Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, August 11, 1856, Image 1
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Vt 4 I?ehiglitel.' .I,As qe sigativti..„' prrTsßuirmrffoiratri4isi: Printed and publadvd every mci.sting, (Sundays& JUONTOOMEttIi, ON vT AORTA-WIWI ODIN= OF WOOD MID DITTO mum TRRIVEL—Five Dollars a year payable strictly in advance. Six Dollars inviwiably•required if not paid within the year. .Single copies, Two Ceara—for sale ~t the counter In the Office, and by the News Boys. „i • • •• • THE SATURDAY DIORNING POST Published from the same office, on a large blanket size skeet, at TWO I)Ol4,.4.lts t asear, In advance. Single copies, Hos Czars. .legalio. paper will be disoontinued, (unless at the discre tion of the Proprietor%) until all arrearagoa are paid. Air No attention will be paid to any order unless accom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference in thir city. Atig-Ckninected with the Ratablishment of the Morning Poet to ono of the largest JOB PRINTING OPPIORS In the city, whore all kinds of work is done on the shortest notice, and most roatanable terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS SAMUEL C. WINGARD, ATPORNEY AT LAW, PIT7BBURotr, PENNA.. Ill*Office lu BAKIIIIVELL'S BUILDINGS, Grant street, (nearly opposite the Court Ilonse.) febl2:ly CHARLES W. WINGA_RIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, C&11131[1.A COUNTS, PENNA. *irAlso practices In Huntingdon, Blair, Clearfield and In diana counties. fob 12:1y. JAMES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, office Fourth sterol, Pittsburgh, between ithfeld and Cherry alley. declLly JOIIN BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, office corner of Fifth and Grant streets, Pitts je3:ly r , r I.i SAM. ..V. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109 Fourth strut, Pittsburgh, fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson's Livery Stable. je2S DA'CRICIC 141'W.ENNA, Alderman of Third 5 Ward, rake carnor of Grout and Fifth streets, (formerly occiip led by ViLerman Lewis,) where all business pertaining to the office of Alderman and Justico of the Pirsce will lie promptly attended to. febl.:Mn MIL, Surgeon 1/entist, successor to l}. N . W. lthhlle, No. 144 Smithfield street. Alli P-0111, hours from S to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock foblb:ly JSCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors . wee of Market. Afo-Otfloe houry from 9 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M. decklty BUSINESS CARDS JOLIN MOORTIEAD, Wholeßale Grocer and CoturnLmeion Merchant, for tho sale of PIG METAL and BLOOMS, and PRODUCE generally, N. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. apt wittriu unpin, Phnada. va. RIMETHON, Pittsburgh. MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Gro cers, Importers of BRANDIES, VINES and SEG AILS, Nos. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin and Liberty Larocca, Pala burgh. Iron, Nailu, Oottm Yarns, kr , constautly on baud. Jr2o AL/11.. e. kIUELLING 11101..1A1t ROULXTIIO!Y, I.DWARDDITLIIItDOS HYNIIT RINOWALT. CUItLING, ROBERTSON et CO., Mann factiarers of Cut, Premed and I'lain Flint GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 17 Wood etre.t, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. .-All other kinde of GLatoware and Window Ulasa, at low fd.artet prizes. apllrdly £L K. LIMAS ../USZPLI J. 111..A31. EDLIE & ULAN', Successors to Mulcahy & Iwvllle, manufacturers of Cut, Moulded And Plain Tllut and Fancy Colored hiLASSWIItH, and dealers in all Kinds of Window (llaaa, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware hon. corner of tdartot and Water streets, Pittsburgh. R EMOVAL.—C. 11.1XISEN, Manufacturer of every variety of VIALS, BOTTLES and WINDOW GLASS; black Porter, Woe, and Claret Bottles: ihemijohns and Onrlniys; also, Flint Glass In every variety. Warehouse Nos. IN Sanind and 133 First street, Pittsburgh. BRAVO. Diamond, Pittsburgh, dealer 11 . In 00UNTRY PRODUCE, oilers fur sale a choice stock of GROCERIES, selected for family sae. Spices of every variety and the purest quality, ground at his Steam Mills. Also, Dried Fruit. Foreign and Domestic Produce taken In exchange fur merchandise. F. IL D. bee procured a full assortment of Landreth's war ranted GARDEN SEEDS, aud Invitee the attention of all ne forested In rural affairs. jaul I C°4MISSION [LOUSE.—The subscribers have opened a house for the abiove purpose, at No. 17 Hinithtleld street, four doors above the Monongahela House We will purchase, or receive on conoulasiou, for sale, con signments of FLOUR, BACON, CIIKEFE, OOIIN, OATS, BARLEY, FLAX SHED, OItASS SHED. BALED HAY, Sc, upon which we will make advances, or purchase at the best market rates for cosh. (north ALOE° S CO. sr. 11. ....... RIC/Lia1.401.1 4. I. 11/ANICri. -ENGLISII RICIIARI)SON, Forwarding Uand COClallissiun Merchants and wholesale dealers in 1, BACON and OIL and PRODUCE generally. War,- thouse formerly occupied by Barbet:due S I lighrion. No 11f Water and 160 First street, Pittsburgh, fetCl JOHN ATWELL 0. 2. LOX Mi.. ATWELL. ATWELL, LEE Sc 11 . 11.)1e:qale G rovers, Produce and Coturnimi.li Alerrliants, And dexiern in Pittsburgh IlanufaLtiu,s, N. h Niuud bqltwot,n and ?runt stroots, Pittsburgh. oil JOLIN W. BUTLER & CU., Forwarding and Onnortienion Merchants, arnicrli In all kinds .f PITT: 4 BURGH lIANIJFACTEN KS, LEAD l'll'E and SHEET LEAD, No. G 7 ?rout street Pittsburgh. sen..N ifE IN7 It Y 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant. and wholes:de dealer in 1 1 1:11. CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS and PRODUCE gsuerally, No. 2.5 Wood street, Pittsburgh. mutt WILLIAM CARR & CO., (William Carr, late of the firm of .1. Pork., & Co .1 14 )14.1141400 GTO, CHEM and doalere iu For WINED and BRANDIES, OLJ Monongahela and He:Lifted LSKY, No 339 Commercial Row, Lawny street, Pithibitrgh. jot S. y JOSEPIE T PLENIINU, successor t L. Wil coo & Co. , corner 1.1 Market street and the Diamond, keeps constantly on hand a foil masc. tmen t of DRUGS, M ICINES, MEDICINE CITE f 3, PF.ItFUMFIRI', and all arc! cies portaiuing to his itainest.. /fir Physicians' Prescriptions csrefully compounded at nil hours. ,109. y :OEM PUKING LEKINO BitOTIIERS, suceßssors to J, slwaCo, N., ES w.g.l str,t Puteburgh. Proprietor, of Dr. )I'Lanes reletorsts.l Vorlst fuge, Liver jslo T L. MAItSIIALL, successor w 11. Lee, tft . wow. DEALER mid CoNIMIMILLN MERCHANT, N 0.139 Liberty street, l'lttmborgls. Selarnce—W . M'Cliubock a Bros., Kramer a liahm, Slur phy, Tiernan 1 Co, lirmen & lisrkpatriek. ?tttaburgh, May 20, 1666. ro y 24 W. LIIIADIVI.CK, dealer in Kentucky I Leaf TOBACX-'O, ltAtiS and PAPER,Nu. 149 sty.ti below Six th, Sir no highest ntarkot price, in rh.nli, paid for Itopg. CM==MI WM & Cu., Importers and • dealors iu French and American PAPHR LIANti- INtiii, No. S 7 Wood street, Pittsburg''. e—sole agents ter the celebrated Latalufacturoe of Moser,,. Delicourt h Co, Parini aug7 T, C. NIORGAN, Bookseller and Sta . honer. Iles always on band a general ruteurt ine II I t , I behoul, Miscellanooun and Blank Books. Printing, Post and Cap Paper, itc„ wholesale and retail. No. 104 Wood all eel, below Flea, least side, Pittsburgh. Si- WA NTEU—ltaga and Tanners' Scrape. atils.ly JOIIN li. ISIELI,OIt, IVimiesale and Retail dealer in MUSICAL INSTItUNIENTS, PI A SOS, MUSD', SCHOOL. 11(1.)1i.:3 and STATIONERY, No. SI Wood street, Pitabargb. janl D EY)IER. s ANDERSON, (successors t., 11 .T.lttot Ith wholtttotle tletttern to Pott Elt/N Y EXITS, NUTS, SPICES. CONY rA:r lUN ART, SI2LI A ES, It,. N. 39 Wood strort, oppxote the St. Chat lee Hotel, Pitts burgh. opt ATINDLE, NVllulenale and Retail SAD s 1101,1 t, lIARNESS, • 'ritUNK, VALISE and CARPET RAU MANUFACTURER, No. 106 Wood street, Pittsburgh. JrlitY EN'rEltiltlSE WORKS, No. 136 Wood street, third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TET. LEY would rail the attention of Sporting men to their large assortment of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVLNG PISTOL) , , the largest and best sole..tal stock ever opened in this umt• ket, together with a general assortment of Hardware, Cuth ry, Tools and It:slung Tackle, all of which we offer at the lowest possible priron to eash purthasers, or for good ap proved paper. worth NOR'ill-WESTERN POLICE AGENCY, No. SS Washington strts.lL cornier of Daarborn, CHI OAOO, PINKERTON & CO. devote their entire attention to Co. trattaattion of a general detective POLICE BUSINESS in the States of Illinois, Wiecunsin, Michigan and Indiana. mbllkdif QTOVES.—No. 124 Wood Htreet, above - kJ Filth.—We beg leave to call the Trade to our stock of Moves, Hollow Ware and Castings in guneraL Having perfect ed every thing in our line, we can safely say that we cannot he surpassed in finish, fitting, and smootlinees, by any in the trade. Merchants will find it to their advantage to call be . 14 fore buying elsewhere. fel4 GRAFF, REISMYER, & CRAFT. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. JOHN M. IiOARRTS Is now selling off his large and chaos stock of One Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Goods at a very small advance on first cost, pt eparatory h. enlarging his Store Room and the purchase of en entire new stock for the spring trado. Persons desiring GREAT BARGAINS should call early, sc it is his determination to time out his present stock with. out regard to formar twinse. Don't forget the piaci—ROBERTS', 16 FIFTH street, near Market. feb6 MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING —ILOBENTLIAL et BRO., Filth .twat. opposite MA eon's, have a large stock of Mon and Boys' OLOTIIINtI on hand, compri.,:ng %owe estsrely new and elegant sty Imo, will& they are 1.1,1. rt: I to int nl.ll at the lowest cash Also, a large end 1.1.11.u.61.awck of tIiCNTS' FURNISH IN tl 1100D3. dect3tdly 11. AMMO% MARTIN L ATTSZNII GLORAZ ALCM, PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY—BIc,- SLOW & CO., successors to E. M. Bigelow, No. 46 lice mood alley, near Wuod street, Pittsburgh—CAßßlAGE:4, COACHES, PHAETONS, BUGOIES, and every descript,c of FANCY VEHICLES buiIt to order, and finiehed in rancor unsurpassed for beauty of design, elegance of finish, akin of workmanship and durability of materials. 11.— All work warranted. rnovc ENTERPRISE WORKS, No. 136 WOO,l third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large /I* sortment of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PISTOI.B, the largest and best selected stock ewer opental la this mar. kat., together with a general assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS and FISHING TACKLE, all of which we offer at the ILAVEIIa possible prices to cash purchasers, or f-r good approved paper. marlB Jon?! Et ToONO Tau,,. U. YOUNG ..TWICI3 4 TOUDIG. TB. YOUNG & CO., No. 38 Smithfield . Emmet, opposite City Ilutel, mantifacturesr of C. 011• NWT PUttNITUILE and CFLAIItS, of every description. Mit 'oriels and workmanship warranted, and sold at minced prices. Care taken iu pecking for land and water Cardnge ate/ _ _ SeIIOONMAKE it, Manufacturer ~f . White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint, Llatargo, Potty. &c. Wholesale dealer In Otte, Paitito, Varnishes, Turpentine, &c.., No. 24 Wood street, Plttsbortrh. rnr22. FINE DRESS GOODS REDUCED—Rvery description of fins Drees Goods now being offered at 15 to l i rr cent loss thou usuil prices. A. A. hum * CO, No. ZS Pifth 4 ", ." f , r• •ot• .47,"t.Na ~,t4o.o4fori ' 4 , . • 4‘, .) 4 '-- :. .WI,, ^4 4 ' =3:l ;`_'•+ 7 ,1=• • 3 61 :C6 4f:01 . • t.'st• ,„, • - I • • " . t n'• ; .§• ' 1 • r f :.• a L *-k~'..'l. 'p,~~ 1) , • • PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. VOLUME XIV. PITTSBURGH, MONDAYS AUGUS I T 11, 1856. NUMBER 262 BUSINESS CARDS Neither with my eye nor my faith will I trifle." TMPORTANT TO TIIOSE AFFLICTED WITH BAD 8101 IT.—Persons suffering from Bad Sight, arising from finpaimd vision, constitutional decay, old age, or other causes, would do well to call upon Dr. 0. E. SHAW, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon getting Spectacles scientifically adapted to the JUST WANTS OF THE EYE. Address, 26 Pin street, opposite A. A. M af4.11 . 4, Pittsburgh. P. S.—Telescopes, Microscopes, Thermotneters, and every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired on the penalises. 4WOI I / 8 .11 inserted In old Frames. 'pt*),_ Any article not approved of, exchanged free of ex pense. dec7,lv NE's"COACH AND CARRIAGE FAC TORY.—JOIINSTON, BROTHEIZS A CO.. corner el Rebecca and Belmont etreeto. Allegheny City. would rospect• fully inform their friends and the pad.- generally, that the. have commenced the :IL:mune-lure of CARRIAUES, ROCK A HAYS, BUOIIII.IIS, SLEIGHS and (ALA. RIOTS, in all their various styles of ifnlah and pr o p o rt.o, All orders will Inc executed with strict regard to dune bility and beauty of hutch. Repairs trill also be attended to on the most reasonable terms. Using in alt their work the hest Eastern Shafts. Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel contl. dent that all who taros them with their patronage, will be perfectly entrained -in trial of their new work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before pur. chasing elsewhere. ncteKly AMILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at . their extensive CA BIN KT and CHAIR NI ANUF A 0- TOIL ti, No. al Smithfield street, a large assortment of Fan( y and Plain Furniture, which they will sell le per cent lower than customary rates. Terms, cash only. Li.ler27:y CIIARLES BAItNETT, Hoess Suosa AND BLACKSMITH, has erected a note and corammlioun Brick Shop on CHERRY ALLKY, between Third and Fourth streets. whore he in prepared to do all work in kis line with the uumut prUllipllttlito. Raving had long experience the business. he respectfully thilifittl the patronage 01 his old custom,s and the public generally. ju2l JAMES 1. 4 f1 ELL, NG Ell., Monongahela Pla nine Mill, would rasps's-tinily inform his friends and the the pulibc that hie tirN7 establishment is now ill foil utrern tiun, skull that he is preparvi W furnish Boat Cabins, and !ill all orders for PLANED LUMBER, with promptness, and at the lowest rates . Board nud l'lnnk, plano.l on ono or both sides, co.tantly on hand. tieeh, Door, end of my tloncription, (Lade t order. et_ Builders and Carpenters would flail It to their itdrati tag° to giro him a, be can now furnish thew with Planed Stun. suitable every or w,.rk. vui,TuN CAR WORKS, FM:NOM" MA('fI!NE SHOP. SAisnrsicf. sub. 'h., having moved alto his now Works. rocentl) tirts-teid. roi of lYster, Nrlhniough and Shelity strre.ta. ts prvistris.l to cm tract for and el, 11L0 all orikrs for Passenger, I.lagg:to. , . Post-011ies, House Freight. Platform, Oravol, Hand and all other di,criptions of CAR.(. Ala, kr STEAM ENGIN PIS of all /117.4. t, URA RING, RAIL ROAD CA..JTINtiS of all descriptious, and all other a it h appertaining hi a Foundry and Machine Shop Tho For ten of the ilifTereut departments are scientific and practical eel—tu,titly feat Kastern maintf,tot nss— who keep themselves informed and ailop all valualde cast. ern improvements. (mig"2`..e.tf J W. R. KR Kit. r LI E HOPE COAL COMPANY havin re x c.ently met with biases in transporting Neal io Crisis nazi, tieing insured to) the Manure. torero' Insurance Om, patty, of Philadelphia., tubs pl.-noire in stating that their Claims were promptly is:busted LI J. Newton Jones, Agent of Imo] Comany. 13USIINELI., Agent of Coal Cl'.-3.11141.1Y, Ciucmwrti liittebargh. Dr-ember Itlsfx I EVOLVERS: t ; r R d E —J t 11: co vo the iiiiiiinfacturias, u epintoliii nicsit GOLT's tii.ir, live and six inch barrel, all of . OICII NO will sell for alai& nt low ivesa. they eau be trunglit the city of New York. Per as gulag, te Australia mud Cailfortlid rill find that they nil do better by piochasaug their equipage at home, ilia. they eau ataiing strangers—as He gise liersona thaw, t., It) si.y el the also.. Pintail before ha" lug t h e ray, and In 01 a r. 1.00 1 -1. Mu rotund the mosey. 1.141W\ At TETLEY, 138 W... 1 strk,t, hitsburtzl3. POTTLEItti.--lowq OGDEN N. Co., B,,ttl er , Flt,t %tro,t, Iv.ll' I 1.,p....1f,;1, f•r 11,.• pul It. ihnl thy lia.ry ~.1)3[1.11ili) on halid klgr supply 2.\ItPAI•AI[;LLA. MIN ERA I. WATER, ALE 4,1 PQRTI.I: 01 the Lest quality The atter/bore of families lee ;earth - ll:arty eltrealreel he the Lea that they bottle WAIN It helm: , A I lel en et. purest et/. P eymiceante rt....Leaflet:et et to t meth,. OD Mil, .•I Its hole woo and otrenettleentrett eleetl'ee I y J. (lILLESI•IE A ('a, Nl4nutit , tur•-rn dealere w I,~„L❑~_ Uu hand and noble WI; Pwr and Mahogany. Itosewoo.l. Waltalt atol ,illt %A' i ,low m•thm • 11.111 AtAr Stl/Allit DI, I /1 - 10011 :VA twl4 NT A. SWILEIt, Wln.lesa,.., aid itt•lail Furrou... Tin. IL, .L 1 llou.ektalelrs' Hartlatue, Till leer.' Nbuinnee nod 10.111. NALL Sheet Iron, Wire itIVAIA, A.•.. A.. 24 .„ill. So. • I mu rut., • ni.l.wittro ltuelller'o Bold,: II ABR 1,14 fiti ta.l.29:dAti. JWEI IT E, N'EsETIAN BLIND lANLFArlf xan, hae recorere.l law beak Is au me to I tem cue Lid 1 , 1 , 1 111/Ii has opened his BLIND MANI:FM:I'OI4y. K t No tin Fifth .tr.et. near the Bro 11.1‘, b11111.11i1.4.1. ut,.re he irr au n.wortmettl of BLIND: 4 . In/111111a It/I 1 , 111111 and fnury W.reted n./.1 : 4 tlk Trltututuot. lorrNired b 11 1 1 ruy or.ler in lam I:11, the :trait rranottal4e Terms 110 x.rrk . warrauted L. K ., natte.faction, u...t,e) &8.. Old Elliodn rrinur.l Ph-a.. give hail a call. 08 h. can't Ln beat In WI.I 1111.11sILIT• , In) , 1) F. SllOl'E, ME.ll.,sr TA! TI,:!.1 ky. R‘. ntrtn.l. la••xt .I—, I, h 114111.11 h,, thauktu tie ,ery khrral rnh. , •.re hrnh , n..l rih I. Iran. ank .htiotlntr r ..1 the as 1..• hrttrr pupa rd this rt . r.r. I torti liin ni. I Itil F.vim tde ahlch wlii Itlgull e viLt .11.1. 11..1t lie 111 , ate krrino au hali I it laigt . the tal.•st .1)1.. of I , :STIN , /1 4 , C.kSSINIEILY.:+, CLOTHS, er wb..L ruttl,l.• niwr it. n11.14,11,11' . C•r Qg A ia•rft-ot fit alway, warruntrd. inorli•tf WO.O DWEL L'S FtTIiNITURE AN I ) cuAlics, whidmdt• and ,tail, ett•I•1 :wind rv-r) lay it ••f nuntunr. ••• It•am,rosAl. Nlallogany and Wan, •••• 1.0 • lor pal 1.),, cliatuLers. and •1.1111.4 rn,wn •••ina, Nriv Yol and at 1, o,r pr• ti.rlll. i•. 11111.1.. by 11.1.111/, 1411,1 111111nott•d. '41.1.1u,l enp1.14.1 Nsll.l. any ,itlantfly of FUT::\ I TURF: au i ell r a» • I.l• tsz:,l I. l' A air Wllter..oflll , , Nois. mutt J. & T. GIIIM-1"1, BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c, DEA LEM: I N Pine Old Monongahela Rye Whlaky, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; ALS° : RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS CORNER OF SMITHrIF.LI) AND FRONT STRErT,. rirrsny lit; 11, PA. & - DAVID CAMPBELL SAM(AI. PuL LOCK have associated together under the biyie of CAMPBELL A POLLOCK, Ice the transaction of u general Variety and Dry Clouds business, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Line (lilt Maildings. WATCHES AND JENN'ELit Y. -- JulIN S. RUR ERTS, Ni. 16 Fl ETU st re et, oir pet en entire NEW BTtiCK of 1101.1 and Silver Putind L,. r, Anchor, Lepine and Vertical WATCIIKS. tu open mot limit lug CALM" of the moist celebrated English and Sw ins facture. Also, Gold Onard, 1 eat and Koh Chan.. Seal, Keys, Miniature Cases, Bracelets. Gold Pens and Una, l'en el.. Toothpicks, heavy plum set and Seal Finger Breastpins, Ear-Rings, Cuff Pins, Studs, Sleeve Loops, ti.d.l and Silver Spectacles, Sliver and listed KM,s and Forks, Jet., Omni and Fancy tiood, Ala, a large stoeii the best BRASS CLOCKS at all pries. The above stork has been pan tinned direct from I. ern manufactories, and selected with great rare for lie retool trade, and will behold tit a small advance on cost. Watt.lies, Clocks and Jewidry rviailivd; lilldwg and En graving oxiicuted in Ilse twat taanni.r, and tal% \Van. and Jawalry made to order_ M. lioll apli Fifth street. nr.xt lot to Nisi - 1,1. DALY'S STOCKING FACTORY.--C. DALY corner of Nlarket alley and Fifth tiedb. it necessary to contradict a report that tins rained 1111,114,, that he was selling off to quit busitasis. Ile never tool intention. Lie informs too [whin. that he still continues to aupply STOCKINGS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, • And all kinds of 11081ERI, at kin establishment. Ills Far. Wry In near Ryan's Building, on FIFTH itreet—Optql at all times to the inspection of the public. He has, lasidcs the work of his own manufacture, brought to the r ity the largest assortment of (Mods in his line ever brought bi thin city, which are warranted to be of the best quality. and ,k il l be sold at the most reasonable pricey. He has but one cal, !bairn, at the corner of Market alley and Filth street. C. DALY. mhls Corner Market alley and Fifth et. NTEw INTELLIGENCE OFFIC.F.--If you wont to have ‘• help," find employment, buy or sell pluperty, call at LOWItI INTELLIU ENOS OFFICE, Nu. II Fifth stroet, near Market street. Legal buctintents and Copying done with neatness and despatch. j feliktt JO Il'll W. LUWIII it. vORSIIA'S LINIMENT—The best meet now in use fur sprains, bruises, &..., 12 doz. just received by JOS. FLEMING, ap2b corner Diamond and Market st. PIG METAL-190tons good quality, e(.1,1 bloat, just received per steamer Irene, and for sale b) 4)29 P. M. DAVIS. corner Wood and Filth mtg. ‘‘IREASF,--liayes' celebrated Grease for l_A Drays, Carta, Buggira, Railroad Ca., AC, ill came. kegs and lads., for sale by I ap2.91 HENRY IL COLLINS. - 10 AL WORKS FOR SALE—Sixty three 1,_.) act,. of 1111.1. with 260 ..f Coal attAkia.l./11111 . 1.n the 11 prueentrs to thereon 111 1 , 11C0.8.11.11 operation. Said Yarn, is Situated on the llonougahela river, 34 tad. above Pitts burgh, and is supplied with a Barra House, liars, Tenant I mouses, Orchard, Railroad. and an excellent harbor. The vein of Coal is live feet thick, and cannot be mu - plumy: lu quality. For further particulars apply to NICIIOLSON , PAYNF., No. Ctl Liberty street. WALKER'S UNEQUALLED INDE L ISLE hare just received a large supply ot this celebrated Indelible Ink, with or without the prepara tion. It is offered an the best ink now in use. In all eases the money will be refunded where it does nut please. JOB. FLEMI3O, gab corner Diamond alley and Market et. • ...4 . . 0 . 3 , 4 4. 4 1 ;13 • V,e,„ ) 4•• s 's • ` , 1 ,- • • e ),„ '' ,4R i /'; • t. 4 4 ' 4014 !" - 4 7 . 1 Y . 4 .7 - • tli,Sc BUSINESS CARDS GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET! SCAL E--H. KLEBER & BRO., tu,v,• lust received a small lot of CLARKS' PIANOS, provided with their NEW SCALE. This is itrARI . their latent, and undoubtedly the most 131. Polrrysr improvement as yet male to the Piano Porte. The POWER of the instrument is almost DOUBLED thereby; and in p lot of volume. eve nurse and brilliancy atone, they surpass anything as yet produced in the shape of a Piano They possess all the advantage. of the Orand Pianos, with ,alt any of Its disselentitages. We now challenge e.enparison with the instruments of any other maker in this coon try, confident that every unbiassed judge of the article will at once admit their superiority. The piddle is respectfully in vited to all and examine three superb instruments. 11. ELKIIKIt & BItO., Solo agents for Nunns & 'Narks' Pianos Fur Western Pennsylvania. No. 6:1 Fifth street, next door to Masonic Hall. P. S.—Splendid assortment of the above shortly expected for the Spring Trade. apt. 13=1 CHICK ERING & SONS PIANO FORTES. JOHN If. MELLOR has fipl49 Just rr,rived seven more to CHICK EKINU A SONS' PIANO FORTES, and com pleted the Stock, et•lectel for Spring SRI., of TLIIRTY4 , I V E new and splendid Instrunitnts, of every variety and style, manufactured by the Meesrs.Cliakeriugs, (Boston,) from the plainest SIN V E to ti e nowt splendidly finished Seven Octave Square Piano Fortes, as well as their superb and inimitable Grand and Parlor Grand Plan.. EVERY PIANO VOItTE In this lot is a their NEW SCALE. with their PATENT IRON FRANI ES, and PATENT ACTION. and are Lot tidy warranted to the purchaser by the manufacturers, hut by the subscriber. to be in all respects no perfect as Instruments can be made, both in regard to Material and Workmanship. PRICES IN VARIALII.1"111E. SAME as in Boston, at tits Manufactory. JOHN li. MELLOR, No. RI Wood strent, between Diamond alley and Fourth street_ Agent for Cliickering ei Sous, Boston, fur Pittsburgh and Wes , t,l'r. Penna. mh2B NEW SUPPLY OF PIANO FORTES. cilAtuArrrif. 131,01 E j.t a tut tiler dupply ‘.I IlnlL t, Dan, 1 . 14114,5, milli patent el/optlitllioll bridge t , /.1.1 and wilts rtpest ,;rund At•uou As t proof of the superiority of these Planes, is the Wing es trnet of it report rat late - Mechanic's Fair "rat Iheaom in competition 14' lln the celebrated tanker, Jonixs Ch,rkering, oho woe President of the Assure trop '• The Msn,s hums to Chwttahlr Alr. halt it 's Ana•wiatt..n er,rd thlA diploma.%milli a .•tircr .51.-dul, to Hallo., Darts tor the best liralt•l Plano Forte c..httltsated to ttoL Ex.lll Ails:Art CHICK EILING. l'rec " Vl' It.. 11.1 sale° atte L` heel Brenda ott with leaste I) C. I The J 1( J.•ho ch. .)aay ,d the Grand : halo„ In). h..), lull 1.1.1 bAltltice,l ; a calatal itadrunieut and lees! exlinbaion " Piatnw 111,uw.le with 101 l Iron frame. scale, ftl 111 ITIli I.etc.. and are find.. to stand iit any. II 41.11i1L4.1 lu the abuse. the Einbnerf bar 11. re...VA 19411.11. Irma. Itaamagardd.m & Limes, Hamburg; A W. I.ridd A C.... liostam mid ,41.er good makers, at prims, from t. /..I.ooc , CILA H wrr je-11 11S Wood street, N ft. Old Pianos taken In exchange at their full value Another Inv nom• t the cel-braced Itantburgh Plano, Ise: Ln owlet-Id weeks. C. tt. FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. be.. H. 11IRA:AEU:1M, 4W-87 FOUICTII STRRET, EAR WOOD.-ful, Tilt AltentivU of vorclinserm is rasprtfnlly hivlt..l to our preecnt Stack. eelort.•l fot SPItINU SALES. urcloding— tt...t qualay VLlvets. ; Kotlsh not T.lwetry lu- Brus,,ht au4 Tepestry, grab.. Cr,r,.ll•Atid Stair hluctmin trod 1,.,v titre nod Super. 3 Ply. &trod IngrOtLa. l'owt I toportisd Xxtra Tss illol sad Lhanieutk, , llall acid :luta hour 3311 Cloths, trorn 2 to 24 foot s i et 3 1 ,.sitt lee soil prices , Tat,le ttit Cloths; Freloti Pritzted FL.olsosis.l Piot,. Lahti 'Cobh Csacre; Oust,. nod Cesiois Mat. too!. 113-rill it 333413. 14,33, ; ;stair KinlA Rog all I 1.., 13 Carp. ruottun 1 . . 111 , i, with every cerioty 331 Kin 33 shodisi, 3333 e, i4i3.1 Bull 11,41,31131. kc., Ac.; whe•l3 u,31 Is- at %cry 313•34,315 ts at a., .1.- i.r.1,4r, - ,1 U funsub ILARHINCITON', , 11:1•ET 11\1\41 ruh2:. 'MANSFIELD SE:11114111V AND Allegheny County Normal School, vi axilmj , , , el Plank levad: INl=lll= It i.N NI A NI . I•r 111 E. 1., ut..l N.,r111A11.4 Ta.• hem 1.11. .4 Al.: I! Pupils .4 1,41. at.•r. MI Ild=l e.. awl fr f - 2 Pl. AI , INCF.: 1.....h;thg 4,1 lAght . 1,. :t /11 . sf. w 1,. lu Ikl •.! p 41... t• 1.. g. , - 31/ 1,1,1 tt,. N• , rtsotl wt uhv ticur..u&4lc..ntlnit.• lo tur , s ,%111 1.•',0rr...1 w., h T.. 1 to, uv , :i Ow tong I tot tin, 111,1111/411,, nod,. H OLT'S PATENT HAND ST AM P. The A.,,t I , t th , FRANKLIN lIANL AAI I' ;Al PA \ ,•I ts now I•rqprir.Al .. th.• kill I herv.l• I ~...flored 1. , tn.. 1,10.1 t I .1 i'llttill . •1‘,..1, IMMEIBEI _ th. IT • 10. , 1 .I•• • nn ! t ,rl,l Inum war,. ~ulto, f.•: ,111411•11., I.llten, .i• th.,11“, 11. , • dhel It I,Lt 1. r. ant to', I , r, , 1 , I.: I 1 r. .I I • nI 111,e It in Ili 4,- mm.. rtnil .1 IVIIHL.V.q.,V, Tito itr qtru tor , tol) ui.. Ihr ittrlov , matte IL. ,t,,l t y Ibr ILA g• k-dins; ••told.••11 that 11.11,11., ar. I It:IP, Tit rt•rolttootl, o‘t t tt:l otltot odl I to ;It, invited to 11.11 mud se , tho .11,81,11 mn I. Wyk.. ~r 1,1 uttyet, ht to itsllorn. and Ilto tho, t t t ttuatoriatl anti norktiolonloit MU J*' V. EATON, Agent, 7••••• lav Fir-t l'Atslintg , N It -- 11;1' \V \ Callailaa c ,, r it Sr., .:11 n ilia•lai 411 . 111,111 , 41 wtii IW pal.' I 1.1 - ..1\ • tat nett %II 'SE: , F KAToN. .•I l'tt I'de• the ,i•II) apt•••titie•l .4Ketst ter the rrtle I'dtent 11.th.1,htult.'• 1••1 the ,latt. Pentl.yls3lll2, (I,cei.l I 1. , Lti 11/1/11.11..1191ii.. 115111 ILIS.. 1.,1 11.,• ~1 111/111,1 1 4114.1 Jelleren. 1.• the Stith-4 - 0111., rItANELIN lIAND STAMP C,MPANT, IhmT49, M.c Nr their Agent, IV 511 1.1. A VOL Pittsburgh. Nluy 12, 15611. tin) out'ST GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY J The Trunteen ul leteuirt t irvvo Eph.coput Fivitionry oktict. t.. Ilit . 1 . 11 , 11 , in ,f the institution, that the hey 1%11-Ilan 11. CIARAr. having 144.11 ec , ltip,ll.4l by protracted ill health, to resigu his !large an hector of the same, the) Invql 8.. fortunate ax toe the valuable services the Itee UEMMIE T RIDER, of New York, for the Manic posi t em, mud who enters at once upon the illacharge et has 5.4. Fr a, the very high and nattering commentlati , ll4 which they have had of Mr. Itiortt, they have no doubt of his mit/mit fitness for the work committed UI him, and that they 1/eliete that under his maimgement the Seminary can led fail to procure a inige •Ilare of public favor and Slippori. hia .001 hating daughters or . wants to educate are partic ly deemed Ito acquatut themnelyea with the advantages h this ilettitiltiou anon!, both as respect, i ts L/1,1110111 and , tainlwilis position. two awl a half miler Irian the city vied also the farilitten Im the thorough and refinod education esented w Ili I then-LI rorpe ul tilstructvrm. may in , obtained on application to the Rector, Or either of the Trustees. J If. 51i,N14.11,,ER Wil LIAR K. J,11N57, , N, ";10.0HURE H. 1.711.1 N. pt.lo-eall metal m^ rr 1.1 E CEYLON STRAW HAT—The atten i_ t.E, of tile plAl,ilC. to regneeted InWI( entirely IleW st STRAW I l ATs, pet reeeived tn.. the Importer ~nihining the ninny qualities which hare been me lm;; wattled ut toako the straw Il at suitable in every' 1.12, as Summer Ifni_ It is the ndr Straw Ilat w Well the rain nr damp weather a ill nut attic either in the brim er crow n, being so braided iu tic prevent the isissildlity of it in any way. I ,icier this entirely new style, called the CEYLON HAT, hehoving it to he the Straw blot that wilt give the wearer entire witialacie, CHARLES IL PAULS(IN, 73 Wtssl at., next door from the turner of Fourth. • WORTHY OF A 'll' EN TION !—FO SALE.—A new dwelling house Just finished, two stories, arranged with hall, two parlors, dining room and kitchen, three Chambers, good cellar. bath ruin,a lay. draw the yard, and good staid,. Thu lot il/1/5 a frout of '2O feet 01l Currol street, Allegheny Lity,l4 1(N) feet deep to Led he street_ Prime $1,400. Terms—StiOu in hand, remainder in one and two years. S. CUTLIBERT & SON, ups 61 Market at. WRI0111 " S PREMIUM KATHARION cools the hewl , sod removes all syunitutas Lit Head. ache. Persona ruling WRIGHT'S KATIIARION Are never liable to sun-stroke. WRIGHT'S PRE6IIUNI KATILARION le the most valuable acquialtion to the toilet, retaining the Hair in any required form. Fur sale by Hr. I.IEO. H. K.XYBER and R. E. SPILLERS k 00, at 26 cents per bottle. angle ALA RO E -BRICK HOUSE pleasantivsitu at,d in Allegheny' city. with hit of ground - 3u foil trout on Bank lane, by 150 feet deep ton 15 tot alley. The house is well built and finished in modern style; frnt., ball, two parlors, dining room, kitcheu, 7 chatule'rii, ml6.q lie drum. paved and gravel yard, elmh• and riot Dees. elnibbety, S•'., all in complete order, fo•1' salt• by • ' inyS k SON. 51 Markel et. 1 4 1 N;LISA CAIITETINGS.—ROBINSasi CO.&No. 23 Fifth street. have now passing through th.• New York Canton. Lloune a large Invoice of English Velvets and Tapesptry Brussels Cat - petting, which we shall rive in a few days, and be pleased to show to any who may wish the best of Imported floods. We Imre also now in st,,k of Brussels, 3 Plys Ingrain's Stair Carpets, Oil Cloths, A.c., an assortment unsurpassed in this market, and all at lowest prisms. aprl2 ff= K ERR, httxburgls Itt.r - mr MIESIEIM! 1111= Pittiburgli, Aprll 24th, 1866 K. WitrrE, toLIVER \V. 1710.6tt1, ULv. S. SLLDILIV. OMEN • „ - • • _, • -, •,* MISCELLANEOUS FU4NITURE! 'Le RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Fiflh Street Tue. subscriber, having enlarged and fitted up in good style Lin SPICIOI'S FITNITI RE WkIIEROOIIS, LARGE AND VALI'ABLE ADDITIONS To hi, st,k, and now Invites him fri ,, nilA and the putiLii. to CALL AND EXAMINE Refi.re purcliming elsevrher, lIIS STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED Amounting to .font 550,000 Worth, CAnnisting EYE RY CLASS oF GOODS hIEDIPM, and A lid embracing some very line ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS, Covered with ?much hagat,ile OAK CHAMBER SETTS, And is gre* Variety of New Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &c., &e. All of which lie "Mere by retail, at WHOLESALE PRICES. *S... Every article warrnnti4l to ,114,nev retututi.4l. 11. 11. RV A N. noai No. 31 Fifth str,it. EDMUND WILKINS, EAGLE MARBLE WORKS. N 1111 1ill!tit R I TN I : „. Sf* T. Iturtat Vaults. Touitititvirivi Nittuatrl Cetittr and het 'nail.- Or, novlii to iif evety variety. Mantel,, feticititt fvr frot , tery orrittilivitt..l and ptaru, which fa kiltrabloonil tiv tiaintitit. at fttatiti2 jti liar toit 11 to anti lvvli engaged tiritcti. ally ta ty p-ar, twenty-three tit whir), tv•••11 tliiv i•ity . a lit. it !dauntnautili rtifiirtiltri, I y. ill mato new divigtiv. atol fttruta), itlty irk tii my reativralila t•I yi lit I y JAMES A. FETZER, FoRWARDIN‘i ANI CoMMISh M ['awn AST 1.• , k TUE Fleur, Grain, Dried Fruit, Seed , , Lard. But ter, lititt,,n, and Pruiluee generally. %o. S 9 Water Street, PITTS 111"1:11 n, P l. FMllii4 11 lullrr, IvM.7, 1l dliam Dilu4.rth . . Sr . t A l'itostpurgh ot!. 11..1 , k , 11 A l', h. Al. A II I.t.t W A 1,•Ivno rA•toll .1 I I'll IN TEA sioLE, NO. 3d FIFTH NTREICT TK AA.— A rho', lot fr,ti tir,on owl ltl 1. k Trot, I at rocolvod ,liret-t from tho wigrortort. I. t-1.1 o lodes:11u and rotitit, of prwot lower thou usu al r-1) l'wo Medals and File Diplomas w a rd ed A i.Tii R Patent A ir 'ri "..11-,..nitrig tin mile Ai JAr.., Henry Rigby Airiint „rot,. it Ai 51... tern Venn.. I ran 14. i I iii.• pair ill ILA shuts at . , nt 'Chiun a, tPi....nawntt• NO .UKI Pl.. tml,t3 . ntr. kopt n. 1..1 . r. claws Jar* at I• ,‘ pr.... with Imre vti a.d. kn, rrady lit 041 mks lwrr,••• ntid ,thei ri nt, A Igo n Cr, .11 I. qll,l.ll,larr, ;t,lapte..l 10t... all m r3t,. REMOVAL. i ••R INK taIRDEIZ 11.1 HEM)V El) t,, • 7 31d11K 1:1' stret, t . ‘ : . 1.1 ghtn.l. and n prvimtred t• 1,, It•t. , ttL, ,!. : ul ,, ptll , ll. Kellen*lly with gr,)thttlx they need Iti the intuitup, Em1.1.,1,1et tee, Ittlthons, t h.: Ntt.. 7SM‘rknt •t IA IVI lIES --Citizen,' It, ,zrai,••• ILIJn y Th, Pr t. 41.1,11 rtn•l Int htt thy. t.t; th tht• 11,111 , 1nv tlrclart4l a ' , l'm-annual etvitionil,l - .h•ltar4 r .hart, ophn th, I:tyrant htnt.k. Five dollars In t .ntlh pa) 1 , 11. 1,, StIX rr t.r al., I ept: 1.1 , 1 , •,•01,14 •. t!,.1 .Illat rroLlted I, tlwir k .•,. an I aft. r th. SAMUEL 1.. NI A ItSIIEL.I. ,•.. I Jun, t.h. I OLD TYPE METAL, E IV VE FOR SALE, at the Office of T the MORNINU DOST, a largo quantity ef OLD TYPE. Maehlntsts nod others wattling such au art ale eau . large sapid yhy tattling m eat. h. 1.9 T ATE }'Al R.—The undersigned to a ,aro ti, hohlim.; of the Futu Fair at l'utabargih Lerrhy wlthor ,••• ./ .11 , 11 111.0SSElt.our. or then l'ommitto, tho. A.m. , . Mr. tiLthir•Elt 111 1.11 proaont mouth N ti N. 1101,NlEt 1 , .101 IN L't E. IVILLTA AI M JACOB (IhoStrElt. j. , 21 ' OM rh01,,. NE w 8001.8.---Just receiviid, anti it hardly tiectissary to repeat again to the public, that 1.e.) are sold from TEN TO TWI , INTI PEE I'ENT. 1.0%) . E1t th-in elsewhere. Tout of Madame Itardiel In the United Staten--price Sparrowgrass l'apens-90 cents. Comic Miseries of llamas Life-70e. 'rho States and Territories of the ("refit West—sl.l2. The Bunsby Papers; by Brougham-90, Tangletown Letters—s . l,l2. Salad for the Social-41.12. Piazza Tales; by Melville-96r. V 1400,011,1 Life In Mr x limiters; by Capt. Nla),tie White Chief: Alr. Sponge's Sporting Tour; by Frank Forester Brother Jonathan. for 4th July-1):r. Pictorial Clipper-6c. Yam bee Notions-46c. liar - pees Magazine for duly. (third stipply).--20c. Peterson's Magazine for .luly. (see..nd supply)-17e. raltaru's Nlaga?ilie for r, ore orn d supply e-20, . tiodey's Lady's Book for July-20... beelte's N.Y. Journal-160. Bellou's Magazine-10e. Itenteinber, the ;dace to get !dap:lines is at LAUFNEWS e2B No. 77 Fourth stye.. t. AGREAT BARGAIN I—For sale, a ei.tn fortable Brick DWELLING I.lOl'S'N, No 5.9 Front ,t.. with two Lots of Ground, each 20feet front 1,3 im deep. Tll,- 11011,18 large and convenient; a good cellar, with ceoient,•d E10.,r; a ball, two parlors, dining-roam, and kitchen ‘,ll airy: with a wash-house and large pantry-Ibl,, chamb,•ra. store room and bath room on the second story, and lir, rOOlllB ou (bird story. Fire-proof slate Mor, gas lict,,rea and pipes on first and second story. Larti• yawl. with throb. Krupe vines, dc. The improvements don e Mt 11101 P that; the price asked fur the whole property. Prioe on.-fourth in hand; remainder at ant, two and three years. S. CCTIIIIERT Jodi Real Estate Agents, 51 Market et. BACON -2 caAs for sale by 1724 111V:ItY 11. UM.] NS. ti0(1 BOXES ORANGES t. 4 ., Ilrrive and 67r able by RF.YMER A ANDFIitSON, JY/7 No. 39 Wood gtn,t . 2( i BOXES LEMONS to arrive this day and VI for .le by REYMER & ANDERSON, .1,1 IT No. BU Wood rtreet. YOUNG HY - SON TEA-10 chests finest King Chop Young Upson Tea. at 75 , and $1 "ft ctuved by F. R. DRAlio, myle 82 Market and 1 Diamond, FLOWER VASES-2k) pair Terra Gotta Vases for sale by ( Jyl'.l) 1113NRY II COLLINS. - 14 1 iFrikSTREET PROPERTY—A Lot of Uronlid on Fifth street, opposite the Cathedral, nn which le ern ted a neat Two Story Brick Building,, suitable for offices. Apply to je2Sl BLAEF.LY A. RICHEY. WffEAT —5OOO bushels of prime Wheat wand by SPRINGER Bi A RILL 170 11, .Is 2 295 Liberty street LAMP -BLACK-50 bbls. just receive& and for side by (Jen] 'Man , 8R.0.9. 1111 PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Al' THE BUFFALO N'EN ERI HOSPI. I A I,—)lnt4blished for Om CURE of S yph dug. Seminal I,3.knns and tho 111111 - n6om of Youth and )1 aturit y, by Dr. AMIIS d SON, Berro.o, NPR' York—Ott corner 01 Mnin and Quay etrooto, (ap stAirm.) Au intitrument for the cure of general Debility, linpOtellCe Incontinent*, or Nocturnal Emixsions. This Instrument has been useti with the most happy effect in the praettot of the most eminent physimans and surgeons in the British empire. Fr and (Jet - many. In leett, so re markable were the cures, that the late 't SIR ASHLEY' . hailed it Os the '• Ilarhinzer of Life." The use of this will fully sustain the high encomium. YOUNti NiEN TAKE PARTICULAR NoTICP. Dr. AMOS A SON are the only Physicians in the State who are members of the itnyal College of Surges... London. graduates it one of the ['Wilt eminent Colleges in the United Mateo, take !demure iii that they have inverted meat important instrument for the core of the above d iseanes. It into. subjected to A tent by the most eminent ploynolaus iu London. Paris, Philadelphia and New lark; it has been declared to be the only useful inetrument wet art discoovered bor the core of Seminal Weak noel, nr any ollseane ol the genital organs, arising from the solitary habits of self-itiolnlgenre winch dritialiiiy both body mad mind, unfitting Man either for marriage or snidely. Dr. A Nlo Pis A SiN, in order to satisfy the most ooketot Oral as to the merits of their instrument, pledges tliotnekilvell that in au y iuntau. w hero they may prove unnatinfacpory after a hue trial, tine rrfulliled returning tine Instru ment in g , eed order. Pet roux wishing the aeons. useful I natrurnant will observe that the price, with the accompanying Packed awl soot by exprens, in ten dollars NEW ItEMETYY AND QUICK CURES For the VOllerlllll, and all private voitiplaintat titeete, strit•tittes, manual 1411111.10.,111111111 iu 1.116 boos ul the haliwys, thee:will a the head, throat, 11...41.2 and skin, and nil thc.se dreadful alliictionA mining front u secret habit of youth, which produc , constitutional debility, reu derx ruiirrtaire Palate/tilde, and at the end dostrdys both body 2111.111111111. Dr. AMOS & SUN lame devoted their attention exclu sifely to this ',manlier class or maladies, end the relief they hair consequently been enabled to render to their fellow creatures it fully testified nod gratefully acknowledged by convalescent patients a n d others daily arriving in town 1 - 1,11.1 till parts of tine country, fur the exprvos purpose only o'l idtivoltathm, while thdir exertion, have 'wt.,/ crowm , d with the most signal advantage,: yet (rein what they have porteuced in Inquiring lute the caused of thew Infectious 1,111011111.11 frets their moat simple condition to that of the .11,4 t. dangerous and inteterat,l) thll have always enter. tallied the Ixwslhility of their ',retention and removal, and iikewise invariably found that the most horrible and ma ch nt forma of disease conhi almost always be traced to one ,it the following cane, n:—lgnorance. neglect,'or the ill "f -leet., of unskilful and improper treatment: therefore fir. ANtiri A JUN have succeeded In discovering, in the ender :ion of their remedies, a tusk', effectual and moil:nut ix:mike: ..nottlng all roinbiuntion of remed;es which bear an eqnl, , ,. dal Anirwler, no well as those whose premature or :rens application might he prodnetive of had consequenees the hands of iliAllitLe iudirninaia. Ili short, the latidal,:e end of the retio.dy i 4 the lessening of a gland maps of h Ina Mieery try the alleviation, ',lief and prevention of t land , grievollnallllCtwtm that are in reality the secret ro. of and whk h. w t hey so extensively surround 11:4, al did for our skill and Ingo fer.mee for their extermination. Dr tmiN have for a Imo: selct , of years been en nt /II all eatincove i - twttec in the trrla1111•11t of these tit cati• ouphdut", and 111, the only legally, qualified Physicians V. h... regardless of the taunts and envy ft the hypoelltical and inoeh moiling, have hint the confidence, tie ottali the tor dil l s, o f th.• puble- press, to direct attention to t I mre evil., from which no of ninth is ftee. In select ing thts department of praettce the, hare been amply re warded by the great success that luw atteudrl their ellorts to the treatment of thew, cases, which are so generally eon tided to the unqualified and ignorant empiric", who, with their pirated publications 114511111 n foreign names and titles, mud pretended virtues of thine patent 11,/311 .' “Uis, harp tu t% toil attrions injury ccll 111.. e 1010 hate I,ell to place faith in their pretensions—Absheal Retire Dr. ANIOF A FON boo made arranttotoruta %the,' y tat_kagen rat, bo forwarded watt .o. rvor and dcopatrh to :toy part or thr w„rld A.l , lre.i Dr. )OW 1 4 & SON. c,il.•r of Mnm an , l QuAy On, (up dtalrA,. N —3 11,+. of superior Young ilys..:l •-• Tout, otir 1./..16tr, r 1 1111. : 1)1.1) ESTAIAASIII.:I) I'EA 11(1SI. otdimalotnius tt-m.t.ci,in or FINE TEA: , A. 4.len 11. 'v./,l Inattid. "11.1 0 I f log—. 1.10a..11C11,4.,1111.0.1 in , It, 31,11 um. 1 4.1 •• Extra ! tzg 441 ••xtrn nay . •• • aar,,/t..1 1 . 1.1111, H 3-01 Ail w all at 0.011 01,y .0 0 lI'F. 1.1!.1 \ .1. Aye v_ Mat 1,1 NI 41/.1 I 11.011.41t1 ST I\ Ti) I,rl 7 k 1,1 t t TNltt :Art) Ittt It l: tint / Sev. tJ,It Stuithtielti stit v E uI.:1•1.: v 0..!, V... 111.1 li i., 'l5! 1.51115,er. It 14rr 111 r tort•til,tt attons .....11: n 1,15405 ••tty. EI No 75 I.titrlll I I :7` l l":S ,r, A t.. vI aL...-vii tit N , 1 , 01 . 1.111 N., tvl-i1 vi• a Apt.eldttli,u eviltu 111101 AS Nlle at,s Crytt \S In. lA, to, =MO IIM E.- loarrek Ire,ll received and I,r to LIE:, la 11. S t'i Al> NI) NIULASSE:c--- lu , 1.11.1% 11:1 Alpl pnm rnenr. n hw, and rut sal.. I.) i I.L.EIt S It ICI\ F:TSON, L l l-,11 F 11F.Xlt V H I ill( 'SF, To LET -.‘ e,.tiiiitodi. , ll,l yllHll h 1011:1.1,1\„. , Ittuit,. I I t tli , ,,th Lti I'h•,,,r 1 , 11:11,11131,1y • EII•11111 , 31 ::It• house, ,•r • , I HAL .221 F ilE,ll FRI. ITS- - r 1,•••• lip, in IPP trpo. or ~ t rrtut.orrlef., Pl , ' dp • It Li,Al. , rri,a d, rIP plpp llu, kPpdperro,p do do d p l'k rtni nud Plum; In t..4:1, •,.r Fp.r •tilo I.; 11111 Fats ANUF,hi ,N, Sd 1V... ppl stro. I 1)0111)1C !Saul( "I(slotteeits. K LEBEI: A: ha\r ju trrrreirc. . it Iltrp. 1.4 ol C \ Hll4l 1111111111=II!! o1.)1.•, r..•JM ntri A In.. 1 SPLENDID In it'l3l.l, BANK NIELODEIIN, 11 01, tst.•l.lW. ~1 k.3s and ~.iipling stop, finialieS ii, thi wort elegqiil and to,tetril stile This is a eery superior at isle. hods ii, L./Ile And tori aura, nod ue respectfully in Itt• the at 1...1it .11 of pimliasers and the public in gene , al to it. Mr. Carthart invented and wade the first Molosloons. an I his IIIIII•11111,11t, are looked upou I. models hy ~list's makers Far gale be li. KLEBKR A tilt,,., ply No. b.; Fifth street. A N I)LES AN I) SUM' — fiii 1• .sea .. istio l'auill..i, 4 s, Z. s and ti's; C , t• ri,tilittoll mould C 81141 4 ,4; .....:, do l'lu. tieritian Soap; I:, do do No. I do Liu du No. 1 extra fatuity Soar. In store and for sale by Sala 13111.4E11 At It ICKETSON. HERRING -34) lads. No. I Dry Salt Herring; 20 is hr 1.11 . 13. No. 1 - Jost received sod for sale by 111ILLEK i EICKETStIN, ./.1 3 221 and 2211 Liberty st. I NSA: 8..1, NC li: ! INSURANCE! !—Applista ti,.. for iiisoraii... for se•eial 14, it g! tellable lnuraut, t ortlptlflle, revels...l hl 11F.1 I. iv. BUNN, at his Real F:stats Ace, y and I idelllcence lilt., on the north side iii tilih. stroll, Louth door tout ut the Itinnounl, ALLEIIIIKNN C ITV. JO' et)Flilii E.— li7ii i bags prime Rio l'offee; I.:. do. to.:ro do do. 40 do. Ohl Gov. Java do. In stare and for sale by 11L1.1 1 .1t. ..t. KICKF:FSON, j•. 12 No. '2.21 soil 2213 Libor ty street. AUG UsT M At; A ZI N ES--Gudey, Graham. Poierson. Arthur's, and Yankee Notions tdr August. just rerein. d by It. T. C. 51011lIAN, j)F I 4I Ft th street. LEmoNs--_U loges this day received and fiir Ede by lilt MLR .4 ANDERSON, .h .. .- 1 2 So. 3 . .. ‘V o.A street. 1 000 . GA LLU:s; S LI 'NSEED OIL, for sale by J. SN.II.IO(INMAKKK , 139 0 2-I Wood Cl. NlCE—ill tiers-es for sale by 3521; SMITH, M AIK A II UNTER. CREAM TARTAR—nIIII tbs. just received and fur sale by 1 je1,2.1 FLEMING 11R0S. $j 00 FOR TWO CHOICE BUILDING lobs, having li large front on two street,. by 363 feet deep, plesaantly titillated on Mt. Washington. will be sold on ens) ton na S. CUTHBERT A SOS, jell 'Real Estate Agents, ill Market ..t.. (lANA.RY SEED-5 hbls. on hand and for sale by liyt I FLEMING BROS. RIFLES, GUNS, PISTOLS. Gun Furni ture and Accoutrements, always on hand. BOWN k TETLEY. 116 Weed st., jell+) Sign of the Golden Gun. _ _._ FC INEST FIFTY ENT YOUNG lIYSON TEA IN THE CITY call bt, had at W 1 N 1)0 1;50 V b., (,1 (LASS -1 Lase: 101.14 LU •• In :.t.•re and for sale by jr; MILLER RICKIsTSCLN BROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GTN GER-24 dozen of this valuable Medicine received by JOS. FIRMING, /3 4 Corner Dleflumd aufl nuke et . ifk.." , • A 2,15 i 4 MEDICAL A 1110 V IC E I=l = =ll ,wti • .1•1 22.2. -Nla,.kerel iu wh,le awl half W. 1.,. Ilertime.• •• • N1'111,11.11 • •• •••••11, I=l eta, ‘,s. ith pot. Fit ~•1! do Jo. DMA VO'Fl, Mxrket et _4. , k MISCELLANEOUS ALLEUIIENi CITY: PROPEItTY—A Lot of Grodna'un Larook Street, three lours from Federal _street, 21: feet front 14,100 foot deep to an alley, on which are the following improvements, viz Brick Dwelling I tense, well finished and admirably arranged. 20lA feet by 40, containing two parlors, dining room and kitchen on the 'first Boor: three rooms above and one over the dining room, a ith u finished attic--cellar under the whole house-- hark yard paved—hake oven in the cci lar—hydrant and gas ou the promisee. Will be exchanged for a Farm. Apply to jyV BLAKELY A RICUEY. FOR SALE-20 Acres of Land; a good situation for a country atom ; about twenty miles front the city, in a thrivirg neighborhood, and no ittori, near. Four Menses—two Brick, two Frame—in Allegheny City; one Frame situated en the Diamond, occupied AS n grocery and provision stothand for the business four vacant lots. WANTED—A 0111, to do housework fur a mall family In Allegheny City. Situations wanted for Ilea and Buys. Al ply t o BED. W. BONY, at his }teal Estate Aguncy and Intelligence Other, on the north side of Ohio street, fourth door east of the Uiumuud, kilegheny City. WILKINSBURO PROPERTY !- 0 R SA desirable location for & country home. Four auoo of land of clerks quality, pleasantly situated near tbe Railroad depot, Wilk inshore; la all under gnod fence, and has an excellent spring of never failing water. It will be sold at a bargain, as the owner is unable to put Me prut tonents en int/ Choice a property, and has determined to go West. Price $l,O 0. Terms $lOO in hand, remainder In one, two and three yours. S. CUTHBERT k SON, jy2.; 51 Harked st. VALIi A B LE FIFTH WARD PROPERTY IN MA BEET VERY LOW—Two 3 story Brick Houses on Penn street, each occupied as business houses and dwellings, renting well and iu the very loot portion of the pith Ward. Also, a corner 3 story Brick House, nern pod as in cabinet store uud dwelling, und a 2 story Brick Dwelling House in the rear. Also, three Business Houses and five Dwelling Houses on the corner of two public street., in the Fifth Ward. Apply to J. 130 BLAKELY A ItlalllEY. COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT FOIL SALE,. THE undersigned (with a view of remov ing to another house in the immediate vicfnity,) offers Gar sale tine IIOUSE AND LOT in which he now resides, mudded on Vouut Washington,,uti,tho brow of Coal 11111, opposite theldwer part of the city. Ile lot is I'2El feet front and 3h4 feet deep, and lung growing on it a large numher of fruit trees and shrubbery, consisting of apples, peaches, plums, cherrks, apricots, currants, gooseberries, raspberries. grapes, 4.c. The liouse is 4u feet front, 6 feet hall, and 50 feet deep, with kitoben and cellar. There are 8 rooms. with Lath roam and finished garret. The house is limit Ifs Mini en, style, neatly painted and papered throught.ut ; the doors windows and washboards of front rooms and hall are grained. There in /1 g.M.Pd sulliriently large fur two horses and carriage. A well at' grad water, a cistern. and A necessary outhouses. The hd is enclosed by a paling fence 6 feet high. Th... I, cat ion is 1./110 Of the most beautiful and healthful in Western Pennsylvania. possession given Immediately. Tern. liberal 3-23 FOE SALE—Seven acres of Land, on which is a frame house, frame stable, never failing spring, t kl. heat of graft.' fruit, grope via's and a variety of shrubbery. one and a quarter servo 01 land, on whic is a brick house wi:h four rooms, a good cellar and a frame a sm. Also, a town lot, on which is a brick house with four rooms, linidp d iptrret and guild cellar, all situated in Se wiekleyrille, and will be sold low If applied for ta,on, nr would 1w traded for a small farm handy to some of our Rail- Rotolo , For Selc—Three good farms, well ImproVed, within twee ty five miles of the city. Apply to U. W. BJNN, at the Real Estate Agency and Intelligence Office, nprlh. side of Ohio street, fourth door east of the Diamond,. A FtegMeny city. jy26 VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR FA LE.—Thin undersigned offers f.or sale on favorable tprtull a large number of building Lots In the Third and Eighth Wards of the city. The lots front on Pennsylvania Avenue, Watson, Forbes, Locust, Maria Vickroy and Muff eels. are hot a few minutes walk from the Court lions., and will be sold very cheap. Penous .1.11,0 of se,uting a convenient and healthy I cation for a or wishing to purchase fur entre', tton. in a i.art of the city which will continue steadily to improve will find it to their advantage to call upon the on .ters:gti.d. CHRISTOPHER NIAUEE, Attorney at Lou, in) MIIIMI No.ILL{ Fifth strvot titizt.t to Rod Dispdtch copy and cll. P..t.j ATALL'.IIILE Coal Mines at Auction.—On the 'tttlt day Augn-t ncst, at 3 o'clock, P. NU. will on the prc tnim-s, to the 111i:he'd bidder, Kcleey',4 ex• 11,31 11,3•1 )Loon, :LS mih•3• 3•hart• Pit Isburrh, on tlio Mo. wort:bare now in opel.tritlll. 114% iag t' , . i..ok all in the finest order. The dip oi the roal l'here are ride, iwrea own!, with Iwo due wine, ono It en] D 1., lu fi ct the other about 4 foot. Two brick and four In ore. ; the cars and rid) thing on tin-o splendidly ,111.1 .4 erlis. toaiith-r w all lid , acres .4 liver 4otioni 1 tiol er •ep• , ri. d pidit y. end 110 red , of the he.t lauding ou .•111IN —Ol, ill Cittb, 1.,11111,1 in 9 muntlia, and unu in 1, 1j ,,,,th, • I t 1 •n t n lougniu buy these unsurpassed works, ~r urzher impure of Wtx)Dzi, eotn u u•rcixl Broker, ,u 7; Fourth St., Pittsburgh t i ll VI, ACRES of first-rate land, three in Warne oi prime timber. situate in a very pl.•;aai,t loeation. about tad miles from Allegheny rite, with tar_•• trout ou the New Itt ightou and A Ilrglserly Plank It u ill Fe s.Jltl on easy tertno Fy S. CUTHBERT s SON, Real Estate Airenta, 61 Market et. ATH EHE SIURY BRICK HOUSE F'Ofi 51,7 0 0--CmAtuns S rooms, bath room and cellar. Terms, $5O in hand. balance in three yearly tiaymenta A 011,0 story brick house of 5 rums, eitane-rts.ini. Ad, for sl,-i0 Also, n dwelling-hones of ti rooms, adjoining tho 51.7t5i 'l‘, , rme•--5.',110 in band; balance in 1, .2 and p•a--sittiair at the corner of Franklin and Elm at, outs. jr.' S CUTHBERT iitt SON. 51 Market at. AT -ALI:ABLE FARM FOR SALE, in a anti pleasant loration,lo miles from the city, -u the Perri seine Plank Howl; 205 acresi, ltlo cleared and in ill vatiou; nt. nn RO acres of good meadow land, an orrbard .4 fiacres bearing trees, and good timber on the nniznprove‘l bind Tll4-re is a frau, house of 6 rooms on the gionial, with a Bit, fountain of running water at the door, a new some barn. and ether buildings. Apply to. !MAT At SON, S 1 Market at. AOW A.--11e tire sending an Agent to a por tion lowa, a ho will to' prepared to start in about ten t.•uti OW I..iyin,4 of taxes, mak lug ..te Any I.ersou having limiltiefis in that State, and will U. the favor ~1 calling on Us, will redeive every inf.dinat ..13 -12 “ 1 M. AK ELY A RICREY. - _ S(J 11ANI), balance in one, two and ‘J three )ears, will %my a good ESUILDINiI Ltsr of Lio deep, ,tuiktell pear the Outer Depot. Al eheny elty—pt ire $l7:. Thin properly ill well worth at I I NSF. E 0 I L,--1000 gallons Linseed Oil tor al, J. SCIIO SNIAEI R, TOBACCO 1_ 40 °A nalergolCK" 0101 S'n TOl zseo lo du. •• Wele. er'.4 ,•1.1 - s'n do. d••. do. .•Jas. 11. tinini's" s's do. %Val. 11. tirmirs” L's and I'S. tin Tobacco. do. • Asliton'n" b'a do. do. "Jaws - pada Ida; , du. fant•fl (ntiwitrf benes)Tauken D wsile half pound snip ,1051 It....ei‘ed and for sale by NI I 1,1,R11. A RI CK RTSO N, N.. 221 and 223 Liberty street. O' Pieces Ca!ieues, Berageel, Be Laines at 12 1 : cents worth 25 tents, at :the ReinbAtt ullni Sale of A. A. ..11ASON S CIL sal 25 Fifth street. EAST LANE, Allegheny City.—We have for Pal« a Mune and Lot on East Lane, lying between Alain street and the river. The Lot in 18 feet wide by Ii fix t d,p, with a neat two story Brick Dwelling liou,e, contain ing nix room,: hydrant in the yard, and other out-houscs. It wi:l I.e sold very low. It would bo.exclangw.l for a city lid. Apply to jy3ol BLAKELY a RICHEY. AIRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR INI_ RESTORER.—An unfailing restores and preserver ~1 the hair and sight It is not a dye! The hair and whis kers, h o wever gray, are restored to and preserved in their origin ki life color ! liy its use. wiga, spertailes and gray will soon become extinct. The Restorer usrd with tlic Zylobalsamuni, not only cleanses the hair, but inclines to curl, giving it a soft, glossy and natural appearance. The Roston, will strengthen and preserve the night, and remove and precut illulness, headache, scurf, dandruff, scald-head, or an'teruptiou of the skin, and all unnatura PrApiratiklllB or the Lead. It is a certain cure l'or ratan in the head. Sold by DOLT HAS LEFT HIS BRIDAL GIFT.— Ono of the last things done by Col. Colt previous to getting married, was to have his IMPROVED PISTOL hu rdled and brought into market. It pdssessea many advan tages over the old patent. Wo now have on hand a supply of [bete teally tasteful weapons, and would be pleasod to show there to our friends. lions, Pistols, Rifles, Revolvers, Ammunition, &c, &c. BOWN & TETLEY, ..1Y5N0.139 Wood scree . 1: 1 0.11. SALE A very desirable Country lbsiidonce, c,ntaining 0.3 Acrea, beautifully situated on the Ohio Ricer. and adjoining the town of Beater—wel! tot pr0e,..1, with a good Cottage Lloutio and other buildings-- ioc•at ,hruhhery, hc. THOMAS WOODs, AGAZINES FOR JULY ' Ileu r por'a Alaguri e fur July. raharn's Ballou'm .• laeterson's Illuatrated London Sewn. The Struggle l'or Life, or Claude and the Skeleton B. T. C. 51ORGAN, 14320 41 Fifth street. MILL AND CROSS-CUT SAWS ; Grass and Corn Scythe; Bellows and Vices: Pump Chain and Fixtures; Ilay and Manure Forks. Together with a.large and extensive assortment of Hardware, just received and for :ode low. at No. 83 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth atrret, Pittsburgh. SAM'L. FA IiNESTOCK. aPI• UNFURL THE GLORIOUS BANNER-- A Patriotic Song: words by X.. J. Allen. Writtru ot. the occasion of a pm-tent:ulna of a eland of col,,rs, by th, Lotigin,ne Oreya, to the Chimp, Light Guard.' 31usic con. poar,l and respectfully dadirated to Capt. John B. Wyman,b) Henry K leber. Price 2.5 cents. The above just published and for ealo H. KLEMM St BRO., " jjl Lio; 68 Fifth street. BROWN'S Essence of Ginger-24 dozen of this vain.* medicine received - 11 • OS. nEmze, LY2S corner Diamond ntd Market at. 11==iMEM W. 0. LEstrE, No. 45 Fifth street Real Ritate Agents, 51 Market st I=3llll .10S. FLEMING, Errig.gi.t , or t ho Mumma end Murket 75 Fourth street ~ - ~ • ~ RITES OF ADI MIT'S' BY THE PITTSBURtiII ABHINING PUT, lICEE:I23 One Ineertion...... Two I o sort ... Thrre fusel One week .. ;i Ins 7 1.4, 1 1,01 1 (,O . 4 ijo 0) 1 V. 41 Tao Tina week .1 One month.. ' (01 1 0 ,1 Two month,. ...a 7 Oil 4 doi tall month, (Po 6 it' 4 .".0 .3 (di Four molks, ....... ~..; 111 WI ti.". ) (10' Vi” . won 71, 7 35/ 5 511; 3 0 mouth• , NI ' diA 01)1 400 Niu • h........._, Id 001 lU 3.,1 8 irdi 535 year .............j 23 ( 1 11. 11 1;i In ihll 6 66, .1. a s I, in., Or Lc , pet num One vinare, per annum,. exelm.i, iLe paper,)... !.n • 0,101 11 iAle , 4 2 c PITT S BITRG POST. m ( 1 'N114.1 - 31011N LNG AUG UST :10 Prum the Cincinnati Enquirer.l Col. Fremont's Antecedents-411 s Mamie - sal from the Army. Is is not eight years since the Black Republi- can candidate for the Presidency was, on account of the grossest misconduct, cashiered and dis mi:sed from the United States Army Ile was tri , (l by the following gentlemen, comprising a court martial of the best officers in the army. Here are their names : Brevet Brigadier General, G. M. Brooks, Col Firth Infantry. Colonel S. Churchill, Colonel A. B. Crane, Brevet Colonel M. M. Brevet Colonel S. U. sal Engineers. Inspector General. First Artillery. Payne, Fourth Artillery Long, Corps Topographi Lieutenant Colonel J. P. Taylor, Subsistence Department. Lieutenant Colonel R. E. Deßusey, Corps Oidnanee Department. Major J. 1.. Graham, Corps Topographical En gineers. Major R. l)elefield, Corps of Engineers. Brevet Major G; A. Wean, Assistant Adju tant General. Major E. IV. Morgan. Eleventh Infantry Capt John F. Lee, Judge Advocate. After a fair and impartial trial, the Couridanie to the folloting conclusion "Charge I—Mutiny. charge. " Charge 2—Disobedience of orders. And guilty of the charge. " Charge 3—Conduct prejudicial to good or der and military discipline. And guilty of the' charge." It will be seen that the grounds upon which' such a respectable court of his brother officers disrnisied Fremont from the service were that he had been guilty of " mutiny," " disobedtenoe of orders," "and conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline." Certainly these afforded excellent rea,ons why he shduld be dismissed from the army, and ought 'Co tell strongly against him since he aspires, by - virtue' of the office of President, to the chief command in the very service where he was adjudged un worthy to hold a subordinate position. In pass ing sentence the Court took occasion to say : " SENTENCE. - And the Court does therefore sen tence the said Lieutenant Colonel John C. Fremont, of the regiment of mounted riflemen, linitedStatak Army, to he dismissed from the service. "The Court deems it proper, in view of the mass of evidence on record, to remark that the Court has been unwilling to confine the accused to a strict legal defense, which appeared to be within narrow " Considering the gravity of the charges, tbitiCourt has allowed the defense the fullest possible scope in its power, to develop the instruction of the Gov eminent, and all circumstances relating to the alleged misconduct, as well as to impeach the leading wit ness fur the prosecution. The Court has even in dulged the aocnsed in a course unusual, and without approbation in the final defense, of using indiscrim inately matter which had been rejected ur admitted in evidence. '• With ail this latitude of evidence, and the broad er latitudo of defense, the Court hue found nothing conflicting in the orders and instructions of the Gov ernment, nothing impeaching the testimony ou tho port of the prosecution, nothing, in fine. to qualify, in a legal sense. the resistance to authority, of which the accused stands convicted. The attempt to the leading witnesses fcr the pro:eel/thin, has involved points not in issue, and tii which the proseeetion has brougl3t no evidence. In the judgment of the Court his honor and character ore unimpeaehed. The irla6le proceeding , . of the general court mar tial in the foregoing ease. have been laid before the Prrsident of the Ilnited States." President Polk approve I .cf the finding of the Court; but political infllPlThe — tiOng, brought to lie-tr, and a majority r.f one in the Court recom• mending him to mercy, he remitted the penalty of dismissal from the set-vice. But Fremont, with the stigma of the verdict resting upon him, soou resigned his commission. From the I htitidealor.l Tom Henton•s Last Great Speech—llls Opinions of Buchanan—The Electoral Ticket--The Fremont Movement. Old Bullion is a brick ! Seventy-four years of age, ho has stumped the entire State of ;Missouri in seven weeks, making in an, nveragn two perches per day, and often riding all night to meet appointments lle wound up his campaign with a tremendous speech at St. Louis on last Saturday night. Ile said a great many bitter and pungent things agaimt the present admin ktrntiiin, who, it seem., have preferred other advice to his in Missouri matters. But he says all things will he righted under "Old Buck." Bear him: •• He would inform the citizens that he found the Democracy throughout the State united upon Buchanan. There was no difference of of inion amongst the Democracy of Missouri upon the action necessary to be taken in reference to the electoral tickets. Ile Benton) knew Buchanan well. They had entered Congress together, cud he knew him to he a man of peaceable tempera ment, and from that tact, as well as from the character of the State to which he belonged, he knew that he would maintain an honorable piece with other nations, and thus secure the blessings which flow fun) it." THE FREMONT MOVEMENT Of this be spoko emphatically and to the point. Re said that "the country was now threatened with the electi, n, of a President by one-half of the State., amilhe regarded it as an unfortunate thing for the country, for a President to he elect ed by one-half of the States, and he regarded it equally our°, intuits for the man who should desire to he thus eiected Pretideut by ONE HALF OF THE STATES !- It will be seen by the above that he has no notion of supporting hi:, awn son-in law, or even going for " Jessie," his own dear daughter. Roman like, he thr,;ws away all considerations of self and supports the than I'OE the times, the 'talesman adapted to the elation, and one he rays he "knows full well." THY: ELECTORAL TICKET. His propositions to consolidate . the two Buchanan electoral tickets; is as follOws. lie says: Let the electoral tickets abide the decision of the people as expressed by the election for Governor. If Mr. Polk receives more votes than Benton, then let the electoral ticket which cor responds with the Benton ticket he withdrawn. If Benton received more votes than Mr. Polk, let:the electoral ticket which corresponds with the State ticket headed hy Mr. Polk comedown." No doubt some such arrangement will be made, and Missouri can he counted safe to Bu ohanan. ;From the Peennyheatilen.? Buchanan In California At the date of the last steamer, the news of "Mr. Buchanan's nomination had not reached california, and the impression seemed to pre vail, that he would not head the ticket. Their's pression that he would not he nominated, created munch ill-feeling in the ranks of the Democracy, which will all of course be turned to good no account when the news of his nomination reaches that distant State. We give eitracts from letters indicative of public sentiment in California: SACRA MEN ro CITY, July 4, 1856 The nomination of Boehm:an, if mode, will be hailed with great enthasia , m here. lam confi dent we will carry the State ens , ily, with hiy name at the head of the ticket. With any other man named we will have to struggle desperately. MAIIV.IVILLE, CAL , July 3, 1856. I hope that Buchanan will receive the nomi nation. If nominated an easy Democratic triumph will be experienced. SIN FRANCIeOo, CAL., July 4, 1856. We are awaiting the news ffom Cincinnati with great anxiety. The Vigilants keep the public mind in such a constant state of excitement that politics receives but little attention, but one thing is clearly certain—if Buchanan:ln is the nominee he will receive the electoral vote of California by a largo majority. SACRAUP.NTO CITT, July 4, 1856. The Democracy here are fearful that Mr. Bu chanan will not be nominated, and his failure would endanger our success in California. A rumor is freely circulated here that five of our delegates are unsound, and will not be governed by the resolutions.of our Convention as instruct ed. Nothing but t docided unwavering support of Buchanan in the Convention will satisfy the DemocraCy of this State. 5.:.. _~ y~.:r.. =MEI T , ; 4- ~?:*A: , 4 4 1 1 uLr 1 2. ) 2 DO 4 ao 6 60 6 50 9 00 12 00 10 00 Awl guilty of the. rte;+