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' 4 •`-• •-•„v- ...t .4, .. ... I. ~ .. 77.. _..,.. . , ;* . i .". 1 . ,' e ‘-, `. ••'... V .i . " 4 4. 41; ''' ' . - '' - 4 .4 • ' ''' 4 . " it. 4' .. . , ''' '‘' n e . ' • ' l' i • . !..., 1 , 11,a 4 1.: ., * „. ..1 , %., ' .: 4 -,,.. di ',. . - .. - -- : ;,-+,: ~: . ...,-4 - # 4 ::.,- '• ~ . - . , T 1 --- - . -,'..4 .-_ ,. . t . : ' ono ...-7 , ,-_. ; ~-',,t -...-. , T;•L, ~,•... #. J. 0,-- et„. ~ ~..f. ,: • 5.... ... . '-_*, , . :11.2 ;: ~, . • fg e i . 4. OIL , , t.: . r , , •4•E•., ..,, , . .0 „4„... `,! it* 4.'. „,?. • - • • * 0 01.54,V, Q.; h.tlx,„, • • 76, -07 ,--4114b..104,4w-',..-.• 4 1 , 2 0 0 ,4k. 0 0 , , At trAV c'ct tI=NII MEM ERE MaMM PWO_ gr Vitishurgt Vast. 'WEDNESDAY MORNING JAMES BUCHANAN, Democratic Convention Re-assembled The Hon- TIMOTHY lota having withdrawn his name aa • candidate for Surveyor General, in a communication ad dressed to the Democratic State Central Committee, at Its last meeting in Harrisburg, a Resolution wee adopted by their Committee, calling upon the Officers and Delegates of the bud Dezinkratic State Convention to assemble at CIIAM BERSBURG, on 'WEDNESDAY, THE MTH DAY or AUGUST WELT, at 10 . o'clock, A. M, to nominate a candidate for Sur veyor General, to fill the vacancy created by the declination of Judge Ives. In pursuance of this action of the Demo cratic State Central Committee, the Officers and Delegates of ' the last Democratic State Convention are respectfully re quested to meet at the time and place above mentioned, and for the porpose stated G. G. Wiencort, Secretaries. lotAo G. licKirtur, OP THE DEMOCRATS OF PENNSYLVANIA "The Union must and shall be p d•' THE DEIHACT or PEEREELVINIA, and all others in favor of preserving the Union of the States, now seriously endan gered by, a sectional organization, led and controlled by the open enemies of the Pederal Constitution, and conducted upon the alarming Idea of repudiating nearly one-halt of the States of this Union, are tee,chdly notified that BASS ItLEETUNGS 4111 be held at the following times and places, of the friends of JAMES BUCBANAN for Pre4dent, and JOHN C. BILECKINRIDGE for Vice President: At 011A&IBERSBURG, Franklin County, on THURSDAY, the Sth day of August, 1856, being tho day after the Demo cratic State Convention. . . . _ . At ERIE, Erie County. on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of August, 1856. At PIITSDURGII, Allegheny County. on WEDNESDAY, the 10th of September. 1888. At BELLEFONTE, Centre County, on WEDNESDAY. th '24th of Sep'ember. . • . - - At lIAIitIUSBUII.O, (the Capital of the States) L. IV KU N liISDAY, the Ist of October. And at PHILADFiLPIII.A, on the lith of September, 18:41, being the Anniversary of the Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. Eminent Democrats, from our own and Min, Stains, wl be present at all thew mootiugo, to addreaa their fello citizens Henry Ward Beecher says in the New York Independent, of which he is one of the editors, that the nomination of Fremont is providentia For once we agree with rise Beecher lieve that the hand of Providence may be seen in all human events ; and in none more distinctly than in those great events that have resulted in making this the greatest and freest and most prosperous nation on the globe. "Ood has not so dealt by any other people." The mission of the American republic though well begun, is not yet half accomplished ; and its destruction now will not be permitted. Could the party that has nominated Fremont succeed in electing him, disunion would speedily follow, and with it a train of evils and disasters more fatal than ever afflicted any other nation. But happily, Providentially, a man is put in nomination by the disunion conspirators whom the people will refuse to support. Ist. Because he is not honest. They will hot elevate to the highest office in the nation n won who, in a much lower office, speculated with the people's money—run the government in debt fir his own private emolument : and got rich by the fraudulent ass of a military commission that he had won by influence, and not by merit. They will not elevate to so high an office El man who, as a Lieutenant Colonel, was arraigned before a fair and competent tribunal for mutiny nrtddi,i bedience of orders, found guilty, and dismis9ed from the service. 2d. The people will not support him, becau-m he has no capacity to fill the high office for who h his deluded friends have nominated him. Twen ty-one days only of experience as a legislator has he had. And in that time instead of reply ing by argument to charges made against hinr, he assails with blows, like a ruffian, a gray haired Senator, much lees in size than himself. Not one act of his brief legislative career ex hibits any capacity except for waylaying and striking men of smaller stature. But one bill does he originate, and that was designed to cut out of their claims and chances of prosperity the great mass of the laborers of the State that for such brief time entrusted him with office. Nu act of his life exhibits anything more than the ordinary capacity of any captain in the army. 3d. The people will not support him because be is not attached to the Constitution and the Union. Born and raised in the South, and edu• cated by the charity of its ladies, he yet betrays it, and seeks the nomination of a party that re- Tiles and slanders the South; that labors to din 'solve the Union and destroy the Constitution, and light up the names of civil war. One of hii warmest supporters in the nominating conven tion was Joshua R. Giddings, who some years ago was expelled from Congress for uttering the following treasonable and villainous words : "I look forward to the day when there shall • c- Aft 1: •41•4%- • •;.x4: \f t 1 t. t • ""1.- •-* . • ' ; . • ~•~~~o~~; ~:a_~~j:~;T~ OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, OF KENTUCKY _ 11110CRATIC STATE TICKET. OA.NAL 00 MXMIONCR GEORGIC SCOTT, or OoLtricau Oo JACOB FRY, Jr., MONTGOMT Co. JOON W. FORNEY, Chairman. MASS MEETINGS By order of tho DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL Cul] IT WAS PROVIDENTIAL "be a servile insurrection in the South ; when the " black man, armed with British bayonets, and led on by British officers, shall assert his free dom, and wage a war of extermination against " his master; when the torch of the incendiary "shall light up the towns and cities of the South, " and blot out the last vestige of slavery. And " though I may not mock at their calamity, nor "laugh when their fear cometh, yet I will hail it "as the dawn of a political millennium." Stich is the man and such is the party that selects Fremont as its disunion candidate. "Is he honest.' Is he capable ? Is ho attached to the Constitution?" Neither: And the people will find it out soon enough to repudiate him. What then, it may be asked is there that is Providential In his nomination It is that the party that contemplates a great crime against human liberty, and the ruin of a great nation, has been judicially blinded in the selection of a, candidate. They have in their madness selected one whose public acts and career have been so reckless and reprehensible that, when made known to the people, they will bring down em phatic condemnation of his wild presumption. "Whom God designs to destroy he first makes mad." And surely no greater evidence of insani ty is-needed than the nomination for the Presi dency of the dishonest cattle dealer; the disobe dient and discarded soldier; the brawling Sena tor; the enemy of the laborer; and the con scienceless land monopolist. To destroy so kn. gerons a party as the disunlonists just such an insane nomination was needed, and Providence has ordained it.. Ilitie Beecher is right; the nomination of Fre mont is Providential. A FREMONT ORGAN.—The Republicans here tofore have had no open advocate of their candi dates among the Philadelphia press, but they have recently purchased the Times, a Fillmore paper—which treats its readers on Monday to three columns of abolition thunder. Its present course we apprehend will rather astonish its readers in this city, where, we are informed, two hundred copies were-subscribed for by membert of the Fillmore and Douelson ' club, under the ..impression that it was -11 squad- and. „reliable ~American paper. .;,„ - 4jFr. , .r. i ! V4l 44'1 .0„, • AworEtaa CoItRUPTION FuyD. 7 4(lB proposed through the New York Tritiune,-(eays the Albany Argua) that a fund, to be called the " Tribune Fund," and to amount to one million of dollars, shall be raised by the readers of that paper and transmitted to the pr,oprietors "for the relief of Kansas." Whether each a fund relieves Kansas or not, doiibtless administer relief to many mendicant politicians, and create a glorious time among the Astor House clique of political ope rators, who always like a full treasury when they assume the labor of conducting a political cam paign. With this one million, and with the "one :JULY 30 .undred thousand a month during the war," which the Buffalo gathering resolved to raise, and with the contributions of thoae who own shares in Mariposa, a vigorous campaign can be carried on and " shrieks for freedom" may be expected to multiply among those not heretofore conspicuous for their benevolent labors. This a famous age for philanthropy and stealing.— Washiwton Union. ExEcirriox or A MURDERER. —George Wilson, a colored man, who was found guilty of the mar der of Captain William Palmer, of the schooner Eudora Imogene, was hung on Friday, at White Plains, Westchester county, New York. Up to the last moment of his life, ho avowed his inno °ewe, and died without any thing more being elicited in reference to this tragedy than was brought out on trial. About two thousand peo ple, including quite a number of women, were drawn together from the surrounding country, and the buildings and trees in the vicinity of the jail were crowded with persons eager to wit ness the execution. For ten days previous to Sunday last Wilson affected insanity, and sup posed by so doing he would not be hung , but finding that nothing could be effected by this, he then requested Sheriff Little to interpose with the Governor, and get the sentence commuted to imprisonment.. A Camel. Hoax.—A young law student of Cin cinnati, finding that Kansas outrages" were becoming scarce among the followers of Horror,. Greeley, manufactured one for the especial ben efit of those lovers of eitaiderit, the Black Re• publicans. The Cincinnati Commercial eagerly caught at the bait, giving its readers a most pa thetic account of Kansas miseries. The editor has since discovered that he has been sold, and is very angry about it . he pronounces the trick an " outrage on the peopk of Ohio !" We would advise the Commercial to get up an " indignation meeting." This Kansas " boar. - like other Roorback. of the same sort, we doubt not, will be extensii , ly published by the Black Republican papers, and dwelt upon with great unction THE IFAY IT o LYS. Tong followed the river, and owns interest. ,n boats, informs 1.1!1 that he was at Louisville the other day when a gentleman came there to get a large boat built that will coat some seventy eighty thousand dollars. Our informant urgid him to come to Pittsburgh where ae could ,z et it built $5,410, cheaper The man declared be would rather it would coat five or ten thousand dollars more than employ the abolitioni.t contractors and mechanics of Pittsburgh lie He erpressed the opinion that few more boats would be built hero for the southwest Our Pittsburgh mechanics and boat builders better lay up their tools and vote for Fretn and disuniun at once. Some other classes m,gt,t find similar reason for such a course Costa Ocala —The tierrnan Whig paper p ,, '• linked in Erie, Pa , has announced its intent to support Buchanan and Bre<kinridge. Tua Bar 51x, or THE NORTH r or Eit , 11101 k --The Black Republieans generti:ly get rre.i,t for plenty of a certain kind of brains But .t would be strange enough if a party reek!, and fanatic embraced the really etr••nk of the country , and, indeed, they do c:•t TI .e classic rhetoric of Edward Everett pales t:ic artificial and plagiarised glitter of Sumner'. 1-, tribes So does the luxuriant and picture..,- .e eloquence of Rufus Choate. These gentlemen are said to prefer Mr Buchanan. TLcy cern* o ly refuse Fremont. Men like Robert i I‘, throp, Professor Pierce, of t ambridge, (icor 0 , Bancroft, the Birturian, Nathaniel Ilawthort, , , and Washington Irving, are all thoroughly na tional. They all either support James Iluchttu an, or cherish for him the muse profoutid rr spect. And so sll over the North, R 6 well se tl e South; the men of calm intelligence a il e.,uLl judgment, who can rise above the excitements .1 the hour, are crowding into the twelliug ranks of the Democracy Experience of • Free State Elio lo Kansa• M W. King, of Racine, gives a mast 'uteri...! ing relation of his experience in Kaman Aftvr relating the circumstances that led ki his eungrx tic'', -his arrival In Kansas city, in Mirtsour with his family •• Leasing my family, I started fur the • prim, Iseil land.' I traveled just one hundred an I eight miles, according to the survey, before I could find a sufficiency of timber to warrant u,• in an attempt to build a house. At Pawnee, thi capital as projected by Gov. Reeder, or rather within a distance of five miles from that pap., city, I succeeded in making a claim of Kit acre'. on which, after much severe labor and privation. I succeeded in raising a house that would shelter myself and family During all the aims of nn struggle In the wilderness I was aided and as sisted in every way by my neighbors, Missouri ans, and, indeed, never even had to wait longer for their help than they saw wherein they could assist me. My claim made, and my house, such aa it Ira,. completed, I started for Kansas city to bring my family out. Judge of my feelings when I learned ' that for nearly the whole time of my absence my child had been lying at the point of death, and my wife, the mother, among strangers, too And remember also, that these strangers were al! 'border ruffians.' Of course, I was anxious. I questioned my wife, how did you get along 7 What did you do ? Why, she answered me, m people could be more kind , all took an interest in our suffering and sorrow ; I never saw a more kind•bearted and generous people. I was aston ished, I confess it. Of course, I 'said but little —what could I say ? They asked me—the bor der ruthans '—of my politics. I told them I was an out-and-out free State man. The answer was invariably—'That's right, Mr. King, vote just as you think—we wish every man to enjoy his own opinion.' For many weary days I walked around await- ' ing for the returning strength of my child, and during these days I saw many things that would have been disbelieved by myself if staled to me before I left Racine, and while I was a reader of, and believer in the New York Tribune. I saw many—very many poor families landed at Leav enworth—sent on by the New England Aid So cieties, who had not the means to bury the dead of their company. Men, women and children were there, sent on by these Aid Societies, with out funds to purchase one meal of food after landing. They came there expecting no one knows what, but in as destitute a condition as ever emigrants landed at the docks of New York. The men of Missouri, the border ruffians,' took them into their homes, they fed them—the living ones—and buried the dead—they gave them clothes, food, and kind words ; the acted, in short, the part of noble, generous, Christian men, and their reward has been abuse, contumely and misrepresentation. That the men of Missouri felt and feel aggriev ed is not to be wondered at by any who know anything of the facts. They have been flooded by companies sent on by " aid societies," of men who at home could not command the respect, hardly the forbearance of the communities in which they lived ; they have been obliged not only to feed these men, but to listen to their scur rilous abuse, and now, when they have sought nothing more, as I well know, than an equal and just share of the advantages of the newly opened territory, they are belied by press and pulpit through the entire North. As I said before, I hate slavery, and never by act or word will give it aid or countenance; but I hate it so much that I cannot bear even to see the mistaken, (though - I believe• honestly mistaken,) supporters g of it lied about and abused. . „per-tint J~ _`.«~,~^^wti: A grotlemem itrnm lb. 1 4 —nneylvaa. Argsa.. -he wnte, 3w 44, [Correepondenwof, tbey.kttliburgh maing Pofstj PROIII G TO Di Congrass agrees It; Adjourn --Mr. /Pam's Amendment —The Wilmot Proriso—Rim rs and Harbors—Puy of Members of Congress—Privileged questions dis posed of—Kaneas soon to fOUOIV - - - The Mammoth Report—A Revolutionary Measure--Night Sessions —The SeAte's Kansas Bill. Wasnmororr, July 27th, 1856 A joint resolution has passed both Houses of Con. green agreeing to an adjournment on the lSth of Au gust next; so the country, in about three weeks more, will be relieved of this " Hiss " Congress until after the Presidential election. Lot the country re joice that the heat of the weather and the necessity of attending to the campaign at home, have induced a majority to consent to a separation, and thus to afford it a brief opportunity to recover from the ex citements of this session. The proposition to adjourn was objected to by Mr. Dunn, of Indiana, unless a proposition of his own was added by way of amendment, that on or before the day fixed fur the adjournment, an act shall have passed both branches of Congress and been approved by the President for the settlement of the troubles in Kansas, containing a provision re-establishing in that territory, in terms or in substance, the restric tion against slavery embraced in the Missouri Com promise—Or, in other words, applying the Wilmot Proviso to Kansas and Nebraska. The proposition was not in order and could not, therefore, be enter mined; but during the di , .cuoiiiin Mr. Dunn present ed his views at coins lengih, making known his readiness to defeat the appropriation bills, will to stop the wheels of government, if the Wilmot Pro viso is not re-enacted by Congress and 'auctioned by the President. Mr. Dunn is at the head of the more electoral ticket in the State of Indiana his re marks indicate that in the north-west his candidate for the Presidency is to be supported upon these rev olutionary principles. I. the country prepared to overturn the government rather than fail to impose a certain restriction which places ono-half of the Suites of the Republic under the ban of inequality ' River cod harbor bills have occupied a good deal of the time of the Senate during the past week. The Committee on Commerce seers to have agreed to ap_ propriate three millions of dollarn to the purpose of improvements, and have distributed the KUM among a hundred different objects. In some cases no our vet's base been made or UStitlllaCS submitted: yet every proposition offered in the Senate and referred t o the Committee or• l'-erini- as recoiled a favor able report. Dunne dit 1,/ , 111 , 3 it Mine out that a very large proportion id amount proposed to he appropriated, would us for the benefit of the five States which are represented by the Live members of the Committer who favor this chase of appropriations. A batch of vetoes may he expected in a week or two, then lovk out for a close struggle in the --eitiate to se cure a two-thirds vote in their favor. Judge Butler has introduced Into the Senate a 1,11 to increase the pay of ruetritters .4 clingiest' and to reduce the allowance for mileage. It it unii ere, y admitted that the f.ay 1 small to meet the 1111 , 1,1,C , :.. ta:ch they puhje• t ed hero yet there it ,bsinelinatc.n to go before:as' country and defend an lio•resi-i- .Imlge lthtlet p, poses n natant of three th• ~rand hollaroi• , e3h Vat ',renew per sad 1\ n ll/11 , 4 one half. The par .1 a nietaher I Iv sufficient to meet th• ileeta.at! , x to n` , . .t single man here, Ana ~,tonal 1 and I .s. busitiest at home IA Int- at ~.ohl. the Rei .0 tentative genets! Iv i t a saris Iht eoh•et t nnx t 4, ' , e ra a hi. fa.; •rat ;MI • I h., 1 .11,,f, would :n turf her hart, taar p.,esea rmg hettpr ri a he •.rffi,ivoov ' ooutat v. to ft, If,.f-rwfirfl a:fkl faff.., It,. t , Such art , D.IF .Ictottrf.l !roc., rftt, , fiK for thew, by g knoltio-d,re of the Inv.lo-,o a ,- . of the r•11111.-na Lion 1,, au pp.ri an h .t r i•f hit faatall?-. Two tn-re the 1.1,c - deiced .olestii/hs isothee. t .e House ha.. been decidesl during. the week t hapthtn has been rouhrtne-i in t - iw seat W. tiolegate tricim N. brinks. And the .eat tern Now hf ex! , t•. Atero. the ekinte.t-ant ci( The hithsa• ei.se ts ttii or. nett Its V.l•ite, that Whitfield will be ileiiwcrwl iif his sewl on t cr./antis the titer•lirs the Ilsr• under wh. h his electron wm timid it rann-t no glren ti. Ito-row Si he presents a-t the slisslow .( a uisitn ntiaprity that richt coder • new elect, and ..n this ati-ther iliw•h.rdin will sn.e n t T• nicroly kale, a new sleet, I • Ntrtua' the ie,calitv nil the Inc Knott, a •1:.n; n.l 1 .. I ! , •rfn the mat • to A • t hitlire .•;• 0 MA,/ any The IN m1.•10 ~ or Y. 3.9 h..-cl 3 )t the eeli-isrt , •-, n 9,1 tr titer, .9 •••• • f 49-9. .99 1.919,1 t the 9••••• I. .1 .r.I turuir.¢ I I"- p.r. „. lGrn~A rugl.l :1' t,. r t • o•t. uary ptc,,krt , .1e1,0./..1 Prr.rlr, I , t , 11 ,, .r •i Th. )c.., a tie tiro thrtrr' lrleat:::q • .t.e r I•I •II tl'AJs the •••,I,lerz the 11 Om .A t. ....n 1: tith - ltrrtt t.• r... tts,•i • aulamdthant r. , tn, oa. a 14,1 ! the .I , En , ; l a....Kist,. 1.01 the Ni h••:r 1.% A • The' 10,1 ~ .y• VA, LAAk CA, A thva I • to, ,onata ,1 then the re*: •truccio , tor stiff *ti• 1' or ths Ilt.trra 'T.IIIIO :1V... the .1,1,•!!'.g • laa•., or tun hi!! be i. The xrli.A •• but ; fees., ••• 1 • (eaters •ooder ;71 Kans.. and put 1••11/1. the tree. *unable to,sernents the Atosl.t. 'aro tr the lila, A. Rel.bite-moss Intend 4, put J. 1//i. !hr army Lt defeat tng. the 1.01 fur its eupi—rt. it he, hair MIR, se, strength annurupl.sh it The remainder .1 11, 110.011/rl.llll be full ezettomont and alterest. 1.. stop lb. supplies is to Commence a reo,luttah a r.• T 011.11.41 that must tutu re set upon the parttelpatur • and bring upon thew the denun----s4-, .4 the t.t try The dafe•l • , f the apt, t -its I car ro t, a 11..,3,11. 1ert.1.0,11 r-tutnen,..ng at the trot ,4 trade 11114 I.lolllltArtOtra, 'AD 1 eaten-h,ng 1.. it, remotest r-rners -4 the lieputis. The -hiy g' Lk, arisc fromth.• tc! -rorthr .4 14 [nark Itepuhllean parts N, r ht trot...ton* are nr hell Jll the II -use Represontetti 04. Ii r !lie plIrp•••e af.d.d.ug ine,o Mora al. .1.1..(111elly 1•1•0.1, 1• 44. ,11 otatbern tnenal.ers Jtsettash,-.w 1.. t h !ng, stn. t: Iturhanan and Fillin.•Oo N-rittern rnerhtar, Ie alle, the Issrosolt .11 Sumner, eu.l it.. 1.••• • 4. -4 Irv 111•44 The Pre...6.111110 earl+ 41;11 , c If: tight -,nay une csndr.lals ..-et.l A It. 11. • 1,14,1111.1 Inc no ntt.t. uu.r l :t:r -Ih, try til .lens ..r L. lin'r titt , -ottal {:.:..n• !, or)", ever• 11-n 11“ lie pr,.ln l .lr 133 Kr • it! I Lan rest, •1,,n1.1r•1 whrthur 51k , the htll Ir to the nI 3/ I . bane lit ev•nel.lerntt-il there May tare Lonjorit lor !aktrig ii t.l al,l s.•ting up•kn it The t 1 4 ,1, Vitetiti , l, If u: ` , uth t eln.ll4la will i~ filled by the oleett..n b• morrow, and by the Slon.b.. f o ll o wing M ot t o ', ltrok. and hellt will be again in their ricats. T. , , yvl.en luny r..btrvl the rtetton ot the nous.. MEE CBE F. rII ritißt•orAls Ti t. i kl /).ar I have Len ti.,t n little tiniti.ed at the number of the rot t o h e found in your excellent t sue ot yesterday mot ning. I should be much tdeuseil to see such ft lot on a placard in style, as it would be in fair keeping with such an insignitt cant, selfish adventurer as all candid men d confess Fretnout to be I only regret not has ing tome to call on you before leaving. N‘,ti, assurances of high regard, and a lull and glor. ous triumph, I am truly yours, J. A NI Domocrottc Club of 31.1itebport The citizens of Nllieto+port favorable to the formation of a Muueratie Club convened in the Town Hall, on Saturday evening, .1111 par euant to a call of the Committee appointed at a previous meeting, for the purpose of adopting a constitution and electing permanent officers of the Club. The meeting was called to order by Dr Wm H. Hill, who made a few very appropriate re marks, explanatory of the object of the meeting. stating the advantages of organization in coun teracting the influences brought to bear, by the opposition, against the Democratic party and it 4 principles. Dr. James E. Huey read the preamble and constitution prepared by the committee, which were adopted, article by article. The following persons were then elected per manent officers of the Democratic Club of Mc- Keesport : President: Dr. Wm. 11. Hill. Vice Presidents: Joseph Watnpler and Wm. - . Recording Secretary : James N. Ryan. Corresponding Secretaries : Thos. M. Carroll and Henry M'Closkey. Treasurer: Capt. H. B. Sinclair. Executive Committee: James E. Huey, John Wampler, Lawrence M'Mullin and Thomas W. Garvey. The meeting throughout was conducted with the greatest unanimity and determination to pro mote the interests of the whole country by fur thering the claims and advancing the interests of the nominees of the National Democratic Convention at Cincinnati, James Buchanan and John C. Breckinridge, to the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the United States. On motion the proceedings of this meeting were ordered to be published in the M'Keesport Standard, and Pittsburgh Post and Union.. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet again at the call of the President. WM. H. HILL, President. J. N. RYAN, Seezetary. • 4. • .0 ' SIMMEI MIM_X;_M Buatutoasts.- lure publishes;•6i <lpng-• card, in which he tiles to set himself right for naming such a place for # duel as he knew Brooks would not go to. Heller: * , " And now submit myself , to the public,' whose convict:l6lml fear T have invaded. I pray . them to remember that forgiveness is a hieher' quality than justice. I cast myself on ~.eirg enerous hearts, which are always tender, and always loving. Let them not forget, when pas sing on my conduct, the sneers I Ave seen, and the taunts I have heard." We move Mr. Birlingame be unanimously forgiven. He couldn't help it. THU New York Herald, after courting South patronage for yearOas now lost it. And it says in wrath it never had it—don't want it—and that the grapes are sour." WE have had a fine rain in this vicinity, just when it was much needed for the crops in the country, and for health and cleanliness and com fort in the city. No Go.—The Providence Pout is responsible for the following: "One of our fellow-citizens, who is somewhat zealous in any cause which he may espouse, has felt it his duty to serve the cause of Republican ism by selling the life of Fremont, and in pursu ance of that plan made the tour of South Water -treet, the other day, without, however, effecting a single sale. In allusion to his want of success, he remarked to a friend that you could no more sell the life of Fremont on South Water street than you could sell Testaments in .' Well, we don't like to name the place he mentioned, but suffice it to say, that according to theolo gians it is where the thermometer ranges higher than it did here last Friday." Sf Liver Coinplaint...—The reined) r.rr t.../ the pli talc that Ila. Ile% or lailtal to curt, when 4i re•ctunis am" folltas,il, is LIVER PILL.. prepared Ly lIRUS . Pittsburgh. Pa 11 hos b.ro ary era! ymr. Lefort, thr pu Lllc, an.l hw. la4eti In nil b0n...! the I ni.a. Whs.,. It ha, I.'ll 11.kii, it ham 1.1.1 tho 4,1..41 triumphant succim., and has latually out use all othat li has been tile.' u 21.1, all tlio dirt, nut phaoas linpatia, and has 1,44,0 fonud .Nnelly to ail Purohemas riff onroful to .4 for Dr JeLarstor (We- Grob.. ....ror Its, ntanufaclurod I.y Phoning tiros., of Pitts burg', Pa all other Liver Pills, In comp..mu, are wort!, Lor LP/..r also his cololmood to/mango, can /lOW t,r hod at all resportabls drag storm. Noun gonaino without the signature of PLE,MINU Ala., for mlo hl Ills ado proprietors. I/ LEM IN° BIU 8 ttocow/ors U J Co.. jy No. W Woo. ortroot, a.roor of vow-th 041 ,- Opinlona of the Pr•aa.--11 , folluwing it , .l” 4 si«. P Horn its Mit it Mk' Jour-r \on.m her alit t, tt,r‘pagh tlxtr 4,lllluns •,1 v 114.ta,v1 tar . .•1 rterA W. will tottar. 0a.111,1-ra. th u, that th- Ilk ,, Xt r,n terfal ott.bott. „o-Itetlitl p, net te,•,10 • ae! e.c.ntr., tl,st tb..l appAr ruirtwk• ti,., Icy 1..4134114g a, Ito 1,..n m thr huuawn t. Jy.that, toiri it is dail) 11 ,/( hAri üb• ..f £l-al maw 1 , 141. Soll,btod lairund Mid ..f r. , IrlUilltt The lei.vwr. Mr It Dailey, helmet, kept the Fe:let t. h:cvr•lt Omni. testa see lAtey eleuut It. Put IHlh••ait •t.. rasa Its t.errhm. tug merits w•ly all toctitscititioa. and .t• las attar %tit-. analysis W • t•tufairtitlj cant [natal all par. 1. is tts ht. •;uuutaw+. surely .11:11 a fratittil, whit Laughs at I..th aittl •nflet ink. rest•x. the win 4, tarn., halt and .a,r..,f i pert« tr.m, and al: Crum p.m, • frt.Li 1,tt5•1.. - -4.4 Z., mnukind. kis.4 IZE:=1113 J.l oy 1L ~,,u 1••• A 1 , , th uk.i H H ETSEr., I W Ly u•-arly dELler lu mr•lxtypy•• tlyi LLE , 1. cen..l , `Laktr. Ail al.irrs w trig...Ey L.r L.•• E.L.11 , YEE..1 wt. V CLlL'ii EN Itt rub, I T 1,1.4•,:.• I ,0 It, Ac•tt'ot. , u. u 1/ ,% I.IN lilt 1 1 11 1- 11 .. rArt .4 1 , 1 L.- • • •:41,. .1.. , F., • .• r r .4th .lulv, .0 . , %** ' .AU oatt....t4pNb»n L. tw tL• guspitatie itto netts ~i V ,t , lu xt..ral ion. 'a 1.11 Orel W. wish LI.« dts, ur., et thas mtrbly Weringar.. vb. , t. a Pt ...no p 1.".. • itlhAll a •tm4 iaitto etkpltrad I►lgl, 1101/1 ENNA' UALLY.Y, 114.u-qv - 1A...1', t' V CLICK KXI-Ft A (11.. 3titmuftactm.,,r6 / d r Home: llontr N ,J•Lt. i 5. Itir N , TI 1i a• , te watt.. nnd oral. rt, 1., ur , -1 lr tral ar., I .s• 4,4.4 , 1 • r rt utly taw-I ll= INEII r• V.!, 17 L. turt.,.., Inns 4,4 ibiroAttLD I • t'n.i.crin-.1.-1 I" ',natal/ 1 , 1 , 1,...”4 .ddf unmrLiao out,r•uu..l.E .of Dr • 11.4.. gto.l.at, 1.1,4 es twa.i.• Pt ~ 1 34 y u laepar.xl L.) In I, e• vt 11101,S • RWI. I \TATN 11K Month a terxers, V Sept. 11, I•'.:: 7 ti 'last 1 hao , ,sznitle.l the R. tl.e f .1 l.uxe's Impr•••,d clad 1m14,..•1 Dt I e 4.41. wt., has toren 14 11,0 t1.1! - 111 k • I.ar n 3 141.1 1:.111ng on no.d,..urve rte oar. Unfit, Ltal ycsa.r.. sivi that t tm.h.e. tan haw ltstyrui . 1 I M.O. the rw• .tatteriarmt the ru,re •eiltltttly i lu• r..• t•lter.s4 . Ittain NI. Li:. F., NI 31i1.aa.. lira.. ct V•t luilu4l. .6.1 11/1144 , 11.6 141 fhlu, ukt, of C Ni, Logo,. L.( 1.11,,,,,i•t0 LEA Ster,fist.t. rorr.l) tv,lt I . ti la y II K Kit, 1 4t W....! st , irtt.tleattlit Agst.a.. !Pi J IrLYNI t NO. ;IN,tteti r, Lou !Wirt./ t 4. '4., Wlttlinotalo Airt.ot jy MAL-o*w star Tlfe Eyes of th• Wind arc Opened.-- 11 , a .r,l b., —1 Inet*ur. w( r. lrrenu 1,1.1 I.4rttresly gtx.d. 1,11 gr..tost or ..arthl, I , l.alcup., 16.1 reuxuolp t.air n.. 1 p 4.1 n Tn.•.l t h.; 0 ttat, vatu-hl ' o 14. .0 k.rll) .44-11 I..ars wl l l h. lls N. 1.1.1,1v4, t Ir-t” «nu , haunt that hart 1 . flys. h!: I. , 11 Lip I,,gt appl..l 1.1 .« • 1.14 bwnpU z...ud hay sivray. tnt..l . uct A qtr .1 i4lll t:r •Iler k the th•-•sles. Irk.. 1.11 p. rutt,lr L.. h“ ha...part.lo htual CO' I ti, &ay rrNWru.,.l 111 1•3411111461 retool wi DR. At I , :g.K4iE H K gys!:te. .1,13 ..f llurtAr., wJ At .1 ir LI% er Complaint end Uy•pep•te.-- 11.••iu. Lati lih.r•l. wy. NI, wife hw been afflicted .4th the Liver I , ininl.an 1 , 1 n 6111111.• r of oara, 4112 tug Luna l bat , nra ul a Kl6kal •10a1 fur ducturtng, but ahr r0c0,,,N1 •ory halt thosofruni, and 11,11.11, the, do,turs wi.l oho !,• , t •.uro.l +value: sho runcludoel to try 1100 F 1.11.:101AN urrrkatt , , she t o ok tao beuttlos, and .Lace 1,66.114 thou. shy has Isom able to attend to be, I.ussneas.. I hat e /obi Ilutte a number of bottle,* through het fr. , anotelAtlal.l , ,, and an far a. 1 Cal, 64461, it ban 01000 cat IntaiLu.l, to all. tlau meq I c V.,r sale by FLA:NUM; LWS. ech.l Pr. U1:0 II !Mtn Pittabur tlt H ear the Phystelau• 1...4 number ,o 1 the no,st Medical men in the G toted States, Rnown •oi.och tiy the entire Viiculf). certify most positively to the t•'111,41oil este, iiR R., INI liiLk St HUI' OF LIVERWORT. rAR AND t'A NCH ALAOIi A, In cam.. bordering Oil 1.011. 5.•.% whet those P 11141,412., say ta the Pniupti r..cesitly publlnloe.l Agent. of the medicine keep the rumens. ailrertiaeateut sit appears i. itnethei S.' For and retail. by R. R. SELLY.RB .E tkor mid SC./1111 earttela ttho 4y H DER:AON A EEO., Liberty etreet ; I' 8(11 WART? end BEA3K HAM A Ideli ENNA N, Allaghny City j)aktiawlw 44-Wlty will you Suffer, wares RELIEF CAN Bk BABI LY OBTA I N KDr—liare you a Gore Throat, gum.Y, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronehßin, Croup, SUIT Joints, Freed 1/000., Iturus, Sprains, or Pains in any part of your system con be relieved at once by using the most beautiful 01 all Linnuents, the •. White Vircsarinn Liniment," prepared by In eooll', of Murgantown, Va., and for sale cheap, holesuie and retail, by Dr. KEYSER, 140 Wood etroet, and JAN. I'. FLFAIINU, near R. IL Depot, Allegheny. Ro e ad. vertiseniont In another column of W.day'l paper. Imar.l.ltu *t BnlchelorN Hair Dye.--Twenty years ex periment and application Justify the proprietor in warrant. trig thie the beet Hair Dye In existent, It dyes black or briqvu instantly, and also without the least injury to the hair ig akin. Made and sold, ur applied, (in nine private ri.s.tuai at BATCHELOR'S Wig Factory, Broadway, New York. Sold, wholowde and retail, by Dr. Ow. 11. KIM; 140 Wood iambi Jy26:l4niaw Ode- Stookftilinand Hosiery for Winter.-- If you don't want your feet pinched with bad and Awl Stockings, you will take our advice and Ito to C. DALVeI, cor ner of Market alley and Fifth Street, and buy some of those elegant flue Stockings, that make your feet feel nice and comfortable. DALY also makes and sells every variety ut Hosiery that you eau Inekitiou, at wholesale and retail. Remember the place, comer of Market alley ant SW-Come one, come ail, to MORGAN A CO 'S, N 0.164 WOOD street, and bay what you want In the RAT or CAP line. A large stock of SILK, FUR and STRAW HATS always on hand. Remember, MORGAN dr. CO., 164 Wood street. Air Fourth of July Fverybody should wear a NEW HAT or CAP on INDEPENDENCE DAY; and to ena ble all to do so, we will sell our stock at greatly reduced ISOMAIN 4 CO, PM Wood street. • 4 e , , r•• ‘.4" REIM ,:,,tea --w.. :.sc~ 2- cc2"~x~.: t'~- i ~.:: .~ ay.:%..5. eddfn~aittierVgas* , ..74tAtatOtittnii,nnetjr of thirty yearst,iitantitn6 , •nitk is reek ... intended by_.physicians It ie a.enre aid'speedy.-card „for. old'Sores of every*lnd for fever 'saga, -itch, scald heatWttettle*atis!.buniotig , :%:S.**p:i: pies, reoommenda' festers, flea bites, spider sing fro2el4 limbs, salt rheum, scurvy, sore and ora0:04451„, sore' nose, warts and flesh wiundi, it is aiaciStfeal.ila ble remedy and cure, which can be testiled.to by thousands who have used it in the pity of Boston and vicinity for the last thirty years• In no in stance will this Salve do au injury, or interfere with physician's prescriptions. It is made from the purestmaterials, from a recelpe brought from Russia—of articles growing in that country— and the proprietors base letters from all classes, • clergymen, physicians, sea captains, nurses, and others who have used it themselves, and recom mend it to others. Redding's Russia Salve isputt, in large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with a picture of a horse and a disabled soldier, which picture is also engraved on the wrapper. Price, 26 cents a box. Redding & Co., proprietors. For sale by B. A. Fahnestook & Co-, Flem ing Bros., R. E. Sellers & Co., Dr. G. H. Keyser and H. Miner A Co., Pittsburgh ; Beckham & M'Kennan, Allegheny city. iRs-ileve You a Rupture or the Bowels! —I would moat respectfully Invite the attention of these af flicted with hernia or rupture of the bowels to my splendid seem tment of Trusses of various patterns, and to suit every age, applied and satisfaction guarantied in every case, at my office, No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., sign of the Golden Mortar. Among the Trusses sold by me will be found Marsh's Radical acre Trues ; French Trusses, very lhjlt spring; Gum .S4astic Trusses ; (' iiddrena' Prume_t, solot, and double; Ulmbiluad 7'russa, rhildrene and adulls Ebsrii's Khpt. Spiny Truss ; Dr. S. S. Pitch's .4uppurter Trust The price of Trusses vary from sto 130. llorniad or Ruptured patients can he suited by remitting money and sending the measure around the hips, stating whether the rupture is on the right of left aide. I also. sell and adapt Dr. Lianirinft Lace or Body Brace, fbr the cure of Prolate sus Uteri, Weakness of the Chest or Abdomen, Piles, Chnuic Plarrham, and any wistknomdepending on r weak and debili tated condition of the abdominal muscles. Br. Pitch's Abdominal Supporta.; English Chutes Abdominal Belts; Mik fliairti, Belts ; And nearly el ery kind of alp porter now in noo. I a150...e1l .Shoulde.r BMA, of every style, for weak chested and stoop shouldered persons. Elwin, Stockings, for broken and varkose veins. Stoperisory Bandogni, of all kinds. swinpa rf ev.ry rarely and pollen; and In fact kind of mechanical appliance need In the rare of disease 1/R_ K EY.3ER would state to persons to want of Braces or Trusses that he can often ...MI to Snit the patient by writing, but It I. al way% hotter to ace the patient and apply the Tr kaw or Brace personally. Address Dft. (i):0. H. KEYSER, 140 Wood et., Sic of the Gulden Mortar Jul 1..1. THE ALLIANCE INSURANCE CO. 1310411.4 , 12.1/11. DT THY. LCOLSLATtitY. CII AI:TISIt P EI:PI.:TV Al.- CAPITA $300,0v0. Office No. 59 Walnut St., Philadelphia. PtUE IL EGEI , 1 4, 11 FINE AND MAR !NE INSURANCE. EE=ll PTA TEMY.NT. Auitiorist.4.l Capusl S3OU,OUU., .1 tn./nut ,J 1 Capital pupl ap t:210,1596 Surplu. .......... 40,110 18 I=!==l ILa•h 11.114 \lorl.:ag.•a unibrumberral Real Estata, and Stac.th of par vain. .... 00 [loads and Slack : 4 :atra, l..arn ;Si; lA, CVO L. Intro - rat 29.196 00 on hand and 01 the haw]. of Agent... :5,744 IS Raortral.o. 11,390 (5) M Moriarty, Eat] Luiinot. Wm motth. FA, o.llnda). Wry J. I' K. 44 .1 11Irrif-h. .1 td.4th.lr. Taos - room, rt. I. 1.1 act itle. that I have critirally, and by a personal ..t.minattou .4 the apltal, manta and nerartnew the Alban, thaurarrce company. of Philadelphia. Invent , anted the attlll.llla, and 11,4utieibility of sant luatilutati.. and I donna, atel tun entirely rl. - an to my contralto., that aa.l.lConthany has a KLoati unimpaired Capital In MotigaZtta uttite . tatuteartat Real ltlatait., worth double the annual tot what. the artfnt• g• m•trtgattrat. hly litheatthations hove leen I,: and Ws, /111114, nod are, 1 nth I 40,1 yM.vu4. t Lag [tint I hate 1.a.al sentznititt-4 ith Ita:Qtatws If Atotin La y‘taxl. an.l bare entir. ~n.l•al• in it. tev-ar tt) nt.i:;:3l). wa , 11,1 Ace Nil lellaucx4 upan h la artel3l.l.a. or legal .1.11.11. M M I LL A RD ). I I. LM,,RI'. IMMIZIMICI Wm 11. Blair. firm ..f Blair B B. /Iyrirk *Co. Phila. 190.1.2. Jtmkins, Jr. Harry 114.1.1wi5. Syr Hos J. 11411,14. N 1 H H 11,10.1. 4, N. Y. Belo H. Amain. Bortxio l!MMIllill atotl• Y IRK INtil ILANCIE on butlan,o, •:.•i !orator... MAt ILK IN!..ICKA:SeIt on ••••a•IA, • •:•.t.l fretght INLAND INetURANCE on /e.,• t•y rcingui,, on ti sr. omlnt•lnttug lOC • to ! gsni alne, CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY BAlt 1 ; 6L L NAFL,I KU, Secrstary. ',ICE 94 liit..r strert, benevein Market and liircati streets. air l awns 11CLL AND CARGO on the Ohio unf Nips...now klc,v, and tributaries. Inst.,. against Low launagre by V (RR egaio" tar Perlis of the gee mud inland Navigation and Transportatsul. 11.4mley, , James M P.rtmnel Ken, It-bb.rt Dunlap, 3r_, Fume M Pentmvic, liarbaugh, Wsllrr ktryabt, COMMON WEALTH INSURANCE CO. H.A It I U U it PENNA. Chartered Capital, - - $300,000. nn_ Inst., rem Ilmld ngbeLtia ,ther 11 , p,ty typunst Lost hant.g , 1 , , , N0..11.51, 1, 141.1,1 wtAd M.-.4l..rtetton pr r t p cp.. it tip IN t'Alf E RON, PT:nos,. t PANKE, %Ice hvitipletat ttt CANRI lili, Sees etary. A A CA Ith I RR, Agent. Vourth ma, d 3m ithfl eh!. DELAWARE IRIFTI'AL SAFETY' INSITRANCE COMPANY, eFFICE, 9 E COSNER TWILL , AND WALNUT 9T9., NIARLNE INSUItAM;I:6 Voanis, 1:nro. 1 , 1,10 a, It• all parts of the 14,4.111. INLAND INSURANCES ON GOODS, by Elvers, Ostak.ls, !Ake. and Land Carriages, to all parts of the IJ mon, FIRE INSUItANIN ON MERCUANDI7.R Kenengis. 0. Stores, Dwelling Blouses, &c. Ao.o of the Or:wrap /tines's/kr 6th, 1866. Bonds, Mortgagee and Real Relate 4101,020 91 Philadelphia City. end other Isnms 86,210 09 Stock In hanks, itsflroad mud Insurance Co's 21,060 to Bills receivable 186,440 tr; Caah on hand 26,826 U 9 Balances iu lusinis of Agents, Premiums on Ma rine Pullcles recently issued, and other debts dne the Company Subscription Notes. THOB. C. HA -VD, 'lre PreeldnuL HENRY LTLBURN, SOCltltary. MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE comply, OF PHILADELPHIA. PERPIMIAL—GRANTEDIn Tal STATI. OP PVINSTLV.VIIA Chartered Capital, $500,000. FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION' AARON 5. LIPPINCOTT, President. ORRIN ROGERS, Secretary. GEORGE TOUNtI, Treasurer. DIRICCTORL Aaron S. Lippincott, William It. Thomas, Mahlon Gillingham, William Neal, Nicholas G. Taylor, Alfred Weeks, Orrin Rogers, Charles J. Fields, John I'. Simons, James P. Smyth. .t 1 This Company boa beau organised with apish Capi tal, and the Directors have determined to adapt the tmillmtmi to its available resources. To observe prudence in &induct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of lames. Pittsburgh OM*, 76 Water street. J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. The following well known and responsible &rule in Pitta• burgh have authorized reference to them, with regard to the stability and soundness of the Manufacturerr? Insurance Corn pony. Kramer & Kahm, Wilson, Childs & Co., George P. Smith b Co., Hampton & Campbell, Jones, Tiernan Co,, H. Childs & CO. no PE N S LV ANIA INSURANCE Co. I' PITTSBURGH. Cornier o Fourth and Smithfield Streets, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 5300,000. Insure Building. and other Property against Loa or Dhn .• by Fire. and the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navi gation and Trunep rtation. DIRECTORS. Wm. F. tt, t t•t Rody Patterson, Jacob Painter, W. hl"Clintock, Jen. P. Tanner, George W. Smite W. S. Haven, D. E. Yea, I. Grier Sprnal, Wade Hampton, D. B. Long, A. J. Jones, J H. Janes, H. R. OFRIOHRS. JOHNSTON, R. Presided. Me /Wildest BODY PATTERsox. Se:Prod Trea...i.A. A. CARRIES. _ . \ .. . ' 4 --.7.'t. 4. - 4 .- 40 - ~ 0 4.7 . , , _, OF PHIL A DELPII IA Jomea toq., Bow. B. Myrick, NAN . It licOulky, Ea+, P. Wyckoff, ep Wm. H. linty. EN., B.W. H. Aunin, Egg. P M. MORIARTY,Pr '.rent- FIENJASIIN 11. AtSTl' TAAFVE, AKnut ... VT4lor -111-vt, Putsburzh OF PITTSBURGH WILLIAM BAGALEY, PrealdenL 1331110132 Capt. Mark Starling riarrmi-1 M. Mew, llam John 8. Dilworth, Frauds Sellers, J Schoonmaker, William B. Ilaya (dec2l John Shlpton MI S= James C. Claud, Thoophilus Paulding, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jr., Joshua L Price, J.l.CaTennent, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James B. McFarland, Cherie. Schaffer, Robert Burton, John 11. Semple, Pittsburgh D. T. Morgan, J. T. Logan, W . M. MARTIN, President. Wllltml Martin, Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. Soodor, John C Davis, John It Penrose, George (I. Leiper, Edward Darlington Dr. R. M. Huston, .William C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Speneer Mrllvaln Chsrl. 11 Jones lirt.oks, J. U. Johnson, P. A. MADEIRA, Agent, No. OS Water 'street, Pitteburgh MARINE INSURANCE. FIRE RISKS. ==! ''.,.q'. K .,' ..'+' , ..., ',...,1'-' .z.:-W*.-*;;t• . P A.z.,:,..,,,:5 , 7 , ~' • . 11 ,-- FIREi;;7 '', -....Nt4„.-..,,-,w,3..i Ll FE, _...,„,rp Alt i o - v i r ! Awz,,,--2„-4-4.5,, ,f-- : ., . , ;; , .?: . wT , qm-„,_ , -,,.,-,-- -, - - ,-,z;-,z,.., 1:70.t0W1 v. .-.,:f-----4, , -7 , swgi v io::4;:;-' ~:;.;.,iw,rp#TtsEP4AltliM..,ktzv-k-,t,-. or - f , Nt:- C /.. m . P , an Y .. makes awry i i. , n re , tt ran 4 N ,,- naitaitng , : - to of conn ected with LFSE RISES. -:Abe, again st "T"IA AND 16160118K3 on theLOho and MindsalPPl 11"m"atributerke, and HARMS }W___ , . generally. and against Loes . 1 D amage h a ga i nst Fire, and the Porile of the Sea and Inland Navigation comdsen an t dT t nantnorta with mesty mon to .: Po issued at the lowest rates all parties. Hobert Galway, Samuel M'Clorkan, Joseph P. Qazzam, M. D., John Scott, James Marshall, David Blchey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, . Alexander Bradley, Joseph & Loch, 4 , .. John Fullerton, ' Maddield IL'Brown, David H. Chambers, Christian Zug, William Carr,. . Robert IL Hartley,- Jas. D. 11c011.1. EUREKA, INSURANCE - COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH.- „ r' JOHN JOHNRHOENBEROBB, "Praddenti z , ROBERT PINNEY, Becnoftrp, C. W. BATCHELOR, Gmil Avila. WILL INSIIRE AGAINST ALL 'KIND* OP MARINE AND FIRE RIEKE. DIRICOTOBIL J. H. Shcenberger, G. W. Gam, 0. W. Batchehr., W. H. Nimlck, ._ ..--.,,.., Isaac H. Pennock., T. R. Updike, W. W. Martin, B. D. Cochran, • • -... , R. T. Leech, Jr John A. Caugbey, ~. George 8. Seidel, 8.8. Bryan, ' David liToandless. 44- All Lasses imstalned by parties 'ramrod under policies issued by this Company will be Ilbendly adjusted and prompt. ly paid at Its OFTICE, No. 99 WATER STREET. [Jyll W ESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY,' Prrrsemunt.— GEORGE 0 I.l:StP.:V..bideart; P. M.. 0010031, Secretary. Will insure against all kinds of ri,kq, I t i P.; an., MAILINE. All losses will be liberally adjusted an raid. A Home Institution, indulged by Di.e.r—a who ate hell known In the community, and who are del mined, Ii promptness and liberality, to maintain the Atom:tor wh eh they have a wni med , as o ffe ring the' beet prate:4lon to tlure who desire to be {neared. DISSOTOILD—R. Hiller, Jr., C. W. ltleketson, J. %. to filer, N. Holmes, Jr., W. H. Smith, C Ihmsen, George W. Andrew Ackley, Jaime Lippincott , George Dante, Ja nos ' Auley, Alexander Nimirk, Thomas Scott. Air Mee, No. 92 Water street, (Warehcraselg 4k Co., up stains) Pittsburgh. l= 12 In In=3 A. A. CARRIER & BRO., Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, AGENTS State Mutual Fire and marine Insuratie Co., of HARRISBURG. CAP17'441,350,000. Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co.. of PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, $300,000._ , Insurance Co. of the Valley of Virgin:ln WINCHESTER, TA. CAPITAL, 6300,000. Commonwealth Insurance Company, LIAR RISEIIHO. CAPITAL, *300,000. Connecticut Mutual Life Insursurice Co, HARTFORD. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, $2,154,489. euu■ylvanla Insurance Co., of PITTSBUROLL CAPITAL A ND ASSETS, Nov. 6,1855, $129,0512 49. Wm. Y. JOLIMITON, Preaident-....-A. A. Camara, Secretary. doLl4:eltcc3 v PEKIN TEA STORE, Na 38 FIFTH STREET, ONE DOOR EAST OF THE EXCHANGE BANE Pittsburgh, P.. GREEN & BLACK TEAS Purchased direct from the Importers for GASH. The stock consists of all the different flavors and grades of TKA brought to the JAmerkan market, and V2E41,53t. I BOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AS CU VERY LOWEST CASH PRIORS! PACKED TEAS, POT UP IN METALIC EACH AGES, expressly for the trade. TEAS OP ALL GRADES, BY THE HALF OEEST. COFFEE, SUGAR, COCOA and CHOCOLATE or the u alums, for sale. Long experience in the business Is a sure guarantee that evert article sold will be as represented. AGENT, ar EFLCUL APPOLIMIIM, sex Tax SALT. or Da. JAYNE'S BAMILY MEDICINES. S. JAYNES. Pittsburgh, June 20, 11358—(Je20) SZO,P3i 18 1856. OLD ECLIPSE 1856. FREIGHT LINE. aRAMINIII.IISIIIPM TLINE IS NOW PREPARED to bring A. all kinds of freight from New York, in three days. at sl.2n Q. 100 Its , and from Philadelphia In 40 hours at $1 100 to RECEIPTS GIVEN FOR TIME WITH A WRITTEN UC A ILA 65_ No parer psckages or small bundles received. Mark g0....k/ " EC LI PSE FREIGHT LINE." C. B. ALLEN, Agent. No. 2 Astor House, New York. J. J. IicKEEVER, Agent, cor. Broad and Locast, Fur further information, apply to W. B. RARROLL, Agent, je24.lm--Journal copy. No.64Fourth st. SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, IMPORTER & DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTI HARDWARE. No. b 3 Wood street, between Diamond alley and Fourth streets PITTSBURGH, PA. B' Tee subscriber In now opening a well selected assort ment of foreign and domestic Hardware, all new,and will be sold on as good tams en any other home in this city. lie will always keep on hand a general aisortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, &a, To which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers. mb26 SAMUEL PAHNRSTOCK. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JONES , MA MMI= OP CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. corner Ross and First Streets, jy2:, PITTSBURGH, PA. D. B. ROGERS & CO., NA DitiPACTOR4IIS OM EWERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, CORNER Ross AND FIRST STRRETS, PITTSBURGH, PA JAMES BLAKELY, URBAN AGENT AND CONVEYANCER, Corner of Seventh and Stnitkfteki streets, PITTSBURGH. .imPaesempirs brought from the old country to Pitta burg.b ~ mad moneys remitted to Bumps. [noel: W H. SMITH W. W. HUNTER. SMITH, MA'S & HUNTER WHOLESALE GROCEIts", LIS Second aid I I Front at., whi.7l3. Pittsburgh, Ps. 100,000 00 $617,318 I(3 WILLIAMS & ALLEN,. CHILSON FURNACES, Wrought Iron Tubing, AND FITTING GENERALLY, For Warming and Ventilating Buildings. ailf- W. A A. will contract for Warming. and Ventilating 11. Steam or Hot Water, Pipes or Chilson's Fnruttes,Church e,, Schools, Hospitals, Factories, (+rem Hoines, Dwelling Court Holmes, Jails, or Hotels. 2{§. 25 MARKET STRET,d , Pittaburgh. ALEX. HtNTER, LOUR. GRAIN. BACON, LARD, LARD OIL, .4ND PRODUCE GENERALLY No. 299 Liberty street, da 4:dspc. PITTSBURGH. Jet.) was, late of Humphreya, Hoffman& Koons, Phila. D. W. Ll:Ravin ..... of Pittsburgh. KOONS & HERSTINE, FLOUR FACTORS, AND ' General Produce Commission klehlhauts, 110. 67 North Whereat and 96 NortA Water street, Wow Race 'trot, YEEMEInI PIUA. _ wants To 8$ 'L Ba g ab Y' W°Qdward °°' BVtialedY 40u. Pitbgh. Garrett. Martin Co. "e " Wood & Oliver " - 1 4Stet*, Sitter, l'rice & be. " &W. Rea, , Caleb C & Co. " Regale', Coagravt & " Trait; tirotber & " Watt k J. D, Wiper a Ca CaicintustL Fosdick & Potdels, Cincinnati A. A. 'hillock & Co. " Morrows Rettier, " Tweed & " J. S. Chenoweth & Co. " And Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Merchants Fatettdkrtn Jai•Meta= FORSYTH & SCOTT, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in Wool, Hides, 'Mlle, BACON, LARD AND LARD OLL., air AND PRODUCE 9$ NR ALLY. No. 75 WAXER &MET, Prrramoll,,P=A. 14WAIVIMCIES,1. , • •• BpcAugar Harbaugh, Piet a& Geo. Welk, WellseGke, - Obb. Johuficott.# Ga., a Earth"; B.D.JouesAsh'relt.Dep.Bk. Kte:44-Berstlue, MIL Leech # Co.,Diteehsirgh. Bartesti- ;Jews Gureteoh,' Joseph B. liar, Bt. L0u1a....' '• - Thome* A Greluer, Bakken, Boloseirklbnikell, iron . Win, Ohio. [tekl47l A. D. Ballads d,,, ~~ ~ ENE DIRECTORS B. B. CASHIER MANUFACTURERS OY DEALER IN ,JOHN SCOTS ... a~~~:~.. '.!-,,?, -- '• -, 4 , :.'....,7= . 2.1:. - .t , ., . . . . ""`~" `'''yy, ~' ,~. y ti , ' ~.'~` i. ~,~ '~~i.=~~ .~s~~~!Fx"~ . • ---- , lyterAot- :y- i". 'a •••'''''' -- ' 4 • t:; r- 71-7 : l '' `';' i . ilW2Wai 404 ..... fum .,ft 'en u...h.r. „,, ~ zfaveriorsL. w - tii,i,6 4 bo-od. ~.. ' .. ..,...,..1* • . t e 4m4 . - nitwit ittiad...-4 nivt* ~.a.--, - , • • - .. V.4 =4 1.1 tU ifon'JASPZU A BUM ta:4?.... 4 .. . 46,3 11 r........ri:-. - • ".. -.'•• 4 4 •-..-$. 3:lol44oY§Ptidadasa.- :.;.,J00",•••-- IttIiti , VOtte:IMPORTANIt t' f-tOO IC,: OF' 1 ' .. 1. TilltlaY,-.ln(tietio r tiolineritialititin,k4bi t i ft 'Una._ - 1 croaky Or ovoryrno torthoroulblx.on4rstandrbe Vasa ' l' top a! ponanted bearipatitoti.tbagotayoutbb,arto•i tag, it:Wfoovrti asap. dawn firototaina , *too aIIENTOW.Ei, Mart " YBAub'"-•:001 1 r , . - VA, Tint•UNlTlar'Efliklept MATE, iv work ...Walt eta a tonligoto Ilittixtittle *At"' )• ernment, the policies - and Pirmigos 6 f , t ) **dhigitig"..- t °Ma cOntdry;,aidiiiilatosrlug 0 tileAl#: - 4 1 ittr: all the` letultag t.Ots tibial tinvalatift:ro , .., P . '.' iralak ~ raas,:tbst - watadt : itrir*ftsiti 0iy1 4 6411 r; ____j rittsea'whowiabesto b 6 OnirgidonsaLlYrimwsatt... ' ;.:i !Astor/ ot Ma country.,ja is idea a ilidipal - .. , ... -*ark; and w il t- bili s etdopansitto Ur- anti The itial dir: .. . .aaW.... s t. faith It Is published ixt , ol) very larktorf.*:*o • :' ~..- 4144:; : l '!.--' . cordataing about 800pagoOiontypiin elOthlkti %,? h : :q. v,• . oats; or 1.1 , Its strong batrlnornocca , ;... l3delef •••; •- • . ~„, ~,.. •• • by Ibtronortnooasals streadint 85000"c0n*.9.. - V.,..7.. - rjto -- R. MINKke 4 : o 4 B . lo . 6l otrait'J'.': , tg ~ . We , Agent for,`:4 ib trf 7; ') . f 5 t • ' 1 • A r AlAABUniri*gtt •vkr• . L -- - - -"' .•' It,iart my arik4c e Souses ohyl r eaiitreWinichiiectp lotega arailseningg, - tntlngrenikd:iti4lo64 • 'At the Yifth Wad. Also, tfcorn*-354rtikrot:scsaik.i .••••ocim; pied as a cabinet stdrEind , dltiatat and *wear it r ick Dwelling Hou.i.tn etwrearv::4lritti''.l4lo4@ciroinrei", and fin) Thffigling Miaow- on thkiodiidt , !;..M tici 4 .: o#4, anal in o,49_,PgAtafard. Apply iii,'-',t'-‘,-,..;.:y.g,-4,.,:,...„. , B AST LANE, AlleghiiepitSWoup4 ~,!, _Li forsale a Howe and tot towa!lanni: 311fiet1113811 •:' •'. Main street and the river. . Theleit istrfee:ool4 , o4-_ 'd deep, with a neat two story Brick- Dwialthig,' .littitke 1 • ing six rooms; hydrant in the yard, junt - — ,frout,V ', lit will be sold very low. It'wonld beiiblidlito....:4.!..P lot..- Anly to . 4.1001 '- - BidtiEgf.ttA. , Attglipt;,.-7;;?5, , ,,0 VAST LIBERTY-I,OTAT iiiM,HOistil AA We 'will self at Public Auction, un SATlTOA,r.fithir4. 7, ll;: won, Aligned 2, at 0% o'clock, a Lot of diOnnif. fetirdint sixty feet on theGreenibuxgTurupilteltond, byalit., 74 .e to a 20 feet alley. This lot is bounded on the east by Illnart , Yef:Vttr.7 .- p - son, and on the west by property 0f..Mr..-WM. , Ngomlsrienitl not a great distance from Itarkeris:Pitel. , , i . ^ - - .1 .• '''' ' : ' . . ... . ... . ..... Terms at eal. Salo pesith'i. BILAKELk. - *itl&Wri': jy3o' ReaJ Efitateliliietamera, LIVERPOOL A btD: pratArt - tEPmA, STEAMSHIP 1148.1EC."_; The splendid new 'Remelt) Lint .11AISINOttie AiLured, wilt sail front Pbtladelptda - htt 7th Auguetand 18th September Pram pool tf7th August. K&NOAROOTErcini-1,, Ju y end 10th September- , .-from Philadetphlt4. 21st - Most and 21et Ottober... CITY-rOP-BlA.NOTt'fidia — illierpool 13th Ampurt,4from phileilflph*.rdtWitoptenther. 6Frorn Pluladelp . hia. I.trti .n,idvapX4 Nbin—...sss and $56. o.ttxtrage ... —430. :tiltihrtr __.,;.us!o. alsage Ticketsto anti from: LiiirpecClry . tberalieva Line or steszoltlpry or by FDIST-CLASS 'EAMINCtkii.O=3I 2 can be procured on application to - . 13ABP.L COPSIB,./77 BroadtirVarein c liirk, Or— JOllll T 1.10811430 1 ,4 410 Liberty' st;iP,lttebargh. P. P.-Mao, Drafts for aalo elanya on hand& -bBO I. .NJAS. COLLINS T.'LLAG.EN ..JAMES COLLINS St., co;, Foriiiding and. Commission Marntants, Pitrgh, 1461..*rie COAL LI Nos. 114 AHD 45 WATER sTRETT4'.P.:#O4O#O:PE.; RHODES, HAGEN & FORWARDING AND COMMiSSI6IC NERCO Alin 8, No. ao SYCAMORE ST, CINCINNATI" 04,1129. " ALLEGHENY CITY PROPERTYL ALot of Ground on Lacock street, three doors keen - Federal street, 22 feet front by 100 feet deep to an - alley t "Orearblalt. are the following improvements, viii a -Bild Thielliztg. lionse, well finished and admirably artunged;23)3iffeet 40, containing two parlors, dining room and kitchen , at the- I. first floor; three rooms above and one over room, a ith a finished attic--cellar under the whole .house tack yard paved—bake Oven In the cellar—hydrant and gas on the premises. Will be exchanged for a Fenn. ' - dpnly to. 11 29 BLAHELY h 111.011.812% .OWA.—We are sending an Agent to a por tion of lowa, wifo will be prepared to start in about tea days, and will attend to the paying of taxes, Making coiloo tons, &a, Ac. Any person batng business in that :540N and will do no the favor of calling on us, sill.receitektrwryi, information. [,15 2 9 1 BLAKELY, & RIMMg. MAGAZINES FOR AUGUST-15 Oka's. • Godey's Lady's Book,. , . . Harper'a Magazine, . : , Peteraon's ladies! Magazint; . Leslie's N. Y. Journal, Harper's StorY - 800k•—.25e. Banoti'a Yvaisina.4lo cts. Hon. Chao. Stunner's Speech=beaCedition--25 eenta. For sale by W. A. H.ILDIDIFENNEY &.CO., __ .1 fz) Firth st, opposite the Theatre. QAP SAGO CHEESE---M lbg-just toe'tt AJ and for Rale by ItEMIER A ANDISHEON, jy27l No. 39 Wood et., oppokite Bt.-Charleallottl 5 CASES PRUNES, in jars. t: 5 dot. fresh Strawberrler, in bottles. lu - Blackberry Brandy Jan reo'd and for alle by RRYIII4IIt. AIIDER4I3I, jy29 _ No. 34 Wood Meet. I 0 DOZ.. RASPBERRY SYR $ 10 dozen Strawberry Syrup. 5 " Pine Apple " 50 " Lemon syrup. Just received and for sale by • . . BBLS. DOUBLE REFINED TOW'D' SUGAR just received laul fur gala by REYMRILAr. ANDERSON, jyZ • No. 39 WoodotreeL 'RRING-20 bbls. this day reed and for sole by (.420) lIENRY COLLINS. BACON -000 lbs_ Country Bunn- Sides for sale by j". .2. A. 9 tF PEriara' ifatetetreeL 29 .. FLOUR Extra Superfine and": Ohoice Family Flour for sale by J. A. Man, Iy 29 Sii.Wafer st. i . UREMRNTION.ONT AND FILLMORE MAT 1: T . 4 The Life bud Travels of John C. Fremont, etc., &c By ./ Smacker. The Fremont Campaign Songster. - , 1000 copies Filimore's Reception and Speeches. i 100 copies Fillmore Songsters. Just received by B. T. C. MOROMf r 19?- 8 41 fifth at. SEMI-ANNUAL SALE.-A. A. MASOK & CO. are closing out the balance of theirsdick of maw. 811 k, Crape and other fashionable styleaof Bonnets, at a reduction of nearly one half the usual prices. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS REDPOED. A. A. MASON A CO. are offering their entltn . ntotk • of Summer Shawls and Mantillas. comprising the nentet and most fashionable styles to be found, at a-reduction 0f,33 per cent., at No. '43 Fifth at. T ARGE Lot in East Liberty at Auction.- 1.4 on SATURDAY next, between the bouts oeffnand 6 o'clock, P. M., we will offer ter aale,vby public anutitixi; a lot of ground, 60 feet front and 100 feet deep. As tbi owner has ram 'veil to Minnesota and sent usorders to sell, the sale will be positive. For pertlefiiirs see handbills. - Apply to BLARNEY 1t nraidx, Jr 28 heal Estate AuctlOweata. FAMILY FLOUR—A very choice - lira:le of Family Flour for.male by JAS. A. =FUJI, J. Z+ 100 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. IN EAST-LIVERPOOL OMO: 64 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE . ifi by 180 feet, in James Blakely's third addt ,, B.-A D tho town of East-Llrerpool. Also, .., • LOTS, 60 feet by 130 feet, in diffinentparni.- the for sale on retwonable terms of•paYniqn..., S. S. 11 1LL,121.,.mar or to BLAKELY & atcßt l .lF 26 : 1 , 74. 0 . , T. Aso EE GOLDEN OEM •: th . tabill - 7 4 : ~ 7 and it is not mach woll'7 Our 7:PIF• tole Bides, &c., is nnenr . .4 4 of Fishing Tackle we ; make old Leask Walton' , =dr ~..., 71 41 ,,, rid. Pocket antIT,.OWS 77:74, „ Ape Flyawitoo mr „,„74144,** be fon ' t7d at the Sl' -31% 'Voided, ; 4 . 1 k. "P3'' ~,,110454,,Til ' FC / R S acresof L~tnd;~oni~iiga - is a frame house, frame atabJer b.a tc i f 'oifted fruit,. grape sine* awl , t&r*, with and a quarter acres of lanCmt vrtissirisr4l.*, *home - s vs , o .fone rooma, a good cellar and a frame - Also, a town lot, on which is a lirick hones r Jones, finlsbed garret and good cellar, all. situated:ln wickleyville, and will be sold low If applied for sOon, or . would be triidod for aemail farufhaindy to.aome of our kW roads or rime For Sale—Three good rums, 101 Improved, within.twen• ty five Mlles of the city. , Apply to G. W. DUNN ' a, the Real ..Estate Agency and Intelligence Mice, north side of Ohio street, fourth' door east of the Diamond, Allegheny city. WILKINSBURO PROPERTY 1 OR BALE.:—.6 desirable 'location for a country.bome. Four aura of land or choke quality, pleasantly Allimited neat the Railroad depot, Wllkinsbutg;, la all under good fence, and has an excellent spring of never failing water, It will be sold at a bargain, as the owner le unable to -put, provemente on so choice a property, and has deprmMfd . to-. go West.' Price sl,oeo. Terms $4OO in hand, remainderia'id44,ao end three years. S. pUTLIBERT 61 Haticitsit: MINER 4i. CO '8 LIST adl OF 15 Cetitac rimm: Harper's Magazine; Godey's Lady's Book; Graham's klagar4ne • Put is fi; ~ 41.091011134AVO.11111; • • • aTaniunt - Uyiki IL MINIM & CO.; SeEtifthttad et For tale N EW OKs—NEW BOOKS. L Tiid 7Afe endpabnosiiiikei ir4441e6 Chiding the mast importantof tdiSts4 Mace. MIAL - 6. ifortrin—with an amanita port!** on iaseL ConithodariiPerretJapah . , - The Martins at.6.omartin—by. qbas.:l4Ter. Faehlodabl.l May if. Eastman. . ' En , toile by jr2 . • Nn. a2l3inie6finhint. PURE,. LINSEED' 0 , 11 .---TheKB ~ 4_,_ h a vi ng engaged to thepaattlUttmaJAVldnaeeell,ol4 would 'lnform consumers anti ilealen, that, hatatiotartal.:to ea pply them with a strietVpidigp,arti c h, JYtiJ Sell°":6lA4P, • A , • S # lja 2700—Ocoltaina 8 Yoolinh.-billi me cn and ajar , i , ermi4 $5O In baud, balance iii'iliroorioartY-ParagAte thse 6, ACTT brick house °f raPinei,gtOiOtiddi?44,W:t,.iFf' timck also, a dwelling-house. of it olininioaljolurnitihn,:.:f4". .Ternia--Sao' 0 in band: yoara—aitnato at she corner of Franklin aud.Xtraidiii#lo.4l.q.' 1.02 ' & OUTfitlEat AMU, auciA.zaliE4S—Citole7V6.~ estrum, Artitnekhk.l , Yito os Notsiong iokr e p e h re d by , .V% - xsioNB-4A-likies -La far tuk± &AIXELOPRIT: Jr 44 - • lick. WITO44VOSIN ~,.x,a.A ~ ~^~a.R~:.t:,c~-~, .li.c f-?..v"a.~ ~?=~n~~t~.,_. 'Y. .-T~ Y:b. .~ L' i 'p _. w. ` ~ 'i. ._' , 2t.. ,, :' , ', - .' ,,, i.i , ....... , ' •,:..,;.-;=;i:.-°4:7-,Z•q,,W:g- .- -~:f=' .. ... ~al4;t F , • NEMER k ANDERSON, No. .39 Wood . - street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers