Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, August 05, 1856, Image 1

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Rrfrr, - nry . . Fr,' Kr/tutor At Ratan, Mu,
01), '13,11.m .4 C.' ,(true n & h." kiattl 4, L..
PitLdl,l,ol, May 24, m)
1 %.5: ,„ . r 11‘r
.lAi, K
sty...W. I. low ~ t ,.1.3t, Lnlotttgll I,
4e- tt Itt THAI for Kno.
-, •
mat p 4,„
t,q PA or
Printed and pubioned every morning, (Sial&ete etr , 7 44 )
15 . 1 11.1.411011. E. & MONTGOMERY .
0/1 TIIA 1/011111-WIST COSNZR OP WOOD AND P1)10 Bf
TEILMS.—Five Dollars a year, paynblo ItrirtiT to advance.
biz Dollars invariably requiml if not paid within the year.
Si-Single copies, Two Ccwrs—for sole at the counter in
the tNllce, rind by the News 'toys.
Published from tho ennui office, on n large -blanket size
thoet,-st TWO DOLLARS a year,ain advance. Single copi o s,
Jilvz •Cx.rrs.
Sir " paper will be disoontinned, (anima a t the ogee&
of the proprietors,) until all erreatageig are paid. •
W No attention will be paid to any order unless sworn
panlod by the money, or onnetactory rorninuke in thli zit).
WOonnected with the Retabllalunent eC the Morning
Post is one of the largest JON PRINTING OPFICR/3 in the
city, where all kinds of work le done on the ehorteet tickles,
•od most reasonable terms.
40 - 01:11co In BAKEWELL'S BUILDINGS, (Jowl. street,
(nearly opposite Lilo Conn House.)
Sir AlllO practices la Ilautingdou, !Asir, Clearfield and lu
dhsns conutias. fob r.lay.
JAMES A. LtllV E, Attorney at Law,
unk,, F..nit , strata, Pittshursh, hems. mall/.8,0d nud
Cherry alley. dat.ll,ly
Ir Ulf N BARTON, Attorney and Counsellor
at Law, ,115,,, rumor ‘,l Fab nod Unknt atroots, Pitta.
QAM P. ItUSS, Attorney at Law, No. 109
A," Fourtt3 atret, fourth door below Mr. Rudy
Patteraou'a Livery Stable. jet
10111ATRil.91,. M'K ENNA, Aldrutan uf
Ward. Mike corner of Oran t and Fifth streets, (formerly
occupied by Ahlermau Lewis.i where all Imbibess pertniullag
to the ogico of Alderman and Justice, of Iho Pow, will ho
promptly attentliiil
Alll., Surgeon Dentist, eecessor to O.
. W. 111,1310. No. 141 Swilliftuld street.
Ortka, lionrm (rein S to 1 o'clock, unit from 2 toll o'clock
Jscow, Dentist, Fourth etroot, five doors
. cwt Maskrt..
ear Ofbn• hour., from 4,J'clock A.. M. to 5 o'olock P. M.
TOIIN MOO.I.IIIEAD, Wholesale G too° r and
u Oommissiou Merchant, for tho Kale of NU METAL ntl.l
BLOOMS. eittat PRODUON g..weratly, N. 21 atreet,
Pittsburgh. ap24
WILLIAM Ir/LLZI, Phi but ...... NlCEertlo~ . I'tttst nrg h.
MILLER 86 RICK EPSON, NV lioleaale tiro-
CON, Importorg of BRANDI EA, WIN ES and SF:GARY,
Nos. 17:' and 174, corner ..f Irain and Llkrtl
burgh. Iron, Nelle, Gott.aa Yarns, A. , r..ngrantly on hand.
Jy 2o
LLPHEI. B. CURL/ ... . . kulgritTsuN.
ED NC %RD 147111:U. C ISLYMT L. 11.1MINC‘LT
k.) fart un•ret or Cut aud Pltun Flint ULA 9r IPAK h,
wernhouno N,.. 17 Wood ntroot. cort,r ut I , '; °tit. l'lttsl.urgli.
air All other kin,l of Liln.aweao eud 11)1.1.m 61A.18, nt
lOW Market pric , A Apll,lly
JAVEI E. LEI,LIL , r 10.4.:111 J. UL‘ll.
T EDLIE Sueomsori to Mulcahy
k Ledlie, mon ufnetnrers Cut. 51..tildrd mid Plain
hunt and Fanny Colon") 1.31,4di5. 4 )VA11R, nod derl , r) in all
kinds of Window Wass, Fla.sks, Vole and Iloldlre. Ware
bonne c,rrier of Markel and Water Ptitaboin - h.
I_tEMO"AL.-1, I lIAISEN, Manufacturer
of v‘rieLY I A L. 1 4. end 11'!N
QLAUi; Wior and Clftrrt Hot ; brunnolons
end Cd.rboy.; ale, . flint Y,luoe w every VAllti). Wal
Jul Swti.l Add l'l; ,
FR. 1)1(A.Vt), tivalt.r
in WILINTIIN" PIO /111/CIL offer. 1,4' e.lio
!gook of Lt.,' Or (wail) laa. •.1
every varkdy and Lim purest quality, ground at I.i.l"t,tltl
Mina. Alsd, Grid Fruit). I , orrigl, tor' boineete•
taken in 4,Clialig, for int.reloindix...
F. IL I). has procured ft fall a..redrtuaurt of Landreth's one.
ranted 81... Ea-I, and iatrittan the atteoliou of ail it,
terestr..l in rural affairs
CnIMISSION sti li s..riben.
nave openud n liou4o fur the ulievc at N... 17
SinUMW.] SILVIA, four dour, übov, Nininongnl,ln
We will purulutne, or 'WO'S,' on Culfrill.4l,l, lor hak, coti.
eigrimonts or FLOUIt,
own which we will maize advhll,ll, or pui c 11.., in 111, I,u , :t
market rat,w fir rash. Inovnl AUI NO k CO.
... .... I. Wr-ILTY
NO LISLI Forwardin;.,
!_,A and (,111i/1111.01l Morcl.itto itb..l w 1101... th•
VI.MI[, 11.10)N itud ii L. xu.l PIO q,IrCE
Lou.% fornm•rly i.llllltNi by .t l nAhrant, N. lb
Wator fill 15u Mort mtiv , vt, I'llt.borg Et. 11.1.1
AT‘v ELL, LEE tir.pcer+.
Pr,,lnrs and COIll11163; , .11 Sirr€ hail, 1,1.1 doakts
Pittsburgh !taunts, tuna, S Wood strv,t,
J 0 II N ISVTLER N. I'll., r.rwanting au l
It) C.nuiimion Men - ants, detileo. :111 izin.l,6 01 I'l7l'
BURGH MANL'FACTURE.i, LEAD t' l'll'6 and
LitAD, NO. fii POO t fltr ert 1911.41.n:1,
T_TENity COLLANS, forwardow; awl
Commivd,,o Merchant. awl wh01,..1, 41,11, in Mall,
iturrErt, : ,, KEI), nlOl PIi.ODUChI g,•nerally. N••
25 Wood t11.1.00t.
WILLIAM CAtilt ‘V... (2( )., \Villiani Carr,
I,ttt• "1 . Ow runt .1. Park, ,11;,t•
CKR.S told .1.16,A It., tut, NINES un•l lilt A Slrl Krt. I '.l
MoutrucAltultt mud C..trtt•r• - t tl
Row. LAlA•rtv otrt,t. Itittlattittrlt
- - •
JOSEPH FLotiNG, llurgCs , Jr t., L. \Vil
cox k C.rvitt-r of Mug krt. 1.1349, •:, 51k0erl our 1%11.1 a luli %I I'
ICIN ktzt, t2I tht. , l"rt, PEI:FL M rt1:1 , uttd ail ortt
One pert3irlitut to Lot Lututtetut..
41 Prut,rlyttouts cart4tilly rotop.9ut.l,l or all
bourn. )09
PLENII NG BROTHERS, ntlet•es,;‘,rs to .1.
Kidd a Co, wlh.lt,entio DI:Liti , iISCS. Nu Co
Pittsburgh. PrupriuLor. Vr. 3.1'1.4.thdA celvbral.ed Vont.,
fogro,l.ivra IC. ittiO
JL. MARSHA LL, rilp , res:44 t.l Lpv,
Nu. LW Libvrty hit Ams
- -
W . l'. AIAItdIIAI A S Imp,rt4.r.; and
e, in Fretl. I uu.l A:1,1)0111
I We, xtre.et, Pittxtwo..ll.
.. • •
.11/1/ - 6.1e/ .4/./t/1 tor al././1.1.1/I,lll.llurtrtur. of Me , ..1,
Daleollri A: , Parka. nog;
'l'. A.lOltO,N, V./4,041er and Sta
_EN rthVayi hen l iln l ..." , 11 , . • 1.1 .•1
/./•1 Blank 1;..,1,n; lot .t..i
Cap rapor..Y. - ., and retai!, NO. 1.4 W,,.1 at not,
below Patoll.-a./0 /11/10 / l'ltto/1/111'41/
/Or WA NTKIi :Intl Tsutters' Scraps. ly
y Ull N 11. M Wholetatie and Rot:6l
deal., in NIIISICA I, 1 , , , T1:C11 ENDS, PIA Nt
PANitsiL au I STAl'ittA it:lt V, at.. t,
_ _ _
R EV.MERNI)I•;Ii.SI.)N, (-11(•,•e,5.,rs
..I, .t ,) •it•Kivri h oil El. V.N
No. 35; Wood rtreet, ilproeite Lite M. 01J1LrIter
Aaii, sm).
BAU MANLIWACTUILER., Nu. IvuW,..lsitout., httaburgl.
ENTE it PIUS E ‘VOI{K S, NO. 136 W.,,x1
street, third door blow Virgin taii.—ltoWS 8 TI I'
logY would call the ac toni 101 l of Sporting; tucn to tinor largo
tikersortinetit of ICll , l.lifi sod IJ:\rlti r .VlNU
the larpot lood soloctod stock ever opoitiol in tlue t. O
/Lot, Wgello, with A goal, r.d to.ki t moo t oY Ilardwaro, llutlo
ry, Tools MLA Vl.l.lttg To do, nll of whi , i, vv. , ottor nt tho
lowest µmold.. p, • •or w t... Alt poreltiovotl, or LA go.ol 01,
proved 11.4”, lunl /5
- _
No s 9 107,ulinngtoti eat,2l., t,,.r of Lfrart.wil, CIII
ALLAN PINKCaTrun ....n n Rub. rn n.
PINKEItToN t. dt.vote nun, ntlutilluo the.
trans :lion of n dntecthe It UrnlN
the 5ta10....1 itit.l I ltiltztita.
Ic i ITOVES.—Nu. 124 11',,,81 strea,
+0 Fillll.—We beg leave to call the 'fa :el. to or k
Storni, llul low Warn and Castings an general. II as ang :•..
el every thing in oar line, we can 41ifely say that we
be ourpaseed an riekh, titling. and smoothness, Lp and 111
trade. .11,rilatiats will lind it to their advantage to call L.•
.tore baying rleewhere.
' JOHN M. ROiIERTS k nun , selling sid his large and
ChOtro stink of In. Watidies, Ls, Jewelry and Fewy
(loinbi at n Tvry small advaiire ,in t o rt molairidiiry L.
enlarging hie Store Room and purchase of ail ruin,
LitrAMOCii fur the spring trade.
Famous desiring DREAT BA RH A INS should call early, sa
It In bin deternimialmi w cbise out Me present sturk o il
out rugurd price!.
Lkiu't forget the pIarti—II.HIERTF, 16 FIFTH att.'s!, nsm
aou'ro, lowa n of alol /I'll iNti
on hand, cotnpro-.o e 1100I•1 Val r." 1) neW and ,•I.•gant MI) 4,
which they are prepared Itut nlnh at the I,wemt c'll,ll
A 1.,. larlie and inalllonnblent.x - k of IiENTS' 1 , 1111. N IPM N tl
GOODS. 4,4-13,11 y
H. IarLOW . lILLUTIN L. sravrnii 000110 t ALBEIT.
DITTSBLi 11(.; 11 CO AC 1 4 ' ACTO RY —BI
ELow & co., atlrelv.NS to F.. M. Bigelow, No 4.2. 1 , 1,
mond alley, near W0.,.1 street, l'ittsburgli-.-C Alt It I Ali
COACHES, PHANTOMS, BUGGIES, and ever, descrint,ii
of FANCY VEHICLES built to onler, and finished
manner unsurpassed for beauty of design, elegant., al flonit,
skill of workmanship and durability of materials.
all work warranted. [nova
xi., third door below Virgin alley.—BOWN & TETLEY
would call the attention of Sporting men to their large toe
sonatina of GUNS, RULES and ItEVOLVINU PISTOLst,
the largest and best selected stock ever opened In tills mar.
bet, together with a general assortment of HARDWARE,
CUTLERY, TOOLS and FISHING TACKLE, all of which we
at thin lowest nossible prices to cash purchasers, or for
good approved _
)011:1 tl. YOUNO THOS. U. YOUNG lAAYOI9 L [(Wm
'l l B. YOUNU & CO., No. 38 Smithfield
stritet, tippusitai City Huta, manufactureer of CABI
NET FURNITURE and CItAIILS, of every description. Mar
, tariala and workmanship seam:tat...l. and sold at re.hi,.
priCelL Cure taken lu pankang for land and water cart
. _
T SCIIO,ON MAK E It, Manufacturer of
. White LAM, Rod i.rwl, Zinc, Paint, Litharge, Plitt v..
Wholesale dealer In Uilm, Points, Varnishes, Turpen I in . o,
An. No. 24 . 1jC9od,stroot, pit
of tine "Dreas Goods now being offered at •15
VA. A. et cent. lea than canal prizes.
N 8 00 7 No. 25 Fifth et
.4. 1
zr ,s l / 2 ,.f . ." •
~ ~,;~~~:
~a> r~i,,s - - - yy:+~
;~s p ..++~.~'.~ -.
" Neither with my eye nor my faith will I trier."
WITH BAD SlGllT.—Pernous suffering from html Sight,
arialug from Impaired elmion, constitutional decay, old age,
or other caws., would do well to call upon Dr. O. E. SHAW,
PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, where they may rely upon gettiui
Spell.ctm ecientifically adapted to the JUST WANTS OF
TILE EYE. Addreait, ai Fifth etre..t, ippoeite A. A. Mason's,
P. @.—Telescopea, iffieroecota" Thermometers. and every
article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and r.paired
on the iri,ll.li3C6.
4E- Ulasss inserted in old Frames.
iks.t. Any article nut approved of, eiChaliged free of rn
TORY ItlttallEt:s A GO • corner o f
Rebecca anti Itelnvatt streets, Allegle•hy City, would lestas t
hilly inborn their flioll,lPlllll.l 111111 1 10.1ie t: ,.. mile. that they
have eoottnenew.l Oat nuatinhwtnre or CA still AtIES. 11.1-
ROCCH ES, lit /CR AW A VS, PCUUI EA, and ell A
RIOT:A. in 101 their t arlous at)les of finish and proportion.
Ifitati.. All (wafers will Ise exeruttal with striot read tolltart
lollty anti heauty of litualt. Repairs .111 fallill l l l 1111,1k/141 10
011 the 110-1 reason/Ode terms C slug in all their work the
boat Eastern Shags. anti stun, they reel confi
dent that Pit who favor them with their patronage , . will In•
perfectly mittstital on it mitt( then - new work.
Purchatser.re.itte,te,l to ifit At us a call, lair, no.
chasing elsewhere. r ocultly.
AMI LLIK EN St, CO. have on hand, at
• their extensive CAI.IIN FT and CHAIR :11ANIIYAC
TUltY, No. 04 Sinitlitield street. It large loniertnitint
and Ilnin Furniture. which they will soil 1., isir cent lower
than customary rates. Terms, midi °lily. jilevl:7'y
ri II A RLES RN E . 1"1, I IoRsE Sn 47. R AN
HLACIX . f.iNIITH, has er,xed a new and commodious
Brick Shop on CHERRY ALLEY, between TAit II and Fourth
streets. where he is prepared to do all 'roil: lii his line with
the utmost promptitude. Having hail long experience in
the 10....0e55. lic mexpe, the pittron.p•
cipttotil,s and 111,• fitilihe general'," . jullt
JAMJ M.ELLING Alutiongahela
Ila q; mill. would resfr,tfally mi rw him anti thu
Nye public that to, now 4,4tabllslatieut in 1m 111 lon ~fr.l
E i.m, ull.l that b.: lo prepared to ftiruttat Boat Cabins, oil fill
all orders for HANEL , LUNI It F. It, with promptuess, and at
the loWeat rat.•;
• •
lionrol and Nhotk, loinnod ton one tor moth aide, rowitototty
ou baud.
. .
Sae I uct Aloultliugm, uC eNory ilascrivti"u, mal.• t,
* Blllitil•rti nud 1. 1 101 t. tin.l it u. their ad VII II
tage to m hint n nil, to hetm...As' tumn.ll Own, alth
Pismo,' Stoll. noiLtltln toe t•vvr) deticr t,l xv, I:
14 1 1;1.'1'0N CAR WORKS, N 1)
siArniNn :411. It', Onto.— The i•ulni111,1
latainy iii , ord into Ina ann k, tasaaltly 1..i•T0 I. 1,41,1
Ito,. M . D....nigh mini tit pulaartal to ....-
Ira, 1, /nal .•‘...uta 511 ..1.1,a
Ounv..l, hand and al.
Oi.scririnl:l4 .1
Ale., ha ;TEAM I".NtI IN ES „rail 16201..1E It A 11.
1:1 , A t'ASTlNtiti all th.st.tt.thant, alal all
alti...ttainn,; to a 1...m.1.y and Slap..
nt the .1.-Tatrtan•at• ate
prncliinti ant Esidei Ga 10%—
a tharoaelvra laturttaal and adopt all valtathl. e. 4.1
..rn Inipr,valta.ota. Intia , f; W. NV. Wt.:1'11E0:1.1,
I LOPE COAL CONII'ANY having rf , -
iLnt') ntet with heat., in tranata.rtltaz ....al to Cita ..
, ce.-
alt,. nnan.al I.y the Nlnitalactnin...'
l ant, of 1.1.114.h.1phat, a !ninon , . !iini li,. n
Lino %en , . proinliti3 J N.
of nail Cnuttata, U. 1:1',11 \ LL,
• _
) EVOLVERS! R li:-,EVOLVE I :--Ju,t
1:11,„ 11,1, 1 , 3 Elia trot cltr , sl Irvin
the ma Ittlist.turrrn. it .i.1tt0,1,1
awn t 11ta.s's LIEPEATINiI 1•1:11 - 01$
Itn nve nod est 'tai ,•ln. all ttf
which nit iII s•. 11 for ,stalt al as it.
pi nn lice) xti 1... , ug1it IL.. city of N.-,. Y.•: II 1... r.
;;.,tug to Ati.fleit.. to.ol t,tlll.nntn will tool door tto,
J... bolt, I s pal" lEazlii;; their
,att 1,-- n.. 4 ,tt. n I.•
/toy ..1 Ole 1'...1“1., holoco yin,. the t . o
_ .
Oct:, 01.. Bottler,
Jjio I.: ••••ttl.l ill! Lt. 11.. 1...1•
Iw Iltztt 11.1%.• iilll,l i. ht. , . ,t 11.1.1, L.
tILtiAPARII.I.A, F:RA I. 1\ CIF:It. ALF: a 411.1
L I :It , Lyl cp13111.)
no, ottoot... or flittttit., In., IL. al..° I 4. IL
f.. t that the) !agile 15 AI \ 111 , / I 11 . , A .1. IL, ,t.
I.!?ysichtls r 1 It IN 1.,
claw xt..l Ktro.ll,tl.d.tiotse. lertlitiew cct, I,'
J. a CO. 1.t. , htn,...
t) . ao! I Irelcrs its 1 . 1.‘t.,, I'h
...lA'. • (-V1411.1, MLI
; ler y tipa—t
*sr - r„14,.. 1.2....1242‘.1 42221 2 nu
_ .
\I A. SW I 1.I . : R., NV and I
. Leal, In Fut ILL:24f N • N., 1111 : I:
lifft,f2ft.ffffi,t,' 'nu tbet 6sll. • It.l T.,
144, SlLLffvt Witt. 112,,,, 6•'. h... 91 Is, frfilf :'+" ~b,.
ntiffffL LffiLp,..fito lithflLlL•l'Ll 11.4,1 2
114, elyd hie health lA 11 to r nmr L:. -Id
and ha, iovato.l hl. 111,1\ I, MANI:FM . I'I)h 1, nt
Nii 5 Fall/ ser,-I, tali, two Pv.t late, Lail :.•n \K„I and
where he It ul an alaortmoiii .4 (BLIND::. tiiaii,il
iiialn and fano NHL
!ail.. oil to WI any order in lila lin., on
larina. Ilia work In Wttl lAL tt'd gin or 111..114 y
gel_ old ptt• 11.,” a , All. ex he
c 1..1.1 iii , A. , ll,ntitt,ltli. 1:..t7 I)
I) F. Slli )I'E, Nlgßcii ANT FIII.OK, Till Iki
1). rtr.-o•t, her( d.. , 1 1P1,441 , 11.1,1 lin, t
itogll lro 10 n,k ft 00.111RUILLICV 111 A•
t. 10,1 1• , hit ietell I. I
•11•1, 1 1 1 11111,; • li.1 , 11t1. hl• • 11 ~Y 11111 Ali
H. •1/ N.lln 1••••!... •kli :•1/ k • •St•••
nto, ri.C.'ll-, S, ,
4 , 1/ llie !WU. , I h
Pt. A iwt fed It ollatiyn zulttuted. ln 'lO.ll
('((Al Iwit+ile uu.l t.• 1,11.
lui mt.,. In .10 I IVrtli.ut. •‘..-
pni ,111J11., t.,
11/ \ Ilmadt.ll.llta, 1•: , .-1)
na t 1.• 1.4,11:1111••
• •
etti,pll , ..l U tt ,t tiulthist%
ITV. 1! otTe4 CAI A I 1t, , . , •11
nl.-aullumln at 1,01 11 :tii
Atk.r . NOll 77 ht..l
A t*' :
l'lrlSlll INGO, GA.
DAVID ,k SAMI . El, POI, -
I 'lli hate asitociatoil tog, ii.. tooter thc at, le ..1
.NNIGLIF.LL d POLIAS:Ii, for the tr.uuw t oil a p. 11 , 1'.11
\al jet v in,) Dry (100114 1111.1 the outoulactilie
plain It Imo , lilt Nlottidincia. viii'
N. ROBERTS, SO, It FIFTH xtreet. le io, tomtit:
nu coil], NEW STIoCK of (told and Silt, l'ateot
A nclp Lopi no and ortiml WATtill ES, it, open do.l 111101
1110 r e ~f the moat Englinh tool Sa Ina !nano
I,cto Ala, Gold Guard .at and Foi, Chat,. Si al,
Nlitikattle (Nowa, liravolel., o 4lold rutin atol a,
il., Toothiii.l,,, ) pbria S.'t all.l seal Flllt,t
Ft , itttitt-. Poe., Stud, Stcelc
awl Silver Spot tar t.•«. siker nod Plato.' .11 1001
fork.', Jet. Cor.ti ti 0 , 1 Good.. Ali., a lar- Ktorl, of
heat BRASS Chi iCKS at all to
The al ...et- k lur, lien put. do, t Goal Ow
otatintitetorie., aith aeloct.l with grrat , arc tor thc +. Lul
mole, and will be mold at a annul ad, aro,- tor c,,st.
%Vatchen, Cl.. kn ittot y tlittliact and En
c raving to-nth-AI ma the beat manlier, and Silt, ;li
IA e nod
./awelry made to order. illN Nl. RGItERTS,
Fifth atroct. neat ,loor to Niro krt
DATA' corn, of Market alley anti Fifth strect. tied. it
tiercasary to cohtrailict a report that haii caiiie,t corn,. y,
,i,„ E o ft t o 1.1111 rt 110,1 , l 0 11
0i11 . 06 , 0. lie iufonuy the load' , that Ir 0111 1.1/ I ill
I')iit : o - tilt*
, - 4,:ntititili /1).-01.
Agent lot Hope Cunt GUIlipXll).
I'lttaburgh, Iti, club, :t;, I st.n.
J. T. (atm:l"r
Fine Old Monongahela Rye Whbacy,
And all kinds of II()SIX KY, at lit, I,tahliolonent Ilk For.
tor) Ja ttestr Ryan's IlnildmK, on FIFTH I rst nit
4 , OW tual , re t i uu u l th el,ll4lll'. Hu'
of him oar 111/11.4/et,llo, brought I. Ito II) fl.,
las vest asaortuivat 01 IJos,lss in has ,•v•. bbusrlst thin
‘Oll , ar, warrant.Nl 4, hr kat nod sill
I v.slsl at Ow moat rt....suable pima. lit Lass but ante :sal..
Iba.us, at t h e corstor of Market alley and Filth otivot.
nail& Curnor Market alley and Fifth tit!
want to havt '• find onipleyinent, hay or a,•11
lJ Fsttlt estrovt, near Market tstro..t.
. . . . .
t.,-and Documents and Copying done with neatness and
despat, h. . LoW RI E.
utent now fu USe for 6pilUIS, bruises, ea., 12 doe. pmt
revolves! by JON. FLEM I NU,
a p 2.5 corner Diamond and Market et.
pIG METAL-190 tons good quality, cold
bhua,j.t received per steamer Irene, laud for sale to
apt P. AI. DAVIS, corner Wood and Fifth ets.
GREASE—Bayes' celebrated Grease for
Drays, Carts, Buggies, Railroad Cars, Ace In cans.
kegs and Mlle.. fir sale by lap2s.)] HENRY LI. COLLINS.
tumus of Wei. w ith*.:so of Coal artached,andall the iur
pt lit einents therisin 111 siu,s , efill operation. Said Farm In
nil naGerl 'in the Monongahela river, 34 miles above Pitt ,
burgh, and Is supplied with a Farm House, Barn, Tenant
fences, 01,113r0, /blib OSA Slid ILO laCellellt 11111'6_1r.
The %•l' of Coal Is five feet thick, and ...tumid, surpassed
in quality. Fur furihrr particulars apply to
jet 2.15 No. 235 Liberty street
ti o- ----- -
VV IBLE LNK.—I have juat received a lar g e supply cd
this celebrated Indelible Ink, with or without the prepare
don. It fewtLered Si the beet ink now in usu. In all case
t h e money mut be refunded where It duce out plea...
uttliii 6)am . ona alVy S tul . I CI . Va i ri: " .e? 'et .
Just rocei,ed n small hit ..r
provided with their NEW SCALE. This hi •
their latest, and undoubtedly the Won us.
NATANT Improvement 141 yet made to the Pianokprto. The
POWER or the instrument is almost DOIAILED [hereby;
and in point if volume, 0.1114.11/11i1 bullinn,y of ton, they
surpass an) thing an yet pretend in the shape 61 . rt Plane.
They possess all the ailvantiwes of the (Irani! Pl 11110". IV
OW ally of Its fliNlthltiltagl4l. Wl` now rhallettge comparison
with the instruments of rutty other Milker ill 1116 t
confident that eiet ) tintitiesesed Judge of the artiele will a:
lin,. :ninth then nolierairity. The public is respectf u lly o.
voted to rail and ("amine lhrar. superb instruments.
11. ELEItEIt ,k
Sole agents for Nun. & 'flark Pianos
For Western Pennsylvania.
No. 59 Fifth street, nest .li,, to Masonic flail.
P. S.—Spletalid assortment of the above shortly "issued
for the Spring Trade. tupfi
1,11" JOHN It 31 ELI,II-L brit
jrn ~.,..._ .
rt I rovers orl rrr.von Trio,. r 4 ..2..17:rf::: , • - •
CHICK EIIINri A :41 , NS . " , f .-". i
PIANO FORTES, and ~..- . .
pkte.l tins SO, In, ,eleeted I,Sprtou Nth, .'I Tit LETV•FII E
new null npletulikl I 'lst mini our, n•l" ere or carrot) Alld , l) ii .
Mall encturshl 1.4 the Metrwu.Uhr.ket Ilign, k trAortotr,) f r inn the
I/Irm:At :' I N. nn'T.k IF t., the numt ,pleittiully lituehed
Seven Octave Square Plano Forte.,
at, well /01 their superb and inimitable Orund Awl Pail,
tlratid Plow.. EN Elll' 1.1,AN,) 1 , 1)ItTF: In 'ilk 1.4 i+ ..f
their N 1:11 SCALE, u ith their I'ATENT IRON PI - LAMES,
and PATENT ACTION. and Mt. vet l nly uarrnitted to the
pun:Weer by the tutinulucturers. but hy the .absertbel. 1..
be In nil rt.P1 , ,1, in, I kenlcit 1. 1.1,1111101319 can be tondo,
both tu reared tin Alstenal arid Wurkutanslup
PURI..., INVARIABLY Tilt: SANIF: tut Itomton, at 11.
,1011 N li. MF.LIA/1:. N AI titreet,
la tweeti Itiane.a.l alley mad F.airtll nowt.
Agent for Chi, ket lug d Soto, ll—at-a. f,.r lattalatrgh anti
IN eat.o Walla. us
BLumr: j ,,st
t'•o.',' Plllll,, .101 puo.ut-u.lw•uen•u bridee
60411110. and with
As n ptool of the Au pet lority of the,ie {'inn..: I. Ow fol
tng extract of n rot., lat the Into •• bone } l nn "it
Itotnott. In competition Wilk tho utak,. •,(111..
l'lttokeruut;, 11 , non Prtoinleot of the Awe.. :
•• Tlit• Nletnowtchtsewt Chat 1141.1 , Mc, hank ,414.,i,
nut...llllN 11111/.,1111t. with a r 1/41.J, I. 11411.4, in
i t , thr. Ural. 1 Pt.!, r4lit 1. , thi•
J. iN A I.:1:1 "
110 had also I• 1 hin lwat 11 ,41 exiiiiiithin In
nup tithal witl, Ml,llqlll. 11
.1 W. 11.. 11 K t , ht. 1.
J-lin(1 111 .11'1 .• lii 1...4,
1 al. 1.41 , 1. 11111 M /I t iti I/1 , 01;1,1W
1,11 , 1 1. sf 411
I . lell,J+ Innti, with hull ir..o It MO, 111 - 1 41,11
ni,,1,t3g..1r•k.tn“,1• ,33 ro .1,11141.
Its 1,, the 13 ti
Vialk , . fr om litosmeni,lltni , ,
A Al' 1,1-11
1L1:4.A, it .:Ist ILink•v et, .1 1.,
14. LIRA)
N lhanos tul.ru 11l ..x , at then inn V. 1 1 , 4,
A 0.41 i, Inv of the rt•lt.ltutt•tl littontua L it
1. , t. - • 1 in Ki•Xt•lttl It
Ar - o-b; loutcrit sTREET, NEAR NY 4., t,
THE etltention of if loworx 14 rt . 411••• 'folly iii Ito] to our
iwvAolit Not k, Arlo, toct tor St . lti tiA -
VelvotA. EitKloth and Tufe.wti) Itr
Li And Tlipontly,
Cs. oak Aro , Slaw 1trt0...114. I SIT, Malin:ll An.l Low
6x1"1 und Prio,l I
I ,q-•[1••1 Exttn Tirtll.,l 111,.1 n,.1 ~ t 4l;
Ch.the, It• rn '2 '..;4 Wlll, ,1111....
• l ilAil,ll • 11114 i•I hootr,l t:,.1
him • 311 l T. 0. 1, I , • VIP Cnt.'•.” %Ulf
it:l, • Row,. M ; Il.”1+; I I.t. 1(4 ,, I, I
b rlu pvt , t teot ,ry A. a.. 13 %11•1
I••,k tint /WA ,t( , A.! AA t
rill I.A• .41,•11A1 ALL •ral.. at 3.43 tut , 4 ruly
U. - N 5, • tt }: itINOMN
C It I'ET I I\l \ i;
Allegheny Counly Normal School.
1'1414 1 .
1:1(R. k. JI ..,11.-rtF4t,,..1,
1 I. 11 . 1'11EILN , N. Nt : I . •
1 . 11 I,lb
huubJ 1/:/:/.h• I • f
lig. - : 4 111,r1 . 1111 , 1. Z
Tracy t , I ,f I.! I o 1 A \
1.4/ INI
N..tuval at ti: 11111.. I. , "•
I tp•ii Ih. Art ••
Tr. I,ttig.
!alit., umin•u
OL l'A CENT 11AND:• , l'A NIP. -The
toll., 11l- Ih•• \hl.r.: Ii ISD
1 , r.
411 pia MI 01/1.
11111, t/, I 111
Th.• .1, • .tt the 1, •.1 it
ititi 11,1t,1 th.•
.IEO. 14 wly i•To ”I.' I
1..1, of Ow beet .": I v.. 4 Mro,i p..ttip
F: %TON. AL,.I
N.. 1.19 t, I ,t 1.1.3,• I
1, that \lt F. It 1 . ..1 , ttl l'tttt Vas I ,
I tti• al II .itti t.ttap • la , t . I l t tat, latta.v. tan t t .
tay th- 10 .1 otts4i al,. tat
nil, A,.! .1
the .. , 131. t
Fit,ro.l•l II kNI. ST1)11 . 1' , • , 11`,,(1. 1,. st'', Al tt- t
BY Ow. An'ttal, ii i1,1.A itlt.
(/t ' LIST it()V FENIAI,E
l i l t lista,. al L+ wet 'la., - ttatztatt.tr)
aatt,. , to tlpt 111, - 1.•i..t lot tantstatiatt. 11, I:al
11 ' 11.t.t1N1 II l l' l,vnttr., I„,tt„ Itaan ...topall,l I . ) pa ttl.t.
,II Itattllli, to rasa, l,is . hart, an 11. , tar ,Attie, titi•\
11/IVO 114,115. tartanato n , hi ne air, tit,• valaal.lo mart, wen al
ii,, tiKot,..a. T. ltiarvt, \,:w k. PCO.P.
I,.•1 5510, antas. al an, a apati Slits Itatge . I lon tit!
H an. Vett. Lip • very high snit Ilamertag colatitewl.tiatat
a hall they ii.,.' ,. 1aa1..1 Mr. ii.11,1.1t. thay .lotatt of Itrs
attata - ist fittan. lot Oa. tn oillllllltrd 1/1141 hal
C . !Tait
.1 t un.ter
liti ,hors' l hi,11.11111.44 . 111.1t he S.•11111Cil 31.
It ntl to pro, 14 pnhllr hear and savings
.Inaglitarn or want. to •'iLLetin• is
ilants ad Ito m,pwiu l tlatainelvt. a ill, l (tat talvttattLv.,
1,1. C., .4111 nll,l is,,, 1 e..1,1 • Ci1• its t.,1111b:1
I ,11111 , , 1P..10,11, 110.1 11 half tail,. I low 111 , ,
ntal hint. Ilat Italia.. lot Ilia tltal t anntlt and rafitiatladticalioa
ala.l la its alit sir pa "I 1,1.1111C1.rn
I . ii, !dal n may 1,. s,L,ZitLite.l,l itipli,ll./ul/ 1., flat Its' tar,
i t illlttr al the Tt ant t. . .
Plifghlir94, April
.I..itA 11. SilOVOiLito.Ell, 1..,111A IL
ap:,lo.4l.llnrslr 1 rus I.J.
cEnoN smilv attn
ji_ ti,tl 10i 1110 1 , ,111,10 , 1 145 ~ u r eutt,ly 11.
Ni)l.• fflt A NS' II A TS, jilmt ri•roiN.-11 Fr , . I 11.• 11/115011,1.
~.i1,1, 1 1.111,4 nil.) 1/IlalltlVll ‘O/1,11 1.••• . 11 I.
V11‘11,./ o , 10 Mkt' OW :41.1:", 10 r,t.h,
It in Ow only Straw I list which the rant 11r damp w , olloo
n ill not .01., t. ottltor in the list in t now n, 1. 0 11114 11 ` 11 .. r a td '' .1
to provent the p.oolpilit of it In any way
I 0n... this sultrily now ntyle. ti., PE's I.IsN HAT,
nig it h. la thr Minn' flat Oast a viva tin aontt r
-taitt.fin tion CllAlt.Ll'd , 11. I'AUld=t l N, .
, :It twat d, , ,.r fl,ll thy ..a.nor of F..nrth.
YALE—A mw 11.1 . 11111 g 111 1 111 , t 1 tlumhcd,Its''
atw . o,t, arranre.i with Lill, iw parlors, dttlltta room ~id
litt , e hash r.a.iii. &v.: n It) -
.It ant in the yard, and good stall.. Th.. lot Immo how ot
foot on Cairo! ettroot. A lloOtony hy lon loot doop t ,, Loot-
Ito titroot- Ter -$6.1 i”
in one and two yours. v. CUTII 11E1(1' S tatiN
Mist het et
o,ls r.1f1,,V1,1 by flirt ULM of I lisad•
Are never liable to anu-st
Is t h e most valuable ar.pdsition to the toilet, retaining the
I lair in any requiriaj
For sale by Dr. Ui lb. 11. Ii EYSER and It. E. SKLLLRcc
A CAL, at 24 cents Per 40tntl. Wig 16
ALARGE BRIC I K. HOUSE pleasautly situ
ated ii, Allegheny city. with lot of ground al 6•. t
trout 00 Hank Mu, by 1 10 . feet deep to alu 1 , ..1 alley. TM,
lions. Is well built and finished in Mt Aeon at) le t.orthln in
front, hall, two parlors, dining room, kitchen, 7 chand...rs,
cellar, hydrant, paved and gravel yard. shad, and unit
shrubh, r. Ac., all in complete or , b•r, Idr ead• by
tu bs CIITIIIIICKT SUN. 51 Market st.
k C,)., No. Td. Fifth street. have now passing through
the New York Custom lionise a large Inyoh's of English
Velvets and Tapcsptry Brussels Carpettlng, which we nintll
receive in a few days,
and be pleased to show to any who
may Wish the best of Imported Guide. We have ails° DOW In
Stock of Brussels, 3 Flys Ingralu's Stair Carpets, dill Cloths,
&r., an assortment unsurpassed in this market, and all nt
lowest price'. apr
IV. D. 451. H. McC4l.l.lritl,
A Ni,
t.. .r•
11 NI K rllll.. 11111-1.6.11
~;.....i, . ,.;:z.z7,4- 1 ., . , : :;:',:.
FI - 4 -
• . '
o, go.
~, ~,~ -- -
"' 4 111004101110010 1 '' 1 ' 44.
No. 31 Filth Skeet
THE subscriber, having enlarged and fitted
np in wiisl et3IP Lie
I..ARf;I: A\l' 1".11i k
hi , rww 111,n.1.4 tb.• ptt.ti. t.,
It«lorkt ,•14rwh,
15. S TfICK I° IN Pl. I. A ft T
550.000 Worth
F. V E C I, A S r I) i) I)
A”.lrnibraciug n,uir r,•ry Sue
(`nv.r.•d with FrPoch I , tto.t. II
OA K Cll AillßEtt SETTS,
trew Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs,
Sofas, Book Casos, &c., &c.
All "tivt•• I.) 11 . 1/01. .I 1 pßicEs
f:v.•rp Krti le v. Arri.tr.l t,k r
rr•lnn , tr•rl.
t v.
':';.,q4 -.•--, I , -...• . 1 1,'N • i.t::
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y \V()01). ON LI uttEtTy si<EFI
0," ( ~ .m.-(• ty lint, 1•1
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t. ~,.'r „, .tt.l4' tut
~1, ;) .•ty, \ I 1.r . 1.. 1,, 111
11(31 I 144111. 1% 1 ,, tlttruHt. In I t tlt
tr.4115.:1••••1....1 ! , •I
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1111110 h .
I.k, Ikt 4
1 • 1
AND 1 01)11 ,. . - 10 ,I,\r
Fruit. 5,P.1 , , Lard.
yr, I;:t.,it, 311 , 1 Pr 0,111 .,
%o. S 9 Wafer
1:.1 . kit
1 . 1:1N'.0.11,11. 1— 1 110 11.. k.
I, 6,11. Ca-11 St Ar %I. 11,0; 1.1-1 11. No
FRY.,:II TY. k, • k •h.I. 4. 11 1:0-1, iir. k
; it• I ~,-. h
n: rl. it. ,t 1
o Medals and FI e Diplomas
AR 'l' II I'
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11 , 1,) 111.1 1 .)
.1. .I),lit •.I 11.1— 03
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.-1 .1 . 1,1,141141. Pa
•• 11tro, . • lop
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.\ \ co)RHEI: H \ •-•
It.tt.t.rublorl,... 1:11 , 1-m• 1,1
)1 \ 11)1)1N 1). It)m•11; In-iii; • mint
I • .t
Atr.•. enpital I . • I t: •I. • t.h t m
I. I-110 ,t..1•1..,1.1.•14 ..r th•-tr I. •
I. "I ll,:r111:1.1 5... I.
th 1••fo.,
w , \ . 1.: 1N F , 111 , ;,....5A r., 1, 1 1 , ..., ,,, at 0i t 1(.. ,. (,?ffier , • ,, , : f
and 1.11, •:11,14; 311. I/ i.•
I: 1,•1•1.•
S 'l' F.l 1 11. 'l'lll. itild,r-i, : •,11,1
,•I ;•••,1:0•• Fairllt 1 . ,t , .•••13, •Ik, h. 1 , 1 , y
kl •It ,1.. I I lb
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t, 1:1'111,
\ 11.11, Mb-.
\% 11.1.1 A VI 11 ,- .1:. , 11.
\I 11: 1;1,.•,•:41.:1:.
TEN' 10.01:s. .1 ti,t ttin I it
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TYN 'I) , I t% t 1,11 1-.1(
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Il unrw LIT ,
'I ' 1,•• B 1111•1•1 I', -r., I, It: t. •..,
M 1.,: 1.3
11.111.1.: by l'Apt H "11.• 1: , 111 fl I.'
`pp,. n `I. 1111,4 io , r?
111' , .111.1 ;Ili - I.
Chip, -6,
1.,: krt. :N.416 , 11m---14 . .
II til.•C+ 'll,l,4ltLin.• f r Jul). -
Irce,a7ill.• I, .1 itt. }-. 17.
)Irµtuzirlo• 1,4, I: I +lll.l
1:t.”1. 1111,r. It , kro.t Mnint;., A E,kt
1..k1. V
AC,B,EAT IiAIttJAIN —F.. r a
I,ltabln Brink 10 W El.l.lNti N.. rrl
nut tn , (I I/ 1 , 1 he
!my,. n -
aVnn dining ~ k 1 6,L 11,
ni.ay; w(j And ilagr•
411 ti Imlh 0..11t.11 1,01 Mtn,. out nvo
+tory ,
vaid, OUL nitn.k.
kr,rup , vines, &c. 111..11‘ . • inor.
pg neik.4l ha the II in.y.,l). 19 - ,;np~_
ti in hand. il•Lo,kindor nt thr-•
.;,•.:, 11,4t1 kistai., A,,,t, f.l Mai I,t ,t..
- -
BACON -2 casks fin• salt. by
PIA _ Ilt:7':111* H t!'I.I.INS,
~ . 2( ) BOXES ORAMIES to iin i arr i ve „ i .„ l
,' exit. by kLEYM ERA ANDERSON,
4.,)( BOXES LKMUNS arrive this d,}•antl
iik by !MIMI:R. A: AN bEits ( oN,
P. 17 No. :it) Wt. xi ntr,•t.
YOUNG lIYSON TEA---10 cheats finest
lung Chop Young flyeion 75c. and $1 r e th.,
reiv44l by F. K. DRAVO,
mylo S) Market find
FW LO ER VAS E;--'2 , ) lair 'l'rra
v ,,,,.,,,,," , 1 „ b y II BY 11. COLLINs
Ground un Fifll strvel, tln. Cathedral. on
ere twl a neat Tw.. Story Brick suitable
1.. r offices. Apply t 13e281 BLAKELY & RICHEY.
WIiEAT -5000 bushels of prime Wheat
'.-13,5 Liberty street
LAMP-BLACK—C,O Mile. just received and
forsalcil 1.1•=2/1 FLEMING BROS.
. i . -0 1 .: ..!!. ' .l9.` ' , ' .. ' QVZ . C-5:-...,. '..
• , a. ,
. 4 , '
• 4) .
4. a •
A ni
NIFDIrIf. .01
And rt Frf.nt v .•I
11. 11. RVAN.
AN NPded
II , t) 1, I
T 5, 1856.
TAI,---Established for the cons of Byphilux, tleminal
Wraknotof and the Infirmitioo of Youth and Maturity, by
Dr. AMti A SUN, 111:FeAto, New York-0111m, eerier of
Maw and Quay stf trtn, (op stairff.)
" " " • '
An i nxtrnment for the cure of general Dehil i ty. I m potence,
I ncon 11.11•00O 3 or Noeturnifl ECU
This I n.troment haw been nae•l with the :malt happy effect
in the practice of the iltur.t emiunut phynicittus and aurgoova
Bi tho itritleh ougdn, France and Germany. ILI hued, So re
ritnrkable wore the enroll. that the late "ant ASHLEY " !Mika
it uu Iha "I la; hinve of Life." The Me of U. will tally
anaWiu he 11101 vriculliilllll.
Dr. AMUS & SOS are the nuly Pll)shiians in the State
whu are members ~f the Royal College „r Surgeons, London.
stmlioites 4 taw the itu.st. eminent Colleges in the United
slates, take pietism, iu announcing that I hey have inventisl
most Important instrument for the cure of the above
diseases It 11114 been subjected ton test by the most eminent
phi swoon. In Intulon. Paris, Philadelphia and Now York;
it has beau derinrell to 142 the only nnotul instrument ever
et tliseovereil for the core t a Seminal {Peak none, any
diems.' of the gettital organs, arising (tom tolitur
led-its Of self Indulgent, w h destroy both body and
mite!, unfitting 1111111 Pit her 1 . 01 marring , . or society.
hr. A Mt IS it SON, in order to satisfy the mwtekeptiad no
to rho 1111,114 of their instrument, pletlgo themselves flint in
any Institut, where Ilmy may prove 11111 tat IlifitetOry Itrier a fair
rrinl, the tutoloy will be refutnlesi by returnlng the [lnt rll
- in ,4 1, / , 1 ,rrier•
Person , . wishing Iha nem, useful I nstnnuent will eleierve
that the price. with the sreontpanyine likertions, socurrly
puked and sent by express, is tru dollars.
For the Venereal Di.4l/0,1, sod Mt private roreplainta,
pletts, strict turn, seminal wealcnosa, pains in the loins, ath-c
tirni of the kidne)s. disemos of the head, throat, 11 , 80 and
Akin, and ail there ,Irear!fut natl. - lions arising from a scorer
shit "f plith, which Fodor., constitutional debility, run.
inarriaro inipossil•le, and in the end destroy both body
Di. ANlin• a tn 01 tut,. devote./ their attentittn exile.
.'.•ly to Ott,. peculiar ern's or nittindten, and the teltof the,
hitt tt conn-tittetttly been ruattltml to rentior Iti their fellow
i 4 fully to.olified and gratehtlly nel.npnletlgol
onvnlettrent pntients ant "therm daily arriving in loon
uaw all 1 , 91 to of the romitry, htr the tt‘ltrettel purpimci vnly
while their exertions love.. leieu crownesl
1.111. the advailtawes; ). from %hat I hey have
elperiettr.sl iu I 1 1114riug lilts, the eau... of these lulectious
.itiplanata (from their 1..01 simple Nautili.. to that ..f the
nued. thoser.iiis fuel iiivrteratiali they have always enter.
I .1,1 the possibility of their I,r e veati a ud
iikeuies. wins - wild) l'uuutl that the moat twilll« and ititaliu'-
liarit fill ins of di.. use onalJ almost nlwute ti aced to Lion
,t the following eau. s .—lgnorance, neglct, r the ill 1•1-
A• unskilful and improper treatment; therefore lir.
AMOS R miN have successled In discoveling, iu the aide,
their r em-dies, a sale, elleetlial and cautious cotirSel
ail' nag all r.mbiiintion of resuedsto which hear au equiv...
it character, as well as those whose premature or
u. applicat inn might be productive of tail consequences
ire th , hand. of prtvate Individuals. In short, the litudabh.
VIA of the remedy is the lessening of a grand mass of lilt
:non misery by the alleviation, relief mid pre, cattail
t t rie,..ns anlietions that are In realitylltu secret by of
life, and wlor li, while they ho extensively surround us, call
ores I f..r skill nod interb•ronee for their extermination.
hr A Nll )6 A. .SrIS Irate for a long Mel - Iva of yco.ra beet, ell
-1.,/,:,X1 in all 1.1fail.10: is tilt• tIaLLUOVIII of thee.• del l•
anal dal I/ al, and nrr• the °llly qualitiod ems
who. regardlean of OW /aid t.lavy .•f the by taariti••el
and 'clack modeet, hare kad the confidant,. th ough the tut
daleu of the 'ruble . [press, to direct attention to Ileac error
gene evils, !tofu a. In -h ur. on - Ink:of society 11l free. In
Ork ‘l..purtnient of twat tire they /late Nalm amply to
waded by the great /111Cl - taill that tina attended their etTortA
le the I remittent .•f these rane•a, which are so generally ciao
tided In the allifall.linVal and ignorant elopitier. who. will,
Lava pirated publeatiotei amintele foretgti names and
rmJ proen,led mart tea of their paters nostrum,, hate oo
lit. tkul w•ri..un inetry ou thew.• who tale too, I 1010c. , 1 to
place faith la their pletemdotet— Mod gal Herirte
1)r. A NIOS a. SON !save Towle arratoploeuts whereby
pa. Itagt, tlol forty/Li - Jed with neermy ~,,, I ttedpnttil to any
port of the world
1.1dr..... Dr AMDS A SON. of limn !Lad puny
lIofl). N V. je:;0.1.vorIl
• • Superior s. of superi, Youri m ,, Ilysom
T., (..r M Y 1/ItA AM'S.
1 , 27 No. I Dimn.m.l.
IL Milli utititetaiDs its frput.ltioli .r FINE TEAS All
Y 11. att.l ;Mu k t talltatttly ttu !muck nll.l 11..
lu longs qttet.n l'lloit.tittebt Ton lb nntrkt.t
1 ,, :Flo) tt:to 11,nn:
4. ,
1.1 •• r••11,411li. t•stt, fletv ;
- lt,Pnv
•• I
Ail ,•111 ,old nt Ivn, !trice, !loin nay store Ii
F. It. ItttnVit.
No, V.: Mat ket ni. and I lhatttood.
EcoN 1) STREET Pa() Pl , ltT Tu LET.
/kJ A Itrij 11.1 1 ne., 1.. let 1.11 the I I
Goner Seventh uu.l Stutlblield
. W E t) it
I S , A E l i t:1; ‘ 1 1 :
Anal, ,aat1...1, 011i.11N010.1 4mll iu tunau hu, to
ham,. It ..one ..f prettieet hr
r remilt•tit,ll the ['sty. and Mlll he odd hem.
1••=1 TtIoS. WOODS. N... ;Z. Feurth el.
SALE—AllElL ‘ O ‘ l . ::3 ,,i E . B l,h r t i .., / 1 1{ 1,,,i
lt d i e i SC
lied wl
I Alt NV at N,. SS FOURTH ~ .tret.t. It you n
11 Irl1,1•• ,// .1 %WI. Itlnr ~,,,, mll [0 THOMAS NV,
JeLI '74 I , ..nrth etreet.
1M E.-- lilt) barrels fresh received and for
_LA ....le to' 11EIN [JOLLA NS.
4,„11ki AR AN 1) MO A SSES—
j :110 //lie.. .r 10/11;,11,0, N. 1/,
00 J.:
100 1.11.1... 10113 and pi Son, band
zind t, I.) NI I I.LER h IC ttli r:rs
1 ,10 N.0.1 . .:j.1 Ittbot
F .Nlackerel wlinle and ball
wlat.. hub
1•s1_ 116NR1 II OrLI,INS.
I . litSE 1 TIILE A colmnotliims
1111 Iltrl.,K. •1 I II
I/ ^. •1.,1 •.11• . , IA/6 eIPSI,I4:I Clot, /I
.1(..) /11/1. 01
%111.1.1 . :1Z
'I awl .Z2'l
• . • ,••••tu4 .•r can
;:irnsvlwrrit, .10
ll° do
1:1.t. Y.,. do do
I, Nonni in 1...“1, or CROP.
i MA , Iv RVMblLfi ANUEItS..N,
;N'..*l oppoeilv FL CI :tries 11.del.
Double Hank Melodeons.
111.:1? BIZO. have just received
• 1 , c , 0 1,4
cAlt 11 t ti ENUIN )IELODI , ,oNS,
1;.,,, fact.), Carl art .t Noolliam
4 4 , 1:1% Itle iontent eAvt•II.
1 • .11.• le. Ni th (1./111•f nli.l double
I Ai..
\llil, tam, rent of key, atel oupliuf.; stop, finish,. 1 iu t h. ,
neet eleont uud lantelol etyle This Oliver)b import,
.41', 1.. 1.411 In ti• Il l• tort nit.] we rte,p,clfully 11.
,te the at teut poiSt and tbe wadi./ in co:fetal to
111. Ctullinet int voted and fund , the hint )1e1,4///un.
.or I Isle lust rtunehly yre 1./oke,l upott n 10.1. is 1.1 on° 1
L.l I k .•1 4 For sale 103 11 KERBER At 111:11.
No. 03 Fifth stns I.
a.nel slat Collilien, 4's. 4's nod tie
1%.1111t11/11 1110tIM
il•I llu. I iertruin Soap;
1,, /1., do No .
1,.t. /to No. 1 rites fAu111)
1 awl for male by
1 Dry Sill Ilerrine
Oil hl . 1/I.'s. No 1 "
.1 net mot fir vale by
221 mid 1.1.3 Labffily et.
- ,
tel 11,11rnto seveinl god reliable lu:forum,
!,toned by OEO. W. BUNN, at his Read Entaht
A,://u/ atel 111h/Ihp/on/ 0141', oil the north side of olito
-lend, 1 oh ill a.... v.t.vt 01 the Inaluon,l, ALIA:MINNA
CITY .le7
. .
)FFEE. --15() bags prime Rio :
gotta do tlo.
4t) Old 14 /v. Java do.
In /ft., and for sale l , y 0111.1,E1t A RICK ETS ,
tv 1.1 No. •-"J.I htul I.ll , erty greet.
Au(iusT ES—Oiatiy, tiraimm
Peter/fon, Arthur's. and Ystitee Nottous for August,
jilt! nv eI v,d by It T. C. Mt/ROAN,
.1Y I`. 41 Filth street
EmoNs-20 boxe• this day received mid
tar Cale 1/y It EV Al & ANDER: 4 .IIN,
ivJJ. No, :CP NAtfoyl
1 ( 11)i lAA LLONS LINSEED U ll .,Mr
• l vale by J. SCHOONBAR Kit,
Iy2ll 24 Wood ST.
II) tierces I; l, ,r m s iT al li e y
I REA:II TA RTAR —l5OO lbs. just received
stile by FLENI INO 111(115.
1 ()i FOR TWO t.!11()10E !WI L1)1 NO
tf f " lots, linvfng n largo front two atreete.
by ~.43 feet deep, pleatututl,f entuatyal uu Ott. Wanbintftcli.
11,11 end,' on COO) Cm Mo. S. CUTHBERT A 500.
fel? 'Real Estate Agebts, fyl Market at
lisArcySEED___s bbis. ou hand and for
by FLN' MI ItltCrS.
_lA, L u re and Aoteontrecuenus, always uu baud.
BOWN 8 TRTLEV, nts Wood at.,
J,,:11:1 Stgit of the (Widen lion.
TEA IN TUN CITI can had at
11S BRAVO'S, S 2 Market rt.
- -
ILO ;nuns Onun3;
34) ^ 10.14
" 103;12 "
Tn +tort and Tot Kiln by
1 3 7
OElt—.J dozen or this•riltiOraltedtclue received
iY9 Corner Diamond and Market t.
M ~~
rfillE undersigned (with a view of retllOV'
Gag to another Inman in the ininuallate vicinity,) offers
tor sale eke 110li.iP. AND I.,Yr in which lie now resides,
situated on Meant Washington, on the brow of Cital Hill,
oppoado the lower part of the city. The lot is 123 feet front
anti 350 feet deep. anti has growing on it a large number of
fruit trans and shrubbery, consisting of tipples, peaches,
plums, cherries, apricots, currants, gtaewherrles, raspberries,
grapes, be. The house la 40 feet front, 6 feet hall, and 50
!set deep, with kitchen and cellar. There area rooms, with
bath room 11.7.1 finished garret. The house Is built iu mod
ern style, neatly painted and papi•reti litrottgliont ; the doors
windows and wasnlenards of fr,,ut rooms and hall are grained.
There ins good stable, sufficiently large for two horses and
cart lag), A well ef good water a Clitern, and all neres.sary
~, tiliotises. The lot is enclosed fly a paling haute 0 foot high.
The location Is out of the most beautiful and healthful in
\Veatch) Pennsylvania.
Poasowalon given immediately.
Tonna liberal. W. 0. LESLIE,
.i3"•=3 No:. 45 Fifth street.
SALE—Sevrn of Land, on which
ts a frame bonne, frame stable, novor failing spria
best or grefted fruit, grape vines and is variety of shrubbery.
line and a quarter mires of haul; on which la a brick house
with four Orion,t a good cellar antlift,lrawest.'pi
Also, a town lot, on which: house with bur
rooms, finished garret and good cellar, all situated it, Se•
wickilapillle, and unit be sold low if applied for $lOOll, or
would be trade,' for it small farm handy to Route of our Rail
road:, or rivers.
For Male—Three good nom', well Improved, within twee
ty tiro miler of the coy.
Apply to O. W. BUNN. al the Real Rotate Agency and
I utolligence Unice, north aide of Ohio Street, fourth door
east of the Diamond, Allegheny city.
I,lm.R.—The undersigned offers for sale on favorable
terms a large number 4,1 Building Luta In the Third and
E.ghtli Wards of the city. The lots front on Pennsylvania
Accuse. Watson, Yot bee, 1.. onat. Maria Vickroy and Bluff
streets, are but a few minutes walk from the Courtlihnse,„
and will be sold very cheap.
Persona desirous of securing a convenient and healthy
h•rati,,o for a Inane, or wishing to purchase for specula
tion, in a part of the city which will continue steadily to
impr,ve will tind it to their advtuitage to call upon the an
dersign.A. CHRISTOPHER NI AG R, Attorney at Law.
inylte:t f No. 104 Fifth street.
Gazette and Dispatch copy and ch. Post.J
VALUABLE Coal ,Mines at Auction.—Un
the 21th tlay if A n: . rutt net I. at 3 1./.61, I. M.. will
SOLI On tho premises, to the Itiaheet bidder, li. itey's
• ollent Coal Mines, wiles altos, 18ttalturtrh, on tho Mo•
not tgaboin river. These works are now In evolution, 111,111 g
the roads all in the finest outer. The dip of the coal is
right. There are S-P-r4:_ of veal, will, two fine veins, one
front 8 to lit ft at, I ho other shoot 4 f.-u. Two trick anti ft tor
frame houses : the cars anti 1, , r) Inn lug on the, splendidly
immured works, together with 10.1 acres of river bottom
land of superior quality, and ist ruts of the best landing 011
the river.
Terms—Om. third cash, one-third iu 9 mouths, and moo
thin) in la rontho.
If you want a bargnin buy these unEmrpassed works
Par further ilartienittrs Imp ire
Tilos. WOODS, (>vmmervial Broker.
.1) 25 75 Fourth et, Pittsburgh.
of Grouiel on lawork street, three doors front Federal
street, 21. feet front by 100 feet deep to an alley. on which
are the follow ing imptovoments, viz: a Brick Dwelling
well finished and admirably arranged. feet by
40, containing two parlors, dining room and kitchen on thu
first door; three rooms at, st and one over the dining
nem,. v ith a finished aft tr—t.,llmr under the whole Itbuse—
lsol !.ard tetve.l—lake oven in the cellar—hydrant and gas
un the prenti,es. Will he exchanged for a Funu. A spi v
ELY At ItfeitEY.
LIUR SALE--2U Acres a Land; a good
_L' xiltution for a coon try store; about twenty toilet front
the city, in a thriviQg neighborhood, and no ntore near.
Four litnies—two Brag., two Freme—in Allegheny City;
Illle Frame situated on the Diamond, occupied an n grocery
Mill pros ini..+ll talon, and for the Matinees four vac.tut lots.
wANTED-A CERA, to do liotn.ework for a email family in
Allegheny City. thtuations wanted for Men and 110,1 a.
Apply to U HO. W. BUNN, at Iris Real Estate Agency and
Intelligence Office, Olt the north side of Ohio street, fourth
ddor ontst of the Diamond, Allegheny City. ..1) 3
:4A desirable location for a country home.
Four arms of land of choice quality, yolinteatitly Si' Tinted near
he Railroad depot, II ilkinetairg ; Is all tinder good fence,
atop has MI excellent spring of never failing water. It
will be sold at Is bargain, as the owner Is unable to put (m
-itt “Nettieuts on st, choice a property, and has determined to
Price 11,0 0. Termq ;MO in Inunl, remainder in one, two
all I tire• yin*, 4. 0. CUTHBERT A, SON,
- • - • - -
IN MA It E ET V k itY LOW—rat, story Brick
House. ,•ti Penn street, each occupied as 1r11,111‘,1 houses
and .1, .sting yell coil its the very Last portion of
filth WArd. Also, a corner 3 story Brick llouse,weir
pied as
is cwbinct store and dwelling, and 11 9 story Brick
uw.lling Howe in the rear Mao. thr.-e Busior.s Houses
and lit,, Dwelling Houses On the corner Of two public
streets itt the Fittli Witt d. Apply to
. _ . _
EAST LANE, Allegheny tlity..—We have
tor sale a dome and Lot on Fast Lane, lying between
Main au ,wt and the river. The Lot is IS feet wide 1)3 . 8 • its r
4. 1 ,, With it neat two story Brick Dwelling douse, contain
iLig six nuns..; hydrant in the yard, and other ont-hotu,s.
It will le. sold iery low. it would be exchanged for a city
lot. Apply to ljyaul BLAKELY et RICHEY.
14 1 .1VE ACRES ttf first-rate land, three in
culn,a,,,, IMINUCe ill prime timber, situate in a very
pleasant location. about two miles from Allegheny city, with
it large front on the New ilrlg,liton end Allegheny Plank
Road, will be aohl on easy terms by
toy'29 Real Estate Agents, fil Market at.
91,7 0 0 tai 114 Fl 3-1-6omn. Lath room and cellar.
hr,.• awry briek house of Zr 1,111.1. mote-roan. fo •
it1.;00, A6O, a tin Olin g-lionno of 8 roonia. adjoining th •
$1.7t0l Terll/6--M) in hand; balance In 1, 2 and 3
oars—tomato at tho corner of Franklin nail Nam shoots.
.11 - = S. CUT lIIIEKT & SON, 51 Markt t
1w:do, mei pleamni I..eatimt 10 mil' ..1 from thc
on the Pert ec, Inc Plank Road; ac 16 0 ,'l, ,red and in
..f hk,l. nn ro chard
e aem.e lemon imam, ant good tooter on the unimprovet
toe!. The e.. to a flaine hom.e or 0 133,e13 f 1: thegi mold,
oh a fine fiellit/1111 ruilnii,4 water at Hie door, a new
Luna hat 0, and other bathinzr. Apply to.
S. CUTHBERT Si SON, 51 Market mt.
lOWA .—We are sending an Agent to a por
tan, of lowa, who will he prepared to '<tart in about ten
.1.9,, and will attend to the paying of tate., making conce
it, int, Sr Ac. Any pertion having Intilliesa in that State,
1111 , 1 will de 113 the favor of calling on no, will receive every
!glom BLA K !MN' k
AL . *IN lIAND, Lalanee in one, two and
tfi three years, will bny n gaol HUI I.DI NO I.liT 4.f
I feet front I.y rituated war ilia Outer Depot. Al
tly City—pine 07:i. This pr o perty ix well worth at
tention. C. cuTtinEwr & SON,
jo'2S Real F.-tato Agenta. Si Market at.
F:lt ALLEN'SAn unfuting restart and p iw erver lAlß lT
Vi the h„ it and eight. It in not a dyo I The hair and wills
-1,,r, h, wr t.r ,rah, are reKt .red t., an,l preserved In their
original color I Ity its use, wigs., Hp., ISCIrtI and gray
will tool, Lavome extinct. Tier Ileatorer anti with
tho Zylohalsautom, not only rhquisea the, hair, jut iuriime
it to curl, giving' it it salt, 0..4 s and natural appearlthei,
The itt.storer will strengthen and preserve the sight, and
r, move and prevent dizzinems, licadacho, scurf, dandruff,
wal.l-11ead, ..rtorni nof the skin, and all nun:aura
ia.lapirations of tiro head. It is a certain cure rot eatarr
iu th.•11.,,1.
(101:1' II AS LEFT' HIS BRIDAL alt"r.—
N j ow, al tbo last things done by Cut prevhais lu
iiuy /IMF, ied, was it) have his IMt . IWVED PISTOL, fin-
AII4I hrulight taw markat. It posurases many
the "Id patent We non have un band a supply
list bunny tasteful weapons. and would La pleased to
thin 1. tar frieud,
Asuutunition. drc ,
135 No. MS WoM strret
1 0 It SALE A very desirable Country
amidvt, et•utaining ea Acres, beautifully situated So
the obi,. ulcer, and atlio tang the town
i.t . ,.ve11. ith a go.KI el‘ttnp• 114.ust , and ~ther buildings—
torest shrubbery, Sr. TIIONIAS 111'001.):4,
ILu July.
•• 4.
Graham's '•
Illustrato4 London News,
St, az.Kl• Gar I.if.
(lr mol Corn Scythe ;
Pump Chain and Fixture.;
H a y an d man u re Fork.. Together with a large
aisd rxtrusive i.tawrtutent of 1 / a rdmara,lo4 n ,,, ivefl nail air
n 31.. at No. K 3 street, Iwtween Dian n alley and
Fourth street, Pittsburgh. SAWL. FA HNESTOC K.
U -- " --- I'll P bib iWOf - f'llA.Vglat
NP(I FL , , 1 _
A Na r t,,ti e 5,,,,,g; words by k J. Allen. Writte uon
the t,tatuou of a presentation of a Island of colors, by the
111‘,,,ane Greys. to the Chicago Light tinned. Music caul
i.osetl and respectfully dedicated to (Agit. John IL Nry Mall, by
11..0r K lolwr.
'25 rent.. The above Juet published and for nalo Ly
.0 I No, 53 Fifth etreet.
15 hank's qte, and pta Champagne Wine
baskete "17'2" qte. and pt., Champagne Wine, fronl
sinnyaril of tionclio fik & Dronet.
17, baskets . 174" qte. and pte. Champagne Wino, lion
rineyarde of ltonche Bla & Dronee. •
10 cam's Barton & (intender 1848" St. Julien Claret Wine
'..1) do. "Barton &Alueetiee Ft. Julien Claret Wine.
••• de.. St. Julien ?ardor Claret Wine.
- - -
Just t6etlfed and Fur ilare . Ly
410E1t. & ILICK BTSON,
Nos. 321 anti t 2. Litwty street
bbis. No. 3, catch of 195 G;
5 " No. 1;
10 half bbls No. 1:
10 king No. 1. Just received and for suls by
AISINS-s-100 half Use., Clemen brand,"
XV, just received and for sa lt le by
19/4 -No. 39 Wood- street.
5.1 sue AR jut received and for sal.) be
• No. 89 Wood street.
is u ~"~ w.`~~'
w~... ~~ x44t~:~
JO S. VLF:MINI), Druggiat.
con of tlm Diamond nud Nlurket. of
r Clando and the Skeleton
It T. P. 111i)IttiAN,
41 Filth utreet..
One an
Two v
Une im
Five mon..
Six mouth....
Nine months--
thio year
!handing Cl•trdishtdh
10 35
13 35
12 . 04
TA 00
01.0 r!
if 010
00 cen
One Naar°, per ann
Marriage no ....
~~j' S I
[Foctlio Pinetairitt Nei)
AfFeinp. , EpiKtW§,4, We are inclined to think
that though Mr. Mitchell may be from "theboga
of Ireland," that ho writes as Well as these who
were Vern on bells of roses, and who norapose
their elaborate articles in the Atitittrban Townie
nuns of classic• Pittsburgh. is trim be oannot• - _ ,
boast the advantrges of that edinuttion whioi
the editor of the Journal received, Mr. R 141 0 1 2., . •
having been instructed ,at Caatutsbnigothersii:
raid that he pernsed A by inee4:4#4l# ll 44o4lii i ' .
Nepos and one or two, books Cinser'iConaigu,-..t . r
taries. Mr. Mitchell had no ether ellfliWi , onC,-
education opened to him but those
College," Dublin. While , we 141:04,11.411i0eadj to
accept Mr. Riddle es the Lipsinsi Seall4.erleldie
or younger,) Turnebus, Dacier, ,Helnitedas, "or
Ernest', we are backward in denyingell merits
or composition to Mr. , Mitchell,Why does not V,
Mr. Riddle reply, er rather attempt to reply, to
Mr. Mitchell's letter ? Scallger, his great pro
totype, affirmed of Lucanthat be seemed to bark
rather than sing; but may we not say, with at
least equal truth, that in this Mr. Riddle barks
rather than bites ? We hope Mr. Mitchell will
take refuge from our Pittsburgh Cerberus by
either throwing him that famous sop which be
stows soothing slumbers, or , that he will be able
to pass unhurt those snakes which clothe his neck
and whose only terror consists in their hissing.
Gun ParotcrioN.—The abolition papefiOn,.
this State, arr making a .great noise aboufthe
popularity of their woolly horse candidate, and
all their big and little villains,' from Greenport to
Dunkirk, are boasting that .he will carry the
Siatr by fifty thousand majority. There never
was more froth on a little substance than all this
hullabaloo about Fremont's popularity. The
iewarditcs have subsidized the press, and mean,
if possible, to carry the day by much bragging
and making people believe that everybody is for
Now, we put on record, in the face of all these
boastiags, the following prediction. Cut it out,
reader, and put it in your wallet
linchanan will poll in this Sttite
We predict, further, that Buchanan will carry
all the Southern States, Pennsylvania, New Jer
cey, New York, Connecticut, New Bampshire,
Maine, Michigan, lows and Illinois. Now, post
this up, and see nest November bow near we are
right.—Lay Book.
THE Easton Argus says:—We state what we
know to be a fact, that there are men now in our
midst who are authorised to buy up all the tzetcapa
yfrrn that can be purchased, to support Fremont.
But recently a proposition was made to Josiah
Cole, editor of the German Independent Democrat,
published in Easton, to pay lint $B,OOO if he
would desert BuchanatLand„Breakinridge, and
devote his paper to the support of Fremont and
his abolition principles. TO' credit be it
:Token, Mr. Cole treated the offer as it deserved.
'Plus bribers knew the Democrat to have a large
circulation amongst the Democratic farmers of
old Northampton and the adjoining counties, and
they thought if they could induce its publisher
to betray his party and his friends, they could
reach that class of voters. But the game would
not work. The Democracy of Northampton
county are made of teastern stuff to be bought.
They are devoted to the Constitution and'Union,
awl will never march under the. flag of abolition
ism, by whatever name it may be called.
Tun uses of tin have hecoine curiously diver
sified of late years. The metal is so ductile that
it can be rolled out into sheets df tin.foil, as thin
as writing paper. It is now much used for cov
ering tobacco, for coarse gilding, fur what is
called silvering looking, glasses t fuld for bronzing
powders. Peroxyd of tin is used by jewelers
es a polishing - material"; and fused with glass it
forms a white opaque enamel. it is much used,
mixed wit/km:l:per, to form various,useful alloys
of metals,Such - as gum metal; the, specula, for
telescope* the borings for shafting, the bronze
of statuesj'and was used by the , ancients for
swords, spears and armor, tempered by a process
now lost to the arts. Block tin isstruck by dies
into various vessels for drinking, such as cups,
tea and coffee pots, and Mired With a little cop
per to give it hardness it forms the beautiful
ltrittania ware.
Fifty Dollars Reward by a Mechanic.
To the Editor of the Constitutioralist:
I authorize you to offer a reward of fifty dol
lars for the proof that James Buchanan said in
a speech in 1838, as stated in some of the news
papers, that he "considered ten cents a day was
enough for a laboring man."
It is the general belief with the Know Noth
ings that mechanics have no sense. I have found
uo one that could make good this statement
shout " Old Buck," so I thought I would offer.a
reward for the desired information, that those
who huvo got so much more sense than the
can turn their knowledge to some
profit. A. ItletuAnie.
AUGUSTA, GA., June 20, 1856
The editor of this paper will give fifty dollars
more,— Constitutionalist.
is an extract from a speech delivered b' Henry
Clay, before the House of Representatives, Ken
tucky, Nov. 19, MO, now both applicable and
of interest.
"But if it (the Whig party) is to be merged
into a contemp;ible abolitionist party and if aboli•
tionism is to be enyraned upon the Whig creed,
from that moment I renounce the party and cease
to be a 8 1 / 4 1y, I go a step further: If lam alive
I vrill give my humble support to that man for the
Presidency who, to whatever 'party he may belong,
who, is not contaminated
,fanattei•+vl rather than
to one who. crying out all the time that he is a
Whig, maintains do.L.trines utterly subversive to
the Constitution and the Union."
MORMON. IiIIiLIANDS.,- , -011e Of the Mormon wo
men who was in the company of the late crowd
Which has paused 'through our town for Salt Lake
we learn had no less than 'tour 'hitaands. She
is said to have been an intelligent looking individ
ual. She contended that women have as good a
right to have a number of husbands as a man
had to have as many wives as he wishes, provi
ded the thee were all members of 'the Mormon
Church. There is nothing like making dram
stances suit occasions, and these.. Mormons ap
pear to have a peculiar faculty for each transac
A CL.MtICAL SMORSTION.-•-••011010i our Mende
was coming from New Yerkin the cars the other
night, and was amused at an interview between
twopersons, who 'earned 'bate 'have met for
acme time before,. 441Ve11,"• said cue, after the
first salutations, ".what: are von up to-now?" •
Ob, I don't know,!' replied the other, PI shiPs
take to religion." " Religion!" cried W.trierati,4C
" w hat do you mean?" " Why,', said thepiher,.•
" I think it's a gang to he n good business; the
ministers are all leaving it, end I tell. you what,
believe .there's to be an opening there!
Boaion Coutier.
ISH.—TO those Blank' Republiban Germans of
the Hassaurek stamp, who are supporting Fre-
Mon t fur the Presidency, it mast be interesting to
know that while Fremont was in the United
Suites Senate 'he introduced n bili prohibiting
anybody but an A anican citizen . from working in
the gold mines , of - Itinade no differ
ence if a person had. deOlared, is, intention of
ieconiing citizen; for tinder bir.Fremont's bill
he was' debarred from the prifileerof digging in
lie earth fbr his support. This is the worst
kind of proscription.
BULUSUY AND Conacerros.—'Fhb Black Re
pujilidluie have bought up and subsidized Many
lieivspapers in ibis contest : by money furnished
froni Xansrut aid subscription and the Mariposa
They leely attempted to buy up the Hollander
q. staunch Democratie paper in Ottani county,
ichigan„ They offefectlarge sums of money to
the editor.if he would. etrike the Buchanan flag
mil ruin up that of Fremont; but be, like an
hoaegt man, ifliutzled theli corrupt offers; and
're•=nlved not to sell his principles and conntrOar
" A
WAiLli. ' ,',. , t , i
' ;
-4 ,, - , T
t. 225,000 votes
..150,000 ~
140,000 "
el l
,•J -;