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' 1 , 17,t ~¢1 ; "? 1 .a. 1 V • ~,* r ! i . ... P. ....7 - ,'... '. • • • • .. r 4 .N.- -v•flt Ta t .4.7 x ; 0- 1 4 ft,iotai 4 . *4 ... , t'il. 4 0 ec'''P ''' - ' -1, et ' t,• -';',*"( 4 44 - . ...... ~" , '-• ~.. E ,,,,,„..,, -! ~ : 14 4' ,. ••,a . t -, • • , • 1.. c. nAltt, 4 . , &44tvtov , 1„ , .fr ,... 4 ~, ' , :tr4 /,,.,:- ~ . .\4 _ ' ~•. ~, 17 1. .,a•:;; f it , '-.: 4 . .. , , t i , i . t . : , -''. ~ , , • • • . 1.,. ‘ g 4.. .41 .:t , ga ri. 4 . o . .i, 4+ lo t,,,1,Z 1L ., 7 st, I :4• 4• ' . ,,, „., • - 1. , j , .: 4. * 4 , i4,144c4. ..,,,., ... fp, f. 4 r ...., , i „.... , t t ., 4,•, , . . Li .1 .1. til ; 4 1. 044.141Ve1F&V.t±,714, 4'l .04t i gg h ly? . " N 4. ' '. a° - ' ' ', 4 •• ' • ' • ~. ' - ,1,t • ; • i ''• ''''• 44' 0 ttto - te ' • W•t tf & kiji;tl - `. ' ;- ,'• ''‘ ``o t o ~ • • ,- ..., ~.. . #...e , ~.. .t.... 4. me ,•..:„,: ;,... ,-* ... ...11r,- - 0.- .....- . - , ti .1^ i-, ~,,.. ~r • • tt , ' •, ' 11. , lc.* 4 % ~.1,6X. ' - '• ' ' ,'•1 • .' ''' -,-ft , ',} -4.-.1 . ~ •- • '... , , , , ,•- . , ',' .4 :* ' r.' ... ~I m r .., .. _. „ ,''t ' 4- 1. ? N i ti. -r ''' ''' L `diet• •• 4 "l 4l ' '•'.,......:.. ' t) • ' lt ` mt 4* :. • • :It t' _,r 1 0 31, 4 • 2 la t , a‘ 10,44 14 :41;,! Y ' ,1-1.5 4 , ,r t , . at -Y ff , r " „a- 4 , 6; 4=r. '4 .4. 7t .141! 4' '!".1 t " 4AI/it 0;1, „ A l o 4 ; l*.a Vilti r i4 4 s%itS ' fi ft ' "i.; "* " tiN" cos:- • 4,14 ~ <'' W7),VT-NGARI), , ATTOItNkr AT LAW, RISEN C %WIRT k COUNTY, ilmerlurei hillurgiugtlary !flair, Clearfield find In diana ooltuties.'" lel, 12:1y. JMMES LO WWI .„ Attorney at Law, oak., FaurtWilt, . het. r...a ',nicht - 30,1 and Cherry alley. JOIIN RA-KT ;;;-Attorney and Counsellor Ty a law, 113 :rant mtTe.tll, Mho- rube of Mho burgh. jrrtly SAM P. ILOSKAttiitlYataw, No. 109 Fourth era, lliifibthlt„ &kith door belum , Mr Hotly Pi.weiwwa's Livery Stutito„ DAN!ICK. MI ERN NA, Ald6rmstri oP: l aird tV -o corner of (Iran araffillb eUve:er v iterly occopied . ligal• Le tyl.q,, where fill tiltstne, * e4 titular to the ofneo .6 r , Allieruttlit:atal Justicettf - thri:Vrater4lll promptly attandad AIIL, JS efiti 'l4mrt - - ot3 -- oort . wog of Market. Orr Office Loon from 9 o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. y 0 liN 1400RITEAD, Wholesale Grocer and v . .h.rellinit, for :boasts of }IO METAL and 8L001.14, 4014 PRODIRIE gsnurally, Na 27 Wood atrust, PittsGurgli. ait24 WIILLULALILLSR W/1. 11.106ETSON, Pittsburgh. IVIILLER & RJOKETSON, \Vholesale Gro• cere, Importers of 111LANDMl, WIN ES and SW Atte, Noe. 11111:11c1174, Corner of Irwtu and Libarty attosts, Paid burgh. Iron, Nallo , Ckttiou Yaroo . Ac , constantly on band. at.race B. OCILLINu J ROBERTSON. EDWARD ... L tutrowst.r. ItOBER'rsON facturors of eat., Pt essod and Pluin Flu, I' 4 11...k.5c W A It F. -warehouse No. 17 Wtssl street. Corner Front, tshut L. ..fkk:All ether kraals of Roil Window Glaris. at jaw b.(arltru pricee. '4,11,11y JAMES E. LeDLIZ ia ULA. T oDLIE UL A.AI, SUCceSdard to Al ulvany L & Leiltla manufactaron..4 Out, I.ioldisl and Plain Aut and Paury Colored' A/LE, and dealers in all Kinds of Window Olivia, Flasks, Vials owl Hauler. bons° corner of Market and Wesor isioamr & h. mhtt:dly . ,* EMOVAL.—U. ItiMMSLN, Atanufaeturer _LA) , of ovary variety of 'VIA ttTI.F.;" and WINDoW ; black: Patter, Wine and (Int or i;.4 ties; Deninelins and Carboys; ohm, Flint Climes in Lyn, y vat tety Wart hou s e Nun. 104 Seared and 133ee Lint strt, Pittsbureh. Inic2S Fit, DitAvo. litamoud, l'ittsburgh, dealer iu COUNTIOI PRODUCE., offers for main ti rhatz - e slack .of GROCERIES, seluct•si for family PPlrs.'s every - variety nod the purest quality. around at lee Stearn blab. /450, Dried Froth". 'Foreign nod Demon o- Produ.-c taken t (0 eichatrgn fur merchandise. F. R. D: has procured a full assnrunent of Landreth's war. ranted/31.1.11DM SEEDS, nod invites the attention of tilt th. terestOd 1)1 rural affairs. unit 1 fiard MISSION HOU S E.—Th e ()seri be r.; V have opened a (louse for The puilime, at No. 17 &salsa - Ohl Street, fonr dewre above tic- Von“tigalteiti ices, Ws will purchase, or leceivo on for sale, Co.ll -- of FLOI.III, ColtN, BARLEY, FLAX HEED. OR ASS suEn, n A LEO lily. k,• npon which tee - wilt ranks advances, or per, base ut the best market ratew for rush. l novlll A to i RO & 1 tee. W. a. Cm:WU. ....... . . I ur g e, ,. ENOUN!! & ledynsle klt`ille, FISH, BANN and OIL, and Pk. c•n,.rolh Ws, • house furmerty'ocrupied ly Dm b„ d_.• .0 ligiiratn. N,,. I 1•; Water alltlloo Fit* Street, Pittsburgh, 1.4.3 /Ca 15.......... 1.13. ,•114, fie A IAVELL, LEE n NV holesale nwers, ?ruttier, earl etiuitnimsion Ni.reloau in, mei 1/1 I'll3.'llnm:4h Maoists:tun... No. S W.OOl street, bet Witt. r and ?rout atraett, Pittnbaruii. apt loirN et)., I...rwarding and u cowman/au Mercluuit.....leale“ in an i.iudc at L'lrr.:l - MANUFACTURES, 1.6.-311 1.11'6 tea ;Amy LEAD, NO. 67 Prom streat, err ra IFNitY . COLL ['Ns, tA,rr ts' anti It g hill gommomd o n Merchant, aml wholesale Aloal,r oi PIS I I, iltl-Sustla r tssartkiam, Ml*o3 and PRODUCE g-nerally, Nu. 25 Wood street, Pittsburgh. • ?tiara a E RR ILLIAM CA & (William Carr, law of firm J Parker s: tvhal.alt• tllto r and atinlers lu Par. go (PINE.. and lIItA\UI Kl 4, ul.l •MotiongallOtt and Recttli,l VIiIS K N,, 3._XJ ('sunito:rclsl i,dlaitty street., Pittsburgh. jnGy OSEPti NL EMII.:` , ; (1, successor u, L. W il. eox,&. Co, Tinier Mai tat strtvt sad the Diamond, ckisspa canstautly on baud a 1,11 assortuscut 40 DRI.Rial, MED . JOINES, EST:i, PERFUMERY, and all ant ....glee pertaining to ble bubin..s... 210 . - Praacriptiona carefully roulponnded at all curt -JOHN alt/41,,Kh ,111 1 EALIN(.I . BROTHERS, o ticeessors to .1. Kidd & Cu., oritoWnle Dit LP :TS. No. all Ki am, t. Pittsburgh. Propriottori of Pr. Al'Lotot , r rolt•ltratt•ti V,rmt fug,, Luvor Pak - Jolt) _ _ _ L: MARSIIALL, sureeisoe tolf. Lee, w ow , DEALER au,' Alt!iteLLINT, Nu. 139 Lib,riy 711. Rtfereurx.—W ac !Cramer fc Itwl,m, Mur pia y, Tl , rtinn S tAL, .t K lzpritr Pittel.urgli; Nlay 24, 14f.5, crIADIVka, denlor in Kentucky unt - TORALINI, It MIS. and PAPER, No. 119 Wo et t—lo iii, d The Lught,t hhirkot pnr. In rash, pti.l for I,4gs. li/ Ll - 111. P. iIAJL4I - 1! LL ......................... JuSCP II K. ucdrr WP. MAILSH A LL hnrorters and &aka, Prtup..ll awl American PAPER 1Nt..1.Y, No. M 7 Woo.l atroet, Pitt24l:to .03-ode nlrwutn fur tisooolobrat.. , l uninuf.u - turt.,,f ealicoort & Co., Paris. C. MORAIA N, lionkseller and Sta - itaa,do.. ) . on baud gullor4.l 11.3.4 (Muni 8,110,1, and Dial ooi PrtOtluF. I '..%t I Gap Pap-r. kr ., whj , e3glo aroi rrt.ll, 80. 104 ,t..— below Eiet4 ielLet High.) .'ittAl,nrgi.. gar. WA Zi TED—ltagi ;tad T ,, inere S,rno J . oliN 11. MNLIAJII., IVll..lesale and Retail der In All:Sit:AL IN•SCIIIISII:INT.S. PIA N , 130i.blUL 110010 awl neI.IIIIN Mir, No. hl Wood Atty.! Pittsburgh. jnol 2111.1./Pkr ...N ............... . x J Pi. REYMER & ANDERSON, (suo,,q,,,rs Joadinn Rho.les k C.,.1w tk titr.ierpt[t I N NUM, OONFEcT I:1. W , 1. 719 Wood 014 4, opposite the m. .14= A TiNDLE, W and litttail 1:111 • DLit, VALISE, and CARPET 'bittl MANUFACTURER, No. 1013 Pitteburgh r 294 FNoN TE R 1s E WliftliS, . 136 Wood street, third th...r below Virgin alh-y —ROWN & TET . i LEV would t.ull the ettentiun of Spurting seen t' their laryv ,vasortmelal Or GCNd, ILI)LE and IL EV,ILWIN,I trloi 3 O, the largeettuml beet ocLxte l crack ever operkevl w chic mat e bet. togothor with a t-. 1 1 ,1 ;0 illadWtirey Oak : ry, Toole and Frailiill4 TReida, all of h w.. ,ti-r at lb. ioweet possible pi Kee to rash yarehavera. or i“, ;proved paper. tnarls NN ORTH-WESTER P01.11.q.: No. 111 Waelutigtun west, corns of Larbure, CII l eOAOO, IaLJAIV"I'INKFAITON D. D. FLODOIIIII. PINILEItTON k devote their rntlri' attention t th.• tranatrtion of a geilenti detective P 4 , I.ICE 111JSIN.Ef4.4 ttai tetated of 11th...fa, Wtsconaln, Sjiclihran and Indiana TOVES.—No. 124 IV, mlol street, above Fifth —We bag 143//ca to call the Trade to our 111.4:it 4 .. .Stan., Hollow Muni/lid Castings to general. Hat ;- ed every thing in our line, we roe safely say that vio cannot tro surphseed in finish, titling. and einis,thriess, by any in tin trade: Merchants will find it to then' ethentente L. .11 is fore tinging elsewhere. li - ATCLIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ti , -IL gotwirrs is now ulling off In large an. choice stock of tine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry lini Fancy. Goods it a very email advance no Ora cost, ;wino ator) 1. , evlargitig Ida Store Room and the purchase , d au ein:re net: dock, for the Poison cleaning GREAT BARGAINS ahoold „ill early, as It i* Lair determination to clone oat loci preseut and: unto vet regard to former prices. Don't forget the pIace—ROBERTS`, Iti RPM street, near Market. MX MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING --itosicivig...a-2,8it0 4 Firth atteet,,orpoaltn)d.,- :4311 . 11, IS•Ve-largo 414:02 of Min and Days' ettOTIFINte on :Nand, coinprialng wale auttrati new and elegant style which :iy eg ap e pa fu. tbo lotvent prim.. a tar:9 an d f,„t0.....1,1.1at0ck of 0 &OFFS' FURNISH( NO deel?.:4ly GOODS. U. D unapw,.........„,:APingl. AtCy9A--- of.olLox uancr PITTS BURGEL;fIDAOII . -FACTO I tY-810- LOW ,k,COAsnceeituai: 11- to E. it= No, 4e, NA moodo, alley, near 'Wood street . Fist' ARRIAOIO, COACIIRS, PHAM)N.S, BupoitZ" , ,, gind Or°7 description of FANCY YElllol.,C2'batio `Order; and WAN] manner unsurpassed for beauty, of design.efe:onloo of Amish, skill of workwanApip and duralrOcl ^n4 , 401 1 4 1 8. *a- All mark anirtanfoe •• frisn9 T'NTERPIII,SE WORKS, No, 136. Wood et., third * lran" trnioni /lOW . would call the attontioinfiti Sporting - men to their large us. eortment of GUNS, RIFLES And REVOLVING PISTOI,d, Alio largest and heat lelaohol stock ever opened in thin oar , ;GA. f.collsr YOU+ A general sascirtnient of lIARDWARE, CUTLifIa,TOOLS and FISHING TAWILEOIII of latch o otter at the lowest possible priest to cash purchasers, or for good approvod paper. marl 8 Joni n. routfo...' MIA. a. YOUNG FRANCIS 1.. TOOOO. 11. YOUNG & CO. No. 38 Smithfield A street, rinpatitir City 1104, manufactureir of CARL NIVr FURNITUREAtrCHAIIIS, of every description. ykk• terints and wergualinahlp warranted. and cold at regional prices. ConoinkliWthtplicktng for land end water sugal .K.r.?_ • SCHOONMAKE IC, Manufacturer of J. Vat* ue, haat, Lithargo. Pat h. Or- 'MU 011N.Palutu, Vuruiullua, Turpeutine, 1, 414 . 4, 2 k ittrout,,pittsbunth. . nur DRESS !MODS REDUCED—Every - :zi t icriptiatuor Atte Dressfilptle fOW belt7g ; ca t fS to .110peteettyci . oprefeti. .E . lmti z )ear . s a miON ock,,N t h-lb nth it. ''- - 1 1111121110 it•if "s - ,~- Ph 7 T - Fiirit - WI MORNING POST. PrII .Cl aart .psiidoned epe7V,lntirni4; C*o 4 o e x cePt 4 n UV oni.LllllC,OftE DIONZ'AROMERV, on. to ,sontuitraro amine of ;mon Alm nint srairra. .;I,'~fII',~SSIONAL CSR po.lo.lg:L C. WiNGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , . PrfT6RUItOII, PIFr A. Anitia.liS 13 LIILD1140S. Grant rent. isarkymilL,Jo 10.12:ly SinteM lb:mak" DpecOSljiii - ING. . 1.)(11 111,hi1e'rN..)144 8 .-ultbftlf.Lt~l-istrwc. ~ hgura,l.orfig - to 1 o'rl6ck;alia rroixinac94,l> i Ed y , _ 1 BUSINESS CARDS ~, ' 4 ,% - 4 , 1 - r . •, • • ',...1-st• . • .. . *-...• t. _ - .'••••••-• 4 4 " 4 5. - ; - e 4 i• • - ' ' ,- n "L. , ' ~,,, .e , g , •"•.... - ..- 7' 11 '4 - -,,.., v,..,- . 1 „...‘V.t . .. - ; , ...=-: - ,.:_i,;. - .,• , ;,••••,,r:•n,..... -,.- ..i.tJ. - --,, :', - ,,.1 ,- ,; -, ..4. - .-, ,, , r,.. , ". ,-,,, , , -- p4-1 , - -. • -.:.,- ..- - - - 7.,4 , ,•• - . , 04,:: ,---- -------,-...........,,-- -_-----.7.„-- f i z: ,-- - -.--_---- _ •-._ _. -__ _- - , -,,_-_-_-,,-_-_ , .-446.--- - --- , , , t--7 , -...,----_, 0 , • -,„„ , ~... ,_ , -, , -_..2.--,..-,..,4,,„,.,0-*,_:.„,,---, - ,--,-, -,,,--,-,•--; ~ -.'"4-5. , .- , , , , ,, , '.." , C •.f.. -- A , ',l , -'• -,2 "-Cti. , ..4 - 4. ~. ....".-, , 5, -,. ...,... ..,,,,...1i,. ,,, V. , J ..,,.,,,,, , ,,..,„.v •,•-!',, ;,-,, , ~,ip, - mdli t , - ,-•,,, _,...;= Fq.a.tar_r,M , t, i." . y.... , “:7:. '' , , 4 , ." - . - N•P': -. .. - =4:7• 7 .'f.1. , . , =-.... - .4' ~• :,,,,. .--..:,..."-= --4 -W.N.''''. — ....c.9 . ....._: , .; ,,, : .74. - .7 . , 4 , ,,,, - " - 4,'-',..: , C, ,,, , • ,'...,,,,.." -,' „, .s . :,,, .^. ~..,',..:',, ~ ~ q , ....,- , ..- : - -,..,-, , ..1,..7.... , --,.. ..- , ?.7e - Ok:1 - _ , , , ,,..4-,... ,,- , ~",i',.?;;' .4... ,- .1,4 1 , , ± - ~ - i: ,:t.4_ 4 17. 4 e2 ".1 . .-ler . '... '''. , _:..• . ,.3 . .. - tt.r ~. ~...- ~ . ".:..tritg-f, ,It - ' it-'0 , A , Z. , 2 , '" ' 0 ''.'. ,, , , i; .'" r?,' , -;: - : 4. ?r.'i_r ':".: . V. , .. ,,, . -...,,,,, .., ~., ~ ~ .. ... ' ~„..,.,,...,-,, fi. - ..5..-7,,t , , ,, 7. - 4 - :' , ' -- ,3;,......, :,•:, - 'f. r• ' IC ~' , . i.? - .. -. ' '''''' .. - ' 2 '"'";': , -.. - .;.' fit. . ' - -' .' ' ''' • .'" '' ''''''.:," • 4 : t.: '- ' -;'* - : iA - : -4 "i : ':?' ' ''Tl rl :‘ ,l" “ ' ....' '''''''.- ' •'`"-% •,.z. , :: ....... "''':" f . "••• • :f..• - •:'''' •• ••5 ! - ` 0 - ,- 4 , e.... , - - W:• - 4Pft' -, ?•'' '-• ' - *.z , f o l - '• • ' -• • "" • • "'-•.- -.• ''4 •••• . ' .•r •- ' • -• 11 ' • !% --- •- ' ' "‘"" • ~. . _ ' • - -Jr.! ~ . :- . :.?", : i r- ' ; .:-" - i - ~ '"_,•f• . ~ .-...- 1 ., . ••• -•q0.4. .. ... ... . .•- " Vr.,--,.- . . ~ . . . - "'"--• • -'"- '' - - ' - "-.- `'` •--'` - ---r-'`•• 4,•,- - s,- , ... ~ . ., % .0(4:4 2-,• *1.,. ,t-^a,....v . -: . _ „ ~. . .. .- .. - ...,„ . . .. . ..* . . • , - ...,,,.,„ . ... v ~„•.... , . „... . A ) . • _____ PUBLISHED DAILY BY GIL VOLUME XI V. BUSINESS CARDS' "(awl Nl m)" rm." my Gil rie" ir ili I tri fl e ." , . _ - - MPORTA NT TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH BAD ztitlriT.—Pehlott9 suffering from end Sight, arming from Impaired t/NOU, CObEitiLlitiOilld decay. old ago, other omsem. would do well to call upon Dr. E. SHAW, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, WIWI,' they may rely nixat getung Spot-tacks eciouritically adapted to the .ITIFT NTS OF THI: EYE. 20 dtreet,oppoalte A. A. Macon'e, Picu.burgh • P. d.—Teksrnp.e, 311crcsgr j ea , TherTnnrnat,•rs, and ovary astlyle Ilrbpertultiing to thr )ptician tt.l.le, tarp; and lopai red on the Glax. , , Iroo-r144.1 In 01,1 Fran., M.. Any trio le n•ot approved of, ex. hanged free of en. 14, 7.1 y NEW COACH AN D CA 1{1:11(; E EAU- Toay.--ionN,n .t Ott, corner of ilebocca and Belmont etreets. Allegheny Cl r. would respect. lolly inform their friend, Roil di, pnldu generally. that they have commenced the manilla. time CARRIA/Hiv., HA ROUCII AWAI". 4 , 4 1.Efi:l1S1 and CII.A• akrm in all their various ntylen of tiniKli and proportion. O All orient will he ere, used with strict regard to duns- Idlicy and leanly of fini-b ltepnirs trill niao he attended to on the nest rensonable terms. Piing In all their work the to. };,mince Shafts, poles. and Wheel !Midi, they feel confi dent that all wh, favor them with their patnninge, will In fertly aatinti,l en It oh a I then new wort. ••• ale requested to give no a rail, before pur chasing elseu hem oc16:1v AMILLI EN k CO. have on hand, at • their extensive CAJON ET and CHAIR N UFAC- Toil% . flt:ntlitield et rem., a large assortment of fancy and Plain Fur WWI, whack they will sell In hoer thou cimionumy int, Terms. rock 'trim tdecl C . A R._ HA RN Err, EfoßsE u R ANL BLACKSMITH. too erwreil a new Ithd coalmodtoue CH th It V ALLEY. tkala, , ,n trd and Foul On he c, 1. J../ all work in hw hue will ol he of had long expel anaa; the h, the palr.lnage ot inn, old Line NAL gvnerallY. JAAi ES AIELL I INI ER, Al unol uhelt Yhl lung llnll, would resti,eltully inform hi, friends and the that Lin lieu onlahloilitueul is now in full open llinit 11,14 prepare) u. foriil4l 14mt 1 24141,18., and Ell nil onlery in r I'LAN EL LUMBER., with pruntrituena, and at the been B.aid itha phaudil nnu nr Faclr eid. a , coast nail) nu I:m.1 D.ure and Nl , nl,llnge. or everyl , l.• I ord,t ply Buibitui and Carpenters would timl It to their mlean Fir Co die him it ill. AA . turileM w¢l I'luue•, dultAble for oval dencriuttut of o rl, • FuLTuN „AR Woltiiti,l , l)llNDßl ANti \I t'll INE ! . .1.1• k2(14.),E Y. 01110.—Tilt subs , rd. r 11, •L! ul,. lilt. , Lai now t akt fmout ly ••1rct0d..1,..1 nu , r, M'lhniuugh dud Shuldy .t 1 vete, In wept t•ti t.• run ti 416 I 1 , 11 1410 U.5.:1.111X till tit - Joni b•r Itaggn,,•. F 1 ,1041. Plat furtn. &la, I. Ilona uu.l al t•f L Gls. Alb, I. . TE.A..%1 ENO I N K: 4 el All iIk:AI:INQ, RA .1 all sei 'ideals, and all utbsr st, tainin, t.. a Foundry and Si.,. Ifine :bp. Til• li . drenien cl iltibbatt detiartuients are scientific 111.1r1 I.ra ti.• 1.1 nie,—heed It 11 diu Lot, t u tuenuiA. I , JI Lrt'llel an..IV,-4 iti1. , 41.1 and 'taiga all valuable 1..1 ctu isnpr. d ',net: hi. litinn,ielf W. W. Ni EIT II littELl. TIIE 1101'.E COAL CUMI'ANY having rr caully met trill, t I /11 , 9 1 4.11111?; i6nli 1.. the Maunhirturerl' Insurance l'.da- Dafivi of l'hiladelphoi, tak e pleasure in easing; that Ili. It claims were ifiitiktrilt I .1 of said Oitup,tiy. ELI.. As' tit ef II t'.ia. Pit 1.-burgh, I ieieustier Y, Isas. file( !fi EVOLVEIiIi! . FAO . ; ! ! - J ust re- I by Y.spri as. dirts - 1. - • !lie a spleutlidasc I - ' — ineitt OA, REPEATING /LS. ".`"' . and ea inch barrel', all of which w•• trill cell tor 111 114 lair print dt his bought Nett York Per. sens d'ait to Australia and Callhabia still nod that Ibey I•atet Ly pur 'basing their elinpagg et lean, than they •sui at; ..:leers—as Ivy give person, a haw, ti. any I II.• she, Yodels belere biasing the city. and in rs.-.• a Lanni,. we rebind the unbey. . u(:DEN c„., _EP N., Ir, tit et eirtitil. \r.111.1 i vale. lb. in, It. ihnt tlwyt.nkm,' a Inter' •Oti , ltl, MINERAL II ATEg. ALL ~.,1 1 . 01:11_1, le - et ttality. of familit,t 14 pm tiettlorly Ju., I I t. , r.:( tr.( iiir•vt.ttle IVA lir, A isi pole,ot •L.l Thrv.rt , , ri:+uwii,l n t.. la.llJou ,te tkc,t/La. ite ts owett.ll.l otroltOthowit. 11 J. 1. "1LL4.20•4. .. ...... 5. FIN!, NE I J. OILLES'1•11.: k 03., k:t.y. Ulm's M31111fiw4i1i.•,... IP) dunk, ul L... 1.1 ” )• 1 , 11,3 11,41 Coa.r. ILA F:thri N.. on Ind n 4.1 nlntir (Isll. awl NI, tl. y kiii - Sn.itinl•••iit Li...c0rm...1 MIDI , iiit 1,• 11 M• A. SWI LER, IVhuje,.al algidtil Dili], in Fin 4t ,v.-x. Tin. Iron and Tinniir,i i•itii-t lion. Wirt ter . ar. ••rtli • li•l ioni•••site Bin:bier's Hide!, • Lla inp•-•1; d.ati • VENETIAN iILIND :AIANLIFACTI"- . RCP., Leo IL/t 11..AltIs 44, a• U 1.54 RDA h 1.4 hts JILL% D M A SCE At:rok S. Ythi. 1/.1 I Igh, Eltl , llltll b 4. lt atifuell le! till /11/11 Inufy %Vol 1:1,1 S Tut..“,.1.145, ala.l . vivo. 0.1 n. ri., asi) .1•1, hi- 111/1.., 11 111 , ..t I. on Ili, wart t.. 1 i• • ,AI 1,•11,.1 11a...1) , nu. tx. LAval /I.t Inn/L...1,16p • 8 . 1 ,lit.h. . I,i-j 01.14.1. 1. 1 , 10. tt.11./i ~. .1 0 11.11.111. • the 1 1:111i, 1.• ELur tr... 1 It, 11.•,, . . skin rnot .31061 I le 11. , ny- koel on hood a Int-go :11. 1.:, 4 1 . 1 • CA`,IIIk.ILE: 4 . CL, h, wla mak.loader on the 1 vt... A foct tit Al wnr NIT u() IV ELL'S FliftNl'l1 1 111: A\ll I'll.llllS, wl,lotule 11% tail, ru11,%. r% ,) I. 1%%; qi% i 15 . .%11.%,1 • ; • P.lsa r-1/1/1 1•••1 n1%.1 nr I%,s•rr .•.1/ 1 , flit.).' !,10•1 HIP) W011.1lIts•ii. .:1 1 1,1 NIAI:or. et%/i.,1.1%.4 clrk u, .1.1111/ay .1 Ft:IC.)I TI 1.11 ;.1%1 I 1 1:7% t••1 . 111M. II U•I Jr t,1,.. , 1 Al tin All./ ttlea C: , 'l Sund. at4 1, ,1 79 Third .11.,1. tsOV2 1•ITT:Itl 111111. PA J. & T. GROUTT BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c. DEICERS IN Flue Old Monongahela Rye Wh'why, PEACII A.NI) BRA ; RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS OF .kNI) STltlierA Itvi 11. I.A. SANIFEI, 14)1; kw . ,• nParwiateal lt,p!thor under tit 01131, tit t• 3.311TP.L1. 1.. r lh. t cam:trap. .4 a F,wnA I,lre t) ml Dry tbaala II:, 31,1110. lur.• ylnm and lint nil Lae 'lilt 31..u1ai • WATCIIES AND JEWELRY.---,l()IIN 14 1.111t.1CT9, N. 16 FIFTH nti,,t a.':!". el livid ALAI ',lt, Patent I.r.ver. .11.111 .1. I,pr, and 1(1111.:41 .1" ug .4 the niaat elelnatell Su.lnL a.,:i Aim, 0,1.1 12111.9. St alb, alpi Ca, 4. rll4. lwasy pduu Svl n 14.1 al Flo, Bing . , la c:aelpiva, Ear-Haug', L'.ll Spg , laclue, li flinty nod t. Cl , ral aml Fanty tiwtala. .1•• It:, twat nt all pi 44-n Th.. al.unu ISIOCH ii5.1.1.1m-71 Inc F.t•l •rit inanUfaßVilledlalillen&,.twl ill L rent rare I, flu- retail sade. and will be atiltat a small mil-time and Jewelry repaired. Udding and rn. ow mg rxeruted 11, the wanner, /and Slivrr %Var.. and order JIMN M. ItitHEilITP, 41.17 pith strkt, next dk.,l- to Nlarka _DELY'S SI'OCKINII DAIS comer of Market alley sad Ftflh et rest, finds it I. 4..3417 to rout nulirt It l'opol that has gauu•d .•liti, that he was ..11ing ott to quit business. lilt. itcllor Lad ra,.11 44enth,a1 He Inform. the pular that he still contium, t•, supply. STOCRILIJ9, SHIRTS, bRAWERS, Aud all kind. 1:;,1 ostablisttuullt. Ilia Fa, • 1.44 y if near Ryan's Building, on FIFTH litr(*(--.Ten nt all Innen to tho inspection of the pubitr. Ile bonitle, :In work of his own tiotzutaeture. brought to the city tin largest annortmout of (tootle in it, 1:!:e ever Itt,tigltt h. thin city. wtarli aro witrranted to be of the beet qut4ily. n.l mill be nt the moot iennonalile privy. Ile ban hot one t:ni, It.. on, at the orner of Market nil:). mid Fifth att eel 1,11115 C DALY, Comer Market ally nuti — Vita) 0I - -•- •- NIVE INTELLIGENCE OFFICE—If you wall; to hate - help." tluil employau NI, buy or sell properly, call qt LyWRIE'S INTELLItIENCE tiFFICE, No 14 Pith ntruet, near Ilartiet street. Ggn.l Ito•cuninutq and Copying done with TA styles. and .1. ti 4 PH W. LOWRIE. 14' I bRSCII - A • ;!;tiLMENT-I'l“.icy[ libi- mega n , w It, its. fur sprains, bruises, Li,. lrmt by FI.P.NI I NO, ap2', rot air D114.11101;i1 and Al 4; .t. 11 METAL—Idu tons good quality, e.,ld 1 Ll st n lux[ reeelrfai per ateatpa, laps, and for sale by apal P. M. nAvls. turner Wool tuoi 1;p11 REASE--Bayes ' celebrated Grease for VI Drays, 041.04, Railroad Care ; Ste., in cans, hogs and bide.. for sal,' by 150111 lIENTtI 11. CAJLIANS, Th4OAL WOltliS FOR SA/X.—Sixty three ki arra, of land. with 250 of Coal attaclind, and all the tut. prorentent4 then- on L, sottotts.qtul operation. Said Yarn, is e it on tha o n the Mooeogebela Jiver, 34 wiles above Pitt, burgh, and to enpplind with a Paint louse, Barn. Ttniant 11.1tatts, timbal d. Railroad. and as excellent harbor. TGc VUIII of Cool Id 111, foot think, nud clwn!. Lo surpasavd In quality. For furtl.r parricidal-1i apply NICUOLgON k PAYNE, 23.5 Liberty stroot. WMACAWS UNEQUALLED IN I, IBLE ILTS hiy a bat received fi 1.17 Stipp] yof thi , celebrated WOW*, Adak qr w4lrout e prOparA timi. it is otrereOettitimat ink %tow in nee, I n a n cane the money will birepptin4t tvh9it d* not.>l e. Ft.gime, gab carialwr Diwp)34.4o.y apd Marko et. • : , „ 4 i. ' 11,1 tiu.l 11.11 and /or 4111 ir..m 2 to 21 vati.itin aaill4l ,, a , TAW. , rli Cloth.; i`rino.l nail lama, nail Tali 12....‘ri,; iluhtot and C.c... Mai -11, 11.4,01 Rao; 114:i Maim mai; List, Rag aaJ Viilewtiiiti P. iMt with e6Fry varlet . % d••‘‘ th , cfu au.l .11 of al. - 11 ..ii.-n+l xi Et.l ata rap, t“ tannish 11A111i1Ni1T1 , N':. 1.1. /21144 111 I', 'WS A TETLEY, stre , .t, IKl•nr,•t) AND Allegheny County Sormal School. .1' .1/ r - if • ray, n✓r the ..,Votle.Ttnica and,n9fon J'l,in B ERR. A 31_ NI I. - h PU.. .n. Rl , l HEE:. ,•;, A. )1., Prot. I'll 1.: on•it Il• •I •MA .) :,1,14,/ it•li t, \V at . • I. I •41 11 ES -12 11 H., I;.t ii Al4ll IA4I, A 1,111.1• r .•1 ' , moth 1 ~1 12,. . riot,. lent tr 1....•14.111... I ,ti 11,. r.11.1g• ah.l th‘ly. i 1.1 1,, 3.1 - .4 1,, ii•i; Al/l ANCE: 1.•;:leir, .1,1 1.1,1,1 on/ , i Ir,nn to; r. 1 1 ; •••; T..i. 1.,. a 1.11411 a, L.r t• - rrhinr hvt nu,- .111,oth• 1U iverihri, ;h. i.t.; .1 ~t, T. r 1,. , I•lt,ind TCII4I, 1.1-11 the Art ••1 r,•. 11,1.11••; Itif , •iiihithin [Odra T T \ h i t: • • ‘ll. •1 J. Nn .• I;.• I. t 1.. 1`.., % 141, .11 1,r., tit,l t• t MIA=IMII TWA 14 ,11, 111 Hui th, g, Fly “I ,t) I. • 1,11%r•I I. r an) :011, ...I I.tttt .14 Th. ••1,.. IT blir N., 1.11/ .1 ro, I . NT:- 11. ..1 . 1 - 11.1n1,1“..11tt. , 1, 1•• th 1 , ,11 I. i•aDl iI;T 1 F :,rF. I I.• Er • lid% Ir .r l'i/r•l, .r. th, ,rlrlrr.rt.t. • ! 4 11.• 1 •• P,1.1.1 r ii.. , ii.. I."-, I. rr r .,, k es,r,ri.t ti. r 1) •I !ph", ..,.t 4 11, lu., ..t 11•11111/,11,.. Arr•!.! t 6.. .rl., 1.,., .01 •;. I-00111 11 , -1., 01k 4.) v/ • NIJo OM LoULST (EA)VE FEMALE SENIINAIII. Th.h.103, 01,01 on• th. i 1010 0.11. 110. I,el. 1 %111.1111 /I 1:1,A11.11e., 1rt...11 ../.1 , 11. - .1 Lr i.1..11 1;1 dig. 1116 .100,, te, 10.30, 01 the name. 1111-y $;. . 0 •01 eN ,1 ,111.0. It• itervit er. the H. , / 11 11... L,. .A \ .1 tui the mine pone 0.11, and 010, 01 ..11(1. 111..41 11.. iii..ll/11,• .1 his .41 , 1,1 100. 1 1 / 1 110110g 0010110.101 alma , II 6..11 a 1..) 11.11, 011 10 1.10, 11 40 liuVe w./doubt 1 , 1 1110 .11,11 e lit 11 , 1 the work. t 'du all i tled 1, him. .1101 thitl , Ildtt hie 1 1 111010 0 11eitit the t•eliiintily P.OO - 1,1 1 ,, 1,0(110 1,,,,e fOroi l't 1." , 11r Iturnig 111100i1,14 edlitAle are pantie.. 01.0(.1,:m.,1 tlivrn..lves 11111, 1110 11111.1tAgell Vet, h 00 , 11111001. 1.01.4011 1.0111 a, re-peete It, I w/0111101 Kt..l ,11,11.1111 4 100 :001 /t 101111011 m, 00111 It.,iV; .1; Ihe fa, Tor [he Ill•. 1 1.11,1. nod rethied 1.1 , i- .1.1.1 e0h:11111 cihrtiti t.l 111.9111,101, .r. al, 10,9 Le 0 1 / 1 011.e..1 vu skpihnt.l,.l. to the Rr.l 01 - ..1 th.• Trilhleee 15!1! I=IMI=I ~ . CEYLON STRAW 11. AT---The atten i of t hn pr,bllC 010 ti, now pi . , to ni .9TILAW I.IATi 4 . plot weiri•l conihinwir the ninto which 11 , 11, teen lug wint• . it t iniike I lin Stilt,' lint iillnidi• in every wiry nn n unwnor lint It t. IL, “1113 :ktntw Itut .1,1,1, nil.. ur 1:11111: WI II: 1::•: lut 11., Ipruu or or,inn, t„ lire ni ti... 1...m.11 , 111‘ . 1 „i; it any Sins'.l rv- ::.!, nisn 411-1 CEYLON lIAT, b-looinv it 1., lint thin will give in, wear, cif %Ill.!, II W0...1 . uq to /14-hi -1,4 tr,il tie r hornet of Fourth. WUr A 'l' E N 'l' lON !—FOR : 4 ALE.—/f nrw J!,t t e,rire, nn ungrd uitl twin, two pulort, dinlnK ro , mi and lidcbeo. [bit, , hand. La[ I I drant w tip , card. hit lata , t hart L.I lect on Cal 1..1 ntivtl. lily. I. 11. r t„ L..,1. atrert t1.4u0 l'iiims—senin in band. ornininiler In iine anti it.„ yeArd t ,t \ apf:B Market rt. mir.ll.llJ3l KA'FILA [(JUN rr cools Inn bead, unil rrnr•ore eii P.`ll/011e using Ar , nova, ILIIIIP to 111.111-11Lfuji6. Wltlalirli PREMIUM KAT/lARION moat valuable ticquiettiou to the toilet, renduing the Hair 1.. nay required be at. Put ode 1,,7 Dr. KEYSER end R. E. SELLERS It Oil, at 2f. conta angle ' ALA RUE BRICK lIOUSR plemantlysitu m,d to Allegle•ur co l . with lot 4 ground of ,at Bank htpy by letrieetALvp,to foot.alley. The bath rind flinisifed'in modern etile; portico in unit. hull, two latti,aa, dialog I •Oni , kitchen, Pchumlxrn, I, .orunt, pavod end grayed yartl, *Rink 411 d trait dirubbery, , all in eutnplefe order, for elije toys S. CI7TIIIIERI' dr RON. firalarael. LIST' ii pliTl NIi,S.—ROB I NSON & CO., No. 23 Fifth street., have now plisslag throngh the New York. en3tOrn haute a large ..Lwyctire or Epgilsh Velvets and Tapeaptry bruasels-Oarpetthisoitilgb wo ebnu receive in a few days, and bp - pleased ~ to. alloWitr any wbo may wish the be,sAotairoartedaobcbc,wo•bite also DOW in k Brn s ee li ketittrq4o4Yl:l l 4 4..i Ae., azsortinetiVnakilinatalibil au-ctiuk4it lowest prices.. . sp . `L". II 4 • Lt0..4 MONTGOMERY; AT 'THE "POST BUILDENTGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS ,PER ANNUM. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 6, 1856. BU SIN ESS ()ARDS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL _ MEDICAL ADVICE. GRI,'ATEST IMPROVEAIENT VET! FURNITURE, • AT TIIE BL'FFALO VENERIANIIOSTI, fAL—Established for the cuss. of Syphilmi, Seminal NE W S C A L E-11. KLEBER & BRO., , _ ..--," -•:-.--..., . •:•- ,- 4=2. 'J.i• lc" - _--- a . i li eakriese and It Infirmities or Youth dud Matarity, by lote , . lust I I`l, P r , ..1 a nullO Art et ~,, .. New York --0 t11:.•, c..rtier 1.1 KINKS 'l7 l ' ' litil 'T li'M ' t l , ' :. ft '/(1(4' All'i'M'.4aMiii.}lsQiklaygii°tNi'i's.tisil,Vi7tnint'itirs.i P hied with their NEW SCALE This to ~ . ,4,.% - :j ‘ .. j 101 A l fiff • j *EI, ! ._. 0..:‘, A MOST SCIENTIM IC INVENTION. their InIAML, and nria1011I44.111) . 11iC WIST 111. , ~,,, ,- , ~.., ... •, , ., ~.. -,,, .. , .i.-4 ( 4..'\, An instrument for the cure of general Debility, Impotence, I . OIITANT implovement as yet made to the Plano Forte. The 4 , 1,:c . 'l7-' :-----,--,--,,`-.- .."' - ~ .r..,' 4 " . •)) Inc.ntiuence, or Nocturnal Emissions. PoW ER of the 1111111..../ is alettot Doi:BLED thereby; • ":, r; - ' : , This Instrument bee loom used with the most happy effect and in I,oint of voloini• .•ventiess and dirilliancy "r issue, they - -.. .-"'-'! ,- .. , .!i 0? e.- -, . -- _ile.--. 7 .--- -- .t _ In the practice of the most eminent physicians and surgeons surpass anything as jot,d In the shape of a Plano. treet. in the lirltish empire, France and Germany. In itssil, so re- Thet possei.s idl the advantages of the Grand Pianos, with- . ..; , -.,,T...7_..-. , c,...,., , P p:..:, the l e were the cures, that the late "SIR AS/11-EC hailed 001 any .Pf Us disedvanteges We new challenge CMllflari.,Cl It es the - harbinger of Life." The use of this will fully r st r 11l i the Instroment...l any 'titer mother in tido count t 3 , 91:1AIELIll the high encomium. confident that every unblinocal Judge of the artiste will at YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. 0. - P admit their superiot ay. The hull'e is r.ileetfaliy il/- RVAN'NS.B.I3IIILFDIIgiNhGSS Dr. AMOS St SON are the only Physicians in the State erred to call and i ammo, these superb instruments. who are wenie,. of the Royal Collepe of Surgeons. London, 11. If I. Ell ER cit It RO., greditattsi of one of the most eminent aillegesin the United Sole agents for Nltniln ,h '311.1 . 11,1' Vial4oFl TIIR subseriher, having enlarged and fitte d States, take plearime in announcing that they have 11/VULVA Pm Weette n Psamsylvanla a most Important Instrument fur the cure of the alcove No 5.3 Fifth street_ next close to Masonic hall • up in coral style his diseases. It has been subjerteil to R test by the most eminent - 1 1 . 9.—Splmetiii assortment of the above shortly expected ho the Spring Trohle. RP' SPACIOUS' FURNITURE - WHEROOIIS i P t hY li si ss e' l a a n :n i d n ec i rtred don io P• b a e ri ttis P o b n i l l y " l l i P •Pu l l a t a i n eitr d i N o ' re ' n l ; ° ev r4 e : , i 1 I set discovered for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any _ disease of the genital organs, arising from the Koltun). habits of self-Indulgence which destroy both body and mind, unfitting man either for marriage or society. Dr. AMOS & SON, In order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any ItISITLICO where they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, the money will he refunded by returning the Instru ment In good order. Persona wishing the neove useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW REMEDY AND QUICK CURES For the Venereal Diseases, and all private complaints, gloats, strictures, seminal weakness, paindin the loins, affec tions of the kidney., diseases of the head, throat, nose and skin, and all those dreadful nfilletions arising from a secret habit of youth, which prodme constitutional debility, rots. tiara marriage impossible, and in the end destroys both body And mind NNW SPRING STOCK OF CHICKERING & SONS PIANO FORTES. JOU N 11. Id El LOH kind _ ?nip, Juni received ...veil more of .‘ •"' CHIN( SONS' PIANO HIRTES, and rem- I pie tpil ilia Stock, Bed °clod for LAN - tug SAlce, of TIT TAT V.P IV r heti' 1.4.1 apirwlid Lmh uwl utn , of every ninety mail style, manufactured by the Ilemeni. inrn , l Bostond Gen, th, plummt NIX OC:TA YE in. the meat splen.lidly lin bated Seven Octave Square Piano Fortes, as well all their supurb and /01111iltli/it• firan. - 1 au.l I'arl.4 ureort PlAnus. EAU:Itl* HAN° F rETE to tine i..t is sa thou NEW sCALE, with their PATEM . IRON FILANIE;;. ah.l PATENT ACTION. and am t.uly uarrtuitud 11.• t 1,3 piuzliasssr by the we n tlf,tut era, but by the cullit•lil•e r r, 1., in all respocts as pertest s InstrmuicAtts win be made, ' both we reizwid Alais.riAl n W.rkmaushli. PRICES IN% AItIABLI Till. :7ANI Bustun, at the I iianulactzwy JuIIN 11. MELD IR, Nu 81 street, lAA Dtata,aitl atol Agent for Cliiekerm.; hunt,-u, Il,r l'ittstugl.l au W••.loru Tenon . _ . N EIV SU PPLI" PIANO FORTES. 0.1 a Im ill, supply of 1101.4. I)ns i+ Pianos, wlt6 putout ausutqle4l,lu I.•Hrh..f. I .1, brat/Ug - 4, 4i.1,1 with repeat- .{4 a ltrtna .4 the 6111:10rt,rity of lhute 0., Li -1• “,11,, oitrn.t at a report at the late -4 ?llechnnio'a Fair •• at Ilunloh. /It with celebrated maker. Jong Ili., F , riuc, uL..a l'r.dod, Fit •d iii. . fh,• X1.4.. - laumq to .J,..rita1,1,• Aawatation thu thpionid, with a Zumrre .t.hittl. Aare 1 , 1 th• I strand fort.• e.woiibuted to the Rsi odd. d 1651 Preet ba...1 1,1 , 0 one fll hie I .wt Urariad Cr. c0.i.ut..1, with II Li. Sr Th. PI Ull,, J. J. Wul.b.ll. K. Oliver, L.. 1,, Lana, ,•t. ,ay tht• Rt asi.l "l t, ta 'al. i•Amil tun anti well 1 - 4.lrtatt-L ; a apilitl iuelt, nwi L. ..a Thu,. Plan uvula with full tram, rn cola, h.11.110g t. . and are uoid, 14, Man..] la may diarato. u .oldaltl to tho above.. th• eulw tit»r Loa ,v.. 1 Pi .1,, l'iuttl B , ll,urg .Itr , o A Il m , y , llumborK; A. W . Lndt }l,lnlt) ORA I; IaiTTE Jr . 1 I 11. WaaLl atrta.t, N It • tI•1 Hanna t.altatt in ea. Lange at thalr toll v 4111.• Alb 411, inv r ,•01. La atm! Ilananuigh nano. nr put:I...LI in auroral It. I , OIIITH STREET CARPET STORE. W. D. & 11. McCALLUM, n Flo I; 11.1'11 > TREE 11 00 . Tut of pra_La-g-r.l itlvited to oar relectoi!. for rPIIIN.I .fortlity Etw,11,14 and T41.. , .try In lii Thp,ary, I grftlius. gr woe la,lllnillurn and low FAti a ...I Stivr Ply I': ed Ingt NI A. NSFI ELD SEMINAR V It. NI l'ittAnirrh .t. r strii..ll, tirr.rt lit.r It/ sir Sr. r mirtri ~. , ml,.t rgli•d And 11,7 , ilFib April trE..hfli II 1; • Iiil I )LIVER W. finv)rEs, WRIGHT'S KATIIA1(ION ,k 4 o. LARGE A.ND VA LUA BLE ADDITIONS T" Lk stock, and now invitee hie friends and the public t, purchasing elsewhere HIS STOCK EVERY CLASS OF, VOODS 4 ; R Ant embracing eome vary fine ROSEWoOD PARLOR SETTS, OAK CHAMBER SETTS, New Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, All of which he offers l,p retell, et WIIOLEILALE PRICES. 6S. Erery erode Warranted to give satisfaction, or the mury refunded. H. H. RYAN, ms3A N 0.31 Fifth street. EDMUND WILKINS, EAGLE lOAIIIRT WORKS. HEAD OF WOOD, ON BRRTY SHEET, and at the Cemetery date, Pittaburalt, Pm. ei-i,tiniont, , 'lariat Vaults., Tombstones, Mantel Pieces, Crate. and Tabk Topa, Washstands. &e. On hood and neat.. to .order, of every variety, &lento's, fencing for Celia. lei v I. es, ostallnelstlll and plain, which Is durable, amid needs no pain:lira, et tram $2. to ,S[i per lb. ling hcols ostgAgssi practUally ill this "endures 1 thir ty L..ura, totenty-tliree of which have 'wen in this city, Li he li Is/et-so a sufficient reference. I will make naw designs, any work In my hue at revealable pikes. I y JAMES A. FETZER,' I , "RWARDIN4i AND COMMISSION MER T ANT, FOR THE SALE OP Flour, Grain, Dried Fruit, Seeds , Lard, But ter, Bacon, and Produce generally. No. S 9 Water Street, Fran, is En+, William Dilworth, Sr.. S. Pitthi,prt ii, ih,yd A tut , titirskull A Swenrii,gen. H. Brady, C.L..5 AI. A NI Creingle A W Arid, raoti. Fhtx tun ==il=lMl FR E.' II TEAS —A cbt•lce lot Osten liThi IU k T ru g, jolt 1 , 1 , 1 i., tilt, 1 (Ito 11,3, w4t. h gill bp xsi.l i ettol, at prir, lower Unto uounl. Irivo Medals and flee Diplomas A 13. T HUH' Alt MO n ,•ttlin,.• tin (8145 tit, ti IVal .1,, 11,•nry A; - .vnt of Lill' tit) 141 V‘r i'1.1“.1.9 I at.iat tlatle “r lb. . ..1 hi- Chin, , 11 tiowt•tt-wArt. (81441 nt husborgh. Pt i- tai-kt 4,14 th, „I 4 1 II ehollt jatet t I.AtIV 1,•• ; kW! .4)...r r,t t• AlI. v. a al tiA /11,1 1 loin., 4, 114 s 1.11.1 911•.• nrkYntro 1ic1,411—.1 itlo sr,JI• •1 jot, al. In/atlie, H... •I 1.....per5, ~.. 1.:11.1... an al 111 +kJ .•It• E :11 I' A 1,. LIRANK V.\ N HAS RE,%Ii VEI t.. 7' M 81i e• I. r,. .111.,i1e it. i/In .Itl Ind thd I. Is .4 . 1•1. le-honer. otel the weie toll) with net thlhr tie y hee.l 1u !h• wit) el Euthr,ottes tee, Itehloo.o. tiloree, ry Hied etooriol4). tiro — 14 , ”. •,, 11/..1 Th. •78 ot eL 81.22ert. L) !VII Insuratior lit --The 1•r•11/11,1t 11,1, C-1111 , 1.11) . 11,10 1:11 . l/ nulkunl divittewl A StA / Flee dellors ‘,11 • poy h• " . .holdeddero or their rept eeehtwill 00 , . mei edited h• Ito 11 1 :t.•10L1 nth! Alter Ile. Ifed B..IAII'EL L. 31A11: 4 11ELL S•A Jet', •te =MIME OLD TYPE METAL. WE HAVE FOR SALE, at. the Offior of the Molt NINO INIST, a large guaunty OLD r da,l (alai. a aratu.g on, I, all Of IlOk. COO .:rt n lat.,. aol.plyhr ralllnu 5.501 A I B. undersigned Commit.- avvdorated It +3ll,:tiunens, le re. ate the lb, atm. , her at Pitl.khlogh, ;tattle", 51 on df their renutnttee, te roll. , t the 4.,114.• Ms au!! ail era dolt, oldu, d 01.,: the ye, at rat-rith N'. ti. 511:R1115'. ill IL SIRS. July S , 9(JR,Irk.:„ M J A Uoll • I (~t)s.9 Kft , j.• 21 t ‘ad , dittre. XT - F, BOOK S.—Just receiviiii, and it is u,..pnl.hc, that are mold Item TEN 'l'll I . IS'ENTV VENT. LOVER I luau elaawhera. Madams Rachel In Ow United State,-psi,.la! °l' In, gt not l'apard—Ha contd. i+et iea ,, f H await Ltfe-70, State- and Tan lbd led of Urtdit 41 h.. ltandby BrOllghlt/O-90C f.tni.:letewn Lettera—sl.l'2. ter t : 4 0rial-11. lu,zza Tale.; hp Strlt•tlh~—tN4:. 1 agaldnal Ufa 111 Slesice—ltua. alp lloratertf; by ('lll llayna Raid ,$ lute l'ittaf. " 111. Nidafge'n Spurting Tour: by Frank Fdrcdtt+r— ;1.15 I , rother Jenalltan t.l ith l'hutter-6, 1 di bee Nutionn—Ot., Harpet't 11dg - ulna fur 441 y, (third cupply)---::u. f'..b.r+ett'a Magazina for July. (second emptily I-17.•. t i t ninon . . Nldgazltta far July, iisicood 1-atiy'+ BoJk liar .luly—?Oc N Jeurnal—l 9c Slatraztna--10, Itautau,bar, the Ow a to got Mavavin,, I+ at LAUF FEB'S BOOKSTORE. N 0.77 Fourth Street, A G P, E AT • BAROA IN !—F”r sale, a emu table Brick 1) tVELLINII 1101`..... , E, N., 59 hunt -1., !no Lots of It round,,-ach 3(1 feet front by tie deep. The I hail, Is large and con,,,nt e nt; u gout wjth e..inented 11... r; a hail, two pnrhns , dining-roum, +tnd kitchen on first , with wash-Imm... and tat a, nom r.) —I ree chambers, st-t- t. 5 ,05 and butte 5 T h un ti n , elary, awl the tnlnd stnry. Giro-proof slate mot, gas fixtures and hips on first arid second story. Large yard, with shade grape vines, dc. The Improvementz alone O. mom than the prier asked for the tried,. property. Price un , •fuart la 1. Lund; remainder at uric , two and three years. E. CITTIIB) RT _tea; Kea) lieltate Agents, 61 Marknt sit T)ACON vask ß for vale by - • t e I've and for od IfAMIE,to I.y ftErNIFt b t -i{S a / ' ' No. 39 Wood street. ) BOXES LEMONS to arrive this day and for sale by REYMER A AN11E11.8,014, No. 311 Wood street. V . 6 1 . •1 N0 WISON TE4-10 chests finest iug Chop Young Ilpon Tea, at 7k. and $1 'sl re. carved by • F. IC DIIAVO.. ' wylo 82 Market and 1 Dlaranod. -14'LOWER VASES-211 pair Terra Cotta Vase-s for hale by riyl2) nßnror 11. COLLINS. _ 4 . 4 1 1FT11 STREET PROPERTy— Lot of tiridind Path xtreet, opposite the Ca A thedral, leilleh is en, trika nes .s t i l'wo Stior4 Brick MI (" 43 14. 8 .• Ilyt4 qt.! L AWHEA .7-r5. 000 Imehels ofjfinle•Wheat wtsnto4o BRINGER ARmrpß, Lalrovrtnset. AMP-BiaterK-50 bbls. just rebsbred and for sale by • , 21j FLEXING ELBOW 41 4 -0. f. a i I %, • . r ' 4., . " .:dCt~ MISCELLANEOUS 10=1113 CALL AND EXAMINE IF WELL ASSORTED kap:muting to about $50,000 Worth, Con.isting of Mff MII LOW-PP4CED Covered with French bagatelle And a great variety of Sofas, Book Cases, &0., gra. NO. 38 FIFTH STREET Awarded. -. • . .. - " r •f• moan A CURE WARRANTED. Dr. AMOS & SUN have devoted their attention min. sively W this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they bn,,,kkesslueddly 6,1 k °unbind to render to their follow i reatures is fully Iksnineki and gratefully acknowledged by convalescent patients and others daily arriving in ton from all parts of the country, for the 'sprees purpose only of rovisnltatimi. while their exertions hare talon crbstited with the most signal udsktuLages: yet from What they inns, etuoi lend.] its inquiring into the causes of these Infections complaints (fmrn their most simple condition to that of the most dangerous and itiveterated) they have always enter. Mined the possibility of their prevention and removal, Roil likewise invariably found tint the most horrible and malig nant forms of disease could MURAL always by traced to (me of the following crests:—lgnorance, negleu, or the ill et , beets of unskilful and Improper treatment; therefore Dr. AMOS a SON have succeeded in discovering, iu the selec tion of their remedies, a safe, effectual and cautious course; omitting all combination of which bear an equiv.., cal character, as we it im those whose premature ur injudi cious application might be productive of bad conseklUenet, iu the hands of private individuals. In abort, the laudable jAid of the remedy is the lessening of a grand mass of hu man misery by the alleviation, [chief and prevention of tlux.:e grievous aftlittikkiin that are in reality the secret foe of life, and which, while they no extensively surround us, call aloud for one skill and Interference ter their extermination. BEWARE OF' IMPOSITION. Dr. AMOS d SON have for a long serifs of years boon en gaged in an extensive practice iu the treatment of these hell rate runkplahltd, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who, regardless of the tamale and envy of the layinktaitical kind meek modest, hare had the confidence, the Duel, the me dium of the publicpress, to direct attention to these enor mous evils, bruin which no grade of nociety is free. In select ing this department of practice they have been amply re warded by the grout succors dud has attended their efforts In the treatmenrof these CMOs, which are so generally con fided to the unqualified and ignorant empirics, who, with their pirated publications assume foreign names and titles, and pretended virtues of their patent nostrums, hare in flicted serious lojury on those who hare been inducts] to place faith ha their pretensiouri—Afsdicof TO PATIENTS ABRoAD. Dr. AMOS A SON have mode arrangements whereby ! packages mu be forwarded with !weeny and despatch to any I, part of the world. A,ltlrt , Dr. AMOS & SOS, corner of SEtiu and Quay treats, (up stafro,) Au 11,410, N. Y. ' j..:lo,lkwly FOR $l.-3 lbs. of sultrior Young Ilyson JTua for Om, Dollar, at F. R . DII.A.V(YIi, J o '` ( Yo. I OLD ESTABLLSILED TEA ROUSE 11 still maintains its repuuttion for FINE TEAS. All grad,. of IL 11. and Black constantly on hand, and now re uniting— lu chests Queen Chop, finest Tea in market lu " Moyune Y. limn; 40 " Extra Oolong; 44) Yougtal, extra flavor ; . 30 " Mouchoug Milan; 50 . assotYpd. Young Ily,sm. All of which ,81f he sold at lane prkes than any atom In Ole city. P. It. DRAYU, intri Nos 82 Market at and 1 Diamond. ECONI) STREET PROPERTY TO LET.. hj A of April ext. Enquire of magnificent Two Story mouse to let till Om tel 11LAKELY RICUEY, Corner Seventh and Smithfield ate. WE OFFER FOR SALE ABOUT FORTY acres prime land on the old IVashingtort Rona, heattlitolly •whieh We would j. email lute L i curt 14u - rhaseno. It is nne of the prettiest locations fur 'mint ty residences around the city, and will be sold low. I, TEIoS. WielDS. No. i 5 Fourth at. 01'5E5 FOR SALE--All described on Woods' Printed Laud Register, which Is given gratis who call at No. 75 FOURTH street. 11 you 'a kb a House on a spevulation, eall in 7 3 Vutirth street. LLME.-101.1 barrels fresh received and for side br J,lvi HENRY IL Otit.L.INS. • - LUAU AND MOLASSES-- C:(1).1.3)) cooperg E , N. 4) jft-dpg..,,: WI/ do oak d.' Su do St. James S. IL /dolmans: 100 Wide. fully fair and prime N. U. Sugar. 01/ band and fvl Mir, by MILLt.:It 8 RICKETSON, yele 7-'1 and 223 Elbert,* street. F I s ll—Mackerel in Ithr,le and ball' bble. 9had Herring lute net, Trout •• @ELM For I.v ' IJ'I 4 1 II KNIt IL Cthi,LlN.* 111)1. 'l . O LET --- A votnoiodious Iwo F:LLINti HOUSE, Haman,' on F. ...kin. strc..t an- 'nut l'renbytnt . otn eikurc In. f,n el, nuan,lnttely. Einon, at Ow nt MILLER S RICK ETS(3:`;. 121 and 2'1:1 Lilwrty onrrot FRESH FRUITS-- 5 dulro Pray:ln-» in bottles Or Calls. Jo Pink. AITIP% do da Strew . lx.rries Chet rtes tb, do Itlnekbvrrien do co Il a..k laberriat do do do tiaas,.byrrios do du Pear. and Hums In battle, or C4II, .1."1.r milt by Kit A A Nl)) , :ftS, i Nu. ;i9 Wood strv,:t, n 1.1110114. St. Charier 11,04 Double Bank Itlelodeonm. KLEVER BRO. linve just re•eis . . - A 11 n liarge lot (' 11.0" , GENUINE NIELODEON:', Fl, , tti the origlool inront 41 - 's fiwtory. Carhoi t A Northam, 1 , 4. ollortniog 4 i:taves, scroll 14404 i, with luttotit double r'o'll 5 do do. do Non., 41310, with dottblo ro,ote and dviiblo swell. Alai PLENDI IroI , BLE HANK F:LODEON With two rows of keys and roupling Atop, thiislirl in moat abg out nod tantefill style. This n ft very supnritn a: 1,14.. 1,..1114n tone and ittri hunt, and at; rApeetful y 11- va c the ititeuliolt of parrhaseis and the public lu gontn al to t Co. thart invented and made the first Melvleut., ore 1,,k.,1 tip.., no inod,ls by oth, il.• i s Ft.r auk by 11. KLEREIt Ii 11,, JO, No. 53 Fifth t CAN D LES AN D SOAP-- rA, iM.X. Star Candles, l's. S's and O's: '1 du C....U1111011 mould Cainllnr. 26 dye Cln. Unrusan 'Soap; 1., do do Ntl I do It tll to No. t ratra fondly Soar. In store and fur axle by Jell; MILLER & RICKETSON lIERRI :su bbln No. I Dry Salt lien - lug; 20 la bb's. No I .• •• Just roceivid null for nele by MILLER Ic It ICKET IV, iY 3 221 and r.L.I Liberty aL INSURANCE ! INSURANCE! I—Applica -lil4lll for tuwarapcu for several good roliabbi.lnattrance r4 , ,rivrd by (AEO. W. HUNS, at bid Real Estani Agelicy and I undligcneu Utfico, on the north nide of uhf, atrert, berth door coot of the Diamond, ALLEUIIENV CITY. COFFEE. -150 bags prime itio Coffee ; (Z do. exult du do. do do. Old GO A'. Jaya du. In Mort: and for sale by MILLER & RICE ETSON, Jo 13 Nu. 2 . 21 end 223 Libtrty street. A Ulil - -• MAUAZINES—Godey, Grailum, 11 l'eu-rsciu, Arthur's. and Yankee Nottous r,r Aurn-q. ruceivt d U. T. C. MillttlAN. .13' 14 41 FPth street. boxes this day received and for fain 14 REYNII.3I k AV DERJOa, .1 00 I 1 titt.LLONS LINBEE OIL, for • kJ sale by J. SCH(...):Cif AKER, IY .2 u 1:4 Wood lg. RICE-lUiy tierces for Bale by SMITH, MAIR & HUNTER. ft REAM TARTAR-1500 lbs. just received kj .1 fur sale by [Jo'2s] FLEEING rates. $4OO FOR TWO CHOICE BUILDING lot., bori ng 4 I 4 r tn i front on two streete, by :.InS fort deop, Stoeuswitty eltuatod on Mt. Wonhingb.tb *lli be sold on Huey tut Iwo. 5. CUTHIART et SON, jol7 Wool Fatal., Agouti, 61 Market at. 'UNARY SEED-5 bbls. on bawl arid fox n+l o by 1.1971 tIFLES, QtJNS PISTOLS, Glue Furni ture and Acconthinents, always on baud. DOWN Sr TETLEY, Ig6 Wood a., 4o:10 Sign of the Uolden dun. INEST FIFTY VENT YOUNG iIYSON TEA IN TAE Orrit can be bpi at yle _ ORA VO'S, 82 Market et. INPOW Q 4 ASS—, 100 00{es 4.19 GUM 30 " 10x14 • 10312 Iq store aud 114.. k HO 'IN'S - ESSENCE - JAMAIOAw GRP OEI4-24 dfmni of this valuable ldedioirl JOS. • Corner Diamond and %stk.& st. IMMII=3II Sold 1,3 8 ' JOS. FLEMINO, Druggist. rot of the Diamond and Market (MOLT HAS LEFT HIS BRIDAL GIFT.— ,/ our et the last things done by Col. Colt previous to morn ned, Was to have his IMPROVED PISTOL du i-lied and broinda Into market. It possesses many miram .vet di, old patent We now have ou baud asupply thee, r, ally tiiiiiefol ueitpous, and would lie pleased to ,le.w them to our friends. Onus, Pistols, Revnir,rs, Ammunition, /to, /en DOWN h TETLEY, It s No, 138 Wood street, - VOR SALE A very desirable Country Residence, containing 63 ACIVIS, beautifully situated ou tine (Mi. River, and adjoinlng tine town of Braver--well proved, with a good Cottage 'louse and other buildings-- no est shrubbery, ho. THOMAS WOODS, 75 Fourth street. MYDA - ZI3IS FoR JULY— II Magazi a Mr duly. Graham's IL.I hin's '• lllnstranal Loudon Ngivs. The Struggle f...r Lila, or Claud,. and the Shantou D. 'l' . C. 3IOROAN, !r•')4l Filth str.Net. MILL AND CROSS-CUT SAWS G num and Corn Scythe: Anvils, Moira and Vicpsi Pump Chain and Fixtures; Hay and Manure Forks. Together with a largo and extensive assurtmont 0f Hardware, first received and tor sale. low, at Nu. 83 Wood struot, baclveru Diamond alley and Puurtli struot, Pittsburgh. BAWL FAHNE2TOOK. ap29_ No. :0 Wouil stroot UNFURL THE GLORIOUS BANNTR: A. Patriotic Song; words by E. J. Allen. IYrittt l b Oa 0,6 occasion of a preanntation et a eta of •cniars, by the Duroesno Greys, to Use CiliCagO Lied (hard. Music cora. lKawi pand ',spectrally dedica‹o ( rcpt. John Kwsuu.,by Hour y Klener. Yricn YS cents. Tjto abase 14 . pubilahed and fdr Sala by H. KLEMM &IMO., NO, bS Fifth street. k,) 16 bash's 's Heidseirk's" gni. and eta. Champagne Wine. .25 baskets " 172" qta. and pts. Champagne Wine, from vineyard of Bombe l In & 15 baskets 174" tits. 430 y , pto Owntagno Winn, from vineyards of Douche file &Ting:let. lu cases Barton & Guestier 1848 "Sr. Julien Claret Wine. ..X1 du. &Mon di. oneetlarnit..anlien Claiet Wine. 26 do. SR Adler& Xedue Clare; Min. Jost received and for sale by • & RICkETSON, • . .2 1 10 s . WA and 223:Liberty.street. MACK.ItIREL-- 2.5 bble. No. 3, catch of 183 G; 5 " No. 1; 10 half bbl. Np.'4l 4 10 tittirNo.'l. .Tust rtioer4e4 and, fur safe by .411_111rtirkl - 1100 Aisms—iootAitl:tr3u4l,, o,"`me'veaatfar,,,Mialittit6Pastel; )‘- c...:,lthitiftmotsix_e_ob mALIJSR.4t.iwK2TsoN, .1 1131/8 .1) .OII BLEarid ui f t just received or gab by e. ILLY REINER & ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood anat. :~:~r~~ =EMI NUMBER 258. MISCELLANEOUS COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT FOS. SALE. TIIE undersigned (with a view of reinov ing to another lu the immediate vicinity,) effete ho mole the IIOU.31 , : AND LOT is which be now resides, situated on Mount Washini ton. ou the brow of Coal 11111„ opposite the lower pert of-the city. The lot is 12S feet front and 3,5 ti feet deep, and hue &rowing on It a large number of fruit treat and shrtibbery, consisting of' apples, poaches, plums, cherries, apricots, entrusts, gooseberries, raspberries, grope,, &c.. The house is. 40 feet front, tl. feet hall, and 50 p, wifh kitches and cellar. There are 8 rooms, with both room uhd fluiohed goiTet. The house Is built in mod el style, neatly Foliated and papered throughout; the doors sriuduwn sod washboaribi of front rooms andball nragralnecl. Thdr., iv a east stable, sufficiently large for two horse. and carnage. A well of gisol welter. a cistern, and all necessary out bowed. The lot Is enclosed by a poling fence II feet high. The beanies is one of the mist beautiful and healthful In Western Peunsyl vania. • . PO6/Wit9illl_l given Immediately IIIn•ral. FOR SALE—Seven acres of Land, on which is a frame house, frame stable, never failing spring, Lest of grafted fruit, grape vine turda rarieryor shrubbery. One and a quarter acres of laud, on which is a brick house with four rooms, argood cellar and a.frambaboll, Also, a town lot , on which is a brick house with four rooms, finished garret and good cellar, all situated in So whit leyville fund will be sold low :if applied, for soon, or would be traded fur a small farm handy to some of our Rail roads or rirera. For Sale—Three good farms, well improved, within twen ty live miles of the city.' Apply to y. W. ItCNN', Ai the Real Estate Agency and Intelligence Office, nut th aide of Ohio rarest, fourth door east of the Diamond, Allegheny city. 1.1-26 VA CU AEI E CITY PROPERTY. FOR V SA LR.—The undersigned offers for sale on favorable toms a large number of itnflding 'Lots le the Third and Eighth Wards 01 the city. The tote front on Pennsylvania A ,•111/e. 'Watson. Forbes, Locust, Maria Vi..kroy and Bluff st iivta, are but a few minutes walk from the Court Rouse, and will be sold very cheap. Persons desirous of securing a convenient and healthy h,crit ion for a home, or wishing to purchase for specula then, iu a part of the ,sty which will continue ateahly tq improve will find it to their to call upon tire un dersigned. CIIIIIBTOPIi Nit MAORI; Attorney at Law. coy 29:tf No. 104 Fifth street. I Cecelia and Dispatch copy and ch. Poet.] VALUABLE Coal Mines at Auction.—On the '2.sith day of August next, at a o'clock. P. SI., will b e sold on the premises, to the brewed bidder, Kebsey's ex. celleut Coal% httnera. 28 miles above Pittsburgh, on the M,. 1 1 / 1 11galkela These works are now in operation, having the roods ell In the finest order. The dip of the cost 14 right. There are /W.:, acres of coal, with two line veins, one Iron' 8 v 0 het, the other abont 4 &sit- Two brick and four Irani., houses the curs and everything on these splendidly Improved works, together with Illy, acreet of river bottom land of superior quality, and GO rods of the best landing on the river. Trrrine—:One third cash, oue-third in 9 months, and once third in In months. If you want a bargain - bits , these unsurpassed works. For further particulars TiloB. WOODS, Commercial Broker, Fourth st., Pittaborgh. .13 2 - 5 ALLEULIEN Y CITY PROPERTY-=A Lot of tiround on Lao ck street, three doors from Federal' street, '22 feet front by 100 feet deep to an alley, en which are the following improvements, viz a Brick Dwelling House. well finished end admirably arranged. 203. feet by 40, containing two parlors. dining room and kitchemon the first floor: 'three rooms atone tend one over the dining room. u ith a 'neighed attic—cellar under the whole house—, back yard paved._ bake oven in the cellar—hydrant and gait on the premises. Will be exchanged fora Farm. Apply to BLAKELY tr. lllCli Kb'. FOR SALE-20 Acres of Land; a good .ituatiuu for a country store : about twenty wiled from the city, in it thrldirg neighborhood, and no store near. Pour Houses—two Brick, two Frame—in Allegheny City; one Frame altrulted on the Diamond, occupied as a grocery and provision etOre, and for the business four vacant lots. WANTED—A GIRL to do housework- for a email family In Alleghenyeity. Situations wanted for Men andlioya. Apply to BUNN, at his Real Estate Agency and Intelligence O ff ice, on the north sido of Ohict street, fourth door rant of the Diamond, Allegheny City. LYS WI LK INSBUTiO PROPERTY!—FOR, SALE.—Alletilrable location for a country home. Four acres of land of choice qushly , *mom tly situated nem' the Railroad depot, iiilkinsburg; Is all under good fors), and has an excellent spring of never failing water. It will be mid at a bargain, as the owner is unable to put im provements on su clue' a property, and hat determined to go WOOL Price $l,O 0. Terme $4OO In hand, remainder In one, two and three years. S. CUTiIIIEB.T.:dt SON, '• ir 2 6 • 51 Market et. . Va ALUAB FIFTLEWARDPRCEERTY IN MARKET VERY LOW—Tvrei 3 story . Brick !Dises ou l',uu street. each Occupied as business 'houses and dwellings, renting well and in the.very beet portion of the Filth IWard. Also, a corner 3 story Brick lionse, occu, pied so a cabaret ',tore and dwelling, and. a '2. story Brick lavelhng lieu, in the rear. Also, three Bush:mai Houses and fire Dwelling Henna on the corner of two yitibllc elm, 11 tle• Filth Ward. Apply to dr 3u -• BLAKELY & RICHEY. PAST LA NE, Allegheny City.—We have for rade a Reuse ;tad Let un haat .Lanes lying between Main sire. t mod the river. The Let is IS first wide by ti , feet deep, a ill. a neat rae story Brick Dwelling Howe, Contain.' ing a, rem.; hydrant in the yard, and other out-home. It will sold very low. It would ho exchanged 6:1 a city let. Apply to 11 5 30 1 BLAKELY k RICHEY . FIVE ACRES of first,rate 'land, three in cultivation, balance in prime timber, nitwit. In a very pre:want ItpCati,..ll, tamit to miles from Allegheny city,With a large Dent on the New Brighten and Allegheny Plank Rued, a ill he seill am easy terms by y. CUTHBERT* BON, Real ErtateNeaita, 51 MaTitot. et. i tTnßtt sl,7oo—C.A.ntallis ft rooms, lath room and cellar. 'eints, fho iu Laud, baloney in thine ien-ly payinente A lLuc atoty hi irk liouso f 5 towns, stoiedoonk dc, for dwelllng-lionse of t rooms, adjoining the .tbore. $1,700 Terms—Van) in hand; lialaticti find years—situate at the corner of Franklin and Eau. stieeta. Jr:2 S. CUTHBERT A SON. 61 Market at. -- Vt.! L ABLE '"ARM FUR SALE, in a locatam, to nide, front the city, on the Perrysville Plank Road: 206 serve, 160 cleared and in 111(11 . .iteiti. shout 50 acres ot gyod meadow land, an orchard of oat rex !esti ley trees, and G,xei Limbs, on the unimproved land Thei eis a fame house of nrooms wt the ground, 1E if li a fin.. fountain of rtinningewater-: id the door, a new frame Lain, and other buntlines. Apply to. 1331 R. CUTHBERT SON, 61 Market at. _ 1 UV/ A .—We are sending an' Agent to n por k ant of lowa, who w itl to proparal to start in about ten days. nod will attend to the paying of taxes, waking toilet- Ac.. ns, Ay. Any person having lousiness in that State, 'o i l will do no the thvor of calling on sts,Asfli retive every _ . jy29l BLAKELY A: EMERY. Qi;tl IN HAND, balance in one, two and Th., years. will Lay a good BUILDING LOT id• (, e t L i Iji) deep, situated near the Outer 11,1,0 i, Al l. e o ltetty City—price $l;5. This property la well worth M t-main, C. CUTIIBERT k SON, Real Notate Agents, 51 Market at. • 1 4 4 i L , E in N fai " 1 8 ilig W reaT t re L t Dr itul S l p li rtsi A er l vi l ! of t I,lr and sight. It is nut a dyel The hair and wide L. hew erer gray, are rentor,l to acid preserved In thew we color' by Its use. wigs, bpectaclea and gray hon., will io,u lescuele extinct. The fla.torer nal d with t Zylolialganiunt, not only cleanses the hair, but inclines It 1,. curl, giving It a soft, plural' and natural appearance. I he Itest.ii•er will strengthen and preserve the night. and and prevent ti1E7:1110.951, headache, aced; dandruff, e,ald-liend, or any eruption of the akin, and all unuatura • perepinttlot; of the head. It is a certain cure for eaten i o the hen& • • Our anxiety in this, ..: quarter•are all eoncen'-.1- ''' , .."--I , :i. - "....' trated in this question, what, does the litdy,ttili-_-....,,,;.J.,!1.,r: ace in and out of Congresi'mean ?, And thle, ',..- by the bye, is hitt the name of the case ; it IS only the Jotua Doe - anditioliaril Roo of the eject- went. The real queStiolims' seen in the - Stalea'f4 '. i- afflicted with this unfortunate population is, are our slaves •to be. presented vrith.freedota and - -a , ~,--' ,.-4 dagger '! For if CongreaS;bna,thel9WAt *9''-,'ii,''''"--r?1 gulate the condition of the itliabitanta,of the 1,, „ 4 . tr . States, within the' States; It will VE'thicaitodiei exercise of that power- to declare. that all i alfall - ''''" 46'. ' '' '' be' free. Are we then to see again Atheniannirdif, . , z-li . ' La ce‘larnonian confederacies ? To wage another , .'...':.- v• - ' , .'S Pelopouessian war to settle the ascendancy be ll ,; ~t o x ,' - '.i• t aeon them ? Or 19 this - the tocsin of merely a ~,,,' f • servile war ? That remains to beeeenl' bat not,'''''/‘"vi„,,, I hope, by you and me. Surely they will parley - -r-x awhile, and give us time to get out of the way.,7:. -, „Rsi 1 , -30.-- On the 31st Of 'January, alluding to the edu- ~,c , t , „,A t cation of the sons of Virginia at the Mirth' he • ' , ' - .5 ..,,r , - -..- writes: - ” now, many of Onr.Yenths she (Elarvaxdjnow has, learning the lessons of anti-lilissouriardsru ;.,; , '„ , , , :v. ,,,, I know not, but a gentleman lately from Prince- tan told rue he saw there a list of the studentittt , ,,, that place, and that more than'half were - Virgdi- ~,, ~5 , ,,,ig i :,,,- iaos. These wilLreturn home; no doubt.'"deeplY • ''',.''', ~, ~. •-,;. r , =4'-; . impressed with the saorod Prim:We -9 o f '°u'rllol ,:-.4--;- ,'• •'' alliance of resitictionisto" . , ~ --; -':,, '''''' - ''" 4 .';''',.. On the 15th of Fehfiniry, 1821, be wrote; ,y .:... , 1, :*. 4 ' ' "Air 1 fear'-do , not seothe Speck in' otcrina- . t. ,,,,,„„ ; rizott buntaanssar:a tanawiesii'°_,"7,' '.,,,,,.., :-... or Mier The line of division lately marketim!,: , i , ,Iti . ,y, between different portions of our confederacy, 191'.1% v gi. , :rt. 41 as will never, I fear, be obliterated' :: ar ~,;;.,—,••••„4„,,,.,,,.:',,,,,,•••••„-:‘,-.4v,t-r,,,t,-..'''?" -,''t -r'''"'":l',l*'-`,:ii,,,,,15 ..N A C1fV , " ,t ; 44 -... , ',44,.. , !Z,ke1r' , ...4-•-•''' -- r""-- - . ~• - KITES 'OrADTY 411$11W` PITTSBUROU 4108-N:kte,ASP.,V. mai" liiro. - F.---'— ; iljait -- MR;:rr_ --... 1 - , ••; 'i,.; a• ; . I'z __ One In ,..4...:J. •:. 60 ........::::aa, .7,..5, 7 r,..11.7".a,07-1 Two Ineertiont -,-- . 14 " --- 4 <- ..f..--p.7.-1, k,,,,..':76..,':;:,. Three ..telsoitlon o 100 ; nf'•ej` :;., One wMcz , ...,..... 1 7rs ..... ... .4.-.:-. ....... ,- .4-11,0.: , ,,,,, Two . 1 1,01,2t,,,; 5 i..... .. :/ n 0 2 kli ~,- a ZIFV411:0 - 8 , : , z,,4111-„Vilr Three weeks ..... ...., 4lk F: -5 .- , 8 ;9 1 1, , 4 1 ,-, ii 4 ,,41:04 . 1 WK. 13301:11b " . ./.. b ci , . A .... A ~), ~,,...; V. Two inehtlie ...... ....• l' N- '6C2' '3 60 28 6 - :,.. 1 r2-„..,... ,_ Threeinenthe„... ...... 1 9 bp, 0 ix), 4 E 4/:. •4.1/111'4 frar l lelllo , .... Four 4ponthe ..... ......I to (..6 0 tki, 509 : 3-, ..4 30 . , -- - .7., - _-- 4 -V . ., Viet monthi..... ..... 1 t 1 4, 7 3C. 5 f,n a f"5- ,--.:fi. ,..,,, Sir. months 12 (I , ' Pi 00 li 60 !I=ko. -.kit. :.,„• : inn montivi .. i n no lo 2f, :,,S.l/0 7,4 30 ~,,I f CrOCgt 01.10 year 1 '''''' (49 1 . 3 4 ).1 1 1 1 S li,t''.r4 -.'l-K_ i*4'„ 0 ....,. o,r F Slandiug Cerl, qx Isnot 0r 10j.4l , rMi .." ciummuni C Pik '4'VN Ono snzranniirn-e . id4(N4i ll A A a -4 .c V i A '„ : , - t a hi g ibtletioweatiltrw,.tt 11 i„rM..".,':.., i ,_,,._ ,-, , ,-- =. • - • --:-.:4-:•-,---- .I,' .T ..,,,' WEDNESDAY MORNING JEFFERsoys QiNtaigiNf t eir.:& MISSOURI, Coffiritomisrotii CON T 111P - ORAIVE °US ALIZFit/. TERS. . V 4,,,,.,„ On the 13th of April; -I S 2o ,liewrofktie . Wll2, Ham Short : - , 1 ; 1 }' s," i :','' ; i 4110 7:''''Ngl.,... 'The old schism of federal and republicani:,,:' threatened nothing, Lezawe it existed in every '`- s.' State and united them togetherjT,l,Wott* of ~, ism of party. but the coincidence of a-iiik, eid,4r4„; principle, moral and political,' withlr gecgt*K.,..?r7', cat line, once eonceived, I fehtlett,4rlttlArieVer,;gt.--,t more be oblltented from the mind ;. .t hat would V,..-;:r,, went,' be recurring on every oedsloisf - ,'Vred 4 ie-,„;,:s=v newing irritations, _until it ,would. kindtc y -stich .....' mutual and Mortal -, hatred netio reiple4' #epara- tion preferable to eternal diseerd. I have been - among ,the most sangifin, in 4/4 3 "vitlt A l /4-4.04414.4. . Union would be of long duration: Inp Yr 41.9trak44,, it much, antrsee -that-event at no woyc g oi t io.. and the direet-cipmeqrience of this'qi le4i'‘`tikeir" ' by the line . Whlah'has been so con_fidpOlAnnt.-, t l T ~ ed off—the lowa of niittlie6iniiiiftliTs—litit ti,); the Potomac, the Ohio, and Missouri, or more probes- . ~. My the Alississippi 'upwards to "o* tic , rAern, ~ , boundary. Mr only comfort and co fi deß9P is, i:,-...,...4 - l? that I shall notlive to See this ; -aild 007010 . F'c - .t.. the present generation the . g10ry,,,0 throwing„,,,,,, away the frnite,a . ` .. their father's sacti throwing cen.otiife;...,,,,, and fortune”, and of 'rendering deta'gatc7l4,,e T- 1 40 4 ..., periment 7which; was-to 'decide ,kiitimMe)y2yihithe r 4, ~ man is capihle - Of self-government :, 11,1piffiliso!i;..,,,,',, t ~, against human hope will signalize the n epoch, in, - ,,,, future history, as the connterPriri of the model:, . 1 , , ..,., .., of their predeces4ors. .. .- W. 0. LESLIE, No. 46 Fifth signet. Tito[. JFEirn,SCI,N4pI-.1 4 Mr. Holmes, of Maine, Member of ethagre55,,...,..,,, addressed Jefferson a letter, which drew from.kinit ) ... s . . the following remarkable reply: .. „ " MONTICELLO, April 22,1820;, - " I thank you, dear sir, for the copy you have ~, a been so kind to send the of the letter to. put., , constituents on the Missouri que5ti0n...n43,9.,,;:- perfect justification to them. " I had for a long time ceased to ll „.!..,•, papers, or pay attention to any public,af • fa#4. 3 l,...ii. I._ confident they were in good hands, and Amite : l:A,. to be a passenger in our bark to the shorp frota,,,, . which I am not far dislant. But this momen- : „. -,,, r tour question, like a fire-bell in the night, awa- s ,„ &mod and filled me with terror. 1 immudered it at once the knell of the Union. It' s hnshed, indeed, for the moment; brit this is a.reprige1..... i .....„ only, not 0,4nal ,den teticN i 4.:',g t e:beiapkictillinOr / coinciding with a marked principle, moral and:. . , political, once conceived and held up •tictliiiiiii'-' '• - gry passions of men, will never be-obliterated ;' i: , t: and-every new irritation will mark it deeper sad -., deeper. I can say, with conscious trnth`," r tinit' there is no man on earth who woulti , socrifi::-.. 'iSI more than I would to relieve us from this henro ~1, reproach, in any practicable way. The eeisio t'' ' . of that kind of property (for .it. isso unstltalledh is a bagatelle which would not cause me n second thought., if, in that way, a genereleiliitito'n'' ' ''.,. and expatriation would be effectedt,lttirdightduit , ;:ba ally, and with due sacrifices, I think it might_ ..,. he. But as it is, we have the wort liY:thi'eatis: 4- -' and can neither hold him nor :safely.let hit .go.-. Justice is in one scale and self-preservation_in , ~the other. Of one thinel am certoite,Ablit't&"" - ' the passage of the,slaves,fromtone..,Stalettolatt;i„,„g 'other would not make a slave . of .11 human buin5.,,,.... 4 who would not be so withoutiNeileraikwinta_ S-' ' over a greater surface wonlii-Makatliettnirtiffild.l --., natty happier, and proporti_OPAtifaVitate.4o o 4' rri r accomplishment of theirWitildpation,l - egy?.;=*-: v.,... .e ding, the burtheu: on a. greatee - innithernf edZiante:i%'&4 , tors.,' } .. .• ...., ~.t-,1 ~ ...., ; .cio:l4:' i=:•...k. "An abstinence . too, froth this' act of- - power, would remove:the jealousy excited , by 00 Vattei , w , :i.--'"' takiogof Congress to regulate, the ontaiktiori.,,,q,, 3 .,;. 1 the different descriptions of men composing a State. This certainly is the exclusiveright-cf--: •,,•-, the State, which nothing in tbccorispitufiqn,.4m, ,„; __. taken from them, and - given iff the,Oen - iiiil troy= ernment. Could Corigreso r : s fer,r,elom ~, ~ 4 14 1 ( 1. 0- • that the non freemen •sit..Clom..4,4l:Olitit 1 1 0 •14.:, ••;-- freemen. or that theyAall tiotiemigitifeltcrlany other State ? " I regret that I am not.4o,tiledteigeheliqt that the aselesartoMtiflOOWlliettlhelito'iWthe' •.,,,,..,• generation of I:77..*•ttoquire.:self.governmftit**. -and happiness to ;their. ettutry,ikto,"be thrOnll ?:5;r4 away by the unwise anti unar,c,Fthy;_paenions V:„ ! ft m . their sons, and'that - my' consolation tic- . l:othit,..' ~ Hive Weep over 'it. - If a they?iiititild filif '''t'''',''' 'dispassionately weigh the blessings.%thW-will ' 4, -- 4,4, throw away, against an abstract,pi,MoipinailOrelv-:.-4,,i likely to be effected by onion than secession; 1 they would pause before they'perpothit'eLthis , dreadful act of suicide on themselveS, "and of" ' 4 ' l i treason against the hopes of the world...t. 'Toi;..C-.5.;14 , yourself, as the faithful advocate of..the , Unitim, ~• ~7•.•.: I tender the offer of my high esteem and respect.;., •, ~, Tilos. JthEitSol7.'f ..'` Ile wrote December 20, 1820: ' '''''''' L "-' ''''''"'-' " Nothing has ever presented so:threatening: to,:: I' at: aspect as what is called the Missouri question. .. -•,.., ,:: The federalists, completely put down, and de ; ., . . , spairing of ever rising again under whigand - -,.;:-- tory names, devised a new one, of slaveliiildine '-'-''''' and non-sla'veholding States, which, while it hatt , i. :F-.-. .1. a semblance of being morel, was ,at thd same . .. time geographical, and calculated to give, them ascendancy by debanching their old oppiitiCtitS' to a coalition with them. Moral the question certainly is not, because the removal of slaves:: from one State to another, no more than their, removal from one country to another, would never make a slave of one human being who would not be so without -it. Indeed, if there - be • any morality in the question, it is on the:ether - ,ids ; because by spreading them over a large surface, their happiness would be increased and the burden of their future liberation lightened y bringing a greater number: of shoulderS un-' • der it. However, it seemed to. throw dust into , • , the eyes of the people, and to fanaticise them •• - while to the knowing ones it gave a geographical and preponderating line to the Patoitme and=the ' •-'"' Uhio, throwing fourteen States to theliorth ned'" l ' c " East, and ten to the S..nth and West.. A • Vi..ibt:Ji:&i , - 1 - - these, therefore, it is merely aluestion o,ciPpyl.;.;:,,ii „_;,,,;•_ er. But with the geographical initiOrity tt iS it. ~,"',, " .4 1 .. l question of existence: for if Coittresi'dlacie gdei' ;i out or the Constitution to am:pi:le . -the right of -..• '''" •-• '` Pi regulating the conditioauf the iutiabitants of the - -': States, its majority may, and probably will, de- , clare that the condition of all -within the United _, .•;.• States shall be that of freemen; in 'which case - •''" - _ all the whitessouth of the Potomac and. he Ohio' ,•' must evacuate their Btates, and most fortunate , 1 those who can do it first." He wrote Ifecember 20, 1820, to Lafayette: o With us things are going on well. The bog- te . rons sea of liberty,,hleed, Ts never without a wave: It'd that from Missouri is now rolling to-. . wards us. Brit we shall ride over it as we have done over all others. .It is not a moral question, but one merely of power. Its object is' to - raise -• -' '' I' . a geopraphical principle for the choice of the •''''' ,4 ' . President, and the anise will he kept up uniii.ti.-t54... 7. .v. that is effected." on the 22dof January, 1821,1ie wrote tc44llin -' . 4-•'''''''''' iAO s. ..,'". ....';::.;''4-•;.'l':.'%;':,e,fg.' 4.1 ..,:-.../.. -:-..... - - , q . e:. , , , , ,1 "? . -:: - .:. , .: , ::: ,,,. .j• . - . ~.: '4 , , , ' • -, :i51 ,--, --. ~,,,- ;7' : :i - .• ~.: , f. ':' ..,'..:-.:',. :::-•.:'' :l'i.s.-.l'': A uktlW,..'-' --, i', - 5 . -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers