or day. ant SOWN Sr TETLRY, No. ]3O Wood NVANTED—Four or five Agents to canvass for the sale of lAEA in the gold region of rrionhi, Wituteit—Two Girls, to do housework for inuali k familles kr. A ilegheny City... Apply to O. W. BUNN, north side of Oblo street,' fentetbr door east of the Diamond, Allegbepy City. GUM GUALA. I TN, Strained-200Ibr ord baud owl for Rale by [ROI FUMING BROIL RGOT, NOW Crop-40 ree'd •and . A. ..E4 sale by [sal ' MIMING UMW, BLOOD ROOT-ICW" sale by [oo9] SPANISH I.'i i rE P sna-40 The. in e. and for sale by falai fl RUING 111141(U Q PTS. TURPENTANE---15 bbla t jtiokstwia 0 and for sale by laid)] BMW SODA ASB, OT a good-aa . „ anifoitgiat* p ., taw: m ach " ) by the Pa. Salt, niannntemag nt Tereutum. Ou hand and for ante b ; nue 93,880 99 100,000 90 141, „BIS 1 CONCENTRATZIpt EYR--A 'new artic4. for tasking Sc p, wananced eruparior to Plumb. everY.Telitct. Remember , pound worth 11;kof Pobisb. OA Wulf and for rale by fang] gummy wok RSIN, Na. 1-50 hbls , just rivedand or Bala by 14.APJ FUXIN° BROS. YER'S Extract of Rock - Rose=-40 dozen 1 - in store and for male by tellgi MIMI Rhos' COCHINEAL, best Honduras-1000 lbs. on bawl and for auto by [4139] FLEMING BEG& tociw'D FOENUGREER--400 lbs. in store and for sale by taus] FLEMING MOB. CHEESE -100 boas, just received ariillftm sale by taall) FIRMLY H. COLLINS, FISH -30 bble. No. 3. large Ikteeket4L ado by lane) H.E6URT 11 r • JO:ULM NEW BOOKS—Received apj j, f oi ; 0 . - " — T ------ i , E rma ' , TEN TO TWENTY-F.IYR Pp ., ,," mom m i wf i a, for (-nth, than any bone in the r" ; All ought. re where . . they can buy $1,26 for v. -..„, c ia co , 9 , .... .4 d . Da , '' ll ,_ B°En g i ,. f fl thi ,, 5 4 I : ell then, cost, partioularly where all. e re ...e s'`'' '''", .ne price. We shall sell at a small wall,. which rte Will * mars an impartiatPubtic decid e. . - - - ' fit: sorry'. Jamul ExPedltiori, • • $ 4 90i WOrth and Wealth, Maxims for Merchants and - 1 7" BUM:kik:6i Mess, • .1 00 ' llnmentus Poetry of the English Language, 166 Bernard Lile, IX9 Herthaby Predrika Bremer Adventures of Gerard the Lioit Killer, 1-00 • Alfred Tennyeon's Poems, 70 Life and,Explorattorm of Premont, hYaninchert ..., 9°. : o , Upham, , o' ? , Ingoldeby Legends, 2 Yob, 2 26• '-- The Mantes of Oro Martin—by Lever, 60 The Old Inn • ty Joel Barnes, Sam, 1 0 901 wPtderer, • 1 , 10tchel Gray—by linsausgb, 10 • I *ad for the. Social, 1 00 estuary, - i ock . J 4efestcs of American Policy—by Whitney 4 , 1. 03 3. Buccaneer's Daughter, 20 Chip B o y or the Dry Poek—by Cpro . ;,, , ° L a y, 2f , Pottraits of Buchanan, toLgen d awl , Fremont, . " • . Republican Songster, Fillmore and LIP 10 :111011 Songster. Remember, the 'place to get Bargains le at LA OFFER'S CHEAP BOOK STORit, • No. 77 Fourth at, 'LOUR —Extra Superfineand choice Family ncur for sale by JOHN A. VETZHH, auR &9 Water street. YE FLOUR—For sale by aug J. A.. VRTZKR, 89 Wader aL APLEASANT LOCA.TION for a -Family Residence will be sad ou Leveret& terns—eluded ❑ Mt. Washington ; about one ante of around. with pod paling fence, and planted will; shade and fruit urea Wins iow and terms earx. 111141 S. CUTtIBBHT .1 SON, AKSVIEgS *AN wanting a4nod,tiatti .tt nein location, whera, bw. a anatt,ll oolOw is zoquitiot ~ ear of a good bordpear stand rot ale. by appW. Ag I* an S. OUTUILERT a SON, 61 Market et EAST BIRMINGHAM. For sale, one BUILDING LOT in Best airMi ANA, to auk 814,6Vaa. 'V A MOWN. k• r.,,7,' -;.';..;:',t-..-f%:4..,.:= N c-.~'~K~ ~~; i, , ,5i.if , .'?4 - .: ~i ., . , : . : , ., k4i. . !i:41.A1l .......,, , ,,.:-....... , ..". , , ,, :::&47 , 24 , ,i;; , :c - ; , ....',...,.-- ..,.,.....;,.,:g . ,i.,i:er, ~.*%;•.'. 1- - ; .?:J1'...-3:f..i.5.'J, ... i'.....!..7..,-'!--..;,"/.t.':..4::,.5.,-..•:...%',Z;;.?' . , . ... . ..... . .- Vier"; er.o=7,4l•vtoogow*--p. ••, • • Ewa =MEI Pza Dem' & lbs. in store 1114:f0r FLEBIIIIO -161 MUM =MEE x ~;
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