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If ': - P 4 '.* 414 4 , ~,,., ....._ • ~ I : .., ..-...',..,, -_ 4 -•-,,. ~ • ~, 4 10 ; 10 , 0 1 % • # ' • ' '' ' • 4` 4 , ''' .;••' 4 ,4 •'• .;*V. , - ''' , :;'; J• •‘ .. ' ./. : ' • ". it,' Ti , oi. ..;-', .... 4 .,; , .... :', ~- e g • - 2- 1, -..• 4- 1-' • • . ' . V . ' 0f• ' 4 - - . . ' ' 4, P4 $. 7 A - 4° fr.F.,4,5 7 Kc." r oI- .`"' .44 ALY q, :7 0 , 0 /al l 4r. 64±0:1:1Z.1,,*. EMI Ti4VS 10)1 ',P . tadea Ewa published every morning, ( andays receited,) UV gatias TOOII[E RY, OA TIM NOll7Flitille =NU 0 WOOD OD VIONTR. ui=Dollen& yeetypepible stridlyin advance. 4.04 aired tr.notpaid.ndtbin the year. ffiStngte, colaa,.TWo.Cann—lor seines the counter.% and' 14` the - Newn ' r 5 ~w ' rilVlo- M A.TURDAY .1110 RIVING gablleht4 (Ken the ammo offleei on a lam' elitiltet size, .beet, at. TWO Mot t lAltB year,.-iti adauwe... 'Single hoplen, '•tlo taper will he •ellicontinneti, (nialese at the Macre . Spit af.theProprhante4antil all arrearapainrolahl. , terpend to anyarder allied by the money, or sattaThetory referenentn - twe l Connected with tho.Mitablableent ref the M Preittentie litteet JOB IIIINTINCUOYITOSS in the iientierbint ell Mode or-srorkL dincenelthe 'hottest hotke, • . PROFF!SSIONALLARDS. SfElk O,IWINGARIh • itTi'OENEY AT LAW, .-Pmeeviten, Nam. • (sir:eittes itaitsWELLIS EUILDINGS, Grant street, (nearly opposite tbsiekairtilanso' • Tab Illy C LIARLES'W.- VINGARD, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, . . EBENSBURG, Mamie COUNTY, PIYNNA.. 4*.Aiinpreiticos In Iluntlngden, Blair, Clearfield and In 41.1attAnnuntiev ••' • &bitty. J . AM - ES RI LOWE, Attorney — at Law, taco Fourth street., Pitteburglb between Straftlifield and .Cherry alley. doell.dy _ 11PilDi--BOSDN nsb , Attorney , and. Coullor at Los!, office corner of Fifth and Orant etroote,tte tutegh. jolly QAM .P. ROSS, Attorney at Law, No.', 109 *thrii.th strut, Pittsburgh, fourth door below Itlx2Rody Petbirsou'irtkiey &We. ie2g IDIVATRECK. ArKE NA, Alderman of Third went office 'corner of Omnt and Fifth streets, (formerly -oeitopied by: Akinnuen Lewle,) where all butinest pertaining to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be - Prointitly attended to. ,fetolt3m Ur ALM, Surgeon Dentist, successor to 6. Biddle, No. 144 Suilthfleld skeet. Alir . Oftico boars flow S to 1 dliock, and from 2 to f, o'clock Mindy 011",' Dentist, Fourth street, five doors t 4 wont of Vatter. air, ()Moo bourn-from o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M. ilikA ty TOUN . 140011.ftAD, Wholesale Grocer and 41P Voindatitt ldetaisait, for the side of PM METAL sod ' 11014)%12, and PaciDllol: genedily, No. 27 Wood street, '.Plttettargh. 124 ;lALuti NUNN ILICILMOS, PittsbUrgh. ILLER4-RICIIETSON, Wholesale Oro •iweertilaipersers of BRANDIES, WINES and SEIIPAILS, Nola 4tindll4,lxamar or Irwin and Liberty streets, pitta - par r ii. ) ; 2,1118, Canon Yarns, do, constantly on band. wars a. .......... ..... XOll.l/AIL B.OIIirISCM. =DS/83D Om%kTWl [ - lINKRT L FLINGMALI. RORERTSON & CO. Minu- Cut, Pressed and Plain Flint 618.9WARR, Witiefinturi - N(O7 Wood street, corner at Prnot, Pittsburgh. • oVOlikeirafil and Window Masa at :i44oltOtatiefltitkell• anl tally -imai.ICISCPLI J. ITLAbf. L xDorz, ULAM, Sueeessote to Mulvany numufainturont or out, hloulded and Main - rlluvend 'lPVtiol Colored GILAUWAtIE, and dealers In all Wads of Window Ulu., Flasks, VIAL' and Bottles. Ware house corner of Market and Wator streets, Pittsburgh. Atiliartly 11) EMOVAL—,C. ILlMSEN,.lllannfacturer .113Vor every variety of VIALS, 150TT1.8.9 and WIN pow GLASS; black Porter, Wan awl Clam* Bottles; herntlolluti t and ON boys; sasa;.l4ltit Olass In every. raiiaty. Warehouse ,Nokiu,a Second and 133 First ittruct, Pittsburgh. tniati R. — DWATOrs atatand, Pittsburgh, dealer FO.3kUNTHY '011.00011., offers for sale a chow.) {Wei. of -GROCSKIItit, *elected fur family use, Some of trap -Vtriotrand the purest- quality, 'ground at hie Steam „MIL. - Mae, Dried lortdte.- Foreign and Itnueetle Proiline taken in =hangs for merchandise. P. it. D. has procured *lull asiorttamt of Lautrath'ir ;war tinted 6111 WEN FARMS, and intrltet the attention of tree tediu mid *Haire. jal4ll 1"1011 SS ON IiQUSK.—The subscribers - • 1r - bate 'opened' a noose for the above purposes at Ni). Li Snalthneld street, four door. shore the Monongahela Rouse. -„,...,Watzmillzmarehasaiernmeteiron.eenmliakel,'-for 'Rile, ieno idgumenw or- notmr :11A0014 OHM CORN, OATS MALMAIEX,VAXO3EMDAILASM4dIED; trACMD LEA T. tr., upon which we wilt make admires, or purchase at tbe.beet inarkot rates for each. [noes] ALGA) ,fr GO. et.Amnia .... JENDLISIT & RICHARDSON, Forwiiding pad ComoluilOck Merchants surd larbelesste dealers to 1311; BACON and OU, awl PRODUCE goosnaly. Wan bons* formerly occupied by Darlublgo A lughram, No. 111 'Water itiid 160 Most street, Pittsburgh, GAO 201144 J. UM AtTWELL, LEE it CO., Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Comniladon Merehaat; sad dealer. in xagh 111.4praetares, No. 8 Weal street, between Water and ?rout 'treed, PIMA:Wei. ppl% 4SOIIN.IV„ BUTLER 41. 00 Forwarding and „ Dana ldeTchenta, &ohms In all kinds of PITTS -BOSOM MANDVALOTfiItg; LOAD rule and SIIKVT LEAD, Na ITI Pions street, PIILSIIIFgh• a ° P ' lIINNItY 'IL COLLINS, Forwarding- and tounalialeasual wholesale dealer ip WISH, NESE, Wiran, SE laerrium‘ ED4 and MODUDE generally, No. SnlriailstreekTittsigagh. mot EILLIAbt CARS & CO., (William Carr, •-•- late of Ann of 4. Parker it Cu-) wholesale dit(t- DA &Akre la riareign and BRANDIES, Ohl itionopp~eln and Xl:edged WlLl3g.k, Na. 32D Virtaarcial -Itirsttatrtiet; Pittsburgh. Piaci .17108EPII FLEMINO, Bocci:l.9oor to MX IL G. smart re Market street and this Diamond. bents constantly on hand AI hill assortment of littUUB, 11Y.L. .11IEDIDINS.0111ing, FERVUMEItY, owl v -o. cies prpri to imainem. '•• Ptins' Prescriptions carefully compounded of all imam 401111 VISXMCI ~,,,, • ............ . 00C1111.13 'talcum VI4X.ING HIOTILYILi, uwadessors . r lo J. Itldd Lb., wholesale aItDIIBLIIII, hlo. 60 mood atrost, Proprietors of Dr. IPlaue's oelebratud Venni. Fagg Lifor Pill, de. .. MARSHALL, successor to 11, Lee, • Dintiffi mid OoSLIIISSION atititOILANT, iNp. 13+1,11 r striiiit: Pittsburgh. k. 'll i tere44 WCUotook tiros., Kramer Baku., Nur 0704.ortial , groin & Kirkpatrick. ,Pittabdegb; Mai 34, tBSA. T r 0324 ~lithWiL dealer in w.Kentuckytaa: 1 - 011ACCO RAGS _ awl I'AP Ell, No. /40 IVa.d iitypa, bow, Sixth, Pittsburgh. 111p20:17 /Mr The hlewri , market pricey In cull, paid for ttaip wives: e. isAteu.w., —7oel[Pil u. uptium "UT P. MARSHALL Co., Importers and yjualers lu Frentb wad *work= PAPER, liANii- INGS, 87 Wood dread, PaitsburAl. mule agents - Mr tbeeillabratwi tusumf4ctslrxr or id.sers. Della:nut* Co-, Pads. - - 121 T. C. MORGAN, Bookseller an& Stu , • .A.".• Ako- 1 ,., et. ifla iliagap on Land a general susaurtlnaut of 61014,1barrellasuwas sta /3/444 Woks; Prtuthig, Poet and and ;ANL No. 104 Wood Art.L, ft.c.idietti Coot 814.0.P.ittaiig.64- NAWEND—Jtagi w.d 7.llUnatie &M!. •044 4 - TWIN - IL HELLO!., Wholeszae 44 - a Rotnil &Owls/ 31101104171SSWItITO_NTS , PIANOS. b 41 41 ,:, WOOL MOO arid Wraleafitty, Nu. bl Woult streo., Pll.6lrgti. Jaul . . tram Boras. . ..contact i. 41troxasox. DAYRIER t ANDERSON, (soccasSors JI_V &oldies Rhodes & C 0.,) wholesale dealers FORILTO ki RPECES, CONFECTIONARY, EGJOkRI3, No. iIS/ Wood street, oppusit. the et Charles Motel, 1: 1 11k A TUWLE, Wholosolo awl Retail SAD DLE, LLARNBAS, TRUNK, vAusE szt4 CARPET BAU MANUFACTURER, No. WS Wood street, Fittnkiffih. OM, VIII it RISE WORKS, No . tBB ;Wood • swat, third door below flight aIIey.—ROWNIrTET , .wintid call the attention of Sporting men-to their huge s assortintud. of GUNS, RIFLES and REVOLVING PIRTOLR, . the largest and hem sanded stock over opened In this mar . kett together with a graeral assortment of hardware, ry e Wools end Fishing Tacids, all of which we offer at tho ~torrent pomade prices to cash parnhasers, or forgood sp. geniwtpaper. earls ,E)ATII - WESTERN POtte AAlt, 89 Washington street, corner of Dearborn, (Ail ILLINOIS. misociort D. a. 1110141019 tlO}k CO, devote their entire attention to Om t trikwilatioft 01 9 general detective POLICE BUSINESS to t the Rates of tilionft, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. tabliedir t 'T.OVES.—No. 124 Wood, greet, above strth..--iv,, beg leave - to call the Tcalla to ear suck Naves, nullow Ware and Outings In general. llavingparacp ad every thing in our line, V1T , C111.44. 441 that we cauu4 be Mcrpaseediu Ilnleh, fitting, and itaboiliwas, by aaylb tie trod.. Marchanta will find It to their advantage to call te. t:qraklgieg allayrhare. MitAiffr, IttigMXER, ajratcrP. - • . . '.-44,11-Fts.,cLocK4s Arw , JEWitIARY , AT BRAT ft LY IEDUORD MOM. 8111'11. RattEUTS Ls now aellitm on; Mr IRrgo and U4lOO.Ve Sltock .of And WW 2 ", Gar. out y 1 , 141 a nt, ;4 very small advance on first cost, pvepatuffiry to tialtiseglug Ids Store Room and We purchase or an owl' ' , -,iiiestaVek for the-spring trade. tricrsovs *Wring BOUT IBARIMINS should call early as it do hie doemiststion to shoo out his moot Os* with out ;wird to tbrutscptissa , - NS•sn't Stool the pIaco—ROSHRTS', 16 FIFTH street, near ifteeket. (eV) M 2,N AND Dosfir WLN grAMINu —ROSENTHAL & BRO, 1 1 )6h firkar SOS. hare a large stork of Men end Boys' CLO T I W storkNU m band , cotopritarz sumo entirely new and elegant styles, otads they are prepared to furnlalt at the lowest nab prices. Also, a large and fiehlottaldestaok of GENTS' FURNISHING 800D8.deed:tally rmAgrui L. STEVENS GLORAZ ALIIIO , I. ITTSBUR6II COACH FACTORT—BIU FOW A".4441410e. it to E. K. Sigitlaw4 r Dia. lima obey , amm Woottatteat., Pittobargteaß VMS, COAonr4 PilitTO?a, BWrile , a 14 4 -470.7 ii)tion .of PABCY VEHIQLES built to,ordar, and nulialed in a l Aimac uialriariKre*,biaii_ ...,.ty of deafritoleganco of floish, Wall of Walikaattalibir; arattnnimPky =aortas. *it_ All woric'lo43llll, 141, „. ~ . . Inova E. NTERPfilag MOM, I§lq. 136 Wood 424 third door beirrierfio- & TETLEY would cell thaiUOntl.W of Ittexto their large h* -wortment of OWN, sad OtI7IMI PISTOLS, etheb.te , heat egg 049 - elootge cur kg* .her with h assarturisa of 'HAEDWAItE, t , farfLE&T, WOW an NIFJWitiG RACK.L.M.iII of which we r afrer iocod It s It y 4l ;er v . weible priedo to caph purchase r* urtr , orlB for n. Winne FRAM= L. Wm. , B. YOUNG do CO., No. 38 Smithfield, opp3alta Hotel, mannfactnrear of andpHAIRS, of every description. Ma. - . - eekfair WieiverkinanaMp warran or ted, and mold at rearmed loom :pane taken lwpaalang f land awl water carriage. • vf,p•t'• ••• • rfftr. t•vetk... , • 4- lv: 4 ' kr . 0; 4 , j .d " • r - • 1! rU 3sr~. ` guistliss CARDS. .=,;; . , M=RMI7I 7- -,-,,, --- - r",= - %.4r • - . . - - • / A i ..1. . ...„ Pk; • =1- 4.• ' . . • - • . •. • • - - • .1:40 • aft} ••' • .t.• 5,4 • .t 4V • PUBLISHED DAILY BY OILL I MORE & MOXXO - CM=Y; AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; +AT FIVE DOLLARS PER,-ANNUM VOLUME XIV. BUSINESS CARDS a WeithM• v;itis my ifyo' noi my - filth wiil I trifle." TIVIPOILTAIIT TO THOSE AFFLICTED I_ WITH RAD SlGHT.—Porsous suffering from Rad Sight, minim Own impaired vision, coustitntioruri decay, old ago, or, other causes, would do well to call uTioa Dr. 0. E. SHAW, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, where they rimy rely upon getting SPectaclee scientifically adapted to the JUST WANTS OP THE EYE. Addrees, 26 Fifth street, opposite A. A. Mason* Pithiburgh. P. S.—Telescopes, tillexoacopas, Thermometers, and every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept and repaired on the pnecnisee. .a- Glasses insorted In old Frames. 1131„. Any article not approval of, exchanged tree of on- TatOe• decTily NNW COACH ANL) CAIRIAUE FAC EOItY.-.IOIINSTON, BROTHE & CO, reruer of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Allegheny City, would relrert. fully Inform their friends and the public generally, that 'hey have commenced the manufacture or CARRIAGES, BA: EOUCIIES, ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES, SLEItiIIS and Cita RIOTS, in aft their various styles of finish and proportion. In_ Alt ',niers will he executed with strict regard to dare- Witty and beauty of finish. Repaint will also be attended to on the moat reasonable terms. Using In all their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stuff, they feel cond. dent that all who favor them with Glair patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their new work. Purchasers are requested to give us a call, bofore par. chasing elsewhere. ortrely A -.MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at A extensive CIMILNET and GRAIN M ANUFAC WM V, No. 61Stuithileld Woo, a larguessortment et Fancy and Pluitillitrniturv, which they will kill Et per cent. tower Wsu customary rated. Tortes, cash only. dec'E :y C-111ARIA6' BARNETT, lloßsz SEDER AND IL : ri MA6E:WITH, has erected a new and commodious Brick Shop on MERRY ALLEY, between Third and Fourth streets, *here he iv - prepared to do all work In his liner tilt the utmoirt• promptitude. flaring had long experience in the business, he respectfully solicits the patronage 01 Ms old custoin,re and the public generally. JOl JaTIES iMELLINUgR, Monongahela M :tang .61111, would respectfully inform Ma g lands and the the public that hie now establishment la now In full opoi a non, and that he is preparnl to furnish Boat Cabuta, awl fill all.onterit , for PLANaI LUMBER, with promptneas, and at the lowest rates. Board nod Plank, planed on one or both aides, rouatantly on hand. dash, Doors and Mouldings, of esery dmcrlption, made to order. 93. Builders and Osrpontera would find It to their advan tage to give him a real, as tau can now furnish them a itti Planed Stun, suitable for ovary description of work. FULTON CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND eieo.D.NE SITUP, tiairuuucr, °etc.-1w nul,..rd.t.: !taring mural into his nets Works, roceutl) vrt,tbal, moor of Water, and Sheldy stn-eta, is prepai ea it, cut, [net for and eme‘llite all orders Baglf 4 C , rest-Ordea, ULM. Weight, Platform, Urarel, hand and .11 edict dalariptiotasof CLAIM Alho.for STRAW - M.INRS of all 4.011, fl RA RING. RA I 1.- (WAD cAsriNtis of all dascropiduas, and all other appertainleg to a Porcolvy and Machine Shop. Tho Ybrenten of the &Norma departutauts are arientill: sad Pre,"i men—mostly (rum .'llasterth tescuta-tories— eho keep themselves Inferm.l and adoet all sallest.ls mod. ern lesprovements. taug2lA.l I W. Vi WRIIIERRIrL - THOPE COAL COt, paving re cently met with Lamm in transporting ..tal to Cau itt. unity being tutored by the Alattufacturone Woman. Con, patty, of Phflatialphia., take pleasure to stating that thrlt claim, were promptly thAfusteal by J. Newton Junta, Agent of wild Company. D. IiUtaItICELL, Agent of !lupe Coal Company, Cincinnati . Pittsburgh, December 27, 1565. I 4t-...:14 I.) EVOLVERS! REVOLVERS 1 !—Just re tiellM celsvd, by Express, dtroct fr om the manufacturers, a splendid wort- Mout of cou's BitPILATINO Plilitall-S., fur, Oyu and OS duct, ilarras e all ... hid, we Will sell a* cu r t at as ..4We • pd.e as they can be bought iu the city of New Viol, Per- ISOIN.Oftg . T.O Allgrallsould Callfosula Wit find that t 1... t ,-an dciteltSb , purl:hull* their equ,page at bolos, than tnry can among, straugem—as we give parson. a Chant'', to 1, Y any of the above Pistols before hating the city, noel in ca..« of a Salture we refund the money . -. . . .. 13°rI.LEItS.--Jons Oancii CO., litittieta, No. 1r Fins amt, moult! ...spectrally tufotto the pat h,- that thoy have constantly let hand a Isere supply of tiMiItIAPAILILLA, WINERAI: WATER, ALE stet POILTKIt, of the beat quality. the atteutiou of families 14 perticulatly direct") to ttie rut that they ifi(ltlitl ALE 111 tt. 1,411a1d l'ltygleitas recommend it to Wallin ou @coolant of to aft..l.- WOO sad strouctltorting qualities oeutsets I J. U I & C.), Loyktity, ()lax Ma...m(14,1411 , r, ifj will dealer. lu G 1... rimy, I'llyfy tiny, I Oinsit4 spitinucy No. TO Woo. I tout. 1•.• t..tihrgb. nu band and made to order, Wit Pier ifa,l Mahogsny, ltuanvoul. Walnut au& Wit Irmays, tog, or <ler, description. Bbliambnat Cabin& Damnify& and OM. forts IA: A t . NwIGER, Wholesale and it4ail male, La fur nnwto, Itnuota, Storrs . Tln, iron, and art...pine Itai-dwarc, 'Mawr.' M0rW0..,..,1 T,- ,1, Tin PIMA. Shoot 'lron, Wire , 111 , 1411, ir. . Sr.. '1.4 N,ll, Sk.-4.12,1 •tr ( molt. Buehler'. 111.4.4,) II A ILItISBUIttI mop 4 WIIITE, VENETIAN .11L/ND bI.4NtiIrACTU , era, Gas rucovenal his bealtb so se to trauma lins ..hl WO., 14.1 bas opened ble BLIND MANI.IYACTitta, al No. 66 RAI start, year the Peat Ultra. I..etvrren W0,,al soil rTfribliebt, where he has •is smor [meat of MINDS, ttlostercl with ptain and fancy Wurs.t.l sod :4111 Trltallatigy. acid is I.lllllllred to WI any taller 11. his 111..... the 10 , 4 l reasoisable farms. Wm work la warrauted t..., 6100 salmi. U,n, .r naJoey p.rmayd. . 1116.061 - iilinas repdreil. Plum, give Wm a esti. as Ise can't be brat In . 01 kluainslap. ir.i.. ly. BSlit/I'E, MsitcuArT "I'muNt, third street At•rt 41.111. t,. OW %VI, patrought• 4.2•1 frave W i sCO U 11111.11.• 14 j. 4111, m.• prle4r,Al f•Vrr Igl farIII•11 hi, wlitt• 11,1 il+ i.lll O . with gar 441,010 1 Whial will w • C . TI rt 110 wlwny ifoAgAs u 4 11,1 Luis tw ,,, ,rtito-ut 1.1 Os, sty'', vg.STINus, C 551VE1:1.7 . 2, r•tirrriF. d, . whit It h, will maketo order on 1.1,c. elturtiot , Wring. M. A perfect lit Always IrArrAnh.d WOODWkLL'S FURNITURE ANI) CIIA ttii, Op/lassie and retail. ernbrseind sty le A 4 for tilture, irk . 4.osierreei, Alnbottuto nut{ Walnut. teble Tor tinrlnrs, (lsambeis,'lnd dlitltos• roomy 1 'NOM In Ness York ur end ut lower pi err) 2:04e1t made 1,11 1.4 band, and Is/knew...l. ers supplied with any quannty of Ft' it.N I. TUitrtuid '4' rl4.euneidu • Ltutets and Steungledds ret .dote-d ut oh.trte.t *S. IYoreruount, Nos 17 sod 79 Third strnd, ang2 l'llTelttjitilli. PA J. & T. GROUT 1' IVPORTRIIS ORIN)IE,S; &c. DEALER!, IN Pliae Odd Dpaajairafiatlaela Rye wafoir, PEACH AND APPLE ; ALSO RECTIIFIIRIIS AND DISTILLERS. Oolunsit OP Sii/TUFIZLip 4$D Fup 4I ,STItEETS. , • • Pr/VBl3l.llili 11, P 4. ri / CAMPBELLS pill, LOCK hisstr' aasuclausl together under the et) le at UASIPUICIibak 1"0.144/911., for thu trunsactloo .d a geoerid Variety anif tinods business, and the manufacture of Vain and WsividilLtrie Wit Mouldings. mlil9 ATCLIES AND .1 —JUIC's; ir r y 4. RODENTS, No. 10 FIFTH Street, is new opening an untie NEW 4014. of 014.1 rind Pay, Patent Lapine and Vertical WATCifiiis, 0,,,i }tut log Of the r4.,At:e4flratVd English /4aq:el 111/4111 nultlril. 4 180.Q001 ((aid, Vt 'St and Feb Cliuin, Saida, Key•, Miniature limaiv, Brame/45,0011 Pido toil Caere, l't n rile, TwWpk:lca, 11.407 plai was ,044 Magei Itreattpins, Earititip, Calf flea Slade. SP" , t !"Pt . "'A" and Silver Spectacles , Silver and BPone, tube,. and Forks, Jet, Coral and Fancy Also, a huge at..rit '4 the beat BRASS CLOCKS at all The above stock hue been pun bassi dire , t from the Kam nitaufulidrlea, and selected with great care fur th, ran , I trade, NA #lll be arid at a midi toltettnee tin tool. Watches, Cludie and Jewett, iapaired; Milling and Fu. graving osocutad in the test manner, and 0,4 , 1' W., and Jewelry 040 to under. JIGIN uouuuTe, apl7 • Fifth street. neat deur fit MarkeL tiDALY'S ST-0 C' K Nu FACTORY.—C. ITALY corner of idaritefailey and nab street. finds It uecesumry to contradict a report that has gained ourreori iimi-betresttillltig &t to quithumiliate. fie never had alleit ild informs the public that be .till continuer, to =PM, STGOVIIOB, puAwEns, And all kind* of 11081ENT, at bl.B esusbg.tip.ww. Ili. Far tory Is near Ryan's Bnlitlino, op FIFTH street—open at all times to the inspection of the pubilc. Ito het, hreldre the work of his own ninnullicture, brought to the city tie largest assortment of hoods in his line ever brought to chi,. city, which are war to be , of the beat timidity, and will Ito sold at the peat . ' le.primi.;' Be has but one Saba Room, at Gie corne r 0, kifliei agity add Fifth street • c.". 4.1,14 mh%6 • Oornar Market 'alley an - Fifth at. 'MEW 1 ii—fkinaNCE QFFICI—if you /II want to have 0 help," find enialoynient, bay at sell property, call at Lowiturs INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. 14 Fifth street, near Market street. Legal Ikscuments and Copying done with neatness and JOSEPH W. LOWIti E. FORSIIA'S LIIVIMEN't —The beet Lini moot now in use for sprains, bruises,l2 doz. just received by JOS. ,13111 , 111, np2.5 corner Diamond and Marke t et. DIG METAL-190 tons good quality, cold . blast, just received per almoner Irene, Bud for sale by apN P. M. DAVIS, corner Wood and Fifth stn. nREASE--Bayes' celebrated Grease for I,jl Drays, Carts, Buggies, Railroad Care, ac., in cans, kegs end bids., for eel° by leip29l HENRY U. COLLINS. COAL WORKS VO4 s4..j4E,,..Sixty three jefiebt with.. 250 'DE doitlfitad all tho im prosements,traqroon lu ptuvessful, ollattitut: 840 A, Fano is .audited moni.thgaikaul th'er; St' wiles above Pitt' burgh, awl la supplied with h Perm Hemp, Ram Tenant ii,o4soB,lorChar.k 00" 1 01, masa ex,cetlestwbor. , -Thee s veln Of Coal islivelaet'tlifek;and cannot be surpassed in quality. For further phrtienlirs apply to NICHOLSON & PAYNE, PAU( N 9,2115 Liberty street. WALKER'S UNEQUALLED INDEL. rT ISLE have Jost received a large supply of this deletirged Indeliblelnk, with or without the prepare don. It la nffered as the beet ink now In,use- Imall muse. the money win re ended where ; tt .dommputideasaL: ' JO94I.KMINEii ap26 p aupolvagauad alley and Mullet at. • ,r ... 5 f . , w. === .~ ~~: ha' DOWN k TNTLITY. 136 W.,d •trvet, Pitteamrich ' Cy,,ti.9.^..s v y Y ~- = ny' > >r~- ,~,._~.'` ..- .. ~ .~ .- r3z7: Y ~ ~.. ~~- --,~ Y-- 4 , • d • f r. 4 4! i`~F ;` EMIIMM==.=4 I PITTSBURGH, MONDAY. AUGUST 4, 1856. BUSINESS CARDS GREATEST 'IMPROVEMENT VET! 11S.E W 8 C A BEL-11. KLEBER & BRO., have ;lost received a small lot id . t NNS & CLARKS' PIANOS, provided with their NEW SCALE. This le r - 7 , their latest, and undoubtedly the MOST mt. -* • Porrstiv improvement as yet made to the Piano Forte. The POWER of the instrument is idpaost DIiIIEIIED thereby; and in ptibir of voltrtne,e'vennesS.abif , L atm., they surpass anything on yet produced in the shape of a Pill.). They possess all the advantages of the llrand Nance., with out any of its disadvantages. We now challenge comparison with the instruments of any other metier in this conntry, confident that every unbiassed judge of the article will at once admit their superiority. The public is nispectfolly lie vacs] to call and examine these superb instruments. 11. KLEMM & BRU., Sole agents for Notate & Plating For Western Pennsylvania. No. 5:1 Fifth street, next dour to Masonic Hall. P. S --Splooloilastortment of the above shortly expected for the Spring Tftolo. tip!. NEW SPRING STOCK OF CHICK ERING & SONS PIINO FORTES. fiffilin JOHN H. MELLOR has , ~.w Just received seven more of . ~5 i,,,,,.• -;.1.‘ CIII('Ii {MINH k SUNS' - .- 7 ' I'l AM> FORTES, and coin, . % I 1 plead the Stock, selected for Spring Sales, or THIRTY Fl YR LirW and splendid Inatrum tits of every variety and styk, manufactured by the Meao Chlcherlogri, (Itoston,) from the plainest SIX t.K3TA YR to the mesa splendidly flnlehed •Ses•en Octave Square Piano Fortes, as well as their superb and inimitable fraud and Purl, ViaLllo%. EVERY PIANO FORTE In this lot k of their NEW SCALE, with their PATENT' IRON Fit/041FL,, and PATENT ACTION, auil are 1 - . of ...lily warranted to the purchaser by the truiricifecturere. hot by the rmbscrlber, to be In all reeptrta as perfect as Instrument* eau be mode, both In regard f Material and li'orlunausliip. PItIt'ES IN VARIAELY 'III F. SAME ita lu livitoat. At It. Manufactory. JuliN li. lUNIALOR, No. fl Wood etrect, Intone! Dial/IWO alloy and Fourth street. Agent for Chip keriur & A•na. Boston, for Pittsburgh wid Western Penna. NEW SUPPLY OF PIANO FOlt'l'ES. CHARLOTTE BLUME linm nwt w I ht - ther aupply ..t Ilxllet. Dori. 6 with ',ate ut tai•peh•i.4i bruico . I $ and L 0,111.014.11 I..wriuge, nod alit. r,p,nt. lug (; , und Action. A. n proof of I lie eInICI torny Finn as., It I ht. I.•wing ”Itract or a rota tat the late Fix"- ft, mum, in competition with the colobrited matter, Chirining, Who one l'ershieut or the A.00,c0..i.,” Maiwnebunetta Chttritable I.wm - tation award 11115 El pl., um, with a NOrer ..11.dal, tat lintirt, Dann , i..r the belt Gland Now. Forte -11t1 Ratted 1.. the K 1.1, bitom of I$6:1. JONAS CHICK N. Pi.wt " • tlVbto loin slw, au" al We Intul llturall nmlnibilion tit -anipvialva urdl. 11 U. The Calat,tt,.. (I.,finin.au J 1V,•1•1., H IL t - gievr, Joh zi Ludo,. .) say of the '• to loan, 4 ' , VW.; tul. ,und, lull -la.! bn.l.nc,d; tuintal lu•I: auwut, .ad bnst to. rnlzi6uLro .. The,. Piatooo ae u.taylo vtth 101 l itvn Im6tna. olt•lsng deal, , altd ve 111/.6.1e I. ttatt.lm any Ituinte, 1 u addiu, nt in t he *lmre, 0.0 rutecribor 100 me, et v l'iAnol from ktnr.w.w,a.n.lier. 6 lioney. Il6mta:l - g. A 1A LnLI 6 C... IJoat oak, auyt .diver g..rl 11.401 - a, at I.lor* fr.rn to $l,OOO CILAILLAirf Jn L 1 111 Wuxi 01.1.4•5, N B DIA Nano+ taken In ea. haugo at limit full Tall, Auuther Itst.,ke ttiobrateal Ilautbiargh Putimw i.ee peeled in poteral av, ka C. ti . • STREET C A RPET s'r()RE. W. D. bc H. Mt:CALLUM, ♦V - 87 FOURTH NF:AR IV°Old 'al Tut atteuttot of tettretenaLas Le retipe,tfully Inv Ited to out pre...cut Stork, set. te-1 lot S 1•1{1 Nt 8.A13.1 4 . fu. 1.1.1 en, Had kitually Yolvota. Kngltelt maid Tftp.try lu 85um4.•“41 T4motry. C , vni1t.... 1 SW , Itruenen..tuprx. ttleSiom and Lau:, and Buyer. 3 Ply. I Priowl I ugniaws. Inrkiitrud Itatro Tart Hal and launsudi.: Rail and fitan Cacireta; 4..n1 Cloths, Iron, '2 to '4.1 net rut, va.r. , n. quabnua and prices; Tal.4. U.l Cloth.; Vn , n. It hinted and Vant/......1 Plan. and Tank. Corea,: Cnntun and Co , .'a M.; Ifing ; Dearth lino; Lear Mat.; I.l.air Ks, An ',until ()amnia; Vonanon Ingal.; with ..nry varloty .1 It in 4.”. Marna, Wean and 140 ll,4Lunt, L.; ail .4 at 111,1, offerod at mie al r,r, to,...Lterate rat*. . . *.ir Wt• at* also p1vp.i...1 for mai. II A Mil NOTOV'S CARl'llit LIN INC MANSFIELD SEMI N 4UN AND Allegheny County Normal School. four mrba frur4 0, nty, nr-sr fol . (AC Planl Raodi . I+ A IL, Yop., e.. 1, .4.nt Al iv- 11. A- Phan t y 111.1. if AU VII VIVA , A M. Pr -f MY; malt y Sao. 10.40 , .tu r- y. by Seiottma y an 4 Normal 1,, PA 1. lb.- l'ath wf April non. Pupa... 4 si,, A Ilmttrd number of • 1..A4.1 ttt It, Limo, 1 the eurveriut , ll.lrtit. ms.r4iu. ,zl/1 lox/ t 4.16111•1.111. vll tam awl 11” intl.". at LA.1.4 LR= u. t 11 we...rt. TVItAIS teat 11/ 1.1 Al.\ *NCI' , 13.,..“11111;. LeAigior and LLFLI S.^,el no, Olt 1.4 11/ A) ihkra d.along w pry-pato. 4.• r trouble,. 1•60 vntet ll.e tiLa - gie&l 1105 111..,an4 ~.1a1111.... to .F..-1./e t. the Clot , "I !L , 41.11.. Quarter !.n I gli ;Ler 426,invat6io 10,11 e. 11 ULT'S PATENT ILA Nit STAMP. -Tho 1 ent... - Til.q. Ag. nl I, the '• ric.tsit LIN II AN LI , .. 4 Stp Ord r A'. 1.: ..I ii......1..0. '11,1"., LI InJw p0i.:1r..1 I . . .. or to the 1.ti1.11. a `lt.unt. I. I, I. 4 tai lyrart.i. al ply 1...., ,rpasmtt 00, .f it., 1...1,1 1,. ~,, 1 0.- ~11,1, - .1 I. U.- ,01.1 n• 1 .e Kalb na.lA, l' ~..t •.111.n., I•nI I, 11%-upoin .t.,...01,...tt, en 1• , 16-.4non.1 men I-t 10ntn, , ,,• tin It U1na,,1.4-turt*l , I ./ rrittttng their ..w. ;ma., 1., 044. i .11 M.t• Alt . •,' ,lic n 1.., •t.,,, ' tn..; awl/ ..t0.•1nt... ,itnl 1., f.I t t ,1.1 a.. In tnn •,...tln. 1 I.lly I.IAo t, Ant, .• r•Latpo lot 0.t..,/lt.ten.... 1.1001,,L.1...11,41n.,, A• . thin is jogl the thibg. Tt,i• Sia.tn;• I. un1t1.... an, ..tin f 11. 11. , irnat I.• t ~I n• ts •1 to 0t4.1.1.40 rlArs. 4.14, 0rp...11 1101liatt nrt i• .1 tit. t., It,. 1,11 h., tt!o It I c•i - 3114:111{tior! I.t. I t•1t.11 , 4 t, ^ linif 111 Ito cone/ ot IL., it is I in/ •h '.I It Is UAW rls•ter Kred tr, .e tat., ..1 YEEcEit ntrimsaurs.... TI.•• ieLvitiors leap opal tLr Init nrn e.r.t.. 1.•• ~:.•te•lld adoptive. (r. Itug .. • .14-0.0/1,1 , etrd node.ri.nity unit Lined, ..S et ell a fa ',oral ply pit, ..000.4t0 Ft, I.W.lty ere It. rit,l 1— cidl etd thy tin itarifity of it) lug of tic,tnojpe shoo aby tot 1,111.1. rue and the . yited, of the tee( netteriu.l rand Voaklllannisip MONKS V EATON, Nu. 120 FirAt ear.v.t, Pittalalrgi N II -- A.I ENIN %V A NTKo Ittataudiut.dy 1....V0w. 1.0 ile ~ t.. n lean e jedd I! IC AT K. I Al ertify t Ins% NlOl 4 .EATOti, of 1 4 1114 mi p dui) ,'‘sl4 , Agent ft.t Om malr n Psietit ii ft 1141 .:`,/g0i....,.. t... lbs. Stat.. el Penne)tvanix, ......1.1 tug A.ut, ~,i, , r,,,,,,r,,m, Mat a ,a ,iltt,l.:oluisilinlin and Jvlli-rt..ii, Ili the Mat.. of 111,10. r11.11 1 111.:1 1 11.111 t, Stool' C.. 11,, r, ItiTIoN. MA., Ity their agent. W M ILLAIth. ' Pittsburgh, May 12. 1.51. r.. 111 _ .. ..--- . 1)111) It4IUCUST (114JVF. FEMALE SEMINAR). The Ti ult. .. ~1. too uµ 111 vykk 1 0 4,1‘k,p41 64 , ikkkottry kt i. atotlrt. 1., the trletk,l4 ,pf (1,.. twatt ki I 1.., 11, kt ill, It, W 1 Ll.l VA 11. CIAKL.., lOil iii, lwrii ...r1{1.•11,1 19 I,l,lracleril ill lioallh, I. resign his .purge I. hr. to, of ii/l , .01 , ., IIIt . ) tinye been so fortunate ill , TO M.Cllll' the valuable betvirox o 1 the tier. aKoltuit T. RIDER. of New Yort, for the 11A111r i)Orii• loin, and Who nutors at once upon the Otelittrge LA Io.• do- Lea. From the very high at..l flattering eotouien.l.it;om. a loch they hare hadof Mr. Rincii. they hove no 41,..14 if hie ..o..L.ent ;Ilottra for the work conitnlthal to hint, and thit I it,.. ) , ~,iigiil tha; du cerr 1,11 it..bsiil,,i:lilciil 1 .1 , P 8 1, 1‘ 1 41 11r 1 ,I '. 1.•.1 fail to pr.-111. Kit Iltlzo *hoe of pratti • favor and ...t.1......t 1'0,....a having daughter... 4 N urdi to ellucute ttr.• i.a.t.c. Hwrly &mired Ito acquaint themselves with the advantages a h,l. tiros 4044.1:pan altords, 60th us felleCLl Its L.,...itlfial ..n.l naluhrldh Vuill'ion. ',., ii ILI. i I. hair Po/g4 from 11 , ray; I'.l ..,.. tlif• rvilifiei 15 the til.wongp 1114 t-ktOltriletll.,kttliot I,r r,. tk fr.' in its ernetent vori.e a 1 attit4;,1,,,,, Circulate may be obtained .....4.14..a110u to the Itek 1,,r, or 14011• T .11 the Truete, Jo ii, 11. liflGF.NßEllintl, WILLIAM P JOUNNIVN, TIIZOPOAI B. Lamar., .p."4-00.118u2hilmrchi. pnE CEYLON STRAW 11AT---The atteti j, Lion of Pt. 111JWIC In regoestoil to oar entirely Loa etyleof STRAW itATS,:jont received from the Immo tel. ,ornhinlng tho many qualities which hare beet. so long wanted to make the Straw lird suitable in eye,' way 0111 31/11IIIMA It in tho uuly Straw that whirl, the rain or droop weather will not affect, either In the brim or crown. l.eing on braided as to prevent ;.4 possibility of It In any Way- I otter thia entirely new style, coliod the t , EVI,ON II AT. believing it to be tlo , Straw lint that will gi% e the wearer entire satisfaction. CHARLES H. PAUI.StiN, 73 Wood 01., next door tr,.w the .111, IA Fourth. WORTIIY OF' A '1"1 . EN TION new duelling house Just fluiehed. two glories, arranged with hail, t parl,44, dining room and kitchen, three chambers, good cellar, bath room, Sc.; 0 by. draat lit the yard, and goal stable. Ties lot hose front of 11) Met on Oarnid street, Allegheny city, by 100 font deep to Led lie street- Price $1,400. 'ferias -1400 in halal, rep - minder lit one sad two yearn. e. CUTHBERT & SON, 121 i 01 Market at. WRIGHT'S PREMIUIII KATIIARION y y cools the head, and removes all symptoms of !lead ache. Persons t . ugns WRIGHT'S HATILARION Are never liable to sunatruke. wmours KATIIARIQN Ie the mood vailooldo acgolfiltiou to the toilet, retaining the Hair In any requlreeortp. For sale by Dr. am. U. KEYSER and R. E. 5a1.1,1018 k CO. at 25 meta per hottlts augll3 . • ott ALARGE CICII SE pleasantly situ wts.l In Allegheny city. with lot of ground 30 f i Gunton OWL Lannotyt 160 feet deep to al6 toot alley. Th e bon. in NW lltlilt cJ flnlahed In modern style; portico In Trout, hall, two *fora, dining roan; 4ltchen, 7 chambers, collar, hydrant, paved and gravel yard, shade and Inn& trees, shrubbery, &c., all In complete order, for solo by myb S. CU'fIIIIIKIIT & SON. 61 Market at. - - ..IF NG.LISII CARPETING S.—ROBINSON ( 30 4 -N o . m Filth stmt., him now passing through the. ew York Custom noon a large Invoice of English Vel . ,Wal*.Y.PeautrY BMWs oarpetting, which we shall sptrfpinAlkw days, endipeeeeased to show to any who inirwlahVtit heat of Itupof Goads. We bait) also now In Stock 4 ,V,IP*IS, 3 PlYainklniii's Stair Qatpeta, Oil Clothe, Ac., awangtMcnt ObAttrinitted in title itetrkefeand all at . lowest pilot` ' ~. - , • • 4"..- r. ~ , .a a kr . FERNITURE! -4.,... :-. - :2 1 ; , .;-- 1 - ' -. .C..'i)• /12- 4 .6 .71197%111:iarilli flitiliall44ll6 tiq .- -.):' ."- , 40111101111 pflireit Mgt .' k:,--, \ (00,,,........„....." '-'.- - ' i ,-,-..- - -- --="•' ,- - - . -- - . , i . 1 . s,„ .':;•:-,, - -- - i- -•-, - '- - -- - ii--47; - .,- - - 4--.-_ , __ , .. 7 , ..-. -- ii.ii . —. . ... . . . _. THE snlerilwer, haring enlarged and fitted SPACIOUS FURNITIM WAREROOIIS, To Lie stink, mud tb.w hoi.ll Anil the public to 110fGro put.h.ing ulseabere lIIS STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED EVERY CI. S S n F tit)ol l S RICH, And etnbruritir., ..urtr Try nun ROSEWOOD PA R LOR SETTS, Cov,,d with Fr., b L•r¢ OAK CHAMBER SETTS. New Styles of Bureaus, BOtisteeds, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &c., &e. All of whi.ls hi.Ui.,, releul. a y k,,. art,. t•• 11. 11. KVA N, N. "1 Firth atrnet. EDMUND WILKINS, E A D OF NV001), ON 1.1 LIZ E,TY SLEET, and at tho (:..1.44r7 4 / a t, r•tt-har), P. }watt,. Ida, 'Writ.' Villa!, T 4,11", 1 1/,.1 4 1 r . t.A. TAW. , Ta.;la, 14,th-tam', A.. Ott hand . Ind •.,1,41,1-1,441 till 414, a:. I o'./t la, palatia at !rta t,. ix, I -4. 1,1•4 U. 41. ) I 0.".1110 4. 5 It t•..1,tw41.1r.-as t.. a I, I a wet! nsil an) ~.1a A 11, 1.11 lE., al nu•., 1 1.. 1 r,. I. 14 I J A 911 ES A. 'METZ Eft • ri,HIVARIONii AND 0.13rM1A. , 1.•N 31Elt(111 \ 11 ur. Crain, Dried Fruit, Seed', La&r.l. 6,tt ter. lineon, am! Preda,, , No. M') Water Street, t • A 'it I I•AtIM 4/1 .114. t 3 - -•:••• : :• : I• s•l. NI A M Yam 4. I A. I. . • , A Am Icr. ! 1., 411 d i••••• K N 'l' P.: A S - 1' ( )1 F„ NO. 3FI ETIFTO STREET. FT.1% , 11 •t. . 1, rear. .Ifr.nrl rstant th , i.lortr. , . 111:1, ALIA i flOl, St Ur,. tbn, Two ;nodal% and File Diploma% Awarder! AR TII R ' Pal,lat An Tia;lo 41:-,,anline tan ".ta• .ta .1 ' 6 Ilaaury liaCta , Im Aunt ~ f thi+Gen t ha unr• 4.1 the al...in , ml..t lea, al has (Alain* an.l "run-In.al nr , an..t , ¶ Wa.,l K , Vitt. t•lnth. Pa nar , ki , rt final n.l F lt ,clan Jars nt : . cilia tar aat,,p aa. I 1111 , 1 fa , . now, pa, In 1.1,41 - I‘ , . ..1 1 . 1],t5A.a1. uat• , 4 1,- l. . •..anir a to re:l.lw al • • H M. H rna. l'ittalnargh I, 4 I IZANIi VAN lit/Ind.:li lIENtt 1V El) t NI aria t. tonitl) •tir hp, . stand, ‘ll,l n proixto d ! 143 ..•: r. ,41.1 ,n 1.11,• ,;nnernltl . wlttr Ow) 'I. , of :ononinipt, Erni.; on.l..tion, i:1,•vo• nt •1 Lir ii"...1111.1t tiln No. Cc Mat Lot 4t 1.1 11..] I--1:1t1Lor, 1rt.,;r3z1..• ~,,p3 . L 1 Th.• I , •.I r tit inrd•ti t. , •n1; 41.7111 0... I. il.l .; Li 1,.,., I,r •li,tr, ni.ou tlrr t:ni,ital 11, il..11.11,1:1 tr.-0.. 1.1 .i. 1•1 It, Ow StnitinitcOrv6l - rt. it Wa and re,lite.l to On.. /noel, on Kn rt .! nflor ill'ls liAM EL 1.. ki t Jon. 17114.11411. I 0- t' - Ik\T E l, 1 1 , .;\ \ v " .., E. , s h )11 ,, SII,E, , a t . i t I l , 0 ,, i 0 lli oe li i • f 1 ; OLD T V l'E METAL. 11 r I VS. B.l3.olltimut anti littverie we/Jung inn han ail, 1..,•en ' wa a large impel> py i:....ii",,z ...a. 1,1.0 . Q FATE FAA li,-- The iiiiiier.l4 , floi i ', on F air- I t„:, ~...,, „,, i ,„,.... i 1.. ~,,h, It •ol..cravta./.., to es.. itre the I Ii 1 11 , 1. , • 1 11.4. 11•11 , ' tai, at l'itwtati Oh hi , t,L.) A011..•L to i .1 411111 WA L,LSF:Ii. .41.. .I" f 1L , .. 1 .1/L., 11..'. 1.,. ell. t Ili. , iiii• %II .r L.,- 'II 11 ill . .11 , , , , wll.a - lihers :, • Ile j I.- .11 in wth N E. II IlltEll I Tr , I, 11. .i. N1F,..., ./• ) (iN 01.4,1.• , 1 1.. 1 0% 1 1.1,1 A m II 111'1:811. J.1t'111: tiLoS.B.Bl'. 1.1 ~..,,,.,a1.... . Nkw B(M)K1. Just r‘sa•ii.sl, alai it is . hardly te.,, , ...a) I . 1 • 1-,LI 1,67. I, : l• • I•ili :1.. I tr , i u.. 1, are told from TEN TIl TIV h:VI I IF 1: • t::s r • • .1% lit L'l, .. L ,v., 14._ 1 . 'l , air wi 31,anna• Rade! in Ilii Li L. IF. tstes 1,11.. a 1 4 parrowgresia Paper.— 90 01,1,s l'..intle. Idlearlse• or 11111oteri LK-- :th• Tlii. Stale. and Ter, 11011,11 0116.. lit v.it IV of-31 1.1. 'rite Ihnishy Papers. by lII,aLLEtIi. • ' iltpaieti , sro Lectrot .}.1,1'4 ;431.14 i.r la, ti.L.cial—ft.r.... Platte Tel..; 11.% Whine-90 , Vageliond Life In Mesi••• --90, . hi all , llnntera•, liy Chid Me% le. C. i.:-- il I: 11 Leto Chief; •• f I 12. ~:„. Mr. Sponge's Slwrtlng Teur 1 II) Fo.lol. Edtret-r- -',.I.Ni llisitlier .Iditelltali ho, Ill..(..;) lw, I e h.; ial l'llpie -6,.. Vat kee Ntitlene—ti. 1101pw's Ma.ewm• for .1019. (third 0111,1i1) —•,:lle, I • eti rw 41'8 Nagallllr firr duly. oreeoll sniiiil) )-- 1 7. - tit allailetl Magaahie he Jul v, (useenti stII , IIIVF -- '-' ,I • • ti,sley 'el Lad) ' . hunk for July-21h'. Leslie's N 1 ' Ji.url.lll - P., , Ilall.Lieg Nlngs/lite—I01• lhanonther. thy irlarL , L 10 got M•11'117.110 . 1. is at LAU FFEIt'S 110 Ili-STORE, .1,2* No.; Fourth atrtat. - (iItEAT RA RUA I N !—lor s:tle, It com 1.., table ilia*. /./ W l•:1•LINtt 11005 E, No. tat Front 01., sr lii led Lola el (Fimed, on, h 21 , loos front 1,) 91.1 deep. The Ilan-, le large and ernivenient; it it 1 Aim% with la-unnittal j 'Law; it hall, Iwo parlorn, dinitig room. and kitchen Oil 111 , 1 wry; wilt a WASII-11 ,, 11a. Lind !Mgt: li-tutu—thrw VIIIIIIII•erS• 1 , I•a"µ r.siii and bath retail iin IL , ws •11.1 story. and lave i 10 •dua on third story. FIIP-$71 • 04.1 4Alr• hoot, in. fixtur. awl pipes tin brat anti second stars. Large s ord, with eltede j tt VI'S. grape slime, Ste. Thu imp', .•Oil.L.ld ..1,11.• ~.011 11, 1 10 !Imo the price ankad for the whele ia.,lolty. p,,,,• sf,ooo_. Oho-fourth In Wind; remainder at Oil, hi, and 1 br•••• veers. S 11 TII IL ERT .t 841 N, 1 'l'26 Real Estate Agents, 01 Mat hal mt.. ' BACON --'2 casks fir sale I,y J)24 lIENRY 11. C AAA NS. 9(1 G BOXES ORANGES t, arrive aria 1 7 .,r -wt. , .ado by REYMEIt ,t A N IJERSON, /YI; • 1 i'VO f 1 o 3 r O stijo E by LEMON itE S YTlm a t r t N;i : v•le A ut N 7 iF. : l d ts i3 l7 l:;"l 1)17 No. 19 Wood street. - - y` • OU NU I.IY SON TEA-10 chests finest Ring Chop Young Upon 'feu, at 75c. and $1 - 41 lb., re ceivell by V h. DRAVO, mylu 82 Market mµll Ditonoud. - FLOWEV__ _ R VAS .vtir -Terra Cotta Paso.. for Kale , by (.1Y12) lINNILY 11. COLLINS._ fiftsburgh, April (IronrA Wsm, tktvt.it W.lt sets Es, tie°. S. St.u.Ext. mum IMEENI ' `A-2z7,,,1.g Oft ,~ytci+,w;, ~.'+ti•+.~:r. , ::sue -,--., .:. , ,w <. vns-~ .-.r .. ~z~.:.. -. MISCELLANEOUS RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Fifth Street LARGE ANT VAITABLE XPDITIONS CALL AND F.VAMINF. Atlll,lltaine to 30.0i1t $50,000 Worth, , •i 111F.Tirt731. and Lnir PILICTD Ai.d nci.lt EAGLE MARBLE WORKS I=l REMOVAL. viFTII STREET PROPERTY—A Lot 0 (Iroural on Fifth etroet, oppnedte tit(' ellthef)Ml, ri t 1 Lich is Ore tad a neat Two Story Brick Building, suitaw for offices. Apply to BLA K ELY Sr It I CIIEY. WHEAT -5000 tuAblii of pAme Wheat wanted by SPRINGER i AREAUOIL • 295 Liberty street. LAMP -BLACK-50 bbls. just FAT receiv DEWed and tar We by , it.2l j • INO S. . _~t.ar~ ~}y~e" •' .* :"4 PRIVATE AND CONTITJUNTIAL DIEDICAL Aillefi' ICE, AT TILE BUFFALO %'ENgtitA ti it( OM: ..CAL—Establieherd fur the Mink of fiscpiiiithb SrfiV Weakness and the Infirmities of Von t4Flf lit and , de #: . Dr. AMOS A SON, linerst.., New Vurk—Hlkic, 0:1 , 6 , , , , , ,s} Main and tinny streets, (up 1114104,) . A MOST Sell:NT', fli INV - PINT/fit .. An instrument Sir the manor Maura, Deleillty. triP4xfsi6S. Inaintinel•re, ur Nocturnal Entlesions. This instrinneut has lesin need will. the Most liaPpOffevf in the proeitc, 7 of the itigal eminent physicians atel rirepot* in the British empire, France and DertnanY. Iti laid, so sr... marl: .1e were the cures, that the Mb. " Sta Asittat" holibol it se the '. lierhinger of Life." The its, of this will fl.tif hes; eiti the high encomium. YOUNG MEN TA li E P AIM CUL Ait Nlyrror.. Dr. A MOS A SON err the nidy Physicians In the p.tats. e 110 lire members of the Royal College of Surgeons, Issebrit, graduates of one of the moot eminent college. In the tilted :our«, take phamire in announcing that they have inetutted t a most importen I instrument for the cure of the above d 1P1,1.111 . 11. I t leas been mbiected to a tool by th eft* ini inent ph,. sieinns In LOllllOll. Paris, Philederphla and New ork i ..it hes been declared to Ms the only useful inatrunten ever set discovered for the cure of Seminal Weakness, ov any deseame ul the genital organs. arising fevfn tile solitary 'inlet,' of 11.4 f-indulgence which destroy both body , and mind, unfitting noun either fur marriage or society. Dr A Mt S A Si /N. in order to satisfy the most skeptical an Wan, merits of their instrument, pledge' themselves that in any instance where they mnyprove nnaatlefactory after 'is fair Dial, the money will be refunded by returning the Instru ment in rood order. Per sons wishfrut tile aeove naefnl Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying dlrectlotut, Securely packed and sent by express, Is ten dollars. NKIV hEMEDY AND YJACK CURE'S For the Venereal Dilemma, and all private complitints, g I ems, %irk-tures, seminal weakness, pains in the Joins, affec tions of the kidneys, dtsesses of the head, throat, noo4 and skin, and all those dreadful afflictions arising from a secret bolo, of youth, which produce comaituttonal debility; ren dre. merrier.. omeeinible, nod in thee end destroys both body end mind. A CURE 'WARRANTED Dr. AMOS & SO7; lave devoted their attention exclu. sir .!y to thin posalliar chum of maladies, and the relief they hose eomestueusly been enabled to reader to their fellow crsatarea io fully tostified and gratefully acknowledged by r.olvaltswent patients and others daily artivin.c in loan from all parts of the country, for the taproots ',armee only et essuaultation, while their exertions have been crowned ,sth the moot alma advantages; yet from what they - have experienced in inquiring into the causes of these Infections (from their moat simple condition to that of the 111,4 dangerous and inveteratell) they have always enter s...A the possibility of their prevention And removal, and likewise invariably found that the meet horrible and malig send Canis of depose could almost always bo traced to one et the following came Is :—.lghorence, usglert,nr the 11l ef is, to s.f end:idol and improper treatment; therefore Dr. A elite & SON have euccortled in (Recovering, in the soles, eon of their remedies, a safe, effectual and tsunami course; siiiiitunir all combination of remedies which bear en equiv.,. •ni visaraeter, as well as Ulnae whose . premature or injadi . s.na application might be productive of had eeneequenere fen. hand., or private Individuals. In abort & the laudable the reausly is the lessening of a gran meta of km 711RII mixi•ry by Ow alleviation, relief and prevention of 555,0, uri,. you, alba flute that are in reality the secret toe of Iste. aced obeli, while they ao extensively surround tut, call s! I sr sost ak ill and Interference for their extermination. ItF.IVARY. uM IMPOStTION Ire ANlitrt S soN have fora long' mirk% of years been en in an eahmhive practice lu the treatment of these deli . Air complaints, and are the only legally qualified Phyaleinna of We tenets end envy of the hypoi.atical u-I ri.a.k nu Klett, have had the confidence, tirough the of Ito' preno, to direct attention to those euor nem. vnliat, from which nn grade of eoriety is free. rireelect tig tin. department of practice they have been ann re. h) the gi.-At. entrees that, has attended their e thr UnattalLlit of those case, which ore so gene/114mi.. to the mignalified and igourewt empitita, who, with proud piihiwations ...Nome foreign names and thins, nml pretended 'thine* of their patent uostrtms, here he meted eenloua injury on those who hove been Induced to Laid, +u tlwit pr.lenaliAte—Sfediiii/ Review. Tu I'ATIENTS .A,4IIWAD. Pr. ANltrB R FON have made arrangameuta whereby pw lag, call 1.• forwarded with Secretly and &sputa to any ;not 01 lba a.xb L ..hire... Or. AMOS 4 SON. CUTIKT of Main Ktui QRay try ta,.up stairs,/ Y. je:lo:dawl y FOIL .sl—;3 lbs. of superior Young Hysou ./ Tea fur Our D.llar, at Y. IL BRAVO'S', Nu. I biamond. 'I I IIE OLD ESTABLISHED TEA HOUSE .tll.l nruntains its rerpntation fur PINY TICAS. All V. 11. and Mack constantly on hand, and mos s tag— Is) ...twists l/nern Cl p. fsuest T. In market; 111 n /itr.yunr I'. tlyson; 40 Matra In4e , tut: 441 t• Fongtal. extra !Ins,: &ssutlio.sigenulan: as.ortrst A I , • , 1 uht.l, O II tk sold al Ica, prices than any store in Os. “ts F. It DILAVO, Nos. t. 2 slarkrt at. and I Dissuund. STI:EE'r PitOPER'I'Y TO LET. tt . ins,.;,.ti. -cc t 4 t...ry !trick to lot the Ist /I k RICIIEY, l'oriscr Reventli and Sn3ithBald sts. wE Volt SA LE ABOUT FORTY a , 7,, .4 pi m. Iml.l ts43l rn vr.ltl sell to Ifl.llllll luts to 1. oz.. of tie prottirect local:toile for :r“.1) hi , City, WWII Win NI surd . ' .3 T (11 a W001)6. No. 76 fourth Rt. d INE Iit;NIWED DOLLARS A YEAR. —Vot tole n Tito-Slut row rdout- , .prang 1,4.1te s Zr., situate on Virginia I 1 , 4 ratted .4' 941 fret Wei fruit! by la ,lacy: .•,t , The 5.,41 Is guoil nu,l loattiott ittettatuo. Terms ~ i ,,:•041 it hand rionaintier at $lOO per EON, i. r tt GI IllariGtt it =EEO . . .. .L.IO I' SES FMS SALE--All described on W....•1.' Pr iat.•l 4 - .11.1 1'0,...1, ult... It i, girt. gratis I- ,di aho ..-.111 at !if 75 let/OICI'll 4tr,..t. If you wish a 11.1,0, *ft% a ipt,ifist t. M. COM ill TIRAIAS WOODS'. a Fourth .tr.at. LIME. --Itht barrels fresh received and for mo,. b. , )0:10, 11 KU ItY U. LIILLINS. 4.1 . 11/A I{ N )L ASSES— k, ?R. MAO., vot.prragn. \. U. Molassesl tho uvak .• • .I.• FL .13111,..1 II St..lx,deq; 1.1.1 fir nn.l In hn. N 11. Sn.Tetr. Chi hand e:+l.. toy MI 1.1.. KR A RICK ETRI /2,•1 and '2ll Law:ly till - elI Ma , kcrel in who', 11 Mi h a lf F i lth,. rhm.l -tilsll I ”I‘ 111,11, ' , A 'rr MEN 11 1" U. I ' AILIJ ^ SS. l , t SE Tu LET A commodious Two ~,r) BRICK DWELLING MOUSE. ettuate.l on t 1•„ htru . t, ol,rddie tto. - Sixth Pr... 1.2. tvrinu Chrch.. ~...--don owdlot.dy. Knqult c• at the 1,1 of - MI I. LEH. k RICK RTSON, No. =1 qud Ulm ty ottv..l FRESII Fill' 11'S— .1 n I 4 au.6r x in botto4 ar cam. .1 hot . Avid, do do d Stroll,ot . ! , lo Choi 110 a., .1., till do t lln. h /J. 1111,11,0 do 1;001..t.dri. -. ., do do Ch. g IL 101 Plums to lodtloo or eln,. •sr IiYAI Kit • AN DEIL:10:i. N.l n 9 1V,,.1 acre. t opv.ito St. Clinrlvet Haul - - Double Dank Melodeons. 11 K LEBER BRO. have jast reeeived L • xl,rce kit t•ARIIARrs GENUINE MEIA)DEONe, .4“ kite 01.sillal Itiet.ry, Cawhart & i .. • Whig el, scroll with potent double .w,.11. 1,0 do do. l'otito with double rtval end double Also : , I.I.E.N1)11) DOUBLE DANK AIELODF.UN, "tk ith route ~1 kert an.l coupltnr nb.ll, fluid., I t.ttot el• cunt and nutteltil style. thin it. ri very emperi,,r fort.lture, Hull reeprctfully ,•• :.•lit ~ f ittna.basels and int, public tu 'viler/Ain it Ile i'artlitti Inv, uted :rod toad, the fire! Mehwleous, Inc itottrutuenta are 1..01,m1 upon ne models by ot.lAer lo.kiln v.., sale by N, 43 littAt Otroot -- • - CANDLES AND SOA Slat Ctwdltu, .4'l4L'i mut 01 IMAM 011.11ait•tl th•rnwn SoAp; ,1.. , IQ N,•. l Cant funnily Pout lit stone 0.11,1 10r title by . _ just rec'd another pARA SO LS-- e have de.iralde lot of Co. ['armada, comprising plain 1 oil: Sul ill, ‘Vnt.red SRL:, Nino, 1.31101 i and cad Moire Anliune, do Pooh! I. Bordered do }neck do do ltladk Plaid. Ac., &e. Allot which we will otter at i educed pie.. frin .. .A. A. MASON .4 H rati:i~ oo. . _ _ SO 1.1,18- No.l Dry Salt Herring; '2O lit Lb*, No. 1 " Junt received and for We LJT m I LIAM A RICKEL - WM, '221 and td.M Liberty et. INSURANCE! INSURANCE! I—Aprlica tiond for invurauce for several good reliable luimmuCe boinpaniea, received by ti EU. W. DUNN, at Dia Real Fatal* .kgvuey and Intelliseuce Otiavt, Ott the north aide 0t . 0141, stia.o, fourth door east of the Diamond, ALLEMITM CITY. je7_ COFFEE. -150 bags prime Rio Coffee; V, do. extra do do. to do. Old Oot.Jsta do. 1 o eitort, and for solo by MILLER & AUGKETSON, 1,13 No. 221 aiid •423 atm& A uuusT AG AZINES--Galay, Gnibiu4, Pott.rmoil, Arthuen, autl yuqke , e D;oUcqsgMont; jo,,t I , y B. T. C.WOMAN, 18 41 Tiltketreot. E MONS-20 boxes this day saceiVed,ardl n.r fd. by REYI9IIR d ANDERSON; r-t 2 No. 30 Wood street.: 1.000 GALLONS LINSEED Bak , by J. BCIIOONMAKER , 24 Woxtet.i. IUE',-10 tierces far sale by t , I Y ' 26 Mall, MASA & MINTER. GREAM T ART AR-1500 lbs.• just reeeivpil k.) WI 1 for sale by 1je214 FLEMING BROS. t Ca 4 ) FOR TWO CIIOICE BUILDING k , lots, having a large front on two amt.,. by 3.'41 (..et cleev,plensantlysituated on Mt.. Washingten. will be sold on easy teams. CUTHBERT & SON, Jel7 Real Estate Agents, 51 Market •st. AN ARY SEED-5 on hextd"'D.nd for C t.y Orr] F!• Na BROS. .:•~ _. AM, 'A bloVoll'S 11Allt 4ESTORI3II., SrintagithWo.-- , 4/dr poringion. 'width' hit wet' On** &N MI to fey f*** *UM Med 4 0 3,44 htS p ,411 e , etki*Ontio l reAden tiro Irak goats aolsistod 4 s and AVF. 6s.fivd fib* Hol edwhy.roW todYl • 0011,4 pf*Ar. r6f &A , 4thaf RSV ttfa, • A. 0 2 ,6 ow! theAuttothitiit the Sionjtv‘ WM Mistir Alm Krithsly top& Pryttoo , . 0444, stooirobat. to ; /044 grotitowl Vi t glow *At , vittoy 0 . 1 Uno - #ds ffilk* Idoono Seto , * Al 1A44, be *tub We Odd Wen., *AS kW to nrolps4 noel oilman Shop. 44%$ 7**o Lot , on *frido WO* HOW* OM (OW p.m,* moot fenigif wid ost9d Mief-- - 41tftwited mgmolet larloTik; /WA 4 2 w 44 tr, I ro4 wo?,or Sodd to trod*d tnt *ONO kW* **OW 044 w 14 oft rollroist. or 11 WI& F** i# 1.4 .004, Furman,, weft 3#l4ite4 411114 H twenty' fliqi if , of Ws WS. s ArlY ts, if, SIMS/ nd rom MAO Age 4 And /11 , nettefflug***, MN , ritiket44#4,r,l44f Aga ingitpo, Aritoopy thoy ' jklp iNqg w Anti PRTiPkiffr;:la bard far awl,. a 1.4 of 11v - 4144 ifthintikai 40441 . , fool *rout 11114 1.. t dog/ Stno4ft fains; *thin. twv Tn. story Brien Maim Awn lostrioo47M, 3 " "gl.rt lu the neiriktmdfood nK Oio,frodrsot, insist AM gas. ThIN IN • Very •Wfaitio o prrgidAsigittair 10ad0.4 7 , ratumatullng • dolightfui flair 1104', fiteloty a, the opposite .We, att., and will b* 0•4 It • soihrifief*, AMA/ to Satt 10.441111161 A itILWV- - - - - - ARPER'S Magazine for Ampler. PRICICI6 lt• Man. A 004 No. Ss smith at. ior side ty JY24 MAOAZINE3 'FOR'Atia — U I.u. Harper's forAngnst-44 nerds. Godey's:Lastios Book—lb rents. L 4 *.ers. o,o oHOßlP.ina ,-1 4eenta. Grabana'Cr iz itke=- 14 Raltda'a ine-10 coats. Yankee N inta---li rants. Harpar'a atorrtionk-25 cents. Chamber's Journal for Jnly-2.5 mute. . Robert tirabaniSailuel awl pnotitunatirer of Li r nda. Life and Public &raises of limes BrichsganHAy 8-` U. Horton.. i Per sale by W. A. GILDENFENNRY' te= .. . JAI Birth sr., °Waite this't ''' . SEMI-ANNUALSALK-;-A.A:IMON & co. have Just racelrid per `expiate, anothot lat of those flue Fronchlbilllaute4 , usually sold or 31e. Also three more mesa those deadrahle4 4 Preach and Prig. fish Mats at 12c., worth is and 250. ir23. llllfor August, has been received II by SAMUEL LAILIFIMR, Fourth street; ttul Is sell -14,414441Y. Buy 9 0 0 - -Prieu 2o =UM J. 923 001dr HAS - LEFT HIS ARIDAL - Grrf.— ki Ond ortba last things done biCol. aklt-preirtnita to getting warded, waa to bare his 111PROVWX1 PISMO fabezi !kud brought taco market. At-possums many advan tages over tha.sild patent. We now have on bat IMaiPPIY of thee° really tasteful weapons, and wouldlie pleased to, allow theist to our friends. . Guns, Phaola, -. Rifita, Reircdvam • Annhaltion. ic; acc t EOM A TOTLEY; jy4 W'ocatatreee /It SALE A very desirable , Co — try Reaideuce, containing 63 Acrerybeautithilly situated oa tine Ohio giver, and adtelnlng the Ldwit,of ini• proved, With a good sottege liionen and Allier -budidilgr. forestabratibery, &c. TUDMAS WOOD3I .le= 75 Frvitiisti,t. , MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR ' RESTORE:.—An zofellin_g restore; and. ornerier or the hair and sight.„lt IS nqs dye!.The /ma an 4 *Wa ken, however grey, ee rostdretl - rimer* d In flielr original lit color I By tense; svTig; itpoittedes and gtep. hairs, willanon become extinct. • The; Reatnref turd pith the 41.1.Agstunuta,,not only eltensee the hair, but *lines It to curl, isving.it mad; nAtattscand patanid,iree. The Iteeterer strengthenant PrOM es the. t,: and remove and . prevent distillate, eidarbe, We, arid, wwld.hesd, or ankernotion of the skii4 and alltudiatitra penspirations of the Dead. It hi a. certain ture4offestair • In the head. Sold by 1424 MILL AND CROSS-OUT SAWS Gouts and.Coru•Scyther; Anvils, Bellotra„and , Vices Pump Chain and naturist; Hay and Manure Forts. Together with a large' and ostensive assortment of- Hardware,jaat received anti for sale tow, at blo. .83 Wood street, between Diamond alley. and- Fourth street, Pittsburgh. SAM'L. ap29 UNFURL THE GLORIOUS BANNER— A Patriotic Sung; mods hy.E. J. Allen • Written on the occasion of a presentation of a stand of colony - by the buquesne Greys, to-the Chicago Light Ottani. blasjo own -IKoed and respoctfally dedicated to (apt. JohuE, Wyman,by Henry Hleber. Price '4 touts. The above Just published and for late by . . . & iy 1 . No, 53 Flithebired• . CHAMPAGNE AND .CLARET WINES. lu badwe qtrisand plit.Ctounpagne 25 baskets "172" qns. and pm. Champagne Wine, from "rine-yard of Baseball% le Itrouet. 15 baskets "17e qts. end pis.. Champagne Wins from trineyanla of Bundle file & Brunet. 10 moms Barton It Onestter .1848" St-Julien-Claret Wine. :al4o. " Barton & %wetter" St Julien Claret Wine. 25 du. 'St. Sullen Medoc Claret Wine. Just rsesised and be sale by MILLER & RICKEISON, WY Nos. 221 and 2:31 liberty Street. MAGAZINES FOR'J'tTLY llarpor'e Mutat o kn. duty. Bodey'e tirahanee halloo's " Petrreen's " Illustrated London News. The Snuggle 14 late, or Claude and the Skeleton llognemou. B. T. C...1111.111G-BN, • . f eh) 41 yirtho.t- MACKERKL—New No. 3 /argefor Bale by kit HENRY 1.1. COLLINS LINSEED OIL-1000 gallons- Linseed Oil for sale by 801100NMARSR, J.llB 24 Word street. A UOUST - M AGAZINES- Harper. abuinzilio; Graham's Peterson's Godey's Lady's Book. Anything you may wont in the we of Books or Maga s...as same to the UNIFORM CHEAP 'CASK BOOKSTORE. .Ik2l LAUPPEWS, No. 7 Fourth et. IFLES, GUNS, PISTOLS, 0181 ture and Accontksmenik aiwayi oti hand: BOWE A ' TETLIMMYWood . Ye.'4l Sign of the Golden Gun. FINEST FIFTY CENT YOUNG HY EON VIA IN TIII3 CITY am t.e had at yy 18 1U1.5,1'014132 idarketet. ----- WINDOW OLASS-L -150 boxes 8110 Glass; SO 10s14 20 " In sums and for agile by MILLER'S RIERETSOI4 111111.01VN'S ESSENCE,. ~401A.,104' aint-21 dozen of 1144 ralnat4le_ itedklne leo - Wed by ' OS. PLUM U ll ILN, ram Inntonnd gad Mszktd.'4. KEREL -25 MAL No. 2, catch of 185 C; 5 No. 1 ; 10 half bblo. No. 1; 11,1 No, L Jima rectivaland.for Bale by 1 '0 BMUS, MAW It ,11113Tg.11. 85,1 IN lIANA. balando in , one;turp and k. , dour years, will /my u. grod.BOILDING Wl' of It 4 feet front by ISO deep, situated WIN the Outer Depot, Al- Iriltous COT—priro WS. 'gibs propetty34.urell urortb ot-' toottott. . C,VU.ISIODIT A SON, 1028 Ural Betat; Aget4ii,‘ollltutet et. MONEY can be. had for tka'tietesX City hitaineas men, WWI% 4• 01 n four- tnn Ellquirs or 7410M108 W.OrAK Oomoterciarlixolortls roneth st. NT AND . B. LINIMENT-20 gross of AI -1.172i• letes au baral and for sale by viismun mos. FLOUR SULPHER-1500 lbs. on hand And for sale by [Jfil FIMMO BROS. LEMONS -50 boxes to, arrive and or sale t.y MUM, AIPICILVN, .1).12 1i0."39 Wood street. MILLER A HICRITSON PARCH - 100 bxs. Roo4ester .eearl StoTeb ii. 7 sal° by 110141 IIRSILtCOLLIS'S - - _ Q.PIRITS ITAPENTINE--20 ;barrels . for 1...1 Jab) tv fuly22l seiloomilAslOC 5 DOZ,FRESUSTRAWBRItRIESi in TAU+ potties; 6 do. do. do., to tenet two tradred and tor ode by RErmsa A ANDERSON, 1919 No. ES Wood sc., orpoduP $l, aoL4es•RoDd. T_T ERRING-160 bates No.' I itui for sale by REIVIrEII 'alltiallsWi;,- • .1912 NrOlaWood Wed:, 111* 18111NG PACKLE.—Ir iiiteiute* _c• to the mountain streams tt , lien ,' the hit ' in, before leaving, and Lumina our orlifslithg. a. It is full and complete. SOWN- 11 Mt"! 14) • . • NP. WPM flzeut, 100A.CON-4000 pounds-ibune, 5141% Shouldrmtar , sele by al' ISENBVILMMINEL, efEtEME-100 lines .*. j' ij22 MRYIti. mama 7,4 Cait----30 ,tilabi fbr sale Iti., . 11. • lll4 ,1104X-14001 11 k1 2, ~ DIRT-1Q(/ barrels foreale,by. ~. ' • JY22 • MX4Y,B.• Mara, 0 14"416 tor naleW "JrA TNI,PAR WitE,.OS-11.900 A111,47A. calved and tiltitct yrt mount Is • ~` - v _ r t. NIP= MMWR -• <arm',saK.~i;'srvmt^.2-'~F«?;E~6":a'? ==ie~.~'~S'pr.;fk NUMBER 206. mmiLANtOts) JOB.. - FL EXING, ..Dniggisti cor. or the, DGunond and Mikrtot . A.CO.N-2000 lbs. Sides and• Shoulders tor data by [jell} HSNBY•II. COLLINS. 11811---Msokerek.:White inil4 , Tiptit, Sal man, 401 t 4 .' %I'll tunny 'man batecthiW4rife 4,n( iesiplelkk Mon; • 1 ,, istred- .81414tIzir b:oiJg _ a• - 19 ,tqco4Pgsm*.Pl, RAISINS----Iflo half bxe., o.elementraMt, - Ns; recaredlawiforestba by , r 1 1-4 jyl4 _r -1351t5... - 3,IxWALE swAgiViltOcelYuttliAd_ •f,sva oi=sl, Na A:ANDAIMMif,r -i tl9 391Vinxi street" ~~~ .+ - • R ^ r ~ IWO AglittOr r .10 117 1** - ' TAX.: Warkirarlida*LN*4- VOST. rpto Awl; D a 44,fdifi Ti axtow. , 0 1 . L o rZLIVifV, 6 46 1 10:t7 "••": 66 ..... ;. .: ... VI ThiX2 . rtfPlii-v iil -- rtr• • 2.- , 1 " Ono' . t•÷l.--,Pt a - ...:. - ..,-,11, tr. ~•,: 60 le, Throe weeks. 1.2.4 At ,2"..42 , 200 125 ' ''. - .1 00 Ono cpput0,, r ,...,, 6OO .A.m ;,,a,cp 1.60 ~,: VO6 Twoliod2NeX.`:*. 166 1 4 , 05 - - 0.00 2', --48), Tbin • . tiki.§.:s.l: - 0-10 11 6 1 )0 1 44 1 4 fa - r•-:' 014 1.,..• 104,.. Five m00tbn....,...., . 1108 . 3 07 25 660 .:-A ; 66 •., ,L. _E4i,,..; St: month% .. '22 VI :8 00 ;0 - 00 , ;:t4 00 . - ."":16 - 60, , , inn, m0nth........,.. .1.11 , 00,.10 36 A, 4;66 i•. 00 --06,,fki". 7 % ' ''t to 00 13 6 A650i - 4-TO6 2ita 61 " di ng e'rd ' " l l, PAlV l ti, r ff9 e r#9PT! ] ' "7 t.! l ;*44 ll :P ' .. r. ,14 / 1 4 5V- 1 0,6P14,- z. .,........... One 'rare, reytilipTaegllt_Voq#4.4l4r2=l.....r..-' urtivyKßl latio -44 = 4, ""itia-VITIST" 4- MONDAY M • The 'Clorreadettirttiii*Stiliekidlitesaliing of their ftleitil of findin g a enitablelhicatioh frie r thii`iable . brtiat , Magnet-id teletztphfitideltia ratige4l4 - 740nneet _ this country With'Engbitidg Thetfe.ki tit nt& inns and fa dEltre pt 'the bottotn orthe but a most interesting and prelbiiitatk operations and piute.are 'tioirie*Whartiqwe" Starting from the neilhern lead, a place will he'ttelktoth4berit ea deep that tbr:attehor of elswill not telikike Inififweisiitigt.the dePoldtiV cable. The character of the Plitteattletta *Ors kite Cit',F 44 : 4 11 11 044 4 * sr s te, yi s 4, rly miles ovetthe **let' V& • pillitotlitferent wei A - 40w Ueda of lfiLlft4_,,,grofit' wa n again. Tho shotfa el,uttrt,t)latitct, Irbkb lit attiehet'eo44.lfailryit'ott "U 4444 wsY . that the moment the shit etrikeittpepatom it unshipped, and thil'liftlfateateir. k ''To haul it iti'leimM -'lltirtiQihett The centre of the AA 010 f 0104 are Ilited - tie OM -.These Ober from the fink and hititigfitlltilftVlo6ol/10;1133en itigirtisdicirte IhreWeeter of ttle r boftroding. Vitae upo„fi'thilliii likillitkko4:l4 l s mo ment the depth" to p 41.11.. -'ObteristiotyritiorA,l•„ - s#o9o3s, winds, /cc.; will notbehedtted. r - If the survey fettliehes result ee ltla o tory` , : se they acter r Anticiriate, 'the Worit'Ortottitther cable tall he commenced inunedistWetilte titis„tird em ployed. Both will push - folkeithmAllni , be tween the two coasts; each liittinkfialf, of the cable on board, and from.that 'Tine sail either 'way for the shore, playing - 0u914, - cableas they run. Communication, with:resole, other :'will be kept up by tbe cabin and galvanic hathdiscr; so that at a moments warningii,-,lialt:pahlitieffeet.:' , ed and the course of v ejtho: iS thought that` this diVititi4f;etlid3ol4o4llot.- ing of the 'time retittiratii:dolitirWrallnte"Wa - be out of the question. From ten tAlffteentlays would, under favorahl,e Atitstiinces;:eutEce; to lay the alai in this irng , Eaqveaselmiii ont-stilli*leinfithlto The Eti6ll, th at they , te4ff heYeati-Wif : - Ilglifiet;have -been offered, is not larger thitiakehlito:soristr say an,.,incir and a quarter in dismetirkt‘has one Wire -(ilule sit tre ltrandivdeipiii = itire). .which insuleted.by:atrovering of guttaTtrolia. *Ontside.of these_four wires, and around them,is placed a gotta perche covering: oatifiait of - that, strong steel wirovare wound, and externabto it, a hemp cord is twisted. A thick covering of isphiltuitt protects the whOle." - ,What thexates are to belocsendistrittessageti between New York and London, I wo are' - ,.ftot ad vised; probably idollaiit s'As - all impor tant dispatches will patetooter;tbst eahlegit , ia fair to presume that if well Inausge4 the .Itkerican and European ihost pr.( -, ductiveeuteeptieefferpttudeedia:tidecountry. iiimii tlif PhilitdelAhltedierl Where Ist lite maiiiiit iiis 1 Phohll". ' E..-• ~:. Heavy eums haWeglirPiliedirPTAlLo.2.alief of "t , 5-_ , -e" the 'Katmai siffeier4. but. what has become of _ .‘,_ ...-:.. A thamoney is a quisHOU''irbich wilt probably be - . --i,' , •::, : ;, , 1p . thoroughly ~iivrgetigated..„lt is Aung4 Aat Iv- . ~.. liis. - has been ' utiedibi electioneering purposes. Tba.- • ,- 44 . New Yortfiathas-aletfer - frarti . -Estiiiiifi, 'eatingl , , that, ` 4 uor a dollar af.it has reached that Terri - ~...t4'. . L, ,V IL ttiry,Varia this convention of free delegates at,.,;: , ... 7.., Tinfelro,.on the-ad:inst., thought it proper • '.):: the knowing resolutions : ... ~ . ~.., :) • `, , ,5. Viriiiissatkl.:-Meoh ditesgsfactinifinst been ix pressed, both itC-Katufssawilitkit'ofcif: concern ing fonds.thatklave,haafkaubstral: 114or,,d.onated • fsr thWielier•V' Ow infteriril =, 121 44 Territory. and vviiinetuiPWriellkeituid . -feifetil•trutierfa on onr part to throw the matter open to thoo*H- , ny of an impartial public.; therefore lila --- ', , fitiatveriefgrbuti - -wswmautiVoi!Atii*Ael central committeePoiTeUlPS:4 aR-F utelbgenee office, immediately in the fitypt!Pbicago...,:p.,,,&Maire Aid' tie the geneia4geatr and aft :persons - Who "Ave cofittibutediadittirilfibliii - VSitiiiiikare ..rettnested.tto fativitit Itilisittaten***filinut of #ke , ..F49 1 e41.4c , ettitini) tkionclito*ind - for 'OS purpose, irPY4OO6I44O:4IDPRI:inui giiroi ; and as offeti no pra.ol4stafseft !went filiiThriphrt-thatrithearfesfondliteffecia _LarylOf t h e centrpbtatunittteer. offliliffifittai!rivrho th 4 shall„ tie soup Ni 1 444telined;:. ..`faisfa:Are all . before bird, _publish4ofbe,worl . eyflop* of the Mai. ' Said difiniaitUr Walla iti , efitA , idi "the information'iti thihitiavier lia'bi r iliPlilifanut that has been herefaforcv sodilived,:- . - fealty whom rocciypd,,ol* by !Pout drawu4ShortdrY putting the whole subject before the paYllairt,da?,ln.clo9?" - liiitild form. " The Topeka Cobvetition has fated flie proper means to get at thelacts. ~,- , --, • u,• ..",...4-4- The Tr , Fs . 7 _ a , e have' said, itio;:th at thic,ilihuithioty of the Blackßepublidans 'hey are..hypocrites of thobldckettglyeilabbreit*Chtua ,the blackest. niggerAkey,pTaktuirkitOterrlhiP. It is not o t0,.p .. rev.ent...tbe-extensunktl n'tityy4heY are fighting opt a Willie of' it, `hu ' aii9l4.6t- -. tainlpOlithxd power. Mad` tliWilfilowerlbeY'.- woultl-plant slavery in-MaktearrOiiiokroVlVif by so doing they r4ettlilltlect.FrentosiVaritl*ayten. The politicians—speculators in , lll4,lo,,Tdat,tbl —who care less for a soul thnit'Ahey:tlyc. and rieliecc'el.: so)* as theytisould a sheep,T.A they vletiltlitritit*riptti, jbeiv,pnrses" by ; the ; operation.a.,Miallkomat' Rel!. lill?, of.. the, "len n TP-A§i49 21 . 3 1,4 114 / 1 064Y theta; ariu'Uniesi 'Ahoy pnuse soon auuleave tie rinks, , they...trill bdcoind *ea ' son-suittdisaniont. in the lauds ofijtOoltreim- Ar4,11,y, soon orels yrho deserl,..thent theirst moment efjangcr., ,o.) 7,7_r_tnk Dr. Carer, a tsbkee lecturer "' on. Kansas trilllhaelleJtt 11- xeeetit fuelortAnntlagl,ituhlbniper Her, yer.inont,, let llie,eut outof ,the Iptiartifell n, *ay that noVe blit'llie wilfully wicked 6:traelpe lessly blind, can fail to see the animalP'lle . . YOU WOULDOARRVTIIE-MEEOMF Nk.IXT-NOVEHREIL-KEEP-BWODY OUTRA GES IN KANSAS BEFORE THEWERSOME-- 8 ETTLFF r4I4.PLE , YOU RAVE : NIAARIMR4 - PLANIC.J4 •Sucli nise i are Seward, Greellii, ,W4del—and so come down to-small inewiedol4o. Kunkel, &c, 8r,0.. . People Poonsylvania -4.8.i.z0ns of the Unio n —open Irour..eare.4o the. • , troth.— Crisis. *Vnisitilf Lei it be remembered ,, . Oat, tbe.bludge9sOuts been enb.4tiluteil for Free speecii in thp,lietkatS of thelinited States, and that Ilan who struck down , its , ebanitdon is stiablineil -4 , psi e . xppponteii by the-Sonthiand,the,douglifaceaZi. of the, north.--lArci/d. Veio, stalk it further be reniiintaaiii that John-CliatielrFrentontistlie stittirths first kidoisi..arst drew ithe first -blood in the Senate thave;doaytaid and thioard/y asocial/a yegtAlt, L Fto??,_,,a-itlqrtelpriz in teriorldph}rinital atreng.th„foi ' .. iocrods opoV,- dobtlit" tilitPtitt.hti ' pleaded" tiyAbe Black Itepublicanatif thnitotth , anit #ektiNionan,l3ltwit„ ottbec,f3outb,:na:-&-At person to preside over the destiOtll, All, plat,. nation. _ 7 . Put that Att r yourAttndidateal‘ Chronp!c*S. :.21447,77,ffffiggivq61,41n. A -The 'e torts of 'Velatennie - -Qcnreuilivan. cpsicksillsoltona eaklanaisAwint ihelret Tar-- iftr,44 AtxPrOelgt Year um0nated,404.06840066 -. =Lin ihe oNolali to o,oB2 •Ao..volittgA. totes to ay lee11;,158, orll;,lsBflaihn of 4 eprincipal peril& , usuftfrisette%4} Chitinund , hinsizo,' although Sable iiatiteTh*Dt .10,.$0 1 04 , ,AMeTiCas Aud.4..few. Inuldred;f*DiA6 e New York. The consumption in CaAfernYkileo• egfa' to be increasing raPidly,,and,rquetlit littsent amount to a Veiy '" - • ' THE tiZILDANB MW FREEMOtiT.—The Cincinnati Frl molt papers have „.been telling thili read ;W•i.°l.ll .IP -u g iiio4lsBt that, On (lemma ; ere `On for--freWoßt. Th esoononerd4 t or _ t -Mitt dlcwer4olqluPPiPs-,t l kat•Ambeii`ithe o t m4egi,l)T4o,tiold 4 1 11 1 0 1 -14 l oe : .;the 4#o 4 l l kr PF-10 I:t,thlt-ztitYst.t l t-McitiqW•k,• , , _ - n ut g a y, 2 cpt "i BB - 14 42 4414 0 1 1, be h • • • !: • , rfi .'f.t . t-`":•'' . • . ;• ,4`,- •e•,,;.,:'''',.';' <, ~7,'`~r ^* ~y`~ ; , j , , 1 -1; :.- i:. ~ 1 .14, c; 7.7 ...- ~.::r.., . :i?r ~j ~.~';: e- ` ^ i ce .! , l y; '~.,~ n? ..~ yz . ~~ j y~~)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers